the analysis of moral values of the kungfu panda “movie”


the analysis of moral values of the kungfu panda “movie”
Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I)
In English and Education Department
By :
113 06 078
Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I)
In English and Education Department
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113 06 078
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In the name of Allah the most gracious the most merciful.
Hereby the writer fully declares that this thesis is made by the writer
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“people” ideas except the information from the reference.
The writer capable account this for thesis if in the future this thesis can be
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Salatiga, 2 Agustus 2010
NIM 113 06 078
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Salatiga. 2 Agustus 2010
Norwanto, M. Hum
The Lecturer of Educational Faculty
State Islamic Studies Institute of Salatiga
Case : Wakhidatur Rofiqoh`s Graduating Paper
The Head of State Islamic
Studies Institute of Salatiga
Assalamu’alaikum, Wr. Wb.
After reading and correcting Wakhidatur Rofiqoh’s thesis entitled
MOVIE”. I have decided and would like to propose that if it could be
accepted by educational faculty, I hope it would be examined as soon as
Wassalamu’alaikum, Wr. Wb.
Norwanto, M. Hum
NIP. 19751015 200212 1 006
Jl. Stadion 03 Phone. 0298 323706 Salatiga 50721
Website : E-mail :
NIM. 113 06 078
Has been brought to the board of examiners in August, 31th 2010 M /
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in The English and Educational Faculty.
31th 2010 M
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Board of examiners
Dr. Imam Sutomo, M.Ag
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Dr. Rahmad Hariyadi, M. Pd
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Prof. Dr. H. Budiharjo, M. Ag
NIP. 19541002 198403 1 001
Hanung Triyoko, S.S, M.Hum, M.Ed
NIP. 19730815 19993 1 003
Norwanto, M. Hum
NIP. 19751015 200212 1 006
Motto :
Just need “to believe” to
make dream become real.
This graduating paper is whole heartedly dedicated to:
1. My beloved father and mother, thanks all support, trust,
finance, encouragement.
2. My beloved young sisters: Maidhita Corina Ilmi and Monica
Desy Rakhmawaty, thanks for your kindness, togetherness
and love “I love you so much”
3. My Big family, thanks for gathering, love, support and
4. My best friend, Mbak Yuli and De` Eka, thanks for our
5. Special thanks to my friend Fella, Cucuh and Yono, thanks
for accompanying me to finish my thesis.
6. My friends in TBI 06.
7. The big family of STAIN Salatiga.
8. The big family of HMI Cabang Salatiga, komisariat
Walisongo and Ganesha.
9. The big family of Ganesha boarding house.
Everyone who can not be mentioned here.
In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful, the lord of
universe, because of Him, the writer could finish this thesis as one of the
requirement for Sarjana Pendidikan in English Department of Educational faculty
of State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) Salatiga in 2010.
Secondly, peace and salutation always be given to our Prophet Muhammad
SAW who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness.
However, this success would not be achieved without those support,
guidance, advice, help and encouragement from individual and institution, and I
somehow realize that an appropriate moment for me to deepest gratitude for:
1. Dr. Imam Sutomo, M. Ag, the Head of State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN)
2. Dr. Sa’adi, M.Ag, as a chief of Education Faculty.
3. Ruwandi, S. Pd. MA as the previous chief of English Department.
4. Maslihatul Umami, S. Pd. I. MA, as the present chief of English Department.
5. Norwanto, M. Hum, as a consultant who has educated, supported, directed and
given the writer advice, suggestion, and recommendation for this thesis from
beginning until the end.
6. Pak Faizal, thanks for lend some books and share also advice me in finish my
7. All of the lecturers in English department.
8. All of the staff who have helped the writer in processing of thesis
9. My beloved father and mother, thanks all support, trust, finance,
10. All of my friends who have help me to finish this thesis.
Finally this thesis is expected to be able to provide useful knowledge and
information to the readers. And the writer is pleased to accept more suggestion
and contribution from the reader for the improvement of the thesis.
By: Wakhidatur Rofiqoh
Every movie has message conveyed toward the audience. The director covers it in
a unique style, trough the conversation and the actions of the characters. Moral
values and moral educations are some parts of the messages of a movie. This
research is aimed to find out those in Kung Fu Panda Movie. To analyze those, the
writer used the script of the movie and some related books as the sources of the
data. The writer watched the movie and read the script many times to collect the
data, and then analyzed the data trough codification table. From the analysis, the
writer finds the moral values of the movie likes believe in the existence of God, be
careful, virtue/kindness or wisdom in every event, always ready to die, sorry and
apologize, be patient and never give up, live in the world will not eternal and
perfect, the real owner, not be weak- minded, sad and give up, honest and
trustworthy, no quarrel, humility, not mocking and fool of the world that makes us
greedy. While the moral educations of the movie are dutiful to parents; always
respect, polite and love them, devoted to others; mutual respect, always live in
harmony, always act and tell the truth, never apply arrogant, always generous,
dedication to the Lord; active work, praise for his gift, virtuous and not easy to
give up (trying to reach the goal in life) and toward a king (leader); showing
loyalty, honest, always love, be genuine, active in carrying out his orders, always
serve and working optimal.
Keyword: Movie Analysis, Codification Table, Moral Values.
TITLE...................................................................................................................... i
DECLARATION .................................................................................................... ii
ATTENTIVE CONSELOR NOTES...................................................................... iii
STATEMENT OF CERTIFICATION................................................................... iv
MOTTO .................................................................................................................. v
DEDICATION ....................................................................................................... vi
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................... vii
ABSTRACT........................................................................................................... ix
TABLE OF CONTENT ......................................................................................... x
A. The Background of the Study ............................................. 1
B. Statement of the Problem...................................................... 4
C. The Objective of the Study ................................................... 4
D. The benefit of the Study........................................................ 4
E. Clarification of Key Term .................................................... 5
Review of Previous Research .............................................. 7
G. Research Methodology ......................................................... 8
H. Thesis Outline ................................................................
A. The Description of Moral Values......................................... 11
B. The Description of Moral Education .................................. 21
C. Movie as the Media in Education 24
A. The Biography of the Directors ........................................... 27
1. John Stevenson ............................................................. 27
2. Mark Osbourne .............................................................. 32
B. The Synopsis of Kungfu Panda Movie ............................... 35
A. Literary Elements of the Kungfu Panda Movie .................. 39
Character and Characterization .................................... 39
2. Setting ........................................................................... 42
3. Plot ................................................................................ 44
4. Point of View ................................................................ 46
5. Theme ............................................................................ 47
6. Language Style .............................................................. 47
7. Message ......................................................................... 48
8. Research Finding ........................................................... 49
9. Moral Values ................................................................. 49
B. Moral Education .................................................................. 63
C. Moral Values that is Suggested to the Moral Education ..... 73
A. Conclusion ........................................................................... 75
B. Suggestion............................................................................ 77
A. Background of the Study
Language is an arbitrary vocal symbol system which is used by a
community to communicate and interact each other based on their own culture
(Dardjowidjoyo, 2003: 16). People use language as a complex system of
symbols to convey meaning, feeling and intent, like respectful, familiarity,
solidarity, existence, share, admiration, annoyed and soon with their partner in
daily live in society.
Symbol system yang arbitrer ini dipakai oleh masyarakat
bahasatersebut, yakni, masyarakat yang memiliki bahasa itu. Orang dari
bahasa lain tentunya tidak dapat memaki system ini.
Today, most people live by imitating the life-style of their popular idea,
covered fashion, style, even behavior. This phenomenon happened because
they have an inspirited people they got from audiovisual media such as
cynetron, advertising, song, video, movie, etc. Bandura and Walters (1963) in
Mariel Downey and A. V. Kelly (1978:69) said that theories of social learning
and personality development largely on the notion of imitation or modeling.
Imitation plays an important role in the learning of deviant as well as
conforming behavior.
The development of audiovisual technology and information media
influences the lifestyle changing of society. Radio, television, DVD, VCD are
some examples of electronic which become furniture at housewife. Those
technology media have function as information and entertainment media. It
can entertain people 24 hours up to their needs. It influences people's live in
recreative and consumptive society, because all program are presented in
entertaining ways, in examples; cynetron, advertisement, movie, interactive
talk show, even though criminal and mystic news.
Those phenomenons motivate the effort in changing of school learning.
Since a long time ago, most of students claimed that studying at school felt
bored and uninterested. They are forced to follow and accept all subject there.
Audio-visual media makes learning activity more interesting, interactive and
develop personal skill optimally, such as affective, psychomotor, cognitive,
emotional and spiritual. (,htm).
In other side, audiovisual also gives negative lesson. Children who can
not take positive values of the program, inclined to follow negative side and
applied in their daily life become character. It causes moral degradation,
especially in adulthood. For example: criminality like robbery, motor gank,
drunker, sexual despising, smack down, etc. Habermas (1979) in a book of
Gary L. Sapp (1986:168) stated that immoral acts occur when such symbol
fail to encourage our sustains the tentative balance between individual needs
and social necessity. Moral consciousness is mediated by symbols that are
embedded in the linguistic and cultural order and provide the cohesiveness
that generally expect in normative social order.
In a literature, we can find many didactic moralistic elements. It sets out
deliberately to inculcate moral values into children by the choice of such
literature. There are moral aspects to any human situation portrayed in novels,
drama or poetry. It helps children to expand their experience and heighten
their awareness of social and moral dilemmas (Downey & Kelly, 1978:167).
According to the Law No. 20, 2003, paragraph 1, article 1, the purpose
of education is to improve student`s spiritual religion, self control, personality,
intelligent, good moral and competence that will be used in their life for
themselves, society and country.
Teachers are the most important component of education. They have big
roles in the result of education. Teachers have to give moral education besides
teaching their subjects. Most of the teachers just teach their subject without
considering teaching moral values. It is one of causes of moral degradation in
our education.
Today, many children lost their chance in continuing study, violence,
murder, robbery, robbing are done by children. Those are the examples of
black list in our education. It is happened because the role of components
(teachers, students and parents) do not support each other.
Kung Fu Panda movie tell us what should the teachers, students and
parents do in supporting the children to reach their dream.
Panda as a student never give up in reaching his ambition although his
teacher, parent and friends do not support and believe in his ability. He tries
and tries then finally he can show to everyone that he can be a master.
Kung fu Panda makes some great common sense points about self
confidence. Po the Panda is a martial art geek. He wants to be a Kung Fu
legend, only he is a roly poly, uncoordinated panda. Then, he accidently
becomes anointed as a famous Dragon Warrior. This, turn of events help him
learn that warriors believe in, and takes responsibility for them.
B. Statement of the Problem
In this research, the writer would like to focus on the following
1. What are the moral values found in the Kung Fu Panda movie?
2. What are the moral educations found in the Kung Fu Panda movie?
3. What moral values can be found in Kung fu Panda movie that it is
suggested for moral education?
C. The Objective of the Study
Based on those problem statements, the objectives of the study are:
1. To know the moral values found in the movie.
2. To know the moral education found in the movie.
3. To find out the moral values found in Kung Fu Panda movie that
suggested for moral education.
D. The Benefit of the Study
The benefits of the study are as follow:
1. Academic benefit
The benefit on the study is expected to be beneficial to the world of
literature and the complement to the study of Kung Fu Panda the
2. Practical benefit
1. The writer expects that this study will contribute to the development of
literary study, especially for people who are interested in the literary
2. For the movie lovers can take the moral values included in the movie.
3. For English teachers it can be used as media in teaching.
4. For parents, this movie can be used as media to give example for
children what should be done by children, students, teachers and
5. It also can be use as media for children to study about moral values
and moral education trough animation movie.
E. Clarification of Key Terms
The writer gives clarification of key term as the limitation of this study.
1. Moral values
Moral is a principle or right and wrong action or good and bad
character of human (Webster, 1981: 1468). Value is a term or an
expression in logic that may replace a variable in a propositional function
so that the resultant is a true or false statement (1981: 2530).
Moral value is a term in logic that a principle or action or character
of human is true or false, right or wrong and good or bad.
(, 08.30,42).
Gough (1965) states that morality reflects behavior which is based
on principles of right and wrong, where right and wrong are determined
both by the individual person and the societal group within which the
person resides (Sapp, 1986: 56).
Moral issues concern both behavior and character. They arise when
life presents people with such questions as “what should I do or not do?
How should I do? What kind of person should I do?” (Barcalow, 1994:
There is a slight complication in the analysis of what makes an issue
as a moral issue. We may say that a certain form of behavior is morally
prohibited or morally required or morally permitted. Therefore, there are
three exhaustive classifications: that is, any form of behavior we may
think of morally prohibited, required and permitted. (1994: 5).
Mahmud (1995) said that the moral (akhlaq) is a system consists of
psychological framework and make them behave in accordance with him
and value in different conditions. (Mahmud, 1995: 26).
Yang dimaksud dengan akhlaq (moral) adalah sebuah system yang
lengkap yang terdiri dari karakteristik- karakteristik akal atau
tingkah laku yang membuat membuat seseorang menjadi istimewa.
Karakteristik- karakteristiik ini membentuk kerangka psikologi
seseorang dan membuatnya berperilaku sesuai dengan dirinya
dalam kondisi yang berbeda- beda.
2. Kung Fu Panda
Kung Fu Panda is a movie directed by Mark Osborne and John
Stevenson. The screenplay of the movie is written by Jonathan Aibel and
Glen Berger, and the story is written by Ethan Reiff and Cyrus Voris. This
movie is released for the first time in France on Cannes Film Festival at 16
May 2008, and in Indonesia at 13 June 2008. It is animation, action and
family movie (, 10:21).
3. Movie
Movie is a motion pictures considered especially as a source of
entertainment or as an art form (Sapp, 1986:1480).
In this research, the movie is in title Kung Fu Panda. An animation
film directed by John Stevenson and Mark Osbourne.
