BLUE MOON - Origlio Beverage


BLUE MOON - Origlio Beverage
Summer 2015 | V.84
Retail Edge Seasonals The Beer Guy New Products Programs
Letter toTHE TRADE
wholesale beer distribution company, I’ve
had the privilege of speaking to quite a
few brewers. More often than not, successful
American brewers stumbled upon their careers by
happenstance. Some of their stories go like this…
I was backpacking through Europe right after I
graduated college, and I tasted some amazing
beers. Since I couldn’t buy them at home, I
started brewing my own. I was inspired by what I
drank over there, but I put my own spin on it.
Fast forward 30 years. Now the people who live
“over there” wish they could have access to even
a fraction of the different beers brewed here in the United States. With so much
to choose from, the American beer scene is the envy of the world.
“While craft beer has energized the beer
industry, too many people are getting hung
up on the distinction between what they
perceive as craft and non-craft beer.”
While craft beer has energized the beer industry, too many people are getting
hung up on the distinction between what they perceive as craft and non-craft
beer. Many craft beer consumers assume that any beer made by a large brewery
is garbage. Nothing could be further from the truth. Brewers who work for large
companies use quality ingredients to produce consistent, quality products that
people enjoy. Some of those beers might not be what you choose to drink, but
let’s all agree that people have the right to enjoy the beer that tastes good to
them. It’s their choice!
Keep all this in mind when you read our feature article on Blue Moon
Brewmaster Keith Villa. Yes, Blue Moon is a subsidiary of MillerCoors, but Villa
is a perfect example of an accomplished craft brewer, who just happens to work
for a big company. Villa had every intention of going to medical school. That is
until he stumbled upon an opportunity with a brewery that happened to change
the direction of his life.
In This
Cover Story������������������������� 1
Brewer Highlight����������������� 2
Ardmore Beer Shoppe��������� 3
City Tap House
Logan Square��������������������� 4
New Products��������������������� 5
Seasonal Selections������������� 6
Available Year-Round
Perfect for the Season������� 13
Programs������������������������� 14
Retail Edge���������������������� 20
The Beer Guy������������������� 21
I hope you enjoy our latest edition of Heady Times. And as always, thanks for
your business.
Dominic Origlio
Heady Times is published five times a year, courtesy
of Origlio Beverage.
Trash Talk Be Gone
Keith Villa’s Beers Speak for Themselves
is trash talk in beer. But, Blue Moon Brewmaster
Keith Villa isn’t biting. “Our awards speak for
themselves. My focus is on the quality of our beers.”
Villa is the creative force behind the Artfully Crafted
beers of the Blue Moon Brewing Company, a division
of MillerCoors. He created Blue Moon Belgian White
Belgian-style Wheat Ale 20 years ago – well before
most American beer drinkers even realized that Belgians
brewed beer. Villa also designed the 10-barrel brew house where the
recipe was perfected. You can do those kinds of things when you have a
PhD in brewing science. The brew house – actually the SandLot Brewpub
– is tucked into right field where the Colorado Rockies play baseball.
“This beer [Blue Moon Belgian White Belgian-style Wheat Ale] wasn’t the
product of a focus group,” Villa explained at a beer dinner he recently
hosted to celebrate its 20th anniversary. “Back then, nobody wanted to
drink a hazy beer and most bars didn’t stock oranges. We introduced the
orange garnish to accentuate the coriander and citrus notes in the beer.
It took a lot of hand-selling and travel to get things going. But it was
worth it… We changed the way people experience beer. It took years,
but Blue Moon gained traction, people discovered that beer could be
flavorful, esoteric and bring out the flavors in food.”
Persistence, innovation, quality ingredients, attention to detail and
a desire to give consumers new beers to experience; these are the
hallmarks of the American craft beer movement. Villa and his team of
brewers embrace each of these qualities. And innovators can be ahead
of their time, as was the case with Villa’s Blue Moon Vintage Blonde Ale.
Made with Chardonnay grapes, the beer won a total of five awards at the
Great American Beer Festival and World Beer Cup in 2006. But Villa had
actually first brewed Vintage Blonde back in the 1990s. He shelved the
recipe for more than a decade because he didn’t think anyone would try
a Belgian strong pale ale brewed with wine grapes.
Despite Villa’s history and track record, some beer lovers scoff at Blue
Moon’s tag line, Artfully Crafted. This is where the trash talk comes in. The
word “craft” is a lightning rod to some beer lovers who allege that big beer
companies are only capable of making inferior beer. They describe any beer
made by large producers with words like garbage and mass-produced swill.
They employ a few more choice adjectives. You can use your imagination.
The right to use the word craft has become so contested, that law firm
Clark & Treglio and a private citizen, Evan Parent recently filed a class
action lawsuit against MillerCoors in San Diego. Class action lawsuits
are brought when one party claims that a group of people has suffered
“substantial injury” at the hand of the named perpetrator. The “perp” in
this case is MillerCoors. The injuries suffered by consumers, according to
the suit, result from MillerCoors’ false portrayal of Blue Moon as “Artfully
Crafted.” It also alleges that consumers are misled into paying up to
50% more, “Via omissions and misrepresentations”.
Rather than getting down in the dirt with these sorts of accusations, Villa
remains positive. “We remain dedicated to craft beer. We will always use
the highest quality ingredients and deliver our fans classic beer styles
with our own inviting twists.” Blue Moon
beers have been awarded kosher status
because of their quality ingredients and
brewing process.
Again speaking of quality, Villa added
that his beers are difficult for competitors
to copy. Nor can many of them produce
consistently excellent batches of beer.
“We can analyze our beers. That level of
sophistication is a luxury afforded to us by
our affiliation with MillerCoors.”
For Villa, the excitement surrounding Blue
Moon’s 20th anniversary gives him the
opportunity to “do so much more to get
everybody interested in craft beer.” At the
beer dinner, he spoke effortlessly about
the inspiration and process which resulted
in the creation of Blue Moon White IPA
and Cinnamon Horchata Ale, two of the
brewery’s most recent year-round offerings.
“I am third generation Mexican and I want to get
Hispanics more interested in craft beer. It was
a pleasure for me to explore the flavors found
in Mexican food – the cinnamon, chocolate
and spicy heat. It’s a complex cuisine, and our
Horchata Ale pays tribute to it, while showcasing
those special ingredients.”
As a pioneer of the Belgian White beer style
in the United States, Villa challenged himself
and his team to create a White IPA with the
drinkability of a Blue Moon. It had to be a true
Belgian-style white ale, first and foremost, yet
be satisfactory to most hop heads. He was
looking for something in the 47 IBU range.
That sounds like a straight forward
proposition, but Villa and his team came up
with 80 different variations of their White IPA
which they analyzed and then tasted with
four other brewers. The 80 were widdled
down to 15 and the process continued until
only six remained in contention. He added,
“The final product contains Simco, Cascade
and Citra hops. But it was the addition of
German Huell Melon hops that sets this beer
apart for me. The aroma is fruity and hoppy
with a surprising hint of melon. I’m happy
calling this White IPA a Blue Moon. It has
all the flavor and drinkability our customers
expect from us, and it still works with food.”
Trash talkers, take that. HeadyTimes v.84
Anthony von Mandl
Founder & Chairman of Mike’s Hard Lemonade Co.
“Constantly surprising and delighting
consumers in ways they never imagined!”
Hard Lemonade, the American beverage icon
that took the country by storm when it was
launched in 1999, but few know the back story
about Mike.
Mike is really Anthony von Mandl, Founder &
Chairman of The Mark Anthony Group, one of North America’s most
diversified and successful private alcoholic beverage companies. With the
creation of Mike’s Hard Lemonade, von Mandl created an entirely new
beverage category, Flavored Malt Beverages (FMBs), by crafting the first
real alternative for men to enjoy on beer drinking occasions.
“We found that up to 25% of guys didn’t particularly want to drink beer,
but couldn’t be seen holding anything else in their hand,” said von
Mandl. “That all changed with the creation of Mike’s Hard Lemonade –
taking the great taste of lemonade, the type your Grandmother used to
make, using all natural ingredients and giving it a kick.”
An entrepreneur from the start, von Mandl launched a one-man wine
importing business back in 1972. His passion for wine may have only
been surpassed by his dedication to quality and determination for brand
building. Merely importing fine wine was not von Mandl’s endgame. Today,
as the proprietor of Mission Hill Family Estate winery in the Okanagan
Valley, British Columbia, he is an award-winning winemaker who is
passionate about putting this emerging region on the world wine map.
von Mandl’s interest in wine has taken him to all parts of the globe.
During his travels, he noticed that it was hard for guys to drink anything
other than mainstream beer on beer drinking occasions. He explains, “I
wanted to create a beverage that guys could call their own – one they
could associate with, that would surprise and delight them from the first
sip, one they would rush out and tell their friends about… And that’s
exactly what happened with Mike’s.”
Mike’s sold its first 10 million cases without a cent of advertising. From
the start, Mike’s has been a remarkable success because consumers
discovered it on their own, and fell in love with it. But it didn’t stop there.
