1914 Part 16 - australian history
1914 Part 16 - australian history
9CONTENTS. GENERAL INDEX. PAGE. -• INDICES ALMANAC- lvi. MUNICIPAL -1-168 CITY STREETS DIRECTORY •169-908 SUBURBAN DIRECTORY ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY - 909-1763 •1765-2080 TRADES DIRECI'ORY. COUNTRY COMMERCIAL DIRECTORY. COUNTRY ALPHABETICAL . PASTORAL JUSTICES OF THE PEACE - • •1A-219A •1B-171B -10-2110 •1926-1939 MUSICAL AND SPORTING CLUBS AND ASSOCIATIONS - 2083-2086 EDUCATIONAL - 2087-2092 ECCLESIASTICAL EUROPEAN TRADES LIST GOVERNMENTAL AND PARLIAMENTARY CIVIL DEPARTMENTSNAVAL AND MILITARY-COMMONWEALTH STAMP DUTIES WHARFAGE AND TONNAGE RATES FIRMS WITH FIXED PAY-DAYS CENSUS INTEREST CALCULATOR - -2092-2095 -2096 •2097-2118 2106-2118 - 2099.2103 2119-2120 -2121 - 2123-2136 • 2122 2120 PAGE PAGE PAGE Labour and Industry Department2116 Distilleries and Sugar Refineries Department .. 20911 Laud Appeal Court .. 2117 District Court Judges 2116 Laud—Claims to Grants of .. 2117 2117 Lsuls—Secretary for District Court .. 2015 L1111.18 Titles Branch .._ 2109 District Registrars 2117 Lsw Institute .. .2099 Legal Directory—See Trades section Ecclesiastical 2087' Educational for Barristers, Solicitors, Official Electoral Office (Commonwealth) 2103 Assignees, also Minister for Jos. Electoral Office (State) ..2107 tice Electric Telegraphs .. .. 2099 2009 Legislative Assembly.. 2105 Engineers, Military Legislative Assembly—Oflicers of .. 2105 English and Continental Manufac2096 Legislative Council .. .. 2104 turers Equity—Master in.. 2115 Legislative Council—Officers of .. 2105 .. 1944 European Manufacturers .....2090 Libraries Executive Council (State) .... 2104 Lunacy Department .. 2106 Lunatic Asylums—See Institutions 1915 .. 2097 Executive Council (Federal)., Bankruptcy Department 2116 1784 Experimental Farms .. 2113 Banks Explosives Department 2110 Master in Equity Barracks and (Mum= Department 2115 .. 2100 External Affairs (Department of) _ 2098 Master in Lunacy (Federal) .. 2106 2097 Federal Government .. .. 1955 .. 1785 Federal High Court Barristers .. 2098 Medical Practitioners Board of Water Supply Barristers' Admission Board.... 2117 Finance and Trade—Treas. and See. 2109 Metropolitan and Sewerage . 2114 2121 .. . Berthing Rates, eto. 2107 Military Forces Fire Brigades 2099 Board ot Health.. .. 21u6 Firms Pay-days 2193 for 2112 Board for Opening Tenders—Pub:lc Fisheries Department .. 2107 Mines—Secretary Minister for Justice .. 2114 2113 Works Forestry Branch.. 2112 Botanic Gardens ...2113 Free Public Library .. .. 2112 Minister for Public Instruction .. 2111 Bureau oi Statistics .. _ 2107 Friendly Societies.... 2107 Mitchell Library . .• 2112 commencement of .. 2103 Gaol, Darlinghurst .. 2110 51unielpal—See Cadet Office .. City Streets and of respective .. 1815 Garden Island .211.9 Cemeteries Suburbs .. 2122 General Post Office (Federal) .. 2099 Census.• •• • .. 2112 .. 2113 Geological Branch.. 2112 Museum .. Centennial Park. : 2083 .. 2116 Gosford Home for Boys.... 2111 Musical Societies Central Police Court .. .. 1835 Governmental and Parliamentary .. 2097 Certificated Conveyancers .. .. 2106 Government Ambulance Corps .. 2112 National Art Gallery .. Ultief Secretary .. 2112 .. 1-168 Government Asylums .. .. 2107 Navigation Department City Streets Directory —1110 —12108 Government Printing Office •••.. 2110 Norfo.k Island Affairs Civil Departments .. 2106 •• Claims to Grants of Lund . • 2117 Government Savings Bank ... 2111 Notaries Public_.. _ 1974 .. 2110 Government Statistician .....2107 Clerks of Petty Sessions .. .. 1822 Governor-General of the CommonCl ubs .. • . • • ' .. 2112 2007 Observatory .. 2112 wealth Coal Fields and Coal Mims .. Assignees 1975 _ 2107 Grants of Land—Claims to2117 Official Coast Hospital .. Officers of Legislative Council and .. 2089 Colleges Assembly .. 2105 .. 209 fleNsAitts Parliamentary Repoit. Colonial Distilleries Inspector of the Senate .. 2097 _ 2105 Officers Mg Staff .. .. 1827 Commissioners for Affidavits.. Officers of the House of Representa.. 2103 Harbour Rates, etc. .. 2121 Commonwealth Offices .. tives. 2098 2103 Harbour Trust .. . '2111 Officers Commonwealth Audit Office . administering the Govern'. Commonwealth old Age Pension .. 2103 liawkesbury Agricultural College .. 2113 ments of the Australasian States 2118 .. 2097 Health Board ........21t0 Commonwealth Ministry .. .. 2097 Health and Me Heal Department .. 2016 Parliamentary .. Commonwealth Parliament .. .. 2097 .. 2097 High Commissioner for Australia in Commonwealth Senate .. Parliamentary Draftsmen .. 2115 Great Britain.. 2098 Parliamentary Commonwealth Weather Bureau • 2103 Library.. 2105 .. 1833 High Court of Australia 2093 Parliamentary Reporting Staff— Consuls ...•• •• • .. 1835 Hospitals.. .. 1900 Conveyancers HANSARD 2105 .. 2116 House of Representatives (Members) 2098 Pastoral _ Coroner's Court.. Directory .10-2110 .. 2115 Immigration and Tourist Bureau .. 2100 Patents and Trade-marks Office .. 2099 Crown Prosecutors Imperial Government EstablishCrown Solicitor...•. • 1983 Attorneys 2106 Patent ments Curator's Depart (Supreme Court) 2116 Days .. 2123 2110 Pay 2099 Imperial Pensions Customs (Federal) Sessions (Suburban) Clerks of 2116 Incorporated Law Institute .. .. 2117 Petty Police Courts .. 2116 .. 2116 Police 2118 Industrial Court Darling Island .. Inspector-General 2110 2118 Postmaster-General 2116 Industrial Registrar Darlinghurst Gaol 2099 Deeds Branob—Registrar-Geueral .. 2109 Industrial School for Girls .. 2111 Prisons Department 2116 2090 Probates (Registrar) Defence Department (Federal) .. 2099 Infantry .. 2116 Inspeotor-General of Police 2106 Prothonotary .. .2115 Departments (Goveruinent)—See res11115 Public, Instruction • Institutes. 2111 pective names Instruction, Public (Department) .. 2111 Public Library 2112 Department of Agriculture .. • .. 2112 Interest Calculator 2120 Department of Home Affairs (Ted.) 2096 Invalid and Old Ago Pension 2111 Public Works—Secretary for.. .. 2113 Publlo Service Board .. 2117. Department of Prisons.. .. 2116 Justice—Minister for .... 2114 Public ‘Vorks—Board for Opening •• ' Department of Trade and Customs 1926 Tenders...2013s., . _ Justices of the Peace .. .. 2099 (Federal) .. Aborigines' Protection Board.. 2100 Admiralty Jurisdiction .. 2115 Ageut-Gencial fur the State ILL Eng2106 land.. ,Agricultural Colleges .. 2013 2112 Agricultural Department .. Alphabetical Directory ..909-1763 Architect, Uovermnent .. 2113 .. 2112 • Art Gallery.. 1975 Assignees—011iolal Asset:lutes and Werke of Arraigns.. 2116 1778 Associations 2107 Asylums Department .. 2114 Attorney-tieueral _ 2106 Audit Departuient Australian Museum .. 2112 vi GENERAL INDEX PAalt Railways .. 2110 Railway and Tramway Construction 2110 Railways and Tratnways 2019 Registrar-General 2109 Registrar of Probates....2116 Royal Australian Navy (N.S.W. .. 2103 Roval Mint 2105 Secretary bf Finance no 1 Trade Secretary for Lands Secretary for Mines Secretary for Publics Works .. Senate—Conimunwealth Sewerage Branoh—Works. Sheriff' Department Shipping Masters; .. Societles—Miscollaneous Solicitors Solicitors Admission Board .. Spectacle Maud.. Sporting Assoolation a.. .. Stamp Duties Nice Stamp Duties .. PAGE State Children's Department.... 2111 State Hospitals and Asylums for the Infirm. 2107 State Labour Branch ... . 2116 State Nursery 2313 State Reformatory for Women .. 2117 (Lon g Bay).. Stipendiary Magistrates .. Stock and Brands Branch .. Stores Sttpdly and Tender Board StreAs (City) Directory .. Suburb in Clerks of Petty SeS8lOni Suburban Directory .. Sugar Refineries Department Supreme Court .. Sydney DistrietCourt Sydney Harbour Trust Sydney Mint .. 2032 Sydney Technical College .. 2 17 .. 2118 Taxation Department .. .. 2083 Technical &Montfort .. .. 2110 Technological %Inseam .. 2119 Telegraph Department .. 2109 .. 2117 .. 2112 .. 2013 .. 2097 2J13 .. 2119 .. 2110 .. 2038 • 2116 .. 2113 .. 2111 • 1-168 PAGE Tender Board—Public Works ... 2113 Theatres-8.e Places of Amusement 1990 Tonnage Rates, etc. ..... . 2131 Trade and Finance—Tteasurer and Secretary .2109 Trivia and Customs (Federal) _ 2099 Trade Unions Registrar 2107 Trades Directory .... 1765 Tramways .. 2121 Treasurer and Secretary for Finance and Trade 2109 Treasury.... .. 2109 Trigonometricil Survey of the Colony.•.. 2117 2 .1.69-11g4 .. 2099 .. 2115 Water Conservation and Irrigation 2113 .. 2111 WatCommission •r Police Court _ 2110 .. 2105 1VeIghts and Meisures 21e6 .. 2087 We-tern Lind Beard 2117 .. 2110 Wharfage, Harbour, Transhipment, Tonnage awl Berthing Rates _ 2121 2087 _ 2111 Works (Public) Department _ .. 2113 _ 2099 Works—Semi for Opening Tenders 2113 STREET.S INDEX.CITY AND SUCURBS, PAGE Abattoirs, Glebe Island, Balinain .. 235 Abattoirs rd .........I Abattoirs rd, Roselle .. 235 Abbotsford at, Kensington 718 Abbotsford par, Abbotsford ..316 Abbotsford rd, ilontebush 8111 Abbott rd, A rtarmon, Willoughby .. 869 Abbott at, Granville .. 404 Abbott st, North Sydney ..601 ..718 Abbott at, Rand wick .• .. 193 A'Beokett a ye, Ashfleld .. 404 A'Beckett st, Granville .. 277 Abercorn at, Bexley .. ..1 Abercrombie lane Abercrombie street .. Abercrombie at. Redfern..745 Abernethy at, Middle Harbour, Manly 497 Abigail at, Hunter's 11111 .. 423 Abigail at (now Spencer at), Summer .. 193 Hill ... .. 767 Aboukir et, Rockdale Abuklea rd, Eastwood.... ..361 .. 368 Abuklea rd, Epping .. 271 Acacia Avenue, Punchbowl .. .. 430 Acacia at, ()Macy Acton st, Durwood .. 295 Action at, Hurstone Park 309 Ada a ye (cont. of Coonanbarra rd, .. 830 1Vahroonga Ada st..........2 Ada lane, Erskineville_ 372 .. 334 Ada at, Concord.. 372 Ada at, Erskineville Ada at, Hurttville . 277 442 Ada at, Ontley, Kogaralt.. Ada at. North Sydney.604 Ada at, Parramatta .. 670 718 Ada at, Randwick Ada Villas terrace, Erskineville.. 372 309 Adam at, Canapsie 405 Adam at, Granville Adderley st, Silverwater, Auburn .. 224 Adderley at, Rookwood •788 359 Adderton rd, Dundee 334 Addison pve, Concord . Addison aye, Roseville.... 794 Addison rd, Marriekville .. 510 Addison rd, Manly.... 497 236 Addison at, Balmain Addison et, Kensington 718 Adelaide par, Woollahra 888 Adelaide place (now Athlone lane) .. 2 Adelaide place ........2 2 Adelaide place, Sorry Adelaide rd, Meadowbank 797 2 Adelaide at .3.delaide at, Woollahra .888 Adolph at (Neutral Bay), N. Sydney 004 Adolphus lane, Balmain 236 286 Adolphus at, Balmain Adolphus at, Naremburn 869 Ady at, Hunter's Hill 428 Mona at, Auburn .... 224 ..2 Agar at .. •.. Agar at east........2 511 Agar st, Marrickville Agincourt rd, Eastwood 881 Agnes at, Bankstown 271 Agues at, Strathfield .. 819 Agnes Cottages (sea Kainford at) ' 2 Agnes terrace (see Rainford at) ..2 Ainsworth at, Leichhardt .. 462 Mid at, Parramatta .. 670 Albany rd, Steamer° .. 684 Albany at, North Sydney .. 3 Albany at, St. Leonards, Lane Cove.. 456 Albany at, St. Leonardo Willoughby 869 Albemarle avenue, Woollahra 888 PAGE PAGE Albetnarle at, 3farrickville ..— 1311 Alexander et, Willoughby ..869 Albemarle st, Newtown—.. 571 Alexander at, Coogee .. 718 Albert avenue, Olintswood .. .. 869 Alexander at, Manly .. 497 Albert crescent, Croydon .... 295 Alexander at, North Sydney .. 603 A.lbert lane, Leiolthardt ..— 462 Alexander at, Paddington 646 Albert parade, Ashfield ..• 193 Alexandra par ( %Vattern), Hornsby.. 418 Albert parade, Guildford .._ 708 Alexandra par, Rockdale..767 uuders Albert place (now called So... Alexandra rd, Glebe .. .. 380 lane), Pyrmont......2 Alexandra st, Concord 334 Albert place (now Fitzroy place) • 2 Alexandra at, Drummoyne .. 345 Albert rd, Ashfield ...... 193 Alexandra at, Hunter's Hill . 423 Albert r:1, Auburn ...... 224 Alexandra at, Westmead . 708 Albert rd (Croydon park), O'bury .. 309 Alexandria at, Arnoliffe• 768 Albert rd, liomebush .. .... 819 Alfieul rd, Forest Lodge ..381 Albert rd, StratIttleld ------819 Alfred at, Annandale .. 181 Albert square, Paddington .. .. 616 Alfred at. Durwood 295 Albert street .........2 Alfred at, Canterbury . 309 Albert at, Beaconsfield Estate (East Alfred at Circular Quay ..3 Hills) — .. ..„ .. 271 Alfred et, Clarke's Pt., Woolwich .. 424 Albert st,Botany(Haneock's Gardens) 288 Alfred at, Granville 405 Albert st (Delmore), Canterbury .. 309 Alfred at (Kebblewhite's Estate), Albert at (now Boundary at). ChatsLeichltardt .. 463 wood.......... 860 Alfred at, 3farriekville .. 511 Albert at, Darlitighurat (now called 548 Alfred at, Mascot Hughes at) ........2 Alfred at, North Sydney ..606 Albert et, Drummoyne .... 345 Alfred at, Aferrylands, Prospect .. 708 Albert at, Erskineville.. 372 Alfred at, Parramatta .. 071 Al bert at, Glattesville .. • .792 Alfred at, Rozelle 236 Albert at, Forest Lodge..380 Alfred at, St. Peters .. 808 Albert et, Granville .. ..405 Alfred at, Sans Sone( .. .. 768 Albert at East, Guildford • •708 Alfred at., Waverley .. 844 Albert at, Hornsby ....418 Alfreda at, Coogoe .. 718 .. 462 Algernon at, Daley .. Albert at, Lelehhardt .. .. 442 Albert at, Marriekville..511 Alice aye, Newtown .. 574 Albert at, Newtown ....574 Alice at, Auburn .. . .. 224 Albert st, Paddington.. 646 Alice Bt, Carlton .. 442 Albert at, Parramatta .. ..670 Alice at, Drummoyne 346 Albert at, Petersham .. .... 685 Alice at (now Trelawuy rd), East-• Albert at, Pyrmont (now called Lawwood, Hyde.. 707 son et)........2 Mice at (Lakemba), Canterbury .. 309 718 Albert at, Raudwick .. .... Alice at, Newtown.... 574 Albert at, Redfern ...... 740 Alice at, Daley .. 442 Albert at, Rockdale .. .. .. 707 Alice at, Parra/mita 671 Albert at, Rookwood ------788 Mice at, Roselle.. 256 Albert at, Roseville (Low called Alice at, Sans Sone' 442.768 Boundary at)...... 794 Alice st, Turramurm . 825 Albert at, Roselle Allan's avenue, Marriciville •.. 511 al),.2 Rya° 73067 Allan at, Concord . O. Albert at (now called Potts P 334 Albert at (off Regent at,) Hyde .. 797 Allan at., North Sydney • 607 Albert at, St. Peters ...... 808 Allen lane (see Allen at) Albert at, Strathflold ... .._ 205 Allen's rd, Alexandria 169 Albert at, Waverley .. 843 Allen's rd, North Rydo.. 797 en Allen avenue, Belmore Albert st,,Woollahra .. 309 2 Allen st (Quarry to Pyrmout at) .. .3 .. Alberta at .... 452 Allen at (off 90 Stanley at) 3 Alberto et, Leichhardt .. Albion lane, Annendale 180 Allen at, Arneliffe 708 2 Alien at, Bondi.. Albion Ipainaece, Su r.r.y Hills 844 2 Allen at, Canterbury .. 300 Albion Albion at ..........2 &lien at, Glebe 381 Albion et, Annandale .. 180 Allen se, Granville 495 Albion at, Leichhardt— 463 Allen at, Lelehhardt .. 463 511 Allen et, Rookwood Albion at, Marriekville 788 Albion et, Paddington.. 640 Allen at, Waverley .. 844 671 Albion st,Parramatta .. Alleyne avenue, Beaforth, Manly .. 497 718 Mleyne at, Willoughby 869 Albion at, Randwiek .. Albion at, Rozelle .. 236 Allison rd, Guildford...708 Albion at, Waverley .. 813 Allison rd, Randwick 718 Albuera rd. Epping .. 368 Allum lane, Globe .. 381 Albyn rd,Strathileld .. 819 Allum at, Bankstown .. 271 277 Alma avenue, Marriokville 511 Albyn at, Bexley.... Aldersou st, Redfern .. 747 Alma lane, Darlington 841 Alderson at, Waterloo .. ..832 Alma rd, Eastwood .. .. 361 Alexander aye, 3losman .. .. 51658098 Mora at east .. ' ------3 Alexander lane .. ...• Alma at west .. .. Alexander at.... .. .. 103 Alma at, Ashfield Alexander at, Alexandria.• .. 341 Alma at, Darlivaton 767 Alma at, East Hills .. Alexander at, Arnoliffe .. .. 271 Alexander at, Balmain.. ..286 Alma at, Hu rstville .. 442 AT ANTHONY HORDERNS' FAMOUS LOW PRICES. THE PICK OF THE WORLD'S CHOICEST COMMODITIES, 1690Vau ALPHABETICAL. Vaughan H. Graham, dental surgeon, 67 Castlerea gh at ; pas, 147 Wycombe rd, Neutral Bay Vaughan H. J. IL, 118 Barren at, N'town Vaughan Harry, Moreton st,Coneord Vaughan Henry, Newman at, Penshtwat Vaughan Henry, 11 Calder rd, Redfern Vaughan Henry J., Queens°liffe, Manly Vaughan Henry N., J.P., 12 Codrington at, Darlington Vaughan Henry W., Baxter rd, Mascot Vaughan Herbert F., Harris st,SallS Souci Vaughan Horace, 55 Sutton at, A' dria Vaughan Hubert, Devonshire at, C'wocti Vaughan J. J.. Dalton at, Willoughby Vaughan J. J., 149 Edgeelille rd, Irahra Vaughan James, 9 Rawson at, Newtown Vaughan James, 4 Chelsea at, Redfern Vaughan John, Cross at, Guildford Vaughan John, Guildford rut, Guild font Vaughan John, 2 Ivy lane, Redfern Vaughan John, 249 nut at, St. Peters Vaughan Rev. Canon John (C. of E.), 2 Henson st, Summer Hifi Vaughan John W. W., Dun traon st. Hurl. Park Vaughan Joseph,J.P., Archer at, ("wood Vaughan Miss Kate, 276 Moore Park rd Vaughan Kelso'', Devonshire at, C'wood Vaughan L. H., 313 Abercrombie at, Meru Vaughan Leslie. Roberts at, Cam perdown Vaughan Mrs. M., Georgest, Concord Vaughan Mrs. M., 26 Codrington at, D'ton Vaughan Mrs. M., 164 Queen st, Vaughan Michael, grocer, 1 Stilfing at Vaughan Michael, J. I' , 126 St. Joint's rd, Glebe Vaughan Otto, tinstnith, 114 0 ()album at Vaughan Patrick, New st,Parramatta Vaughan Percival, 81 Ryan at, L'oardt Vaughan R. Newman at, Penshurst Vaughan ICH., 35 Henrietta at. Waverley Vaughan, It. L., 101 Mount at, N. Sydney 'N'aughan R. W., Bellevue rd, Dontre Bay Vaughan Richard, 8 Barelas- at, Wav'y Vaughan Roger, Military ol, Mosmatt Vaughan Mrs. S. E.. 18 Railway at. P'altrun Vaughan '1% J., clothier, 766 George at Vaughan T. J., J. P., 11 Mansfield at, Glebe Vaughan T. .J., st, Rockdale Vaughan Thomas, Dudley at, Punchbowl Vaughan Thomas H, 2 Pembroke at Vaughan Thomas IL, Broughton at. C'cord Vaughan W., 14 Shepherd at II ville .Vaughan W. F., Church at, West Croydon Vaughan W. H., Railway at. Granville Vaughan William, manager Mrs. P. Kirby andSon,Ltd.,tun sraldirectors, Palace at, Petersham Vaughan WilliamA., 4 Herbert saN'town Vaughan William E s Jaa, 66 Elizabeth at west, Ashfleid Valise Arthur John, M.D., J.P., resident physician, Private Hospital for Mental Diseases, "Bayvietts” King at, Tempe Vitus° Fredk., 06 Balmain rd, Leichhanit Vanse Frederick, 51 Douglas at, Redfern Vautin H. A.. Berry's rd,St.Leonards Vaux Capt. E., 83 Berry st, North Sydney Wax Charles, 292 Young at, Annandale Vaux Cuthbert, Archer at, Chatswood Vaux Gilbert, butcher, 192 Harris at Vaux James, 146 Trafalgar st, Annandale Vaux James, 151 Trafalgar st, Aanandale Vaux James, 20 Glebe st, Paddington Vitux Joseph. Cameron at. Rockdale Vaux Richard, 132 George st, Camperdown Vaux Richard, 47 Annesley at, Leichhardt Vaux William, butcher, 33 John at Vaux William, 4 Cromwell at. Leichlairdt Vaux William IL, Marion at, Leichhartit Vavera Michael, Harley at, Ruud wick Veal Frederick, 53 Charles at, For. Lodge Veale A. E., Perry at, Gampsie Veale Ben, Anglesea st, Bondi Vea l e Stanley, Lincoln at, Delmore Veal° William H., Beaumont at, Campsie Veale Mrs. Emma L., Princes at, Bexley Venues' Misses D. and Al., 10 Oxford st, Newtown Veal's Edgar J., 1 Don at, Newtown Vears John H., 13otany rd, Botany Veaser .T., Hopewell ItVC, Paddington Veasey Arthur, 01 Rose at, Darlington Veasey Thomas, 13 Burtitt at. Lek:Minna Vecata. Varix-Arium, Commerce buildings, Ash at Vecsey Gideon, Wa non at, We verley Vellemoyer Win.," Pontressina," Darling 1'. Veeell H. S.. physician and sturgeon, West at, Lewisham Veech Michael, physician and sturgeon, 92 City rd Veedee Co. (Australia Ltd.), surgical instrument appliances etc., 31a l'itt at and 81 Elizabeth at Vegetable Creek Tin Milling Co. I Australasia chambers, 'Martin pl Vegetable Markets. Quay at. Veil Albert, 2 Cards rd, Heinlein Veil Joseph, 2a Curtis rd. Balmain Veit V..112 Chapel st, Marriekville Veitch Albert S. 5 Corona ave,Waverley Peach Miss C., Eastern tire, Kensington Venal' Edwin* Da rtbrook nil, Auburn 'trench Georue, Barney st, Parramatta Veitch George, 26 Temple at, Stanmore Veitch J. II,. iuuspcctou ut surveyorDepartmeat of Navigation, Loftus at Vette!' Capt. J. H., Northwood ol, L. Cove veitch Jame', 47 Dittmar pl Veiteli James, Lewra rd. Woollnl Ira N'eltelt John IV., Clifford at. Parramatta Veitch Jan, Sully at, Rand wick Veitch Joseph, Galloway at, Parrittnatta Vette!' Mrs. M., 10 Mill Hill rd, Wav'y Veitch Reg., 32 Kingston rd, Caniperdown Veitch Robert, Elizabeth at. St. Ives Veitch Robert. Pittwater rd, St. Ives Veitch Robert C., Ferdinand st, Ilan. Hill Witch Thomas, 67 College st, Balmain Veit meyer Mrs. A., 22 Campbell at. Glebe Vent:HannBros., grill rooms, 190 Castlereagh at Vella Michael. 99 James at, Leichbardt Vellanoweth E., Ben Boyd Neutral Bay Veltman Antoni, 4 Burnell place Velvin John, 10 College at, Drunimoyne Venables A.. Shearer's ave, Durwood Venables A. 1'. W., Hawklawst at, Srville Venables Mrs. L.. 22 Gipps at, Paddington Vetted Mitchell. Sheffield at, Auburn Veness Mrs. Anne, Litigant at, Itandwick Veness Arthur, Wolli Creek rd. Rockdale VCIICS3 August 0., 46 Campbell at, Glebe Veness Charles, 96 St. John's rd, Glebe Vettess E. J., 92 Queen st,'Woellahra Veness Edward, 4 Milton at north, Ashflehl Veness lame. All usoit rd, Itandwick Veness james S.. 48 Campbell at, Glebe Veness Kelso .7., Premier at, Naga ralt Veness Mrs. M., Parramatta nil, ltyde Veness Mrs. H. A., Villiers at, Keteton VenessP.,stationofficerfirestation, Liverpool rd, Enfield Veneas Mrs. S. H.. Princes at south. Alleld VtlieSS SO10111011, liintore at, Dui. Vcness Stanley, Cambridge rd. Artarmon Veness William E., James at, Hornsby Veney W., 138 Botany rd, Alexandria Venier Mrs. A., wine depot, 242 Castlereagh at Veaul Edgar. .7 Randle st, Newtown Venn F. L., Greenbanlc st. Sfarrickville Venn George, Kogarall rd, Kogarah Venn Mrs. Julie, 145 Dowling at Venn Samuel. 25 Spring at, Waverley Venn W. R., Lucy st, Ashileld • WOOD, COFFILL AND COMPANY LTD. LIVERY DEPT., Venn William E., 10 Marion at, Hablield Venn . Brown F. and Co., agents, 38 Carrington at N'enn-Brown R., importer, 38 Carrington st Velm-Ht• own Miss It., town buyer, 38 CarrIngtmi at Venn-Smith Thomas, 42Maddocksr,. Neutral Bay Velment E. N., architect. 6 Castlereagh at Vennard Malcolm, Culloden rd, East wood Venner William, 4 Wood st, Forest Lodge. Ventetnan A. E., Roche at, Marrickville Venteman Mrs 31., Monett at, Maraille Venters .7. C., 250 Layton at, Camperdown. Venters Joseph, Sutherland st, Auburn Venus Eugene, Wentworth at, liandwick Veper Peter, 117,S Mitchell st,Glebe VeperPetet, 23Northumberlandare, Stanmore Yemen C. A., surgeon. ‘. Quimby New Canterbury rd, Dulwich III I Verco Merton C., William at, Clititswood Vereoe Frialk., 75 Belgrave at, Neut. Bay Vercoe .T. B., French's rut, Willoughby Vercoe John, Bishop at, Harwood Vercoe Joseph, Wardell rd. Dulwich 11111' Vercoe W. W., 59 Sutherland at, Mallon Vercoe William, Baker at, Kensington Vertical' Mrs. E. A., Da'housiest,Itablielit Verdich E. W.. furniture autatifactarers, Litt l e Commodore at, Newtown Verdict' E. W., Edgeware ui, Sla • rick vilits Verdich F., Del/Mutes at, Marriekville Verdich Paul .1., 69 Vine at, Petcrshato Verdon George, 154 Johnstoa at, Ann date• Vera W., .11 Searl at, Petersham Verey Edward G., Military nl, S. G'ford Veres- Ernest, 167 Albany rd,Statimore Verey Ernest, 52 Cameron st, Patlaon Verey It. E., tailor. 13 Rowe at Verey Miss S. 11., 49 Cars . st, Leichlianit Verge Arthur, dernattoloa,ist, "IV tannin g,''' ',Macquarie at ; ;sr., Australian Club Vergison Harry, 162 West at, Nth. Sydney Vergison Peter, 161 West st, North Sydney Vergoe J., Chinni a St, St. Leonards Vergoe Mrs., 27 aloantan at, Mosman Verhay Henr y 0., Crinan at, llarlstone Plc. Verhay W. If., Cardigan at, Campeolown Verini Archibald F., Tanks st, N, Spines. Verity Percy, 167 Pyrinont at Verna Albert, Wellington at, flu iii Vermee.sch J., hairdresser, 316King at Newtown Vertneesch Jack E., 72 Lennox at, N'towit. Verineesch John U.,14 Instate at, N'to wit Vernicesch Is, 70 Brown at, Paddington Tome Paul, 96 Carrington rd, Waverley Verney Albert, 7 Terry at, Rozelle Vernes. Richard, 66 Gotalsir at, Rozelle Verney Thomas, Jersey at, Marrickville Vernice Mrs. Kate, 48 City rd Vernon Shoe Co, Ltd..boot mainlines. tuners, Mitchell id, A VCI11011 Trea meat of Electro-Tre tinents!. Oxford at, l'addingt, it Vernon A., secretaryUnited Labourers!' Protective Soeiety, Trades Hall, Goalburn at Vernon A., Wassi land at, MarrIckville Vernon Arthur, Albert ni, lloniebush Vernon Arthur, J.1'., Bit Oxford at, Pad. Vernon Bert, Lansdowne at, Parrainatta Vernon F., 33 Thompson at, Merrick ville Vernon II. V., Warrawee are, Waltroongit Vernon Henry, Arden at, South Coogee Vernon Henry, J.P., 96 Morehead at, Irter• Vernon J.. Dowling at. Kensington Vernon James, 1j22 llarris at Vern ii James, Lane C,ose nil, Warrawee VernonJohn, Auditor-General, Depart-. ment of Audit, 2b Castlereagh at Vernon John. 17 Allan Et, Leichhanit Verdun John, 3 George at, IVaverley 41284 HARRIS ST. Ver Ver 'PHONE 106 GLEBE 'Vernon Mrs. 7., 127 Carabella at, N. Syd. 'Vernon Mrs afaude,15 Pitt water nil, Misuu iv -Vernon Percy NV., Henry at, Letchl molt 'Vernon Robert, Wolli Creek rd. Rockdale 'Vernon Svtlney, 0 Cary st, Leichliardt 'Vernon Thema, 53 Young at, Annandale 'Vernon Thomas, Stanley at, Harwood -Vernon W.0., 169 George at west "Verlion NV. If., White at, Leichhardt Vernon W. IL, Ivanhoe at, Slarrickville 'VernonWalterL.,architect,Challis House, afartin place 'Vernon William, 159 Bondi rd, Bolan Vernon William, Wilipt sr, Durwood Vernon William E., Glen at, Marrickville ils,1,07 viiisi ssftle Otst le 11.1,1, Regent at, Neti1 lasso ALPHABETICAL. Vichy Waters (State Springs) and Rubin/it Llonich —Maurice Sewn*, agent, 5759 'Macquarie st VickA rtlitura: Co., realestate agents, , Yaralla chambers, 109 Pits st Vick Ernest P., Dalhousie at, I labertiehl 1 telt Mrs. sr., Dalhousie st, liaberfield Vick It. E., t sacher of music, 200 G.V.M. Vick NV. 0., Winclicombe ave, Haberilehl V ickats William, Juni's, lane, Eastwood Vickler.1.31.,se0.11.0.F.,Highst, Liverpool Vickerman Mis s A..46 Moneur st, Nralira Vickerman A. II., 27 Edgecliffe rd, W'lahra Vickermann C. S., Mary st, Ilunter's Hill Vickers, Son and ataxia), Ltd., steel titers eliants, 175 Clarence St Vickers A. J. 109 St. John's rd, P. Lodge Vickers Ernest W., dental sung., 183 Macquarie St Vickers G.E., dentist,1E Igeware rd, Eitmore \Tickers G. E., 37 Ifetropolitannl,Emnore Vickers Herbert, Sydney ol, Granville Viet/et, .1. '1'. H., La Peronse at, alatily Vickers John, Segenhoe at, Arnetille Viekers .Tolin C., Wanda at, FIolrossl Vickers Wilfred, physician, 33 Lyons rd, Drimanoyne Vickery 1& and Sons, Ltd., merchants, col. liery & station proprietors, 78 Pitt at Vickery James II. laid sous, fancy leather gill HISmanufacturers, Say wellat, 'Veron If. A., real estate agent, 121 Pitt st 'Vero!' Henry A., Chetwynd gr, Guildford *Vermin Arnold, 122 Barren at, Newtown VeroniMadame, latirdreser,22 Castlereagh at 'Veronitine Institute 0tH ssage,176 Pitt at Vernal Mrs. V., Cecil st, Ashfield Verrill' James, Bolingbroke par, Manly Terrall.lames, Burton st, Manly Verrall W. J.. Victor at, Rook wood Terrall Walter, Burton st, Manly Verrel George, 46 Orpington at, Ashtleld Verret, Thoma s, 126 Mount at, N. Sydney 'Verret' Thonata Prospect at, Granville Terretider S., Victoria at, Alexalairla Vernier 1Villiam .7 , Queen at, Woonahra 'Verrilles A. G., Relgrave et, Neutral Bay Terrills .Taines. off Reid at, Neutral Bay Vicic( e=' Itrsa' ts.l‘° trtse"Pill and Company. boot and Verrinder .T. H. 21 afausfield at, ltozel le shoeimportersandmanufacturers, 'Vero' Richard:Ilan st, Auburn 201 ( astlereagh at 'Versall Mrs. Catherine W., restaurant, 28 Vickery Miss A., Boulevanle, Stratlitleld King tit Vickery Charles, Myrtle st, Botany 'Vest-vs Mrs. M. A., 20 Denison nil, P'sliam Vickery E. 13.12 Palitee at, Petersham 'Vesey William, Elshain ui, Auburn VickeryE. Frank, solicitor, Australasia Vesper Mrs. F., Gallo/Mary grove, Dul. If. chambers, Martin place; p.m., Bellevue Vesper Adolph, 33 Start at Park rd, 11'ot/111111ra 'Vesper Fred.May at, afarriekville Vielcery Ebenezer, J.P., 78 Pitt at Vessey Charles E., Sntherland at, Epping " El tutu,'' COlVtliT at, Wit verley 'Vest Arthur, Starling at, Leichlairdt Vickery Francis, Lord et, Itoseville Vest John C. A nnesley st, Leichlatolt Vickery Frank, Bourne at, Mart ieliville Vesta Gaslight Co., Ill Gault/urn at Viekery Fred, 451 Riley at Vesty Samuel, 6 Short at, Summer Hill Vickery G. W., 220 Edgeware rd, Newtown Veteran,' Mane of N.S.W., Bare Ida oh Vickery George Bs 78 Pitt at ; p.r., CovenLa Perouse try rti, Manchus,' Vette Charles, Cambridge st. Penalturst Vickery. George 1&, Railway par, Kogarsili Wette Louis, afercury at, Penshurst Vickery 11.'1%, 151 Harris at Veyld Charles, Bening st, Drum amoyne \getter},liar, Id, C, st, Roseville Vimul Charles. 12 Jones at Vickery II., 9 Myrtle at, North Sydney -Vial E. .1., 224 Edgeclitie rd, Woollahra Vickery Harry, 233 Devonshire at 'Vial John, 92 Cameron at, Paddington Vickery Herbert, Marshall at, Kogarall 'Vial airs. L. J., 1 Council at, Waverlev Vickery Herman, 58 Cooper at, Waterloo Vial Mahan!. 11 Wellington at, Waterloo Vickery J. H., Saywell at, Chatswood Viuul Sydnes. '1'., Victoria at, Waverley Vickery James, 17 Carter at, N. Sydney Tialoux A. .1, P., town clerk, Paddington VickeryJoseph,.1.1'.,Strathfleldave. Town HallandCouncil Ciumimut be, Strathtlehl ox font at, Pa itlington ; pas, 13ronte Vickery Joshua, Bassett at, Dahnorton nil, Bronte Vickery It., fqr 163 St..' ol in's rd, F. Lodge !vista Co., pharmaceutical prepar +dons — Vickery Robert, ti RCSel*VOIE lane MissA.Lawson,manageress,850 Vickery S., Gloucester rd, I furstville Georgeat.13ranch,82Alfredat. VickerySamuelE.,171Liverpoolrd, North Sydney AtutiehiI 'Vilna, Institute, hair specialists, 350 Getast Vickery Stanley, Iteltayre rd, Hoinebush Mears John anti Co., woollen mills, V ic- Vickery Thomas, 226 Norton at, L'Ii /nit toria rd, afarrickville Vickery William J., Hastings at, Botany 'VicarsFrederick, 373Slarrickville Viet/ Arthur, 151 York at north Marrickville Viet/ William If., Rawson at, Mascot VictorElectricSupply,Ltd.,W.P. "VICARS JAMES. M.E. (Sydney), Humpheys, 353 Pat at ConsultingEngineer and Architect, Victor mid Hart, mercerE, 598 George at ChallisHouse,Martinplacep.m., ; and 267 Pitt at • Narrango," Burns rd, Wahroonga Victor Manufacturing Co., 15 Shepherd at VictorMotor Company,Ltd. — C.A. 'Vicars John, 4 :110Si/17111 st, Mosman Gurney, ungr., Staffard at, Double Bay 'TheirsRobert,woollenmanufacturer, Victor Shoe Co., 104 Percival isl, Statimore ictoria rd, Marrickville Victor Dennis, tobacconist, 236 George at 'VicarsGeo-ge st, Marrickville VictorDennis,refreshment rooms,240 Ticary Thomas, J.P., Johnson st,Chataw'd George at WE SPECIALISE IN WEDDING CARRIAGES Vie1691 Vieter James, Tanks st, Willmighby VICTORIA INSURANCE CO LIM ITli D ( THE) (Fire, Starlit°, Plate Glass, Accident, Buralary and Live Stock)—S. B. Cameron, Resident Secretary, 83 l'itt st Victoria Bartsteks-0111cers residing in Barracks : Col. E. T. Wallack, K C.11., Dis trict Commandant ; Lica. Col. L. II. Kytalon, R.A.G.A., Lieut, Col. A. P. Luscombe, A.A , It. A.G. A. Major la W. Osborne, 11.A.G.A. ; Capt. II. A. G. Watts, R.A.G.A. ; Capt. St. ,7. It, ;McDonald,; Lieut. W. II.A.G.A.; Lieu t. W. 11. Andeison, ; Lieut. W. W. Whittle, It.A.G.A.; Lieut. I t. W. Lennox, II.A.O.A. Lieuit. J. II. Russell, R. A. G. A.; Lieut. J. S. Kerry, R.A.G.A. ; Major S. E. Christian, It.A.F.A. ; Capt tilt II. St. .1. Sweetland, R.A.P.A. : Lieut. If. Ii. Stokes, 11.A.F.A. ; Lienta.A.11.K. Jopp, Oxford et, Paddington Victoria I ttlee Palace—G. Towle prop., 2110-203 l'Itt at Victoria General Insurance and Guarantee Co., Ltd. -Fred k. .1. Jackson, resident secretary ; offices, 83 Pitt at north Victoria Ladies Clothing Co., 110 Hargrave st Paddington " Victoria Lodge," Ophthalmic branch Sydney Hospital, 3 Dalgety Victoria l'ark, City Ed, Camperdown Victoria Park Bowling Green-0. D. Thorne, secretary, City rui, C'down Victoria Park Racing Club Cohcroit. sec., Imperial Arcade, 170 Pitt at ; lialTti0111'Se, Waterloo Victoria Park Racing and Recreation Grounds Co., Lbl., Imperial Arcade, 1.70 Pitt at Victoria Pictures—Charles F. Jones, mgr., 251 Pitt at Victoria Theatre, Ltd. I Melbourne) C.W. B. King managing director, Reg. ollice, 129 Pitt at Victorsen II. N., F.C.P.A., public accountant, auditor, etc, 273 George at ; pas, Roscoe Et, 1301111I Victorsen Leon, Victoria rd, Glebe Victorsen .Toltn, 74 Spit rd, Mountain Victory (Charters Towers) G. II. Co., Ltd.—C. 1'. Smith, sec., 109 Pitt at Victory Photo Co., Burwoot rd, Harwood 'Vidal Iletiny H., Yerion ave,Iltniter's Hill Viddoelc airs. 0., 1211 Baptist at, Redfern Videon ILO., 93 Regent at, Redfern Vider C., Gilder are, Waltroonga Vidilui Frank, Betts rd, Merrylands Vidler A. L., 5 Sutherland et, Neut. Bay Vidlet• A. 11., Cortuina rd, Stantuore V idler Cecil, Carrington at, Conoord Vidler II. J., Glenfarne at, Bexley Vidler John, 82" Angel at, Newtown 'Mier John, .I.P., 10 Linthorpe et, N'town V idler Leonard C., 39 Church at, Pa./mate Vidlcr Percy G., Harris at, Granville Victim* S. It. If., Unwires Bridge rd, Underolitte Wiley _Samuel, Farr at, Rockdale Vidler Sydney, 35 Marian at, Elmore \Idler W. If., Harris st,'Granville Vidler W. 11., Railway par south; Orville Vidler W.11., 172 Church at, Parraumtbt Vidler W. If., Old Prospect rd, 1Vent'ville V idler William 1I., 39 Church at, Vidot Louts, 47 Crown at Viech William, 18 Winslow at, N. Sydney AND WE HORSE THEM SUPERBLY, INSPECTION INVITED. ANTHONY HORDERNS'—THE PEOPLE'S MARKET. Vinolla Co., Ltd., Reynolds at, rislinain Vied Charles, Phillip st, Parramatta Vincent John, Lily et, Auburn Vinson J., 16 Frederick at, Campertiown Viegnt - Charles, Phillip et, Putney [ Vincent John, Victoria rd, Itvdaltnere Vinson J. E., 45 Campbell at, Glebe Vieira Frank, 3i Lou i s at, Redfern Vincent John, 90 George at, St. Peters Vienna Manufacturing Co., IS Elizabeth Vincent John B., Clevetion rd, 1 turstville Vinton E., 189 Pitt at, Red(em mm at, Redfern Vincent John II., mike of Wellington hotel, linter Lawrence, 17 IIegarty at, Glebe Vienna Sausage Co., 65 Fitzroy at 100 George st, Waterloo Viennese Corset Saloon, 136 Pitt at Vincent John H., Llewellyn at, Arvin° Viereck R., 84 Denison at, Newtown Vincent Joseph, Victoria at, Alex:m(11M Vietch James, Quarry at, St. lves Vincent Josiah, Harrow rd, Auburn Vietineyer George, Baltimore rd, Belmore Vincent L. II., Itoslyndale ave. W'alira Vieussenx T. A. L., Carey at, Mar•ville Vincent Louis. Edwin st, Tempe Vigars and Sky, public nccountants and Vincent N., 133 Oxford st, Waverley Premier Interstate ItemoveN. Head: auditors 12 .14 Loftus at Vincent Owen II. 68 Murdoch st, Neut B. Office, 120 George at, Camperdown \rigors F. E., F.C.PA., public accountant Vincent Paul, Victoria at, Waverley City °Mee, 3 Ground Floor, Ocean and auditor, 12-14 Loftus at Vincep t Mrs. 11„ Dolphin st, Coogee House, Moore at ; Stores, George, at, V igat a John, William at, Chatswood Vincent It. C., Devonshire at, Chats:wood Camperdown. (See Advt. opposite) Vigers E., George St East, Burwood l'incent R. J., Constitution rd, Metabank Vintiner Charles B., 63 Pyrtnont Bridge. Vigne 1) , Sebastopol rd, Eastwood Vincent It. J., 8 Wellesley st, Stun. Hill rd, Campertlown Vignes James, Mansion! a ye, Undereliffe Vincent Reginald, 110 Young at, Redfern Vinton A. S., 2 Roberts at, Camperdown. Vignes John F., Kissing Pt. rd, Eraton Vincent Robert, 100 Merton rd, Glebe Vintzentz J„ 164 Union et, Erskineville Vigor John, McIlueney st;Naremburn Vincent S., 41 Leichhardt at, Globe Violet Gabriel, 98 Cameron at, Fturton. Vilder Brice, 190 Edmore rd, Maevitle Vincent Samuel, 201 Walker at, Redfern Violet L., 8 Arthur st, Paildington Vitas Eugene B. and Co., land and estate Vincent Thomss, Susan s.t. Auburn agents, 20 Spit rd, Mosman Vincent Thomas, Dalhousie st, Ilitberfleld Vipan Henry .1., 233 New Canterbory rd;. Dulwich B Ill Viles Albert, off Sydney nl, Sherwood Vincent Thos., King Edward at, Rockdale Vile Albert A. Durham at. Hurstville Vincent Thomas, Chandos st, St. Leonards Vipmel A., on Beach rd, Ituslicutters' Bay. Vi pond Alex., 9 Blenheim at, Wit verley Viles Edward 11., 31 Lackey at, Stun. Hill Vincent Thomas, Newland at, Waverley Vipond 13. H., &melt rd, Rii• }mutters' Bay Viles Eugene B., secretary N.S.W Sian - Vincent Victor, Whiting at, Gore Ilill Vipond B. J., Beach rd, Ruslicutters' Bay 13ownett Society, 20 Stilt rd, Mosnum Vincent W., Al Carlislest, Ashileld VIppond Mrs. A , Despaint es at. 3I'ville. 'N'lles Mts. Francis, 92 Addison rd, Manly Vincent W. 81 Carlisle at, Leichhardt Viquerat Reginald, 51 Tenon'. at, Glebe Viles George E., S y dney rd, Concord Vincent \V., 4 Macaulay rd, Stainnore Viles John V., 24 Cromwell at, Leichardt Vincent W. A., lfareourt Estate, Cam psie V irgo 1 homas, hembla at, Enfield, Vile Leslie II , Alexandra par, Rocadale Vincent W. J., 5 Barton at, North Sydney Virgoe 1'. C., Gordon nil, Lane Cove Viles Nurse M. I., 3 Nowranie at, Sum. Hill Vincentian Fathers' House of Missions Virgona A. and Co. fruiterers. Mu l'itt at Viles M. S., 152 Spit rd. Mosman Virgona G., 20 Fitzroy at, North Sy Iney R.C.), 1 Bland at, A slitield Viles Thema., 1 Poplar at Vincer Francis C., I Dulwich Et, Dul. Inn Virtue Alexander, 97 Spencer nil, Virtue Mrs. C., Lane Cove rtl, N. Sydney Viles Thomas IL, Gloucester rd, Irvine V incett Albert, Andrews ave, Bondi Vilirupu Rubber Estates Ltd, 14 Castle- Vindin and Littlejohn, solicitors, Terry's Virtue W. IV., manager 31oll'at.Virtne, Ltd., 352 Kent at ; pi'., " Clengyle," reagh at chambers, 11 Castlereagh at Reed at, Creinorne. Tel. 5lesimin 1032 V Wars Charles, pipe maker, 19 Rome at Vindin Mrs. A., 221 ()immure rd, Patna!' clmrles, Northumberland aye, V1110111 A. J., manager Blank of Austra- Vischer Wills and Co., manufacturers' agents, 232 Clarence at lasia (Northern branch), D1xson's Randwick buildings, 61 Pitt at ; p.m., Lane Cove Vischer A. F. Northwood rd Line Cove' Villenenve-Smith ,t; Dawes, mollcitors, 87 Visser Domini, 67 John at ni, Turramiirrit Pitt st V indin Eu lward J., 39 Blenheim at, WILT?). Vitali Luigi, Kensington rd, Kensington' Villiers Mrs. E., 57 Edgeware rd, Enmore V indin !Tarry E., Ramsay rd, Hatierneld Vittery Daniel H., Spritson at, Neut. hay Villiers George F., River at, Canterbury 53 Boni:dory at Villiers Mrs. M., 31 Catherine at, F. Lodge Vindin .1. J., 11 Kurrabit rd, North SpIney Wives!! Will n W.11., commisdoner for atildavits Vivers Robt.. Northumberland as e, S'inore Vimpany Alex., 46 Terry at, Ronne ( N.S.W., Q., S.A., and W.A.), 14 ens- Vivian Mrs. C., 536 Parrainatta ni,1"shin Vince George H., 18 Cannon at, Stimmore Vince Leonard, Cambridge nl, Artarmon tler,stgli at ; pr., Lane C'ove nil, Turra- ivian Charles, O'Brien rd, limed Vivian Charles A., J.P., town clerk, intim Vince Reuben, Hampden rd, A annum' Woollahra Council Cham'iers, Ocean. Vincent and Sons, dyers, 28 Oxford at. Vine A..1. L., Carrington at, Pa rramatta at, Woollahra Vine Alfred, 16 C'obar at, Petersham Paddington Vivian Chas. S , I Glebe at. Nrramatta Vine Charles IL, 48 Newland at, Wav'y Vincent A , 8 Golden Grove at, Redfern V Ivan George, 46 Toxteth at, Glebe Vincent A. V., Rocky Point ml, Arneliffe Vine Edward. Belmont at, Alexandria Vivian 11. C., Simpsen at, Auburn Vincent A. E., Carlton cres, Summer Hill Vine Frank, Belmont at, Alexandria Vivinn John T., 139 Barley at, Newtown Vino James, Station st, Arneliffe Vincent Alfred, Spring at, Arncliffe Vivian Mrs. K., 3120xford at, Paddlegton Vincent Arthur L., 61 Thonms at, Ashfield Vine Mrs. M., William at, Double Bay Vivian Mrs. Lyne, Woiger at, :atomise Vincent C. W., 6 Fairmount at, Petersham Vine Thonins, Wangee rd, Lakemba Vine Walter, 52 Emmett at, North Sydney Vivian S. L., Oxford at, 1Yoollialtra meent Churl, s, 6 Bellevue at Vincent Charles, 395u Darling st, 13almain Vine William C., 78 Church at, Newtown Vize Mrs. It. M., 16 Rose ter., nuldington Vine William N., Wilberforce aVC,110,, e Bay Vizor G.. Heise rd, 11108111Ra Vincent Mrs. E., Lyons rd, Five Dock Vincent Mrs. E., 59 Murdoch at, Neut. Bay Vine-Hall A.. The King's School, Villiers VIVilla Galloway at, Pariamatta Vizor Gustavus, 11 Magic 1,t, Mosnian at, Parramatta Vincent Mrs. E., 23 Isulalla at, Waverley Vizer John, 8. /loit'save, Mosman Vineburg F. It , Punchbowl rd, Enfield Vincent Mrs. Ellen, 11 igh st, Carlton Vineburg W. IL, Culloden rd, Eastwood Vizzard Mrs. Mary, 25, Forbes at Vincent Emmanuel, Lyons rd, Five Dock Vi per and Waters, glass merchants, Bel- Voegeli 14., Gibbes at, Rockdale Vincent F. B., Alfred at, Waverley Voeiskow E., 90 Elliott at, Balmain grave at, Manly Vincent Frauds C., 44 Egan st, Newtown Vines Edgar A. J., Prospect at. Granville Vegan Cebil, ii Pritelitird at, MarricitvilleVincent Frank, Philip at, Waverley Voge Peter, 99tt Pitt at Vincent Fred., hairdresser, 310 Elizabeth at Vines Edwin* Aston at, Gram ille Vines 11. E. H., tanner, Short at, Granville Vogel F. F.. President a ye, Kogarah Vincent Frederick, 5 Ice at Vines Mrs. S., tannery, A'lleckett at, Vogel Mrs., Grantlinin at, West liogarah Vincent Frederick, Botany rd, Botany Vogelsusger Mrs. E., Auburn at, Auburn Vincent George, engineer, Pyrmont Bridge Granville Voges Mr.ct. A., 17 Ballest l't. rd. Balmain Vines Themes, 1 Poplar at rd Viney A. E., 94 St. Mary's at, Camp'down Vogt Nunn', 51ilitsry rd, Vancluse Vincent George, engineer, 228 Pitt at Vogt Henry, 106 Edith at, Leichhanit Vincent George, 69 Bellevue at, N. Sydney Viney Mrs. E., 20 Bligh at, Newtown Vincent George W., 348 King st,St. Peters Viney Mrs. F. A , 52 Burlington at, North Vogt Herman, 20 Boundary st, Paddington. Vogt John. Consett at, Dulwich 11111 Sydney Vincent IL, 3 Crystal at, Petersham Vogt Mrs. Marie, 8 Forbes st, Paddington Vincent Henry E., Bridge at, Drummoyne Vining Arthur W., Boyle at, Manly Vining G. W., 07 Bellevue at, Nth. Sydney Vogt Herr Otto, professor of music, Asit. Vincent Howard, Lily at, Auburn at, 69 3 38 George at Vining William J., baker, 469 Riley St Vincent Mrs. J. C., 397 Darling at, Vogt Otto, 219 Livingstone nl. Vincent Mrs. J., Rocky Point rd. ArnclifIe Vitinell A., Alpha rd, Willoughby Vogwell Frederick, 15 Buckingham at Vinnicombe Chas., Mills at, Canterbury Vincent Mrs. J., II igh at, Liverpool Volta J., Mendowbank ave, 31catiowbank Vincent J. W., Challis ace, Marriekville Vinnicombe S., Blaxcell at, Grenville WOOD, COFFILL COMPANY LTD. CENTRAL OFFICE: 810-120E0ROE ST. 'PHONE 728 & 1524 CENTRAL C. B. VINTINER CO Under Vice-Regal andi Military Patronage. Contractors to the N..S.W. Government. • Removals to all States by means of Transport Vans. C. B. VINTINER & CO. The Premier Inter-state Removers of Australia. 120,122,124,126,128, 130 GEORGE STREET, City Office: Opposite the Town Hall, CAMPERDOWN. 3 Ground Floor, OCEAN HOUSE, 24 MOORE STREET, Opposite Govt. Savings Bank. ABSOLUTELY The largest Furniture Removing and Depository Firm I IN AUSTRALIA Telephone-7 a.m, to 7 p.m. Head Office-179 Newtown. Estimates of Cost for Removals by Road, Rail or Sea given. Furniture Carefully Stored from 1/OUR FOUR STORES were built under the most care. .. supervision to assure the Safe Storage of Furniture, consisting of 400 STEEL ROOMS and are recognised as the Best in Australasia . . They are situated in George Street, Mallett Street, Isabella Street, Church Street, Mason Street, and Bridge Road, Cainperdown. N.B.—We take up, beat, and re-lay Carpets ; also fix Bedsteads, Pier-Glasses, Cornices, Blinds, etc., at moderate charges. •Most Careful, Competent and Reliable Men employed. • ANTHONY HORDERNS L—B100EST 1694Voi Vnight Simon, Doncaster ave. Kensington Voisey Andrew, Auburn rd, Auburn 'Yokes Charlea II., Mary at, Auburn Mrs. Thomas W., Gordon rd, C wood Yokes. Volbol Karl, Northeote at, Canterbury Volbrath Henry, 78 Hargrave at, Padlon Volck Joseph, 8 Westbourne at, P'sham Yoh:kitten Mrs. M. 0.,Itochesterst,11'bush Yolk Frank, Liverpool rd, Enfield Volker C., 18 Bathurst at Vol kert W., 263 Henderson rd, Alexandria Volkerts C. M: C., 214 Flood at, L'hardt Vol kerts J. W., Clareville ave,Sandringbam Volkerts Mrs. M., 8 Walter at, L'hardt Voillirecht A., Stanton rd, Mostuun Yeller Augustus, Hutchinson at, St. Peters Voiles A., Richmond Ole, Neutral Bay Vollin Jacob, Ramsay rd, Haberfleld Vollmer and Vessey, nurserymen, Sutherland rd, Epping Von Arnheim E. IL S., I.S.O., deputy master Royal Mint, Macquarie st Von Arnheim ' J., Medium at, Nfosman Von Bonze') Mrs. G., Station at, A rneliffe Von Bohte Alton°. Campbell at, Wav'y Von Bayous A., 99 Alfred at, N. Sydney Von Helm A. F., Good Hone at, Burton Von Demieux G., N.S IL rd, Vancluse Yonder Charles, 19 Edward at, Redfern Yonder lfeyde 0. W., Malvern ave,Cr'llon Votelerlancken Mrs. A., 9 Beal-lee at, Ash field V0/I Distil A., Alexandra. at, Hunter's HR. ALPHABETICAL. Vowles Harry B., Br Intone rd, Burwood Vowles Thomas C., George at, Manly Voyce Frederick, Ferry rd, D'utoyne Voyee Samuel, Wolseley erN, Point I 'per Voysey Albert P., Cooper at, Concord Yoysey George. 11 The Crescent, Cr'don Voyt Mrs. M., Milroy a ye, Kensington Vrachnes I) , 39 Oxford at, Paddington Vranick F., Forest rd, Ilurstville Vranick Joseph, Arcadia at, Penshurst Vurnham George, Phillip at, Bellevue Vurtiliam 311.8. J., Phillip at, Delmore Vye Mrs. Eliza, 46 Arthur at, Nth. Sydney Vye Fr, &rick, Hawthorne par, Hebertield • Vyner Mrs. Amy, 4 Waratah at Vyner Charles J., 42 union at, N. Sydney Vyner Miss E. H., Henrietta at, D. Bay Vyner H. W malinger City Bank of Sydney (Eastern branc10,290 Crown at Vyner IL W., Bellevue 11111, Rose Bay Vyner Henry, Bridge at, Drummoyne Vyse Thonms, 9 Cross at, Waverley When you need a rellablu LOOSE LEAF LEDGER then ace JOHN SANDS' LOOSE LEAF BINDERS. VON DREHNEN and HOLTERHOFF, Warehousemen and Im- porters of Tailors' Woollens ale' Trimmings, 1 Barrack at, Sydney. Tel. City 6819 Von Drelinen 0., "Elberfehl," Milton aye, (late New at), Mosman Von Foster Miss, 819 Military rd, Mosinau Von .Gees Hon. S. T., consul-in-chief to British Australasia Royal Consulate for Sweden. 92 Pitt at Von Gosen & Co., woolbuy eta, 185 George street Von Hagen Conrad, William at, Hornsby Von Hammer, Miss E., lit William at Von Hammer F. A., 53 Cameron at, Pdaon Von Hold t N., 79 Darlington rd,Dar'toit Von Horn L. E. A., Albion at, Parramatta Von Eersennurg A., 34 Gordon st,Pad'ton Von Koenneritz Leo, Riley at, Kogarall Von 311111er V. L. P., Pine at, Fairfield You Side. Andrew, Amherst, Durwood Von Nide. G. E. A., 16 Jeffrey at, Nth. Syd. Von Stitch A. G., 321 Ernest at, N. Sydney Von Stunner J. S., Turner awe, Von Stunner T„ 21 Louisa rd, Balmain Vonthiele F., 62 Abattoirs rd, Rozelle Vonwiller john II., 17 Ileeley at, Murton Yore Albert If., Chiswick rd, Auburn Vol Mrs. Bertha, 25 South at, Paddington Vase W. and Co., grocers, 13 Union at Vrle;e Charles, Forest rd, Per.khurst Vose J. 58 George at, Waterloo You Tionnas G., 94 IVynillettn at, A'dria Vm William, Salisbury rd, Sfill1111010 VOSS August, 137 Neville at, Marrickville VOSS F., Gould ave, Marrickville Voss Harold D., manager Bank of N.S.W. (branch), and commissioner for affidavits, 134 William at Toss T., semi., Victoria at, Granville Yost T., sem, Albert at, Granville Yost Thomas, NO, Victoria at, Granville Vote Harold R., Daniel at, Granville Vout James, 6 borne at, Summer Mil Vowdler Mrs. A„ Lane Cove rd, N. Syd. Vowles Alfred, Cameron at, Rockdale Vowles Arthur E., Cameron st, Rockdale Vowles Frederick, Duck at, Granville STORE IN System Dept. 374 George Street. They are Stronger and will hold more sheets than any other. & PINCOMBE. Expert Typewriter Mechanics, Typewriter Supplies. etc. Agents for " Royal Standard " Typewriter. 46 and 15 Hunter at. 'Phone City 3148 1Vacey G. J. (Wacey and Pincombe), 46 Hunter st ; p.r., .13 Belmore nil, Mosman Wacey Mrs. M. A., 15 Orlando ave, M'Innn Wtelistnith 31 re. A., 3 Darlingliurat at Wackett D., 26a Elizabeth at, Piurton Waddell Alex , 29 Adolphus at, !Mimi!' Waddell Mrs, Clara, Ranger's rd, Neut. 13 Waddell Ma. E., 22 Golden Grove at, Darlington Waddell Miss Ethel, Lane Cove rd, N. Syd. Waddell G. W., LL.D., barrister, 64 Elizabeth at ; p.r.. 221 Macquarie at Waddell Mrs. }high, Ifarrow rd, Kogaralt Waddell J., Shaw at, Petersham Waddell Itev..7. A. (Meth.), Frederick at, Rockdale Waddell J. D., 91 Blue's Point rd, North Sydney Wnlidell James, Elliott at, Balmain Waddell James, Arthur at, Enfield Waddell James, 31 Ivy st, Redfern Waddell Mrs. N., Porous° ril, Randwick Waddell Robert, 19 Datchett at, Bal mein Waddell Robert,Cairo at, North Sydney Waddell Thomas,26 Holden at, Aslifield Waddell lion. Thomas, JP., ALL A., 37 Milton at, Ashfleld Waddell Thomas aL, Woodville rd, Waddell William, 4 Margaret at, Redfern Waddell William, The Avenue, Rockdale Witddiugham Mrs. Catherine, 30 Rose at Waddiugton F., 20 Wetherill st, Waddington Frank, 232 Pitt at WACEY THE LEADIND UNDERTAKERS — WOOD, AUSTRALIA Wad Waddington Isaac, 12 Wenlyss at, AVville IVaddington J., Johnstone rd, Bankst wil Waddington J., 186 Johnston st, A if dale Waddington J., 70 Grosvenor st, Nent. Waddington J., lit National at, Rozelle Waddington J..1., 8 Henry at, Waddington Jolin, Simpson at, Bondi Witilliitigton John, 2 Cook rd,Marrickville IVitddingtou Mrs. If., 82 John at, Fallen) Waddington 31., 16 National 4. Rozelle Waddin g ton Mri.,:tiorisr, 145 Castlereagh street , Turramurrit Waddington Itni, Waddington William, 491 Elizabeth at \Vedas Henry, Bowden at, Guildford Waddup 3liss G. 31., Livingstone nil, H 'ville Waddup Mrs. Si., 178 Bel warm rd 1Vailflups Albert, 6 Knox at Waddlips Richard, 19 Wilsoe at, Newtown Waddy Rev. B. F., II.A.,The King's School, V1111( rs at,l'arrania tta ;p r.,New Zealand at, Perrantatta Waddy E. L., Constitution iii, Ws duly Mts. Percy, Lang td, Cent. Park WaddyRev.Stacy,M.A.,headinitsbm King's School, Villiers at, Parraniattit Wade Rev. A. L. (C. of E.), Peat's Ferry ni, I fornsby Wade Mrs. A. IV., 57 Elizabeth Bay rd Wade A haunt, North woud IA, Lane Cove Wade Mrs. Agnes G.235Darling st, Balmain Wilde Albert, 28 Dick st Wade Allred, 25 Havelock at, Drummoyne 1Vade Alfred W., Kroombit 4, Petersham Wade Archibald, Gordon rd, Auburn Wade Hon. 0. G., K.C., 31.L.A., barrister, .111acieay 167 Phillip at; Pr, 93at Wade Cecil 11., off 112 Pitt st, Redfern Wade CharleJ, West at, Croydon Wade David C., 26 Alt at, Aslifield Wade Miss E., Frenchman's rd, It' wick Wade F. D., dentist, 151 Macquarie at Wade Frank, Nelson rd, Lindfield Wade Fred D., 10u Bellmore rd, Mosman \Yaffe Frederick E., 55 Gipps at, Baltertin Wade George, 174 Campbell at Wade George E., Francis at, Artarmon Wade George E., Grantham at, W. Kog'It Wade George F., 7 Cleveland it, Redfern Wade George II., 84 Ocean at, Bondi Wade Henry, 22 Little Albion at Wade J., 42 Prince Albert at, 111osinan Wade James, le Caroline at, Balmain Wade James H., 2 Julliett at, Ennutre Wade Miss Jeannie, 39 Marian at, Eintiore Wade John, South aye, Leichhardt Wade John, Davies at, Aterrylands Wade John T., Edgar at, Auburn Wade L. A. B , commissioner Water Conservation and Irrigation Commission, 25-29a Elizabeth St ; p.r., Lower Ocean at, Double Bay Wade Mrs. Mary, 667 Darling at, Rozelle Wade Mrs., 0 John at, Woollahra Wade Percy, Dartbrook rd, Auburn Wade Peter, 32 John Sr, St. Peters Wade11.13.,physicianandsurgeon, "Wypnting,"Macquarie at ;p.r., 13illyard are, Elizabeth Bay Wade Rev. R. T., B.A., Peat's Ferry rd, Hornsby Wade lt. T., Missenden rd, Oittoperdown Wade Reginald11.,deetist, Tirrane at, Haberfield, and 333 Darling st,Irtnalli Wade Robert, Edina nee, Itandwick Wade Thomas, 33 AI I II at 1Vatie Thomas, 38 Delmore at Wade Thomas, Liverpool rd, Bankstown Wade Thomas, Moore at, Hurst ville Wade Thomas, 61 Albany rd, Stanneare Wade Mrs. W., refreshment rooms, 626 George at Wade W., 9 Little Queen at, Newtown COFFILL AND COMPANY LTD. 'PHONE 726 & 1160 CENTRAL THE HOME OF ANTHONY HORDERNS'-i FAMOUS LOW PRICES. Wad ALPHABETICA,L: Wak1695 Wads W. E., Edgar at, Chu tswood S Waite George, 9 Prince Albert st, /kinsman stir“".•.; Wade W. H., police atation, Hornsby Wahlberg E.-, 37 Waorl :toelt• Waite George, 20 Kyngdon at, N. Sydney Wade William, 22 Alt at, Ashileld Wahlberg Thornee,'30 Arg1&111)te \Vette George, 101 Walker at, Redfern Wade William, 15 Green's rd, Padloti WithIstrom Mrs:13413016'MM rstrIlle Waite Henry, 282 Wi at at, North Sydney Wadeson Charles, George at, Rockdale 1Valilstrom .7, lli;-13eltifor0 NI; !Westville Waite Ales. .1., 112 St.,Tontes rd, Rand wick Warleson John, Edward st, Carlton Waliroongir College-Walter Treleaven, Waite John, Joseph at, Rookwood Wadley. Edward L., Harrow rd Bexley M.A.,B.Sc.., • principal', Water.at, Waite 0.. secretary Tanners' and Leather Wadley .Taittes (Augustus Morris and Co IVahroonga • • Dre.3/501'S .Ull1011,Trades HaR, Gold tea merchants and hnporters), 8 Bridge Wahroonga Post Office—W: K. •• Moore, burn at at; p.r., Firth at, Arncliffe postmaster, Coonanbarra rd, IValt'ga Waite Patrick, 25 Wilton at Wadley Robert, 8 Kendall at Withroonga RailwayStation -L E.Lana Waite Schley F., A Nntional at Rozelle Wadley Rupert, Harrow ni, Bexley down,stationmaster, Coonanbarra Waite 31 rs. Su san, Fairview at, Concord \Veining Leonard, 5 elnlib at, Rozelle rd, Wahrooliga Waite Thomas, 23 Lower Fort at Wadsup John, Australia at. Camperdown Wai J. Young, (31iiiiese minister (Pres.), 2 Waite Thomas, Jun.. Hanover at, Rookwood Wadsworth A., president Pharmaceutical Mary at \Vette William E .Coekthorpe rut, ICkwood Society ot N.S.W., 7 Richmond ter, Weight John, Stanley st,13tirwood Wailes Edward, William at, Canterbury Wadsworth F., DCIIIIIng at, Ilandwiek Weight John It., Stanley rd, Epping Waites Frank, Dean at, Enfield Wadsworth Joseph, 509 Kent at Weight J01111 11., 23 Forsyth at, Glebe Wakes Frederick, 309 King at, St. Peters IVarisworth Mrs. 3f. A.,91Stowe' t at, Wailes Albert, 7 GInbb at, Rozelle Waites Thomas, Middle Harbour rd, LindPaddington Wailes Arthur, 150 Weston rd, Rozelle field Wadsworth Miss Sarah, Paul st, Bondi Wailes Mrs. E., 310 Annandale at, An'tiale Waites William, 21 Callan at, Rozelle Wadsworth Turner. Avoca at, Randwick Wailes Edward L , 8 Drynati at, Sinn. 11111 1Va ke Mrs. Ellen, belies' hairdresser and Wadsworth W., 223 Glebe Point rd, Glebe Wailes Mrs H., 42 Catherine at, Lela/Mar& chiropodist, 32 Elizabeth at Wadsworth Walter, Stanley rd, Roolcwood IValles James, Nlool par, Strablield Wake George E., High at, Itandwick Wagenknecht Bruno, Avoca at, Randwick Wailes W..1., 6 Carlisle at, Aslifield Wake Henry, 12 13oulke 4. Redfern Wager Mrs. G. '28 Campbell at, N. Sydney Wailes William IL, Duncan at, Arneliffe Wake James, 110 St. John's rd, Melte IVagg Alf redtreasurer U.S.F. Dispen- Wain Edward, Ross at, Pamtmatta Wake William 11., 3 Cover et, Rahman sary.and'MedicalInstitute, 13-16 Wain Fredk., Lenthall at, Kensington Wakefield A., Nortlicote at, Naremburn Commonwealth at Wain Frederick, McDougall at, Kensington \Vakeflehl A., 87 Ernest at, N. Sydney Wngg Alfred, J.1'., 3(1 Nithsdale at Wain Robert .T., French at, North Sydney Wakefield A. W., 146 Young at, Annandale Wagg Arthur, 11 Redfern at, Redfern Wattle C. Scott, accountant and auditor, Wakefield Mrs. Annie 74 1Vom ae erallv Wagg Frederick, 53 Forbes it 81 Pitt at Wakefield C., 69 Ganien at, Alexandria IVagg (It orge, 1.7f rropDowling at Writhe Mrs. E., Fi ederick at, Penshurst Wakefield I). E., I() Kyngdon at, Nth. Syd. Wagg George, 24 Parkview ni, Manly Wakefield E., 21 Lane Cove rd, N. Sydney Waine John C., J.P., Bradley at, It'wick IVagg Herbert. 36 Pitt at, Waterloo wakefielil F.. off 34 itowittree at, Ilithintin Wattle Robert, Farr at, Rockdale IVagg Robert, 79 Pitt at, Waterloo \Value IV., 5 Queen's Court Wakefield F. G., Botany at, II tirstville Wagg William, Griffith st, &Afield Wainwright Mrs. A., 209 Wilson 4, N'town Walcefield Jame4, Tucker st, North Sydney Wagg William P.. Matthews at, Punchbowl Wainwright A. J., 80 Goodsell at, N'town Wakefield ,fatnes H. It., Wharf rd, C.incord Weggott Ralph WittCe at, Punchbowl Waiewright C S., A'I3eckett at, Wakefield Mrs. L., 1231ackenzie at, IVui v'ley Wagliorn Mrs. A., 72 Margaret at. P'shain Wainwright Mrs. E , Sydney rd. Granville Wakefield hliss, Mary, 62 Brougham st Waghorn Charles, Barden at, Arncliffe Wainwright E. C. W., 102 Bondi rd, 13ondi Wakefield P. manager Balmain Co-operaWit gliorn Mrs. E., 0 Percivel nl, S'more IVainw 'gilt E. F., Vittoria Ell, Eastwood tire Society Ltd„Crow's Nest, N. Syd. Wagliorn Harold C., Point ril, Wool wiell Wainwright 3liss F., Bay at, Rockdale Wakefield P., 52 Llewellyn at, Balmain IVagliorn Henry, 9 Mullens at, Balmatc Wainwright George, Moore at, Itondi Wakefield Percy, 93 Ernest at, N. Sydney Wag horn Thome ., Hay st, Loichininit Wainwright Geo., son., I Goodsell et, New- Wakefield Percy, Julian at, Willoughby Wrighorn W. A., 72 Animiehtle at, town Wakefield II., 77 Bind:land st, Alexandria 1Vagliorn William, Park at. A nteliffe Wainwright George, jun., 53 Goodsell at, Wakefield It., 5 Mitchell at, N. Sydney Wagland A. C. II., 50 Carlisle st, Vltava Newtowit Wakefield IL, 110 Botany at, Waterloo Wagner A., Doncaster tire, Kensington Wainwright George, 552 King at, N'town Wakefield W., 16 Pitt at, Waterloo Wagner Adolph, Denison st, Woollahrit Wainwright .1., Bowen at, Chatswood Wakefield Walter .1. Green at, Wagner Albert, Smith at, Mascot Wainwright .1., Nicholson at, N. Sydney Wakeford Charles H., Lion at, Ashfield Wageer Mrs. C., 24 Castlerea 211 at Wainwright J., III Station at, Petersham Wakeford Cyril A., Leigh at, Marrylauds Wagner Carl, Ill Bout*, et, Redfern Wakeford Fred k. Aylesbury at, Botany \Vainwright T.. 12 McEvoy st,.Waterloo Wagner Charles, 23 Stafford at, Stan tnore Wainwright al., 49a Cavendish at, St'inore Witkeford G., 96 .Thillett at, 3farricicville Wagner Coerad, 1 Spicer at, Woollalint WainwrightNurse,345Illawarrard, Wakeford II. E., Cambridge at, Granville Wagner Mrs. E., Eastern ave, Kensington 31arrickville. IVakeford Henry, Hornsey iii, Flemington Wagner Edward, Simpson at, 13tindi Wainwright P., 110 Young at. Annandale Wakeford Thos., 253 Alfred at, N. Sydney Wagner Mrs. F.. 31 Ormond at, PluPton Wainwright Mrs.S.,31Hallornnat, Wakeful,' IV. (3., 3 Rosedale at, Petersham Wagner F. F., 34 Ornumil at, Paddington Leichltardt Wakeford IV.11 Abigail st, Sum. Hill Wegner Henry, 15 Telford at, Glebe Wainwright Thos., 60 Walker at, Redfern Wakelunn A., tailor, 272 Crown at Wagner Jabez, (Void's ave,Hurstville Wainwright IV., J.P., Llewellyn st,13'initin Wakellain A., 19 Eatonville at, Croydon Wagner Mrs. Jane, Ada at, Parratnatta IViikehant A. B., 137 Caralialtott at, A'sfleld Wainwright W., 496 Darting at, Rozelle Wagner John, William at, Mascot Wait G. IL, Green Hills 1ire, Moorebank Wakelluni C., 31 Albert at, Erskineville Wagner J o 11 1 / 0., Cooper at, Parramattit Wait James, Pitt at, MortAlale Wakeham Edward, Queenscliffe rd, Wagner Joseph, Ban kale nil, Bankstown Waft John, 15 Lodge at, Forest Lodge Wakehain Mrs. F., 57 Canligan at, S'Inore Wagner M. G., 13 Nook a ye, North Sydney Wait Mrs. N. G., Gibbes at, Rockdale Wakelitim Franck, 24 Magic at, 3fostnati Wagner Mrs. Nellie, 123 31aeleay at Walt Oliver R., Garnet at, li urlatone Park WakehatitItytherS.A.,Marloweat, Wagner Paul. 15 Cyprian at, 3fosman Cain pale Wait W. S., builder, 33 Grose st, Globe Wagner Mrs. Rebecca, 515 King at, N'town Witit W. T., Railway ave, Wahroonga Wakeful/II T., Holinsdale st, 3fitrrickville Wagner W. J., Houston at, Kensington Wait Win. T., J.P., Water at. Wahroompt Wakehein Thomas, 5 Walter at, Croydon IVagachallAlexander,Wool) ackhotel, Waitara Co-operative Butter Co.—Peat's Wn kelvin/ William, Minna at, 13ttrwood George at, Canterbury Weirdo). C., Highgate at, llexley Ferry rd. Written& Wagschall C. R., 73 Alexander at, N. Syd. WeibullFoundling Ho ,pital—Sisters of Wakeley Ilrs.C. F., Roslyndale ave,W'alira Wagschnll R., 14 Amherst 4, Nth. Sydney Wakeley Ernest IV. S., Long et, Stratlifiebi 3lercy, Peat's Ferry rut, Waiter(' Wagstaff A., Ivanhoe at, 31arrickville Wel tare. Laundry—Sisters of Mercy, Peat's Wakeley J. J., St. George's par, Hurstville Wagstaff Edward, 13 King, at. N. Sydney Ferry rd, Wafture Wakelin A., 61 Elizabeth at, Waterloo Wagstaff C., Parrantutta rd, Haberlield Wait int Railway Station—William J. Poll, Wakelin M. R., Mowbray ril, Chat swood Wagstaff D. R., 55 Mar g aret at, Petersham Waitara aye, Wafture Wakeling 11., 28 Golden Grove at, Redfern Wagstaff F., 44 llolternmun st, N. Sydney Waite D. C., Cairo st,Coogee Wakely E. A., 250 Military rd, Neut. Bay Wagstaff George, 47 Lansdowne at Waite Mrs. E. A., 5 Spicer at, Woollahra Wakely Edward,258 Military rd, Netit.13ity Wagstaff George 81 Belmont nil, Mosman Waite Frank L„ 38 Emmett at, N. Sydney Wakely George, 1 Merton at, Stanntore Wagstaff J. IV., ou Bay ril, North Sydney Waite George, Union at, Articliffe Wakeliew C. H., Woodland at, Balgowlall Wall J. 0. and Co., storekeepers, Bernthal' WaiteGeorge, Gordon at,Brighton-le. Wakely S. .1.. :38 Park at, Rozelle st, Osuipsie Sands Wakely Matthew. 16 St. Mary's at, New. town OUR RANGE OF COMMERCIAL BUGGIES Is THE LARGEST AND BEST HORSED IN AUSTRALIA .ANTHONY HORDERNS' —AUSTRALIA'S MAMMOTH STORE. 1696 WakALPHABETICAL. Wal THEHOMEOFANTHONYHORDERNS' FAMOUSLOWPRICES. Wal ALPHABETICAL. Wal1697 Walker S. and Co., boot importers, Darling Wakeman T.. Hohnsdale at, Marrickville \Vales George, George at, Parramatta at, Babunin Wakfer Bra. J. R., 'Mowbray rd west, Wales Henry, Smith at, Mascot Walker W. and F., Ltd.—Arthur Boston Wales Hubert H., Kelsey at, Arncliffe Chatsvaast and Sons, agents, 17 Bridge at Walbrook Mrs. D., 46 Hornsey at, Rozelle Wales Isaattc, Forest rd,'Arooliffe Walker's Whin( and Store, George at, Wales Miss .1., Herbert at, Rockdale Walbrook William, Stanley st, Enfield Dawes Point Wales Joseph, Premier at, MarrickviPe ' Walborn Archibald, 22 Nicholson at Walker's Refreshment Rooms, 175 LiverWales Miss L., Carlotta fit. Greenwich Walken' Denry,4 Caralter lane pool at Wales Miss Louisa, Regent at, Kogarah .Walbutton Frank, 8Coulton at, Bondi Walker A., principal preparatory school, Wales Robert, 69 Phillip at, Waterloo Walbutton W. H., Blaxland at. Hunt. Hill Carlisle at, Ashfield \Vales Samuel, Boulevard°, Stratiffield Waleh Miss C., 30 Ocean at, Woollabra Walker Miss A., 106 Victoria at Wales Stephen. Tanner a y e, Carlton Welch David, 84 Edgeware rd, Einnore Wales W., nsphalter, 41 Dowling at, and Walker A., 14 Spencer rd, Bosnian Walcot Frederick, Bondi rd, Bondi Walker A., 122 Falcon st North Sydney Cowper Wharf Walcott George, 58 Cambridge at, S'more Walker A. A., Gibbons at, Auburn Wales W., Ormond at, Ashfield Walcot Miss M., 2 Thornley at, L'itardt Walker A. D., manager Bieturine Paint Wales W., 272 Church at, Parraniatta Walcot Robert, 53 James at, Leichhanit Co., Leichhardt at, Glebe Wahlegrave J. B., printer, 91 Beattie at, Wales William, Chisholm rd, Auburn Walker Rev, A. E. (Meth.), 173 George at, ;Vales William, 49 Mary at, St. Peters Balmale, and 47 Smith at, Rozelle Redfern Wales William H., 91 Samuel at, St Peters Walden Mrs. A., 26 Cascade at, ProPton Walker A. E., bootmaker, 130 Phillip at Walesby E., 831 Darling at, Balmain Walden Mrs, F., 68 Cavendish at, Walker A. R, Newland at, Waverley Walesby Ernest W., 3 High at, Balmain Walden Fredk. J., Bridge at, Epping Walden George, Meek's rd, Ma rrickville • Waley F. G., J.P., general manager Bel- Walker A. H., Fruit Exchange, Barker St Iambi Coal Co., Ltd., 16 Spring at; p.r., Walker A. H., 112 Johnston at, Annandale Walden H. L., 7 Westmoreland at, Forest Walker A. 11., 106 Victoria at. Lewisham Mowbray Park, Preto!' Lodge Walden floury R., Ilayhenden hotel, Gin'. Watford Estate (Trustees of)—S. IL Wat- Walker A..1., sec. Southern Explosives Co., Ltd., 109 Pitt at st ford, 82 King burn at Walton]amidWalford, baggage agents, WalkerPark at, hook wood Walden Joseph E., Belmont at, A'dria Walker A. W., 1 Glebe st, Glebe Circular Quay Welder Samuel, LW., tarpaulin and tent Walker A. W., Steward at, Lemlibardt Watford A., 4 Little John at makers, 310-342 Pitt at Walker A. W., 14 Dalton rd, Mosnuut Watford P. C., 45 Marion at, Leichlausit Welder Mrs. IL, 141 Reservoir at Walton,Mrs.H.0.,Beaconslield par, Walker A. IV., 40 Campbell at, Padlon Welder Ernest, 68a Pitt at, Waterloo Walker Albert, Argyle at, Cailton Lindfield Welder John, Todman a ye, Kensington Walker Albert E., 31 Smith at, Manly Walford Henry, 14 Phelps at SVahler Joseph, 83 Walker at, Redfern tn Walker Albert G. Iron st, Parraatta Walford Henry, 134 Evans at, Ronne Welder Robert, Duke st, Kensington at, Mosman Walker Alec. 75 g lattlforth IValford Jerome WharfItydalmero Welder Samuel, Duke at, Kensington ' Addison st, Kensington Walker Alec, Jackaman at, Waverley Welder William J., Easton' awe, Kenton %Uteri] Joseph S., Waltord Oscar, 29 Wycombe rd, Neut. Bay Walker Alexander, 1 Little Palmer at Waldersee J. W., Kimpton at, Rockdale Watford S. IL, trustees Watford Estate, Walker Alexander, Cary at, Drum moyne Waldheim Andrew, Sackyille at, Bexley Walker Alex., 14 Thompson st, D'moyne 82 King St Waldheim Henry F. Waratall at, Bexley Walker Alex., Glenlinden,"Simdforth at, Walton' S. IL, 79 Ocean st, Woollahra Waldie Alex., Birrell at, Waverley :Bosnian Waldie Edward, Rocky Point rd, Arneliffe Warlord W. B., real es , ate agent, 82 Pitt at Walford William, 1b9 Trafalgarst, An'dale Walker Alexander, Tiger at, Itandwiek Waldie James, 66 Railway rd, St. Peters Wilhite Thomas, At tannan rd, Willoughby IValford William, 63 Shadforth at, Mosman Walker Alex. B., liamswick par, Ashfield Walker Alfred, 309 Young at. Aneandale Waldook Rev. Arthur J. (Baptist), Sixth Walk Charles, 2I9a Victoria at Walkden Clarence, Waterloo rd, Eastwood Walker Alfred, 143 Falcon at, N. Sytkey at, Granville Welke Arthur IL, 59 Curtis rtl, Balmain Walker Alf., J.I'., 85 Falcon at, N. Sydney Waldeck 0., 7 Hopetoun et, Paddington Walker Alfred, Short at, Parramatta Weldon Charles, Doncaster ave, Ken'ton Walk° Philip, 202 3Eilltary rd, Montan Walker Alfred, 23 Bishop at, St. Peters Welke Richard J., 29 Ewell at, Rozelle Weldon Ed g ar, Alreckett at, Granville Walker and Austin, ham and beef shop, Walker Alfred D., 214 Devonshire at Walden Ernest, Fifth at, Granville Walker Alfred E s 427 Church at, PSnatta 145 Oxford et Walden IL, Trongate at, Granville Walker Bros., auctioneers, house, land SS Walker Alfre 1 (1., 97 Phillip at. Waterloo Waldrene IL 20 Albert at, Erskineville estateagetta, valuators and insur- Walker Alfred J., Botany rd„ Mascot Waldron Albert R, Waterfall rd, Oatley Walker Alfred J., Noy at, Mascot ance brokers. 26 Castlereagh at Waldron Andrew, Forbes at, Hornsby Walker F. J. and Co., frozen meat export- Walker Alfred M., Rutland at, Carlton Waldron Arthur, Nicol par Strathlield Walker Mrs. Alice, Park ril, Hurstville ers, 3 Spring at Waldron Mrs. C., Peat's Ferry rd, Waitara Waldron Mrs. E., 12 Edmund st. Witv'ley Walker awlGrant,auctioneers, estate Walker Miss Alice,Rhodes," Walker at, Rhodes and farm agents, 24 Moore at Waldron Edward, French's ri, Willoughby Walker andHall,silversmiths, e'ectro- Walker Mrs. Alice E., Grand Central RailWaldron F. Carrington aye, Hurstville way hotel, 407 Elizabeth at platers and cutlers, Camden buildings, Waldron Miss F., 42 Campbell at, N. Syd. Walker Ambrose G. Carlton at, Waverley 416 George at Waldron 11. A., 67 Holdsworth at, Walker Amos, Lord I s rd, Mascot Walker Hiram and Sons, Ltd. (WalkerWaldron J., 89 Mitchell rd, Alexandria ville, Canada), Canadian Club Whisky, Walker Amos, Portman st, Waterloo Waldron John W., Oakville rd, Nar'burn Walker Andrew, 58 Edward st, Redfern 15 O'Connell at Waldron Joseph, J.P., 23 St. John's rd, Walker Mrs. Anna, Hurst at, Arnclifre Walktr and Hearn, brokers, 118 Pitt at Glebe Walker and Hunt, blacksmiths, 34 Lane Walker Mrs. Annie,Tantallon a ye, A'cliffe Waldron Miss M., 313 Crown at WalkerMiss Annie, 2 Metropolitan rd, Cove rd, North Sydney Waldron Mrs. M. C. K., 815 N.S.H. rd, Enmore Walker J. and Co., bag merchants., 430 Double Bay Walker Arnold J., Rocklands rd, Wort:raft Sussex at Waldron P., Hall at, Auburn Waldron Reuben J., Seaforth a ye, Oatley Walker John and Sons, Ltd., distillers and Walker Arthur, 15 O'Connell at spirit merchants,warehouse and offices, Walker Arthur, Ann at, Arncliffe Waldron Stephen, 15 Edmund at, Wavle)* Walker Arthur, 10 Cromwell at, 9 Phillip at WaldronT.W.K.,solicitor, T./walla chambers 109 Pitt at ; p.r., Greenwich Walker Rod Kerr (W. J. Walker, LI 1.A., Walker Arthur, Alva at, Concord Walker Arthur, Lauderdale a ye, Manly W. It. A. Kerr, A.M.A.), accountants, rd, Lane fkive Walker Arthur, 14 Merlin st, N, Sydney Albert buildings, 110b Bathurst at Waldron Thomas Ss Woonomut par, Oatley Wahlthosen George, "Greenoak's Cottage,' Walker Misses, dressmakers, Enmore ril, Walker Arthur, J.P.,61 Brown at, Pad'ton Walker Arthur, 8 Elizabeth at, Waterloo Entnore Darling Point Wale IV. H., teacher of music, Ash at, off Walker and Nixon, auctioneers, 65 Gib- Walker Arthur A., Lion at, Ashfleld Walker Arthur H., IP., Shirley nl, Wollbons at, Redfern 338 George st stollecraft Walker and Oxby, produee merchants, 153 Wales Alfred A., Kyle at, Arneliffe Walker Arthur J., Angel rd, Durwood Sussex at Wales Mrs. 0., 356 Victoria at Walker R. and Sons, carcase butchers, Walker Miss B., typist,113 Pitt st Wales Charles, Osgood ave, Marrickville Walker B., Agar at, Marrickville Abattoirs, Glebe Island Wales F., Queen at, Auburn Walker Ralph and Sons,butchers and Walker B., Avoca at, Waverley Wales Frederick, Forth at, Woollahra shipping providores, Sutton Fore,t Walker Bayley, Gardener's rd, Mascot Wales Frederick S., Arthur at, Carlton Walker Benjamin, Bennalong at, Meat Co., 761-763 George at Wales George, 27 East Esplanade, Manly Walker Benjamin, Ramsay rd, Walker F. J., George's River rd, Enfield Walker Henry, 109 Botany at, Waterloo Walker Benj. A., 179 Alice at, Newtown Walker F. U., 22 London at, Enmore Walker Henry E., 60 Enroka at, N. Sydney Walker Bertram 0., Margaret at, 13ehnore Walker F. J., 60 Railway a ye, Stantnore Walker Henry P., 16 Oaks ave. Neut. Bay Walker Mrs. C., 1 Princess at, Aslifichl Walker Rev. F. T. (Meth.), 95 Johnstone Walker Herbert, 08 Julliett at., 5I'villo Walker Mrs. C., Nelson at, Gordon at, Annandale Walker Herbert, Scouller at, :derrick ville Walker Nurse 0., Hamilton at, Woollaltra Walker F. W., solicitor and notary, coin- WalkerHerbert,23aSutherlandat, Walker C., 204 Oxford at, Woollahrit missioner foraffidavits, 12Castle . Neutral Bay Walker C. A., .7.1'., Grandview rd, Pymble reagli at; p.r., " Melrose," Ben Boyd Walker Herbert, Chiltern rd, Willoughby Walker C. A., Le M. secretary Lake Hocksnil, Neutral Bay Walker Herbert C., Ramsay at, Haberfielil totter Gold Fields, Ltd., 113 Pitt at Walker F. W., 95 Miller at Walker Herbert IV., 43 Cowper at, Globe Walker 0.11, 31 Beattie at, Balmain Walker Mrs. Florence G., 19 Boyce at, Glebe Walker Horace, 2 Cross at, Double Bay Walker C. E., junr., 252 Oxford at, Walker Francis, 57 Park st, Erskinevil e Walker Horace. Gibbes at. Rockdale Walker C. F., McDonald at, Sans Sotici Walker F. IV., managing director Papuan Walker Horace 0., Newcastle at, Rose Bey Walker 0 II., Itioorefiehis r.1, C'bury Industries Ltd., 76 Pitt st Walker Horace IV., Cronulla at. Hurstville Walker Capt., St. Lawrence at, Greenwich Walker Frank, manufacturers' agent, 88 Walker ling!), 23 Joseph at, Aslifield Walker Charles, accountant andestate Pitt at Walker Mrs. I., North at, Marrickville • agent, 67 Castlereagh at Walker Frank, Albert a ye, Chatswood Walker Mrs. Ise, Darley rd, 5fatily Walker Charles, &menet hotel, 191 Pitt Walker Frank, 17 Chuter st, N'th Sydney Walker J , grain and produce merchant, at, Redfern Walker Frank B., Galloway at, Parramatta 253 Sussex st Walker Charles, 109 Bircligrove rd, irmain Walker Frank B., 122 Birrell at, \Vow' ley Walker Mrs. J., 160 Liverpool nil, Addict,' Walker Charles, Queen at, Burwood Walker Frank IL, 27 Walker at, Redfern Walker Mrs. Victoria at cast, Burwood Walker Charles, 3 Garden a ye, Glebe Walker Fred, Clyde at, Granville Walker Miss J., 'Carley rd, Manly Welker Charles, 7 Olive at, Neut. Bay Walker Fraierick, William at. Granville Walker .1., Pittwater rd. Alatily Walker Charles, 29 Victoria at, N. Syd. Walker Frederick, Fitzroy at, M'ville Walker J., 23 High at, North Sydney Walker Charles, 82 Regent at, Paddington Walker Fredk., French at, Marrickville Walker J., Harris at, l'a mutate Walker Charles, Gibbes at, Rockdale Walker Fredk., Meek's rd, Marrickville Walker J., Ann at, Itookwood Walker Charles, Terry nil, Hyde Walker Fred k., Tupper at., Marrickvilla Walker J. A., tile layer, 273 George at Walker Charles, 72 George at, St. Peters Walker Frederick, Phillip it, Waverley Walker J. A. Basil, dental surgeon, 159 Walker Charles, Turramurra a ye, 1"Intirra Walker Frederick J., Paling at, L'hardt Macquarie at Walker Charles 11, Grose at, Parramatta Walker Frederick J., Gordon ni, Lindfield Walker J. E., 446 0.S.1.1.111, Woollahra Walker Chivies M., Walters at, Arneliffe Walker Frederick W., 78 Wycombe rd, Walker J. F., Park st, animal° Walker Om . lea W., Napoleon at, Mascot Neutral Bay Walker J. J., 23 Farr at, ltoekdale Walker Claud, 51ilson at, Naremburn IValker G. H., vice-president The Oilonto- Walker J. R., 13 Hopetoun at, Paddington Walker Compton S., Quarry at, St. Ives logical Society of N.S.W., 138 Liver- Walker .7. It., 62 IV, stbourne at, P'shani Walker D. E., 330 Alfred at, Nth. Sydney pool at Walker J. S., Wollongong rd, Arncliffe Walker D. M., 12 Grove at, Balmain Walker G. II., Waterview at, Carlton WalkerHon..7.T.,executorinthe Walker David, Shaftesbury rut, Burwooti Walker 0. J.. 61 Styles st,Leichhardt estate of the late Thomas Walker, Walker David, Canterbury. rd, Canterbury Walker G. R., 121 Westbourne at, Yarallit chambers,109Pitt at; p.m., Walker David, 10 Edwin at, Theme Walker George, 27 Amy at, Erskineville " Wallaroy," Edgeeliffe rd, Woollthira Walker David, St. George's cues, Demoyne Walker George, 339 Glebe Pt. ill, Glebe Walker J. IV. IL , 52 Malcolm at. E'ville Walker David, 35 Burrell at, Entkineville Walker George, Blaxcell at, Granville Walker David, 163 Bridge rd, Glebe Walker George, Parramatta at, Granville Walker James, Restaurant, 132 Pitt at Walker James, 162 William at, Astiflehl Walker David, Florence at. Walker George, Pads rd, Huratville IValker James, 435 Darling at, lialmain Walker David, 59 Walker st, Ittsifern Walker George, 21 McKenzie st. L !tarn Walker James, 16 Martens at, Ballitain Walker David, Pitt at, Rockdale Walker Gorge, 27 NicKenzie at, L'ilardt Walker David S., .T.P., 0 A !Oreg ano," 22 Walker George, 48 Ducknellst, Newtown Walker James, Carrington at, Bexley Walker James, Lang rd, Croydon Roslyn Gardens Walker George, 115 May at, Newtown Walker Donald, 7 Bunn at Walker George, 38 Mitchell at, N. Sydney Walker James, Eastern a ye, Kensington Walker James, David at, Marrickville Walker Donit:11, 75 Alt at, Ashileld Walicer George, Bay at, Rockdale Walker Douglas, 6 Stapleton at, N. Walker George, Rocky Point rd, Sans South Walker James, Melrose st, Mascot Walker Miss E., costumiere, 374 George at IValker George, 81 Carlton ores, Sum. Hill Walker James, 74 Margaret at, Newtown Walker James. Cliff at, North Sydney Walker Miss E., 185 Macquarie at SValicer George E., 87 Merriman at Walker James, 49 Elizabeth at, Padd'gton Walker E., grocer, 26 Sydney 1*(1, Walker George H., 132i Darlitutlitirst rd Walker James, Little Selwyn at, Pullen Walker Mrs. E., Farr st, Rockdale Walker George H., l'itt at, Sherwood Walker James, Fitzwilliani aye, Parsley B. Walker Miss 11, 1 Bathurst at, Woollahra Walker George W., Church at, Leichliardt Walker E. A., 231 Henderson rd, Alex'tiria Walker George IV., 51 Pacific par, Manly Welker James, 696 1?arratiattta rd, P'shain Walker J1111103, 9 Wilson at, Redfern Walker H. A., Carrington at, Parratnatta Walker Gladstone, 3U Chisholm at Walker James, Abattoirs rd, Rozelle Walker E. A., Beresford rd, Rose Bay Walker H., 110 Newington rd, M'ville Walker James, 24 Wellesley at, Sum. Hill Walker Miss E. G., private hospital, 97 Walker IL, 30 Avenue rd, Mosman Walker J4Illed A. S., -Lang at, Croydon Ridge st, North Sydney Walker II., Ann at. Rook wood Walker E. H., Neville at, Marrickville Walker H., 338 Unwin's Bridge rd, St. Pet. Walker Janus B., Par/lunette rd,11'flehl Walker E. J. K., accountaut and estate Walker H. E., J.P., dentist, 295 Glebe Pt. Walker James C., 78 Itutliven at, It'wick Walker James F., 43 Harley rd, Manly agent, 107 Pitt at nil, Glebe Walker E. P., 470 Harris at Walker Rev. IL J. (Beth.), 92 Derwent at., Walker James F., Watkin at, Rockdale Walker James H., 84 Rourke at, Redfern Walker E.P.,"Yaralla," Concordrd, Glebe Ilralker James 1'., Percy at, Balikatown Concord Walker IL J. Albert at, Lefehhartit Walker James W., Wamtall at, Oatley Walker Miss Eadltim, " Vanilla," Concord IValker H.Cromilla at, Hurstville Walker Mrs. Jane, 24 Lawson at, Prold'ton rd, Concord Walker Harold, 22t1 Trafalgar at, Medal° Walker John, headmaster Superior Public Walker Edward, 34 Rainford at Walker Harold, Lord at, Roseville School for boys, Gladstone st,Balmain Walker Edward, King's rd, Brighton-le Walker Harold, Ocean at, West Kogamh Sands Walker Harold A., Austral at, Penshurst Walker John, 90 Green's nut Walker John, 10 Mackey at Walker Edward, Alberto at, Lelchharilt Walker Harry, carrier, 173 Sussex at Walker Edward, 7 George at, Re 'fern Walker Harold H., financial ageut, 82 Walker John, 15 Chester at, Annandale Walker Edward, Langlee a y e, Waverley Pitt at Walker John, 80 Ferris at, Annandale Walker Dim]. C., Brunswick par, Concord Wttlker Harry, 61 Arundel st, For. Lodge Walker John, 32 Wells at, Annandale Walker Edward T., 19 John at, Newtown Winer Harry, Perry at, Leichhardt Walker John, Norval at, Auburn Walker Edwin, Vera at, Kingsgrove Walker Harry 0., Crown at, Parramatta Walker Jolla, Kennedy' a ye. Belmore Walker Enoch W., 25 Lyons rd, D'moyne Walker Henry, Albert st,Belmore Walker John, Carina Bay, Como . Walker Ernest, 55 Falcon st, N. Sydney WalkerflIenry, Dudley at, Haberfleld Walker John, Victoria ave, Concord Walker Mrs. Evelyn, St. Mark's isi,11'wick Walker Henry, 14 Newington rd,11Itteville Walker John, Moore at, Drunitnoyne Walker F., representing Patent "Safetis Walker Henry, Francis at, Merrylands Walker John, Sister's cres west, D'inosne Seal ' Envelope Co., 68 Pitt st IValker Henry, 89 Union at, North Sydney Walker John, 38 Hereford st, Glebe Walker F. A., 259 Victoria rd, Ji'ville Walker Henry, Barker at, Itamiwick Walker John, Audley at, Marrickville Walker F. H., Wentworth at, Parraniatta Walker Henry, 108 Baptist at, Redfern Walker John, Excelsior par, Barriekville WOOD, COFFILL & COMPANY LTD. ALL OUR ASSISTANTS ARE OUALIFIED. AND MANY HAVE SERVED US OVER 20 YEARS CENTRAL OFFICE: 810 . 12 GEORGE ST. 'PHONE 728 1524 CENTRAL ANTHONY HORDERNS' NEW PALACE EMPORIUM, 1698.Wal ALPHABETICAL. ON THEHISTORIC SLOPE OF BRICKFIELD HILL, ALPHABETICAL. Wal Wal]699 Wal Walker Ralph, 165 Bridge rd, Glebe Welker IV. W., Linda a ye, South Hornsby Walker John, Grove at, Marriekville Walker Reginald, Harris et, Parramal to Walker Walter, Raglan at, Meanie!' Walker John, Baxter rd; Mascot Walker Walter, My all at, Ontley Walker Richard, Mimosa at, Bexley Walker John,'I00 Darley at, Netown Walker Richard, 29 Pearce at, Double Bay Walker Walter D., Ben Boyd rd, Neut. Bay Walker John, 54 Bank at. North Sydney %Valker Richard, 32 Walter at, PniFton Walker %Vatter Ii., 33 Reuss at, L'hardt Walker John, Lennox at, Parra/nate Walker Richard C., Simpson at, Auburn Walker Watson, North at, MarrickvIlle Walker John, Avoca st, Randwick • Walker Robert, 17 Carlisle at, Walker Waverley, 260 Cleveland at Walker John, Willis at, South Rend wick Walker Robert, Elm rd, Auburn Walker William, financial agent, 82 Pitt at Walker John, Marriott at, Redfern Walker Robert, 210 Darling at, Balmain Walker William, C.E., patent attorney, Walker John, 166 Abercrombie st, Wien' 156 King at Walker Robert, Kareela rd, Cremorne Walkerohn, 14 Pitt st, Redfern Walker William, 7 Abeicrombie at Walker Robert, Croydon eve, Enfield Walker John, 36 Globes at, Roekdale Walker John, 106 Mansfield at, Rozelle Walker Robert, J.P., 1.iverpool rd, Enfield Walker William, 365 Crown at Walker Robert, 67 Gipps at, Paddington Walker John, Portman at, Waterloo Walker William, 64 Norton at, Ashfleld Walker Robert C., Harris at, Five Dock Walker William. 13 Cove at, Balmain Walker john, Birrell at, Waverley Walker Roland IL, 12 Gowrie at, Newtown Walker William, 257 AUStralill at, Mown Welker John A., 31.0 Norton at, L'hardt Walker.john,J.P., Railwaypar, Walker Rowley, produce merchant, 173 Walker William 133 George at, O'down Sussex at Walker William, Devonshire at, Clewood Burwood .. •', Walker Mrs. Ruth, Napoleon St. Mascot Walker William, 79 The Boulevard, DPI, Walker John L. • 206.14ton at, O'down Hill Walker J. lin It., J.P., 66 Ernest st, North Walker S., Wollongong rd, Arneliffe Walker Mrs. S., Victor at, Rookwood Welker William,Oxford st, Epping Sydney Walker Willian),13 Forest at, F. Lodge Walker 'John It, " Rhodes," Walker st, Walker S. F., 122 Regent at, Redfern Walker S. H., 50 Broughton at, Glebe Walker William, Alexandra rd, Glebe ' Rhodes Walker S. M., 152 Wells at, Newtown Walker William, 3 Chapel at, Leichhanit Walker John S., Stanley at. Kogarah Walker Samuel, Yule at, Dulwich Hill Walker William, Andrew at. Little Coogee Walker John T., 27 Elswick at, L'hardt Walker Samuel, 146 Bridge rd, Glebe Walker John T., Ring at, Rockdale Walker William, Queen at, Marrickville Walker John W., auctioneer, land, estate Walker Sainuel,100 Church at, Parramatta Walker William, 25 Yeo at, Neutral Bay Walker William, 11 Brown at, Paddington andfinancial agent,Vidler's build- Walker Saul /el R., Brooklyn at, Tempe ings, Macquarie at, Penn/naafi ; p.r., Walker Samuel W., 160 Bridge rd, Glebe Walker William, 438 Oxford at. Murton Marion at, Harris Park. 'Phone 257 Walker Selby, Highlield ril, Lindfield Walker William, 36 Croydon at, Pet'sham Walker Septhnus F., Rosa at, Oatley Walker William, 13elmore rd, Randwick Parramatta Walker T., Mowbray rd, Chatswood Walker John %V., Durwood Ed, Burwood Walker William, Hooper at, Randwick Walker Mrs. T., Lavender st, North Sydney Walker William, Sydney at, Randwick Walker John W., Mixed' at, Granville Walker T., Sinclair at, Wollstonecraft Walker John W., Mousey rd, 11'fleld Walker Williams, Child at, Rookwood Walker 1. E., 1 enshurst at, 1 enshurst Walker Joseph, Bridge at, Drunimoyne Walker William, 53 Moodie at, Rozelle Walker Thomas (The) Convalescent lbs. Walker William, FOrCnnill St, St. Peters alket Joseph, 34 en tam rd, ar'‘e '• pital,l'arrnuiatt,aRiv er Walker JosepH, 190 Victoria ., Walker William, 56 Northumberland aye, Bryant, secretary, 60 Pitt at WalkerJoseph, 23 1.11111V011 Parkrd, St. Stanmore Walker Thomas ( Estate of late)—The Hon. Walker William, Burns rd, Wahromign Peters .1. I'. Walker, executor, Visalia cham- Walker William, 75 Pitt at, Waterloo Walker Joseph, '23 Cooper at, Waterloo bers, 109 Pitt at Walka Joseph Chiltern rd, Willoughby Walker William, 58 Botany at, Waverley Walker Joseph B., 190 Churoli at, P'matta Walker Warrant-officer Thomas, in charge Walker William A., Bay rd, North Sydney Walker Joseph H., Malvern eve, Croydon NewingtonPowderMagazine, oft Walker William C., 25 Union st,N'town Day at. Rookwood F., couistuubie,staWalker Mrs. L., Cooper at, Marrickville Wal ker Walker Thomas, 277 Victoria at Walker L., Ann st, Rook wood tion. Montgomery at, Kogarah Walker L., Unwin's Bridge nl, St, Peters Walker Thomas, Queen at, Granville Walker William G., Underwood et, Botany Walker Thomas, Madeline at, Hunter's Hill Walker William H., 126 Cooper et. Watloo Walker L. Grantham at, \Vest, Kogarah Walker William J., Forest rd, Arncliffe Walker MissL.B.,160Liverpool IA Walker Thomas, Terrace rd, Marrickville Walker Themes, Woodbury st, Walker William .1., Union st, West 1(0g. Ashfield 1(0g. Walker L. R. A., 10 Caerleon cre w, It'wick Walker Thema., Alfred at, Mascot Walker William .1 , 20 Lewisham at, DulWalker Thomas, 81 Lord at. Newtown Walker Leonard, Bridge rd, Eastwood wick Hill Walker Thomas, Carrington rd, R'wick Walker Leonard, Ethel at, Piu•ramatta Walker Willinin 11., 82 Belmontet,Mosinaii Walker Thomas, 44 George at, Redfern Walker Mrs. M., 17 Ice st Walker Winn, Vista at. Meanie!" Walker T110111f1S, 16 Wise at, Rozelle Walker Mrs. M., 95 Livingstone Walker-Smith Mrs., Robertson at, Gewich Walker Mrs. M., Schweble at, Marrickville Walker Thomas, 31 Barwon Park rd, St. %Vali:late C., 43 Macquarie at, Leichhardt Peters Walker Mrs. M., Hudson ave, Willoughby ' Walkley Alfred G., Orpin gton at, Aslifield Walker Mrs. M. A., Winchcombe eve, Walker Thomas, Vernon at, St math field Walkley Mrs. A melia,6 William at, ll'Inain Walker Thomas, Lantrock ave, Waverley Walkley Chas., 38 Beattie at, Rahman Ilaberfield Walker Mrs. H. A., Silver at, MarrIckville Walker Thomas A., St.George's rd, Bexley Walkley Edwin, 4 Pashley at, Balmain .Walker M. A., 206 Parramatta rd, Falnun Walker Thomas G., Arthur at, Auburn Walkley Edwin, Cook at, ItandwIck Walker Thos. W., 12 Plunkett st, D'moyne IV 111‘ , F • kC, ham •Walter Mrs. 111.-E., 247 'Victoria St beefb, 17 Walker Mrs. Marie, 12 Montan at, SI'man Walker Thomas W., Rosemead at, Hornsby Erskine at Walker Mrs. Slary,139 Ben Boyd nI. Neu. B. Walker IV., restaurant, 29-33 Park at Walkley Harry, 6 William st, Belmain Walker Miss Mary, 169 King at, Newtown Walker W.,86 University st, Camperdown Walkley Sims. 'M L. J., grocer, Park td, Amtb'n Walker W., 30 Binning at, Erskineville Walker Montague, 21 Lord at, Newtown Walken) W. T., 23 Fishier at, Petersham Walker W., Bray st, Montan Walker Moses, ClanwIlliam at, Will'ghby Walker W. A., barrister, 64 Elizabeth at Walker Mrs. N.S.H. rd, Double Bay WALL PAPER MANUFACWalker W. A., The Parade, Enfield Walker Norman, 15 Alt at, TURERS LIMITED (THE)— Walker Norman, Boundary at, Raudwick Walker W. A , Station at, Harris Park A.SandersonandSons,Yates, Walker Oliver, Irvine at., South Randwick Walker W.A., 34 Prince Albert st,Stosmen DattnCey, W. G. Wilkins, and TruittWalker Mrs. W. hi., Wentworth rd, netted Walker P. J., Tunbridge at, Mascot MeBranches — M.If. Lauchlan & Walker P. 111. 74 Wetnyss at, Marrickville Walker W. IL, 30 Parley rd, Manly Co.,Colonial Represeittatives, 32 Walker Patrick, 19 Ramsay rd, Haberfield Walker W. IL, Broad rd, South Itandwick Market at, corner Clarence at.TeleWalker W. J., .1.1'., A.I.I.A., incorporated Walker Paul, 4.Princess at, Aslifield phone City 9532 accountant. andgeneralsecretary Walker Percy, store, Mary at, Granville Sons and Daughters of Temperance. WallJ. T. and Co., estate agents end Walker Percy, Robey at. Mascot auctioneers, 800 Pitt at Albert buildings, 110b Bathurst at Walter Peter, Macpherson at, Waverley Wall Robert and Sons, builders, 12 Castlep r., 28 Percival rd, Struimore Walaer It., Verona at, Auburn reagh at ; Edgeware rd. Slarrickville ; Walker Mrs. It., 423 Glebe Point rd, Glebe Walker %V. J., 22 London at, Eisner° and Sloane at, Newtown Walker\V.Mack, " Nutnba," Darling Walker It., 111 Augustus st, Leichhardt Wall A., Frederick at, Rockdale Point rd Walker R. B., 202 51ilitary nl, Moment Walker W. R., George's River rd, Croydon Wall A. A., 118 Trafalgar at, Annandale Walker It. II , 324 Military rd, Mosman Wall A. P., surgeon, 13elmore rd, Coogee Walker R. D., tailor, 454 Cleveland at Park Well Albert, Dora at, Hurstville Walker W. T., William st,Canterbury Walker R. J. D., Stanley rd, Epping W alker IV." , lioniobusli tres, Ibomebua li Wall Albert, Chanties at, St. Lemiards W alker Ralph, 21 Avenue id,le e • WOOD, COFFILL AND COMPANY LTD. LIVERY DEPT., 472-84 HARRIS ST. 'PHONE 156 GLEBE • Wall Albert S., chemist, Homebush cres, Homebnalt Wall Andrew, 41 U1110/I at, Paddington Wall Arthur, Hampden rd, A attrition Wall Arthur, Mantles at, St. Leonard') Wall Arthur P., 8 Prospect rd, Sum. 11111 Wall Mrs. B., 79 Cowles ml. Moslem' Wall C., 56 Thorne at, Paddington Wall Charles 0.. Ashton at. Itandwick Wall Chas. W., 110 Australia at, Newtown Wall Clifford, 80 Grove at, St. Peters Wall David, 296 Alfred at, North Sydney Wall Edmund, 135 York at north Will Edward, 411 Wattle at Wall Edward 13 Slade at, Itozele Wall MrsEmma, 23 Golden Grove at, Darlington Wall Mrs. Emma. 'lessen at, Parramatta Wall Ernest, 14 Central rd, Ashfield Wall Frank E., M.D., physician and surgeon, "Ramsay Lodge," Durwood rd, Burwood Wall Frederick, 17 Union at, Paddington Wall Frederick, 127 Bourke at, Redfern Wall Frederick, Gr. at Northern rd, Ityde Wall G. M., 2 Petu•ce at, Double Bay WALL GEORGE, Customhouse and Forwanling Agent, Land and Income TaxAdjuster, 18Loftus at;p.r,, " Medina," Rae st, Itandwick 11 al Wuul WM Wal Wal Wal Wal Wal Wal With Wal With 1■IN‘r%'‘‘. .' 'alnila I Wal \Val Wal Wal Wal IN‘fil V'al Wal INN‘"iiiill • 1I: ‘1l Vat:ti ill Wal Wal IIIa1 NV%" : :1 Wal Wal Wal I11 With Wel Wal Wel Wel Wel NIVVtatil WM %Val IIVV::11 . George, 134 York at north Georg e, Forest rd, Arnoliffe George, Carlyle at, Etifle'd George, Stalsbury rd, Hornsby George, Fig Tree eve, Randwick. George, J.P.. line at, Itandwick H., fuel merchant, 167 13arcom ave 11., fuel merchant, Locrozia lane Harold, Gibbs at, Croydon Hurry, 73 Harley rd, Manly Henry Fleet at, Parnunatte , Henry, 32 Terry at, St. Peters Henry 14., 1 Ramsay rd. Haberfield Henry G., Calvert at, Slarrickville Henry J., .1.1'., Woodstock at, Botany Henry W., 34 Iredale at, Newtown Horace C., fuel yard, 12 Crown lane J., 86 Burlington et, North Sydney J. A., Gregory at, Granville J. J., Pretoria par, Hornsby James. 38 Grose at, Camperdown James, 53 Glebe Point rd, Glebe James, Matthews st, Hurstville James, Marriokville rd, Marrickville James, 18 Norfolk at Paddington jereminli, Cuthbert at. Waverley Jesse II. Albert at, Marrickville John, 16 Sinithers st o in, 140 Botaumy n , A exam r a John, 106 Giessen at, Balmain Joint, 20 Englislm at Camperd own John, 95 Holtermen at, N. Sydney John, George at. Parrainatta John, Woodburn rd, Rookwood John P., Burwood rd, Minor° :Joseph, Kensington rd, Kensington Joseph. Lynn at, Leichherdt Joseph, 58 Thrust) at, Neutral Bay Joseph 0., Marsden at, Pal•ramatta Mrs. L., 553 Illawarra rd, M.' ville Mrs. St , 218 Union St, lirskineville Mrs. M., 18 Victoria at, N. Sydney Mrs. M. II., The Avenue, IlaberlIeld Si. W. ,T., Belmore a ye, Delmore Mrs. Margaret, 63 Nickson at Mrs. Mary, 159 Devonshire at Mrs. Mary, 173 Palmer st Patrick, 1 Dalton rd, Stosman Patrick, Balmoral a y e, Rosedale Richard N., 43 Merton at, Rozelle Robert, junr., 20 The Crescent, Manly Robert, 73 Barley rd, Manly Roden 51 Lincoln at. Stant/lore CONDUCT UPWARDS OF Wal Roland, restaurant, 2 Flinders at Wal Miss S. F., 590 ICIng at, Newtown Wal Thomas, 85 Fig at WM Thomas, 215 Young at, Annandale Wal Thomas, Thornleigh rd, S. Hornsby Wal Thomas, 8 Fairlight at, Manly Wal Thomas, 5 Hart at, Paddineton Wal Thomas, 56 Barden at. Tempe \Val Thomas .1., Stanley ni, Rookivood Wel IV. A., 21 McGarvie at, Paddington Wal W. C., 93 Cavendish at, Stanmore Wal W. H., 111 Geor.te at, Erskineville Wal Walter, Olevedon at. lIerstville Wal William, 117 George at, Erakineville %Val William, 43 Cleveland at, Redfern Wal William, Albany at, St. Leopards %Val William A., 13 Broughton at, Glebe Wal William D., 120 Riley et Web aceumuuulBa • Iit•' typers, 431a Kent at IVal ace and Co., clothing manufacturers and importers, 168 180 Chalmers at Wallace and Egan, blacksmiths, 59 King at, St. Peters Wallace and Faulkner, niu•se>, Beach rd, Ruslicutter's Bay IVallace T. and 1', pentrubulator factory, 240 Parramatta ni, Petersham \Vallace A., 4 Pleasant ave, Erskineville WallaceMrs. A., '1'imibourine Bayrd, Lane Cove Wallace 31ra. A., 90 Darlington ril,Dar'ton Wallace Alias A., 34 A shimmer at, Manly Wallace A. E., Chiswick rd, Auburn Wallace A. F, Ifarcourt estate, Campsie Wallace Mrs. A. If., 501 Dowling at Wallace A. IL, 4 Victoria st, Lewisham Wallace A. P., grocer, 197 Palmer at Wallace Albert, Barton aye, Haberfield Wallace Albert, Wybalena rd, Hun. Hill Wallace Alex., 7 Wortley at, Baltnain Wallace Alex., 256 St. John's rd, F. Lodge Wallace Alex. C., 122 Wigram rd, Glebe William.) Alfred, Denison at, Waverley Wallace Anthony, Marwick at, Stratlifield Wallace Arthur, Brighton at, Petersham Wallace Arthur J., 136 Cardi gan st,S'inore Wallace Miss B., 28 Albert at, Wallace 13., Hothatii par, Gore 11111 Wallace Mrs. II., Deakin ave, Haberflehl %Vallee° Benj., Bertram st, Mortlake Wallace Mrs. (J., 400 Darling at., Balnialn Wallace C., Carrington rd, Guildford Wallace Charles IL, 182 Short at, Balinitin WallaceD.,seniorassistantmedical ollIcer, Coast Hospital, La Perouse Wallace D., 40 Smith at, Starrickville Wallace D., Tasman at, Bondi Wallace Mrs. E., 267 Crown at Wallace Mrs. 14,431 King st, Newtown Wallace Mrs. E., 11 Bayview at, N. Sydney Wallace Mrs. E , Dailey at, Rook wood Wallace Mrs. E. A., I9 Baltic at, Newtown Wit'lace Mrs. E. J., 14 Isabella live, North Sidney Wallace Mrs. E. Si., Avoca at, Randwick Wallace Edmund, 27 ilanoverst, Waterloo Wellace Edward, 14 Redmond at, L'hitnit Wallace Ernest, 106 Abercrombie at Widlace Miss Eva, 92 Cascade st,Padlon %Vallee) Mrs. F., 21 Hopetoun at, N'town Wallace Mrs. Flora, 312 Cleveland st Wallace Mrs., Herbert st, Gore 11111 Wallace Frank, Albert et, Marriakville Wallace Frederick, sen., 10 Ryder at Wallace Li., spa, 56 Market at Wallace G., 10 Campbell at, Alexandria %Valliwe G. A21 %Venda rd, Mosnian Welltice G. 11„ 140 Alullens at, Balniiiiii Wallace George, £0 Park ham at Wallace George, Garnet at, Dulwich Hill Wallace 0 eorge, Cmumercial rd, L'Inirdt Wallace George, 3116 lidgeware rd. N'town Wallace George, Attln •ey at, Stanmore ONE-THIRD OF THE TOTAL INTERMENTS Wallitee If., dentist, 1E6 Slithery nl, Neut Bay Wallace IL, 40 Blue at, North Sydney Wallace Mrs. IL, Dutruc at, Itandwick Wallace II., Maley at, Mooptin Wallitee Henry, 9 West ave Willlace Henry, Victoria rd, Glebe' Wallace Henry A., 16 Ebley at, Waverley Wallace Herbert B., Pile at, Duiwich Hill %Race Howard, Glielesville Wharf ni, Gladesville Wallace J., llopetoim at, Campordown Wellace, Mrs. J., Greenwich rd, Lane Cove Wallace Mrs. J., 17 Glenmore rd, Patrton Wallace J. E., 136 Blue's Point rd, N. Syd. Wallace Mrs. J. L., 33 Durham at, South Annandale \Volitive .1. R., 14 Arbutus at, Meseta!) %Vallace James, steam tug proprietor, 125 Sussex at Wallace James, 30 Bellevue at Wallace James, 37 Myrtle at Wallace James, Little Wyndham at, A 'dria Wallace James, Park rd, Aubin•ti Wellnce James, Swinienu• ne at, Botany Wallace James, 216 St. John's rd, F. Lodge Wallace James, 1Cxcelsior par, I Neville WallaceJa p ies," Vermont," 87 .13ehnotit ni, Mosman %Vallee° James, Botany at, Itandwick Wallace James, 7 Burt at, Rozelle Wallace James, 27 Weston rd, Itozelle Wallace James, Pearson at, Wallace James, 6 Myrtle at, Stant/tore Wallace Jamer, Colter at, Willoughby. Wallace James, Christie at, Wollstonecraft Wallace John, flour merchant, 90 King at Rowallan," Beecroft WallaceJohn,manager N.S.W. Flour Millers' Produce Co., Ltd., 40 King st %Vallace Johit, 17 Albion lane Wallace ,Tolin, 97 Arthur at Wallaca joint, Bohm* rcl, Botany WallaceJohn,151i'arraniattit iii, Suin. lull Wallace John, :3 Alfred at, Rozelle Wallace John, 112 Birrell st, Waverley %Vallee° John, 00 Adelaide at, Woolln bra %Vallee° John R., Robert at, Canterbury Wallace Joseph, Slay et, Slarrickville Walle ye Lancelot, Oreinorne Oremorne %Vallace L. G., 15 George at, Leichbanit Wallace Mrs. Si., Fairfax at, Dulwich Hill Wallace Mrs. AI., 546Parramatta ni, Petersham Wallace Mrs. 31., Storwick st,Stratlifield Wallace M., 30 Alexander at, N.Sytiney Wallace Mrs. Si., Leichhardt at, Waverley Wallace 31. W., 115 George st, C'down \Vallee° Madame, teacher of singing, 50 Elizabeth st Wallace Mrs. Mary, Thrum) at, Neut. Buy Wallace Mrs. Mary Si., Mootible at, Summer 11111 Wallace Mathew, Cook at, Tempi. Wallace Michael, 629 Bourke at \Vallee° N., 60 Belmont nil, Stamen \Vellum Norman 77 George a', St. Peters %Vallee° Mrs. 0.,' George at, Marrickville Wallace 1'., 32 Eveleigh at, Redfern Wallace P. J., 25 Broughton at. N. Sydney Wallace P. T., 75 Leichhardt st,Waverley Wallnee Percy, Brand at, Croydon Wa l lace l'eter, 89 Bayswater rd Wallace Mrs. l'eter, 473 Dowling at Wiilltice Peter P.,phoebe at, Reline iti %Vullnee R., 11 Bishop at, Sterrickville Wallace It., 68 Morgan at, Marriekville Wallace It. B., stock and station agent, 9 O'Connell at Wallace It. Ii., Waretith at, Itaberfleld Wallace R. Si., Forrest at, Wallace Biles 11.'1%, Catherine at, Forest Lodge IN THE METROPOLITAN AREA. ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR ALL THINGS NEEDFUL AND NICE. ANTHONY •HORDERNS' FOR FASHION'S FAIREST FAVOURS. 1700Wal ALPHABETICAL. Wal • Wallace Raymond, Archbold nl, Roseville Waller James W. E., Boyle st, Enfield Wailful and Lamy, woolbrokers, 63 Pitt at Wallace Robert, 18 Exteriment st Waller John, 223 Macquarie at Walls John, 34 Myrtle at, N. Sydney Wallace Robert, Spring et, Arnclifte Walls M., manufacturer of dressmakers' Waller Lewis, Kent rd, Rose Bay Wallace Robert, Cretnorne rd, Creniorne models, 38 Pitt at Waller R. IL, Bulkara rd, Bellevue Hill Wallace Robert, byte st, South It'wick Waller Richard, architect, 9 Hunter at Walls Michael, Hopewell eve, Paddingtou Wallace Robert B., Church at. Randwick Waller Robert,2 Mary et, Glebe Walls W.. Mowbray rd, Willoughby Wallace Mrs. S., 35 Elizabeth Bay rd Waller Mrs. S., 152 Johnston st, Annandale Walls William, Herbert at, Gore 11111 Wallace Mrs. S., 3 Wood's ave. Woollahnt Waller Sydney, artist in portraiture, 3143- Wallwork John B., Carrington rd, R'wick Wallace Mrs. S. E., 95 Brighton et, P'shain 385 George st (opposite Strand As- Wallwork W., Canterbury rd, Belmore Wallace Samuel, 280 Darling at, Hal/nein cade); p.r., "Munn," 21 Henson et, Wahnsley Mrs. A., Cook rd, Centen'l Park Wallace Samuel, Hawthorne par, ll'field Walmsley Mrs. C., 10 Sutherland at, St. Summer Hill Peters Wallace Septimus M., Norton st, Ashfield Waller Sidney1V., 15 Donnelly at, Babied!' Waller Thomas, 16 Bennett at, Wahnsley E., 17 Stafford at, Stamnore Wallace Samuel, 682 Darling at, Roselle Waller Thomas H. 34 Boyce at, Glebe Waltnaley Ernest, 161 Jones at Wallace T., 1 Pleasant st,Erskineville Waller W. E., 22 dood Hope at, Burton Wahnsley F. S., Parlimilentary ter, A'cliffe Wallace T. J., 68 Itedfern et, Redfern Walmsley George, planotuner, lie Pitt st Wallace T. M., 33 Oatley rd, Paddington Waller William, Bridge at, Lane Cove Wahnsley James, Flora at, Lakemba Wallace Thomas, 352 Darling at, Balmain Waller William, 122 Young at, Redfern Wallet Reuben, 99 Bourke at Wahnsley John R., 6 Collins at, Annandale Wallace Thomas, Hanover st, Gore Hill Walley Felix H., 13 Junction at, F. Lodge Wahnsley John W., Flora at, Lakemba Wallace Thomas, Lauff st, Rockdale Walley IL E., Oakville rd, Willoughby Waluisley 11.0. IL, Stony Creek nisPymble Wallace Thomas 3L,Homehush rd, Walley Harry, Victoria rd, Marrickvide Walinsley Thomas H., Sydney at, Concord Wallace V. J.. Henley rd, Flemington Wel m sley IV. E., 398 Parra/nate rd, P'shain Wallace Vincent, 9 Myrtle st, North Syd. Walleate Mrs. R., 9 Swanson st, Inane Wallin Alfred, Clifford par, Randwick Wallusley Will i am, 143 Albion at Wallace W., Marshall at, Marrickville Within Frederick, Cremorne rd, Cremorne Walpole Arthur, 1'28 Foucart st, Rozelle Wallace \V., Terrace rd, Marrickville WallingMrs.J. L.,69Sutherland at, Walpole .1. T., Bridge st, Drummoyne Wallace w.,10 Devine at, Erskineville Paddington Walpole William L., Small et, Woollahra Wallace IV. A., 2 Nelson at, Lewisham Walsh Miss A , 252 Elizabeth at Wallace W. G., 95 westbourne at, P'sham Walling Mrs. M., 93 Stewart et, Patricon Wafflings E. A., 12 Newland st, Waverley Walsh Albert, 9 High st, Heinlein Wallace W. T., 180 George at, Irvine Wallings Glen, 28 O'Sullivan at Walsh Albert, 472 Darling at, Rozelle Wallace W. T., Dalhousie at, Haberfield Wallace Walter R., electricalengineer, WallingtonandMenser,monumental Walsh Albert S, 17 Little's eve, Balmain masons, Railway at, Rookwood Walsh Alfred, 35 Telford at, Glebe 177a Liverpool at Wallington A., Whaling rd. N. Sydney Walsh Alfred, 36 Young at, Redfern Wallace William, 511 Kent at Wallington B., 332 Oxford at, Paddington Walsh Alfred, 14 Ebley at, Waverley Wallace William, 97 Thomas at Walsh Andrew, 3 Duke at, Balmain Wallington E., William at, Granville \Vallace William, 114 Short at, Balmaiu Wallington G. W., Albert rd, Strathfleld Walsh Mrs. Ann, Shaftesbury ni, Burwood Wallace William, Marlowe et, Campsie Wallington Henry, 73 Albion at Walsh Mrs. Ann, 92 Union et, N. Sydney Wallace William, 87 Bridge rol, Glebe Wallace William, 679 King st, Newtown Wallington Thomas J., Govett at, It' wick Walsh Anthony, 70 Styles at, Leichhardt Wallington Samuel, South at, Granville Walsh Arthur E., 181 Oxford at, Waverley Wallace William A., 69 Brougham at Wallington IV. R., William st, Granville Walsh Mrs. B., Liverpool rd, Ashfield Wallace William A., John at, Granville WallisBros. Ltd., timbermerchants, Walsh Bernard, Chapel st. Itandwick Wallace William C., Station at, Pymble Abattoirs rd Walsh Miss Bridget, 4-2 Elizabeth st Wallace William D., George at, Granville Wallace William G., Mina Rosa st, Enfield Wallace & Co., cabinet makers, 254 Par- Walsh Miss C., costumlere, 239 Victoria at nunata rd, Petersham Wal . 11 Mrs. C., 45 Wycombe rd, Neut. Bay Wallace William G., 31 May at, Newtown Wallace Wm. J., Gordon rd, St. Leonards Wallis J. B. and Co., intporters, Challis Walsh C. IL, Mount at, Hunter's 11111 House, Martin place Walsh Charles, Beauchamp rd, Botany Wallace Mrs. H., Eleanor st, Granville Wallis A.. 105 Walker at, North Sydney Walsh Charles, 25 Mill 11111 rd, Weverley Wallach Emil, 50 Margaret at, Manly Wallis A. M., George at, Marrickville Walsh Charles H., Blaxland rd, Eastwood Wallach Henry, 21 Peukivil et. Bondi Walsh Charles H., Morton st, WollstoneWallack Colonel E. T., C.B., district coin- Wallis Alfred, Hampden at, Penshurst Wallis Andrew, 60 Smith St, Summer Hill craft mandant. Victoria Barracks, Oxford Wallis Arthur W., 132 Burren at, Newtown Walsh Daniel, 17 Marian st, Elmore at, Peddington Walsh Daniel, 16 Bent at, North Sydney Wallangra Pastoral Co., Ltd., 28 Castle- Wallis Mrs. C., Queens/shire, Manly Wallis Mrs. C. A., grocer, 35 Terry at, St. Walsh Mrs. E., Parramatta rd,Ryde rough at Walsh E. J., Mills st, Carlton Peters 1Vallanth Coal Co., Ltd.