EFSCA Congress 2011 Andorra - European Fire Service Colleges


EFSCA Congress 2011 Andorra - European Fire Service Colleges
07th, 08th & 09th JUNE 2011
Departament de Prevencio i Extincio d'Incendis i Salvament
C. Verge del Remei, 4-12, Andorra la Vella,
Principat d'Andorra
Meetings & Accommodation were held at
The Hotel Husa Mola Park,
Andorra la Vella
Principality of Andorra
Jordi Farré CANELLES (Deputy Director)
Pere de la TORRE (Responsable for Training’ Organization)
Xavier Nuez SILVA (Trainer)
Department de Prevenció i Extinció d’Incendis i Salvament - DEPEIS
Kasterlee Fire Service Chief
Christiaan ROETS (Chief of Training Department)
Federal Public Service Home Affairs - National Centre of Expertise for
Civil Protection
Radoslav Hristov KARTOV (Deputy Dean)
Faculty of Fire and Emergency Safety of the Academy of Minister of
Radim PALOCH (Director)
Fire Service College
Vojtěch VRANAY (Lecturer/EFSCA Treasurer)
Fire Service College
Flemming ANDERSEN (Head of Educational and Training Division)
Educational and Training Division of Danish Emergency Management
Agency (DEMA)
Henning JENSEN (Head of College)
Emergency Service College, Danish Emergency Management Agency
Margus MÖLDRI (Director)
Public Service Academy, Rescue College
Martin SEELAND (Deputy Head Technical Operations)
Fire Service Academy Hamburg (Feuerwehr Akademie Hamburg)
The Fire Service Technical College – FSTC, Reykjavik
Paula MALECZKY (English language teacher)
Zsolt HORVAT (Teacher)
Hungarian Disaster Management Training Centre, Ministry of Interior
Eriks STANKEVICS (Deputy Director)
Iveta VORZA (Head of Applied Research Unit)
Fire Safety and Civil Protection College
Valdas KRULIKAUSKAS (The Chief of Firefighters Training School)
Vaida JASENAITE (Person in charge for International Relations)
Firefighters' Training School, Fire and Rescue Department under MI
Republic of Lithuania
Wim BECKMANN (Head of Fire Academy)
Jaap MOLENAAR (Trainer/Advisor in the Fire Academy)
Netherlands Institute for Safety – NIFV (NIBRA)
Jerzy WOLANIN (Deputy Rector - Research)
Tomasz ZWEGLINSKI (Head of International Co-operation
The Main School of Fire Service
Florin NEACŞA (Dean)
Ionel-Alin MOCIOI (University Lecturer, International Relations
Manager/EFSCA Secretary)
Police Academy “Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Fire Officers Faculty
Milan DUBRAVAC (Head of Fire School)
Andrej BIAGGIO (Training Instructor)
Training Centre for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief
Maria Rosa CALVO (Head of Specialized Training Department)
Jordi SANS PINYOL (Head of Research)
Escola de Bombers, Institut de Seguretat Publica de Catalunya
Firefighters School, Institute for Public Safety of Catalonia
Mykhaylo KOZIAR (Rector)
Taras RAK (Head of Department – lecturer)
Lviv State University of Vital Activity Safety
Stephen COPLEY (Business Development Director)
Fire Service College Moreton-in-Marsh
Ms. Neus VILA (Senior Consultant)
Ms. Elisa FITÉ (Founding Partner)
Andorran Company Opció – Recourses Humans
Department de Prevenció i Extinció d’Incendis i Salvament
Oscar López MOLINA
Sots Official, member of the CISAIKAR, member of the Group Mountain
Rescue from the fire brigades of Andorra
Samuel DURÓ
Official pilot at HELIAND
Chief of the Firestation of Foix & National technical advisor for rescue
Captain Jérôme SALLES (Deputy Chief of Training Service)
Adc. Pierre MUNTANER
SDIS Pyrénées-Orientales
Disaster Management Training Centre – DMTC
Miguel SEGUI BUENAVENTURA (Chief of South Area)
Jose Luis LEGIDO REVUELTA (Chief of North Area)
Fire Service of the City of Madrid
Jordi SANS PINYOL (Industrial Engineer, Inspector of the Fire Service
