bMF<H.tTAULK IIOMK - National Library of New Zealand
bMF<H.tTAULK IIOMK - National Library of New Zealand
Otago Times. Daily OTAGO No. 2707 SHIPPING. PROPRIETOR "gjjrJL rp.IIIS Liveconipriaea tlieuiiilerships, Late Mrs Alpenny, Princes Btreet, next CityBnffet. mentioned well-KEOwn splcn^Ud JaeSSiKon,i oJ which leaves Giaegow for Otago direct avery month :— me Tons Keg. Tons Reg. 1086 Wild Deer If 00 City of Dnnedirj 1000 X P. Bouverie 1000 Peter Denny WOO J N. Fleming 1000 Otago Jessie Headman....... 9t>2 O. M'Ansland 902 850 Agnesiluir 850 WaveQueen..... 840 Helenslee 800 Wm. Davie 800 HelenBurns B^o Jano Davie HelonDenny 750 7SO Klizth Famine; 600 Robt. Hondorson.... 600 Jane Henderson dosirons of bringing out their friends can Parties secure passages on favorable terms on applicationto CARGILLB and M'LEAN "\/f A.VJL I S S A L L REGISTRY OFFICE, George street. A LET, a comfortable four-roomed ''^TOCottage in Duke street. Apply Jas. Wilson, N, Well Park Brewery. all classes of Servant to apply. Wanted, WANTED ANTED KNOWN, Drain Pipes of — presc-nt from the New Zealand Trade. HAMILTON, for LYTTELRugs, at J J. Martin's, next toVulcanFoundry, TOI>, WELLINGTON, NELSON, HOKirJKA, GreatKmg Btreet. OREYJfOUTH. and MELBOURNE, on MONT WELLINGTON. NELSON,HOKTTTKA, &RFY%JTMOUTH, and MEI.BOIJRNFj on MONDAY, 31s; OCTOBER. for RANGITOTO, at BLUFF, on calling TOBER. ply ta Frederick THOMSON,STKANG,and Co. ANTED KNOWN—Great Sale of MONDAY, 31st OC- W" Hotel. ANTED KNOWN.—Threepence per HARBOURSTEAM COMPANY KEGUIAR ETEAM TRADE TO OAMARU, ;!4; WANTED fT^HESB Fast Steamers will -a- to SELL, Tip Drays (new FOR WANTED Whole Stockis and the samo a few of the leading Wool Eepps Silk and Wool Serges Sikand Woo! Twills. All Wool French Repps Norwich Chambrays Bradford Camlets. Printed Alpacas Spring Satin Cloths Property is situated on Section r^HIS jL No. 1, Town of Il.ivtloek. MarUorough. The in the European Hotel. Apply on the preF. L. MUJiI.LER. lints in eachDepart- ment :— Silk and P^ r|^,HE : "of WANTED \HJ ** WANTED \A/ ; * s&\f&\ npilE — "yyANTED Jb££ur)' Maggie, now due. a Cargo of THE BEST WALLSE>;D LYTTISLXON. ou will be despatchcJ for above i 100 WANTED to AND EONS MONEY WIGRA.M (Of BlunUwall Yard, London) LINE OF aTil.vM AliD SAILINO PACKETS. TpHE favourite new stearoSOMERSETSHIRE, 2342 tons, Commnrder. J S Atwooh WillYe d«-pntchi--.lfor London Direct on SATURDAY, ferred. 3o AVHITB STAR LINE. ALL : Clerk, one with a knowledge of drapery preApply, B.ta, ollice of this pAper. Ho "TRADESMEN. &c. duly qualified MKDICAL 13OYAL INSURANCE the Liyal Waipori Lodge, M.U.f.OO.F. For particularly apply to Joseph Cox, Hon. Sec. N.B.—Tuere a'e no medical in n within 14 nrles of the alo?e place. EOs , Claims against the above Vessel must 1» rendered in dnplie^te to the undersigned hy 4 p.m. Tlrn D,i Monday, the 10th inst., other .vise they will not bo recoirnistd. BRIGHT, BR)S., AND CO, Aeenta. QUAUTZ REE? CHIPAS Y. MAUEWHENQA \S7ANTKD, an Engineer, fully com- TENDERS. VVANTED, for the Erec- ' and tasteful selection of Jackets, in Silk and many other materials, suitable for tho Senson. A large quantityof Jackets made are being up in the house, whichwill feo found Jackets in immense variety. lace Fronts (quite now) Lace andMuslin QUEEN INSURANCE COM PANT Ruffles Muslin Curtains Lace Curtains SwissCurtains French Brilliantincs French fpENDERS WJ WANTED, WANTED, * CCOMMODATiON for Throe Gentle- men n ;iriv«t>. family. Kepfv-Rto bwlroom.-f, whole Mr U^l.i.-. Wmchmaker. orpartiHl b-iiinl, €'~"bMF<H.tTAULK IIOMK for Ono Gcriili'iimii. rivft iti!nnt/-s from Post Olllce. Apply Ureanr K-rl. r. (■■ ii.-re-i s-rtes. Hoard SUPKKiOIt<<<■■■ and Koaidence. 'i.■:.«,■. M-'i.and Famil <«. Pr.vaK.Vni'iii. ;«satin- ro in-", i: df.ird (Imi-e. Church Hill. ul^Tij." i<> i 1 S ~>.-; a.; I'li/.ite -"D. FwfutKiUis.iltKm.ii, Vu-ti:!-:,^ (J-iit'i-m v. T'-iiv-i, ■.-.t.ti.'-.ji,. Ocorge Family Three A(;CO M MOD A Tlo^ ' \TORTHERN ASSURANCE WANTED, a PLOUGHMAN lor a -*-^« COMPANY. T ? Sheep Station. V.. ar's eng.igement. Capital: £2,000,000. Apply to DALGETY, Nf'IIOr.S, aiil Co. io> WA IST'I'ED, .. H«od SKKVANTW, fo"r I'rimtnKm iii-saiid Hotels, at Mck How id's —This day,early. ?'"? ANTED, Ouod WAIThII. liull and Alontli Hotel. General SFC!I,VANT. \S/ANTED, Mn Mayer, OumticrUml street, *> mid Uni'jnstr-oets. 1 Albziny -Apply Accumulated Fund? rlSfiS). £-110,000. Accninulattd Revcmio from Fire Premiums, £180,000 Annual Revenue from Life Pron.iuina, £110,0n0. Dunediu Olucc leniplo Chttmbers, I'limes -iLroet. J S. WElili, Agnnt. Hja : Apply 1 X' between/ | _ IN^UHANUK (JO. AUSTRALASIAN LIRE, LIFE, ar.d MARINE RISKS takun lit lowest currentru uh. W. and O. I'UHNIiULL, nru! Co., Agents for Otago. Black Glace Silk*. S9s 6(3, 425, 495, 51s the dress. Black Grogram. Black Glace Drap de France, Drap de Ltoh, Kruizdemene, extremely durable—all at Reduced Prices. Coloured Sttipe Glaces. 40a the dress. B oche Silks, c,7slid the dress. Black Silk jackets and Mantles, the most modern styles. f-voii'it» shapes, handsomely trimmed nilas Red'-ce.i Prices. Muslin Jackets, 3* »d. 4s «d. 5s Gd. Snmmer Jackets. 8s 9d, 12s !M. Black Cloth Jackets, 7s 9rt, 9s 9d, 125 03. SilK Velvet Jackets, ard Children's Jackets, Garden Parasols, Is 3d. Is lid. Exquisite styles in brown, fancy colours, and black ; lined and unlined Parasols and Parachutes ; the mobt modern styles, comoriaing ail the Felectcd novelti s, in Paririin Millinery; Bonnets. London and Pari3 trimmed Hn^s—alla: Sale Prices. — Flowers, Grasses, Whcatear Ornaments, &c.i &c, all new for this season, at Reduced Prices. New styles in Hats, Is 9d, Is lid, 2s 3a, 2s fid, 2s 9J, ■2$lid. Broad Leaf Leghorn Hats. 2s lid, 3s 3d,3s od. Sun Hat?, Mu-hrocm Hats. Boys' Sailor Huts, 1h M. 2s= lid. Corsets and Stays, :)s lid, 4s Bd, 4s 9d, 5s fid. Children'sUnderclothing, Quilted Hats, Hoods, Worked ltobes, FrocK Pelisses, Dresses. 150 doz. Linen Setts, from Is 4rl. DO do Mu»'in,Cambric, and Lace Setta, Is 11(1. 35 do Ruffle Frill* aid Lace Ties. M. Sowed CamlTie Triu mings from 3J-i. Frencn and English Ribbons at less th?,n half price. An immense variety of Ladies' Fancy Be.ts, Clasjs, &c, equally cheap. Women's AVhite Cottr.n H<-se, from fid per pair. do fccx, 3d do Child'en's (So An immense s:ock of Fancy Hosiery at the Eame Low Ratea. ~ „ Fiincy D'esses, from 5s (id. Muslin do 4s Gd. lla^e-uo Skirts „ 3s 3d. Prints, fast colours, 5\ 1. Piqueisand ilarcellas, from la 103. „ Brown Ho lands, fid. White and Gray Calicoes 3f 1. White *n.l Col Flannels „ 12-J-d. Large Size White Blankets, 14s lid. Do do Quilts, 8s 63. Loom anrlßVar-hedDumaekClo'hs, from 23 lid Printed Cloth Table Covers, full size, Ss 9d. yds long, Muslin Curtams, G 4a fid Linen and ColtonSheeting, at cast price. ~ The whrle of our magnificent stock of Carpets Floor Cloths, Rugs, Mats, and Mattings, comprising the newest designs, and just landed, subject to the same redactions. There being more than one Candidatefor the office, allfurther proceedings in the Election were adjourned until TUESDAY, the 11thday of CCTOISER instant, on which day a Poll will bs taken at the ODDFELLOWS' HALL, GEORGE STREET, between the hours of 9 a.m. and i p.m. H. S. FISH, 3u n., Mayor. October <Hh, 1879. To MEETINGS. DUNEDiN WATERWORKS COMPANY. A N Extraordinary Meeting of IN BANKRUPTCY. ARGX73 BUILDINGAND INVESTMENT 3OCIEIY. > pUBLIC NOTICE. We have BOUGHT This Day CASH DUNEDIN AND Tremendous Bargains 'will MEN'S and BOYS' WrEAR- HERBERT, HAYNES, and Co., \/|ESSRS. SKIRVING and SCHOLE-I*B FIELD arcthenopopvietrrs loneer r-uthorised to collect th-i Cromwell due to <.f Advertisers. &c., are requested to pny the Gcorg^o Fenwick, who of tli'iv Jiccotint3 to is alone :r.ithori>od to receive the ramo. Dated 7th October. IS7>| MATTHEWS and FENWICK, Proprietors, Cromwnll Argu?. nionrys Argnp. amount THOMSON, STRANG, and CO Dnnedin, 13 ih Sept. 1870. SALE. To Commence authorised to C illect Moneys, or otherwise aot she above Newspaper. GEORGE FACHE, on behr.if of Near tlio £15,000 Worth of NEW AND SEASONABLE GOODS, October 4th, IS7O. OvTAOON s So £30 REGARD. HE HON. MAJOR RICHARDSON "*" Thought? ni^rnincr,v valnab c stack of Firew-ol wns wilfal'y sec iirn to ne-ir to the Hime Station of tin Undesigned, Sterling will be paid to a Reward of FIFTY POTTKDS any person or persons who s'nal' give such iuformati m as shall leid to the ror,vi<:Li(,n of the offender : anl t'pe C4ovprnor further, will be rßcommfiiide<l to errant a free pardon to such informant, provided he shall prove to have been an accomplice. D. F. MAIN. Taieri La^e Station, 1-t O^t, 1870. CHEESE. OTAGO CHEDDAR will deliver a Public Lecture in K»ix Church on TUESDAYNEXT, 11th inst., at 7.30 o'clock, EVII.IECT : on Female Eihvation, with especial rcferencs to theOtaya Eiliuarlnnal Movement. on Saturday night, the WHEREAS, 2-1th Sortomb:r last, or early on the following 7a MOETEY. MONEY. — TOr Small Sums, f Frteliold Security. u LEND, Large and ihort and lome periods, on WM. DALRYMPLE, Jan., Land, Estate, Money, and Gsneral Oo;cimis=ion Agent, Arbitratoranil Valuator, Stafford swejt. \yf"ONEY to LEND in the following IVJL CHEESE. sums on Freeholds:—£ss!i, £:JSO. £ 00, £ ISO. GILLIES AND STKE&T. TO LEND, on Freehold jX/jONEY A S Numberless Applications have been "i-'-«Security on favourable terms, in sums to Buit made to me for my Manufactureof Chee;e, I hereby GIVE NOTICE that they CANONLY BE OBTAINED from Messrs HOGG nnd HUTTON, Grocers, PrtLces street, Dunedin. JAMES STEVENSON, 243g Riverside Dairy. ' NOTICE. /THOMSON, STRANG, AND Co., DRAPERS, Having determined to Wind-np their Business as speedily as possible, respectfully request immediate Payment ot all Outstanding Accounts. Customers will oblige,'by attending to thisnotice DISTILLERY, MEW ZEALAND -*-' Cumbekland Street. Dunedin. rrowurs. In oases where security is declined charge made. Apply to OONNELL and no MOODIB ROYAL MAIL. DEDUCTION OF CO ACE FARES. COBB AND CO.'S OF TELEGRAPH COACHES Office Manse s-reet. On and after Monday, 2Gth September— 0 12 G Tokomairiio Balcutha 10 0 Lawrence ISO Parcel* at reduced rates. !4s F. P. MANSFIELD and CO., Proprietors. ROYALMAIL LINE : At andnnder 18G8. The Undersigned are now prepared to supply the finest Malt Whisky, manufactured solely from the best Malt: also Gin and Spirits of Wine. Under tho Distillation Act, tho duty on the above is only one half that charged on imported spirit, being a saving to the buyer of 6s per proof gallon. Samples and price lists can be had on application. 26n O. R. HOWDEN and CO. ELECTION NOTICES. vJC the reqnes-t; of numerous friends in the Ward, I beg to intimaie that I am aga n a Candidate for your Biiffragcp. As tho last Election has been declared illegal. I trust on this ccci-:sion y-.u w 11 honour me by » df-ctdt-d majority, as it sli»U always be my ambition if elected to earn your a I am, Gentlemen, Yours, respectfully, WILLIAM WOODLAND. io CO.' Mjssfie:.d MAIL COAOHHS and Co SI'MMKK JHRAXGfcMENTH, Ceaving tho Booking Office, Manßo street, next ■Wain's Hotel, for all parts or the i-rovinco. fares, time, &c., Sic. st-e Bradshaw'e G>nU-j j or inquireat the Booking oiiice. CARHTAGES. F. P. M, & Co., have always on hard th6uewort deaigt si Broughams,Barouches, Phimcons, Wnggonettea, JJuagiea of every dcecription. lad American CARRIAGES HUILT TO OKTIEH, All timber used in their Manufactory hat been caio:allydelected and importud tiirectfrom Asnorica, and reasoLecl for years before working. Repairs dono in a superior in&iiiier, witiiall possible !isj>atch, and at the lowest charget, MANDFACTOnT AND RKFOSITORT, STAFFORD STREET. Superior carriage and buggy pairs, caddie horses >nd hacks, always on haadfor sale or exchange. Horses broken to saddle »n-l hi*rnosßDunedin, Ist September, IS7O REMOVAL. vtotice'of removal. BELL WARD ELECTION. WOODLAND will Electors Meet the of Bell Ward at the York Hotel, THIS EVENING, at 8 o'clock, when AND CO, AND Telegraph Lines ol BOTAI Established under Distillation Act, VTR. PRICE. pjOBB F. P. Just arrived from the Home Markets, BROWN, B. WILLOUGHBY, Secretarr. LEGTU EE. Proprietor. pENTLEMEN— In compliance with Upwards of EWING, Chairman. B. T. WHEELER is no longer TO THE ELECTORS OF BELL WARD. COST THOMASTAYLEH, LECTURE. i.|R R, offeredfor be given, DISSOLUTION _L> in conformity-with the J-.i:ii. Stotik Companies Act of 1800, an meeting of the Company w,ll be held at the(Jump n,'s olnei.s. Princes strre-, Dunedin, on Mon-.ny. the seventeenth oay o£ Oc.ober, Ik7;>i at the hou of t\v.j o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of devising menus f..r payment of the Company's debentures failing due this year. 24b DUNSTAN TIMES. h-j REMOVALTO RATTRAY STREET. RATTRAY STREET. REMOVALTO KATTRAY STREET. REMOVAL TO wiil be happy to STRVNQ, AND CO. THOMSON. explain matters relative to the late Election, and Municipal matters generally. MINCES STREET AND MAXSE STREET. PABTNERSHIP DISSOLVED. BELL WARD ELECTION. \/TR P. MANSFIELD will Address NOTICE OF REMOVAL. From Rattray street to Priivxs street, on and after Satur 'ay, 24th SeiJtember. , F. E I ,S S E L theRatepayers, This livening, at the Oddfellows' Hairdresser and Perfumer, Hal, IGco ko street, at 8 o'clock. The Committee are By"AppoiatuK-ut tv H.R v. the Duko oi Edinburgh requested to attend for th-> purpnso of dividing thcinaud Uis Bzculluuc; ihe Governor, and Volunteers, IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Fclves into HUb-cuminirtos, and transactingany other Beg} to m-.tify to Irs frif-nda mid the public, that h Che |iiittiu'-phi|> hither o exisfrg between the nn 'ersiumd. us Draws bii.l Cl"'hiois. under the style btiMi cm thatmay bo nccei-siiry. ha^ taken those c: nt-riil ji-cmiscs in Pri ici'B street tiiisilay cr firm of Bri.u-n.Ewing. and Co.. haa bi-rn (opptsite the linnkof New South Wai. s). and next door dl«si.lvcrt l>v niu'tml i.-tsi: .t ; i hat tin! b icinpi-g PUBLICATIONS will contimi" to I* ra ilxrtni »*■ hitht'-to tiy '1 lionnia to Mr George Young, watchmake his old piemiso3 Brown ai.n Ril,h Kwintr, unrier the f tvlM of Brown, in Rattray ttreet being totally unfitfor carrying on Ewipk, and L.>.. who will liiiuMnto the liabilities and BOOKS! BOOKS!! BOOKSII his hat in ss anj l<«r Wi ih comfor,, tj '~U receive nil i-eljta duu to ih« live linn. custotßOrs. Tne 13 .th- will be futed v in llratcliss style, aUa at And Noicf \* Ho-cby Fifth.-r Gir^n. thatall ontSTATIONKllY ! STATIONERY I the Liuli.-s' lliurdnvsing »t iviii-irun-oimu nwiiiu u> th* 1 ,i> ti m U|i ti> this Room upstairs, and th? Gi-ntle'a ll.itcutiii.g anil Dressing Saloon dowa dutf. must, i,e >-fLL td before tin: ls\ Novi mhur m xt. T ARGE STOCKS, ox Leucadia, VanDated at Dun-din, this third dny of 0.-toiT, 1870. F. Beisstl hopes, by stri.:t (ittonlinp hhis guard, ttinl E. P. TIIOS. BROWN businoS3 t still to have the continuance of tint piuronag k-\U" i t:\\ i.m.: Arrived at s JiNO. OLBMJIKISO, liberally b.^lowwl upua h-.m during thj lust, KEITH AND nine WILKIE'S. Witnc?i— yenro in Kattrm ptreer,. AI.KX. GISNS. O For portion of list, sec Witni'LS, PKINCISSSITiEEr, DU.NEDIN. DISSOLUTIONOF PARTNERSHIP. "*-'-*" FB NOTICE : -*-^ PIUWi.-BS STREET. VTOTrCE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that NOTICE. PUBLIC NOTICE. 0., GEORGE STREET. Amounting to£17G5 Is 7<i, which -will be public sale on Saturday first. COMPANY, LIMITED. PUBLIC NOTICES. STOCK OF MAELOW be held at the Office, Princes street, Dunedin, for previous to 13th March, 188!), must be sent to the purpose of Receiving Subscriptions, Auplicatiens, the underpinned, duly verified, ou or before tho 14th October next, when a flrc t and final dividend will be &c., THIS EVENING, from G to S o'clock. declared. M. W. MA'-VKJXS, GEO. WHITTINO-UAM. Secretary. Trustee. 283 September 27th, 1870. GA3LIGJIT AND COSE FOR THE BANKRUPT MEETING of the above Society will A Claims against the above Estate, PUBLIC EWINGr, AND CO. the LEGAL NOTICES. ESTATE OF PETER NICOCSOX, GERMANHILL ALL Evening—North District School, Great Tuesday KiiiK sirret. /JL Shareholders of ilio Dunedin Waterworks Company will be held in Murray's lln-1. Ruttray street, D:me<lin, on Tuesday. October -'5-.h. IS7O, at 4 p.m., t take into :ons'iierntion what course is to be pur.'Ueii to obtain payment of the guaranteed dividend, and other business. By order, THOMAS DICK, Secretary. October 7th, 1370. TERMS CASH. BROWN, SCHOOL, DISTRICT Djwling street. Admission, Is ; Chi'dren under 12, Cd. Doors open 7.30, commencing 8 e'clock. Mr Wiiliam Woodland, George street. Ladies' Underclothing carefully selected, comprising every i ossible variety, all at Reduced Prices, Hosiery,Boal Bilbriggan Hosiery, WANTED, TENDERS Nominated for the Office of Councillor, as above :— Mr Frank Porter Mansfield, Scotland street All of which has been recently inported from the Home Markets. sweeping Mons FLKtITIT.' Mr R. W. LAWRENCE EVENING OCTOBER 10TH.' PUNCH AND JUDY MODERNISED. 18 FIGURES, each Pigu-o having a different Voiced The only entertainment of the kind in tin colonies. Parents, give yonr Ch'ldron a treat. The following Candidates have been duly from office. SATURDAY, Bth OCTOBER. Ribbed MIDDLE PLECTION OF COUNCILLOR for -*-^ BKLL WARD, in roam of Mr B. Bagley, ousted The very best makes in Sjctch, Leicester, Nottingham, and Derby ; CORPORATION NOTICE. or /~1 RE AT Muslins PnrcKS or Admission: Dress Circle. 4s ; Stalls, is Cd ; Pit, One Shilling. Doors open at half-past 7 Curtain to rite at S o'clockj Leader of Orchestra Sta,Ke Manager £3,000 WORTH New Pattern Prints OF petent to erect and put in workingorder al{ sizes. inLadies" and Children's requisite (Juunz Crushing Machinery, to be worked by LIVERPOOL, LONDON, AND MELBOURNE. water power. Applicants to forward testimonial*, ttacing salary CAPITAL, TWO MILLIONS STERLING. tion of a Brick Shop, 4ic, in George street,for Mr expected per wjek cr per month, to the undersigned, Brussels Cirpets or Kelly. on before Ist October next. Tho Life premiumsare tho lowestin tho colonies, anc Jam«B J. OOjLVIE, the security to policy holders unsurpassed. Bonuf apoatry Carpotfl Plans, Sic,,to be scon at my office till Thursday, 13sh 27s Foundry. Oiinaru averaging 40 per cent, of tho premiums paid, wat XidderoiinSUir&CA-pcts. October. a firat-class SALESMAN, declared to holders of participating Hie policies, 31st tor the Slop Department. ADply, Box 135. Deoembor, 18G8. DAVID ROS3, Architect, he., Post Office. r>> Fire Insurances effected lowest Princes streot. at current rates, and ANTED, Two good PITCHERS. ios3e3 promptly settled. OTAGO MEAT PrtKSK.iIVING COMPANY Ths Ta'uo ot onr Cilico33, Sheetings, Flannels, (LIVIITED;. » ? Apply S. Packham, Railway Works. KEMPTUOKNK, PROSSBR, and Co. and other P*ain Goods, is too well known Linens, Agents a few good QUARRYfpENDERS will be received till noon on MKN. Apply at Milne's Quarry, MainSouth Thursday, 20r.1i in- 1, fir tho erection of Works Hoad. toing all boughtfrom the Manufaccomment; to noal -*L^UROPEAN ASSURANCE SOCIETY. for this Company at Green laland. Plans and apeciEmpowered by Special Act of Imperial Parliament Tications m»y bo s'.nn at the olllce of Mr W. N. Blair, best and moatdurablo articles. got a Respectable Intelligent *-" tho turer, wo FOR LIFE AND GUARANTEE ASSURANCE. .Princes street north. Ymitu, us AIV'IiE-nTIOK to tli-.t Drjg Businws. Andre 9, Chemist, olllue ef this uapcr. 7o J. S. WEBB, Victohhn Btuncii : Secretary. 100 STHEET WlioT, MELBOURNE. \A, ANTED, hy a Young Man with 117, COLLINS some caHUI a Situation with the view to " WANTED, for PAINTING uUimatniy EDWARD BULL, taking over business. Addro.-s, X. C, MHimping Director. T.vnC ttngfH. Apply to A. C:awshaw, CumberTHE CLOTHING DEPARTMENT box "".■_', Post-oHlce. land street. WM. CAKE YOUNG, Aijent, Duuedin. Gmy SERVANTS. Will be foundjto contain evety requisitu'for BOAIiD AND RiI^IDENCE. » ; And and Children's adapted for all sizes. : ship. Premiums can bo made payable in any part of the World. License for voyage to Europe granted free of charg LIFE BONUSES hitherto among Largest Ever Do clnrod by any oilice. For every particular see Company's Almanac, had of the Agents, ÜBSDERSON LAW and Co.. Dunedin. WORTH AND SEASONABLEDRAPERY cheaper than imported ones, COMPANY. CAPITAL £2 000 COO. Fand.s in hand immediately available exceed £1,800,000. Liability of Shareholders Unlimited. Special Advantages offered by this Company. FIHE INSURANCE: Moderate premiums. Unquestionable security. Prompt and liberal settlements. LIFE INSURANCE Unquestionablesecurity. Lwge participation in profits. Exemption cf assured from liability of partner- WANTED, PKACTiriONKK, for Ship Delhi, f'om Liverpool. very choice the WHOLE PROFIT 3 Parasols and Sunshades belong exclusively to the members, and are dJv.dcd rateably among theci. at Lace and Blondes ! INTERVALS O? FIVE YEARS. Agout lor Dunedin, Madeira Embroidery 29mv EDMUND SMTTB Lace Muslin and Chemisettes J. FIKDLAY. to Sell, immediately, owing oivrer loavi;-g town,Freehold, Fo.thstr.ct TUTOKS, CLERKS, &g. ANTED, a Thoroughly Competent 12thNOVEMBBR. Pas?aee mtney £10 a':rt npwardi. avjly to For ull in^tii-i.i' SOCIETY. A The Society being constituted on -ho principle of MUTUAL ASSURANCE, and Harbour IV-r.-ace :— 1. Private HcsMence large dining and drawing rooms, parl< ur, live bedroems, batlucom,kitchen, Ac, stable. &c ; one acre 2. Six-roomed Hou&e iir.dalmufthree-sixteenths acre. ;;. Fiv -roomed House and abo.t one-eighth acre. ']. Four-rooincl Cottag-5 ami abvjt one-eighth acre. 5. Three-roome I Cottage and about one-cigli:h acre. Terms very euay. Apply on premises to JuhnKeid. 7o MESSRS MUTUAL ASSURANCE Accumulated and InveEted Ftnd...—..£Co2,ooC Present Annual Kevenue...."-..^—-£'.Boooo GLASGOWCOAL, First Quality, By 15s TO LONDON. MELBOURNE W. P WHITE a.'jd CO.. agents, 10 Eli/.iboth street south. M'-'lbourne. TONS I Agents. j£&iJF'&ft 250 j fLIFE JfliOV] Principal Offloo, Now Pitt strcat.Syflney, \S7ANTED Known.