—E. A. Norton, WallisCharlesL.,12Grosvenorcres, WalshE. T.,merchant tailor, 122 Pitt managing agent, 3 Spring at at ; pas,Florida," Beach rd, DarSummer Hill Wallarooble Estate—P. H. Morton, Royal ling Point chambers, Hunter and Castlereagh sts Wallis Claude N., Kulgoa ave, Ryde Walsh Edward, Broughton at, Ashfield Wallis Miss E., 117 Elizabeth et, Lfflardt Wallas Mrs. E., Croydon rd, Hurstville Wallas T. I. clinical chemist and micro- Wallls Ernest H., 65 New Canterbury rd, Walsh Edward, Barney st, Parramatta IValsh Edward E., Arid at, Perramate Petersham biologist, importer of chemicals and . Walsh Edward F., 206 Goulburn at scientific supplies, " Wyoming," MCC- Wallis Mrs. F., Herbert st, Gore Hill Spearman st, Chatswood Walsh Edward K., 154 St. John's rd, Forest Wallis F. quinie at Wallis Francis J., 58 Pitt at Lodge Wallen Mrs. C., 54 Grafton st,Woollahra Wallen F. (4., manufacturers' agent, 416 Wallis Francis J., Woolwich rd, Hun. Hill Walsh Edward M., 65 Redfern at, Redfern IValsh Edward R., Maher at, Hurstville Wallis Frank N., North rd, Ityde George st Warne Fred. J., lloniebush rd, Homebush Walsh Bost .ce H., 10 Queen at, Ashfleld Wallet/ Mrs. J., Gordon rd, Gordon Walsh Miss F., 9 Albemarle at. Newtown Wallen Thomas. Montague rd, North Syd. Waiiis (3. T., 147 James st, Leichhardt Walsh Miss Florence, 4 Itosebenk at Wallis George, Herbert sr, Gore Hill Wallenins Phillip, 132 York at north Wallis J. II., 53 Metropolitan rd, Enmore Walsh Francis, librarian Parliamentary Waller A., 191 Victoria rd, Marrickville Library, 13 Richmond ter, Domain Wallis J. H., 100 Merlon at, Leichbardt Waller Mrs. Agnes, 193 Macquarie st Wallis James Lakemba at, Canterbury Walsh Francis, 134 Union at, Erskineville Waller Arthur, Behnore at, Ryde Wallis John 11,12 Grosvenor st, IVoollahra Walsh Francis, 4 Hubert at, Leichherdt Waller Charles, 25 Little Blomnfield at Walsh Francis T., 40 Lennox at, Newtown Waller Mrs. E., 462 Clletimpre rd, Padlon Wallis Joseph, 6 Bounden at, Redfern Walsh Frank, 61 Riley at Waller Edward, 64 Renwick at, D'inoyne Wallis 31., Peat's Ferry rd, \Vattern Wallis Manuel E., 539 Bourke at Waller F., Augnetine at, Hunter's Hill WALSH FRED,J.P. (Consul. Wallis Mrs. Mary, 6 Hutchinson st Waller F., 165 Victoria rd, Marrickville General for Honduras), International Waller Frank A. managing director Ans. Wallis R. N., Battery at, Little Coogee Patents and Trade-Marko, Designs, trallan Milk ProductiLtd., 107 Pitt at Wallis S., 36 Allan's eve, Marrickville ' and Copyrights, corner George and Wallis S. C., carrier, 306 Kent at Waller George, 173 William at Wynvard sts, and at Melbourne ; p.r., Wallis S. 0 , William at, Double Bay Waller George, Si Wells at, Newtown " IVelsholme,"Langrd, Centennial IL,257 Parramatta rd, An'dale Wallis 'I'. H. Waller George, 76 Falcon at, North Syd. Park,CityEast.Tel. Nos.,City Wallis W. st,Marrickville Waller Heintniugs, 16 Cook at (Bebe 2137 and Paddington 87 Waller Henry, 44 Plunkett at, Drummoyue Wallis W;11., 54 The Illevard,L'shatii Wallis W. J., real estate agent, 113 Pitt st Walsh Frederick, 23 Ocean rd, Manly Waller Henry, Boulevard, Leichhardt Waller Henry A , 17 Llandaff at, Waverley \Vallmnan Richard, 148 King st, St Pete rs Walsh 0110 Burlington at. NSydne y WOOD, COFFILL & COMPANY LTD. Wal ALPHABETICAL. Wal1701 Walsh William, Kensington rd, Keteton Walsh Garnet, Grey at, Carlton Walsh Leonard, 550 Crown at Walsh George, 13 Queen's a ye, North SO. Walsh Mrs. M., Milton Ad north, Aslifield Walsh William, 157 Balmain nt, Miura Walsh George 62 Mac pherson at, Way'ley Walsh Miss 51,130 Glenmore nil, Pad'uni IValsh William, 121 Norton at, Leichhanit Welsh William, 12 Herbert at, tsewtown 1Valtdt George J., 1.11.C.P., L.R.O.S., L.M. Walsh Mrs. 51, Pennant at, Parramatta 1I 'is•I,,111/al (Ellin.), physiciann11/1surgeon,251 Wal shMrs. .., 105 Sh iutlotu at,t Welsh William, York rd, Itandivick Elizabeth at Walsh 31, 40 Albany at, Statnnore 'Walsh II. D., 51.I.C.E., harbor trust com- Walsh Mrs. M. E.,15 Northumberland aye, Walsh IVilliam, 309 Cleveland at., Redfern Welsh09 Redfern tit, Redfern missioner and engineer-in-chief SydStantnore IValshlionlevarde, Roolcwood ney Harbour Trust, Pitt et, Circular Walsh Mrs. M. A., 162 Liverpool at Walsh William, Church at, Rookwood Quay Walsh Mrs. M. H., Spring at, Waverley Walsh William A., 20 Barker at, Lewisham 1ValsltILS.,juniorresidentmedical Walsh Mil. Mary, 114 George at north officer !Royal Prince Alfred Hospital Walsh Mrs. Mary, West Pen'y ni, Arncliffe Walsh William 0., 118 King at, St. l'eters Nlissentleu rd, Camperdown Walsh Mrs. Mary, 58 Jeffrey at, N. Syd. ;Walsh William J., 57 Hornsuy at, Rozelle Walsh i Henry, 42 Liverpool at Walsh Mrs. Marv, 260 Jersey ni, Pairton IValsh William P., Trongate at, Granville Walelittni Mrs. Mary, 7u Stanley at "Walsh Henry, '28 Gladstone at, Emnore Walsh Miss Mary, 12 View st, Waverley 'Walsh Henry, Railway st, Granville Welsh Mts. Mary, 20 Gierstein at, 1Vav'ley Walshaw Bros., provision merchants, 27 Botany rd, Waterloo 'Walsh Henry D., Barry at, Neutral Bay Walsh Mrs. Mary. 36 Queen at. IV'almt 'Walsh Herbert, 20 Brown at, Newtown Matthew, J.P., l'ennyson rd, Affle he Waisint w A., watchmaker, 148 George at Walsliew Alfred 11, 172 Daley at, N'town Walsh .1., 483 Wattle at Walsh Maurice, 132 Bourke at Walshaw Mrs. A p ti, 66 Church at, li'main "%Vela!' J. D., 47 Maddison st, Redfern Walsh Maurice, 13 Darlinghtirst rd 'Walsh Rev. Father 3. .7. (11C. ), George at, WM. it Maurice, 218 Trafalgar at, An'ilale IValshaw Cearles, 250 Joseph at, Aslitield Walshaw George, 18 joseph at, Liverpool Walsh Michael, 85 Rose at Walsh .1 J., 37 Osborne rd, Manly WIllall Michael, 1 Mount Vernon at, Forest Walshaw George, 33 d E .1 geware rd, N'town WaishaW George E., 1 Bridge at, Roselle 'Walsh J. J., Napier at, Marrick,ville Lodge Waishaw Horace W., River l'ar'eletta Walsh Mrs. J. J., 14 Grosvenor cres, Sum- Walsh Michael, 49 Eveleigh at, Redfern mer Hill \Yids!' Miss, teacher of music, 336a George Walshaw Jetties E., Floss at, Huristone Pk. Walshe Mrs. A., 63 Brown at, Pad'ton Welsh .1. M., Jersey st, Hornsby street Welsh(' Mrs. C.1)arley at, Marrickville 'Walsh J, P., Elizabeth at west, Ashfield welsh Morris, 20 Campbell at, St. Peters Walshe Francis J., J.P., Rite at, Randwick Walsh James, 281 Nelson at, Annandale Walsh Mrs., Beach ni, Rusheaters' Bay 1Valsit James, 24 Church at Reiman' Walsh Mrs. Oliver, 35 Holt a rive, Mosman WalsheFrancis J., °Meeriticharge Australian GasLight0o.(.3ranch 'Walsh Janes, 40 Mumhuins at, Balinain Walsh P., house,land and estate agent, 192 Offlee and Showroom), 266 Pitt at Walsh James, 117 Arundel at, Forest Lodge Bondi rd, Bondi Walshe Harry, Russell st, Stratheeld IValsh James, Addison st, Kensington Walsh P., Mackinson at, GlatlesviLe Walsh° .1. 1S, manager Anglo American Walsh James, Wallace at. Kogarall Walsh P., East st, Oraiiville Publishing Co. (The), 4e0 George at' 'Walsh James, 161 Avenue rd, Mont/nil Walsh Patrick, 103 Gloucester s; WitIshe Joseph P., 15 Bland at, Aslitield 'Walsh J11111C3, 6 Edgecliffe rd, Woolialira IVIII-11 Patrick, 14 Beaufort at 'Walsh :lames F., Taylor at, Lakenthe Walsh Patrick, 590 New Canterbury rd, Walshe May, Manchester Arlin, 25 Albion at 'Walsh James K., 7 lfeeley at, Paddingtam Dulwich 11111 Walshe R. R., 24 Wood at, Mindy Walsh James L., 212 Harris at Walsh Patrick, 10 Hudson at, Lewisham Walson A. J., 111 Salisbury nil, Stan more Walsh Mrs. Jane, Elizabeth st, Durwood Walsh Patrick, Sydney ni, Sherwood Walter II. S. MCI Co., Indent merchants 'Walsh Jeremiah, 6 Bascom place Walsh Peter, 76 Buckingletin St 183 George at Walsh Jeremiah J., 21 Denison et, N'town Walsh IL, '37 Stuart at, 5Ianly Walter Mrs. A., 7 Westbourne st, 1"sham Walsh John, 159 Brougham at Walsh Richard, 13 Albert par, An/field Walsh ,Tolin, 495 Elizabeth at Walsh Robert, 13 Little Burton at sg,sr si Walter C., -k Dorhatier place, Woollahre 'Walsh J . hut, 24 Merriman at Mali Robert, 43 Dillon at, I addington 'Walsh John, 16 Wilson st Walsh Robert, 166 Morehead st, Redfern Walter C. A., Illawarnt rd, Amen.° Walsh John, 30 Annandale at Annandale Walsh Robert, 60 Mackenzie at, Waverley Walter David G., SO Terry at, St. Peters Walsh John, 96 Taylor st, Annandale Walsh Mrs. S. A., 9 5lissenden nil. Newtown Walter E. L., 82 Cowles nil, Mosman "Walsh John, Bruce st, 'Brighton-le-Sands Welsh a. P., Gordon eve, Chatswood Walter Edward, 48 Daley rd, Manly Waish John, 45 Mallets at, Camperdown Walsh Stanley, Calypso a ye, Moeman Walter Edwin, 25 Campbell at, Pairton WalshSydney, 46Sutherlendat Walter .Ernest, 26 Alfred st,Leichhardt Walsh John, 42 Epping rd, Double Bay Walter Fred., Unwin's Bridge nil, Tempe 'Welsh John, 127 Rochtord at, ErskIneville . Peters Wa lter S4II•, Walsh John, J.P., 176 Hereford at, Glebe 01 III 3 Walter 11. S., Annette at, Oatley 'Walsh John, 120 Mitchell at, Glebe Walsh Sydney A., 37 Wood at, Manly Walsh John, 22 Queen at, Glebe Walsh Rev. T., 5.3., professor St. Igna- IValter Henry, Lang at, Croydon Walter J., Rebertson eve, liandwick 'Walsh John, Tavistock at tius' College, Riverview, Lane Cove Walter John, 15 Devonshire at Walsh John, Brennan at, Leichhardt Walsh Mrs. T., 62 Brown at, St. Peters Walter John C., GI Parrainatta rd, Wei gh John, 47 Junior at, Leichhardt Walsh T. J., 54 Leinster at, Paddington Walter Joseph, restaurant, 299 Sussex at Walsh John, Victoria st, Lewisham Walsh T. W., 59 Rawson at, Weverley Walter Mrs. R., Arthur st, Leichlierdt 'Welsh John, 19 West sr, Lewisham Welsh Thomas, 21 Edward K. Balmain Wallah John, 192 Edgeware rd, Newtown Walsh Thornee, 185 Layton at, Can/pair/I Walter Robert, 14 Taylor at, Annandale Walter Walter, Thomson at, Mennen 'Walsh John, 81a Cascade at, Paddington It alai' 'rhoulas, 32 Lodge st, F. Lodge Walter William C., Porter at Ityue Walsh John, 141 Hargraves st,Thuldington Walsh Thomas, King at, Mascot Walsh John, 81, Lawson at, Pieldington Walsh Thos., 446 lenmore nl, Paddington Walter IVilliton E., 98 Young at Walsh John, Botany at, Randwick WalshIs, 74 Baptist at, Redfern Welters M. end Co., fruit tiler's., Barker at Walsh John, Rocky Point rd, Rockdale Walsh Thomas, 16 Percival rd, St 'more Walters Harry and Sons, wine and spirit. Walsh John, Vaughn!' at, Rookwood merchants, etc., 782-786 George at, Walsh Thomas G., 14 High at, Balmain Haymarket. Telephone, City 4623 Walsh John, Wilfred at, Itookwood IValsh Vincent, .1 foirl Arcadia, 172 Pitt at Walsh John, 12 Rush st, Woollahra Walters and Middleton, timber merchants, Walsh Vincent, 62 Smith at, Tempe M'alall .101/n D., Rentals!' rd, Cat/male Carrington rive ami Forest rd, Walsh IV., 16 Henderson rd, Alexandria Walters1 arrawatta rd, Concord Walsh John J., Beamish at, Campsie Walsh W., Baldry t,Chatswood Walters A. R., 17 Therrien, Peddington Walsh John J., 199 Elswick st, Leichhadt Walsh IV., Stony Creek rd, Hurstville 1Valsli John J., 17 Watkin at, Newtown alit Mrs.sece nil,abra Ctli C at, L hank Walsh John P., J.P., 13 Mitchell at. Glebe WalslIW. 107 Grafton at, Woollehra Walters Alfred, 64 Ryan et, LeichlittnIt Walsh Johu It., Millar at, Drummoyne MINI'W. 51., Grand par, Brighton-le- Walters Alfred, Harney at, Marlekville \Vail!) Joseph, 39 Mayes at, Annandale Sands Walters Alfred C., Raymond rd, Neut. Bay Walsh Joseph, 2 Alma lane, Darlington W 1181WilliY , 1- 1 f •Sti1 , WalteN Alfred It 13 %IcLttc'h m lt,m, itv e t Walsh Mrs. Julian, 225 Cowper at, IVtiv'ley Castlereagh st and Goulbuni st Waltars AI's. B., 7 Bums at, Petersham 'Walsh Miss K., 530 Crown at Walsh William, 48 Forbes st Walters Carl, 33 Glerstein at, Waverlet Walsh Miss Kate, 180 Albion at Walsh William, 30 O'Coustor st Willtses Charles, 109 Evelei 11 sr, Redfern 'Welsh Mrs., 3leek's rd, Marrickville Walsh William, Keraball et, Auburn Walters E., Richmond at, Croydon Walsh Mrs. L., 21 Osborne nil, Manly Walsh William, Dachland at, Canterbury Walters Mrs. E., Philip at, IVitverley Walsh Lance D., 27 Caledonia Pad'ton Walsh William, Chapman at, Concord Walters Edgar, Woodland at, Balgowlalt iWaisli Leo, 57 Railway ter, Lewisham Walsh William, Peat's Ferry rd, Hornsb y Walters Edward, 13 Brown at, Paddington CENTRAL OFFICE: 810-12 GEORGE ST. 'PHONE728 & 1624 CENTRAL SUPPLY PRIVATE CARRIAGES LANDAUS AND . BROUGHAMS, WITH LIVERIED SERVANTS, AT CALL ANTHONY HORDERNW FOR THE WORLDS COMMODITIES. ALPHABETICAL 1702N9-al War Walther Mrs. A. E., 5 Grecubank at,: Walton WIllittin, 20 Wells at, Annandale Walters F. 0., Park st,fians Stud Marriekvtile Walters P. II., ;LP., 31ount it, Conger Walton WillIsur, W at k in at, A airfield Walther F W., accountant, Stamp Dirtiest Walton William, Frederick st, Cattipsie Walters Isit, 192 Tnifidgar it, W1100,150 Phillip St Walters Prank, 03 Mackey at Welton William, Toyer at, Marrickv Die Walters Frank, Gladstone at, Leirliliardt Walther F. W., 70 Stanniore rd, Ma Conk 1 Walton William, Hill at, Roseville Welters Frank, 211 Cascade it, Pm lititigton Walther Henry J., 29 Lower Tupper St,' Walton William Is. 01.P., Qtrecitss, 212: Marrickville Walters Frank It., 62 Myrtle it 1 Liverpool rti, Summer II ill Walther Oswald C., Jethey A, Marrickville' Walton W [Warn J., Brighton at, Err field. Walters Fredk., 17 Central ni, Astilleld Waltho Miss Mary, 2 Cook it, Tempe Walken; Prolk., 84 En rian•e nl, Ennica•e l'hiltors William L. 20 011101 rd. 11anly Walters Fredk., 89 Newman it, Newtown Width° Patrick, Lltirgow at, St. Leonard el Walton Mitchell Clairlf S, 31 arrichville ml, Walters 0., 198 Australia sr, CampIlown Waltialmli 1 Anthony, II Chapman at Syllerrhum Walton A: Sun, halnli•eseera, 12 Corso,' With A., quarry, Rooth at, Arneliffe Walters El oorge, 9 Selwyn st Manly Walters George, Ill did mama' at,C5lown Walt ben arr d P., Kin: Ed wills) at 1131ale \Vattern Rev. George (Unitarian), 23 Walton Studio, Oxford it, Wel:m.10y IValz Mrs. h. Frederick se, Rockdale Wait usi :Mrs. Ai, 7 Glihert st. \f ,,ft 11unibuit rd, MoSniiiii Walz .1. A. Frolerlek it, llosskdale Walton Albert K. Warren Iii, 3lar•rlekviihr Walters George, Anisette it, ()nlo' Wait I'. 1'., Froltriek Et, Rockdale Walters Ilan•y, Miner if Mars Indel, Walton Alfred, Chorea at, Canterbury Wale I'. P. K int Edirard it, Rochdale Will Om A nthoily, 515 Crows r it 77•I °tory° st Wane George. 13 Killeen it, Balinath Walton Arthur, Flood St, 1,01elilmrdt Walters I lorry, svint and apirlt mereliant, Wane Ilcii ry, 18 61arlburotigli if, IrmoyistIValtosi Arther, Is /etcher it, 11arrlekviiie Wall s J O in, Park it, Saris 04410 Rawson place Walters Harry, ladies' refveshMelit 1•001115, Walton C., 100 W es Mimi ru 0 it, -Pe Mrsh Warm It. A., ',ruing° rd, Croyilim Park Walton Mrs E„ H aw t borne at, 0' hard Wane It Matra, 126 it, Bat Mail: • 1101101V at Walton E., Sy/indium rd, . Wang Si, :113 Glover it. MOsinil II Walters Harry, Add et •tois nl, Darning Walton Mr8.10,4M Church it, Parramirtta. Wangs:nth:1m Joe., 21)3 Victoria at Wolters Henry, 101 Culler A, Wilted Minns Frank, see, City Tattenall a Club,' Wanless Mrs. lime, 7 Pa•Illey at, lialunsin Walters Henry H., Walter at, Enfield 253 Pit t at p.r„ " Kinross," Cardigan. Warden John, 205 Evans it, Roselle Walters Henry 7 27 Nobbssf it, ['ii titper,Iiiwmi Walters Henr y M., Park rd, Vivo Dock St rs. S.,u.t In at,11111. 1Va2ters.1., 101/ Chel nisfor•d at, Camperdown Walton Frank, Prairie Vale rd, Blow a Winders Thorium. helium at, Hummer II 11 /. Willtou Frederick, Phillip it, Balmore Welters J. R., 21 Orwell st,Ashilehl Welshes Mrs. E,, 0 Den/son it, N. SPIlle.Y Walters J. /1„ 61 Carlisle it, Leichhartil Walton Frederick, Walince Ft, Kogarair Iceial Dada', B Killarney it, Mosman W alters .1. I .,.39 Aissrgaret °Inaba in Walton G., Weillugton it, :Mascot Warm Mrs. 3., Green's ol aitou U. IL, Marlin it we, Bondi Walters Jacob, 22 Sid Bbery ski/510am Warman C., 234 Annandale it, AnnandaleWalters James, Lawrence at, Alexandria Waitior G. II., Dora it, limanrille Wallilan David, Hurst at, Arnelllie Walton Gilbert E., 7 Lower Batinthst st, Warman J. C., Atnsworth it, Leiehhardt Walters John, °Doge° et, Coog,•e Woollainis Wriltera John, Bay View nI, Fin: Dock Wainiell Chats., Boasiby st, Marriekville Walters John, 13 York it, Forest Longo Walton If, B., Mooney it Delmore \Fennell Faithful, soil., /31 A ltee st.N't wit Weltsu II. IL, Robertson at, 1V. Kogn rah Wanning Herbert. 23 Minions piaci. Walters John, 82 Moore at, 00101110ot t Walters John, 73 Lavender at, N. Sydney Walton Herbert. 107 Marlon it, L'Inintt I WIllthm. 4 Holden it, Ashilehl Walton Mrs. I., George at, Petra matte Walters John, Bounds) : at, Sherwood Wansey It J.P., Real s •cretn yy 111111 Walters John IL, 34 Poster it, Lelehharilt Walton Isaac, 100 1Itthert Ft, Leichlutrilt underwriter, Commercial Union AsWalters Jolla IL, 34 St. John's rtl, Glebe Waltall Is a y. J. (Dept.), Weutwor•th at surance Co., 1.td.. of London I Fire, lloniebrisk \ Val tens 'lowish, 43 Susan it, Annandale Shari me and Accidents, corner Pitt Walters Joseph T. 4 Doris at, N. Sashay walnut10, physician and surgeon,1 and Hunter its : p. I'., "Liantliva," " We verton," 33 NorWelal it, P'elrain Walters Julien, 29 Spencer GI Alosinan Elms St, Durwood Walton J. R., 459 Marrickville rd. D. 11111: Waireley W. J., George at, 0 reenwiell. Walters Mies 0, 8.. 7 York it Walton I. T., stock and shareurolcor, 1171 Want 0. C„ St, Pant's Fr, its miwlek Walter, Leonard IL, Stephen at, Bondi Pitt it Walters Lewis, 69 Grove at, St. Peters Want Mrs. M., 99 Thomas it Walton J. Theo., 16 Quinton nl, Manly Walters Mrs. M., 99 Pitt at, Redfern Waple 'W. If., 312 Norton at, Leielthardt• Walters Mrs M., 14 Botany 1st, Wavevley Walton joint, 15 Milk st. Walters Mrs. M., 10 11 Queen it, 19thfitalira Vinton Jolts, \Ferrets nl, 11m.rlekville " WAR CRY," "VICTORY," AND Waits rs Mrs. Maggie, 47 Arcadia et, Globs. Walton John, Wellington it, Mascot "YOUNG SOLDIER." Tra ie Walton Miss Mary. Martin it, must. Hill Walton .Toink Railway it, Sherwood anti Publication Ingrid, 400 Pitt Et Felton Jelin J., Bridge at, ins droyne Waltens Mosel N., Lane Cove ril, Ilytle Walters P.,815 Illawarra rd, Marriekville Walton .761m N., Macgregor st, Croydon Cam' bibuug end CO., importers, 93 Harbour Walton John T., Arden at, South Coogee Walters Percy IV. Terry it, Arneliffe it Fulton isdan W„ Way at, klardekville Walters Philip, lallott at, Enfield War Ring 'fly awl Co., grocers, 13amay Walton Robert, 20 Ross at, Forest Lodge Walton doll's W., 122 May it, St. Peters • , Walton Joseph, Oaten at, Concord Walters 8.. 132 Trafalgar at, Annandale War King awl Co.. importers, 93.99. WaltersMrs, 8.,25 Marlborough at, Visor& Walton Joshua, 11 Deninal at, Roselle URI bour at Walton Mrs. AL A., Northwood it, War Loon g and Co., frnit merchants, OF •Walters Mrs. S. J., III Eltittary Cansperdown Walters '1'. II., 71 Brown it, Pastillagton Hoy at Walton 5irs, Matilda, 720 Harris at Walters Thomas, Fisher at, Balgowlah War Samuel, laundry, 909 Castlereagh at' Walton MiktIttew,Nelsan rd, Concord Withers Thomas Bourke St Waraker Mra, Mary T., Douglas st,IVivIch Walters V. J.. Parramatta rti, Five Dock Walton Al re., 47 Glen at, North Sydney Warntall Clothing Co. (The), 231 Clarence Walters W., 3 little Edwards it, Reiman] Walton Mrs., 32 Australia at, Woollaln•si it Walton R. C., Curtirmar it, Compertiown Witham W, Wattle it, Punchbowl Walton it, 0., Harnett a ye, Man•ick011e Waiters Mrs. 1V. James at, Sherwood WARBERG FRED. & CO., Reign Walton It. S., 12 Frederick it, &Afield Walters W. 13., 59 Edwin at, Croydon seining l's per Mills null General. Walters W. II., 83 Penman Oa nil, Ashflold Walton R. W., Orchard rd. (ilintswood MRIIIIIdethrerN,228Clarence it,, Walton Robert, fiCI Joh ir et, With:rims Walters William, 12 New it, Annandale Sydney, N.S.W., Aushailla. Tel., City Walton Robert 0., McDonald it, Lai:emits Walters William, Mills it, Carlton 759 Welton Ito pert, 10 Reserve at, Annandale Walters William, 15 Avon et . Glebe Walters William, LP., • The Avenue, Walton 8. G., Northwood rd, Lime Cove Warlievg Mrs. A., 10 Bugau it, Sum. 11111 Walton BLS. Sophia, Byron it, Coogee Huntsville Yurbeys C., 250 Church it, Parramsitte Wolters T. N„ 18 Hilt i t, LeWlsbasn Walters Willinns. King it, Rochdale Wthrboys V., Snit shape umkets, 162 George: Wroiturs T. W., 95 Ilrandlitig et, Alexandria Walters William II., 138 trollies at at west Walters William IL, Archbold rd, Rose- Walton Thomas G., Lamont par, 1"matta Warboys T. C., Went worth at, Parramatte Walton Thomas U., Gladstone in, Ho mood Warlinek 0., 50 Carlton errs, Sinialler ville Walters/loaf A., Bruce at, West Kognrah Walton W. A., general manager, Royal Warbritk Thos. F., Major Bay rd, Com:aril Exchange As:1 03111We I of Loudon), Warbrlek 3,11111a mu,rd, A raeliffe Waltham Photographic Studio, 179 Liver. pool it (Fire, Sea and Accident). Head olite° War:brick Willtam, 57 Marlon at, Rumor° Waltham O., Wollongong rd, Anielifie for Australia, BO Pat at Warburton, Frankl, Ltd., eleetrical Walther soil Stevenson, Ltd., manufac- Waltial W. P., Eli hunt save, Darling Point general engineers, 307, 309, III Rout turers of saddlery, 383 George at and Walton William, 7 Jones it Et. Telis. City 6721 alai 0;22 22 Hunter St WOOD, COFFIll awn COMPANY LTD. LIVERY DEPT., 472-84 HARRIS ST. 'PHONE 150 am ANTHONY HOREIERNS' FOR AUSTRALIAN MANUFACTURER. War1703 War ALPHABETIC AL 'WARBURTON AND SON, Shipolnient, g leam Tug and Winch I've prietore mat Fuel Merchants, Russell's Whin 0 foot of Bathurst it (tel., City 05 lb), mid Alfred it, North Sydney tvl, 106, N. Sydne)') Wthrlowton Thomas nail Sell, grocers, 298 Oxford at, Paddington 'Warburton A„ 84 Denison st, Wilverhsy Warhol: ton Charles G., ' Windthorpe," 19 East Esplanade, 111-m1y Wavbartsia H, ., 193 WIlsiita it, Near toni Warburton Eliot, Sures/us st, Neutral Bay 'Warburton George L. Gillies st, WonEtuneeraf t Wartairton George S., ' Abbytelx," Galles it Wollstoneentft Tel., N. Sycl. 1231 Warburton Henry; Normandy rat, Auburn Warburg( si3.21)0 Union it, 13nikinevIlle Warburton .1, /1 • 41 Spit rd, Mosinan 'Warburton 3. 11., Terrace ral.Martlekville "Warburton Joseph, 91 Bourke at, Redfern "Warburton Mrs. IL., 41 Watson at, Wav'thy Varlairtim likelier& 13 Brown st, N' town 'Warburton Ilielard, 91 Wilson it, N' town 'Warburton Thome, Jahnes at, Chatewood 'Warburton W.. 83 Renwick at, /Fmctsme 'Warby Alfred 1I., Trongate it, Granville Warby (Deoree B„ Railwa y st, 0 ranvIlle Warby 111°. Henrietta, WIlga at. !Inwood Warily William, DM Ebley St. Wii verity Ward Bros., fish shop, 219 Parratuatta rd, 1-eiehlunalt Ward limos, fish shop, 148 King it, N'town Ward Bros, deli shop, 383 Klug it, N' town, 'Ward Bros., idechine Importers, 519 George at, and 25 Q. V. Markets Witn1 Bras., produce agents, 125 Suomi et 'Ward and Co., valuers null estate agents, 76 I'itt at "Want and is arran,photegraphers,49 Pitt at 'Ward Jar nms 0tel„ stove mad range makers, 101 George it ; works, Marshall at mid Bennett plate Ward Rowland aml Co., I.tol., rca I estate agents, 2 Hunter at Vi 11 ,1 8. C. and Co., stook and share brokers, 107 PM at 1Varil W. E. and Co., Ltd., manufacturers othinties, costumes, Am.), 47 York at, Ward IV. E. and Son, Imithen, 203 N.S.II. I'd, Padding/am 'Ward W. F. and Co., joinery manateetimers, Styles it, Leith!' malt Ward nod Want, Immo and land agents, 77 Panama tta rd, Annandale Ward A., Holland st, Chats wood 'Want A. G., 62 Al lett at, Erskineville 'Ward 1Irs. A. AL. Want at, Ramona 'Ward A. 11., Coonanbarra rti, Wahromiga Wail Albert, 142 Union at, Enkineville Want Albert A , Slade at, Marcia burn 'Ward Albert 13., Qui terbui y nil, Delmore 'Ward Allied, 11„ Yule Ft, Draw/eh 11111 Ward Allred, 99 Kingston rd, Canitnlown 'Ward Alfred, St hilsomi at, Eastwood 'Ward Alfred, 29 Phillip et. Glebe Ward Alfred, Slat ket at, Narellibarli Vas il Alfrol, Onaley are, Ontley Ward Ai Ind C., Snort FL Granville Ward Andrew G., 27 Stafford it, Stanasore W'anl Mrs. Ann, Tiger' at. Ramlwick 'Wart Mrs. Annie, Rocky Point rd, Hog% Ward Arthur, /311tott it, Balniain 11 aril Arthur, 1 Senn in it, Bolan% Ward At than Braise tat. Dulwich 11111 Ward Arthur. 26 Myrtle et, Leichherdt Want Arthur St tIlley Xt. Rend wick Want Arthur, 7 Knox it, Woollahris Wan! Arthur 0.. Warntals at, Billie '1 'Ward 13., Attic I at, Milson's Point 'Ward Mrs. B, 81 1111ter at, North Sydney Want Mrs. IS., DO Castlerea gh at, Redfern Ward Mrs. B,, Charlecot at, Marrickville Ward George, Darle)' rd, Itandwick Ward George, 15 Ewell at, Rorelle Ward Benjamin, Leigh at, Merryl Ward Benjamin J.. Fifth are, !teakwood Ward Mrs. George A,, chemist, 15 Cowper At-, Waverlay W'uapl Isern,Ivl, 232 Humors rd Er more Ward George F, 48 Wiley at, Waver:es Want Bert, 31 Ferry rd, Glebe Want George W., 323 Miller it, N. Sydney Ward C,. 4 II salson at. Lewisham Ward Mies C., 22 Monist Et, North Sydney Ward 011 hen G., off Homer at, Canterhursy Wiird C. II., St Sutherland W., St, Peters Ward MIES H., The Esplanade, MI minorsle.Sands Wanl C, J., 1 Sydney rd. Manly Ward II., 4 t Dim rhain st, Seta Annandale Ward Miss C. 'M. 44 West it, N. Sydney Ward H. F., 21 Spit Mosman Want Cecil D. Stacey its, llatikatown Wind Mrs, Charity, Carlotta at, G reels with :Ward II. Shell Cove ri Neutral Bat Ward If. Rowland, Wyvern Ave, Chu wood Ward Charles, 19 Donnelly sr., Bainiain Ward Ihrnild, Barr it, Bel ma Ward Charles, 55 Spring if, Waverley Ward Charles P., OS Lincoln et, Stininore Ward Harold, Wyong et, Untie)' Mad Charles /0,24 Thomas at, Lewisham I Ward MI a. Merritt. 2 Campbell at, Plebe t Want Harry, 45 BrandlIng 1st, Alexandria Word Charles 11, Walora at, Cainsisie Wan/ Cliaries It., Wu rands it, Canterbury Ward Harry, Rawson it, Auburn Ward Harry, 13 Booth at, Dirlumin Ward Claude A., Garfield it, Five Dock Sidd l imarny, 59 . on or s,Le i c' l mlta rdt 'Void Cyril, loirdeld it, Ewe Duck [WardIty.97ChionlsNr Sydney 4 Bowes ate, Paddington Ward &HIS 2 Ward Mrs. Dolores, 42 Minton at , Mantua Want Harry M., Asher at, Rawl wick ,.24 Boorke I Wan1 H enry ‘1ity aist°,11Sttr3B Ward Meary, 29 Fiteroy st Ward Silas H., local postmlstress, Brighten- Ward Henry, Murlel Et, Hornsby Ward Homy, Wyoug at, Carley le-Smidi Ward E. , poop. Rowntree's Fronting Dock Ward Henry M., 101 1th ronsIttre it Ward Henry P., II Wharf nl, Rahman Works, Stack at, Balumin Ward II :risen, McDonald at, Ereklneviile Ward Mrs. IL, Beach at, Congee Ward Mrs, 10, 38 Cleveland sr., Darliitgtim n'ard Herbert C., Bninswlek par. Concord :11c et, lilt'Atitonold li err tic Ir eat,alters1 W i Ht Ward Mrs. E , Unwlit's Bridge. rd, Ward 311Es E., 121 Walker at, N. Sydney Ward Herbert it, Redfern Want Thrbirt 3., 69 Morehead Wanl Miss E., Marsden it, Parrarnatta Ward lingts, Cowper at, Waverley Ward Mrs. E., Davao et, Randwick Ward Mrs. E., 01 Castlerea gh it, Redfern Ward Ile Rh J., Managing Illrectur J. 0. IVib hi • 111s0118 Ltd., 01 Castlereagh it; Ward 11., Willoughby rd, Willoughby p.r., • 'llellevue," 50 Wyldest.PotPs Pt. Wiini ECampbeltown rd, Liverpool Ward Mrs, E, 31., 11 libertine ave, Rose Ward 1,, matron Granville L3lectonde Cottithe Hospital, Norrat at, Auburn Boy Wind E. M., O'Neill A, Brighton-In:Sands Ward .1., overseer, limin a -gal Shire, Gordon rd, Gorden Word Mrs. 14. T„ 22 Norton at Word Edward, 34 litareraIty at, C'slown Ward J., Starke ts et, Navel/Mons Ward J. C., mgr. Australian Sewing Ward Edward, as Tux tell ' nil, Glebe 1Iaelrint Co., Prop., Ltd., 519 George Ward Edward, Parley rd, Rand with it Ward RI ward, H8 Momlie at, Batelle SYbil ,1. W.; stipple. maker, 1 Central it 11 ard Edward E., Croydon ave. Ea cid Ward Ed ward ls. 37 Wharf rd, Milamin Ward J. W., Harden r.1, Art/union Ward Edward .1. 24 Emily Et, Leteishunit Ward James, 40 Brou gham it Ward Edwin, 0 st, Brighiiou le.Samis Want James, Edwin at, Croydon Ward James, 1 arringtou st„ Coacord Ward Edwin J., Point rib, Woolwich Ward Mrs. Elizabeth, R. reersrae 1401"ii Ward James, Pans l e, Dulwich Hilt Want James, 167 Victoria si.Lowlehain corner Bellevue et and Fovenux it rr \\Vrard T il lirriltiresratlinkrilliSsit,ntAntroisruslisftt,0130Inain Ward Jimies, QmensclIffe, Manly Ward James. 65 Eamon rd, Itarrtekville Ward Jam ei, 3,15. Stanley it, Rand wick Waal Ernest, Villiers at. (I onghtewn Word James, 50 Dunison sr, Waverley Ward Tiniest, Is Spencer rd. 1losinit Ward James B„ 20 William sit,Marrlokvilie Wisrd Ernest, 1011 Alice at, Newtown Ward James D., hoselsink at, Glebe Ward Is., store, Gordon nl, Auburn Ward F. 3., 40 tropetrain it, Paddington Wn n1 James IL, Market it, Narembarn Ward James J., William at, Canterhary Want F. L., Fitzroy at, /Warrickvine Ward James P.. 11 limilsort ea, Petersham IV art P. T., 55 Coruna a ye, Wit verges. Ward JanieS W. Smith at Granville Ward F. kV., LIalk, editor DAILY '1111.13sillAII II'Nunnington," Peet at. Ward Miss :lane, Chapel at, 1/anis:kali/if Ward Major John, eec. for You tog Kirrthilil Mout, North Sydney People's A Ifolra, Salvation Army, 73 Want Mrs. Flossie, 10 Stior •t it, 12hardt lionlbarn 51; p.r., 66 Douglas st, Ward Front is, 19 Hugo st, Redfern Ward Frank, 21 Piggott, Ft, Dulwich 11111 fi21 Devonshire at. Ward Fauns, Canunereini nl, 1.elehharch IlstirdStJaellhific,re \Van' J01111, I Wyndham it, Alexandria Wan] Frederick, Mattinai it rd, Auburn Ward John, 34 Arlin] • st, Bib main Ward Frederick, Park par, Waverley Ward John, Victor' at, Chatswood Ward MISS G., Ile% don at, Enfield Ward John, Bay et, (Royston Ward G. Ii., Wellington it, Ward Garner, 05 0 ben more ril, Paddington Wirral John, 37 Darghan it, Glebe 1Vard George, Spate Electile Cu., 479 Ward John, 86 Taylor et. Grebe Yard John, 26 Yule it, Petersham Mirth: g an, Roselle Ward Gell rye, tipper Bank steltli Posit Ward John, 19:1 Regent it, Redfirn Ward John,tIsIrd Ave, Ilookwural Care, Liverpool rd, Bankstnwir Ward John, 110 Terry at. St. rulers Ward George. 22 New st, AnnathIMe Wardicilin, Shirley r s , Wollstuiree raft Station at, Aracillie George, Ward Ward G corge, Writ Rotany rul, AritelIffe Ward Alba 10,9 Good Hope at, Platten Ward John E., lOB Rotor tree it, n /Imam Want George, Rose it, Aaiun', Ward 31 'hmmj 13, 19Morehead at, Redfern Ward (I cargo, Taunton 131, Ilurstrille Worst John II,, 89 Botany it, Rotten' Ward George, 155 Ditimaln rd, L' hard Want Jolla P., 120 Brougham et Ward George, Gar/line at, Peek'sarat HALF-A-CENTURY OF EXPERIENCE HAS PERFECTED OUR METHODS AND EARNED OUR REPUTATION ANTHONY HORDERNS' — THE SHOP FOR THE CLASSES. ANTHONY HORDERNS1—THE SHOP FOR THE MASSES. 170i War ALPHABETICAL. War War Ward John R., 42 Morehead at, Waterloo Ward William, 187 Beattie at, Bah/min Wardrop W. S., Carlotta at, Greenwich Ward John S., Centennial a ye, Randwiek Ward William, Trafalgar at, Annandale Wardrop William, Godfrey at, Banksla Ward John W., O'Donnell at, Coogee Ward William, Guildford rd, Guildford Wardrop William, Premier at, Wardrop William, Lyall at, Leichhardt Ward.Joseph, Tennyson at, Campsie Ward William, Lake at, Mortlake Ward Joseph, Queensollffe, Manly Ward William, Harley mu, Itandwick Wardrop William S., 113 Goodlet at Ward Joseph, 260 West st, North Sydney Ward William, Darwin et, St. Leonia& Wardrope Charles, 17 Cardwell at, B'maili Ward Joseph II., 71 Arthur at Ward Widiam, 35 Sloane at, Summer Hill Waldrop° Charles, 15 Cook st, Itozelle Ward Airs. K. L., 2 Excelsior st, Leichhardt Ward William, Victoria at, Vancluse Warairope David, 52 Old Canterbury iii„ Ward Mrs. Kate, 120 Pitt at, Redfern Ward William, 17 Henry st, Waverley Summer Hill Ward Joseph, 34 Maria at, Marriekville Wardrope Henry, 95 Moodie at, Ronne Ward William, Point rd, Woolwich Ward Mrs. Julia, King at, Enfield Ward William E., Beaconsfield at, Bexley Ware Mrs. Agnes, 17 Shepherd -at Ward Mrs. Julia, Punchbowl rd. Enfield Ward William E., " St. Kilda," Rose Bay Ware Arthur, 52 nurlinson st Ward Mrs. K., Ifillyaril a ye, Wahroonga Ward William G., Andertrou at, Behnore Ware Arthur, o atson at, Neutral Bay Ward L. IL S., 14 Excelsior st, L'hardt Want William P., Rookwood rd, B'town Ware C, W., Malsburynil, Hornsby Ward Leslie, 644 Jones at Ward William S., Eastern are, Kensington Ware Charles, 14 Margaret at, Redfern Ward Lewis, 28 Mayer at. Annandale Ward William T., 4 Stanley lane Ware D trill, 139 King at, St. Peters Wardale Henry. 36 West at, N. Sydney Ward Mrs. 11., Ocean at, Woollahnt WareMiss E. E.,rasideutial agent, 70 Ward Mrs. M. A., " Warrane," Albert rd, Wardale John, Woodward a ye, Strathileld Pitt St Strathfield Wardale W., 45 Elizabeth at, Redfern Ware Erni at, 53 Wentworth Park, Glebe Ward Mrs. M. K.. 102 Silver St. Maeville Wardell and Brown, Aetna Electrical Co., Ware F. C., Australia st, Camperslown Ward Norman, 18 Lander at, Redfern 413 King at, Nawtown Ware Francis, Napier nil, Concord Ward Oliver E., 118 Albion at, Annandale Wanlell & Denning, arelects, 50 Hunter at Ware Frank, 33 Franck at, Globe Ward Oscar. 59 Rose at, Darlington Wardell Road Railway Platform, Wardell Ware Frederick, 5 Stirling at. Glebe Ward Mrs. P., 33 Moneur at, W0°11111)11/, rd. Dulwich Mb Ware George, 104 George at, St. Peters Ward P. J.. Newington rd, Marrickville Wardell Ansa A. Victoria rd, Rydalmere Ware George, 276 Laytan at. Camperdowit Ward Patrick, Great Northern rd, Ityde Wardell B. IV., 5 Mackenzie st, N. Sydney Vare Georg., 11., 4 Cooper at, Waterloo Ward Percival G., Cowper at, Granville Wanlell Herbert 11, architect, 56 Hunter at Were Gilbert, hairdrer.ser, 9 Union at Ward Percy, Chiswick rd, Auburn Wardell Robert, 55 Phillip at, Waterloo Ware Gilbert, 23 Foneart at, Baulk Ward Peter, Fitzroy at, Burwood Wardell Thomas, Gruen's' at, Roseville Ware JIII/ICS, 06 Broughton at, Glebe Ward Philip H., Albany at, St. Leonards Wardell IV., St. George's arcs, Drummoyne Ware James, New at, Harwood Ward Mrs. R., 1 Briggs at, Camperdown Wardall W., 132a Camden at, Newtown Ware James W., 60 !tog° at, Darlington Ward R., 40 Carnbellu at. North Sydney Warden A. W., architect, 164 Pitt at Ware John, butcher, 42 Myrtle at Ware Jonathan, Gipps at, 1Vaverley WardR. A. Cullen, F.C.P.A., A.S.I.A., Warden A. W., 13 Bolt's a ye, Alminan public accountant, 113 Pitt at; p.r., Warden Albert, Wiley's lane, Lakemba Ware I,eo 285 Addison rd, Alarriekville Wright's rd, Drummoyne Warden Albert, The Boulevard°, S'Udield Ware Lealie, 9 Henry at, Lelehhanit Ward It. C., Kent at, Epping, Warden Al. x., 15 Catherine at, Balmain Ware Mrs. AL, 38 Campbell at, N. Sydney Ward R. H., 50 Cambridge st, Barton Warden Mrs Arthur, Ben Boyd rd, Neut. B. Ware Bras Mary, 179 Rose at, Darlington, Ware Percy, 49 Burlinaott at WardItex.Cullen, F.C.P.A., , Warden Charles, 11 Oxford at, Rozelle public accountant, 113 Pitt at; p.r., Warden Charles F., 29 Glover at, Montan Ware Richard it. Manson rd, Concord Mowbray rd, Cluitswood Warden Mn. s E. 0., Delmore rd, Coogee Ware Robert, 342' Bulwarra rd Ward Richard, Wellington st, Bondi Warden Mrs. Eleanor, Mount at, Coogee Ware Robert, De Winton at, Hornsby Ward Richard 5., Avoca st, Randwiek Warden Henry .T., McDonald st, Lakeinba Ware S. N., 21 Aubrey at, Stanmore Want Robert, Dantroon at, 1P1stone Park Wardea J., Duty= at, Randwiek Ware Sylitley, 23 Hnlwarra lane Ward Robert, 111 Barren at, Newtown Walden J. G., hotel broker and Mistiness Ware Thomas, Belmont at Alexandria Ward Robert, 449 Miller at, North Sydney agent,163 Pitt at Ware Thos. G., 18 Elgecliffe rd, Woollalare Ward Robert, 108 St. James rd, R'wick Warden J. It., 251 Annandale at, Aledale Ware Thomas IV., 104 Gowrie at, Newtown, 1Varden James G., Murdock at, Neut. Bay Ware U. IV., Mandolong ni, B106011111 Ward Mrs. 'Regina, 75 Victoria at Ward Miss S., Liverpool rd, Bankstown Warden Joseph, 41 Relby at, Newtown Ware William, Canterbury rd, Delmore Warden Leo. W., 32 Gerard at, Neut. Bay Wareham Albert, Henley rd, Flemington Ward S., Good at, Granville Ward Mrs. S., Bayswater rd, Roseville Warden Mrs. Margaret, Elm rd, Auburn Wareham Arthur H., 42 Wood at, Manly • ' Ward S. E., Edwards rd, South Hornsby Warden Robert A., J.P., president Govern- Wareham Edgar, Hornsey rd, Flemington II1Pnt Savings Bank (head office), 11 Wareham Mrs. Edith, school, Hornsey nl, Ward S. P., 30 Vista at, Mosman Moore at Flemington Ward Samuel T., 95 Womerah ave Wardford Charles, 135 Wigram rd, Glebe Wareham Edward, 20 Burrithpore at Ward Sidney, 103 Lord at, Newtown Wardham Claude, 297 Nelson stoAledale IVareinun F. A., Hornsey rd, Flemington Ward Stephen, 393 Riley at WardfillIenry \V., Birrell at, IVaverley • Wareham IL, 140 Railway par, Erak'ville 'Ward Stephen, 6 Short at, Woollahrn Wardill S. C., 273 Norton at, Leiehhanit Wareham James, Victoria par, Flemington. Ward T., Chiswick rd, Auburn Wardle and Co., preduce merchants, Cir- Wareham Thomas S., Constitution ni„ Ward Mrs. T., 25 Edmund et. Waverley Ward T. J., Parramatta rd, Leiehhardt cular Quay 111eadowbank Wardle George T., Railway at, Rockdale Wareham William, 21 Semi at, Petersham . • Ward Thomas, 3 Athenian at• Ward Thomas, 54 Lower Campbell at Watdle Harry. Delmore rd, liurstville Wares 0., 11 Devonshire at, North Sydney Ward Thomas, 20 Jennings at, Alexandria Wardley and Goldman, boot factory, 76-78 Yarhaui E., Auderton at, Afarrickvitle Ward Thomas, Highgate st, Auburn Gerard at, Alexandria Warham Francis, 11 Healey at, Paddington. Wardley John J., 94 John at, Waterloo Ward Thomas, 85 Curtis rd, Balmain Warliam Henry, 138 Dowling at Ward Thomas, 38 Phillip at, Entnore \Yardley H. IV., 59 Edgeoliffe nil, NTlahrn Warhurat Henry, Riley at, Kogaralt Ward Thomas, off 4 Leichhardt at, Glebe \Yardley Thomas, 34 Myrtle at, Stamnore Waring Bode, 92 Glebe Point rd. Glebe Ward Thomas, C0011111F.Sie rd, North Ryde Wardman Thomas, Kenyon's rd, Holroyd Waring Mrs. E., Gordon rut, Chatswotal Ward Thomas, 8 Nowranie at, Sum. Hill Wardrobe Join), 4 Derby at. Camperdown Waring F., En gland ave. Marrickville Waring Mrs. Fanny. Gibbs at, Croydon Ward Thomas A., 42 Darghan at, Glebe Wardrobe T., A rneliffe at, Arncli ire Wardrobe William, Mills at, Carlton Waring MIS3 G.11, Barton a ye, HaberfieldWard W., painter, 4 Simms at Wardrop Albert, Wellington at, Mascot Waring George G., McKern at, Canipsie Ward W.,Ohestnut rd, Auburn Wardrop C. S., 57 Allen st, Len:Mark IVaring IL J., dental Burg., 283 Elizabeth at. Ward W., 43 Alexander at, Alexandria Ward W., 50 Bradley's Head ni, Aleutian Wardrop E., 85 Railway ter, Lewisham Waring 11. 3., dentist, Gordon rd, C'wood Waldrop Mrs. Eva M., Weld's aye, H'ville Waring Henry, Bay at, Botany Ward IV. E., 52 Epping rd, Double Bay Ward IV. F., general engraver, 76 York at Wardrop G., 2 Little Darling at, Ittihad!! Waring Henry, 55 Wentworth at, Tempe Wardron George Llewellyn st, Wanda Waring James, 32 Fulham at, Entnore Ward W. F., 6 Mistral ave, Mostnan Waring James, 6 Ivy at, Redfern Ward W. G., 80 Ashmore at, Erskineville Wardrop John, 15 Stewart at, Balmain WardropMrs.,local postmistress, 62-00 Waring John, Cationbury Grove, Did. Hill Ward W. IL, Tuiloh at, Willoughby Ben Boyd rd, Neutral Bay Waring Joseph 136 Wilaon at, Redfern Ward W. H., Queen at, Auburn Ward IV, K., Old Canterbury rd, P'shates Wardrop Robert, 9 R030 at, Ashfield Waring Leonaril, 21 Frederick at, Ashfiebt, Ward Walter, 110 Holterman at, N. syd. Wardrop T. Yuille, manager Union Bank Waring Oswald L., Clissold par, Campsie of Australia, Ltd., corner Pitt and Waring R., 282 Abercrombie at, Redfern Ward Walter, 12 Cooperst, Redfern Hunter stspr., "Torbane," Kent rd, Waring It. J., 15 Hercules at, Ward Walter IL, 21 Mewls:tic at, Peteraham Rose Bay Ward Walter T., 52 Ernest at, North Syd. Waring Mrs. Sarah, Arthur at, Enfield WOOD, COFFILL &COMPANY LTD, HEAD OFFICE: BULWARRA RD.,PYRMONT 'PHONE 728 /a, 1160 °ERMA ALPHABETICAL. • War170. Waring Thomas, Barton a ye, Haberfield Warner Arthur, 8 Angel at, Newtown Warren Albert J.. Cowper at, Parrimatta Waring Miss V. R., Barton /r ye, Habertleld Warner Arthur J., 3 Parrett at, Rozelle Warren Albert \V., Villiers at, Bexley Waring W., 4 Golden Grove at, Redfern Warner Capt. E., 23 Glen at, N. Sydney Warren Alfred, 202 Hansom aye Wark Miss A, 4 Leicester at, Pad'ton Warner Miss Ethel, costundere, 183a Pirt st Warren Alfred, 101 Campbell at, Glebe Wark Alexander, 212 Evans at, Rozelle Warner E. IV., harbour pilot, Department Warreu Alfred, Francis at, Rookwood Wark Aubrey, Yule et, Dalwich Hill of Navigation, Loftus at Warren Mrs. Amy, 232 Palmer at Wark Mrs. B.,10 Princes st, North, Sydney Warner F. J. IV., Campbell at, L. Coogee Warren Arthur, 16 Hartley at, Heretic Wark Mrs. E.. 59 Edward at, North Sydney Warner Frank, Russell at, Oatley Warren Arthur G., Short at, Rockdale Wark Foster, 17 Red Lion at, Ronne Warner George, Croydon rd, Hurstville Warren Arthur IL, In McEvoy at, WT100Wark Mrs. Jane, 63 liveleigh at. Redfern Warner George, Webber'a rd, W. Kogarall Warren Miss C., 87 Walker st, N. Sydney Wark Mrs. M., Rocky Point rd, Eogarall Warner Herbert W., Railway at, Epping Warren Mrs, C. J., 22 Cliff at, Manly Wark Mrs. M. J., 22 Red Lion at, Rozelle Warner J.,175 Trafalgar at, Annandale Warren C. P., 104 Burlington at, N. Sys!. Wank Walter, Kimpton at, Rockdale Warner J. E T., Dudley at, Coogrse Warren 0. It., 13 Mitchell at, Nth. Syd. IVark William,38 Short at, tbilinain Warner J. F., 259 Annandale at, Antedate Warren Cecil E., !filtered at, Punchbowl Warke John, River ni, L ale Cove Warner James, 113 Railway ter, Lewisham Warren Charles, 23 Park a ye, D'rnoyne Warke S. 0., 180 Emnore rd, Marrickville Warner John, O'Connor at, Haberfield Warren Charles L., Martin at, Habertiekt Warlord! S..1.. Miller at, Marrickville Warner John, Wri ght at, Hurstville Warren Chris, 54 Orpington at, %Varian!' Alfred, Fleet at, Carlton Warner J01111, 15 High at, N. Syilliey Warren Mrs. E., 31 Boundary at Miriam]. Arthur, Adelaide tut, Meade %thank Warner Jolla C., LP., land agent, 153 Warren Miss. E.. Good at, Granville Warland Arthur AL, 2 Raper st, Newtown Ernest at North Sydney Warren Mrs. E., Itani .s gate rd, San Souci Warland Ernest, 13 Kensington rd, Sum- Warner John it., High at. Willoughby Warren Miss IL, 10 Glenview sr, ProPton mer Hill Warner Joseph, 171 Botany at. Waterloo %Varren E. H., Frampton a ye, MarrickvilleIVarland Edward, Kingsland rd,Rookwood Varner Miss, 13rightmore at, Neutral Bay Warren Edward, Garden at, Alareot Warland George, Fleet at, Carlton Warner P., 192 Mitchell rtl, Alexandria Warren Edwin, Parrannitta rd. Homebuslt Warland IV. J., Leicithardt at, Leichhanit Warner Richard, Junction at, Wahroonga IVarren Mrs. Elizabeth, 272 Victor's' at Warland William H., Alice at, Lakeniba Warner Airs. T., 117 Glebe Point rd, Glebe Warren Ernest,43 Spring at, Waverley Warleigh A. It., 8 Wentworth at ParPton Warner Tliomas IL, Hawthorne par, Warren Ernest .1. 17 Wells at, Annandale IVarley C. H. and S., grocers, 129 George Warner Valentine,: Robert at, Aslitield Warren Ernest W., solicitor and notary at west, 32 Botany rd, Alexandria, and Warner Miss W., Wilson at, Naremburn public, 19 Hunter St 153 King at, Newtown Warner IV., Christie at, St. Leonard!! Warren Francis Myers at, Sans Sonci Warley Sam. and Co. cabinetmakers, 110 Warner Walter, 35 Queen st, Ashfield Warren Frank, Buller a t, Parraniatta Albion at Warner Walter, Liverpool rd, Bankstown Warren Frank E., 79 Garden at, AICIal nark Wariond John, Vadat at, Batman IVariser Walter IV., 64 Monett'. at, \Tishri* Warren Frederick, 11 Albert at, Newtown, Warlond Theodore, 53 Palmer st, Balumin Warner William, Day at, Marrickville Warren G. C., 21 Golden Grove at, Darrtota Warman Arthur, Light at, Merrylands Warner William H., Miller at, Haberfield Warren G. It., plumber, 133 Military rd, Warman C. W., grocer, 144 Bay at Warner William R.. Kintore at, Wahromma Alosman IVarman H. B., Lane Cove rd. N. Sydney IVarnett Arthur, Hilltop at, King's grove Warren George, Victoria St east, Burwocal Warman H. B., 83 Miller st, North Sydney Warning Mrs. E., 90 Forbes at Warren Georg e, 10 Murdock at, Rozelle Warman Henry B., Salttbury at, WiTgliby \Vranken' Henry, 22 Watkins at, Bondi Warren George, 44 Crown at, St. Peters Warman Mrs. H. A., 75 Fig at Warnock Mrs. 31.. Byron rd. Guildford Warren George B , BeIgnive at, Kogaralt Warman William H., Illawarra rd, Warnock Thomas, Alt at, Waverley Warren George H., Beauford at, Enfield Wartnoll R. IL, 344 Crown at WarlIS William, 14 Toelle at, Rozelle Warren George S., George at, North Bondi, Warmoll Mrs, It. H., Porter at, Waverley Warr Alfred, 50 Farr at, Alarrickville Warren Guy, L.R.C.P. (Loud.), M.R.O.S.,. Warnisley B. C., accountant, 228 Pitt at Warr Alfred J. W., 93 Hereford at, Glebe ophtliahnie surgeon, 201 Macquarie at Warn Mrs. E., 53 Castlereagh at, Redfern Warr David, Avoca at, Waverley Warien Pr if. H. 1V., Newcastle at, Rosati.. Warn George, Wentworth nil, Harwood Warr Mrs. E., 144 Macpherson at, Witv'y Warren Harold, Beatrice at, Auburn Warn Richard C. E., 8 Bucknell at, N'town Warr Ernest, 214 Glemnore rd, Paddington Warren Harold T., 30 Renwick at, L'ilunit Warne Mrs. A., 66 Blue's Pt. rut, N.Sydney Warr 0. J., home, land and estate agent, Warren Harry J., 10 Arthur at, ParPton Warne A. E., Glen aye, Turramurra auctioneer and valuator (member of Warren Henty, 280 13ulwarra rut Warne C. J., 195 Liverpool nil, Real Estate Auctioneers and Agents' Warren Henry,121Elizabeth at, East Warne Charles, 533 Harris at Association ofNewSouth Wales), Ashfield. Warne Charles, 281 Young at, An'tiale tram terminus, Dulwich Hill. Tel. Warren Henry, Tatunratna at, Bondi Warne Charle ., 118 Cooper at, Waterloo 503 Peterallain Warren Henry .1., Bolniont at, Alexandria. Warne Charles, 37 31111 Hill nil, ViTaverley Warr George. 2 Albert at, Forest Lodge Warren Herbert 11,34 Woodstock st, Bondi Warne Edward, 70 Pittwater nil, Manly Warr J., 427 Pitt at Warren Horace, assistant superintendent Warne F. E., 16 Constitution nil, Fsliam Warr J. G., electric baths and massage, EasternExtensionAustralasiaand Warne Henry T., 516 Bourke at 243 Elizabeth at China Telegrap h Co., Ltd., 7 Moore at,. Warne Mrs. Isabella,14 Marian st, Elution! Warr Mist Allimie, 2 Upper rd, For. Lodge "Osgathorpc," Murdock at, Cre• Warne Mrs. J. A., McDougall at, Keleton Warr Sam, 158 Commonwealth at 1110111C Warne J. D., 15 Prospect at, Paddington Warr William, 427 Pitt at Warren J., Frampton ave, Marrickville Warne James, Mitchell rd, Alexandria Warr William, 183 Wigram rd, Glebe Warren J. L., 29 Barview at, Nth. Sydney Warne John, 144 Flinders at Warr William, Russell at, Strathfield Warren J. R., 31 Tannings at, Alexandria Warne Mrs. M., 51 Northumberland aye, \Varna Mrs. Elizabeth, 119 IVornerall aye Warren James, Lord's nil, Lefchltarilt Staninore Warrant J , 23 Binning at, Erakineville Warren Jas., 37 Harrincton at, Prineville Warne Roy E., 013 West st, North Sydney Warrawee Public School — Silas Shute Warren James, 233 Old Canterbury rsl„ Warne IV. J., 91 William Henry at head tenet ter, Lane Cove rd, IVarrawee Petersham Warne Walter, Park at, SillIFISOLICE WarraweeRailwayStation—William Warren Janice G., 10 Davies at, Petersham, IVarne William, 103 New Canterbury rd, Caarty, stationmaster, Warrawee Warren Mrs. Jane, Grey at, Carlton Petersham Wane 0,2 Alexander aye, Mosumn Warren John, 233 Pyrmont at Warne William L., 33 Woruerah aye Warrell John, 194 Bridge rd, Glebe Warren John, Wickham at, Arncliffe Warnecke John J., Falconer at, Ityde Warren Charles, 134 Brougham at Warren John, Trongate at, Granville Warnecke John J., Ermington rd, Enn'ton %Parrett L..31 Regent at, Paddington Warren John, Luke at, Hunter's Hill Warneford IV. J., Garden at, S. Randwick Warren Brick Co. ( Bakewell and Curlewis, Warren John, Melrose at, Mascot Warner Bros., bootamIcers, 091. Georgest proprietors), Waterloo rd, St. Peters Warren John, Harrow rd, Rockdala Warner and Taylor, Sydney II oodturning John, Wilson at, Redfern WARREN FEATHERBONE 00,— Warren Co., Hill at William Lewis, representative, Staf- Warren Jahn C., 43 Botany at, Waterloo Warner Mrs. A., 5 Victoria at, Erskineville Warren John D., 56 Radar] at, !domain ford House, 316, 822 Pitt at (see Advt. Warner Mrs. A. E.. 43 Selwyn at, Padlon Warren John It., Interest at, Punchbowl page 1301) Warner A. 11,50 Wolseley rd, Point Piper Warren Joseph, 414 Riley atIVarnerAlbert II. (Warner Estate, IWyong), Warren and Strang, warehousemen, 19 Warren Josei . 11,129 Blue's Point rd, 57 Market st Barrack at %Vane!' Joseph, Mill at, Panama tta Warner Alfred, 7 Milton at north, A'tield Warren A., Parnimatta rd, Auburn Warren Julian A., tailor, Harwood rd Warner Alfred, 57 West Itsplanade, Manly Warren A. Si., mgr. The Dental SfunufacHarwood ; p.r.,"Lynton," Redmyre rst Warner Alfred, Old Canterbury taring Co., Ltd., 9 O'Connell at Stratlitield 55 THE SIMPLEST OR THE STATELIEST FUNERAL CONDUCTED TO THE SATISFACTION OF ALL CLIENTS- ANTHONY HORDERNS FOR SHOPPING BY POST. ALPHABETICAL Wat 1706War Waterbury Chendeal Co. — Potter t13/11 Warrm .4Ifrel (1,, Manson rd, COliconl Warren Mrs. M., 107 N.S.H. at, PmNon Birks, Ltd., sole agents, Grosvenor at Warren Mrs. M., Conk at, Roukwooll Wigton Alfred C., :LP., Si Whistler at, Waterer A. S. 11°.° Ft, Leichlutrilt -Warren Mrs. M., 11 Hopetounet.Gruntion Manly Waterer William A., 34 Pinwale] . ni, 'Warren Mrs. Mary, 12 Munro at, N. Syd. 1 Parton Alfred 1., Fornday are, Woollabra 'Warren Mrs. Mary A., 28 View at, 1Vartoli B., saddler, Bourke at, Waterloo IVater 3 E flleigl.T., Liverpool rd. Bankstown Warren Oliver, 20 Douglas at, Redfern Miran Benjamin, 35 Bourke at, Redfern Waterford .1., 15 Bad win at, Err kineville 'Warren R. H., chemist, Boman] ril, Warton David, 37 Day se, Lelehhardt Waterford %V. IT., Henry at, Lane C. ye Durwood IT • 2 Denby at, Mar rickyllio Waterhouee de Lake,architeet., 2 Hunter Et 'Warren It. J., 64 Pyrmont Bridge ril Warton Mrs. . I., 24 Augusta. Manly Waterhoose A. J., 22 Linton et, AC Sy (Nee ITamperdown Varton H., 146 Catherine fit, Lelehhardt Waterhouse II., 4 Lialereliffe at, Neat. Bay "Warren Reginald. Aferyin et, Borwood %Parton Joseph 1V„ 45a' Liverpool at 'Warren Reuben G., Victor at, Chatewood Warr», Les/le, Tarlatan( rd, Pleruhrgton 1Vaterhoase G., West at, Naremburn Waterhouse elms., Park rd, Althorn --Warren Richard, Hooper at, Ilandwlek Norman W., Carey at, At' villa Wirterhouse Charles, 42 01(1 Ca ntorbary rd, -1Varrou Robert, 21 Datebett at, /Iranian Warner Parton Mrs. S., Peterabani rd, At Mlle Sn ni Her Hill -Warren Robert. 20 Waterview at, Belinda \Nairn Samuel IV., PI Watson SE, Wavy Waterhouse D., 285 Oirrell at, limit IVarreir S., 36 Macaulay at, Lcieldranit Warton Wil/Inm J., Rocky Pt. rd, Kan Warren SHIM el, West Botany rd, IPulitie Varwrok Farm Racecourse Co. Ltal.—H. Witte house E. A., Stinitope rd, Kithira Waterhorme 0..1., 11 Moore at Warren Sidney, 249a Bridge al, Glebe B. Dando, sec., 202 Pitt at, racecourse Waterhouse Mange, Grabill/Int, 1 \Why Warren Sidney. Bradt at, Waverley Liverpool Waterhouse Henry, Central st.Narcniburn Warren 11,11 Klueretan ni, Crimperlown Warwick A., Syde»Inua nil, Merrick-Mlle 1Viderhouse J. II, Woodbank at south, Warren T. A., 62 Union at Ash field Warwick Albert P., Alyall et. Ontley Warren 1'.11„ Letitia at, Maley Warren Thomas, 13 Clarke at, Crow's Nest Warwick C. 11., (Tehran et, If urlatone Park Widerhonee Nines, Paisley nl, Enamor' 'Warren Thomas , Punchbowl iii, Enfield Warwick Cheri a S., 504 King st, N town Waterhouse Jahr], MA., head teacher Boys' High Schaal, Mary Arm at ; p.r., - Warren Thornier, 54 Paleon et, NHL Syr]. Warwick George It., 17 Alberta it Archer st,Cluttsramd Women T110111RH W., 48 Alona n I, Darling Warwick J. A , 73 Annesley st, Char& Warwick J. J., 11 Cie velnad fit, Darlington WaterbunseProvinelal rd, Auburn Point Waterhouse Joseph, Berry at, Mascot Warwick James .1„ 105 Derwent at, Glebe 'Warren Thome W., 307 King 4, N' town Waterhouse Joseph, 41 Batton at, Manly Warwick Joint IL, 0 ilthes St. Rockdale Warren Alias W., 176 Campbell at Warren W., Sir Joseph Banks at, Botany Warwick Samuel, 44 auntie al, Newtown Waterhouse 5.,13 Ernest at, North Sydney Waterhouse T., 0 mssmere rd, Llmlfield Warwick 'P. II., 11 Baltic Ft, New town 'Warren W., Abbordord at, Kensington 'Warren W., 32 Ca brunette ril, Mosman Warwick T. II.. I8 Windsor rd, Petersham Waterhouse T., N /etude ni, Marrickville Waterborne 'I'. 0,153 West st,N. Sydney Warren W. J., Edwards rd, 5th. Hornsby Warwick W., 20 Missendea rut, Cblown 1Vntortunrse W. H., 07 Ennsone eel , :Wyllie Warren William, principal light keeper, /Vasty George, 43 Belmont ni, Mostim11 Hornsby Lighthouse, South Herd, Wireltington G., 358 Amandate at. An del(' Waterloo Brick Ca, Ltd.—James Edwards, manager, Botany nil, Waterloo Waeld rioter, George, 18 Day at. L'harilt Vanalitre Waterloo Glass Bottle Works, Ltd.—J. F. Warren William, ollicerimelinrce Cottage Washington John, 34 Mackey at Worrell, manager ; II. AI: Souther', Home for Aged Couples, Fitzwilliam Washington W., Minter at, Canterbury gen. avoid my, Crescent at, Waterloo Wesley Alfred, 84 Grove at, St. Peters st, Panama( a Waterloo Municipal Chamber,—Willlam Wilson Jahn, Clifford at, Panamatr. Warren William, 461 Kent st Allen, .1.1?„ fawn clerk, Elizabeth at, Wassail E. rind F., farriers, Kin tore at, 'Warren William, Botany rd. Botany Dulwich Ill!! 'Warren William, 31 Park a ye, ifilInV310 WritelVe11erl (Liteiccet Office — Joseph McKay, Warren William, 60 Margaret at, P0dram %Vassal! Joseph, 82 Terry at, St. Peters postnirimer, Elizabeth St. Waterloo at, Rockdale -Warren William, Albert Wassail W. 11.. Plillilp et, Alexandria Public School—George Wenbolz, Warren William, 6 Hartley at, Roselle Women 0. E., M.B., (MIL ( sal.), resident Waterloo headrunater. Botany rd, Waterton 'Warren William, Princes at, Hyde medical officer Sydney hospital, MacWaterloo Ragged School —Miss P. L. Owen. Warren William, 44 Morris at, Sum. 11111 quarie at Smith, head teacher, 1146 Botany at, Warren William, Margaret at, Woolwich Women Edward, 23 Grove at, Petersham Warren Wm. 0,79 Smith at, Sunk Dill Henry, 27 Onion st, Petersham Wu . Waterloo eche] Steam Canister Works—T. Warren William J., Gordon at, Brighton. Wessell Wessell John, Butmerung rd, Botany Denim, emir:Ilia printer and ClUILStEr le-Sands Wessell John, New Canterbury rd, Dal. maker, Eliz.beth fit, 1Vitterloo Warranter W.. 33 Cornwallis at, Redfern Witeserlmenner M., produce metal:ra p 632 Wideman,' 311m A., 204 (Mean at, Delon Warrener Albert. 48 Behnore at Bonrke St waternnin F., King at, Ea/Nairn/a Warmer B., Railway par. Hurstville Waseerhrenner AL, Iredale aye, Neat. Bay Mclennan George, Leicester Ave, Concord Warrigal Club—F. A. Collins, secretary, Wasdannall Armor/mil and Co., imparters 11ratermer Horace, 14 Iiipps at Dirtioyne 145 Abe/made at of all kinds of Indian, Chinese, and Waterman .1. 0. D., " Harleston,' 18 Callan \Mallow George, John at, linuter's Hill Japanese washirg silks iOila King at mart ral, Moamar WarriloW Harry, 144 Camden at, &town Warriner Mrs. A., 52 Military rd, Mosmart Wasson Alexander, 15 Walter at, Croninn Waterman John C., Gordon FL Limitleld Waterman N. 11., corn. agent, 374 Sussex st WIENOlt David, 118 Young st, Annandale 241 PittWater id, Manly Waniner J., off Warrincr Jaines, 209 New Canterbury rd, Wasson David, 309 Cleveland at, Redfern Waterman Normor II , Gipps at, Concord Waterman Walter IL, brunch manager, Wasson Ernest, II South ace, Laieltharnt Petersham Bank of N.S.W., 400 New Canterbury Warring/dr Bowling ChM a] al Green—P. Wassun Leslie c.; .1aame at, Wrwerley al, Dulwich 11111 Inman, bon. see., Bradley's Head rd, Wasson Walter, Iludenn st, Rearm Wastle Mrs. E., 4 Lawson et, Paddington %Veteran' u William, a Eveleigh at, It' (cut Mostann Waterman Will 59 Clarendon rd Vastie Victor G., 39 Lower Campbell at Warringal] Property Co., Ltd., 36 Moore at &more Warn/Tali Shire Conneil—B. W. Qtrirk WATCHMAN NEWSPAPER, Ltd (TEE), 92 Waters C. E. anti Co., Ltd., wholesole .1.P„ president; A. Price, engineer, Pitt et merellants,Itomitirin st Brookvalu Watoirinen, Caretakers' nail Cleaners Waterd Edward and Sons, patent and troth] 'Warrington II. B., Upper Avenue Unfort—J. Coote, eee., Trules Hall imirk attorneys — O. E. Graham, Mamma °album at patent attorney, manager, Gibbs' Warrington K. E„ Beamlel; at Campsie Sydney, 9 11111011 St, ParliPtoir chambers 7 Moore at. I'd. Cit y 1187 IVarrington John, Forest al, TInrstvIlle Watehorne Watcher Percy 3 Lambert at, ErskinevIlle Warrington Will lam, Slade at, Manahan' Water Conservation and Irrigation Com- Waters W. T. and Co., Ltd., family drapers, outfitters. &a, 74 to 80 King and 394 Warrior Alf red, engineer. 31 thinnisterlane misalon—L. A. B. Wilde, commissioner, George ate, Sydney. Tel. 1249 Warry A, J., Bellvire 11111. Rose Bay 25-20o Elizabeth at; Buying Dept., Waters A., Queen at, Animal 1Varry 311a, Alma, 4 Myrtle at, SI arturne 9 Moore at 1Vatera Alexander, P., J.P., Everton rd, Wriorkitt W. 11., Queen's rd, Five Dock Stratlittel Water Police Court—Arthur BIN, P.M., Warston Frederick, 164 Duke M Varth A. C.. 20 Osborne rd, Manly C.P,S., and DM. ; A. 0. Hattersicy Waters Alfred, 25 Harrington at Water, Alfred, filsbum al, AnIntrn Wartnn A., Petersham al, Afarrickville 3. P., eblef clerk, Phillip at 1Varton A. C.. ECC. Tramway Em- Water Pollee Station — hones Spence, Wags C. L. 201 Mac quarie 14 Wate rs Cecil, 429 Church st,Parrainattn. ployees. Lee arc inspector in charge, 8 George at Waters Charles, Park nl, Auburn Wanton A. S., 42 Garner's ave, M'ville WOOD, COFFILL AND COMPANY LTD. BRANCHES ALL SWIMS, SEE ALPHABETICAL SECTION ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR THE QUIN TESSENCE OF QUALITY. Wat ALPHABETICAL. Wat1707Waters Colin, Alexander at, Waters Mrs. Ro 914 Harris at. Waters Mrs. IT., 89 West et, Nnalt Sydney Waters 5trs• E. M., 7 Surrey St Waters Mrs. norlle,15 Elizabeth at Waters Edward, ISO Regent et, Ration] Water, Edward C., 1197 Victoria st Waters i1dwanl it, CIIMOIVII se, PIN; Waters Mrs. B11111111, 58 Bettington at Waters Ernest E., 120 Wells at, Newtown Watkinson Alfred. Carroll at, lingaralt Watkinson Ben., 8 Watkins at, Bondi Wat Mason Bert, 0 Delmore at, St. Peters Watkinson C. A., 23 Charles at, Petersham Watkinaun Alva. 1C., 28 City rd, Darlingtom WritkinFon Mrs, E.. Black Ft, Marricky1110 t11110 ni Watk Moon G., 21 ITO war 1st, Redfern Watkins A., 103 Ocean at, Bond! Wraik3heti oaortinlilnin. 13. B., CherNey aye, &town Vatkins Mrs. A., 1 Vet verley et, Wavertey Watleinson Mrs. I., 107 Whida.n. Watkins A. .1. C., 22 Margaret at, N'town Waters Ernest IL, NC°1111111 at, CIIIIHIWOutl Watkins Albert, High et, Carlton Waltham] James, 13 Porniont at Watkins Alfred .1., 07 Albany rd, Stemma WatkInson James, 170 York at north Water] F. J.. 8 A/inunt at, MINI/Ian Makin, Alm. Amelia, 22 Great Backing. Wadi LIN011Ifilirry, 06 Wyndham at, Waters Frank L., Alward st, Pecalmrst ham 6t, Redfern Waters Frederick, Beach rd, DidwIch 11111 Ale/nu/drill Waters Frederick, 98 LPII cox at, Newtorm Watkins Arthur J. C., Moore at, Campsie Watkluson Misr. Susan Ii, 795 Illatvarra n1,, Wraith], Chas.. 21 LI:naafi at, Waverley Waters Prraleriek, 27 liceley at, Pedlar] Alarrickville Watkins Mrs. 1I,Sylthey rd, Granville Waters G. J., Allua a ye, Beinnwe WrakInson T 3,, 39 Redfern et, Redfern Wirt this IC,, (Wren at, GIS/I/Valle Writers George, 183 00111311010V1101th Watkinson William, 226 Damara rd Watkins Mrs. E., a West Promenade, Was Orson William, 233 Bidwarm n1 Waters George, 0 Seymour /Mica Manly Water, Henry, Rive]. nl, East Hills Watkins L., watchmaker, (16 Gonlintru et MISS E., 31 Waverley at, Wavley Wale's, L., Rom Bay Waters Henry, 176 Margaret at, Petersham Watkins Watkins Sire. IT. J., 17 Junction et, N. Syd. watkiss 1V., 36 0 lournone rd, PadrINgton Waters Henry, 14 Slathers at Watkins Edwin. Kentrille Ere, An'thile ig 11. C., IMtelgil Itandwlek Witter, Henry, 12 Hampton at, WitMelee Mrs. hCiben, 313 Wlgratmu id, Glebe Watling Henry, Albanyat, et, St. Leonard, Water, Herbert C., Allele ace, &Amore F. T., Mareden st, Parrantatta Watling J. W.. Great North rd. A liboteril, Waters Mrs. J., 43 llrebilmat at, A1111101111110 Wanda, Watkins Fraitk, 21 /farrow rib, Stauthor° Waling John. Daniel at, Leinietnit Waters J. E., a Wigrun nl, Glebe a., Salisbury at, Carrapettlown Waling John C., (Tomato al, Five Dock Waters James, 4 C1wriegt an at, lialmain Watkins Watkles G., eleoti Mal engineer, 117 Bat. Watling Join, R., U) La,ftumma at,nit Waters J11.111C8, Hart et, Tempe Wa tut an bliss Ern, B011111 III, Ikradi Waters John, Myer dew rd, Canterbury 0.. Campbell st, Fnuitta Waturrui lieurry,92 Am/amide at, A iin \ Waters Joseph, 860 King at, Tempe Mr Mins 0. B., Blucher s[, Mascot Wannut Mrs. W., l i rd, Waite rum Waters Leslie J., Auburn rd, Auburn Wntkins George, Victoria lane, Long Boy Watmoug li Arthur, 4all Waters Mrs, AI J., Norfolk et, Epping Station at, Newtown. Watklas Geo., Blacker at, Mascot Waters Aflame!, 25 Denham rd, Peter/ham Watkins Mrs. ID George at west, Durwood Watmough David T. Kemp at, Tennyson Watmough J. I., 1141' Nyberg at, N. Syd. Waters Otto E., 86 ManatIchl Et, Royale Watkins J. A., 59 Counnodore mat, N'town Watmough Jasepli, 22 High at, Balumin Waters Perc y, 77 Park ni, Bt. Peters barrlaier, 143 Phillip at; Watmough Robert, 99 Park ace, Ash/lei/I Waters R. D., estate agent, 1713 Pura- Watkins J. J.. Llautfrony," Pittwater rd Weldon' A. S., Park rd, Artbno. arena rd, Petersham Gladmville Wntsford Ernest AL, Isla equarte rd, Antrum Waters It. D., Harcourt estate. Campele .1. R., 42 St. TI10111101 at, \ Yardley Warlord Flunk, nylor at, l'art innate Waters Robert, Catherine at, Lelehltardt Watklua Vatklim 3. 3., artist. 29 Jamieson st Watafart George, COWEN' at, Parr:martin Waters Robert, 71 Prospect am, Sum. Hill Watkins J. W., 166 Sutherland at, Plural° Watsfoni George F., Macquarie cal, A'bunii. Waters W. 1T., 199 Reservoir at %Vat kb N James,Smidritore et, Marriekville Wntsfonl George 11., Station oh, Auburn Waters William, 4 Paul at, N. Sydney Watkine Jamex, 56 Voila at Watsforl George T., 226 Gonlburn at Waters William D., Illanwian lIniamin Free Watkins Jmnes, 453 Bourke at WM0'0111/1. V., Cowper at, Parramat tit Lib airy, Darling at, Bat in Watkins James, 39 Rosebery at, Batman Watsforl J., 42 Myrtle at, North Sidney Wirtersen Arthur, 78 Chroptiell et, Glebe Watkins John, Ifillyard E y e, Walicoolugn Watsfurd .1. II., 190 ener gy at, Le/either It Waterman Ernest, 13 Brougham's at, Clete Watkins John L., M.A., par/Inmentary Wats( ord Leslie G., Park ni. Auburn \Paterson 0,, 122 George at, Waterloo draughtsman, AtternerG erteng 's De. 1Vatsford Mrs, 11 1 , Alice at, Parrainatta \Paterson 11. C., 20 Kangaroo at, Manly purtment. Macquarie at Bay Flair Supply Co., 642 Bourke. Waterson Henry G. r„ Flom at. Lakernba Watkins John L., barrister, Pittwater rd, 1Vatson's at Weapon John, Carina Bay, Como Wntsou's Bay South Shore Ferry Co.,. W tereon IN 14 Cooper at, Redfern Watkins J,uhrru 5%'., Blucher at, Mascot Ltd—Andrew Edmondson, manager,. %flamer/ Samuel, 41a Young at, Redfern Watkins Mrs. Kate. iledzkyrc rd,.11'ImAlt Circular Quay Waterm Thomas, WIlthine at, Itanchaleki Wall:IDS Lerman], Victoria at, Granville Wntaon Bros., painters. 445 Ox(orrl at, Watersou W., S Brodie st, PaddIngtun Watkins Philip, 14 Brigldon at, Pleham Paddington Waterston George, Ferranti At, Botany Watkins II, 107 !Erroll at, Wayerley Wateon and Cra, auctioneers, 1 Of I ben ate Waterworth A., 82 University at, Cdown Watkins It. K., 94 Excelsior at. Leiciritarat Waterwortir Alex., Lennez at. flown 1Vatkins lilt:1ml, Nelson st, Woollaltra Irirule?011 Co., tinther merchants, 393 Waterwortil Andrew, Campbell at, E. wood Watkins Rlolmnl, Welthigton at, Bondi Watson at Waterworth Aaiun N Grange at, Randwlek Wand as Robert G., J.P., "Werra Wats(iiirex S and Crime, Ltd., brass founders,. Werra," Mn wl may rd, Chats/rood IVaterwortilJoini, 23 Groeveoorst, Neutral electroplaters and importem, '373.375 Watkins 8. Co 31.11.C.S. (Eng), 0 autge at, Bay Pitt at, 111311 148 George at, Celery/1 Watford Alminfacturing Co. Ltd., Royal Hornsby Watson Jame, and Ca.. Ltd„Seoteir whisky Inearinice buildings, corner of Pitt Watkins Sirs, & 3,95 Spencer rd, Moamar] distillers, 300 ICeirt at, Tel. 429 City Watkins S. It, 190 Graf ton at east, Wilalint Watson, Lai. Haw and Co. IGInsgow, Scotma Spring els, nuil at 806 Kant at Watford C. H. 40 Stewart at, Paddington Watkins T., 4 Arthur st, Leichltardt land), "Farme rs" amain regarding — Watford it D., Pritchard at, Annandale . Watkins 11'. W.. 35 Waters ml, Neutral Bay W. P. Stank age»t, 176 blizaheth at Watkins Thomas, 74 Bo gner at, Rszelle 1Vatlitim C. F., 4(1 North at, Letchhanit Wasiak Misses, /0 Colin at, North Sydney Watbea James, Green fleld par., Bankstnwr Watkins Thomas, IC Spicer at, Woollabm Watson, Eddy rind Co., grain 111111 prininne Wald» aim, t Watkin, auctioneer, land nod Waking V, It, 94 Harrow rd, Stamm:re merchant,, 255-259 Sussex at, Tels.1906. estate agents & N'altuttors, established Watkins %lucent G.,5GTherry at, D'uloyne Central anti 2200 City 1387, 121 Bathurst at. Telephone Watkins Mrs. W., 296 Mom Park rd Watkins W., 137 Frazer at, Dulwich 11111 WATSON W. G. At 00., LIMITED 2521 City. Electrical Engineers, Contractors and Wakin 3, E., 172 lhigeelitle nl, Woollalin Watkins W., 32 Elizabotli at, lierlfern Suppliers—W. G. Watson, Manager, Watkin Mrs. John W., " Wellesley." 4 Watkins W. A., 3 13oronla sq, Redfern 279 Clarence at (near Town Hall). Watkins W, A., 126 King at, St. Peters Albert par, Ashfichl Sydney. Tels. laity 709, 2058, and 1Vatklart IV. II,, TIC Garden Et, Alexandria Watkin Sirs, Mary, 2 liege rty at, Glebe Wbaleirm W. Stanley, "Werra Warm," 4269, and 436.430 Kent at Wanda Mrs. Mary, Cove at. VEHICLES° Mowing r11, Cbatswood WATSON W. & SONS, optima and 1VatkIns William, Argyle at, Parr/manna .N .rny medical instrument importers, Watkin 0., 22 Lang at, Minnow WatkinsWilliam, Ifni rls at PECHIlltatt1 (Nam House, 24 Moore et. Tel. City Watkla Thames, Creek at, Heinlein Watkins William, 19 Green at. Waterloo 2549 -Waal Mrs. V., 96 Lavender at, N. Syd, Waklimnit Brea., a net lancers, Ifirek chum in' Watamt William and Son, pattern mak Watkin-Brown W. T.. Bown's al, Kogurab bees, Hoy at model makers, 317 Sussex at Watson A.. Simpson at. Allt1/1111 WATKINS R. G. Ss CO., Iron, Machinery, and 110 rd ware lilerelnuita, Inmortem of Contractors' Plant, aka, 107 Kent st Vat Um 111111 TECket1/11111, C0111. Effeiltn At FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND CONTRACTORS WE SERVE ALL WITH EQUITY AND ECONOMY ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR EATABLES AND WEARABLEL 2708Wat ALPHABETICAL. ANTHONY HOROERNS' FOR A HOUSEWIFE'S HARVEST. Wat ' Wat Watson Henry, 14 Palmer at Watson A., Factory at, Granville Watson Ernest, Amy rd, Peakhurst Watson A. E., 69 Carlton cres, Sum. Hill Watson Mrs. Eva, Bourke at, Waterloo WatsonHenry, Stanley at, Burwood -Watson A. G., skins and bides, Lackey st Watson Evan G., Sproule at, Lakemba Watson Henry, 210 Denison at, Camperdown Watson A. G., 1 Macpherson at, Waver's); Watson Miss F.. 96 Harley rd, Manly WatsonHenry,Beronga at,Concord Watson A. J., 17 Mannion at, Cam'down Watson F., 118 Harley rd, Manly -Watson A. J., McDoutrall at, Kensington Watson F., 51 Barwon Park nil, St. Watson henry,23 Church at,Parra matta 1Vatson A. T., 37 Morehead at, Redfern Peters Watson Henry, 155 Albany rd, Stan. Watson Adam, 82 Reynolds at, 13alminn Watson P. A., Queenscliffe, Manly more Watson Albert, Chamberlain at, Bexley Watson F. T., 195 Denison at, Cam. Watson Henry B.. Francis st, Bcndi Watson Albert, 11 Victoria par, Manly perdown Watson Albert, R08011111 at, Parramatta WatsonF.IV.,llortonat,Mar'ville WatsonHenry 'G.,21Formosaat, Drummoyne Watson Albert A., Fernhill at, Hurl. Park WatsonMrs.Fanny,Belmoreat, Watson Albert, Bay rd, North Sydney WatsonHerbert, Crow'sNest rd, N. Burwood Sydney Watson Albert F., 370oodsellst, Newtown Watson Mrs. Florence, librarian school WatsonHerbertW.,Croydonat, -Watson Alexander, 2 Adelaide ulnae of arts, Cox's rd, North Hyde La Itsmba - Watson Alex., Albert at, Leichhardt Watson Francis, Coward at, Mascot Watson Alexander, Una pt. Parramatta Watson Frank, 7 Victoria at, L'sham WatsonI bonesHawkesburyrd, Watson Alex.. 6 St. Peters at, St. Peters Watson Frederick, 396 Harris at West m cad Watson Alfred T., 9 Bogan st, Sum. Hill WatsonFrederick,4Fanningat, Watson!high.201Botanyrd,Rot')' 'Watson Miss Alice, matron Coast Hospital Watson Humphrey, 30 Meagher at Tempe La Perouse WatsonFredk.G.,Douglas at,Dul- WatsonIsaac It., Stephen at,R'wick 'Watson Alick, 93 Wells at, Newtown Watson J.. manager pavilion and pleawich Mil 'Watson Andrew, Liverpool rd, Croydon . sure grounds, Clontarf, M. Il'bor WatsonDr.Frederick, Nelsonst, 'Watson Andrew, 130 Hargrave at, Patcton Watson J. B., treasurer and accountWoollahra ant, Sydney Harbour Trust, Pitt -Watson Andrew N. Agar at. Marrickville WatsonMrs.G.,Elthamat,L'shatn ' Watson Arch., Sutherland at, Neutral Bay Watson G. C., patent leather manuat,CircularQuay ;p.r. "Delo. Watson Arch. Thompson at, Drummoyne rains,"Cheltenhamrd,Burwood ' facturer, Fountain st, A'dria Watson Arthur, 583 Crown at Watson G. E., 65 Green's rd, Pad'ton Watson J. C., 110 Sydney rd, Manly Watson Arthur. Military rd, 5th. Gaildf'd Watson G. IL, J.P., manager E.S. and Watson J. D.. 17 Pittwater rd, Manly 'Watson Arthur, Hermann at, Kogarah A.Bank,Ltd.(branch),299 Watson.1.E.,Bunnerongrd,Ken'Watson Augustus, Railway at, Rockdale sington Military rd,Mostnan Watson 0., 117 Bathurst at Watson George, grocer, 22 Argyle it Watson .1. F., 13S Percival rd, S'inore 'Watson 0. C., deputy sheriff, Darlinghurst Watson George, 4 Kennedy at Watson .T. S.,Beatnish at, Campsie Court House, Oxford st WatsonGeorge, 36 Ridge at . Watson J. T., 18 Rochester at, CamWatson C. G., Sutherland at, Neutral Bay Watson George, 50a Yurong at perdown 'Watson Miss C. 0., flarbord at, Granville WatsonGeorge,. J.P.,registrarof Watson J.T., Stanley at, Chatswood 'Watson C. S. Park rd, Burwood births, marrtages and deaths, and Watson J. T.. Harrington at, M'ville 'Watson 0. W., Broughton rd, Artannon commissioner for affidavits, Weath- Watson J. T. N., 23 Carlow at, N. Syd. 'Watson Charles, 126 Botany rd. Alex'dria erill's buildings Brown at, A'field Watson James, grocer, 2 Holt at Watson Charles, Concord rd, Concord Watson George, J.P., 4 King at, Ash. Watson James, 67 Sophia at 'Watson Chas., Ross at, Gladesville Watson James, .T.P., Rocky Point rd, field 1Vatson Charles, 14 Cliff at, Manly Arneliffe WatsonGeorge,288Trafalgarat, Watson Charles, Princes at, Ryde Watson .Tames, Mary et, Durwood Annandale Watson (MM. II., Dimity grove, Dia Hill WatsonGeorge, Princes at, Bexley Watson James, Duntroon at, Hurlstone Watson Dr. Charles R., J.P., 47 Edgeware Watson George, Lang st, Croydon Park rd, Humors Watson George, 6 Forbes at, Dar'ton Watson James, 44 Tebbutt at, L'hardt 'Watson Daniel, 35 Alt st, Ashfield Watson James, 24 Kangaroo at, Manly 5 Albert at, Er'ville WatsonGeorge, 'Watson Daniel, Alma rd, Eastwood WatsonGeorge, Quigg at, Laketnba Watson James, 105 Church at, N'town -Watson David. 7 Marlon at, Leichhardt Watson George, Avoca at, Randwiek Watson James, 10 Denison at, Rozelle •Watson David, 70 Watkin at, Newtown Watson George, Mary st, Rookwood Watson James, 94 Mansfield at, ROZ. 'Watson David, 127 Ernest at, N. Sydney Watson George, 40 Brown St. St. Pt. Watson .Tames, Marsden rd, Hyde Watson David, 46 May at, St. Peters WatsonGeorge,139Salisburyrd, Watson James, 46 Schimel at, Waterloo 'Watson David. Bourke at. Waterloo Watson James, Jersey rd, Went'ville Stanmore 'Watson David, 38 Raglan at, Waterloo Watson George, 75 Botany at, W'rloo Watson James A., Croft's aye, HMI's 'Watson Miss E., 48 Windsor at, Padlon Watson George, 15 John at, Woollahra Watson James S., Rocky Pt. rd, Rog% Watson Mrs. B., 11 George at, Redfern Watson George C., patent leather fac- Watson James T., 9 Derby at, Cam'Watson Mrs. E., Rooky Pt. rd, Rockdale perdown tory,58Mitchell rd, Alexandria Watson E., 898 Darling st, Roselle WatsonGeorge C.,Moore at,II'ville WatsonMrs.Jane, RockyPoint rd, Watson E. A., Mitchell rd, Alexandria Watson George C., 43 John at, PeterArncli fie Watson Mrs. B. E., Alma lst, Ashfield sham WatsonMrs.Jane,42Schimelat, Watson B. F.,•Roseby at, MarrIckville Watson George H., Eltham st, L'sham Waterloo 'Watson Mrs. E. F., Paine st, West Hog% Watson George J., 8 Ida at, Ashfleld WatsonMrs.Janet,24Winslowat, Watson E. IL F., Clissold par, Campeau Watson George J., Earl at, Randwicic North Sydney Watson It. Oliver, dental surgeon, *Wyo- Watson George J., York at, Rockdale Watson John, carrier and contractor, ming," Macquarie at Watson George R., South at, Granville 126 Sussex at 'Watson E. S., Dalhousie at, Haberfield Watson George T., Milroy a ye, Ken. Watson John, chemist, 373 George st Watson R. S., 462 Parramatta rd, P'shatin sington Watson John, inspector of nuisances, Town Hall, Bedford at. Newtown Watson Edward, Victoria at, Arncliffe Watson Gordon, Ocean at. Woollahra 11. Watson John, 30 Jones at WatsonEdward,Parkrd,, Mascot WatsonII.H.,representingthe SinclairCo..TobaccoCure, Watson' John, 41 Wilton at Watson Edward, 180 West at, N. Syd. John Craven 131wleigh hair Treat- Watson John, 65 Henderson rd, A'dria Watson Edward, 4 Boundary at, Padment,andMadamePinolFace Watson John, 9 Beattie at, Balmain dington Cream, 192 Castlereagh st WatsonJohn,"Strathview,"WentWatsonEdward.Stationat,Tempe worth rd, Durwood Watson Edward C., Downey at, Bexley Watson H. H., Beresford rd, Rose B. Watson H. R.. Shaftesbury rd, E'wood Watson Mrs.John,ClIssoldpar, Edwin A., 45 Lackey at, St. -Watson Watson Mrs. Hannah, Bream at, CooCampsie Peters gee Watson John, Dening at, Drummoyne Watson Mrs. Elizabeth, 218 IIarris at HaroldD.,14Springat, Watson John, Garnet at, Dulwich Hill WatsonEllen,Alamedahotel,Mar- Watson Paddington Watson john, 11Bray st, garet at Harold F., Dutruc at, R'wick WatsonJohn,58Westmoreland at, WatsonMrs.EmilyE.,Stephenat, Watson at, Dol. Watson Harry, Garnet Forest Lodge Bondi Harry, 10 Whistler rd, Manly Watson John,Orange st,Husstville -Watson Ernest, 28 English at, C'down Watson Watson Harvey, 40 Searl at, P'sham Watson John, 23Garner's ave, Mar*Watson Ernest, Francis at, Carlton Watson Henry, 371 Harris at rickville 'WOOL COFFILL & COMPANY LTD. CENTRAL OFFICE: 810 • 12 GEORGE ST. 'PHONE 726a 1524 CENTRAL ALPHABETICAL. •Wat1709 Watson John, 57 Silver at, Marrickville Watson Stafford, Cheltenham rd, Bur. Watson William, 100 View at, An'dale Watson John, Stantnore rd, Mar•ville wood Watson William, Bayview at, Bexley 'Watson John, 149 Harley at, N'town Watson Stephen II., Botany rd, Wwick Watson William, Lucas rd, llurwood Watson John, 60 Wells at, Newtown Watson Sydney, 28 Aubin at, Neut. 13. WatsonWilliam,32TheAvenue, Watson John, 5 Moodie at, Rozelle Camperdown Watson Sydney C. R., 102 Marian at, Watson John, 53 Morehead at, Watson William, Bayat,Croydon Enmore Watson John, 2 'Wallace at, Waverley Watson T. Trougate at,Granville Watson William, Croydon ave, Croy'Watson John A., 48 Briggs at, C'down Watson T.,' 331 Parramatta rd, L'hardt don Park 'Watson John B., 12 eritchard at, An- Watson T., 756 Illawarra rd, M'ville WatsonWilliam,79Formosaat, nandale WatsonT.B.,169Trafalgarat, Drummoyne Watson John C., Pine rd, Auburn Annandale Watson William, Millar at, D'moyne 'Watson John C., Brightmore at, Neut. Watson T. W., Roseby at, Maeville Watson William, Herbert et, Dul. Hill Watson William, Duckat,Granville Bay WatsonThomas, 28Taylor at 'Watson John C., 12 Bent at, Pad'ton Watson Thomas, 18 Union at Watson William, Fowler's a ye, II'royd Watson John D., Harvard at, GPville WatsonThomas, 829Annandaleat. Watson William, 8 Wilford at, N'town Watson John J., Garnet at, Hurlstone Annandale Watson William. Pennant at, P'rnatta Park Watson Thomas, 26 Bland at, A'field Watson Vim., Reservoir rd, Pymble WatsonJohnP.,Bridgerd,St'field Watson Thomas, 6 Robert at, Ashfield Watson William, Howard at, R'wick Watson John P.Duke st, Strathfield Watson Thomas, William at, Double Watson William, 14 Young at, IVfern Watson John le.,Penshurst at,Pen. Bay Watson William, 85 Lymerston at, St. shurst Peters WatsonThomas, Mooreat,II'ville WatsonWilliam,510Cavendishat, 'Watson Joseph, 46 Emmett at, North Watson Thomas, Horton at, Sydney Stanmore WatsonThomas,8Prospectat, 'Watson Joseph, 47 Cambridge at, StanWatsonWilliam,Wshber'srd,West Paddington 'more Watson Thomas, Allison rd, Randwick Kogarahi WatsonJoseph,Brooklyn at,Tempe Watson Thomas, 11 Margaret at, Roz. WatsonWilliamF.,Marquetst, Watson Joseph P., Montt at, Auburn Watson Thomas, 7 Reeve at, Waterloo Rhodes Watson Joseph S., Park a ye, Bexley Watson Thomas, 130 Wellington at, Watson William H., 630 Bourke at Watson Josiah, Carlton par, Carlton IVatsonWilliam11.,23Livingstone Waterloo Watson Mrs. L., 14 Bower at, Manly Watson Thomas E., Thomas at, C'wood rd, Marrickville 'WatsonMrs.L.,15Fairlightat, Watson Thomas E., 157Church at, Watson William J., Bay at, Croydon Manly Parramatta Watson William J., 49 Day at, Leielt'Watson b., 35 Military rd, N. Syd. Watson Thomas H., Burns at, C'psie hardt WatsonLeah,78Evansat,Rozelle Watson Thomas W., Beach rd, Dul- Watson William J., Rocky Point rd, 'Watson Leslie, Queen at, Coogee Rockdale wich Hill Watson Mrs. M., 426 New Canterbury WatsonThompson,13Shortat. Watson William T., Beaufort' at, Enrd, Dulwich11111 Balmain field 'Watson M., !loth= par, Gore Hill Watson Victor, Denison at, Waverley Watt G. and Co., furniture warehouseWatson Mrs. M., Albert at, Maeville Watson W., chief clerk, Forestry Demen, 46 York at Watson Mrs. M., Crow's Nest rd, N. partment, lands buildings, Bridge Watt A. 0., chemist, 45 Albion at Sydney at;p.r.,'Corio,"Victoriard. Watt A. E., 86 Chapel at, Mar'ville Watson Miss M. E., 218 Ben Boyd rd, Glebe Point Watt Mrs. A. R., Redmyre rd, HomeNeutral Bay Watson Major 'W., "Yarroma," Holdsbush Watson M. J., Annette at, Oatley worth aye WattA.It.J.,barrister,64ElizaWatson Miss M. S., Albyn rd, St'fleld WatsonW.A. Victoriaat, beth at 'Watson Mrs.,47Walker at, N. Syd. Watson W. G., '301 Illawarra rd, Mar- Watt Albert E., South par,Auburn Watson Newman, Clanalpine at, Eastrickville WattAlexander,mercantilebroker, wood Watson NV. CI., signwriter, 28 George 12-14 O'Connell street 'Watson Oscar, Wilson at, N. Sydney at west Watt Alex., Chalmers at, Delmore Watson Percy, off 88 Wigram rd, Glebe Watson w. II., Tower at, East Hills Watt Alexander, Cross at, Burwood 'Watson Percy, Coventry rd, Homebush Watson W. IL, 83 Lymerston at, St. WattAlexander, 30Tranmeresis Watson Percy, 167 Windsor at, P'ton Peters DrummoYne "Watson Percy V., Durhatn at, Dul. Hill WatsonW.II., Agnes st, Strathfield Watt Alexander, Douglas at, Dul. Hill WatsonR.,Ashley st,Hornsby Watson W. .T., 1 Cromwell at, A'field Watt Alex., 19 Holmwood at, N'town Watson R., Silver at Marrickville NVatson W. J., Hastings at, Botany Watt Alexander, 125 Lord at, N'town :WatsonMissR.E.M.,Carlislest, Watson W. J., J.P., 59 Renwick at, Watt Alexander,48 Wells at, R'fern Rose Bay Leichhardt Watt Alex., Necropolis, Rookwood 'Watson Richard, O'Brien rd, Bondi WatsonW. J., 604Parramatta rd, Watt Alexander, Joseph at, Rookwood Watson Richard, Park eve, Mosman Petersham Watt Alexander R.,64West at,N. Watson Richard, 539 King at, N'town Watson W. N., Clanalpine at, Burwocal Sydney Watson Riley C., Victoria at, L'hardt Watson W. R., Water's rd, Neut. Bay Watt Alfred J., Trafalgar at, An'dale Watson Robert, carpenter and joiner, Watson Walter, 25 Bulwarra lane Watt Mrs. Alice, Church at, Wav'y 85Phillipat;p.r.,Wilberforce Watson Walter, Hurst at, Arncliffe Watt Arthur, Harris at, Paddington aye, Rose Bay Watson Walter, Kitchener rd, Art'mon Watt C.W., Bent at,Lindfield 'Watson Robert, 63 Myrtle st 'Watson Walter, Beaconsfield at, Bexley WattCharlesI.,J.P.,"Kaiapol," Watson Robert, Bayville aye, Ann'dale Watson Walter, 8 Rochford at, E'ville Powellst,Killara.Tel.591 'Watson Robert, 20 Plunkett at, Drum- Watson Walter, 9 Australia at, IV'ahra Chatswood moyne Watt Mrs.Christina,31Hughat, WalterH.,Paragonhotel, Watson Robert, 8 Cittrlisle at, L'hardt Watson Ashfleld Circular Quay Watson Robert, Renwick at, Walter II., estate agent, 114n Watt David, 33 Middleton at, Watson Robert. 26 Bourke at, Redfern Watson Watt David, Punch at, Naremburn Pitt at WatsonRobertA.,54Whistlerat, Watson WalletII.,Cookrd,Cen- Watt David, Bengalla st, Turramurra Manly Watt David, Eastern rd, T'murra tennial Park Watson S., third officer of N.S.W. No. Watson Walter J., 42 Smith at, Rae Watt Miss E., 128 Albion at, Ann'dale 3FireBrigadeStation,144 zelle Watt Edmond, 26 Ridge at, N. Syd. George at north Watson Walter R., Murray at, Cr'don Watt Edward, 79 Telopea at. Redfern Watson Mrs. S., Denison at, P'Matta Watson Walter W., 649 Harris at Watt Edward, Unwires at, Undercliffe WatsonB.J.,J.P.,Burlingtonrd, WattMrs.Elizabeth,Yerrickst. Watson William, agent, 76 Pitt at Homebush Lnitemba Watson Samuel, Henley rd, Fletn'gton WatsonWilliam, DumbartonCastle hotel, 155-157 Kent at Watt Mrs. Emma C., 93 Arthur at, Watson Sidney, 304 Bulwara rd North Sydney Watson William, 95 Pyrmont at 'Watson Sidney, 48 Belmont at, A'dria WattMissEthel,blousespecialist, Watson Sidney E., Behnore rd, Rand- Watson William, 1 Roper st 291 Elizabeth at Watson William, 54 Thompson at wick • POSSESS AN EQUIPMENT SECOND TO NONE IN THE BRITISH EMPIRE ANTHONY HORDERNS I--:-ONLY UNIVERSAL PROVIDERS, 1710Wat ALPHABETICAL. NEW PALACE EMPORIUM, BRICKFIELD HILL, SYDNEY. ALPHABETICAL. Wea1711 Wau Wau Watt F. L., analytical chemist, 16 Watters Thomas, 17 National at, Watts Henry, Belmore at, Burwood Watts Henry A., 6 York eras, Pisham Rozelle Pitt at Waters Walter, 2 Wudgong at, Winan Watts Henry R., Spurway at, Dundas Watt Francis, Dora at, Hurstville Watt, Francis L., Stanley rd, Epping Watters William, O'Connell at, Pimatta Watts Henry W., Parkes at, Ryde Watts Hubert, 58 Glover at, Mosmarn Watt G. W., Helena at, Auburn Watterson G.,,Sydenham rd, Watts Miss J., Adolphus at, N'burn Watt George, 84 Curtis rd, Balmain Watterson Herbert, Dailey st, Watt George, J.P., 7 Croydon aye, Watterson S., Beaconsfield st, Auburn Watts James, Liverpool rd, Bankstown Watterson Norman, Dailey at, Gran- Watts James, 3ferrylands rd, Holroy.1 Croydon Watts James A., City hotel, 346 Kent Watt George, 3 Vine at, Darlington villa at, corner King at Watt 'George, Lane Cove rd, N. Syd. \Vatting Mrs., Fisher at, Petersham Watt George, Cowper at, Parramatta Wattinne-I3ossut and Fils, woolbuyers, Watts James J., 62 Percival rd, Watt Harold, View at, Woolwich Stamnore 3 Spring at Watts Mrs. Jeannie, 214 Q.V. Markets Watt Mrs. I., Highgate at, Bexley Wattley 0. R., Shorter a ye, C'bury Watt 31 iss J., mistress St. Aidan's pri- Wattling Robert, 123 Ebley at, Way'y Watts John, Albert at, Hornsby vate school, Johnston at, Anidale Wattman William, 123 Regent st, Watts John, 6 Margaret at, lefern Watt Mrs. J., 85 Macpherson at, Way. Watts John, Chandos at, St. Leonards Newtown Watts John H., Alice at, Auburn NVatton Albert, Paul at, Eastwood Watt J. W., Silex rd, Mosnum Watton Charles, Agincourt rd, Eiwood Watt James, Cardigan at, Camperd'wn Watts John W., Hyde rd, Gordon Watt Mrs. James, St. George's eras, Watton Edward, Pittwater rd, N. Ryde Watts Joseph, headmaster Delmore Watton Harry, 89 Nelson at, An'dale Public School, Durwood rd, BelDrummoyne Watt James, Whiting at, Gore Ilill Watton John J., Fred at, Leichhardt more Watt James, Underwood at, ll'busil Watton Richard, Herring rd, Enatwood Watts Joseph, Gillies are, Habffivid Watt James, "Windella," Adolph st, Watton Samuel, Paul at, Eastwood Watts L., Gladesville rd, Hun. Hilt Watts and Johnson, refreshment rooms, Watts Mrs. L., Victoria rd, Maeville Neutral Bay Watt James, 45 Arthur st, N. Sydney Marian at, Killara Watts Leslie C., Bertram at, Mortlake. Watt James, 72 Hewlett at, Waverlev Watts, Watts and Co.—Gilchrist, Watts M., 71 Renwick at, D'moyne Watt James, Grandview at, Willoughby Watt and Sanderson, Ltd., Watts Manuel, 81 Australia at, Irahra agents, 7 Bent at Watt James M., Terry at, Arncliffe Watts 0. A., manager for W. Peat Watt John, grocer, 336 King at, New- Watts A., 117 Pitt at (Meth.), 82 Pitt at Watts Mrs. A., Wangee rd, Lakeinba Watts Octal-Ma A., 21 Ormond at, Pad. town Watts Mrs. A., 30 Catherine at, L'hardt Watts Oliver H., Regatta rd, F. Dock Watt John, Zoeller at, Concord Watt John, Kingsgrove rd, Penshurst Watts A., 103 Westbom'ne at, P'shani Watts Percy, Wilson's are, Behnoi'e 'Watt Joseph S., 254 St. John's rd, Watt A. J., 310 Military rd, Mosman Watts Percy R., solicitor, 12 CastleWatts Alfred, 4 Stauart are, Manly Forest Lodge reagh st Watt Mrs. Lizzie, store, 186 Harris at Watts Alfred, Boundary at, Sherwood Watts Peter, I3unnerong ril, lien'ton Watt Mrs. Lizzie, 59 Lyons rd, Drum- Watts Mrs. Alice, 23 Denison at, Watts Phillip A., 2 Little Bourke at Newtown moyne Watts R. J., Grey at, Carlton Watt Mrs. M., 74 Willoughby rd, Watts Archibald, Wellington at, Bondi Watts R. J., 25 Rosedale at, P'shatrn Watts Arthur, 17 Charles lane North Sydney Watts Richard, Probate at, NaremWatt Mrs., 13 Knox at, Woollahra Watts Arthur, Spring st, Waverley burn Watt Airs: P., 60 North Steyne, Manly Watts Arthur, Frederick at, St. Pet. Watts S., Forest rd, Hurstville Watt Mrs. P., Edgecliffe rd, 11"alira Watts Captain B. A. G., R.A.G.A., Watts Mrs. Mrs. S. A., 50 Jersey rd, PadVictoria Barracks, Oxford at, Pad. Watt Peter J. Hill at, Coogee dington Watt Philip, at, Carlingford Watts Miss B., Woodward are, Strath. Watts Miss S. A., 4 Bartlett at, SumWatt Robert, Stanley st, Catnpsie field mer Hill Watt Robert, Margaret st, Roseville Watts C. W., 24 Epping rd, Double Watts Samuel E., 48 Frederick at. Watt Mrs. S., Barber's rd, Guildford Bay Ashfield Watt T. B., Mowbray rd, Chatswood Watts Cecil L., 12 Norton at, L'hardt Watts 144 Johnston at, An'dale Watt T. J., French's rd, Willoughby Watts Charles, Church st, Carlingf'd WattsSydney, T. G., 83 Australia at, Nrahra Watt Thomas, Railway eras, Banksia Watts David, Edinburgh rd, Maeville Watts T. S., 141 Paddington at, Pad. Watt Thomas, Shaftesbury rd, B'wood Watts Mrs. E., Albert at, Leichhardt Thomas, stationmaster, VicWatt Thomas R., 70 Elizabeth at, Watts Mrs. E., Hunter at, Parrarnatta Watts toria are, Chatswood Watts E., 7 Fisher's Reserve, Vahan. Watts Waterloo Thomas, 32 Phillip at, A'dria Watt W. C., J.P., "Knellerpore," Watts E. J., 112 Stanmore rd, Watts Thomas, Horsley at, Bankstowrn Watts E. J. M., headmaster Padding. Lower Ocean at, Double Bay ton Public School, Oxford at, Watts Thomas, Lenore at, Five Dock Watt W. L., Woodbury st, Mneville Watts W. E., Lay•cock at, Bexley Paddington Watt Walter, 164 Short at, Balmain Watts W. P., 159 Regent st, Redfern' Watt Walter, Gibbons at, Camperdown Watts Mrs. Edith A., 170 Forbes at Watts W. H., saddler, 178 Riley at Watts Edward, 07 London at, Emnore Watt Walter C., chairman North Coast Steam Navigation Co., Watts Mrs. Edward, 36 Burnett at, Watts W. II., jeweller, 188 G'eorge' at west Redfern Ltd., 3 Sussex at Watt William, 154 Short at, Balmain Watts Edward B., 166 Barcom are Watts W. II., 38 Llewellyn at, B'main Watts Edward T., High at, Sherwood Watts NV. J., Church at, Carlingford' Watt William, Buffalo rd, RYde Watt William, 17 Carrington at, Sum- Watts Mrs. Emma E., Mimosa st, Watts Walter, North rd, Eastwood Watts Walter, 26 Hamilton at, ' • Bexley mer Hill Watts William, Government rd, MasWatt William A., 10 Barclay at, Way'y Watts Ernest, 9 Taylor at cot Wattel Paul, woolbuyer, 42 Bradley's Watts Ernest, Towers at, Arncliffe Watts F., King's Langley rd, Green- Watts William, 91 Crystal at, P'shain. head road, 3fosman wich Watts William A., 9 Victoria at 1Vattenten John. 88 King at Lewisham Watters Mrs. C., 34 Short at, Balmain Watts F., James at, Hornsby Watts F. C., 16 Wood's par, Manly Watts William C., 1 Waters rd, Neut.. Watters Edward, Pennant at, Bay Watters F. J. M., Rosebery st, Mos- Watts F. E. 3fountford at, Guildford Watts Francis J., 45 Davies at Watts Rev. William W. (Pres.),. man Great Northern rd. Gladesville Watters George W., 41 Phillips at, Watts Frederick, Dudley at, Auburn Watts Frederick, Woid's are, H'stville Watworth Co. (The), Commerce buildBalmnin ings, Ash at Watters Gordon, 7 Glow et, Balmain Watts Frederick M., High at, Will'by Watters John, 38 Wood at, Mat& • Watts George, Jamieson at, Granville Wauch Mrs. Isabella, Emu at, 13'wood' Waters Mother Mary Antony, principal Watts George, Woodbury at, 3fariville Wauchope A., 40 HoIterman at, North. Sydney St. Clare's R.C. School, Church Watts George E., 17 Cook rd, Centennial Park Vaud Charles C., 80 rd, at, Waverley Watts George R., Mimosa at, Bexley Nfosman WattersThomas, Eddystone at, Watts H. W., 16 Gierstein at, Way'y Wandby NV. II., Guinea at, W. Kogthi Bexley Watters Thomas, 20 Forsyth at, Watts Harold, Oswald at, Randwick Waugh Ai Gerrard, watchmakers, etc., Watts Harry, Beattie at, Balmain 9 Lackey at, Summer Hill Glebe WOOD, COFFILL AND COMPANY LTD. LIVERY DEPT., 472-84 HARRIS ST, 'PHONE 156 Wei Waugh and Josephson, boilermakers, Waverley Post, Telegraph and Money Wearing Mrs. E. B., 24 Greek at, Glebe 142 to 150 Goulburn at, and at Order Office—S. L. rye, post- Wearing J. E., 13 Benny st, Paditon 3larrickville Wearing Thos., 8 Maddison at, It'fern master, 7 0.S.H. rd, NVaverley -Waugh T. and Co., undertakers, 92 Waverley Quarries, 87 Macpherson at, Wearmouth F. W., Crinan at, HurlCorso, Manly • stone Park Waverley Waugh A. G., Fox Valley rd, Walega Waverley Superior Public School— NVearmouth L. D., Malakoff at, lifiville Waugh A. M., Fairlight at, Five Dock Wearniouth R., 31 Denison rd, P'shain Lewis M. Price, headmaster, 'Waugh Albert, 26 Stanley at, L'hardt Wean. Edward, Hamburger at, 1"bowl Cowper at, Waverley -Waugh Allan, Beach at, Coogee Wawn Victor A., George at, R'wick Wearne and Breakspear, engineers, 290 Sussex at 'Waugh Mrs. Alma, 72 Denison rd, Waxted Mrs. M., 61 Junior at, LeichPetersham Wearne Misses, Claremont College, hardt 'Waugh Benjamin P., 26 Richard st, Waxworks Exhibition, 502 George at • Judge at, Randwick Newtown Wearne Arthur E., Orchard rd, Chatswood -Waugh Charles, Pine at, N. Sydney -Waugh Charles W., J.P., 63 Mount at, Wearne Bert 31., 3 Hardy are, SumNorth Sydney mer Hill -Waugh David, 69 Marion at, L'hardt Cl,'neral Drapers and Ladies' Weame Carlisle, Edward at, Maeville 'Waugh Mrs. E., 66 Wyndham at, Outfitters. 213-215-217-219 Pitt Wearne Mrs. B. G., district registrar, Alexandria Chapel at, Rockdale at, Sydney. Tels. 851 and 165 'Waugh Mrs. E. R. H., George st, Wearne Miss E. G., Chapel at, Irdale City. l'arramatta Wearne Mrs. E. L., 21 Croydon at, Waugh George, Yerrick rd. Lakemba Way and Kiernan, estate agents, AubPetersham urn rd, Auburn 'Waugh George E., 50 Glebe Pt. rd, Wearne Ernest, Yillowra at, Auburn Way Alfred, 42 Brisbane at, Way'lev Wearne Frederick, 07 Northumberland Glebe Way Allan, 133 Johnston at, Anidale -Waugh Guy, 38 High at, N. Sydney Stanmore Waugh Herbert, 10 Edward at, Ithimin Way Arthur E., 164 Kurraba rd, Wearne Hector, Frazer at, L'hardt Neutral Bay Waugh J. J., Woodland st, South Wean.° Henry, Ilassall at, Westmead lle T. (Bapt.), Railway st, Wearne Henry E., Railway at, Livipool Granville 'Waugh John, 31 Ilolborrow at, Croydon Way GRreavn.vie Wearne Henry L. D. Ileydon at, Enfield Way E. P., 49 Toxteth rd, Glebe -Waugh John, Stanton rd, Haberfleld Wearne J. H., William Edward st, Way Eric IL, solicitor, 164 Pitt st *Waugh John, 41 Francis at, L'hardt Longueville Waugh John, 99a Ernest at, N. Syd. Way Eric R., "Rothwell," Holden at Wearne James, miller, Goulburn and and Park are, Ashfleld Dixon sts Waugh John, J.P., Pitt row, P'matta Way Ernest E., 48 Harrison at, Neut. Wearne James, 19 Arthur at, L'hardt -Waugh Joseph., De Witt at, Bitown Bay 'Waugh Joseph, 125 Probert st, Cam. \Yearn° John, Roseberry rd, Guildford Way Fraocis, "Bothwell," 41 Holden Wcarne Mrs. 31., 137 Johnston at, perdown at, Ashfichl Annandale 'Waugh Joshua, 121 Enmore rd, Way Francis Ilarmsworth, A.C.P.A., Wearne Mrs. M., Woodville rd, GranEnmore "Narbethong," Clifford are, Wly Waugh Joshua, 97 Frederick at, St. ville Way Francis V., 163 Bourke at Peters Wearne Mrs. Martha, Railway par, Way George, Joseph at, Rookwood Waugh Miss M. 82 Darlinghust rd Kogaralt 'Waugh Miss 31., 20 Catherine at, Way Harry, 78 Elizabeth at west, IVearne R. J. L., 21 Croydon at, PeterAshfield sham Leichhardt Waugh Mrs. Mary, 33 Red Lion st, Way Miss Isabel, Robert at, Stefield Wearne T., 106 Underwood at, Pad. Way .1. A., Helena st, Auburn Rozelle \Yearn° 'W., 24 Marlborough at, Drum'Waugh Neil, 423 Glebe Pt. rd, Glebe Way James G., 97 Mount at, N. Syd. ntoyne • Waugh R. A. Phipps, physician and Way John, 101 Station at, Tempe Wearne William J., 75 Thompson at, surgeon, Marsden at, Parramatta Way Mrs. Mary A., Seaview at, DulDrummoyne wich Hill "Waugh Rev. R. II. M.A. (Pres.), Wearwell Will, bootmaker, 1 Kirke. Way Max, Water's rd, Neut. Bay Barry at, Neutral Bay ton rd Waugh It. N., Sutherland at, Neut. Way W., 197 Enmore rd, Enmore Wearwell Will, 416 O.S.H. rd, NViahra Way Walter, 28 May at, St. Peters Weates Samuel, 11 Cook at, Glebe Bay 'Waugh Robert, 16 Myrtle at, L'hardt Way William, Clarence rd, Rockdale Weatherall A., Salisbury at, 'Waugh Thomas, 6 Amelia at, W't'loo Way William J., Moore at, D'Inoyne Weatherall henry P., J Coulson at, Waugh W., 13 Little Weston at, Hal- Waygood Albert, 14 Thorne at, Pad. Eraltineville Waygood John A., agent A.M.P. So- IVeatherall James, 42 Moore at, Roz. main ciety, 7 Waters rd, Neutral Bay 'Waugh NV. D., 119 Francis at, Leith. Weatherall 3f. W., 07 Bedford at, Wayland J. E., baker, 531 King at, hardt Newtown Newtown Waugh William, 8 Bailey at. N'town Wentherall IV., Meeles rd, 3faeville Wayling Wallace, 8 Albert rd, A'field Waugh William, Susan at, Randwiek Weatherall Walter, dentist, Belmore 'Waugh William, Corunna rd, Simore Wayman Frank, Bigge at, Liverpool Itandwick Wauhop Mrs. Eliza, 18 George at, Wayman Harry, 78 Oxford at, Wiahra Weatherburn A., 115 Buckland at, Waymouth hi., Sydenham rd, Miville Redfern Alexandria 1Vanhope Hugh, Kingston rd, Cam- Wayne George. shipowner and expor- Wcatherburn A., Jenkins at, N'. Syd. ter, 50 Pitt at perdown Weatherburn Edward, 25 Windmill at Vauguiez L., wool buyer, 17a Pitt at Wayne George, Greenwich rd, Lane IVeatherburn F. M., 70 Brandling at, Waverley Bowling and Recreation Alexandria v000vde George, 87 Marrickville rd, Weatherburn Henry, Arthur at, Enfield Club Ltd., Waverley at, Waylay W a y sC 3farrickville Waverley Bowling Green and Tennis Weatherbum P., Wolseley at, Weagall Miss E., Bellmore rd, Iliville Weatherburn Percy, 9 Temple at, Court, Grey at, Waverley Stanmore Waverley Brewery, Dowling at, Red- Weakley William It., Edwin at, Tempe fern. Tel. Pad. 162 and Red. Weak' Alexander, 425 Cleveland st, Weatherby H. E., Mutual at, P'hurst Redfern 873 and 874. Weatherby A. J., Newman at, P'shurst 'Waverley Cemetery—E. B. Kenyon, Weale Fredk. .1., 49 Curtis rd, B'main Weatherby A. IV., Mutual at, Pthurst manager, St. Thomas at, Wa- Weale henry R., 152 Darling st, Bal. Weatherby Ernest, Victoria at A'dria main verley Weatherby George F., Mutual at, PensVaverley Council Chambers—E. B. Wear Cyril. 12 Longdown st, N'town hunt Kenyon, J.P., town clerk, Bondi Wear II., Gladstone at, Maeville Weatherby H., Hopetoun at, Cidown Wear Henry G. 11., 54 Maria at, Mar. Weatherby ,T., 133 Abercrombie at, rd, Waverley• rickville Waverley Hall, Ebley,st, Waverley Redfern Waverley Police Station—John Ford, Wear H. B., 70 Wemyss at, Weatherby J., 42 Elizabeth at, Wat!loo constable, Cowper at, Waverley Weare Mrs. Robert, 60 West at, N. Weatherby' Percy. Myall at, Oatley Waverley Post and Telegraph Office— Sydney 'Weatherby I?. C., 75 ',ferry at, St. F. M. Palmer, postmaster, Cow- Wearing Arthur, 23 Kippax at Peters per at. Waverley WAY E. & COMPANY OUR VEHICLES ARE THE MOST ELEGANT AND BEST . HORSED IN AUSTRALIA ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR A SURETY OF SATISFACTION. ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR BENEFICIAL BUSINESS. 1712Wea ALPHABETICAL. Weatherby S., Clarke rd, Kogan!'Weaver 11., Silver at, Mar'ville Webb Edward, 106 Frazer at, Dul. Hill Weatherby W. J., '178 Union at, Weaver Harry, 374 Cleveland at Webb Edward, Matthews at, Irvine Newtown Weaver John, Concannon at, Ko,g. Edward, Mort's rd, Mortdale Weathered Mrs. F., 179 Evans at, Weaver Mrs. L., 30 Charles at, For Webb Webb Edward, S. Albemarle at, N'town Rozelle Lodge Webb Edward A., 2 Thompson st, Weatherhead Mrs. A., 11 Enmore rd, Weaver Mrs. M., Pile at, Gladesville Drummoyne Marrickville Weaver R. M., Bunnerong rd, Botan Webb Edward C., Town Hall hotel Weatherhead 0., 185 Rose at, Dad. Pt. Weaver Mrs. T. 333 Crown at 160 St. John's rd, Forest Lodge Weatherill Mrs. Agnes, Woodville rd, Weaver T. E., 42 Good Hope at, Pad. Webb Edward G., 28 Newman at, Granville Weaver Thomas, The Avenue Sans S'e Newtown Weaver W., 42 John at, Erskineville Webb Edwin, 2 Wood at, Randwick Weaver W., 35 Hopetoun at, Pad'ton Webb Mrs. Emily It., Lindsay at, Binewood Weaver William J., Smith at, Weaver William T., 700 King g , Webb Ernest, Macquarie at, Liverpool Auctioneer and Estate Agent, Sworn Tempe Webb Ernest C., chemist, Peat's Ferry Valuator under Real Property Act, Weaving J. T., Faraday a ye, 11"ahra rd, Ilornsby Valuator for Mortgage and Probate, Webb II. E. and Stevens, coal, timber Webb Mrs. F., Glenmore rd, helots Agent for the Mercantile Mutual end shipping agents, and agents Webb F. W., 20 Matheson at, C'Bown FIRE AND ACCIDENT North %numb Colliery, 81 l'itt Webb Fredk. W., C.13f.G., J.1'., Insurance Company, Hercules at "Livadin," Condamine at, Manly at, Ashfield, and at 113 Pitt at, Webb W. and Co., produce merchants, Webb (., High at, Carlton Sydney. Tele. 179 Ashfleld, and 66 Church at, Parramatta Webb 0, II., J.P., dentist, 177 OxCity 526; p.r., 1 Farleigh at, Webb A. C. F., consulting electrical ford at Ashfleld engineer, 82 Pitt at; p.r., "Coom- Webb George, Moore at, Bexley be'," Darling Pt. rd, Darling Pt. Vebb George P., Wigram . at, P'matte Weatherill R. C., 44 Wiley at, W'ley Webb A. D., accountant and insurance Webb Grantley26 Hutchinson at Weatherlake F., 48 Morehead at, Redbroker, 113 Pitt at Weld) Harry, Northumberland at, fern Randwiek Webb A. D., secretary National 1Veatherlake J. T., J.I'., Stuart at, Coursing Association, 113 Pitt st Webb Harry W., 11 Bathurst at,. liogarah Woollahra Webb A. F., Aston at, Granville 1Veatherlake S. B., Benelong rd, Neut. Webb Mrs. A. J., 2 Toxteth rd, Glebe Webb Hayden, 24 Grosvenor st-, Bay Webb A. L., Gloucester rd, Hurstrille Neutral Bay Weatherley G., 168 Elswick at, L'hardt Webb A. W., 70 Undercliffe at, Neut. Webb Henry, 75 Wells at, Redfern Weatherley G., 05 Edith at, L'hardt Bay Webb Henry M., Concord rd, C'cord Weatherow Thomas, 11 Burlinson at Webb Miss Ada, Warialda at, West Webb Henry M., 109 Stantnore rd. Weathers John, 48 Cameron at, P'ton Kogarah Petersham Weatherspoon F., 27 Burnett at, Webb Albert W., Hamilton at, W'ahra Webb Henry l'., 477 Harris at Redfern Webb Alfred, goods clerk, Newtown Webb Hy. W., draper, 85-87 Oxford at Weatherspoon Mrs. 0. J., Lincoln at, Goods Railway Station, Crescent Webb henry W., Mimosa at, Bexley Helmer° at, Newtown Webb el Herbert,Ilighbury par, Ash, Weatherspoon W. T., Lincoln at, Webb Alfred, 14 Marsden at, C'down Catnpsie Webb Alfred, Anglo Square, Carlton Webb Herbert, Hill st, Balgowlan Weatherstone B. F., °swell at, Bexley Webb Alfred, Woid's ay e, Hurstville Webb Herbert, 123 Rose at, DarPton Weatherstone Edward, Queenseliffe, Webb Alick, j.P., 194 Cleveland at Webb Herbert, 37 Allen at, Glebe Manly Webb Mrs. Annie, 8 Wigram rd, Glebe Herbert, 42 Raper at, Newtown Weaver It Allworth, solicitors, Ails- Webb Archibald, Crown at, Sherwood Webb Herbert T., St. Jetties' I'd, tralasia chambers, Martin place Webb Arthur, Robert rd, Bankstown Webb Itandwick Weaver Bros., grocers, 833 King et, Webb Arthur, 75 Alma at, DarPton Webb Hubert W., Rosati' at, P'matta Tempe Webb Arthur, 36 Reiby st. Newtown Webb Mrs. I., 40 Drummoyne ave. Weaver and Patrick, boottnakers, Bun- Webb Arthur, 59 Falcon at, N. Syd. Drununoyne nerong rd, Kensington Webb Mrs. Arthur B., 35 Flood at, Webb Mrs. J., Edward at, Glebe Leichhardt Webb J., Eiger ter.. Glebe WEAVER 8t PERRY, LTD. Webb Mrs. B., off Fidden's Wharf rd, Webb J., Graham at, Rookwood (Fredk. G. Weaver, .7.1'., and John Lindfleld Webb J. E., 124 Queen at, Woollahra. W. Perry, J.P.). Stock and Station Webb Miss B., 135 Avenue rd, Wman Webb J. J., Nelson at, Penshurst Agents, Castlereagh House, corner Webb B. C., 85 King at, Newtown Webb J. W., Montgomery at, hoglk Hunter mad Castlereagh sts, Sydney. Webb Mrs. Bridget, 19 Darghan at, Webb J. Walter, Gibbs at, Auburn Branch Office, Muswellbrook Glebe Webb James, 14 Mitchell at, Glebe Webb C. A., Marsden at, Par'matta Webb James, Melford at, Huristone. Weaver Mrs. 'A., 286 Crown et Webb C. C., 80 Belmont rd, Mosman Park Weaver A.. W. E., solicitor, Australasia Webb C. D., The Boulevard, Sans Webb James, Renn at, Kogarah Bay chambers, Martin place; p.r., Souci 'Webb James, 3 Military rd, Mosmatt 12 Fairlight at, Manly Webb Mrs. C. M., Orpington at, Webb James, Broad rd, S. Randwick Weaver Alfred, Woolwich rd, 11"wich Ashfleld Webb James A., Binds at, Holroyd Weaver Alfred J., 161 Botany at, Webb Charles, 81 Albion at Webb James IL, 46 O'Connell at,, Waterloo Webb Charles, 210 Liverpool at Newtown Weaver Mrs. C., 18 Missenden rd, Webb Chas., 83 Livingstone rd, Webb James T., 2 Augusta rd, Tritely Newtown Webb Charles, 38 Thomas at, N. Syd. Webb Mrs. Jane, Devonshire at, CNN) Weaver Charles T., Station id, Auburn Webb Chas., 138 Underwood at, Pad. Webb John, 15 Richards eve Weaver E., Despointes at, Mar'ville Weaver Miss Edith, Vicar at, Coogee Webb Charles IL, Ross at, Petersham Webb John, 35 Carlisle at, Ashfield Webb Chris., 68 Middle at; N. Sydney Webb John, Leyland par, Belmore Weaver Edward, Walker at, Pad'ton Webb Christopher, 12 Pearl at Webb Mrs. John, Keith st, Dul. 1-1111 Weaver F., Livingstone rd, Rookwood Webb David W., 62 Balm:tin rd, Webb John, 392 Church at, Par'matta Leichhardt Webb John, Wolli Creek rd, WEAVER FREDERICK GL, Webb John E., Meek's rd, Marnekville (Weaver and Perry Ltd.), "Bolt- Webb E., Wollongobg rd. Arneliffe Webb Mrs. E., 227 Liverpool rd, 1Vebb Jonathan, 122 Windsor at, Pad. ham" Cremorne Enfield Webb Joseph, Peat's Ferry rd, Hornsby. Weaver F. W., Plimsoll st, Delmore Webb Mrs. E., Penshurst at, WilEghby Webb Joseph, Bay rel, N. Sydney Weaver George, 164 Rose at, Dar'ton Webb Mrs. E. J., Rosehill at, P'matta Webb Joseph, 5 'Kent at, Waved*. Weaver George, Chetwynd grove, Webb Mrs. E. M., 127 Carrington rd, Webb K., 69 Forbes at Weverley Webb Mrs. K., 15 Queen Bt, Newtown Merrylands Weaver George L., Bancroft ave, Rose- Webb Edmund, tailor, 210 Enmore Webb L. P., carrier, 26 Abercrombierd, Enmore street ville WEATHERILL CEO. E. WOOD, COFfILL & COMPANY LTD. Web Web CENTRAL OFFICE: 810-12 GEORGE ST. 