Department, Research and Cooperation Area)
Institut de Seguretat Pública de Catalunya, Barcelona
Juanan JEREZ
1 The Program of the 2011 Annual Meeting – International Conference
“Training for Emergency Response in Hard Accessible Areas” &
General Assembly, Departament de Prevenció i Extinció d’Incendis i
Salvament – DEPEIS, Andorra la Vella, Andorra, 07th-09th June 2011
7th June - Tuesday
12:00 - 20:00
18:30 - 20:00
20:00 - 22:00
Arrivals at Barcelona airport and transfer to Andorra by bus at:
Hotel Mola Parc 4* Escaldes Engordany ANDORRA
Collecting of accreditation cards at the hotel
(possibility to access to Caldea; swimsuit is required)
EFSCA Board meeting
Dinner in the hotel
Dress code: Casual
8th June - Wednesday
07:30 - 08:30
08:30 - 09:00
09:00 - 09:30
10:00 - 10:30
10:30 - 11:00
11:00 - 11:30
11:30 - 12:00
12:00 - 12:30
12:30 - 13:00
13:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 15:00
15:00 - 19:00
20:00 - 23:00
Breakfast in the hotel
Dress code Uniform/Smart
Flag raising / Group photo
Welcome speeches to delegates and presentation of the 2011 EFSCA
 EFSCA’ President – Mr. Wim Beckman
 Deputy-Director DEPEIS – Mr. Jordi Farré Canelles
 Minister of the Interior of the Andorran Government – Mr. Marc Vila
1st Presentation
2nd Presentation
3rd Presentation
4th Presentation
5th Presentation
Dress code: Casual
Visit the “Central Fire Station” and exhibition and the “Casa de la Vall”
Free time for shopping and other
OFICIAL DINNER in the hotel
Dress code: Smart
9th June - Thursday
08:30 - 09:00
09:00 - 09:30
09:30 - 10:00
10:00 - 10:30
10:30 - 11:00
11:00 - 11:30
11:30 - 12:00
12:00 - 12:30
Breakfast in the hotel
1st Presentation
2nd Presentation
3rd Presentation
4th Presentation
5th Presentation
Explaining workshop
Dress code: Uniform/Smart
12:30 - 13:00
13:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 15:30
15:30 - 17:00
20:00 - 22:00
EFSCA General Assembly
President’s Report
Secretary’s Report
Treasurer’s Report
New EFSCA Secretary election
New members
Other issues (e.g. change in the Constitution)
Presentation of Latvia for next EFSCA Assembly
Hand over medals
Passing the EFSCA flag to Latvia
Closing of the General Assembly by the President
Board Meeting
Dinner in the hotel
Dress code: Casual
10th June Friday
07:30 - 08:00
Breakfast in the hotel
Delegates Departure/Transfer to Barcelona Airport
2 Opening of the Annual Meeting & Conference Program Presentation
08th June 2011, Andorra la Vella, Principality of Andorra
08:30 – 09:30
All members participating to the 2011 EFSCA annual meeting joined together for the EFSCA
Flag raising. The event took place in the square situated in front of the Mola Parc hotel and the
flag was raised in the tunes of Anthem of firefighters from Andorra.
The event was followed by a group photo of all participants to the annual meeting of EFSCA.
Then, the delegates were invited to enter in the conference room for welcome speeches and
for the start of the 2011 Conference works.
Welcome speeches of the annual meeting from Andorra, in 2011
1st Speech – Mr. Jordi Farré Canelles, Deputy Director of the Departament de Prevenció i
Extinció d’Incendis i Salvament – DEPEIS of the Government of Andorra
2 Speech – Mr. Wim Beckmann, The President of the EFSCA
3rd Speech – Mr. Marc Vila Amigo, The Minister of Interior of the Government of the Andorra
President of EFSCA Speech
Honoured minister Bila Amigo, chairman, distinguished members of the European Fire
Service College’s Association,
On behalf of the EFSCA, it is my great privilege an honour to welcome you all to this
international EFSCA- conference.
