Cement King - The Spectrum Magazine


Cement King - The Spectrum Magazine
Hail to the Chief…
The Spectrum.MAY.07
Steve Penna
Owner and Publisher
Welcome to the May edition of The Spectrum Magazine. Over the next few months, you will see some changes in
our format and we hope you like them. This month is a great issue with several stories and features we know you
will enjoy.
Anne Callery
Last month, our cover story on Patricia Miljanich and the Advocates for Children (CASA) program proved to be a
reader pleasure. Miljanich reports she got a lot of positive response and, hopefully, some volunteers and donations
to go along with that.
Judy Buchan
Our cover story this month is on one of our community’s most active residents and business owners, Alpio Barbara.
You know his business, may know him personally or have heard of his contributions, but Valerie Harris’ story will
enlighten you on why he dedicates so much of himself to others. Enjoy the read.
Copy Editor
Contributing Writer
Valerie Harris
Publisher Steve Penna discusses the recent controversy about our county sheriff and undersheriff plus a few other
items in his column, “As I Was Saying….” His candid views and opinions will, as always, provoke some conversation around town.
Nicole Quasney, Nick Markwith
Contributing Writer Judy Buchan brings our readers the story of two Redwood City youths who are in desperate
need of community support. After reading the challenges they are going through, we hope you will respond in a
giving way and do whatever you can to help out.
James Massey
Remember the days of experiencing the excitement and sometimes despair of attending school dances? Our student
writers from Sequoia and Woodside high schools both write about their schools’ recent proms and, as you might
imagine, things have not changed that much.
DJ Design, Dale McKee
Many of our stories and features come from suggestions from our readers. If you have a story idea, please contact
us at (650) 368-2434 or The Spectrum Magazine, P.O. Box 862, Redwood City, CA 94064. You can also leave comments or view missed copies of past issues by visiting our Web site at www.spectrummagazine.net.
Contributing Writer
Student Writers
Graphic Artist
Advertising Graphic Art
James R. Kaspar
Cover/Cover Story Photography
Table of Contents
Inside The Spectrum – 4
And a Little Child Shall Lead Them – 5
“As I Was Saying...” – 7
Cement King – 9
Badges of Sacrifice – 11
Community Interest – 13
We encourage you to support community news by filling out The Spectrum’s subscription form on page 32 and have
us mailed to your home each month. We also would like to thank our loyal advertisers for supporting community
news and we encourage you to support them by patronizing them when you can.
All around our city, you can tell summer is near because all the outside activities are starting. The Spectrum and its
staff will be there and we hope you will enjoy some of them too. If not, just pick up next month’s edition to see what
you missed. Enjoy Redwood City!
Youth: Prom Nights – 14
Summit Charter School – 27
Parking Meter Times Adjusted – 15
Shop Redwood City – 29
Alpio Barbara (Cover Story) – 18
Cultural Events – 30
Nonprofits in Action – 21
Finance – 31
News Briefs – 22
A Minute With Regina Van Brunt – 34
Inside The Spectrum : Our Cover Photo Shoot
After rescheduling the cover photo shoot twice, Publisher Steve Penna finally secured the date of Tuesday,
May 1, at 7:45 a.m. at the Redwood General Tire site on Broadway.
Cover Story Photographer James Kaspar arrived at the same time as Penna, and they both began designating locations for various photographs. The first in the series was taken in front of the main entrance
with cover subject Alpio Barbara and his sales and mechanical staff. Getting all 27 of them to converge
at the same time and be patient was easier than expected.
After Kaspar took some exterior shots of the building and the big “G” sign, shots were taken of staff inside
all areas of the building. Many of the photos were to be used not only for this issue of The Spectrum but
for the Redwood General Tire anniversary brochure as well.
After about 45 minutes it was time to begin the process of placing Barbara in different poses, atmospheres
and lighting to get the perfect cover shot. As you can imagine, we had several to choose from and we
wanted to capture his real personality in and atmosphere he must call his second home — his business.
Many in our community give their time, money and effort to those who are less fortunate, in need of a
little boost, strapped financially or who hunger for the basic needs in life. The Spectrum is pleased and
honored to present such an exemplary person this month.
Barbara has been honored publicly — including the Sequoia Award for Citizen of the Year in 2005
— but those types of accolades are not what is most important to him. Barbara is a true representative
of community giving, and what he receives in return is personal, private and unselfish. Just the way he
wants it to be.
Photography by James R. Kaspar
Special assignment writer Valerie Harris arrived about an hour and a half after the shoot began. Her
cover story interview began as Penna and Kaspar completed the shoot and left the site.
and a little
of Courage,
Child Shall Lead Them Children
a Community of Hope
Judy Buchan
Contributing Writer
uietly they meet the daily challenge of just plain living, always with the
knowledge that their medical conditions make each day a precious gift.
Two young Redwood City girls, their families and their community are examples of courage and commitment that should make us all stand back, take
notice and get involved.
Here are their stories.
Michelle Hosking, born in July 1998,
is in third grade at Our Lady of Mount
Carmel School. Like most girls her age,
Michelle enjoys being with friends, riding
her bike, skating, reading, and arts and
crafts activities — when her health permits.
Michelle was diagnosed with severe
aplastic anemia in May 2006. An Internet search on www.marrow.org reveals
that this disease strikes the bone marrow. With the disease, the bone marrow
stops making enough red blood cells,
white blood cells and platelets for the body. Any blood cells the marrow does
make are normal, but there are not enough of them. Aplastic anemia can be
moderate, severe or very severe. People with severe or very severe aplastic
anemia are at risk for life-threatening infections or bleeding.
Doctors performed a bone marrow transplant on Michelle in September
2006 at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital in Palo Alto. The cost for this
lifesaving procedure can run approximately $500,000. The transplant helped
Michelle to return to school in March, where she now “participates 100 percent,
even in PE,” according to Development Director Michelle Conci.
But there’s still the matter of $500,000 and expenses for drug treatments.
The Hoskings’ friends, family and the Mount Carmel school community
have set a goal of raising $50,000 for Michelle’s family. So far, Conci said,
they have raised about $25,000. Fundraisers included a Valentine’s Day cupcake sale that raised $288 and a Fat Tuesday pancake breakfast that brought
in over $2,000. During the season of Lent, when the parish traditionally
collects money for the Holy Childhood Association, the drive was for the
Hosking family instead. And the parish men’s club sponsored a cash raffle
that raised $5,000 for the family.
The most touching fundraiser was the work of a fellow third-grade student,
Julia Pellizzari. It all began with Julia wanting to earn enough money to buy
her friend an American Girl doll. Julia sold lemonade in front of her house
and got help from her family and friends. She recalled that “the doll made
Michelle so happy.” After Michelle’s bone marrow transplant, Julia learned
more about how sick Michelle is and that health insurance does not pay for
all her health care expenses. “I wanted to help Michelle’s parents pay her bills
and make sure they could be with her and not worry about working,” said Julia.
Julia wrote a letter to her family, friends and father’s business colleagues telling
them about her friend and
(continued on page 32)
Top: Michelle Hosking of Mount Carmel School. Directly Above: Abigail Mendoza (center) with her parents and members of the Redwood City Firefighters.
Publisher Steve Penna
As I arrived at the Palm Springs airport for five
days of relaxation and nonexistence, I got a call
from a county employee who asked me if I had
“heard about” the sheriff and undersheriff. “No
— and I am not going to be drawn into any story
that would have me wanting to hear — but what
should I have heard?” I asked.
The employee informed me that they were in
Las Vegas and that police at a house busted for
prostitution had detained San Mateo County
Sheriff Greg Munks and Undersheriff Carlos
Bolanos. My first thought was, no way, someone
in my media circle is pulling me and getting me
all worked up to distract me from relaxing. Then I
became pissed off because I realized that the person
was telling the truth and I was not in a position
to break the news and beat all the other media
outlets to the story, which I would have done had
I been home. Oh well, it would all be there when I
returned, I thought, and I was correct.
Despite all the rumors that they were actually
arrested, accusations that they knew where they
were going and what for, and assumptions that
one or both of them had a sexual encounter while
at the house, here is what we know as fact. Munks
and Bolanos were in Las Vegas for the 23rd annual
Baker-to-Vegas 120-mile, 20-stage, foot relay race.
Participation in the two-day, weekend race is
limited to law enforcement agencies from around
the world.
The two rented a limousine that Saturday
evening and asked the driver to take them to a
massage parlor because “Munks was sore from
the race,” Bolanos explained to KLAS television
station in Las Vegas. Why he made a statement to
someone other than locally is beyond me.
Munks and Bolanos were detained for a short
time after police located the two at a residence
under investigation by local and federal law
enforcement officers for prostitution and human
trafficking. Neither of the two officials was arrested.
Munks has said that Bolanos did not enter the
residence but waited in the limo.
According to Bill Cassell, public information
officer for the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police
Department, police said the two were not given
any special treatment. “They were treated no
differently then anyone else. The target was the
operators,” Cassell said. “All of the customers …
we simply identified them.”
Munks read a prepared apology outside, of all
places, his Redwood City office. I would have
advised him to do so in the press room at 455
County Center, thus removing the situation from
his official office. He stated: “I want to apologize
to my family, the Sheriff’s Office and its fine men
and women, and to the people of San Mateo
County for my lack of judgment and the undue
attention and embarrassment this incident has caused.
“I would not, nor did I, break any laws. Neither
did the undersheriff,” Munks said. “I believed I
was going to a legitimate business.”
The operation that led to this incident was the
result of a two-year joint investigation by Las
Vegas Metro and the FBI’s Organized Crime
Squad. Members of the Metro Vice Section, Gang
Unit and SWAT teams assisted in serving eight
separate search and arrest warrants. The eight
different locations were at either single-family
residences or apartments within a half-mile of
each other on the west side of the Las Vegas Strip.
A total of seven people were arrested on various
prostitution-related charges. Another 25 alleged
prostitutes were taken into custody. Police also
seized $20,000 in cash from all the locations and
3,500 ecstasy pills from one location.
Talk about being in the wrong place at the
wrong time. This has to be up there as one of the
all-time examples.
Bolanos and Munks are known to be the best
of friends. They both rose through the ranks at
the Palo Alto Police Department and, according
to Munks, the two share a brotherly rivalry. They
are frequently seen at lunch or political events
Bolanos served as the Redwood City police
chief for 12 years before Munks appointed him to
his current position after he was sworn in as the
sheriff on Jan. 8. Munks previously served 13 years
as the undersheriff to his predecessor, Don Horsley.
To say that these series of events have cast a
shadow on Munks, Bolanos and the Sheriff’s Office is like saying San Francisco Mayor Gavin
Newsom should be forgiven for his recent sex
scandal and his total lack of judgment and moral
He admitted to cheating with his best friend’s
wife, a serious no-no between friends of the male
gender and against the religion he so proudly
aspires to. But should he be forgiven and face no
repercussions for his actions because of his honesty?
It is a good start; being honest always is. But
the ultimate repercussion will be at election time,
when the voters that elected him choose to reelect him or throw him out of office. At least they
have all the facts to make the decision.
I, for one, would not vote for him because he
had the poor judgment to marry someone as
pathetic as Kimberly Guilfoyle — but that is
another story for another column.
The reaction around our community to the Las
Vegas “top cop scandal” has been startling, and
the repercussions are just beginning.
There are those asking Munks to resign or
answer some questions, and if he does not, they
want to organize a recall election. Local media
publications have been running editorials calling
for the same, including caricatures of Munks in
his underwear. Letters to the editor have been
flooding in and Web site blogs are filled with
negative comments. I find most of them tasteless,
but everyone is entitled to opinions.
I got several messages and information via
phone calls (some of them anonymous), e-mails
and letters. I even got one call from an angry
reader who had read last month’s “A Minute
With” and was scolding me for not mentioning
the Las Vegas issue — she was not going to be
reading anymore. Our last issue actually came out
before the trip — get your facts straight.
But most of the word on the street is not good.
Getting back to those rumors, accusations and
assumptions — they are plentiful and being said
at almost every event I have attended and just in
day-to-day conversations. Are they fair? Deserving?
Even justified?
Perhaps the most logical and reasonable statement from anyone has been from the former sheriff himself. Horsley cautioned the public against
“ascribing the worst possible motives” to what
happened. I, for one, take that to heart.