'PHONE 72811624 CENTRAL Webb Lance V., 238 West at, N. Syd. Webb Lawford, Addison rd, Webb' Lawrence, 71 West at 'Webb Leslie, St. George's par, Hurstville 'Webb Mrs. Lillian, 27 Pitt at, North S'ydney 'Webb Mrs. Lily, London Tavern, 258200 Elizabeth at Webb Mrs. M., 209% Victoria st 'Webb Mrs. M., Mitchell rd, A'dria Webb Mrs. M., 16 Brighton at, P'sham "Webb M. L., artist, 84 Elizabeth at Webb Mrs. Mabel, 3 Sloane at, Summer Hill -Webb Mrs. Margaret, 7 Woolcott at Webb Mrs. Marian, Lombard at, Glebe Vet I Miss, Illawarra rd, Maeville Webb Mrs., Wudgong at, Mosman -Webb Mrs. N. A., glass engraver and embroiderer, 411 Pitt g.Tel. 1418 city -Webb Norman M., 75 Hargrave at, Paddington -Webb 0. J., Union st, West Kogarah Webb P., 72 Ashmore at, Erskineville *Webb P., 243a Church at, Inmate 'Webb Mrs. I'. E., Tebbutt at, Leichhardt Webb Percy R., Yangoora rd, 131nore Webb Peter, 23 Ferndale at, N'town Webb R., 103 Chelmsford a ye, Camperdown Webb Reginald, Carina Bay, Como 'Webb Robert, 47 Woolcott st Webb Robert, 49 Booth at, An'dale 'Webb Robert, Innesdale rd, Arneliffe 'Webb Robert, Johnson at, Chatswood Webb Robert S., 31 Mount at, N. Syd. 'Webb St. Lawrence, 10 West at, Pad. Webb Samuel A., 73 Iredale at, Newtown Webb Stanley, 14 Hobbs at, L'sham Webb Stephen, The Avenue, Irvine 'Webb Mrs. Susan, 25 Regent at, Summer Hill Webb Sydney, 10 Campbell at, N'town Webb Capt. T. L., director Budded, Parker, Ltd., 201 George at; p.r., "Ashley," Cremorne rd, C'morne 'Webb Thomas, 357 Harris st Webb Thomas, 298 Young at, A'dale Webb Thomas, 7 Fulham at, Enmore Webb Thomas, Ray's rd, Epping Webb Thomas A. N., Point rd, W'wich Webb Thomas II., Carrington rd, Randwick 'Webb Thomas W., Annesley Et, L'hardt Webb \V., fuel merchant, 8 Ann at Webb W. H., Lambeth at, East hills Webb W. H., 204 Glebe Point rd, Glebe Webb W. J., Dural rd, Hornsby Webb W. J., Peat's Ferry rd, 11'nsby Webb W. P., 4 Bather» at, Mbar& Webb W. R., 10 Rochford at, E'ville Webb William T., Gordon at, Brighton-le-Sands Webb W. W., J.P., Everview ave, Tfosman Webb Walter, 20 Nichols at Webb Walter, 19 Elizabeth at west, Ashfleld 'Webb Walter, 108 Falcon at, N. Syd. Webb Walter, 182 West at. N. Syd. 'Webb Walter, 25 View st, 11"ahra Webb William, coal tilerchant, 9 Ann at Webb William, 247 New Canterbury rd. Dulwich 11111 'Webb William, Baxter rd, Mnseot 'Webb William, Lennox at, Parrametta 'Webb William, 133 RIlthven at, It andwick ECONOMY AND EFFICIENCY ALPHABETIC.AL. Webb William, Marshall eve, Warmwee Webb William A. S., Mount st, C'gee Webb William II., Sixth st, Gr'ville Webb William IL, Green at, Kogarah Webb William J., Woid's a ye, II'ville Webb William P., 4 Thither» street, Leichhardt Webb William T. Green at, li•ogarall Webbe A. L., Ivanhoe at, Mar'ville Webbe Nicholas, Busby par, Waved*, Webbe Nicholas P., shorthand writer, 2b Castlereagh at Webber Bros., wheel manufacturers, What* at, Newtown "Webbers," drapers, 43-47 Broadway, Glebe Webber and Co., motor garage, Gordon rd, Chatswood Webber E. and Co., drapers and clothiers, Auburn rd, Auburn Webber Studio Co., Auburn rd, A'b'n Webber A., Alive at, Auburn Webber A., 78 Sutherland at, St. Pet, Webber Mrs. A. B., 14 Union st, Nortlt Sydney Webber A. II., manager Governmina Savings Bank, 172 George at, west Webber A. J., Penshurst at, Will'by Webber Mrs. A. H., FOrest rd, Peaklest Webber Capt. A. IV., J.P., secretary Royal Shipwreck Relief and Humane Society of N.S.W. Exchange, 66 Pitt at; p.r., 22 Undereliffe ' at, Neutral Bay Webber Alfred, Leicester st, M'ville Webber Arthur, 40 Queen at, N'town Webber Arthur J. B., Bank at, Meadowba nit Webber Charles, 69 Bridge rd, Glebe Webber E., Station rd, Auburn Webber Miss E., Church at, R'wood Webber Mrs. E. J., Shaftesbury rd, Burwood Webber Edward, Ilardie at, Mascot Webber Eli, 91 Pitt at, Redfern Webber F., Universal at, Mascot Webber F. T., McIntosh st, Gordon Webber Frederick W., 12 St. Mary's at, Newtown Webber G., David at, Marrickville Webber George A., Loftus at, Campsie Webber lh,, 166 Pitt at Webber Halsey, 9 Oxford at, N'town Webber Henry, 235 Devonshire at Webber J. II., Svdenhant rd, Webber Jamb, 1,(1 Ocean at, Bondi Webber James, Grosvenor cres, Summer Hill Webber John, 53 Darlington rd, Darlington Webber John, 48 Angel at, Newtown Webber John, 8a Leinster at, Pad'ton Webber John IL, 6 William at, It'fern Webber Joseph, 52 Hanover at, Wat'loo Webber Mrs. M., Nicholson at, TEwood Webber Mrs. Mary, Castleflehl at, Bondi Webber Mrs. Mary E., Walker st, Five Dock Webber R. B., 82 Carlton cres, Summer Hill Webber It. R., Fitzwilliant at, Parrantatta Webber Robert, Frederick at, Trtlake Webber Samuel, 31 Datchett et, fishmain Webber Samuel, Newland at, Waverley Webber Sidney, Virginia at, Celine Webber Thomas, 360 Bourke street Webber Thomas P., 6 Rose at, Darl'ton Webber W. C., 3 Adolphus at, ARE mmiii hl Web1713 Webber W. W., Virginia et, Granville Webber William, Coronation eve, War. Webber William, 2 David at, Forest Lodge Webber William, Birrell st, Wav'ley Webber 1Villiam J., Loftus at, Campsie Webberley James, Royal hold, 237 Glentnore rd, Paddington Webbed* L., 7 Weedon a ye, Pairton WEBENDORFER BROS. . LIMITED, 187 Clarence et, General Importers and Indent Merchant Exporters of Australian Produce;' own firm in Ilamburg.Gebr. Webendorfer G. H. B. H., Grosse Alec 2a Weber A. and Co., woolbrokers, Witty lane Weber Mrs. A., 44 Metropolitan rd, Enmore Weber Charles, Clarence at, P'shurst Weber Constantine, 201 Liverpool at Weber Francis, Arthur at, Enfield Weber George, 60 Lackey at, Sum. Hill Weber Harry, land agent, 110b ,Bathurst at Weber Lloyd J., Ewell at, Waverley Weber Ludwig, merchant., 76 Pitt at Websdale, Shoosmith, Ltd., printers, 117 Clarence at Websdale C. D., 1 Victoria sq., Ashfi'ld Webster A. II. and Sons, shop titters, etc., S Cunninghatn at Webster and Co., Ltd., chemical depot, Victoria a ye, Chatswood Webster F. W. and Co., LiivEltroub HERALD, Macquarie at, Liverpool WEBSTER FRANCIS & SONS (Arbroath)—Canvas and Twine, etc.—George Morgan and Co., Ltd., Sole Agents, 211 Clarence at WEBSTER'S NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY, 13 Castlereagh st---(See E. J. Forbes and Son Ltd.) 1Vebster's Limited, importers and warehousemen, 63 York, itors, 7 Webster and Maclean, solc Moore at Webster's Refreshment Rooms, 107 The Strand Webster Mrs. A., Auburn rd, Auburn Webster A. J., chemist, Albert eve, Chatswood Webster Allan, Leichhardt at, L'hardt Webster Arthur, Manson rd, Concord Webster Arthur, 5 Cooper at, Redfern Webster Arthur P., Edward at, Bondi Webster Arthur F., Russell st, W'ahra Webster Arthur H., Norfolk at, Epping Webster Charles, Tower at, East Hills Webster Charles F., chemist, Burwood rd, Burwood Webster D., 118% Windsor at, Pad'ton Webster 1). A., Arthur st, R'wielt Webster David, 10 Hartley at, Roz. Webster David, 1 Gray's lane, W'loo Webster E., sell., 32 Nelson at. Atedale Webster Mrs. E., Early at, Pat'matta Webster E. C., Macquarie rd, Auburn Webster Mrs.E. G., Bassett st, Dalmorton Webster Mrs. E. S.-, 28 Belmore at, Enmore Webster Edward, jun., 30 Nelson at, Annandale Webster Miss Elizabeth, 60 Foveaux street. Webster Foster, 2 Botany st, W't'loo OUR WATCHWORDS, HONESTY OF SERVICE OUR DESIRE - 1714Web ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR A LOT FOR A LITTLE. ALPHABETICAL. Weg Webster Frederick, 22 Pine at Webster William, Old Canterbury rd, Weekes Prank, Centenary rd, Afgands. Webster G., 68 John •at, Er'ville Summer Hill Weekes Henry, Edison St. Belmore Webster G., •Clarendon at, Strathfleld Webster William, M.H.R., Vaucluse rd, Weelces Mrs. L., 39 Wycombe rd, 'Y'lebster G. M., J.P., manager ComVaucluse Neutral Bay mercial Banking Company of Syd- Wedd Peter, Farr at, Rockdale' Weekes Leslie, 10 Marriott at, R'fern. ney, Ltd. (branch), 456-458 Ox- Weddell Mrs. II. K., 35 Croydon rd, Weekes Norah, Club House hotel, ford at, Paddington Croydon 58 Abercrombie at Webster George, Green at, Kogarah Wedderburn A. W., 50 Boyce at, Glebe Weekes Ralph, Military rd, Vaucluse Webster George E., 16 Boyce at, Glebe Wedderburn Alex., 3 Cove at, Baltnain Weekes S., 26 Shepherd at, Redfern Webster IL, headmaster GleilInOre Wedderburn J., 159 Morehead st, Weekes Stephen, Station at, 3Flands. Public School, Glemnore rd, Pad. Redfern Weekes Thomas, 64 View st, An'dale. Webster H. V. IL, Morehead at, Red- Wedderburn J. T., accountant, 70 Weekes Wally, Thompson's Farnfly fern Hunter at hotel, 692 George st Webster Harry, 5 Vincent st, irmain Wedderburn Jabez W., scalemaker, 84 Weekes William, Park rd, Mascot Webster Henry, 64 Shepherd at Liverpool a Weekes William .1., 553 Ring at,. Webster Henry, Parratuatta rd, IFfield Wedderburn James, Sydney Scale Newtown Webster henry, Terrace rd, Wrickville Works, 71 Liverpool at Weekley Mrs., 51 Salisbury rd, StanWebster Henry, Melrose at, Mascot Wedderburn James, 49 Gipps at, more Webster Henry, Ethel at, Randwick Bat main Weekley Alfred, 8 Lincoln at, S'inore Webster Herbert, 55 Banks at, N. Syd. Wedderbum James, 194 Bridge rd, Weekley Harold, 149 Bedford a, Webster lIerbert J., 26 Eglinton rd, Glebe Newtown Glebe Wedderburn John T., 91 Addison rd, Weekley Henry, 0 Lincoln at, St'moreWebster Horace, Amy at, Campsie Manly lVeekley J. H. A., 3 Durham at, South. Webster Mrs. J., Thorby ave, L'hardt Wedderburn P., 113 Cowrie at, NewAnnandale Webster J. P., "L.S." chief inspector town Weekley James, 5 Smith at, Waterloo of city cleansing, Town Hall, Wedderburn It., 43 Augustus at, WEEKLY DgsvATeii Newspaper, 24 George at Leichhardt Jamieson at Webster J. P., Middleton at, St'more Wedderburn Robert, 5 Henry st, Leich. Weekly James, Catherine at, L'hardt Webster J., Tower at, East Hills hardt Weekly Robert II., Meek's rd, Maeville• Webster J. E., Northcote at, ll'fleld Wedders Mrs. Elizabeth, 478 Crown at Weekly Thomas, 23 Lincoln at, S'inore Webster J. W., sec. China Island Mis- Wedderspoon A., Pa Eatonville at, Weeks and Go., drapers, Macquarie st„ sion, Wynyard at Croydon Parramatta Webster James, 17 Elizabeth at Wedderspoon M. F., Milton at north, Weeks Mrs. A., Francis at, Maeville 'Webster James, 178 George at west Ashtield Weeks Mrs. Annie, 37 Denison st, Webster James, First a ye, Rookwood Wedderspoon W., 47 Watkin at, NewNewtown Webster James, 35 Macaulay rd, Stan. town Weeks C., Beamish at, Campsie more Wedding Thomas, 2S Polding at, Weeks Charles, 21 Dickson at, N'town Webster James C. 28 Kensington at Drummoyne Weeks Charles H., Dartbrook rd, ' Webster John, 68 Old Canterbury rd, Weddle II. A., 42 Marlborough st, Auburn Petersham Leichhardt Weeks Charles 3., Bridge rd, Glebe Webster John G., Grassmere rd, Wedeles James and Co. manufacturers' Weeks Mrs. E. A., 22 Watkin at, Neutral Bay ' and at Melagents, 73 York at, Newtown Webster John R., Hermitage rd, Ryde bourne Weeks Edgar, Watson at, Waverley Webster Joseph, Kentville ave, An- Wedemeir L. W., postmaster, Eastern Weeks Edward, 105 Marlborough at nandale rd, Turraniurra Weeks Edward, Collins st. A'dria, Webster Joseph, Palmerston ave, Glebe Wedge Mrs. E., 104 Campbell at, Weeks Edward, d Wentworth 1st, Webster L. A., Shelley at, Cant'bury St. Peters Glebe Webster Mrs. M., Edenhohne rd, Ab- Wedge F., 602 Illawarra rd, M'ville Weeks Ernest, 38 Cook rd, botsford Wedley John, 02 Wilson at, Redfern Weeks George, 394 Bourke at Webster 3frs. 31., Arthur st, R'wick Wedley Joseph, 10 Turner at, Redfern Weeks II. J., Ashley at, Chatswood Webster M. G., accountant, 375 George Wedlock G., 192 Livingstone rd, liar- Weeks J. J., surgeon, 29 Leichhardt at rickville at, Glebe Webster Mrs. Mary, 5 Pyrmont Wedlock J. 0., Edinburgh rd, Weeks James, Grand par, BrightonBridge rd Wedlock James, 27 Smith at, Maeville le-Sands Webster Peter, Edenhohne rd, Ab'ford Wedlock John, 21 Smith et, Mar'ville Weeks James, Cronulla at, Hurstville• • Webster R., Macquarie rd, Auburn Wed10cic W. J., 10 Edgeware rd, Weeks James, 78 Corso, Manly Webster Reg. II., Balmoralave, Enmore Weeks James, 9 Weston rd, Rozello Mosman Weeden Mrs. E. C., 10 Bourke at, Weeks John A., 52 Bircbgrove rd, Webster Robert, 32 Crown at Redfern Balmain ;Webster Robert, 13 Piggott at, Du!- Weeden Ephraim F., Phillip at, P'matta Weeks John T., 64 Derwent at, Glebe 'wich Hill Weeden F. IL, The Esplanade, Weeks Joseph, Regatta rd, Five Dock Webster Robert G., Good at, Guildford Weeks M. IL, Station st, Auburn Webster Miss S., Russell at, St'fleld Veeden Frank, Moore at, Campsie Weeks II., 539 Crown at Webster Mrs. S. A., tea rooms, 5 and Weeden Mrs. II., Moore at, Campsie Weeks Sidney J., 80 Darling st, Bak 53-57 The Strand Weeden Walter S., Pennant at, Parmain Webster Mrs. S. A., Arthur at, R'w'It ramatta Weeks Stanley, 10 Aubion st, Waverl'r Webster T., Mary at, Auburn Weedon John, Belgrave at, Way'ley Weeks Thomas, Hardy st, Ashfleid Webster Thomas, 72 Ann at Weedon Mrs. M., Young at, Pad'ton Weeks Thomas, 93 Frederick at, St. Webster Thomas, Polo at, East Hills Weedon Mrs. Mary, 354 Young st, Peters. Webster Thomas, 69 Grove at, L'hardt Annandale Weeks Thomas E., 130 Ebley at, Wa y Webster Thomas, Evans at, Way'ley Weedon S. H., Alexandra st, Hunter's -erley Webster W., Howard at, 'liandwick Hill Weeks Thomas W., Nelson rd, C'buryWebster W. 0., 1 Sean l st, Petersham Weekely William, 14 Trade at, Nt'wn Weeks W. A., Queen Victoria at, West Webster W. P., Minter at, Canterbury 1Veekes J. J., Ltd., saddlers and Kogarah Webster W. H., 7 Cooper at, Pad'ton saddlers' ironmongers, 465-476 Weeks W. T., fancy leather goods. Webster W. R., Wazier st, Arncliffe .Kent at manufacturer (city office), 195. Webster William, 14 Ultimo rd Weekes Bert, 43 Collins at Clarence at Webster William, 13 Young at, An- Weelces Miss C., 2 Whitehorse at, Weeks William J., Oxford at, B'wood nandale Newtown Weeks William T., Farr at, Mar'ville Webster William, Behnore rd, R'wick Weekes Mrs. C. E., Arthur at, Band. Weeteh Leonard, Chandos at, St. L'ards Webster William, Lauff at, Rockdale wick Weetman and Co., Sydney Sack ExWebster William, 64 Douglas at, Stan. Weekes C. E., Fourth a ye, Wentworthchange, 578 Harris at more ville Wegemund Gustave, 132 Duke at • Webster William, Parnell st, Witold Weekes Mrs. Elizabeth, 3 Harley place COFFILL AND COMPANY (SEE WOOD, COFFILL AND COMPANY). 'PHONE 726 CENTRAL ANTHONY HORDERNV —THE ECONOMIST'S DELIGHT. Weg ALPHABETICAL. Wel 1715 Wegg-Horne F., solicitor, 52 Eliza-1 Weinrabe J., Doncaster a ye, Ken'ton Weirick S., builder, Simmons at, beth at Emnore Wegg-Home F., New at, Willoughby Weintz L., 47 . 48 North Steyne, Manly Weiriek Samuel, Ramsay rd, Habffield Weinz August, Erskineville rd, N'town Wegner Erdmann, 9 Agar at east Weinziery Charles, Bayview at, Bronte Weirick Sydney, 74 Holmwood at, Wegner Mrs. R., Wardell rd, Newtown Wehrle C., watchmaker, 656a George Weippert and Co., piano tuners, 10 Weirick W. II., plumber, off 83 New Australia at, Woollahra at Canterbury rd, Petersham Weippert II. N., 10 Australia st, Wehrle C., Chetwynd grove, Guildford Weirick W. H., Carlingford rd, Car'Wehrle Constantine, jeweller, 121 Ox- WeirWoollahra lingford Misses, private school, 194 ford at Weirnert W. P., 77 Rote at, L'hardt at Weibe John, 19 Campbell at, Pad'ton WeirAlbion and Whitley, proprs. Flovant Weirrick H., 45 Northumberland ave, 'Vi eich Robert and Sons, blacksmiths, Stanmore Cargo Service, Erskine st Sydenham rd, Mar'ville Weise William E., South at, Maeville 1Veiclimann Mrs. A., 48 Oxford at, Weir B., 1 Queen's ave, N. Sydney Weir Mrs. C., Carlotta at, Greenwich Weismantel William, 160 Flinders at Woollahra Weir Cochrane W., Non at, Chatswood Weiss Miss A., 44 Liverpool at, Pad. 1Veichmann G., 161 Liverpool rd, Weir David If., Petersham rd, Mar. Weiss Arthur H., 29 Regent at, Sum. Aslifield Hill Weidemann St Co., Ltd„ piano impor- Weirriltekir‘sillen, 5 Belmont at, A'dria Weiss F. A., Crinan at, Il'stone Pb. ters and musical instruments, 80 Weir Mrs. E. A., 58 Continua rd, Weiss Frank, Boyle at, Enfield Pitt at Weiss Leslie E., 82 George at, W't'loo St anmore Weidemier L. J., 20 Terry st, St. Pet. William II., Webb at, C'ydon 1Veidenhofer L., Tabrett at, Rockdale Weir Edwin, dentist, 433 Oxford at, Weissel Weizel Paul, 5 Boronia st, Redfern Paddington Weidner L. J. C., Smith st, WentWellairn Mrs. It., 35 . Ruthven at, Weir Fredk., Sailor's Bay rd, Will'by worthville Randwick Weier Thomas, 7 Eliza at, Camp'down Weir George, Henley rd, Flemington 1Velbus M., 130 Probert st, C'down Weiers J. and Co., opticians, Parra- Weir George, Railway ave, Hornsby Welby Albert. Bridge at, D'inoyne Weir George, Tracy at, Hurstville matta rd, Hyde Weir George, Gladstonest, L'hardt Welby Francis E.. Aquarium hotel, Weifert Charles, 282 Glebe Point rd, Weir Dellview at, Bondi George, Walker are, Pacrton Glebe James, 65 Mt. Vernon st, Weifert Jacob, 76 View at, An'dale Weir George, 46 Dover at, Sum. Hill Welby Forest Lodge Weir George N., 16 Blab at, N. Syd. 1Veigall Mrs. A. B., Eastbourne rd, Welby John J., 315 Glebe Pt. rd. Weir Mrs. Helen, 182 Philip at Darling Point Weir Henry, teacher of singing, 338 Glebe • Weigall C. E., barrister, 163 Phillip Welby Robert, 82 Bowman st, D'moyne George at Welch R., Duplicating Co., 7 Moore at Weir Henry, 11 Evans at, Waverley 1Veigall Cecil, 37 Roslyn Gardens Hubert, 18 College st, Balmain 1Veigand H. J., Rocky Pt. rd, A'cliffe Weir Weir J., grocer, Parramatta rd, A'burn Weigand Ilenry J., Loftus et, Arncliffe Weir J. B., 49 Metropolitan rd, EnWeigand John, Fairfowl at, Dul. Hill t more 11eige A. 11., 190 Princes at Venetian Window Blind ManuJames, 22 Young at, Annandale Weights and Measures Office (Police Weir James, 36 Elliott at, Balmain facturers and Importers, 3 and 5 Dept.)—Supt. Edward, 476-478 Weir Weir James, 6 Little Nicholson at, Burton at, off Oxford at. Tel. Pitt at Balmain 836 William at Weight John G., Louisa at, Auburn James, Wardell rd, Dulwich Hill 1Veilien A. Wallace, M.A., B.S., M.D., Weir ophthalmic surgeon, 183 Mac- WeirLoJames, 103 St. John's rd, For. Welch A., Forest rd, Hurstville Welch Mrs. • A., 61 Spit rd, Mosman quarie at Weik Joseph, 15 Amy at, Erskineville WeirtoJwaliines R., 20 Randle at, New- Welch Albert J.. Kogarah rd, Kog'11 Welch Albert, 95 Derwent at, Glebe 1Veil Albert E., Burwood rd. Enfield Weir John, 93 Probert at, C'down Welch Charles, 11111 rd, Bankstown Weil Charles A. W., Leopold at, A'field Weir John, 64 Bowman at, D'moyne Welch Chas., J.P.. 140 High at, N. Syd. Well P., Great Northern rd, Gl'ville Weir John, Herbert et; Mortlake Welch Litanies, Ebley at, Wavaley Veil Philip, Linsley at, Gladesville Weil Richard 11., Mitchell at, Enfield Weir John, Market at, Naremburn Welch Daniel, 270 TIlawarra rd, MarWeir John P., Short at, Granville 1Veilandt IL, 92 Mill Hill rd, Wav'y Weir John P., 1 Spring at, Pad'ton Welch Mrs. E., 5 Elizabeth at, Pad'ton -Weiler A. A., Wardell rd, Dul. Hill Weimar George, Wyalong at, Will'ghbv Weir Mrs. Johnson, 72 Glenmore rd, Welch Mrs. E. M., 379 Liverpool at Welch Edwin, 365 Liverpool st 1Veimar Mrs. M., Stewart at, R'wlek WeirPaddington Joseph, Bayville ave, Annandale Welch Ernest, Matthew at, Hunt. Hill Weinberg E., 55 Mansfield at, Rozelle 'Weinberg Flora, pawnbroker, 475 Weir Joseph. Promenade, Sans Souel Welch Mrs. G. C., 172 Alfred at, N. Weir Mrs. K., 196 St. Johns' rd, Sydney Crown st Forest Lodge Welch George, Bristol rd, Somerset Weinberg Henry, jeweller, 18 King at 'Weinberg Morris, Oswald at, Mosinan Weir M., 195 Henderson rd, Alex'dria Welch H. D., 35 Denham at Wein., and Hodson, fibrous plaster Weir Mrs. Mary, 85 Moncur at, Irahra Welch H. P., 2 Kenilworth at, Wav'y workers, 134 Johnstone at, An- Weir Patrick, 573 Riley at Henry F., 16 Edwin at, D'moyne Weir Robert, 66 Alexandra at, Drum- Welch nandale Welch J., Avoca at, Randwick 'Wyllie Albert, Clovelly st, Vaucluse Weir moyne Welch J. B. St. Vincent, physician Robert, Augustine at, Hunt. 11111 Weine Edward J., Tiger at, Randwick and surgeon, 153 Miltary rd, NeuWeir Robert, 32 Thomas at, 'Weine Ernest C., 51 Lord at, N'town tral Bay Weine Henry J., Salisbury at, V'cluse Weir Samuel, 166 Young at, An'tlale Welch J. F., 34 Macaulay at, L'hardt Weir Mrs. Stephen, 80 Short at, Bal. Welch J. H., 29 Hargrave at, Padlon 1Veine John, Military rd, Vaucluse main Weingarth John, licensed surveyor, Welch James, Garden at, S. Randwick 10 Castlereagh at; p.r., Etliam Weir T. G., 79 Trafal gar at, Antdale Welch Jesse, Bayview st, Bexley Weir Thomas, Beaconsfield at, Bexley ave, Darling Point Welch John, Hudson at, Hurstville Weingott S. and Sons, Ltd., waterproof Weir W. V., 2 Campbell st. Pad'ton Welch .Tolin, Chandos st, St. L'ards clothing and oilskin tnanufactur- Weir William, 42 Lucas at, Cam'down Welch John E., J.1'., Carina at, ers, 174a Sussex at, and 60-68 1Veir William, George at, Hornsby Burwood Weir William, Balmain rd, Leichhardt City rd Welch John St. Vincent, J.P., "StandWeingott H., 380 Annandale at, Weir William, Percival at, L'hardt ish," River rd, Lane Cove Gibbes at, Newtown Weir William, 17 Annandale Welch Mrs. If., Wit Moore Park rd 'Weingott Lazar, 5 Junction at, Forest Weir 1Viliam J., 96 Palmer at, Welch Mrs., 9 Knox at, 11"ahra Balmain Lodge Welch Miss, registry office, 112 CastleWeingott S., 6 Keaton are, 3fosman We're James, Lennox at, Wooll:irhra reagh at 1Veirick J. J., 20 Pleasant st, EnsWeingott Samuel, 0 Junction at, Welch N. J., 15a Cabramatta rd, kineville Forest Lodge Mosman Joseph N., Claremont st, -Weinlig Paul, wool buyer, 63 Pitt at; Weirick Welch Reginald, 166 King at Campsie p.r., 23 Prince Albert at, 31'ml) Welch William P. I Co. OUR PROCESS or EMBALMING PRESERVES THE DEAD FOR ANY TIME AT, NOMINAL COST ANTHONY HORDERNS' — IT ISN'T A SHOP, IT'S AN INSTITUTION. 1716Wel ALPHABETICAL. Wel Welch Reuben, 161 Wells at west, Wellington Miss Illanehe, masseause, Wells Frederick, Joseph at, Rookwoodi Redfern • 54 Oxford at Wells Frederick G., Brooklyn at,, Welch Mrs: Rose, 41 Charles at, Wellington Claude, 3 Burton at, North Tempe Petersham Sydney Wells Frederick T., Victoria rd, MarWelch S. II., 68 Bowman at, D'Inoyne Wellington II. W., Carlow at, N. Syd. rickville Welch IV., 1 Rochford at, Ersk'ville Wellington J. B., 142 Wigrain rd, Wells Mrs. G., 115 Phillip st Welch W. 44 Middleton at, Wyllie Wells G. E., 30 Parramatta rd, HaleGlebe Welch W. 'R., 06 Burlingten at, North Wellington John, 1 Baker lane, Forest enfold Sydney Lodge Wells G. J., furniture, pianos and Welch William, 142 Devonshire at Wellington John, 29 Cowper at, Waver. sewing machine importer" 374: Welch William, Mary at, Auburn Pitt at Icy Welch William, 19 Boyle at, Mostnan Wellington Joseph B., 45 Cooper st Wells Mrs. G. J.,Burlington rd, Homebush Welch WiUlam J., Ramsay rd, Hob- Wellington Mrs. M. A., 20 Watkin erfield at, Newtown Wells George, 13g Allen at Wellington P., Catherine at. L'hardt Wells George, 130 Goodlett at 'Veld Arthur, 680 Bourke at Wells George, 19 Sherbrooke at Weldon Alex., 79 Caroline at, Redfern Wellington Robert, 176 Dowling at Wells George, 6 Derwent at, Glebe Weldon C. V., Middle Harbour rd, Wellisch A., Kent at, Epping Wellman E. J., Queensborough rd, Wells George, 271 Balinain rd, L'hardt Lindfleld Croydon Park Wells George, 130 Arthur at, N. Syd. Weldon Mrs. D., Eurellit at, 13'wood Wellman Edward, McEvoy at, A'dria Wells George, 8 Rosalind Bt, N. Syd. Weldon II., Glover at, :Boman Weldon Leslie, Bancroft itve, Roseville Wellman Mrs. G., Trafalgar at, An'dale Wells George, 53 Botany at, Wesley Weldon Mrs. Lucy, Claude at, C'wood Wellman Joseph, Meek's rd, Maeville Wells George N., 2 IVigram rd, Glebe Weldon Nurse Mary, 16 London at, Wellman Mrs„ 14 Derwent at, Glebe Wells George S. C., Perouse rd, R'wick Enmore Wellman William, Wareemba at, Wells George T., 23 Bradley's Head rd„ Afosman Abbotsford Weldon Thomas IL Dover at, Botany Weldon Vivian, 17 'William at, B'main Wollner John J., 77 Darling at, Wells Mrs. Grace, Wharf rd, Concord' Balmain Wells H. Hider, dental surgeon, 223. Weldon W. T., J.P., 96 Denison at, Elizabeth at IVaverley Wells (George) and Smith, auctioneers Weldon William T., Melrose at, M'man and commission agents, 173 Sus- Wells H. .1., 42 Cecily st, L'hardt Wells Harold, Rawson at, Waver1QWelfare Ernest, Short at, Liverpool sex at Welfare Henry, 90 Portman at, IV't'loo Wells and Richardson Co., diamond Wells Henry, 33 Joseph st, Ashfield dyes, 15 O'Connell at Welfare J. T., Goulburn at, Liverpool Wells Henry, Norwood at, Petersham Welfare Thomas, 101 Denison at, Wells A„ Bridge at, Drummoyne Wells Ilenry, Devlin at, Hyde 1Vaverley Wells A. IL, confectioner, 650 George Wells Henry, 13 Mary at, St. PeteraWeIford Mrs. J. IL, Orchard at, ChatsWells henry II., Avoca st, Itandwick street wood Wells A. S.. 48 Paddington st, Pad. Wells Mrs. Betty, 98 Ebley at, \Vent/rid H., Carrington a ye, Wyllie Wells A. IV., 7 Railway rd, St. Pet. IVaverley Welland Mrs. Mary, 22 Queen at, Wells Albert, Harriett at, Marrickville Wells :Miss Inez, Kirkosivald a ye, Mos. Newtown Wells J. II., 123 Neville at, Arville• Wells Alfred, 70 Nelson at, Annandale Weliens F., West at, Huratville Wells Alfred, Boylston at, Pad'ton Wells James, 117 Nelson at, Atedale WeBard Mrs. J., Wentworth at, Par- Wells Mrs. Amelia, 56 Betting,ton at Wells James P., Belmore rd, Randwick ratnatta Wells Mrs. Annie, 202 Nelson at, A'dale Wells John, Albert at, Botany WeBard William, Ethel at, Par'matta Wells Mrs. Annie, River at, ("bury Wells John, Barrenuna rd, Can 'hi Wellden John, 157 MuRens at, B'maitt Wells Archibald, 14 Ferry rd, Glebe Wells John, 85 Formosa at, D'utos•ne Weller Edward C., Macquarie place, Wells Arthur, 48 Raglan at, Manly Wells John A. E., 85 Foster st, Mortdale Leichhardt Arthur, Webber's rd, W. Kogarah Weller H. A., Railway at, Sherwood Wells Wells Benjamin A., Alexandra at, Wells John F., 88 Underwood at, Weller Henry, Avoca at, Waverley Paddington Hunter's Hill Weller John, 82 Marion at, L'hardt Wells Bert L., Browning at, Campsie WellsmeJrainimJ., 35 Ilenson at, SumWeller John, 31 Glenview at, Pad. Wells Mrs. Bridget, Itookwood Weller Joshua, Hurst at, Arnelitre Wells Joseph, 2 Whately st, N'towts Bankstown Weller Peter, Cooper rd, Bankstown Wells Joseph, 10 Crescent at, hoc. Wens Mrs. C., Kirkoswald a ye, Mos. Weller It. A., Mitchell at, Marrickville Wells Joseph, 104 Oxford at, Irahra C. S., Clanville rd, Roseville Weller Thomas, 57 Carlisle at, L'hardt Wells Wells Charles, 4 Reuss at, Balmain Wells Mrs. Julia, 1 Morrell at, W'ahro Weller W., 14 Burns at, Petersham Wells Mrs. K., 101 Stamnore rd, Weller William, Calder rd, Rydalmere Wells Charles, La Perouse, Botany Petersham Weller William, 440 Unwin's Bridge Wells Charles, King's Langley rd, Wells Mrs. L. C., Concord rd, C'eord Greenwich rd, St. Peters Wells Leslie, Thompson at, D'moyne Weller William T., Calder st, R'tnere Wells Charles, 20 Railway rd, St. Pet. Wells Mrs. Linda, Madeline at, Hun— WeHerd Harry, house agent, 15 Waver' Wells Colonel, 48 Prince Albert rd, ter's Hill Mosman Icy rd, IVaverley Wells Lionel, 17 Ann at, Balmain Wellerd . Harry, Bon Accord aye, Wells Donald, 62 Thorne at, Pad'ton Wells Mrs. M., Susan st, Auburn Wells Airs. E., 128 Palmer at Waverley Wells Mrs. M. A. E., 23 Cary at, 'ellesley C. J., 90 Raglan at, Annan Wells E. A., Arnold at, Killers Leichhardt Wells E. J., 424 Unwin's Bridge rd, WeMare Albert, 10 Collins at Wells M. IL, Willis st, Sth. Randwick St. Peters 1Vellfare John, Bourke at, Waterloo Wells Mrs. Mary, 28 Arthur at, North Wellham C. J. 17 Lawson at, Patrton Wells E. S., Dunmore at, Cr •don Pk. Sydney Wells Edward, Hibbs at, Canterbury WeIlliard F. S., Union at, 1"matta Wells Miss, principal Beachmotint Wells Edward, Athol at, Randwick Welling Alfred, 62 William at, North College, Kirkoswald ave, Mosnum: Wells Edward II., Frenchman's rd, Sydney Wells Norman J., surgeon dentist. 147 Bandwick Welling Ernest F., 58 Wells at, A'dale Elizabeth at ; p.r., Greenwich rd„ Wellings Mrs. Alice, 13 West Prome- Wells Edwin J., 654 Harris at Greenwich Wells Ernest, 40 Forsyth st, Glebe nade, Manly Wells Percy A., Second aye, Wen'ville WeBinge L. C., 10 Victoria par, Manly Wells Ernest, Factory at, Granville Wells Peter, 37 Regent at, Paddington WeHinge Mrs. N., Beach rd, Rush- Wells Ernest, 3 Bucknell st, Newtown Wells Ernest, 9 Hewlett at, Wavles• caters Bay WELLS MISS RACHEL Co " RayWeHinge T. IL, Itedmyre rd, St'field Wells Miss Ethel, 92 Smith at, Sumwell," 138 Louisa rd, Balmain mer Hill Wellington A., 124 Denison at, C'down Wells Eugene, Adderley at, Auburn Wells Robert, Staftesbury rd, Wwood' Wellington A. E., 49 Harley at, NewWell Florence, Hotel Victoria, 206 Wells Rosalie M., 81 Cary at, L'hardt. town Devonshire at Wells Sydney 0. H., J.P., Dine at, Wellington Alfred E., Asher at, Rand. Wells Mrs. F. J., 7 Bent at, St'tnore Randwiek wick Wellington B. B., 5 Edward at, North Wells Francis, Carlisle at, Bose Bay Wells 'P. A., 35 Awaits at, Mosman Wells Frank, Bellevue par, Ilm•stville Wells Thomas, 2 Endeavour rd, Daces-Sydney ville WON, ODIUM OttainfirANY LIU. HEAD OFFICE: BULWARRA RD. I PERMONT. 'PHONE 728*. 1160 CENTRAL ANTHONY HORDERNV —A PARADISE OF ECONOMY. Wes1717ALPIIABETICAL. W el Wentworth Welto:i S., :15 Durham st, S. An'dale Welton Sydney, Bayville ave, .1"dale Welton,' IV. C., seety. Federal and Shire Lines Committee, Reiby Airs. Maclurcan, Afanageress, Lang. lane at, Church Hill, Sydney. TeleWeltzel Kurt, 74 Bourke st, Redfern phones, City 120:1, 1583, 1SSo• Welzel Richard, 40 liepos at. Redfern and 3039 Wemys John, 11 Hobbs at, Lewisham Wolves II. S., Crinan at, Irstone Pk. "Wentworth Garden"--Airs. Machu.Wemyss H. S., 87 Railway ter, L'sham can, manageress, corner Lung and. Wensess II. S., 3 Victoria st, L'shant • Jamieson sts, Chtn•elt Wemyss Henry, Vincent at, Canterbury 11 eillyss Hercules, Crinan st, Hurl- Wentworth Hotel, Ltd., Wentworth. atone Park residential chambers, 15-17 Welnyss John, 15 Victoria at, L'shatn Lang at Wenban David .1., 45 Morris at, Sum- Wentworth Arthur, 40 Oibbes at,. mer Hill Rockdale • Wenban Ebb, 172 Military rd, Neut. Wentworth G. F., Rocky Pt. rd, Itock• Bay dale Wenban Joseph, Northumberland rd, Wentworth Percy, Mitchell st, Koieralt Auburn Wenban W. W., Wallace at, Wil'ghby■ Wentworth IV. C., barrister, 163. Phillip at; or., "Mowbray," Wellborn S. D., 47 Cambridge St.! • N.S.H. rd, Rose Bay Paddington Wenborn Wilfred I., consulting opti. Wentworth-Shields Rev. W. F., ALA. (C. of E.), St. James Rectory,. eian 28 Queen Victoria AfarlieC 152 Phillip at 'M. 7111S City ; p.r., "IVarrawee,' Lang at, Wentworthville Public School—L. II. WELSBACH LIGHT CO. OF AUSWilts, headmaster, Fourth arc,. Mostilittl TRALASIA, LIMITED—ManuWentworthville facturers of Incandescent Gas Wetick Augustus, 320 Riley at Wentworthville Railway Station— Mantles, Gas Burners, Gas and Wenck Fredk. G. 10 Rose at, D'ington Thomas J. Irwin, stationmaster, Electric Lamps, Fittings, and all Wenek IL, 46' Church at, rmattai Second at, Wentwortliville Appliances for Lighting or Heat- We.nek Mrs. Sarah, 10 Rose st, Dar- Wentzel A., Northwood oh, L. Covelington ing by Gas and Electricity, etc IVent(TeloiCg.eteacher of Violin, 3:16a Ernest Ansel', • General Mana- Wendell E., Benelong rd, N. Sydney! ger, 302 Pitt st. Tel. 2485 Wendt C., 63 Albany nil, Statmiore IVentzel N., teacher of piano, 330a Wendt C., 03 Northumberland are,: Central, 255 City George at Stamoore otis oolrokers, 55 Ym at meetCo., w b Welsby Jonas, Charlotte at, I:hardt Wendt George, 27 C•abramatta rd, Mos-, Wensz Welsh Bros., brassfounders, 171 Kent st Wenzel It. & Co., wool buyers, 19. Welsh Mrs. A., England are, Maeville Wentiltull.itolin P. Green at, Kogarall Bridge at at, Wendt Martin, ousie iblh Welsh Alfred, Ashton at, Randwick Wenzel Albert, 147 Baptist at, Bleu/. IVelsh Arthur J., Queen at, Petersham Wenham Hercules, Ilawthorn par.' Wenzel Charles, Northcote at, Nar'burn Ilabertield Welsh Augustus. 64 Hart at, Tempe Welizel Gustav, 139 Baptist at, It'ferti Welsh Professor David A., M.A., B.Sc., Wenholni Sven, Ring at, Sans Sotici • Wenzel! 11.; 511 Spencer RI, Mostuan M.D., ALR.C.P. (Edin.), hon. Wenholz Mrs. Emily, Wentworth at,! Werber Carl, 19 Witillsong at, Mosinan Petersham curator Anatomy Museum, Sydney Werner Charles, 02 Shailforth at, Mos. University, City Ed, Camperdown Wenholz George, headmaster Waterloo' Werkender Otto, Saunders lane Public School, Botany rd, Welsh Professor D. A., M.D., "Slier. Werner Pfleiderer and Perkins 1.t d„. wood," Warwilla a ye, Wahroonga Wenholz Harold, 8 Itumsay at, Rozelle bakery engineers and oven builWelsh Daniel, 135 Bedford at, N'town Wenhorn S. D., manufacturers' agent,' ders, 11. Lawrence, mgr., 00. 38 Cavington at Welsh Frank A., George at, Rockdale Castlereagh st Welsh George, 14 Spring at, Irmain Weniger A. H., Hermington at, Car- Werner A. E., Albert ave, ("Imuitsuvu out lingford Welsh IL E., Gladstone ave, Alosman Werner F., Rocklands rd, Wollst'craft Welsh Hubert, Ashton at, Randwick IVentuan Alfred, Monomeeth at, B'xley Werner Fredlt„ teacher of music, Ash Welsh Mrs. .1. MeArtlitir ;sir, Dul- Wenman Arthur, Daphne at, Botany st, off 338 George at Wennian Charles, 40 Cooper at, IV'loo! wich hill Werner James, Vittoria rd, Eastwood: Wenman John, Bay at, Botany Welsh James, 12 Clisdell at Werner Richard, J.P., 58 John at, Welsh James, 7 Breillat at, An'ilale Weninan L. C., 75 Wyndham at, A'dritt• Petersham Wennian William, Daphne at, Botany Welsh Jollies, Dora st, Hurstville :Wernham F. R., Poole at, Longueville Welsh James, 102 Terry at, St. l'eters Wennan Thomas, Duntroon at, Hurl- Wernicke Herman, It Sterling at, ItTiv• stone Park Welsh John, Moseley at. Smithfield !Werrick Mrs. F., 22 Albert at, Redfern Welsh Mrs. Mary, 3 Oxford at, Pad. Wenngren J. 0., 51 Alice at, Newtown ; Werrick Leonard, 44 Judge at Welsh Robert A., Caledonian at, Bexley Wennliohn Bros., printers and publi- Wvrrick S., 37 O'Connell at, N'town shers, Forest rd, litirstville Welsh Mrs. S., 11 Ileydon at, Mosman Wennholin A. II., Gloucester rd, !Werrick William D.. Lea at, Croydon Welsh Samuel, 13 Queen's ave 11Verry Mrs. E., 27 Regent at, Summer Hurstville Welsh Sydney, 439 Alfred at, North Wentilielm Sigfrid, Rutland at, C'Iton Sydney 1•11 1 •Irank, 14 Chutes at, N. Sydney Welsh Mrs. T., 71 Wallis at, B"ahra Wensenmes G. G., New Canterbury nil, IVerrj Werry Frank, Napoleon at, Sand'hain Dulwich Hill Welsh W. C., 129 Edgeelitle rd, WoolWensley Henry, Smith at, Par'matta Werry John W., Bonanza par, Sans lulus i eit•erAsirs. 1., 72 Yelverton at, St. Welsh IV. IL , 24 Australia at, Wool- IVensl,p l crtilliam, 47 Gipps at, Balmain• WertShaul1 lahra Wensg.sierJs . J., 72 Yelverton at, St. Wertheim Sewing Machine Depot, 66Welsh William, Crown st, Sherwood 08 William Welsh 1Villiam, Elizabeth st, 11"Cloo Wescatt Henry, Shirley rd, IV'eraft Welshman Mrs. A. R., 11 Glen at, Weitsley J. .1., Webber's rd, IV. Hog. Wesche A. Gordon, assistant superin11., 18 Marrickville rd, Went.7. North Sydney tendent, Peninsiilar and Oriental Sydenhant Welshman John, Portland at, Enfield Steam Navigation Co., corner Pitt Weisman Mrs. M. .1., 413 Glebe Pt. Wenthal Mrs. S., 24 Campbell. at. and Bridge sts ; p.r., "Heath," North t Sydney rd, Glebe Cross at, Double Bay Welton Ernest, 15 Warwick at, Stan- Wentworth Estate—Joseph llorne, Wesee CSnifectionery, 113 Walker at, J.P., agent, 1 Blight at snore North Sydney • Welton Louis, 16 Warwick at. Wentworth Free Kindergarten, Bas Wescombe IV., George at, Marrickville st, Glebe Stanmore Wells Thomas, 20 Raglan at, Waterloo Wells Vincent H., O'Connor at, Wfield Wells IV., mgr. The Australisn Lithyte Explosives Co., Moore at, L'hardt Wells W. F., 55 Garner's ave, Wells W. II., 60 Australia at, N'town Wells W. J., 01a Charles at, Ersklneville Wells IV. K., Merryvale rd, Pymble Wells Walter, 27 Thomas at, Ashfield Wells Walter, Shirlow st. Mar'ville Wells William, Euston rd, Alexandria Wells William, J.P., 21 Johnston at, Annandale Wells William, jun., 71 Nelson at, Annandale. Wells William, 61 Charles at, V. Lodge Wells William, Forest rd, ilurstville Wells William, 68 Station at, N'town Wells 'William, 30 Withicombe at, Rozelle IVells William, 41 Rush at, Woollahra Wells William F., IMO): at, C'bury Wellsmore Arthur, 51 Little Mount at Wellsted Fredk., 388 Bourke st IVelman John, 116 Lawson at, Paddington OUR EQUIPMENT ENABLES DS TO NUT THE DESIRES OF ALL DENOMINATIONS Hotel Limited AND ALL CLASSES , ON THE HISTORIC SLOPE OF BRICKFIELD HILL. ANTHONY VIRDERNS' NEW 'PALACE EMPORIUM. 1718Wes ALPHABETICAL. Weseombe William, King at, Arneliffe West Charles, 05 Edith st, L'hardt West John, 115 Arthur at, N. Sydney Wescott Henry, ,mannfacturers' agent; NVest Charles, Burnie at, Ltttle C'gee 11 est John, 5 Calder rd, Redfern 50 Market at West Charles, Vaughan at, Rookwood West John, 20 Belmore at, Rozelle 'Westin' Michael, 147 Harris at West Chas., Victoria ave. Itookwood \Vest John, 112 Albany rd, Stanmore Weslan William, Beeston at, L'hardt West Charles, Bourke at, Waterloo West John, Tennyson rd, Tennyson Wesley E. and Co., Ltd., indent West Charles IL, Dutruc at, Wwick West John, 4 Edward at, Woollahra. agents, 29 O'Connell at West Charles B., 6 Wood at, R'wick West John E. M.H.R., "Kennington," Weslow Mrs. IL, 66 Tebbutt at, Leith. West Miss Clara, 110 Bascom ave 140 Darling hurst rd hardt West Cornelius, Marlborough rd, West John T., 29 Newland at, Wav'ley Wessberg B. James, 28 The Crescent, Flemington West Joseph, Henley at, Drummoyne Manly West Daniel, Cooper at, Concord Joseph, Tennyson rd, Mortlake 'Wessberg Sarah, Fortune of War West David, Edinburgh rd, Maeville West West Joseph, off 12 Mansfield at, n02. hotel, 137 George at West David, Scott at, Penshurst 'Wessel Herman S., Courthouse hotel, West E. A., J.P., 22 Augusta rd, West Joseph W., 45 Kensington rd, Summer Hill 189 Oxford at Manly West Joshua, 78 Marian at, Enmore Wessiek John T., The Avenue, D'Inoyne West E. H., Schweble at, Marrickville West Mrs. Kate, 1 Herbert at, Stun. -Writsler J. IL, 73 London at, Innore West E. J., Laycock at, Neutral Bay Hill -Wesslink, McQuillen Sr Co., house, West E. M., carrier, Wattle at West Mrs. L. A., 290 Glemnore rd, land and estate agents, 2 Char- West H. T., Help at, Chatswood Paddington lotte at, Ashfle ld West Edwin, 6 Flood at, Leichicsrdt \Vest Leonard, Burwood rd, Burwood -Wesslink Mrs. J. M., 61 Frederick at, West Mrs. Elizabeth, 515 Elizabeth at West Leslie II., Wollongong- rd, AmAshfleld West Mrs. Elizabeth, Cooper at, Concliffe 'Wesson Arthur, 61 Raglan at, NV't'loo cord West End Steam Laundry—Henry West Mrs. Emily, 1 Albert at, Forest West Luke, sen., Punchbowl rd, Enfield West Luke, Castle at, Randwlck Phillip, proprietor, 56 .58 Bay at Lodge 'West's 'Film Exchange and Cinemato- West Mrs. Emily, Pittwater rd, North West Mrs. M., 9 McLean at, PruPton West Mrs. M. J. C., Uhr at, Ab'ford graph Supplies, 251a George at Hyde 'West Hurstville Public School—Percy West Ernest, hairdresser, 27a Park et West Mrs. Mary A., 115 Cooper St West Mrs. Mary J., 134 Flinders at Kable, headmaster, Belmore rd, West Ernest,. 9 Loftus at, Ashfield West Mrs. Mary A., Newcombe at, Dahnorton West Ernest, 045 King st, Newtown Sans Souel West Ernest, 5 Leicester at, Pad'ton West Miss, Eaton at, Willoughby West Ernest C., Mitchell at, Kogarall Watt Oswald, 66 Ormond at, Pad'ton West Ernest J., 70 Mill hill rd, West Mrs. P. J., 18 Albion at, Pad. Waverley dington West Ernest T., 62 Boyce at, Glebe West Peter, 14 Bulwarra rd Plumbers, Drainers, and Contractors, 4 Hamilton at. Tel. 3995 West Francis, Elsham rd, Auburn West Mrs. A. The Avenue, 11'wiel; West Francis, 202 I3irrell at, Bondi West R. C., 47 Raglan City and 621 William at ' at, Mosman Vest Frederick, 14 Charles at West Rev. R. Scott (Pres.), Gladstone 'West's, Olympia Pictures, Oxford at, West Fredlc., 35 Knight at, Ersleville at, Durwood Paddington West Fredk. A., Corunna rd, Stanmore West R. W., 'Washington at, Bexley West Predk. II., Albion at, Parrarnatta West Richard, 76 Princes at WEST OF SCOTLAND FIRE West Frederick H., Ross at, Par'matta 'West Richard, Military rd, North INSURANCE OFFICE. LTD., West Mrs. G'., 19 Junction at, Wool. Merrylands Boyle and Co., agents, 5-7 and 9 lahra West Robert, 48 Rosser at, Rozelle Bond at West George, 106 Botany rd, A'dria West S. L., 12 Clifford at, Mosul:in 'West's Ince' Co., Ltd., 60-66 Bay at West George, The Strand, Croydon West Samuel W. R., 137 Dowling it "West A., 723 King at, Tempe West George, Gordon rd, Gordon \Vest Miss Sarah, 18 Allen at, Glebe 'West A. F., 170 N.S.II. rd, Double West George, 124 George at, Waterloo West Sidney, 11 Clarke at, Crow's Bay West George H., 38 Whistler rd, Manly Nest 'West Mrs. A. G., Durwood rd, B'wood West George H., 40 McKenzie st, West Mrs. Susan, Military rd, North 'West Adam, 24 Smith at Rozelle Merrylands West Albert C., 108a Albion at, An- West Gordon, King at, Mascot West Sydney C., Canonbury grove, nandale West Grafton, 35 College at, Newtown Dulwich Hill 'West Albert E., Crinan at, Hurlstone West H. .r., Mitchell at, liogarah West Thomas, College at, D'moyne Park West II. .1., Oatley par, Oatley Thomas, 18 Little Arthur st, -West ' Albert J. B., Railway par, West Harold, Mina Rosa at, Enfield West North Sydney Kogarah West 'raffle, Moore at, Burwood West Thomas, 82 Boronia at, R'fern -West Albert M., 29 Green's rd, Pad- West Harry J., 69 Bascom eve West Thomas, Second ave, Rookwood .ding-ton West Henry J., 132 Ruthven at, R'wick West Thomas E., Commercial hotel, "West Alex, Gladstone at, Leiehhardt West Henry .T. W•, Mitchellat, Castlereagh and King sts liogarah West Alexander, Berry at, Mascot West Timothy, Rogers at, Canterbury West Alex. C., 32 Tranmere at, Drum- West Herbert, Albion at, Parramatta West Rev. W. (Cong.), Liverpool rd, moyne West Herbert C., 6 Mill Hill rd, Stratlifield Waverley 'West Alexander S., 45 Wilson at, \Vest Mrs. W. 20 Oxford at, W'alira Redfern West Herbert J., Norwood at. Burwood West NV. G., ' Skarrett at, Auburn West Alfred, 6 Chelsea at, Redfern West Herbert IC., 707 Bourke at West Inspector W. J., 81 Union st, -West Alfred E. Springdale rd, 'Mara West Horace D. Afona at, Auburn North Sydney 'West Mrs. Andine, 123 Kippax at West Isaac, 52 Huntington ' at, North West W. W., watchmaker, 109a Sydney 'West Arthur, 26 Charles at Castlereagh at West Arthur, Jersey eve, Penshurst West J. P., 392 Moore Park rd West Walter, Canonbury grove, Dill. West Arthur E., 46 Grose at, C'down WestJames, sen.,Queen'srd, 11111 • West Arthur 0., Camera et, Manly Lindfleld West 'Wesley W., Broadstairs at, Bal'WestJames,jun.,Queen'srd, West Arthur W., 13 George at, main Lindfield West Benjamin, Herbert at, Mortlake West William, Afona st, Auburn West Bertram. 50 Mary at, Waterloo West James, Gibbes at, Rockdale West William, off Homer st, O'bury West James, Livingstone rd, R'wood West William, 26 Gardener's rd, 'WEST C. H,. J P., M.P.S., Chemist West James J., 16 Campbell at, P'ton Daceyville and Dentist, 'West's Pharmacy, 183 West James N., 76 Boundary at, Pad. West William, jun., Mina Rosa St. Glebe l'oint rd, Glebe (opposite West Mrs. Jane, 77 St. John's rd, Enfield Forest Lodge Post Office). Tel. 121 Glebe West William, 25 Renwick at, L'hardt West Jesse, 13 Norton at, Leichhardt \Vest William, Gardener's rd, Mascot 'West C'harles, Greenhills at, Enfield West John, 1 Jesmond at West William, 16 Rosser at, Rozelle( 'West Charles, 85 Augustus at, Leich. West John, Bellevue at, Arncliffe West William, Rocky Point rd, Sans hardt West John, Sutherland at, Auburn Solid .._ 'WOOD, COFFILL AND COMPANY LTD. LIVERY DEPT., 472-84 HAMS ST. 'PHONE 156 OLEIE ',WEST J. E. & CO. Wes Wes West William, Henry at, W. Kogarah West William, 92 Iloldsworth sa, Wollahra West William A., Roslin st, Mascot West William G., Broadstairs at, Balmain West William II., S O'Connor at, Haberfleld West William H., Meek's rd, Mar'ville West William II., High st, Strathfield West .1., Blaxcell at, Gr'ville West William L, Punchbowl rd, En. West William P., C Myrtle st, N. Syd. West William T., 51 Ferndale at, ,Newtown Westacott A. W., 17 Avon st, Glebe Westacott Fredk. J., Francis at, Carlton Westacott J., 11 Anderson at, A'dria Westacott S., 202 James st, L'hardt Westacott S., Agar st, Marrickville Westacott S., Acacia ave. Punchbowl Westacott Samuel, 40 Bellevue at, Globe WestaIlC. W., 107 Albemarle at, Newtown Westall 0. W., 51 Australia at, Newtown \Vestal' P. C., 13 Windsot rd, P'shain Westall Joseph, Cavendish at, Concord Westall It. S., 10 Prospect rd, Sum. hhilh %Vestal' W. A., 26 Douglas at, St'more Westaway H., 41 Burfitt at, L'hardt "iVestaway II., 2a Norton at. L'hardt l'estaway .1. M., Third sr, Wentworthville Testaway L. J., Sinclair at, stonecra f t 'Vestaway T., 10 Treadgohl at, T,'11'dt iVestaway W. H., 83 Windsor st, Pad. Westbourne Miss Wentworth Free Kindergarten, 41 Bay st, Glebe Westbrook A. II., Gordon rd. Lindfield Westbrook A. II., Bancroft eve, Rose. ville Westbrook A. II., 10S Queen se, Woollahra Westbrook Arthur, Union st, Pad'ton Westbrook Charles, commission agent, 134 Pitt at Westbrook Charles, 28 Court rd, Wool. lahra Westflborlodok George, Beaufort, at, EnWestbrook George E., Seymour at, Enfield Westbrook H. E., Carrington aye, Hurstville Westbrook Henry, Bryant st, Westbrook J. T., Orr at, Gladesville Westbrook James, Bourke st, Mascot Westbrook Joseph, 162 King at, St. Peters Westbrook S. J., Berry's rd, St. • Leonards Westbrook T. L., Stanley at, It'wick Westbrook W., semi., Cameron ave, Artarmon Westbrook IV., J.P., 94 Allen at, Leichhardt 1Vestbrook W. E., Flood at, L'Itardt Westbrook W. 1I., asphalter, 28 Albion at Westbrook William, Powell at, Wbush Westbury F. W., Manson rd, Concord estbury J. Poole, 63 Muston rd, Mosman Westbury John, 57 Borman st, Drum. moyne Westbury William, 20 Richards aye Weetcott William & Co., butchers, 391 Harris at Westcott A., Marion at. :Whiten THE LARGEST FIRM OF ALPHABETICAL. Westcott Mrs. E., llawkhurst at, Marrickville NVestcott Frederick, Sir Thomas Mitchell rd, I3ondi Westcott George, Woodlaild at, S. Ashfleld Westcott G. 11., J.P., manager City Bank of Sydney (Town Hall branch), 147 York at; p.r., Woodland at south, Ashfield Westcott harry, 2 Norton at Westcott Harry, 25 Comber at, Pad. Westeott Henry, chief mechanical en. gineer Metropolitan Board of Water supply and Sewerage, 287 Crown at Westeott 11. K., mining agent, 94 Pitt at Westcott Mark IC., Kensington rd, Kensington Westcott W., butcher, 290 Crown Westcott W., 365 Riley st Westcott W., Daisy at, Chntswood Westcott W., 98 Audley at, Westerberg 13. 0., 14 Johnston at, Bahnain Westerberg G. A., 17 Little Weston at, lialmain 'Westerberg 1V., Portland at, Enfield Westerberg W., 31 Andreas at, P'sliam Westerbrook J., 146 Flood at, Westerland A., Central at, Naremburn Westerland A., Mount at, N. Syd. Westerman S., 21 Davidson st, B'main Western Assurance Co. (Fire and Marine), established 1851. Queen Anne buildings, 11 Bond at, Sydney--11.G.L.Harrison, manager Western Assurance Co.—Goldsbrough. Mort and Cotnpany, Ltd., general agents, 1-3 Phillip at, Circular Quay Western Electric Co. (Australia) Ltd., R. B. Hungerford, mgr., 22 Carrington at Western Land Board—C. J. McMaster, J.P., chief commissioner ; S. NI Moore, J.P., and Ilugh Langwell, J.P., commissioners; G. A. Denning, secretary, 279 George at Western Lime, Kaolin and Dry Colour Co., 255a George at Western Millinery House (The), 97 George at west "Western Suburbs Advocate," 95 Wes. ton rd, Rozelle Western Suburbs Co-operative Society, Ltd.—O. .1. Anderson, manager, 152 Liverpool rd, Ashfleld Western Suburbs Cottage IlospitalMiss G. G. Smith, matron, Liverpool rd, Enfield Western Suburbs Property Exchange —J. F. Benton, 2 Johnston at, Annandale Western Suburbs Property Exchange, Liverpool rd, Enfield Western C., 56 Willoughby rd, N. Syd. Western Charles, 2 Jatnes at, 1Vesternhagen U. and Co., art confectioners, 68 Erskine at Westfallen Martin, Dora at, Hurstville 1Vestgarth Mrs. F., 0.8.11. rd, Way's* Westgarth Ronald, station supplies, 17 O'Connell st 1Vestgarth Ronald, Redmyre rd, S'field NVestgarth Silas, 34 Norton at, Manly Westheider C. II., Christian rd, Punchbowl Westhoff II. A., watchmaker, munitlecturing jeweller, etc., 52 King at; p.r., 265 King at, Newtown Westliorp I., Melrose st, Mosinan UNDERTAKERS a AND EMBALMERS Wes17190 Westhoven Arthur P., Porramotta rd, Haberfield Westinghouse Brake Co. of Australasia, Ltd., George st west, Concord.Tel. 322 Honiebush Westlake A., Villiers st, Goughton Westlake Mrs. A., 126 Pittwater rd,. Manly Westlake George 11., • Northani ave,. Bankstown Westlake If., 200 Abercrombie st,. Redfern Westlake John L., Nelson rd, 1"field. IVestlake '1'. E., 114 Wilson at, Redfern Westland A., Clarke rd, Walton' Westland John, 12 Fotheringham at,. Marrickville 1Vestley Charles, Irene at, Abbotsford. Westley II. IV., J.P., 25 Edgeware rd, Enmore Westley Mrs. I., 45 Ormond at, l'ad. Westman A. .1., Northeote at, Westman E. A., 42 Edith at, L'hardt Westman John, 25 Lawram at Westman It, IV., 126 Macaulay road, Stanmore Westman Richard, 5 Foss at, F. Lodge Westman Robert R., 5 Forest at, For.. Lodge Westman S. l'., Maxim at, Hyde Westman W., 40 Frederick at, Ashfleld, Westmore Mrs. ;lane, Bland st, Ashfield Westneat A., Rawson st, Enfield Westneat T. A. Merrylands ml, II royd' Westneat W. F., Tanner ave, Carlton Westniclge G., 3 .15 Ernest at, N. Syti. Weston Co., Ltd. (The), advertising specialists, George and Wytiyaril sts—W. 0. Richards, managing• director Weston Wilson Co., printeri and publishers, Northcote chambers,. Pitt at and Reiby lane Weston A., 131a Mansfield at, Rozelle Weston Mrs. A. W., O'Connell at, Parrarnatta Weston Mrs. Annie, 201 Mason:isle at Weston Alfred, 6 Nicicson at Weston Angus, Parnell at, Strathfield Weston Arnold P., Bridge at, D'moyne• Weston Arthur, Wyatt a ye, Durwood Weston Barry. 9 Tootle at, Rozelle Weston C., Moore at, Gordon Weston C., 39 Parramatta rd, L'hardt Weston Charles, O'Brien rd, Bondi Weston Charles, Ross at, Gladesville Weston Charles, 39 Douglas at, Irfern Weston Charles, Rawson at, Waverley• Weston Claude A., Botany at, Weston Mrs. E., Spofford' at, Neut. B. Weston Major E. IL, 395 Military rd,. Mosman Weston Francis F., 72 Terry at, Roz.. Weston Frederick C., Knox st, It'wick Weston George, 19 Little Bloomfield st Weston Gustave. 7a Cardigan at, Glebe 'Weston Ilarry E., nianager The Coin. mercial Bank of Australia, Ltd., 273 George at, Sydney ; p.m.. "Toorangi," "Watson at, Neutral' Bay Weston Harry, Wilson et, Mascot Weston Herbert, 91 Holt's ave, MosWeston James, 651 Harris at Weston James, Short at, Arnelifie Weston James, 43 Morehead at, Irlocs Weston John, 6 Kippax at Weston John, Station at, Arnclifre Weston Joe, off Greenbank at, Weston John, Bowden at, 31Vbank Weston John, 51 Spencer rd, Mostnan Weston John, 124 Ernest at, N. Syd. IN THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE ANTHONY HORDERNS'--RELIABLE TRADERS FOR TOWN OR COUNTRY. ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR ECONOMY AND COMFORT IN SHOPPING. 1720Wes ALPIL-kBETICAL. 'Weston John,off Thurlow st, R'fern Weymark and Son, Ltd.,fruitmerWestonJoseph,Adolphusst, chants,importers,exportersand 'Weston Joseph, 16 Wright's rd, Drum. commission agents, 22 Steam Mill mone at, and Fruit Exchange. Tel 6612 Weston Joseph, Gerald at, Mar'ville City Weston Mrs. M., 326 Jones at Weyinark A., 131 Annandale at, A'dale 'WestonMrs.M.A.,108Silverat, Weymark James, 5 Ruby at, 3fosman 3farrickville Weyinark John, 9 Cambridge at. Pad'Weston Percy, 67 Colin at, N. Sydney dington -WestonRichard,263farmionat, IVeymark T., 7 Cambridge at, Pad'ton Camperdown Weymen Charles G., Dover at, Bot'y 'Weston Samuel, Albany at, St. Unards Weymouth Alma, dispenser U.P. Weston Thomas, 33 Alma at east citiesDispensary, 163Liverpool Weston Thomas, 6 North at, L'hardt rd,Ashfield 'Weston W., May at, Mascot Weymouth Mrs. Clara, 23 Wolger rd, Weston W., 115 Spencer rd, 3fosman 31osman WestonW.11.,M.D.,D.D.S.,dental Weymouth Rey, E. IV., Cambridge at, surgeon,231Macquarie st ; p.r., l'aucluse Wolseley cres, Point Piper Weymouth Ernest, 22 Roberts et, New'WestonWalter,Arneliffe at,A'cliffe town Weston William R., Waratah at, Gran- Weymouth George, 08 Myrtle at, Stan. ville more Westphal and Clark, wine merchants, Weymouth R.. Treadgold st, L'harclt 56Pittat Wcynton A. 0., Provincial rd, Lind. 'Westphal F., 175 Denison rd, P'sham field WestphalWilliam,86 Walker at, N. WeyntonRussell,19Norwoodat, Sydney Petersham WestraliaIronWorks,Ltd.(Fre- WhaisonWilliam II.,Wentworthrd, mantle,W. A,),MutualLifeof Burwood N.Y. Wildin g, 31artin place W'hait C. W., 299 Darling at, Balmain 'Western Walter, Canterbury rd, B'inore Whaite Harry, IS Comber at, Pad'ton Westrop A. a., 7 McQuade ter, Roz. Whaites Mrs. Emily, Ireland at, B'wood Westrup Mrs.E.C.,31Perryat, Whelan Mrs. A., 6 Jersey rd, Pad'ton 3farrielcville Whet hut Claude,Allisonrut,It'wick VestwheelCo.,Ltd., 16Bridgerd, Whelan David, 40 Wilford at, N'town Glebe Whalen David, 44 hart at, Tempe Westwood B. S., Rawson at, Gore Hilt WhalenEdward, 54Benny at, Pad'Westwood Benj., 45 Brown st, St. Pet. dington Westwood F. J„ 79 Denison at, New- WhelanMrs.J.,142Hendersonrd, town Alexandria Westwood Felix, 16 Church at, St. Pet. Whelan James, Cumberland rd, Auburn Vest Wood George, President ave, Hog, Whelan John, Gordon at, 3farrickville 'Westwood II. J., 11 James at, North W Ulan Mrs. M., 1 Shadfortli st, Pad. Sydney WhelanP.,40Shepherd at,Dar'ton 'Westwood John, off Sydney rd, Manly WhelanPatrick,65View st,A'dale Westwood Samuel, 33Brown st, St. Whelan Robert, 10 Smith st, W't'loo Peters Whelan Thomas, Doncaster ave, KenWestwnod W., 27 Cornwallis at, sington WetherellIL,26 Shadler at, Neutral Whalen Thos., 6 Shadforth at, Pad'ton Bay W hale Bert, Nursery at, Hornsby Wetherell Mrs. J. A., Baltic at, Manly Whale Frederick, Junction at. Auburn Wetherell P.. Atchison st, St. Miran Whale 11„ Peat's Ferry rd, Hornsby Wetherell William T., 79 Francis st, WhaleHenry,Stephenat,lIornsby Glebe Whale Henry H., 204 Parramatta WetherburnMrs.B.,28Parkat. Petersham Erskineville Whale R. N., eleetroplater, 31 WashWetherburn P., 21 Park at, ington at Wetherby Robert C., Cleland at, Mascot Whalen Richard, Burns Bay rd, Lane WetheredF.B.11.,Connemarraat, Cove Bexley WhaleyCharlesE.,608Kingat. 'Wetherell Mrs. E. IL, 149 Wycombe Newt own rd, Neutral Bay Whaley Mrs. E., Queenseliffe, Manly Wetherill Henry, 32 Ann at, Balmain Whaley Herbert, 237 Victoria at WetherillFrank,Avocaat,R'wick Whaley Mrs. Jane, George at, Liverp'l Wetherill William, Cook at, Randwick MaleyMatthew,40Crystalat, W'etless W., 129 Cleveland at, Redfern Petersham Wettaeh Mrs. A., 11 Zemin st, R'fern Whaley Peter, Terry at, Arneliffe 'Wetten Ernest, Balfour at, Carlton Whaley Thomas, George at, Liverpool Wetton Edwin, Cooper at, Concord Whaley Mrs. Zoe, 237 Victoria at Wetton Harry C., Potts at, Gladesville John It., Frederick at, St. Pet. Vettone W. C., 30 Holt's ave, 3I'man Whall WWI' Walter, 82 Redfern at, ICfern Weurz. WIlliam, 41 Denham at Wexted William, 32 Crescent at, Roz. Whalley Charles, 87 Boronla at, R'fern Weyland E. G., sec. Mount Koala Whalley G. W., Albany at, St. L'ards Coal and Oil Co., Ltd., 38 Pitt at 1Vhalley George, 79 Burren at, N'town Weyland Ernest, "Lindisfarn," Darling WhalleyH.B.,managerAustralian Tannery Co., Day at Point Whalleyhenry, Leicester eve, C'cord Weynian Carl,59 Albion at, Weyman P. J., 'LP., director Ceylon WhalleyI., PassefieldSt.Liverpool Whalley J. A.,40Little Arthur at, Bureau, 81 Pitt at North Sydney WeymanJohnH.,Wellingtonat, Whalley James, 25 Joseph at, Ashfield Mascot Weyman William IL, Parramatta rd, Whalley Mrs. Mary, 38 Alma at, Darlington Ryde WOOD, COFFILL it COMPANY LTD. CENTRAL WEIDE Who ALPHABETICAL. Whe Whalley Thomas A., Merriwa at, G'don Whalqvist Francis, 16 Harwood at WhamondMrs.H.,285Nelsonat. Annandale Whamond IV. G., 348 Lane Cove North Sydney When Matthew, Moore at, Campsie Wharf Harry, 1 Maddock at, Pet'shron Wharf N. J., Penshurst at, Wharton A.; Coveylane,3faeville Wharton Herbert, 32 Clayton at,. Bal. main Wharton Mrs. J., 49 liegent at, Pad. WhartonJamesC.,12Herefordst, Glebe WhartonJosephC.,36Unionat, North Sydney Whastelik Joseph, 8 Rosser at, Rozelle WhatelyMrs.E.,18Behnorest. •Enmore WhatelyR..K.,managerBankof N.S.W. (Branch), Rocky Point rd, Rockdale Whately Robert, Gladstone at, Bexley Whatley S. IL, Burwood rd, 11'wood hatford S. J., Lverton rd, Strathfield Whatham George A., Parade, Dulwich !till WhathamMrs. R., 213Johnston St. Annandale Witatham Mrs. R. E., 44 Fitzroy at, North Sydney Whatley Arthur, 4 Boundary st, Way. WhatleyChas.,Victoriaat,A'dria Whatley I). II., 52 Glover st, 3rman Whatman J. IV., Whiting at, Gore Hill Whatmore, A. E., solicitor, 76 Pitt at; p.r., 101 Falcon at, N. Sydney Whatmore Mrs, Ada, Arthur st, Randwick Whatmore Edward, Meehan at, S'wood WhatmoreHenry,estateagent,68 Mount at, North Sydney Whatmore henry, 152 West at, N. S311. hatmore Mrs. I., 35 Temple at, Stanmore What more J. S., Bobbinrd, Pymble WhatmoreJohnJ.,115Harleyat, Newt own Whatmore Mrs.S.B.,Sydneyrd, Artarmon Whatmough John, Reginald at, E'field WhatsonG.A.,332AnnandaleEt, Annandale Whatton Henry, 99 Bpwman at Whawell Frederick, 18 Foveanx st Whealan Mrs. IL, It; Frazer rd, Lewisham WhealeyMrs.A.A.,83Park aye, Ashfield WhealeyH.IV.,162Edgeclifferd, Woollattra Whealy P. T., local postmaster, Home. bush cres, Homebush WhearsonAlfred,Cremonie rd, Cremorne Wheat Harry, Silver at, Marrickville Wheatcroft W. G., Coree rd, Art'mon Wheate Charles, 57 Young at, R'fern Wheatland Albert, 45 Foss at, Forest Lodge Wheatley and Stokes, bakers, 45 Bedford at, Newtown Wheatley A., 44 Elizabeth at, W'loo Wheatley AlfredN.,Whiteeve, 13ankst own Wheatley Amos, Rose at, Auburn Wheatley Arthur, Promenade, S. &mei Wheatley C., 85 Ernest at, N. Sydney Wheatley D. J., Schweble at, Wheatley Miss E., 65 English street, Camperdown Wheatley Mrs. E., Upward at, L'hardt Wheatley Mrs. E., 12 Marrickville rd, Sydenba 810-12 GEORGE ST. 'PHONE 726 & 1624 CENTRAL WheatleyMrs.E.,off56Rosalind at, North Sydney Wheatley E. J., 22 Bellevue at, N. Syd Wheatley Ernest, 05Unionst,Paul. Wheatley Mrs. F., 21 Avenue rd, Mos. WheatleyFredk.,45/Bedfordu;t, Newtown 1Vheatley George, 29 Wilson eve, Redfern Wheatley Harold .1.IL,Minster:lace at, Hurlstone Park WheatleyHenry,170Hendersonnil, AleAandria Wheatley Henry, 6 Hampton st, Mama in Wheatleyhenry,Despointes at, Mar. nickville WheatleyHenry,Parkrd,3faeville Wheatley Henry, 73 Pitt at, Wheatley.J.A.,Virginiaat,Gr'ville 'Wheatley J.H.,MountWilliamat, Gordon Wheatley J. V., 12 Shepherd at, Rlern 'Wheatley James, 140 Lord at, N't'wn WheatleyJohn,47Derwentat, Glebe Wheatley John, 53 Wilson at. 'Wheatley JohnH.,1053farrickville rd,Marrieltville 'WheatleyMrs.M.,126Probertat, Camperdown 'Wheatley It., William at,Canterbury 'Wheatley R. A. S., First ave, Eastwood Wheatley Mrs.S.,96Stan/nom rd, Marrickville Wheatley Stanley,Alfred at,W'wich 'Wheatley William, William at, Tura-Intim WheatleyWilliam,35Viewat, Wo011ahra 'Wheatley John, 63 Burnett at, 1Cfern Wheaton Alfred, J.P., Church at, Ash. field 'WheatonGeorge, TheRetreat, Double Bay 'Wheaton George W., 25 Renwick at, Drtrrnmoyne Wheeldon Norman, Avoca at, Wav'103' Wheeldon W. A., Barnsby grove, Dulwich Hill WheelerBros.,tanners,Parkaye, Botany 'WheelerandWilsonManufacturing Co., sewing machine manufacturers, 119-123 York at 'Wheeler A., Queen Victoria at, Drum. mune 'Wheeler A., 138 Bullanaming st,R'fern Wheeler A. C., 15 Reserve st, An'dale 'Wheeler A. E., Duntroon eve, R'ville Wheeler A. J., Macquarie at, Liv'peol Wheeler Albert S., 18 Ann at, B'main Wheeler Alfred,70 Nicholson at Wheeler Alfred J., Abbott at, It'wick 1VheelerAlfredJ.,48Plunketat, Drummoyne Wheeler Arthur,Railway at,Gr'ville 'Wheeler Arthur E., 209Botany rd, Botany "WlieelerArthurR.,solicitor, 2b Castlereagh at; p.r.,40 Croydon st, Petersham -Wheeler Bert,Botany at,Hurstville 'Wheeler Bert, 8Hartleyat,Rozelle 'Wheeler Mrs. C., Water st, Rooltwood Wheeler C. A.,18 Bailey at, N'town Wheeler C. B., Parkes at, ('ford 'Wheeler C. G., Inverness eve, P'shurst Wheeler C. J., Harcourt Est., Campsie Wheeler Charles, Brown st, Arncliffe Wheeler Charles, Wentworth rd, Bur. wood 'Wheeler Chas,50Wellingtonat, Newtown THE LARGEST FIRM OF Wheeler Chas. Parramatta rd, It'wood s, 30 Frederick at, St. Wheeler Charle Peters Wheeler Charles E„285 Botany rd, Botany Wheeler Charles II., Wyall at, (Tetley WheelerClaude,219Sutherlandat, Paddington Wheeler D., Liverpoolrd, Strathfield WheelerDaniel,109MillIIillrd, IVaverley WheelerMissE.,110Pereivutlrd, Stanmore Wheeler Mrs.E., 177 Edgecliffe rd, Woollahra Wheeler E. A., North at, Mar'ville WheelerE.C.,Northumberland st, Liverpool Wheeler Edward, North at, Tfaeville WheelerEdwin,46Carshaltonst, Ashfield Wheeler Edwin, Park a ye, Botany Wheeler Edwin, 120 Allstny rd, Stan. 1110TO WheelerEdwinT.,297Botany Botany Wheeler F.,120Elswick at,L'hardt Wheeler F., 1Kegivorth at, L'hardt Wheeler F. C., Park at, Canned° WheelerF.CI.S.,139Denisonat, Camperdown Wheeler F. J., 55 Tebbutt at, L'hardt Wheeler Frank,14Grove at, L'hardt Wheeler Frederick, Yardley a ye, Weitare WheelerC.,246Nortonat,L'hardt WheelerG.A.,Bunnerong rd,Kensington Wheeler George, 28 Rowntree at, Balmain WheelerGeorge,1Elizabethat, Rozelle Wheeler George IV., Oxford at, Epping Wheeler H. C., J.P., stock and share broker, 105 Pitt at Wheeler Henry, 103 Pyrmont at Wheeler Henry, Roseville MT, It'ville WheelerhenryA.,Macquarie at, Liverpool WheelerIlerbert,133Boothat, Annandale Wheeler Mrs. I., Lauderdale eve, Manly Wheeler J., Abattoirs, Glebe Island IVIteeler J. C.W., Braeside at, Wahroonga Wheeler .1. R., Ramsay rd, Haberfield Wheeler James,14Garden at, Alexandria Wheeler James,Northente at,C'liiiry Wheeler James, Seymour at, Enfield Wheeler James,12 Delmore st, for. WheelerJohn,j.P.,"Dalmeny," Boulevarde,Strathilehl Wheeler John, J.P., chairman of directorsProtestantHallCo.,Ltd.: 238 . 240 Castlereagh at WheelerJohn,41Viewat.An'ulale Wheeler John, 128 Tfullens at, Winain Wheeler John, Doncaster eve, lien'ton Wheeler John, Robey at, Mascot Wheeler John, 58 Great Buckingham st, Redfern Wheeler John, Albert at, Rezone Wheeler John T., Rickard rd, MOWII Wheeler Joseph, Chestnut rd, Auburn Wheeler L. R., Perk rd, Marrickville WheelerLeopold,Redman at, C'pale Wheeler Leopold 25 Egan at, Newtown Wheeler Marshall, hall rd, Waitara Wheeler Moses, 62 Raglan at, IV't'loo WheelerN.L.11.,Chetwyndgrove, Merrylands CARRIAGE AND •Who1721 WheelerIt.II.,220Parramatta rd, Leichhardt Wheeler It. J., 13 Elawielt at, L'hardt Wheeler It. J., 25 Macaulay at, belch- • hardt Wheeler Richard, 247a Bourke at Wheeler Robert, Albert at, Melmore Wheeler Robert, 209 Botany rd, W'loo WheelerRussell,Abaktojrs, Globe Island :WheelerS.,224)Parratnattard, Leichhardt Wheeler S., 21 Broughton at, Pad'ton Wheeler Thomas, St. John's rd, Gordon Wheeler Thomas, Adderley st, R'wood Wheeler Thomas, Victoria nil, Itydalmere Wheeler Thomas, 12 Bruce ce at, II Wheeler IV., 20 Alexander at, Pad'ton Wheeler IV., Yam .° rd, Pymble Wheeler IV. 64 Baptist at, Redfern WheelerIV.,jun.,107Baptistat, Redfern Wheeler IV., 92 3forelierid at, Redfern Wheeler IV. F., 118 Albany rd, S'inore WheelerW..1.,47Kingstonrd, Camperdown Wheeler Walter,Tenterdenat,ilot'y Wheeler Walter, Augustus at, L'hardt Wheeler William, Anderson at, C'wood Wheeler'William,12Moodiest,N. Sydney Wheeler William, 162 Evans at, lt'zelle WheelerWilliam,65Mertonat, Rozelle Wheelhouse Charles,65Broadway, Glebe WheelhouseFrancis, 0.5.11.nil,Van(ulnae WheelwrightandAlderson,builders, "Wendouree," 67 Parratuatta rd, Ashfleld WheelwrightFoster,"Wyandra," Church at, Aslifield Wheelwright George, builder, 65 Parrainatta rd, Ashfleld Whet-itRey.llarold(Meth.),Hellburnrd,Roseville W'lleen .1. G., general secretary Methodist Foreign Mission,139 Castlereagh at Wheen John G., 50 Bright at, W'llelanPrank, 2 Market lane, Manly WIwIsm 3Irs.J.,King at, Bondi Whelan Mrs. 3., O'Dowd at, Way'ley WhelanMrs.J.,43Salisburyrd, Stamnore Whelan Miss Johanna, 133 William at IVhelan John, 113 Buckland at, A'dria Whelan John, 157 Wells at west, R'fern Whelan John, Bell at, Vaucluse Whelum Mrs. M., 254 Jersey rd, Pad. Whelan Mrs. Mary, Sir William Wallace hotel, 11 Cameron at, 13'main Whelan Patrick, Belmont at, A'dria Whelan Robert, Euston rd, A'drla Whelan Stephen, Itainhani st, It'wick Whelan T. J., 147 Denison rd, P'shain IVhelan IV., Andrew's eve, Bondi Wheland A,, 65 Spring at, IVaverley Whilliam, 3 Wilson at,Es d. fern Wheldon It., Kingston rd, Camp'down Wheldon Thos., 9 Gibbons at, C'down WhellHenry,BurnsBayrd,Lane Cove Wheeler E.T., hairdresser G'eorge at Whelpton E., 43 Watson at, Waverley Whelpton AV. H., Anglesea at, Bondi Whnnan Fredk., III Mansfield at, Ito". Whereat Charles P., Eden at, A'cliffe Whereat Reg, 23 Norwood st, P'sham Whereatt Alfred, 'Truce at, IV. Kogarah DRAG PROPRIETORS SOUTH OF THE EQUATOR ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR TOOLS OF ALL TRADES. Whi ALPHABETICAL. • 1722Whe • • Wherrett E. A., physician and sur- Whiley C. S., Great North rd, Five Dk. geon, Marrickville rd, Maevilie Whiley Ernest, 37 Blenheim at, av y Whiley Mrs. H. J., 5 Catherine at, Wherritt Mrs. It., Mowbray rd, ChatsLeichhardt wood Wherry James, 30 Lewisham st, WhileyIIarold, 122 Pitt at, Redfern Whiles. Isaac, 128 Victoria at, L'sham Dulwich Ilill Whitey Jonathan, Walter at, Croydon Whettam S. J., John at, Rookwood T. 1Y. Bremner, Secretary, Mutuat Whettham F. L„.706 Parramatta rd, Whinier R., Ritchie at, Granville Life of New York Building, MarWhimeup Walter, Dudle yst, Bondi Petersham tin place, Sydney. Tel. City 525 Whetton Alfred, jun., Cremorne rd. 1Vhinton Mrs. Ellen, 88 Wilson at, White Arthur and Co., saddlers, 255. Newtown Cremorne Parramatta rd, Annandale Whetton Mrs. H., Shell Cove rd, Neut. Whim) James H., J.P., Lucas rd, Bur. White Bay Power House, White Bay,. • d Bay Balmain 1Vhetton II., 11 Wrinslow at, N. Syd. Whipp Percy J., Eltham st, GPville Whetton Thomas, 40 Moore at, L'hardt Whiriski James, O'Connor at, ll'field White Bros., general merchants, 8. Corso, Manly Whisker James IV., Tennyson rd, Wheway Percy, 348 Young at, Ateclale White Bros., tailors, Corso, Manly Mortlake Wheway Sidney, 88 Denison at, Roz. Whisker Robert, 8 View at, Waverley White Bros., builders, 2 Doxford at,. Wheway Tom, Frances rd, Putney Paddington Wheway William T., Frances rd, Whisker S., 275 Abercrombie st, White City Ltd. Pleasure Grounds—. Redfern Putney T. M. Eslick, C.E., gull. mgr., Whibley Bertram, Hanover at, Gore Whisker William, Victoria rd, Glebe N.S.II. rd, Rushcutter's Bay Whistler F., 10 Read at, Waverley Hill Whibley H. C., org. sec. C. E. Union, Whitaker Mrs., 91 Cavendish at, Stan. White and Down, bootmakers, 14, Junction st, North Sydney more 264 Pitt at Whicher Alfred E., Bassett at, Dal- Whitaker George, 23 Little Delmore at WHITE, FRAZER AND BEST,. Whitaker John, 198 Glebe Point rd, morton 35 York at, Sydney, Indentors of Glebe Whidden Fredk., 11 Regent at, Sumall classes of Merchandise. AusWhitaker T., 135 Station at, P'sham mer Hill tralasian Agents for English,. Whitaker W. E., 7 Stephen at, Pad. American and Continental ManuWHIDDON BROTHERS LTD., 1Vhitall Tatum Company, glassware facturers. Cable Address "Whit . Wool om ers, Scourers, an and sundries, 10 Barrack at. frabe." Codes Western Union Tanners, 46 Young at. Works, Whitall Alfred, 134 Louisa rd, B'main (Universal Edition) ; A.B.C. (5th. "Arlington" Mills, Water Reserve, Whitbread Mrs. Ada, 4 Little Surrey st Edition), and privau. Telephone Botany Whitbread Mrs. L., 123 Annandale at, City Annandale Whiddon Arthur S., 178 Bridge rd, Whitbread E., 255a West st, Syd. Glebe Limited! Whiddon C., Riverside ores, Maeville Whitbread Edgar, signwriter, 143 General Carriers, Customs, ShippRegent at Whiddon Charles W., 33 Edward st, ing and Forwarding. Agents. Ilead. Whitbread Edgar, 52 Old Canterbury Summer Hill Office, 337 Kent st, Sydney.. rd, Petersham Whiddon E., contracting plasterer, Branches: Inverell and Barraba, , Whitbread Ernest, 4 Ferry rd, DrumPerry lane, Paddington with Agencies throughout the moyne Whiddon IL, Church at, Willoughby State.Telephones, City 4042,. Whiddon E. C., 110 Rose at, Dar'ton Whitbread 3frs. G., 133 0.S.H. rd, and Central 3742 Bondi WhiddonFrank,Bannerman at, Incandescent Gaslight Co. Whitbread George, saddler, 141 Re- White Neutral Bay (The), 210 Clarence at gent st Whiddon Harry, Lauderdale a ye, APly White J. & C., grocers, 13 Elizabeth Whiddon Horace, manager Whiddon Whitbread George, 2 Amy at, E'ville at, West Aslaield Bros. Ltd., Water Reserve, 'lot's. Whitbread Henry, 05 Terry at, St. White Limited, exporters, 255a Geo. Peters Whiddon Horace, Appian Way, Bur. street Whitbread Ilenry, 118 Raglan at, White wood Misses 31. 3: C. S., Gordon rd,. Waterloo Whiddon John S., Botany rd, AI'dria Roseville Whitbread James, 78 Park rd, St. White 1Vhiddon S., Hercules at, Chatswood and Rae, machinery and indent. Peters Whiddon Mrs. S. T., 178 Bridge rd, merchants, 82 l'itt at Whitbread Joseph, S Leichhardt at, White • Glebe Rose Confectionery Works, 6-9. Glebe Whiddon Thomas, Newland at, Wriv'ley College lane Whitbread V., 101 Lawson at, Morton White Whiddon W., 32 Malcolm at, and Sons, boot manufacturers,. Whiddon W. C., 30 Carrington at, Whitbread V., 73 Park rd, St. Peters 22-24 Hutchinson at Whitbread W., 38D Darling at, 13'main . White Summer Hill and Squires, plumbers, Rail— Whiddon W. H., chief assessor Land Whitbread William, 45a Cook at. way par, Eastwood and Income Tax Department, 138 Roselle George st north Whitburn Debt., 7 Hathern at, WHITE STAR LINE OF' IVIiiddon W. H., Fairlight cres., Manly hardt STEAMERS (to Durban. CapeWhiffen A., 45 Catherine st, L'hardt Whitburn W. 15 Milson at, N . Syd. town, London, and Liverpool)— Whiffen Arthur, Bellevue rd, Double Whitby Albert, 67 Mackenzie at, Way. ' Dalgety and Co., Limited, Agents,. Bay Whitby John H., 56 Baltic st, NewO'Connell st Whiffen C. F., England at, Brightontown White Star Laundry, 104 Riley at le-Sands Whitby W. J., Forest rd, Bexley IVIiiffen John, Grand par, Brighton- Whitby W. J., Railway par, Kogarah le.Sands Whitby W. J., Rocky Point rd, W. W. WHITE ANO CO. LTD, Whiffen John, 40 The Avenue, C'down Rockdale Manufacturing Whiffen Thomas, 08 Smith at, Wyllie Whitby Walter H., 839 King at, St. Confectioners' Agents, Whitton William, 73 Lennox at, NewPeters town Floorfoot's Buildings, Whitby William, Bestic at, Wicdale Whiffin Edward, Macquarie at, Chats- Whitehall and Co., drapers, Victoria Parker Street, HAYMARKET. Whigg Alfred, 35 Broderick st, Cain. ave, Chatswood Telephone City 2536. wood White/lurch George, 300 Crown at Representing Buchanan's Chocolates perdown Whitcoinbe Mrs. M., 5 Cook at, Glebe and Confectionery. and Suchard'sWhightim John, 68 Edgeware rd, White and Andrews, milliners, 152 SwissVelma and Milka Chocolates. Enmore Military rd, Neutral Bay Whight Henr y A., 00 Lower Tupper; —Shops Supplied.— White A. J. (Colonial) Limited, proat, Maeville (see Advt. opp. Confectioners-3111mi. prietors of Mother Seigel's CuraWhile John, spring manufacturer, 671 facturing and Importing. tive Syrup, 160 Clarence at Crystal at, Petersham; p.r., 183; Trafalgar at, Stanmore lie hilt EXIfffilflIOE Co. Ltd. (Hill's) WHITE HARRY WOOD, COFFILL AND COMPANY LTD. BRANCHES ALL SUBURBS. SEE ALPHABETICAL SECTION ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR FARMING IMPLEMENTS. Whi ALPHABETICAL. Whi1723 'Whim Star Laundry, :15 Darley rd, White Arthur N., advertising agent , White Edward, 51 Brougham at Manly contractor, ete., 316 George at . White Edward, 374 Jones at 1Vhite Star Tea Co.—Frank Churchill, Tel. City 3903 White Edward, Esher at'. Burwood manager, 120a Underwood at White Arthur N., 7 Justin at, L'hardt White Edward, 175 St. John's rd, For. Paddington White Arthur N., 9 Warung st, N. Lodge 'White and Witchard, oyster saloon, Sydney White Edward, 41 Macquarie st, Bay at, Rockdale White Arthur V.,6Gurner at, Leiehhardt "White Mrs. A., Bondi rd, Bondi Paddington White Edward, 322 Illawarra rd, Mar'White A., 240 Miller st, N. Sydney White Aubrey, Buller at, P'matta rickville 'White A. B. S., sharebroker, 82 Pitt White August, 14 Hardie at White Edward, 18 Dudley at, Pacrton at ; p.r., "Mount Edgcumbe," White Austin M., 312 Glebe Point rd, White Edward, 22 Yule st, P'sham 13 Milner at, Mosman Glebe White Edward, 102 Abercrombie at, White Miss A. E. Station rd, Aulnirn White B. A., 113 Crystal at, P'sliam Redfern 'White A. E., 384' Unwin's Bridge rd, White Miss C., Derby at, Vaucluse White Edward, 9 Evans at, Roselle St. peters White C. A., teacher of singing, 184 White Edward, 25 Springslde at, 'White A. G., Croydon rd, Hurstville Pitt at Roselle 'White A. J., 170 Devonshire at White Rev. C. A., B.A. (Pres.), White Edward, 4 Bathurst at, 11"ahra White A. J., Oxford at, Epping Queen at, Anions) White Edward F., 293 Addison rd, White A. J.. Cambridge at, Vaucluse White C. G., Charles at, Marrickville 3farrickville 'White A. N., advertising contractor, White C. II., Rawson st, Auburn White Edward P., 1 Dickson at, New316 'George at White C. II., Renwick st, Mneville town 'White A. N., The Boulevard°, Strath. White C. J., Upper Avenue rd, 3I'man White Edwin J., 153 Cleveland at, tiald White Cecil A., barrister, 167 Phillip Redfern White A. S., 3fackinson at, Gladesville at White Miss Elizabeth, Ethel at, BurWhite A. W., property agent, Somerset White Charles, 56 Cooper at wood • House, 5 Moore st White Charles, 234 Crown st White Mrs.ElizabethM., 275 'White Mrs. Adelaide M., 4 Cooper at White Charles, 45 Meagher at Forbes at White Albert, Station at, Carlton White Charles, 15 Datehett at, 13'main White Mrs. Ellen V., Agar at, Mar'White Albert, Garnet at, Dulwich Hill White Charles, Seaforth st, Bexley riekville White Albert E., 227 Forbes at White Charles, Victoria st, Glebe White Elwood, Notting hill rd, Rook'White Albert E., 37 Rote at, L'hardt White Charles, 4 Transvaal a ye, Dble. wood 'White Albert J. (White, Frazer and Bay White Mrs. Emily J., Stark at, R'wick Best), 36 York at, Sydney; p.r., White Charles, A'Beckett at, Gr'ville White Ernest, Moncur at, 3farrickville 315 Miller at, N. Sydney White Charles, Arthur at, Granville White Ernest, 82 Morehead at, R'fern 'White Alexander, Herbert at, Gore White Charles, Lauderdale eve, Manly Whitietozelii renest,115 Mansfield at, Hill White Charles, Harris at, Paddington 'White Alexander, Whiting at, Gore Hill White Charles, Forth at, Woollahra White Ernest B., 120 Shadforth st, 'White Alex, 14 Palace at, Petersham White Charles, S Oxford st, 11"ahra Mosman White Alfred, 601a Riley at White Charles E„ Behnore rd, Coogee White Ernest G., 17 Watson at, Wax'. White Alfred, 60 Smith at . White Charles II., 4 Holmweod at. White ErnestIt., Springdale rd, 'White Alfred, Quarry rd, Dundas Killara Newtown White Alfred, 08 Swanson at, Ers'ville White Charles J., 49 Prospect rd, White Mrs. F., 21 Campbell at, N. 'White Alfred, off 88 Wigram rd, Sydney Summer Hill Glebe White F., 272 Church at, Par'matta White Charles W., 109 Fitzroy at 'White Alfred, Glenview at, Gordon White F. S„ 122 Newland st, W'av'y White Charles IV., William at, l'fleld 'White Alfred, Alfred at, Granville White Christopher, 44 Kensington rd, White IV., printer, 344 Kent at White Alfred, Henry st, Guildford White Mrs. F. W., Concord rd, ConSummer Hill White Alfred, Park rd, Hurstville cord White Clarence A., 30 Wellington st, White Alfred, McRae at, 3far'ville White F. IV., Willoughby rd, WilWaterloo 'White Alfred, 10 Vista at, 3fosman loughby White Alfred, Crimea at, Par'matta White Cornelius J., Mimosa at, BexPy Vhite Francis, 24 Hangar place White 1). 0., .1X., 37 Johnston at, 'White Alfred, 32 Lander at, Redfern Vhite Francis, 33 Jersey rd, 1Voollahra 1 Annandale 'White Alfred, 31 Morehead st. R'fern 1Vhite Francis B., Blaxcell at, 'White Alfred, Balmoral a ye, Rosedale White D. S., Forest rd, Bexley White D. W., Canterton st, Huristone White Francis J. W., Hunter at, White Alfred II., Princes at, Hyde Waterloo Park White Alfred M., Junction at, Hyde White Daniel, Plimsoll St. Belmore Vhite Frank, 202 Henderson rd, 'White Alfred S., accountant, G CastleAlexandria White Daniel, 10 Gordon st, R'wick reagh at 1Vhite Frank, 198 Ernest at, N. Syd. 'White Mrs. Alice, Premier at, Kog'h White Daniel, Salisbury at, Waverley 1Vhite Frank G., Arlington at, It'kdale White Daniel J., 38 Edward at, Wool- Vhite Franklin, mining engineer, CO 'White Allan, Broadford st, Bexley lahra 'White Allen, Rochester at; Homebush hunter at White David, 201 Norton st, L'hardt Vhite 'White Alma W., Carlingford rd, Ep'ing Frederick, 103 Arthur at "White Ambrose, 8 York cres, P'sham White David, 100 Australia at, N'town 1Vhite Frederick, 366 Jones st 'Whitt. Mrs. Amelia, Rocky Pt. rd, White David, 365 Church at, P'matta Vilify Frederick, &fault' at, Bexley White David, Judd at, Rockdale Roekdale Vbite Fredk., "Geraldine," Cambridge White Andrew, 16 City rd, Darlington White Douglas C., 3 Thorby eve, at, Drummoyne Leiehhardt 'White Andrew, 44 Balmain rd, Leieh1 Vhite Fredk., 112 Avenue rd, 3I'man White Dudley, Victoria a ye, W'alira Vhite Fredlc., ha nit at, 1"matta White Mrs. E, Pelham at, Double Bay White Fredk.: Wentworth White Andrew, Quarry rd, Hyde 147 Wells at, R'fern "Whit e Mrs. Angeline, 314 Livingstone White Mrs. E., Tavistock rd, Flem- 1White le re(la B Tck, J.P., Newcastle at, tos ' ington rd, 3farrickville White E., Bunnerong rd, Kensington 'White Mrs. Aim, Clarendon at, Strath. Frederick G., Myrtle rd, BanksWhite Mrs. E., Kensington st. Keg. 1White field town 'White Archibald, 1 May at, N'town White Mrs. E. A., Forest rd, Bexley 1Whit N oFrederick ron e‘t‘lcrick J., 52 Richard at, White Mrs. E. B., IS Meat's ave, 'White Arthur, 60 Edward at Handwick 'White Arthur, 0 Victoria at, AI'dria AWhite Frederick T., 99 Glebe at, White Arthur, 11 Albany at, N. Syd. White E. H., 87 Holterman at, North Sydney White Arthur, 130 Falcon at, N. Syd. White Frederick W., 61 St. John's White Arthur, 89 Station at, Petersham White E. P., Constitution rd, 31'hank rd, Glebe White Arthur, 29 Morehead at, Wtern White Ebenezer 0., 15 Park eve, N. 1White Mrs. G., York st, Epping Sydney AVhite G. C., 210 Alfred at, N. Syd. 'White Arthur, Victor at, Rookwood 'White Arthur, Ocean at, West Kog'h White Edgar„ Underwood at, ll'bush Vhite G. J., 47 Darlington rd, D'ton 'White Arthur C., 33 Francis at, En- White Edmund J., 77 Wells at, New- 1Vhite George, tanner, Short at, VAvn more Willoughby JOBMASTERS By APPOINTMENT TO MANY GOVERNORS AND ADMIRALS, THE HIGH COURT, ac. ANTHONY HORDERNS'-ONLY UNIVERSAL PROVIDERS, 1724Whi ALPHABETICAL. NEW PALACE EMPORIUM, SRICKFIELD HILL, SYDNEY. Whi White .1. 'T., confectioner, 32 Royal White John G., agent, 35 Pitt at White George, 3 Clarence lane White John G., "Tim Grange," May's Arcade White George, 71 Darlinghurst rd Hill, Parramatta White J. T., White Rose ConfectionWhite' George, 61 Kippax at White John W., Hunter at, Woolwich, ery Works, 0-8 College lane White George, Wellington at, Bondi White John Y., Short at, Carlton White George, Victoria at, Alex'dria White J. 'T., Faraday are, Woolladwa Joseph, 61 Rose at White George, Keith at, Dulwich 11111 White .1. W., 144 Glenmore rd, Pad- White White Joseph, 104 Garner's are, Mardington White George, Mina Rosa at, Enfield rlckville White James, bootmaker, la ElizaWhite -George, 16 National at, Miura White Joseph, Pitt at, Mortdale beth at White George, 71 Shepherd at, Nrville Joseph B., 178 Queen at, WoolWhite Mrs. George, Behnore rd, Rand- White James, saddler, 81 Goulburn at White lahra White James, 20 Brumby at wick White Joseph J., 115 Cowper at, GlebeWhite George, 50 Wellesley st, Sum- White James, Victoria at, Alexandria White Julian, Station rd, Auburn White James, Bowtner at, Banksia mer 11111, White Mrs. Kate, 72 Grafton at', White George, Clanwilliam at, Wil- White James, Wellington at, Bondi Woollahra White Rev. James (R.C.), George sty loughby White Mrs. L., New Canterbury rd,. Camperdown 'White George, Edward st, rd, Dulwich Hill White George F., 28 Kent at, N'town White James, Ludgate st, Concord White Miss L., *piste, Somerset White George T., 15 Broadstairs at, White James, 26 Amy at, Erskineville House, 5 Moore at White James, Chapel at, Kogarah Balmain White Miss L., 58 William at White George W.. Arthur ter., Bexley White Jas., 407 Pavramatta rd, Leith- White Mrs. L., 608 New Canterbury rd; hardt White Miss II., Gipps at, D'moyne Dulwich 11111 White Mrs. II., Warn& at, N. Sydney White James, 699 Parrematta rd, White Mrs. L., Gordon sq, Meeville Leichhardt White II., off Avon rd, Pymble White L. A., 12 Westbourne st„ White 'Tames, 5 South awe, L'hardt 'White ii. E,., 9 Sherbrooke at Drummoyne White Janies, High at, Manly White H. J., Park rd, at. Leonards White L. M., 71 Bullanaming at,. White II. K., chemist, Beandsh street, White James, Premier at, Marrickville Redfern White James, 67 Cowrie at, Newtown Campsie White James, 0 James at, N. Sydney White Lawrence, 209 Glebe Point rd„ White H. L., Myra at, IVaitara Glebe White James, 32 Lane Cove rd, N. White White II. P., Park rd, Auburn Leonard, 34 Bullanaming at, Sydney White II. P., Albion st, IVaverley Redfern White 11. R., 21 Morris st, Summer White James, Jersey aye, Penshurst White gh rd, Meeville Lesley, White .Tames, Canterbury rd, P'bowl White Lewis, 8Edinbur 11111 Thompson at, D'inoyne White Harold D., 176 Birrell st, Bondi White James, Clanville rd, Roseville White 17 Andreas at, P'sham White Harrison, teacher of violin, 338 White James, Christie at, St. Leonards White Lewis, Lilian, 18 Percival rd, StInore White James II., 104 Short at, Balmain George at White Linton P., Canterbury rd, C'sie White Harry, 26 Alma at, Darlington White James 11., Burton fit. Concord White Harry, 35 Brown at, Paddington White James If., Nicholson at, N. White Mrs. M., 6 Harley at White Mrs. 3I., 104 Abercrombie at, • Sydney White Harry, 45 Gordon at, Rozelle Redfern White Harry, 48 Railway rd, St. Pet. White James R., 13entniall at, Campait White Mrs. 3f., Margaret st, W'wielv White 'ferry J., 7 Campbell at, Pad. White James IV., 37 Rush st. W'ahra White Mrs. M. A., D'Arcy at, P'matta White Miss Jane, Warier at, Arnelifle White Henry, 6 Ada at White Mrs. H. J., Station rd, Auburn! White Henry, 20 3Iacarthur at White Miss H. L., 17 Raglan at,. White Henry, Tantalite' a ye, Arnelifft Mosman White Henry, IViley's eve, Leitembe White Mrs. M. M., 87 Victoria at White Henry, Ainsworth at, L'hardt Shipbrolier and Coal Exporter, White Mrs. Mary, 362 Cleveland st White Henry, 488 Illawarra rd, MarComposffor llolzaptel's Agent White Mrs. Mary A., 145 Queen st,. rickville Gott and Paint Co., Ltd., Sydney Woollehra White Henry, Davies at, Merrylands Smelting and Engineering Works White Michael, Eddy rd, Chatswood White Henry, 25 Aubin st, Neut. Bay Ltd., and Tivoli Coal and Coke White Michael, Salisbury at, Way'ley White Henry, 8 Glenmore rd, Pairton Coy. (Brisbane), 5 Bulletin White Mrs. Minnie, Pelham at, D. Bay White Henry, Grose st, Parramatta place White Miss, "Ross," 70 Adelaide st, White Henry, 113 Crystal at, P'shmn Woollehra White Henry, Orange at, Randwick White John, 5 Bunn at White Mortimer, Bay st Botany 'White Henry, 38 Edward at, R'fern White John, 74 Cleveland at White John, Belmont at, Alexandria White Mrs., 10 Rawson at, Mosman White Henry, Chapel at, Rockdale White Henry, 31 Foucert at, Rozelle White John, 179 Henderson rd, A'dria White Mrs., 150 N.S.H. rd, Double! Bay White Henry, Salisbury at, Waverley White John, 1 Lyne at, Alexandria White Henry F., 17 Leichhardt st, White John, 7 Suttor at, Alexandria White Norman W., dental surgeon, Lane Cove rd, Pymble Glebe• White John, Wentworth rd, Burwood White Henry 0., Floss at, ilurlstone White John, Wooleott at, Canterbury White 0. S., Victoria at, Greenwich Park White Mrs. John, 10 Toxteth rd, (Me. White Oliver, 22 Albemarle st, N'town. White Oliver, 1 Callan at, Rozelle 'White henry N., Quarry rd, Dundas White John, Aston at, Granville White Oliver J., 61 Botany rd, NV't'loo White Henry W., off 29 Turner at, White John, Hewlett at, Granville edf ern White John, Addison fit, Kensington White Mrs. P., Queen Victoria st„ Bexley White Herbert, Nelson at, Annandalc White John, jun., Montgomery at, White P., Lillis at, North Sydney White Herbert W., Alice at, Oatley Kogarah White Miss Ilettie, 126 Brougham at White John, 87 Elswick at, Leichhardt White P. K., solicitor, 162 Phillip at;' Redmyre rd, Strathfield White Hubert B., Lincoln at, 13'more White John, Hearn at, Leichhavdt White Patrick, 434 Wattle at White Hugh, Harbour Trust inspector, White John, Marion at, Leichhardt White Petrick, 100 George at, R'fern Cowper wharf. White John, 35 South eve, L'hardt White Hugh H., Alma a ye, Mar'kville White John, 174 Enmore rd. 3rville White Patrick, 40 Wellington sr,. White Isaac, Condor 'at, Burwood Waterloo White John, Malakoff at, White Isaac, Crane at, Concord White Mrs. John, 220 West at, N. White Paul, teacher of elocution, 433. White Mrs. Isabel, Fotheringham at, Pitt at Sydney Marrickville White John, 35 Cambridge at, Ped'ton While Paul, 199 Ernest at. N. Syd.. 'White .1., dentist, Ranger's rd, Neut. White John, J.P., 3 Gilmer st, Pad. White Percy, 147 Cerebella at, N. Bay Sydney White John, 61 Sutherland at, Pad. White Mrs. J., 39 Thornley at, L'hardt White John, 4 Margaret at, Redfern White Percy, 56 (Mod Hope st, Pad. 'White J. Frank, architect, 94 Pitt at White John, 172 Young at, Redfern White Percy C. (Merchant and Co., White J. G., 34 Golden Grove at, White John, 6 Warwick at, Stanmore Ltd., printers, 435a to 437 Kent Redfern at)p.r.. "Normanhurst," White John A., 29 Bellevue st, R'fern White .1. II., Nicholson at, St. Verde White tary rd, Mosman. Tel. 809 MosJohn E., 22 Ridge at, N. Syd. White J. T., confectioner, 209 Pitt at, 'White John F., Queen at, Arneliffe man 333 Cestlereagh at. and Pairton WHITE JOHN V/0001 COFFILL & COMPANY LTD.HEAD OFFICE: INILWARRARD.,PYRMONT. 'PHONE728 & 1180 CENTRAL Whi ALPHABETICAL. Whi1725 White Peter, 85 Marriekville rd, White Thomas E., 118 Simmons st r White William, 103 Silver at, St. Pet. White Peter F., 5 Adelaide at, Wool- Etunore 'Mate Mrs. 11 {Mani, 48 Cambridge at, a Ira White Thomas J., 80 Marian at,' EreStanore m White Peter J., 31 Waterloo at more White R. (Melbourne), boot manu- White Thomas J., Alt at, .Wav'leyWhite William, 00 Douglas at, Stanmore facturer, 118 The Strand White Thomas IV., 33 Church at, White William, Cambridge at, StanWhite R., 42 Elizabeth at Parrametta more White R., 58 Elizabeth at, Waterloo Thomas W. D., O.S.H. rd, White IVilliam J., Agar at, Mar'kville White Miss R., 126 Oxford at, W'alire White Waverley White R. A., wood turner, 371a l'itt White Tom, 3 Frazer at, Leichhardt White William S. Agar at, street White Tyrone, 34 Watkin at, N'town Whitebrook IV., nowarth Lane Cove White Mrs. R. H. D., Raglan at, White V. IL, 91 Phillip at J., lumber lane, F. Lodge Mosman White Victor, 99 Harley at, Newtown Whitechurch White Richard, Harney at, braeville White Victor, 1% Botany rd,Whitecross Manufacturing Co., 82 l'itt street 'White Richard, 32 Maddison at, R'fern White IV., Walker a ye, Paddington White Richard J., 40 Lodge at, Forest White IV., Nelson at, Woollahra Whitecross Thos. L., 164 Chalmers at Whiteford G., law stationer, 88 Pitt at Lodge White IV. 0,, Northumberland rd, White Robert, Station rd, Auburn Whiteford George, Kogarah rd, lio'gralt Auburn White Robert, Byron at, Coogee White IV. D., 58 Old Canterbury rd, Whiteford J. A., Neilson are, Kogarah White Robert, Water at, Enfield Whiteford Miss, 23 Station at, Valiant Summer Hill White Robert, Woodville rd, Granville White W. E., Kerv's rd, Itooltwood Whiteford IV. A., law stationer, 88 'White Robert, 64 Westmoreland st, White W. 0., Coronation ave. 3Pville Pitt at Forest Lodge White IV. IV., director IV. IV. White Whiteford IV. A., Webber's rd, ICog'rah White Robert, liewksview rd, Gu'ford and Co., Ltd., Morfoot buildings. Whitehair Fredk., 71 Great BuckingWhite Robert, 35 West at, N. Syd. ham at, Redfern Parker at, Haymarket; p.r., 60 White Robert, 82 Cascade at, Pad. Douglas at, Stanniore. Tel. 109 Whiteliair W., Bnyview are, Waverley White Robert, 30 Walter at, Piorton Petersham "Whitehall" Boarding- Estab.—Mrs. J. White Robert D., Sea View at, Manly White W. IL, 409 Illawarra rd, MarRobello, 110 Victoria at White Miss Rose, Harris at, Winatta Helaine Whitehall A. .1., River at, Can'bury White Mrs. S., Allison rd, Itandwick White IV. .1., 75 Elliott at, 13almain Whitehall Mrs. C., Canterbury rd, White Mrs. S. A., Quarry rd, Dundee White Rev. IV. H. (C. of E.), Hurt's Punchbowl White Mrs. S. A., Bellevue Hill, rd, Mortdale Whitehall C., President are, 1Cogarelt Rose Bay White IV. T., 524 Cleveland at Whitehall Malakoff at, Mneville White S. Blair, 21 Alexandra at, White Walter, Hoskins a ye, Irkstown WhitehallC., George, Ilarris st, Sans Drummoyne White Walter D., Sutherland rd, Souci White S. H., 19 Ileydon at, Mostnan Chatswood Whitehall Mrs. M., West st, Irvine White Samuel, 82 Prospect at, Era- White Walter J., 6 Ferry rd, Glebe Whitehall Oliver, Lake at, Mortlake htinevilhe White Walter K., 213 Wilson at, Whitehall T., George's River rd, White Samuel, 24 Stanley st, Wav'y Newtown Bankstown White Sam. R., 110 Union at, fE'ville White Weeks, baker and confectioner Whitehall T. N., 71 Barley at, N'town White Mrs. Sarah, 138 Denison rd, —E. IV. Holder, manager, 20S Whitehall IV. J., Stacey at, Mown Petersham Enntore rd, Eninore White Sidney, tailor, 107 Elizabeth at White Mrs. Weeks, "Excelsior," Wharf Whitehead II. S. and Co., carriers, 532 Kent st White Sidney, 15 Heeley at, Pad'ton rd, ItydnImere A., Brighton are, BrightonWhite Sidney, 8a Moore at, Rozelle White Wilfrid J., M.B. (Syd.), Short Whitehead le-Sands White Mrs. Sophie, Rosa at, Oat/es Whitehead Alfred, Botany rd, 11"t'loo et WCHaliram White Sydney G., secretary W. W. Whits, li or, 1 bread factory, 73 RedWhitehead C., 42 Fitzroy a ye, Irmain White and Co., Ltd., Morfoot fern at, Redfern buildings, Parker at, Haymarket; White William, baker, Erskineville rd, \Whitehead Mrs. C. Robert at, er at, Redfern Whitehead C., Walk Newtown p.r., "Verona," Concord rd, Homebush White IVilliam, inspector of State Whitehead C. .T., Duntroon st, Hurlstone Park White T. E., Gordon aqua re, 3rvil he children, 269a Q.V. Markets Whitehead Mrs. E., 51 Smith at, White T. IL 199 Underwood at, Pad. White IVilliam, 77 Boundary at Manly White 1'. V., 79 Church at, 1"matta White IS'illiain, 488 Elizabeth at Whitehead Mrs. E., 5 Baltic st, White William ., 16 Hutchinson at White Thomas, 205 Bulwarra rd Newtown White William, 20 Pine at White Thomas, 118 Campbell at Whitehead E., Mitchell st, St. L'nards White William, Orpington at, Aslifield White Thomas, 40 Reservoir at Whitehead Edward, 74 Harrington st White William, Cinnberland rd, A'burn White Thomas, Concord rd, Concord White Whitehead Edward, 29 Park arc, N. William. Harrow rd, Bexley Whitic,odTgl:imas, 1 Cross at, Forest Sydney White Mrs. William, Arden at, N. Whitehead F. IV. N., 147 Falcon st, WhitriarTdItiomes, 25 Elswick at, LeichNorth Sydney Whitee°°14.Wei elliaM, 57 Rose at', Deeton Whitehead G. R., 58 Bourke at, RedWilliam, Ferry rd, D'inoyne White Thomas, 62 Flood st, Leichbardt White fern White William, Pile at, Dulwich Hill White Thomas, 24 Victoria at, L'sham White Whitehead George, Edenholme rd, William, 16 Charles st. E'wille White Thomas, 136 Addison rd, White William, 2 Eiger at', Glebe Abbotsford Manly Whitehead H., Shelley at, Canterbury White Thomas, 74 Denison at, New- White William, 24 Taylor at, Glebe WhiteheadII., Mitchell at,St. White William, Henry rd, Guildford town Leonards White Thomas, 13 Napier at, N. Syd. White William, Denman eve, Halb'fleld Whitelieud II., Nicholson at, St. L'ards White William, Carey at, Marricicville White Thomas, 49 Stewart st, Pad'ton Whitehead Mrs. J. Powell at, Killara White Thomas, Wentworth at, P'matte White William, Gould a ye, 3Ineville Whitehead .1., Itocly Pt. rd, Irkdale White Thomas, 174 Wells at west, White William, Renwick at, 3I'ville White William, King st, Mascot. Whitehead J. F., hairdresser, 173 Redfern Pitt at White Thomas, 29 Cambridge at, Roz. White IVilliani, 24 Warring:di rd, 3IosWhitehead J. F., Jeffrey at, C'bury man White Thomas, Berry's rd, St. Leonards Whitehead .L S., Pearson's :we, G'don White Thomas, 50 Alfred at, St. Pet. 'White William, 33 Albert st, N'town White Thomas, 52 Cambridge at, White IVilliam, 24 Cltuter at, N. Syd. Whitehead James, 71 Hordern at, Newtown White William, 26 Boundary at, Pad. Stant-mire White Thomas, Brooklyn at, Tempe White William, 21 Comber at, Pad'ton Whitehead John, J.P., Railway aye, Marrickville White William, Cobar at, Petersham White Thomas, 12 Lawson at, W'verley White Thomas A., Mowbray rd, Wil- White William, 305 Abercrombie at, Whitehead John S., 43 Kensington rd, Summer Hill Redfern loughby White William, 26 Frederick at, St. Whitehead John, Laycock's rd, PensWhite Thomas C., Apps st, Auburn hurst Peters PACK AND DESPATCH PORCELAIN WREATHS AND CROSSES TO ANY PART OF AUSTRALIA ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR STATION SUPPLIES. Whi Whi ALPHABETICAL. 17'46Whi George It., manager, Coiling.Whitehead Joseph, Ila4e11 at, P'rnatta Whitelaw Robert, jun., Boyce rd, Whitfield wood Wool Scouring Works, Mill itandwick Whitehead L., Ilassell st, Par'matta rd, Liverpool Whitehead P., 35 Tupper at, Wyllie Whitelaw Robin, °swell at, Bexley Whitfield Mrs. H., Twin rd, N. Ryde Whitehead R. W., Devonshire st, N. Whitelaw Walter, Boyce rds S. 'relict( Whitfield H. E., mgr. Beacon Lamp Whitelegg George, Hardie at, N. Syd. Sydney Syndicate, 4 College lane Whitehead S., 87 Windsor rd, P'sham Whitelegg Thomas, 75 Iredale at, Whitfield H. R., 3 Eden at, N. Syd. New town Whitehead S. J., Bismarck at, West Whitfield J., 215 Abercrombie st, Whitelegg William, Queen at, C'eord • Keiser:ill Redfern Whitehead Stephen J., May at, E'wood Whiteley A. 32 Edith at, L'hardt Whitfield J. E., 31 Garner's aye, ed, 75 Macaulay rd, Whitehead W. T., Salisbury at, Way. Whiteley Alfr Marrickville Stanmore Whitehead William, Cook rd„ CentenWhiteley Charles W., 15 Bower at, IVhitfield John, Cecilia at, 3frieville nial Park Whitfield John, 73 Eveleigh at, R'fern Manly Whitehorn Ali& J., 25 Queen at, NewWhiteley G., Malakoff at, 3far'ville Whitfield Joseph, 14 King at, B'main town Whitfield Mrs. Lena, Albion at, invick Carrington eve, Hurst J., Whiteley Whitehorn Herbert, 8 Scott ft Whitfield Leslie, Shepherd st, Hyde vile Whitehorn Norman, 35 Merton st. Whitfield M., 62 Goodsell at, Newtown Whiteley John, Rainham at, Randwick Roselle Percy, Christie at, \remit Whitehorn Mrs. S. A., 97 Mitchell at, Whiteley Mrs. S. A„ 81 Upper Spit Whitfield Whitfield W. J., Blenheim at, N. Hyde rd, Mosman Glebe Whitford Charles, 76 Brisbane at Whitehorn Vincent, 123 George at, Er- Whiteley W. G., 168 Parramatta rd, Whitford Clerence G., chemist and Petersham .skineville dentist, 86 George at west Whitehorn NV., 36 Evans st, Roselle Whiteley W. G., 186 Parramatta rd, Whitford Daniel, Chandos at, St. Muds Petersham Whitehorn William A., Lyons rd, Whitford II. C. manager Artistic Whitelock James, Alt at, Asiffield Drummoyne ' Elizabeth at Advert. Co., 81 NI'llitehouse A., 54 Blue's Point rd. Whiteloek Jesse, Bland at, Whitelock N. P., 22 Military rd, Whitford J., 258 Albany rd, S'inore North Sydney Whitford John, 35 Georgina at, NewMosman Whitehouse A. B., King at, Mascot town Whitehouse A. J., general merchant, Whitelock W. G., 190 Ernest at, N. Whitford John A., 11 Burton at, Glebe Sydney 207 Clarence at; p.r., "Taringo," Whitelocke Mrs. S., Llewellyn street, Whitford T. J., tailor, 6 Rowe at 9 Bennett at, Bondi Whitford Thomas, 162 Campbell at Idarrickville Whitehouse Alfred, Paul's rd, W'Ploo Whitely Chas., Albert at, Leichhardt Whitford William, 26 Gipps at, B'main Whitehouse C.. South par, Canipsie Whitham David, 118 Addison rd, Whitehouse E. T., 17 Telford at, Whitely M., 18 Bond at, 3fosman 3farrickville Whitely W. G., Crystal at. Petersham Glebe John, 37 Albert at, St. Pet. Whitehouse F. C., S Australia at, Whiteman Mrs. A., Cheltenham at, IVhitham Whitham John, jun., 88 Grove at, St. Burwood Newtown Peters Whiteman Aubrey, Wigram st, ParWhitehouse George, Allen at, .11'wood Whithan IV. C., 66 Newman at, Newramatta Whitehouse H., 410 Livingstone rd, town Whiteman H. A., Beach at, Coogee Marritkville Whiting A. E., Marsden at, P'matta Whitehouse Herbert E., Daphne at, Whiteman I., 13 Mead at, Waterloo Whiting A. W., 9 Holt's ave, 3fosman Whiteman .7. E., 30 Cowper at, MarBotan,y Whiting Albert, 417 Church at, Parrickville Whitehouse J. 13 Mitchell rd, A'dria ramatta Whitehouse W., 121 George at, Whiteman Jaines High at, Wil'ghby Whiting David, off George at east, Whiteman John, 111 Layton at, Cam' Waterloo Burwood perdown Whitehouse John, Rawson at, Mascot Whiting Berry at, Mascot Whitehouse It. C., Church at, Hunter's Whiteman John, Gladstone at, P'matta WhitingDavid, Mrs. E., 153 Buckland at, Whiteman John, 6 Albert st, St. Pet. Hill Alexandria Whitehouse Samuel, Denison street, Whiteman John R., Carroll at, Hog. Whiting Mrs. E., 35 Brighton at, Whiteman Maurice, 32 O'Sullivan at Botany Petersham Whitehouse T., 92 Telopea at, lt'fern Whiteman Mrs., Duke at. Kensington Whiting George, 141 Arundel at,, For. Whitehouse Thomas, Denning st, Rand' Whiteman R. J., physician and surLodge geon, Boulevarde, Stratidield wick Whiting George R., "Valetta," Gm'. Whiteman Robert, Massey at, Kogan))) Whitehouse W., Victoria st, A'dria don rd, Gore Hill, North Sydney Whitehouse W., 219 3farrickville rd, Whiteman Samuel, 152 Harris at Whiting Mrs. Grace, Marrickville rd Whiteman Stephen, 11 Hearn at, 3farrickville Sydenham 'Whitehouse W., J.P., Renwick at, Whiteman Mrs. T., Pennant at, P'matta Whiting J. S., Railway par. south, Marrickville Granville Whitehurst Clarence A., Bay at, Rock- Whiteman IV., 81 Regent at Whiteoak Mrs. C., 54 O'Connell fit, Whiting James R., 50 Arundel at, dale Forest Lodge Newtown Whitehurst Mrs. J., 20 Ennis at, BalWhiten': G. T., Albert at, P'matta Whiting John, Pittwater rd, North main Hyde Whitehurst Mrs. Lily, Gordon at, Whiteoak Themes, 78 Lennox at, Whiting John IV., 72 Church at, Newtown Brighton-le-Sands Parramatta Whitehurst Stephen, J.P., Joynton aye, Whiteoak IV., Victoria rd, Rydalmere Whiting Keith M., physician Sr. surWhiteside Chas., 78 Wilson at, Wiern Waterloo geon, 3farscien at, Parratnatta Millet= A., Doncaster aye, Iten'ton 'Whiteside Harold, mgr. Sydney Paint Whiting L. C., J.P., Edward at, MarCo., Alice at, Newtown Whitelaw A. R., 97 Young at, Redfern riclville Whiteside Thomas, Harrow rd, Aub'n Whitelaw A. T., Gorman st, Leslie,Parramattaat, IVhitelaw Andrew, 72 Marriott at, Red- Whitfold G., assistant under-secretary Whiting Granville Department of Attorney-Generu fern Whiting Nurse, 7 Watson at, Neut. and Justice, 237 Macquarie at; Whitelaw Charles, 126 Phillip at Bay p.r., "Lindisfarne," Powell at, Whitelaw G., Chattier a ye, 3far'ville Whiting Mrs. P., 399 Church at, Killara Whiteiaw G., 631 Illawarra rd,3PviIle Parramatta Whitelaw G. B., 114 Macaulay rd, Whitfield Alfred, 6 Vine st, Dar'ton Whiting R., Petersham rd, 3far'ville Whitfield C. J., 31 Bruce at, St'more •Stanmore Whiting It. T., Gordon rd, Chatswood Adderton rd, off WhiteInw Mrs. H., Kensington rd, Whitfield Miss E., Whiting Rowland, 16 Smith at, Sinn. Dundas ICc nsington Ifill Whitelaw Mitchell, Park rd, Burwood Whitfield Mrs. E., 104 Mansfield at, Whiting William, 498 Church at, ParRoselle Whitelaw R. L., eastern merchant, ramatta Whitfield Ernest, Nancarrow rd, St. 125 York at Whitington Harry, 248 Palmer at Ives Whitelaw R. L., Provincial rd, LindWhitley Allan, 79 Arthur at Whitfield G., 12 Lewisham at, Dul. field Whitley Charles E., 30 Norton at, Hill Whitelaw Robert, plinnber, 208 Crown Leichhardt at; p.r., Maroubra Bey rd, R'wick Whitfield George, Shepherd at, Hyde WOOD. COFFILL AND COMPANY LTD. LivED y DEPT., 47244 HARRIS ST. 'PHONE 156 GLEBE ANTHONY HORDERNS'-SPOT CASH MERCHANTS. ALPHABETICAL. Whi1 7 2 7 Whitley Charles, Park rd, DurwoodWhitney T. IV. J., Scott at, Liverpool Charles, 418 0.S.H. rd, Whitley Charles S., 01 Cooper at Whitney Thomas, John at, Granville Whittard Woollahra Whitley Charles S., 10 Hart atWhitney William, 89 Reservoir at Whittard Chris., nibble at, MeadowWhitley Frank, Banks at, Hog:trait Whitney William, 8 The Avenue, Ashbank Whitley Mrs. G., 10 Forbes st, Dar- field Whittell H. R., 166 King at, lington Whitpnin 0., 85 Railway par, Era- IVIrittell Thomas, Epsom rd, IS"Ploo WhithleayJames, rdt 12 Davies at, Leich- kineville Whittemore C. R., 112 Bligh at, Whitt Herbert, 0.S.II. rd, IVoollahra Newtown Whitley James, 84 Smith at, Summer Whittaker Bros., grocers, Beamish at, Whittemore H., Railway cres, Siewood Hill Campsie Whittemore J., 67 Fig at Whithiiinnic A. D., :13 Prospect rd, Sum. Whittaker and Co., mantle manufac- Whittemore M.,Mrs. Connemarra at, Bexley tuners, 383 Pitt at Rev. A. 0. (Meth.), JohnWhitling Mrs. Arthur, 33 Prospect Whittaker A., 210 Young at, An'dale Whitten ston at, Balmain rd, Summer Hill Whittaker A., 34 Glebe l't. rd, Glebe Whitten Mrs. I., Starling at, L'hardt Whitloch Theophilus, Wallace at, Whittaker Miss A., Queen's College, Whitten IV. Daisy at, C'hatswotid Kogarah 6 Grosvenor ores, Summer Hill Whittet A. E., ' 82 Addison IA, Maids' Whitlock A., Salisbury st, C'p'down Whittaker Andy, 96 George at west Whittielc James, Denison at, Wav'y Whitlock Mrs. A., 27 Elizabeth at, Whittaker Barry, 46 Mary at Whiffing Chas It., Dudley at, Ilab'field Waterloo Whittaker Chas., Vimiera rd, E'wood Whittinghtun Albert, Constitution rd. Whitlock A. S., The Avenue, H'ville Vilittaker Mrs. E., 13 Forth at, W'alira Meadowbank Whitlock H. A., Campbell at, Bexley Whittaker Miss Flora, Kent rd, 3fas- IVIiittingliam Alfred J., 8 Harrow rd, Whitlock Hubert, Caledonian at, flex-cot Enmore Icy Whittaker Frank, 69 Ann at Whittingliam Miss G., 28 Arcadia rd, Whitlock Luther, 43 Birrell at, Wa y 'y Whittaker Mrs. G., Arabella at, LonGlebe Whitlock Mrs., 22 Northumberland a ye,gueville Whittingliam J. M., Spiirway at, ErStanniore Whittaker George H., Bridge at, inington Whitlock Walter, 24 High at, Wav'y Drummoyne IVIiittingliam Mrs. L., 1 5 Meet at, Whitlock Wilfred E., csoi pheif at, Whittaker hl.,827 George at Summer 11111 Bexley Whittaker Henry, New Bolton St. Whittingliam Mrs. 3f., 71 High IlolWhitmee Wallace, Wilson at, BotanyGuildford born at Whitlow J., J.P., chief clerk De- Whittaker Henry R., C'ampbelltown rd, Whittinghain Reg., 20 Sydney at, Erpartment of Prisons, 103-107 Liverpool skineville Phillip at; p.r., "Odessa," Long Whitfltaelcder J. II., 24 Orpington at, Ash- Whittingliam IV. H., Hunter at, IViisby Nose Point Whittingstall GeorgeIL house Whitman Charles II., Bourke at, 'Whittaker Jas., George's River rd, agent, etc., Station at, Rockdale ' IVaterloo Enfield Whittingstall George II., seri. real Whitinarsh NV., 22 Curtis rd, Balmain Whittaker James, 22 Lombard at, estate agent, Arlington at, R'dale ' Whitmore Mrs. Annie, 20 Womerali Globe Whittingstall George II., jun., Granaye Whittaker James, Fewings at, R'svick tham at, West Kogarah Whitmore Charles, Rose at, Annandale Whittaker John, 210 Ben Boyd rd, Whittington Edward, Walterat, Whitmore Chas., 121 Pitt at, Redfern Neutral Bay Waverley Whitmore Charles L., Wigrain at, Whittaker John, 137 Pitt at, Iteilfern Whittington Mrs. F., 21 Lodge at, Granville Whittaker Mrs. M., 83 Wellington at, Forest Lodge Whitmore James, 62 William at, Red- Waterloo Whittington Mrs. S., 81 Forbes at fern Whittaker Mrs. Mary, 8 Day at, Drum- Whittington IV. C., John at, Arncliffe Whitmore John, Lenore at, Five Dock moyne Whittle A., Hyde rd. Gordon Whitmore Joseph 0., King at, Wriale Whittaker Mrs., 22 Redan at, 3fosinan Whittle Albert, 43 Trade at, N'town Whitia r n imtt orae'ar. A., 326 Church at, Par- Whittaker Peter, Tennyson rd, Brtlake Whittle Alfred, Gordon rd, Gordon Whittaker Miss R., Nelson rd, lorfield Whittle Chas., 18 Albert at, Whitmore IV., Catherine at. 