Installation Guide

Transcription Installation Guide Installation Guide
Installing the very latest version of Eclipse onto a new server Installation Guide
ID: 217
Version Number: 3.01
Date: 18/02/2016
Table of Contents
Introduction and Pre-requisites ...................................................................................................................................2
Minimum system requirements and Compatibility..................................................................................................3
Guide Pre-requisites .................................................................................................................................................4
Chapter 1: Installing SQL Server ...................................................................................................................................5
Chapter 2: Installing the Application ............................................................................................................................8
Chapter 3: Entering the Application Settings .............................................................................................................12
License Tab .............................................................................................................................................................12
Proxy Tab ................................................................................................................................................................13
Library and Scheduler Database Tabs ....................................................................................................................14
Database Upgrade ..................................................................................................................................................16
Chapter 4: IIS Settings.................................................................................................................................................16
Authentication Settings ..........................................................................................................................................16
Application Pool Settings ........................................................................................................................................17
Active Directory (Optional) .........................................................................................................................................20
Email Reminders (Optional)........................................................................................................................................23
Chapter 5: Post Installation Tasks and Considerations ..............................................................................................24
Database Conversion ..............................................................................................................................................24
Silverlight Installation .............................................................................................................................................24
Browser Settings .....................................................................................................................................................24
IE Favourite / Shortcut............................................................................................................................................24
Library Quick Start Guide........................................................................................................................................24
Frequently Asked Questions .......................................................................................................................................25
1 Installation Guide
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Version Number: 3.01
Date: 18/02/2016
Introduction and Pre-requisites
This guide explains how to install Eclipse or Junior.Net onto a new server. The latest version includes both a back
end and front end that is based on Microsoft Silverlight.
The minimum hardware and software requirements are shown below. Before starting, ensure that both the
server and client computers meet these requirements.
This document is mainly split between two sections; installing the SQL Server and installing the application.
Although it is common that these are installed onto the same server (as shown in Fig 0.1 below) this is not a
requirement. It is possible to have SQL Server installed onto one and the application installed onto another like in
Fig 0.2 below. The latter is common in environments where there is an already existing SQL Server installed or
environments where the application server is available on the internet and is in a DMZ.
Fig 0.1: SQL and application on the same server.
Fig 0.2: SQL and application on separate servers.
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Minimum system requirements and Compatibility
The table below shows the computer requirements for the server hosting the application and the SQL database.
Computer and Processor
2.3 gigahertz (GHz) or faster x86 or x64 Dual Core CPU or better
Memory (RAM)
4 gigabytes (GB) RAM (8GB is highly recommended)
Hard Disk
10 gigabytes (GB) available
Server Operating System
Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows Server 2012 / R2**
Any version of windows Server Core is not supported
SQL Server Express or Full
Microsoft SQL 2005*
Microsoft SQL 2008 / R2
Microsoft SQL 2012
Microsoft SQL 2014
*SQL 2005 express has a 2 gigabyte (GB) database limit.
Microsoft .NET
Frameworks, including
latest Service Packs
.NET 2.0
.NET 3.5
.NET 4.0
.NET 4.5
An Internet connection is required on the server for product activation and to
take full advantage of functionality.
The table below shows the requirements for the client computers accessing the software.
Computer and Processor
1.5 gigahertz (GHz) Dual Core CPU or better
Memory (RAM)
1 gigabyte (GB) RAM
Client Operating System
Windows Vista
Windows 7 / x64
Windows 8
Internet Explorer 7 +
3 Installation Guide
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Guide Pre-requisites
Before starting to follow the instructions in this guide, it is advisable to ensure that the prerequisites in the table
below have been met. Making sure that the below has been carried out before the update is started, increases
the likelihood that the installation will be successful and issue-free.
 This guide details how to install SQL Server if it is not already installed. (See the notes in
the introduction above). However, if an existing SQL server is being used then ensure
that the following component is installed:
SQL Server Full Text
It is imperative that this is installed as otherwise searching will not function.
