City of South Daytona
City of South Daytona
City of South Daytona Community Development Dept. Post Office Box 214960 •South Daytona , FL 32121 • 386/322-3020 •FAX 386/322-3029 MEMORANDUM To: Joseph W. Yarbrough, City Manager From: John Dillard, Community Development Direc~ or ,1 ~'· Date: April 14, 2015 / Re: LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATION BOARD MEMBERS Attached for your review and consideration are applications of residents interested in serving on the Land Development Regulation Board. Currently the Board has three full time members to be reappointed for three year terms along with two alternate member appointments for a one year term. In the past, it has been the Council's action to reappoint full time and alternate members and to fill vacant member positions. If it is the Council's pleasure, the appointments should be made at the April 14, 2015 Council meeting. As you know, to assure a diverse membership on this Board, the City Council should, to the extent possible, appoint at least one member from each of the following areas: 1. An architect, landscape architect, engineer, or city planner. 2. A person actively involved in community affairs and demonstrating an interest in advancing the quality of life in the City. 3. A person engaged in real estate sales or development. 4. A natural or environmental scientist. 5. A person owning a retail or service business located within the City limits; or an officer in a company of such a nature. Re-Appointees: Members: Phil Trimarchi, (Engineering Tech), Appointed January 24, 2006 Mike BeBloom, (Business Owner), Appointed January 24, 2006 Ron Poulin, (IT, Technical Services Business Owner), Appointed April 26, 2012 Alternates: Eric Dickens (Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Specialist) Appointed April 9, 2013 . Alternates: Abe Agront, (Actively involved Citizen) Appointed April 9, 2013 Continuing Commitment to Excellence CITY OF SOUTH DAYTONA ADVISORY BOARDS VOLUNTEER APPLICATIONS Thank you for your interest in serving the City of South Daytona. Your completion of this application is necessary so that the members of the City Council can thoroughly review each application as part of their consideration for the appointment. You are welcome to attach a resume' with the application. Please choose the Board(s) for which you wish to apply. If applying for more than one Board, please number in the order of your preference. ~ Adjustment and Appeals Board* 6:00 p.m. 1st Wednesday of the month, as needed, City Council Chambers Land Development Regulation Board* 6:00 p.m. 3rd Wednesday of the month, as needed, City Council Chambers Parks and Recreation Board 6:00 p.m. 3ra Thursday of the month, as needed, Piggotte Community Center TPO Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee Indigo Professional Center, 2570 W. Int'l Speedway Blvd., Suite 100, Daytona Beach. Regularly scheduled meetings of the BPAC shall be held on a day and time agreed upon annually by the Committee. Regular meeting dates and times may be changed by action of the BPAC Committee to accommodate desirable changes because of holidays and/or other reasons. TPO Citizen Advisory Committee The Citizens Advisory Committee meets the 3rd Tuesday of every month except July and December which are typically