I remember a time when I was vacationing with
friends and we pulled over to lodge at an unfamiliar hotel in Los Angeles. I was sent to the lobby
to ask about price and availability of a few rooms.
Since it was late, there was no one at the front
(continued on page 33)
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“Cement King”
Sequoia High
Joan Levy
Special to The Spectrum
ome of the more elaborate landscaping on the campus of Sequoia High School in Redwood City is
left over from the gardens of an estate, Dingee Park.
William Jackson Dingee has been described as one of the most colorful but also one of the most unscrupulous of California’s millionaires. His success in business has been attributed to his ability to gain
influence over men in government through generous donations.
The site of Sequoia High School was originally part of the old Las Pulgas Rancho. A section was later
purchased by Horace Hawes and then sold to Moses Hopkins, who built Emerald Lake to supply water
for his horse farm. In 1902, Dingee bought the estate.
He built a home where Sequoia’s main school building is located and put in gardens for Dingee Park.
The house was completely destroyed in the earthquake of 1906, and by 1907 the 3,000-acre property was
sold to a developer.
Dingee was known as the “Cement King” as he owned the Standard Portland Cement Company and
had plants in Napa, Washington state, Pennsylvania and finally in Santa Cruz. Construction of brick and
mortar was giving way in the early 20th century to concrete construction.
Cement is a main ingredient for concrete, so its value was increasing. The United States had begun
work on the Panama Canal and Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, and the demand for cement along the Pacific
Rim was booming.
Dingee moved his Santa Cruz operation to the isolated north of town to avoid opposition from townspeople to the dust and noise. He said he planned to ship his product from a wharf at Davenport. It turned
out that he had also been talking to people about building a railroad.
Southern Pacific presented a plan to build along the coast to San Francisco and an unrelated plan for
the Ocean Shore Railroad along our coast was developing in 1905. Ocean Shore was the first to build
north out of Santa Cruz, and they rushed to get their track built before Southern Pacific laid their track
and took away the lucrative freight business.
The 1906 earthquake delayed the progress of the Ocean Shore line. Rebuilding after the quake also
increased the demand for cement throughout the Bay Area. In July 1907, Southern Pacific completed its
line to the cement plant, and the Ocean Shore freight monopoly was over.
Dingee, meanwhile, had started to build another estate, Cliff Manor, in Santa Cruz. His planned
Moorish mansion was never built, but a modest villa was erected and landscaping was done using mature plants he moved from his San Mateo County estate.
Dingee had begun his career in real estate in Oakland. In 1884, he had his offices there. He acquired
control of the water supply, establishing the Oakland Water Company in the process. He had an estate in
the Piedmont hills and homes in New York City as well as San Francisco.
In addition to the cement business, he also owned all of the slate quarries that produced the preferred
roofing material of that time. He was a close friend of San Francisco Mayor Eugene Schmitz.
The mayor expressed his gratitude to Dingee for his generous gifts by endorsing legislation that enhanced Dingee’s business projects and appointing him to the Parks Commission.
Dingee’s complex financial empire began to crumble in 1909, and he finally declared bankruptcy in
1921. He died in obscurity in Sacramento in 1941.
Editor’s note: Articles like this appear in the Monday edition of the Daily Journal newspaper. For more
information on this or related topics, visit the San Mateo County History Museum, 2200 Broadway,
Redwood City.
Badges of Sacrifice:
Peace Officers, Friends Attend Annual Service
onoring peace officers both past and present and their families, a crowd of around a
hundred gathered at the County Center and San
Mateo County History Museum in the downtown
area on Tuesday, May 8. “In Valor There Is Hope”
was the theme of the program, which included
fallen officers being remembered and prayers said
at the Fallen Peace Officers Memorial Service.
All San Mateo County officers who have placed
their lives on the line were recognized for having
helped ensure the safer existence of our community.
“A peace officer’s job description
is not for the faint of heart and,
for many, the job is a calling.”
Each year the San Mateo County Police Chiefs
and Sheriff’s Association conducts the ceremony
at the History Museum to honor those officers
who have fallen in the line of duty in our county.
This year’s ceremony included a wreath laying and the posting of colors by the San Mateo
County Sheriff’s Honor Guard, a speech by Chief
Craig Courtin of the Foster City Police Department,
an opening prayer by Pastor Mark Mitchell of the
Central Peninsula Church in Foster City and the
Pledge of Allegiance led by Chief Susan Manheimer of the San Mateo Police Department.
Local officers “honoring our fallen” included
Sgt. Kathy Anderson and Officer Richard Harrington of the Redwood City Police Department;
Capt. Mark Hanlon, Lt. Ken Jones, Lt. Gil Rodriguez and Correctional Officer Overman from the
San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office; Sgt. Laura
Clare and Officers Victor Forero, Jeff Egeline,
Tony Tam, Eric Pohrman and Eric Gutierrez of
the California Highway Patrol.
In the Line of Duty: This memorial is a tribute to the dedicated men and
women of the San Mateo County law enforcement family who have given
their lives to assure a peaceful and orderly society for their fellow citizens.
The San Mateo County Police Chiefs and Sheriff’s Association dedicates
this monument to our fallen brothers and sisters who will forever be in our
hearts. We honor them, for we can do no less.
Jailer George Washington Tallmen
San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office
Sheriff William Phillip Mcevoy
San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office
Marshal Arthur G. Meehan
San Bruno Police Department
Sheriff Herbert W. Lampkin
San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office
Deputy Marshal Albert D. Coturri
San Bruno Police Department
Undersheriff Pierre J. Larrecou
San Mateo Sheriff’s Office
Officer Leland Stanford Bond
California Highway Patrol (State Traffic Officer)
Officer Jack Doyle
Daly City Police Department
Officer Herman G. Fleishman
Redwood City Police Department
Traffic Officer Forrest Gerken
California Highway Patrol
Traffic Officer James Dalziel
California Highway Patrol
Officer William Moyle
South San Francisco Police Department
Officer Eugene A. Doran
Hillsborough Police Department
Officer John W. Lyle
Menlo Park Police Department
Officer William E. Pitois
California Highway Patrol
Traffic Officer Dale Krings
California Highway Patrol
Officer Charles Manning
Broadmoor Police Department
Officer Richard J. Klass
Daly City Police Department
Sergeant Gordon Joinville
San Mateo Police Department
Traffic Officer Ralph Percival
California Highway Patrol
Sergeant George L. Garrett, Jr.
Redwood City Police Department
Officer Joel M. Davis
Officer Hugo Olazar
California Highway Patrol
Officer David J. Chetcuti
Millbrae Police Department
Officer Richard A. May
East Palo Alto Police Department
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Community Interest
Save the Date
Thursday, June 7, 5:30 p.m.
Create-A-Smile Fundraiser for
Abigail Mendoza
Abigail Mendoza is a 6-year-old Redwood City
girl with an inoperable cancerous brain tumor.
Despite heavy treatments of radiation and chemotherapy, doctors have advised the family that
there is little hope for recovery. Her mother is on
a nonpaid leave of absence from work in order
to make daily trips to the hospital for treatments.
Her father is working long hours of overtime and
extra shifts to make ends meet, leaving him precious
little time to spend with young Abigail.
The Mendoza family is in a less-than-fortunate financial situation already. The Redwood
City Firefighters Association’s Create-A-Smile
foundation is holding a special fundraising dinner
and auction to help offset some of the family’s
expenses and give Abigail’s father the opportunity
to spend more time with his very sick daughter.
This special event will take place at A Tavola
restaurant and the adjacent City Center Plaza,
located at 1041 Middlefield Road. Live music,
wonderful food and silent and live auctions will
all help in providing much-needed funds to the
Mendoza family. It’s an incredible opportunity for
the Redwood City community to come together
and help some of our fellow community members
in need.
Create-A-Smile is gratefully accepting donations of funds and auction items to help the family
and to make this event a great success. Volunteers
who wish to participate in the planning and
implementation of the Mendoza fundraiser are
also welcome. To donate or volunteer, contact
Justin Velasquez, Redwood City Fire Department,
at (650) 868-4270.
July Fourth —
The Main Event
Join Main Street in bringing back an old-fashioned Fourth of July. Activities include a talent
contest sponsored by the Miss Redwood City
Foundation, local moms selling apple pie, a
watermelon-eating contest, face painting, the
opportunity to throw a pie at the mayor or vice
mayor, various booths with local artists and more.
Complete details will be in next month’s issue of
The Spectrum Magazine. All activities will be on
Main Street.
Port Receives Security
Grant From Department of
Homeland Security
The Port of Redwood City has received a $181,527
grant from the Department of Homeland Security
to improve security in and around port facilities,
Port Commission Chairman Jack Castle announced.
Port Executive Director Michael Giari said that
the funds will be used in three areas: emergency
operations support, landside/waterside intrusion
detection, and training support. Specifically, the
port will acquire emergency equipment including
a portable generator, waterside lighting, one new
guard shelter and improvements to an existing
one, closed circuit television monitors to patrol
the wharves from the guard houses, and a port
vessel for patrol when ships are at dock and upon
arrival. Redwood City was one of 183 ports and
private entities that received a combined $202
million in federal grants to improve security.
President Bush has said, “Protecting our homeland also requires protecting our seaports. Our
seaports are a gateway to commerce, a source
of opportunity and a provider of jobs. Our ports
could also be a target of a terrorist attack, and
we’re determined to protect them.” Castle said
that the Port of Redwood City has implemented
numerous security initiatives since Sept. 11, 2001,
and lauded Congress and Homeland Security for
providing additional funds to assist security efficiency at the port.
Teacher Named Local WalMart Teacher of the Year
Ann Mercurio, a reading specialist working with
children who need one-on-one help with reading
at Our Lady of Mount Carmel School in Redwood
City, was honored in a surprise ceremony on
Tuesday, May 8 — National Teacher Appreciation
Day — as local Wal-Mart Teacher of the Year.
Parent and Wal-Mart.com employee Diana Silva
nominated Mercurio because “my second-grade
son really struggled with reading since he started
school three years ago. Mrs. Mercurio has made
tremendous progress with him and he is finally
able to read. His progress has been remarkable,
and she has changed his life.”
As part of the Teacher of the Year program,
each Wal-Mart store, neighborhood market,
Sam’s Club location and Wal-Mart distribution
center across America selected a local teacher
winner. Teachers were nominated by members
of the community in February and selected by a
committee of store or club associates. The winning teachers each received a $1,000 grant for his
or her school, a $100 gift card to buy classroom
supplies, a Teacher of the Year polo shirt and a
personalized certificate.
Teresa Anthony, principal, said, “We are so
blessed and grateful that through the success and
generosity of our fundraisers and donors that we
are able to provide a reading resource program for
children in grades one through five that their parents
might otherwise have to spend thousands of
dollars for. We strive to provide ways for all our
students to be successful learners.” Mercurio has
designated the grant funds to purchase Earobics, a
software program that develops phonemic awareness and phonic skills, as well as Sunshine level
readers, SRA readers and additional copies of
Newbery and Caldwell award-winning literature.
Our Lady of Mount Carmel School is a K–8
Catholic school located at 301 Grand St., Redwood City, and has been serving the Redwood
City community for over 100 years. The school
combines Catholic education with a challenging
curriculum in a community rich in tradition and
with active and supportive parents. For more
information, please call (650) 366-6127 or visit
Water Rates to Be Restructured; Water and
Sewer Rate Increases Proposed
A new, less complicated and more conventional
rate structure for your water usage bills will be
implemented as of August 27.
Up until now, Redwood City’s water rates have
been based on a “variable usage” rate. Under that
structure, wherever your total usage was, all of
your water beyond the first 10 units (1 unit = 748
gallons) was charged at the rate for that total usage
level. In other words, if your total water use went
just 1 unit into a higher price bracket, then all
the water you used above 10 units got charged at
that higher rate. The new structure simplifies the
calculation of your water bill into a more conventional set of incremental rates.
During last year’s rate adjustment, the city indicated that water rate increases would be occurring
each year for the next few years. So, concurrent
with this simplified water rate structure, the city
is considering a slight rate increase: The monthly
basic service charge, which is currently $14.25
per month, is proposed to increase by 9.5 percent
to $15.60 in order to pay for increases in the fixed
costs of providing water to the community.
