Loud Pedal - Oregon Region SCCA
Loud Pedal - Oregon Region SCCA
OREGONSCCA.COM Loud Pedal Champ Car Preview Rose Cup Preview June 2007 The Official Magazine of Oregon Region SCCA Free Copy 2 CONTENTS Columns Features Editor’s Desk Page 4 Membership Application Page 7 Contact Information Page 5 Champ Car Preview Page 10 From the R.E. Page 6 Rose Cup Preview Page 16 Duck Stops Here Page 20 Oregon Trail Rally Page 22 Road Race Directions Page 21 Frankie Muniz Goes Racing Page 25 Rallying with Chris & Kristen Page 22 Classified Ads Page 28 Director Duck Page 26 Board Minutes Page 30 Solo II Report Page 29 On the cover: Pro Drive’s Todd Harris gets ready in the Fluge Global Adventure GT1 Corvette. Photo by Randy Unsbee. Contents Page Photo: Champ Car’s Sebastien Bourdais celebrates in Victory Lane. Champ Car photo. 3 Loud Pedal The Membership Magazine of Oregon Region Sports Car Club of America Editor: Randy Unsbee, ABC Sponsor PR & Marketing 1260 NE 20th Gresham, OR 97030 503-544-5944 info@sponsorpr.com Please send address changes to: Oregon Region SCCA 4800 SW Macadam Ave., Ste. 110 Portland, OR, 97239 Photographers: TheDigitalperspective. com, Howard Allen, Doug Berger, George Dwinell, Wayne Flynn, Dave Franks, John Brewer, Andy Lee, Dennis Smock, Laurie Riffel, Chris Greenwood. The Loud Pedal is published monthly by the Oregon Region of the Sports Car Club of America. All contents copyright © 2007 by Oregon Region SCCA Inc. All material herein may not be reproduced, in whole or in part by any means, electronic, mechanical or other, without the express written permission of the editor. Permission to reprint is hereby given to all official SCCA publications, provided that proper credit is given to the author and to the Loud Pedal, and that two copies of the publication are sent to the Loud Pedal or Oregon Region offices listed above. The authors retain copyright to their original works, and photographers retain copyright over their photographs. Articles and letters to the editor may be submitted in writing, by mail, by fax, electronically on a 3.5” floppy (any format), or by electronic mail. Original photographs may be submitted, but do not submit copyrighted materials without prior written permission from the photographer specifically granting the Loud Pedal permission to reprint his or her work. Neither the Loud Pedal, nor Oregon Region, will are responsible for unsolicited articles, manuscripts, photos, graphics, or other submissions, unless accompanied by a selfaddressed stamped envelope. Opinions expressed in this publication are those of the credited author only, and not necessarily those of Oregon Region, its officers, members, or the Loud Pedal staff. Publication of ads, articles, photos, etc. is subject to available space. 4 Editor’s Desk Randy Unsbee, ABC Email: info@sponsorpr.com You Can Do It! There aren’t many big time sports events where you can sit on the bench next to the athletes, warm up in the bull pen, or even be one of the officials. In fact, most of the time when you attend a major sporting event they almost act like they don’t want you there, tell you where to walk, where to sit and when to leave. In the Sports Car Club of America, we do things a little bit different. Not only do we want you to be part of the action, you are the action. Come to the paddock area and visit the race teams, ogle the cars, talk to the drivers. Sign up to be a corner worker and get out there right to the edge of the track. Be part of the technical crew and inspect the cars before each event, or help line cars up before the races. In fact, why not be a driver? You can compete in road racing events, drive in a road rally, challenge yourself and your car against the clock in a Solo event, or go off road with RallyCross. We don’t want you sitting on the side lines, we want you to be part of the action. So, why not take a moment and drop by our SCCA trailer/ tent in the paddock area and find out more about membership in the most exciting club you’ll find, anywhere? Or, fill out the membership application on page 7 and mail it in. Not only will you have a great time, you’ll make some lifelong friends. You can do it! See you at pregrid! Oregon Region SCCA People You May Want to Call 2006 Board of Directors Regional Executive Asst. R. E. Past R. E. Road Racing Director Solo II Director Director at Large 1 Director at Large 2, PR Committee Dan Halloran dan.halloran@yahoo.com Dan Mullin 541-683-1091 Win Casey 503-297-4049 Todd Butler 503-712-6063 Andy Howe solo.howe@comcast.net Judy Elliott-Cox 503-467-8999 Nick Fluge nfluge@comcast.net Region Officials Loud Pedal Editor Membership/Merchandise Region Office Admin Secretary to BOD Treasurer Publicity/Marketing Randy Unsbee info@sponsorpr.com Karen McCoy 503-224-9469 Karen McCoy 503-224-9469 Mary Thompson 503-645-3844 Paul Eklund pauleklund@aol.com Randy Unsbee info@sponsorpr.com Rally Officials RoadRally Manager RallyCross Manager Kevin Poirier April Smith 503-556-0908 asrmotorsports @yahoo.com Road Racing Officials Road Racing Director Todd Butler w503-712-6063 h503-662-4599 360-885-7883 971-207-5147 503-816-0855 Race Ops Manager Bud Mansur Race Ops Manager Bob Smethers Regl Points Keeper* Kari L. Macfarlane First Gear TBD Vintage Racing Chair Dan Mullin 541-683-1091 Vintage Points* Dave Franks 503-968-8134 *Please contact Dave Franks for Vintage Series Points. Contact Kari Macfarlane for all other Oregon Region points matters. Road Racing Chiefs Course Marshal Emergency Flagging & Comm Medical Pace Car Paddock/HotPits Pre-Grid Radio Tech Registration (pre-race) Registration (at track) Sound Judge Starter Tech Inspection Timing and Scoring Driver Services/Trophies Hugh Figuero, Doug James Ben Hockman 503-645-4755 Ken Killam 503-970-5644 Mark Anderson 503-646-5144 Russell Nyberg 503-309-4220 Del Bockman 503-515-5977 Julie Winslow 360-513-6728 Ric Farrar 503-245-2506 Karen McCoy 503-224-9469 Win Casey 503-297-4049 Neil Swanson 503-585-9650 Tim Stanley 503-693-8139 Michael Tobin Gary Harkins Jerry Kelso 503-682-2410 Kurt Weimer 360-573-5307 Kari L. Macfarlane 503-816-0855 Stewards Gary Meeker -- NorPac Executive Steward Don Smethers -- OR Deputy Executive Steward Pat Derouin -- Spec Miata CS Scott Kovalic -- NorPac RallyCross Steward Howard Allen Steve Archer John Bachofner William Bachofner Todd Butler Winston Casey Kris Ebelmesser Sam Egli Gail Fetterman Dave Franks Spencer Gorham Don Holland - Safety Steward Robert Mead Stephen C. Middendorff Dan Mullin Jeff Niess Alan Robinson Mark Schue Lewis Scott Dave Shively Gary Van Horn Skip Yocom gmeeker@earthlink.net 503-656-2237 justsell5@comcast.net dkov@pacifier.com howduck@qwest.net mikah@comcast.net johnsb321@msn.com wgbach@comcast.net todd.sherry@verizon.net msiltd@integraonline.com krisebel@msn.com 503-246-7811 gailfetterman@comcast.net franks97@verison.net sgorstew@aol.com DHoll45497@aol.com unclebob@oregonfast.net smidden@qwest.net danm356@yahoo.com niess@comcast.net robinsah@engr.orst.edu mark@schueracing.com 503-646-3840 mos33c20@centurytel.net gvanhorn@navicom.com rampant53@gmail.com Oregon Region Office 4800 SW Macadam Ave, Suite 110 Portland, OR 97239 Voice and Message Line 503-224-9469 Fax 503-224-9542 Office Hours Monday through Thursday 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM office@oregonscca.com http://www.oregonscca.com SCCA National Toll Free Number 1-800-770-2055 Want to advertise in Loud Pedal? Please contact the editor to receive an advertising packet with current rate card. Rates are as low as $5 per column inch and expose you to over 1,800 SCCA members in the Oregon Region. • 80% of SCCA members own their own home or condo. • 50% own three or more vehicles (4.6 average). • Over 60% of SCCA members hold professional and/or managerial occupations. • 65% hold college degrees. • 89% have annual household incomes over $50,000, Median HH income is $98,500, Average HH income is $105,800. 5 From the R.E. Dan Halloran, Regional Executive Email: dan.halloran@yahoo.com Participation isn’t Only a Dream When I started racing several years ago I was fulfilling a lifelong fantasy. Like most of you, I had dreamed for a long time of getting involved in racing and being around exotic cars. I attended the several SCCA races, followed many types of racing on TV, occasionally traveled to an F1 or Indy car race, and of course was a regular at Portland’s own Champ Car event. It was fun but it was all vicarious. Strolling through the pits at an event, whether a local club race or a big time Champ Car event, participating seemed out of the question. The cars were exotic and of course expensive. The trailers and teams were large. Who knew how deep one’s pockets had to be to compete. But I never asked and just assumed it was out of reach. Also, no one asked me if I had any questions or if I would like to talk about the cars and what it took to participate. So for years I only dreamed of participating not believing it would ever happen. One evening I was playing tennis with Gary Manchester and we got into a discus- sion of racing. Over time he invited me out, let me sit in his car, talked about what it would take to participate and of course I was hooked. I had found a friend who explained what our sport was all about. Suddenly what seemed only a fantasy became a reality. racers arrive but behind the