'Amish Whittaker Mrs. It. R., Alma at, Whittle D. A., 10 Crescent at, RoWhitiTeodrfeenNifra. IV., 127 Redfern at, Whitntaalcherain n Efrs. S., 29 Darling at, selle Whittle Edward, 352 Kent st Whitmore IV., 141 Botany st, Wat'loo WhittakerSamuel I., King at, North Whittle F., 77 Elizabeth st, Pad. Whittle Harold, teacher of piano, 335 Whitmore IV. H., Pennant at, Plitatta Sydney Vhh i titt3ak ciakim e raiSnhsaiddn,e1y2, W2a611acAerstti;u1rVava'ty, WhitaHniollre William, Rawson st, Gore w George at Whittle Henry A.. Mount at, Coogee Whittle Horace, 48 Gipps at, Parrton Whitnall George, Henry at, W. Kog'h Whitnall IV., Loftus st, CampsieIVIiittaker Simeon, Factory at, Gr'ville Whittle James, Balmain rd, L'harcit Whitnall William, officer in charge Whittaker Stephen, Denison at, Botany Whittle Joseph, 164 Mullens at, Halmain Fire Station, Forth at, IVoollahra Whittak uali ners J. V., Railway ores, 1Vhittle Mrs K., 12 Brown at, N'town Whitney A. IV., Rosehill at, P'inatta o cid•Thomas V., Spring at, Whittle Mrs. P., 552 Parrainatta rd, Whitney Alfred, 3 Russell at Whitittalreiiale Petersham Whitney Atheistane, solicitor, 67 Castlereagh at Whittaker IV., Pierson at, Ilab'fleld Whittle S. ht., 83 Palace at, P'shain Whittle Mrs. S. 11,58 Rink-Icy rd. WhitAnserinciAdthelstane, 45 Norton at, Whittaker W., Botany rd, Waterloo Manly Whittaker W. 0., Riverview rd, Can- Whittle Lieut. IV. IV., %A.G.:S., VicWhitney Mrs. E., 9 Lyons rd, Drum-terbury toria Paddington moyne Whittaker W. T., 61 Newman at, New- WhittmanBarracks. Il., 28 O'Connor at, HaberWhitney Frank, the avenue, Rockdaletown field Whitm neoyynae . C., Collingwood at, Drum- Whittaker William, Neville at, Oatley Whitton A. R., 2 Gouldsbury at, MosWhittall's Quarry, Barnstaple rd, Five man Whitne y George, 43 Frederick at, Ash- Dock Whitton Arthur, Forest rd, Pealchurst field Whittall Arthur R., 1 Hobbs at, Whitton David, Bay at, Rockdale Whitney George, Fitzroy at, Burwood Lewisham Edward, Lily at, Ilurstville Whitney George, 52 Cavendish at, IVInttall C., 117 Foster at, L'hardt Whitton Whitton Ernest, 43 Itoseby at, L'hardt Stanmore IVhittall Charles, Lavender at, Five Whitton F. IV., 25 Brallatt at, An'dale Whitney J. H., Woodward a ye, St'fieldDock Franlc C., 22 Junior at, Whitney Mrs. L. A. J., Wentworth at, Whittall J., Great North rd, F. Dock Whitton Leichhardt Parramatta Whitten Joseph, Lavender at, F. Dock Whitney Mrs. Lilian, 7 South at Whittall IVilliam, 236 Moore l'k. rd Whitton G., Rocky Point rd, Irkdale Whitton 10 Foy at, Balmain Whitney Mrs. P., Garden at, Mascot 1Vhittam Matthew, 25 Woodstock at, Whitton James, James, 11 Thorne at, Pad'ton Whitney Robert, 56 Old Canterbury Bondi Whitton James, 20 Farr at, Rockdale rd, Summer Hill Whittard B. IL, 23 Cowper at, Way'ley Whitton John, Robertson at, Guildford WE ARRANGE FOR INTERMENTS IN ANY PART OF AUSTRALIA OR ABROAD ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR FURNITURE AND FAMILY DRAPERY. ALPHABETICAL. 1728Whi-------- Wie Whyte Gilbert, liareela rd, Cremorne Wickham .7. R., Julliett at, Whitton Kenneth S. G., stock and Whyte Wickham James, Rhodes at, Wbank Henry, 9 Ilolt at share broker, Yaralla chambers, Whyte Henry W., Milroy ave, Ken- Wickham John F., 7 Barrie st, Rozelle 109 Pitt at ; p.r., "afaiala," Wickham John F., 02 3fansfleld at, sington Whitton rd, Chatswood Rozelle Whyte James, Bay at. Abbotsford 11'hitton Mrs., Dunbar at, Vancluse Wickham Miss L. A., sec. Y.W.C.A. . James (it.C.), Clarendon Rey Whitton R., 178 Elswick at, L'hardt Whyte (branch), O'Connell at, P'matta rd, Stanmore Whitton Robt., Liverpool at, 13'town Mrs. John, 12 Cabramatta rd, Wickham Leslie, Early at, Par'matta Whitton Robert, Evaline at, Campsie Whyte Wickham Louis - N., Milton at, Gr'ville Mosman Whitton William J., 13 11111 at Whyte John, 74 Great Buckingham at, Wickham R. S., secretary Motor Tourll'hittorn W., sen., Victoria st, ists Hire Co. ? Ltd., and Master Redfern Whittorn William H., King at, A'clitie Whyte Tailors' Association, 68% Pitt at S., Concord rd, Concord Whitty Alfred, 621 Blawarra rd, Mar- Whyte John Wickham R. S., Beauchamp par, ChatsMrs. Maud, 67 Wooleott at rickville wood Whyte Oswald, Oak st, Parramatta Whitty Mrs. J., 30 Formosa at, Drum- Whyte Wickham Robert G., Harrow rd, Irley R. D., 54 Phillip at; p.r., moyne New South Wales Chit,, Bligh at Wickham Roland, Ross at, N. Sydney Whitty J. F., Starling at, Leichhardt Whyte Rodney, Dolphin at, Cougue Wickham Thomas, Ilenry at, L'hardt Whitty Patrick, 7 Edward at, Redfern Whitty R., 158 3limpherson at, Wav'y Whyte Samuel, 374 Marrickville rd, Wickham William, 86 Ryan at, LeithMarriekville hardt Whitty Rupert, Grove at, Marrickville Whyte W., Castlereagh at, Liverpool Wick-ins Mrs. M. E., 7 Junction at, Whitty Thomas, Petersham rd, W., Boatman*, Rookwood Forest Lodge Whitty W., 20 Copeland st, Alex'dria Whyte W. F., Greenhills at, Enfield Wick-ins William, Edgar at, Auburn Whitwell A., 22 William at, 3Vville Whyte Wickman Tower at, East Hills Whyte W. II., 681 Darling at, Hoz. Whitwellilenry A., Forest rd, Arneliffe Whyte William, Bayview at, Bexley Wickman E., Edward, 224 N.S.H., rd, Whitwell Henry T., Abercorn st, 13exPy Whyte William, Plunkett at, St. LeonDouble Bay Whitworth Arthur W., l'itt at, SherWickman R., 224 Tower at, East Hills ands wood Wickman E., Wollongong rd, Aracliffe Wiatt Mrs., Lane Cove rd, Pymble Whitworth Mrs. E., 12 Leicester at, Wibeck C. W., 10 Spring at, Padlon Wicks A. 0., 228 Bridge rd, Glebe Paddington Wicks Arthur J., Hyde rd, Gladesville Wibell Mrs. A., 37 William at, Pad. Whitworth G. H., Atkinson at, Liver- Wiberg Charles, Morgan at, Huratville Wicks Charles E., Abercorn at, Bexley pool Wicks Cox's rd, North Hyde Whitworth J. A., 110 Birkley rd, Wiblin C., 47 Marlborough at, Leith- WicksCornelius, Mrs. E., Bridge rd, Eastwood hardt Manly Wich Arthur, 4 Trafalgar at, Entuote Wicks Ernest, off Cyril at, Roseville Whitworth J. P., Lithgow at, St. Wiche Wicks Frank R., 12 Upper rd, Forest Arthur, Albert at, Granville Leonards Lodge Whitworth J. W., Challis a ye, 3Vville 111C1111111/1 Erie, Railway live, Guildford Wicks Henry P., Hurst at, Arncliffe Wicht Miss D., 242 Alfred st, North Whitworth John, Handwick at, It'wiek Wicks Henry R., North 1111, Hyde Sydney Whitworth John, 57 Raglan st, Wicks James, 10 Holt at Wicken John, Spring at, Ameliffe Waterloo Whitworth Sydney, Leyland par, Del- Wicker E. F., 4 Boundary at, Redfern Wicks L. T., Great Northern rd, Gladesville Wickers Mrs. Sophia, 432 Harris at more' Wicks Mrs. 31., 25 Rimini Park rd, WhitworthW'.,70 Hanover at, \Vickers W. R., Northcote at, St. Peters Wickerson M. A., grocer, 41 Judge at Waterloo Whitworth W. IL, 31 Stuart at, Manly Wickerson Sydney, 94 Newland at, Wicks S., 54 Marlborough at, L'hardt wicks Thomas, lIatton at, Hyde Wayerley Whitzel Mrs. H. L., 6 Bent at, N. Syd. Wholohan E. A., 169 Johnston at, Wickes Colin, 163 Regent at, Reciter: Wicks W., Great Northern rd, Wardell rd, Gladesville W., Wickes E. Annandale 1Vholohan J., 68 Erskineville rd, Er- Wickes Edgar W., Botany rd. Botany Wicks W. H., Andcrton at, Maeville Wicks W. L. S. Eltham at, GPville Wickes henry, Botany rd, Botany skineville Wicks William II., Bridge rd, Eastw'd Wickes John, 37 Pine at, Newtown Wholohan Mrs. Mary, 015 Harris at Wholohan Patrick, Barker at, R'wick Wickes William, 22 Hugh at, Ashfield Wicks William H., Parkes at, Hyde Wickham and Bullock Island Coal Co.. Wick-stead II., Rubina at, Holroyd Whomsley Arthur, 9 Richards aye Ltd. (Neat!' Colliery)—G. H. Al- Whittington Arthur, 105 Stanley at Whomsley Miss E., 27 Reynolds at, Widdison A.. Liverpool rd, Bankstown derton, manager, 2 Hunter at Balmain Why Leopold, White at, Leichhardt. Wickham R. S. & Burton, accoun- Widdison Albert, 111 Bondi rd, Bondi Widdows G. IL, Riverside cres, Martants and auditors, 68% Pitt st Whyatt George, 24 Cooper at, R'fern rickville Whyatt Joseph, Railway par, 3Pdale Wickham Mrs. A. E., 75 Glover at, Willows George, 47 Albany rd, S'more Mosman Whybrow Henry G., 37 Murray at Willows J., 36 Septimus at, E'ville Wickham Mrs. A. J., Victoria rd, Whylie Bert, 1Vetherill at, Croydon Widdowson E. A., 23 Rawson at, Marrickville Whymark D., 144 Upper Spit rd, Newtown Wickham Alfred, 14 Simms st 5fosman Whymark G. E., 156 Grafton at, Wickham Alfred J., Meehan at, S'wood Willowson J., 329 Catherine at, LeithWickham Arch., Fitzroy at, 3far'ville hardt Woollahra Whymark Sidney, Wetherill at, C'don Wickham Arthur, officer Fire Brigade Willup Miss M., 163 Cleveland at, Station, Darlinghurst rd Redfern Whymark 'William, Queen at, Ashfleld Whymark William, 20 Stafford at, Wickham C. IL, Raglan at, Mosman Widemere Post Office—John Bucket, Wieltham Charles, Orange st, II'ville •Black lane, Wentworthville Stanmore Whyms J., Beaconsfield at, Alexandria Wickham Mrs. E., 42 Raglan at, Manly Widerberg Charles, 90 Union at, Erskineville Whyms William, Taunton rd, Irvine Wickham E. 31., Clanyille rd, RoseWiderberg JulIus, 04 Princes at ville Whysall David, 4 Lottic at, B'main Whysall Francis W., Edward at, C'ton Wickham E. W., barrister, 143 Phil- Widerstrom B. and Co., pattern and model makers, 99 Sussex at lip at Whysall Maitland E. S., "Adelaide House," 42 Paddington st, Pad. Wickham Edward, Agar at, M'rickville Widger F., 7 Nelson place, P'sliam Whyte J. S. & Co., drapers, Joseph Wickham Mrs. Emily, 12 Aubin at, Widger H., 103 Marrickville rd, Widgery E. G., 21 Jennings at, A'dria Neutral Bay st, Rookwood Whyte Rev. Charles, MA. (Cong.), Wickham H., 91 Station st, rsham Widget). Edward, 5 Audley at, MarWickham henry, Victoria at, Ashfield nielcville 660 Dowling at Whyte Charles, Marrickville rd, Dub, Wickham Henry F., 124 North Steyne, Widman Charles, Cambridge rd, Artarmon Manly with Hill Whyte David 31., 16 Grove at, L'hardt Wickham Henry P., 111 Albany road, Whinier andSpalding, milliners, Bridge at, Drummoyne Stanmore Whyte Mrs. E., restaurant, 53 Q.V. Wickham Mrs. J., 154 Palmer at Widmer Adolph, Gipps at, Drummoyne Markets Whyte E. J., dental surgeon, 2 Mel. Wickham J., New Canterbury rd, With(' Albert E., Lawrence at, A'dria Hurlstone Park Wieek 0. 89 Blue's Pt. rd, Syd. aide at, Woollahra ' Ernest, 43 Harrington at Whyte George J., Barnsby grove, Dul. Wickham J. F., Rosedale cres., Rose- Wieckhorst dale Hill WOOD, COFFILL & COMPANY LTD. CENTRAL OFFICE : 810 . 12 OECROE ST. 'PHONE 726 A, 1524 CENTRAL ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR TEAS, TOYS, TOOLS AND TOGOERY. Wie Wieckhurst Herbert, 17 Lawson at Wiedenhoft Richard, 252 Crown at Wielit C. 0., Francis st, Artarmon Wieland's London Butchering Co-, 429% Pitt at Wieland G., 23 Abercrombie st, Rlern Wieland G., 225 Abercrombie at, itedf ern Wienberg Mark, 25 Arthur at, North Sydney Wiener J. & Co., Ltd., indent merchants, 50-54 York at Wiener Joseph, Shell Cove rd, Neut. Bay Wined Joseph, 29a Dalgety ter Wienthall F., King at, North Sydney Wiese F. A., tailor, 84 Elizabeth at Wiese Frank, 04 Taylor at, An'dale Wiesener Mrs. A., Livingstone at, Bur. wood WIESENER T. F. LTD. Jewellers, Opticians and Scientific Instrument Makers. Tel. 009, 334-336 GEORGE STREET. Wiesener F. A., "Cooroona," The Avenue, Stratlifield. Tel. 330 Homebush Witamian IL, 32 Thomas at, Croydon 11, iothaus L., Victoria ave, Hurstvifie Wigan Frank, Shepherd at, Ashileld Wigg E. S. & Son (Adelaide)—F. 1Valker, representative, 88 l'itt at Wigg Charles, Gordon rd, St. L'ards Wigg Charles, Julian at, Willoughby Wigg Frank, Lauff at, Rockdale Wigg G. M., 705 Balmain rtl, LeichWiggilakli., it 37 Aubin st, Neut. Bay Wigg Miss Lille, residential chambers, 49 Phillip at Wigg Walter S., Uhr at, Abbotsford Wiggan T., Cambridge at, Will'ghby Wigger Frank, Wetherill at, Mbar& Wigginton Mrs. John, OS West at, Lewisham Wiggins, Teape and Co., Ltd., paper manufacturers and wholesale stationers, Ash at, off 338 George st Wiggins Adam, 20 Parraween street, Neutral Bay Wiggins A. 38 Elizabeth at, Waterloo Wiggins diaries, 18 Avenue, C'down Wiggins Daniel J., Roach at, A'cliffe Wiggins Frank, 264 Devonshire at Wiggins George, 128 Baptist st, IFfern Wiggins George, Bridge rd, Stanmore Wiggins Henry, Botany rd, Botany Wiggins Henry, McDonald at. E'ville Wiggins James, Beaconsfield at, A'ilria Wiggins James, 23 Paternoster Row Wiggins John, 10 College st, Balmain Wiggins Joseph, Botany rd, 11"t'loo Wiggins Joseph A., 167 Young at, Redfern Wiggins Miss S., Woodstock at, Botany Wiggins T. W., New Canterbury rd, Hurlstone Park Wiggins Thomas, 7 Fisher at, P'sham Wiggins W. V., 21 Bucknellait, N'town Wiggins Walter, 24 South a ye, Leithhardt 'Wiggins William, Baxter rd, Mascot Wiggins William T., Bourke at, Waterloo 1Vigginton Edwin, 140 Ifenderson rd, Alexandria Wight Mrs. B., Cambridge at, D'inoyne Wight James D., Stanton rd, Ilabffield Wight Miss R., school, Alexandra st, Hunter's Hill CONDUCT UPWARDS OF ALPHABETICAL. Wil1729 Wight Thomas, Macquarie rd, A'burn Wilcox Arthur A., Balaclava rd, Eastwood Wight Thomas, Bertram at, Eastwood Wight William, Winchester rd, R'wicli Wilcox C. II., 155 Bullanaming st, Redfern Wightman A. IV, R., Milton at, Ashfield Wilcox Charles T., Clissold par, ("psie Wightnian Albert, 66 Rose at Wilcox Edwin, 26 Gerard at, Neut. Bay Wightman James, Blaxcell at, Granville Wilcox F. R., butcher, 612 Crown at Wightman Mrs. M., 35 Gunner at, Pad. Wilcox Freillc., 21 Short at, L'hardt Wighton G., 216 Military rd, 31'man Wilcox G. S., Yaranabbe rd, Darling Point Wighton R., Victoria rd, 31aeville Wigley Mrs. J., 34 Holborrow at, Wilcox Miss H. H., Mount at, N. Syd. Croydon Wilcox Harold, 61 Rote at, L'harilt Wigley John F., 93 Cowrie st, N'town Wilcox ilarry, 96 13911191aming it, Redfern Wigley Peter, 721 King st, Tempe \Vigil/ore Alfred T., 45 Shadforth at, Wilcox Henry, Burnett at, Ilobroyd 3fosman Wilcox James, Young at, Croydon Wigmore James, 21 Ann st, Balmain Wilcox John, 58 Dowling at, Redfern Wigniore John, 10 Alexander at, N. Wilcox John, Spencer at, Rose Bay Sydney Wilcox Mrs. L., Lord at, Roseville Wigmore R. B., Gre yille st, Wilcox Murray, YaranabbeDarling Point Wiganore Roy, Ashton at, Itandwick Wignall Miss E. 13., Durham at, Wilcox Miss S., sec. Order Tailoresses' Dulwich IIill Union, Trades Hall, Wilburn at Wignall Mrs. Lily, 13ay yiew are, 'Way. Wilcox Sydney G., 8 Arthur at, Leichhardt Wignell W. Villiers at, Parramatta Wigney A. E., manufacturing jeweller, Wilcox 1V. H., 64 Alexander at, North 23a Jamieson at Sydney Wigney Arthur, 34 Augusta rd, Manly Wilcox William, Spencer at, Rose Bay Wigney Miss S., Church st, R'wick Wilcox Wilson, 52 Victoria at, L'aliani Wigram J. S. manufacturing chemist, 1Vilcoxon F. S., Macquarie st, L'pool Fisher se, Petersham Wilcoxson Rev. .T. II. (C. of E.), 1Vigram J. S., 7 Regent at, Petersham Weston at, Parramatta Wigram James, 93 Neville at, Mar- Wilcoxson W., 14 Dougan at, Ashfleld rickville Wild John and Co., muslin merchants, Wigram James S., Robert at, Maeville 205 Clarence at 1Vigzell Chas E. and Son, liairdress- Wild R. J. &, Sons, Ltd., carriers and era and wigmakers, 141 Oxford at forwarding agents; office, Manly 1Vigzell A. J., Marsden ml, Hyde Wharf, 3Itinly. Tel. 18 and 406, Manly 1Vigzell L. W., 175 Victoria st Wigzell S. II., 179 Victoria at Wild Alfred, 1Voniora rd, Hurstvillc 1Vig-zell W. G., hairdresser, 95 Oxford Wild Benjamin, Fairlight at, L'hardt street Wild Edwin R., 235 Pittwater rd, Wigzell 11'. H., ornamental hairManly worker, 225 William at; p.r., Wild Ernest, 11% Hartley at, Hozelle 175 Victoria at Wild Gilbert R., Lauff st, Rockdale Wilas Mrs. C., 30 Grosvenor at, Wool- Wild G. F., 64 Cabramatta rd, M'inan lahra Wild Harry, Edge Hill rcl, Botany Wilbow Miss G. 31., Dalhousie at, Wild Mrs. Helena, 3 Burton at, Glebe Haberfleld Wild Herbert, O.S.H. rd, Woollahra Wilbow Mrs. 31., 89 Palace st, Wild Hubert, Hopetoun at, C'down Petersham Wild Mrs. J. A., 53 Roslyn at Wilbow William, 243 Pittwater rd, Wild James, 07 Stuart at, Manly Manly Wild Mrs. Jane, residential chambers, Willis- Batt, 105 Barcom ave 69 Hunter at WilbY Percy, Duck at, Granville Wild John, 57 Gipps at, D'Inoyna 1Vilby Robert G., 48 Grafton at, Wild John, 25 Myaligall rd, 3fosman Wooliahra Wild John 3I., Illiliwa at, Neut. Bay Wilby William, Aston at, Granville Wild Mrs. 31., Lisgar at, Granville Wilce's Cordial Works, 9 Erskineville Wild Mrs. Mary, 88 St. John's rd, rd, Newtown Glebe Wilco Elijah, 21 Cecily st, Leichhardt Wild Nicholas, 138 Baptist at, Redfern Wilco Warwick, Canterbiny nil, Bliere Wild R. J., general carrier, etc., 22 1Vilce Warwick, Croydon ave, Enfield Wentworth at, Manly Witcher John, Victor at, Chatawood Wild Richard, Lauff et, Rockdale \\lithe Gustaf, Leigh at, Merrylanda Wild Samuel, Alfred at, Waverley Wilthen Londolf, Behoove rd, II 'vick Wild Mrs. Sarah, 104 Queen at, WoolWilcock Cecil, Wazier at, Arncliffe lahra Wilcock Harry, off Cecil at, Gordon Wild T., Waratall at, Chatswood 1Vilcock Thomas, 22 Hercules at, Ash- Wild Thomas, hairdresser, 30 Sydney field Arcade Wilcocks Chas., Terminus at, L'pool Wild Thomas A., Bunnerong rd, Wilcockson 0. L., Harcourt Estate, Kensington Campsie Wild W., manager Manly Motor GarWilcock-son S., 120 Rose st, Darlington age Co., 14 Whistler st, Manly 1Vilcockson S., Wetherill at, L'hardt Wild Wilfred J., Bellevue st, Kogarali Wilcox Bros.. butchers, 133 Norton Wild William, lamp 'manufacturer, 54 at, Leichhardt Park st Wilcox George and Co., wool, skin, Wild William, 39 Barcom ave hide and tallow merchants, 3foun- Wild Mrs. William, 2 Raglan at, Mostain at man Wilcox J. and Co., hotel brokers, 107 Wild William, Govett at, Itandwick Castlereagh at Wilde A. A., Bay at, Botany Wilcox Arthur, Fitzroy at, Humana Wilde Mrs. C., 215 Victoria at ONE-THIRD OF THE TOTAL INTERMENTS IN THE METROPOLITAN AREA 1730 ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELLERY. Wil ALPHABETICAL. Wilde Francis IL, Merrylands rd, I Wiles Lewin, 24 Bray at. N. Sydney Wilkie 11., 109 Yule et, 1"sham liolroyd Wiles Mrs. May, 61 High at, N. Syd. Wilkie Harold, 13 Smith at, W t loo Wilde James, 35 Marian at, Enmore Wiles W. II., electrical engineer, 74 Wilkie Harry, S Alexander at, DrumWilde James, Herman at, Kogarah moyne Goulburn st Wilde John, 2 Coilhon at, Bondi Wiles W. T., 239 Abercrombie st, Wilkie Henry, Arncliffe at, Amalie Wilkie James, Tunics at, North Syd. Wilde Norman, Bellevue at, Arneliffe Redfern Wilkie James, 41 Albert at, St. Pet. Wiles W. W., 02 Flood at, L'hardt Wilde Robert, 15 janteS st, Emnore Wi!den Aloysius M., engineer, Botany Wiles William, 16 Henson at, Summer Wilkie James P., Carroll at, Bogarah Wilkie James F., 4 Blue at, N. Syd. Hill nil, Alexandria Wilder A. G., 38 Frederick st, Ashfield Wiley Charles, 74 Taylor at, A'dale Wilkie John, 23 Bannister lane Wilder Herbert J., 42' Caroline at, Wiley Charles, 31 Georgina at, N'town Wilkie John, 145 Hargrave at, P'ton Wiley Cyril R., 8 Gordon at, Brighton- Wilkie Sidney, Ben Eden at, Wav'ley Redfern •• • Wilkie Mrs. T. A., Bright st, Maeville le-Sands Wilder J. E., 307 Lane Cove rd, North Wilkie William, bootmaker,194 Wiley David T., Park rd, Burwood Sydney hunter at Wiley Mrs. E., 13a Selwyn at Wilder, John, 09 Lamb at, Llitcrdt Wilkie William, Thomas at, Chatswood WiIdes, John h, Keenga rd, GI'ville Wiley G. J., Park par, Wavcrley and Compton, butchers, 55 Wiley George J., 52 Cowper at, 11"ley Wilkie William, 24 Mary at, IV't'loo Wiley J., sworn valuator and estate Wilkin Charles, 1 Victoria at, Ashfield Erskine .,st• Wilkin Fredk., 5 Smith at, Sum. Hill agent, 94 Pitt at Wildie Mrs. -N., 521 Bourke st Wiley Miss J.. 7 Ward at, N. Sydney Wilkin Horace M., 45 Wood at, Manly Wilding Alfred F., Glebe st, Hyde Wilkin Robert, 5 North at, Helmet!' Wiley James E., 43 Bent at, N. Syd. Wilding Miss E., Midson rd, E'wood Wilkin Walter, 24 Ilolmwood at, NewWilding Mrs. E., Military rd, Vancluse Wiley John, Canary rd, Canterbury town Wilding Mrs, H., 150 Johnston St. Wiley John IL, Quail at, Coogee Wiley Jonathan, J.P., 3 Croydon at, Wilking H. E., Dutchland at, C'bury Annandale Wilkins A., 52 Lucas at, C'down Petersham Wilding Joseph, 62 Erskincville rd, Wiley Mrs. M. A., 84 Lower Camp- Wilkins A. IV., manager Sydne y Steam Erskineville Carpet Beating and Cleaning Co., bell at Wilding Leslie G., Wright st, Hurstville Ltd., ,Daniels st, Blackfriars Wilding Mrs. Martha b., Glen st, Bondi Wiley Robert, 26 Cleveland at, DarWilkins .1. W., Coonanbarra rd, Waltlington Wilding W., Kogarali rd, Kogarali roonga Wildman A. G., Neville st, Maeville Wiley Samuel, Balfour rd, Kensington Wilkins Albert E., nth= rd, Auburn Wiley William, 120 Cleveland at Wildman A. S., Marlowe at, Campsie Wildman Mrs. Alice, 44 Commodore Wiley William, 18 Corunna rd, S'more Wilkins Alfred A., 3 Avon at, Glebe Wiley William, Princess eve, Waterloo Wilkins Miss Annie, 7 McLachlan aye st, Newtown Wildman E. T., grocer, 263 Sussex St Wilfred Harold, Rainbow at, R'wick Wilkins Arnold, Hunter at, llornsbv Wilkins Arthur, Boronia et, Keniton Wildman G. 40 Marlborough at, Wilgate Jacob, 25 Clarence lane Wilhellam C., 58 Northumberland aye, Wilkins C., 183 Denison at, C'down Leichhardt Wilkins Chas. J., Church Bt, Burwood Stanmore Wildman George, Woodville rd, Or'yille Wildman George K., 33 Crystal at, Wilhelm Miss C., 254 Moore Park rd Wilkins Clifford, 182 Edgecliffe rd, Vilhelmi L., 82 Wetherill at, L'hardt Woollahra Petersham Wildman H. E., 23 Emmett at, N. Ville Mrs. Samuel, Gordon eve, C'wood Wilkins Mrs. D., Waters rd, Neut. Bay Wilkins E. W., 112 Shadforth at, Mos. William J. J., Waltham at, Gore Hill Sydney Wilkins Edward, 28 Flinders at Wildman Miss J. A., principal Col- Wilkes A., 4 Septimus at, Wilkins Edward, 40 Maria at, Wilkes Augustus, 46 Edward at, R'fern kgiate School, Belmont rd, Wilkins Mrs. Eliza, 25 Wigram rd, Wilkes Charles, 28 Ada at Mosinan Glebe Wildman James, Stony Creek rd, Wilkes Charles, 2a Brougham et, Wilkins Ernest A., 46 Bland at, Glebe Bexley Ashfield Wildman Miss, school, 65 Douglas at, Wilkes Mrs. E., Fidden's Wharf rd, Wilkins F., Carrington at, Granville Lindfleld Stanmore Wilkins Frank, King at, Mascot Wildman Percy, 57 Gerard st, Wilkes E. II., jun., 1 Burton st, Glebe Wilkins Frederick M., Hooper at, Rand. Wilkes Edwin R., sen., Lang rd Alexandria wick Wilkes Frederick, 72 Bourke at Wildman Samuel, 64 Bourke at Wildman Stanley , Henderson at, Bondi Wilkes George J., Orchard rd, Chats' Wilkins 0. R., Cooper at, Double Bay Wilkins George, Elizabeth at, IV'terloo wood Wildman T., 23 Trafalgar at, An dale Wildman William F., High at, GPville Wilkes Harold J., Alleyne st, W'ghby 'Wilkins George T.. 11 McLachlan eve Wilkes Henry, 14 Carlton cres, Sum- Wilkins II. B., Wollongong rd, Ar'cliffe Wilkins II. E., Talbot rd, Granville mer Hill WILDRIDGE J. AND SINCLAIR LTD., Consultin g Engineers, Naval Wilkes Henry IL, dentist, 554 George Wilkins II. R., off Avon rd, Pymble Wilkins H. V.. 18 Church at, Pad'ton street Architects and Refrigerating ExWilkins Harold F., Wyatt eve, D'wood perts, Vickery's Chambers. 82 Wilkes J., Lawson at, Paddington Wilkins Harry J., Violet at, Enfield Wilkes J., 10a Muston st, Mosman 'Pitt at. (See Advt. opposite) Wilkins Henry, 28 Ivy at, Dar'ton Wilkes James W., 41 Bourke at Wilkins Henry, Annandale st, Darling Wildridge •Richard and Co., consulting Willies John, 34 Copeland at, A'dria Point Wilkes John L., Willis st, Arneliffe engineers, 76 Pitt at Wildridge Mrs. M., 90 Berry at, N. Syd. Wilkes Joseph, butcher, 43 Harris at 'Wilkins Herbert G., 14 Marshall at. Manly Wildridge Richard, 3 George at, Wilkes Joseph, 140 Birrell at, Wav'y Waterloo Wilkes Mrs. M., artist, 51 Royal Wilkins J. A.. manager Sydney Paving Co., Ltd. (Xylite), 19 HunWilds Mrs. Ellen, 69 Morehead at, Arcade ter at 'Wilkes Samuel H. 124 Victoria st Waterloo Wildsmith George J., Queen at, Bur- Wilkes Sydney, 30' Watkins at, Bondi Wilkins James II., 67 Boronia at, Redfern Wilkes William E., 24 Union at, N. wood Wilkins John 11., 16 Norman at Wildsmith J., 31 Young at, Redfern Sydney Wilkins Joseph, 93 Francis at, Glebe 03 Elizabeth at Wilkey Chas, Gladstone par, Lindfleld Wildemith R. W., Wilkie Mrs. A., 19 Hordern at, New- Wilkins Joseph, Eleanor at, west, Ashfield Wilkins Joseph, Carlton at, Ken'ton town Wileman Arthur, Macarthur par, DulWilkie A. J., Meek's rd, Marrickville Wilkins P. J., 142 George at, wich Hill Wileman Fredk., Matthew at, Rliwood Wilkie A. R., 29 Brisbane at, Wav'y Wilkins Ross, Moseley at, St'fleld Wileman William G., Gibbs at, Cr'don Wilkie Arthur, 10 Redmond at, L'hardt Wilkins S. P.. 16 Maria at, Wilkie Cohn, 1 Wellington at, Rozelle Wilkins W., Mountford at, Guildford Wiles A. M., Victor at, Chntswood Wilkie D., 114 Underwood at, Pad'ton Wilkins W. H., 39 Sutherland st, St. Wiles Cyril, Bream st, Coogee Peters Wilkie Daniel, 24 Albert st, St. Peters Wiles Edward, 358 Riley at Wiles Frederick, 45a Reynolds at, Wilkie David, 220 Weston rd, Rozelle Wilkins W. M., A.I.A., hon. sec, and treas. The Actuarial Society of Wilkie Mrs. G., 94 Campbell at, Bal main N.S.W.. Citizens' Chambers, Wiles Fred., Warburton at, Maeville Moore at Wiles James, Parramatta at, Celine Wilkie George, Exeter rd, Flemington THE LEADING UNDERTAKERS — WOOD, COFFILL AND COMPANY LTD. 'PHONE 726 & 1160 CENTRAL ANTHONY 'HORDERNi i: FOR Wil ALPHABETICAL. W111731 Wilkins Walter, 32 Sir Alm Young's WilkinSon 418 Bourke at cres Wilkinson Edward, 63 Rose at, DarWilkins William, 7 Raper at lington Wilkins William, 234 Young at, An'dale Wilkinson Edward II., Mill at, R'wood Wilkins William, Denham at, Wilkinson Edwin, The Boulevarile, Wilkins William, 67 Hutton at, Manly Rookwood Wilkins William, Young st, Netit 'Hay Wilkinson F., postinaster, Marian at, , Killara Wilkins William II., 78 Glebe at, G'be Wilkins 'William J., 4 Rose at, CamWilkinson F., 127 St. George's eves, perdown •, Drummoyne Wilkins William J., Elizabeth at, Wilkinson Mrs. F., The Avenue, ALSO Al Granville Huratville • 'Wilkinson, Beale and Tindley, liter- Proll's Buildings, Melbourne, Wilkinson 1 Waverley st, Randwick St. George House, WilkinsonF., chants and indentors, 204 ClarSt. George • Terrace, Souci F. A., The Promenade, S. ence at Perth, W.A. IVilkinson P. B., solicitor and com• Wilkinson Bros., estate agents, Canterbury rd, Behnore missioner for affidavits, 14 CastleWilkinson Bros., engineers, 128 George 228-230 ElisabAeNtih St.,BrIsbanereagli st -- at, Camperdown Wilkinson Rev. F. W. E. (C. of E.), ItNS ENTING — Wilkinson Bros., galvanised iron workSinclair at, Wollstonecraft ers and plumbers, Bishop at, Bur. " LINDE " RefrigeratingWilkinsonFran Ak, Norfolk st, Killara wood Wilkinson G. ., Victory st, Delmore and Ice-making Machines, Wilkinson Wilkinson F. and Co., engineers, etc., George, off Adderton rd, 51-53 Washington at Dun dee .‘ Shipley" Ventilating Fans, wilkinson G., Illawarra rd, Maeville WILKINSON, HEYWOOD AND Wailes, Doue & Co., Ltd., Wilkinson G., Vernon at, Strathfield CLARK (SYDNEY), LTD. Wilkinson Major G. F., II.A.E., in (L 0 N D 0 N) (Hales Limited, Newcastle-on-Tyne. charge Military Barracks and TorSole Agents), Paints Oils, Colours Bitumastic Solution for Prepedo Station, George's Head rd, and Varnish, Manufa cturers and Moamar' servotion of Iron. Indentors of the "Falcon," "Goat Wilkinson G. J., 22 Fairlight at, and Tree" and "3 Legs" Brands Alley&McLellan Ld.,Glasgow Manly Paints, Oils, Colours and VarIVilkinson G. T., 69 Beattie at, nishes, 24-20 O'Connell at, Sydney Air Compressors, Filters, &c. Wilkinson George, 125 Foveaux at W. Simons d Co., Ltd., Renfrew. Wilkinson George V., Seaforth at, Wilkinson and Lavender, Ltd., auctionBexley Engineers & Dredge Builders. Wilkinson Mrs. II., 49 Bradford at, eers, stock and station agents, 1 Spring at Balmain Wilkinson, Osborne and Rundle, solici- H. Charlton d. Co., Gateshead-on- Wilkinson Henry, 70 Shadforth at, Tyne, England. Martin's Imtors, 14 Castlereagh at Tasman Wilkinson A., Greenhills at, Enfield . proved Patent Stockless Wilkinson Henry, 48 Ranger's road, Wilkinson A., 81 Nelson at, Rozelle Neutral Bay Anchors. Wilkinson A. E., 10 Edward st, Henry 0., 23 Orlando eve, Drysdale & Co. Ltd., Glasgow Wilkinson Woollahra Mosman Wilkinson Mrs. A. K., principal Kings 'Wilkinson Herbert, 12 Playfair at Pumping Machinery and Norton School, 17 Hale rd, Mos. Wilkinson Herbert J., Park rd, Auburn High-Speed Engines. Wilkinson Alfred, Wharf rd, Concord Wilkinson J., 100 Trafalgar St Wilkinson Alfred W., 2 Arthur at, J. Kirkaldy, Ltd., London. Annandale Manly Wilkinson Mrs. J., 55 Maria at, MarFeed-Heaters, &c. Wilkinson Arthur, 315 Harris at rickville Wilkinson Arthur, 78 Shepherd st Wilkinson 3.,, Kissing Point rd, Dundas Wilkinson Arthur, Delmore at, A'cliffe Delghton's Patent Flue d Tube Wilkinson J., 148 Paddington at, Pad. Co., Ltd., Leeds. WilkRins Wilkinson Arthur, 17 Hale rd, Mos. edofnern .T., 81 Castlereagh at, Wilkinson Arthur E., Kerr's road, Suspension Furnaces. Rookwood Wilkinson Arthur J., 373% Crown at Dobbie, McInnes Ltd., Glasgow Wilkinson J., 210 Grafton at, W'altra Wilkinson B., 60 Metropolitan rd, En- Steam and Ammonia Indicators. WILKINSON J. A., More Wilkinson B., 17 Napier at, N. Sydney J. H. Carruthers d Co. Ltd., Glasgow Wine Cellars, Wilkinson B. K., Canterbury rd, BelPumps, etc. Victoria Markets, MOTO (Mee, fleorge at, opposite Town Emerson, Walker ci Thompson Wilkinson C. D., Hawkliurst at, MarHall. Established 1864. Bros., Gateshead-on-Tyne. rickville Wilkinson Chas., 24 Norton at, Ash. . Winches and Windlasses. Wilkinson J. A., Fortescue st, field Wilkinson J. B., Wentworth at, Wilkinson Charles, 09 Ferry rd, Glebe Newalls Insulation Co., Ltd.. Wilkinson .1. C., J.P., 49 Nelson at, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Nonpareil Wilkinson Ches., 12 Telford at, Glebe Rozelle Wilkinson Chas. S., Ethel at, R'wick Cork for Insulation Work. Willciiinasrodnt J. H., 47 Elswick at, LeichWilkinson Claud, Malvern a ye, Clewood Magnesia Steam Pipe CoverWilkinson E., 17 Renwick at, A'dria Wilkinson J. II., 24 Arthur at, North ings. Wilkinson E., 40 Brown et, Pad'ton Sydney Wilkinson Mrs. E., Margaret at, Wool- Ransomes Cg R +pier Ltd., Electric Wilkinson James, Bourke rd, A'dria wich Wilkinson James, Drumtnoyne eve, Cranes, etc. Wilkinson E. A., jun., 51 Nelson at, Drummoyne Stamp and Powell, Rozelle Wilkw inosoo dn James M. C., Chesterfield Wilkinson Mrs. E. C., 143 Wigram rd, Dryers, Pressers, etc. par, Waverley Glebe Wilkinson James S., Ilezlitt at, RookWilkinson E. IL, Bon Accord aye, CasarteM Brine Thermometers Waverley Wilkinson Mrs. Jane, 28 Morris at, Wilkinson Mrs, E. J., Alexandra at, "GLOBE" Cream , Separators Summer Hill Hunter's Hill 'Wilkinson John, 232 Trafalgar St. Wilkinson Miss E. S., Anthon Tea All classes of Land and Marine Annandale Rooms, 42-50 Sydney Arcade Machinery quoted on Wilkeinnsron d John, Parrantatta rd, ConWilkinson Miss E. R., Waverly ("res. application. Wo ev Wildridge&Sinclair LIMITED, ENGINEERS 82 Pitt St Sydney, COOLALTA OUR ASSISTANTS ARE CHOSEN WITH CARE AND TRAINED WITH EXACTITUDE ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR ALL ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR MOTORISTS' WANTS AND MOTOR GOODS. 1732WilALPHABETICAL. Wilkinson John, 38 Ta'ford at, Glebe Wilkinson John, Railway awe, G'Idford Wilkinson John, 9 Pind at, Newtown WilkinsonJohn,Henriettaat,Wav'y WilkinsonJohnT.,191Regentat, Redfern WilkinsonJohn11.,polleestation, Powell at, Bankstown Wilkinson John J., 73 Ferry rd, Glebe Wilkinson Mrs. L., 25 James st, En. more WilkinsonMissL.,33Addisonrd Manly Wilkinson L., 7Charles at, Redfern Wilkinson L. A., Edward at, Bondi Wilkinson Lancelot,Kintore at,Dulwich Hill 'Wilkinson Lloyd, Wigram at, GeriIle Wilkinson Mrs. Lydia, Hues rd, Neut. Bay Wilkinson Mrs. 31., Pacific st, Coogee WilkinsonMissMary,Robinsonat, Croydon Wilkinson Mrs. Mary A., 88 Railway rd, St. Peters Wilkinson Miss, 4 Regent at, P'sham Wilkinson Mrs. M., Belgrave st, Hog. WilkinsonMrs.M.A.,Canonbury grove, Dulwich Hill WilkinsonMarcus,butcher,423 Crown at Wilkinson 3liss 71Shaw st,P'sliam Wilkinson N., 'Lilydalest,Mar'ville Wilkinson Niel, 13 James at, N. Syd. Wilkinson0., secretaryMayPatent Wardrobe Co.,Ltd.133-7Railway par, Erskinevide Wilkinson 0., Dalhousie at, Wilkinson P., Belmont at, Alexandria WilkinsonR.,Charlesat,Liverpool Wilkinson R. C. S., manager Bank of NewSouthWales(branch), Bridge at, Drummoyne Wilkinson Robert B., J.P., " Wilga," The Boulevarde, Strathfield WilkinsonMrs.Rosina,Breamat, Coogee Wilkinson Roy, Liberty at, Behnore Wilkinson S. A., 443 Glenmore road, Paddington Wilkinson S. F., J.P., Daisy st, Chatswood Wilkinson S. L., 10 Holt's awe, Mosm'n Wilkinson T., 38 Underwood st. Pad. Wilkinson T. A., Lakemba at, C'bury •Wilkinson T. B., J.P., manufacturers' agent, 55 York st ; p.r., Ben Boyd rd, Neutral Bay Wilkinson T. E., 366 Oxford at, Pad. Wilkinson T. IL, 3 Edna at, L'hardt Wilkinson T. L.,'61 Glassop at, B'main Wilkinson T. S., Montgomery at, Kog'h Wilkinson Thomas22 Chapel at WilkinsonThos., 'Weston rd, Wilkinson Thomas, 9Eurokastreet, North Sydney Wilkinson Thomas, Webber's rd, West Kogarah WilkinsonThomasH.,S.11.,"Del Monte," Monomeeth st, Bexley Wilkinson Tom, Roseby at, Mar'ville Wilkinson Tone, 28 Arthur st, Manly Wilkinson W., 91 Rowntree at, Mullin Wilkinson W., Lakemba at, Canterbury Wilkinson W., 8 Thornley at, Drummoyne WilkinsonW.,MiddleHarbourrd, Lindfield Wilkinson W., Hastings at, M'rickville Wilkinson IV., Moonbria at, N'burn Wilkinson \V., 27 Edward at, N. Syd. WilkinsonMrs.W.,98Bourkesi, Redfern Wilkinson W.11.,14Bradley's Iliad rd, Mosman Wilkinson W. C., 11 Webb's are, Ashfield Wilkinson W. C, J., 4 Northwood at, Newtown Wilkinson W. E.,71 Reservoir at Wilkinson IV.H.,26Clanalpineat, Mosman Wilkinson IV. J., Spring at, Arncliffe Wilkinson W. J. H., 12 Ellen at, Roz. Wilkinson W. N., 17 Edward st, Stunmer Hill WilkinsonW.S.,22Hohnwoodst, Newtown Wilkinson W.V.,103Audleyat, Marrickville Wilkinson William,Hardy st, A'fleld WilkinsonWilliam, Balfour rd, Kensington WilkinsonWilliam,Devonshireat, Croydon Wilks Mrs.E.R.,Breamst,C'gee Wilke Jacob, 37 Taylor at, Annandale Wilks James, Pine at,Randwiek Wilks Walter, 50 Mansfield at, Rozelle WilkschE.H.E.,manager The PianolaCompany Propty., Ltd.,. 357Georgeat;p.r.,"Beulah Flats," Kirribilli Point. 'I'd. 970 North Sydney WillA.Murray,M.D.,physician, "'Wyoming,"Macquarie at; p.r., "Kingsclear,"Greenknoweeve, Potts Point • Winne Mrs.,Albertawe,Chatswood Willacy R. H., Bydown at, Neut. Bay Willandra College—Miss F. Bradford, Lane Cove rd, Turramurra Willans E. F.. agent, 29 O'Connell st WillansT.W.,TheosophicalLiterature Depot, 16 Carrington at WillardA.A.J.,Parrnmatta rd, Concord Willard Alfred H., 10 Wells at, Newtown Willard Charles, Union at, Arncliffe Willard Clarence, 0 Lennox at, Newtown WillardE., Lawrence at, ANIria WillardEdwardC.,621Kingst, Newtown WillardF.J.,managingsecretary Prisoners'AidAssociationof N.S.W.,127Phillipst ;p.r., Cecil at, Gordon WillardRev.W.G.(Meth.),Newcombe at, Paddington WillardWalter, 19 Williamat,Bal. main WillattPercyJ.,9Anermnat,N. Sydney Willbow Thomas, Macrae at, M'ville Willeoek Mrs. E., 6 The Avenue, Ashfield Willeock Fredk. J., 19 Booth at, B'main WillCoek Henry, 2Hart at, Pad'ton Willcock James, 141 Oxford at, Wav'y NVillcock R. W.,Fletcher at,Woollahra Willeocks A. H., Amy at, Campsie Willeocks Mrs.Elizabeth,17Robert at,Ashfleld Willeocks (3.C.,M.D.,Ch.M.,Syd., residentmedicalofficerSydney • hospital, Macquarie at Willeocks Mrs. Elizabeth, Victoria rd, Marrickville Willeoeks Mrs. M. C., Henry at, Ash. field WilleocksPercyIL,Cabaritard, Mortlake Willcox C. J., 85 Lawson at, Pad'ton Wil Wil Willcox Harold P. Quigg at, Lakemba Willcox Henry D., Moreton ' at, L'kembit Willcox J. F., 2 Muston at, Mosman WillcoxJ.K.,20Glenmorerd, Paddineton Willcox Miss M. E., 10 Glenview at, Paddington WillcoxRichardC.,16Cookat, Tempe Willcoxson A. J., consulting engineer; 14 Castlereagh at 1VilleoxsonW.H.,7Carlisleat, Ashfield Willdigg Mrs. E., 81 Roslyndale are, Woollahra Willersdorf Caspar, Market at, Wwielt Willes A. Ellis, 61 Roslyn Gardens Willett Lieut. Charles IL, Pymble are, Pymble Willesford F. E. S., Railway at, Sherwood 1VilletMrs..1.,50Milan:liningat, Redfern Willets Samuel, 1 Mills st, Ashfield WillettAlfred W., Bernard at, Rookwood Willett E. J., 4 Surrey at, Stanmore WillettErnest,. Eleanor at, Granville Willett Henry, 54 Macaulay rd, StanInOre WillettJohn,George'sRiverrd, Croydon Park Willett Mrs. M. A., 321 Catherine at, Leichhardt Willett W. J., Schweble at, Mneville WillettsAlbert,14Holborrowst, Croydon WillettsH.,Hohnsdalest,Maeville Willetts Joseph, 9 Whistler rd, Manly WilleyFrankandSon,coalyard, 48Australiaat,Newtown WilleyAlbert,Forestrd,Hurstville Willey Chas E., hairdresser and wigmaker,313George at WilleyE..1.,QueenVictoriastreet, West Kogarah Willey Frank, Holinsdale at, Maeville Willey Frank, 48 Australia at, N'town Willey George, Vine at,Hurstville WilleyJoseph,12Campbellat, Balmain Willey Mrs. M., 236 Abercrombie at, Redfern Willey W., 9 Elizabeth at, N. Sydney Willgoss A.,T.,Sinclair at, Weraft Willgoss Mrs. Annie, 16 Glebe Point rd, Glebe Willgoss HenryW.,propertyagent and importer of undertakers' supplies,16Glebe Point rd,Glebe William Bros. produce merchants, 125 Sussex at' WilliamStreetPost,MoneyOrder, Telegraph OfficeandSayings Bank,215William st William Street Superior Public School —.I. J. Ilyndes, master, William street William David, Silver at, Maeville WilliamEdward,42Pnrraweenat, Neutral Bay WilliamH.C.L.,35Eppingrd, Double Bay William S. G., Parramatta rd, O'corl William S. M., 36 Leattie at, Walsh' Williams and Arnold, upholsterers, 105 Bayswater rd Williams Bro s.cycle and motor busi' ness, 822 George at WilliamsBros.,producemerchants, Great Notth rd, Five Dock Williams Bros., sheet metal workers, Young at, Redfern WOOD, COFFILL & COMPANY LTD. CENTRAL OFFICE 81O12 GEORGE ST. 'PHONE 728 & 1524 CENTRAL ALPHABETICAL. Wil1733 Williams Albert, 21 Samuel street, St. Williams C. A., 458 New Canterbury rd, Dulwich Hill Peters Williams Albert E., Curlewis at, B'di Williams Mrs. C. A., Ityedale rd, Ityde Williams Albert E., Queen at, Wdford WilliamsC.A.W.,Cliffordeve, Manly WilliamsAlbertP.,8Railwayrd, Williams C. B., 6 University at, CamSt.Peters perdown Williams Alex., 19 Nicholson at, BalWilliams C. B., Park are, Bexley main Williams C.B.,Kissingrolard, Williams Alex., Gerald a ye, Roseville Dundas Williams Alex, F., Eastern awe, KenWilliams C.D.,36East Esplanade, sington WilliamsAlfred,25Bellevueat Manly WilliamsMrs.C.E.,Balmoralarc, Williams Alfred, 240 Riley st Croydon Park Williams Alfred, 22 Ferris at, An'dale Williams Alfred,16Florast,E'ville Williams C. E., St. James rd, R'wick Williams Alfred, 73 Blue at, N. Syd. Williams C. F., Arden at, S. Coogee Williams Alfred, 42 Emmett at, North Williams C. H., George at, Concord . Sydney Williams C. J., assistant stationtnaster, Sydney Central Railway Station, Williams Alfred, 06() Ring at. N'town l'ittat;p.r.,"Oakford,"45 WilliamsAlfred,32GoodHopeat, Paddington Liverpool rd, Ashfield Williams Alfred,Oceanat,Penshurst Williams C. .1., Malakoff at, Maeville WILLIAMS R.. P. & CO., Artificial Willi:11ns Alfred, 5Windsor at,Pad- 1Villituns C. R., 43 Marmion at, C'down dington WilliamsC.R.,Melfordat,HurlLimbs,SurgicalInstrument stone Park Makers,79Goulburnat(opp. \Villiams Alfred,9Ringst,St.Pet. Williams C. T., linwson st, Enfield Williams Alfred, Cameron at, IV. Rog. Anthony Hordern and Sons), SydWilliamsAlfredA.,43Camdenat, WilliamsC.T.,Botanyrd,Mascot ney.Telephone 2806City Newtown Williams Carden, Botany rd, Mascot *Williams Richard and Sons, butchers, WilliamsAlfredE.(11.3I.C.),Cow- Williams Charles, 43 Charles at 48 Erskine at per Wharf Williams Charles, 17 Charlotte lane 'Williams Thomas and Son, provision Williams Alfred E., Barker at, R'wick Williams Charles, 51 Cooper at merchants, 396 Oxford at, Williams Alfred W., Susan at, Auburn Williams Charles, 51 Edward St 'Williams, Whyte, and Co., "The Pro- Williams Allan 13 Caroline at. Itlern Williams Charles, 33 Terry st perty Men," Belmore and Allison Williams Miss 'Alvina, 514 Crown at Williams Charles, 71 (lipps at, rds,Randwick ;branchoffice, Williams Angelo, 19 Callan at, Rozle Williams Charles,62 Palmer at, Delmore rd, Coogee WilliamsAngelo,The13oulevarcle, main 'Williams A.,Norton at, Leichhardt Stratlifield IVilliams Charles, Spring at, Concord 'Williams A.A.,12Manchesterat, Williams Mrs. Ann, 202 Glenmore rd, WilliamsChas.,6Marlborough at, Petershani l'addington Drinninoyne Williams Mrs. A. A., 42 Percival rd, Williams Mrs. Annie, 7Jarocin are, WilliamsCharles,17Gladstoneat, (1 e D e Eninore 'Williams A.B.,generalmanager Williams Mrs. Annie K., Harrow rd, WilliamsChas.,107Railwaypar, forAustralasiaNewYorkLife Rockdala Erskineville IIIR1111111CC Co.,117l'ittat ;p.r., WilliamsAnselm,201Rochford Charles,Guildfordrd, a, Williains "linoeklofty,"Cremorne rd,CreErskineville Guildford 111011/C Williams Arthur,' Tenterden at, Botany Williams Chas., Fitzroyat, Maeville Williams A. D.,Mitchell rd,Ardria Williams Arthur, Lincoln st, Campsie Williams Chas., 19 Angel at, N'town 'Williams A.D.,Northumberland at, Williams Arthur, 4 Thornley at, Drum- Williamselms.87New Canterbury Liverpool mune rd, Petersham 'Williams A. E., Forest rd, ArnelifTe Williams Arthur, First are, Eastwood Williams Charles, 23 Union at, P'sham Williams A,E.,Northumberland rd, Williams Arthur, Vimiera rd, E'wood Williams Charles, Gre yille at, WM& Auburn Williams Arthur, 68MountVernon Williams Chas.52 Turner at, Redfern 'Williams A. E.. 30 \Varnish at, L'It'dt at, Forest Lodge Williams Charle s, Gibbes at, Rockdale 'Williams A.E.,Northcotest,Mar- Williams Arthur, 1 Nelson at, L'sham WilliamsChas.,Rockyl't.rd,Sans rickville Williams Arthur, King at, Mascot Souci 'Williams A. G., Hampton at, Croydon Williams Arthur, Moneur at, WilliamsCharles,Newlandat,Way. Park WilliamsArthur,63Cooperat, Williams Chas., 121 Grafton at, W'ahra WilliamsA.G.,St.George'scres, Waterloo WilliamsCharlesH.,3Coveat, Drtunmoyne WilliamsArthurE.,97Regentat, lialmain 'Williams Miss A. H., dentist, 490 OxNewtown Williams Mrs.Clara,28Edwardat, ford at, Woollahra Williams Arthur 0. S. 39 Fitzroy st North Sydney 'Williams A. IL, Sherwood rd, Mlands Williams Arthur II., 3 'Cary at, Wav'y Williams Clarence, Yerrick rd, Lak'ba - WilliamsA.J.,5Victoriaat,Pad. Williams Arthur, 74 Grafton at, Wool- Williams Con,44Thorne at, l'ad'ton WilliamsA.J.,22Hampsteadrd, WilliamsCyril,107Railwaypar, lahra Petersham Williams B. C., 78 Morehead st, RedErskineville 'Williams A. R., 79 Ourimbah rd, Mos. Williams 1)., Wolseley at, IV. Nog. fern Williams A. V., 151 Mullane at, B'main Willia.Ths Benj.,10Ferdinandat, WilliamsD. .1.,chemist and dentist. 'Williams A. W. IV., 164 Johnston st, Balmain 147 George at west Annandale Williams Benjamin, Wonga at, 13'wood Williams D. .1., Addison rd, Maeville Williams Abraham,sen.,Kendallat, Williams Benj., 74 Corunna rd, St'more Williams D. J., Edgeware rd, Wyllie Granville Williams Benj., William at, Waverley WilliamsDaniel,69Bucklandat, WilliamsAbraham,jun.,Arthurat, Williams Benj. K., Central rd, Ashfleld Alexandria Granville Williams Bernard, 78 Alma at, D'ton Williams, Daniel, Beaconsfield at, Bexty Williams Albert, 33 Day at, D'moyne Williams Bernard, 124King at,St Williams Daniel,16Oxley at,Glebe Williams Albert, 12Ethel st, E'ville Peters WilliamsDaniel,5Gray'slane, 'Williams Albert,Good at, Granville Williams Bert, Julliett at, Maeville Waterloo Williams Albert. 10 (-wily at, L'hardt WilliamsBrisbane,84Dicksonst, Williams Daniel, 84 Oxford at, W'lahra 'Williams Albert, 38 Allan's awe, MarNewtown Williams David, 564 Harris at rickville Williams Mrs. C.. Walter at, Ashfleld Williams David, 27 Mansfield at, Glebe Williams Albert, 48 Raper st, N'town WilliamsMrs.C.,Dunslaffunce at, Williams David, 28 Arthur at, L'Itardt 'Williams Albert,53Margaretst, Millstone Park Williams David, 9 Redfern at, R'fern Petersham Williams ('.,95 New Canterburyrd, WilliamsDavidH.,09Spruson at. 'Williams Albert, 22 Mears aye, R'wick Pet ersham Neutral Bay 'Williams Albert, 27 Crown at, St. Pet. WilliamsC.,Sandringham rd,Sans Williams David .1., Kiernan at, Wav'y &mei 'Williams (Dr.) Medicine Co. of Atm tralasia,Ltd.—J.C.MacKenzie, Australasian manager, 0 Dailey at Williams F. II. and Co., indoitors, 44 Castlereagh st Williams F. IV. and Co., station suppliers,1Bligh at (Williams MissesG.andS'.,eosinmieres, 459 Oxford St. Paddington WilliamsG.F.andSon,saddlers, Boulevarde, Strathfield WilliamsGeorgeandco.,colliery agents, 337 Pitt at Williams and Jacobs, hairdressers, 170 Pitt at andKelly,cabproprs.,96 Military itI, Mosman WilliamsMotorHireandTouring Agency,42a Castlereaghat Williams'Photographic Studio,170 The Strand WE OWN THE EQUIPAGES AND HORSES OF MOST DEPARTED GOVERNORS ANTHONY HORDERNS' NEW PALACE EMPORIUM, • ALPHABETICAL. 1734 ON THEHISTORIC SLOPE OF BRICKFIELD HILL. Wil William(Denis,122Botanyat, WilliamsErmond,Elizabeth st, Fiver WilliamsG.F.,138Windsor. at,. Paddington Dock Waterloo Williams Ernest, 14 Mansfield st, Glebe Williams C. F., Wentworth rd, 11'wood Williams Dennis, Botany rd, Botany Williams G. II., Frederick at, Ashfield: 80 Williams Ernest, Wilson st, N. Syd. costumiere, E., WilliamsMrs. WilliamsErnest,105Denisonrd, Williams G. H., Lucy at, Ashfield Bathurst at WilliamsG'.H.,111Mullensst, Petersham Williams E., Cross at, Enfield Balmain Williams Miss E., Denman are, usher. Williams Ernest, 45 Watson at, Wav'y Williams Ernest C., 45 Cove st, Hal- WilliamsG.II.,Yasmarave,ll'field field Williams G. II., 2Euroka st,N.Syd. main Williams. E.Mary at, LongueviIle WilliamsMrs.E.,140Addisonrd, Williams Ernest J., 17 Hyam st, Hal- WilliamsG.H.28Grosvenor eras, Summer Hill main Manly Williams Mrs. E., 103 North Steyne, Williams Ernest S., Station at, Carlton Williams G. J., chemist,86 Darlinghurstrd.Branches,228GlenWilliams Essex T., 4 Ivy at, Dar'ton Manly more rd and 265 N.S.11. rd, Pad.. Williams E., 4 Edinburgh rd, M'ville Williams Evan, New illawarra rd, BexWilliams G. .1.chemist, Rose Bay Williams Miss E., 1 L'Avenue Park, ley Williams Evan L., Walker are, ll'field Williams G. II., (Abbas at, RockdaleNewtown N. at, Alfred WilliamsGeorge,soleknifemaker, 259 E., Williams Miss Ethel, 20 Roslyn st •Williams Mrs. Castlereagh at, Redfern WilliamsF.,herbalist,166ChalmSydney Williams George, 36 Arthur at ers at Williams Mrs. E., 212Falcon at,N. Williams Mrs. F., Dover rd, Rose Bay Williams George,99Bueldandst,. Sydney Alexandria Williams Mrs. E., 128 Walker at, N. Williams F. A., 12 Junction rd, SumWilliams George, The Crescent, Annanmer11111 Sydney dale Williams Miss E., Argyle at, P'matta Willisius F. C., verger, Christ Church, Williams George, Wollongong rd, AnnS11 George St Williams Mrs. E.,FigTreeavenue, Williams Rev. F. C. (C. of E.), Livercliffe Randwiek Williams George, 20 Hugh at, A'field: pool rd, Bankstown WilliamsMissE.,48Corunnard, Williams F. C., Fairlight arcs, Manly WilliamsGeorge,92Liverpool rd. Stanmore Ashfleld WilliamsMrs.E.,490Oxfordat, 1VilliamsC.,256Falconat,N. Williams George, Par'matta rd, Aub'rn. Sydney Woollahra Dalmar at, Croydon N. at, Williams George,Banksia at, Botany 137 Walker F. C., Williams Williams E. C., Williams George, Burwood at, B•wood' Williams E. F., Fernbank at, M'ville Sydney Williams E. J., 44 Dulwich at, Dul- Williams E. C., 2 Lincoln st, N. Syd. Williams Geo., Shearer's ave, Burwood Williams F. C., 14 Zatnia st, Redfern Williams George, Moore at, Campsie wich Hill WilliamsMrs.E.J.,6Charlesat, Williams F. C., Kissing Pt. rd, Rydal- WilliamsGeorge,Bowerman'slane,. Carl ingford Petersham mere Williams E. J., 25 Bourke at, Redfern Williams F. E., Shirley rd, Weeraft WilliamsGeorge,Bassettat,Dalmortou WilliamsEbenezer,ironmonger, 257 Williams F. G., 66 Terry et, Rozelle Williams F. J.. 20 Larkin at, C'down Williams George, 37 Day at, lEmoyne Oxford at Williams Ebenezer, Beauford at, E'field WilliamsF.0.,commercial broker, Williams George, 3 Greek at, Glebe Williams George, Bunnerong rd, KenWilliams Edgar, 9 Mort at, BaImain 273 George at sington Williams Edgar, Annette st, °alley Williams F.W.,stationsupplier, 1 Williams Edgar, J.P., Rosa at, Oatley Blighat ;p.r."DerbyHaven," WilliamsGeorge, Nicollat,Laltembau at, Flood Williams Geo., 10 Balmain rd, L'hardt 33 Segenhoeat,Xrncliffe WilliamsEdmundJ., Williams George, Patonville rd, MerryWilliams Francis, 12 Best at Bondi Williams Edward, James at, 13'town WilliamsFrancis,Dayat,Sfar'ville lands .Francis, 224Cowperat, WilliamsGeorge,21Grosvenor St,. Williams Edward, 140 Park a ye, A'field Williams Williams Edward, Yaranabbe rd, DarNeutral Bay Waverley ling Point WilliamsFrancisJ.,16Maryat, WilliamsGeorge,Militaryrd,NeutWilliams Edward, Roseby at, D'moyne ral Bay Newtown Williams Edward, 02 Darling st, Glebe Williams Frank, Duncan st, Arncliffe Williams George, 40 Dickson st, Newtown WilliamsEdward,jun.,Blaxcellat, Williams Frank, 3 Liverpool rd, Williams Frank 30 Rosser at, Rozelle WilliamsGeorge,29Wilsonat. Granville Newtown• ' 4 Hobbs st, L'sham Williams Edward, 57 Emnore rd, Mar- Williams Frank, Williams Frank, Boundary st, R'wick Williams George, Military rd, Neut riekville Williams Edward, Frampton aye, Mar- Williams Fred,39Holmwoodat, WilliamsGeorge,114Walkerst,. North Sydney Newtown rickville Williams Edward, Robey at, Mascot WilliamsFrederick,M.C.inspector, WilliamsGeorge,173Glemnore Paddington Williams Edward, Bertram st,Mortne 78 Day at WilliamsMrs.George,16Dillonat.. Williams Edward, Frederick st, Pens- Williams Frederick, 53 Burlinson at Paddington Williams Fred., 72 Commonwealth at -Must• Williams Edward, 20 Goodsir et, Roz. Williams Frederick, 14 Harwood lane Williams Geo., Bellevue at, P'matta Williams Edward, 12 Russell at, Wool- Williams Fredk., 3 Sardina place, Bal- 'Williams George, Wigram st, P'matta. WilliamsGeorge,16Denisonrd,. lahra main Williams Edward E., 30 Merriman St Williams Fredk.,J.P.,Belmoreat, Petersham Williams Geo., 62 Eoucart at, Rozelle Williams Edward G., Meryla at, BurBurwood Williams Geo., 34 May st, St.Peters Williams Fredk., Culloden rd, E'wood wood Williams Edward S., 107 Ferryrd, Williams Fredk., Augustine st, Hun- Williams George, 96 .Terry at, St. Pet. Williams George, Bundarra awe, Wah-ter'sHill Glebe •roonga WilliamsEdwin,J.P.,architect,8 Williams Fredk. B., Duke at, Ken'ton Williams George, Sydney st, Wil'ghby Williams Eredk., 96 Chapel at, Erskineville rd, Newtown Williams Edwin, Park at, Sans Soui Williams Fredk., 32 Cowrie at, New- Williams George A., Ann at, Arneliffetown Williams Edwin, Fennell at, P'matta WilliamsGeorge E., Litimow at,St. Lamar& WilliamsEdwinJ.,Boundaryat, Williams Fredk., 26 Stewart at, Pad. Williams Fredk., Seville at, Par'matta Williams George F. A., 4 Oak at, N. Randwick Williams Elijah, Dartbrook rd, Auburn Williams Frederick, Creer at, Irwick Sydney Williams Mrs. Emily E., 233 Oxford Williams Frederick, 9 Park at, Bozic Williams George H.secretary Royal' Life Saving Society, 44 CarringWilliams Frederick A., 127 Glebe at, street Glebe ton at Williams Mrs. Emma, 55Rossat, Williams George R., Ross at, P'sham Williams Frederick II .,J.P., Allison Forest Lodge rd, Randwielt WilliamsGeorgeIL,28Sloaneat, Williams EnochIL,17Carlislest, Summer Hill Williams Mrs. G.. 3rt Elizabeth Bay .rd Ashfield Williams Griffith, 14 Paul at, N. Syl.. WilliamsEric,motor engineer,Bel- Williams G., Orchard rd, Chatswood WilliamsG.,St.George'seras, WilliamsII.."Simplex"incubators, more at, Burwood Drummoyne 299,Pitt-at Williams Eric,Railway at,W.Eng. WOOD, COFFILL AND COMPANY LTD, BRANCHES ALL SUBURBS, SEE ALPHABETICAL SECTION WilALPHABETICAL.' WU.1735 Williams II., Great North rd, Ab'ford 1Villiams Henry, t 22 Sou h are, Leich• Williams J. P., 41 Bourke at, Waverley Williams H., 209 Darling at, B'main hardt Williams J. S., 252 Church at, Par•Williams Mrs. II., Highgate at, Bexley Williams Henry, Macrae at, Maeville ramatta Williams Mrs. H., Hampton Court rd, Wilhains henry, Sydenham rd, Williams J. T., 289 Annandale street, Carlton Annandale Williams Henry, 126 Alice at, N'town 'Williams H., The Avenue, D'inoyne WilliamsHenry,Boycerd,South Williams .1. T., 17 liosebery at, WilliamsII.A.,2321;-Millerat,N. Williams J. W., 17 Corso, Manly Randwick Sydney Williams Henry, Ivy at, Randwielt Williams James, 48 Cook rd 'Williams H. C., Carrington ave. Hurst. Williams Henry, 45 Caroline st, R'fern Williams James, 201 Ilarris atvilla Williams Henry, 15 Claremont at, Roz. Williams James, 6 Stanley at 'Williams H.C.,135Phillipat, Williams Henry, 4 Florence et, St. Pet. Williams James, 152 William at Waterloo WilliamsHenry,Armstrong at,Wil- Williams Jas.,63Annandale at, An'nandale Williams1-1.C.F.,agentFluenzol loughby Propty.Ltd.,19Hunterst Williams Henry, 2 Rush at.W'alira Williams James, 3 Carshalton at, Ashfield Williams11.D.,J.P.,Thomasat, Williams Henry A., 12 Moore at, Roz. Cluitswood WilliamsHenryD.,36Brisbaneam, Williams James, Norval at, Auburn WilliamsH.E.,142Addisonrd, Weverley Williams James, Canterbury rd, B'more Manly Williams James, 74 Edgeware rd, Williams Henry ,L, Bland at, WilliamsII.E.,Lawrence at. A'dria Williams ilenryW.,Hunterat. more WilliamsII.J.,George'sRiverrd, Williams James, 77Glebe st, Glebe Hornsby Banlistown Williams Henry W., Coonanbarra rd, 1Villiams James, Bunnerong rd, Ken"WilliamsH.J.,51Neutralst,N. Wahroonga sington Sydney Williams Herbert, 21 Craigend at Williams James, Ernest at, Lakemba m James,Falls at, Leichhardt Williams IL 0., 23 Robert at, 1"shain Williams Herbert, 140 Union at,Er- Willias 'Williams Mrs.H.L.,419King at, akineville Williams James, 13a Grove st, L'hardt Newtown Williams Herbert, Jackman st, Wav. Williams James, Collins at, Maeville Williams H. M., Cardigan at, C'down Williams Herbert A., John at, C'bury Williams Jas., Holmsdale at, iStar'ville 'Williams H. P. manager The Land Williains Herbert S., 1 Olive at, Neu- Williams Jas., Illawarra rd, M'ville Newspaper Co. ' Ltd.,70O'Contral Bay Williams James, 51 Dalton rd, M'Inan nell at WilliamsHoraceF.,Watkin •at, WilliamsJames,364Militaryrd, Neutral Bay Williams II. S., solicitor and commisBexley sionerfor affidavits,High Court Williams Humphrey S., Botany road, Williams James, 212 Military rd, NeutoiAustralia andNewSouth Botany ral Bay Wales,109 Pitt at Williams J.. editor THE DAIRY BUL- Williams James, Rosehill st, P'matta Williams H.S.,Stationat,Harris LETIN, 380 Sussex at; pr., Bays- Williams James, Sorrell at, P'matta Park Williams James,27Brightonat, water rd. Roseville 'Williams H. S., 10 Annesley at, Leich- Williams J., tailor, 86 Bathurst at Petersham hardt Williams Rev. J. (Cong.), Bayswater WilliamsJames,67Margaretat, WilliamsII.W.,examiner oftitles, Petersham rd,Roseville Registrar-General'sOffice,Eliza- WilliamsMrs.J.,136Militaryrd, Williams ,laineg,30Vine st,Redfern -bathat Williams James, Clubb at,!town° Neutral Bay 'Williams If.\V.,Killara ave,Killara Williams J., Victoria ave, C'wood Williams James, 4 Temple at, St'inore Williams Harold, Meredith st, H'bush Williams J., 70 l'ereival rd, St'more Williams James, Clarendon at, Strath'Williams Harold, Moore at, Wav'ley Williams J.. 134 Queen st, Woollahra field 'Williams Harold J., Lord's rd, Leith- WilliamsJ.A.,B.A.,headmaster Williams James, 717 King at, Tempe hardt Technical High School, Mary Ann Williams 31rs.Jas.,40Mackenzie at, 'Williams Harold P., Mobb's lane, DunWaverley street dna Williams.T.A.,Gladesvillerd, Williams James, Chaleyer at, Will'ghby 'Williams Harry, 14 Nickson at . Hunter's Hill Williams James F., 1 Sixth at, Gr'ville Williams Harry, 147 Booth at, An'dale WilliamsJ.A.,85Wellington at, WilliamsJamesF.,61Stationat, Villimumnsharry, Shearer'save,Bur. Tempe Newtown wood Williams J. C., Albemarle st, M'ville 1Villiains James H., 6 Argyle place "Williams :Larry, Northeote rd,Glebe Williams J. C., 61 lIolmsdale st, Mar- Williams Mrs. Jane, Bay at, Rockdale WilliamsHarry, - 107Victoriaat, Williams Mrs. Janet,9Belgrave at, rickville Lewisham Williams J. E., mantle manufacturer, Manly 'Williams Harry,Ericat,L'hardt 533 George at Williams John, 65 Boundary at Williams Harry, 67 Newman at, New- WilliamsJ.E.,Harcourt Estate, Williams John, 272 Bulwarra rd town Campsie Williams John, 84 Experiment at 'WilliamsHarry,179Hargravest, Williams Miss J. E., 59 Mill Hill rd, Williams John, 156 Liverpool at Paddington Waverley Williams John, 24 Grosvenor st Williams harry,Iron at,Parramatta Williams J.H.,trafficauditor Rail- Williams John, 10 Surrey at 1Villiams Harry K.,Victoriast, Ashway Audit Office, 456 Pitt st Williams John.10 Way's terrace field Williams J.IL, Cardiganst, ("down Williams Capt. John, 68 Upper Fort 'Williams Harry T., Ann at, Arncliffe Williams J.H.,114Missenden rd, street -WilliamsMissHayes,principal WilliamsJohn,84Annandale at, Camperdown "Leona"-"Brighton"collegefor Williams .1. H., Harcourt eat, Canmsie Annandale girls, Fairlight at, Manly WilliamsJ.II.,14Redmondat, Williams ,Tohn, 106 Young at, An'dale 'WilliamsHannay,24aAlbemarle at, Leiclihardt Williams John, Hannan at, Arncliffe Newtown William? J.H.,248Liverpoolroad, Williams John,47Mort at,Balmain 'Williams Henry, 308 Bulwarra rd Sumner Ilill Williams John,22Gipps at, 'WilliamsHenry,4LittleBucking- Williams J. J., Challis aye,Maeville Williama John, Itookwood rd, Blown ham at Williams J. J.,22Ormondat,Paul. Williams John, Banksla at, Botany Williams Henry,Innesdalerd,Ann- WilliamsJ..1.,111Underwood at, Williams John, 75 Botany rd, Botany cliff e Paddington Williams John, 2 Croydon rd, G'ytion 'Williams Henry, 62 Garden at, A'drin Williams J.L.,B.A.,barrister-at- Williams John,107Boulevard,Dub 'Williams Henry, 4 Hordern par, Croylaw, Under-Secretary, Department wIch Hill don ofAttorney-General andof Jus- 'WilliamsJohn,Wattle at,Haberfield WilliamsHenry,9Trafalgarat, tice,237Macquarieat ;pr., Williams John,Croydon at, Laltemba Enmore "Yerrinball," DarlingPointrd, Williams ,Tolin,12 Shortat, L'hardt Williams Henry, 156 Hereford st, ForDarlin g Point Willi:MR John, 1 North at, Leichhardt est Lodge WilliamsMrs..1.L.,43Wigraiiird, Williams John, 10 Thomas at, L'sliatn 'WWilliams Henry, Constance at, Gr'ville Glebe 1Villiams John, Norman at,Manly WilliamsHenry,Duckat,Granville Williams .1.L.,47Nortonat,Ltrich- WilliainaJohnHolmsdale etM'ville William; Henry, 11 Edna at, L'hardt hank 1Williams John; Sydenhain rd, !OUR ESTABLISHMENT Is SELF-CONTAINED, WE MANUFACTURE AND REPAIR OUR VEHICLES s ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR LADIES' KID AND FABRIC GLOVES. 1736Wil • ALPHABETICAL. ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR THE WHITE SEWING MACHINE. Wil Wil Williams John, 133 Victoria rd, Mar- WilliamsMrs.M.,Burnieet,Little Williams Richard, 139 Rh' y at Coogee rickville Williams Richard, 342 Annandale at. Williams Mrs.M.,67North Steyne, Williams John, Coward at, Mascot Annandale Manly WilliamsJohn,Chetwyndgrove, Williams Richard, Bridge at, Irmoyne Williams Mrs. M., 259 West at, N. Syd. Williams Richard, Garran lane, Glebe Merrylands Williams John, Wycombe rd, Neut. B. Williams M., Gilderthorpe ave. !Mick Williams Richard, 12 Denison at, Itoz. Williams John, 3George at,N'town WilliamsMrs.M.,87Redfernat, Williams Richard .1., Kemp at, Ardale Williams John, Argyle at, Parramatta Redfern Williams Richard T., Mount at, ("gee Williams John, Clifford at, rmatta Williams M., 49 Mansfield at, RozaIle Williams Robert, 25 Woods lane Williams John, 60 Palace at, P'sham Williams Mrs. M., 17 Howe at, Wool- Williams Robert, Church at, Carl'ford Williams John, 33 Boundary at, R'fern lahra WilliamsRobert,Leichhardtst, Williams John, 110 Douglas at, Wfern Williams Mrs. M. A., Carlingford rd, Leichhardt Carlingford Williams John, Balmoral ave, Rosedale \Willi:tinsRobert,66Rmon eddst, Williams M. J., Greenhills at, Enfield Williams John, Lord st, Roseville Leichliardt Williams John, la Crescent et. Rozelle Williams M. P. P., Queenshorough rd, WilliamsRobert,Chetwynd grove,. Croydon Park Williams John, 86 Rosser at, Rozelle Merrylands WilliamsJohn,19Campbellat,St. Williams Mrs. M. V. E., 13 Spofforth WilliaIllti Robert, 34 Station at, N'town at, Mosman Peters WilliamsRobert,20 Turner at,RedWilliams Mrs. Mary, Arthur st, Eihild Williams John, Moseley al, St'field fern Williams John, Woodward a ye, Stileld Williams Mrs. Mary, 3 Parramatta rd, Williams Itobt., 38 Elizabeth at, Roz. Glebe WilliamsJohn,Unwin'sBridgerd. Williams Robert, 190 Weston rd, Roz. WillimnsMrs.Mary,Austenhamrd, Williams Rob u lIndereli ffe ert, 23 Court . rd W ahra Leichhardt Williams John, Epsom rd, Waterloo Williams Robert11.,Evansat, Williams John,970.5.11.rd,Way 'y Williams Miss Mary E., 66 Bayswater Williams i RobertP.,18Fulhamat, road Williams John A.,Short at,A'cliffe Enmore JohnA.,Albertrd,Croy- WilliamsMrs.Minnie,23Augustus Williams Roland, 117 Kent at Will at, Enmore don Park WilliamsRolland,Albertat,Gr'ville Williains John A.,Parkes st,Whin! Williams Capt.Montagu, IVyuna rd, WilliamsRupert,Thomasat,Aslitield Rose Bay Williams John A.,7Moodie at, Itoz. Williams S.,Hassell at,Pa eniatta Williams John C., 8 Ne'son at, L'sham Williams Mrs.Morgan,8Palace st, Williams S.. 325 Miller at, N. Sydney Petersham Williams John C., New at, I3ondi WilliamsMrs.S.A.,Carlottast„ Greenwich Williams John E. Cavendish at, C'cord WilliamsMontaguS.sec.Lang Starr-Bowkett BuildingSociety, Williams S.B., chemist and dentist, Williams JohnIL,9 Pelican at King mt, St. Peters Williams John II., Sorrell et, P'matta 769 George at WilliamsJohnII.,30Moodieat, WilliamsMrs.,milliner,43Sydney Williams S.G., tailor, 455 Harris at arcade Williams S. G., 7 Reynolds at, B'main Rozelle Williams John If., Imperial ave. Wa y. Williams Mrs. 60 Glover st, Mosman Williams S. II., 28 Telopea at, R'fern Williams John L.,83 Lower Fort at Williams Neal, Lord's rd, Leichhardt Williams S. Henry, Dine at. RandwickWilliams S. J., Forest rd, Arneliffe Williams John M., Beaumont St, Caminito Williams Norbet,29Irving at Williams John W., 119 Berry at, North Williams Norman, Cardigan at, Cain. WilliamsMrs.S.T.,Stanleyaye, perdown Mosman Sydney WilliamsBrigadierJoseph,social Williams Mrs. 0., milliner, 8 Sydney WilliamsMrs.S.V.,Dudleysr, Arcade, and 203 Hay at superintendentSalvationArmy, Punchbowl 400Pittet;p.r.,"Ruiton," Williams 0. C., J.P., manager Bank Williams Sylvamis, 2 ('moss at, ofAustralasia, Georgeatand Williams llias Samuel, 41 Clarence nine Canonbury grove, Dulwich Hill Martinplace;p.r.,'Clonelly," Williams Samuel, St. Clair at,humeriPrivate 'phone Pet. 1029 Park a ye, Gordon Williams Samuel, Bridge at, D'inoyne Williams Joseph, 48 Ada st Williams Joseph, Barnsby grove, Dul- WilliamsOrlando,O'Neillst,Brigh- Williams Samuel, Harris rd, Five Dock ton-le-Sands Williams Samuel, Dudley st, Haberfieid wieh Hill Williams Joseph, Grassmere at, (Nord WilliamsOliver,Wilsonat,Botany Williams Samuel, Empire at, Hewlett at, Way'ley Williams Samuel, 32 Kent at, N'town WilliamsJoseph,\Void'save.Irvine Williams Oliver, Williams Mrs. Selina, Bridge rd, Glebe WilliamsJoseph,14Carlisleat, Williams Owen, View at, Woollahra Williams Owen L., business agent, 71 Williams Sidney, 13 Susan st, Leiehhardt .Elizabethet ;p.r.,384Moore Williams Sidney A. ,. 10 Lugar st, Way. Williams Joseph, jun., 15 Kyngdon et, Park rd North Sydney WilliamsSidneyP.,18Bardenst,. Williams Joseph, Cameron at, R'dale Williams P.,Peat's Ferry rd, Il'nsby Tempe WilliamsJoseph,83Georgeat,St. Williams P. C., Terrace rd, Mar'ville Williams Sidney R., Gould st, C'bury Williams P. J., Woodville rd, Gr'ville Williams Stanley,43 Nobbs st Peters . Williams Joseph H., Carter et, Wwick Williams P. '1%, Marion at, Par'matta IWillianis Mrs. Susan, Cary et, DrumWilliams L.,30Rochford at, Wyllie Williams Paul, 01 Hill at, Leichhardt moyne a yeHab'field PercyTurner. WilliamsL.L.P.,11Fairlightat, Williams ....ams ' • Williams Sydney, 15 Thomas at, at, ' Rozehe .wini Percy, . 8 Murdoch Manly Williams Sydney, McDonald at,Sans Percy,KissingPt.rd, WilliatnsL.P.,jr., . chemist,51 Williams Souci Rydalmere Botany rd, Waterloo 130 Railway par, E'ville Williams T., WilliamsPeter,131Gloucester st Williams T.A., Williams Leslie, Carr at, Coogee King at, Canterbury Williams Peter, Gibbens at, C'down averky Williams Leslie, Cowper at, w WilliamsT.A.Minterat.C'hury Williams Peter, Alberto at, L'hardt A., Beaconsfieldpar, rd, \VIIWilliams T. WilliamsLeslie,Mowbray Williams Phillip C.,Kintore at, DulLindfleld loughby wiehHill Williams T.A.,15National at, lloz, WilliamsLeslieJ.,Balmoralave, Williams Mrs. Prosper, Cranbrook rd, WilliamsT.Cornwall,dentist,IS Rosedale Rose Bay New Canterbury rd, Petersham Williams Leslie W., Byron at, C'don Williams Levi, 8 Raleigh at, N. Syd. Williams R.75 Renwick at, A'dria Williams T.D., 25 Sutherland street, Williamsll.,NewCanterbury rd, Neutral Bay Williams Lewis, Luff at, Botany Williams T. 0, Kensington rd, DulwichHill WilliamsLlewellyn E.,artist,.1 WilliamsMrs.R., Pointat,Lints& Williams T.G..Balmainrd,L'Ilardt Spring at Williams Lloyd .1., Yangoora rd, Bel- Williams II., 20 Alexander at, Padion WilliamsT.H.,hotelbroker,9' Castlereaghat Williams R., 070 Darling at, Rozelle more WilliamsMrs.Lydia.\Vanillinat, illiamsR.C.,Rohinsonat,Will by Williams T. II., Princess at, C'bury Williams It. D., Frampton aye, Wyllie WilliamsT.H.,4Little at, Galley WilliamsMissM.,registryMiley.41 Williams R. H., Belmont at, Alex'dria Williams 'I'.II., 5 Regent at, Padion. Williams Beg., 115 Albion at, An'dale Williams 'I'. H., 1 Stewart at, Padion Elizabeth at Willis III4Mrs.M.,Forestrd,Double Williams Richard, 40a Lower Fort at Williams T. II., Smith at,Went:011e Williams T. J. C., chemist, 97 Regent Williams Richard, 81 Murray at Bay at.Redfern WOOD, COFFILL &COMPANY LTD,HEAD OFFICE: BULWARRA RD.,PYRMONT. 'PHONE 726*. 1 1 60 CENTRAt ALPHABETICAL. • Wil1737 1 WilliamsT.J.C.,Carringtonrd, WilliAansiiisfloldv.c., • 94Liverpool .road,. Williams William,' Judd at, Rockdale Itanilwiek Williams\William.Gordon all,APville Williams T. M., Woodville rd, G'ville WilliamsIV.II.,Palmerston street,:! WilliamsWilliam,51'Libertyst, If ogarah Williams T. R., Station st, Arncliffe 'Stanmore H.,18-20Wilsonst,11m l%V. F Loftusat, Villiasm Willia., Williams T.S., Marsden st, 1"matta Willi,autc:i‘i%sslo‘n Newtown Campsie Williams T. IV:, 80 Beigrave at, Neu' 167 Sutherland st, Willi : Williams William G., Wardell ril, Duitral Bay • Vg :wich Hill Williams Thotnas, 78Duke at WilliamsW.J.,managingdirector, ir nisio1dVilliam II Jun., Water st, Williams Thomas, :13 Meagher at Co. Ltd., Willi Co-operative Ammonia Williams Theo, Railway eras, Banksia 32 Elizabeth st ' 'Williams William C., Fern st, R'wiek. Williams Thomas, chemist and dentist, Willi:I:17 W. J., 109 IVilton at: Williams William II., Water at, Enfield 281 King st, Newtown Williams Thomas, dentist, 25 Smith at, Williams W. J. !, Beaconsfield at, 'tub"; Williams Be'. William H. (C. of E.), Summer Hill Aloseley at, Strathfleld WilliamsThomas,manager Hyde Willidaoniiis plriVrii .1.,Brightonaye,Cr°3'", WilliamsWilliam .1.,27. Bloomfield st BrickCo.,GreatNorthernrd, Williams William J., Park rd, Auburn Williams W. J., 42 Charles at, E'ville: Williams William J., Market at, Rock-. Ryde Williams Thos, Belmont at, Alex'dria Williams W. .1., Turner a ye, Ilab'field: dale Williams Thos.,Marion st,Coogee WilliamsW. J., 8 Davies at, L'hardt 1 Williamson and Co, real estate agents, W J.,134Newingtonrd, Williams Thomas, 'ralliee at, Croydon WilliamsW. tn London at, Enore Afarrickville . WilliamsThomas,74Enmorero. CROFT AND CO., Williams Thomas, Great Northern rd, Williams W. .1., 40 Jersey rd, Padion : WILLIAMSON, Importers ofWhiteLeads,Oils, Williams W. J. 52 Regent at, Padion: Gladesville Paperhangings, andColours WilliamsThomas, NewBoltonat, Williams W. .l.,Mark at, Itookwood Williams IV. J., I3urns rd, Wahroonga 1Agentsfor" Palm "•Brand Guildford Paints,etc.,268-272CastleWilliams Thomas, O'Connor at, H'field Williams W. P. 47 Railway at, P'shatn' reagh at, Sydney. 'rele., City 596 Williams Thomas,1)ora st, Hurstville Williams W. Il., 35 Metropolitan rd,: . and 3482 Enmore 1Williams Thomas, Martin place, MortWilliams 1W. T., 17 George at, N'town1Williamson II.,Ltd.,watch manufacdale hirers, 118 Clarence at Williams Thos., Greenhills eve, Moore' Williams W. T., Afeeks rd, Mar'ville Williams W. W.,34Kensingtonrd, Williamson .1.C.Ltd.(otlices)—Geo. bank Summer 11111 .Tig.Wadirtil. ,lhlla i gi linugn 3it'sti,3,111ilseii, Williams Thomas, West at, Hurstville Williams Thomas, Paton yille rd, Merry- Williams W.W., 41 Sloane at, Sum- :1 nierIIill lands li atandSons, esco&tlici.it'liolili; J oln WilliamsThomas,17Kurrabard, WilliamsIV.W.,123Graftonat, WilliCanisits io(l' irelig Woollahra King at Neutral Bay Willilaini 6 soitinA.,Ilridgest,D'inoyne WilliamsThomas,235Churchat, Williams Walter,55Burlitison at WilliamsWalter, Stanley at,Kogarahl iWillitimson A., Avoca at, Randwiel: Parramatta \Williams Thomas, 11 Yule et, P'sham Williams Walter, Milner cres, N. SYd -: WilliamsonA.I.,Edinburghrd, Willoughby Williams Thos., 89 Great Buckinghatn Williams Walter, Iron at,Parratnatta ! Williams Walter S., Lily at, Enfield i Williamson A.J.,Melfordat,Hurlst, Redfern View st,1 A., 23 Williams Wilfred Williams Thomas, 82 Ivy at, Redfern isitinotntea Park , Woollahra Williamson A. M., Clifford at, ParraWilliams Thos., 66 Church at, St. Pet. Williams Thos., 11 Hutchinson at. St. WilliamsWilliam,drayproprietor, 137Rochfordat, Erskineville i WilliamsonMrs.AgnesL.,"DenPeters Williams Thos.c 79 Phillip at, 1Vatioo WilliamsWilliam,grocer,45Albe-: holme,"Darling Point marls at, Newtown Williams Thomas, 48 Ebley at, Wa{ Willi‘avnatts eo rniooMrs.Andrew,30 Pitt at, WilliamsWilliam,26Harris St. yerley \Williams Thomas, Murray at,Wav'y WilliamsWilliam,56aHighat WilliamsonArthurJ.,townclerk. WilliamsThos.,15Edgecliffeno, Williams \William, 20 Leichhardt at ProspectandSherwoodCouncil WilliamsWilliam. 16Mayes at,AnWoollahra Chambers, Western rd, May's 11111 nandale Williams Thomas, 13 Short at, Iraltra Williamson B.44 Queen at, Ashfleld m 191 Young at, An- Williamson1.3 W.,24Gilpinat. Williams Thomas D., Alfred at, ''Wav'y Williams William, nandale Williams Thomas I., liareela rd, CreCamperdown Willias m William,Innesdalerd, Williamson Benj., Bond's rd, Pichurst morne Arncliffe Williams Thos. J., Louis at, Granville Williamson Mrs. C., 11 Arundel at, F. WilliamsThomasR.,7Jacquesat, Williams William, 1 Church at,13a1Lodge main Balmain Williamson C. A., 22 lianIts at, A' field WilliamsWilliam,315Darlingat, Will Williams Ulrick, Jersey st, Enfield iason m Chas.,Railwaypar, Bahnain Williams V. A., Washington at, Bexley w Williams V. N., 12 South eve, Latch- Williams William, Bush grove, Botany illiiallitlirs‘ovrdChriaina A., Metropolitan. Williams William,Millenst,Dalsold,399I'ittat hardt at tlI IvIlileiby morton p tlls I hi rtrtis Gra WilliamsV.W.,superintendentEx..,. Sou Williamson Mrs. i Grove Ii plosivesDepartment,Georgeat WilliamsWilliam.12Golden I at, Darlington north ;p.r.,40Aubinat,Neut. Williamson D. C., 44 Porter at, Wav'y Bay WilliamsWilliam, St.George'sems, \Williamson David, 07 George at, Re d Williams Vincent, Salisbury rd, StanDrummoyne Williams William, Baker at, EnfieldWilllanrim more fe sion E.02 Windsor rd, P'shant W., chemist, 79 Pinwale!. rd, WilliamsWilliam,25 St.John'srd, Williamson firs.E.,101Barleyrd, Glebe Manly Williams W., 'West Botany rd, A'ncliffe Williams . Wm., 107St.301111 'sIII , WillinfiannsloynMrs.E.,221Churchat, ForestLodge Williams W., Fleet at, Carlton :Parramatta Williams William, President a ye, Koff . ' WilliamsonMrs.E.,279Churchst, Williams W., Macqnarie at, C'wood Williams William,Neilsoneve,Keg. !Parramatta WilliamsW.,Nyor.tat,Killara Williams W., Ellalong rd, Neut. Bay Williams William, Essex at, Arckville Williainscm E., 331 Cleveland at, RedWilliams W., Railway at, West Kogarah WilliamsWilliam,704Illawarrard,fern Allirrickville Williams W., 94 Jersey rd, Pad'ton WilliamsonMiss , E.,61Regentat, Williams IV. A., harrow rd, Auburn Williams \William, J.P., 197 Ben Boyd •Redfern'' rd, Neutral Bay Williams IV. A., Trongate at, Gr'ville . WilliamsonE.,13 Wisbeach at, Roz. Williams IV. E., Starkey at, Hurlstone Williams \William, 11 3funni at, New-. Williamson MissE.D.,Milsenrd, town Park Cremorne. Williams n W. E., 244 Abercrombie at, Williarns William, 5 Itedwin at, New-1 Williamson a )11., Fennell at, P'matta Williamson E. W., Itostrov st, 1"shurst town Redfern Williams W. II.. Perouse rd. Randwick WilliamsWilliatn,45Wellington st, , Williainson Edmund, Alfred st,Gran: Newtown 56 yille OUR DEPOTS ARE REPLETE WITH THE MOST ELEGANT.AND COSTLY VEHICLES IN AUSTRALIA ANTHONY HORDERNIV-STATIONERY, ROOKS AND TYPEWRITERS. Wil1739 ALPHABETICAL. Wil ANTHONY HORDERNS FOR SAFETY RAZORS AND STROPS. Wil 1738Wil ALPHABETICAL. Williamson F., 12 rashley at, 13'main Williamson Mrs. F.• A., 337 Marrickville rd, Marriakville Williamson F. W., Wollongong Id, Antall ffe Williamson Frederick, 17 Pring at Williamson Frederick, 37 John st, Waterloo Williamson Mrs. G., 155 Young at, Annandale Williamson G., 19 Prospect . at, Erskineville Williamson G., 0 Marion at, L'hardt Williamson G. A., Chelmsford aye, Croydon Williamson G. A., 174 Elswick at, Leiehhardt Williamson G. F., solicitor, commissioner for affidavits, 103 King at; p.r., "Glenorie," The Spit, Mosman Williamson G. J., assistant manager, Colonial Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Ltd., 74 Pitt at Williamson Georgo, Short at, Rookwood Williamson George J., 12 Barry at, Neutral Bay Williamson II., 01 Victoria at, N. Sydney Williamson IL, 113 Walker at, lefern Williamson H., Grosvenor at, Woollahra Williamson II. S., 36 Elizabeth at, Waterloo 'Williamson H. T., Duntroon at, hurl. stone Park Williamson II. W., 47 The Boulevard, Lewisham Williamson Henry, 29 Reservoir at Williamson Henry, 19 Forth at, IV'ahra Williamson Henry D., Wyatt aye, Burwood Williamson .T., farrier, 87 Crown at Williamson J., 194 Annandale at, Annandale Williamson ,T., Garnsr's ave, Williamson J., 15 Cornwallis at, Redfern Williamson J., 42 Clarendon at, St'lleld Williamson .1., 55 Sutherland at, St. Peters Williamson .1., Webber's rd, W. Nog. Williamson 3. G., Hawthorne par, labertield Williamson J. M., 28 Chapel at, Marrickville Williamson J. R., Fitzroy at, Williamson J. W., Canary rd, C't'bury Williamson James, Vivian at, South Bellevue UM . Williamson James, stationmaster and postmaster, Mulga at, Oatley Williamson James, Edgeware rd, Marrickville Williamson James, Letitia at, Oatley Williamson John, solicitor, 163 King at; p.r., "HavIlah," 108 'Wycombe rd, Neutral Bay Williamson John, 10 Crown lane Williamson John, 62 Forbes at Williamson John, 15 Pring at Williamson John, Vivian st, South Bellevue Hill Williamson John, Church st, Car'ford Williamson John, 40 Tranmere at, Drummoyne Williamson John, 588 King at, N'town Williamson John, William at, Mascot Williamson Johnshn, 118 Beauvoir at Williamson Joseph, 10 Norman at Williamson Mrs. K., 64 Forsyth at, Glebe Williamson Mrs. M., 351 31111er at, North Sydney WOOD; COFFILL AND Williamson Mrs. M., 24 Collins at 1Villingale Arthur E., 136 Ocean st. Bondi Annandale Williamson Mrs. M. E., 187 Elswick Willingham A. E., Parramatta at, Granville at, Leichhardt Williamson Mrs. M. J., 13 Peel at, Willingham J. F., Spring Garden at, North Sydney '• Williamson Magnus, 18 Whitehouse Willings Mrs. C., Black lane, Wentat, Newtown worthville Williamson Mrs. N., 35 IIill at, Willings Henry J., 200 Livingstone Leichhardt rd, Marriekville Williamson P., 25 Chandos at, N. Willings Rev. J. J. (Cong.), Sydney Sydney rd, Manly Williamson P. L., solicitor, 103 King Willings John, 789 King at, Tempe at; p.r., "Denholm," Darling Pt. Willings W. IL, Pitt st, Merrylands Williamson Capt. It., 28 Middle at, IVillings Walter, Yule at, Dul. Hill North Sydney Willing's William, 98 Gipps st, DrumWilliamson R., 196 Military rd, Neut. moyne Bay Willington and Sons, grocers, 139-141 Williamson It. G., 143 Macquarie at Blue's Point rd, North Sydney Williamson It., 404 Church at, P'matta Willington A., hon. secretary School Williamson R., Isabella at, Pannatta of Arts, Bowns rd, liogarah Williamson R. M., 43 Whistler at, Manly IVilliamson It. W., Frederick st, Rockdale Williamson Mrs. S., 312 Norton at, Leichhardt LIMITED Williamson S., 52 John at, Waterloo Williamson Mrs, S. A., 3 Belvoir at (IV. T. Willington & A. Willing. Williamson Mrs. S. A., Factory at, ton), Electroplaters and SilverParramatta smiths, 70-81 and 830 CoalmanWilliamson Samuel, 13 Trade at, wealth at, near Coulburn at. (Sce Newtown Advt. opposite Electroplaters) Williamson T., Cohen at, Granville Williamson T., 111 Weston rd, Willington A. B., Central at, N'1111111 Williamson T., 37 Edgecliffe rd, Willington Arthur Millington Bros., Woollahra Ltd), silversmiths, Carlton par, Williamson 'I'. J., 38 McEvoy et, Carlton Waterloo 1Villington C., 72 Parraween at, Neut. Williamson Thomas, 8 Marian at. Bay Enmore Willingion G. II., 40 Mitchell at. Williamson Thomas, 18 George st, North Sydney Rockdale Willington J. A., 61 Falcon at, North Williamson W., 14 Barcom ave Sydney Williamson IV., 463 Darling at, Willington T. J., 139 Blue's Pl. rd, main North Sydney Williamson IV., 36 Union at, Willington IV. A., grocer, Coronation Williamson IV., Lenthall st, Ken'ton at, Hornsby Williamson W., 16 Carlisle at, L'hardt Willington Mrs. W. A., Peat's Ferry Williamson NV., 148 Underwood at, rd, Hornsby Paddington Willington Mrs. IV. A., Martin at, Si. Williamson IV., 8(1 Wilson at, Irfern Leonards Williamson W., 20 Wellington at Willington Wm. T., J.P. (WHIM/rum Rozelle Bros. Ltd.), silversmiths, King at Williamson IV. A., South a ye, L'hardt Armilife Williamson W. 0., J.P., medical Willis Fred. S. (F.C.P.A.) and Co., superintendent Hospital for the public accountants, 113 Pitt St Insane, Fleet at, Parramatta Willis, Sindall and Co., Ltd., 273 Williamson IV. E., Philip at, Wav'ley George at Williamson W. T., Trongate at, Willis and Sons Proprietary Ltd., Granville merchants 103 Pitt at Williamson William, 80 Cleveland at Willis T. arid IV., insurance and Williamson William, 4 River at, Balgeneral agents, agents for Dec. main went and Tamar Assurance Co., Williamson William, J.P., "Rotiti," Ltd., Hobart, Bombay Eire and Marian at, Killara Marine Insurance Co., Ltd., and Williamson William, Sully at, 11'wick Property Ins. Co., Ltd. (London) Willieh Mrs. 3I., Rocky Pt. rd, 56, l'itt at. Tel. City 1452 ffe Willis Mrs. A., 40 13almain rd, L'hardt Willick C. F., 3.1'., Park rd, Auburn Willis Mrs. A. 208 Alfred at, N. Syd. Willick G. B., Station rd, Auburn ' Willis A. 0., Neridah at, Chatswood Williek George, Cowper at, Gr'ville Willis Mrs. A. C., 18 East Esplanade, Willick H. E., Cumberland rd, Auburn Manly Williek William, 23 Church at, Par- Willis A. D., Hawthorne par, Haberramatta field Williden Cl. S., 128 Grafton st, Wool- Willis Abe, Baker st, Enfield lahra Willis Albert, 11 Alberta at IVIlliden Mrs. J. II., 128 Grafton at, Willis Albert, 23 Phillip at, Waterloo Woollahra Willis Alfred, 11 Albion st, Patriot/ Willing Charles, 11 Mosman at, 3Fman Willis Alfred, Beresford rd, Rose Bay Willing E. J., Park rd, Auburn Willis Mrs. Anne, Marsden rd, Hyde Willing Edwin, Park rd, Auburn Willis Mrs. Antlio E., Eastbourne rd, Willing Mrs. M., Wellington at, Darling Point Waterloo COMPANY LTD. WILLINCTON BROS. LIVERY DEPT., 472-84 HARRIS Sr. 'PHONE 156 GLEBE IVillis Robert, 76 Booth at, An'dale I Willmott IV., 148 The Boulevard, Willis Robert, 139 Victoria at, L'sham !Dulwich Hill Willis Robert, 10 Hanover et, W t loo Willmott William, Liverpool rd, Enfield Willis R. IV., Gordon rd, Lindfleld IVillis S. T., 280 Abercrombie at, Willner M., 148 West st, North Sydney Willocks William, Jenkins at, North Redfern Sydney Willis Sydney II., 4 Pearson st, Bit!Willott Miss E., Plimsoll at, Belmore main Willis Sydney, 3 Milk at Willott James, 6 Portland at, 11'Cloo Willis IVillis Sydney T., Highgate at, Bexley Willott Walter, 12 Nickson at Willis Sydney T., Rocky Point rd, Willoughby and Co., manufacturers' ' agents, 26 Jamieson at Kogaralt Willis T., 90 Botany rd, Alexandria Willoughby and Co., phonographic Willis Thomas, 147 Jones at depot, 69 Market at IVillis Val. A. B., stock and share; Willoughby and Chatswood Starrbroker, 113 Pitt at; pr., "Lyd-I Bowkett Building Society, Victone eve, Chatswood I ford." Ithaca rd Willis IV., 31 Northumberland ave,;Willoughby George Ltd., Adelphi Theatre, Haymarket ! Stanmore Willis IV. H., Great Northern rd, ! Willoughby Post and Telegraph Office I—Mrs.Ramsay,postmistress, Gladesville Willis Mrs. W. H. Park al, S. SotteiPenshurst at, Willoughby 's' Willoughby Public School—George y Willi; W. II., 0 Fitzgerald at, Wa Willis AV. J., Government rd, Merry- Lyell, master, Mowbray rd, Willoughby town lands Willis Clarence, 152 Wilson at, It'fern Willis Mrs. IV. M., 19 Hale rd, Mos- Willoughby School of Arts, Victoria eve, Chatswood Willis David, ifarcourt eat, Campsie man Willis E., Greenhills at, Enfield Willis Walter, 116 Spring at, IVav'y Willoughby Town Hall and Council Willis Mrs. E., 22 Ruthven at, bland- Willis William, Winbourne at, Er- Chatnbers—A. A. C. Bastian. J.P., town clerk and commiswick mington Willis Miss E., Bird's lane, IV:tv'ley Willis William, 6 Hawken at, N'town sioner for affidavits, Victoria Willis E. A., inspector in charge Willis William, 19 Comber at, Pad'tonaye, Chatswood Tramway Instruction Room, Wil- Willis William, 17 ltobert at, St. l'et. Willoughby Mrs. A., 3 Dougan at, Ashiam Henry at Willis William, 118 Smith at, Summerfield • Willoughby A., 99 Augustus at, Willis Evelyn 11., 12 Mistral ave, MosHill Willis William II., Madeline at, Hun- Leichhardt man Willoughby A. E., Thomas st, Five Willis F. C.. 62 Muston at, Mosman (em's Hill IVillis William C., 6 Pearl at, N'town Dock Willis F. E., Chapel at, liogarah Willis F. G., Whaling rd, N. Sydney IVilliscroft Mrs. M., Houston at, Ken- Willoughby Mrs. A. M., Albany at, St. Leonards Willis Fredk. II., Norfolk at, Epping sington Willis Frederick, Wollongong rd, Arn- Williscroft M., Strachan at. Ken'ton Willoughby A. P., 29 Renwick at, Williscroft Mrs. M. A., Orange at, Leichhardt cliffs Randwick Willoughby B., Clanville rd, Roseville Willis Fredk., 32 Doris at, N. Sydney Willis Fredk., 60 Samuel st, St. Pet. 1Villison Fredk., Marshall st, Kogarah willoughby C. A., Station rd, Ou'ford Willis G., 60 Henderson rd, Alexandria IVillison George, Francis at, Carlton Willoughby Frederick, Cronulla st, Willison George, J.P., Union at, W.Ilurstville Willis O., Elizabeth at, Artarmon Willoughby George, .1.1'., 2 Rockwall Kogarah Willis G. E., Little Comber at, Pad. erns Willis G. F., Smidmore at, M'ville 1Villison II. IIanover rd, Hurstville Willoughby George, 628 Illawarra ill, . Willison John, Argyle at, Carlton Willis George, Bourke at, Waterloo Marrickville Willmett W. B., 48 Schimel at, Willis George A., Lennox at, P'matta Willoughby H., 43a Liverpool rd, AshWaterloo Willis George N., Arthur at, Ashfield Willis Mrs. H., Galloway at, P'matta Willmette Mrs. E. F., 11 Paul at, field Willoughby John, 49 Pine at North Sydney Willis Ilarry, IVollongong rd, A'cliffe Henry, Spencer at, Rose Bay 1Villoughby John, Normanb y rd. Willis Henry, 183 Rowntree at, B'main Willmette F. C. and C. II., saddleAuburn Willis Henry, St. George's rd, Bexley Willmore tree makers, Percival at, Leieli" Willoughby John, 737 Darling at, Willis Henry, 45 Balmain rd, L'hardt ! Rozelle liar& Willis Henry, Cammeray rd, Wirghby Willmore Miss Alice, 132 Liverpool at Willoughby Mrs. L., 23 Wolger rd, Willis Isaac ,T., 13urwood rd, Enfield Willmore C. II., Starling at, L'hardtMostnan Willis Mrs. J., 434 Miller et, N. Will/flare F. C.,_ Starling at, L'Itardt Willoughby Sydney, 98 Fitzroy at Sydney James E., 68 Yule at, P'shatn Willoughby T. .1., Wentworth at, 1"pe Willis .1. P., stationer, 23 Broadway, IVillinore IVillmore Mrs. S. A., Starling at, Willoughby William, Small at, IV'altra Glebe Leichhardt Willis ,T. P., Kissing Pt. rd, Dundas Winn/ore E./ J.P., estate agent, BelW. G. Percival fit, L'hardt Willows grave st and Regent st, liogarah 'Willis James, 43 Abercrombie at contractors, Willows I. It., Collingwood at, Manly Willtnot and iforgan, Willis James, 21 Croydon rd, Cr'don Gladstone at, Enmore Willis Mrs. James, Grose at, P'matta Willmot Mrs. E., Sydenlvam rd, 11I'ville W.illows R. L., 29 Holden at, A'lleld WpIridge Samuel, Military T(i, Bondi Willis John, Hunter at, Hornsby IVillmot F. J., George at, Enfield s ware unison !), Wilks John, 5 Muston at, Mosman Willmott A., Byrnes t, Maeville Wilig56631aIrticeta nal Co" Willis John, Military rd, N. Gu'ford Wills James and Co., boot manufacWillis John F., Borrodale at, Wwick Willtnott Mrs. Ada, 32 Macleay at Willmott Arthur, Young st, Croydon tuners, 124 King st, Newtown Willis Lewis, Allison rd, itandwick agent, g Wills W. D. and H. 0. (Australia), IVillis Louis, physical culture, 327 Willtnott C. II., advertisin corner Grosvenor and George stsLtd.—F. A. Brown, segretarY, George at Willmott E. P., accountant, corner267-271 Castlereagh at Willis Nurse Lucy, Durham at, Wills A., 216 Abercrombie at, Redfeni or and yevisett Gsven rottN wiumo wich Hill sorbs at, Wills A. lt., Dunmore at, Bexley Percy, Willis Lionel L., 176 Bourke at Wills Alexander, Booth at, Annandale e, Stan Vaueluse Willis Mrs, M., 96 Railway ay Willmott Edward, 17 Illoonifield at Wills Mrs. C., Victoria par, Flem'ton more Willis Martin, 37 Lyons rd, D'utoyne Willmott George, Angel rd, B'wood Wills Charles, Jane at, Randwick Willis Matthew, 260 Walker at, N. IVillmott II., 1 Cleveland at, Darrton Wills Claude, 154 Military rd, Mosman Willtnott Mrs. M. 63 Young at, IFfern Wills D. G., Petersham rd, M'ville Sydney E. F., Henson st, Gottglitown Willis Peter, ',Mo.:ow at, St. Leonards IVillmott Peter II., 8 Olive at, Neut. 1Vills Wills Edward, 155 Evans at, Hamlin Bay Willis R., 193 Annandale at, An'dale Willis Arthur, 8 Reserve at, Neut. Bay Willis Arthur B., 37 Edgeware rd, Enmore Willis Arthur P., Station at, Arncliffe Willis Arthur T., Victoria at, P'nuitta Willis Mrs. C., Sorrell at, Par'matta Willis 0. J., 22 Hutton at, Manly Willis C. 3., Wentworth at, Manly Willis Rev. C. IV. (Pres.), Derby at, Kogarah Willis C. IV., 61 West at, N. Sydney Willis Charles S., 31.11.C.S.. L.R.C.P., D.P.II., MB., Ch.M. (Syd.), principal medical officer, Department of Public Instruction, Bridge at ; p.r., "Willesden," Peel at, Kirribilli Point Willis Mrs. Catherine, 117 Riley at Willis Charles, 9 Zamia at, Redfern Willis Charles, 3 Stafford at, Stanmore Willis Chris. J., 219 l'ittwater rd, Manly Willis Clarence, 158 Camden at, New- THE LEADING FIRM OF FUNERAL DIRECTORS IN THE COMMONWEALTH ANTHONY HORDERNS' : FURNITURE STANDS IN ITS OWN CLASS. 740Wil ALPHABETICAL. Wil Wills Edward, 74, Victoria at, Wav'y Wilmot Ernest, King at, Mascot Wilson Bros., butchers,. Coonabarra rd, Wills Edward A., 77 Trafalgar at, Wilmot Frank, Petersham rd, Wahroonga Annandale. Wilmot George, 25 Formosa at, Wilson Bros., tannery, High at, Wirby Wills ' Ellis, 69 Roslyn Gardens Drummoyne Wilson and Canham Ltd., wool experts, Wills G. R., Wolseley at, W. Keg. Wilmot J..A., Hamilton at, Iraltra Arbitrator at Wills George, ' Oberon at, Randwiek Wilmot James, 59 Lawson at, IVav'y Wilson and Co., house and estate Wills George E. J., officer in charge Wilmot John, Campbell at, Alexandria agents, 1 Edgeware rd, Emnore Fire Brigade Station, 184-130 Wilmot John E., Wardell rd, DuL Hill IVilson and Co., real estate agents, Walker at, North Sydney Wilmot John E., North st, Mar‘ille 125 Norton at, Leichhardt Wills Harry, Belgrave st, liogarah Wilmot Mrs. Julia Beamish at, C'psie Wilson and Co., • publishers, 114a Wills Harry M., Minorca at, Bexley Wilmot 'Mrs. L., 820 ' Darling at, Pitt at Wills Herbert, 70 Alfred st, A'dale main Wilson and Cooper, furnishing dmpWills Herbert T., Alt at, Ashfield Wilmot Miss M,, Benelong rd, N. Syd. ers, 10 Cunningham at Willi J. A., Norton at, Ashfield Wihnot Nurse, Thompson at, D'inoyne Wilson and Flood, exporters, 167 Q.V. Wills J. IL, boat sheds, Cremona rd, Wilmot' Percy, Evaline at, Campsie •' Markets Como Wilmot Samuel, 58 Day at, L'hardt Wilson and Harriott, solicitors, Royal 'Wills James, off 46 Darling at, B'main Wilmot Thomas, )64 Campbell at chambers, Hunter and CastleWills James, 8 Gipps at, Paddington Wihnot William, Great North rd, Abreagh sts Wills Joel, Croydon ave, Enfield botsford Wilson and Horn, bootshop, 324 ParWills John, Roseby at, D'moyne IVilmot IVilliam, 37 Tr:miners street, ramatta rd, Petersham Wills John, 146 Marrickville rd, MarDrummoyne Wilson Hugh and Co., indent and riekville . Wilmott F., 249 Darling at, Balmain manufacturers' agents, 82 LiverWills John, 54 Blenheim at. Waverley Wilmott Mrs. I., 8 Nithsdale at pool St Wills John C., 51 City. rd, DarPton Wilmott Mrs. M., Arbutus at, 3fosmnn Wilson J. and R. (Australia), Ltd., Wills John 0., 3 Stewart at, Balmain Wilmott Stanley, Gordon rd, Roseville ship store merchants, 34 Pitt St Wills John IL, Ferrier at, Rockdale Wilmott Thomas A., Croydon ave IVilson Misses, dressmakers, 440 MilWills Mrs. Maria, Anglesea at, Bondi Enfield ler at, N. Sydney Wills Michael, ;717 Bourke at Wihnott Thos. M., 40 Hereford at, Wilson Misses, "Rutherglen," 431,s; Wills R. C., 5 Toothill at, Lewisham Glebe. Walker at, N. Sydney Wills Silas, 184 • Weston rd, Rozelle Wilmshurst E., 12 Trafalgar at, An- Wilson and Mullett, 4 Queen's Court Wills Thomas, 111 Walker at, R'fern nandale Wilson & Neave, A.A.R., 1.13.A., archiWills Thomas A., Ryan st, L'hardt Wilmshurst F.,. 122 Allen at. L'hardt tects, 273 George at. Tel. City Wills W., 204 Alfred at, N. Sydney Wilmshurst Miss J., 144 Albany rd, 3200 Wills W., 711 Darling at, Rozelle Stanmore Wilson and Nelson. grocers, New CanWills W. A., 4 Jarrett at, Leichhardt Wilmshurst Mrs. 14., 140 Albany rd, terbury rd, Petersham Wills W. F., 98 Shadforth at, Mosman Stanmore Wilson, Pechter and Co., Ltd., boot Wills Walter, Wade at, Delmore Wilsdon Mrs. S. A., 11 Pelham at, manufacturers, office Park at, Wills William, Park at, Sans Solid Double Bay Alexandria ; warehouse, Newton Wills William, • 92Elizabeth at, Wilshire Mrs. Alfred, "Cromer," 91 st, Alexandria Waterloo Phillip at Wilson It. & Co., Ltd., coachbuilders' Willsher A. H., Quarantine Station, Wilshire Mrs. E., Nelson at, Clewood material manufacturers, 546 King Manly Wilshire Miss E., Chelmsford arc, st, Newtown Willsher C. F., 14 Woods ave, W'ahra Croydon Wilson, Rattray and Danby, public Willsher, Ernest IL, 142 Darley at, Wilshire E. IL, J.P., chairman Pub• accountants and insurance brokers, Newtown lic Service Board, 4 O'Connell • 12-14 O'Connell st. Tel. Central Willshsr John, 27 Darling at, Bahnain at; pas, N.S.H. rd, Double Bay 2377 Willshire W. J., Sharp at, Cant'bury Wilshire E. J., 46 Prince Albert at, Wilson and Roberts, grocers, 35 Mosman Willsmore 0., 70 Albion at, An'dale Walker at, Redfern Willstnore Herbert, 15 McLachlan aye Wilshire Edwin IL, Oswald at, Wman Wilson's Steam Laundry, Bourke and Willsmore Joseph, Charles at, Irkwood Wilshire Mrs. F., 45 Stafford at, StanArthur sts, Surry Hills. Tel. more Willsmore Mrs. Mary, 228 Dowling at 233 Paddington Willson F. B. and Co., manufacturers' Wilshire F. R., PP., Salisbury at, WILSON'S STREET 'DIRECTORY, agents,. 102 Q.V. Markets Vaucluse Sydney, Suburbs and Blue MounWillson Miss A., florist, 1 Hunter st Wilshire Henry A., architect, 70 Huntains, N.S.W. Containing over Willson A. W., secretary, Harry White ter at 70 Guide Maps. Price, 1 /6. Ltd., 837 Kent at, Sydney; pas, Wilshire James R., 233 0.S.H. road, Wilson and Co., publishers, 4 "Kioloa," Charles rd, Rookwood Waverley 1'. 0. Chambers, 114a Pitt at. Willson Edward, 1 Vernon at, Wahra Wilshire John, 3 Union at, Balmain Tel. City 2043 Willson F. J., 30 Cromwell at, Leich- Wilshire O., 12 Wellesley at, Summer Wilson Will and Co., Lillybank hardt Hill Boiler Works (Glasgow), 56 I'itt Willson G., 55 Mewl& at, Leichhardt Wilshire R. L., 68 Spencer rd, Wman street Willson George, Joseph at, Rookwood Wilshire Victor, Ranger's eve, M'man Willson II., sawmaker, 741 ITarris at Wilshire W., 22 Junction st, F. Lodge Wilson Mrs. A., Belmont st, A'dria Wilson A., Hammersmith rd, Flem'ton. Willson Mrs. John, 176 Military rd, WILSON'S AGENCIES LIMITED, Wilson Mrs. A., 94 Cavendish at, Mosman Laundry Machinery Importers. Stanmore Willson John G., bnsiness agent, 76 Reg. Office, 180-190 Dowling at, Wilson Nurse A., Church at, Wasley Pitt at East Sydney ; and at Bourke and Wilson A., Willoughby s par, Will'ghby Willson Miss L., 47 Flood at, Bondi Arthur sts, Surry Hills • Wilson 'A. A., 277a Annandale . st, Willson Robert H., Wardell rd, Dulwich Annandale Wilson Alexander and Co., manufac11111 Wilson A. A., plumber, Hardie at, turing chemists, 17a Pitt at Willtmga Bangor Slate 'Co., Ltd., 14 Mascot Martin place. Wilson's Brick Works, Herbert at, Wilson A. B., Greenwich rd, Lane Cove Gore Hill Willy F., representing Alfred LohnWilson Mrs. A. C., Taunton rd, Hurststein and Co., 66 Market at ville Willy Francis, 43 Awaba at, Mosman Wilson A. C. A., 37 Foreman at, St. Willy Francis, 40 Stanley five, Within Peters Wilmans Paul, 0.8.11. rd, Woollnhra Printers, Manufacturing StationA. H., Manchester rd, Auburn Wilmot A., 8 Transvaal aye, Double ers and Importers. Sole Manu- Wilson Wilson A. E., Gordon rd, Chatswood Bay facturers of the "Zone" Pen. Wilson A. E., 192 Norton at, L'hardt Wilmot Miss Ada, 424a Victoria at writing Duplicate Books and the Wilson A. 54 Carlisle st, L'hardt Wilmot Arthur G., Spencer . at, Five "Quickelip" Letter Files, and Wilson A. II., .1.1 1., supreme secretary, Dock "heystone" Letter Files, 56 HunOrder of Royal Foresters' Friendly Wilmot David, Preddy's rd, Bexley ter at. Tel. 339 City Society, 219 Castlereagh at WILSON BROS. LTD. WOOD, Coma & COMPANY LTD. C1INT,RAL OFWE : 810-12 REOROE ST. 'PHONE 728 8,1624 CENTRAL ANTHONY HORDERNS' FAMOUS LOW PRICES REIGN SUPREME. Wil ALPHABETICAL. Wit1741 'Wilson A. II., J.P., 219 Castlereagh st Wilson Arthur R., Upper Avenue rd, Wilson David, 101 Alice st, Newtown Wilson David, Bellevue st, N. Syd. 'Wilson A. IL, Northcote st, N'burn Mostnan Wilson A. II., 168 Windsor at, P'ton Wilson Arthur W., High at, Will'ghby Wilson David, Charles st, P'matta Wilson Mrs. A. J., 77 Metropolitan Wilson Austin, 308 Glebe Pt. rd, Glebe Wilson David, 57 Elizabeth at, W'Vloo Wilson Mrs. B., 92a Oxford st, P'ton Wilson David A., Itiley st, Kogaralt rd, Enmore Wilson A. J., 42Cambridge at, Wilson B. W. Nelson at, Hyde Wilson David C:, 94 Brougham at, Stanmore Wilson Miss d., boardinghouse, 217 Wilson David D., "Mayfield," Ford Et, Greenwich 'Wilson Miss A. M., 23 Challis aye Macquarie at Wilson A. S., Wolseley at, W. Kogarah Wilson Mrs. C., Etnmerick at, L'hardt Wilson Miss E., Great North rd, 'Wilson A. W., Orpington at, Ashfield Wilson Mrs. C., 69 Addison rd, Manly Abbotsford 'Wilson Adam, Wallace, st, Rogarah Wilson Mrs. C., York rd, RandwickWilson Mrs. E., 13 Ramsay rd, ll'field Wilson Adolphus, 11 Bayville at, Wilson C. A., . George's River rd, Wilson Mrs. E. A., 123 Princess st Mris. E. A., 4 The Avenue, Wilson Mrs. Rozelle Banlistown "Wilson Mrs. Agnes,. Bown's rd, Kog. Wilson C. Clifton, .1.P.,, by 24 Wilson E. C., Chiltern rd, Will'ghby Wilson Albert, 67 Hutchinson st, St. exam., ()lab:dun(' surgeon, Pet ers Parrantatta rd, Annandale. 'Phone Wilson E. 1)., Leichhardt at, L'Itardt 1190 let. Wilson E. G., Montgomery at, Kogan,' Wilsoii Albert, 38 Cannon at, Semore 'Wilson Albert D., Godfrey st, L'kutha Wilson C. E., Great Northern rd, Hyde Wilson E. G., Bridge at, Marrickville Wilson Albert E.. Terry at, Rozelle Wilson Miss C. M., 218 Miller at, Wilson E. J., Andover at, Carlton Wilson E. IC., Gordon rd, Killara Wilson Alexander, 17 Orwell at North Sydney Wilson Alexander, Homer st, ("bury Wilson Mrs. C. M., Darley rd, It'wick Wilson E. M., 94 Raglan at, Mosman Wilson Alexander, 26 I3ellevue st, Glebe Wilson Carl J., 52 Vernon at, W y llie Wilson Mrs. E. M. It., Boundary at, Wilson Alex., 80 Enmore rd, Wilson Carlisle, 634 Illawarra road, Parramatta Wilson E. S., Emmerick at, L'hardt Wilson Alex., Victoria rd, Maeville Awliactk.rickville RandWilson Edgar, 37 Roberts at, C'dow n 'Wilson Mrs. Alex., Sutherland st, Wilson Mrs. Catherine, York rd, Ran Wilson Edmund H., Lord at, Roseville Mascot • Ale.xander, Fernbank one, Wilson Cecil, 212 Abercrombie st, Wilson Edward, Louisa rd, Balmain Wilson Edward, George at east, Woohvish Redfern Wilson Alex. E., 46 Reiby at, N'town Wilson Charles, 131 Kippax at Durwood Wilson Alex. j., 28 Raglan at, W't'loo Wilson Charles, 83 Shepherd atWilson Edward, Cardigan at, C'down 'Wilson Alfred, Lawrence st, A'dria alma iarles,29Donnelly at, Wilson Edward, Wharf rd, Concord WilsoititCiln Wilson Edward, 6 Glebe at, Glebe Wilson Alfred, St. Hillier's rd, A'b'n 'Wilson Alfred, Beamish st, Campsie Wilson Charles, Forest rd, Bexley Wilson Edward, Jersey st, Hornsby Wilson Alfred, sell., Beamish st, C'sie Wilson Charles, 6 Duncan at, Innoyne Wilson Edward, Botany rd, Mascot Wilson Alfred, Edward st, Chatswood Wilson Charles, 39 Westbourne st, Wilson Edward, 46 Ilayberry st, North Sydney Wilson Alfred, Hammersmith rd, F"ton Drummoyne Wilson Alfred, S3 Station ht, N'town Wilson Chas., 64 Arundel at, F. Ledge Wilson Edward, 440 Miller at, N. Syd. 