—Landing ex E. P. THURSDAY NEXT, OCI;. 13th. H. lIOUGfiTONand Co., ISTBAM FROM DEIJT BEAUTIFUL STAR Bouverie, S. ' IO» ports A USTRALIAN Jrk. COAL. Onsale, Wholesale and By JOMX FiXDLAY. 153 STBAM TO OAMARU, TIMARU, AKAROA, AND PUBLIC COMPANIES Known. —To Land ex y|/ANTED Will Sail as above, on TUESDAY, the lltli INST. For freight orpassage, apply to W. nnd (i- TURNBULL anil Co. (ith October, IS7O. Dunedin, £15,000 Feathers, Plain Balernos, : RmluT- , GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING AND MERCERY. promises consi-fc cf a large btnldinsr, containing Vertical md Circular Sa'-s, capab o" of cutting c ght New Silk Drosse3 (555.) thou'anrt feet of timber prr day also. Engne Honpe tho 10th insfc. For i'nnght. r.pply to TOTANTED KNOWN, Great mid Boiler Shed. lh^ engine was imporfd in ISO j, Broeh.6 Silk 3 tion in Prices of Fancy Goo's, in consr- I from Wentworth's, Enplaml,ami has omy b'en in u^e KKITH RASISAY, Apent. ?v to queneeof sh pments to arrive. S.Jacoj'. 100 1 two und a-half years it is a beam engi c of 16 horse | p-wer nominal, high and Jow pressure, capable of Figured Silks. bc-icg worked to Sn-horse. The boiler is Cornisli and j TO SELL, 300 seta FOR NAPIER, Til LYTT£L,TON. steam can be raited easily from the rorgh wet slats Marriage Silka Toilet Bottles, newest designs, 3s 6.1 set. as they cou-.e from the caw. Attached t'j the Mill is a ] Flo Jacobs, late Moses. Wharf, which runs out to deep water,allowing vessels ClipperBrig Evening Silka 1 A MAGGIE, to load to a draft of la feet. A NTED KNOWN, Largest AssortThere is a Smith's and Carpenter's Sr.or, and Boat ■^feggg ;;0f) to^s, Capt. ARNOLD, mei.t of Cricketing Miteiials in rmmedin. Shed ; a'so a Ltayc Store and Counting House. Owing Moire Antiques. B-ittinggloves,.lo> C.I pair. S. Jacobs, lateMuse*. 100 to the position c f the Store, and oth r advantiiecs, Havingthe greater portion of her cargo engaged, will it commands th» be?t trad", of the clistrict. There Rich Black Silk, bright, soft, and durable, from sail positively on WEDNESDAY), tho 12 h inst. Hcu?e, dot ithed rrom \T7~ANTED TO SELL, Case of As- is alto a first-clnss Dwelling 3?©r freight or passape, upply to the Mill, well suite! for a Manage.'s or Proprietor's VV sorted Back-combs, including new AUxan Ira resilience. 47s Cd to 150stho full Dress. 3., ?l CALLVM, KEILL, and C' Comb. S. Jacobs, successor to Moses. 100 Tlie whole is in first-class orel r, and seldom doerf Agents. 6o such an r.ppcrtu' ityprr?cmt itself to tnyo:;c desirous to PURCHASE, Portable of ensr.ging in this fine of bu?ii ess. or of dro ping ; al<o, S iwine Planr, with or without into a good coiicurn, with co many advanteges as thi* FORLYTTELTOX, WELLINGTON. PICTON. NEL- emrine. Engine Address Ho ace Ba«:ng-, La, ;\ rence. lOd propeity presents. SON. TARANAKI, AND MANtICM" (tuning MILLINERY. NEW IndpiieTirlenrj of rights possessed by the present Cnrp-i for P-ULLKi, V.KSTPOK!. HOKITIKA, ANTED to SELL, the Best Boot owners, of liberty to cut timber over large areis of and GREYMOUT 11. at throne!- r?.teO. Bonnets Millinery ground, largquantities V timber cr.n be had in fiom the and Shje Business in Princea street Stock O. S. S. N. Co.'s and Fixtures at Valuation. Satisfactory reasons surrounding settlers at rates whicli arc certain to Trimmed StrawBonnets giver, for selling. For particulars, apply to J. Sooble, prove remunerative to the mill owner. George day Tenders will be received till the l*t of October, street. 40 laoppoi't'd t«i le^vn Port Chalmers for above port 3 vhen they will be o, ened, but the proj-rieto-s do not Bridal Bonneta on or about TUESDAY. 11thinst Dunedin passenthemselves to accept eith'-r the highest, lowest, KNOWN For Sate",bind gers convoyed on board irre by s'comer at 2 p m. or any lender. For f rtaer particular.-, ap, ly to Mr For freicht or passage, apply to GEORGE S.BRODJohn on Trimmed Hats Well?, property the to Messrs Krull Straw andCn., GOLDSMITH and CO.'S BONE MANURH. ; 7o Hi:K, Bat:ray ttreer,. "Wellington ; or to the undersigned, with whom tho Title Deeds, &c., can be seen. feathers ana Flowers GOLDSMITH End CO.'S BONEMAX USE. FOE CHATHAM ISLANDSDIRECT. JOHN MIXTOSH, GOLD3MTHandCO., Infantfi' Hats and Hoods Si Trafalgar stress. Nelson. Corner of Stuart streetand MorayPlace HE Screw-Steamer WAINUI mises. Clearing Salo oE our Entire Etoclt, which comprises OP be found elsewhere. We quote * Esther Eccler MIS3CAE.Y GEOROB To conclude with the Conr'r Drama, in -.wo acts, el THE fJSEP-SUuW iIAK. THIS column,a large sum of money mustat once berealised. To si3<:ure this object, wo haveresolved to hold a Great thronghout cannot valno for money rpHE following allotments of Rural SALE. Partnershipnstified by advertisement inanother well Assorted withNew Gran's, * L. Mat meson Master, aHHs 13 now loading, and will sail THIS DAY, MONDAY, worth OCTOBER loth. CASTE! Lai d. withbuildings and improvements thereon, will be offered for sale by public unction, as land of special viilue. in the Land" Office, Dunedin, onTuesday, the Ist, day of November, 1870, at noon -Block HI Kuriwao District, section 2. containing 4a 3r. lip., upsrt price, £300; Fection 1. containing 2Ga. Ir. 21p., upset price, £GO. For further particulars Bee P. ovincial Gazette. So PARTNERSHIP GREAT over Eight HundredPounds' TO-NIGHTMONDVY. At Noon. ■"■*■ NEW The Robertson's masterpiece, p-nromnci by the Press to b2 the best moi'crn comedy ever written. by be offered for CITY OF DUNEDIX. invoice price, so that wo shall be able to give \\: ANTED TO LET, the Billiard Room OF Great Bargains in all these goods. WANTED WANTED Dunedin, 13th Sept., 3 S7O. DISSOLUTION Office, Dunecin. on Monday, the :Jlst Ootober, IS7O. at 80 noon, Urset price of 25s per aero. will be GeneralDrapery at IS per cent, discount from tho home KNOWN7~Forestirs'"Feto, .nr-HE Clipper Schooner PIONEER, more goods la addition to these shipments, wo have purchased FOR that"you ; rp ,ffliljil*Ksi opening landedfrom the Win. Davie in a few days of > cupied by Mr John Hay, Maori Hill. Apply. W. and second hand), Plo ghs, Harrows, aKd Hag Wheel .arrows. Greatly Reduced. Apply Johnston, S. Douglas, Princes etreet. run regularly as nnder:— Stuart street. p.s. WALLACE everyTnesday ITor OAMARU.—Tho Upper SALE.—Section 8, Harand Friday, at 9 a.m., returning on the following VI ANTED to Let, Four and Five Etist District, 12 aces, well -watered, days at 11 a.m. » ? Rocmed Cottages. Rents low. W. Oram mosdybour cleared, biy frontage, and clese io Mr Macanfor TIMAKU, AKAROA, and LYTTELTON.—ThoBall, Princes streot 27s drtw's Jetty. Very available, as. MAORl—three times a menth. Her nest day WM. DALRYMPLE JUN. and Co., to SELL, Freehold Pro of sailing is Stafford street. peity. House and three-quarteracre section, Go MONDAY, 17th OCTOBER. Maori HilL Cargo tiil 4 o'clock. SALE, Four-roomed Brick Cot5* CORNELLand MOODIE. ta;e near town, withrifo garden. Freehold. J.T. Fer further particulars apply at tho can Roberts, Princes street south. j-, ANTED KNOWN, Oriicoa:waroocx Chambers Lunch for One Shilling at the Red lion Hotel, Stafford street. rjHO PERSONS of a SMALL CAPITAL FOR lIOKITIKA. J- wishing ;:or a good mv etmest-J. Mark, having ANTED been obliged to leave Dunedin, is willing to sell the !)th November r.ext, V.iuxhall Garden*. FIEST AND ONLY VESSEL. sto.k consisting of—Ironmongery and Crockeryware, Various sports provided. First-rate Band iv attenda; d Goodwill of his Shjp in George street, at a grea Ho sacrifi o. For further particulars, apply on the pre-*3rs, H E Favourite Clipper ance. mipes. Schooner ""a"alo4— to DISPOSE OF, Nine CREST OF THE WAVE, V" Apply Richsrd or James ?jTO SMALL CAPITALISTS—A Milk;ir» Cots. safe Master, A ncii Iha r,D Bri.i. i Investment i<jt an active man withacaplfcul of 100 Is now louuiu'j at Hattr»y street Wharf, and will have L an, Rocks, Port Chalmers, .GCOn. toinvest ina good payingbusiness in Duneiiif. despatch. early Full bp particulars to hai on a: ;>1 cation to ANTED, Robert Brown, BannerKlilTfl ItAil SAT,Ag»nt. L. MUELLER, Europem Hotel, Jetty street. 3o mill Cottage, Aberdeen. Sand addre-B 17 Georg> street. 33 x, Fort Chalmers. Brother James will communicate. FOR ISVEKCARCILL WHARF. THE HAVELOCK STEAM SAW MILLS TOR SALE, BY TESD2K. to SELL, a Hotel B. r J'ii'jt ami cnly Vossol. Screen. Apply York Hotel. %JsJsu£3"> onr The whole of Lencadia are bronght forward, and for cash (in bonfi) PEOPEBTIES FOB SALE OR SALE or TO LET, the House oc- Glass—Best English and Colonial Ale. Sham- rock TIMARU, AKAROA, AND LYTTELTON. THOMSON, STRANG, and CO. VTILLISandCO.' NOVELTY UPOX NOVELTY. ANOTHER fiEW COMEDY. : given. be THEATRE. Messrs, J S. 9 Kf\ ACRES, Sections 49 to GO, Block *J\J i_ N^rth Harbour and Elueskin District, *-> public suction in the L:u,d will sale TUESDAY, Ist NOVEMBER, TN Consequence of the Dissolution of ■*■ ANTED KNOWN—Beautiful Mil- Acenta._ seen in Dunedin. to be pRINCESS At Noon. CO., AND Tremendous Bargains will SUMMER SEASON, 7o mifes, 50 x 22, occupied by Mr Salomon, Jeweller Princes street. The Glass Oases and Fittings for sale Possession given at once. 4 STOCK GEOI aE STREET, Amountingto £1765 1^ 7d., which will be offered for public sale on Saturday first. for the Kyans, Estate Agent and Auc- mO LET, the Splendid Shop and Pre- lineryBonnet* for 12s 6d. Bankrupt Stock, George street. Thomson, Scrang, and Co. 22s DALGETY, NIOHOL3, Bad Co., H. for a largefamily. Ap- tioneer, Princes etreet. Bankrupt Stock of Marlow and Co., Georgo 22s street, by Ihomson, Strang, and Co MELBOURNE, newly ereottd Brick Villa Residences, semi detached ccntair.iog everyconvenience yT1 ANTED, Public Patronage.—The V Cheapest Goods in Dunedin sold by 17th OCTOBER. DAY, /GOTHENBURG, for LYTTELTON, of Goods, suitable Assortment shipments from the Vangnard, B. P. Bouverie,and O LET, those very desirable f\ JL .ANTED to SKLL, Cheap, Opossum MONDAY. CHURCH. CASH BANKRUPT MARLOW DRAPERY, 13s WANTED KNOWN, Hawker's Mount CASTLESTREET, NEAR ALL SAINTS' for MELBOURNE, caUTAHARUA, at BLUFF, on 17th OCTOBER. CLAUD Apply, Salomon, jeweller. Day OF comprising the Finest be Let or Sold, the Kaikorai Hotel, fO Green Island, with Stock and Furniture. Apply on ths premises. yV Ida Express leaveß Woodland's Royal George Hotel every Mondiy,passing Waikoaaiti, Palmerston, 27n Macraes, Hyde,and Bogburn. THE 19a "'jj O Let, Shop in Maclaggan street. Ji. attention NOTICE. Wo have This BOUGHT FOR to their Immense Stock of AMUSEMENTS. MONDAY, 31st OCTOBER, Lessee 21jy maker. King-street. every description; chimney tops, flower pote, ornamental vaseß, fern pans, flooring tiles, bricks, &c, tor Bale, at Laasbert's Water-oi-Leith Works. A LHAMBRA, withdrawn again for the pUBLIC have much pleasurein calling GOVERNMENT NOTICES. DRAPERY. OERBERT, HAYNES, AND CO. LET, Six and Two-Roomed Houses. tJO J Garden and Stables. Apply, Hutchinscn, boot- PASSENGERS by Cobb's Conches to know they can rely on being called at tho Occidental Hotel. Billiard balls cloth, tips cues, &c, on sale- H'MECKAN, BLACKWOOD, and Oo.'a Steamers will bo despatchedfrom Port Okalmere as f )llowa Ing corner of Jetty and Bond streets,at present occupied by Mr Ramsay. Kent moderate. Apply to J. HYMAN, 12ag p ier Eatel. MRS HOWARD, PRICE THREEPENCE. NEW ZEALAND. OCTOBER 10, 1870) DEAPEET. Offices, with fireplaces, TO LET—Two K. /CENTRAL REGISTRY OFFICE, rf^Spcv j\ TO LET MISGBIJI.AITEOUS WANTS. GLASOOW TO OTAGO. Line of MonthlyPackets, Patrick Henderson and Co.'s nndor conti'act withtho Provincial Government. MONDAY, (DUNEDIN: , ; OTAGO 2 the wind increased to a heavy gale. Kept runuing for the Solander. At 10 a.m. on the 7th, the foretopsail blew away. At midPORT CHALMERS. —Oct. 0, night the foretopmast-staysail was blown Wind S.W., fresh breeze. Weather fine, clean out of the bolt-ropes. The gale cloudy. Hi«h water on 10th October at this time was terriiic, and the seas At the Hosria, 3.13; Port Chalmers, 3.43: making a clean breach over her fore and aft- At daylight on the Bth, the 4 Dunedin. 28. SHIPPING. ; wind moderated a little and veered round PORT CHALMERS OBSERVATORY. to the southward. Bore up for the Solauder, Latitude, i5.48.55 south; longitude, llh. which was passed at 9 a.m.. Dog Island was passed at 7 p.m. same day. and the 2m. SGscc.east. Time ball drcps daily (Sundays excepted) Nuggets at an early hour yesterday mornas stated, having hud a strong ot 1 p.m., Vurt Chalmers mean time, or lh- ing, arriving southerly breeze from the Solander. We S7ni. E.'iSLC :> m, Greenwich mean time. have to thank her maater, Captain Hill, for Newcastle papers, to the date of his deparARtuv.w.s. Irom which appear elsewhere. tons, Christian, ture, extracts Beau'.iful Star, s s., 125 The s.s. Maori sailed for Lyttelton and from I.yttilton, via Intermediate Ports. H. Intermediate Ports last evening. Hougbtnn and Co., agents. Passengers :3. Wallace, p.s., 50 tons, Edie, from Oamaru. J. Mil's, as'i-nt. Passengers Mrs Jeffrey, COMMERCIAL. Mrs Rob vtson, Messrs Filkinson, Gray; and 2 in the steerage. Dally Times Office, Saturday Evening. Airedale, s.a., 2Sli tons, Kennedy, from The amount of Customs Revenue re Northern I'oris. G. S. Brodrick, agent. Passen«erfi Miss Marchant, Major Atkin oelved to-day on goods cleared for conaump ecu, C;iptdns Gundry aud Holmes, Messrs '.ion was as foilows, viz. Abbott, lienforth, Lazarus, Harris, Kelly, £ o. (1. £ s. d. Hendurson. Isaacs, Coombes, George, Brandy 93 7 C Tea 25 3 9 Thomas, Murray, Lazarus ; and 10 in the Whisky 20 10 9 Sugar S3 2 G steerage Geneva 17 S 0 Kerosene 20 5 0 Bengal, barque, 42S tons, Hill, from NewG 3 4 Wine 11 18 4 Candlea castle. J. W. Hutchison and Co., agents. Bt'ld Beer 16 10 4 Hardware IS 9 2 DEPAUIURES. 19 S 3 Sundries... 48 0 3 Tobacco Flatworth, baique, 379 tons, Shepherd, Total £385 13 S for Newcastle G. S. Brodrick, agent. Llr.yd'a Herald, ketch, 4S tons, Henry, active Business been Ramsay, agent. moderately Keith has luvurcargill. for Hope, cutter, 21 tons, Gay, for Waikava d iring the past week, notwithstanding that agent. Keith Ramsay, and Catliu's River. the waiting for the overdue mails has curAdvance, cutter, 15 tons, Andrews, for tailed operations in the import market. The Waikouaiti. Master, agent. ApaiinK% ketch, 20 tons, Kearns, for roads being now in passable condition, a fair amount of orders has come to hand from Catliu's Liver. Keith Ramsay, agent. Maori, s.s., 118 tons, Malcolm, for Lytthe country districts, while fine weather has J. Mills, also exercised a favourable influence on trade telton aud Intermediate Ports. agent. generally. In liquids there has not been much doing, spirits more particularly. CUSTOMS ENTRIES. OUTWARDS. Brandies are, in the absence of home advices, October S.—Maori, lIS tons, Malcolm, for si ill in an unsettled condition. Holders are agent. Titnaru, with cargo. J. Mills, looking for full rates, but transactions show nothing of any importance. Inthe meantime IMPORTS. P«r Wallace, from Oamaru : SS bags, the quotations madeare, forHennessy's, S36d ; Crawford 6 Morton ; case, trunks, and 32s to 335; Mart-ell's, 8a 3d and 31s to 325; Eeid 1 14 bags, Elder ; 6 do, Anderson and Mowat. Otard's, 7s 6d ; U.V.0., 6s 6d and 23s to 23s kegs, Per Diiliance From Oamaru—IS 6d. A lightbusiness has been done in genevas, Begg IS do, G G Russell and Co ; 25 bags, From Moeraki—loo at 13s. Malt liquorsare without any attention. Reid ; H:> do, order. Findlay; Sugars maintain their value; a better debass, B x or 51 do, Mecnan ; 1 do, 1 pkg, Blaukadder, Graff, and Co. mand has been felt, and in consequence of Ports 170 the shortening of stocks prices are likely to Per Airedale, from Northern bags oats, J;is WhiteUw ; 1 case, 1 cask, G be firm for the present. In teas a fair buF h'eid ; 1 truss, I case, Sargood, Son, and Ewen ; 1 p.ircel, W and G Turabnll and Co; siness has been done, principally, however, in light parcels. Values for all the better 1 do, Mrs Goodbody ; 1 do, Mitchell. Per B.ngal, from Newcastle: 650 tons descriptions are well maintained. Hemp 300 Hutchison felloes, order. coal, goods show little activity as yet. WoolEXPORTS. packs (full weights) have been quitted at Per Maori For Timaru-2 cases, Bing, 4s 3d, but cornsacks are scarcely asked Harris, and Co ; 14C pkgs, Whittiagham holders anticipate a revived Bros ; 4 do, Butterworth Bros 6 do, Car- for, thoughand are not inclined to gilla and M'Lean G casks, Turnbull and demand, of full weights Co ; 1 do, Hisaell ; 15 pkgs, Dalgety, part with parcels Nichols, and Co ; 212 do, M'Caliutn, at less than 13s3d to 13a Gd, dutypaid. All Neill, and Co ; 5 pkgs, Hughes and Har- building materials have been depressed during 1G do. Krinpthorne, Prosser, and the past few yey months, and there is not any1 do, GilCo ; 2 do, Matheson Bros 1 cask, thing to report in importers' transactions. christ ; 25 boxes, A and T Burt; Calvert and Campbell; 00 bags, Mackerras ; Timber dealers are, however, busier, and the G pkgs, Bates, Sise, and Co lot spokes, lot improved country demand for all goods of coal, G5I dls. 69 pkgs, Briscoe and Co ; 29 this class will probably react favourably do, Sargood, Son, and Kwen 10 cases, Reid upon the business of first houses. Dried 1 do, Law, Scmner, and Co ; 1 bale, Bridg15 drums, fruits continue to command full prices. A man ; 0 pkgs. Scinl in Bros 210 bdls, 1!) pkga, G G Russell and good enquiry has been experienced for Cap 9 raisins have Co ; 9 do, "Ross and Glendining: 2 do, raisins and currants. Murray 7 cifiks, Wilson I do, Moore ; 3 been paced at 5d ; elemes are held for do, Gr'fisig and Co 7 do, Oliver and Ulph ; s.|d; currants quitted at sid. Bsyond 5 do, Fellows 10 do. Play man 2 do, Heymanaon, Low, :iud Co ; 1 pel, Eggers Bros ; a fair current demand nothing has been I do, Mills, Dick, and Co ; G tubs, Reid; 5 observable in the produce market. For good chests, Turnbull and Co ; 5 cases, Marshall parcels of wheats there is enquiry, prices and Cope>nd ; 7 pkgs, Scoular ; 6 cises, averagiug above those of the commencement HutReid ; G do, Shaw ; 450 bags coal, Marof the week, and showing an upward chison. For Lyttelton —16 hhds, shall and Copeland ; 17 pkgs, Cargills tendency. Oats hare come to hand in better and M'Lean; 11} do, Whittingham Bros ; 33 supply, and values rather carier ; parcels are do, Briscoe and Co ; 25 cases, Wilson and reported as worth 33 2d to 3s 3d. Barley Birch ; 1 cask, Turnbull and Co ; 2 bale;-, continues neglected, and quotations of 3s to Scanlan ; 3 do, Briduman 3 cases, Ross and 3s 3d only nominal. Millers still decline to Glendining ; 2 do. Batter worth Bros ; 5 do, Sargood, Son, and Ewen ; 3 pkgs, Murray ; execute orders of any extent except some 6 do, Wilson and Co ; G cases, Reeves ; 1 do, light lots for shipment. Outside holders have moved fine flour in parcels at Ll3 5s to Hayman. Ll3 10s. In the auction marts there has SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. been nothing of importance going on. : . : ... ...... ... :— ... ... ... ... ; : ; ; : ; : ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; (from our own correspondents.) Messrs Wrigiit, STErHENSoN, and Co. reWellington, October 7th. Arrived.—Taranaki, s.s, from Lyttelton, port for the week ending Bth October, 1870, 8.25 p.m. Arrived. Storm Bird, October Sth. from Nelson, — 3.10 p.m. ; Wanganui, s.s., from Wanganui, s.s., 5 p.m. as follows :— Fat Cattle.—A fair number came to hand. One draft was yarded which sold at a slight reduction on last week's prices. We quote Sailed.—Taranaki, s.s, for Picton, 8.30 prime quality 303 per 1001b,middling do, a.m. Arrived. early. — Tararua, October 9th. s.s, from Nelson, Sailed.—Lord Ashley, s.s, for Napier, 3.30 p.m. Lyttelton, October Sth. Arrived.—Airedale, s.s, from Wellington, 9 a.m. Sailed.—Agnes Jessie, and Centaur, for Auckland, early. The barque FJatworthsailed for Newcastle, in ballast, on Saturday afternoon. The ketch Lloyd's Herald left the Port yesteritay morning for Inveroargill, and brought up itisiie the Heads to await a chnnye of wind from the Thecuiter Hope, fo Waikava and Catlin's River, ami ketch Aparima, for the latter port, left Port, Uhilmers in rhe forenoon, but also brought up insidu the Heads, awaiting a favourable opportunity to proceed South. The s.s. Kujtu mil Star returned from her northern trip on Saturday afternoon. She left Ly tu-lton at 3.30 p.m. on the 6th, arrived at Akaroa at 9, and sailed at 11 p.m. for Timaru, .-irrivini; there at 10 a.m. on the 7tn. L<;ft same evening at 10 30, and arrived at Onmaru at 5 a.m. on the Bth. Left again at 0. .'>o a.m, called at Kakanui, and had fine weather io arrival. We are indebted to Ctpta'.n Christiau for files. TJie p.s. Wall:ioc, from Oamaru, arrived at her regular time on Saturday evening. The raw Company's steamship Airedale, in charge of her old and well-tried commander Captain Kennedy (who, on last voyag", lfft hur in Wellington for the purpose of undergoing a surgical, operation), arrived from the Morth at 0 45 p.m. yesterday. Her mails ami pafcsengurs were shortly afterwards df-t-patched to Uunedin in the Hart our Company's sti amor Peninsula. The Airedale left, the Wharf on th j 3rd, at 3.30 p.m. Crossed the Manukau bar at 5 experienced a south-west gale to p.m. oil' Tnrauaki, where she anchored at 8 on the 4th. Discharged cargo and sailed a.m. again ftt. 11..'J0 a.m. Encountered a strong with high sea, while crossing westerly .