Qrr saNKNolE pREssDEwas-4ss001(M.p.) AUnirorsacunly Prinlins andM|n Minnatna catesory,tcPsE d****,,* webihtlpr/bnpdolas.spmcrr.com E-Mair:bnpdowa3@spncit.con u'.o *'o'JRfi ps,', 8"?9?8ry'F$11fl8{'$,fi8i0f t8'ni4Eltcc ,t'9f TenderNumber:6000003%605 gNp4?ELE)vcpssys/14,Dated: d IenderDocumonr is soldto: *s 2er lrz{ Ds5enarion: oFFcEF (MATERtALS) BNPD(BankNorePre$. Dew6) aa€z-}-l d**-** TenderNunbar.600000J955 600000396s /ENPTP/ELEVGPSSYS/r4 1.searedtendersar6invt6dt6m erisibre andquafiodi6nd€re6forsupptyorro ownggoods& s€Ncesl i GPssystemtorT6asuryVanal ' rypeor Toidor(Twoaid/POB/eO/ RC/oav€ropmeni hdiseiization/ocp.salot Scrop/Secuilyllom€lc.) Dare5orsale otiend6fddcumoncl Froni1o duinoofG houB. croshqdaro aid r meror@€rprol rdndoB 22{X 20r4 1430:00 8ANKNOTEPRESS DEWAS Timeanddar6oroFninsorl6ndo6 BANKNOTE PRESSOEWAS D6sr0nalion1o Re€lv€ sutk) MGHUNANOAN SWAROOP GAUTAM rendss(ca6sn.21.1orGrr) 2. r^rereded reidercrc mayoblainfunherinbmarion abourrhisrcquireneni frcmth€aboreolice.6 id rhe dodunenb. Theyruya sovhliourrebsilo meitoned 6boveforlunhordsro s. 3 Tondddocumeib n6y bepu.chasEd on paytuir or notrrefundablo 16€orRs N.A.(amouinoerserin lh6rdm inlawujorN.A(d6sqnaron orrtuorficer.o^6m6d),payabt6 arN.A(n6mo otth6ptac6 ). LB oen6 eobvroeicr€€d posb rr6 oonsrc 6F? oosuBpood a a r a , : o r a r a - . d | o r \ 6 r o r e i s r ? 1 d - o 3 , r o r v f ( h o d ? 6 , p e . d ier .Jwr oi neb6s p , \ . A .b , d o _ e"qil?v i,c46r. orooo a@6r n ds r. ,P'uoar;f(o Frde. docL-drE 10m rr wPbJile p.ra3 sbovo. dowiloadeddocumant, a onqwrth,e requned non-retundabtgtueasnenitonodin 6. rond.rd6sha eisro rharlhelfcndets, dlry$araddndsisn6d, @ , aE droppedInth€tandorboxtoet€d al rhcaddrossq v6nbetowoncl beior6 rhecrosrdg dai6and1in6iidi€(edinlheP.E 1.bov6,Lltinowhtch lhar6nd66wbelrcalod astarcandcjecled. 7. In rho6snr of anyof thoabovemenlron€d dar$ b6t^gd6cared as a hotid.y/ ot6oddayrorrheprchaso besotd/E€lredlopenad onrh6n6rrwo*hgdayairho.ppotnt d rne d**,*** 16nderNumbe.6000003965 3 rhe ieiderdocumenrsa€notl€nsreBble 9 rhe 61esofieed by ilro biddershouldb€ % d ior 120dars nom$e d ro Fo. derals reaardiis General mcjl.con/spmcir/up oad dooumenrc T.pdI h[pr?bnpdewas.sp 11. For d6hirs rc$rd ns Gene6l , h[pjlb i pdM s.spmc .com/spmcil/u pldaddod mEnvccc.pdt Tetrdere6, peas€ visli T€ndare6, pleaEe onsoi v spscifcations a iems & condit 12.Trrebiddarhasio submitquotatonskid{ya3p6ror renderEnquiry 13.secroiVll. x, xlr, Xlr, XLV,XV is nol an openinvibloni0 q!ot6 ii th6 14.Ihis norc6is boinspubrished o to ths $l6clod SPMCLs Ressre,edBiddsft ony andk limired Tendor. Panicpalion ln ui s le.deris by invnaron ror he irem,w[o Mve beensent ris render by Fos'/couier (as Porli€i dncosed).lnsor]oitedofte6 aB liabrolo J5.RLGHTOFACCEPTANCE.Thg assr Ban[Noreprcss,oewls'eeBes dr6'ighrlo re]edaiy or as?