In addition, although the Management studio is considered an optional component, having
this installed when needing to troubleshoot an issue (or taking backups/running scripts) is
very helpful.
 Make sure the latest service packs and windows updates have been installed on the
application and SQL server.
 Make sure the appropriate roles and services are installed before running the Installer.
 Have a copy of the installation files / disc to hand.
 Install Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 onto the application server.
 Ensure that the latest version of Microsoft Silverlight is installed onto both the client
machines and server accessing the application.
 The user number and postcode are required for product activation so make sure that
these are known beforehand.
 Make a note of the default administrator login for the application.
Username: administrator
Password: microlib
They will be needed in this guide!
4 Installation Guide
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Chapter 1: Installing SQL Server
Any version and edition of SQL above 2000 is supported for use with the library system. Be mindful however, that
SQL 2005 employs a 4GB database limit. This means that if this limit is reached, no further transactions (i.e. books
circulated, resources added) will be stored in the data and will be discarded. As a result, it is recommended to use
a full version of SQL server or an express version that has a higher database limit, such as 2008 or 2012.
Our installation disc includes SQL Server 2012 express so the steps below explain how to install the SQL engine
from our installation disc. Should you wish to install SQL yourself from scratch, see the dedicated guide here.
Fig 1.1
1. Insert the DVD disc into the disc drive and the splash screen should automatically be shown.
2. Click Install SQL Server 2012 Express Database (x86 / x64) and a command prompt will open.
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Fig 1.2 Installation Guide
The default SA account/login password is shown in the command prompt window. Take a note of this
password as you will need it later in the installation.
Fig 1.3
3. Press any key on the keyboard to continue. You will now be asked whether you wish to install the 64-bit
version of SQL. Should you type yes (or y) then the 64-bit version will be installed. If you type no (or n)
then the 32-bit version will be installed.
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Fig 1.3
4. The installation of SQL will then begin.
When the installation has finished, you may want to install the SQL Management studio, which is a utility that can
be used to administer your SQL installation and databases. To install the Management studio, you can run the
installer from the installation disc or download this free, from Microsoft.
To install the SQL Management studio from our installation disc, click one of:
SQL Server Management Studio x86
SQL Server Management Studio x64
After the Management studio has installed, you should be able to log into the SQL instance we created earlier
(Servername\MLSECLIPSE) using the sa account and password as above.
7 Installation Guide
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Chapter 2: Installing the Application
The instructions in this chapter explain how to install the application once SQL Server has been installed.
Fig 2.1
1. Start by running the application installer (Silverlight Management.exe) on the application server. The installer
will begin to check that the pre-requisites are installed.
Fig 2.2
2. If all the prerequisites are installed, the welcome page will display. Click Next to begin the installation.
3. The license agreement will display on the next screen. Read and accept the license agreement by scrolling to the
bottom then clicking next. The next button will only be available once you have scrolled to the bottom.
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Fig 2.3 Installation Guide
ig 2.4
4. Choose or type the location to install the application to.
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Fig 2.5
5. The next step is to define the site configuration. The default is Default Web Site and MLS.NET but if you prefer to
have the site listed elsewhere in IIS, select or type that using the text boxes. Click Next to continue.
Fig 2.6
6. Click Next to the following box and the installation will begin.
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Fig 2.7
The installer will begin copying files and making the necessary configuration.
Fig 2.8
7. Once the installation wizard has completed, make sure Run Server Configuration Tool Now is ticked to open the
configuration tool. Click Finish.
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Chapter 3: Entering the Application Settings
The instructions that follow explain what settings can be entered onto each tab of the ServerConnectionSettings,
which is where you configure the application settings, database connection, proxy and more. Once all settings
have been confirmed and checked, click Save to initiate the database upgrade then continue with this guide.
