The Business Owner`s Guide To Getting More Clients


The Business Owner`s Guide To Getting More Clients
The Business Owner’s Guide To
Getting More Clients
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In This Report
You’ll Discover...
Why old economy marketing
no longer works and what to
do about it.
A sample marketing campaign
for turning prospects from
“vaguely interested” into “raving
fans” who see you as an expert.
The quickest and easiest
way to stand out from your
How to make price irrelevant
and have prospects and clients
begging you to take their money.
How to get your prospects
and clients to treat you like a
king and obey you like a heart
surgeon, long before a single
word is said.
The secret marketing strategy
that breaks down all your
prospects and clients
The Answers Have Changed 5
How Most Businesses Try To Sell 9
The New Way Of Selling 10
Get Prospects To Put Their Hand Up 12
Nurture Your Prospects 15
Here’s What To Do Next 18
Conclusion 23
About Allan Dib 24
The Answers
Have Changed
“Um, eh, it’s about the test you just handed out.”
Einstein waited patiently.
“I’m not sure if you realise it, but this is the same
test you gave out last year. In fact, it’s identical.”
From the desk of Allan Dib
Einstein paused to think for a moment, then said,
“Yes, it is the same test but the answers have
Dear Business Owner,
Just as the answers in physics change as new
discoveries are made, so too do the answers in
business and in marketing.
Melbourne VIC, Wednesday 10:37am
Are you sick of wasting money on advertising
that simply isn’t working? Are you wanting to get
new clients for your business without resorting to
time consuming, annoying and ineffective tactics
like cold calling, price discounting and constant
If so you’re in the right place. The even better
news is that it’s much easier than the so called
“marketing gurus” would have you believe.
In the pages that follow, you have a powerful
blueprint for a radically different approach
to marketing. However you might be asking,
“Do I really need to change the way I do my
Allow me to relate to
you a story…
Albert Einstein was once giving an exam paper to
his graduating class.
It turned out that it was the exact same exam
paper he had given them the previous year.
His teaching assistant, alarmed at what he saw
and thinking it to be the result of the professor’s
absent-mindedness, alerted Einstein.
“Excuse me, sir,” said the shy assistant, not quite
sure how to tell the great man about his blunder.
“Yes?” said Einstein.
Simply put, what worked yesterday isn’t working
Want proof?
Only a few short years ago, industry giants Kodak
and Borders were on top of the world. If you had
suggested they’d soon be out of business, you’d
have likely been laughed at.
Many businesses suffer because they fail to
anticipate or react to change.
Kodak and Borders are two high profile casualties
that, for whatever reason, failed to react to
changes in their industry, changes in technology
and changes in the economic environment
However big companies are not alone.
It’s a statistical fact
that 86% of small-tomedium businesses
fail within the first five
years of operation.
Even worse than outright failure are the
businesses who are dying a slow death of a
thousand cuts. Their owners are working their
guts out sometimes 6 or 7 days a week and
making barely enough to survive.
This is often due to changes in the business
environment - and this rate of change is rapidly
increasing. Make no mistake about it, if you are
still running your business and marketing in the
same way you did a few years ago, then you too
could soon be a casualty.
We’ve entered a new age of business - what
many call “The New Economy”.
In fact in the next few years we’ll witness the
biggest transfer of wealth in the history of the
This report is here
to help you take
advantage of the new
economy and ensure
you are in the right
place at the right time
as these monumental
changes take place.
To have your business succeed in the new
economy, you need to become an expert at
marketing. If you’re not a good marketer you will
struggle to survive in this chaotic new economy.
Add to that the fact that in the last 15 - 20 years
or so the cost of getting a client has tripled and
results from them have halved.
The New Economy requires business owners to
think and act differently. It requires a totally new
approach to marketing because the old type of
marketing has become totally ineffective.
This is both good news and bad news.
For those that fail to understand, anticipate and
react to this change, it’s terrible news as they are
highly unlikely to survive.
For those who are alert and poised to take
advantage of the new economy, it’s great news
because they’re going to make a fortune.
Bottom line, the old ways of doing business don’t
work like they used to and never will again.
One of the fundamental differences between
struggling businesses and those that succeed is
they have mastered marketing.
By the way, masters of anything are rarely born.
The good news is, all masters were once
disasters. So figure out what you need to master
and then commit the time, money and energy to
become a master of it.
