Program Guide - Chabad on Campus International


Program Guide - Chabad on Campus International
’’‫י’’ד– ט‬
7-9, 20
Session Tags
Special Tracks
NYC Tour
Special Israel Briefing
Shabbaton Schedule
Crown Heights Map
Resource Fair Information
Faculty Profiles
Thank You!
Unless otherwise noted, all events will take place at
Oholei Torah.
Oholei Torah
667 Eastern Parkway
Brooklyn, NY 11213
Between Brooklyn and New York Avenues
Jewish Children’s Museum
792 Eastern Parkway
Brooklyn, NY 11213
Corner of Kingston Avenue
Chabad-Lubavitch World Headquarters
770 Eastern Parkway
Corner of Kingston Avenue
Lubavitch Youth Organization
Levi Yitzchok Library
305 Kingston Avenue
Between Eastern Parkway & Union (lower level)
Ohel Chabad Lubavitch
226-20 Francis Lewis Boulevard
Cambria Heights, NY 11411
2 | Chabad on Campus
Welcome to the Chabad on Campus
International Shabbaton! We hope that you
are as excited as we are for this special
opportunity to bond with students from
across North America and Europe for a
weekend of fun, learning and inspiration!
We are here to make your stay both
meaningful and comfortable. Please do
not hesitate to speak to any of our staff
regarding any questions or concerns you
may have.
Wishing you a Shabbat Shalom!
Chabad on Campus International
Helpful Tips:
• Please make sure to arrange a key
or code for late night re-entry to your
host’s home.
• As is the case in any city at night,
please ensure you take safety
* Always walk in groups
* Be aware of your surroundings
• Please do not attempt to cross
Eastern Parkway at any place other
than the light. Cars drive extremely
International Shabbaton | 3
Look out for the “Session Tags.” You will find “tags” next
to each session to help you better understand the content
of that session.
Jewish Fact/Info: Examine traditional Jewish
texts or listen to historical and general Jewish
Values/Ethics: Question world ethics and
challenge life values through the lens of the
Inspiration: Personal journeys and challenges
with meaningful messages.
Women: Hang out with your sisters and get in
touch with your feminine soul.
Taste of Yeshiva Experience: See page 5
Ambassadors for Israel track: See page 5
Chill Lounge: Meet Jewish students from other
schools to connect, chillax and grab a snack.
No formalities. Just food, games and good
times. There are no strangers. Only friends that
you have yet to meet.
Social Hangouts: Looking for a more advanced
hangout? We started one. Group reunions
and “Meet & Greet” games throughout the
program. Details in the schedule.
4 | Chabad on Campus
During registration you had the option to choose one
of the following special tracks. Please look out for the
relevant icons throughout the program guide. You
can also find a detailed schedule of each track on
the large posters in the main lobby.
Note: You do not need to be pre-registered to join
any of the sessions
Taste of Yeshiva Experience:
A series of advanced lectures and discussions
running concurrent to the traditional Shabbaton
workshops. This “Taste of Yeshiva” will include
text-based sessions, Chavrutah style one-onone learning and in-depth lectures taught by
master teachers.
Ambassadors For Israel:
Learn about Israel and its relevance to Jewish
life today. Gain a deeper understanding of our
homeland, coupled with the tools to convey
your views. Via workshops, lectures, leadership
training and a unique film screening, you will
leave the weekend well equipped to face
campus life as an Ambassador for Israel.
This track was developed in partnership with
CAMERA on Campus.
International Shabbaton | 5
New York City Tour
By prior reservation only (optional)
7:30 AM
Jewish Children’s Museum
Check-in to receive your Shabbaton materials
and grab a quick bite.
8:00 AM
Depart from Jewish Children’s
Museum entrance
Expertly guided tour of various NYC landmarks.
This year’s tour includes a visit to the
spectacular ‘Canstruction’ exhibit. 11:00 AM
Visit Times Square “Crossroads of the World”
Free time to browse and shop.
12:30 PM
Return to Crown Heights
Subway (#3) from Times Square to Kingston
Avenue station in Brooklyn.
6 | Chabad on Campus
Special Israel Briefing
Closed event, by prior reservation only
7:15 AM
Jewish Children's Museum
Check-in to receive your Shabbaton materials
and grab a quick bite.
7:30 AM
Depart from Jewish Children's
Museum entrance
Security notice:
Must bring government issued ID in your name.
No backpacks or large bags allowed.
9:30 AM
Consulate Briefing
Consulate General of Israel, New York City
Discussion led by Israel's Consul for Media
Affairs, Hon. Shahar Azani
Meet Israel's Permanent Representative to the
United Nations, Ambassador Ron Prosor
11:30 AM
Return to Crown Heights
12:30 PM
Jewish Children's Museum
1:00 PM
Exclusive Screening: Beneath the
Jewish Children’s Museum Theater
See description on page 8.
International Shabbaton | 7
8:00 am-2:00 pm
Jewish Children’s Museum
Check-in to receive your Shabbaton materials, meet
old and new friends, and grab some refreshments.
10:00 am-12:00 pm
Jewish Discovery Walking Tour
Led by Rabbi Beryl Epstein
Depart from Jewish Children’s Museum lobby
Includes a tour of the Mikveh, with its spa-like beauty
yet timeless relevance, a Scribe’s lab, where you can
learn all about Torah, Tefillin and Mezuzah scrolls, and
a one-of-a-kind Chassidic art gallery.
1:00-3:00 pm
Premiere: Jerusalem U’s “Beneath
the Helmet: From High School to the
Home Front”
With special guests: Lt. (res.) Aviv Regev, IDF commander
featured in film; Yoni Mann, Jerusalem U
Jewish Children’s Museum Theater
Join us for an exclusive screening of this soon-tobe-released coming of age story, highlighting five
young Israeli high school graduates who are drafted
into the army to defend their country. At the age of
18, away from their homes and friends, these young
individuals undergo a demanding journey, revealing
the core of who they are and who they want to be.
This screening is a feature of the Ambassadors for
Israel track. Other Shabbaton participants are invited
to join, space permitting
Ticket needed for entry.
3:00 PM
Prepare for Shabbat at your host’s
8 | Chabad on Campus
4:27 PM
Shabbat Candle Lighting
At home of your host
Gather with your host family to usher in Shabbat,
joining Jewish women worldwide in adding light to
our universe.
