Terrorism Still on the Front Burner


Terrorism Still on the Front Burner
September 2006
Just around
the corner!
- Page 5
- Page 3
John Tucker:
- Page 7
Issue 1
22: Homecoming Football Game
23: Homecoming Dance, 8-11 pm
24: Black Eyed Peas Concert @
MAC, 8 pm
25: SMILE! Picture Retake Day
27: College Fair @ MAC
28-30: River City Round Up @
Qwest Center
4: Early Dismissal
5: Good Charlotte Concert @
Sokol Auditorium, 7 pm
6-9: No School!
11-12: ITED Testing
18: Early Dismissal
19: Rascal Flatts Concert @
Qwest Center, 7:30 pm
- Page 2
Lewis Central Under New Regime
Hayley Perrin
environment. School is
a place where students
come to learn, not to rap/
rock out to their favorite
music or text message
their best friends. The
rule banishing electronics
is not a new one; in fact,
it has always been in the
student handbook. The
difference is that it is now
being enforced.
“I think that cell
phones should only be allowed in case there is an
emergency and a family
member needs to get a
hold of you,” said junior
Sabrina Mattes.
Speaking of old rules
coming back, there have
Terrorism Still on the Front Burner
Amanda Goeser
Ads Editor
Oct o ber
The Inconvenience
of Construction
Once again Lewis
Central has proven you
pher could easily make
A new school year, a
cannot believe everything
Damien Croghan
up a story to get his twist- new principal, new teachyou hear. Rumors are like
ed ten seconds of fame, ers, new students, and to
a contagious disease. One
person tells three of their
After nearly a decade, right? But what would top it all off, new rules.
friends something, and
one of the most famous drive someone to do that? As Lewis Central High
each of those people tell
cold cases was reopened, Who is John Mark Karr? School enters the 2006Little is known 2007 school year, teachthree more people and this
and it was thought that a
pattern continues. By the
previously free murder- about the now-infamous ers and students alike
end of the day, over half
er was caught. And the faux murderer. He is a welcome the new princithe school has heard about
confession divorcee, father to three pal, Chuck Story… and
seemed to put closure on children, and a child more reluctantly, his new
predator awaiting trial in rules.
“I heard we weren’t
an unsolved death.
The high level of
allowed to have food
The reality is much California. Also, he was
in class anymore,” said
more confusing; the ‘kill- a teacher, but he couldn’t security sparked a topic
sophomore Chloe Smith.
er’, John Mark Karr, was teach in the states due to of controversy from day
This is not entirely
arrested in LAX airport his charges, so he trav- one. Added to the secutrue. It actually depends
on August 16, claiming eled throughout Europe, rity guards and the camon the individual rules of
that he killed 6-year-old Central America, and era system installed last
JonBenet Ramsey
teachin 1996. But Karr
ers will just
was soon proven
ask me and I’ll
say okay,” said
than guilty beStory.
cause there wasn’t
H o w e v e r,
enough evidence,
there are some
including DNA,
rules even Mr.
to convict him of
Story has no
the murder.
Karr was on
such as the No
a flight coming
from Bangkok,
Act. This states
Thailand, where
that any student
he had been livwith an F in
ing for the last
any class will
two years. When
be ineligible for
he arrived in Los
Angeles and was
20 days. It is
ranted about how
still undecided
he killed the little
whether fine arts
girl from Boulder,
such as choir
Colorado, claimand band will be
ing it was an acincluded in this
cident and that he
photo by Hayley Perrin [see article by
was in love with
Jay Sturm].
the petite pageant Band Director Mr. Walters attempts a cartwheel at the first LC Dance-a-thon. See story on
State laws
page 6 about the fundraiser.
are also changConfessions, however, do not necessarily Asia looking for jobs. He year, all outside doors, already been a few dress ing the graduation requireimply guilt. Normally, found work in Thailand, excluding only the front code issues. For girls, ments starting for graduif someone confesses where he was preparing entrance, will be locked the tube tops and belly ates of 2011. They will
information that only to undergo a sex-change during school hours. shirts will not be accept- need to take four years of
Anyone entering the able. Tanktops are okay English and three years of
the killer should know, operation.
Now a bizarre celeb- building for whatever if they have wide straps math, science, and social
the case against them is
pretty good. However, rity whose motives for reason between 7:30 or you wear another shirt studies. This change will
throughout the last ten his actions are still not A.M. and 2:45 P.M. must underneath. Boys are not not effect any students
years, most of the evi- completely understood, use the front doors and to wear saggy pants or currently attending high
dence on this case was Karr’s case will continue report to the attendance double meaning t-shirts. school.
So many changes, and
leaked, so many theories to be analyzed by the un- office before going to No one is permitted to
wear hats, sunglasses, so many new faces. With
were made; some im- knowledgeable public. class.
“I don’t like the bandanas, or long chains all these new rules the stuplied the parents as the But will JonBenet’s murdents have many distrackillers, others implied der ever be solved, or did locked doors. It feels like in the building.
“A lot of people have tions, but the students and
JonBenet’s older brother John Mark Karr’s me- we are imprisoned,” said
dia-frenzied confessions an anonymous student.
asked about this, and no, staff will need to adjust to
as a suspect.
Second, only to safe- we are not banning flip- these changes as quickly
So, a delusional 41- bring up more questions
ty, is a good educational flops or holey jeans,” said as possible.
year-old child pornogra- than answers?
Who IS the Faux Murderer?
Sep t ember
Editor’s Column
- Page 2
John Mark Karr:
Upcomi ng
Even ts
Seniors Lead the
New Season Right
Found In Our School!
...Or is it?
Lewis Central
High School
Safety seems to be
the thing on everyone’s
minds lately. Whether
it’s something as small
as keeping the doors
locked here at school or
as huge as the recent terror plot in Britain, it’s a
popular topic. And one
can’t help but notice
the fact that we have
reached the five year anniversary of September
11, 2001.
If you thought someone bringing a “Gatorade
bomb” on an airplane
in the United Kingdom
wasn’t going to effect
us as Americans, think
again. One day in early
August, a group of plotters, as many as fifty,
were to board airplanes
at Heathrow Airport, in
Britain, that were headed for the United States.
The plan was to mix a
sports drink with a gel
of some kind to detonate
their homemade bomb
using things as common
as cell phones or MP3
It didn’t take the police long to catch up with
these people as forty
were arrested throughout Italy shortly there
after. One might find it
interesting that Pakistan
was a big help in getting
to these suspects.
Security has only
gotten tighter since
then, and not only in
Britain. For a few days,
the British were allowed
no carry-on items. US
passengers will now find
that liquids like shampoo, water, and lotions
cannot be carried on either.
“Airport security is
crazy! You can’t take
anything on the plane!”
said senior Tanner Mudra.
The plotters hoped
to make it an event much
like September 11th. As
Americans, we can’t help
but think how much different our world would be
had we put an end to the
9-11 plot beforehand.
The effects of that
day can’t ever be reversed. Whether or not
we’d like to admit it is
a different story. Especially with Hollywood
reenactments turned into
movies, we are always
reminded of that day.
“I think we’re ready
for a movie [about September 11th]. Yes, people died, it’s the truth;
it’s what happened,” said
senior Cassie Dunham.
It brings us back
to that September five
years ago when the world
we knew changed drastically overnight. Suddenly, travelers were told to
arrive at least two hours
earlier than their flight
was to depart and had
to get used to searches
of everyone and everything.
“I’ve always liked
it [airport security] and
have never had a problem. I’ve never really
felt unsafe,” said freshman Hayleigh Hansen.
Everyone does have
their own opinion that is
probably a reflection of
the experiences they’ve
had on different flights
and at different airlines.
“I don’t think that
security has made a difference. Anyone could
get something on if they
wanted to,” said junior
Casey Green.
Despite the chance
being zero to one that
you are ever on a hijacked plane, some students have some kind
of plan as to what they
would do.
“I would try to stop
them, even though they
could kill me. If I could
save everyone else it
would be worth it,”
said sophomore Jerrod
Airports are not
the only places experiencing security level
Upperclassmen, especially, have
seen our seemingly safe
community school take
extra precautions to keep
us safer with the installation of cameras in the
parking lot and hallways
inside school and the hiring of two people whose
main concern is our safety. And just this year,
LC has started locking
almost all of our doors
during the school day.
As silly as we may
find airport safety checks
and school doors being
locked, it is probably
only the beginning of
a huge wave of change
that we can’t even imagine.
The one thing to
remember is that safety
has a price right now,
and Americans are paying for it. And maybe
someday there won’t be
a need for such caution,
but until then, plan ahead
for it.
found on cnn.com.
Page 2
September 2006
Is My Space a Place For Friends, or an Online Predator’s Heaven?
Two Teenagers Debate About The Controversy of The Ever Popular My Space
Victoria Means
Copy Editor
When you get home from
school, what do you do? Do
you have a snack? Start your
homework? Do you turn on the
TV? How about check your
MySpace? If you practice that
last one, you are not alone; one
out of every four teens are with
you. But, are you safe? Next
time you check for a new comment, think about a few, rather
harrowing facts. Ready?
MySpace has a short but
successful history. Since it was
created three years ago, over
54 million users have created a
profile. Out of that number, 30%
of them are under 17, probably
just like you. The attractions of
MySpace are many; it is a place
to express yourself, meet new
friends, keep in touch with old
friends, and, originally, a place
to share your music. MySpace
seems exciting at first glance,
but there are dangerous possibilities involved with this site.
