Generalists Engaged in Population Health


Generalists Engaged in Population Health
Generalists Engaged
in Population Health
Improving Outcomes and Equity through
Research, Education and Patient Care
From primary to complex care,
we’re proud to be GIM.
8:00 am–5:30 pm
MAY 11
MAY 12
MAY 13
MAY 14
Wednesday Sessions with Additional Registration Fees
ACLGIM Hess Management Institute/LEAD Core Session OR Quality Improvement Skills for Reliable Care OR TEACH Core Session
12:00–3:00 pm
Regional Leadership Retreat
Session A 5:30–6:30 pm
Annual Meeting Opening: Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
6:30 pm
Educational Sessions Adjourn
7:00–8:00 am
Breakfast and Morning Networking
Session B 8:00–9:00 am
Vignette Poster Session 1
9:00–9:15 am
9:15–11:15 am
Opening Plenary Session: Presidential Address: Marshall H. Chin, MD, MPH
11:15–11:30 am
Session C 11:30 am–12:30 pm
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2 n Committee/Task Force Meetings n SGIM Book Club
Distinguished Professor in Women and Medicine Keynote Address: Karen B. DeSalvo, MD, MPH, MSc
Distinguished Professor in Geriatrics Keynote Address: Elizabeth Eckstrom, MD, MPH
Clinician Investigator Mentoring Panel n Disparities Task Force Mentoring Panel
12:30–1:30 pm
Committee/Task Force Meetings n PCOR General Session n Town Hall: Say it Loud and Say it ProudToBeGIM!
Health Policy Session: Health Care Payment Innovation n UpToDate Reviewer Training
Special Symposium: CDC Opioid Prescribing Guideline for Chronic Pain
Committee/Task Force Meetings
Interest Group Meetings
Committee/Task Force Meetings
Box Lunch Pick-up
Special Symposia
Session D 1:30–3:00 pm
Abstract, Vignette and Innovations in Medical Education oral presentation sessions
3:00–3:15 pm
Session E 3:15–4:45 pm
Abstract, Vignette and Innovations in Clinical Practice oral presentation sessions
4:45–5:00 pm
Session F 5:00–6:00 pm
Innovations Poster Session
6:00 pm
Educational Sessions Adjourn
7:00–8:00 am
Breakfast and Morning Networking
8:00–9:30 am
Plenary Session 2
9:30–10:00 am
Session G 10:00–11:30 am
Abstract, Vignette and Innovations in Clinical Practice oral presentation sessions
11:30 am–12:00 pm
Box lunch pick up
Session H 12:00–1:00 pm
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3 n Interest Group Meetings n Committee/Task Force Meetings
SRF Mentoring Panel n Clinician Educator Mentoring Panel n Parenting in Medicine Mentoring Panel
1:00–1:15 pm
Session J 1:15–2:45 pm
Abstract, Vignette and Innovations in Medical Education oral presentation sessions
2:45–3:00 pm
Session K 3:00–4:00 pm
Vignette Poster Session 2
4:00–4:15 pm
Session L 4:15–5:45 pm
Abstract and Vignette oral presentation sessions
5:45 pm
Educational Sessions Adjourn
8:00–10:00 am
Plenary Session 3: CaREER Development Armchair Discussion and Awards Breakfast:
Mapping Your Journey: Armchair Conversation across Generations about CaREER Development
10:00–10:15 am
Interest Group Meetings
Special Symposia
Special Symposium
Committee/Task Force Meetings
Committee/Task Force Meetings
Malcolm Peterson Lecture: Timothy G. Ferris, MD, MPH
Interest Group Meetings
Session M 10:15–11:15 am
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
11:15–11:30 am
Session N 11:30 am–1:00 pm
Abstract and Vignette oral presentation sessions
1:00 pm
Annual Meeting Adjourns
Special Symposia
Committee/Task Force Meetings
Special Symposium
Committee/Task Force Meetings
Special Symposium
Saturday Sessions with additional registration fees
11:00 am–2:00 pm
MOC Session 1—Women’s Health
1:00–5:30 pm
GIM Fellows Symposium
2:15–5:15 pm
MOC Session 2—ABIM Update in Internal Medicine
Session details are online at
SGIM is pleased to host its 2016 Annual Meeting at the Diplomat
Hotel and Spa. This is a large meeting hotel, and you will find floor
plans on pages 126–128 of this program.
3rd Floor Registration Counter, Convention Center
7:00 am–7:00 pm
7:00 am–6:00 pm
7:00 am–6:00 pm
7:00 am–2:30 pm
Third Floor, inside the Great Hall
8:00–9:00 am; 11:00 am–12:30 pm; 4:30–6:00 pm
11:30 am–1:00 pm; 2:30–4:30 pm
10:00–11:30 am
Meet with your SGIM colleagues to learn about the
#ProudToBeGIM program and how you can join the Society’s social
media activities.
Atlantic Ballroom Registration Counter, 2nd Floor,
Convention Center
Room 205, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
10:00 am–5:00 pm
7:00 am–5:00 pm
7:00 am–6:00 pm
7:00 am–11:00 am
Room 213, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
10:00 am–5:00 pm
7:00 am–5:00 pm
7:00 am–6:00 pm
7:00 am–2:00 pm
Third Floor, Inside the Great Hall
Thursday, Friday and Saturday during each poster session
Participants (as of print date)
Banner Health
US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
CEP America
Cleveland Clinic
Dartmouth Hitchcock
Group Health Physicians
Mayo Clinic
Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center Division of Hospital
Strelcheck and Associates
UMASS Memorial
University of Central Florida (UCF) College of Medicine
University of Florida Department of Medicine
US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Health Services Research
and Development Service
US Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Academic Affiliations
US Department of Veterans Affairs Advanced Fellowship in
Women's Health, Madison, WI
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
Students, residents and fellows—Need a break, some down time?
You never know who will drop by for a chat.
7:00 am–5:30 pm
7:00 am–5:30 pm
7:00 am–1:00 pm
Great Hall Outdoor Terrace
1:00–4:00 pm
7:00 am–5:00 pm
7:00 am–5:00 pm
7:00 am–1:00 pm
Please make sure to wear your name badge to gain entry to all
Annual Meeting events. Staff in the registration area will gladly
make corrections and/or provide replacements.
SGIM employs professional photographers and videographers
during the Annual Meeting. Meeting participants give tacit
consent for still pictures and videotaped sessions to be copyrighted,
used and published for SGIM promotional materials. SGIM may
use such photographs/videos of meeting participants with or
without names and for any lawful purpose, including for example
such purposes as print and/or electronic publicity, illustration,
advertising, and Web content. ANNUAL MEETING PRESS POLICY
SGIM permits members of the press to attend its Annual Meeting
sessions. Members of the press are required to:
n register to attend the meeting
n wear a name badge
n affix a “Press” ribbon to that name badge
Annual Meeting session coordinators of workshops, symposia and
updates have the option of closing their session to members of the
press by asking if any are in attendance and asking them to leave.
Oral and poster sessions of abstracts, vignettes, and innovations
are open to the press.
ANNUAL MEETING SCHEDULE......................................................1
HIGHLIGHTS. ...................................................................................................... 4
Plenary Sessions............................................................................................... 4
Content Category Codes............................................................................... 5
Special Series......................................................................................................6
SGIM TEACH Certification...........................................................................8
ACLGIM LEAD Program................................................................................ 9
Mentoring Programs.................................................................................... 10
2016 Awards & Grants.................................................................................. 11
Walk and Talk Poster Sessions................................................................. 13
Schedule for Wednesday.............................................................................15
Wednesday SGIM Events........................................................................... 16
ACLGIM Hess Institute................................................................................ 16
TEACH Core Session.......................................................................................17
Schedule for Friday........................................................................................59
SGIM Events.................................................................................................... 60
Regional Meet and Greets........................................................................ 60
Friday Continental Breakfast.................................................................. 60
Plenary Session 2........................................................................................... 60
Concurrent Session G................................................................................... 61
Friday Box Lunch.......................................................................................... 64
Session H Mentoring Panels.....................................................................65
Session H Interest Groups......................................................................... 66
Session H Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3.................................67
Concurrent Session J..................................................................................... 74
Session K Interest Groups..........................................................................78
Session K Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2.....................................79
Concurrent Session L................................................................................... 84
SATURDAY......................................................................................................... 89
Schedule for Saturday................................................................................. 89
Quality Improvement Course...................................................................17
Saturday SGIM Committee, Task Force,
and Workgroup Meetings......................................................................... 90
Session A Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1.................................. 18
Plenary Session 3 and Awards Breakfast........................................... 90
THURSDAY. ........................................................................................................25
Schedule for Thursday.................................................................................25
Thursday SGIM Committee, Task Force,
and Workgroup Meetings......................................................................... 26
Thursday Regional Meet and Greets................................................... 26
Thursday Continental Breakfast............................................................ 26
Session B Interest Groups.......................................................................... 27
Session B Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1......................................28
Session M Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3................................... 91
Concurrent Session N.................................................................................. 96
SGIM-ABIM MOC Learning Sessions................................................. 100
GIM Fellows Symposium........................................................................ 100
GENERAL INFORMATION. ............................................................... 101
Continuing Medical Education Information................................... 101
Meals at the Annual Meeting................................................................ 101
Opening Plenary Session............................................................................33
SGIM 2015–2016 Committees, Task Forces,
& Workgroups...............................................................................................102
Thursday Box Lunch.....................................................................................33
SGIM Officers and Council 2015–2016............................................... 106
Concurrent Session C...................................................................................34
SGIM Past Presidents................................................................................ 106
Session C Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2..................................35
SGIM Staff...................................................................................................... 106
Concurrent Session D...................................................................................43
Annual Meeting Program Committee...............................................107
Concurrent Session E....................................................................................47
Future Meeting Dates................................................................................ 110
Session F Innovations Poster Session....................................................51
Index of Presenting Authors................................................................... 111
Session F Interest Groups...........................................................................58
Hotel Floor Plans..........................................................................................126
Session details are online at
Keynote Address
Presidential Address
SGIM and the Developmental Life Course:
Current Challenges and the Path Forward
2016 Malcolm L. Peterson Honor Lecture
Progress in Improving Healthcare Delivery
Marshall H. Chin, MD, MPH
2015–2016 SGIM President
Richard Parrillo Family Professor of Healthcare Ethics in the
Department of Medicine, University of Chicago
Marshall Chin, MD, MPH, is an
international expert in improving the
care of vulnerable patients with chronic
disease and achieving health care equity.
He is Associate Chief and Director of
Research in the Section of General
Internal Medicine, Director of the
Chicago Center for Diabetes Translation
Research, and Associate Director of the
MacLean Center for Clinical Medical
Ethics at the University of Chicago. He has been Director of the
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Finding Answers: Disparities
Research for Change National Program Office and the RWJF
Reducing Health Care Disparities through Payment and Delivery
System Reform Program Office.
Dr. Chin’s current projects advance diabetes care and outcomes
on the South Side of Chicago through health care system and
community interventions, evaluate implementation of the patientcentered medical home in safety-net clinics, and improve shared
decision making between clinicians and LGBTQ racial/ethnic
minority patients.
Dr. Chin co-chairs the National Quality Forum Disparities Standing
Committee, and is a member of America’s Essential Hospitals
Equity Leadership Forum and the CDC Community Preventive
Services Task Force. He serves on the editorial board of Health
Services Research.
Dr. Chin co-chaired SGIM’s One-on-One Mentoring Program for five
years and has received SGIM’s Mid-Career Research Mentorship
Award. Dr. Chin is a graduate of the University of California at
San Francisco School of Medicine and completed residency and
fellowship training in general internal medicine at Brigham and
Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School.
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
Timothy G. Ferris, MD, MPH
Senior Vice President, Population Health Management,
Massachusetts General Hospital, Massachusetts General Physician
Organization, Partners HealthCare, MGH, MGPO, Partners
Trained in both internal medicine and
pediatrics, Dr. Ferris is a practicing
primary care physician and Senior
Vice President for Population Health
at Mass General Hospital and Partners
HealthCare in Boston. He is also
an Associate Professor at Harvard
Medical School and holds degrees from
Middlebury College, Oxford University,
Harvard Medical School, and the Harvard
School of Public Health. Former positions include Vice Chair of
Pediatrics at Mass General and Medical Director of Mass General
Physicians Organization. He was the principal investigator for a
six-year Medicare demonstration project involving an alternative
payment method that showed both reduced costs and reduced
mortality among high risk Medicare beneficiaries. He now leads
the Partners Healthcare Pioneer Accountable Care Organization
(ACO) and is responsible for design and implementation of
system-wide care delivery changes that will improve patient
health, improve patient experience of healthcare, and reduce the
healthcare cost burden. He has implemented multiple physician
and organization wide performance incentive systems. Dr.
Ferris has over 90 publications in the areas of healthcare quality
measurement, risk adjustment, population management, and
information technology. He has served on multiple committees for
the Institute of Medicine (IOM), Agency for Healthcare Research
and Quality (AHRQ), and National Quality Forum (NQF) where he
chaired the Consensus Standards Approval Committee. He served
on the Health Information Technology (HIT) Policy Committee—
Quality Measures Workgroup. He has served as a consultant
to the Congressional Research Service, the National Governors
Association, the World Health Organization, and the Institute
for Healthcare Improvement on issues related to performance
measurement and performance incentives.
CaREER Development Armchair Discussion and
2016 Awards Breakfast
Mapping Your Journey: An Armchair Conversation
across Generations about CaREER Development
This session will present a conversation on career development
and work-life balance. Panelists of different generations and
academic levels will highlight their own strategies at each career
stage as well as lessons learned along the way. Following brief
introductions, the floor will be open for audience questions and
comments. Topics may include finding your first job, mentormentee relationships, promotion requirements, and the art of
networking, all in the context of balancing work with everything
else in life. Take-home messages from this armchair discussion will
energize attendees and help them map out a timely path for career
advancement while realizing work-life balance.
Content Category Codes
A /G/E
Christopher Masi, MD, PhD, NorthShore
University HealthSystem, Clinical Associate
Professor, University of Chicago
Robert H. Fletcher, MD, MSc, Professor Emeritus,
Harvard Medical School, Department of
Population Medicine
Suzanne W. Fletcher, MD, MSc, Professor
Emerita, Harvard Medical School, Department of
Population Medicine
Aging, Geriatrics, End-of-Life
Career Development
Clinical Practice
Health Disparities/Vulnerable Populations
Health Policy/Advocacy/Social Justice
Healthcare Delivery and Redesign
Hospital-Based Medicine
Leadership and Administration
Medical Education Scholarship
Medical Ethics, Professionalism and Humanities
Mental Health and Substance Use
Quality of Care/Patient Safety
Research Methods
Resiliency and Wellness
Students, Residents and Fellows
Technology in Medicine
VA Series
Women’s Health
Jada C. Bussey-Jones, MD, Chief, General
Medicine and Geriatrics, Professor of Medicine,
Department of Medicine, Emory University
School of Medicine
Brita Roy, MD, MPH, MHS, Assistant Professor,
Yale University School of Medicine, Director of
Population Health, Yale Medical Group
Make the 2016 SGIM Annual
Meeting your meeting! With
more than 400 sessions over
4 days, you’ll be on the go and
so will the SGIM16 Itinerary
Planner App with your daily
guide at your fingertips.
For download information visit:
Session details are online at
Karen B. DeSalvo, MD, MPH, MSc
Content developed in conjunction with the SGIM Women and Medicine
Task Force
11:30 am–12:30 pm
Atlantic Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
8:00–10:00 am
Great Hall 1–3, 3rd Floor, Convention Center
Mapping Your Journey: An Armchair Conversation across
Generations about CaREER Development and Awards
6:30–7:30 am
Regency Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Women and Medicine Task Force
CAP Breakfast (By Invitation Only)
1:30–3:00 pm
Diplomat Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
WD02: Leaning In for Early Career Success: A Toolbox for
Highly Effective Clinician Educators
3:15–4:45 pm
Conference Room 212, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
10:00–11:30 am
Conference Room 220, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Abstract Session G2: Women’s Health
10:00–11:30 am
Conference Room 212, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
1:15–2:45 pm
Regency Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
12:00–1:00 pm
Great Hall 4–6, 3rd Floor, Convention Center
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Elizabeth Eckstrom, MD, MPH
Content developed in conjunction with the SGIM Geriatrics Task Force
4:15–5:45 pm
Diplomat Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
WL01: Expand Your Career into Patient-Centered Outcomes
WN03: Make Your Work Count Twice: Scholarship
Opportunities for Clinician-Educators MES
WJ02: “Lean In” or “Lean Out”? Strategies to Achieve
Academic Medical Career Advancement and Work-Life
Balance over a Lifetime
11:30 am–1:00 pm
Regency Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Dr. DeSalvo will lead a tour of the women’s health posters in this poster
Dr. DeSalvo will serve as the session discussant.
WE02: The K to R01 Transition: From Take-Off to Successful
WG02: Diverse Career Paths and Opportunities in the
Population Health Management of the Vulnerable
Distinguished Professor of Women and Medicine Keynote
5:30–6:30 pm
Great Hall 4–6, 3rd Floor, Convention Center
A /G/E
Geriatrics posters will be scheduled at this time.
7:00–8:00 am
Great Hall 4–6, 3rd Floor, Convention Center
Dr. Eckstrom will lead a “walk and talk” tour of the geriatrics posters.
11:30 am–12:30 pm
Atlantic Ballroom 3, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Distinguished Professor in Geriatrics Keynote Lecture
3:15–4:45 pm
Conference Room 220, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Abstract Session E2: Aging/ Geriatrics/ End of Life
Dr. Eckstrom will serve as the session discussant.
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
Other VA-Related Sessions
VAD: Using Shared Medical Appointments (SMAs) to
Translate Interprofessional Learning to Practice: Lessons
Learned from the VA Centers of Excellence in Primary Care
IF17: VA Academic Patient Aligned Care Team
Interest Group HDR
1:30–3:00 pm
Room 307, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
3:15–4:45 pm
Room 307, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
VAE: Population-Based Intensive Management Programs for
High-Risk Patients: Experiences in the VA System
5:00–6:00 pm
Room 307, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
3:00–4:00 pm
Room 307, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
IK09: Integrating Telehealth into the Veterans Affairs
Primary Care Education Track Interest Group HDR
VAG: Using “Big Data” to Improve Population Health: The VA
Homeless Program “Hotspotter” Initiative
WN07: SFVA Huddle Coaching Program: A Workshop
to Prepare Faculty to Design, Implement, and Sustain
Workplace Learning Opportunities for Interprofessional,
Team-Based Care
10:00–11:30 am
Room 307, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
12:00–1:00 pm
Room 307, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
VA Leadership Lunch
1:15–2:45 pm
Room 307, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
VAJ: Generalists and Chronic Pain Care: Research
and Innovation to Optimize Population and
Personal Health
4:15–5:45 pm
Room 307, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
VAL: Panel Management: Tools to Move from Visit-Based Care
to Proactive Population Management
Programming of the VA Series is supported by VA Health Services
Research and Development Service and VA Office of Academic Affiliations
11:30 am–1:00 pm
Diplomat Ballroom 4, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
11:30 am–1:00 pm
Room 317, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Abstract Session N5: VA Funded Research
12:30–1:30 pm
Atlantic Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
PCOR General Session
1:30–3:00 pm
Room 301, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
PCORWD: Building Patient Engagement from the
Ground Up PCOR
for the latest Annual Meeting updates.
FRIDAY, MAY 13 10:00–11:30 am
Room 301, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
PCORWG: Addressing Disparities through Patient-Centered
Outcomes Research: How to Successfully Overcome Barriers
to Participation PCOR
1:15–2:45 pm
Room 301, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
PCORWJ: How Can Physician Networks like PCORNet Help
Clinicians Participate in Research? PCOR
The PCOR Series is supported through a PCORI Program Award,
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Session details are online at
10:00–11:30 am
The incoming class of the TEACH Certificate program must attend
a full-day session on Wednesday. Members of the graduating
TEACH class and TEACH alumni are invited to attend the reception
on Wednesday at 4:30 pm. The session is only open to those in the
TEACH program. Additionally, TEACH Scholars must participate in
a total of three Annual Meeting TEACH workshops offered at the
2016 and 2017 Annual Meetings.
8:00 am–5:30 pm
TEACH Core Session
Diplomat Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Session Coordinator: Christopher Knight, MD, Associate Professor,
University of Washington
1:00–4:00 pm
Identification, Diagnosis and Remediation of the Struggling
Learner—A TEACH Workshop MES
Diplomat Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Session Coordinator: Jeannette Guerrasio, MD, Associate Professor
of Medicine, Department of General Internal Medicine, University
of Colorado
Banner Health
US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
CEP America
Diplomat Ballroom 5, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Coordinator: Donna Windish, MD, MPH, Associate Professor of
Medicine, Yale University
4:30–5:30 pm
TEACH Reception (By Invitation Only)
Cleveland Clinic
Dartmouth Hitchcock
Group Health Physicians
Diplomat Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Mayo Clinic
(open to all Annual Meeting attendees, as space allows)
Ohio State University Wexner Medical
Center Division of Hospital Medicine
Strelcheck and Associates
1:30–3:00 pm
MiPLAN for Effective Bedside Teaching in the Current Era—
A TEACH Workshop MES
Diplomat Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Session Coordinator: Chad Stickrath, MD, Assistant Professor of
Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Denver VA Medical
3:15–4:45 pm
Fundamentals of Successful Mentoring, Advising, and
Coaching—A TEACH Workshop MES
Diplomat Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Session Coordinator: Kerri Palamara, MD, Associate Program
Director, Department of Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
UMASS Memorial
University of Central Florida (UCF) College of Medicine
University of Florida Department of Medicine
US Department of Veterans Affairs
(VA) Health Services Research and
Development Service
US Department of Veterans Affairs Office
of Academic Affiliations
US Department of Veterans Affairs
Advanced Fellowship in Women's Health,
Madison, WI
(open to all Annual Meeting attendees, as space allows)
The LEAD program is designed for junior to mid-career faculty
who wish to further develop their leadership skills. Training and
coaching from leadership scholars and successful GIM leaders
is provided at the ACLGIM/SGIM spring meeting and in the year
following. Participants for the LEAD program are chosen via
a competitive peer-review application process. In addition to
the LEAD Core Sessions at the ACLGIM Leon Hess Management
Training and Leadership Institute on Wednesday, May 11,
participants choose to attend two of three LEAD workshops on
Thursday and Friday.
Participation also entails independent readings/assignments,
online discussion, and regularly scheduled direct communication
with an ACLGIM LEAD coach in the year following this meeting. For
more information, visit
8:30 am–5:00 pm
Atlantic Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
ACLGIM Leon Hess Management Training and Leadership
Critical Skills for Success as a Leader in General Internal
5:00–5:30 pm
Atlantic Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
LEAD Orientation
April S. Fitzgerald, MD, Assistant Professor, Johns Hopkins
University School of Medicine; Leadership Forum Editor, ACLGIM
Deborah Burnet, MD, MA, Chief, General Internal Medicine,
University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine
7:00–9:00 pm
Room 307, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Annual ACLGIM Dinner
($90.00—tickets available at registration)
7:00–8:00 am
Room 317, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
LEAD Program Participant Breakfast
Networking Breakfast Reception
All 2016 LEAD participants invited
1:30–3:00 pm
Room 314, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Leadership Communication—Effective Communication Is a
Vital Prescription!
Speaker: Nancy Proffitt, MBA, CEO Proffitt Management Solutions,
West Palm Beach, Florida
1:15–2:45 pm
Room 314, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Become a Charismatic and Transformational Physician
Speaker: Chester A. Schriesheim, PhD, Distinguished Professor of
Management, School of Business Administration, University of
4:15–5:45 pm
Room 314, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Why Should People Buy In to Your Leadership?
Speaker: Nathan J. Hiller, PhD, Academic Director, FIU Center
for Leadership, Department of Management and International
Business, College of Business, Florida International University,
Miami, Florida
No matter your current leadership position
within your organization, ACLGIM will provide
you with the necessary networks, tools and
opportunities to be a successful leader in GIM. • Collaborate with a peer community of
academic leaders
• Gain access to tools and programs to help you
develop your own career path
• Develop a network of support to seek advice
from in challenging times of leadership
Questions? Visit the Registration Desk located
on the 3rd floor of the Convention Center and a
SGIM representative will be happy to help.
Contact Information: 1.800.822.3060 or
Session details are online at
THURSDAY, MAY 12, 2016, 11:30 am–12:30 pm
CICMP Clinician Investigator Careers
Regency Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Moderator: Eric Bass, MD, MPH, Director, Johns Hopkins EvidenceBased Practice Center, Johns Hopkins University
Panelists: Kirstin Bibbins-Domingo, MD, PhD, MAS, Director, Center
for Vulnerable Populations, San Francisco General Hospital
Tabor Flickinger, MD, MPH, Assistant Professor, Division of General,
Geriatrics, Palliative Care and Hospital Medicine, University of
Virginia Health System
Jeffrey A. Linder, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine, Brigham and
Women’s Hospital
Monica Peek, MD, MPH, Associate Director, Chicago Center for
Diabetes Translational Research, The University of Chicago
DTFMP Disparities Task Force Mentoring Panel
Diplomat Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Coordinators: Eboni G. Price-Haywood, MD, MPH, Director, Center
for Applied Health Services Research, Ochsner Health
LeChauncy Woodard, MD, MPH, FACP, Associate Professor of
Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine and the Michael E. DeBakey
VA Medical Center
Mentors: Arleen F. Brown, MD, PhD, Associate Professor of
Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles
Marshall H. Chin, MD, MPH, Richard Parrillo Family Professor of
Healthcare Ethics in the Department of Medicine, The University of
Tracie C. Collins, MD, MPH, Chair and Professor, University of
Kansas School of Medicine
Giselle Corbie-Smith, MD, MSc, Director/Kenan Distinguished
Professor, University of North Carolina— Chapel Hill
Judith A. Long MD, Chief, Division of General Internal Medicine
University of Pennsylvania
Eliseo J. Perez-Stable, MD, Director, National Institute on Minority
Health and Health Disparities
Martin F. Shapiro MD, MPH, PhD, Chief, Division of General Internal
Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles Medical Center
Wally R. Smith, MD, Vice-Chair, General Internal Medicine, Virginia
Commonwealth University
Valerie E. Stone, MD, MPH, Professor and Chair, Mount Auburn
Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Donna L. Washington, MD, MPH, Director, OHE-QUERI Partnered
Evaluation Center, VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System,
University of California, Los Angeles
Mitchell D. Wong, MD, PhD, Professor of Medicine, University of
California, Los Angeles
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
FRIDAY, MAY 13, 2016, 12:00–1:00 pm
CECMP Clinician Educator Careers
Regency Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Moderator: Mohan Nadkarni, MD, Chief, Division of General,
Geriatrics, Palliative Care and Hospital Medicine, University of
Virginia Health System
Panelists: Stewart Babbott, MD, Director, Division of General
Internal Medicine and Geriatrics, Kansas University Medical Center
Carol K. Bates, MD, Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs, Harvard
Medical School
Brigid Dolan, MD, Assistant Professor in Medicine, General Internal
Medicine and Geriatrics, Northwestern University Feinberg School
of Medicine
John B. Schorling, MD, MPH, Professor, Section of General Internal
Medicine, University of Virginia School of Medicine
PIMMP Parenting in Medicine Mentoring Panel
Room 314, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Moderator: Rachel B. Levine, MD, MPH, Associate Professor of
Medicine, Johns Hopkins University
Panelists: Melissa McNeil, MD, MPH, Chief, Section of Women’s
Health, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
Shin-Ping Tu, MD, MPH, Chair, Division of General Internal
Medicine, Virginia Commonwealth University
Craig Pollack, MD, MHS, Co-Director, General Internal Medicine
Fellowship Program, Johns Hopkins University
SRFMP #ProudtobeGIM: Panel on Career Planning for Medical Students and Residents
Diplomat Ballroom 5, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Moderators: Andrea Christopher, MD, Fellow, General Internal
Medicine, Harvard Medical School
Emily Mullen, MD, Associate Program Director, Moses Cone Health
Panelists: Dianne Goede, MD, Ambulatory Chief Resident,
University of Florida
Christina Phillips, MD, Chief Medical Resident, Cambridge Health
Melissa Wachterman, MD, MPH, MS, Instructor, Brigham and
Women’s Hospital and Boston VA Healthcare System
William Weppner, MD, MPH, Assistant Professor, Department of
Medicine, University of Washington
FRIDAY, MAY 13, 2016, 3:00–4:00 pm
Mentorship in Academic Medicine Interest Group
Room 201, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
The Robert J. Glaser Award
Ann B. Nattinger, MD, MPH
Given to an individual for outstanding contributions to research,
education, or both in generalism in medicine, this is SGIM’s highest
award. It is supported by grants from the Henry J. Kaiser Family
Foundation, the Commonwealth Fund, and individual contributors.
Michael Landry, MD, chairs this year’s award selection committee.
To be presented at the Opening Plenary Session on Thursday, May 12th
at 9:15–11:15 am
The John M. Eisenberg National Award for Career
Achievement in Research
Lisa V. Rubenstein, MD, MSPH
SGIM created this award in 2001 to recognize a senior member
whose innovative research has changed the way we care for
patients, the way we conduct research, or the way we educate our
students. The award is named for its first recipient, the late John
M. Eisenberg, MD, MBA, because of his unique role as a researcher,
mentor, and Director of the Agency for Healthcare Research and
Quality. SGIM member contributions and the Hess Foundation
support this award. Rod Hayward, MD, chairs this year’s selection
To be presented at the Opening Plenary Session on Thursday, May 12th
at 9:15–11:15 am
Herbert W. Nickens Award
Giselle Corbie-Smith, MD, MSc
Established in 1999, this award honors an individual or
representative of an organization who has demonstrated
commitment to cultural diversity in medicine. It was named in
memory and honor of the late Dr. Herbert W. Nickens, former
Director of the Office of Minority Health, Department of Health and
Human Services, and the first Vice President and Director of the
American Association of Medical Colleges’ Division of Community
and Minority Programs. Monica Vela, MD, chairs this year’s
selection committee.
To be presented at Plenary Session 2 on Friday, May 13th at 8:00–9:30 am
Elnora M. Rhodes SGIM Service Award
Martha Gerrity, MD, MPH, PhD
This award was established in 1997 to honor Elnora Rhodes’
tremendous contributions to the Society during her ten years as
Executive Director. The award has been given to individuals for
outstanding service to SGIM and its mission of promoting patient
care, research, and education in general internal medicine. Monica
Lypson, MD, MHPE, chairs this year’s award selection committee.
To be presented at the Awards Breakfast on Saturday, May 14th
at 8:00–10:00 am
ACLGIM Division Chief’s Recognition Award
Wishwa N. Kapoor, MD, MPH
This award is given annually to the GIM Division Chief who most
represents excellence in Division leadership. Tracie Collins, MD,
MPH, chairs this year’s selection committee.
To be presented at the ACLGIM Dinner, Wednesday, May 11th
at 7:00–9:00 pm and acknowledged at the Awards Breakfast on Saturday,
May 14th at 8:00–10:00 am
National Award for Career Achievements in Medical
Melissa A. McNeil, MD, MPH
The purpose of this award is to provide national recognition to an
individual whose lifetime contributions have had a national impact
on medical education. Irene Alexandraki, MD, MPH, chairs this
year’s selection committee.
To be presented at the Awards Breakfast on Saturday, May 14th
at 8:00–10:00 am
Frederick L. Brancati Mentorship and Leadership Award
Abby L. Spencer, MD, MS
A joint SGIM/ACLGIM award, this award recognizes junior faculty
who inspire trainees to pursue academic GIM and provide
support for their trainees who aspire to become leaders in the
transformation of health care through innovations in research,
education, and practice. In addition to a $1,000 award for the junior
faculty recipient, one trainee of the awardee’s choosing will receive
a one-year complimentary membership in SGIM, $1,000 travel
support to and a complimentary registration for participation in
leadership training offered by ACLGIM as “Brancati Leadership
Scholars”. Eugene Oddone, MD, MHSc chairs this year’s selection
To be presented at the Awards Breakfast on Saturday, May 14th
at 8:00–10:00 am.
Outstanding Junior Investigator of the Year
Ryan Greysen, MD, MHS, MA
This award provides national recognition to a junior investigator
whose early career achievements and overall body of work to date
have made a national impact on generalist research. To be eligible
for this award, nominees must be active members of the Society
of General Internal Medicine, and expect to have an academic
rank no higher than Assistant Professor as of July 1 of the year of
the meeting. Eric Mortensen, MD, MSc, chairs this year’s selection
To be acknowledged at the Awards Breakfast on Saturday, May 14th
at 8:00–10:00 am
Mid-Career Research Mentorship Award
L. Ebony Boulware, MD, MPH
This award was created to recognize outstanding mid-career
clinician investigators actively engaged in research as well as
mentorship of junior investigators. Judith Long, MD, chairs this
year’s selection committee.
To be acknowledged at the Awards Breakfast on Saturday, May 14th
at 8:00–10:00 am
Mid-Career Education Mentorship Award
Stacy M. Higgins, MD
This award was created to recognize outstanding mid-career
clinician educators actively engaged in education research as well
as mentorship of junior educators. Irene Alexandraki, MD, MPH,
chairs this year’s selection committee.
To be acknowledged at the Awards Breakfast on Saturday, May 14th
at 8:00–10:00 am
Session details are online at
Best Published Research Paper
Rebecca T. Brown, MD
This award is offered to help members gain recognition for papers
that have made significant contributions to generalist research.
Gail L. Daumit MD, MHS, chairs this year’s selection committee.
To be acknowledged at the Awards Breakfast on Saturday, May 14th
at 8:00–10:00 am
National Award for Scholarship in Medical Education
Jed D. Gonzalo, MD
This award provides national recognition to an individual who
has made major contributions with national impact on medical
education in one or more of the following categories: Scholarship of
Integration, Scholarship in Educational Methods and Teaching, and
Scholarship in Clinical Practice. For the 2016 recipient, this award
is further supported by the Helen Diller Family Comprehensive
Cancer Center, and their “Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment
Award.” Irene Alexandraki, MD, MPH, chairs this year’s selection
To be presented at the Update in Medical Education, Friday, May 13th
at 4:15 pm
Quality and Practice Innovation Award
University of Pittsburgh Physicians—General Internal Medicine
Gary S. Fischer, MD—Medical Director
This award recognizes general internists and their organizations
that have successfully developed and implemented innovative
role model systems of practice improvement in ambulatory and/
or inpatient clinical practice. This year’s selection committee was
chaired by John Butter, MD.
To be presented at the Clinical Practice Innovation Oral Session, Thursday,
May 12th 3:15–4:45 pm and acknowledged during the Awards Breakfast on
Saturday, May 14th at 8:00–10:00 am
Founders’ Grant
Reem Hasan, MD
The SGIM Founders Award provides $10,000 support to junior
investigators who exhibit significant potential for a successful
research career and who need a “jump start” to establish a strong
research funding base. Kathlyn Fletcher, MD, MA, chairs this year’s
selection committee.
To be acknowledged at the Awards Breakfast on Saturday, May 14th
at 8:00–10:00 am
Mary O’Flaherty Horn Scholars in General Internal Medicine
Abigail Lenhart, MD
A three-year career development award for outstanding junior
medical school faculty in general internal medicine, the Horn
Scholars Program is intended to foster a new career track for
physicians centering on successful balance of career, family,
and social responsibilities. A three-year grant will be made to
sponsoring institutions to support the Scholar and the Scholar’s
work. Rachel B. Levine MD, MPH, and Rebecca Harrison, MD, cochair this year’s selection committee.
To be acknowledged at the Awards Breakfast on Saturday, May 14th
at 8:00–10:00 am
The Unified Leadership Training for Diversity
(UNLTD, or “unlimited”)
Claudia L. Campos, MD
Anika A. H. Alvanzo, MD, MS
This program awards two grants to support fellows’ participation
in the day-long ACLGIM Management Institute to gain leadership
skills, and to facilitate networking with other GIM leaders.
Diversifying the faculty is a goal shared by virtually every major
academic organization, and diversifying leadership is an effective
way to diversify faculty, and ultimately promote a climate that will
lead to diversity in medical students. Anuradha Paranjape, MD,
MPH, chairs this year's selection committee.
To be acknowledged at the ACLGIM Dinner, Wednesday, May 11th at
7:00–9:00 pm and at the Awards Breakfast on Saturday, May 14th
at 8:00–10:00 am.
ACLGIM Leadership Award
Carla L. Spagnoletti, MD, MS
The ACLGIM Leadership Award recognizes skills in leadership
in a number of areas of academic medicine, including clinical,
educational, research or administrative efforts. Tracie Collins, MD,
MPH, chairs this year’s selection committee.
To be presented at the ACLGIM Dinner, Wednesday, May 11th at
7:00–9:00 pm and acknowledged at the Awards Breakfast on Saturday,
May 14th at 8:00–10:00 am.
Lawrence S. Linn Award
Jonathan Ross, MD
The Lawrence S. Linn Trust offers grants to one or more young
investigators “to study or improve the quality of life for persons
with AIDS or HIV infection.” Anne Monroe, MD, MSPH, chairs this
year’s review committee.
To be acknowledged at the Awards Breakfast on Saturday, May 14th
at 8:00–10:00 am
Mack Lipkin, Sr., and Milton W. Hamolsky Awards
Three Mack Lipkin, Sr., Associates Awards and three Milton W.
Hamolsky Junior Faculty Awards will be given for the scientific
presentations considered most outstanding at the Annual
Meeting. Awards are made based on participant evaluations of the
presentations, and are endowed by the Zlinkoff Fund for Medical
Education. Jeffrey L. Jackson, MD, MPH, chairs this year’s selection
To be acknowledged at the Awards Breakfast on Saturday, May 14th at
8:00–10:00 am
Clinical Vignette Presentation Award
The best clinical case presented by junior SGIM members and
potential members will be chosen from those presented and
recognized during the meeting.
To be acknowledged at the Awards Breakfast on Saturday, May 14th
at 8:00–10:00 am
David E. Rogers Junior Faculty Education Awards
Three David E. Rogers Clinician-Educator Awards will be given to
Junior Faculty members whose workshops are judged the most
outstanding among those presented at the Annual Meeting.
Finalists will be Junior Faculty members of SGIM, and the awards
are based on evaluations by participants. The Zlinkoff Fund for
Medical Education endows these awards.
To be acknowledged post meeting in the SGIM FORUM
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
Women’s Health Abstract and Poster Awards
This award is given to the most highly rated Women’s Health oral
presentation by a trainee or junior faculty member, to recognize
outstanding research at the intersection of women’s health and
general internal medicine, as judged by members of the Women
and Medicine Task Force.
To be acknowledged post meeting in the SGIM FORUM
Best Geriatrics Abstract Award
This award is given to the most highly rated Geriatrics oral abstract
presentation to recognize outstanding research at the intersection
of geriatrics and general internal medicine. Trainee travel stipends
are also awarded annually, as funding permits, for highest ranking
To be acknowledged post meeting in the SGIM FORUM
Best Cancer Research Presentation Awards
These awards are given to the most highly rated Cancer Research
oral abstract and poster presentations to recognize outstanding
To be acknowledged post meeting in the SGIM FORUM
Outstanding Quality/Patient Safety Oral Presentation Award
This award will recognize those who present the most outstanding
oral abstract presentation related to quality assessment, gaps in
quality of care, medical errors, quality improvement or patient
safety in the inpatient or outpatient setting.
To be acknowledged post meeting in the SGIM FORUM
Exemplary Clinical Workshop Award
This award will recognize those who present an outstanding
clinically focused workshop.
The “Poster Walk and Talk” is a new format at SGIM this
year, combining short presentations by authors followed by
small group facilitated discussion. Presenting authors will be
prepared to present an overview of their research, which will
be followed by a facilitated discussion about their work and
related concepts.
All poster sessions are in the Great Hall (4, 5 & 6) on the 3rd
Floor, Convention Center.
5:30–6:30 pm
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Medical Education Scholarship posters 29–34
Facilitator: Reena Karani, MD, MHPE, Icahn School of Medicine
at Mount Sinai
THURSDAY, MAY 12, 2016
11:30 am–12:30 pm
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Hospital-Based Medicine posters 1–6
Facilitator: Daniel P. Hunt, MD, Emory University School of
FRIDAY, MAY 13, 2016
12:00–1:00 pm
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Cancer Research posters 1–6
Facilitator: Nancy L. Keating MD, MPH , Harvard Medical
To be acknowledged post meeting in the SGIM FORUM
Stop by the onsite SGIM Career Fair
in the Great Hall to visit with
potential employers and fellowship
program directors. Take advantage of
this opportunity to learn about
available positions, present your
resume and talk with recruiters and
program directors.
Thursday: 8:00–9:00 AM
11:30 AM–12:30 PM
5:00–6:00 PM
12:00–1:00 PM
3:00–4:00 PM
Saturday: 10:15–11:15 AM
Session details are online at
Build and Maintain a
Meaningful Career
Through Access to:
Career Development
SGIM provides you with the
tools to explore and clarify
your career interests and to
exceed your aspirations!
Networking & Collaboration
National & Regional
Professional Publications
Questions? Visit the Registration Desk located on the 3rd floor of the
Convention Center and a SGIM representative will be happy to help.
Contact Information: 1.800.822.3060 or
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
Use this area to personalize and keep track of your daily schedule
Additional fee sessions:
Abstract Poster
Session 1
Great Hall 4, 5, & 6, 3rd Floor,
Convention Center
Wed. Morning
Wed. Afternoon
8:00 am–5:30 pm
Management Institute/
LEAD Core Session
Quality Improvement Skills
for Reliable Care
TEACH Core Session
Wed. Evening
Other events:
12:00–3:00 pm
Regional Leadership
Session A 5:30–6:30 pm
Annual Meeting Opening:
Scientific Abstract Poster
Session 1
6:30 pm
Educational Sessions
Session details are online at
12:00–3:00 pm
Regional Leadership Retreat (By Invitation Only)
Room 317, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
1:00–5:00 pm
JGIM Deputy Editors Retreat (By Invitation Only)
Room 314, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
2:30–5:00 pm
10:30–11:10 am
How Academic Medical Centers Fund Their Missions
Richard M. Nuttall, Associate Dean of Finance and CFO, College of
Medicine, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
This presentation will explain the common ways academic medical
centers are financed and review several budget and fund flow
models and how these influence the way academic medical centers
value each academic mission. Attendees will learn about strategies
that resonate in today’s financial environment when making the
case to hire new faculty or begin new programs.
SGIM Council Meeting (By Invitation Only)
11:10–11:55 am
6:00–8:30 pm
Michele Cyr, MD, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs (Faculty
Affairs), Brown University; Wishwa Kapoor, MD, Chief, Division of
General Internal Medicine, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center;
Richard M. Nuttall, Associate Dean of Finance & CFO, College of
Medicine, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Moderator: Anuradha Paranjape, MD, MPH, Chief, Section of
General Internal Medicine, Lewis Katz School of Medicine at
Temple University
Following the morning presentations, the speakers will hold
a facilitated panel discussion on negotiation, finances and
maintaining morale through challenging financial times
Room 312, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
SGIM Council Dinner with Chairs (By Invitation Only)
Room 312/313, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Panel: Critical Skills for Success as a Leader in General Internal
12:00–1:15 pm
Lunch and Facilitated Networking by Region
Leon Hess Management Training and Leadership
Critical Skills for Success as a Leader in General
Internal Medicine
WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 8:30 am–5:00 pm
Atlantic Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
9:00–9:40 am
Negotiation for General Internists: Achieving Success by Doing
What Doctors Do Best
Michele Cyr, MD, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs (Faculty
Affairs), Brown University
Negotiation is a critical skill for leaders in academic medicine.
Whether one is negotiating for resources or negotiating a job
description and compensation with a new recruit, it can be a
high stakes game. Dr. Cyr will lead the Institute with a session on
negotiation and will offer strategies for success, many of which
build on skills physicians use in caring for patients.
9:40–10:20 am
Maintaining Morale: Setting Priorities, Being Transparent,
and Seeking Participation at Times of Change
Wishwa Kapoor, MD, Chief, Division of General Internal Medicine,
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
In an interactive session, Dr. Kapoor will draw on his extensive
experience leading a large GIM division through 21 years, through
both good and lean times in medicine. He will address a number
of issues including how to develop models of mentorship that
drive success and motivate faculty to take control of their careers.
He will present his experiences, both successful and unsuccessful,
in advancing satisfying careers and developing leaders in clinical,
teaching and research.
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
Participants will have opportunities to discuss the morning’s
session topics with leaders from within their regions as well as
other issues of interest.
Topic tables currently planned:
n California-Hawaii
n Mid-Atlantic
n Midwest
n Mountain West/Northwest
n New England
n Southern
1:30–2:00 pm
Room Discussion: Significant Trends and Opportunities within
Your Region
2:00–3:00 pm
Panel: Leadership Transition: Moving from Peer to Boss
Featured Panelists include: Cynthia Chuang, MD, Professor of
Medicine, Penn State University; Dan Hunt, MD, Director, Division
of Hospital Medicine, Emory University; Eric I. Rosenberg, MD,
Chief, Division of General Internal Medicine, University of Florida;
Andrea Sikon, MD, Chair, Department of Internal Medicine and
Geriatrics, Medicine Institute, Cleveland Clinic
Assuming a leadership role is an exciting transition but it can be
fraught with challenges. Whether one is moving into a new role in
the same institution or another one, there is always the potential
that once peers will now have to report to you. These panelists are
leaders at different stages of their leadership trajectory and will
offer attendees strategies that we hope will enhance their skillset.
3:15–4:15 pm
Breakout Sessions: Critical Skills for Success for your
Leadership Role
Attendees will discuss shared challenges, strategies, and specific
case studies as they relate to one of the day’s topics, including
negotiation, maintaining and building morale, finances, and
managing your peers after a transition in leadership.
Department and Division Leaders: May include Department
Chairs, Vice-Chairs, Division Chiefs, Assistant Chiefs, Section Heads
Atlantic Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Clinical Leaders: May include Medical Directors, Quality Directors,
and Clinic Leaders
Atlantic Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Educational Leaders: May include Clerkship, Residency, and
Fellowship Directors and Associate Directors, Course Directors and
Associate Course Directors
Atlantic Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Research Leaders: May include Research Center Directors and
Co-Directors, Research Section Chief and Assistant Chiefs, and
Principal Investigators
Diplomat Ballroom 4, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
4:25–4:55 pm
Room Discussion: Significant Trends and Opportunities within
Your Leadership Role
Atlantic Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
5:00–5:30 pm
LEAD Orientation
April S. Fitzgerald, MD, Assistant Professor, Johns Hopkins
University School of Medicine; Leadership Forum Editor, ACLGIM
Deborah Burnet, MD, MA, Chief, General Internal Medicine,
University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine
Atlantic Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
5:30 pm
ACLGIM Member Business Meeting
Atlantic Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Business meeting of the members and prospective members of
ACLGIM. Reports from leadership on the organization’s programing,
annual planning, membership and finances.
7:00–9:00 pm
Annual ACLGIM Dinner
(Tickets available for purchase at registration)
Room 307, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
The annual Chiefs Recognition Award and Leadership Award will
be presented.
8:00 am–5:30 pm
TEACH Core Session
Diplomat Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Session Coordinator: Christopher Knight, MD, Associate Professor,
University of Washington
1:00–4:00 pm
Diplomat Ballroom 5, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Coordinator: Donna Windish, MD, MPH, Associate Professor of
Medicine, Yale University
4:30–5:30 pm
TEACH Reception (By Invitation Only)
Diplomat Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
8:00 am–5:30 pm
Diplomat Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Category: Quality of Care/Patient Safety
Presented in Conjunction with: SGIM Clinical Practice Committee
Course Faculty: Alfred Burger, MD, Associate Program Director,
Internal Medicine Residency, Mount Sinai Beth Israel, Icahn School
of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Richard Gitomer, MD, MBA, President and Chief Quality Officer,
Emory Healthcare Network, Emory School of Medicine
Brent Petty, MD, Chair, Johns Hopkins Hospital Clinical Quality
Improvement Committee, Chair, Department of Medicine Quality
Improvement Committee
Nathan O. Spell, MD, Chief Quality Officer, Emory University
Hospital, Emory University School of Medicine
Thomas Staiger, MD, Medical Director, University of Washington
Medical Center
Lisa M. Vinci, MD, MS, Medical Director, Primary Care Group,
University of Chicago
WEDNESDAY 5:30–6:30 pm Session A
Great Hall 4, 5, & 6, 3rd Floor, Convention Center
Aging/Geriatrics/End of Life
Posters 1–23
Medical Education Scholarship
Posters 24–87
Clinical Decision-Making/
Economic Analyses
Posters 88–114
Clinical Epidemiology/Healthcare
Effectiveness Research
Posters 116–146
Mental Health/Substance Use
Posters 147–186
Join a Walk and Talk tour of Medical Education Scholarship
Posters 29–34, with short presentations by the authors and a
small group discussion facilitated by Reena Karani, MD, MHPE,
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 18
The Use of Evidence-Based Programs for Older Adults in
Under-Resourced Communities in Los Angeles County
Arleen F. Brown; Teresa Seeman; Katherine Ward; Tony Kuo;
Karina Ramirez; Lynn Phan Vo; Stefanie D. Vassar; Ibrahima
Sankare; Arturo Martinez; Sonya Pritzker
Hospice Care and Length of Stay in Hospice for Patients Dying
with Melanoma
Rebecca N. Hutchinson; F. L. Lucas; Mary Becker; Heidi R.
Wierman; Kathleen Fairfield
Antibiotic Resistance in Older Adults with Urinary Tract
Theresa A. Rowe; Lee Lindquist; Xiaoling Xiang
Provider Variation in Antibiotic Prescribing for Respiratory
Tract Infections in Primary Care
Mahesh Manne; Michael B. Rothberg; Abhishek Deshpande;
Bo Hu; Glen B. Taksler; Anita D. Misra-Hebert; Stacey E. Jolly;
Andrei Brateanu; Robert W. Bales
Palliative Care and Resource Utilization at the End of Life in
Advanced Liver Disease
Arpan A. Patel; Anne M. Walling; Sammy Saab; Neil Wenger
Thyroid Dysfunction and the Risk of Dementia and Cognitive Decline: Systematic Review, Meta-Analysis and
Clinical Implications
Carole Rieben; Carole E. Aubert; Daniel Segna; Bruno Da Costa;
Christine Baumgartner; Tinh-Hai Collet; Layal Chaker; Osvaldo
P. Almeida; Eef Hogervorst; Stella Trompet; Kamal Masaki;
Simon P. Mooijaart; Jacobijn Gussekloo; Robin P. Peeters;
Douglas Bauer; Drahomir Aujesky; Nicolas Rodondi
Advance Care Preferences in the Physician Orders for Life
Sustaining Treatment among California Nursing Home Residents
Lee A. Jennings; David Zingmond; Rachel Louie; Chi-Hong
Tseng; Neil Wenger
The End of Life Option Act Presents New Opportunities and
Challenges for California
Elizabeth Dzeng; Laura A. Petrillo; Barbara Koenig
Trends in Seniors’ Use of Digital Health Technology in the
United States, 2011–2014
David M. Levine; Stuart R. Lipsitz; Jeffrey A. Linder
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
10. Clinicians’ Conceptions about Prognostication for the Elderly:
Qualitative Projections Are More Relevant Than Quantitative
John M. Thomas; Terri Fried
11. Physician Decision Making for Cardiovascular Treatments in
Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment
Deborah A. Levine; Kenneth M. Langa; Angela Fagerlin; Lewis
Morgenstern; Brahmajee K. Nallamothu; Jane Forman; Andrzej
Galecki; Mohammed U. Kabeto; Colleen D. Kollman; Tolu
Olorode; Bruno Giordani; Lynda Lisabeth; Darin B. Zahuranec
12. What Brings an Older Veteran to an Urgent Visit (UV)? A
Review of the Chief Concerns by Veterans Aged 65 and Older
Who Presented for UV during a 6-Month Period at the West
Haven Veterans Affairs Center of Excellence in Primary Care
Education (VA CoEPCE), an Interprofessional Academic Patient Aligned Care Team (PACT)
Tao Liu; Rebecca Brienza
13. Characteristics of Elderly Male Veterans Associated with
Physical Activity
Mackenzie Erdmann; Melanie Mercer; Tarin Dhaliwal; Kia
Semons-Booker; Daniel Lans; Jeff Whittle
14. Impact of a Community Based Service Learning Experience in
Geriatrics for Internal Medicine Residents
Rachel K. Miller; Jennifer Michener; Phyllis Yang; Karen M.
Goldstein; Jennine Groce-Martin; Gala True; Jerry Johnson
15. Deriving a Claims-Based Frailty Indicator with the Gold Standard Measure
Jodi B. Segal; Hsien-Yen Chang; Yu Du; Ravi Varadhan
16. “I’m Not a Textbook Patient”: How Being Listened to Can Affect Health Care Trajectories for Older Adults with Multiple
Chronic Conditions and Frequent Hospitalizations
Melissa Dattalo; Korey Kennelty; Elizabeth Chapman; Andrea
Gilmore-Bykovskyi; Julia Loosen; Emily Schmitz; Mary F.
Wyman; Nicole Rogus-Pulia; Nicole Werner; Amy J. Kind;
Barbara Bowers
17. Quality of Life, Perceptions and Health Satisfaction in Older
Adults with End Stage Renal Disease: A Systematic Review
Seki A. Balogun; Rasheed A. Balogun; John T. Philbrick; Emaad
M. Abdel-Rahman
18. A Multi-Center Study of Pre-Operative Non-Invasive Cardiac
Testing in Older Patients with Hip Fracture
Ankita Sharma; Liron Sinvani; Joanna Fishbein; Guang Qui;
Roman Zeltser; Amgad N. Makaryus; Christian Nouryan; Gisele
19. From Social Service Agencies to Academic Research
Institutions: Successfully and Meaningfully Engaging
Stakeholders from all Sectors in Healthcare Research
Rebecca J. Schwei; Laura Pinsoneault; Jerica Broeckling; Katy
Allen; Jennifer Frumer; Vivian Sauer; E. A. Simpson; Erika
Zambrano Morales; Elizabeth Jacobs
20. Symptom Burden in Patients Initiating Treatment for Metastatic Colorectal Cancer
Laura B. Cantino; Nicole Thompson; Christine Ritchie; Michael
Rabow; Kara Bischoff
21. Patient and Physician Views of Culture and Religion in Goals
of Care Conversations
Jenny J. Lin; Shelli L. Feder; Cardinale B. Smith; Nina A. Bickell;
Dena Schulman-Green
Dr. Elizabeth Eckstrom, MD, MPH, 2016 SGIM
Distinguished Professor in Geriatrics will lead a tour of the
geriatrics posters on Thursday morning at 7:00–8:00 am.
WEDNESDAY 5:30–6:30 pm Session A
22. Qualitative Analysis of Older Adults’ Perspectives on Interprofessional Healthcare
Andrea Kendall; Theresa Gattari; Arwa Hasan; Leticia G. Haff;
Rania Krayem; Megan Kucemba; Alexandra H. Targan; Jennifer
Mendez; Diane L. Levine
23. “Sweatin’ to the Oldies!” Attitudes of Older Hemodialysis
Patients Regarding Physical Activity
Debora Afezolli; Janet Seo; Ashish Upadhyay; Jasvinder Bhatia;
Christine Liu
24. Program Directors’ Perceptions of Resident Education in
Women’s Health: A National Survey
Rachel S. Casas; Laura D. Hallett; Catherine A. Rich; Megan R.
Gerber; Tracy A. Battaglia
25. The Effects of Medical Student Interest in Humanities and
Arts: A Multi-Institutional Study
Salvatore Mangione; Elizabeth Cerceo; Chayan Chakraborti;
Megan Voeller; Rebecca A. Harrison; Wendy Bedwell; Keaton
Fletcher; Allan Tunkel; Marc J. Kahn
26. The Skills of an Effective Physician Leader: A Survey of Rising
Chief Medical Residents as a Roadmap for Future Curricular
Sarah B. Merriam; Jennifer Corbelli; Shanta M. Zimmer
27. Preparing the Next Generation: Building an Interprofessional
Oral Health Workforce
Jennifer Adams; Kenneth L. Allen; Judith Haber; Erin Hartnett;
Thomas S. Riles; Abigail Bella; Ruth Crowe
28. Please Open Your Mouth: What Do We Need to Teach Residents to Help Address Health Disparity in Oral Health?
Jennifer Adams; Kathleen Hanley; Colleen Gillespie; Matthew
R. Augustine; Jasmine A. Ross; Sondra Zabar
29. Factors Associated with a Career in Primary Care Medicine:
Relationships Matter
Irina Kryzhanovskaya; Beth Cohen; Jeff Kohlwes
30. Combatting Cognitive Bias: A Clinical Reasoning Curriculum
for Internal Medicine Residency Education
Deborah DiNardo; Sarah A. Tilstra; William Follansbee; Amber
E. Barnato; Shanta M. Zimmer; Coreen Farris; Melissa McNeil
31. Development and Validation of e-Clinical Evaluation Exercise
(e-CEX) Tool to Assess Patient-Centered Electronic Medical
Record Use
Maureen D. Lyons; Wei Wei Lee; Lollita Alkureishi; Kristen
Wroblewski; Jeanne M. Farnan; Vineet M. Arora
32. Patient-Centered Use of EHRs: Capturing Residents’ Perceptions
Onur Asan; Jeanne T. Tyszka; Kathlyn Fletcher
33. Flipping the Quality Improvement Classroom in Residency
Thomas J. Beckman; Sara Bonnes; Kimberly Carter; Luke T.
Hafdahl; Andrew J. Halvorsen; Jayawant N. Mandrekar; Amy
Oxentenko; John T. Ratelle; Amy T. Wang; Christopher M.
34. The Great Vanishing Act: A Lack of High Quality Clinical
Instruction in Physical Examination
Allison Taylor; Paul A. Bergl; Jennifer L. Feagles; Kerrie Quirk;
Martin Muntz; Kathlyn Fletcher
35. Ways to Write a Milestone: Approaches to Operationalizing
the Development of Competence in Graduate Medical Education
Andrea Leep Hunderfund; Rachel D. Havyer; Darcy Reed;
Stephanie Starr; Tara Lang; Suzanne M. Norby
36. How International Health Electives Fulfill Accreditation
Council for Graduate Medical Education Core Competencies:
A Qualitative Study
Hannah C. Nordhues; M. U. Bashir; Stephen P. Merry; Adam P.
37. Impact of an Obesity Education Intervention on Obesity Diagnosis and Weight Management Plan Documentation in
an Internal Medicine Resident Outpatient Clinic
Kevin Brough; John Bundrick; Jill Huber; Karen F. Mauck; Jason
Post; Darrell Schroeder; Kris G. Thomas; Matthew Thomas;
Mark L. Wieland; Majken T. Wingo
38. Peer Health Coaching to Improve Medical Student Well-Being
Jennifer Packard; Neena Natt; Jill Huber; Liselotte Dyrbye
39. A Longitudinal Evaluation of Medical Student Specialty
Choice at Johns Hopkins University
Paul O’Rourke; Eva Tseng; Sean Tackett; Robert Shochet; Scott
40. The Current State of Internal Medicine Primary Care Training
in the United States
Paul O’Rourke; Eva Tseng; Rachel Levine; Marc Shalaby; Scott
41. The 50/50 Continuity Clinic Model: Effect on Residents’ and
Preceptors’ Perceptions, Patient Outcomes, and Continuity of
Raquel Buranosky; Deborah M. Simak; Rachel Jantea; Shanta M.
Zimmer; Erika L. Hoffman; Michael Elnicki
42. Patients’ Views of Working with Medical Students: Longitudinal versus Single Contact
Barbara Ogur; Amy R. Weinstein; Barbara Gottlieb; Kristen
Goodell; Steven R. Simon; Gabriel Fregoso; Adetaye Adeseye;
Penny Wang; Sara Fazio; Tracy T. Makuvire
43. “Why I Went into Medicine”: Using Transformative Learning
Theory to Understand the Impact of International Health
Electives on Residents’ Professional Identity Formation
Adam P. Sawatsky; Hannah C. Nordhues; Stephen P. Merry; M. U.
Bashir; Frederic Hafferty
44. My Patient Can Read My Note? Resident and Attending Perceptions of Patient Access to Physician Open Notes
Deepa R. Nandiwada; Gary Fischer; Glenn M. Updike; Molly B.
45. Evidence Based Medicine and Clinical Reasoning on the Fly:
Paradoxical Opinions from Residents and Fellows
Deepa R. Nandiwada; Kenneth J. Smith; Carla Spagnoletti;
Megan McNamara
46. Faculty Experience with a Longitudinal Clinic Model for
Teaching 1st and 2nd Year Medical Students
Mark Mayer; J. H. Isaacson; Samina Yunus
47. Medical Student Perception of Formative Feedback on OSCE
Performance from Standardized Patients
Samina Yunus; Mark Mayer
48. Is a Title VII Funded Internal Medicine Residency Program
Focused on Urban Underserved Patients Associated with a
Career Providing Care for Underserved Populations? A Cross
Sectional Analysis of a 10-Year Cohort
Marion Stanley; Bridget O’Brien; Sharad Jain; Jeff Kohlwes
49. To SOAP or Not to SOAP: Comparing Inpatient and Outpatient
Oral Presentation Structures for Incoming Residents
Erin D. Snyder; Jennifer Bares; Carlos Estrada; Ryan Kraemer
Session details are online at
WEDNESDAY 5:30–6:30 pm Session A
50. Learning Patient-Centered Perspectives in Fragmented
Healthcare Systems: A Qualitative Analysis of Medical Student Perceptions of Value-Added Roles within the Healthcare System
Jed Gonzalo; Daniel R. Wolpaw; Deanna Graaf; Britta M.
51. Exploring Faculty Perspectives on Facilitating Instruction
in the Recognition and Management of Racial and Ethnic
Implicit Bias for Medical Students
Cristina M. Gonzalez; Ramya J. Garba; Alyssa R. Liguori; Paul R.
Marantz; M. Diane McKee
52. Medical Student Loan Burden and Health and Wellness during Medical School: A Single Center Longitudinal Study
Padmini Ranasinghe; Brandyn D. Lau
53. Building Awareness of Healthcare Teams among Medical
Students and Nurses
Nicholas R. Mercado; Lauren Tesoriero; Mary A. McNamee;
Launette Woolforde; Lauren Block
54. The Sparse Evidence Base for Primary Care Initiatives in U.S.
Medical Schools
Ryan Graddy; Colleen Christmas
55. Individual Characteristics of and Barriers Experienced by
Female Junior Faculty Applying for K-Awards and R01 Grants
Lyndonna M. Marrast; Rene Carapinha; Emorcia Hill; Joan
56. The Use of Social Media in Graduate Medical Education
(GME): A Systematic Review
Madeline R. Sterling; Peggy Leung; Drew Wright; Tara F. Bishop
57. Who Are the Heart Failure “Frequent Fliers”? Understanding
the Characteristics of Heart Failure Patients with Multiple
Madeline R. Sterling; Parag Goyal; Ashley Beecy; Carla BoutinFoster; Erica C. Jones
58. It’s an Okay Place to Get Stuff Wrong: How Great Inpatient
Attending Physicians Create Safe Learning Environments
Molly Harrod; Karen E. Fowler; Sanjay Saint
59. The Career Choices of Categorical Internal Medicine
Residents—Timing and Influences
Nancy A. LaVine; Johanna Martinez; Lauren Block; Daniel J.