4:45-6:00 pm
Shabbaton Opening Session
Main Ballroom
Welcome to the largest Shabbaton ever!
Chaired by Rabbi Meir Rubashkin, Shabbaton Co-Chair
Welcome to Crown Heights!
Rabbi Zalman Bluming
What is the secret behind the joy and enthusiasm
of Chabad, embodied in the Crown heights
neighborhood? What makes this place so magical?
Discover the source of this community’s energy and
its connection to you.
Happy to be Me - and We
Mr. Doron Kornbluth
Imagine falling in love with your partner for life. How
does it feel? Words can’t describe it; the experience is
overwhelming. Part of this sense is simply happiness,
joy at finally being with the person you were meant to
spend your life with. Imagine feeling that way about
yourself… and your people. Imagine true happiness.
4:45-6:00 pm
“People of the Book:” Experience a
Taste of Yeshiva
Rabbi Yossi Paltiel
Mezzanine Ballroom
Two and a half millennia ago, the leaders of the
Jewish people made the conscious decision to shift
the center of Jewish life away from spirituality in the
International Shabbaton | 9
direction of academic scholarship. Since that time,
the Jewish people have given priority to the study
of Talmud over all else. Why did they do this? What
did they sacrifice? What were they hoping to gain?
And how does all of this fit with the paradigm of the
reemergence of Jewish mysticism over the last few
6:15 PM
Walk to “770”
Please follow staff and police instructions.
6:30 PM
Spirited Kabbalat Shabbat
Lubavitch World Headquarters, 770 Eastern Parkway
Led by Cantor Aryeh Leib Hurwitz
7:15 PM
Shabbat Dinner at the Home of Your
9:30 PM - 1:00 AM
Friday Night Live!
Join us for a series of informal discussions and social
opportunities. Choose from the options below.
Chill Lounge is Open!
Lower Lobby
Meet and relax with new and old friends.
10:00 PM & 11:00 PM
Meet ‘n Greet!
Hangout Tent
Fast-paced facilitated games to help you meet new
people. Hey, you never know!
New game every hour.
10 | Chabad on Campus
10:30-11:45 PM
Success and Failure
Mr. Doron Kornbluth
Room C
We hope success will make us happy… but will
it? Why is life so challenging? Focusing on politics,
business, relationships, and Kabbalah, this unique
talk teaches how to shape life into happy success even when we fail!
Inspiring, Provocative, Feminine:
Girls’ Night In
Mrs. Sara Esther Crispe
Mezzanine Ballroom
Join us for an exciting evening filled with inspiration,
education, humor and personal stories, as we tackle
the issues you care about most. Delectable nosh and
soulful singing included. This session is for women.
Moderated by Mrs. Manya Lazaroff
The Quest of the Question
Rabbi Asher Crispe
Room G
Meet the rabbi who has the answer! Anything you
ever wanted to know about the Torah perspective on
alien life, art, architecture, quantum computing, film,
neuroscience, gender theory, music, snowboarding
and more. Come with questions and get ready to
delve deep...
It’s All in Your Head
Mr. Kivi Bernhard
Room H
Why ISIS and fanatic Islam wants to behead the
“Infidel” in 2014.
International Shabbaton | 11
Farbrengen, Yeshiva Style
Rabbi Levi Kaplan
Room D
Rabbi Levi Kaplan, director of Torah Cafe and beloved
mentor to many, leads an interactive discussion of
advanced Chassidic concepts, revealing their power
to positively affect your life. This session is for men.
Ballrooms, Beakers, and Black Hats:
A Professor’s Return to Observant
Dr. Binyomin Abrams
Room F
Dr. Abrams will discuss the journey that has led him
from being a graduate student studying theoretical
chemistry, as well as being a world-ranked ballroom
dancer, to a beautiful Jewish family and a teaching
position at BU. He will also offer insights from his
experiences being a successful professional while
maintaining a strong Jewish identity and commitment
to Torah values.
Francophone Farbrengen
Ballroom B
12:00-1:00 AM
Group Reflections!
Main Ballroom/
Mezzanine Ballroom
Get together with your group - and others - to share
and reflect on your experience. Facilitated by your
rabbis and rebbetzins.
Please follow staff directions to your group’s reflection
IsraeLinks Reunions
Hangout Tent
Meet up with fellow IsraeLinkers and trip leaders.
12 | Chabad on Campus
8:30-9:30 AM
Overcoming Illusion:
Turning Pain into Joy
Rabbi Shalom Pasternak
Mezzanine Ballroom
An in-depth study of a seminal work of Chassidic
Philosophy. Learn to push beyond your boundaries,
and uncover the depths of your faith. Learn to use
the power of reason to be transported into a plane
beyond reason. A textual study of a unique chapter
of Tanya.
9:45 AM
(option A)
Inspirational Shacharit
Mezzanine Ballroom
A welcomng service with Hebrew/English Siddur and
many of your favorite Synagogue tunes.
Led by Cantor Yossi Kagan
11:00 AM
(option B)
Why Pray?
Rabbi Moshe Goldman
Room F
Does G-d really need our prayers? Do we? Why pray
when I’m not even sure that I believe? Join us for a
journey to help us find the answers, and meaning in
12:00 PM
Festive Shabbat Lunch
Address by Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, Chairman,
Chabad on Campus International
Mezzanine Ballroom
Chaired by Rabbi Chaim Goldstein
Main Ballroom
Chaired by Rabbi Yossy Gordon, Executive Vice President,
Chabad on Campus International
Please follow staff directions to find your group’s table.
International Shabbaton | 13
2:30 PM
Meet ‘n Greet!
Hangout Tent
Fast-paced facilitated game to help you meet new
people. Hey, you never know!
Chill Lounge is Open!
Lower Lobby
Meet and relax with new and old friends.
2:30-3:30 PM
Who Am I Really?
Rabbi Eli Nosson Silberberg
Room D
We all experience highs and lows; moments of
belief and spirituality, as well as moments of doubt
and weakness. Which ones define who we are, and
which should be seen as external? A famous story
in the Torah will provide us with insight into this all
important question. This text-based session is for
The Objective of Prayer
Rabbi Zalman Dubinsky
Beit Midrash
Is Tefilah (prayer) about our needs, or about
connecting to G-d? Discover the true meaning and
power of prayer with a text-based session led by a
master teacher. This session is for men.
