Numerical method for HJB equations. Optimal control problems and
Numerical method for HJB equations. Optimal control problems and
Numerical method for HJB equations. Optimal control problems and differential games (lecture 3/3) Maurizio Falcone (La Sapienza) & Hasnaa Zidani (ENSTA) ANOC, 23–27 April 2012 M. Falcone & H. Zidani () HJB approach for optimal control problems ANOC, 23–27 April 2012 1 / 50 Outline 1 Introduction 2 Planing Motion, reachability analysis 3 Hamilton-Jacobi approach: level set method 4 Differential games under state-constraints M. Falcone & H. Zidani () HJB approach for optimal control problems ANOC, 23–27 April 2012 2 / 50 Consider the controlled system: ẏx (s) = f (yx (s), α(s)), yx (0) = x, α(s) ∈ A, s ∈ (0, +∞), (1) a.e s ∈ (0, +∞). where A is a convex compact set in Rm , (m ≥ 1). Admissible trajectories: S[0,τ ] (x) := {yx satisfying (1) on(0, τ ), yx (0) = x} Under classical assumptions, the set-valued function x S[0,τ ] (x) is Lipschitz continuous, ∃L > 0, S[0,τ ] (x) ⊂ S[0,τ ] (z) + L|x − z|BW 1,1 M. Falcone & H. Zidani () HJB approach for optimal control problems ∀x, z ∈ Rd . ANOC, 23–27 April 2012 4 / 50 Now, consider the following control problems: ä Mayer’s problem: V (x, t) = inf yx ∈S[0,t] (x) Φ(yx (t)) ä Time minimum problem (C closed set in Rd ): T (x) = inf t; yx (t) ∈ C, yx ∈ S[0,t] (x) ä Supremum cost: V ∞ (x, t) = M. Falcone & H. Zidani () inf yx ∈S[0,t] (x) Φ(yx (t)) _ sup g(yx (θ)) θ∈[0,t] HJB approach for optimal control problems ANOC, 23–27 April 2012 5 / 50 Assume that g : Rd → R is Lipschitz continuous (+classical assumptions on f ) If Φ : Rd → R is lsc (resp. Lipschitz), then V and V ∞ are lsc (resp. Lipschitz). When the target C is closed, the minimum time function T is lsc. M. Falcone & H. Zidani () HJB approach for optimal control problems ANOC, 23–27 April 2012 6 / 50 Mayer Problem V (x, t) = min yx ∈S[0,h] (x) V (yx (h), t − h) h ∈ (0, t), V (x, 0) = Φ(x) Minimum time problem: T (x) = min yx ∈S[0,h] (x) T (yx (h)) + h h < T (x), x 6∈ C, T (x) = 0 x ∈ C; Supremum cost V ∞ (x, t) = min yx ∈S[0,h] (x) V ∞ (x, 0) = Φ(x) M. Falcone & H. Zidani () _ V ∞ (yx (h), t − h) _ sup g(yx (θ)) θ∈[0,h] g(x); HJB approach for optimal control problems ANOC, 23–27 April 2012 7 / 50 V (x, t) = V (x, t) = min yx ∈S[0,t] (x) Φ(yx (t)) min V (yx (h), t − h) yx ∈S[0,h] h ∈ (0, t). V (x, 0) = Φ(x) ä Suboptimality: ∀yx ∈ S[0,t] (x), s 7−→ V (yx (s), t − s) is increasing, ä Superoptimality ∃yx∗ ∈ S[0,t] (x), M. Falcone & H. Zidani () s 7−→ V (yx∗ (s), t − s) is constant HJB approach for optimal control problems ANOC, 23–27 April 2012 8 / 50 Next, we derive the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation (HJB), which is an infinitesimal version of the DPP. ä ∂t V (x, t) + H(x, Dx V (x, t)) = 0, V (x, 0) = Φ(x) ä H(x, DT (x)) = 1, T (x) = 0 on C x ∈ Rd , t > 0; Time-dependent HJB equation x 6∈ C, T (x) < +∞; Steady HJB equation ä min(∂t V ∞ (x, t) + H(x, DV ∞ (x, t)), V ∞ (x, t) − g(x)) = 0, x ∈ Rd , t > 0; V ∞ (x, 0) = Φ(x) ∨ g(x) HJB-VI ineqation where H(x, q) := maxa∈A (−f (x, a) · q). M. Falcone & H. Zidani () HJB approach for optimal control problems ANOC, 23–27 April 2012 9 / 50 ä To each control problem is associated an adequate Hamilton-Jacobi equation ä A very large