License Tab
The details that can be entered onto the License tab are shown below. Type in the Customer Number and
organisation Post Code then click Activate. When activating the product, the application tries to connect to so HTTP traffic to this internet address will need to be allowed on any proxies or firewalls.
Fig 3.1
Enter the user number and postcode then click Activate.
If there are problems activating the application, the proxy server details may need to be entered (if the server
connects to the internet through a proxy server). See the instructions surrounding the Proxy Tab that describe
how to enter the proxy settings then repeat the above.
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Proxy Tab
Fig 3.2
If your organization connects to the internet through an intermediary server / proxy, the settings on this tab can
be used to enter the details of this.
Use the table below for details on what to enter in to each text box.
Server Name
Enter the host name of the proxy server or IP address, e.g. Proxy1 or
Specify the port used to connect to the proxy server.
Type in a user authenticated to access the proxy, if authentication is required. If no user is
entered then a connection will attempt to be made without one.
Enter the password associated with the user entered above.
Enter the domain that the user belongs to. For example, school.local
Protocol Version
Choose the Protocol Version either 1.0 or 1.1 to match the version that the proxy server is
expecting. If unsure, try toggling between both versions. If both options work, select 1.1.
Test Connection
This button can be used to test the connection to the services out on the Internet. Click the
Test Connection button (followed by Go) to check the connection. If an image and book
details are correctly returned then the connection to MLS services is established.
13 Installation Guide
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Library and Scheduler Database Tabs
Once the system is activated, the Library Database and Scheduler Database tabs will become active. The Library
Database tab is used to enter the connection details to the main library database whereas the Scheduler
database is separate database used to track the scheduled tasks.
It is a good idea to use the Test Connection function to confirm that the application can communicate with
the SQL Server. If the test is successful, the following should show:
Library Database
The following table describes what to enter on to the Library Database tab.
Specify the name of the SQL server followed by the instance name. The \SQL2012 in the
below image refers to the instance where the database is held. It is possible to have
multiple instances on one server so ensure the correct one is entered.
Type the name of the existing database in this text box. You can type any database name
into this box but normally MLS recommend entering “WBLS” (web-based library system).
Note that you must not create this database beforehand; it is created automatically for
Only enter a port number into the Port text box if a custom port has been defined on the
SQL Server. In the nearly all configurations, this is left blank.
The SQL user account that makes a connection to the SQL Server/instance as specified in
the Server text box.
The password associated with the user that has been entered in the Username box.
Network Library
Leave the Network Library selected as Automatic unless troubleshooting an issue.
Test Connection
When clicking Test Connection, the app will try to establish a connection to the SQL
Server using the details that have been entered in the boxes above. They do not need to
be saved before testing the connection.
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Fig 3.3
An example showing some demonstration settings entered on this tab are shown in the screenshot below.
Scheduler Database
The settings on the Scheduler Database tab are identical to the Library Database tab apart from the database
name. This should be the name of the scheduler database rather than the library database. If you would prefer to
hold the scheduler database on a separate SQL server / instance then enter these into the configuration as per
the above.
The name of the scheduler database must be labelled MLSSYS.
The Copy from Library button will copy the settings from the previous tab.
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Database Upgrade
Fig 3.5
A database upgrade check will occur each time the Save button is clicked (even if it is a new database). This is to
ensure the database is compatible with the latest version of the application. Once the settings on each tab have
been entered correctly, click Save and the database upgrade will occur if necessary.
There are multiple factors that determine how long the database takes to upgrade and as a result it may take
several minutes to complete.
Chapter 4: IIS Settings
The instructions in this section explain some of the options that we recommend you look to configure on the
website or Virtual Directory from within IIS (Internet Information Services).
Authentication Settings
From the Authentication section on the website you are configuring, you can select the authtentication options
you wish to use to secure the access of content on that website. Commonly, two types of authentication are used;
Anonymous and Windows.