Mike’s set out to make an array of new tastes, like Mike’s Hard Cherry,
made using fresh Michigan cherry juice – it just doesn’t get any better!
Over the years, von Mandl has invested tens of millions of dollars in
leading edge technology to create a vodka-like neutral malt base that
7 out of 10 consumers, in blind taste tests, actually prefer over Grey
Goose Vodka. This is a patented technology that no one else in the world
has been able to replicate. This amazing base allows Mike’s to use fresh
ingredients and authentic flavors to create spirit-like beverages for beer
drinking occasions, bringing spirit and white wine drinkers back into the
beer aisles.
The Mike’s franchise has expanded from the original Mike’s Hard
Lemonade to include various flavors and new categories, including Mike’s
Lite Hard Lemonade, Mike’s Margaritas and Mike’s Harder Lemonade
– a line with higher alcohol that packs a powerful punch. Together with
HeadyTimes v.84
the company’s other innovative brands
including Cayman Jack Margaritas, T.G.I.
Friday’s Ready-to-Drink Cocktails and the
new Palm Breeze, Mark Anthony Brands is
the undisputed leader in the FMB segment.
“Mike’s represents the American dream,” von
Mandl explains. “The one where you could
start out with just an idea and create a real
business, one that could drive against even
the biggest competitors, one that you could
launch out of your garage with very little
money, making something that consumers
absolutely love and could call their own.”
von Mandl believes that for the next
generation of alcohol beverage consumers,
it’s all about flavor. “There has been
a growing demand from the Millennial
consumer for a higher alcohol product that
still tastes amazing. Our proprietary malt
base is so clean that it allows us to use
delicate natural flavors, even in an 8%
product.” For von Mandl, this explains the
success of their Mike’s Harder Lemonade
lineup which includes such flavors as
Lemonade, Black Cherry, Cranberry and a
variety of seasonals all with an 8% ABV, and
all available in 16 oz. cans. Consumers are
believers too, and Mike’s Harder is on track
to outsell the Mike’s core brands.
The company’s most recent product launch,
Palm Breeze, or “Vacay Every Day,” as
the folks at Mark Anthony refer to it, is
made with exotic tropical ingredients and
the taste is a bit lighter than typical malt
beverages. “This innovation represents the
most significant product launch for our
company, since the original Mike’s Hard
Lemonade launched in 1999,” says von
Mandl. “With Palm Breeze, we will connect
with consumers with an authentic brand,
featuring incredibly drinkable products.
And like Mike’s, it all begins with a liquid –
completely different from anything we have
made before – unbelievably light, incredibly
refreshing and sessionable.”
“Flavor is a trend that will only accelerate,”
von Mandl says. “New consumers entering
the legal drinking years will continuously
seek variety and innovation from their
beverage choices, and no segment can
offer variety and convenience like FMBs.”
Ardmore Beer Shoppe
into a beer lover’s paradise. The family-friendly shop opened
its doors in 2012 in the heart of downtown Ardmore. Since
then, owner Pete Vitale has expanded several times in order to
offer the vast selection of beer he does today.
In addition to the massive bottle selection of more than 800 crafts,
imports, microbrews and domestics, the unique shop includes
a ten seat bar, complete with eight tap handles. “We recently
expanded our happy hour special to include $1 off draught beer on
weekdays,” says manager, Ralph Fleming. The bar not only offers
draught beer, but growler fills and a full food menu as well. The
bar fare includes such specialties as nachos, personal pizzas and
their famous “Chicago-style” hot dogs, complete with peppers and relish,
served on buns purchased directly from the Windy City for that authentic
Chicago taste! “This is a place where someone can sit down at the bar
and strike up a conversation about craft beer with the person
next to them, or enjoy a good meal with the family,” says
Fleming. The Beer Shoppe also offers cold beer to-go, stored
in an impressive 30-foot, 12-door beer cooler that extends
the length of an entire wall.
Co-owner of Ardmore Beer Shoppe, Erica Vitale (left) with owner,
Peter Vitale and manager, Ralph Fleming
The extensive beer selection is only one area of the
business that makes the Beer Shoppe best in class. Their
knowledgeable staff and customer service is also top notch.
The highly trained staff can help any level of beer drinker
find just what they’re looking for. “Every member of our staff
loves beer, and we each enjoy different styles, so there is
always someone at the store to answer any questions,” says
co-owner Erica Vitale. “We also offer gift cards that never
expire to ensure the person receiving it can pick out exactly
what they want,” adds Pete.
The Beer Shoppe stays connected to their customers via social media
sites like Twitter and Instagram and their easy-to-navigate website
includes a draught list that is constantly updated. Their site also features
a comprehensive beer catalogue that lists each bottle they have in stock,
by brewery. But the coolest tech savvy tool that the Beer Shoppe offers
is their Smart Phone app. Available for both iOS and Android devices,
the Beer Shoppe app allows users to view a current list of beers on tap,
the food menu and upcoming events. But the best part of the app is the
option to order beer for curbside pickup! “There isn’t a ton of parking
in Ardmore and we wanted to make sure it was convenient for our
customers to pick up their beer,” explains Pete. “Curbside pickup was
the answer, and the app makes it really easy. Customers simply pick out
the beer they want, call to place their order, give us 10 minutes to get
it ready and then pick it up curbside! The app even gives directions from
their location to the store. Once they arrive, they just give us a call, and
a member of our staff will bring their order out to the car.”
Ardmore Beer Shoppe located on Greenfield Ave. in Ardmore
Due to their amazing customer service, beer selection and marketing
savvy, the Ardmore Beer Shoppe has won many awards including “Best
Innovation Business” and “Best Beer Selection To-Go.” HeadyTimes v.84
City Tap House Logan Square
City in May of 2010. The idea was simple: a gastropub that offered
an “elevated” pub food menu and great beer in a pleasant setting.
The concept worked so well that two more locations were opened over
the next five years; one in Washington D.C. in December 2013, and the
newest location in Philadelphia’s Logan Square opened last November.
Andy Farrell has been with City Tap House for five years. He is the Brand
Director for all three locations. Farrell played an integral part in opening
and designing the Logan Square location, which is within walking
distance of some of the city’s best attractions including the Franklin
Institute, the Barnes Museum and Love Park.
Designed to feel like an upscale corner bar, the interior of City Tap House
Logan Square is inviting and intimate. Farrell joked, “A customer once
told me that he saw City Tap House
(University City) as a turn-of-the-century
mountain lodge in an urban setting, and
that is what we modeled the new place
after.” The design of the Logan Square
location is perfect for first dates, happy
hours and group celebrations.
As for the décor, large black and white
photographs from the prohibition era
adorn the walls of the otherwise modern
space. “Prohibition shaped the craft
beer industry,” explains Farrell. “Beer
wouldn’t have evolved to where it is now
without it. These striking images are a part of our past and show the
history behind the craft beer explosion. On the exterior windows, there
are famous beer quotes that celebrate beer as the world’s first social
lubricant and show the fun, laid back side of City Tap House.”
City Tap House celebrates craft beer, while making it accessible to
non‑beer geeks. Featuring a 40-tap draught system, two cask engines
and a long list of rare and unusual bottled beers and ciders, the bar has
something for every level of beer enthusiast. “Our draught beer selection
is dynamic,” says Farrell. “We offer brews from local and regional
American breweries as well as some great European benchmarks. We
want to keep it accessible to folks who aren’t craft savvy, but might like
to be. And for those who are craft aficionados, we have 25 taps that
rotate frequently and feature new, sexy offerings on a regular basis.”
The bottle selection is where City Tap House is really adventurous, and
even more eclectic. Their selection ranges from German hefeweizens
to rare sours. In an educational and unpretentious way, City Tap House
guides guests through craft beer choices via food pairings and beer
education. As Farrell says, “We are inviting the masses into the beer
world, in the same way that breweries are.”
Having such an expansive beer list, it is imperative that the staff be
knowledgeable and able to speak about beer with all levels of beer
drinkers. “We are working towards having all of our servers become
Cicerone Certified,” says Farrell. Samplings are held for the staff
whenever a new beer is brought in, and the servers and bartenders are
able to recommend beers based on characteristics and flavor profiles
HeadyTimes v.84
Andy Farrell, Brand Director for City Tap House
that customers enjoy. There
is a focus on training and
education for the staff,
which makes it fairly easy
for servers to suggest
beer pairing options for
diners, based on the menu
items they’ve ordered.
The interactive nature of
the service at City Tap
House makes for dynamic
tableside service. The food
menu is almost as extensive as the beer
list, offering both a special brunch menu
on the weekends and daily supper specials
that change seasonally. Head Chef, Ian
Branning, who came to City Tap House from
Parc, specializes in French cooking methods
and home-style foods such as crab and
corn hushpuppies, which are a cornerstone
of the menu.
At City Tap House, the fun doesn’t stop at
beer and food. The Logan Square location
prides itself on hosting interesting events
and offering weekly entertainment. For
example, Funky Brewstahs, their monthly
vertical beer tasting, features a different
brewery each month, while a DJ spins funk,
soul or hip hop. And, when Evil Genius
released their orange mango wit, Ma! The
Meatloaf, City Tap House offered guests
a meatloaf sandwich special and a free
screening of Wedding Crashers.