F. Review of Previous Research
The writer knows well that this research is not the first time done. So the
writer reviews the thesis of Widiastuti The Moral Values in Novel Ketika
Cinta Bertasbih. She finds that moral values are divided into three categories,
self character building, human relation and religious values that is suggested
for moral education (Widiastuti, 2008).
The writer also reviews the thesis Moral Values in Kingdom of Heaven
Movie by Mohammad Shol Syamsuri. He finds the moral values of the movie
concluding God consciousness (taqwa) and faith (iman), striving and hard
work, lovingness, kindness, tolerance and forgiveness, patience and
thankfulness, responsibility and keeping commitment and brave heart, and that
values are implication for human life (Syamsuri, 2008).
The last is A Syntactical Analysis of English Advertising on TV Program
by Romiyati. The result of her analysis shows that there are still many kinds of
the language advertising which use English slogan does not appropriate with
syntactic structure. The audience's view show three extreme groups who
different opinions. First group claimed advertising give bad effect in society,
second group tend to did not care about advertising, and third group is so
fascinating about advertising (Romiyati, 2003).
G. Research Methodology
To analyze Kung Fu Panda movie, the writer uses descriptive qualitative
method. Qualitative research is descriptive because the result of the analyzed
data is phenomenon description, not numerals or coefficients about variable
The writer collects the data trough observation toward the movie then
comes up with a theory to account the data. Then, the writer looks for the
hypothesis or theories which can explain the data collection.
1. Research Object
Research object is all aspect that becomes target in the research. The
object of this research is the moral values and the moral educations in Kung fu
Panda Movie directed by Mark Osborne and John Stevenson.
2. Data source.
a. Primary data source
It is a source of original data and basic of research. In this research, the
primary data source is the essential sources derived from movie and movie
script of Kung Fu Panda.
b. Secondary data source
A secondary data source is the data which is support and complete the
primary data source. The secondary sources of data are taken from many
books about moral, education, value, movie and literature theories. The data
also taken from internet website in situs
3. Technique of Collecting Data
To collect the data, the writer uses note taking technique, a technique
that prepare data trough writing on data card, then continuing by
The steps are:
a. Selecting the movie.
b. Watching the movie.
c. Reading the script.
d. Try to find the theories which are support this study.
4. Technique of Analyzing Data
To analyze data, the writer uses discourse analysis. The objects are;
discourse, writing, talk, conversation, communicative event, etc.
The steps are:
a. Watching and learning whole the movie supported by read all the
movie script.
b. Classification moral values and moral educations.
c. Codification.
d. Describing the data.
e. Making conclusion based on data analysis.
H. Thesis Outline
Chapter I is Introduction, consists of Background of the Study,
Statement of the Problem, Objectives of the Study, the Benefits of the Study,
Clarification of Key Terms, Review of Previous Researches, Research
Methodology and Thesis Outline. Chapter II contains of theoretical foundation
about moral values, moral education and movie as the medium of moral
education. Chapter III is certain elements in Kung Fu Panda movie; the
contents are the synopsis of the movie and the structural analysis of the movie.
Chapter IV presents the Analysis and Discussion, consisting the elements of
the movie, the data analysis of moral values and the data analysis of moral
education found in the movie. Chapter V is Closure, which consists of
conclusion and suggestion. The last part is Bibliography.
Barcalow, Emmet. 1994. Moral Philosophy: theory and issue. USA:
International Thomson Publishing.
Budiningsih, Asri. 2004. Pembelajaran Moral. Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta
Daradjad, Zakiah. 1977. Membina Nilai- Nilai Moral di Indonesia. Jakarta:
Bulan Bintang
Dardjowidjojo, Soenjono. 2003. Psikolinguistik: Pengantar Pemahaman Bahasa
Manusia. Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia.
Darwanto. 2007. Televisi Sebagai Media Pendidikan. Yogyakarta: Pustaka
Deighton, Lee C. 1971. The Encyclopedia of Education. USA: The Macmillan
Company and the Free Press.
Downey, Meriel & Kelly, A. V. 1987. Moral Education: theory & practice.
London: Harper & Row Publisher.
Durkheim, Emile. 1961. Pendidikn Moral: Suatu Studi Teori dan Aplikasi
Sosiologi Pendidikan. Jakarta: Penerbit Erlangga.
Handayani, Pipit. 2009. Konflik Batin Tokoh Srintil dalam Novel Ronggeng
Dukuh Paruk Karya Ahmad Tohari: Tinjauan Psychology Saatra.
Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Muhammadiyah
13, 10:21.
Mahmud, Ali Abdul Halim. 1995. Akhlak Mulia. Jakarta: Gema Insani.
Muslich, dkk. 2006. Konsep Moral dan Pendidikan Dalam Manuskrip Keraton
Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta: YKII- UIN Sunan Kalijaga.
Romiyati. 2003. A Syntactical Analysis of English Advertising on TV Program.
Unpublished Thesis, Salatiga: STAIN.
Samsuri, Mohammad Shol. 2008. Moral Values in Kingdom of Heaven Movie.
Unpublished Thesis. Salatiga: STAIN.
Sapp, Gary L. 1986. Handbook of Moral Development. Birmingham: Religious
Education Press.
Webster, Merriam, 1981. Webster`s Third New International Dictionary
Principle of the English Language. USA: Encyclopedia Britannica
Widiastuti. 2008. The Moral Values in Novel Ketika Cinta Bertasbih.
Unpublished Thesis. Salatiga: STAIN
A. The Description of Moral Values
Moral is the doctrine of good and bad about a person's behavior in everyday
life as being an individual and societal creation. Morals can be demonstrated through
one`s actions in daily live. As Muslich said :
Moral adalah ajaran tentang baik buruk perbuatan dan kelakuan (akhlak,
kwajiban dsb) dan selalu berhubungan dengan manusia sebagai individu dan
manusia sebagai anggota masyarakat. (Muslich, 2006 : 55- 56).
Baron and friends in a book of Budiningsih (2004: 24) define moral as matters
relating to the prohibition and action whether it is right or wrong. (Budiningsih, 2004:
24). Everything people do, speak and think absolutely identified as wrong or right.
Moral is related with those cases. A person who does, speaks and think rightly is
indicated as a person who has a good moral. In the other hand, a person who has a bad
moral usually does, speak and think the bad.
Values are divided into four types; they are the aesthetic value, the value of
epistemology, and ethics. Aesthetic values related to the aesthetics, epistemology
value associated with the truth, while the ethical values concern with good value in
education and often called as “the philosophy study of Morals". Moral concerning
with behavior in relation to themselves and others, it contains the value of kindness.
What is the basic so that the behaviors called right? Did it relative or absolute?
Suparlan said:
Telah diketahui secara umum bahwa etika adalah suatu studi filosofis
mengenai moral (philosophical study of morals). Jadi, persoalan pokoknya
adalah tentang “hakekat moral”. Moral adalah masalah tingkah laku dalam
hubungannya dengan diri sendiri dan sesamanya, sejauh mana mengandung
nilai kebaikan. Apakah ukurannya, suatu perilaku itu bernilai baik? Apakah
kebaikan iitu relative atau mutlak? (Suparlan,2008: 138).
Among the existing value, there is an ethical value. This value may exist in
human values or values that come from belief or faith of a religion. The value of
ethics, or moral nature, gives quality in human actions. Ethical values reflected in
moral norms. Moral norms are the foundation of human actions (Bambang, 1986: 27).
Harun Yahya in his book “Nilai- Nilai Moral dalam Al Qur`an” (2003) divides
moral values in 44 kinds. They are:
1. Believe in the existence of God.
Fulfill the responsibilities and surrender. Human believe that their
live is not run by their really wants. He is God, who take apart in our live
as the spiritual foundation as the place to fulfill the human`s spiritual
needs. (Harun, 2003: 2).
2. Worship God.
It is an attitude of reverence to God, to walk on the path of God,
does well to others and obey the doctrine of the religion. (2003: 4).
3. Believe in destiny (God's provisions).
Everything in the world does not happen by chance (accidently). If
a person believes and understands that there is destiny, he or she will never
be disappointed and feel afraid of with everything in his life. (2003: 6).
4. Believe in God
It has some meaning with the first point.
5. Thinking about the signs of God`s the lord.
There are countless infinitely complex systems and delicate
balances in the universe, in all of existence and all phenomena, from the
human body to the sky, from animals to the depths of the oceans.
Everyone who can think and reason sees that only God, with His superior
power and intelligence, could have created these complex systems and
delicate balances. It is our responsibility to keep the balance of all. (2003:
6. Be careful.
Humans are the most perfect creatures of God, because humans
have mind and heart. Humans should keep their heart and mind of bad
things. With mind and heart humans must be careful in doing something.
(2003: 17).
7. Virtue/ kindness (wisdom) behind every event.
Everyone experiences moments that might be described as
“difficult” in their lives. Yet no matter how negative any situation may
appear at first sight, no matter how unpalatable it may be to one’s self, it is
still filled with beauty and goodness for anyone looking at it from a
believer. Because believers know that all these perceived difficulties
created by God are actually tests in the world.
Every event happens with special and hidden purpose. Whatever
good or bad, people should believe that there is virtue in every event.
(2003: 18).
8. Always ready to die.
Everyone in the world will die, but can not be predicted. It will be
better if people always ready to die by doing good and be careful in their
life. (2003: 22).
9. Never stopped fighting the devil.
Devil is the biggest enemy of people. Devil always invite people to
do the bad attitude. Then people will beyond of the social norm. It is why
people should have a strong principle not to do the bad things. (2003: 26).
10. The soul which always liening in good.
People have two sides in their souls; those are the bad and good
side. Both will construct our behavior. The struggle against lust is the
biggest battle for a person. People should be wary with the bad side by
limiting the emotions, ambissions, egoism and desires, etc. (2003: 28).
11. The choice of God.
It has the close meaning with the third point, because the choice of
God has the same meaning as the destiny of God.
12. Praying
People have the spiritual side, that is the need of religious aspect.
Then, people believe in God as the lord. Praying is the way a person
communicates with his God. People ask the best for their life to the God.
(2003: 35).
13. Sorry and apologize.
Nobody live without making mistake. It is important for social life
to be a person who is easy to ask sorry and give apologize for the others.
God is the most gracious, why people as His creation do not doing the
same. (2003: 39).
14. Be patient.
Patient person is generally defined as someone in the persistence
and fortitude to bear the unpleasant things, without any sense of boredom
and complaining. Patient people will have many friends in their live.
(Rahman, 1999: 174).
15. God helps to who are obedient to Him.
God always listen and give His blessing to whom always obeying
His command. By praying Him and lean upon His help, people will get
ease in their live. (Yahya, 2003: 46).
16. Never give up.
Despair is the temptation of Satan. Satan tries to affect humans by
making them confused and then plunges them to do more serious mistakes.
Live is not easy forever. Sometimes people complain about their live, but
they have to go straight. It will make them mature and never give up in
resolving their problem. (2003: 52).
17. Valuing something with a directive.
In society, people should understand the character of the other
person around them. Then people will understand each other and life in
harmonious society. People also need to be able to decide what should be
done in a certain condition. (2003: 57-58).
18. God knows the hearts of His creatures.
Sometimes people pretend to be nice and friendly in front of his
neighbor, but they feel resentful or jealous in back. They hide the fact,
fault and evil in their hearts. No one else knows the contents of someone's
heart, except God who created him. (2003: 61). Thus, people must be
honest and avoid bad things.
19. Living in the world would not be eternal and not perfect.
Humans live in the world is only temporary. Here he will be tested,
trained and then leave the world to the afterlife where he will live forever.
Nothing is eternal in this world. For people who think, they will spend
their time to do the good things. (2003: 63).
20. The real owner.
The effort to get something often makes human grief and hurt. He
spends all his life to pursue a case and make it as a goal in his life, and
then he will grow up to be a greedy person. He will be ambissious people.
Nobody can raise all his ambition, because God is most fair, people have
own rights as His gift. (2003: 67).
21. Thanks to God.
God creates everything with a purpose. All the blessings in this
world will be more meaningful if people always grateful for what they got.
Worship and gratitude are also ways to protect people from the distortions.
No thanks to God means stepping into the destruction and crime, forget the
weaknesses and become arrogant when people grow rich and powerful. So,
people should say many thanks to God to make life more meaningful.
(2003: 72).
22. The Examination from God.
This point has relation with the next point (23), so the writer
analyzes both became one point.
23. God did not test beyond the ability of his servants.
One time people feel very difficult to solve the problem in their
life. But in the end, they will find the ending point of the problem. It is
because they do not give up and God does not burden the creatures beyond
their ability. (2003: 80).
24. Keep away from people who are not believed in God.
People who believe in God will love the Lord above anything else.
They obeying His orders, and always try to do the best thing for himself
and the people around him. (2003: 83).
25. Love God than everything.
One obligation of believers is to worship their Lord. Because they
are His servants. Life is a way and a place for people to worship Him,
therefore they are taught to always doing good in live. People will love
each others, and then God also loves them. (2003: 86).
26. Not be weak, sad and give up.
People have to believe in their self ability, individuality, by aware
of the talents and uniqueness and its developments, responsible for their
own deeds, overcoming the tendency to blame others when experiencing
difficulties and believe in the ability of self. (Linda, 1997: 48).
27. Less self when praying.
Prayer is a way of communicating between creatures to the Lord.
Showing our subservience to God, it means that people in praying should
based on the awareness and surrender to Him, and feelings of fear, respect
and deep admiration. With praying, our live feels peaceful and serene.
(Yahya, 2003: 94).
28. Praising God.
People who believe in God always thanks to his Lord for the gift of
God. People always remember His name and praise the name of glory.
(2003: 95).
29. Remembering God in every difficulty.
One way to worship the Lord is doing His doctrine wherever and
whenever. In this way people will always remember the Lord in various
states of both hard and happy. (2003: 97).
30. Reading God's revelation.
In everyday life people are preoccupied by the never ending
business. It involves human affairs with the society. In the bustle, people
should still remember his Lord, so that people will never lose the sight of
spiritual. (2003: 99).
