Oddono`s Chiswick 159 Chiswick High Road
Oddono`s Chiswick 159 Chiswick High Road
LondonBorough of Hounslow LondonLocalAuthorities for the Grant/ Renewal Application Licence @ Md ruJ f-&J All questionsto be answeredin full t"i,l.t All applicantsshouldprovideproofof identity- copyof passpott,ftpts photo o{*+gcent & a copy licencephotocard,(otherofficiallD cardwith a NC requirements andthcSuncil utilitybill(thiswillmeetthe moneylaundering duediligence. undertaking completesection1 & 2 All applicantsS[ for a shopfrontdisplayor a stallMUSTcompletesections1,2,3& Applicants 6 for pavementcafes(placingtablesandchairson the highway) Applicants [$fcomplete sections1,2,4&6 for'A' boardsMUS'[completesections1,2,5&6 Applicants drawnplanto the scaleof 1:2500of submitan accurately All applicants S[ toprior subiect maybeaccepted sizedplans the areato be appfiedtor. (alEmative agreementwith the licensingmanager) for the areato be appliedfor. submitphotographs All applicants @[ checkwiththe planningteamif planningconsentis All applicants [$[ of an application requiredpriorto submission L B Hounslowis undera duty to protectthe funds it administersand to this end may use the information that you have provided to this authority for cross system and use the information that you have provided to this authority for cross system and cross authority comparison purposes for the preventionand detection of fraud. lM/e herebyapplyto the LondonBoroughof Hounslowunderthe above-mentioned Acts,to be licencedfor StreetTrading. SECTION{ - Applicant Details (Pleasecompleteif applyingas a company) Pleasestatethe tradingnameof yourcompany ODDONO'SGELATIITALIANILTD Registeredaddressof company 14 BUTESTREET Town LONDON Postcode SW73EX Tel No: 0333 8000480 Email: info@oddonos.com No. 47 84 781 PleasestateCompanyRegistration Whattypeof company LIMITED (Pleasecompleteif applyingin person) (pleasespecify) Title:Mr/Mrs/Ms/Other Forename(s): Surname: PrivateHomeaddress: Postcode: Town: No: Telephone Email: No: NationalInsurance Dateof Birth: Placeof Birth: SECTION2 - BusinessDetails lf you are sellingfood,you MUSTbe registeredas a food businesswith Localauthority whereyour businessis based. to sellfood?YES/NO YES Are youintending lf yes, pleaseprovideevidencethat you are registeredas a food business Dateof Registration: 08/01/20'15 RegistrationNo: OF HOUNSLOW LocalAuthority:LONDONBOROUGH in FoodSafety noU a current(withinthe last 3 years)Level2 Qualification Voup of Healthor Royal Society Health, accreditedby the CharteredInstituteof Environmental includea photocopy) The RoyalInstituteof PublicHealthand Hygiene.(Please Gertificate No: 1489808 Date of lssue: 16 042014 Pleasestatewhattypeof food you intendto sell,and howandwherethe foodyou intendto sellwill be produced? ON SITE ICECREAM,PRODUCED for a minimumof It is a requirement thatyou MUSThavepublicliabilityinsurance t2.000.000 (pleaseprovidea copyof theceftificate) Dateof lssue: 2 3 J U N E2 0 1 4 CertificateNo: Dateof Expiry: 2 3 J U N E2 0 1 5 to provideevidenceon howyou intendto removetradewastefromthe It is a requirement site: WE WILL USEVEOLIA Waste Contract No: 269 757 01 It is a requirement that you provideevidenceon howyou willtransportfreshwaterto the site and howyou intendto disposeof the wastewater. Pleasestate details here: N/A Howdo you intendto providepowerto yoursite? N/A electricalequipmentand Gas Cylinders Pleaseprovidesafetycertificatesfor Generators, N/A to thescaleof YouMUSTprovidea planof the licencedareafor alltypesof application prior plans (alternative agreement with thelicensing subiect to may be accepted 1:2500 sized manager) ,./ PlanAttached: "K ^ licensedarea of the proposed You MUSTprovidephotographs ''',. attached' E Photos X Do youholdor haveeverhelda streettradinglicencein the L B Hounslow?YES/NO givedetails anddates)NO location (lfyesPlease Inc.,Number, ODDONO'S CHISWICK Nameof premises HIGHROAD Address159CHISWICK Town:LONDON No:03338000480 Telephone Postcode:W4 2DT Email:info@oddonos.com inMetres) area(measurements caf6lseating Sizeof areato beusedforthepavement two areasof Width:2Cmeters Depth:1.0meters TradingTimes: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday .9.00am 9.00am .9.00am .9.00am .9.00am .9.00am .9.00am ....11.00pm ....11.00pm ....11.00pm ....11.00pm ....00.00pm ....00.00pm ....11.00pm Wherewill the tables& chairsbe storedat the end of tradinghours? INSIDETHE SHOP ' SECTION5 -'A' Boardsor other DisplayObjects CHISWICK Nameof premises ODDONO'S HIGHROAD Address159CHISWICK Town:LONDON No:03338000480 Telephone Postcode:W42DT Email:info@oddonos.com in Metres) Sizeof areato be usedfor the A' Board/s(measurements Depth:0.5 Width:0.7 TradingTimes: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday . . ... . 9 . 0 0 a m .......9.00am ......9.00am ......9.00am . . .. . . 9 . 0 0 a m ......9.00am ......9.00am .11.00pm ..11.00pm .11.00pm .1'l.00pm .00.00pm .00.00pm .11.00pm Wherewill the 'A' Boardor DisplayObjec{sbe storedat the end of tradinghours? INSIDETHE SHOP SECTION6 - ApplicantDeclaration lANedeclarethat: ,x formaretrueto the bestof withinthisapplication Thedetailscontained andbelief. my/ourknowledge I haveattachedan accurateplanto the scaleoH:350O | : 50 as required. I haveattachedphotographs x x I of (Stallapplicants only)| haveattachedtwofullfacephotographs andanyemployee. the applicant I haveaftachedand providedevidenceof food registration. -} I haveattachedand providedevidenceof Level2 BasicFood Hygienecertificates Y I haveattachedand providedevidenceof a wastecontractif required Y I haveattachedand providedevidenceof publicliabilityinsurance * I haveaftachedand providedevidenceof safetycertificatesfor equipment lrjk t Y I haveattacheda cheque/postalorder(madepayableto the L B Hounslow)for the applicationfee and the appropriatelicencefee I understandthat if I do not completethe appropriatesectionsof my application formandprovidedthe requiredinformation the application Pleasereturn completedform to: L B Hounslow - Licenslng Department Development & Environment Economic Regeneration, CivicCentre LamptonRoad Hounslow TW34DN 02085835555 OfficialUse Decision GrantYes/No Manager Licensing / GELATIITALIANILTD ODDONO'S ODDONO,S CHISWICK HIGHROAD- LONDONW4 2DT 159 CHISWICK E- FE F x E? 9E 9,E =o <d , . = i - - v B Ylr) | | | | E E 'E. pE #o oci F 8E z U,.l €; e: €.E ES I n -- = UJ 5 xE ;< 3 6&a irJ ul 9 =4 9Y(J z ur oot! =g(t, z d F E3 6i o I F F z uJ = ll.l