Farrell sums up the City Tap House
philosophy, “Beer has a personality and
can be super silly and fun. Great beer,
great food and great fun – we’ve got it all
right here.”
A New Look for Coors Light
Coors Light is getting a fresh new look this
summer. Full conversion of primary and
secondary packaging has begun, with tools
to support the look at retail coming in July.
Showcase the refresh with a new
modular mountain display,
dimensional pole topper, and
large bottle and can bookends.
On-premise, the new Coors
Light look will feature signature
glassware and premium
buckets. Availability: July
New Mike’s 12 Packs
Mike’s Hard Lemonade will soon be offering three
of their most popular flavors in 12 pack bottles: the
classic and timeless, Mike’s Hard Lemonade, the
sweet and tart Mike’s Hard
Cranberry Lemonade and ripe
for the picking, Mike’s Hard
Black Cherry Lemonade.
Availability: Year-round,
beginning in June
Harpoon Take 5 Session IPA
There are a lot of things that you have to
do every day; now’s the time to get to the
things you want to do. Harpoon brewed this
beer so you could do just that. Vibrant citrus
and pine hop aromatics greet a distinct malt
profile that sets this session IPA apart. It’s
time to Take 5. Round up your friends
and let the celebration begin! ABV: 4.3%
Packages: 12 oz. bottles, 12 oz. cans and
draught Availability: Year-round. Draught
beginning in May; bottles and cans in June
Evil Genius Stacy’s Mom
India Pale Ale
Once a limited release from Evil Genius, Stacy’s
Mom will soon be available year-round! Using just a
single hop, Citra, this IPA explodes with citrus flavors
and aromas. The hop bitterness is clean and crisp,
leaving you refreshed and ready for another sip!
ABV: 7.5% Packages: 12 oz. bottles and draught
Availability: Year-round, beginning in July
The Brewer’s Art Beazly
Both rich and dry, this golden Belgian ale, hopped with
Styrian Goldings, is all too easy to consume in large
quantities. ABV: 7.3% Packages: 12 oz. cans and
draught Availability: Now, year-round
Verdi Rosa
Imported from Italy, Verdi Rosa is Verdi
Spumante’s debut into the fast-growing
Rosé category. With a deliciously light
taste and beautiful rose color, Verdi
Rosa is a sparkling beverage you’ll love.
Everything is better with a little sparkle.
ABV: 5% Package: 25 oz. bottles only
Availability: Year-round, beginning
in May HeadyTimes v.84
When Demand Exceeds Supply
Many of our craft seasonal and specialty releases are
available in limited or extremely limited quantities.
Breweries only produce a certain amount of their
specialty beers and Origlio does all they can to get as
much product as possible. In addition, this publication
is compiled months prior to the decision made by the
brewery to allocate their products to the wholesaler.
Variations in production for some of these limited
release offerings will fluctuate, resulting in lower
quantities than anticipated.
If you are interested in something you see in this
publication and it is out of stock when you place your
order, please contact your Origlio Sales Representative
to discuss a similar option.
Origlio also sends out an email blast weekly to inform
customers of seasonal offerings that are widely available
to you, immediately.
If you are interested in receiving the weekly email blast,
please send your email address to
Coors Banquet Heritage Cans
Coors Banquet is now offering
four newly designed cans,
inspired by designs from the
past 140 years! The Heritage
Cans are being supported
with retail tools including a
throwback cooler dispenser,
throwback LED sign and a
case stacker featuring the new
designs. These cans are only
available for a limited time, so get your hands on them
before they’re gone! Packages: 12 and 16 oz. cans
with four unique designs; 24 oz. cans with one design
Availability: Now!
Guinness Black & Blonde
Mixed Pack
The new mixed pack from Guinness offers a taste
for all occasions in one convenient mix pack. Black
& Blonde includes the
black and beautiful, dry
Irish stout, Guinness
Draught and the light,
crisp and refreshing,
Guinness Blonde
American Lager.
Availability: Now!
HeadyTimes v.84
Mike’s Tropical Party Pack
Mike is passionate about making the best tasting, most
refreshing beverages. He wants to offer consumers cold,
hard refreshment anywhere, anytime. So, this summer,
he created a limited edition Party Pack filled with four
unique and refreshing tropical
flavors including: Hard
Kiwi Strawberry, Hard
Mango Pineapple,
Hard Tropical Fruit
and Hard Key Lime.
Mike’s Tropical Party
Pack will add flavorful
refreshment to all of
your parties this summer.
Availability: Now!
Mike’s Hard Tropical
Pink Lemonade
Refreshingly tropical and refreshingly pink,
new Mike’s Hard Tropical Pink Lemonade
is the perfect blend of tart lemonade
and crisp, clean tropical flavors with an
amazingly delicious finish. But, not only
is Mike’s summer seasonal refreshing and
delicious, it also
helps out a great
cause! Mike’s
will donate
$250,000 from
the sale of Tropical Pink
Lemonade to the Susan G.
Komen Foundation. Join the
fight – drink Pink! ABV: 5%
Package: 12 oz. bottles only
Availability: June
Mike’s Harder Jamaican
A traditional Jamaican Lemonade is a limeade made
with a bit of brown sugar. The Mike’s Harder version
of this classic is no different. Harder
Jamaican Lemonade has a natural,
light yellow-green color and a fresh
lime aroma. The taste is crisp, light and
refreshing with no lingering sweetness
and the balanced taste of tart lime is
rounded out with a hint of brown sugar.
Harder Jamaican Lemonade finishes
clean with a lingering hint of lime.
ABV: 8% Package: 16 oz. cans only
Availability: June
Woodchuck Out On a Limb
Lazy Hazy Lemon Crazy
Cider Shandy
After a crazy day under the sun, grab a cider
– your hammock is calling! Woodchuck has
taken a spin on the traditional shandy and
made it their own. This “cider shandy”
is a small batch, hard cider infused
with fresh lemon juice and lemongrass.
It’s a well-balanced session cider with
sweet and tart in every sip. ABV: 4.2%
Packages: 12 oz. bottles and limited
draught Availability: June
UFO Explorer
This summer, Harpoon is introducing the UFO Explorer
can variety pack – the perfect summertime companion!
The mix pack includes all of your UFO favorites: UFO
White, UFO Hefeweizen, UFO R.A.Z. and UFO Big
Squeeze Shandy! Availability: June
Narragansett Lager
1975 Retro Cans
This summer, Narragansett is re-releasing
their popular 1975 “Jaws” can just in
time for the
40th anniversary
of the iconic
film’s debut on
June 20th! For
the summer
months, all
12 oz. can 30-packs of
Narragansett Lager will
be available in the 1975
can, famously crushed
by Captain Quint in
everyone’s favorite sharkinfested thriller. That’s
right, you’ll be able to
“Crush It Like Quint”
all summer long!
Availability: June
21st Amendment
Hell or High Watermelon
Sierra Nevada Harvest Newly
Developed Hop IPA
Sierra Nevada’s search for exciting hop flavors
led them to a handful of newly developed
varietals, each with flavors very different from
those found in typical hops. These hops are
so new they are only known by numbers –
472, 05256, 431 and 06300. They have
complex flavors of cedar, coconut, chocolate
and orange-citrus, together creating a
truly unique IPA aroma. This IPA is part of
their 2015 Harvest series exploring diverse
hopping methods including single hop,
fresh hop, wet hop and wild hop beers.
ABV: 6.5% Packages: 24 oz. bottles and
draught Availability: July
Like Lady Liberty, 21st Amendment stands for
independence and perseverance. In the pursuit of
innovative beer, there is no obstacle too
great, no journey too long and no fruit
too gigantic. This American wheat beer is
brewed with real watermelon for a flavor
that’s surprisingly crisp, dry and refreshing.
Hell or High Watermelon is like summer in
a can. ABV: 4.9% Packages: 12 oz. cans
and draught Availability: Now!
Sixpoint Jammer
Sixpoint Jammer is an ale brewed with
sea salt and coriander – an ancient beer
style, re-formulated to quench the sticky
heat of summer. It’s sour, it’s salty and it’s
slammin’. It’s Mad Science. ABV: 4.2%
Packages: 12 oz. sleek cans and draught
Availability: Now! HeadyTimes v.84
Dogfish Head Festina Pêche
Unibroue Éphémère Pear
Festina Pêche is a refreshing neo-Berliner
Weisse fermented with honest-to-goodness
peaches. The Berliner Weisse-style is
characterized by its intense tartness. In
addition to fermentation with an ale yeast,
Berliner Weisse is traditionally fermented
with lactic cultures to produce its acidic or
green apple-like character. It is delicately
hopped with a pale straw color and served
as an aperitif or summertime quencher. To
soften the intense sourness, Berliner Weisse
is traditionally served with a dash of essence
of woodruff or raspberry syrup. In Festina
Pêche, since the natural peach sugars are eaten by the
yeast, the fruit complexity is woven into both the aroma
and the taste of the beer so there is no need to doctor
it with woodruff or raspberry syrup - just open and enjoy!