The monthly “consumption rates” (the amount
you pay per unit of water used) are proposed to
increase by approximately 12 percent to pay for
the purchase and distribution of wholesale water,
capital improvements to the water system and our
water conservation and recycled water programs.
The monthly basic service charge for residential
customers is proposed to increase from the current
$33 to a new rate of $35.66 (an increase of $2.66
per month, or about 8 percent).
Commercial sewer rates vary based on the
type of business. Those with so-called “higherstrength” wastewater, such as restaurants, pay a
higher usage charge per unit (1 unit = 100 cubic
feet = 748 gallons).
(continued on page 15)
When the Night Fell at Sequoia Prom
Woodside’s Prom Was a Night to Treasure
… ARG!
Nicole Quasney
Student Writer
Nick Markwith
Student Writer
For most juniors and seniors, the best season of the year is Prom Season! It is
a time of excitement, romance and end-of-the-year sadness. At Sequoia, prom
is a very important event that is long awaited throughout the entire year.
Many of the girls start looking for dresses months in advance, just to find the
right one that no one else will have. The boys wait those long months to find
out what their dates’ dresses will look like, just to match perfectly. It is a time
of corsages, dressing up, dates, dancing and money.
This year’s junior and senior prom’s theme was “Al Anochecer,” which
means “When Night Falls.” It was held at the Decathlon Club in Santa Clara
on April 28. The venue accommodated us very well and it looked absolutely
gorgeous. We had many desserts, including tiramisu, cookies, cheesecake,
brownies, a chocolate fountain and marshmallows. The club had its bar open
and happily served us Shirley Temples, sodas and an endless amount of water.
The Decathlon Club is also very unique because it has a two-level dance
floor. It wasn’t a very popular aspect for our student body, because they would
have rather had one dance floor where everyone could have been together.
Nonetheless, it was an interesting twist to an exciting evening.
The word around campus was that this prom was one of the best dances
Sequoia has seen in a long time. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves
and had one of the best nights of their lives.
After spending $140 for two Woodside High School Prom tickets, I was
handed the ticket to the eventful night. It, itself, was a sight to behold. Rolled
and tied with string, it appeared a pirate’s treasure map. The entire paper took
the form of a tarnished, old-fashioned map, with a country and writing in the
center. As I opened it, it greeted me with, “Ahoy there matey! Ye be invited
for a swashbuckling Prom ‘A Night To Treasure’ that’s set to ride them seas.
Get set to hoist the rigging at the Westin San Francisco Market Street Hotel.
And me galleon sets sails on April 28, 2007 from 8 pm to 12 am. Be prepared
to plunder the booty en’ have a Jolly Roger of a time. So make sures ye wears
yer kit or be prepared to walk them planks.” With such an elaborate ticket,
everyone believed it truly would be a night to remember.
The night began and ended in San Francisco. Most people headed to the
city for a pre-prom dinner, ranging from elegant, expensive restaurants to
the California Pizza Kitchen across the street from the hotel. The hotel itself
“Prom is always a night to remember and a high
school tradition that should never stop.”
glowed and was overflowing with adolescents ready for the night to begin.
Formerly the Argent Hotel, the Westin San Francisco Market Street Hotel
accommodated well, considering the enormous number of people who
walked through its doors. After getting off the escalator necessary to get to
the second floor where prom was held, we were, as is the custom at Woodside
dances, lightly frisked and forced to breathe into a breathalyzer to detect any
pre-prom partying. Once passed through security, we headed into the ballroom.
There was a dance floor placed in the center and a DJ already blasting music.
As if a scene from the “Pirates of the Caribbean” had been splashed into
the room, pirate paraphernalia was scattered within the room, adding to the
theme. Skulls and actual statues of life-size pirates with parrots on their shoulders
were common sightings during the night. Situated around the dance floor
were tables and chairs to place our things and occasionally take a breather
from dancing. Unlike other proms, Woodside’s prom does not offer dinner,
only an array of desserts on the other side of the room.
Music floated through the air as students danced to their hearts’ content,
despite the occasional “Achy Breaky Heart” and swing music. By the time
the dance was halfway through, the music stopped. Alex Purcell and Jen
Harvath were announced Prom King and Queen and were adorned with an
overly large pirate’s hat and other pirate things, respectively. As the night
slowly came to an end, people left happy and ready to continue to party at
their after-prom events.
Prom is always a night to remember and a high school tradition that should
never stop. It might be a cliché at times, but a sprinkle of cliché here and
there cannot hurt. The things that can hurt are the prices for prom. Over $100
for two tickets without dinner? The necessary limousine and pre-prom dinner?
Tux rentals? Prom dresses? As my mom continually reminded me, prom
definitely empties your wallet very quickly. The high prices can be accounted
for. A combination of failed fundraisers, rental for the hotel and the over-the-top
decorations certainly added to the price of each ticket. It seems too much for
a single night. However, as I told my mom, it is only one night and, for the
seniors, it won’t happen again. Prom is an event everyone should experience,
especially seniors, because it will be one of the very few times everyone is
together again.
So, you scallywags, next time you have the opportunity to go to prom,
don’t skip out or it’s off to the planks for you. Arg!
(Community Interest—continued from page 13)
Commercial sewer bills are calculated based on
metered water use, with a minimum charge equal
to the residential basic service charge (which is
proposed to increase to $35.66).
Over the past 10 years, commercial usage rates
have only increased by about 8 percent (less than
1 percent per year), putting the city’s commercial
sewer rates among the lowest in the region. The
city needs to realign commercial rates with the
cost of service, and this will result in an initial
sewer charge increase of between 8 percent and
20 percent for most businesses, with smaller increases
in subsequent years. However, some customers,
such as restaurants, will face substantially larger
initial rate increases as their rates are brought
back up to levels that reflect the cost of service.
For more details on these proposed increases,
read the articles in the May–June issue of “Our
Water Supply” newsletter at www.redwoodcity.
There will be a public hearing on the proposed
water rate and sewer rate increases on July 9 at 7
p.m. at City Hall. If approved by the City Council,
the new rates will be effective on August 27, and
all bills generated on or after that date will be impacted by the new rates for the full billing period.
Because of our bimonthly billing cycle, for some
customers the new rates will apply to water or
sewer services used as of June 27.
Emergency Preparedness
for Family and Home
In the event of a major disaster, you can be sure
that the staff of the City of Redwood City is doing
all it can to ensure the public safety and is working
hard to restore services and return our community
to normal.
But remember, disaster can strike quickly and
without warning. It can force you to evacuate
your neighborhood or confine you to your home,
and your family may be without basic services
like water, gas, electricity and telephones or access to stores and other services for several hours
or days. While public safety personnel will be
on the scene after a disaster, they cannot reach
everyone right away.
Therefore, the best way to make your family and
your home safe is to be prepared before disaster
strikes. The Redwood City Fire Department urges
everyone to be responsible for their own and their
family’s safety and emergency preparedness by
taking the time now to plan for such a situation.
Visit the Fire Department’s Disaster Preparedness
page at www.redwoodcity.org/fire/disaster for lots
of great information on how you can prepare and
make sure your family and home are safe.
Parking Meter Times Adjusted
For Redwood City parking meters, it’s about time — literally.
In response to frustration over the prices and hours of the new downtown parking meters, the city will
trim two hours of enforcement six days a week and leave Sunday completely free.
The new hours — 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Saturday — began Tuesday, May 8.
The adjustment comes after a review of the meters’ use for the past two months, said Project Manager
Dan Zack.
The parking plan requires the city to make changes based on actual conditions at least once and not
more than four times a year. While the tweaks were always part of the plan, the first round comes on the
heels of concerns by residents and business owners about the new system.
The 40 high-tech pay stations handle multiple spaces and are meant to make parking more convenient in
Redwood City’s core downtown area, which includes the 20-screen theater/retail complex and renovated
Courthouse Square. The solar-powered “smart meters” accept bills, coins, credit cards and pre-established
accounts via cellular phone.
They also eliminated time limits, leaving drivers to pay for as much time as needed and even add extra
minutes from any of the new payment units.
The new hours — 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
The centralized system and staggered prices,
confused some drivers along Broadway,
Monday through Saturday — beMiddlefield Road and Jefferson Avenue and left
gan Tuesday, May 8.
merchants unhappy the late enforcement cutoff
might drive away business.
Mayor Barbara Pierce and Vice Mayor Rosanne Foust even attended a meeting of the Redwood City
Downtown Business Group to apologize for any difficulty the new meters caused merchants.
Prior to the meeting, Foust didn’t mince words.
“The responsibility for the downtown parking and people’s dissatisfaction lies with the council and
we’re very sorry that things haven’t gone according to how we all wanted it to go,” she told the Daily Journal.
According to data from the last two months, Broadway is still nearly full at peak times. The 75-cent
rate seems to hit the mark but 50 cents may be on the high side for streets north. Sunday is the slowest
day, with only about one-third as many cars as Fridays and only half as many as all other days.
On average, 1,700 transactions happen daily and 65 percent of payments are made with coins, followed
by 25 percent by credit card.
The new hours are expected to take about $1,000 from the roughly $9,000 per week generated by
the meters, but Zack notes in a memo to the council that the low revenue is in part due to a slow movie
period, a lack of events at Courthouse Square and an abundance of empty retail space.
Counterclockwise from top right : Sherna Madan, M.D., and Linda Moore,
R.N., share a laugh with their guests. Ghina Morad, D.M.D., and Lindsey Richards
enjoy the party. Kathy Duong, Rejuvenate Skincare office manager, and Lucy Lozano,
R.N. Damaris Divito, Councilwoman Alicia Aguirre, Trynie Hermary, Valerie Harris
and Cheryl Angeles strike a pose for The Spectrum.
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Committed to the community ... Committed to you.
From Malta to Redwood City
Alpio Barbara
Celebrates Life
and Gives Back
Valerie Harris
Special to The Spectrum
Photography by James R. Kaspar
She was there when we came home
and she made dinner every night. The
love was constantly there.”
When Barbara was 2 years old, his
father, a young merchant marine,
brought his family to the United States
through Ellis Island. The family settled
in San Francisco, where they lived for
the next twelve years before moving to
San Mateo. There, Barbara attended
Aragon High School, then studied
administration of justice at the College
of San Mateo. He wanted to be a cop, until a knee
injury thwarted that dream.
If ever there was a poster child for community
service, it’s Alpio Barbara (known to everyone
as just “Alpio”). He is a fit, trim, energetic
man with sparkling eyes and an abundance of
energy and devotion to his company and his
Barbara was always an enterprising and hardworking kid. He worked in a stationery store and
also had a paper route. He attributes his business
acumen and work ethic to that paper route. He
said, “Working as a paperboy gave you great
business training. You have to be responsible. You
have to deliver the newspaper at a certain time.
I’ve always had a lot of responsibility in my life.
edwood General Tire in Redwood City is
celebrating its 50th birthday this month.
But what do we know about the man behind the
Barbara was born in 1953 in Malta, a small
island in the center of the Mediterranean Sea.
Malta represents true old-world European values.
Barbara was one of seven children, all born at
home. His mother was a stay-at-home mom.
He recalls, “If you talked to her, she would tell
you that she worked, although the only job she
ever had was for three weeks. My grandfather,
her father, was really mad at her for working.
Women just didn’t work outside of the home.
“I was one of seven children, and
we didn’t have the luxury that
children do now.”
I was one of seven children, and we didn’t have
the luxury that children do now. We didn’t have
the time to play after-school sports, which would
have been nice. But, being one of seven children,
if I wanted some spending money, I had to go
out and get it. It made me a bit more responsible.
It’s also the reason I am so involved with kids.
We never lacked food on the table or clothes,
but we didn’t have 15 toys or any excess.”
Barbara connects with kids who need a haven
for activities that more affluent kids can afford.
He believes in these kids and spends most of his
free time to help them.
As a young adult, Barbara lived at home and
turned over all his income to his parents, who
saved it for him. At 21, he had enough money
saved to buy his first house in San Carlos. He
moved to Redwood City in 1973 and has lived
and worked in the community ever since. He
currently lives in the West Oakwood neighborhood near Selby Lane.