Coletti; Nicole Moodhe; Joseph Conigliaro
60. What Do Women’s Health Primary Care Providers Need and
Want to Know?: Learning Interests and Confidence of VA
Women’s Health PCPs
Jessica L. Zuchowski; Alison B. Hamilton; Donna L. Washington;
Arthur G. Gomez; Laure Veet; Kristina M. Cordasco
61. Successful Implementation of a Direct Observation Program
in an Ambulatory Block: 2-Year Follow-Up
Jeremy Smith; David Feldstein; Linda Baier Manwell; Bennett
62. Incorporating More Systems-Based Practice: A Health Policy
and Public Health Course for 4th Year Medical Students and
Housestaff Improves Knowledge, Behaviors and Attitudes
Manik N. Aggarwal; Jack Penner; Rachel H. Kon
63. A Cross-Sectional Study of Levels of Burnout and Resilience in
Each Year of Medical School: Implications for Timing a Medical Student Wellness Intervention
Rachel H. Kon; Justine Owens; Tabor E. Flickinger; Walker Redd;
Danielle Oliver; Margaret Plews-Ogan; John Schorling
64. Graduate Medical Trainee Interest in Programs to Address
Well-Being and Burnout
Susan Maya; Robert Fallar; Michael Leitman; Jonathan Ripp
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
65. Evaluation of the Quality of Conference Abstracts, Published
Abstracts, and Manuscripts in Medical Education Using the
Christopher Stephenson; Brianna E. Vaa; Darrell Schroeder;
Thomas J. Beckman; Darcy Reed; Adam P. Sawatsky
66. Using Natural Language Processing to Automate Grading of
Students’ Patient Notes: Proof of Concept
Irina Gershgorin; Marina Marin; Junchuan Xu; So-Young Oh;
Sondra Zabar; Ruth Crowe; Linda Tewksbury; Jennifer Ogilvie;
Colleen Gillespie; Michael Cantor; Yindalon Aphinyanaphongs;
Adina Kalet
67. Impact of Resident Workload Reduction on a Medical Consultation Rotation
Ethan Kuperman; Eric Linson; Manish Suneja; Michele Fang
68. Checking In on Check-Out: Perceptions and Expectations of
Residents during the Continuity Clinic Check-Out Process
Yvonne N. Covin; Shannon Scielzo; Lynne Kirk; Blake R. Barker
69. Morning Report for Millennials: Re-Examining a LearnerDriven Educational Conference
Timothy Anderson; Eliana Bonifacino; Andrea Carter; Camille
M. Webb; Melissa McNeil; Shanta M. Zimmer
70. Physician Adoption of New Cardiovascular Drugs: Does Novelty Matter?
Timothy Anderson; Wei-Hsuan Lo-Ciganic; Walid F. Gellad;
Rouxin Zhang; Haiden A. Huskamp; Niteesh K. Choudhry; Joyce
Chang; Seth Richards-Shubik; Hasan Guclu; Bobby Jones; Julie
M. Donohue
71. The Aliki Experience Will Go with Me in All Walks of My
Professional Life: Long-Term Impacts of the Aliki Initiative on
Medical Residents
Colleen Christmas; Laura Hanyok; Janet Record; Kathy Dunning;
Roy C. Ziegelstein; Cynthia S. Rand
72. Wisdom and Burnout in Medical Students
Margaret L. Plews-Ogan; Justine E. Owens; Walker Redd;
Danielle Oliver; Rachel H. Kon; Tabor E. Flickinger; John
73. Communication Scores in 3rd Year OSCE Predict Choice of
Direct vs. Indirect Patient Care Specialty
Felise Milan; Joseph Grochowalski; Robert Ostfeld; Rosemarie
74. Building Resilient Teams: Senior Resident Experience with
Difficult Clinical Events
Michelle Martinchek; Amber Bird; Amber Pincavage
75. A Sustainable Longitudinal Standardized Patient Program: A Qualitative Study of Medical Students, Faculty, and Standardized Patients
Lauren Block; Rivkah Darabaner; Andrzej Kozikowski
76. Comparing Clinical Experiences in Value-Based Care among
Internal Medicine Residency Programs
Reshma Gupta; Adam Schickedanz; Vineet M. Arora; Clarence
H. Braddock
77. Do Resident Attitudes towards Continuity Affect Their Actual
Michael Aylward; Sophia Gladding
78. How Do Burnout, Emotional Style, and Empathy Relate? A
Preliminary Correlation Study
Mariah A. Quinn; Amy Zelenski
79. The Contribution of Physician Clinical Skills in Patient Activation: Which Skills Matter?
Angela Chen; Hillary Lee; Irina Gershgorin; Suvam Paul; Sondra
Zabar; Colleen Gillespie
WEDNESDAY 5:30–6:30 pm Session A
80. Ordering of Labs and Tests: Variation and Correlates of ValueBased Care in an Unannounced Standardized Patient Visit
Sondra Zabar; Kathleen Hanley; Hillary Lee; Irina Gershgorin;
Lisa Altshuler; Barbara Porter; Andrew B. Wallach; Colleen
81. Curriculum Development for a Formal Personal and
Professional Development Program for Undergraduate
Medical Students
Christopher Mattson; Wei Wei Lee; James N. Woodruff
82. Comparative Investigation of Difference in Healthcare and
Post-Graduate Education between the United States and
Japan: A Qualitative Study
Hirotaka Kato; Alfred Burger; Robert Yanagisawa; Jenny J. Lin
83. The Impact of U.S. Clinical Training on International Medical
Graduate’s Career from Japan: A Qualitative Study
Hirotaka Kato; Alfred Burger; Robert Yanagisawa; Jenny J. Lin
84. Prior Health Literacy Training, Use of Health Literacy
Techniques and Perceived Skills by Residents at an Urban
Academic Medical Center
Nina Song; Lisa Altshuler; Allison Squires; Shonna Yin; Tamasyn
Nelson; Sondra Zabar; Adina Kalet
85. Physician Self-Reflection and Behavior Change in Hospital
Medicine Continuing Education
John T. Ratelle; Christopher M. Wittich; Roger Yu; James
Newman; Sarah Jenkins; Thomas J. Beckman
86. Extracurricular Classes of English for Medical Purposes Promote Confidence in Undergraduate Medical Students in Japan
Yuka Naito; Naoko E. Furukawa; Masaki Tago; Norio Fukumori;
Shu-ichi Yamashita
87. Fellowship Applicants Complete More and Better Scholarly
Ana M. Palacio; Leonardo Tamariz; Deidre T. Campbell
88. A Randomized Trial of a Behavioral Economic Intervention to
Decrease Overuse of Low-Value Health Services
Jeff Kullgren; Erin Krupka; Abigail A. Schachter; Ariel Linden;
Jacquelyn Miller; James Alford; Julia Alder-Milstein
89. Withdrawn by Author
90. A Watson Generated Problem List: Restoring Order to the EMR Entropy?
Neil Mehta; John E. Jelovsek; Julie Tebo; Murthy Devarakonda;
Jennifer Liang; Ching-Huei Tsou; Charles Steiner; Amy S.
91. An Evidence-Based Patient Handout for Breast Cancer Screening Shared Decision Making in Primary Care
Eloho Ufomata; Yan Huang; Jennifer Corbelli
92. Direct-Observation Study of Shared Decision Making in a
Primary Care Internal Medicine Clinic
Jeffrey L. Jackson; Derek Storch; Patrick G. O’Malley; Dorothy
Becher; Wilkins Jackson; Sheila Scott
93. Evaluating Shared Decision-Making during Primary Care
Visits in a Community Health Center Using CollaboRATE
Sanja Percac-Lima; Rachel C. Forcino; Rachel Thompson; Elissa
Ozanne; Paul Barr; Glyn Elwyn
94. Impact of an Atrial Fibrillation Decision Support Tool (AFDST)
on Thromboprophylaxis for Atrial Fibrillation
Mark H. Eckman; Gregory Y. Lip; Ruth E. Wise; Barbara Speer;
Megan D. Sullivan; Nita Walker; Brett M. Kissela; Matthew L.
Flaherty; Dawn Kleindorfer; Peter Baker; Robert Ireton; David
Hoskins; Brett M. Harnett; Carlos Aguilar; Anthony C. Leonard;
Lora Arduser; Dylan Steen; Alexandru Costea; John Kues
95. Cost-Effectiveness Threshold Analysis of Recent Hypertension
Guidelines: The CVD Policy Mode
Nathalie Moise; Chen Huang; Anthony Rodgers; Keane Zhong;
Pamela G. Coxson; Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo; Lee Goldman;
Andrew Moran
96. Obesity and the Risk of Recurrent Venous Thromboembolism
in Elderly Patients
Carolin Mueller; Andreas Limacher; Marie Méan; Marc Righini;
Hans-Jürg Beer; Beat Frauchiger; Joseph J. Osterwalder;
Christian M. Matter; Marc Husmann; Martin Banyai; Markus
Aschwanden; Nils Kucher; Daniel Staub; Anne AngelilloScherrer; Olivier Hugli; Lucia Mazzolai; Nicolas Rodondi;
Drahomir Aujesky
97. Use and Complexity of Numeric Concepts and Terms in Breast
Cancer Treatment Consultations
Marilyn M. Schapira; Kathlyn Fletcher; Pamela S. Ganschow;
Elizabeth Jacobs; Cynthia Walker; Denisse Gil; Alicia J.
Smallwood; Courtney C. Okwara; Esther Nivasch; Joan Neuner
98. Impact of Numeracy on Understanding of Prostate Cancer
Risk Reduction in PSA Screening
Kevin Koo; Charles D. Brackett; Ellen Eisenberg; Kelly A. Kieffer;
Elias S. Hyams
99. Show Me the Data: Where Is the NNT?
Joel Jorgenson; Allan V. Prochazka; Ravi K. Gopal
100. Appropriateness of Primary Care Providers’ Management of
Genome Sequencing Results: Results from an Expert Panel
Jason L. Vassy; Erica F. Schonman; Michael F. Murray; Joel B.
Krier; Carrie L. Blout; David W. Bates; Robert C. Green
101. Post-PCI Antithrombotic Management and Outcomes in
Patients Requiring Oral Anticoagulation
Mohamed Rezik; Michelle Mohyi; Owais Nadeem; Fawad Virk;
Akshay Khandelwal; Michael Hudson
102. Integrating Mental Health Patient Decision Aids into Primary
Care Practice
Felisha A. Marques; Madeleine Matthiesen; Karen J. Carlson;
Lisa Brugnoli-Semeta; Karen R. Sepucha; Leigh H. Simmons
103. Think Aloud and Near Live Usability Testing of Two Primary
Care Clinical Decision Support Tools
Safiya Richardson; Rebecca G. Mishuris; David Feldstein; Rachel
Hess; Paul D. Smith; Lauren McCullagh; Thomas McGinn; Devin
104. Understanding Predictors of Reaching Serum Uric Acid (sUA)
Goal in Febuxostat Utilizers
Richard Sheer; Keith Szymanski; Kyle Null; Lavanya
Sudharshan; Margaret K. Pasquale
105. Cost-Effectiveness of Bridging Anticoagulation among
Patients with Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation
Matt Pappas; Geoffrey Barnes; Sandeep Vijan
106. Prognostic Utility of the HEART Score in Patients Evaluated
for a Possible Acute Coronary Syndrome in an Observation
Alexander Michaels; Sagger Mawri; Joseph Gibbs; George R.
Dirani; Gordon Jacobsen; Richard Nowak; James McCord
107. Specialty Referrals from the Primary Care Setting and the
Impact on Diagnosis
Andrew Schreiner; Jingwen Zhang; Patrick D. Mauldin; William
P. Moran
108. Specialty Referrals: Experiential Learning and Referring
Andrew Schreiner; Jingwen Zhang; Patrick D. Mauldin; William
P. Moran
Session details are online at
WEDNESDAY 5:30–6:30 pm Session A
109. Suboptimal Antiplatelet Therapy Suggested by Platelet Aggregation Studies Does Not Correlate with a Change in
Clinical Management
Dharmesh Gopalakrishnan; Heesun J. Rogers; Paul Elson; Keith
110. Serial CRP Testing: Does This Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Bring
High Value Care?
Radha Mehta; Patrick L. Gordan
111. Predicting Bacteremia in the Emergency Department
Akane Takamatsu; Haruki Mito
112. Risk Stratification of Chest Pain Patients using the Calcium
Xiaoming Jia; Victor Huang; David E. Winchester
113. The Utility of Ultrasound in Acute Kidney Injury
Arham Barakzai; Nisha Deol; Avneil Yashpal; Syem Barakzai;
Sarwan Kumar
114. Lack of Independent Ambulation Ability or Requirement of
Invalid Diet before Admission Can Predict Poor Prognosis of
Inpatients of 90 Years Old and Over
Hidetoshi Aihara; Masaki Tago; Naoko E. Furukawa; Yoshinori
Tokushima; Shu-ichi Yamashita; Masanori Nishiyama
115. Deliberately Blank
116. Chronic Conditions and Physical Health-Related Quality of
Life: External Validation of the Multimorbidity Weighted
Melissa Y. Wei; Mohammed U. Kabeto; Kenneth Mukamal;
Kenneth Langa
117. Regional Utilization Patterns of Percutaneous Vertebroplasty
and Kyphoplasty
Claudia Scheuter; Radoslaw Panczak; Alan Haynes; Arnaud
Chiolero; Maria Monika Wertli; Eveline Hofmann; Arnaud
Perrier; Nicolas Rodondi; Drahomir Aujesky
118. Left Atrial Appendage Exclusion in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation Is Associated with a Decreased Risk of Stroke
William T. Love; Victor A. Abrich; Aalap D. Narichania; Dan
119. Cardiac Risk, Surgical Risk, and Outpatient Preoperative
Medical Evaluation Prior to Elective Surgeries
Kevin R. Riggs; Eric B. Bass; Jodi B. Segal
120. Evaluation of Internet-Based Patient Education Materials
from Internal Medicine Subspecialty Organizations—
Will Patients Understand Them?
Elizabeth S. John; David R. Hansberry; Ann John; Nitin Agarwal;
Ranita Sharma
121. Sexual Behaviors and Sexually Transmitted Infections among
Male Veterans and Non-Veterans
Mark W. Evans; Elian A. Rosenfeld; Sonya Borrero
122. Trends in User Ratings and Reviews of a Popular Yet naccurate Blood Pressure Smartphone Application
Timothy B. Plante; Anna C. O’Kelly; Satish Misra; Bruno Urrea;
Seth S. Martin; Geetanjali Chander
123. Differences in Expected and Reported Systolic Blood Pressure
Measurements and the Impact on User Experience from a
Popular, Inaccurate Smartphone Blood Pressure Application
Timothy B. Plante; Anna C. O’Kelly; Satish Misra; Bruno Urrea;
Seth S. Martin
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
124. Association between Subclinical Thyroid Dysfunction and
Change in Bone Mineral Density—an Individual Participant
Data Analysis of Prospective Cohorts
Carole E. Aubert; Drahomir Aujesky; Douglas Bauer; Heike
Bischoff-Ferrari; Manuel R. Blum; Anne R. Cappola; Jane A.
Cauley; Tinh-Hai Collet; Bruno Da Costa; Richard Eastell;
Howard A. Fink; Karina Fischer; Apostolos Gogakos; Jacobijn
Gussekloo; Kim Naylor; Robin P. Peeters; Fernando Rivadeneira;
John Robbins; Nicolas Rodondi; Ann Schwartz; Daniel Segna;
André Uitterlinden; Anette van Dorland; Graham R. Williams
125. Detection of Prediabetes and Its Progression to Diabetes: A Population Based Study
Ramona S. DeJesus; Jennifer St. Sauver; Debra Jacobson; Patrick
126. Predictors and Causes of Death in Elderly Patients with Acute
Venous Thromboembolism
Nicolas Faller; Andreas Limacher; Marie Méan; Marc Righini;
Daniel Staub; Hans-Jürg Beer; Beat Frauchiger; Joseph J.
Osterwalder; Bernhard Lämmle; Jacques Cornuz; Anne
Angelillo-Scherrer; Christian M. Matter; Marc Husmann; Martin
Banyai; Markus Aschwanden; Lucia Mazzolai; Olivier Hugli;
Nicolas Rodondi; Drahomir Aujesky
127. Comparison of the Efficacy of Goreisan and Probiotics among
Japanese Adults with Acute Infectious Gastroenteritis: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Fujiko Morita; Naoto Matsuda; Akihiro Inui; Yuki Uehara;
Kazutoshi Fujibayashi; Hirohide Yokokawa; Hiroyuki Kobayashi;
Teruhiko Hisaoka; Toshio Naito
128. Can Secure Electronic Messaging Serve as an Efficient Participant Recruitment Tool? The PaTH Experience
Anuradha Paranjape; Kathleen M. McTigue; Michael Becich;
Wendy L. Bennett; Cynthia H. Chuang; Jeanne M. Clark; Daniel
E. Ford; Sharon J. Herring; Jennifer Kraschnewski; Christopher
Sciamanna; Rachel Hess
129. Diabetes Screening in a Large, Safety-Net Healthcare System:
Frequency and Outcomes of Glycemic Testing in Real-World
Clinical Practice
Michael E. Bowen; Lei Xuan; Joanne Sanders; Noel O. Santini;
Ildiko Lingvay; Ethan Halm
130. Practicing Better Population Health by Using Better Criteria
to Identify Persisting, High Cost, High Need Medicare Beneficiaries
Bruce Kinosian; Peter Boling; George Taler; Joanna Kubisiak;
Anna Kudryashova; Daniel M. Gilden
131. Describing the Lemierre Syndrome—A Patient Survey
Robert M. Centor; Alexus B. Perry
132. The Relationship of Health Beliefs with Hospital Utilization
Himali Weerahandi; Juan Wisnivesky; Minal Kale; Rachel
O’Conor; Melissa Martynenko; Michael S. Wolf; Alex Federman
133. Validity of Visceral Adiposity Assessment with iDXA vs. CT in
Renal Disease
Ayesha A. Appa; Ian de Boer; Leila Zelnick; Danielle Yancey;
Nicole Robinson; Tyler Bosch; Ellen Schur; Susan Melhorn
134. The Acute Evaluation of Syncope: Variation in Hospital
Admission Practices and in Ordering Low Value Neurological
Diagnostic Testing
Zayd A. Razouki; Matthew Maciejewski; Lynn M. Van Scoyoc;
George L. Jackson; Susan N. Hastings; David Edelman
WEDNESDAY 5:30–6:30 pm Session A
135. Racial Differences in Access to Cancer Care: Combining a
Mystery-Caller Survey and Geospatial Approach to Prostate
Cancer Care
David Grande; Michelle E. Ross; Katrina Armstrong; Charles
Branas; Karin V. Rhodes; Justin Bekelman; Alicia Wentz;
Christian H. Stillson; Archana Radhakrishnan; Enny Oyeniran;
Craig E. Pollack
136. Specific Cut-Off Points for Waist Circumference and Body
Mass Index as Predictors of Metabolic Syndrome Components
Taiju Miyagami
137. Deliberately Blank
138. Health Conditions of a 1990–1991 Gulf War Era Veteran Cohort—The Gulf War Era Cohort and Biorepository
Karen M. Goldstein; Rebecca B. McNeil; Lara Khalil; Kristina
Felder; Catherine Thomas; Richard L. Whitley; Mary E. Grewe;
Elizabeth Hauser; Kendrick Gray; Kellie J. Sims; Grant Huang;
Dawn Provenzale
139. Adherence to JNC 8 Guidelines in Patients with Hypertension
and Chronic Kidney Disease at an Urban Ambulatory Care
Waleed Al-Darzi; Joyce Philip; Sanah Rana; Elsheikh
Abdelrahimz; Kassem Bourgi; Jeffrey P. Yane
140. Association between Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy
Syndrome and Renal Artery Stenosis: A Large Retrospective
Hardik Chhatrala; Monoj K. Konda; Shreya Ghetiya; Christopher
Di Felice; Sourabh Aggarwal
141. Laboratory Testing: Understanding the Patients’ Perspective
Takae Brewer; Maryam Sattari
142. Gastrointestinal Carriage of Potential Bacterial and Viral
Pathogens in Hospitalized Patients Admitted with NonGastrointestinal Symptoms, Detected by Target Enriched
Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction (TEM-PCR)
Khushdeep S. Chahal; Esmeralda B. Gutierrez Asis; Ali Hassoun
143. Population Demographics and Trends of Patients Diagnosed
with Pulmonary Embolism: A Study Involving 176,320 Patients
Rakshita Chandrashekar
144. Hypertension as a Major Burden of Health Care System—
A National Inpatient Sample Study of Emergency Department
Visits Over a Period of 7 Years
Monoj K. Konda; Hardik Chhatrala; Yashwant Agrawal; Sandeep
145. Nationwide Internet Survey on the Symptom of Cough
Associated with Common Cold
Howard M. Druce; Peter Dicpinigaitis; Ron Eccles; Ronald
Turner; Maryann Adeleke
146. The Relationship between Respiratory Dysfunction and Visceral Fat Accumulation
Yuichi Takahashi; Toshio Naito; Hirohide Yokokawa; Kazutoshi
147. Primary Care Engagement Is Associated with MedicationAssisted Treatment for Alcohol Use Disorder
Paul Joudrey; Mathew Kladney; Chinazo Cunningham
148. Outpatient Primary Care Utilization among Seriously Mentally Ill Adults in California
Maria E. Garcia; Dean Schillinger; Eric Vittinghoff; Jennifer
Creasman; Christina Mangurian
149. The Value of Integrated Mental Health Services in VA Primary
Care Medical Homes
Lucinda B. Leung; Jean Yoon; Jose J. Escarce; Edward P. Post;
Maureen E. Metzger; Kenneth B. Wells; Catherine Sugar; Lisa V.
150. Short-Acting Opioids Provide Equivalent Analgesia to LongActing Opioids in Patients with Chronic Osteoarthritis Pain
with a Substantially Reduced Opioid Equivalent Requirement
Paul Chelminski; Ameer Ghodke; Stephanie Barquero; Marc S.
Piper; Timothy Ives
151. Does Opioid Use Impede Shared Decision Making for Low
Back Pain?
Emily Wendell; Mahima Mangla; Thomas Cha; Steven J. Atlas;
Leigh H. Simmons; Karen R. Sepucha
152. Dose Reduction and Discontinuation of Long-Term Opioid
Therapy: A Systematic Review
Joseph W. Frank; Travis Lovejoy; William Becker; Benjamin J.
Morasco; Christopher J. Koenig; Hannah R. Dischinger; Steven
Dobscha; Erin E. Krebs
153. Internal Medicine Resident Assessment of Opioid Overdose
Risk and Willingness to Prescribe Naloxone
J. Deanna Wilson; Natalie Spicyn; Pamela Matson; Anika A.
Alvanzo; Leonard S. Feldman
154. Association of Urine Drug Test Screening During Initiation of
Chronic Opioid Therapy with Risk of Opioid Overdose
Marc Larochelle; Jane M. Liebschutz; James F. Wharam; Fang
Zhang; Dennis Ross-Degnan
155. The One Year Treatment Course of New Opioid Recipients in
Veterans Health Administration
Hilary Mosher; Kelly Richardson; Brian C. Lund
156. Predictors of Initiating Opioid Agonist Therapy in a Large U.S.
Cohort of HIV-Infected and Uninfected Patients
Jonathan L. Robbins; Kathleen A. McGinnis; E. J. Edelman;
Adam Gordon; Ajay Manhapra; David A. Fiellin; Brent A. Moore;
Philip T. Korthuis; J. R. Gaither; Kirsha S. Gordon; Declan Barry;
Stephen Crystal; Amy C. Justice; Kevin Kraemer
157. Trends in Benzodiazepine and Opioid Analgesic Abuse and
Mortality in the United States
Susan L. Calcaterra; Stevan Severtson; Becki Bucher Bartelson;
Gabrielle Bau; Zachary Margolin; Jody Green; Richard Dart
158. Non-Medical Use of Prescription Opioids: Characteristics of
Use and Barriers to Care
David Cheng; Meredith Lynn; Michael Malone; Colleen Vessell
159. Cigarette Smoking Status and Receipt of an Opioid Prescription among OEF/OIF/OND Veterans
Lori A. Bastian; Mary Driscoll; William Becker; Joseph L. Goulet;
Robert D. Kerns; Eric C. DeRycke; Shaina Lynch; Kristin Mattocks;
Aimee Kroll-Desrosiers; Cynthia Brandt; Melissa Skanderson;
Harini Bathulapalli; Sally G. Haskell
160. Marijuana Use Is Associated with Low Prescription Opioid
Analgesic (POA) Use among HIV-Infected Patients with
Chronic Pain
Laila Khalid; Joanna L. Starrels; Nancy Sohler; Julia H. Arnsten;
John Jost; Chinazo Cunningham
161. A National Study of Smoking Cessation Counseling in Buprenorphine Visits
Zoe M. Weinstein; Phoebe A. Cushman; Lewis Kazis; Howard
162. Smoking Cessation Treatment for Hospitalized Smokers with
Serious Mental Illness: Secondary Analysis of a Randomized
Controlled Trial
Erin Rogers; Rebecca Friedes; Annika Jakes; Ellie Grossman;
Alissa R. Link; Scott Sherman
163. Alternative Tobacco Product and Electronic Cigarette Use in a
Sample of Homeless Smokers in Boston
Travis P. Baggett; Eric Campbell; Yuchiao Chang; Nancy A.
Session details are online at
WEDNESDAY 5:30–6:30 pm Session A
164. Depression Care Management: Results from the Second Year
of a Collaborative Care Model in an Urban Academic Primary
Care Clinic
Glennis M. Rodriguez; Iris Huang; Susan Truong; Lauren
165. Baseline Patient Characteristics and Early Impact of Collaborative Depression Care Management on Chronic Disease Outcomes in an Urban Academic Primary Care Clinic
Iris Huang; Glennis M. Rodriguez; Katherine Small; Lauren
166. Patient-Centered Substance Use Disorder Treatment for
Women Veterans
Karleen Giannitrapani; Alexis K. Huynh; Catherine A.
Schweizer; Alison B. Hamilton; Katherine J. Hoggatt
167. General Internists’ Attitudes, Practices and Preparedness
Related to Substance Use Disorder
Sarah E. Wakeman; Genevieve Pham-Kanter; Karen Donelan
168. Effect of an Inpatient Addiction Consultation on the Addiction Severity Index of Hospitalized Substance Users
after Discharge
Sarah E. Wakeman; Nancy A. Rigotti; Yuchiao Chang; Grace E.
Herman; Joshua Metlay
169. Outcomes of a Multi-Specialty, Screening, Brief Intervention,
and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) Residency Curriculum for
Unhealthy Alcohol and Other Substance Use
Jeanette M. Tetrault; Michael Green; Steve Martino; Sheryl
Ryan; Steven L. Bernstein; Jessica Illuzzi; Shara Martel; Michael
Pantalon; Patrick O’Connor; David A. Fiellin; Gail D’Onofrio
170. Not a Problem in My Community: The Role of Faith-Based
Organizations in Providing Support for Muslim-Americans
with Substance Use Disorders
Sarah Mallik; Joanna L. Starrels; Shadi Nahvi
171. Perceptions of Physicians, Residents, Nurses, and Medical Office Assistants Following Implementation of Screening,
Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment: A Multi-Site
Jeanne Morley; Sandeep Kapoor; Mark Auerbach; Nancy Kwon;
Jonathan Morgenstern; Joseph Conigliaro
172. Assessing Problematic Substance Use in HIV Care: Which
Questions Elicit Accurate Patient Disclosures?
Wynne Callon; Mary Catherine Beach; Somnath Saha;
Geetanjali Chander; Ira Wilson; Michael B. Laws; Victoria L.
Sharp; Jonathan A. Cohn; Richard D. Moore; Philip T. Korthuis
173. SARET: Evaluation of Early Career Impact of Interprofessional
Substance Use Research Training
Sewit Bereket; Marc N. Gourevitch; Kathleen Hanley; Frederick
More; Madeline Naegle; Ellen Tuchman
174. Understanding the Mind-Body Connection: Statewide
Assessment of Primary Care and Behavioral Health
Theodore Long; Shayla N. Durfey; Sandra Powell; Jeffrey Borkan;
Nicole Alexander-Scott
175. Physical Health Comorbidity Associated with Primary Care
Visits for Substance Use Disorders
Pooja A. Lagisetty; Amy Bohnert; Donovan Maust; Michele
176. ‘It’s Been an Experience, a Life Learning Experience’: Hospitalization as a Reachable Moment for Adults with
Substance Use Disorders
Honora Englander; Christine Velez Klug; Philip T. Korthuis;
Sarann Bielavitz; Christina Nicolaidis
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
177. Trauma Exposure and Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms in
Women Recruited from Baltimore City Hair Salons
Allison F. Hall; Lycinda Rodriguez; Anika A. Alvanzo
178. Increasing Alcohol Use in Women Associated with Worse
Antiretroviral Adherence over Time
Nikita Barai; Anne Monroe; Catherine R. Lesko; Bryan Lau; Heidi
Hutton; Cui Yang; Mary E. McCaul; Anika A. Alvanzo; Geetanjali
179. Behavioral Health Integration in Resident Primary Care
Continuity Clinics: A Multi-Institutional Survey of Internal
Medicine and Family Medicine Residents
Patrick Hemming; Amber Hewitt; Joseph J. Gallo; Rodger
Kessler; Rachel Levine
180. Development and Initial Validation of Scales to Measure
Provider Self-Efficacy with Management of Chronic Illness,
Mental Illness, and Team-Based Care
Danielle F. Loeb; Erin Leister; L. Miriam Dickinson; Evette
Ludman; Ingrid A. Binswanger; Danielle M. Kline; Elizabeth
Juarez-Colunga; Frank V. deGruy; Donald E. Nease; Elizabeth A.
Bayliss; Lori A. Crane
181. Predictors of Primary Care Physician Self-Efficacy in Caring
for Patients with Mental Illness in a Team-Based Model
Danielle F. Loeb; Lori A. Crane; Erin Leister; Ingrid A. Binswanger;
Evette Ludman; Frank V. deGruy; Donald E. Nease; L Miriam
Dickinson; Danielle M. Kline; Elizabeth Juarez-Colunga;
Elizabeth A. Bayliss
182. The Syndemic Effect of Substance Abuse, Intimate Partner
Violence, and Mental Health on HIV Risk among Women Attending an Urban STD Clinic
Kristen A. Lee; Heidi Hutton; Catherine R. Lesko; Anne Monroe;
Anika A. Alvanzo; Mary E. McCaul; Geetanjali Chander
183. Staff Supported Depression Care in Primary Care Practices:
Staff Can Fill Some Gaps, But Not All
Elizabeth Pfoh; Anita Everett; Sahar Alee Koloukani; Margo
Nathan; Beth McGinty
184. Acute Care Utilization in Patients with Concurrent Behavioral
Health and Complex Chronic Medical Conditions
Karen Abernathy; Jingwen Zhang; Elisha L. Brownfield; Patrick
D. Mauldin; William P. Moran; Kimberly S. Davis
185. Polypharmacy and Risk of Falls and Fractures for Patients
with HIV Infection and Substance Dependence
Theresa W. Kim; Alexander Y. Walley; Alicia S. Ventura; Gabriel
Lerner; Gregory Patts; Timothy Heeren; Richard Saitz
186. How Does Depression Affect the Utilization of High- and LowValue Care?
Brian Halbert; Roger B. Davis; Christina C. Wee
187. Corticosteroid Injection Use for Treating Acute Respiratory
Tract Illnesses in Adult Primary Care Outpatient Encounters
Evan L. Dvorin; Marie Claire Lamb; Qingyang Luo; Eboni PriceHaywood
188. Insurance Enrollment at a Student-Run Free Clinic after the
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Megan McGeehan; Rebecca DeMaria; Lusha Liang; Caroline
Pinke; Emily Nash; Shobana Ramasamy; Kristy Krsulich; Lisa
Noble; Yun-Han Huang; Pamela Charney; Ashita Batavia
7:00–8:00 am
Use this area to personalize and keep track of your daily schedule
Early Morning/
before plenary
7:00–8:00 am
Great Hall Foyer, 3rd Floor,
Convention Center
Plenary Session
Plenary Session
Great Hall 1, 2 & 3, 3rd Floor,
Convention Center
Box Lunch Pickup
11:15–11:30 am
Great Hall Foyer, 3rd Floor,
Convention Center
Breakfast and Morning
Committee/Task Force
Session B 8:00–9:00 am
Vignette Poster Session 1
Interest Group Meetings
Committee/Task Force
9:15–11:15 am
Opening Plenary Session:
Presidential Address:
Marshall H. Chin, MD, MPH
Session B
Session C
Session C 11:30 am–12:30 pm
Scientific Abstract Poster
Session 2
Committee/Task Force
SGIM Book Club
Distinguished Professor
in Women and Medicine
Keynote Address
Distinguished Professor
in Geriatrics Keynote
Clinician Investigator
Mentoring Panel
Disparities Task Force
Mentoring Panel
12:30–1:30 pm
Committee/Task Force
PCOR General Session
Town Hall: Say it Loud and
Say it ProudToBeGIM!
Health Policy Session
UTD: UpToDate Reviewer
Special Symposium:
CDC Opioid Prescribing
Guideline for Chronic Pain
Session D 1:30–3:00 pm
Session E
3:15–4:45 pm
Session F 5:00–6:00 pm
Session D
Session E
Session F
Other events:
Abstract, Vignette
and Innovations in
Medical Education oral
presentation sessions
Special Symposia
Abstract, Vignette and
Innovations in Clinical
Practice oral presentation
Special Symposia
Innovations Poster Session
Interest Group Meetings
Committee/Task Force
6:00 pm
Educational Sessions
Session details are online at
7:00–8:00 am
CPC Quality-Patient Safety Subcommittee Meeting
Room 312/313, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
HPC Education Subcommittee Meeting (Members Only)
Room 319, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Research Committee Meeting (Members Only)
Room 320, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Women and Medicine Task Force Meeting (Members Only)
7:00–8:00 am
California-Hawaii Regional Meet and Greet
Room 314, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
8:00–9:00 am
New England Regional Meet and Greet
Room 202, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Room 301, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
12:00–1:00 pm
8:00–9:00 am
Room 320, 3rd Floor
Room 318, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
5:00–6:00 pm
Choosing Wisely Workgroup Meeting (Members Only)
Education Committee (Members Only)
Room 320, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Finance Committee Meeting
Room 319, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
11:30 am–12:30 pm
MOC Task Force Meeting (Members Only)
Midwest Regional Meet and Greet
Mid-Atlantic Regional Meet and Greet
Room 202, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
7:00–8:00 am
Great Hall Foyer, 3rd Floor, Convention Center
Room 319, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
12:30–1:30 pm
Academic Hospitalist Task Force Meeting (Members Only)
Room 219, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Clinical Practice Workgroups Meeting (Members Only)
Room 302, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Southern Regional Planning Committee Meeting
Room 318, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
5:00–6:00 pm
Ethics Committee Meeting (Members Only)
Room 311, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
HPC Clinical Practice Subcommittee Meeting (Members Only)
Room 320, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
ProudToBeGIM Workgroup Meeting (Members Only)
Room 219, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
5:00–7:00 pm
EBM Task Force Meeting (Members Only)
Room 318, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
By Invitation Only
6:00–8:00 pm
South Palm Court
THURSDAY 8:00–9:00 am Session B
Room 201, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Academic GIM in Latin America
Session Coordinator: Alicia Fernandez, MD, University of California,
San Francisco
Room 307, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Use Interest Group
Session Coordinator: Jeanette M. Tetrault, MD, Assistant Professor
of Medicine, Internal Medicine, Yale University School of Medicine
Conference Room 217, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Community Based Participatory Research
Interest Group
Session Coordinator: Jeff Whittle, MD,MPH, Professor, Primary Care,
Zablocki VA Medical Center
Diplomat Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Educational Technology Interest Group
Session Coordinator: John Voss, MD, Professor of Medicine,
University of Virginia
Diplomat Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Educators of Medical Students Interest Group
Session Coordinator: Lisa B. Bernstein, MD, Associate Professor of
Medicine, Emory University
Room 317, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Faculty Development Interest Group
Session Coordinator: Jeremy Smith, MD, Assistant Professor,
University of Wisconsin
Room 314, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Genomics, Precision Medicine and the Generalist
Session Coordinator: Jason L. Vassy, MD, MPH, SM, Instructor,
Section of General Internal Medicine, VA Boston Healthcare System
Diplomat Ballroom 4, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Geriatrics Interest Group
Session Coordinator: Nancy Schoenborn, MD, Assistant Professor,
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Conference Room 216, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Health Literacy Interest Group
Session Coordinator: Sunil Kripalani, MD, MSc, Associate Professor,
Vanderbilt University
Conference Room 212, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Health Policy Interest Group
Room 302, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Session Coordinator: Tom Staiger, MD, Medical Director, University
of Washington Medical Center
Homeless Healthcare Interest Group
Session Coordinator: Margot Kushel, MD, Professor, University of
California, San Francisco
Room 311, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Musculoskeletal Interest Group
Session Coordinator: Claudia L. Campos, MD, Assistant Professor,
Internal Medicine, Wake Forest University
Regency Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Patient Centered Medical Home and Practice Transformation
Interest Group HDR
Session Coordinator: Reena Gupta, MD, Assistant Professor of
Medicine, Division of General Internal Medicine, University of
California, San Francisco
Diplomat Ballroom 5, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Perioperative and Consultative Medicine
Interest Group
Session Coordinator: Kurt J. Pfeifer, MD, Associate Professor,
Medical College of Wisconsin
Regency Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Personal Professional Balance Interest Group
Session Coordinator: Rachel Levine, MD, MPH, Associate Professor
of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Room 312–313, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Physicians Against Violence Interest Group
Session Coordinator: Nielufar Varjavand, MD, Associate Professor
of Medicine, Office of Educational Affairs, Drexel University College
of Medicine
Room 204, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Student and Resident Interest Group
Session Coordinator: Emily B. Mullen, MD, Associate Program
Director, Department of Internal Medicine, Moses Cone Health
Conference Room 220, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Transfers, Handoffs and Sign-Out Interest Group
Session Coordinator: Charlie M. Wray, DO, Hospitalist Research
Scholar/Clinical Associate, Section of Hospital Medicine, University
of Chicago
Session details are online at
THURSDAY 8:00–9:00 am Session B
Great Hall 4, 5, & 6, 3rd Floor, Convention Center
Cardiovascular Disease
Posters 1–72
Endocrinology and Metabolism
Posters 73–113
Posters 116–171
Assorted Content
Posters 172–192
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 28
Methamphetamines and Dance Carnival on a Hot Day in
Vegas: A Deadly Combination!
Simran Kaur B. Matta
Corynebacterium, a Corny Contaminant or a Real Pathogen?
Erica Altschul; Delphine Tang; Sherri Sandel
A Compact Review of Noncompaction Cardiomyopathy
Margaret Lynch
Contraceptive Hormone Therapy Induced Spontaneous
Coronary Artery Dissection
Chandana Shekar; William Perucki; Charudatta Wankhade;
Nikolas Krishna
A Rare Coronary Artery Anomaly Presenting as Acute
Coronary Syndrome
Chandana Shekar; William Perucki; Charudatta Wankhade;
Nikolas Krishna
A Rare Case of Transient Cortical Blindness from Mesenteric
Neeli Thati; Sachin Goyal
All Myxed Up
Allison Selby; Reem Taha; Sherri Sandel
A Masquerading Presentation of Acute Fibrinous Pericarditis
Mohit Pahuja; Priya Radhakrishnan; Youngsoo Cho
A Rare Case of Fulminant Lymphocytic Myocarditis in a
Previously Healthy Adult
Benjamin A. Bier; Andrew Hale
IgG-4 Related Disease Presenting as Lacrimal Gland
Enlargement in a Patient with Established Sjogren’s
Maaman Bashir; Abdullah Ali Ahmed; Daniel Hart; Manish
One Patient, Four Cardiac Arrests and an Unlikely Culprit
Maaman Bashir; Nabeel Siddiqui; Harvey J. Friedman
Chronic Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction
(HFpEF): An Unappreciated Contributor
Raju Khanal; Ronald Herb; Stephen Melnick
Congenital Cardiac Diverticulum—A Rare Cause of
Thromboembolic Disease
Rehan Mujahid; Fahd A. Almohid; Shakil Shaikh
Hemodynamic Instability Secondary to Profound
Bradycardia and Complete Heart Block from Cardiac
Involvement of Lymphoma
Rana Z. Tariq; Kumar S. Lal; Tochukwu Okwuosa
A Case Series on the Use of Left Ventricular Assist Devices
(LVADs) in Influenza-Induced Cardiomyopathy and
Fulminant Heart Failure
Jalal Vargha; Joy Iskandar; Sunil Pauwaa
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
16. Beating inside an Effusive Constrictive Jacket
Deirdre Lewis; Sotiris Stamou; John Rousou; Jaime Hernandez
17. Extra Adrenal Paraganglioma in a Young Female, with the
Classic “3 P’s”
Zain Kassam; David DiCaprio; Rebecca A. Mazurkiewicz;
Robert E. Graham
18. The Notorious Wolff
Zain Kassam; Sanjeev Sharma; Neil Bernstein; Robert Glatter;
Rebecca A. Mazurkiewicz
19. Evaluating Pulmonary Embolism in Patients with Fontan
Joel D. Beachey; Jacob C. Jentzer; R. J. Widmer
20. What’s Up, Doc?
Minnsun Park; Brian Payne; Alvaro Alonso
21. A Twist of Fate
Minnsun Park; Vinh Nguyen; Jessica DeBord
22. Two Cases of Amyloid Heart Disease—Early Recognition of a
Potentially Lethal Disease
Namita R. Joseph; Sagger Mawri; Emmanouil Alimpertis;
Abdullah Alshammaa; John R. Schairer
23. A Case of Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy in a Patient with
Anaphylaxis Treated with Epinephrine
Guramrinder S. Thind
24. Cases of Gram Negative Rods Bacteremia Secondary
to Ruptured Non-Aneurysmal Infectious Aortitis and
Unruptured Aneurysmal Infectious Aortitis with Intramural
Masaji Saijo; Toshiaki Wakai; Dongkyung Seo; Keitaro Takeda;
Urara Nakagawa; Yasushi Tanabe
25. Incidence and Recurrence of Atrial Fibrillation in a Young
Adult Following Heavy Marijuana Smoking: Is It More than
a Temporal Association
Prakrity Urja; Arjun K. Theertham; Abhilash Akinapelli;
Muhammad S. Azzouz; Hussam Abuissa
26. The Coronary CT: Where One Diagnosis Turned into Three
Vimal Jhaveri
27. A Heart That Keeps Breaking
Gaurav Rao; Jason Salamon; Mario Garcia
28. Baroreflex Failure Following Radiation Therapy to the Neck
Jonathan Arend
29. Stop the Bleeding! A Novel Approach to Reversing Factor Xa
Inhibitors Using Plasma Exchange
Varun Kumar; Alice J. Chen; Arthur W. Bracey; Wilson W. Lam
30. The Nose Knows: A Case of Refractory Olfactory
Amanda Fernandes; Anna Yousaf
31. Theophylline: A Surprising Use for an Old Medication
Jeffrey A. Shrensel; Jeffrey Ma; Perry Fisher
32. Dramatic Impact of Mild QTc Prolongation
Stephanie Windish
33. Ischemic Stroke as the Presenting Symptom of Left
Ventricular Non-Compaction
William Perucki; Chandana Shekar
34. Complete Heart Block after STEMI
William Perucki; Chandana Shekar
35. Obstructing Destruction: Septal and Valvular Infective
Endocarditis in HOCM and Mitral Regurgitation
Ryan Barry; Kevin Lazo; Rebecca A. Mazurkiewicz
THURSDAY 8:00–9:00 am Session B
36. Myopericarditis: A Diagnostic Challenge in a Patient with
Recurrent Chest Pain
Maaman Bashir; Nabeel Siddiqui
37. A Case of Acute Myocardial Infarction Disguised as
Transient Ischemic Attack
David Cassel; Jeffrey Bates
38. Don’t Leave Me Broken-Hearted: A Classic Case of Takotsubo
Andy Y. Cheng; David C. Demoise; Amar Kohli
39. Uncommon EKG Findings: Not All Is Well in Wellen’s
Osman Bhatty; Jeff Murray
40. Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis Presenting as a Cardiac
Oluwaseun Shogbesan; Priya Rajagopalan; Jessica Young;
Eugene York
41. Left-Sided Endocarditis as a Complication of Right Atrial
Central Venous Catheter-Associated Thrombus
Kainat Khalid; Shira Sachs; Arunima Misra
42. An Unusual Complication of Fever
Migdalia Feliciano; Sunny-Skye Keppel
43. Diagnosing a Pulmonary Embolism after a Negative CT
Pulmonary Angiogram
Stephanie Chiao
44. A Case of Embolic Myocardial Infarction in the Setting of
Atrial Arrhythmia
Chioma Nwagbara; Thomas Wool; Kannan Thanikachalam;
Krishna Venkata
45. Electrical Storm in a Man with a Prior Myocardial Infarction
Christopher J. Westley; Thomas Middour
46. Elevated Cardiac Troponins in Multiple Myeloma
Lindsey Aurora; Alexander Michaels
47. Dissection of the Coronary Artery with Stress and Exertion
Hamza Rayes; Aiman M. Smer; Haitam Buaisha; Yazeid
Alshebani; William Biddle
48. A Dead Stop: Vasovagal Mediated Asystole
Kristopher P. Kline; Garrett Ruth; Michael Kaufmann;
Matthew McKillop
49. A Missed Diagnosis of Aortic Dissection Due to Atypical
Presentation and False Negative CT Angiogram
Xiaomei Meng
50. Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy in the Peripartum Period: A
Clinical Vignette
Mahesh A. Chandrasekhar; Zuyue Wang
51. Ventricular Standstill with P Waves, Hold the QRS
Michael Smith; Douglas Deever; Teresa Ratajczak
52. Infective Endocarditis: Reigniting the Question of Antibiotic
Amit Gupta; Melanie M. Holtrop; Jamie A. Sutton
53. Reading between the EKG lines
Savannah R. Pena; Joshua Wong; Sweny Gulati; Margaret C. Lo
54. A Deathly Spasm
Jason Dinsmoor; Michael P. Smith
55. Acute Severe Thrombocytopenia Induced by Eptifibatide
Jose B. Cruz Rodriguez; Leslie Cler
56. Secondary Aortoenteric Fistula after the Preservation of
Infected Abdominal Aortic Endovascular Grafts
Aoi Yogo; Ryota Hase; Mitsuhisa Kotani; Sandra Y. Moody;
Akiyuki Sato
57. Postpartum Woman with Chest Pain Heading Your Way
Teresa Ratajczak; Ameesh Vora; Arpan Patel; Amy Jiang;
Mukul Chandra
58. From Pneumonia to CABG—A Call for Calcium Reporting on
Teresa Ratajczak; Ameesh Vora; Arpan Patel; Timothy G. Petrie;
Mukul Chandra
59. Left Ventricular Non-Compaction—A Dangerous Triad of
Heart Failure, Arrhythmias and Thromboembolism in a
Young Adult
Joydeep Chakraborty; Nimesh Patel; Maryam Sattari; Juan M.
60. New Diagnosis of Marfan Syndrome Presenting as Acute
Heart Failure
Nicholas Hendren; Purav Mody; Michael Luna
61. Sea Anemone on a Mitral Valve!
Sreelakshmi Panginikkod; Venu Pararath Gopalakrishnan;
Niyati Gupta; Bara Alzghoul; Pratyusha Bollimunta
62. Dental Antibiotic Prophylaxis: Are We Doing Enough?
Nikhil Shah; Jorge Lascano
63. True Posterior Myocardial Infarction
Saagar Sanghvi; Edward S. Roberto; Teresa Ratajczak; Mukul
64. Should We Perform Echocardiography in Patients with Fever
and Headache?
Takuma Yamada; Some Furukawa; Takashi Okajima; Atsushi
Kawabata; Yasuhiro Ito; Mitsunori Iwase
65. Electro Convulsive Therapy Triggered Variant of Takotsubo
Charudatta Wankhade; Chandana Shekar
66. Ion Membrane Channelopathies: A Connected Gateway:
Brugada Pattern in a Patient with Underlying Charcot Marie
Tooth Syndrome
Shakil Shaikh; Khawar Maqsood
67. Endocarditis an Unusual Cause for a Sky High BNP!
Tiba Alwardi; Arham Barakzai; Reem Mahdawi; Zain Kulairi
68. Acute Occluded Left Anterior Descending Artery in a 21
Year-Old Male, Never Too Young to Have Acute Coronary
Andrew Kelly; William Perucki
69. Primary Cervical Squamous Cell Carcinoma Presenting with
a Cardac Mass and Pulmonary Embolism
Crystal A. Shaw; Wilmer F. Davila; Sandeep Banga; Kavitha
70. Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection: An Uncommon
Cause of Chest Pain That Should Not Be Overlooked
Siwadon Pitukweerakul; Sai Prasad Gadapa; Sree V. Pilla;
Harvey J. Friedman; Pye Phyo Aung
71. Tear It Up! Exercise Induced Coronary Artery Dissection
Coral Olazagasti; Carolina Bernabe; Ana I. Velazquez; Matthew
72. Development of Platypnea-Orthodeoxia Syndrome in an
Elderly Patient after Nissen Fundoplication
Michael A. Harms; Beth S. Zha; David G. Rosenthal; Gabrielle
73. Iatrogenic Cushing Syndrome Due to Ritonavir-Fluticasone
Fasil Tiruneh; Doshi Saumil; Ankit Mahajan
74. Pain in the Neck
Moira Scaperotti; Lisa N. Glass; Yelena Averbukh
Session details are online at
THURSDAY 8:00–9:00 am Session B
75. Struck Twice: An Unusual Case of Graves’ Disease with
Thyrotoxicosis snd Diabetes Insipidus in a Previously
Healthy Man
Annalise O. Abiodun; Binh Nguyen; Muddassir Salyani
76. Calciphylaxis in Normal Renal Function
Molly Wolf; Utibe R. Essien
77. Recurrent Hypoglycemia Needs to Be Evaluated for
Md U. Ali; Mohammed AL-Jumayli; Daniel Eichorn; Agustin
Busta; Phaniram Sumanam
78. A Case of Pituitary Failure Following Treatment with
Patrick M. Gill; Ellen S. Story
79. The Perfect Storm: Fever, Tachycardia, and Altered Mental
Status after PTCA
Minghao Liu; Benjamin T. Galen; Lydia Kruge
80. A Tetanic Problem: A Case of Multiple Simultaneous
Endocrine Dysfunction
Emily Schapira; Jeff Min; Denisa Gace
81. Debilitating Muscle Pain in a Diabetic Patient: A Diagnosis
of Diabetic Myonecrosis
Sophie M. Hapak; Orighomisan Pessu; Courtney Mechling;
Deepa R. Nandiwada
82. Elderly Onset of Diabetes Mellitus Type 1
Ryosuke Minami; Shadia Constantine
83. Frozen: A Rare Case of Paralysis in a 29 Year Old Man
Li-Chi Hung; Jennifer Mandal
84. Is Flatbush, NY, in Florida?—A Case of Ketosis Prone
Adam Levine; Sweny Gulati; Maryam Sattari
85. Normokalemic Thyrotoxic Periodic Paralysis: A Case
Report of a Painful, Episodic Muscle Paralysis as Initial
Manifestation of Graves’ Disease in 15-Year-Old Adolescent
Kanako Horibe; Shadia Constantine; Hotaka Kamasaki; Noeru
Miyake; Shuji Sai; Takako Takeuchi; Hiroyuki Tsutsumi
86. XOXO: Managing the Missing X
Kristi Larned; Rebecca Glassman
87. Water You Looking for? Pan-hypo-pituitarism in
John Doehring; John Moscona
88. Diabetic Amyotrophy, More than Just Stockings and Gloves
David N. Brennan; Adam P. Sawatsky
89. Weak in the Knees: A Complication of Intra-Articular Knee
Reem M. Hanna; Amar Kohli
90. Relapsing Thyrotoxicosis after Total Thyroidectomy in a
Patient with Graves’ Disease
Charlotte Clark; Colette Knight
91. Thymic Enlargement in Graves Disease
Sara Zahedpour Anaraki; Lalit Narayan; Vafa Tabatabaie
92. Hypothermia Caused by Quetiapine: A Case Left
Undiagnosed for One Year Leading to Multiple
Admissions—A Case Report
Waqas Nawaz; Prerna Kumar; Barry Fomberstein
93. Non-Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Just as Sweet
Elisabeth Askin
94. An Out-of-Balance Axis
Deborah N. Lee; Vassiliki Pravodelov
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
95. All Shook Up with Hyperglycemia
Uzair Mushtaq; Rutwij K. Joshi; Rushit Kanakia
96. Everything in Mooderation: A Case of Hypercalcemia
Karthik J. Kota
97. Prolonged Hypercalcemia Caused by Adult-T Cell Leukemia/
Lymphoma in a Patient Initially Suspected as Vitamin D
Iori Motohashi; Yoko Kanamitsu; Chieko Sumiya; Taro
Shimizu; Yasuharu Tokuda
98. Adrenal Insufficiency in a Young Male
Sahar Sherf; Dorothy Martinez
99. Does He Have Diabetes Mellitus?
Raju Khanal; Stephen Melnick; Ronald Herb
100. Vitamin C Deficiency and Pancytopenia—Still an Under
Recognized Cause for Morbidity from Long Term Total
Parenteral Nutrition in Spite of Supplementation with
Multi-Vitamin Formulations
Abdurahman Alloghbi; Arindam Bagchi; Scott Huff; Nauman
Shahid; Naga Praneeth Raja; Veena Iyer; Cherian Verghese
101. More than a Case of Resistant Hypertension: Cushing
Syndrome Secondary to Adrenal Cortical Carcinoma
Nicoletta Machin; Rahul A. Parikh
102. Deliberately Blank
103. A Total Loss: Alopecia Universalis in Association with
Addison’s Disease
John Webb; Vinod E. Nambudiri
104. A Case of Malignant Paraganglioma with Intestinal Pseudo-Obstruction and Heart Failure
Masahiro Sakai; Shunsuke Kojima; Toru Yamada; Eiji Hiraoka
105. A Case of Acute Adrenal Insufficiency Uncovering
Underlying Autoimmune Polyglandular Syndrome Type II
Victoria Haddad; Hrudya Abraham; AnnMarie Canelas
106. Acute Liver Injury in a Patient with Metastatic
Dana Zalkin; Matthew McNeill
107. When in Doubt, Check the Thyroid
Faraz Fiazuddin; Uzair Mushtaq; Kanapa Kornsawad
108. Take Your PICC… Intra-Cavitary EKG or CXR
Michelle O. Forson; Abdullah Ali Ahmed
109. A Sleeping Giant Awakens: A Case of Pheochromocytoma
Diagnosed after Antihistamine Induced Adrenergic Crisis
Serena M. Okoronkwo; Ali Mehr
110. Ascites in a Patient with Graves’ Disease
Mahreen Arshad
111. Paraganglioma of the Urinary Bladder: A Rare and
Unsuspected Cause of Severe Hypertension and Recurrent
Urinary Tract Infections
Gerard Chaaya; Jorge A. Morales; Noman Subhani; Analia
112. The Rare Case of Infectious Thyroiditis after Root Canal
Calvin C. Tran; Diane L. Levine
113. When CT Is Not Enough: Using EUS to Detect Insulinomas
When Noninvasive Imaging Is Negative
Woody Chang; Thomas J. Walk; Thomas Painter
THURSDAY 8:00–9:00 am Session B
114. Seeing Red Everywhere: Amyloidosis Associated
Gastrointestinal Bleeding in a Patient with Multiple
Woody Chang; Bing Ren; David McAdams
115. The Unexpected Heartbreak: Dissecting an Unusual Case of
Acute Coronary Syndrome
Rasheen Imtiaz; Sarathi Kalra; Nadeen Faza; Mark Pollet;
Nasser Lakkis
116. Not Your Typical Sickness
Rasheen Imtiaz; Beenish Ahmed; Zeeshan Mirza; Barry J.
117. Spontaneous Multivessel Coronary Artery Dissections
Causing Myocardial Infarction in a Multiparous Pregnant
Pratap Reddy Tetali; Anthony Sonn; Preethi Chiluveru
118. Sarcoid Everywhere!! A Case of Systemic Sarcoidosis with
Associated Severe Sarcoid Myopathy
Pratap Reddy Tetali; Marc Bernstein; Richard Brasington
119. Weak at the Knees from Colchicine
Meghana Bhatta; Anne Lesburg
120. Orange to Red: A Poor Prognostic Sign
Cory J. Rohlfsen; Michael P. Smith
121. Diffuse Rash in a Patient with AIDS
Chetaj A. Mahabir
122. DRESS Syndrome in a Patient Receiving Levofloxacin
Brian J. Ferrara; Kathryn A. Jobbins
123. A Bone to Pick with Dysphagia
Jordan D. Becerril; Rachel Oreck
124. Osseous Sarcoidosis Masquerading as Multiple Myeloma
Sherif Shoucri; Robert Freilich
125. Respiratory Distress? Don’t Forget DRESS!
Christopher Su; Jason A. Korcak
126. 2 Months of Fevers? Where’s the Infection???
Roma Mehta; Blake R. Barker; Bethany Agusala
127. Eosinophilic Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis: Not for the Lighthearted
Rajesh Gopalarathinam; Pavithra Indramohan; Swathi
Vishwanathan; Aarthi Madhanakumar; Tarun Sharma
128. Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis: A Storm in the Brain
Rajesh Gopalarathinam; Pavithra Indramohan; Tarun Sharma
129. Adult Onset Still’s Disease : Solving the Jigsaw Puzzle
Rajesh Gopalarathinam; Pavithra Indramohan; Eric Orlowsky
130. Macrophage Activation Syndrome in a 38 Year-Old Woman
with Ulcerative Colitis Receiving Infliximab
Megan L. Krause; Eric L. Matteson; Alexandra Messerli
131. Deliberately Blank
132. An Unusual Etiology of Meningitis in a Lupus Patient
Saika Sharmeen
133. Not Recommended for Human Consumption—LevamisoleAdulterated Cocaine
Megan Jagosky; Kristi M. Moore; Leslie Ranken
134. An Unexpected Collision between Uncommon Conditions:
Adult-Onset Still’s Disease Complicated by Macrophage
Activation Syndrome
Ashley Saito; Jason P. Williams
135. Chest Pain and a Crooked Finger: Recurrent Pericarditis as
the Primary Manifestation of a Connective Tissue Disorder
Jennifer P. Weintraub
136. Withdrawn by Author
137. Dermatomyositis: When Muscle Weakness Signals More
than Fatigue
Leah M. Bruno
138. A Case of Vasomotor Disturbances in Anaphylaxis
Gloria Shan; Omar Hadzipasic; Meghna C. Trivedi
139. A Case of Suspected Henoch-Schonlein Purpura in an Adult
Jarred P. Reed; Edward Ha
140. Markedly Elevated Ferritin with Fever and
Lymphadenopathy: A Common Presentation of a Rare
Disease, Kikuchi’s
Julie S. Nusbaum
141. Now Serving Palm Oil
Kara B. Ruder; Joshua Wong; Sweny Gulati; Margaret C. Lo;
Dianne L. Goede; Juan C. Guarderas
142. Buerger’s Imitator: A Case of Cocaine Injection Mimicking
Thromboangiitis Obliterans
Sarah Tietz; Maria G. Frank; Quocan Nguyen
143. Will She Recover? A Prolonged Hospitalization for a
Comatose Female with Neuropsychiatric Lupus
Srikar Kumar; Christian Geier; Jillian Catalanotti
144. Elevated CPK for an Internist: A Case of Idiopathic
Inflammatory Myopathy
Hina N. Khan; Usman K. Jilani; Shitij Arora
145. Subacute Diffuse Large Joint Osteonecrosis in an HIV Patient
Nicolas Cal
146. An Odd Case of Headache
Kashiti Long
147. Withdrawn by Author
148. A Head Turning Case of Meningoencephalitis
Muznay Khawaja; Syed Imran Jafri; Faizan Malik; Yub Raj
Sedhai; Irfan Ahsan; Srikanth Mukkera; Roberto Carrichio
149. Mycophenolate-Induced Posterior Reversible
Encephalopathy Syndrome
Victoria Menashy; Amanda Levine; Kara Stoudt; Rebecca
Mazurkiewicz; Ira Wagner
150. Immunoglobulin Free Light Chains as a Harbinger for Lupus
Christina A. Mosher; Rebecca F. Yarborough; Salahuddin Kazi
151. The Diagnostic Dilemma of Catastrophic Antiphospholipid
Sungwon R. Kyung; Emil Heinze
152. A Case of Seronegative Rheumatoid Arthritis in the Setting
of Hepatitis C
Sarah Dobro
153. A Mistaken Case of Glioma
Nitya Ramreddy; Aviva C. Hopkins; Carlos J. Lozada
154. The Paradox of Autoimmunity and Immunodeficiency
Brandon M. Huffman; Adam P. Sawatsky
155. Eosinophilic Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis Presenating
as CNS Vasculitis
Mosumi Majumder
156. A Case of Dermatomyositis Initially Mistaken for
Alejandra Bustillo; Danielle Jones
Session details are online at
THURSDAY 8:00–9:00 am Session B
157. Not All Scleroderma Is the Same Scleroderma
John S. Fleming; Christopher Di Felice; Mark Schauer
158. Henoch Schönlein Purpura: It’s Not Just for Kids
Kelly Pennington; Mithulan Jegapragasan; Anjali Bhagra
159. Pyoderma Gangrenosum—An Exploding Pustule Often
Daniel Puneky; Samit Datta; Sherri Sandel
160. Proteinuria in Elderly: A Sign of Something Sinister
Irfan Ahsan; Faizan Malik; Syed I. Jafri; Muznay N. Khawaja;
Hamid Rashid; Rabia Naheed
161. IgG4-Related Systemic Disease Manifested as Autoimmune
Hepatitis: It Doesn’t Just Affect the Pancreas
Anirudha Rathnam; Ayush Motwani; Dilip Moonka; Heidi
162. Hereditary Angioedema: Implications of Diagnosis and
Mohini Pathria; Juan C. Guarderas
163. Parotid Gland Swelling in a Patient with Clinical Features of
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
Lucas Bruton; Aliyah Sadaf
164. To Biopsy or…to Biopsy? There Is No Question
Heather Root; Shelly-Ann Fluker
165. The Unusual Fatal Presentation of Cocaine Levamisole
Induced Vasculitis
Ajay Kumar; Kulsoom Fatima; Etleva Bejko; Keyvan Ravakhah
166. Lupus, an Unlikely Suspect for Dyspnea in a Young Male
Michele Yeung; Marcelo Mendez; Faraj Faour
167. Successful Treatment of GI Involvement in an Adult with
IgA Vasculitis
Alexander L. Cho; Aneesha Hossain; Sam W. Serafi; Jehan ElBayoumi
168. Hereditary Angioedema Attack Presenting as Urinary Tract Obstruction: Case Report
Asaad Nakhle; Rimma Polevoy; Iyad Isseh; Mahmoud Ali;
Jian Li
169. A Case of Giant Cell Arteritis Preceded by Varicella Zoster
Jonathan J. Lee; Barbra Blair; John Perry; Shiv T. Sehra
170. Vancomycin Induced Linear IgA Bullous Dermatosis
Kurtis J. Swanson
171. A 36-Year Old Woman with Recurrent Skin Abscesses:
Something in the Water?
Utibe R. Essien; Chika Nwachuckwu; William Lewis
172. Autoimmune Hepatitis Triggered by Hepatitis A Virus
Takehiro Miyazaki; Akinori Sasaki; Junji Kinoshita; Toru
Yamada; Eiji Hiraoka
173. The Downstream Effects of Inaccurate Allergy
Emily S. Bowen; Udayan K. Shah; Christian Wysocki
174. A Clue to the Diagnosis: Hemophagocytic Syndrome
Presenting with Hyperferritinemia
Sujoy Phookan; Schuyler D. Livingston
175. Pain Out of Proportion in a Young Man, Unusual
Presentation of Thrombophilia
Uzma Imran; Phaniram Sumanam; Arian Majko; Mohammed
AL-Jumayli; Ali M. Usman; Supriya Sekhar; Mohamed
Hassanein; Anubha Tewary
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
176. Skin Ulcer and Leukemoid Reaction as a Presenting Feature
of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)
Osama Elsallabi; Haitam Buaisha; Vijaya R. Bhatt; Peter
177. Not Your Average UTI
Cathleen Kenary; Meghana Bhatta; Suzanne Chang
178. Breaking the Line: An Unusual Case of Back Pain
Fiore Mastroianni; Tulay Aksoy; Sarah Baron
179. Home Visits: Population Health One Patient at a Time
Nora Hutchinson; Carol Landau
180. In Denial until the Last Moment
Weijia Wang; Patrick Abt; Laura K. Snydman
181. Cardiac Arrest in a Young Man from Thyroid Storm
Weijia Wang
182. Community Acquired Legionnaire’s Disease from an Indoor
Spray Bottle
Andrew Herman; Vishisht Mehta; Karishma Bhatia; Felicia
Ratnaraj; Lee Morrow
183. A Rare Etiology of Hemoptysis in an Elderly Male
Shravana Bheemanathi; Karthik Ragunathan; Azam
184. Paraneoplastic Pemphigus Causing Bronchiolitis Obliterans
David Pineles; Grace Huang; Natalie K. Levy
185. Acute Mesenteric Ischemia in Patients with Diabetes
Mellitus: Beyond the Classic Teaching of “Abdominal Pain
Out of Proportion to the Physical Exam”
Elissa Szalkiewicz; Lauren Shapiro
186. Antibiotics over Steroids
Rehaan Shaffie; Yelena Averbukh; Sachin Jain
187. When It Isn’t Streptococcus—Utilizing the Centor Criteria in
a Young Patient with Sore Throat
Lisa Rucker; Haider Ali
188. Prion Disease: An Unexpected Diagnosis in a Patient
Presenting with DKA
John L. Ebrahim; Alexandra Sowa; Arnab K. Ghosh; Amit Uppal
189. Prevalence and Diagnosis of Multiple Drug Resistant
Abd Almonem Abdelrahman; Vishisht Mehta; Amanda
Krantz; Stephen Cavalieri; Renuga Vivekanandan
190. Actinomyces, an Unusual Suspect for Non Resolving
Ignacio A. De Cicco; Abhishek Maiti; Gabriel M. Aisenberg
191. A Blue Finger and Hyponatremia Leading to a Diagnosis of
Malignancy-Associated Marantic Endocarditis
Abhishek Maiti; Nicholas J. Short
192. Complicated Co-Infection: Managing HIV and HCV Infection
Trenton C. Elliott; Rebecca Glassman
9:15–11:15 am
Great Hall 1–3, 3rd Floor, Convention Center
Steven R. Simon, MD, MPH, Chair, SGIM 2016 Annual Meeting
Margaret C. Lo, MD, Co-Chair, SGIM 2016 Annual Meeting
Moderators: Steven R. Simon, MD, MPH, Chair, SGIM 2016 Annual
Meeting; Margaret C. Lo, MD, Co-Chair, SGIM 2016 Annual Meeting
Hypoparathyroidism Masquerading as Neuropsychiatric
Illness: Unmasking the Importance of Cognitive Bias in
Clinical Decision-Making
Danielle Fine; Vasudev Mandyam. Beth Israel Deaconess
Medical Center, Brookline, MA
Online Treatments for Mood and Anxiety Disorders in
Primary Care: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Bruce L. Rollman; Bea Herbeck Belnap; Scott D. Rothenberger;
Kaleab Abebe; Armando J. Rotondi; Jordan F. Karp. University
of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
Duke Hotspotting Initiative (DHSI): Integrating Medical
Education with Community-Based Care Coordination
Jerry Lee; Morgan Hardy; Julie Rivo; Marigny M. Bratcher;
Natasha T. Cunningham. Duke University Health System,
Durham, NC
Impact of a Home-Based Primary Care Initiative on
Emergency Department and Hospital Utilization in
Multimorbid Disabled Patients
Andrew Schamess; Randi Foraker; Matt Kretovics; Neeraj H.