31. Away from the useless talks.
Discussions and things which have no value like gossiping and
laughing the others is futile. For who think clearly, it will only waste their
time. Better for him to fill his time for more usefull things. (2003: 102).
32. Being a moderate.
Moderate is to think well of balance. This is useful for someone
when he or she is involved in the society life. Sometimes we talk and
apply something that does not fit and proper in a situation. Therefore, he/
she have to build a personality that never lost control so he/she can put
something appropriately. (2003: 104).
33. The angels become the witness.
Actually, humans are never alone, because there are angels who are
always with them. The angels will be a witness over all things people have
done in the world when faceing God later. (2003: 105).
34. Writing agreements.
Basically humans is forgetful. So it is recommended that in order to
make easier, they should write an agreement in all affairs. (2003: 107).
35. Honest and trustworthy.
Saying and doing something accordance with the situation is not
easy to be applied. People have to do honest to the self, other, society and
themselves, it is necessary for the social live. (2003: 109).
36. No quarrel.
The key to keep harmonious social life is all the elements of the
society life in brotherhood, full of solidarity and do not quarrel and egoist.
(2003: 110).
37. Ask protection from God.
A man who has a big faith will give all his life to the God. He
believes that God will give him the best. God is the great power, so, if he
wants to ask help, he will ask to the God. (2003: 112).
38. Humility.
Humility is a character of people who do not greedy, selfless, but
they are loyal, spirited solidarity, polite, not nosy and offering people some
help. (2003: 115).
39. Away from stupid people.
The means of stupid here is people who are easy to angry, agitated
and aggressive. (2003: 119).
40. No arguing about things that are not known.
It is very strange if two or more people do a debate without any
realistic and logistic argument. It is wasting time, energy, idea, etc. (2003:
41. Not mocking (underestimate) the others.
Mocking is a bad behavior that can hurt the other. Mocking is likes
laughing the other`s unlucky, underestimate and trifling, etc. (2003: 123).
42. Calling people using the bad dub.
Give a bad dub (for instance the part of the body) to others is a
characteristic of an arrogant person. Actually he is not better than the
other. (2003: 125).
43. Be a person who can be believed.
This point has the same meaning in the point 35. An honest people
actually can be believed by the others. (2003: 128).
44. Fool of the world that makes us greedy.
There are a number of people who never feel satisfied toward his
condition of life. They always have ambition that becomes obsession.
Actually, life in the world is not perfect and eternal life, but the life in
hereafter. A few of people however are aware about that. (2003: 128).
B. The Description of Moral Education.
There is a common aspect off all behavior called moral behavior. All behavior
is always in accordance with existing rules. Acted morally means to obey a norm,
which sets out what the behavior should be taken within a certain time. The scope of
morality is obligation which is has been settled first in society. (Durkheim, 1961: 17).
The function of morality is as follows:
Determining behavior.
Defining behavior, and
Getting rid of individualism.
According to Bambang, moral education is related to the aspects of one
character in his education. Those characters are not started when he/ she entered
school. A character is an overall that develops systematically and harmonized in
accordance with the development of children, which can not be separated.
Bahwa pendidikan moral itu adalah menyangkut aspek daripada watak
seseorang yang sama pendidikannya, watak itu tidak dapat baru dimulai pada saat ia
masuk sekolah. Watak itu merupakan suatu keseluruhan yang berkembang secara
sistematik, harmonis sesuai dengan perkembangan anak, yang dengan sendirinya
tidak dapat secara terpisah- pisah, bahkan sebelumnya dilahirkan pada dalam
pengaruhnya. (Bambang, 1986: 45).
Durkheim adds that the most appropriate place for moral education is school,
because family environment is too similar and warm for the child so that education
can not fulfill the demands of the moral education. Moral education should be taught
early, because with the knowledge since childhood, the child will bring the knowledge
into adulthood. (Durkheim, 1961: xv).
Moral education acts as a guide for people to know consciousness and play his
involvement in community life that can not be separated from liability so people do
not become an individualism people and be a moral creature.
Muslich divides moral educations based on “Serat Wulang Brata” became four
kinds. Serat Wuruk Respati is an old Javanese book that contains several study about
moral. Those Moral Educations are:
1. Dedication to the Lord:
Berbakti kapada Tuhan adalah dengan menjalankan segala perintahnya
dan menjauhi segala larangannya, berbudi luhur dan bersyukur atas
segala perintah Tuhan baik dalam keadaan suka maupun duka.
(Muslich, 2006: 144)
From the paragraph above, the dedication to the Lord can be applied by:
a. Running the command.
b. Away from His prohibitions.
c. Active work.
d. Good attitude.
e. Thanks for his gift.
f. Virtuous.
g. Not easy to give up (trying to reach the goal in life). (Muslich, 2006: 144).
2. Toward a king (leader).
…Berbakti kepada raja adalah dilakukan dengan menunjukkan
kesetiaan, jujur, dan selalu mengasihi. ….. antara lain yaitu dengan
rendah hati, tulus, dan kalau bekerja harus optimal. (2006: 145).
It`s mean that toward a king, people should:
a. Showing loyalty
b. Honest
c. Always love
d. Be genuine.
e. Active in carrying out his orders.
f. Always serve.
g. Working optimal.
3. Dutiful to parents:
Kemudian, berbakti kepada orang tua, yaitu dengan menghormati dan
menyayangi, …… Disana diajarkan bagaimana seorang anak harus
berbakti kepada orang tuanya, harus sopan, tidak boleh membelakangi
orang tua, dan sebagainya. (2006: 145).
So, dutiful to parents can be showed by:
a. Always respect.
b. Always act politely.
c. No backs.
d. Always loved them.
Love is more than loyalty and respect. Responsible and love to the
parents a long life is as the priority. (Linda, 1997: 112).
4. Devoted to others:
a. Mutual respect.
b. Always live in harmony.
c. Always act and tell the truth.
d. Never apply arrogant.
Be a person who is not selfish, care to others, learn to feel
togetherness, has empathy, tolerance, brotherhood and sensitive to the need
of others and situations. (Linda, 1997: 136).
e. Always generous. (1997: 146).
It may be a kind and friendly attitude, tenderness to the younger/
weaker, capable of having new friends, maintaining friendship, like to help
the others and good- humored. (Linda, 1997: 156).
f. Always introspective in live your life.
C. Movie as the Media in Education
Radio, television, film and printed media are the examples of modern mass
media. It is said mass media because mass communication only takes place
through this. Modern viewed from the traditional media such as lenong, ludruk,
ketoprak, etc. Darwanto said:
Perananan media massa dalam pembangunan nasional adalah sebagai agen
pembaru (agent of social change, dalam hal ini membantu mempercepat
proses peralihan masyarakat tradisional ke masyarakat modern. ….. Hal ini
disebabkan , (Darwanto, 2007: 28).
Darwanto adds, mass media has roles in national development as agent of
social change. Its purpose is to help accelerating the mindset of society from the
traditional to modern. Because the nature of audiovisual is very effective in
attracting the sympathy of society who sees it; it is very communicative in
conveying their message, shaping attitudes and changing behavior patterns. (2007:
Laswell in Darwanto`s book (2007: 32) says the main functions of the
mass media are as follow:
1. The surveillance of the environment. In simple terms, the mass media
provide information that can not be reached directly by the public.
2. The correlation of the parts of society in responding to the
environment. Everything that showed by the mass media have been
selected and evaluated, so that, the mass media only displays what are
needed and deserved to be broadcasted.
3. The transmission of the social heritage from one generation to the next.
This function is more directed at the educational function that is
conveying social and cultural values.
Movie is displayed through electronic media. Messages displayed by the
electronic media is enlightening, educating and entertaining so easily understood
by all levels of society. Besides, it also provides the stimulus, suggestion,
imagination and emotion from audiences. Messages contribution will be received
more quickly because the nature of audiovisual. (2007: 44 - 45).
Message from mass media has fundamental strength from non-mass media
in conveying the message to the general (public). The programs comprise some
groups, for example, programs for children, adult, family, etc. Students should be
motivated by giving several examples, explanations, and guidance, so it will make
students easy to imitate the message from the movie.
Learning methods develops day and day in accordance with technological
developments and the needs of education through mass media. Audiovisual will
greatly help in the development and needs of children, because education program
is published pragmatically, so that, the audience will take some messages from the
The use of audio-visual equipment is intended to show the effectiveness
and efficiency of teaching and learning process, so the children are hoped able to
develop reasoning and imagining power. The results of various researches suggest
the use of audio-visual teaching and learning can improve teaching efficiency up
to 20% - 70%. (2007: 100).
Audio-visual is very helpful in teaching and learning, because with these
tools students can do observations more closely again, and through observation
will give the impression of depth that will improve memory. (2007: 108).
Film offers a special language of projected moving images with
sounds- a language which incorporates the characteristics of the
graphic, plastic, spatial and narrative arts. Film is finally becoming
accepted in educational circles as an established art form suitable for
study, analysis, and research in institution of higher learning. Film
study encompasses the examination of the motion picture as a
medium of communication, entertainment and artistic expression.
(Film study is not to be confused with the teaching of other subject
matter by use of film or television as audio- visual instructional
technology). (Deighton, 1971: 1).
In an age of increasing electronic communication, the concept of film study
is frequently expanded to become “screen education”, which includes the study of
film, television, and various projected forms of mixed media. A conference of
screen educators at Waltham, Mass, in 1968 defined screen education as “the
cultivation of an awareness, primarily of the visual- aural and tactile perceptions
necessary to understand how we see, hear and feel as sensitive human being,
screen education encompasses study and practice, both of which provide
opportunities for personal growth- in taste- discrimination and creativity.
Movie as screen educators help the students perceive, understand and
appreciate the unique visual and aural languages of film and the role of this
language in human communication. By developing
skill in response to these
visual- aural languages, student can increase their understanding of themselves
and others and explore the communicative and artistic potential of film as a
medium of expression. (1971: 3).
A. The Biography of the Directors
1. John Stevenson
His full name is John Wayne Stevenson. He was born in United Kingdom of
America. He has many professions like film director, storyboard artist, animator, art
director, puppeteer, motion capture performer and voice actor.
In 2008 he with Mark Osborne directed animated feature film, Kung Fu Panda.
Stevenson has over 30 years of experience with animation, a veteran of Dream Works
PDI who got his start in the entertainment industry via Jim Henson's The Muppet Show.
He worked on shows like The Dreamstone, Count Duckula, and Ferngully 2: The
Magical Rescue. He also worked as puppeteer on James & the Giant Peach and Motion
Capture Performer on The Moxy Pirate Show. Stevenson worked for many years in the
art department on many films at Dream Works Animation before helming a number of
episodes of their animated primetime show “Father of the Pride” and for five years
worked on bringing “Kung Fu Panda” to the screen.
He is currently working on projects like The Minotaur Takes a Cigarette Break
and We3.
John Stevenson worked his way through the film and television animation ranks
as a storyboard artist and consultant on a wide variety of acclaimed projects, including
“Toy Story 2” (1999), “Shrek” (2001) and “Madagascar” (2005). After joining
DreamWorks as its Head of Story, Stevenson contributed to some of its biggest features,
as well as a few of its costliest misses, including the misguided television series, “Father
of the Pride” (2004). While serving as director on that series, he became involved in
DreamWorks’ feature “Kung Fu Panda,” which he and co-director Mark Osbourne
eventually shepherded to screens in 2008. The film’s worldwide success and wealth of
award nominations was proof positive that Stevenson was among the top animation
filmmakers working in the genre.
John Stevenson`s Filmography:
1. Art Department Credits
a. Shrek (2001)
It is a movie released for the first time at May 16, 2001 in Los Angeles
and New York distributed by DreamWorks Animation. It is an action/
adventure, comedy, romance, science fiction/ fantasy, animation and
adaptation movie. The story told about an ugly green monster searched for the
perfect wife. This film got $267,652,016.
The story is: Once upon a time, in a far away swamp, there lived an
ornery ogre named Shrek whose precious solitude is suddenly shattered by an
invasion of annoying fairy tale characters. There are blind mice in his food, a
big, bad wolf in his bed, three little homeless pigs and more, all banished
from their kingdom by the evil Lord Farquaad. Determined to save their home
not to mention his own, Shrek cuts a deal with Farquaad and sets out to
rescue the beautiful Princess Fiona to be Farquaad's bride. Accompanying
him on his mission is wisecracking Donkey, who will do anything for Shrek...
except shut up. Rescuing the Princess from a fire-breathing dragon may prove
the least of their problems when the deep, dark secret she has been keeping is
b. Shrek II (also known as Shrek 4D)
It as an action/ adventure, comedy, kids/ family, science fiction/ family,
animation and sequel movie, released at May 19th, 2004, produced by
DreamWorks Animation and got $436,471,036.
The story of the movie is:
After battling a fire-breathing dragon and the evil Lord Farquaad to win
the hand of Princess Fiona, Shrek now faces his greatest challenge: the inlaws. Shrek and Princess Fiona return from their honeymoon to find an
invitation to visit Fiona's parents, the King and Queen of the Kingdom of Far,
Far Away. With Donkey along for the ride, the newlyweds set off. All of the
citizens of Far, Far Away turn out to greet their returning Princess, and her
parents happily anticipate the homecoming of their daughter and her new
Prince. But no one could have prepared them for the sight of their new son-inlaw, not to mention how much their little girl had changed. Little did Shrek
and Fiona know that their marriage had foiled all of her father's plans for her
future--and his own. Now the King must enlist the help of a powerful Fairy
Godmother, the handsome Prince Charming and that famed ogre killer 'Puss
In Boots' to put right his version of "happily ever after."
c. Madagascar (2005)
It is an action/ adventure, comedy, drama, kids/ family and animation
movie. It is released at May 27th, 2005 by DreamWorks Animation and got
$193,136,719. He story likes:
This movie focuses on four residents and "stars" of the Central Park Zoo
in New York City who are also best friends: a lion (Stiller), a zebra (Rock), a
giraffe (Schwimmer) and a pregnant hippo (Smith). When one of them goes
missing, the other three breaks out of the zoo looking for him, and eventually
all four are captured and put in boxes to ship them back to the continent their
species are originally from: Africa. An accident at sea, however, strands them
on the shore of Madagascar. Having had humans take care of them their
entire life, the four know nothing of surviving in the wild, or that one of them,
the lion, is genetically predisposed to eat his three best friends. Exploring
their surroundings, the four friends soon meet the Malagasy locals (a type of
lemur given to having loud "rave-like" dance parties) and their carnivorous
enemies, the fousas. As the two sides try to use these four new, strange (and
large) friends to their benefit, our heroes are also confronted with the reality
of their predestined roles in nature.
d. Kung Fu Panda (2008)
It is an animation/ comedy movie produced by DreamWorks Animation.
