The HOPE Bulletin: December 2011 Supplement (Eid-ul


The HOPE Bulletin: December 2011 Supplement (Eid-ul
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
.......... The HOPE Bulletin ………..
Health, Ongoing Projects, Education
Eid‐ul‐Adha 2011 ~~~ 1
Akbar Ibn Abdullah, Editor
On behalf of The HOPE Bulletin team, I extend our sincere gratitude to Hazrat Ameer, Professor Dr
Abdul Karim Saeed Pasha Sahib, and to everyone else who has submitted Eid-ul-Adha messages,
greetings and photographs that have enabled us to put together this special edition for your reading and
viewing pleasure.
For those who were not able to meet our deadline, we still encourage them to send in their material and
we will, inshaa Allah, publish it in our regular monthly magazine.
You will be able to revisit the Eid-ul-Adha prayer gathering at Wembly at this given link, where Hazrat
Ameer, Dr. & Professor Abdul Karim Saeed Pasha Sahib delivered the khutba and led the Eid prayer:
As usual, we look forward to your continued support and we most cordially welcome your feedback
Eid greeting card from Ameer-i-Qaum, Dr. Abdul Karim Saeed Pasha Sahib
The Mosque at Berlin Germany
This beautiful Mosque built in the heart of Berlin in
1925 is standing monument of Muslim architecture
and the zeal and devotion of members of Lahore
Ahmadiyya Movement for the cause of Islam in the
west. The Mosque has become a place of special
interest for visitors to the historic city of Berlin being
an active Islamic Centre for the last eighty five years.
Badly damaged during the Second World War,
necessary repairs have been done by the worldwide
Lahore Ahmadiyya Community with financial and
technical help from the German authorities; but due
to the ravages of time there is still much more to do
to restore and maintain this Mosque to its original
glance. With this Eid Card a fervent appeal is made
for generous contributions to this noble cause.
May the blessings of the Almighty Allah Ta'ala be
upon you and all your loved ones. Aameen.
Eid Mubarak.
Amir Aziz, General Secretary, AAIIL
Dear brothers and sisters,
Assalamu Alaikum.
Hope to find you well and in good health.
On behalf of Central Anjuman I wish you all a very HAPPY EID.
May Allah shower His choicest blessings on you and your family.
This Eid gives a special message of sacrifice and devotion in the way of Allah. We must understand that
it’s easy to slaughter an animal but it’s very difficult to tame the wild animal inside the heart of a Man. It
reminds us the lesson of patience, perseverance and tolerance which is the need of the time.
Yours truly,
Amir Aziz
General Secretary
Photographs courtesy Brigadier Mohammad Saeed
Mr. Amir Aziz delivered the Khutbah
Qazi Abdul Ahad Sahib was able to attend on a wheelchair, Al Hamdolillah
Glimpses of the Congregation
Exchange of greetings
Colourfully dressed children
The youngest devotee
The sacrifice
Nur Alam, Sydney
Assalaam alaikum wrwb Bhaijan.
... The function was well attended by members of the Sydney Jamaat. The prayers were led by Mr Ameen
Sahu Khan with a stirring Khutba on the life of Prophet Abraham PBUH.
A short speech was delivered by me.
After the prayers, members of the Jamaat enjoyed a morning tea together.
Allah Hafiz,
Photographs taken by Nazmin Khan
Ahamad Hosein, President, AAAII-Lahore
Assalaam O Alaikum to the members of the World Jamaat of the Ahmadiya Anjuman Ishaat-i- Islam.
On behalf of the Toronto Jamaat I wish you all a Happy Eid ul Adha. May your prayers and Sacrifice be
accepted by Allah.
Ahamed Hosein
President OAAII Lahore
Courtesy Rizwan ud Dean, Suva, Fiji
Brother Imran Sahu Khan at the podium
Maulvi Fazal Haq delivering khutba
Devotees in attendance
Ladies in attendance
Eid greetings
Greetings from Jalal Ud Dean
Assalaamu’Alaikum Wr Wb.