>:;>!;■, Cook i^cait; and arrived at Nelson at 3.15 a.m. on U:e sth ; s.iilod from there at 5 15 ou the following minim"; reached Picton at 0.45 pin l«=rt again at 2 p.m., and arrived in Welling, ">■ same at 7 o'clock ; proceeded So:ith on the 7th at 4 15 p.m., with a freßh wind from VV.N. W., which prevailed until 8 p.m., light heal win-is were then met to arrival at Lyttelton at 845 a.m. on the S h ; sailed from thence at 4 p.m., and experienced strong S. W. winds and head sen, (Hiring tin; first part of the passage, ami Jight; breizes and fine weather during tho Ivtter pait. We are indebted to Mr f'ring1,;, her purser, for files. The barque Bengal, f elonying to this port, arrived ■■'■>■ the M-ads, from Newcastle, yesterday iifsuno m, with a cargo of coal consigned to her ownei-H, Messrs Hutchison nml Co. Trie wind being fiesh fromS.VV., she signalled for », tug, which was responded to hy i\i" ps ('"ri-'.oi.a. which vessel procee led down and tuw.'d her v.» during the afternoon. ') 1)', II 'i ."■'■l left Newcastle on tho 27th nit, -nd hid ..o-th w«:st winds for tin: first 24 ii.iv;.--, wii-n ,hy veered round to sonth-wist. emit iiun-g fiom that i|iiarter until tlie 1y... iiisj., when north-wen!; winds again set in. "''.oi.'p \i.i-.d by thick weather ; ; ; 27s 6d. Fat Sheep.—The market has been barely supplied, and we have to note an advance in value of \ d per lb. We sold for delivery in November 1500 in the wool, at 3^d per lb, and 800, shorn, at 2^d. The present market quotation for prime mutton is 3Jd per lb. S ore Cattle. —We have numerous enquiries for good grown cattle, with few sellers. We quote 3 to 4 year old steers L4per head; mixed cattle, L2 10sto L3. Store Sheep.—No transactions. Good wethers are in demand. We quote half-bred wethers, 2 and 4 tooth, 7s Gd to 83 each ; do, mixed hoggetts, Gsto GsGd ; merino wethers, 4, G, and S tooth, Gs 6d to 7s. Country Sale.—On Tuesday, the 4th inst, we held a sale of live stock at Mr Hickaon's Farm, Moeraki. There was a good attendance of buyers, and everything sold at satisfactory prices. Light draught horses fetched L24 to L2G ; hacks, L8 to Ll2 ; 3-year old steers, L 4; rrrxed cattle, L2 10s to L315s, Horses.—There ia a good demand for young draught and upstanding light harness horses, We quote heavy draughts, L4O to L45 ; middling do, L25 to L3O ; good hacks and light harness horses, L2O to L25 ; inferior, L to LlO. 7 Grain.—There is a fair demand for feed oats, at 3s 2d to 33 3d per bushel, and for milling samples, at :5s 4d to '.ii 6d. Prime samples of wheat are iv request, and would readily command 5s Gd. Barley inactive. DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, ments, so that the small amount of business transacted must be of a legitimate character. The demand for teas has been more active, and good sized parcels are being placed at fairly-sustainedrates. Stocksof sugars are getting rather reduced, consequently a better feeling is taking place in regard to values. White crystals find a ready sale at Lsl 10s to L52 ; brewers' do range from L46 to L47 10s ; yellow counter, Ll4 to L46 ; ration, L39 to L4l 10s ; I C is also wanted, and Lsl 10s is the quotation now demanded. Crushed loaf sugar is very low in stock at L57 (Dutch). Enquiries for loaf sugar are limited, at L62. Candles have commanded more attention than is usual at this season ; trade parcels are moving off at 12.], dto 12;jd Kerosene continues to be wanted at 33 3d; Btocks are somewhat light, but there are several small shipments expected. A small parcel of fine salt has been imported from Dunedin, which ought to assist to carry us through until direct shipments arrive. In coarse, a shipment of 20 tons is reported to have been paced at a quotation withheld. Stocks of bottled ale and stout in first hands are now getting within our requirements, and values are somewhat firmer. Cornsacks have recently attracted a little more notice, and sales of medium sized lines are recorded at 14s 3d to 14s 6d. Woolpacks are firmly held for 4s 9d. In the grain market there has not been so much doing this week in the way of sales. Exports, however, have been rather extensive to the North, and we are afraid the large quantities of grain that have gone forward to Auckland will, for the present, affect the quotations there. Salesof wheat for delivery have transpired at 43 Cd, and prime samples in store have fetched 4s 9d ; but purchasers have shown little desire to operate at the latter figure. Flour remains We cannot rather dv lat Lll 15s to Ll2. report any improvement for oats, although values have varied but little duringthe week. Potato oats have changed hands at 2s 7d in store, but farmers find some difficulty in disposing of large parcels at anything over 2s 6d. Medium feed oats range from 2s 4d to 2s sd. We have no sales of barley to report of any moment ; quotations remain nominal. In provisions there has been a considerable trade doing, principally for export. Butter is getting less active, at 7i]d to Bd. Cheese is wanted, and 7d can now be obtained for good parcels, the market being barely stocked. Hams and bacon, in assorted lines, are readily quitted at quotationsranging from 8d to 9d. Potatoes are of nominal value—say, 23s to 253. There arc no sales of stations to report, but we observe a large property in the Amuri district advertised for safe after shearing, and there are several runs in the province open for sale privately. It is to be hoped that we shall soon hear of peace upon a sound basis being established in Europe, aa the wool market will then assume a settled aspect, and investors in sheep runs will be in a position to make their calculations with some reasonable prospect of carrying them out. The sheep market has undergoneno material change sines our last report, fat mutton continuing very scarce. Our last quotations are fully maintained, and are likely to be so for some time to come. At the Carlton Yards, on Wednesday, wethers brought 11s Gd,and ewes (from the Coldstream run), up to 103 lOd. Some store ewes, with lambs given in, brought 2s Gd, and ewes without lam's, 4s. For cattle, the demandhaa been somewhat brisker, and although considerable numbers have been olfered during the week, prices have gone a little beyond last week's limits. We quote fat cattle at 27s Gd per 100 lbs. Store Cattle—weaners, 35a to 503 ; yearto L3 10s ; two year old heifers, lings. L3 L4 to L5 5s to L 5 17s Gd ; ; ditto steers, L5 three year olds, L0 to L^ 7s Gd. a slight enquiry for In horses, there is draught horses fit for work, but we hear of few sales having been efFected. The Auckland Herald of the Ist inst. re — ports: The sale yesterday, of produce, in some respects was a sacrifice. Really primebutter sold. atGifdper Ib, and good bacon and hams at equally low rates. The potatoes sold for L 4 53 per ton, and not 45a as reported in this day's issue. The market, generally speaking, closes firm. Holders of goods are indisposed to make sales, pending further advices. The short shipments coming forward, as advised, have already induced a better tone, and there is every prospect of the resumption of a far healthier state of things. We have, of late, repeatedly called attention to the bareness of the stocks of breadstuffs. Wheat is now quoted in Canterbury at 5s per bushel ; in Dunedin, at 5s ; and in Oamaru, at 5s 6d, with an upward tendency. The market price here this day is 6s per bushel. The news from Adelaide is important. Wheat was worth Gs,and Messrs Hart and Co had operated to the extent of 20,000 bushels. Flour commanded Ll4 10s for town brands, and there was a probability of its going up to Ll7 per ton. Such being the facts of the case, the pric;i of flour here is not over-rated. Potatoes are rising in value ; this we anticipated some weeks back, and we shall have to seek for supplies elsewhere. Our cereals remain at former quotations. — POST OFFICE NOTICE. MAILS CLOSE ; For Oamaru, perp.s. Wallace, on Tuesday, the llth inst., at 8 45 a.m. For Northern Ports, per s.s., Airedale, on Tuesday, 11th inst., at 1.30 p.m. For registered letters, money orders, and newspapers, one hour previous. N.B.—lt is anticipated that mails for transmission via Suez by the P. and O. Coy.'s steamer of the Bth November, will be Claud despatched from this office by the Hamilton on the 17th inst., or the s.s. Alhambra on the 19th inst. s.s. (Signed) ARCH BARE, Chief Postmaster. Chief Post Office, October 10th, 1870. ABSTRACT OP SALES BY AUCTION, This Day. STisrinsNSON,'and Co., at GoodWkioht, wood, Waikouaiti—Farm stock, implements, cattle, entire horses, &c. BIRTH. On the Sth October, the wife of Mr Henry street, of a daughter. Crone, Maitland DEATHS. On the 4th October, at the residence of her son-in-law, Reginald Julius, Esq., Oamaru, Chiisiina, relict of tho late Robert Cameron, Mr James Milnbr reports :— Although Esq., Perth, Scotland, aged 45. On the Bth October, at hia residence, Commercial Sale this week the Yard whs North East Valley, Mr John Lindsay, aged fairly attended, and the entries of horses 31 years, deeply regretted. numerous, much difficulty was experienced in effecting sales, owingentirely to the stock FUNERAL NOTICE. exhibited for sale not being of the description at present in demand. HE friends of the late Mr John Lindsay rj~l I are respectfully invited to follow his There has been during the week great enquiry for first-class heavy draught horses, remains to tho Southern Cemetery. The and no doubt, should a few come to hand just funeral will leave his lato residence, N.B. Valley, to-morrow (Tuesday), 11th inst., at now, they would meet with ready sale at re- 2 o'clock p.m. munerative prices. WALTER G. GEDDES, It has also been noticeable, judging from Undertaker, Octagon. tho frequent applications made for them lately, that well bred hacks (I mean firstSeveral cases of trichinosis hare occurred class ones) would sell quickly and well. The on board the German immigrant ship Viccurrent rates are:—First-class heavy draught toria which lately arrived at Ifobart Town, horses, from L45 to LSO ; second or midthe captain, two mates, cook, and a young dling, L25 to L3 5; ordinary lUht harness girl who was au intermediate passenger, havhorses and hacks, Ll3 to Ll7 ; inferior, ing been attacked by this disease. The capL5 to LB. tain states it us bis belief that he and his fellow-suffererswere infected by eating of a The Lyttelton Times of the Bth inst. re- ham which was on board. ports Marshal Bazaine is evidently a man fond The month opaned up with a certain amount of activity, but operations generally of display, for we learn that he had no less have I con a good deal retarded ny the light- than .02 horses belonging to himself at Metz, ness of supplied. Importers, however, are formiug a portion of his baggage train. As, not (puttingso freely an they might do, pendhowever, he has been driven back into ing i.he arrival of the EuJish mail, due here was still cooped, rin Holutika. i'.tyments on the 'Ith Metz, and by last accounts, wtTi! promptly made, and we have not h>-ard up tliere, it is probable that he will cut a of any great dilli:ulty in meeting engage- smaller figure soon. :— OCTOBER 10, THE Otago Daily Times. DUNEDIN, MONDAY, OCT 10. Some excuse may be found for the dis-\ honourable conduct of the Government in the management of the Telegraph. It may be pleaded that the temptation to abuse their power over that department is too great to be resisted. On the one hand, there is the great diili-\ argument which culty of detection—an must be held responsible for at least half the crimes that have been committed ; on the other, there is the immediate profit and reward to be obtained from the dishonourable act. Hero we have all that usually constitutes temptation presenting- itself in the most tempting form. A regiment of disciplined officials, sworn to, as mute and obedient as a guard of eunuchs in a harem, are at all times ready to carry out the wishes of the Government. They may know that the action of the Government in any particular instance is illegal; but they are not supposed to know anything except the electric alphabet. They dare not open their; mouths to disclose any shady transaction that may come within their knowledge. They are bound, moreover, to obey the commands of their superior officers ; and their superior officers,ir turn, have no choice but to obey thp commands of the Government. It foLlows, therefore,that any Government whose members are not restrained by feelings of personal honour, must be under no slight temptation to avail themselves of this potent machinery! All Governments claim and exercise a right to the free use of the wiresA and they also insist on their mes-\ sages having precedence of everybody else's messages. Possessing these privileges, what is there to restrain them from claiming any other privilege of the same kind they may have a mind to 1 Any member of a Government uninfluenced by a nice sense of honour, might be expected to fall into lax habits of thinking on this subject. as members of all Govern-' Surrounded, ments are, by friends whom they must oblig-e and enemies whom they must defeat,there is no machinery so effective for political purposes as theJ Telegraph. A friend might be obliged' much more to his own satisfaction by means of a telegram, than by any other means at the disposal of a Cabinet Minister. A mercantile friend, for instance—and all Cabinet Ministers have mercantile friends might be better pleased with a little timely information about brandies on the mail, arrival of the .English than with any other service that the Government could do him. And what is there to prevent his getting that sort of information,if anyone at the head of affairs should choose to give it? The Telegraph Act does not forbid it. As the telegraph officials would raise no questions, the public at large would know nothing about it, and thereforeof course would have nothing to complain Then, again, let us consider the of. advantage to Ministers of obtaining accurate knowledge with respect to public opinion throughout the country. Let us suppose, for instance, that the general elections are approaching. Who can estimate the value, at such a time, of such information as the Telegraph alone could put in the hands ofMinisters'? To know the enemy's game would make it a comparatively easy matter to checkmate him at every move. Considering how much depends on the results of the elections from a Ministerial point of view, it would require at least an average amount of honesty to resist such a temptation as that. An illustration of this theorem comes aptly in our way. It has been stated by a contemporary, in. an article which we republished in our last issue, that Ministers obtained a telegraphic copy of our report of Mr Stafford's speech at Timaru. This circumstance appears to have been pretty well known in select political circles forsome time. We have no legal evidence of the fact in our possession, at the present moment; and therefore we will content ourselves with supposing that the facts are correctly stated by our contemporary. The first question we have to ask is, how did Ministers come to obtain this telegraphic copy 1 We made no arrangement to supply them with one. The report, as it appeared in our columns, was written by our own reporters and telegraphed to us from Timaru. It was exclusively our property, and no one could have been entitled to a copy of it unless we had agreed to supply it. Therefore,if Ministers obtained a telegraphic copy of it, they must have obtained it surreptitiously and unIn plain English, they lawfully. must have stolen it. If they were not guilty of petty larceny, they were guilty of its moral equivalent. The difference between such an act and that of a thief who runs away in the dark with a sheet from the clothes-line, is a difference that is not visible to the moral eyesight. The law might point out a technical difference; and while it condemned one criminal to a month's imprisonment, it might discharge; the other with a caution. But as a question of moral baseness merely, the weight of the offence must be in proportion to the social dignity of the offender. It would not be easy to find a parallel for such an offence on the part of a Cabinet Minister. To prostitute the Telegraph department in so shameless a manner is an act that would not bo fitly punished except by the infamy it would involve. The law has heavy penalties in store for any ollicial in the department who should venture to divulge the contents of a. telegram. It says in fact that all telegrams must be treated as confidential communications, and that the contents must not lie made known to any persons whatever except the persons to whom they are addressed. And yet we are told that Ministers of the Crown, knowing all this, instructed the IVde- — 1870 hours, at a stretch. There is no doubt that including re-loading, and wonld take the gang plough is an important and valu- the enemy's lines at a distance of one able implemeat, and that the Baying of time mile, while tho ordinary rifle would not it effectsis a weighty consideration; and while reach that distance. The gun is placed on & the result may not, so far as this trial shows, four-wheeled gun-carriage, and is calculated 1)0 altogether satisfactory, it must not be not to exceed 25cwt. [complete, and to be forgotten that this is the first time it has drawn by four horses, and can be removed one been used in the province, and that the mile within cix minutes, carrying men and man who worked it can scarcely have had all ammunition required. A steel shield is time to become thoroughly acquainted with placed at the breach to protect men and the proper method of directing its operations. horses from the enemy's muskets. Four Probably with more experience the result men and one driver can work the gun at the might have been all that could be desired. speed I name, and in case of retreat We believe that it is contemplated to have the gun can be removed, delivering another trial next Saturdry, when the rela- shot as the horses gallop, The gun tive meats of this and some other double- can be extended to fortress purposes^ would then weigh about eight tons, furrow ploughs will be tested. Tho authorities are not showing much and would deliver bullets from 2oz to 41b judgment in the particular style of fence weight over two miles distance, at every telegrams surreptitiously. which is now being erected in the High point of the compass, in less than two The Government has expressed some grounds, as a partition between the minutes, and deliver 1000 shots in less than alarm at the establishment of what it School publish the boys' girls' schools. Instead of being ten minutes. Ido not intend to in and terms a powerful Press telegraphic obtaining until I have succeeded an effectual partition, it is simply a low designs monopoly in private hands.' The dan- fence of about five feet high, which—like the a patent." ger of such a monopoly, it says, walls of Romulus—might be jumped over by At the Theatre on Saturday night, Blow lias now become manifest to all. an active urchin. The authorities, we be- for Blow and "My Wife's Second Floor If the Govex-nment is pleased to lieve, are fully aware of the mistake, but were repeated. The lower part of the house think that an association of certain plead economy. The saving will Ie an ex- was well filled, but the dress circle and newspapers constitutes a monopoly, pensive one, if it should giverise to dissatis- boxes were not so freely patronised. Toit is of course at liberty to say so ; but faction among the patrons of the establish- night, Robertson's comedy of Caste," we are also at liberty to say that the irent. which caused so great a sensation in London insinuation is absurd. There can be Atout seventy new books have recently when first produced, will be put on the no monopoly in an association which been added to the Athenaeum library. They stage, and ought to prove a strong attracall the newspapei's in the colony, under are handsomely and serviceably bound, and tion. certain restrictions, are invited to join. are of a character to commend themselves A meeting of the Argus Building and InThe wires cannot be monopolised. to readers of all classes. A large number vestment Society will be held this evening, magazines have also been from 6 to 8 o'clock. They are open to all comers alike a.nd of the current monthly The meeting and Captain's parade any other Association that might be obtained, and we understand that the Comformed would possess just the same mittee have remitted instructions to their of No. 1 Company, City Guards, will be held at the Drill-shed, Dowling s'.reet, this monopoly that we do. What the home agent to send out L2O worth of the evening at 7.30. Mr Woodland will address the ratepayers alleged danger consists in, or by whom latest novels each month. the danger is to be apprehended, we Hakaraia Te Ngohi, one of the Maori of Bell Ward at the York Hotel, this evenare quite unable to say—unless, indeed, prisoners confined in Dunedin Gaol, died at ing at 8 o'clock.