First of all, MySpace profiles are public. Any piece of
information posted on a public
profile can be viewed by any
MySpace user or any person
with internet access. Although
you can now set your profile to
be viewed only by people on
your “friend list,” half of teens
have not personally met every friend on their list. Do you
know who every one of your
friends are? Often people put
too much personal information
on their profile, including addresses, phone numbers, school,
and their last name. In fact, your
last name is required to open a
MySpace account!
Another problem with
Kayla Palma
MySpace is that teens love to Mark Alba, who works for the
that often. It is a great way for us
gossip. Problems that occur at Council Bluffs Police Departto let each other know what is goschool are multiplied online. ment (CBPD), knows My Space
ing on in our daily lives and with
MySpace: we’ve all heard other members of our family.
Spiteful comments and mali- is far from safe. Detective Alcious blogs are posted for hun- ba’s job is to get on MySpace as of it. It’s the biggest online craze
It’s also a great way to let
a fourteen year-old girl and find since Xanga and it seems every- people know about things godreds to read.
One of the most danger- security breeches on area teens’ where you turn someone has one. ing on in our community. There
ous possibilities occurring with MySpaces. He personally finds To some, it is seen as a great way may be an upcoming event you
MySpace is that some people or meets with these teens to help to keep in touch. To others, it is want to promote and MySpace
are not who they say
is just the place to do it.
they are. Too many
With all the people that
pedophiles search out
log on daily, someone is
younger children who
bound to see your newly
eagerly accept them
posted bulletin. What
onto their “friend
about all of the bands
list.” MySpace has
who owe their success
no controls or vato MySpace? Brand new
lidity checks of any
R&B artist Cassie was
kind. People are not
discovered shortly after
always who they say
she made a MySpace site
they are, or who you
and uploaded some of the
think they are.
songs she had recorded.
Even if you think
Now she has one of the
you are safe, you may
most popular songs in
not be! Keep in mind
the country and owes all
that if you mention
her success to MySpace.
your school, for a
As of now, you
sexual predator, the
may be questioning my
search is narrowed
opinion, but I am just
Photo by Maria Jones
down to 900 out of
getting started. First off,
Facing off, seniors Kayla Palma and Victoria Means discuss their opposing My
54 million. If your Space opinions.
I can see many potential
first name is on your
problems with having a
profile, then the search is nar- them learn safer online habits.
seen as a way for older people to MySpace page. Once you sign
For example, one Council prey on the younger ones. Here up, your profile is made public
rowed down to five out of that
900. Then, of course your pic- Bluffs girl posted that she was is my opinion.
if you are over the age of fourture is plastered at the top of the going to watch her brother play
I, myself, am a MySpace teen. Although many see that as
web page so any person could football that night. Because she “addict.” Every chance I get to a problem, I do not. The only
recognize you. Even if you do had already posted her school, check it, I do. Whether it is my potential problem with that is
not mention your school, then the search was simple. Detective messages, my comments or my there may be someone out there
this unwanted visitor can check Alba went to the football game personal favorite, new friend re- who says they are someone
your friends’ MySpaces and find that night and recognized this 14 quests, I love every aspect about they are not, but that happens
you through others. MySpace year-old. How much easier can it. How can you not enjoy some- anyway. Online, there is always
may be a fun place where there it get?
thing that lets you keep in touch a chance of someone not being
So, if you have a MySpace, with friends and family who you who they say they are. If someis no face-to-face confrontation,
popularity contests, or need to I am not telling to get rid of it, may not see that often or even one asks to be your “friend” on
hide behind a mask, but I be- but merely be very, very careful the ones you see every day?
MySpace, and you don’t know
lieve that the risks far outweigh with the information you give
I know that, personally, I who they are, DON’T ACCEPT
out and the kind of people you enjoy keeping in touch with my THEM! It’s really as simple
the benefits.
Many others share this have on it. Nothing is ever what sisters who are much older than as that. You are able to screen
opinion. For example, Detective it seems. (wiredsaftey.org)
I am and who I don’t get to see every one of your friends, so
In With The New, Out With The Old
How Many Changes Can This School Stand?
Maria Jones
The times are changing
along with the rules. Our food,
pop and headphones have been
taken away and old, forgotten
rules have been enforced. All
of this came to us with a new
principal, Chuck Story. However, more than rules need
some extra attention.
In the confusion and excitement of the new year and
principal, the attention has
gone to the recent changes.
While most of the students
are worried about what these
changes could mean, there
are still things that could use
improvements from the years
Now, the recent changes have their pros and cons;
the locked doors are a safety
precaution to keep unwanted
guests out, keeping the students and the staff in the
building out of harm’s way.
Unfortunately, the locked
doors can slow down the students who don’t have a first
hour class and come before
second hour. The students
must then walk around the
building to get to the office
door. This is just one small
price to pay for our safety.
The old issues that have
been neglected do cause complaints as well.
The cafeteria restrooms
are the only ones with paper
towel dispensers, while the
restrooms that are most commonly used by the students
lack paper towels, leaving us
with electric dryers. These
dryers do save paper, but they
often make us late for class.
Why must we, the students,
suffer the consequences for
these dryers that take too long
to dry hands?
The cafeteria restrooms
can be a hassle as well. Some
of the stalls are missing the
locks. You go in, realize that
one won’t do, come back out,
and look for one with a lock.
This hunting exercise gets
very annoying after so many
Have you ever seen someone waiting for their ride after
school? Some students and
even staff find themselves
waiting for their ride long
The Wire Staff
Editor-In-Chief.......................Jennifer Ettinger
Assistant Editor...........................Kristin Coppa
Design Editor.........................Courtney Dusing
Photography Editor........................Sara Grimes
Ads Editors..............................Amanda Goeser
Copy Editor...............................Victoria Means
Cartoonists.........Amanda Berg, Blake Johnson
Reporters...............................Damien Croghan,
Maria Jones,
Kayla Palma,
Hayley Perrin,
Josh Stroeher,
Jay Sturm and
Tedi Swanson
after school has gotten out.
After the long school day,
many people are tired and just
want to get home and relax
before they get back to the
school work that they have
taken home. If the ride they
are waiting for comes rather
late, it would be nice to have
a place to sit and watch for
your ride. The only place to
sit comfortably is on the floor,
and if you’re on the floor you
can’t see if your ride is there
or not.
These are all issues with
simple solutions; the paper towel dispensers can be
placed in the restrooms near
the classrooms. Locks for
the restroom stalls can be replaced on the stall doors or
even a small sign could be
hung stating which ones are
without locks. After school
the lunch tables, or at least
a few, could be set down by
the windows and chairs could
even be set by the mural to be
used as needed after school.
These improvements would
help the students and staff’s
school lives run a bit more
if you don’t know them and
think they might be that fifty
year old creepy guy who is only
on MySpace to prey on young
girls, then click the “no” button
on the screen.
I’ve heard of many cases
where teenage girls have agreed
to meet someone they met on
Myspace and end up raped or
killed. Then their mother decides
to blame it all on MySpace. I’m
sorry, but if your fourteen-yearold daughter is dumb enough to
go meet up with someone she got
to know online, then you have
no one to blame but her. I know
that my parents have put enough
sense into me that I would never
put myself in that situation.
Now, there are always those
kids who end up posting an address or phone number on their
site. Again, it’s just another
stupid mistake by them. Most
everyone knows not to post personal information on a website
for everyone to see. I’m not going to say I’m not guilty of this.
My friends are too! I’ve gotten
a few of the “Hey-what are you
doing this weekend-well, give
me a call-here’s my number”
comments left on my site, and as
far as I know, all of my friends
who have done that haven’t received calls from someone they
don’t know.
There is also another aspect
of MySpace I would like to discuss. Many times I’ve seen instances where girls will post the
latest rumor in a blog or leave
a mean comment on someone’s
site. Although I don’t agree
with it, it happens. Everywhere
you go someone is going to say
something you don’t agree with
story continued on page 4 as
The Beauty of Construction
A Unique Insight Into The Laboring World
Jennifer Ettinger
Fingers drumming on the
steering wheel, you try to stay
calm. The harsh red glow of
the stoplight glares unchangingly, and you can’t help but
feel your face begin to imitate its obnoxious hue. Three
minutes, four minutes, five…
and the line still winds endlessly on. The brash sounds
of jackhammers and cranes
draw your unforgiving glance,
but the construction crew only
smiles, clearly enjoying the
impatience of each
irritated driver passing by. The line finally jolts forward.
You slam on the gas,
only angering your
car even more. Ah,
the beauty of construction.
In an age where
choice but to charge
forward, it’s hard not
to find the effects
less than charming at
times. And what is
less aggravating than
construction? The sound of
pounding hammers, grinding
machinery, trucks and cranes
in reverse,and grunting workers is in itself enough to drive
a person insane. When all you
Editorial Policy
The Wire is the official Lewis Central student newspaper and is
distributed free of cost to students. The opinions expressed in
this publication reflect those of the student writers and not Lewis
Central administration, faculty, or its advisor. The Wire is published
seven times throughout the school year by the Suburban Times in
Papillion, Nebraska.
