

Remote Sensing for Disasters: Understanding Change Homeland Security & Defense Geospa=al Community Exchange Glenn R. Bethel USDA Remote Sensing Advisor November 20, 2014 Baseline / Pre-­‐Event Imagery: Four Images of White House, Only 1 has a Known AcquisiQon Date: Need Image Meta Data Esri World 2D Esri World Imagery NAIP 9/27/2014 Google Maps Satellites Used for Disaster Response/Recovery
Relative Ground Swath "
VIIRS 3000 km swath!
spatial resolution: 375m, 750m
2300 km swath!
spatial resolution: 250m, 500m, 1000m
DMC-2, Deimos-1!
737 km swath!
spatial resolution: 22 m !
183 km swath
spatial resolution: 15m, 30m
Spot 5/6
spatial resolution: 5m, 20m
EO1 ALI 60 km swath
37 km swath
spatial resolution: 10m, 30m
Commercial High Resolution Systems
spatial resolution: .3 - 1m
10 – 20 km swath
Imagery Acquired aSer Hurricane Sandy for Damage Assessments Loaded to HDDS Public Domain •  NOAA Aerial Imagery –  3,731 Images •  Civil Air Patrol –  158,012 Images •  NC DOT Aerial Imagery –  194 Images •  EO 1 Hyperion –  18 Images •  Interna=onal Space Sta=on –  78 Images •  Landsat 7 –  4 images Licensed •  WorldView 1 & 2 –  1,028 images •  SPOT –  66 images •  Radarsat-­‐2 –  18 images •  COSMO –  8 images •  TerraSar-­‐X –  4 images •  DMC –  3 images •  RapidEye –  3 images •  QuickBird –  2 images Who Pays for Disaster Imagery? •  NGA acquires Commercial High ResoluQon –  NextView Contract for DigitalGlobe imagery •  U.S. Air Force Eagle Vision –  Spot –  RapidEye •  FEMA and/or states –  Civil Air Patrol (CAP) –  Contracted Aerial •  NOAA –  NOAA Aerial •  InternaQonal Charter on Space and Major –  Providers donate imagery •  Google and/or MicrosoS –  Aerial for a very select group of disasters Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) -­‐ Philippines Satellite Imagery to Support Response and Recovery Available from HDDS Landsat 8 (37 images) Landsat 7 (22 images) ASTER (57 images) NASA ISS (183) images WorldView 2 (1044 Qles) WorldView 1 (419 Qles) Quickbird (51 Qles) GeoEye-­‐1 (39 Qles) TerraSAR-­‐X (5 images) COSMO-­‐SkyMed (7 images) Funded by NGA hhp:// Public Domain Imagery Hazards Data Distribution System (HDDS)
Rest Services
Imagery Downloads Crisis Response
Use Constraints: We request that you credit the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) when
you use these photos in a report, publication, or
Public Governments Responders Hazards Data Distribution System (HDDS)
Imagery Downloads / Password Protected
No Rest Services
Licensed Imagery
No A
Public Governments Responders Product GeneraQon We are here. Public Domain Satellites are limited by clouds US Sandy Landfall: October 29, 2012 November 9, 2012 MODIS Terra 721 11/9 was first mostly clear day. 10 days aSer Landfall hhp://
cropexplorer/modis_summary/ Time series of MODIS Terra Note Cloud Cover October 29, Sandy made landfall in New Jersey NOAA Completes flights on November 6. Some areas flown more than once. = NOAA Flights hhp://
regionid=us&modis_Qle=r14c11 AircraS Flies Low Below Clouds StarQng Oct 31. hhp:// NOAA Aerial Imagery from 10/31 and 11/1/2012 plus unknown date (2014?) from Google FEMA Contractors used NOAA, CAP, and other Imagery to make IniQal Damage Assessments New Jersey Aerial Flown in 2012 States oSen have best pre-­‐event imagery CAP November 18, 2012 Fires (Camp Pendleton, CA) Imagery: 2012 and 2014 NAIP NIROPS -­‐ TacQcal Scale AcQve-­‐Fire Mapping •  “NIROPS” -­‐ NaQonal Infrared OperaQons •  Large scale fire detecQon/mapping to support incident command operaQons •  ConQnuous operaQonal deployment since 1964 •  Acquires at night •  Exploited before 6AM
Daily Tactical Scale Active-Fire Mapping
High resolution fire map products
needed for daily 6:00 AM
Incident Command briefing
Imagery used to:
•  Delineate fire perimeter and
active fire fronts
•  Determine line of containment
•  Identify problem areas – hot
spots inside & outside
containment line
•  Identify hot spots during the
mop-up phase
Where is the imagery posted? •  Hazards Data DistribuQon System (HDDS) Explorer –  hhps:// –  Select Event –  You must register to download any imagery –  Licensed imagery is posted under “Restricted” –  You must request access to each event for “Restricted” imagery Eagle Vision Disaster Imagery •  The U.S. Air Force (USAF) Eagle Vision system was developed and fielded to process commercial space based imagery and RADAR products. Eagle Vision upload data to their organic EVR2EST servers as well as pushing it to HDDS. •  Imagery Access: hhp:// hhp:// •  User/pass is not required for disaster relief imagery. •  Commercial imagery from SPOT 5 and 6, DMC, RapidEye … The Interna=onal Charter Space and Major Disasters •  Example: Interna=onal Charter Ac=va=on for Hurricane Sandy Situa=on Report for United States AcQvated by FEMA Received: DMC, RapidEye, TerraSar-­‐X, KARI KOMPSAT2 Requested: IRS-­‐P5, Cartosat-­‐2, CBERS •  To gain access to these image collecQons may require signing non-­‐disclosure agreements and have strict disseminaQon restricQons. •  SomeQmes posted on an HDDS, Image access is very limited. •  hhps:// NGA funded EnhancedView Web HosQng Service DigitalGlobe orthorec=fied and Pan-­‐Sharpened Imagery hhps:// –  EnhancedView Web Service (Natural Color) –  Subset of Disaster Imagery loaded to HDDS –  Users with .gov or .mil emails can self-­‐register. WMS, WMTS, WFS, Google Earth KMZ EMERGENCIES, DISASTERS, AND HUMANITARIAN EFFORTS •  In support of emergencies, disasters, and humanitarian efforts, the NGA may disseminate and/or post on open web sites imagery licensed under this contract regardless of whether the recipients are within the NextView license user groups. The imagery will contain the copyright noQce and the NextView license noQce. –  In response to Super Typhoon Haiyan, at the request from NGA, DigitalGlobe allowed unrestricted access to imagery collected over the Philippines. This lasted unQl December 14, 2013. Copyright DigitalGlobe Inc. Pan Sharpened WV2 DestrucQon, Rebuilding and Removal of Ships 13-­‐19 foot storm surge Tacloban City, Philippines Tacloban City, Philippines Future Satellites Used for Disaster Response/Recovery
Relative Ground Swath "
VIIRS 3000 km swath!
spatial resolution: 375m, 750m
Sentinel 2
spatial resolution 10m, 20m and 60m Landsat
290 km swath"
183 km swath
spatial resolution: 15m, 30m
Spot 5/6
spatial resolution: 5m, 20m
60 km swath
Planet Labs spatial resolution: 3-5m
Commercial High Resolution Systems
spatial resolution: .3 - 1m
10 – 20 km swath
Private Sector Compe==on Need addiQonal informaQon on Remote Sensing Data Sources for Disasters? •  Send email to •  Request to be added to mailing list for disaster geospaQal informaQon and remotely sensed imagery products