€s, myrea ar lendsswihour ForA onbehaldrGed6€lManaser 53 Ph,Nd.07272- 263453/2532 E.ma: bnpp!rchase@qm.ir.@dspmc.cdm ,i El'***** TenderNuhb0.5000003965 or orplacemenl R6qui6dDeliva!schedu€i wirhln60davslromrhedat6 3as3' R€qliredtems ol o6livery& o6ilnaton: FoR sNPDewas purcli'seod6r' )45500r BankNoleProssDewas(M'P Address: sacu'edmanner as desiredbv[ie bidderwhichshourdb6in s5l6and PrererodmodeorT€nspodalion: " :"#,:T:lT""t ii'#""J*";:i""^l:"' ::::;:HrJlT.,''1,:.?f:["::i"x1 ":;:;:'tiiil Repaceh6nr:iIthema1el6|]5rcj6ctedforadyreason'fimha€loco|ac FavmeniTensjloo%Paymontw]]b6rc|aasedaltelrMipr'lnsps.llonaa@planoeofmaleia|5ioulslores Yi:fl i:r:g:1"''i"ll3i+lTl flor@"h,.vv,p"@-r SectionVll: TechnicalSDecifications Repann9 up.gradar oi,Icsrh9andTmrniig ofrh6compreleG obarPosi|oniig srsrdn(cPs)ii BdikNoroPr6ss (3NP) r,easury van3onrun r(oyBasis. GFSbeloreq!ole. 2. TheRepaniisandUp.s€dalionorCloba PosironinsSysrem(GPS)wlhihe aresr.nofbchnorosylsrequted robeca4iedouliirreasuryvansolBankNoloP.6ss,Dewas on rum Koybasis. 3. saik NoiePless(3NP), Dew€shaving rheexlsrns GPs s setuerMsedrocay aid rhesMss Msaie betrg provldedby aNP, Dewasror monbdng i cu.6nlPosiron orlhovdhlclo on h maps,map6drcr(zoom-inzoomod, Panvkwdisbrce),6d denned randmrk positron(tilh llme,dukl on and apporimde mdio O, sbps (*ilh t ma duoi on andappEximaleo€rioi) a 7 Theorrersystemsholldhavemulri usersuppod{huserdetnablerclesandsecuiiyconlisuGiion.Tho monilorn0 raciiysha be slvenIo oily p@defiied use6rhrdughnremelErcad&nd connecliyly declded by BNP andihesFtemsho!d be rclable. senei ThebankNoiePressshalluseblddecsenerlhrcusri 3. Sysrem InlemetBbadsand6.nec|viry.Tho thalourlrcckinq bddershallensu,e syneminfomarion shouldbekeptfu y 9,TheUp9radedsyjemshoUdbeflexjbelon|edhangellreTEckingu andasolhoPrografrnlns nsdftwa€shouldb6possiblebytheuserac 10 Trrcrepann9and0p9.adngwo* in Trcasury vansshanb6canedo vansareusu. y awayf6n BNPon6nsignm6dduty 11 Thdpayfr6ntorModhyr€ckinq Fe6/cha4esidrsofrwa€UsaseshalbemadeonOuaderybasison rhinoneday{rctincrud nqinr6d0ning sundayandBNPh0rdayq. lod by BNPasabovea6sor ighron sam6 naturcor ma€ abiliq ot spares,lh andamolntspedlin be.ecove,ed rrcmqlaiedy plymenlofiheonl@clor 14 Depeidins uponlrreurgency, B hou6 weekyofiday.lheGazerled H andddmandlhesodcosbeyondlhewo ing edi.oswrhouranydoray akdownvtirshab6 bomabysuccossru .i Cl'***'*^* Numb6r.6ooo00ls6i Tender paidbvB N.P bidderaid noaddilonalamounishallbe basisa3 p3r lho pedordan@ol rhe s€ft @s pmvidedbv 16. The paymenllor AMCsha bs reeas6don qua''GrLv s@sstuI b dder$ Por@^l6cl hasio ronowlheimlruclonsdrdicohed Eignoarin'charqeol s!