Why Marry - and Date - Jewish?
Mr. Doron Kornbluth
Mezzanine Ballroom
Join the author who literally wrote the book on
intermarriage, for a fascinating and thoughtprovoking conversation. Is it important for modern
and open-minded Jews to marry other Jews? What
if you are not “religious”? What if one of your parents
isn’t Jewish? Who you marry is one of the biggest
14 | Chabad on Campus
decisions in life. Find out why over 50,000 people
have come to hear Doron speak on this sensitive yet crucial - question.
Israel On Campus - Ask the Experts
Mr. Gilad Skolnick, Mr. Daniel Mael
Room C
Great opportunity to discuss your real-life experiences
advocating for Israel on campus. Our panelists
welcome all questions.
Moderated by Rabbi Mendel Matusof
The Body 2.0: Transhumanism and
Medical Utopias of the Future
Rabbi Asher Crispe
Room F
What does Judaism have to say about the elimination
of disease, the reversing of aging prospects for
human immortality? How is the Torah concerned
about the quality of life and the retention of life
experience? What is the meaning of regeneration
and the revival of the dead? In this class we will
cast the issues of longevity, healing, redemption
from aging and the body 2.0 in the light of Jewish
perspectives on the Messianic Age. Simultaneously
we will examine recent medical breakthroughs in the
world of genetics, stem cells and nanotechnology in
the context of classical Jewish sources.
Mind Control: The Power of Our
Thought, Speech and Action
Mrs. Sara Esther Crispe
Room H
Does it matter what we think if we don’t articulate those
thoughts, let alone act on them? Isn’t daydreaming
harmless? Aren’t our actions all that count? Join Sara
Esther Crispe as we delve into the inner dimensions
of our foundational characteristics, learn how they are
the basis for our interaction with the world around us,
and discover just how much power they have, and
how much power we have over them!
International Shabbaton | 15
Faith Under Fire
Col. Jacob Goldstein
Room G
What’s it like being the highest ranked Rabbi in the U.S.
armed forces? Col. Goldstein will share his experiences
as a chaplain, living with and counseling soldiers in
combat zones throughout the world.
Francophone Session
Mezzanine Ballroom, Left Side
3:30 PM
Room C
4:00-5:15 PM
Why Israel? A Unique Plenary Session
Men: Beit Midrash
Women: Mezzanine Ballroom
A tiny slice of land gets a disproportionate amount of
attention. The subject of Israel raises the emotional
level for Jews and non-Jews, and is constantly
being discussed and debated. For centuries battles
have raged and continue to rage over the Holy Land
and Jerusalem. What is unique about this land over
all countries of the world? What is the connection
between the Promised Land and the Jewish nation?
Our eminent scholars will help you discover, through
the lens of Torah, what gives this land its power -- and
its centrality to Judaism and the Jewish people.
Men: Rabbi Simon Jacobson
Women: Mrs. Shaindy Jacobson
5:25 PM
Mezzanine Ballroom
5:35 PM
Havdalah Ceremony
Main Ballroom
As Shabbat ends, join popular singer Moshe Hecht for
an uplifting ceremony that envelopes all the senses,
helping us bridge the gap between Shabbat and
weekday, holy and mundane.
16 | Chabad on Campus
7:30 PM
Effective Campus Advocacy
Mr. Yishai Goldfam
Room C
Led by CAMERA professionals, and including
interactive role-playing exercises, this session will
empower you to respond effectively to common
anti-Israel allegations. Learn to recognize inaccurate
headlines and stories in your campus paper - and
what to do about it.
Moderated by Mr. Gilad Skolnick
7:30 PM
Taste of Yeshiva Reception
Mezzanine Ballroom
You studied, listened, shared and farbrenged; now
it’s time to reflect and internalize. Please join us for an
exclusive event saluting the scholars and students
who participated in the Taste of Yeshiva Experience.
We will be joined by Rabbi Eli Nosson Silberberg of
Machon Alte Institute. Sushi and refreshments will
be served. For Taste of Yeshiva Experience
International Shabbaton | 17
8:15-11:00 PM
Saturday Night Mega Event:
A Celebration of Jewish Life
Chaired by Rabbi Shmuel Tiechtel
Join hundreds of old and new friends for a mega
celebration of Jewish life. Enjoy a delicious dairy
buffet, and an evening of entertainment with live
performances by comedian MODI and spoken word
artist Ari Lesser.
Security Notice: Student ID and Shabbaton wristband
required for entry.
8:15 PM
Melave Malka Dairy Buffet
Ballroom B
Eat, drink, mingle. Don’t miss the Selfie station :-)
Resource Fair
Main Lobby
Find more info in the Resource Fair section
on page 34.
9:15 PM
Main Event
Voted one of NYC’s Top 10 Comedians by The
Hollywood Reporter and Back Stage, MODI is one of
the comedy circuit’s hottest young comedians.
Ari Lesser
Ari Lesser is a singer, songwriter, rapper, and spoken
word artist with hundreds of songs on subjects
ranging from politics, to animals to Torah.
18 | Chabad on Campus
9:00 AM
305 Kingston Avenue (Lower Level)
Note: The remainder of the program is split into
two groups. Group #1 schedule follows. Group #2
schedule begins on page 20. Please check with your
group leader to see which one you booked.
Group #1:
10:00 AM
Buses depart from Jewish Children’s Museum
10:45 AM
Closing Program
Chaired by Rabbi Yitzi Steiner
Video Presentation
Chasidim Don’t Say Goodbye!
Rabbi Aaron Raskin
You discussed, you danced, you learned, you
socialized. What a wonderful Jewish experience with
your great Jewish family. Now we’re at a sacred site
and about to go home. Rabbi Aaron Raskin sends
us off with the inspiration to to take the weekend
back to our campus and our daily lives.
Visit the Rebbe’s Ohel
Live Feedback
Students reflect on the Shabbaton experience.
Lunch will be served.
12:30 PM
Return to Crown Heights and to your
International Shabbaton | 19
Group #2
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Jewish Discovery Tour: Men’s Edition
Led by Rabbi Beryl Epstein
Depart from Jewish Children’s Museum (Dreidel)
Includes a discussion of Jewish family life and tour
of a modern Mikveh, with its spa-like beauty yet
timeless relevance, and a visit to a unique Chassidic
art studio.