In 1969, when Barbara was 17 years old, he
started working for Al Howard of Howard Tire
Company. He started on the ground floor as a
tire mechanic, then became an auto mechanic.
He was promoted to assistant store manager,
then warehouse manager and then general
In May 1985, at the California State Tire Association trade show, Barbara chatted with Dave
Redfern, whose father had started Redwood
General Tire in May 1957. After the trade show,
Redfern approached Barbara with hesitation,
figuring Barbara planned to stay put at Howard
Tire. But after some discussion about future
opportunities, Barbara took Redfern up on his
offer and moved to General Tire in 1985. “On
my first day on the job, a transformer blew and
a fire started,” Barbara recounted. Luckily,
everything since has been a smooth undertaking. Barbara came in as a partner in General
Tire, and when Redfern retired three years ago,
Barbara bought out the business and now owns
it in its entirety.
Currently the company employs 40 workers,
who Barbara considers his “family.” A hands-on
boss, he truly cares about the personal aspects
of his employees.
While business is a huge part of Barbara’s
life, his true love is community service. He is
involved in the Police Activities League (PAL)
and was responsible for raising millions of
dollars to develop the new youth center at Taft
School. Barbara considers PAL a tremendous
asset to the community. “Kids need a place to
go,” he said.
He sponsors Catholic Youth Organization (CYO)
golf tournaments as well as PAL Comedy Nights
featuring such local talents as Bob Sarlatte, field
announcer for the San Francisco 49ers. Barbara
served as president of the local chapter of the
Rotary Club and has been very involved in the
California Tire Dealers Association. Through
his community involvement and participation
Alpio with Assemblyman Ira Ruskin, San Mateo County Undersheriff Carlos Bolanos and John Adams of Wells Fargo Bank
in various associations, Barbara has helped raise
over $1.5 million for charitable and community
causes, all of which led to him being honored as
Citizen of the Year by the prestigious Sequoia
Awards in 2005.
Barbara’s brothers and sisters all live in the Bay
Area, from San Jose to Discovery Bay. The oldest
is his brother Charlie, who resides in San Jose and
is retired from Interstate Concessions, a canteen
vending business. His sister Mary Spiteri, also
retired, lives in San Mateo and worked at the Pisano
Bakery, formerly in Redwood City. Sister Theresa
Stellini lives in Discovery Bay and is a retired
machinist. Brother Joe, the “family handyman,”
lives in San Carlos and is a senior manager of
operations at Pitney Bowes. Brother Emanuel
(Manny) is a retired educator who was a school
superintendent in San Jose in the 1980s. Barbara
had another brother, the second born, who was hit
and killed by a car when he was 3 years old. He is
buried in Malta.
The siblings didn’t even know about this brother
until Barbara took a trip to Malta in 1978 with his
parents and his brother Joe. “We went to this one
area where you go on this boat, and you go into
these caves filled with water. The boat captain
asked me my name, and I said, ‘Alpio Barbara.’
The captain exclaimed, ‘Barbara! Are you Sgt.
Abigail Mendoza (center) with her father Crispin and businesswoman Janet Borgens, spending some time with firefighters
Marc Bernall, Bruce Meisenbach and Jason Fox.
Norm Gilbert and a surprised Julie Mooney sharing a few
moments together.
John Zerelli and Mike King Jr. serve out some nice beverages.
Barry Jolette, County Supervisor Rose Jacobs Gibson and her aide Paula
Duarte share a laugh.
Alpio Barbara : Celebrates Life and Gives Back continued
Barbara’s kid?’ because my father was a policeman back in Malta. I said, ‘Yes, that’s my dad.’ The
captain rowing the boat responded, ‘My God!’ I asked, ‘Why is that?’ When he was 8 years old, he
was in the truck that hit my brother. I get goose bumps when I think of that story. He’s the one who
told me the whole story about my brother being hit.”
However, Barbara has found his true “soul mate” in PAL. With the support of his good friend
Undersheriff Carlos Bolanos, who was formerly the Redwood City police chief, Barbara has thrown
himself into supporting the organization. “Every dime that is raised for PAL goes to PAL. There is no
executive director salary. There are no staff salaries to pay. The Police Department pays for PAL and
its staff. Also, Ed Everett, from the City of Redwood City, helps the city support PAL.” All the effort
is directed to helping kids. Through concerted efforts by the city and the Police Department, along
with contributions from Cargill Salt, San Mateo Credit Union, EA Sports and Stanford Hospital, PAL
raised enough money to build the $4.5 million youth building. Kids can take lessons in karate, dance,
computers, music and more. PAL keeps the kids focused on positive activities and keeps them away
from gangs, guns and drugs. For example, the annual PAL 100-mile motorcycle ride raises $10,000 to
$12,000 and every dime is spent on charitable activities.
A recent health crisis — a very minor stroke — has reordered Barbara’s priorities. The hard-driven
boss, who declares his status with his cell phone ring tone of “Hail to the Chief,” is reflecting on his
life. His parents lived well into old age; his father passed away at 91 and his mother at 88. Neither
parent ever went to see a doctor their entire lives. Barbara hasn’t cut back in his efforts; he has just
reprioritized his life. He loves the kids and loves the community more than ever.
Redwood City is lucky to have such a wonderful patron. As we concluded our interview, Barbara
looked at me, choking back tears, and said, “I am so blessed. I just want to give back.”
Nonprofits in Action
CityTrees is a nonprofit working with the Public Works Department to enhance
and care for Redwood City’s urban forest. They usually plant or prune on the
third Saturday of each month. Please check their Web site (www.citytrees.
org) for a listing of events and dates.
Redwood City Education Foundation
The Redwood City Education Foundation (RCEF) is an all-volunteer, nonprofit organization dedicated to providing students in the Redwood City
School District with a strong education that lays the foundation for future
success. The organization raises private money to provide enrichment programs
to all students in the district. Funding is focused on academic achievement,
music and art, and health and wellness. They are currently seeking new board
members. Board members are responsible for attending monthly meetings,
chairing board committees, participating in fundraising and outreach activities,
and promoting RCEF in the community. If you are interested in serving on
the board, please contact Adam Borison at (650) 363-7271 or vp@rcef.org.
For more information on RCEF, check out www.rcef.org.
City Talk Toastmasters
Join the City Talk Toastmasters to develop communication and leadership
skills. The club meets Wednesdays 12:30–1:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers
at City Hall, 1017 Middlefield Road. Call Manny Rosas at (650) 780-7468
if you would like to check out a meeting or just stop in. Visit www.toastmasters.org for more information about the Toastmasters public speaking
Family Service Agency of San Mateo County
Looking for a dependable source of skilled, reliable workers? Family Service
Agency of San Mateo County provides employers with mature, ready-to-work,
experienced workers who are 55 years and older. Employers contact the service
because they appreciate the superior work ethic and the commitment to
quality that mature workers possess. There are no fees for hiring candidates.
Contact Barbara Clipper at (650) 403-4300, ext. 4368, to place your job order.
For those looking for work, Family Service Agency provides a range of
services for those who are at least 55 years of age, including referrals for
classroom training, vocational counseling, job referrals and on-the-job training
for qualified participants. Contact Connie Tilles at (650) 403-4300, ext. 4371,
if you are looking for work.
Friends for Youth
Do you like to play video games, shoot hoops, watch baseball games or just
have fun? Then you have what it takes to be a mentor! As a mentor, you
can hang out with a young person like Reggie. He’s a 12-year-old who loves
pizza, baseball and cars. He lives with his grandmother and three sisters and
would love to hang out with a guy. He wants to have fun. There are 30 boys
like Reggie waiting to be matched with a mentor like you. Most of the boys
wait more than a year to meet their mentors.
As a mentor with Friends for Youth, you will have access to group activities
like bowling, miniature golf and camping trips, as well as free tickets to Giants, 49ers, Warriors and Sharks games and more. In just a few hours a week
you can make a difference in the life of someone like Reggie by just being you.
If you are interested in becoming a mentor, you are invited to attend an information session. The session lasts approximately one hour and takes place
in Redwood City. Please call (650) 482-2871 for upcoming sessions or e-mail
Hearing Loss Association of the Peninsula
Hearing Loss Association is a volunteer, international organization of
hard-of-hearing people, relatives and friends. The nonprofit, nonsectarian,
educational organization is devoted to the welfare and interests of those who
cannot hear well but are committed to participating in the hearing world.
A day meeting is held on the first Monday of the month at 1:30 p.m. at the
Veterans Memorial Senior Center, 1455 Madison Ave. Educational speakers
and refreshments are provided. A demonstration of assistive devices is held
on the first Wednesday of the month at 10:30 a.m. in the second floor conference room at the Redwood City Public Library, 1044 Middlefield Road.
Please call Marj at (650) 593-6760 with any questions.
Nursing Mothers Counsel
Nursing Mothers Counsel, a nonprofit organization since 1955, provides free
breastfeeding education and assistance by highly trained counselors (moms
who breastfed for at least six months). To speak with a counselor (no fee), call
(650) 327-MILK (327-6455).
NMC also offers free breastfeeding classes. Moms (including babies),
dads, grandmas and friends are welcome. Free breastfeeding classes are held
the first Saturday of each month at Mills Hospital in San Mateo from 10 a.m.
to noon. Call (650) 327-MILK (327-6455) to RSVP.
NMC also has breast pumps and breastfeeding supplies available for purchase
and rent. Call (650) 364-9579. If you’d like to become a trained counselor, call
(650) 365-2713. Visit their Web site at www.nursingmothers.org.
Peninsula Humane Society & SPCA
In addition to sheltering and finding new homes for stray and unwanted
animals (100 percent placement for healthy dogs and cats since 2003!), PHS/
SPCA has vital programs for people. New in 2006 and beginning with the
North Fair Oaks community, the shelter began driving its mobile spay/neuter
clinic into low-income neighborhoods, offering owners free “fixes” for their
pets. PHS/SPCA also provides a free animal behavior help line in English and
Spanish. Call (650) 340-7022, ext. 783 or 786. And domestic abuse victims
who wish to leave their abusive situation but are fearful of doing so because
they have pets can receive temporary sheltering for their pets through PHS/
SPCA. Call (650) 340-7022, ext. 330.
Peninsula Hills Women’s Club
Peninsula Hills Women’s Club meets the third Wednesday of each month at
the Community Activities Building, 1400 Roosevelt Ave. For more information,
call (650) 366-6371.
Peninsula Sunrise Rotary Club
The Peninsula Sunrise Rotary Club was chartered in April 1988. In the years
since that time, the club has met weekly at 7:30 a.m. for breakfast and to hear
a speaker at the Waterfront Restaurant at Pete’s Harbor in Redwood City. The
club, with 22 members, has frequently been honored as an outstanding small
club by Rotary District 5150, which includes San Mateo, San Francisco and
part of Marin counties. For more information or to join, call Fred Wolin at
(650) 329-1013.
Redwood City Sunrise Lions Club
This group is small but has a growing membership. All members either live
or work in our community and share a common goal of making our city a
better place to live. This club is one of over 44,000 Lions Clubs in 199 nations.
Chartered in 1966, the club has been vigorously active helping eyesight-impaired youth in our schools and seniors who are hearing-impaired.
Join them for breakfast! The Lions meet every Wednesday at Bob’s Court
House Coffee Shop, 2198 Broadway, beginning at 7:15 a.m. Call Bill Gibbons
at (650) 766-8105 for more details.
Redwood City Women’s Club
Redwood City Women’s Club meets at the clubhouse, 149 Clinton St., the
first Thursday of each month September through June. Social at 11:30 a.m.
and lunch at noon, followed by meeting and program. For information call
Loretta at (650) 368-8212 or visit the group’s Web site at rwcwc.com.
Redwood City Rotary
(continued on page 23)
News Briefs
Retired Officer Accused of
Tracking Daughter’s Boyfriend
A retired Redwood City police officer illegally
used the state criminal computer system last year
to track his estranged daughter’s boyfriend as a
way to keep track of her whereabouts, according
to prosecutors who charged him with two dozen
misdemeanors and infractions.
Barry Finch, 55, is charged with 18 misdemeanor
counts of unlawfully receiving records to which
he is not authorized and six infraction counts of
knowingly and without permission accessing a
computer network.
The infractions are alternative ways of charging the misdemeanors, said Chief Deputy District
Attorney Steve Wagstaffe.