First I would like to thank minister Bila Amigo very much for his support for this conference,
without that our conference here in Andorra would not have been possible at all. I think I may
speak for all of you, that we are all very pleased to be here in this lovely country of Andorra and
to discover that this country is not only big in emergency response but also in hospitality.
Special thanks to the bombers of Andorra, not only because they jointed the EFSCA with
great enthusiasm, but also for the fact that they were willing to be our host country right away.
Thank you very much for that. And believe me, it takes quite some courage to be the host country
after the very successful and perfect organized conference of last year in Barcelona! Rosi, Jordi
and your team, thank you so much for being our host last year, you did a perfect job.
Honored minister, chairman, distinguished members,
problems in our countries are, due to the economic crises serious, very serious. Safety
problems threats are nevertheless as big as ever, or even bigger, I’m afraid. It means less money
to solve them, it means, as I analyzed the situation in my home country, that we have to be more
creative, that we need more innovations, that we have to do our jobs more effective and smart, to
deliver the same service level and safety standards to our population.
Maybe EFSCA can help by exchanging ideas, good practice and new concepts. May this
conference be useful for all of us
After the speeches, Mr. Jordi Farré opened the EFSCA Conference of 2011, with the subject
“Training for Emergency Response in Hard Accessible Areas”. He presented also the program of
the Conference and the Chairmen for each session.
The Conference has been divided in 4 Sessions, as follows:
Wednesday, 08th June 2011
1st Session – 10:00-11:00
10:00 - 10:30
1st Presentation: “Rescue Dog Training and Professional Career”, Major
Xavier Stinglhamber, Chief de Fire station of Foix (F), National technical
advisor for rescue dogs.
10:30 - 11:00
2nd Presentation: “Working Model Based on Empirical Research Projects
as Part of Training and Operational Training”, Official’s Miguel Segui
Buenaventura & Jose Luis Legido Revuelta, Fire officials, Chief of area
(South and North) of the fire service of the City of Madrid (E).
2nd Session – 11:30-13:00
11:30 - 12:00
3rd Presentation: “Train the Trainer Workshop: A Successful FrancoAndorran Experience”, Ms. Elisa Fité, Senior Consultant and founding
partner of the Andorran Company Opció Recourses Humans from 1997 to
date, developing as Director responsible for all technical projects and
formations made by the company.
12:00 - 12:30
4th Presentation: “The Training of the Group’s Dive Rescue Fire Brigades
of Andorra”, Mrs. Alain Moreno & Xavier Font, Sots Official’s Chief &
Member Group Dive Rescue from fire brigades of Andorra.
12:30 - 13:00
5th Presentation: “Training for Response and Rescue at Hard to Access
Incident Scenes in Hungary, by the Special Rescue Vehicles of the
National Training Centre and the Budapest City Fire Department”,
Captain Zsolt Horvath, Disaster Management Training Centre, Hungary.
Thursday, 09th June 2011
3rd Session – 09:00-10:30
09:00 - 09:30
1st Presentation: “European Projects in Fire Safety”, Mr. Jordi Sans,
Industrial Engineer, Inspector of the Fire Service Dpt., Research and
Cooperation Area of the Institut de Seguretat Pública de Catalunya (E).
09:30 - 10:00
10:00 - 10:30
2nd Presentation: “CISAIKAR”, Mr. Oscar Lopez, Sots Official, member
the CISAIKAR, member of the Group Mountain Rescue from fire brigades
of Andorra.
3rd Presentation: “Training for Emergency Response in Ravines”, Captain
Jêrome Salles, Deputy Chief of Service Train des Pyrénées – Orientales (F).
4th Session – 11:00-11:30
11:00 - 11:30
4th Presentation: “Helicopter Rescue Training”, Sr. Samuel Duró – Official
pilot at HELIAND.