class of control problems can be considered within the HJ framework (state-constrained control problem, infinite horizon control problems, hybrid systems, impulsive control, ... ) ä The viscosity notion provides a very convenient framework for the theoretical and numerical studies of the value function M. Falcone & H. Zidani () HJB approach for optimal control problems ANOC, 23–27 April 2012 10 / 50 ä When the (exact) value function is known, the feed-back controller can be defined as the minimizer of the DPP. ä This feedback can be shown to be an optimal control law Van der Pol Problem : ẏ1 (t) = y2 ẏ2 (t) = −y1 + y2 (1 − y12 ) + a a(t) ∈ [−1, 1] 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 −0.5 −1 Scheme:ENO2−RK1 Target −1.5 −2 −2 M. Falcone & H. Zidani () HJB approach for optimal control problems −1 0 1 ANOC, 23–27 April 2012 2 11 / 50 ä When the (exact) value function is known, the feed-back controller can be defined as the minimizer of the DPP. ä This feedback can be shown to be an optimal control law 1.5 1 0.5 x2 Van der Pol Problem : ẏ1 (t) = y2 ẏ2 (t) = −y1 + y2 (1 − y12 ) + a(t) a(t) ∈ [−1, 1] 0 −0.5 −1 −1.5 −1.5 M. Falcone & H. Zidani () −1 −0.5 HJB approach for optimal control problems 0 x1 0.5 1 1.5 ANOC, 23–27 April 2012 12 / 50 Open problem In general, only an approximation of the value function can be computed. It is not clear how the feedback control behaves with respect to a small perturbation of the value function. M. Falcone & H. Zidani () HJB approach for optimal control problems ANOC, 23–27 April 2012 13 / 50 Numerical methods Semi-Lagrangian methods: based on the DPP (Falcone, Ferretti, Jakobsen, Grüne, Kushner-Dupuis, ...) PROS: no CFL condition for stability (⇒ adaptative schemes) CONS: non-local Finite difference methods: approximation of the gradient by FD (Crandall/Lions, Barles, Souganidis) CONS: needs CFL condition for stability PROS: local method =⇒ can be parallelized PROS: non-monotone variants are proposed to get numerically "high-order" • -monotone schemes (R. Abgrall) • ENO, WENO (Osher, Shu, ... ) • Discontinuous Galerkin, direct DG (Cockburn, Shu, Cheng&Shu, Bokanowski’12) • Anti-diffusive schemes, Ultra-Bee (Megdich-Bokanowski-HZ’10, Bokanowski-Cristiani-HZ’10) M. Falcone & H. Zidani () HJB approach for optimal control problems ANOC, 23–27 April 2012 14 / 50 Recent developments and ongoing works: • "Curse of dimentionality free methods" : max-plus algebra (McKeneaney, Akian, Gaubert, Sridharan, ...) • Sparse grids method (Bokanowski/Klompmaker/Garke/Griebel 12’) M. Falcone & H. Zidani () HJB approach for optimal control problems ANOC, 23–27 April 2012 15 / 50 ENO2-RK1 scheme (and example of numerical Hnum ) void HJB_FD::ENO2_RK1(double t, double deltat, double* vin, double* vout){ int i,j,d; double vi,v1,v2,v3,v4,vv,h; for(j=0;j<mesh->inn_nbPoints;j++){ i = rank[j]; vi = vin[i]; for(d=0;d<dim;d++){ v1 = vin[i mesh->out_neighbors[d]]; v3 = vin[i - 2*mesh->out_neighbors[d]]; v2 = vin[i + mesh->out_neighbors[d]]; v4 = vin[i + 2*mesh->out_neighbors[d]]; h = mesh->Dx[d]; vv = (v2-2.*vi+v1)*divdx[d]*divdx[d]; Dvnum[2*d] = (vi-v1)*divdx[d] + h*.5*minmod((vi-2.*v1+v3)*divdx[d]*divdx[d],vv); Dvnum[2*d+1]= (v2-vi)*divdx[d] - h*.5*minmod((vi-2.*v2+v4)*divdx[d]*divdx[d],vv); } vout[i] = vi - deltat * (*this.