In this movie, he is cooperation with Mark Osbourne.
It's the story about a lazy, irreverent slacker panda, named Po, who is
the biggest fan of Kung Fu around...which doesn't exactly come in handy
while working every day in his family's noodle shop. Unexpectedly chosen to
fulfill an ancient prophecy, Po's dreams become reality when he joins the
world of Kung Fu and studies alongside his idols, the legendary Furious Five
-- Tigress, Crane, Mantis, Viper and Monkey -- under the leadership of their
teacher, Master Shifu. But before they know it, the vengeful and treacherous
snow leopard Tai Lung is headed their way, and it's up to Po to defend
everyone from the oncoming threat. Can he turn his dreams of becoming a
Kung Fu master into reality? Po puts his heart - and his girth - into the task,
and the unlikely hero ultimately finds that his greatest weaknesses turn out to
be his greatest strengths.
2. Physical Effect Credits
James and the Giant Peach (1996). Puppeteer ("Jex" "Rhino" special
effects unit).
Like another Stevensons` creations, the genre is an action/ adventure,
kids/ family, science fiction/ fantasy, animation and adaption. Released in
April 12, 1996, produced in Walt Disney Studios Motion Picture and get $
28. 934. 758. The story is:
James, a lonely orphan, is sent to live with his wicked and greedy Aunts
Spiker and Sponge. Unwanted and forced to perform their menial chores, the
boy dreams about going to New York City--a place, his father once told him,
where dreams come true. Then James meets a mysterious old man who gives
him a bag of magical glowing green things (crocodile tongues) and tells him
that marvelous things will happen. Racing home, James accidentally spills the
contents of the bag at the base of a barren old peach tree. To his astonishment,
a peach instantly appears on the branch and grows and grows until it reaches
20 feet in diameter. Hungry and curious, James sneaks out that evening and
takes a bite of the peach. When a glowing tunnel appears, the frightened boy
ventures inside and meets Centipede, Earthworm, Ladybug, Glowworm,
Grasshopper and Miss Spider. Rolling out to sea, the giant peach launches its
passengers on a series of wildly imaginative adventures with New York City
as their final destination.
2. Mark Osbourne
He is the brother of writer and storyboard artist Kent Osbourne. He began
experimenting with art and film as a youngster, shooting his first videos while in high
school. After graduation, Osbourne attended the Pratt Institute in New York, where he
studied foundation art. Frustrated by the school’s limited curriculum for animation, he
transferred to the California Institute for the Arts. There, he dove headlong into
filmmaking and animation studies, graduating after only two years in 1992. His thesis,
“Greener” (1994), was completed a year and half later with funding from his parents, as
well as his own personal savings.
Influenced by the work of the “Brothers Quay and Aardman Animation’s Nick
Park”. The film told the story of two humanoid figures whose happy but limited
existence maintained entirely by machines, changed from a paradise into a trap. The film
earned a number of awards from Stateside and international film festivals, and served as
Osbourne’s entry into the film business.
After a stint as a teacher at his almamater, he soon found work on a variety of
projects in different mediums; from promos for various networks and title sequences for
television series to a music video for parodist “Weird Al” Yankovic’s song “Jurassic
Park” in 1994. In 1998, Osbourne completed his second animated short, “More”. The
six-minute stop-motion film, the first to be shot entirely in the IMAX format, concerned
an inventor who creates a machine that helps him relive his childhood memories in order
to escape his dull existence.
The short was met with considerable critical acclaim, and earned an Academy
Award nomination in 1999, among other accolades. Following its completion, Osbourne
directed and produced much of the live-action footage for his former classmate Cal Arts
Stephen Hillenburg’s series, “Spongebob Squarepants.”
In 2004, Osbourne partnered with animation veteran John Stevenson to co-direct
Dream Works “Kung Fu Panda”. The action-comedy, which paid tribute to the
athleticism and discipline of martial arts and martial arts filmmaking in between gags by
Jack Black and its all-star voiceover cast, was released in 2008 to record-breaking box
office numbers – its opening weekend was the biggest for a non-sequel in the studio’s
history, and third only to “Shrek the Third” (2007) and “Shrek 2” (2004). Critics and
critical societies responded in kind; the film went on to win 11 Annie Awards in 2009, as
well as Oscar and Golden Globe nominations for Best Animated Feature.
Mark Osbourne`s filmography:
1. Director Credits
• Kung
Fu Panda (2008)
The same as in John Stevenson.
• Dropping
Out (2000)
It is released in January 20th, 2002 produced by Flemington Picture, Bad
Clams Productions. The story is: Emile Brockton enjoys TV, chicken pot pies and
not much else. His life has become banal and meaningless so he decides to spice it
up by killing himself. A friend at work learns of his plan and jumps at the
opportunity to film the spectacle. Finally Emile becomes the center of someone's
attention, giving him a reason to live -- but if he doesn't go through with his suicide
his life will revert to what it was.
• Greener (1994)
2. Visual Effects & Animation Credits
The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie (2004) as the Sequence Director.
It is a comedy, kids/ family, animation and adaption movie, released at
November 19th, 2004, produced by Nickelodeon Productions, United Plankton
Pictures. Its movie gets $ 85, 416, 609. The short story of the movie.
There's trouble brewing in Bikini Bottom. Someone has stolen King
Neptune's crown, and it looks like Mr. Krab, SpongeBob's boss, is the culprit.
Though he's just been passed over for the promotion of his dreams, SpongeBob
stands by his boss, and along with his best pal Patrick, sets out on a treacherous
mission to Shell City to reclaim the crown and save Mr. Krab's life.
B. The Synopsis of Kung Fu Panda Movie
Kung Fu Panda is an animated film intended for all circles. This animated
film is produced by DreamWorks Animation directed by John Stevenson (Shrek)
and Mark Osborne. This film tells the story of Po, a panda as a son of a successful
noodle seller. However, Po has his own goal of becoming a kung fu warrior.
Po always dreamed of being good at kung fu. When dreaming, the Po`s
action was tempting. He is a kung fu master who can invite laughter.
Unfortunately, he was afraid to realize his dreams, because do not want to
disappoint his father. The father was hoping Po inherit the family noodle business.
Dreaming the same thing every day, making Po wants to be a kung fu warrior
One time, a famous kung fu school was looking for a dragon warrior. Po
went to the audition and he got a fortune to be a college student and considered as
the dragon warrior. At the school, Po met the kung fu hero who has long become
his idol, Furious Five. Five kung fu masters, they are Tigress, Monkey, Mantis,
Viper and Crane.
Unfortunately, the first meeting with the Furious Five, Po did not leave a
good impression for them. Because those five master's, harassing Po as the choice
of Master Oogway. Po is considered unfit to be the dragon warrior and defeat Tai
Lung. Who is Tai Lung? In fact, he is also the student in Kung Fu School led by
Master Oogway.
He is a former pupil of Master Shifu. However, because of greed, Tai Lung
was brought into jail. He wants to be a dragon warrior, but master Shifu seen a
Master Oogway have a feeling that if Tai Lung will escape. The feeling come true,
he could escape from prison has been maintained despite thousands of troops.
Meanwhile, Tai Lung escapes and wants revenge, Po was still slumped in disbelief
himself as a warrior.
His fat body is considered as the biggest weakness to learn kung fu.
Moreover, his teacher Master Shifu had a doubt. Later, after the death Oogway
Master, Master Shifu started to believe, if Po can become a dragon warrior. He
trained Po with special tricks that are different from when he was still training
Furious Five. Shifu trained Po with food, something that very loved by Po. And it
While Shitu train Po, the Furious Five tried to stop Tai Lung, who wanted to
seize the Dragon Scroll and become the Dragon Warrior. But their efforts failed,
Tai Lung, become more powerful and agile.
Hear that, Po became afraid of his ability to defeat Tai Lung. Shifu convince
Po because he has something not possessed by others. Shifu gives the Dragon
Scroll to Po to fulfill his destiny to be the Dragon Warrior. But Po did not find
anything in the scrolls. Shifu. Po and the Furious Five became pessimistic to defeat
Tai Lung.
Shifu ordered the Furious Five to help society to leave the hill to avoid the
wrath of Tai Lung. Shifu will defeat Tai Lung, so he could pay for his mistake.
Po came back home and helped his father carry his grobak noodles. His
father was pleased because it might affect the fate of Po to continue his business,
but in Po`s heart, he disagreed. His father gave Po the secret ingredient of his
noodles soup. There was nothing special in the ingredient, to make special just
need the belief that it is special.
Po opened his Dragon Scroll and discovered what was inside. He
immediately returned to the jade palace to help Shifu defeat Tai Lung.
Po up when Tai Lung was ready to kill Shifu because Tai Lung did not find
the Dragon Rolls. Po defeat Tai Lung with a stance that Shifu taught to him. His
body fat and elastic resistance makes it not work with Tai Lung. Finally he could
defeat Tai Lung with Wuxi Finger Locks that he had learned himself from Shifu.
Tai Lung was dead.
At that time, Shifu, the Furious Five and all the citizens believe that Po is the
Legendary Dragon Warrior. In accordance with the prophecy of Mr. ooghway, Po
has brought peaceful for all residents in the hill and for Shifu. Shifu was very proud
and grateful to the Po.
1. Literary Elements of the Kung Fu Panda Movie
Character and Characterization
The term character is usually used in two ways, to design the
individuals who appear in the story and to refer the mixture of interests,
desires, emotions and moral principles that makes up each of these
individuals. (Stanton, 1965: 17).
Character may be presented trough description and discussion or
by the author`s simply reporting and the character speech or action.
Sometimes, both are used together. (Little, 1970: 89).
The way of characterization:
a) ......................................................................Basic
- ..................................................................Physical
physical oddities, etc).
- ..................................................................Social relationship
(personal relationship such as social class and occupation).
- ..................................................................Mental
(typical ways of thinking, feeling and acting).
b) ......................................................................Appearance
various points of view.
- ..................................................................How the character
sees himself.
- ..................................................................How various other
characters see him.
- ..................................................................How he develops
or fails to develop, during the course of the story. (1970: 93).
In a story, there are major and minor characters. Major character
(main character) is the figure that appears frequently and usually tells a
change of fate, behavior and character from the beginning to the end of the
story. While minor character (supporting character) is characters whose
presence is necessary to complete the events in the story, but often do not
show a change destiny.
The characters in the Kung Fu Panda Movie:
a. Major Characters
1. ......................................................................Po
Po is a big, fat, and lazy panda adopted by a duck known as Po`s
dad. He wants to be a Kung Fu Warriors although his father wants him to
continue his business. He always dreams to become a Dragon Warrior, a
legendary kung fu master in China. His dream comes true when he comes
to a Dragon Warrior tournament.
Po knows that he is not ready yet to defeat Tai Lung, because he
does not have Kung fu. Together with Shifu, he trying and trying. Finally
he can defeat Tai Lung when Tai Lung attacks the village. He is scared at
first, but finally he kills Tai Lung. He is a Dragon Warrior.
2. ......................................................................Shifu
Shifu is a Kung Fu Master whose purpose in life is to find a
Dragon Warrior. He desperately to continue Master Oogway's struggle
becomes reality, Shifu sets out a mission he deems impossible to complete:
train the fat panda the art of Kung Fu. He becomes tough and unyielding
because a mistake he made in the pass. He covers his mistakes with train
and sends the panda to be a Dragon Warrior. Although feels hesitant at
first, Shifu success in the end.
3. ......................................................................Tai Lung
Tai Lung is the antagonist in the movie Kung Fu Panda. Tai Lung's
parentage is a mystery. He is dumped on the doorstep of the Jade Palace,
and taken in by Shifu. Shifu decides to raise the snow leopard cub. When
Tai Lung begins to show promise in Kung Fu, Shifu jumps to conclusions.
He assumes that a young one is very talented and proper to be the Dragon
Warrior. Tai Lung begins training kung fu from an early age. All the time,
Shi Fu fills Tai Lung`s head with the thought that he is the true Dragon
As Tai Lung grows in age and skill, he also grows in desire. He
wants nothing more than to be the dragon warrior. He makes a mistake of
directing his whole life to get the Dragon Scroll. And Shifu makes a
mistake of encouraging it. When Shifu thinks he is ready, Tai Lung
requests the Dragon Scroll from Master Oogway, the keeper of the scroll.
The Master refuses. Tai Lung feels his dream slipping through his fingers,
Tai Lung desperately turns to Shifu.
Before Tai Lung can kill Shifu, Oogway catches him with a nerve
attack. Tai Lung is shipped off to prison, where he will remain for twenty
years. The Twenty years that Tai Lung spent locked up in prison is not
wasted. He spends to formulate a scheme. He will escape from prison, and
take what was rightfully he wants, The Dragon Scroll.
b. Minor Characters
1. ......................................................................... The Furious Five
The Furious five is the famous great kung fu warrior. They
are Shifu `s Students in Jade Palace. They consist of Tigress, Monkey,
Mantis, Viper and Crane. At first they insult Po and believe that Po
inappropriate becomes the Dragon Warrior. Eventually they can
become best friends and help Po becomes the Dragon Warrior.