If convicted, Finch faces up to six months per
Finch appeared in court for his initial arraignment
on the charges but did not enter a plea, according
to court records clerks. He returned to court May
23 for further arraignment.
On multiple occasions beginning April 14,
2006, Finch used the state criminal history
tracking computer system to pinpoint where his
daughter’s boyfriend was living, according to the
District Attorney’s Office.
The system includes Department of Motor
Vehicles and criminal records.
Finch reportedly used the boyfriend’s location
as a means to track his estranged daughter. Prosecutors filed charges against Finch April 12 and
ordered him to appear yesterday with attorney
William Rapoport. Redwood City hired Finch in
February 2001 but he retired after the department
began investigating the claims.
The department became aware of the allegations
after the boyfriend discovered Finch knew their
address, Wagstaffe said.
Finch remains free from custody on his own
“Gilligan” Bandit Strikes Again
The “Gilligan” bandit struck again at a Redwood
City grocery store, bringing the total number of
banks he has robbed to five in three weeks.
Wearing a fisherman-style hat, the man strolled
into the Wells Fargo Bank within the Sequoia Station Safeway at 1071 El Camino Real. He handed
a demand note to the teller and left the bank with
an undisclosed amount of money. He was last
seen walking north through the parking lot.
This is the latest in a string of robberies the man
committed in the last three weeks. He is also believed
to be the criminal who robbed some of the same
banks four to five years ago. Police are hoping
people might recognize one of the photos captured
by bank security cameras and help identify “Gilligan.”
The man is between 45 and 50 years old with a
tan complexion and weighs between 200 and 210
pounds. He has a pot belly, is between 6 feet and
6 feet 2 inches tall and wears a fisherman-style
hat that looks similar to the one worn by Gilligan,
a character from the television show “Gilligan’s
Island.” Police believe he is the same man who
robbed the same banks in 2002 and 2003, said
Redwood City police Detective Jeff Price.
In 2002 and 2003, wearing the same type of
hat, the man robbed banks in Redwood City, San
Carlos, Mountain View, Fremont and Union City.
In the last month, the man has allegedly robbed
two banks in Redwood City and the rest in San
Carlos, Mountain View and Union City, Price said.
On Saturday, April 21, at approximately 11:27
a.m., police said the man robbed the Washington
Mutual Bank, located at 845 Laurel St. in San
Carlos. The man demanded money from multiple
tellers. No weapons were displayed and no one
was hurt during the incident, according to a statement
released by San Carlos police.
On April 28, the same man allegedly robbed
a bank in a Mountain View Albertson’s grocery
store, Price said.
On May 4, just after 2 p.m., the man allegedly
robbed the Fremont Bank inside a Newark Safeway,
Price said.
Just 45 minutes later, the same man robbed
the First National Bank at 700 El Camino Real
in Redwood City. He walked into the bank, approached a teller, handed over a dark blue canvas
bag and demanded money. He left with an undisclosed amount of money, police said.
All those banks, except for the San Carlos
Washington Mutual and the Sequoia Station Wells
Fargo, were robbed by a man matching the same
description in 2002 and 2003.
He has a tan complexion, dark brown eyes, a
gray bushy mustache and large cheeks. He was
wearing brown-rimmed prescription glasses.
Anyone with information about these cases
should contact detectives Jeff Price or Ed Feeney
at the Redwood City Police Department at 780-7100.
Competency Questioned
for Accused Baby Beater
The 22-year-old Redwood City man accused
of approaching a mother exiting Safeway and
bashing her 18-month-old baby in the head with
a softball-sized rock for no apparent reason is
unable to aid in his own defense, according to his
defense attorney, who raised questions about his
client’s competency.
Criminal proceedings were suspended against
Jose Rivera Salvador at his preliminary hearing and
he was instead ordered back to court to appoint
two doctors to evaluate his mental state, according to court records clerks.
If Salvador is deemed competent, he will move
forward with the charges of felony child abuse.
If the doctors believe he cannot help his attorney,
Salvador will be sent to a state hospital for treatment
until he regains his competency.
Competency refers to a defendant’s mental state
at the time of prosecution, while sanity refers
to his or her condition at the time of an alleged
The Sheriff’s Office Transit Unit officers who
responded to the April 20 incident indicated he
appeared to have mental problems, said Chief
Deputy District Attorney Steve Wagstaffe.
At approximately 2:30 p.m. that day, a woman
left the Safeway grocery store at Sequoia Station
in Redwood City and was headed to the SamTrans
bus stop with child in hand when Salvador reportedly approached and hit the child in the back of
the head with a rock. As the toddler bled and the
mother screamed, Salvador allegedly dropped the
rock and silently walked away. He was later discovered in the Sequoia Station parking lot and arrested.
The child was treated at Stanford Medical Center
and received extensive sutures.
Salvador was charged with assault with a deadly weapon causing great bodily injury, felony battery causing great bodily injury and felony cruelty
to a child with great bodily injury. If convicted, he
faces up to nine years in prison.
He has a 1999 conviction for misdemeanor battery.
Salvador, who pleaded not guilty during his
initial arraignment, remains in custody in lieu of
$100,000 bail.
Woodside Student
Escapes Charges
Prosecutors declined to file any charges against a
15-year-old Woodside High School student who
told a school counselor he was considering harming fellow students, saying there is no proof any
crime was committed.
“It appears he was only thinking about things
and never acted on it,” said Chief Deputy District
Attorney Steve Wagstaffe. “If that was a crime, it
really would be the thought police.”
Police searched the student’s Redwood City
home and three computers after he told the counselor
the previous day he had begun putting a plan
together and had downloaded a map of Woodside
High School.
The boy was placed on psychiatric hold and
taken to San Mateo Medical Center for evaluation.
The student, who is in the ninth grade, reportedly
told his counselor he was thinking about hurting
“disruptive” and “bad” students at the school and
mentioned being able to get information about
explosives from the Internet, according to the
Sheriff’s Office.
(continued on page 24)
Nonprofits in Action : continued from page 21
Redwood City Rotary serves the community by raising $60,000 or more each
year through its July Fourth car raffle to fund college scholarships, support
local charities and provide international relief aid. In addition, club members
volunteer at a host of local events and meet in fellowship each Tuesday at
12:15 at the Sequoia Club, 1695 Broadway, to hear from a variety of interesting
speakers. For more information about joining, please contact Roland Haga at
(650) 482-6300.
Camp near La Honda for needy children, the Optimist Jr. World Golf program,
Challenge Day and many other programs for kids.
Lunches/meetings are at 12:30 p.m. on the second and fourth Wednesdays
of each month in the Assisted Living Dining Room at Woodside Terrace.
Guests are welcome. Please call President Jack Murphy at (650) 780-9891 or
Millie Cole at (650) 366-1392 for reservations.
Sequoia High School Alumni Association
Since October 1956, the Woodside Terrace A.M. Kiwanis Club and its precedents have been devoted to community service in Redwood City. Through
the decades, they have provided funds to help many worthy community
programs and continue to add more community projects. The Key Club of
Sequoia High School, sponsored by the Woodside Terrace A.M. Kiwanis
Club, was chartered in 1994 and has been involved in raising money and
donating time and effort to many programs.
The Woodside Terrace A.M. Kiwanis Club meets every Wednesday morning
7:15–8:30 a.m. at the Waterfront Restaurant, 1 Uccelli Blvd. (at Pete’s Harbor).
They invite you to come to their meetings and check out the club’s Web site
at www.agencyinfo.org/kiwanis.
The group meets the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Sequoia
District Board Room, 480 James Ave. All alumni and friends of Sequoia are
welcome to attend. For more information call Nancy at (650) 592-5822, visit
the Web site at sequoiahsalumniassoc.org or e-mail sequoiaalumni@earthlink.net.
Sequoia Stamp Club
This club was established in 1947 and invites community members to visit.
The club meets at the Community Activities Building, 1400 Roosevelt Ave.,
every second and fourth Tuesday at 7:45 p.m. There is a program every
meeting and refreshments are served. The dues are only $3 per year. Contact
Hank at (650) 593-7012, e-mail sequoiastampclub@yahoo.com or visit the
group’s Web site at www.penpex.org. Sequoia Stamp Club sponsors a free
stamp show at the same location on the first weekend of December.
Soroptimist International of South Peninsula
The Soroptimists invite you to become a member of Soroptmist International,
the largest service organization for business and professional women in the
world, where “improving the lives of women and children” has been their
mission since 1921. Soroptimists work through service projects to advance
human rights and the status of women locally and abroad. Soroptimist International of South Peninsula needs and wants you as a member. While helping
women’s and children’s causes, you will enjoy fellowship and lasting friendships. They meet the second Thursday of every month. For more information,
please call their president, Maria, at (650) 366-0668, Monday–Friday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Woodside Terrace A.M. Kiwanis Club
Editor’s note: If you are connected with a nonprofit organization and want
your information printed in The Spectrum, send it to writers@spectrummagazine.net or The Spectrum Magazine, P.O. Box 862, Redwood City, CA
94064. Let our community know your contributions and maybe they will
want to join you.
(continued on page 25)
Optimist Club of Redwood City
The Optimists invite you to become a member of Optimist International,
one of the largest service organizations in the world, where “bringing out the
best in kids” has been their mission for over 80 years. Whether you’re a club
officer or a club member who enjoys the fellowship and friendship of others
with a common greater good, Optimist International needs and wants you as
a member.
The Optimist Club of Redwood City meets every Tuesday at 12:15 p.m.
at Bob’s Court House Coffee Shop at Middlefield and Broadway. For more
information please call their president, Steve, at (650) 365-8089 or their
secretary, Ted Cole, at (650) 366-1392. Or come join them for lunch to learn
more about how you can make a difference.
Woodside Terrace Optimist Club
This is a unique club made up of senior citizens who want to stay involved.
Most, but not all, come from the residence at Woodside Terrace. The club is
open to all of the community and provides an opportunity for seniors to be
The club’s funds are raised by a card, candy and necklace sale held on the
fourth Wednesday of each month in the main lobby at 485 Woodside Road,
open to the public. All greeting cards are a dollar each. They sell See’s and
other candy bars and hold a See’s fundraiser for holidays. One of their members
makes beautiful necklaces and sells them for $10 or more if one wishes to
make a larger donation to the club.
The club has a tutoring project at Taft School and has contributed to school
libraries, the Children’s Cancer Campaign, the Optimist Volunteers for Youth
News Briefs : continued from page 22
No proof was found he downloaded such information or had explosives.
The case was turned over to the juvenile division
of the District Attorney’s Office but Wagstaffe
said Thursday it was considered closed.
The Woodside High incident came in the wake
of not only the Virginia Tech massacre but also
the prosecution of a San Bruno man who told a
Kaiser Hospital psychiatrist he drove to Planned
Parenthood with a gun to shoot the doctor who
had performed an abortion on his girlfriend
before changing his mind. That case received
national attention because of its connection to the
controversial topic of abortion and sparked debate
about whether the initially filed attempted murder
charges were appropriate.
A legal case, known commonly as the Tarasoff
ruling, establishes a duty to warn for counselors
or therapists in situations with clear evidence of
danger to the client or others.
“Mr. Universe” Pleads
Not Guilty
The diabetic bodybuilder arrested outside a Redwood City movie theater by officers who thought
he was intoxicated pleaded not guilty to battery
and resisting arrest but is still hopeful the charges
will be dismissed outright.
Doug Burns, 43, of Redwood City, appeared in
court for the first time since his April 1 arrest and
the subsequent media blitz caused by the alleged
medical misunderstanding of insulin shock and
his position as the reigning Mr. Natural Universe.
“Honestly, I was pretty surprised it still went
to court,” Burns said after his arraignment on the
two misdemeanors.
He believes the district attorney should accept
the word of the paramedics who treated him and a
physician who wrote a letter on his behalf.
Chief Deputy District Attorney Steve Wagstaffe
does not discount the possibility of dropping the
case but needs proof of his diabetic conditions,
such as medical records.
If the prosecution is not satisfied, Burns is
scheduled for a pretrial conference May 30 and
a jury trial July 2. All earlier suggested dates,
Burns said, conflicted with previously scheduled
engagements for diabetic children.
