6-phase fault-tolerant permanent magnet traction drive for EVs
6-phase fault-tolerant permanent magnet traction drive for EVs
European Conference on Nanoelectronics and Embedded Systems for Electric Mobility “eMobility eMotion” 25-26th September 2013, Toulouse, France 6-phase Fault-Tolerant Permanent Magnet Traction Drive for Electric Vehicles Chris Gould, University of Sheffield Vipulkumar Patel Jiabin Wang Dian Nugraha Radovan Vuletic Jonas Tousen Jan Klenner High Power Motor Role of partners in supply chain IGBT 650V 6~ IFAG 22 kW 22 kW 320 V 320 V Gear ratio (8-10) 41 kW 320 V USFD VW 41 kW Multi-phase inverter with independent control Fault tolerant multiphase motor having wide speed range with high efficiency Specifications and Workbench tests Key challenges for EV traction A A. Starting torque at low speed B B. Acceleration C. Efficiency D. Speed range E. Power density F. Torque ripple G. Reliability & fault tolerance D H. Flexibility of control Drive train & design specifications Motor 41 kW Inverter 2 Inverter 1 32 kW Battery 2800 Power train drive for segment A vehicle 11000 Nominal DC link voltage 320 V Maximum line-line voltage 650 V Cooling medium Water Novel fault-tolerant 6-phase electric motor Novel 6-phase, 18-slot, 8-pole winding configuration Improvement of safety and availability by designing the machine topology as two independent balanced 3-phase systems in single stator Fault tolerant as vehicle will continue to run with 50% power/torque output even with loss of one 3-phase system Lower torque ripple & cogging torque Lower eddy current losses in rotor PMs Lower copper losses due to shorter end-windings Novel fault-tolerant 6-phase motor Development of winding configuration A+ F+ F+ B- A+ B+ B+ 4 A- B- FF- A+ 6 1 7 B+ C- C 8 C+ C+ A- B- B- CC- C- 3-phase, 9-slot, 8-/10-pole winding F A- 6 D+ D+ D+ EE- 5 F+ 4 A A+ A+ A+ 3 2 14 14 B+ C- 7 A- FF- 1 11 1 12 12 D D 13 13 DDD- D- C+ 9 B- 10 10 B A+ A 2 8 9 D+ D+ 3 B B+ B+ A- 5 B- F+ F+ B+ FF- 15 C C+ + C C+ + C 16 17 16 E+ D- E 1 18 18 E+ E+ AC C+ + EE- CC- EE- C- 6-phase, 18-slot, 8-/10-pole winding Novel fault-tolerant 6-phase motor Normalized MMF space harmonics distribution 1 0.9 0.8 9-slot, 8-pole 18-slot, 8-pole MMF (pu) 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 5 10 15 Order of harmonic 20 25 The novel winding configuration eliminates many harmonics, which leads to lower eddy current loss in PM and lower torque ripple in a machine. Novel fault-tolerant 6-phase motor Design Constraints for EV traction motor with PMs Type of constraints Volumetric Design parameter Stator outer radius mm ≤ 75.00 Stack length of the motor mm ≤ 150.00 kg ≤ 1.2 mWb ≤ 74.7 mH > 0.256 Inductance (to achieve high efficiency in field weakening region) mH ≤ 0.721 Copper winding temperature ˚C ≤ 180˚ Steel lamination temperature ˚C ≤ 225˚ PM temperature ˚C ≤ 150˚ Mass of PM material Maximum flux linkage (derived from maximum line-to-line voltage) Electromagnetic Inductance (to achieve peak torque) Thermal Constraints Novel fault-tolerant 6-phase motor Design optimized against specifications, mechanical and thermal constraints for maximum efficiency over NEDC Cross-section of optimized design MAGWID/2 LM IPMHQ Conceptual design Optimized design 1.1 kg PM material 0.9 kg PM material 94.4% energy efficiency over NEDC 94.9% energy efficiency over NEDC Novel fault-tolerant 6-phase motor Performance of the optimized design – at rated & peak torque 150 140 130 Rated torque Peak torque 120 110 Nm 75 140 % 2.5 4.2 rpm 2800 2800 A 74.0 172.5 A/mm2 9.7 22.7 140 Copper loss W 809 4394 120 Iron loss W 181 273 100 0.92 PM eddy current loss W 8 56 80 0.9 Torque ripple Speed Peak current Current density Efficiency % 95.7 89.7 100 90 80 70 60 50 0 60 120 180 240 Rotor angle (elect. deg) 300 360 0.96 Torque, Nm Torque Peak Torque Torque (Nm) Rated Torque 0.94 0.88 60 0.86 40 NEDC energy efficiency % 0.84 94.9 20 0 0.82 2000 4000 6000 Speed, rpm 8000 10000 12000 0.8 Novel fault-tolerant 6-phase motor Prototype motor & inverter Rotor assembly Laminations Stator frame Stator assembly Motor assembly Inverter with instrumentation Novel fault-tolerant 6-phase motor Test bench for direct measurement of efficiency at USFD Novel fault-tolerant 6-phase motor Comparison of prediction and test results at USFD 100 98 FEA Ph A FEA Ph B FEA Ph C Test Ph A Test Ph B Test Ph C 60 Back EMF (V) 40 20 0 -20 97 96 95 Efficiency (%) 80 93 92 -40 -60 91 -80 90 -100 0 Measured Predicted 94 60 120 180 240 Rotor Angle (deg, electrical) Back EMF at 2800 rpm 300 360 89 0 10 20 30 40 50 Torque (Nm) 60 70 80 Efficiency at 2800 rpm The measured back EMF matches very well with the finite element analysis predictions with a difference being just 2.7%. The efficiency at the base speed of 2800 rpm matches closely with the prediction. Novel fault-tolerant 6-phase motor Torque (Nm) Torque (Nm) Measured efficiency map of inverter & motor with 320V at VW Speed (rpm) Speed (rpm) Efficiency map of 6-phase inverter Efficiency map of 6-phase motor Both the inverter and the motor exhibits high efficiency over the wide speed range. Novel fault-tolerant 6-phase motor Torque (Nm) Measured efficiency map of power drive train at VW Speed (rpm) The novel fault-tolerant motor-inverter drive system has a high efficiency over wide speed range. Conclusions Novel 6-phase motor is designed and developed to enhance safety and availability of power train drive. The motor is inherently fault tolerant. Loss of one 3-phase system does not result into complete loss of traction power. The new motor configuration exhibits high efficiency over a wide speed range, which is one of the key requirement for EV traction. Series of experimental measurements on a prototype motor and inverter have validated the novel fault-tolerant motor.