2. ......................................................................... Po`s
Is a duck noodle shop seller. The shop is a hereditary
business. He educates Po to continue his business. He really wants Po
to be like him. Although in the end he also proud of Po becomes the
Dragon Warrior and safe society from Tai Lung.
3. ......................................................................... Master Oogway
He is the Kung Fu Master in Jade Palace. He is a very wise
tortoise. He is the discover of the secret of Kung Fu. He also the guard
of Dragon Scroll.
4. .........................................................................Zeng
The waiter at the Jade Palace who ordered to inform the
Prison Commander to strengthen the security of Tai Lung, because
Tai Lung will run out from the jail. He always panics.
5. ......................................................................... Prison Commander
Is a commander in prison where Tai Lung is there. He is
very arrogant, but basically he was very timid.
6. ......................................................................... Gang Boss
Gang Boss is appeared in Po`s dream as the Dragon Warrior
who challenges Po to fight.
The setting of a story is the environment of it`s events, the
immediate world in which they occur. Part of the setting is the visible
background or the time of the day or year, the climate or the historical
period. Usually setting is presented through descriptive passages. (Little,
1965: 18).
Setting of place.
a. Valley
Is a hill where Po lives together with other animals. All of them lives
in harmony and peace there.
b. Jade Palace
Is a temple where the Kung fu Masters live and practice Kung Fu. Tai
Lung also growth and practice Kung Fu there before making a mistake
and put into jail.
c. Scroll Room
A room in Jade Palace where there are many heritage objects and a
very precious thing, a Dragon Scroll.
d. Noodle Shop
Is a noodle soup shop owned by Po's father. He inherits it from
generation to generation.
e. Arena Platform
A room in Jade Palace where the Dagon Warrior contest elections is
f. Chogun Prison
Is a dungeon prison where one prisoner is guarded by a thousand
guards. Impossible if a prisoner can escape. Tai Lung is there after
making a fatal mistake. Although the guard is very strict, he can escape
with a fortune of a fur.
g. Training Hall
Is a part of Jade Palace. There are tools and equipments to practice
kung fu. There, Shifu trains his students, except Po.
h. Bunkhouse
It is also a room in Jade Palace. It is the room of each person in Jade
i. Mountain Pass
Is a top of the mountain where Master Oogway discovers the secret of
Kung Fu. Shifu trains Po kung fu there. And, they are success.
Setting of time.
This movie takes set of time in an ancient Chinese, where their life
style still primitive.
Plot in a story is the entire description of all the events contained in
the story. (Stanton, 1965: 14). Plot tells the events in sequence what
happened and what will happen next. (Little, 1970: 82).
The elements of plot:
a. Exposition, introduction to the story.
Exposition is the presentation of the information necessary for the plot
to get under way. It is the introduction to the characters, their relationship with
one another, and the physical background in which they find themselves and
so on. (1970: 83).
The Exposition in this story; Po the Panda is the son of a noodles
seller. Every night Po dreams of becoming a very legendary Dragon Warrior.
He wants to make his dream comes true, but his father wants him to continue
his efforts to sell noodle soup that is a family legacy.
b. Conflict.
Conflict is the essence of the stories. The exposition should set up a
situation in which there is conflict and form which suspense arises. The
conflict may be one of man against nature, man against man or in the mind of
the chief character, man against himself. (1970: 83).
The conflict happens when Master Oogway gets a vision that Tai Lung
will come back to the Jade Palace to take the Dragon Scroll and makes
mischief. Then, he holds a contest election to select the Dragon Warrior. It is
the time to give the Scroll to Dragon Warrior to defeat Tai Lung.
c. Suspense.
Conflict sets up at least two opposing forces. Suspense arise from the
reader`s growing concern about which force will win and how concerned,
wondering, he reads on. (1970: 84).
Tai Lung is really come, while Shifu and the Furious Five not yet gets
the answer about the power of Po as the Dragon Warrior. Furious Five try to
prevent the arrival of Tai Lung, but in fact Tai Lung was greater than them.
They are failed. Seeing that, Po becomes a little worry and fear of his power,
is he able to defeat Tai Lung or no. Shifu gives Po the Scroll. In legend, Po
will get limitless power from the scroll. Surprised, the scroll is blank, he does
not find anything.
d. Climax.
Climax is a major crisis or turning point in the whole action of a plot. It
is the point at which the fatal step is taken the essential decision made which
results in the action concluding one way or the other. (1970: 84).
Po backs to his father with his surrender. His father is very happy and
wants to tell his secret ingredient soup to Po. Po is very pleased. His father
said that there is no secret ingredient, just needs belief to makes something
special. Po opens his scroll, he finds something. He smiles, then backs to the
jade palace.
e. Resolution.
The resolution is the rounding- off of the action, the conclusion, one
way or the other of the conflict. In tragedy, the resolution is often referred to
as the catastrophe, which means the ruin of the fortunes of the hero. (1970:
Finally, Po defeats Tai Lung with the stance of Kung Fu that Shifu
taught him. He also finds the limitless secret of the Dragon Scroll. He shows
Shifu, his father, the furious five and everyone that he is the true dragon
Point of View
Overall this movie uses first person and third person point of view. The
first point of view used by all the characters in their dialogues. While the third
person point of view is used by the narrator in telling prologue and
The theme of a work of literature is as we have seen, what it has to say
-it`s basic subject. Our view of the theme of a work as a whole will be closely
related to our view of every part and aspect of it- the style and placement of an
item of description on the first page, the handling of a minor character or
episode in the middle, the particular language, meaning and feeling of the last
sentence. (Little, 1970: 12). Theme can be identified by the questions with
what problems or conflicts do this work deal and what attitude is taken to such
issues. (1970: 13).
The theme in this film is about a panda who defended his desire to be
the Dragon Warrior. Although his body do not supports to master kung fu,
although contrary to his father's wishes and not supported by his teacher and
friends, he never give to raise his desire. Finally he becomes the dragon
Language Style
An author`s final task in composition is the revising or polishing of his
manuscript, word by word and phrase by phrase, to ensure that every
expression is playing its proper part. Such close attention to the manner of
expression (as its controls, in detail, the matter) is attention to style. (Little,
1970: 208).
Technique to study style:
Word choice or diction; simple diction, polysyllabic diction and use of
the rare word, figurative language, colloquial diction and summing up
qualities of diction.
Sentence construction; types of sentence and arrangement of ideas.
(1970: 209- 214).
The script of this movie is written by Jonathan Aibel & Glenn Berger.
The language used in conversation in this film use a very simple language.
The use of metaphor just a little, those are the words that are used by Master
Oogway which in this film figures as a very wise tortoise, so his words always
contain advice, and sometimes need interpretation by his interlocutor. For
example in the following dialogue:
Oogway : One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.
: We have to do something. We can't just let him march on the
valley, and take his revenge! (He'll, he'll-- Oogway looks into
the water of the moon pool).
Oogway : Your mind is like this water, my friend. When it is agitated, it
becomes difficult to see. But if you allow it to settle, the answer
becomes clear. (Shifu and Oogway stare into the pool).
The film also type comedy, but it is not from the diction was funny.
The things that makes this movie funny is the accuracy of the voices are fitting
them together with the movement of the characters, so the film really feels
natural and highly entertaining.
From the movie, the writer can take some messages that will give big
influence for everybody who watch the movie. There are:
a. People have to obey and respect their parents although sometimes the
parent`s wisdoms is not appropriate with what people aspire.
b. People have to be optimistic in raising their dreams. If they catch the
dream in earnest, it will come true.
c. Always respect and affect of others, even though we are always
abjected and mocked.
d. Do not underestimate the ability of a person because everyone has own
potentials which may be more powerful than us.
e. Always obedient and submissive to the teachers and show our sincerity
and loyalty.
f. Do not blame others if what we want is not accordance with what we
Research Finding
Moral Values
In this film there are some moral values such as:
a. Believe in the existence of God.
Implicit in the conversation as follows:
1. Oougway : I have had a vision... Tai Lung will return.
: That is impossible. He is in prison.
Oogway : Nothing is impossible.
Vision is something unseen. An unseen thing is usually related
to the deity. This shows that the figure of Oogway believs in the
existence of God. Referring to the dialog in the no (4).
2. Shifu
: Master Oogway, wait! That flabby panda can’t possibly be
the answer to... our problem. You were about to point at
Tigress. That thing fell in front of her. That was just an
Oogway : There are no accidents.
Shifu thinks the election of Po the Dragon Warrior is like an
accident. Oogway does not believe that it just an accident, because
everything happened because of providence. Proved in the end, the
Panda really become the Dragon Warrior. Shifu finally believes it when
Po saves him, in the dialog:
3. Shifu
: You did?! (Shifu smiles and shakes his head in disbelief).
Wow. It is as Oogway foretold -- You are the Dragon
Warrior. You have brought peace to this Valley. And to me.
Thank you. Thank you, Po. Thank you... (Shifu closes his
eyes. He is still. Po starts freaking out).
: No! Master! No No No! Don't die, Shifu. Please...
:(eyes snapping open) I'm not dying, you idiot-- ah, Dragon
Warrior. I'm simply at peace. Finally.
4. Shifu
: That is impossible. He is in prison.
Oogway: Nothing is impossible. Shifu makes a split decision..
Nothing is impossible, because every event is provision of God.
Oogway believes it and hopes Shifu to be like him.
5. Shifu : Zeng! He comes flying in. (Shifu gets in his face). Fly to
Chogun Prison and tell them to double the guards, double
their weapons. Double everything! Tai Lung does not leave
that prison!
Zeng : Yes, Master Shifu. (The goose flies off, but... SMACK! He
hits a column. Then he is off. Back on Oogway, as he walks
toward camera, away from Shifu).
Oogway: One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.
Shifu does not believe about the possibility Tai Lung's escapes
from prison. Possibility is related to the provision. Possibility will be a
provision in another moment. Finally Shifu believes it, look at the
dialog (6):
6. Shifu
: Master, your vision...your vision was right. Tai Lung has
broken out of prison. He's on his way!
Oogway : That is bad news... He turns to face Shifu and stares at
him, eyebrow raised. If you do not believe that the Dragon
Warrior can stop him.
Shifu : The panda? Master, that panda is not the Dragon Warrior.
He wasn't even meant to be here -- it was an accident!
: There are no accidents.
: Yes, I know. You've said that already. Twice.
: Well, that was no accident either.
: Thrice.
: My old friend, the panda will never fulfill his destiny, nor
you yours, until you let go of the illusion of control.
b. Be Careful
7. Commander : What?!?! (reading) "Double the guard?! Extra
precautions?! Your prison may not be adequate!" You
doubt my prison's security?
: Absolutely not. (then) Shifu does. I'm just the messenger.
Commander: I'll give you a message for your Master Shifu. Escape
from Chogun Prison is impossible!
Shifu sends a letter to the guard at Prison Chogun to double the
guard and security to prevent Tai Lung's escape from there, but the
Commander does not want to accept and feel of in doubt. Shifu just
wants them to be more careful.
c. Virtue/Kindness or Wisdom behind every Event.
8. Po
: How's Shifu ever going to turn me into the Dragon Warrior?
I mean, I'm not like The Five. I've got no claws, no wings,
no venom. Even Mantis has those...thingies. Maybe I should
just quit and go back to making noodles.
Oogway :Quit, don't quit. Noodles, don't noodles. Po looks confused.
You are too concerned with what was and what will be.
There is a saying: Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a
mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the
Everyone does not believe to the election of Po to become the
dragon warrior. Po does not know anything about kung fu and has no
weapons on his body. Actually, the Po`s weakness is his strength. His
elastic fat body can not penetrated by Tai Lung. Oogway advises Panda
to always appreciate every event as a gift that will bring happiness one
day. Look at the next dialog (9):
9. Po
: Master! Shifu! Shifu! Are you okay? Shifu weakly opens his
Shifu :Po! You're alive! (then, darkly) Or we're both dead.
: No, Master, I didn't die. I defeated Tai Lung!
Shifu :You did?! Shifu smiles and shakes his head in disbelief. Wow.
It is as Oogway foretold -- You are the Dragon Warrior.
You have brought peace to this Valley. And to me. Thank
you. Thank you, Po. Thank you... Shifu closes his eyes. He
is still. Po starts freaking out.
The Po`s success brings peace to Shifu and Valley hill. For the
hill, there is never a threat again from Tai Lung`s rebellion. While for
Shifu, he is free from his guilt of parenting Tai Lung. That is lesson of
the election Po becomes the Dragon Warrior like expressed by master
Oogway when converse with Shifu:
Shifu : It is an historic day, isn't it, Master Oogway?
Oogway:Yes, and one I feared I would not live to see. Are your
students ready?
Shifu :Yes, Master Oogway.
Oogway:Now know this, old friend. Whomever I choose will not only
bring peace to the Valley, but also to you. (As Shifu
contemplates what this could mean, Oogway starts walking
off. Shifu quickly joins Oogway as they head toward the
roaring crowd below).
d. Always ready to die.
Shifu :But how? How? I need your help, Master.
Oogway:No, you just need to believe. Promise me, Shifu. Promise me
you will believe.
Shifu :I... I will try. Oogway smiles, then glances up at the sky, then
back down to Shifu.
Oogway :Good. My time has come. You must continue your journey
without me. (He hands his staff to a confused Shifu).
Shifu :What... what are you..? Oogway backs away into the swirling
fog. Master, you can't leave me! (The petals surround
Oogway as he approaches the cliff's edge).
Oogway :You must believe.
Shifu :Master! (Shifu runs after him. Oogway is engulfed by peach
blossoms. As the winds settle, Shifu is revealed standing at
the edge of a cliff). Oogway is gone. We pan across to the
Master Oogway feels that his job in the world is over. He hands
over all affairs and responsibilities of the Dragon Warrior to Shifu. He
asks Shifu to promise to continue all his struggle. After that, he is ready
to leave the world forever. Shifu shows that he is ready to die.
12. Tigress :But who will stop Tai Lung?
Crane :He'll destroy everything...and everyone.