The purpose of The Wire is to:
* inform students of current and relevant events
* interpret and analyze complex events and issues that affect
* serve as a forum for discussion of controversial issues
Letters to the Editor:
The Wire staff strongly encourages responses to articles appearing
in the newspaper. Letters may be submitted to room 401 or emailed to LCWire0607@hotmail.com. The letters must be signed,
legible, and concise. The staff reserves the right to edit letters for
length, grammar, and punctuation. These letters should also be free
of profanity, vularity, or words with undesirable meanings.
Advertising will be sold at $25 for a 2 x 2.5 space or $50 for 4.5 x
4 space. Information can be obtained by calling 366-8220. Ask for
Mary Langille. Or by e-mail: mlangille@lewiscentral.k12.ia.us
want to do is get away, traffic
suddenly comes to a screeching halt. And then, of course,
the AC has to be turned off because your car is making unearthly noises, and heat stroke
is added to the ever-growing
Lewis Central has been
graced with the presence of
such an experience. The construction crews, held high
with importance, decided to
move in just days before the
start of school, and we all felt
the consequences. Each morning, cars brimming with impa-
tience lined up at the infamous
stoplight, realizing the school
is only moments away, but accepting that it is unreachable.
Now that the turning lane is
completed, our old frustrations are distant memories.
Road construction has
been forever present in our
lives since birth, except for
those teachers that claim to
have lived among dinosaurs.
For our entire lives, we’ve
dealt with the incessant beeps
of production, accepting it as
the norm. We’ve watched one
worker strain his back moving
crumbled concrete or swearing as he tries to control a
jackhammer while six other
men stand “supervising.” I’ve
never figured out why the
standees always find it necessary to wipe the sweat off
their brow, as if the mere task
of watching hard work makes
perspiration jump from their
skin. Perhaps their true job
is to perfect the “what are you
staring at?” look, as if daring
every passerby to question
their purpose.
Fortunately for us, however, amusement can be found
between the folds of obnoxious
chaos. If we try hard enough,
we can restrain our own rage
and focus on the stopped cars
littering the streets around
construction. Glancing next
to you, you may find a man
screaming wordlessly at the
driver in front of him. To the
back, there’s a kid wailing and
a mother literally pulling out
her hair. And just ahead, a lap
dog is soiling his seat while
his owner merely cradles his
head, in his hands. All common courtesy disappears at
the scene of construction, and
people lose all sense of reality. In fact, if we only
remembered the true
joy of bumper cars we
could finally enjoy the
clamor of yet another
road being paved. We
might even laugh a
little when we find
our exit is closed for
the fourth time this
And construction
never seems to bother
us when we gaze at
the towering buildings surrounding us in
awe. We never complain about a sturdy, smooth
road, nor do we find it ghastly
that two more lanes relieve
congestion quite a bit. It is
our own ignorance of what is
being constructed that angers
us the most, but we refuse to
try to figure out what exactly
is holding us up. I think construction actually confuses
more than anything else.
It seems as though even
the most intelligent of folks
can curse construction one
day and marvel at its benefits
the next. And so we continue
this dance with production,
never missing a beat. We
momentarily lose our minds,
impatiently waiting for the
monstrous machines to move
on, but we never seem to wonder what this construction will
turn into. We never picture
the world we are building; we
simply get caught up in the
insane aggravation of it all.
Here’s to construction, the
mindless droning on of pounding and scraping, the source of
all stress and amusement, and
the building block of our ever
industrious country. Our enemy and friend, construction
builds on.
September 2006
The Lewis Central Titans Fight to be 2-0
Kayla Palma
photo by Sara Grimes
With the 06-07 school year
well on its way, the Lewis Central football team has been hard
at work since the middle of the
summer. From going to football
camp August 7-11 and having
three hour long practices every
day after that, these boys have
been working hard to make this
season as successful as possible.
With a 22-15 victory over
rivals Saint Albert, an impres-
their own personal goals for
making this one of the best seasons they’ve ever played.
“My goals for this year are
to have a successful season,”
said senior captain Jordan Besco,
who was unfortunately injured in
the Saint Albert game. “Another
one is to not have a bad night.”
Senior Buck Morris also has
a list of goals he wants to accomplish this season.
“I want to do the best I can,
no regrets, and just have fun,” he
Name: Megan Higgins
Grade: 12
Sport: Volleyball
How long have you been doing
this: 6 years
Why do you do this: It’s fun.
Main Goal: I want to go to state.
What separates this season from
last year: A lot of seniors graduated and it’s a whole new team.
Most memorable moment: When
we came back from a two down
to beat AL in the second round.
photo by Maria Jones
Rushing towards the endzone, senior Jimmy Waters pushes through defender after defender.
This year, as in years past, Jimmy has emerged as a leader in the football program.
photo by Hayley Perrin
The Titans started this season with a bang, winning both games.
sive 41-0 comeback since last
year’s loss to Denison and our
homecoming game against Clarinda approaching faster than expected, the team has been doing
everything possible to make us
Titan fans proud. Along with
the team goal of making it to
state, a few of the players have
photo by Sara Grimes
of the
photo by Sara Grimes
Name: Cory Jasek
Grade: 12
Sport: Cross-Country
Level: Varsity
How long have you been doing
this: This is my 3rd year in high
school, my 5th year overall
Why do you do this: To stay in
shape and because it can be fun.
What is your main goal: To beat
my personal record a couple of
times this season.
What separates this season from
the last: I feel like I am stronger
this year and I can run stronger.
What is your most memorable
moment: Probably after the race
when we were hanging out and
we would walk up to random
people and talk to them. Then
we would poke them with a
stick. It was just funny.
submitted by Joe Ankenbauer
Page 3
Just as fans and coaches do
every year, they are looking for
the senior boys to step up and
show them what they’re made
of. With that, there are many
things that this year’s seniors are
looking forward to.
“I’m looking forward to
leading the team all season,”
said Besco. “I want to help the
younger kids through the harder
parts of the season.”
Many of the senior boys
have been playing since childhood. So, what makes this year
so significant?
“This is our last chance
to show what we’re made of.
My class has been waiting for
this season since we were freshman,” said Morris.
As you know, there is
always that one team that challenges the team each year. A
few of the players shared who
they thought was going to be the
toughest team to beat this season.
“Harlan has always been
our biggest competition,” said
Morris. “They’re just flat out a
good football team.”
One of the captains had a
different view. “Ourselves,” said
Besco. “We are only as good as
we want to be.”
As of September 8, the football team is 2-0. They have been
giving their all and hope to accomplish many things this season. So, what are their predic-
tions for this season?
“We have a good nucleus of
seniors coming back who bring
back great leadership roles,”
said Coach Chris Hanafan.
“They could potentially lead us
all the way.”
“I think we have the potential to be good,” said Morris.
“We could make playoffs and
maybe even state. We just have
to show it.”
The team is off to a great
start. We wish them the best of
luck. Keep up the good work
A Salute to Our Unsung Teammates
Sara Grimes
Photography Editor
ers go through for the team.
Sometimes it is just simply
being there for the good of the
“I’ve been a manager of
What is blue and white and
ran all over? Why, it’s the LC
sports’ managers.
it is football,
cross-country, or
any of the many
sports during the
year, surely these
people deserve
some credit. But
what exactly do
managers do, and what
makes them so
“First, we
make sure that
everyone’s here,
then we give all
the runners water to make sure
that they don’t
dehydrate. If not,
they’d probably
pass out,” says
Amber Manager Olivia Handy, a sophomore, cheers
Buckles, man- bottles.
ager of the cross-country cross-country for three years
and I totally feel like a member
This is just one of the of the team,” Amanda Shieffer,
many tasks that the managers a senior, says. “I enjoy it when
perform, but there are also they win. I love it!”
These teammates may not
many things that the manag-
score the points but surely they
deserve some glory. Here is their
“It’s nice to have the managers, they bring us water when
“Our mangers are great, we
appreciate everything they do,
and they are very underrated,”
junior Nate Thomas says.
So next time you’re in the
stands or at a meet remember
those people lurking in the shadows handing out the water. They
may be more important than you
You Want Sports?
22: Homecoming Football Game at 7:00 p.m.
23: Boys and Girls XC in Harlan at 9:30 a.m.
26: Freshmen, Junior Varsity, and Varsity Volleyball in Glenwood
at 5:45 p.m.
26: LC Girl’s Swimming in AL at 4:30 p.m.
28: Boys and Girls XC in Shenandoah
29: Varsity Football in Atlantic at 7:30 p.m.
30: LC Girl’s Swimming in Cedar Falls at 1:00 p.m.
30: Varsity Volleyball in TJ at 8:30 p.m.
photo by Hayley Perrin
on the Titans while filing water
we are out on a run,”
sophomore Matt Wolf.“Thanks
for the water,” junior Zane Brugenhemke says.
“Yeah, thanks for the H²O”
Jaclene Clinkenbeard, a junior
3: Freshmen, Junior Varsity, and Varsity Volleyball in Red Oak at
5:45 p.m.
10: Freshmen, Junior Varsity, and Varsity Volleyball vs. Harlan in
LC at 5:45 p.m.
12: Freshmen, Junior Varsity, and Varsity in Clarinda at 5:45 p.m.
13: Varsity Football vs. Perry in LC at 7:30 p.m.
14: Varsity Volleyball at S.C. Heelan Classic at 9:00 a.m.
17: Freshmen, Junior Varsity, and Varsity in Kuemper at 5:45 p.m.
20: Varsity Football vs. Denison in LC at 7:30 p.m.