Tayal. The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; The Ohio
State University Wexner Medical Center, Columbus, OH
The Robert J. Glaser Award
Ann B. Nattinger, MD, MPH
The John M. Eisenberg National Award for Career
Achievement in Research
Lisa V. Rubenstein, MD, MSPH
SGIM and the Developmental Life Course:
Current Challenges and the Path Forward
Marshall H. Chin, MD, MPH
Richard Parrillo Family Professor of Healthcare
Ethics in the Department of Medicine,
University of Chicago
Frank Fortin, CAE, New Executive Director of the Society of
General Internal Medicine
Chief Digital Strategist and
Communications Director for the
Massachusetts Medical Society with
eighteen years of experience in healthcare
association management, Frank Fortin
will join SGIM on June 6.
Meet Frank during the Thursday opening
plenary and welcome him to our Society.
Great Hall Foyer, 3rd Floor, Convention Center
Pick up your box lunch as you leave the Opening Plenary Session.
Search the following online directories for a comprehensive nationwide listing of GIM residency and
fellowship programs. These
directories provide an inside view of the programs of your choice
allowing you the opportunity to
evaluate them more effectively.
• Residency Directory
• Fellowship Directory
• Public Health Training Directory
For more information, visit www.sgim.
Session details are online at
THURSDAY 11:30 am–12:30 pm Session C
Atlantic Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Karen B. DeSalvo, MD, MPH, MSc
Diplomat Ballroom 4, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Discussion Facilitators: Manasa S. Ayyala, MD; Rachel B. Levine,
MD, MPH; Scott M. Wright, MD. Johns Hopkins University
Book Selection: Creativity, Inc.: Overcoming the Unseen Forces That
Stand in the Way of True Inspiration
by Ed Catmull and Amy Wallace
Atlantic Ballroom 3, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Elizabeth Eckstrom, MD, MPH
Regency Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Moderator: Eric Bass, MD, MPH, Director, Johns Hopkins EvidenceBased Practice Center, Johns Hopkins University
Panelists: Kirstin Bibbins-Domingo, MD, PhD, MAS, Director,
Center for Vulnerable Populations, San Francisco General Hospital
Tabor Flickinger, MD, MPH, Assistant Professor, Division of General,
Geriatrics, Palliative Care and Hospital Medicine University of
Virginia Health System
Jeffrey A. Linder, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine, Brigham and
Women’s Hospital
Monica Peek, MD, MPH, Associate Director, Chicago Center for
Diabetes Translational Research, The University of Chicago
Diplomat Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Coordinators: Eboni G. Price-Haywood, MD, MPH, FACP, Director,
Center for Applied Health Services Research, Ochsner Health
LeChauncy Woodard, MD, MPH, FACP, Associate Professor of
Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine and the Michael E. DeBakey
VA Medical Center
Mentors: Arleen F. Brown, MD, PhD, Associate Professor of
Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles
Marshall H. Chin, MD, MPH, Richard Parrillo Family Professor of
Healthcare Ethics in the Department of Medicine, The University of
Tracie C. Collins, MD, MPH, Chair and Professor, University of
Kansas School of Medicine
Giselle Corbie-Smith, MD, MSc, Director/Kenan Distinguished
Professor, University of North Carolina—Chapel Hill
Judith A. Long, MD, Chief, Division of General Internal Medicine,
University of Pennsylvania
Eliseo J. Perez-Stable, MD, Director, National Institute on Minority
Health and Health Disparities
Martin F. Shapiro MD, MPH, PhD, Chief, Division of General Internal
Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles Medical Center
Wally R. Smith, MD, Vice-Chair, General Internal Medicine, Virginia
Commonwealth University
Valerie E. Stone, MD, MPH, Professor and Chair, Mount Auburn
Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Donna L. Washington, MD, MPH, Director, OHE-QUERI Partnered
Evaluation Center, VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System,
University of California, Los Angeles
Mitchell D. Wong, MD, PhD, Professor of Medicine, University of
California, Los Angeles
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
Book clubs provide open
forums for the exchange of
ideas and opinions. Drs.
Manasa Ayyala, Rachel Levine,
and Scott Wright of Johns
Hopkins University School of
Medicine will facilitate this
new event at the SGIM Annual
Meeting and will guide
discussion about how the
viewpoints in the book relate to
patient care, education,
research, and leadership in
general internal medicine.
THURSDAY 11:30 am–12:30 pm Session C
9. Great Hall 4, 5, & 6, 3rd Floor, Convention Center
Hospital-Based Medicine
Posters 1–65
Organization of Care/Chronic Disease Management
Posters 66–141
Health Policy
Posters 142–169
Medical Ethics/Professionalism/
Posters 170–179
Assorted Content
Posters 180–184
Join a Walk and Talk tour of Hospital-Based Medicine Posters
1–6, with short presentations by the authors and a small group
discussion facilitated by Daniel P. Hunt, MD, Emory University
School of Medicine.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Impact of Electronic Health Records Interoperability on
Inter-Hospital Transfer Outcomes
Michael G. Usher; Nishant Sahni; Dana Herrigel; Andrew
Characteristics and Outcomes of Patients Discharged from
the Emergency Department after Referral for Hospitalist
Christopher Caulfield; John Stephens; Zarina Sharalaya;
Jeffrey P. Laux; Daniel Jonas; Edmund A. Liles
Initiation of Naltrexone for Maintenance of Sobriety in
Patients Hospitalized for Alcohol Detoxification
John Stephens; Kelly Stepanek; Edmund A. Liles; Carlton R.
Moore; Daniel Jonas; Lisa M. Walston; Dianna Trudeau; James
C. Garbutt
Predicting 30-Day Pneumonia Readmissions Using
Electronic Health Record Data from the First Day of
Hospitalization: Model Development and Comparison
Anil N. Makam; Oanh K. Nguyen; Song Zhang; Bin Xie; Mark
A. Weinreich; Ruben Amarasingham; Eric Mortensen; Ethan
Validation of an Interactive Adaptive Video Module Education Platform to Teach Patients Effective Respiratory
Inhaler Technique
Colleen A. Kelly; Vineet M. Arora; John Kim; Ashley M. Snyder;
David Meltzer; Steven R. White; Valerie G. Press
Serum Procalcitonin Aids in the Diagnosis of Bloodstream
Infection Regardless of Whether Patients Exhibit the Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome
James P. Campbell; Rashi Arora; Jonathan D. Kirsch; Gyorgy J.
Simon; Nishant Sahni
Effect of Electronic Health Record Implementation on Resident Time in Hospital Patient Rooms
Marianne Zachariah; Erin L. Duffy; Michael A. Pfeffer; Douglas
S. Bell
Impact of Consultation on Hospital Outcomes and Resource
Utilization for Patients with Acute CHF
Syed Rafay Ali Sabzwari; Khalid Abusaada; Zoltan Varga
11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. The HOSPITAL Score Predicts 30-Day Potentially Avoidable
Readmissions in Conditions Tracked by CMS
Jacques Donze; Mark V. Williams; Edmondo Robinson; Eduard
E. Vasilevskis; Sunil Kripalani; Joshua Metlay; Grant S. Fletcher;
Andrew D. Auerbach; Jeffrey L. Schnipper
Prospective Validation of the HOSPITAL Score to Predict
Patients at High Risk of Unplanned Readmission
Carole E. Aubert; Antoine Folly; Marco Mancinetti; Daniel
Hayoz; Jacques Donze
What Makes a Medical Patient Complex in the Hospital Setting
Baptiste Crelier; Drahomir Aujesky; Jacques Donze
“You Are Pulled in Two Different Directions”: The Hospitalist Perspective on Opioid Prescribing
Susan L. Calcaterra; Anne Drabkin; Sarah E. Leslie; Reina Doyle;
Steve Koester; Joseph W. Frank; Ingrid A. Binswanger
Effect of a Web-Based Handoff Tool and Provider Training on
Preventable Adverse Events
Stephanie Mueller; Jeffrey L. Schnipper
National Evaluation of Inter-Hospital Transfers
Stephanie Mueller; Jie Zheng; Endel J. Orav; Jeffrey L.
Sad White Blood Cells? The Association of Major Depressive
Disorder and Mortality in Older Veterans Hospitalized for
Ami DeWaters; Eric Mortensen
Stress Electrocardiography (ECG) versus Radionuclide Myocardial Perfusion Imaging (rMPI) among Patients
Admitted for Chest Pain: How Often Are We Choosing
Abdulfatah A. Issak; Karishma Samtani; Jared M. Liston; Dean
Bricker; Ronald J. Markert
Impact of Hospital Occupancy on In- and Out-of-Hospital
Mortality for Older Medicare Patients
Mahshid Abir; Rosalie J. Malsberger; Jason Goldstick; Claude
Setodji; Neil Wenger
Hypercalcemia in In-Hospital Patients: Is It Really Under
Diagnosed? A Retrospective Chart Review
Maliha Naseer; Samina Qamar
Metabolic Characteristics of Esophageal Carcinoma in a
Veteran Population
Teresa Ratajczak; Heidar Albandar; Parker Redlien; Sara E.
Yacyshyn; Ronald J. Markert; Geetika Kumar
Characteristics of Esophageal Carcinoma in a Veteran Population
Teresa Ratajczak; Heidar Albandar; Parker Redlien; Sara E.
Yacyshyn; Ronald J. Markert; Geetika Kumar
Prior Antibiotic Use and Outcomes in Patients Hospitalized
with Pneumonia
Eric Mortensen; David Rotter
Oligella urethralis Infection: A Case Series and Review of the
Sreelakshmi Panginikkod; Dima Dandachi; Venu Pararath
Gopalakrishnan; Maaman Bashir
Physician Education Is Lacking in Inpatient Management of
Acute and Chronic Pain
Anne Drabkin; Susan Calcaterra; Ingrid A. Binswanger
Risk Factors for Single and Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections in Kidney Transplant Recipients
Asaad Nakhle; Kassem Bourgi; Zaid Abdelrahman; Rachna
Jayaprakash; George Alangaden
Session details are online at
THURSDAY 11:30 am–12:30 pm Session C
25. Interdisciplinary Rounds: Improving Care Delivered to
Samit Datta; Sherri Sandel; Nazish Ilyas
26. SSRIs, SNRIs or TCAs Are Not Associated with Abnormal
Platelet Aggregation or Release in Vitro
Dharmesh Gopalakrishnan; Heesun J. Rogers; Paul Elson; Keith
27. Diastolic but Not Systolic Heart Failure Is Associated with
Multiple Abnormalities on Platelet Aggregation Testing
Dharmesh Gopalakrishnan; Heesun J. Rogers; Paul Elson; Keith
28. Effects of a Physician-Specific Hospital Bounceback Policy to
Reduce Readmissions
Nathan Moore; Emily D. Fondahn; Melvin Blanchard
29. Through the Patient’s Eyes: Identifying Risk Factors for
Hospital Readmissions
Prakrati Acharya; Aliya Laeeq; Matthew Carmody; Beth A.
30. Withdrawn by Author
31. Withdrawn by Author
32. Withdrawn by Author
33. Impact of Cirrhosis and HCV Coinfection on Mortality of HIV
Positive Patients in the ICU
Maria A. Corcorran; Jason Goldman; Shireesha Dhanireddy;
Kristina Crothers
34. Does Early Feeding Reduce Length of Hospital Stay in Acute
Pancreatitis? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Valerie M. Vaughn; Dmitry Shuster; Mary Rogers; Jason Mann;
Marisa Conte; Sanjay Saint; Vineet Chopra
35. Agree to Disagree—Examining Risk Assessment
Convergence in the Understanding Physician Signout Risk
Perceptions (UPS) Study
Jon R. Grace; Alexander Davis; Baruch Fischhoff; Jonathan
Arnold; Andrew Klobuka; Emmanuelle B. Yecies; Deepika
Mohan; Janel Hanmer
36. Understanding Needs and Engaging Community Partners to
Develop a Hospital-Based Improving Addiction Care Team
Honora Englander; Christine Velez Klug; Rachel Solotaroff;
Melissa B. Weimer; Alison Noice; Tim Hartnett; Ed Blackburn;
Christina Nicolaidis; Pen Barnes; Sarann Bielavitz; Benjamin
Chan; Catherine Michalczyk; Philip T. Korthuis
37. Association of Health Literacy and Social Support with
Readmission Risk
Amanda S. Mixon; Kathryn Goggins; Samuel K. Nwosu;
Jonathan S. Schildcrout; Katharine Donato; Kathleene
Wooldridge; Frank Harrell; Ken Wallston; Sunil Kripalani
38. Got SDM? A Multimodal Intervention to Improve Shared
Decision-Making during Inpatient Rounds on Medicine and
Pediatric Services
Rebecca Blankenburg; Stephanie Rennke; Debbie S. Sakai;
Stephanie M. Harman; Patrick Yuan; Poonam Hosamani; Lijia
Xie; Lisa Shieh; Ian Chua; Adeena Khan; Eric Huynh; Jason
Satterfield; Bradley Monash
39. NPH Insulin for the Management of Glucocorticoid-Induced
Hyperglycemia in Oncology Patients
Youngjee Choi; Sara Butler; Leigh Boehmer; Michael Elliott;
Anna Roshal; Garry Tobin
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
40. Pulsus Alternans an Echo of the Past
Judson Alderman; Apostolos Dallas; Katherine Shaver;
Marguerite Underwood
41. Access to the VA: Which Veterans Are Seeking Primary Care
Matthew R. Augustine; Karin M. Nelson; Stephan D. Fihn;
Edwin Wong
42. Association between Direct Alcohol Biomarkers and
Benzodiazepines during Alcohol-Related Hospitalization
Jasmim Bir; Sohaib Jamil; Regina Makdissi; Scott H. Stewart
43. Have You mET Your Patient? Performance of a Brief Bedside
Assessment of Physical Function
Bonnie J. Konkowski; Hafizur Rahman; Hilary Mosher
44. An Analysis of Messages Sent Between Nurses and
Physicians about Deteriorating Internal Medicine Patients
to Help Identify Issues in Failures to Rescue
Robert Wu; Rachel Bierbrier; Philip Ma; Hannah Wong;
Sherman Quan; Sannie Lai
45. High Rates and Low Documentation of Hospital Acquired
Acute Kidney Injury in an Urban Academic Medical Center
Tanya Rudakevych; David Meltzer; Marshall Chin; Milda R.
46. Identification of High Utilization Inpatients on Internal
Medicine Services Using Trajectory Variables
Samuel O. Schumann; Marc Heincelman; Jingwen Zhang;
Justin Marsden; Patrick D. Mauldin; Don Rockey; William P.
47. Investigation into the “One-Size-Fits-All” Diuretic Strategy
to Heart Failure Exacerbation Management: A Retrospective
Hirotaka Kato; Perry Fisher; Dahlia Rizk
48. Evaluation of Impact of Neuroimaging in Syncope in
Predominantly Black Patients
Delamo Bekele; Agazi Gebreselassie; Yonette Paul; Daniel
Larbi; Julius Ngwa
49. The Impact of Comorbidities on Development of Chronic
Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension after Acute
Pulmonary Embolism. A 10 Year Retrospective Analysis from
a Tertiary Care Facility
Fawad Virk; Shahzaib Nabi; Daryl Sudasena; George Samuel;
Ayush Motwani; Adeel Arshad; Tarun Jain; Philip Kuriakose
50. LOS Outliers: A Challenging Problem for Both the Teaching
and Private Non-Teaching General Medicine Services at
Stanford Hospital
Jeffrey Ketchersid; Lisa Shieh; Neera K. Ahuja; Jeffrey Chi;
Jason Hom
51. The Effect of Red Blood Cell Transfusions on Patient Fatigue
Micah T. Prochaska; David Meltzer
52. Assessing the Ability of Day Interns to Communicate their
Concern of Patient Deterioration Risk to Night Interns in the
Understanding Physician Signout Risk Perceptions Study
Emmanuelle B. Yecies; Alexander Davis; Baruch Fischhoff;
Jonathan Arnold; Jon R. Grace; Andrew Klobuka; Deepika
Mohan; Janel Hanmer
53. Sex Differences in the Positive Predictive Value of NonInvasive Stress Testing at a Community Hospital
Marianna Sargsyan; N. Ranjeeta; Quang Tung Nguyen;
Shahriar Dadkhah
THURSDAY 11:30 am–12:30 pm Session C
54. The Effect of Lipogenesis on Resected Colorectal Liver
Hinda Boutrid; Mary D. Chamberlin
55. Testing Is Only Part of the Story: Distinguishing between C.
Difficile Infection and Colonization
Michele Yeung; Daniel Luger; Marcelo Mendez; Dana Mazo;
Dahlia Rizk
56. Utilization of 4T Score to Determine the Pretest Probability
of Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia at Unity Hospital
Yazan Samhouri; Mohammad Telfah; Ruth Kouides; John
D’Souza; Timothy Woodlock
57. Favorable Clinical Outcomes Despite Insufficient
Antimicrobial Therapy in Patients with Campylobacter
Fetus Bacteremia
Hiromizu Takahashi; Yuji Hirai; Kiyozumi Suzuki; Fujiko
Morita; Yuki Uehara; Teruhiko Hisaoka; Toshio Naito
58. Relationship of Echocardiographic Features with
Development of Pulmonary Hypertension after Pulmonary
Embolism. A 10 Year Retrospective Analysis from a Tertiary
Care Facility
Ayush Motwani; Shahzaib Nabi; Fawad Virk; George Samuel;
Daryl Sudasena; Adeel Arshad; Philip Kuriakose
59. Chronic Beta Blockers Use at Home Is Independently
Associated with Increased In-Patient Mortality in Patients
Presenting with Acute Coronary Syndrome
Yan Zhou; Junhong Gui; Khalid Abusaada
60. Role of Statins in Decreasing the Risk of Contrast Induced
Nephropathy (CIN) in Patients with Diabetes and/or Chronic
Kidney Disease Who Are Undergoing Coronary Angiogram
Sai Prasad Gadapa; Sree V. Pilla; Siwadon Pitukweerakul;
Daniel Hart; Harvey J. Friedman
61. A National Assessment of Handoff Characteristics and their
Association with Program Director and Hospitalized Patient
Charlie M. Wray; Stephanie Mueller; Amber Pincavage;
Reshma Gupta; Saima Chaudhry; Rachel K. Miller; Linda
DeCherrie; Karin Ouchida; Vineet M. Arora
62. Withdrawn by Author
63. From Seeing to Doing: Translating a Problem into Practice—
Nurses’ Input into Implementing Inpatient Vision Screening
Victoria I. Moreira; Allison J. Louis; Ashley Hull; Seenu M.
Hariprasad; David Meltzer; Vineet M. Arora; Valerie G. Press
64. Using the Hospital Setting to Identify and Improve Vision
Needs of Inpatients with Diabetes
Allison J. Louis; Vineet M. Arora; Victoria I. Moreira; Janaki
Patel; Ashley M. Snyder; Seenu M. Hariprasad; David Meltzer;
Valerie G. Press
65. Envisioning Opportunities: Identifying Vision Care Needs
among Inpatients with Diabetes
Janaki Patel; Vineet M. Arora; Allison J. Louis; Victoria I.
Moreira; Seenu M. Hariprasad; David Meltzer; Valerie G. Press
66. How Can Clinical Practices Pragmatically Increase Physical
Activity for Patients with Type 2 Diabetes? A Systematic
Kelsey Luoma; Ian M. Leavitt; Joel C. Marrs; Andrea Nederveld;
Judith G. Regensteiner; Andrea L. Dunn; Russell E. Glasgow;
Amy G. Huebschmann
67. Can Primary Care Physicians Accurately Predict the
Likelihood of Hospitalization in Their Patients?
Andrew S. Hwang; Jeffrey M. Ashburner; Clemens S. Hong;
Wei He; Steven J. Atlas
68. Primary Care Team Staffing and Turnover Have Stronger
Association with Burnout Than Workload and Patient
Christian D. Helfrich; Joseph A. Simonetti; Walter L. Clinton;
Gordon B. Wood; Leslie Taylor; Gordon Schectman; Richard
Stark; Stephan D. Fihn; Karin M. Nelson
69. Deliberately Blank
70. Identifying Patient-Centered Care Teams Using Electronic
Health Records Access Data and Social Network Analysis
Xi Zhu; Nengliang Yao; Vimal Mishra; Allison E. Phillips; Alan
Dow; Shin-Ping Tu
71. Does Intensive Ambulatory Management of High Risk
Patients Reduce Acute Care Utilization? A Pilot Study
Brook Watts; Renee H. Lawrence; Cameron Carter; Kimberley
Schaub; Melissa Klein; Brigid Wilson; Susan Kirsh
72. How Risky Is Watching and Waiting? A Pilot Study
Combining Clinical Triage and Automated Risk Modeling
to Enhance Allocation of Ambulatory Intensive Case
Management Resources for High-Risk Patients
Brook Watts; Renee H. Lawrence; Cameron Carter; Melissa
Klein; Kimberley Schaub; Brigid Wilson; Susan Kirsh
73. Is Dual Use of VA and Medicare Diabetes Services Associated
with Adverse Health Outcomes?
Thomas R. Radomski; Xinhua Zhao; Carolyn T. Thorpe; Joshua
M. Thorpe; Chester Good; Maria Mor; Michael J. Fine; Walid F.
74. Coordinating VA-Based Care and VA-Purchased Care for
Gynecologic Malignancies: Challenges and Best Practices
Jessica L. Zuchowski; Joya G. Chrystal; Alison B. Hamilton;
Laurie C. Zephyrin; Kristina M. Cordasco
75. Nephrology Co-Management Versus Primary Care Solo
Management for Early Chronic Kidney Disease in the Elderly
Dustin S. McEvoy; Adam Wright; Sushrut S. Waikar; Jeffrey A.
Linder; Lipika Samal
76. High HCV Cure Rates for Drug Users Treated at an Urban
Primary Care Clinic
Julia Fleming; Meredith Steinman; Chinazo Cunningham;
Alain H. Litwin; Brianna L. Norton
77. A Team-Based Approach to Population Management of
Diabetic Patients in an Urban Residency Clinic
Swathi Sangli; Joseph M. Wiener; Rupa Iyengar; Iazsmin
Ventura; Shaun Noronha; Adedapo Iluyomade; Suma
78. A Multifaceted Primary Care Practice-Based Intervention to
Reduce ED Visits and Hospitalization for Complex Patients
Tara O’Brien; Ian Stanaitis; Noah Ivers; Pauline Pariser; Steven
Friedman; Howard Abrams; Geetha Mukerji; Laura Pus; Gillian
79. Patients’ Perceptions of and Preferences for the Outpatient
After-Visit Summary: A Qualitative Study
Alex Federman; Angela M. Sanchez Munoz; Lina Jandorf;
Nathaniel Cohen; Michael S. Wolf; Joseph Kannry
80. Baseline Medication Reconciliation Results among Federally
Qualified Health Center (FQHC) Patients with Uncontrolled
Hypertension Participating in the Northwestern and Access
Community Health Network Medication Education Study
Elisha M. Friesema; John M. Wagner; Ji Young Lee; Danielle
Lazar; Michael S. Wolf; Stephen D. Persell
Session details are online at
THURSDAY 11:30 am–12:30 pm Session C
81. A Multicomponent Transitional Care Intervention
to Improve Clinical Outcomes among Patients Being
Discharged after a Heart Failure Admission: A Pilot
Randomized Clinical Trial
Kristen Reilly; Erin West; Sangmin Jung; Jennifer P. Friedberg;
Sundar Natarajan
82. A Multidisciplinary Approach to Impact Acute Care
Utilization among Individuals with Sickle Cell Disease
Rhea E. Powell; David Axelrod; Elizabeth D. Pulte; Paris Lovett;
Albert G. Crawford; John McAna; Lawrence Ward
83. Patient Perceptions of Telehealth Video Primary-Care Visits
Rhea E. Powell; Kristin L. Rising; Jeffrey Henstenberg; Grace
84. Understanding the “Why and How” of Integrating
Community Health Workers into Primary Care Teams
Kathleen T. Call; Joan Cleary; Eileen M. Harwood; Sarah T.
Manser; Elizabeth A. Rogers
85. Adherence to Remote Patient Monitoring after Discharge of
Hospitalized Heart Failure Patients: The Better Effectiveness
After Transition—Heart Failure (BEAT-HF) randomized
controlled trial
Michael Ong; Patrick S. Romano; Sarah Edgington; Harriet
U. Aronow; Andrew D. Auerbach; Jeanne T. Black; Teresa De
Marco; Jose J. Escarce; Lorraine S. Evangelista; Barbara H.
Hanna; Theodore G. Ganiats; Barry H. Greenberg; Sheldon
Greenfield; Sherrie H. Kaplan; Asher Kimchi; Honghu
Liu; Dawn Lombardo; Carol Mangione; Bahman Sadeghi;
Banafsheh Sadeghi; Majid Sarrafzadeh; Kathleen Tong; Gregg
86. Increasing Use of Home Health Care Services among
Patients Admitted with Heart Failure in the United States
Ranjan Pathak; Anene Ukaigwe; Smith Giri; Paras
Karmacharya; Madan R. Aryal; Anthony Donato
87. Practices and Perspectives Surrounding Parental/Guardian
Health Interventions in Pediatric Primary Care Settings
Maya S. Venkataramani; Tina L. Cheng; Barry S. Solomon; Craig
E. Pollack
88. Factors Predicting Improved Glycemic Control in Response
to Behavioral Support Interventions for Poorly Controlled
Type 2 Diabetes
William S. Fuller; Judith Long
89. Using Photovoice and Asset Mapping to Inform a
Community-Based Diabetes Intervention
Nicole M. St. Omer Roy; Jana Florian; Lisa M. Quintiliani; Ve
Truong; Yi Feng; Philippe P. Bloch; Zlatka Russinova; Karen E.
90. Discordance in Perceived Task Responsibility between
Nurses and Primary Care Providers and Burnout in Veterans
Affairs Patient Aligned Care Teams
Samuel T. Edwards; Christian D. Helfrich; Elizabeth Hulen;
Jeffery L. Williams; Walter L. Clinton; Gordon B. Wood; Greg
91. Home Based Primary Care Integrated with Supportive
Services Avoids Long Term Institutionalization in Frail,
Medically Complex Elders
Christine Patterson; Peter Boling; George Taler; Jean Yudin;
Karl Eric Dejonge; Bruce Kinosian
92. Supporting Medication Discontinuation: Provider
Preferences for Interventions to Facilitate Deprescribing
Amy Linsky; Mark Meterko; Kelly Stolzmann; Steven R. Simon
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
93. Impact of the Patient-Centered Medical Home on Patients
with Depression
Amy W. Baughman; Zhonghe Li; Mark W. Friedberg; Sara
Singer; Eric Schneider; David W. Bates; Meredith Rosenthal
94. Priorities for Chronic Pain Care: Ratings from ConsumerStakeholders in Two Texas Rural Communities Versus an
Online Survey of a Population-Based Sample of Hispanics
from Five Southwestern States
Natalia Rodriguez; Melissa Valerio; Paula Winkler; Jennifer
Potter; Kay Avant; Jason Hill; Barbara J. Turner
95. Implementation in Urban and Rural VHA Clinics: Results
from the Patient Aligned Care Team (PACT) Initiative
Victoria Johnson; Edwin Wong; Gregory J. Schwartz; Idamay
Curtis; John C. Fortney; Peter Kaboli; Stephan D. Fihn; Karin M.
96. Use of Online Crowd-Sourcing to Identify and Study Patients
with Chronic Conditions: Is This Possible and Are Findings
Veronica Yank; Sanjhavi Agarwal; Pooja Loftus; Christian Choe
97. Are Crowd-Sourced Populations Similar to United States
Adults?: A Comparison of Demographic and Health Data
Collected from Amazon Mechanical Turk and National
Veronica Yank; Sanjhavi Agarwal; Pooja Loftus; Steven Asch;
David Rehkopf
98. Healthcare Utilization and Clinical Workload Associated
with Chronic Noncancer Pain
Joanne Bernstein; Erica M. Wozniak; Sara Koller; Audrey Ye;
Cynthia Kay
99. Outpatient Management of Chronic Noncancer Pain and
Predictors of a Pain Contract
Audrey Ye; Erica M. Wozniak; Sara Koller; Joanne Bernstein;
Cynthia Kay
100. Informing RCT Protocol Development by Piloting a
Technology-Assisted Weight Management Intervention
among Veterans within Primary Care
Katrina F. Mateo; Natalie L. Ricci; Natalie B. Berner; Pich
Seekaew; Adina Kalet; Scott Sherman; Melanie Jay
101. Facilitating Lifestyle Changes among Veterans in Primary
Care: Results of Usability Testing of a Technology-Assisted
Weight Management and Goal Setting Tool
Natalie L. Ricci; Pich Seekaew; Katrina F. Mateo; Natalie B.
Berner; Raymond Manalo; Scott Sherman; Melanie Jay
102. Goal Setting Processes in a Technology-Assisted Health
Coaching Intervention among Veterans in Primary Care: A
Qualitative Analysis
Natalie B. Berner; Katrina F. Mateo; Natalie L. Ricci; Gail
Schechter; Adina Kalet; Scott Sherman; Melanie Jay
103. Clinic Utilization in Youth and Young Adults with Chronic
Illness Before and After Transfer to Adult-Oriented Care
Laura Hart; Gary R. Maslow; Nirmish Shah; Richard J. Chung;
Audrey Brown; Richard Sloane
104. Patient Perception of the Primary Care Provider Continuity
Visit in an Inpatient Setting
Barbara Ogur; Gabriel Fregoso; Adetaye Adeseye; Dana D. Im;
Richard Pels; David Bor
105. A Model for a Successful Weight Loss Program in a Primary
Care Clinic
Raveen Chawla; Susan Wolver; Puneet Puri; Terence Darcy;
Miao-Shan Yen; Karen Stewart
THURSDAY 11:30 am–12:30 pm Session C
106. Applying Systems Engineering to Address Complex Health
Care Delivery Challenges
Vimal Mishra; Shin-Ping Tu; Joseph A. Heim; Allison E. Phillips;
Richard Storch; Heather Masters
107. A Retrospective Analysis of the Impact of Weight Loss on
Renal Function
Tiffany E. Schwasinger-Schmidt; Georges Elhomsy; Bobbie G.
Paull-Forney; Fanglong Dong
108. Validity of Implementing a Self-Reported Global Health
Measure in a Medicare Accountable Care Organization to
Predict Healthcare Utilization
Karen J. Blumenthal; Yuchiao Chang; Timothy G. Ferris; Jenna
C. Spirt; Christine Vogeli; Neil W. Wagle; Joshua Metlay
109. Homebound Patients’ Perspectives on Technology and
Telemedicine: A Qualitative Analysis
Kristin Huang; Tracy Lu; Arash Mostaghimi
110. Hospitalization Rates for Diabetic Ketoacidosis Increase
during the Transition to Adulthood
Andrea S. Christopher; David Bor; Steffie Woolhandler; David
Himmelstein; Danny McCormick
111. Association of Multimorbidity and Specific Comorbidities
with Polypharmacy in University Primary Care Settings
Carole E. Aubert; Sven Streit; Bruno Da Costa; Tinh-Hai Collet;
Jacques Cornuz; Jean-Michel T. Gaspoz; Douglas Bauer;
Drahomir Aujesky; Nicolas Rodondi
112. Deliberately Blank
113. System Attributes and User Requirements for a Chronic
Kidney Disease Clinical Decision Support Tool in Primary
Joy Gulla; Pamela M. Neri; David W. Bates; Lipika Samal
114. Physician and Staff Perceptions after Implementing a
Population Health Management Program within a Primary
Care Network
Jeffrey M. Ashburner; Daniel M. Horn; Sandra OKeefe; Adrian
Zai; Steven J. Atlas
115. Access to and Success with New Hepatitis C Therapy in an
Urban Primary Care Center
Lesley Miller; Kristi Quairoli; Jennifer Lom; Shelly-Ann Fluker
116. Provider Response to EHR-Linked Patient-Reported
Effectiveness of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment
Mark Lin; Richard W. Grant; Lin Ma; Alyce Adams
117. PCP Weight Loss Assistance in a Primary Care Population:
Lessons Learned from Participants with Recent Intentional
Weight Loss in the MAINTAIN-pc Study
Michael Eng; Bethany Barone Gibbs; Dana L. Tudorascu;
Kathleen M. McTigue; Diane Comer; Kimberly A. Huber;
Laurey R. Simkin-Silverman; Cindy L. Bryce; Gary Fischer;
Molly B. Conroy
118. Provider Feedback on Weight Loss Maintenance Resources
and a Novel Intervention Using the Electronic Medical
Record: Results from the MAINTAIN-PC Study
Jonathan Arnold; Dana L. Tudorascu; Kathleen M. McTigue;
Cindy L. Bryce; Kimberly A. Huber; Laurey R. Simkin-Silverman;
Rachel Hess; Gary Fischer; Molly B. Conroy
119. Perceptions of Social Support in Persons with Medical CoMorbidities and Associations with Intentional Weight Loss:
Results from the MAINTAIN-pc Study
Sobie Maduka; Dana L. Tudorascu; Kathleen M. McTigue;
Cindy L. Bryce; Kimberly A. Huber; Laurey R. Simkin-Silverman;
Diane Comer; Rachel Hess; Gary Fischer; Molly B. Conroy
120. Primary Provider Influence on Patient Use of an Electronic
Patient Portal in an Academic Primary Care Practice
Brian Chan; Courtney R. Lyles; Celia P. Kaplan; Rosemary N.
Lam; Leah S. Karliner
121. Specialty Referrals: A Case of Who You Know Versus What
You Know?
Andrew Schreiner; Jingwen Zhang; Patrick D. Mauldin;
William P. Moran
122. Specialty Referrals: If You Build It, Will They Come?
Andrew Schreiner; Jingwen Zhang; Patrick D. Mauldin;
William P. Moran
123. Strategies to Engage High-Risk, Complex Patients in
Intensive Outpatient Care Programs
Donna M. Zulman; Colin W. O’Brien; Cindie Slightam; Andrea
Nevedal; Jessica Y. Breland
124. Patient Aligned Care Team Implementation Association
with Employee Satisfaction and Workplace Perceptions
before and after Implementation
Ryan Derickson; Christian D. Helfrich; Stephan D. Fihn; David
125. Barriers to Effective Teaming for Pain: Task Redundancy and
Challenges with Specialty Coordination
Karleen Giannitrapani; Sangeeta Ahluwalia; Roger T. Day;
Maura Pisciotta; Steven Dobscha; Erin E. Krebs; Karl Lorenz
126. The Role of VA Primary Care in Coordinating Non-VA
Gynecologic Oncology Care
Kristina M. Cordasco; Jessica L. Zuchowski; Joya G. Chrystal;
Laurie C. Zephyrin; Alison Hamilton
127. The Impact of Partnership Status on Diabetes Control and
Self-Management Behaviors
Lindsay K. Haines; Natalie Coppa; Janey James; Margaret
Yoon; Yael T. Harris; Juan Wisnivesky; Jenny J. Lin
128. Social Networks in Electronic Health Records
Shin-Ping Tu; Nengliang Yao; Xi Zhu; Vimal Mishra; Allison E.
Phillips; Alan Dow
129. Patient Level Factors Associated with Post-Emergency
Department Observation Stays in a Medicare Population
Zayd A. Razouki; Timothy Platts-Mills; Richard Sloane; David
Edelman; Susan N. Hastings
130. The Prevalence of OSA among an Adult Population with
Down Syndrome
Janis L. Sethness; Michelle Cornacchia; Cynthia Peacock; Philip
Alapat; Yu-Hsiang Lin
131. Primary Care Engagement in Emergency Department
Patients with Multiple Chronic Conditions in a Medically
Underserved Area
Bianca Jackson; Erik L. Carlton; George Relyea; SangNam Ahn;
James E. Bailey
132. Nurses’ Perceptions in Implementing Smoking Cessation
Guidelines for Hospitalized Veterans
David A. Katz; Kenda R. Stewart; Monica Paez; John Holman;
Susan Adams; Mark Vander Weg; Catherine Battaglia; Anne
Joseph; Marita Titler; Sarah S. Ono
133. A Hepatitis C Screening Program for the Homeless in New
Stephanie Preston; Stephanie Heaney; Jane Andrews
Session details are online at
THURSDAY 11:30 am–12:30 pm Session C
134. Use of Exercise Versus Pain Medications for Chronic Pain:
Analysis of a Population-Based Sample of Hispanics from
Five States
Barbara J. Turner; Natalia Rodriguez; Yuanyuan Liang; Melissa
Valerio; Paula Winkler; Jennifer Potter; Kay Avant; Jason Hill
135. Patient Activation: Is It All About the Physician?
James Rotenberg; Amy S. Tang; Nicole Van Groningen;
Natasha Rastogi; Irina Gershgorin; Colleen Gillespie; Sondra
136. Assessing the Importance of Developing Clinically Relevant
Ambulatory Quality Measures for Use in a Primary Care
Population Health Management Program
Steven J. Atlas; Jeffrey M. Ashburner; Daniel M. Horn; Adrian
Zai; Neil W. Wagle; Sreekanth K. Chaguturu; Timothy G. Ferris
137. Association of Teamwork with Patient Satisfaction and
Physician Workflow during Primary Care Redesign
Paul Di Capua; Robin Clarke; Renee Sednew; Chi-Hong Tseng;
Holly Wilhalme; Samuel A. Skootsky; Neil Wenger
138. Usability Testing of a Mobile-Optimized Knowledge
Management System to Enhance Likelihood of Use and
Generalizability beyond a Student-Run Clinic: The EHHapp
Kevin Hu; Mark Finkelstein; Ammar Siddiqui; Theodore Pak;
Alyssa Trochtenberg; Joe-Ann Moser; Christian Pina; Nathan
Lee; Chien Yi Png; David C. Thomas; Yasmin S. Meah
139. Ledipasvir-Sofosbuvir Based Therapy for Hepatitis C Has
High Efficacy but Potential for Renal Impairment
Omar Sadiq; Adrienne Lenhart; William J. Kane; Alexander
Weick; Vinay Kathukuri; Syed-Mohammed Jafri
140. Management and Clinical Outcomes of Cancer Patients with
Human Immunodeficiency Virus after Cancer Therapy
Christian Donato-Santana; Nora T. Oliver; Andrea Gabriela
Barbo; Heather Lin; Jessica T. Foreman; Harrys Torres; Bruno
Granwehr; Elizabeth Chiao; Jessica P. Hwang
141. Improvement in Patient Centered Medical Home Electronic
Health Record Documentation by Primary Care Practices
Seeking National Committee for Quality Assurance
Sara Myers; Lynn A. Volk; Elizabeth R. Silvers; Catherine Liang;
Colleen Blanchette; Amy Feeney; Eric Weil
142. Medicare Case Mix Trends According to Hospital
Characteristics: For-Profit and Non-Teaching Hospitals
Appear to Be Winning the Coding Race
Anna Goldman; Samuel L. Dickman; David Bor; Steffie
Woolhandler; David Himmelstein; Danny McCormick
143. The Impact of the Medicare Eligibility Age on Health Care
Spending, Volume, and Prices: Implications for Federal
Zirui Song; Jacob Wallace
144. Low-Value Back Imaging: Are Doctors and Patients Learning
to Choose Wisely?
Arthur Hong; Dennis Ross-Degnan; Fang Zhang; James F.
145. Effects of New Funding Models for Patient-Centered Medical
Homes on Primary Care Practice Finances and Services:
Results of a Micro-Simulation Model
Sanjay Basu; Russell Phillips; Zirui Song; Bruce Landon; Asaf
146. Health Reform and Medicare: A Growing Market for Cherries
or Lemons?
Sachin J. Shah; Mary Price; John Hsu
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
147. Changes in Self-Reported Health, Healthcare Access and
Smoking Cessation among Low-Income Michigan Adults
after Medicaid Expansion under the Affordable Care Act
Emily Arntson; John Z. Ayanian; HwaJung Choi; Renuka
148. Predictors of Admission to an Observation Versus Inpatient
Service after the Medicare Two-Midnight Rule
Shira Yun; Gregory B. Kruse; Jaya Aysola
149. The Impact of Generic Competition on Atorvastatin Use and
Costs to Patients
Jing Luo; John Seeger; Macarius Donneyong; Joshua Gagne;
Aaron Kesselheim
150. Impact of Race/Ethnicity and Socioeconomic Status on
Risk-Adjusted Readmission Rates: Implications for the CMS
Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program
Claudia Steiner; Grant Martsolf; Marguerite L. Barrett; Audrey
Weiss; Raynard Washington; Ateev Mehrotra; Rosanna M.
151. How Does Hospital Performance or Readmission Rates
Publicly Displayed on Medicare’s ‘Hospital Compare’
Website Compare to Whether a Hospital Was Penalized for
Readmission Rates by the Hospital Readmission Reduction
Jennifer Meddings; Heidi Reichert; Shawna N. Smith; Laurence
F. McMahon
152. Do Community-Level Measures of Patient Functional Status,
Social Support and Socioeconomic Status Affect Patient Risk
of Readmission for Pneumonia and Heart Failure?
Jennifer Meddings; Heidi Reichert; Shawna N. Smith; Jack
Iwashyna; Mary A. Rogers; Kenneth Langa; Timothy Hofer;
Laurence F. McMahon
153. Massachusetts Health Reform was Associated with a
Reduction in Hospitalizations Related to Drug, But Not
Alcohol Use
Karen E. Lasser; Amresh D. Hanchate; Danny McCormick;
Alexander Y. Walley; Richard Saitz; Meng-Yun Lin; Chieh Chu;
Nancy R. Kressin
154. The Effect of a Regional Health Improvement Collaborative
on the Rate of Ambulatory Care Sensitive Hospitalizations
for Pneumonia and Associated Costs
Joseph Tanenbaum; Mark E. Votruba; Douglas Einstadter;
Randall D. Cebul
155. Effect of the Contraceptive Provision of the Affordable
Care Act on Insertion Rates and Out-of-Pocket Cost for the
Intrauterine Device
Cynthia H. Chuang; Douglas L. Leslie; Guodong Liu; Ashley H.
Snyder; Carol S. Weisman
156. Primary Care Provider Experience with Breast Density
Legislation in Massachusetts
Christine M. Gunn; Nancy R. Kressin; Kristina Cooper; Tracy A.
157. Cervical Cancer Screening Guideline Adherence in
Pennsylvania Medicaid
Natasha Parekh; Julie M. Donohue; Aiju Men; Jennifer Corbelli;
Marian Jarlenski
158. Local Impressions of the Expatriate Physician and Trainee
Workforce in Malawi: A Qualitative Study
Natasha Parekh; Adam P. Sawatsky; Ihunanya Mbata;
Adamson Muula; Thuy Bui
THURSDAY 11:30 am–12:30 pm Session C
159. The Impact of Reduced Access to Care on Chronic Disease
Outcomes: Evidence from a Natural Experiment
Aaron Baum; Ashley E. Jensen; Mark D. Schwartz
160. The Relationship between Primary Care Spending, Patient
Risk, Quality, and Total Cost of Care
Amol S. Navathe; Andrea B. Troxel; Kristen Caldarella;
Amanda T. Hodlofski; Ezekiel J. Emanuel; Kevin G. Volpp
161. How Are Massachusetts’ Safety-Net Hospitals Faring in the
Post-Health Care Reform Era? Views of Safety Net CEOs
Maria Nardell; Galina Tan; Andrew Moore; Susan Inonog;
David Scales; Jyothi Ravindra; Nihan K. Cannon; Anna
Goldman; Gaurab Basu; Danny McCormick
162. Barriers to High Quality Coding of Hospital Chart
Information to Administrative Data: A Qualitative Study
Karen Tang; Kelsey Lucyk; Hude Quan
163. A Cross-Sectional Assessment of the Quality of Physician
Quality Reporting System Measures
Brittney Frankel; Tara F. Bishop
164. Understanding the Impact of Treating Latent Tuberculosis
Infection in New York City: A Dynamic Model
Anthony T. Fojo; Natalie Stennis; Andrew Azman; Shama
Ahuja; David Dowdy
165. How Many Primary Care Doctors Do We Really Have?
Establishing a Precise Statewide Count of Primary Care
Physician Full Time Equivalents
Theodore Long; Sandra Powell; Margaret I. Gradie; Tracy L.
Jackson; Emily Silvia; Russell Phillips; Nicole Alexander-Scott
166. Determining Maximum Achievable Life Expectancy: A
Mathematical Modelling Approach
Elizabeth R. Stevens; Glen B. Taksler; Qinlian Zhou; Kimberly
Nucifora; R. Scott Braithwaite
167. New Medicaid Enrollees See Health and Social Benefits in
Pennsylvania’s Expansion
Jeffrey Hom; Charlene Wong; Christian H. Stillson; Jessica Zha;
Carolyn C. Cannuscio; Rachel M. Cahill; David Grande
168. Changes in the Quality of Care during Progress from Stage
1 to Stage 2 of the Electronic Health Record Meaningful Use
Incentive Program
David M. Levine; Michael Healey; Adam Wright; David W.
Bates; Jeffrey A. Linder; Lipika Samal
169. Wellness and Work life: Preserving the Teachers of the
Future of Medicine
Katherine G. Romp; Carlos Estrada; Kay Ovington; Sara Poplau;
Mark Linzer
170. Diverse Patient Perspectives on Respect in Healthcare: A
Qualitative Study
Somnath Saha; Emily Branyon; Mary Catherine Beach
171. The Professionalism Divide: Residents’ Perceptions of
Professionalism in the Learning Environment
Preston Reynolds; Casey White; James Martindale; Nicholas
172. Research Participants Do Not Have Long Term
Comprehension of the Informed Consent
Leonardo Tamariz; Jimmy S. Rivadeneira; Pamela Vazquez;
Ana M. Palacio
173. Minorities Are More Likely to Participate in Complex
Compared to Simple Clinical Research Studies
Leonardo Tamariz; Ana M. Palacio; Olveen Carrasquillo; Erin N.
174. Understanding Medical Students’ Perceptions of Medical
Professionalism at Different Stages of Medical Education
Danielle Reimer; Ross Russell; Christine Bellew; Caridad
Hernandez; Juan Cendan; Analia Castiglioni
175. “It’s Like Texting at the Dinner Table”: A Qualitative
Analysis of Electronic Health Records’ Impact on PatientPhysician Interactions
Rebekah Gardner; Kimberly Pelland; Rosa Baier
176. Interventions to Reduce Physician Burnout: Systematic
Review and Meta-Analysis
Colin P. West; Liselotte Dyrbye; Patricia J. Erwin; Tait Shanafelt
177. Work Life and Wellness in Academic General Internal
Medicine: Results from a National Survey
Stewart Babbott; Mark Linzer; Sara Poplau; Tracie C. Collins;
Laura M. Guzman-Corrales; Jeremiah Menk; Mary Lou L.
Murphy; Kay Ovington
178. Reflective Writing Workshops Led by Near Peers during
Third-Year Clerkships: A Safe Space for Solidarity,
Conversation, and Finding Meaning in Medicine
Lorenzo R. Sewanan; Daniel Zheng; Priscilla Wang; Xiaoyue
M. Guo; Isha M. Di Bartolo; Nareh V. Marukian; Jack L. Turban;
Danilo A. Rojas-Velazquez; Anna Reisman
179. Evaluating Student Perceptions of Primary Care after
Participation in a Student-Faculty Collaborative Clinic
Meissa M. Jones; Marya J. Cohen
180. Creation and Validation of an Interprofessional 360o Clinic
C. Scott Smith; Rick Tivis; Donna M. Lowther; Donovan
Victorine; Jill Hedt; Elena Speroff; Deborah Smith; Amber
Fisher; Adam Brotman; Henry S. Elzinga
181. Measuring Level of Integration of an Early Stage Behavioral
Health Program in an Academic Primary Care Clinic
Mara Terras; Neda Laiteerapong; Lisa M. Vinci; Daniel
Yohanna; Erin M. Staab; Pooja Dave; Nancy Beckman; Daviel
182. Seeing Is Believing: The Relationship between VisionRelated Quality of Life and Age in Hospitalized Patients
Elizabeth R. Donnelly; Vineet M. Arora; Madeleine Matthiesen;
Esther Schoenfeld; Gavin W. Hougham; Seenu M. Hariprasad;
David Meltzer; Valerie G. Press
183. Understanding the Health Needs to Better Serve the
Guatemalan-Maya Community of Lake Worth, Florida
Jennifer Shiroky; Eunsung E. Kim; Daniel O’Shea; Lukas
Gaffney; Erin Kobetz; Julia Belkowitz
184. Clinician Perspectives on the Management of Abnormal
Subcritical Tests in an Urban Academic Safety-Net
Healthcare System
Cassidy Clarity; Urmimala Sarkar; Jonathan S. Lee; Margaret
Handley; Lauren Goldman
185. Accounting for Care: Primary Care Provider Satisfaction with
Delivery System Reform under the Affordable Care Act
Rose Kleiman; Jamie Ryan
186. Status Check: Medical Homes for Those Who Need Them Most
Jamie Ryan; Jordan Kiszla
Session details are online at
THURSDAY 12:30–1:30 pm
Say It Loud and Say It ProudToBeGIM
Diplomat Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
SGIM’s ProudToBeGIM campaign addresses the workforce shortage
and lack of trainee awareness in GIM. This town hall meeting
will be facilitated by members of the Communications Strategic
Workgroup and will enable participants to discuss effective
strategies to promote awareness of GIM and share lessons learned
from pilot institutions’ efforts to recruit students into GIM. If your
institution is interested in promoting careers in general medicine
to trainees, this session is for you.
Health Care Payment Innovation—Driving the
Shift from Volume to Value: Perspectives on
Advancing Alternative Payment Models from
Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation
Atlantic Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Coordinator: Jacob Berman, MD, MPH, Clinical Instructor,
University of Washington
Speaker: Darren DeWalt, MD, Director, Learning and Diffusion
Group, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
CDC Opioid Prescribing Guideline for Chronic
Pain: Leveraging Emerging Evidence for Practice
Improvement CP
Atlantic Ballroom 3, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Coordinator: Erin E. Krebs, MD, MPH, Women’s Health Medical
Director, Minneapolis VA Health Care System; Associate Professor,
Department of Medicine, University of Minnesota
Additional Speakers: Roger Chou, MD, Professor of Medicine,
Division of General Internal Medicine and Geriatrics, Oregon
Health and Sciences University
Deborah Dowell, MD, MPH, Senior Medical Advisor, Division
of Unintentional Injury Prevention, National Center for Injury
Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Tamara Haegerich, PhD, Deputy Associate Director for Science,
Division of Unintentional Injury Prevention, National Center for
Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and
Joanna L. Starrels, MD, MS, Associate Professor, Department of
Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Montefiore
Medical Center
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
PCOR General Session: The Paradigm Shift:
Patient-Centered and Patient-Engaged PCOR
Diplomat Ballroom 5, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Session Coordinator: Jennifer L. Kraschnewski, MD, MPH, Assistant
Professor of Medicine and Public Health, Pennsylvania State College
of Medicine
Additional Faculty: Clarissa G. Hoover, MPH, Patient Partner,
Family Voices, Inc.
Christopher N. Sciamanna, MD, Professor of Medicine and Public
Health, Pennsylvania State College of Medicine
Kara Odom Walker, MD, MPH, MSHS, Deputy Chief Science Officer
in the Office of the Chief Science Officer, PCORI
This session is part of the 2016 PCOR Series, supported through a PCORI
Program Award, EA-1283-SGIM.
UpToDate Reviewer Training
Room 301, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Interested in becoming an UpToDate reviewer with SGIM? Already
a reviewer? Come join us for an informative and hands-on training
session on how to deliver an effective review based on actual
UpToDate chapters. Pick up lunch on the way.
THURSDAY 1:30–3:00 pm Session D
Atlantic Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Atlantic Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Atlantic Ballroom 3, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Room 307, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
PCORWD Room 301, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Diplomat Ballroom 4, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Diplomat Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Room 204, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Room 317, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Diplomat Ballroom 5, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Regency Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Regency Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Room 314, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Diplomat Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Room 312–313, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Conference Room 220, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Conference Room 216, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Conference Room 217, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Conference Room 212, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Diplomat Ballroom 3, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Atlantic Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Update in Health Policy
Category: Health Policy/Advocacy/Social Justice
Session Coordinator: Tom Staiger, MD, Medical Director, University
of Washington Medical Center
Additional Faculty: Robert B. Baron, MD, University of California,
San Francisco; Michael Fischer, MD, MS, Brigham and Women’s
Hospital; Cara Litvin, MD, MS, Medical University of South Carolina;
Keith A. Vom Eigen, MD, University of Connecticut School of
Atlantic Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
The Role of Health Information Technology in Population
Health TIM
Category: Healthcare Delivery and Redesign
Submitted in Conjunction with: Medical Informatics Interest
Session Coordinator: Lipika Samal, MD, MPH, Assistant Professor,
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Additional Faculty: David W. Bates, MD, MSc, Brigham and
Women’s Hospital; Ajay Dharod, MD, Wake Forest Medical Center;
David A. Dorr, MD, MS, Oregon Health and Science University
School of Medicine; Rebecca G. Mishuris, MD, MS, MPH, Boston
University School of Medicine; William M. Tierney, MD, Dell
Medical School, University of Texas at Austin
Atlantic Ballroom 3, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Bridging Healthcare Delivery and Population Health:
Platforms for Progress HDR
Category: Healthcare Delivery and Redesign
Session Coordinator: Marc N. Gourevitch, MD, Professor of
Population Health, New York University School of Medicine
Additional Faculty: Kelly M. Doran, MD, MHS, New York University
School of Medicine; Leora I. Horwitz, MD, New York University
School of Medicine; Shreya Kangovi, MD, MS, University of
Pennsylvania; Joseph Ravenell, MD, MS, New York University School
of Medicine; Brita Roy, MD, MPH, Yale University School of Medicine
Room 307, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Using Shared Medical Appointments (SMAs) to Translate
Interprofessional Learning to Practice: Lessons Learned
from the VA Centers of Excellence in Primary
Care Education
Category: Medical Education Scholarship
Session Coordinator: Rebecca Brienza, MD, MPH, West Haven VA
Additional Faculty: Melissa Bachhuber, MD, San Francisco VA;
Donna M. Lowther, MN, FNP, Boise VA; Mamta K. Singh, MD, MS,
Cleveland VA; Joyce E. Wipf, MD, SeattleVA Puget Sound/University
of Washington
This workshop is part of the 2016 VA series, supported by the VA Health
Services Research and Development Service and the VA Office of
Academic Affiliations.
Room 301, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Building Patient Engagement from the Ground Up
Session Coordinator: Clarissa G. Hoover, MPH, Family Voices, Inc.
Additional Faculty: Kathleen McTigue, MD, MPH, University of
Pittsburgh; James Richter, MD, Massachusetts General Hospital;
Lisa Stewart, MA, PCORI; Jennifer Thomas, Patent Partner, Family
Voices, Inc.
This workshop is part of the 2016 PCOR Series, supported through a PCORI
Program Award, EA-1283-SGIM.
Room 201, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Op on Pop? Perioperative Care of the Older
Adult Patient A /G/E
Category: Aging/Geriatrics/End of Life
Submitted in Conjunction with: SGIM Geriatrics Task Force,
Geriatrics and Perioperative Interest Groups
Session Coordinator: Hollis Day, MD, MS, Associate Professor of
Medicine, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Additional Faculty: Michael P. Carson, MD, Jersey Shore University
Medical Center; Bruce E. Johnson, MD, Virginia Tech Carilion School
of Medicine; William Levin, MD, University of Pittsburgh Medical
Center; Michael H. Perskin, MD, New York University School of
Medicine; Gail M. Sullivan, MD, MPH, University of Connecticut
Session details are online at
THURSDAY 1:30–3:00 pm Session D
Diplomat Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Leaning In for Early Career Success: A Toolbox for Highly
Effective Clinician Educators
Category: Career Development
Session Coordinator: Rachel Bonnema, MD, MS, Associate Professor,
Department of Medicine, University of Nebraska Medical Center
Additional Faculty: Jennifer Corbelli, MD,MS, University of
Pittsburgh Medical Center; Abby Spencer, MD, MS, GIM, Cleveland
Clinic; Sarah A. Tilstra, MD, MS, University of Pittsburgh School of
Medicine/Medical Center
Diplomat Ballroom 4, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Preventive Healthcare for LGBTQ Patients: Guidelines and
Approaches to Health Promotion and Disease Prevention in a
Population Facing Health and Healthcare Disparities HD/VP
Category: Health Disparities/Vulnerable Populations
Submitted in Conjunction with: SGIM LGBT Health Interest Group
Session Coordinator: Robin Ivester, MD, Department of Internal
Medicine, Ochsner Medical Center
Additional Faculty: Rita Lee, MD, University of Colorado; Rachel
Oreck, MD, Tulane University School of Medicine
Regency Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
A Toolkit for Integrating the Patient Voice to Promote
Patient-Centered Care HDR
Category: Healthcare Delivery and Redesign
Session Coordinator: Albert W. Wu, MD, MPH, Professor, Health
Policy and Management, Johns Hopkins University
Additional Faculty: Rachel Hess, MD, MS, University of Utah; Claire
F. Snyder, PhD, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Diplomat Ballroom 5, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
The Building Blocks of Transforming Primary Care Teaching
Clinics HDR
Category: Healthcare Delivery and Redesign
Session Coordinator: Reena Gupta, MD, Assistant Professor of
Medicine, Division of General Internal Medicine, University of
California, San Francisco
Additional Faculty: Michael J. Rosenblum, MD, Baystate Medical
Center; Daniel Schauer, MD, MSc, University of Cincinnati College
of Medicine; Scott Shipman, Association of American Medical
Colleges; Rebecca L. Shunk, MD, University of California, San
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
Room 204, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Medications for Alcohol Use Disorder—A Generalist
Physician’s Primer MH/SU
Category: Mental Health/Substance Use
Submitted in Conjunction with: SGIM Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other
Drug Use Interest Group
Session Coordinator: Avik Chatterjee, MD, Instructor, Division of
Global Health Equity, Harvard Medical School
Additional Faculty: Theresa W. Kim, MD, GIM, Boston Medical
Center/Boston University School of Medicine; Jeffrey H. Samet,
MD, MA, MPH, Boston University School of Medicine; Jeanette M.
Tetrault, MD, Yale University School of Medicine; Babak Tofighi, MD,
New York University School of Medicine
Regency Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Moving Beyond Numbers: Applying Qualitative Methodology
to Expand the Scope of Research and Scholarship
Category: Research Methods
Session Coordinator: Subha Ramani, MBBS, MMEd, MPH, Assistant
Professor of Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Additional Faculty: Katherine C. Chretien, MD, Medical Service,
Washington, DC VA Medical Center; Gail M. Sullivan, MD, MPH,
Center on Aging, University of Connecticut; Matthew Tuck, MD,
EdD, Medical Service, Washington, DC VA Medical Center
Room 314, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Leadership Communication—Effective Communication Is a
Vital Prescription!
Category: Leadership and Administration
Coordinator: Nancy Proffitt, MBA, CEO, Proffitt Management
Diplomat Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
MiPLAN for Effective Bedside Teaching in the Current Era:
A TEACH Workshop
Category: Career Development
Session Coordinator: Chad R. Stickrath, MD, Assistant Dean for
Education, Denver VA Medical Center
Additional Faculty: Mel L. Anderson, III, MD, Denver VA Medical
Center; Blake R. Barker, MD, University of Texas Southwestern;
Christopher Bruti, MD, Rush University Medical Center; Mary H.
Hohenhaus, MD, Brigham and Women’s Hospital Primary Care
Associates at Norwood; Shwetha Iyer, MD, Montefiore Medical
Center; Danielle Jones, MD, Emory University School of Medicine;
Bernice Ruo, MD, MAS, Northwestern University; Athina Vassilakis,
MD, MPH, Columbia University Medical Center
THURSDAY 1:30–3:00 pm Session D
Abstract Session D1: Hamolsky Award Finalists
Abstract Session D3: Almost There—Tweaking the Model of
Primary Care QC/PS
Room 312–313, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Moderators: Thomas S. Inui, ScM, MD, and Nancy L. Keating, MD,
1. Change in Generic Medication Prescribing Rates after
Health System-Wide Redesign of Default Options within the
Electronic Health Record
Mitesh Patel; Susan C. Day; Scott Halpern; Bill Hanson; Joseph
Martinez; Steven Honeywell; Kevin G. Volpp
2. Evaluating Individual Feedback and Partner Feedback to
Improve Statin Medication Adherence
Ashok Reddy; Tiffany Huseman; Anne Canamucio; Steven C.
Marcus; David A. Asch; Kevin G. Volpp; Judith Long
3. Improving Identification of Patients at High-Risk for
Readmission Using Socio-Behavioral Patient Characteristics
Amol S. Navathe; Feiran Zhong; Victor Lei; Frank Y. Chang;
Roberto A. Rocha; Li Zhou
4. What Is the Impact of Ambulatory Practice Setting on the
Use of Low Value Health Services in the United States?
John N. Mafi; Christina C. Wee; Bruce E. Landon
5. A Randomized, Controlled Trial of Alternative Messages
to Increase Enrollment in a Healthy Food Program among
Individuals with Diabetes
Anjali Gopalan; Jithen Paramanund; Pamela Shaw; Deepak
Patel; Joelle Friedman; Christine Brophy; Kevin G. Volpp
6. Who Says No? Patient Characteristics Associated with
Refusal of HIV Screening in a Primary Care Setting
Sara Turbow; Heather Freiman; Bijal Shah
Conference Room 216, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Moderators: Alex Federman, MD, MPH, and Amy Linsky, MD, MS
1. Behavioral Health Integration at Your Fingertips: A
Descriptive Analysis of Electronic Consultation from
Primary Care to Psychiatry
Margaret Lowenstein; Olusinmi Bamgbose; Nathaniel
Gleason; Mitchell D. Feldman
2. Sustaining Collaborative Care in Primary Care and
Behavioral Health through an Innovative Case-Based
Bundled Payment Model
Michelle Blackmore; Henry Chung
3. Comparing HIV Quality Measures by HIV Care Model
Corinne Rhodes; Yuchiao Chang; Susan Regan; Daniel E.
Singer; Virginia Triant
4. Do Primary Care Clinics with Higher Adoption Levels of
Patient Centered Medical Home Features Have Lower ED
Return Visits?
Zayd A. Razouki; Chris Beadles; Sandra Woolson; Valerie Smith;
George L. Jackson; Susan N. Hastings
5. Effects of a Multi-Faceted Intervention to Improve Care
Transitions within a Pioneer Accountable Care Organization
Jeffrey L. Schnipper; Nyryan V. Nolido; Anuj K. Dalal; Cherlie
Magny-Normilus; Lipika Samal; Asaf Bitton; Ryan Thompson;
Stephanie Labonville; Gwen Crevensten
6. Impact of Patient-Entered Wellness Data and Tailored EMR
Recommendations on Delivery of Preventive Care
Julie Foucher; Michael B. Rothberg
Abstract Session D2: Finding the Sweet Spot in Diabetes
Prevention and Treatment
Abstract Session D4: Vulnerable Populations, Diversity, and
Social Justice HD/VP
Conference Room 220, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Moderators: Lisa Martinez, MD, and Jason Vassy, MD, MPH, SM
1. Culturally Targeted Strategies for Diabetes Prevention in
Minority Populations: A Systematic Review and Framework
Pooja A. Lagisetty; Shubadra Priyadarshini; Stephanie Terrell;
Jessica Landgraf; Vineet Chopra; Michele Heisler
2. A Mixed Methods Study of Initial Engagement in Behaviors
to Prevent Diabetes among Employees with Prediabetes
Jeff Kullgren; Megan Knaus; Kristi Jenkins; Michele Heisler
3. Patient Perceptions about Prediabetes and Preferences for
Diabetes Prevention
Matthew J. O’Brien; Margaret R. Moran; Joyce W. Tang;
Maria Vargas; Mary Talen; Laura J. Zimmermann; Ronald T.
Ackermann; Namratha R. Kandula
4. Primary Care Providers’ Knowledge of Screening and
Diagnosis of Diabetes and Prediabetes
Eva Tseng; Hsin-Chieh Yeh; Maura J. McGuire; Jeanne M. Clark;
Nisa Maruthur; Paul O’Rourke
5. Primary Care Providers’ Management and Treatment
Practices for Prediabetes
Eva Tseng; Hsin-Chieh Yeh; Maura J. McGuire; Jeanne M. Clark;
Nisa Maruthur; Paul O’Rourke
6. Using Longitudinal HbA1c Data in Proactive Diabetes
Management Identifies Patients at a Wider Spectrum of Risk
as Compared to Static Goal-Based Cutoffs
John A. Zambrano; Pete Spanos
Conference Room 217, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Moderators: Holly Batal, MD, MBA, and Nicole Redmond, MD, PhD,
1. A Qualitative Assessment of Anti-Abortion Attitudes among
Low-Income Women Undergoing Abortion
Amanda Gelman; Elian A. Rosenfeld; Sonya Borrero
2. Understanding Factors Associated with Colorectal Cancer
Screening in the Lao Community in Minnesota
Layne Anderson; Sunny Chanthanouvong; Hee Yun Lee;
Elizabeth A. Rogers; Namthip Saengsudaham; Vilamone Tran;
Lei Zhang
3. Increasing Access: Patients’ Perspectives on Voter
Registration in Urban Health Centers
Marce E. Abare; Matthew Anderson; Asiya Tschannerl
4. Patient Engagement Program Led to Improved EvidenceBased Medication Use in Diabetic and Heart Disease
Patients in Federally Qualified Health Centers: The Office
Guidelines Applied to Practice Program
Ade B. Olomu; Nazia Naz S. Khan; David Todem; Shireesha
Bottu; Syeda Quadri; Margaret Holmes-Rovner
5. Health Reform, Coverage Changes, and Indian Health
Service Use among Native Americans
Molly Frean; Shelbie Shelder; Meredith Rosenthal; Thomas D.