scenes we have registration, corner workers, e crew, timing and scoring, pit and paddock, and the stewards. In Club Racing it takes about 80 people to put on an event and they are all volunteers. SOLO and Rally get their participants to do double duty but they still need volunteers. After participating for several years I discovered that there are lots of people in our club who are participating in ways that allow them to get up close and personal with a sport they love. People don’t have to just watch they can be the show and take an active role. As a club we need to insure that we are actively recruiting new members and welcoming them to our events. Each one of us should make a point of bringing one new person each season to an event. There are lots of ways for people to participate. If you have any questions ask one of the The real secret, that Gary didn’t explain, members of the BOD and we would be was that I would make lots of new friends. pleased to find an appropriate way for More important was the discovery that someone to participate. those friendships and the camaraderie was an important aspect of my joy in partici- During the Rose Cup and Champ Car pating. It was a great discovery that I try weekends we will have lots of new people to share with everyone with whom I talk with dreams and fantasies of participating. about the sport. It isn’t just the racing but When you see someone stop and look at the friendships that make out club special. your car ask if they have any questions or would like to get closer to the car. Show Our sport, whether its club racing, SOLO, people that this is a place to have fun. Anor Rally, needs volunteers. Of course the swer their questions and engage them in a conversation. There are brochures available at registration that talk about how people can get involved. Grab a couple to have on hand and make a point of handing a few out. We all know what a great sport we have and how wonderful the people we play with are. Lets make that opportunity available to lots of new friends. 6 Saturday, September 15, the City of Fairview is holding its annual Chili on the Green and Afterburner Classic Car CruiseIn. They have also asked is there are any SCCA members who would like to display their race cars at the event. If you are interested please contact Larry Cooper at 503674-6256 or chilionthegreen@ci.fairview. or.us. Further information is available at www.ci.fiarview.or.us. The sponsors are long time SCCA members and there is a rumor that volunteers will get a shot at some wonderful chili. Membership Application Dear Prospective SCCA Member: To apply for membership in the Sports Car Club of America, the world’s largest member participation automotive organization, please complete the form below and return, with payment to SCCA Membership Department, P.O. Box 299, Topeka, KS 66601-0299. PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE / / Name ________________________________________________________________________ Birthdate _________________ ) Address______________________________________________________ Telephone (________________________________ City___________________________________________________________________ State______________________________ Zip ___________________________________________________________________________ County ___________________ E-mail ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Have you been an SCCA member before? F Single F Married F No F Yes: Year_____Previous Member #_________ / / Spouse’s Name ___________________________ Birthdate _______________________ Spouse Member Number If Current Member_______________________ IF APPLYING FOR FAMILY MEMBERSHIP Please list names and ages of children under age 21: / / Name _______________________________________________________________________ Birthdate _________________ / / Name _______________________________________________________________________ Birthdate _________________ / / Name _______________________________________________________________________ Birthdate _________________ / / Name _______________________________________________________________________ Birthdate _________________ PRIMARY INTEREST(S) IN SCCA: Please indicate the area(s) of SCCA in which you plan to participate, or which interest you most. Your response will be used to allocate your national dues to the areas you indicate. Thank you. F Club Racing F Pro Racing Rally F Solo F To find your region dues, visit http://www.scca.com/Join/Index.asp?reference=dues Annual National Dues Individual F Member Spouse Member F Family Member F First Gear F F Enclosed $ 60.00 $ 20.00 $ 95.00 (you must Annual Regional Dues + Individual Member + Spouse Member + Family Member be age 21 and under) $ 20.00 $ 5.00 $ 30.00 $ 45.00 Total = = = $ 80.00 $ 25.00 $ 125.00 is my check or money order for $__________________ U.S. DO NOT SEND CASH. Visa/Master Credit Card No. ________________________________________ Expiration Date ________________ I hereby apply for membership in the Sports Car Club of America, Inc.and _____________________________________ (Region Name / Number) and agree to abide by the bylaws. Applicant’s Signature _____________________________________________ Date__________________________ Dues include payment for subscription To SportsCar ($24 value) (Dues are not deductible as charitable contributions) 7 8 9 Mazda Champ Car Grand Prix of Portland Presented by Joe’s Sports and Outdoor The largest auto racing event in the Pacific Northwest since 1984 returns for the 24th year at Portland International Raceway. On-track competition will be intense, featuring the 200 mph turbocharged openwheel machines of the Champ Car World Series, along with the Atlantic Championship race, Star Mazda and Mazda MX-5 races. “We are excited to be part of the Champ Car Grand Prix of Portland”, says Jim Jordan, Alternative Marketing Manager for Mazda North American Operations. “This wonderful race and its twenty-four year history have long been considered the Gem of Great Northwest sporting events.” 10 #1 Sebastien Bourdais - LeMans, France • 2004, 2005 and 2006 Champ Car World Series Champion • 2007: 13th at Las Vegas, 1st at Long Beach and Houston, 1st in points • Nine Consecutive Top-Five Finishes in 2005 • First Champ Car Driver in Eight Years To Win IROC Race • Won Poles For First Two Races Of Champ Car Career • Won FIA International F3000 Championship in 2002 #5 Will Power - Toowooba, Queensland, Australia • 2007: First Champ Car victory at Las Vegas, finished 3rd at Long Beach and 11th in Houston, 2nd in points • Top-10 finish in just his second Champ Car start, 2005 • Two victories in World Series Powered by Renault Championship, 2005 • 2003 Formula Holden Champion • Second in 2001 Formula Ford National Championship #14 Robert Doornbos - Rotterdam, Holland • Third in 2007 Champ Car standings with a 2nd, 13th and 3rd in three races • 2006: Official Red Bull Formula 1 Team test/reserve driver • 2005: Official Minardi Formula 1 Team test/reserve driver • 2004: Official Jordan Formula 1 Team test/reserve driver, third in F3000 Championship • 2003: Formula 3000 Championship 7 podiums #8 Alex Tagliani - Montreal, Quebec • Fourth in 2007 Champ Car standings with a 4th, 5th and 9th in three races • Finished career-best seventh in 2004 and 2005 championship standings • Scored first Champ Car victory with win at Road America, 2004 • Helped Canada to win consecutive Nation’s Cup victories in 2003-04 • Finished among top five in Toyota Atlantic Championship standings from 1997-99 #19 Bruno Junqueira - Belo Horizonte, Brazil • Fifth in 2007 Champ Car standings with a 7th and two 6th place finishes • Three-time Champ Car Series Runner-up • Captured First Career Victory at Road America During Rookie Season • Earned First Pole at Nazareth in Third Series Qualifying Attempt • 2000 FIA International F3000 Champion • First driver since Bobby Rahal to win races in each of his first five years in Champ Car 11 #7 Oriol Servia - Pals, Catalonia, Spain • Sixth in 2007 Champ Car standings with a 2nd and 4th place finishes in two races • Scored first Champ Car win with victory in Montreal, 2005 • Finished a career-best second in championship in 2005 • Gave Dale Coyne Racing its first podium since 1996 with third-place run at Laguna Seca, 2004 • 1999 Dayton Indy Lights Champion #2 Graham Rahal - Columbus, Ohio • Seventh in 2007 Champ Car standings with a 17th, 8th and 2nd place finishes • Made a dynamic Atlantic debut in 2006, finishing second in the series championship • Became the youngest-ever winner in Atlantic history when he won from the pole in Monterrey, Mexico at age 17 • Raced for Team Lebanon in 2006 A1 Grand Prix Series • Won the 2005 Formula Atlantic title at the SCCA National Championship Run-offs • Finished fourth in the 2005 Star Mazda Series #9 Justin Wilson - Sheffield, England • Eighth in 2007 Champ Car standings with a 14th, 4th and 10th in three races • Scored first Champ Car win in Toronto, 2005 • Scored front-row grid position in just his fifth Champ Car start • Won from pole in Mexico City in 2005 finale • 2001 FIA International F3000 Champion • Made 16 Formula 1 starts in 2003 with Minardi and Jaguar #2 Tristan Gommendy - Le Chesnay, France • Ninth in 2007 Champ Car standings with a 5th, 11th and 13th in three races • Competed in 2006 