Burns was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes 35
years ago, is a board member of the American
Diabetes Association and frequently speaks as a
health and fitness expert at diabetes and medical
As first reported in the Daily Journal April 3,
police said Burns was escorted outside the theater
by a security guard who believed he was intoxicated and took a fighting stance when officers
were called. Four officers and mace were needed
to subdue Burns, according to police reports.
Burns said any flailing was due to his low blood
sugar, which can lead to seizures and in extreme
cases coma.
A medical test confirmed Burns’ low blood
sugar but he was cited and released on his own
recognizance after being taken to the hospital.
Wagstaffe said the office’s decision to move
forward is based on the belief he was not out of
“That’s not what we see in the police reports,”
he said.
After the incident, Burns weighed civil action
against the Redwood City police but said yesterday any suits will wait until after the criminal
matters are settled.
Although Burns believes his run-in with police
is unfortunate, he still sees a silver lining: the outpouring of support and education about diabetic
“The reaction has been astounding,” he said.
Jail, Probation in Shooting
Trauma-Related DUI
A 24-year-old man who blamed the trauma of
witnessing a triple-fatal bar shooting for speeding
toward a Redwood City police officer was sentenced
to two months in jail and must pay more than
$32,000 in restitution.
Tomas Lucatero Rodriguez receives credit for
eight days toward his 60-day jail term for misdemeanor driving while intoxicated, according to
court records clerks. He changed his plea after his
trial began in February in return for no more than
a year in jail and the dismissal of felony charges
including assault with a deadly weapon.
Rodriguez took the offer after a Stanford psychiatrist testified on his behalf that he was suffering from an acute disassociative state at the time
and wasn’t aware of what he was doing.
Rodriguez was a customer at the Headquarters
Bar April 15 when gunfire erupted, leaving three
dead and three wounded.
He ran from the bar and fled the scene in his
car. An officer at a nearby DUI checkpoint waved
at Rodriguez to stop but he drove directly at him,
according to the District Attorney’s Office.
Under the terms of his sentence, Rodriguez
must also serve two years supervised probation
and one year court probation.
He opted to serve an extra 14 days in jail rather
than pay a $1,421 fine and was ordered to surrender
July 30. He must pay an additional $32,437.68 in
restitution to a victim’s fund.
He is free from custody on $100,000 bail pending
his surrender.
Meanwhile, the two men charged in the murders — Rolando Fernandez, 26, and Domingo
Samuel Naranjo, 18 — are scheduled to stand
trial in October. A motive in the shooting remains
hazy but the prosecution contends it started after
two men had an argument and one called his
friends for backup. They face life in prison without parole if convicted.
Both men remain in custody on no-bail status.
RWC Man Who Died in
Garage Fire Identified
A 54-year-old man died in a garage fire at a
Redwood City home April 13 that left 12 people
displaced when the blaze spread to neighboring
The fire started in the garage of a home at 571
MacArthur Ave.
Manuel Vallejo died in the fire, according to the
San Mateo County Coroner’s Office.
Firefighters first found the interior of the
garage, as well as a storage area to the rear of the
garage, engulfed in flames, Redwood City Battalion
Chief Steve Cavallero said.
Six adults and six children were displaced
from their home at 570 Douglas Ave. after the
fire spread to a room of their home, damaging the
entire home’s electrical wiring, Cavallero said.
Nonprofits in Action : continued from page 23
Left to right: Ella Morris, honoree Doris Rankine, Judy Archibald and Kit Fragulia
Nonprofits in the News
The Mayers Community Service Award
Polly Tseledis, Woodside High School
The Walter Butler Memorial Scholarship
Nikki Ellis, Woodside High School
The Bogart Family Scholarship
Andrea Isabel Godoy-Orantes, Castelleja School
The Charles and Jean Rigg Scholarship
Max Schneider, Woodside High School
The Maggie Cuadros Memorial Scholarship
Janet Girardot, Woodside High School
Nonprofit Activities
Prune ’N’ Pub with CityTrees
Come prune then enjoy City Pub with CityTrees on Wednesday, June 6. The
group will meet at 6 p.m. for some pruning. Don’t worry; they will teach you
how! Then it’s down to City Pub for some social time together. Community
residents are encouraged to join in the fun. Call (650) 556-9588 for details.
B.O.K. Ranch 22nd Annual Western Day
Sunday, June 10, 12–5 p.m.
1815 Cordilleras Rd., Redwood City
$45 per person; children under 10 free with an adult
Peninsula Hills Women’s Club celebrated “Federation Day” in April by
honoring Doris Rankine for her 50 years of community service and 50 years
of being a member of PHWC. Doris joined the organization in 1957 and
has been an active member ever since. She has benefited the Redwood City
community over the past 50 years by being a member of many organizations
including Native Daughter, Inter-service Council and Lathrop House.
The slate of PHWC officers for the years 2007–2009 are as follows:
President Margaret Cassetta, First Vice-President Nancy Radcliffe, Second
Vice-President and Membership Chairman Judy Yoakum, Corresponding
Secretary Kathleen Brooks, Recording Secretary Teresa Garcia, Bulletin
Chairman Elaine Raines, Treasurer Kit Fragulia, Auditor Arcie Eppler.
Kiwanis Awards Scholarships to Local High
School Students
The Woodside Terrace A.M. Kiwanis Club of Redwood City has selected 15
local high school students as recipients of their annual scholarship program.
Seniors from Sequoia, Woodside, Carlmont, Castilleja, Junipero Serra and
Menlo-Atherton high schools were honored at the annual breakfast on May
24 at the Waterfront Restaurant in Redwood City.
The following senior high school students have demonstrated academic
achievement and commitment to community service and volunteerism and
will receive these awards:
Join B.O.K. Ranch for a fun-filled day of student horseback-riding demonstrations, sheep and duck herding and dog agility demonstrations, children’s
games, silent auction and raffle drawing. Special appearances by the Redwood City Fire Department, Jerry Mertens and NFL alumni. Live music and
BBQ lunch included. Proceeds benefit B.O.K. Ranch’s therapeutic horsebackriding program for children and adults with special needs. For more information
call (650) 366-2265 or visit www.bokranch.com.
Kiwanis Car Show and Craft Faire
Sunday, June 24, 9 a.m.–3 p.m.
Sequoia High School
No gate fee, $30 registration
Award ceremonies, food, autos, arts, crafts and auto vendors. Entertainment,
raffle, safety information. All proceeds go to community projects sponsored
by the Woodside Terrace A.M. Kiwanis Club. Pre-register by June 16 for
early-bird $100 drawing. To download registration forms for car entries and
vendors, visit www.wtamkiwanis.org/cars or call (650) 368-8212. This show
is generously supported by Guaranty Bank and Peninsula Digital Imaging.
Phillip and Louise Wang Scholarships
Drew Plak, Carlmont High School; Jordan Sanvictores, Menlo-Atherton High
School; Kara Mantani, Woodside High School; Jessica Brandt, Woodside
High School; Nicholas Markwith, Woodside High School
Yamada Family Scholarships
Johanna Calvillo, Sequoia High School; Wendy Renderos, Sequoia High
School; Viral Shah, Sequoia High School
Woodside Terrace A.M. Kiwanis Scholarships
Ryan Duchin, Menlo-Atherton High School; Richard Morowski, Junipero
Serra High School
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Summit Charter School
Hosts O’Connell
State Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O’Connell
got a lesson in physics yesterday when he sat down on
Summit Preparatory Charter High School junior Nik
Romano’s hovercraft while visiting the school to observe
the hands-on learning style.
The 400-student Redwood City school welcomed
O’Connell by showcasing classes and projects that help
students succeed. The campus tour took O’Connell
through classrooms to watch as students at various grade
levels gave speeches, shared projects and explained why
Summit was a fit for them.
“I’m a big proponent of rigorous education opportunities
for every student. The small size and individual learning
opportunities [are] clearly reaching each student. [Summit]
is a clear example of the three Rs of learning: rigor, relevance and relationships. The staff is very dedicated and
committed. ... It’s a very good school,” O’Connell said
after his tour.
O’Connell watched as freshman geometry students
critiqued the various end-of-the-year projects. Freshman
Claire Wampler gave her persuasive speech, “Boycott the
bacon,” which gave an overview of the economic, environmental and health benefits of cutting meat consumption by 10 percent.
An outdoor physics fair got the most attention. Juniors
created projects incorporating the various elements
learned through the year.
Romano took two months building his hovercraft, inspired
by students who took on the idea last year. He wasn’t
finished until 4 a.m. Thursday. Romano had ridden it only
twice so he wasn’t sure how fast it could go.
Eighteen-year-old junior Zach Shpizner’s physics project — a small mechanical car of
sorts — was tested to see if it could pick up items such as paper clips. It took two tries
before Shpizner was successful as O’Connell watched.
Eighteen-year-old junior Zach Shpizner tests his physics project while State Superintendent Jack O’Connell
and Diane Tavenner, Summit Preparatory Charter High
School executive director, watch.
O’Connell’s final stop was into a senior seminar class to hear the end of a discussion
on genocide. Students were given the opportunity to share their thoughts on Summit’s
teaching style with O’Connell.
At first students simply said, “It works,” and “We like it.” Senior Patrick Reneau followed by explaining how Summit differed from his experience at Menlo-Atherton High
School, where kids were segregated.
“You can have one class without dividing people and prepare students for college,” he
said. “It’s been tricky but I think it’s worked.”
The Diving Pelican Cafe
Michelle Glaubert
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650 Bair Island Road . Redwood City . (650) 368-3668 . From 101 take Whipple Avenue East
Hours: Tues-Sun 8 AM - 3 pm www.divingpelicancafe.com
Join us for outdoor
dining on our sun-kissed
deck. Enjoy a peaceful
waterfront view and our
home-cooked dishes made
from only the freshest
We serve
breakfast, lunch, weekend
brunch, espresso, beer &
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Redwood City!
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Spacious, 2020 sf one story Farm Hill rancher. 3 BR- 2 BA- FR- 2 Car Garage. Formal
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dining area, sunny eat-in kitchen with Corian counters, gas cook-top & a built-in desk.
Wonderful separate family room with a second wood-burning fireplace, laundry area, lots
of storage areas. Two of the bedrooms have been doubled in size! The master bedroom
suite has an updated bathroom and extra closet space. AC unit, Plantation shutters, easy
access to 280, Stulsaft Park, Roy Cloud K- 8th- Woodside High School. The backyard has
been landscaped and offers privacy & serenity with the covered patio, lawn, new fencing,
numerous plants, flowers & trees! There is even a separate play house on the side!
Shop Redwood City : It’s All Right Here!
The Spectrum Magazine has been out in the community, using businesses that not only provide
excellent service but also contribute to our community. Shouldn’t you make the commitment to
shopping locally? Check out our Best of the Best selections.
Auto Care
Redwood General Tire — 1630 Broadway — Whether you are looking
for a new set of tires or need repair work on your vehicle, this Redwood City
institution has been providing quality vehicle services for 50 years. Redwood
General Tire was founded on the premise that good customer service and
quality products at fair prices will succeed in the marketplace. They continue
to follow this philosophy today and expect it to guide them into a successful future. Many of their satisfied customers have been with them since their
founding and continue to do business with them today. They proudly serve
the third generation of many of their first Redwood City customers.
Eating and Catering
Canyon Inn — 587 Canyon Road — You will find everything at this
Redwood City favorite. The Canyon Inn is nestled in the small, quiet neighborhood of Emerald Hills. It’s a popular stop for bicycle touring clubs and
local sports celebrities such as members of the San Francisco 49ers. But
the reputation draws celebrities and personalities from all over the world.
The restaurant is noted for its burgers and beers, most notably the Hacksaw
Burger, a big double cheeseburger named after Jack “Hacksaw” Reynolds.
The Canyon Inn also offers hot and cold sandwiches, hot dogs, fish and chips,
spaghetti, ravioli, lasagna, tacos and quesadillas. If you cannot make it to
the site, they cater all types of parties from business events to home-style
Diving Pelican Cafe — 650 Bair Island Road, Suite 102 — This restaurant may be the best-kept secret in Redwood City and provides the perfect
atmosphere for get-togethers of any kind. They offer a variety of specialty
items, including eggs Benedict with fresh crab and homemade hollandaise
sauce. They also serve beer and wine, and espresso drinks are available to
go. For your convenience, they have outdoor seating overlooking the water.