cancelled. The meeting is at 1:30 p.m. in the TPO Conference Room at 2570 W. International Speedway Blvd., Suite 100, Daytona Beach. Any questions contact Pamela Blankenship at or call {386) 226-D422, ext. 21. _ _ Volusia Growth Management Commission Meets the 4th Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. The meetings rotate between the east and west side of the County. The meeting on the east side meets at the City of Daytona Beach Commission Chamber and on the west side the meeting is held in the County Council Chambers in DeLand. Three year term. All of the boards are subject to the "Sunshine Law''. Board members must be registered voters. Members of the Boards with an asterisk are required to file financial disclosures within 30 days of appointment. You will receive the application from the city clerks office. 1. PERSONAL (Please print) Name ~,lLp I n'-M.W-rt.Address , , c.( ~ crc11-~r s s a. l-t; q - b ' 5-7 ]) c..., b>.., ~ g Date of Birth So •.11-h S 2 i 1 C., Home Phone: '38' · 'Ylc(-o /(,I Business Phone: 3&'(;, • C)( .. f'-:CIDI: E-Mail Address: +.,. ; •'\ot Id < c."t j f @ C CJ o 13 . u .S: - - -- -- Are you a registered voter in South Daytona? _)!Q__Yes _ _ No How long have you been a resident of South Daytona? ,,20 y t!GJr.. r S Are you currently serving on a City Board? If yes, when and which Board. · ...,. 2. Have you ever served on a City Board? ..., c- l '!!> " r e v J. ~ ~JJ REFERENCES - Please list three references (personal and/or business) /'1,-f.<p s-;~ 5 a.s-yq a Name, address and phone number tf(f U/ t-v ~r:t...f r3 - '-IV' ·· <f' IO 5~.rt fllit ~ 14, l/o,,..tOrr;o,. ~ ~ fl. Srd t:Ja f;- Name, address and phone number 3. ~ t:.{ f s - ,.s:J. - <;-s '13' EDUCATION iJi t; "Date Graduated _ _l~Q_'/_'f_ _ ------------- Date Graduated - - - - - - - High School College Rf!-c~r 4. 1 7. I WHY DO YOU DESIRE TO SERVE ON A BOARD? ---------- f ' CITY OF SOUTH DAYTONA ADVISORY BOARDS VOLUNTEER APPLICATIONS Thank you for your interest in serving the City of South Daytona. Your completion of this application is necessary so that the members of the City Council can thoroughly review each application as part of their consideration for the appointment. You are welcome to attach a reswne' with the application. Please choose the Board(s) for which you wish to apply. If applying for more than one Board, please number in the order of your preference. Adjustment and Appeals Board* 6:00 p.m. 1st Wednesday of the month, as needed, City Council Chambers Land Development Regulation Board* 6:00 p.m. 3ni Wednesday of the month, as needed, City Council Chambers Parks and Recreation Board 6:00 p.m. 3ni Thursday of the month, as needed, Piggotte Community Center TPO Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee Indigo Professional Center, 2570 W. Int'l Speedway Regularly Blvd., Suite 100, Daytona Beach. scheduled meetings of the BPAC shall be held on a day and time agreed upon annually by the Committee. Regular meeting dates and times may be changed by action of the BPAC Committee to accommodate desirable changes because of holidays and/or other reasons. TPO Citizen Advisory Committee The Citizens Advisory Committee meets the 3n1 Tuesday of every month except July and December which are typically cancelled. The meeting is at 1:30 p.m . in the TPO Conference