mccarty - Greater San Marcos Partnership
mccarty - Greater San Marcos Partnership
SITES AVAILABLE FOR SALE P R I M E I - 3 5 S O U T H L O C AT I O N • 259 acre mixed-use development • Commercial, Multi-Family and Single-Family Sites available • 2,700 feet of frontage on Interstate 35 • Immediately north of Tanger Outlet Mall MCCARTY COMMONS SAN MARCOS, TX F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N C O N TA C T: Carter Breed 512.499.4923 • South of San Marcos Convention Center / Embassy Suites Hotel • One-half mile east of San Marcos High School MCCARTY COMMONS SITES AVAILABLE FOR SALE SAN MARCOS, TX OFFERING SUMMARY PROPERTY DESCRIPTION McCarty Commons is a 259-acre, mixed-use parcel located on Interstate 35 in the southern portion of San Marcos, Texas. The property is located at the southeast corner of the intersection of Interstate 35 and McCarty Lane. The well-known Tanger Outlet Mall and San Marcos Premium Outlets, consistantly voted one of the largest tourist attractions in the State of Texas, are located along Interstate 35 immediately to the south of the property. Immediately to the north of the property is the San Marcos Convention Center and the 283-room Embassy Suites Hotel. The property is governed under a PUD agreement with the City of San Marcos. Allowable uses include commercial/retail, multi-family, and single-family. LO C AT I O N McCarty Commons is located at the southeast corner of the intersection of Interstate 35 and McCarty Lane in San Marcos, Texas. The well-known Tanger Outlet Mall and San Marcos Premium Outlets are located along I-35 immediately to the south of the property. Immediately to the north of the property across McCarty Lane is the 78,800 square foot, San Marcos Convention Center and an attached 283-room Embassy Suites Hotel. San Marcos High School is located off McCarty Lane approximately onehalf mile to the east of the project. SIZE 259.52 acres PRICING Contact Carter Breed with CBRE for details at 512-499-4923 POTENTIAL USES Potential uses within McCarty Commons range from retail and other commercial throughout the tract (especially at the corner of I-35 and McCarty) and lower-intensity uses such as multi-family and single-family on the eastern portions of the site. FOR MORE Carter Breed I N F O R M AT I O N 512.499.4923 C O N TA C T: MCCARTY COMMONS SITES AVAILABLE FOR SALE SAN MARCOS, TX OFFERING SUMMARY F R O N TAG E McCarty Commons has more than 2,700 feet of frontage along Interstate 35 to the south of McCarty Lane and more than 4,000 feet of frontage along McCarty Lane. UTILITIES Water and wastewater service are available to the entirety of the site. FOR MORE Carter Breed I N F O R M AT I O N 512.499.4923 C O N TA C T: MCCARTY COMMONS SAN MARCOS, TX CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN FOR MORE Carter Breed I N F O R M AT I O N 512.499.4923 C O N TA C T: SITES AVAILABLE FOR SALE MCCARTY SITES AVAILABLE FOR SALE COMMONS SAN MARCOS, TX 2 0 1 1 E S T I M AT E D D E M O G R A P H I C S 1-Mile 3-Mile 5-Mile P O P U L AT I O N : 9,014 106,289 269,370 D AY T I M E P O P U L AT I O N 6,400 65,830 159,810 $72,136 $74,398 $72,686 AVG. HOUSEHOLD INCOME TX DOT 2010 TRAFFIC COUNTS ON IH-35 NORTH OF McCARTY LN. 111,000 VPD ON IH-35 SOUTH OF McCARTY LN. 92,000 VPD FOR MORE Carter Breed I N F O R M AT I O N 512.499.4923 C O N TA C T: MCCARTY COMMONS SAN MARCOS, TX CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN FOR MORE Carter Breed I N F O R M AT I O N 512.499.4923 C O N TA C T: © 2011 CBRE, Inc. This information has been obtained from sources believed reliable. We have not verified it and make no guarantee, warranty or representation about it. Any projections, opinions, assumptions or estimates used are for example only and do not represent the current or future performance of the property. You and your advisors should conduct a careful, independent investigation of the property to determine to your satisfaction the suitability of the property for your needs. SITES AVAILABLE FOR SALE