Conveniently located half a mile from the freeway, it’s easy to stop by and
visit. Try the famous pear, walnut, gorgonzola and grilled chicken salad. It is
so delicious that people come from all over to enjoy it! They also have a seasonal specialty, which is mango pasticcio and feta salad with grilled chicken.
People tell us that they want to keep the cafe a secret, because it is such a nice
location with outstanding food. We won’t tell anyone?
Encore Performance Catering — 2992 Spring St. — Owner Dave
Hyman’s menu goes on for eight pages of mouthwatering suggestions for
everything from continental breakfasts to formal dinners. Despite an entire
page devoted just to warm appetizers, these are mere suggestions, and Hyman is
quick to offer additional possibilities to fit any occasion. He also has a strong
sense of community and participates in many community-oriented events.
Additionally, Hyman is proud of the fact that his business products are nearly
100 percent recyclable and leftovers are contributed to St. Anthony’s Padua
Dining Room in Redwood City. Need a caterer for that party or event? Call
Dave at (650) 365-3731.
Little India — 917 Main St. — This stylish Indian restaurant features
a reasonably priced all-you-can-eat buffet for both lunch and dinner. The
home-style food is mainly from the northwest region of India, and items from
other regions of India are also featured. The food is low in fat and sodium.
You can dine in or take out. Senior citizens receive $1 off and children (under
12) dine at half price. Bring your appetite, because you will want to try
Arthur Murray Dance Studio — 2065 Broadway — Put a little
fun in your life; try dancing! Whatever your goal — meeting people, gaining confidence or preparing for the first dance at your wedding — the expert
instructors can design a customized program that’s just right for you! One
strength of the Arthur Murray system is the wide variety of dances you can
choose from: foxtrot, merengue, waltz, swing, hustle, rumba, cha-cha, tango,
salsa and many more. You can hire genuine Arthur Murray professionals
to teach and dance at your special event. For weddings, hire dance hosts to
come and dance with your guests. For birthday parties, have a group lesson.
Go with the era of your choice for anniversary parties. At business parties,
they will teach your group with fun and flair. For holiday parties, they will
prepare your crowd for the festivities. Hire someone to teach at your ’50s
party, ’70s party or at the theme party of your choice. Take the first step to
years of fun and confidence on the dance floor. Contact Arthur Murray to get
started today. And your first lesson is always complimentary!
Financial Institutions
American Coast Mortgage — Whether you need to purchase property, refinance or obtain a home equity loan, for over 25 years owner Paul
Sanfilipo has been helping thousands do just that. Call (650) 365-2144 now
for your complimentary mortgage consultation.
Capital Mortgage Lending — 805 Veterans Blvd., #202 — Lourdes
Carini and her team of dedicated loan agents focus on residential lending,
including purchases and refinances. As a mortgage company, they deal with
a large assortment of lenders, allowing them to research the best financing
to meet each client’s individual needs. Carini has over 25 years experience
in the Bay Area financial services industry. The company’s success is based
on referrals, its track record and being accessible to clients. So if you have a
mortgage loan need or question, please pick up the phone and call (650) 362-2700.
(continued on page 31)
Cultural Events
Music on the Square Friday
Evenings 6:00-8:00PM
June 1 • Livewire
Six-Piece Dance Party Cover Band
Showcasing an eclectic mix of the best danceable
songs from the 1970s through current dance hits,
the band accurately covers a wide range of dance
music, from Kool and the Gang, Chic and Bon
Jovi to Maroon 5, Gwen Stefani and Weezer.
June 8 • Sun Kings
Beatles Tribute Band
With a repertoire of over 100 songs, the Sun
Kings shine with spot-on arrangements and vocal
harmonies, delivered with a driving energy that
recalls the earliest Beatles shows. The band has
won over fan and skeptic alike with their love of
the music they play and delight in sharing it.
June 15 • Aja Vu
Steely Dan Tribute Band
The SF-based Aja Vu performs the music of
Steely Dan, from “Hey Nineteen” to “Rikki Don’t
Lose That Number.” The Aja Vu show recreates
the combination of rock, jazzy blues and unique
storytelling typical of Steely Dan.
June 22 • Bingtones
R & B With Lots of Horns
Join Bing and the Bingtones as they perform their
style of “rhythmic nighttime music with a soul,”
reminiscent of the great horn groups of the ’70s
and ’80s, such as Tower of Power, Sons of Champlin and Cold Blood.
Sponsored by the City of Redwood City Redevelopment Agency. Co-hosted by the Redwood City
Civic Cultural Commission and Redwood City
Parks, Recreation and Community Services.
Art on the Square 2007
Redwood City is fast becoming the Peninsula’s
epicenter for the arts with new galleries and
great places to hear live music. This summer, Art
on the Square 2007 joins the mix. Courthouse
Square will be transformed as fine artists and
crafters exhibit their work in the heart of the
beautifully renovated downtown. Presented by
the Redwood City Civic Cultural Commission
and the Redwood City Redevelopment Agency,
the three juried outdoor shows will complement
Music on the Square, the city’s Friday evening
summer concert series. The public can enjoy the
Friday evening art shows from 5 to 8:30 p.m. on
July 6 with Handful of Luvin’ (Seattle-based folk
rock band), on August 3 with Ben Maarcato and
his Mondo Combo (jazz, soul) and on September
21 with La Ventana (salsa rock). And they can
enter a drawing to win gift certificates good that
evening to spend at the show. Artists interested
in having their work considered can download an
application at www.redwoodcity.org/parks.
San Mateo County History
2200 Broadway, Redwood City
(650) 299-0104, www.historysmc.org
$2–$4; free for children ages 5 and under
Tuesday–Sunday, 10 a.m.–4 p.m.
The museum is located in the Old Courthouse
with its historic dome. Its collections include
horse-drawn carriages, models, railroads from
Caltrans and the Ocean Shore Railroad, relics
from San Mateo’s past and lithographic art dating
from 1875.
Ongoing Exhibits
The Great Rotunda — The stained-glass dome of
the rotunda thought to be the largest in a Pacific
Coast public building is the architectural highlight of the museum building.
Courtroom A — The oldest courtroom in San
Mateo County has been restored to its appearance
in 1910.
Nature’s Bounty — This exhibit gallery explores
how the oldest people of the Peninsula used
the natural resources of the area and how these
resources were used to help build San Francisco
after the discovery of gold in 1849.
Journey to Work — This exhibit gallery shows
how transportation transformed San Mateo
County from a frontier to suburbs.
Carriage Display — An exhibit of the museum’s
30 horse-drawn vehicles.
Charles Parsons Gallery — An exhibit of the 23
historical model ships created by Charles Parsons
of San Carlos.
Politics, Crime and Law Enforcement — The Atkinson Meeting Room includes the Walter Moore
Law Enforcement Collection of historic badges.
San Mateo County History Makers: Entrepreneurs Who Changed the World — The exhibit
chronicles the entrepreneurs who made San
Mateo County internationally known.
Land of Opportunity — The exhibit tells the story
of the diverse people who came to the area and
explores how different groups faced hardships
and discrimination.
Living the California Dream — The exhibit depicts the development of the suburban culture of
San Mateo County.
Special Exhibit
The Celtic Tiger: The Irish Economic Miracle
(ongoing) — The exhibit explores how the Bay
Area has participated in Ireland’s current economic boom.
Service Before Self: 100 Years of Rotary (May
20–Oct. 13) — Items on display include memorabilia, photography and videos related to the activities of local Rotary clubs of District 5150.
Immigrants Day Festival
Saturday, June 16, noon to 4 p.m.
The San Mateo County History Museum presents
its second annual Celebration of the Peninsula’s
Diversity: Immigrants Day Festival. About a third
of the population of the ethnically rich San Mateo
County has been born in another country. This is
a historical legacy. As early as 1880, a third of the
population of San Mateo County was born in another country. A new, permanent, 2,000-squarefoot exhibit gallery — Land of Opportunity: The
Immigrant Experience in San Mateo County
— within the museum documents this history.
The Immigrants Day Festival will feature, in
addition to the museum’s regular offerings, food
tasting reflecting countries from which people
have historically come to the Peninsula, including
Italy, Portugal, Ireland, Mexico, Japan, China and
the Philippines. Children will try traditional craft
activities like writing their name in Japanese with
a “Fude-Pen.” Cultural dances and other performances will be staged on Courthouse Square
at the steps of the History Museum. Acts will
include Chinese lion dancing, the Murphy Irish
Dancers and Japanese taiko drums. Readings by
immigrant authors, such as Mexican immigrant
and media personality Rose Guilbault, will speak
about recent experiences.
Admission to the museum will be cut in half for
the day — $2 for adults and $1 for seniors and
students; children five and under are free.
Parking for the museum is free on weekends.
There is a lot directly behind the museum on
Marshall that is designated for museum visitors.
The large county “jury and public parking” area
at 400 Middlefield is also free on weekends. This
lot is only one block from the museum.
Major sponsors of the Immigrants Day Festival
are Safeway and the Redwood City Redevelopment
Agency. For more information call (650) 299-0104.
(continued on page 33)
Finance : To Build Wealth, Look at Both Sides of Balance Sheet
David Amann
Special to The Spectrum
To achieve your financial goals, you need to be a diligent saver and investor.
But you need to do more than just build your assets — you also must do a
good job of managing your debts. If you let your debts get out of control, they
will eventually erode your savings and investments — and when that happens, the road to financial success can get pretty bumpy.
Unfortunately, your fellow Americans are doing a poor job of saving
money and staying out of debt. Here are some telling statistics:
Debt is rising. By September 2006, household debt had reached 130.9 percent
of disposable income, according to the Center for American Progress. In
plain English, that means we owe about a third more than we have available
to spend after we’ve paid our taxes and met our expenses.
Savings have fallen. For most of 2005 and all of 2006, the personal savings rate was negative, according to the U.S. Commerce Department. Previously, we haven’t had a negative savings rate since the Great Depression. In
short, we’ve gotten into the habit of spending more than we save.
“While you’re taking steps to cut your costs, you can
still add to your investments.”
These grim figures foretell a discouraging financial future for many of us.
Every dollar you pay for debt is a dollar you can’t use to invest. Furthermore,
if you have too little in savings, you may well be forced to dip into your exist(Shop Redwood City—continued from page 29)
Edward Jones — 702 Marshall St., #515 — For decades, Edward Jones
believed in building relationships through face-to-face interaction and adherence to a strategy of recommending quality investments that have proven
themselves over time. So does Investment Representative David Amann, who
manages the Redwood City office. He understands that this approach might
be considered unfashionable. But if it means helping his clients achieve their
goals, whether for retirement, education or just financial security, it’s an approach
he plans to stick to. Create your financial portfolio now!
Personal Improvement
Redwood Massage & Sauna — 797 Arguello St. — First opened
ing investments to pay for short-term needs, such as a car repair or an expensive new appliance. And the more you take from your investments today, the
less you will have available tomorrow — when you might need the money to
help pay for retirement or your children’s college tuition.
So what can you do to protect your savings and investments against the
demands of debt? You probably already are familiar with some steps you can
take to cut costs: Extend the life of your old car, eat out less often, look for
cheaper phone and cable service, etc. In short, review your entire lifestyle
and try to separate the “nice to have” items from the “must have” ones. If you
can reduce your expenses, you can start whittling away at your debt.
While you’re taking steps to cut your costs, you can still add to your investments. How? For starters, increase your contributions to your 401(k) or other
employer-sponsored retirement plan every time you get a raise. Until you
retire, you generally won’t be able to access this money without taking a big
tax hit, so you won’t be tempted to “raid” your 401(k) to pay off debts. (You
can, however, typically take loans from a 401(k) or similar account.)
You also may want to “pay yourself first.” Each month, before you pay
the mortgage, the utility companies and your other obligations, set aside an
amount for your investments. It’s easier if you set up a bank authorization
to move the money directly into the investment you choose. By having the
money taken out this way, you are less likely to “miss” it — and, hopefully,
you’ll be less likely to look at it as a source of funding for your daily life.
By cutting your debts, boosting your 401(k) contributions and paying yourself first, you can help yourself get a firmer grip on your financial situation
— today and tomorrow.