How Most
Businesses Try
To Sell (And Fail
And you get people calling up and you say to
them, “sure I can come out and see you” or
“sure I can help you”.
Most businesses try to sell without
first creating trust. They either...
Hopeium is a “drug” that travels through your
body and mind when you “think” you have an
interested prospect who is sending you positive
signals but has no intention of buying from you.
a) Cold Call
b) Advertise using outdated methods that no
longer work
The problem with this is you are asking your
customer to make a decision when they have no
idea about who you are or what you are about.
They don’t know you... don’t trust you... and don’t
really want to have anything to do with you.
It’s like proposing marriage on a first date - sure it
may work once in a blue moon but do you really
want to stake your whole business on a strategy
like that?
And so you end up with a poor closing ratio of
say 1 in 10 or 1 in 20 and you waste a significant
amount of time, energy and money dealing with
unqualified prospects. What’s more, you waste a
lot of money on poor advertising.
For instance, let’s say you invest $1000 on an
advertisement to get 10 inquiries. And out of those
10 inquiries you end up setting 5 appointments
and making one sale.
e.g. You advertise
with an ad which
looks something
like this...
The problem with this is they barely know you
and are probably just price shopping, so your
conversion is probably going to be at a far lower
level than it could be.
At this stage many business owners get
hooked on the “Hopeium” drug.
The drug is usually activated when your prospect
tells you “Tell me more about your product…”,
“Send me a quote…”, or “Send me more
You know what I mean right? Someone calls your
office and shows interest in what you have to offer
and then instantaneously you feel the “rush” of
excitement that this is going to be your next sale.
Then a few days or a few weeks later after
continually chasing them, you get hit with the
“silent treatment”. You know, when you’ve
worked with a prospect for a while, you’ve had
some good conversations and they’ve expressed
interest in what you have to offer. Then all of a
sudden everything stops. You try calling them
back once or twice. You even send a follow-up
e-mail, but nothing. They just disappear.
You figure you’ve somehow lost the sale, and
you don’t know what you did wrong, or what was
wrong with your product. It makes selling feel like
such a painful and arduous process.
Hopeium is dangerous because it’s not based on
the truth of what your prospect is really thinking.
The faster you “detox” from Hopeium, the sooner
you’ll stop wasting your selling time chasing
prospects who aren’t a true fit for your solution.
The New Way
Of Selling
So instead of trying to sell to them straight off the
bat, the first thing you do is offer your readers is
something of value that educates them about a
problem they have.
Over the years, clients have become
more and more skeptical.
Delaying the sale accomplishes two things.
They’ve been burnt too many times and they
simply don’t believe you. So the problem is
you’re not even starting at zero, you’re starting in
negative territory.
And the old school CLOSE, CLOSE, CLOSE...
SELL, SELL, SELL approach doesn’t work the
way it used to.
Potential clients get their back up and end up
doing nothing because they don’t trust you.
Instead, in the new
economy you need
to move towards the
model of... EDUCATE,
With education, you build trust. With education,
you position yourself as an expert. With education
you build relationships. With education you make
the selling process easier for both buyer and
A free report, free CD, free DVD, online webinar
etc. are all great educational tools you can use.
Firstly it shows you’re willing to give long before
you take, which breaks down sales resistance.
Secondly it presents you as an educator and
expert in your field.
Think about it. Who would you prefer to buy from
- a pushy sales person salivating for their next
commission or an expert educator who has your
interests at heart and wants to help you solve
your problem?
You must stop selling and start
educating, consulting and advising
prospects about the benefits your
products and services deliver as
opposed to each and every competitor
in your category.
Best you read that again, it could be worth a
fortune to you.
Let’s face it, no one wants to be seen as
a stereotypical sales person who is a pushy,
lying, cheating, untrustworthy, snake oil sales
However, if you think about yourself as a doctor
who diagnoses and then prescribes solutions
to people’s problems, then I’m sure you would
be much more comfortable selling under
those circumstances - as a trusted, educated,
knowledgeable, qualified, confident, capable
sales person.
And that is exactly who you need to be perceived
as in the eyes and mind of your prospects someone who EDUCATES them and solves their
Seems to be a good
time to share with you
my definition of an
entrepreneur, “Someone
who solves people’s
problems at a profit”.
Bottom line, don’t let them think you are in sales
for one second!
The best way to do all this is consultative,
advisory selling using a nurturing system (more on
that shortly).