GP2 Championship • 2002 Champion French Formula 3 • 2002 Winner of Macau F3 Grand Prix • Finished 4th in 2004 World Series by Renault • Competed in Formula Renault V6 Eurocup Series and 24 Hours of Le Mans #15 Simon Pagenaud - Poitiers, France • Captured the 2006 Atlantic title and the $2 million Champ Car bonus behind six podium results and a series-high nine top-five finishes, currently 10th in 2007 points • Recorded his first Atlantic win at Edmonton for Team Australia • Raced in the European World Series by Renault in 2005 • Finished as series runner-up in the 2004 Formula Renault European Championship • Competed in the Masters Formula Renault Series in 2003, finishing third in the championship 12 13 #28 Ryan Dalziel - Coatbridge, Scotland • Eleventh in the ‘07 Champ Car standings with 11th, 9th and 8th place finishes • 2004 – Gilles Villeneuve Award • 2000 – Finalist, The McLaren Autosport Young Driver of the Year Award • 1999 – Finalist, The McLaren Autosport Young Driver of the Year Award • Grand American Series 2nd place finishes – Phoenix, Laguna Seca, 2006 • 2005 American Le Mans Series, third place finish at Portland #11 Katherine Legge - Northampton, England • Thirteenth in 2007 Champ Car standings with a 6th, 10th and 16th place finishes • First female driver to run full-time in Champ Car World Series • Scored victory in first Atlantic race, Long Beach 2005 • First female driver to win a major open-wheel race in United States • Third in 2005 Champ Car Atlantic Championship standings #21 Neel Jani - Luton, England • Fourteenth in 2007 Champ Car standings with a 10th, 7th and 15th in three races • 2006 Formula One Test Driver for Scuderia Toro Rosso • 2006 First driver to run an F1 and GP2 car on same day (Silverstone) • 2005 Runner-up A1GP World Cup Championship (Swiss Team) • 2003 Runner-up Formula Renault V6 Eurocup Championship • 2002 Runner-up Formula Renault 2000 Eurocup Championship • 2000 Champion Swiss Formula Lista Junior Series #3 Paul Tracy - Scarborough, Ontario, Canada • Fifteenth in standings after missing two races due to injuries, Portland marks his return to the series • 2003 Champ Car World Series champion • Champ Car leader among active drivers in wins (30) and poles (25) • Leader among active drivers in laps led with 4,184 • Four-time winner of Grand Prix of Long Beach #29 Alex Figge - Poitiers, France • Sixteenth in points after an 8th and a 16th in the first two races • “Super Sub” Roberto Moreno took over the #29 at Houston, finishing 12th • Figge has experience in Formula Mazda, Formula 2000, Toyota Atlantic, Grand Am and American Le Mans • Finished first in Toyota Atlantic race in Monterrey, Mexico 2004 14 Arrive and Drive Here and Away Are you ready for a different track? We offer service, support and rentals both in Portland and racing destinations from coast to coast. #4 Dan Clarke North Yorkshire, England • Seventeenth in the ‘07 Champ Car standings with 17th, 15th and 12th place finishes • Finished 12th in the 2006 Champ Car Season Championship • Drives for Minardi Team USA Pacific Raceways, Thunderhill, Infineon, Laguna Seca, Buttonwillow, Phoenix International, Firebird, Willow Springs, Daytona, Virginia International, MidOhio, Sebring, Heartland Park, Road America, Pueblo, ... Authorized Dealer For: • Spec Racer Ford/Formula SCCA • MoTeC Data Acquisition Cell: 503-970-9871 E-mail: flatout@wa-net.com Submitted for your consideration... Ralph Young Fabrication Plus, in conjunction with JB-S2 Racing, is now able to provide complete racecar fabrication, including repair and manufacture of headers and suspension parts. With 35 years experience at all levels of motor sports including Indy cars, we can provide the finest quality work available. Specializing in Formula cars and Sports Racers, both current and vintage restoration and repair are available. For further details call (503) 936-3053. #42 Matt Halliday - Auckland, New Zealand • 2006 – V8 Supercars - Australia Contested Sandown and Bathurst endurance races with Ford Performance Racing. 15th at Sandown but did not finish Bathurst • 2006 – Formula Renault V6 Asia Championship - 2nd overall including several feature race wins. • 2005/06 – A1GP, helped New Zealand finish 4th overall out of 21 countries. 15 Rose Cup Races Presented by The annual Rose Cup Race, the oldest amateur road-racing event west of the Mississippi River, has been popular with West Coast racing enthusiasts for more than 40 years. The racing weekend features Sports Car Club of America’s Regional and National Championship point races with more than 400 amateur drivers in varied classes of race cars. The Porsche Club of America holds the Porsche Cup race during Rose Cup weekend as well. A new Rose Festival sponsor, Carrera Motors of Bend, Oregon, is presenting sponsor of the Porsche Cup race this year. 16 Temp-Control Mechanical Corp. Contesting the coveted Festival Trophy race will be Nick Fluge in the #7 Fluge Global Adventures Corvette. Teammate Todd Harris will pilot the GT Fluge Global Adventure Corvette in Sunday’s Rose Cup Race, and will be joined by teammate Matt Crandall (not pictured) in the Fluge Panoz GTS. Photo by Chris Greenwood. From left, Nick Fluge, Steve Gatrell, Bill Harris, Kristen Moore, Norton Gaston, Gary Bockman, Pat McFall and Todd Harris. 17 FESTIVAL TROPHY RACE ENTRY LIST # Class/Driver Hometown 1 ITS RON TANNER PORTLAND, OR TANNER’S AUTOMOTIVE / TOP TECH MOTORSPTS Car/Sponsor 71 DATSUN 240Z 2 ITE VAL KORRY FORDAHL MOTORSPORTS . 51 ITS MATT CHAMBERS FORDAHL MOTORSPORTS ROCHESTER, WA 84 PORSCHE 944 52 ITE MATT RUDOLPH SEATTLE, WA NEW LINES CONSTRUCTION INC 83 PORSCHE 911SC 96 PORSCHE 911SC 53 HP SKIP YOCOM WEST LINN, OR WIZARD AND FRIENDS /TOP TECH MOTORSPORTS 76 VW RABBIT 3 AS JOHN D BLIZZARD HILLSBORO, OR ROMBAUER VINEYARDS / THE BRAKEMAN 85 CHEVY CAMARO 55 SPU RON CRAMER HITECH EXHAUST EUGENE, OR 94 ACURA INTEGRA 4 ITA RICHARD HINDMAN VANCOUVER, WA 90 MAZDA MIATA BEAVERTON, OR 82 CHEV CAMARO PORT COQUITLAM, BC 86 CHEV CAMARO 5 ITE SCOTT RINDE KING MOTORSPORTS / MUGEN PORTLAND, OR 98 ACURA INTEGRA R 59 AS DAVE DICKOFF 62 AS BRIAN MEAKINGS IWE / BIG-O TIRES 6 SSC RANDY UNSBEE SPONSOR PR & MARKETING GRESHAM, OR 98 DODGE NEON ACR 68 ITE PHILIP BLACKSTONE EUGENE, OR ACURA OF LYNNWOOD / ROTHSPORT RACING 7 ITE NICK FLUGE FLUGE GLOBAL ADVENTURES PORTLAND, OR 06 CHEV CORVETTE 72 ITS JON WILSON PORTLAND, OR 70 DATSUN 240Z TEMP CONTROL / TOP TECH / COMPETITION MOTORSPORTS 10 ITE CHARLES K JESSUP NTI RACING VANCOUVER, WA 95 CHEV CAMARO 16 ITE DARREN DILLEY CHEAPFASTRACING HILLSBORO, OR ITA RICK DUCA SILVERBACK RACING BATTLE GROUND, WA85 MAZDA RX7 20 ITA JAMES BURKE JBMC MOTORSPORTS PASADENA, CA 28 ITS GREG FORDAHL FORDAHL MOTORSPORTS 33 CP1 FRANK McKINNON . 39 ITE SCOTT DAIGER 18 SEATTLE ,WA 74 SPU MICHAEL R HARLEY . 77 ITC DANIEL W FROST PARADIGM PROPERTIES MEDINA, WA 95 PORSCHE RSCS 70 PORSCHE 914-6GT CENTRAL POINT, OR 70 NISSAN 510 85 MAZDA RX7 92 SPU CHARLIE BURROWS PORTLAND, OR . 0 SPU BILL THEW CRANE, OR EASTERN OREGON ROAD RACING 79 MAZDA RX7 MAZDA MIATA 03 AS KEVIN B SMITH STACEY & HOLLY SMITH 82 CHEVY CAMARO BREMERTOM, WA 83 PORSCHE 944 07 ITE STEVE LAUGHLIN SEATTLE, WA NW AUTO SERVICES WEST / RANDOM ENGINE MGMT PORSCHE 944T PORTLAND, OR 95 FORD MUSTANG 09 DP KATE FLEMING REDMOND, WA NW WXMOTORSPORTS.COM / SPEEDTRIXX / WXSIGNS 95 BMW E36 M3 SEATTLE, WA 85 PORSCHE 911 HILLSBORO, OR 96 WESTFIELD SP-Z ROSE CUP ENTRY LIST 35 SPM DANIEL JESSE GEARHART, OR DANIEL JESSE CONSTRUCTION INC 86 PORSCHE 911 SAN MARINO, CA PORSCHE GT3 SAMMAMISH, WA PORSCHE 968 VANCOUVER, WA 80 MAZDA RX7 # Class/Driver 1 GT2 BUD REICHARD A.E.S.INC / STAFF’S AUTO Hometown SEATTLE , WA Car/Sponsor 97 MAZDA RX7 2 GT2 VAL KORRY FORDAHL MOTORSPORTS SEATTLE, WA 96 PORSCHE 911SC 42 SPM CHRISTIAN GARRIS . 45 SPM ROBERT BOYER RANDOM EMS 3 GT2 MATT CRANDALL WILSONVILLE , OR MJ2 RACING / GRAN PRIX IMPORTS 06 PANOZ GTS 46 EP BOB MULLIKIN MBM PROPERTIES INC 7 GT2 DAVE DEBORDE C&D PERFORMANCE MINDEN, NV 77 NISSAN 280Z 48 GT3 DOUGLAS RUTHROFF PHOENIX, AZ TEMP CONTROL MECHANICAL 10 SPO CHARLES K JESSUP NTI RACING VANCOUVER, WA 95 CAMARO 11 GT1 TIM BUTSON AUBURN, WA OXFORD SUITES / BALDWIN FILTERS 02 CHEV CORVETTE 12 SPO CINDI LUX ALOHA, OR KUMHO / CORSA / MINTEX / BELL 07 DODGE VIPER 15 EP JOSEPH POTTER SPORTS CAR SHOP EUGENE, OR 67 ALFA DUETTO SPM DARREN DILLEY CHEAPFASTRACING HILLSBORO, OR 17 SPM KEITH JONES QUINN’S PRIME & VINE PORTLAND, OR 18 GT2 BEHRAM SOONAWALA SANTA ROSE, CA THE RACERS GROUP 90 NISSAN 240SX 49 SPO TIM RALSTON PORTLAND, OR 00 MONTECARLO . 53 GT3 COLLIN JACKSON LANGLEY, BC 94 NISSAN 240SX SPECIALTY ENGINEERING / BM&M SCREENING SOLUTIONS PORTLAND, OR PORSCHE 962 YACOLT, WA 77 PORSCHE 911 66 GT2 STAN BENNETT STAN BENNETT SALES PORTLAND, OR PORSCHE 914/6 85 MAZDA RX7 74 GT1 ANDY PEARSON SPECIALTY ENGINEERING N. WESTMINSTER, BC CHEV CAMARO 78 PORSCHE SC 76 ST ROGER STARK REDMOND, WA PARTSRACK / DND FABRICATING 06 DODGE VIPER 75 PORSCHE 911 77 SPM CARL VAN.AUSTEN SHERWOOD, OR . 78 GT2 BRIAN FIETE SEATTLE, WA . 86 GT2 JAY CULBERTSON PORTLAND, OR TEMP CONTROL MECHANICAL CORP 71 PORSCHE 911 21 SPO WOUTER BOUMAN NANAIMO, BC 93 MAZDA RX7 . 23 SPM CHRIS PALLIS MERCER ISLAND, WA 04 PORSCHE GT3 HOMESTREET BANK/MICROSOFT/KID’S COUNTRY LEARNING CENTERS 58 SPO NEIL SHELTON . 