'Wilson Alfred, Wentworth at, It'wiek Wilson Charles, 88 Glebe at, Glebe Wilson Edward C.', 4 Jacques st, HalWilson Alfred, King Edward at, R'dale Wilson Charles, Starkey at, Hurlstone main Park Wilson Edw. J., Seaview at, Dub. Hill Wilson Alfred, 10 Prince at, Rozelle Wilson Alfred, 13 henry st, St. Pet. Wilson Charles, Wardell rd, Maeville Wilson Edwin, 18 Union at, Balmain -Wilson Alfred, 627 King at, St. Pet. Wilson Charles,' 49 Church at, N'town Wilson Edwin, Chisholm .at. Greenwich Wilson Alfred, Amelia at, Waterloo Wilson Charles, Alfred at, N. Sydney Wilson Edwin, Edgeware rd, M'ville Wilson Alfred E., Stewart st, Wwick Wilson Chas., 77 Lane Cove rd, N Wilson Edwin, Penshurse at, Wil'gltby Wilson Eleanor, 2 Mount Vernon at, Wilson Allan, 83 George at, Waterloo Wilson Andrew, 1 Bennett st Wilson Charles, .46 Palace at, 1"sham Forest Lodge Wilson Charles, 112 Albert at, Redfern Wilson Mrs. Eliza, Leyland , par, Bel'Wilson Andrew, Mount at, Coogee Wilson Andrew, 23 Dickson at, New Wilson Charles, 12 Starling st, ltozellemore town Wilson Charles, Isis at, Wahroonga Wilson Mrs. Eliza, 8 Gower at, Sum'Wilson Andrew, 2 Margaret at, Ulan Wilson Charles, Sydney at, Wil'ghbymer Hill' w ,00ItifirasilraEliZa, 91 Adelaide par, Wilson Andrew, 128 Ebley at, Wav'ley Wilson CharlesF., St. James rd, Rand- Wilson . Wilson Andrew L. Scott at, Ab'ford wick 1Vilson Mrs. Ann, '20 Alfred st, North Wilson Charles 11., 8 Foveaux atWilson Mrs. Ellen, 116 Ruthven at, Sydney Wilson Charles K., Lombard at, Bab Randwielc Wilson Mrs. Emily, grocer, 300 Crown 'Wilson Mrs. Annie, 124 Morehead st, gowlah Redfern Wilson Charles R., 12 Riley at, North at Wilson Mrs. Emily, 10 Ross st, Forest 'Wilson Mrs. Annie, Lugar at, Wav'y 'Wilson Anthony, 73 Alfred at, N. Syd. Wilsonyl dnCelyms. S., 14 St. Mary's at, Lodge • Wilson Mrs. Emily, 168 Pitt at, Irtern 'Wilson Archibald, 157 William at Newtown Wilson Arch., England ave, Maeville Wilson Charles W., Oxford at, B'wood Wilson Mrs. Emma E., 12 Woodstock Bondi at, "Wilson Archibald, Robey at, Mascot Wilson Christopher, Loftus at, Campsie 'Wilson Arch., Victoria at, Vaucluse Wilson Chris., 96 Botany at, Redfern Wilson Eric F., Bowman at, D'moyne 'Wilson Arch. C., Knight at, Arncliffe Wilson Mrs. Clara, 178 King at, Wilson Ernest, 2 Reservoir lane Wilson Arthur, 1 Campbell at Wilson Ernest, 36 Trinity ave Newtown 'Wilson Arthur, Archer at, Chatswood v a t: Wilson Ernest, Fitzroy at, Ab'ford D i( n st v Layton Claude, 1161., Wilson Arthur, Boulevard, Leichhardt Wilson Claude Y Wilson Ernest, Campsie at Campsie 'litl"eill C 'Wilson Arthur, 6 Carrington at, L'Iedt Wilson Clifford, 47 Shepherd st, Dar- Wilson Ernest, Myra rd, Dulwich Hill Wilson Arthur, Queen at, %Wyllie lington Wilson Ernest, 19 Gladstone at, En Wilson Arthur, Rosalind at, N. Syd. W ilson Colin, 163 Union at, Newtown Wilson Arthur, Old Canterbury rd, Wilson Cyrus, Sorrell st, Par'matta Wilson Ernest A. Ocean at, Little Petersham Wilson Cyrus J., 67 Croydon rd, Coogee 'Wilson Arthur, 40 Harrow rd, St'more Croydon Wilson Ernest 0., Elora st, Lalcemba Wilson Arthur, 11 Amelia at, W't'loo Wilson D., Ramsay r(l, Haberfleld Wilson Ernest J., 22 Spicer st, W'ahra 'Wilson Arthur A. dentist, 218 Miller Wilson D. M., Young at, Neutral Day at, North Sydney Wilson I). R., 449 New Canterbur y Wilson Ernest 0., Rocky Pt. rd, 1Cog. Wilson Ernest W., Anglo rd, Campsie Wilson Arthur C., Melbourne at, rd, l'etershant Wilson Daniel, Victoria at, Alex'dria Wilson F., J.P., 13 Holden at, Alleld Concord Wilson Arthur E., Surrey at, Epping Wilson Darcy, Raglan at, Long BayWilson Mrs F., Carrington rd, R'wielc Wilson Arthur G., Govett at, R'svick Wilson David, .1.P., barrister, 145 Wilson F. A., 16 HutchInen at, St. Pet. Wilson Arthur II., Floss st, Hurlstone l'hillip st ; p.r., Jersey rd, Bur- Wilson P. E., 25 Andreas at, P'shant Wilson Mrs. F. E., Hazelbank rd, Park wood Wilson Arthur P., Arden at, Wavley Wilson David, 31 Short at, BalmainWollstoneeraft Wilson Arthur It.; Railway par, Rog. Wilson David, 19 Albert st, E'ville Wilson F. 0., F.S.A.A., 12-14 O'ConWilson Arthur S., 588 Bout •ke at Wibon David, linlfs al, Mascot nell st THE MOST COMPETENT AND LEAST COSTLY FUNERAL' DIRECTORS IN AUSTRALASIA iNTHONY HORDERNS 1-2NLY UNIVERSAL PROVIDERS, 1742Wil ALPHABETICAL. Wii Wilson F. J., Unwin's Bridge rot, Mar- Wilson George, Park at, Sans Sonic! Wilson Herbert, Planthurst rd, Carlton: rickville Wilson George, 23 Bartlett at, Sum- Wilson Herbert, 18 Boussole l'OJ d.. Wilson F. W., sec. Accident UnderDaveyville mer Hill writers' Association of N.S.W., Wilson George, 28 John at, Waterloo Wilson Hobert, 26 Fulham at, Inuore 56 Pitt at Wilson George A., Gladstone at, ll'xley Wilson Herbert, 27 Hargrave lane,. Paddington Wilson F. Y., solicitor, commissioner Wilson George A., Barsby's avenue, Carlton for affidavats for High Court of Wilson Herbert, 91 Ebley at, Way'ley Australia, Royal chambers, Hun- Wilson George H., 419 Liverpool at Wilson Herbert E., Carlotta St. ter and Castlereagh sts ; p.r., Wilson George J., Charles at, O'bury Wilson Herbert W., 15 College st,. "Avoneliffe," Bennett st, Neutral Wilson George M., 15 Union at, N'town Croydon Bay Wilson George M., Abbott at, N. Syd. Wilson Hill C., 50 Metropolitan rd, Emnore Wilson Forester, Letitia at, Gatley Wilson Mrs. Georgina, 8 Shepherd at Wilson Francis, Broughton st, Concord Wilson Mrs. Gray, Avoca at, Way'ley Wilson Horace, 10 Ross st, For. Lodge Wilson Francis B., 16 Ewenton at, Wilson H., 226 Military rd, Neut. Wilson Hubert S., 97 Samuel at, St.. Balmain Bay Peters Wilson Frank, Day at, Abbotsford Wilson H., 15 Watson St. Neutral Bay Wilson Hugh, Lawrence at, A'dria Wilson Hugh, 1 Sutton at, 13:timid's Wilson Frank, 269 Henderson rd, Wilson If., 28 William st, Paddington Alexandria Wilson Mrs. It, Frederick at, R'dale Wilson Hugh, 11 Fowler at, C'down. Wilson Frank, 38 The Avenue, C'down Wilson Mrs. II., 31 Kensington rd, Wilson Hugh, King rd, Five Dock Wilson Rev. Hugh (Pres.), Carlton at,. Wilson Frank, Frampton ave, Wyllie Summer llill Granville Wilson Frank W., 21 Glen at, N. Syd. Wilson 11. C., Hy aline at, Campsie Wilson Frederick, Muttama rd, Ar'inon Wilson If. C., 42 ltedan at, Mosman Wilson Hugh, 28 l'ark are, Manly Wilson Fred, "Milford," Devonshire Wilson H. F., 18 St. John at, L'sham Wilson Hugh, 66 Shepherd st, at, Chatswood. Tel. Chatswood Wilson If. II., 72 Wellington at, Wilson Miss I., George at east, 13'wood. 802 Wilson J., lime depot, Brown at, Ash, Waterloo field Wilson Frederick, Beaconsfield st, Wilson Mrs. If. L., Belmore rd, Coogee -Wilson J., ironmonger and glazier,. Bexley WILSON H. J., Real Estate Wilson Frederick, Bondi rd, Bondi Brown at, Ashfield Agent and Valuator, Loans ar- Wilson J., baker, 72 Military rd. Wilson Fredk., 47 Roberts at, C'down rang ed, Estates Managed. Rent Mosman Wilson Fredk., 38 Havelock at, Drum. Collecting it speciality. Everton Wilson J., Albert a ye, Chatswoodi moyne rd, Strathfield (opp. Station). Wilson Mrs. J., 3lotint at, Coogee Wilson Fredk., Miller at, Ilabertield Tel, 425 Durwood ; p.r., "Flor- Wilson J., 1 Renwick at, Winoyne Wilson Fred., Doncaster eve, Ken'ton enza," Chandos st, Ashfield Wilson J., Kingsbury at, Enfield Wilson Frederick, 46 Lamb at, LeiChWilson H. M., pastrycook, 276, 425 Wilson .1., Thomas at, Five Dock hardt and 737 George at, 31 George at Wilson J., 12 Spit rd, Mosman Wilson Frederick, 20 Don at, N'town west, 15 Kippax at, and 167 Wilson .1., Mount at, North Sydney Wilson Frederick, Kerr's rd, R'wood Glebe l'oint rd, Glebe Wilson Mrs. .1., Glenmore at, Wirby Wilson Frederick, 109 Clarendon rd, Wilson II. O'Brien, secretary Aus- Wilson J. B., Railway par south, Stanmore tralasian Jersey Herd Soc., 100 Granville Wilson Frederick, Lennox at, Irlahra King at Wilson 3. Bowie, 64 Elizabeth at Wilson Frederick A., 97 Reservoir at Wilson Frederick E., Essex at, Epping Wilson II. R., Webber's rd, W. liog. Wilson J. Bowie, Woolwich rd, Hunter's Hill Wilson Frederick E. Sproule street, Wilson Mrs. Ilannah, 72 Belgrave at, Neutral Bay Wilson J. D., 27 Cliff st, Manly Lakemba Wilson Mrs. J. E., Woodside aye, Wilson Frederick II., 178 Bondi rd, Wilson Hardy, 600 Liverpool st Wilson Harold, 99 Denison st, Wav'ley Bondi Burwood Wilson Fredk. J., Denison at, A'cliffr Wilson Harold G., 6 'Cairo at, N. Syd. Wilson Mrs. J. G., Mowbray rd,. Willoughby Wilson Fredk. W., 3 Witted° at, fox. Wilson Ilarrie, 5 Sadlier's cres, P'sham Wilson Harry, 1131/2 Palmer at Wilson J. II., Northumberland at,. Wilson G., Gordon rd, Chatswood Liverpool Wilson G. C., 98 Buchland at, A'dria Wilson Barry, Waratah at, Bexley Wilson J. J., N. •.H. rd, Double Day Wilson G. II., 1 L'avenue Park, New- Wilson Harry, Mabel at, Hurstville Wilson Rev. Harry (C. of E.), Rocky Wilson J. K., J.P., contractor, 160 town Point rd, liogarah Wilson G. C., 123 Westbourne at Union at, Erskineville Wilson Harry, Military Reserve, Long Wilson J. M., 139 Wells at, Newtown Petersham Bay Wilson Mrs. G. B., High at, Epping Wilson J. P., motor and cycle works, 182 George at west Wilson 0. H., 29 Wellington at, Wilson Harry, Raglan st, Long Bay Wilson Harry, Stanley at, Rockdale Wilson J. T., MB., ChM., professor Waterloo Wilson G. II., Alleyne at, Willoughby Wilson Harry, Penshurst at, Will'hy of anatomy, Sydney University,. - Wilson Mrs. G. K. C., 82 Wycombe Wilson Harvey. High st, Maeville City rd.,. Camperdown Wilson Mrs. Henrietta L., Byron at, Wilson J. T., 114 Hargrave at, Path. rd, Neutral Bay Coogee Wilson J. T., Borlaise at, Willoughby Wilson George, secretary Sydney Paper Mills, Ltd., 14 Moore et; Wilson Henry, 11 McKee at Wilson J. W., Royal hotel and Kiosk,. Watson's Bay works, Botany; p.r., 6 Cowles rd, Wilson Henry, 467 Riley at Mosman Wilson Henry, 46 Chandos at, A'field Wilson J. W., Dowell at, Chatswood. Wilson George, 185 Devonshire at Wilson Henry, 19 Robert at, A'field Wilson James, art mantel piece inkr.,. .• 482 Pitt at Wilson George, 22 Duke at Wilson Ilenry, Banksia rd, Bankstown Wilson George, 252 Harris at Wilson Henry, Prospect at, Granville Wilson James, ironmonger amid mantelpiece • maker, HO Liverpool at, Wilson George, 9 McCredie at Wilson Henry, Julliett at, Bfarrickville Ashfield Wilson George, Union st, Arneliffe Wilson Henry, 63Undercliffe at, Neutral Bay Wilson James, saddler, 137 Liverpool. Wilson George, Bank Terrace at, Bot'y rd, Ashfleld Wilson George, Botany rd, Botany Wilson Henry, 58 Walker st, Redfern Wilson George, Lilian at, Campsie Wilson henry, Parratnatta rd, Hyde Wilson James, 90 Cooper at Wilson. George, Montgomery at, Kog. Wilson Henry, Morwich at, St'flehl Wilson James, 481 Crown at Wilson George, 31 Cowper at, M'ville Wilson Henry A., 492 0.8.11. rd, Wilson James, 25 Denham at Wilson George, Garden at, Mar'ville 'Woollahra Wilson James, 17 Elizabsth at Wilson George, Renwick at, Wilson Henry J., Thomas at, hfield Wilson James, 15 Hughes st Wilson George, 6 Cowle's rd, Mosman Wilson Henry L., 65 George at, Wilson James, 114 Kent at Waterloo Wilson George, a Victoria pl, Patrton Wilson James, 17 L. Buckingham 81.Wilson George, 68 Boronin at, Redfern Wi Non Herbert, van prom., 537 Wilson James, 12 Stream St Wilson George, 70 Edward at, Redfern Elizabeth at Wilson James, 46 Anninulale at, AnWilson George, off Gerald aye, Rose- Wilson Herbert, J.P., Dunmore street, nandale ville Bexley Wilson Jaines, Norton at, Ashfleld Wilson George, Kerr's rd, Rooltwood Wilson Herbert, 11 Woodstoek at, Wilson James, Reginald are, Delmore WOOD, COFFILL AND COMPANY LTD. BRANCHES ALL SUBURBS. SEE ALPHABETICAL SECTION NEW PALACE EMPORIUM, BRICKFIELD HILL, SYDNEY. Wil Wil1743 ALPHABETICAL. 'Wilson James, Hill rat, Bexley ., m merong d, Wilson John, 11 Wetherill at, L'hardt Wils,m Nurse 31. L li 'Wilson Jai tics, Wyalong st, Burwood Wilson John, 12 Raglan at, Manly ;Kensington Wilson James, Westbourne at, Carlton Wilson John, off Renwick at, Wilson Miss Mabel, Moore at, L'pool Wilson Jas., 130 Darlington rd, Dar- Wilson John, Schweble at, Marrickville Wilson Malcolm, 183 West at, N. Syd. lington Wilson John, Claude ave, Neutral Bay' Wilson Martin, 101 Paddington st, 'Wilson James. 33 Darling-t VII road, Wilson John, 328 Military rd, Neut. B. Paddington Darlington Wilson John, 17 Oxford at, Newtown Wilson Mrs. Mary, 26 Hartley at, Roz. Wilson James, 98 Rose st, Darlington Wilson John, 228 West at, N. Sydney Wilson Mrs. Mary 11., 14 Harrow rd, Wilson John, 179 Sutherland st, Pad. 'Wilson James, Portland at, Enfield Stanmore Wilson James, 5 Charles at, Ers'ville Wilson John, Kingsgrove rd, Miura Wilson Mrs. 31ary J., "Buda," WatWilson John, 27 Croydon st, 1"sham Wilson James, Rawson at, Gore Hill kin at, Rockdale 'Wilson Janses11 Arthur at, Granville Wilson John, 82 Dowling at, Redfern Wilson Matthew, Gelding at, Petersham Wilson James, Dunslatinace st, Hurl- Wilson John, Eglinton at, Rookwood Wilson Milton, Cuthbert at, Waverley Wilson John, 9 Goodsir at, Rozelle Wilson Mrs. Nitta, Dudley st, Coogee stone Park Wilson James, Kogarah rd, Kogarah Wilson John, 31 Parson's at, Rozelle Wilson N G. 13 Bishop at, 111tille Morrison rr. isoni Ryde Wilson Noel A., Salisbury rd, Srmore 'Wilson James, Ainsworth at, Is'hardt Wilson Norman, 69 13uckinglann at Wilson James, 155 Addison rd, 1rville Wilson ,bolmmm, Wilson Norman S., 110 Beattie at, 'Wilson James, Meek's rd, Marrickville 'tVjlsonm Jolunm, Princess eve, Waterloo Wilson James, Victoria rd, 31ar'villel Wilson John, 36 Spicer at, Woollahra Balmain 'Wilson James, Warren rd, Mar'ville} Wilson John A., representing Benger's Wilson Nurse, 53 Wood at, Manly Ltd., 117 Pitt at Wilson G. C., 29 Pleasant eve, Eeville Food, Wilson James, J.P., 12a Spencer stl Wilson John C., 12 Fowler at, Cam- Wilson 0. 0. L., 10 Fitzgerald at, Mosman n Vie wst,'perdow Wilstin James, -a -1 , II ilson John G., 97 Boundary atWilson 0. IV., 18 Vista at, Mosman North Sydney 'Wilson James, 7 Wilona are, N. Sycl.' Wilson John G., 14) Ross at, For. Lodge Wilson Olaff, 64 Weston rd, Roselle ' 'Wilson James, 44 Norfolk at, Pad'ton ilson John G., Clarence rd, Hale Wilson Oliver Ethel at, Parramatta Wilson Jas., 92 Paddington at, Pad'ton} Wilson John H., Broad rd, S. Wwick Wilson Oscar, First a y e, Eastwood -Wilson James, Stony Creek rd, I"b'w1; Wilson John 11., Balmoral live, Rose- Wilson Oswald, 79 lialmain rd, LeichWilson James, Livingstone a ye, I pubic,dale hardt Wilson James, Fern at, Randwick 'Wilson John 11., 27 Manning at, Itoz. Wilson P. J., 474 Marrickville rd„ "Wilson Hon. James, J.P., M.L.C., 113} Wilson John K., 21 Raper at, N'town Dulwich Hill Bourke at, Redfern , Wilson John L., Northeote at, M'ville w ilsoii raffish, oil 25 City rd, liar'Wilson James, 4 Holden . st, Redfan1Wilson John L.,80 Thurlow at, It fern ' lington Wilson James, 17 Wilson lane, R'fern}Wilson John S., 57 Little Behnore at Wilson Patrick, Dorsett st, Epping. WilsonJames, Joseph st, Itookwood} Wilson John T., William at, Geville Wilson Patrick, Joseph st, Rookwood 'Wilson James, 99 Mansfield st, noels' II ilson John T., Premier st, hogarah Wilson Percy J., 68 Marriott at, Irfern 'Wilson James, 53 Salisbury rd, Stan- } Wilson John W. laundry, 406 Harris at Wilson Peter, Dellview st, Bondi : Wilson John IV., 82 Parrawcen at, Wilson Peter, Victoria rd, Maeville more 'Wilson James A., 25 Bedford at, New-: Neutral Bay Wilson Peter It., 135 Ben Boyd rd, } Wilson Jonathan, 9 Willoughby st, N. town Neutral Bay Sydney 'Wilson James B., bicycles and motor, Wilson R., hairdresser, Hamilton st } Wilson Joseph, Lavender at, Five Dock V'l- R hairdresser, 28 Hunter st cycles, 114 George at west Wilson James B., Lumley at, Granville: I% ilson Joseph, Hope at, Granville Wilson R., Bray at, Mosinan 1Vilson James J., manufacturing cliem•} Wilson Joseph, 58 James St. L'hardt „ „ It Militar y rtl, Mosman i Wilson Joseph, 52 Reuss at, L'hardtWilson " sun R.,. --, 31 Shadier at, Neutral Bay ist, 296a Pitt at • Wilson James S., Nicholson at, 13'wood. Wilson Joseph, off 5 Carlow at, North Wilson R. A., M.D., surgeon, 2 Booth 1Vilson James S., 543 Illawarra rd,} Sydney main ' Wilson Joseph, Govett at, Itandwick at, Bal , mgr. American Trading. liarrickville e Wilson 'Wilson James W., 16 Calder rd, R'fern} Wilson Joseph, Dover rd, Rosecaws Bay Co.ILofCs Australia, importers, etc., Bay 'Wilson Mrs. Jane, Connemarra at, ' Wilson Mrs. Joseph, Rose Ba 40 King st } Wilson Joseph, 30 Park st, Rozelle Bexley Wilson It. C., 70 Metropolita n rd, En'Wilson Miss Jane, Elizabeth st, C'hon!Wilson Joseph, 11 Perrett at, Rozell more Wi 1'4011 Mrs. Jane, Walz at, Irlidale } Wilson Mrs. Julia, 13eamish at, Wilson Mrs. Jane, Lyons at-, Strathfield , Wilson Katherine, Alton at, Woollahrlei Wilson It. J., "Duncraggan," 38 Rag75 Raglan st, Mos '• Wilson Mrs. Jane M., Liverpool rd,, , 'Wilson Ke lan at, Mosman. 'man Burwood Wilson Mrs. II. J., 4 Stirlin g at, Red'Wilson John, fuel yard, 78 Foveaux at Wilson Miss L. 11.P.S , chemist, Gor- fern R. R. Victoria rd, Mar'ville 1Vilson john, 11 Bascom placeIdon rd, Itillars . v.liby WilS011 rd, Wilson L., 141 Clematis 1, st,w,iir.i. N. S}vd. Wilson R. Windsor st, Pad. g Beach 'Wilson John, 174 Bourke at Whitin Wilson II.E., k.,168 } Wilson Miss L., Brook at, Coogee 'Wilson John, 108 Duke at Sfosman I Wilson Mrs. L., 'Merton at, Obulesvill• Wilson R. IV., 7 Grosvenor st, Neut. Wilson John, 31 Princes at tat, 'Wilson John, Waterloo at ' Wilson L., Alleyne at, Willous,' Id; Bay Wilson Raymond, 159 Layton st, CamWilson John, 4 Windeyer at :Wilson L., Willoughby is , Wilson Mrs. L., 15 Jersey rd, Irahra 'Wilson John, Belmont st, A'ilria rdown pe 'Wilson John, Chandos at, Ashfieldi Wilson Mrs. la. C., Kangaroo street, Wilson Reuben, North at, Marrickville Canipsie 'Wilson John, Bnyview at, Bexley Wilson John, George at, Camperdown Wilson Lawrence, 39 Talford at, Glebe II‘Vii ilstoinii 1 1 li oc il i iiarr d : 15520 1Ilir litettooiri iastr, dl:Ii}5iiiitItyr. Wilson Leslie, Mount at, Hunt. Hill Wilson John, Gould at, Canterbury Wilson John, Market at, Drummoyne Wilson Leslie, Handley at, Maeville rickville• Wilson Lewis J., 95 Grafton at, W'alira y st, N. 'Wilson John, 51 Tranmere at, Drum- Wilson Lindsay, mgr. The Iron Bark Wilson Richard, la Best st 1110y710 • Sydney Timber Co., Ltd., 113 Pitt at 'Wilson John, Beach rd, Dulwich Hill Wilson Mrs. M. E., 48 Napier at, Wilson Richard, Brickfield at, P'matta at, RedWilson John, Carlotta at, Gore 11111 Wilson M., Helena at. Auburn Wilson Mrs. 11., 20 Wigram rd, Glebe Wilson Richard, 9 Woodburn Wilson J01111, Vulcan st, Granville fern Wilson M. C., 132 Blue's Point rd, Wilson Richard, 72 Hayberr 'Wilson John, Rawson at, Ibiberfield Wilson Richard, 25 Parson's st, Hot. Wilson John, Dalhousie at, liabsrtield .. North Sydney 4 I'errett at, Rozelle tWilson John, Rubino. at, Holroyd Wilson Richard, 13 Mount t, t. gee I addington Wilson Rev. John (C. of E.), Carring- Wilson Mrs. M. J., Eleanor at, Gran- Wilson Richard W., Woolwich rd, ton are, Hurstville Hunter's Hill vills sonRichard Robert, physician Az s urgeon, 'Wilson John, Kensington rd, Ken'ton Wilson Mrs. M. J., Victoria at, Gran- Wilson Wilson John, 161 Cecily at, L'hardt • %illy 104 Buckingham at Wilson John, 31 Myrtle at, L'hardt Wilson Mrs. M. J., 19 L'Avenue Park Wilson Robert, gen. sec. Plicenix 'Wilson John, 74 Styles at, L'Inirdt Mutual Provident Society, Ltd., Mutual Newtown 158 Pitt at AS FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND CONTRACTORS WE SERVE ALL WITH EQUITY AND ECONOMY ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR THE MAN ON THE LAND. 1 744 ALPHABETICAL. Wil Wilson Robert, 74a Pitt at Wilson Thomas Elizabeth st Carlton Wilson Walter, 82 Windsor st, Pad. Wilson Robert, 116 Nelson st, Medal e Wilson Thomas, Darvall at, Eastwoot Wilson Walter E., 144 West at, N. Wilson Robert; 33 Stephen at, Balman Wilson Thomas, Woodville rd, Gr'vill eSydney Wilson 'Robert, Dunmore at, Bexley Wilson Thomas, Romsey at, Hornsby Wilson Walter IV., Duke at, Campsie Wilson Robert, 87 St. George's ores , Wilson Thomas, Forest rd, Hurstvill „ Wilson William, 89 Cathedral St Drummoyne Wilson Thomas, 50 Jarrett st, L'hard Wilson William, 18 Duke at Wilson Robert, Kintore at, Dulwich H . Wilson Thomas, Bay rd, N. Sydney Wilson William, 24 Goodchap at Wilson Robert, Mobb's lane, Dundas Wilson Thomas, Military rd, N. Syd Wilson William, 267 Young st, Wilson • Robert, 68 Malcolm at , Wilson Thomas, 37 Thomas st, N. Syd ' Wilson William, Duncan st, Arncliffe Erskineville Wilson Thomas, Trott st, Parramatta• Wilson William, 34 Milton at, Ashfielc Wilson William, 12 Little Edward am, Wilson Robert, St. David's rd, Haber - Wilson Thomas, Clargo at, P'sham Balmain field Wilson Thomas, 49 Cleveland at, Red Wilson William, Burwood rd, Innore Wilson Robert, Melford at, Hurlstone fern Wilson William, Byron st, Campsie Park Wilson Thomas, Eglinton at, R'kwood Wilson William, Blackwall Point rd, Wilson Robert, 12 Carlisle at, L'hardt Wilson Thomas, Pope at, Ryde Chiswick Wilson Robert, 63 Wetherill at, Wilson Thomas C., 208 Devonshire at Wilson Robert, Terrace rd, Mar'ville Wilson Thomas G., Willis at, Arneliffe Wilson William, Behnore rd, Coogee. Wilson William, 129 Darlington rd. Wilson Robert, 4 Parraween at, Neut. Wilson Thomas J., 218 West st, N. Darlington Bay Sydney Wilson Robert, 129 Sutherland at, Pad. Wilson Thomas S., Alexander at, Arn- Wilson William, Burwood rd, Enfield Wilson William, 52 Gladstone at, En. cliffe Wilson Robert, Smith at, Parramatta more Wilson Robert, 112 Young at, Redfern WilS011 Thomas W., 16 Cowper at, Wilson William, 14 Bra y at, Wilson Robert, 119 Evans at, Rozelle Waverley Wilson William, 62 Darling at, Glebe Wilson Robert, 5 Sutherland at, St. Wilson V., 2 Lamb at, Leichbardt Peters Wilson Victor, Hampstead rd, Flem'ton Wilson William, 93 Perry rd, Glebe Wilson William, 11 Sheehy at, Glebe Wilson Robert, 107 Botany at, Water- Wilson Victor E., Carr at, Coogee Wilson William, Wentworth Park rd, loo Wilson W., Vine at, Hurstrille Glebe Wilson Robert, 30 Australia at, W'abra Wilson W., J.P., River rd, Lane Cove Wilson William, Bridge at, Hornsby Wilson Robert II., 54 Brougham at Wilson W., I Arbutus st, Mosman Wilson William, Paling at, Leiehhardt Wilson Robert IL, Gladstone at, Bexley Wilson W., 26e Elizabeth at, Pad. Wilson Robert J., 16 Loftus at Wilson W. B., dental surgeon, 50 East Wilson William, Thorby ave, L'hardt Wilson William, Fitzroy at, Mar'ville Wilson Robert J., 176 Ben Boyd rd, Esplanade, Manly Neutral Bay Wilson W. B., 64 Barley rd, Manly Wilson William, Gould a ye, ISFyille Wilson William, Horton at, Maeville Wilson Robert M., Cecil at, Gordon Wilson W. B., "Seattle," Meeks rd, Wilson William, 45 Perry at, M'ville Wilson Robert R., 48 Albemarle st, Marrickville William, SO Shepherd at, MarNewtown Wilson IV. II., 143 Morehead st, Red- Wilson ricltville Wilson Robert W., Walker at, fern Wilson William, Thomson at, M'uima us Wilson Ronald, 6 Sutherland at, St. Wilson W. C. civil engineer, and surWilson William, Military rd, Neut. B. Peters veyor, 32' Elizabeth at Wilson William, 9 Waters rd, Neut. Wilson Mrs, Rose, 60 Shepherd tt, Wilson W. Claude, J.P., Burlington Bay Redfern rd, Homebush Wilson William, 6 Thomas st, N. Svd. Wilson S., divisional officer Common- Wilson W. E., 64 Elizabeth at wealth Weather Bureau, Upper Wilson W. E., "Rosetta," Broughton Wilson William, 14 Stafford at, Wilson William, Marsden at, P'matta. Fort St rd Artarmon Wilson S. A., 32 Castlereagh st, Wilson W. E., "Dtmeraggan," 38 Rag. Wilson William, 4 Homey at, Rozelle Wilson William,. 2 Nelson at, Rozelle Redfern LID at, Mosman Wilson William, 52 Percival rd, Stan, Wilson Mrs. S. B., Victor st, C'wood more Wilson S. R., Picture Co., Victoria WilSOII Willi/ED, 22 Marrickville rd, ave. Chatswood Sydenham Wilson S. W., 68 Rosalind st, N. Syd. Optician and Spectacle Maker, Wlson Mrs. William, Isis at, W'roonga Wilson Samuel, 47 Rowntree at, HalEQUITABLE BUILDING, 350 Wilson William, Isis at, Wahroonga main Wilson William, 121 Cooper st, George at. Tel. 556 City Wilson Samuel, Dean at, Enfield Wilson William, 120 Mill Hill rd,. Wilson Samuel, Weston rd, Ilurstville Waverley Wilson Samuel .1., Addison at, K'gton Wilson W. E., 136 Station at, N'town Wilson Saywell, 34 Park at, Rozelle Wilson W. E., Archbold rd, Roseville Wilson William A., 18 Crystal at, Roz. Wilson William G., Ramsay rd. Wilson W. G., 151 Dowling at Wilson Sidney, Agar at, Marrickville William II., 5 Bradford at,. Wilson Sidney, Cobar at, Willoughby Wilson W. G., 21 Wharf rd, Balmain Wilson Balmain Wilson Simeon, Gladstone par, L'field Wilson W. 0., Anderson st, Clewood Wilson William H., Forest rd, Wilson W. 0., Hastings rd, rinut.e.t Wilson Simon, Planthurst rd, Carlton Wilson William II.,' 37a Morris at. Wilson Mrs. Sophia, 80 Thompson st Wilson W. H., 579 Crown at Summer Hill Wilson W. II., 300 Liverpool at Wilson Stanley, Ramsay rd, Witold Wilson William j., 107 View at, AnWilson Sydney, optician, 50 East Esp- Wilson W. H., 5 Burfitt• at, L'hardi nandale Wilson W. II., 1 Stephen at, Pad'ton lanade, Manly Wilson William J., Railway par, Wilson W. II., Cowper at, P'matta Wilson Sydney, 14 Alexander at C'arlton Wilson Sydney, Mossgiel at, Manly Wilson W. II., Stanley at, Rockdale Wilson Wrenford H., 25 Forsyth at,. Wilson Sydney H., Duncan at, A'cliffe Wilson W. II., Railway st, W. Kogarah Glebe Wilson Mrs. T., Orpington at, A'field Wilson W. J., newsagent, 76 liar- Wilson-Jonas Shem, 82 Kensington rd. ris at Wilson T. B., 453 Oxford at, Pad'ton Summer MR Wilson T. G., 112 Glenmore rd, Pad Wilson W. J., 105 Parramatta rd, Wilthew Harry, ffin Darling st, Rozelle. Annandale Wilson T. II., 82 Wellington at, Wilthew William J., 22.11ornsey st, Waterloo Wilson W. J., Lane Cove rd, N. Syd. Rozelle Wilson T. J., 68 Renwick at, L'hardt Wilson W. J., 21 Abercrombie street, Wilton Francois Ltd., boot polish. Redfern Wilson Mrs. Theresa, Lane Cove rd, manufacturers, Cowper at, Pymble Wilson W. •., 8:3 Corunna rd, S'inore Wilton A. R., 124a Short at, Bahnain Wilson Thomas, 44 Adelaide at Wilson W. M., Bowen at, Chatswood Wilton Albert, 35 College.st , Balmain Wilson Thomas, 39 Church st Wilson W. It., 23 Mallett at, C'down Wilton Miss B., registry office, .41 Wilson Thomas, 15 Mary at Wilson W. S., Nicholson at, St. L'ards Elizabeth St Wilson Thomas, 38 Union at Wilson W. T., Jerse y at, Hornsby Wilton Irs, C., Short st, Homebush Wilson Thomas, Harden ave, Art'inon Nilson W. T., Queenseliffe, Manly Wilton C. E., Coree rd, Artarmon Wilson Thomas, 9 Clay at, Balmain Nilson Walter, 81 Renwick at, Drum- Wilton E. J., 49 Enmore rd, Elmore moyne Wilson Thomas, 44 Briggs at, C'down Wilton Rev.E.N., B.A.,St. Wilson Thomas, 19 Grose at, C'down Wilson Walter, Fairlight cres, Manly Andrew's Cathedral, George at p.r., Station at, Meadowbank WILSON W. E. WOOD, COFFILL it COMPANY LTD. CENTRAL OFFICE : 810-12 GEORGE ST. 'PHONE 726 & 1524 CENTRAL ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR POULTRY KEEPERS' REQUISITES. Wil ALPHABETICAL. Win1745: 'Wilton F. H. B., "Patton," Coree rd, Windberg Henry F., 37 Alice at, Windsor Alfred, 19 Campbell at, Glebe Windsor E., Botany at, Itandwick Newtown A rt a nnon 1Villon Frederick, Sutherland am, Ircot 'Windebank M., Guildford rd, Guildf'd Windsor F. A., 70 Bridge rd, Glebe Wilton George F., 81 Day st, L'hardt I Windebank Mark, tailor & dyer, 13 Windsor J. T., 20 Clarence at Windsor Robert H., 18 Pashley at, Enmore rd, Newtown Wilton Henry G., Cardigan at, C'down Balmain Wilton J. It., 492 Parramatta rd, !Windeler H. 86 Castlereagh at, It'fern Wine and Spirit Association of N.S.W. ;Windeler John 11., Brook at, Coogee Petersham (The)—A. J. Ross, hon. sec.,: Windermere Post Office, Black lane, Wilton Mrs. L., King at, Bondi 336a George at Wentwortliville Wilton S. J., Napier st, Marrickville WINE AND SPIRIT NEWS AND AUSTRA: 'Wilton Mrs. T. T., Frenchman's rd, Winder J., accountant, 2 Bridge at VIONERON, 3 Bond at I Winder John, 5 Sorrie at, Bahnain Itandwick Wine William T., 38 Julliett at, EnWinder John, 29 Lytton at, N. Sydney Petersham Wilton NV. ,T., Jesmond aye, more Wilton William, Balaclava rd, E'wood !Winder Miss M., 39 Livingstone rd, Winetield Adam, 34 Myrtle at .Marrickville Wilton William, 31 Reiby at, N'town 1Vinetield John, 10 Calder at, Dar'ton ,Wintler T., Canonbury grove, Dul. Hill Wilton Wynn, Bellevue rd, Double 13. Wiltshire A. IV., Boundary at, P'matta Winder William, 30 Havelock at, Wines Mrs. Isabella, Harrow rd, Bexley 'Minn/lune 'Wiltshire Alfred, Balfour at, Carlton Wines Oscar II., Grafton at, Baltnain Wiltshire B. B., Parramatta rd, Five Winders Mrs. C., 18 Victoria St Wines William, Wills° at, Burwood Winders John, 45 his st, Paddington Dock Winfield Alfred R., Queen at, Enfield Wiltshire D. B., 57 Smith at, 'Wyllie Winders Thomas, 423 Riley at Winfield Mrs. C. 11., 108 Wallis st, 'Wiltshire Ernest, Richmond at, C'don Wintlerstrom Bruno, Allison rd, RandWoollahra wick Wiltshire F., 91 Kingselear rd, A'dria Windeyer and Williams, solicitors, Winfield Fred, 139 West at, N. Syd. 'Wiltshire H., Queenseliffe, Manly notariespublic,cominissioners Winfield Frederick, King rd, Five Dock Wiltshire P., 793 Illawarra rd, for affidavits, 78 Pitt at Winfield Robert J., King rd, F. Dock Wiltshire T. IL, inspector Forestry Department, Lands Buildings, Bridge Wintleyer Mrs. Ada, 38 Raymond rd, Winfield Walter, 34 Northwood at, Camperdown ,Neutral Bay • street'Wiltshire Thomas II., 60 Egan st, .Windeyer J., 127 Botany rd, Waterloo Wing Fung and Co., importers, 432 Sussex at Windeyer J. C., physician and sur• Newtown geon, 32 College Sr Wing- Lee and Co., cabinetmakers, Wiltshire W. G., 4 Reserve st, Ated'le Wintleyer James, sen., 5 Little Nor211 Thomas at Wiltson Rey. II. G. (C. of E.), Phut. ton at Wing On and Co. fruit merchants, soil st, Sans &mei Windeyer James, jun., 9 Little Nor28 Steam Mill' at ton at Wing Sang and Co., fruit and produce MUMBLE F. T. AND CO.. LTD., Witideyer Mrs. M. F., Edward at, N. merchants Hay at, 18 Campbell Printers' Outfitters, Typefounders, Sydney at, and Steani ' Mill at • Printing Ink Manufacturers, .Printers' Roller Composition Manu- Wintleyer 0. M., 90 Rochford at, Ers- Wing Tiy and Co., fruit merchants, kineville 94 llay at facturers and Electrotypers, 87-89 Windeyer R., barrister, 182 Phillip st Wing Wish and Co., Importers, 317 Clarence st, and at Melbourne p.r., "Upton Grange," Edward at, Castlereagh at Vimble A. J. R., public accountant, North Sydney Wing War Bing and Co., merchants, 58 Hunter at Windeyer William A., solicitor, notary 62 Campbell at '1Vinible Fred. T., "Wallarain," public, commissioner for affi- Wing Yuen and Co., fruit merchants, Wright's rd, Drummoyne. Tel. 304 davits, 78 Pitt et; p.r., Passy Ultimo rd Drunnnoyne aye, Hunter's Hill Wing Albert, 33 Ruthven at, It'wick Vimble Frederick E., 9 'Cecil at, Windle Alfred E., 30 Union st, Plot) Wing Bertie W., 24 Searl at, P'shain Himmmlmumrst Bros., plumbers, 28 Fother- Windle Miss Annie, Dudley st, Coogee Wing C. E., Austenham rd, L'hardt high= at. Mnrrickville Whiffle Arthur, Glen at, Bondi Wing Charles, Victoria at, Ashfleld 'Win/burst A. E., Wemyss st, Witulle Mrs. S., 97 Mill 11111 rd, Way. Wing Charles, S2 Windsor rd, P'sham Witniturst C. J., Wetnyss at, Maeville Windier Henry, 65 Iredale st, N'town Wing II. T., Gardener's r(l; Mascot "Wimhurst E. J., Calvert at, Windon Alfred, Judge at, Randwick Wing Henry, off O'lliorden at, A'dria Winilturst Mrs. S., 28 Fotheringliam Windon Arthur, 22 Hanover at, W•Cloo Wing Henry, Bowmer at, Banks's Whitton Charles A., 74 Parraween at, Wing Henry, 1 Short at, NewtOwn at, Marrickyille 'Winberg James, Wilso nst, Botany Neutral Bay Wing James, King at, Mascot -"Wincarnis"—Coleman and Co. Ltd. Windon George, 12 Chandos at, A'field Wing James, Paul's rd, Waterloo .(Fassett and Johnson, agents), 5- Winilon George F., Pine st. !Mick Wing Joseph, Francis at, Homebush Windon Harry, Brighton at, P'sham 7 Barrack at Wing Thomas, Cowper at, Randwicic Winch Arthur, 12 Murdock at, Rozelle Windon Harry, 14 Kettle at, Redfern Wing William, 41 Bent at, Pad'ton 'Winch Charles, 15 Hanover st, Roz. Windon Henry 3., York rd, Randwick Wingate It., 127 Edgecliffe rd, W'ahra. Windon James, 12 Neutral at, N. Syd. Wingate Thomas, 27 Thurlow at,' R'fcm Winch Edwin, 3 Clara at, Rozelle Whitton Sydney, 18 Bray at, N. Syd. Wingfield C. F., 604 Crown at • 'Winch Frank Park rd, Auburn Window Cleaning and Office Toilet Wingfield Mrs. N., 30 Ormond 'at, Winch Frederick W., 14 Mary at Supply Co., '4 Yurong at Paddington 'Winch Harold IL, Pennant at, P'matta Winch Robert, George at, Parramatta Winched A. L., butcher, 96 Albion at Vingrave Brookvale, Gipps at, D'Inoyne Winch William, Bridge at, D'moyne Winched Mrs. Emily, 6 Elizabeth at, Wingrove . E., 180 Military rd, Wmati Rozelle Wingrove George, 284 Glebe Pt. rd, 'Winch William, liogarali rd, Kogarah John, Carrington at, Bexley Glebe Winchcombe Carson Ltd., woolbrokers, Windred Windrol Joseph IL, Forest rd, II'ville Wingrove John, 23 Lamb at, L'hardt 46-52 Bridge at; wool stores, Winched Loftus, Todman a ye, Ken'ton Wingrove Lionel, 83 Forbes st Pyrmont; sale yards, Homebush; Windred M., 276 Darling at, Balmnin Wingrove Mrs. M. A., 31 Wolseley skin store, Alexandria Mrs. Mary, 85 Bridge rd, rd, Mosinan Winclicombe Hon. F. E., J.P., M.L.C., Windred Glebe 12 Greenoaks a ye, Darling Point Windrim Mrs. S. IV., 571 Darling at, Winiwood A. 29 Suttor at, Alexandria Wink Mrs. iffie, 29 Dillon at, Pad. 'uWinelicombe Mrs. I., 6 Bomett st, Rozelle Wink William, 25 Wilson at Neutral Bay Windrow G. IL, Beaconsfield st, Bexley Winkle P., 76 Young at, R'fern Winchester Mrs. A., 87 Reservoir at Windschuttle Mrs. A., 63 13rightori at, WinkleADM; M., Canterbury rd, Campsie Wincluter Elrick, 3 Belmore at Petersham Winchester N., Susan st, Auburn Winkle M. J.. 199 O.S.H. rd; Wav'y Windschuttle E. A., George at, L'hardt 1Vincliester Nurse. Chapel at, Wituischuttle H., 63 Upward at, Lcieli- Winkle Patrick, 21 Kepos at, Redfern Winkle Thomas, 3 Egan at, Mown Winekworth Henry W., Balmoral nYe, hardt Rosedale • Windsor Manufacturing Co., S Ox- Winkler Charles, 40 Edward at Winkler W. A., 13 Thomas at, Redfern Wincote W., 12 Little Darling at, ford st Winks F. .1.. 26 Annesley t, L'hardt Balmnin Windsor Albert, Burt st. Rozelle 'Winans Mrs. S., Lamont at, N. Syd. Windsor Albert W., 15 Burt at,. Roz. Winks F. J., jun., LP, 'Weston rd, lbws) ville "THE LARGEST FIRM OF UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS IN THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE EVERYTHING FOR EVERYBODY AT ANTHONY HORDERNIP. ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR TOP QUALITY AT BOTTOM PRICE. 1746Win ALPHABETICAL. Wis Wis IWinters Charles A., Coward at, Mascot. Winkworth Alfred, 34 Widlter st, Red- WinstonFredk.. May at, Mar'ville Winston W., 34 Addison rd, Maeville ; WintersII.,408Unwin'sBridge rd, fern Winkworth C.R.,29Johnstonat, Winston W. F., chemist, 393 Pitt at ISt.Peters Winter John Strange (Australia) Ltd., I WintersIt., caretaker, 64Elizabeth at Annandale I Winters Thomas, 33 Glenview at, Pad. 26 Jamieson St WinkworthG.,Carysford st,WviIle WinkworthG.,men.,WoiliOra rd, W inter Leonard, Ltd.,modellers,733 1Winterton W. C., Calypso ave. Winsn. Wintin W., 72 Constitution rd, 1"sham Harris at llurstvillo Winkworth W., 40 Egan st, Newtown WinterA.S.,159Marrickville road, Millie A. E., Congewai rd,Mosman •WintleAbraham.1.,10Wilfordat,. IVinley S. W., 87 Morgan at, Maeville Mal•rickville Newtown IN inn's Ltd., general s. rapers and clo- Winter Alfred G.,rangerOuterDoI Wintle David, Telegraph rd. Pymole main, Cathedral St thiers,18-28Oxford st Winn Alfred, Harriett at, Neut. Bay Winter Mrs. Alice, Market st, WItale WintonArchibald,43Wilsonat. Redfern Winn Chas., draper, 142 Liverpool i•d, Winter Anthony, 24 Church at, Pad. Winter Arthur, Floss st, Wstone Pk. WintonDavid,Francisat,Ma Cville Ashfleld Winter Arthur, 4 Crescent at, Rozelle ; Winton Ernest .T., Pahner at, Gu'ford. Winn F., architect, 6 Rowe st Winn F., Hampstead rd, Auburn Winter Charles,40Elizabethat, Roz. I Winton George H., Lumsden at, N. Syd. Winn F., 49 Military rd, Mosman Winter Clement, 6 Lion st, Ashfleld !Winton John S., Mona st, Auburn at l'itt 81 Winter I). D., 0 Cook rd, Marrickville i WintonNoel,Sydenham rd,Mar'ville architect, Winn Frederick, Winn George R., Perrier at. Rockdale Winter Edwin, 40 Elizabeth at, Rozelle I WintonW.G.,17Annandaleat. Annandale Winn henry, 4 Burns st, Petersham Winter F., 705 13ourke at Winter I'. A., importer and manufee- Winton William, 3 Norfolk at, N'town. Winn James, Brabyn st, Eastwood turer, sole sgent for Nelson's Ell- WintonWilliamII.,428Kingst, Winn Mrs. Lila, 93 Darling st, Wmain cycloNedia,94Pittat;p.r.,15 •Newtown Winn Mrs. Rose, 37 Albion at. Vilmard \Vatter, Botany rd, Mascot Bent at, North Sydney Winn W. T., 43 Sutherland at, Pad'ton Winn William, Campbell at, N. Sydney Winter Frederick, 26 Cove st, Balmain Winwood F.,Broughtonlit, Can'bury Winzer G. A., Bancroft ave, Roseville Winter ',yea., Tupper at, Maeville Winne William, 27Ivy at, Redfern Winner Henry, 232 Johnston at, A'dale Winter.G., Railway par south, Gr'ville :Wippell P. W., manager Bank of Australasia(branch), 117 Crystal at,, Whiney Mrs. S., 30 Ancrum at, N. Syd Winter 0. A. 27 Minsenden rd, N'town Winter G. A., 16 Myrtle at, N. Syd. •Petersham Winnicott Arthur, 25 Regent at Winnicott Mrs. Arthur, 84 Regent at Winter George IV., 16 Bayswater at, I WIRELESS INSTITUTE OF NEW Drummoyne Winnie F., The Avenue,BrightondeWinter George, Gordon rd, Lindfield •SOUTH WALES—Malcolm Sands C.Perry,hon.see.,Denman: Winning Arthur, Guildford rd, South Winter II., Edwin at, Croydon Chambers,182Phillipat.SydWinter Ilenry, Sydenham rd, Guildford ney.Postal address, Box 2 King Winning Mrs. E., Milner rd, Guildford Winter J. J., Petersham rd, Mar'ville at, Post Office Vinter James, 79 Alt et, Ashfleld Winning James, The Avenue, Wyllie Winter James, 40 Smith at, Rozelle Winning John, 71 Forbes at Winter Joseph, 50 Victoria at, Rozelle Wirrell Thomas G., 272 I3arcons are Winning John, Bunnerong rd, Ken'ton W. W., Virginia at, Ken'gton Winning John, J.P.,42Gordonst, Winter Leonard, 1$ Macaulay rd, Stan. Wirrell Width Bros., Ltd., 12O'Connell at more Paddington Ferry rd, Wirth Mrs. Annie M., St. Jame's rd, "Winter M., Peat's Mrs. Winning N. T., Hopetoun a ye, Vaucluse Randwick Ilornsby Winning R. J., Bunnerong rd, Wton , 423 Cleveland at, Wirth F., 356 Parramatta rd, Indent Winning R. W., manufacturers' agent, Winter Mrs If Redfern Wirth Mrs. H., 19 Trouton at, B'main 107 Castlereagh st Winter Mrs., Broughton rd. Artarmon. Wirth Henry C., 22 Newland at. Way.. Winning Robert, Carr at, Coogee Winning Robert, Liguiria at, Wwick Whiter Miss N., 3 Alexander at, Bab Wirth Philip, 15 Stewart at, Pad'ton• Wisbey Miss Myra, 203Military rd,. main Winning IV. M., 31.P.S., chemist, The Winter S., Jamieson st, Granville Neutral Bay Strand, Croydon Winter Rev. R. (C. of E.), Canterton NVischweh E., 200 Bondi rd, Bondi Winning W. T., 10 Duxford st, Pad. Wiscombe James, 24 Belvoir at at, Hurlstone Park Winram James, 62 Colin st, N. Syd. Wisdom Alfred, Denison at, Waverley Winter Sydney, 0 Victoria at, R'fern WinrocRichard, 72Northumberland Wisdom Robert R., Cook at, Randwick. Winter T.80 Albany rd, Statimore aye, Stanmore Winter Timms, 54 Douglas st, Dul- Wisdom S., 3 Binning at, ErskinevilleWinsbury H., 180 Union at WiseBros.,Ltd.,millersandgrain. wich Hill WinshuttleA.,156Catherinest, buyers; office, 64 Pitt at Winter Thomas, Haldon st, Lakemba, Leichhardt Wise II. dr, Co., Ltd., publishers, Bond. IVinshuttle IL, 17 Elswick et, P'sham Winter Thomas IL, 12 Gloucester at and Pitt sts Winskill George F., Dudley at, Bondi 'Winter IV., 4 Ballast Point rd, WiseJohnII.andCo.,realestate' main Winsley Albert, Percival at, Wwick 68% Pitt st Winslow George; Point st, Leichhardt Winter W. F., Blytheswood a ye, Tur- Wiseagents, Alfred, Kensington rd, Ken'ton ramurra Winslow John, 2 Percy et, Rozelle Wise Alfred, 21 Leichhardt at, Wat'ley Winter W. T., 64 Albert at, Wyllie Winslow Thomas, Helena at, L'hardt Winsor and Newton's Artists' Materi- Winter William, Yangoora rd. B'more, Wise Mrs. Avoca, Calliope 'at, 3I'mate Wise Hon. B. R., E.G., barrister, 167 Winterberg John, 73 Windmill at als and Signs, 12 Royal arcade Phillip at; pr, 57 Elizabeth Bay Winsor W. R. and Co., printers and WinterbottomMrs.C.,Churchtve,. road Mascot law stationers, 170 Pitt at Winsor Clarence, Terrace rd, Maeville Winterbottom Charles T.,07Darley' Wise E. II., 9 McLachlan ave Wise E. W., 500 Glentuore rd, Pad. at, Newtown Winsor Walter, 6 Nelson place, Vahan) Winsor William, 29 Campbell at, Glebe Winterbottom Charles, Bay st, Botany Vise Edward, 3 Berwick lane Winspear W. T., 153 Bullanaming at, Winterbottom Mrs. Eliza, Bay at, Bet. Wise Edward, Todman ave, Kens'gton• Winterbottom Fredk., Rolfe st, Mascot WiseEdwardW.II.,4Turner at, Red fern Balmain Winspeare William, Alt st, Haberfield Winterbottom Henry, Coward st, M'cot Winstanley James Merriwa at, Gordon WinterbottomJ.,Gardener'slane, WiseErnestG.,48Carodialton st,. &Wield Mascot Winstanley Mrs. 'M. E., 111 Denison Winterbottom James, Botany rd, Bot. Wise Mrs. Esther, Webb at, Croydon at, Newtown Wise F., 17 Little Comber at, Pad'ton. Winstanley Mrs. Mary, 17 Regent at, Winterbottom James, jun., Gardener's Wise F. J., Terrace rd, lane, Mascot Newtown Winstanley R. F., Rose at, Liverpool Winterbottom James, King at, Mascot Wise F. J., 141 Walker st, N. Syd. WinstanleyS.J.,107Mullensat, Winterbottom L., Church ave„ Mascot Wise 0. E., J.P., Liverpool rd, E'fleld Winterbottom T., 38 Mount Vernon at, Wise II. G., 279 Edgecliffe rd, IV'ahra Balmain Forest Lodge Wise II. S., Bond's rd, Punchbowl Winsten Seth J., 3 Albert grove, ATM Wise Harold, 827a Darling st, B'main Winston Abralmm,141 Miller at, N. Winterbottom Thomas 1 Bartley at Winters Mrs A., 55 Lavender st, North Wise Henry, 40 Bayswater rd Sydney Sydney Wise Horace, Redmyre rd, Strathfleld Winston Charles R., Rawson at, R'dale WOOD, COFFILL AND COMPANY LTD. LIVERY DEPT., 472-84 HARRIS ST. 'PHONE 156 GLEBE ALPHABETICAL. Wol1747 ViseMrs.J.II.,hon.sec.Liberal Wissing Paul, 28 Chelsea at, Redfern WithersPerc y ,33Burton at,II wick Withers R., 24 The Avenue, Stratlifield AssociationWomen'sDebating Wissman F. J., Bmissell at, Mascot Witchard Mrs. C., 9 John at, Newtown Withers Samuel,15 John at, Club,109Pitt at Witchard Ernest, 11 John at, Newtown Withers W. E., 54 Liverpool rd, A'fleld Wise John, Percy at, Atibtu•n Wise John, Thompson at, D'moyne Witchard Frank, 88 Silver at, St. Pet. Withers W. II., 425 Pitt at WiseJohnII.,J.P.,Florenceat, WitehardG.T.,Clarencerd,R'dale Withers W. II., North par, Campsie Withers W. M., Junction rd, Hornsby Ilomebushi Witchard John, 72 City rd 'WiseJoseph,279Edgecliffe rd, WitchellII.G.,Mibray at,Lindfleld WithersW.3f.,Peat'sFerryrd, Ilornsby Woollahra Witchell J. G.,Iron at, Parramatta Witcher Alfred, Pemberton at, Botany Withers William J., Beach rd, Dul. "Wise Joseph C., 15 Marian at 'Wise Mrs. .31., 150 Walker at, Wien' Witcher B. W., Penkivil at, Willoughby Walley A. E, 85 St. Gorgescres., 'Wise R. It., 117 Victoria at, Mar'ville Witcher G. Castlereagh at, Liverpool Drumlnoyne 'Wise Reginald, 24 John at, Ers'yille WitcherTho masW.,Campbellat, WithrowWalter,teacher of physical culture, 176a George st „Wise Richard, 59 Fitzroy at Kogarah Vise Robert, Wollongong rd, Arneliffe Witcombe E., 14 Cabramatta i •d, lies- Witt*,A. E., .1.1'.,deputy chief clerk Wise Thomas, Brand at, Croydon man ofthepeace,(Alms27illac'Wise Thomas W., 86 Bradley's Head Witeombe F.J.,Sydenhamrd, quaHe at; p.r., 8 Gouldsbury at, Sydenham rd, Mom= Mosman Witeombe P. M.Victoria rd, Vise Walter, Bond's rd, Punchbowl Withycombe R. Morse, dental surgeon, 283Elizabethat ;p.r.,The WiseWilliamC.,townclerk,Hun- Witcombe Mrs. 1-1., 23 Queen at, ter'sHillCouncilChambers, Witcombe J., 224 Unwin's Bridge rd, Avenue, Penshurst St. Peters TownHall,Alexandraat,HunIVithycombe S. J., Milner cres, N. Syd. ter'sHill;p.r.,Mount at, Hun- Witcombe Mark, Sydenham rd, Syden- WitmoreJ.J.,Carruthersat,Pt.nster'sHill ham hurst 'WiseWilliamR.,Wollongongrd, With Frederick, Waiters ave, W'tara Witney Joseph J., Gordon rd, R'ville Arncliffe Witham John D., 11 Peel at, N. Syd. Witt II. W. J., Miley at, Waverley Viselleart Alexander C., 370 Alfred at, Whiteford C., C'anterbury rd, C'bury Witt J.B., Chapel rd, Bankstown North Sydney IVitheford C.,25Stationst,P'sham Witt Mrs. M., 98 North Steyne, Manly Wiseheart Charles, "Lindelfels," Boyle WithefordExley,Northat,M'ville Witt Mrs. 31, 106 Whistler fit, Manly at, Mosman WitherbyA.E.,J.P.,Mann'saye, Witt Mrs. M., Dalley's rd, Willoughby 'WisemanBros.,posterpainters, 36 Neutral Bay Witt William, 113 Avenue rd, M'man Oxford at Witherby Mrs. E. F., 78 Murdoch at, Witt William, 634 Darling at, Itozge WisemanBros..woollenwarehouseNeutral Bay Witte Charles V., Shirley rd, W"craft men, 105 Clarence at Witkridge Ilenry, Lincolnat.C'psie Witte Mrs. Sarah M., 24 Regent at 'Wiseman A. D., saddler, 147-149 Witheriff John, 11 Percy at, Rozelle Witten II., 25 Lithe Comber at,Pad. hamat Withers Miss A., Ocean at, IVoollabra Witten Mrs. Ivy, Lord at, Rockdale Wiseman A. J., 83 Botany at, Waterloo Withers Alexander, 57 Mill st Wittenberg L.,81Green's rd,Pad. "Wiseman Arthur, William at, Hyde Withers Alfred, Sydney rd, Sherwood Willey A. E., Macpherson at, Neutral Wiseman Augustus, 16 Mill at Withers Charles,89 Stanleyat Bay 'Wiseman Charles, Alma st, Aslifield Withers Corey E., Telopea at, 1"bowl Wittick Bert 0., 138 Ebley at, Way'y 'Wiseman David, Cameron at, W. Kog. Withers David, 12 Mount at, Redfern Wittman Albert, Gibbes at, Will'ghby 'WisemanEdward, 484O.S.H.rd, Withers Mrs. E., Albert at, Granville Wittman J. B. High at, Willoughby Woollahra Withers E., Chalder at, Maeville Witton Claude, '207 Johnston at, A'dale Wiseman Edwin, Gerald st, Canterbury Withers Edward E., King at, Rockdale Vitton George, 68 Croydon rd, Cr'don Wiseman Fred, Beamish at, Campsie Withers Edwin A., Carlton at, Carlton Witton W. J., Provincial at, Auburn 1Viseman G., 49 Enmore rd, Maeville WithersEric,5MountVernonat, Wittrean Albert, 8 Clare ter, Indira Wiseman Ilarold E., High at, Carlton WittsGeorge, 3 National at,L'hardt Forest Lodge 'Wiseman Mrs. Helen, 19 Richards ave WithersErnest,94Erskineville rd, Witts L. H., headmaster Public School, 'Wiseman John, 26 Lennox at, N'town Erskinevillc Fourth ave, Wentworthville Wiseman John, 2 Percival rd, St'more WithersErnestR.,12UpperBay WittsMiss3f.,privatehospital, St. Wiseman John II., 18 Mary at, N'town View at east, North Sydney John's rd, Forest Lodge *Wiseman John L., 8 Temple at, St'more WithersFrederick,Allenst,Glebe IVitts Victor, Maud at, Marrickville 'Wiseman John S., 30 Albany at, Stan. WithersG.F.31, J.P.,140Raglan Wix Noel V., Ethel at, Eastwood more at, Mosman Vodreck W., 01 Nelson at, Annandale WisemanLeonardC.,Bridgeat, Withers G. S., 34 Penkivil at, Bondi Woellner C. F., 353 Oxford at,Pad. Drummoyne Withers George, George at,Can'bury Wald John l'.,1Rosser at, Rozelle 'IVisemait Mrs. R., Forest rd. Arncliffe WithersGeorge,Hyde rd,Gordon Woldon John, 339Parramattaroad, Wiseman Mrs. It. B., 132 Paddington Withers George,Gordon at, Mascot Leichhardt st, Paddington Withers George, Alt at, Wayerley Wolf Adolph, 70 Hargrave at, Pad'ton 'WisemanIt.C.,95Holdsworthat, Withers George E., 20 Essex at Wolf G., boot store, 42 Oxford at Woollahra WolfMrs.Georgians,276Kingat, Withers Harold, 8 Grove at, Bondi 'Wiseman Robert, Mortlake at, M'lake Withers Henry,Queen sr,Concord Newtown 'Wiseman T. M., 19 Daniel at, L'hardt Withers Henry, 101 Cleveland at, Red- Wolf Henry 0., Eleanor at, Granville Wisenian Wm., Webber's rd, W. Hog. Wolf .1., St. Elmo st, Mosman fern Wiseman William, Wyong st, Oatley Withers Herbert, 45 Lord st, Newtown Wolf Leslie C., 50 Pearl at, Newtown Vishart and McDowell, grocers, New WithersMrs.I.M.,162Arthurat, Wolf M. A., Want at, Mosman Canterbury rd, Duhvich 11111 Wolfe A. T., gem setter, 478a George North Sydney Wishart Alex., Carnarvon at, Auburn street Withers Mrs. J., 3 Mount Vernon st, Vishart Arch.. 100 Ryan at, L'hardt Wolfe Alex., 34 Surrey at, Marrickville Forest Lodge Wished David, 138 Reservoir at WithersJ.E.,101Livingstonerd, Wolfe Benjamin, 15 Charles at, For. 1Vishart George, 123 George at, R'fern Lodge Marnekville 1Vishart James T., Sixth at, Granville Withers John Park ave, Botany WolfeCharles,34Rosser at, Rozelle Vishart John II., 13 Dillon st,Pad. Withers John, 14 Delmore at, Wmore WolfeDavid,108Blue's Pt.rd,N. Wishart John J., 6 Reiby at, N'town Withers John, 07 Camden at, Newtown Sydney Wishart P., 232 Annandale at, An'dale Withers John, 2 Gowrie at, Newtown Wolfe George. View at,Maeville Wisliart Robert, 424 Elizabeth st Wolfe Harm' T. Harcourteat,C'psie Withers Joseph, 31 Spit rd, Mosman Wolfe Jacob, Alle Wished Thomas, 103 Reservoir at n at.Granville Withers Mrs. Margaret, 21 Dick at Wisher Henry,115 Railway par, Er- i WithersMilton,10Transvaal ave, Wolfe James, 24 Cascade at, PluPton Wolfe Mrs. Mary, 1 Ewenton at, Bab skineville Double Bay main Wisken Alfred, 77 Hargrave at, Pad. Withers 0.E.Bruce,superintendent 'Wisley W. F., 94 Spencer rd, 3Iosman Granville Electorate Cottage Hos. Wolfe Thomas, 187 Nelson at, An'dale Wismuller Mrs. A., 02 Merlin at, N. Wolfe Thomas, Fairmount at, Lakemba pital. Norval at, Auburn Sydney Withers 0. E.Bruce, surgeon, Mary Wolfe William, 2 Pearl at, Newtown at,Auburn• ''IMPORTERS AND DISTRIBUTORS OF UNDERTAKERS' SUPPLIES, PORCELAIN WREATHS, CROSSES, &O. : ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR READY-TO • WEAR CLOTHING. 1748Wol ALPHABETICAL. Woo Wolstenhohne IL, 15 Oxford at, Roz . WOOD REUBEN AND WOOD.- Wolfenden Mrs. E., 8 Reeve at, Waterloo Wolstenhol me Harry, solicitor, 14 LIMITED, Brokers and Commission. Wolfenden Mrs. E., Wollongong rd, Moore at Agents, Sawmill Owners and TimArneliffe Wolstenholme J., 17 Enmore rd, Marber Merchants, Hunter House, 26' Wolfenden E. S., accountant, V, Castlerickyille Hunter at reagh at Wolstenhohne James, 9 Read st, Way'y Wolfenden Evan P., 34 Palace at, Wolstenholme John, 1 Clay at, B'main As/ifkid Wolstenholme W., 20 Trouton A, Bal. Wood A.; 289 Alfred at, N. Sydney Wolfenden II., French at, Marrickville Wood A., Trongnte st, Granville main Wolfenden H., 110 Victoria rd, M'ville Wolstoncroft Mrs. A., Euston rd, Wood Mrs. A., Austin at, Manly 1VoHendon William, Bruce at, StanWood A., 31 King at, Newtown Hurlstone Park more • Wolverine Marine Motor Co.—W. I). Wood Mrs. A., 46 Baptist at, Redfern Wolff Herbert J., 10 Roslyn Gardens Wood A. A., Kensington rd, Ken'gton Bailey, 83 Macquarie at Wolff Solomon, 80 Toxteth rd, Glebe WOMAN'S BUDGET (weekly), printed Wood A. E., Laycock at, Neutral Bay Wolff Theo., Dowling at, Waterloo and published by Christopher Wood A. G., manager Cerebos Salt IVolff William, Susan at, Auburn manufacturers, 1 Bond at ; p.r.„ Bennett, 49 Market at 1VoHord Mrs. M., Canonbury grove, Woman's Hospital—Nurse Stobo, =42 Mackay at Dulwich Hill Wood A. W., surveyor and draughtstroll, Albion and Crown sts man State Fisheries Branch, PubWolford T. Fletcher at, Marrickville Wombell E., Abbott rd, Artarmon lic Works buildings, Phillip St Wolfson and Co., shoe manufacturers, Wombell Enos, Ilannulen rd, Artarmon 35 Grose at. Glebe 1Vombell Enos., 10 Denison rd, P'slem Wood A. W., Kembla at, Arneliffe Wolfson If. and Son, importers, 587 Wombey Miss B. ,' millinery school, Wood A. W. Mimosa rd, Bexley Wood Adolphus, Woodburn rd, RookGeorge at 77-79 The Strand wood Wolfson Harris, 22 Norton at, L'hardt Wombey Albert J., Parltview road, *Wolgast C. A., Fletcher at, Woollahra Wood Albert, Hardie at, Mascot Manly Wolgast Mrs. J., 9 Hargrave at, Pad- Wombey Mrs. II., 106 Parraween st, Wood Albert C., 7 Taylor at dington N. Sydney Wood Albert E., Princess eve, Wolinski Rev. A. D., 32 Moore Park rd Women's Christian Temperance Union Wood Albert J., 15 Burnett at, Rlern Wolk A. & Co., hide and skin expor-• -Miss Bowes, secretary, 139 Wood Alex., Lenthall at, Kensington ters, 58 Harbour at Castlereagh at . Wood Alexander, 14 Seal at, P'sham Wolk Mrs. M., Chandos at, St. L'ards Women's .Club (The)-Misa E. L. Wodd Alfred, Kembla at, Arncliffe Wolland Bros., painters, 06 Belgrave Sutherland, secretary, 77 King st Wood Alfred, 32 Pashley at, Bahnain at, Manly Women's Club, 97 Campbell st, N. Wood Alfred, 62 Mansfield at, Rozelle Wolland Ernest, 56 Birkley rd, Ma illy Sydney Wood Alfred, 2 Morris at, Summer Hill Wolland Isaac, 68 Belgrave at, ld'iy Women's Col/ege—Miss Macdonald, Wood Alfred B., 30 Silver at, Wollaston C., Francla at, Marrickville principal, St. Paul's rd, C'down Wood Alfred E., Ramsay rd, Wollaston George, talking machine, Women's Handicrafts Depot, 327 Wood Alfred E., Charles at, Rookwood 277 George at George at Wood Alfred S., 57 Abercrombie at 'Wollaston Harry, Curt at, Ashfleld Women's Liberal League of Wood Mrs. Alice, Tavistock at, Enfield. Wollaston S., Coomassie rd, N. Ryde Mrs. Rogue Luffman, secretary, Wood Mrs. Alice, 53 North Steyne, Wollesen Jacob, Adderton rd, Hondas Wynyard at . Manly Woolleott V. B., Plunket st, St. Leon. Women's .Patriotic Club—Mrs. C. Wood Mrs. Amy, 117 Arthur at, Wolledge Mrs. A., 26 Allan's aye, Youl, hon sec., 15 Bligh at Sydney Marrickville Womerah Wine Depot, 467 King st, Wood Andrew, Merrylands rd, WentWollett Mrs. A., 31 Bent at, Pad'ton Newtown worthville Wollett Mrs. K., 16 Ruthven at, Womsley John, Belmont at, A'dria Randwick Womsley R. 11. H., Cobden at, Belmore Wood Andrew H., Francis at, Carlton Wood Mrs Annie, 14 Ivy at, Darl'tori Wollett Mark, ,Parramatta rd, H'field Wond Albert, 810 Crown st Wood Mrs. Ann, Addison rd, Maeville Wolloghan Mrs. W. J., Broadford at, Wonders John,. 67 .Fitzroy at Bexley Wonders William, Chester at, Epping Wood Arch., Renwick et, Marricicyllle Wollongong Jockey Club, S Castle- Wong Bros., cabinetmakers, 49 Ann st Wood Arthur, 27 Mitchell rd, APdria Wood Arthur, Villiers at, Bexley reagh at Wong C., grocer, 27 Albion at Wood Arthur, New Canterbury rd, Wollstonecraft Railway Station—John Wong Ernest, 55 Ann at Dulwich Hill Norton, stationmaster, Shirley rd, Wong Hall, underclothing factory, 12 Wood Arthur; Reserve rd, Gore Hill Wollstonecraft Essex at Wolper Aaron, financier. Head office, Woniora Picnic Grounds, Woniora rd, Wood Arthur, Cella at, Granville 50 Elizabeth at; branch office, 65 Wood Arthur, Bellevue par, Hurstville Blakehurst Glebe Point rd, Glebe NVonnacott J. W., 4 Cowles rd, leman Wood Arthur, Premier at, Mar'yille Wolper L., manager the Imperial Im- Wonnocott Arthur, 8 Alfred at, Way. Wood Arthur, 73 Abercrombie at, Been. porting Co., 163 Beattie at, Bal- Wonnocott Harry, 14 Church st, Pad. Wood Arthur J., 108 Darling at, Glebe main Wonnocott Mrs. M. A., 78 Metropoli- Wood Arthur W., 39 Hordern st,. Wolpert E. C., Leichhardt at, L'hardt Newtown tan rd, Enmore 1Volpert Mrs: /Lary, Henry at, L'hardt 1Vonson H. R., secretary Sydney Stock Wood Arthur W., 182 Alfred at, North Wolrige Walter F., Ben Eden at, Way. Sydney Exchange, 113 Pitt at; p.r., Ben Wolach Mrs. J., 2 Princess et, Ashfleld Wood Arthur C. J., J.P., 5 Moore at;. Boyd rd, Neutral Bay Wolschky P. E., 22 Stewart at Pad. Wonson Mrs. M., 249 Cleveland at, mr., "Knollys," 107 Kurraba rd, Wolseley Motor Car Agency, 140 .Neqtral Bay Redfern Castlereagh at Wood and Barrington, cigar importers, Wood Arthur E., 49 Newman at, N'town. Wood Arthur IL, 9 Walter at, Croydon 114a Pitt at Wood Edwin Propty. Ltd., manufac- Wood Bert, Bay at, Botany Wood Butterworth, Junction rd, Sumturers' agents, 56 Market at mer Hill Wood's Garage, Turramurrri rd, T'murm Wood H. A. & Sons, hat manufac- Wood Mrs. C. Dalhousie at, Hablield Wood C. B., Erskineville rd, N'tOwn ' turers, Prospect at, Erskineville Wood J. Anderson & Sons, quantity Wood C. B., Tennyson eve, Turramurra, Dalgety & Co., Ltd., agents for Wood C. E., butcher, 193 Campbell at surveyors, 08% Pitt at Australasia and New Zealand. Wood R. and Co., grocers, 699 Dar- Wood C. E., Edinburgh rd, 3far'ville Sydney Depot, Argyle at, Miller's ling at, and 71 Weston rd, Rozelle Wood C. IL, Hector at, Kogarall Point. Tel. 2446 City. (See Wood Robert and Co., storekeepers, Wood Miss C. M„ Rochester st, H'bush. Advt. opposite Title Page.) Wood Charles, 118 Quarry at Tennyson rd, Mortlake Wolstenholme A. E., 135 Station at, Wood W. and Co., grocers, 101 Church Wood Charles, 135 Booth at, An'dale Newtown at, Parramatta Wood Charles, Chestnut rd, Auburn • WOLSELEY SHEEP SHEARINC MACHINE CO. LTD. 'WOOD, COFFILL &COMPANY LTD. HEAD OFFICE: BU1.WARRA RD.,PYRMONT:PHONE 726 L1160 CENTRAL CAW & Oirtutpatty, 4270., The Premier FUNERAL DIRECTORS, CARRIAGE and DRAG PROPRIETORS OF THE COMMONWEALTH. THE PROCESSIONAL FUNERAL CAR. NOTE—Serving all with Equity and Economy, We Conduct over Onehalf of the Total Interments in the Metropolitan Area. CENTRAL OFFICE: 810-12 George St. 'Phones 726, 1160 and 1524 Central. LIVERY DEPT. ••• ... 472-84 Harris Street 'Phone 156 al Glebe. ANTHONY HORDERNS''. FOR .THE NEWEST ;MEN'S MERCERY. Woo' 1749 . ALPHABETICAL. Woo Wood Charles, Wallace at, Burwood Wood Charles, 90 Douglas at, S'more Wood Charles, Bourke at, Waterloo Wood Charles A., Tavistock st, Enfield Wood Charles E., Garden st, Marriekville Wood Charles H., Condamine st, Manly Wood Charles H., Clifton ave. B'wood Wood Charles W., 48 Mary at, Waterloo Wood Clive 8., 52 Palace at, Ashfield " -J IIJ 0 2 2 0 WOOD " The Optician EQUITABLE BUILDING, George at. S) dney (only)--H. Sanderson, Principal. Tel. City 2490 Wood David, 168 . Albion st, An'dale Wood Miss E., 17 Elizabeth St Wood Mrs. E., • 29 Shadier at, Neut. Bay Wood Mrs. E., Broad rd, South Itandw'k Wood 'Mrs. E. E.; 149 Ernest at, North Sydney Wood E. 'GI., 104 Walker st; N. Syd. Wood E. H., 6 Holborrow at, Croydon Wood. Edgar, 9 Boussole rd, Daceyville Wood'Edward, Hotham par, Gore Hill Wood Edward, Short st,.lioniebusit Wood Edward, 6 Florence at, St. Peters Wood Edward, Cambridge at, Vaucluse Wood Edward J., 13 Mount st, North Sydney Wood Edward J., 69- Botany rd, Waterloo Wood Edwin, agent, 56 Market at Wood Elijah S., Simpson'et, Bondi Wood Mrs. Eliza, 631 Harris at Wood Mrs. Ellen, Harrow. rd, Bexley Wood Eric, Francis .st, Carlton Wood 'Ernest, ' 12 Behnont at, A'dria Wood Ernest, Tyne aye, Epping ! Wood Ernest, McIntosh st, Gordon Wood Ernest' A., local managdr Wood, Coffill and . Co. Ltd., undertakers, 'etc., Downfall at, CamPsie Wood Ernest L., Hopotoun aye, Vaucluse Wood Mrs. F., Mount Pleasant ave, Burwood' • Wood Miss F., Mary at, Longtieville • Wood Mrs. F., sen.. Boralee at, Botany Wood F. C., 48 Macpherson st, Way. Wood F. W., 163 Pitt at, Eedfern Wood Mrs. Francis, Henry at, Ashflold Wood Francis, Croydon rd, Croydon Wood 'Frank, 251 Underwood at, Paddington . Wood Frank, Gordon at. Lewisham Wood Frank CI., 91) Ross at, F. Lodge Wood 'Fred., Ncirval . at, Auburn Wood Fred. E., solicitor, 114a Pitt at; p.r., "Wyanga," Muston at, Neutral!Bay - • Wood Fred. W., ' solicitor, Royal chambers, 3 Castlereagh at ; p.r., 320 'Alfred at, North Sydney Wood .Frederick, Henry !at, Ashfield Wood Fredk., 131 Denison at, Camperd'n Wood Frederick, 111 Botany rd, Botany Wood Frederick, Underwood at, Bot'y Wood Frederick, Roseby at, D'moyne Wood Frederick, Old Canterbury rd, Petersham Wood Fredk., 138 Morehead it, R'tern Wood Frederick J. H., 52 Womerah aye Wood G., 348a Military rd, Neut. Bay Wood G• A.160 Commonwealth at .. Wood G. E., 6 Renwick at, D'moyne Wood George, 63 Bayswater rd Wood George, 199 Victoria at Wood George, 3 Wilton lane Wood 'George, Booralec at, *Botany Wood George, Dryden et; Campsie Wood George, 143 Edgeware rd; Wood George, 42 Camden at,. N'town Wood George, 136 Darley at, N'town Wood George, e, Clareville ye,aSand• •Wood George, Wolseley at, West Kog'rah Wood GeorgeA.,. , Wentworth rd, Burwodd!• Wood George A., J.P.; Weston at, Parramatta Wood George H., Rivers at, Bellevue Hill Wood G'eorge L., 658a Darling at, •Rozello Wood George P., Kentville ave, An• nandale Wood George S. B., Bondi rd, Bondi Wood George W., Queen rd, Five Dk. Wood George W., 7 Hartley at, Roz. Wood Harold, Bayswater rd, Roseville Wood Harry, Myra rd, Dulwich Hill Wood Harry, 6 Leichhardt at-, Glebe Wood Mrs. Helen, 19 Point at Sydney's leading Firm 'Wood . Henry, Lucerne, st; Belmore Wood' Henry, Forest rd, Bexley Wood Henry, 1 Lyons rd, Cam'down of Funeral Directors. Wood' Henry, Eastern rive, Kensington Wood Henry, 99 Catherine st,Leichhardt Wood Henry, 55 FotherIngliant at, MarCARRIAGE AND DRAG . ' rickville PROPRIETORS. Wood Henry, 259 Underwood at, Pad. Wood Hefty A., , 1 Fowler at, C'down Central Ofiloo, Mortuary Chapel, Wood Henry A., Cook St, Rosedale Wood Henry A., J.P., 37 Erskineville 810-12 GEORGE ST., SYDNEY. rd, Erskineville 'Phones 726,1160 and 1524 Central. Wood Henry A., 24 Margaret at, — Newtown :LIVERY & FUNERAL STABLES DEPT. Wood Henry A.; The Avenue, Sans Sone 472-84 HARRIS STREET. Wood Henry A., Daryl at, Sans Souci 'Phone 156 Glebe. Wood Henry B. 15 Henry St, Leichhardt Wood Henry W., 69 Belgrave at, Way'y Head Office: Wood Herbert, 1 George at west, B'wood • Bulwarra Hoed, Pyrmont. Wood Herbert, Queen st, Ctranville 'Phones Central 726, 1160 and Glebe 618 Wooliu lgIetroblei rt, 20 Little Napior at, PadBALMAIN EAST — Mrs. COLLUMIL Wood Herbert, Notting Hill rd, Rookw'd Tel. 5, lialmain Wood Herbert J., 16 Ivy at, Darlington BALMAIN (Darling Street,— Wood Herbert J., 4 Henrietta lane, S. It. ADSHEAD. Tel. 78, Heinlein. A. MORLEY. DURWOOD WoodMHorace, nly 20 Victoria at, St. Peters Tel. 143, Millwood. Wood Miss J., Bay ,at; Rockdale CAMPSIE—E. A. WOOD. Wood J. B., 157 Australia at, Camp'do*n Tel:' 34,3, Ashfield Wood J. H., accountant • The AustraCHATSWOOD—F. M: DOMAN. lian Bank of Commerce, Ltd. (head Tel. 65; Chat swood. office), 367-373 George at ; p.r., CHATSWOOD—, • "Mongolia," Mary at, Longueville D 11IL EY , JA It DIN E PEA RCE. Tel. 758, Chatswood. Wood J. R., 329 Glebe Point rd, Globe 0 (u 'DRUMMOYNE—MIss GARDNER. V., The Avenue, Hurstville • Tel. In, Drummoyne. Wood James, 11 Mary at . KOGARAH—G. BROOMFIELD. Tel. 44. liogarall. Wood James, jun., Dorset at, Epping Wood James, Dunslaffnace st, Huristone LEICHHARDT—W. PA GDIN james,. Tel. 40, Petersham. Wood hop's aye, Randwick Bis MARRICKVILLE— • Wood James, Douglas at, Randwiek WA LTElt SCURRAIL 473, Petersham. Wood James, 132 Walker at, Redfern .••Tel. Wood James, 81 George at, St. Peters MOSMAN' (Avenue Road:— NI CHOLLS BROS, To. 943. Aloonan. Wood James D., Church at, Randwick MOSMAN (Military Road)— Wood James IL, Albert' par, Ashfield P. UALLINGIIAM: Wood Jaines H.„ 21 Burren at, E'yille •Tel. 748, Mosnum. Wood James it., Shipley ave, Concord NORTH SYDNEY—W. LLOYD. Wood James T., Gannon at, Tempo 'Tel.-9, North Sydney. Wood Mrs...Tanet, 70 West Esplanade, PETERSHAM—THOMAS HART. Manly Tel. 22, Petersham. Wood John, Dudley at, Coogee , ROZELLE-:-.Mrs. BA RTLETT. Wood John, Somerset at, Epping • Tel. 70, Balmain. Wood John, 116 Wigram at, Glebe RYDE—I. GORDON. To. 32, Ryde. Wood John, 84 The Boulevard, Lewis— ham Cable& Telegraphic Address- Wood John, 68 Hutton at, Manly " EMBALMER." ,PORCELAIN WREATHS AND CROSSES.- WE IMPORT-AND HOLD THE FINEST ASSORTMENT IN AUSTRALIA NEW PALACE EMPORIUM, EVERYTHING FOR EVERYONE AT ANTHONY HORDERNS'. ALPHABETICAL. 1750Woo Woo L Wood John, 33 Campbell st. Pad'ton Woodberry E. A., 72 Juaction rd, North Sydney W ood John, 11 Green's rd, Pad ton ,Wood John, 53 Kensington rd, Sum. Woodbine Joseph, Nelson at, Chatswood Wholesale Stationer and Fancy Woodbridge and Co,' (James A. WoodHill Goods, Manufacturers' Agent and Wood John D., 3 Queen's ave bridge, principal), auctioneers k Importer, Post Card and Fine Art real estate agents, Somerset House, Wood John E., 3 Percy at, Haberlield Publisher, 35 York at, Wynyard Wood John G., Dorvall at, Eastwood 5 Moore at, Sydney. Tel. 889 City square. 'Phone City 1600 (See Woodbridge Charles, off 15 Smith at, Wood John M., 10 Wentworth rd, Advt. facing Stationers, WholeManly Burwood sale) Woodbridge Chas. IV., off 15 Smith at, Wood John Quayle, J.P., Cerebella at, Manly Wood Samuel, Bancroft eve, Roseville North Sydney • Wood John W., Railway par, Burwood Wood Selby Pierce, manager Austra- Woodbridge Mrs. D., 226 Globe Point rd, Glebe Wood Joseph, 134 Denison st, C'down lian Provincial Assurance AssoWoodbridge H., 65 Railway at, rsham Wood Joseph, 8 George st, St. Peters ciation, Ltd., 75 York at Woodbridge J., 92 Dowling at, Pad. Wood Joseph A., 57 Thrupp st, Neut- Wood Mrs. Sophie, 81 Thomas at Woodbridge Janie,' A., 4 Ormond st, Wood Stanley, Cecilia at, Behnore ral Bay Ashfield Wood Joseph D., 49 Ferndale at, Wood Stephen J. Farr at, Rockdale Newtown Wood Sydney E., Star hotel, 178 Woodbridge Mrs. M., 4 Ormond at, Ash,field Wood Joseph L., 144 Ocean at, Bondi Botany rd, Alexandria Wood Joshua, Highfleld rd, Lindfleld Wood Sydney S., Arthur at, Randwick Woodbridge Mrs. 3L, Doncaster aye, Kensington Wood Julius IL, Knox st, Ashfield Wood T., teacher of dancing, 173 Wood Mrs. K., 330 Victoria at Woodbridge Q.M.S., South Head Q.V. markets Wood Thomas, 69 John at Woodbridge W. H., Brighton awe, Wood Kingsley, Farr st, Rockdale Croydon Park Wood L., laundry, 482 King at, Newtown Wood Thomas, 65 Gerard st, A'dria Wood Mrs. L., 14 Somerset at, M'man Wood Thomas, 5 Hercules st, Ashfleld Woodburn J. IV., 40 Cambridge at, Ste mnore. e, Mosrnan Wood Thomas, Northumberland rd, Wood L. A., 14 Mistral ay Auburn Woodbury A. J., 27 Burfitt at, Leichli'dt Wood Leslie, 3 Pleasant at, Erskineville Wood Lyndaay T., 21 Phillip st, En. Wood Thomas, Dowling at, Kensington Woodbury Edwin, auctioneer, 00 CastleWood Thomas, King at, Mascot reagh at more Woodbury Edwin, Gordon at, Burwood Wood Mrs. M., 19 Shadforth at, Pad. Wood Thomas, Gowrie st, Randwick Wood Mrs. M. A., 38 Bellevue st, N. Wood Thomas J., 2 Holtnwood st, New. Woodbury 3., 135 Chandos at, N. Sydney town Woodbury Keith, 6 McLaren at, North Sydney Sydney Wood Miss M. E., 67 Brown at, Paddlon Wood Tom, Moore at, Drununoyne Wood Miss M. J., Dalhousie at, Haber- Wood W., carrier, 51 Mary at, St. Pct. Woodbury W., Boundary rd, Mortdale Wood W., off Edwards rd, S. Hornsby Woodcock A. J., Holborrow at, Croydon field Wood Mrs. W., Lithgow at, St. L'ards Woodcock Arthur, Agar at, Maeville Wood. Martin, 2 Cowles rd, Mosman Wood. Wood Mrs. Mary, Wilson's a ye, Minor° Wood W. A., 290 Unwin's Bridge rd, Woodcock C. J., 38 Ancrum at, North Sydney St. Peters Wood Miss Mary, Reed at, Nent. Bay Wood IV. D., senior harbour pilot, Woodcock Charles, 136 Walker at, Wood Matthias, Wilson st, Mascot Redfern Dept. of Navigation, Loftus at Wood Milton, Appian way, Burwood Woodcock Mrs. F., 204 Edgeware rd, Wood N. J.,.Canterbury rd, Canterbury Wood Walter, Waratah at, Concord Newtown Wood Norman, Rickard rd, Hurstville Wood Waiter, Terminus at, Liverpool Wood Walter, 24 Fitzgerald at, Wav'y Woodcock Frederick, Edward at, Cone'rd Wood P. T., Drinan at, Campsie Wood Patrick, 14 Mitchell rd, A'dria Wood Walter B., Angel rd, Burwood Woodcock G. C., off Waterview at, Hyde Wood Walter S., Oxford rive, Bankstown Wood Percy, Fairview at, Concord Wood William, J.P., financial secre- Woodcock John, Fruit Exchange, Wood Percy, 59 Gowrie at, Newtown Barker at tary Presbyterian Church of New Wood Percy C., Renwick at, South Wales ; General Committee Woodcock John, Balaclava rd, E'wood Wood Percy Moore, J.P., surgeon, 167 Woodcock John, semi., Elder rd, RydalHall and Church Offices; managLiverpool rd, Ashfleld mere ing trustee Presbyterian CemeWood Phillip,Cerebella at, North tery Office (Rookwood), 23 York Woodcock John, 67 IVatkin at, N'town Sydney at; p.r., "The Lothians " Bur- Woodcock Joshua, Avoca at, Randwick Wood Philip A., 22 Royalist rd, Mosman wood ' rd, Enfield.Telep hones Woodcock M., 9 Knight st, Erskineville Wood R., 42 Malcolm et, Erskineville 1398 Central, 432 Burwood Woodcock Percy, Liverpool rd, Wood It. A., Buller rd, Artarmon William, 26 Trafalgar at, An- Woodcock R. F., Palmerston ave. Glebe Wood R. E., agent, Royal chambers, Wood nandale Woodcock Stephen, Church at, Hyde Hunter and Castlereagh sts William, Edward at, Carlton Woodcock T., 40 Carrington at, L'hardt Wood It. E. J., secretary John McGrath Wood Wood William, N.S.H. rd, Double Bay Woodcock Thomas, Albert at, Gr'ville Ltd., 198 Pitt st ; p.r., 77 Queen at, Wood William, Liverpool rd, Enfield Woodcock NV. E., Ashley at, Ch'wood Hurlstono Park Wood 15 North awe, Leichbardt Woodcock Walter, Marsden et, ErmWood Mrs. Rachel, Boner at, Arncliffe Wood• WIlliam, ington 'William, 3 Oaks awe, Neut. Bay Wood Reginald It., 30 Thomas st, Ash Wood William, S Kent at, Newtown Woodcock William, 135 Wells at, field Newtown Wood William, 30 Bank at, N. Syd. Wood Reuben, "Kenilworth," 12 Wood Capt. William, 25 Glen at, Woodcock William, 7 Milmil at, N. Alma st, North Sydney Sydney North Sydney Wood Richard, Gibbes at, Rockdale Wood William, 101 Church at, Par- Woodcraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd.—G. Wood Richard II., William st, St. Peters ramatta manager, 16 Chippin at Wood Miss Rita, 14 Bent at, Paddington Wood William, Dudley St. Roseville Woodcock William, Church at, Hyde Wood Robert, 73 Queen at, Ashfleld Wood William, 436 0.5.11. rd, W'alua Wooderoft G. C., 4 Little Edward st, Wood Robert, Canterbury rd, C'bury Wood William A., "Doralbe," ElizaBalmain Wood Robert, Gipps at, Drummoync beth at, Gordon. Tel, Chatswood Wooderoft William, IVilga at, BurWood Robert, 40 Prince 'at, Mosman 780 wood Wood Robert L., Willis at, Arneliffe Wood William H., The Avenue, Strath. Wooder Henry, Rocky Point rd, Wood Russell T., "Hardrade," The field oga rah Avenue, Strathfleld Wood William J. Milson rd, Cremorne Wooderson William, 1 Reuss at, Glebe Wood Rupert E., 73 Queen at, Ashfleld Woods W. Randle, consulting optician Woodfield and Finnegan, manufacturWood Mrs. S., Euston rd, Hurlstone Park and spectacle maker, 28 Victoria ing jewellers, 11 Valentine at Wood S., Plunkett at, St. Leonardo Market buildings, Sydney. Tel. Woodfield John, 133 Walker at, Wood Mrs. S., 64 Durham at, South City 7018 Woodfield Joseph, 135 Glebe Point rd, Annandale Glebe Woodall Misses, dressmakers, 263 Wood Mrs. S. B., Rosa at, Oatley George at Woodfield Mrs. M., 89 Denison rd, Wood S. C., chief clerk, Existing Woodall T., 9 Armstrong at, N. Sydney Petersham Tramways Office, 61 Hunter at Woodberry E. A., .19 Rosalind at, N. Woodfield Russell, Northcote rd, Glebe p.r., Arthur st, Randwick Sydney AMUE COFFILL AND COMPANY (SEE WOOD, COFFILL AND COMPANY). 'PHONE 726 CENTRAL El Woo BRICKFIELD HILL, SYDNEY. Woo176 1 ALPHABETICAL. Woodfield W., 22 Gower at, Sum. Hill Woodhill G. E., Arden at, S. Coogee IVoodfin Ernest, Napier st, Long Bay IVoodhill H. S., 67 Ruthven at, It'wick Woodford and Graham, architect, 35 Woodhill J. H., 67 Rutliven at, R'wick IVoodhill Mrs. Jane, Railway par, Pitt at Durwood Woodford A., 40 Carlisle at, L'hardt Iroodford A. E., 29 Union at, Newtown Woodhill P. M., Waratall st, Arncliffe Woodhouse A., Woodville rd, Gr'ville Woodford Charles, Keith at, Dulwie1111111 Woodford B. P., 44 Gardener's rd, Woodhouse Mrs. E., 16 West at, N. Syd. Woodhouse H., Dudley at, Roseville Daceyville Woodford E. P., 48 Read st, Waverley Woodhouse II., Tennyson a ye, Torremurra Woodford F. M., dispenser, Sydney U. F. S. Dispensary and Medical Woodhouse II. A., Onslow at, Granville Woodhouse Rev. J., Home Mission, sec. Institute, Botany rd, Mascot Methodist Home Mission, 139 Woodford Mrs. L. A., 30 Ross at, For. Castlereagh at Lodge Woodford Mrs. R., 22 Ross at, Forest Woodhouse .1. S., 41 Augustus at, Leichhardt Lodge Woodford S. P., Albert awe, Chatswood Woodhouse .Tames, Letitia at, Oatley Woodford Thos., Stanley et, Campsie Woodhouse John, 307 liniwarra rd Woodford IV. 0., Black at, Mar'ville Woodhouse Rev. Joseph (Meth), Tryon rd, Lindfield • IVoodforth B. M., Kingsland rd, Woodhouse M., 110 Chandos st, N. Syd. Itookwood IVoodforth L. C., 10 Marion at, Leich- Woodhouse Mrs. M., 307 Eclgeeliffe rd, hardt Woollahra Woodforth Oscar, 3 Gray's lane, Werke, Woodhouse IV., Connemarra st, West Kogan'', Woodgate E. W., Lumsden at, N. Sydney Woodgate Edward R., 470 Bourke at Woodhouse IV. D., 23 Cabramatta rd, Mosman Woodgate G. J., King at, Randwick Woodgate Geo., Durham at, Hurstville IVoodhouse Professor IV. J., M.A., hon. curator Nicholson Museum of AnIVoodgate J., 2 Pritchard at, Mar'ville tiquities (Sydney University), City Woodgate John, 46 Church at, Parrd, Camperdown ramatta Woodger A. II., 85 (Edgecliffe rd, Woodhouse Professor W. J. B., 83 0.8.11. rd, Waverley Woollahra Woodger James, 595 King at, Newtown Woodin Mrs. T. W., registry office, 114a Pitt at Woodger R., High at, Marrickville Woodger It. A., 85 Edgecliffe rd, Wooding Alfred E., 109 Foveaux st Woollahra Wooding F. J., Tennyson eve, Turram're Woodhall A. T., Jaques at, Chatswood Wooding II. A., Premier Hat Factory, Morehead st, Waterloe Woodham G. and Son, butchers, 19 Wooding IVilliam, 30 Arcadia rd, Erskineville rd, Erskineville Woodham Alex., 33 Victoria at, L'sloun Glebe Woodham Arthur, 174 Enmore rd, Woodisse Allan, 15 Norman at Enmore Woodland and Co., agents, 56 Market at Woodham Edmund, 12 Money at, Roz. Woodland A. J., Beatrice at, Rookwood Woodhatn Frank, Elswick at, Petersham Woodland F. J., 30 Kingston rd, Woodham G., 32 Northwood at, C'down Camperdown Woodhain G. S., Park rd, 3farrickville Woodland James, 24 Merton at, StanWoodham H. 0., 15 Stafford at., Pad. more IVoodharn J., 3 Cambridge at, Pad'ton Woodland John, Burwood rd, Burwood Woodhull J., 681/2 Good Hope at, Woodland John B., Dorking rd, Cabarita Paddington Woodland Mrs. L., 10 Elswick at, Woodliam John, Duntroon at, hurlPetersham atone Park Woodland Mrs. .11., Archer at, Ch'wood IVoodharn Reuben, Wardell rd, Dul. Woodlands E., Meek's rd, Marrickville 11111 Woodlands E. 0 Fitzgerald at, Way'ley Woodharn 1Villiam, Elswick at, P'sham Woodlands Miss E., 135 Cathedral at Woodhants A., 304 Illawarra rd, 'Arvin° Woodlands Mrs. M., Sir 'John Young's Woodhams II., 260 Glenmore rd, Padlon ores IVoodliams IV., 51a Rochford at, Era. Woodlands S., 23 McKenzie at, Rozelle kineville• Woodleigh Richard, Portman at, Water Voodhead A., slicing machine, 62 Ion Q.V. markets Woodley's Ltd., boilermakers, etc., Woodhead E., Heydon st, Enfield Bay rd, North Sydney Woodlice(' Frederick, furniture dealer, IVoodley Arthur, 1 Herbert rd, Pad. 410 Bourke at Woodley Arthur E. 7 Alma at, D'ton Woodhead G. A., Durham at, old par, Campsie Woodley C. J., Cllss Woodhead J. A. E., Chiltern rd, IVil- IVoodley Charles, Close at, Canterbury loughby Woodley Charles J., Berns. et, ()bury Woodhead Mrs. L., 40 Oxford at, Pad. Woodley Mrs. E., 221 Lane Cove rd, Woodhead S., Jabez at, Marriekville North Sydney Woodlice(' William, Livingstone at, Woodley Mrs. E., Lyons at., Stratlifleld Burwood Woodley Eli, 80 Trafalgar at, An'dale Woodhill and Co., drapers, Burwood woodiey Ernest, Tunks at, N. Sydney rd, Burwood Woodiey F., 65 Cameron at, Pad'ton Woodhill and Co., furnIshors, 204 Char- Woodley F., 97 Abercrombie at, It'fern once at t IVoodley Frederick, 54 Meagher at IVoodhill A., Albert rd, HomebushWoodley George II., 109 Glebe at, Woodffill Alfred, Carrington rd, R'wlek Glebe Woodhill D. W., 07 Lawson at, Pad. Wondley II. 3., Railway par, Eastwood Woodhill Mrs. E., 150 Devonshire at Woodley Henry, j.P., "St. Elmo," Woodhill Ernest H., Clarence st, Bur-Railway par, Hurstville wood Woodley Henry, 05 George at, St. Pet. Woodley Mrs. j., 35 Walker at, North Sydney Woodley Walter, Tanks at, N. Sydney WootleoyWilliam, 25 Albany r n re d, StaWoodman Mrs. C., 141 Henderson nil, Alexandria Woodman Clive E., Incorporated, accountant and auditor, 109 Pitt at Woodman Eustace V., Belmore rd, Coogee Woodman Mrs. Julia, 344 Cleveland at Woodman arn Sydney, 29 Bruce at, StanWoodman IV. A., Gipps st, Concord Woodroff Herbert, 10 Union at, Tempe Woodroff Joe, 13 Lackey st, Sum. Hill Woodroff Mrs. S. A., 31 Alice st, Newtown Woodroffe 11., 414 Church at, Parramatta Woodroffe Miss I., 414 Church at, Parramatta Woocolt;o0ylinc e William, Roseby at, DrumWoodrow A. II., Birrell at, Waverley Woodrow John D., Albert st, Granville Woodrow John IV., Mary at, Auburn IVoodrow Samuel, 49 West at, N. Syd. Woodruff John F., 98 Reservoir at Woodruff° A., Meriton at, Gladesville Woods and Brook, estate agents, Eastern eve, Kensington Woods Bros., produce merchants, Great Northern rd, Gladesville Woods 0. & P., artists, 310-322 Pitt at Woods and Gibling, dental engineers, off 516 George at Woods John and Co., wine and spirit and general merchants, 366 Sussex at. Tel. Central 2631 Woods and Latter, typists, 14 Moore at Woods and Spinks, carriage builders, 84 Abercrombie at Woods IV. and Soli, icoworks, Smith at, Parramatta Woods IV. E., Ltd., manufacturing chemists, 38 Collins at Woods —, teacher of singing, 3311a George at, Woods Mrs. A., 40 Cleveland at, Darnell, Woods A. B., tailor, 173 Pitt at Woods A. Ii., 100 Jersey rd, Paddington Woods A. J., Whiting st, (lore Hill Woods Albert, 39 Caledonia at, Pad. IVoods Albert, Warialda at, IV. Kog. Woods Albert E., Riverview rd, C'bury Woods Albert E., Itiverview at, Cluny Woods Albert E., Wardell rd, C'bury Woods Albert J., Underwood at, Bot'y Woods Alfred, manager, Sydenhant State Stores, Chapel at, Marrickville Woods Alfred, Park rd, East Hills Woods Alfred, The Avenue, Rockdale Woods Alfred, Railway a ye, Wville Woods Archie, (Einem at, Gladesville Woods Arthur, 639 Harris at Woods Cecil, 37 Ferry rd, Glebe Woods Charles, 51 Buiwurra lane Woods Chas., 250 Addison rd, Mar'kville Woods Chas. 431 Miller at, N. Sydney s, 35 Maddison at, It'fern Woods Charle Woods Charles, 158 IVeston r(I, Hoc, Woods Charles W., Gordon aye, WavlejWoods Mre. Clara, '48 Forsyth, at. Glebe Woods Mrs. E., Stacey et, Bankstown Woods Mrs. E., 146 Enmore rd, Mar. rickville 1Voods Mrs. E., Dunmore st, IV. Kog'll AS FUNERAL DIRECTORS WE RANK AMONGST THE LARGEST . IN. THE owns* EMPIRE- . ANTHONY HORDERNS' NEW ON THE HISTORIC SLOPE OF BRICKFIELD , 'PALACE EMPORIUM, 1752Woo ALPHABETICAL. Woo Woods Mts. E., Mowbray rd, Woods Mrs. Maggie, 2 Cooper at Woodward A., 25 Elizabeth at, It'fern Woods Mrs. E. E., Lane Cove rd, North Woods Mrs. Marie,201Darlingst, WooNd;lae rd Albert, Warren rd, Mar'villo Sydney• Balmain Woodward Alfred, Croydon a y e, E'fleld Woods . Ernest, 31 Comber . st, Pad'ton WoodsMrs.Martha,Stewart a, Woodward Andrew, The Avenue, HurstRandwick Woods Ernest, 519 Glemnore rd, Praton Woods Mrs. Mary, Rocky Point rd, WoodwardMrs.Ann,34Phillip at, Woods Ernest, Walker st, Rhodes Kegs rah • Balmain Woods F. 111 Probert at, Campordown Woods Mrs. F., 11 Phoebe st, Itozelle Woods Mrs. Mary A. 494 Elizabeth at Woodward Arthur, Albert at, Hornsby ' hotel, Woodward Bentley, dentist, 90a DevonWoods Francis W,; Rookwood rd, Banks- WoodsMichael,11'estminster shire at George at west .town' • •' Woods Mrs., Isfaepherson at, Mosman Woodward C., St. George's cres, DrumWoods Frank . J., Liberty st, Belmoro moyne Woods Fredk., Kdgeware rd, Nlarriekville Woods Mrs., 22 Saber at, Woollahra Woods Fredk.; Meek st, Lower R'wick Woods Oliver P., 24 Emmett at, N. Woodward C., 71 Union at, Paddington Woodward C.E.,agentNiagara Sydney ' Woods Fredk., • Willis st, S. Randwick Motors, 150 Sussex at Woods O. 11., Railway ay e, Mar'ville Woods Owen V., 20 Charles st, Forest WoodwardCharles,.14Thomasst, Lodge Woods George, process engravers, 316Redfern Woods I'. W., 3 Chapel St 322Pittat••. Woodward Colin, Piper st, Leichhardt Woods Percy, estate agent, 144 Alfred Woods George, 261 Goulburn st st, North Sydney, and Military rd, Woodward Mrs. E., 58 Cavendish st, Woods . George, :80. Harris at Stanmore Mosman Woods George, Wilga st, Burwood Woods Perey, 106 Glover at, Mosman Woodward Ernest A.,physician and Woods George, Kembla at, Enfield surgeon, Firth at, Arncliffe Woods George, J.P., 31. Thornley st, WoodsPierceP.,124Darlingst, WoodwardMrs.F.,4Hennessyat, • Balmain Leichltardt Croydon Woods Mrs. II., Great Northern rd, Woods George, 344 King at, St. Peters Woodward Frank, Wellington at, Bondi Gladesville Woods George A., 45 Hutchinson at, Woodward Fred.,HoxtonParkrd, Woods R., Campbelitown rd, Liverpool • St. Peters Liverpool Woods Richard, 45 Union at, Newtown Woods IL, hairdresser, 201 Hay at Woods Robert, St. Ignatius rd, Lindfleld Woodward G., Kemp st north, Granville Woods II., Park rd, ELIA Hills Woods Robert, Spofforth st, Neutral Bay Woodward George, 99 Phillip at, BalWoods IL, 5 Chuter st, North Sydney main Woods Robert, 2 Federation rd, N'town \VIM& If. J.; 241 Darling et, Balmain Woods Rowland D., Wilga st, Burwood Woodward George, Rawson rd, Bankst'n Woods H. W., .Gloucester rd, Irvine Woods Roydon at, Pensiturst Woodward Henry, grocer, 173a Kant at Woods Harold E., '3 Angel at, Newtown WoOds S..4., 47Ii„Darley Woodward Henry, Hunter at, Hornsby Corunna rd,,Stanmore Woods Harrio T., accountant, 16 Bond at Woods Sam., Willoughby rd, N. Syd. Woodward Henry, 44 Barden st, Tempe Woods Harry, Spencer at, Rose Bay Woods Sidney, Clissold par, Campsie Woodnwilalrd Horace, Jackman at, Wav'y' Woods Henry, Forest rd, Hurstville Woodward J. A., 2 Bartlett st, Sum. Woods Stephen, 19 Burlinson St Woods Henry P., Reynolds at, Neut. Bay Woods Stephen, 9 Henrietta at Woodward J. G., manager the Denver Woods MN. I., Malcombe at, Granville Woods Stephen, High at, Nfarrickville Woods Mrs. I., 14a Alexander at, 1"ton Chemical Manufacturing Co., 210 Woods , T. A., Riverview . rd, C'terbury George at Woods I. N., Station st, Harris Park •• Woods Theodore, NVilga at, Burwood Woodward John, 66 'Cleveland St Woods Isaac, Albany at, St. Leonards Woods Thomas, 2 Steel at Woods Mrs. J., 171 Military rd, 3I'Man Woods Thomas, Northern ave, It'kstown Woodward John, Realm at, Arncliffe Woods J. H.7 Hale rd. Mosman Woods Thos., 20 National at, L'hardt Woodward John, 14 Jacques at, 13'main Woods Mrs. S. S., Wardell rd, Dulwich Woods Thomas, 40 Fitzroy st, Newtown Woodward John, 356 Unwin's Bridge rd,St.Peters Hill Woods Thomas, Macquarie at, P'matta Woods J. T., 68 Gerard at, Neut. Bay Woods Thomas, 10 Thurlow at,. R'fern Womil iwilalrd John,at, Vaucluse Woodward Jonathan, John at, Hunter's Woods Jack, Good at, Granville WoodsThomasJ.,policestation, WoodsJames,sec.SydneyWharf Wentworth at, Harris Park Labourers' Union, Erskine at Woods W., 6 Unwin's Bridge rd, St. Woodward Mrs. L. G., 49 Andreas sr, Petersham Woods .Tames, Macquarie st, Parramatta Peters Woods James, Henry at, St. Peters WoodsW.,offUnwin'sBridgerd, Woodward Mrs., Earl at, Roseville WoodwardMissS.A.,Belmontst, Woods James, off Unwin's Bridge rd, Undereliffe Merrylands Undereliffe Woods W. G., Lawrence at, Alex'dria Woodward Mrs. S. E., 35 Stewart at. Woods Mrs. Jane, Raymond rd, Neut. Woods W. J., Willis st, S. Randwick Paddington Voods NV. M., 183 Trafalgar at, An'dale Bay Woodward S.E.It.,7Spicer lane, Woods Mrs. Jane, Pittwater rd, North Woollahra wootis W. RANDLE, Consulting Ryde Woodward T., Hoxton Park rd, L'pool .Speetaele Optician and Maker. 28 WoodsJeremiah,TheAlbionhotel, VICTORIA MARKET BUILD- Woodward Thomas, Stanley st,13urwood 124-120 George at west INGS, George at, Sydney. Tel. 7618 Woodward Thomas, 70 Erskineville rd. Woods John, artesian well-boring conErskineville City tractor, 11$ Pitt at Woodward Tom, wool shed, Illawarra Woods John, ,T.P., "Killeen," Rosalind WoodsW.T.,saddler,393 1,:!.l'ittst rd, Moorebank at, North Sydney, telephone 1238 WoodsWilliam, 51Wyndhamat, Woodward Thomas W., Eaton at, WilAlexandria North Sydney loughby Woods William, Moore Fir, Bexley W Ss Jo1ni,• 13 Little Mount St WoodsWilliam,81George at, East Woodward W., Liverpool rd, Bankst'n Woodward W., 21 Lincoln at, S'more Woods John, Northeote rd, Bankstown Burwood rd. W. D., Carlotta at, GreenWoods John, Parramatta rd, Burwood Woods William, Campbell at, Five Dock Woodwwiach Woods John, 14 Lyons rd, Camp'down Woods William, Penshurst at, Penshurst WoodwardW.3.,Liverpoolrd, Woods John, 21 Garden a ye, Glebe Woods William E., 3 Leichhardt at Bankstown Woods John, Daryl st, Sand Souel Woods William G., Ethel at, Randwick WoodsWilliamJ.,118Viewat, Woodward W. J., 31 Pitt st, Waterloo Woods Mrs. John, Chapel at, Woodward W. N., Evaline at, Campsie Annandale Woods John, Webber's rd, W. Kogarah Woodward IV. S., Botany rd, Mascot Woods John J., Parramatta rd, Wwood Woodsland A. D., Minnesota ave, Flytt Woodward WilliamA.,7hBurt at, • Hoek Woods Joseph, Queen at, MHO(' Roselle Woods Joseph, 21a Elliott st, I3'mnin Woodsworth 0., The Avenue, St rathflold Woodward J. T., James at, Hornsby Woods Joseph, 57 Denison st,.Waverley Woodthorpe 0.,95St.John'srd, Woodworth Mrs. C. and Miss A. Coady, Forest Lodge Woods Joseph IL, 22 Blrrell at, Way. laundry, 87 King at, Newtown Woodward,GibbinsandComino, Woods K., 24 Dalton rd, Mosman -oyster merchants, 150 Sussex at Woodwright and CO., cycle depot, 73 Woods L., 26 Dowling at, Paddington Woodward A:, Kensington rd, lien'ton Cleveland at, Redfern Woods MN. M., 30 Grosvenor eres, Sum- Woodward MissA.,96Watersrd, Woodyatt Alfred, Mercury at, P'hurst mer Hill Neutral Bay Woodyatt Frank, 16 Rose at, Darlon WOOD, COFFILL 41.1, COMPANYITD7ciNiiiiim: 810 . 12 INCRUST, 'PHONE720 & 162400111AL Woo Woodyatt 0. R,, 15 Rose at, Darl'Ion 1Voodyatt William, Mercury at, P'hurst Woof John, 25 Hopewell st, Pad'ton 'WoofR.,supt.PowerHouse,Pyrmoat at 'Woof Robert, 10 Flinders at -Wooff H. A., locksmith, 14 Dailey at Woolf Harry, Regent st, Kogarah Woolf 31 iss M., 21 Victoria at, A'field •Woofindin T., Behoove rd, Dalmorton "Woolbrokers' Association—John Leach, secretary, 11 Macquarie place 'Wool Classers' Association of N.S.W., 19 Moore at 'Wool Exchange Saleroom—John Leach, secretary, 11 Macquarie place Wool Scour By-Products Ltd., Mutual LifeofN.Y.buildings,Martin place 'WoolacottHenryL.,Thompsonat, Druntmoyne 'Woolard Frank, Gladstone at, L'hardt 'Woolcoek Edwin, Australia at, Camperdown 'Wooleock Mrs.Jane,24Mitchell at, Glebe Wooleock Mrs. M., 78 Northumberland aye, Stanmore Woolcock W., 299 Young at, An'dale Wooleott Clarice, Shaw at, Petersham 'Woolcott E, P., Sydney Estate 'Agency, realestate and financial agent, 14 Castlereagh at WoolcottEdmundP.,10Cliffat, Manly 'Wooleott L. S., solicitor and eons, for affidavits for N.S.W., 88 Pitt at; p.r., Grafton at, Woollahra Woolcom Mrs. It. M., milliner, 7 Sydney Arcade Woolcott S., 36 Shepherd st, Darl'ton Wooleott V. B., Customs agent, 1 Ai-bitrationst WoolcottW.C.,estateandgeneral agent.111a Pittat Voolcott W. S. 54 Carshalton at, A'field les,95King st, St. Wooldridge Char Peters Wooldridge F., 8 Boussole rd, Dacevyille "Wooldridge 0. F., M.A., principal WychburyPreparatory School,Parramatta rd, Burwood 'Wooldridge G. P. M.A., assistant master King's School, Villiers at, Parraneta Wooldridge George E., Kent at, Rockdale 'Wooldridge V. 7 Knight at, Erskineville Wooldridge William, 10 Union st Wooley Basil G., Young et, Croydon 'Wooley Charles, 9 Water st, Camperdown WooleyCharles,71Northumberland eve, St anmore •Wooley Isaac, 13 Mount st Woolf Frank, 51 Carshalton at, A'ffeld 'Woolf Henry, 23 Roslyn Gardens 'Woolf John, 17 31cElhone place Woolf31.,generaldealer,112-116 Bathurst at 'Woolf Mrs. Mary, Clifton rd, Randwick 'Woolf Mrs. May, 93 Bayswater rd Woolf P., tailor, 256 Pitt at Woolf Philip, Cowper et, WaverleY 'Woolf S. M.D., physician and surgeon, 170 'Elizabeth at Woolfe Mrs. A., Carr at Coogee Woolf° Albert, 42 William at, Redfern Woolle C., 39 Malcolm at, Erskineville Woolfe Francis, 28 Henry at, Waverley Wooffe Henry, butcher, 650 George at 'Woolf() Henry, Abattoirs, Glebe Island Woolfe It., Sir Thomas Mitchell rd, Bondi Woollt Walter C., Provincial at, Auburn Woolford A. B., 85 Station at, Petersham 'WWootton' J. P., baker, 516 New Canter1101 bury __ • rd Dulwich HILL. ALPHABETICAL. Wor1753 Woolford Mrs. Sarah, 27 Collins at iWoolmer Walter, Union st, W. Kogarall Woolford Thomas, 276 31arrickville rd, Wooltner William, 30 Flinders at Woolmer James, Eiger ter, Glebe Marrickville Woolfrey William, Albion at, Parramatta Woolnough and Co., furniture manufacturers, 50 Goulburn at Woolfson It. and Co., upholsterers, 81 Woolnough II. I'. and Co., auctioneers, Walker at, North Sydney Regent st, Kogaralt Wooll Mrs. 31 ay L., 16 Campbell at, Woolnough Annie, Rocky Point rd, Sons Balinal n • Soul • Woollaeot F., 36 Arthur at, Leichhardt Woollahra Council Chambers—Charles Woolnough C., Rocky Point rd, Sans Souei A. Vivian, j.P., town clerk, Ocean Woolnough Charles, 4 Milton at, Aslifield at, Woollahra Woollahra Post and Telegraph Offlee- Woolnougli H., Hercules at, Chatswood Itleluird B. Humphreys, postmaster, Wooluough II. B., 148 Addison rd, Manly Woolnough Rev.general secretary 09 Queen at Woollahra Methodist Home Mission Offices, 139 Woollahra Public School,—J. B. Byrne. Castlereagh tit headmaster, Forth at, Woolialma Woollahra School of Arts and Institute, Woolnough Miss M., Mitchell at, A'cliffe Woolnough Mrs., 42 Oxford as, \rains. J. Collins, hon. sec., 80 Queen at, Woolnough It. E., physician, Burwood Woollahra rd, Delmore WoollahraShooCo.,32Ocean 'at, Woolnough T., Rocky Point rd, Sans Woollahra Woollams E., 8 Stapleton ave, N. Sydney Woollams Chas., 100 Ernest at N. Syd'y Wooridligcel Mrs. NV., 43 Amy at, Ers'vlile Woolridge W.,118 Military rd, Mosman Woolland George,07 Francis st, Moldy Woolrych Miss F., Neville at, Woollard Allington, Stack at, 13almain Woollard Aubrey, Langlee awe, Waverley Woolson F. E., 190 Military rd, Neut. B. Woollard Mrs. C., 103 Church at, N'town Woolston Miss L., Artartnpit rd, W11Woollard Mrs. M., Alexandra at, Hunter's ti,dt Wooll °sti olgi tl i3blYrs. Margaret, 8 Ilsiglmisutart Hill Woolston T. M., 222 Norton Wollard IV., 50 Perry at, Marrickvillo Woolston NV'. A., Day at, Drummoyne Woollcott 11., Wallace at, Willoughby Woolven Claude, 14 Elizabeth at, Wat'loo Wooller Alfred, 475 Liverpool at Wooller Frank A., 92 Manning ni,Nralira Woolven George, 14 Elizabeth st,Wat'loo Wooller NV., 15 CodrIngton at, Darlington WoolwichDockyard—JamesYoung, foreman, Woolwich Wooller John, 23 Myrtle at WoollerWilliam G.,131aWellsat, Woolwich Pollee Station—D. II. Bolton, constable, Elgin at, Woolwich Newtown Woolwich Post and Telegraph Office, Wollerston 'W., Dunios at, Longueville Money Order and Savings Bank— Woollet (Mwald, MacArthur par, DulWilliam MeKune, postmaster, Woolwich Hill wich rd, Woolwich Woollett Frederick, 23 Cardigan at, Glebe Woolwich Public School—Hy. Thomas, Woollett George, Tanner aye, Carlton headmaster, Woolwich rd, NV'svich Woollen Arthur, 47 Talford at, Globe Woollett George, 50 Raymond rd, Neut- Woon Henry J., 77 New Canterbury rd., ral Bay n eT. te 3'., Mooney at, Bohnore Woolley A., 54 Garners awe, Marrickville IVooP Woolley Arthur, Maeliperson at, Way'ley Woon T. J., 542 Parramatta rd, P'shant Wooral E., 14 Victoria at, Erskineville Woolley C., 247 Parramatta rd, An'dale Woolley U. F., 204 Frazer at, Dulwich II. Woore S. C., J.P., 258 Walker st, N. Syd. Woolley Mrs. D., 148 N.S.11. rd, Double Wooster J. F., J.P., proprietor Epping Timber Co •, nays rd, Epping Bay Woolley E., 05 Rochford at, Erskineville Wooster Jonathan, importer, 298 Pitt at ; p.r., Wigram at, Parramatta Woolley Edward T., 270 Livingstone rd, Wootton E., 14 Woodstock at, Bondi MarrickvilleWoolley Elizabeth, Webber's rd, West Wootton Harvey F., '28 Liverpool rd, Kogarali A e111113 1 °11rs. K., 60 31oneur st, W'altra Woolley Fredk., Canterbury rd, Lakemba Wootts1 Wootton Mrs. P., 419 Moore Park rd Woolley 0., 14 Marshall st, 31arrickvillo Woolley Miss Ii. D., Railway at, Chats. Wootton I'. B., bicycle manufacturer, 301 wood t A., Floss at, Hurlstone Woolley Isaac, 27 Briggs at, Camp'down Wootit'eittl 8Sydney Park Woolley Mrs. J. B., Railway at, Chatsw'd Wootten Thomas B., 14 Queen at, Aslif'd Woolley John, Lancelot at, Five Dock Woolley John It., tleaeouatielt1 at, Bexley Wootton W. F., 68 Bellevue at, N. Syd'y Woolley Joseph, 105 Simmons at, Bloom Wootton William F., Earl at 31osman Wootton Alfred, 0 Spicer at, Woollahra Woolley Leslie, 28 Bourke at, tVaverley Wootton Arthur, Norfolk at, Epping Woolley R., 133 Rochford st, Ersk' ville Wootton George Thitorn rd, Aslifield Woolley It. .1., 671 Darling 14, Itozelle Wootton Harry, 33 ' Botany rd, Botany Woolley Rents II, 57 Cowper at, ttlebe Wootton 'Mrs. Jane, Dine at, Itandwick Woolley Robert, Farr at, Rockdale Wootton Mrs. It., 172 Henderson''rd, Woolley Robert J., 7 Day at, D'inoyne Alexandria Woolley S. P., Illawarra rd, Marrickville Woolley 'Thomas, Woodland at, South Wootton T., 37 Willoughby rd, N. Sydney Wootton Thomas, 45 Cambridge at, Rom. Ashiheld Woolley IV. II., 23 Septimus st, Ersk'ville Worboys Mrs. A., 58 31oonbie at, Suin. Worboya C. 31., 40 Burlington at, North Woolle y William, Paul at, Auburn Sydney Woolloomooloo Day Nursery, Brougham Worboys George NV., 75 Butliven at, st Randwick Woolloomooloo Police Station, Riley at Woolloossooloo PublicSchool—J.J. Worboys James, 33 Bellevue at Worboys Walter, 35 Pearce at, Double B. Ilyndes, headYurong at Woolmer Roland, Carnarvon at, Carlton Worboys Walter 3., Fredbert at, Illtardt• Worby Reuben, Regent at, Kogaralt Wooltner Mrs. S., Blaxcell at, Granvillo OUR FUNERAL EQUIPMENT is UNEXCELLED BY THAT OF ANY FIRM IN THE BRITISH EMPIRE NEW PALACE EMPORIUM, BRICKFIELD HILL, SYDNEY. Wor (JOHN SANDS Ltd. ra fl; P4' Lithographicand Art Letterpress PRINTERS, • Manufacturing STATIONERS, ENGRAVERS, I Tin Show Plate and Canister Printers ,.. e 374 GEORGE ST., SYDNEY. Factor y : Druitt St., Sydney. a Worchurst W., 101 Douglas at, S'more Vorden Richard, 47 Francis at, Manly Vordon Mrs. B., 84 Ebley at, Waverley Wordsworth F. 109 Church at, Newtown 'Wordsworth J'. P., Hanover at, Rookwood Wordsworth Mrs. T., 56 Henderson rd, Alexandria Worger Herbert, restaurant, 273 Elizabeth at 'Work J. L., dentist, 62 Enmore rd, Enmore VonitEa (The) Newspaper—H. Lamond, manager, 129 Bathurst at 'Workingman's Land Co., Wynyard at Workman E. H., Chisholm at, Greenwich -Workman G., Gibson ave, East Hills Workman Isaac T., George st, Cant'bury -Workman M., Carrington eve, Strathfleld Workman Walter, 61 Glover at, Mosman -Workman William, 305 King at, N'town Workman William C., Balgowlah rd, Manly 'Workmen's Home—George Stagg, mane-ger, 137a Castlereagh at 'Worland Mrs. Bridget, 85 Glebe at, Glebe Worland Mrs. G. A., 297 Bourke at Worlds Blograph Ltd., 117 Bathurst St 'WORLD MARINE INSURANCE CO., LIMITED, OF LONDON— Edward Chapman and Co., Agents, Bond at "WoRLD's NEWS (The)—Watkin Wynne, manager, 147-149 King at "World Printing House (The)—Robert Day, Son and Co., 275 Clarence at 'World Tourist and Passenger Traffic— Burns, Piillp and Co., Ltd., agents, 9 Bridge at Worley John, 27 St. John's rd, Glebe Vorling W., 19 Woodstock at, Bondi Vorlock George, 118 George at, Waterloo .Vonnal H., Laycock st, Neutral Bay WORMALD BROS. L." Fire Appliance Manufacturers nod Australasian Representatives GRINNELL AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS. City Office, Royal Insurance Buildings, 16 Spring at. Tel. 230 Central. Park Works, Young st, Waterloo. Tel. 713 Redfern. And at 31 Queen at, Melbourne. Wormald A. E., 196 Denison at, Camp'd'n Wormald Cuthbert, 92 Ebley at, Warley Vonnald F. NV., Powell at, Wonnald G. P., 14 Linthorpe at, N'town Wormaid George, Holt at, Double Bay Vormald H. E., 43 Bellvuo at, N. Sydney Wormald 11. 3. C., Everton rd, St'fleld Wonnald H. P. (Wormald Bros., Ltd.), "Weewanella," Bennett at, Neutral Bay. Tel. 884 North Sydney WorinaldJ., 124 Alexander at, N. Sydney Wormaid I., 125 Alexander at, N. Sydney Wormald J. D., (NVormald Bros., Ltd.); p.r., "Belinore," Delmore rd, Coogee. Tel. 55 Itandwick Wormald 3.5., Palmer at, North Sydney Vormald Mrs. M. A., 102 Falcon st, North Sydney Worrnald F. 22 Junction at, N. Sydney Wonnald William T., 8 Marrickville nl, Sydenham Vonnall Mrs. H. F., 535 King 4, N'town Wormall W., 14 Nicholson at, Balmain Wormleaton A., 135 Eveleigh at, It einem Wormleaton 11. G., 25 Queen at, N'town Vormleaton J. W., Myall at, Merrylands 1Vorrnleaton Thomas, 91 Frederick at, St. Peters ALPHABETICAL. Wormley Alfred H., 29 Gerber at, An'dria Wonnley Edward, Gibbons at, Auburn Wormsley V. 0., 84 Gown() at, Newtown Womer Adrian, Cecilia at, Bellmore Worner Harold, Alfred at, Waverley Woronora General Cemetery, 18 Bridge at Worpell Henry, 92 Pitt at Wormd Albert, Matthew at, Hunter's H. Worrell Bros., flour millers, 388 Sussex at Worrell Ernest, Wanstead eve, Under. elide Worrell G., 76 Boundary at, Waverley Worrell J., Penshurst at, Willoughby Worrell J. F., manager Waterloo Glass Bottle Works, Ltd., Crescent at, Waterloo Worrell J. F., Eastern eve, Kensington Worrell John, Meredith at, Homobush Worrell John T., Ross rcl, Punchbowl Worrell Leonard, 12 Mount st Worrell Ralph, M.D., surgeon, 183 Macquarie at; p.r., Birtley place, Elizabeth Bay Worrell Robert, McKern at, Campsie Worrell T. H., 65 Windsor rd, Petersham Worrell William A., 3 Gerard at, Neut. B. Worrel C. G., 307 Now Canterbury rd, Dulwlch Hill Worrell E., On Layton at, Camperdown Worrell G., Spring Garden at, Granville Worrell James F., Burwood rd, Belmoro Worrig jamos, Reynolds at Neut. Bay Worrill Mrs. L., 39 Campbell st, Glebe Worsfold A., Rocky Point rd, Kogarah Worsfold Alex., King at, St. Peters Worsley A., 186 Denison st, Camperdown Worsley Mrs. F., 181 Addison rd, Woraley G., 76 Kingselear rd, Alexandria Woraley J., 403 Parra matte rd, L'hardt Worsley Mrs. J., If awkhurst st, Worsley James, 5 James et, Balmain Wonky S. J , Brighton at, Enfield Worsley Mrs. Sarah, Ada at, Parramatta Worsloy Thomas, 20 Gipps st, D'Inoyne Worsley W. J.J., 112 Australia at. C'down Worslev 'William H., York at, Belmore Wort William H., 62 Phillip at., Eamon) Worth A. B., masseur, 126 The Strand Worth A. B., 132 Upper Spit rd, Mosman Worth Charles T., 4 Ebley st, Waverley Worth Daniel, 234 Albany rd, &armor° Worth Mrs. E., 35 John at, Woollahre Worth Elijah, Atchison st,St. Leonanis Worth G. P., 126 Grafton at, Woollahra Worth Mrs. H. V., 60 Ruthven at, Wwick Worth James II., 29 High at, N. Sydney Worth Thos., 68 McDougall at N. Sydney Worth William, Wallace at, Willoughby Worthing Mrs. Essie, 8 Wilton at Worthington Pump Company, Ltd., hydraulic engineers, 32 Clarence at Worthington NV. and B., boot shop, Penshurat at, Willoughby Worthington Albert, Botany rd, Botany Worthington Arthur B., Elfrida at, Mosman Worthington Edward, J.P., Allen's rd, North Hyde Worthington F. NV., Alleyne st, Wirghby Worthington 0., 16 Cooper at, Redfern Worthington II. IL , Albion at, Waverley Worthington J., 67 Frederick at, St. FeL Worthington John, 18 Creek st, Forest Lodge Worthington John, Bray's rd, Mortlake Worthington Mrs. K., Tamboutlne Bay rd, Lane Cove Worthington Miss, 6 Musgrave at, Mosman Worthington T., 42 Regent st, Pad'ton Worthington W. 57 Gibbons et, Redfern Worthington William, King at, Mascot Wortley Miss Adam 170 King at, Fit, Peters WOOD, COFFILL AND COMPANY LTD, Wri1755 Wortloy F. J., Lucas rd, Durwood Wortley H. C., Beamish at, Campsie Wortley Isaac, 33 Yelverton at, St. Peters Wortley 3. T., Burwood rd, Burwood Wortley Joseph T., Lucas rd, Burwood Wortley Walter, Canal rd, St. Peters Worwlck John, 57 Edward at, Redfern Worwood I. J., 3.1', second-hand shop, 88 George at west Wotherspoon John, Bay at, Rockdale Wotton Mrs. E., 8 Lodge at, For Lodge Wotton Frederick, 2 Cuthbert at Wav'y Wotton 0. J., 55 Wellington at, Newtown Wotton Henry, 34 Sean l st, Petersham Wotton James, West at, Hurstville Wotton John, George at, Concord NVotton W. J., 6 Myrtle at, Leichhardt. Wrack NV. 0., Victoria at, Alexandria Wragge Fredk.,West Botany rd, ArnAlffe Wragge Mrs. M., 42 Mary at, Leichhardt Wraith Walter, Kelsey at, Amoliffe Wram Harry W, 4 Caroline at, Balmain Wren Thomas, 17 Ennis st, Balinain Wray A. G., assistant engineer for existing tramways, 61 Hunter at; pr, Sutherland rd, Beecroft Wray Alfred, Alexander par, Rockdale Wray Mrs. Annie, Wellbank rd, Concord Wray Francis W., Queen's rd, Brightonle-Sands Wray G. W., Gordon at, Burwood Wray Joseph, Charles at, Marrickville Wray Joseph, Essex at, Marrickville Wray Joseph, Park eve, Mosman Wray Capt. K. M. W., Hampden at, Ashfleld Wray Mm. Mary, 5 Cralgend at Wray Rennie, 15,,Gerard at, Neutral Bay Wray Samuel, 129 Marriott at, Redfern Wray Samuel, 88 Rosehill at, Redfern Wray Thomas S. Queen at, Concord Wray Mrs. Walter, 15 Ridge at, N. Syd'y Wray William, 48 John at, Petersham Wren Bernard, 10 Kepos at, Redfern Wren Christopher, builder, 235 Trafalgar at, Annandale Wren Christopher, 322 Victoria at Wren Frederick, 79 Alblon at, Annandale Wren Hugh P., Minter at, Canterbury Wren Mrs. J., Minter at, Canterbury Wren James, 41 Albion at Wren James, Old Canterbury rd, P'sham Wren James C., Wardell rd, Dulwich Hill Wren Joseph, Fore at, Canterbury Wren Joseph, George st, Canterbury Wren Louis, 1 Morehead at, Redfern Wren Michael, .T.P., Camelia Grove hotel, 146 Henderson rd, Alexandria Wren Michael, J.P., Martin rd, Centennhtl Park Wren Mrs. S., 781Wetherill at, Lelehhardt Wren Thomas, 77 Shepherd at, Wren Thomas, 85 Kepos at, Redfern Wren Phonies, 28 Young at, Redfern Wren Timothy, Queen at, Concord Wren William G., 11 Chutor et, N. Sydney Wren William L., Burwood rd, Belmore Wrench Charles, Gladstone at, ill'ekville Wrench F., Probate at, Naremburn Wrench George, Lancelot at, Five Dock Wrench Joel, Stanley at Peakhurst Wrenford Basil IL, Bening at, Drum'oyne Wrenshaw Edwd.11., 4 James at, VV'lahra Wrest Morris, Franinton at, Marrickville Wride G., advertising agent, Castlereagh House, 26 Castlereagh at; p.r., "Woolgowin," Dudley at, Randwick Wride George, Coogee.11ay hotel, Anion at, South Coogeo Wright Bros., butchers, 0.8,11. ni, Wav'y Wright Bros. boot manufacturers, 859 George at Wright and Bruce, Ltd., wool scourers, brokers and commission agents, 20 Loftus at and Botany rd, Botany LIVERY DEPT., 47214 HARRIS ST. 