Sequist; Benjamin D. Sommers
6. Promoting Progress or Perpetuating Problems: Strategic
Planning and Diversity in Academic Medicine
David M. Washington; Michael Paasche-Orlow; Jane M.
Session details are online at
THURSDAY 1:30–3:00 pm Session D
Vignette Session D: Award Finalists
Conference Room 212, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Moderator: Dominique Cosco, MD
1. A Rare Pin Cushing
Nicole Ng; Julie Lorton; Eric Epstein; Tulay Aksoy
2. MALAligned–Metformin Associated Lactic Acidosis and
Medication Reconcilliation Error
Angela J. Kang; Aydin Pinar
3. A Curious Case of Nosebleeds in the Night-Time: Profound
Iron Deficiency Anemia and Plummer-Vinson Syndrome
Secondary to Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia
Mohammad-Ali Jazayeri; Douglas J. Rausch
4. Remission of Adult Onset Type 1 Diabetes in a Patient
Prescribed Immune Modulating Therapy
Scott J. Pilla; Amy Q. Quan; Emily L. Germain-Lee; David B.
Hellmann; Nestoras N. Mathioudakis
5. Statin-Induced Necrotizing Autoimmune Myopathy: A
Novel Diagnosis Requiring a More Widespread Recognition
Lillian Gonzales; Mahrukh Ali; Ramon Rodriguez-Cruz; Aunali
6. The Key to Solving the Mystery of a Refractory Pleural
Effusion Is… a Pelvic Exam?
Jennifer Mandal
Innovations in Medical Education Oral Presentation
Session D MES
Diplomat Ballroom 3, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Moderator: Sara B. Fazio, MD, Chair, Innovations in Medical
1. Resource Stewardship Curriculum: Teaching Internal
Medicine and Pediatric Residents to Communicate
Effectively with Patients to Avoid Potential Harm from
Unnecessary Diagnosis Tests
Adina Weinerman; Geetha Mukerji; Sarah Schwartz; Adelle R.
Atkinson; Lynfa Stroud; Brian Wong
2. Value-Added Medical Education: Students as Patient
Jed Gonzalo; Britta M. Thompson; Daniel R. Wolpaw
3. Impact of Faculty Training on Patient Satisfaction with
Patient-Centered Electronic Medical Record Use
Obiama Ukabiala; Lollita Alkureishi; J. H. Isaacson; Mark
Mayer; Vineet M. Arora; Wei Wei Lee
4. Evidence Based Medicine on the Fly: Interdisciplinary
Communication on the Consult Services
Deepa R. Nandiwada; Shanta M. Zimmer; Megan McNamara;
Melissa McNeil; Carla Spagnoletti; Amar Kohli; Kathryn
5. Night Float 101: Entrustment of Professional Activities
Deepa Bhatnagar; Ahmed G. Mohiuddin; Cathy Lazarus
6. Residency Wellness: Changing Culture through Experiential
Margaret Horlick; Patrick M. Cocks; Lisa Altshuler; Colleen
Gillespie; Sondra Zabar
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
THURSDAY 3:15–4:45 pm Session E
Atlantic Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Atlantic Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Atlantic Ballroom 3, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Room 307, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Room 204, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Conference Room 212, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Diplomat Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Diplomat Ballroom 4, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Diplomat Ballroom 5, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Regency Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Room 314, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Diplomat Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Room 312–313, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Conference Room 220, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Conference Room 217, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Conference Room 216, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Room 201, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Diplomat Ballroom 3, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Atlantic Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Update in Pain Medicine for the Generalist
Category: Clinical Medicine
Submitted in Conjunction with: SGIM Pain Medicine Interest
Session Coordinator: William Becker, MD, Assistant Professor, VA
Connecticut Healthcare System
Additional Faculty: Matthew J. Bair, MD, MS, Indiana University
School of Medicine; Joseph W. Frank, MD, MPH, University of
Colorado School of Medicine; Erin E. Krebs, MD, MPH, Minneapolis
VA Health Care System; Michael Picchioni, MD, Baystate Medical
Center/Tufts University School of Medicine; Joanna L. Starrels, MD,
MS, Albert Einstein College of Medicine/Montefiore Medical Center
Atlantic Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Achieving Population Health by Clinical Integration in
Accountable Care Organizations HDR
Category: Healthcare Delivery and Redesign
Session Coordinator: David Dugdale, MD, Professor, University of
Additional Faculty: Scott A. Berkowitz, MD, MBA, Johns Hopkins
School of Medicine; Timothy G. Ferris, MD, MPH, Massachusetts
General Hospital; Jonathan Jaffery, MD, MS, MMM, University of
Wisconsin Health; Devdutta Sangvai, MD, MBA, Duke University
School of Medicine
Atlantic Ballroom 3, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
The Population Health Impact of Racial Bias and Social
Injustice: The Example of Police Brutality and
Black Men HP/A/SJ
Category: Health Policy/Advocacy/Social Justice
Submitted in Conjunction with: SGIM Minorities in Medicine,
Criminal Justice and Health, Physicians Against Violence, Social
Responsibility Interest Groups and the Disparities Task Force
Session Coordinator: Jessie K. Marshall, MD, Assistant Professor,
Department of Medicine, University of Michigan
Additional Faculty: Julien J. Dedier, MD, MPH, Boston University;
Marshall Fleurant, MD, MPH, Boston University School of Medicine;
LeRoi S. Hicks, MD, MPH, Christiana Care Health System; Camara
P. Jones, MD, MPH, PhD, Morehouse School of Medicine; Wizdom
A. Powell, PhD, MPH, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill;
John Rich, MD, MPH, Drexel University School of Public Health;
George Shelton, MD, MPP, Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center/
Baylor College of Medicine; Emily A. Wang, MD, MAS, Yale School of
Room 307, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Population-Based Intensive Management Programs for
High-Risk Patients: Experiences in the VA System
Category: Healthcare Delivery and Redesign
Session Coordinator: Jessica A. Eng, MD, San Francisco VA Health
Care System
Additional Faculty: Evelyn T. Chang, MD, MSHS, Greater Los
Angeles VA Health Care System; Jeffrey L. Jackson, MD, MPH,
Medical College of Wisconsin/Zablocki VA Medical Center; Neha
Pathak, MD, Atlanta VA Medical Center; Jonathan Shaw, Palo Alto
VA Health Care System; Brook Watts, MD, Louis Stokes Cleveland VA
Medical Center; Donna M. Zulman, MD, MS, Stanford University/
Palo Alto VA Health Care System
This workshop is part of the 2016 VA series, supported by the VA Health
Services Research and Development Service and the VA Office of
Academic Affiliations.
Session details are online at
THURSDAY 3:15–4:45 pm Session E
Room 204, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Writing Curriculum Vitae and Preparing to Interview
Category: Career Development
Session Coordinator: Stacy Higgins, MD, Associate Professor, Emory
University School of Medicine
Additional Faculty: Bennett Lee, MD, MPH, Virginia
Commonwealth University; Alex J. Mechaber, MD, University of
Miami; Hilit F. Mechaber, MD, University of Miami; Amanda S.
Mixon, MD, MS, MSPH, VA Tennessee Valley Healthcare System/
Vanderbilt University; Sara Turbow, MD, MPH, Emory University
School of Medicine
Conference Room 212, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
The K to R01 Transition: From Take-Off to Successful
Category: Career Development
Submitted in Conjunction with: SGIM Research Committee
Session Coordinator: Mara A. Schonberg, MD, MPH, Assistant
Professor, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Additional Faculty: Erica S. Breslau, PhD, National Cancer Institute;
Gail L. Daumit, MD, MHS, Johns Hopkins University School of
Medicine; Christina C. Wee, MD, MPH, Beth Israel Deaconess
Medical Center
Diplomat Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Ending HIV with PrEP: The Newest HIV Prevention Tool for
Primary Care
Category: Clinical Medicine
Submitted in Conjunction with: SGIM HIV and LGBT Interest
Session Coordinator: E. J. Edelman, MD, MHS, Assistant Professor of
Medicine, Internal Medicine, Yale University School of Medicine
Additional Faculty: Kimberly Bates, MD, Gwinnett Medical
Center; Gail Berkenblit, MD, PhD, Johns Hopkins University; Oni J.
Blackstock, MD, Albert Einstein College of Medicine; Alia Chisty,
MD, Temple University; Tiffany Lu, MD, Albert Einstein College of
Medicine; Ryan Nall, MD, University of Florida; Viraj V. Patel, MD,
MPH, Albert Einstein College of Medicine; Gina M. Simoncini, MD,
Temple University
Diplomat Ballroom 4, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Engaged to Be Engaged in Community-Based Research?
Gather the Tools You Need to Take the Leap
into Practice HD/VP
Category: Health Disparities/Vulnerable Populations
Submitted in Conjunction with: SGIM Disparities Task Force
Session Coordinator: Lisa A. Cooper, MD, MPH, Professor of
Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Additional Faculty: L. Ebony Boulware, MD, Duke University;
Giselle M. Corbie-Smith, MD, MSc, University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill; O. Kenrik Duru, MD, GIM/HSR, University of California,
Los Angeles; Gbenga Ogedegbe, MD, MPH, New York University
School of Medicine; Monica E. Peek, MD, MPH, The University of
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
Diplomat Ballroom 5, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Moving Beyond Fee-For-Service: Innovations and Lessons in
Alternative Payment Models HP/A/SJ
Category: Health Policy/Advocacy/Social Justice
Session Coordinator: Jacob Berman, MD, MPH, Physician, Public
Health Professional, University of Washington
Additional Faculty: JudyAnn Bigby, MD, Mathematica Policy
Research; Mark W. Friedberg, MD, MPP, RAND Corporation; Allan H.
Goroll, MD, Harvard University; Ahmed G. Mohiuddin, MD, Tulane
Regency Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Managing Challenging Communication: The Importance of
Framing and Feedback
Category: Leadership and Administration
Session Coordinator: Eva M. Aagaard, MD, Professor, University of
Colorado School of Medicine
Additional Faculty: Kirsten J. Broadfoot, PhD, University of Colorado
Anschutz Medical Campus
Room 314, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Breast Cancer Risk Assessment and Chemoprevention:
A Practical and Comprehensive Approach for the
Busy PCP
Category: Women's Health
Session Coordinator: Rachel Vanderberg, MD, Hospitalist,
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
Additional Faculty: Maggie K. Benson, MD, University of Pittsburgh
Medical Center; Deborah DiNardo, MD, University of Pittsburgh
School of Medicine; Amy H. Farkas, MD, University of Pittsburgh
Medical Center
Diplomat Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Fundamentals of Successful Mentoring, Advising, and
Coaching—A TEACH Workshop MES
Category: Medical Education Scholarship
Session Coordinator: Kerri Palamar, MD, Associate Program
Director, Department of Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital
Additional Faculty: Eva M. Aagaard, MD, University of Colorado
School of Medicine; Abby L. Spencer, MD, MS, Cleveland Clinic;
Donna M. Windish, MD, MPH, Yale University
THURSDAY 3:15–4:45 pm Session E
Abstract Session E1: Hamolsky Award Finalists
Room 312–313, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Moderators: Carol K. Bates, MD and Stephan D. Fihn, MD, MPH
1. Women’s Perceptions of Dense Breast Notifications: “So
What Is That Supposed to Mean?”
Christine M. Gunn; Tracy A. Battaglia; Amanda K. West; Nancy
R. Kressin
2. Cognitive Decline and Its Associations with Health Literacy
and Self-Management Skills among Older Adults
Laura M. Curtis; Rachel O’Conor; Rebecca Mullen; Derin J.
Cobia; William Revelle; Michael S. Wolf
3. Diagnostic Discordance and Inter-Hospital Transfer
Michael G. Usher; Nishant Sahni; Dana Herrigel; Andrew
4. Demystifying the Association between Depressive
Symptoms and Cardiovascular Disease in Black and White
Adults: The REGARDS Study
Nathalie Moise; Yulia Khodneva; Joshua S. Richman; Daichi
Shimbo; Ian M. Kronish; Monika Safford
5. Multimorbidity and Long Term Physical and Mental HealthRelated Quality of Life in Community-Dwelling Adults
Melissa Y. Wei; Kenneth Mukamal
6. 6-Month Outcomes among Older Adults of Community
Engagement versus Technical Assistance to Implement
Depression Collaborative Care
Adriana Izquierdo; Esmeralda Pulido; Kenneth B. Wells;
Marina Berkman; Barbara Linski; Vivian Sauer; Jeanne
Abstract Session E2: Aging/Geriatrics
A /G/E
Conference Room 220, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Moderator: Bruce Kinosian, MD
Discussant: Elizabeth Eckstrom, MD, MPH, 2016 Distinguished
Professor in Geriatrics
1. Utilizing Medicare Claims for the Assessment of Influenza
Vaccination Coverage in the US Elderly
Mallika Mundkur; Clement J. McDonald
2. The TAILORED Study: A Randomized Controlled Trial to
Improve Surrogate Decision Making
Mark Hughes; Daniel Sulmasy; Gayane Yenokyan; Joan Kub;
Peter Terry; Alan B. Astrow; Julie Johnson; Grace Ho; Marie
3. Enabling Seniors to Plan for their Post-Hospital Discharge
Needs before a Hospitalization Occurs:
Lee Lindquist; Vanessa Ramirez-Zohfeld; Priya Sunkara; Chris
Forcucci; Kenzie A. Cameron
4. End-of-Life Experience of Older Adults Dying of End-Stage
Renal Disease versus Cancer
Melissa W. Wachterman; Zhonghe Li; Stuart R. Lipsitz; Karl
Lorenz; Edward R. Marcantonio; Nancy L. Keating
5. 30-Day Readmissions: The Influence of Physician Attending
Type and Social Connectedness
Tafadzwa Muguwe; Nathalie Bloch; Shani Legore; Orissa Viza;
Carey C. Thomson; Kendell Clement; Joanne P. Kerwin; Valerie
E. Stone
6. National Trends in the Use of Percutaneous Endoscopic
Gastrostomy (PEG) Tube among Elderly Patients with
Dementia in the US from 2006–2011
Ranjan Pathak; Smith Giri; Madan R. Aryal; Paras
Karmacharya; Vijaya R. Bhatt
Session details are online at
THURSDAY 3:15–4:45 pm Session E
Abstract Session E3: Medical Education Scholarship and
Medical Ethics MES
Conference Room 217, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Moderators: Bruce Johnson, MD, and Maria Wamsley, MD
1. Efficacy of Interventions to Reduce Resident Physician
Burnout: A Systematic Review
Kiran Busireddy; Miller Jonathan; Kathleen E. Ellison; Vicky
Ren; Mukta Panda; Rehan Qayyum
2. The Pause Procedure Enhances Recall in Continuing
Medical Education Presentations: A Randomized Controlled
Intervention Study
Lukas W. Richards; Amy T. Wang; Saswati Mahapatra; Sarah
Jenkins; Nerissa Collins; Thomas J. Beckman; Christopher M.
3. Being in a Relationship Is Associated with Worsened WellBeing among Female Medical Students Compared to their
Male Counterparts
John Schorling; Danielle Oliver; Margaret L. Plews-Ogan;
Justine Owens
4. Implicit Bias in Undergraduate Medical Education:
Development and Validation of The Implicit Bias Attitude
Cristina M. Gonzalez; Ramya J. Garba; Joseph Grochowalski;
Paul R. Marantz
5. Trainees’ Knowledge and Application of Guideline
Recommendations for Colorectal Cancer Screening and
Surveillance; A Gap That Needs to Be Bridged
Abhishek Karwa; Rushad Patell; Rocio Lopez; Carol A. Burke
6. Geriatrics in Jail: Educating Professionals to Improve the
Care of Older Inmates
Meera Sheffrin; Cyrus Ahalt; Irena Stijacic Cenzer; Brie
Abstract Session E4: Hospital Medicine
Conference Room 216, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Moderators: Carlos Estrada, MD, MS, and Eric Mortensen, MD, MSc
1. Predicting 30-Day Pneumonia Readmissions Using
Electronic Health Record Data from the Full Hospital Stay:
Model Development and Comparison
Oanh K. Nguyen; Anil N. Makam; Song Zhang; Bin Xie; Mark
A. Weinreich; Ruben Amarasingham; Eric Mortensen; Ethan
2. High Serum Levels of Stress Biomarkers Are Associated with
30-Day Unplanned Readmission and Death after Acute Care
Carole E. Aubert; Antoine Folly; Marco Mancinetti; Daniel
Hayoz; Jacques Donze
3. Determining the Threshold for Venous Thromboembolism
Prophylaxis for Hospitalized Medical Patients: A CostEffectiveness Analysis
Phuc H. Le; Michael B. Rothberg
4. Evaluation of Medication-Related Clinical Decision Support
Overrides in the Intensive Care Unit
Adrian Wong; Mary Amato; Diane L. Seger; Patrick E. Beeler;
Olivia Dalleur; Patricia Dykes; Tewodros Eguale; Julie Fiskio;
Elizabeth R. Silvers; Sarah P. Slight; David W. Bates
5. Potential Impact of a Bedside Procedure Service on Training
Procedurally Competent Hospitalists in a Community-Based
Residency Program
Anthony S. Montuno; Bijou R. Hunt; May M. Lee
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
6. Preoperative Risk Factors Predict Risk of Delirium and
Other Postoperative Complications among Elderly Patients
Undergoing Elective Surgery: Systematic Review
Jennifer A. Watt; Andrea Tricco; Catherine Talbot-Hamon;
Agnes Grudniewicz; Douglas Sinclair; Sharon Straus
Vignette Session E: Unknown Clinical Vignettes
Room 201, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Moderator: Irene Alexandraki, MD, MPH
Discussants: Robert Centor, MD, and Daniel P. Hunt, MD
1. Remembering a Forgotten Disease
Justin S. Louie
2. A Bizarre Case of Water Induced Bleeding
Yazan Samhouri; Ming Zhao; Mahesh Krishnamurthy
3. Withdrawn by Author
4. Not Just Another Case of Back Pain
Micah Yost; Andrew Greenlund
5. Planting the Seed: A Case of Hemoptysis Grows into a
Surprise Diagnosis
Karen E. Schmitz; Ashley Ullrich
Innovations in Clinical Practice Oral Presentations:
Team Coordination
Diplomat Ballroom 3, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Moderators: Alpesh Amin, MD, MBA, Chair, and Jonathan D. Kirsch,
MD, Co-Chair, Innovations in Clinical Practice
The Quality and Practice Innovation Award will be presented at this
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. UCLA Health Advance Care Planning Initiative
Neil Wenger; Anne M. Walling
Lessons from the Academic Innovations Collaborative,
a Primary Care Practice Transformation Learning
Jessica Zeidman; Jennifer Azzara; Trudy Bearden; Asaf Bitton;
Lindsay S. Hunt; T’sera M. Mirescu; Gordon D. Schiff; Sara
Singer; Jonathan R. Sugarman; Andrew L. Ellner
Systematic Tracking and Follow Up of Abnormal Cancer
Screening Tests Utilizing a Social Work Care Manager to
Improve Patient Safety in an Academic Primary Care Clinic
Shana Ratner; Lindsey Franks; Cristin Colford; Daniel S.
Reuland; Brooke B. McGuirt; Christina McMillan; Laura G.
Brown; Michael Pignone
Coordinated Team Approach to Address Patients with
Multiple Quality Gaps in Care
Nisha Basu; Adam R. Christensen; Scot B. Sternberg
Patient Aligned Care Team Interdisciplinary Care Update—
Impact of a Complex Patient Case Conference on Quality and
William G. Weppner; C. Scott Smith; Rick Tivis; Amber Fisher;
India C. King; Timothy Gordon
THURSDAY 5:00–6:00 pm Session F
Great Hall 4, 5, & 6, 3rd Floor, Convention Center
Innovations in Medical Education
Posters 1–96
Innovations in Clinical Practice
Posters 97–194
1. An Interprofessional Education Initiative to Reduce
Pharmaceutical Risk in Primary Care
Marcia C. Mecca; John M. Thomas; Kristina Niehoff; Anne
Hyson; Rebecca Brienza
2. Implementation of a Trainee-Led Case Conference to
Improve Interprofessional, Team-Based Care for High
Complexity Patients
Anna Strewler; Nathan Ewigman; Bridget O’Brien; Jessica A.
Eng; Rebecca L. Shunk
3. Student Hotspotting: Caring for the Sickest among Us
through Narrative-Based Experiential Interprofessional
John Marshall; Rita K. Kuwahara; Aziza Dang
4. Interprofessional Collaborative Practice: A Formal
Curriculum for Residents in Primary Care Clinic
Anna Volerman; Natalia Genere; Gianna Sparks; LaToya
Bradford; George Weyer; Julie Oyler
5. Let’s Give Them Something to Talk About: Using an
Interprofessional Small Group Activity to Teach Students
Medical Ethics
Liam P. Howley; Laura Hinkle
6. Teaching Interprofessional Collaborative Care Skills to
Students Using a Blended Learning Approach
Maria A. Wamsley; Angel Chen; Cathi Dennehy; Amber
Fitzsimmons; Susan Hyde; Kirby Lee; Bridget C. OBrien; Josette
Rivera; Rebecca L. Shunk
7. Developing a Sustainable Model for Interprofessional
Partnerships in Medical Student-Run Clinics
Maya Appley; Alex Schmalz; Linda Nix; Mary K. Orsulak
8. Team Retreats for Interprofessional Trainees and Staff:
Getting Together to Get It Together
Shalini Patel; Bridget O’Brien; Maya H. Dulay; Gillian Earnest;
Terry Keene; Rebecca L. Shunk; Denise L. Davis
9. Enhancing the Interprofessional Learning Environment
through a Collaborative Care Model to Improve Patient Care:
A Pilot Study
Temple Ratcliffe; Kanapa Kornsawad; Christopher Moreland;
Meghan Crabtree; Karthik Garapati; Stephanie Ossowski;
Erika Bowen; Luci Leykum
10. Bridging the Language Gap: Training Medical Students in
the Use of Professional Interpretation Services
Christopher Moreland; Todd Agan; Diane Ferguson; Kristy Y.
11. Establishment of a Primary Care Rural Health Fellowship to
Address Health Disparities
Matthew Tobey; Devin Oller; Omar Amir; Tom Peteet; Katrina
12. Global is Local: Developing a Multidisciplinary Mobile
Health Experiential Rotation Working with Migrant and
Seasonal Farmworkers in Rural Minnesota
Rachel Sandler; Jonathan D. Kirsch; Oscar Garza
13. How Assumptions and Preferences Affect Patient Care: An
Introduction to Implicit Bias for First Year Medical Students
Cristina M. Gonzalez; Alyssa R. Liguori; Martha S. Grayson
14. A Curriculum to Improve Resident Knowledge and
Satisfaction in Caring for Hospitalized Patients with
Payel J. Roy; Zoe M. Weinstein; David Yuh; Linda Neville;
Alexander Y. Walley
15. Can We Improve How Medical Residents Identify and
Address Socioeconomic and Environmental Risks That
Adversely Affect Their Patient’s Health Status?
Iman F. Hassan; Lalit Narayan; Mayce Mansour; Darlene
LeFrancois; Lauren Shapiro
16. Training Physicians to Perform Medical Evaluations of
Asylum Seekers
Triveni DeFries; Hala Borno; Debra Keller; Cristina Biasetto;
Sharad Jain
17. A Hospital without Walls: Addressing Social Determinants
of Health through a Resident Physician-Led Advocacy
Colleen Vessell; Amy S. Tang; Angela Arbach; Janine Knudsen
18. Creating a Multifaceted Health Disparities Curriculum in an
Internal Medicine Residency Program
Ashley K. Haddad; Nicole Redmond; William Curry; Rebekah
Weil; Lisa L. Willet
19. Social Justice and Community Advocacy: Creation of a Novel
Pathway in Residency Training
Utibe R. Essien; Julian Mitton
20. Putting the Action Back in Advocacy Training: SkillsFocused Training in Advocacy and Leadership for Graduate
Medical Residents
Jane Andrews; Kris Coontz
21. Withdrawn by Author
22. Service Transformed: Lessons in U.S. Veteran Centered Care:
Developing an Interprofessional Massive Open Online
Course (MOOC)
Monica L. Lypson; Paula T. Ross; Kathryn Goldrath
23. Using Group Reflection to Help Medical Students Process
Experience in Care of Sexual and Gender Minorities
Naomi Gorfinkle; Jawara Allen; Demere Woolway; James
Aluri; Rosalyn W. Stewart; Maura J. McGuire
24. Implementation of a Medical Spanish Curriculum for
Medical Students and Residents
Colin Robinson; Michelle Aguilar; Kristen A. Kipps
25. Caring for Formerly Incarcerated Patients: A Longitudinal
Curriculum with OSCE
Jonathan M. Giftos; Ross Macdonald; Melissa Stein; Aaron D.
26. A Resident-Led Initiative to Address the Impact of Law
Enforcement Interactions on Patients
Jessica Bloome; David Tian; Danielle Alkov; Aisha ScherrWilliams; Lamercie Saint-Hilaire; Diana Wu
27. Birmingham Voices: Developing Narrative Competency to
Better Serve Vulnerable Populations
Amy J. Kennedy; Gaetan Sgro
28. Swim Lanes and Clinical Competency Committee Needs:
Using Quality Improvement (QI) Techniques to Enhance a
Residency Program’s Assessment System
James Thomascik; Colleen Colbert; Andrei Brateanu; Eric
Holizna; Kenneth Koncilja
Session details are online at
THURSDAY 5:00–6:00 pm Session F
29. Using Simulation to Remediate Poor Professional Behaviors
Jeannette Guerrasio; Kirsten J. Broadfoot; Eva M. Aagaard
30. Improving Trainees’ Diagnostic Reasoning through
Structured Peer Feedback
Kathleen Lane; Andrew Olson
31. Gender Matters: Assessing Disparities and Promoting Equity
through Improved Resident Communication, Leadership,
and Negotiation
Mumtaz Mustapha; Elizabeth A. Rogers; Briar Duffy; Sophia
32. Making It Count Twice: Combining Clinical and Educational
Skill Learning in Faulty Development
Anne Dembitzer; Verity Schaye; Lynn Bui; Mark D. Schwartz
33. Developing a ‘Community of Practice’ among VA Advanced
Fellowships in Women’s Health
Christine J. Kolehmainen; Anne Stahr; Christine Pribbenow;
Carolyn B. Allard; Lisa Altman; Linda Baier Manwell; Cynthia
Brandt; Megan R. Gerber; Kathryn Havens; Sally G. Haskell;
Karla Kerlikowske; Melissa McNeil; Robin Moyer; Cynthia
H. Phelan; Donna L. Washington; Laure Veet; Molly Carnes;
Elizabeth M. Yano
34. Canada-Guyana Medical Education Project: A Win-Win
Partnership among Trainees
Shannon Ruzycki; Victoria Weaver; William Stokes; Debra L.
35. Creating an Internet Based Medical Education Journal Club
Saima Chaudhry; Alice Fornari; Jennifer Verbsky
36. Leveraging 4+1 Scheduling for a Primary Care Leadership
Pathway (PCLP) in an Internal Medicine Residency Program
Nancy T. Skehan; Allen Chang; Sheri Keitz
37. Training the Next Generation of Clinical Educators: A
Longitudinal Practice-Based Curriculum for Beginning
Clinical Teachers
Catherine Jones
38. University of Alabama School of Medicine (UASOM) Faculty
Scholars in Health Disparities and Culturally Responsive
Nicole Redmond; Jonathan Waugh; Monika M. Safford; Jeffrey
M. Ring
39. Teaching the Teachers: Adapting a Faculty Development
Workshop on Patient-Centered Electronic Medical Records
Use for Busy Clinicians
Wei Wei Lee; Lollita Alkureishi; Mark Mayer; J. H. Isaacson;
Jeanne M. Farnan; Amy K. Windover; Lily Pien; Richard M.
Frankel; Vineet M. Arora
40. Novel Champions for Professionalism: Integrating a PatientCentered EMR Use Curricula into Required EMR Training
Lollita Alkureishi; Wei Wei Lee; Sandra Webb; Vineet M. Arora
41. A Multi-Faceted Educational Intervention for Advance Care
Planning in Resident Clinic
Jennifer Russo; Irina Vovnoboy; Jessica Bender; Ryan
Chippendale; Sandhya Rao
42. I Learn Best This Way! Development and Implementation of
a Team-Based Learning Curriculum for Internal Medicine
Continuity Clinic Residents
David A. Williams
43. Does 4+1 Residency Scheduling Add Up to Improved Patient
Cara Foldes; Larry Laufman; Achilia Morrow; Lee Lu; David J.
Hyman; Joslyn Fisher
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
44. Faculty Integrated to Resident Scheduling Templates (FIRST)
Halle G. Sobel; Rachel Swigris; Karen Chacko; Alison R.
Landrey; Monica C. McNulty; Kaitlyn Vennard; Susan M.
Nikels; Kathleen Suddarth; Edward N. Murphy; Eva M.
45. The “No Show” Patient: How to Engage the Patient Who
Does Not Come for Resident Clinic Appointments
Etsemaye P. Agonafer; Wishwa N. Kapoor; Peggy B. Hasley
46. Modified Nominal Group Technique to Galvanize Resident
Led Incorporation of Patient Centered Medical Home
Principles and Values into an Ambulatory Curriculum
Frank Cacace; Jennifer Verbsky; Jason Ehrlich
47. Kick the Butt!—A Pilot Smoking Cessation Program Using
Group Visits in an Internal Medicine Resident Clinic
Patricia Ng; Susan Oliverio; Mindy Sobota
48. Advanced Care Planning in the Outpatient Setting: What Do
I Say? A Workshop for Residents
Emily Rumora; Jessamyn Blau; Michelle Rappaport
49. Inviting Them In: Teaching Medical Students about the
Patient Centered Medical Home
Stefani Russo; Andrew Schreiner; Kimberly S. Davis
50. Taking a Deep Dive in Primary Care: Using a Primary CareFocused Ambulatory Block Rotation to Improve Intern
Confidence and Enthusiasm in Outpatient General Medicine
and Continuity Clinic
Jennifer R. Lukela
51. Can a Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Teaching Internal
Medicine Residents Improve Screening for Falls in Older
Primary Care Patients?
Jennifer Lom; Jonathan Flacker
52. Team Based Learning Approach to Resident Education in
Outpatient Internal Medicine
Mirela Feurdean; Ahmad Yousaf; Neil Kothari; Ana NatalePereira
53. Improving Patient Care and Communication in a 4+1
Schedule: Designing a Standardized Lab Follow-Up Protocol
Sue Gu; Virgil Secasanu; Charles Lundquist; Jason Henry; Julie
Knoeckel; Joel Womack; Victoria Maldonado; Quocan Nguyen;
Vishnu Kulasekaran; Laura P. Hurley
54. Improving IUD Counseling among Internal Medicine
Residents: A Randomized Control Multi-Site Educational
Trial Heather D. Hirsch; Megan McNamara; Abby Spencer; Pelin
Batur; Pete Spanos
55. Using Smartphone Technology to Perform Funduscopic
Examination: A Promising Teaching Tool
Claudia L. Campos; Carolyn F. Pedley; James L. Wofford; Kirsten
Feiereisel; Abigail Koch; Ramon Velez
56. Facilitating Feedback on a Clinical Clerkship Using a
Smartphone App
Aditya Joshi; Jenilee Generalla; Britta M. Thompson; Paul
57. Ortho To-Go: The UCSF Musculoskeletal Physical Exam App
Carlin Senter; Dylan Alegria; Christy K. Boscardin; Chandler
THURSDAY 5:00–6:00 pm Session F
58. The Role of Debrief Groups in Preserving Empathy during
Third-Year Clinical Rotations
Laura K. Bloom; Madhuri Nagaraj; Kelli Columbo; Alex J.
Egusquiza; Alex J. Mechaber; Jeffrey P. Brosco; Kenneth W.
Goodman; Hilit F. Mechaber
59. Naloxone Prescribing within an Internal Medicine Training
Program: Does a Focused Curriculum Change the Numbers?
Jessica Taylor; Alison B. Rapoport; Chris Rowley; Wendy Stead
60. A Novel Curriculum to Foster Intern Resiliency
Amber-Nicole Bird; Amber Pincavage
61. Calling a Consult: A Standardized Procedure for a Standard
Amar Kohli; Alda Maria Gonzaga; Shanta M. Zimmer; Michael
62. An Integrated Program to Prepare Second Year Medical
Students for Core Clinical Rotations
J. H. Isaacson; Mark Mayer; Elham Yousef; Giselle Velez
63. An Internal Medicine Didactic Curriculum Undergoes a 21st
Century Redesign
Jennifer Koch; Nancy T. Kubiak; Charlene K. Mitchell; Clayton
Smith; Laura Bishop; Michael Burk
64. An Effective Quality Improvement Curriculum Created and
Implemented by a Single Faculty Preceptor
Nancy T. Kubiak; Jennifer Koch; Charlene K. Mitchell
65. A Curriculum to Optimize Medical Student Experience with
Patient-Centered Discharge Care
Maureen D. Lyons; Adam Cifu; Amber Pincavage
66. Examining Diagnostic Reasoning Using Smart Phone-Based
Case Simulation: A Case of Chest Pain Due to Pulmonary
James L. Wofford; Shantanu Nundy
67. The Phronesis (Practical Wisdom) Project: Fostering
Capacities for Practical Wisdom in Medical Students
Margaret L. Plews-Ogan; Walker Redd; Natalie May
68. Improving Online Medical Student Learning through
Interaction: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Thomas D. Shiffler; David Feldstein; Yuyen Chang; Christopher
B. Bundy; Emmanuel Contreras Guzman
69. A Virtual Library to Promote Patient-Centered Learning on
Inpatient Medical Services
Richard E. Leiter; William Zhang; Kerri I. Aronson
70. A 6-Domain History-Taking Framework Was Useful in
Efficiently Identifying Clinically Relevant Biopsychosocial
Denege A. Ward; Davoren Chick; Paula T. Ross; Patricia Mullan;
Brent C. Williams
71. Cultural Diversity Day: Enhancing Resident Wellness and
Michael J. Rosenblum; Gina Luciano; Sudeep Aulakh; Michael
Picchioni; Raquel K. Belforti; Christine L. Bryson
72. Coming to the Tech Table to Learn Nutrition Counseling: The
Experience of One Academic Internal Medicine Program
Brian Ricci; Joseph A. Hardman
73. HOME: House Officer Medical Education Home Visiting
J. Deanna Wilson; Katherine Shaw; Leonard S. Feldman
74. Integration of Dermatology-Focused Physical Diagnosis
Rounds and Large Group Case-Based Active Learning within
the Internal Medicine Core Clerkship
Brian Scott; Reenie Abraham; Blake R. Barker; Heather
75. The Discharge Process and Unexpected <30-day
Readmissions: Lessons Learned from Our Residents—Results
from a Novel Curriculum Pilot Project
Mark T. Upton; Rachel K. Miller; Jennifer S. Myers; Lisa Bellini
76. Time to Audit Your Own Patients’ Bills to Promote CostConsciousness
Simran Kaur B. Matta
77. Community Based Service Learning: A Shift from Student
Clubs to an Educational Curriculum
Heather A. Archer-Dyer; Ana J. Cruz; Irene Blanco; Martha S.
78. Development of a New Elective in Primary Care and
Teaching for Senior Medical Students
Lydia A. Flier; Sara Fazio; Barbara Gottlieb; Barbara Ogur;
Kristen Goodell
79. Addressing the Chronically Unexplained: Using
Standardized Patients to Teach Medical Residents Pragmatic
Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) Based Interventions
Martina Jelley; Julie Miller-Cribbs; Linda Oberst-Walsh; Kristin
Rodriguez; Frances K. Wen; Kim Coon
80. Post-Discharge Follow-Up: An Educational Intervention to
Enhance Clinical Reasoning
Sirisha Narayana; Alvin Rajkomar; James D. Harrison; Victoria
Valencia; Gurpreet Dhaliwal; Sumant Ranji
81. Coaching Faculty for The Digital Classroom: A Team-Based
Approach to Creating High-Quality Digital Learning Content
Geoffrey V. Stetson; Julia VanderMeer; Catherine R. Lucey
82. If You Build It, They Will Come: A Point-of-Care Ultrasound
Curriculum for Internal Medicine Residents
Stephanie Sun; Junaid Raja; Gourg Atteya; David Chia
83. Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of an Integrated
‘Core’ Ultrasound and Physical Examination for First-Year
Medical Students
Lauren Block; Maria Barilla-Labarca; Taranjeet Ahuja; William
Rennie; Judith M. Brenner
84. Point of Care Ultrasound Faculty Development for General
Anna Maw; Cathy Jalali; Deanna Jannat-Khah; Kirana Gudi;
Lia S. Logio; Stacy Anderson; Joshua B. Smith; Arthur Evans
85. Teaching Population Management through a Team Based
HTN Disparity QI Curriculum
Erika L. Hoffman; Jaishree Hariharan; Elena Lebduska; Amar
86. Teaching Residents about Quality Improvement: Switching
the Focus from Knowledge to Practice
Elena Lebduska; Carla Spagnoletti; Amar Kohli; Erika L.
Hoffman; Gary Fischer; Jaishree Hariharan
87. Deliberately Blank
88. Teaching Quality Improvement in the Student-Run Free
Robert A. Rifkin; Ammar Siddiqui; Brijen Shah; David C.
Thomas; Yasmin S. Meah
89. Transforming Traditional M&M into an Interactive QI
Thomas J. Walk; Gaetan Sgro
Session details are online at
THURSDAY 5:00–6:00 pm Session F
90. RightCare Rounds: A Conference Designed to Raise
Healthcare Value by Reducing Unnecessary Care
Edward N. Murphy; Fred R. Buckhold; Tyler M. Miller; Darlene
Tad-y; Brandon Combs
91. The Flipped Classroom: Basic QI Training for Residents
Roberto O. Diaz Del Carpio; Smita Y. Bakhai; Scott H. Stewart
92. Improving the Practice of Practice Improvement: Resident
Continuity Clinic Plan-Do-Study-Act Cycles
Stacy T. Charat; Simerjot K. Jassal
93. Making the Case for “High Value”—Communicating ValueBased Decision Making to Patients
Jill Bowman Peterson; Crystal Donelan; Craig Roth; Peter
Weissmann; Sophia Gladding; Alisa Duran
94. Creating a Curriculum around Population Management for
Internal Medicine Residents
Suneet Kaur; Jennifer Frazer
95. Med Rec: A Skills-Based Curriculum on Medication Safety
and Medication Reconciliation
Katelyn Stepanyan; Josette Rivera; Joan Abrams; Michi
Yukawa; Anna Chang; Yali Brennan; Stephanie Rennke
96. A Patient-Centered Interprofessional Learning Experience in
Transitions of Care
Christopher Bruti; Lynette Richter; Irene Hossain; Jason
Pagsisihan; Erika Schwelnus
97. Optimizing the Value of Healthcare through Clinical
Pathway Redesign
Roselyn Cristelle I. Mateo; Christine Tsai; Amanda Tosto;
Grace Lee; Jaini Suttaria; Sean Ryan; Matthew Brugger;
Paul Cabanilla; Ishaq Lat; Jordan Dale; Lesley Schmaltz; Phil
Zaborowski; Joann Wielosinski; Ruth Kniuksta; Jisu Kim; Amir
Jaffer; Christopher Bruti
98. The Critical Role of Primary Care Physicians in the Hospital
Syed S. Akhtar; Ali M. Khan
99. Patient-Written Visit Agendas and Their Use in Primary
Care: “I Felt Like I Was Able to Be Heard”
Sara L. Jackson; McHale Anderson; Natalia Oster; Sue Peacock;
Galen Chen; Janice Walker; Joann G. Elmore
100. Quality Improvement for Amelioration of the Relevant Use
of Cardiac Telemetry Monitoring in a Community-Based
Teaching Hospital
Somwail Rasla; Ahmad Abdin; Farhan Ashraf; Saira Imran;
Anais Ovalle; Taro Minami
101. Reducing Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infection
and Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections with
a Team of Resident and Fellow Directors for Quality
Said Ashraf; Amrit Misra; Rick Bloomingdale; Syed A. Hussain;
Corinne S. Hamstra; Suzanne White
102. Adherence to USPSTF and ACIP Clinical Guidelines in
Resident Clinics
Richard M. Atkins; Victor Poon; Alicia Clark; Joel C. Boggan;
Gina-Maria Pomann; Jonathan Bae
103. A Resident-Led Program to Increase Rates of Admission
Medication Reconciliation among Internal Medicine
Hana Lim; Elaine C. Khoong; Jessica B. Rubin; Christine Soran;
Josue Zapata; Andrew D. Auerbach
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
104. Overcoming Diabetes: A Resident-Driven Initiative to
Engage High Risk Diabetics in an Underserved Community Eric Yudelevich; Gabriela Bambrick-Santoyo; Diego A.
Adrianzen Herrera; Regina Belokovskaya; Krishna A. Chokshi;
Medha Satyarengga; Stefania Pirrotta; Maryum Hussain;
Dipal R. Patel; Tamara Goldberg
105. Improved Rates of Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis
Evaluation using Failures Analysis, Data Collection
Optimization, and Decision Support
Sarah Baron; Charles Abam; Tulay Aksoy; Jeffrey Ceresnak;
Regina Cregin; Jessica A. Dekhtyar; Jacqueline T. Hunter;
Geetali Mohan; Jacqueline Myrie Weir; Rafael Ruiz; Peter
Shamamian; Mark Sinnet; Brandon G. Yongue; William
106. Improving Access to Care by Admission Process Redesign in
a Veterans Affairs Nursing Home
Amy W. Baughman; Marcus D. Ruopp; Juman Hijab; Thomas
A. Parrino; Manuela Ferreira; Steven R. Simon
107. Nurse Practitioner Impact on Diabetes Outcomes in an
Urban Academic Patient-Centered Medical Home
Serge Bebko; Mahmoud Ali; Vallari K. Kothari; Mohamed
Altattan; Terri Brown; David E. Willens
108. Confronting the Modern Exodus: A Swiss Perspective
Jeremie Blaser; Patrick Bodenmann; Jacques Cornuz; Elodie
Dory; Judith L. Griffin; Yann L’Hostis; Eric Masserey
109. Initial Implementation of Self-Reported Global Health
Measurement in a Large Accountable Care Organization
Karen J. Blumenthal; Timothy G. Ferris; Christine Vogeli; Neil
W. Wagle; Joshua Metlay
110. Implementing a Clinic-Community Partnership to Promote
Fruit and Vegetable Consumption among Food Insecure
Patients with Hypertension in Safety Net Clinics
Kakul Joshi; Samantha Smith; Erika Trapl; Shari Bolen
111. A Successful Strategy for Implementing Elements of a
Hypertension Best Practice in Safety Net Clinics
Shari Bolen; James Misak; Aleece Caron; Douglas Einstadter;
Steven Lewis; Thomas Love; David Bar-Shain; Peter J. Greco;
Randall D. Cebul
112. A Positive Deviance Approach Substantially Improves Blood
Pressure Control in Safety Net Populations
Shari Bolen; Thomas Love; David Bar-Shain; Peter J. Greco;
Douglas Einstadter; Mary Behmer; Heather Ways; Aleece
Caron; Randall D. Cebul
113. Understanding and Promoting Shared Decision Making
with a Novel Interactive Online Tool
Fredrik Amell; Jacob Solomon; Brian Zikmund-Fisher;
Konstantin Boroda; Yaara Zisman Ilani; Caroline Park;
Santiago M. Thibaud; Anand D. Jagannath; Frederick Yick; Tina
Shah; Taylor Miller; Ramachandra Reddy; Joshua Cho; Michelle
Pong; Shey Mukundan; Esther Mizrachi; Ashley Ceniceros;
Manaf Assafin; Hamid Lari; Kenny Ye; Darlene LeFrancois
114. Building “UC Quits”: A University of California-Wide
Systems Change to Promote Tobacco Cessation
Mai-Khanh Bui-Duy; Robert El-Kareh; Alpesh Amin; Linda
Sarna; Elisa Tong
115. The Complex Care Program: Navigation and Advocacy for
Medically Complicated Undocumented Latinos at Puentes
de Salud
Robin E. Canada; Heather Klusaritz; Joseph M. Garland; Jose
Medina; Stephanie Grana Van Decker; Esther Nivasch
THURSDAY 5:00–6:00 pm Session F
116. The Effect of a Centralized Transition Care Discharge Unit on
Reducing Hospital Readmissions
Danielle M. Candelario; Michael P. Carson
117. Improving Blood Pressure Control in a Large Urban Safety
Net Academic Center
Andrew A. Chang; Teresa Binamira; Anayo Ikeme; Melissa S.
Lee; Desiree Lyttle; Malcolm Pinkney; David Stevens
118. Implementing Guideline-Based Indications for Cardiac
Monitoring at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Charles E. Coffey; Robert I. Goodman; Kristy Chang; Francis E.
Dailey; Todd Griner; Teryl K. Nuckols
119. The Impact of Physician Order Entry Clerical Support on
Physician Satisfaction and Productivity
Erin C. Contratto; Carlos Estrada; Katherine G. Romp; April
Agne; Lisa L. Willett
120. Accelerating the Pace of Change: Standardizing
Anticoagulation Practice for the Elderly in the Era of Direct
Oral Anticoagulants
Zuzanna Czernik; Dora Cheung; Ethan U. Cumbler
121. Coordinating Complex Care—A High-Risk Residency Clinic
Rebecca Davis; Riley Lipschitz
122. Preparing for implementation of lung-cancer screening
with Low Dose CT: Assessing Patient Volume, Smoking
History Documentation, and Pulmonary Nodule Prevalence
in Age-Eligible Current or Former Smokers
John Eick; Alison Brenner; Shana Ratner; Laura P. Cubillos;
Daniel S. Reuland
123. Making Discharge Safer: A Multidisciplinary Discharge
Timeout Checklist
Brian Eiss; Paul Martin; Michael Gao; Christina Chai; Laura F.
Gingras; Julius Motal; Megan E. Maikoff; Alex M. Sarkisian;
Nadine Rosenthal
124. Falls in the Elderly: How to Increase Screening in a Resident
Primary Care Clinic
John L. Elliott; Jennifer Lom
125. A Novel Care Model Integrating Cardiologists in a Primary
Care Practice Improves Coordinated Care and Referring
Provider Satisfaction
Muhamad Y. Elrashidi; Paul McKie; Sarah Crane; Jon Ebbert
126. Delivering High Value Care through Co-Located, Integrated
Neurology in a Primary Care Practice
Muhamad Y. Elrashidi; Nathan P. Young; Sarah Crane; Jon
127. Subacute Rehabilitation at Home: Improving Transitions
from Hospital to Home with a Multidisciplinary Team and
30 Day Bundle
Christian Escobar; Ramiro Jervis; Gabriel Silversmith; Tacara
N. Soones; Linda DeCherrie
128. Chronic Opiate Analgesic Therapy (COAT) in a Primary Care
Outpatient Clinic
John Stewart; David Flemig; Judith Daniels; Jimmy Gentry
129. Pilot of a Low-Resource, EHR-Based Protocol for Sepsis
Monitoring, Alert, and Intervention
Robert L. Fogerty; Christopher Sankey; Kathleen Kenyon; Scott
Sussman; Sveinn Sigurdsson; Alan S. Kliger
130. Project to Implement Recommendations for PCV13
Immunization among Adults 65 and Older in a Large,
University-Based Ambulatory Clinic
Christine D. Gladman; Tamrah Parker; Christina McMillan;
Thomas M. Miller; Shana Ratner
131. Pilot Study to Examine the Effect of a Simple Intervention
during Rounds on Lab-Ordering Practices among Inpatient
House-Staff Teams—The ‘Labs Tomorrow’ Study
Aakriti Gupta; Nikhil Sikand; Maxim Polansky; Janine Evans;
Scott Sussman
132. Making the Discharge Summary Count: A Resident-Led
Workshop to Improve Transition of Care
Syed W. Haider; Anjeet K. Saini; Angel Mier Hicks; Bernard
S. Kadosh; Jamie C. Riches; Erica Bostick; Guido Barmaimon;
Deepti Zalavadia; Tamara Goldberg
133. Understanding Value from the C-Suite to the Bedside: One
Institution’s Development of an Inpatient Provider Value
Stephanie A. Halvorson; Sudhakar P. Karlapudi; Brian Wheeler;
Peter Graven; Ruth Rowland; Thomas Yackel
134. Impact of Quality Improvement Data from a Resident
Hospital Discharge Clinic on Discharge Process and Patient
Maria Hamm de Miguel; Jessica Singer; Nancy Chang;
Amanda Ramsdell; Christopher Kelly
135. Use of a Pre-visit Assessment to Aid in Successful Medical
Visits for Adolescents and Adults with Autism
Christopher Hanks; Stephanie Lawrence
136. Peer Audits and Feedback to Improve Documentation
Allison C. Heacock; Kristen Lewis; Rashmi Ganith; Jennifer
Allen; Kimberly M. Tartaglia
137. A Medication Risk Communication and Surveillance
Strategy for Primary Care: Introducing the EMC2 Trial
Laurie A. Hedlund; Laura M. Curtis; Amy Moore; Christine
Oramasionwu; Danielle M. McCarthy; Bill Adams; Michael
Paasche-Orlow; Stacy C. Bailey; Michael S. Wolf
138. Challenges and Progress in Faculty Development in General
Internal Medicine
Reena H. Hemrajani; Manpreet S. Malik; Laura E. PalettaHobbs
139. Virtual Visits in Primary Care: A Nationwide Study at the
Veteran’s Health Administration
Leonie Heyworth; Gordon Schectman; Kathryn Corrigan
140. Improving Population Health in a Safety Net Setting: A
Team Sport
Claire K. Horton; Ghezal W. Saffi; Antonella Jimenez; Poneet
Dhillon; Daffcar Errol; Rachel Tsolinas; Carol Yam; Soraya Azari
141. Electronic Cigarette Use for Smoking Reduction and
Cessation in Primary Care
Jean-Paul Humair; Rodrigo Tango
142. Cervical Cancer Education and Screening in Women’s
Refugee Clinic: The Role of In-Person Interpreters
Zehra Hussain; Aba Y. Barden-Maja; Jennifer Michener
143. Implementation of a Medical Assistant-Driven Medication
Refill Process in an Ambulatory Teaching Practice
Elisabeth Ihler; Michael Masse
144. Understanding Frequently Readmitted Patients in a Safety
Net Hospital
Jessica Beaman; Elizabeth Imbert; Karishma Oza; Michelle
Schneidermann; Larissa Thomas; Elizabeth Davis
145. Development and Implementation of an Opioid Safety
Clinic in a Federally Qualified Health Center
Ingrid A. Binswanger; Nicole Joseph; Rebecca Hanratty; Valerie
Whitson; Amy J. Witte
Session details are online at
THURSDAY 5:00–6:00 pm Session F
146. Creating Conversations about Living with and Treating
Chronic Conditions: The ICAN Discussion Aid
Kasey Boehmer; Ian Hargraves; Summer Allen; Victor M.
Montori; Christina Maher; Marc Matthews
147. A Resident Led Quality Improvement Project to Review
YouTube Videos Related to Diabetes Education with the
Intent to Create a Playlist to Use for Patient Education
during the Patient Clinic Visit
Scott Joy; Brandon Comfort; Benjamin Capper; Erin Conlin;
Dylan R. Rakowski; David Elwell
148. A Patient Safety Project to Create a Checklist for Use in a
General Internal Medicine Practice to Gather Important
Information during a Report of an Unexpected Patient Death
Scott Joy; Shelly Dierking; Brian Dwinnell; Michael Masse;
Leanne Rupp; Lynn Haley; Judi Hamlin; Sheila Hancock; Carol
A. Stamm; Anjali Dhurandhar; Elisabeth Ihler
149. The Importance of Repeat Screening for Substance Misuse
in Primary Care Settings: Increased Yield of Screening, Brief
Intervention, and Referral to Treatment for Patients with
Multiple Visits
Sandeep Kapoor; Jeanne Morley; Nancy A. LaVine; Megan Yu;
Nancy Kwon; Jonathan Morgenstern; Joseph Conigliaro
150. Ensuring Adherence to Complex Colorectal Cancer
Guidelines in a Value Based Healthcare System—
A Mobile Solution
Rushad Patell; Abhishek Karwa; Rocio Lopez; Carol A. Burke
151. Withdrawn by Author
152. An Inter-Professional Intervention to Improve Efficiency in
an Academic Primary Care Clinic: Direct Observation and
Feedback of Primary Care Trainee Patient Visits by Health
Psychology Colleagues
Yungah Lee; Rebecca Kosowicz; Elizabeth A. Hendriks; Kenneth
Morford; Rachel Laff; Robert Walsh; Danielle Greenman;
Caroline Falker; Helena Turner; Rebecca Brienza
153. Informed Development of Discharge Innovations to Improve
Transition from Acute Care to Skilled Nursing Facilities
Carly Kuehn; Peter Kaboli; Ethan Kuperman
154. Development of Denver Health’s Intensive Outpatient Clinic
to Target Super-Utilizers
Vishnu Kulasekaran; Holly A. Batal; Joshua Blum; Jeremy Long;
Deborah Rinehart; Diana Botton; Josh Durfee; Daniel Brewer;
Tracy L. Johnson
155. Introducing Primary Care Telephone Visits: An Urban
Safety-Net Community Clinic Experience
Kelly A. Kyanko; Antoinette Schoenthaler; Sondra Zabar;
Jennifer Joseph; Peter Davidson; William Bateman; Kathleen
156. Improving Patient Safety in Chronic Opioid Therapy (COT)
Management in a Resident Teaching and Faculty Primary
Care Practice
Jennifer LeComte; Edward Ewen; Sarah Schenck
157. A Bellevue Hospital Outreach Program: Bringing Lost to
Follow-Up, Poorly Controlled Diabetic Patients Back into
Natalie K. Levy; Victoria Moynihan; Muhibur Rahman
158. Improving Handoff Quality: An Electronic Handoff Tool
Innovation Featuring the “123, ABC” Method
Sarah R. Lieber; Eric Goodman
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
159. Standardizing the Admission Process Using Lean/Six Sigma
Escher Howard-Williams; Edmund A. Liles; John Stephens;
Kendra Lanza-Kaduce
160. What’s Old Is New Again: PCP Hospital Rounding on HighRisk Adult Inpatients
Jeremy Long; Vishnu Kulasekaran; Amber Wobbekind;
Cynthia Crews; Diana Botton
161. Convert Answers to Questions: The Drive to Align
Jeffrey Lowenkron
162. Markers for the Win: A Novel Clinical Decision Support
System for Chronic Disease Management
Eunice Yu; Leah Marcotte; Andrew Schutzbank; Suzanne Gray
163. Additive Utility of Peak Expiratory Flow Rate in the
Assessment of Chronic Stable Heart Failure Patients
Fadi Abou Obeid; Anup Kumar; Marc Silver
164. A Novel Interdisciplinary Improvement Process to Address
Discharge Medication Barriers
Derek C. Mazique; Parimal A. Patel; Jennifer I. Lee
165. Improving High Risk Diabetes Care Management in Primary
Julia Matthews; Donald Woodbury; Joanna D’Afflitti; Donna
Beers; Evonne Yang; Julianne McNamara; Rebecca G. Mishuris;
Courtney Urick
166. Increasing Adherence to the United States Preventive
Services Task Force (USPSTF) Screening and Immunization
Guidelines among Residents at the Internal Medicine Clinic
within the George Washington University Medical Faculty
Associates Group
Nejat Naser; Talal Alzahrani; Joseph Delio
167. Transforming Primary Care Payment in Hawaii
Amol S. Navathe; Andrea B. Troxel; Ezekiel J. Emanuel;
Amanda T. Hodlofski; Kristen Caldarella; Kevin G. Volpp
168. Using Behavioral Economics to Improve Physician Pay-forPerformance Programs
Amol S. Navathe; Kevin G. Volpp; Amanda T. Hodlofski; Kristen
Caldarella; Amelia Bond; Ezekiel J. Emanuel
169. Fresh Prescription Program: A Program to Improve Access to
Fresh Products among Underserved Patients in Downtown
Jasmine Omar; Zarina Alam; Kimberlydawn Wisdom; Kassem
Bourgi; Barbara Blum-Alexandar; Chinyere Uju-Eke
170. Physician Advocate and Healer Attorney: A Health Law
Partnership Improves Health and Education
Mukta Panda; Benjamin Danford
171. Assessment of Care Coordination Activities for High-Risk
Veterans Utilizing a Template Integrated in the Electronic
Health Record
Neha Pathak; Anne Tomolo; Cam Escoffery
172. Improving Diabetic Foot Exam Rates in a Primary Care
Resident Clinic
Chelsea E. Pearson; Emily D. Fondahn
173. A New Program of Primary Care Physican Inpatient
Consultation Visits—Multiple Perspectives
Dana D. Im; Christina Phillips; Amy Pasternack; Priyank Jain;
David Bor; Barbara Ogur; Richard Pels
THURSDAY 5:00–6:00 pm Session F
174. Implementation of the Comprehensive Unit-Based Safety
Program in an Academic Primary Care Practice, Johns
Hopkins Green Spring General Internal Medicine, 2014–2015
Samantha I. Pitts; Melinda Sawyer; Nisa Maruthur; Kimberly
Curreri; Renee Grimes; Candace Nigrin; Heather Sateia;
Nicklaine Paul; Jeanne M. Clark; Kimberly S. Peairs
175. Developing and Spreading an Approach for PopulationBased Preventive Services Outreach in a Large Primary Care
Improvement Collaborative
Shana Ratner; Lindsey Franks; Brooke B. McGuirt; Christina
McMillan; Laura G. Brown; Michael Pignone
176. Implementation of a Visit-Based Reminder for Lung Cancer
Screening in an Academic General Internal Medicine Clinic
Shana Ratner; Caleb Doyle-Burr; Michael Massaro; John
Eick; Lindsey Franks; Bailey Minish; Laura P. Cubillos; Alison
Brenner; Daniel S. Reuland
177. Effective Implementation of Antibiotic Stewardship
Programs into Long-Term Care Facilities
Theresa A. Rowe; Geetha Iyer; Rob Berringer; Jonathan
178. Developing a Data-Driven Workflow for Population Health
Mark Sendak; Blake Cameron; Eugenie Komives; Joseph
Futoma; Erich Huang; Katherine Heller; Devdutta Sangvai; L.
Ebony Boulware; Uptal D. Patel
179. Use of Comprehensive Systems Support to Improve Chronic
Disease Management and Cancer Screening
Shwetha S. Sequeira; Julianne McNamara; Evonne Yang;
Joanna D’Afflitti; Rebecca G. Mishuris
180. Enhanced Care Program, A Model for Complex Care
Management: Preliminary Outcomes
Swati Shroff; Jodie Bryk; Gary Fischer; Deborah M. Simak;
Dennis Wickline; Pamela Peele; Wishwa N. Kapoor
181. Improving Chlamydia Screening in an Academic Primary
Care Clinic
Swati Shroff; Kwonho Jeong; Doris Rubio; Anna K. Donovan;
Elian A. Rosenfeld; Gary Fischer
182. Improving Point of Care Lab Workflow in an Academic
Internal Medicine Clinic
Sarah E. Smithson; Taylor Harbin; Bobby E. Honeycutt; Amy
Legrant; Brooke B. McGuirt; Christina McMillan; Tamrah
Parker; Shari Sibenge; Eva Wamagata; Vickie Wheeley; Shana
183. Smoking Cessation Using Interactive Voice Response and
Care Coordinator Calls
Thomas K. Spain; Robert S. Dittus; Hilary Tindle
184. Making Progress on Progress Notes
Vijay Paryani; Joseph Chiles; Drew Burlon; Wycliffe Opii; Clark
Sleeth; Laura Fanucchi; Sean M. Lockwood; John Ragsdale;
Joesph R. Sweigart
185. Utilization of Co-Located Behavioral Health Providers in an
Academic Primary Care Clinic
Mara Terras; Neda Laiteerapong; Lisa M. Vinci; Daniel
Yohanna; Pooja Dave; Nancy Beckman; Erin M. Staab
186. PrEPared: Implementation of a Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis
(PrEP) Program in a Hospital-Based HIV Clinic
Perry J. Tiberio; Kelly Williams; Lydia A. Barakat; E. J. Edelman;
Michael Virata; Onyema Ogbuagu
187. PICC-ing the Right IV Access: Improving The
Appropriateness of PICC Line Placement at UPMC
Montefiore Hospital
Andrew Trifan
188. CommunityRx: Connecting Health Care to Self-Care in an
Academic Primary Care Clinic on Chicago’s South Side
Elizabeth L. Tung; Jennifer A. Makelarski; Veronica Escamilla;
Lisa M. Vinci; Elbert S. Huang; Stacy T. Lindau
189. I’ve Got an Admission for You—Standardizing Emergency
Department to Inpatient Medicine Admission Handoffs
Megan Walker; Charlie Lan; Hossam Safar; Jun Ying; Diana
190. Bundled Trainee Centered Interventions Dramatically
Improved Acute Care Length of Stay in a Large Academic
Tertiary Care Center
Megan Walker; Lindsey Jordan; Glynda Caga-Anan; Charlie
Lan; Hans Von Marensdorff; Biykem Bozkurt
191. A Single Center Study in Reducing Unnecessary Telemetry
Marshall Ward; Mark Scaccia
192. Pilot of an Embedded Discharge Scheduler for a PatientCentered Discharge Process
Jonathan Weiner; Rebecca E. Berger; Denisa Gace; Nandini
Mani; Shaun K. Yang; Kathleen M. Finn
193. Using Population Management Strategies to Improve Lipid
Management in High Risk Patients
Eleanor Weinstein; Ingrid Nelson
194. Assessing the Feasibility and Implementation of a Bedside
Service Handoff on an Academic Hospitalist Service: A Physician’s Perspective
Charlie M. Wray; Vineet M. Arora; David Meltzer
Splash Bar
5:45–7:15 pm
Session details are online at
THURSDAY 5:00–6:00 pm Session F
Lifestyle Medicine Interest Group
Room 312–313, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Academic Hospital Interest Group
Session Coordinator: Jeannette Guerrasio, MD, Associate Professor
of Medicine, General Internal Medicine—Hospitalist, University of
Diplomat Ballroom 4, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Ambulatory Handoffs Interest Group
Session Coordinator: Christopher J. Wong, MD, Assistant
Professor, Department of General Internal Medicine, University of
Room 317, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Arts and Music Interest Group
Session Coordinator: Linda J. Canty, MD, Assistant Clinical Professor
of Medicine, Tufts University School of Medicine/Baystate Medical
Room 314, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Cancer Research Interest Group
Session Coordinator: Larissa Nekhlyudov, MD, MPH, Associate
Professor, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Conference Room 212, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Criminal Justice and Health Interest Group
Session Coordinator: Aaron D. Fox, MD, MS, Assistant Professor of
Medicine, Montefiore Medical Center
Diplomat Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Dermatology in Internal Medicine Interest Group
Session Coordinator: Vinod E. Nambudiri, MD, MBA, Associate
Program Director, Attending Physician, Internal Medicine/
Dermatology, Grand Strand Medical Center
Room 204, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
GIM Fellowship Interest Group
Session Coordinator: Elena Lebduska, MD, General Medicine Fellow,
Internal Medicine, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
Room 302, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
International Medical Graduates (IMG)
Interest Group
Session Coordinator: Shakaib U. Rehman, MD, Associate Chief of
Staff for Education, Professor, Phoenix VA Healthcare Systems
Conference Room 220, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
Session Coordinator: Jonathan Berz, MD, MSc, Physician, General
Internal Medicine, Boston Medical Center
Regency Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Medical Informatics Interest Group
Session Coordinator: Lipika Samal, MD, MPH, Instructor, Brigham
and Women’s Hospital
Regency Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Medical Resident Clinic Directors Interest Group
Session Coordinator: Lee Lu, MD, Associate Professor, Internal
Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine
Room 201, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Obstetric Medicine Interest Group
Session Coordinator: Michael P. Carson, MD, Director Research/
Outcomes, Jersey Shore University Medical Center
Conference Room 217, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Optimal Optimization for EMR Practice Interest Group
Session Coordinator: Stewart Babbott, MD, Associate Professor of
Medicine, University of Kansas
Conference Room 216, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
HIV/AIDS Interest Group
Session Coordinator: Oni J. Blackstock, MD, Assistant Professor,
Department of Medicine, Montefiore Medical Center/AECOM
Diplomat Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Teaching Social Determinants of Health
Interest Group MES
Session Coordinator: Thuy Bui, MD, Associate Professor of
Medicine, University of Pittsburgh
Room 301, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Trans-Pacific Initiative of Generalists Interest Group
Session Coordinator: Toshio Naito, MD, PhD, Professor, General
Medicine, Juntendo University
Room 307, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
VA Academic Patient Aligned Care Team
Interest Group HDR
Session Coordinator: Rebecca Brienza, MD, MPH, Physician, Internal
Medicine, VA Connecticut Healthcare System
7:00–8:00 am
Use this area to personalize and keep track of your daily schedule
Early Morning/
before plenary
Breakfast and Morning
Committee/Task Force
Plenary Session 2
7:00–8:00 am
Great Hall Foyer, 3rd Floor,
Convention Center
Plenary Session
Great Hall 1, 2 & 3, 3rd Floor,
Convention Center
Box Lunch Pickup
11:30 am–12:00 pm
Great Hall Foyer, 3rd Floor,
Convention Center
Session G
8:00–9:30 am
Plenary Session 2
Session H
Session G 10:00–11:30 am
Session J
Abstract, Vignette
and Innovations in Clinical
Practice oral presentation
Special Symposium
Session K
Session L
Other events:
11:30 am–12:00 pm
Session H 12:00–1:00 pm
Box lunch pick up
Scientific Abstract Poster
Session 3
Interest Group Meetings
Committee/Task Force
SRF Mentoring Panel
Clinician Educator
Mentoring Panel
Parenting in Medicine
Mentoring Panel
Session J
1:15–2:45 pm
Abstract, Vignette
and Innovations in
Medical Education oral
presentation sessions
Special Symposia
Session K 3:00–4:00 pm
Vignette Poster Session 2
Interest Group Meetings
Committee/Task Force
Session L 4:15–5:45 pm
Abstract and Vignette oral
presentation sessions
Special Symposium
5:45 pm
Educational Sessions
Session details are online at
6:30–7:30 am
Women and Medicine Task Force CAP Breakfast
8:00–9:30 am
Great Hall 1–3, 3rd Floor, Convention Center
Regency Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
(By Invitation Only)
7:00–8:00 am
ACCOC Task Force Meeting (Members only)
Room 320, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Development Committee Meeting
Room 311, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
HPC Research Subcommittee Meeting (Members Only)
Room 319, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Midwest Region Planning Committee Meeting
Room 318, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
10:00–11:30 am
Annual Meeting Program Committee Meeting (Members Only)
Room 320, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
12:00–1:00 pm
Disparities Task Force Meeting
Atlantic Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
12:00–1:30 pm
Geriatrics Task Force Meeting (Members Only)
Room 319, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
3:00–4:00 pm
Clinical Practice Committee Meeting
Room 202, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
HPC Executive Committee Meeting (Members Only)
Room 319, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
VA Task Force Meeting (Members Only)
Room 320, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
12:00–1:00 pm
Great Hall Outdoor Terrace, 3rd Floor, Conference Center
Mountain West Regional Meet and Greet
Room 202, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Northwest Regional Meet and Greet
Steven R. Simon, MD, MPH, Chair, SGIM 2016 Annual Meeting
Margaret C. Lo, MD, Co-Chair, SGIM 2016 Annual Meeting
Moderators: Jeffrey A. Linder, MD, MPH, Chair, Scientific Abstracts,
SGIM 2016 Annual Meeting; Minal S. Kale, MD, MPH, Co-Chair,
Scientific Abstracts, SGIM 2016 Annual Meeting
1. Healthcare Fragmentation and the Frequency of Radiology
and Other Diagnostic Testing
Lisa M. Kern; Joanna K. Seirup; Lawrence P. Casalino; Monika
M. Safford
2. Changes in Quality of Care and Medical Spending for High
Versus Low Socioeconomic Status Populations under Global
Zirui Song; Sherri Rose; Michael E. Chernew; Dana G. Safran
3. Preventing Hospitalizations with Veterans Affairs Home
Based Primary Care: Which Patients Benefit Most?