64 SPM MIKE MALONE SILVERBACK RACING 05 PORSCHE GT3 03 PORSCHE 911 CUP 70 OPEL GT FORTUNA, CA CHEV CORVETTE 93 FP GARY MURPH WIFE FAIRVIEW, OR 27 GT1 RICH SLOMA RED LINE OIL 04 PORSCHE GT3 LA MESA, CA 05 PORSCHE GT3 00 GT2 JIM WALSH MICROSOFT LIVE SEARCH REDMOND, WA 30 SPM MIKE BOARDMAN . 33 GT1 FRANK McKINNON . PORTLAND, OR 95 FORD MUSTANG 04 GT2 SCOTT TAYLOR MEANEY RACING SHORELINE, WA 70 PORSCHE 914-6 Neil Shelton will pilot the famous Monte Shelton Porsche 962 this year in Sunday’s Rose Cup Race. Photo by Doug Berger, www.digitalracephotos.com 19 The Duck Stops Here Howard Allen, Competition Manager Email: howduck@qwest.net PIR Track Improvements on the Way There is nothing that lights your fire like getting back into the racecar. After the first lap of the national, I was reminded of why SRF used to be called “Spec Rambo.” A tip of the helmet goes out to the workers and stewards for seeing that everything came out all right in the end. I had to wonder what it looked like on the monitor in race control? Also turn six will move fifty feet to the west, which sets up a reconfiguration of turn seven. The plan is for the track to have two halves that can each operate independently. Hopefully we can obtain a map soon to show the exact details. Word comes my way that another racer’s better half on the mend. It seems that Deb Harlan fell off a horse in January and cracked her hip. Get well soon Deb. Yes, P.I.R., our favorite city park, has gone high tech. They have installed nine Get well wishes also go out to Mike Davies, cameras around the course so race control former Spec Miata racer and brother of Jon can now monitor any situation. Smile, Big Davies. brother is watching. It sure was an honor to have Sam Egli and Speaking of the park, I am told the infield Lew Scott together during the last event. I work should be done by this fall along with treasure every moment with these two. It is the repaving. That is the extension of the indeed a pleasure to be in their company. Festival road out to the SCCA City road. The current grandstand will be turned 90 Believe a Corvette can lap the field? Todd degrees. The west end extension may wait Harris did just that during the May event. until next spring. It is even more impressive considering that Keith Delaney was out there too. Keith was the “most improved” driver during the double national at Thunderhill or so it says in “The Wheel.” Ken Garchow’s Porsche might just be the best-prepared and most beautiful car to date. No wonder it gets a nod from Captain Perfect. A huge tip-of-the-helmet goes out to the friends of P.I.R. for their successful cleanup day at the PIR, as well as their work on the SOLV north Portland clean up project. Another tip-of-the-helmet goes out to the Artic Alaska crew for coming down in force to support our club-racing program. As this is being written, Club Racing Vice President Terry Ozment plans to attend the Rose Cups. So have your questions ready. Tune in next month to read about the “Crown Jewel of Racing in the Northwest,” the Rose Cup Races presented by Temp-Control Mechanical Corp. V I C T O R Y L A N E D A TA “where KNOWLEDGE = SPEED” SUPERIOR PRODUCTS & SUPERIOR SERVICE 3BDFSFBEZTZTUFNTTUBSUJOHBU .9-%BUB-PHHFST%JTQMBZT 1SPGFTTJPOBMHSBEFEBUBBDRVJTJUJPO %JTQMBZBOESFDPSE31.UFNQTQSFTTVSFTTQFFETMBQUJNFT BOENPSF&BTJMZDPOOFDUTUPEP[FOTPG&$6T$POOFDUVQUP TFOTPST5SBDLNBQQJOHVQUP.#PGTUPSBHFQSPHSBNNBCMF BMBSNT .Z$ISPO%BUB4ZTUFNT )JHIQFSGPSNBODFHSFBUWBMVF %JTQMBZBOESFDPSE31.UFNQT QSFTTVSFTTQFFETMBQUJNFTGFBUVSFT USBDLNBQQJOHPOTDSFFOSFQMBZ QSPHSBNNBCMFBMBSNTHFBSEJTQMBZ BOENPSF 27 years experience in motorsports. Official AiM Sports trainer. %B7JE7JEFP%BUB-PHHFS TIPXOXJUIPQUJPOBMSFDPSEFSDBNFSBT $SFBUFUSBJOJOHBOETPVWFOJSW MJWFCSPBEDBTUTFUD $VTUPNJ[BCMFEJTQMBZNJYFT DBNFSBTXJUIEBUB 3FDPSETBOEEJTQMBZT31. TQFFEMBQUJNFTUFNQT QSFTTVSFTBOENPSF VICTORY LANE DATA * 866.DATA.MAX * 253.846.2991 GRAHAM, WA * www.VICTORYLANEDATA.com 20 Trackside support at all Oregon and Northwest SCCA races. 7JDUPSZ-BOF%BUBQSPVEMZ PõFSTBOETVQQPSUT QSPEVDUTCZ"J.4QPSUT Road Race Directions Todd Butler, Road Racing Director Email: todd.sherry@verizon.net Rose Cup Features SCCA and Porsche Club Events We’ll, the Gran Prix Imports May Regional/Nationals have come and gone. We had a very successful May weekend. 275 total entries and when the noshows were accounted for we had 262 paying entries. This compares with 244 for last year. So if you are keeping track we’re consistently running about 10% above last years entries for the first 3 Oregon Region events of the year. SCCA volunteers did an excellent job (as usual) during the May event exhibiting a winning customer attitude and a can-do spirit to make a very hectic weekend work smoothly and actually look like we planned it. With lots of visiting drivers chasing National points it’s a more hectic and pressure filled weekend than a normal laid back single regional, and our volunteer crews took it all in stride. Corner workers wrote whole books on some drivers, the Stewards in Impound spent much time counseling errant drivers, and Tech was busy investigating damage reports and writing up logbooks. We probably busted enough fiberglass on the first lap of the Group 5 SRF race to build a small fleet of boats! Amazingly everybody drove away from it too. E-crew had some excitement with fires and a rolled vintage (!!!) car. In fact the brand spanking new number 26 Lola T70 (again vintage) got tire marks on the side, so Vintage was less sedate than usual that weekend! Must have been those National Racing pheromones in the air! All in all a great weekend (not just because I got to drive a cool pace car part of the weekend, courtesy of Nick Fluge and Fluge Global Adventures.) So on to Rose Cup. We move to the South Paddock. It’s a familiar place but not so familiar anymore because home has moved to the infield over the last few years. It’s going to be crowded. Lots of big rigs. Lots of Porsches we don’t normally see, and we’re essentially running two events, an SCCA Regional and National and a PCA race weekend. Add in the special activities around special races, Vintage, Festival Trophy and Rose Cup, there’s lots to do and challenge us. and talk to them, answer questions about the (or your) cars and our activities. Send them over to the SCCA Membership trailer (near the old ATM south of the tower) for SCCA brochures and free Loud Pedal copies. Remember you are an ambassador for our sport and we need more race junkies to help fuel the passion! Don’t be afraid to drag somebody around for an hour (educating, enlightening, ok… hooking them) or drop them off with one of the specialty groups to observe. All for now, see you at the track Todd Butler SRF73 2007 Test Days Rose Cup is also the one event of our year that we really, really try to get spectators out. There will be lots of new folks, sometimes looking lost and confused, wandering the paddock looking and asking questions. Stop and take the time to meet, greet 300 - Reservations required $ Sign-up @ www.prodrive.net or call 503.285.4449 March 2 March 15 April 19 May 9 May 10 May 30 June 14 June 29 August 9 August 24 • Spec Racer Ford Rentals • Road Racing School • Professional Coaching • SkidCar Courses • High Performance Driving www.prodrive.net • 503.285.4449 Portland International Raceway 21 Rallying with Chris and Kristen Go Rallying with Oregon Region SCCA! precise speeds, and the checkpoint locations are unknown. Yes, it sounds difficult, but it’s really not. All you need is a car, a friend to navigate, a stopwatch, clipboard, and a couple of pens (I always manage to lose one), and you are good to go. A passing familiarity with the rules is always encouraged, and they can be found on those websites shown above. are good to go! Information on the dates, times, locations, and of course rules can be found at www.oregonrally.com, or www. oregonscca.com. We bring the loaner helmets and set up the course, and you get to compete on it (and wash all the mud off the Road Rallies can take you to a lot of interesting places off the beaten path—and the bottom of your car, too)! hard part is trying to find them again after If you like the prospect of sliding your car the event is over! Although I suppose if Maybe you aren’t too into that sort of around a cone course but on dirt, RallyCross you wanted an extracurricular challenge, fun… Oregon Region and Oregon Ralis your cup of tea. Oregon Region SCCA you could run the route instructions through ly Group also have partnered up in the has partnered with the Oregon Rally Group again to find that beautiful view, and also RoadRally program to bring you some of to craft the finest RallyCross program in the try to figure out what you did wrong that the best time-speed-distance rallies on the SCCA nation, winning the Gold Standard earned you those time penalties. West Coast. Road Rally is not about speed; award in 2006. We have 6 to 8 events each it’s about precision. A route is laid out on year at a variety of locations, and you don’t need any special equipment to come join public roads and using legal speeds by the Come rallying with us! You’ll enjoy our in the fun. Bring the “family truckster” or RallyMaster, an often-devious soul who family-friendly aspect (since our entire that recently-purchased Subaru to the next delights in causing confusion and delay in families are involved—from the grandparevent, go through our