Jewish Discovery Tour:
Women’s Edition
Led by Mrs. Shifra Sharfstein
Depart from Jewish Children’s Museum (Dreidel)
Discover the most important of Judaism’s precepts,
the foundation of Jewish family life through the
ages. Includes a discussion of the Jewish take on
relationships and marriage, and a tour of a modern
Mikveh, with its spa-like beauty yet timeless relevance.
Topped off with a visit to a unique Chassidic art
10:30 AM / 11:00 AM
“Jewpardy” Gameshow
Jewish Children’s Museum, Lower Level
Two options, same show. Shows begin promptly.
12:15 PM
Buses depart from Jewish Children’s Museum
20 | Chabad on Campus
1:00 PM
Closing Program
Chaired by Rabbi Yossy Gordon, Executive Vice
President, Chabad on Campus International
Video Presentation
Mr. George Rohr, Chairman, Chabad on Campus
International Advisory Board
Chasidim Don’t Say Goodbye!
Rabbi Shalom Paltiel
You discussed, you danced, you learned, you
socialized. What a wonderful Jewish experience with
your great Jewish family. Now we’re at a sacred site
and about to go home. Rabbi Shalom Paltiel sends
us off with the inspiration to to take the weekend
back to our campus and our daily lives.
Visit the Rebbe’s Ohel
Live Feedback
Students reflect on the Shabbaton experience.
Lunch will be served.
3:00 PM
Return to Crown Heights and to your
International Shabbaton | 21
ou r Pa
Fut u
Pre s e nt
An exciting & exclusive
learning and adventure
experience in Israel!
IsraeLinks welcomes our 50
alumni joining the shabbaton
A Powerhouse of Excellence
Founded as the World’s First
Jewish Fraternity
Represented on campuses in the United States,
Canada, and the United Kingdom
If you are interested in being a part of a Jewish
Fraternity without pledging, please email; call (317) 334-1898; or find
us on Facebook at Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity
Founded in 1982, the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America is a media-monitoring,
research and membership organization devoted to promoting accurate and balanced coverage of Israel
and the Middle East. A non-partisan organization, CAMERA takes no position with regard to American or
Israeli political issues or with regard to ultimate solutions to the Arab-Israeli conflict.
CAMERA on the College Campus
Increasingly, campuses have been the scene of propagandistic assaults on Israel. Distorted literature,
extreme speakers and false, inflammatory images are all too common, creating harmful misperceptions of
Israel. This hostile environment can be intimidating to students seeking fair and objective information on
Middle East issues.
(CCAP) and CAMERA Fellows Program. This includes guidance in finding and connecting with speakers or
films, planning and creating events, funding for student groups, and addressing Middle East distortions in
campus publications, fliers, rallies and classroom teaching. Students are provided with the support for
bravely and publicly defending Israel against hostility and distortions on campus.
CAMERA's Core Values:
An unshakeable belief in the causes of Zionism and Israel
The absolute necessity for truth telling regarding Israel and for confronting lies at
every turn
The truth must be spoken publicly, with knowledge and confidence
“The answer to false speech is not censorship but more true speech. The answer to half-truth is full-truth.
The only people who should and do fear CAMERA are those who should and do fear the truth. ... [T]he First
Amendment was not erected to help the media but to help the people.”
– Harvard law professor and civil libertarian Alan Dershowitz
Learn more at and
Crown Heig
Kingston Ave
Brooklyn Ave
New York Ave
Nostrand Ave
Sterling St
East New
26 | Chabad on Campus
ghts Map
ln Pl
Eastern Pkwy
n St
mery St
Utica Ave
wn St
Troy Ave
oll St
Schenectady Ave
Albany Ave
ent St
s Ave
w York Ave
International Shabbaton | 27
R a bbini ca l C ol l e g e of A m e r i ca
FRIDAY, DEC. 26th until
Rabbi Boruch Hecht
Apply online at
(indicate “taste of yeshiva winter program” for semester)
Morristown, NJ
Nestled in the New York countryside, the Jewish Summer
Fellowship is a five-week summer study program that provides
college and graduate students with the opportunity to explore
Judaism in a warm and invigorating environment. At JSF,
participants taste from a wellspring of wisdom, meet other
students from around the world and enjoy the great outdoors.
Every student receives a generous fellowship stipend.
Summer Program 2015:
June 17 - July 27
Apply now at
718.249.5697 // //
1-8 8 8- M AYA N OT
W W W . M AYA N O T. E D U
Alpha Epsilon Pi
Mr. Michael Shayefar
Alpha Epsilon Pi, the Premier Jewish Fraternity, is
committed to developing leadership opportunities to
undergraduate students. AEPi is a proud partner of
Chabad International.
CAMERA on Campus
Mr. Gilad Skolnick
CAMERA provides assistance through the CAMERA
Campus Activist Project (CCAP) and CAMERA
Fellows Program. Students are provided with the
support for bravely defending Israel against hostility
and distortions on campus.
Offering: Become a CAMERA supported Israel group
on campus and receive up to $6000 in funding a
year! Become a CAMERA Fellow, receive a stipend
of $1100 and go with us to Israel for free!
Hadar Hatorah
Rabbi Zvi Lipchik
The original yeshiva for men with minimal Torahlearning experience welcomes you to come closer;
closer to Judaism, to your Jewish roots, to yourself.
Join for Shabbat,Winter Break, or a semester.
Offering: Monthly Shabbatons, YeshivaCation,
Summer Learning in the Catskills, College Credits.
Scholarships available.
35 | Chabad on Campus
Jnet–The Jewish Learning Network
Ms. Mushkie Shemtov
Got a minute? JNet provides one-on-one learning for free for
a half-hour a week! Sign up for your personal study partner at
Machon Alte
Rabbi Chaim Rosenfeld
Machon Alte offers a challenging full time academic
program for young women seeking to discover their
Jewish roots, ensuring they leave with a solid foundation in
Judaism and its inner dimension.
Machon Chana
Mrs. Yehudis Cohen
Machon Chana is a women’s yeshiva in Crown Heights,
Brooklyn. Textual studies, skills classes and traditional oneon-one learning, as well as lectures and workshops enable
students to become proficient in the basics of Jewish law
and Jewish living. Whether joining for the full, two year
program, or only a semester, you will become familiar
with traditional Jewish literature, as well as the mystical
teachings of Chassidut
Mayanot Institute of Jewish
Rabbi Shneur Wineberg
Men and women from diverse backgrounds flock to
Jerusalem to study in the open-minded yet challenging
environment unique to Mayanot. Join us and become part
of the Mayanot global family!