Samuel T. Edwards; Somnath Saha; Julia Prentice; Steven D.
4.—An Intervention to Help Seniors
Make Choices for their 70’s, 80’s, 90’s: Results from a PCORIFunded Randomized Controlled Trial
Lee Lindquist; Vanessa Ramirez-Zohfeld; Priya Sunkara; Chris
Forcucci; Kenzie A. Cameron
Herbert W. Nickens Award
Giselle Corbie-Smith, MD, MSc
Progress in Improving Healthcare Delivery
Timothy G. Ferris, MD, MPH
Senior Vice President, Population Health
Management, MGH, MGPO, Partners
3:00–4:00 pm
Room 317, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Southern Regional Meet and Greet
7:00–8:00 am
Great Hall Foyer, 3rd Floor, Convention Center
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
9:30–10:00 am
Great Hall Foyer, 3rd Floor, Convention Center
FRIDAY 10:00–11:30 am Session G
Atlantic Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Atlantic Ballroom 3, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Atlantic Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Room 307, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Room 301, Third Floor Meeting Space
Diplomat Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Conference Room 212, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Diplomat Ballroom 5, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Room 204, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Diplomat Ballroom 4, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Regency Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Room 317, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Diplomat Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Room 312–313, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Conference Room 220, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Conference Room 216, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Conference Room 217, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Room 201, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Diplomat Ballroom 3, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Atlantic Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Update in Quality Improvement and Patient Safety
Category: Quality of Care/Patient Safety
Submitted in Conjunction with: Quality and Patient Safety
Subcommittee of the SGIM Clinical Practice Committee
Session Coordinator: Nathan Spell, MD, Chief Quality Officer,
Emory University
Additional Faculty: Diane L. Levine, MD, Wayne State University;
Brent Petty, MD, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine; Lisa
M. Vinci, MD, MS, University of Chicago
Atlantic Ballroom 3, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Update in Women’s Health 2016
Category: Women's Health
Session Coordinator: Kay Johnson, MD, MPH, Associate Professor,
University of Washington/VA Puget Sound Health Care System
Additional Faculty: Pelin Batur, MD, Medicine Institute, Cleveland
Clinic; E. Bimla Schwarz, MD, MS, University of California, Davis;
Judith M. Walsh, MD, MPH, University of California, San Francisco
Atlantic Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Information Overload: How to Stay Sane While Staying
Current with Medical Knowledge
Category: Clinical Medicine
Session Coordinator: Bradley H. Crotty, MD, MPH, Associate
Director, Informatics Training Program, Division of Clinical
Informatics, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Additional Faculty: Vineet M. Arora, MD, MAPP, University
of Chicago Medical Center; Richard M. Frankel, PhD, Indiana
University School of Medicine; Neil Mehta, MD, Cleveland Clinic
Lerner College of Medicine; Alexander Smith, MD, MS, MPH,
University of California, San Francisco
Room 307, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Using “Big Data” to Improve Population Health: The VA
Homeless Program “Hotspotter” Initiative
Category: Healthcare Delivery and Redesign
Session Coordinator: Thomas O’Toole, MD, Acting Director,
National Center on Homelessness among Veterans/Associate
Professor of Medicine, Alpert Medical School, Brown University
Additional Faculty: Nora Hutchinson, MD, Brown University;
Todd E. Manning, Office of Analytics and Business Intelligence, US
Department of Veterans Affairs; Ann E. Montgomery, PhD, MPA,
MSSW, National Center on Homelessness Among Veterans, US
Department of Veterans Affairs
This workshop is part of the 2016 VA series, supported by the VA Health
Services Research and Development Service and the VA Office of
Academic Affiliations.
Room 301, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Addressing Disparities through Patient-Centered Outcomes
Research: How to Successfully Overcome Barriers to
Participation PCOR
Session Coordinator: Irene Alexandraki, MD, MPH, Associate
Professor, Florida State University College of Medicine
Additional Faculty: Olveen Carrasquillo, MD, MPH, University of
Miami Division of General Medicine/Patient Partners; Victoria
Mayer, MD, MS, Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai
This workshop is part of the 2016 PCOR Series, supported through a PCORI
Program Award, EA-1283-SGIM.
Diplomat Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Being Mindful Near the End: Helping Elderly Patients and
Families Make Difficult Decisions in Advanced Dementia and
End Stage Renal Disease A /G/E
Category: Aging/Geriatrics/End of Life
Session Coordinator: Aziz Ansari, DO, Associate Division Director,
Division of Hospital Medicine, Loyola University Medical Center
Additional Faculty: Stacie Levine, MD, University of Chicago; Susan
E. Merel, MD, University of Washington; Daniel Pomerantz, MD,
Montefiore Medical Center; Kevin R. Smith, MD, Loyola University
Medical Center; Mark Speyer, MD, MPH, Loyola University Medical
Session details are online at
FRIDAY 10:00–11:30 am Session G
Conference Room 212, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Diverse Career Paths and Opportunities in the Population
Health Management of the Vulnerable SRF
Category: Career Development
Submitted in Conjunction with: SGIM Minorities in Medicine
Interest Group and Disparities Task Force
Session Coordinator: Jessie K. Marshall, MD, Assistant Professor,
Department of Medicine, University of Michigan
Additional Faculty: Crystal W. Cené, MD, MPH, University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill; Raegan W. Durant, MD, MPH, University of
Alabama at Birmingham; Monica L. Lypson, MD, MHPE, University
of Michigan; Monica E. Peek, MD, MPH, The University of Chicago;
Eboni Price-Haywood, MD, MPH, Ochsner Health System; Milda
R. Saunders, MD, MPH, University of Chicago Medical Center;
Monica Vela, MD, University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine;
LeChauncy D. Woodard, MD, MPH, Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical
Center, HSR&D Center of Innovation/Baylor College of Medicine
Diplomat Ballroom 5, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
From Biomedicine to Human Medicine: Precepting the
Social Determinants of Health in Ambulatory
Teaching Clinics HD/VP
Category: Health Disparities/Vulnerable Populations
Session Coordinator: Maggie K. Benson, MD, General Medicine/
Women’s Health Fellow, General Internal Medicine, University of
Pittsburgh Medical Center
Additional Faculty: Timothy Anderson, MD, University of
Pittsburgh Medical Center; Thuy Bui, MD, University of Pittsburgh;
Catherine A. Rich, MD, Boston University School of Medicine;
Jennifer Siegel, MD, Boston Medical Center; Brent C. Williams, MD,
MPH, University of Michigan
Room 204, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Designing Practical, Impactful Population Health
Initiatives HD/VP
Category: Health Disparities/Vulnerable Populations
Session Coordinator: William M. Tierney, MD, Chairman,
Department of Population Health, Dell Medical School, University
of Texas at Austin
Additional Faculty: Jasjit S. Ahluwalia, MD, MPH, MS, Rutgers
University; JudyAnn Bigby, MD, Mathematica Policy Research;
Barbara J. Turner, MD, MSED, University of Texas Health Science
Center at San Antonio
Diplomat Ballroom 4, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Teaching Clinical Reasoning: Making the Invisible
Visible MES
Category: Medical Education Scholarship
Submitted in Conjunction with: SGIM Clinical Reasoning Interest
Group and the Journal of General Internal Medicine Website:
Exercises in Clinical Reasoning Toolbox
Session Coordinator: Denise M. Connor, MD, Assistant Clinical
Professor, San Francisco VA Medical Center/University of California,
San Francisco
Additional Faculty: Amanda Clark, MD, Louis Stokes Cleveland
VA; Carlos Estrada, MD, MS, Birmingham VA Medical Center/The
University of Alabama at Birmingham; Mark Henderson, MD,
University of California, Davis; Sirisha Narayana, MD, University of
California, San Francisco; Reza Sedighi Manesh, MD, Johns Hopkins
Regency Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Do It for the Story—and the Glory: Practical Strategies
for Evolving Personal Reflections into Peer Reviewed
Publications ME/P/H
Category: Medical Ethics, Professionalism, and Humanities
Session Coordinator: Kimberly D. Manning, MD, Associate
Professor, Emory University
Additional Faculty: Shobha L. Rao, MD, Rush University Medical
Center; Gaetan Sgro, MD, VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System; Jenna L.
Thomason, MD, MPH, University of Washington at Seattle
Room 317, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Performance Measures in Population Health: Critically
Appraising the Evidence QC/PS
Category: Quality of Care/Patient Safety
Submitted in Conjunction with: SGIM EBM Taskforce
Session Coordinator: Beth Smith, DO, Physician, Oregon Health and
Science University
Additional Faculty: Rebecca Beyth, MD, MS, University of Florida/
Malcom Randall VA Medical Center; Michael E. Bowen, MD, MPH,
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center; Harry B. Burke,
MD, PhD, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences;
Jocelyn A. Carter, MD, MPH, Massachusetts General Hospital; James
S. Yeh, MD, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Diplomat Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Identification, Diagnosis and Remediation of the Struggling
Learning—A TEACH Workshop MES
Category: Medical Education Scholarship
Session Coordinator: Jeannette Guerrasio, MD, Associate Professor
of Medicine, Department of General Internal Medicine, University
of Colorado
Additional Faculty: Dominique Cosco, MD, Emory University;
Christopher Knight, MD, University of Washington
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
FRIDAY 10:00–11:30 am Session G
Abstract Session G1: Lipkin Award Finalists
Room 312–313, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Moderators: David W. Bates MD, MSc and Martha S. Gerrity, MD,
1. Medical Expenditures Exacerbate Income Inequality
Andrea S. Christopher; David Bor; Danny McCormick; Steffie
Woolhandler; David Himmelstein
2. Publication Rates Following Presentation at the 2009
National SGIM Conference
Heidi M. Egloff; Colin P. West; Amy T. Wang; Katie M. Lowe;
Jithinraj Edakkanambeth Varayil; Thomas J. Beckman; Adam
P. Sawatsky
3. Cost-Effectiveness of Intensive Blood Pressure Control
Ilana B. Richman; Michael Fairley; Mads Joergensen; Alejandro
Schuler; Emma Smith Rastatter; Douglas K. Owens; Jeremy
4. Adverse Outcomes during the Transition to a New Electronic
Health Record
Michael L. Barnett; Ateev Mehrotra; Anupam B. Jena
5. Association between Socioeconomic Status and Breast
Cancer Treatment
Marie Dreyer; Liliana E. Pezzin; Emily L. McGinley; Ann
6. Physician and Patient Views on Public Physician-Rating
Alison M. Holliday; Allen Kachalia; Gregg Meyer; Thomas D.
Abstract Session G2: Women’s Health
Conference Room 220, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Moderators: Alison Huang, MD, MS and Jenny Lin, MD, MPH
Discussant: Karen B. DeSalvo, MD, MPH, MSc, 2016 Distinguished
Professor of Women and Medicine
1. Use of Estrogen-Containing Contraception among
Reproductive Age Women with Medical Contraindications
Julianne R. Lauring; Erik B. Lehman; Timothy A. Deimling;
Richard Legro; Cynthia H. Chuang
2. Did the Change in the US Preventative Services Task Force
Breast Cancer Screening Guidelines Change Physician
Johanna Martinez; Erica Phillips; Ginger J. Winston; Carla
Boutin-Foster; Joseph Conigliaro
3. Effect of Lactation on Maternal Hypertension: A Systematic
Eliana Bonifacino; E. Bimla Schwarz; Hyejo Jun; Charles B.
Wessel; Jennifer Corbelli
4. A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Risk Based
Mammography Screening Decision Aid for Women 39–48
Years of Age
Marilyn M. Schapira; Rebecca Hubbard; Holli Seitz; Emily
Conant; Mitchell Schnall; Joseph Capella; Tory Harrington;
Carrie A. Inge; Katrina Armstrong
5. Implementation of an Interprofessional, Team-Based
Protocol to Enhance Mammography Screening in Primary
Care, Johns Hopkins Green Spring General Internal
Medicine, 2015
Samantha I. Pitts; Melinda Sawyer; Nisa Maruthur; Candace
Nigrin; Renee Grimes; Heather Sateia; Kimberly Curreri;
Nicklaine Paul; Xiao Wang; Jill A. Marsteller; Jeanne M. Clark;
Kimberly S. Peairs
6. Weight Gain in Pregnancy and Pregnancy Complications in
a High Risk Population: The Boston Birth Cohort
Zihe Zheng; Xiaobin Wang; Noel Mueller; Lawrence J. Appel;
Wendy L. Bennett
Session details are online at
FRIDAY 10:00–11:30 am Session G
Abstract Session G3: Obesity: Weighing the Strategies
Conference Room 216, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Moderator: Martina Jelley, MD, MSPH
1. Extended Weight Loss Maintenance for Individuals in a
National Nonprofit Weight Loss Program
Nia S. Mitchell; Emmanuel A. Seyoum; Anna L. Furniss;
Victoria Catenacci
2. Factors Associated with Maintenance of Body Mass Index in
the Jackson Heart Study
Brandon Auerbach; Ronit Katz; Edward J. Boyko; Adam
Drewnowski; Katherine L. Tucker; Alain Bertoni; Patricia M.
Dubbert; DeMarc Hickson; Adolfo Correa; Bessie Young
3. Use of Electronic Health Records for Addressing Overweight
and Obesity in Primary Care: Results from a ClusterRandomized Controlled Trial
Heather J. Baer; Christina C. Wee; Endel J. Orav; Katerina
DeVito; Elisabeth Burdick; Deborah H. Williams; Adam Wright;
David W. Bates
4. Primary Care Provider Approaches and Perceptions to
Preventive Health Delivery: A Qualitative Study
Hemalatha Murugan; Clarence Spigner; Christy McKinney;
Christopher Wong
5. Weight Gain in Pregnancy and Pregnancy Complications in
a High Risk Population: The Boston Birth Cohort
Zihe Zheng; Xiaobin Wang; Noel Mueller; Lawrence J. Appel;
Wendy L. Bennett
6. Primary Care Population Size, Demographics, and Risk under
Varying Population Inclusion Criteria
Nathaniel Gleason; Priya A. Prasad
Abstract Session G4: Clinical Epidemiology and Clinical
Conference Room 217, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Moderators: Zackary Berger, MD, PhD, and Mark Schwartz, MD
1. Assessing the Impact of Colonoscopy Complications on Use
of Colonoscopy among Primary Care Physicians and Other
Connected Physicians
Nancy L. Keating; A. James O’Malley; Jukka-Pekka Onnela;
Bruce E. Landon
2. Determining the Optimal Vaccination Schedule for Herpes
Zoster: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
Phuc H. Le; Michael B. Rothberg
3. Cost-Effectiveness of Individualizing Glycemic Goals for US
Adults with Type 2 Diabetes
Neda Laiteerapong; Jennifer Cooper; Rochelle N. Naylor; Elbert
S. Huang
4. Developing a Clinical Predication Rule for First Onset
Hospital-Acquired C. difficile Infections
Anne Press; Benson Ku; Lauren McCullagh; Lisa Rosen; Safiya
Richardson; Thomas McGinn
5. Novel Oral Anticoagulant and Warfarin Use over Time in a
Primary Care Network
Jeffrey M. Ashburner; Steven J. Atlas; Leila H. Borowsky; Daniel
E. Singer
6. What People with African Ancestry Have to Say about
Genomics, Disparities and Chronic Disease
Carol R. Horowitz; Noura S. Abul-Husn; Erwin Bottinger;
Michelle A. Ramos; Kezhen Fei
Vignette Session G: Do No Harm
Room 201, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Moderator: Neha Pathak, MD
1. A Banana a Day, Keeps the Doctor Away
Ali A. Cheema; Katherine Salciccioli; Anna Kolpakchi; Lee Lu
2. Prepping the Internist for PrEP
Paul M. Lu; Lee S. Shearer
3. Headache/Heartache: STEMI, Bradycardia, and Shock
following Migraine Attack
HeeEun Kang; Girish L. Kalra
4. Stop the Medication, STATin! (And Start an
Austin T. LeMaster; Justin Rodriguez; Michael Shoffeitt
5. Numbness and Tingling: A Case of Metformin-Induced
Electrolyte Abnormalities
Ankit Bhargava; Pamela Vohra-Khullar
6. Venlafaxine Induced Hypoglycemia, A Rare Side Effect of a
Common Drug.
Ayush Motwani; Jayna M. Gardner-Gray; Fawad Virk
Innovations in Clinical Practice Oral Presentation
Session G
Diplomat Ballroom 3, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Moderators: Alpesh Amin, MD, MBA, Chair, and Jonathan D. Kirsch,
MD, Co-Chair, Innovations in Clinical Practice
1. There’s an App for That! Evaluation of a Web-Based Mobile
App to Facilitate Patient Navigation through a Complex
Primary Care Network
Aparna Sarin; Vernon Wu; David C. Thomas; Eva Waite
2. Vampire Medicine: Do We Need All These Blood Tests?
Megha Garg; Leonard Mermel; Ross W. Hilliard; Lynn McNicoll
3. Creation and Evaluation of an Opioid Review Committee in
an Academic Primary Care Clinic
Soraya Azari; Claire K. Horton; Sahand Ghodrati; RaeAnne
Fuller; Melissa Kirkpatrick; Lindsay Evans; Bren Turner; ShinYu Lee
4. Improving Communication about Delays to Patients in a
Busy Internal Medicine Clinic
Elizabeth Greig; Shana Ratner; Christina McMillan; Brandon A.
Oliver; Karmen Little; Derek Cain; Tamrah Parker
5. Geographic Hospitalist Unit Decreases Length of Stay
Sameer Qazi; Elizabeth M. Schulwolf; Ryan Mayhew; Elizabeth
Great Hall Foyer, 3rd Floor, Convention Center
11:30 am–12:00 pm
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
FRIDAY 12:00–1:00 pm Session H
Regency Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Clinician Educator Careers
Moderator: Mohan Nadkarni, MD, Chief, Division of General,
Geriatrics, Palliative Care and Hospital Medicine, University of
Virginia Health System
Panelists: Stewart Babbott, MD, Director, Division of General
Internal Medicine and Geriatrics, Kansas University Medical Center
Carol K. Bates, MD, Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs, Harvard
Medical School
Brigid Dolan, MD, Assistant Professor in Medicine, General Internal
Medicine and Geriatrics, Northwestern University Feinberg School
of Medicine
John B. Schorling, MD, MPH, Professor, Section of General Internal
Medicine, University of Virginia School of Medicine
Room 314, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Parenting in Medicine Mentoring Panel
Moderator: Rachel B. Levine, MD, MPH, Associate Professor of
Medicine, Johns Hopkins University
Panelists: Melissa McNeil, MD, MPH, Chief, Section of Women’s
Health, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
Shin-Ping Tu, MD, MPH, Chair, Division of General Internal Medicine,
Virginia Commonwealth University
Craig Pollack, MD, MHS, Co-Director, General Internal Medicine
Fellowship Program, Johns Hopkins University
Diplomat Ballroom 5, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
#ProudtobeGIM: Panel on Career Planning for
Medical Students and Residents
Moderators: Andrea Christopher, MD, Fellow, General Internal
Medicine, Harvard Medical School
Emily Mullen, MD, Associate Program Director, Moses Cone Health
Panelists: Dianne Goede, MD, Ambulatory Chief Resident,
University of Florida
Christina Phillips, MD, Chief Medical Resident, Cambridge Health
Melissa Wachterman, MD, MPH, MS, Instructor, Brigham and
Women’s Hospital and Boston VA Healthcare System
William Weppner, MD, MPH, Assistant Professor, Department of
Medicine, University of Washington
Room 318, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
JGIM’s publisher, Springer Science, will be hosting two “meet
and greet” sessions for prospective authors on Friday between
11:30 am and 1:00 pm and again between 3:45 and 4:15 pm.
Beverages and snacks provided. Bring your ideas with you and
learn how you can publish with Springer books.
We recognize members and
other stakeholders may
have interest in supporting
specific topic areas. Now you
can donate directly to these
• Regional Training Fund
• Distinguished Professor in
• Distinguished Professor of Women
and Medicine
• Career Advising Program
• Women’s Health Programming
• Toolkit of Measures for Research on
Root Causes of Health and Health
Care Disparities
• Unified Leadership Training of
Diversity Program in Internal
For more information or to
donate, visit:
Session details are online at
FRIDAY 12:00–1:00 pm Session H
Room 317, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Academic Physician Administrators and Leaders Interest
Session Coordinator: Tom Staiger, MD, Medical Director, University
of Washington Medical Center
Room 302, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Cross Cultural Communication and Medical Care
Interest Group HD/VP
Session Coordinator: Michael Nathan, MD, Instructor in Medicine,
Internal Medicine, Harvard Medical School/Massachusetts General
Room 301, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Evidence-Based Practice Interest Group
Session Coordinator: David Feldstein, MD, Associate Professor,
University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health
Room 201, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Fellowship Directors’ Interest Group
Conference Room 217, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Obesity Prevention and Treatment
Session Coordinator: Melanie Jay, MD, Assistant Professor,
Medicine and Population Health, New York University School of
Medicine and VA New York Harbor
Regency Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Pain Medicine Interest Group
Session Coordinator: Joanna L. Starrels, MD, MS, Associate
Professor, General Internal Medicine, Albert Einstein College of
Medicine and Montefiore Medical Center
Diplomat Ballroom 4, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Palliative Medicine Interest Group
Session Coordinator: Stephanie M. Harman, MD, Clinical Associate
Professor, Stanford University
Room 204, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
SGIM FORUM Interest Group
Session Coordinator: Karen R. Horowitz, MD, Associate Professor,
Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine
Session Coordinator: Geetanjali Chander, MD, MPH, Associate
Professor, Johns Hopkins University
Session Coordinator: Oliver Fein, MD, Professor of Clinical Medicine
and Public Health, Medicine and Public Health, Weill Cornell
Medical College
Conference Room 220, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Interprofessional Education (IPE) Interest Group
Session Coordinator: Rebecca Brienza, MD, MPH, Department of
Internal Medicine, VA Connecticut Healthcare System
Conference Room 216, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
LGBT Health Interest Group
Session Coordinator: Rita Lee, MD, Associate Professor, University
of Colorado
Room 312–313, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Mental Health Interest Group
Session Coordinator: Ian M. Kronish, MD, MPH, Assistant Professor,
Columbia University Medical Center
Conference Room 212, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Mobile Application Use in General Internal Medicine
Session Coordinator: Shabbir Hossain, MD, Assistant Professor
of Medicine, General Internal Medicine, University of Texas
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
Diplomat Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Social Responsibility Interest Group
Diplomat Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Women’s Caucus Interest Group
Session Coordinator: Amy Weil, MD, Associate Professor of
Medicine and Social Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine,
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill School of Medicine
Atlantic Ballroom 3, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Quality and Patient Safety Interest Group
Session Coordinators: Brent G. Petty, MD, Chair, Johns Hopkins
Hospital Clinical Quality Committee, Chair, Department of
Medicine Quality Improvement Committee
FRIDAY 12:00–1:00 pm Session H
Great Hall 4, 5, & 6, 3rd Floor, Convention Center
Cancer Research
Posters 1–25
Women’s Health
Posters 26–36
Preventive Medicine
Posters 37–52
Quality of Care/Patient Safety
Posters 53–106
Health Disparities/
Vulnerable Populations/Social Justice
Posters 109–185
Join a Walk and Talk tour of Cancer Research Posters 1–6, with
short presentations by the authors and a small group discussion
facilitated by Nancy L. Keating, MD, MPH, Harvard Medical School.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Follow-Up of Abnormal Colon Cancer Screenings
Linda J. Canty; David J. Desilets; Rony Ghaoui; Paul Visintainer;
Joseph Rozell; Donielle F. Sliwa; Elizabeth Tarbox; Michael B.
Perception of Breast Cancer Risk and Adherence to U.S.
Cancer Prevention Guidelines
Anees Chagpar; Erin Hofstatter; Natalie H. Wallace
Secular Trends in Thyroid Cancer: Indirect Evidence of
Overdiagnosis and Overtreatment?
Sabrina N. Jegerlehner; Drahomir Aujesky; Jean-Luc Bulliard;
Arnaud Chiolero; Simon Germann; Isabelle Konzelmann;
Nicolas Rodondi
Thinking Past the Pap: An Exploration of Self-Administered
HPV Testing as a Cervical Cancer Screening Option for
Underscreened Women
Elizabeth O. Kidder
Best Practices for Communicating Proportion Data to
Claire F. Snyder; Elliott E. Tolbert; Katherine Smith; Elissa
Bantug; Amanda L. Blackford; Michael Brundage
Examining the Effect of Cancer Risk and Patient Preferences
on the Net Benefit of Lung Cancer Screening: A Personalized
Lung Cancer Screening Model
Tanner Caverly; Pianpian Cao; Rodney A. Hayward; Rafael
What Is the Best Way to Communicate the Benefits and
Harms of Lung Cancer Screening?
Tanner Caverly; Angela Fagerlin; Knoll Larkin; Brian ZikmundFisher
Breast Cancer Risk Prediction Using a Combined Clinical
Risk Calculator and Polygenic Risk Score
Yiwey Shieh; Donglei Hu; Lin Ma; Charlotte C. Gard; Jessica
Leung; Jeffrey A. Tice; Celine M. Vachon; Steven R. Cummings;
Karla Kerlikowske; Elad Ziv
Shared Decision Making for Mammography?
Kathryn A. Martinez; Abhishek Deshpande; Allison L. Ruff;
Shari Bolen; Kathryn Teng; Michael B. Rothberg
10. Improving Inclusion of Racial and Ethnic Minorities in a
Randomized Cancer Clinical Trial Using a Diverse and MultiLingual Research Team
Sharon Bak; Tracy A. Battaglia; Maria Castano; Kate Festa;
JoHanna Flacks; Christine M. Gunn; Naomi Y. Ko; Samantha
Morton; Jennifer Pamphile
11. Impact of Primary Care Providers on Treatment Decisions
for Men with Localized Prostate Cancer
Archana Radhakrishnan; David Grande; Linda Crossette;
Justin Bekelman; Craig E. Pollack
12. Factors Associated with Recommendation of Routine
Mammography for Women Aged 40–49: Provider
Characteristics and Screening Influences
Abhishek Deshpande; Kathryn A. Martinez; Allison L. Ruff;
Shari Bolen; Kathryn Teng; Michael B. Rothberg
13. Evaluating the Effect of Breast Density Notification
Legislation on Breast Cancer Stage at Diagnosis
Ilana B. Richman; Steven Asch; Eran Bendavid; Jay
Bhattacharya; Douglas K. Owens
14. National Colorectal Cancer Screening Disparities among
Obese Adults Aged 50–75
Ryan G. Seibert; Amresh D. Hanchate; Paul C. Schroy
15. Are Racial Differences in Obesity and Insulin Resistance
Related to Aggressive Breast Cancer?
Emily Gallagher; Derek LeRoith; Sheldon Feldman; Elisa Port;
Neil Friedman; Melissa Pilewskie; Alison Estabrook; Susan
Boolbol; Rebeca Franco; Kezhen Fei; Nina A. Bickell
16. Perceived Risk of Recurrence and Cancer Worry among
Breast Cancer Survivors
Marilyn M. Schapira; Linda A. Jacobs; Angela DeMichele;
Karen Glanz; Abigail Blauch; Donna A. Pucci; Dava Szalda;
Steven Palmer
17. How Men Choose Specialists when Diagnosed with Cancer:
A Qualitative Study of Men with Prostate Cancer
Tammy Jiang; Christian H. Stillson; Craig E. Pollack; Linda B.
Crossette; Michelle E. Ross; Archana Radhakrishnan; David
18. Racial Differences in Weight Perception among Breast
Cancer Patients
Jenny J. Lin; Kezhen Fei; Rebeca Franco; Emily J. Gallagher;
Derek LeRoith; Nina A. Bickell
19. Primary Care and Outcomes in Adult Patients with Cancer: A
Systematic Review
Zackary Berger; Ya Luan Hsiao; Victoria G. Riese; Rachel K.
Walker; Patricia Davidson; Craig E. Pollack; Claire F. Snyder
20. Cancer Symptom Recognition and Anticipated Delay in
Help-Seeking in a Population Sample of U.S. Adults
Katharine Rendle; Samantha Quaife; Jerry Suls; Heather
Edwards; Richard P. Moser; Kelly D. Blake; Sarah Kobrin
21. Lung Cancer among HIV-Infected Individuals at Single
Urban Institution in Recent Antiretroviral Era
Kristen Hysell; Lydia A. Barakat; Michael Virata; Brinda Emu
22. Identifying Discrepancies between Recommendations
and Reality: First Time Screening Colonoscopy Ages for
an Average Risk Population in an Inner City Tertiary Care
Hospital: An Observational Study
Joshua Jackson; Jared Okun; Snow Trinh T. Nguyen; Hassan
23. Identification and Referral of Emergency Department
Patients with a Presentation Suspicious for Underlying
Sara Chen; Onita Bhattasali; Renzhong Ran; Margaret
Crawford; Martha Mims; Cedric Dark
Session details are online at
FRIDAY 12:00–1:00 pm Session H
24. Dense Breast Notifications: Varying Content, Readability,
and Understandability by State
Nancy R. Kressin; Christine M. Gunn; Tracy A. Battaglia
25. Association between Receipt of Cancer Screenings and Prior
Experience with Cancer Screenings
Glen B. Taksler; Michael B. Rothberg
26. Risk of Thromboembolism with Use of Hormonal
Contraception in Diabetes
Sarah H. O’Brien; Terah Koch; Sara Vesely; E. Bimla Schwarz
27. Establishing Consensus on Residency Education in Women’s
Amy H. Farkas; Sarah A. Tilstra; Sonya Borrero; Melissa McNeil
28. Perceptions of Firearms among Intimate Partner Violence
(IPV)-Exposed Women
Jennifer McCall-Hosenfeld; Laura Leuenberger; Erik B. Lehman
29. Development of a Women’s Health Curriculum for Internal
Medicine Residents: A Mixed-Methods Approach
Laura D. Hallett; Rachel S. Casas; Megan R. Gerber; Catherine A.
Rich; Tracy A. Battaglia
30. Characteristics and Health Care Preferences of Women
Veterans at Risk for Cardiovascular Disease
Karen M. Goldstein; Eugene Oddone; Lori A. Bastian; Su S. Mor;
Donna L. Washington
31. Mapping the Evidence: Intervention Sex Effects for
Depression, Diabetes, and Chronic Pain
Wei Duan-Porter; Karen M. Goldstein; Jennifer McDuffie;
Jaime M. Hughes; Megan Clowse; Ruth Klap; Varsha
Masilamani; Nancy Allen LaPointe; Avishek Nagi; Jennifer M.
Gierisch; John W. Williams
32. Participant Feedback and Iterative Improvements to a
Mobile Health Program for Postpartum Women at Elevated
Cardiometabolic Risk
Jacinda M. Nicklas; Jennifer A. Leiferman; Sheana S. Bull;
Cynthia N. Hazel; Susan J. Gilbert; Dean A. Hovey; Linda A.
33. A Preliminary Assessment of Knowledge, Attitudes, and
Practice toward Long Acting Reversible Contraception
among Women Experiencing Homelessness
Amelia Poquette; Karyn M. Meshbane; Marie Douglass
34. Insights from Pregnant Women and Providers about
Healthy Lifestyle Goals in Pregnancy: A Qualitative In-Depth
Interview Study
Manasa Ayyala; Haley Kreft; Janice L. Henderson; Janelle W.
Coughlin; Lindsay Martin; Jeanne M. Clark; Lawrence J. Appel;
Wendy L. Bennett
35. Improving Resident Skill in Providing Contraception
Counseling Using a Multi-Resource Model
Shannon K. Boerner; Kara Markin
36. Physicians and Pharmacists on Over-the-Counter
Contraceptive Access for Women
Nazanin Kuseh Kalani Yazd; Michelle Gaffaney; Carol A.
Stamm; Laura Borgelt; Lilyana Gross; Bryan McNair; Leanne
Rupp; Daniel Topp; Christine Gilroy
Dr. Karen B. DeSalvo, MD, MPH, MSc, 2016 SGIM
Distinguished Professor in Women and Medicine, will lead
a tour of the women’s health posters during this session.
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
37. Pneumococcal Vaccination in Solid Organ Transplant
Omar Sadiq; Mansur Pathan; Tommy J. Parraga; Mohammad
Arsalan Siddiqui; Zeinab Saleh; Gagandeep Cheema; George
38. Behind the Times: Internists’ Use of Immunization
Information Systems
Laura P. Hurley; Mandy Allison; Cristina Cardemil; Megan C.
Lindley; Michaela Brtnikova; Brenda Beaty; Allison Kempe
39. Attitudes about Adult Vaccines and Reminder/Recall in a
Low-Income Population
Karen Albright; Laura P. Hurley; Simran K. Sabherwal; Steven
Lockhart; Dennis Gurfinkel; Alison Saville; Brenda Beaty; L.
Miriam Dickinson; Anne Libby; Allison Kempe
40. Gender Differences in Firearm Storage Motivations
and Level of Comfort with Firearm Safety Intervention
Joseph A. Simonetti; Ali Rowhani-Rahbar; Cassie King;
Elizabeth Bennett; Frederick Rivara
41. Improving Adherence to New Lipid Management Guidelines
in Resident Continuity Clinics: An Internal Medicine
Residency Quality Improvement Initiative
Vignesh Shettar; Jennifer M. Schmidt
42. Jeepers Creepers, What About Those ePERs?: Creating a
Culture of Physician Event Reporting
Jennifer M. Schmidt; Justin Adams; Kathlyn Fletcher
43. Resident Education of RightCare Right Now
Jennifer M. Schmidt; Arun K. Singavi; Shivtej Kaushal; Rochelle
Herre; Ryan Tomlinson
44. Unexpected Association between Patient Activation and
Question Asking Behavior in Primary Care
Daniel J. Coletti; Hara Stephanou; Joseph Conigliaro
45. Vaccination Rates in Kidney Transplant Recipients: Are We
Following the Guidelines?
Muhammad Yasser Alsafadi; Shiloh Tackett; Daryl Sudasena;
Victor Aguin Melendez; Erica Graney; Tommy J. Parraga;
Odaliz Abreu-Lanfranco; Mayur Ramesh; George Alangaden
46. Vaccination in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients: An
Institutional Survey
Muhammad Yasser Alsafadi; Odaliz Abreu-Lanfranco;
Linda Kaljee; Marwan Abouljoud; Mayur Ramesh; George
47. Ten Years after the Center for Disease Control and
Prevention’s Routine HIV Testing Recommendations: How
Much Internal Medicine Residents Know and Where Do We
Dima Dandachi; Navdeep Kaur; Roshanak Habibi; Alvaro
Joaquin Altamirano Ufion
48. Getting HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) into Primary
Care Practice: Train All Providers, Designate an On-Site PrEP
Specialist, or Refer Out?
E. J. Edelman; Brent A. Moore; Gail Berkenblit; Sarah K.
Calabrese; Chinazo Cunningham; David A. Fiellin; Theresa
Katz; Viraj V. Patel; Karran A. Phillips; Jeanette M. Tetrault;
Minesh Shah; Oni J. Blackstock
49. Improving Influenza Vaccination Rate with Health
Maintenance Tables
Sue-Wei Luu; Maryam Sattari
FRIDAY 12:00–1:00 pm Session H
50. Primary Care Provider and Practice Characteristics
Associated with HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Uptake
Oni J. Blackstock; Brent A. Moore; Gail Berkenblit; Sarah K.
Calabrese; Chinazo Cunningham; David A. Fiellin; Viraj V.
Patel; Karran A. Phillips; Minesh Shah; Jeanette M. Tetrault; E.
J. Edelman
51. Nutrition and Exercise Education for High School Students
as a Way to Prevent Adulthood Obesity
Kathryn A. Jobbins; Sarah L. Goff; Reva Kleppel; Jane Garb
52. Screening for Depression at a Co-Located Behavioral Health
Student-Faculty Collaborative Clinic
Meissa M. Jones; Marya J. Cohen
53. Decision Support, Allopurinol Use, and Uric Acid Testing in
Patients with Gout-Related Visits at One VA Medical Center
Joel C. Boggan; Ryan D. Schulteis; David L. Simel
54. Derivation and Validation of a Bleeding Risk Score for
Elderly Patients with Venous Thromboembolism
Eva Seiler; Andreas Limacher; Marie Méan; Juerg-Hans Beer;
Joseph J. Osterwalder; Beat Frauchiger; Marc Righini; Markus
Aschwanden; Christian M. Matter; Marc Husmann; Martin
Banyai; Nils Kucher; Daniel Staub; Bernhard Lämmle; Anne
Angelillo-Scherrer; Nicolas Rodondi; Drahomir Aujesky
55. Prevalence of Physician/Pharmacist Counseling around
Concomitant Use of Acetaminophen and Risk of Double
Rebecca Mullen; Laura M. Curtis; Marina Serper; Danielle M.
McCarthy; Kara L. Jacobson; Ruth Parker; Michael S. Wolf
56. Reasons and Appropriateness of Overriding Anaphylaxis
Drug Allergy Alerts
Diane L. Seger; Elizabeth R. Silvers; Sarah P. Slight; Mary
Amato; Julie Fiskio; Adrian Wong; Patrick E. Beeler; Tewodros
Eguale; Patricia C. Dykes; David W. Bates
57. Patient-Reported Side Effects using Electronic
Pharmacovigilance in Patients Newly Started on
Medications for Hypertension, Diabetes, Insomnia or
Elissa V. Klinger; Alejandra Salazar; Jeffrey Medoff; Mary
Amato; Lake Walsh; Patricia Dykes; Jennifer Haas; David W.
Bates; Gordon D. Schiff
58. Training Qualified Prescribers to Use Computerized Provider
Order Entry Systems in Both Outpatient and Inpatient Care:
A Literature Review
Clare L. Brown; Katie Reygate; Ann Slee; Jamie Coleman; Sarah
K. Pontefract; David W. Bates; Andrew K. Husband; Neil W.
Watson; Sarah P. Slight
59. Providers’ Comparison between Clinical Decision Support
of a Homegrown Electronic Health Record System and a
Vendor Product
Elizabeth R. Silvers; Diane L. Seger; Adrian Wong; Mary Amato;
Sarah P. Slight; Patrick E. Beeler; Julie Fiskio; Tewodros Eguale;
Patricia C. Dykes; David W. Bates
60. A Star by Any Other Name: Comparing Ratings across Five
Popular Physician Review Sites
Joy L. Lee; James Colbert; Zackary Berger; Albert W. Wu
61. Patient-Reported Experience with the After Visit Summary
in a Primary Care Internal Medicine Practice
Gregory B. Summerville; Celia P. Kaplan; Leah S. Karliner
62. Incorporating Medication Indication into CPOE Ordering:
Views of Physicians and Pharmacists
Kevin W. Kron; Aaron Nathan; Sam Karmiy; Lynn A. Volk; Mary
Amato; Pamela M. Neri; Alejandra Salazar; Enrique SeoaneVazquez; Adam Wright; Tewodros Eguale; Sarah K. McCord;
Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio; Gordon D. Schiff
63. Deliberately Blank
64. Are There Gender-Based Differences in Prescribing Statins
in Federally Qualified Health Care Centers? Evidence from
Office-Guidelines Applied to Practice (Office-GAP)
Ade B. Olomu; Nazia Naz S. Khan; Karen Kelly-Blake; Shilpa
Kavuturu; Zhehui Luo
65. Methods for Measuring Primary Care Providers’ Quality of
Care for Urinary Incontinence
Lueng S. Tcheung; Kristina M. Cordasco; Marjorie Danz;
LaShawnta Bell-Lewis; Donna L. Washington
66. Applying Lean Principles to Reduce Wait Times in the Emergency Department
Anita A. Vashi; Farnoosh Haji-Sheikhi; Lisa A. Nashton;
Jennifer Ellman; Priya Rajagopal; Steven Asch
67. Development of a High-Value Care Culture Survey
Reshma Gupta; Christopher Moriates; James Harrison;
Victoria Valencia; Michael Ong; Robin Clarke; Neil Steers; Ron
D. Hays; Clarence H. Braddock; Robert M. Wachter
68. The Impact of Resident Holdover Admissions on Inpatient
Length of Stay and Risk of Transfer to an Intensive Care Unit
Deepshikha C. Ashana; Vincent K. Chan; Sitaram Vangala;
Douglas S. Bell
69. The Quality of Health Care Delivered to Adults in the United
States, 2002–2013
David M. Levine; Jeffrey A. Linder; Bruce E. Landon
70. Predictors of Patient Interest in Deprescribing: Results of a
National Survey
Rachel A. Lippin-Foster; Amy Linsky; Steven R. Simon; Kelly
Stolzmann; Mark Meterko
71. Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Policy that Encourages
Clinical Reasoning Based on Clinical Guidelines in the
Diagnosis and Management of Androgen Deficiency in the
VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System (VAPHS)
Stephanie Karmo; Alexandra Clark; Laura Potoski; Ronald
Codario; Erika L. Hoffman; Harsha Rao
72. Impact of Teaching Service on COPD Exacerbation
Management and Outcomes in a Community Hospital
Cai Yuan; Khalid Abusaada; Leen Alsaleh; Hassan Baig; Idljona
Gllava; Sunil Adwani; Julie W. Pepe
73. Patients and Clinicians Collaborating on the Medical Record:
A Concept Paper on OurNotes
John N. Mafi; Macda Gerard; Hannah Chimowitz; Melissa
Anselmo; Jan Walker
74. Disparate Processes of Care among Multi-Ethnic Patients
with Obesity in a Group Primary Care Setting
Shamol R. Williams; Jose Melendez-Rosado; Elizabeth Pantoja;
Michael Heckman; Emily Vargas; Loren Murray; Richard O.
75. Handoff Practices in a Resident Continuity Clinic
Stephanie Nothelle; Laura Hanyok; Scott Wright; Colleen
76. Effect of a Handover Tool on Efficiency of Care and Mortality
for Interhospital Transfers
Cecelia N. Theobald; Neesha N. Choma; Jesse M. Ehrenfeld;
Stephan Russ; Sunil Kripalani
Session details are online at
FRIDAY 12:00–1:00 pm Session H
77. Harnessing the Potential of Interprofessional Handoff
David Serksnys; Rahul Nanchal; Kathlyn Fletcher
78. Reducing Health Care Costs: A Closer Look at ED Transfers
from Urgent Care at a Federally Qualified Health Center
Sneha Shrivastava
79. Case Series: An Investigation of 30-Day Pneumonia
Readmissions at an Academic Medical Center
Asad Ali; Michael Edmond; Aparna Kamath; Sameet Sangha
80. Identification of High Utilization Inpatients on Internal
Medicine Services
Marc Heincelman; Samuel O. Schumann; Jenny Riley; Patrick
D. Mauldin; Jingwen Zhang; Justin Marsden; Don Rockey;
William P. Moran
81. Predictors for Patients Understanding Reason for
Himali Weerahandi; Boback Ziaeian; Robert L. Fogerty; Leora I.
82. Hepatitis C Screening: The Downstream Dissemination of
Evolving Guidelines in a Resident Continuity Clinic
Kamraan Madhani; Ali Aamar; David Chia
83. Appropriateness of Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis in Hospitalized
Patrick Chen; Nikhil Reddy; Erin Loesch; Sangeeta Agrawal
84. Physician Perspectives on Discontinuing Diabetes
Natalia Genere; Robert Sargis; Christopher Masi; Aviva G.
Nathan; Michael T. Quinn; Elbert S. Huang; Neda Laiteerapong
85. Is Appropriate Reconciliation of Cardiovascular Medications
after Elective Surgery Associated with Fewer Post-Discharge
Acute Hospital and Ambulatory Visits?
Jonathan S. Lee; Ralph Gonzales; Kirsten E. Fleischmann; Eric
Vittinghoff; Neil Sehgal; Kitty K. Corbett; Andrew D. Auerbach
86. Do Bedside Interpreter Phones Improve Hospital Discharge
Preparedness for Limited English Proficient Patients? A
Natural Experiment
Jonathan S. Lee; Steven Gregorich; Sunita Mutha; Anna M.
Napoles; Eliseo J. Perez-Stable; Jennifer Livaudais-Toman; Leah
S. Karliner
87. Fluid Resuscitation for General Ward Inpatients: A
Preliminary Audit of the Non-Invasive Fluid Assessment and
ChallengE Tool (NI-FACET)
Amos Lal; Kay C. See
88. Objective Nocturnal Oxygen Saturation and Heart Rate
Information in Heart Failure Patients at Home
Harry B. Burke; Cubby L. Gardner; Michael C. Flanagan
89. Gender and Race Differences in Physician-Patient
Harry B. Burke; Patrick G. O’Malley; Jeffrey L. Jackson
90. Determining Preventable Readmissions in an Urban
Academic Medical Center
Kayley M. Ancy; Zaid I. Almarzooq; Parimal A. Patel; Michelle E.
Unterbrink; Jim Brian Estil; Jennifer I. Lee
91. Kick-Starting a Culture of Safety: How TEAMSTEPPS and
Simulation Transformed Attitudes on the Medicine Service
Katherine A. Hochman; Nicole Adler; Frank Volpicelli;
Benjamin Wertheimer; Sondra Zabar; Demian Szyld
92. R-VA-MARQUIS: Implementing Best Practices in Medication
Reconciliation for Rural Veterans
Kathleene Wooldridge; Amy R. Aylor; Susan Byerly; Peter
Kaboli; Christianne Roumie; Robert S. Dittus; Amanda S.
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
93. Adherence to Guidelines in Patients with Acute Pancreatitis!
Hussam Sabbagh; Sarwan Kumar; MHD Hussam Al-Jandali
94. Improving Nurse-Physician Communication through a
Resident-Led Communication Device
Alexis Wickersham; Krista M. Johnson; Aparna Kamath; Peter
95. Quality Measures of Accountable Care Organizations:
Transparency of the Evidence Base
Zackary Berger; Stephanie W. Zuo; Michael E. Bowen; James
S. Yeh; Harry B. Burke; William Kormos; Deepa R. Nandiwada;
Ricardo R. Correa; Jocelyn A. Carter; Daniel J. Elliott; Heather
Sateia; Rebecca Beyth; Beth Smith
96. Quality of Care Assessment in Hospitalized Patients with
Upper Gastrointestinal (UGI) Bleeding
Abdulfatah A. Issak; Sangeeta Agrawal; Roshni Venkatesh
97. Morbidity and Mortality Project: Learning from Unintended
Medical Errors and Adverse Events
Saad Emhmed Ali; Adnan Elghezewi
98. Gender Differences in Patient Reported Hospital Experiences
and Information Sharing
Rosana Gonzalez-Colaso; Tara Rizzo; Carol Oladele; Baylah
Tessier-Sherman; Marcella Nunez-Smith
99. Length of Stay and Cost-Conscious Care in Syncope
Admissions at a Tertiary Hospital
Elena Gkrouzman; Jeffrey Kluger
100. Association between Psychiatric Disorders and the
Physician’s Practice Patterns of the New Out-Patients Who
Visited a University Hospital Off-Hour in Japan
Norio Fukumori; Masaki Hyakutake; Yuta Sakanishi; Tsuyoshi
Kurata; Itaru Kyoraku; Motosuke Tomonaga; Akihiko Ogushi;
Shu-ichi Yamashita; Takashi Sugioka
101. Does Certification in Vascular Access Matter? Insights from
the National PICC 1 Survey
Valerie M. Vaughn; Latoya Kuhn; David Ratz; Scott Flanders;
Sarah Krein; Vineet Chopra
102. Longer-Term Safety and Tolerability of Canagliflozin in
Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: A Pooled Analysis
Dainius Balis; Michael J. Davies; Mehul Desai; Gary Meininger;
Rong Qiu; John Xie
103. Reasons for Missed Doses of Pharmacological Venous
Thromboembolism (VTE) Prophylaxis in Medical Inpatients
Jahangir Khan; Suresh K. Subedi; Azza Ahmed; Abdul
Mohammed; Binay Kumar; Scott Kaatz
104. Effect of Didactic Lectures on Obesity Documentation and
Counselling among Internal Medicine Residents
Vicky Ren; Kathleen E. Ellison; Kiran Busireddy; Miller
Jonathan; Mukta Panda; Rehan Qayyum
105. Use of Warfarin for Atrial Fibrillation Related Stroke
Prevention in an Urban Primary Care Practice
Jillian Senner; Alia Chisty
106. Withdrawn by Author
107. Development and Implementation of a Data Collection
Instrument for a National Influenza Emergency
Elizabeth White; Sarah Collins; Beatriz Rocha; Satish
Bhagwanjee; Raquel Bartz; J. Perren Cobb; Roberto A. Rocha
108. Preconceptional Awareness of Tobacco and Ethanol
Use among Disadvantaged Women in the Dominican
Republic Based on Educational Level and Source of Medical
Weston J. Bertot; Erin M. Walker; Cristina Rabaza; Erich T.
Wyckoff; Luis Esmurdoc; Robert S. Egerman
FRIDAY 12:00–1:00 pm Session H
109. Early Experiences of Michigan’s Medicaid Expansion
Beneficiaries with Cost-Sharing and Financial Incentives for
Healthy Behaviors
Edith C. Kieffer; Aaron M. Scherer; Jeffrey Kullgren; Sarah J.
Clark; Zachary Rowe; Erin Beathard; Tolulope Olorode; Lisa
Szymecko; Mirella Villalpando; Erica Solway; John Z. Ayanian;
Susan D. Goold
110. Overuse of Low-Value Medical Services in the Safety-Net
Michael L. Barnett; Jeffrey A. Linder; Cheryl R. Clark; Benjamin
D. Sommers
111. Health Insurance Disparities of Patients Transferred
between Hospitals
Dana Herrigel; Madeline E. Carroll; Christine Fanning; Michael
G. Usher
112. Quality of Life and Walking Distance in African Americans
with Peripheral Artery Disease
Tracie C. Collins; Kelsey Lu; Jianghua He
113. Delivery of a Dietary Intervention Using Text Messaging
among English or Spanish-Speaking Adults
Tracie C. Collins; Maria Gabriela Valverde; Kelsey Lu; Mugur
114. Use of Texting among Overweight or Obese Adults
Tracie C. Collins; Maria Gabriela Valverde; Kelsey Lu
115. The Impact of Self-Esteem on Career Advancement among
Women and Underrepresented Minorities in Academic
Jennifer M. Manne-Goehler; Karen Freund; Anita Raj;
Samantha E. Kaplan; Norma Terrin; Janis L. Breeze; Phyllis Carr
116. Factors Associated with Sustained Uncontrolled
Hypertension in a Low-Income, Largely Hispanic Primary
Care Cohort with Diabetes
Leah L. Zullig; Yuanyuan Liang; Shruthi Vale; Hayden
Bosworth; Barbara J. Turner
117. Behavioral Weight Management Intervention in
Underserved Overweight Postpartum Women, A
Randomized Controlled Feasibility Trial: The RENEW Study
Priya Joshi; Lisa Quintiliani; Ashley C. Bourland; Ashley
Cuellar; Mufaddal Mahesri; Lisa Sullivan; Caroline Apovian
118. Diffusion of Digital Breast Tomosynthesis among Women in
Primary Care Practice
Cheryl R. Clark; Tor Tosteson; Anna N. Tosteson; Tracy Onega;
Julie Weiss; Kimberly A. Harris; Jennifer Haas
119. Perceived Effects of Social Support on Diabetes Management
in African American Women with Adequately Versus
Inadequately Controlled Type 2 Diabetes
Catherine Gliwa; Keyonna M. King; Juan M. Barron; Arleen F.
120. Disparities in Prenatal and Postpartum Care in
Pennsylvania Medicaid
Natasha Parekh; Marian Jarlenski; David Kelley
121. Specialty Physicians and Medicaid: Problems beyond Low
Meredith A. Niess; Irene V. Blair; Anna L. Furniss; Arthur
122. Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Pilot Community-Tailored
Cardiovascular Health Program among Immigrant Chinese
and Vietnamese Communities in Uptown, Chicago
Kevin Zheng; Katherine Mueller; Edwin Chandresekar;
Namratha R. Kandula
123. Subsistence Difficulties and Their Association with Perceived Barriers to Quitting Smoking among Homeless
Smokers in Boston
Travis P. Baggett; Nancy A. Rigotti; Yuchiao Chang; Eric
124. Language Used in Medical Records May Reflect
(Unconscious) Bias
Mary Catherine Beach; Katie O’Conor; Carlton Haywood;
Sophie Lanzkron; Somnath Saha
125. Patient Experiences of Discrimination and Risk Factors for
30-Day Readmission
Carol Oladele; Tara Rizzo; Marcella Nunez-Smith
126. Examining Health Social Networks in an Emerging
Caribbean Cohort
Terri Ann Thompson; Carol Oladele; Marcella Nunez-Smith
127. Supportive Housing is Associated with Improved HIV
Outcomes in a Chronically Homeless HIV-Positive
Population with Comorbid Serious Mental Illness and
Substance Use Disorders
Laura Van Metre; Nneka Ogbutor
128. Timing of Refugee Health Assessments May Be Associated
with Acute Healthcare Utilization
Wagahta Semere; Pooja Agrawal; Katherine Yun; Isha M. Di
Bartolo; Aniyizhai Annamalai; Joseph S. Ross
129. Reducing Prenatal and Childhood Environmental Exposure
Risks among Hispanic Families in South Texas and North
Tamaulipas, A Bi-National Approach
Kristopher R. Koch; Noe Garza; Beatriz Tapia
130. Low-Income Communities with High Well-Being:
Identifying Positive Deviance
Anita S. Arora; Erica S. Spatz; Brita Roy; Carley Riley; Jeph
Herrin; Kenneth Kell; Elizabeth Y. Rula; Carter R. Coberley;
Harlan M. Krumholz
131. Characterizing Heart Failure Patients with 30-Day
Readmissions at an Urban Safety-Net Hospital
Jamie Carter; Amanda K. Johnson; Katie Raffel; Christine
Soran; Michelle Schneidermann
132. Characteristics and Predictors of Mortality among Frequent
Users of the Emergency Department
Judith L. Griffin; Marie Yersin Engelberger; Venetia-Sofia
Velonaki; Stéphanie Baggio; Katia Iglesias; Karine Moschetti;
Ornella Ruggeri; Bernard Burnand; Jean-Blaise Wasserfallen;
Francis Vu; Corine Ansermet; Olivier Hugli; Jean-Bernard
Daeppen; Patrick Bodenmann
133. The Association of Patients’ Primary Language with
Readmission for High-Volume Hospital Conditions
Anika L. Hines; Kevin Heslin; Marguerite L. Barrett; Ernest
Moy; Rosanna M. Coffey
134. Access to Care for the Less Advantaged: Differential
Experiences in Europe and the United States
Jamie Ryan; Pamela Riley
135. Hepatitis C Linkage to Care at an Urban Internal Medicine
Jay Yarlagadda; Kassem Bourgi; Zorawar Singh; Amal Hejab;
Mikhail Shteynvil; Gina Maki; Kimberly Baker-Genaw
136. Narrowing Healthcare Disparities in a University Outpatient
Elizabeth B. Kirkland; Benjamin Bevill; Frank C. Kurzynske;
Jingwen Zhang; Patrick D. Mauldin; William P. Moran
Session details are online at
FRIDAY 12:00–1:00 pm Session H
137. The Relationship between Diet Food Advertisement and Diet
Behavior over a 13-Year Period
Ashley K. Haddad; Yue Gao; Michael T. Quinn; Sang Mee Lee;
Deborah L. Burnet; Marshall Chin; Monica E. Peek
138. In Boston and NYC, Safety-Net Hospitals Are MinorityServing Hospitals: Implications for Delivery System Reform
Roosa S. Tikkanen; Steffie Woolhandler; David Himmelstein;
Nancy R. Kressin; Amresh D. Hanchate; Meng-Yun Lin; Chieh
Chu; Danny McCormick; Karen E. Lasser
139. Hospital Payer and Racial/Ethnic Mix at Private Academic
Medical Centers in Boston and New York City—A Tale of
Two Cities
Roosa S. Tikkanen; Steffie Woolhandler; David Himmelstein;
Nancy R. Kressin; Amresh D. Hanchate; Meng-Yun Lin; Chieh
Chu; Danny McCormick; Karen E. Lasser
140. Evaluation of Chronic Hepatitis B (CHB) Treatment and
Assessment of CHB Care at an Asian Community Health
Center in NYC, 2012
Christopher Su; Vivian Huang
141. Enhancing Patient Engagement in Intensive Outpatient
Management: Addressing Neighborhood Barriers and
Colin W. O’Brien; Jessica Y. Breland; Cindie Slightam; Andrea
Nevedal; Donna M. Zulman
142. Population Health and Ending Homelessness: Can Hospitals
Rationally Allocate Social Benefits?
Stefan Kertesz; Young-Il Kim; Aerin DeRussy; Erika L. Austin;
David Pollio; Carol VanDeusen Lukas; Sally Holmes
143. H(igh)-B-P not A-B-Cs: Hypertension, But Not Health
Literacy, Is Associated with Patient Awareness of Their CKD
among Older Adults
Milda R. Saunders; Ashley M. Snyder; Marshall Chin; David
Meltzer; Vineet M. Arora; Valerie G. Press
144. Addressing the Challenges of Palliative Care for Homeless
Evelyn Hutt; Jacqueline Jones; Mary Weber; Karen Albright;
Hannah R. Dischinger; Thomas O’Toole; Daniel Doan; David
Gruenewald; Claudine Johnson
145. Predictors of Cultural Competence Experience among Health
Care Employees
Jaya Aysola; Hairong Huo; Diana Harris; Eve Higginbotham
146. Adherence to Age-/Gender-Specific Preventive Care Patterns
in Adolescents and Adults with Down Syndrome
Kristin M. Jensen; Elizabeth J. Campagna; Elizabeth JuarezColunga; Edward R. McCabe; Allan V. Prochazka; Desmond K.
147. Utilizing Direct Assessment to Identify Functional
Impairments in Homeless Adults
Maria Maiaroto; Juan Rodriguez-Guzman; David DeWorsop;
Corey Hassell; Theddeus Iheanacho; Adam P. Mecca; Marcia C.
148. Safety Net Patient Attitudes towards Clinician EHR Use: It’s
Not Just the Amount that Matters But How You Use It
Neda Ratanawongsa; Jennifer Barton; Courtney Lyles; Michael
Y. Wu; Ed Yelin; Diana Martinez; Dean Schillinger
149. Neighborhood Broadband Internet Inequality and the
Digital Divide in Personal Health Record Use
Adam T. Perzynski; Mary Jo Roach; Sarah Shick; Bill Callahan;
Douglas Gunzler; Randall D. Cebul; John D. Thornton; Anne
Huml; David Kaelber; Douglas Einstadter
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
150. A Multimodal Intervention to Reduce Treatment Disparities
for Early Stage Breast and Lung Cancer: Barriers to Systems
Improvement in Race-Specific Care
Samuel Cykert; Eugenia Eng; Matthew Manning; Linda
Robertson; Christina Hardy; Jennifer Schaal; Dwight Heron
151. Health Disparities in Hepatitis C Screening in Internal
Medicine Clinics
Gina Maki; Kassem Bourgi; Amal Hejab; Mikhail Shteynvil;
Zorawar Singh; Jay Yarlagadda; Kimberly Baker-Genaw
152. Disparities in Patients’ Electronic Health Engagement at an
Urban HIV Clinic
Mohammed F. Dabbagh; Kassem Bourgi; Indira Brar
153. Deliberately Blank
154. Quality Improvement in the Safety-Net: Results from the Big
Aims Initiative in California
Shirin Hemmat; Courtney Lyles; Sara Ackerman; Gato I.
Gourley; Margaret Handley; Dean Schillinger; Urmimala
155. Mobile Apps for Vulnerable Populations Study
Urmimala Sarkar; Gato I. Gourley; Courtney Lyles; Lina Tieu;
Cassidy Clarity; Lisa Newmark; Karandeep Singh; David W.
156. Mortality after Critical Care Hospitalization in Patients with
Psychotic Disorders
Daniel Weisberg; Paula Chatterjee; Emily D. Bethea; Maria
Yialamas; Kenneth B. Christopher; on behalf of the Brigham
and Women’s Internal Medicine Housestaff
157. The Impact of Language Concordance on Cancer Screening
in Limited English Proficient Patients
Lisa C. Diamond; Mohammed Imran Mujawar; Margaux C.
Genoff; Warren Ferguson; Sukyung Chung; Francesca Gany
158. Effect of Avascular Necrosis on Hospitalization in Patients
with Sickle Cell Crisis
Keri Holmes-Maybank; William P. Moran; Kit N. Simpson
159. The Historical Development of Heterogeneity in Measuring
Ethnicity and Their Implications for Health: Findings from
the Canadian Census, 1871–Present
Kelsey Lucyk; Karen Tang; Hude Quan
160. Canadian Data Sources on Ethnic Classifications
Karen Tang; Kelsey Lucyk; Hude Quan
161. Searching for Meaning in Meaningful Use in the Safety
Net: An Implementation Case Study of 5 Community Health
Centers in California
Sara Ackerman; Urmimala Sarkar; Lina Tieu; Dean Schillinger;
Margaret A. Handley; Gato I. Gourley; Kenneth Hahn; Mekhala
Hoskote; Courtney R. Lyles
162. Diabetes Outcome and Process Measures among Patients
with Limited English Proficiency in Minnesota Primary Care
Jane Njeru; Deborah Boehm; Debra Jacobson; Laura M.
Guzman-Corrales; Chun Fan; Scott Shimotsu; Mark L. Wieland
163. A Mystery Shopper Study of Primary Care Access Following
the Medicaid Expansion in a Large Urban Area
David Grande; Karin V. Rhodes; Jessica X. Zuo; Rathnam
Venkat; Daniel Polsky
164. Internal Medicine Residents’ Comfort in Providing Care for
Young Adults with Complex Conditions of Childhood Onset
Cynthia Peacock; Larry Laufman; Christopher Hanks; Eva
Waite; David E. DeLaet
FRIDAY 12:00–1:00 pm Session H
165. Interventions to Promote Resident Wellness: A National
Survey of Residency Program Directors
Rajiv Bhagat; Patrick M. Cocks; Matthew Vorsanger
166. Tobacco Treatment: Identifying Disparities in Treatment
Kristin M. Berg; Stevens S. Smith; Megan E. Piper; Michael C.
Fiore; Douglas E. Jorenby
167. Religion, Spirituality, and HIV Clinical Outcomes: A
Systematic Review of the Literature
Benjamin R. Doolittle; Amy C. Justice; David A. Fiellin
168. Leadership Curricula in Health Disparities: What Do Students Learn in Student- Initiated Vs. Assigned Field
Joy Williams; Andy Haig; Patricia Mullan; Brent C. Williams
169. Mindfulness to Improve Mental Health among Homeless
Youth: A Pilot Intervention Study
Leah Swanson; Scott B. Harpin
170. Barriers to Hepatitis B Screening and Vaccination within the
Vietnamese Community of New Orleans East
Michelle Fleshner; Anna Le; Hieu Nguyen; Anh Le; Cecile Dinh;
Catherine Jones
171. Public Libraries Address the Social Determinants of Health
Anna U. Morgan; Roxanne Dupuis; Kiahana Brooks;
Bernadette A. D’Alonzo; Amy Graves; Hillary Bonger; Carolyn
C. Cannuscio
172. Impact of a $15 Federal Minimum Wage on Health Insurance
Lea J. Selitsky; Rajiv Bhatia
173. Developing a Patient Empowerment Program (PEP) to
Achieve Better Patient Outcomes by Preparing Patients to
Participate in Medical Encounters
Joseph Plaksin; Nadiya Pavlishyn; Adina Kalet; Sondra Zabar;
Andrew B. Wallach; Sarita Kundrod; Lisa Altshuler
174. A Patient Empowerment Program (PEP) Can Change Patient
Expectations of Patient-Provider Roles in Communication
Joseph Plaksin; Adina Kalet; Sondra Zabar; Sarita Kundrod;
Kim Nielsen; Lisa Altshuler
175. A Comparison of Patient Health Literacy Levels and Grade
Level Readability of Electronic Health Record Patient
Education Materials in a Resident Primary Care Clinic
Omoye E. Imoisili; Benjamin A. Howell; Shoshana Streiter; Erik
Levinsohn; Cassie Pan; Julie R. Rosenbaum
176. Using Non-English Survey Instrument as a Marker for
Limited English Proficiency: An Application for Examining
National Disparities in Hypertension
Eun Ji Kim; Taekyu Kim; Michael Paasche-Orlow; Amresh D.