@ssrulbidde. r7. ssMceEnsineorofihe B.N.Pd( is *edr on ormolob 2 r ' t r 6 o 6 ' s o De s d o o do l \ m "T:"a' o" {i e " lrifns "p*r.o* 6* "o.l rl F' *cpoar r' d l l e6lol "ll6i \ja. sg0o6r rcaer dr aLst o3e9r P " orcbra rh6svslembelnoorlaEdis ol ilis aloslad ol nd€ie 3ndconrm whelher 19. Thebidde.shouLddety afiertheconperon be providod s foreachandov6rvilomshourd opsatonarmanua 20. Aserol manlenancdand MonlhTheoNEvear 21. Th6swlemshabe ac6pi6dafie'rhesu@essrulpefomaneldalforoNE iJir"-";; p"' "a * ir arroroNEMontri t':o' tt oueot-'pLaion ot Pedomance "ucessilr " "run iiadbvihemd all6sps| n oderlomeelrh6 lhaiilioofe.subm ol orleiTh6fim shanensure 22. Cohol6torcss robP E a1r lparod .^i".'..""" re ot"' t"e t . ' ' i' iL i"rLdPd "t or evp v ot."'*,", i*ir'"" ""-,"'". ;;;,0;;;:;'"j;; I no(airdpare .wpi meo.*m rt" renoo' h s ofle,did l2 monlhs ovedgah.s roboprovdedbvlhosupplle'dudng Fullmainisnandd 23. Manrenance: r"*,o,rvg,ie,t* r" qa.io.ttoaoo'a apbi(earBArhNorrPcEss ii",iii' -a.ai,." e o-v0 " i " i " i r i " " ; " ; .-*ri r - a " - ' " * " c o : i , € 1 o 1 s F r . M r M . i r 3 1 a - @ c o ' r - r o ' r F e s r e "rm a f o ' ' hP 'rs *-r"^"i" *rud -" . ; ; . i i " * d b"-""" ";.""b-"h" vc fr" -, slpoLer' arreiqJrerld andinclusiBol a 3paBpatu' 24. Themik*lshalba ndivhibld@mpr€hoisivo pul$en3gn orlhe ropresenbt6andsealofih' fm on allt6ndetdocumeils (hewo.kas perth6lems& condftons oflhisraidar we aqGeloerocule sigiatuBotlend6€r: Nameorslgnabry: Reqd.omelawahd !r,p* Bh&tn, J rsidn Numb{600000rs!! SeEtionxi: Pii'e S'neqni; Limned) ofIndia corpostion t't'tu -u ?illlili.lT'ii;o "intins ieN$ (M P-)- INDIA 2oo0'' o"'ed Tiliftif",XlinlE"it1s''"'! i:';ll;T?ij:;:l,;:'i',i: D"'$: h^" .*i""d p|"sed ta encloerherolloNinsour se we and ciied enqulrv vo* tnd"r rt' Yo*ti"a**ia*"" -...-i,rtia a; c6t rrfl/ wo'k D6'rinridn 2 -a sr"o.(GPsl,o,:;:;:";: hcrns I ve tr N' Cooprcbedsic ArrL """ MonthlY "_'5 **-*#*"chsrges f,ld):i ch,rasr:or lnl::: ch.rcs r:r :J=:- ;fr;;t$i:5itiryil#{tlrrflx;:i:i iD ii') dl-,*.**,.'*** Section XVll: Letter ot authorttylor attendlng a uld openlng Tr'TI\C3'WI\I\GOFTIECOMP-L I GDSI\B\PlOLASLRVVAN Fo|lowng o€rems{e he6bydlhd _(B dd6r)in oderorprsr pomirrod *tren GguarbpGseilalives arcnol abe wherebrdsareopeiedmayberclusedi0 case authorutonasprescdbed I4/s BSNL,Kaldi Bae I4s BSNL c/oTheGendl Meager Teleon Gedli Nagd, lsi- 461 I I I Its Bio F.ableT{hnologies (?) Ltd , 103,c@n T€mce,Lee s, southM.iD Rold , Ko€gen PaIk 178,Zonel, M.? Naed, Bho!a146201I ?vl. Lld , lr'tls.Pini ?owe.Technology Mel MIDC Andhei (E), t'ts R.CEd{ards& Co.Pl{. Ltd , 14.cda Irdstiial E$.te, Lowd Pet (w) Mub€i 400013 ?ll Ltd M/s QDn€tTechrcLogies Gl4, Zlkdia Indutrial Eslale, Mdol Mdosni Road,andhed(E) Mmbai-4o0059