—Mr Mansfield will also the ratepayers at the Oddfellowa1 the Government alludes to itself. There five o'clock last Saturday morning in the address Hall, at the same hour. a is certainly degree of danger in such Hospital. The deceased was undergoing a An entertainment entitled "Punch and. an association to a corrupt Government. term of three yeara' imprisonment for high Judy modernised," will be given in the Middle District School, Dowling street, this It increases the political power of the treason ; but duringhis imprisonment he has evening at 8 o'clock. newspaper Press, and consequently constantly been among the invalids, sufferrenders it a much more formidable op- ing from asthma. For this complaint he BY ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. ponent than it otherwise could be. The was twice removed to the Hospital, and it political power of a newspaper is by has now earned his death. The deceased Wellington, October 9th, this means multiplied by the political was about 70 years of age, and was much Archdeacon Hadfleld was consecrated. power of every other newspaper in the respected among his tribe—the Ngatiruanui. Association. The principal orgaDs of He belonged to the AVesleyan denomination. Bishop of Wellington to-day. The whole public opinion in this country have The Native Cathechist and a few friends of the Bishops in the colony were present at the ceremony. This is the first Epishitherto been powerless beyond the visited him. the day before he died. Am mg the passengers who arrived by copal consecration ever performed withboundaries of the various provinces in. which they circulate. They ha^e the Airedale yesterday were Major Atkin- out the Queen's mandate, and Mr Kempnever before learned to act together, or son and Mr H. I). Gundry, the well-known thorne, of Auckland, entered a protest discovered the immeasurable strength Fiji trader. The opening cruise of the Otago Yacht against it on that account. that lies in unity. But the Government is clearly awake to the danger Club did not come off on Saturday afternoon Timaru, October Bth. of this Association. It is aware that us had been intended, as the violent wind The Saltwater Creek Hotel was burned any event of public interest is now and sudden squalls which prevailed during telegraphed all over the colony, and the greater part of the day would have ren- down this morning. The fire originated also that many events of public in- dered it difficult to manoeuvre the yachts in a spark from the chimney catching terest so telegraphed are not in its with safety. Towards evening, the wind did the shingle roof. The house was insured favour. This kind of danger indeed moderated considerably, but the change A good deal of the furniture must be more or less manifest to all, not take place in time to allow of the original for L250. was saved. Mr Slee, the proprietor, estiwhen one of the first results of the programme beiog carried out. A pisjeon shooting match came off on mates his personal loss at Ll5O. Association complained of is the disSaturday at Forbury Park, a number of gencovery of a gross abuse of power. tlemen having availed themselves of the inMAYOR'S COURT. vitation of Mr C. Moore, the manager of the By the courtesy of Captain Hill, of the Saturday, 7th October, estate. There was a very good afternoon's barque Bengal, we are in receipt of Sydney sport, and some excellent shooting. A bird (Before Hia Worship the Mayor, and G-. G. Russell, Esq., J.P.) and Newcastle papers to the 2Gth September, each was provided for almost every person Drunkard.—John Collins was fined sar. containing further particulars of the news on the ground, and this preliminary was Allowing Gambling in a Licensed brought by the Suez mail. This circum- well shot, nearly all the birds being killed. Housk.—Caleb Moore was charged with stance is a striking illustration of the unsatis- There were four sweeps shot, Mr Edwards allowing persons to gamble in bis licensed factory character of our existing mail ar- winning the first by killing two birds out of house, the Empire Hotel. Alexander Muir rangements. For want of aa adequate subthree. The second sweep, Messrs Clayton said that he, a man named Sampson, and sidy the mails were allowed to lie for several and Chaplin tied with two birds each ; and, others, played cards in the house of the accused from 11 o'clock on the night of the d tys in Melbourne, and were then forwarded shooting off the tie, Clayton won. The 26th to 3 o'clock on the morning of the 27th, by the most circuitous route. Had the Ta in third sweep was won by Mr Butterfield, and i hat Sampson borrowed Lls from him, rarua been subsidised to come to the B.ufF, who at the killed all his birds. The fourth sweep for which he had since summoned him the mails would have been delivered in Duncontest, Messrs Chaplin Resident Magistrate's Court. The deexciting was a very fendant admitted the charge, but said he edin a week ago. As it is, they will not, in and Clayton again tying, by each killing all ordered them to leave thehouse at 12o'clock. all probability, reach Dunedin until Wedneshis birds. In shooting off, they went on He then went to bed. Some of them went day or Thursday next. tying until the nin;h bird, when Clayton away, but four remained. When he awoke Mr Justice Chapman will sit in bank' missed, thus leaving Chaplin the victor. We between 2 o'clock and 3 o'clock he heard and stopped them. H'B ruptcy this morning, as usual, at 1 1 o'clock. understand that Mr Moore has provided 100 them playing said, There is no doubt that the Very little interest appears to be taken in birds for a match next Saturday, should the Worship has been infringed. You told the parlaw the election of a Councillor for Bell Ward. weather be fine. ties pluying to leave, but the offence lies ia The two candidates for the office—Mr WoodThe price of wheat in Liverpool, as sent to allowing the gambling to take place. This land and Mr Mausfield—-addressed meetings San Francisco by Atlantic cable, and thence being the first case the Bench would treat it of ratepayers on Saturday evening, the for- by San Francisco mail of August, is quoted leniently, but persons convicted in similar would be severely dealt with. The mer in the Oddfellows' Hall, the latter in in the Australasian and other journals at 11s cases defendant was fined 20s and costs. the British Hotel, but in each instance there Id to 12s a bushel. Itshould have been per was a very small attendance. Mr Woodcental of lOOlbs. The cental reing in use THE STATE OF THE FINANCES. land entered at some length into throughout the United States, the telegrams TO THE EDITOR. the circumstances connected with the are sent to suit the prevailing custom. The Sib—I am arecent arrival in this province, legal proceedings following on the late real price, therefore, was not over 6s 7d and probably may be induced to invest a election, and, in answer to a question to 7s 2d per bushel, and it has fallen since, small amount of money. Before doing so, I would like to know the expressed his opinion that it would be unjust as appears by the latest telegram via Suez. of the colony, and to charge the law costs against the Ward ; We note the error, because some of our actual financial position more particularly the province. Since my they ought to be defrayed by the Returning farmers might be misled by it. arrival I have had before me the various Officer and the Mayor. He was in favour of The Lyttelton Times, in a paragraph stat- blue books of the proviuce, and the financial kerbing and channelling the whole of the ing that the Suez mails brought overland speech of the Colonial Treasurer for the streets, and making proper side-walks, and from Hokitika to Christchurch were due year 1870 1. If lam correct in the conclusions I have come to, I see no way for tha thought such works as these should be ex- there on Saturday night, says : their —" We may colony and province getting out of ecuted before expending money on public mention that application was made J>y the difficulties than by the ordinary and prudent baths. He also approved of drinking foun- province of Otago to have its mails con- means of retrenchment, or by imposing an. tains being erected throughout the city. Mr veyed by coach to Christchurch, but His income and property tax. I approach this Mansfield, in his address, said he 'hought Honour the Superintendent declined to subject with some hesitation, because tha head of the Executive of this province, Mr increased representation was necessary. All undertake the responsibility." Macandrew, in all his recent spfiecheshere works should be let by tender; the rates refers to a glorious future for the province ; should be collected half-yearly ; and he ap- IMr O'Conor, a member of the Nelson Pro- and further, as the accounts are so identified proved of the erection of public baths. It vincial Council, in which body he has earned with each other, I may have made some would be unfair to charge the law co3ts in the soubriquet of the Bailor Lion," has mistake. The following is the result of my investithe Resident Magistrate the case of Kcgina v. Bagley against the been figuring before gation Ward. Both candidates obtained votes of at Westport, for striking Mr Cooper, the Otago's del>t, say £800,000 agent of the Union Bank in that town, on Southland's do confidence. 450,000 Nelson The glass the a bot'le. head with A trial of the American gang plough as follows : Total Provincial exploit M ail describes the £1,250,000 colony by recently introduced into the operaAdd quarter of Colonial debt 1,000.000 dipt tin Baldwin, took place on Saturday Eugeue [Mr O'Coior] commenced amusement of exciting tions with the the farm of Mr afternoon at Brodrick, debt Total £2,250,000 belonging a boy to the Bank with Taking then the interest and sinking fund Cavershani, in the presence of a number of pelting broken glass, in return for the said boy whole of the Consolidated and Progentlemen interested in agricultural imple- throwing somo bottles over the fence over the Losns at 7 P'-r cent., there is an vincial ments, aad in farming pursuits. A pair of annual drain on Otago's resources <j\_ whereupon Mr yard, Cooper, heavy draught horse 3 were attached to the into his youngster wounded and bleed- L157,5( 0, which is more than a haU of her entire revenue, even placing her land replough, and its merits tried in two classes of aeeins; the over the fence, bearded venue at the improvable amount now estiground. The iirst trial was in the rich black ing, jumped him caught by the lion in his den, the mated. But not content with this, you proloam lying in the Hat to theleft of the Forbury of pushed spirit pose and him off. The to add for your railways and other road, and the second in the somewhat breast, the lion of the Duller was roused at such an works about 1.500,000 additional, and by more clayey, but at the same time moie light colouial guarantee to the Publio civine; the and sandy soil, on the top of the hill behind indianity being offered to his sacred person, Works Act, you further engage to become his antagonist and a bottle he struck seizing liable for about L1,750.000 of Northern railMr Brodrick's house. That the gang plough stunning him, aud for it is idle to think that the accomplishes the cutting up the land, and on the bare head, thereby The Magistrate ways, provinces of Wellington, Taranaki and that too at a speed unattaina' le by the jinflicting a serious wound. to deal with an assault Hawke's B*y, will pay a single shilling common plough, there is no question ; but said that when ho had suehaninstrument asabottle of it. even if Auckland pays for her railway. committed with does not so the result much resemble what Calculating then these additional sums as an instrument the use of which might lead requiring per cent, for interest and sinking we are accustomed to call ploughing a3 it doe3 7 It does to manslaughter or murder—he must con- fund, you have a further annual drain of tho effect of the cultivator. assault. L 157,000, or in other words, all yourrevenua not leave the ground in tho smooth sider it as a serious cisc of common regular furrows that are looked upon Had it been the list that had been used, he is absorbed. Assuming approximately the financial as necessary to ploughed land, nor wou'd hsve thought little of it, but the use position of OUgo as above, I think you is it always successful in completely turn- of such an instrument as a bottle on the un- should be careful how you enter into other ing over the earth it cuts, some of the protected head of a man must be looked on engagements. For my own individual inI sods falling back, and leaving tho original very differently. On this charge the defend- terest, as well as for a fow of my friends, L liito to know whether the position Burfacc uppermost. This defect might ant was convicted, and was fined L 5with would am, is a assume correct one.—l &c, probably, however, be remedied cither by coats. Thereupon Eugeno Joseph O'Conor, HOCHELAGA. 3rd Oct., 1870. alteringtho set of tho iner or hinder share, cordial manufacturer and member of the or by the application of a mould-board. Nelson Provincial Council, gave notice of THE BELL WARD ELECTION. Otherwise the work is most effectually and appeal. T) TIIK EDITOR, A fanner in Victoria has invented a gun expediuously performed ; in fact the more Sir —I am turprised at the course Mir rapidly the horsos aro driven tho bettor tho which is to eclipse the mitrailleur. Mr Wil- Woodland took last Thursday on the hustresult. Of course the more rapidly tho liam Cron, of Windermerc, near Ballarat, ings, in blaming the Mayor for the expenses horses are driven, the sooner will they tiro, writes to the Argus regarding thia invention that Hell Ward had been put to in the suit Rigma r. Bigley. in as much as Mr Bagley and although the draught of the yjing iH follows :—" An ingenious farmer from offered Mr Woodland to retire from tha Wind* micro, has invented a gun capa- Council and to plough ia uot gioat, it ia not tupgo to a fresh election, sooner posed that a pair of horses con I.; b!i» of discharging 177 steel bullets, half than he should bo put to my risk of the exwork it at the necessary speed, goiir, |>h heavy a^ain a3 the ordinary rille bul- pense of a law suit. This oftV was obEnglish troops, stinately r'jfuicd, and the action proceeded at a brisk walk or a gentle Uol, lot now iv uso by the only to tho annoyance of Mr. for more than two, or two an-.l :\ hall [iv two sveonda, or DUOwithin live iniuutcs, with, not graph officials tosupply them with acopy of the telegrams containing the .speech referred to—in other words, compelled their subordinates to break the law, and to incur the risk attached to the ollcrcc. Under ordinary circumstances we .should refuse to believe that so disgraceful an act could be committed I<y any Government in the Queen'sdominions. But recent disclosures give something1 more than a colour of probability to the charge. A Government that does not hesitate to tamper with the Telegraph under one set of circumstances, will not hesitate to do so \inder another. If it could .suppress a telegram to oblige a political friend, it would probably thinklittle of obtaining ' " " " : ' ' " ; — I I j " OTAGO DAILY Bagley, but the ultimate expense of the The idea is aKsurd for Mr Woodland to state to an enlightened public that he could not legally accept this oiler, for had he acceded to the request, it vas impossible for any citizen to dispute the right he hud in so doing. It must he quite clear to the ratepayers of BellWard tha> if they have to censure anyone for the inconvenience and expense they have been put to, it should be Mr Woodland, and Mr Woodland only. —I. am, kc, city. it ATEPAYER. TO THE EJJITOR. Sir—Some persons having circulated reports with the object of prejudicing my inter- [ ests at the coming election in Bell Ward, hope you w.ll permis me, through your columns, to refute their misKtatements. They assert that by my refusal to accept the resignation of Mr Bagley, I occasioned a loss to the ratepayers of LI2S. Tho facts are these :—Some' days .liter action had been taken on behalf, a letter was received my if law from Mr Bsgley's solicitor, intimating proceedings were stayed, his client, would consulting my possibly resign his seat ; on effect that Mr solicitor I was told to the be of no avail, Bagley's resignation would that no election could legally be held till be of the by from ollico order was ousted Supreme Court. The correctness of this for when the proved, opinion was afterwards Council accepted Mr Bagley's resignation, and notified through the press the day in-of thr-y were nomination for a new election, loraied by my solicitor of the illegality of to withdraw their proceedings, and had and await tho their notices of nomination rule of the Supremo Court, the ouly authority competent to deal with the caso as Both TeKooti and Tito Kowaru are still at large, and ready for any mischief, should time and opportunity present itself. The snake may be scotched, but it is not killed. Let a little pressure be put upon us from another quarter, and see how soon the natives will take advantage of it, and compel us either to m.ike large concessions or light them. The Waikatos are in a statp of insolent neutrality. '1 he Arawas aro not ia the most friendly mood just now, and it is the belief of most that the Upper Wanganui natives and the Ngatiporoua only fi^h1; for us on account of the p.iy attached to it. The Ngatirnanuis on this coaat, and the Ngatimaniopotos in the North, wonld had with delight any chance of fighting us again, could they possibly see a chance of even temporary success. The Hangitikei Datives still offer a determined resistance to the survey of the ManuwatuIlangitikei block. So far from the settlement of that block being an accomplished fact, as stated in the Uouse during the last sitting, should England be involved in a war, I confidently predict, from what I know personally, that it will be years before it is settled. Some months ago, a surveyor's party who had been some time employed, and had done a considerable amount of work, were ordered by the Natives to stop, and in addition to this, their tents, baggage, and tools were actually taken across the river and put on the other side by these same Natives. Speculation was rife as to whether, when the ringleaders were arrested, they would offer any opposition. Those who knew them well said they would not be taken without some trouble, and, possibly, bloodshed. This was, however, never put to the test. The surveyor and his party were removed to another part of the district; the ringleaders were never brought to justice and the majesty of the Qieen's law was notvindicated. Perhaps at that time it would have been inconvenient to bring this too prominently before thepublic and the Opposition At all events, the matter was allowed to drop, and although I should fancy it must have cost the Government somethingin paying that survey party, no punishment was inflicted on those who had destroyed what they had done. And yet it is publicly and confidently asserted that the purchase of the Rangitikei-Manawatu block is finally settled. Perhaps, if some more native affairs were as closely looked ia o, they might be found to be settled in the same way. I am not saying this in a spirit of opposition to the present Government, but simply to show that in the event of a war at home, we shall have our hands full here, and thatwhile we have time, we should endeavour, as far as our resources will allow, to be thoroughly prepared to meet either a foreign or an internal enemy. In addition to this, by taking prompt and energetic measures for protecting ourselves and repelling aggression, we shall inspire capitalists at home with great confidence in us, and be the more likely to procure the loan proposed by the Colonial Treasurer during the past session.—-I am, &c, Justus. , it then stood.—I am, &c Wiu.tam Woodland George street, 10th October. THF VOLUNTEER PARADE. TO TUB EPITOIt, Sin—l noticed in a local in Saturday night's issue of the Evening Star, two state- with reference to the Voluuteer Parade on Friday night. In the first they the small muster was owingto disthat say satisfaction amongst the D. unedin companies, ments arising out of a recent appointment. In the second, they state that, orders have been received from Wellington to proceed against all absentees. Now, Sir, with reference to tho first statement. 1 think it hardly fair to the Volunteers to publish so much without also mentioning the immediate cause for such dissatisfaction, which appears to me to bo well founded. With reference to the second remark, I do cot kuow what shape the threatened proceedings will take ; but I do not doubt the dissatisfied Volunteers will if taken.