3 The International Conference “Development of a Virtual Interactive
Network Among the Fire Service Training Centers”
3.1 The 1st Session of the Conference
08th June 2011, 10:00 – 11:00
1st Presentation
Major Xavier Stinglhamber, Chief of the Fire Station of Foix from France & National
technical advisor for rescue dogs – “Rescue Dog Training and Professional Career”
1950 – Swiss - first country using dogs for rescue
ANENA – 1971
1986 – CISA – 1992
Search & rescue dogs Operator.
- 140 avalanches R-T, Sécurité Civile
- 15-20 Firefighters teams
- 20 Police teams
- 20 Military teams.
Rubbles SAR dogs – G.N.R.- Cynotechnique / 150 teams - Rubble SAR and missing person
SAR Questage - Sectorization
Recycling - every 5 years – Valabre.
- Wim Beckmann, The Netherlands: costs 400 € in 1971& 3000 €
- Mr. Jordi Sans, Spain: “Do you think that is possible for a dog to detect the accelerant
products (substances), in case of ARSON?”
Answer: The Police is in charge for this.
- Milan Dubrvac, Slovenia: “Do you have Training of the dogs and trainers for traveling
by helicopters?”
Answer: Yes, we do this!
2nd Presentation
Fire officials Miguel Segui Buenaventura & José Luis Legido Revuelta, Chiefs of
areas (South and North) of the Fire Service of the City of Madrid, Spain – “Working Model
Based on Empirical Research Projects, as Part of Training and Operational Training”
- Recycling education System;
- Tunnels Experiments;
- Leonardo da Vinci;
- Spanish Fire Fighters Association.
- Mr. Jordi Sans, Spain:
“Volunteers Fire Fighters in Catalonia training/ or Part Time Firefighters?”
Answer: There is a very important number of volunteer Fire Fighters in Catalonia,
most of them are non-paid fire fighters but they receive an small amount of money to promote
their practices. Anyway, the part-time fire-fighter model is not still properly working in Spain.
- Mr. Alin Mocioi, Romania:
“Do you use real testing materials ?”
Answer: We are performing real fire practices in unoccupied old buildings. These
tests have also an investigation intention and we try to put together scientific approach with empiric
validation of computer fire simulation and real training for fire-fighters.
We use real furniture and others as controlled test combustible materials (liquid fuel pools,
wood pallets, wooden boards, polyester foam…..).
We also combine natural ventilation profiles to create different fire scenario situations.
- Mr. Vojtech Vranay, Czech Republic:
1. “How many persons you can train on a year?”
Answer: We are trying to create a continuous developing Project and use it to train
firemen from different fire departments. We expect to perform approximately 20-30 essays/tests
per year, with the participation of 8 to12 new fire-fighters per essay/exercise (we keep always the
recording, coordination and safety roles inside the project responsible team).
2. “How many time you need to prepare 1 exercise?”
Answer: It depends on the type of test/exercise. We have an arrangement with the
local civil protection organization that help us in all the logistics needed. Usually, we have to work
on the preparation of each exercise (that will end in less than one hour) about two or three days
(six hour/day)
- Luc Faes, Belgium: “How many people you need for experiments/exercise?”
Answer: Is the same group in all experiments, from the Spanish Firefighters Association.
In further development we want to increase the number of participants of different FD, but we
must be sure that they can participate with the adequate level of knowledge and safety conditions
requirements. In the test model that we are working now on, we need a minimum group of 12
people in order to cover the different objectives: Thermal image recording group, real image
recording, work/attack group, support/simultaneous group, SOS group, safety control group,
coordination supervisor, pump operator
- Tomasz Zweglinski, Poland: “The tests are standardized?”