177. Relationships between Patient Activation, Preferences
for Self-Directed Care, and Diabetes Self-Management
Behaviors in a Low Health Literacy Population
Nadiya Pavlishyn; Joseph Plaksin; Irina Gershgorin; Kendi
Tang; Sondra Zabar; Adina Kalet; Lisa Altshuler
178. Using Health Maps to Capture Patient’s Perceptions about
Their Illness
Pablo Buitron de la Vega; Barbara G. Bokhour; Michael
179. Understanding Kidney Health and Chronic Kidney Disease
(CKD) knowledge among American Indians: a Focus Group
Stacey E. Jolly; Rodney C. Haring; Marcia O’Leary; Ashwini
Sehgal; Spero Manson; Cheryl Killion
180. Can Discrimination Explain Vulnerable Smokers’ Mistrust of
Nicotine Replacement Therapy?
Elisheva Danan; Steven Fu; Barbara Clothier; Siamak
Noorbaloochi; Diana Burgess
181. What Can Five High Cost Patients Teach Us about Health
Care Spending?
Ishani Ganguli; Ryan Thompson; Timothy G. Ferris
182. Priorities of Minority and Underserved Communities for
Health Research: The Effect of Deliberation
Susan D. Goold; C. D. Myers; Lisa Szymecko; Karen Calhoun;
Adnan Hammad; James Bridgeforth; Charo Ledon; Zachary
Rowe; Myra Kim; Marion Danis; Julia Abelson
183. Self-Reported or Socially-Assigned Social Class: Which
Matters More in Experiences of Discrimination?
Tara Rizzo; Carol Oladele; Baylah Tessier-Sherman; Marcella
184. The Impact of Community Engagement on Health, Social,
and Utilization Outcomes in Depressed Impoverished Populations: Secondary Findings from a Randomized Trial
Christine Lam; Cathy Sherbourne; Lingqi Tang; Thomas
R. Belin; Pluscedia Williams; Angela Young-Brinn; Jeanne
Miranda; Kenneth B. Wells
185. A Longitudinal Psychosocial Curriculum to Enhance Residents’ Self-Efficacy in Delivering Culturally Competent Care
Johanna Martinez; Angela Ghesquiere; Anthony T. Pho; Cathy
Jalali; Susana Morales; Carla Boutin-Foster; Joseph Conigliaro
186. Direct Oral Anticoagulant Usage in the Treatment of Venous Thromboembolism across Racial Groups in Durham
County, NC
Bhavana P. Singh; Andrea Sitlinger; Ibrahim Saber; Elizabeth
Thames; Michele Beckman; Nimia Reyes; Ryan D. Schulteis;
Thomas Ortel
Session details are online at
FRIDAY 1:15–2:45 pm Session J
Atlantic Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Atlantic Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Atlantic Ballroom 3, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Room 307, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Room 301, Third Floor Meeting Space
Regency Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Regency Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Diplomat Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Conference Room 212, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Room 204, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Diplomat Ballroom 4, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Diplomat Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Diplomat Ballroom 5, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Room 314, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Room 312–313, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Conference Room 220, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Conference Room 216, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Conference Room 217, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Room 201, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Diplomat Ballroom 3, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Atlantic Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Update in HIV Medicine: Turning the Tide on
the Epidemic
Category: Clinical Medicine
Submitted in Conjunction with: SGIM HIV/AIDS Interest Group
Session Coordinator: Anne Monroe, MD, Assistant Professor, Johns
Hopkins University School of Medicine
Additional Faculty: Gail Berkenblit, MD, PhD, Johns Hopkins
University School of Medicine; Oni J. Blackstock, MD, Montefiore
Medical Center/Albert Einstein College of Medicine; E. J. Edelman,
MD, MHS, Yale University School of Medicine; Schuyler D.
Livingston, MD, Emory University School of Medicine
Atlantic Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
From the Margins to the Mainstream: The Story of Boston
Health Care for the Homeless Program and the People It
Serves HD/VP
Category: Health Disparities/Vulnerable Populations
Submitted in Conjunction with: SGIM Minorities in Medicine,
Criminal Justice and Health, Physicians Against Violence, Social
Responsibility Interest Groups and the Disparities Task Force
Session Coordinator: Travis P. Baggett, MD, MPH, Instructor in
Medicine, General Medicine Division, Massachusetts General
Additional Faculty: Jessie M. Gaeta, MD, Boston University School
of Medicine; Stefan Kertesz, MD, Birmingham VA Medical Center/
University of Alabama at Birmingham; James J. O’Connell, MD,
Massachusetts General Hospital
Atlantic Ballroom 3, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Beyond the Dark Side: Novel Approaches to Recruit, Reward
and Retain High Quality Ambulatory Faculty
Category: Leadership and Administration
Submitted in Conjunction with: SGIM and AAIM Education
Session Coordinator: Isitri Modak, MD, Associate Program Director,
Medical Education, Methodist Health System
Additional Faculty: Sara Fazio, MD, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical
Center; Margaret C. Lo, MD, University of Florida College of
Medicine; Kerri Palamara, MD, Massachusetts General Hospital;
Michael J. Rosenblum, MD, Baystate Medical Center
Room 307, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Generalists and Chronic Pain Care: Research and Innovation
to Optimize Population and Personal Health
Category: Healthcare Delivery and Redesign
Session Coordinator: Karen H. Seal, MD, MPH, Professor of Medicine
and Psychiatry, General Internal Medicine, San Francisco VA Health
Care Sysytem/University of California, San Francisco
Additional Faculty: William Becker, MD, VA Connecticut Health
Care System; Joseph W. Frank, MD, MPH, University of Colorado
School of Medicine; Erin E. Krebs, MD, MPH, Minneapolis VA Health
Care System
This workshop is part of the 2016 VA series, supported by the VA Health
Services Research and Development Service and the VA Office of
Academic Affiliations.
Room 301, Third Floor Meeting Space
How Can Physician Networks like PCORNet Help Clinicians
Participate in Research PCOR
Session Coordinator: Joan M. Neuner, MD, MPH, Associate
Professor, Medical College of Wisconsin
Additional Faculty: Russell Rothman, MD, MPP, Vanderbilt
University Center for Health Services Research; Jennifer L.
Kraschnewski, MD, MPH, Penn State Hershey Medical Center
This workshop is part of the 2016 PCOR Series, supported through a PCORI
Program Award, EA-1283-SGIM.
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
FRIDAY 1:15–2:45 pm Session J
Regency Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Read One, Do One (before the next SGIM meeting), Teach One:
Publishing a Clinical Vignette for the Busy Trainee or Young
Physician SRF
Category: Medical Education Scholarship
Session Coordinator: Deepa Bhatnagar, MD, Physician, Tulane
Additional Faculty: Cindy Lai, MD, University of Texas
Southwestern Medical Center; Chad S. Miller, MD, St. Louis
University; Christopher Sankey, MD, Yale School of Medicine;
Winter L. Williams, MD, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Regency Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
“Lean In” or “Lean Out”? Strategies to Achieve Academic
Medical Career Advancement and Work-Life Balance over a
Category: Career Development
Submitted in Conjunction with: SGIM Women and Medicine Task
Session Coordinator: Deborah Kwolek, MD, Instructor in Medicine,
Harvard University/Massachusetts General Hospital
Additional Faculty: Amy S. Gottlieb, MD, Baystate Medical Center;
Janet Henrich, MD, Yale University; Andrea L. Sikon, MD, Cleveland
Clinic; Amy Weil, MD, University of North Carolina School of
Diplomat Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
C’s the Day! How You Can Screen Populations and Cure
Patients with Hepatitis C
Category: Clinical Medicine
Session Coordinator: Shelly-Ann Fluker, MD, Assistant Professor
of Medicine, General Medicine and Geriatrics, Emory University
School of Medicine
Additional Faculty: Donald Gardenier, DNP, FNP-BC, FAANP, FAAN,
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; Jennifer Lom, MD, Emory
University School of Medicine; Lesley Miller, MD, Emory University
School of Medicine; Brianna L. Norton, DO, MPH, Montefiore
Medical Center; Barbara J. Turner, MD, MSED, University of Texas
Health Science Center at San Antonio
Conference Room 212, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Mobile Technology and Social Media Strategies to Improve
Health for Vulnerable Populations at Risk for HIV and
Substance Use HD/VP
Category: Health Disparities/Vulnerable Populations
Submitted in Conjunction with: SGIM Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other
Drug Use, HIV/AIDS, and LGBT Interest Groups
Session Coordinator: Tabor E. Flickinger, MD, MPH, Assistant
Professor, University of Virginia
Additional Faculty: Lynn E. Fiellin, MD, Yale University; Brent A.
Moore, PhD, Yale University School of Medicine; Viraj V. Patel, MD,
MPH, Albert Einstein College of Medicine; Karran A. Phillips, MD,
MSc, National Institute on Drug Abuse, National Institutes of
Room 204, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Learning to “Walk the Walk”: Teaching Resident
Physicians to Be Both Effective Members and Leaders of
Interprofessional Health Care Teams MES
Category: Medical Education Scholarship
Submitted in Conjunction with: SGIM Interprofessional Education
Interest Group
Session Coordinator: Maria A. Wamsley, MD, Professor of Clinical
Medicine, Department of Medicine, University of California, San
Additional Faculty: Rebecca Brienza, MD, MPH, VA Connecticut
Healthcare System; Laura Hanyok, MD, Johns Hopkins University;
William G. Weppner, MD, MPH, University of Washington
Diplomat Ballroom 4, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Towards a Population Health Curriculum: A Needs
Assessment and Development Guide for a Curriculum at Your
Residency Program MES
Category: Medical Education Scholarship
Session Coordinator: Darlene LeFrancois, MD, Associate Professor,
Montefiore Medical Center
Additional Faculty: James Grigg, MD, University of Florida;
Achilia Morrow, MD, MPH, Baylor College of Medicine; Lauren
Shapiro, MD, Montefiore Medical Center; Pete Yunyongying, MD,
Georgia Regents University/University of Georgia, Athens Medical
Diplomat Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Work the Crowd, Not the Slide Projector: Making Large Group
Teaching Interactive MES
Category: Medical Education Scholarship
Session Coordinator: Jennifer Corbelli, MD, MS, Assistant Professor
of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
Additional Faculty: Sara M. Bradley, MD, Mount Sinai School
of Medicine; Jeremy Smith, MD, University of Wisconsin; Carla
Spagnoletti, MD, MS, University of Pittsburgh; Corrie A. Stankiewicz,
MD, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Diplomat Ballroom 5, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Practical Advice on Research Designs to Evaluate Natural
Category: Research Methods
Session Coordinator: O. Kenrik Duru, MD, Associate Professor,
University of California, Los Angeles
Room 314, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Become a Charismatic and Transformational Physician
Leader: A LEAD Workshop
Category: Leadership and Administration
Session Coordinator: Chester A Schriesheim, PhD, Distinguished
Professor of Management, School of Business Administration,
University of Miami
Session details are online at
FRIDAY 1:15–2:45 pm Session J
Abstract Session J1: Lipkin Award Finalists
Room 312–313, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Moderators: Julia H. Arnsten, MD, MPH, and Mack Lipkin, Jr., MD
1. How International Health Electives Impact Residents’
Perceptions on Dealing with Death and Dying
M. U. Bashir; Hannah C. Nordhues; Stephen P. Merry; Adam P.
2. Resident Coping Mechanisms: State or Trait?
Brielle Spataro; Sarah A. Tilstra; Doris Rubio; Melissa McNeil
3. Incarceration History as an Independent Predictor of
Uninsurance and Poor Health
Tyler N. Winkelman; HwaJung Choi; Matthew M. Davis
4. Characteristics and Outcomes of Hospitalized Community
Dwelling Geriatric Patients Discharged to a Skilled Nursing
Jennifer L. Carnahan; Christopher M. Callahan; Roberta
Ambuehl; Alexia M. Torke
5. Implementing a Central Population Health Chronic Disease
Management Program in a Primary Care Network: 6-Month
Jeffrey M. Ashburner; Daniel M. Horn; Sandra OKeefe; Adrian
Zai; Neil W. Wagle; Steven J. Atlas
6. Early Impacts of the Affordable Care Act on Access to Care
for Patients with Chronic Diseases: A National Perspective
Elisabeth Poorman; Hugo A. Torres; Lenore Azaroff; Lauren
Campbell; Chin Ho Fung; Nicole Mushero; Cynthia Schoettler;
Uma S. Tadepalli; Gaurab Basu; Danny McCormick
Abstract Session J2: Quality and Patient Safety—Cranking the
Lever: Leveraging the EHR QC/PS
Conference Room 220, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Moderator: Teryl K. Nuckols, MD, MS
1. Using Natural Language Processing to Improve Accuracy of
Hospital-Acquired DVT and PE Measurement
Carlton R. Moore; Jamison Chang; Christine Williams; Lucy
Witt; Michael Craig; Michael Langston; E. A. Liles
2. A Systematic Review of the Types and Causes of Prescribing
Errors Generated from Using Computerized Provider Order
Entry Systems in Both Primary and Secondary Care
Clare L. Brown; Helen Mulcaster; Katherine Triffitt; Andrew K.
Husband; Sarah P. Slight, David Bates
3. Implementing an Electronic Clinical Decision Support Tool
to Reduce Low Value Imaging for Back Pain in a Large Safety
Net Health System
John N. Mafi; Jennifer N. Sayles; Maitraya K. Patel; Deborah
Kahaku; Carmen A. Carillo; John F. Brunner; Anish Mahajan;
Laura Sarff; Susan Ettner; Katherine L. Kahn; Catherine
4. Developing Electronic Health Record Algorithms to Identify
Patients with Problem List Gaps and Improve Quality of Care
Angela Ai; Skye Aaron; Dustin S. McEvoy; Salman T. Hussain;
Thu-Trang T. Hickman; Adam Wright
5. Human vs. Automated Prediction of Clinical Deterioration:
Results from the Understanding Physician Signout Risk
Perceptions (UPS) Study
Jonathan Arnold; Alexander Davis; Baruch Fischhoff; Jon
R. Grace; Andrew Klobuka; Emmanuelle B. Yecies; Deepika
Mohan; Janel Hanmer
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
6. Using Active Choice within the Electronic Health Record to
Increase Influenza Vaccination Rates
Mitesh Patel; Kevin G. Volpp; Dylan Small; Jingsan Zhu; Lin
Yang; Steven Honeywell; Susan C. Day
Abstract Session J3: Navigation and Support for Vulnerable
Populations HD/VP
Conference Room 216, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Moderators: Karen Goldstein, MD, MSPH and Nia Mitchell, MD,
1. Peer Support for Achieving Independence in Diabetes
(Peer-AID): Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial of
Community Health Worker Assisted Self-Management
Support among Low-Income Adults with Diabetes
Karin M. Nelson; Leslie Taylor; Julie B. Silverman; Meghan M.
Kiefer; Paul Hebert; Daniel S. Lessler; Jim Krieger
2. Socioeconomic Disparities in Completion of Open Access
Jeremy Gentile; Patrick Bradley; Kevin S. Fay; Michelle Mohyi;
Daniel Hrabec; Kassem Bourgi
3. Decision-Making and Goal-Setting in a Randomized
Controlled Trial of Patient-Centered Support for Chronic
Disease Management
Shreya Kangovi; Nandita Mitra; Robyn A. Smith; Raina
Kulkarni; Lindsey N. Turr; Hairong Huo; Karen Glanz; David
Grande; Judith Long
4. Community Health Worker Support for Self-Measured Blood
Pressure Monitoring among Urban African Americans with
Uncontrolled Hypertension
S. Alison Kraemer; Patti Ephraim; Jane Pendergast; Hui Jie Lee;
Jessica Ameling; LaPricia Lewis-Boyer; Debra J. Gayles; Valerie
Lee; Hema Ramamurthi; Dwyan Y. Monroe; James Valderrama;
Nuha Muktar; Kathryn A. Carson; Lee R. Bone; David M. Levine;
Lisa A. Cooper; L. Ebony Boulware
5. Changing Patients’ Perspectives on Shared Decision-Making
(SDM): A Qualitative Approach
Kendi Tang; Joseph Plaksin; Nadiya Pavlishyn; Adina Kalet;
Sondra Zabar; Lisa Altshuler
6. The Relationship between Depression and Health Care
Utilization in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes
Caroline Presley; Richard O. White; Ken Wallston; Sunil
Kripalani; Russell L. Rothman
FRIDAY 1:15–2:45 pm Session J
Abstract Session J4: Organization of Care/Chronic Disease
Conference Room 217, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Moderator: David Katz, MD, MSc
1. Adapting a Post-Discharge Intervention for Hospitalized
Smokers to Enhance Scalability: The Helping HAND 2
Randomized Controlled Trial
Nancy A. Rigotti; Hilary Tindle; Susan Regan; Douglas Levy;
Yuchiao Chang; Kelly M. Carpenter; Elyse R. Park; Jennifer H.
Kelley; Joanna Streck; Zachary Reid; Thomas Ylioja; Michele
Reyen; Daniel E. Singer
2. Yield of Testing and Management of Hypertensive Urgency
in Patients Referred to the Emergency Department from an
Office Visit
Krishna Patel; Laura Young; Erik H. Howell; Bo Hu; Gregory W.
Rutecki; George Thomas; Michael B. Rothberg
3. Content and Outcomes of Social Work Consultation for
Patients with Diabetes in Outpatient Primary Care Practice
Andrew J. Rabovsky; Michael B. Rothberg; Andrei Brateanu;
Susannah L. Rose; Lei Kou; Anita D. Misra-Hebert
4. A Needs-Based Resident Clinic Redesign Results in
Improved Patient Utilization of Care and Increased Resident
Lynn Bowlby; Alex H. Cho; Natasha T. Cunningham; Lawrence
Greenblatt; Adia K. Ross; Mark Sendak; Daniella A. Zipkin
5. A Randomized Trial of Work Condition Interventions in
Primary Care: Effects on Clinical Outcomes
Mark Linzer; Sara Poplau; Roger Brown; Ellie Grossman;
Anita B. Varkey; Steven H. Yale; Eric Williams; Lanis Hicks; Jill
Wallock; Diane Kohnhorst; Michael Barbouche
6. Improved Team Function Associated with Lower Health Care
Karin M. Nelson; Philip W. Sylling; Leslie Taylor; Christian D.
Helfrich; Danielle Rose; Idamay Curtis; Richard Stark; Gordon
Schectman; Stephan D. Fihn
Innovations in Medical Education Oral Presentation
Session J MES
Diplomat Ballroom 3, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Moderator: Heather S. Laird-Fick, MD, MPH, Co-Chair, Innovations
in Medical Education
1. Improving Communication Skills: A Prospective Study of
One-on-One Feedback to Improve Resident Communication
Siddhartha Kattamanchi; Lisa Benson; Andrew Weier
2. A Novel Approach to the Program Evaluation Committee
Amy R. Schwartz; Mark Siegel; Alfred Lee
3. An Innovative Shared Decision Making Curriculum for
Internal Medicine Residents
Jen Rusiecki; Jane Schell; Sarah B. Merriam; Melissa McNeil;
Carla Spagnoletti
4. Preparing Medicine Residents to Read and Review the
Medical Literature—A Partnership with JAMA Internal
Rachel J. Stern; Blake Charlton; Rita F. Redberg; Jeff Kohlwes
5. Coordinating Complex Care—Teaching Internal Medicine
Residents a Framework for Managing High-Risk Patients
Riley Lipschitz; Rebecca Davis
6. A Tale of Two Krogers: Developing an Integrated Social
Medicine and Service Learning Curriculum
Ayrenne Adams; Lurit Bepo; Jada C. Bussey-Jones; Maura
George; Natalie Stahl
Vignette Session J: Clinical Reasoning
Room 201, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Moderators: Carlos Estrada, MD, MS and Steven Haist, MD, MS
1. Anchors Aweigh: A Clinical Example of Anchoring Bias
William P. Nichols; Jessica S. Lavender; Yanglin Guo; Denise L.
2. Minding the Anion Gap
Meaghan S. Roche
3. Don’t Take the Bait: Fishing for a Diagnosis in a Man with
Recurrent Fevers and Hallucinations
Nicholas Duca; Swati Shroff; Amar Kohli
4. Don’t Turn a Blind Eye to the Serum Sodium: An Unusual
Case of Monocular Vision and SIADH in an Alcoholic Patient
Ernie L. Esquivel; Esther Chung; Alejandro Pino; Harpreet S.
5. Malnutrition or Something More Serious? Framing the Case
to Arrive at the Correct Diagnosis
Alex J. Sommerfeld; Tala Achkar; Thomas R. Radomski
Session details are online at
FRIDAY 3:00–4:00 pm Session K
Conference Room 217, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Adults with Complex Conditions Originating in Childhood
Interest Group
Session Coordinator: Joseph Truglio, MD, Assistant Professor,
Internal Medicine, Pediatrics and Medical Education, Icahn School
of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Room 314, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Clinical Reasoning Interest Group
Session Coordinator: Reza Sedighi Manesh, MD, Physician-Resident,
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Conference Room 212, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Complex Care Management Interest Group
Session Coordinator: Rose M. Kakoza, MD, Assistant Medical
Director, Integrated Care Management Program (ICMP),
Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Conference Room 220, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Diabetes Interest Group
Room 307, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Integrating Telehealth into the Veterans Affairs Primary Care
Education Track HDR
Session Coordinator: David Chmielewski, MBA, Facility Telehealth
Coordinator, Rural Health Consultant, Office of Telehealth, Louis
Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center
Room 201, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Mentoring in Academic Medicine Interest Group
Session Coordinator: Michi Yukawa, MD, MPH, Professor of
Medicine, Medicine/Division of Geriatrics, University of California
San Francisco
Diplomat Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Minorities in Medicine Interest Group
Session Coordinator: Jessie K. Marshall, MD, Assistant Professor,
Department of Medicine, University of Michigan
Room 302, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Muslim Health Interest Group
Session Coordinator: Umna Ashfaq, MD, Assistant Professor, IM,
University of Florida
Session Coordinator: Nisa Maruthur, MD, MHS, Assistant Professor
of Medicine and Epidemiology, Johns Hopkins University School of
Session Coordinator: Gordon Noel, MD, Professor Emeritus, Oregon
Health and Sciences University
Room 204, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Ethics Interest Group
Conference Room 216, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Global Health and Human Rights Interest Group
Session Coordinator: Preston Reynolds, MD, PhD, Professor of
Medicine, University of Virginia
Diplomat Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Multimorbitiy and High Utilizers Interest Group
Session Coordinator: Melissa Y. Wei, MD, MPH, SM, University of
Room 301, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
House Calls Interest Group
Session Coordinator: M. Victoria M. Kopke, MD, Assistant Professor,
Internal Medicine, Mount Sinai
Session Coordinator: Lisa Rucker, MD, MS, Co-Director OPD
Medicine Practice, Department of Medicine, Albert Einstein College
of Medicine Jacobi Medical Center
Diplomat Ballroom 4, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Navigating Late Career Transitions Interest Group
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Regency Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Primary Care Program Directors Interest Group
Session Coordinator: Karen Chacko, MD, Associate Professor of
Medicine, University of Colorado Denver
Regency Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Shared Decision Making Interest Group
Session Coordinator: Kathleen Fairfield, MD, Associate Chief of
Medicine, Maine Medical Center
Room 312–313, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Women’s Health Education Interest Group
Session Coordinator: Pelin Batur, MD, Staff Physician, Medicine
Institute, Cleveland Clinic
FRIDAY 3:00–4:00 pm Session K
Great Hall 4, 5, & 6, 3rd Floor, Convention Center
Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Posters 1–61
Posters 62–149
Posters 151–181
Mental Health/Substance Use/Chronic Pain
Posters 182–192
Assorted Content
Posters 193–198
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. A Rare Pain in a Common Scenario
Aradhna Seth; Minal A. Shah
A Curious Case of Hypokalemia: McKittrick-Wheelock Syndrome
Jennifer S. Mulliken; David Altszuler; Natalie K. Levy
Hemorrhagic Cholecystitis Masquerading as Persistent
Acute Liver Dysfunction
Rebecca Haberman; Alicia Cowley; Monica Gupta
SMA Syndrome in a Patient with IBS and PTSD: A Case
Mona Lalehzari; Hao Cheng; Pinky Jha; Alex Katz
When Rare Becomes Common: Acute Pancreatitis in Chronic
Marijuana Use
Sabrina N. Huq; Bharadwaj Ravi; Sofia Terner
Pulmonary Nodules Made Crystal Clear
Claire A. Evans; Douglas Haden
Granulomatous Liver Disease: A Diagnostic and Therapeutic
Muznay Khawaja; Faizan Malik; Syed Imran Jafri; Vivek R.
Mehta; Tawseef A. Dar; Yub Raj Sedhai; Jayamohan Nair
A Penny for Your Thoughts? Acute Liver Failure Due to Wilson’s Disease
Ravina Patel; Leslie Cler; Brad Pirtle
When a Carrot a Day Doesn’t Keep the Doctor Away: An Uncommon Cause of Abdominal Pain and Sepsis
Ayesha A. Appa; Lindsay Collins; Steven Mitchell
Metastatic Prostate Carcinoma Masquerading as Cirrhosis
Osman Bhatty; Karishma Bhatia
Leave No Stones Unturned
Lisa Hirahara; Ryuichi Sada; Mitsuya Katayama
When a Simple Cyst Requires a Complex Solution
Tahmina Begum; Miles Grant; Subhasis Misra; Nail Aydin;
Roger D. Smalligan
Valproate-Related Hyperammonemic Encephalopathy without Underlying Liver Disease
Brian V. Dinh; Kyle Ball; Sangeeta Agrawal
Withdrawn by Author
Special K and Un-Kommon Bile Duct Dilatation
Paul Leis; Gregory Haber; Steven Shamah
The GIST of an Obscure Bleed
Megan Maddox; Jeffrey Bates
An Unusual Cause of Acute Liver Failure
Sheryl K. Ramdass; Salwa Khedr; Rony Ghaoui
18. A Case of Montelukast-Induced Liver Injury in a Bone Marrow Transplant Recipient
Devin Loewenstein; Trinh Khong
19. To Occam or to Hickam? That Is the Question
Wei Han; Shadia Constantine; Hideki Takizawa
20. Cocaine-Induced Mesenteric Ischemia: The Risk of Profiling
Patients Suspected of Drug-Seeking Behavior
Ethan Y. Zhao; Anna M. Ledgerwood
21. The Connection to Connective Tissue Disease in Non-
Cirrhotic Portal Hypertension
Angela K. Kleiber
22. An Atypical Case of Appendicitis
Jenny S. Placido-Disla; Tina Wang; Faraj Faour
23. Diarrhea with Peripheral Eosinophilia: Another Case of
Intestinal Parasites?
Leigh Cagino; Margaret C. Lo
24. The A, B, Cs of Hepatitis
Vassiliki Pravodelov; Bailey Y. Chang
25. Hepatitis C Shocks Liver: A Case of Acute Hepatitis C Infection Causing Transaminitis in HIV Patient
Waqas Nawaz; Tehseen Haider; Elizabeth Clain; Bennal Perkins
26. Trading One for Another: A Case of De Novo Crohn’s Disease
after Lung Transplant
Valentine O. Millien; Lubin A. Santana; Ana Kolpakchi; Lee Lu
27. A Rare Case of Lymphomatoid Granulomatosis Occurring
with Ulcerative Colitis
Samah Nassereddine; Timothy Dougherty Jr.; Marie L. Borum
28. An Autoimmune Pain in the Gut
Grant Jester; Henrique E. Kallas; Margaret C. Lo
29. Acalculous Cholecystitis and Epstein Barr Virus: A Rare Complication of a Common Disease
Omar K. Jilani; Abubaker Jilani; Karin Chen; Iqbal Jilani;
Svetlana Chernyavsky
30. Altering Mentation about Altered Mentation
Daniel Hart; Saad Emhmed Ali; Marianna Sargsyan
31. Clostridium difficile and Opioids: A Toxic Mix
Jasmine Dukandar; Kristina Chacko
32. ST Elevation in EKG Confounding the Diagnosis of Pancreatitis with Literature Review
Xiaomei Meng
33. Supraventricular Tachycardia with Right Atrial Mass: An Unusual Presentation of a Common Tumor
Melissa Stein; Irene J. Soloway
34. A Unique Occurrence of Polycythemia Vera and Heyde Syndrome in the Same Patient
Hardik Chhatrala; Monoj Konda; Shreya Ghetiya; Lokesh
Yadav; Mark Loehrke
35. Doc, I Swallowed the Pack: When to Retrieve Ingested Foreign Bodies
Danica S. Carew; Kristopher P. Kline; Maryam Sattari; Ryan
36. Careful History and Physical Exam Remains the Core of Accurate Diagnosis
Joydeep Chakraborty; Christopher E. Forsmark
37. Metabolic Encephalopathy Due to Severe Hypernatremia
Harsha Mudrakola
38. Complicated Pancreatitis—An Unusually Symptomatic
Harsha Mudrakola; Lubna Khawaja
Session details are online at
FRIDAY 3:00–4:00 pm Session K
39. The Interplay between HCV and EBV Infections in a Presentation of Acute Hepatitis
Mckenna Longacre; Brian W. Boyle; Denisa Gace
40. Diverticulitis without Diverticula
Mehtap Canastar; Darlene LeFrancois
41. The Curious Case of the Vanishing Ducts
Michael Gao; Tanping Wong
42. A Rare Association of Acute Pancreatitis with Alendronate
Khushdeep S. Chahal; Alexandria Kraus
43. Massive Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding: A Rare Presentation of Carcinoid Tumor
Khushdeep S. Chahal
44. Seek and Ye Shall Find: An Unusual Cause of Iron Deficiency
Anemia after Bariatric Surgery
Emmett A. Kistler; Laurie Edelman
45. Jaundice, Pruritus, and a ‘Nagging Feeling’: A Case of
Klatskin Tumor
Charles Frost; Navya Nambudiri; Andrew Pearson; Andrew F.
Glover; Dipali R. Sahoo
46. A Single Plain Abdominal Radiography Might Have Saved a
Patient with Intraabdominal Infection
Dongkyung Seo; Toshiaki Wakai; Masaji Saijo; Keitaro Takeda;
Dongje Seo; Yasushi Tanabe; Urara Nakagawa
47. Broadening the Differential for Severe Hepatitis in Anorexia
Victor D. Babatunde; Adam C. Nadelson; Vilas R. Patwardhan;
Eric U. Yee
48. Diagnosing Esophageal Dysphagia with a History-Based
Work Up
Micah Eades; Kerry B. Dunbar
49. A Challenging Case of Ascities: Chemotherapy Induced
Nodular Regenerative Hyperplasia
Orighomisan Pessu; Deepa R. Nandiwada
50. Cholecystoenteric Fistula Resulting in Bouveret’s Syndrome
Eric Huynh; Roger D. Smalligan; Abdel Rahman A. Omer
51. Boerhaave’s Syndrome: An Early Recognition Hampers
Mary A. Esho; Kusuma A. Kurmayagari; Anil Pai
52. Giant Liver Cyst Causing Obstructive Jaundice: A Complication Rarely Seen
George Khoudari; Yazan Samhouri; Tarun Kothari
53. Air in the Gastric Wall—A Rare Case of Emphysematous
Thomas Chin; Mini Hariharan; Abid Shah; Peters Okonoboh
54. Don’t Bypass Your Life: Post-Bariatric Starvation
Michael Gillette; Naree Whang; Ahmed G. Mohiuddin
55. A Rare Case of Sudden Male Dyspareunia
Pranoti Hiremath; Meredith Barnes
56. Black Esophagus
Michelle Simonait; Nitya Ramreddy; Charles Hotte
57. Prednisone Causing Drug-Induced Liver Injury Leading to
Fulminant Liver Failure: A Case Report
Muna Sheikh; Sumeet S. Pawar; Craig Noronha
58. Budd Chiari: A Rare Initial Presentation of Renal Cell
Raagini Jawa; Stephanie Le; Warren Hershman
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
59. Gastric Lymphoma as a Primary Presentation of Newly Diagnosed HIV
Ayesha S. Ali; Fazel Dinary; Kulsoom Fatima
60. Eggs Trapped in the Liver: A Morbid Case of Schistosomiasis
Tatiana Teslova; Arthur O. Omondi; Sheira Schlair
61. Eosinophilic Gastroenteritis—A Rare Case in the Setting of
Toxacara Infection
Elizabeth S. John; Richard Tangel; Betty Chung; James R. Penn
62. A Rare Co-Existence of Chylous Accumulation in CLL
Elizabeth S. John; Ramy Sedhom; Daniel Schaar
63. Multiple Acquired Plasma Coagulation Factor Deficiencies
in an HIV-Infected Patient: A Case of Acquired Hemophilia
Daryl Sudasena; Jennifer Brescoll; Nichole Miller;
Vijayalakshmi Donthireddy
64. Time Can Tell What Extensive Work-Ups Cannot
Akari Nakayama; Yoshihisa Kanamoto; Sandra Y. Moody;
Makito Yaegashi
65. A Masked Case of Vancomycin-Induced Immune Thrombocytopenia
Samuel A. Schueler; Nilima S. Shet; Nicholas F. Stienstra;
Daniel Chen
66. The Right Heart in Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma
Virginia O. Volpe; Andrew P. Scatola
67. Numb Chin Syndrome: An Unusual Yet Ominous Sign
Jie Qu; Adam P. Sawatsky
68. Metastatic Neuroendocrine Tumor Masquerading as Cushing’s Syndrome
Andrew P. Scatola; Virginia O. Volpe; Amy Kost
69. Musculoskeletal Chest Pain—Not Just a Diagnosis of Exclusion
Daniel J. Howell; Matthew Shaines
70. Multiple Myeloma with Amyloidosis: A Clinical Conundrum
Lesley Jackson; Vimal Patel; Daniel Ely
71. Scrotal Extramammary Paget’s Disease with Severe Hypercalcemia
Aoi Yogo; Sandra Y. Moody; Takahiro Mori
72. Cutaneous Presentation of Metastatic Thyroid Cancer
Derek Nguyen; Yvonne N. Covin; Blake R. Barker
73. Post-Transfusion Purpura Induced Thrombocytopenia—
A Rare Cause of a Common Condition in Patients with Malignancy
Kartik Sehgal; Aakriti Gupta; Catherine Gao
74. Venous and Arterial Thromboses in Nephrotic Syndrome:
Where Only Warfarin Has Walked
Hassan Kamran; Erin Finn; Qasim Khalil; Jeffrey Bates; Meroe
75. Falling on Outstretched Hands: Thinking Outside the Snuffbox
Helen Ma; David Cheng; Patrick M. Cocks
76. Primary Effusion Lymphoma in a HIV Positive Male with a
History of Kaposi Sarcoma
HoanVu N. Nguyen; Ashley Ullrich; Penny Li; Noelle Northcutt
77. Femoral Avascular Necrosis as a Complication of Primary
Prashanth Venkatesh
78. Iron Deficiency Anemia: Thrombocytosis to
Dipen B. Khanapara; Nurilign A. Bulcha; David Fernandes;
Sofia Terner
FRIDAY 3:00–4:00 pm Session K
79. When It Sounds and Looks like Appendicitis and It’s…Not?: A Case of Appendicular Adenocarcinoma Presenting as Appendicitis
Andrew Trifan; Amar Kohli
80. Blast from the Past: Radiation Induced Osteosarcoma 35
Years Later in a Childhood Ewing Cancer Survivor
Andrew Trifan; Amar Kohli
81. Choosing the Right Needle for the Right Haystack: Using a
Diagnostic Algorithm to Diagnose an Uncommon Cause of
Unifocal Lymphadenopathy
Jenny K. Cohen
82. To B or Not to B: A Case of CD20 Antigen Expression in Symptomatic Multiple Myeloma
Monica Thim; Shrinkhala Khanna; Donielle F. Sliwa; Sung-Hee
83. Unmasking the Black Schwan
Brendan Gilmore; Toug M. Tanavin; Sanket Borgaonkar; Rajeev
84. The Curious Case of the Disappearing Blood
Sanket Borgaonkar; Courtney Shipman; Jaclyn M. Munoz;
Rehman Sheikh; Sarvari Yellapragada
85. Worms and Complement Overactivation
Hadi Zein; Stanley Josue
86. An Unusual Cause of Productive Cough and Headaches
Ana I. Velazquez; Mariana Mercader; Michael P. Bergman;
Samuel Acquah
87. Acquired Hemophilia A: Case and Discussion of a Rare Coagulopathy
Xiaoming Jia; Jasmine Kalsi; Farrah Kheradmand
88. An Atypical Case of Atypical Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome
Ekta Kakkar
89. Type B Lactic Acidosis Due to Thiamine Deficiency in a
Patient with B Cell Lymphoma
Umair Masood; Anuj Sharma; Sonny Nijjar; Karthikeyan
90. Cyclical Thrombocytopenia: A Rare But Fatal Imitator of
Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia
Shazia Samanani; Rehan Mujahid; Shrinkhala Khanna
91. Galloping Gammopathies
John L. Elliott; Jennifer Bracey
92. Pinky Promise—An Atypical Anatomical Site of Primary
Cutaneous Mucinous Carcinoma
Sree V. Pilla; Siwadon Pitukweerakul; Harvey J. Friedman;
Shahriar Dadhkhah
93. “Fat Burners May Burn the Heart”: A Rare Case of L-Tryptophan Related Eosinophilia-Myalgia Syndrome
(EMS) with Myocarditis
Waqas Nawaz; Faran Ahmad; Marilou Corpuz
94. Withdrawn by Author
95. Lambert Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome Associated with Small
Cell Lung Cancer—Is It Good to Feel Weak?
Lindita Shehu; Arian Majko; Majlinda Xhikola; Emily Chen;
Izabella Zathureczky
96. Beyond the Pale: The Association between Severe Anemia
and Renal Cell Carcinoma
Karma-Jaya Parbhu; Christopher J. Smith
97. Early Breast Cancer Detection—Not Always an Easy Task
Dietlind L. Wahner-Roedler
98. IgD Myeloma: A Rare Diagnosis
Medhavi Gupta; Aditya Kotecha; Abbinaya Elangovan; Gaurav
99. Acute Pancreatitis as Presentation of Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura in a Patient with SLE
Sonaina Imtiaz
100. Pulmonary Vein Thrombosis: Not the Garden Variety Lung
Mojun Zhu; Ashley Woods; Antonios Charokopos; Abhay J.
101. A Mysterious Pleural Effusion
Dianne L. Goede; Margaret C. Lo; Mohammad Abu-Farsakh
102. Chronic Eosinophilic Leukemia in an African American
Onyekachi H. Ogbonna; Stanley M. Nwabudike
103. De Novo Splenic CD5+ DLBCL
Zaid Abdelrahman; Yaser Alkhatib; Vrushali Dabak
104. An Ominous Cause of Gum Pain and Fever in a Young Male.
A Case of Burkitt’s Leukemia… i. e. Burkitt’s Lymphoma
Involving the Bone Marrow (BM)
Manpreet Kaur; Olga Laur; Kimberly Farrell; Barry Boyd; Irem
105. A Rare Case of Iron Refractory Iron Deficiency Anemia
Sreelakshmi Panginikkod; Venu Pararath Gopalakrishnan;
Niyati Gupta
106. A Poetry by Inflammatory Cytokines!
Sreelakshmi Panginikkod; Venu Pararath Gopalakrishnan;
Niyati Gupta
107. Recurrent Sinusitis May Not Actually Be Sinusitis
Mohammad Jawish; Robert Asbury; Yazan Samhouri
108. Master of Disguise: IgG4-Related Disease
Simeng Sun; Michael P. Bergman; Geeta Varghese
109. Cracking the Case
Joseph Delio; Kendall Stone; Anne Lesburg
110. Reccurent Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura in a Post Splenectomy Patient
Preeti Patel
111. A Rare Case of Acquired Hemophilia A in a Patient with
Chronic Hepatitis C Treated with Peginterferon Alpha
Safeera Javed; Emrullah Yilmaz; Swati Goel; Bennal Perkins
112. Unexplained Hypertension: An Unusual Case
Christopher A. D’Avella; Rahul A. Parikh; Jennifer Rodriguez
113. The Way to a Person’s Heart May Really Be through Their Stomach
Jessica Berman; Jane Andrews
114. Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia in a Twin Pregnancy
Catherine Wei; Elan Gorshein; Beatrice Wong; Mecide Gharibo
115. How a CBC and Peripheral Blood Smear Can Be Lifesaving
Ian Cormier; Meltiady Issa
116. Acute Encephalopathy with Hypercalcemia Masking Neurosyphilis Masking Cervical Cancer
Andrew Kelly; Vivek Alaigh
117. Splenic and Hepatic Vein Thrombosis: An Atypical Presentation of Poorly Differentiated Colon Adenocarcinoma
Jehan Feroz; Mohsin Chowdhury
118. Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia: A HIT and a Miss
Ayushi Chauhan; John P. Russo
Session details are online at
FRIDAY 3:00–4:00 pm Session K
119. In T Cell Lymphoma, an Elevated Ferritin Does Not Bode Well
Adrienne D. Workman
120. Sarcoid Vs. Lymphoma: Elevated ACE Level and Clinical
Daniel Restrepo; Alyssa Sclafani; Puig Alberto
121. Not Your Average Syncope
Lily L. Yung; Caren Waintraub; Matthew Harrington
122. Double Trouble: Simultaneous Presentation of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia and Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia
Asha Kovelamudi; Roger D. Smalligan; Sue Nadesan
123. May-Thurner Syndrome: A Rare Cause of Deep Venous
Nabeel Siddiqui; Ubaid Sherwani
124. A Not So Minimal Change Disease
Daniel H. Kil; John Allison; Michelle Udayamurthy
125. Bad Blood: Rasburicase-Induced Hemolytic Anemia Causing
Spectrophotometer Error
Clark A. Veet; Amar Kohli
126. Extrapulmonary Sarcoidosis with Pancytopenia and
Coexistence of Sjogrens’s Syndrome
Tuncay Taskesen; Bara Alzghoul; Adnan Elghezewi; Monika
Tripathi; Ashley Wang; Ira Oliff
127. Unexplained Hyperbilirubinemia in a Patient with Sickle
Cell Disease
Vernisha Hearn; Aliaksandr Trusau; Rehan Qayyum; Mukta
128. Unexplained Anemia Not Always Iron Deficiency: A Case of
Acquired Factor VIII Inhibitor
Emily Miller; Tariq Horani
129. A Blurry Diagnosis Becomes Clear
Bonnie Wang
130. An Atypical Presentation of Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia
Farhan Ashraf; Iole Ribbizi-Akhtar
131. A Case of Losartan Induced Immune Thrombocytopenic
Purpura (ITP) Presenting with a Platelet Count of 0/uL
Farhan Ashraf; Iole Ribbizi-Akhtar
132. When It’s Just Not Hot Flashes
Maile Ray; Jenny J. Lin
133. Hypertensive Emergency Inducing Thrombotic
Jonathan P. Salud
134. Think Outside the Lung: Colon Cancer Presenting Solely as Cough
Mariana Mercader; Ana I. Velazquez; Krystle Hernandez;
Nicholas Rohs; Erica Grabscheid
135. Bowel Perforation Secondary to Appendiceal Metastasis of
Testicular Seminoma
Briana E. DiSilvio; Josebelo Chong; Mark Lega
136. May-Thurner Syndrome; An Under-Recognized Cause of
Venous Thromboembolism
Yub Raj Sedhai; Shoaib A. Sheikh; Tawseef A. Dar; Muznay
Khawaja; James C. McMaster
137. Going Skin Deep: A Case of Nodulo-Pustular Lesions in Acute
Myeloid Leukemia
Adrienne N. Poon; Minh-Hai Ngo; William B. Ershler; Jennifer
138. Not Your Average Baby Bump: Pregnancy and Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP)
Jillian Edmunds; Kathryn Jobbins
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
139. Skin Rash as the Only Manifestation of a Metastatic Cancer!
Pratyusha Bollimunta; Venu M. Ganipisetti; Malav P. Parikh;
Harvey J. Friedman; Sreelakshmi Panginikkod
140. Disseminated Herpes Zoster after Ipilimumab Treatment for
Metastatic Melanoma
John P. Russo; Armand V. Russo
141. Veggies in Pleural Fluid
Kannan Thanikachalam; Benjamin Butler; Krishna Venkata
142. Megacolon and Refractory Hypoglycemia
Krishna Venkata; Ashish Manne; Kannan Thanikachalam;
Hardik Satashia; Ashwini Sharma
143. Acute Flank Pain: Thinking Beyond the Box
Raju Khanal; Stephen Melnick; Daniel Forman
144. The Case of the Fortuitous Fracture
William A. Li; Christopher Garcia; Daniel Peisach; Diane L.
145. Where’s Walden?: An Uncommon Cause of Autoimmune
Cameron Kemal; Daniel M. Huck; Viraj V. Patel
146. A Rare Cause of Sudden Onset Severe Abdominal Pain: A Case of Idiopathic Renal Infarction
Hind Hadid
147. An Exacerbation of Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria
in a Patient with Cobalt Metallosis
Joseph Maciuba; Joan B. Ritter
148. Challenges in Diagnosing and Treating IgG4-Related Disease
Dawn Zhao; Ifeoma Aduba; David Schmit
149. Nasal Cavity Chondrosarcoma Presenting as Recurrent
Yuko Shirouchi; Shadia Constantine
150. Hepatocellular Carcinoma Presenting with Scrotal Swelling and Clinical Features of Heart Failure with Right
Atrial Metastasis at the Time of Diagnosis
Monoj K. Konda; Christopher Di Felice; Sandeep Patri; Hardik
151. Acute Renal Failure from Interstitial Nephritis Related to
Proton Pump Inhibitors in a 39-Year-Old Patient
Monoj K. Konda; Sandeep Patri; Hardik Chhatrala; Sidhu Prince
152. Deliberately Blank
153. A Case of Hypokalemic Paralysis in the Setting of Renal
Tubular Acidosis from Sjögren’s Syndrome
Neha Sathe; John Hwang
154. Flash Pulmonary Edema—No, It’s Not My Heart!
Vishal K. Patel; Nway Koko; Maryam Qadir; Sayed K. Ali
155. Uremic Lung: Is It Simple Pulmonary Edema or
Alka Lamsal Ghimire; Amitpal S. Nat; Ezinnaya Ubagharaji
156. Warfarin in Hemodialysis Patients: More Harm than Good?
Meghana Bhatta
157. Now That I Think about It, Your Heart Is Actually Fine
Kathleen McKillip; Scott Lundgren; Michael P. Smith
158. The Cost of Rejection: Utilizing Specialty-Based Multidisciplinary Team Members to Address Unsustainable
Medication Costs
Grant M. Smith
159. Spilling the Beans: An Unusual Case of Recalcitrant Ascites
Chadwick S. Richard
FRIDAY 3:00–4:00 pm Session K
160. Fibrillary Glomerulonephritis: Time to Look Beyond
Zain Ul Abideen Asad; Amna Mohyud Din Chaudhary; Usman
Z. Bhutta
161. Atypical HUS in the HIV Patient: A Diagnostic and Therapeutic Challenge
Kara Dupuy; Levent Sipahi; Jailan Elayoubi; Cecilia Big
162. Hypokalemia with Alkalosis as a Sign of an Important Systemic Illness
Salik Nazir; Anthony Donato; Stephen Melnick; Rittu V.
Hingorani; Richard Alweis
163. An Unusual Suspect for Acute Kidney Injury in an End-Stage
Liver Disease Patient: Cryoglobulinemic Glomerulonephritis
Bharat Rao; Megan Franzo-Romain; Kevin S. Fay; Kevin
Whitlow; Zarina Alam
164. Abnormal Screening Lipids as a Diagnostic Tool for Renal
Allison Glaser; Athanasia Vasiliadis
165. The Dark Side of Cholesterol Guidelines: Statin-Induced
Rhabdomyolysis with Multiple Organ Involvement
Kristopher P. Kline; Brent King; Jared Plumb
166. Atypical HUS, an Atypical Cause of HUS
Angeline J. Sabol
167. A Forgotten Cause of Anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis with an
Osmolar Gap
Marc Heincelman
168. …And That Is Why I Don’t Drink Fireball Anymore!
Sarah Smith; Michael P. Smith
169. Emphysematous Pyelonephritis, a Rare Disease with a Common Presentation
Somwail Rasla; Marina Garas; Saira Imran; Patrick Koo
170. Beer Potomania: Too Much Beer, Too Few Pretzels
Yaniuska Lescaille; Jason A. Korcak
171. Immune Complex-Mediated Rapidly Progressive Glomerulonephritis in HIV
Allison Guttmann; Galen Leung; Alejandro Gomez-Viso; Taiye
172. A Sweet Diagnosis in a Peritoneal Dialysis Patient
Brittany K. Gary; Darlene LeFrancois
173. Hydralazine Associated Crescentic Glomerulonephritis
David Gessert; Adrienne Lenhart; Vallari K. Kothari; Lenar
174. Scleritis, Hypertension, and Renal Failure
Nancy Haff; Jason P. Cooper; Lee Park
175. A PRES-ing Case of Lupus Nephritis
Jason C. George; Jamie A. Green
176. Severe Anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis Associated with Initiation of a Very Low-Carbohydrate Diet
Asad Jehangir; Ahmed Salman; Sachin Gupta; Anthony
177. A Case of an Uncommon Silent Killer: Rapidly Progressive
Crescentic IgA Nephropathy
Arvind Reddy Devanabanda; Neelesh Rastogi; Matthew Dallos
178. Omeprazole-Induced Acute Interstitial Nephritis—
A Case Report
Fang Liu
179. The Ugly Truth of Sagliker Syndrome
Kaylee J. Shepherd; Blake R. Barker
180. A Case of Recalcitrant Hypokalemia and Hypophosphatemia
in a Patient Treated with Abiraterone Acetate
Cynthia Woods
181. Deliberately Blank
182. The Dirty High: When the Patient Knows Better
Yanting Wang; Molly Fisher; Jennifer Corbelli
183. Unusual Toxicities of Synthetic Marijuana
Angelica Nocerino; Nazish Ilyas
184. Derangements of Heroin Withdrawal in Prison
Nina Thomas
185. Alphabet Soup: Importance of Distinguishing aHUS and TTP
Nina Thomas
186. Rhabdomyolysis and Compartment Syndrome in an Opiate
Daniel Edwards
187. Eik! An Unusual Cause of Abscess
Savan Shah; Deepa Bhatnagar
188. Cocaine Induced Acute Hemoperitoneum Resulting from
Rupture of Surface Uterine Vessels: A Case Report
Tatvam T. Choksi; Nicole Vital; Michael F. McCollum
189. A Surprise Seizure
Lynn Zaremski; Rebecca Koransky; Daniel Wong; Yelena
190. A New “Highway to Health”: Integrated Care Management
of a Patient with Illness Anxiety Disorder and Frequent
Emergency Department Utilization
Daniel J. Coletti; Leslie Rosenberg; Darleen Rourke; Jennifer
Verbsky; Joseph Conigliaro
191. Shared Decision Making and the Use of Deep Breathing
Exercises in a Patient with Depression and Anxiety
Brett J. Ehrmann
192. Dehydration and Doxycycline Precipitating Lithium Toxicity
Melissa Itsara
193. An Unfortunate Storm—A Case of a Rare Association with
Stefanie D. Wade; Evan Nadler; Santhanan Lakshminarayanan
194. A Case of Disseminated Cryptococcocis in a Patient with Cirrhosis
Shravana Bheemanathi; Karthik Ragunathan; Azam
195. There Is Something in the Air
Effie Tsomos; Brandon Trapp; Julie Kanevsky
196. The Cause of My Confusion: An Adult Case of Haemophilus
Influenzae Meningitis and Bacteremia
Beenish Ahmed; Rasheen Imtiaz; Dana M. Larsen
197. Strawberry Milkshake Hypertriglyceridemia Masquerading
as Hemolysis
Jeb W. Rodgers; Kevin Means; Jenell Stewart; Kathryn
Christofersen; Genji Terasaki
198. Serratia Marcescens Causing Subacute Constrictive Pericarditis: A Rare Case
Amruta Panwala
199. A Painful Rendition of the Nutcracker
Douglas Lim; Michael P. Smith
200. Lost to Follow Up
Douglas Lim; Michael P. Smith
Session details are online at
FRIDAY 4:15–5:45 pm Session L
Atlantic Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Atlantic Ballroom 3, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Atlantic Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Room 307, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Diplomat Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Diplomat Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Regency Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Room 302, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Room 301, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Regency Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Room 204, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Diplomat Ballroom 4, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Diplomat Ballroom 5, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Room 314, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Conference Room 212, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Conference Room 220, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Conference Room 216, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Conference Room 217, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Room 201, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Atlantic Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Update in Perioperative Medicine
Category: Clinical Medicine
Session Coordinator: Barbara A. Slawski, MD, MS, Associate
Professor, Medical College of Wisconsin
Additional Faculty: Paul J. Grant, MD, University of Michigan;
Gerald W. Smetana, MD, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Atlantic Ballroom 3, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Update in Medical Education
Category: Medical Education Scholarship
Session Coordinator: Carol K. Bates, MD, Associate Professor of
Medicine, Division of General Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess
Medical Center
Additional Faculty: Shobhina G. Chheda, MD, MPH, University
of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health; Briar Duffy,
MD, University of Minnesota; David Ecker, MD, Morsani School of
Medicine, University of South Florida; Reena Karani, MD, MHPE,
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; Brita Roy, MD, MPH, Yale
The National Award for Scholarship in Medical Education will be
presented at this session.
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
Atlantic Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Primary Care Practice Transformation: The Path to High
Value Health Care and Satisfying, Sustainable Careers for
Physicians HDR
Category: Healthcare Delivery and Redesign
Submitted in Conjunction with: SGIM Clinical Practice Committee
Practice Management Subcommittee
Session Coordinator: Martin J. Arron, MD, MBA, Medical Director of
Clinical Variation Reduction and Clinical Documentation Quality
Improvement, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Additional Faculty: James E. Bailey, MD, MPH, University
of Tennessee Health Science Center; John Goodson, MD,
Massachusetts General Hospital; Reena Gupta, MD, University of
California, San Francisco; Christine Sinsky, MD, American Medical
Association; Ania Wajnberg, MD, Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Room 307, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Panel Management: Tools to Move from Visit-Based Care to
Proactive Population Management
Category: Medical Education Scholarship
Session Coordinator: Joyce E. Wipf, MD, Professor of Medicine,
Seattle VA Center of Excellence in Primary Care Education
(CoEPCE)/University of Washington
Additional Faculty: Rebecca Brienza, MD, MPH, VA Connecticut
Healthcare System; Abigail P. Eastburn, MD, San Francisco VA/
University of California, San Francisco; Catherine P. Kaminetzky,
MD, MPH, VA Puget Sound Health Care System; Mamta K. Singh,
MD, MS, Louis Stokes VA Medical Center
This workshop is part of the 2016 VA series, supported by the VA Health
Services Research and Development Service and the VA Office of
Academic Affiliations.
Diplomat Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Expand Your Career into Patient Centered Outcomes
Category: Career Development
Submitted in Conjunction with: SGIM Geriatrics Task Force
Session Coordinator: Lee Lindquist, MD, MPH, MBA, Associate
Professor and Division Chief–Geriatrics, Northwestern University
Additional Faculty: Kenzie A. Cameron, PhD, MPH, Northwestern
University; Vanessa Ramirez-Zohfeld, MPH, Northwestern University
FRIDAY 4:15–5:45 pm Session L
Diplomat Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
When Human Rights and Resident Education Converge:
Creating Opportunities to Improve Refugee, Asylum,
and Immigrant Healthcare within Residency Teaching
Programs HD/VP
Category: Health Disparities/Vulnerable Populations
Submitted in Conjunction with: SGIM Global Health and Human
Rights Interest Group
Session Coordinator: Sarah Kimball, MD, Doctor of General Internal
Medicine, Boston University School of Medicine
Additional Faculty: Katherine Crabtree, MD, MPH, Massachusetts
General Hospital; Erin J. Goss, MD, Montefiore Medical Center;
Shwetha Iyer, MD, Montefiore Medical Center; Eva Metalios, MD,
Montefiore Medical Center; Preston Reynolds, MD, PhD, University
of Virginia
Regency Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Are There Cracks in the Population Health Model? What Do
We Know about Current Population Health Models and Their
Ability to Address Health Disparities and Serve the Needs of
At Risk Populations? HD/VP
Category: Health Disparities/Vulnerable Populations
Submitted in Conjunction with: SGIM Adults with Complex
Conditions Originating in Childhood Task Force and Interest Group
and the LGBT Health Interest Group
Session Coordinator: Gregg M. Talente, MD, MS, Associate Professor,
Internal Medicine, University of South Carolina School of Medicine
Additional Faculty: Christopher Hanks, MD, The Ohio State
University Wexner Medical Center; Sophia Jan, MD, MSHP,
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine; Michael D. Landry,
MD, Tulane School of Medicine; Rita Lee, MD, University of
Colorado; Joseph Truglio, MD, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount
Room 302, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Armchair Advocacy: Moving from Patients to PopulationLevel Policy through the Op-Ed HP/A/SJ
Category: Health Policy/Advocacy/Social Justice
Session Coordinator: Lisa Sanders, MD, Associate Professor, Yale
School of Medicine
Additional Faculty: Anna H. Chodos, MD, MPH, University of
California, San Francisco; Katherine C. Chretien, MD, Washington
DC, VA Medical Center; Lynn E. Fiellin, MD, Yale University; Sharad
Jain, MD, University of California, San Francisco; Jennifer Siegel,
MD, Boston Medical Center
Room 301, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Independence at Home: Population Health for High Need,
High Cost Patients HDR
Category: Healthcare Delivery and Redesign
Submitted in Conjunction with: SGIM Geriatrics Task Force,
Geriatrics Interest Group and House Calls Interest Group
Session Coordinator: Rachel K. Miller, MD, Assistant Professor,
University of Pennsylvania
Additional Faculty: Peter Boling, MD, Virginia Commonwealth
University; Melissa Dattalo, MD, MPH, University of Wisconsin;
Linda DeCherrie, MD, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai;
Bruce Kinosian, MD, University of Pennsylvania; Megan E. Young,
MD, Boston University
Regency Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Improving Care of the Super Utilizer: Case Studies that
Highlight Strategies to Reduce Unnecessary Hospitalizations
for High Risk, High Cost Patients with Complex
Care Needs HDR
Category: Healthcare Delivery and Redesign
Session Coordinator: Ramiro Jervis, MD, Assistant Professor, Mount
Sinai Health System
Additional Faculty: Elisha L. Brownfield, MD, Medical University
of South Carolina; Rose M. Kakoza, MD, Brigham and Women’s
Hospital; Debra Keller, MD, MPH, San Francisco General Hospital/
University of California, San Francisco; Ania Wajnberg, MD, Mount
Sinai School of Medicine
Room 204, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Walking the Walk, Teaching the Talk: Setting Your Resident
up for Success in Leading a Family Meeting HBM
Category: Hospital-Based Medicine
Session Coordinator: Jessica Logan, MD, Medical Service,
Washington DC VA Medical Center
Additional Faculty: Cherinne Arundel, MD, Washington DC VA
Medical Center; Ribka Ayana, Washington DC VA Medical Center;
Daniel F. Chen, MD, Washington DC VA Medical Center/George
Washington University; James Croffoot, MD, Washington DC
VA Medical Center; Matthew Tuck, MD, EdD, Washington DC VA
Medical Center
Diplomat Ballroom 4, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
The Didactic Distillery: Teach More by Narrowing
Your Topic MES
Category: Medical Education Scholarship
Session Coordinator: Lucas Golub, MD, Instructor of Medicine,
Emory University
Additional Faculty: Kimberly D. Manning, MD, Emory University;
Jennifer O. Spicer, MD, MPH, Emory University School of Medicine
Session details are online at
FRIDAY 4:15–5:45 pm Session L
Diplomat Ballroom 5, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Teaching Contraception Care...Not Just for OBGYNs
Category: Women's Health
Session Coordinator: Shannon K. Boerner, MD, Assistant Professor,
University of Nebraska Medical Center
Additional Faculty: Rachel Bonnema, MD, MS, University of
Nebraska Medical Center; Kara Markin, University of Nebraska
Medical Center; Regan Taylor, MD, University of Nebraska Medical
Room 314, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Why Should People Buy In to Your Leadership?
A LEAD Workshop
Category: Leadership and Administration
Session Coordinator: Nathan J. Hiller, PhD, Academic Director,
Center for Leadership, Department of Management and
International Business, College of Business, Florida International
University, Miami, Florida
Abstract Session L1: Medications—Pharmacologic Utopia or
Picking Your Poison? QC/PS
Conference Room 212, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Moderators: Sarah Baron, MD, and Gordon Schiff, MD
1. Beers Potentially Inappropriate Medications in the Elderly
Contributing to Hospital Admissions: Lack of Prevention
with Computerized Clinical Decision Support Alerts
Mary Amato; Olivia Dalleur; Adrian Wong; Julie Fiskio; Diane
L. Seger; Patrick E. Beeler; Tewodros Eguale; Patricia Dykes;
Elizabeth R. Silvers; Sarah P. Slight; David W. Bates
2. Barriers to Uptake of Non-Pharmacologic Pain Management
Karleen Giannitrapani; Sangeeta Ahluwalia; Matthew McCaa;
Steven Dobscha; Erin E. Krebs; Karl Lorenz
3. Medication Regimen Complexity and Prediction of
Medication Discrepancies
Chirag Patel; Kristin Zimmerman; Jennifer R. Fonda; Amy
4. Using Active Choice within the Electronic Health Record to
Increase Colorectal Cancer Screening Rates
Mitesh Patel; Susan C. Day; Dylan Small; Jingsan Zhu; Lin
Yang; Steven Honeywell; Kevin G. Volpp
5. Knowledge, Attitudes, and Beliefs Associated with HIV PreExposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Uptake among Primary Care
Oni J. Blackstock; Brent A. Moore; Gail Berkenblit; Sarah K.
Calabrese; Chinazo Cunningham; David A. Fiellin; Viraj V.
Patel; Karran A. Phillips; Minesh Shah; Jeanette M. Tetrault; E.
J. Edelman
6. Benefits and Harms of Treating Blood Pressure in Older
Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Devan Kansagara; Michele Freeman; Allison Low; Makalapua
Motu’apuaka; Jessica W. Weiss; Robin Paynter; Karli Kondo;
Rochelle Fu; Amy L. Kerfoot
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
Abstract Session L2: Novel Treatments, Technology, and
Vulnerable Populations HD/VP
Conference Room 220, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Moderator: Leigh Simmons, MD
1. Usability of a Novel mHealth iPad Application by Vulnerable
David P. Miller; Kathryn Weaver; Doug Case; Don P. Babcock;
Donna Kronner; Nancy M. Denizard-Thompson; Michael
Pignone; Jennifer L. Troyer; John G. Spangler
2. Changes in Clinician-Patient Communication with Safety
Net EHR Implementation
Neda Ratanawongsa; Jennifer Barton; Courtney Lyles; Ed
Yelin; Nathan B. Sackett; Marie Sears; Diana Martinez; Dean
3. Personal Electronic Health Records and Vulnerable Patients:
Portals to Nowhere?
Lina Tieu; Dean Schillinger, Urmimala Sarkar, Mekhala
Hoskote, Kenneth Hahn, Neda Ratanawongsa, James Ralston,
Courtney R. Lyles
4. Using Text Messages to Support Improved Self-Care
Decisions in Medically Underserved African-Americans
with Uncontrolled Diabetes: Best Practices from the Patient’s
Aniekanabasi N. Udoko; James E. Bailey; Samantha Ransone;
Bonnie L. Binkley; Justin Gatwood; Mace Coday; J. Carolyn
5. Comparing Knowledge and Interest in Lung Cancer
Screening among Latino and Non-Latino Current and
Former Smokers
Sanja Percac-Lima; Jeffrey M. Ashburner; Elyse R. Park; Nancy
A. Rigotti; Lydiesther Martinez; Steven J. Atlas
6. Primary Care Providers’ Role in HIV Prevention with PreExposure Prophylaxis (PrEP): Perspectives from Young Men
of Color Who Have Sex with Men (YMCSM)
Patel V. Viraj; Anthony F. Santoro; Sarit A. Golub; Julia H.