*Hnum)((mesh->*(mesh->getcoords))(i),Dvnum,t); } } inline double Hnum(const double* x, const double* v, double t) { double z=0., p[DIM], amax[DIM]; int i; for(i=0;i<DIM;i++){ amax[i]=1.; //- a maximal bound of the dynamics p[i]=(v[2*i] + v[2*i+1])/2.; z += amax[i]*(v[2*i+1] - v[2*i])/2.; } return H(x,p)-z; //- H(x,Nabla u) is the Hamiltonian } M. Falcone & H. Zidani () HJB approach for optimal control problems ANOC, 23–27 April 2012 16 / 50 HJ parallel Library (Binope) by O. Bokanowski, A. Désilles, J. Zhao, H. Zidani Finite Differences solver (ENO, UltraBee) C++, parallel (MPI/OpenMP) works in any dimension (limited to machine’s capacity) Semi-Lagrangian solver C++ (OpenMP) works in any dimension (limited to machine’s capacity) M. Falcone & H. Zidani () HJB approach for optimal control problems ANOC, 23–27 April 2012 17 / 50 Reachable (or Attainable) set ä The reachable set Rf (x; t) from x at time t is the set of all points of the form yx (τ ), where yx ∈ S[0,t] (x): Rf (x; t) := {yx (τ ) | yx ∈ S[0,t] (x), τ ∈ [0, t]}. ä The reachable set from X is defined by: RfX (t) := ∪x∈X Rf (x; t). M. Falcone & H. Zidani () HJB approach for optimal control problems ANOC, 23–27 April 2012 19 / 50 Let C be a closed target set (in our examples, C is safe) Capture Basin (or Backward reachable set) ä The Capture Basin CaptCt , at time t, is the set of all initial positions x from which a trajectory yx ∈ S[0,t] (x) can reach the target C. M. Falcone & H. Zidani () HJB approach for optimal control problems ANOC, 23–27 April 2012 20 / 50 ä Does there exist a trajectory leading from a state in initial set X to a state in the target C, during some finite time horizon? ä Once an obstacle has been detected by suitable sensors (e.g. radar, pursuer), can a collision be avoided? ä Sometimes we have no control over input signal (noise, actions of other agents, unknown system parameters, ...): it is safest to consider the worst-case. M. Falcone & H. Zidani () HJB approach for optimal control problems ANOC, 23–27 April 2012 21 / 50 Different approaches for computing the reachable sets ä set-valued integration schemes [Saint-Pierre’91, Baier’95], optimal control techniques [Varaiya’00, Baier et al.’07] ä external and inner ellipsoidal techniques [Kurzhanski and Varaiya’00,’01,’02] ä discretization methods for nonlinear problems with state constraints [Chahma’03, Beyn an Rieger’07] ä Optimal controller design: level set method [Osher-Sethian’91, Falcone-et-al.’05, Mitchell’07, Bokanowski-HZ’07, Bokanowski-Forcadel-HZ’10] M. Falcone & H. Zidani () HJB approach for optimal control problems ANOC, 23–27 April 2012 22 / 50 Optimization-based controller design Minimum-time control problem: T (x) = inf t; yx (t) ∈ C, yx ∈ S[0,t] (x) . The sublevels of the minimum function T correspond to the Capture Basins of the target C: CaptCt = {x ∈ Rd | T (x) = t}. When the minimum time function T is continuous, it can be characterized as the unique viscosity solution of the HJB equation: H(x, DT (x)) = 1, T (x) = 0 in C, x 6∈ C, T (x) < +∞; where H(x, q) := maxa∈A (−f (x, a).q). M. Falcone & H. Zidani () HJB approach for optimal control problems ANOC, 23–27 April 2012 23 / 50 Unfortunately ... ä The continuity of T is equivalent to