Ineligibility Rule Causes a Stir Among Athletes
Jay Sturm
The new “Scholarship
Rule,” better known as “No
pass, No play” effective July 1st
of this year, has caused a great
deal of confusion. Essentially,
the new rule changes eligibility in several ways: under the
new rule, a student must receive
credit in at least four subjects at
all times. Under the old rule, a
student must have taken at least
four subjects at all times and
must have passed four to remain
Now, students must pass all
classes and make adequate progress toward graduation to remain
eligible. If not passing all at the
end of a grading period, the student is ineligible for the first
period of 20 consecutive school
days in the event in which the
student is a contestant. If it was
the final grading period of the
year and a student is involved
in baseball or softball, that person would be ineligible for the
next four weeks of that sport and
could be ineligible in the fall.
The school can check for
eligibility at any point in time
but must check at the end of
each grading period. If a student
is failing at that point, the person
of ineligibility and conditions
of reinstatement are left to the
school. Under the old system,
each school determined how
often it checked grades. Another change involves making up
failing grades. Under the new
rule, the ability to use summer
school or other means to make
up failing classes for eligibility
purposes is stricken. Under the
old rule, students were allowed
to use summer school or other
means to make up failing grades
to regain eligibility.
One key point here is that
every school has different grading scales. Lewis Central’s grading scale is very tough. Athletic
director Steve Padilla says, “The
old rule was already fair.”
However, this new “Scholarship Rule” doesn’t consider
the hard working students who
may have an F in a college class
and are striving to bring that up.
Many of these smart students
that take college classes may
settle for easier classes so they
can play the great sport with
their team.
Sophomore Alysha Rau
who has been involved in both
drama and dance team isn’t
completely against the rule. She
thinks it will raise grades. Concerning athletes she says, “As
soon as they get their grades
up they should be able to play,”
stating that “if a student can get
their grades up in two days why
should they sit out for twenty
or even thirty.” Alysha agrees
with Padilla saying, “It’s not
fair because of the different
grading scales between the area
Regarding fine arts, the
rules haven’t been determined.
Padilla gave his opinion, “I think
they should both be the same.
That is my biggest problem with
it.” Likewise, many students
agree with his statements.
Senior Adam Larkin says,
“I’m ineligible because I failed
a college class.” He thinks it’s
ridiculous; it should be the
same rules and punishment
[for everyone in sports or fine
Larkin’s brother, Kyle, a
sophomore at Lewis Central,
agrees, “A lot more people will
be ineligible.” It’s pointless to
make new rules when the old
one was fine. If it isn’t broke,
don’t fix it, is what Kyle Larkin
In short, many students at
this school disagree with this
rule. Some may find loopholes
in the system by sitting out of
some sports to participate in others. They are concerned about
participating in their activities.
Other students are worried about
how well LC will compete.
Page 4
Do You Have Problems? The Seven Project has Answers
Victoria Means
Copy Editor
Hold on Lewis Central, are you ready for the
next big thing? The Seven Project is sweeping
Lewis Central and surrounding Council Bluffs’
s c h o o l s . This event is a
nation-wide, youth centered chance to get answers to problems that y o u
f a c e e v e r y d a y. I t i s a n
opportunity to explore
new thoughts and take
on ideas you’ve never even
dreamt of.
What is The Seven
Project? The Seven Project school assembly is a
customized, awe-inspiring
multimedia event for Amer-
ica’s schools. This assem- nine other schools in our area ing in a 2000 student sendbly brings to analysis six over the course of three days. off the last night at Abraham
problems that
Lincoln High
ca’s youth and
Council Bluffs
then gives you
youth leader
seven answers.
will be an opProject helps
portunity for
students build
healthy relareceive one of
tionships and
the best things
learn commuthat can be
nication skills.
The Seven
Project will rewant an evevolve around
answering one
with activities,
of student’s
prizes, other
biggest questeens, powertions: where
ful speakers,
do I want to
music groups,
be? Not only
and even a
now, in your
team, then this
life, but in
is something
to put on your
or ten years.
Where will
you want a
you be? If
you struggle
for the anwith questions,
swer to that
answers, and a
photo by Sara Grimes on life then
then this is
something you FCA President Jaclyn Erickson and a 7 Seven Project coorstep up, beshould attend. dinator discuss “See you at the pole,” an FCA tradition.
cause here is
This assembly will be October 2-4 will be a power- your chance. You don’t want
hitting Lewis Central and ful chain of events all end- to miss it.
Weird Facts That You May Find Useful
• On average, Americans eat
one hundred acres of pizza a
day. This amounts to about
350 slices per second.
• Bruce Lee was so fast that they
actually had to slow a film down
so you could see his moves. That
is the opposite of the norm.
• In the original movie “101
Dalmatians,” there are exactly
6,469,952 spots on all 101 Dalmatians as they are shown in • 96% of people put the peanut
113,760 frames of the film com- butter on first when making a peabined.
nut butter and jelly sandwich.
Love After High School A Wildlife Superhero
If It’s Meant to Be, It Will Find a Way
Kristin Coppa
Assistant Editor
Once upon a time, a princess and prince lived in their
fairy tale bubble of love.
They had a perfect relationship that was filled with happiness. These two love birds
spent every minute together
laughing and smiling. It was
a perfect fairy tale relationship until the moment they
were both dreading: moving
away for college.
If you and your high
school sweetheart are still
crazy about each other and
want to make the long distant relationship work, then
you’re not alone. Many relationships that were strong in
high school still tried sticking it out when either both or
one left for college.
“It’s all about trust and
if it’s meant to be it will all
work out. My best advice is
to just have fun and don’t
hold back. And when you
get the chance to see your
significant other, then make
it worthwhile,” says senior
Kristin Ebbs. Besides having trust, making time for
each other, and being considerate and thoughtful, the
relationship actually depends on you and your significant other.
“I thought he would forget about me when he left
for school and that he would
find someone else,” Kristin
says. Kristin and her boyfriend broke up before he
left for school because he
thought he would make bad
choices and he didn’t want
to hurt her. They currently
are now sticking it out three
hours apart and are dating.
Always hope for the best,
but don’t except anything
in the end. When choosing
a college rolls around put
yourself first, not your mom,
best friend or significant
“I had been looking at
the same school as my boyfriend before I had met him.
This college decision will be
mine, not his,” says Kristin.
Senior Tedi Swanson and
her boyfriend, Jeff, are coping with the college blues.
“He calls me just to say
hello after all of his classes
and whenever he’s not busy,
which is a lot!” Jeff is currently attending Northwestern in Orange City, Iowa.
Thanks to e-mail, text
messaging and instant messaging, everyone has the
opportunity to connect with
their special someone. I f
the relationship is meant to
be, it will find a way. You
don’t have to go to the same
college or high school at the
same time to be dating someone. Actually, you don’t even
have to be dating to have a
relationship. Some may say
students aren’t really in love;
they are in love with the fact
of being liked. Is that true?
Or, can students really find
love in high school and make
it last beyond?
Maria Jones
He taught the world
through his shows, and his
life was dedicated to his
work and his family. Who
was he? He was Steve Irwin,
more commonly known as
the Crocodile Hunter from
down under.
Irwin’s last adventure
was on September 4th, 2006.
He was filming a stingray off the Great Barrier
Reef, when the cameraman
spooked the ray. The stingray lashed out, putting its
barb through Irwin’s ribs
and to his heart. He pulled
the barb out, which could
have been Irwin’s fatal
mistake. The crew brought
him back to the boat alive.
He then suffered massive
bleeding and a heart attack
which killed him.
Steve Irwin tried to
teach the world about the
animals he loved and tried
to protect. These animals
were rarely cuddly, but were
more likely to be feared.
“I am protecting people from potential fatal
wounds,” said Irwin in his
last interview with Extra.
And that he was, by informing us of the dangerous animals in a way that
was entertaining for those
of all ages. However, there
was some controversy over
weather he should have been
allowed to interact as much
as he did with the animals.
“It probably was a little
too much; they were proba-
bly annoyed and frustrated
with it,” said sophomore
Jared Juel. Freshman Megan Reif said there was
nothing wrong with his
interaction with the animals. They experience it
on a normal basis and it’s
a natural part of life.
Wildlife superhero
or not, Irwin grew up living his dream. Wrestling
a croc, snatching a deadly
snake from a roadway was
a daily routine for him.
Like his methods or not,
his infectious enthusiasm
caught the world’s attention, young and old, and
we all learned to care a
bit more about this world
and what is in it that we
all share.
While the world has
lost a wildlife superhero,
let us not forget about the
heroic fight that he was
fighting. We have learned
so much from him, to respect these magnificent
creatures, and to help them
in a fight against extinction.
Irwin died doing what
he loved and believed in,
and now leaves behind a
family to carry on his lives
work. All this came from
his last attempt to show us
a beautiful creature that deserves our respect along with
the many other magnificent
The students and staff
have heard about Irwin’s
death, and many are feeling
the sorrow for him and his
September 2006
The *Soon To Be Infamous* Top Ten List
Kayla Palma and Amanda Goeser
Reporter and Ads Editor
So, we decided that there is a whole lot of random stuff out
there. We’ve made it our mission and basically dedicated our lives’
work to bringing them to you in the form of a Top Ten list. Don’t
say you didn’t learn anything today!
Top Ten Phobias
10. Consecotaleophobia - Fear of chopsticks
What did they ever do to you?