ABV: 4.5% Packages: 12 oz. bottles and draught
Availability: June
Unibroue’s latest seasonal release is the
accomplishment of a “pearfect” balance
between the delicate sweetness of mild ripe
pear and the refreshing acidity of a lightly
spiced white ale. Enjoyed best when fresh,
the latest flavor of Unibroue’s Belgian-style
refermented fruit ales is sure to offer a
pleasant moment of refreshment on a bright
sunny day. Try it with tuna salad, butternut
squash soup or caramel desserts. ABV: 5.5%
Packages: 25 oz. bottles and draught
Availability: Now!
Dogfish Head
Birra Etrusca Bronze
To develop the recipe for Birra Etrusca Bronze,
Sam Calagione traveled to Rome with molecular
archaeologist Dr. Pat McGovern. With the help
of Birreria brother brewers Leo DeVencenzo
of Birra del Borgo and Teo Musso of
Baladin, they analyzed drinking vessels
found in 2,800-year-old Etruscan tombs.
The backbone of Birra Etrusca comes from
2-row malted barley and an heirloom Italian
wheat. Specialty ingredients include hazelnut
flour, pomegranates, Italian chestnut honey,
Delaware wildflower honey and clover honey.
A handful of whole-flower hops are added,
but the bulk of the bitterness comes from
gentian root and the sarsaparilla-like Ethiopian myrrh
resin. ABV: 8.5% Packages: 25 oz. bottles and draught
Availability: Limited quantities in July
Dogfish Head
120 Minute IPA
Clocking in at 15-20% ABV and 120 IBUs,
it’s easy to see why this beer is called the
Holy Grail for hop heads! 120 Minute IPA
is boiled for a full two hours while being
continuously hopped with high-alpha
American hops, then dry-hopped daily in the
fermenter for a month and aged for another
month on whole-leaf hops. ABV: 15-20%
Packages: 12 oz. bottles and draught
Availability: Very limited quantities
in August
HeadyTimes v.84
Spring House Lexicon
Devil Grapefruit Pale Ale
This Citra-heavy pale ale is loaded with
grapefruit zest and cold-pressed grapefruit
juice, making for a tart and refreshing beer.
ABV: 6% Packages: 12 oz. cans and
draught Availability: Now!
Straub Hefeweizen
This traditional Bavarian-style
hefeweizen is a hazy, golden yellow
color that pours with a substantial
and lasting, white, foamy head. The
aroma is dominated by pleasant
banana esters, produced by the
classic Weihenstephan wheat ale
yeast used to ferment this beer. It
is a refreshing and spicy brew with
some subtle clove notes. ABV: 5.5%
Packages: 12 oz. bottles and
draught Availability: July
Straub Sunshine Sampler
The Straub Sunshine Sampler is back again this
summer with a variety sure to please the most
discerning beer drinker. Included in the variety pack are:
Straub Kolsch, Straub Vienna, Straub Hefeweizen
and Straub Pilsner. Availability: June
Heavy Seas Riptide White IPA
Riptide is a beer brewed with a malt body similar
to a Belgian-style wit with loads of torrified
wheat. It’s hopped like an IPA, but a unique
blend of Czech Saaz, French Strisselspalt,
Calypso, Centennial and Cascade hops is used
to create a big citrus nose and flavor with floral
accents. To complete the feel of the wit style,
the beer is pushed through a hopback which
is loaded with Spanish sweet orange peel,
Curaçao bitter orange peel, coriander and a
generous helping of hops. It’s fermented with
a classic Belgian wit yeast which provides all
of the fruity and spicy notes you’d expect. The
tank is then blasted with the brewery’s hop
cannon, which is loaded with Calypso, Strisselspalt,
and Citra hops and more orange peel. The beer is
then lightly filtered to retain all of the exceptional yeast
character. ABV: 7.25% Packages: 12 oz. bottles and
draught Availability: July
19th Anniversary
Throughout Coronado’s 19 year history,
they have stayed thirsty for beer and
knowledge, turning each day into a
learning experience. They’ve honed their
skills and matured rather than aged.
And their experience is evident in this
double IPA. Hopped with Citra, Galaxy,
Green Bullet, Mosaic, Nugget and
Simcoe, it comes on strong with all
the force of an 80 IBU, 9% ABV brew,
with the grace of a citrus-driven West
Coast IPA. Cheers to 19 years! ABV: 9%
Packages: 22 oz. bottles and draught
Availability: Limited quantities in July
Coronado Brewer’s Series
Heavy Seas
Red Sky at Morning
This very special version of Heavy Seas “Red
Sky at Night” is brewed with authentic
Belgian candi sugar. It’s then finished in
Chardonnay barrels to give the beer a
complex, dry finish. Old world (wine) meets
new world (beer). The best of both worlds!
Explore with reckless abandon. ABV: 9%
Packages: 22 oz. bottles and draught
Availability: Limited quantities in July
Heavy Seas
Desert Island Series #3
American Honey Amber Ale
Ambitious, exuberant,
expressive, brash and
somewhat capricious, this
American-style amber
ale is crisp, bold and dry
with plenty of American
hops. It is loaded with
flavor but is quaffable
enough to enjoy during
the warmer months, or on
a desert island. Brewed
with some (relatively)
local Virginia barley and a
touch of Bamboo honey,
this energetic tipple will
spice up your summer.
ABV: 4.9% Package: Draught only Availability: Very
limited quantities in June
Coronado For Days IPA
Highly drinkable and sessionable with a low ABV, this
hop-forward pale ale has complex notes of lime, tropical
fruits and dank citrus. ABV: 5% Package: Draught only
Availability: June
Coronado Silver Strand Saison
This exceptionally refreshing, light-bodied, Belgianstyle ale has spicy effervescence and gentle fruit
characteristics. ABV: 5% Package: Draught only
Availability: June
Coronado 435 Pale Ale
Medium-bodied and hop-forward, this pale ale has a
solid malt backbone and hoppy notes of pine and citrus.
ABV: 5.2% Package: Draught only Availability: June HeadyTimes v.84
Evil Genius Turtle Power
This hop-forward grapefruit pale ale is brewed and
dry-hopped with Citra hops. Tropical and citrus notes
abound from the hops along with some tart and juicy
grapefruit flavors. ABV: 6% Packages: 12 oz. bottles
and draught Availability: Now!
Evil Genius 8675309 Galaxy IPA
This American IPA is dry-hopped exclusively with
Australian Galaxy hops. The brewers start with a base
of 2-row barley and malted wheat. Citra and Amarillo
hops are then added in the boil, and the beer is finished
with an unruly amount of Galaxy hops from Australia.
The final dry-hopping imparts an intense aroma of fresh
peach, cantaloupe, lemon rind and passion fruit. The
flavor follows suit with some additional bubblegum,
tropical fruit and clementine notes, balanced perfectly
by just a whisper of sweet malt. Full-bodied but not
cloying, the finish is a symphony of soft, clean, heady,
juicy hops. This is one of the most unique, expressive
and drinkable beers Evil Genius has ever created.
ABV: 6.5% Package: Draught only Availability: Very
limited quantities in June
The Lost Abbey
10 Commandments
A dark farmhouse ale, 10 Commandments
is brewed with honey, rosemary and
blackened raisins, and bottle-conditioned with
Brettanomyces. 10 Commandments begins
with a pleasant sweetness from the raisins
followed by some dark malt character and
a drying finish with hints of chocolate and a
touch of rosemary. A great beer to cellar, over
time the sweetness is consumed by the Brett,
resulting in a drier and more firm background
allowing the honey flavors to shine through.
ABV: 10% Packages: 12 oz. cork-finished
bottles and draught Availability: June
Port Brewing Santa’s Little
Helper Bourbon Barrel-Aged
Imperial Stout
Santa knows who’s been naughty and who’s
been nice… and this is one seriously naughty
but nice beer. Santa’s Little Helper Bourbon
Barrel-Aged Imperial Stout, begins the journey
with flavors of sweet Bourbon and oak,
continues with hints of nutty dark chocolate
and malt and finishes with a smoky coffee
finish. ABV: 10.5% Packages: 12.7 oz. corkfinished bottles and draught Availability: Very
limited quantities in July
Peak Hop Blanc
Evil Genius I Love Lamp
This beer mixes the flavors of banana, pineapple and a
slight note of clove to create the perfect summer beer!
A wave of pineapple hits your nose, followed by all of
the body and flavor of a German-style hefeweizen. This
is a beer designed for the beach, the pool or partying
in the sun! ABV: 5.5% Packages: 12 oz. bottles and
draught Availability: Now!
Hop Blanc is a heavenly white IPA
made with local wheat and Belgian
yeast for a soft mouth feel, while
Centennial, Simcoe and Citra hops
provide a bright rush of tropical
and citrus flavors up front. This
beer is the cheery, angelic cousin
of the more sinister Hop Noir. Try
Hop Blanc with shellfish, kale salads or Mexican food.