easy and friendly the participants; finding the checkpoints at ents down to the littlest grandkid, we can tech inspection and registration, and you the right time is the key—but the hard part vouch for that!), and we think you’ll have is following the route correctly and at the a great time! Oregon Region SCCA is blessed with an abundance of rally people eager to organize and work rallies, and compete in them too—like the other venues, we’re as crazy about cars and driving as the rest of the club! Oregon Trail Rally 2007 by Ron Sorem The Oregon Rally Group (ORG) and RallyAmerica, presented the 2007 version of last year’s “Rally of the Year”. Oregon Trail, and the three regional rallies Wagon’s Ho, Oregon or Bust, and Trail’s End covered varying venues from tarmac to gravel under the lights, with a grandstand view at Portland International Raceway and winding forest stages west of Hillsboro, with a Service Park in Vernonia. Seventy-five cars started the rally on Friday afternoon at PIR. Stages 1 & 3 were nearly a full lap on the track. Stages 2 & 4 started on track, then moved to the gravel perimeter roads. Stage 5 started mid-straight, eastbound, passed the grandstand to an ontrack U-turn, then west down the drag strip, before the perimeter roads again, through the RV parking sod, and back to the track, reverse-course. Stage 6 was completely in view of the infield Motocross grandstands, site of future Super Special Stages. Retirements included the #20 of Comrie- 22 Picard/Goldfarb who had pushed their EVO-9rs, through the start as the 75th starter, gaining one point, after losing a motor on the practice stages. to retire overnight. Mid-pack, Amy BeberVanzo was 18.8 seconds better. Block/Gelsomino won the second run with 8:16.3 for a 54.91-mph average. Day Two, began at the Hillsboro Stadium. “Reehers Camp”, SS9/12, was the longest Ron Sorem and Max Vaysburd were there stage of the rally, combining steep climbs, in the Legacy Turbo, as “Slow Pace” 00. fast ridgetop, steep descents, for 16.37 miles. The “big off” on the first run was “Ho Dow-wn”, SS7/10, was Music Road. Car 10 (rental), Anton/Jozwiak, at about The route climbed quickly into the fog, 10 miles in -- and 200 feet down -- out of and Block/Gelsomino led Pinker (New sight from the road. “Reehers Camp II” Zealand) and Walsh in the rally by 0.9 sec- saw Foust /Beavis push their 2007 Subaru onds, after the first run. “Ho Dow-wn II”, STI to a 17:30 flat. saw top cars a bit slower to the Music, but challengers picked up the tempo. Day Three, saw a break in the “Oregon Sunshine” -- drier for the stages. The 5.52 “Cochran Loop”, SS8/11, was a steep climb mile “Sterling Loop”, SS13/15, had a slight into the clouds, with areas of downed tim- climb, through a series of right-left-right, ber, cut “just wide enough” for rally cars. slight crest, repeat... Then right after crest Foust/Beavis took fastest time on the first at “T” -- one problem -- the right can’t be run. The second run was in better shape. seen, the lay of the land shows only the From way back in the pack, Carl Jardevall left. made up 21 seconds over his first run, only Three course cars and “several” competitors took the “other right”, facing banner guard and road marshals. Fastest first run was Block’s STi, 6:14.7 for 53.03 mph. Second run saw the battle of Foust versus Block versus Pinker. Tanner by 9 seconds over Ken, who was 2 better than Andrew. The “best of the rest” ran 41 seconds off the leader. Much of “Coyote Corner”, SS14/16, has been used before, in the opposite direction. A steep climb from the Start, then level along a ridgeline, downhill into tight corners. Several long-hairpinleft. Quick Kinks, then Hard Right, Kinks, slight right downhill into Flying Finish. The top four cars were within 27 seconds; the next was another 26 back. Forty-three finishers, out of the 74 running starters on Friday. Andrew Pinker and Patrick Walsh took First Open and First Overall with 2:00:32.8. Primitive Prevails at Oregon Trail Rally by Paul Eklund The second most repeated quote about rally is: “In order to finish first - one must first finish”. After approximately 110 competitive stage miles Primitive Racing stood on top of the Regional podium - with hardly any issues to speak of - and all while the event held a near 40% attrition rate - only 46 of 75 competitors finished. The team finished 11th overall just behind archrival and Primitive Rally School Instructor, Jamie Thomas. Other top regional contenders like the Hintz Brothers, Ralph Kosmides, and Cavett/Alan suffered mechanical woes or crashed and failed to make the finish. Andrew Pinker from Australia finished 1st Overall and garnered a spot in the XGames Rally. “It was a very very tricky event. The roads are crowned, made of clay, and have a thin coating of loose gravel. Add in some rain, and trees on both sides and you’ve got a very slippery surface, a narrow margin for error, and major consequences for a mistake.” - a California Rallyist’s description. “We were glad to run a clean event this weekend. Ultimately, that was the goal after the past few Oregon Trail events.” said Paul Eklund of the team “We definitely needed to get the stink off,” chimed in codriver Jeff Price noting the litany of problems the team had faced in prior 5 years (gearbox (twice), out-of-gas on transit, hitting barrier at PIR, etc). And contrary to early spectator reports - none of the Primitive cars hit any rocks [there is a big difference in “coming close” and “actually hitting”]. Hell, we even managed to miss all the gates at PIR this time! By the way, thanks should go to the organizers for not putting up any gates. Just the same we missed most of the hay bales that took their places. MOST of them. we saw only a set of skidding tracks leading to the L3 - and exiting straight-away over the edge. About the time we exited the leading R3 corner both the driver, Dave Anton and co-driver, Dominik Jozwiak popped up onto the roadway - sans car. We believe they were about five positions in front of us - we were the first to see them return to the road and display their OK sign [obviously some of that time is securing the car and retrieving warning triangles etc - but they were DEEP (like 200 feet down). The inside story here is they rented the car from Canadian Pat Richard; Pat had actually pre-sold the car to a different pair and was due to deliver it after this event.]. Kenny ‘Cowboy’ Bartram suffered the same consequences when he left the road [photo attached; Bartram] - all okay as well. Needless to say the ECrew/Sweep Boys were a busy bunch of volunteers this weekend! Friday at PIR the Burmeister/Shindle - Mazda came over a crest on the back graveled dike road a bit wide onto the slippy turf and they made it through the tree and through one post. Some zipties and application of hammer and they were back in it. As a point of reference, the Primitive Subaru runs about Weather was not friendly after a beauti85-90 MPH just before the crest. ful start Friday evening at Portland International Raceway - but that is common for the Oregon spring event. Snow [mid- All in all, short of two spins and an almost day Saturday] was reported falling on the mis-direction in a confusing corner we stages; hail; torrential rain; sunshine; fog. were very clean. Notes flowed well and the It was all there - and we all drove through SUBARU worked fine. We’ll have some it. We actually did not think that the roads time now before Olympus to complete were all that bad - the gravel bases held some minor maintenance items without well and the high crowns kept most of the worrying about major repairs - a relief! water off. Some rutting occurred with the Thanks to all our sponsors and supporters significant run-off and standing water with that made this victory possible: Subaru mud was waiting for those who ventured Northwest Region, Exedy Racing Clutches, PDX Tuning, PIAA Lighting, Royal from the roads but overall, not bad at all. Moore Subaru, H&R Springs and our terBiggest “yikes” was the R3 into L3 [a ‘3’ is rific crew that held it all together for the about a 90 degree corner] sequence where weekend! 