International Shabbaton | 36
Snorkel & Study
Mrs. Hinda Leah Sharfstein
Explore Jewish thinking, texts and traditions at
Snorkel & Study, Jan 4-14, 2015, in Key Largo, FL,
diving capital of the world. Only 100 college women
are chosen so apply now!
Offering: Full Scholarships.
Taglit-Birthright Israel:
Rabbi Levi Margolin
Mayanot Israel is a leading provider of Taglit-Birthright
Israel. We offer FREE 10 day trips to Israel, providing
a full educational experience and tour for 18-26 year
Offering: FREE TRIPS TO ISRAEL! That’s a pretty
steep discount :)
Yeshiva Temimei Darech
Rabbi Shraga Caplan
Yeshiva Temimei Darech is the only beginners
yeshiva for English speaking men in Northern Israel;
providing a unique in-depth learning program for
young men in the mystical city of Tzfat.
Offering: Special Winter Study Program - Dec 24 to
Jan. 15. Scholarships and flight assistance available
- come for a week, two or more.
37 | Chabad on Campus
Yeshiva Tiferes Bachurim
Rabbi Boruch Hecht
Tiferes is a Chabad Baal Teshuva Yeshiva on a
stunning campus in rural Morristown, NJ. Respected
for its advanced track, Tiferes offers many levels and
seasonal intro programs.
Offering: Our one week Taste of Yeshiva winter-break
program runs Dec 26, 2014 - Jan. 1, 2015. This is a
great way to be exposed to real Hebrew text learning
in a complete immersion program. Join dozens of
college students who come for the intellectual and
cultural experience.
Yeshiva Torah Ohr/Miami
Torah Experience
Rabbi Immanuel Storfer
Torah Ohr is a Judaic academic study program
located in sunny North Miami Beach offering annual,
semester, winter and summer break programs for
men ages 18 -27.
Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity
Mr. Wesley Dunlap
Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity was founded in 1898 in
NYC as the world’s first Jewish Fraternity. ZBT is
represented on almost 90 campuses and has
130,000 undergraduate and alumni brothers.
Offering: ZBT expansion and recruitment
opportunities for your college campuses. ZBT is a
fraternity without pledging.
International Shabbaton | 38
Dr. Binyomin Abrams
Dr. Binyomin Abrams was born and raised in Montreal,
Canada. He obtained his Master’s and Bachelor’s
degrees from RPI in Troy, NY. He began his pursuit
of Judaism and Jewish studies while working on
his doctorate in Physical Chemistry at New York
University. Presently, Dr. Abrams lives in Boston with
his wife and children where he teaches Chemistry at
Boston University. Additionally, he travels extensively,
lecturing on various topics, including the interplay of
science and Judaism.
Mr. Kivi Bernhard
Mr. Kivi Bernhard is an award winning motivational
speaker. As an unapologetic and passionate
Orthodox Jew, Kivi is magically able to weave a
tapestry that exquisitely exhibits not only Jewish pride
but the essence, relevance and synthesis of the Jew
in the modern secular world we live in. Beyond his
speaking ability it is the “chollent” of his background
as a Rabbinic student and Yeshiva graduate,
international business student, advanced teacher of
Chassidic thought and philosophy, published author,
and passionate wildlife enthusiast that make Kivi
such an experience to listen to.
Rabbi Zalman Bluming
Rabbi Zalman Bluming co-directs Chabad at
UNC and Duke universities. Rabbi Bluming is a
gifted educator and master of informal discussion.
His unique communication abilities and warm
personality have endeared him to countless young
adults worldwide. Together with his wife, Yehudis, the
Blumings have led hundreds on IsraeLinks, Chabad
on Campus’ premier educational experience in
International Shabbaton | 39
Rabbi Asher Crispe
Rabbi Asher Crispe is the Executive Director
of, an educational non-profit
celebrating the convergence between contemporary
arts and sciences and timeless Jewish wisdom.
Rabbi Crispe is a highly knowledgeable technology
expert and futurist as well as media aficionado with
a thorough and intimate knowledge of emerging
developments in science and the digital universe.
With over 20 years of experience as an educator,
he regularly travels the world as a keynote speaker
for Jewish centers and academic institutions,
specializing in illuminating the arts and sciences
through the lens of the Torah. He lives with his wife
Sara Esther and four children in Merion Station, PA.
Mrs. Sara Esther Crispe
Mrs. Sara Esther Crispe is Co-Director of She has traveled the world as
a motivational speaker and educator, presenting
on interpersonal relationships and the Kabbalistic
approach to self-development. Mrs. Crispe was also
the creator of and has worked
as a consultant on Judaism for shows on the Oprah
Winfrey Network. A prolific writer, her pieces can be
found, amongst other places, on The Huffington
Post, Times of Israel and
Rabbi Zalman Dubinsky
Rabbi Zalman Dubinsky is known for his warm and
accessible manner. He has the gift of turning a lecture
into a thought-provoking dialogue, as his wealth
of stories and mystical source material combine
to breathe life and relevance into the spectrum of
Torah. Rabbi Dubinsky is the dean of Yeshiva Tiferes
Bachurim in Morristown, NJ.
40 | Chabad on Campus
Rabbi Beryl Epstein
Rabbi Beryl Epstein was born in Tennessee and
moved to Brooklyn at the age of 18. Fascinated by the
Chassidic culture and wanting to share his discovery,
he began the renowned “Jewish Discovery Tours.”
Rabbi Epstein has led thousands of Jews through
the streets of Crown Heights, enlightening and
entertaining them with his wit and Southern warmth.
Mr. Yishai Goldflam
Mr. Yishai Goldflam is the director of the Israel branch
of CAMERA “Presspectiva,” which monitors and
analyzes the Israeli media and its relationship with
the foreign press. Born in Jerusalem, he served in
the Paratrooper Brigade of the IDF, and participated
in combat operations in Lebanon and Gaza. Yishai
currently resides in NYC with his wife and two
daughters, and is obtaining an Executive Masters
in Public Administration from the Wagner School at
Colonel Jacob Z. Goldstein
Colonel Jacob Z. Goldstein is the chief chaplain of
the New York Army National Guard. An Army Guard
Chaplain since 1977, Col. Goldstein’s experience
includes ministering to thousands of troops in
combat zones worldwide including Grenada, Iraq,
Afghanistan, Ground Zero and Israel.