ABV: 6.4% Package: Draught only Availability: Now, in
very limited quantities
Peak Citrus Saison
Citrus Saison is Peak’s refreshing
summer take on a traditional
saison style. The brewery’s
favorite saison recipe provides the
backdrop for crisp lemon aroma
and flavor. Try this one with salads,
seafood or fresh fruit. ABV: 4.6%
Package: 12 oz. bottles only
Availability: June
10 HeadyTimes v.84
Great Lakes Sharpshooter
Session Wheat IPA
Inspired by Ohio’s “little sure shot” Annie
Oakley, Sharpshooter is peppered with rounds
of orange peel and fully loaded with Jarrylo
hops. Refreshing and unfiltered with a
double barrel of tangy citrus and spicy hop
flavors, this session wheat IPA is great with
seared scallops and salads. ABV: 4.8%
Packages: 12 oz. bottles and
draught Availability: June
Great Lakes Lake
Erie Monster Imperial IPA
Astonishingly full-bodied with a leviathan
load of American hops, Lake Erie Monster
unleashes a beastly hop attack amid torrid
tropical fruit flavors. Try this Imperial IPA
with steak or aged cheeses. ABV: 9.1%
Packages: 12 oz. bottles and draught
Availability: July
Allagash Fluxus 2015
This June marks twenty
years since brewery
founder, Rob Tod sold
the first keg of Allagash
beer. To recognize this
momentous occasion,
Allagash Brewing
Company is releasing
its 2015 Fluxus Tribute
Series beer with a
recipe crafted by Tod
himself. Fluxus is
brewed every year to
commemorate the
anniversary of their
first beer sold in July
1995. The name Fluxus
is Latin for “continuous change” and every year, Fluxus
is brewed with a different recipe. Since 2007, $1
from every bottle sold of Fluxus has been donated to
a scholarship fund for pediatric nurses in the Barbara
Bush Children’s Hospital in Portland, Maine. “We love
living and working in Maine,” says Tod. Fluxus 2015
is a strong golden ale brewed with pilsner malt and a
large portion of local maple syrup added to the kettle.
After fermentation with a Belgian-style yeast strain, it
is dry-hopped with two experimental hops, 06277 and
06297 imparting aromas of strawberry, pineapple and
lime. The finish is balanced with a dry, malty character.
ABV: 8% Packages: 25 oz. bottles and draught
Availability: Very limited quantities in July
Dock Street
A Dog Named Pierre
This is a slightly tart, slightly hoppy pale ale. “The
dog next door, his name’s Pierre, he runs and jumps
through the air. Thank God Almighty that he is here.
The dog next door, his name’s Pierre.” ABV: 3.5%
Package: Draught only Availability: Now!
Dock Street
Crackle & Squeeze
This farmhouse saison is brewed with cracked black
pepper, Sicilian pink pepper and freshly squeezed
Meyer lemons. ABV: 5% Package: Draught only
Availability: July
Dock Street
Satellite Espresso Stout
A smooth stout brewed with locally roasted organic
fair trade espresso beans, Satellite Espresso Stout is
a tribute to a neighboring coffee house that keeps the
brewers at Dock Street awake after a long evening.
Espresso is added at different points during the
brewing process for full integration of flavor and aroma.
ABV: 5.5% Package: Draught only Availability: August
Dock Street
Hops & Jitters
Hops & Jitters has a light malt body with a generous
blend of English hops, including East Kent Golding
and Fuggle. It is conditioned over a proprietary blend
of Yirgacheffe Coffee beans, specially roasted by the
coffee makers at Standing Stone. This beer is so
good, the brewers almost didn’t share it. ABV: 4.6%
Package: Draught only Availability: August HeadyTimes v.84 11
Weyerbacher 20th Anniversary
Cape May Blonde Ale
Weyerbacher is turning 20 this year! How are they
celebrating 20 years of bold and innovative beers? With
the release of their 20th Anniversary Ale! This Belgian
dark ale is malty with notes of caramel, raisins and
berries as well as subtle hints of coriander and star
anise. ABV: 11% Packages: 12 oz. bottles and draught
Availability: June
photo by Frank Weiss
Light yellow to deep gold
in color, this easy-drinking
ale has a firm, noble hop
presence and a clean
bitterness. Perfect for hot
summer days while catching
a ballgame or lounging
on the beach, Blonde is
brewed with a lager yeast
and the temperature is held
closer to the ale range,
bringing out slightly more
yeast character. ABV: 5.1%
Package: Draught only
Availability: Now!
Cape May The Bog
Green Flash Citra Session IPA
The 2nd beer in Green Flash’s Hop Odyssey
series, Citra Session features 100% Citra
hops, selected for their ability to deliver boldly
tropical and bright citrus characteristics. The
hops are introduced throughout the brewing
process to impart intense flavors of orange,
lemon and grapefruit that transcend the
hop’s tropical and floral notes. The result is
a remarkable and refreshing session brew.
ABV: 4.5% Packages: 22 oz. bottles and
draught Availability: June
This was an accidental brew, created
one Thanksgiving when Cape
May brewers were making their
Cranberry Wheat and they
added too much cranberry,
resulting in a too-tart beer.
So they added lemonade
and voila – an uber-drinkable
summer shandy. Designed to
enjoy on sweltering days, The Bog
is light and refreshing while packing lots of flavor.
ABV: 3.9% Package: Draught only Availability: Now!
Lagunitas Equinox
First brewed in 1995, Equinox is back,
and brewed today in a time of change.
This creamy, pale oat ale is hopped
up with a huge charge of Equinox and
Simcoe hops for a piney, eucalyptusy,
cedary, sprucey, foresty blast. ABV: 8.4%
Packages: 22 oz. bottles and draught
Availability: June
The Brewer’s Art Choptank’d
Choptank’d is a crisp summer saison brewed with soft red wheat, spicy rye
malts, Sterling and Tettnang hops, and subtly balanced with honeysuckle
flowers and citrus peels. ABV: 4% Packages: 12 oz. cans and draught
Availability: Limited quantities in June
12 HeadyTimes v.84
Sea Dog Fruit Beers
Firestone Walker Pivo Hoppy Pils
Sea Dog Wild Blueberry is a unique contribution to the
fruit ale category, with the nutty quench of a wheat ale
combined with the delightful aromatics and subtle fruit
flavor contributed by Maine wild blueberries, Sea Dog
Raspberry is a dry, crisp refreshing ale with the added
essence of raspberries and Sea Dog Apricot is a light,
golden, crisp and quenching wheat ale with the subtle
essence of fresh apricots. All of these deliciously fruity
wheat beers are perfect to enjoy all summer long.
Pivo is everything we love about
a classic German pilsner with
a hoppy Bohemian twist. This
bright straw-colored lager
has a playful carbonation
topped with beautiful
white foam lace. Delicate,
lightly toasted malt flavors
underscore a noble German
hop character. Hallertau
grown Magnum hops deliver
the lupulin foundation while generous
amounts of Spalter Select bring floral aromatics and
spicy herbal notes. As a twist, the beer is finished
with German Saphir hops for a touch of bergamot zest
and lemongrass. This is a refreshingly light-bodied,
hop-driven pils, perfect for summertime consumption.
ABV: 5.3% Packages: 12 oz. bottles, 12 oz. cans
and draught
Samuel Adams Rebel Rider IPA
Sly Fox Helles Golden Lager
A perennial favorite, this German-style golden
lager is light-bodied with a gentle, dry finish.
Imported German pils malt and Saaz and
Hallertauer hops shine through in this GABF
Bronze medal-winner. The innovative 360
can was the first of its kind when it was
introduced in 2012. The wide open flavor
and aroma that it delivers makes this one
of the fastest growing brands in the Sly Fox
portfolio. ABV: 4.9% Packages: 12 oz. cans
and draught
Sly Fox 360 IPA
From the brewery that created the
exciting, annual Hop Project, 360 IPA
is a dry-hopped India Pale Ale crafted
with a combination of bold American
hops: Bravo, Cascade, Centennial and
Lemondrop. This bold beer in the can
that drinks like a glass, is the only 16 oz.
offering from Sly Fox Brewing. A favorite
at area sports stadiums, 360 IPA is the
perfect pairing with warm weather. ABV: 6.2%
Packages: 16 oz. cans and draught
A bold yet mellow IPA, this casual,
session IPA has all of the hop character
of a West Coast-style IPA, but with
a golden crispness and lighter
body to fit those laid back, anytime
days. Bursting with bright citrus
and grapefruit notes, with hints of
pine, this beer has a soft lingering
bitterness that brings you back
for another sip. This year-round
brew is perfect for those lazy
summer days by the pool. ABV: 4.5%
Packages: 12 oz. bottles and draught
Samuel Adams Rebel Rouser
Double IPA
An intense and flavorful double
IPA, Rebel Rouser is bold and
unapologetically hoppy. It
definitely packs a punch, but it’s
one of flavor over pure bitterness.