'PHONE 158 OLEN ANTHONY HORDERNS' NEW PALACE EMPORIUM, 1756Wri ALPHABETICAL. ENTRANCES IN GEORGE, PITT AND GOULBURN STREETS. Wri Wright E. and Son, wi coworkers and wire Wright C. H. P., 31 Marshall at, APekville Wright George E., 30 Kent at, Newtown cloth weavers, 28 • Druitt at, Tel. Wright C. S., 83 Quarry at Wright George F., Evaline at, Campsie City 1531. Wright C. T., 127 Raglan at, Mosman Wright George R., 10 View at, Woollahra Wright's "Eureka" gas stoves, 82 Pitt Wright C. W., Parramatta rd, Burwood Wright George W.,13 Cleveland at, at.Tel. City 2500 Wright Carthow, Renwick at, APekville Redfern Wright H. G. Ltd., clothing manufac- Wright Cecil, Fitzroy at, Marrickville Wright 11., 11 Stafford st, Stamuore turers, Richard et, Newtown Wright Charles, 20 George at, Manly Wright H. A., 100 Julliett st, Arckville Wright Chas., Chaider st,Marrickville Wright H. B., J.P., Dover rd, Rose Bay WRIGHT, HEATON AND CO. ' Wright Charles, Wigram at, Parramatta Wright Mrs. H. G. A., 15 York at LTD.,ContractingandGeneral Wright H. J Wonga st, Canterbury Wright Charles, 13 Gibbons at, Redfern Carriers, Produce and General MerWright Charles, 190 Morehead at, R'fern Wright H. J., Homebush cres, Homebush chants, Forwarding, Shipping and Wright Charles, John at, ltookwood Wright H. J., Bruce at, West Kogarah Customs Agents—F. W. Browne Charles, 17 Lawson at, Rozelle Wright 11. W., 66 Raglan at, Mosman (J.P., Victoria), Managing Director. Wright Wright Clive, 44 Linthorpe at, Newtown Wright Harold, Ainsworth at, Leichhardt Head Office, 72 Pitt at Wright Mrs. D., Parramatta rd, Irbush Wright Harold, 42 Warringa rd, N. Syd'y Wright and Lowe, butchers, Parramatta Wright Mrs. D., 283 Abercrombie at, Wright Harold, Newry at, Penshurst Redfern Wright Harry, 55 Marrickville rd, APville Wright and Lyte Misses, costumieres, Wright Daniel, Fernhill at, Hurlstone Pk Wright Harry, 65 Salisbury rd, Stanmore 410 Military rd, Mosman Wright Harry It., May at, Marrickville Wright David, 16 St. David's rd, Wright and Sale, die sinkers, off 143 Wright David, Barton's a ye, Haberfield WrightHenry,medicalpractitioner, Castiereaah at Wright David, 104 Alexander st, N. Syd. Illawarra rd, Marriekville Wright and Sturrock, builders, 213-217 Wright David, Regent at, Rookwood Wright Henry, Powell at, Bankstown Palmer at Wright David McKee, editor Fairplay Wright Henry, Anglesea at, Bondi 'Wright W. J. and Fox, costume manuNewspaper Co., Ltd., 335a George at Wright henry, 70 Darlington rd, Darfacturers, 498 Kent at Wright Miss E.,privatehospital,73 lington Wright William and Sons, produce and Darlinghurst rd Wright Henry, Penshurst at, Penshurst fuel merchants, 00 King at, N'town Wright Mrs. E., 199 Rochford at, E'ville Wright Henry, 28 Clarendon rd, St'unore Wright'sLimited, manufacturersiii W ri ght . H., 135 Abercrombie s , Wright Henry, 40 Edmund at, Waverley wrought metals, 180 George at Redfern Wright Herbert, Tantallon ave, Amalie Wright Miss A., 10 Orpington at, Ashf'd Wright E. G., 267 Glemnore rd, Pad'ton Wright Herbert, Botany rd, Botany Wright Mrs. A., 20 Campbell at, N. Syd. Wright E. H., 40 Holt's a ye, Alosman Wright Herbert, Houston rd, Kensington Wright Mrs. A., 95 Moncur st, Woollnida Wright Edward, 22 Kensington at Wright Herbert G., Albert cres, Croydon. Wright A. D., Norfolk at, Liverpool Wright Edward, 264 Johnston at, A'dale Wright Herbert II., Dennis at,, Lakemba Wright A. E., Nicholson at, N. Sydney Wright Edward, 60 Glebe at, Glebe Wright Hugh, F.R.A.S., J.P., librarian, Wright A. Frank, Liverpool hotel, 172-174 Wright Edward Pacific at, Vaucluse Mitchell Library, Macquarie st ; p.r. Liverpool at Wright Edward, Comanurra st, W. Kog. "Boombilla," Ourimbah rd, Mosmau Wright A. G., 12 (Tottenham at, Glebe Wright Isaac, Hudson at, Hurstville Wright Edward IL, Phillip at, Watley Wright A. G., Mandalong rd, Woman Wright Edwin W., Connemarra st, Boxi'y Wright J., 10 Yule at, Petersham Wright A. H., Harcourt Eat., Campsie Wright Brie, 19 Marlborough at, Drum- Wright Mrs. J., 110 Itirrell at, Waveriey Wright A. IL, 7 Addison rd, Manly moyne Wright J. A.,fierist, 374 George at Wright A. H., manager for H. G. Wright, Wright Ernest, 44 Bulwarra rd Wright J. A., 48 Addison rd, Marrickville Ltd., Richard at, Newtown Wright Ernest, 29 Rowntree at, Irmain Wright J. B. 30 Codrington et, Darlion Wright A. J., 48 Cowper at, Glebe Wright Ernest, Meek's rd, Marrickville Wright J. B., J.P., manager Prescott Wright Mrs. A. M., dressmaker, 1 Dar- Wright Ernest, 1 Milmil at, North Sydney Limited, 365-375Sussexat;p.r., lingliurst rd "Springfield," Upper Wycombe rd, Wright Ernest, Wentworth at, Randwick Wright Mrs. Agnes, 60 Telopea at, It'fe rn Wright Ernest A., 50 Brown at, C'down Neutral Bay Wright Albert, 28 Burton at, Glebe Wright Eustace, 41 Robert at, St. Peters Wright J. G., manufacturers' agent, 18 Wright Albert, 117 Pitt at, Waterloo Barrack at Wright Mrs. F., 60 Lavender at, N. Syd. Wright Albert E., Belmont id, Alex'dria Wright F. W., 20 Langdown at, Newtown Wright J. P., Jun., 22 Bower at, Manly Wright Albert E, 6 Doris et, N. Sydney Wright Fisher C., Wycombe at, Nout. Bay Wright J. W., Benaroon rd, Beimore Wright Albert M., Tweedmonth aye, Wright Francis P., 28 Bishop at, St. Peters WrightJackson,T.H.,J.P.,"$t. Waterloo Renato," Edward at, Pymble Wright Frank, 23 Broughton at, PamPton Wright Alex., Sinclair et, Wollstoneeraft Wright Frank G., 62 Queen at, Woollahra Wright James, Lawrence at, Alexandria Wright Alfred, Mowbray ni, west, Chats- Wright Frederick, Myers at, Delmore Wright James, 35 Clayton at, Bahnain wood Wright Frederick, Neridah st, Chatswood Wright James, Emu at, Burwood Wright Alfred, Robertson at, Greenwich Wright Frederick, Lueknow rd, N. Hyde Wright Jams, 1 Alma lane, Darlington Wright Alfred, Renwick et, Marrickville Wright Frederick, Parley rd, Randwick Wright James, Pile at, Dulwich Hill Wright Alfred, 63 Bullanaming st, Whim Wright Frederick, 51 Oxford at, Waylay Wright James, Garnet at, Huristone Park Wright Amos, 70 1(111 at, Leichluadt Wright Fredk., 85 Wellington at, Walla) Wright James, Houston rd, Kensington •Wright Andrew, 54 Gottenham at, Globe Wright G., architect, 87 Ourirnbah rd, Wright James, 14 Cary st, Leichhardt Wright Arch., Railway eres., Sherwood Wright James, 15 Rose ter, Paddington Mosman Wright Archibald, 23 Queen at, Glebe Wright James, 51 Westbourne at, Fshatn Wright Mrs. G., Short at, Carlton Wright Archibald, Quigg at, Lakemba Wright James, 71 Yule at, Petersham Wright G., Queen's nl, Five Dock Wright Arthur, architect, 081 Pitt at Wright (1., John at, Gordon Wright Jams, Yule st, Petersham p.r., Addison rd, Manly Wright U., Kenaington rd, Kensington Wright James, 81 George at, Waterloo Wright Arthur, 14 Harwood at Wright James AGordon rd, Chatswi set Wright (1. E., 24 Carlisle at, Leichhartit Wright Arthur, Belmont at, Alexandria Wright. (i. F., Maroubra Bay rd, It'wick Wri gittJanies It., Kogarahi rd, Kogara it Wright Art Ind, Mowbray rd, Chatswood Wright G. S., Ainsworth at, Leichhardt Wright James W., 15 Luke at., Itandwiek Wright Arthur, Wilson at, Mascot Wright Miss Jane, Norval at Auburn Wright George, 5 Norton at Wright Arthur, Alert's rd, Mortdale Wright George, 84 Taylor at, Annandale Wright John, '202 Bulwarra rd Wright Attica, Lumaden at, Nil Sydney Wright George, "Hextol," Alt at, Ashfield Wright John, 40 CarslinIton st. Ashfiehl Wright Arthur, 72 Baptist at, Redfern Wright John, Lucy at, Ashfiehl Wright George, The Parade, Enfield Wright Arthur, 65 Marriott at Redfern Wright George, 20 Flora at, Erakineville Wright, John, Moore at, Bexley Wright Arthur J., Mill at, Rookwood Wright George, The Esplanade, Guildford Wright John, 41 Croydon rd, Croydon Wright Augustus, Tottenham et, Sherw'd Wright George, 120 Lennox at, Newtown 'Wright John, Parra matte rd, Comical! Wright Mrs. B., 58 Regent at, Paddington AVright George, 10 Eden at, N. Sydney Wright John, Mitchell at, Enfield Wright Benj., The Esplanade, Guildford Wright George, 210 Old Canterbury td, Wright John,Flora at, Erskineville Wright Mrs. Bertha, Walter at, Croydon Petersham Wright John, Junction rd, Hornsby WIh t t .J o ltmm, ihmmlfoumr ni, Kcmmaimigt omm Wright Bertram, Allen at, 1,eichha nit W I ht George, 55 Louis t,I dfi Wright C., 144 Bourke at . Wright John, Men at, Marrickville Wright George, Canal rd, Mt. Peters Wright Mrs. C. Itembridge at, Carlton Wright George, Eastern rd, Turramurra Wright John, George at, Mascot Wright C. B., Wu nulla rd, Rome Bay Wright John, 200 Falcon at, N. Sydney Wright George, Moore at, Waverley Wright C, E., KIngswood aye, WIll'ghby A'right George 0., Waratalt at, linfierfield Wright John, Hutchinson at St. Peters Wright C. F., Ht. Itillier's rd, Auburn AVrIght George 1)., 33 London at, Emmons Wright John, 19 Lackey at, St. Peters WOOD, COFFILL & COMPANY LTD. CENTRAL OFFICE : 810 . 12 OEORIE ST. 'PHONE 728 & 1524 CENTRAL- Wri ALPHABETICAL. Wya1757- Wright John, Robert at, Strathfield Wright Mrs. S., 3 Morrell at, Woollahra Wright William, Moore at, IVaverley Wright John, 22 Nicholson at, Tempo Wright Samuel, waggonbuilder, 571-575 Wright William G., MeKern at, Cau'bury Wright .Tohn, 93 Wellington at. Waterloo Harris at Wright William .T., Bruce at, Ashfield Wright John, Sinclair at, Wollstonecraft Wright Samuel, 42 Pashiey at, Balmain Wright William J., College at, D'moyne Wright John A., Simpson at, Bondi Wright Samuel, Jubilee at, Botany ;Wright William P., 102 Gowrie at, N't'wn. Wright His Grace John Charles, M.A., Wright Samuel, Charles at, Canterbury Wright Wilson C. 1)., Pile at, Dol. Hill D.D., the Archbishop of Sydney, Wright Samuel, Abbott at, Granville I Wrighton R., Barremma rd, Canterbury andPrimate,"Bishopscourt," Wright Samuel, Vincent st, Marrickville Wrighton W., 173 Devonshire at Darling Point Wright Samuel, Second are, Rookwood Wrightson John, Lincoln at, Campsie Wright John E., 58 Wyndham st, Alex- Wright Mrs. Sarah, 41 Derwent at, Glebe Wrightson John, Godfrey at, Lakemba Wright Sarah H., West End hotel, 12 ' Wrightson 'Tom, Yerrick rd, Lakemba andria Bathurst at Wrigley and Overall, confectioners, 201. Wright John E., 63 Pitt at, Waterloo Oxford at Wright John G., York rd, Randwiek Wright Sidney, 50 Alexander st,Alex'driat Wright John H., Battery at, Little Coogee Wright Sydney, 12 Julliett at, Mar'ville Wrigley Arthur, Polding at, Drunimoynii Wright T. H., 41 Salisbury rd, Stanmore Wrigley B., Belmont rd, Mosman Wright John H., 164 Alice at, Newtown Wright John 11. Harley at, Sans Souci Wright Thomas, Vicotria at. Alexandria Wrigley Charles W., 8 Want at, N. Syd'y Wright John J.:Augusta at, Homehush Wright Thomas, 113 Short at, Baltnain Wrigley Edward AV., Lang at, Mosman W'right. John P. (Exors. of), 08i Pitt at Wright Thomas, 6 Marion at, Haberfield Wrigley Ernest, Waratah at, Enfield Wright John S., Montague rd, Neut. Bay Wri tht Thomas , C.et at, Ihunistone Pk Wrigley F., bootunakor, 043 C tlI t Wright John T., Young at, Concord Wright Thomas, 40 Dulwich at, Dui. Hill Wrigley Mrs. Frederick, Earl at, It'udwick Wright T11011MS, Bellevue st, Kogarah Wright John T., 18 Queen at, (Helm Wrigley G. II., 22 Boulevarde, Lewisham WrightJohnW.,65Underclilfeat, Wright Thomas, Greenwich rd,Lane Cove Wrigley Thomas, Australia at, CamperWri ght Thomas, 18 Garners a ye, Wyllie down Neutral Bay Wright Thomas, Illawarra rd, Wright Joseph, 18 Playfair at Wrigley T., 162 Australia at, Camp'down Wright. Joseph, 118 Milieus at, Balmain Wright Thos,. Lockwood at, Merryiands Wrigley William, Auburn rd, Bankstown Wrigley William, Waratah at, Enfield Wright Joseph, 82 Burren at, Erskineville Wright Thos., 18 Barley at, Newtown Wright Joseph, Premier at, 3farrickville Wright Thomas, 85 Palace at., Petersham Wring Emanuel, 35 Lodge at, F. Lodge Wright Thomas, Rockdale at, Rockdale Wright Joseph, 54 Duxford at, Pad'ton Wring Mrs. Al. A., Daphne at, Botany Wright Joseph, Penslmrst at, Penshurst Wright Thomas 34 Railway rd St. Pet. Wring Milton Park rti Mascot •..1 Wright Joseph, 15 Louis at, Redfern Wright Thomas, Elizabeth st, W. Kog'im Wring George, Meek's rd, Marrickville Wright Joseph, Willis st, South Randw'k Wright Thomas 0., 72 Birkley rd, Manly WrixsoyndAnley rs. E., 05 Willoughby at, North. Wright Joseph P., 7 Herbert at N'town Wright Thomas II., Elizabeth at, Mrat'loo Wright Joshua, 32 Yelverton at, St. Pet. Wright Thomas J., Victoria at, Wavley NA roe Frederick, 22 Henson at, Sum. Hill Wright Thomas IV., 173 Botany rd, Bot'y Wroe Richard, 213 Denison rd, Pisham Wright K. Park st, Sans Souci Wright 3liss L., teacher of dancing, 283 Wright Thomas W., 3 Bogan at, Sum. Hill Wrongfeldt Percy C., 5 Mount at, Redfern. George at Wright Valentine, Lainrock a ye, Keniern Wulf Hermann, stevedore, 04 Kent st Wright L. C., Bellevue Hill, Rose Bay Wright Miss W., typist, 60 Castlereagh at Wulf J., Bayview at, North Sydney Wright Leonard, Baxter rd, Mascot \Vright W., 3-Marsden at, Campettlown Wulff Carl A., Connemarra at, Rockdale Wright Lewis, 25 'Trafalgar at, Enmore Wright W., 114 Swanson st, Erskineville Walling A. amid Co.—A. J. Swiries, mgr., Wright Miss M., tea rooms, 67 King at Wright W., 62 Bradley's Head rd, Mosmanufacturing chemists, 17 Bond at, Wright M., Oxford at, Epping 111811 Wunderlich A and Co fruiterers 65 Wright Mrs. 31., Doncaster are, Kens'ton Wright W., Alice at, Turrainurra Alfred at, North Sydney Wright.Airs.31., 107 Marrickville rd., Wright Mrs. NV., 42 Denison at, Way'ley Wunderlich Ltd., manufacturers of 31arrickville Wright W. A., 91 John at, Woollahra metal ceilings, etc. Head Office, WrightMrs.M.A.,Khartoumaye, Wright W. C., Grove at, 31arrickville Baptist at, Redfern. Telephones Gordon Wright W. D., 10 Leicester at, Pad'ton 458-450-460 Redfern. Managing Wright Mrs. M. A., 118 Blue's Point rd, Wright W. E., sec. Farmers' Storage and directors, E. H. C., 0. and A. North Sydney Export Co., Ltd., 81 Pitt at Wunderlich ; secretary, A. Keegan. Wright Malcolm) S., Point rd, Woolwich Wright W. E., Keating at, Rookwood Tile Office and City Showroom, 56. Wright Mrs. Margaret, Cove at, Vaucluse Wright W. E., Rosehery at, 3losinan Pitt at. Telephone No. 3400. Sides Wright Mathew A. 12 Queen at, Ashtleld Wright W. F., 72 Phillip at, Alexandria manager, Tel. City 3960. Tile Wright Michael H.;75 Marion at, Enmore Wright William F., Penkivil at, WiTghby Wharf, Neutral Bay. l'eleplione AVright Mrs. Minnie, 2 immune at, North Wright W. H., Broad rd, South Randwlek No, 288, North Sydney Sydney Wright W. J., 273 George at Wunderlich Alfred, "Stamford," 8 Lang Wright Mrs., Neridah at, Chatswood Wright W. J., Birrell at, Bondi rd, Centennial Park Wright Norman, 00 Kingston at, Cam- Wright William J., 34 Junction at, Forest Wunderlich E. H. C., "St. Omer." :3 perdown Lodge Dailey at, Waverley WrightOliver,48 Lower Tupper at, Wright W. J., Montgomery at, Kogarah Wunderlich Mrs. Eva, \Inlet at, NVaverry Marrickville Wright W. M., 63 Prince Albert at, Mos- Wunsch Gregory, 80 Baptist at, ltedfern Wright Owen L, Harp at, Canterbury ittaum Wright Paul, Chesterfield par, Waverley Wright AV. T., Warren rd, Marrickville Wright Percival E., 148 Wells at, N'town Wright AV. T., Harcourt Estate, Campsie Wright Percy, 0.8.11. rd, Vaucluse Wright Walker, Francis at, Bondi Importer of Musical Instruments, Wright Percy G., 11 Killeen at, Bainunin Wright %Vatter T., Gale rd, Lilyville Sole Agent for "The Pathephone" Wright Peter, 40 Charles lane Wright William, 15 Ada at Talking Machines for N.S.W., Wright Mrs. B., 56 Jeffrey at, N. Svdney Wright William, 45 Charles at Jobi,er inEdi son g au is. NA right It. D., 145 Ilolterman at, ort Im Wright NA11 kirk lane innufact urers of Seroltised l'apers, Sydney Wright William, 21 Al cElhone place importer of Drawing and Tracing Wright It. F., 18 Amherst et, N. Sydney Wright William, 6 Shepherd at Paliers and Cloths, etc., 99-101 York Wright R. S., Lincoln at, Behnore Wright William, Belmont at, A lex'dria at. General Telephone No. 1006 Wright Rawton, Flood at, Leichhardt Wright William, 15 Loftus at, Ashtleld City ; Phonograph Depart. N. 172 Wright Raymond S., King rd, Five Dock Wright William, Godwin at, Bexley City ; p.r., "Ruperra," Darling l't. Wright Mrs. Rebecca, 38 Forbes at Wright William, Moore at, Camp4le nl, Tel. 559 Edgerliffe Wright Reg., Jeffrey at, Canterbury Wright William, Jamieson at, Granville Wright Richard, 88 Norton at, Ashfield 1Vright Wlhiiammm,Thmo Esplanado,Oulldford Wu rtli Chia ries, Forest ril, Burstein, Wright Robert, nigh at, Carlton Wright William, O'Connell at, I falelleld WIWI] Mrs. K., 118 James nt, !Achim nit Wright Robert, 7 The Crescent, Croydon Wright William, Ocean at, Kogarah \Vint!' Miss 31. C., private hospital, Wright Robert, Wardell rd, Dulwich 11111 Wright William, 1/11111111111 rd, Leiria/1(10 Queen's a y e, Regular 'r g 1. Itoliert, Bathurst at, Liverpool Wright William, 52 Margaret at, N'town Wyatt Mrs. A., 27 Roslyn at. Wright Hobert A., William at, Ashaild Wright William, 36 Station at, Newtown . Wyatt Alfred, I lawkluturst at, Merrick ville Wright S., 50 Alexander at, Alexandria 'Wright William, 70 Cameron at, Plenum Wyatt Alfred J., 126 Parley at Newtown' 1Vright Mrs. S., Trongate at, firanville 1VrightVihiitmuut, Bobbin ni, Pyinble Wyatt Andrew, 40 London at, Ennead Wrigh S.,confectioner, 210King at, Wright William, 11 Louis at, Redfern Ill Mrs. C., 86 itehnotit rd. Moslem' Newtown Wright %Villain, Berry's ni. St. Leotards Wyatt Daniel, Victoria oh, Male 1 WURCKER MAX -TO PERMIT OF THE ATTENDANCE OF A-BSENT FRIENDS WE EMBALM AT NOMINAL COST VISIT ANTHONY HORDERNS' NEW PALACE EMPORIUM. 1758Wya ALPHABETICAL. Yab Wyatt Daniel, 144 New Canterbury rd, Wylie G. C., Salisbury rd, Stanmore Wynn Edward, 68 Junction at, N. Syd'y Peters/nun Wylie George, 77 O'Connell at, Newtown Wynn Edward, 14 Gierstein at, Waverley Wyatt Mrs, E. D., 165 Blue's Point rd, Wylie H. A., baths, Beach at, Coogoo Wynn G. P., Greenwich rd, Lane Cove , North Sydney Wylie Henry A., Carr st, Coogee Wynn Rev, J. T., Garfield at, Carlton Wyatt George, Little Church at, Hyde Wylie Herbert, Chatham st, Botany Wynn Leslie, 63 Station at, Tempo Wyatt Mrs. H., Bernard at, Rookwood Wylie J. W., Northumberland rd, Aub'rn Wynn Michael, 108 Denison at, Cain'down 'Wyatt Henry, hairdresser, 12 Kent at Wylie James, 1 Park eve, North Sydney Wynn S. 0., John at, Waverley Wyatt Henry, 40 Harrington at Wylie James, 101 Ebloy at, Waverley Wynn Watkin W., 1(30 Alice at, Newtown Wyatt Horace J., 57 Reiby at, Newtown Wylie James 0., Norfolk at, Epping Wynn William, Cecilia at, Burwood Wyatt J. P., importer, 82 Liverpool at Wylie John, $ Wyndham at, Alexandria Wynn Willimi, 591'itt at, North Sydney Wyatt J. P., Eglinton at, Rookwood Wylie John A., Grosvenor at, Woollahra Wynn William H., 11 Globe at, Glebe Wyatt J. H., 15 Victoria at, Alexandria Wylie John P., MacArthur par, Dul. Hill Wynn-Martin C. C., medical practitioner, Wyatt James II., Canary rd, Canterbury Wylie Joint IL, 27 Gibbes st, Newtown 196 Glenmore id, Paddington 'Wyatt James, 0 Gerard at, Neut. Bay Wylie John W., Birrell at, Waverley Wynne Bros. motor experts, 278 Oxford Wyatt James P., Brightmore at, Neutral Wylie Mrs. M., Morgan at, Marrickville at, Wooliahra Wylie P. J., Brunswick aye, Strathflold Bay Wynne Augustine, Rainham at, Wwick Wyatt John, Bream at, Coogee Wylie Percy T., Myrtle at, Leichhardt Wynne Mrs. B., 44 Mary st, Waterloo WynneRev.Brother,principalSt. Wyatt John, 30 Parraween st, Neut. Bay Wylie It. L., Renwick at, Marrickville Wylie Robert L., Hampden at, Ashtield Wyatt Mrs. M., 60 Pitt at, N. Sydney Mary's Parochial School, Cathedral 'Wyatt Mrs. Mary, 281 Crown at Wylie Thomas, 38 Hopewell at, Pad'ton street "Wyatt Montague,principalof public Wylie Thomas A., 61 Liberty st, Stan. Wynne Charles D., Addison rd, Kens'ton more school, Rocky Pt. rd, Sandringham Wynne George Watkin, Gladstone par, Wylie William, confectioner, 143 King at Lindfleld 'Wyatt N., 1 Argyle place Wylie 'William, Victoria st, Alexandria Wyatt N. E., Vaughan at, Rookwood Wynne Mrs. H., Church at, Randwick Wylie William, 30 Cook rd, Marrickville Wynne Mrs. Hope, music teacher, 338 'Wyatt Robert, 13 Spring at, Maintain 'Wyatt Samuel G., 23 Little Bloomfield at Wylie William, 36 Calder rd, Redfern George at Wyatt Sidney, 32 Mitchell at, N. Sydney Wylie William, 162 Pitt at, Redfern Wynne Hubert, 82 Pitt st, Waterloo 'Wyatt W., 87 New Canterbury rd, Peter- 'Wylie William H., 28 John st, Ashfield Wynne John F., J.P., 47 Green's rd, Wylie William It., West at, Lewisham sham Paddington Wyatt W. E., Gordon at, Lewisham Wyllie A. M. C.C., 50 Edgeware rd, Wynne Miss 31., 9 Wudgong st, Mosman 'WyattWilliam,J.P.,Anderton at, Elmore Wynne Mrs. Mary, 51 Hereford at, Glebe Wyllie Mrs. Ada, 124 Riley at Marrickville Wynne N., 114 Hunter at 'Wyatt William, Fairview at, Concord Wyllie Alex., 14 Wilford at, Newtown Wynne Pate& J., Maud at, Balmain 'Wyatt William, 24 Trimmer° st, D'inoyn Wyllie Alex. M., Boyce rd, South Rand. Wynne Richard, Nelson at, Annandale wick Wybor James II., 112 Norton at, L'hardt Wynne Richard B., Hardy at, Asillield Wyborn G., 89 Elizabeth at, Paddington Wyllie Mrs. E., Leicester a ye, Concord Wynne Richard H., Shepherd at, Ashtield Wyllie Alfred, Roberts at, Camperdown Wyborn Walter, Arden at, Waverley Wynne Watkin, J.P., manager DAILY TELEGRAM Newspaper CO., LTD., Wyborn Win. L., Hutcheson st, Rozelle Wyllie Harry IL, 20 Po pulist, Enmore and THE WORLD'S NEWS, 147 King •Wybrow and Co., boot and shoe manu- Wyllie Robert, 03 Ocean at, Bondi Wyllie Thomas, 174 'Walker at. N. Sydney facturers, at; p.r., "Chowringhee," Bon Accord -Wybrow A. E., 76 Addison rd, Arekville Wyly Alex. Peel, secretary Employers' ave, Waverley Wy brow William E., Cobar at, Wirghby Federation of N.S.W., 26 limiter at ; Wynne William H., Vaughan st, Irkwood -WyburdAlfredE.,11Liverpool st, p.r., Hampden rd, Pennant Hills Wynter Edgar C., King Edward st, Paddington Wyly Reginald, 54 Waters rd, Neut. Bay Rockdale Wyburd Mrs. H. L., 27 Gipps at, Pad'ton Wyly Robert F., manager and secretary Wynter H. C., Nelson at, Penshurst • Wy burn A., Portland at, Enfield Sydney Cricket Ground, Trustees' Wynter Herbert, Ocean at, Penshurst office, 24 Moore at IVy burn Bethel, 100 Mill 11111 rd, Wav'ley Wynter Mrs. P. E., Mandolong rd, Mos Wyly Robert F., 128 Addison rd, Manly man Wych Frederick, Rae at, Randwick Wyman Mrs. Amelia, Wentworth rd, Wych Miss L., postmistress, 53 Lamb at, Wynter W. C., Ocean at, Penshurst Burwood Leichhardt Wynward School, 189 Palmer at, 'Wych Mrs. M. A., 55 Lamb at, Leichhardt Wyman B. E., Cambridge at, Gladesville Wynyard George H., 39 Park aye, DrumWych Samuel, 321 Cleveland at, Redfern Wyman Charles, Shipley aye, Concord moyne Wychlany Preparatory School—G. F. Wyman Mrs. Maria, 13 Scott at Wyong Park Racing Club, 60 Castlereagh street Wooldridge, M.A., principal, Parra- Wyman Walter J., 293 Forbes st, Wymark Frlderick, 33 Booth at, Maintain Wyper William W., managing director matte rd, Burwood • Wyphe Peter, 200 Hereford at, F. Lodge Wymer Alfred, Edward at, Bondi Thomas A. Edison, Ltd. Ltd.,304-372 No Kenttnnant; p.r., "Nevada," at, Wye Edward, 75 Windsor at, Paddington Wyiner G., Livingstone rd, Marrickville Wyeth Chas., 319 Cleveland at, Redfern Wymer Mrs. S. A., 493 Illawarra rd, •Wyeth JAMS, 67 Bank at, N. Sydney Marrlekville Wyres John It., 69 William at, N. Sydney Wyro Thomas, Wardell rd, Dulwich Hill Wyko Mrs. E., 30 Glerstein at, Waverley Wymess John, 58 Princes at • Wyke Mrs. M. S., 01 Denison rd, P'sham Wynd Mrs. IL, 104 Constitution rd, Wyse Mrs. A. 31. Bishop's a ye, Randw'k Petersham Wyke W. A., 51 Silver at, Marrickville Wyssenbach Paul, 216 Bourke at Wyndham Mrs. E., 87 Blue's Point rd, Wythes G. H., William at, Hornsby Wykes Henry, Queenseliffe, Manly North Sydney Wykes John, 245 Elizabeth at -Wykei John, 27 Willoughby at, N. Syd. Wyndham Mrs. E., Porous() rd, Randwick NENE 0. 11 Milford at Wyndham Mr:3. Guy, 19 Lennon at, Mm- Xylite-3fasserold Ltd. (Sydney Paving Wyld Albert, 64 Alexander at, Manly and Flooring Co.), 228 Clarence at man WyldAlfred,brushmanufacturer,2 and Cowper at, Glebe Wyndham Harold E., 20 Parkview rd, Buckland at Manly Wyld Ernest 11., Queen at, Arncliffe Y. WATER EXTENDED, LTD., Australasia Wyndham Harry, 56 Ferris at, Amedale Wyld Francis, Silver st, Nfarrickvillo Chambers, Martin place Wyndham Harry, 84 Botany at, Watioo Yabsloy A. J. 11, solicitor, 60 CastleWyld G. IL, 33 Margaret at, Manly .Wyld II. J., 8 Bradley's head rd, Mosta'n Wyndhant Miss L. L., off 437 Alfred at, reagh at; p.r., 46 Victoria st, kfield North Sydney Wyld L. E, Beamish at, Campsie Yabsloy Arthur, 48 Foster at, Leichhardt Wyndham R., Shaftesbury rd, Eastwood Yabsley Arthur, The Avenue, Strathfield Wylie Horan!, Perry at, Campsin Wylde-Ilrowne J. II. (The Johnston Tyre Wyndham H. C., Manilla at, Kensington Yabsley Arthur H., case and timber merand Colonial It ubber Co., Ltd.), 7 Wynhitam Mrs.T.B.,3(1Gilpinat, chant, Mew at, Pyrtnont impordown Barrack at; p.r.,"Tlilagi," Centennial Yabsley B., Petersham rd, Marrickville Wyndon Mrs. E., 40 Fotheringlia in at, ave, Chatswood. 'Phone 225 ChatsYabsley C. R., 74 Swatiaon at, Ersk'ville Marrickville wood Yabaley George, 7 Evana at, Rozelle Wy les Frederick, 8 Donium at, Wyndow Thomas, 81 Darling at, Balmain YabaleyHenry,38Commodoreat.,' Wyley Mrs. C., 11 Abercrombie at WynesaMrs.A.,104aEdgeelifferd, Newtown Wylie Alexander, 26 Worm at, Glebe Woollahra Yabaley Ilemiry, Argyle st, Parramatta Wylie Charles, Victoria at, Ashfield Wynn Mrs. A. E., DOW): at, Killara Yabsley John, 31 Moodie at, Roselle Wylie D., Peat's Ferry rd, Hornsby Wynn Alfred, 48 Kent at Yabsley L., O'Connell st, Parramatta WOODI . COFFILL AND COMPANY LTD. BRANCHES ALL SUBURBS. SEE ALPHABETICAL SECTION THE HOME OF ANTHONY HORDERNS' FAMOUS LOW PRICES. Yab ALPHABETICAL. Yeo1759. Yates Arthur W. IL, Duritant st, H'stville Yeates A. E., Maroubra Bay rd, ltanda"k Yabsiov Percy, 8 Daniel st, Leichhardt Yates Mrs. B., Unwin's Bridge rd, Tempo Yeates Mrs. E., 64 Flood at, Leichilardt Yank) Isaac, 76 Commonwealth at Yeates H. H., 116 Union at, Erskinoville Yager Charles, 1 Mitchell rd, Alexandria Yates Mrs. B., High st, Willoughby Yeatman J., Llewellyn at, 3farriekville Yates C. M., 54 Denison at, Rozelle Yager Henry, 5 Surrey at, Waterloo Yeats W. J., Victoria rd, Marrickville Yates C. W., 40 Durham at, S. Annandale "Valli Clement, Pennant at, Parramatta Yensley Mrs. E., _South eve, Leleithardt Yates Clement 0., Lindsay at, Campsie Yahl John F., Ross at, Parramatta Yedwopit E., tailor, 105 Regent at, R'ferie Yaidon Mrs. Catherine, Wharf rd, Con- Yates Daniel, Pennant at, Parramatta Yates Mrs. E., 21 Ben Boyd rd, Neutral Yedwopit Emanuel, 133 Pitt at, Redfern cord Yen George, Carrington at, Concord Bay Yaldwyn William B., 1 Simms at Yates Mrs. E., Wentworth at, Parranitta Yee David, Vaida ave, Arndt& Yale J. IL, Kensington rd, Kensington Yee Kee and Co., merchants, 165-100Yatea E. J., Edinburgh rd, Marrickville Yenta K., 74 Cowper at, Waverley Gloucester st Yates 11. It., Stanley eve, Mosman Yania Thomas, 12 Waiue at Yee F. II., Henley rd, Flemington Yambulla Gold Mines, Ltd., 14 Loftus at Yates Edward, Vernon at, Stratlifleld Yoond A. H., 301 Military nil, 31°3/Ilan Yangtsze Insurance Association, Ltd.— Yates Edwin IL, 140 Bridge rd, Glebe Yeond A. H. newsagent, Spit rd, Mostnan. H. S. P. Storey, chief agent for Aus- Yates Ernest 11., Sydney at, Willoughby Yowl Charles H., Warwick Castle hotel, Yates Frank, Croydon st, Lakomba tralia, 56 Pitt at 203 Darling at, Maintain Yates Fredk., 20/t Louisa rd, Baltnain Ya ankh Vincent, 18 Larkin st, C'down Yates George, 62 Neville st, 3farrickville YeendH.H.,"Stanley," Albertrd,. Vans Frank, Bridge at, Homebush Stratitfield. Tel., Homebusli 432 Yates Geo., 30 Castlereagh at, Redfern Yanz John, Cleveland at, Wahroonga Yeend James, 19 Tavistock st, D'inoyne Yates George A., 78 Brougham at Yanz Louis, Palmerston rd, Hornsby Yeend James B., 35 Arthur at, Maintain Yates II. S., Now York at, Granville Yapp Charles, Junction st, Sherwood Yeend Richard, Mason at, ilierrylanda Yates .1., 29 Hale rel, Mosman Yard Charlton T., Consett st, Dul. Hill Yeend Mrs. S., 229 New Canterbury rd, Yates .1., Annette at, Ontley Yard Fredk. F., Albert et, Lelcithardt Dulwich Hill Yates J. A., Harris at, Parramatta Yard Henry, Warier at, Arneliffe Yeennianon 3118s 3f., matron Maintain. Yates James, 2 L'Avenue Park, N'town Yard Henry, 3 Albion at, Paddington and DistrictHospital,Boothat, Yates James, leather dresser, 2 Newman Yard Mrs. Marie, Warren rd, Mar'ville Maintain st, Newtown Yard It. P., 11 Jersey rd, Woollahra Yegill Robert, Hayes rd, Neutral Bay Yates James; 00 Crown at Yard W. G., 83 Stafford at, Paddington Yeldham Bros., produce merchants, 73 Yates James, 5 Comber at, Paddington Yard W. G., Wellington at, Mascot Elizabeth at, Redfern Yardley II., 67 Annandale st, Annandale Yates James, 21 Wentworth at, Pad'ton Yoldham A. E., 221Norfolk at, Padlon Yates Jams 11., 33 Norton st, Ashfield Yardley R., Herring at, Eastwood Yeldhant A. E., Morton at, WolistoneYates James J., Botany rd, Botany Yardley R., Nicholson st, St. Limner& craft Yarnold A. H., M.A., principal Church Yates John, 6(1 Holtennan at, N. Sydney Yeldham John, Macpherson at, Mosruan ofEnglandPreparatory School, Yates John, 182 Morehead at, Redfern Yeldham William, Arden at, Nth Coogee Yates John C., 2 St. Minver avo, North Slutdforth at, Mosmatt ;p.r., EllaYeldon Arthur, Gordon at, Burwood matta eve, Mosman Yelds James, 30 St. Mary's at, Campenrn Yarnold Rev. Alfred (C. of E.), 60 Alt at, YatesS 3ItolillicnYT., Brighton at, Enfield Yates Joseph, 7 Liverpool at, Paddington Yell F., St. Lawrence at, Greenwich Ashileld Yelland Chas., Innesdale rd, Arncliife Yarnold Miss I. H., B.A., St. Hilda's Yates Joseph, 31 Morehead at, Redfern rammar School, 28 Bradley's Head Yates Mrs. M. A., Phillip at, Parrainatta Yelland James, grocer, 22 Union at Yelland John Ili., .I.P., 2 Upper Bar Yatez M. A., Lugar at, Waverloy rd, Mosman View at, MeMahon's Point Yates Itieltard T., St. Paul's at, Randwick Yarntou Mrs. S., 67 Milton st, Ashflold Joseph, Botany rd, Botany YarrIngton A. J., SO Percival rd, St'more Yates S., 60 Underwood at, Paddington Yemetti Yen Charles J., 493 Dowling at Yarrington Rev. C. T. L., ALA., B.D. Yates Sidney, 84 Buckingham at Yenekon E. L. and Co. Proprietary, Ltd., Yates Sydney, Whaling rib N. Sydney (C. of E.), Raglan at, Mosman indent merchants, 10 Carrington at Yarrington F. T., 66 Raymond rd, Neu- Yates T. II., Willis et, South Randwick Ltd.—W.Tarloton, Yenda Estates Yates Thomas, 158 Gloucester st tral Bay 107 Pitt st Yarrington Mrs., 45 Queen at, Woollahra Yates Thomas, 70 Young at, Annandale Yensecretary, J. L. and Co., hardware merchants, Yarrington Rev. S. B. sec. Mission Zone Yates•Tona, Lauf! at, Rockdale 5 Macquarie place Yates W., 7 Liverpool at, Paddington Fund, St. Andrew's, George at Yen Arthur, Hampstead rd, Petersha Yarrington S. H., Railway eve, Arckville Yates W. C., 109 Military rd, Mosman Yen Arthur, Herbert at, Summer Hill Yarrington Rev. W. 11., M.A., LL.B. (C Yates W. F., 38 Church at, Parramatta Yeo Bert, Cantor at Croydon Yates Walter, 13 Lawson at «f 10.), 2 Milton ave, Mostnan Yeo Charles, Hercules at, Dulwich Hill Yates William, 177 Wigmm nil, Globe Yarroll D., 455 Oxford at, Paddington Yeo Mrs. Edith, Arthur at, Carlton Yates William, Harris st, Parramatta Yarroll Samuel, Water at, Rookwood Yeo Edward J., 21 Trafalgar at, An'dale Yates IVilliatn, Hassell at, Parramatta Yarroll W., 30 Maria at, Marrickville Yen Fredk., Sydenhant rd, Marrickville Yarrow and Co., grocers, 837 Parra- Yates William, 60 Weston rd, Roselle Ye° George, 13 Orpington at, Ashfield Yates William H., J.P., 15 Bennett at, matta rd, Leichhardt Yen John, 130 Military rd, Rosman Bondi Yarrow F. J., 337 Parramatta rd, L'hardt John, J.1'., 14 Old Canterbury nil, Yarwood, Vane and Co., public accoun- Tatman Mrs, Emma, Queen st, Granville YenSummer Hill tants (Yarwood, Frank Nelson, J.P., Yattitan John IV., SiMtli st, Mascot Miss Lucy, 14 Old Canterbury rd, F.C.P.A.,Vane,Herbert Dnustan, Yaw Miss H. 76 Abercrombie at, R'fern YenSunitner Yeager Mrs. W. T., 17 York st F.C.P.A.) ; 16 O'Connell at M., butcher, Herbert at, Summer 11111 Yarwood Ernest L., Culloden rd, E'wood Yealland Mrs. A. K., 2 Wood's eve, Yen Yeo M., 16 Old Canterbury rd, Sum. 11111 Woollahra Yarwood Frank Nelson, J.P., F.O.P.A., Richard, Herbert at, Summer Hill 16 O'Connell at ;p,r., "Waimea," Yealland Mrs. J.,48 Commodore at, Yen Yee Richard F., 6 Ford at, Maintain Newtown Waimea aye, Woollahra Yen Miss Ruby, 26a Alfred at, N. Sydney Vermeil A. R., 50 Henderson rd, AlexYatabo Y., Vice-Consul, Japanese ConYeoman and Low, painters, 45 Junction andria sulate-General, 164 Pitt at at, North Sydney Yemen F. A., Harold at, Newtown Yateman E., Wentworth at, Granville Yeannut Franels, 5 Harold at NoWLOWD Yeoman Mrs. C., Australia at, C'down Yateman George, Factory et, Granville Yeoman Mrs. F. M., 317 Alfred at, North, Yates Arthur and Co., Ltd., seed mer- Yeaman John, JuIllett at, Marrlekville Sydney chants A; growers, 184 to 188 Sussex Yeand Mrs. S., Gore at, Arnclifire Yeoman Samuel, 72 Botany at, Redfern at root YEAR BOOK OF AUSTRALIA Yeomans Allan, ;12 Ivy at, Darlington Yates, Mann and Hayes, printers, 80 AND PUBLISHING CO. LTD Yeomans Allan, grazier, "Rocklands," Erskine at —Walter Cambridge, Editor,22 805 Edgecliito rd, Woollahra Yates Mrs. A., 1 Fisher at, Petersham Goulburn at. (See Advt.) YCODDGIS E. 31., 109 King st, Newtown Yates Rev. A. A. (C. of E.), Richmond Yearsloy C. L., Greater J. 1). Williams Yeomans Errol, 16 Paul's rd, Waterloo ave, Neutral Bay YeomansMrs.Frances,77 Ocean at, Co, 612 George st Yates A. B., 328 Norton at, Leichiterdt Woollaltra Yearwood C. O., 911 Paddington at, Pad Yates A. ii., Sydenhant rd, Marriekville Yeomans R., solicitor, 14 Castlereagh at (Wigton Yates Amos, Morrenburn ave, Artarmon p.r., "Tudor," Ocean at, Woollahra Yates Arthur, Shaftesbury rd, Burwood Yeates Rev. A. A., organisin g seeretarY, Chapter House How Mission Soc., YeomansReginaldJ.,472Miller at, Yates ArthurIll., 1 Wood st, Forest Lodge North Sydney St. A mire w's, George at THE LARGEST FIRM OF CARRIAGE AND DRAG PROPRIETORS SOUTH OF THE EQUATOR AT ANTHONY HORDERNS' FAMOUS LOW PRICES. THE PICK OF THE WORLD'S CHOICEST COMMODITIES, 1760Yeo ALPHABETICAL. You You OFFICEIIULWARRA RD. 1 PYRMONT.'11 1I0NE726 1160 CENTRAL • You1761! 'PHONES—Office Yeomans R. J., solicitor, 14 Castlereagh Youl Cecil j., 113 Ridge at, N. Sydney Young Arnold, 54a Gloucester at at ; p.r., "Tudor," Ocean at, Wool- Youll John, headmaster public school, Young Arthur, 122 Commonwealth at lahra• Botany rd, Botany Young Arthur, 48 Reservoir st Yeomans W., 22 Durham at, South An- Youll John, Durham at, Dulwich Hill Young Arthur, 85 Kingselear rd, Alexnandale Youll William, Anderson at, Chatswood andria Yerbury Mrs. E., 181 Regent at, Redfern Young A. II. and E., sugar mills, and Young Arthur; 16 Norton at, Glebe 7Yerbury George W., 183 Regent at, manufacturers of 3folascuite Horse Young Arthur, 37 Albion at, Paddington Redfern • and Cattle Food—W. J. 31cGown, Young Arthur, 21 Botany at, Waterloo 'Yerbury James, Brussel at, Mascot representative. E. S. and A. Bank Young Arthur A., Edward at, Bondi Yerbury Sydney, Sutherland st, Mascot building, 72b King at Young Arthur C., Davies at, Merrylands Yetman William 114 Edward at, Bondi Young and Archer, coachbuilders, Great Young Arthur E., Wellington at, Bondi Yewen A. G., j ournalist, 12 Spring at Northern rd, Gladesville Young Arthur E., Liberty at, Behnore Yook Charles, Kent"rd, Mascot YOusn AusTnALIA Newspaper — 3liss Young Arthur G., 5 Macquarie place Took Mrs. Rose, 230 Grafton at east, Fotheringhame, editress, 76 Pitt at Young Arthur L., J.P., Albert at, Behnore Woolialtra YOUNG AUSTRALIA Publishing Co., 178 Young Athol° H., Derby at, Kogarah 'Yook W. L., 100 Oxford at, Paddington Castlereagh at Young Augustus E., Morwick at, Strath. Yopp Hugh, Flavelle at, ConcordYoung Bros., picture framers, 37 Elizafield York Buildings Ltd—Frederick J. Smith, beth at Young Augustus E., High at, Concord Young Co-operative Roller Flour 31111 Young Mrs. B., 541 Illawarra rd, Marsecretary, 7 Moore at 'York Henry H. and Co., manufacturers Co., Ltd.—H. Sivell, Sydney mansrickville ger, Post Office chambers, 114a Young Miss B., Church at., RI•de agents, 18 Bridge at - York and Kerr, Ltd., carriers, Arbitra- Pitt at Young Benj., 12 Slindforth st, Padlon tion at, and 70a Hereford at, Glebe Young's Customs and Baggage Agency, Young Bert, 28 Lower Fort at 'York at Mantle Manufacturing Co.5 Macquarie place Young Mrs. C., 82a Carlton ores, Sum. H. (The), 344 Kent at Young and Donovan, ham and beef shop, Young Mrs. C., 148 Grafton st, Woollahra York Mrs. Amy, Boulevarde, St rathileld 176 Victoria St Young C. F., 98 Balmain rd, Leichhardti York Mrs. Annie, 67 London at, E'more Young People's Scripture Union, 81 Young C. F.43falakoff at, MarrickvOle Young C. H., 249 Parramatta rd, An'dale York C. H., Baldry at, Cluttswood The Strand York Charles, Grey at, Carlton Young Sidney H. and Co., hairdressers Young C. It., manager Govt. Savings York Charles, Lane Cove rd, N. Sydney and tobacconists, 36 Castlereagh at Bank of N.S.W. (branch), Belmore 'York Mrs. E., Coronation are, 3far'ville Young Men's Christian Association— at, Antall° William Young Carl, 22 Waterloo at York Mrs. E. A., musical instrument Gillanders, B.A., general Young Charles, 29 Wilson at maker, 52 George at west secretary, 323-325 Pitt at York Edward G., off Clyde at, Granvillo Y.M.C.A. Employment Bureau, 161 Young Charles, 16 Cameron at, Balmain York Frank, 63 Macaulay at, LeichhardtCastlereagh at Young Charles, William at, Mascot York George, Stanley at, Durwood Young Women's Christian Association— Young Charles, Rainbow at, Randwick York George H., 8 Bridge at, Erskineville — Central Institute, governesses' Young Charles, Wentworth at, Randwick agency, servants' registry, rest and Young Charles, 21 Cooper fit, Waterloo York Mrs. H. T., 143 Bourke st York Mrs. Henrietta, Rao at, ltandwickluncheon rooms for business girls. Young Charles, Portman at, Waterloo York Henry, 79 Hereford st, Glebe Strangers welcomed and directed to Young Charles, 33 Brisbane st, Waverley -York Henry T., 9 Reynolds at, Balmain safe and comfortable lodgings—Miss Young Charles E. L., Church at, Hyde York James, Ocean at, Kogarah Mary B. Hill, general secretary, 103 Young Charles G., Dick at, Henley 'York James A., Gloucester rd, HurstvilleCastlereagh at Young Charles G., 30 Myrtle at, Stanmore York John T., 80 Eveleigh at, RedfernYoung Women's Christian Association Young Charles J., 69 High at, N. Sydney Young Charles 31., J.P., Wyuna rd, Rose 'York Joseph, 150 Windsor at, Paddingeti Botany rd, Alexandria 'York Joseph, 20 Wallis st, Woollahra Young Women's Christian Association, Bay York Mrs. Mary, 50 Birrell at, NVaverley institute and boardinghouse, Liver- Young Christophor, 22 Pine at, Manly pool rd, Ashfield Young Christopher It., Avoca at, Wwick 'York It. H., J.P., secretary N.S.W. Typographical Association, Trades Hall, Young Women's Christian Association, Young D. K., Junction at, Kogarah Young David, 287 Nelson at, Annandale Goulburn at; "Birralee," Went- O'Connell at, Parramritta Young A., R.D.S., dentist, 27 31yaltgalt Young David, North rd, Eastwood worth st, Itandwlek Young David, 80 Mount at, N. Sydney 'York S. W., Herbert at, Rockdale rd, 3fosman York Samuel, Botany at, Hurstville Young Mrs. A., postmistress, Avenue rd, Young David, Bostic at, Rockdale York T., 153 Rocliford at, Erskineville Mosmait Young David C., Bay rd, North Sydney York T. R., 65 Hopetoun at, Camp'down Young Mrs. A. 15 Bright at, 3farrickville Young Mrs. E., Merrenburn eve, Artarmon York W. A., Rays rd, Epping Young A., Woiseley rd, Mosman York William, Belmont at, Alexandria Young lirs.A. C., 112 Raglan st,Mosman Young Mrs. E., Bruce at, Kensington York William, Mort st, Balmain Young Mrs. A. C., 68 Leichhanit at, Young Miss E., school, Illawarra rd, Marrickville York William, 23 Stewart st, Glebe Waverley Young Mrs. E., 17 Montague at, Balmain York William, 32 Edward at, Redfern Young Mrs. A. V., Mills at, Carlton Yorke Mrs. Alice, 137 King at, Newtown Young Albert, Manchester at, 3ferrylands Young Mrs. E., Stanton rd., Haberfield Young Miss E., school, 00 Rosehill at, 'Yorke Edward, William at, Granville Young 'Albert G., 3 Brent at, Rozelle Yorke Ernest R., Forsythe at, HydeYoung Alexander, 55 Sophia at Red fern Young Mrs. E., 107 31111Hillrd, Waverry Yorke John It., Cooper at, Paddington Young Alex, Edgar at, Auburn Young Alex., 120 Victoria rd, Maeville Young E. G., 87 Adelaide par, 1Voollahra YORKSHIRE INSURANCE CO., Young Alfred, White at, Leichlmrdt E. H., sea. Boot Repairers' Union LTD., 22 Bond at, City. Tel. 470 Young Alfred, 198 Victoria rd, Maeville Young 305 Pat at Central—M. T. Sadler, J.P., Young Alfred, 3 Bray at, North Sydney B. J., Dep. Postmaster-General, Manager ; p.r., "Glyndwr," Cara- Young Alfred C., Blawarra rd, 3far•ville Young G.P.O., George at bella at, Kirribilli Point. Tel. 032 YoungAlfred E., Cross at, Burwood Young Mrs. E. S., 11 Toxteth rd, Glebe North Sydney. Young Altd, G.,sollcitor, 14 Castlereagh at Young Edgar, 18 Norfolk st, Paddington Young Alfred G., May at, 3farrickvIlle Yost Typewriter, 114 Pitt at • Young Edgar S., 400 Jones at You Fon Willie, Great Northern rd, Young Alfred R., Crinan at, Hurlstone Young Edward, 174 Military rd, Neutra Park Gladeaville Bay Mrs. Alice, Hermann at, Kogarah Young Edward, 118 Ernest at, N. Sydney YOUDALE JOHN B., Insurance Young Young Allan, Great Northern rd, Hyde Young Edward H. K., manager Govt. Agent, City Agent for Australian Young Allen R, Want at, Burwood Savings Bank of N.S.W. 546 MarMutual Provident Society, 70 Pitt Young Andrew H., Bowden at, Meadowriekville rd, Dulwich Hill ' at; p.r., "Coniston," Ormond at, bank Young Mrs. Eliza, Hordern par, Croydon Ashfleld. Tel, 2179. Young Andrew L., 5 Ewenton st, 11'min Young Mrs. Ella, Spofforth at, Neut. Bay Youdalo Mlse, 38 Belmont rd, Mosinnn Young Mrs. Annie, 43 Liverpool rtl, Ash. Young Enoch 'P., Selborne at, Burwood Youdan Thomas, Caledonian at, Bexley field Young Ernest, Alpha rd, Willoughby Young Mrs. Annie E., Nelch par, Burw'd Young Ernest A., 10 Wilson at, Ashtleld Youell Joseph E., 55 Boundary at Youl Mrs. C., hon. see. Women's Patriotic Young Mrs. Annie S., 6 311Iton a y e, Moe. Young Ernest A., 3 Nelson at, Lewisham Club, Ltd., 16 BlIgh at man WOOD, COFFILL COMPANY LTD.HEAD .ALPHABETICAL. JOHN ISANDS Ltd. 48, 2737 Central Factory : 2270, 288, 589 Systems 3992 „ Manufacturers of Counter Check Books, Account Books, and all Classes of Commercial and Law Stationery. szirt Tetterpredd and, Tithographic Printer Manufacturers of all Classes of Tins, Metallic Show Plates, Cartons for Dry Goods, etc., etc. 374 George Street, Sydney. Young Ernest B., Cook st, Tempo Young Ernest E., 44 Ilornsey st , Rozelle Young F., 286 Military rd, Mosman Young F. H., 117 Victoria st, Lewisham Young F. J., Western rd, May's Hill Young Miss F. S. H., sec. South Sea Evangelical Mission, Wyn3 • ard at Young F. W., Carruthers at, Penshurst Young Mrs. Flora, 8 Hart St Young Miss Florence; Sutherland ores, Darling Point Young Francis, 5 McLaughlin place, Paddington Young Francis W., Seaforth st, Bexley Young Frank, general manager Co-operative Wool and Produce Co., Ltd., 3 Spring at ; p.r., Royal Sydney Golf Club, Rose Bay Young Frederick, Emu st, ISurwood Young Frederick, 12 Fred at, Leichhardt Young Fredk., Charles at, MarrickvIlle Young Frederick, 88 Grafton at, Irlahra Young Fredk. C., Lane Cove rd, Pymble Young Frederick J., 407 Liverpool at Young Fredk. R., Notch par, Burwood Young G., 232 Oxford at, Woollahra Young G. E., J.p., house agent, 38 Beattie at, Bahnain Young G. E., Despointes at, MarrIckville Young 0. E., 116 Burlington at, North Sydney Youtig G. F., King's Langley rd, Greenwich Young G. IL, Chalder at, Marrickville Young G. H., 157 Military rd, 3losman Young G. j., Orchard rd, Chatswood Young 0. 0., 107 Darlington rd, Darl'ton Young G. P., 73 Annandale at, Medal° Young G. NV., 150 Denison rd, Fitham Young George, Ill Arthur at Young George, 21 Dixon at . Factory : Druitt Street. Young George, 131 Wyndham st Alexandria Young George, 137 Botany rd, Botany Young George, Woodstock fit, Botany Young George, 12 Dulwich at, Dulwich H. Young George, Beeston at, Leichhardt Young George, Sydenhain rd, Ma rricky'le Young George, Kroombit at, Petersham Young George B., 31 Australia at, N'town Young George D., 50 Princes at Young George E., 43 Wharf rd, Balmain Young George E., Farr st, Rockdale Young George F. Marinea at, Arnelilfe Young George A, 131axland's rd, Eastwood Young George 11., 42 Dowling at, Redfern Young George T., Canton at, Canterbury Young Gordon, 31 Silver at, Marriekvillo Young Greer, 71 King st, St Peters Young Miss II., school, Thomas at, Chats. wood Young Mrs. II., 45 Margaret St, Pet'sham Young H. C. Taylor, surgeon, 221 Macquario at ; p.r., "Woniona," Wolseley rd, Point Piper Young H. Chilton, manager Pastoral Finance Association, Ltd., 23 Phillip at Young H. F., 671 Illawarra rd, Arckville Young II. G., McDonald at, Laketnba Young H. J., Bridge st, Drummoyne Young Mrs. Hannah, 3feryla at, Durwood Young Harold, Orange st, HurstvIlle Young Harold, Grose at, Parramatta Young Harold, 100 Evane at, Roselle Young Harold, Hurletone ave, SUM. 11111 Young Harry, jeweller, 524 George at Young Harry, 45 Contemn at Paddington Young Harry, 2 Clarendon rti, Staninore Young Harry P., 500 Heinlein rd, L'hardt INTERMENTS ARRANGED FOR IN ANY, PART or AUSTRALIA Young Henry, 111 Jones st, Young linty, McIntosh at, Gordon Young Henry, Roseby at, Marrickville Young Henry, Macquarie place, Mort& le • Young Henry, Clarke rtl, North Sydney Young Henry, Meehan at, Sherwood Young Henry F., Moves at, 31arrick vine Young Henry J., 54 Wilton at Young Henry J., Percy at, Bankstown Young Herbert, 30 Staniev at, Waverley Young Herbert E., "Newhaven," Hunter st, Hornsby Young Herbert G. 107 Devonshire st. Young Hugh, Hall at, Bondi Young Humphrey, 77 George at, Redfern Young 'Bane, Kendall st, Granville Young Isaac, 10 Bower at, Manly Young j., 82 Beattie at, Baltnain Young Mrs. J., The Boulevard°, Strath. field Young J. B., Cardigan at, Auburn Young J. E. P., Harcourt estate, Campsie • Young Mrs. J. IL, Archer at, Chatswood Young J. II., Lorne ave, Killara Young 3.3., 14 Broughton at, Paddingrit . Young J. N., 37 Elizabeth st Young J. 1V., The Avenue, Hurstville Young James, barrister, 174 Phillip at p.r., Turuga at, Turramurra Young James, house agent 118 St. John's rd, Glebe Young James, foreman Woolwich Dockyard, Woolwich Young James, 37 Bradford at, Balmain Young James, Simpson st,Bondi Young James, Bay at, Botany Young James, OS Douglas at, Dulwich If. Young James, Darvall at Eastwood Young James, 429 Glebe Point rd, Glebe Young James, Prince Edward par, Hunter's 11111 OR ABROAD ON SHORT NOTICE: ANTHONY HORDERNS'--.-THE PEOPLE'S MARKET. 1762You ALPHABETICAL. ANTHONY HORDERNS' — THE POPULAR STORE. You Young Robert, Great Northern rd Young William, Lenthalist, Kensington Young .Tames, Prospect st, Leichhardt Gladesville 'Young Mrs. James;Calvert at, Maeville Young William, 18 Excelsior at, L'hard t Young James, 214 Abercrombie st, Red . Young Robert, 22 Parraween at, Neut- Young William, Warren rd, Marrickville fern ral Bay Young William, Coward at, Mascot Young James, Old Canterbury rd, Sum- Young Robert, Lennox at, Newtown Young William, 183 Wilson at, Newtown mer Hill Young Robert, Penshurst at, Penshurst Young 'William, 71 I fargrave at, Pad'ton Young Robert, Salisbury rd, Stamnore Young James, 18 Denison st, Waverley Young William, 30 Leicester st, Padd'ton Young Robert, Elizabeth at, Waterloo Ymmg James, Newland st, Waverley Young William, 57 Ormond at, Padlon Young Robert A., 30 Goodsir at, kozelle Young WIllIam, 83 Underwood at, PadYoung James E., butcher, 37 Union st Young James G., 33 Cook rd, Merrickv'le Young Robert M., South par, Camptio dington Young John, cashier Tramway Dept., 36 Young Robert W., 11 Louisa rd, B'main Young Wiliam, 115 Underwood st, PadYoung Mrs. Robina, 102 Ocean st, Bondi Elizabeth at dington Young Ruthvon A., Rocky Point rd, Young William, Boundary at, Randwiek 'Young John, 32 Buckingham st Sans Souci Young John, 44 Suttor at, Alexandria Young William, 223 Cleveland at., R'fern Young Mrs. S., 70 Botany at, Redfern Young John, 41 Bradford st, Balmain Young William, 2 Bay villo st, Rozelle Young Samuel, stationmaater, Milton's Young William, 134 Campbell st, St Young John, 13 High at, Balmain Point Peters Young John, Stanley tt, Burwood Young Samuel, 61 Holt at Young John, Parramatta rd, Concord Young William, Sandringham rd, Sans Young Samuel, Ascot at, Kensington Young John, Park rd, lluratville Scowl *Young John, England Ave, Marrickville Young Samuel, 80 William at, N. Sydney Young William, Bridge rd, Stratlifield Young Samuel, 105 Queen st, Woollahra Young William, 9 Moonlit° lit, Sum. Hill 'Young John, Robey at, Mascot; Young Samuel C., 2 Bent at, Stanmoro Young \\Milam , Billyard aye, Wahroonga Young John, Macpherson at, Neut. Bay Young John, 1 Leamington aye, N'town Young Sidney H., "Newhaven," Hunter Young William, 31 Lawson at, Whiverley at, Hornsby Young John, 18 Cobar fit, Petersham Young William, Small at, Woollahra Young Sidney 0., Gilles at, Lakemba Young John, 137 Cleveland at, Redfern Young William A., 141 Victoria si, Young Simon, 45 Holt at Lewisham Young John, 4 Moore's lane, Rozelle Young Sydney, 54 John at, Woollahra Young John, 10 Napoleon at, Rozelle Young William B., Garden at, Kogarah Young Sydney J., 12 William at, Ashileld Young William C., 61 Merton st, Rozelle Young John, Chandos at, St. Leonards Young T. J. 480 Illawarra rd, Young John, Martin at, St. Leonards Young William E., Avoca st, Rand wick Young Theodore C., Clarke rd, Kogarah Young William H., J.P., Deputy RegisYoung John, 175 King st, St. Peters Young John, 127 Corunna rd, Stanmore Young Thomas, 62 Renwick at, D'inoyne trar-General and Guardian of Young Thomas, Botany at, Hurstville Young John, 165 Grafton st, Woollahra Minors, Prince Albert rd Young William H., Belmont st, Alex'drla Young John D., Redmond at, Leichhardt Young Thomas, Garden at, Kogarah - Young John F., Myrtle at, Leichhardt Young Thomas, Balmain rd, Leichhanit Young William IL, 99 Ferry rd, Glebe Young Thomas, Whittle at, Neut. Bay Young John 11., Queen at, Asidleld Young William J., 13 Vernon at, Irlahra Youn g Sohn 11., St. Hollers," Rose Bay Young Thos., Commodore at, N. Sydney Young William L., 64 Morehead st, RedYoung John J., J.P., Northumberland rd, Young Thomas, Arcadia at, Ponshurst fern Young Thomas, 33 Brisbano at, Waverley Young William T., 102 George st, WaterAuburn Young Thomas F., 11 Short at, B'main loo Young John J., 151 Bridge rd, Glebe Young Thomas H., 60 Newland at, Young William W., 475 Dowling at Young John R., Bellevue at, Arnclitfe %Nadu Young William W., 122 Milieus st, BalYoung John S., 41 Leicester at, Pad'ton main Young John W., Roehford at, Ersk'ville Young Thomas 0., 10 Castlereagh at Young John NV., 14 St. John at, Lew'slem Young Thomas P., Croydon rd, Croydon Youngein Hugo, 04 Gloucester at Young Joseph T., 181 Rowntree at, Bal- Young Thomas NV., 32 Bradford at, Balmalit main Young Rev. Joseph (C. of E.), Church at, Young Thomas NV., Murdoch at, Neutral Bay Carlingford G. Fletcher and Soil, 48 and 50 Young Joseph J., 25 Day at, Drummoyne Young Thomas W., 17 Goodstr at, Itozelle Oxford st, Sydney Young Miss Julia, Carlton st, Kensington Young Vincent, 49 Moodie at, Rozelle Young Mrs. IC., 146 Francis st, Et/Nile/it Young W., shooting gallery, 637 George at Younger William and Co., Edinburgh (Scotland), "Monk" Ale—Plummer, Youn g Mrs. L., 620 Darling at, itozelle Young W., see. School of Arts, Mount at, Love and Co., agents, 32 Jamieson at Young L. C., Done at, Arneliffe North Sydney Younger Mrs. A., 1 Albert par, Ashlield Young Mrs. L. It., 62 Crystal st,1"shain Young W., tailor, 295 Elizabeth st Younger D., Siiirlow at, Marrickville Young Lachlan H., Burwood rd, Belmore Young W., Walter at, Croydon Younger E. C., 66 Wolseley rd, Mosman Young W., 2 Milton at, North Ashfleld Young Louis, 109 Sturt at Younger G. 4 Seaview at, Ashtleld Young W., Bellevue at, Kogarah "Young Mrs. Lydia, Quarry rd, Ryde Younger H. J. T., dental surgeon, 203 Young Mrs. M., 50 Gipps at, Drunnnoyne Young W., 6 Wolseley rd, Point Piper :Macquarie st, and 70 Oxford at Young W. B. 20 Lincoln at, N. Sydney Young Mrs. M., Ferdinand at, Hun. Hill p.r., 30 Fitzroy at, North Sydney Young W. Id., M.P.S., chemist, Railway Young Mrs. M., Riverside rd, Rosedale Younger Henry, 79 Marian at, Enmore par south, Granville Young Mrs. M. B., 80 Mitchell rd, A'drla Younger Herbert, 43 Prospect rd, SumYoung Mrs. M. E., Hearn at, Leichhardt Young W. II., George's River rd, Bankstown Young Mrs. M. E., 16 Lawson st, Pad'ton Young Mrs. Mar, 11 Lower Fort at Young W. If., Todman aye, Kensington Younmgeer Hiklerbert M., dentist, 183 Liverpool at 'Young Mrs., ' Leinster Hall," Unwin's Young W. J., Thomas at, Chatswood Younger Mrs. 31., 23 Watson at, Neutral, Bridge rd, Tempo Young NV. J., Parramatta rd, Concord Bay 'Young Norms i, Chalder st, Marrickvillo Young W. J., sen., 22 Lewisham at, Younger Montague, teacher of music, Young Nurse, 11 Lackey st, Summer Hill Dulwich Hill 338 George st Young Oliver It., 1`; Richard at, N'town Young W. J., 28 Cannon at, Stanmore Young Oscar, Knox at, Ashflold Young W. J., Wentworth at, Woollahra Younger Mrs., 248 Grafton at east, Woollahra Young Oscar D., Necropolis, Rookwood Young W. It., Mowbray rd, Chatswood Younger Walter, dental surgeon, 318 Young I'. S., Rosehill at, Parrainatta Young W. T., 4 Rawson at, Newtown Miller at, North Sydney Young Percy C., Hough st, Waverley Young W. W., 09 Evans at, Rozelle Younger Walter L., dentist, Challis 'Young Miss Priscilla; 400 Cleveland at Young Walter, 4 Coulon at, Bondi House, Martin place 'Young R., Johnstone rd, Bankstown Young Walter, O'Connor at, Haberfield Young Mrs. It. S., typist, 14 Moore at Young Walter, 650 Illawarra rd, 3Fv1Ile Yomighusband A., 03 Alice st, Newtown Younghusband E. W., Juillett at, MarYoung Mrs. R. S., 20 Myrtle at, Stanmore Young Walter P., 45 Talfordst, Globe x tekv lie 'Young R. W. medical practitioner, Young William, 134 Commonwealth at Younghusband J., 60 Cabramatta rd, Botany rd, Botany Young William, 117 Flinders at Mosman Young Mrs. It. W., Church at, Burwood Young William, 46 Reservoir at Younghusband S. J., off Edison at, Bel'Young Raymond, 10 Claremont at, Roz. Young William, Robert at, Ashfield mm 'Young Richard, 09 Rowntreo at, Balmain Young William, 135 Enmore rd, Enmore Younglinsband W. Union rd, Auburn Young Robert, Cleland rd, Artarmon Young William, 34 Christie at, Glebe Youngman and iingsborough, drapers, Young Robert, off 32 Booth at, Balmain Young William, 50 Reynolds at, Balms In 214 Emnore rd, Enmoro Toting Robert, 4 Arundel at, For. Lodge, Young William, 55 Ocean at., Bondi Youngman If. H., Queen at, Ashlield 'YOUNGER STOVES WOOD; COFFILL AND COMPANY LTD. LIVERY DEPT., 472 • 84 HARRIS ST. 'Pun Oa SLOE You Youngman Miss, music teacher, 336a George at Youngman Miss R., Regent at, Kagaralt Young man Miss It. 31., School par, MarrIckville Youngs C. J., 27 Frazer at, Leichliardt Youngs George, 158 Frauds at, L'hardt Youngson Mrs. L., 19 Percival rd, Statimore Youoliff R., 61 King st, St. Peters Yuen Tly Tung Kee and Co., merchants, 54 Campbell at 7.- fien If., 132 Military rd, Neutral Bay Yuile j. and Co., grocers, Northumberland rd, Auburn Yuile Mrs. Agnes, Blaxcell st, Granville Yuill. G. S. and Co., Ltd., /merchants and shipping agents, 6 Bridge at Yuill G. S. and Co., agents Adelaide S. S. Co., Ltd., wharf, Sussex at Yuill Alexander, Wiggs' rd, Punchbowl Yuille Robert, Trongate at, Granville Yule Adam, 20 Fitzroy ave, Balmain Yule Charles, 8 Johnston st, Balmain Yule IL A., Auburn rd, Auburn Yule John, Ocean at, West Kogarali Yule Mark, 88 Abattoirs rd, Rozelle Yule Robert, Brickfleld at, Parramatta Yule Sidney, 18 Pearson st, Balmain ZA011E011 Rev. Father A., Assyrian Church, Elizabeth/ at, Itedforn Zahel Mrs. B., 270 Miller at, N. Sydney Zahel C., Ruskin rd, Roseville 'Gelid Mrs. B. Vimiera rd, Eastwood Zahner Joseph, 300 Jones st Zahra Frederick, Wellbank at, Concord Zahra George, Moreton at, Concord Zak Joseph, 114 Campbell st, North Sydney Zaloum N., 30 Elizabeth at, Waterloo Zant-Buk Manufacturing Co., 39 Pitt at Zammit Bros., naval contractors, 52 Dowling at Zander W. and Co., corset manufacturers 352 Kent. at Zander Wilhelm, Arden St south, Coogee Zant Joseph, Greenhill st, Croydon Zanita Beauty Parlour, 54 Oxford at Zanns Edward, 16 Alexandra at, D'inoyne Zapf Ernest, Royal Oak hotel, 85 Abercrombie at Zarbane 3111ton, 21 Bent at, Paddington Zartman Edward, Parkes st, Itvde Zartman Joseph, Badajoz rd, 14. Ityde Zealand W. T. G., 26 High at, Balmain 'Lech Otto, 145 Booth at, Annandale Zech Otto, 99 Johnston at, Annandalo 'Leek Mrs. G., Grosvenor cres, Sum. Hill 'Leech A. J., wine bar, 170 George st Zehrol John, 97 Crown at Zeims Fredk., Parramatta rd, Concord Zeltinger G. II., Victoria at, Alexandria Zeller and Hoyle, real estate agents Palm st, Petersham Zeiler A. G., Palace st, Petersham Zeller C. C., Kissing Point rd, Turrani'm Zeiler Etta, 47 Dalton rd, 3losman Zeitz Mrs. 1 22 Liberty at, Stanmore Zeller Bennett, Exchange hotel, 94 Beattie at, Balmain Zeno' John, Isis id, Wahroonita Zeliner Henry, Arthur at, 3Iarrickville "Zenda," stage costumier, 374 George at Zenith Process Engraving Co. 65 Malt at Zenith Rubber Co.-111/11111 facture al l classes of rubber goods, Sussex and Erskine its Zepler Louis, Clarke rd, Kogarah Zepler Walter, Benham st, Lewisham Zeldin Jas., Kensington rd, Kensington Zercho's Business College I.td. (Mel• bourne) reg office, 169 Liverpool at Zglinicke Ernest, John st, lookwood Ziebell Edward C., Chithohn rd, Auburn ALPHABETICAL. SANDS' SYDNEY, SUBURBAN, AND COUNTRY COMMERCIAL DIRECTORY 1 JOHN SAW [TO., PRINTERS and PUBLISHERS, 374 George St., SYDNEY. • Zwi176S. Ziodberg Bantott, 16 Nickson st Ziellike Mrs., Macquarie at, Chatswood Melo 'W. Stewart, dental surgeon,. "Wyoming," Macquarie at Zieman 11. 31., itt Orwell at Zieman Oscar, Greenwich rd, Lane Cove Zionts C. J., Corunna rd, Stanntore Moms Henry, Burwood rd, Burwood ZlIwiti Waldemar, 30a Argyle place Zillman Rev, Dr. J. H. (C. of E.), 457' Pitt at, and 56 Eveleigh st, Redfern ?Allman John L. Company, 109 Pitt sti. Sydney p.r., 52 Walker st, North, Sydney /Alm Mrs. Alice, 106 Arthur st, N. Sydney Zinibuils Basil S., 103 Bourke at Zimmer Herman, 1721 Regent st, It' fern Zimmer John, caretaker, 67 Castlereagh. at Zimmerman Mrs. A., 40 Ronny at, Pad Zhninermatt Carl, 384 Oxford at, Wool-lahra Zimmerman M. D., Villa at, Kogaralt Zimmerman 31. F., Harley at, Pensiturst Zhnmermann Francis, 40 Denham at Zimmermann P., 109 N.Sl1 nil, Morton. Zimmermann W. F., Fennell st, P'inatta Zinckgraf W. J. G., 31munotith st,. ltandwick Zink G. A. and Sons, tailors, 56 Oxford at Zink A. A., 111 Paddington st, Padlon Zink Otto, Condor st, Bttrwood Zinke F. B., 47 Lang st, 1\ roman 'Lions 11. S., clothier, 8 Market at 'Lions Henry, 255 Oxford at, Paddington Zlons L., secretary 1'. A. T. Association,. and publisher Building Trades. Directory of N.S.W. ('Lions'), and Industrial Act Wages Board, 14 Castlereagh at Zions It., proprietor Union Furniture Co., 250 Pitt at ,'Lions Reuben, 130 Newland at, Waveriev Zionzee Joseph, Bridge at, Drummoyne Zizeicerger C., Wolli Creek rd, Rockdale Ziymack John, 2 3fosinati st, 3losman Ziotkowski F. W., 20 Palace at, Ashfleld Zlotkowskt F. W. S., surgeon, "Wyo.ming," Macquarie st ; p.r., "Lyptatt," WoLseley rd, Point Piper Ziotkowski II. A., George at, 31arrickvillo Ziotkowski I., 16 Aubrey at, Stanmore Zoeller August, Connemarra at, West. Kogarah Zoeller C., Burton st, Concord Zoeller C. IL, Parramatta rd, Burwomi Zoeller Daniel, Ada at, Concord( ZOLLNER LIMITED, Galvanisers Tin and Galvanised Ironworkers, Tinsmiths, Bellows Makers, Black Iron Workers, Pump Makers, Brass,. copper, Zinc and Lead Workers,. Glitter and Ridge Makers, Patent Galvanised Steel Pi po Makers, and General Manutacturers, 0.X.Y. Acetylene Welders, Now and Second-. hand Machinery, Engineers, 28, 30, 32, 34, 30 Druitt at. Tel. 70 City Zoological Gardens—A. S. Lo Souef,. secretary, Moore Park Zornkau William, 82 Louisa rd, Balmain 'Limiter Charles T., 129 Alice at, Newtown Zubor Joseph, 110 Cooper at, Waterloo Zuber Martin, 22 Harwood at Zucker Christian, Chapman at, Sum. Hill. Zucker Ernest, South at, MarrIckvillo Zucker Mrs. 31,21 Spencer rd, Mosman Zurcker and Seller, manufacturers, 42 York at. Zuttion Peter, 093 King at, Tempe Zwanzig l'eter, 3 Daniel at, Leichilardt %wicker T. and Co. (J. E. Barron), paper merchants and Importers, 277 Clarence at WE SPECIALISE IN WEDDING CARRIAGES AND WE HORSE THEM SUPERBLY. INSPECTION INVITED ANTHONY HORDERNS• NEW PALACE EMPORIUM. AceTRADES AND PROFESSIONS. Acc1765 THE AUSTRkLASIAN CORPORATION OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Stanway House, 77 King Street, Sydney. LOCAL COUNCIL. GENERAL COUNCIL. Charles Moroll Holmes (Melbourne, Vie.) !Frank Nelson Yarwood (Sydney, N.S.W), John Ma. HoWden (Melbourne, Vic.) NEW S013T11 WALES— President. William Henry Vary, Chairman .Robert W. B. Mackenzie (Melbourne, George Sylvester Murphy (Brisbane, Q.) Allan Alexander Rattray, Vice-Chair. Harold Edmond Smith (Perth, W.A.) Victoria), Vice-President. George Mason Allard .Henry Joshua Wise (Hobart, Tas.), Vice. Jabez Edwin Thomas (Adelaide, S.A.) Horace Bately Allard President. Arthur James Brierley James L. B. Weir (Perth, W.A.) Horace Bately Allard (Sydney, N.S.W.), Allan Carswell Wylie (Brisbane, Q.) David Fell Hon. Treasurer. Henry Yewens Russell Charles Alfred Le M. Walker 'George Mason Allard (Sydney, N.S.W.) Auditor: A. F. Lord. Frank Nelson Yarwood Thomas Brontnall (Melbourne, Vic.) Audio,: M. Donald Mackey. Registrar; S. J. Carruthers, Barry Dickson Gall (Adelaide, S.A.) Registrar: S. J. Carruthers, 77 King Street, Sydney Arthur James BrIerley (Sydney, N.S.W.) 77 King Street, Sydney LIST OF MEMBERS—N.S.W. BRANCH. , PEI...LOWS. Allard George M. Ocean House, Moore St Jackson Thomas Henry. 105 Pitt St., Syd Rayment Frederick IL, 10 Bligh St., Syd Allard Horace B.,12-14 O'Connell St.,Syd Jobson Alex., Ocean House, Moore St. ,Roberts Jeremiah, 70 Pitt St., Sydney Allen Hector, 10 Spring St., Sydney Johnstone Lewis A., 114a Pitt St., Syd. .Russell Henry E., 14 Martin Pl., Sydney Allen William, 16 Spring St., SydneyJohnson Milton F. M., Challis House,Iltussell Harold V. 14 Martin Pl., Syr'. Barton Albert E., Challis House, Syd. Martin Pl. Boxburgh Gilbert H., Dean St., Albury . iBoreliard Albert, 350 George St., Sydney Johnson Wilfred E., 7 Moore at., SydneY Saddington Robert V., 109 Pitt St., Syd. Bowes Joseph E., 350 George St., Sydney Jordan Frank Clinton, 113 Pitt St. 'Shaw Thos. C., High St., West Maitland Brierley Arthur J. 50 The Strand, Syd. Kent John, 50 and 100 The Strand, Syd. Sheedy E. P. M., 375 George at, Sydney Brierloy H. C., 10 Castlereagh Bt., Sydney Kerr Alexander R., 121 Pitt St., Sydney Sidey Robert L., 107 Pitt St., Sydney Brook George W., blurwillumbali Larcombe James P., 107 Pitt St., Syd. Sky Frederick M., 12-14 Loftus St., Syd. 'Carruthers S..T .,77 King St., Sydney Lee Arthur S., Lord's Place, Orange Smith Charles F. D., 13 Bond St., Sydney 'Clarke W ., 2 Bond St., Sydney.Lord Arthur F., 300 George St. Sydney Smith Frederick J., 7 Moore St., Sydney . Cocker Joseph Edward, Martin Pl., Syd. Mantle Harold C., 11 Moore St., Sydney Spencer Joseph A., 16 Spring St. 'Craig William, 350 George St., Sydney Mackenzie Robert J., 12 O'Connell St., [Starkey Charles H., 03 York St., Sydney Crane Hubert Russell, 16 Sprin g St., Syd. Starkey Charles T., 93 York St., Sydney Sydney ;Davis Thomas, 2 Martin Pl., Sydney Mackenzie T. F. H., 13 Bond St., Syd. Stephenson John IL, 90 Pitt St., Sydney Mixon James M., 109 Pitt St. Maeready Henry William, Lyndhurst Stewart Johu, 4-10 Martin Place, Sydney Docker Wilfrid L., 66 Hunter St., Sydney Chambers, Elizabeth St. Sydney Stirling Charles William, 64 l'itt St., Syd Downes Herbert W., 70 Pitt St., Sydned McLean Willlarn H., 18 Bridge St. Syd. Sully E. H., 50 & 100 The Strand, Sydney , Drummond Lewis S., 350 George St., By d. Manning W. P., Ocean House, Moore St. Tarleton William, 107 Pitt St., Sydney Durham Alfred G. IL, 12-14 O'Connell St. Milos William J., 16 O'Connell St., Syd. Taylor James, 79 Pitt St., Sydney Farriiiii.John, 77 King St., Sydney Mind! William P., Martin Ohre., Moore St Thomson Wm. T., Box 133, Broken Hill ,Fell David, Egult. Bldg., George St., Syd. Morris William T., 107 Pitt St., Sydney Troup A. R., 77 King St., Sydney Fletcher NVillitun H., 360 George St., Syd. Moses David, 81 Pitt St., Sydney Turner Janie .' Arthur, Robson House, 1Franekel Martin, 16 Spring St., Sydney Pitt St., Sydney Fuliwood Fred., 32 Elizabeth St., Syd. Nathan Albert, 93 York St. ,Sydney itt St., Sydney 'Vane H. Dunstan, 16 O'Connell St., Syd. Gilfillan Douglas H., 86 Pitt St., Sydney Newmarch Alfred, 80 P Henry s., 10 Hunter St., Syd. ,Ictorsen ,Harris Ernest A., 70 Pitt St., Sydney Perry W. H., 4-10 Martin Place, Sydney V Harrison Frederick I. W., 15 Bent St. Peterson Thomas T., 4 O'Connell St.,Syd, N Nan Francis E., 12-14 Loftus St., Syd. Harwood A. It., 77 King St., Sydney Pratt Henry, 76 Pitt St., Sydney 'Walker Charles A. Le 31., 113 Pitt St. ,Hayward C. H., O'Connell St., SydneyPratt Thomas, 76 Pitt St., SydneyWard Rupert A. C., 113 Pitt St, Sydney illungerford C., 14 Castlereagh St., Syd. Priestley Herbert, 107 Pitt St., Sydney Ward Rex Cullen-, 113 Pitt St., Sydney Rattray A. A., 14 O'Connell St., Sydney Yarwood F. N., 16 O'Connell St., Sydney Jack Robert It., Lismore ASSOCIATES. ,Pring Percy G., 360 George St., Sydney. Allison Robert It., 89 Pitt St., Sydney Hemphill Rupert James ilindrnarsli L. It., 12-14 O'Connell St. !Pulsford Frank E., 32 Elizabeth St., Syd. .Anderson H. NV., 93 York St., Sydney Andersen '1'. K. E., 350 George St., Syd. Hudson Leslie Walter, 89 Pitt St., Syd.!Ileadford Max K., 350 George St., Syd. Austin Ernest Norman, 80 Pitt St., Syd. Hyde Abel, Challis House ' Itettie Robert, 350 George St., Sydney Barnard Louis GI., 50 The Strand, Syd. Jeanneret E. S., Equitable Buildings, R ichardson Neville Worsloy, 12 O'ConI nell St., Sydney .Barry Edmond C. J., 720 King St., Syd. George St., Sydney Johnson Edward Lionel, George and!Sefton Douglas, Hunter St., Newcastle .Bartle Cecil, '279 George St., Sydney !Sled/ Frederick, Moore St., Sydney .1ilakeney Harold Anthony, 350 George 'Wynyard St4., Sydney Kerr William, 77 King gt., Sydney ,Shenstene William IL, 113 Pitt St., Syd, St..,. Sydney King John, 13 Bond St„ Sydney Slietliffe Ernest R.., 2 Martin Place, Syd. Bode George F. A., 86 Pitt St., Sydney .Booth NV. E., Equit. Bldg., Geo. St., Syd. King F. G., 16 O'Connell St., Sydney ;Simpion James. Challis House, Sydney Knight Archibald Wager, 113 Pitt St., Small William B , 79 Pitt St., Sydney Burns Richard j., Mort St., Lithgow Sydney 'Smith Henry B., 16 O'Connell St., Syd. Bush John F., 7 Moore St., Sydney Charles W., 90 Pitt St., Sydney 'Smith Tom K., 2 Martin Pl., Sydney 'Campbell C. N., 16 O'Connell St., Syd. Knight Colin D. A., Central Buildings, Smith Samuel T., 33 Rowe St., Sydney Christie Colville, 16 Spring St., Sydney Lindsay Suva, Fiji Speer Norman C., 18 Bridge St., Sydney. Coleman A. C. 77 King St. ',Miner John A , DenIll uln Stanley Victor C. Preston, 16 O'Connell Colyer W. T., 60 Margaret St., Sydney McColl John G., 37 Pitt S ., Sydney St., Sydney 'Cotter A. D., Equit. Bldg., Geo. St., SYd Mackey M. T. A. D., 89 Pitt St., Sydney Stewart Robert A., 12 Castlereagh St., Cowley Stephen P. M., 77 King St., Syd. Maguire Herbert E.,Ocean House, Moore Sydney Cumnnmlng R. IL, Martin Pl., Sydney Stifle William James Moore St., Syd. St., Sydney Cunning lam Harry L., 350 George St., Marks Fredrick NV., 82 Pitt St., Sydney Taylor Kenneth, 350 George St., Sydney ' Sydney Middleton Yelverton M., 7 Moore St., Thompson Leslie E., Robson House, Pitt -Cuttie John, 70 Pitt St., Sydney Sydney St., Sydney 'Davis James W., Watt St., Newcastle Miller John, 113 Pitt St., Sydney Titehon John Henry, Challis House, Syd. Dibley William II., 50 The Strand Moffat Alan L., 9 Bligh St., Sydney Travis George S., 14 Castlereagh St., Syd. Edwards Edward, Wynyard St., Sydney Nelson Herbert B., 03 York St., Sydney Twohl II George, 376 George St., Sydney .Eggitis Wilfrid, 809 George St., Sydney Nelson R. W., 350 George St., S ydney Wattle Cecil S., 70 Pitt St., Sydney :Forsythe William, Peel St., Tantworth l'arker Edric Harold, 12-14 0'(;onnoll Walmsley Bryce C., Pitt St., Sydney Fox Cecil Cockburn, 273 George St., Syd St., Sydney Way F. 11., 14 O'Connell St., Sydney Gibbons Henry Jamieson, Wagga Wilktga Parkhill George A., 375 George St., Syd. Webster H. Y., 375 George St., Sydney Paton Jnmes E. R., Hunter St . Syd.. Williams John S., 7 Moore St., Sydney 4111es E. B., 0 Nigh St., Sydney 'Cloward,Raymond S., 7 Moore St., Syd. Peerce L. A. NV:, Challis House, Sydney WImble A. J. It., Hunter St., Sydney Reath Albert E., 875 George St., Sydney Price Erie, 14 Castlereagh St., Sydney Witt Charles V., 82 Pitt St., Sydney TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. Brooks Edward Ernest, F.I,A.A., 15 ACCOUNTANTS. Castlereagh St _Allard (II. B.), Way, and Hardie, 12-14 Bryant Alfred, 56 Pitt at O'Connell at Bubb E. It., Somerset House, 5 Moore at Allard Geo. Mason, Ocean House, 14 Moore Burdek in L. W.. 44 Castlereagh at St. Bush .I. L., corner Bond and Pitt sts Allard Horace Bately, 14 O'Connell at Allen Hector and Son, 16 Spring st CADOGAN W. H. AND CO., Public Allen C. S., 24 Union at, North Sydney A ecomitants, Builders' Exchange Allen Stanley F., 32 Elizabeth at chambers, 12 Castlereagh at. A 'sop W., 56 Hunter at City 2,127 Anderson II, W., A.C.P.A., 93 York at Cadogiut W. hi., F.I.1.A., J.1'., 12 Castle. Archibald 11. S., 19 Martin p1 reaglt at Association of Accountants of Australia (Incorporated) — Arthur Upjohn, Catnpbell Geo. S., A.I.I.A., 66 Elizabeth at Carr T.P., F.I.A.A., Incorporated AccountF.A.1.A., hon. sec., 163 Pitt st A uld C. J., 14 Castlereagh at .AUSTRALASIAN CORPORATION OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS— S. J. Carruthers, F.O.P.A., Registrar, Stanway House, 77 King at. (See list of members on opposite page) Baas 0. IL, 18 Bridge st Ball NV. T., 20 Castlereagh st 'Barry E.C. J., A.C.P.A., 721 King at Barrymore G. W. 82 Pitt at 'Barton Albert Accountant and Business Systematist, Challis House. Martin place (opposite G.P.O.),Sydney. - Tel. City, 1017 Benner F., 119 Hunter at liog.an B. Davis, A.1.A.V., Challis House, Martin pl BORCHARD ALBERT, F.C.P.A, Equitable Building, 350 George at, Sydney Bourke J. A.. 42a Castlereagh at Bowes and Craig, Equitable building, 350 George at BowesJ. E., F.S.I.A., Equitable building, George at 'Bragg NV. 11,83 Pitt at Breillat and Randall, 1 Bond at Bremner '1'. 1V., F.F.A., A.I.A., Mutual Life building, Martin place Brenttiall F.S., 1117 Pitt at Brewster It. C., 513 Margaret st Brierley am/ 13rierley, Castlereagh Chambers, 10 Castlereagh at BRIERLEY A. J., F.I.A.V., F.C.P.A., 50 The Strand & 1;".1,ceorner Pitt and Bond ate Dashtill.P1e Dash Italph B., corner Pitt and Bond eta Davis Thomas and Co„ Incorporated Acmain t a n ts, Australasia chant hers, Martin place, S ydney, and at \Vett st. Newcastle. Tel. 1792 Central and 4220 Central Davis J. NV., A.C.P.A., Australasia chambers. Martin place Davis Thomas, .1,1'., F.S.A.A. F.C.P.A. Australasia chambers, Martin place Deane Norman Younger, F.I.A.A., 15 Castlereagh at De Chatteaubourgh M., 16 Bond at DIBLEY Vi. H., A.C.P.A., 50 The ant. 491 George st Carruthers, Ferran' & Co. (S. J. Carruthers, .1.1'., F.0 l'.A., John Ferran', F.O.P.A.), Public Accountants and Auditors, Strand, George at Stanway House. 77 1: ing at. Tel., City 1468 and 1969 Dickson David P., 64 Pitt at Carruthers S. J., J. I'., F.C.P.A., Stan- DhnondSomerset House,S Moore at way house. 77 1:ing at Docker Wilfrid L., 56-58 Hunter at Cittchlove (1. H. L., F.1.1., F.V.1., 83 Dodd Miss A. M., Challis House, Alartin Pitt at DOWI1O1 Herbert W., 79 Pitt at Chambers II. W., 107 Pitt at DRUMMOND L. S. AND CO. (L. S. Champion C. .1., II la l'itt at Driumnond, F.S.A.A. ( Eng u, F.C.P.A.. Cli ishohn I). II., J.1'., O'Connor at, Ash (held ,51 .e E c 0.11%1 a' ttn. tas., A .11:tiitti?1,101 neBourifilodriantgesd, CHRISTIE GEO. and COY, (ben. 350 George at, Sydney, and City Christie. F.I.A.V., A llan Christie, BankOhambers,st, Newcastle L.G.A. 4, Consulting Accountants and Auditors, Mutual Life Building, 14 Drummond L. S., F.S.A.A.(Eng.), F.O.P.A., Martin place. Tel. 1556. Cable Equitable buildings, 350 George at 111'M% "Consultant," Sydney. A.B.C. Dunbar George W., CM Sussex St Code, 7th Edition Durham A. G. 11.. F.C.P.A., • 12-11 O'Connell st Christie Allan, L.G.A., I.C.A., Mutual Life building, 11 Martin place DURHAM, KING AND CO. Christie Geo., F.I.A.V., Consulting Ac(A. 0 .11. Durham, F.F.I.A., countant, Mutual Life Buildin g, 14 Public Accountants and Auditors, Martin place 12 . 14 O'Connell at, Sydney CLARKE G. T. AND BARRY, Eager F. W. A., 50 East Esplanade, Manly Accountants. Auditors and Am ultratorn, KS. and A. Bank Chambers, 7211 Edwards Edward, A.C.P.A., Wynyaril at Eggins NV. L., 369 George at King at, City. Telephone 4435 City Farrar,/ J01110, F.C.P.A., Stanway House, Clarke G. T., ELLA., 72b King it 77 King at. Clarke 11. A., 62 Pitt st Federal Institute of Aceountants (IncorClarke NV., 2 Bond at porated), 10 Castlereagh st Coates E. E., A.1.A.A. L. S. Druminond and Co.), Equitable Buildings, 350 Fell David and Co., Equitable building, George at Equitable Indicting, t ti, ar.C.P.A., Cocker. Day and Mackenzie, Australasia Fell Gle/oarygle Chambers, Martin pl 10 Castlereagh at J. E., F S.A.A., F.C.P.A., COCKER Brier ley 11. Cecil, 10 Castlereagh st (Cocker, Day & Maekenziet, AustralBrierley Lionel O., A.F.1.A., 10 Castleasia Chambers, Martin Place, Telerough at phone, Gity 3768 Cohen L. A„ 7 Moore at Edward Ernest Brooks, F.I.A.A. Cohen Victor, 29 O'Connell at Norman Younger Deane, F.I.A.A.. Colyer Walter T., 66 Margaret at Cork G. R. L., 82 l'itt at DEANE BROOKS Corke F. H.. 375 George at Incorporated Accountants Cowper Harington B., 17 Bond st Cox R. W. Airlson, A.1.A.V., 26 Hunter at and Auditors, Crane H. Russell, F.O.P.A., 16 Spring ht. Belmont Building, CrAne Howard W., 107 Pitt st 15 Castlereagh St., Sydney. Crane '1'. K., 407 Kent at Cullam W. E., J.P., 18 Bridge st Tele hone (31tv 40" Brierley 11. C., F.I.A.V., F.F.I.A., F.C.P.A. Cullen-Ward, 113 Pitt at Cumming Robert II., .1.1'., C.A., F.S.A.A., F.O.P.A., Australasia chambers,. Mar- George at Firmin II. 0., 5 Moore st FLACK & IFLACK, Piddle Accountants, Bull's Chambers, 14 Moore at, Sydney. Tel, City 1320; Cable address, " Unravel," and at 128 William at, Melbourne, 334 Queen al. Brisbane and at McNeil Chambers, Perth Fletcher W. II., P.C.P.A., Equitable building, George at Forsyth W. S. and Co„ 32 Elisabeth at Fox C. ('ockburn, 273 George at Wotan E. W., F.I.A.A., 164 Pitt at Franekel Spencer de Co., Royal Insurance buildings, Pitt and Spring ate Franekel Martin, 110)al Insurance buildings, Pitt and g prIng sts 1WOOD, COFFILL& COMPANY MAUD OFFICE: BULWARRARD.,PYRMONT. 'PH0NE728/41160 CENTRAL ANTHONY HORDERNIP —AUSTRALIA'S MAMMOTH STORE. 1766AceTRADES AND PROFESSIONS. Ace Accountants continued-7 KENT JONN,F.I.A.V.,* F.C.P.A., 50 MILES, SON A CO., Public AccounFullwood Fred., F.S.A.A. (England), (The Strand tants. Auditors, etc., Challis Houses F,O.P.A., public accountant, 11-12 Martin place Kerr A. Ross, 121 Pitt at Foy's chambers, 1 Bond at Kerr W. It. A., A.I.I.A., Albert buildings Miles W. J., F.C.P.A., Challis House,. Garland H W., 3 Spring et 1106 .Bathurst at GOAN and Moffat, 9 Bligh Martin place King and King, 79 Pitt st GiMilan and Bode, 86 Pitt at MILLER AND MUSGRAVE (John King John, 70 Pitt at GiIfillan D. H., 80 Pitt at Miller, A.O.P.A., William Miller) Glassford D. M.. A.T.A.V., 14 Martin place RING RALPH W., Castlereagh House. Public Accountants and Auditors, Graham, J. N., 89 Pitt st 26 Castlereash s, Sydney. 10., City 363 Sydney Stock Exchange building, Griffith S. W., 107 Pitt at Knight C. W , 178 Castlereagh at 113 Pitt st, Sydney Harley Robert W. J., F.A.I.A., 26 Castle- Larcombe W. and Co., 131 Pitt at reagh st, South par. Auburn. and Lurcombe James P., F.S.A.A. (Eng.), Miller John, &C.P.A., 113 Pitt at opposite Railway station, Rookwood Miller William, 113 Pitt St F.C.P.A., 107 Pitt at Harris E. A., F.O.P.A. (England), 79 Pitt Laseelles F.IV.,Royal alias, 3 Castlereagh at Milne It. A , 81 Elizabeth at at Minell W. P., 6 Moore at Legoe John IL, iskustralasia Chambers, Harrison F. I. W., 15 Bent at Medlin R. H. and Co., 14 Martin place Martin place Harwood A. IL, F.C.P.A.., Stanway House, Montgomery M., 13 Bond at 77 King at LEPLASTRIER L., A.I.A.A., Public Morres L. Byron, P.C.P.A., 77 Castlereagh. Ac .ountant and Auditor, Dixson ,SE Heath A. E. and Parkhill, 375 George at Heath A. E., 375 George at Building+, 04 Pitt at, Sydney. Tel. Morris William T., F.S.A.A. (Eng.), Helder IL F., 109 Pitt at City 1657 F.C.P.A., 107 Pitt at Hemphill R. J., A.C.P.A., 82 Pitt at Lewis G. S., 31 Moore St Moses D., 58 Pitt at Herborn H. A., 89 Pitt at Lewis S. H., 82 Pitt at MOSS LEO. AND GLASSFORD Hinton A. L., Viokery's chambers, 76 Pitt Liggins NVilltam, 2 Budge st (Leo Moss P.I.A.A., D. M. Glussford,. street A.I.A.V.), Public Accountants and. LITTLE JAMES, R. L. SIDEY Hogg Samuel Nisbet, J.P., National Auditors, Mutual Life of New York & CO., Public Accountants, 107 Mutual Life Buildings, Bond and Building, 14 Martin place Telephone Pitt at. (It. L. Sidey, F.C.P.A., Pitt sta. 1285 City G. 11. Humphreys, F.I.I.A., S. W. Grit Holden H. H., A.LI.A., 121 Bathurst et; Gth, ELLA., 11. W. Crane, P.I.I.A.) Moss Leo., Mutual Life building, Martin p.r., "Vermont," Bennett at, Bondi Lloyd pl ace A. M., 244 Pitt at Hordes Thomas, 12 O'Connell•st Musgrave R. A., J.P., A.T.A.A., 16 Bond at Lord A. F. and Co.. 360 George at Hornby-Spear E., 50 Hunter at Nathan Albert, F.O.P.A., 93 York at Lord A. F., 369 George at Hughes J. Sidney. 273 George at Lyon J. H.. Aust. chambers, Martin place Nelson Herbert IL, A.C.P.A., 93 York st Hughes W. G., 8 Young at 1;ewell Frank G., A.A.I.A., public lie. Lyons Claude H., J.P., 273 George at Humphreys George B., 107 Pitt at countant, 40 King st McAllister D., 1 Bligh at Hun crerford A. F., 14 Castlereagh at Muellride W. T., 726 King at ALFRED AND ALHUNGERFORD C., F.C.P.A., Pub- McColl J. G., A.C.ISA., incorporated se- NEWMARCH LISON. Public Aecountants, lic Accountant, Terry's Chambers, 19 countant, 32 Pitt at. society's Chambers, 89 Pitt at. Branch. Castlereagh at, Sydney. Telephone, Maotle H. Cs FX.P.A., 11 Moore at :Mike, Central Buildings, Suva, Fiji 213 City. Newisarch Alfred, 89 Pitt at Hyde Abel, Challis House, Martin place McKELL N. ALCORN &RUSSELL Norton P. H., 107 Put at Dixson Buildings. iii Pitt at Institute of Incorporated Accountants of Norton F. H. and Russell, 89 Pitt at NBW South Wales—H. H. Holden, MoICELL N. ALCORN, Oaten Richard E., 114a Pitt at A.M.A., registrar, 121 Bathurst at, Dixson Buildings, 64 Pitt at. Outred W. E., 12-14 O'Connell at Sydney. (See list of members folPaige John P., 63 Pitt at Macintosh W., 28 Castlereagh at lowing after accountants) Palmer P. G., 117 Pitt at Incorporated Institute of Accountants McKenzie H. M., Australasia Parker E. II., A.C.P.A., 12 0,Connell at C1111111ber8, Martin place (Victoria), N.S.W. Branch—Allan Paton J. E., 56 Hunter st Christie, L.G.A., secretary ; Mutual Matkenzie It. J., 12 O'Connell at Life Buildings, Martin place PERRY AND JOHNSON, ChallisJackson and Webster, 375 George at House, Martin place Jackson P. W. I?. 375 George at William IL, F.C.P.A.,Challis House,. Jackson T. H., F.:C.P.A., 105 Pitt at T.F.H. M AGKENZIE,F.C.P.A. PerryMartin place Jamieson 11. B, F.I.A.A. '263 George at Peterson '1'. T., 4 O'Connell at Jobson Alex., A.I.A., A:C.P.A., 24 Moore ACCOUNTANT & AUDITOR, Pierce and Co., 49/, Castlereagh at St Pratt Thomas, 70 Pitt at Johnson E. I., P.F.I.A., A.C.P.A., George QUEEN ANNE CHAMBER% Pratt, Wootton and Fuller, 76 l'itt at and Wynyard sts Pratt and Pratt, 70 Pitt at 13 BOND STREET, JOHNSON, JOHNSON AND EDPrice Erie, 14 Castlereagh at WARDS (E. r.. Johnson, F.F.I.A., Tel. City 843.SYDNEY. Priestley, Larcombe and Morris, 107 • A.C.P.A., L. O. Johnson, F.T.A.A., Pitt at, and at Scott at, Newcastle Edward Edwards. A.C.P.A., A.P.I.A,), PriestleyHerbert,F.S.A.A.(1111g.), Incorporated Accountants & Auditors, Mackey M. Donald, 89 Pitt at F.C.P.A., 107 Pitt at George and Wynyard sts. Tels, City McLean Frank E., 1140 Pitt at Pring 1'. G., Equitable building, 350 557 and 3530 George at McLean W. H., 18 111 idge at Puekle L. V., J.I'., RA Pitt at McLennan J., A.I.A.Q., Castlereagh at Johnson James, 17 Bridge at Itabone W. T., 26 Castlereagh at Johnson L. 0., A.I.A. A., George:& Wynyard McPhee J. C., 114a Pitt at Maeready, IL W., F.O.P.A., 81 Elizabeth at Rae John D., 94 Pitt at sts Itainsford Boles It., F.I.I.A., Equitable Johnson Milton F., F.O.P. A., Challis 'House, McRoberts Wilfred, 18 Bridge at building, 350 George at Manning Sir W. P., J.P., Ocean House, Martin place Rayment P. H., 10 high st 24 Moore st Johnson Wilfrid E., F.C.P.A., Gibbs' Read Charles Hs 76 Pitt at Marks, Molumeld At Witt, 82 Pitt et chambers, 7 Moore st Reid Robert, 11 Moore at Johnstone L. A. 114a Pitt at Marks Fred. W. A. C., 82 Pitt et Mason-Cox It. W., A.I.A.V., 26 Hunter at Roberts J., P.C.P.A., 70 Pitt at Kelynack Eric 5,, 273 George at Martin H. N., 273 Sussex at ROBERTSON (JAMES), H RUSKENT, BRIENLEY AND SULLY Matthew F. G., 13 Bond at SELL CRANE AND CO., Public , (John Kent, P.I.A.V., F.C.P.A., A. J. Accountants, Royal Insurance BuildBrlerley, P.O.P.A., E. H. MERCHANTS' AND TRADERS' ings, Pitt and Spring sts Sully, F.O.P.A., W. II. Dibley,A.C.P.A.) ASSOCIATION, LIMITED (The) Public Accountants, Auditors, and —John Gibbs, Managing Director, ROBERTSON, RUDDER AND Trade Assignees, Flotation and ManGibbs Chambers, 7 Moore at, and at CO., Public Accountants, &M.P.. arrement of Companies, 50 The Strand, Newcastle (See advt. Country section., Chambers, 89 Pitt at. Tel. City 7576 Sydney TRI LEAOINI UNDERTAKERS —WOOD, COFFILL AND COMPANY LTD. 'PHONE 728 a 1180 CENTRAL THE HOME OF ANTHONY HORDERNS' FAMOUS LOW PRICES. Ace TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. •Ace 1767 Stirling C. W., 64 Pitt at THE INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC SULLY E. H., F.C.P.A.,50 The Strand Swan, Irwin and Bartle, Equitable build- IICCOUNTHOTS OF HUSTRIILIISUI. ing, 350George at BELMONT BUILDING, Sydney Accountancy College.—Frederick Sivell, director, 6 Moore at. Tel. 15 Castlereagh St., Sydney. 4066 City RUSSELL GEORGE GRAY, M.A. Tarleton William, F.C.P.A., 107 Pitt st PRESIDENT: Wantab), A.I.A.A., Dixson's Build- Tayler Frank, 117 Pitt at 011A:11111MS II. W., 107 Pitt et., Sydney. ings, 64 Pitt-st Taylor Edmund, 107 Pitt at VICE-PRESIDENT: Russell H. E., F.C.P.A., Mut. Life bldg., TAYLOR, HARRIS AND SMALL RAINsrotto BoLiss It., 350 George a. Martin place (Runes Taylor, F.C.P.A., E. A. Harris COUNCIL: Russell H. Y., F.C.P.A., .Mut. Life building, Martin place F.C.P.A., W. B. Small, F.C.P.A), BAASS 0. II, 18 Bridge at, Sydney. FOXALL E. W., City Bank Chambers, Saddington and Dixon, 109 Pitt St New Zealand Insurance Buildings, 79 Pitt at Sillier .1. L., 18 Bridge at and 81 Pitt at, Sydney Moss Litoeohii, 14 Martin place :Scales E. H., 13 Macquarie place IVElot A. D., 113 Pitt at .Seandrett L. A., 68 Pitt at Taylor Julius, F.C.P.A., 79-81 Pitt at :Scott It. Bruce. 14 Castlereagh at HON. SECRETARY: Terry E. 3,, 109 Pitt St Selig P. B., 14 Castlereagh at BROOKS Enwa Ito E., 15 Castlereagh St. Thomas P. J., George st, Parramatta Seimes J. C., 04 Pitt at REGISTRAR Shadforth T. W., 12 Castlereagh St. Tel. Townsend David E., 67 Castlereagh St IIEA X A. E., 15 Castlereagh at Travis Geo. S., jams, A.C.P.A., 12 CastleCity 3697 HON. TREASURER: reagh at Sharpe Percy 0., J.P., 103 Victoria at BURDEICIN L. W., 44 Castlereagh at. Trevitt L. L., 30 King at Troup, Harwood and Co., Stanway House, FELLOWS; 77 King at Adains J, H., Croydon at, Petersham Troup A. R., P.C.P.A., Stanway House. 77 Baass 0. IL, 18 Bridge at, Sydney Brooks Edwd. IL, 15 Castlereagh at, Sydney King at P.S.A.A. (Eng.), F.C.P.A., Public nurilekin L. W., 44 Castlereagh at Accountant, Pendennis Chambers, Turner and Suunnerhayes, 338 l'itt at Clarke H. A., 62 l'itt am, Sydney Turner Cecil. 369 George St 375 George Street, Sydney. Brunches : THI tier J. Arthur, A.C.P.A., 338 Pitt at Carr Thomas P.,105 George at, Sydney Newcastle, Tamworth, Inverell Chambers H. W., 107 Pitt et, Sydney Twohill George, 375 George at Deane Norman Y., 16 Castlereagh at Upjohn Arthur, F.A.I.A., 103 Pitt at Slienstone and Son, 113 Pitt at Vane H. Dunstan, P.C.P.A.,16 O'Connell st Finley 11. 0., 76 Pitt at, Sydney Forster A., 7 Richmond terrace, Domain Shenstone W. H., A.C.P.A., 113 Pitt St Victorsen H. N., 273 George st Sidey R. L., 107 Pitt at %Iglus and Sky, Macquarie chambers, Foscall E. W., 11 Martin place, Sydney Heiberg William, 350 George St Simpson James, A.C.1'.A., Challis House, 12 . 14 Loftus at Martin place N'igars F. E., F.C.P.A., Macquarie chain- Helder H. F., Yaralla Climbrs., 109 l'itt st Hordes '1'llos , 12 O'Connell at Simpson W. W., 67 Castlereagh St bens 12-19 Loftus at Hullani IL, c/o Earp Bros. & Co., N'eastle Si veil Frederick, &C.P.A., A.P.I.A., Pub Wattle C. Scott, 70 l'itt at lie Accountant iind Auditor, Martin Walker and Kerr (W. J. Walker, A.M.A., Jamieson 11. B., 263 George at, Sydney. Chambers, 6 Moore at. Telephone, W. R. A. Kerr, A.M.A.), Albert build- Johnson Jas., 18 Bridge at, Sydney Johnson Leslie C., George & Wynyard sts City 4066 ings, 1106 Bathurst at Kirk It. N., 16 O'Connell at, Sydney -Sky F. M., P.C.P.A., Macquarie chambers, Walker Charles, 67 Castlereagh at, Leah John, Colnir 12-14 Loftus at \Volker E. J. K., 107 Pitt at Small William Beaumont, A.C.1'.A., 79- Walker W. J., :LP.. A.I.I.A., Albert build- Lewis Geo. S., Ocean House, Moore at 81 Pitt at Linden Clarence, Equitable Indg.,Geo. St ings, 110 Bathurst at. Moss Leopold, 11 .- Martin place, Sydney Smedley Arnold II., Chants House, Martin Walinsley B. C., 228 Pitt at Paton E. W., Newcastle place Ward R. .1. Cullen, F.C.P.A., A.S.I.A., Pield Ni.csoniwb.e M'. .1., Prince at, Grafton, Grafton, 113 Pitt at SMITH FREDERICK J. AND Ward Rex Cuulleii, F.S.I.A., F.C.P.A., 113 . Boles IL, 350 George at JOHNSON, Accountants and WebPb iAtt. apt., Ross:.111 s3,1,11 0.3,, " Abingdon,' Berry at, North 113 Pitt at Auditors, Gibbs' Chambers, 7 Moore at 1Vebster M. 0., 375 George at Tayler Jinni k, Falmouth chambers, Pitt at Weilderburn J. T., 70 Hunter et Smith C. F. Digby, 13 Bond at Webb Alfred D., 113 Pitt st, Sydney Smith Frederick .1., F.C.P.A., Gibbs' White Alfred S., 4 Castlereagh at Wickham R. S. and Burton, 686 Pitt at chambers, 7 Moore at ASSOCIATES: Smith Rex. 0., A.P.I.A. !(Protid's, Ltd.), Willis Fred. S. and Co., 113 Pitt at Allan Alfred Edward, 11 Bernick at Willis Fred. S., F.C.P.A., 113 Pitt at 187 Pitt at W ilimott E. I'., corner Grosvenor and Benson J. W., Waverley ores, Waverley Smith S. T., 33 Rowe at Bragg IV. 13,83 Pitt at George sts Spark J. EL, 118 Pitt at Burton IL T., 684 Pitt at Speer and Glassford, 18:Bridge st WILSON, RATTRAY & DANBY Byrne John P., 7 Bent at, Sydney Campbell It., Moore at., Sydney IF. G. Wilson, F.S.A.A., Eng. F.C.P.A., STARKEY AND STARKEY (OW. Alexander Allan Itattray, S.A.A., Carruthers G. H., 136 George at North T. Starkey, P.C.A., F.C.P.A. ; elms Eng., F.C.P.A.; Percy J. IV. Denby, Coates B. E., 350 George at H. Starkey, A.C.A., F.O.P.A. ; Albert A.C.P.A. : Allan I. M. Clerk, Cohen L. A., 12 Cunningham Lane Nathan, ; Herbert B. Nelson, A.S.A.A., Eng.), l'ublic Aecounsants Cohen Leslie F., 64 Pitt at A.C.I'.A. ; Harold W. Anderson, and Insurance Brokers, 12-14 O'Con- Compton F. G., West Maitland A.C.P.A.), Empire Chem., 93 York at nell at. Tel. Wand 2377. And at Corkiiill 0. FL, Albert oh, Strathfield Ditesbury J. W., 189 Pitt st London, Melbourne and Brisbane :Starkey C.93 York at Forsyth IV. E., St, Columb," Concord rd, Starkey C. T., 93 York at Concord Wimble A. J. R., 56 Hunter at Stephenson J. II., J.P., 01)1Pitt at Winder J., 2 Bridge at Forsytiey s 1V. Stanley, 14 O'Comiell at, Stewart, Simpson and Co. (John Stewart, Wolfenden E. S., 2b Castlereagh at F.S.A.A.(Eng.), P.O.P.A.,and Woodman Clive E., 100 Pitt at Gayfer G. E., Income Tax Department ;NOWA SIO111S031, &C.P.A.), Challis Woods Hartle T., 16 Boed st Grace Fred A. (Troup, Harwood end Co.), lionse, Martin place Yarwood, Vane and Co., 10 O'Connell at Castlereagh at, Sydney Stewart John, F.C.P.A., F.S.A.A. (Eng.), Ya rwoodF. N., 3.1'.,P.C. l'. A., 10 Gregory Oscar, 72 Phillip at Challis House, Martin place O'Connell at Herrin A. It., MOSMIOI Robson Hon. W., J.P., M.L.C., 1114 Pitt at Roche and Springhill!, 18 Bridge St _Rook° J. M., J.P., 18 Bridge at Rudder V. V., A.I.A.A., A.M.P. chambers, 89 Pitt at Russell H. E. and Son, Mut. Life bldg., Martin place SHEEDY E. P. M. OUR RANGE OF COMMERCIAL BUGGIES is THE LARGEST AND BEST HORSED IN AUSTRALIA ANTHONY HORDERNS' NEW PALACE EMPORIUM. 1768AccTRADES AND PROFESSIONS. Accountants continued — Bean A. B., 16 Castlereagh at Herboni 11. A., 131 Pitt at Hooker A. He G. C., 335a George at 'King John, 19 Minter at Laing Jas. G., cio Henry Bull ,t; Co., York street Lenelian N. P., 47 Arthur at, Nth. Sydney Leplastrier L., 350 George st Logan David, 16 O'Connell at McDonald If. L., 82 Pitt at MoKell N. Alcorn, 64 Pitt at Maitland A. E., 335 Pitt at Munro John P., B.A., Sauter at, Epping Musgrave R. A.. 118 Pitt at Outred W. E., 14 O'Connell at Parker H. W., Kanieruka, via Bega Parry Joseph N., Electric Light Corp n Ltd., Margaret at, Balmain Parsons F. W. 44 Castlereagh at Phillips J. H., ter limiat, Newcastle Pringle A., Royal Exchange. 56 Pitt at Rae J. D., Scott's Chaffirs.,Pitt at, Sydney Robinson A. E., 31 Gordon at, Paddington Rodd J. 0., 42 Bridge at Rudder V. V., 117 Pitt at, Sydney Rush A. J., Dowling at, Paddington Russell Geo. Gray, M.A., 16 Castlereagh st Scott R. Bruce, 14 Castlereagh at Mines Jeremiah Charles, 342 George at Sims Albert, 17 Bridge at, ydney Spear E. J., Herlihy, 58 Hun ter at Snowball F. R., 76 Pitt at Stradwiek T. A., c/o Hardy Bros., Hunter street Swift J. II., 138 George at, Sydney Symington H. T., Toowoomba (Q'land) Tyler E. A., 263 George at, Sydney Waterhouse L. P., Bolton at, Newcastle Webb A. E., e/o( lowlisha NV Bros., Barth pl Wickham R. S., Castlereagh House, Castlereagh at Woodman C. E., Yaralla chambers, 109 Pitt at HON. AUDITOR: ROBERT H. H. DOT/GAN, Fellow REGISTRAR. Associate HOLDEN, FELLOWS: Allen Stanley F., 32 Elizabeth at., Syd. Ball W. T. 20 Castlereagh at, Sydney BodenA., 11 Moore Park rd, Sydney Cadogan W. H., 12 Castlereagh at, Syd. Matta Aid. G. T., Country Press Chambers, Castlereagh at, Sydney Crane II. W., 107 Pitt at., Sydney Dalton It. A., Sydney University Davis C. W., 39 York at, Sydney Dougan Robert, Town Hall, Sydney Farleigh The lion. J. G., 80 Clarence at Garland H. W., 3 Spring et, Sydney Green Melbourne, 341 Pitt at, Sydney Gregory C. S., Willoughby Griffith Seigfried William, 107 Pitt at, Sydney Hoare W. K., 223 West St., North Syd. Henley Conrad Frank, 114a Pitt at, Syd. Humphreys G. B., 107 Pitt at., Sydney Kelynack E. S., 273 George at, Sydney Lego° J.It., Aus. Chambers, Martin place, Sydney Robson The Hon. W., M.L.C., 161 Pitt at, Sydney short Alfred, Lachlan at, Forbes Thomas F. J., George at, Parramatta ASSOCIATES: Abseil E. IL, Savings Bank, Barrack at, Sydney Alvarez J. H„ Reach's Ltd., Redfern Arnott G., Victoria rd, Bellevue Hill Attwood A. W., 0 Young at, Sydney Bailey T. IL, 341 Pitt at, Sydney Blarney R. hi., Fox at, Wagga Wagga Bull Victor, 89 Pitt at, Sydney Butler A. G., 99 Bathurst at J. B., 545 Kent at, Sydney ThelufflufeofIncorporated Callaghan Campbell G. S., 00 Elizabeth at., Sydney Carter S. A. C., 152 Pitt et, Sydney ficoouolaols of N.S.W. Chandler It. T., Park rd, Marriekville Chapman II. E., 23 Wetherill st,Leiciedt 121 BATHURST ST.. SYDNEY. Coote A. J., Singleton Craine Edward C., 26 Hunter at TELEPHONE, CITY 2376. Diamond G. F., City Mutual Life, Hunter at, Sydney Dreyer H. C., 56 York at, Sydney 'Ube Connell. Eagar F. \V. A., Harley rd, Manly Emblen R., Town Hall, Wagga Wagga PRESIDENT: Evans Rowland James, Stott & lioare's ALD. GEORGE T. CLARKE, Fellow College, Liverpool at Erliegen Patrick Thomas, Challis aye, VICE-PRESIDENTS : Potts Point THE HON. 3. 0. FARLE1011, M.L.C., Fellow Flocknoe P. J., 45 Park at, Sydney Gibbons H. V., Harrow rd, Bexley W. H. CADOGAN, Fellow Gibson H. J., Navigation Dept., Sydney Gibson T. P., Council Clunbrs, Darlington HON. TREASURER: Gollan J. B., 00 York at, Sydney 0. A., 56 York et, Sydney Greatrox W. T. BALL, Fellow Greenwood Herbert, 117 Yolk at, Sydney Griffiths J. W., 10 Spring at, Sydney COUNCILLORS Harris W. It., 249 Clarence at, Sydney Harvey J. I., Coonabarabran H. W. CRANE, Fellow Haworth Frederick, Council Chambers, C. W. DAVIS, Fellow Canterbury C. S. GREGORY, Fellow Henderson D., Now Canterbury rd Hill Wm., Quinton rd, Manly 0. B. HUMPHREYS, Fellow Hilliard It. W., 117 Pitt at, Sydney A. G. BUTLER, Associate Holden II. H., 121 Bathurst st, Sydney H. C. DREYER, Associate Hopkins W.0.0., Stanley at, Randwick WILFRED R. HARRIS, Associate Hopson N. II. D., The Boulevard, Petersham HON. SECRETARY: Johnson J. 8., 546 George at, Sydney Jones E., 14 Wynyard lane, Sydney H. W. CRANE, Fellow WOOD; COFFILL k COMPANY LTD. ON THE HISTORIC SLOPE OF BRICKFIELD HILL. Ace Kennedy T., Crystal at, Petersham Kent Alf. J., Govt. Printing Office, Syd. KerrWilliamRobertAndrew,1111, Bathurst at, Sydney Lee Leslie Wilfred Lance, 105 Pitt at. Sydney Lukey J. McK., Scone McCausland • M.C.,Cretnome North Sydney MeCredie J., Lever Bros., 'Minutia Mance F. S., 29 Bellevue at, North Syd. Mason Carl, 80. 5 George at, Sydney Meredith C. F., 89 Clarence at. Middleton F. E., 79 York at, Sydney blinogue W. I., Lachlan et, Hay Montague C. L., 32 York at, Sydney Montgomery M., 13 Bond at, Sydney Mulholland F. J. Town Hall, Orange Nicholls W. H., 12 ' Castlereagh at, Syd. Norris Robert Sorrell, Albion at, S. Hills Peckham H. C. 136 Castlereagh st, Sy& Parkhill Geo. A., 376 George at Pilley C. B., Plantiturst rd, Kogarah Priest Win., 57 York st, Sydney Purasey G. S., Abbotsford Ram:laud C. M., Frederick et, Morewether Itinaldi J. W., Hunter's Hill Ryan J. W., Pitt at, Singleton Sawell S. A., 17 Castlereagh at, Sydney Slater E. G., Station at, Kogarah Belden B. N., Keaton a ye, Mesmer' Schwenek F. W., 33 Bond at, Mosman Smith C. A., 09 Pitt at, Sydney Smith J. 0., 767 Harris at, Sydney South Walter James, Stott rt. Hoare's College, 1.1verpool at Spedding J., 147 King at, Sydney Stephen A. J., 47 Elizabeth at, Sydney Terry John Edgar, 12 Castlereagh str, Sydney Thornton E., 12 Barrack et, Sydney Tidex William John, 337 Pitt et, Sydney Toogood S. R., Cast'ereagh et, Coonamble Turner F. C., Mort's Dock Co., Hai/nein Walker Ald. W. J., 110 Bathurst st, Sydney Walker C. H., Cowabble st, Coolamon Walker G. R., 121 Westbottrne at, Petr'in. Walsh James, 6 Edgecliffe rd, Woollahra Waring C. It., 309 George at, Sydney Watts G. E., 114 Castlereagh at, Sydney Whatley D. IL, Holdship Ltd., Pyrtnont White A. B., Vista at, Mosman Wilson Henry Walker, lame!' Winton W. G., 17 Annandale at, An'dale Wood B., Union Bk. Chambers, Hunter street Wynn W. W. E., East Maitland Zeiler JackChristoter,94Beattie at, Heinlein THE SOCIETY OF INCORPORATED ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS, ENS New South Wales Division. Cot:Nci President—John Stewart, F.& A.A., Challis. House, Martin place II,,,,. Seer( tarp—AllanRattray, 14 O'Connell at Council—Mama Davis, F.S.A.A., tralasia Chambers, Martin place Herbert Priestley, F.S.A.A., 107 Pitt F. Fanwood,F.S.A.A., Foy 's 011itinlienf, Bond at OPEICE 14 O'CONNELL ST., SYDNEY: CENTRAL OFFICE% 810-12 GEORGE ST. 'PHONE 7261.1624 CENTRAL Ace TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. Add1769 Cameron P. A., Audit Dont., City Council Campbell A E., 47 Elizabeth at, City Dibley W. F., Rockhampton Gregory W. F., 281 Pitt at, City Harvey A., G Bridge at, City lull J.117, 383 Kent at, City Melanin E. T., Newcastle Peters T., Cairns Rockwell A. W.. Hobart Waters B. R., Chatswood Watkins D., A.M.P. Chrs., Pitt at, City Alder M. C., A.1.A., The M. L. and C. Aisurance Co., Ltd., .Castlereagh and Moore sta Benjamin S. 0., A.I.A., A.M.P. Society, HCCOUNTOPITO OF flOSTOHLIO 87 Pitt st Bremner 1'. W., F.F.A. A.LA., consulting (Incorporated.) actuary, Mutual Life buildings, Martin place Carment David,17.17.A., 87 Pitt PRESIDENT at roaErvrsox ) Catehlove 0.11., F.I.A., F.F.A., 83 Pitt st VICE-PRESIDENTS Day W. It., P.1./i., actuary consulting As'etruir • J. P. Australian Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., Ltd., 30 Castlereagh at BOOTH J. FELIX INCORPORATED INSTITUTE OF Diamond G. F., A.I.A., actuary, City COUNCIL: ACCOUNTANTS, VICTORIA. Mutual Life Assurance Society, Ltd., ADAMS E. 1fonter and Mg)! sts (N.S. W. Branch.) GREATREN 0. Dove)' W. R., F.F.A., Assurance A; Thrift GREGORY W. F. LOCAL, COUNCI : Association Co., Ltd., , Printrose buildIlAuLEr It. W. Geo. Christie, F.I.A.V. (Chairman) ings, 255a George at BANS W. S. A. E. Barton, F.I.A.V. Doyle A. J., A.I.A., Government StatisPARSONS W. C. Thomas Renton, F.I.A.V. tician's office, Domain WARD E. J. Wilfred Allsop, A .I.A.V. Doyle J. P., A.1.A., The M. L. lind (7. It. W. Nelson, A.I.A.V. 110N. SECRETARY : Assurance Co., Ltd., Castlereagh and Moore ate UPJOHN A MITE It, 163 Pitt St., Sydney Allan Christie (Local Secretary) Duckworth A., chief clerk, A.M.P. HON. TREASURER : Society, 87 Pitt at sums rumor MICE MILLER G. M. Elliott C. A., F.I.A., A.M.P. Society, 8T Pitt at IION. AUDITOR: Mutual Life of New York Emery W. S.' A.I.A. The M. L. and C. AsCAMERON P. A. ' surance Co., Ltd., Castlereagh and Building, 14 Martin Place, MEMBERS: Moore sts SYDNEY. Harris F. J., A.I.A., A.M.P. Society, 87 Adams E., 40 Market at, City. Pitt St Anivitti L. 255 Clarence st, City. Hindmarsh J., assistant secretary The Asthury J. P., 201 Castlereagh at, City, H. L. and C. Assurance Co., Ltd., Booth J. F., 675 George at, City. ACCOUNT BOOK MAKERS. Castlereagh and Moore sts Bourke J. A., 89b Pitt st, City. See also Printers, Stationers and /look- Jacobs F. J A.I.A., Post office, W'alirti. Brackenreg G. S., 113 York st, City. Binders. Jobson Alex., A.LA , consulting actuary, 13rentnall G., 82 Pitt at, City. Andrew John and Co., 21 Phillip at Ocean !louse 24 Moore at Corbett T., 841, Pitt at, City. Barrie G. E., 218 George st Kingsbury j. W., A.I.A., A.M.P. Society, Easy E. J., 347 Kent at, City. Batson and Co., Limited, 91 Clarence at 87 Pitt st Gardner Chas., Goulburn. Latham II., A.I.A. Actuary to ComnionGooch W. N., Toowoomba wealth Bank, king at Greatrex C. A., 56 York at, City. It. D. F.F.A., actuary The 111.L. Grigg It. T., 183 Clarence at, City. BROOKS WM. & CO. Miller and C: Assurance Co., Ltd., CastleGriffiths J. W., 10 Spring st, City. LIMITED reagh and Moore sts Hann W. S., Cu Margaret at, City. 17 Castlereagh at (see Advt. opposite Moore G. E., A.I.A.. 'rho M.L. and C. AsHarley R. W., Castlereagh House, City. name in Alphabetical) simile.° Co., Ltd., Castlereagh and leath N., lb Castlereagh at, City. Moore sts Heath R. It., New Zealand. Cunningham° F. and Co., Ltd., 1427 Kent Moors E. M., M.A.,consulting Hinton If . F., London Bk. Chrs., George at. at actuary, e/o Sydney University Hodge 13. E., 19 0 Connell at, City. Paradice W. If., A.I.A., A.M.P. Society, 87 Holdsworth .1.11., 349 George at, City. DETMOLD WILLIAM LTD., l'itt at Holiday C. A., 60 Margaret at, City. (W. J. Humphreys, Manager), WholeHumbley W. A., 93 York at, City. sale Statham's, Envelope and Account Purves T. P., A.I.A., New York Life Insurance Co., 117 Pitt at Jarrett W. F., 63 Liverpool at, City. Book Makers, 197 Clarence at, Sydney.. Laverack IL, 199 Pitt at, City. (See advertisement opposite Station- Teem itiohard, F.I.A. F.F.A., P.8.5., general manager aril actuary, AMA'. Lawson G. W., 47 Elizabeth at, City. ers, Wholesale and Manufacturing.) Society, 87 Pitt at Lee It., 37 limiter at, City. Thodey Itobert, F.I.A., A.M.l'. 1 Society, 87 LevIck S. II., cr. Pitt & Hunter sts, City. Henderson James 38 Clarence at Pitt s• Lewis G.. 105 Pitt at, City. Le Roy, Tracy N.' Ltd., Newton lane McMahon T. W., 214 George at, City. Leigh S. T. and Co„. Ltd , Castlereagh Trivett .1. IL, F.R.A.S., Government Statistician, Young at Middenway G. II., 120 Pitt at, Sydney and Goulburn ate G. M., 165 Pitt st, City. McCarron, Stewart and .Co., 22 . 26 (Wel- Vaughan II., P.1./i., The M.L. and C. Assurance Co., Ltd., Castlereagh and Morgan W. S., 211 Clarence at, City. burn st Moore sts O'Neill E. J., 211 Clarence at, City. Maelardy W. M., 9Ia Clarence at Wilkinson W. 31., A.I.A., The M.1r. and C. overell D. W., 206 Sussex-st, City. Peak J. W. A: Co., 322 Pitt at Assautnee Co., Ltd., Castlereagh and Parsons W. 0 , 89 Castlereagh st, City, Moore Robertson J., 7 Moore at, City. PENFOLD W. C. AND.00., 183 Pitt at Wolfendensits E. S., A.I.A., actuary, CastleRogers W. D., 388 Kent at, City. reagh Iloase, 2 Castlereagh at Ituwald It. P., 44 Bridge at, City. SANDS JOHN. LTD., 374 GeorgeistSewell A. E., 105 Arundel at, Forest Lodge. (See Advts.) Sheehan J. T., 117 Sussex at, City. Shortland If., 11 Barrack at, City. Smith W. E., Ltd., 22-30 Bridge at ADDRESSING (ENVELOPES AND Shoat's AL, 810 George at, City. Turner mei Henderson, Ltd, 10-18 I f unter WRAPPERS.) Steele R., Newcastle. at Upjohn A., 103 Pitt at, City, White Frederick W., 344 Kent at Wall E. G., 109 Pitt st, City. . The Gibbs Addressing Co. Ward K. J., 49 Market at, City. Wills D..1., 350 George at, Sydney. 431a Kent at, near Market st, l dial. ACTUARIES, Actuarial Society of New South Wales— Mechanical and Written Addre,sing ASSOCIATES: W. H. Wilkinson, hon. Nee.Circulars, efttalognili, etc,. Foldol or Bowler II., Manly and treasurer, Citizens' ChambersWrapies1 for mall TELEPHONE, Bryant A., 7 Moore at, City '1CITY 2174. Moore at 57 THE HOKUM( OF ALL OUR ASSISTANTS ARE QUALIFIED, AND MANY HAVE SERVED US OVER 20 YEARS ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR FASHION'S FAIREST FAVOURS. 1770Adj ANTHONY HORDERNS' FCR ALL THINGS NEEDFUL AND NICE. AerTRADES AND PROFESSIONS.Age1771 TRADES AND PROFESSIONS.Aer ADJUSTERS. 'Caldwell's Agency Ltd.—A. E. Murrell 117 Pitt at Costin S. and Edwards, 112a King at Dickson David P., 64 Pitt at Horner and Horner, 18 Bridge at Lake & Co., Royal chant., 3 Castlereagh at Moses D., F.C.P.A„ 58 Pitt at Neill T. A., 3 Bond St PatineId A. IV. H., 57 Pitt at Roberts Wynn, 18 Bond at Rooke and Springhill', 18 Bridge at Snows (Australia) Ltd. 163 Pitt at Taylor John, 88 King at HartAshur,J.P., Linden Court, 107 Castlereagh rt Jenkins J., 482 George at 1Ceely Maxwell, 11 Moore at Mans and Maas Ltd., 67 Castlereagh st Miller AdvertiLin g Co., Ltd.. 64 Pitt at ADVERTISING EREMITE 01 SYDNEY. THE N.B.W. COUNTRY PRESS CO-OPERATIVE CO. LTD., ROFFS Bill Posters and Advertising Contractors and Agents, Wentworth Ave. Tel., City 2722 Roycroft Ailvertieing System, Angel pl. off 127 Pitt at Smith W. Kingsford, 79 Pitt at Steele's Advertising Service Ltd., 39 Pitt at Sync Sidney. 72 Pitt at Thompson, Breeden and Co., 14 Pitt at White A. N., 316 George at IViseman Bros., 36 Oxford at Wilde G., 2b Castlereagh at 176•178 CASTLEREAGH ST. Tele. City 4 . 82 6197 and 6988 ADVERTISERS' ADVISERS. T. M. &Lummox, Manager. REUTERS TELEGRAM CO, LIMITED GORDON & GOTCH (SYDNEY) LTD. (THE WORLD'S PRESS AGENCY), 123 Pitt at Mount W. J. F. (trading as Sidney Sync), 41 Hunter at. N.S.W. Country Press Co-operative Co., Ltd.—T. H. Shakespeare, manager, 176-8 Castlereagh at. Tels., City 4882 6197-6988 Renter's Telegram Company, Limited— General Advertising Agency, Somerset House, 5 Moore street /toffs, Wentworth ave Weston Company, Ltd., corner Grosvenor and George at ADVERTISING AGENTS. Advertising Patents Co., 114a Pitt at Artistic Advert Co.-11.C„ Whitford, mgr 81 Elizabeth st Ashmon and Co., 176 Pitt at Austral Press and Advertising, Ltd.— William Chubb, managing director, 4Ia Market at City Advertising Agency, 44 Castlereagh st Commonwealth Cinematograph Advert Co., 77 King at Consterdine J., 256 Pitt at Daniels Ltd, 70 Oxford st Co., 86 Oxford st Decent Joseph IL, 17 Bridge at Emery and Wregg, 76 Pitt at. Empson and Empson, 10 Castlereagh at Globe Advertising Agency, 14 Castlereagh street and 287 George st GORDON & GOTCH WHITE ARTHUR N. AERATED WATER MACHINERY IMPORTERS. ECKERBLEY AND SONS in. H. Waller, Manager in N.S. Manufacturers and Importers of Aerated Wafer Machinery, American Soda (SYDNEY) LTD. Fountains, Work Counters, etc. Otlice and Showrooms, 822 George at, (THE WORLD:8 PRESS Sydney. Tel. Glebe 903 AGENCY), 123 Pitt st Griffin 11., 296a Pitt at Lassetter F. and Co., Ltd., 403-421 Geo. at Lawrence Alfred awl Co., 158 Clarence at Hollander & Govett, Ltd., Grosvenor at N.S.W. Country Press Cu-operative Co., Ltd.—T. M. Shakespeare, manager, MAUR BROS. AND 176 .8 Gastierengh at. Ws., City 4885, 6197 and 6988 THOMSON, LTD. GORDON & GOTCH Pickup Advertising Co., I 88 Royal Arcade Renter's Telegram Company, Limited— (THE WORLD'S PRESS General Advertising Agency, Sumerpet House, 5 Moore at AGENCY), 123 Pitt at AND Allcock and Sweetland, 376 George at Attkins, MeQuitty, Ltd., 10 Pitt at Burke Walter, Challis House, Martin place Cowdroy H. M., 7 Moore at General Advertising Agency, Somerset House, 5 Moore at Roils, Wentworth aye Smyth Arthur & S0119 Ltd, 26-30 Jamieson at Special Express Messenger and Adver- GORDON & GOTCH tising Co., 80a Pitt at (SYDNEY) LTD. Standard Advertising and Printing Co., Ltd., 82 Pitt at (THE WORLD'S PRESS ;sun Show Card Co., 234 Clarence at AGENCY), 123 Pitt Street Sydney pia 'Interstate Press agency, 11 Moore at Herder Herbert, 2 Bridge at. Weston Company, Ltd., corner Grosvenor Hosking Fred, 12 Royal Arcade and George at Martin George W., 24 Moore at Mills S. A., 114a Pitt at Morgan L. R., 76 Pitt at O'Brien Publicity Co., 21 Moore at Advertising Contractor Interstate and Parker and Rogers, 44 Castlereagh at South African Press Representative, Pictorial Advertising Ltd., 82 Pitt at 316 George et, Sydney. (Opp. Messrs. Powell and Son, 75 York at I'eapes end Co. Ltd.) Telephone Pike H. R., 11 .1a Pitt at Renter's Telegram Co., Ltd., General AdCity 3963 vertising Agency, Somerset House, Willmott C. IL, 'corner Grosvenor and 5 Moore at George eta Richardson Co. Proprietary Ltd. 67 Cassie%Wide G., 2b Castlereagh at reagh at Roffs, Wentworth eve Smyth Arthur and Sons Ltd, 26-30 Jamieson at ADVERTISING CONTRACTORS. Variey's Propty Ltd, 18 Barrack at Daniels Ltd., 70 Oxford at Weston and Co. Ltd., corner Grosvenor Empson and Rawson, 10 Castlereagh at and George eta Westoni Wilson Ltd, 10 Pitt at (SYDNEY) LTD. WOOD, COFFILL ADVERTISING EXPERTS. COMPANY LTD. LIVERY DEPT., 472-84 Importers of every Class of Aerated Water Machinery. New and Secondhand in Stock. 