Room at 2570 W. International Speedway Blvd., Suite 100, Daytona Beach. Any questions contact Pamela Blankenship at or call {386} 226-0422, ext. 21. _ _ Volusia.Growth Management Commission Meets the 4tb Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. The meetings rotate between the east and west side of the County. The meeting on the east side meets at the City of Daytona Beach Commission Chamber and on the west side the meeting is held in the County Council Chambers in DeLand. Three year term. All of the boards are subject to the "Sunshine Law". Board members must be registered voters. Members of the Boards with an asterisk are required to file financial disclosures within 30 days of appointment. You will receive the application from the city clerks office. 1. PERSONAL (Please print) ~~~~:&:'e.i :=x,,~~!~t/!gk119' 3<6lo, .SfaL\ Home Phone3<i'2.J:)lo Business Phone: J35, E-Mail Address: 0,;ro\eot<? ~it>a a.5\tc\e ,~u 'CID?t\ 3~<.o Cell: I d-35. ~8L\ Are you a registered voter in South Daytona? $_Yes _ No How long have you been a resident South Daytona? &Q-t,lfilf'S 1 of Are you currently serving on a City Board?~ Have you ~ver served on a City Board? Ifyes,whenandwhichBoard. Lt:>R5 - Sac.e \?'"'oe±a ~008 2. REFERENCES - Please list three references (personal and/or business) R\\1e\~(\ J% l'<\e a'l!-0<\(. Name, address and phone number ~. pcct (X(}.(\~t.,:id. \cl 5 (3%\5-;;il ' OT3d, 3A--£ &ernua ,"a34J Gee.en S-t. >~& ~<>fo''°',~d-\ \~ C~crJp)1uD11 9 S Name, address and phone number Ll.a~ Qe\(\v~«lrri> C\\Y tloJemSo. L>r. ,:-n&~f'9"ct;3@\ t\ (3'bCo)s"~f1~'6/ Name, 3. dress and phone ber EDUCATION High School ~e~f\ College \bet=* \\ .$ DJ. Q.. 4. _____Q , 3 Date Graduated ) COS Date Graduated _ _ _ _ __ WORK E.XPERIE,NCE ~um t_ E}D~~G) c\\oa ,bJ ,\J:,f\ 'lroch~~\\C\{') (£_) \o.Dd ~a~'<\D~-CO..~}:E _Q ~ . 5. 6. 7. 8. Date .. t C"rl'Y OF SOS.!TH DA\'TO~A .\D\1~RY BOARDS \'OUlNTF.ER APl'LlCATION~ Thank you for your interest i:l Sim1.Jl8 the C'tfy of South Dlt)'tona. \'out t;oroplerion (If du~ npphcation 1s ne\:essary so that the members 1.)f tlte Ciry CounC'il ~1 th<'roui;hl~ re\ iew ~a.:h application as parr or thetr con.;idc."T'alt011 for di~ appointmi.."flt Y;.m ;.H~ w~lc(lme to ~ttal!h a lesumc' with the applkation Pl~~ choo~ the .Boaut{s) for whi1:h ~(!ll Vthh to apply If apptyir.g. for more than ond l3~1ar<l.. pleu.'>e nutnht'f m the order of )-{'lUr prcte1en~. f:i .Oll rm 1" Wed~Miay (If the mon!j1. ff.'I needed. C':ty C.\>1.:1tcil Chambt:r11 t; 00 ~- in 1'J \\.\'<lnl.'~da~· of tl;e 111oorh, as 11eeded. City C1Ln11:il Chami>cr~ Psrls ~ud Rccrcat1011 Dullfd no ;om JM Thuo.Ja)· of tl1'! P111g_,t1e Co1l'lmu1ii1~· C:1:t!t~· mlhlfh. 3' ln~c Proti:~.:ional W lnt'J Specdw.w 6 C"nter. 2~70 •>Ceded. BlnL ~Ult!! 100, Oit}t0"'1 &-a..;:h_ Re~brl~· !;Cheddi?d meetin"~ Ill' t!:e BPA(' ~.ill be hold on ll day and :ane :iµr~ upon annually by the ("ommit~~ Re{'ullOt mecung ci\1t:>1 am.J um~ may he chan~ed by aciii•n of th(· BPAC (\muniltet' iO 11.;;~inrnod;M desira!>lc ching.e, bc'<!U».> af huhJa~> aml'or Nhl!T r~P.sQn.; The r;tittns Ad\ i~ry Comminee uu:etc, the J'd Tuc!-da~ of"""<'''' month e\"l:cpt Jul~ and Dec<it~r which !U'O tyri~ally i:..uu:clled. f'ht mcttrn14 is at I JO p 111 in d1~ ·1 PO (' oofonm<e Room at 25 70 W lntcn1< Sre.:cfoay Bh-u. Sui:~ 100. l>aytona B~l'h Anv q~,~~10.1s c..111i;i.:t Pa:~la Blankettsh•p at - or crr/J 086} U5--042i, ext 21 \ii:~·L'" tht- .i''' \\'ed;le~.lay of lhe momh al 7 00 p m l'he m.