Rabbi Boruch Hecht
Rabbi Boruch Hecht, Director of Admissions at
Yeshiva Tiferes Bachurim in Morristown, NJ grew
up in rural Lomita, California as the only Jewishly
observant boy his age. He subsequently studied
in Los Angeles, Miami Beach, and Chicago. Rabbi
Hecht joined the Rabbinical College of America
faculty in 2004.
International Shabbaton | 41
Mrs. Shaindy Jacobson
Mrs. Shaindy Jacobson is the director of the Rohr
Jewish Learning Institute’s women’s studies division,
The Rosh Chodesh society. She has been involved in
the field of Jewish education for over twenty five years,
teaching at the Beth Rivkah Teacher’s Seminary and
serving as a community liaison and counselor for
Operation Survival – a substance abuse prevention
program. Mrs. Jacobson lectures around the world,
educating women about their Jewish heritage and
its practical application to their daily lives. She is
also an accomplished musician and composer and
frequently accompanies her lectures with song and
Rabbi Simon Jacobson
Rabbi Simon Jacobson is the author of the bestselling book Toward a Meaningful Life and heads the
Meaningful Life Center, which bridges the secular
and the spiritual through a wide variety of live and online programming. Rabbi Jacobson is renowned for
his scholarship and was responsible for transcribing
and publishing many talks of the Lubavitcher Rebbe.
A much sought after speaker, he has lectured to
diverse audiences on six continents and in forty
states, applying Jewish thought to contemporary
life. Rabbi Jacobson is the publisher of the largest
Yiddish-English weekly newspaper, The Algemeiner
Rabbi Levi Kaplan
Rabbi Levi Kaplan is a veteran educator. He taught
for a decade at Oholei Menachem, directed the
Ivy League Torah Study Experience, and currently
serves as the director of JLI’s MyShiur and Torah
Cafe divisions as well as dean of Judaics at Jewish
Technical Vocational School, in Brooklyn, NY. Rabbi
Kaplan is a sought-after cantor and directs the
Council of Chabad Cantors.
42 | Chabad on Campus
Mr. Doron Kornbluth
Mr. Doron Kornbluth is a bestselling author of
many books, including Why Be Jewish? and Why
Marry Jewish? He is a sought after presenter who
has traveled to hundreds of locations worldwide
including dozens of Chabad Houses. Mr. Kornbluth
lives with his family in Israel, where he also serves as
a licensed tour guide for families and groups.
Mr. Daniel Mael
Mr. Daniel Mael is a senior at Brandeis University,
an investigative reporter for and a
contributor to the Franklin Center for Government
and Public Integrity. He has made TV appearances
on Fox News, Sun News, and the BBC. His writing
has appeared in, The Jerusalem
Post, and The Tower, and his coverage of both
campus and national affairs is frequently linked on
The Drudge Report. He is a graduate of the Gann
Academy, Birthright Israel, IsraeLinks and is originally
from Newton, MA.
Rabbi Shalom M. Paltiel
Rabbi Shalom M. Paltiel is director of Chabad of Port
Washington. Under his inspired leadership, Chabad
has grown into a well established synagogue,
preschool, summer camp, and community center.
Rabbi Paltiel is an engaging, dynamic speaker who
touches his audiences with his blend of wisdom,
warmth, passion and humor. Rabbi Paltiel lives in Port
Washington, Long Island, with his wife Sara and their
10 children.
Rabbi Yossi Paltiel
Rabbi Yossi Paltiel, Founder of InsideChassidus.
org, is a popular teacher and mentor with a gift for
communicating his passion for Torah and Judaism.
His classes weave together classic commentaries,
Jewish Law, history and philosophy, personal stories,
and a deep knowledge of Chassidus and Kabbalah
into a whole that’s both intellectually challenging and
International Shabbaton | 43
Rabbi Shalom Pasternak
Rabbi Shalom Pasternak is an inspiring teacher
and mentor known for his passionate command of
Chassidic thought, focusing primarily on distilling
complex concepts in Judaism for beginners. Rabbi
Pasternak graduated Vassar College with a degree
in philosophy, and studied piano with contemporary
jazz masters. He pursued his Jewish education in
Oregon as well as Hadar HaTorah in Crown Heights,
Brooklyn. He currently resides with his family in Safed,
Israel where he directs Yeshiva Temimei Darech.
Rabbi Aaron L. Raskin
Rabbi Aaron L. Raskin co-founded Congregation
B’nai Avraham in Brooklyn Heights and serves as
its spiritual leader. As an emissary of the Lubavitcher
Rebbe, he inspires his community with his elegant
and poignant ethical and spiritual guidance. Rabbi
Raskin is the author of several books and has been
profiled by leading publications, including National
Geographic, The New York Times, and The Jerusalem
Post. Rabbi Raskin teaches frequently on a variety of
topics and over 150 classes have been webcast on
Jewish.TV. He, his wife Shternie, and children live in
Brooklyn Heights, NY.
Mr. George Rohr
Mr. George Rohr is a businessman and philanthropist.
He is co-founder and President of NCH Capital, a
private equity firm. Mr. Rohr’s principal philanthropic
focus has been on Jewish education, particularly
through initiatives such as the Rohr Jewish Learning
Institute and the establishment of more than 100
Chabad Houses across college campuses in North
America and beyond, as well as on the revival of
Jewish communal life in Eastern Europe and the
former Soviet Union, in partnership with Chabad.
Mr. Rohr is Advisory Board Chairman of Chabad on
Campus International.
44 | Chabad on Campus
Rabbi Zalman and Chaya
Rabbi Zalman and Chaya Schurder serve as student
advisers at Chabad on Campus International,
counseling students on the myriad opportunities
available in the field of advanced Jewish study. The
Schurders direct the Taste of Yeshiva Experience.
Rabbi Eli Nosson Silberberg
Rabbi Eli Nosson Silberberg serves as Dean of
Lubavitch Mesivta high school in Chicago. During the
summer months he serves as Scholar in Residence
at the Machon Alte Women’s Program in Tzfat, Israel.