When you use Anonymous (only), this means that anyone who knows the URL of the library site can load the
home page. In this mode, the borrowers will need to log on to their account by entering their credentials in the
logon box. This is useful when the site is made accessible over the Internet as it allows ‘anyone’ to access the
application without authenticating.
Often, when only used on the Intranet, Windows Authentication is desirable because this allows the user
accessing the website to be logged in to their borrower account automatically. In addition to only selecting
Windows Authentication from the Authentication section in IIS, this functionality is dependant on several factors
that are discussed in the section relating to Active Directory.
In the event you have both Anonyomous and Windows authentication set on the root website/virtual
directory the AD integration will not work because Anonymous takes presedence. See this article on MSDN
for more information.
16 Installation Guide
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Application Pool Settings
The Application Pool defines an area where web applications can be grouped together, before being routed to the
program that handles the requests of the respective website, known as the worker process. Every web application
in IIS is assigned to an application pool.
Fig 3.6
MLS recommended that you make certain configuration changes to the Application Pool settings during
installation. Unfortunately, it is not possible for these settings to be changed by the installation package and you
will need to manually intervene. The settings for the Application Pool can be changed using the Management
Console, by selecting Application Pools on the left:
Then select the name of the application pool and click Advanced Settings… on the right menu (alternatively right
click and select Advanced Settings…).
Each setting that MLS recommend you change is described below.
Rapid-Fail Protection
IIS Rapid-Fail Protection is a feature that will shut down the application pool if there are a specified number of
hard-failures, within the specified period of time. The default setting for this is 5 failures in 5 minutes. This can
sometimes cause problems with Eclipse, specifically when the images are being retrieved from multiple sources
on the internet and under some circumstances IIS internally interprets this as a hard-failure. Should there be
many users using the system at one time, the maximum can quickly be reach which may cause the application
pool to stop and an error 503 shown in the browser.
The recommendation is to set the Failure Interval to 1 minute and to set the Maximum Failures to 1000, as
shown in the example below:
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Fig 3.7 Installation Guide
As part of the settings, you can configure the application pool to recycle at a regular interval. By default, this is set
by IIS to 1740 minutes. MLS recommend that you change this to a lower value of 30 minutes, which should ensure
that should there be a memory leak, it is resolved without affecting the end user experience. Note that with
Eclipse, recycling the pool will not disrupt existing requests made to the site and the end user will not even notice
that it happens.
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Fig 3.8 Installation Guide
Enable 32-Bit Applications
Fig 3.9
Finally, it is recommended to ensure that Enable 32-bit Applications is set to False because the latest version is a
64-bit compatible application. Should you set this to True, the application will run, but under a worker process in
32-bit compatibility mode.
19 Installation Guide
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Active Directory (Optional)
The next part of the upgrade looks at Active Directory integration. This functionality allows pupils to be
automatically logged in to their accounts when they access the system. If you do not use AD integration (and
another method of logging on is being used) this part can be skipped.
The instructions below explain how to enter the Directory Services settings into the application.
Fig 3.10
1. Log in to the Management area as an administrative user and click Settings / Directory Services from the menu at
the top.
Fig 3.11
2. Click the New button at the bottom of this box to start entering configuration settings if none are specified
already. To change existing settings, highlight the details to change and click Edit. The following box will open.
20 Installation Guide
Enter the details into the appropriate field. Each field is described below. Be mindful that all are mandatory apart
from the Path field.
Fig 3.12
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Entered into the Server/Domain field should be the name of the domain or the FQDN
of a domain controller. It is recommended to enter the domain, only so DNS can locate
an appropriate DC. An example of the domain entered into this field might be
"MYDOMAIN.LOCAL" without quotation marks.
Enter a username of a user who has read permission over the OU(s) that are queried.
Often an administrative user is used when troubleshooting.
Enter the associated password of the user that is entered in the previous field.