Answer: Yes they are. These kinds of real tests in real structures are not so
standardised like laboratory tests, but we try to control the different aspects or development factors
to create good scientific documentation and conclusions: Fuel source, quantity and location,
ventilation profiles, temperature and radiation measures-recording (thermocouples and Thermal
camera), fire fighter intervention (safety, command and control procedures), post-fire computer
3.2 The 2nd Session of the Conference
08th June 2011, 11:30 – 13:00
3rd Presentation
Ms. Neus Vila and Ms. Elisa Fité (Senior Consultant and founding partner of the
Andorran Company Opció Recourses Humans from 1997 to date, developing as Director
responsible for all technical projects and formations made by the company), Opció Company
(Human Resources) – “Train the Trainer Workshop: A Successful Franco-Andorran
- Christian Roëts, Belgium:
“How did you avoid the focus of documents or to not overcome 20’ times?”
Answer: We use different systems and methods to control time and we connect
them to the purpose of each course or training.
- Tomasz Zweglinski, Poland:
1. “The e-learning system did not have the “no face to face” disadvantage?”
Answer: In our opinion with the e-learning system you can study in depth
Knowledge but you can’t study enough people's abilities or behaviour . We believe that in
Firefighters trainings we need to practice a lot and we are not sure that e-learning system is the
best way for achieve a global learning. It can be a perfect system to introduce some concepts but
it stays insufficient.
2. “Did the evaluation is 4h long and is recorded?”
Answer: We don’t remember very well that question but if you ask it for the tribunal
evaluation made during the FOR 2, we don‘t record it.
We use to record strategic evaluations where we need to observe in detail abilities.
- Valdas Krulikauskas, Lithuania:
1. “Do You use the training for different type of trainers?”
Answer: Yes, we do, that system was though in a first time for the French
Firefighters, but it has been developed for different other professions, a lot for the financial workers
or other different sectors.
- Rosa Calvo:
1. “How do you make sure that these people get to the seminar?”
Answer: In the French experience we did create a regulation It has been established,
in the French experience that with the Pedagogic reform, the great majority of the professionals
involved with the Training System should follow those different seminars according to their
2. “Could a FF teach a medical assistant?”
Answer: Yes, if he is an expert on his abilities or knowledge, and he has assimilate
the rules of training the trainers he will teach a medical assistant with a high level.
Affirmation – Catalan Firefighters: Recruiting the personnel
- Jordi Farré: Affirmation - “Is it a model that could be used for all schools!”
4th Presentation
Joan Carlos Recasens – Director of DEPEIS (Department de Prevenció i Extinció
d’Incendis i Salvament), Andorra Principality – “The Training of the Dive Rescue Group of
Andorra Fire Brigades”
Andorra Presentation
2. Dive Rescue:
1st team 1985 – 3 people
- The access to the group,
- Training
- Dry suit?
- Theoretical book + Book dives + Individual
- Caves immersion – every year – fatalities
Alin Mocioi, Romania:
“Who’s accessing, fire fighters or from outside the system?”
Answer: firefighters.
Stephen Copley, United Kingdom:
1. What gas you use at 60m? And for 120m?”
Answer: “At 60m - mixed gas. And for 120m – training is limited to 60m and the
gas is – Trimix, in case of more than 60m.”
2. “Which tables you use: French/Spanish?”
Answer: “French tables adapted to the label of the lake based on the...”
5th Presentation
Cpt. Zsolt Horvarth – Disaster Management Training Centre - DMTC, Hungary –
“Training for Response and Rescue at Hard to Access Incident Scenes in Hungary, by the
Special Rescue Vehicles of the National Training Centre the Budapest City Fire
SAR - part of Defense Forces.
3.3 The 3rd Session of the Conference
09th June 2011, 09:00 – 10:30
6th Presentation
Jordi Sans, Industrial Engineer, Inspector of the Fire Service Department, Research
and Cooperation Area of the Institut de Seguretat Pública de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain –
“European Projects in Fire Safety” – “RACO” and “RECERCAT” – Google / Library of
- Multicom 112 – communication modern tool
- Firecomp – Put together all the computers for chief commanders
- Life-APTB
- Gamma – EC- simulation program for emergency
- SAFE-T – Tunnels
- RED – Reinforce, Rescue’s, Resilience
- COIM – Best, BeSeCu – Behaviour, Security and Culture – still working
E-fire proposal could become a lifelong learning platform
Affirmation added by Mr. Alin Mocioi, Romania: We will start today the first steps to add
it. We’ll build a Forum on the association website, where we can share training on “core business”
established by the workshop groups.