You must see yourself as an agent of change,
a creator of great value, benefit, advantage and
enhancement in the lives of your clients and
Be the liberator, the maven and the magician of
your category or industry. Become the expert in
your industry.
Quite honestly, everybody is generally trying to
be an expert, it’s just their marketing sucks. The
coffee shop is trying to make the best coffee, it
just sucks at marketing that fact.
Consultative, advisory selling is the MOST cost
effective, the MOST immediate, the MOST
enduring, the MOST impactful and the MOST
powerful marketing strategy a business owner
could ever devise.
Consultative, advisory selling using FREE
education usually delivered via a combination of a
free report, free CD, free DVD, webinar etc… will
see sales increase by up to 500%.
The balance of power is now in the
hands of those who would choose to
consult, advise and educate prospects
or clients about the benefit that your
product brings to them.
It’s the only way to take the power back off the
buyer in the chaotic collaborative world we live in
So stop selling and start educating and advising.
Your clients will appreciate you more and so will
your bank manager!
Get Prospects To
Put Their Hand Up
Most business owners are clueless
about the purpose behind their
They slap the name of their business on their ad
with a pretty logo and some meaningless slogan
claiming to be the leader in their industry or area.
If you ask them what the purpose of their
advertising is, most will say it’s to sell their
products or to “get their name out there”. This
is WRONG! Dead wrong. They may as well be
flushing money down the toilet.
The whole purpose of advertising in the new
economy is not to make a quick sale. The
purpose is to get prospects to put their hand up
and say they are potentially interested in what
you have to offer. You then put them on a list or
database and educate them.
Why not try to sell to them from your ad?
You see at any one time, for any product or
service about 3% of the market is hot and heavy
for your product and ready to buy. Another 7%
is very open to it. Another 30% are not thinking
about it right now but could be interested.
Another 30% are not interested and finally about
30% has no interest whatsoever and even if it
was offered for free they wouldn’t be interested.
And this is where most business owners and
marketing victims go wrong. They use “One Shot”
advertising that’s designed to attract only the 3%
who are ‘hot and heavy’. Their marketing is here
today and gone tomorrow.
So they hope like heck that on the very day that
their ad is run that some of the 3% who are ‘hot
and heavy’ happen to read it.
Yet if you offer education by way of a free report,
CD, DVD, webinar etc. that would help the 3%
“hot and heavy’s” now, tip the 7% over to a sale
and get the interested 30% to put their hand up
and say “I want to know more”.
The Market For Your Product Or Service
Not interested
Ready to buy
Would not take it
even if it was free
You now have an addressable market of 40%
instead of 3%. Or put another way, your ad is now
1,233% more effective.
This also has a secondary side effect with the
people who are ready to buy immediately. They
see you’re not desperate to sell or discount
your product or service. They see that you are
interested in building a relationship first rather
than just going for the jugular to make a sale.
This kind of marketing is similar to sowing seeds
on a farm. It is an investment in your future
because as your database of interested prospects
grows, so will your business and your results.
You see everybody that educates and teaches
is seen as an expert and an authority. You’re no
longer questioned, instead you are obeyed and
seen to have a personal, genuine, helpful interest
in other people.
Very open to buying
Interested but not right now
So for successful marketing in the new economy
your ad might offer a free report promising to
educate your clients about the things they need
to beware of, how to avoid being ripped off and
what they should look for.
And once your prospect receives the special
report, you have delivered on all the promises
made in your advertisement.
This skyrockets your trustworthiness, positions
you as the expert and sets you apart from your
You haven’t put the sales pressure into your ad
just to make a quick sale. Instead you’re just
starting with the process of getting them to raise
their hand.
You’re telling them to contact you just so they
identify themselves to you.
And then, you can move on to the next step...
Nurture Your
The next step is to patiently and
systematically educate and motivate
your prospects to take the next step
with you.
This is really about lead conversion.
This is where the real skill comes in, knowing how
to set things up, so that people want to take the
next step with you.
The key is that you understand they will only take
the next step with you when THEY are ready.
Let’s use the example of an ad for a free report.
That free report is starting the process of
educating and motivating your prospects to take
the next step with you.
“The next step” is the part where the actual
transaction can start to occur, whether that’s
going to be to come into your retail store, or to
invite you into their house to give them a pest
audit, or any of those things where you’re going
to get into a position where you can start your
sales process.