—l am, be prepared to meet them Full Pbivate. &c, THE LATE SESSION. - — ■ : the way, nothing has since been heard) was said to have been iired at and wounded in Wo give below some tho Taieri River. particulars from the Thames Advertiser regarding the alleg< d c\pture of a creature equally strange to New Zealand—a gorilla. Our contemporary says We have been informed that an extraordinary animal has been captured at .Porter's Creek, on Wharekawa, and is at hope present in keeping there. Wo sincerelysoon, that it will be brought over here because we confess that the description wo have heard is noinewh t staggering, to say tho least. Thia animal was caught in a swamp ; y rings tho l.sgH, or .arms and i< ga, were tied, and it was bdged in h v icint room in Mr Hiker's store. And ilhv for thu description. Tho Maori gorili.i ii;u. '.0 is staled, a he id Hninewhat hku si n but two tusks stick ouc, one on each nid:; "f ;,iie i« ■■'. largo tuft of hi.ii- on r.iiu to|i of tho hv.yl. The Uody is as dark as that of a Maori, with :— " ; ' ' ' ' :— ; " TO THE EIHTOIt Rangitikei, Sept. 14th. Sir—lt is currentlyreported that, in conReyof the m<!rcilf'3S Mr sequence'1" THE TELEGRAPH AND THE GOVERNMENT. nolds has been catechised recently in the Princess Theatre, Mr Birch is unwi ling to meet the electors. No doubt there aro many Commenting on the facts which have electors—and not without valid reasons— who are dissatisfied with the invariable sup- recently come to light with reference to port given to the Fox Ministry by Otago the suppression of telegrams by the Gomembers —in many cases against the iutoie3ts vernment, the Press of the 4th insfc. reof the province—and more especially the bullying aspect assumed by the Colonial marks :" Treasurer towards the Opposition whenever The matter is really very serious, and his designs were thwarted. Mr Birch has no involvesmuch more than a mere struggle cause to fear. Let him como forward boldly for precedence between two rival newsand give an account of hi* stewardship in a papers. There is no knowing how far straightforward mamer, aad ho shall receive such confusion between what is public the suppnrt of all the well meaning portion of the conntitHPney. Mr Birch has promised and private, and such a disposition to use he would address the electors ;it an ear y official power for the furtherance of politidate. He has hid .laiplo time since ho made cal ends, mny not be carried. This tamthe announcement to prep '.re ;s. speech. I pering with telegrams indicates a want, of Alpha. am, &,c, principle, an unscrupnlousness, and withal an aptitude for playing dirty tricks and taking mean advantages, that may make COLONIAL DEFENCE. itselffelt in many ways. If Ministers are TO TUB EDU'Oa. to interfere with press messages, Sir—The highly important and unexpected so ready with ordinary news brought by the last m.iil is naturally will they never meddleanimosity which the topic of conversation amoug3t all c! asses. ones ? The political the bounds of law beyond It is the opinion of most that England transports them eventually must join in the struggle, in fact and honour in one thing, may do so in that she will be dragged into it. Should another. If they can delay a telegram such unfortunatelybe the ease, it behoves us in order to annoy an Opposition paper, to look carefullyat the position we should be would they not do as much to disconcert placed in, both as regards a foreign enemy, a political opponent '? Or can we believe and also that position of the natives in that they would hesitate to suppress a this colony, who are inclined to be to an Opposition candidate if they rebellious. Australia has already recog- message nised the gravity of the situation, aud thought it would influence the election 1 telegrams Nor are the only things in which has commenced to concert measures for defence, wilh a promptness which shows partiality can be shown. If the grand that her statesmen ure i qual to the occasion, scheme of last session is carried out Goand know what they are about, In addition vernment will have many opportunities to this, she has a powerful ironclad coming of favouring a friend aid spiteing an out from Eng and to protect her ports. The enemy. We have always maintained that question is, shall we be equally prompt, or the weak point of that scheme lies in go on with a blind confidence, only shutting the difficulty of finding a Government the door after the steed is stolen. la ease of who will work it without reference to ■war breaking ouf, what would be easier politics. As regards the present Ministry than for one of the enemy's cruisers to lay opinion is more than confirmed. Wellington, Auckland, Dunedin, or any of our see that even in managing the ordiI We our seaport towns under contribution. of governmentthey candepartments some readers but nary of my fancy I hear say, " have we not a portion of the Englishflee! out not keep clear of politics. They use the public services as a machinery of rewards here?" Granted ;but even men-of-war are not übiquitous. They canuot be in several or punishments for political merits or places at once. We cannot have an armed offences. The Independent supports them, vessel in every port. Take a glance back at and is rewarded by having rs telegraphic the war in America. Look at the vast news compiled and forwarded gratis. The amount of duinaga done by the Alabama, Evening Post opposes them, and is punished the Sumpter, and the Nashville, in spite of by hiving its telegrams intercepted and the largo Federal fleer constantly nn the look withheld. Can a Government which out for them. Possibly, too, the struggle in makes a practice of jobbing the telegraph Europe may assume such gigantic proporto jo'> the railways ? Mr tions that EngUmd may require, aot only a!l be trusted notbeen appointed Minister of nnvy. Th s Gisborne has her army, but ihe best part of her Works, and supposing the public also suggests grave ideas as to the future. Public out, will have policy murworks carried being When our fellow-settlers were dered and tortured, our forces repulsed wish charge of an expenditure of L1,000,000 encamped within a year. Can any one believe that loss, and a savage enemy about fifteen or tweny miles fof cue of our in directing that immense outlay he principal towns, the mother country showed will be free from political bias ? herself utter y regardless, and rendered no On the contrary, is it not certain that the continen- powers conferred by the Act, whether assistance. In tha event of a great tal war—say even some years hence—she for the expending of money or the protect willku) if to (even may be una'le creation of "billets," will be exercised us, therefore too much importance canuot be with a keen perception of the opportuniu.q warninggiven by the lastteattached tothe afford for encouraging support legrams. Themo3tsLreiiuousfctfortsoughttobe ties they We made towards purting ourselves in a state of and discountenancing opposition. obliging the Minister can defence, so th;»i, whatever happens, we have seen how in"the Press ; will he be should not bo found unprepared. Our motto be to his friends should be " Semper (ifparatua." We have less accommodating, or less ready to already the nucleus a standing force in recognise the claims of political fidelity, force in giving out a contract '( The abuses to the Aimed Constabnlaiy ; the mvlitia and oughtto be thoroughly re-organised, a which we have called attention in the good portion of it embodied, whilst the telegraph department are an earnest of should nu to the effipvd utmost attention what may be expected in the adminisciency of the. volunteers ; but above all of the public works scheme ; but things (and ouc which I. am surprised has tration not have been without their been so long neykctcd) we should at once theyif will impress on the Legislature the they use commence the formation of a naval force. necessity of imposing most stringent nvToy are .almost nt the uf Without this, we oar ah.ires. checks on the action of the Government, any depredators who Hue to visit men the expenditure of thoroughly surrounding and of We have hundreds of young acquainted with the sen, v/ho would glidly the loan with special and eltectvve safejoin. Shut our eyes to it as we may, put off guards. the evil day aa long as possible, it must come to self-defence in time-n fact which, as 1 A MAORI GORILLA. said before, Australia fully recognise* ought to Such being the c,w, our Ministers Sometime ago an alligator (of which, by take active measures, so ihat wo may not be like the foolish virgir.s, cauglr. "without any oil in our lumps. Kven two small vessels, wel' manned and properly disciplined, would prove invaluable in an emergencylike tlio one contemplated. Besides, small beginnings have grat endings. We should be comm ncing and laying tho foundation of thr-.t which tho colony must ri quire, ami must have some d;iyAnother queanon arises, an to how this war will aft ut the n.itivo rriir.d here. Many of them arc already eg.nni.ig to make most anxious cnquiiics about the pjvat /mid, amongst tho Pakohns at homo. The Maoris are not so thoroughly beaten .and cowed, as aome people wo"id endeavour t'i lead us to believe. They ha,vo ioxfc, como-trifcively speaking, nothm^, durin;! tli* !.->:-ii <: mp:i:»n, and thoxo -..■■"'io ki.i.w :.!■< m i i:o!-.»i:<,-'ly ure aware th.!, li y ire -»lin "■!., if \j't '{"'i-, as it r.iwv^n-.cA. IVlil.i.J».l Strom; a« I«ti,i; and ijtlwr ivs.-;o>.h m-y m d,i-.i« .so -:a t-.i our t,.> m,.v.i i> but. i.u-vi art: public ni/-i. ■■~ stubborn things and cannot be controverted. hair on the arms and legs. He grunts somewhat like a pig. So far for the description. The animal is apparently miscellaneous enough in his feeding, for we are informed that he eats potatoes, pie crust, and cuts. We are informed that he is to be brought over here for puhlie exhibition ml we must say we should like to see him. Since writing the above we have received some further, and in some part, contradictory particulars. The animal, or monster, has been living with the natives for a long time, although it is now, as stated above, in keeping of Mr Baker. It would almost appear that the famous missing link' has been discovered at last. The natives say that it is a hundred years old, and, that it is a tupuna' or ancestor. Thus it seems they are not so proud as we are, who do not care about believing that we are descended from monkeys. These natives are not prejudiced, and the learned Professors Huxley and Darwin would hail them as men after their own hearts. Two gentlemen were yesterday over at Wharekawa, and offered a pretty large sum for this animal which is to decide the development theory, but the negotiationfor its possession is not concluded." Photographs of this creature were taken by a firm in Auckland, whom the Southern Cross rscommended "to forward copies to the various scientific societies in Europe, so that the names of that enterprising firm might find a place in the various Transactions for IS7O of the several societies." But alas for Auckland and its enterprising firms, that indiscreet paper the Thames Advertiser, in an issue subsequent to that from which we have quoted abeve, dispels theillusion. It says We are sorry to disappoint our readers, more especially with reference to any in= teresting question in natural history, but it now appears that the reported Maori gorilla is no gori la at all. In point of fact, the Maori gorilla turns out to be an old woman. Professor Huxley must therefore wait for some time for the confirmation of thq development theory by the discovery of) the ' missing link.' We cannot give him any assistance. The statements which found their way to the public on this subject give but a faint idea of the wild rumours atloat in the town on the matter. We understand that two gentlemen went over to get this most notable creature for public exhibition, and after a long walk came to the place where she was kept. There they were shown a poor old woman, who really, in some respects, is as great a curiosity as the gorilla itself would be. She has been as she is, it seems, beyond the memory of all who know her, and has attained, it is said, the patriarchal age of 175. How this estimate his been arrived at w do not know, and so cannot guarantee its correctness. Her hair has dropped off, except a small tuft at the top; and, altogether, she is such a wonder that the gentlemen who went to buy a gorilla would willingly have made terms for her if her relations had permitted." JUDGE WARD AND THE CHIEF JUSTICE. TIMES, MONDAY, .OCTOBER 10. — :—'' ' ' ' — until the present time. The matter, however, is one which, in my opinion, and in the opinion of the other permanent Judges of the Court now present in the colony, cannot be suffered to pass without notice onour part. You will readily understand that I advert to the remarks made by you in delivering judgment at Dunedin on the application of Mr rimyfchies to quash, the conviction obtained against him under The Law Practitioners Act Amendment Act, 1866."' In the observations which I shall have to make, I shall assume the substantial accuracy of the report of the case contained in the New Zealand Sun newspaper of 12th January last. The first ground taken by Mr Smythies on his own behalf was as follows:—"The 3rd section of ' The Law Practitioners Act Amendment Act' is absurd." You must permit me to say, that no lawyer could, for one moment, deem such a proposition worthy of notice. No arguable point was raised by it. I am satisfied that as to this your opinion must coincide with my own. Yet, in giving judgment, you made this utterly untenable point the ostensible subject of a discussion, plainly intended to demonstrate the impropriety of admitting Me Smythies as a Solicitor of the Court. It is on the concluding sentence.1? of this portion of your judgment, apparently a writtee one, th»t I feel ound to comment. The sentences are reported as follows " Next we come to the application of Mr Smythies for admission. Inthis he admitted his cmviction of fovgery, and this admission is, of course, the strongest point in his favour. After a considerable delay, it was agreed by all *' .o Judges that he should be admitted ; .nd admitted he waa, accordingly, by Justice Chapman, no mention whatever being made at the time of his previous conviction. No members of the legal profession appeir to have opposed this admission, but this may probablybe accounted lor by the face that those who were aware of the circumstances connected with the application, know also that those circumstances were fully within, the knowledge of the Judges when the case came before them for decision. Of that decision,however strongly I dissent from it, I wish to speak with all possible respect. But it is much to be regretted that the utmost publicity should not have been gi/en by the Judges to their reaBoris, which I presume were most admirable, for adopting a course apparently so completely at v&riano will both the letter and Of their powers the spirit o£ English law. in the nutter there can bo no question ; but there can be as litcle ques ion, from the action afterwards taken by the Legislature, that it was intended that those powers should bo exorcised uccording to the spirit of English precedents. The result of this assent of the Judges here to the application in this cast! was, that of all the realms ruled by the law of England, New Zealand beexme the solitary spot where, by a solemn decision of the Judges, theroll of solicitors, the bar, and consequently the judicialbench, wore opened as a wcuv penitentlae to the forgers and felons of Great Britain. "Thethird section of the L»w Practitioners Act Amendment Act supplies the comment of the Legis ature on this decision, and I fail to seu the in justice or absurdity thereof, as contended fur by tne appellant." I think I am not judging you unfairly when I siiy, than under colour of discussing an absurd olij-iction, which required no answer, you s- im'ht occasion to pen these sentences. I rv>\v wish to point out to you, speaking for niysi-lf 'md my brother Judges now in New Z ■.Und, on what grounds we dc";>n V"»r -xp">'Ssi'>us highly censurable. In the ( plaou, we are well sitislied that wli .never Mm ease of Mr Smythies is examined with candour, and with adequate legal knowledge and accuracy, it will be " < :— ■ 3 ., The following correspondence between -Judge Ward and and Sir George Arney, relative to certain proceeding in the Court which they may succeed in vindicating the of Appeal has been printed course hithecto and hereafter to be pursued by them, to restore or destroy the confidence Mr Justice Ward to the Premier. of the publicin the bar of the colony, and, I Supreme Court, 22nd March, 1870. not to say, in the Court itse f. The Sir—l have the honour herewith to for- hesitate course pursued by Mr Justice Ward, and his ward a correspondence which has taken able handling of the case, to say noplace between His Honour the Chief Justice very of the thing unsparing sarcasm which he on the ground that I launches Iand myself. Ido socensuring, at the heads of his brother Judges, by an official am advised that in render that they can avoid impossible it Judge for acts done or words letter, a Puisne meeting the difficulties of the position faceto spoken by him in discharge of the duties of face. must have it out' with Mr They his office, the Chief Justice has exceeded the Justice Ward, with Mr Smythies, and with authority vested in him l-y the Legislature, the and the profession, latter, I feel confiand has sought to infringe and to restrict dent, will look on no disinterested spectathat of another Judge. I have, &c, tors. " C. D. X, Ward, Without adopting the whole of Mr Fox's Acting Puisne Judge. descriptions of your style, I quote his letter &c. The Hon. W. Fox, Premier, &c, &c, as evidence that your judgment has conveyed to him at least, as no doubt as it has to others, Enclosure. the same impression as to ourselves, namely, Justice Sir G. A. Arney to Mr Justice that you assume the attitude of a censor Ward. towards the Judges of the Court, and pretend to denounce, from our own Bench, as a scanWellington, 15th November, 1869. Sir—Various circumstances aud considera- dalous abuse, a past act of our administrations, on which it is needless at the present tion, the propriety of which never came, nor moment to enlarge, have led me to defer ad- ever could come, under your official cognidressing you upon the subject of this letter zance. To state such pretensions as these, is :— 1870 recognised as presentingexceptional features, but has, in effect, recorded its censure of the all French bias ; the country is completely Mercy took before death by sawing them asunder. tending greatly to extenuate the guilt of his proceeding as a virtual abuse of their disarmed, nnd the people grateful to England. ].v Spain the republican limitation is roIhe Chinese are collecting troops; great act. All the circumstances of the prosecu- cretionary powers. We conceive that you tion, and the light measure of the punish- are not justified in putting such an interpre- vived ; a complete amnesty granted to all insecurity is felt at the ports, and trade is paralysed. <.{Tenders show on conultimately published. inflicted, that the tation* the Act of Legislature ; or in is political ment On the news of the war in Europe a great offencewas not regarded by the authorities struing" the 3rd section of the Act, as more, In Germany the Queen demands universal number of German and French vessels were in England as an ordinary case of forgery. at the utmost, than the expression of the preparations for the relief of tlio wounde-1. PrusThis stamps, as rhetorical exaggeration, your Legislature of a mere difference of opinion as dheridan has arrived at the thrown out of thq traie. General Hongkong, August IS.—Exchange, G sweeping statement that our solemn decision, to the expediency of the course taken by the sian head-quarters to witness tha campaign. the bar our Balmoral opened Judges. Legislature, opinion, provokes and bench of The in The Queen's absence at months, 4-1; Australian sovereigns, 4-52. as you teim it, Australian coal, ti-25 to G 50 ; arrivals, I<J3(> this colony "to the forgers and felons of neither has expressed, nor is competent to loud complaints. employed Great Britain." Your account ofgwhat took express, such a censure of our act, as you 20,000 are on the Paris fortifi- tona ; for consumers salts were at i)-10 to is attribute to and to enforce 650 to 6-70. Smythies, by generally Forty German and French boy?, of Mr it, seek aud old your cations, ehizous, place on the admission vessels still are here, aud fifty neutral vessels a so so imperfect, not to say incorrect, as to own added commentß. The power of the soldiers. Judges General to and millions havo voted for the Assembly modify rights seeking freights, be injurious to all the concerned. Two been which are low. Foo Choo, August 13.