-titmps :"1lh: l•C!We4::l tlie C<lSi and we)11JUle of rhc Ct-.unrv Tht me~un~ 011 1he ;:1~1. 11idt rr~¢tff :it the City of Dayto:1a Be-ltch "cammiss1un Cham~·r and on 1he W!o')it ~ldc 11'~ n11:~1n1g is h.?JJ in the Ct>ut!\'\' Com1d C'131!lbcrs m Dr:Land Three year 1enn All of the bo:uJs a~ suhJC<:t 10 the ··suulihin..: La"." Uoard 111,·inhe1s 1nu$l be 1~istered 1\lcmb~rs i'f th~ Board~ appru.ntm~ \'O~"f~ wit11 all !4.!>l\!n3k art> r~11cd to Ii.le f1n:m.:1al dhcl<Jsur\!s v,.nhm 30 days of Yuu wit\ n:C(.'l\~ the uppli\:ation th1m tlu: city dcrkll oflkc ,..) I ' &:l-' i: £/1~l}_•J:.~··.t..<;;.,;_. ,./#1:-f.f.. ;.._ ./. <:....J/IJ r.-Matl Addrc!IS. . ./ .\le you a n:gi~c::n:d \'Olc1 m Soutti I>a} toua·:- . "':_ _, ~ __ .. . ::-.o How 101~ have yo11~"ll11 r~:11d~11t ofS\Yuth U.iy1011:t''.r.?..)"·.r..:~· . Are you wtrCJ1dy ~n ing \lll a Cit} Roord-7 _ •( _ Hav~ytiu c'.t:i ~·ed ''"'a City Bo.u'd·> lfy<:'S, w!Ll.!u and whk..'1t llo:\Td ~-'-'''-~~':.··/5. ·~. f. .;,,,~\!~--··~- ::-»,;:l1_-;j.·._1..._._.'°'~.... f~::'::.-;· /1. < ,.j- ,.;--·.... .~~l°!I.~' t:.> .· 2 Rtff.RENC£S • Pte3..--e hst thrct rderi:ux• ip~-rSC\n;d :mcl/or bti:ssn~~) ~- :_~{2f ~wni:. /: /) ;t·;. , h h ., I. " I .......l4~f&..~~ ~;_. J!S-".:~3_;__ ..L(: (::.: -'~ ..-:.-_!.,-:_ ..~¥ I ' ilddt"t:ssltlld phvn.: num~ . •. ... - }l' . .- : . -• .7,11.,, :?.: • • · ';I/.·, ' ~;··~ . c • •, .- J ... .,,,, C'.'.<... ' -WiJPilt'llC nuin-~;. ·· - ·_-;.~.-;r·: s· ;.:.? :. .;~..27/_ ~afitZaJJ[;;.~ • ~ ·"; ' . '!/;:.... ,, ;- / 1"' y~':.~ •'··~ ......,~ ~ ;~-:).:.,;...'.l:.; .J ~ :~:~::-~ 2~:::.!'!? ...I'~ 1 7- ; ~. 4..' .. •• ___________ _ z;,.;;,_. '/ ,-;•. :-'l· ., •• / / /.', • • . .") ,. - 'J ,·/ .~ . /. / ·;/ •./ • ) ..... :;_:;~ ,_ ~::::_.~;.;'.£(. ·'---~L~-·- '-•L·!< ..::·.~ ~ .f-.,.1',;,.;,;tJ;:____..:;)'!·-LL!t.f ·._ ,· .'illll~••uldtl!;.& au<l phone number ·y.•,' •., .....;,/, ~ • -· ~ ·-:. · .. • ' - r. -- :.-::(..... ,-;,_,; !i. --~/! . ?.i-' "'. ----- ~;-:::r/ l'li.-sse 1'.'lum thi'i dpplK3!iC111 to l)l)bhi~ Fit?·Gerald. Deputy Ct~ ( 11.-ri.:. Ci!} of South 03)tnna f' 0 Hul'l 2W>tiO, South l>ay1c1ta, FL ~2121 or at C'ity H:.!1. 1672 S RiJt~~,,.,~ A\·cmie, Sf°Julh ~1ona i\ny C)ll\.':>.tl011s pl~\bt ~all 381).32.1-.~0 I I. CITY OF SOUTH DAYTONA ADVISORY BOARDS VOLUNTEER APPLICATIONS Thank you for your interest in serving the City of South Daytona. Your completion of this application is necessary so that the members of the City Council can thoroughly review each application as part of their consideration for the appointment. You are welcome to attach a resume' with the application. Please choose the Board(s) for which you wish to apply. nwnber in the order of your preference. If applying for more than one Board, please Adjustment and Appeals Board* 6:00 p.m. 1'1 Wednesday of the month, as needed, City Council Chambers Land Development Regulation Board"' 6:00 p.m. 3rd Wednesday of the month, as needed, City Council Chambers Parks and Recreation Board 6:00 p.m. 3 rd Thursday of the month, as needed, Piggotte Community Center TPO Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Cornmitteelndigo Professional Center, 2570 W. Int'l Speedway Blvd., Suite 