You can’t just educate people, send them free
reports and expect that they will just line up to
come in to see you.
That thinking makes us timid in the way we talk to
prospects. We say things like, “If there’s anything
I can do for you, or if you have any questions...
don’t hesitate to give me a call, I’m more than
happy to help”
Now, we may be sincere in saying that, but it’s a
very weak proposition.
We’re essentially asking our prospects to be the
leader, and initiate, by asking you for something...
which you would be happy to provide.
The problem is, most people don’t like asking
for anything...but they’re helpless against people
offering them something, because they equally
don’t like to reject people. It’s a strange social
I often use an example of bringing you into my
home, sitting you down in the living room, and
saying “If there’s anything you want to eat or
drink, there’s lots of stuff in the fridge...just feel
free to help yourself. I’ll be in the other room, if
you need anything just give me a shout”.
Again, I might be completely sincere in that offer,
and I would love it if you would feel comfortable
enough to help yourself to something in the
fridge.... but I know that’s not what you would do.
You would feel uncomfortable imposing like that.
It’s the way we’re raised.
Now contrast that with me coming into the living
room with a plate of freshly baked chocolate
brownies, holding them right in front of you and
saying “would you like a chocolate brownie?”
People need prompting.
We’re all basically shy, and reluctant to start an
interaction. We’ve all been raised not to impose
on people, and not to make people go out of their
way for us.
It goes both ways.
Would you like a chocolate brownie?
Generate the lead
via a free report Ad
The truth is, it would be very difficult for you NOT
to take a brownie under those circumstances,
even if they weren’t your favorite type - because
I’ve clearly gone out of my way to make these for
you, and it would be rude to reject me.
Send out the
free report
Understanding that dynamic helps you realise that
people are silently begging to be led.
They don’t want to lead. They want someone
to tell them what to do...and make it EASY for
them to do it.
3 days later send an
educational email
So we educate our prospects with a multi-step
nurturing system. This could include any of the
• Emails
• Newsletters
• Teleseminars
10 days later run an
educational webinar
• Online Webinars
• CD’s
• DVD’s
• etc.
For example, your nurture system once you
generate a lead could look something like this
Can you see how by the time you actually get to
reach your prospect they are FAR more qualified
than using the old school hard sell methods?
Can you see how by investing just a little bit of
time upfront you can spend more time actually
selling to qualified prospects rather than wading
through all the dirt to get to the gold?
3 weeks later send
them a sales letter
1 month later send
them a newsletter
Can you see how this will give you more time to
come up with other marketing strategies to get
more qualified leads into your marketing system?
Can you see how you can get more leads doing
this by getting the system to work for you so you
can work smarter rather than harder?
And so on..
The ideal prospect will love the fact that you
provided them with not just helpful information
but an education, because it helps them make
their buying decision, and they will want to do
business with you.
Send weekly
educational email
By equipping the prospect with information, they’re
a more confident buyer. And a more confident
buyer is exactly the type of buyer you want.
You want them to have confidence with you,
and that’s why you are providing them that
information. And since you are the one providing
them that information, who do they have the most
rapport and trust with?
They have it with YOU!
They’re hardly going to do business with your
competitor who is running around like a horny
teenager trying to sell to anyone who’ll listen and
hoping they’ll hear a ‘yes’ in response to their
advances - all without establishing any trust or
You’ve become the logical choice because you
have given them value, education and confidence
all before they’ve even spent a single cent with you.
This applies to anyone regardless of what
business you’re in. I’m yet to find someone who
can tell me, “Oh, you’re better off not educating
your prospects and clients” - unless of course
you’re in a business like selling cigarettes where
you probably don’t want to educate them about
how it’s going to kill them.
Send monthly
So if you’re in a business that actually creates
value and delivers something that’s good and
useful to people, then an educated prospect is
the best and most qualified type of prospect you
can possibly deal with.
Educating, rather than selling, is the most
effective, ethical and easy way of advertising and
marketing your business.
Here’s What To Do
Next ..
I don’t know exactly what motivated
you to request and read this report,
although I suspect you’re searching for
a better way of attracting more clients
to your business.
If the ideas in this report resonated with you, then
there’s a very good chance we may be able to
help you.
While the ideas and concepts in this report are
applicable to most businesses in most industries,
they do require a well thought out plan to
implement them.