He has authored eight volumes of insights on the
Talmud, and is a regular contributor to various Jewish
journals nationwide.
Mr. Gilad Skolnick
Mr. Gilad Skolnick is the Director of Campus
Programming for CAMERA. He received his M.A. from
the University of Delaware in Urban Affairs and Public
Policy and B.A. from the University of Massachusetts
in History, Communication, and Judaic Studies. He
was active in the Student Alliance for Israel, and was
a columnist for the UMass Daily Collegian. Prior to
joining CAMERA, he served in the IDF as a Corporal
in the Spokesperson’s Unit. He continues to lead
workshops and sessions at campuses across the
country on the importance of accurate reporting in
the media.
Rabbi Immanuel Storfer
Rabbi Immanuel Storfer is the director and founder of
Yeshiva Torah Ohr and the Miami Torah Experience,
in Miami Beach, FL. He has served as a spiritual
mentor to hundreds of young Jews from all walks of
life. Rabbi Storfer has traveled to many communities
nationwide, sharing his experience transitioning
from Conservative Judaism to a traditional Torahobservant lifestyle.
International Shabbaton | 45
Chabad on Campus International
Board of Directors
Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, Chairman
Rabbi Menachem Schmidt, President
Rabbi Yossy Gordon, Executive Vice President
Rabbi Eitan Webb, Secretary
Rabbi Eli Brackman
Rabbi Dov Greenberg
Rabbi Nechemia Vogel
Rabbi Hirschy Zarchi
Advisory Board
Mr. George Rohr, Chairman
Mr. Ronald Swartz, Vice-Chair
Mr. David Slager, Chairman, UK & Europe
Mr. Andrew Scharf, Chairman, IsraeLinks
Mr. Marc Altheim
Mr. Steven Krieger
Mr. Dov Leshes
Mr. Isaac Applbaum
Mr. Michael Bernstein
Dr. Howard Morgan
Mr. Jeffrey Cohen
Dr. Gary Ostrow
Mr. Bent Philipsohn
Mr. Shmuel Finck
Mr. Yosef Yitzchok Popack
Mr. Benjamin Gerut
Mr. Michael Scharf
Mr. Howard Jonas
Rabbi Elie Teitelman
Mr. Boris Kalandar
Mr. Burton Katz
Mr. Alan Zekelman
Executive Staff
Rabbi Yossy Gordon, Executive Vice President
Rabbi Avi Weinstein, Director of Administration
Rabbi Moshe Chaim Dubrowski, Director of Programming
Rabbi Dubi Rabinowitz, Sinai Scholars Society Director
Rabbi Levi Rabin, Torah & Yeshiva Initiative Director
Rabbi Zalman Schurder, Jewish Study Advisor
Rabbi Yossi Witkes, IsraeLinks and Israelin Director
Ms. Chaya Block, Strategic Initiative Coordinator
Mrs. Nechoma Dina Dubrowski, Accounting
Ms. Mushka Grossbaum, Project Coordinator
Mrs. Manya Lazaroff, Ashreinu Society for Shluchos Co-Director
Ms. Devorah Leah Notik, Sinai Scholars Society Coordinator
Ms. Yehudis Raitman, Marketing Coordinator
Mrs. Chaya Schurder, Jewish Study Advisor
Mrs. Gitty Webb, Ashreinu Society for Shluchos Co-Director
Mrs. Michal Wilansky, Development Coordinator
Mrs. Chaya Witkes, IsraeLinks and Israelin Director
Mrs. Devorah Zlatopolsky, Sinai Scholars Society Administrator
46 | Chabad on Campus
International Shabbaton Steering Committee
Rabbi Boruch Shmuel &
Rivkah Rochel Liberow, Chairs
Rabbi Meir Simcha &
Fraidy Rubashkin, Co-Chairs
Rabbi Moshe C. Dubrowki, Director
Rabbi Levi Rabin, Logistics Director
Ms. Mushka Grossbaum, Coordinator
Thanks to:
Mrs. Devorah Benjamin
Bension Kohen Caterers
Mr. Shlomo Galatz
Mr. Michoel Muchnik
Benshimon Music
Rabbi Moshe Plotkin
Mr. Moshe Raskin
Ms. Aviva Rozmaryn
Mr. Bentzi Sasson
Rabbi Sholom Ber Baumgarten and the Jewish Children’s
Museum staff
Rabbi Mottel Bronstein, Mrs. Esther Blau and the Oholei Torah
Rabbi Abba Refson and Ohel Chabad staff
Rabbi Beryl Epstein of
Thanks to Ms. Shevi Katzman for expertly handling guest and
partner relations, and much more!
Mega thanks to the wonderful group of volunteers who are here
to help all weekend long. We couldn’t have done it without you!
Special thanks to the gracious hosts who opened their homes
and their hearts to hundreds of Shabbaton participants!
Much appreciation to the devoted CSS security team.
To all those who contributed to the success of this extraordinary
weekend, whether mentioned or not: Thank you!!
International Shabbaton | 47
Principal Patrons
George & Pamela Rohr
Howard & Debbie Jonas
Burton & Marjan Katz
Dovi & Chana Leshes
Dr. Gary & Pam Ostrow
Yosef Yitzchok & Batsheva Popack
Andrew & Naomi Scharf
David & Lara Slager
Ronald & Jill Swartz
Alan & Lori Zekelman
Ahavas Yisroel Charitable Foundation
Marc & Hope Altheim
Isaac Applbaum
Michael & Jenifer Bernstein
Shmuel & Miriam Finck
Benjamin & Jennifer Gerut
Lili Goldberg
Avraham & Devorah Hayman
Hertog Foundation, Inc.
Baruch Kalandar
Avi & Dina Klein
Steven Krieger
Howard & Eleanor Morgan
Tzvi & Sara Bogomilsky
Benjy & Adina Goldstein
Shmuel & Zipi Goldstein
Yosef & Chana Malka Gorowitz
Mitchell & Joleen Julis
Jonathan & Dina Ohebshalom
Daniel & Gabi Shapiro
Akiva Sussholz
48 | Chabad on Campus
Shimon Burstyn
Chesed Global Foundation Inc.