100, Daytona Beach. Regularly scheduled meetings of the BPAC shall be held on a day and time agreed upon annually by the Committee. Regular meeting dates and times may be changed by action of the BPAC Committee to accommodate desirable changes because of holidays and/or other reasons. TPO Citizen Advisory Committee The Citizens Advisory Committee meets the 3rd Tuesday of every month except July and December which are typically cancelled. The meeting is at 1:30 p.m. in the TPO Conference Room at 2570 W. International Speedway Blvd., Suite 100, Daytona Beach. Any questions contact Pamela Blankenship at or call {386) 226-0422, ext. 21. _ _ Volusia Growth Management Commission Meets t.lie 4th Wedriesday cf the month at 7:00 p .m. The meetings rotate between the east and west side of the County. The meeting on the east side meets at the City of Daytona Beach Commission Chamber and on the west side the meeting is held in the County Council Chambers in DeLand. Three year term . All of the boards are subject to the " Sunshine Law". Board members must be registered voters. Members of the Boards with an asterisk are required to file financial disclosures within 30 days of appointment. You will receive the application from the city clerks office. I. PERSONAL (Please print) Name {;:,'(/)(, Address ·:y\()/j}./\'7 ~'{ Date of Birth GJJ b ~...,rt ~\% 't '\v 4....-i-°f -l°lW Home Phone: ~;l (p Business Phone: Cell: E-Mail Address: ~ z;e:.vt~t.--c..vwi~~-- tDPl ----- Are you a registered voter in South Daytona? ;::_("Yes How long have you been a resident of South Daytona? 0 _ _ No jY-? Are you currently serving on a City Board?~ Have you ever served on a City Board? If yes, when and which Board. _ _,/.J.)~~""'""-.....__/Jjd_.....,_;;'--~...__________ 2. REFERENCES - Please list three references (personal and/or business) C/~f\~ {)div - 46Mdi.ebVlc&- CGu-'1- fO 38~ 6bf, oB3'-/ Name, address and phone number ~vH-t~ Vo-ae- --- ~ t~D '-I0'::/-58r:t-f:f1so Name, address and phone number 'Ron ftllol\t\~V) ~~~ l~VLRA 36& Bs~U3LtJ Name, address and phone number 3. EDUCATION High School College 'JVSTl JV Ht..M Baktrt HI bf/( Date Graduated /99~ Date Graduated ~Z-bO-~J_ _ __ -z.'1)1"'"tE" ~Vll/OVL~ f l?<ky~ I~ 5. INTEREST/ACTIVITIES 6. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT '/JCf\ ~1 ~~ 7. . ()~ 8. I understand the responsibilities of being a board member, and I have adequate time to serv~ 8~~ f.}/z_ot5 CITY OF SOUTH DAYTONA ADVISORY BOARDS VOLUNTEER APPLICATIONS Thank you for your interest in serving the City of South Daytona. Your comp1etion of this application i"!! necessary so that the members of the City Council can thoroughly review each application as part of their consideration for the appointment. Please .choose the Board(s) for which you wish to apply. If applying for more than one Board, please number in the order of your preference. 