The Path is the only optional field. This can be entered to query a designated OU in the
Active Directory in a UNC-type format.
4. Click Save to store these settings. The task can then be scheduled by clicking Schedule and running the Directory
Services task.
Although the above explains how to configure the AD task, in order for the automatic login to work it is also
dependant on other factors, such as:
Anonymous access must not be enabled on the IIS site / virtual directory.
The borrowers must be Active Directory linked.
The browser must be configured to pass logon with the current username and password.
21 Installation Guide
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In addition to the method where pupils are automatically logged in when they access the home page, it is also
possible to configure the system so that the pupils can manually type in their AD credentials.
When this is setup, the application queries the LDAP server at the point of the user typing in their credentials and
validates the user. If the user has provided the correct credentials that are validated by the directory server (and
their logon name corresponds to a logon name in the Borrowers table) then they are logged in to their accounts.
Similarly to the above, this also depends on the borrowers being linked to Active Directory. The instructions
below explain how to configure this method.
Fig 3.13
1. Load the settings window in Management, from Settings / Directory Services and click New to add a new entry to
the table.
2. In the server/domain box, enter the text localldap:// followed by the name of the domain. For instance, if
your internal AD domain is labelled “school.local”, you would enter localldap://school.local
A username and password is not required so click save.
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Email Reminders (Optional)
It is possible to configure the application to send reminders via email. Previously, it was required to install
additional roles (in particular, the IIS 6 Compatibility including SMTP relay) in order to get this to function. In the
latest version, the configuration on the application server has been simplified, greatly. This is because the emails
can be relayed directly from the application to your SMTP server rather than being sent from the application to IIS
and then using the IIS relay agent.
To configure email reminders in this version, follow the instructions below once the software has been installed.
1. Open the library Management page and click Settings \ General. In the settings box that opens, click the Settings
Fig 3.15
Fig 3.14
2. Amongst the settings are the SMTP settings. Enter the appropriate options in to the text boxes. The configurable
options are described in the table (under fig 2.4) below.
SMTP e-mail
The email address that the emails will be sent from.
SMTP e-mail
Host Name
Enter the host name where the emails should be relayed to and sent from. e.g.
Enter a user that is authenticated to send e-mail. Note that depending on the
configuration of your SMTP server, this may not be required.
Enter the corresponding password for the user above. This is not required if no
username has been specified.
23 Installation Guide
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Chapter 5: Post Installation Tasks and Considerations
If the installation has been successful then you should be able to launch the website by typing the address into
the address bar from a new IE window. The URL used to access the site will vary, depending on where the
application has been setup in IIS but the installer intelligently tries to create a shortcut on the desktop of the
server with the URL. Normally, this will be http://servername/MLS.NET/default.aspx. This section lists some
additional tasks and considerations that you may wish to run through once the software has been installed and is
Database Conversion
If you’re converting from another library system then it is likely that the MLS conversions team will send you a
SQL backup of the library data. This can be restored over the top of the existing library database (as specified in
fig 3.3) or to a newly labelled database and the configuration settings pointed to the new one to reflect this.
We have instructions online that explain how to restore a backup into SQL 2008 R2 Management Studio.
Silverlight Installation
As both the management side and the front end of the system now utilise Microsoft Silverlight, all client machines
wishing to use the library system must have this installed. This can be rolled out from the server via windows
update and does not need to be done on an individual basis, unless preferred.
Please see the following link for more information about installing Microsoft Silverlight:
Browser Settings
Configuring the browser settings to ensure the site functions efficiently is very important. Please follow the below
link to our Knowledgebase article to ensure all necessary browser settings are configured prior to using the library
Knowledge base article 1630 – Please sign in with your customer number and school postcode.
IE Favourite / Shortcut
Being a web-based system, the application should be accessible from any machine with a connection to the web
server. It is recommended to setup a shortcut, either in IE, as a shortcut from the desktop or on the school
intranet so that everyone can start using it.