Shifu :No, evacuate the Valley. You must protect the villagers
from Tai Lung's rage.
Tigress : What about you master?
Shifu :I will fight him.
Shifu :I can hold him off long enough for everyone to escape.
:But Shifu, he'll kill you.
Shifu :Then I will finally have paid for my mistake. Listen to me,
all of you. It is time for you to continue your journey
without me. I am very proud to have been your master.
(Shifu salutes them and turns away. Po is heartbroken. Crane steps
forward and kindly puts a wing around Po, pulling away. Po resists
for a moment, then lets the Five lead him off).
Po does not get anything from the Dragon Scroll, Shifu thinks
he will fight Tai Lung alone. He thinks that it is a way to pay his
mistakes because of failed caring Tai Lung. Shifu asks his students to
continue his struggle. He says that he is proud of them.
e. Sorry and Apologize
13. Tai Lung :All I ever did, I did to make you proud! Tell me how
proud you are, Shifu! Tell me! TELL ME! THOOM! (A
fiery punch sends Shifu skidding across the floor and
crashing against the reflecting pool. The flames extinguish
and Tai Lung extends his claws).
Shifu :I have always been proud of you. From the first moment,
I've been proud of you. And it was my pride that blinded
me. I loved you too much to see what you were becoming.
What I was turning you into. I'm... sorry. (Tai Lung stops in
his tracks. Shifu waits. Tai Lung's expression goes cold. He
grabs Shifu by the throat).
Tai Lung:I don't want your apology. I want my scroll! (He holds
Shifu up to the ceiling. Looking up, Tai Lung bristles when
he sees the scroll is missing).
When Tai Lung escapes from prison, he is very angry knowing
that the Dragon Warrior is not him. He is angry with Shifu and wants to
kill Shifu. Tai Lung feels he is more deserved to be Dragon Warrior.
Shifu asks apologize to Tai Lung because he can not realize his
favorite student`s (Tai Lung) wish to be Dragon Warrior. It is because
the decision is not his. But Tai Lung is disappointed and does not
listening the truth and explanation from Shifu.
Shifu shows apologetically, although it is not really his fault.
f. Be patient and never give up
14. Po is still struggling up the stairs.
:Come on! Come on, ya—Almost there...
(He stops, flopping ontohisback to catch his breath.
WIDEN TO REVEAL he's only made it up seven steps).
: What? No! Oh No! (Two Pigs pass by).”
Kg Shaw:Sorry, Po.We'll bring you back a souvenir. (Po watches as
they run up the stairs. His eyes narrow. This is his heroic
:No. I'll bring me back a souvenir. (Po tosses off his hat and
apron and begins his ascent up the stairs).
On the day of the Dragon Warrior election, Po wants to see this
big event himself. He goes there bringing his trade. His father orders
him. But he has trouble to get the very high place. He will not lose with
who will bring him a souvenir; he is determines to get himself.
Actually, the real meaning is Po unyielding to achieve his desire.
Finally he is success.
15. Viper : I don't understand what Master Oogway was thinking. The
poor guy's just gonna get himself killed.
Crane : He is so mighty! The Dragon Warrior fell out of the sky on
a ball of fire.
Mantis :When he walks, the very ground shakes!
Tigress:One would think that Master Oogway would choose
someone who actually knew Kung Fu.
Crane : Yeah, or could at least touch his toes.
Monkey: Or even see his toes.
As the others walk off, we reveal Po, who unbeknownst to them has
been walking behind them this whole time, hearing everything. He
attempts to look at his toes but just sees gut. He lifts up his stomach,
leans forward... leans... leans... and falls over. He gets up and
watches them go inside. He sighs.
Po`s friends do not believe that who was chosen as the Dragon
Warrior is a big fat Panda who does not know anything about kung fu.
Po hears the dialog about him. He knows well his weaknesses. But he
tries to be patient and believes that he will be a warrior someday, so he
stayed there. Proved on the next dialog (16):
16. Shifu snaps his fingers. Viper and Po face off.
Viper :Are you ready?
:I was born ready—(Viper lashes her tail around Po's wrist,
wrenches his arm back, flings him into the air and brings
him crashing back down on his head).
Viper :I'm sorry, brother! I thought you said you were ready!
:That was awesome! Let's go again. (salutes) Shifu snaps.
Monkey twirls a bamboo staff. He lunges at Po who takes a
comical beating. Shifu snaps. Po and Crane prepare to spar
atop the turtle bowl. CRASH. Po falls in and is tossed
around like a sack of soup. Shifu snaps. We see a series of
shots of Po falling on his face at the hands of some invisible
opponent, who turns out to be... Mantis. Shifu smiles. Flat
on his back, Po manages a salute. Shifu has had it.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Shifu :--until he finally falls, or quits. (Po is totally inspired).
:But a real warrior never quits. Don't worry, Master, I will
never quit! (At his breaking point, Shifu flings Po into the
air and then leaps at him with a flying kick).
Tigress :If he's smart, he won't come back up those steps.
Po is training with the Furious Five, and always loser, but still
refuses to surrender, even when he is confronting Master Shifu. He says
loudly that he will never relent (surrender). Finally he is thrown.
Furious Five think Po will stop and never come back, but Po keeps his
promise that will never give up. Until finally Shifu wants to exercise
him Kung Fu and delivers him to be the Dragon Warrior:
17. Po
: Just like that? No sit ups? No ten mile hike?
Shifu : I vowed to train you... and you have been trained. You are
free to eat. Enjoy. (Po raises the dumpling to his mouth.
WHOOSH! Shifu snatches the dumpling away and eats it
: Hey!
Shifu : I said you are free to eat. (Have a dumpling. Po reaches
again as Shifu leaps across the table and kicks the
dumpling into the air).
: Hey! Shifu eats it and Po scowls.
Shifu : You are free to eat!
: (upset) Am I?
Shifu : (challenging) Are you?! (Po and Shifu ready their
chopsticks. Po slams the table and sends the bowl of
dumplings airborne. Back and forth, Po and Shifu spar,
vying for the dumplings. Until there is only one left. Shifu
tries every trick to keep the dumpling away from Po. He
hides it underneath one of the bowls. He uses his chopsticks
as weapons to smack Po's chopsticks away. He attacks Po
with his bamboo staff. But Po skillfully manages to best
Shifu for the final dumpling. Shifu smiles. Po has passed the
final test. But then Po tosses the dumpling into Shifu's open
Po :I'm not hungry... master. Master and pupil bow to each other.
Shifu trains Po with different way as his student before. He uses
Po`s favorite subject, food. He fishes Po with food. Po is very hungry
and tired. With all his power and without give up he tries to get the
food. But Shifu not easily gives it to Po because it is a trick of Shifu.
Finally, Po is no longer want the food because there is something that
he acquired and more than he wants before. Here is his success solving
the "Secrets of Kung Fu."
18. Shifu : He has gotten stronger.
Po : Who? Tai Lung? Stronger? (Shifu starts freeing the Five.
First Viper, then Mantis, then Monkey releases suddenly
from his paralysis).
Monkey: He's too fast! (He delivers a Kung Fu punch to Po's head
and then slowly realizes where he is).
Monkey: Sorry, Po. (Shifu kneels before Tigress and works to free
Tigress: I thought we could stop him.
Shifu : He could have killed you.
Mantis : Why didn't he?
Shifu : So you could come back here and strike fear into our hearts.
But it won't work!
Po : Uh, it might, I mean, a little. I'm pretty scared.
Shifu : You can defeat him, panda.
Po : Are you kidding? If they can't-- They're five masters. I'm just
one me.
Shifu : But you will have the one thing that no one else does.
CLOSE-UP of the Dragon Scroll. Po stares at Shifu – then
looks up at
the Scroll. Then back at Shifu –
: You really believe I'm ready?
Shifu : You are, Po.
When Shifu goes to train Po, the Furious Five block Tai Lung
secretly trying to fight Tai Lung. But they failed, because Tai Lung
becomes stronger. Seeing that, Po becomes hesitant to fight Tai Lung.
Shifu believes Po that he will be able to defeat Tai Lung. He thinks that
Po has something unique. Shifu hopes, Po will never give up before
g. Live in the world will not eternal and perfect.
19. Oogway :Good. My time has come. You must continue your journey
without me.
Shifu :What... what are you..? (Oogway backs away into the
swirling fog). Master, you can't leave me! (The petals
surround Oogway as he approaches the cliff's edge).
Oogway:You must believe.
Oogway shows everything is not eternal in the world. So he has
to leave the world and all his business.
h. The real owner.
20. Tigress: Shifu trained him. Shifu teaches Baby Tai Lung how to
punch. He believed in him. He told him he was destined for
greatness. Hard cut to a full-grown Tai Lung demolishing a
training dummy. It was never enough for Tai Lung. He
wanted the Dragon Scroll. But Oogway saw darkness in his
heart and refused. Outraged, Tai Lung laid waste to the
valley. He tried to take the scroll by force. And Shifu had to
destroy what he had created. Tai Lung ransacks a village
on his way up to the Jade Palace. He crashes through the
doors, running towards a waiting Shifu and Oogway. Shifu
leaps at Tai Lung to deliver a kick.
Shifu cares Tai Lung from baby and teaches him kung fu. He
hopes Tai Lung becomes the Dragon Warrior someday. But Oogway is
knower that it is not at Tai Lung the Scroll should fall. Oogway sees the
evil side of Tai Lung. So Shifu has to be able to convince Tai Lung and
himself about the fact. It is because something is not the right man can
not taken by force.
i. Not be weak, sad and give up.
21. A dejected Po stands under a peach tree in the moonlight. Oogway
Oogway: I see you have found the Sacred Peach Tree of Heavenly
Wisdom. Po spins around, his face dripping with peach
Po : Is that what this is? I am so sorry. I thought it was just a
regular peach tree.
Oogway: Understand. You eat when you are upset.
: Upset? I'm not upset. What makes you think I'm upset?
Oogway: So why are you upset? (Po sighs, there's no use trying to
lie to Oogway).
:I probably sucked more today than anyone in the history of
kung fu, in the history of China, in the history of sucking.
:And the Five... man, you should have seen them, they
totally hate me.
:How's Shifu ever going to turn me into the Dragon
Warrior? I mean, I'm not like The Five. I've got no claws,
no wings, no venom. Even Mantis has those... (he imitates
a mantis' front legs) ...thingies. Maybe I should just quit
and go back to making noodles.
Oogway:Quit, don't quit. Noodles, don't noodles. (Po looks
confused). You are too concerned with what was and what
will be. There is a saying: Yesterday is history, tomorrow is
a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the
present. (Oogway hits the tree with his staff as he walks
away and a peach falls into Po's open hand).
Po very upset because the Furious Five and Shifu never treat
him well and despises him. Oogway hears him, advises that he does not
to think much about it. Oogway demonstrates an attitude not to be sad
and weak on the issues being addressed.
j. Honest and trustworthy.
22. Po
:Sorry, Dad.
Po's Dad:Sorry doesn't make the noodles. (Po gets to work, which is
not easy since the kitchen's not really made for a panda his
size). What were you doing up there? All that noise.
:Oh, nothing. Just had a crazy dream. (He gets back to
Po's Dad:About what?
Po's Dad:The dream. What were you dreaming about?
:What was I... eh, I was dreaming about uh... heh... (Push in
on Po -- is he going to admit his dream? He hides his
throwing star behind his back). Noodles. (THOK. Dad stops
chopping vegetables).
Po's Dad:Noodles. You were really dreaming about noodles?
:Uh, yeah. What else would I be dreaming about? (Po
hands a noodle bowl to a customer, then realizes his
throwing star is sitting in it).(to customer) Careful, that
soup is... sharp!
Po's Dad:Oh, happy day! My son, finally having the noodle dream!
(He throws his arms around Po).You don't know how long I
have been waiting for this moment. (When Dad pulls out of
the hug, Po is now wearing a noodle apron). This is a sign,
Po! (Po looks at the apron nervously -- what has he gotten
himself into?)
:Uh... a sign of what?
Po's Dad:You are almost ready to be entrusted with the secret
ingredient of my "Secret Ingredient Soup." And then you
will fulfill your destiny and take over the restaurant, just as
I took it over from my father, who took it over from his
father, who won it from a friend in a game of mahjong.
Po oversleeps and late work. When his father asks about his
dream, he replies that he dreams about noodle. He lies, for he was
dreaming about Kung Fu. But he does it because he does not want to
hurt his father who wants him to inherit his noodle shop. And true, his
father is very pleased hearing the answer of Po. But at last Po dares to
tell the truth to his father about his dream. Dialog (23):
23. Po struggles with something, his back turned to us. Reveal he has
tied a load of fireworks to a chair. He hops on and lights the fuse.
Po's Dad:Po?! (Po's Dad rushes over and tries to blow out the
fuse). What are you doing?
:What does it look like I'm doing? Stop! Stop! I'm going to
see the Dragon Warrior!
Po's Dad: But I don't understand. You finally had the noodle dream.
: I lied. I don't dream about noodles, Dad! I love kung
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuPo says the real to his father. His really dream is Kung Fu. He
likes Kung Fu very much. Po shows that honesty is better than
pretending to lie.
24. A dejected Po stands under a peach tree in the moonlight. Oogway
Oogway:I see you have found the Sacred Peach Tree of Heavenly
Wisdom. (Po spins around, his face dripping with peach
:(mouth full) Is that what this is? I am so sorry. I thought it
was just a regular peach tree.
Oogway:I understand. You eat when you are upset.
:Upset? I'm not upset. What makes you think I'm upset?
Oogway:So why are you upset? (Po sighs), there's no use trying to
lie to Oogway.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Po eats everything when he is upset. Oogway knows it. He tries
to deny Oogway when he asks Po why Po is upset. Then Panda says
what is made him sad.
k. No Quarrel
25. Tai Lung: I rotted in jail for twenty years because of your weakness!
Shifu : Obeying your master is not weakness!
Tai Lung: You knew I was the Dragon Warrior! You always
knew...But when Oogway said otherwise, what did you do?