The aroma and flavor come
from the combination of large
hop doses in the kettle and dryhopping (totaling over 5 lbs. of
hops per barrel). What shines
through are bright hop flavors of
pine, citrus, floral and spice, accented by
pale malts and alcohol strength for a big, flavorful brew.
This is the perfect beer to start your summer weekends
with. ABV: 8.4% Packages: 12 oz. bottles and draught HeadyTimes v.84 13
Red Bull Art of Can
Philadelphia Exhibit
Yuengling Americana
T-Shirt Contest
The Yuengling Americana T-shirt
contest, which allows consumers
to celebrate their support of
U.S. troops by crafting their own
Americana t-shirt design, will run
from Memorial Day through July 4th.
One lucky participant will be chosen
to have their artwork displayed on
a t-shirt, as well as some other
great prizes. The winning t-shirt
will then be sold through TeeSpring
with 100% of the proceeds
benefiting Team Red, White and
Blue! Consumers may enter by
posting their entry on Yuengling’s
Facebook page or on
Yuengling Summertime
Summer is the perfect time for beer
drinkers to hit the sand and relax, and
Yuengling would love to join them! The
Yuengling Summertime Sweepstakes,
that will run from July 5th through
August 31st, will encourage consumers
to post pictures of themselves with
their favorite Yuengling beer this
summer. Consumers who post
their summertime pics on Twitter or
Instagram with #YuenglingSummer or
on will have
the chance to win a Yuengling beach
chair, umbrella cabana, and other
Yuengling swag!
Experience Greatness with Guinness Blonde
and the ICC (International Champions Cup)
The 2015 International
Champions Cup will be
an international affair
with more fans and more
excitement than ever
As the presenting sponsor
of the International
Champions Cup in North
America, the Guinness
brand will be hosting
in-bar and onsite stadium events
in local cities where the matches
will be taking place throughout the
U.S. “Guinness has always been
an advocate for sports all around
the world, and we’re proud to have
been such an integral part of the
ICC’s growth,” said Guinness Brand
Director Emma Giles. “The ICC is a
great opportunity for Guinness fans
and soccer fans to enjoy some of the
most premier clubs the world has to
14 HeadyTimes v.84
offer alongside a quality
beer such as our recently
launched Guinness
Blonde American Lager.”
In total, 10 teams from
around the globe will
compete in the 2015
International Champions
Cup North America
Presented by Guinness.
This summer, Guinness will use
the platform of the world’s best in
soccer to showcase Guinness Blonde
American Lager, reaching 100MM+
passionate soccer fans in the U.S.
Guinness Blonde Lager is the #1 new
beer brand launched over the last
year and is driving incremental growth
across all markets. The marriage of
Guinness Blonde American Lager and
the ICC Soccer tournament is one
that is sure to drive excitement in the
summer of 2015.
Red Bull Art of
Can is coming
to Philadelphia
this fall! Red
Bull Art of Can
is a nationwide
hunt for creativity, and it’s open to
everyone, from full-time artists to
anyone with a creative flair. Build,
sculpt, weld, glue, hammer, bend,
fold, print, tape and paint, whatever
you like! Everyone is invited to
submit their works of art. The Red
Bull Art of Can is a true expression
of one’s imagination, with little or no
restrictions placed on the budding
artist. This year, artists can apply to
participate in one of three different
Physical Art – The Red Bull can
remains the primary material used
and is at the heart of the inspiration
for the final piece of work.
Displayed Digital – The Red Bull can
is used digitally in any 2D or 3D
digital medium. It should be playable
and displayed on a monitor.
Interactive Installation – Installation
art that has real world or physical
interactive components.
The project will culminate in a
premium art exhibition at Dilworth
Plaza where the selected pieces
will be displayed and the top three
pieces of Physical and Digital art
will be awarded prizes, as well as
the winner of the Installation piece.
A panel of judges, consisting of
credible art community judges,
will select the winners that will be
announced on the opening night of
the exhibition. The top artists will have
their work displayed on billboards
throughout Philadelphia and other
advertising outlets.
Red Bull Art of Can has not been
held in Philadelphia since 2007, so
this is extremely exciting! Applications
to take part in this event will be
accepted until June 15th. For more
information and to register for the
event go to
Coors Light Summer DJ Influencers
Philadelphia has been home to
some of the most influential DJs
in the world – DJ Jazzy Jeff, DJ
AM and Diplo, to name a few, and
Coors Light thinks it’s important to
highlight the best DJs in the area.
That’s why Coors Light is partnering
with 96.5 Amp Radio to present
the DJ Influencer Campaign. Along
with Amp, a team of Coors Light DJ
Ambassadors including DJ Bonics,
DJ Xtina, DJ N9NE, DJ Montone,
DJ Royale, DJ Meat5z, and
DJ Sev-One will be available
to YOU throughout June, July,
and August. The Coors Light DJ
Ambassadors will spin the hottest
Amp hits and provide the ultimate
refreshment for Coors Light
consumers at the hottest parties
this summer! Amp will also drive
consumers to key accounts through
on-air promos and online through
branded microsites, CBSPhilly.
com,, and Eventful
Blue Moon Belgian White
Belgian-Style Wheat Ale
20th Anniversary Paint the Glass
The Blue Moon Paint the Glass
program allows consumers to artfully
craft their very own masterpieces using
paint pens on a commemorative 20th
Anniversary Blue Moon glass. Tools
like coasters, table tents and mini
chalkboards can be used to decorate
your account for a Paint the Glass
Night. Flexible phone stands encourage
consumers to snap pictures and share
their experiences on Facebook and
Twitter. The Blue Moon Paint the Glass
Program will continue throughout
the month of June and is a turnkey
solution to engage consumers to stay
longer and buy more beer.
Redd’s, Light & Blue
This summer, MillerCoors is using
the brands in its portfolio to create
thematic POS around America’s
favorite season and summer
holidays. Redd’s Apple Ale, Coors
Light, and Blue Moon are teaming
up to create the Redd’s, Light &
Blue campaign. Leverage three
highly profitable brands together on
specialized point-of-sale materials to
increase basket ring around these
key holiday periods.
Redd’s Ale-Ternative
This summer, pick different with Redd’s
Apple Ale, Strawberry Ale, and Green
Apple Ale. Redd’s is one of the fastest
growing flavored malt beverages in the
category, and consumers reach for it
when they want to drink something
out of the ordinary. Encourage them
to break their routine using disruptive
apple-themed displays at retail this
summer. HeadyTimes v.84 15
Modelo Especial: The Official Beer of the
Beautiful Game
It’s Always Summer
with Corona
This summer, everyone gets something
extra with Corona! Because Corona IS
summer, this season, the iconic brand
will inspire new drinkers by bringing
summer to them. When consumers
open a Corona, they will have the
chance to win hundreds of daily
summer prizes and be rewarded with a
piece of summer by receiving exclusive
offers from selected partners at 2015 will also see all
new Corona bilingual summer promo
packaging with in-pack codes. Bilingual
on and off-premise POS will support
Corona’s biggest promotion ever!
Any brand can talk
about soccer, but
only one beer has
the authenticity and
substance to talk
about The Beautiful
Game – a game that
can be played with a
few friends and a ball
on the streets of South
America or by super-stars and viewed
by billions around the world; a game
that truly requires a team effort vs.
the talents of one individual; a game
that connects athletes, action and
emotion in a seamless beautiful
dance; this is what elevates soccer
from a sport to a beautiful game.
And these are also the qualities that
Modelo Especial embodies. This beer
has integrity, it’s straightforward and
approachable, quietly confident, and
it has style. Modelo Especial is the
Official Beer of the Beautiful Game.
In 2015, Modelo Especial will
continue its partnership with Clint
Dempsey and begin a partnership
with Miguel Layun. Coming out
of a great 2014 World
Cup performance as the
U.S. Team Captain, Clint
Dempsey became the first
U.S. player to score in
three consecutive World
Cups! Dempsey continues
to be a proven winner, and
with these successes, he
is top-of-mind and strongly
appealing to target consumers.
Miguel Layun is quickly becoming
a household name in the U.S. and
was recently declared the best fútbol
player in Mexico by the Latin Times.
Layun strongly appeals to multigenerational Mexicans and Mexican
soccer fans across the U.S.
In 2015 consumers will have
the chance to win a trip to meet
Clint Dempsey or Miguel Layun,
experience the Beautiful Game and
have weekly chances to win official
gear via in-pack codes entered at Dual language
POS, display enhancers and bilingual
promo packaging will support this
awesome program.
Celebrate Father’s Day with Victoria
Father’s Day is a very important time of the year for the Hispanic consumer. It’s a time to show
their fathers how important they are through bonding and storytelling. It’s all about celebrating
and giving thanks for all they have done for them, making it the perfect occasion to feature a
beer that truly embodies the Mexican heritage that’s worthy of dad. To commemorate the 150th
anniversary of Victoria, a celebratory mark will be used across all POS as well as limited edition
packaging (for Fiestas Patrias).
Uncap Pacifico
In 2015, Pacifico is continuing its
successful Yellow Caps campaign
by offering an all new POS bundle,
leveraging the imagery that brings the
Pacifico lifestyle to the forefront by
supporting locally-relevant activities.