9. Bogyphobia – Fear of bogeys and the bogeyman
We bet your parents spent a lot of time checking under your bed
and in the closet before you would fall asleep.
8. Nomatophobia – Fear of names
Scared of names? Then what do you call people?
7. Amaxophobia – Fear of riding in a car
Just out of curiosity, how would you get everywhere?
6. Arachibutyrophobia – Fear of peanut butter sticking to
the roof of your mouth
So, did you brown bag it with a
ham and cheese?
5. Didaskaleinophobia
– Fear of going to school
Yes! We finally all have a legitimate reason not to come to
4. Ephebiphobia – Fear
drawing by Blake Johnson
from me when I approach her!
of teenagers
Maybe that’s why the lady down
the street always walks away
3. Vestiphobia – Fear of clothing
Well, this one is just a bit awkward.
2. Phobophobia – Fear of phobias
Can we say ironic?
1. Hippotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia –
Fear of long words I think this one explains itself! A little coincidental, maybe?
‘MySpace’ continued from page 2...
about someone else. You
can’t do anything about it.
As many times as you say
you hate “drama,” it’s here
to stay. There’s no way of
avoiding it, and as long as
there’s ways of communicating it, it’s going to be
As I come to the end of
ranting and raving about
MySpace, I’ve come to
one conclusion. Although
there are many risks involved with the site, it’s
got to be a chance you’re
willing to take. The intent
of the site was not to cause
young girls to be harmed
or to cause a new dispute
between cliques at your
school. It was designed
to help you keep in touch
with the people around you
and maybe even meet some
new ones. With that, I have
one final piece of advice.
Take responsibility for
your own actions. If you
restrict yourself to posting only things you know
are safe to post and saying
things you know wont offend anyone, MySpace can
be a very valuable tool.
I know that I’m going to
keep mine until probably
forever, only because I
find it as a great way to
keep in touch.
Special Feature
September 2006
Homecoming Restaurant Guide
Hot Eats for the Big Night
Kristin Coppa
Assistant Editor
Homecoming itself is full
of stress from finding the perfect dress to winning the football game. Then you have to
find yourself a date, go shopping
for shoes, accessories, and crest
white stripes. Homecoming
should be a fun, relaxed dance
that kicks off the new school
year. These fun and different restaurants will go with everyone’s
budget and fill their appetite.
Mister C’s Steakhouse: Located at: 30th & Fort, Omaha
Family owned and operated, this restaurant has Christmas décor everywhere! It’s a fun
environment with the smell of
home cooked meals. This restaurant has everything to offer
like steaks, pizza, chicken, and,
of course, sandwiches. Check
out www.mistercs.com for more
Carrabba’s Italian Grill:
Located at: 14520 West Maple
Road, Omaha 402-492-9500.
Carrabba’s may be a little far
away, but the food you get in
return is worthwhile. Its big portions of pasta and salads will
want you to take your food home
in a doggy sack. The atmosphere
of Italy greets you right when
you walk in the door with its
friendly hosts and servers.
Great Wall Express: Located at: 900 Woodbury Avenue,
Council Bluffs. 712-323-9622.
Everyone has been to Great
Wall, and who can blame them?
It’s awesome Chinese food is
fast and affordable. You know
you’re loved by the owners
when they have your name and
order memorized. Sure this is
the place to go before football
games, but why not before the
big dance?
Jonesys Taco House: Located at: 1117 16th Avenue, Council Bluffs. 712-322-8747. If you
love tacos and Mexican food,
this place will hit the spot. This
restaurant is also fast paced
so you won’t be waiting for
your food long. The friendly
employees would be happy to
greet you on your homecoming
Page 5
The Homecoming from Hell
Amanda Berg
It was just another homecoming at Lewis Central High.
The kids were still at home fixing their ties and adjusting their
“not short enough to get us in
trouble, but short enough to
draw attention” mini dresses. It
was at one of these homes where
our tale of homecoming horror
I can’t really say what happened that night at my sophomore homecoming. It all seems
like a horrible dream now.
Something you just shake off
with a double shot expresso
and a smack in the face. Yeah, I
might be able to shake it off, but
first…I’m going to tell you. Tell
you everything…
“Mom! Tom won’t get out
of the bathroom! I need to do my
makeup and…” That’s when I
turned and saw Tom right in my
face just staring me down.
“There you go,” he scoffed.
“Brat.” He gave me the dirtiest
look he could muster. Ugh. I
wish he would just drop dead…
I thought.
And that’s when it happened. He did. When his head
hit the tile of our bathroom floor,
it echoed through the entire
house. He lay there like a sack
of lead. Motionless. Lifeless. I shut the door behind me like
Dead. I wanted to scream but the nothing happened. Thunk. I
sound wouldn’t come out. So I heard it again. So I ran down the
did what anyone else would do, stairs. I ran down the stairs faster
right? I hid him under the sink. I than I ever ran before.
mean, I spent
stopped dead in my
$300 on this
tracks and turned
dress and I
slowly to see the
wasn’t goaged beauty queen
ing to miss
that called me
daughter. “Darling!
just because
You look fantasmy brother
finally did
I do,” I slithered
down the last two
Besides, he
steps and to the
got me a
door. “I always do,
Chia Pet for
Mother.” I put my
hand on the door to
He’s lucky
brace myself. I was
I didn’t kill
feeling very light
headed. Thunk. I
swung open the
makeup on.
rush honey?” I
I heard this
turned back to look
loud thunk.
at her.
Oh well, I
thought this
and I hid him unwas
probder the sink,” I said
ably just my
drawing by Amanda Berg
sarcastically. I slid
my hand along the
After both
my makeup and my hair were hood of the car.
“Honey you shouldn’t kid
finished, I reached for the cold
bathroom light switch. Click. like that.”
“I know, Mother.” I slid my
keys into the ignition. “I know.”
The wheels squealed as I
sped off. My mind was going
numb and so were my fingers. I
saw bright lights. Pretty lights. I
swerved my car as soon as I realized that it was an oncoming car.
I probably shouldn’t have
been driving, but as I assured
myself that I should, I heard a
loud thunk. I pulled into the last
parking spot open. I made it.
I slid open the car door
and began walking toward the
school. It was dark; darker than
usual. My footsteps echoed ominously. My breath was becoming shallow. I stopped but my
footsteps didn’t. That’s because
they weren’t mine. I felt a cold
hand on my shoulder. I let my
hand fall from the hand of the
school’s front door. The faces
through the glass were that of
pure horror. I didn’t need to turn.
I’d know that stench anywhere.
“Hello, Tom.” The grip got
“You hid me under the sink.”
“I thought you were dead.”
“Oh, and that’s so much
“Can I go now? “ I was becoming impatient.
“Yeah, but mom says you’re
“I figured.”
From Dining to Dancing the Night Away, Planning the Perfect Homecoming
Courtney Dusing
Design Editor
Every year, just as the
leaves begin to change, high
school students scramble and
scheme to plan the most important day of the fall – the
Homecoming dance. Excited
energy for yearbooks, tailgating, football games, parties,
spirit week, and hours of dancing that Homecoming brings is
all around, but for some people
there is a short supply of that
great energy.
You see, in midst of all
the smiles and wacky clothes
there comes the small population of stressed people who are
put in charge of the night. No,
I am not talking about Student
Council. I am talking about
those that are like me. They
are the ones that get stuck
with the job of scheduling
Homecoming for their group
of friends every freakin’ year.
They are the only ones organized or sane enough to get the
job done. These people are the
These planners may have
a reputation as being OCD or
neurotic about organization
and making sure things go as
intended, but others don’t realize how gigantic this job can
be. Planning such an important
night for a large group of people doesn’t happen on its own
and can take years of practice
to master. Since such practice
is needed, I, an accomplished
planner, have compiled this
“how-to” [in six easy steps] for
all those in desperate need of
some help or guidance.
Step One: The Group
Before you start planning
your evening, you need to figure out who you would like
to go to the dance with. Are
you taking a date? Are your
friends? Do those dates get
along? All such questions are
vital to picking your group.
Keep in mind that you will indeed see all of your friends at
the dance. It is not necessary
for 40 people to go to dinner
together when each person
can/will only talk to the four
people around him/her, because that is exactly what will
happen. If you don’t want to
step on anyone’s toes or upset
him/her, then it wouldn’t be a
crime to go in a large group.
But one suggestion: 20 people
is the most you should attempt.
From experience, the more
people you have the longer it
takes at the restaurant. This
creates time-flow issues. Some
people get mad that they are
late to the dance and others get
mad because they are rushed
when eating. It creates a big
mess and sometimes fights.
After your group is semifigured out (rest assured, the
number and names of people
in your group will not be final
until... that night) the planner
should rise (if one hasn’t been
selected yet). One level-headed and organized person would
be fine, but two people that
are considerate to the group
and work well together would
be excellent. The leader(s)
should take advice from the
group in planning the evening,
but should make fair, final
decisions that will make the
night run smoothly. Do not,
I repeat, do not be extra nice.
Homecoming is not about one
couple and what they think is
acceptable. It is about a group
of friends hanging out. That is
it. No one is more special than
the others so take everyone’s
opinions equally. Even [gasp!]
the seniors!