23 M ASTERS IN RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION 503 503--292 292--1640 1640 ccb: 50549 Photo: Doug Berger LZVgZeaZVhZYidVccdjcXZi]ViEdgiaVcY VcY^ihbVcnhjWjgWVcXdbbjc^i^Zh]VkZ VcZlYV^ancZlheVeZgi]Vil^aaegdk^YZV XdchiVcihigZVbd[gZaZkVciVcY^bbZY^ViZ ^c[dgbVi^dci]VibViiZghbdhiidi]Zb# AdXVaCZlh9V^an#Xdb ^h _d^cian egdYjXZY Wni]ZXdbW^cZYgZhdjgXZhd[i]ZEdgiaVcY Ig^WjcZ!8dbbjc^inCZlheVeZghVcY6B -+%@E6B·_djgcVa^hihndj`cdl VcYigjhi# POWERED BY da-LND-11-13-2006 24 Frankie Muniz, TV’s Malcolm, says he’s focused on racing over acting Motel 6 North Portland After rising to fame as the title character in the long-running TV comedy “Malcolm in the Middle,” Frankie Muniz claims to be semi-retired from acting. These days, Muniz is devoting his energy to racing. • Smoking and Non-Smoking Rooms • One or Two Queen Beds • Micro/Fridge Rooms Available • Spa • 24-Hour Coffee/Tea in the Lobby • Free Local Daily Paper Muniz is racing in the Champ Car Atlantic Championship for Jensen MotorSport. Convenient to PIR at 1125 N. Schmeer Rd. PDX, 97217 Reservations: 503-247-3700 Muniz jokingly refers to himself as a “parttime, retired” actor. “I can’t say that I’m retired from acting because I’m pretty sure there will be some time in my life where I go back.” I’m only 21 years old,” added Muniz. “But definitely racing is my passion right now and is all I’m focusing my life on. It’s amazing.” Muniz admits it was hard leaving his television f a m ily from “Malcolm” after the show wrapped just over a year ago. “I had dinner with Bryan Cranston who played my dad about a month ago, and we talked about racing,” he said. “I definitely miss them.” Despite his claim that he’s done with acting for the time being, Muniz has several film projects coming up, including “My Sexiest Year” co-starring with Harvey Keitel, the animated “The Legend of Secret Pass,” and the teen comedy “Parental Guidance Suggested.” Come out and play. race with a proven, experienced team. we offer arrive & drive rental programs for the experienced & novice driver in spec miata, bmw pro-3, formula ford. race car rentals - turnkey cars - race car prep trackside support - driver coaching © The Canadian Press 2007 www.tcmotorsports.net | info@tcmotorsports.net 25 Howard Allen, Area 13 Director Email: howduck@qwest.net And a Tip of the Helmet Goes to . . . There are many tips-of-the-helmets to send out of this month. Let’s start with Jeremy Thoennes, head of technical services at the home office in Topeka, and Stan Clayton from the club racing board. They attended the recent Regional/National in Portland and held an excellent question and answer session for the racers in attendance. I finally had a chance recently to get into the backlog on my Tivo and discovered that our SEB representative, Ron Bauer, is a star on Speed TV’s “Set-Up” series. Did I see “Team Zebra” acting as Ron’s crew? Tune-in Wednesdays to see how Ron does. Best wishes go out to Artic Alaska’s R.E., Cheryl Babbe, whose father is in poor health. Everyone here hopes for the best for you and your dad. At the recent BOD meeting in Topeka President Jim Julow reported that Pro Racing’s spirit “has infused new energy throughout the building.” Pro now has several other options in the field to capture sponsorship and marketing partners. Pro and Inc have retained a professional “head hunter” firm to do this. The payment will be made based on deals delivered. Negotiations on the new TV package will begin in Charlotte the Friday morning after the World Challenge GT round at Lowe’s Motor Speedway. All is quiet on the financial fronts and the forecast suggests that budget is close to actual. Early expenses and revenues are in balance with the business plan. A small decline in membership is ongoing. For the record we stand at 51,400 members, which is an increase of 317 since January. With three programs in place, there is reason to hope this will soon turnaround. One of those programs, “First Gear,” just added 126 members, which brings First Gear memberships up to a record 926. A separate “First Gear” program aimed at college students is in the works. Also once the staff gets over the licensing renewal “hump” they will be contacting non-renewals to find out why they did not renew. I have some copies of the new brochure, which has a tracking number in it. Cost to the regions is minimal and betters the normal cost of copies. Solo and rallycross are both expanding, with Rallycross ahead of last year’s entries by fifty percent to date. Speaking of Solo, changes are in order at Heartland Park after the feedback from Solo Nationals competitors. The paddock parking and organization will be managed by SCCA. HPT will also have bleachers on the east course, and the vendors will be relocated to a more accessible area. Information on the 2008 National Convention is now on the web site. The redesign of the web site with Haymarket is moving on with launch promised as NO later than championship time (September). MySCCA.com has not gone as planned due to problems with the developer but the launch is still planned soon. Colan Arnold reports that the membership breakdown is: Club racing 55.2%, Solo 29.6%, Pro Racing 9.6% and rally 5.5% with ten percent not marking a box on the membership application. Competition licensing for 2007 is off by 12% from the same period last year. Driver Development Professional Engineering and Data Acquisition Specialized Arrive and Drive Programs Star Mazda Factory Trained Mechanic on Staff Year Around Testing Available! The BOD agreed on the new Weekend Membership program for Club racing effective August 1st. It will replace the temporary membership program. The temporary membership program was a failure. It was not being used as it was planned to be, and it caused huge headaches for registration. Less than 2% of the people who were given temporary memberships ever converted to full memberships. The weekend membership program will be valid for one weekend and will cost $15, with $5 to national). Regions will not have to purchase weekend memberships in advance. Implementation of the program for Solo and rally is still under study by the staff and the BOD. Colan also reported that ten thousand new members joined the club last year with 307 of those being issued new worker licenses. Unfortunately, 550 members with worker licenses left the club during the same period. Jeff Dahnert checked in to say the margin loan was paid off. At this time last year it was “considerable.” The Mize-Houser audit with a clean opinion was approved by the board without any changes, and will be published in SportsCar soon. The form 990 and 990-T should be on Guidestar.org soon. Pego Mack and the rallycross office got a huge hand from the board for the contingency support program secured by the marketing department for national rallycross. The BOD also approved a Club Racing Volunteer Incentives program and details will follow next month. Now for the bombshell of the month, this was NOT a matter of if but a matter of when. The BOD agreed in principle to adopt the FIA flagging rules for club racing. NO date of implementation has been announced. This was due in part to pressure from three partners on the ACCUS board, Champcar, ALMS and NASCAR (Grand-Am). The SCCA was the lone holdout. ACCUS is expected to approve $100K at its July meeting to finance this changeover and pay for new regional flag sets. Most of the worker base is more than familiar with the changes as they already use FIA flagging at the above-mentioned events. As always the hard sell will come with the drivers. Stay tuned, until then: Duck-Out 26 #OMEVISITOURWELLSTOCKEDRACE SUPPLYSTOREANDFABRICATIONFACILITY ORlNDUSATTHETRACK Competition Motorsports ,,# -ON&RI!-TO0- &5%, & 0!243 & !##%33/2)%3 & 3!&%49 '%!2 & #!2 02%0 & 2/,, #!'%3 & 2%.4!, #!23 . 7ILLIAMS 0ORTLAND /2 s SALES COMPETITIONMOTORSPORTSCOM s Fluge Global Adventures is Proud Sponsor of the TSD Road Rally to Benefit Parkinson’s Resources of Oregon on June 30 at P.I.R. 27 Commercial Classified Ads. Commercial classified text and display advertising as a very affordable way to reach our readers. Text ads are $5 for the first 20 words and 10-cents per word thereafter. Display Classified ads are as little as $5 per column inch. Submission deadline is the 10th day of the month prior to publication. Please contact the editor for further information. INSURANCE Home, auto, commercial, life, and race car/team insurance. Choose an agent who races and is an Oregon Region Member. Call Jon Davies at Columbia River Insurance 606 State St. Hood River, OR 97031 (541) 386-2444 Jon@columbiariverins.com “Protecting what you value!” REAL ESTATE SERVICES We Do It All! Leasing, Sales and Management Office, Retail, Industrial, & Investment Properties Call Us with Your Requirements Tom Hendrickson 503-780-0443 tomh@norris-stevens.com Race Cars For Sale 1981 Tiga S2,SS2, Vintage. This is a very nice sports racer. Have huge spares list. Call for more info. and pictures. Serious inquires only. $20,000. (541) 875-2356. gunner@peak.org. 28 Non-Commercial Non-Commercial Classified edAds Ads Classifi To place a non-commercial classified ad, email the editor: lp@oregonscca.com. Limit ads to 50 words. Free to Oregon Region SCCA members selling personal property. Race Cars For Sale 1970/71 Ford Pinto Race Car, 2.0L motor built by Dan Hall with only two races on it. Recent work by Jess Heitmann. Been in storage for a year. Hasn’t been run for months and has a dead battery. Full cage, accusump, fuel cell with dual fuel pumps, Panasports and both slicks and treaded tires. A bunch other parts. Needs to go, storage costs are too much. Retired and poor. $2500 (Motor worth way more than that). Call Robb at 503/492-8512 (no calls after 8:00 please) or e-mail at rp1201@pcez. com. Can send pictures. 1992 Mazda Miata, spec suspension kit, new brakes, ss brake lines, tires, battery, plugs and wires. Bolt in roll cage, Kirkey seat 5pt seat belt. Hardtop. 4 panel rear view mirror. $6995. Roger/Ryan 775-852-4535 For Sale: 2001 Neon ACR. Marren motor, SkyTek rollcage, Twelve wheels, three sets of used raced tires plus rain tires, lots of spare parts. This car was the fastest qualifying Neon at 2005 Runoffs and this years 2006 Great Lakes Regional Champion. Photos available on request at larryray42@sbcglobal.net (see page 28 of Sep/Oct Observer Stand). Car has minor body damage but passed Runoff’s and 2006 annual inspections. This great race car can be yours for $7500 OBO. Larry Ray 330-497-4456. E-mail address: larryray42@sbcglobal.net GT1 TransAm Camaro. For photo and details log onto GT1DA.com, Click on “Cars and Parts”. Click on “Cars’, scroll down to “Riley & Scott TransAm Camaro”. Mike Rockett. 