What did you do?!NOTHING!
Shifu : You were not meant to be the Dragon Warrior! That was
not my fault!
Tai Lung: NOT YOUR FAULT? Who filled my head with dreams?!
Who drove me to train until my bones cracked?! Who
denied me my destiny?! Shifu dodges each attack.
Shifu : It was never my decision to make!
Tai Lung angry at Shifu and wants to kill him indiscriminately.
He feels that Shifu has made him into the prison and failed to send him
becomes the Dragon Warrior. Shifu tries to explain the truth what is
happened, so he understands and awares about his mistake. That is way
Shifu tries to eliminate disputes and solves the problem nicely.
l. Humility
26. Shifu : You have done well, Panda.
Po : Done well? Done well?! I've done awesome! (He swings his
belly around and knocks Shifu off balance. Shifu staggers
back, regaining his dignity).
Shifu : The mark of a true hero is humility! (After a moment's
thought, though, he leans toward Po). But have
done awesome. (And he punches him playfully on the arm.
Po smiles at him.
Po is success training kung fu. Shifu is proud of him and praise
him. Po is very glade hearing it. Shifu advices Po do not to be arrogant
with his success, because if he wants to be a real warrior, he has to be
m. Not mocking.
27. Shifu : So you're the legendary Dragon Warrior. Hmmm?
Po : Uh...I guess so? Shifu smiles and shakes his head.
Shifu : Wrong! You are not the Dragon Warrior. You will never be
the Dragon Warrior until you have learned the secret of
the Dragon Scroll. (He points to a dragon on the ceiling
with a single scroll in its mouth).
: Whoa. So how does this work? You have a ladder or
trampoline or...?
Shifu : You think it's that easy? That I am just going to hand you
the secret to limitless power?
: No, I...
Shifu : One must first master the highest level of kung fu. And that
is clearly impossible if that one is someone like you.
: Someone like me? (Shifu walks around Po - pointing out
his weaknesses).
Shifu : Yes. Look at you...this fat butt. (Shifu HITS Po on the butt
with his staff). Flabby arms...
: Those are sensitive in the flabby parts. (Shifu SWATS Po
on the arm with his staff).
: And this ridiculous belly. (Shifu HITS Po in the belly with
his staff).
: Hey...
Shifu : --and utter disregard for personal hygiene.
: Now wait a minute. That's a little uncalled-for.
Shifu : Don't stand that close...I can smell your breath.
Shifu mocks Po because he does not believe that Po the Panda is
chosen becomes the Dragon Warrior. Shifu insults Po every indentation
of his body that not generally deserve to be a warrior. For him, Po is
impossible to defeat Tai Lung and become a dragon warrior. But in the
end, Po defeats Tai Lung and Shifu recognizes him as the dragon
warrior. Seen on dialog (28):
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------28. Shifu : Wow. It is as Oogway foretold -- You are the Dragon
Warrior. You have brought peace to this Valley. And to me.
Thank you. Thank you, Po. Thank you...
It shows that people should not mocks someone because of his
physical, appearance, or weakness.
29. Crane: Look, you don't belong here. (Po looks stung to be hearing
this from one of his heroes).
:I know. I know. You're right. I just - my whole life I've
dreamed of- (Crane stops Po before he embarrasses himself
even more).
Crane: No no no... I meant you don't belong here. I mean, in this
room. This is my room. Property of Crane. (Po is mortified,
but covers).
:Master Tigress! Didn't mean to wake you. Just uh...
Tigress :You don't belong here.
:Uh, yeah, yeah. Of course. This is your room.
Tigress:I don't belong in the Jade Palace. You're a
disgrace to Kung Fu, and if you have any respect for who
we are and what we do, you will be gone by morning. (She
closes the door on Po, who slumps sadly).
:Big fan...
Po tries to get closer with The Furious Five and hopes to be a
part of them. After from the Crane`s room, Tigress intercepts Po.
Tigress shows her resentment toward Po. She says Po does not proper
live there with them, because Po does not know talent in kung fu. But in
the end Tigress acknowledges Po as a master after defeating Tai Lung.
In dialog (30):
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------30. Po
:Hey, guys.
Tigress:Master. (Tigress bows deeply. The others follow).
Furious five:Master.
It shows that people should not mock someone because of
physical, appearance, or weakness.
n. Fool of the world that makes us greedy.
31. Tai Lung :All I ever did, I did to make you proud! Tell me how
proud you are, Shifu! Tell me! TELL ME! (THOOM! A fiery
punch sends Shifu skidding across the floor and crashing
against the reflecting pool. The flames extinguish and Tai
Lung extends his claws).
Shifu :(weakly) I have always been proud of you. From the first
moment, I've been proud of you. And it was my pride that
blinded me. I loved you too much to see what you were
becoming. What I was turning you into. I'm... sorry. (Tai
Lung stops in his tracks. Shifu waits. Tai Lung's expression
goes cold. He grabs Shifu by the throat).
Tai Lung:I don't want your apology. I want my scroll! (He holds
Shifu up to the ceiling. Looking up, Tai Lung bristles when
he sees the scroll is missing).
WHAT? WHERE IS IT?! (Tai Lung slams Shifu to the
Shifu :(weakly) Dragon Warrior has taken scroll halfway across
China by now. You will never see that scroll, Tai Lung.
Never. Never... (Tai Lung is furious. He roars, ready to
strike Shifu).
Tai lung becomes very angry with the fact that the Dragon
Warrior turns out of him. That is not his want. Tai Lung's eyes and heart
seemed to have been blinded by the obsession with the Dragon Warrior.
He can no longer see and accept the truth. He no longer respects and
thanks to Shifu, someone who has taught many things and has nurtured
him since childhood. He is too pursues an obsession to be a legendary in
the world. This reflects that Tai Lung prefer to chase mundane aspects,
to be famous and legendary.
Moral Education
a. Dutiful to parents; always respect, polite and love them.
1. Po's Dad: What were you doing up there? All that noise.
: Oh, nothing. Just had a crazy dream. He gets back to
Po's Dad:About what?
:What was I... eh, I was dreaming about uh... heh...( Push in
on Po -- is he going to admit his dream? He hides his
throwing star behind his back).
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Po's Dad: Oh, happy day! My son, finally having the noodle dream!
You don't know how long I have been waiting for this
moment. This is a sign, Po!
: Uh... a sign of what?
Po's Dad: You are almost ready to be entrusted with the secret
ingredient of my "Secret Ingredient Soup." And then you
will fulfill your destiny and take over the restaurant, just as
I took it over from my father, who took it over from his
father, who won it from a friend in a game of mahjong.
: Dad Dad Dad, it was just a dream.
Po's Dad: No, it was the dream. We are noodle folk. Broth runs
through our veins.
: But Dad, didn't you ever, I dunno, want to do something
else? Something besides noodles?
Po's Dad:Actually... (Po looks surprised). When I was young and
crazy... Dad gets a wistful look in his eyes. I thought about
running away and learning how to make tofu.
:So why didn't you?!
Po's Dad :Oh, because it was a stupid dream. Can you imagine, me
making tofu? No. We all have our place in this world. Mine
is here. And yours is—
:I know. Is here.
Po lies his father about his dream because he does not want to
disappoint his father. He will kill his father's dream by telling stupid
dream about Kung Fu. It is better for him to admire kung fu in dream.
Po does it because he has great respect and affection of his father. He is
talking with his father using polite words.
2. Po
:This is the greatest day in Kung Fu history! Don't worry
about it, just go! He starts to run.
Po's Dad:Po! Where are you going? (Po stops dead in his tracks,
Po's Dad:But you're forgetting your noodle cart! The whole valley
will be there, and you'll sell noodles to all of them.
:Selling noodles? But Dad, you know, I was kinda thinking
maybe I...
Po's Dad:Yeah?
:I was kinda thinking maybe I...
Po's Dad:Uh huh? (Po wants to say something to his dad, but he
loses his nerve).
Po :...Could also sell the bean buns. They are about to go bad.
Po's Dad:That's my boy! I told you that dream was a sign!
:Yeah, ha ha, glad I had it.
At the time of selection the Dragon Warrior, Po wishes he can
come to realize his dreams. He uses subtle words to reject his father's
command. Seeing disappointed expression in his dad`s face, finally he
runs his father's command to sell noodle there.
3. Po struggles with something, his back turned to us. Reveal he has
tied a load of fireworks to a chair. He hops on and lights the fuse.
Po's Dad:Po?! (Po's Dad rushes over and tries to blow out the
fuse.What are you doing? What are you doing?
:What does it look like I'm doing? Stop! Stop! I'm going to see
the Dragon Warrior!
Po's Dad:But I don't understand. You finally had the noodle dream.
(Po looks uneasy).
: I lied. I don't dream about noodles, Dad! I love kung
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuIn the end, Po tells the truth about his dreams. It is because he
can no longer bear his big desire to become a kung fu master. Although
he disappoints his father, it better for him to be honest. He says it with a
very careful and polite in order not to hurt his father.
From the conversations above, Po shows courtesy, respect and
cherish toward parents.
b. Devoted to others; mutual respect, always live in harmony, always act
and tell the truth, never apply arrogant, always generous.
Po: Oh hey...hi. You're up.
Crane: Am now.
: I was just uh... Some day huh? That kung fu stuff is hard
work, right? Your biceps sore? Crane looks at his wing.
Crane: Um... I've had a long and rather disappointing day, so uh...
Yeah, I should probably get to sleep now.
Po : Yeah yeah yeah, of course.
Crane: Okay, thanks.
Po : It's just... I'm such a big fan.
Crane: Oop.
Po : You guys were totally amazing at the Battle of Weeping River.
Outnumbered a thousand to one, but you didn't stop, and
then you just... HI-YAH! Ooo, sorry about that.
Crane: Look, you don't belong here. (Po looks stung to be hearing
this from one of his heroes).
: I know. I know. You're right. I just - my whole life I've
dreamed ofCrane: No no no... I meant you don't belong here. I mean, in this
room. This is my room. Property of Crane. (Po is mortified,
but covers).
Po : Oh, okay. Right right. Yeah, you want to get to sleep.
Crane: Yeah.
Po visits Crane in his room. At that time Crane wants to rest. Po
does not mean to disturb of Crane. He just wants to be friendly toward
him. Because he respects Crane, so he come out of the Crane`s Room.
On the other hand, Crane says wisely and softly so that Po does not feel
hurt. The underlined words above show that they respect each other.
:Aaaoo...whoohoo...EEEee...hee- hee... I thought you said
acupuncture would make me feel better. (Mantis pops up from behind
Po holding a handful of needles and sticks Po again).
Mantis:Trust me, it will. It's just not easy finding the right nerve
points under all this—
Mantis:Fur, I was gonna say fur.
:Sure you were.
Mantis:Who am I to judge a warrior based on his size? I mean -look at me. Po looks for Mantis... I'm over here....(But
Mantis is now on his other shoulder. He jabs another
needle into Po).
Viper :Maybe you should take a look at this again. Viper is holding
a diagram of acupuncture meridians (onto which someone
has overlaid a drawing of a panda.)
Mantis:Oh! Okay. Quick cuts to Monkey meditating in his room and
Crane doing calligraphy in his. Po's yelps distract them.
:Ow! Don't... (laughing) Stop it, stop-- Yow! I know Master
Shifu's trying to inspire me and all, but if I didn't know any
better, I'd say he was trying to get rid of me. Po chuckles.
The others look at each other and chuckle awkwardly.
After practicing kung fu in the exercise room, Po`s bones and
joints seemed badly damaged. Mantis and Viper help restore it by doing
acupuncture. The conversation shows that they respect one another and
from their action shows they live in harmony, seen from the attitude of
Mantis and Crane when helping Po.
Viper: Tigress! (She keeps going and they give chase).
Tigress:Don't try and stop me! (The chase continues through the
Viper :We're not trying to stop you!
Viper :We're coming with you! (Then...the others join her. Tigress
smiles. They leap off into the night).
Tigress hears Tai Lung has escape from prison. She tries to fight
Tai Lung lonely. But her friends knowing that and following her in
back. She thinks that they will stop her, actually they want to
accompany her to stop Tai Lung. Tigress is very happy with the loyalty
of her friends. All of them show the concept of harmonious life and nice
Mantis:I know he can seem kind of heartless—(He violently jabs
another needle in Po). But, ya know, he wasn't always like that.
Viper :According to legend, there was once a time when Master
Shifu actually used to smile.
(Cut to Tigress out in the hallway. She can hear them talking).
Viper :But that was before...
:Before what? (Tigress enters).
Tigress:Before Tai Lung. (Crane's shadow is silhouetted on the
Crane :Uh yeah, we're not really supposed to talk about him.
Tigress:Well, if he's going to stay here, he should know.
Mantis, Viper, Crane and Po is talking about Shifu. They know
that Shifu never smile. Actually Mantis, Viper and Crane know why
Shifu like that. Mantis wants to tell Po but he is wary. At the time,
Tigress enters and tells the truth. Crane tries to cover it but Tigress
invites her friends to say the truth and tell Po what is happened to their
master, Shifu. Po must know this because he will become a new
member in their family.
Tigress shows an attitude to do and tell the truth among others in
daily life.
Reveal Po is cooking for the Five. He chops some veggies mid- air.
:...but you're a lousy tipper.
Crane :Really? So... how'd you get out of there alive?
:I mean, I didn't actually say that, but I thought it... in my
mind. Po flips some bowls and expertly lines them up on his
arm. He ladles soup into them. If he... could read my mind,
he'd have been like, "What?" Order up! Po looks around
expectantly and the Five (minus Tigress) dig in. Hope you
like it.
Mantis:This is really good.
:No, c'mon. You should try my dad's secret ingredient soup.
He actually knows the secret ingredient.
Viper :What are you talking about? This is amazing.
Crane :Wow, you're a really good cook.
Mantis:I wish my mouth was bigger. (The others laugh. But not
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Po`s friends (except Tigress) praises Po`s food, but Po is not
over confidence, he instead praises his father. Po`s shows not be an
arrogant person although he is really good in cooking.