FRIDAY 4:15–5:45 pm Session L
Abstract Session L3: Substance Abuse: Opioids
Conference Room 216, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Moderators: Joseph Frank, MD, MPH, and Ellie Grossman, MD, MPH
1. Opioid Analgesia Use after Ambulatory Surgery: Mismatch
between Quantities Prescribed and Used
Christopher W. Shanahan; Inga Holmdahl; Olivia Gamble;
Julia Keosaian; Ziming Xuan; Jane M. Liebschutz
2. Resident Physicians’ Management of Back Pain in an
Unannounced Standardized Patient Visit: Vicodin- vs. NonVicodin Prescribers
Sondra Zabar; Kathleen Hanley; Hillary Lee; Irina Gershgorin;
Colleen C. Gillespie
3. Development of a Prediction Model for Two-Year Risk of
Opioid Overdose among Patients Prescribed Chronic Opioid
Komal Narwaney; Jason M. Glanz; Shane Mueller; Edward
M. Gardner; Joseph W. Frank; Kristin Breslin; Ingrid A.
4. Early Disengagement and Subsequent Re-Engagement in
Office Based Opioid Treatment (OBOT) with Buprenorphine
in a Large Urban Hospital
David Hui; Zoe M. Weinstein; Debbie M. Cheng; Emily Quinn;
Colleen T. LaBelle; Jeffrey H. Samet
5. Retention in Buprenorphine Maintenance Treatment Is
Associated with Lower Risk of Incarceration among HIV
Aaron D. Fox; Daniel P. Riggins; Yuming Ning; Chinazo
6. What Do Physicians Want to Know about Opioid
Prescribing? A Qualitative Analysis of Their Questions
Phoebe A. Cushman; Joseph G. Hodgkin; Christopher W.
Shanahan; Julie L. White; Ilana Hardesty; Jane M. Liebschutz;
Daniel P. Alford
Abstract Session L4: Health Policy and Global Health
Conference Room 217, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Moderators: David Grande, MD, MPA, and Craig E. Pollack MD
1. The Benefits of Transitional Care Services following a
Discharge for Medicare Beneficiaries
Andrew B. Bindman; Donald Cox; Jeff Burrell; Jonathan
Briskman; Jonathan Daus
2. Variation in Quality of Care Provided during Commercial
Virtual Visits in Urgent Care: A Standardized Patient Audit
Adam J. Schoenfeld; Jason Davies; Ben Marafino; Mitzi L.
Dean; Colette Dejong; Naomi Bardach; Dhruv Kazi; W. John
Boscardin; Grace A. Lin; Reena Duseja; John Mei; Ateev
Mehrotra; R. Adams Dudley
3. Impacts of the 2014 Medicaid Expansion on Coverage, Access
to Care, and Health
Benjamin D. Sommers; Brandy Lipton; Sandra Decker
4. Leveraging Community Health Workers to Screen and
Manage Hypertension in a Remote Tribal Region of India
Sujatha Sankaran; Prema Ravi; James Harrison; Raman
5. Effect of Global Health and Underserved Populations Track
on Graduates’ Career Choices following Internal Medicine
Zachary G. Jacobs; Amy J. Kennedy; Timothy Anderson; Thuy
6. How Do We Measure CVD Risk?A Cross-Sectional Analysis of
CVD Risk Factors and CVD Risk Predictions in HIV-Positive
and HIV-Negative Persons in Rural Uganda
Mara E. Murray Horwitz; Gene F. Kwan; Yukari Manabe
Vignette Session L: Vignettes with the CMRs
Room 201, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Moderator: Rachel R. Waller, MD
Discussants: Julie Nusbaum, MD, and Dianne Goede, MD
1. A Shock to the Heart
Rimma Polevoy; Adrienne Lenhart; Asaad Nakhle; William J.
Kane; Jeffrey Jennings
2. A Triple Threat
Swati Vishwanathan; Indu Poornima
3. What’s Your Vector Victor
Jeffrey A. Shrensel; Aaron M. Etra; Veenu Gill
4. A Warning Sign
Sandeep Patri; Monoj K. Konda; Hardik Chhatrala; Yashwant
Session details are online at
Your support has provided SGIM and ACLGIM with a
permanent home and we thank those who have contributed.
SGIM now has the unique opportunity to expand its office
space and this campaign will aid in us taking full advantage
of this timely benefit.
Please join us and consider a gift in support of this effort.
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
Use this area to personalize and keep track of your daily schedule
Plenary Session 3
8:00–10:00 am
Session M 10:15–11:15 am
Session N 11:30 am–1:00 pm
Armchair Discussion and
Awards Breakfast
Great Hall 1, 2 & 3, 3rd Floor,
Convention Center
Session M
CaREER Development
Armchair Discussion
and Awards Breakfast:
Mapping Your Journey:
An Intergenerational
Conversation on CaREER
Session N
Other events:
Saturday lunch is on your own—except for those who are pre-registered to attend
one of the Saturday additional-fee sessions.
Clinical Vignette Poster
Session 3
Committee/Task Force
Abstract and Vignette oral
presentation sessions
Special Symposium
Additional fee sessions
11:00 am–2:00 pm
MOC Session 1—Women’s
1:00–5:30 pm
GIM Fellows Symposium
2:15–5:15 pm
MOC Session 2—ABIM
Update in Internal
Session details are online at
10:15–11:15 am
Communication Committee Meeting (Members Only)
Room 320, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Membership Committee Meeting (Members Only)
Room 319, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Mid Atlantic Planning Committee Meeting
Room 202, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
10:15 am–1:15 pm
PCORI Retreat Planning Meeting (By Invitation Only)
Room 318, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
8:00–10:00 am
Great Hall 1–3, 3rd Floor, Convention Center
Elnora M. Rhodes SGIM Service Award
Martha Gerrity, MD, MPH, PhD
National Award for Career Achievements in Medical
Melissa A. McNeil, MD, MPH
Frederick L. Brancati Mentorship and Leadership Award
Abby L. Spencer, MD, MS
ACLGIM Division Chief’s Recognition Award
Wishwa N. Kapoor, MD
Outstanding Junior Investigator of the Year
Ryan Greysen MD, MHS, MA
Mid-Career Research Mentorship Award
L. Ebony Boulware, MD, MPH
Mid-Career Education Mentorship Award
Stacy M. Higgins, MD
Best Published Research Paper
Rebecca T. Brown, MD
Quality and Practice Innovation Award
University of Pittsburgh Physicians—General Internal Medicine
Gary S. Fischer, MD—Medical Director
Founders’ Grant
Reem Hasan, MD
Steven R. Simon, MD, MPH, Chair, SGIM 2016 Annual Meeting
Margaret C. Lo, MD, Co-Chair, SGIM 2016 Annual Meeting
Mapping Your Journey: An Armchair
Conversation across Generations about
CaREER Development
Moderator: Christopher Masi, MD, PhD,
NorthShore University HealthSystem, Clinical
Associate Professor, University of Chicago
Panelists: Robert H. Fletcher, MD, MSc,
Professor Emeritus, Harvard Medical School, Department of
Population Medicine
Suzanne W. Fletcher MD, MSc, Professor Emerita, Harvard Medical
School, Department of Population Medicine
Jada C. Bussey-Jones, MD, Chief, General Medicine and Geriatrics,
Professor of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Emory University
School of Medicine
Brita Roy, MD, MPH, MHS, Assistant Professor, Section of General
Internal Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Yale
University School of Medicine, Director of Population Health, Yale
Medical Group
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
Mary O’Flaherty Horn Scholars in General Internal Medicine
Abigail Lenhart, MD
The Unified Leadership Training for Diversity (UNLTD, or
Claudia L. Campos, MD
Anika A. H. Alvanzo, MD, MS
ACLGIM Leadership Award
Carla L. Spagnoletti, MD, MS
Lawrence S. Linn Award
Jonathan Ross, MD
Mack Lipkin, Sr., and Milton W. Hamolsky Awards
Clinical Vignette Presentation Award
Chair: Dawn E. Dewitt, MD, MSc
Co-Chair: Margaret C. Lo, MD
SATURDAY 10:15–11:15 am Session M
17. Scrub Typhus Mimicking Infectious Mononucleosis
Great Hall 4, 5, & 6, 3rd Floor, Convention Center
18. Mycobacteria Arupense Olecranon Bursitis in an Immunocompetent Kayaker
John D. Herlihy; James Horton
Infectious Diseases
Posters 1–105
Posters 106–141
Assorted Content
Posters 142–159
Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
Posters 160–184
Assorted Content
Posters 185–192
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. As Clean as the Cow that Calves: A Case of Leukocytosis
Rachel Hammer; Holly Gonzales; Deepa Bhatnagar
Linezolid-Induced Lactic Acidosis and Thrombocytopenia in
a Patient with Osteomyelitis: A Case Report
Takaaki Kobayashi; Michael J. Lau; Akihiro Kobayashi; Aloke
Chakravarti; Alfredo J. Astua; Jose A. Cortes
Pneumococcal Septic Arthritis and Purulent Pericarditis
in an Immunocompromised Host
Rina Mauricio; Jennifer S. Mulliken; Ronald Goldenberg
A Rare Case of Pulmonary-Renal Syndrome Induced by
Bacterial Endocarditis
Iliya P. Amaza; Arinzechukwu Uzoechina; Jiwan Thapa; Deepa
Chlamydia Proctocolitis Masquerading as an Ulcerative
Colitis Flare
Patrick B. Wu; Mila Ortigoza; Daniel Eiras
Withdrawn by Author
Mycophenolate-Induced Disseminated TB in a PPD-Negative Patient
Megan L. Srinivas; George Kunnackal John
Beyond Spelunking: Disseminated Histoplasmosis Complicated by Polymicrobial Peritonitis in an El Salvadorian Farmer with AIDS
Jyothi Ravindra; Amy Pasternack; Julia Braza; Jonathan
Opraseuth; Rebecca Osgood; Eirini Iliaki
Tests Are Negative, But Still Positive
Kathleen McKillip; Michael P. Smith
10. One Is the Loneliest Number: HIV Stigma and Medical
Decision Making
Richard J. Silvera; Tulay Aksoy
11. Delayed Diagnosis of Dengue Fever
Gina Maki; Alexis C. Haftka; Milind Patel; Indira Brar
12. Withdrawn by Author
13. Withdrawn by Author
14. Following the Clues in the Distribution: Fever and Photodistributed Rash in a Patient with AIDS and Late-Latent Syphilis
Alan H. Baik; Madhavi Dandu
15. NSAID Use with Capnocytophaga ochracea: The Perfect
Nina Suda; Vidya Atluri; Richard J. Silvera; Tulay Aksoy
16. Aspergillus Aortitis of the Ascending Aorta Presenting as
Fungal Endophthalmitis
Joseph M. Rocco; Maggie K. Benson
Hiromi Sekiguchi; Koki Kosami; Jun Suzuki; Kozue Murayama;
Yu Yamamoto; Shuji Hatakeyama; Masami Matsumura
19. Headache in a Patient with HIV? Look West!
Zahra Rahman; Anna Marie Lewarchik
20. The Great Pretender: More Than Meets the Eye
Jamal Z. Saleh; Chad Glisch; Jeremiah Stromich; Vipal P.
Durkal; Tadeo A. Diaz Balderrama; Pinky Jha
21. A Case of Invasive Meningococcal Disease in a MSM Patient
Ryan Guinness
22. Unusual Rash in a Burmese Immigrant
Mohit Pahuja; Geraldine Casino; Hiral Thakrar; Sami Hoshi;
Mirella Mircescu
23. Acute Back Pain in a Young Woman Due to Infectious
Dan Reynolds; Adam P. Sawatsky
24. An Unfortunate Case of Hickam’s Dictum
Randy McCreery; Michael P. Smith
25. Coxsackievirus B2 Induced Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease Complicated with Henoch-Schönlein Purpura: An Unusual Clinical Picture
Tomoya Shiba; Tadahiro Suzuki; Taro Okabe; Tomohiro Ogawa;
Takuya Murakami; Yu Yamamoto; Shuji Hatakeyama; Masami
26. Think Outside the Box to Discover Pott’s
Konstantin Boroda; Maria Duda; Darlene LeFrancois
27. Diagnostic Dilemma of Non-Resolving Pneumonia: A Challenging Case of Histoplasmosis in an Immunocompetent Patient
Neal Spada; Kristian Feterik; Scott Curry; Ghady Haidar
28. Don’t Be Fooled by a Negative PPD; Pott’s Disease May
Still be Percolating
Brendan Gilmore; Toug M. Tanavin; Sanket Borgaonkar
29. Disseminated Nocardiosis—An Opportunistic Infection
in a Post Liver Transplanted Patient
Evan Nadler; Andrew P. Scatola
30. An Unusual Presentation of Secondary Syphilis
Joseph Delio; Heather Hopkins; Jessica Logan
31. A Particularly Virulent Case of Streptococcus Bovis Endocarditis
Timothy S. Krill; Shivani Desai; Blake R. Barker
32. Cavitary Rhizopus Infection
Hannah Oakland; Jane Andrews
33. A Strong Case of Gram Negative Sepsis
Stephen Pickett; Ryle Przybylowicz; June Kampangkaew
34. An Atypical Case of Sepsis and Multiple Anogenital Lesions in Syphilis
Nichole A. Smith; Sonu Dhillon; John G. Cotter; Zohair Ahmed
35. Carotid Pseudoaneurysm: A Rare Complication of ‘The Forgotten Disease’
Audrey Tran; Gursimran Chandhoke; Christopher A. Smith
36. From Seawater to Bloodstream
Amy J. Sheer; Kristopher P. Kline; Dhaval K. Naik; Sherri
Gampel; Margaret C. Lo
Session details are online at
SATURDAY 10:15–11:15 am Session M
37. The Case Behind the Swinging Heart
Nicole R. Zeisig; Betty La; Randy Chung; Jeffrey Bates
38. Neurocysticercosis: An Unusual Cause of Headaches
Ana I. Velazquez; Alan Tso; Geeta Varghese
39. A Nuance in the Contaminant Condundrum
Cory J. Rohlfsen; Christopher J. Smith
40. Legionnaire’s Disease Treated with Levofloxacin and Tigecycline
Johanna Hase; Kevin Hauck
41. Small Rodents, Big Apple: An Atypical Setting for Weil’s
Jaime Deseda; James Kaus; Tina Wang; Alfred Burger
42. A Second Look at Secondary Syphilis
Jaime Deseda; Tina Wang; Jon-Emile Kenny
43. But I Thought She Was Vaccinated: Breakthrough Hepatitis
B Infection in a Young Adult
Gretchen Snoeyenbos; Jennifer Bracey; Robin Klein
44. Klebsiella pneumoniae Hepatic Abscess in a Woman from China
Sumona Bhattacharya; Gabriela Ferreira; Ali Abbas Saifuddin
45. Diagnostic Dilemma between Tuberculous Peritonitis and
Lymphoma with Ascites
Ayako Kumabe; Shuji Hatakeyama; Koki Kosami; Tadahiro
Suzuki; Yu Yamamoto; Masami Matsumura
46. HIV Presenting as Weakness
Jenny Cunningham; Catherine Jones
47. A Potentially Fatal Pain in the Neck: Remembering the Forgotten Disease of Lemierre’s Syndrome
Caitlin G. Waters; Oluchi Dike; Arooj Hyat
48. False Positive HIV Result and Low CD4 in Babesiosis
Nabil Mesiha; Arthur Ablayev; Ekaterina Vypritskaya; Marc
Whitman; Saba A. Hasan
49. Plasmapheresis as an Effective Modality for Treatment of
Hypertriglyceridemia Induced Pancreatitis
Nabil Mesiha; Mohamed Hassanein; Majlinda Xhikola; Daniel
Goldsmith; Tania Calzada; Emily Chen; Manish Gugnani
50. The Red Rash, The Red Herring
Ashley R. Dahl
51. An Unusual Case of Back Pain in Adult Primary Care Clinic
Eric J. Tanenbaum; Meghan M. Kiefer
52. Flushing out Vibrio Parahaemolyticus Infections: Not Just a
Cause of GI Distress
Amir Kazerouninia; Nicolas Cortes-Penfield; Barbara Trautner
53. Testing for Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) in the
Setting of Newly Diagnosed Porphyria Cutanae Tarda
Lauren M. Fontana; Arun K. Singavi
54. A Rare and Fatal Case of Viral Encephalitis in an Immunocompetent Host
Prathik Krishnan; Poornima Ramadas; Rumon Chakravarthy;
Birendra Sah
55. An Easy Way to Get Rock Hard Abs!
Rishi Kumar
56. Reviewing the Expanding Nature of Achromobacter Infections: A Case Report of Bacteremic Achromobacter Xylosoxidans Cellulitis in an Immunocompetent Host
Tatvam T. Choksi; William B. McNamee; Ted Martynowicz
57. Group B Streptococcal Septic Arthritis of the Sternoclavicular
Sarah Chung; Jennifer Lyden
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
58. Successful Treatment of High-Level Aminoglycoside Resistance Enterococcus Faecalis Endocarditis in PenicillinAllergic Patient
Reem Mahdawi; Sarwan Kumar; Tiba Alwardi; MHD Hussam
59. An Atypical Presentation of Bacterial Pneumonia in a Patient with HIV/AIDS
Noor Ali; Jane Andrews
60. Tuberculous Myocarditis: An Unusual Presentation
Rashi Khanna; Rana Wajahat; Anil Kumar Reddy Anumandla;
Gaurav Kistangari
61. Anomic Aphasia: An Uncommon Presentation of Otogenic
Temporal Lobe Abscess
Mridula Krishnan; Felicia Ratnaraj; Manasa Velagapudi;
Renuga Vivekanandan
62. Severe Clostridium Difficile Infection Presenting as Unexplained Leukocytosis
Kartik Kumar; Samran Haider; Nicholas Rickert; Tomas
Murphy; Jefferey Van Hooser; Diane L. Levine
63. Disseminated Cryptococcosis with Endobronchial Lesions
Kusha Davar; Arun Jose; Anne Catherine Miller Cramer;
Alexander E. Aldrich; Jillian S. Catalanotti
64. Parinaud Oculoglandular Syndrome: Rare but Treatable
Cause of Neuro Retinitis
Krishna Venkata; Kannan Thanikachalam; Caitlin Jones;
Chioma Nwagbara; Sanam Anwer; Ashwini Sharma
65. Doc, My Urine Is Purple!
Kannan Thanikachalam; Chioma Nwagbara; Krishna Venkata
66. Purpura Fulminans Due to Streptococcus Pneumonia
Shunsuke Kojima; Jun Ehara; Takaki Naito; Toru Yamada;
Hidetaka Kitazono; Eiji Hiraoka
67. A Routine Exam with Not So Routine Complications: A Case Report of Streptococcal Peritonitis and Toxic Shock
Syndrome after a PAP
Yusuke Ohashi; Fumihiro Kodama; Shadia Constantine
68. Fever, Myalgia, Neuropathic Pain and Lung Nodules in a
Patient with Poor Oral Hygiene: Rare Case of Disseminated
Infection with Parvimonas micra
Naoko Kunami; Kazumi Motomura; Rika Yamaguchi;
Yuka Naito; Motoshi Fujiwara; Akihiko Ogushi; Motosuke
Tomonaga; Masaki Hyakutake; Itaru Kyoraku; Shu-ichi
69. Deliberately Blank
70. Klebsiella Oxytoca (KO) Endocarditis Presenting with Complete Heart Block
Saad Ullah; Omar Elbita; Puneet Tuli; Joshan Suri
71. When a Dead Bug Can Still Bite
Jenny K. Nguyen; Roger D. Smalligan; Scott Milton
72. Bad Blood
Meghan T. O’Brien
73. A Rare Presentation of Parvovirus Infection with Edema,
Joint Pain and Proteinuria
Stephen Hudak; Deepa R. Nandiwada; Matthew Camiolo
74. Co-Infection of Mycobacterium Avium Complex and Mycobacterium Abscessus—Nontuberculous Mycobacteria
in an Immunocompetent Host
Sonal Pruthi; Amit Sharma; Rumon Chakravarty; Ambika
SATURDAY 10:15–11:15 am Session M
75. A Difficult Route for C. difficile
Hili Rosen; Julia P. Brockway; Thida Aye
76. Bacteria in a Half Shell
Chellse Gazda; Poppy Markwell; John Moscona
77. A Case of Purpura Fulminans (PF) in a Background of Septic
Shock Caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae
Sierra Jin; Pinky Jha
78. TB or Not TB: Cauda Equina Syndrome Secondary to Invasive
Mycobacterium Infection Causing Lumbar Polyradiculitis
Jennifer Phan; Iram Dubin; Neal Shah
79. Refugees from Eritrea to Switzerland: Common Skin Infections Due to Panton-Valentine Leucocidin-Producing
Staphylococcus Aureus Strains
Laure Jaton; Trestan Pillonel; Katia Jaton; Elodie Dory; Guy
Prod’hom; Dominique Blanc; Frédéric Tissot; Gilbert Greub;
Patrick Bodenmann
80. Spotted Fever with No Spots: Challenges in Diagnosing
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever in Non Endemic Areas
Sheena Mathew
81. Modern-Day Awareness of Zoonotic Diseases and Clinical
Implication in Their Early Diagnosis
Md U. Ali; Mohammed AL-Jumayli; Mohamed Hassanein;
Bipinpreet Nagra
82. Keep an “Eye of the Tiger” or Better, an “Eye on the Sinus”?
Hiroko Taguchi; Shadia Constantine
83. Pancreatic and Hepatic Abscesses in a Diabetic Patient
Simulating a Malignancy
Nurilign A. Bulcha; Dipen B. Khanapara; Olena Slinchenkova
84. Urinary Retention and Shingles in a Patient with HIV/AIDS
Hugo A. Torres; Krupa Parikh; Sarah Stoneking
85. Too Much of a Good Thing: Calcium Channel Blocker Toxicity Precipitated by an Interaction with Ritonavir
Emma B. Shak; Richard Ramonell; Schuyler D. Livingston
86. Pyogenic Spondylitis Initially Undiagnosed by Imaging
Reiko Sakama; Naoto Matsuda; Kenji Murai; Masahiro Fujioka;
Yuki Uehara; Toshio Naito
87. Very High Ferritin in an HIV-Positive Patient with Fever of
Unknown Origin
John C. Ricketts; Aaron Gluth; Shea Cochi
88. Too Little, Too Late: When Lack of Access Makes a Rare Disease Less Rare
Robert Metter; Amar Kohli
89. A Cryptic Presentation of Cryptococcus Neoformans
Mazie Tsang; Sundsted Karna
90. How Would You Describe That Murmur?
Meghan Combs; Micah Beachy; Michael P. Smith
91. Chew on the Diagnosis: Gradenigo’s Syndrome
KoKo Aung; John DeMis; Thwe Htay
92. Not a Pneumonia: A Case of Streptococcus pneumoniae
Septic Arthritis and an Underlying Immunodeficiency
Hyejo Jun; Roger W. Sands; Amar Kohli
93. Don’t Ignore the Young Male with Recurrent Pneumonia
Hyejo Jun; Judy Vu; Amar Kohli
94. It’s Complicated: An Unusual Case of an Escherichia coli Skin
and Soft Tissue Infection
David Kline; Taimur H. Khan; Laila Castellino
95. Bactrim May Dress to Kill
Kyrstin Eklund; Salman Raheem; Leslie Cler
96. False Positive Cerebrospinal Fluid Cryptococcus Antigen in
Libman Sacks Endocarditis
Iyad Isseh; Kassem Bourgi; Asaad Nakhle; Mahmoud Ali;
Marcus Zervos
97. Lymphogranuloma Venereum Proctitis
Madalina Ilioaia
98. Rare Case of Virulent Native Valve Endocarditis and Perivalvular Abscess Due to Coagulase Negative Staphylococcus
Khushdeep S. Chahal; Esmeralda B. Gutierrez Asis
99. Risks of Alternative Medicine: A Case Report of Sepsis due to
Multiple MSSA Subcutaneous Abscesses Caused by Infected
Acupuncture Needles
Kanako Horibe; Shadia Constantine
100. A Case of Acute Back Pain: Abiotrophia Defectiva Thoracic
Vertebral Osteomyelitis
Divya Akshintala; Lindsay O’Rourke; John J. Farrell
101. In the Eye of the Beholder: A Case of Endogenous Candidal
Endophthalmitis Due to Intravenous Drug Abuse
Sue Gu; Hermione Hurley; Sansrita Nepal
102. Intestinal Spirochetes as an Unusual Cause of Diarrhea in an
HIV Positive Patient
Dima Dandachi; Abhinav Dhakal; Roshanak Habibi; Alvaro
Joaquin Altamirano Ufion
103. A Curious Case of Joint Pain
Rachel Clark; Philip J. Putnam
104. Moraxella Bacteremia, a Forgotten Infection
Hadeel Zainah; Seungjun Kim
105. Guillane-Barre Syndrome in the Setting of Salmonella Infection and Influenza Vaccine Objectives
Hadeel Zainah; Fadi Samaan; Sarah Freeman
106. Hard PRESed to Stop Benzodiazepines? A Case of Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy from Benzodiazepine Withdrawal
James Higgs; Gregory Braden
107. Tuberculosis: A Pain in the Brain
James Higgs; Asad H. Khan; Puncho Gurung
108. Clarifying Altered Mental Status: A Black, White, or Grey
Sushma Kola; Siddharth Sheth; Joseph M. Rocco; Amar Kohli;
David McAdams
109. When Wearing a Ring Is Not Safe: NuvaRing Related Acute
Ischemic Stroke
Tahmina Begum; Sarah Ahmed; Miles Grant; Roger D.
110. A Case of Acute Transient Flaccid Paralysis with
Amanda Fernandes
111. A Case of Progressive Ischemic Stroke Due to Thyroid Crisis
Associated Cerebral Venous Thrombosis
Natsumi Tanabe; Toru Yamada; Kuniyasu Saigusa; Yasuhiro
Norisue; Eiji Hiraoka
112. The Gravity of Statins
William Fuller; John Ragsdale
113. What You See Is What You Get: Visual Field Deficit Heralding
Cerebral Venous Thrombosis
Bryce Somer; Hugo Narvarte
Session details are online at
SATURDAY 10:15–11:15 am Session M
114. From Gastroenteritis to Bilateral Thalamic Hemorrhage: A Case of Thiamine Deficiency in a Non-Alcoholic Patient
Brennan S. Mosch; Natasha Kassim; Jill Zupetic; Dayakar
115. Longitudinally Extensive Transverse Myelitis: A Rare Complication of SLE
Pranav D. Patel; Srinidhi Jayadevappa Meera; Eric J. Mariuma;
Keron Lezama
116. Nothing Will Keep Me Down: A Case of Descending Weakness in a Patient with a Pure Motor Guillain-Barre
Syndrome Variant
Peggy Leung
117. A Common Presentation of a Rare Disease: Sporadic CJD
Kaylee J. Shepherd; Blake R. Barker
118. Moyamoya Syndrome: A Rare Presentation of VZV
Safeera Javed; Srinidhi Jayadevappa Meera; Marilou Corpuz;
Andrea Porrovecchio; Deepa Bhupali; Bennal Perkins
119. A Shocking Presentation of Acute Ischemic Stroke
Daniela DiMarco; Rupal Panchal
120. A Not So Restful Night: An Unusual Side Effect of a Commonly Used Drug
Ashley Husebye; Rachel Sandler
121. A Rare Case of Axitinib-Induced Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome (PRES)
Khalid Baosman; Gary Malakoff; Abdelazim Sirelkhatim;
Ahmad U. Janjua
122. Coma the Presenting Symptom of a Bilateral Thalamic
Stroke Involving the Artery of Percheron
Kushal A. Shah; Shahniwaz Labana; Jandark Yuseif; Alaeddin
123. Inflamed Brain: An Atypical Presentation of Cerebral Edema
Secondary to Lupus Cerebritis
Mira John; Aimee Aysenne
124. Wernicke Encephalopathy Post Acute Pancreatitis
Mahmoud Ali; Rimma Polevoy; Iyad Isseh; Asaad Nakhle;
Laura Johnson
125. A Rare Ruse by a Common Condition: Meningitis Retention
James S. Lang
126. Subtle Personality Changes as a Presenting Sign of Seizure
Jason K. Lam; Sumaiya Ansari; Monoj Konda; Theotonius J.
127. Acute Onset of Hemiparesis and Dysarthria in an Adolescent Male
Karen A. Clarke
128. Subarachnoid Fat Emboli: A Rare Cause of Fall-Related Delirium
Asad Jehangir; Shoaib B. Fareedy; Qasim Jehangir; Anthony
129. Connecting the Dots of Seemingly Unrelated Complaints: A Case of Neurosarcoidosis
Theotonius J. Gomes; Jason K. Lam
130. An Unusual Cause of Rhinorrhea: Spontaneous CSF leak
Victoria Poplin; James E. Kim; Christopher L. Sweeney
131. “Smoke in the Air”: A Rare Cause of Stroke in a Young Adult
Khin Sandar Lim; Arianna E. Becker; Sameen Khalid; George
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
132. History and Physical Is the Backbone of Clinical Diagnosis
Yelena Kreymer
133. Cause of Urinary Retention? Think Outside of the Bladder
Kazusa Saegusa; Satoshi Kobayashi; Sandra Y. Moody; Makito
134. A Neurological Conundrum Solved by a Radiological
Paige Castelino; Jeffrey Genda; Sahi Rajinder; Pramil Cheriyath
135. Drug-Induced Catatonia, a Case for Early Detection
Tse-Shuen J. Ku; Hannah Oakland; Meredith M. Barr
136. Weak in the Knees: An Unusual Presentation of Sarcoidosis
Tse-Shuen J. Ku; Deepa Bhatnagar
137. Migrating Bell’s Palsy: A Case of Neurosarcoidosis
Crysta Iv; Michelle L. Kraslow; Ryan Nall
138. A Diagnostic Headache: Primary Central Nervous System
Lymphoma in a Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Negative
Evie A. Kalmar
139. An Uncommon Culprit That Is Frequently Missed—
Cefepime Neurotoxicity
Pratyusha Bollimunta; Venu M. Ganipisetti; Malav Parikh;
Harvey J. Friedman
140. The Tell-Tale Hand
Vishnu Ganesan; Neil Mehta
141. Be Impressed with PRES: Keep It in the Differential Even
with Low Grade Hypertension
Devi Sampat; Patricia Dharapak
142. Naproxen Induced Phenytoin Toxicity in a Young and
Healthy Patient
Oleksandra Lupak; Kassem Bourgi
143. A Win for EMR—Providing Effective, Timely and Well Communicated Treatment for an Individual with a Rare
Medical Condition
Ryan Quarles; Raquel K. Belforti
144. A Burning Question: Erythromelalgia in Primary Care
Alexandra M. Ristow
145. An Atypical Presentation and Rare Complication of Terminal
Shalini Sri Kumaran
146. Lower Extremity Ulcer in an African American Male
Muhammad A. Saeed; Bennal Perkins
147. An Age-Old Diagnosis with a Twist
Ryan I. Grattan; Kevin Hauck
148. Stevens Johnson Syndrome (SJS): When It Is Not Explained
by Medications
Meredith R. Sherrill; Dustyn E. Williams; Virginia Reeder
149. When Treatment Becomes the Cause: TMP-SMX and Aseptic
Sabrina N. Huq; Srikanth Puli; Shahid Tamoor; Valerie Gross
150. Levamisole Adulterated Cocaine Induced Toxicity
Thierry N. Ngansop; Lenar Yessayan; Daryl Sudasena
151. Jamaican Stone: Is the Strength Worth the Risk?
Pooja Agrawal; Ana I. Velazquez; Heather Siedenburg; Jennifer
Park; Tamara Brodsky; Jason Rubinov; Erica Bang
152. Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Not Simply a Joint Problem
Ashley M. Castillo; Robin Klein
153. Deliberately Blank
154. Exfoliate with Lymphoma: The Paraneoplastic Pemphigus
Kristen Shealy; Poppy Markwell; John Moscona
SATURDAY 10:15–11:15 am Session M
155. Klippel-Feil Syndrome: An Unusual Case of Neck Pain
Thwe Htay; Bryan S. Brockman; Cristin Harper; Michelle V.
Conde; KoKo Aung
156. Loving HAART but Losing HIP!
Sreelakshmi Panginikkod; Venu Pararath Gopalakrishnan;
Niyati Gupta; Bara Alzghoul
157. What a Headache—Neuro-Behcet’s Disease
Monika K. Kakol; Sisir Siddamsetti
158. Spinal Arachnoiditis and Cauda Equina Syndrome—
A Rare Mix for a Primary Care Physician
Sisir Akkineni; Lisa C. Martinez
159. Male Anorexia Nervosa: A Unifying Diagnosis for Multisytemic Symptoms
Sinny Wang; Margaret Park
160. Acute Hypersensitivity Pneumonia in the Disguise of Community Acquired Pneumonia in a Young Adult Working
as Exterminator
Monoj K. Konda; Yashwant Agrawal; Hardik Chhatrala; Jason
K. Lam
161. Think Outside the Lung: An Unusual Case of Spontaneous
Colon Perforation Missed on Routine Imaging
Andrew Trifan; Amar Kohli
162. Mac ‘n’ Cheese ‘n’ Pneumonitis, If You Please?
Poppy Markwell; Lawrence Purpura; John Moscona
163. A Case of Chest Pain and “Pseudonormal” Central Line Tip
Alicia Stapleton; Philip Ng; Mark Ault
164. The Use of High Dose Insulin Euglycemia Therapy in Calcium Channel Blocker and Beta Blocker Overdose
Mohammed Qureshi; Gerardo Catalasan
165. Septic Shock Secondary to Capnocytophaga Gingivales Bacteremia in an Immunocompetent Host
Kelley L. Coffman; Ronald Goldenberg
166. Malignant Skin Lesion without Malignancy: Calcium Chloride Extravasation
Omar A. Mahasneh; Abdelrazig Suliman; Roger D. Smalligan;
Bharat Khandheria
167. Daptomycin Induced Eosinophilic Pneumonia
Alex Katz; Adrian P. Umpierrez De Reguero; Pinky Jha; Mona
168. A Hole-y Case: Sarcoidosis Complicated by Chronic Pulmonary Aspergillosis (CPA)
Arfa Faiz; Hammad Bhatti; Sayed K. Ali
169. No Renal Disease Here: A Case of Goodpasture’s Disease
Presenting as Isolated Alveolar Hemorrhage
Allison C. Heacock
170. How Pulmonary Mycobacterium Avium Complex Infection
Masked Invasive Mucinous Adenocarcinoma
Natalia Genere; John McConville; Aliya N. Husain; Valerie G.
171. Inevitable Extrapontine Myelinolysis
Ellen Wang; Ali Hakim Shoushtari; Nabil Mesiha; Olga
Tarasova; Stephen Tieku
172. A Dysfunctional Relationship—Episodic Dyspnea Due to
Vocal Cord Dysfunction
Nihan K. Cannon
173. Deliberately Blank
174. Emphasizing Empyema: The Growing Concern of
Streptococcus Constellatus
Vincent Chau; Jason A. Korcak
175. A Rare Case of Pulmonary Vein Thrombosis Associated with
Treatment of Omalizumab
Sandhya Narukonda; Nagadarshini Ramagiri U. Vinod;
Jahnavi Sagi; Medha Joshi; Boutros Zeidan
176. Gut Versus Host Disease in Post Lung Transplantation
Peter Nguyen; Betty La; Mohamed Othman
177. The Agony behind Lactic Acidosis
Qinyun Wang; Diane Davis; Philip J. Putnam
178. Where Did the Water Go?
Yoshinori Saito; Shadia Constantine
179. Rapidly Enlarging Lung Nodule: Yes, It Was from Aspiration!
Dipti Baral; Bhishma Pokhrel; Rhisti Shrestha; Birendra Sah
180. It’s More than Just a Necrotizing Pneumonia
Poornima Ramadas; Prathik Krishnan; Viveksandeep
Thoguluva Chandrasekar; Christy Ann Gilman; Jivan
181. Aortic Rupture as a Rare Complication of Manual Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
Prashanth Venkatesh; Edward Schenck
182. Exogenous Lipoid Pneumonia
Kevin K. Manocha; David Snipelisky; Dante Schiavo
183. The Man Who Coughed Up Lung
Xixi Zhao; Mark Yoder; Shobha L. Rao
184. A Nutty Cause of Chronic Cough
Juan N. Lessing; Nicholas M. Mark
185. Think about It: Altered Mental Status Due to Hashimoto’s
Kimberly M. LaMartin; Christopher Richardson
186. Otogenic Brain Abscess Complicating Otitis Media: A Case Report
Oluchukwu Oluoha; Olufolahan Carrena; Ali Salem
187. Ventricular Septal Defect Complicating an Acute Myocardial
Infarction: A Case Report
Oluchukwu Oluoha; Olufolahan Carrena; Ali Salem
188. When Your Liver Can Not Breathe
Issra Jamal
189. Clopidogrel-Induced Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura Presenting as Colitis
Ijeoma Nnodim; Ashly Ducharme
190. Disseminated Varicella Zoster Presenting as Myopericarditis
in an Immunocompetent Male
Srinidhi Jayadevappa Meera; Dharmarajan S. Thiruvinvamalai
191. Lethargy as the Sole Presenting Symptom of Acute Coronary
Syndrome—An Often Underdiagnosed Entity Leading to
Increased In-Hospital Mortality Srinidhi Jayadevappa Meera; Sofia Terner; Safeera Javed
192. Bilateral Giant Cell Arteritis Presenting as Bilateral Sudden
Vision Loss
Dhruv K. Modi; Khushboo Sheth; Sonam Puri; Stefanie D.
Wade; Sukrut Nanavaty; Syed Salman Ali
193. Ceftaroline Induced Agranulocytosis
Najmus Sahar; Theresa Ratajczak; Nicholas Conger
194. Scurvy: A Forgotten Syndrome
Najmus Sahar; Asghar Ali; Theresa Ratajczak; Steve Burdette
Session details are online at
SATURDAY 11:30 am–1:00 pm Session N
Atlantic Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Atlantic Ballroom 3, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Atlantic Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Room 204, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Room 301, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Regency Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Diplomat Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Regency Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Room 314, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Diplomat Ballroom 4, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Room 312–313, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Room 307, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Diplomat Ballroom 5, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Conference Room 212, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Conference Room 220, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Conference Room 216, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Conference Room 217, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Room 317, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Room 201, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Atlantic Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Update in Primary Care
Category: Clinical Medicine
Session Coordinator: Diane Altkorn, MD, Professor of Medicine,
University of Chicago
Additional Faculty: Amber Pincavage, MD, University of Chicago;
Elizabeth M. Schulwolf, MD, Loyola University Medical Center;
Sachin D. Shah, MD, University of Chicago; Jeremy Smith, MD,
University of Wisconsin
Atlantic Ballroom 3, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Update in Geriatric Medicine
Category: Aging/Geriatrics/End of Life
Submitted in Conjunction with: SGIM Geriatrics Task Force
Session Coordinator: Lee Lindquist, MD, MPH, MBA, Associate
Professor and Division Chief—Geriatrics, Northwestern University
Additional Faculty: Melissa Dattalo, MD, MPH, University of
Wisconsin; Patricia F. Harris, MD, MS, David Geffen School of
Medicine at University of California, Los Angeles; Alison J. Huang,
MD, MAS, University of California, San Francisco; Theresa A. Rowe,
Northwestern University
Atlantic Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
The Doctor-Patient-Computer Relationship
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
Category: Quality of Care/Patient Safety
Submitted in Conjunction with: SGIM Optimal Optimization
Approaches for Clinician’s EMR Practice Interest Group
Session Coordinator: Stewart Babbott, MD, Associate Professor of
Medicine, University of Kansas
Additional Faculty: Alex H. Cho, MD, MBA, Duke University; Wei
Wei Lee, MD, University of Chicago; Courtney Rhudy, MD, University
of Kansas
Room 204, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Ready, Set, Go! Preparing for a Career in Academic General
Internal Medicine
Category: Career Development
Session Coordinator: Shelly-Ann Fluker, MD, Assistant Professor
of Medicine, General Medicine and Geriatrics, Emory University
School of Medicine
Additional Faculty: Rosette J. Chakkalakal, MD, MHS, Vanderbilt
University; Stacy Higgins, MD, Emory University School of
Medicine; Eric I. Rosenberg, MD, MSPH, University of Florida; Brook
Watts, MD, Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center; Melissa Y.
Wei, MD, MPH, University of Michigan
Room 301, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
SGIM-AMDA-AGS Best Practice Recommendations for
Transitioning Patients from Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNF)
to the Community A /G/E
Category: Aging/Geriatrics/End of Life
Submitted in Conjunction with: SGIM Geriatrics Task Force
Session Coordinator: Shahla Baharlou, MD, Assistant Professor,
Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine, Icahn School of Medicine at
Mount Sinai
Additional Faculty: Lee Lindquist, MD, MPH, MBA, Northwestern
Feinberg School of Medicine; Rachel K. Miller, MD, University of
Pennsylvania; Theresa A. Rowe, Northwestern University
Regency Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Make Your Work Count Twice: Scholarship Opportunities for
Category: Career Development
Session Coordinator: Carlos Estrada, MD, MS, Birmingham VA
Medical Center/The University of Alabama at Birmingham
Additional Faculty: Amanda Clark, MD, Louis Stokes Cleveland
VA; Steven A. Haist, MD, MS, National Board of Medical Examiners;
Chad S. Miller, MD, Saint Louis University
SATURDAY 11:30 am–1:00 pm Session N
Diplomat Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
When Less Is More: A Practical and Patient-Centered
Approach to Limiting or Discontinuing Prescription
Category: Clinical Medicine
Submitted in Conjunction with: SGIM Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other
Drug Use and Pain Medicine Interest Groups
Session Coordinator: Scott Steiger, MD, Assistant Clinical Professor,
University of California, San Francisco
Additional Faculty: William Becker, MD, VA Connecticut Healthcare
System; Joseph W. Frank, MD, MPH, University of Colorado School
of Medicine; Joseph Merrill, MD, MPH, Harborview Medical Center,
University of Washington; Joanna L. Starrels, MD, MS, Albert
Einstein College of Medicine/Montefiore Medical Center
Regency Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
An Interactive Workshop to Reduce Implicit Bias in Internal
Medicine Residents HD/VP
Category: Health Disparities/Vulnerable Populations
Session Coordinator: Christine J. Kolehmainen, MD, Physician,
William S. Middleton Memorial Veterans Hospital
Additional Faculty: Molly Carnes, MD, MS, Center for Women’s
Health Research, University of Wisconsin—Madison, School of
Medicine and Public Health; Anne Stahr, MS, Center for Women’s
Health Research, University of Wisconsin—Madison, School of
Medicine and Public Health
Room 314, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Patient Navigators, Care Coordinators, Community Health
Workers: How Are They Defined? What Do They Do? Do They
Make a Difference in Health Outcomes, Patient Satisfaction,
or Cost? HD/VP
Category: Health Disparities/Vulnerable Populations
Session Coordinator: Peter Ellis, MD, MPH, Assistant Professor,
General Internal Medicine, Yale University School of Medicine
Additional Faculty: Isha M. Di Bartolo, MD, Yale University School
of Medicine
Room 312–313, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Modules to MOOCs: Creating Online Curricula
Category: Medical Education Scholarship
Session Coordinator: Sean Tackett, MD, GIM Fellow, Johns Hopkins
Bayview Medical Center
Additional Faculty: Belinda Chen, MD, Johns Hopkins Bayview
Medical Center; Mark Hughes, MD, MA, Johns Hopkins University
School of Medicine; Robert Kearns, MS, Johns Hopkins Bayview
Medical Center; Patricia A. Thomas, MD, Case Western Reserve
University School of Medicine
Room 307, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Applying Evidence-Based Implementation Strategies to
Reduce Barriers to Collaborative Care Models for Mental
Health and Improve Population Level Outcomes MH/SU
Category: Mental Health/Substance Use
Session Coordinator: Nathalie Moise, MD, Assistant Professor,
Columbia University Medical Center
Additional Faculty: Megan R. Gerber, MD, MPH, VA Boston
Healthcare System/Boston University; Ian M. Kronish, MD,
MPH, Columbia University Medical Center; Danielle F. Loeb, MD,
University of Colorado, Denver; Lauren Peccoralo, MD, MPH, Mount
Sinai School of Medicine; Mara Terras, MD, University of Chicago;
Amy Weil, MD, University of North Carolina School of Medicine
Diplomat Ballroom 5, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Leveraging Primary Care Power to Improve Population
Health in a Large Academic Health Network QC/PS
Category: Quality of Care/Patient Safety
Session Coordinator: Sarah E. Smithson, MD, MPH, Clinical
Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Additional Faculty: Robb Malone, DPharm, University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill; Michael Pignone, MD, University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill; Shana Ratner, MD, University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill
Diplomat Ballroom 4, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
SFVA Huddle Coaching Program: A Workshop to Prepare
Faculty to Design, Implement, and Sustain Workplace
Learning Opportunities for Interprofessional,
Team-Based Care HDR
Category: Healthcare Delivery and Redesign
Submitted in Conjunction with: VA Centers of Excellence in
Primary Care Education in Cleveland, Seattle and West Haven
Session Coordinator: Rebecca L. Shunk, MD, Co-Director, San
Francisco VA Center of Excellence in Primary Care Education/
Associate Professor, University of California, San Francisco
Additional Faculty: Rebecca Brienza, MD, MPH, VA Connecticut
Healthcare System; Maya H. Dulay, MD, Center of Excellence in
Primary Care Education, San Francisco VA Medical Center; Terry
Keene, DNP, Center of Excellence in Primary Care Education, San
Francisco VA Medical Center; Mamta K. Singh, MD, MS, Louis Stokes
VA Medical Center; Joyce E. Wipf, MD, VA Puget Sound/University of
Session details are online at
SATURDAY 11:30 am–1:00 pm Session N
Abstract Session N1: Aging, Geriatrics, End of Life
A /G/E
Conference Room 212, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Moderator: Seki Balogun, MBBS
1. Adoption of End of Life Care Planning Processes in
Accountable Care Organizations: Early Results from the
National Survey of Accountable Care Organizations
Sangeeta Ahluwalia; Benjamin Harris; Carrie H. Colla
2. Who Is the “Hospital-Dependent” Patient? Medical,
Functional, and Social Characteristics
Grant M. Smith; Irena Stijacic Cenzer; Alexander Smith
3. Hospital in Home Patients Suffer Fewer Patient Safety
Events than Comparable Hospital Inpatients
Jonathan Liu; Ming Jang; Haggerty Mary-Ann; Laurence
Buxbaum; Rajesh Makineni; Edna Schwab; Bruce Kinosian
4. Racial Differences in the Quality of End-of-Life Care over
Rashmi K. Sharma; Vicki Freedman; Judith Kasper; Pedro
Gozalo; Vincent Mor; Joan Teno
5. The ASAP Score: A Novel Scoring System for Prognosis
Prediction in Terminally Ill Cancer Patients
Naoki Takamatsu
6. Patients’ Hopes for Treatment of Advanced Cancer: A Mixed
Methods Approach
Jeremy DeMartini; Camille Cipri; Joshua Fenton; Ronald
Epstein; Paul Duberstein; Daniel Tancredi; Guibo Xing; Richard
L. Kravitz
Abstract Session N2: Joint SGIM-American Academy on
Communication in Healthcare (AACH) Session
Conference Room 220, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Moderator: Somnath Saha, MD, MPH
1. Speaking Up about Traditional and Professionalism-Related
Patient Safety Threats: A National Study of Residents
William Martinez; Lisa Lehmann; Gerald B. Hickson; Donald
Brady; Eric J. Thomas; Jason Etchegaray; Julia Shelburne;
Anneliese Schleyer; Jennifer Best; Natalie May; Sigall K. Bell
2. Delivering Video Patient Education through the Patient
Portal Ahead of a Scheduled Clinic Visit
Kenzie A. Cameron; Tiffany Brown; Ji Young Lee; Mita S. Goel;
Alpa Patel; Ryan Chmiel; Paul Botsford; Sameem Samad;
Darren Kaiser
3. Characteristics of Patients Who Engage the Discharge
Appeals Process
Ernie L. Esquivel; Stacy Chu; Ashley Giambrone; Hsiang-Wei
Ma; Jesse Bastiaens; Alexandra M. Satty; Linda M. Gerber
4. Pre-Post RCT of Four Training Interventions to Improve SignOut Quality for Interns
Soo Hoon Lee; Christopher P. Terndrup; Phillip Phan; Sandra E.
Zaeh; Kwame Atsina; Nicole Minkove; Diana Kwong; Idoreyin
Montague; Alexander Billioux; Bennett Clark; Andrew
Hughes; Souvik Chatterjee; Sanjay Desai
5. Easy Access to Professional Interpreters in the Hospital
Decreases Readmission Rates and Healthcare Expenditures
for Limited English Proficient Patients
Leah S. Karliner; Eliseo J. Perez-Stable; Steven Gregorich
6. Communication Quality Predicts Psychological Wellbeing
and Satisfaction in Family Surrogates of Hospitalized Older
Alexia M. Torke; Christopher M. Callahan; Greg A. Sachs; Lucia
D. Wocial; Paul R. Helft; Patrick Monahan; James E. Slaven;
Kianna Montz; Emily Burke; Lev Inger
Abstract Session N3: Health Disparities
Conference Room 216, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Moderators: Jane Jih, MD, MPH, and Anuradha Paranjape, MD, MPH
1. Is Mortality following an Acute Illness Hospitalization
Really Lower among Racial/Ethnic Minorities?
Amresh D. Hanchate; Michael Paasche-Orlow; Lenny Lopez;
Nancy R. Kressin; Eun Ji Kim; Jennifer E. Rosen; Chen Feng;
Meng-Yun Lin
2. Choice of Risk Equation Influences Predicted Socioeconomic
and Racial Inequities in Cardiovascular Risk and the
Demographic Composition of Who Is Eligible for Statin
Therapy in the US
Adam K. Richards; Nicholas Jackson; Arleen F. Brown; Jose J.
3. Health Literacy as a Mediator of Race and EthnicityAssociated Childhood Asthma Health Disparities: A
Longitudinal Analysis
David M. Washington; Laura M. Curtis; Katie Waite; Michael S.
Wolf; Michael Paasche-Orlow
4. Priorities for Patient Centered Outcomes Research: The
Views of Minority and Underserved Communities
Susan D. Goold; C. D. Myers; Lisa Szymecko; Carla
Cunningham; Sal Martinez; Charo Ledon; Terrance Campbell;
Marion Danis; Stephanie Solomon Cargill; Myra Kim; Zachary
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
SATURDAY 11:30 am–1:00 pm Session N
5. 6.
Spatial Access to Primary Care—The Contribution of Community Health Centers to Addressing Access Disparities
in a Large Urban Area
Jane W. Seymour; Daniel Polsky; Elizabeth Brown; David
Prostate Cancer Screening Trends in Primary Care Practices
in a Large Integrated Healthcare System: 2007–2015
Anita D. Misra-Hebert; Bo Hu; Eric A. Klein; Glen B. Taksler;
Andrew Stephenson; Michael B. Rothberg
Abstract Session N4: The Best, The Last on Quality/
Patient Safety QC/PS
Conference Room 217, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Moderators: Jeffrey A. Linder, MD, MPH, Chair, and Minal S. Kale,
MD, MPH, Co-Chair, Scientific Abstracts, SGIM 2016 Annual Meeting
Program Committee
1. Prevalence and Predictors of Non-Adherence with
Breast Cancer Screening: Perspective and Preferences of
Hospitalized Women
Waseem Khaliq; Regina Landis; Scott Wright
2. Physicians’ Perspectives on Innovative Patient Education
Mita S. Goel; Tiffany Brown; Ji Young Lee; Alpa Patel; Ryan
Chmiel; Paul Botsford; Sameem Samad; Darren Kaiser; Kenzie
A. Cameron
3. The Relationship between Patient Experience, Care Quality,
and No Show Rates in the Outpatient Primary Care Setting
Jaya Aysola; Marilyn M. Schapira; Hairong Huo; Rachel M.
4. Diagnostic Pitfalls: A New Paradigm to Understand and
Prevent Diagnostic Error
Gordon D. Schiff; Mayya Volodarskaya; Harry Reyes Nieva;
Hardeep Singh; Adam Wright
5. When Is Random Glucose Abnormal? Determining the
Upper Limit of the Random Glucose Reference Range Using
Nationally Representative Data
Michael E. Bowen; Lei Xuan; Ildiko Lingvay; Eric Mortensen;
Ethan Halm
6. Impact of Pharmacists on the Primary Care Team on
Emergency Room Visits and Hospitalizations for Poorly
Controlled Patients with Diabetes
Gerardo Moreno; Jeffery Y. Fu; Janet Chon; Natalie Whitmire;
Chi-Hong Tseng; Jonathan Grotts; Shawn Lee; Douglas S. Bell;
Robin Clarke; Samuel A. Skootsky; Carol Mangione
Abstract Session N5: VA Funded Research
Room 317, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
Moderators: Megan Gerber, MD, MPH, and Shakaib Rehman, MD
1. Having Multiple Sources of Payment Is Associated with
Risky Opioid Therapy among Military/VA
William Becker; Brenda Fenton; Erin Doyle; Brent A. Moore;
Cynthia Brandt; Joe Francis; Robert D. Kerns; Peter Kreiner
2. The Veterans Affairs Cardiac Risk Score: Recalibrating the
ASCVD Score for Applied Use
Jeremy Sussman; Wyndy L. Wiitala; Matthew Zawitowski;
Timothy Hofer; Douglas Bentley; Sandeep Vijan; Rodney A.
3. Patient Perceptions of Deprescribing (PPoD): Survey
Development and Validation
Amy Linsky; Steven R. Simon; Kelly Stolzmann; Rachel A.
Lippin-Foster; Mark Meterko
4. Rates of Unintended Pregnancy, Contraceptive Use, and
Unmet Contraceptive Need among Women Veterans
Sonya Borrero; Lisa S. Callegari; Florentina Sileanu; Xinhua
Zhao; Maria Mor; Galen E. Switzer; Susan L. Zickmund; Donna
L. Washington; Laurie C. Zephyrin; E. Bimla Schwarz
5. Elements of the Patient Centered Medical Home Associated
with Clinical Quality: Evidence or Access, Continuity and
Care Coordination
Karin M. Nelson; Philip W. Sylling; Leslie Taylor; Idamay Curtis;
Danielle Rose; Gordon Schectman; Richard Stark; Stephan D.
Vignette Session N: A Potpourri of Clinical Vignettes
Room 201, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
Moderators: Mary H. Hohenhaus, MD, and Neha Pathak, MD
1. iFlutter: The Use of Wearable Technology in the
Management of Cardiac Arrhythmias
Becky Lou; Matthew Schaikewitz; Nina Nguyen; Joseph
2. What’s Inside the Fridge? Integrating Home Visits into the
Care of Patients with Poorly Controlled Diabetes
Amy S. Tang; Jessica Tanenbaum
3. Using Bedside Ultrasound to Diagnose an Unusual Cause of
Dyspnea in a Patient with Lymphoma
Yifei Zhang; Martin C. Fried; Saleem Ali
4. A Surprising Case of Colorectal Cancer with Metastasis to
the Toe
Nandita Sriram
5. Internists Diagnosing a Surgical Emergency: An Unexpected
Etiology of a Non-Anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis
Neelroop Parikshak; Sara-Megumi L. Naylor
6. Hepatic Manifestations of a Psychiatric Illness
Thomas Starnes; Nila Radhakrishnan
The Annual Meeting adjourns at 1:00 pm on Saturday.
Just a reminder—Saturday lunch is on your own—except for
those who are pre-registered to attend one of the Saturday
additional-fee sessions.
Session details are online at
Earn Maintenance of Certification (MOC) points at the SGIM Annual
11:00 am–2:00 pm
Room 307, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
SGIM Women’s Health MOC Module (10 points)
Participating Faculty:
Pelin Batur, MD, Cleveland Clinic
Deborah S. Kwolek, MD, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard
Darlene LeFrancois, MD, Montefiore Medical Center
Sarah A. Tilstra, MD, MS, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
2:15–5:15 pm
Room 307, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
ABIM Update in Internal Medicine MOC Module
(10 points)
Participating Faculty:
John A. Andrilli, MD, Beth Israel Medical Center
John E. Butter, MD, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Joseph P. DeLuca, MD, Montefiore Medical Center
Shwetha S. Sequeira MD, Boston University Medical Center
Pete Yunyongying, MD, Georgia Regents University and the
University of Georgia Partnership
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute
Veterans Affairs (VA) Health Services Research and
Development Service
VA Quality Enhancement Research Initiative
VA Office of Academic Affiliations
And a special thanks to the Hess Foundation for
their sponsorship of SGIM’s ProudToBeGIM campaign.
Learn more:
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
1:00–5:30 pm
Diplomat Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
Keynote Speaker:
John Steiner, MD, MSPH: Life in Academic Medicine
Session Coordinators:
Ingrid A. Binswanger, MD, MPH, MS, University of Colorado School
of Medicine/Kaiser Permanente Colorado
Chinazo Cunningham, MD, MS, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Additional Faculty:
Geetanjali Chander, MD, MPH, Johns Hopkins University
Jenny J. Lin, MD, MPH, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Carla Spagnoletti, MD, MS, University of Pittsburgh
John F. Steiner, MD, MPH, Institute for Health Research, Kaiser
Permanente Colorado
Neil Wenger, MD, University of California, Los Angeles
This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance
with the Essential Areas and Policies of the Accreditation Council
for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint
sponsorship of the University of Alabama School of Medicine
(UASOM), and the Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM). The
UASOM is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical
education for physicians.
The University of Alabama at Birmingham is an equal opportunity/
affirmative action institution.
CME Credit Designation
The UASOM designates this live activity for a maximum of 12.5
AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the
credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the
activity. Wednesday daytime sessions may carry additional AMA
PRA Category 1 Credits™. Your total number of AMA PRA Category 1
Credits™ will depend on how many sessions you attend.
CME credits are not provided for poster sessions or interest group
meetings. Physicians must complete an online CME application,
identifying the specific sessions that they actually attended. All
CME applications must be completed within 12 months of the last
day of the Annual Meeting.
Please Note: Physicians may not apply for, nor claim, AMA PRA
Category 1 Credit(s)™ for sessions in which they present; they may
claim AMA PRA Category 2 Credit(s) for preparation time.
Who Should Attend?
This meeting is designed to serve the needs of general internists
and other primary care and specialty physicians interested in
medical education, health care delivery and policy, and clinical
general medicine.
Learning Objectives
1. Compare and contrast the different strategies to implement
population health management in general internal medicine
clinical practice, teaching, research, advocacy, and/or leadership.
2. Apply at least one skill learned at the meeting to promote
population health in clinical practice, teaching, research,
advocacy, and/or leadership.
3. Identify at least one action item learned at the meeting to
enhance the attendee’s development as a clinician, educator,
researcher, and/or administrator
Disclosure of Dual Commitments Policy
SGIM requires all presenting faculty to comply with the UASOM
Policy on Financial Disclosure. All faculty members (speakers/
presenters/panel participants) must complete a ScholarOne
personal profile before they can be included in the submission.
This personal profile is where information regarding any and all
external funding is identified. SGIM will contact each presenter
disclosing commercial external funding in order to resolve all
conflicts of interest. CME credit will be withheld from sessions
presented by those whose conflicts of interest cannot be resolved.
Disclosure information is provided by SGIM to attendees in all
print and electronic meeting materials. Speakers with commercial
funds supporting their submission are required to disclose that
relationship at the beginning of their session.
A copy of the University of Alabama School of Medicine Policy on
Dual Commitments is available on the Annual Meeting website.
The Following Sessions Do Not Offer CME Credits
Poster Sessions
Interest Group Meetings
Distinguished Professor Keynote Addresses
Mentoring Panels
Annual Meeting Purpose
This meeting is intended to develop the professional skills of
academic general internists and others interested in medical
education, health care delivery and policy, and clinical general
medicine. A variety of learning modalities, including lectures,
workshops, and author presentations, offers attendees the
opportunity to develop a personalized educational experience.
Research findings, interesting clinical cases, and skill-building
opportunities that address issues important to academic general
medicine will be presented.
Annual Meeting registration includes the following meals:
Thursday and Friday—continental breakfast, morning
beverage break and box lunch
Saturday—Awards Breakfast
Special Meal Requests
Onsite registrants do not have the option of special meal
Those who ordered Kosher and Halal meals during preregistration—please see staff to sign for your meals. If you do
not pick them up you will be billed for them after the meeting.
Session details are online at
Academic Hospitalist Task Force
Chair: Maria (Gaby) Frank, MD
Co-Chair: Matthew Tuck, MD, MEd
Task Force Meeting (Task Force Members Only): Thursday, May 12,
12:30–1:30 pm, Room 219, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
The SGIM Academic Hospitalist Task Force (AHTF) is the
professional home for academic hospitalists dedicated to
promoting scholarly activity and career development in education,
research, patient care and leadership. This year the AHTF focused
nAcademic Hospitalist Academy (AHA): The goal of this annual
event is to support the career development of junior academic
hospitalists as educational leaders in their institutions. Task
force members continue to be involved in the planning and
development of the AHA. Task force members also engage
AHA graduates to bring scholarly projects along through a
"mentorship to product" program.
nSCHOLAR Project: In collaboration with SHM, this project sought
to understand the elements of successful academic hospitalist
programs. To achieve this, we have: identified academically
successful hospitalist programs based on grant funding,
research presentations at SGIM and SHM national meetings, and
the proportion of faculty who have been promoted. Analyzed
data has been presented at both SHM and SGIM national
meetings and findings are being drafted in manuscript form.
nDistinguished Professor of Hospital Medicine: Dan Hunt, MD,
Professor of Medicine and Director of the Division of Hospital
Medicine at Emory University, is serving as our inaugural
Distinguished Professor at the SGIM Annual Meeting.
Adults with Complex Conditions Originating in Childhood
Task Force
Chair: Gregg Talente, MD, MS
Co-Chair: Jennifer LeComte, DO
Task Force Meeting (Task Force Members Only): Friday, May 13,
7:00–8:00 am, Room 320, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
The task force works to improve the care of adults and emerging
adults with disabilities and complex conditions originating in
childhood by increasing awareness of the needs of this population
within SGIM, promoting research and advocacy for these patients,
and representing SGIM in the ongoing national efforts to eliminate
the well-established health care disparities this population faces.
The task force has been working on a book entitled Care of the
Adult with a Chronic Childhood Condition: A Practical Guide, soon
to be published by Springer Science. Members of the task force
represented SGIM on the steering committee for the American
College of Physicians (ACP) Council of Subspecialties, Pediatric to
Adult Transition Initiative in which 22 subspecialty societies are
developing tools for transition for specific conditions. These tools
will be revealed at the ACP16 meeting. The task force is also nearing
completion of a project to transform our site on the SGIM website
to become a resource for general internists to assist in the care of
young adults with complex conditions of childhood.
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
Clinical Practice Committee
Chair: James Richter, MD
Co-Chair: James Bailey, MD
Committee Meeting (Committee Members Only): Thursday, May 12,
12:30–1:30 pm, Room 302, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
The Clinical Practice Committee helps SGIM advocate for the
central role of general internal medicine in health care, supports
the clinical practice of members, collaborates with other
organizations to promote our discipline, and coordinates the
work of SGIM’s various constituencies in advancing the practice
of general internal medicine. The committee has a new focus on
innovation and performance excellence in practice management to
promote quality of care and professional practice life. This year the
committee is working on:
nExpanding web based materials for members promoting the
sharing of best practices;
nInitiating a forum series on issues of Practice Management; and
nPresenting Get Better Faster! Quality Improvement Skills for
Reliable Care, on Wednesday, May 11 at 8:00 am in Diplomat
Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center.
Communications Committee
Chair: Joseph Conigliaro, MD, MPH
Committee Meeting (Committee Members Only): Saturday, May 14,
10:15–11:15 am, Room 320, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
The SGIM Communications Committee focuses on efforts to
develop and implement a communication strategy that makes
full use of current social media. The Communications Committee
works to identify and further the communications strategy of
the Society, advising the Council about internal and external
communications and working toward the strategic priority of
improving value for SGIM members. This committee works to
understand better how SGIM communicates to our members and,
as such, tracks the current set of communications vehicles within
SGIM, SGIM social media metrics, and the communications plans
of other committees with an eye to helping promote their products
through a variety of SGIM channels. Finally, the committee is
discussing what presence it will have at the Annual Meeting
to promote the use of different communication media and be a
resource to SGIM staff.
Communications Strategic Workgroup: ProudtobeGIM
Chair: Ann B. Nattinger, MD, MPH
Co-Chair: Brita Roy, MD, MPH
Workgroup Meeting (Workgroup Members Only): Thursday,
5:00–6:00 pm, Room 219, 2nd Floor Meeting Space
The overall purpose of this workgroup is to encourage more
trainees to enter the field of GIM through the development and
launch of the ProudtobeGIM campaign. This campaign was
unveiled internally to members at the 2015 SGIM National Meeting,
and was launched externally in September 2015 and included
well-received video, print components, and student events at
participating medical schools. The effort was promoted by AAMC,
ABIM, PCP, AMSA, and other organizations through social media
and print outreach. The Hess Foundation, which originally funded
the campaign, has generously agreed to fund phase two. The
workgroup is presently engaged in planning the next campaign
components which already include a Town Hall session at the
SGIM Annual Meeting (Thursday, May 12, 12:30 pm, Diplomat
Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center) and a panel discussion
at the 2016 AMSA National Meeting “Career Options as a General
Internist: Make a Difference!” This fall we hope to increase the
reach of ProudtobeGIM with monetary awards to a number of
medical schools to host their own ProudtobeGIM events in the
latter part of 2016.
Development Committee
Chair: Allan Prochazka, MD
Committee Meeting: Friday, May 13, 7:00–8:00 am, Room 311, 3rd
Floor Meeting Space
The Development Committee supports the mission, goals, and
programs of the Society by identifying and securing multiple
sources of monetary and non-monetary support. In keeping with
the established values and traditions of SGIM, the committee will
develop both an organizational structure for effective fundraising
and key partnerships in support of the Society. In 2015–16, this
included the launch of SGIM’s new Capital Campaign to support
the purchase of additional office space to expand the national
office, the continuation and growth of the Career Fair at the May
2016 Annual Meeting, and a review of SGIM’s funding priorities
to match the overall Society goals. The Development Committee
communicates with the SGIM leadership to identify funding
opportunities and trends, and to establish policies to direct our
fundraising efforts.