1981 E Production RX 7 multiple regional champion E-Prod /GT-3/ SPU. Best RX 7 you will find. Ready to win. Digitron dash, G Force suspension, 22 gal pro fuel cell, Torsen diff, Miata gear set. 8 point cage, 12 wheels, MSD, tear port and bridge port motors, much more. To many spares to list. If you are a Oregon region member you know this car. If you want to win here it is. $19,500. Dave Palmer 503-7207711 dprotor@comcast.com 1998 Ford Contour, Ex-World Challenge car. Eligible for USTCC, SCCA ITE or similar, fresh 3.0 liter SVT engine w/ zero time, quaife LSD, pro-level chassis with custom control arms, spherical bearing joints, double ad- justable remote reservoir dampers, Wilwood brakes, lightened steering rack, cockpit adjustable sway bar and brake bias, World Challengequality 8pt roll cage, dual fuel pumps, fuel cell, spare set of panasport rims, and much more. This car is always a favorite in the paddock with fans and drivers. Cost to build was likely close to $80k. Asking $10,500. Located in Port Orchard, WA. (360) 471-8566 anytime. #60 Spec Miata, 1990 1.6L, two sets Panasportwheels and Toyo tires, AIM Data aquisition, fast engine, fresh transmission, all updates and go fast parts, $13,500. Spares and extra parts available as well. Jon Davies 541-490-2531. 2001 T2 Camaro, Winningest T2 car onwest coast, 03-04-05 Norpac Div. Champion, Ohlins shocks, Torsen Differential, Kodiak Wheels, 3 sets spare wheels, Rains + ample supply Kumho 710 tires, Race ready with no issues., $15,500, Joe Hermes,503-702-2178,joe@gpimports.com New 1998 Race Ready Standard Formula Mazda. Raced Twice, 1st Log Book issued April 2006. Many Extras, 2 new extra sets tires & wheels extra nose & wing complete. $28,000.00 Call Lloyd (541) 826-5508 or (541) 944-5845 (541) 899-8272 lstruckingaudrey@earthlink.net IMSA GTO space-frame Corvette. Carbon fibre/kevlar body panels. Complete set body molds. Spares. Best Offer. Pictures available upon request. Pat Ushr 503-805-5252 sunset engine@ comcast.net. #92 yellow 1979 first gen. RX-7, Built to E Production specs. Also runs SPU, Vintage VP2 and GT-3. 6 time regional championship car. Three set sets of wheels including Hoosier rains. Very well sorted and inexpensive to maintain. $12,500. Email charlieburrows@comcast.net for pictures or call 503-706-8412. GT/Production VW Rabbit. Built as GT4, can run GT3, SPU, Vintage. GTL with engine change. 1800cc. Spare 1800cc, Dual 45DCOE carbs, Accusump, Headers, four wheel disc brakes, 4-13x7 BBS wheels, 6-14x6 wheels, Tons more spares. $8000. w/open trailer. Pix at: http://home.comcast.net/ ~gt4rabbit/. Jim 360573-5307 after 6PM. gt4rabbit@ comcast.net. T-2 -2004 Subaru STi.3 sets wheels, many other spares, JRZ shocks. $29,500. Call Steve at 562-810-6960. Club Rabbit for sale - Races in both ICSCC & SCCA, all CR updates, winner of 4 Solo II Report Andy Howe, Solo II Director Email: solo.howe@comcast.net Autocross is What You Make It! When I tell others what I do for fun, I simply say, “I race cars.” Most people don’t understand what autocross is about. When pressed for more details, I describe what we do. Most of the time I get a blank stare in return. Unless I go into a lot of detail, most people just won’t get it. I mean, we are just driving around in a parking lot filled with cones. What’s special about that? Autocross is a special sport. It is by far the most accessible “performance” driving sport. Almost anyone can compete and a wide variety of cars are welcome at events. A first time driver that shows up with a car that passes a basic safety inspection, a driver’s license and the entry fee is welcome. Extensive safety equipment and dedicated race cars are not required. Speeds are generally low, but every driver will be challenged by the course. Fundamentally, autocross is about one car with one driver completing a tight course as quickly as they can. It’s a personal test. It’s an opportunity to enjoy the capabilities of your car without worrying about tickets. It’s a chance to meet other like minded people and learn something about cars and driving. Autocross also allows drivers to test themselves and their cars against others. Runs are timed. Penalties are imposed for not following the course. At the end of the day, we have results. Beginning drivers realize that they can stand to improve a bit. Veteran drivers check to see how they compare to their long-time rivals. Win or lose, the drivers that are at an event to compete are learning what they can from their cars and their competition. Some drivers find they can routinely win their class. These events do require travel out of town and a higher level of commitment to the sport. Serious competitors find these events to be very satisfying. It is not uncommon for a class to have some of the best autocrossers from 3 or 4 states at a single National Tour event. At these events, the driver that routinely won his class at a regional event may find himself running in the middle of the pack. A few drivers will still challenge for a win at every event. For the handful of drivers in our region that are truly dedicated to the sport and want to know how they measure up to the best in the country, the National Championships are held in Topeka, Kansas every year. It is a very competitive event attracting over 1000 drivers from around the country. Simply winning a trophy is a great honor. The drivers that win championships are truly great. Some of our champions have moved on to professional racing and have recognizable names - and these may not even be the most talented of our champions! So, autocross is what you make it. It can be as easy or as challenging as you want it to be. It can be simply driving a car and having fun. It is improving driving habits and making new friends. It is a friendly battle with a buddy. It is fighting for the chance to say you’re the best in the region. It is seeing how you measure up against some of the most talented drivers in the world. You choose your level of commitment based pm what you want to get out of the sport. In the simplest terms, all of this can be had with a car, a helmet and an SCCA membership. Anyone that is reading this and wants to know more about autocross, feel free to drop me an email with questions. We would be happy to have you join us at our events! 4RACKSIDE -OTORSPORTS !$IVISIONOF!N44)2%!.$7(%%, 9OUR2ACE4IRE(EADQUARTERS $2!'s2/!$ !54/#2/33 2!,,9 .)NTERSTATE!VE 0ORTLAND/2s 4)2%3s!,)'.-%.4s3530%.3)/. RACESTREETWORKTOW Outside Oregon Region there are Divisional and National Tour events. These events allow drivers to compete against competitors from other nearby regions. 29 OREGON REGION SCCA BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING MINUTES - APPROVED DATE: 5/3/2007 PLACE: Canyon Pearl Restaurant PRESENT: Board Members: Dan Halloran, Dan Mullin, Chris Hale, Andy Howe, Judy Cox, Nick Fluge Members: Karen McCoy, Mary Thompson, Bud Mansur, Dudley Milder, Michele Milder, James Paulson, Chuck Jarvie, Danielle Paulson, Michael Gatza, Gary Manchester, Denis Cornforth Absent: Jeff Zurschmeide, Todd Butler, Bob Smethers, Randy Unsbee, Paul Eklund SOLO II REPORT – The Solo group held their last event in the rain with a novice school on Saturday and a points event on Sunday. All in all it was a good event. During Rose Cups we will find the Solo group doing their thing up in Packwood, WA. Andy will check with his group about the web site. He feels that theirs is lacking and they might be interested in joining our project. RALLY REPORT – Chris advised that there would be a Ntl/Div/Reg event this weekend at WA. County Fairgrounds. June 30th will be The Gran Prix Rally in conjunction with the All Club Party. CALL TO ORDER – Dan called the meeting to order at 6:55 MEMBER COMMENTS – Several members of the Solo arm of the region were in attendance to discuss an incident that occurred at the last event. Circumstances were discussed and suggestions were made that might eliminate future issues of the same type from happening again. NEW BUSINESS – Dan spoke of an opportunity for the Friends of PIR that Gary Bockman came upon. They could use help to do some work at the local fire station like spreading gravel, weeding etc. Dan encouraged us to become involved. Conference has decided to donate $1 per car per race to FOPIR, which would amount to about $1,000. Todd suggested that we do the same only use our budget process rather than putting it on our entry form for the drivers. We will discuss this further at the next meeting. The web page was discussed and a $ figure was presented. This would be to do the design work and also to migrate the old info into the new. The new site would also include Rally & Solo. Judy mentioned that she did not feel that it should look like other regions since we would be using the same designer. The recent Stage Rally was a huge success and kept the Rally Group very busy. It proved to be the biggest one that Rally America has staged with 76 entries. The winner was an entrant from Australia. Pro-rally, there was a display set up in Pioneer Square that was a big hit with the public and will be utilized in the future for like events. Rally