A very happy and meaningful Eid-ul-Adzah (Bakr-Eid) to you all from my Mummy and I. ...
Mummy is circumstantially sickly with many ailments; but otherwise doing well at age 91.
Pleasant Regards
J. U. Dean
Jalal Ud Din & mother
Report courtesy Yasir Aziz, Caretaker, Berlin Mosque
Dear Brother Akbar
Assalmu alaikum.
I hope you would be fine and in the best of health. Please find Eid report from Berlin as given below:
Eid ul Azha was celebrated in Berlin on November 06, 2011. Since, it was Sunday, so people had a free
day to celebrate and without any worry of going back to work. More than 50 people attended the Eid
prayers and Khutba.
Eid prayer was offered at 9 am and Yasir Aziz delivered the Khutba of Eid ul Azha and stressed the
importance of Eid ul Azha and explained the concept of Sacrifice. It was also stressed that with the
Sacrifice of a sheep instead of Prophet Ismail (AS), Islam ended the sacrificing of any human being for
pleasing any kinds of Lords or God.
It is a tradition of the Berlin Mosque and Mission House that after the Eid prayer and Khutba all the
people have breakfast and lunch at the Mission House. All the people usually bring a dish from his or her
home and then all the people eat together. This is a nice tradition and gives all the people an opportunity
to sit together and talk about different issues.
Yasir Aziz
Mansoor Baksh, Essequibo Ahmadiyya Organisation Lahore
Assalaamu Alaikum
The Blessed Moments of Eid has begun. May Allah bless you and yours to make sacrifices like that
of our prophet Abraham. (on him be peace). May He shower on you all the mercies that He has
reserved for the believers on this special day. Ameen.
Mansoor and Family
Eid greetings from Dr Harry Boedhoe
Dear Hazrat Ameer, dear general secretary, dear brothers and sisters and my dear friends,
I convey to you my warmest Ied ul Adha Mobarak. May Allah accept your prayers and your sacrifices.
May the happiness, devotion and the warm feelings of alliances between us and others be with us every
time of our life.
May every Muslim keep in mind that the sacrifices of animals or the sacrifices of today should just be a
remembrance of the great sacrifice Hazrat Ibrahim (alaiassalaam), did during the tenure of his
It is just to remember that Allah asks us to do much lesser sacrifices not comparable with what He
asked Ibrahim (alaiassalaam), so let’s not lose sight of what Allah asks from us.
I also convey Happy Eid wishes from the board and Imaam and members of our djamaat of the
Rotterdam Mosque at the Brielselaan.
Also, please accept the special greetings of Brother Hadji Iwan Santoe, whom you can see besides his
wife on the following pictures. We had a very pleasant Ied day today with very good speeches and love
and harmony was in the air. All the members got also the wishes of our Ameer and general secretary
and brother Akbar and all our global members.
Please remember us in your prayers.
Ghoda Hafiez
dr Boedhoe
Dr Khurshid Tareen
Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatul-laahi Wa Barakaatahu!
Wish you all A VERY HAPPY EID.
May Allah (SWT) shower His choicest blessings and special favors on you all.
Dr. Tareen
Courtesy, Br. Abid Raza, President, AAIIL, New Zealand
Abid Raza, President of AAIIl-NZ, welcoming members at the Centre and thanking all for their
attendance and efforts
Arshad & Bushra Alvi
Arshad Alvi and Bushra Alvi
Lahore Pakistan
Zahoor ur Rahman Ahmadi
Asslam o Alikum.
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Eid is an occasion of happiness, and only Shaitan gets sad on Eid day.
I wish every Muslim and all the AAL E IBRAHEEM (A.S.) a very happy Eid.
May Allah accept our humble supplications and Hajj and Sacrifices of those who have performed it.