I’d like to help you create an implementation
plan for your business by taking you through a
marketing health analysis. It’s just like a check
up you’d do with your doctor except we’ll
be focusing on the health of your business
We’ll be looking at your business’s unique
circumstances, products and services and come
up with a plan to increase the quality and quantity
of clients coming to your business.
How To Claim Your FREE Marketing
Health Analysis (Valued at $697)
Because you’ve read this report, I know you’re
serious about your business. That’s why I’d like
to give you a marketing health analysis (normally
valued at $697) as a bonus free gift.
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Here’s What Will Happen When You
Claim Your FREE Marketing Health
Once you request your free marketing health
analysis, here’s what will happen:
My assistant will set up a mutually suitable time
for you and I to talk on the phone.
You and I will get on the phone one-on-one and
go over your business. I’ll take a look at what
you’ve got, what you’re doing, and what you want
to achieve going forward.
Once we have those “raw materials”, I’ll help
you come up with a strategic plan of action to
immediately increase your profits. It only takes
about 45-60 minutes for us to do together and I’ll
do most of the heavy lifting for you...telling you
exactly what to do, how to do it, and how to bring
in new clients.
At the end of this planning session,
one of these three things will happen:
1. You’ll love the plan and decide to implement
it on your own. If this is the case, I’ll wish
you the best of luck and ask that you keep
in touch with me to let me know how you’re
2. You love the plan and ask to become my
client so I can personally help you execute,
maximise, and profit from it ASAP. If that’s the
case, we’ll knock it out of the park.
3. In the unlikely and unprecedented event
that you feel like I’ve wasted your time, I’ll
send you $200 as payment immediately.
No questions asked. Your time is your most
valuable asset you have, and I respect that.
It really is that simple and there’s no catch. Think
about it. The “worst” that can happen is you get
$200 for “wasting” 45-60 minutes of your time.
The best that can happen is we work together to
increase sales and profits several times over.
WARNING - This Isn’t For Everybody
Look, I’ll be honest with you; my advice isn’t for
Some just don’t like my no-nonsense approach to
business and marketing. They may be offended
by hard truths and uncomfortable facts.
Another group of people I can’t help are the
‘know it alls’. They’ve “heard it all before” and
they “know” it all already - yet for some reason
they don’t implement. Here’s the thing I’d say to
this group:
You can read or “know” all about the theory of
how to drive a car, but until you physically get
behind the wheel, take driving lessons, make all
the mistakes and pass the practical exam, you
can’t truly say you know how to drive a car.
The same is true of marketing. Unless you’ve
actually implemented the marketing strategies in
your business, it would be foolish to claim you
already know it all.
Many business owners mistakenly
believe that having a great product
or service is enough to “get the word
out there”.
That’s not a marketing plan - that’s a recipe for
The graveyards are littered with failed businesses
that had excellent products and services. They
failed simply because the business owner didn’t
pay enough attention to marketing.
Even if you once believed that having a great
product or service was enough, you now know
better. Now you know that the best marketer
wins every time.
Best of all you’re now
in the right place at the
right time to become
great at marketing even if you’ve never
done it before.
If you’re serious about business success then now’s
the time to take decisive action, so that you can
start experiencing the freedom and peace of mind
that comes from having a successful business.
Through this report, you’ve been the recipient
of some extremely valuable information. It’s
information that most of your competitors will
never know or seek out. That puts you at a huge
advantage - if you take action.
I urge you to take action.
Knowing and not
doing is the same as
not knowing. If you
continue to do what
you’ve always done,
you’ll continue to get
the same results you’ve
always gotten.
You deserve business success and it is attainable
for YOU. I invite you on a journey to start building
an extraordinary business and living life on your
own terms!
Allan Dib
Serial Entrepreneur, Rebellious Marketer
and Successwise Founder
About Allan Dib
Allan is a serial entrepreneur and
He has started, grown and successfully exited
multiple businesses in various industries including
IT, telecommunications and marketing.
His last business was in the hyper-competitive
telecommunications industry. It went from startup
to four years later being named by Business
Review Weekly (BRW) as one of Australia’s
fastest growing companies – earning a spot in the
coveted BRW Fast 100 list.
Allan’s approach to business is practical and
hands on.
He’ll share with you the exact strategies he has
used to build several high growth businesses.
More specifically he’ll give you
marketing strategies that will help
you bring in a steady flow of leads
into your business faster and easier
than you ever thought possible.
1800 825 400