Xavier Barbado, from Andorra, proposed to build, in time, an EFSCA Label
7th Presentation
Mr. Oscar López Molina, Sots Official, member of the CISAIKAR, member of the
Group Mountain Rescue from the fire brigades of Andorra – “Mountain Rescue Teams or
Mountain Rescues with the CISAIKAR Experience Debate”
1948 (Wilder Kaiser) ICAR.
For EFSCA: Technical Committees/Groups
30 countries in EFSCA: Members A & Members B Categories
GRIM from Andorra is member A since 2010
- Statistics IKAR – CISA – ICAR – You can find it on the website
- Field sessions – Zermatt 2009
8th Presentation:
Captain Jérôme Salles (Deputy Chief of the Training Service) & Adc. Pierre
Muntaner – SDIS Pyrénées-Orientales (Feux des Fôret) – “Training for Emergency
Response in Ravines”
Not specialized firefighters (S.P. non-specialisés)
Training of Specialized Teams
Helicopters from Securité Civile
1. If exist a gas licking from the car and, also, a fire risk, how do you proceed – What is
the procedure? (S’il existe un coulement des essences de la voiture et, aussi, le risque d’incendie
– comment vous procédé, Qu’elle est la procédure ?)
3.4 The 4th Session of the Conference
09th June 2011, 11:00 – 11:30
Mr. Samuel Duró – Official pilot at HELIAND – “Helicopter Rescue Training”
Cpt. Jerôme Salles, France
“Why in Andorra?”
Oscar Lopez
“Do night vision exist?”
The presentations has been distributed to all members attending this meeting by pendrive
and will be possible to be downloaded from the website of EFSCA.
Mr. Wim Beckmann, the President of EFSCA, presented the purpose and the objectives of
the Workshop and, also, how the work groups will be organized.
The President started with a set of Questions
- What is an actual problem?
- Where am I looking for right now?
- Innovations, new solutions, new methods, new programs for…
- What are we doing?
- Gap between needs and themes that are presented, themes are more or less coincidences.
- Presentations: very high quality, questions possible but often inactive, not always brought
in relation to the knowledge, already.
Virtual offices must be created on the forum of the www.efsca.org .
Feedback for Workshop
Stephen Copley – Is a good way to progress in EFSCA future!
The Working Groups:
1. Czech Republic, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark
2. Germany, Iceland, Slovenia, Estonia, Netherlands, Spain
3. Romania, Lithuania, Hungary, Latvia
4. UK, Andorra, Ukraine, Poland
The President concluded asking all groups to answer to few questions, so as to identify the
main common subjects to be developed further in the next years (needs and strong points).
The Questions are as follows:
1. What themes are actual in your country, on what domain are there interesting
innovations/ new developments? (Short description please)
2. On what domain/ on what theme in your country are there any needs?
What would help you?
Examples: comparing training methods – comparing used protocols-used techniques
for fire, tunnel, HAZMATs, organization of educational system-costs and figures-demands for
volunteers etc.
On what domain/ theme do you think is your country expert/ ahead? (short description
4. Are there themes/ domains that are very urgent, should have priority, according to the
hole group? Explain, please!
Schedule of the G.A. 09th June 2011:
- Layout of the program – Secretary of EFSCA
- President report
- Secretary report
- Treasurer report
- Presentation Iceland: Fire Service Technical College
- Voting for the new member
- Signing the Constitution
- Election for a new Secretary:
- Presentation of Latvia, as 2012 annual meeting organizers
- Medals handover
 President Report
First of all, I would like to say thank you very much to all the speakers of the presentations
yesterday and today. It made the program inspiriting, interesting and varied.