—Three departures British army and navy ; 20,000 men are When, at last, after a delay of many years, duties by retro-active legislation, is unquesMr Smythies was allowed to apply for ad- tionable ; but we do not admit the doctrine added to the former ; recruiting is briuk ; for Australia. The Galilee arrived from mission, special publicity was designedly that it can so declare the law, retrospectively, tho arsenals are busy ; the artillery is mnde Newcastle, New South Wales ; and the Stirgiven to his application. It was adjourned as to reverse, or vary, aa ill-decided, the up to its full strength ; the navy is con- lingshire from Sydney. Three vessels are by the Judges at Dunedin for the express judgments of the Supreme Court, or to sidered in a high state of efficiency, but tho loading for Australian ports. Fieights to ;exchange,0months,4-6. Tea> purpose of facilitating objections, and when stigmatize the acts of the Judges as in excess army reserves are very reduced. London, L2 At Savorns. on thesame day that MMahon men lesa eager to sell. Common kinds are ultimately granted, the admission took place of their just authority. The sntne reasoning with the knowledge and acquiescence of the would lead to the cono'usion that the General was de'eated it Wiirih, the centre and right cheaper, but better sorts are dearer. The whole Dunedin Bar, including the present Assembly may overrideand censure the Privy portions of the German army, in great force, exports of tea to Australia since Ist June are Attorney-General, and those gentlemen who Council. In enacting what the law shall be under Steinmeta, poured down on Fros- —4,2:j3,541ib5., against 7,780,3501ba.for the have since taken the most active part deemed tohavebeen, theLegislaturecxpresaes aard's corps, near Saarbmck »nd Forbach ; same period last year. against Mr Smythies. Japan. it 3 will for the future ; but as regards the ;the battle rage 1 from noon till dark, and the Tho Government expresses sympathy with, But the exaggeration of its language, and past, does not make the law different from carnage was great. Frossard retreated with the unfairness of its statements, are not the what the Judges have declared it to be, so as his shattered army, leaving his baggage and the sufferers at Tien Tsin. A cteamer's boiler exploded in Yeddo harprincipal grounds of our objection to your to render their [past decisions erroneous in camps in the hands of the enemy. The abjudgment. You speak of our action in law, or to condemn their acts as improper. sence of supports and reinforcements is bour, by which a great many were killed. The French were Smythies's case as a decision. This it was The Assembly at any time, is not empowered severely criticised. The following American items have also not ; in the proper'sense of the term, no to declare what former Assemblies actually slaughtered through bad generalship, no legal question was raised. Our act was not mount by their Legislative Acts, although it plan of operation having been prepared, been received : they shall for the future be while the German system was complete. a decision, but the exercise of an adminismuy enact what There is profound sensation at Paradol's trative discretion vested in us. The dis- deemed to have meant. The interpretative I he French army concentrated at Metz is suicide ; it is said that it was caused by the tinction is of [importance, because, in your power, as regards this colony, belongs exestimated at 230,000. Marshal Lebcouf ha& heat acting od an excited brain. M. Berstrictures upon our action, you are not ex- clusively to the courts of judicature ; the superseded Bazaine as chief-in-command, themy acts till the arrival of Viscount Treilpressing a difference of opinion upon a legal power of the General Assembly, as derived with Oanrobert and Chaugarnier. It is ad- hard. point, but are pretending to censure the from the Constitution Act, being purely mitted that the Staff and the Emperor's The Austrian Consul General in New York Supreme Bench of New Zealand for an abuse legislative. Your fimp'ied doctrine on this generalship are utterly discreditable. died in the street of apoplexy. head is, in our opinion, as erroneous in law of its functions. September 2nd. Enthusiasm favours the Prussians generally to the Court. Bazaine received, up to 15'h August, throughout the Union ; and large subscripThe writer, after giving his own account »3 it is derogatory Recurring for a moment to a topic already strong reinforcements at Metz, but all atof Smythies's admission, and the proceedings tions have been made for the wounded. The to, Ithink that you cannot fail to tempts to arrest the Prussian How far, in adverted against him, goes on to say progress were President urges the purchase of foreign vesthis case, they (the Judges) may have had have remarked, in the intercourse which we unavailing. M 'Mahon's broken army resels at this juncture, for the commercial to how treated on the 14th and i7th, when the marine. exceptional grounds for allowing Mr Smythies have enjoyed at our present meeting, to don the garb of an honest man, will per- great an extent the efficiency of the Court remains re appeared at Chalons. The Conference of Christians in September depends upon the maintenance amongst the The Prussian cavalry wero victorious at is likely to be postponed.1 haps appear when they produce 'those most admirable reasons by which, as Mr Justice Judges of free and friendly, yet courteous Ltinoville on the 5 th. Nancy was occupied General O'Neil is sentenced to two yeara' relations. You must and found empty. confinement as a State prisoner. Ward with grim irony insinuates, they must and mutuallyrespectful, I felt how totally imposalso, think, have Emperor act, have justified their The and Prince Imperial left but which they have Admiral Farragut is very ill. it would be to maintain such relations Metz on the loth. On August 12oh, gold closed at 117-13th hitherto failed to put on record. Whatever sible their reasons may have been, the public will, amongst men who seek out occasions to bring A series of battles then commerced around ipremium. contempt. Norwould another into public one Ward's from Baziine to retreat Judge summing attemptinc I think, concur in Metz, Petroleum, standard white. 2-1 cents suppose you so insensitive as not to have across the Moselle back to Verdun and up, when he says that the result of the ad- I observed that have both the other placed you mission of Mr Smythies has been, that of all Chalons ; bat he was defeated on all sides. JEWELLERY. The main French army ia surrounded in the realms ruled by thelaw of England, New Judges and yourself in a false relative posiZealand has become the solitary spot where, tion, for which there has been no remedy. Metz. &TARTLING NEWS. On our parts, at least, we have felt compelled Tho Prussians took at Gravellotte two by a solemn decision of the Judges, the roll duty to abstain from thousand prisoners, two eagles, seven cannon, of solicitors, the bar, and, consequently, by a sense of public OFPUI SELLING the judicial bench, have been opened as a marking our personal disapprobation in the and the French Imperial Guard. Canrobert, which, as private gentlemen, we Frossard, Bazaine,and Lidmirvult, engaged locus pcnllentiae to the forgers and felons of manner 'JIVING UP BUSINESS. SHOP TO LET. might KST adopt. havechosen to in battle, were wounded. Two Prussian Great Britain !' " The writer then proceeds It only remains that I should glance at generals were killed, and two wounded. to say : The Act of 1866, however, if enOREi.T REDUCTIONIN-PRICES. " render unavailing the sympathies some of the reasons which have induced me The success of the Germanfirst and second forced, will of the Judicial Bench for forgers and felons. to delay this communication. On reading armies is complete. They cut off Bazaine. it became judgment, apparent at once your The Crown with the third CHEAP SALE OP JKWELLEET; But when I look at the array of technical Prince, army, objections which Mr Smythies urged before to me that the Judges eoul 1not allow it to advanced to operate at Chalons. notice. la a pass without some kind of Mr Justice Ward, and which the latter most M'Mahon is in command at Chalons. He To Watchmakers, Jewellers, nnd the Public. matter so strongly concerning all the mem- resolved to relieve Bazaine, and abandoned properly overruled, I cannot help fearing bers of the Court, I did not feel justified in Chalons for Rheims ; the CrownPrince adthat some moat admirable reasons' may AT begs SALOMON yet present ' themselves to the mind of the acting until we should have had an oppor vanced to Chalons, and sent scouts to Epc-ri-A to inform the Inhabitants of Dnncdia tunity of personal consultation. The pendThe Fourth German Army formed on ilmt "lie is iijw selling oil at recu:ed prices, his Court of Appeal, which may enable felons Stnythica ---nay. magnificent Mr ing appeals presented by ' of the troops hi3flmk. Prince Charles advanced his and forgers' to drive their coach and fix STOCK OF JEWELLERY. another ground for delay. Lastly, I to Verdun. through its clauses. That the public and was On the 22ud August Prince Napoleon the legal profession, jealous of its own charac- felt very strongly th'it the effective discharge Apof the business of the Court of The Stock consists of— general arrived and concluded at Florence, an ter, will watch the proceedings in this case A Splendid Assortment oc L ■.(lies' and GentliI have no doubt. It rests with the Judges peal might be impeded by the personal ex- alliance. nien's Gold and Silver English Lever and by made planations unfortunately necessary The German Envoy from .Rome has gone of the Supreme Court, by the manner in Ge:eva Wa'c'-CR o£ thi bost manufao- Her Majesty, to refute and condemn them. on address of the Houses of Assembly is the sole authority to which the permanent Judges of this Courb are amenable for official misconduct. To fair outside criticism, indeed, the Judges, like all other public functionaries, are in a sense prope'ly amenable. But it is a hitherto unheard of thing that a Judge of the Supreme Court should nndertake publicly to review ani censure, not their opinions, but the past official acts of the other Judges. It is an impropriety which, if not aggravated, is certainly not lessened by the fact that the Judge who has alone ventured on such a proceeding is the juniorof the whole Bench, who has only sat for a short iime under a temporary commission. I observe that Mr Fox has expressed his opinion that the Judges of the Court must, as he puts it, "have it out" with yourself : in other words, he looked forward to your judgment as certain to provoke aa open altercation of the Judges, when, at the present sitting of the Court of Appeal, they should be called upon to adjudicate upon Mr Smythies's petitions. What Mr Fox seems to have considered both a necessaryand a desirable result of the mode in which you have expressed yourself, furnishes, in our view of the matter, its strongest condemnation. It is precisely because such language tends to disturb the harmony, and by dis turbingthe harmony to impair the dignity and efficiency of the Bench, that it is gravely censurable. More especially as the matter was one likely to become the subject of further litigation, it was a pain duty to abstain from tne use of language calculated to excite feelings oE angry partizanship. Thereis but one mode in which, the terms of your judgment cou'd have become the subject of public comment by us. Seeing that the letter which I have just cited unmistakeably imputes to us sympathy with crime, together with the desire, and probable in'ention, to give effect to that sympathy by wilful mis-interpretation of the law of the land ; seeing moreover that it threatens the independence of our legal judgment, and constitutes an attempt to interfere with a then pending litigation, we might have called upon the writer to shew cause why he should not, in d«fault of a full and public apology, be struck off the rolls of the Court, or at least I'c suspended from practice. We should, without hesitation, have taken this course, feeling confident that it would have received the approval of the Privy Council, had we not been withheld by considerations of the public interest. After anxious deliberations wo came to the conclusion that we should ill correct the scand il, which your judgmentand the comment thereon may have occasioned, by proceeding against a high political fuuctionary in the mode which wo have pointed out. We came to the conclusion that we ought not to be the means, could we, with any due regard to our own honour, avoid it, of presenting to the world the spectacle of a community in which the c instituted authorities'would occupy a relative position so strange aud disgraceful. It is iv the absence of any fit public opportunity for taking notice of your judgment that, in concert with the other Judges, I have adopted this mode of expressing our common sentiments. The Judges desire to make some further comment on one part of ynur judgment. In speaking of their right to grant admission to Mr Smythies, you are reported as saying, " Of their powers in the matter" (i.e. o£ the Judges' powers), there can be no question, but then: can oe as little question, from the action afterwards takon by the Legislature, that it was intended that thoae powers should be exercised according to the spirit of English precedents." Hereby you affirm, in substance, that the Legislature, hy the Act of ISIiG,has not merely anruillo i the Act of the Judges in admitting Mr Smythies, '" , what has occurred.—l have, &c George Alfred Atsney, Chief Justice. THE SUEZ MAIL. By the barque Bengal we have files of Sydney and Newcastle papers containing the telegraphic summary of news brought by the Suez mail. We give below such items as have not already appeared in our columns, or such as give fuller details London, August 12th. :— Mr Gladstone, to conciliate the Radicals offended by the Education Bill, has declared in favour of the ballot. The Prince and Princess of Wales have returned from Copenhagen. Justice Mellish is to be the new Lord Justice of Appeals. Captian Vivian is appointed to a new office—Financial Under-Secretary of War. Davitt and Wilson, Fenians, have been sentenced to fifteen and seven years' penal servitude. The Irish Nationalists are depressed at the French losses. Oadshill House was sold to Charles Dickens, jun., for L7500. Obituary.—Lord Charles Paulet, Mr Pyne, (artist), A. Devanx, the Hon. Francis Charteris, Klcho's heir, from pistol shot. The tenders of the Australian Meat Preserving Company, to supply mutton and beef to the Admiralty, have been accepted Only L6OOwere received by the last appeal of the British Colonial Emigration Fund. Five thousand emigrants have been despatched this year to Canada, and only 113 to Australia. The published diplomatic correspondence shows that the resolute mediative effort made by the British Government caused a few hours' delay in the declaration of war ; laborious endeavours of ministers and auiba ;sadors were made to prevent the rupture. This has received general approval. The declaration of war is assigned to the refusal of the Prussian King to give a pledge against Prince Hohenzollern's future candi daturo, and a refusal to receivethe Emperor's ambassador or hold a conference with him. All tho European Governments regard the pretext as frivolous. It wrecked Ollivier and the Imperial clique. Thiers boldly dethat if the national clared, amidst huzzas, credit demanded that France should go to not on a mere so, war she should do but Question of form. The declaration of war was received with, demonstrations of enthusiasm ; all Paris caught Ollivier's spirit, and ■welcomed it with a light heart. In the interval before hostilities commenced, both sides issued State papers to justify the step taken, but the publication of the secret treaty in the London Times from the Berlin Cabinet upset all faith in French or German honesty. The treaty has five articles, and recognises Piussian conqueat3 ; Prussia tafacilitatethe French annexation of Luxembourg ; a union of South Germauy with (he North Confederation ; and Prussia promised armed assistance to seize Belgium ; also, an offensive and defensivealliance. The appearance of this document was a terrible blow to France, and intensified the hatred between the belligerents. A correspondent of the Telegraph states thit ihe Emperor .'idmitted that negotiations had taken place, during which Bismarck enquired what compensation France required if Prussia abandoned Holland. Tho Empress Regent visited the ileet at Cherbourg before leaving for the Baltic. The Prussian ironclads retired to Wi liamshaven. The passage of the principal Prussian rivers is blocked, and the defence, of the north coaat is entrusted to General Falkenstein, with 50 000 men. The rule that no correspondents should be allowed with the French army was relaxed by the Emperor after the imprisonment of the Standard's representative. Major Perisburton represents the Times at Prussian head quarters. The dissentients of infallibility, after a fruitless audience with the Pope, left Home to Caprera. The British Cabinet is in favour of the neutrality of the conquered States, but the Germanpress claim rmnexa'inn. Italy. Austria, and England are expected to mediate together when a proper time oo urs. Tlie bombirdment of Strasbourg from Kehl commenced on the lOoh August ; the trenches were advanced, and the artillery fired day and ni«ht, twenty-three 100 lb. gung attacking. The Bishop tried to mediate, but failed. The commander then resolved to defend it to the last. Thi Ministers of War and tho Interior are likelyto be removed from Paris. The distribution of arms is procured on a large scale, thirteen army corps were despatched on the 30th, to assist M'Mahon, who then removed from Kheitns,northwards, on Vouziers and Sedan, followed by the The Crown Prince in forced Fmperor was with ]\'i 'Mahon. The Belgian array is on the frontier, and refused to permit the passage of Prussians wounded, as France objected. Fever prevails amongst the wounded at Metz. The Berlin press accuses France of a of the Convention, which is indigbreach nantly denied. M'Mahon is righting from Beaumont, through Monzon, to Sedan. The carnage is terrible. Strasbourg is in ruins, but it is still holding out. PrinceFrederick Charles commands against Bazaine. General Winifred has surrendered Sedan. September 3rd. M'Mahon was again defeated, and driven back into Sedan, after five days' desperate fighting ; fearful slaughter occurred, Sedan capitulated; M'Mahon was wounded, and his whole army are prisoners of war. The Emperor Napoleon surrendered, and asked the King of Prussia to see him, and appoint a residence. America is neutral, hut shows strong sympathies with the Germans. Kuasia, Austria, and Italy are jealous of Prusbia. There has been awful carnage during the month's fighting. One hundred thousand were killed and wounded at Metz alone. Two English colliers have been iired at by French ironclads at Heligoland. COMMERCIAL. Since the subsidence of the panic all saleable Australian stocks have recovered. At Liverpool there was a series of panics throughout the month, which have entailed widespread ruin. The outflow of gold whs arrested by the Bank of England raising the rate of discount rapidly to 0 per cent. Continental rates roae from 5 to 10The Bank of Franca reserves were reduced nine millions. There was a general rally in a few days in the prices of stocks, and Consols sold at 01 \-. War loans are only just aunounced. The following i-.eaas reter to India and the East :— Galle, September 7th. The French steamer IL.-o^hly made the voyage from Galle to Marseilles and back, via the Suez Caual, with fctuppages, in 47 days. turors i an u^sortnviiifc of Lcidios* find Gen* tlcinen's Colonial Gold Chains; a large and choice selection o£ E^lish and Cjlonial Je\voUc-ry of tlic mist tas;e£iil do igns ; New /Cinland Q-mrtz and Oreenstone, a jlendidly mounted ; ilso, Jet Ornament 3in endless variety. The Largest and moat Magnificent OP DIAMONDS STOCK in tlie colony. Sterling Silver and Electro-platei Spoons and Fork?, Cups, Tea-service, Palvers, lakstanils, Euui Eg«s boautifu'ly mounted in different designs, for presentations ; Telescopes, Op°ra, Field, ar,d Marino Glasses. Clocks, Mus'cal B .sea; and a variety of g;o-s too numerous tomention. Ladies are respectfully invited to Inspect Splendid Stock. thia EEMBMBEII! Tlie Sale will continue only tiil the Shop is Lef. Note tub AnrjvEss— Opposite thu Custom House, Princes street. WATCHES, WATCHES, WATCHE3. YOUNG GEORGE STREET, Opposite PKINCES Bank o£ New South Waleß, Begs to inform his friends and the publicgenerally that, in accordance with the arrangements he marts when in Britain, be is now receiving regular andfrequent shipments of fresh goodo- of the choicest description, and of the newest and latest fashions, direct from the makers. 16 CASES OF NEW GOODS Just to hand ex " Equator" and " Leucadia," from London, and " Dunfillan" and "E. P. Bouverie," from Glasgow. The followingis a few of the quantities:— 10 doz. Gold and Silver Hunting and Open-fosflct Watche?, keyless. &c. 8 doz. French and American Clocks 8 doz. Gold Brooche3 9 doz. Pairs Gold Earrings 6 doz Ladies' and Gents.' Gold Ringg SJdoz. Gold Loctets 04 rioz. Gold Chains ana Alberta 6 casea Silver and Electro-plated Goods, consisting of salvers, cake and card baskets, cruets, liqueur frames, cuds, inkstands, salt-cellars, revolving cover dishes, and egg boilers, dec, &.O. Also a large and varied assortment of Studs, Sleeve Links, Solitaires. ScarC Rings, Pins, Crosses, Field" and Opera Glasses, Telescopes, Aneroids, Bohemian Glass V.i3es, Lustres, &c., &c. G. Y. would particularlydrawtee attention of intcnd:ng purchasers to tliialarga and beautiful addition, to his present stock, which he is certain cannot ba Burpassed ill the colonies, eitb-rfor quality, or for newness and variety of design and pattern ; and as these have been bought for cash, at the first hand, and imported direct, he is thereby enabled to offer them at verylow prices. Early Inspection Invited, LARGE STOCK OF COLONIAL JEWELLERY. Watches, Clocks, Jewellery,&c. carefully Cleaned and Repaired at Moderate Charges. G. Y. wouldremind hisfriends and the public that he received the First Prizufor Clocks and Watches at tha New Zealand Exhibition, ISGi. GEOEGH YOUNG, PRINCESSTREET, Opposite Bank of New South Wales. ESTABLISHED 1856. HISLOF JOHN ate Arthur Beverly), PIUitfCKSSTSSET, DUNEDIN Opposite Banx of Otago. The laying of the cable from Singaf ore to J. H. baft to acquaint his friends and t6e publia generally, that 'je is in constant receipt of—by orerr Madras will begin at the end of tho year. mail—Naw Goods, purchased from the bost makers, ot Bom hay, August 30th, which a li&S is euuEnc-iutoj below. 6000 people perished in ;'.n earthquake at WATCHES—GoId and ailvor, ladies' and gents', oport." Thibet in April last. faced, and hunting,keyless, and every oiior The European complications arc exciting description. the deepest interest ; should Prussia adCHAlNS—Ladies' ard Gents' Colonial and Enslißts to vance, Turkey proposes England to throw gold albert and guard chains. an enormous force of Indian tro p3 into BROOCHES and Earrings. exten;ivo choice, set witls diamonds, and every kind o£ precious stones. Egypt. The removal of the British troops 3RAOKLETSand Necklets—large assortment. from India is protested against. RLNG3 and Pius, various designs ; also, studs, slecVO" Ma DMAS, .September 2. links, and solitaires, und gold and silver A petition has been signed by natives for pencil cases. Lord Napier to be allowed two years more SILVER GOODS—Tea and ooffoe services, knlves» rule. forks, spoons, salvors, inkstands, card codes* ohildrcn'B mugs, knife, fork, and spoon, ie 55,000 tons of wood fuel were burnt on Eet3; a r-electi»a of Prize cups, salt cellars, acA tho Madras railway, in ISOS. The Governbroocho3. ment is increasing the fore»t reserves. Thero PLATED GOODS—Tea »nd coffco Bervices, susar is no coal in the Presidency. basins, cruets, liqueur frames, eijg stands, cake baskets, salt cellars, and every sleacription ot Calcutta, August 27. electro-plated in escaped open Fifteen convicts an boat BAROMETERS—Shipgoods. disgusted. and hall, aneroid, mercurial; The Hungarian Ministry recommended the from the Andaman Islands. and metallic ; also, a large assortment of their The European employes on the railway mometera. prohibition of the new dogmn, as a section of corpa. formed into a volunteer are TELESCOPES—Opera, raarino, Rnd field glasses. the Catholics threaten to secede in Austria China. CLOCKS—A large aasortrcont of English, French, anS Russia, though nominally neutral, is slowly The French Charge (VAffaires, Koche American clocks—suitable for drawing-rooms, arming, and massing troop 3in strategical dining-rooms, hills, or kitchona, at demanded positions. arriving on Tien Tsin, Conast, the release of cortain native comiots, which GREENSTONE —A largo assortment of greenstona Poland is watched. mounted, in brooches, earriugs, stuls, locketSg seyond w;is and ; triumph complied It i3feared that Prussian aims at with the demand, pin3, &c. the formation of a league to maintain (?) equi- tbat Tsengkorofan would visit him on board with, ooiiiph'.d r,liii), t'n the next, was also J. H. hi>s tho honour to inform the inhabitants ol librium of power. the Provi'ico, that tho manufacturer of *ondon that, thy heads of thron <■£ the: chief M andarinsj Turkey has called out hor reserves. iiindn wa' ehos took v first at vho IntctuQUOiial Russian ollicial organs aio now anti Prus- of Turi'orn should b d :ltveroil, tlio Viceroy Kx'.