Library Quick Start Guide
To help the library get started with the system, MLS have put together a list of things to get you started.
Click here to launch the appropriate topic in our help guide.
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Frequently Asked Questions
 What Server Roles and Role Services are required on a Windows Server 2008 / R2 machine?
 What Server Roles and Role Services are required on a windows Server 2012 server?
 Can the application be configured to run over HTTPS?
 How is the site configured to be accessed on the Internet?
Q. What Server Roles and Role Services are required on Server 2008 / R2?
A. In the event you are upgrading from a previous version of Eclipse, these should already be installed but they are
shown in the table below for reference.
Application Server
Feature / Role Services
.NET Framework 3.5.1 Features
Application Server Foundation
Web Server (IIS) Support
Windows Process Activation Service Support
HTTP Activation
Web Server
Common HTTP Features
 Static Content
 Default Document
 Directory Browsing
 HTTP Errors
 HTTP Redirection
Application Development
 .NET Extensibility
 ISAPI Extensions
 ISAPI Filters
Health and Diagnostics
 HTTP Logging
 Logging Tools
 Request Monitor
 Tracing
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 Basic Authentication
 Windows Authentication
 Digest Authentication
 Client Certificate Mapping Authentication
 IIS Client Certificate Mapping Authentication
 URL Authorisation
 Request Filtering
 IP Domain Restrictions
 Static Content Compression
 Dynamic Content Compression
Management Tools
 IIS Management Console
 IIS Management Scripts and Tools
 Management Service
Q. Can the application be configured to run over HTTPS?
A. Setting the application up to use HTTPS was possible with the previous version of the library software but in
the latest version the necessary configuration has been vastly improved. Because of changes in the web.config;
the bindings are already defined and due to the way that that the authentication has been changed, the
necessary configuration can be made solely in IIS rather than in multiple locations.
What is involved with making the library application useable on HTTPS, is obtaining a certificate (either from a
local Certificate Authority / one on the web or creating a self-signed certificate) and then assigning this to the
website using IIS.
A self-signed certificate is only normally used in test environments or in other similar circumstances. It is
recommended to use a certificate from a CA on your domain if it is being used internally or a public one
purchased from a company that vend them such as Verisign, GeoTrust etc. if it is being used externally.
This guide does not explain how to import or install certificates from third parties or how to assign a
certificate to a site in IIS. It is not MLS’s responsibility to implement or provide this solution. There is a lot of
information online that explains how to assign a certificate to a website and a server which may help.
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Q. How can the site be configured so it is accessible on the Internet?
A. In order to access the system outside your network you need to make the website routable on the internet.
This essentially involves obtaining a static IP address from your ISP and configuring any web traffic sent to *Your
Library Server Domain*.com (or that IP address) to be routed to the web server available on the internet, much
like other web sites.
The configuration of the public-facing aspect and any security implications of this as a result are not the
responsibility of MLS to implement, support or maintain at any point.
Q. what Server Roles and Role Services are required on Server 2012?
A. The necessary Roles and Services and listed below.
Application Server
Feature / Role Services
.NET Framework 4.5
Windows Process Activation Service Support
HTTP Activation
Web Server (IIS) Support and all related features
Web Server (IIS)
Common HTTP Features
 Static Content
 Default Document
 Directory Browsing
 HTTP Errors
 HTTP Redirection
Application Development
 .NET Extensibility 4.5
 ASP.NET 4.5
 ISAPI Extensions
 ISAPI Filters
Health and Diagnostics
 HTTP Logging
 Logging Tools
 Request Monitor
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Basic Authentication
Windows Authentication
Digest Authentication
Client Certificate Mapping Authentication
IIS Client Certificate Mapping Authentication
URL Authorisation
Request Filtering
IP and Domain Restrictions
 Static Content Compression
 Dynamic Content Compression
Management Tools
 IIS Management Console
 IIS Management Scripts and Tools