Furthermore I would like to express my great appreciation to the team of Andorra form the
very warm welcome and there great hospitality and the perfect organization of this congress.
I also would like to thank Alin, our secretary for doing a superb job, being secretary and
president at the same time. Without his support and special efforts he made I’m not sure that
EFSCA would still exist. Alin, thank you very, very much for that.
A president report is quite an issue, being president for such a short time, A special period
also, in times of a Worldwide economic crisis. As I mentioned yesterday, this crises makes it very
hard for some countries to keep attached to our organization. People are moved from one position
to another, suddenly jobs don’t exist any longer, good point of contact are lost.. For at least 3
country’s the actual state of their membership is even unknown at this moment. At the other hand,
Andorra joint the EFSCA, Iceland is a candidate member today.
As I earlier today pointed out, I hope that we together are able to find ways to be an active
organization, also in future that can really help our member countries with new content,
innovations and the results of research. The expertise in this association is enormous. Let us be
aware of all the experts in our countries and in our organizations. Let’s find ways to bring it
together and be an important and active platform for intensive cooperation and exchange.
Therefore I kindly ask you for your help, EFSCA needs your contribute!
 Secretary Report
 4 Board Meetings since the last annual meeting, in Barcelona, Catalonia – ISPC :
 21st April 2010 – ISPC, Mollet del Valles, Catalonia
 1 unconventional meeting - 15th March 2011 – on the Internet
 12th April 2011 – DEPEIS, Hotel “Mola Park”, Andorra la Vella, Andorra
 18th May 2010 – DEPEIS, Hotel “Mola Park”, Andorra la Vella, Andorra
 Main Subjects of the Board Meetings:
 Issues about the EFSCA Conference and General Assembly organization, in
2011, in Andorra (Andorra la Vella) by the DEPEIS:
 The Subject of the Conference
 The Guide to organize the annual meeting
 Persons to be invited as presenters
 Workshop organization
 Cultural and Social Program
 Transport of the delegates from Barcelona to Andorra
 Financial support of EFSCA for the organizers
 Elections for the new Secretary of EFSCA
EFSCA financial situation and expenses
Our new Internet website www.efsca.org
 Structure:
 Main page with latest news, conferences and events
 About us – including Constitution
 Boards
 Minutes of meetings
 EFSCA Diary – all institutions presentation
 Links
 Contact details
 Forum – in the future
Our new Secretary e-mail box – secretary@efsca.org
Our new Facebook page – EFSCA Europe
How to improve the EFSCA activity and how to raise the dynamism of our
 research activities – building Consortiums,
 workshops
 EFSCA participation in Interschutz 2010 – Leipzig, Germany (Mr. Franz Petter
- VGBF) – A0 Poster of EFSCA – Franz represented EFSCA, as a former member , helped by
Mr. Tomasz Zweglinski from Poland
 Travel costs to be supported by EFSCA Budget for the members of the Board
 Raising the financial support of EFSCA for the organizers of annual meetings
to 70 %
 Raising the annual fee for the countries members of EFSCA
 Medals Situation:
 Awarded:
 10 Gold Medals
 6 Silver Medals
 In Romania:
 8 Gold Medals
 8 Silver Medals
 73 Pins
 In France – ENSOSP:
 7 Gold Medals
 59 Silver Medals
 4 Plastic Supports (called NUMILUX)
 Finland, Helsinki - Seminar in 11th-12th October 2011
 Finnish Association of Fire Chiefs & FEU (Federation of European Union Fire
Officer Associations) – organizers
 International Safety Education Seminar
 On the e-mails – details from the organizer
 Still Lack of Communication !