Warren Street Chiropractic — 520 Warren St. — Warren Street
Chiropractic Wellness and Injury Center was formerly Lease Chiropractic
Offices, owned and operated by Timothy H. Lease, D.C. Dr. Lease is beginning
his 22nd year of practice and has a very broad patient base, from infants to
folks in their 90s. Cases include work injury (workers’ compensation), personal
injury (car accidents, slips and falls, bicycle and pedestrian accidents), carpal
tunnel syndrome, plantar fasciitis, headaches, neck pain, back pain and leg
and arm pain. He has a working network of other doctors and therapists, so
he is able to refer for second opinions or other therapy if appropriate. The office
has six spacious exam rooms, including a massage room.
in 1964 by two Finnish women, this professional facility is now under the
management of Beverly and Harold May. Ms. May is a full-time massage
therapist with almost 30 years of experience. They pride themselves on having exceptionally talented massage therapists to care for you, trained in a
variety of specialized techniques to improve your circulation, mental clarity
and creativity as well as optimize your overall physical health. Your experience
at Redwood Massage & Sauna will enhance your health and well-being
naturally in the true Finnish tradition of therapeutic massage and sauna amid
clean, comfortable and serene surroundings.
Re:Juvenate Skin Care — 805 Veterans Blvd., Suite 140 — Treat
Lewis Carpet Cleaners — 1.800.23.LEWIS — Founder Rick Lewis
yourself; you deserve it! Re:Juvenate is owned and operated by Sherna
Madan, M.D., and Linda S. Moore, R.N. Together they have more than 50
years in the health care industry and over 10 years in the field of aesthetics.
Both have lived and worked in the community for the majority of those years.
When a consumer is looking for a facility that offers a list of services that are
so personal, name recognition and reputation are of the utmost importance.
Relationships are formed quickly, and trust is a huge part of the equation.
Whether you are seeing a Re:Juvenate clinician for acne, sun damage, skin
tightening, wrinkle reduction or laser hair removal, the process starts with a
complimentary consultation with a member of the aesthetic staff. Call (650)
261-0500 and mention The Spectrum Magazine.
Lulu’s — 846 Main St. — Lulu’s is the latest and most unique gift store to
open in downtown Redwood City. Owner Nancy Radcliffe has taken 24 years
of design experience to create a collection of cards and gifts intermingled
with eclectic antique pieces, all affordably priced! In addition, Lulu’s carries
everything from baby gifts that put a smile on your face to whimsical
candles. Pamper your dog or cat or find that perfect hostess gift.
Home Improvements
started his business in 1985 out of his home, using a small, portable machine.
Today, Lewis successfully operates and manages an office/warehouse of six
employees and has five working vans, with future plans for expansion and
growth. Lewis moved his business from San Mateo to Redwood City in 1995.
The Lewis family works and lives in Redwood City and has truly made this
town their home. They are committed to the vision and success of our community and with relentless effort will continue to support the community, devoting time, energy and services today and in the future. Call and ask about
their Spectrum special. You can get 100 square feet of carpet cleaned for absolutely nothing. Call today and make your house or living space luxurious!
(And a Little Child Shall Lead Them—continued from page 5)
how she wanted to help. So far she has raised $4,500.
The family continues to work with the Children’s Organ Transplant Association
(COTA), an organization that provides fundraising assistance for children
and young adults needing lifesaving transplants and promotes organ, marrow
and tissue donation. You can learn more about Michelle, her illness and how
you may help by visiting www.cotaformichelleh.com.
Donations may be made in person at any Wells Fargo Bank branch location
(to account number 8096484871) or mailed to the Children’s Organ Transplant
Association, 2501 COTA Drive, Bloomington, IN 47403. Checks or money
orders should be made payable to COTA, with “in honor of Michelle Hosking”
written on the memo line of the check. Secure credit card donations are
also accepted through the Web site above. All donations will go directly to
Michelle’s fund. Abigail Mendoza had a winsome smile on her face as she
leaned close and whispered, “You know what? I L-O-V-E Y-O-U!”
At the tender age of six years, Abigail was diagnosed this past January
with an inoperable malignant glioblastoma in her brain. An Internet search
on www.braintumor.org finds glial cells are part of the cells that make up
the nervous system. They surround the neurons and play a protecting and
nourishing role for neuron cells. According to the Web site, glioblastomas are
considered the “most invasive type of glial tumor.” Glial tumors commonly
spread to nearby tissue and grow rapidly.
Abigail’s condition first made itself known when Engine 10 of the Redwood
City Fire Department responded to the Mendoza home for a seizure episode.
Shortly after that visit, Abigail and her mother, Deborah, traveled to Central
“They care so much; they are truly selfless. And this
is all a blessing in disguise. God is using Abigail to
bring people together,”
America to distribute toys to less-fortunate children at a mission they helped
to bring about some years earlier. While in Central America, Abigail began
to experience recurring seizure episodes during sleep. She had a CT scan in
Nicaragua and was told to return to California for an MRI and more extensive examinations. Doctors at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital found
the inoperable malignant glioblastoma. Abigail is undergoing radiation and
chemotherapy, and doctors have advised the family there is not much hope
for her recovery.
“I felt like life itself had ended,” Deborah said of the moment she heard the
news. “I felt helpless, like I couldn’t do anything.” She has taken a nonpaid
leave of absence from her job to care for her daughter as they make the daily
trips to the hospital. Her husband, Crispin, works long hours of overtime and
extra shifts to try to meet their financial obligations, leaving him precious
little time with his wife and daughter.
Enter the Create-A-Smile foundation, established by the Redwood City
Firefighters Association in 1993. Thanks to the firefighters, Abigail recently
had her 6 1/2 birthday party at Fire Station 9, an event filled with piñatas, a
bounce house, cotton candy, hot dogs, a cake, family, friends and firefighters
(most of whom were off duty and volunteered their time).
And the firefighters are only starting. They have teamed up with the community to present a fundraising dinner on June 7 for Abigail and her family
at A Tavola restaurant and City Center Plaza in downtown Redwood City.
Featured that evening will be a silent auction, a live auction hosted by Michele
Sharkey of the 49ers Academy, live music from the Back Burner Blues
Band, fabulous food and the opportunity to help a family enjoy the gift of
their daughter for each precious day she has. All donations will go through
the Create-A-Smile foundation into a special account for Abigail at the San
Mateo Credit Union.
“I can’t believe that the firefighters are doing all this,” Deborah Mendoza
said. “They care so much; they are truly selfless. And this is all a blessing in
disguise. God is using Abigail to bring people together,” she added.
Need a ticket to the dinner? Can you help with the logistics? Call firefighter
Justin Velasquez at (650) 868-4270.
So it’s all about courage, commitment and caring. Little children are leading the way, teaching us lessons to last for a lifetime.
(As I Was Saying...—continued from page 7)
desk but a sign displaying the “hourly” and “daily” pricing. Not missing a
beat, I returned to my friends and provided the information they requested.
After they called me naive, laughed at me and pulled me back into the car,
we left and found another place that was not accepting of clients paying by
the hour. What if we had been detained and questioned by police at that time?
I am sure those who found out would have just assumed I was inside having a sexual encounter while my friends were outside waiting for me or had
finished before I had and had returned to the car.
Regardless, I would have defended my friends and myself, given a complete
explanation and apologized for my stupidity at being in the wrong place at
the wrong time — but I would have come clean, completely, and answered
responsible questions to clear up any implications of wrongdoing.
So, without knowing the complete facts, it is totally irresponsible for
anyone in the media or, for that matter, anyone at all to believe and report
rumors, accusations and assumptions as fact.
What needs to happen here is Munks and Bolanos coming clean and giving
our community a clear explanation of what happened. I am sure their political advisors are telling them the opposite, but the only thing those people
have invested in them is making more money from them in future elections.
It does no one any good in this situation to stay silent and just hope it all goes
away; it will not.
What has been said to date is not enough of an explanation. There are
serious questions that need to be answered and a respected office that needs
serious image damage control right now.
The chairman of the Port Commission, Jack Castle, who has served for
20 years, was not reappointed to a new term and was replaced by former
Mayor, City Councilman and Planning Commissioner Dick Claire. Only two
positions were up for reappointment, and the results were 6 votes for current
Commissioner Ralph Garcia, 5 votes for Claire and only 3 for Castle.
Whether the council is looking for new blood (Claire — new blood?) or
paying back a political supporter is not clear. Regardless, Claire will bring a
different perspective to the commission — he feels the port should contribute
more money to the city coffers, and we all have to wait and see if he can pull
it off and make a difference. But beyond that, Claire has worked on the campaigns
of Jim Hartnett, Diane Howard, Jeff Ira, Rosanne Foust and Barbara
Pierce (who all voted for him), and those in the know knew he would be
appointed for that reason alone. Especially since it is an election year for the
City Council — Foust and Pierce would not dare vote against him.
But to add insult to injury, Mayor Pierce embarrassed herself and Castle by
recommending to him that he apply for a different board or commission because he was a valuable asset to the city, just as she slammed the door in his
face and, figuratively speaking, kicked him out of the council chambers. She
does not need to embarrass and patronize a person who has given so much to
this community — just vote and move on. I get so tired of politicians trying
to explain themselves and their guilty feelings when it is not necessary. You
lost his support in this year’s election, so just move on and count the donations lost.
I think I will have to go on vacation more often.
As I was saying…
(Cultural Events—continued from page 30)
Documenting Oral Histories:
Holocaust Survivors’ Stories
Thursday, June 28, 1 to 4 p.m.
The San Mateo County History Museum presents
Dr. Anne Grenn Saldinger, director of the Bay
Area Holocaust Oral History Project (BAHOHP),
who will speak about the importance of oral history
and how to investigate resources for oral history
research (including some Web opportunities).
After the talk, program participants will watch
and analyze an oral history video from the BAHOHP archives housed in the History Museum’s
archives. The audience will develop a summary
and index for the video to help researchers
important information on this tape more easily.
The lessons learned can be applied to documenting
other types of oral histories and using them for
Dr. Grenn Saldinger has been director of BAHOHP for over eight years. For the last six years,
she has been running workshops similar to this
one at various colleges in the Bay Area. In that
time, college students have helped the organization
document several hundreds of oral history videos.
This program is free with the price of admission
to the museum: $4 for adults, $2 for students and
seniors. Advance reservations are required since
space is limited. For reservations, please contact
Katrina Donovan at (650) 299-0104 ext. 31.
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A Minute With Regina Van Brunt
Why do we need the DBG?
So businesses in the core area can assist and help
one another be successful.
Are there any downtown projects you are
excited about?
Just to see the empty storefronts filled with businesses. Retail! Retail! Retail!
Parking meters — yea or nay?
Yea! They will bring needed revenues to the city
and, after the adjustment period is over, will solve
the parking issues.
What historical figure do you most identify
Florence Nightingale. I wanted to be a nurse when
I was younger.
What living person do you most admire?
Diane Rummel, San Mateo Historical Museum,
and Karen Francone, Service League of San
Mateo County.
Who are your heroes in real life?
Princess Diana. She helped so many people.
Favorite song?
“Up on the Roof” — The Drifters.
What is your treasured possession?
Jewelry items I have from long ago.
What talent would you most like to have?
To sing better.
Something no one knows about you?
When I was a little girl, I was really shy.
If you could change one thing about yourself,
what would it be?
To be more optimistic at times.
What words or phrases do you most overuse?
I make excuses for people — apologize for their
If you could choose what to come back as, what
would it be?
An angel.
What is your idea of perfect happiness?
Peace and love in the world.
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
That I am still alive.
What is your greatest regret?
To have not spent more time with my family.
What or who is the love of your life?
My mother, daughter and granddaughter.
What is your motto?
One day at a time!
Regina Van Brunt was born in
Chicago and currently lives in
Menlo Park with her boyfriend
of 16 years, Michael. She has
one daughter, Nicole, and one
granddaughter, Chloe, whom
she calls the “love of my life.”
After graduating from high
school, she attended Foothill
and DeAnza colleges. She is
an administrative assistant at
Arthur Murray Dance Studio
and for the Downtown Business Group (DBG). She is a
member of the Terrace Kiwanis
Club of Redwood City and
sells Cookie Lee jewelry at the
downtown farmers market on
the second and third Saturdays
of each month.