Step Two: The Pictures
Many groups enjoy taking
pictures together before leaving for dinner. This is a nice
addition to the night, because
it gets parents involved (many
like that), it is a nice memento
to have in the future, and is the
perfect time to attach corsages
and boutonnières (it is not required to buy these things, but
sometimes nice to have). Deciding where to take the pictures is the hard part. Consider
the weather forecast and size of
your group. Fireplaces, windows, and landscapes make
perfect pictures. Make sure to
keep a time limit on this activity, otherwise parents will arrange and rearrange for hours
if you let them.
Step Three: The Transportation
This is a very straightforward part of the night. Use the
Spirit Week... Newspaper Style
Pirate Day
Wacky Wednesday
size of your group and number
of legal drivers to decide how
many cars are needed and if
parents need to assist in taking
the group. If the legal drivers only have small cars, you
might want to borrow larger
vans or SUVs from parents to
save gas and keep everyone together. It is not horrifying to
show up to Homecoming in a
van. It will not ruin your night,
especially since no one else
sees what you drive up in.
Step Four: The Restaurant
Eating food is one of the
essential parts of the evening.
Since Homecoming is pretty
casual, I don’t recommend fine
dining. When deciding where
to eat, there are many factors
to consider. The first would be
cost. The Internet is a handy
source to find out restaurants’
menus and prices before you
decide to eat there. If you are
not for sure if the website is
correct, don’t be afraid to call
ahead and find out details.
Making a reservation
may be needed, depending on
what restaurant you decide on.
When making that reservation,
it is a good idea to add one or
two people (to the next even
number) just in case something
happens. If there are empty
chairs, they are useful for coats
and purses. Also keep in mind
that none of the restaurants in
the Old Market take reservations because of their location.
Step Five: The After-Party
After the dance, many people have after-parties. These
gatherings are not necessary,
but make the wonderful night
last longer. Although your dinner group may be small, your
after-party group would be two
or three groups combined, or
vice-versa. Pick a house or location that will fit the number of
people comfortably and where
members of the group are able
to do multiple activities. In
the past my friends and I have
watched movies in one room,
played card or board games in
another, played sports outside,
and set up more dancing in a
corner or another room. Be
sure to set rules appropriate for
your specific group and make
sure everything is okay with
the host (the teen and his/her
parents). Often the two sexes
part sometime in the night, but
this is not always the case. If
your group decides to separate,
set an exact time so you don’t
have one male or female ruining “girl/guy talk.”
Step Six: The Schedule
Creating a schedule for the
night is essential in your planning. Ask your group what
time they would like to meet up
for pictures or to head to dinner
(whichever you decide). Keep
in mind girls need more time to
get ready than boys. Appointments for hair and nails are key
for girls of the group, make sure
you have ample time after your
appointment to finish getting
ready. Don’t forget about pos-
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sible sports or activities’ practices, so check with your coach
or advisor before making such
appointments. If your group
is taking pictures together and
then driving to dinner, make
your meeting time at least an
hour before your reservation
time. Deciding on your reservation time can be tricky. Poll
your group to see how early, or
late, they would want to enter
the dance. Give yourself about
twenty minutes to travel, and
then gauge how fast the service
is at the restaurant and how fast
your group eats. Add this all
together and come up with a
reasonable reservation time.
Assuming your group
stays until the end of the dance
(about eleven pm), you need to
decide where to go from there
according to your after-party
plans. Don’t forget that some
people may need to change
somewhere and others may
need to pick up their cars (if a
carpool was part of the plan).
You also need to include what
time the opposite sex is leaving (if they are at all) and what
time everyone should be gone
in the morning.
Hopefully these tips will
prove useful in your Homecoming adventures. If they
don’t… well, they may come
in handy for Snoball or Prom.
Always remember that school
dances are about fun and
spending time together. All
that really matters is that it was
worth it.
Page 6
September 2006
Setting the Stage... Danceathon Knocks
Josh Stroeher
Hundreds of people
watch every move you
make. The building stress of
recalling every perfect hit
and pop. The confidence of
months of training. Each of
these things add a little bit
into what could be considered the greatest adrenaline
rush ever. This program, this
tradition, this legacy known
as Lewis Corporation.
questions like “Will he be
able to lead us into first
place?” and “Is he going to
be as outgoing and fun as
Mr. Huth was?” plagued the
minds of dozens of members
when they heard that Mr.
Johnson would be taking
Huth’s place as Corp director.
“Matt did a great job
and I could never be able
to take his place,” said Mr.
Johnson, “I just want to give
the group a new outlook and
photo by Jennifer Ettinger
Practicing their stellar moves, seniors David Ebke and Natalie
Jacoby strike one of the final poses for this year’s Lewis Corporation show. Corp kids have been practicing since August.
Although the show choir
program took a hit with the
departure of director Matt
Huth, they have prepared for
a tremendous rebound. The
new and improved Corp,
under the direction of Mr.
Johnson and Ms. Sievers,
are setting the stage for an
awesome season.
“New leaders will step in
and take charge. It’ll be the
same as every other year,”
said Ms. Sievers.
“We have lost a lot of seniors, but we do every year,”
said junior Caleb Housley.
“When the seniors left, the
leadership was passed on. so
I don’t look at it like a loss
of leadership I look at it as a
chance for leadership.”
With a brand new director, Lewis Corporation is
going to open this season
with a fresh face. With a
new teacher came a brand
new choreographer as well.
Sarah VanWaardhuizen led
the group through theirre
month long choreography
“I think the new choreographer brought a fresh energy to the group… and the
kids just LOVED her,” said
At the close of last year
a fresh energy.”
With only having four
years of show choir experience, many people were
worried whether or not Mr.
Johnson would be able to
step up and be able to direct a choir that has been
as successful as LC’s. But
this fear quickly dissipated
as the students went to their
training sessions and began
to get to know him.
to come in and maintain a
group that’s been as successful as this one there is always pressure, but it doesn’t
worry me,” replied Johnson,
“I just want to come in and
make sure I do a good job.”
It seems no one is really worried about this season and everyone is looking
forward to another championship-caliber group. They
plan on being the best this
year and so far they are well
on their way to doing it.
So, next time you’re sitting on your beanie chair on
a Monday and think to yourself, “I’m a loser and have
nothing to do this week,”
check out and see when
the next show choir performance is. You won’t be disappointed.
Band of the Issue:
“Kung Fu Vandals”
Holland Ludwick - vocals
Dylan Latrell – bass/ guitar
Tyler Miller - guitar/ bass/ vocals
Jedd Johnson - drums
Myspace: www.myspace.com/KungFuVandals
Genre: Rap Metal Funk Punk
Inspirations: NOFX, Dead Kennedys, Rage
Against the Machine.
History: They’ve only been playing for about
four months. So far they’ve had one live show at
Rebels. In the future they would like to play at
Sokol Underground.
LC’s Socks Off
Who Knew a Fundraiser Could be this Fun?
es milled among
danc- dance the longest between
ers, trying to narrow down the band, administration,
the competition to the top cheerleaders, the dance
So you think you can three in each of three catdance? Can you dance 50 egories. These categories
minutes an hour for four were: most unique style
hours (or the
of dancing, lonequivalent of
gest single per200 minutes)?
son dancing, and
On Saturday,
longest couples
9th, the Titan
The top three
band hosted
dancers chosen
the first anin each group
nual Dance-ahad one song
photo by Hayley Perrin
thon. It was
to impress the
members have a
held from 7
judges and earn
of marching
P.M. to 11
the most votes.
P.M. in the
The DJ picked
large gym.
the song and the
This event
finalists had a team, and the football team.
photo by Hayley Perrin danceoff while The winning group with
was held as
a fundraiser With style, Adriene Hitch- other dancers be- the most votes received a
for marching cock and Sara Billesbach came spectators traveling trophy. This one,
band. Money shake their groove thing. from the bleach- final trophy was awarded
earned will be
ers. The winners to…dun, dun, dun…the LC
used towards competitions, of each group
for buses and entrance fees, received
as well as equipment, such trophy.
as metronomes, tuners and his
T h i s
instrument repairs.
dancing and
Now, what is a Dance- most creative
will be
a-thon anyway?
of the night,
“The Dance-a-thon is a the
on each
competition to see who can was none othy e a r
dance the longest,” said er than David
to the
junior Nicole Smith, “and Ebke.
a n y winner
photo by Hayley Perrin w h o
one can
of the Students rock it out old school with w i n s
come to
l o n - the hand jive.
t h e
g e s t
v o t e
single dancing was for that year.
admisBonnie South, and
Band director Andy
s i o n
who Walters has decided to make
w a s
this an annual
danced the longest
o n l y
event around this
was Caleb Houstime every year.
two dolley and Jennifer
“It was a great
lars per
photo by Hayley Perrin gratulations!
to get This couple shows everyone
As many
in and how to spend a Saturday.
lookan extra
week before
one dollar if you chose to the
band members sold tickit getting bigger
In the last hour, judg- ets to vote for who would and better next year.”
Fine Arts
Seniors of
the Issue:
Hayley Perrin
New Program, New Tradition
Tedi Swanson
It’s an early out and you’re
headed to your second hour class.
You’re exhausted and wearing
the comfiest clothes you own.
The only thing keeping you going is the fact that you get out
of school at noon today, then
you remember that 10 minutes have been tacked on at
the end of the day to accommodate the just starting mentor/ mentee program. Titan
Times are said to be a valuable program that will make
Lewis Central a better place,
but is everything that Titan
Times has to offer worth the
30 minutes of suffering every
early out Wednesday?