would like to give, BIG THANKS to the Solo folks for all of their help & cooperation during the Rally event. DIRECTOR I REPORT – No report DIRECTOR II REPORT – June 30. All Club BBQ is our next big event. Sponsored by Pro Drive To be catered by Busters, silent donation to sponsor all food and beverage. Pro Drive sponsorship to pay for associated items such as alcohol deferral and other. Planning for 200 people, TC band to play, Begin at 6pm (or a little before). Hamburgers – Hot Dogs – Boneless, Skinless BBQ Chicken Breast Pork Spare Ribs, BBQ Beans, Potato Salad, Corn on the Cob, Fresh Fruit, Chips & Salsa , Canned Soda, Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite, Lemonade, Iced Tea, Popcorn, Snow Cones, Fudge Brownies Dan felt that he doubted that many members go to the other sites and that actually it could be a benefit as it would be easier to navigate since it would be similar. May 26. Nick to be interviewed by “The Fuel Guy” (970AM radio) (Dennis Pittsenbarger), Saturday, May 26 at about 9:45-10:15am. Discussion revolves around SCCA, Track, maybe Rose Cups, Various classes, How Expensive, Etc. Please send me any thoughts that I might be able to put forth - should I receive that specific question. Nick felt that since we would be using a professional group it would most probably be great. Suggestion from PR group is to consider making all pit crew official SCCA members to increase membership. Dan called for the question as to if we should proceed. M/S (Judy/Nick) M/P Still working on N.PDX youth donation (Todd Harris and ProDrive working with Mark at PIR to come up with the best opportunity here for N.PDX youth and for SCCA interaction). REGIONAL OFFICE REPORT – Billed 98 hours in April vs. estimate of 140. Forecast 140 for May. The company who insured the Inland Marine Equipment for Road Race & Solo declined to renew those policies. Our agent was able to obtain a combined policy for both groups at half the cost we were paying. The policy covers our combined schedules of equipment of $94,576. Road Race & Solo will each pay $674.50 to the region, as Oregon Region has paid the premium. Savings to Road Race is $460.50: Savings to Solo is $525.50 We also have a Fidelity Bond in effect since February 1999. This covers losses due to dishonesty on the part of the Reg. Exec, Treasurer, Office Mgr, and newsletter editor up to $50,000 each after a $1,000 deductible. The premium for this bond is $259 per year. Karen provided financial reports for review. Bank balances were reported for all accounts. TREASURER REPORT – None LOUD PEDAL REPORT – None COMMITTEE & DIRECTOR REPORTS: PROPERTIES REPORT - None RACE OP’S REPORT – Bud reports that he and Bob are all ready for the next event. There will be a BBQ on Saturday with snacks available on Friday. Cindy Lux and Scotty White ran successfully at Long Beach with support from our region in Speed Challenge. Another community invitation advertisement appeared in the Sunday Oregonian (all funds donated) for our last April SCCA race. Our next (all funds donated ad will appear for Rose Cup weekend). We are pretty sure of securing a free ‘spot’ in the Friday A&E section of Oregonian in future for our races. ROAD RACING DIRECTOR REPORT –: Trend is positive with entries being up for 2 events in a row, March and April. There is a lot of interest in the May Regional/National and in the June Rose Cup weekend, expecting the up trend to continue. Karen will distribute the Road Race April budget vs. actual summary to the BoD. Overall we are looking good, expenditures match plan, just slightly out of sync with budgets sanction and insurance payments vs. actual. (Sanctions and Insurance minimums paid 45+ days ahead of actual scheduled event). Entries up and revenue up. April 2006 was 108 entries. April 2007 was 124 paid entries + 1 comp entry. Total 125 entries Budget was $24,490, actual race revenue was $28,290. All other expenses for the weekend inline with expectations. 80 of our 125 entries were via the online registration system at Motorsportreg.com DIRECTOR’S REPORTS – (Continued on Page 31) 30 championships and 39 1st place wins, drivetrain professionally refreshed in 2005, many new spares, 3 sets whls. and tires including new rains, start racing a winner! $5,200 OBO. Tom Busic 503-656-9489. I can email photos. 1985 RX7 full race prepared. 12a motor.panhard rear end, Tokiko coil overs and suspension. Full cage 5 point belts. Kirkey seat. Brake bleeders. Turnkey, nothing to be done to go racing. Extra seat for instructor. 503-682-0535. 1984-87 “La-Z-Boy” Honda Civic Road Race Car #29. RS/SPU/P3 in SCCA/ICSCC. Holds qualifying and race lap records in P3 in the last 3 PIR enduros. Runs high 1:22’s with a hot shoe and mid 1:23’s with average driver. 2003 finished 1st in class, 2nd overall and finished over 45 minutes ahead of nearest competitor. Fresh bottom end (2004) B16A engine 180+hp. S1 close ratio gearbox. All the popular engine bolt ons. BIG brakes, 3 sets of wheels, Digatron, 18 gal cell with dry break and 2 quick dump cans. Spares....like you’ll ever need ‘em though. Car runs on super no lead all day long. $9500 obo. Call Steve at 503-936-0620 or email at hershberger.family@verizon.net 1963 Austin Healey Sprite, Mk II, Vintage Race Car, 1098cc Engine (New Rebuild), A.P.T. Race Cam, Venolia Pistons, Trailing link rear suspension w/ coil over shocks, Front Carrera shocks conversion, SCCA Racing History, spare Full Race 1098 Engine, spare 1098 block, heads, ribbed case transmission, Extra rims and other parts. $7,950.00 O.B.O. Call Ron (360)6961130 or ronandleann@ netzero.com ITS 240- Rebello engine, AccuSump, locked 4:11 rearend, fuel cell, MSD ignition, roll cage, exhaust pyrometers, Panasport wheels, 2002 Paciifc Raceway record. Pix available. $8,000 OBO.206-617-9921, dmcbain@apsco-inc.com NorPac Division Champion Vintage/Sports Racing class for 2004 and 2005 -Red Lola 342 FF. Loyning engine. Spares include gears,frame, body parts and molds plus factory manual and spare tires. Everything to get started and stay there, consistently. $11,500, negotiable. Enclosed trailer also available (see ad) package price is $14,500 -- phone 503.838.0239 or 503.559.0813. Race Cars For Rent Crossle 42S Qualified to race in S2, SS2, and Vintage. Contact Tom Hendrickson for details 503-780-0443 or tomcat44@ gmail.com Club Rabbit - Track support, Fresh engine, fuel cell and fire system. Available for Schools/races in Portland. Mike Volk rabidracer@ comcast.net 503-452-3361 Spec Racer Ford Rental - Arrive and drive with professional coaching. Schools, test days, and race weekends available. Pro Drive 503-2854449 or www.prodrive.net Spec Miata Rental - great school or novice car, just built, race prepped to pro standards, no better cage in SM. Contact Pat 503-256-5829 days, 503-682-0503 eves. or at mrpemsr2@ cs.com. Tow Rigs & Trailers For sale, small tire trailer with large plastic lockable tool box. New condition. Great for hauling tires, tools, helmets, etc to autocross event. Asking $400. Call Doug 503-347-7168 or doug_raynekat1@yahoo.com. Can send pics Cars For Sale 2000 Subaru Impreza RS 2 door, wh/gray leather, 104,000 mi, good cond., $7,000 OBO (707)480-8502 (541)536-6263 Subaru’s SPT line. Excellent shape, will not fit on STI Size: 17” x 7” Bolt Pattern: 5/100Off set: 55mmWeight: 6.8kg (15lb) Price $1000 OBO. Phone: 360-721-0124 (Continued from Page 30) Rose Cup: Schedule change processed to give Group D (FF, CF, F500, FV) their own race last thing Sunday afternoon. PRFA approved, no impact to non-Group D drivers. Question: Would Solo like to look at our online registration system http://oregonscca.motorsportreg.com and see if something like that makes sense for Solo as well? Web site: Rough estimate from Chico Web Design received. They are working on a formal proposal and hope to have it to us in time for 5/3 BoD. This is based on their work looking thru our web site and on the knowledge gained from redeveloping the SFR web site. See: http://sfr.chicodev.com/index.php to check out the SFR site underdevelopment. This site is built with Joomla! which is open source, easy to learn and provides a consistent look and feel for our 3 venues. Chico Web Design has received very good comments and reviews by the SFR team working with them and comes highly recommended for this project. Dan Halloran will lead the discussion on funding and potentially going forward with this. Rough estimate is in the $10K ballpark. PAST RE – Absent ASST RE REPORT - No report RE COMMENTS – Dan covered his area of concern during the member discussion period as well as the New Business report. M/S (Judy/Dan M) M/P Respectfully submitted, Mary Thompson FAST DEPENDABLE HOME LOANS · NATIONWIDE LENDING · OVER 1600 LOAN PROGRAMS · MULTI-PROPERTY SPECIALIST · SCAA MEMBER DISCOUNT CALL ANYTIME SCOTT BREEDEN MORTGAGE BANKER 503-805-0070 scottb@ameramortgage.net 8 cars to choose from! ITC, CP2/EP, A-Sedan, SPM, even a circle track Dwarf car!! Arrive and Drive, Trackside Support, Personal Tutoring. Competition Motorsports 503-281-1579. 31 Loud Pedal Oregon Region SCCA 4800 SW Macadam Ave, Ste 110 Portland, Oregon 97239 http://www.oregonscca.com Change Service Requested Issue: June 2007 Time Value Data • Do Not Delay Official Presenting Sponsor of the 2007 Oregon Region SCCA Road Racing Championship 32