2016 NAIS People of Color Conference Student Diversity
2016 NAIS People of Color Conference Student Diversity
2016 NAIS People of Color Conference Student Diversity Leadership Conference SET YOURSELF APART FROM THE COMPETITION DECEMBER 8 – 10 Atlanta, GA Sponsor the NAIS People of Color Conference (PoCC) and Student Diversity Leadership Conference (SDLC). NAIS offers a wide range of sponsorship and advertising opportunities that will help you build business relationships and reach 2,800+ independent school educators and 1,600 student leaders. GAIN LASTING VISIBILITY Aligning your company with this conference is ideal for businesses that value and advance diversity, equity, and inclusion as key to organizational success. Nonprofits committed to social justice and youth-serving organizations will also benefit from the national exposure of sponsorship and exhibiting at the NAIS People of Color Conference. PoCC | SDLC SPONSOR BENEFITS All sponsors will benefit from these significant sources of visibility: ➸Your company logo in the online conference preview (Deadline: August 1) ➸Your company information in the conference program (Deadline: November 4) ➸Recognition from an NAIS leader at the podium during a general session ➸Your company logo and information on the conference website ➸Invitation to the hosted sponsor reception ➸Your company name and logo on signage throughout the conference ➸Sponsor ribbons for your representatives ➸Pre-conference attendee list and postconference direct mail list of attendees (excludes email addresses) ➸Acknowledgment in email and social media PLUS, you’ll receive more benefits based on the sponsorship you choose. ADDITIONAL OPTIONS FOR VISIBILITY AT PoCC | SDLC ➸Film screening EXHIBIT ➸SDLC T-shirts ➸For-Profit Company Rate $2,000 ➸Photo booth ➸Nonprofit Rate: $1,000 ➸Charging stations Each exhibit opportunity includes: ➸Tech Zone ➸Welcome Lounge ➸Wellness Zone Contact Marty Tomlinson, tomlinson@nais.org, for more information about these added options. ADVERTISE ➸Full-Page Program Ad: $1,500 ➸Half-Page Program Ad: $750 ➸Quarter-Page Ad: $375 ➸Program Inside Back Cover: $3,000 ➸A 6' exhibit table ➸One (1) complimentary conference registration ➸Your company information in the conference program and on the conference website Add On: Enhanced Exhibit Package $1,500 ➸Your company name and logo on conference signage ➸Your company name and logo on a slide at the general session ➸Your company logo on the conference website ➸Program Inside Front Cover: $4,000 PoCC | SDLC | DEC 8 – 10 | ATLANTA, GA pocc.nais.org CHOOSE THE PACKAGE THAT IS RIGHT FOR YOUR COMPANY In addition to the benefits that all sponsors receive, you’ll receive additional visibility based on the sponsorship you choose. PLATINUM $20,000 Platinum Sponsors can choose to connect their sponsorship to the Wi-Fi, PoCC Celebration Luncheon, or the hotel keycards. ➸Your company logo on an individual slide in the general session slide show ➸Your company logo rotating on the conference website ➸Five (5) complimentary conference registrations ➸Free full-page advertisement in the conference program ➸One (1) complimentary exhibit table ➸Individual mention on social media ➸Banner ad on conference app GOLD $15,000 Gold Sponsors can choose to connect their sponsorship to the conference mobile app, name badge lanyards, or the opening general session. ➸Your company logo on an individual slide in the ➸Free half-page advertisement in the ➸Your company logo rotating on the conference website ➸Four (4) complimentary conference registrations ➸One (1) complimentary exhibit table ➸Banner ad on conference app general session slide show conference program SILVER $10,000 Silver Sponsors can choose to connect their sponsorship to the closing general session, the Equity Seminar Series, or the Makerspace. ➸Your company logo on an individual slide in the ➸Free quarter-page advertisement in the ➸Three (3) complimentary conference registrations ➸50% discount on an exhibit table general session slide show conference program BRONZE $5,000 Bronze Sponsors can choose to connect their sponsorship to a general session speaker (other than the opening or closing), coffee/tea, the Leadership Seminar for People of Color and Women, Club PoCC, the PoCC Master Class, or the SDLC keynote speaker. ➸Your company logo on a shared slide in the ➸50% discount on an advertisement in the ➸Two (2) complimentary conference registrations ➸25% discount on an exhibit table general session slide show conference program COPPER $2,500 Copper Sponsors will receive the following benefits. ➸Your company logo on a shared slide in the general session slide show ➸25% discount on an advertisement in the conference program ➸One (1) complimentary conference registration PoCC | SDLC | DEC 8 – 10 | ATLANTA, GA pocc.nais.org The 2017 People of Color Conference will be in Anaheim, California, from November 30–December 2. SAVE THE DATE Contact Marty Tomlinson at tomlinson@nais.org. Sponsoring the NAIS People of Color Conference will allow you to build brand awareness, network and share your expertise with educators, support the diversity work of independent schools, and more. Let’s discuss the best package for your organization. 1129 20th Street, NW, Suite 800 Washington, DC 20036-3425 Connect with NAIS. PERMIT 4507 SOUTHERN MD PAID US POSTAGE NONPROFIT ORG