“I think the Titan Times
are good,” said junior Carly
Sinn, “I get to bake cookies for
the next one, I’m pretty excited
about that. I also like that you
get to know a small group of
The Titan Times do, in fact,
allow students to spend more
quality time with a small group
of their classmates. It is this
small group effect that helps
make Titan Times successful.
Students are split up into small
groups alphabetically and assigned to a teacher who will act
as their mentor for the rest of
their high school career.
“I like that I get to know
students over the years,” said
teacher Laurie Nielsen, “I also
like that Titan Times gives students someone to be accountable
to. Not all parents care about
their kid’s grades and this way
the students will have someone
checking up on them.”
During Titan Times, most
of the students will look at their
The teacher in
charge of that group will help
their students set goals and have
a successful high school experience. If students don’t have a
parent at home motivating them
to do well in school, the teacher
in charge of their Titan Time
group will help keep them on
track and be the most successful
they can be during high school.
Having a mentor during the
most trying period of your life
couldn’t be anything but helpful.
Not all students see it that way,
“I suggested to McLaughlin that we rename Titan Times
with Story Time to honor the
new principal. I also like Titan
Times because McLaughlin lets
me talk out of turn. But I mostly think that they’re a waste of
time,” says sophomore Bobby
Titan Times may, in fact,
seem like it is wasting time.
Who wants to sit in a classroom
for 30 minutes talking about the
same things that you’ve heard
since you were five? Although
Titan Times may appear to be
worthless, in the long run the
lessons taught may be valuable
to our school.
Titan Times will cover things
such as time management, stress
management, goal setting, community service and volunteer
opportunities, and transitioning
into your next school year. Just
before finals, talking about stress
management may be helpful on
many levels and will keep students from getting so frustrated
from all of the strain. Students
may also expect to have guest
speakers come. The seniors will
have a panel of speakers to talk
about going to college, entering
the work force and joining the
military. Juniors will hear from
a group of college freshman who
will talk about what they would
change about their senior year if
they could. The sophomores are
also scheduled to have speakers.
Titan Times will be used to prepare seniors for college and help
freshman transition into the high
school atmosphere. Titan Times
may take up 30 minutes of the
Early Dismissal day but not having them every day benefits students greatly.
“I really like that they only
made them twice a month,”
Nielsen said, “If we had them
every day it would be wasting
Twice a month for thirty
minutes you’ll spend time with
your Titan Times group and
your group leader. You’ll talk
about skills that will help you
for the rest of your life and
maybe even enhance your college experience. You may think
that Titan Times is wasting your
time, but sit back and put a smile
on your face. This new program
may be worth the extra 10 minutes tacked on to the end of your
Tessa Hopson
photo by Sara Grimes
Involved in…
1. Band
• Played bassoon for
seven years
2. Plays
• You Can’t Take it
With You
• Is There Life After
High School?
• Our Town
• Don’t Drink the Water
3. International Thespian
4. Art Club
5. Art Classes 1A-2A
6. Aided in the painting
of both murals
7. Speech
• Went to state freshman year for individual improv
• Went to state sophomore and junior year
for radio news
After high school, Tessa
Hopson plans to major in
pharmacy and psychology, only pursuing her art
in her free time.
David Ebke
photo by Hayley Perrin
Involved in…
1. Band
• Played tuba for three
• Now as a senior he is
a drum major
2. Lewis Corporation
3. Chamber Choir
4. Plays
• You Can’t Take it
With You
• Sound of Music
• Our Town
• Is There Life After
High School?
• Don’t Drink the Water
• Chorus Line
5. Speech
• Made it to all-state for
acting ensemble
• Made it to all-state for
reader’s theatre
• Musical theatre earned
honorable mention
After high school, David
Ebke plans to pursue the
arts in his free time.
September 2006
Audiences Adore
“Heart On My Sleeve”
John Tucker Sightings Common at LC
Kristin Coppa
Assistant Editor
Camp where she had gone numerous summers and was now
a counselor at would be the best
So I don’t know about you, thing all summer. She could
but I was ready for a book that’s only hope that the guy she met
different from the others I’ve at college, Julian, would win one
read lately. Then I came across level of a singing contest to adthe book Heart On My Sleeve by vance to the round that would be
held in Chloe’s hometown at the
Ellen Wittlinger.
What attracted me to the end of the summer.
Chloe writes letters to all of
book was the format. It wasn’t
set up like a novel or journal or her friends while at camp; howpoem for that matter. The story ever, she can’t help but meet
is told via emails, letters, and in- new people. Sometimes it’s
stant messages from Chloe Gil- the people that annoy you most
lespie and her friends, parents, when you first meet them that
you warm up
and sister.
T h e
get too warmed
beto. For Chloe,
it happens to be
the new theater
senior year
director, Gunwhen
nar, who took
goes on a colher sister’s polege visit and
sition from the
meets a guy
summer before.
who seems to
be perfect for
didn’t seem to
get the idea of
camp at first,
Boston and
which, accordthe guy she
ing to Chloe, is
met, Julian, is
to just have fun
from Florida.
photo obtained from yahoo and be a kid. As
But distance
search: Heart on My Sleeve she starts helpisn’t the only
is being pulled in all direc- ing out and givthing
Suddenly her once simple ing him ideas on
tween them;
how he could
Chloe is still
better work with
best friend from as far back as the campers, Chloe and Gunnar
get to know each other better
she can remember, Eli.
Chloe continues dating Eli, than friends. It was just as the
but as she emails Julian more fre- camp was packing up and emoquently, she wonders how she’ll tions were running high.
As it turns out, Julian did
ever make this fantasy world
work. All her questions get an- win a level of the contest and
swered when a flower delivery stayed with Chloe in Boston for
van pulls into her driveway as the next round. Chloe quickly
she and Eli are taking pictures learned that a weekend spent
together and a summer of letters
before they go to Prom.
About this same time, may not be enough. She had a
Chloe’s sister, Genevieve, makes few days after returning home,
a trip home with the intention of before Julian came, but it didn’t
telling her family the truth about seem to be enough time to figure
her lifestyle. But, mixed with out exactly which boy it was she
Chloe’s own drama, she decides did like.
Was it her life long friend,
to hold off until later, in an email,
Eli, the guy she met and fell for
to share her news.
At this point, her world is in a weekend, Julian, or the theturned upside down as everything ater director from camp, GunChloe thought she knew or could nar, which she would end up
at least control seems to be slip- with?
Or is it one of those times
ping away. Eli won’t even think
of talking to her, her best friend when you think you know exKate doesn’t really want to see actly what you want, until you
her, and her very own sister has get it and it turns out you were
been leading a way different life all wrong. Maybe getting all
you want isn’t all it’s cracked up
than she ever imagined.
She only knew that the Arts to be.
Hopefully you’ve all seen
the comedy movie “John Tucker
Must Die,” and if you haven’t,
you’ve missed out. For those of
you who haven’t, the movie was
basically about a hot babe named
John who decided he could play
it off by dating more than one
girl at the same time, each from
different cliques, of course. This
all-star chick magnet and top
notch basketball player wouldn’t
“officially” go out with these
girls, he would tell each one that
his dad wouldn’t let him date
during basketball season. That
way he could be seen with other
girls at different times. Let’s just
say his “girlfriends” found out
and tried getting revenge. Every
school has its John or Jane Tuckers… he/she’s the one who gets
all the girls, has the great body,
the personality that leaves you
wanting more, and he/she’s super cute. Either you know their
name or know them from experience; John and Jane Tuckers
are everywhere.
Take it or leave it, you at
least know one person who
knows how to play the game.
She/he doesn’t have to be super
hot, or have bulging arm muscles or nice assets. She/he might
be the one who always cheats
on his lovely girl/boyfriend and
knows how to sweet talk her/his
way out of the problem. She/
He might also always call ladies by nicknames like “babe”
or “sweetheart,” just so she/he
West, freelance photojournalist,
who goes to a small town in Colorado to take pictures of a supposed riot. He somehow doesn’t
figure out that it isn’t a normal
case of civil disobedience after
he sees all of the “rioters” shuffling around and moaning about
brains, so he asks his helicopter
pilot to drop him off at the local
mall for three days
to find out what’s
going on. Now,
you get to do pretty
much anything for
the next three days.
You can go out into
the sea of zombies
(seriously, there are
several hundred at a time in a lot
of areas) and gather information
like you’re supposed to, or you
can cower in a corner of a barricaded room, living off of coffee
creamer and frozen vegetables.
You could even go out and put
traffic cones on the heads of
zombies while wearing nothing
but a dress and a giant plastic
horse head, if you’re into that
sort of thing. Dead Rising also
has a lot of time limits and escort missions, but it makes them
fun, somehow. The game also
encourages multiple replays,
and you’ll need them if you ever
want to get around to doing all
of the missions.
Dark Resurrection is, more
or less, a PSP port of Tekken 5.
Of course, if you compare it to
the console version, they took
out a lot. But, they also added
a ton of stuff exclusive to the
PSP version, including two new
characters and online ranking
(no online play yet, but what
do you think the PSP is, a DS?).
Anyway, the issue isn’t what was
taken out or what was put in.
The issue is that it’s a new Tekken game. The controls didn’t
suffer at all during the transition
to a portable system, and has
the biggest variety of characters
/ fighting styles of any fighting
game to date.
Amanda Goeser
Ads Editor
Page 7
won’t mix his/her name with another name.