6:00 p.m. l 11 Wednesday of the month, as needed, City Council Chambers Adjustment and Appeals Board* _X_ Land Development Regulation Board* 6:00 p.m; 3n1 Wednesday of the month; as needed, City Council Chambers Parks and Recreation Board 6:00 p.m. 3nl Thursday of the month, as 11eeded, Piggotte Community Center TPO Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Commiltee TPO Citizen Advisory Committee _ _ Volusia Growth Management Commission Indigo Professional Center, 2570 W. Jnt'l Speedway Blvd., Suite 100, Daytonn Beach Regularlv schedqled meetings of the BPAC shall be held on a d'ay and time agreed upon annually by the Committee. Regular meeting dates and times may be changed·by action of the Committee (BPAC) to accommodate desirable changes because of holidays and/or other reasons. The Citizens Advisol'y Committee meets the 3rd Tuesday of every month except July and December which are typically C8'1Celled. The meeting is at 1:30 p.m. in the TPO Conference Room at 2570 W. International Speedway Blvd., Suite 100, Daytona Beach. Any questions contact Pamela Blankenship at or call (386) 2260422, ext. 21. Meets the 4th Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. The meetings rotate between the east and west side of the County. The meeting on the east side meets at the City of Daytona Beach Commission Chamber and on the west side the meeting is held in the County Council Chambers in Deland. Three yeal' term. All of the boal'ds are subject to the "Sunshine Law", Board members must be registered voters. Members of the Boards with an asterisk are required to file financial disclosures within 30 days of appointment. You will receive the application from the city managers office. 1. PERSONAL (Please print) Name: Abe Agront Date of Birth: 16 Nov 1954 Address: 38 Spinnaker Circle, South Daytona Fl 32119 Home Phone: 763-1285 Business Phone: Cell: 547-2375 E-Mail Address: Are you a registered voter in South Daytona? Yes How long have you been a resident of South Daytona? 12 Are you currently serving on a City Board? Yes Have you ever served on a City Board? If yes, when and which Board,· Currently as an alternate in the Land Development Regulation Board 2. REFERENCES -Please list three references (personal and/or business) Eddie Robertson. 460 Walker St. Holly Hill Fl 32119 Name, address and phone number 257-1186 Tony Guidice. 460 Walker St. Holly Hill Fl 32119 Name, address and phone number 257-1186 John Hosey. 3731 Nova Rd. Port Orange. Fl 32129 767-3161 Name, address and phone number 3. EDUCATION High School: ENY Voe & Tech HS Columbia College, BSBA College Golden Gate University, MBA Date Graduated 1972 Date Gl'aduated 1980 Date Graduated 1987 4. WORK EXPERIENCE : Retired Air Force Field Grade Officer~ Currently Director Environmental, Health & Safety (Overseeing EHS, Security, Maintenance, WC, and other activities) for local manufacturing company. 5. INTEREST/ACTIV~TIES: 6. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT: Current alternate member of Land Development Regulation Board; was involved in city takeover of PPL activities; President Harborside Village HOA; President Bristol Bay Condo Association; 7. WHY DO YOU DESIRE TO SERVE ON A BOARD? Have a more active involvement in what happens in South Daytona. 8. A resume or separate sheet with additional information may be included. Reading, Community Service, and attending Church. I understand the responsibilities of being a board member, and I have adequate time to serve, if a pointed. Please return this application to Debbie Fitz-Gerald, Deputy City Clerk. City of South Daytona, P.O. Box 214960, South Daytona, FL 32121 or-at City Hall, 1672 S. Ri~gewood Avenue, South Daytona. Any questions, please caH 386-322-3011.