small controllability of the system around the target: let ηx be the normal to C, min f (x, α) · ηx < 0, α∈A ∀x ∈ ∂C. ä This (restrictive) controllability property is not satisfied in several examples (e.g. Zermelo problem). ä In the general case, the minimum time function is only lsc. In this case, the approximation of the minimum value function becomes more difficult. M. Falcone & H. Zidani () HJB approach for optimal control problems ANOC, 23–27 April 2012 24 / 50 Zermelo problem M. Falcone & H. Zidani () HJB approach for optimal control problems ANOC, 23–27 April 2012 25 / 50 Optimal control problem. Level set approach Define the signed distance function Φ(x) = dC (x), and consider the following control problem: V (x, t) = M. Falcone & H. Zidani () inf yx ∈S[0,t] (x) Φ(yx (t)) HJB approach for optimal control problems ANOC, 23–27 April 2012 27 / 50 ä V is Lipschitz continuous and satisfies (Crandall-Lions’84): ∂t V (x, t) + H(x, DV (x, t)) = 0, V (x, 0) = Φ(x), where H(x, q) := supa∈A (−f (x, a) · q) ä For every t ≥ 0, CaptCt = {x ∈ Rd ; V (x, t) ≤ 0}; ä The minimum time function T : Rd → R+ ∪ {+∞} is lsc. Moreover, we have: T (x) = inf{t ≥ 0; x ∈ CaptCt } = min{t ≥ 0; V (x, t) ≤ 0}. ã Φ can be any function satisfying Φ(x) ≤ 0 ⇐⇒ x ∈ C. M. Falcone & H. Zidani () HJB approach for optimal control problems ANOC, 23–27 April 2012 28 / 50 ä The level set approach can be used even when the minimum time function is discontinuous! The value function V is Lipschitz continuous! ä The level set approach can be extended to more general situations: differential games, avoidance of obstacles, moving target and/or obstacles, ... M. Falcone & H. Zidani () HJB approach for optimal control problems ANOC, 23–27 April 2012 29 / 50 General setting: differential games under state constraints Let α ∈ A be a controlled input, and β ∈ B an uncontrolled input (perturbance). Consider the trajectory: ẏx (s) = f (yx (s), α(s), β(s)), s ∈ (0, 1), yx (0) = x, Let (Kθ )θ≥0 be a family of closed set (of constraints). Consider a game involving two players. I I The first player wants to steer the system from the initial position at point x to the target C and by staying in K (and using his/her input α(t) ∈ A) while the second player tries to steer the system away from C or from K (with his/her input β(t) ∈ B). Assume θ 7−→ Kθ is usc. M. Falcone & H. Zidani () HJB approach for optimal control problems ANOC, 23–27 April 2012 31 / 50 Non anticipative strategies We define the set of non-anticipative strategies for the first player, as follows: Γ := a : B → A, ∀(β, β̃) ∈ B and ∀s ∈ [0, ∞), β(θ) = β̃(θ) a.e. θ ∈ [0, s] ⇒ a[β](θ) = a[β̃](θ) a.e. θ ∈ [0, s] . M. Falcone & H. Zidani () HJB approach for optimal control problems ANOC, 23–27 April 2012 32 / 50 ä For τ ≥ 0, a[β],β CaptK (τ ) := {x ∈ Rd | ∃α, ∀β, yx a[β],β (s) ∈ Ks , and yx (τ ) ∈ C} ä Again, let Φ(x) = dC (x) and consider the control problem: ϑ(x, τ ) := min max Φ(y (τ )). a[β] β|y a[β],β (t)∈K t x Then CaptK (τ ) = {x ∈ Rd , ϑ(x, τ ) ≤ 0} T (x) = min{τ ≥ 0, ϑ(x, τ ) ≤ 0}. ä For controlled systems lacking controllability assumptions, the characterization of ϑ by means of HJB equations is not an easy task !!! (Ref: Soner’86, Ishii-Koike’91, Frankowska’91, Altarovici-Bokanowski-HZ’12) M. Falcone & H. Zidani () HJB approach for optimal control problems ANOC, 23–27 April 2012 33 / 50 An other formulation: exact penalisation ä Let g(x, θ) = dKθ (x) for any θ ≥ 0 and x ∈ Rd . Then, consider : ϑg (x, τ ) := inf max Φ(yx (τ )) a[.]