123 to 131 Castlereagh at HARRIS ST. 'PHONE 156 GLEBE NELSONS CARBONATING CO., LTD., Importers and Manufacturers of Soda Fountains, Aerated Water Machines for Hotelkeepers, Refreshment Rooms, &c., 167 George at, Circular Quay. Tel. 906 City AERATED WATER MANUFACTURERS. Best J. and Son, 114a Pitt at Bleakiey H. and Co., 00 Hunter at Blumenthal August, Ltd., 62 Pitt at Boker Henry, 76 Pitt at Borsdorff and Co., 80a York at Bray Leslie Ltd., 3 Dailey at Brewster R. 0., 68 Margaret st Brooks Henry and Coy., merchants and manufacturers' agents, Wynyard buildings, Wynyard square, Sydney. Bruckel11 3, 01253Castlereagh at See also Cordial Works. Bryant Alfred, 56 Pitt at Ginger Beer Makers. „Mineral Water Manufacturers Bryant F. B., 94 Pitt at -LL1.4"1 ' b GOTCH 4ORDO---- GORDON & GOTCH (SYDNEY) LTD. (THE WORLD'S PRESS AGENCY), 123 Pitt street Burdekin A. S., 44 Castlereagh at Burns, Philp and Co., Ltd., 10 Bridge at Greer H. and W., 287 Clarence at Butler W. & Co.', 133 King at Green S. E., 04 Pitt at Cameron R. W. and Co., 16 Spring at Grimley, Ltd., 263-265 Olarenee at Carr F. G., 420 George at. authridge N., Ltd., Equitable building Central Agency Ltd., 219 Clarence at 250 George at. OERTEL C., 27 Renwick at, Alexandria. Chapman Edward and Co., 3 Bond at Guthrie Robert, 4 Dailey at Tel. 393 Newtown Chisholm D. H.. T.P., O'Connor st, Ashfleld Haege If. and Co., 68i Pitt sit Clapham W. E., 133 King at linen Fred., Ltd., 182 Pitt at ROWLANDS E. PROPTY., LTD., Clarke Charles and Son, 12-1 .1 O'Connell at liniments Ltd., 134 Castlereagh at Manufacturers of Mineral and Aerated Coates Herbert, 12 Castlereagh at Hardy J. and Son, 138 New Canterbury Waters, Cordials, Bitters, Liqueurs, Cook W. S. and Son, Ltd., 44 York at rdi, Petersham &c., Burns and Little Hay sts, Dar- Cornell A. P., 76a Pitt at Harley Robert W..1., 21) Castiereavh at Costin S. and Edwards, 112a King at ling Harbour. Telephone City 316 Harvey Alfred and CO., 41, King at Cowlishaw Bros., 4 Bulletin place Hassell J. C. and Co., 10 Bond at Schweppe's Limited, 65-71 FOVeall3C at Crane and Htrron, 20 Bridge at Hautrive M., 472 George at Sharpe Bros., Broughton at, Glebe Orttnston S. 28 Moore at Hay Robert, 196 Sussex at Starkey's Ltd., 164a Philip at, and 64 Crosby William and Co., 45 York at Healy Claude and Co., 10 Barrack at Castlereagh at, Redfern Curlew's C. P. and Co., 12 Castlereagh at Henderson George, 92 Elizabeth at Syphon Aerated Water Co., Ltd.—R. H. Curran J. C., 192 Castlereagh at Capt. A., 53 Elizabeth at Crimp, general manager, 539 Elizabeth Dalgety and Co. Limited, corner Bent Henry 'Torbert II. J. and Co., 9 Hamilton at at south, Sydney. Tel. 103 Redfern and O'Connell' ate Hervey II. A., 105 Pitt st Daly J. .T., 1110 Pitt at Toohey's Ltd„ 300 Elizabeth at Hills H. G., 273 George at Tooth and Co. Ltd., 26 George at west Danger, Gedlye and Co., 9-13 Young at Hinton A. L., 76 Pitt at Daniels J., 82 Pitt at Hockaday H., 64 Pitt at Dawbarn E. A. end Co., 82 Pitt at Holland and Langkop, 29 O'Connell at Dawkins A. S., 178 Q.V. Markets Honey NV. 11. and Co., 145 York at Dawson and Co., 70 Hunter at Hood Stevens, 25a Jamieson at AGENTS. Decent Joseph H., 17 Bridge at iHome lliotst J., .1.P., 1 Bligh at See also respective headings under which Direct Agencies (The). 54 York at William, 255a George at Du Fault and Gerard, Ltd., Somerset they trade. lloyer W., Vickery's chambers, 82 Pitt, at. House, 5 Moore at Advance Building Agency, 30 Castlereagh Dyson U., J.P., 24 Moore at Box 804 (1.1'.O. at Edmondson John and Co., 205 Clarence at "Neva' J. A., George at, Canterbury Albion Stewart Co., 38 Pitt at Hynn rd. George, 18 Castlereagh at Anderson T. W., 29 O'Connell at. Indle . it and Commercial Agency Co. (A. J. Armstrong. A., 63 Pitt at Fox), Hoffnung's Chamber g, 163 l'itt Atkinson J. M., J.P., 10 Castlereagh at at. Box 2038 G.P.O. Austral American Agency, 183 Citstiereagh Elliott ) Maclean and Co. Jacobs Keith, 60 Market et st lames W. 111, 173 Pitt at. Structural Engineers. Representing— Johiteton Barre and Co. (Agency), Ltd., Australasian Selling Agency Co., Ole British Expanded Steel and Trussed York at 20 Loftus at Steel Bars for Reinforced Concrete, Johneton George & Son, 12 Castlereagh at Australian Finance and General Agency, Concrete Appliances and Machinery, Kerr Bros., LtAl., 375 George at 19 Hunter at Itansome Concrete Mixers, etc. ; also Kershaw, Martin and Co. Ltd., Bridge at Australian Metal Co., Ltd., 40-42 Clarence W. and T. Avery Ltd., Weighbridges Keysen and Recce, 8 Ceetlereagh at at, Sydney and NVeighing Appliances of all de- King C. IV. B. and F. W. Humpliery, 129 Ayers, Baker andiCo., 19 York at scriptions, 75 Macquarie at end CirBackhouse and Goyder, Mutual Life of Pitt at cular Quay (East). Tel. No. City 2547 King and Morrison, 50 York at New York Buildings, 14 Martin place Balchin W., Ltd., Bond and Pitt tits Knyvett and Co., 38 Carrington at Banks Bros. and Metcalfe, 10 Spring at Kodak (Australasia) Ltd., 379 George at Farbrache A., 41 Castlereagh at L. S. Agency, 44 Castlereagh at BARNETT LEOPOLD AND CO., Fassett and J0111190/1, 5.7 Barrack at Laidley William & Co., Ltd., 7 O'Connell et Plate and Sheet Glass ; Pavement and Fenner Arthur S., 64 Pitt at Laughland, Mackay and Co. (Australasia) Floor Lights ; Spiral Iron Staircases ; Ferris W. J., J.P., Ross at Parramatta Ltd., 64 Pitt at, and 50 Lime st, London Floor. Wall and Roof Tiles ; Paints, FletcherA., 14 Castlereagh at Supply Co., 8 Young at Oils, Varnishes and Dry Colors: Ford William L., J.P., Beittnish at, Ca'psie Lawson Laycock J., 127 King at. Painters' Brushware ; Memel Metal Froseard Levic and Co., 102 Mere/ice at Leven Mrs. hl. B., 56 lfunter at Lathing ; Danville Asbestic Plaster Gaertner A. U., 158 Phillip at Loplastrier Arthur and Co., Macquarie at Three-Ply Woods ; Cabinet- makers' Claim F., 107 Castlereagh at Lewis and Cull, 316 Pitt at and Upholsterers' Materials ; Silvered Gardiner J. If. l'., 26 Castlereagh at and Bevelled Plate Glass and Over- attest Capt. R. C., 19 Bridge at ROBERT AND CO., mantels. Indents Executed for En- Gibson, Battle amid Co., Ltd., 535 Kent at LITTLE Castlereagh Cimin o ers, 10 Castlereagh glish, French, German end American Gillham W., 17 Bridge at at. Telephones 278 and 2689 Central Goods, 300 to 308 Pitt et, Sydney Goldring II. A., 68i Pitt at Goldring IL, 279 George at Lehmann nod Co., 7-9 Bridge at Barnett William D., 48 Elizabeth at Gollin and Co. Prop., Ltd., 59 Clarence at Lopez A maro, 305 Pitt at Barran A., 158 Phillip at Gommesen E. and Co., 011. 308 George at Lord H. E., 114a Pitt at Bauer W. and Co., 63 l'itt at Gommesen J. and Co., 22 to 28 Wilson at, Loxton F. W., 16 O'Connell at BertolotteCo., 273 George at Newtown McArthur Engineering Co., 13 Macquarie place Cooma Spa Co., Ltd., 2 Little Hay at Crystal Fountain Co-op Cordial Co., 7 and 9 Alfred at, St. Peters Henfrey and Co., Belmont at, Alexandria CONDUCT UPWARDS OF ONE-THIRD OF THE TOTAL INTERMENTS IN THE METROPOLITAN AREA ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR THE WORLD'S COMMODITIES. 1772AgrTRADES Agents continued.— - AND PROFESSIONS.Agr SWIFT AND COMPANY McArthur Shipping and Agency Co, Ltd., 15 Macquarie place GENERAL AGENTS, McHugh T. Ltd., 105 Sussex st GEELONG 11 - USE, MeNitb John, 145 Princes st 2540 CLARENCE STREET. McNamara Miss F., 64 Elizabeth at Maniakia M. V., 12 Spring st General Agents in Australia forManufacturers' Agency, Ltd. (The), 69 York st g ltUliNitli, MOND & CO., LTD., NORTH. WICH, ENO. Markwald, Son-and Abel, Harrington et Chemicals. Marsh -John T. P., F.S.Sc., 21 park st — MARTIN GEORGE, Agent for Alfred Hastier, Maltster (Melbourne), score. Buy New South Wales Malting Co., Ltd., and "Frultum Dainty," 300 Kent st, Sydney. Tel. City 542 Martin Norman II., 88 Pitt st Matthews H. C. and Co., 76 Pitt st •edi:self Robert Y., 109 Pitt at Melliday John, box 803 G.P.O. Metropolitan and Bryauts Ltd., George and Li verpool sts Middleton D. D., 82 Pitt st Millar A. D., 174 New Canterbury rd, Petersham Moir James and 00., 58 Margaret et Mole George & Co., 163 George st west. Sydne y, agents for T. Robinson and Co. (Melbourne) and Cliff and Bunting (Melbourne) Moreau II. & Co., 84 Pitt st Morton B. K., 127 York st Moss Moses and Co., Wynyard lane Mesh= W. J. and Co., 85 Clarence et Muston Arthur and Sons, 17 Bridge at Nelson Ivan, 15 Loftus st N.S.W. Country Press Co-operative Co., Ltd.—T. 31. Shakespeare, manager, • 176-8 Castlereagh st. Tels., City 4882, 6197, and 6988 New Zealand Government Agency (J. W. • Clarke (N.S.W. and N.Z.), acting representative), 339 George St Mewl 0. Ltd., 432 Kent!st Nicholson H. J., 12-14 O'Connell St Oakey Alfred, 32 Post Office chambers, 114a Pitt st O'Brien and McQuillen, 24 Moore at O'Grady B. J., 84 Henderson rd, A'dria Orr Robert, 82 Pitt st 'Osborne and Jones 50 Elizabeth st Palser II. P., J.P., 095 George St Parkes Geor ge A. 50 Pitt st Palms Olitvst Phillips 0. Gerard, 62 Pitt st Plummer B. G. and Co., 82 Pitt at Plummer, Love and Co., 82 Jamieson at Pollock B F., 7 Bayswater rd Potter and Birks, Ltd., 15 Grosvenor st Premier Agency Co., 435 Ox ford st, Padlon Prescott Limited, 305 .375 Sussex St Price IL Lowell and Co.,7585 Pitt st Puleford T. Wills, Ltd., Castlereagh at Quane H. and Co.. 8 Loftus st Itabone, Fees and Co., 20 Bond St Ramsay D. 0. and Co., 52 Pitt at Rend J. G., 250 Pitt st Reed William E. 55 Pitt st Rice Horace, 1lia Pitt St Richey Theodore IT., 69 Elizabeth St Ridlialgli H., 13 Oaatlereagli St Rudders' Ltd., 42 Pitt st Sage A. J. and Co., 180 Q.V. Markets Sanderson John and Co., 40 Young st Sanders E. G., 166 The Strand Sands B. and Co., 14 Moore st ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR AUSTRALIAN MANUFACTURES. ERASMIC CO., LTD., LONDON. Soaps and Perf umes. — .0R0SPIELD & SONS, LTD., LIVEltP001. & WARRINGTON. JOSE'!! Soaps and Chemicals. — BROWN & POLSON, PAISLEY. BROWN & POLSON, LTD.,.SYDNEY. Corn/tours. — CHISWICK POLISH Co., LONDON. CHISWICK POLISH CO. oP AUSTRALIA, LTD., SYDNEY. Polishes. H. COGHILL & SON, STAFFORDSHIRE. Borax and &rack Acid. ASSOCIATED PORTLAND CEMENT MANUFACTURERS (1900), LTD., LONDON. Portland Cement, It'hiting and Keene's Cement. FABRIK GRIESIIEIM EtatKTRON, GERMANY. Chemicals. -CHARLES HEIDSIECK, REIMS. Champagne. — Smith Claude H. and Co., 17 Bridge st Smith A. Boyd, 178 Q. V. Markets Smith W. P., 176 Elizabeth st Strange R. B., 2 Hunter st Symons Hesston & Co., 178 Castlereagh st Street T. P., 289 Pitt st Tarilton George, 67 Castlereagh st Tarleton William, 107 Pitt st Tildesley A. H., J.P., 552 Darling st, It'zIle Toole J. 11. and Co., 70 Hunter st Turner Edward W., 82 Pitt St Venn-Brown F. and Co., 44 Carrington it Wallace G., 50 Market St Warberg Fred. and Co., 228 Clarence st Ward Joseph and Co., Exchange, 56 Pitt st Warden J. G., 103 Pitt St Waterman N. H., 372 Sussex st Watson H. H., 192 Castlereagh st Watson William, 70 Pitt st WHITE, FRAZER, AND BEST, 35 York St, Sydney. Indentors of all classes of Merchandise. Australasian Agents for English, American, and Continental Manufacturers. Cable Address : "Whltfrabes," Codes, Western Union (Universal Edition), A.B.O. (5th Edition) and private. Telephone City 2552 White John G., 35 Pitt st %Vildridge J. and Sinclair, Ltd., 82 Pitt st Williams It. F., 29 O'Connell at Williams II. 0. F., 19 Hunter st Willis T. and W., 56 Pitt st Wilson Bros., Ltd., 56 Hunter st Wilson and Co., 114a Pitt st Winter F. A., 64 Pitt at Wood (Reuben) and Wood, Ltd., Hunter 'House, 26 Hunter st Wood It. E., 3 Castlereagh at Woodland and Co., 56 Market at Woolcott W. 0., 114a Pitt at Wormald Bros., 16 Spring st Yuill G. S. and Co., Limited, 6 Bridge St GONZALEZ, BYASS & CO. Ports and Sherries. — AGRICULTURAL COMPANIES. See also Miscellaneous Companies. J. C. GORDON, JEREZ, SPAIN. Sherries. — JOHN HOPKINS & Co., LONDON. Royal Agricultural Society of N.S.W.— H. Si. Bonier, J.P., secretary, Ocean House, Moore st PELLISSON PERE ET CIE, COGNAC. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT MAKERS AND IMPORTERS. Whiskies. Brandy. — J. H. HENKES, DELPTSHAVEN,HOLLAND Schnapps & Geneva. — BOORD AND SON, LONDON. Gin and Old Tom. -PETER P. HERRING, COPENHAGEN. Cherry Brandy and Cherry Whisky. — W. E. JOHNSON & CO., LIVERPOOL Compass Stout. Scott, Henderson & Co., Ltd.,10 Loftus st Scrutton R. L. and Co., Ltd., 101 Clarence st, Sydney. Sedgloy A. II., 44 Carrington at Segur Maurice, 57.59 Macquarie st Severn A. M., 56-58 Hunter St Beton C. H. C., 28 Castlereagh st Simonds R. J., 107 Castlereagh st Simpson William, 460 George st Sinclair II. A., 70 Pitt et Sinclair Robert S., The Cultvulla Block, 07 Castlereagh St Slade 0. H. and Co.., 304 Kent St Slocombe and Co., 112 Castlereagh st WOOD, COFFILL 81, COMPANY LTD. BALLERIIM& CO., LTD.. Engineers, Blacksmiths,and General iron workers. All Station Requisites, Ear Markers and Brands a Speciality. 193 and 195 Kent st, Sydney. 'Phone City 1505 Briscoe and Co., Ltd., 383-383 Kent St Clyde Engineering Company, Limited, Clyde Works, Granville Emenion. Branting Implement Co., 58 Pitt St FRIEND W. S. AND CO., 113-115 York st, Sydney. Tel. 147. Agents for Champion Steel Blacksmiths' Blowers and Forges Hicks T. H., High at, Mascot Hornaby It. and Suns, Ltd., 1 Barrack at Howard J. G., 117 Bathurst St International Harvester of Australia Pro. prletary Co., Ltd., 37 Broadway, Glebe KOERSTZ C., Wool Presses, Scouring Plant,Pumps, Qiirtrtz Crushers, Stump Extractors, Abattoirs rd, Pyrmont Lassetter F. and Co., Limited, 403-421 George at McDonnell J., Carrington at, Granville CENTRAL OFFICE! 810 • 12 GEORGE ST. 'PHONE 726 A. 1624 CENTRAL Ame TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. Arc1773 McKay IL V., 27-29 George :it west Turner Basil, 83 Pitt st Martin James and Co., Ltd., 6810 to 689 Vale and Cameron, 20 Castlereagh st George St Wallas T. I., "Wyoming," Macquarie St Buchanan and McKay, 375 George st Budden II. E., 88 Pitt st •BUILDING TRADES' POCKET MASSEY - HARRIS CO. LIMITED, DIRECTORY. N.SW. (Zlons') Machinery Merchants, 35 Broadway, ANTISEPTIC DRESSINGS IMPORTERS. --A Complete Directory of Architects, George st west. Tel. 2881 Central Builders, S di-Contractors. Painters, Meadowbank Manufacturing Co.— E. BEAST:TRY AND JOHNSON (Passett Plumbers, Tilers, Tuckpointers, Builand Joimson, Agents), Sand 7 Barrack Trigg, general manager, Meadowbank ders' etc. Price 4s. Issued et, Sydney. Tel. City 6084. Cable . yearly.Suppliers, Mitchell and Co. Proprietary Ltd., 10.12.14 L. Zions, Publisher, 14 address, "Plasters," Sydney Bay at Castlereagh at. Tel. 943 City Nederhoed William L., 14 Martin place Burchett E. F., Victoria a ye, Clintswooll Nicholson and Morrow--Dalgety and Co., Butement end Brennan, Bond and Pitt se ANVIL MAKERS. Ltd , agents, Miller's Point Campbell James, 16 Emnore rd, Newtown Ritchie Brothers, South parade, Auburn Lassetter F. and Co., Limited, 403-421 Cninpbell Porcy, 130a St. James' rd, It'wick Ritchie William and Son, 76 Church st, George at Carnwell John, View st, Marrickville Parrainatta abater A. Dixon, 9 O'Connell at Ruston. Proctor and Co. (Lincoln, EngChipps R., 240 Church at, Parramatta land), 530 Kent at AQUARIUM. Clamp 3. Buchan), 117 Pitt st Coogee Palace Aquarium, Dolphin at, Clare H. F. Bank chambers, Hay at Coogeo Clarke Lindsay, 273 George at AMERICAN MACHINERY IMPORTERS. Coates W. H., Clifton a ye, Durwood Gregory H. P. and Co., 74 Clarence at Coles H. B., 3 Castlereagh St Laasetter F. & Co., Ltd., 403-421 George st ANIITRATORS. Collins Res. J., 350 George st Ididdows Brothers (Australia) Limited, Allard (II. B.), Way and Hardie, 12-14 Cook A. Stanton, 3 Spring St 73 Clarence st O'Connell St Cook Roland. Station st, Rockdale Brierleyand Brierley, 10 Castlereagh at Unman John J. and Lemont, 726 King st Brierley H. C., F.I.A.V., F.C.P.A., 10 Oosil Thomas F., Royal Insurance build. Castlereagh St AMMONIA MANUFACTURERS. lug, Pitt and Spring sts arruthers„ Farram and Co., Stanway Cuthbert W. M., IA Pitt at Ammonia Co. of Australia—C. A Luxton House, 77 King st Loney, nateg director, 350 George at Carruthers S. J., F.O.P.A., Stanway Dakin II IC , Gt. Northern rd, Gladesville Darling Thomas.", 8 Spring at Consumers Anhydrous Ammonia Co., Ltd. House. 77 King at Day harry 0., 18 Bridged —C. A. Luxton Loney, managing di- Cullen- Ward, 113 Pitt st rector; Q. Devlin, secretary, Equi- Davis Thomas and Co., Australasia Dennis H., Union Bank chambers,Hunter and Pitt sts table building, 350 George at chambers, Martin place Co-operative Ammonia Co., Ltd.—W. J. Fuliwood Fred, F.S.A.A. (Eng.), F.C.P.A., Dods R. S., A.R.I.11 A., Royal Insurance Buildings, Pitt and Spring sts 1Villiams, managing director, 32 No. 11-12 Foy's chambers, 1 Bond at Down George A., 19 Hunter St. Elizabeth at Kent, Brierley, and Sully, 50 The Strand Drake William A., 14 Castlereagh at, Dunstan John, 57 Market st LAWSON JAMES R., & LITTLE, General Auctioneers and Valuators. Durrell 0. W., 14 Castlereagh at 128-130 Pitt et—(Seel Advt. page 1351) Eaton & Bates, Challis House, Martin place AMMUNITION MERCHANTS AND 10splin Donald T., 107 Pitt St IMPORTERS. Miles W. J., F.C.P.A„ Challis House, Evans Evan, Bank chambers, Hay at Martin place Cortese P., 8 Bridge at Mills J. Y., 728 King St FERRIER AND DICKINSON, Cowles and Dunn, 72 King st Starkey and Starkey, 03 York St Architects, Consulting Engineers, FRIEND W. El, AND CO., 113-115 Stewart, Simpson & Co. (John Stewart, 12 Spring at.Tel. 2127 York et. Tel. 147 F.S.A.A. (Eng.), F.C.P.A., and James Ford B. IV., 62 Pitt et Gordon Cartridge Company, (manuSimpson, A.C.P.A.), Challis House, Forman Alfred A., F.II.V.I.A., 64 Pitt st Martin place factory, Gordon, N. S. W.) — C. Fuller Frederick H., Delmore at, Hyde Bowes Thistlethwayte, agent, 35 Vane Herbert D., 16 O'Connell at Clarence st, Church 11111. Tel. City Ward II. A. Cullen, 113 I'itt at 4921 Ward Rex Cullen, 113 Pitt et Vane and 00., 10 O'Connell at H. E. CARRAWAY GRACE BR OTHERS, nm Model Yarwood, Store, Broadway, Glebe. (See Advt. Yarwooct Frank N., 16 O'Connell at HELIOORAPHIST, opposite Drapers) Queensland Offi ces, ARCHITECTS. Hohlsworth Macphenon and Co., 252 18 Bridge at., Sydney. Alderson J.B., 81 Raglan at, Woman George at Allen Alfred, 844 l'itt at Tel. City 1 83. HORDERN ANTHONY At SONS, Angus John P., Regent at, Kogarah Engineering, Building, Agricultural, LTD., SYDNEY. (See Headlines !dining and other Plans reproduced by throughout Di toioroltY) the four prooessea—!'Sopla " (copies KYNOOH LIMITED, Kynoch House from original drawings, traeings un277 Clarence st, Telephone City 2331 necessary), Blue Prints, Heliographic Printa, mid True to Scale Process. Thistlethwayte 0. Bowes, arms anti Plans reproduced—Tracings madc if ammunition merchant, 35 Clarence required. Electric Light Printing a St. Church Hill. Tel. City 4921 Speciality. ARCHITECT CLARENCE BACKHOUSE ANALYSTS. See also Chemists. Ilristow C., A.I.M.311., 93 l'itt Byrn G. A., 1.1.0., F.C.S., 07 Pitt at Dixon and Byrn, 97 Pitt et Dixon A..1., F.I.C., F.C.H., 97 Pitt at Dixon W. A., F.1.0.,97 Pitt at Hamlet William M. (Government), P.0.8., Macquarie at Mayne James, 41 Castlereagh st Molesworth F. II., 28 Moore at SUPPLY 29 SUCH STREET, Telephone SYDNEY 3112 City Garton H. S., 118 l'Itt at Garton (1., 113t (Ichlunin A. E. A., 301 N.91.11. rd, D. tioodelutp O. W., Liverpool rd, Hatial Grant George L., 14 Castlereagh at Green well Carlyle, 58 Pitt at Barker A. E., 130 Sussex at Beattie H. 11,, 33 Orlando eve, Morman !thicket & Hon, I% Bond at BYERA, •.I.A., N.S,W., Bolster James IL, Burwood DI, Durwood HADLEY Architeet, Mutual Life of New York Bond Albert, 181 Pitt at Buildings, Martin place, Sydney. Tel. City 1720 130WEN E. J., 311 Pitt at, Sydney, (See Advt.) Hale Alfred IL, 2 Hunter at PRIVATE CARRIAGES, LANDAUS AND BROUOHAMS, WITH LIVERIED SERVANTS, AT CALL ANTHONY HORDERNS'— THE SHOP FOR THE CLASSES, • Arc TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. • Art Established 1880. Tel. 758. Tel. 2919. SPAIN, COSH &DO DS, ROBERTSON & MARKS, ARCHITECTS, PITT & ARCHITECTS. SPRING STREET, O pp. A.M,P. ALFRED SPAIN, F:I Valuator under R.P. Act THOMAS F. 008H, F.I. A R. 8. DODS, A.R.I., B.A. • IMPORTANT TO ARCHITECTS. Professional Reports and Valuations upon an classes of Property. Mutual Life of New York Building, 14 MARTIN PLACE. OSWALD DUGDALE, "PERMO' s PLAN REPRODUCER, Somerset House, 6 MOORE STREET. Telephone 2195 City. Tel. 480 City. Reproductions in Black and White on Whalman or any kind of Drawing Paper or Linen guaranteed true to scale. 111110fire BLUE PRINTS I Speololity. Telephone EDWARD J. BOWEN, ARCH! rEct, Austral Chambers, 89 PITT STREET, SYDNEY.. Private Address t BOUNDARY ROAD, 110111VILLE. 1299 City. STONE & SIDDELEY, ARCH liscrs CONSULTINO &CONSTRUCTIONAL ENOINEERS. Reinforced Concrete Specialists, Third Floor, Savings Bank Chambers, 11 MOORE STREET, SYDNEY. 1775 Vernon Walter L., Challis House, HALLIGAN & WILTON, Architects Oakden and Baliantyne, 107 Pitt at and Consulting Engineers, Equitable Oakley and Middleton, 113 Pitt at Martin place Building, George at. Tel„ City 1959 O'Brien Francis J., 105 Pitt st VICARS JAMES, M.E. (Sydney). Orchard E. R., 686 Pitt at • Halloran E. Roland, J.P., F.I.A, Seafortb, Owen George B., 7 Moore it Gold Medallist in Engineering and Middle Harbour Architecture, Consulting Engineer Parsons A., 22 Bennett at. Bondi Halstead O. H , Forest rd, HurstvIlle and Architect, Challis House, Martin Pearson Thomas, 1 Orlando aye, Mamma Harley Oliver, 86 Pitt at place, Sydney. Telephone, 3010 Oity, Peat's James, 71 Baptist it, Redfern Harmer H. G., 114a Pitt at Wailer Richard, 9 Hunter at Peddle James, 18 Bond it Hassell and Stookham, 3 Castlereagh at Ward P. J., Newington rd, Marriokville Pitt G. M., 15 Castlereagh at Hayward A., 7 Union at, Mosman Wardell and Denning, 56 Hunter it Polin Arthur B., 118 Pitt at HENNESSY AND HENNESSY, Power and Adam,Geo. and Wynyard sts Wardell H. R., 56 Hunter at Warden A. W., 164 Pitt st Architects, Norwich Chambers, 68 Prevost R. A., 106 Pitt at Waterhouse and Lake, 2 Hunter at Pritchard Arthur F., 83 Pitt at Hunter st Tel. City 7894 White T. Frank, 94 Pitt at Ramey L. L., 113 Pitt at Hennessy John F., Norwich Chambers, Rawlings Williams Edwin, J.P " 8 Eiskineville rd, Samuel, Bellevue par, H'ville 68 Hunter it Newtown Hill J. W., .1.1'., 84 Elizabeth at REID JOHN, Architect, Equitable Williams Llewellyn E., 8 Spring at Hill J. W., George it, Parramatta Building, 350 George at, Sydney. Wilshire Henry A., 70 Hunter it Hodgson T. W., 14 Moore it Tel, 930 Wilson and Reeve, A.A.R., I.B.A., ComHonnor Timothy, 79 Pitt at mercial Bank chambers, 278 George at. Reuss F. IL, 76 Pitt at Hudson Alfred, 987 Elizabeth it Telephone, 8200 City. Rickard S. N., 14 Moore it Ibbotson T. H. L., 888 Pitt at Winn Frederick, 70 Pitt it Rigden Mark, 70 Hunter st Johnson Tedbar B., 12 Castlereagh at Woodford and Graham, 85 Pitt st Jones CI. Sydney and Southoott,118 Pitt it Roberts George A., 76 Pitt at Wright Arthur H., 686 Pitt it Robertson and Marks, Mutual Life of New Joseland and Vernon, 9 Castlereagh St Wright G., 86 Ourimbah rd, kinsman York building, Martin place Justelius .1. B., 49b Oastiereagh it Kemmis and.Baokhouse, 9 Castlereagh at Robertson Louis S., 60 Castlereagh at Robertson 11. IL, 164 Pitt at Kemmis C. E,, 9 Castlereagh st ANCNITENTS (NAVAL). Rosenthal and Wright, sal Pitt at Kent. Sudden and Greenwell, 58 Pitt at Banks and Green, 18 Spring It Rosenthal Charles, 681 Pitt at Kent Harry 0 68 Pitt at Barber A. 0., 17a Pitt at Kenwood William, 335a George it ROSS H. IL AND ROWE, Equitable Reeks Walter, 9 Pitt at Kerr E. J., " Wyoming," Macquarie it Thomson James R. & Sons, 25 Pitt it Building, George at. Tel. 8986 and Ketbel J. A., 68 Pitt at Wilebidge J. and Sinclair, Ltd., Viokery's 8987 Oily Kirkpatrick John, 1 Thigh St chambers, 82 Pitt it .— (See advt. page Klingender, Alsop and Synnot, 89 Pitt at 1731) ROSS HERBERT E., Equitable Leman L. A., 764 Illawarra rd, M'ville Tels. 8984 and Building, George at, Leggo H. T., Cambridge at, Stanmore 8987 City — Lewis 0. H., 89 Pitt at ANT !MALTA. Lindsay-Thompson E., 52-54 Syd. Arcade Rostron W. A., 6 Moore St Antique and Ofiloe Furniture Co., 71 Lonat Rutledge, J.P., 869 George at Pitt at Lyons L. B., 198 Flinders at ROWE H. RUSKIN, Equitable Building, George at. Tat. Aldenboven W,, 74 Hunter st MoBurney Harold N., $ Gultiereagh it Andrews W. 50 Elizabeth it 3986 and 3987 Oity MoOARTHY J. T., ArohRect, Challis Maley Walter 0., 29a Elizabeth at Rowe R. B.., Cowper at, Parramatta Hon" Martin place, Sydney. Tel. Biggs John, 121a Phillip at No, 1724 City; p.r., "Revile,' Falcon Sampson T. P.. 94 Pitt Ma Scott Ernest A. and Green, 117 Pitt it at, North Sydney, Tel. 1503 N.8. Shaw R. A., Challis House, Martin place (THE) ?doOREDIE A. L. 43; ANDERSON, SLATYER CHARLES H., /NIA., Consulting Engineers, Commercia l Architect, Equitable Building,. 850 (ANGUS & ROBERTSON LT0e) Bank Oh 'Tubers, George and Margaret Oeorge at, Sydney. Tel. City 6989 8945 OasUereagh at. Telephone, 1158 it., Sydney. Tel. 8$ Central Smith F. Trenehard, 82 Pitt at Central. Somerville A. F. T., 273 George it Largest Buyers in Australasia of Antiques MoOREDIE L G. H. AND ALLAN, of every description Architects, Mutual Life of New York SPAIN, GOSH AND DODS, Building, Martin plum, Sydney P.r., Royal Insurance Building, Pitt and See Advta. under Alphabetical and Book" Lionwood '1 Byron rd, Guildford Spring its, (See Advt. opposite). sellers (Trader) Macdonald .1. B., 97 Harley rd, Manly Spain A., Royal Insurance building, Pitt McKinnon Gordon, 113 Pitt it and Spring sta Callan and Co., Ltd., MS George st kfolAohlan W. IL, 496 Castlereagh It Spencer J. B., Boots chambers, 04 Pitt at Garter R. T.,179 George st Mailman F., 11 Ofibmmatte rd, Rosman Ara Co., 15 Hunter at STORE lk SIDDELEY, Reinforced International Mansfield and San, 178 Oastiereitgh at Ooneretolsperts,GorernmentSarings Koch Edward, ii Caatlersagh at Manson and Picket', 35 Bligh at Dank Chambers, 11 Moore at, Sydney. MoOormlok 11., 11 Yule 4, Petersham Marks Theodore, Tre &warty st, Woollshra Lovell John O. and Co., 1178 George at (See Card Advt. opposite) Marsh George A., 10 Bligh at Mansfield MI40 If" 11111Tbs Shand Stone Edward G., 11 Moore it Turner and Henderson, Ltd.• 18 .18 Hunter MARTIN TELFORD S.. Architect, street ' Max Swift's buildings, $84-286 Castle- STONE JOHN JASPER, OoluinIting Tyrrell James 8,11 Castlereagh at. Tel. Engineer and Architect, Challis mak et. Telephone 169 Oily 801 Oily Ilotue, kfattin place. Telephone, City Martyn B. O., Gt. Northern rdiGladesville 1811 Massey George, M.I.M.E.,Post OMNI °ham- Summerhayos O. IL, SO Castlereagh at ART DECORATORS, ben, 114a Pitt at. Stimmerbayes 0. W, T.. 80 Ortatiereagh Mead Harold R., 83 Gorse, Manly Taylor B. A.., 4 O'Connell it Minnett Rupert V. 79-81 p at it. Tayt A. A., Carlton per, Osriton MontgoMerle and Chapman, 1104 Rath unit Temple George, Junction at., N. Sydney 109 Idrerpoot street, Sydney. fn. Thomas IL N., 89 Pitt at tarter Decorators, Sign and Danner MoOrliense Frederlok,A.R.I.B.A.,100 PIMA Tepper Reginald IL. $6 Hunter it Punter., Glees Silrereni, Gliders, and Morrow and Be Patron, I Moore at Thompson IL Lindsay, 112 .34 Sydney Embossers, Grains's, Painters, Paper. Newman Alfred 0., 32 Pitt it Maeda hangers, hanger:: and General House Deco. Newman Walter, 8 Hunter at Thorpe IL G., 11 Bond it raters. Men sent to the Nixon William and Son, 109 Pitt et Tidawell Thos., Challis House, Martin pl. Country, Telephone 1100, Norris 11. O., 44 Castlereagh at Treen W. A., TO Pitt et Ohopman J. 0. and Son, 10 Glen et, Bondi Hurley N. A, "Wyoming," Macquarie at Vennard & N., 4.0 Castlereagh it Crisp Bros., 1114 Pitt it A.er, SYDNEY GALLERY ILTHOUSE a, GEIER WOOD, OOFFILL ANO COMPANY LTD. Walt472.84 HARM St. looNt 166 Own ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR SHOPPING BY POST. 1776Art TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR THE QUINTESSENCE OF QUALITY. Art CROCOCK'S ARTIFICIAL LIMBS Are made to the Best and Latest American Models. All Legs are fitted with GROCOCK'S SPECIAL RUBBER FOOT In this the movements are so nearly those of the natural foot that the necessity of the ankle joint is past. FIT, WORKMANSHIP & MATERIALS GUARANTEED Quotations and Advice Free. Specialist in Artificial Limbs, Orthopoedic Appliances, Trusses, Belts, Hosiery, etc. 'Phone City 6354. Opposite Elizabeth St. SYDNEY. GROH H. H. & CO. 'Phone City 6354. National Art Gallery of N.S.W.—E. Du Faur, ElLG.S., president ; CI. V. F. Mn tin, secretary and superintendent, Dmunin Royal Art Soc iety of W. ListerLister. president ; K 11. Oxnard Smith, 849-355-39) csrner George and Ban hon. secretary, 76 Pitt at rack Streets, opposite General Post Telephones 6336 City (10 lines) Office. SANDS JOHN LTD., 374 George at Lyon, °tidier end Co., McLaughlin ace Turner and Henderson, Ltd., 18 . 18 Hunter Lyons and MeEwen, 155 Elizabeth st street rt.rotors continued— JONES DAVID ! LTD. SANDY JAMES and CO., Ltd.. .826-328 George at ANT METAL WORKERS. Amos A., 121 Botany rd, Waterloo Wunderlich Limited—Factory and office Barnett W. D., 1843 Kent at liaptiet It, Redfern ; tile yard, Neuteal Ba y ; town °Mee sod showrooms, $6 Pitt et Art Metal Workers, 32 King at, Newtown. Tel. 187 Newtown ART FURNISHERS. Farmer and Co., Ltd., N'ictorla House, Pitt Gino Louis and Co., 75 Liverpool et Market end George eta Hawke P., 13 Castlereugh at Grace Bros., Ito 11 Broadway, Glebe Lynch J. P. MidLtd.. Quay at HORDERN ANTHONY & SONS. Platers Limited, 140 Stews at LTD., Sydney — (See headlines Richard Bros., 2D Angel at. Newtown Richard A11'4'0,117 The Boulevard, Didthroughout D1aiter0112) wieh 11111 SANDS JOHN LTD., 874 George at CASTLE J. AND SONS JONES DAVID, LTD. WUNDERLICH LIMITED — Hogarth Miss, Victoria a ye, Chatswood MeNeilly Mist N., 389 George sal Scurr Miss K, Burwood rd, Burwood Steffanoni Madame, 31 Clarence St ART PUBLISHERS. BIRN BROTHERS ( London), Fine Art Publishers and Pint Card Manufacturers—A. Groenewotel, Manager in Australasia, Equitable Building, 350 I leorge at, Sydney ELECTRIC PHOTO-ENGRAVING 00. OF AUSTRALASIA. LTD., 93 PITT ST. 511scamble W. A., Ill The Strand SANDS JOHN LTD., 374 George et Shine Thomas', 84 Elizabeth at Turner mid Iletalerson, Ltd., 16 Hunter et ARTIFICIAL FLOWER MAKERS, On gslii Mrs., 162 Regent at, Redfern Flower Manufacturing Co., 12-16 Regent st lintne wits). W., 221 U letlinorn rd, Padlon Longley A., 40 Mitehell rtl, Alexandria Thompson U., 8 O'Connell a t, NeWLOWII ARTIFICIAL LIMO MAKERS. Factory and Moe, Baptist at, Redfern; Town Office slid Showroom*, 56 Pitt at; Tno Yard, Neutral Bay. S1140811,4 iii Artillelsi Limbo, Orilla -pestle A ppliancee, Trueses, ('to., 80 ART OALLERIES. ANT NEIDLEWORKERS, Hunter at. Tel. City 6331. (See Ablenhoven W„ 74 limiter et Bennett Mrs. C„ 13-15 Byline • Arcade All y ! above) Bernard D. and Co,, 887 George at it Lear Fredrick, We lker owl Blue eta Church Misses J. allli M., 20 Will Joyner's Art Galler y , 250 New Cstiterbury Ifobbs Mrs. Susan, 821ooper at North Sydney rI, Dulwich 111 I . . WOOD, COFFILLI COMPANY LTaiNEAD OFFICEi BULWARRA RD.,PYRMONT. 'PRON1726 /1,1160 CENTRAL 349 . 8554159 corner George and Barrack Streets, opposite Geeeral Post Office. 'I'tslephones 6330 City (I0 lines) Frank Loud,, Cl Elizabeth at Spring Mrs. Ii. 51., 107 Castlereagh st ARTISTS. Franklin and Enemark, 12-14 O'Connell at Stainforth M.. 56 I Iunter at Aitken Mrs. C., Sorrell at, Parramatta French School of Pen Painting, 21 CastleSydney Art School, 127 Q.V. Markets A Ileot .7. C., 51 Elizabeth at reagh at Thomas Fred. mad Co., 71-73 The Strand Allen Miss V. F., 25 Castlereagh at Gibbs Miss May, 2 Bridge st Thomas G. A., 228 Miller at, North Sydney Amati Signorina M., Botany rd, Botany Gillespie Miss F. M., 87 M'ooti st, Manly Thad/dill E. S., 255a George at Arnold Bros., 21 Oxford at, Paddington (lecher Wm. 11., 24 King at, Newtown Tregear Miss C., 14 Castlereagh at Arnold Miss, 41 Blue at, North Sydney' Graham J. A., 81 Elizabeth at Tregear F. J., 15 Bridge at At to Company, 54 Oxford at Hammon G. Hamilton, Mary at, Long'ville Turner C. and H. W., 44 Castlereagh st Ashton Julian It., 127 Q.V. Markets ; p.r., Hanson Albert J., Stanton rd, Haberfleld Tyler John W., 39 English st,Camperdown Denham at, Bondi Hardie Mrs. E., 431 Glen/nor° rd, Ptellon Valentine John, 52 Flinders at Auld J. Muir, 31 Jamieson st Harris 31is E., 18 Bridge st Weller Sydney, 383 . 385 George at Balfour L., 8.9a Pitt at Mutt Cecil, 19 Bunter at Watkins J. S., 31 Jamieson at Baron H. J: A., 9 Castlereagh st Hitchcock S. P., Terminus st, Liverpool Weatherley G., Elewick at, Leichhanit Barrett A. W., French's rd, Willoughby liodgion W. J., 79 Metropolitan rd, Webb 31, L., 84 Elizabeth st Barrie Charles 11.. 316 George at Entnore Whaite Harry, 18 Comber st, Paddington Barrow G. H.,93 Pitt at Hopkins L., BULLETIN Office, 214 George Wilkes Mrs. M.,51 Royal Arcade, George st Beaver Miss, 158 Falcon at, North Sydney st north Woods (Laud P., 316 Pitt st Beck and Skids, 9 Hamilton at Hunt C. II., 44 Castlereagh st Beck Mrs. M., 110 Miller at Hurt C. 1 Campbell at Benison P., cor. Grosvenor and George sts Ireland Mrs. B., 327 George at Black and Whyte, 14 Moore at ARTISTS (LITHOGRAPHIC). Illaektrorc Miss, 25 Norton at, Leichhardt Jardine W., 44 Castlereagh at Bedkober F. J., 170 Pitt at Jessup Frank, 32 Renwick et, Leichhardt Blake Y. J., 545 George at Franklin and Enemark, 12-14 O'Connell st Johnson Castle, 178 Pitt at Bodeen E., 335a George at Raynor F. W. and 033., 482 George st. Johnston W., 166 King at Booker Frederick, 21 Tudor at Jones and Jardine, 178 Castlereagh at Booth Miss J., 88 King st Bradwyn B. E. J., off Merrylands rd, Jones Miss F. Booth, 107 Castlereagh at Kain Arthur, 112a King at Wentworthville 374 George at Kemmis S., 135 King at Brock 0., 44 Castlereagh at Kni g ht J. A., 5 Oxford st, Newtown Turner & Henderson, Ltd., 16-18 Hunter at Broughton Glen, 1066 King st Laidlaw and Ilarris, 64 Union at Turner C. and II. W., 44 Castlereagh at Campbell Percy IL, 225 Elizabeth et Cotter Norman, 56 Hunter at; p.r., 47 Langley MISS K. E., 3950 George st Laycock Miss Gladys, 82 Pitt at Shadforth at, Mosman Leonanl J. IL, 121 Bathurst at Chimney Miss A., 110 Oxford at, Wool'ra ARTISTS' MATERIAL IMPORTERS. Milian Edward, 407 Harris at Chativel Miss L., Livingstone rd, See also Stationers. Lister-Lister W., Ash st, off 338 George at; Chambers Miss E., 40 Hunter at p.r., 30 Redau at, Mosman BARNETT, LEOPOLD & CO., Christie Miss N. 199 Q.V. Markets Lockie D'Carteret, 2 Bowman at, D'moyne 306 to 308 Pitt at, Sydney Chri-topulo 0. E., 256 Pitt at Clint Alfred, Woodward ace, Strathfieldi Lorimer Vernon, 79 Pitt at Grace Bros., 1 to 11 Broadway, Glebe Loudon Miss E. M., 2 Bridge at Clutterhuck Mrs. and Miss Macqueen, $1 McAuliffe P. F., Foys Chambers, 1 Bond at Hunter at McCarron, Stewart and Co., 22-26 Gaul. Coffey A., 108 Queen at, Woollahra burn at Coffey A. It., 177 l'itt St Mann G. V. E, 56 Hunter at Coffey Alfred, Trelawney at, Woollahra 525 George at, Brickfleld 11111. Bulk Martin 'Telford 0., 281-286 Castlereagh at Cones T., 119 Phillip at Stores, 504 Kent at. Telephones, City Mason Miss, Ash at, oft 338 George at CollIngrldge F. M., Parriunatta rd, Hyde 3173 and 6146 Mills Miss L., 88 King at. Collins Albert E., 17 Bond at Honking Fred., 12 Royal Arcade Moore Mrs. Louie, 308 Oxford at, W'ahra Collins Charles, J.1'., 236 George st Penfold W. C. and Co., 183 Pitt at °mitts James, 7 Cromwell at, Leichhardt Morrow Mtge A., 54 Elizsbeth at Murray Alfred, 81 Busily rd, Waterloo Craig Robert W., 107 Castlereagh at Newman Miss A., 50 Hunter it Croaker Miss 0. P., 41 Castlereagh at Crown Bromide Enlargement Co., 448 Newman O. E., 4 Halley st 374 George at Oldfleld Misers, 70 Pitt at George at Paul Miss Connie, 16 Castlereagh at Sandy James and Co., Ltd., 326.328 George Cruden J. 0., 182 Pitt at street Plguenit W. U., Avenue rd, Hunter's Hill Curran MISS F., 133 King at Turner & Henderson. Ltd., 18-18 Hunter at Gilead( Miss A., Ash at, of 338 George it Piroltatt E., 89 Oxford et, Waverley Cusack Miss H., Ash i at, off 338 George et Plummer A. .3., Northwood rd, Lane Cove Vol ha (J., 139 Devonshire at Dakiii Miss, 73 Sydney Arcade ARTISTS IN STAINED CLASS. Proctor J. M., 289 Pitt at Dattllo-Rubbo Antonio, 9 Rowe at Proctor Miss Theo, 166 Xing st Althouse and Uelget, 109 Liverpool at Declosay E. T., 514 Elizabeth at Ashwin P. and Co., 85 Commonwealth at do Witt Mrs. F. A., 30Simmone at, Humor° Reed J. W., 93 Pitt at Reed James W., Sliver at, Blakehurst Ashwin John and Co., 81 Dixon at Douglas Miss J., 21 Fraser rd, Lewisham Riches William, 62 Pitt at Caudwell and Cattenach Ltd., 89 Francis Edwell M184 11., 56 limiter at at, Glebe Eland William, 426 King at sonth,N'town Roberti 61iss C., 159 Lilydale at, 51'vIlle Midway Miss Florence, 5tI Hunter at Couldery W. and Co., 389 Pitt at liblerehaw J. IL, 3 Bond et Rogers W. T., 283 Pitt at Lyon, Oottler and Co., McLaughlin are Russell Miss M., 88 King st Lyons and MoRwen, 155 Elizabeth at Sandy James and Co., Ltd., 326-328 St. George T. A., 224 Glebe Pt. rd, Globe ELECTRIC George at Tarrant P. J., 24 Taylor at SANDS JOHN (LTD.) S. G. GROCOCK 80 HUNTER ST. ArtTRADES AND PROFESSIONS.Asb1777 GROCOCK S. G. SANDS JOHN (LTD.) Photo-Engraving Co. OF AUSTRALASIA, SANDS JOHN (LTD.) 374 George at ARTISTIC DECORATORS. Sands Mrs. Llewellyn, Regent at, Kogamh SANDY JAMES AND 00., LTD., Ransom Mrs. Emma, WO King et 826-828 George at 93 PITT STREET. Smartt Cor Wit, 288 Pitt fit Satchel! 0, Vt., 169 The Strand Telephone 007 ASBESTOS 10ILER-COVERINO Schmidt (J. II., 81 Elisabeth at Scott Mil. It, Australia at, Camperdown MANUFACTURERS. Ellery V., King at, !dreamt fiery/111;cm Mks M., 88 King at Bumbler Supply Co, Ltil„ 280 George et Smith and Julius, 70 York at ADAMS WILLIAM AND COM• Farmer and Co., 88 Carrington at Smith Edward M., 11 Queen at, Woollaltra PANY, LIMITED, Ill and 175 Penton Mrs. J. 494 Kin g at, Newtown Clarence at, corner of King at. Tote. Sparks Frank, 8 511111111 at, North Sydney phones 670 and 2313 Central Foca Mrs. H. A., WI Ittigocliffe ni, Wool. Spence Percy F. S., 950 George at lahra LIMITED, TNI SIMPLEST OR THE STATELIEST FUNERAL CONNOTED TO THE SATISFACTION OF ALL CLIENTS ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR EATABLES AND WEARABLES, 1778 AsbTRADES AND PROFESSIONS.Ass Amalgamated Hotel and Caterers' Employees' Mutual Benefit Association BELL'S ASBESTOS AUSTRAH. Morris, secretary, 24 Moore st MAN AGENCY,LTD., Belt's Amalgamated Journeymen Tailors' AssoAsbestos Non . CondisetingCompociation of N.S,W., Trades' Hall, Goalsition and Asbestos RopeLagging, born at 315 Kent et, Sydney, and at Melbourne Atnalgnmated Milk Supply, 81 George at andFrementte.Tel.9235 ;P.O. west Box 1078 Annilaansated Miner's Assn, C. Davis, sec., Goldburti at Sprod Charles and Son, 83 St. John's rd Amalgamated Railways MI Tramways Forest Lodge Association-Claude Thompson, see., 793 George at AmateurFishermen'sAssociationof ASBESTOS 00005 MANUFACTURERS. N.E.W., Ltd., 240 Pitt at ADAMS WILLIAM AND COMAssociation of Accountants of Australia PANY,LIMITED, 173 nod 175 Incorporated. Are Upjohn, F.A.LA. Clarence st, corner of ICIng at, Telehon. see., 163 Pitt at phones 679 and 2313, Central Assurance mid Thrift Association, Ltd.BELL'S ASBESTOS AUSTRAW, R.Bovey, F.F.A., LIAN AGENCY, LTD., Manudirector, 255a George at facturersofallkindsof Asbestos nstralaainn Association for the Ad sue neeGoods,315 Kent at, Sydney, and at mein of Science, 6 Elizabeth at Melbourne MidFremantle.Tel. Australasian Corporation of Pablie Ae8285; P.O. Box 1078 eanntants--S. J.Carruthers J.P., PATENT ASPHALTUM CO. OF N.S.W.-Herhert A, Jones and B. F.O.P.A., registrar, Stanway House, ' W. Mansell, Proprietors, 20Druitt 77 King it ASBESTOS MANUFACTURERS. it. Works,Gore's Bay,Greenwich Australasian Institute of Marine Engl. Telephone City 1077 steers, 35 Pitt at Indlitrubber, flu Camelia, and Telegraph Quigley P., 46 West st, North Sydney Australasian Massage Association, 76 Pitt Works, Ltd., 279 George at Smith George, 104 Crystal at. Petersham at Staples J.11, 179 N.S.II. rd, Paddington Austribudan Provincial Prose Association, Stockbridge J. A., ri Moucur st, Wahra 178 Castlereagh st Aebestos Boiler and Steam Pipe Cov- Wales Wr. 44 Dowling st, Cowper Wharf Australasian Steamship Owners' Federaand Parramatta tion-C. It Smith, secretary, Equitering Contractor, " Alabama, "21 Walton It. 0., Harnett a y e, bIarrickville able building, George et Corinna rd, Stanmoro Australasian Trained N asses' AssociationSpred Charles & Son, 83 St. Johns rd, Tor. Weaves 11. S., 1 Vietm la st,Lewleham Westbrook W. H., 28 Albion at MissJamas,secretary, Equitable Lodge. Westbrook W., LP., 94 Allen st, L'harelt building, George at Australaff an Union Conference Association, Fox Valley rd, Wahroonga MUTH PAINT IMPORTERS. ASSAYERS. Australian Boot Trade Employees' FederaAdams William and Company, Ltd., 173 Bristow C., A.I.7d.M., 93 Pitt st tion (N.S.W. branch) -David Johnand 175 Clarence it, corner of King at Byrn G. A., F.1.0.,F.C.S., 97 Pitt it atone, secretary, 120 Redfern st, Wfern BARNETT, LEOPOLD AND CO., DIXON AND BYRN (A. J. Dixon, AmaralLau FederatedTheatrical Em. 306-308 Pitt at, Sydney playa& Asiothation, 201 Castlereagh st F.I.O., F.C,S., and G. A Byrn, F.1.O., Australian Freedom League, 32 Elizabeth F.C.S.), 97 Pitt at. Established 1873 at Dixon A. J., 11.1.0„ P.O S., 97 Pitt st ASPHALT MANUFACTURERS AND Australian Institute of Secretaries-II. K. Dixon IV. A., F.1.0., F.C.S., 97 Pitt tit Macfle, II.C.P.A., see., IIMoore at Gentles WEL, 9 IVyityard lane REFINERS. AustralianJunrnalists' Association ( N.S.W. . Kopech aall. F. G. & Co., B Bridge at FederalValuta-TraversMullaneCo, District), 24 Moore et Mayne James, 44 Castlereagh at Hudson tit, Redfern Australian Lougwool Slisephreederd AssoOakes E. W. and 0o, 5 Little George at ciation, 10 111411 at PATENT ASPHALTUM 00. OF Ord and Welch, SO Hunter at Australian Natives' Association, 107 Pitt N.S.W.- Herbert A. Jones and B. Roberts W. F., 100 Pitt it at W.Mansell,Proprietors, 20 foot of Smith Jolla McGartle, 89 Holdsworth at, Australian Protestant Defence Association Drnitt at.Works, Gore's Bay, GreenWoollahra (office), York et wich.Telephone City 1077 Turner Basil, 83 Pitt it Australian Saddlery Trade Employees FedNeuchatel Asphalt Co., Ltd., 10 Spring at °retina,H.Lee, see., Trail'sHall, Telephone : City 4074, Cloulbunt it Australian Trailers' Co-operative AsaoelaEstablished 1816. ASPHALTERS. Um, Limited-T. Breen,manager, 158 Pitt it Australian Vaudeville Artiste' Federation, 184 /'Itt at Asphalting, Stone, Cabe sad Wood Board for the Protection of Aborigines, ASSAYERS I ICAL BlockContractors, Hay at, Darling 103 . 107 Phillip at Harbour. Telephones, City 0784 and CHEMISTS, BootManufacturers' Mutual Indemnity Batman] 660, 657,068 and 069,Sydney Association Ltd., 54 'Clarence at City °moll Contractors 20 Oast! A h St. Sydney, BreadOars-era'Galion,199Georgeet, Rest M., 8 and 107 Bridge rd, Glebe Cam pertlown Donillen T. D., Burlington rl, llomehugh Speelal Attention to Sampling Brewers'BottleAssociation (The), 314 Brawn W. and Sans, II ihnlerwood at, Bulwarra ril Shipments of Ore. Paddington iltiltIsit Immigration Leagne el Australia, Collins John, 16 Oxford at, Woolialirn 14 °Rath-magi' at Craw and Sons, VI Liverpool ist, Ashfleld Watt F. L., Reiby BritishMedicalAssociation (10.9.W Day Jolla, 4071 Kent st — It. H. Todd, lion. see., branetn-Dr, DI/worth G., 103 Miller at, North Sydney ASSOCIATIONS. 82.31 Elizabeth at Duffy Peter, GI Marlon it, Leloltherdt Accident Underwriters'Association of Buyers and Hollers of Australia Co., Ltd., R y an, D. ft., Help at, ChM-Wood Bond and Pitt sts N.S.W.-F. W. Wilson, sea., 56 Pitt at Form. Edward, Trafalgar at, StanMore Actors' Associationof Austrainala, 299a Carcase Eutaw's' Amoolation-9. Froths J., Vomit rd, HundvIlle secretary, 793 George at ritt Griffin Timothy, 14 Glover at, Mormons After Care Mon ; Mins C. A. Daly, see. Catholic Federation (The), 197 Casttereagh Hansel! Alfred, 4 Alien st, tetrad/ark it DO (Sangre at WOOD, COFFILL AND COMPANY LTD, BRANCHES MA SUBURBS. SEE ALPHABETICAL SECTION Antos Rolle; •Coreri as, etc. condoned- Hansel George, Pile at, Dulwich 11111 Hansel' W. G., Evalthe at, Compd.° Ilawkslmw andOwen,1/lawarra eel, rickville Hogan Frederick 0., Oxford at, Barwood Holley Thomas, Malys° ril, Stratialeld Holmes Henry, Hawthorn at, Leielinardt t 'matey W. & Sons, Pip.w at, Lelehhardt "I matte Pavings Ltd., 109 Pitt at Jago 11. .M., 12 Bruce at, Stanmore Kirby James A., 66 Jarrett at, Leichhardt LAWLER W H Asphalter, Carrier, and Contractor. Established 25 years, Tie cheapest and the beat Asphalting laid by W. H. Lawler, 446 King at south, Newtown. Tel. 242 Newtown Little Timmins, 14 Lone Cove rd, North Sydney McAuliffe J., Bowmer at, Itanksia Murray Richard, 70 Ebicy it, Waveriey Mylan John, 438 Darling at, Ralmain Neuolintel Asphalt Co., 16 Spring it Nolan Denis,Watera rd, Naremburn MACINTYRE EDWARD BELL & FRAZER LTD. VALE & CAMERON, ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR A HOUSEWIFE'S HARVEST, AssTRADES AND PROFESSIONS.Ass1779 Catholic Wommes Assecintian- Mrs. E. Horticultural Association of N.S.W.-W. Municipal Employees' Union, ICU/Q.V. Ms. Leary, secretary, 299a Pitt at Mitchell, secy., 238 Castlereagh at National Misoclation-Miss I. Valicntine, Child Study Association of Australasia- Hospital Saturday Fund Office-John J. sea, 32 Elizabeth at Mrs.ILIzett,sec., 281-286 CastleCohen, ALLA., general hon. secretary, National Association for the Prevention magi) at 176 Queen Vletoria Markets and Cure of Consumption, Parker at ChineseNationalist Associlittion.- Sowe Hotel,Club,RestaurantacidCaterers' NationalCoursingAssociation - A. D. (21 ,011 g, hon. secretary, 155 George at Employees' Union of N S.W.-J. .7 Webb, sec., 113 Pitt et Church Extension Association, 44 Queen Messiah, M.L.A., gen. secretary, 338 National lark Trust Office, 5 Bligli at st, Wooilithra Pitt at Nationat Progressive Association-Cliartes II. Lloyd, sec., 25-29a Elizabeth it CIVIL AMBULANCE & TRANS- HotelPropertyOwners' Associationof N.S.W.-R. R. Oaten, see.,333a George National RifleAssociation ofN.S.W.PORT BRIGADE OF N.S.W.street Meat. H. Dakin, secretary, Equitable Head Station and Secretary's Office, building, 350 George st New Railway Station, Pitt at; Tel. Independent Cable Association, Lld., 17r1 Castlereagh at N.S.W. 5frilical Protection Association, 2010; Ciroular Qy. Station, Phillip at IronTradesEmployers'Asseetation Angel place, off 127 Pitt at Clean Towel Association, 46 Elizabeth at W. B.Chilton, see.,Cliallk House, N.S.W. Ambulance Association, Circular Commercial Travellers' Ammeintion of Martin place Quay New South Wales-A. It, Cooke, J.P., Labour Council of N.S.1Y-E. J. Nava- N.S.W. Alliance Headquarters Co., LW,aeoretary,cor. Castlereagh& Moore sts NI.L.C., sec., Goulbarn at 3. Marion, secretary, isomer Park and Ca-operative Legal Mil Association C..7. LeagueofN.S.W.Wheelmen - L.S. Castlereagh its Bettye, manager, 6 Rowe et Leadley, secretary, 327 George at N.S.W. AthleticLeague - Riohard It. Country Press Association-T. Ii, Shakes- Leielzhardl,Petersinun & District Amateur Oaten, secretary, 114a Pitt it peare, sec., 176. 178 Castlereagh at Fishermen's Assoolation, 561 Parra' N.DW. Bowling Association-T. W. ShadCountry Traders' Association ot /matte rd, retereliam forth, hon. sec., 12 Castlereagh at (Tite)-J. H. King, secretary,Bull's Liberal Association of N.S.W.-Arcluble N.S.W. 13rassfonntlers' Association-Boles chambers, 14 Moore at 1'ork/1111, secretary, 109 Pitt it 11. Raineford, aro., 350 George at Dairy Farmers' Association of MAY. Liquor Trade's Defence Milan of N.S.W.- N.S.W. Bush Nursing Association, 310 114a Pitt at Edwin Stroke, Bea, 335a George st George at Dental Association of N.S.)V., 5 Elizabeth Litligow Coal Assordation-J. 8, Bragg, N.S.W. Chamber of Agriculture-W. street secretary, Hoskins' building, 3 Spring Pickup, i.e.,. see., I l4a Pitt at Eastern Suburbs Medical Association-Dr. N.S.W. Climber of Manufacture, F. H. B. Gluten, searetery, 66 Pettkivil Local Government Association of N.S.W. pomted -H. E. Pratt.,, president at, Bondi -A.II.Bluett,solicitor,secretary, Will J. Donnelly, ,LP., secretary,7 Electrical Association of N.S.W., 5 Eliza103-104 Q.V. Markets O'Connell et beth it Local Government Clerks' Association of 74.5W. Church Missionary AssociationEmpire Press Union (Australian sootiest), N.S.W.-E. C.Bluett,am.,12-14 Rev. S. H. Denman, see., 120-183 The II Moore at O'Connell at Strand Employers' Federation of N.S.W.-Alex. Manufacturing Chemists and Proprietors N.S.W. City and Suburban Gas Consumer,' Peel Wyly, sea., El Ittintet at Asisociation-Rex Cullen Ward, sec., Proksstive Association-Will Hadfield, Engineering Association of N. S. W.,5 tI3 Pitt at manager, 60 Elizabeth at Elinsbeth it Master Bakers' dasociation-M. Thomson, N.S.W. CountryPress Aesoclation-T. Farmers'andSettlers'Associationof areeoare gita i aryt , Rotes chambers, 60 CantleM. Shakespeare, secretary, 178 CastleN.S.W.-T. I, Campbell, J.P.. gen, sec., reagh at 7 O'Connell at Master linkers' Federal Association-M. NS.Y7 . CricketAssociation-Percy N. Fat Stock Buyers' Association, 67 Market Thomson, secretary, 66 Castlereagh at Bowden, J.P., secretary, 14 Moore at at Master Bakers' Bohm! Indemnity Associ- N.S.W. Federal Liberal League-Aro/Wale Federal Ironworkers' Association-Trades ation, 4-6 Castlereagh st Parkhill, secretary, 109 Pitt it Hall, Goulhurn at Master Builders' Association of N.SAV.- N.S.W. Interatato Steamship Owners' AsFederal Institute of Accountanta (N.S.W. N.PhelpsRichards,secretary, 12 sociation- C. E,Smith,secretary, Division)-Lionei C. Erierfey, A.F.1.A., Castlereagh at Equitable building, George at secretary, 10 Castlereagh at Master Butcher,' Association of N.S.W., N.S.W. Justice,' Association-Lionel O. Federated Engine Driver's and Firemen's 273 George et Bricriey, A.F.I.A., F.A.I.S, secretary, Association-F. J. Turner, J.P., Secy., Master Carrlerse Association of MAY10 Castlereagh it Trades hall, Ontilborti at A. A. Hawtrey, see., 17 Loftin' at N.S,W. Lawn Tensile Association, Ltd., Federated Engine Drivers' anti Firemen's Muter Monumental Masons' Association 273 George st Federated Council-it. A. Mitchell of N S. W., 05 (Southern at N.S.W. Locomotive E. D. & F. Aasociation J.P., secy., Trades Hall, Gaullism ' at Master Plumbers' Mutual Indemnity As-W. Ainsworth, secretary, 221 King redtrated Jewellers, Watoluntikersand sociation, Ltd., 4 . 6 Ceatlereagit it at, Newtown Athol Trades UnionofMistretta Marl era Printers' and Connected Trades N.S.W. Manx. Ass'is -249 Oaatierengh at (MS. W. Itranab)-11. W, Dickio, sec., Association-O. Mather, secretary, 1 N.S.W. Marine Ambulance Association111a Pitt et A. K. Brown, see., Circular Quay Pedestal Marble Stawarda & Pantrymen's Masta d ali t ailere Ansoelation-S. J. Oar- N.S.W.MasterIlitirdreworsmidTobBorn E Association of Australasia, 130 SLUM% rather., secretary, 77 King it acconist Association 793 George at Idreet Master Tailors' maaelation-lt. S. Wick- N.S.W. Medical Union-Drs, A. Jerrie Folerated Masters' 110.1 Engineers' Aaso limn, sec., 681 Pitt at Hood, J.P., and J. Macdonald GER elation of Australasia, York at, Church Merchants' flail Trailers' Assoolation, Ltd bon, secs., 92-34 Elizabeth at Hill -JohttGibbs,Jr., . MAW,and NSW. IfillOwnene Association, 40 Kling at Tolerated Seamen's Union of AustralasiaQueensland, managingdirector ; S. Newmgents' Association - 110 Arthur Cooper, J.P., gen. sec., 46.53 J. Douglass, J.P.,secretary,Gibbs' Bathurst it Clarenee at chambers, 7 5Iooro at, & at Newcastle 74.5W. Pubno Morals Assn., 403 Sussex at Federated Stewards' and Cooks' IN ion of Methodist Local Preachers!' Association of N.S.W. Recall Ormolu' Amsoelation, 400 A ustralasia, 130 Sawa at N.S.W., 139 ritatlerengli at Sussex at Fire Underwriters' Association of MAW. Metropolitan Hoard of W. S. & Sewerage N.S.W. Retail Jewellers' Aseoelation, 107 -Frederick Cox, secretary, Exchange. EtnIrloyees'Association, 169Q, V, Pitt at psi; Pitt et Markets; N,S,W, Rugby Football League — hi. It. Prertade and Land Woes League-A, 0, Metropolitan Rugby Union-W. V. 11111, Larkin, secretary, Id Pitt at 11 ale, see.. 67 Market at accretes'', 6 Mist' at N. SW. Rugby ila1011 — W. W. 11111, semPrat Carriers' Mamie Gnu, Darker at Milking Ethan horn Cattle Association of Cary, 6 Illiglt Trott Orowere' Gripisratt ye Arsoelatim of N.S.W.-W. l'itto, sec., 136 Glebe 11.5,W.SheepBreeders'MmoolistionA URImita, Ltd., 0 Steam 51111 at Point rd, Glebe Hale N. Bowden, J.P., seeretary, 8 (InsEmp i oyeee -8.Ravenna, secretary, Mho Owners' Assoolatian of N.S.W.-W. OnatIcreagh at Trades Dail, GI/Illhorn at Tarleton. secretary, 107 l'Itt st N.S.W. Sports Club Ltd.- F. U. UnderGirls' Realm Work, 76 rut at Motor Trade', Awootation of N.B.W., 145 wood, secretary, 10-12 Hunter it ttood Ronde Association of N.5.W.-11 R. Castlereagh at N.S.W. Typographical Mwociallon-1t. H. Cooper, limy., 11 Martin lilacs York, aeo., Trades Hall, (101111/11111 at AS FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND CONTRACTORS WE SERVE ALL WITH EQUITY AND ECONOMY ANTHONY HORDERNS' 1780Asy — ONLY UNIVERSAL PROVIDERS, TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. Auc Associations con tatted— Teachers' Guild of N.S.W., 84 Elizabeth at ALLDIS'AND CO., LTD., Auctioneers, Zealand Press Association — 81 Typist Association (The), 350 George at Stock, Station & Real Estate A cents Elizabeth sl United Clerks Union of N.S.W.—T. B. and Sworn Valuators under 11. P. Newspaper Cartoonists' Association of Richmond, secretary, Y.M.C.A. BuildAct. Offices and Salerooms, BONDI Sydney, 5 Moore at ing, Pitt St JUNCTION. Tel. 38 Waverley. City Northumberland and Durham Association, United Country Storekeepers' and Traders' Office : 52 l'itt st, Sydney 459 Pitt at Association of N.S.W. — Maxwell Backhouse and Gosaler, Mutual Life of Operative Bakers Association, Trades Keely, secretary, 11 Moore at New York Buildings, Martin place 'Hall Goulbourn st United Licensed Victuallers' Association of Oversell Shipping Representatives—C. E. N.S.W.—Charles Low, general secre- Barnard Co., 77 Castlereagh at Batt, Itodd and Purees, Ltd., 88 Pitt at Smith Secretary, 350 George at tary, 164 Pitt at P.A.T. Association L., %ions, secretary, 14 Wine and Spirit Association of N.S.W. Batchelor and Tait, Ltd., Marian at, Wier» Battle E. A., 102 Church at, Parramatta Castlereagh et (The). 335a George st Pastoral Committee for Investigation of Women's Liberal League, N.S.W. corner Beale 3.11. and Co., 289 Pitt at Beaumont W. N. and Co., 247 George st the Blow Fly Pest, 10 Blii.th at George and Wynyanl at Pastoral Finance Assoc:ation, Limited Wool Brokers' Association—John Leach, Berryman and Whittingstall, Carlton par, Carlton H. Chilton Young, manager, 23 secretary, 11 Macquarie St Phillip st ; and at North Sydney Woolclassers' Association of N.S.W., 14 Bogle Alfred H. and Co., 223 Darling at. Ballfillill Pastoralists' Union of N.S.W.—John Muir, Moore at secretary, 3 Spring at Young Men's Christian Association — Bradley Walter and Co., Commercial Bank Chambers, George and Margaret sts Perpetual Trading —, 105 Pitt at William Gillanders, B.A., general Brodribb E Ii., 776 George St Press Club Australian Journalists Associasecretary, 323.325 Pitt st tion (N.S.W. District), 24 Moot e at Young Women's Christian Association— Brought° c Ernest C. V., .1.P., 113 Pitt at Prisoners Aid Association of N.S W.—F. Miss Mary B. Hill general secretary, Brown Albert, 256 Pitt at J. Willard, managing secretary, 127 163 Castlereagh st, and Livepool rd, Brown Fred, Forest rtl, Hurstville Bryant and Hayes, 117-119 Sussex at Phillip at Ashfleld Burns Richard E.. J.P., South at, G'ville Protestant Alliance of Australasia—John Butler W. F., J.P., 941 Marrickville rd, :Wino'', grand secretary, 12 CastleDulwich Hill ASYLUMS. reagh at Cameron and 31cFadyen, 143 Sussex at Public Service Association of N.S.W.— See also InsMutions and Hospitals. Campbell and Jackson, 105 Alfred at, N. R. Peek, secretary, 32 Elizabeth at Asylum for Destitute Children — Joseph Sydney (see advt. Nth. Sydney section) Public Works Contractors' Association of Coulter, J.P., superintendent and Canty John M., 151 Regent St N.S.W.—N. Phelps Richards, secresecretary, Avoca at, Randwick Carroll Jas. & Co., 19 Hunter at tary, 12 Castlereagh at Bayview House, Tempe--.-A private hos- Ohisholin H. and Co., 60 Castlereagh at Queen's Jubilee Fund, 12 Castlereagh at pital for mental diseases—Medical Clarke and Solomons, 76 Pitt at Railway Workers' and General Labourers' superintendent, A. J. Vause, M.D., Clubb George, J.P., Weston ni, Rozelle. Association, 189 Q.V. Markets King at, Tempe Tel. 57 Balmain Rationalist Press Association LW. of Loudon—W. J. Miles hon. sec. for Benevolent Society's Asylum for Women Cohen Herman and Son, 174 George at and Children, Thomas at Cooper George L., 78 George at west N. S. IV., Challis House, Martin place Real Estate Auctioneers and Agents' Callan Park Hospital for the Insane— Cooper L., Gordon rd, St. Leonards W. IL Coutle, /11C111C111 ,superinten. Country Producers Selling Co. 1.W.-31. 1'. Association of N.S.W., 26 Hunter at dent, Bid main rd, Leichhardt Hennessy, secretary, 1 Bent st St. John Ambulance Brigade, N.S.W.— Boles 11. Rainsford, secretary, Equit- Cottage Homes for Aged Couples, Fitz- COX J. FRANK AND CO. william st,Parraniattn able building; 350 George st LIMITED, Auctioneers, MilanSt. John Ambulance Association, N.S.W. Gladesville Hospital for the Insane— cial and Property Agents, Lombard H. C. MoDouall, medical superintencentre—Boles It. Hainstord, secretary, Chambers, 107 Pitt at. Tel. 1957 City. dent ; G. Morton, senior medical Equitable building, George at Tram Tit minus Bondi Beach. Tel. 483. officer; Great Northern rd, Hunter's Sailmakers' Association, 240 Castlereagh at Waverley ; and ut Bondi Junction, tel. 11111 Sawmills and Timber Yards, Employees 798 Waverley Association, Trades 11811, Gouloourn Deaf and Dumb and Blind Institution, City rd, Darlington Coy George E., 72 Alfred at, North Sydney Shires Association of N.S.W.—T. 1. CampGovernment A.syltun for the Infirm— Crammond C. IL, 335 George stone! opp. bell, J.P., sec., 7 O'Connell at Mrs. M. Peake, matron superintenRailway Station, Petersham. Tel. 86 South African Soldiers Association of dent, George at, Parramatta Petersham N.S.W., 2 Bone. at Hospital for Insane, Fleet at, Parrannitta Darnley. Edward G. and Co., 24 Moore st Stockowners' Association of N.S.W.—A. Industrial Blind Institution—William II. Davis Sydney, 133 King at, and 98 North Pearse, secretary, 10 thigh at Tuckwell, accountant: henry Hedger, Moyne, Manly Sydney Coal ,Lumpers' Union, Argyle at manager, Boomerang at Sydney Bended and Free Stores AssociaInfants' Home, Henry at, tion, Challis House, Martin place Sydney and Brisbane %Vool Buyers' As- Infirm and Destitute Asylum— Miss M. Crimes, matron, Macquarie at, Parra(Successors to S. H. Harris and Co.)' societion W. J. McMahon, secretary, matte General Auctioneens end Valuators. 56 Pitt at Little Sisters of the Poor—Home for the Salesroom, 200 . 2e2-201 Castlereagh at. Sydney Clerks' amid Warehousemen's Aged and Infirm, Avoca at, Handwick Tel. 7802 City Benefit Associstion-375 George at Sydney Cricket Ground Trustees' Office— Newington Asylum—W. Megarvey, assistant superintendent, Day at, It'kwood DENT AND PERRY ( Established Robert F. Wyly, nut/lager and sec1882), Auctioneers, Pnsittee Alt-rRandwiek Asylum for Destitute Children retary, Ocean house, 21 Moore at eloads awl Commission Agents, 151 —Jmeph Coulter, J.P., superintendent, Sydney and Suburban Provident Medical Susserst, Sydney. Telephone 1049 Avoca at, Randwick Association — Dr. Acland Andrew Central. (74ble address, " Dent," Rookwood Benevolent Asylum—Dr. Bold. O'Hara, hon. sec., 32 . 34 Elizabeth at P.O. Box 4 King at Fox, medical auperintendent, Joseph Sydney Marine Underwriters' lend Salvage at, Rook wood Duff Hugh and Co., 283 George at, and at Association, Ltd.—W. II. Jackson, Chatswood and Arose's!' secretary, Exchange, 50 PLUM, Earl 11. M., Gibbons at, Redfern Sydney and North Shore Bridge League— ATLAS PUBLISHERS. (ugh Duff, ,1,1%, hon. see., 283 George Collins Brothere and Co., Ltd., 105 Edwards James G. & Co , 11 Moore at Elliott 11. I). and Co., The Crescent, A'llale at Clarence at HUAI Mercy and Co., 163 Pitt at Sydney Scottish Association, 457 Pitt at Sydney Stevedores' Wool Dumping and SANDS JOHN LTD., 374 George at Evans and Co., 150 En more rd, Etimore Lighterage Association, 3 Spring at Ferris A. II., A rgt at, Parramatta AUCTIONEERS. Fleming J. G. & Sons, 28a Campbell at Sydney and Suburban Timber Merchants' Amelation—F, IL Ceske, secretary, Ainsworth W. IL, J.P., 4 Norton at, Foley Brothers, Ltd., 355.357 Sussex at PendennIs chambers, 375 George atLeichlianP. Fraser, Uther and Co., Ltd., 8 Spring ISt Frost and Wallace, Marsden et, 1"matta T1181111111111 Federated Fruit Growers As . Allard Francis, J.P., 12 Castlereagh at sociationollarker at New DEAN AND CO. WOOD, COFFILL & COMPANY LTD. CENTRAL OFFICEs 810 . 12 GEORGE ST. 'PHONE 72841524 CENTRAL NEW PALACE EMPORIUM, BRICKFIELD HILL, SYDNEY. AucTRADES AND PROFESSIONS, Auc1781 Gant Claud J., 10 Barrack at Gledhill W., 2 Enntore rd, Newtown Goldsbrough, Mort and Company, Limited, Clic:Mar Quay, Pyrmont, and Darling Harbour Goodin P. F., 146 Enmore rd, Entnore GRAY J. W. AND CO., Grain and Farm Produce,Merchants, Auctioneers and Commission Agents, 139 Sussex at, Sydney. Tel. 4647 City GREEN J. E. AND CO., 28 Moore at Greig J. K. and Co., 81 Elizabeth at Gwilliam 11., 86 Church at, Parramatta Hogarty and Co., 33$ Staninore rd, M'ville Hain and Semirigid, 14 Loftus at ROgeria W.ParsOns A uotioneer, Lister John P., 39G Pitt at Lloyd C. F. %V., 182 Phillip St Macaulay A., 339 Pitt at McCoy and Co., 211 Marrickville rd, J. AND CO., Auctioneers and Estate Agents. 20 Castlereagh at (top of Moore at), City. Established 1889. Telephone 1529 City' MeINTYRE D. Mackenzie and Co., Ltd., 114a Pitt at and 305 Military u' I, Mosman .51c3fillan E. \V. It. & Ereeth , auctioneers, house and estate agents, Rockdale (opposite Station), (tel. Kog. 180) City office, Banking !louse chambers, 228 Pitt at, Sydney (tel., City 1924); sworn valuers under L.G. Act. ' All HALLORAN HENRY F. AND CO., bratethes agency business personally Vickery's Buildings, 82 Pitt at supervised Hanks T. Ilorsfall and Co., 5 Moore at McSlunio Montague, 386 Lane Cove rd, Hardie and Gorman Proprietary, Ltd., 133 North Sydney Pitt at, 3 Alfred at, Milson's Point, RIST.A.331.181a3333:5 1880.. MandelbergPark at Afandelberg and Cowper et, Waveriey J 6370 George at Harnett It., junoind Co.. 19 Hunter at Manuel Henry, 3I14 King at, Newtown Harris L. and Co., 79 Church at, Irmatta Marshall and Dempster, 112 Pitt at Harris and hialone, 90 Spit rd, Memel' LAND & ESTATE AGENT, STOCK & STATION AGENT, Victoria Chambers, HEGERTY 1. F. CO. Auctioneers and Estate Agents. Outdoor sales conducted. Valuations made. Rents collected. Properties to Let and for Sale. Clients driven to Inspect. Sworn Valuators under H.P. Act. Rockdale Auction Mart, °pp. Royal Hotel. Tel. 40 Kogarah Heighway and Higgs, 2-1 Hercules at Ashfield, tel. 317 Ashfleld ; and Burwood rd, Burwood Hendry %V. T., 125 Sussex at Henry Ivan, 35 thigh at 11111, Clark and Co., Ltd., bead office, 2 O'Connell at Hinton A. L., 76 Pitt at Hobtlen W. E., George at, Parramatta Hodgson Joseph, 173 Sussex at Honeytield 11. J. and Co., Railway par, Kogaralt Horning II. W. flIld Co., 131 Pitt at Howarth and Co., Quay st Inglis William and Son, George at, O'llown Isaacs S. E.. 707 George at and 194 Pitt at Jamey II. D. and Co., Corby's buildings, Auburn e(opposite station), and at llookwood Jackson awl Reilly. 117 Pitt at Jago W. E., .1.1' ,127 Church at, Pluatta Jenkins A. G., J.P., 274 Pitt at Jones J. T., J.P., 122 Redfern at, Redfern King it obert, Iltirwood rd, linrwood Knowles Francis E., Sfutual Life buildings, Afarthi piece Lang and Dawes, Auburn ril, Auburn Law Sydney J., 99 Weston rd, Rozelle Victoria Arcade, 44 Castlereagh Street (First Floor). LAWSON JAMES R. & LITTLE) 128. 130 I'itt et—(See Advt. page 1351) Leahy mid Co., Itl George at west Lee J. L., 18 Piinninatta rd, Petershatn Lennon HMI Co., 287 George st Levy Henry, 135 Regent at Auctioneers and Estate Agents, Sworn Valuators under the Real Property Act, 145 Redfern at, Redfern, and at Beaconsfield at, Bexley. Telephones 182 R. and 141 K. Middleton and Co., 160-170 George at west MILLS J. Y., Auctioneer, Arbitrator, Sworn Valuator under Real Property Act. Member of Real Estate Auctioneers' and Agents' Association of New South Wales, Insurance Broker. Valuator and Estate Agent, E. S. and A. Think Chatnbers, 72S King at. Tel,. City 1811. Mitchell and Cranston, 116 Abercrombie at Sfobbs G. II. and Co., opposite Railway Station, Parramatta Monro C., Gesell° at, Crontilla Mont de Piete, 18 Elmore rd, Newtown Morton A. J., 3 Castlereagh at Mossman and Ellis, 827 George at Murphy Hugh, Scott at, Liverpool Myles and Cashman, 81 Elizabeth at and Great North rtl, Five Dock NEW ZEALAND LOAN AND MERCANTILE AGENCY CO., LIMITED, Auctioneers for Wool, Produce, Grain, Stock and Station Propertitsi, &c., Bridge and Loftus sts, Sydney Newell W. J. and Co., 170 Sussex at Norton hi. Y., 114a Pitt at Palmer Henry J., SO Goulburn at Pearce E. I'., George at, Parramatta Peck J. M. amid Sons, 12-14 O'Connell at Member of Institute of W. A„ Real Estate Auctioneer Public Accountants, PETTIT and Agent (Established 1897), 208 King at, Newtown. Tel., 313 N'town laws W. J. and flowerdew Estates Managed. Auctioneers, Valuators and Property Agents, 365 Darling at, Balmain (opp. Town 1101). Telephones : Office, Bal. 11111111 ; W. J. Laws, Ashfleld 059 U. Flowerdew, Drummoyne 199. (See Advt. above name in Alpha.) Lawson Bros., Ltd., 50-51 William at MEDCALF & CO. Loans Negotiated. Valuations Made. Insurances Effected. Agent for Victoria Arcade, Telephone 547. Phillipps A. J. and Co., 32 Belgrave at, Pitt, Shoti ulY land Badger', Ltd., 4 O'Connell street Poultry Farmers' Co-operative Society Ltd., Parker at Prtsteott Limited, 365-375 Sussex at Price D., 133 King at Quinn T., 76 Pitt at RAINE AND HORNE, 86 Pitt st Ralph George, IVA roy at, Parrot/Jetta RawlInson and Co., 131 Church at, Pinatta RICHARDSON AND CO., Au°. tioneers, Estate, end Property Agents, 32 Moore at, Sydney ; also at Newcastle at, Rose Bay POSSESS AN EQUIPMENT SECOND TO NONE IN THE BRITISH EMPIRE ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR BENEFICIAL BUSINESS. 1782.AudTRADES AND PROFESSIONS. Auctioneers continued- RICHARDSON AND WRENCH, LTD., 08 Pitt at Rickard Arthur and Co., LW., 846 Pitt at Riedle, Howell and Co., 472 George at Robey, Hanson and Strong Ltd., The Corso, Manly Rush Walter and Co., offices and sale rooms, 2 Queen at, WooBeira SauteIle and Kelly, 8Va Pitt at R. SHAW AND CO., AUCTIONEERS And Real Estate Agents, Real Estate for Sale in all parts of the Commonwealth. Challis House, Martin Place, Sydney, N,B,W. TELEPHONE CITY T 150. BORCHARD ALBERT, F.C.P.A., Equitable Building, 350 George at, City Brierley and Brlerley, 10 Castlereagh at Brierley If. 0., F.I.A.V., F.P.I.A., F.O.P.A., Castlereagh chambers, 10 Castlereagh at Brierley H. Cecil, Castlereagh chambers, 10 Castlereagh st Brierley Lionel C., A.F.I.A., F.A.I.S., Castlereagh chambers, 10 Castler'gh at BROOKS AND DEANE, Belmont Building, 15 Castlereagh at Brooks Edward E., F.I.A.A., 15 Castlereegh at Bryant Alfred, 58 Pitt at Campbell George S., A.I.I.A., 60 Elizabeth at Carruthers, Ferran) and Co. (S. J. Carruthers, 3.1'., F.O.P.A., John Farram, A.C.P.A.), incorporated accountants, Stanway House, 77 King at. Tel., City 1468 and 1489 Carruthers S. J., J.P., F.O.P.A., Stan. way House, 77 King st ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR A SURETY OF SATISFACTION. Aus KENT, BRIERLEY AND SULLY, 50 The Strand, Sydney King Ralph W., 2b Castlereagh st Leplastrier L., Dimon buildings, 64 Pitt at Little James, It. L., Sidey and Co., 107 Pitt at Lord A. F. and Co., 369 George at MacBride W. T., 726 King at Mactie H. C., 11 Moore at McKell, Nalcorn and Russell, Hisser) Buildings, 64 Pitt at McKell N. Alcorn, Dixson buildings, 64 Pitt et. Tel. City 6056 MILES, SON AND CO. I Public Accountants, Auditors, etc., Challis Houso, Martin place Shaw Jas. T„ Boulevard°, Strathfleld Sheppard, Harvey & Co., 135-137 Sussex at CHRISTIE GEORGE AND COY. Miller and Musgrave, 113 Pitt at, Sydney (Geo.Christie, F.I.A.V., Allan Christie, Moses D., F.O.P.A., 58 Pitt at Shoppee P. J., J.P., 113 Elizabeth at L.U.A.), Consulting Accountants PERRY AND JOHNSON, Challis Slack &Co., Church and Argyle sts, P'matta and Auditors, Mutual Life Build. Somerville J. A. and Co., 4 Hercules at House, Martin place lags, 14 Martin place. TeleAsh field phone No. 1558. Cable Address," Con- Perry William IL, J.P., F.O.P.A., Challis Spring K. M. D., JP., Belmore rd, R'wlok House, Martin place Retain," Sydney. A.B.O. Code, 5th Stanton and Son, Ltd., 129 Pitt at, and 3 Priestley,Larcombe and Morris, 107 Pitt at, edition Lackey at, Summer Hill Rainsford Boles It., F.I.I.A., Equitable Stanton It., J.P., 3 Lackey at, Summer Hill Christie Gen., F.LA.V., 14 Martin place building, 350 George at Stanway and Slack, Alfred it, Milson's Pt. Christie Allan, L.G.A., 14 Martin place ROBERTSON (JAMES), H. RUB. Stimson J. & Sons, 47 Glebe Pointrd, Gleba Clarke G. T. & Barry, 726 King st SELL CRANE AND CO., Public Straellan Ernest H., Delmore rd, R'wlek Coates E. B., A.I.A.A. (L. S. Drummond Accountants, Royal Insurance Buildand Co.), Equitable building, 350 Strange F. IL, 106 Castlereagh at ing, Pitt and Spring sts George at STRONGMAN, BRUNTNELL & Cooker, Day and Mackenzie, Australasia Robertson, Rudder and Co., 87 Pitt at 00., Licensed Auctioneers and ValuaSelmes J. C., 64 Pitt St Chamber.', Martin place tors, Burwood rd, Berwood. Tel. 200 Sheedy E. P. M., 375 George at Burwood. City Office, 333 Pitt et. COOKER J. E., F.B.A.A., F.C.P.A. Simpson James, A.C.P.A., Challis House, (Cocker, Day and Mackenzie), AusTel. City 651 Martin place tralasia Chambers, Martin place. Sivell Sutton W. H., 393 Sussex at Frederick, (I Moore st Telephone, City 3788 Tate W. T. and Dive, 138 Glebe Point rd, Sky F. M., Macquarie chambers, Loftus at Glebe Colyer Walter T., 56 Margaret at Small William Beaumont, 81 Pitt at Turner, Tate and Co., 2 Lackey at, Sum- Cork G. R. L, 82, Pitt at Smedley A. IL, Challis House, Martin place mer Hill. Tel. 38 Ashflold. Cox R. W. Mason, A.I.A.V., 26 Hunter at Smith Frederick J. and Johnson, Gibbs' Turner O. J. and Sons, 101 Quay st chambers, 7 Moore at Oullen-Ward, 113 Pitt at Valentine D. H., 202-204 Castlereagh at Smith Frederick J., F.C.P.A., 7 Moore at Crane H. W., 107 Pitt at Walker Bros., 28 CastIhreagh at Smith S. T., 33 Rowe at Dash Ralph B., Bond and Pitt its Walker and Grant, 24 Moore at Thomas an . Co., Australasia clam- Starkey and Starkey, 93 York at Walker and Nixon, Si Gibbons et, It'fern Davis Stewart, Simpson & Co. (John Stewart, bers, Martin place Walker John W., Macquarie at, P'matta Deane F.S.A.A. (Eng.). F.O.P.A., and James Norman Y., F.I.A.A.,15 Castlereagh Wall J. T. & Co., 80a Pitt at bimpson, A.C.P.A.), Challis House, at root Watkin and Watkin, 121 Bathtirst at Martin place Watkins R. G. and Co., machinery alto- Dimond P. F., Somerset House, 5 Moore at Stewart John, F.B.A.A. (Eng.), F.C.P.A., tioneera, 107 Kent at DRUMMOND L. S. AND CO, Challis house, Martin place Watkinson Bros., Bank chambers, Hay at (L. S. Drunnnond, F.S.A.A. (Eng.) Swan Irwin and Bartle 350 George st Watson & Co., 1 Gilbert at, Manly F.C.P.A., B. E. Coates, A.I.A.A.), Tarleton William, F.C.P.A, 107 Pitt at Weatherill George E., J.P., 1 Hercules at, Incorporated Accountants, Equitable Taylor, Harris and Small, 79' .81 Pitt at Ashfield, and 113 l'itt et, Sydney Buildings, 350 George St., bydney, Taylor James, F.O.P.A., 26 Hunter at Weaver and Perry, Ltd., stook and station and City Bank Chambers, Hunter at, Troup; Harwood, and Co., 77 King at agents, Caetlereagli House, Hunter Newcastle Turner end Summerhayes 338 Pitt at and Castlereagh sts, Sydney. Branch Durham, King & Co., 12-14 O'Connell et Vane H. Heintz)), 16 O'Connell at office, Muswellbrook Durham A. G. IL, F.F.I.A., F.C.1'.A., Victerseu H. N., 273 George at Wells George and Smith, 173 Sussex at Vigars and Sky, Macquarie chambers, 12-14 O'Connell at Wilkinson and Lavender, Ltd., 1 Spring at Farram John, A.C.P.A., Runway House, Loftus at Williams, Whyte& Co„Belmore ni, It`wiek 77 King at Vigsrs F. It., Macquarie chambere,T.oft us at Woodberry S. A., 72 Junction at, Nth.Syd. Fell David and Co., Equitable building, Whine C. Scott, 79 Pitt at Woolbridge, & Co., 6 Moore et Ward R. A. Cullen, 113 Pitt at . George at Woolnough H. P. & Co., Regent at, Kog'il Franekel, Spencer and Co., Royal Insur- Ward Rex Cullen, 113 Pitt at ance buildings, Pitt and Spring sts Wickham It. 8. and Burton, osi Pitt at Fullwood Fred, F.S.A.A. (Eng.), F.O.P.A., mina Fred. S. & (Jo., 113 Pitt at AUDITORS. public accountant, 11-12 Foy's cham- Wilson. Itattray and Denby, 12-14 O'Conber', 1 Bond at Allard (11.14.), Way and Hardie, 12.14 nell at W0011111R11 Clive E., 109 Pitt at O'Connell at Offillian and Bode, 86 Pitt at Allard G. M., F.O.P.A., 14 Moore at Harris E. A., F.O.P.A., 79 Pitt et Yerwood, Vane and Co., 16 O'Connell at Allen Hector and So)), 16 Spring at Harrison P. I. W 15 Bent at Allen 0. S., 24 Union at, North Sydney Hemphill IL J., 82 Pitt at AUSTRIANAq IIICAN CHAIR Barton Albert H, F.I.A.V., Herber» II. A. 39 Pitt at I OKI. Challis House, Martin place Hogg Samuel Melia, J.P., National See also Purn tare arehousemen. Bender F., 114 Hunter at Mutual Chamber", Bond and Pitt Me Grace Bros. Ito 11 Broadway, Glebe WOOD, COFFILL ANO COMPANY LTD. LIVERY DEPT., 472-84 HARRIS ST. 'PHONE TRADES AND PROFESSIONS.Bak1783 Ave Jackson F. W. P., 375 George at Jobson Alex., A.I.A., A.C.P.A., Ocean House, 24 Moore at Johnson Milton F., F.O.P.A., Challis House, Martin place Johnson Wilfrid E., A.C.P.A., Gibbs' chambers, 7 Moore at Johnstone L. A., 114a Pitt at 156 Wu °ALPINE JOHN HORDERN ANTHONY AND SONS, LTD., Sydney. (See headlines throughout DIRECTORY.) New and Second-hand Bar, Sack and Twine Merchant, 419 Sussex st. Tel. Lasseter F. and Co., Limited, 403-421 4226 Central George at Nettleton, Son & Co., 537-539 Kent at Hales Freak. G., 251 Sussex at and Five Dock Hargreaves A., 3914 Sussex at AVERAGE ADJUSTERS. W. II. Ltd., 350 Sussex at See Adjusters. thirst John A., Rocky Point rtl, Arncliffe Hodgkinson Samuel, 301 Samos at AXLEMAKERS. Paul C. F., 58. 60 Edith at, Leichhardt See Blacksmiths. Perry and Lynch, 298 Sussex st BABY LINEN WAREHOUSES, RASMUSSEN PETER Arnold Edward and Co., 115 Oxford st, New and Secondhand Bags and Sacks corner Crown at 207 Sussex at. Tel. City 6039 Farmer and Company, Limited, Victoria Rich J.. Dille Cove rtl. North Sydney House, Pitt, Market and George eta Riggs A., 36 Pyrinont Bridge rd Grace Bros., 1 to 11 Broadway, Glebe Silverson O. A., 62 Abercrombie at Graves Miss 11., 9 Sydney Arcade HORDERN ANTHONY . AND SONS, LTD., Sydney. (See headCALICO AND HESSIAN BAG lines throughout DIRECTORY Owen Mrs. Nancy, 171 King at, Newtown MAKERS AND PRINTERS Way E. and Co., 213-219 Pitt at BACON CURERS, Barnes C. and Co., Ltd., 23 Liverpool at FOGGITT JONES AND CO" LTD.—F. C. Hickling. Managing Director for N.S.W. Ham and Bacon Curers, Butter and Cheese Merchants, & Packers of Canned Pork Delicacies, 3616 and 303 Sussex at, Sydney Hutton J. 0. Proprietary, Ltd., James at ant Church at, Canterbury McLean John, 5 Hay at, Leichilardt North Coast Co-operative Co., Ltd., 379 Sussex at BACTERIOLOGIST, T. SMITH AND CO, [TO. 336-338 SUSSEX STREET, SYDNEY. Telephones : City 4135 and 4242. Manufacturers of all kinds of BAGS required by MILLERS. MERCHANTS and SEEDSNIEN, etc. We also stook any quantity of onceused WHEAT and CHAFF BAGS, or any eecond-band BAGS required. Write us now. We are Money Savers Note the above address. Wallas T. I., clinical chemist and microbiologist, "Wyoming," Macquarie at Sydney. Telephone City 3315 Smith Richard, 117 Bathurst at Starling John T., 276 Sussex at PAD MERCHANTS AND MANUFAC- Steward G. E., 615a King at, St. Peters Walker J. and Co., 430 Sussex at TURERS. (Calico and Jute.) Weetman and (Jo., 578 Harris at Fox Mrs. M., 249 Victoria at, Darling Pt. Gadsden Jabez, 26 Little Albion at BAG MERCHANTS& MANUFACTURERS (LEATHER) BAGS SACKS Of all materials, for all purposes, are manufactured by JOYCE BROS. LTD. SACK MANUFACTURERS OFFICE AND FACTORY: COOPER AND HOLT STREETS, STRAWBERRY HILLS. We Specialise in Oat, Potato and Corn Sacks, limn and Ore Bags, Printed Calico Bags, Meat Wraps, etc. Second-hand Sacks of the beet quality in stook Correspondence Invited. Telephones : Sales Dept.Office & Factory. City 835.City 3280 & 4887 (See Advertisement in Alphabetical Section in page 1816. Brum!) John, Propty, 371 George at Ford, Sherington, Ltd., Kippax at, Sydney Kitching C. E., 299 George at, Sydney Manok and Renkert, Ltd., 432-434 Kent at Weeks W. T., Farr st, Marriekville BAKERS. Abel & Co., Ltd.,458-468 King et, Newtown Aerated Bread Co., Ltd. 189 Pitt et Allen Albert, Regent et, Kogandt Bailee T. V. and Co., 128 King et, St. Pet. Bailey T. 14,45 Ootilburn at Baker W. and Sons, Wigram et. Par'mattit Batmen Co-operative Society, Ltd., Elliott at, 'Damen Barnes James, 82 Henderson rd, A lex'dria Bauer Henry, Avoca et, Itendwick Hawley Harry, E., 1 llopetown at., Pad. Birch S., 122 Militar y rd, Neutral Bay Blair G. EL, Bishop at, Durwood Blair George S., Durwood ril, Durwood Bonner (leo, H., Sherwood rd, Merrylands Booth 14, J., 170 George at, Redfern Bose and Sons, 90 Percival rd,Stanmoral Bowman Frank, 216 Oxford at, Pellet) Bowman P., 101 Church at, Parramatta Bragg A., jun., & Co., John at, Rook wood Britten Adam, Marrickville nil Dill. Hill Bruce Robert, 6 Elizabeth s), Paddington Bruce Simon, Remora rd, Gong, e Butler M., 123 Miller at, and 327 Lane Cove rd, North Sydney Cambourn W. Arthur, 628-634 Cromt at Carpenter Bros., Albion lane, An'dale Carrie George, 34 30 Rowley at, C'down Chapman Mrs. Mary E., 00 Cleveland at Childs Frederick, Harrow nil, Auburn Civil Service Co-Operative Societe of New South Wales, Ltd., Sydney place Coleman Henry C., 68 George st, St. Peters Colvin S., Forest rd, Hureviile Conlon John, J.P. 25 Cas t I e re a gh at, R'fern Conlon Stephen, 82 Harris at Connors P. J., William at, Hornsby Cook James, 38 Victoria at, Paddington Corby John, Hall at, Auburn Corkill Alfred, Park at, Campsie Craddook F. J., Peats Ferry rd Hornsby Cramp IL J., 27 Marion at, Leichhardt Croft Alfred, Bay st, Rockdale Denison John, Botany rd, Ma,cot Dibble Bros., 460 Eliiabeth at Dibble Mrs. J. B., 66-68 Pitt at, Redfern Dibble Roland, 508 King at, Newtown Dibble William, 21-23 Australia st, N'town Dingle John J., 108 Oxford at, Paddington Douglas Alexander A., ill Lord at, N'eown Down William. H., 81 William at Downey John & Son, Grose at, Parntmatta Drury John, 9 Little Bourke at Dunleavy M., 92 Burlington at, N. Sydney Dymock John, 14 Balmaln rd. Leichhars1'. Hetet) and Pitt, Tennyson rd, Mortlake Elliott Francis, Forest rd, Hurstville Elliott John 0., 23 Elizabeth at west, Croydon Emery and Bradshaw, Sydenham rd and 827 Illawarra rd, Marrickville Ensbey 0. It., 13 Gurnor at and Duxford et, Paddington Ferguson J: K., Sydney at, Willoughby Fisher A. H., Victoria aye, Chatswood Eraser A. W., 52 Glebe st, Glebe Freeman J. V., 111 Morehead at, Redfern Gaffney Bernard, 96 Market at Gambrill and McKay, WIgram at, P'matta Cantrell E., 245 and 357 Parramatta rd, Leichhardt Gartrell F., 287 Lane Cove rd, N. Sydney Gartrell F., 37 Maddison at, Redfern Gartrell Francis, 73 Hunter at, and 204 William at Gartrell W. IL, Cordon nl, Chatewood Goering Henry G., 5 King at, St. Peters Gibb George, Bridge at, Drummoyne Glasgow Bakery, William Robb, 612 Crown at, Hurry Hills Godfrey Henry and Son, Avoca at, Wwick Goode A. and G., Bay at, Rockdale Goodman Bros., Ramsay rd, }labelled Granger James, 239 Church at, Parratnatta Greenwood F., off 757 George at Hamilton William, 77-79 Western rd, Rose le Harper William F., Cohen et, Manly Harrison R., Mills mt, Carlton Harvey Allan, 100 Nelson et, Annandale Harvey George, 84 Prince Albert St. X1'1111111 11e.selben Arthur, 56 Paddington at, Paddington Hawkins and Abberton, 343 Parramatta rd, Leieldiarat Hayes L., 45 St. Mary's at Cam'down Heinrich A., 184-180 Henderson ni,A•ndria Heinrich August, 112 Globe Point rd, Glebe Hennessy J., 413 Parramatta oh, L'hardt fienninges Henry, 105 Wilson at, Newtown Hickey David, J.P., 30 Surrey at Hickey David, Alexandra st, Hunter's Hill Hogg and Son, Mooney et, Belmore OUR VEHICLES ARE THE MOST ELEGANT AND BEST HORSED IN AUSTRALIA ANTHONY HORDERNS' —THE ECONOMIST'S DELIGHT. Ban ANTHONY HURDERNS' FOR A LOT FOR A LITTLE. BakTRADES AND PROFESSIONS. Ban TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. Bar1785 1784 Paters continued — Rogers William, 25 Hercules at, Ashfleld BAKING POWDER MANUFACTURERS. linoper Ernest, Parranuttfa rd, Minna Rogers32 Orpington st, Bunter G. and S .0119, 223 Darling at, Royal! and Ereslifield, 122 Young at, Bidden Walter V. II. and Co., 7 Oxford st, Waveriey Bunter George and Sous, 77-70 Weston rd. Annandale Champion A. A. and Sons, Cowper at, ParRozelle Rttgless (4., GO Leichhardt at, Waverley ramatta Bunter \V., 167 West at, North Sydney Ryan's Ltd., 150 Oxford at Waveriey, and Channon James, 494 Kent at Jacobs Ellis, 284 Darling st Bahnitin 101 Spring at, Waverley City Milling Co., 239 Sussex at Jacobs W., 58 Parratnattard, Ilaberfield Sadler W., 0.S.D. rd, Waverley James Mrs. Annie, 650 111awarre rd, Sandvoss A., Beantish at, Garnish S. AND SONS, LTD-, Merrick vine Saunders Alfred, .T.P., Parramatta rd, FREEMAN Manutacturers of Batho's Baking -Taman James, 597 Darling at, Rozelle Concord Powder, Freeman's Prize Pickles, Jennings 1'. E., Lane Cove rd, Wahroonga Saunders Alfred, Boulevard°, Strathfleld Sauces, Vinegars, Peppers, &c. Offices Johnson F. W., 40 Statimore rd, 3I'ville Schmeising IL, Gordon rut, Gordon and Factory : 350 to 362 Harris et, King Samuel B., 7 Denison at, Waverley Schneider Max., 0.S.H. rd, 'Stanch's° Ultimo. Telephone, City 652 Kirkland T. It., Illawarra rd, Merrick vine Service Saud. J., !76 Liverpool rd, Ashflehl GRIFFITHS BROTHERS Krauss A. R. & Son, Bridge at, D'inoyne Shadier A., 176 Liverpool rd, Ashfleld Proprietary, Limited, Tea and Coffee Knitter J. C., 0 Cowper at, Waverley Shadier A., 25 Corso, and William at, Manly Merchants and Cocoa Manufacturers, Kurtz Charles, 7 Park aye, Ashileld Sigel Frederick, 18G Layton at, Catn'down sales room 534 George at, Sydney, Landenberger Bros., Paisley rd, Durwood Skellern George and Co., 34i Pitt st,Itlern offices and warehouse, corner WentLanger William, 16 Oxford square, and Skelton' G., 3 Pitt at, Redfern worth are, and Goniburn at 26 to 30 Riley at Smith and Co., Coronation at, Hornsby Flinders at. and 66 Elizabeth st, MelLaw W., 208 Now Canterbury rd, P'sham South J. S., Rocky Point rd, Kemal' bourne, and 49 Rundle at, Adelaide Leininger Wm., 23 Albemarle at, N'town Sparks Charles It., Forest rut, Articliffe Lewis F. W., 8 Addison rut, Manly Standard Bakery—J. P. Woolford, mgr., Kemps Ltd., 583a George at Liddell and 'Sainsbury, Marrickville rd, Hercules at, Dulwich Hill Leslie William Ltd.. 32 Market at Dulwich Hill Stephens W., Rochester st, Homebush Licianer Ltd., Forbes at. City Locke W. H., Parkes st,Ryde Suess Otto, Victoria rd, Marrickville London Bakery (The), 11 Wells st,An'dale Sutton Mrs. M., 386 Church at, P'inrata Lovely C. and Sons, 272 Pitt at Tanner Mrs. M. A., 68 Evans at, Rozelle McDonald and McLiesh, Mooney at, B'inore Towers II. A., Railway par, Kogarah McIntyre J. P., Sydenhain rd,M'ville Trot/1pp S. W., Victoria aye, Penshurst Solo Wholesale Distributors, Kemps Mack and Sons, Bridge at, Drummoyne Turnintms Bakery, Gladstone at, Ltd., 5834 George at, Sydney (opposite McKay George and Son, Bristol rd, Vass Charles, 65 Derwent at, Glebe Hordern's). Telephone, City 1053 Somerset Vining William J„ 969 Riley at McKye A., 93 Pittwater rd, Manly Walmsley 11r. E., 398 Parramatta rd, McNeil John, Montgomery at east, Kog'rah Petersham BANKS. Marlborough Bakery—W. A. Cambourn, Warne Win., 103 Now C'bury rd, P'shatn AUSTRALIAN BANK OF COM328 .634 Crown at Wayland J. E., 531 King at, Newtown MERCE, LIMITED (THE) — Marlow Mrs. J., Botany rd, Botany Wheatley and Stokes, 45 Bedford et, N'to wn A. I'. Stewart, J.P., General Manager Meldrum R., Victoria a ye, Chatswood White W., Erskinevale ml, Newtown William Reid, Secretary ; M. Burton Whir= R. N., Greenwich rd, Lane Cove White W., 73 Redfern at, Redfern Finney, Manager ; J. H. Wood. AcMoloney Thomas, 283 Alfred at, N. Sydney White Weeks (E. W. Holder, manager), countant ; W. A. Shaw, Sub-acMoran Michael, George at, Camperdown 208 Enmore rd, Elmore countant. Head 011ice, 387-373 George Moran Michael, Avoca at, Itandwick Wilson II. M., 31 George at west street ; and Branches at 730 George st, Moran William, George et, Camperdown Wilson J., 72 Military rd, Mosman Haymarket ; 412 Elizabeth at, south Moriarty IL S., Lane Cove, rd, Tmurra Woolford J. P., 516 New Canterbury rd, The Corso, Manly ; Lackey st, Summer Murphy D., 69 Darling at, lialtnain Dulwich 11111 11111; Church at, Parramatta ; and Murphy D., 58 Willoughby rd, N. Sydney Woolridge W., 118 Military rd, Mosman Avoca at, itandwick ; and Branches -Murray T. F., Scott at, Liverpool Wylie D., Pontes Ferry rd, Hornsby throughout the State of N.S.W. and _Milstein William, J.P., Marsden st,P'inatta, Yeo Arthur, Herbert at, Summer Hill Queensland, and at 2 King William and at Eastwood et, B.C., London Newbery J. IL, 122 Percival rd, Stanmore BAKERS REQUISITES. Newnham John, Macquarie at, Liverpool BANK OF NEW SOUTH WALES New South Wales Baking Co., Ltd. (The), Berry Henry and Co., 135-139 York at —J. Russell French, yen. Mating. r ; W. 30 Wellington at, Waterloo Dawson H. A., 50 Albert nt, Erskinevillo E. Fraser, manager ; W. D. Roberts, N.S.W. Fresh Wood told Ice Co., Ltd. (head Ebner Bane, Ltd., 208-210 Harris st, Pyrassistant manager ; Head office, 341 office), 25-33 harbour at moat Gaorge at, Sydney ; Branches; At corner George and Bathurst xis N.S.W. MARGARINE MANU- Frank and James, 18 Elizabeth at 627 George at, Haymarket ; Southern - FACTORY—J. Barnes, Proprietor, Brottrh,corner George and Regent ate; MAURI BROS. AND Rozelle (Soo a(lvt., opposite preface) Ropal Exchange, Macquarie place Newton George Eastern a ye, Kensington 224-230 Pitt at ; Western Branch, THOMSON LTD. O'Brien M., 230 ' Parratmata rd, Pet'eharn earner of York anti Market eta Ogston M. A., Ramsay rd, Haberfleld Importers & Manufacturers of Bakers' 134 William st ; Annandale, 176 Orr Robert and Sons, 63 Erskineville at, Machinery; also Tinware, Brushware, Pa rramatta rd, Petersham ; A shErskineville Hops, Malt (11111 all Sundries required fleld , 131 Liverpool rn;Ii Ilmain, Peckham James, Forest rd, Hurstville by the linking Trade, 123 to 131 corner Darling and Beattie eta ; Bur. Patine It., Short at. Carlton Castlereagh et, Sydney. Telephones it ',corner Harwood rd and Railway Mathison Chas., 761 Darling et, Rozelle Central 240(3 lines) pi, le; Crow's Nest, corner WillongliPcgler Charles J., Harrow rn, Auburn by rd anti Falcon at; Dulwich Percival and Cronin, l'ark rd,Anburn New Canterbury rut; brummogne ; Percival E. 5, Parrnmatta 111, Concord Eastwood Agency, Blaxland ; 804 Kent st, Sydney. Telephonee Percival Edmund, Liverpool rd, S'ffeld Edgeetiffe, New 801101 llead rd City 7235 and 7236. Sole Agents for Percival 11. J., Sydney rd, Granville Hornsby, Peat's Ferry rd ; Manly,, British Malt Products Co., Duck. Filcher Baking Co. (The), 681.683 DalThe Corso ; iforman, Military anti worth's Essences and Mildura Currants main ml, Walther& Belmont ruts; A'euloteri, 268 King at ; and Habit's. (Soo advertisement opPlicher 11. 0. Qs Sons, Delmore rut, B'wood Hoyt 1, Sydney, corner Miller anti poeite Metal Polish Manufacturers) Midler II. C., 208 Military rtl, Neut. Bay Mount sts ; Parramatta, corner Purees C. A., 93 St. John's ru, F. Lodge Stuart L. A. B., Walker and Co., 174 Church RIni George eta ; Rockdale, Purven J. W., 9 Corso, 3fahly Clarence at corner Rocky Point td and Ba y at ; Redmond Brag ., 570 King at, Ht. Peters Thackeray J. T. and Co.. 946 SMACK at Roselle, corner Weston rd and Pros. ' Robb William, 612 Grown et,Surry Werner Pfleiderer and Perkins Ltd., per st; Ryde, corner Church and Glebe Rogers George 11., J.P., George at, Canbakery engineers and oven builders mte ; Surry Hills, 121 Cleveland at ; terbury — H. Lawrence manager, Rofe's Warerley, 1 Cowper st. (See .Advt.) Rogers Henry, Gt. Northern rd,(11adenville obambere, 80 Castlereagh at -WOOD, COFFILL COMPANY LTD. CENTRAL OFFICE t 810 . 12 DEMME ST. 'PHONE 720 EL 1624 CENTRAL Salvors Baking Powder SLADE C. H. A CO. & Bank of Australasia—O. C. Williams, .1.1'. manager. Head °Mee, Martin place ; ?Iv office of inspector, Martin place d Samuel Farrell, chief inspector N.S.W. ukuis and Queensland. Branches, 64 Pitt at! 555 George st ; Railway parade, Koga- COMMONWEALTH BANK OF rah ; Parratnatta rd, Leichhanit AUSTRALIA — Stanway 'rouse, 31arrick villa rd, 31arrickville ; AusKing at, Sydney. Denison S. K. tralia st and King st north, Newtown Miller, Governor ; Janie= Kohl, Deputy and Crystal at, Petersham Governor. HEAD OFFICE, Sydney, E. \V. II rule, manager ; Branches Bank of New Zealand—Cecil IL Pike, at Canberra (Federal ('apital), Melmanager, Equitable building, 350 bourne, Adelaide, Perth, Hobart. George street Brisbalie, Rockhampton, Townsville anti London. SAVINGS BANK BANK OF NORTH QUEENSBRANCHES at Sydney, Canberra, LAND, Ltd.—J. P. Canny. J.P., Melbourne Adelaide, Perth, llobart, Manager, corner George and Bridge sts. Brisbane, Itoekhampton. Townsville, Branches : Manly and Hornsby, and and London ; end 2,000 agencies at at Deepwater, Glen Innes and TenterMoney Order Post Offices throughout field. the Australian Commonwealth and CITY BANK OF SYDNEY — J. Papua. (See Advt. 13anks Sect.) Henderson, J.P., general manager ; If. COMPTOIR NATIONAL D'ESII. Scarr, manager 31,0.; J. S. Marks, COMPTE DE PARIS (FRENCH j.P., inspector ; William Clarke, BANK) —0. Shard, manager, 24 accountant. Head Office, 166 Pitt St. Hunter st.—(See Advt.) Branches at George at, Haytnarket, King and Sussex ate, 296 Crown st, ENGLISH, SCOTTISH AND AUSTALIAN BANK, LTD. R York at; Southent Branch, 336 l'itt (THE)— N. F. Christoe, J.P., Manager at : Auburn rut, Auburn, Rookwood, in New South Wales ; A. J. llooper,J.P. King at, Newtown, Burwood rd, BurInspector of Sub.branclies ; It. II. wood, and Itegent at, Itedfern.—(See Mann, J.P., accountant. Head Office, Advt.) 365 George at, corner King at. Branches at 135 George at north ; 206 George COLONIAL BANK OF AUSTRALat west ; 125 Harris st, Pyrmont ASIA, Ltd.—J. A. G. Hadley (J.P., 333 Pitt at, corner Bathurst at; 227 Queensland), manager, 105 Pitt at William at. Darlinglitirst ; 291 Darling rut, Batman' ; and Wes t on rd, Rozelle; Military ml, corner Spit rd, COMMERCIAL BANK OF AUSTRALIA, Moslem' ; Humor° and Stanmore LIMITED, e Elim o re ; 339 Oxford at, Paddington Bondi Junction, Waveriey ; Bridge Chief Oflice in Sydney, 273 George at. at, Drummoyne ; and New CanterIf. E. Weston, manager ; Walter bury rd, Dulwich Hill.—(See Advt.) Leigh, accountant. Branch Offices, city and suburbs. Branches in New Government Savings Bank (Head Office) —Robert A. Warden, J.P. (president), South Wales : Broken 11111, Gosford William II. O'Malley-Wood, J.P., and (receiving office at Woy Woy, OtirimH. I). Hail, J.P. (commissioners), J. II. bah), Katoomba (receiving offices at Davies (secretary), Geo. W. Cocks, Blackheath, Lawson and Leura), Newbank's solicitor, 11 Moore at castle (Hunter at), Rockdale (with receiving offices at Arncliffe and Government Savings Batik (Moore at Brunett)—It. P. fireden, manager ; It. Hurstville), Temora, \Vegan. Wagga, Brooks, accountant ; 9 Moore at West Wyalong (with receiving °thee at Wyalono, Wyong and Agencies LONDON BANK OF AUSTRALIA, throughout the Australian States, Ltd. —John Millett (J.P. for N.S.W., Victoria, and Queenslim(11, Manager K. J. Sutherland, J.P., Accountant COMMERCIAL BANKING COMHead Office, Martin place, corner Pitt PANY OF SYDNEY, LIMIsit; branches at 52 Oxford at, 671 TED (THE)—Thomas A. Dibbe, George at, Haymarket, and corner general manager ; II. IL Massie, Market and Sussex streets. — (See assistant general manager and chief Advt.) inspestor ; A. J. Soutar, manager W. R. Sayers, accountant. Head NATIONAL BANK OF AUSTRALASIA, LIMITED (THE) — Office, 343 George at. Brauchee George Turnbull (J.P., Victoria), at Exchange, 58 Pitt et ; ElizaManeger ; P. AL Abercrombie, Acbeth at, near ICing at ; corner of countant, 60 Pitt st.—(See Advt.) l'itt null Bathurst eta; 744 George at, Haymarket ; 7 George at west ; 173-77 Oxford at; 64 Botany rd, THE.. Alexandria ; May at, Granville 291 King at north, Newtown merrier of Oxford and Leicester ets, QUEENSLAND NATIONAL Paddington ; George at, Parratuatta ; BANK, LTD. .Mount at. North Sydney; Elizabeth' and Redfern sits, Redfern ; Gordon .rd, Chatswood ; Parranuata rd, thardt ; Crow's Nest, Lane Cove rd, WILLIAM SE WELL North Sydney ; corner Canterbury rd (J.P. for Queensland), Manager, and (Jordon at, Petersham ; Railway par, Kogandi ; Hay at, Botany ; Bondi 99 PITT STREET. ml, Bondi ; and Botanist' st, Carnmile. — —(See A(Ivt.) Sufi ADVT. ECONOMY AND EFFICIENCY ARE Royal Bank of Australia, Ltd.—Arthur Paterson, .LP., manager ; IV. J. 31eCagliern, accountant, Wynyard at SAVINGS BANK OF NEW SOUTH WALES.— David 3litehell, J.P., 3fanaging Trustee ; AIR ed E. Allan, J.P., Accountant, 11 Barrack at. Southern Branch, George and Hay ruts; and 80 Oxford at, City ; Batman' Branch, 931 Darling at. Balmain North Sydney Branch, Walker at Newtown, 312-314 King at; hanit Branch, 494 Parrainatta rd Parramattst Branch, George at; Rozelle Branch, 124o Weston ml ; and branches in various Country Towns. (See Advt.) UNION BANK OF AUSTRALIA, LIMITED -- T. Yuille Wartirop, Manager ; A. Abercrombie, Submanager; W. H. Shimmon, Accountant ; P. Collie, Inspector, corner Pitt and Hunter sts. Branches at 608 George at (Haymarket), 377 George at, 21 Oxford at and 250 King at, Newtown. (See Advt.) BANNER PAINTERS. Legg J. J. and Co., 03 Clarence lane Lyons and MeEwen, 155 Elizabeth at ALTHOUSE 41, GEIGER 109 Liverpool at, Sydney. Banner, Flag. Sign, Heraldic, and Ornamental Painters, Glass Silverers, Gliders mid Embossers, Painters, Grainere, Paperhangers, and General House Decorators. Competent men sent to the country. Telephone 1105 BARB WIRE MANUFACTURERS. Lyeaght Brothers and Co., Ltd. — It. Champ, general manager, 39 Pitt at and at Blackwell Point rd, Five Dock BARK MERCHANTS. Winclicombe, Carson, Ltd., 46-52 Bridge st BARRISTERS. Abrahams L. S., 149 Phillip st Ackermann Val, 182 Phillip at Addison 0.11., 182 Phillip at Armstrong b.. 162 Phillip at Barton 14. A., 182 Phillip st /Irwin T. It., 167 Phillip at Beeby (1. S., 69 Elizabeth at Bethune F. J..145 Phillip et Bette S., 167 Phillip at Betts Selwyn F., 182 Phillip at Bevan Walter, Solloitor-General, 143 Phillip at Bignold Hugh B., 64 Elizabeth st Blacket W., K.C., 182 I'hillip at Bonney It. S., 149 Phillip at Boyce F. S., 84 Elizabeth at Breckenridge 0. P., 01 Klizabeth at Brisendsen E. 31., LL.D., Wentworth court, 81 Elizabeth et Broomfield R. C., 171 Phillip et Browne Harvey, 174 Phillip at Browne J. A., 174-176 Phillip at Browning It. J., M.A., 140 Phillip at Campbell J. L., E.C., 167 Phillip at Caneway A. P., K.O., 182 Phillip at Carlos Joseph, 04 Elizabeth at Chubb M. C., 174 Phillip et OUR WA7CHWORDS, HONESTY OF SERVICE OUR DESIRF • U• ANTHONY HORDERNS' — IT ISN'T A SHOP, IT'S AN INSTITUTION. 1786BarTRADES Barristers continuedPaul and Gray, Ltd., 45 Sussex at O'Reilly H. de B., 04 Elizabeth at Cookshott H. M., 168 Phillip at Owen Langer, K.O., 151 Phillip at Pierce Wm., 238 Unwln's Bridge rd, St. Peters Coen F., 174-176 Phillip at Parker W. A., 149 Philip at Coffey F. L. V., 182 Phillip at Reid J. & Sons, Dunblane at, C'down Perry W. W., 162 Phillip st Coghlan Dr. C. A., LL.D., 64 Elizabeth at Pickburn J. P., 174 Phillip at Cohen A. M., 174 Phillip at PiddIngton A. B., 182 Phillip at Cohen J. J., M.L.A., 145 Philip at Pike G. H., 174 Phillip at BATH MANUFACTURERS.• Collins 0. M., 182 Phillip at PlIcher Hon. 0. E., K.O., M.L.0 , Went- Ford Sherington, Limited, Kippax and worth court, 64 Elizabeth st Cowan R:, 163 Philip at Lacey ate, City Coyle William T., 174 Phillip at Piloher Norman G., 64 Elizabeth at Crawford T. S., M.L.A., Livingstone rd, Pitt Arthur G. AL, 182 Phillip at Power T. P., 182 Phillip at Marrlckvllle BATHS. Curlew's H. R., 182 Phillip at Ralston A. U, K.O., 167 Phillip at Abbotsford—Great North rd, Abbotsford Curtis W. J. 64 Elizabeth at Ralston A. W., 149 Phillip at Anderson's—Big Bondi Beach Robertson A. Nugent, 64 Elizabeth at D'Apiee A. \V. M., 151 Phillip at Balmain Council—Johnson at, Balmain Rogers P. Heise, 64 Elizabeth at Davidson Colin G. W., 167 Phillip at Balmain Corporation, Glassop at, Balmain Rolin Tom, K.O., 145 Phillip at Davies Banbury, 174 Phillip at Balmoral—Raglan at, Mosmau Davies Wyndham J. E.. 64 Elizabeth at Rowland Norman Be H. ,143 Philip at Bondi—The Reserve, Bondi Russell F. A. A., 182 Phillip az Dawson A. F., 145 Phillip st Bracey P. W., Hilly at, Mortlake Sanders John M., 64 Elizabeth at Delohery O., 64 Elizabeth at Brighton-le-Sands, Rockdale Shand A. B., K.0., 174 Phillip it Edwards D. S., 143 Phillip at Bronte—W. H. Bond, lessee, Nelson's Bay, Edwards H. G., 64 Elizabeth at Sheppard E. H., 168 Phillip at Bronte Ferguson J. A., 167 Phillip at Sheridan J. P., 174 Phillip at Centennial-223 Church at, Parramatta Flannery George E., 189 Phillip at Smith Hon. Bruce, K.O., M.P., 149 Coogee—Beach at, Coogee Phillip at Foster T. 0. J., 174 Phillip et COCA'S River. —Riverside cres, Marriokville Gannon Hon. J. O., K.O., M.L.C., 174 Stephen E. Milner, 174 Phillip at Corporation New—Domain Stephen H. M., 167 Phillip at Phillip at Dawes Point Swimming—George at Garland Hon. John., K.C., M.L.O., 167 Teece R. 0., 64 Elizabeth at Drummoyne—Bridge at, Drummoyne Thompson S. A., 145 Phillip at Phillip at Ebsworth H. A., 180 George at Haigh Victor, 182 Phillip at Thomson Alec, 167 Phillip at Farmer Geo., Rushoutter's Bay and Rose B. Hall Hon. D. R., 31.140., Gordon ores, Tighe W., 64 Elizabeth at Government—Domain Todd R. H., M.D., 163 Phillip at Stanmore Fisher William, Moore at, Drummoyne Hamilton H. H., 64 Elizabeth at Waddell G. W., LL.D., 64 Elizabeth at Hill and Dobson, 230 Elizabeth at Hammond J. H., 167 Phillip at Wade Hon. 0. G., K.O.,M.L.A., 167 Phillip Hope William, 16 Campbell at Harper A. 11., 167 Phillip at at Hotel Mtjestie kfedlow Bath (city office), Earriott 0, W., 04 Elizabeth at Walker William A., 04 Elizabeth at 42 Castlereagh et Harris Herbert, Chancery square Watkins J. 3., 143 Phillip at Drampden—Ohuroh et, Rookwood Watt A. It. J., 64 Elizabeth at Hinton W. S., 167 Phillip at Hunter's Hill—Woolwich rd, Hunter's Hill Hodgson R. Vivian, 187 Phillip at Weigall 0. E., 163 Phillip at Lavender Bay, North Sydney Holman Hon. W. A., M.L.A., Kambala rd, Wentworth W. 0., 103 Phillip st Lelehhanit Municipal, Mary at, L'hardt White Omit A., 167 Phillip at. Bellevue Hill tidy—Esplanade east, Manly Hughes John, 174 Phillip at Wickham E. W., 148 Phillip at Manly Hot Salt Water, Marine par, Manly • Lines R. H. L., 182 Phillip at Wilson David, 145 Phillipst Manly Ladies'—lisplanade west, Manly Windeyer II., 182 Phillip at James A. G. F., 64 Elizabeth at Matlock Hydro, 16 Oastlereagh at Jaques H. V., 174 Phillip at Wise Hon. B. R., K.O., 167 Philip at Mortlake—Bennett at, Mortlake Jordan F. R., 174 Phillip at Young James, 170 Phillip at Mosman Ladies' Baths, Spit rd, Mosman Kelynaok A. J., 182 Phillip at Mosman Municipal, Solt rd, Mosman Kemmis T. Maughan, 163 Phillip at Hunk:fps! Ladies.—Domain Kemp B. E., Gordon at, Bnrwood BARRoW AND LADDER MAKERS. Municipal New Baths— Domain Knox Adrian, LO., 163 Phillip at Pyrmont—Point at See Ladder, etc., Makers. Lamb S. Ernest, K.C., 1113 Phillip at Bandwink Municipal—Beach at, Ocogee Leverrier Frank, K.O., 182 Phillip at Rockdale—Brighton-le-Sands Lingen .1. T., 167 Phillip at /tose Bay BASKET MAKERS. Loxton E. J., K.O., 167 Phillip at Hyde Municipal—Waterview at, Hyde MacArthur E. Bayly, 163 Phillip at Anderson Bros., 278-284 Riley at, Sorry H. Sane Bond Anderson-Gross Co., 2 to 14 Levey et, City Sully William, 129 Regent st MacCallum M. L., 151 Phillip at MoDonell A., 148 Phillip at Ashton A. J., 122 Gowrie at, Newtown Municipal—Vim:110e Braider E. G., 184 Oxford it Paddington Vauoluse Mack Sidney, 174 Phillip at Watson's Bay Deger Robert ds Sons,? Ross et, For. Lodge Warr .McKean L. J., 182 Phillip at J. G., 243 Elizabeth at Maoken J. V., 151 Phillip at Farman Frederick, 112 George at west Maclaurin H. N., 04 Elizabeth at Herrman Mrs. B., 89 Eumore rd, Newtown Woolwich—Woolwich Wyllei Surf Bathe—Neptune at, °ones tioManatney J. F., 64 Elizabeth it HORDERN ANTHONY & SONS, Mann W. J. G., 174 Phillip at Sydney. (See headtinee LTD., Manning Charles E., 151 Phillip at throughout DIRIteroRY) BATHS (ELECTRIC). Manning H. H., 174 Phillip at Manning R. IC., 64 Elizabeth it Horsey Robert, 403i Harris at Bethel G. H., 88 Flinders at, Darlinghurst Markell H. F., 149 Phillip at limber Mrs. O., 038 King at, ErskIneville Job R., Bernard, 87 Phillip it Industrial Blind Institution—H. Hedger, Martin G. T., 174 Phillip at Mason J. N., Beaeonsflold rd, Willoughby manager, Boomerang it Maul/ban D., 151 Phillip at Lyle John, 5a Ooodohap at Maxwell V.