A new off-premise ‘dock’ display
has also been added to the bundle,
providing local markets with an eyecatching, modular footprint piece that
will become a true Pacifico beacon
at retail. Additional add-on pieces will
16 HeadyTimes v.84
also be available for further market
specific customization.
New GPS coordinates will be printed
on actual bottle caps, leading
to a location that embodies the
adventurous lifestyle of Pacifico
drinkers. Consumers will use the
coordinates to either visit these
places for themselves or visit to read stories
and watch videos about the locations.
Great Lakes. Great Stories.
Great Lakes’ refreshed packaging includes discoverable elements
that tell the Great Lakes Brewing Company story. This summer,
Great Lakes is asking fans to share their own Great Lakes
stories and memories. Consumers will be asked to post photos
of themselves responsibly enjoying Great Lakes beer in its new
packaging, along with a short GLBC-inspired quote or memory,
using #FriendsofGLBC on Twitter or Instagram. Consumers can
also upload photos and stories directly to,
GLBC’s fan photo site. Each week through Labor Day, Great
Lakes will give away a GLBC-branded steel-banded Coleman
cooler to one entrant with a creative photo and story. Get the full
details at
Magners Unveils
Revamped Website
Magners has updated
their website with
a new design that
brings the brand’s
story to life, while
creating a crisp
experience for
consumers. The site
also features a cider locator, blog and
plenty of information about Magners Cider.
Check out today!
Dogfish Head Analog-A-Go-Go
What happens
when craft worlds
collide? AnalogA-Go-Go! This
sensory experience
to end all sensory
experiences is back
and better than
ever! From June
11th through the
13th, there will be
three days of vinyl,
live music, cask
beer and artisans of
all kinds at Dogfish
Head Craft Brewery
and Dogfish Head Brewings & Eats – what more could
you want?! Head to for more
details and to purchase tickets. There are only 1,000
available. It’s first-come, first-served, so act fast!
What’s Your #UFOWhite
Now through June 25th, UFO White fans
are invited to share their #UFOWhite
Adventures! Once the adventure has
been shared, they’ll be entered for the
chance to win a trip for two to Boston,
Austin, or Fort Myers – for more UFO
White adventures! For details visit
Dogfish Head Partners with
the Firefly Music Festival
The Firefly Music
Festival is a can’tmiss, summer
tradition for
music fans from
around the world,
and Dogfish Head is
excited to continue its partnership this summer. This
year’s festival, from June 18th through June 21st
at The Woodlands in Dover, Delaware will include
loads of live music, an outdoor bazaar, a coffee
house, a hammock hangout, a beercade and The
Brewery, an on-site craft beer bar, where festival
goers will be invited to sample a large variety of
Dogfish Head’s award-winning beers inside an
air-conditioned lounge with live-streaming festival
performances! Firefly and Dogfish Head are also
proud to serve Firefly Ale, a Dogfish Head pale ale,
specially brewed for the festival! HeadyTimes v.84 17
Dos Equis Luna Rising
As the sun sets and the moon comes
out, there’s a certain energy that can
transform any day into something
legendary. With the moon as your
guide, the path toward the most
interesting is illuminated to all who
stay to see it.
Heineken Cities:
Phase Two
Heineken believes that true insiders
never simply let things happen – they
make the most of every moment,
wherever and whenever that may be.
This summer, Heineken is inspiring
consumers to discover and share
unique experiences each time they
interact with the brew, whether in-store,
at a bar, or going about their day.
From Memorial Day through Labor Day,
all Heineken Lager, Light, Dark and
limited-edition Cities of the World bottles
can be scanned using an augmented
reality (AR) app: Blippar. With each
product scan, shoppers can enter a
sweepstakes to win a grand-prize trip to
be an “insider” of the city of their choice
(one of 14 featured Heineken cities), as
well as other occasion-relevant prizes to
drive frequency.
With the app, consumers can virtually
customize their bottles, share what’s
cool around them, discover a variety
of savings, and more! When they
choose Heineken, they can bring
summer to life anywhere.
This summer, Dos Equis aims to
own the transition from day to night,
focusing on the unique energy and
mystery of the moon. This new
program capitalizes on the fun and
possibility of nighttime occasions.
Digital party planner, Evite will keep Dos Equis top of mind with
customized Luna Rising party invites for consumers to utilize
throughout the summer. Consumers will have the chance to win
a trip to a Luna Rising party via limited-edition bottle codes or by
hashtagging their #LunaRising celebration on Instagram.
Discover Ritmo Sonico with Heineken
What happens when you combine some
of the best Latin music and a premium
beer? A once-in-a-lifetime Latin music
event: Ritmo Sonico!
As a platform to showcase the Latin
music movement, Ritmo Sonico features
the hottest artists of diverse Latin music
genres and styles. This August, Ritmo
Sonico will feature well-known artists for a
night to remember in Philadelphia.
Engaging POS will encourage consumers
to enter to win two VIP tickets to Ritmo
Sonico. Visit for
event dates and details.
Celebrate Independence Eve with Newcastle
If you don’t have to go to work, then it
must be an important day. Newcastle is
encouraging Americans to extend their July
4th weekend by starting the celebration
early and drinking Newcastle on July 3rd,
Independence Eve. Since most people will
be off work on July 3rd, this timely, partyrelevant holiday resonates with anyone
looking to have fun during a long holiday.
Newcastle thinks that it’s only polite for
people to thank the brand that created
such a wonderful holiday.
18 HeadyTimes v.84
Impactful POS with stopping power creates
awareness and encourages consumers to
purchase Newcastle Brown Ale for their
Independence Eve celebration. Consumers
have the opportunity to submit “Thank
You” videos on Instagram for a chance to
win a trip to England. “Thank You” videos
allow consumers to interact with the brand
and thank Newcastle for giving them the
day off. No work on July 3rd – you’re
Hit Refresh on Summer with Strongbow
After yet another sweltering summer
day, making the decision to have a truly
rewarding summer night is easier than
ever, thanks to the global experts in
refreshment. Start with a fresh glass
of ice, pour in Strongbow hard cider,
then add friends. Easy as 1-2-3, you’ve
created your own little urban oasis to
escape summer’s oppressive heat.
Enticing in-store POS and display
enhancers highlight Strongbow as the
upscale cider brand that is the best.
You couldn’t wait for the day to end;
now you can’t wait for the night to
begin. Make the refreshing summer
choice with Strongbow over ice to
revitalize your day, take on the night,
and experience the best summer ever.
Rock Tap House in Denver
and show them around
the Oskar Blues digs in
Longmont and Lyons as
well as the Hops and Heifers Farm.
On a tour of Cape May breweries
(there are two of them, both located
at the Cape May Airport), you’ll learn
the history of CMBC and get a behindthe-scenes look at production. The
beachside brewery churns out awardwinning recipes in both a 15-gallon
and 30-gallon brewhouse before
packaging the final product in a new
bottling line. A few sips and you’ll know
why these guys, out of 150 breweries,
took home the People’s Choice
Award at the Atlantic City Beer and
Music Festival. Check out the brewery
for more information.
Oskar Blues will serve up classic
and specialty beers all day and
keep Ordealers well-fed with BBQ
and Cajun-style meals. Surprises
of the “beery” variety lurk around
each corner all throughout the Oskar
Blues network of customer-focused
photo by Frank Weiss
This year marks the 20th Anniversary of Allagash Brewing Co. and to thank
fans for 20 years of support, Allagash is inviting people over the summer to
share pictures of special moments in their lives where they include Allagash.
Consumers will simply share stories and pictures on Instagram and Twitter
with the hashtag #AllagashAndI. Allagash will share some of their favorite
stories as well with their tens of thousands of online followers and provide
special surprise treats for a lucky few!
The Oskar Blues Ordeal
Each day, Oskar Blues will pick up
“Ordealers” outside of the Falling
July 21st commemorates
the anniversary of
Belgium’s separation from the
Netherlands in 1831. In Belgium
this is called FEESTDAG (which
translates to Party Day). Given Philly’s
rich history for appreciating great beer
from Belgium, this celebration should
go on for a week, not just one day!
PALM and Rodenbach are combining
forces by inviting all to celebrate
Belgian beer, the whole week long!
POS, promotions and samplings will
be available, so join-in the fun with
specials, Belgian-themed menus or
toasts using branded glassware and
celebrate FEESTDAG!
Cape May
Brewing Company
Brewery Tours
Allagash and I…
The Oskar Blues Ordeal
consists of all-day bus
rides that offer attendees
of the Great American
Beer Festival and craft beer lovers
the chance to go backstage at ALL
Oskar Blues locations during the
week of the festival (Sept. 24th
– 26th in Denver). Tickets will be
available starting in July until they
sell out at
FEESTDAG HeadyTimes v.84 19
Segmentation and Target Marketing
By George Latella
Over the past year, we have discussed Food Marketing
Strategy, Brand Strategy and Marketing Planning. An
understanding of these is essential to the success of
any business, especially one that deals directly with the
consumer. Now that we have “planned our work” we
need to “work our plan.” The first part of this process is
identifying who your customers are, and more specifically,
who your BEST customers are.