∈Γ β _ a[β],β max g(yx (θ), θ). θ∈[0,τ ] ä ϑg is the unique continuous viscosity solution min ∂ϑg (x, τ ) + H(x, Dx ϑg (x, τ )), ϑg (x, τ ) − g(x, τ )) = 0, ϑg (x, 0) = max(Φ(x), g(x, 0)). where H(x, q) := supa∈A minb∈B (−f (x, a, b) · q) ä And Captt = {x ∈ Rd , ϑg (x, τ ) ≤ 0}, M. Falcone & H. Zidani () T (x) = min{τ ≥ 0, ϑg (x, τ ) ≤ 0}. HJB approach for optimal control problems ANOC, 23–27 April 2012 34 / 50 Example1: One player, fixed obstacles M. Falcone & H. Zidani () HJB approach for optimal control problems ANOC, 23–27 April 2012 35 / 50 Example2: Zermelo problem with obstacles x 0 = Vboat cos(θ) + Vcurrent − ay 2 y 0 = Vboat sin(θ) M. Falcone & H. Zidani () HJB approach for optimal control problems ANOC, 23–27 April 2012 36 / 50 Zermelo problem with obstacles: feedback control law 2 1.5 x 0 = Vboat cos(θ) + Vcurrent − ay 2 y 0 = Vboat sin(θ) 1 0.5 0 −0.5 −1 Scheme:ENO2−RK1 Obstacle Target −1.5 −2 −3 M. Falcone & H. Zidani () −2.5 −2 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 HJB approach for optimal control problems 1 1.5 2 ANOC, 23–27 April 2012 37 / 50 Exemple: Ariane V Objectif Minimize the ergol consumption to steer the (given) payload MCU to the GTO (or GEO). Collaboration with Cnes (projet OPALE 2007-2010) M. Falcone & H. Zidani () HJB approach for optimal control problems ANOC, 23–27 April 2012 38 / 50 −−→ The physical model involves 7 state variables, the position OG of → − the rocket in the 3D space, its velocity v and its mass m. eK er G → − v γ ` O eJ e` G L eI χ eL → − Projection of v on the frame (er , eL , e` ) → − − → The forces acting on the rocket are: Gravity P , Drag FD , Thrust − → → − FT , and Coriolis Ω . Newton Law: → − → − − → − → → − → → − → − −−→ dv − m = P + FD + FT − 2m Ω ∧ v − m Ω ∧ ( Ω ∧ OG), dt M. Falcone & H. Zidani () HJB approach for optimal control problems ANOC, 23–27 April 2012 39 / 50 PHASE C (HJB) m1 m2 m3 GEO GTO PHASE B (transport) PHASE A(HJB) M. Falcone & H. Zidani () m1 m3 m2 HJB approach for optimal control problems ANOC, 23–27 April 2012 40 / 50 The related equation State variables: r =altitude v =modulus of the velocity γ=angle between the direction earth-rocket and the direction of the rocket’s velocity. L= latitude `= longitude χ= azimuth m= masse of the engine Control: α=angle between the thrust direction and the direction of the rocket’s velocity. M. Falcone & H. Zidani () HJB approach for optimal control problems ANOC, 23–27 April 2012 41 / 50 ṙ = v cos γ FD (r , v ) FT (r , v , a) + cos α m m Ω2 r cos `(cos γ cos ` − sin γ sin ` sin χ) g(r ) v FT (r , v , a) γ̇ = sin γ − − sin α v r vm r −2Ω cos ` cos χ − Ω2 v cos `(sin γ cos ` − cos γ sin ` sin χ) v̇ = −g(r ) cos γ − v sin γ cos χ r cos ` v `˙ = sin γ sin χ r v χ̇ = − sin γ tan ` cos χ − 2Ω(sin ` − cotanγ cos ` sin χ)+ r r sin ` cos ` cos χ Ω2 v sin γ L̇ = M. Falcone & H. Zidani () HJB approach for optimal control problems ANOC, 23–27 April 2012 42 / 50 â The plane of motion is the equatorial plane ` ≡ 0, and χ ≡ 0. ṙ = v cos γ FD (r , v ) FT (r , v , a) + cos