Instead of sending you an Eid card, I have chosen to send you a little gift, and this gift is a Declaration
which every Pakistani has to sign for getting his passport as a Muslim, and to obtain Pakistani Identity
card there is a small difference in the statement.
1. I am a Muslim and believe in the absolute and unqualified finality of the Prophethood of
Muhammad the last of the Prophets.
2. I do not recognize any one who claims to be a prophet in any sense of the word or any description
whatsoever, after Prophet Muhammad or recognize such a claimant as a prophet or a religious
reformer as Muslim.
3. I consider Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani to be an impostor prophet and an infidel and also
consider his followers whether belonging to the Lahori, Qadiani or Mirzai groups, to be nonMuslims.
My aim is not to make you sad. My aim is to give you a wakeup call. We can’t call ourselves as Muslims.
We can’t propagate our views here. We can’t call Azan. If we make sacrifice here, we send the portion of
meat to only selected people.
Brothers and Sisters, I know only Allah can help us, but if you also like to help us, you can do that….
Pray for us....
Greetings from Mary and Khaliel Ghafoerkhan
Dear Brother Akbar,
Assalaam Alaikum!
Ghair Mubarak!
Khaliel and I like to thank you, Hazrat Ameer, Amir Aziz, Br.Shaukat, Prof. Ahmadi and all other
members of the Global Jamaat for the good wishes. May Allah bless you all and accept your sacrifices on
the path of Allah and reward you and family abundantly.
We also like to wish all a very Happy Eid! We are sending you some photos taken on Eid-ul-Adha.
Mary and Khaliel Ghafoerkhan
Mary & Khaliel Ghafoerkhan
SIV Mosque
Readers are asked to view the Eid commemoration held at the UK Mission House, which was led my
Hazrat Ameer Sahib, at
published separately as part of Hazrat Ameer’s tour of the UK and Europe.
Report on prayer and festivities at the Oakland Mosque, as relayed by Ahmad Nawaz
This year, the Eid-ul-Adha prayer and festivities gathering was held at the Oakland, California Mosque on
Sunday, November 6, 2011, with the prayer proceedings commencing at 9:00 A.M.
While waiting for the late arrivals, Brother Ahmad Nawaz Sahib of Hayward, California took the podium
to address the congregation with some historical background of Eid-ul-Adha and the true essence of
We were blessed with the presence of Brother Dr. Hameed Jahangiri, son of the late Qazi Abdur Rashid
Marhoom, Advocate, who delivered the khutbah on this sacred festival.
Brother Dr. Hameed Jahangiri was followed by Brother Zafar Abdullah, President, AAIIL, California,
U.S.A., who read the Eid greetings from Hazrat Ameer-i-Qaum and The HOPE Bulletin appeal for repair
funds for the Berlin Mosque. [By consensus, the appeal for the Berlin Mosque was put off for another
date. – Ed.]
Imam Mohammad Mustafa, before leading the Eid prayer, explained the number of takbirs required to
complete the two rakats of Eid-ul-Adha prayer.
After the prayer and du‘a, the members warmly hugged each other and partook of a sumptuous brunch
prepared by the family of Brother Jafar Ali Buksh, Vice-president of the Oakland Mosque, as well as a
variety of delicacies provided by other members.
Photographs courtesy Jannifer Khanoum
Male section of congregation
Ahmad Nawaz at the podium
Prayer congregation. Br Jafar Ali Buksh, first person front row
Ladies congregation
Dr. Hameed Jahangiri at the podium
Br Zafar Abdullah reading Hazrat Ameer’s greetings
Jaffar Ali Buksh, Vice-President
Smiling ladies
Enjoying brunch
Imam Mohammad Mustapha & Ahmad Nawaz
Akbar Abdullah
Editor, The HOPE Bulletin
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 232023
Sacramento, California 95823-0430, U.S.A.
E-mail Address:
Telephone Number: (773) 539-6892