„ 149 Phillip at Mould W. A., 86 Union at, Brskineville Mellon John, 174 Phillip it Mullen' William, 41 Terry at, Bt. Peters 180 Phillip st. Tel. 8154. Mrs. Bennett, Merewether Hugh H. H., 163 Philip it Ladies' Masseuse ; Electric High FreMerewether W. D. M., 107Philip it quency Current and Electric Light Mitchell B. H., 64 Elisabeth at Baths, eta. Mooatta W. Hugh, Stony Creek rd, Pymble Smith Charles J. rand Miss M., 41 Monahan W. W.; 10 Phillip at Wholesale and Retail Basket Maker bath st Moriarty James, 168 Phillip at and Importer. Manufacturer of all Warr J. G., 248 Elizabeth it Murray-Prior it. B. 149 Philip at desoriptions of Basketware, Contvao• tor to N.B.W. and Imperial GovernNowbery W., 174 Phillip st Nicholas H.S., 174 Phillip it ments. Shop and Factory, Albion BATHS (TURKISH), Noble B.18., (14 Elisabeth at Stores, 187 Sussex et., Sydney (foot of Norris I. Bo 187 Phillip it Market at. , near Pyrmont Bridge). Booth John, 27419 Bligh at Tel, No, 4817 City 0.0onor Hon, B. B., M.140 ,84 Elisabeth it Hall R., 159 Elisabeth it SCHUCH M. A. PACKMAN H. G. MIMIWOMMI1 COFFILL AND • AND PROFESSIONS. • Bat COMPANY (SEE WOOD, COFFiLL AND COMPANY). 'PHONE 728 (WITHAL .,% ▪ -r, (fl. In 4. we 0 mV ✓ U) 03 r .0 CA • 8 0 O P. c.) cct Q 0 UiO. O. • tU V ,x • v O I. .0 0 CU (/) 13.) 1.• 0.) .0 15 •0 ° 4. 0 it • tut (I) es •— Os.,— 0 cts U. o • o E.r-L3 VO t. U. g O t3 12.) CU as 4-15 I. , • g • tit .18 co 0 22 ✓ E E sc g %..1 V VE TEL. ESTABLISHED 1859 549 CENTRAL 12 & 51 GLEBE ar.."'"... S. FORSTER & SONS ANTHONY HORDERNS' —A PARADISE OF ECONOMY. Bed TRADES AND PROFESSIONS.. Bed1787 NEVVLANDS BROS., Ltd, Riley St., SURRY HILLS Bedstead Manufacturers (Near Reservoir) (Only 8 minutes' walk from Railway Station) Telephones676,677, 678, Paddington, METALLIC BEDSTEAD, WIRE MATTRESS And GARDEN SEAT MANUFACTURERS, &c. We make every description of Bedstead, Cots and Wire Mattresses. Latest Designs for Domestic, Hospital and Institution Requirements. HOSPITAL BEDSTEADS Makers of the Famous Galvanised Diamond Mesh "LISTER" Hospital Bedsteads. A SPECIALITY. GOVERNMENT CONTRACTORS. LIT', 'wholesale Only. - 7 440 ,(eas ) (h•ditt, h ) - We are Sole Makers of the Celebrated !Habilis and Lifetime Wire Mattress. "Tim LAWSON "—An Up-to-Date Design. Note Address and Inspect our Catalogues Posted Free on application (Estimates given for Special Bedsteads). Showroom TRADE ONLY 'SUPPLIED.ECONOMIC PACKING. QUICK DESPATCH. • AWL& REDDINI MANUFACTURERS. ANDREWS R. A. Bedding Manufacturer, 40 Collins at, Sorry Hills (Established over 30 Years). Before dealing elsewhere let us quote you lor Bedding, Cushions, etc., of everydescription. Kapok, Fibre, Horse Hair, Flock, always on hand.ICharles Noonan, mgr. Telephone 4621 City Australian Mattress Mills, Ltd.-8, F. Griffin managing director, 259 Clarence et Bruton and Wheeler, 29 Washington it CAMPBELL W. W. & CO. 1111111111 LIMITED, Rrf111111 IMAM WWI DANA /Mel (.55•) vir Warehouse and Genes, 249 CLARENCE STREET. Bulk Stores and Delivery, 892 to 404 KENT STREET. Telephones—City 7273 (Five lines). HEAD OFFICE- Sydney, N.S.W. No. 583. A Handsome Bedstead at a Low Price—Porcelain Ball Spindles and Bent fop Rod. Mary Ann St. - ULTIMO - N. S. Wales. Clark Marcus and Co., Ltd., Church at, Newtown Falconer Walter J., Dawesm at Farmer and Company, Limited, Victoria siert House, Pitt, Market, and George sts Grace Bros., 1 to 11 Broadway, Glebe TEXTILE FIBRE MANI7FAC-. TURING Co., Belmont at, Alexandria. Bedding, Wire Mattresses, Flocks, Mungoes and Itxporters of, Manufacturers and Importers of Textile Cuttings. Telephone 73 Mem Tents, Tarpaulins, Horse Rugs, Water Bags, Bedding and Wire Mattresses 408 and 408 Kent st, Sydney. Tel. 2882 Hooker, Chapman and Co., 188 Sussex at BEDSTEAD MANUFACTURERS. HORDERN ANTHONY Sr SONS, LTD., Sydney — (See headlines throughout DInnoToitY) FORSTER S. & SONS Industrial Blind Institution—William H. Tuokwell, accountant, Boomerang at Brass and Iron Bedstead Makers, Iron. founders, Engineers, and Wire Mattress Manufacturers, corner of Mary Ann at and Ultimo rd, Ultinto—(See 3494155-359 corner George and Barrack Advt. opposite) Streets, opposite General Post (Mice. Holmes and Sons, 482 I itt at Telephones 6336 City (16 lines) Joseph L., Shepherd st, Redfern Lawler John and Sons, Ltd., 14 O'Connor st HORDERN . ANTHONY az SONS, LTD., Sidney — (So headlines Lawson Bros Ltd., 50 . 54 William at throl.ghout DIRicaronv) Lee Daniel ds Son, Hollingshed at, Mascot Murray B. snd Co., 439 Pitt at NETTLETON, SON AND CO., Newbold E. 0087 George st, Orimperdown WholesaleFurniture,Bedding, .Flock and Wire. Mattress Manufac- NEWLANDS BROS., LTD. turers, Importers of Austrian FurniMETALLIC BEDSTEAD tore, Kapok, and all Bedding Mateand Wire Mattress Manufacturers, dais, 637, 589 Kent at, Sydney. Tel. "EMPIRE.' Bedstead. Works. 952 Central 917, 3389 and 3390 City 251-276 Riley at, Sorry Hills (near Reservoir), Sydney. 'Phones 676, 017 NEWLAND BROS., LIMITED, and 678 Paddington. (See Advt. Metallic) Sedstobtl, Wire Mattress above). and Bedding Manufacturers, 250-276 Riley it, flurry Bills (near Reservoir) Pease dc Sons, 449 Cleveland at, Redfern en PaddingTelephones 676, 677, and 0000EPHIS LIMITED JONES DAVID, LTD. ton. (See Ad vt. above). OUR PROCESS or EMBALMING PRESERVES THE DEAD FOR ANY TIME AT -NOMINAL COST ANTHONY :NORDERNV.-NEW 'PALACE , EMPORIUM,. 1788Bee,TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. • Bil BEDSTEAD IMPORTERS. •, • Brim:Wand Co.,.Ltd., 383-385 Kent at Grace Bros:, 1 to 11 Broadway, Glebe HORDERN ANTHONY & SONS LTD., Sydney — (Seo headlines 4 throughout DingOTOity) JONES $494155-389 corner George and Barrack Streets, opposite General Post Unice. Telephones 6836 City (16 lines) Lassetter and Co., Ltd., 408 to 421 Geo. St. Lawler John and Sons,-Ltd, 14 O'Connor street Lawson Bros. Ltd., 50-54 William at Henderson T. W., 40-42 l'ark st Larke W. and F., Ltd., 6254 Bakst Lawrence Smith and Co., 58 Market at. 'fel. City 12813 Lawson Mrs. I. G., 50 Beattie at, Balmain Luker Les.. 28 Belgrave at, Manly Lyon Athol 3,480 Cleveland st . Maud Joseph M.,515 George at Moss Moses and Co., Wynyard lane Russell Robert, 109 Liverpool rd, Ashfield Sharenberg O. T., 11/ Liverpool rd, A'field Smith A. J. and Co., 241 'PM at Smith Chas., 698 Darling at, Rozelle Stanley Henry and Co., importers,-93 John at, Petersham Williams Bros., 822 George at Woodwright and Co., 73 Cleveland at, , Redfern Stapleton W., 80 Henderson rd. Alexandria Stevens W. B., 110 King at, Newtown Sully George, 149,Parramatin rd, Anidale Surrey Cycle and' Motor Co.-364 .Parramatte rd, Petersham Turner Bros., 69 King at, Newtown Uperoft R. R., 139 Church at, Parrainatta Watson George R., South at, Granville Wilson J. 13., 114 George St west Wilson John P., 182 George at west Wilson T. B., 458 Oxford at, Paddington Woodwright and Co., 78 Cleveland at, Redfern WOotten P. 13., 365 Pitt at • -BICYCLE AND MOTOR ACCESSORIES •.; (IMPORTERS). LAWRENCE SMITH and COMBEE FARMERS, PANY (Contractors to N.S.W. Gov111CYCiE MANUFACTURERS. Beale Charles, Iderrylands rd, Holroyd ernment), Importers of Cycle and Bennett & Barkell, Ltd., 124-182 Castle., " Motor Accessories of every description reagh st (Wholesale and Retail). 59 Market at, BEER - ENRON" MANUFACTURERSO BENNETT &WOOD LTD., Bicycle Sydney. Tel. City 1258 Lassetter F. and Co., Limited, 403 to 421 and Motor Merchants and Inmate°. * George St. Wren.' " SPEEDWELL " -Cycle ' BILL POSTERS. Watson and Crane,Ltd., 873-375 Pitt St. -,‘-,Pactory, corner of Bathurst and Pitt Daniels Joseph, 70 Oxford at ; sts, Sydney s, Leabeater A. W.; at, Parramatta BELLOWS MAKERS. . BettsMatchless Clyde Works, Bur. Marcus, 80 Oxford at l wood rd, Harwood. • CITY BELLOWS ; CO. (A...Bennett, manager)—Bellows and Forges of all Bourne H. J., 121 Weston id, Rozelle descriptions, Regent st, NowtoWn-,. Brewer: Harold, 121 Now, Oanterbury rd, R OF FS !, • Petersham • • Harrop E.,,72 Bathurst at Advertising Agents' and Contractors, Harry, Glebe Point rd, Glebe Lassetter F. and Co;; Limited, 408 to 421 Brisbane ' Wentworth Avenue. Tel. City 2722 Byrnes Bros., 50 Bnmore rd, Enmore ••!. , Callitian George at F. E.. 184 Regent at, Redfern Sydney and Suburban Bill Posting Co., 70 Oxford* . ; ;■ ZOLLNER LTD., ,28 , to i80 Druitt;st. Canada ()yet° and Motor Agency, Ltd., Telephone, 71/01ty','" •• 822 'George at' ' ()aver George, 06 Smith et, Summer Hill Clarke A., ,308. Aberoromblo at, Redfern BILLIARD APPLIANCE MANUFAC.RERUN WOOL DEPOTS.) Clarke Jcisepli, 89 Glebe' Point rd, plebe .. See also FancyDepositories.......... DeladdraF:;374°T.iine"Caidid, N. Sydney HORDERN,'ANTHCRY • 8z$ SONs, Edworthy N., 544 ParrarnattarcLP,'sham; Alcock and,Co., 897 George st , Clarence at' .- LTD., ; Sydneyheadlines EdvyorthyWeitonrd, Rozelle ; BeddrWilliam;52 Gray Leo, 478a Geerge at ElliottOxford id, Paddington. throughout DinitoTORY) Einpiton J. I W., f 120 Falcon it, North HEIRON' liND SMITH, 210 'beetle' Broadway, Glebe' Grace Bros.; 1 to Foy A. J., 285 Military rd, Mennen • rent' st—(See Advt. Opposite) Goodhew S., Beamish at., Campsio Todd Edmund J., Ltd., .377 Kent at BEVEL-EDGE CARD GILDER. Goodyear Syd., Forest rd, Huratville HMOs L..W.; Day st,'Itockdale Groves Albert, 264 Elswiek at, Leichhardt Harrison B.,189 Enniore rd, Itnmore -BILLIARD BALL 'MANUFACTURERS. Harvey Major,' Q nee n • st,;Aubilin •- Al000k and Co., 897 George at: Bevel-edge Card Gilder, Tloket and Henderson T; W4,40 . 42 Park at. 04 Sign 'Writer ; °Mee and • Showroom, Bald), William,' 52 Clarence at ' .12;. '46, 47:an1 45 Royal Aroado,App; HEIRON AND SMITH, 210 CastleQueen Victoria Markets. Tel. City reagh at—(See Advt. opposite) .4499, , (Est. 1892) ,4 • Manufacturers of 1 Clyde" , Bicycles Todd Edmund J., Ltd., 877 Kent at dud Motor Bicycles. ',Repairs' a BICYCLE IMPORTERS. , ; Speciality.. ? Auburn rd,,Anburn ; and ' Bee also Ironmongers and Sports Depots Sydney rd, Granville BILLIARD BALL AND CUE MANUFACAddend and Platt, 222a Castlereagh csi Johns and Woodward, Auburn rd, Auburn 'TUBERS. Bennett & Barkell, Ltd., 124-182' Castle . Jude Ralph; Rooky Point rd, Rockdale ' & 00.,'Bill...4 ^rd Table Manureagh st Lawrence Smith and Co., 58 Market at. ALdOCK facturers. Warehouse, -Show Rooms Bennett and Wood, 14 W„' bicycle. and Tel. City 1288 and Offices, '897 George at, hydney. . motor merchants, and manufacturers. Lilliebridge H. A., Canterbury rd, O'bnri Tel, City 7870. , Faotory. Maddox and " Speedwell" cycle works, corner of Luker Les, 28 Bolgrave at, Manly Lawrence sts, Alexandria Bathurst and Pitt sts, Sydney Lyon A. T., 350a Oxford at, Woollahra Berry Ernest, Railway par, Kogarah Macartney 3, B., 311 Pitt st Beddi William, 52 Clarence st Betts B. L., Matchless Cycle Works, Joe. Maud Joseph M., 515 George et HEIRON AND SMITH, 210 Castlewood rd, Durwood . Palmer L V. 44 George at west reagh at .- (See Advt. opposite) Bourne H. J., 124 Weston rd, Rexene Paris CMS, Now Canterbury rd, Dulwieh Bewles Blehard, Belmar° rd, Belmont Morau Robert, 117•Castlereagh at 'Brown Alphonse, 240 Pitt at Pollard Francis B., Forested, Hurstville Todd Edmund J., LW., 377 Kent id 'Canada Cycle and Motor Agency, Ltd., Russell Robert, 109 Liverpool rd, Ashfield 822 George at south Saunders Bros., 242 Church at, Parmmatta Central Cycle Agbney,.274 Cleveland st Shepherd Wallace T., 90 Norton 'at, LeiohBILLIARD SALOONS. Cobb G. H.; 274 Cleveland at -uncu t Abotomey W., 865 George st Day John W., Scott at, Liner 001 Sloane R. H., 128 King at, Newtown Avery T. IL, Weston rd, Roselle. Bdworthy. Edward, 514 Parmmatta rd, Smith Charles, 693 Darling at, Roselle Andreoll J. A., 680 George at , 'Petershaln Eineesby Henry, Joseph at, Rookwood ' HEIRON & SMITH BILLIARD TABLE MANUFACTURERS Office Tel. 4697 City Factory Tel. 396 N. TIPS BALLS WAFERS . CHALK ETC. CLOTH CUES —707— Experienced Workmen Sent to all parts of States to Roped,. and Fit Up. PARLOUR BILLIARD TABLES A SPECIALITY. LIST OF PRICES. 8 ft. 5 In. x 4 ft. 64 in. , Billiard Table, complete with Dining Table top, £40 Do. do., without top, £35 10a 7 ft. 5 In. x 3 ft. 101 in. Billiard Table complete with Dining Table top, £24 108 so.. n HOSKINVFREDi HILLSBON HOB. V/000, COFFILLA COMPANY, LTD. HEAD OFFICE! BULWARRA RD; PYRMONTo 'PHONE 720 & 1160 DENTNAL Do. do. without top, £22 7s 6d This shows the Dining Table, with false toes taken o7 and standing beside the legs. .. 7 ft. 5 in. x 3 It. 104 in. Table, with stump legs , only, to fit on Dining Table, £10 _•"_••-•:--•••■•••■•••••■••■•■ ,„ n .rna 8 ft. 44 in. A 8 ft. 6 in. Table, with stump legs, _to fit on 'Dining Table, £15 10s 6 ft. 44 in. x 8 ft. 6 in. Table, £18 5s 6 ft. 44 in. x 8 ft. 6 in., complete, with Dining Table top, £20 This shows the Billiard Table ready for play, with the false toes underneath The following fittings are included :—Marking Board, Three Billiard Balls, Cue Rack, nix Cues, Cross Rest, Half Circle, Straight Edge, Sheet of Rules. Packing Cases Extra. 216 Castlereagh Street, Sydney. Factory : 13urren't Street, Newtown. '114 , :'ED W ARD , STREET; , ' ,' .. . BRISBANE' ,..• . • . - . , ' Agencies—. ADELAIDE, .PERTH HOBART. AUCKLAND. . .. ., Oinoacio EXIIIIITTION, 1803.-GOLD MEDALS QIIEENBLAND EXHIBITioit, 1897, OHBIBTOHVII0II EXHIBITION, NEW ' , ZEALAND,. ' isms. : . . •i , FRaN00-BRITIEUI . EXIII0ITION, 1008. ' ' - ' • ' • Price ' I.,Ies n and Estimates -on Applicatian • '" * * -*-. - • guinea .il r'-':.' AWARD -,-.',.A•:;.,,..,r ,.',1 7=. ',-.:1:5,,,'y ,..:-.:1'.:—.-,,,y:.,;:).s;,,vill.t,i:: r.:;14 .11r: i':, s. 47; ,, : ANTHONY HORDERNS , FOR ECONOMY AND CaMFORT IN SHOPPING. 1790BilTRADES AND PROFESSIONS. Bla Billiard Saloom continued — Clamming James and Sons, Parramattard, MID DEALERS. Batt Henry J., Beamish st,.0ampsie Auburn Butcher William, 61 Q.V. Markets and Billiards Ltd., 680 831 George at Freeman S. & Sons, Ltd., 350-382 Harris at South Randwick Booth W. P., Beamtsh at, °ample Lewis and Whitty, 198-168 Sussex at Boyle Thomas, 263 Parratnatta rd, L'hard Cavanagh 0. F., 10 George at west Coe B., 59 Q.V. Markets Brennan Thomas, 918 King bt, Tempe Coughlan Charles, 210 Elizabetl. at Brett Frank E., Derby at, Kogarah Haines R., 72 Glebe Point rd. Glebe Buchanan T. P. The Strand Harding Henry, 128 George at BLACKSMITHS. Bernie J. R., an Elizabeth at Burt Samna], 20 Leichhardt at, Waverley Janson F. C., 271 Elizabeth at Agnew R., 154 Oxford et, Paddington Macpherson R., 249 George at Burton John, 312 Darling at, Balmain Ahern William, West Botany rd, Rockdale Monaghan Thomas, 82 Campbell at Butier.T. E., 879 Bourke at Ambler Robert. Rooky Pt. rd, Arncliffe Puxley Walter, 37 Q.V., Markets Chute T. G., Mary at, Newtown and Miller, off 243 Castlereagh at Smith W. H. 178 Parramatta rd, P'sham Anderson Conlon Albert, 84 Glebe Pt. ra, Glebe Ashton Henry, 4,87 Wyndham et, Aledria Westaway Herbert, 2a Norton et, L'hanit Aston Arthur, 1 Crystal at, Petersham Dan George C., 93 Regent et, Redfern Darrell Louis, 89 Queen Victoria Markets Williams B. M., 36 Beattie at, Balmain Avery and Dempsey, Alderson at, AV't'loo Deane John and Bon, 78 Walker at, North Bacon and Paul, Mentmore ay e, Waterloo Sydney Balkin Arthur R, 58 Bourke at Donnelly Thomas J., 193 Mardi:keine rd, Barry .7., 4 Ultimo rd BISCUIT MANUFACTURERS, Marrickville Bastard Edwin, 174-180 Devonshire at Drew Con., 335a George at Bastard H., 12 Shepherd at Eginton W. 0., New Canterbury rd, Dui. Becker Julius, Rocky Point rd, Rockdale Bill Begg and Greig Ltd., 18 .20 Erskine at Empire Billiard Theatre, Ltd., 241 Pitt at LIMITED Bell E. J., Mansfield at, Recoil° Fisher W., 143 Redfern at, Redfern Biscuit Manufacturers. Head Office 33indon P., 74 Erskineville rd, Erskineville Fry W. P., 495 Marrickville rd, Irvine and Factory, Homebush. Telephones Bourne W. H., Bridge at, Drummoyne Georgiatos T., 37 Park at Brenen W., Parramatta rd, Summer Hill 201, 260 and 266 Homebush. Gibson and Wombey, 418 George at Brown and Brown, Abattoirs rd, Pyrmont Gleeson P., 821 King at, Newtown Brown 118 Womerah ave Sydney Distributing Depot, Thomas Brown Charles, Gray Joseph, Woodville at, Huretville Henry, Mitchell rd, Alexandria at—J. M. Arnett, Manager. Teh. 651 Brown Hackett James, 144 Brougham at W., Phillip at, Parramatta and 8498 Hardy Robert IL, 128 Q.V. Markets Burke R. and Son, 483 Church at, P'matta Harris R, 98 Falcon at, North Sydney and Sons, Ltd., Lyons rd, Butler George, Church at, Leichhardt Hat vey Robert, Eastern aye, Kensington inisebrook Canning W. J., Penshurst at, Willoughby Camperdown Bohm F. P. S., 850 George at Carr 0., Earl at, Moeman Field's Dog Biscuit Factory, 445 Pitt at Hotel Arcadia, Imperial Arcade 170 Pitt at Haokshell's Ltd., 389 George at, and Old Chamberlain Henry, 20 Ultimo rd Howard William J., 370 Oxford at, W'ahra Chick Walter H., Blaxland's rd, Eastwood Botany rd, Mascot Irving John H., 2991 King at, Newtown Hardman /tree., Ltd., factory, 4 Sarah at, Clarke James,,Bunnerong rd, Kensington Irwin and Leigh, 176a George at Clarke S., 205 Staumore rd, Petersham Newtown James Edward, 75 Oxford et, Waverley Phtenix Biscuit Co. Proprietary Ltd., 282- Cookerill and Weigand, 312 Military rd Janaway Edwin, 5 Pitt at Dole William, Western rd, May's Hill 234 Cleveland at Jones F. M., 101 Regent at; Redfern Swallow and Ariel!, Ltd.—James Bell and Coleman Albert, Portman at, Waterloo Kent H., 134 Military rd, Neutral Bay Collis E. and IL, Parramatta rd, Burwood Co., agents, 109 Pitt at Lacombe R. S., Bridge at, Rookwood Connelly Denis, Vista at, Greenwich THORPE'S LIMITED, Dog Bis- Connolly James, Mountain at Lee and Neale, Arden at north, Ooogee cuit Manufacturers. Proprietors of Courtney and Bohisen, Forbes at McDermott P., 392 Parramatta rd, P'sham "Field's "Specialities for the Poultry. Craig James, 2 Shelley at If oKay Thomas, St. Paul's at, Randwiok keeper, City Depot, 445 Pitt st. Tele- Craig James, 21 Edward at, Balmain Magill J. T., Ramsay rd, Haberfiold phones, 140 and 409 Parramatta and Ornwye Collo, 53 Merton at, Roadie Margieson George, Parramatta rd, P'sham City 3891 Michael Samuel, 18 Elizabeth at, Redfern Daley P. L., 14 Short at, Manly Minehan James, 129 Miller at, N. Sydney Dailey Andrew J., 206 Campbell at National Billiard Theatre, Darling at, Davies J., The Old Kent rd, Bankstown • BITTERS MANUFACTURER. laimain Deane Joseph J., Hatton at, Ryde O'Brien Mrs. M.. 72 Corso, Manly ROWLANDS IL PROPTY., LTD.. Dewhunst T. & Son, 51 Botany at, Redfern O'Byrne T. W., Belmore at, Durwood Burns and Little Hay eta. Telephone Dixon Charles A, 920 Norton st, L'hardt O'Connor W., Bunnerong rd, Kensington City 818 Douglas John and Sons, 121 Oxford at, O'Dea John H., Eastern aye, Kensington Waverley Ogden William, Railway at, Rockdale Downie Andrew, Bunnerong rd, Kenseton BLACK IRONWORKERS. 0 Neill James, 169 Enmore rd, Enmore Doman George, 112. 114 King et, St. Peters Palmer and Levy, 15 Oxford at ZOLLNER LTD., 28 to 88 Druitt at. Ellis and LUO4B, Hutchinson at, Anandale Pickering S., Peat's Ferry rd, Hornsby Telephone 79 City Fallon Timothy, Oxford at, Durwood Pryke J. A., 24 Spit rd, /Seaman Farrell D. S., Booth at, Annandale Robinson J. A., Botany rd, Mascot Feldberg Charles, High at, Liverpool Salter J., Lane Cove rd, North Sydney Fehrenbach C., 151 Liverpool rd, Aslifield ILACKLEAD MANUFACTURERS. Tierney William S., 9 Oxford at Reekitte (Over Sea) Limited (Loudon tied Foord Stephen, George at, Canterbury Turner Alfred, 69 Elizabeth at Help—L_ Standish. Stewart; repre- Foonl Thos., Liverpool rd, Burwood Usher George, 2 Laokey at, Summer Hill sentative, Hill and Bourke eta, Redfern Forsyth Bros., Pennant at, Parramatta Vernon W. G., 169 George at west Gold and Pearson, Gordon rd, Willoughby Whitton G., Rocky Point rd, Rockdale Goodwin It. A. and Son, Rooky Point rd, BLACKINO MANUFACTURERS. Winston W. F., 393 Pitt st Antall& — Gordon and Son, Druitt at Hammond Edward 0., Cecilia at, Behnore 11ILLIARO TABLE MANUFACTURERS: Hands and Scott, Alexander at, Arnoliffe ALOOOK & CO. Billiard Balls and Cues. Hart H. C., Missenden rd, Newtown Warehouse, Showrooms encl.' , CMOs Harwood George, Canterbury rd, O'bury UT George at, Sydney. Tel. 7870 Hazen Bros., Eveleigh st, 'Redfern City. Factory, Maddox and Lawrence B. Rowe, Managing Director;. Heaton Edward, 46a Lawson at, W'ley sts, Alexandria . • • r H. lloweiSeOretary). Reedy H. 13:, 16 Elizabeth at, Redfern Buddy William, 52 Clarence at • . Manufacturers at "COBRA." Boot Higgs T. IL, Illawarra rd, Marriakville Hill iiiineon,'89 Vine at, Redfern HEIRON AND SMITH, 218 Castle. Polishes, &o. Factory and Registered reagh St (see Advt. page 1789.) office: Solar. Works, Whim Street, Holmes G. A., Lane Cove rd. Turramurra Waterloo, Sydney, Telephone No, 291 Hololian John, Rooky Point rd, Kogarah Moran Robert, 117 Castlereagh at Redfern. (See Advt. opp. I3oot and Howard W , South Ter. Bankstown Todd Edmund J., Ltd., 377 Kent at Parranaatta rd, Homebush , Shoe Polish Manufaciturers) ARNOTT WILLIAM BLYTH1 PLATT '(11. (AUSTRALIA) 'LTD, WOOD, COFFILL AND COMPANY LTD. LIVERY DEPT., 472-84 HARRIS ST. 'PHONE 156 GLEBE ANTHONY HORDERNS ,---RELIABLE TRADERS FOR TOWN OR COUNTRY. BloTRADES AND PROFESSIONS.Boa1791 Jarman Bros., 37-39 Shepherd st Jay J. T.,16-18-20 Erskine at Johnston W. J. Ltd., 15 Wilmot at Joyner and Sons, 491-496 Glenmore rd, Paddington Joyner Thomas, 17 Artlett et, Pad'ton Kaluoy 11., 78 Elswick at, Leichhardt Kirk D., Barwon Park rd, Alexandria Laycook Edward, Joynton a ye, Waterloo Lewis Thomas, 22 Cove at, Balmain Lee Richard, Botany rd, Alexandria Lincoln & Bons, 518 Illawarre rd, Wyllie Loader Alfred, Mercury at, Penshurst Logan Thomas, Abattoirs rd, Rozelle LOTHIAN AND SKINNER, General Blacksmiths, 2 James st, Leiohhardt. Tel. 757 Petersham. McCarthy Frederick, 7 Pine at, Rozelle McCienahan T., Allison rd, Randwiok McDonald and Lane, 257 Australia at and George st, Camperdown Macdonald David, Rhodee's lane MacDonald John, Old Canterbury rd, Sum. Hill MoDonell Alexander, Canterbury rd, more McDonnell T. G., Peat's Ferry rd, Waiters McHugh C. Liverpool rd, Bankstovm MacKenzie Bros„ of 248 Castlereagh at Ma 'Kenzie W. and Co., Robert at, Roselle McNamara Thomas J., 122 Weston rd, Bonita McQuade Hugh, Botany rd, Mascot MoWilliam W. and J., Botany nl, Mascot Mainwaring Bros. Ltd., 8-5 Market at Mangan Thos., 23 Nelson at, Annandale Mangan Thomas, 2 Susan et, Annandale Marshall W. G., St. Anne's at, Ryde Mason J. Gordon rd, Kiliara Mason William, 11 Missenden rd, N'town Milne Bros., 164-166 Sussex at Minifie Harry, 87 Mullens at, Balmain Mitchell Bros., Spring at, flatmate Mitchell and Mitchell, 280 Pitt at Moore Isaac, Auburn Park rd, B'k'town Morgan Bros., 87 Goulbum at Morrison Malcolm, Murray at Mouthier IL, Dixon at Mudge J., 872 Elizabeth at Muir John, 18 Holden at, Ashfield Mums Luke, 9 to 9 Bridge rd Glebe Murray John, Great Northern :i GI'ville Nicholson and Fox, Avoca at, Randwlok Nicholson J., Rocky Point rd, Rockdale Nielsen N. P. and Co., 491 Kent at Norman R. L. and Co., 20 Erskine at Norton Robert, 71 Cowper at, Marriokville Nutt John. 2 Kettle at, Redfern O'Brien Bros., Mallon at, Auburn O'Connor R., Illawarra rd, Marrtokville Olive W., Lane Cove rd, Pymble Olsen G. D., Pariamatta rd, Homebush O'Mara John, Parramatta rd, Concord Overall MoOray Ltd., 44 Campbell it, and Buchanan at, Bantle Parker Henry, Bemire rd, Newtown Penrce 0., Gordon rd, Ohatewood Percy A. B. 988 Lane Cove rd, N. Sydney Petteford H. N., 24 Whistler et, Manly Pearce 0., Gordon rd, Chatawood Plumb W. ti., Kendall st, Woollahm Pople Edviard J., 897-407 Wattle et Pratt James 589 .541 Wattle at Promo Robert O., Bay at, Korne..ell Quain James, 89 Yelverton et, ER. Peters Roberts Richard, 888 Unvvin's Bridge rd, St. Peters Rogers W. and Son, Oxford at. Pad' (Region Roy Duncan and Son. Rooky Pt. rd.It'dale Schweloker Edward, Jersey et, Hornsby Sorutton R. L. and. Co., Limited, Mary Ann at, Ultimo Scully John, 6 Eutaw et, Manly Sherwood E. J., Forest rd, Hurstville Silk W. H., Bellmore rd, Dalmorton SIMPSON AND CO. Blacksmith and Ironfounders, Francis at Leichhardt. Telephone 835 Petersham Skelly W. H., Illawarra rd, M'ville Smith A., 8 Beattie at, flatmate Smith It, • 111 Booth at, Annandale Symons Prederlok, Parramatte rd, B'wood Thompson and Mears, Smith at, Summer Hill Thompson F., Gordon rd, Gordon Thompson F. W., 8 Little Mount it Thompson F. W., 44 Pyrmont Bridge rd Thomson Andrew and Son, Ltd., Gerber at, Alexandria Trevitt George, 13elmore at, Ryde Trim and Baird, 137 Nelson at, Annandale Ultimo Iron Works, Omnibus lens Walker and Hunt, 34 Lane Cove rd, Nth. Wallace and Eagan, 67 King et, St. Peters Warnecke John J., Ermington rd, Itin'ton Wassail IL and F., Kildare at, Del. Hill Watt George, 3 Vine et, Darlington Welch R. and Sons, Sydenham rd, M'ville Wilkinson F and Co., 925 Washington at Wilkinson T. S., Montgomery at, Kogarah Williams H. $., Botany rd, Botany Williamson W., 20 Wellington at, Roselle Wilson John, George at, Camperdown Woodley's Ltd., Bay rd, North Sydney Wy brow Albert E., 78 Addison rd, MarBLOCK AND TACKLE MAKERS. Bee also Masts, &c., Makers. Buokland Bros., 299-301 Kent at Buzaeott and 0o.Ltd., 7 and 9 Market at Gordon George G., 11 Maquarie place Paul and Gray Ltd., 82-84 Sussex at BLUE MANUFACTURERS. Freeman S. and Sons, Ltd., 350 and 882 Harris at Lewis and Widtty, 156 Sussex at Reekitte (Over Sea) Limited, London and foil—B. Standish Stewart, representative, Hill and Bourke ate, Blom BOARDINGHOUSES. Addison Ernest, High et, North Sydney Alison Mrs. B. L.. 98-30 Bayswater rd AllenMrs. A. L., 143 Forbes at Allen Mrs. Klizabeth, 160 Chalmers it Allerding H., ORLI. rd, Vancluse Alliance Hotels Ltd., 187.191 Castlereagh at Alipress Hugh E., 280 Castlereagh at Almond Mrs. Edith, 183 Macquarie at Alvarez Mrs. P., 40-18 Darlinghurst rd Arnold Mrs. E., 12 L'Avenue Park, Newtown Arnold Miss L., 137 Macquarie at Arnett Mrs. J., Sir John Young's ores Ascher Mrs. 18. 3., 46-47 Maoleay at " Astor " (The), 128 Macquarie at Atkinson Mrs. H. M. W., 45 Phillip at Australian Residential Temperance Hotel, 144 Bourke at Bain Mrs.Mary,10 L'A.venue Park,N'town Barlow Walter, Botany rd, Botany Barrett 1'. JON Victoria at Bartley Mrs. Ethel, 181 William at Batty Miss Ada, Wylde at • Beatty Miss E., 8 York at Beaumont W., 62 Carrington at ,THE LARGEST FIRM OF UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS Bellwood Harry, 8 Barley at Bennett Joseph, 65 Phillip et Dillon Mrs. J., 191 Victoria at Bitter Mrs. C., 108 Phillip st 1 Bizant and Anderson, 5345 Phillip at Bole Mrs. 0., 457 Elizabeth at Bolton Mrs. IL, 24-26 Australia st, N'town Bond Mrs. M. A., 90 City rd Booth Mrs. E., 27 York at Boulton W. G., 29-31 York at Bowman Mrs. 11., 74.76 Bayswater rd Brook Mrs. A. M., 25 Wooloott at Brown Miss Emily, 107 Maoleay at Buckley Mrs. Mary, 191 William at Burg Mrs.BrId get, 311 Cleveland at, Rlern Burns Miss IL, 189 Victoria at Burrows Harry, 11 South Steyne, Mardi. Bushell Miss M., 81 Victoria at Buskin Miss L. N. 34 Maeleity at Butcher Miss A., George at, Parramatta Cahill Mrs. AL, 960 Elizabeth at Caldwell Miss M., 153 Phillip at Cameron Miss Line, 52 City rd Campbell Miss L. G., 88 Darlinghurst rd Campbell Mrs. R., 3 L'Avenue Park, Newtown Campbell R. J., 22 Fitzroy at, N. Sydney Carlton Residential Flats — Mesdames Crossing and Mitchell, Afreda at, Coogee Carlton (The)—Mies Mack, manageress, Victoria par., Manly Carr Mrs. J., Factory st, Granville Cashel Miss E., 71a Darlinghurst rd "Castlereagh" Lodging. house, 398 Castlereagh at Cate Miss E., 6 Barnoleuth sq. Chalk Mrs. M. H., 61-63*Darlingliuret rd Chandler Mrs. M., 4244 Darlinghurst rd Cheriton Mrs. M., 129 William at Christian Mrs. Augusta, 109 Phillip at Christie Mrs. N., 92 Victoria at Clarke Miss Sarah, 108 DarUnghnret rd Clinch Mrs. Irene, 181 Phillip at Close Mrs. Mary, 84 Darlinehurat rd Coberoft Mrs. A., 72-78 Darlinghurst n1 Cochin Mrs. Ellen, 144 Phillip at Collard Mrs. E. J., 24 Bayswater rd Colley Mrs. E., 70 DarlInghurst rd Collings Mrs. C., 5 York it Connell Mrs. A., 18 Kellett at Coogan Joseph, 135 Victoria at Coogan Mrs. Oatherine,81 Berlin ehurst at °apeman Mrs. J. J., "The Cairo," 81 Macleay at Cowan Mrs. T. J., 11 Bligh at Coves Miss Susan, 117 Phillip at Cox Miss Ethel, Lavender Bay Cox-Roper, Mrs. E. U., 10-12 Rookwalt ores Oraggs Frank, 35 Wooleott at Crams Martha, 1 Lower Fort at Crane Mrs. A., 286 Elizabeth at "Cromer' Mrs. Alfred Wilshire, managet ess, 91 .97 Phillip it Ciente Miss K, 110 Phillip at Curran Miss, 97 Victoria par, Manly Ounde John, 118 Addison rd, Manly Curtis R., 22 L'Avenne Park, Newtown Burke L., 46-48 Metropolitan rd, Enmore Dashwood Mrs. M., 184 ()batmen! at Davies Misses, 21.28 Wooleott at Davoren Thomas, 358 Elizabeth at Denshire Mrs. J. J., 205 Victoria at Desjardine Reno, 208 208 Victoria Pt Ditford Mrs. M., 198 Kurraba rd, Neut. B. Dixon Mrs. L. A., 22 Wylde at Dolan Mrs. Catherine, 15 Dailey at Donoghue Miss Nora, 11 Clarence at Dorman Miss IL, Avenue rd, Mosman Du Barry Guido, East Esplanade, Manly "Earl's Court," 80 West Esplanade, Manly Eastwood Mrs E., 13 Clarence at Eaton Thomas, 182 William at Edwards Mrs. 0014 Phillip at IN THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE ANTHONY • HORDERNS' FOR TOOLS OF ALL TRADES. 1792BoaTRADES AND PROFESSIONS. Boa Boardinghouses continued,— Kay Mrs. E., 53 Campbell at, North Sydney Phillips Mrs. Sophie, 8 Wooleott at Keeffe Misses J. and M., 268 and 557.561 Phillipson Mrs. F., 88 Oxford at, Woollahra Edwards Miss M., 23 Oralgend at Elizabeth at Ploand Mrs. E., 181 Phillip at Elliott Miss Jean, 44 Macleay at Kellaway William, 1-3-5 Elizabeth Bay rd Poole Miss Alice, 254. 256 Glebe Point rd, Farley Mrs. S. F., 6 Grosvenor at Glebe Federal Lodgings, 2211.0astlereagh at Kelly Miss M. G., 183 Phillip at Kelly Mrs. N., 5 Castlereagh at, Redfern Fenton Misses, 10 Barley at Power Miss A., 147 Phillip at Ferguson Miss J., 22 Bayswater rd Keogh Miss M., 22 Regent at Preston Mrs. Beatrice, Brook at, Coogee Finlayson Mrs. Bridget. 57 Wooloott at King Miss IL, 24 Carrington at Pridgeon Miss A. C., 28 Carrington at Kosovioh Mrs. Maude, 4 Grosvenor at Fisher Miss Sophia, 1 IVooloott at Puig and Hegewald, proprietors Great Kyle Mrs., 11 Wooloott at Fitzpatrick Mrs. B. 139 Phillip at WesternCoffee Palace, Hay and Clarence at 48 Landers Mrs. Lillian. 72 Bayswater rd Sussex sts Flood Mrs. M., Leach Miss E. L., 9 Kellett at Pullen Misses A. and B., 23 Lavender at, Flynn Thomas, 240 Elizabeth at Lee & Child (Mimes), 7 Bayswater n1 North Sydney Forbes Mrs. L., 1 Kellett at Quayle Mrs. Alice, 146 Phillip at Ford and Toohey Misses, 20 L'AvenuePark, Lee Miss A 18 Elizabeth Bay rd Leggatt Mrs. E., 172 Victoria at Quinn Mrs. 103 William at Newtown Leonard Mrs. A., 70 City rd Ranson Mrs. 0., 268 Victoria at Ford Miss Mary, 27 Wooloott at Lever Mrs. M., 29 Roslyn at Regan Mrs. C. J., 270 Elizabeth at Foster J., 93 Green's rd, Paddington Liebmann Misses, 50 Bayswater rd Reid Miss J., 187 Macquarie at Fox Mrs. If., Hayee rd, Neut. Bay Ling Mimes (The), 152 Bridge rd, Glebe Reid Miss J., 12-14 South Steyne, Manly Franklin Mrs. E., 44 Margaret at Lloyd Owen, 128 Phillip at Reid y Mrs. Mary, 140 Chalmers at Frost J. IL, 9$ North Steyne, Manly Retallack Mrs. S., 88 Sir John Young's ores Full wood Miss, 24-28 Muegrave at, Mosman Lonergan Edward, 17 Woolcott at Riccardi Thomas, 76 Roslyn Gardens Gabriel Mrs. Ella, 9-11 and 5446 Darling- Ludolph Louie Beach at, Coogeo MoGrath Mrs. M., 50 Darlinghurst rd Risby Mrs. L. H., 77 Darlinghurst n1 burst rd McGrath Mrs. M., 28 Moore Park rd Robertson J. 5„ 14 Barley rd, Manly Gabriel Mrs. G., 25 York at McInnes Mrs. Janet, 94 City rd Rohland Carl, 81 Phillip at 'Galloway Mrs. J., 20 Bayswater rd McIntosh Miss C., 28 Boyce et, Glebe Rook Mrs. Dora If., 7.9 Elizabeth Bay rd Garth F. II., 1 West Promenade, Manly Maoken James V., 65 Isfacleay at Gavagan Mrs. Mary, 106 William at Rosewear Mrs. B., 280 Victoria at McKinnon Miss J., " Rothesay," Wycombe Ross David T., 60 DarlInghurst rd Gilles Mrs. Eva, 18 Grosvenor at rd, Neutral Bay Ross Miss H. W., Kellett at 'Gilroy Miss M., 30 Carrington at Glasscock Mies Sarah J., 57 North Steyne, McKinnon Mies Nellie, 12 Cerebella at, Rossi Edward 148a Victoria at North Sydney RowoldJ Mrs. J. J., 9 Jemieson at Manly Macleay Street (No. 52), 52 Machny at Gleason Mrs. Gertrude, 14 Margaret at Ryan Miss Charlotte; ID Wooloott st Godfrey Miss Kate, 17 Kellett at MaoPhee Mrs. A. 31., 80 East Esplanade, Ryan Mrs. AI., 141 Victoria at Manly Gray Mrs. A. J., 11-18 and 20 Jameson at Salvation Army Women's Metropole, 850 Great Western Coffee Palaoe—Puig and Madden Mrs. Elizabeth, 193 William at Elizabeth at Hegewald, proprietors, Hay and Sus. Hair Mrs. Annie, 84-86 Carrington at Samuels Mrs. Amelia, 1 Wylde at Markey Mrs. Annie, 82-84 Hunter at Sampson Mrs. B. 46-48 Margaret at sex eta Marsden Misses, 23 Jersey rd, Woollahra Sandman Mrs. P., 218 William at Green Mrs. M. E. 0., 129 Macquarie at Scott Mrs. 0.1., 21 York at Hardaker Mrs. M. J., 829 Cleveland at, Mason Mrs. Eva, 75 Mackay at Matteer Mrs. B., 18-15 Gilbert it, Manly See Miss A., Gordon rd, Killam Redfern Miller Mrs. A. W., 20 East Esplanade, Sheldon Mrs. Ettle, 94 Victoria at Harper Mrs. Maggie, 49 Mackay at Harris Mrs. B., 50 Beigrave et, Manly Manly Sherwood Miss C. L., 88 Beigmve at, Manly Miller Benj. R., North Rayne, Manly Smeo Mrs. Agnes, 15 Kellett at Harris Mts. Kate, 7 Darlinghurst rd Harris Samuel, 15 Clarence at Mills Miss F., 352 Victoria at Smith Mrs. A., 211 Victoria at Harris Mrs. S., 15 L'Avanue Park, Blown Milne Mrs. J., 42 Margaret at Smith Miss Alice, 115 Phillip at Minoan° Miss Alice, 61 Wooloott at Hay Miss Mary, 50 Margaret at Smith Mrs. J. W., 5 Kellett at ModelLod.ging House Co.—Ernest E. Smith S. L., 60 Carrington at 'Hayes Miss Nellie, 36-88 Bayswater rd Joyce, manager, 211 Kent at Smyth Hugh C., 17 Clarence at Hayward Miss Ena, 14$ Victoria at Moloney Mrs. L., 52 North Rayne, Manly Spencer Miss C., 109 . 111 Darlinghurst rd Beare Mrs. A., 18 Birth at Morrison Mrs. Emily, 195 William at Heath Miss F. C., 43 Phillip at Sproule Mrs. A., 13 Castlereagh at, Rlern Moylan Mrs. E., 51 North Stevie, Manly Stapleton Mrs. Amelia, 258-200 Glebe Heinz Mrs. Mabel, 110 Hunter at Henderson Mrs. Rose M., 77-79 Maoleay at Murphy T. J., Telegraph rd, Pyroble Point rd, Glebe Murray Miss J., Kissing Point rd, T'murra Steel Miss E., 88 Castlereagh at, Redfern Hennessey William, 874 Victoria at Murray Patrick, 50 Flinders at ,Hensleigh Mrs. A. 27 Cliff at, Manly Stephen. Miss Alice IL, 214 Glebe Point N.S.W. Alliance Headquarters Co., Ltd., Herbert Miss L. M., 872 Victoria et rd, Glebe 187 Castlereagh at Stewart Mrs. F. 88 City rd Ifolahan P., 22 East Esplanade, Manly Holman Mrs. B, West Promenade, Manly Nieolle Miss F., Ranger's eve, /Leeman Stewart Miss Harriett, 180 Walker at, Holmes Mrs. AL, Wyoombe rd, Neut. Bay Noakes Mts. 10.3., 214 Pitt at North Sydney Noble Miss AL A., 272 Elisabeth at Hope Mrs. L., 78 Phillip et Strachan Mrs. A., 47 Phillip at • L'Avenue Park, Newtown Nolan Miss Julia, 109 William as N., 4 Sutton Mrs. AL, 246 Elizabeth at Howe Mrs. Boons Miss A,,'169 Alaoleay at Suttor Mrs. W. H., 9 Darlinghurat rd Huck Mrs. B., 164 Phillip at Norman Mrs. B., 15 Elizabeth Bay rd Humphries David, 71e Darlinghurst rd Sydenham Mrs. M., 82 City n1 O'Connell Miss IL, 18 Bayswater rd Hurley Robert, 2 Carlton at, Manly Theater Mrs. E., 2011 Oxford at, Pad'ton O'Connor Mn, s Minnie, 53 Wooloott at Thomas Mrs. M., 197 Victoria at • Hurworth Mrs. M., 77 Phillip at Hutton Mrs. A., 40 Pitt at, North Sydney Oliver Mrs. M. 8 L'Avenue Park, N'town Thomas Walter, 44 Ashburner at, Manly O'Malley Miss AL, 112 Phillip at Huxley Mm. M., 164 Victoria at Thompson Mrs. 31. Lindsay, 80 North O'Reilly Mrs. M. 81., 8 Kellett at Eyed F., 4 Barley rd, Manly Steyne, Manly O'Sullivan Miss H., 19 Wooloott at Ingamelis 0., 9 York at Thompson Peter, 40 Stuart et, Manly Irving Mrs. D. M., 9 South Steyne, Manly O'Sullivan Miss May, 18 Wooloott at Toomey Mrs. J800,161-1138 William st; Guzman Mrs, IL, 65 Albion at Tornaros Star, 104 Phillip at Ivey John H. 111 Phillip at , Paddison Miss L., 71 Pittwater rd, Manly Terms Mrs. H., 26 Carrington at Jacobs Mrs. Elizabeth, 22 .24 Maoleay at Jamieson Misses E. andL,84East Partridge Mrs. J., 89 Darlinghuret rd Touzeau Mrs. Mary, 282 Victoria at Payer Madame If., 96 Phillip at Esplanade, Manly Tracey Patrick, 56 Darlinghurst at Pearce Miss A., 78 North Steyr)°, Manly Jeans Mrs. Marshall, 51 Phillip at Trappell Mrs. Alice M., 52 Bayswater rd Jepson Mrs. F. B., Bayview at, N. Sydney Pears Mrs. M., 134 Philip at Tweddlo Mrs. A. E.,15 Lower Fort at rd 54 Darlinghusst Pee& Mrs. M. A., at 118 Phillip -Jevons Bernard, Valentino Mrs. M. A.,120 Addison rd, 3fly Polly George, 13 Darkly at Job Mrs. N., 217a Macquarie at Wade Mrs. A. W. 59 Elizabeth Bay rd Johnson Mrs., la West Promenade, Manly Polder Mrs. E., 77 Victoria at Wagner Mrs. Nellie, 123 Maoleay at Johnstone Mrs. F. W., 83 East Esplanade, People's Palace Hotel, 898.408 Pitt at, Waller George, 199-178 William at Tel. 8340 Manly Walsh Miss A., 252 Elizabeth at Perkins Mrs. P., 55 Campbell at, Ntb. Syd. Walsh Mrs. Mary, 124 George at north Jones Mrs. Elsie, 82 Bayswater rd 'Jonas Mrs, H. A., 651 Hunter at Perry Mrs. E., 07 West Esplanade, Manly Walters Miss L. S., 7 York at Pestridge Mrs. 11. K., 106 Phillip at Jones Miss, 24 East Esplanade, Manly Watkins Mrs.E., 9 West Promenade, Manly Kane Miss M.,181 Maoleay at Phelan Frederick 3., 79 Phillip at Watson Mrs. L.,14 Bower at, Manly Phillips Mies A., 20-22 Beigrave et, Manly WOODeCOFFILL COMPANY LTD. CENTRAL OFFICE r . 810 . 12 'BIONIC IL 'PHONE 726k1524 CENTRAL ANTHONY _HORDERNS' FOR FARMING IMPLEMENTS. BoaTRADES AND PROFESSIONS..Boi1793 Watson Mrs. s7 Walker at, North Sydney Watt Mrs. P., 60 North Steyne, Manly Webb Mrs. F. M., 2091 Victoria et Wells Mrs. 0., 115 Phillip at Wentworth Hotel Ltd., 15-17 Lang at White George. 71 Daringhurst rd Whelan Miss Johanna, 133 William at White Mrs. M., 6 Barley st Whitelaw 0., 126 Phillip at " Whitehall "Boarding Establishment, Mrs. J. Robello, 222 Victoria at Wigg Miss Lille, 49 Phillip at Wild Mrs. Jane, 69 Hunter at Wilde Mrs. 0., 215 Victoria at Wilkes Samuel IL, 124 Victoria at Wilicinson Mrs. Lydia, Hayes at, Neut. Bay Wilshire Mrs. Alf., "Cromer," 91 Phillip at Wilson Miss 0., 217 Macquarie at Woods Mrs. Alice, 58 North Stun°, Manly Wyatt Mrs. A., 27 Roslyn at Young Women's Christian Assn., Castlereagh at, and Liverpool rd, Ashfield BOARDS, State Children's Relief —A. W. Green, J.P., boarding-out officer and chief officer under Children's Protection Act ; W. R. Bury, chief inspector; 3. S. Creagh, chief clerk; E. N. Belden, accountant, 1, 3, 5, Richmond Terrace, Domain Western Land Board—O. J. McMaster, J.P., Chief Commissioner ; Hugh Langwell, J.P., and S. W. Moore, J.P., Commissioners ; G. A. Denning, secretary, 279 George at BOATBUILDERS. Brady John, Alberto at, Leichhardt Buchan John, Clifford aye, Manly Burley A. E., 7 Stewart et, Glebe Cubitt Thos., 81 Thomas at, North Sydney Deering Edgar, Cary at, Drummoyne Edwards James, Mandolong rd, Mosman Fisher C. A. M., 40 Blue's Point rd, N. Syd. Goddard W. R., 8 West Crescent at, N. Syd. Golding W. H., Broderick at, Grant Robert, Wiggins at, Botany Grant Robert AL, 131tany rd, Bot ry Hayes James, 5 Little Weston at, Batman' Holmes W., East Crescent at, N. Sydney Holmes William, 26 Victoria at, N. Sydney Hubbard James E., 18 Lelohhardt at, Glebe Johnson Bros., Willoughby at, N. Sydney Johnson G. L., of Louisa rd, Balmain Joyce William H., Ben Boyd rd, Neu. Bay Kemp Peter, Teviot ave, Abbotsford Langford Harry, 58 Kent at Lawson J. T., 20 Darling at, Balmain Lyons Oliver, The Spit, Mosman Messenger Mrs. Chas., Marine par, D'ble B. Messenger Harry Marine par, Double Bay Pelquest F., off Rayview at, North Sydney Peterson 0. P., Jeffrey at, North Sydney Piper Henry, St. George's ores, D'moyne Pritchard Bros., Ltd., High at, Neut Bay Pritchard C. G., Augustus at, L'hardt Rosman 0., Avenue rd, Mosman Smith Reuben, Ormond at, Roseville Strong James T.. 27 Victoria at, N. Sydney Towns George,'Whart rd, Gladesville Verrall James, Burton at, Manly Williams A. G., St. George's cres, D'moyno Yates Frederic*, 291 Louisa rd,Balmain Yates .1, Annette at, Oatley Associated Board of the R.A.M. & E.O.M.— Arthur C. Hull, res. sec., 10 Castlereagh at Australian Board of Missions, 242 Pitt at Board of Examiners for Public Service— F. A. Bland, B.A., LL.B., secretary, 4 O'Connell at Board of Fire Commissionersfof N.S.W.— P.A.Cloghlan,president ;G.O. Barry, secretary ; 211-219 Castlereagh st Board of Health—J. Ashburton Thompson, M.D., president; G. H. King, J.P., secretary, 93 Macquarie at Board for the Protection of Aborigines— R. H. Beardsmore, B.A.., secretary, 103. 107 Phillip at Board Room of Official Visitors to the Hospitals for Insane — Miss A. T. Penises, secretary, 16 Hunter at Board Room of Senate, Sydney University, 169 Philip at Closer Settlement Advisory Board (No. 1) —W. N. Sendall, chairman ; J. G. Black, secretary, 82 Elizabeth at Closer Settlement Advisory Board (No. 2) —IL J. Coberoft, chairman ; E. J. Tyidosley, secretary, 32 Elizabeth at BOAT PROPRIETORS, Crown Lands Board—E. J. Tyldeeley, sec- Adams John, The Spit, Mosman retary, 112 Elizabeth at Dental Board of N.S.W.—Homce Taylor, Bailey A. 0., Great North rd, Abbotsford J.P.,registrar,7 Riehmond tor, Domain Ball Ernest, Joubert st, Hunter's Hill Mrs. M. S., 98 N.S,H. rd, Pad'ton Meat Industry and Abattoirs—W. G. Banks Banks R. J. Beach rd, Rushentters' Bay Mocks, secretary, 1 Richmond ter. Boyd Daniel, 71 Phoebe et, Balmain Medical Board of N.S.W.—G. H. Abbott, Brereton Daniel, Lambeth st,Rast Hills secretary, Richmond ter, Domain Drignell E., Beach Rushoutter's Day Metropolitan Board of Water Supply and Bush James, Reachrd, ml, Rushoutter's Bay Sewerage—W. J. ?dinner, A.M.LC.E., Carroll John, La Porous() president; • Colonel William Holmes, secretary ; J. AL Small, engineer-in. Chapman G., Bridge at, Drummoyne chief ; W. 10, Oorben, caretaker, 841 Chapman G. A. Bridge st, Drummoyne Cleave Charles,' La Perouso, Botany Pitt at N.S.W. Miners' Accident Relief Board— Colley H. N., Avenue ml, Mosman Saud James Blanksby, J.P., sec., Bridge at Cowper John, SansGreat North rd, A'fonl Pharmacy Board—A. Wadsworth, presi- Crawford Robert, dent; A. Forster, J.P., secretary and Dempsey W., off Abigail et, Hunter's Hill De Russett It, West at, Balgowlah registrar, Richmond ter, Domain Derwent Andrew, Wyong st, ()alley Public Service Board --K. H. Wilshire. Edwards E. Marine par, Vauoluse J.P, chairman J. M. Taylor, M.A., Fanning Edward, Frazer at, Leichhardt L.L.B., and W. J. Hanna, J.P., memFarrell James, 40 Stuart at, Manly bers;R. A. Milian,secretary,' Federal Boat Sheds, Como T. S. Champion, registrar, 4 O'Connell Fisher W. Moore at, Drummoyne stFootman Tennyson rd, Mortlake Public Service Board of Examiners—T. S. Franks J.,B., Grand•par, 13righton-le-Sands Champion, registrar ; F. A. Bland, B.A., LL B., seeretary, 4 O'Connell at Fraser Hugh, Duke at, Balmain Stores Supply Department— Adolphus Gale Bros., Meadowbank Berekelman, secretary and executive Gasooigne Henry, Mount at, Hunter's Hill Goddard William, Rose Bay member, 15-17 Young at Goldsmith J. and G., T.a Porous°, Botany Goldsmith Mrs. G. A, La Perot's°, Botany Graham F. W., The Spit, Moamar' Hamilton William, 5 Phcebest, Balmain Harris Charles, Doll's Point Hayward H., Woniora rd, Biakehurst Holland It. B., Forest rd, Peakhurst Hughes G. J., Sans Sono' Humphries It., Sans Sorrel Ives Bros., Dawes Point Joyce C. A., Ben Boyd rd, Neutral Bay Kemp Peter, Teviot a ye, Abbotsford• Linmark Harry, Annette at. Oatley Lucas Albert, Bridge at, Drummoyne ?dahalm S., Augustus at, Leichhardt Morrow F. IV., 7 Alexa e der at, Balmain Morrowarederick W., Campbell at, Bmain Mosley Joshua, Pan rd, Peakhurst Mosley Thomas, Pau rd, Peakhurst Mulgannon John, Avenue rd, /lemma Nichols J., Beach nil, Ruehoutters Bay Pearce Henry, The Spit, Mosman Pearson & Johnson, Elizabeth Bay Reserve Phlllips Thomas IL, 2 River et, Balmain Press H. C., Domain Press Henry 0., ljnwin's Bridge rd, Tempe Pritchard Mrs. F. A., Augustus at, L'hardt Rasmussen C., Beach rd, Rusimutter's Bay Read William, Joubert at, Hunter's Hill Riddle W. U. The Spit, Moreau Robinson Robert, Beach at, Double Bay Rosman C., Avenue rd, Mesmer' Sainty George A., Kuring-gal-Chase rd, Turramuna Saunders' Boat Shod, Cabarita rd, M lake Salmon F., Sandringham Shearer R., Raglan at, Mosman Sheppard N., Pan rd, Peakhurst Sheppard William, Pan id, Peakhurst Skinner Charles, 32 Barley rd, Manly Skinnner George, Carey at, Manly Skinner Stanley, Carey et, Manly Sly and Skinner, East Esplanade, Manly Sly George, 62 Addison rd, Manly Sly John, Stuart at, Manly Stannard W), Marine par, Double Day Steel Robert, Glebe Point ml, Globe Point Taylor Orlando, Bayview at, N'th Sydney Thompson Thomas, Wyong et, Oatioy Tender J. W., Bans Swot Verrall Jas., Bolingbroke par, Manly Vipond Benj.; Beach nil, Rushoutters Bay Walker G. IV., Church at, Lelehhardt Ward Henry, Wyong et, Oatley • Wells Mrs. Ada, La Porous°, Botany Wills J. H., Cremona rd, Como Williams Edgar, Annette at, (Utley Wrixton Mrs. E., 05 Willoughby at, N. Syd. BODEBAS. Amendola Franols,"5 Wilmott at Dyson F. Thorpe, 88 Rowe at Gehrig and Co., 97 Oxford at Imperial Bodega—A. Bennington, Wyn yard lane • ' Pellegrini Mrs. A.; 85 Elizabeth at Val Lolato and Co., 46 Market at BOILER FLUID MANUFACTURERS, Adams William & Company, Ltd., 157 Clarence at BELL'S ASBESTOS AUSTRAL. IAN AGENCY, LTD., Manufacturers of GLENFIELD'H Boiler Fluid, 815 Kent at, Sydney ;• and at Melbourne and Fremantle. Tel. 8285. P.O. Box 1078 • BritishAnti.foulingComposition and Paint Co., Ltd., 63 Pitt at Julien's Ships' Composition—Capt. R. C. Ghat, agent, 10 Bridge at • ,THF. LARGEST FIRM OF CARRIAGE . AND DRAG PROPRIETORS SOUTH OF THE EQUATOR ANTHONY NORDERNS 1— ONLY UNIVERSAL PROVIDERS, NEW PALACE EMPORIUM, SRICKFIELD HILL STONEY. 1794BoiTRADES AND PROFESSIONS. Boo Built and Jones, 1 York lane Campbell J. A. and Co., Mullins at Carter and Co., Wentworth plane Bell's Asheitos Australian Agency, Ltd. Bishop A., off Pittman rd, North Ryde Chapman E. C. and Co., 117 Batianst at Co-operative •Wholesale Society, LW., bristle William 176 Victoria at 315 Kent at, Sydney Gregory H. P. and Oo , 74 Clarence at Bourke rd, Alexandria Fuerth and Nall Ltd., 23-29 Mary at Garth Michael, Old Botany rd, Mascot Grubb W. A. and Co., O'Itiordan et, Alexandria. Asbestos, Boller and Steam Pipe O'Rlordan Iflohael and Sons, CrItiordan Bookbinding andPaper Ruling Works, st, kdria Covering Contractor, "Alabama," 21 Account Book, Legal and linsla PliOMIX Meat Co.,:Ltd„O'lliordanst, Aktria Corona rd, Stamen Binding a speciality, 88 Clarence it, Tater Thane, O'Rlordan it, A/e'endrift Sydney. Tel, City 2481 Tumeth Edward, O'Rlordan st,Alexandria Jerrems C. and Co., 493 Kent at Jerrams B. L, 189 Clarence it BOILER AND TUBE COMPOUND. SMILER CODDLING IMPORTERS AND BOHAN DOWN ESTABLISHMENTS, MANUFACTURERS. Barnes James H.; Blaxoellst. Granville MACINTYRE EDWARD " STOPSKAL" HENDERSON JAMES BOLT, NUT ANN RIVET MAILIDACTORUS. Johnson Eric W., Binder of Boob in all Materials, Specialist In Leather Binding, 191-193 Castlereagh st. Tale. phone City 1777 Kiely Edward, 250a Pitt it Lamson Paragon Ltd., 83.65 Ann at, Berry Hill• Lees Samuel H., 81 Clarence it Leigh S. T. & Co , Ltd., 326 Castlereagh it, corner Goulborn at Little and Co.. 189 Church at, Parramatta McCarron, Stewart and Co., 22-2448 Goulburn at Maolardy it M., fila Clarence at • Boller Compound, Manufactured by A/13B0TSF0RD MANUFACTURScott and Company, London (estabING 00., Abbotsford, Five Dock lished 1874) —H. S. Dimples and Co., Bolt and lint Co, (The), 175 Manufacturers' Representatives for Acme Elizabeth et Australasia, New Zealand, Nettle Bifurcated and Tubular Rivet Co., Ltd Islands and Foreign, 18 Bridge at Ash at, off 838 George it Brown and Brown, Abattoirs nil Federal Nut and Bolt Works Ltd.,17nwle's Bridge rd, MarriekvIlla King Meet G., 85 Eve/sigh at, Redfern BOILEIMASERS. Laasetter F. & Co., Ltd., 402421 George it MURRAY D. AL Bookbinder and Gold. BABCOCK & WILCOX LIMITED stamper, 66 Royal Arcade, over 265a (London and Glasgow)—Bollers in SMITH W. P., Solo Agent For Acme Pitt at. Tel. 1922 City Bolt and Nut Co.—Botts and Nuts, Stook at Sydney —A. 3. Arnot, Servioe Engine, Pump, Cup and Norwood A. 429 Kent at 5LI.C.E., 1L1.3LE., Australasian Countersunk, Set Screws and Studs, Paw Frank S., ?.Albion place, of 529 Manager, 427-429 Sussex it, near Hay • Masbate, Nuts, Tie Rods, Boller at. Tel. 1108. it Rivets, etc, 178 Elizabeth et, Sydney. PeakGeorge J. W. and Co., 315 . 822 Pitt at Telephone 6873 ffity Chapman and Co., Ltd., 7-9 Draitt it Fanfold W. 0. and Go., 183 Pitt at Clyde Engineering Co.,1,td. (The), Clyde Pike W. H. and Co., 82 Liverpool at Works, Granville i Mutual Life Pinoott W.84 Hunter st building, Martin plaae Pontifex R. and Co., 7 King it Hoskins U. and C., Ltd., 512-540 Wattle it Pownceby Thomas. Ha King et, Newtown WINE MILLS, Howe (L W., 91-45 Bonny st, Redfern Prentice Jas., 4 6 Kent at Mart's Doak and Engineering Co., Limited, Byers Agency Co., Ltd, O'Riordan Roberts H. and Co., 4074 Kent at • 85 Pitt st ; works, animate Alexandria (Marin M, Old Botany rd, Mascot Lamb R. S. and Co., Paragon Bone Mills, O'Rionlan It, Alexandria 374 George Street Boilermakers and Ideohardeal EnSHORT GEORGE AND ' SON,' ginesni, &o. • Office, 22 Erskine at, 833 Kent et. Tel. 9126 Sydney.. Tel. Be? City MANUREMANUFACTURERS Smith W. IL, Ltd. 22-80 Bridge st Overall McCrary Ltd., Reynolds et, &amain Townsend S. D. and Co., 282 Pitt AND MERCHANTS, 75 York Turner & Henderson, Paton and Webster, 2 Edward it, Wmaln Ltd., 10-18 Hunter at at (comer of King at), Sydney. Tele Seatillan Joseph, Gordon at, Itozelle Sorutton R. L. and Co., Ltd., Mary Ann — phone 3957 Central at, Ultimo • Pyramid Bone Mills and Manure Works-BOOR DANE IMPORTERS, Storey and Keen, Shelley it• • Paton, Burns and Co., proprietors, st, Alexandria All Forms of OYES LIMITED Shirley George Ltd., 270 George at • Manufacturers of Boilers, Steam EnOFFICE FILING DEVICES gines and Pumps, 011 Engines, Gas •Engines, Suction Gas Plenta, Con Meats, ete.--Dalgety & .Clo, Ltd., SOMUSINDERS. • Sole Agents for Australia. Sydney Andrews (William) Printing Go., Ltd., MN Depot, A rgyle et,Miller's Paint. TaleCastlereagh at . phones, Central 438 and 2902. , (See . Ad/rt. opposite Title Page) ANGUS AND ROBERTSON, Ltd., Thompsa john (Wolverhampton), Ferrier New and Scoond-hand Booksellers 374 (GEORGE STREET,: and Dlokineon, agents, 12 Spring st 80 Castlereagh at Vale Henry and Sons, South par, Auburn , Our Sootin g ! Method SAVES SPACE Waugh and Joaephson,Bridge Barrie G. E., 218 George it -Batson and Co., Ltd., 91 .Clarence at . end, sonnies you to add to your • rd,Marriokvillo Chinn at your Business Grows, Wilson William & Co. (Glasgow), 50 Pitt at BROOKS WILLIAM AND CO Woottlay's Ltd., Baird, North Sydney LTD., IT Clastlerenglist. (See Advt.) Andy William, 177 Glebe Point rd, Glebe ANGUS & ROBERTSON, LTD. 80 Castlereagh Street—(See Advt.) Arnot J. F., 185 George at Austr.tiasian News Co., Ltd., 228 Clarence st Bar Sir Robert, 07-89 Market it Beddle Miss Mary, 24 Flinders at Bernasooni 3, A., 84 Redfern at, Redfern "Bible House" (The)--Chas. C. Mihail, 242 Pitt it Bible Book and Tract Depot, 378 Ells'h it Blanchard Ralph B., 9 Qaean Victoria Market building toucher Thomas J., 38 Harrington at Bradhunt F., 220 Darling at, Baimain British and Foreign Bible Soden, 942 Pitt it Brooks Wm. and Co., Ltd., 17 Ontlereagh street Bruck L., 15 Castlereagh at Bola Charles S., 1515 Oxford at Bah Book Club of N.S.W., 182 Phillip at °hirers W. A., 602a Darling at, Roselle Churoh Book Store, 533 George at COLE E. W., BOOK AND MUSIC ARCADE, Bookseller (New and fiesond-hand) and Stationer, Circa' lathe Library, 840 George at, Sydney (the first shop in George it below the G.P.O.)—T. E. G. Smith, Manager COLLINS BROS. & CO., LIMITED (R. E. Jones, Manager), Edna. tional and Bible Publishers, Wholesale and Manufacturing Stationer., 195 Clarence it, Sydney. Tels, City 8885 (two lines) OruickshankS., 038 Darling et, Itozelle Dennis Henry, Parkes at, Ryde Bowdon Walter 3, 68 Gout burn at Dowling P. R., 124 Norton et, Lelohbardt Dunlop 3. L., 144 William it Dwyer E. J., 705 (Norge at DYMOCK'S BOOK ARCADE LTD. 425 GEORGE . JOHN SANDS' SYSTEM DEPT. 3/4WOOD,1COTTILL AND Rom pARy- urm IlamleffELAEL .8DBURBSo SEJ • A.LPHABSTIPAL,SESPHN ANGUS AND BOOK DEPOT J. Carnal, ROBERTSON METHODIST LIMITED, New 2Qd SCCOID1-11841 BOOKSELLERS / Publishers to the University. BOOKSELLERS To the Parliament Library and the University. Sydney look Club Junior look Club Catalogues and Terms of Subscription cm application, Largest Stock in the world of Books, Drawings. and Autograph Letters relating to Australasia & Polynesia (NextRoyal Hotel), PATON BURNS & CO. TAN Kirby and Co., 110 Liverpool at Laker Henry F , 49 Goulburn at• Law Beek Oa of Austrataela, Ltd. (late C. F. Maxwell, Hayes Brothers), 80 Elizabeth at Leslie W. C., 48 Beattie st, Balmain MoEwen Miss J., 170 Church at, Pmaita Macfarlane J. H., 288 Pitt at McNamara Mrs. B.. al Castlereagh at Marsden J. J., 57 Elizabeth at Maxwell Erie W., 5 Cowper at, Waverley BOOKSELLERS. SANDS JOHN (LTD.) NORMAN R. L. & CO. 'Boo1796 Boo TRADES AND PROFESSIONS. Books, Stationery, Fancy Goods 1 (New, Secondhand &RareBooks). Publishers of Dymak's 1/- Guide to Sydney and N.S.W. Australian Boob a Speciality. Telephone City 13431. Edwards, Dunlop and CO., Limited, 123 199 Clarence it Ferguson Bros., 32'Corso, Manly Casson George, 174 Elizabeth at Gille Louis and Co., 73-75 Liverpool at Grace Bros.. 1-to 11-Broadway,-Glebe Grace A. T., 809 Elizabeth it Hardy John, J.P., 140 NewCanterhury rd, Tetershem- Military Handbooks Baedeker's Guides Price List of British, Amencan and ForeignPeriodicals sent on application Books, Antique Furniture, Bronzes, China, Silver and •Sheffield Plate, Oil and Watercolour Pictures Bought Sold & Bzeitanged HORDERN ANTHONY & SONS, LTD., Sydney. (See headlines throughout MEMORY) Ireland G. W., 430 0,S.H. rd, Woolialtra Telephones 116E3 Centre JOHNSON'S BOOK STORE 59-95 CASTLEREAGH STREET SYDNEY. New and Second-hand Booksellers and Buyers of Books of all kinds 101-103 Castlereagh it. Telephone City 1777 Kattleweli j. W., 38 Pitt at JOSMASTERS NY APPOINTMENT TO MANY :A) - 1, Manager, 881 George at, Sydney. Telephone City 8830 MiheitCharies C., 242 Pitt at Molloy miss L., 222 Gourgo at Mooney EL, 120 Oxford at Mom Lail, 661a King at, Newtown Newton 0. J., 94 Glebe Point rd, Glebe N.S.W,Bookstall Co., Ltd., 470, 400 &801 George la, Central Railway Station, Circular Quay Si, 179e and 889 Pitt et ; Avenue rd, Mosman 1 291 King at, Newtown, and MoMahou's Polut,North Sydney. Regd. office, 476 Georgo at Philip George B. and Son, 298 George at and 644 Harris) at ; branch, 67 Broad. way, Glebe Pitt R. B., 04 Walker it, North Sydney ROBERTSON GEORGE AND CO. PROPRIETARY, LTD., Sta. Goners, &a, 238 Pitt at, opposite Sydney School of Arts Ross Mrs. Martha, 493 Elizabeth it Rana R. 3., New Canterbury H, Dulwich Hill Rani! Harry It., 83 King it, Newtown Sheridan R. B., 07 Corso, Manly Skinner A, 970 Oxford at, Paddington Skinner It. W. 121 Castlereagh at Stanboraugh J., 53 King et, Newtown Starr George, 168 Harris at Swain and Co., Ltd., 18 Moore at Tait O. M., 212 Church at, Perri:matte Thomas and Co., 195a Castlereagh it, and 188 King at, Newtown Thomas 3, 428 Parramatta nil, Petersham Throasell and Clark, 91 Market at Turner & Henderson, Ltd.,16-18 Hunter st Turner Jas., 180 Walker et, North Sydney Tyas WIlliam, 51341 George at Tyrrell's Bookshop, 92 Castlereagh It. Tel. 3458 City Tyrrell James R., 92 Castlereagh at. and 52 Market et. Tot, tiles City West Enna, 645 King st, Newtown Wing E. S. St Son (Arleinide), 811 Pitt it ROOK IMPORTERS. Angus &Rehertson,Ltd.,89 Castlereagh at Bruck L., 15 Castlereagh at Collins Brothers and Co., Limited, 105 Clarence at Elwarda Dnolop and Co,, Limited, 1281211 Clarence at Grace Bros., 1 toll Broadway, Gleba Tamer & Henderson, Ltd 06.18 Hunter at 'ROOT AND SHOE IMPORTERS, See aka Doer an t Shoe Hant4faeturers. Abbott William, 228 Church st, Parsinatta Ainewotth V., 324 Oxford at, Paddington America Bina Co., 410 George at Archer W., 987 Cleveland st,.Rod fern Baldry W. P. 196 Enmare rd, En more Barnett Charles, 190-192 George at west Barnett Lewis, 152 Witham at Barton, Smith & Barton, Edward st, Wfern GOVERNORS AND ADMIRALS, THE HIGH COURT, So, 4 t 4 1, ft ••F °,1 '. i t;'.` THONYHORDERNS'FOR STATION SUPPEIEV 1796Boo Ft.TRADESiANDflOFESSIONS.P iT Bob' Guthrie T. anti Co., Ltd., 222 Clarenceit Peripes and Co41.t4.1109.-811" George at Hall H. and Co., 167 Clarence at Pearce Ernest J., 355 Darling at, Irmain .Bates D,; 212'Olarence,st Halsey and Co., 46 York st Phippti IL; 80-88 Corso," Manly Bedggoed and Po:, 97 York at Harding Harold01.,lifilitary,rd, Neutral Pilz E: A.; 801-Parrainatta"rd;Lelehhardt•-, Bellamy William, : 652 George Poole H.; Gordon rd, Lune Cove Bellamy -William,. 202 Eumore rd, RIM* • Bay Hardwick G. J.; Ilurvirood rd,Burwood Proops R., 49 Perm-tette rd, Annandale • Eels B. 04 Auburrird,'Atibtirn• Harper H. D2, 892 Oxford at, Woollahra • Quinn R. F., 582-584 George at • . Black J.; 181 Military ReynoldsBouleimide, Wit hheld Bleeitham L dtBori,Dridge at, Dititrinfeyne Harris Bros., 97 Oxfortkst Waverley Hatton Mrs. J. IL, Idn'equarle at, Liv'pool Reynolds T.; 229;Idarrioliville rd, braille Boston Shoe The Strand • et, Auburn . Hewett /arr. L. it, Rawson Richardson's" Two .Price Shea" Store, 255 Bradlhaw 0.t Bikwood rd;Berviood ' Pitt at Callaghan' and ten; 896 George at' 4.":),* •• , Riny Shoe 043:(Tlie), B17:George it, 'mid and t Sons; ',80 :Military, id '179a' Pitt it•-• • zMosmeni I i• •• NICK Alfred, 07 George at iye City Hat and Shoe Store, 245 Pitt at st Oluett F. 114 275:Parrainatta rd, L'hardt Man u (ao t u iti re' iii d Importers of Boots Robertspri .T., 'J.P., 98 Walker st,Nth.'Syd .• (3ommonvrealtli SheiCo;;Itd.;93:Yerit end Shoes.578478 George at, 65 Oxford Robinsontind'Oarter;',60 York at'. 12-14bitfOrdy'''.,St;,187. King Sr, New. st, F 482 lflizebeth't et. OMee,',Sample Roe Miss Mary, 22 Lookey st,lium. Hill town and Wend at North Sydney . :',rind i!Steres,i 678 : Gedige 'at, Saunders and Brown; 130 Church at, Par• roulette, and Good it, Graflvllie . . Ooney:D4'38Regent , • ElidneY.. 'The Leading Shoe Store" Maw Bros:, 430 Pitt it Pookeliroti.Y,Dalhettitio'at;'llaberheld and HiggiarA.,' 923 Milliarii)tt Shaw ,Bros. 80 Miller, at, and lu Great Nottli 44;:Firejklok' • • • HogaiiiPrefile218 Military id; Neutml;B: 1onghby rd,2for tlrSydney'• 06OkeChaideir&Son; Farest id;Hurseville Ilordern Brothers, 203 to .211 . Pitt :at and &either J., J.P.;136 Liverpool rd, Coustiti.0.;,120 EiskineWird; 423 George at ...GropiersLtd:;71113 800George.. at, and " 'IP); 287-989 Sherman W.,124at• • 13 and413-415and Shoebridge A; A4peat'e _nark rd,,EfOrrieby Pitt' at• at, Newtown. Smith' Ohirles,,Clonination at, Hornsby •OroPley'S.4;:'itrid id;'It' wick Horton F.11., 116 Elizabeth at cropley 473 yorrlokyille Chatswood . Hunter,d'ohniand;Elon; :Ltd.; Castlereagh Snow • Duladith-11111• ':'" •st;!:4140fird;: end :London "(branches Standard' Shen': and Leather Co. — J. • P3feGilrattrigi468 York at' Dull G; and Stni,'819 322-Pltt 'et everywhere) -•-. : Day B. H., Good it; GranvillL i Starr Charles, -Parkes at, Hyde HurstHobert; 82 Pitt at' • Steward Oliver,'150 Church ati Parramatta Denning Mrs. 8f, Jaede,- Ltd.; 984 George_ st Stone Bros. 110b Bathurst st. Devitt William;12413filler Jarrett"11.,RailVniy pardragarab Swinbourne :G. 0., 329 King at, and 2 EnDudlogDavid,47.4,40orge at Y. 'Wiz JolleratiForeat rd;Hurstville 'more rd, Newtown • Duncan Alfred M., 187 Marrlokvillo rd, Jolliffe S., 80 Regent st, Redfern • :• Mfirriekville 1-•.•• Swinbourne James, 5554 King at, R'town Dunlop 3.1rs.,p..+;:t2p,*,tyca,ry.r,o, Sydney Shoe (1o.. 574' George at Tadieh LW, Parker st '• Duval lk nest(Gordonld,".Lindlield•:'' TartEinest'E.; Bettinish'si, +Eddy218-220 George it .• Taylor .Enoch and Oci.;22 York at, •849456-849 corner George and Barrack Eriglisli'34,Regent at, Kogarith"1:" Streets, : opposite Geneml Post °Mee. Trttebedy, 0.;TheStnind, Croydon Erby G. T., 3.P.. 222 OhurolVit;"P'matta Tudor Mason Ltd:, 106 King et ' • Tolephories 0836 041181111es) : R an. Georga;:Foreat:rd.;:llitiatvillir Vickery Josepli and "Coalpany,. 201 Castle. • Ertel! Cheries; 161 Glebe, Point icri: Glebe Kean A. R, 182 Military rd, /Rosman Viotor Shoe Co., 105 Pereira! rd; Frniore Farmer ' •and 'Company, Ltd., Victoria Kelly .7.; 674 Darling at, Roselle ' HOuse;Pitt;Xarket and George ste • King Joseph H.; 136 Palace st, Petersham Walker M.A.;'200 ParraMatto rd, Faltam Faulkner E.--R:end"Co.P'464!:111lizabeth,:at King Theo,, 82+84 King et Wallace Samuel,- 286 Darling et, -,Balmain, Knight R.; 476 Parramatta rd, Petersham • . and 082 Darling sti Rozelle • - •• '• Fay Edward, Ltd., 885 '..Pitt * Of Lauer Ltd., 600 George at • • Liverneol'et;'intl Ti0Ocorgeat. Walton Mrs. W 68 Nortun at, Leiehhard Fitzgerald Mitt 84 ,224' i k aP■'Ne.*!:410'.• Langtry ,Matthew, 425,0rown Willeook Jas., 141 Oxford et, Waverley _ Larbaleitler Bros., Ltd.. 108 Henderson rd, Fitesiterridmi 314:84:Entldriest Charles, 87 New Canterbury rd; • Alexandria ' ' " : • -FlanaganF.Tigtlq317•KinfLitkN'town Peterillarn . .• • Larbalestier.J.V.,' Ltdw6-7 Alfred at . Fletcher 'end Horn, 1324 -'Pa rritinit ta at; La Heine, 137-141 Liverpool at Futinell Vf:;- 269 Darling st,'Dalinithl ." • Petersham :!; Lassetter P. & Co., Ltd., 403-405 George at Gardiner O. 11., 87.43 Regent st,':•Rdelforti*,' Wolf's (G. Wolf), 12 Oxford at - • Gardiner 'JoeItd;-',41:47,'IDiford1it,"itid Levy: and +Levii135 Miller st,"N: Sydney Wolf Mrs. G.; 278 King it, Newtown •,698-700 and 839-841 ciao* at -end go LetvitiF. W.; 23,Edwin st, Croydon W.00dellfris.'1., Groat Northern rd, G Pvil le • King:lit;RaWASyriti • • Line Olive, Beam's/fat, Campsie • IVOollahriShoe Co., 32 Ocean at, Wahra Linthorn IL B., J.P.,Illawarra al, M'ville rd, Liverpool Gilliok lidPOitircpbellteen GIllmore(Li.,196. 'and . 205 Xiliterr`iii., LLOYD IAND'OOLLINfil,1804860.808 Wright Bra., 859 George:at' ,'"j + •:' •' George It : ' ; Gillmore W. H.; 76 -Military rd; Mosman . °lemon' H., Lyne.st, Arnollffe • Lund S. a; 6 Argyle fist . . lieRvoy,."Johrt and572 George et, • 100T AND SHOE POLISH MANU. • •. • .Glynn Jack, 170 Pittist Corner OtBsitlittist at • : Goodman ; iffeltetl,+111::::parratnittliv:::rd, •TACTURENS. MoGliVraylMrs.11L; 852 Darling et;'Hozelle Annandale Geodinati ;.Walter; 255 Parramatte: .'rd; MoMillan A. 11., South et, Granville .. Moitintila Mid Co., Ltd., 76-78 Clarence at Leielthardt Macnaught Williatit;18Ea King et'," I "Vq; Matadi ;r..8:0108 and 245Titt st Mutmalx John, 634 George Marshall Shie Co.,- Ltd., tont at ... Minalittn Brothers, 801 Pitt at B. itc;we, if/waging Director; ATISTRA.L.'-OLOTHIEli,14, : Merrell:H." end Co.litgehts;j34 Pitt, at li. Rowe, Secretary.). MortleY'll; A.; 5 Lackey it, Sinn Mot' Hill 484; 400.48.87.490GEOROD; Morten Mrs.-.44:1 41Rooky Pt. rd, R'dale + .ilantifaaitreni of COBRA" Boot • AND.tillO';17ItoYALAROADE.: Morton Thomas, Forest 'rd,'Arnoliffe • : Polishes, 40, Factory and Registered • Murpni...00,4-147 Oxford it • : Office : falleiWorke, I:ft chitin Street Murray 'D. and W,, Ltd., 56 miik tWaterlooP Sydney. TelephoneMurray fA4K417;P4 1' Lackey it; Stith. Hill 221 Redfern. Telegraphie address, Mutray,Willintn'A.41 Hercules at, Ashfield " CO B mu," Sydney.. (See advt.' opp. New Shoe Steres,17;Thrgetit et;'Retlfern . The Model t • (See Adirt: ofM. Drapers)It•''r$- Notris'john; 161 Piriatuattit rd,An'dolo OakdalerShbe 041101,1Jatliiiret at Joplin ' liannfitoiuiing .Co., Ltd.; 12 . ; • • Graliatit 81 , S l bG norgert Olive' Weiter,19DeVonshire at ' , • -Herrin gtonat; Greenhill 0. J„ 170 Pa rnimaita'rd,'Aredale Olsson'A.,17,Willoughby rd; North Sydney Be oi IndShoe iniporteri., continued— •••, •••. at Boot Polishing Outfits in Metal :only' . THE MOST ARTISTIC ' IN THE TRADE. . y - • r, ;01111reb :i1LI.F. . 7.; ` ' + ' : : ? . : : : : : : ; ONES,DAVID LTD. • •3.1 — y • : : it, non . Kn , L : - + 3 • 3 •3 ,, C OLE. MANUFACT,MM .•11 " " . . .„.. COWING"'BROS1' , .0 . 'C BUTATT (AUSTRALIA) LTD, , + - 1 ; • - : - • " r WAIN .r : . 001Y COFFILL&COMPANY;LTD; •HatraFFIOEMILWARRARD4YR ONVPNONE 72i3 & 1160 CENTRAL.: •* ;4:!,Iser,!:,..i.l.,k; • i A) ' ' • •••'-'',O.t.,7001;,kt 403-pamt P. be obtained from all First-class. Boot Dealers-and Stores, THE AUSTRALIAN FACTORY, ' Solar .,Worke, ,Lachlan Street, Waterloo,! To HORDERNS!SPOT 'CASH '• MERCHANTS. - - UP-TO-DATE. BOOT 'POLISHES. FlIthT AND BELST. OF 1 'THEIR KIND. 2 Gold Medals Awarded 'Liege International Exhibition, -1905. • Also Gold' Medal Franca-British Exhibition, 1908. And Numerous Other Diplomas. e ers -a torekeepers--Wilte'for Samples and Prices to Worke, Lachlan ":St, Waterloo, Sydnei. • BOO , • • •.-:;.:TRADES'ANDill13,()FES,..SIONSi: • , • 130,0 Dodds William T.; 411 '. Pm arraatta rd, , ,Leichhardt , . Donald William, 498 IllaWarra rd hi'vlite Donnellan S.; 80 Royal arcade .karons,Morris and Sons, 179 Q.V. Markets Douglas Bobert, 182 Princes at Abbey's Ltd.; 222 Pitt it Dowdy Frank, 20 Hercules st,Astifleld Abbey W. and Co., 818_George at Dodo James, 17 Shephent at Abrahams T., 432 Parramatta rd, P7sbain, Doyle W., 109 Cleveland at, Redfern . . Adams James, George it., Parramatta Duckworth Z.,,PiteStater iii, St. Ives Adlam Henry W., 55 King at Duval T. 11. and Son, 78 Mount Adrian's boot repairing - depot,-23 Sidney ,. at, North rSydney ;. •• _,( rd, Manly , _ Dyer 'Walter; Boulevarde, Stratlifleld Ager W., IN Military rd, Neutral Bay .. Esther and.Watison; 27. Hutehlinion at .. • Ager Wallace, 3 Hayes rd, Neutral Bay Edinborough L., HamOdeuld;Artannon • Allard II. T, 329 Parramatta rd,=L'hardt IldWards W. J., 117, Enmorerd, Enniore Allbon A:, 07e Pittwater rd, Manly..-; Elbourn Dante1;402 Darling sti Balmain Andersen S., 163 West at, North Sydney lilllcomnbo .1., Bay at, Rockdale .• Anderson C., 60 Riley st .,.• Elliott J. N., 228 Deiiisoa id, Petersham Anderson 8. 86 Military id,Slosinatt; ' Ellis Jelieph, 18 .Corso; Manly Anderson14 Bond it. . • ' 4173 Xing at, Newtown 'Andrews W. E., Burwood rd, Buiwood Emertoti 3. D.;', 280 Oxford et, Weellalira Angelo 11;44 Castlereagh .st Emmett John; 8 John at; Leichhardt Anglo•Austialian Boot Factory,-14,,Wyn. Erby GeorgeChurchP.'matta yard lane • Bimini J. 1).;1141Yeston id; Roselle Applebaum Jacob, 1971Villiam at, City , Exley E., 209 Church st; Parrimatta • • Asquith J., Rooky Pt. rd, Rockdale, • Farrelly, A., 189.Globa,Polat ni; Glebe Austen D., Bridge at., Drummoyne , • Faulkner E..11.-84 Co., 464 Elizabeth at Ayres J. T., 83 Edwin ist,,Oroydon • • Fay Edward Ltd., 885 Pitt at Ayres John W., Coventry rd, Homebusli Fayle G., 175 ifider,et, North Sydney Bailey James, 20 Grosvenor at Ferguson W:;85 military rd, Mosman Bailey James, 88 Redfern it, Redfern Baird S. 64 Belgrave at, Manly . • Clines James, 205 parramatta. id, An'tiale Finley and Co., Botany. id, Weterloo Fleoknell W., 197 Blue'iPt:14,:N;Eydney Bardon 1 and Sons; Avoca at, Randwioic Cohen S., Staumore rd, Marnlokvlllo. Bardon Thomas, 27-29 Spring stiWaverley Cohen W4119.Walker st, North Sydiley Fleming A., 108 King st;Newtoviti Florence :id; M'yille Barlow Henry, 220 Glerimore rdiPedlon Cotes G.1„-Barsvood • rd, Bungee& '' Barlow John, George at, Canterbury, Collins John, 63 Lelehhardt st,,WaVerleY Flynn Will, Burwood Barnes Alfred T., 129 Grown at Collins Morris, 152 Liverpool at. . Foerstei II., 60 Beattie at, Balmititi Barnett Bros., 123 Johnston it., Annandale Constable A. O., Victoria a ye, Chatawood Foran Philip J., 130,0iford'et.; Paddington Banuiley,B., 1 Cove at, Balmain Cooke Bros., 48 Elmitli ,st, Summer 11111i, Foster Peter, Brldgeet;Druramaine Fumes. 3., 576 Parramatta rd, ,Petersham Barnsley B., 92 Darling et, Balmain Cooper Julius, 441 Elizabeth se: . Barnsley B., 452 Darling at, Roselle Cooper Reginald, 180 Albion et; Annandale Gard F., 447 Oxford sti-Paddingtint Darnel% Benjamin, 247, Glebe Pt. :re, Oopernau Albert, 57 Crystal et;.Petersham Gardiner, Joe Ltd. 43 .47, 58.00 Oxford it and 698-700•4339-841 Merge at. Cork Mrs. Margaret, 215,11110y at, Gardiner Frederick, 180 Elizabeth it Barry Edward, Burteoedni, Bin:Weed Pouch Frank, 82 Mary Ann st.: . • Gaul George D47154: Cathedral it Cousins Charles, 15 Eamon; rd, Newtown BARTON, SMITH AND BARTON., Cowdrey George, be Botany rd, Aler'dria Gazelef Henry, Stnitli,et, StMinier Hill . Edward at, Redfern. Tel. 224 Red. Oox and Co. 105 Liverpool sk• Gelling J.; Rail Way Par, Burl/read fern. Sample RoOme, 193 Q.V. Markets Crampton Richard, 10 Swanson it, E'vIlle Gibson G. and Co. Led.; aitridy at, '• " Barton William, 322 Ohuich et, rar.matta Crampton .W illiam, 94 Mount at, N. Sydney Ulbaon Benjamin, 47:Flindersat% Bates Herbert, lififta King at, Newtown Crawford John, 30 Lackey et, bum. Hill, Gilbert 1t. L., 622 Marriott/3111e id, Dui. Hill G ill WW.;30,3Villianlist, Paddhigton • . Desire John, Railway. par,,Kogerali Crook Harry, 28b. Jamieson it ;. Goldink A., Angel 00127, Pitt at Beanies Edmund, 408 Crown at OROPLEY'S LTD., Boot Matitaao* Golding George, 671 Xing etNevitoWn Beaney Henry, Foiled id, Hurstville, ,Patentees of turers and Importers, Goldnian and Sons; George at, "„litikineville Beecher 0. W., Gordon re; Lane Cove. the Adapto '', 'Boote and Shea, 736 Graham H. G. &Eon, 80'.0ciesn,et; Iratira Beehive boot repairing shop, 122 Jersey rd, . and 800George sti-Httyrnerket Graham II: 51.; 810 .George at ‘. •• - .413;11 Paddington 5 Pliket, near Goulburn J., Leslie it, llarrlokvlllo, „' Bell James. 716 humiliate rd, Petersham at miry 13' Pitt syCireularQuay, City Grundy Hackney Alexander,..,pa .'...,.stkroboth., at, Bell Joseph, 467 Harris at Waterloo' . . _ • • Bennett F., 825t Glebe Pt. rd, Glebe OrePley S. 3. and Sone, Polinarci,id, end Halm F. TAlfred. he and '2 Pitt et Berg J. IL, Rochester it, Homebush tilt. Paul's at., Eindwick.. . North Sydney .. . - . • „ Bishop E., 294 Pitt at Crozier David .W., 23 Elizabeth st West, Hahn n., osif Mliter at., North Sydney Blakey S., 6 Botany rd; Waterloo Ashfleld• • Blakey T., 08 George at, Oamperdewn OubleRobert, Canterbury rd; Canter bury. Hall George, Baltiwht at, Erekhtevtlle ke;.Parnimatta Bong H. A., 172.West at, North Sydney ,• Cunningham J.,410 Par ram atta rd, Voltam Hall George, 250 Hall J. P., 09 Cleveland st,..Redfern Bourne Alfred, 89 ,Waverley rd, Randwick Curtis IV., Rocky Point. ml, Rockdale Dowding; 7.:Th5We at • • Bowen J., 32 Elizabeth. at . , ; •...„ , Daly P. and Son, 498 King it, Newtown . a . •.... Dartnell Bros.; 8 ,Eluttor st,.Alexandria-, Hambly W.`3,192-0,itford it, Paddington 'Bowen L. J., John st,Waterlo , 27. Alfred et:, Milan's Boyling IL, Railway par, Smith .fdrinvIlle Davenport Joseph, Forest rd, HuretvIlle Bretel Henri, Surrey at , • Davey A. 0,, George,sti Canterbury. Brice 11. S., 170 Pitt stand 243 Ondieres;gh DaVleti J.,58 Willoughbyrd; N. Sydney • HanrahanT. J.; 86Hatliedrai at •,• n it.teilforif Davis James,-126 Walker it, !fortis Sydney itnininlali A.; &Marli •Briggs Moulins T.; Si Liverpool .A.' held Davison Mrs.' A. 227. Dart big t, Irmain Haliteri4;0.,-185Q.V: Markets' liardgel;;Illortlevartle;`, Strati' field :•.-! Brogan J. Z.-Eastern ant, Kensington . idardvilok A. 0.,..'44 4 .13ourke et.. • ‘-• • • • Brown 200 Winona , ., Harper lii.`, and Co.; 8.Berlowst Buokingham H.; 178 Blue's Pb. re, N. Syd. DAY-f r !SON Botchy G., 33 Stun* at ; ' 114414 N.S.HinLtDouble Bay 13'dot 'Factory; Pedcrat.lô id; Harris Bullard S., Now CanterbUrirdfDal. 114. " Austria Harris John: 218 Elmore Idelettmere Newtown: ^1TeL L136;-Nowtown,r!..-;: ilarrison,leatte, 231 Glebe-Point rd, Globe BurneyW:, 858 Parratnatta'idi Pete/Sham Dennis Jatin;44 thuitiere.righ it Hart William 101!.Williarff:JC and at 405 . Burrows Joseph, 21.Darlinghtiret • T.:1Verliodlet •''' .'". •':. Burton P. 3., lila Oxford 80'4 2040. • Driwbery, IledWati Crystal at; Peters.bent Heffernan 1.1,;- Ocean , • ,Burton II, 12 Charlotte at, Dillon Jiiinei; 8 .Unitin it HenderacitrA.,:207 Stattirionird, ' Bussey John T., 7, Henderson id,,A.`dria' DID& Millard IL; 108 Perolv al i _Butler John ts 212-Milltary id, Mosinee-. Dixon James,,4196 King atiNewtowir, •,' EfONVOtliP. G,; .Peat's-Feriy. rd..; Ho r uhbY; ,Butters IL . 0, 238,Brimore. rd, Hamra • Dobion W. T;;95West et, North,Bythiei' Hewitt JEJ.v187 Regeritet; Redfern ,, Dodds. Harry, 5191BrelcIne st '" ' • llickey W. J.and solid; 5704 78 pborittiit ' Byrne Bros °eland et", • SOOT AND . SHOE-MANUFACTURERS.., '--See also Boot' and Bhoe importers. Cahill Thomas, Auburn rd, Auburn .. Callaghan and Son, 895 George at Cameron Allan, 192 MarriOkvillerd, Mville Cameron James, 67 New Canterbury rd, Petersham .., . Campbell James, 72 Palmer at Campbell William, 09 Westbourne at Petersham_ . Carmody James; 26 Junction se,N. Sydney Cather.S. K.. Ocean at, Paddington' . Caux (1, 16 Foyeaux at. Shoe Co., Ltd., 147 -151 `walker styliedtern, , . . Challluor George; 25 BroadWay, Glebe Chalmers William, Norfolk at, Paddiugton Chandler Thomas, LP.; 883 Illawarra rd, Marrickyille:• , apman Jonas, 103 LtierpOol rd, bli Chapman Joseph E., 203 ;William et °barker Cecil, 10 Morris st, Summer 11111 Mate J. P., 144 Cathedral st . Cheat John.1V,; 53 Military ye, Neat. Bay Cheetbam T., Auburn rd, Auburn. Oh ipperfleld -1Vm.,- 181 -Liverpool rd, A'fleld Christie H,. Behnore rd, Coogee Church 0.3., ersit North 4.d,- Five Deck Olanoy B. W. E., 48 Avenue rd, Mosman Clarke Herbert J., 4113!Orownst , Clayton J., ;Mille et; Carlton • . • . . Oieary John, 29 Market st . • . , • •,s••,• -PACK AND DESPATCHapoAcEpINym ktglis. 449'. 698,qs ;1041NyrapT OF AUSTRALIA J a •• , • :: ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR TEAS, TOYS, TOOLS AND TOGGERY. .ANTHONY HORDERNS' FOR FURNITURE AND FAMILY .DRAPERY. BooTRADES AND PROFESSIONS. . Bra 1799 1798BooTRADES AND PROFESSIONS. Boo Boot and Shoe Mankfaclurent continued— Lawrence James, 820 Bourke at Noad G. F., 381 Union at Hicks Thomas, Son and Watson, Blucher Lawrence James, 153a William st Norris Robert, 11-13 Catherine at, Forest at, Mascot Learmonth John. 781 Abercrombie at Lodge Higgins IL, 821 Darling it, Balmain Lee Walter, 437 Crown at Oakdale Shoo Co., 110b Bathurst at Higgs A. A., 233 William at Lennon John, Bridge st, Drummoyne O'Dea Bros.. 5 Parramatta rd, Annandale Higgs A. 'A., 285 N.S.H. rd, Paddington Lenten Charles, J.P., 30 Elizabeth at, Page J., 250 Pitt at Hill Charles. 70 King at, Newtown Waterloo Palfreyman G. H., 298 Marrickville rd, Hill J..W., Good at, Granville Leonard John, 13 Queens at, Woollahra Marrickville Hilton George, 49 Liverpool at Lepovitz and Rosinberg, 106 Campbell st Perez H. R., 17 Flinders at Hirt J. F., 47 Pyrmont Bridge rd Lewis Sydney, Frederick st„Rockdale Paterson W. J., Coronation at, Hornsby Hedger; P. V., corner of Henderson and Lewis T. J., Rooky Point rd, Rockdale Paterson William, 18 Castlereagh at Mitchell rds, Alexandria Light C. W., 159a Enmore at, Enmore Patience Alexander, 562 Harris at Hogg John, Boulevards, Strathfleld Lloyd Arthur, 71 Alfred at, North Sydney Pazaky Jacob, 142 Riley at Hokin Albert J. 27a P'matta rd, An'dale Locke T. N., 45 Mount at, North Sydney Peddle Henry, 117 Regent it Holden John, 8 Evans at, &melte Looker Arthur, 707 King at, Tempe Pepper W. L., 155 N.S.H. rd, Paddington Hood F. E., 890 Stanmore rd, hiarrlokville Louden A., 228 Pitt at Pereirla Andrew, 810 Crown at Hopkins A., Victoria aye, Chatswood Louden Alexander, 28-80 Elizabeth it, Red- Patchett Frank and Co., Ltd., 209 Cleveland fern qt, Redfern Hopkins, Benjamin, 189 Enmore rd, Irmore Louden L.. 52 Curtis rd, Balmein Petersen Christian, 308 Bourke at HORDERN ANTHONY & SONS, Loudown P. R., 1Varialda at, W. Kogarah Pitcher Henry, 880 Darling at, Balmain LTD., Sydney. (See headlines Lund S. C., 2 Argyle place Pitman Charles, 191 N.S.H. rd, Paddington throughout DIRECTORY) Lyon Shoe Manufg. Co.—J. S. McGowen Poldeu Albert O., 2051 Devonshire it Hornsnell John, 275-277 Military rd manager, Boston rd, Alexandria Portsmouth G., 258 Parmmatta rd,P'sham Mosman Lyons D. J., 189 George it Potts John IL, 83 Military rd, Neut. Bay Hough Ernest J., 238 Riley at MoAppion Nelson, 622 Crown at Potts Thos., 843 Oxford at, Paddington Howe Harry, 89.King at, Newtown McCamley Edward, 121a Cleveland at, Pratt H. 11., 136 Percival rd, Stanmore Hughes Daniel, 2211 Glebe Point rd, Redfern Preece M. A., 19 Cowper at, Waverley Glebe McCarthy M., 65 Union at Purcell IL, 126 Oxford at, Paddington Hunter John and Son, Ltd., Castlereagh McConville Richard, 84 Redfern at, Morn Quinn William, 11 Little Oxford at at, Redfern McDonald A. Ltd., 9-11-13 Queen at Rashleigh Arthur, 75 George at Hurst Robert, 82 Pitt it McEvoy John & Sons Ltd., 672 George Rate Mrs. Mary, Short at, Carlton Hutchin J., J.P., 22 Corso, Manly at, corner Bathursist Rawson Thomas. 357 Pitt at Hutchinson A., 892 Parramatta rd, P'sham Ginley 0. F., 79 Parramatta rd, An'dale Rayner W., 237 Parramatta rd, Au'dale Iawin William, 124 George at McGrath E., 282 Parramatta nl, Psham Reardon John, 150 George at Jackson nnd Cummings, 108 George at, McGrath Patrick, 116 Glebe Pt. rd, Glebe Reed C., 655 King at, Newtown Erskine ''e McGrath William, 282 Darling st,Irmain Reed Robert, 514 King it, Newtown Jaede Ltd., 2, George at McGuire Charles, 24 Oxford at, Pad'ton Ronne D. j., 102 Hunter at Johansson M., 02 Darling at, Balmain MoHale P., 59 Darling at, Balmain Reynolds Richard, 580 King et, Newtown Johns J. and Sons, 90 Pitt at McHugh Frank C., 604 Darling st,Rozelle Richards George, 67 Clarence at Johns Thomas, 75 King at MoKay John, 11 Oxford at Rigby S. II., 6 Hercules at, Ashfleld Johnson and Smith, 257 New South Head McKeown Jas., J.P., Swanson st,Ersk'ville Robbie and Croaker, 2991 King at, N'town rd, Paddington MoMurtrie and Co., Ltd., 76-78 Clarence Robins J. da Sobs, Ltd , 1-3 Hubert at, Johnson M. T., 379 Riley at at and Abercrombie at and Marian at, Leichhardt Johnson P., 87 Castlereagh at, Redfern Redfern Ross R., 109 Harris at Johnson R., 82 Junction rd; Summer Hill Madden Alfred, Marine par, Vatioluse Royce Boyce., Carlton cres., Summer Hill Johnston A., 180 Alfred at, North Sydney Madden Mrs. G.02 Cowper it, Waverley Ruby Harry, 177 Palmer it Jolly James, 12 Hercules at, Ashfleld Madden It., 206 King at, Newtown Ryan N. and Co., 812a Pitt at Jones Arthur C., 18 Charlotte at, Ashfield Madden Robert, 15 Missenden rd,N'town Ryan H. J., 8 Queen's court Jones G., 105 Percival rd, Stamen+ Mann Peter, 145 William at Schwa A., 640 Harris at Juleff Albert, 291 Marriokville rd, M'ville Marshall John W., New Canterbury rd, Schumacher Jack, 537 King at, Newtown Keage J. P. 5 Glebe Point rd, Glebe Seez O., 186 Oxford at, Paddington Petersham Keating John 841 Darling et, Balmain Mason Herbert, 810 Oxford it, Pad'ton Seidel John, Macpherson at, Waverley Roggen J., 24 Argyle at Mascot Nursery Shoe Co., 28-80 Hopewell Sharp Richard, 141 Leichhardt at, Way'ley Keir James, Now Std. Head rd, Double B. at, Paddington Shearman W. F., 48 Commonwealth at Kelleher E., 784 Parramatta rd, Petersham Matta H., 91 Sussex at Sherden William, 253 Marrickville rd, Kennedy W., 882 Oxford at, Paddington Matthews James,'Yule et, Dulwich Hill Marrickville Kensoy Thos., 222 Darling at, Balmain Maudson P. W., Victoria a ye, Chatawood Sherry T., 027 Darling it, Rozelle Kidd John, 85 Bayswater rd Mawhinney T., 201 Parramatta rd, Sideway Mrs. Henry, 248 Oxford at, W'abra Killian H., 159 Castlereagh at Lelohluirdt Simpson A. and Sou, 875 Oxford at, Miles W., 95 Bondi rd, Bondi Kitnble J., 44 Druitt at Paddington Kimmins. John. 503 Kent at Mills J. H.& Bons, 012a Darling st, Rezone Sinclair John, 110 George at, Redfern Skuse John, 383 Military rd, Dittman Kirby William, 202 New Canterbury rd, hints 0. M., Boulevarde, Strathfleld Petersham Mills J. S., 1 Datehett st,Balmain Slade James, 180 Castlereagh at, Redfern Lacy and Co., 18-15 Shepherd at, Dar'ton Minatum Bros., 801 Pitt at dr 200 Crown at Shinn and Co., 90 Bathurst at. Smalley and Harkness, 115 Q.V. Markets; Lacy Samuel, 18 King at, NoWtown Moffatt William, 050 Crown at Langtry S. W., 472 George at Smith B. R., 222 Oxford it, Woollahra Moore Edwin, 178 Liverpool at Smith F., 83 Regent at, Redfern Langtry Samuel, Eastern ave, Ken'ton Moore Richard, 43 Burton at Morgan Willinn, 211 0.8.11. rd, Waverley Smith F. A.., 293 Church at, Parmmatta Smith W. H., 178 Parramatts rd, P'sham Morris IL, 220 Elizabeth at Smith W. J., 869 King at, Newtown Mortimer D., Alexandra it, Hun. Hill Sneesby Henry, Joseph at, Rookwood Murphy F., 47 Argyle st „.„1 Makers of Speolalities in Ladies' and Murphy Solomons S., 426 Cleveland at Joseph, 143 William at Gentlemen's Glaoo Kid Flue Footwear, Murray D. & 1V. Ltd., Holt House, 50-58 Borten Charles, 890 Liverpool at Welts, Pumps, Fairstitoll and Machine Southwell T., Parminatta rd, Durwood York at; tel. City 25 Sewn 108 Henderson rd, Alexandria. Needham' Spenceley W., 108 Mitchell at, Glebe W., 81 Palace at, Petersham Tel. A Redfern Spencer W. F., Bridge at, Drummoyne Neilson H., 207 Miller at, North Sydney Stamper J. I., 168 Emnore rd, Enmore Nelson O. A., South at, Granville Larbestier J. W. Ltd., Circular Quay Stapleton John, Edmore rd, Randwiek Nelson G. F. C. Railway par, Eastwood Larbalestier P., Perouso rd, Randwick Newliug J., Railway par, South Granville Starr A., 4 Swanson at, Emir they'll° Larkin John, Wells it west Linkman C., 69 Erskinoville rd, Ersk'ville Nightingale William, 83 Queen at, Wa'bra Stephenson aeon, 142 Percival rd, S'more Steuart William G., 8 Rowe at Nimmo James, 51 Erskine at Law S. A., 438 Harris at Stoker John, Ramsgato at, Botany Nimes S., 4 Prospect at, Erskineville Law Thomas H., 898 Elizabeth at Stokes George, 726 Oxford at, Paddington Nixon George, 24 City rd Lawler and Westbrook°, 20 Kippax at Noad G. F. and Son, Crinau at, Hurlstone P. Stolweather Frederick, 202 Parramatta rd, Lawrence J., Railway pan'ICogarali Petershauuu LARBALESTIER BROS. WOOD, COFFILL AND COMPANY LTD, LIVERY EPT., 472-84 HARRIS Si. 'PHONE 156 GLEBE Stonham James, 460 Oxford st,Pad'ton Stopp Walter, 287 Alfred at, North Sydney Strauss R., 0.8.H. rd, Woollahm Styles B., 168 St. John's rd, Forest Lodge Sullivan J. P.,335 Glebe Pt. rd, Glebe Sullivan Josiah, 428 Harris at Sun Shoes, Ltd., 5-11 Parker at Swain C., el Parramatta rd, Annandale Swindells J , 10 Catherine st, Forest Lodge Symo William, 15 Falcon st, and 111 lioltermann at, North Sydney Symons Boot Manufacturing Co., 191 New Canterbury rd, Petersham Tadich Ltd., 881 Bathurst at Taylor Enoch and Co., 22 York at; factory and tannery, Botany Taylor It., 047 George at Templeton J., Clarendon at, Stratlifield Thomas Henry, 27 King at, Newtown Thomas J., Regent it, Kogarah Thomas P. V., 71 Sutter at, Alexandria Tickle W. T., Bay at, Rockdale Timms John, 897 Harris at Tollis W.,8 Botany rd, Alexandria Tudor Mason Ltd., 100 King at Tull John, Bridge st,Drummoyne Tunnieliffe J., 2e2 Castlereagh at Turner Frederick, 120 George it west Turner James IL, 602 Crown at Tyrell Clarence, 177 Alfred et, Nth. Syd. Upton H., 395 Pitt at Vanbell H., 131 Glebe Point rd, Glebe Veness Charles, 96 St. John's rd, Glebe Vercoe J. B., French's rd, Willoughby Vernon Shoe Co., Ltd., Mitchell rd, Alexandria VICKERY JOSEPH & COMPANY, Boot and Shoe Manufacturers and Importers, 201 Castlereagh at. Tel. City 1115 Walker Alfred E., 130 Phillip at Walker George H., 1321 Darlingliurat rd Walker H., 36 Avenue rd, Mosman Ward George NV., 323 Miller it, N. Sydney Ward J. W., 1 Central at Wardley and Goldman, 70-78 Gerard at, Alexandria Ware David, 134 King at, St. Peters Waring B.. 92 Glebe Point rd, Glebe Warner Brothers. 6911 George at Watts A. J., 818 Military rd, Mosman Wearwell W., 410 0.8.11. rd., Woollahra Wearwell Will, 1 Kirketon rd Webb E., Wollongong rd. Arneliffe Westbrook Joseph, 182 King at, St. Peters White and Down, 14 Junction at, N. Syd. White and Sons, 22-24 Hutchinson at White A. J., 170 Devonshire at White George 0., 210 Alfred at, N. Sydney White Janice, la Elizabeth at White R., 118 The Strand White Thomas, 21 Victoria at, Lewisham Whittle Alfred, Gordon rd, Gordon Wliybrow and Co., 822 G eorge at Wilkie William, 19a Hunter it Williamson Edw., 221 Church et, P'matta Wills James and Co., 124 King at, N'town Wills William, 711 Darling it, Retell° WILSON, PECHTER AND CO. LTD. Woodgate John, 45 Church at, P'matta Woodger A. IL, 85 Edgeoliffe rd, Woollahra Woof Robert. 10 Flinders at Worm T. J., 542 Parramatta rd, P'sham Worsley J., 403 Parmmatta rd, Leichhardt Wortley J. T., Burwood rd, Burwood Wright Bros., 859 George at Wrigley F.,213 Castlereagh at Young Frederick C., Lane Cove rd, Pymble Young G., 232 Oxford at, Woollahra Young Samuel, 105 Queen st, Woollahra Young W., Bridge rd, Strathfield BOOT UPPER MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS. Jackson W. T., Terry's ni, St. Peters Love Bros., 24-30 Grose at, Glebe Lovett Henry, White at, Leiellininit Manually W. and Co., Steam Mill et McKenzie II. Ltd. (Hepburn McKenzie, managing director), box and pticklug case factory, Abattoirs rd, Pyrmont. Tel. 2057 Martin and Heckenburg, Ainsworth at, Leichhardt Milierand Sou, Jones st,Pyruient NEW SOUTH WALES BOX CO. LTD. 58 Margaret at, Sydney. Box, Case Cull G. and Son, 316-322 Pitt at and Orate Malcom of all descriptions. Also Wire Bound Boxes and Oases. FARLEIGH, NETTHEIM AND Telephones, City 3101 and 1659 CO. ; also Agents for Jones' Sewing Machines, 80 Clarence at Reid J. R., 87 George at Johnson and Sons, 203 Castlereagh at Rosen Bros., 69 Bullanaming at, Redfern McGrath Martin, 363 Pitt at BOTTLE MERCHANTS, Anderson E., 248 Palmer at Bannister Bros., 9.7 King at, Newtown Sleek C., 44 Park it, Erskineville Brewers' Bottle Association (Sydney)— P. T. Cahill, manager, 314 Bulwarra rd Coles A., Bonlevard, Leichhardt Oolquhoun John, Sydney rd, Granville Donovan Michael, 114 Myrtle at Dunn Arthur, 179 Palmer at Edwards Leslie H.. Pemell's lane, N'town Flegg William, Aldefson at, Waterloo Henderson William, 175-177 York at north Hubbard 8., 6 and 7 Pemoll at, Enmore Lelehhanit Bottle Exchange, 1 George it, Lelehhardt McCarthy J. and Co., 48 Riley st Mapstone G., 249 Henderson rd, Alex'dria Murphy Bros. and Co., 443 Wattle at Ross Frank, 49 May at, Newtown Shaw Mrs. D., 118 Wellington at, W't'loo Sydney Bottle Exchange, Little Buckingham at Union Bottle Co.,443 Wattle fit Vincent IL, 8 Crystal at, Petersham BOX AND PACKING CASE MAKERS. Austral Box and Timber Co. Limited, A.battoire rd, Pyrmout. Tel. 1889 Barclay Thomas, White it, Leichhardt Beek John L., 110 Miller at Brunner Charles, 62 Baptist at, Redfern Christie Thomas, 105 Kippax at 0o-operative Box Co. of N.S.W. Ltd., Elliott et, Balmain Crouch Sydney E., 146 Goodlet at Cush IL. II. and Co., Miller st DAVIS BROS. AND BURGESS LIMITED (Successors to W. and E. Yeager), Fruit, Wine and Spirit Cases, &o., machine printed — Yeager's Wharf Manufacturers of the celebrated Bowman at., Pyrmout. Tel, 1244 " A.N.A." and" Marchon " Fine Foot Wear, Park at, Alexandria. Tel. Fewings A., 29 Shepherd it, Darlington 202 Newtown Hardwick John F., 105 Marion em, L'hard Wilton J R., 492 Parramatta rd, P'sham Hawkins and Abberton, Excelsior at, Leto!) ha rd t Wished Robert, 424 Elizabeth st • Head Alfred J., Cooper at, Marrickville Wood George, 80 Harris at Ingham A. 0. and Co., Bulwarra rd Wood W., 486 OAR. rd, Woollabra SAXTON &BINNS LIMITED Enterprise Steam Sawmills ; Timber, Joinery and Builders' Supply Merchants. Weatherboard Cottages a Speciality. Con Jones at and Pyrmont Bridge ml, Pyrmont, Sydney. Tele., 864, 960 Central, and 180 Glebe (see Advt. on front pages of Directory) Smith i J., 151 Cathedral at . Taylor Bros., Ltd., Traf algar at, Annandale Taylor Thomas, Playfair lane . Union Box and Packing Case Co., Ltd.— Albert Guthrey, manager, Johnston at, Annandale Yabsley Arthur H., Mow at, Ultimo BRASS RAND INSTRUMENT IMPORTERS See also Music Sellers anti Mtuical Instrument Makers. Nicholson and Co., Ltd., 842 George at Will. Paling & Co., Ltd, P. F. MIME, Naught Dirator. Importers of Brass Band aunt all kinds of Musical Instruments and Fittings. Sole Agents for Beason and Co. and Boom and Co., the only standard makers of Brass Band Instruments. 839 George Street. York Mrs. J., 52 George it west BRASS, COPPER, ZINC AND LEAD MAKERS. ZOLLNER LTD., 28 to 80 Pruitt at BRASSFINISHERS. Austin and McCarthy, 57 Pier at Down Thomas J. and Co., 101-107 Bathurst at. Tel. 457 Castle J. and Sons, 82 King at, Newtown DANKS JOHN AND SON PROPRIETARY, LIMITED, 324 to 830 Pitt at WE ARRANGE FOR INTERMENTS IN ANY PART OF AUSTRALIA OR ABROAD 1800' , ANTRONYAORDERNS FOUVATCHES; CLOCKS AND :JEWELLERY.' ." BraTRADES;!AND -PROFESSIONS.. Bri Brassfinishers continued--; • Goldstein and Co.; 279 George et Greed J. A.. J.P., 883 Elizabeth at Green T, and Co., Mary Ann at HOSKINS W. & SON Brass, Gun Metal and Aluminium Founders, Engineers, Brass Founders and Oxygen Welders. All classes' of GRIFFITH LIMITED,Brass Founders small Engineering Works made and reand Brass Finishers festab. 18701;77 paired. Jobbing work a speciality. and 79 Liverpool at, City. Tel. City Greek at, Glebe. Tel. 414 Glebe ' 6905. (See Advt. In Alpha. section, page Howland John, 81-85 Pyrmont Bridge rd 1227) Hughes John, Ltd., George at, RedfernLatham J., 36*9 Pitt at Jay James T., 20 Ersidne at Maitiwaring Brothers, Ltd., 1-5 Market at Jones Bros., Mallett at, Camperdown Makin and Pickup, 188 Castlereagh at Lutton IV. and J., 885 King at, Tempe Mills and Munro, 17 Wells it,Annandals Mainwaring Brothers, Ltd.. 1-5 Market at Milne Brothers, 161-160 Sussex at Mills and Munro, 17 Wells at, ',Annandale Porter Ix Hubert, 43-45 -Drnitt Milne Bros., 104-166 Sussex at Robinson F. R. and Sons, Ltd., 226-227 Mort's Dook and Engineering Co., Ltd.— Castlereagh at J. P. Frank!, J.P., manager, Mort at, Robison William, 65-67 Sussex at . Balmain Swinnerton S. L., 15 Weiton it, Roselle Nelson A. D. and Co., Mountain at Turnbull 8. J., 80-82 Oxford at Porter D. Hubert, 43-45 Druitt at Watson and Crane, 875 Pitt at, and George Pratt ils Son, Flood at, Lelohliardt ' at, Camperdown Richard Bros., Victoria rd, Marriokville Wrights, 126a Ltd., George st Robison William, 65-61 Sussex at Smith James, 98 Phillip at, Balmain INASSFOUNDERS.. • .. Proprietary Ltd. Alderdice John and Co 11 Macquarie place Austin and McCarthy, 57 Pier at BELL'S ASBESTOS AIISTRA•. LIAN AGENCY, LTD., Manu- facturers . of Asbestos Peeked . Gun Metal and Iron Cooks and Valves and Water Gauges, etc., 815 Kent Street, Sydney, and at Melbourne and ,Fremantle. , Tel. 8285. "P.O. Box 1078 Bennet:Jetties and Sens, 17 to 88 McKee at Bramwell and Vincent, 919 Harris et BROMWICH J. J., 5766 Harris it, Ultimo. Telephone No. 226 Globe— (See Advt. inside baok cover) RESCH'S LIMITED, Dowling at, Redfern. Tels. Redfern, 878 and 871 and 162 Paddington. Order Department, 876 and 876 Redfern Standard Brewery, Toohey's Ltd. -Wm. Redmond, secretary: W. A. Davis, manager, 800 Elizabeth st Toohey's Ltd., Standard' Brewery Wm. Redmond, secretary ; W. A. Davis, manager, 800 Elizabeth at Tooth and Co., Limited, Kent Brewery26-36 George at west Waverley Brewery, Dowling at, Redfern, BREWERS' SUNDRY/NEN. MAORI BROS. AND THOMSON, LTD. Importers of Malt, Hops, Isinglass, Capsules, Corks, Machinery, and all other requirements for Brewers, SWAN ROBERT C, CO.,' LTD., Cordial Manufacturers and Bottlers, 301 Pitt Street, Sydney. Tel. 605 and 123 to 161 Castlereagh at 2422 Central. Trade mark, " Swan " N.S.W. Malting CO., Ltd.—George Martin, seoretary, 808 Kent st Toowoomba Foundry Co., Ltd., Campbell • at, Rt. Peters Tucker A. E., 49 Draitt at Turnbull S. J., 215 Elizabeth at BRICKWORKS. Tylor J. and Sons, Ltd., 13 Bridle at Vale Henry and Sons, South par, Auburn Anderson D. M., J.P., Rhodes at, MeadowWalker William, 257 Australia at, O'down bank Watson and Crane, 873-875 Pitt at, and Ashfleld Brick Co., Ltd., Milton at, A'field George at, Camperdown Welsh Bros., 171 Kent at Wrights Ltd, 180a George at AUBURN BRICK CD LIMITED BRASS STAMP MANUFACTURERS. SANDS JOHN LTD., 874 George at Brown and Brown, Abattoirs rd Snowdon and Sampson, 7Ia Market, at , Clarke and Cole, Ronny lane Commonwealth Brass and Metal Foundry Co., Ltd. Cleveland at, Redfern DANKS JOHN AND SON PROPRIETARY, LIMITED, Man* BRASSWARE.IMPORTERS. Manufacturers of all classes of Bricks, Park rd, Auburn. Tel. 51 Rookwood AUSTRAL BRICK CO. LIM ITED,, David R. Rogers, Manager, Telephone, 871 New. Manufacturers of all classes of Bricks, King and Cowper sts, St. Peters. Tel. 609 Newtown Australian Brick Co.—T. E. Rote, proprietor, Liverpool rd, Enfield Bakewell Bros , Concord and Coulson ate, Erskineville . Bankstown Brick Works, Oxford eve, Bankstown Bedford Brickworks—Josiah Gentle, proprietor,• King at, St. Peters. Tel. 44 Newtown Beulah . Brickworks (Bakewell Bros.), Mitchell rd, Alexandria Bondi Sand-Lime Brick Co., Sophie et, Waverloy Durwood Brick Works, Cheltenham rd, B u r wood Butcher ,Bros. and Go, Hallam parade, . Gore Hill, North Sydney: Bown Thomas J. and Co., 101, 105, 107 Bathurst at. Tel. 157 4acturers tand Importers of Engineers' Ilrisooe and Co., Ltd., 883485 Kent st Brassware, 824 to 880.Pitt at. Works, , Grafton at, Blsokfriars • DANKS JOHN AND SON PROPRIETARY, LTD., 824 to 880 Pitt at - DAVIES HENAN & CO livered and Co., Ltd., Ash at, or Ha , George at • Bridge and Parramatta' rds,. Annandale, Sydney. General Brassfounders. SWAN ROBERT C. 8i CO., LTD., 804 Pitt Street, Sydney. Tel. 805 and Makersof "Preston's" Screw Fanlight 2422 Central Openers, Leggot's Skylight Openers, Watson and Crane, 873-375 Pitt at, and and all kinds of Casement Openers' George at, Camperdown ' Day J. B., Ltd., 242 liftmen rd, Enmore Donney A.-P.,- Lower Tupper at, M'ville, . . ' . Fortin Jahn,' Si) BYstrttm at '' •'' r`vil e Foremen R. and SOn, Chapel' at, Ma BREWERS. Green T. and Go.; Mary.Ann at .•.• • • Henfrey and Co., Belmont at, Alexandria Kent Brewery—Tooth and Co., Limited, CARRINGTON STEAM BRICK CO.,' LTD.—Arthur H. Penn, Secre- brewers, wine and spirit merchants, tary, Barwon Park rd, St. Peters. '26-30 George at west Telephone 125 Newtown Brass Founders and /3rasi Finishers Mops Brewery Ltd. (in liquidation) Roberts st. Roselle • Christiansen M. and Co., Orange Grove rd, (estab. 1970) -77 , and 79 Liverpool et, Liverpool City. Tel. City 0905. (See Advt. in Maitland Brewing Co., Ltd. (The), Brewery 4 West Maitland. Bottling Depot and City Brick Co., Ltd.—S. P. Pitman, secre'Alpha Section, page 1227) tary, Huston rd, A'ndria Head Office, 52 Dv at Hodge anitZliAtcovAki,110 ;116 &mai et Nicholls' Tasmanian Dandelion Ale' Coe, Clyde Brick Go., Ltd., 14 Martin place, and at Auburn Hoskins CI: and a; La; Wattle at • Sparkes at, Camperdown; , ,,,ICir,ARRIRRY:alfORDEINISVIORR ALLTAIRONTINOR SIOUISITEL4 OH T Bro TRADES' 1./SINDI PROFESSIONS. Brtri1801 CookRupert,,Bridk Manufacturer,: corner •• Rurwciod id and Mitchell st; Enfield. . Vet: 249 Burwoo& • Croydon Steam Brick Co., Limited--R.M. Ba y les, sec.; -Webb at, ' Croydon DEAN' .. Makers of Sewer , Pipes and Fittings ; also Terra I/Otto' 'Roofing :Tiles, Ride' ing, dui., St8phen Balmaln. 7 Works, Kerr at, North,Waratah.' ,Telephone, " 455 Balmain • Dive Slamuel, • sen.;BeatiOhaMP id;BetanY Driver clebrge, French's Forest rd; Manly Empire' Brick Worke, ' Josephson's' rd, Strathfield Enfield Park Brick to., Ltd.—T. Herder, secretary, - 12 O'Connell' at, ,and Park rd, Enfield . . EXCELSIOR BRICKWORKS— J. Downton, Proprietor ; Thomas RYDE::13RICIU:CO2 Manufacturers of all kinds of Bricks. -' Themes Manturer, Great Northern rd, Ryde. Tel. 104 Ryde• Sims James. Brixton rd. RooltWood, South !Ashfield Brick . Works,,Goodiet st, - Canterbury , . • , Springwood 'Brick,. and Vile Co. .(Reg. Office), 129 Pitt at , Standsure Brickworks—T. Daley, proprietor, Syden ham rd, Marriekville State Brick -Works, Rookwood Stmthfield - and Enfield Beek and -T.erra Cotta Works, Ltd.,-Water st,,Entield Sydney Brickworks—Jas. H. Charlesworth, manager,,Unwin's Bridge rd, • ..„, • . • • • • • , • . ST. PETERS' BRICK ,LTD (THE ) Unit. P.- Ell Pitt st Oeirichs and Martin:118 Sussex II' ' Paine Warren, 82 Pitt at ' ' Pole Bros. and Co.; 119 Sussex at • '• • Riehey Theodore H.,99 Elizabeth at , Roberts Wynn, 18'Bonci'st'1. it Thompson John S., 76 Pitt it Torrington F. VA; 91 Pitt at , Tournier Charles, 25a Pitt at.• • Turnbull J., 14 Moore at ' - . Valentino Geary, : Ltd.; Darling Island; -. •Pyrinont: , Walker & Bourne:1681PM at ; : • Wood Reuben and Wood, ' Ltd., 'Hunter 'House 26 Hunter at . kr: g A I?: :ill a SUTTON ELECTROPLATE CO. LIMITF3D .3. Joiner, Manager, Jones et, Croydon. : Tel.-80 Ashlield , • , Barwon Park 1d, -Alexandria.- Tel. 86 Murray- Heffernfiti,f- bientiger. Factory, 49-51 Shepherd at, Sydney, off George Newtown... , , Edwards, Manager, Federal Brick Co., Ltd., steam briakworks, at West:, (See.,Ailvt., facing name in 81 Pearl st, Newtown. Tel. 366 N'town Mitchell rd, • Alexandria. ,''-Tel.' 277 Alphabetical section), , , Newtown. THE Federal Brick Co. (Carlton branch)—W. . Mitchell, manager, 'Forest . rd, Irvine FOWLER R., Pottery and Brickworke - (eget) 1887.)'. Head Office George at, Camperdown, Sydney. '.. Tel; 22,ii:.1,e1:1tzLIMITED. , 79-81 and 83a Commonwealth st, near • NeWtown.y ' Branches at Darby it, . - . Huntley it,Alexandria;Sydney; Manu- • Goulbitrn it. (Soo . Advt. , opp. Elec. Newcastle (Tel:517 Newcastle) ; ,Fi facturers of every description of troplaMrs)a. .;- •.‘ roy it,' Sydenhanf (Tel: 960 NeWtown ; Bricks. , Tel. 412 Newtown and Robert at; Bankstown. (Se Advt. BROOM 'AND SNOWMAKERS.' ."' opp. Pentacles): • ,"• ' , • Tempe Brickworks— E. Li ' SPeare, Proprietor,Hing et, SL Peters , Campbell and Kinsella, 867 Pittit Thomas George, Passefield 'et, Liverpool Co-operative. Broom and Btuali ;Co., .82 Pitt stand John at, Globe, .1,, '.,„. Vale - Uf Clwyd& ItriCkworksRobert Patrick, secretary,' Mutual Life building, Federal'Broom 0o., .12 Fred at, Leioliliardt Manufacturer of Every-Description of Gruinneler Mrs, R., 72 Found it; B,ozelln Martin ette Bricks. Bedfordok work it, )19,143 Warren-Brick Co.Bakeweli Ourlowis, Hamilton and 'CO. (Lend.), 39 Market st at, St. Peters: 2101.44 .Newtown . • proprietors, Mitchell • rd, Alexandria. Harriott Bros,, 04 Annesloy at, Leichhardt Glazed Brick and, Pottery .Co., Ltd., Industrial Blind Institution, Booinerang it Tel. No. 135 Newtown• Madeline at, Enffeld Waterloo Brit* Co., Ltd.—James Edwards, Jessop Charles, 8 Little Queen at Goodiet and 'Smith, Ltd.; Ha rris at,' n ad Johnson Herbert, 00(tall et, padlon , . manager, Botany hi; Waterloo' Sh rwood • • e Wilson's Brickwor ks, Herbert et, Gore Hil McMahon Terenbe.87 Smith at' Great Northern Brick Co:, Ltd., Midsolird, Moxham IV. 3: and Co., 85'Clarenc e st Eistwood. ,' City Mlle% 816 George at N.S.W. Broom Co., 0107 Mullin's at, 13a1BROKERINSERENAI.). Guildford Fire and Glazed Brick Co., Milltáryrd, Guildford See also Tegieciiiie ,headingi tinder ielych Painter Brea; 21 filieo lterd it Herons Daniel, Gross at,. Binkitown 'they &cite • .7 '•' S hofield Brush Co., Newtonc etc Al'andria Hornsby Vile, Pottery end Brick 'Works; Alexander B. S.; 49 Carrington at . • Simplex Brush Factory, Ola Brandling fit, Ltd;; 273 George st BarfoOt &Co:054 George at west'• , . Alexandria , Hughes William, French's Forest ril;ManlY Booker Ji; Vickery'. chambers. 84 Pitt at • Hardline Steam Brick WorksHarold*. Brown and'Durean Ltd., 03 Pitt at Judd, manager, Judd at, Mortdele Builders' Reivicw—J. de ,Water,'mrinager; SMITH JOHN & CO Industrial Brick'. Lt4., Botany . rd, . Waltham Buildings ; Bona at Waterloo'•, Chard W. H: and CO.; 8 Young at • City Broom Factory,. 5$ Marlborough Jones W., Harvard st,,Glade,svIlle ' Oritigrand'Arnald, 161 Stlekek at at, Burry Hills .'. Euring=gai -Brick ,k Works, Frenoh'i Fetid Davies IL GI; &Co., 80a Pitt at Stan ford and PilleY; '411 Harbour at rd, Manly Douglas Percy and Co.; 18 Barret* at Star Brush 0o.,Ltd.;-Angel place, oe. 117 Liverpool' Steam BrIek,Works Co., Ltd..--= Elkingten C. W., 327 George ml Pitt st • ' • G. S. , Travers,- mana g er ; -office, ' 12 Fairfax W. B., 19 Hunter at Sydney Brown11atitifiet itringGO.;:, 15 Castlereagh et. Tel. 1778 city ; ' works, Fiend W. 57 Market at • ' '. Cla'etiee st ; " '' Liverpool : Fraser, Tither and 06...Ltd.,"12 Pitt at . Sydney , Bramn Maitufacitirine,35 -CO!, Metropolitan' 'Brick 'Co.,' Ltd.-41V:.'IL Freeman' Victor; 95 Sultlek fit ' ' Castleraghit,'Redfrn' 'Nicholls, I.P., manager 12 'Caitle. Vallee 131.'T. 'A., 8 Voting it , ' Taylor Stu tiel;'Fosterit ' n - reagh at. Tel. ' s009 : Goddard ILA., 82 Pitt st', Windeler EL, 35 Castlereagh Itt,11edte tn,,i N.S. W.' Government ' State' Brick: Werke? Graham J' N.; 89 Pitt at " • , Wyld Alfred, it Buoklaiid et:'• . Botany and Itookwood '` • • Hagen ,F. Ltd., 182 Pitt it • NewtownBriekworke-S. Spear:, ' 'John Ham amid Ow6n, ITEri.lwast' and ' Goodsell its, '"Newtowa.', Harvey Alfred atid'01440 King it IMPORTERS.' , 'ISO Newtow ' n ,' "' FIogati John', and CO4 .3711usidx St', NoSydney North Brick-and Ltd: oulderBrothend CO.; Ltd:: Exchange r ge BARNETT 1 LEOPOLD --AND 004 ea , ,for ', D.' , Matthews and r Ban, . Gore Hill,',NOrth Sydney corner, 03 Pitt st:'. • • 1. (tondin); Paint Brnshes; &o., '306 14 Northern' Suburbs Briok Co. Ltd.:• :-A'; }louden William, 2654'6604e et' • 808 Pitt it; Sydney: Argles, Manager, biddn G 'rd, Gore 'Hill MoNab.John, 145 Prinees'st Par:matte River Brick Co., Ltd4'82' Pitt Madden, D. Al tind.0o;,'19, Bridge st: Brook-'RenrY aid Coy.; 'Proprietors Of at, and . ElptirWay it,' Ermingtorf " Madden'and'Hhison;19'Bridge et "r. Bennet " Star " ,` bread. Punchbowl -Brick and Tile Works—GA. eteitlfea.' 3,;,82 -Pitt st ' hinihware;Yard billididg,Wym! ' Jones, manager, Bond's id;1"beiwi MOrris -dc CO.; •105- Pitt et' yard squitrei,SydneYr Tel: 8018 08 - 11.81W. BRICK, CO. wiwNGToNiums:: Y.41: . GENTLE f Agents • ' .41 • WOOD , COFFILLA,.•.COMPANY,LTD. CENTRAt OFFICE .: 810 4 1 2'DEORGE . ST.. 'PHONE . 72Sic162‘ CENTRAL CiiiottifT OPWAioibi OtlEITHIROliiiitglitAlklintRMERniiiifir..METROP,OtITANAREK
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