 Solution – www.efsca.org & secretary@efsca.org
 Treasurer Report
From July 1, 2010 to June 9, 2011
1. Collection of annual subscriptions from membership
 30 invoices
o 19 October 2010 – 28 invoices
o 12 April 2011 – 2 invoices
 26 member countries of EFSCA paid
 Total income :
 11.866,23 EUR (24 countries)
1.000,-- outstanding
 Bank charges:
27,95 EUR
 Cheque drafts:
120,-- EUR
 Financial support
1.931,-- EUR
 Secretariat’s expenses
352,-- EUR
Income and expenditure
balance sheet
for period July 1, 2010 to June 9, 2011
Predicted Income for period
Cash in Bank (June 2010)
Cash (secretary)
Subscription fees received
Outstanding fees
Cash in Bank ( April 26, 2011)
Unpaid Fees
Outstanding fees
Outstanding expenditures (still to pay) - 2.283,--
Total Income
Less Expenditure
Bank charges
Other charges
Cheque drafts
Total Expenditure
Surplus for period
Income and expenditure
balance sheet
for period July 1, 2010 to June 9, 2011
Predicted Income For Period
Cash in Bank (April 26, 2011)
Cash in Bank (June 2010)
Cash (secretary)
Unpaid Fees
Subscription Fees received
Outstanding paid fees
Outstanding Fees
3.000,-Outstanding expenditures
Total Income
Less Expenditure
Bank Charges
Other Charges
Cheque drafts
Total Expenditure
Surplus for period
2. EFSCA Accounts
• How much money does EFSCA have on its accounts?
• EUR account balance :
48.389,23 (to 26 April 2011)
200,-- EUR in cash at the secretariat
• GBP account balance: 0,-3. Comments
• Financial support for the hosting country
o 50%
• Travelling expenses for the members of the Board – will be paid in the future
 New member of EFSCA
 The Fire Service Technical College – FSTC, Reykjavik, ICELAND
 Ms. Elisabet Palmadotir– Deputy Director
 Members’ vote for the new member
 All present members agreed that FSTC from Iceland to become member of EFSCA
 Signing the Constitution of EFSCA:
The following members delegates signed the EFSCA Constitution in Andorra on 09th June
 The Fire Service Technical College – FSTC, Reykjavik, from Iceland – Ms.
Elisabet Palmadottir
 Election of the new Secretary of EFSCA
Hungary announce that they will candidate for Secretary post. They didn’t sent until now
a letter of intention for this candidature.
- 1st results: tied decision; 9 votes for Hungary vs. 9 votes for Romania
After a 10’ pause, re-voting.
- 2nd and final results: 9 votes for Romania vs. 8 votes for Hungary
Therefore, Mr. Alin Mocioi continue to be the Secretary of EFSCA for 3 years more.
 Presentations of the candidates for 2012
 All present members of EFSCA voted for the candidates for 2012 and agreed that
the EFSCA Conference & General Assembly will be organized in 2012 – Fire
Safety and Civil Protection College, Riga, Latvia.
 Next seminar 2012 short presentation – Fire Safety and Civil Protection College,
Riga, Latvia
Ms. Iveta Vorza presented the Fire Safety and Civil Protection College from Riga, Latvia
and the options for the subject of the 2012 Conference of EFSCA.
 Handover of medals
The event has been postponed to 2012 annual meeting, because of technical problems.
 Passing the EFSCA flag to Latvian delegation
The Deputy Director of the Departament de Prevencio i Extincio d'Incendis i Salvament,
Principality of Andorra Government, Mr. Jordi Farré Canelles passed the EFSCA flag to the
Latvian delegation, composed of Mr. Eriks Stankevics, Deputy Director of the Fire Safety and
Civil Protection College and Ms. Iveta Vorza, Head of Applied Research Unit, in the same college.
 Closing Speech of the General Assembly
Before closing the General Assembly, the EFSCA President thanked to everyone for the
participation. He, also, under-lined the important work made by the organizers and the EFSCA
Board and thanked to the DEPEIS Andorran Team. Then, he wished to all members to have a good
trip back home!
Mr. Wim Beckmann, the EFSCA President closed the General Assembly and the annual
meeting in Andorra la Vella, Principality of Andorra.
Ionel-Alin MOCIOI
EFSCA Secretary