If you’ve never heard of Pareto’s principle, you probably
have heard of the 80/20 rule. The premise is that top
20% of your customers represent 80% of your volume, or
profits. If you take this one step further, you will see that
the top 4% represent 64% of your volume or profits. If you
believe in this principle, some important questions arise.
What do they buy/consume? (Craft beer, seasonals,
established brands, cans/bottles/draught beer)
Use your POS system to create a spreadsheet by category,
container, size and style. You will then be able to sort
and rank the data. See if the 20/80 rule applies to your
“Do you know who these people are?”
When do they buy/consume? (Morning/night, weekday/
weekend, special events, seasonally)
If your POS system has a time/date function, keep track of
what is sold and when. This will help with inventory control
and staffing.
If you do, do you treat them any differently?
If you don’t, how can you find out who they are?
This is something you can do on your own, or hire a
marketing firm to find out for you.
Either way, you want to identify, who, what, when, where,
why and how.
The first step in the process is called segmentation.
This involves putting people into groups based on
criteria that describe them. It can be characteristics like
demographics (age, gender, ethnicity, income, education
etc), geographics (where they live, where they work, where
they shop), psychographics (attitudes, interests, lifestyles)
or behaviors (how do they use your product/service).
We use the following questions to get to the center of the
Who is your customer? (Male/female, old/young, ethnic/
white, blue collar/college educated)
Keep track of the people who come into your business.
Set up a spreadsheet or tracking system. You want the
people who deal with your customers the most to have
control of this process.
Where do they buy/consume? (On-premise, off-premise,
at home, at events)
Why do they buy? (Thirst, to try something new, to be
social/share with friends, to take to a party)
How do they buy/consume? (Alone, with friends)
The last three questions will require a bit more work and
can be as formal as a questionnaire or as informal as
asking your best customers a few questions. You can do
this yourself or have a professional do it for you.
Once you segment the market, you need to identify
who your “Target Market” is. Which primary group of
people are you going to market to? This will help with your
Marketing communications. Finally, you need to position
your brand in the minds of your customers.
In the next issue, we will discuss Millennials, who have
become the largest target market for many food and
beverage companies.
George Latella teaches Food Marketing at Saint Joseph’s University in Philadelphia. Food Marketing, the largest major at Saint Joe’s,
recently celebrated its 50th anniversary. Latella is also a partner in Beacon Marketing Group which provides marketing planning,
research and e-commerce/direct marketing communications for food and beverage companies. He can be reached at
or 610-660-2254.
20 HeadyTimes v.84
The BeerGUY
Fruit Beers Get Their Time in the Sun
By Steve Hawk
Fruit-style beers
don’t get nearly the
praise or hype they
deserve. They are
often dismissed as
“beginner” beers
or even called
“girly.” But that’s
not the case at all. And besides, you
can find natural fruit flavors in non-fruit
beers such as the orange citrus flavor
of a hoppy IPA or the natural hints of
banana in a Belgian farmhouse ale.
When brewers introduce the right mix
of added fruit to beers, they showcase
flavors in creative and artistic ways. In
fact, some of the most well respected
breweries have been brewing fruit
styles for years. Critically acclaimed
beers like Sly Fox Raspberry Reserve
I wanted to dig a little deeper to
determine which fruit beers are the
true standouts and what the trends
are for the style this summer.
brewery’s pineapple hefeweizen,
I Love Lamp, is a delicious mix of
banana, pineapple and clove flavors
– a perfect beer to sip in the sun.
I posed those questions to Mike
“Scoats” Scotese, Philly beer legend
and co-owner of The Grey Lodge Pub,
Hop Angel Brauhaus, and the soonto-open SawTown Tavern in Northeast
The creativity and artistry of brewing
fruit beer doesn’t stop with the citrus
or berry varieties that have been the
most common. Many breweries are
now experimenting with fruit flavors
that one would not typically expect in
a beer. Unibroue in Chambly, Canada
offers Éphémère Apple and Éphémère
Cranberry, the first of which is brewed
with a mouthwatering bouquet of
Granny Smith Apples and the second
with a selection of slightly tart
cranberries. Both are light, refreshing
beers that are finely-crafted, wellbalanced and created from worldclass recipes. And, this summer,
“Historically, when fruit was added
to a beer, it was very clearly labeled
in the name,” said Scoats. “The fruit
was definitely a key selling point. If
you had a Sam Adams Cherry Wheat
for example, you knew it was going to
have a strong cherry presence.”
“Now fruit is becoming a recognized
tool in a brewer’s bag of tricks
“Fruit-style beers don’t get nearly the praise or hype they deserve.”
and Weyerbacher Riserva are big,
complex brews that even the most
“manly” beer drinker would appreciate.
Summer is the season when this
unsung hero of the beer world finally
gets its time in the sun. It’s a time
when more refreshing and slightly
sweeter drinks become desirable. Fruit
beers are a great alternative to the big,
roasty beers we’ve been drinking all
winter. They are great for picnics, ball
games, a day at the beach or any
outdoor activity.
So, which beers immediately come
to mind? Without question, any fruitinfused wheat beer tops the list. Wheat
beers tend to be light in alcohol, very
drinkable and refreshing. Excellent
examples of these beers include 21st
Amendment Hell or High Watermelon
Wheat, Samuel Adams Cherry Wheat,
Sea Dog Wild Blueberry, and a few
from the Abita Brewing Company,
Purple Haze, Strawberry Harvest and
Lemon Wheat, all of which are brewed
with copious amounts of fresh fruit
added at different points throughout
the brewing process.
to make a great beer,” Scoats
continued, “and blood orange is
emerging as a dominant flavor. Sam
Adams Cold Snap was a pleasant
surprise. The orange and plum flavors
made for a really tasty witbier.”
Unibroue will release Éphémère Pear,
the accomplishment of a “pearfect”
balance between the delicate
sweetness of mild, ripe pear and the
refreshing acidity of a lightly spiced
white ale.
Intrigued by Scoats’s references to
“blood orange,” I wanted to see which
summer beers are embracing that
flavor. One that stands out is Superfuzz
Blood Orange Pale by Elysian Brewing in
Seattle, Washington. It’s a pale ale with
a strong punch of blood orange flavoring
that blends perfectly with its special
mix of northwestern bittering hops.
Two stand-out beers from Dogfish
Head Brewery in Milton, Delaware
are Festina Pêche and Aprihop.
Festina Pêche is a unique style that
few breweries attempt. It’s a Berliner
Weisse, which typically features
a hint of tartness. In this case, it
aligns perfectly with the fresh pureed
peaches used in this brew. Aprihop
is an exception among fruit beers,
as it is very hop-forward and slightly
higher in alcohol content, weighing in
at 7% ABV.
Other citrus standouts include
Lexicon Devil Grapefruit Pale Ale
from Spring House. The Citra-heavy
seasonal is loaded with grapefruit
zest and cold-pressed grapefruit
juice. Tart and refreshing, this brew
is the perfect summer quencher, and
it’s available in cans! Evil Genius’
grapefruit pale ale, Turtle Power,
brewed and dry-hopped with Citra
hops, flourishes with tropical, tart
and juicy grapefruit flavors. And the
While it still may not be socially
acceptable to order a mango wheat
beer at a ball game with your
buddies, I hope this article puts to
rest some of the misconceptions
about this truly enjoyable, versatile
and exceptionally well-crafted genre. HeadyTimes v.84 21
3000 Meeting House Road
Philadelphia, PA 19154
Corona Light Hits the Road with
Kenny Chesney
This summer, Corona Light will be hitting the road
with Kenny Chesney for his 2015 Big Revival tour!
To promote the Corona Light/Kenny Chesney tour,
Corona Light will provide 360° support, including a
new national TV ad featuring Chesney and a national
consumer giveaway that includes 10 VIP trips for 2 to
South Florida for a Private Corona Light Kenny Chesney
concert! Secondary prizes including autographed Kenny
Chesney memorabilia will also be given away as part
of the promotion. POS will drive consumers to upload
photos to Facebook and Twitter with a special hashtag,
showing their love for Chesney for a chance to win.
Local tour dates will be promoted with ticket prizing,
on-premise activities and POS bundles including a new
Kenny Chesney standee!
Toast Our Troops with
Shiner Beer
Shiner proudly announces the return of their
extremely popular Toast Our Troops promotion this
summer! Since 2011, this program has raised almost
$500,000 for the Boot Campaign, a grassroots
initiative that was started in 2009 by five Texas
women now known as “The Boot Girls.” The Boot
Campaign raises money for military veterans by selling
the same type of boots worn by many of our soldiers.
Every pair of boots sold at funds
programs that meet the physical and emotional needs
of returning troops. Job placement, physical therapy,
and PTSD counseling are just some of the programs
that the campaign supports. Shiner is committed
to making 2015 a record breaking year! They have
pledged to donate $0.50 for every case sold of
specially marked, “Toast Our Troops” Shiner Bock 12
pack cans available throughout the month of June.