Tai Lung:You... can't defeat me. You're just a big, fat panda!
SCHWING! (Po grabs Tai Lung's finger. Tai Lung's eyes go wide).
:I'm not a big, fat panda. I'm the big, fat panda. Po's pinky
pops up. Tai Lung gasps.
Tai Lung:The Wuxi Finger Hold!
:Oh, you know this hold?
Tai Lung:You're bluffing. You're bluffing! Shifu didn't teach you
Po flexes his pinky...
Po :Skadoosh! KA-THOOM!
Po is fighting Tai Lung. Tai Lung does not believe that Po will
be able to defeat him, because he just “a big, fat panda”. Finally, Po can
do it. It gives message that people should not be arrogant with what they
have, because nobody perfect. There are the others more.
Tigress:We've got to get them out safely. (Monkey picks up a small
Monkey:Come, little one. Let's find your mama.
Tigress:Viper, gather the southern farmers. Mantis, the north.
Crane, light the way. (They split up and begin helping the
villagers evacuate).
In the night Tai Lung comes to make destroy, Tigress, Mantis,
Crane and Viper work together to save the inhabitants from the danger
of Tai Lung. They evacuate the villager. They do their job with a
generous heart.
c. Dedication to the Lord; active work, praise for his gift, virtuous and
not easy to give up (trying to reach the goal in life).
11. Shifu snaps his fingers. Viper and Po face off.
Viper :Are you ready?
:I was born ready—(Viper lashes her tail around Po's wrist,
wrenches his arm back, flings him into the air and brings
him crashing back down on his head).
Viper :I'm sorry, brother! I thought you said you were ready!
:That was awesome! Let's go again. (salutes) Shifu snaps.
Monkey twirls a bamboo staff. He lunges at Po who takes a
comical beating. Shifu snaps. Po and Crane prepare to spar
atop the turtle bowl. CRASH. Po falls in and is tossed
around like a sack of soup. Shifu snaps. We see a series of
shots of Po falling on his face at the hands of some invisible
opponent, who turns out to be... Mantis. Shifu smiles. Flat
on his back, Po manages a salute. Shifu has had it.
Shifu :--until he finally falls, or quits. (Po is totally inspired).
:But a real warrior never quits. Don't worry, Master, I will
never quit! (At his breaking point, Shifu flings Po into the
air and then leaps at him with a flying kick).
Tigress :If he's smart, he won't come back up those steps.
Po works hard in realizing his dream to become the Dragon
Warrior. Although his dream is contrary with his father and his teachers
and friends do not support him, he never gives up. It shows that he work
hard, never give up to reach his goal in his life, because life is the gift of
the lord.
Po also shows the sincere kindness to his father, Shifu and the
Furious Five. He never complains when Shifu and the Five treat him
bad. He always rigid when everyone do not believe in his ability. Po is a
virtuous man. Like in dialogue (12):
12. Po's Dad:What were you doing up there? All that noise.
: Oh, nothing. Just had a crazy dream.”
Po's Dad: About what?
: Huh?
Po's Dad: The dream. What were you dreaming about?
: What was I... eh, I was dreaming about uh... heh... (Push in
on Po -- is he going to admit his dream? He hides his
throwing star behind his back). “Noodles.”
Po's Dad : Noodles. You were really dreaming about noodles?
Po : Uh, yeah. What else would I be dreaming about?
He lies for his dream about Kung Fu. He does it because he do
not want to hurt his father. His father wants him to inherit his noodle
13. The Five are walking to the bunkhouse, which sits high on a hill.
Mantis :There's no words.
Crane :No denying that.
Viper :I don't understand what Master Oogway was thinking. The
poor guy's just gonna get himself killed.
Crane : (mocking) He is so mighty! The Dragon Warrior fell out
of the sky on a ball of fire.
Mantis :When he walks, the very ground shakes!
Tigress :One would think that Master Oogway would choose
someone who actually knew Kung Fu.
Crane :Yeah, or could at least touch his toes.
Monkey :Or even see his toes.( As the others walk off, we reveal Po,
who unbeknownst to them has been walking behind them
this whole time, hearing everything. He attempts to look at
his toes but just sees gut. He lifts up his stomach, leans
forward... leans... leans... and falls over. He gets up and
watches them go inside. He sighs).
Even The Furious Five underestimate Po, Po just sighs. He does
not feel hurt toward them. He is a kind person.
d. Toward a king (leader); showing loyalty, honest, always love, be
genuine, active in carrying out his orders, always serve, working
14. Shifu
:Zeng! (He comes flying in. Shifu gets in his face). Fly to
Chogun Prison and tell them to double the guards, double
their weapons. Double everything! Tai Lung does not leave
that prison!
:Yes, Master Shifu. (The goose flies off, but... SMACK! He hits
a column. Then he is off. Back on Oogway, as he walks toward
camera, away from Shifu).
Zeng runs the Shifu`s order immediately. It shows that Zeng is
active in carrying the order from his leader.
15. Tigress :Forgive us, Master. We have failed you. Shifu spins around.
Shifu :No. If the panda has not quit by morning, then I will have failed
you. Confetti flutters through the air as the celebration
continues around them.
Tigress shows her loyalty toward Shifu by asking apologize to
her Master. She feels she is failed not be the Dragon Warrior. It means
that Shifu trains her without result.
16. Oogway:I see you have found the Sacred Peach Tree of Heavenly
Wisdom. Po spins around, his face dripping with peach juice.
:(mouth full) Is that what this is? I am so sorry. I thought it was
just a regular peach tree.
Oogway:I understand. You eat when you are upset.
:Upset? I'm not upset. What makes you think I'm upset?
Oogway:So why are you upset? Po sighs, there's no use trying to lie to
:I probably sucked more today than anyone in the history of
kung fu, in the history of China, in the history of sucking.
:And the Five... man, you should have seen them, they totally
hate me.
:How's Shifu ever going to turn me into the Dragon Warrior? I
mean, I'm not like The Five. I've got no claws, no wings, no
venom. Even Mantis has those... (he imitates a mantis' front
legs) ...thingies. Maybe I should just quit and go back to
making noodles.
Oogway:Quit, don't quit. Noodles, don't noodles. Po looks confused.
You are too concerned with what was and what will be. There
is a saying: Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but
today is a gift. That is why it is called the present. Oogway hits
the tree with his staff as he walks away and a peach falls into
Po's open hand.
Po feels very upset because The Five and Shifu always hurt him.
Oogway knows it then intends to entertain Po, but Po tries to hide it.
Finally he tells the truth and tries to survive in Jade Palace. Po shows
17. Shifu
:You actually thought you could learn to do a full split in one
night? It takes years to developone's flexibility and to apply it
in combat. (Shifu flings two boards into the air. Instantly,
Tigress leaps up and executes a perfect split kick. Po is
awestruck. As Tigress lands, the broken chunks of board land
all around Po, knocking him on the head. Po collects a piece
of splintered board as a souvenir. Shifu notices and steps
Shifu :Put that down! The only souvenirs we collect here are bloody
knuckles and broken bones.
Po :Yeah, excellent! He laughs excitedly and salutes Shifu.
Shifu :Let's get started.
Shifu snaps his fingers. Viper and Po face off.
Viper :Are you ready?
: I was born ready. (Viper lashes her tail around Po's wrist,
wrenches his arm back, flings him into the air and brings him
crashing back down on his head). Eaghhh...
Viper :I'm sorry, brother! I thought you said you were ready!
:That was awesome! Let's go again. (salutes) Shifu snaps.
Monkey twirls a bamboo staff. He lunges at Po who takes a
comical beating. Shifu snaps. Po and Crane prepare to spar
atop the turtle bowl. CRASH. Po falls in and is tossed around
like a sack of soup. Shifu snaps. We see a series of shots of Po
falling on his face at the hands of some invisible opponent,
who turns out to be... Mantis. Shifu smiles. Flat on his back,
Po manages a salute. Shifu has had it.
Shifu :I've been taking it easy on you, panda, but no more! Your next
opponent... will be me. Po looks excited.
:Alright! Let's go! The Five exchange worried looks.
Shifu :(to Po) Step forth. Po doesn't even finish the step as Shifu
whirls him around and throws him to the floor pinning his arm
behind him.
The true path to victory is to find your opponent's weakness and make
him suffer for it.
:(delighted) Oh, yeah! Shifu whips Po around again.
Shifu :To take his strength and use it against him. Again, this time
Shifu holds Po by the nose. --until he finally falls, or quits. Po
is totally inspired.
:But a real warrior never quits. Don't worry, Master, I will
never quit! At his breaking point, Shifu flings Po into the air
and then leaps at him with a flying kick.
Po shows his sincerity to learn kung fu. He did not give up when
receiving the slap-slap of The Five. He has a principle that the real
warrior will never quit. Po shows working optimal toward his teachers
Moral Values that is Suggested to the Moral Education
From the data above can be concluded the moral values that is suggested
to the moral education are:
a. Believe in God and all His provisions.
The movie tells us to believe in God trough believes in His
provision, but we have to do an effort to get those provision. That is
showed by Panda in his effort to reach his dream. We should not just wait
it without doing something, but we have to be optimist people, work hard
and never give up in live to praise the live as the gift of God.
b. Not be weak- minded, sad, patient, but always never give up in live.
Po the panda shows this moral. He never sad when all people
around him do not believe about his ability and do not support his mission.
With his patient and optimistic, he can make them sure that he can success
his mission.
c. Honest and trustworthy to the leader, parent and others.
Po and the furious five show this moral. Event Po in the early
story lie to his father, but in the end he tells the truth. Po is introvert
people, so he hides his problem himself. The furious five are honest
people. They never lie to everyone. They are gentle people.
d. No quarrel in daily live to create a harmonious live.
Harmonious life means life without any enmity, strife, injustice
and threat. Absolutely, everybody wants their environment like this
condition. In this movie, all the character lives in harmonious, except Tai
Lung. When there is a problem, they solve those and return this condition
e. Humility to others.
Humility is the unity of heart, speech and actions in order to get
closer, temper the arrogance, foster trust, bring harmony and scraping
stiffness. Po and the Furious Five have this character. Every character has
this moral except Tai Lung.
f. Not underestimate (trifling) to show respect and love.
Respect to other people like receiving and assessing the other
when interacting, like listening when the others speak and do not bring
down each other. It is showed in the interaction between Po, Shifu and the
Furious Five. In the beginning Shifu and the Five doubt and always
underestimate Po, but in the end they respect him.
A. Conclusion
After analyzing the Kung Fu Panda movie, the writer can take some
conclusions like:
Moral is the doctrine of good and bad about a person's behavior in
everyday life as being an individual and societal creation. People live can not
be separated from society, then they are called as the societal creation. People
also have a specific live that can not be disturbed by another, so they are also
called as individual creation. It is why moral is important for people in order
to have a good attitude and personality.
Moral education acts as a guide for people to know consciousness and
plays his involvement in community life that can not be separated from
liability, so people do not become an individualist and be a moral creature.
Movie as the electronic media has some strengths than the other mass
media like enlightening, educating and entertaining which can be understood
easily by all levels of society. It is why it`s very effective in attracting the
sympathy of society who see it, it’s very communicative in conveying their
message, shaping attitudes and changing behavior patterns.
After doing this research, the writer finds:
1. The moral values of this movie are; believe in the existence of
God, be careful, virtue/kindness or wisdom in every event, always
ready to die, sorry and apologize, be patient and never give up, live
in the world will not eternal and perfect, the real owner, not be
weak- minded, sad and give up, honest and trustworthy, no quarrel,
humility, not mocking and fool of the world that makes us greedy.
2. The moral educations of this movie are: dutiful to parents; always
respect, polite and love them, devoted to others; mutual respect,
always live in harmony, always act and tell the truth, never apply
arrogant, always generous, dedication to the Lord; active work,
praise for his gift, virtuous and not easy to give up (trying to reach
the goal in life) and toward a king (leader); showing loyalty,
honest, always love, be genuine, active in carrying out his orders,
always serve, working optimal.
3. The moral values of this movie that is suggested to the moral
education are; believe in god and his provision, not be weakminded, sad, patient and never give up in live, honest and
trustworthy to the leader, parent and others, no quarrel in daily live
to create a harmonious live, humility to others and not making fun
to show respect and love.
Kung Fu Panda. Panda is a big, fat and do not have any weapon on his
body like the other animal. It is very unusual if a panda can be a kung fu
master. But the fact, his body is his strength in fighting his enemies. It is
because he has something that do not had by the others, that is “belief and
B. Suggestion
In the end of this paper, the writer would like to give some suggestion
as follow:
1. Watching movie is interesting. It entertains us, and shows some
messages in the role of teaching moral that is very important to be
applied in daily life. We have to be a wisdom audience.
2. Moral is very important for people. It is necessary to educate moral
to the children from the beginning. Moral education not just taught
in school, but also in family and society because those are the place
for children spend their time.
3. Do not give up in your live. You just need to believe that you can
make your dream real. Be optimistic people so you can reach
everything you want.
: Wakhidatur Rofiqoh
: Baturono, Dologan, Rt 05 Rw 02 Kec. Karanggede, Kab. Boyolali 57381
Place & Date of Birth : Boyolali, 25 September 1988
Education Story
SD Negeri Dologan I, graduated in 2000.
SLTP Islam Bina Insani Susukan, graduated in 2003.
MA Negeri I Boyolali, graduated in 2006.
STAIN Salatiga, graduated in 2010.
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: Wakhidatur Rofiqoh
: Baturono, Dologan, Rt 05 Rw 02 Kec. Karanggede, Kab.
Boyolali 57381
Place & Date of Birth : Boyolali, 25 September 1988
Education Story
SD Negeri Dologan I, graduated in 2000.
SLTP Islam Bina Insani Susukan, graduated in 2003.
MA Negeri I Boyolali, graduated in 2006.
STAIN Salatiga, graduated in 2010.