-" idou, 1^62, London. \>r;so j:ivi: Uhe.'jkw.'tiri was to uutivit waling sian. two, All sorts of C >lonial Jewelrymade to order, General Floury is at St. Petersburg. !iis Lii;uloii:tnt-(-}.!m.Til ; ir.vther instructions fr.iin hum-.! arc waited for. Tius imiiviHonevi Chros.nioel«ra, duplex, lever, horizontal, verge, The Scandinavian States declared neutrao^uryt'.-jctiption oi wuteLra carufullyrepaired, lity ; though Denmark is powerfully tempted. n:>livea presented ;i ',' si^ln ; hombJe I In Belgium the secret treaty lias destroyed mutilations and atrumtk'S on tiio Sisters ol j Biii' chtonometcra rated by transit observations ■ OTAGO DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, FOB SALE. ! 4 ! SALES BY AUCTIOSfc STATIONS, STOCK, &c. TUESDAY, 11th OCTOBKB, At I' 2 o'clock. r\TAGO WOOL and FLAX STORES, OILMEN'S STORES, &c. to We beg to intimate tluic we are now prepared MAKE AIJYAMJESon thy incomingc'ip of. WOOL, or comignmentof FLAX, rithor for sale hero or for we HIGH fcTRKET, DUNEDIN. HEPBURN, and CO. M'LAJNDRESS, rmportara to are rooms, Mansastreot, by the RUN SALE, FOR In the Province of Otago. Acres Firat-class Sheep Country, " 10 000 Terms ■ jy Apply to CARGILLS and I^HE "*" MION (by Diomcdvs, dam by Sir Hercules), is yourg, up to any weight, thoroughly quiet in saddle or harne?3, and is aa gooi and handsome a lady's horse a any in the country. £45. BARRON, GRANT, and Co pHCENIX WOOL WAREHOUSE, ■*■ HOPE STRKET, DUNEDIN. M'LANDRESS, 'I sell by instructed by the Wednes"noction their Rooms, Manse street, day, 12th Ootober, at 12 o'clock, she?p-shpars, Nos. 9 and 5 casesin,donble-crown E. Korby and I. 11. Sorby, withund without springs Oo Terms at sale. DRIVER, STEWART, and Co., 22nd September, 870. Dancdin, To Consignors of HorEes, At 12 o'clock. CO. MTiANDRESS, HEPBURN, and importers have received instructions from the lo sell by auction, at their Rooms, on Wednesday, 12th. instant, at 12 o'clock, American chnrns, numbers 2 and 3. n/\ So Terms at sale. WEDNESDAY, 12th OCTOBEE, CLEARING SALS OP by sit their Wednesday, l'2tli Rt 12 o'clock, An invoics of ccal vas?s, bedsteads, axles,gslvjniscd wire, fenders, trays, nails. Also, Electro-platel ware. Terms at sale. 17;h 100 OCTOBEE, At 12 o'clock. Sale by auction of STOCK, AGRICULTURALIMPLEMENTS, &.V. At Flag Swamp, neir Hawksbnry. HEPBURN, and Co. 'LA?! DRESS, instructed by Mr Willir.m Wriphr, who are tvs leac2d his farm, to soli on Moaday, 17th October, IU2 o'clock, The while of his first-class dairy stock, fnt sr.a store bullocks, draught hor?e.', carts, harness, agricultural implements, &c, Sec. Also, bout 100D bushes cat^ 23s At half-past 1 o'clock. VALUABLE FREEHOLDFARM. rpHE Thorough-bred Entire Horse Imported Pure Tired Clydesdale Stallion, "LOUD CLYDE." Goodwocd, Waikonaiti. -"- BUNOARIBEE will travel the s&me disricts as Prince Alfred. Bungaribee ij a black horse, IT hands high, of great muscular power and fine action. He is got by Velocity, imported, out of Mirsia, impo.ted. For farther informationride Stud Book or Cards. 6o E. PRITCHARD. T% have received instructions from Wm Jones, Esq.. of Goodwood, who is lcasinahis properties, to npilE Celebrated Imported Clydesdale .JL Entire Horse G..ASGOW GEORDIE. will 801 lby auction, at. O?odwoo.i, \V;ukouaiti, on Monday, thif Season at Mr Warnock'a Farm, near Caversham. 10th October, at V2o'clock, 1 gui: eas ; payable at the eno of the season. The whole of his Farming Stock and Implements, Terms C- Uiirantce as per agreement Good paddeck provided comprising— at 2s (id [jer week, withoutresponsibility. Owners may o a head iat cattle rely that every care will be taken of their Hares, as they will be under the Proprietor's personalsuperintendence. dairy cows and ttore steers in do JAMES BRYCE. Ilillcnd, October i' h, IS7O. draught and saddle horses, 0 : o teams working bullocks, with drays, bows, and yoke-? Four-hor.-e power the.?h'nj; machine, with cleanerand separator in ploughs, 10 pairs harrows, chaff2drnys, cutter. 10 si-ti plough harness, 8 sets shaft and leading harness, large boiler, &c. &c, 4tu., ■" VTBW FOR SALE, ALGETY, NICHOLS, LE " QUICKSAND." To b<3 se;n at the Shamrock Stables. CO. and Onthis property is erected a substantial, well-built residence. N<-arly all tho land is substantially fenced ; more th«n 200 aiiies under cultivation; a good coal Held ; and the riualityof the Und not surpassed. More than £8000 lias been expendedon the property, and it is one of the test investments ir. Otago, as it will be sold regardless cf cost. Terms at sale. 7o MONDiY, Tor, NOVEMBER, IS7O, At 3 o'clock. , If not disposed of tcfore the season commences, ho will travel in the Taieri, Waihcla, and Tokcmairiro districts. Apply t7 100 WRIGHT, STEPHEKSON, and Co. AND BOWER, PANTLIN, and Co. to intimate lhatthey intend holding PERIWool, Sheepskins, Hides, and Tallow, at the Phoenix Wool Stores, Hope stre't, whore wool can be storej, and arranged f?r sale by 4o Public section, at the usual rates o" charge3. beg SALES of At 1o'clock. LEASE- Q Bold separately. 24 Freehold-Sections and SR, block VIII., Perth Harbour and Blueskin district, containing O't acres 1 rooi IS poles, also well D. Leasehold -Portions 7 Rn-1 8. block XV., Dunertin, frontingDowiing street, withfour dwelling houses therein. The ground rect is iow, and valantionhas to be paid, or tr.e buildings mi.y be removed at the oni of lease. , The title deids and conditions of sale may be seen at thoofflctss of W. Dosnie Stewart, Esq Solicitor, Duncdin. Tlam of the properties at the offices &f the Auc- TUK.SDAY, ISth OCTOBER, At 2 o'clocK, VALUMiLE RW. . PROPERTY. CAPSTICK 10a_ 11 STATIONS, O E &o. SALE, BY PIUVATE CONTRACT, i'aruis of from B0 acres upwards of Hie richnr-t AfriculouralL*n<l in Shag Valley. Terms unusually Üboral., A valuable )■ eehoW of 7H57 ncre3 Agrifultnra.l Land, of which about 250 acres are lnW laid down in Enaliah graces, tituaUid within rix n.iles of Tukomairiio. Th" property i< fenced in, and tho stock, corii'sting r.iii'l cl -h ■■«»,muy <: tikonby (hu purchaser fit vnlinii.iou. Will bo s .Id ul, irgiiin, anil thu t'r'':it.-iijwrtiun of the !im-.-lM?r; inoncj' (nay rnmain mi rnoi (.r.zci'or a iiumbur of yeari. ft»piy to Drays. Harness, Plough, Harrows, &c commercial sale yards. Co /GEORGE DDNCaN,having arranged with Mr J. Milner to sell by auction in the above Yards, tegs to in'imate thatsales of hcrs:s and other stock will b3 continued a? hitherto. Partiesfor whom Stick has been soil will receive paymentfro n U. Duncan immediately after the sale. G. D. begs to call tho attention of Farmers and FREEHOLD haa rcceivel instrur.tiona from Mr Peter Bell, of Choicelee, about five miles from Olutb.4 Ferry, and at hi3 jlO milc3 from Tjkomairiro, to sell by aurtion, IKooms oppo-i'e the White Horse Hotel, Tokomairiro, at 2 o'clock, on Tuesday, 18th Octourr, in with (more lop), or all fenced 2Uia. 3r. 27;i. Ft eep p oof fence, nino roomed dwelling hou-e, 1 acre garden anl orchard. whII Btocked with fru t trees, and 4 acre English graaipaiMo-k. .-hwp r"H and stockyard, nil having leer, erected with'n the I'nt three yfiirs. To be so.d in one lot or lots to suit purchasers. For further particulars apply to Mr Peter Be I on the premises, -who will Dhow the Eh:ate or 11. W. CAPSTIUK, Ar.ctionee-, Tokomairiro. STOCK, o good draughthorses others havingStock to dispose of to the Commercial Sale Yards, which, from their central position, will always command the attendance of purchasers. Sheep and Lair.b Sales will be hold inseason. ' STANDARD Disease^ ON , ' V\7 Q : THE Q SALE N i — | Georga, Maclaggun, and Great Kiag Streets, Dunedio j Families waited upon for orders in all City and | and Very Old Scotch Wliisky Fine Qualities Teas Misft'a Fine Sherries, GEORGEGEAY RUSSELLb CO. Use. GUITA PEECHA ENAMEL* For stepping decayed tet-tb. Renders the tooth sonn<2 and us:f ul, and )i! events tootlmclie ; no mutter howfniE ilecnvci. Price Ik Gil \or box. Ask for Gabriel'E cclebu.led Dental Preparations. GABRIEL'SWHITE Dunedin and Auckland. OSTEO ENAMEL STOPPING, GA.P.RTEI/R For preserving front teeth. Warranted to remain white and as iirin as the tooth its«lf. This beantilufi preparation restores frnnt teeth and prevents does?. Will s;op six teeth. Price Ss. ; 1 ; : street. CONTRACTORS. mHE UNDERSIGNED have on SaJe, p /GLICKON'S LAPIDARY, in lots to suit Purchasers— STAFFORD STREET, (Adjoining :— Provincial DUNEDIN Hotel). Greenstoneand Pebbles cut to any design, and polished.—Unequalled in tho Colonies, 27ag Jewellery boughtor rxchange4, nna made to order. GEORGE S. BRODRICK, ' *** CHILCOTT, EDUCATIONAL. SALVE Cure 3 SCHOOL. uts, bruises, burns, scalds, ulcers, boils, sore legs, chilblains, irost in the hands or feet, sore, lum"*TO THE bago, pains in tho side, blisters, corns, whitlow, sore aud inilanii-d eyes, styes, &c, &c. Of all forms of HIGH SCHOOL, human suffering, in none is Glickou'sSaive move beuelicial than In bad breasts cf nursing woman. Opposite tho Ml Tower, Dunedin. There is no lemedy known which is a more ccrciun anil safe curefor sore nipples, inflamed breasts, indu rated breast, irritable breast, ab.-uesiot breast, bo'-h The Last Quarter of tho above School will begin oa"■ acutij and chronic, milk rvbacess, ko. For r.cuii'.erue, scalds, and barns, no other application is necess.-iry, MONDAY, 3rd OCTOBER. butapply tho salve as scon as possible, and the effect will be astonishingly g;od. The Rev. T L. Stanley his accommodation for boyK ai boarders, attending cither tho High School or tho Agents for New Zealand Propiratory School. KEMPTHORNE, P::OSSER, and CO., 3t< Dnnedin and Auckland, Duncdin, SOth September, 1870. PREPARATORY COAL MERCHANT. (Lats Gutbri eind Aeher.) Families supplied witi Vie best English, Scotch Newcastle, Grey Kiver, Preservation Inlet. Shag Feint, Clutha, and Green Island Coals, finithy Coal; Newcastle and Gas Cokes. Firewood of every description, in any lengths, at the lowe current rates Orders left at tho following places will have prompt attention: Stuart street Coal Depot, late Guthrie and Asher; Dowling street Coal Depot, late Guthrie and Asher; Stuart street Coal Depot; Princes street south Coal CHURCHILL'S REMEDIES HOTBLS. Depot; Office, Rattray street; Hulk Henbury, Port FOX CONSUMPTION.-CoKipomid Syrup of Chalmorß. 9m the Hypo,,hosphitoß. Syrup of Hypophosphitc of Lime—Syrup of Ilypophnsphite of coda—Syrtip of DOME, SAILORS1 OTAGO PLUMBER, COPPER, ANDBRASS WORKS, HypophosphiW of Iron—l'iUs of tha Hypopho.-pMtc* of Quinine and Manganese. PRINCES STREET, DUNKDIN. Consumption, H OME, remudics for disCAFE DE PARIS specific Tho above of the chest, deficient nutrition, Sic, are the only BURT, eases A AND T. preparations of Dr Churchill prepared by Mr 11. H. JETTY STREET, Swan, Paris. DISTILLERYAND BREWERY ENGINEERS, Close to Steamboat Landing-placo. Wholesale Agents I^rNew Zealand Have landing a large qnautity of Shoet Copper, Copper Bottoms. Copper Piping, lie, all weights and KEMPTHOIINE, PROSSEK, AND CO., sizes suitable for copper work in all its branches. DuneUinand Auckland. N.8.-Seamon'sAdvance Notes Cashed. 2$ A, and T. B. will be glad to give Drawing?, and Tenders for works connected thereto, containing the very atest improvements in Great Brit in, and at prices equalto Melbourne orSydney, VEGETABLE PUIII- PAXS T3&BS to PAJPJsJ^jaAiSf QEBS FYING AND STOMACHIC PILLS. Work attended to with Immediate Steamboat Despatch. For thirty years these Pills have stood the test of 4 A largo Assort mont of Steam Fittings always on publicopinion, and their 6ile has gono on increasing Faiutci, Giatior, andPapsrh»ugnr, from yenr to year, and are now well known to every X3L hand, of every description. iiur.oi'tor of. puvoi-iaiiugiagsi, wiuiiuw glusi, plain lag household in the United Kingdom. For coughs, colds, siKuai unilHucx ilgaus, glass Ghadea liver and kidney complaints, dropsy, gravel, urinary iit-iuuiiuntiil an'iffi" X"i jiroji!,c,i.i.iLiij aiM&xi wmw load, die HOWLISON, obstructions, piles, a: d I'on.plnints of the, chest. .^uuisi .olora p.i\x> mouldiuKs, «*c, *tu. and stomach, they are unmatched. Thousands of tnstiformerly of tho Roadsand Works Department) inoiiiuis yearly received, si taw of which can lie pi'N> Hotel, Oppoaitu tku Risyal Osortse ARCHITECT AND BUILDER, 4i0., in ti.e printed wrappers containing directions around tioocKe Btrest. J o>J!n(■'IIEATKIKGSTItKET, DL'KXDItf. each box. Try them. public generally BeRSto inform His friei.d-i and the Sold y all Druggists and Storekeepers. thM he h-.a commenced business ns above. EsfAgents for New Zealand u ntes given, alter turns ma"o, anil general repairs CAEBIAG-ES & VSHICIJSS. executed— li. 11. has also cstalili.-hai a House and KEMPTIIOKNE, PKOH3ER, anil CO., Kst ite AKPiicy. Parties favouring him withinstrucDunediu and Auckland. 2(ii tions will receive his beat attention, : DR. QAILORS' T>EKNAIU>'S Pure Malt WHISKY. Importer, : : , ON } : ' Y*tHELPTON'S W » NDBBW LKEB, ROBERT : , * ■ .' SPARROW Bond WILLIAM the "Witli Directions for Personal KINCAID, and Co., COUSTON, PREPARATIONS FOR THE TEiiTU. x,rA Storekeepers Perfumers. Soldby Chemists, throughout World, WASHING COMPOUND. PALMER'S She Stoops to Conquer. -^ SUPPLIED, ABUIEL'S With this fluid the miseries of the washing day are GABRIKL'3CORALITETOOTHPASTE"£& Highest price givenfor Calves. passed. A day's woik can bedoi.e in a few hDurs, anil For cleansing and improving the tepth. and imparting' large quantities skins for tale in email a ueh better dor.c thanformerly, bysimply attending to or to the gums, whtens tho teeth withN.B.—Pork theplaindirectionsoueachlakel Bewareof unprincipled a natunilrt-Juesd leaving betweeu them auy traces of powder, and and worthless imitations. In consequence of the la- ge out gives brilliancy to tho enamel. Price, Is 6d. price Shilling is now reduced to One demand,the retail BUSINESS NOTICES. per battle. To be obtained fromall Grocers and Storecolony. ROYAL TOOTHPOWDBB, keepers in the GABRIEL'S VULOANFOUNDRY, Agentsfor New Zealand: Prepared from a recipe as used by Her Majesty. PreGB3ATKING BT3EET, DUHEDIN. imparts a, delicious fragrance to ervc-s the ai,d teeth, KEMPTHORNE, PKO33ER, and CO., he breath, gives the tooth a pnarl-like whiteness, mmS. H'QUEEN, AND CO., protects the enamel. Price 16 G(L Dunedin and Auckland. Millwrights,Fouudors. Boilermakers, Hngineerß, kinds of castings in brass and Blacksmiths, fee.—All GABKIEL'S ODONTALGIQIT ELIXIB, iron done ; steam engines and boilers made and repalrod; overshot, breast, and turbine water wheels; for its efficacy in all cases off SUGAR-COATED Anessenceunparalleled machinery; pumping and winding OCKING'S qaarti crushing Neuralgia, and Toothache, and forms a most Tic, gear ; cast Iron BlHica and ripple plates; ssheet iron PILLS. -" agreeable and refreshing jrr uth-wa-h; has the uhhoppar and sluice plates punched to any size of hols ThesePills are purely botanical in their composition, ri vailed advantages of rerfuming tho month, aruß gold dredging Bpoons, &c. ; flour mill machinerymad? sweetening ;hc breath, strengthening the gums, and is' and repaired; allkinds of reaping, threshing, horseand are capable of assimilating with the blood, purifypower machines, tic., repaired ; Gax-drosslngmachine! ing it, and charging it, as it were, with a health-giving most invaluable to smokers. Price ss. power, and renovating the whole animal economy. mode teorder Toey are a most efficient remedy for indigestion, with Parties at a distance requiring Artificial Teeth may its long train of ills, such as pain* in the head, chest, have them supplied, in i urtml or complete sets, os DUNEDIN EBON WORKS. stomach, side, aizziness, 4tc. In case* of liver comGabriel's new system, by ending particulars of■' Messrs plaints and bilious affections, their disease extermitheir cases, with a remittance of One Guinea, when tho nating power most strikingly attested by the apparatus for ta-kitg a. morel of tho mouth willbe for»AND THOMAS, nnmerotts and isspontaneous testimonials that are unwarded, witha!l necessary instructions. Messrs Gabceasingly pouring in to Messrs Locking and son, Hull, riel will undertake to Kvmofti-l or Repair Artificial IRON BHir-BUIW>ERS AND BOILEBMAKiISB, Two or Manufacturers of tabular, girder, and suspensiot by those who have been cured by their use. health Te--th mndc by other Do- tists (which do not proro satisfactory) at moderatecharges. bridges boiling down, sheep washing and dipping t-.ree doses of tho pills will speedily restore to apparatus; iron Burning, ripple and hopper plates and vigour. Messrs Gabriel's Pamphlet on Artificial Teeth anfi for the goldfields ; punts asd boats to all sizee ; iroE Agents for New Zealand Painless Dentistry on receipt of postage. reofs, wator tanks,firs-proof tloore and safes, improved requiring ; general brick work and CO., tubular boilers no and KEMPTHORNE, PKOSSER, All letters to ba addressed to 64, Lndgate Hill, smith work. Address. Cumberland street,Dunedin. Duncdin and Auckland. London pale and brown 3, CARPENTERS, AND JOINER TRTCOPHEROUS. KEMPTHORNS, PROSSER, and CO., ASHER, WHOLESALEAND RETAIL BUTCHERS, Octagen and Walker Street. SHIPPING BRIGHT BROS, parts of tha Suburbs. and QIMPSON Hennessy's Brandy BARRY'S This medicated Compound is unequalledfor preserving, restoring, and beautifying the hair, eradicating scurf and dandruff, preventing baldness aud grey hair, curing diseases of the skin, glands, and muscles, pimples, chilblains, and gives instantrelief in cut?, bruises, sprains, burns, scalds, &c. Soldeverywhere by Druggists and Storekeepers. Agents for New Zealand : ■Wholesale and Retail Bctciieb, nops Martell's MENL OV E, pDWAED All Station Stores Kent , fi BTTTCHEBS. S OL Rattray street, has for Sale, ex Equator, DunBEE NAR TOM. fillan,and Achilles, DERSAK D'S GINGER WINE. Sheet zinc, 8, 9, 10, and 11 g ; sheet iron, black and THE NINTH ANNUAL SHOW Jj On Sale by galvanized; sheet lead, 3J, 1, and 51b ; lead pipe, all 61-' K. B. MABTINand Co., sizesand weights ; wrought iron pipe, Jin to 2in; case ENTIRE HORSES, 30my n Liquidßtion. ditto, 2in, 24in, and 3in, and fittings ; compositiongas Under the Superintendence oF James Milner, will tnko Ui SALE, pipe, all sizes ; brass pipe; gas furnishings ; cast iron R Q place at tho kitchen sinks, 16in to SiOin ; enamelled urinals; patent YARD S, Ey the undersigned, COMMERCIAL SALE w. closets; wash hand basius ; fountain designs; ON In lot 3to suit purchasers, indiarubber hose, fin to Hn, 8 and 2 ply, directors Countess and Viscountess Slates and unions ; gasaliers, 1, 2, 3. and 4 lights, pendants, WEDNESDAY, '2th OCTOBER, 1870, Corrugated Hearth Stones. Iron brackets, and pillars ; gas elobes, plain and cut; tinAt 12 o'clock sharp, plates ; block tin; plumbers' fittitigß; Guest and Fire Bricks. Cement, Sic. When J'.rr-rders will have the opportunity of seeing K. B. MARTIN and Co., Crime's patent bib and ball valves, &c &c. at.d selecting the niiiimils best suited to tlutir purposes. liquidation. send In re.-p<;ctfully Owners of Entires a'e invited to Tinsmith, Plumber, and Gasfitter, July, Bjy 7th 1870. the l. f »:w.trd to the <h«w. Kattray street. 29jy Every facility will be afford, il for showing thorn, SHEKP NbTS. and a rnpistrj <f to h-.r.-c their teims and w Inre appreciate REALLY th«y nrc'tn ftnii'i to- tho season, will bu kep anilany /THOSE who KALE, by the Undersigned— ■1- FINE TEA., and Care to Pny for it, Bhould try ci (|"'ii-y nsppi 'J-. g th in fi'Xrt-pt, as to tli-.'ir respective SHEEP NKT3, 40 yards long. 21s e:icu. iniritV) wilt !>e ;\', miul to iliioutjhoutthe season. seme we h»ve just latutrd ex William Davie, and arc 11.W, tOMNMIt, and Co., now Belli gan FOUR SHILLINGS per 1!>. It is tho Go l'ritices street. G3 Bourke street west, Melbourne. CEOKCiB I/UKCAN h:n Opened a Rfgistry for finest we could obtain in Ur tain, and Tor strength and Er.tirr I(f.r-(^ d' (I I'.rnmi Mures, and o'liur rhoico flavour is incomparably superior to any tCA that has TO MY CUSTOMERS, AND TIIK TRADIS IN .STEAM JtNtUNE FOR SALE. )j-[--iliji"?txk, For.'-iil- fchiß H-.-ns'iti. Jiiinos Miitmr, I by shipment ever reached this direct from nwjtion murket, GENERAL. the suictitv.tor for i!r Imiik-hii, will hoM >vi sale on II i! iniift 'hi- n- tin." >li'/W at I o'clock China or otherwise. ['■ hnvuiij Mich s:.'<;k for mle nro p-rti.'nlar!y 1 bo;? to inform you and CO. BARROST, GRANT, STEAM HOIST cription, p tilr iiaiiiosite and <liA -HORSE Portable (d ")>li-f- s-nml in OT that lam to off.-r for sulc my liirgo itoek of gr-'v ■■■.firly m j>-kh i i.'.■.i liat L'i<>y nniy 1«; ii/ivcirtNo-l. (inuring complete. with all To be i-ecn Ironmongery, at K".>iitly -*Siuldlery for ninl Sale, '! h'-t.-rk wili bo ;i<ivuiLi,-...|.-.i|'«, rarepi wb'.-n ORT WINE per FOR INVALIDS. 