“We probably have enough
cliques at our school for it to
work, but girls’ gossip way to
So if you know someone
is a cheater why do you date
them? Here are a few reasons
why: maybe it’s because they
where cheating on their significant other with
you. Or, you’re
so egotistical that
you think no one
would ever cheat
on you.
might be so hot
that you don’t
care. You might
even be head over
heels in puppy
love. You could
be dating them
because you’re
bored. Whatever
the reason for
dating them is,
you are.
would they cheat
on someone as
photo from yahoo search: John Tucker great a person as
The infamous John Tucker from the movies you? “It’s not you
seems too macho to be true... or could many it’s me!” What
just like him exist at LC?
saying is they’re
much!” senior Gracie Thornton bored with you. “It just kind of
said. “Our school is too small, happened…” That means they
and it would only work if he dat- really don’t care about you;
ed girls from different schools.” you’re just kind of there in the
Even though our school is picture. “We’re better off as
pretty small, students have big friends.” This could mean “I’ve
mouths and a lot of friends from gotten what I wanted from you
other local schools to spread the so just leave me alone.”
“When it comes down to
“There is always some- it, they [John/Jane Tucker] are
one from a different school or sometimes insecure about themclique who is friends with that selves. It will never be admitted
person,” senior Kelli Cochrane though,” senior David Hamilton
Girls can be sneaky when
it comes to getting what they
want, but what about guys who
have been around the block once
or twice?
“Sometimes guys make it
seem like they [John/Jane Tucker] like or want to be with that
certain girl, even though he’s not
attached,” senior Cory Adrain
says. “He then will say whatever
the girl wants to hear to get what
he wants.”
It’s not just the John Tuckers roaming around; Jane Tuckers are as well. She’s the type
of girl who can flirt her way to
the top until she gets what she
wants, and is mostly disliked
from the same-sex population.
“Some girls want to be noticed by being the “head person”
of their clique and they always
act how people want them too,”
senior Dani Robinson said
This doesn’t necessary apply to everyone though, many
girls don’t like to be the center
of attention and when they do
people may say she’s loud and
obnoxious. It is true though,
girls love drama and gossip and
there is know way of getting out
of it.
“Girls want attention from
anyone, they also love to cause
drama!” senior Natasha Moore
Just because you’ve been
hurt in the past by a Tucker
doesn’t mean you should hide in
your room, cry, and eat bonbons
all day. Get out there and try it
again. Just beware of those who
are “too good to be true.”
Ready for a Laugh? Look in the Mirror and Then
Check Out These Sites...
1) “How to be emo instuctional
2) “kitty Cat dance”
3)”Sexy little panda bear”
4)”The 5th Avocado”
5)”be prepared for... Ralph Nader”
6)”Brittany meets Metal”
7) “pong”
8) ”star wars gangsta’ rap”
9) “children’s book”
http: //www.homestarrunner.
10) “Emo rangers”
Couch Potatoes, Here’s a Review for You! So You Wanna Be a Superhero?
Tekken: Dark Resurrection
Capcom. You play as Frank
Blake Johnson
Following are the reviews
of five of the more major game
releases of the summer. They’re
rated on a scale of one to ten.
Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of
Cerberus (PS2)
Dirge of Cerberus is a thirdperson shooter
set in the world
of Final Fantasy
VII. Basically,
this mysterious
group is trying
to use Vincent
to revive Ultima
Weapon, so you
(as Vincent) have to run around
and shoot a lot of stuff until they
stop. The story’s actually pretty
good – it adds a lot of explanation to Vincent’s past. Also
there are a lot of cameos from
the actual good characters (any
character that isn’t Vincent).
Anyway, the gameplay isn’t
anything new (the game is Devil
May Cry), the camera is pretty
awkward and uncontrollable,
the game’s linear, and it’s kind
of repetitive. It does have good
cutscenes (of course), though,
and is really replayable.
Rating: 6.6
Dead Rising (360)
Dead Rising is a third-person action / survival game from
Rating: 10.0
Rating: 9.3
Prey (360)
I’ll cut straight to the chase
on this one: if you like Doom
3, you’ll like Prey. Because
they’re the exact same game.
Fancy graphics? Check. Aliens?
Check. About one light bulb in
the entire game? Check. The
only things different are the portals, really. You see, Prey is covered in little trans-dimensional
gates that, at first, will awe you.
It doesn’t take long, however,
for the awe to turn to annoyance, which in turn becomes anger, which finally becomes “this
game sucks.”
Rating: 5.9
Amanda Berg
“I’m Fat mama! My power is that I can grow in size
and squish people.”
“I can throw donuts at them too.”
Yes, Fat Mama was
actually one of the many
colorful contestants on
Sci-Fi’s new reality TV
show “So you want to
be a Superhero.” Others
among the cast are Cell
Phone Girl (with no powers at all!), Feedback, Major Victory (the hilarious
ex-male stripper), Creature
(The chick with cool dreads),
Lemuria, Iron Enforcer, Monkey Women, and some other
not important people.
The premise of the
show is that these bunch of
“wanabe superhero misfits”
will compete to get their own
Sci-Fi movie made and a
comic series drawn personally
by Stan Lee. Yay! This show
like any other reality show has
them live in a camera infested house all by themselves.
They only leave to compete in
funny little tests. Yay! Now,
I know it sounds stupid and
Stan Lee (the host) sets a little
trap. There is a little girl crying
for her mommy on the way to
the finish line.
Now some of the superheros run right by the crying little
Some do stop and
help her. Major Victory
goes as far as to carry her
to the police officers down
the street. The Superheroes who don’t help the
little girl are the ones who
really fail the challenge.
Tricky. The show basically
just revolves around tricky
challenges, elimination,
and repeat.
The show was
drawing by Blake Johnson hilarious to watch and I
encourage you to watch
ing place, change into your cos- the re-runs! It will make you
tume and run to the finish line. happy and by watching people
The person with the fastest time parade around in spandex and
wins. Each superhero competes capes you will also receive a sealone. Sounds simple right? Well rious confidence boost.
that’s because it is. So stupid
you can’t stop watching it. Like
a kid snorting pixie stix! Bad for
him, but oh so good for you.
Now one of the first
challenges was to run to a hid-
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Student Life
Horoscopes Celebrity Squares
Page 8
September 2006
Damien Croghan and Amanda Berg
Reporter and Cartoonist
Virgo the Virgin: August 23-September 22: Yes,
the 80’s are coming back, and no, no one wants
to see you in spandex!
Libra the Scales: September 23-October 22:
A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O-P-Q-R-S-Tnobody likes U!
Correctly match each celebrity to his/her name and
famous 1980’s sitcom or movie. Bring your answers
in to Mrs. Langille in room 401 to receive a prize!
Scorpio the Scorpion: October 23-November
21: Getting the perfect homecoming dress; $75.
Buying the ticket to the dance; $5. Finding your
date making out with your best friend at the
dance; priceless.
Sagittarius the Archer: November 22-December 21: Beware of your Chicken Alfredo Lean
Cuisine; it is plotting to kill you from the inside
Capricorn the Goat: December 22-January 19:
You need to admit that you have an addiction to
coffee; please seek rehab. Now.
Aquarius the Water-Carrier: January 20-February 18: Relax, you’re not alone. Everyone
wishes their grass was emo so it’d cut itself, too.
Pisces the Fish: February 19-March 20: Time
really does fly, but you can’t. Please step away
from the ledge.
Aries the Ram: March 21-April 19: Why are
you wearing white after Labor Day?! Why?!
Die, fashion offender, die now!
Taurus the Bull: April 20-May 20: School’s
here! Finally, you get to see all of those
friends you missed this summer, and finally,
you get to see how none of them want to
talk to you this year!
Gemini the Twins: May 21-June 21: Sometimes,
you have to realize that you’re just an ugly
person on the outside, and no amount of plastic
surgery’s going to make you look as great as
you do on the inside.
Cancer the Crab: June 22-July 22: Y0u d0n’t
3v3n d353rv3 4 h0r0sc0p3! WTF u suck @ l1f3
h4rdc0r3 (written in 733t).
Leo the Lion: July 23-August 22: Your homecoming date is going to die of pneumonia, but
don’t worry; there’s always Match.com.
Ashley Johnson : Growing Pains
Carrie Fisher : Star Wars
Christian Slater : The Heathers
Fred Savage : The Wonder Years
Jennifer Beals : Flashdance
Judge Reinhold : Fast Times at Ridgemont High
Molly Ringwald : The Breakfast Club
Todd Bridges : Diff’rent Strokes
Tracey Gold : Growing Pains
What did you like most about the 1980’s?
“I liked the leg-warmers... don’t know why.”
- freshman Karissa Forrester
“I don’t really like the
‘80s.” - freshman Katie
“I liked the ripped jeans,
they are just really
cool.” - freshman Travis
“Polka-Dots. They’re
totally awesome... I love
Polka Dots.” - sophomore Olyvia Handy
“Definitely Converse,
everyone used to wear
them.” - junior David
“Denim jackets...
that’s it.” - junior Kyle
“I like the cutoff
sweatshirts, the tight
pants, tank tops, and
leg-warmers.” - junior
Kailin Bellows
“Capris... it’s just the
first one I thought of.”
- senior Tanner Mundra
“Definitely the hair,
cause my hair rocks.”
- senior Kim Clark
photos by Sara Grimes and Josh Stroeher