α + Ω2 r cos γ v̇ = −g(r ) cos γ − m m r g(r ) v FT (r , v , a) γ̇ = sin γ − − sin α − 2Ω − Ω2 sin γ v r vm v v L̇ = sin γ r ṁ = −b(m(t)) M. Falcone & H. Zidani () HJB approach for optimal control problems ANOC, 23–27 April 2012 43 / 50 The rocket’s mass ä The evolution of the mass can be summarized as follows Phase 0 & 1 ṁ1 (t) = −βEAP ṁ2 (t) = −βE1 ṁ3 (t) = 0 Phase 2 ṁ1 (t) = 0 ṁ2 (t) = −βE1 ṁ3 (t) = 0 Phase 3 ṁ1 (t) = 0 ṁ2 (t) = 0 ṁ3 (t) = −βE2 where βEAP , βE1 and βE2 are the mass flow rates for the boosters, the first and the second stage. ä At the changes of phases, we have a (not negligible) discontinuity in the rocket’s mass. M. Falcone & H. Zidani () HJB approach for optimal control problems ANOC, 23–27 April 2012 44 / 50 The control problem can be formulated as (for a fixed payload) Minimize tf (r , v , γ, m, α) satisfy the state equation α(t) ∈ [0, π/2] a.e. t ∈ (0, tf ), (r (tf ), v (tf ), γ(tf )) ∈ C, Q(r (t), v (t))α(t)) ≤ Cs for t ∈ (0, tf ), m(tf ) = Mp . where the target C corresponds to the GTO orbit, and the function Q is the dynamic pressure. M. Falcone & H. Zidani () HJB approach for optimal control problems ANOC, 23–27 April 2012 45 / 50 ã The Capture Basin is wide + We introduce "physical" state constraints to define the computational domain ã Due to the CFL condition, the time step is very small + Adaptative time discretization ã "Different scales" for the state variables: r = r0 (ex − 1) + rT + Change of variable: v = v0 (ey − 1) + vT M. Falcone & H. Zidani () HJB approach for optimal control problems ANOC, 23–27 April 2012 46 / 50 200 0 gamma (rad) speed (m/s) 400 0 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 500 1000 time (sec) 1.5 mass (ton) altitude (km) GTO target 1 0.5 0 500 1000 time (sec) 0 500 1000 time (sec) 600 400 200 0 0 500 1000 time (sec) Figure: Full trajectory using the HJB minimal time value function Reference trajectory, final mass: HJB trajectory, final mass (after reconstruction): M. Falcone & H. Zidani () HJB approach for optimal control problems mT = 21.57 (t) mT = 22.50 (t) ANOC, 23–27 April 2012 47 / 50 200 0 gamma (rad) speed (m/s) 400 0 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 500 1000 time (sec) 1.5 mass (ton) altitude (km) GTO target 1 0.5 0 500 1000 time (sec) 0 500 1000 time (sec) 600 400 200 0 0 500 1000 time (sec) Figure: Full trajectory using the HJB minimal time value function Reference trajectory, final mass: HJB trajectory, final mass (after reconstruction): M. Falcone & H. Zidani () HJB approach for optimal control problems mT = 21.57 (t) mT = 22.50 (t) ANOC, 23–27 April 2012 48 / 50 "Collision analysis for an UAV". E. Crück, A. Desilles, HZ. AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control, 2012 "A general Hamilton-Jacobi framework for nonlinear state-constrained control problems". A. Altarovici, O. Bokanowski and HZ ESAIM:COCV, 2012 "Minimal time problems with moving targets and obstacles". O. 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Zidani () HJB approach for optimal control problems ANOC, 23–27 April 2012 49 / 50 ... many thanks for your attention! M. Falcone & H. Zidani () HJB approach for optimal control problems ANOC, 23–27 April 2012 50 / 50
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