1 leuneed pruvs. Siwliil.ts1 per cr:.t. for rash, as (m [ the sio<:k must beKiglit otherwise inst-ihm>"l ;<' i-~< <ii lit, y tho amount ut Anderson's Foundry, Oushol street, Curistchuroh. Dozen. tolil to make room for further ahipby brs reeommenrtal loading fling. approved Ac tho ili!VK<!-t t..i niirii lot will be vi.-ry t i I j JDIiUOUUIiKL and Co., medical men in Otago. I ments. (!!■'.(). IHIVC\N. A. MACKENZIE. 30 BAiiKON, GHART,;and Co, t!aUj.>;drii Sijimro. lik iIAAUiSAULNK.iI. Auctioneer. 2n , '' TJMYHR,fcTEWAI'.T, end Co, A YEE'S WILLIAM Gj D~ Storekeepers CATHARTIC SUGAR COATED PILLS, UNDERTAKER, -L caee; ANNUAL HOUSE SHOW. Chemists and throughout the Colony. . M'OALLUM, E~~, D' MURR Al, May bo obtained o£ nil "* Deals, red Baltic, 8a x3, 0 x 2£,0 x 3,11 x By the Undersigned Scotch Flooring, li, 1, h and J inch Hennes*y's Brandy, in case Renault's, Levitte'a, and GalvanisedCorrugated Iron, 0, C, 7, 8, and 9 fee and. bulk ; bluestone, bedsteads, Midd:etna=s's biscuits, lengths bricks, fire and bath, cement, cornsacks. canvas, candles, J D X zi and V II Geneva, ginger wine, hops, Nails, assorted sizes, cut, wrought, and wire galvanised iror, jams and marmalade, malt, fi-hing nets, old torn, oil, boiled, raw. colza and sperm ; hair Roofing Felt, Harding's patent oil. C L. paper, Collins's picks, paints, pianes,pitch, Slates, Countess and Duchess perfumery, spun and engine yarn, tarred ropo, rosin, sulphur, steel, soda, caustic, ash, nmi c?ri>onata ; crysPlaster Paris. tal?, slates, salt, eeidlitz powders tar, twine, vami<h, vestas,whisky, wire, whiting, vinegar, bulkand BRIGHT BROTHERS and CO., oilmen's stores. Bond street. Machinery.—Fireengines; steam cranes and hoists; 24S ; punchers th-astars ; la h-s, 94 x 15, 0£x 16, 7J x 12 ; ONNELL AND MOODIB millstones and silk; kiln wire; Tcnnant'a 15 horse stationary nnd 10 horse portable, Robey's 0, 9, and 10 Havefor sale— ho se portable j IVlorton's 8 horse stationary, CarAnchorfooted iron standards rick's 12 horse ss.ation.iry. Nob. S and6, drawn unnoaledwire R. B. MARTIN and Co., Is liquidation. Do S and 6, three stranded wire rope De 6, seven stranded wire rope T3ERNARD'S Fine Old Irish WHISKY All ef vary superior quality, bolng from the tnanufatory of Messrs Johnson Bros. anA00.. London. 23a lit S ALWAYSON SALE— (IN GLASS BOTTLES). Dr De Jongh's Cod Liver Oil; Ch'orodjne, Collii Browne's ; Rowland's Preparations, Bishop's Citrateof Magnesia, Pios=e and Lubin's I'erfumery, Steedmau's These Pi:is contain every medicinal propertydealrafcS Gontva—JDKZ Powder, Kea"ing's Bon Bens, Lozenges, and Insecticide, for the cure of Indigestion, Costivcncss, Headacha, Grimault's French Preparations, Torchon's French Oilmen'B Stores, wines, &c., &c. and liver Complaint. Medicines, WhulDton's Pills, Singleton's Sareap'.iilla, SPICER, T R. Palmer's Consumption, Dr Chuichill's Remedies for TBAS.—Achoice assortmen ofCongou, Pekoe, and Washing Compound; Judson's and Mather's Dyes, JackUNDERTAKER, son's Buuzine and Cements, Blair's Pills, Framptona AYE R S Oolong, ex Katarina Maria Established 1862. Pills, Cockle's Pills, Holloway's Medicines, Dinne ord's And present Undertaker to the Dnnedin Hospital, Magnesia, Cleaver's Soaps mid Perfumery, Calvert'a Carbolic Acid, Murray's Magnesia, liimmsi's and COMPOUND EXTRACT OP and Lunatic Asylum. (iesnell's Perfumer}', Locking's Pills, and Glickon's George street, Dunedin. OA.RGHiIJ3 andM'LSAJS Salve, Townsenrt's, Bristol's, and Ayer's SarsaparilU, SAKSAPARILLA. one to tre Red ouse. Pain Sczodont, 4.0., Noxt but &c. Killer, 11th March, IS7Q One of the most effective Alteratives everproduced Stores, Stafford street, Dunedin, CO., N EILL, and TAILOBS for Purifying the Blood and invigorating the Eyst-DUt, And Landing, ex Sale, on now Bond street, Have and tho Cure of Scrofula, Ulcers, Humours, CorrupEngland's GloryPUBLICNOTICE. Victoria streot, Auckland. tions Blctclira, Erysipelas, and all Skin Diseases. Sinclair'sHams Affections of the Heart, Liver, &c, Dyspepsifc, Otard's Brandy in qrs ancl case Dropsy, Rheumatism, GeneralDebility, and Female FN CONSEQUENCE of IMPENDAssociated "Vineyard's do do HOUSEHOLD Disorders. ING DISSOLUTION of PARTNERSHIP, Hennessy's in qrs REMEDIES. The above being purely a tre'Jioinc, and not at Ginger Liquenra, Sauterne, Burgundy MESSESHANSLOW and SAMPSON beverage, ono bottle is far more efficacious than anj Claret £t. Julien,YD, Chateaule Grange Have determined on Clearine Out the whole of their hitherto offered to the public. Sarßaparilla Cliquot's genuine Champagne DR D. JAYKE'S FAMILY MEDICINES large Stock of Woollens, Ready-made Clothing, Hats, Swiss Cigirs Caps, Hosiery, White and Crimean Shirts, Gloves, Are with, great care, expressly for family use prepared Scarfs, Ties, Sic., &c, regardless of coat. MACHINERY, !iCAVER'S and are so admirably calculated to preserve TheSalewill Commence on Saturday,October Bth. J. M. Tonnant and Co.'bStoam Engine? and imIn the Ocder Department, a very g eat reduction health and remove disease that no proTod steam Crane CHERRY |in early ; will be made order effect clearance PECTORAL, to an Punching and Shearing Machines family should be withoutthem. and as a further inducement, on and after this date a An Ane-yne Errjcotcrant, and reliable Antidote tot Lathes, self-actingand screw cutting discount of 5 per cent, will be allowed for Cash. Roofing and Sheeting Felts Consumption, Colds, Coughs, Bronchitis, Asthma, They consist of— Spirits ef Tar Whooping Cough Croup, and all Pulmonary SINCLAIR. Indestructible and Magnetic Paints consumption, asthma Expectorant, for conehs, Jayne's TAILOR AKD GLOTHIEB, ManillaRopes and lines,all sizes and all pulmonary and bronchial affections. Princes street, Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge, for worms, dyspepsia, piles, AVER'S AGUE CURE. Opposite CriterionHotel), gsnersl debility, £c, SALE, Dunodin. Jajne's Carminative Balsam, for bowel complaints, A most efficient remedy in Ague, Chills, Fever, ParioHorizontal 3team Engines, 8 and 12 H.P., Steam Boilers, Field's Patent, not requiring brickcolics, cramp, cholura, &c. disal Headaches, Bilious Affections, and Derangement work, Portable Steam Engines, all s zes, Thrashing Jayne's Alterative, for scrofula, goitre, cancers, M L A R E N of thu Liver. Machines, all sizes, Broadcast Seed Drills for corn or diseases of the skin, bones, S.C. grass. Jayne's Ague Mixture, for the enro of feverand MERCHANT TAILOR and HATTEIt, Reaping Machines, improved descriptions. ague. Double-furrow Ploughs, do. do. AVER'S HAIR VIGOR Submitsto the Public of Otago, thefollowing reduced Jayne's Liniment, or CounterIrritant, for bruises, Horse Powers Chaffcutters rheumatism, &c. Croskill's Clod Crushers Horse Rakes FOR List of Prices :—' and purgative, a valuable a Pills, Fencing Wire Jayne's Sanative Oils,Neatsfoot Colza,Sic. RESTORING THE NATURAL VITALITY AN© Cheese Vats, *c. certain cure for all bilious affections, liver comCheese Presses SUITS: £i 10s, £4 153, £5, £3 ss, £5 103. TWEED MANNING, Walker street. plaints, sick headache,&c. 13s COLOR OP THE HAIR Jayne'B Hair Tonic, for the preservation, beauty, BlackDress and ClericalSuits equally moderate. growth,and restoration of the hair. Is not a Dye, nor does it possess any coloring ""»ttoff N SALE. Jayno's Specific for the Tape Worm. or oft>ntivo substance whatever, neither willit boHI EX E UATOR, PEMBROKECASTLE, DUNIn settlements and localities where the attendance A choice Stock of First-Class delicate fabric, but i? an agreeable dreaßj of a physician cannot readily be obtained, families the most FILLAN, and Other Lute Arrivals :— | remedies of a the direcgreat ing to the hair; promotes its luxuriantgrowth, giving will find these service; HOSIERY, GLOVES, SHIRTS, COLLARS, A largo assortment of General Goods, consisting of accompany perspicuous them are inplain tions which Baldness, and invMS; Wince, spirits, teas, liqueurs, bottled ale and &c, &c, language,easily all; and, in addition, it richness and beauty, removes &c. stout, provisions, groceries, oilmen's stores, Jayue's Medical Almanac and Guiie to Health, to be ably restores reliable Agents, dried fruits, caustic scda, ale and porter of all besides a contains, gratis had corks, cruEhed lump sugar, fencing wire, PRINCES FADED OH OBEY HAIR caltndar, a catalogue cf diieates, the symptoms by STREET, opposite NewPost Office, sheet, plate, bar, rod, and galvanized iron, which they may beknown, how thtyshould be treated, Dunedin. hops, malt, linseed oils, printing and wraptogether withthe advice as to tho proper remedies to to its original colour. ping paper, stationery, sporting powder, beused. sarsapnrilla, grass seeds, vestas,candles, perPRINCES STREET, DUNEDIN. All of Rr Jayne and Son's Family Medicines are fumery, door mats, Milner's safes, cement, The above elegant prcpsiratior.s have long be>>n sold by all respectable Druggists and Storekeepers (Adjoining Messrs Burton Bros.) cornsacks, and every other description of throughoutthe colony, strongly recommended by ths Medical Profession,anil general merchandise. Wholesale Agents for NewZealand coma:and a world wide reputation, whichis snfficienS anUNDERSIGNED respectfully TO ARRIVE PER ACHILLES, VANGUARD, guarantee of their utilityand genuineness.KEMPI'HOBNS, PROSSER, and CO., adjoining nounces thathe has taken that shop DELHI, and E. P. BOUVERIE :— Burton Bros.. Photographer?, Princes-street, Dunedin and Auckland, packages malt, cement, confectionery, Messrs 32C0 where ho will devote his undivided attention to the marmalade, brandy, in case and bulk Tailoring Business upon Ayer's Alrcnnaw, containing instructions or th» Blood's stout, Warter's port wine, Cesens'sestablishment ot a first-class cash principles. sherries, Burnett's and Booth's old torn. strictly treatment of all classes of di:cases, may bo had gratis assured that, by adopting this as the princiMeet's champagne, isinglass, plainand swiped pleFeeling the public, he will QINGLETON'S SARSAPARILLA. on application, upon which he can best serve matting, sngo, liquorice, Taylor's cocoa, white warranted free from 0 Tho best and cheapest. It iswill supply firstcluss materials and workclover, alsike, timothy, trefoil, rod clover, beenabledat to and be fouud invalufrom 20 to 20 per cent less than the usual any deleterious increment, and cowgrass seeds, vestas, figs, Elemo and manship able as a corrective and restorative in any derangeprices. credit paper hops (1809), arising through Sultana rai3ins. NewKent an impure s:ate ment of tho system, in the and tho business, reputation experience Bis bags, Morten's oils, pickles, and salmon, visitors should ask for und drink Wlioic-tsle Agcnis for' New Ze&land: he has so long enjoyed as a first-class cutter, and his of the blood. ofHotel spirits, and thus insure health Perrins's sauces, place strong Albert's sardines, Lea and thi3 in determination to execute all orders with the utmost wrapping paper, star brand candles, sheet P. EAYMAN AND CO., care, according to fashion or fancy, and the con- and prolong life. zinc, Osborne's seel, Gillon's ginger wine, in formation of the figure, induceshim to hopefor a conSold by all Druggists, Storekeepers, and Hotelbulk and case, French pickles, neatsfoot oil, IMPORTERS AND GENERAL MERCHANTS, public. tinuance the of his frier.ds and the support keepers colony. of in tie caustic soda, white lead, blasting powder, &c, J. MGAW, High Stheet, Dunedin. &c, Sic. Wholesale Agents for NewZvaland: Tailor and Clothier 29ag W. and G. TTJRNBULL and Co. KEMPTIIORNE, PROSSER, and CO., Duncdia nnd Auckland, Earthenware, assorted crates Printing Paper. — N: N. I E^R ' CELEBRATED PREPARATIONS LateSpicer and Murray, o Stout, quaitsandpints Gninncss's ___ ISTOW LANDING" D AY C George street, opposite OddFellows' Hall. Twine Salt, fine and coarse, cwt. bngs STORE CATTLE AND SHK'F.P, FAT AND STORE PIGS, DRAUGHT HOR3ES, DRAYS, tees In the esta'e rf Mr Edward M Gl;ishan, to sell by auction, at. Un-ir Wool Warehouses, Dutieoin, on MonHARNES', ETC!. day, 7th November, at 3 o'clock, The following valuable frceiold ana leasehold proDOWER, PA NT LIN, and CO. perties, viz,, JL. tare instructed by Mr C. Samson to sell by KEROSENE. Ist. Freehold—All that parcel of land in the public nuction, n.t bis Yards at (.lietn Island, on co:tiininp Otago, by Thursday, Province ol measure13th October, at 1 o'clock— ex Nightingale ment HOT acres." mo:e or less, Bi-Aiat€d in on head mixed cattle J-N 20,10 c se.-K rofene. the Woodland district, being ssctions numDevoe's brilliant brand, in patent canp. bered ro^ertively 1. 2. 3, 4. and B, blcck 1., 2()oGwe3,ml«mb Tlie on the record map of the said distrie;. So DALGETY, NICHOLS, and Go. lan I jkall heaviljtimbered and well watered. Kvery one of the sections h»s a frontage to 1 (\r\ store wethers A S L Catiin's HJTor, and if found suitable, will be o jfat and store Mgj 2. HW. and pts, Canvas Soft shell and Jordan ulmonds Sago, arrowroot, and bleached ginger Washing and baking powder Window glass nnd lamp chimneys Murphy'B and Wolfs pianos American thermometer andcylinder churns ABh oars, 14 to 22 feet DRIVER, are favoured nith instructionsfrom the E Portland Coment Begg's Royal Lochnagar Whisky Hennessey's, Kartell's, andHineß'Brandy Muscatels, Cape raisins and figs At Simson'sV »rds, Green Island. 00. and Trus- STEWART, White's peel Capers, Worcester, and assorted sauces Colman's mustard, starch, and blno mHE UNDERSIGNED have ON SALE Burnett's old torn -8Ex Delhi, from Liverpool— Hennessy's, Jules Robin's, and Clonzeau'sbrandies Deals-Red Baltic, assorted sizes M'Murchey, RaHton's Campbellton whiskey Floarinp Boards West India rum, 11 and 30 o.p. Galvanised Corrugate 1 Iron, 5, fi, 7. and 8 ft. Tennent's ale, pintß and quarts 20 x 20. 24x12 Slates, Jeu'.e's stono ale, pints and quarts, and Byass's Iron—Barand Sheet, as3orte.l sizes stout, quarts Vestaa Page's and Sandeman's ports and sherries Corn Sacks, fullweighta English hops and malt Gf 1869 do Wool Packs, Crushedand Mauritiussngnra THURSDAY, 13th OCTOBER, IMPORTANT SALE OF FREEHOLD HOLD PROPERTY, Co! and 9 Galvanised twistedstrand wire, staples Wire nailsand sheet zinc Stockholm tar and pitch, spirits of tar Woolpacks, canvas, and twine Day and Martin'sblacking, paste andbottle Brandon's c<in-ks, lib packets Blorton's salid oils, castor oils, eardinee,nnd salmon Keiller's marmalade, confectionery, and candied TO WOOLGUOWERS. ODICAL OCTAGOX, N U J- MEDICAL Sundrymen, mporters of Drugs, Chemicals, Druggists' Sundries in every variety, Patent and Proprietary Medicines, Perfumery, Cordial Makers' Gooda of all descriptions, Brewers' Isinglass, Corks, Tinfoils, Wires, copper and tinned, &a, &c, Patent Medicine Agents. TJNDHRTAKBS, D £)R- H. AND E. YOUXGiIAN and CO., Wholesale Druggists, Dryenlters, and Druggist's GEDDES, G. W ALTER Valencia;Almonda Yonnger'E Ale and Psrter, qts. Have on SaleTobacco, negrohead, raven twist, light nnd dark aromatic, in pounds, half pounds,and fancy pieces ; also, Orion 10's, in cases and | boxes Virginia leaf tobacco for sheepwash Eylacd's black annealedfencing wire, Nop. 6, 7, 8, And, A , Woolpacks, Sheepshears, and The celebrated thorough-bred entire horse to well and " Gnribaldi." whose stock arc; favourably known S STABLING. ABBEYLEIX STABLES, per night; Maclaegan Street. Full Livery, 5i Stalls, Is ; Saddle Horses and Buggies at reduced prices. Good Paddeck accommodation. Harso3 bought acd sold. ARTHUR SMITH' J3I Also, By Private Contract, THE ENTIRE NORFOLK TROTTED trill sell nt their Rooms, on the above d»tc. Thattruly Valuable Karate, containing 4."8 acres 1 rood—Sections <l, 5, B. 7, 8, Block IV.. ai;d 1, 2, :i, J, Block V., South Ttiakitoto District. streng E. PRITCHARD. Go THOROUGHBRED ENTIRE HOUSE "GARIBALDI." FOR By order of the Mortgagee. CARLE compact, and a rare tojiton, and loaves very The imported pure-bred Clydesdale stallion Cly«e," a beautiful brown, 10 haiicis "1 Lor..'. inch high, with, short legs and superior action He can bo recommended as a sura foal-getter. <io THURSDAY, 1:1th OCTOBER, t — VT OTICE. The Celebrated Entire -i-' ShetlandPony, Chevy Chase, will travel this Seasonthrough the District with the Blood Horse, Prince Alfred. Ha is a Bay Pony, 13hands high, very in the of his inches for Tonne : £2 10s each mare. Vi7RIGHT, STEPHENSON, and Co. 22cwt Averj's weighing machine. Prince Alfred, will travel th's Seiaon, Dunedln and Suburb.*, Green Island. Taieri Districts, Waipori, and Waihola. Prince Alfred is a bright bay, 17 hands high, withimmense b;ne and muscular power andfine up to 18 stone acro-:s country. Got by temper, BoiaTdo (imported), by Orlando, winner ef theEnglish Derby, out of Miss Alfred, by Kipg Alfred, by Pyrrhus the First, wiener ot the Derby. For further information see Stud Book or Card. Paddooka proAll care taken of vided for mares at moderate rates. Ga mares withoutresponsibility. E Pritchard. stock. He holds threefir&t prizes, and is open to jump Ianything £20. country pel! instructed Mfins-3 ED E JL FARMINGSTOCK AND IMPLEMENTS. HEPBURN, and Co. MIANDRESS, arc to auction, October, Tlooms, street, on M and others. THIS DAY. MONDAY. 10th OCTOBER, At 12 o'clock. IRONMONGERY, PLATED WARE, &C. 11OSDAY, ENTIRES. TPHE Thorough Bred Entire Horse, cured a lease of the PROVINCIAL SALE YARDS, S;af£o:d street, so long well and favourably known, we will, on Saturday, Ist October, and every succeeding Saturday, held our usual Sales of Horse Stcek in th:m. As hitt erto, this branchof our business will receive our most careful personal attention, and having now greater facilities f jr carryingit on to the advantage Of our constituents, they may rely on utmost market value being obtainedfor their consignments. WRIGHT, STEPHENSON, & CO. 24s Dnnedin, Sept, 23rd, 1870. At 12 o'clock. AGENTS IN LONDON: and CO., MESSRS JAMES MORRISON Philpot Lane. 2G9 beg to intimate that, having se- WE FOR BARDSLEVSWOOL WASHING SOAP. JOHN REID. 23s SALE YARDS, PROVINCIAL STREET, STAFFORD WEDNESDAY, l'2th OCTOBER, AMEEICA.SCHURN'S. SOLEAG3NT Otago Wool and Flax Stores. KEMPTHORNE, SUCCESSORS TO Kent Hops, 18C9's. Thorough-bred Gelding MAR- MEDICAL. PROSSER, & CO., Undersigned— Figs, Jordan and Raisins, Corasacks M'LEAN. MEDICAL. SALE, N By tha very liberal. 1870 10. TTISrDEBTAKEB3. Currants, Muscatel, Sultana,Elome, and Cape Stocked with Well"broa ShcP, suitably assorted. For the infoimatien of WOOL GROWERS and SHIPPERS I beg to intimate that 1 am prepared to j in my I receive WOOL far CLASSING and PRESSING HEPBURN, and CO. Southland Wools Otngo PRICE LIST 3of and Our i Warehouse, which is now being fitted with all necesare instructed to sell by auction, at the on application, be forwarded to sary appliances. will, sold in London Wednesday, Storesof Mr J. W. Jasrn Stuart street, on I amnow prepared to make LIBERAL CASH AD- i any of our friends who do not at presoat receive them. 12th October, at 3 o'clock, VANOES on the incoming Clip, and will purchaseat ca Tons dressed flax. Market Value when growers prefer selling hero to Stock. Station ProThe SALE of F.t and Stom 3hippin^ to tho Lonion Market receive our FLAX and other EXPORT PRODUCE I shallalso perly, &c will, as hitherto, continue to The above Fl ix is now on view at the Stores of Mr most careful personal attention. make advances npon, cither for sale here orshipment J. "W. Jcgo, Stua t ttreet. to London or the AustralianColonies. Sellers who may wish to offer their Wool or other DRIVER, STEWART, and Co., appoint their own lo Wool and Flax Brokers, and Stock Terms at sale. and Station Agf nt 9 Produce by PUbLICAUCIlON mayadvantages of a and receive all the Auctioneer, 10s and WELL LIGHTED WAREHOUSE, SPACIOUS WEDNESDAY, 12th OCTOBER, the practical knowledge and experience of my and Sale several ''HE undersigned have for At 12 o'clock. Wool, Mr W. L. LESS, to classify and show the lots to the beat advantage. Stations in Otago and Southland; also Merino Earns, The charges will be at lowest currentrates. CLEARIKGSALE OF SHEEP-SHEARS. from the best Stud Flocks in the Province. Station Supplies famished on the usual terms. HEPBURN, and Co. Impoiters to M'LANDRESS, are on at Q 90 000 fell by shipment to London. Throughout the season instruct, onTacsday, 11th unct'on, attheir SALE* ol these ttuples, also shall hold PERIODICAL October, at 12 o'clock, of Slic -ii.-kins, Nidi-?, Mul Tallow, a'lof which, from incases cooor the extent and arrangement of our premises, we are ■ID do c.istor oil, i pints enabled to place before buyers to the be=t advantage. 10 do <lv i.ints All Woo), Fmx, or other produce, whilein our Stores 3-t do na!ad oil. \ rints 19 do K..illcr'sfonfe:'.i&nary will be Covered by INSURANCE, unless we are i odo senp |to-.'(T specially instructed to tiie contrary. 13 I'M iITOUTIIOS Clips sent in for sale, and for which satisfactory 8 do ton twine pries may not be obtainable, will be subject to a 40 do plaid vtstn3 10j Terms at sale. TOTAL CHAKQ-B of only ONE SHIILI-G PER BALE, to cover Receiving, Weighing, Cataloguingfor WEDNESDAY, 12th OCTOBER, Sale, Insurance whil-t in store, and Delivery. WcolAt a o'clock. growers nre rccjnimcn'cd to mark and number their Bales on each end, in addition tothe usual mark on the PERIODICAL FLAX SALB. side. d OCTOBER STOCK, STATIONS, &c, ' PIENTLEMEN— :---1 n A LLEN'S LUNG JA. BALSAM. This preparation brings with it a wonderful rcvutatioKfrom Ain-.-ricafor coughs, col's, asthma. ili^e»'-i\« ol tin- throat, croup ami consumption. Exactly the thing wanted for thisclimate. A supply to liawl ami on sale. IIEMPTHORNE, PUO.-SEU, and CO., liy unedinand Aueklan ! ft\i 1. N AND nn<4 Importers, O B 00. SlilOTt sticc.t, IIIWO, 0" llilll'l nnil :i-r o»-.l«— WAGGONS. ISUGUii'.S AND EXI'IU.SS rci'nive prompt attention. Koi*nir.- Printed by lac Otugo Di.ily ">.u «;m Witu -1 Umepanv (Limited), »t tlwir X:- h'i^,H.>,\ U:He»- .'rinors. Eircet, Di::ie:M;., and pnblisi.ttt by fccuui ttii- 10th(tap ot October, IS7O. ■