Rabbi Levi Chitrik
Joseph Davidsohn
Zev Drizin
Russell & Ronalee Galbut
Avrohom and Ruchi Melohn
Peter & Meira Pernicone
Solomon Scharf
William O. Scharf
Michael S. & Cathy E. Weiss
Mordechai & Chana Zelda Werde
Richard & Fran Allen
Robert & Marilyn Azar
Mauricio & Barbara Bitran
Michael & Sharon Budwick
William N. & Cheryl Davidson
Marc & Felicia Frohlich
Mendy & Devorah Leah Gniwisch
Arthur & Susan Greene
Mark Grossman
Lewis Henkind
Kornhauser Charitable Foundation
Yossi & Gila Krasnjanski
Ruslan Krivoruchko
Jonathan & Jane Medved
Ben & Chana Philipson
Joshua Sasouness
Naomi Schlaff
Michael & Nancy Schreiber
Ryan & Dini Shapiro
Michael & Cynthia Simonson
Sidney R. & Jill B. Steinberg
David & Jill Smith
William Solomon Memorial Fund
International Shabbaton | 49
Marvin Ament
Jonathan N. & Susana
Sylvain Argy
The Dennis Berman
Family Foundation
Ezra & Gitty Birnbaum
Jef Cagan
Ari & Rochel Chitrik
Bentzie & Osnas Cousin
Yossi & Chanie Cousin
Shloime & Riva Denburg
Israel & Shandi Glaser
Eve Goldberg
Milton B. & Frances H.
Shmuel & Sharon
Fredda Gordon
Alexander Grimm
Clifford Gross
Helena Gutleizer
Edward & Aya
Sergey Kats
Marshall Lerner
Benjamin & Cherry Levin
Robert N. Lewenson
Shmuel & Michelle
Nisan & Chava Lobel
Ezra P. & Reeva Mager
Yossi & Karen Mause
Mel & Ilene Meister
Menlo Foundation
Chaim & Ruchi Mochkin
Sarida Muslow
Rachelle Nedow
David & Susan
50 | Chabad on Campus
James & Sondra Parker
Steven & Jessica Pfeffer
Alex Polonsky
Marc & Sylvia Pomerantz
Avraham Popack
Rav-Noy Family
Foundation Inc.
Rosenthal Family
Yaakov Saidof
Danni Sayman
Ken & Bonnie Scheer
Motti Slodowitz
Ronald Stackler
Michael & Lisa Steinberg
Chanina & Simcha
Richard & Alison Sutton
Lillian D. Tallent
Steven Tallent
Yehoshua Yisroel
Henry Weinstein
Mottie Wiener
Mark Wilensky
Frank Wilson
Eli Wolf
Yachad Foundation
In Memory Of...
Dedicated in memory of a great Jewish
woman who was a remarkable wife,
mother, grandmother and
good friend to many
Mrs. Ida Ostrow
(Chaike bat Baruch) ‫ע’’ה‬
whose inspiration and love lives on.
May her memory be for a blessing
and her soul be bound in the bond of
everlasting life.
She returned her soul on High on
26 Tishrei, 5775 - October 20, 2014
‫לע״נ חייקא בת ברוך ע״ה‬
‫לע”נ יחזקאל בן אברהם ורות בת אברהם ע”ה‬
‫לע”נ רבי ישראל בן יהודה ע”ה‬
’‫לע”נ רוחמה עליזה שרה חנה ע”ה בת משה שיחי‬
‫לע”נ בלימא בת פנחס ע”ה‬
‫לע”נ אהרון בן משה ע”ה‬
‫לע”נ איירין וואלף ע”ה‬
‫לע”נ זינדל בן אברהם זעליג ע”ה‬
International Shabbaton | 51
Adelphi University ■ Albert Einstein College of Medicine ■ American
University ■ Amherst College ■ Arizona State University ■ Berklee
College of Music ■ Boston University ■ Bradley University ■ Brandeis
University ■ Brock University ■ Brown University ■ California State
University, Northridge ■ Carleton University ■ Chatham University ■
Clark University ■ Colorado State University ■ Columbia University ■
Concordia University ■ Dawson College ■ DePaul University ■ Drexel
University ■ EPF Ecole d’ingÈnieurs - Sceaux ■ Fashion Institute of
Technology ■ Florida Atlantic University ■ Florida Gulf Coast University
■ Florida State University ■ George Washington University ■ Georgia
Institute of Technology ■ Georgia State University ■ Goucher College
■ Hofstra University ■ Kennesaw State University ■ Lynn University
■ Marquette University ■ McGill University ■ Metropolitan State
University of Denver ■ Miami University Ohio ■ Mt. Holyoke College
■ Nassau Community College ■ New York University ■ Northeastern
University ■ Northern Arizona University ■ Penn State University ■
Princeton University ■ Queens College ■ Queen’s University ■ S. Diego
State University ■ S. Monica College ■ Smith College ■ SUNY at New
Paltz ■ SUNY College at Oneonta ■ SUNY Oswego ■ SUNY Rockland
Community College ■ Syracuse University ■ Temple University ■ Texas
A&M University ■ The College of New Jersey ■ Towson University ■
UFR Pharmacie ■ Universite’ de Montreal ■ Universite Laval - Quebec
City ■ University of California Los Angeles ■ University of Central Florida
■ University of Cincinnati ■ University of Connecticut ■ University of
Delaware ■ University of Denver ■ University of Florida ■ University
of Hartford ■ University of Illinois at Chicago ■ University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign ■ University of Iowa ■ University of Kansas ■
University of Leeds ■ University of Maryland at College Park ■ University
of Massachusetts Amherst ■ University of Miami ■ University of
Minnesota Twin Cities ■ University of Missouri - Columbia ■ University
of Nevada at Las Vegas ■ University of Nottingham ■ University of Ottawa
■ University of Pennsylvania ■ University of Pittsburgh ■ University of
South Florida ■ University of Southern California ■ University of Texas at
Austin ■ University of Texas at Dallas ■ University of Texas at S. Antonio
University of the Arts ■ University of Utah ■ University of Vermont
■ University of Waterloo ■ University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee ■
University of Wisconsin-Madison ■ Vanier College ■ Vassar College
■ Virginia Tech ■ West Virginia University ■ Western Washington
University ■ Wilfrid Laurier University ■ York University
Chabad on Campus International
719 Eastern Parkway First Floor, Brooklyn NY 11213
An affiliate of Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch The educational arm of Chabad-Lubavitch