Disparities Task Force
Co-Chairs: Eboni Price-Haywood, MD, MPH , and LeChauncy
Woodard, MD, MPH
Task Force Meeting: Friday, May 13, 12:00–1:00 pm, Atlantic Ballroom
1, 2nd Floor, Convention Center
The Disparities Task Force (DTF) is committed to the professional
development of its membership though diverse programming that
includes mentoring and scholarly activities centered on improving
the health and health care of socially disadvantaged populations.
Mentoring efforts include bi-annual, distance-based mentoring
calls with national experts addressing a variety of topics including
career development, funding, negotiation, and work-life balance. In
addition, the DTF hosts an annual mentoring panel at the national
meeting that provides in-person mentoring for students, residents,
fellows and junior faculty by senior DTF members. The DTF has
also developed programming addressing health disparities topics
of interest to the broader SGIM membership. In collaboration with
the Minorities in Medicine Interest Group, the DTF will present
a symposium on “The Health Impact of Racial Bias and Social
Injustice” (SSE2, Thursday May 12, 3:15 pm, Atlantic Ballroom 2,
2nd Floor, Convention Center), and a workshop on “Career Paths
for Vulnerable Population Health Management” (WG02, Friday,
May 13, 10:00 am, Conference Room 212, 2nd Floor Meeting Space)
at the 2016 Annual Meeting. Over the past year, the DTF has
developed a Social Determinants of Health Toolkit. This toolkit
will be a repository of measures available to SGIM members that
will guide both clinician investigators and educators engaged in
scholarship addressing the social determinants of health. The DTF
has identified more than 60 instruments measuring domains that
include, but are not limited to, economic factors, cultural factors,
health system factors, sociodemographics, psychological factors,
and health outcomes.
Education Committee
Chair: Michael Rosenblum, MD
Co-Chair: Stacy Higgins, MD
Committee Meeting (Committee Members Only): Thursday, May
12, 8:00–9:00 am, Room 320, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
The Education Committee is deeply invested in the growth, success
and career sustainability of clinician-educators and learners at all
levels. In pursuit of these goals the committee is finalizing a toolkit
for assessment of professionalism milestones in the ambulatory
setting, lending guidance to the ongoing SGIM PCOR grant,
reviewing and selecting the annual SGIM education award winners
and collaborating with internal and external interest groups and
subcommittees requiring educational expertise. Additional projects
of the committee include:
nTEACH/TEACH 201: this successful educational certificate
platform (core pre-course at the annual meeting, on-line
community and selective workshop attendance) continues
with the addition of the 201 course for graduates of the initial
program. Members of both TEACH and TEACH 201 participate in
a robust educational community.
nMentorship: 100% of the Education Committee member
attendees participated in the One-on-One SGIM mentorship
program at the 2015 Annual Meeting. Participation is an annual
expectation for Education Committee members.
Ethics Committee
Chair: Maura George, MD
Co-Chair: Matthew DeCamp, MD, PhD
Committee Meeting (Committee Members Only): Thursday, May 12,
5:00–6:00 pm, Room 311, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
The SGIM Ethics Committee supports the mission of SGIM by
promoting the ethical practice of general internal medicine,
addressing ethical issues in clinical practice, research and health
policy, and relieving moral distress caused by conflicts about such
issues. The committee routinely addresses conflicts of interest
within SGIM; collaborations between SGIM and other groups; and
current ethical issues pertinent to the clinical and academic work
of SGIM members. Many of these ethical issues have inspired
subcommittees of the Ethics Committee, such as Population Health
and Torture and Human Rights. Three major accomplishments this
year include:
nAn updated mission statement to better reflect the committee’s
current activities;
nPublication of a paper to guide physicians in their practice
management of VIP patients and reduce moral distress amongst
internists; and
nArticle publication in SGIM FORUM by the subcommittee
Coalition for Kidney Care for Non-Citizens (CKCNC), which
addresses the disparities in medical care of undocumented
patients. Subsequently, the subcommittee developed a position
statement on this topic for SGIM that was approved by Council
February 2016.
Session details are online at
Evidence-Based Medicine Task Force
Chair: M.E. Beth Smith, DO, MCR
Co-Chair: Zack Berger, MD
Task Force Meeting (Task Force Members Only): Thursday, May 12,
5:00–6:00 pm, Room 318, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
The EBM Task-Force continues to emphasize the essential need of
keeping evidence at the forefront of patient care. Our efforts have
focused on the evidence surrounding performance measures and
the Choosing Wisely campaign. Highlights from the 2015–2016 task
force projects include:
nWorkshop at the Annual Meeting—Performance Measures in
Population Health: Critically Appraising the Evidence (WG07,
Friday, May 13, 10:00 am, Room 317, 3rd Floor Meeting Space).
Members of the task force are presenting a workshop that
explores the process of performance measure development,
an approach to critically appraising the measure, and a tool to
facilitate a discussion with patients.
nPerformance Measures from Accountable Care Organizations.
The task force has reviewed the 33 ACO measures to determine
transparency in linking the measure with supporting evidence.
Look for the results in this year’s Scientific Abstract Poster
Session 3 (Friday. May 13, 12:00 pm, Great Hall 4–6, 3rd Floor,
Convention Center).
nChoosing Wisely: EBM has teamed with partners at UCLA on
an ABIM supported study, “Implementation and Evaluation
of a Choosing Wisely Intervention in L.A. County to Reduce
Unnecessary/Potentially Harmful Care.” The task force is
preparing Bottom Line summaries to use as education tools for
providers and patients with the goal of reducing unnecessary
use of imaging in acute low back pain and antibiotics with acute
nNewest Bottom Line Summary: opioid use for non-cancer
pain ( Coming
soon: additional summaries on some of the ACO performance
Finance Committee
Chair: Martha Gerrity, MD, MPH, PhD
Co-Chair: David C. Dugdale, MD
Committee Meeting (Committee Members Only): Thursday, May 12,
8:00–9:00 am, Room 319, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
The Finance Committee develops policies, budgets, and
recommendations to the Council pertaining to SGIM’s financial
affairs. This year the Finance Committee has:
n Conducted a long term financial analysis and multiyear future
budget projection to identify greatest opportunities to ensure
the long term financial health of SGIM;
n Thoroughly reviewed SGIM’s investment portfolio and its
management to maximize the value of SGIM’s investments; and
n Created a regular meeting schedule tied to the annual budget
process to facilitate budgetary “due diligence” by SGIM
Geriatrics Task Force
Chair: Lee Lindquist, MD, MPH, MBA
Co-Chair: Shahla Baharlou, MD
Task Force Meeting (Task Force Members Only): Friday, May 13,
12:00–1:30 pm, Room 319, 3rd Floor
The Geriatrics Task Force is committed to providing multiple
opportunities to learn about the care of elderly patients through
career development, promotion of the measurement and
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
evaluation of geriatric competencies for medical trainees, and the
promotion of clinical care, teaching, and research in the field of
geriatrics. Each year the GTF facilitates geri-centric programming
at the Annual Meeting, including the Distinguished Professor
in Geriatrics, Update in Geriatrics, aging-research sessions, and
multiple inventive workshops. This past year the GTF has also
accomplished the following:
nThrough a grant from the Association of Subspecialty Physicians
(ASP), the GTF has created the SGIM-AMDA-AGS Consensus
Best Practice Recommendations for Transitioning Patients
from Skilled Nursing Facilities to the Community. The goal is
to improve the safe transfer of older adults between sub-acute
rehab/nursing facilities and their primary care internists,
following discharge from the skilled nursing facility (SNF-PCP
nMembers of the GTF have recently published a new book
through Springer Science titled New Directions in Geriatric
Medicine, which presents state-of-the-art geriatrics concepts for
internists. Each chapter focuses on increasingly difficult clinical
decisions that busy internists often encounter in caring for older
Health Policy Committee
Chair: Tom Staiger, MD
Executive Committee Meeting (Executive Committee Members only):
Friday, May 13, 3:00–4:00 pm, Room 319, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
SGIM advocacy promotes and supports policies that improve
patient care, strengthen education and training, and promote
researchers and their research in general internal medicine.
The SGIM Health Policy Committee (HPC) advocates in three
major areas: Fair and equitable Medicare reimbursement policies;
Adequate funding for health professions training; and Support
for health services research. This year the HPC has worked in the
following areas:
nProvided input which substantially contributed to CMS
committing in the 2016 Physician Fee Summary to developing
new E/M supplemental codes to better recognize the effort
involved in ongoing broad-based cognitive care.
nDeveloped principles for the relationship of SGIM and a newly
formed Alliance of Cognitive Specialty Societies. The Alliance
serves as an advocacy organization to develop and support
policies that enhance the practice of cognitive medicine and is
spearheaded by SGIM members.
nEngaged in multiple advocacy efforts related to work
environment and fair reimbursement to help create more
desirable practice environments for SGIM members.
nAssisted in successful efforts to help preserve funding for AHRQ.
nOrganized SGIM Hill Day (March 8–9) for 68 participants.
nEducated SGIM members through several advocacy articles
in FORUM and upcoming workshops/symposia at the Annual
Meeting. The HPC is also currently working with other SGIM
committees to create a new approach for multi-year career
development programs and to develop an Advocacy Curriculum
for residents and fellows.
Maintenance of Certification (MOC) Task Force
Chair: Eric Green, MD, MSc
Co -Chair: Deborah Kwolek, MD
Task Force Meeting (Task Force Members Only): Thursday, May 12,
11:30 am–12:30 pm, Room 319, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
The MOC Task Force is responsible for facilitating the creation of
ABIM-approved Maintenance of Certification modules based on
the work of SGIM and its committees, workgroups, task forces, and
interest groups. This year the MOC Task Force has coordinated with
other groups within SGIM to offer SGIM MOC modules at the SGIM
national meeting, Mid-Atlantic regional meeting, and a women’s
health conference hosted by the Cleveland Clinic. In addition, the
task force has helped SGIM advocate for important changes in the
ABIM’s MOC program.
Membership Committee
Chair: Robin Klein, MD
Co-Chair: Robert Fogerty, MD, MPH
Committee Meeting (Committee Members Only): Saturday, May 14,
10:15–11:15 am, Room 319, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
The Membership Committee identifies and measures members’
needs, priorities, satisfaction with the Society, and viewpoints,
and works with other leaders to develop and implement plans
accordingly and collaborates with Council and other workgroups
to devise strategies for attracting and retaining members. This
year the Committee has reviewed and stratified all SGIM member
products and programs based on interest by career level, career
path, and benefit to member. This effort has informed subsequent
organizational planning and marketing–including significant
updates to the membership section of the SGIM website. The
Membership Committee presented key findings and items of
interest regarding the Society and the field of GIM from the 2014
Membership Survey in the SGIM FORUM and has encouraged
trainee membership and both national and regional meeting
attendance through the creation of regional membership toolkits
and the Young Scholars in GIM Scholarship to attend the SGIM
Annual Meeting.
Research Committee
Chair: Joan Neuner, MD, MPH
Co-Chair: Gail Daumit, MD
Committee Meeting (Committee Members Only): Thursday, May 12,
7:00–8:00 am, Room 320, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
The Research Committee identifies and responds to the needs of
investigators at all levels of their careers by: improving forums
for investigators to present their work; stimulating young
investigators, recognizing their work, and promoting them
within SGIM; increasing senior investigators’ involvement in
the Society; disseminating and encouraging implementation of
policy statement on promotions and tenure for investigators;
developing and implementing mentorship programs; informing
members about research funding and training opportunities; and
collaborating with the Health Policy Committee on AHRQ and VA
issues. This year the committee has focused on the following:
nDevelopment of a multi-year clinician-investigator career
development workshop curriculum plan for annual meetings;
nPlanning a PCORI engagement grant, which includes
presentation at the 2016 Annual Meeting, and advocating
for SGIM and primary care research at PCORI roundtables in
Washington; and
nSupporting the young investigators’ funding website and
database compendium (
UpToDate Reviewers Workgroup
Chair: Margaret Lo, MD
SGIM works in partnership with UpToDate to conduct peer reviews
on chapters to provide the GIM perspective. This lead group
oversees the review process and works with UTD staff to ensure the
continued high quality of the program. The committee coordinates
UpToDate chapter review process by SGIM member reviewers;
promotes the SGIM-UpToDate program through SGIM venues; and
trains reviewers and interested candidates at the SGIM Annual
VA Task Force
Chair: Erin Krebs, MD, MPH
Co-Chair: Kristina Cordasco, MD, MPH
Task Force Meeting (Task Force Members Only): Friday, May 13,
3:00–4:00 pm, Room 320, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
The VA Task Force is responsible for coordinating VA HSR&Dsponsored symposia and other events at the SGIM Annual
Meeting in partnership with VA Health Services Research and
Development and Office of Academic Affiliations. This year’s VA
series symposia were selected from a large and diverse group of
proposals generated by a call to VA primary care physicians and
health services researchers across the country. SGIM’s traditional
VA Interest Group has been reorganized this year to better serve
the needs of VA clinician educators. Finally, the task force continues
to identify new ways to increase visibility of VA opportunities,
including fellowships and career development awards, within
Women and Medicine Task Force
Chair: Amy Gottlieb, MD
Co-Chair: Wendy Bennett, MD, MPH
Task Force Meeting (Task Force Members Only): Thursday, May 12,
7:00–8:30 am, Room 301, 3rd Floor Meeting Space
The Women and Medicine Task Force (WAMTF) promotes women’s
health and academic careers of women in medicine. WAMTF’s
mission is to facilitate communication among interest groups
related to women’s health, promote women’s health as a generalist
issue in both clinical practice and health policy, and support the
career development of academic women physicians pursuing
careers in women’s health. The WAMTF has accomplished the
following over the past year:
nThe WAMTF selected Dr. Karen DeSalvo, Acting Assistant
Secretary for Health in the U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services, as the WAMTF 2016 Distinguished Professor
of Women and Medicine. Dr. DeSalvo’s keynote lecture at
the Annual Meeting (Thursday, May 12 at 11:30 am in Atlantic
Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Convention Center) will focus on her
leadership role in population health as well as her career
trajectory as a female general internal medicine physician and
national change agent.
nMembers of the task force have worked to foritfy the task force’s
role within SGIM to understand and respond to critical policy
issues related to Women’s Health. WAMTF has clarified a system
to channel inquiries about hot-button women’s health topics
in order to facilitate timely responses to policy concerns when
necessary, including providing two Letters of Suppport for HRSA
applications related to national women’s health policy.
nTwo task force members were invited to speak about the
WAMTF Career Advisory Program (CAP) as a faculty development
innovation at the AAMC’s annual conference in Baltimore, MD.
nIn conjunction with the Development Committee, WAMTF
created and launched a unique fundraising initiative targeting
longstanding women-in-medicine champions within the SGIM
community as potential donors.
Session details are online at
COUNCIL 2015–2016
Marshall H. Chin, MD, MPH
Eileen Reynolds, MD
Immediate-Past President
William P. Moran, MD
Martha Gerrity, MD, MPH, PhD
David C. Dugdale, MD
1978–1979...................... Robert S. Lawrence, MD
Shana Donchatz
Committee and Initiatives Assistant
1979–1980................................. David C. Dale, MD
1980–1981........................... Richard L. Byyny, MD
1981–1982.................................. Paul F. Griner, MD
1982–1983............John M. Eisenberg, MD, MBA
1983–1984................... Suzanne W. Fletcher, MD
1984–1985..................... Sheldon Greenfield, MD
1985–1986.................... Steven A. Schroeder, MD
1986–1987....................Thomas L. Delbanco, MD
1987–1988.................... Thomas S. Inui, ScM, MD
1988–1989......... Steven A. Wartman, MD, PhD
Said A. Ibrahim, MD, MPH
1989–1990..................................... John Noble, MD
Council Members
1991–1992..............Robert H. Fletcher, MD, MSc
Eva Aagaard, MD
David W. Baker, MD, MPH
Hollis Day, MD, MS
Ethan A. Halm, MD, MPH
Jada Bussey-Jones, MD
Marilyn M. Schapira, MD, MPH
Ex Officio
Daniel G. Tobin, MD
Chair, Board of Regional Leaders
Mitchell D. Feldman, MD, MPhil
Co-Editor, Journal of General Internal
Richard L. Kravitz, MD, MSPH
Co-Editor, Journal of General Internal
Karen R. Horowitz, MD
Senior Editor, FORUM
Jean Kutner, MD, MSPH
President, Association of Chiefs and
Leaders of General Internal Medicine
Brita Roy, MD, MPH
Associate Member Representative
SGIM Regional Leaders
Michele Fang, MD
President, Midwest Region
Subha Ramani, MBBS, MMEd, MPH
President, New England Region
Elizabeth Goldman, MD, MCR
President, California Region
Lisa S. Inouye, MD, MPH
President, Northwest Region
April S. Fitzgerald, MD
President, Mid-Atlantic Region
Shelly-Ann N. Fluker, MD
President, Southern Region
Shakaib Rehman, MD
President, Mountain West Region
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
1990–1991......................Lee Goldman, MD, MPH
1992–1993............................. Mack Lipkin, Jr., MD
1993–1994..........Wishwa N. Kapoor, MD, MPH
1994–1995.....................Eric B. Larson, MD, MPH
1995–1996..........................Wendy Levinson, MD
1996–1997.....................William M. Tierney, MD
1997–1998..................... Nicole Lurie, MD, MSPH
1998–1999............... Stephan D. Fihn, MD, MPH
1999–2000........................C. Seth Landefeld, MD
2000–2001....................Sankey V. Williams, MD
2001–2002................................. Kurt Kroenke, MD
2002–2003................. Martin Shapiro, MD, PhD
2003–2004............................ JudyAnn Bigby, MD
2004–2005........................... Michael J. Barry, MD
2005–2006...........Barbara J. Turner, MD, MSEd
2006–2007........................ Robert M. Centor, MD
2007–2008............................. Eugene C. Rich, MD
2008–2009....... Lisa V. Rubenstein, MD, MSPH
2009–2010..........................Nancy A. Rigotti, MD
Leslie Dunne
Director of Development and
Project Management
Muna Futur
Member Services Assistant
Jillian Gann
Director of Membership
Sarajane Garten
Director of Meetings
Candace Goggans
Regional Meetings Assistant
Francine Jetton
Director of Communications and
Lisa Le
Meetings Assistant
Julie Machulsky
Community Manager
Kay Ovington
Interim Executive Director
Shelly Woolsey
Marketing Manager
2010–2011.........................Gary E. Rosenthal, MD
2011–2012...................... Harry Selker, MD, MSPH
2012–2013................ Ann Butler Nattinger, MD,
2013–2014........................ Eric B. Bass, MD, MSPH
2014–2015..........................William P. Moran, MD
For further information regarding this and other
SGIM events and services, please contact the SGIM
national office.
Society of General Internal Medicine
1500 King Street, Suite 303
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
Steven R. Simon, MD, MPH, Chair
Alfred P. Burger, MD
William G. Weppner, MD, MPH,
Chad Miller, MD, Co-Chair
Stacy M. Higgins, MD, Chair
Nila Radhakrishnan, MD, Co-Chair
Carlos Palacio, MD, MPH, Chair
Gail L. Daumit, MD, MHS, Co-Chair
Alpesh Amin, MD, MBA, Chair
Jonathan D. Kirsch, MD, Co-Chair
Sara B. Fazio, MD, Chair
Heather S. Laird-Fick, MD, MPH,
Mohan M. Nadkarni, MD, Chair
Tanvir Hussain, MD, MSc, MHS,
Jeffrey A. Linder, MD, MPH, Chair
Minal S. Kale, MD, MPH, Co-Chair
Monica L. Lypson, MD, MHPE, Chair
Christopher Masi, MD, PhD, CoChair
Emily B. Mullen, MD, Chair
Andrea S. Christopher, MD, Co-Chair
Mark Wieland, MD, MPH, Chair
Le Chauncy Woodard, MD, MPH,
Local Host Committee
Lisa Martinez, MD
Margaret C. Lo, MD, Co-Chair
Veterans Affairs Task Force
Erin Krebs, MD, MPH
Jeffrey L. Jackson, MD, MPH,
Presentation Scheduling
Ellen F. Yee, MD, MPH, Interest
Group Scheduling
Irene Alexandraki, MD, MPH
Rebecca E. Berger, MD
Heather L. Davidson, MD
Eric H. Green, MD
Jane Jih, MD, MPH
Avital Y. O’Glasser, MD
Danielle Panna, MD
Corinne M. Rhodes, MD
Donielle F. Sliwa, MD, MPH
Toshiko Uchida, MD
Jerome V. Van Ruiswyk, MD
Aging/Geriatrics/End of Life
Robert L. Jayes, MD, Chair
Katherine N. Aragon, MD
Rachel D. A. Havyer, MD
Cheryl P. Lynch, MD, MPH
Vassiliki Pravodelov, MD
Katalin E. Roth, MD
Career Development
Shelly-Ann N. Fluker, MD, Chair
Scott E. Sherman, MD, MPH, Chair
Sara M. Bradley, MD
Analia Castiglioni, MD
Andy Ekpenyong, MD
Ethan Halm, MD, MPH
Marianne Sassi Matthias, PhD
Hilit F. Mechaber, MD
Joseph S. Rabatin, MD
Alexander K. Smith, MD, MS, MPH
Barbara J. Turner, MD, MSEd, MA
Carole M. Warde, MD
John Williams, MD, MHSc
Sondra Zabar, MD
Clinical Medicine
Kimberly Peairs, MD, Chair
Ambili Ramachandran, MD, MSc,
David Aizenberg, MD
Jillian Catalanotti, MD, MPH
Youngjee Choi, MD
Manjari Devidi, MD Nageshwara Gullapalli, MD, MPH
Jason Higdon, MD
Martina Jelley, MD, MSPH
Anna Kho, MD
Lisa Martinez, MD
Rebecca Mazurkiewicz, MD, MPH
Vassiliki Pravodelov, MD
Subha Ramani, MBBS, MMEd, MPH
Sadie Trammell Velasquez, MD
Asher Tulsky, MD
Pamela D. Vohra-Khullar, MD
Jeff Whittle, MD, MPH
Jeffrey R. Jaeger, MD
Robert A. Murden, MD
David C. Parish, MD, MPH
P. Preston Reynolds, MD, PhD
Jodi B. Segal, MD, MPH
Thomas O. Staiger, MD
Keith A. Vom Eigen, MD, PhD, MPH
Healthcare Delivery and Redesign
Karin M. Nelson, MD, MSHS, Chair
Melissa R. Bachhuber, MD
Holly Batal, MD
Deepa Bhatnagar, MD
Evelyn Chang, MD
Ellie Grossman, MD, MPH
David A. Katz, MD, MSc
Leah M. Marcotte, MD
Nicholas O. Meo, MD
Mark D. Schwartz, MD
Diana E. Stewart, MD, MBA
Lawrence Ward, MD, MPH
Donna Zulman, MD
Leadership and Administration
Michael D. Landry, MD, MSc, Chair
Palav A. Babaria, MD, MHSc
Carlos A. Estrada, MD, MS
Cristina M. Gonzalez, MD, MEd
Reena Karani, MD
Ali M. Khan, MD, MPP
Margaret C. Lo, MD
Alaka Ray, MD
Sheira L. Schlair, MD, MS
Monica Vela, MD
Health Disparities/
Vulnerable Populations
Nicole Redmond, MD, PhD, MPH,
Jada C. Bussey-Jones, MD
Brooke A. Cunningham, MD, PhD
Marshall Fleurant, MD, MPH
Arthur G. Gomez, MD
James W. Grigg, MD
Ashley K. Haddad, MD
Cara A. Poland, MD
Brita Roy, MD, MPH
Julie Silverman, MD
Joni Strom Williams, MD, MPH
Health Policy/Advocacy/
Social Justice
Mark Liebow, MD, MPH, Chair
Eric B. Bass, MD, MPH
JudyAnn Bigby, MD
Patricia F. Harris, MD, MS
Hospital-Based Medicine
Hilary Mosher, MD, Chair
Moises Auron, MD
Michael P. Carson, MD
Eunjin Chung, MD
Nageshwara Gullapalli, MD, MPH
Anita L. Hart, MD
Martha L. Hlafka, MD
Leah A. Tudtud-Hans, MD
Medical Education Scholarship
Jennifer Corbelli, MD, Chair
Jennifer Cowart, MD, Chair
Cristina M. Gonzalez, MD, MEd,
Katherine M. McKinney, MD, Chair
Sarah Baron, MD
Rachel Bonnema, MD, MS
Christopher Bruti, MD
Alfred P. Burger, MD
Lauren N. Craig, MD
Christina M. Cruz, MD
Deborah DiNardo, MD
David J. Ecker, MD
Laura C. Fanucchi, MD, MPH
Andrew R. Hoellein, MD, MS
Lisa S. Inouye, MD, MPH
Nadia Ismail, MD
Samuel T. Ives, MD
Cathy J. Lazarus, MD
Darlene LeFrancois, MD
Doris Lin, MD
Sean M. Lockwood, MD
Session details are online at
Alexandra Mieczkowski, MD
Paul O’Rourke Jr., MD
Adam Sawatsky, MD
Sheira L. Schlair, MD, MS
Bradley A. Sharpe, MD
Leigh Simmons, MD
Abby L. Spencer, MD, MS
John J. Stewart, MD
Quratulain Syed, MD
Athina Vassilakis, MD, MPH
Monica Vela, MD
Sarita Warrier, MD
Colin West, MD, PhD
Medical Humanities and Ethics
Shakaib U. Rehman, MD, Chair
Michael S. Chesser, MD
Jay D. Orlander, MD, MPH
Umna Ashfaq, MD
Magni Hamso, MD, MPH
Nora Porter, MD
Howard S. Gordon, MD
Richard M. Frankel, PhD
Laura K. Snydman, MD
Mental Health and Substance Use
E. Jennifer Edelman, MD, MHS,
Susan L. Calcaterra, MD, MPH
Geetanjali Chander, MD, MPH
Ian M. Kronish, MD, MPH
David Linz, MD
Doug Olson, MD
Karran A. Phillips, MD, MSc
Joanna L. Starrels, MD, MS
Alexander Y. Walley, MD, MSc
Quality of Care/Patient Safety
Teryl K. Nuckols, MD, MS, Chair
Robert I. Goodman, MD
Amy Linsky, MD, MSc
Jennifer A. Meddings, MD, MSc
Eric M. Mortensen, MD, MSc
Lipika Samal, MD
Jessica R. Singer, MD
Halle G. Sobel, MD
Research Methods
KoKo Aung, MD, MPH, Chair
Harry B. Burke, MD
Stephen W. Hwang, MD, MPH
Melissa Kah Poh Loh, MBBCh
Anna Maw, MD
Maryam Sattari, MD
Jeremy B. Sussman, MD, MS
Jason L. Vassy, MD, MPH, SM
Women’s Health
Sarah Tilstra, MD, MS, Chair
Anna Donovan, MD
Christine Kolehmainen, MD
Shivani Reddy, MD
Theresa C. Maatman, MD
Megan McNamara, MD, MSc
Shadia Constantine, MD, MPH
Erin Contratto, MD
Mindy Sobota, MD, MS
Sora Al Rowas, MD, MSc
Cherinne Arundel, MD
Stewart F. Babbott, MD
Elisha L. Brownfield, MD
Teresa J. Bryan, MD
Pablo Buitron de la Vega, MD
T. Shawn Caudill, MD, MSPH
Ellen Eisenberg, MD
Utibe Essien, MD
Gary S. Fischer, MD
Inginia Genao, MD
Chris J. Goerdt, MD, MPH
Blake Gregory, MD
Stephen G. Henry, MD, MSc
Susan T. Hingle, MD
Rose M. Kakoza, MD
Hirotaka Kato, MB
Lubna Khawaja, MD
Simran K. Matta., MD
Isitri Modak, MD
Natalia Morone, MD, MS
Emily B. Mullen, MD
Kerri Palamara, MD
Lauren A. Peccoralo, MD, MPH
Daniel H. Pomerantz, MD, MPH
Eboni Price-Haywood, MD, MPH
Patrick A. Rendon, MD
James M. Richter, MD, MA
Targol Saedi, MD
Katherine M. Small, MD
Corina Ungureanu, MD
Lisa M. Vinci, MD, MS
Himali M. Weerahandi, MD
Alistair Aaronson, MD
Kimberly M. Baker-Genaw, MD
Rebecca Berman, MD
Christopher Bruti, MD
John E. Butter, MD
Saumil M. Chudgar, MD, MSEd
Karen Clarke, MD
Rosemarie L. Conigliaro, MD
Francesca Dwamena, MD
David Ecker, MD
Matthew S. Ellman, MD
Ernie L. Esquivel, MD
Holly Gooding, MD, MSc
Robert I. Goodman, MD
Steven A. Haist, MD, MS
Heather Heiman, MD
Reena H. Hemrajani, MD
Nadia Ismail, MD
Harish Jasti, MD, MS
Mari Kai, MD
Rebekah Kaplowitz, MD, MPH
Nazia Naz Khan, MS
Chris Knight, MD
Ryan R. Kraemer, MD
Armand Krikorian, MD
Laura Loertscher, MD
Lia Logio, MD
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
Jennifer Lom, MD
Tiffany Lu, MD Katherine Lupton, MD
Elizabeth A. Lyons, MD Anna C. Maio, MD
Maura J. McGuire, MD
Elizabeth Murphy, MD
Julie Oyler, MD
Sandra K. Oza, MD, MAEd
Susan L. Padrino, MD
Mark E. Pasanen, MD
Alisa Peet, MD
Anuradha Phadke, MD
Raghavesh Pullalarevu, MD
Pranathi R. Sundaragiri, MBBS
Michael Rosenblum, MD
Lauren I. Shapiro, MD
Baldeep Singh, MD
Robert Smith, MD
Dustin Smith, MD
Mindy Sobota, MD, MS
Brielle Spataro, MD
Eloho O. Ufomata, MD
Jerome V. Van Ruiswyk, MD
Anna Volerman Beaser, MD
Sarita Warrier, MD
Jarrett J. Weinberger, MD
Christopher Wong, MD
Eva Aagaard, MD
Scott Arnold, MD
Moises Auron, MD
Yelena Averbukh, MD
Mohamed Ayan, MBBCh
Seki Balogun, MBBS
Caitlin Bass
Paul Bergl, MD
Lisa Bernstein, MD
Dale Bieber, MD, MS
Jennifer Bracey, MD
Sara M. Bradley, MD
Andrei Brateanu, MD
Mai-Khanh Bui-Duy, MD
Alfred Burger, MD
Frank Cacace, MD
Claudia Campos, MD
Andrea Carter, MD
Analia Castiglioni, MD
Smitha Chadaga, MD
Richard Chadwick, MD
Teresa Cheng, MD
Vamsee Chirumamilla, MBBS
Eunjin Chung, MD
Shawn Cole, MD
Erin Contratto, MD
Robert Cook, MD, MPH
Ricardo Correa, MD, EsD
Andrew O. Coyle, MD
Christina Cruz, MD
Nancy Denizard-Thompson, MD
Abigail Eastburn, MD
Robert Egerman, MD
Michael Fingerhood, MD
Davida Flattery, DO
Robert Fletcher, MD, MSc
Marshall Fleurant, MD, MPH
Maria Frank, MD
Harvir S. Gambhir, MD
Maura George, MD
Dianne Goede, MD
Christopher Goodman, MD
James Grigg, MD
Sweny Gulati, MD
Melissa Hagman, MD
Christopher Hanks, MD
Janel Hanmer, MD, PhD
Ann Hansen, DVM, MD
Rebecca Harrison, MD
Rebecca Helfrich, MD
Martha Hlafka, MD
Michael Hochman, MD
Mary Hohenhaus, MD
Neal Holland, DO
Chad Hood, MD
Liam Howley, MD
Vanneta Hyatt, MD
Nurcan Ilksoy, MD
Sharjeel Israr, MD
Ankur Jain, MBBS, MD
Theodore Johnson, MD, MPH
Danielle Jones, MD
Girish Kalra, MD
Mahzuz Karim
Cynthia Kay, MD
Andrew Kelly
Parvinder Khurana, MD
Eun Ji Kim, MD
Amar Kohli, MD
Rachel Kon, MD
Mary V. Kopke, MD
Rajlakshmi Krishnamurthy, MD
Justin Lafreniere, MD
Elena Lebduska, MD
Bennett Lee, MD, MPH
Darlene LeFrancois, MD
Juan Lessing, MD
Chrysoula Liakou, MD, PhD
Sean Lockwood, MD
Jessica Logan, MD
Lee Lu, MD
Sue-Wei Luu, MD
Archana Mahankali, MD
Nivedita Mahidhara, MD
Syed Mahmood, MD
Noble Maleque, MD
Elizabeth Schulwolf, MD, MA
Edlira Maska, MD
Robert McClung
Megan McNamara, MD, MSc
Frank Merritt, MD
Lesley Miller, MD
Chad Miller, MD
Thomas Montgomery, MD
Ryan Munyon, MD
Mohan Nadkarni, MD
Vandana Nagpal, MD
Ryan Nall, MD
Vinod Nambudiri, MD, MBA
Meredith Niess, MPH, MD
Andrew Olson, MD
Oluchi Opara, MD
Danielle Panna, MD
Neha Pathak, MD
Alexander Pine, MD, PhD
Elisabeth Poorman, MD
Nora Porter, MD
Arman Qamar, MD
Joseph Rabatin, MD
Charu Ramchandani, MD
Wajiha Raza, MD
Stephanie Rennke, MD
Andrew Rettew, DO
Rebecca E. Rogers, MD
Michael Rotblatt, MD, PharmD
Payel Roy, MD
Yasmin Sacro, MD
Sara Schwanke Khilji, MPH, MD
Bilal Shaikh, DO
Matthew Shaines, MD
Amy Sheer, MD, MPH
George Shelton, Jr., MD, MPP
Joseph Simonetti, MD, MPH
Jeremy Smith, MD
James Smith
Jennifer Spicer, MD
Carol Sprague, MD
Corrie Stankiewicz, MD, MSEd
Starr Steinhilber, MD, MPH
Pranathi Sundaragiri, MBBS
Eliza Sutton, MD
John Szymusiak, MD
Samuel Thigpen, MD
Iris Tong, MD
Sara Turbow, MD, MPH
Brian Uthlaut, MD
Saraschandra Vallabhajosyula,
Athina Vassilakis, MD, MPH
Laura Vater, MPH
Valerie Vaughn-Sandler, MD
Theresa Vettese, MD
Pamela Vohra-Khullar, MD
Dietlind Wahner-Roedler, MD, MS
Rachel Waller, MD
Jennifer Weintraub, MD
Sara Wikstrom, MD
Paul Williams, MD
Winter Williams, MD
Zeeshan Zafar, MBBS
Jennifer Zreloff, MD
Aging/Geriatrics/End of Life
Erica Breslau, PhD, Chair
Bruce P. Kinosian, MD, Chair
Aba Y. Barden-Maja, MD, MS
Kenzie A. Cameron, PhD, MPH
Jennifer Carnahan, MD, MPH
Anna Chodos, MD, MPH
Jessica Colburn, MD
Jeannette Guerrasio, MD
Meredith Hays, DO, MS
Susan Merel, MD
Rachel K. Miller, MD
Stephanie Nothelle, MD
Michael Perskin, MD
Halle Sobel, MD
Victoria L. Tang, MD
Megan E. Young, MD
Clinical Decision-Making and
Economic Analyses
Neda Laiteerapong, MD, MS, Chair
Leigh H. Simmons, MD, Chair
Jaya Aysola, MD, MPH
Alyna T. Chien, MD, MS
Heather L. Davidson, MD
Andrew M. Davis, MD, MPH
Ryan Greysen, MD
Jason Higdon, MD
Elbert S. Huang, MD, MPH,
John N. Mafi, MD, MPH
Mary F. McNaughton-Collins, MD,
Mitesh S. Patel, MD, MBA, MS
Michael B. Rothberg, MD, MPH
Karen Sepucha, PhD
Clinical Epidemiology/Heath
Effectiveness Research
Jeremy Sussman, MD, MS, Chair
Jeff Whittle, MD, MPH, Chair
Irene Alexandraki, MD, MPH
KoKo Aung, MD, MPH
Zackary Berger, MD, PhD
Michael Bowen, MD, MPH
Marius Commodore, MD
Michael Fischer, MD, MS
Magni Hamso, MD, MPH
Anthony L. Komaroff, MD
Brent Petty, MD
Sridharan Raghavan, MD
Zayd Razouki, MB
Colleen Sam, MD, MPH
Global Health/Preparedness
Dominique L. Cosco, MD, Chair
Gaurab Basu, MD, MPH
Edward Campion, MD
Eva Metalios, MD
Donielle Sliwa, MD, MPH
Alanna Stone, MD, MPH
Health Disparities/Vulnerable
Holly Batal, MD, MBA, Chair
Karen M. Goldstein, MD, MSPH,
Kumar Ilangovan, MD, MSPH, Chair
Cheryl P. Lynch, MD, MPH, Chair
Barbara R. Ogur, MD, Chair
Nicole Redmond, MD, PhD, MPH,
Sonya Borrero, MD
Krisda Chaiyachati, MD, MPH
Aileen Y. Chang, MD
Avik Chatterjee, MD, MPH
Brinton Clark, MD
Michelle Cleeves, MD
Howard Gordon, MD
Judith Griffin, MD
Adriana Izquierdo, MD, MSCE
Kristin Jensen, MD, MS
Jane Jih, MD, MPH Farah Kaiksow, MD, MPP
Victor Kolade, MD
Pooja Lagisetty, MD
Jennifer Michael, MD, MPH
Nia Mitchell, MD, MPH
Sandra Moody, MD
Jane Njeru, MD
Carlos Irwin Oronce, MS
Anuradha Paranjape, MD, MPH
Cason Pierce, MD
Archana Radhakrishnan, MD
Corinne Rhodes, MD
Somnath Saha, MD, MPH
Sonali Saluja, MD
Yamini Saravanan, MD
Jenny Siegel, MD
Jennifer Stichman, MD
Joni Williams, MD, MPH
Deborah Swiderski, MD
Sami G. Tahhan, MD
Adam Tsai, MSCE, MD
Amber Wobbekind, MD
Health Policy/Advocacy/
Social Justice
Craig E. Pollack, MD, Chair
Michael L. Barnett, MD
Amy Baughman, MD
Andrew Bindman, MD
David Grande, MD, MPA
Tanvir Hussain, MD, MSc, MHS
Tara C. Lagu, MD
David M. Levine, MD, MA
Mark Liebow, MD, MPH
Phuong Luu, MD, MHS
Rhea Powell, MD, MPH
Yael Schenker, MD
Mona Siddiqui, MD
Hospital-Based Medicine
Carlos A. Estrada, MD, MS, Chair
Eric M. Mortensen, MD, MSc, Chair
Rebecca Berger, MD
Marisha Burden, MD
Chayan Chakraborti, MD
Nageshwara Gullapalli, MD, MPH
Dan Hunt, MD
Anna Kho, MD
Anil N. Makam, MD, MS
Kristi Moore, MD
Oanh K. Nguyen, MD
Nathan J. O’Dorisio, MD
Avital O’Glasser, MD
Peter Phan, MD
Diana Stewart, MD, MBA
Sadie Trammell Velasquez, MD
Matthew Tuck, MD
Pete Yunyongying, MD
Medical Education Scholarship
and Professional Development
Bruce Johnson, MD, Chair
Christopher J. Moreland, MD, MPH,
Toshi Uchida, MD, Chair
Maria A. Wamsley, MD, Chair
Colin West, MD, PhD, Chair
David Aizenberg, MD
Sudeep Aulakh, MD
Rebecca S. Brienza, MD, MPH
Alia Chisty, MD
Kristy Deep, MD, MA
Aarati Didwania, MD
Laura A. Hanyok, MD
Heather E. Harrell, MD
Caridad Hernandez, MD
Reena Karani, MD, MHPE
Cathy J. Lazarus, MD
Margaret Lo, MD
Sarah B. Merriam, MD
Mary Pickett, MD
Roshini Pinto-Powell, MD
Jason Post, MD
Alaka Ray, MD
Justin Roesch, MD
Bernice Ruo, MD, MAS
Adam Sawatsky, MD
Laura K. Snydman, MD
Carla L. Spagnoletti, MD, MS
Asher A. Tulsky, MD
Lori W. Wagner, MD, MA
William G. Weppner, MD, MPH
Joyce E. Wipf, MD
Katherine Wrenn, MD
Laura Zakowski, MD
Medical Ethics, Professionalism,
and Humanities
Shakaib U. Rehman, MD, Chair
Jeffrey R. Allen, MD
Umna Ashfaq, MD
Michael S. Chesser, MD
Richard M. Frankel, PhD
Patrick Hemming, MD
Nacchal Nachiappan, MD
Kevin R. Riggs, MD, MPH
Mental Health/Substance Abuse
Joseph Frank, MD, MPH, Chair
Ellie Grossman, MD, MPH, Chair
Elenore Bhatraju, MD, MPH
Susan Calcaterra, MD
Evelyn Chang, MD
Phoebe Cushman, MD
Aaron Fox, MD, MS
Keri Holmes-Maybank, MD
Laura Hurley, MD, MPH
Elizabeth Pfoh, PhD, MPH
Cara Poland, MD
Edward Post, MD, PhD
Michael Roy, MD, MPH
Scott Sherman, MD, MPH
Scott Steiger, MD
Melissa Weimer, DO, MPH
Organization of Care and Chronic
Disease Management
Martha Gerrity, MD, MPH, PhD,
David Katz, MD, MSc, Chair
Karin M. Nelson, MD, MSHS, Chair
Mark Schwartz, MD, Chair
Steven J. Atlas, MD, MPH
Robert Burke, MD Jada Bussey-Jones, MD
Linda Canty, MD
Session details are online at
Sarah Cutrona, MD, MPH
David C. Dugdale, MD
David Edelman, MD, MHSc
Samuel Edwards, MD
Eric H. Green, MD
Anne Hust, MD, MPH
Sara Jackson, MD, MPH
Meghan Kiefer, MD, MPH
Ethan F. Kuperman, MD
Thomas Radomski, MD
Shana Ratner, MD
Adam Rose, MD, MSc
Brita Roy, MD, MPH
Stacie Schmidt, MD
Laura Sessums, JD, MD
Julie Silverman, MD
Renuka Tipirneni, MD
Barbara Turner, MD, MSEd, MA
Rachel Werner, MD, PhD
Mitchell Wong, MD, PhD
Donna Zulman, MD
Preventive Medicine
Martina Jelley, MD, MSPH, Chair
Jason L. Vassy, MD, MPH, SM, Chair
Jonathan P. Berz, MD
Allison L. Diamant, MD, MSHS
Anjali Gopalan, MD
Gina R. Kruse, MD, MS, MPH
Amy Loden, MD
Lisa C. Martinez, MD
Allan Prochazka, MD, MSc
Ronald Saizow, MD
Maryam Sattari, MD
Cecelia N. Theobald, MD
Quality of Care/Patient Safety
Sarah Baron, MD, Chair
Amy Linsky, MD, MSc, Chair
Teryl K. Nuckols, MD, MS, Chair
Calie Santana, MD, MHSc, Chair
Joel Boggan, MPH, MD
Harry Burke, MD Charles Coffey, Jr., MD, MS
Jennifer Cowart, MD
Vijay Duggirala, MD
Mark Friedberg, MD, MPP
Walid Gellad, MD, MPH
Ira Helenius, MD, MPH
Scott Joy, MD
Elizabeth Malcolm, MD, MSHS
Katherine McKinney, MD
Stephanie Mueller, MD, MPH
Eric Rosenberg, MD, MSPH
Animita Saha, MD
Catherine Sarkisian, MD, MSHS
Gordon Schiff, MD
Anne Tomolo, MD, MPH
Women’s Health
Alison Huang, MD, MAS, MPhil,
Jenny Lin, MD, MPH, Chair
Jillian Catalanotti, MD, MPH
Cynthia Chuang, MD, MSc
Shadia Constantine, MD, MPH
Kristina Cordasco, MD, MPH, MSHS
Amy Farkas, MD
Tabor E. Flickinger, MD, MPH
Meghana Gadgil, MD, MPH
Megan R. Gerber, MD, MPH
Laura Hallett, MD
Sharon J. Herring, MD, MPH
Rachel Hess, MD, MS
Kay Johnson, MD, MPH
Rebecca Mazurkiewicz, MD, MPH
Jacinda Nicklas, MD, MPH, MA
Jen Rusiecki, MD
Stefani Russo, MD
Quratulain Syed, MD
Jeffrey Tice, MD
SGIM 2017 Annual Meeting
April 19–22, 2017 • Washington, DC
Washington Hilton
Midwest Region
September 22–23, 2016
Cleveland, OH
ACP: March 30–April 1, San Diego, CA
AGS: May 17–20, San Antonio, Texas
SGIM 2018 Annual Meeting
April 11–14, 2018 • Denver, Colorado
Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel
ACP: April 19–21, New Orleans
AGS: May 2–5
SHM: April 8–11, Orlando, Florida
SGIM 2019 Annual Meeting
May 8–11, 2019 • Washington, DC
Washington Hilton
AGS: May 1–4
SHM: March 24–27, National Harbor, MD
SGIM 2020 Annual Meeting
SGIM 2021 Annual Meeting
April 21–24, 2021 • Boston, MA
Sheraton Boston Hotel
AGS: May 12–15, 2021
Mountain West Region
October 7, 2016
Phoenix, AZ
California-Hawaii Region
January 21, 2017
University of California, Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA
Northwest Region
February 3, 2017 (tentative)
Portland, OR
Southern Region
February 16–18, 2017
Pan American Life Center
New Orleans, LA
New England Region
March 10, 2017
Joseph B. Martin Conference Center at Harvard Medical School
Boston, MA
Mid-Atlantic Region
March 31, 2017
Christiana Care Health Center
Wilmington, DE
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
Presenting Author
Abare, Marce
Presentation Order/
Poster Number
Abstract Session D4
Abdelrahman, Abd
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Abdelrahman, Zaid
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Abernathy, Karen
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Abiodun, Annalise
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Abou Obeid, Fadi
Innovations Poster Session
Acharya, Prakrati
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Adams, Jennifer
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Adams, Jennifer
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Afezolli, Debora
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Aggarwal, Manik
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Agonafer, Etsemaye
Innovations Poster Session
Presentation Order/
Poster Number
Presenting Author
Arnold, Jonathan
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Arora, Anita
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Arshad, Mahreen
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Asad, Zain ul Abideen
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Asan, Onur
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Ashburner, Jeffrey
Abstract Session G4
Ashburner, Jeffrey
Abstract Session J1
Ashburner, Jeffrey
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Ashraf, Farhan
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Ashraf, Farhan
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Ashraf, Said
Innovations Poster Session
Askin, Elisabeth
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Atkins, Richard
Innovations Poster Session
Atlas, Steven
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Aubert, Carole
Abstract Session E4
Aubert, Carole
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Aubert, Carole
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Auerbach, Andrew
Innovations Poster Session
Auerbach, Brandon
Abstract Session G3
Augustine, Matthew
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Aung, Pye Phyo
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Aurora, Lindsey
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Aylward, Michael
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Aysola, Jaya
Abstract Session N4
Aysola, Jaya
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Ayyala, Manasa
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Azari, Soraya
ICP Oral Presentation Session G
Babbott, Stewart
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Baer, Heather
Abstract Session G3
Bagchi, Arindam
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Baggett, Travis
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Baggett, Travis
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Baik, Alan
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Agrawal, Pooja
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Agrawal, Pooja
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Ahluwalia, Sangeeta
Abstract Session N1
Ahmed, Azza
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Ahsan, Irfan
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Ai, Angela
Abstract Session D2
Aihara, Hidetoshi
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Akhtar, Syed
Innovations Poster Session
Akkineni, Sisir
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Akshintala, Divya
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Al-Darzi, Waleed
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Alderman, Judson
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Ali, Asad
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Ali, Ayesha
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Ali, Mahmoud
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Ali, Md
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Ali, Md
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Ali, Noor
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Alkureishi, Lollita
IME Oral Presentation Session D
Alkureishi, Lollita
Innovations Poster Session
Alsafadi, Muhammad
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Balogun, Seki
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Alsafadi, Muhammad
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Innovations Poster Session
Altschul, Erica
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Baosman, Khalid
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Alwardi, Tiba
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Barai, Nikita
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Amato, Mary
Abstract Session L1
Barakzai, Arham
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Amaza, Iliya
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Baral, Dipti
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Amell, Fredrik
Innovations Poster Session
Barker, Blake
Innovations Poster Session
Ancy, Kayley
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Barnett, Michael
Abstract Session G1
Anderson, Timothy
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Barnett, Michael
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Anderson, Timothy
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Baron, Sarah
Innovations Poster Session
Andrews, Jane
Innovations Poster Session
Barry, Ryan
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Andrews, Jane
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Bashir, M.
Abstract Session J1
Appa, Ayesha
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Bashir, Maaman
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Appa, Ayesha
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Bashir, Maaman
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Appley, Maya
Innovations Poster Session
Bastian, Lori
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Archer-Dyer, Heather
Innovations Poster Session
Battaglia, Tracy
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Arend, Jonathan
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Baughman, Amy
Innovations Poster Session
Arnold, Jonathan
Abstract Session D2
Baughman, Amy
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Session details are online at
Presentation Order/
Poster Number
Presenting Author
Baum, Aaron
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Beachey, Joel
Beam, Michelle
Presentation Order/
Poster Number
Presenting Author
Boutrid, Hinda
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Bowen, Emily
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Innovations Poster Session
Bowen, Michael
Abstract Session N4
Bebko, Serge
Innovations Poster Session
Bowen, Michael
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Becerril, Jordan
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Becker, William
Abstract Session N5
Begum, Tahmina
Begum, Tahmina
Bell, Douglas
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Bennett, Wendy
Abstract Session G3
Bepo, Lurit
IME Oral Presentation Session J
Berg, Kristin
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Berman, Jessica
Bhagat, Rajiv
Bhargava, Ankit
Vignette Session G
Bhatnagar, Deepa
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Bhatnagar, Deepa
IME Oral Presentation Session D
Bhatta, Meghana
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Bhatta, Meghana
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Bhattacharya, Sumona
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Bhatty, Osman
Bhatty, Osman
Bowman Peterson, Jill
Innovations Poster Session
Brackett, Charles
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Brennan, David
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Brewer, Takae
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Brockman, Bryan
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Brockway, Julia
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Brown, Arleen
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Brown, Arleen
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Bruno, Leah
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Bruti, Christopher
Innovations Poster Session
Bruti, Christopher
Innovations Poster Session
Bruton, Lucas
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Bui-Duy, Mai-Khanh
Innovations Poster Session
Buitron de la Vega, Pablo
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Bulcha, Nurilign
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Burke, Harry
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Burke, Harry
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Bustillo, Alejandra
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Bier, Benjamin
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Cacace, Frank
Innovations Poster Session
Bindman, Andrew
Abstract Session L4
Cagino, Leigh
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Binswanger, Ingrid
Abstract Session L3
Cal, Nicolas
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Bir, Jasmim
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Calcaterra, Susan
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Bird, Amber-Nicole
Innovations Poster Session
Calcaterra, Susan
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Blackstock, Oni
Abstract Session L1
Callon, Wynne
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Blackstock, Oni
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Cameron, Kenzie
Abstract Session N2
Blaser, Jeremie
Innovations Poster Session
Campbell, James
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Block, Lauren
Innovations Poster Session
Campos, Claudia
Innovations Poster Session
Block, Lauren
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Canada, Robin
Innovations Poster Session
Bloom, Laura
Innovations Poster Session
Canastar, Mehtap
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Bloome, Jessica
Innovations Poster Session
Candelario, Danielle
Innovations Poster Session
Blumenthal, Karen
Innovations Poster Session
Cannon, Nihan
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Blumenthal, Karen
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Cantino, Laura
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Boehmer, Kasey
Innovations Poster Session
Canty, Linda
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Boerner, Shannon
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Carew, Danica
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Boggan, Joel
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Bolen, Shari
Innovations Poster Session
Bolen, Shari
Bolen, Shari
Carnahan, Jennifer
Abstract Session J1
Casas, Rachel
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Innovations Poster Session
Cassel, David
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Innovations Poster Session
Castelino, Paige
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Boling, Peter
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Castillo, Ashley
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Boling, Peter
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Caverly, Tanner
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Bollimunta, Pratyusha
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Caverly, Tanner
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Bollimunta, Pratyusha
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Chaaya, Gerard
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Bonifacino, Eliana
Abstract Session G2
Bonnes, Sara
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Borgaonkar, Sanket
Borgaonkar, Sanket
Chahal, Khushdeep
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Chahal, Khushdeep
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Chahal, Khushdeep
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Chahal, Khushdeep
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Boroda, Konstantin
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Chakraborty, Joydeep
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Borrero, Sonya
Abstract Session N5
Chakraborty, Joydeep
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
Presentation Order/
Poster Number
Presenting Author
Chan, Brian
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Chander, Geetanjali
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Chandrasekhar, Mahesh
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Chandrashekar, Rakshita
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Chang, Andrew
Innovations Poster Session
Chang, Woody
Chang, Woody
Charat, Stacy
Chau, Vincent
Chaudhry, Saima
Innovations Poster Session
Chauhan, Ayushi
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Chawla, Raveen
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Cheema, Ali
Vignette Session G
Chelminski, Paul
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Chen, Patrick
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Chen, Sara
Cheng, Andy
Chhatrala, Hardik
Chhatrala, Hardik
Chiao, Stephanie
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Chin, Thomas
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Cho, Alex
Abstract Session J4
Cho, Alexander
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Choi, Youngjee
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Choksi, Tatvam
Presentation Order/
Poster Number
Presenting Author
Cormier, Ian
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Covin, Yvonne
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Covin, Yvonne
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Cruz Rodriguez, Jose
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Cunningham, Jenny
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Curtis, Laura
Abstract Session E1
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Cushman, Phoebe
Abstract Session L3
Innovations Poster Session
Cykert, Samuel
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Czernik, Zuzanna
Innovations Poster Session
Dabbagh, Mohammed
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Dahl, Ashley
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Danan, Elisheva
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Datta, Samit
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Dattalo, Melissa
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Davar, Kusha
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Davies, Michael
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Davis, Rebecca
Innovations Poster Session
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
De Cicco, Ignacio
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
DeFries, Triveni
Innovations Poster Session
DeJesus, Ramona
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Delio, Joseph
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Delio, Joseph
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
DeMartini, Jeremy
Abstract Session N1
Dembitzer, Anne
Innovations Poster Session
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Derickson, Ryan
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Choksi, Tatvam
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Deseda, Jaime
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Christensen, Adam
ICP Oral Presentation Session E
Deseda, Jaime
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Christmas, Colleen
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Deshpande, Abhishek
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Christopher, Andrea
Abstract Session G1
Christopher, Andrea
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Devanabanda, Arvind
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Chuang, Cynthia
Abstract Session G2
DeWaters, Ami
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Chung, Henry
Abstract Session J3
Di Capua, Paul
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Chung, Sarah
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Diamond, Lisa
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Clarity, Cassidy
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Diaz Del Carpio, Roberto
Innovations Poster Session
Clark, Charlotte
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
DiMarco, Daniela
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Clark, Cheryl
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
DiNardo, Deborah
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Clark, Rachel
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Clarke, Karen
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Dinh, Brian
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Coffey, Charles
Innovations Poster Session
Dinsmoor, Jason
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Coffman, Kelley
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
DiSilvio, Briana
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Cohen, Jenny
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Dobro, Sarah
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Coletti, Daniel
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Doehring, John
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Coletti, Daniel
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Donnelly, Elizabeth
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Collins, Tracie
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Donze, Jacques
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Collins, Tracie
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Donze, Jacques
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Collins, Tracie
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Donze, Jacques
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Combs, Meghan
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Doolittle, Benjamin
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Conroy, Molly
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Drabkin, Anne
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Contratto, Erin
Innovations Poster Session
Dreyer, Marie
Abstract Session G1
Corbelli, Jennifer
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Druce, Howard
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Corcorran, Maria
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Duan-Porter, Wei
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Cordasco, Kristina
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Duca, Nicholas
Vignette Session J
Session details are online at
Presentation Order/
Poster Number
Presenting Author
Ducharme, Ashly
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Dukandar, Jasmine
Durkal, Vipal
Presentation Order/
Poster Number
Presenting Author
Flemig, David
Innovations Poster Session
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Fleming, John
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Fleming, Julia
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Dzeng, Elizabeth
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Fleshner, Michelle
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Eades, Micah
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Flier, Lydia
Innovations Poster Session
Eckman, Mark
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Fogerty, Robert
Innovations Poster Session
Edelman, E.
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Fojo, Anthony
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Edelman, Laurie
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Foldes, Cara
Innovations Poster Session
Edmunds, Jillian
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Fontana, Lauren
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Edwards, Daniel
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Forson, Michelle
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Edwards, Samuel
Plenary Session 2
Foucher, Julie
Abstract Session J3
Edwards, Samuel
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Fox, Aaron
Abstract Session L3
Egerman, Robert
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Frank, Joseph
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Egloff, Heidi
Abstract Session G1
Ehrmann, Brett
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Eick, John
Eiss, Brian
Eklund, Kyrstin
Elliott, John
Elliott, John
Frank, Maria
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Frankel, Brittney
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Innovations Poster Session
Freilich, Robert
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Innovations Poster Session
Friesema, Elisha
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Fukumori, Norio
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Fuller, William
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Innovations Poster Session
Fuller, William
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Elliott, Trenton
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Gadapa, Sai Prasad
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Elrashidi, Muhamad
Innovations Poster Session
Gallagher, Emily
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Elrashidi, Muhamad
Innovations Poster Session
Ganesan, Vishnu
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Ganguli, Ishani
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Gao, Michael
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Elsallabi, Osama
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Emhmed Ali, Saad
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Englander, Honora
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Gao, Xuan
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Englander, Honora
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Gao, Xuan
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Erdmann, Mackenzie
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Garcia, Maria
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Escobar, Christian
Innovations Poster Session
Gardner, Rebekah
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Esho, Mary
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Garg, Megha
ICP Oral Presentation Session G
Esquivel, Ernie
Abstract Session N2
Gary, Brittany
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Esquivel, Ernie
Vignette Session J
Gazda, Chellse
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Essien, Utibe
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Gelman, Amanda
Abstract Session D4
Essien, Utibe
Innovations Poster Session
Genere, Natalia
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Estrada, Carlos
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Genere, Natalia
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Evans, Claire
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Gentile, Jeremy
Abstract Session J3
Evans, Mark
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
George, Jason
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Faiz, Arfa
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Gershgorin, Irina
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Faller, Nicolas
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Gessert, David
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Fang, Michele
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Giannitrapani, Karleen
Abstract Session L1
Farkas, Amy
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Giannitrapani, Karleen
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Fay, Kevin
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Giannitrapani, Karleen
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Federman, Alex
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Giftos, Jonathan
Innovations Poster Session
Feliciano, Migdalia
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Gill, Patrick
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Fernandes, Amanda
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Gillette, Michael
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Fernandes, Amanda
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Gilmore, Brendan
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Feroz, Jehan
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Gkrouzman, Elena
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Ferrara, Brian
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Gladman, Christine
Innovations Poster Session
Feurdean, Mirela
Innovations Poster Session
Glaser, Allison
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Fiazuddin, Faraz
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Gleason, Nathaniel
Abstract Session G2
Fine, Danielle
Opening Plenary Session
Goede, Dianne
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Finn, Erin
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Goel, Mita
Abstract Session N4
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
Presentation Order/
Poster Number
Presenting Author
Goldman, Anna
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Goldman, Lauren
Goldstein, Karen
Goldstein, Karen
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Gomes, Theotonius
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Gonzales, Lillian
Vignette Session D
Gonzalez, Cristina
Innovations Poster Session
Gonzalez, Cristina
Abstract Session E3
Gonzalez, Cristina
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Gonzalez-Colaso, Rosana
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Gonzalo, Jed
IME Oral Presentation Session D
Gonzalo, Jed
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Goold, Susan
Abstract Session N3
Goold, Susan
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Gopalan, Anjali
Abstract Session D1
Gopalarathinam, Rajesh
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Gopalarathinam, Rajesh
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Gopalarathinam, Rajesh
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Grabscheid, Erica
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Grace, Jon
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Graddy, Ryan
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Grande, David
Abstract Session N3
Grande, David
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Presentation Order/
Poster Number
Presenting Author
Haider, Syed
Innovations Poster Session
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Haider, Tehseen
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Haidet, Paul
Innovations Poster Session
Haines, Lindsay
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Halbert, Brian
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Hall, Allison
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Hallett, Laura
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Halvorson, Stephanie
Innovations Poster Session
Hamm de Miguel, Maria
Innovations Poster Session
Hammer, Rachel
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Han, Wei
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Hanchate, Amresh
Abstract Session N3
Hanks, Christopher
Innovations Poster Session
Hanley, Kathleen
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Hanley, Kathleen
Abstract Session L3
Hanna, Reem
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Harms, Michael
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Harrod, Molly
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Hart, Daniel
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Hart, Laura
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Hase, Johanna
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Havyer, Rachel
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Hayward, Rodney
Abstract Session N5
Heacock, Allison
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Heacock, Allison
Innovations Poster Session
Hedlund, Laurie
Innovations Poster Session
Heincelman, Marc
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Heincelman, Marc
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Heincelman, Marc
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Hemming, Patrick
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Hemrajani, Reena
Innovations Poster Session
Hendren, Nicholas
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Herlihy, John
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Herman, Andrew
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Herrigel, Dana
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Heyworth, Leonie
Innovations Poster Session
Higgs, James
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Higgs, James
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Hines, Anika
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Hirahara, Lisa
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Hiremath, Pranoti
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Hirsch, Heather
Innovations Poster Session
Hochman, Katherine
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Hoffman, Erika
Innovations Poster Session
Holliday, Alison
Abstract Session G1
Holmes-Maybank, Keri
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Grattan, Ryan
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Greig, Elizabeth
ICP Oral Presentation Session G
Griffin, Judith
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Grossman, Ellie
Abstract Session J4
Gu, Sue
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Gu, Sue
Innovations Poster Session
Guerrasio, Jeannette
Innovations Poster Session
Guinness, Ryan
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Gulla, Joy
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Gunn, Christine
Abstract Session E1
Gunn, Christine
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Gupta, Aakriti
Innovations Poster Session
Gupta, Medhavi
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Gupta, Reshma
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Gupta, Reshma
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Guttmann, Allison
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Haberman, Rebecca
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Habibi, Roshanak
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Haddad, Ashley
Innovations Poster Session
Haddad, Ashley
Holtrop, Melanie
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Hom, Jeffrey
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Hong, Arthur
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Haddad, Victoria
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Horibe, Kanako
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Hadid, Hind
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Horibe, Kanako
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Haff, Nancy
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Horlick, Margaret
IME Oral Presentation Session D
Session details are online at
Presentation Order/
Poster Number
Presenting Author
Horowitz, Carol
Abstract Session G4
Horton, Claire
Innovations Poster Session
Hosamani, Poonam
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Howell, Daniel
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Howley, Liam
Innovations Poster Session
Hsiao, Ya Luan
Htay, Thwe
Hu, Kevin
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Huang, Grace
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Huang, Kristin
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Huber, Jill
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Huber, Jill
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Huck, Daniel
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Hudak, Stephen
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Huffman, Brandon
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Hughes, Mark
Abstract Session E2
Humair, Jean-Paul
Innovations Poster Session
Hung, Li-Chi
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Huq, Sabrina
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Huq, Sabrina
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Hurley, Laura
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Hurley, Laura
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Hussain, Zehra
Innovations Poster Session
Hutchinson, Nora
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Hutchinson, Rebecca
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Huynh, Eric
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Hwang, Andrew
Hwang, Jessica
Presentation Order/
Poster Number
Presenting Author
Jamal, Issra
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Jantea, Rachel
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Jaton, Laure
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Javed, Safeera
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Javed, Safeera
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Jawa, Raagini
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Jawish, Mohammad
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Jay, Melanie
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Jay, Melanie
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Jay, Melanie
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Jayadevappa Meera,
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Jayadevappa Meera,
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Jazayeri, Mohammad-Ali
Vignette Session D
Jegerlehner, Sabrina
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Jehangir, Asad
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Jehangir, Asad
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Jelley, Martina
Innovations Poster Session
Jennings, Lee
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Jensen, Kristin
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Jester, Grant
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Jhaveri, Vimal
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Jia, Xiaoming
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Jia, Xiaoming
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Jilani, Omar
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Jin, Sierra
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Jobbins, Kathryn
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Hysell, Kristen
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
John, Elizabeth
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Ihler, Elisabeth
Innovations Poster Session
Iliaki, Eirini
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
John, Elizabeth
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Ilioaia, Madalina
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
John, Elizabeth
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Imbert, Elizabeth
Innovations Poster Session
John, Mira
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Imoisili, Omoye
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Johnson, Amanda
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Imtiaz, Rasheen
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Johnson, Claudine
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Imtiaz, Rasheen
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Johnson, Victoria
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Imtiaz, Rasheen
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Jolly, Stacey
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Imtiaz, Sonaina
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Jones, Catherine
Innovations Poster Session
Isaacson, J.
Innovations Poster Session
Jones, Meissa
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Issak, Abdulfatah
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Jones, Meissa
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Issak, Abdulfatah
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Jorgenson, Joel
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Isseh, Iyad
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Joseph, Namita
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Itsara, Melissa
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Joseph, Nicole
Innovations Poster Session
Izquierdo, Adriana
Abstract Session E1
Joshi, Priya
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Jackson, Bianca
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Joudrey, Paul
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Jackson, Jeffrey
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Jackson, Joshua
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Jackson, Lesley
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Jackson, Sara
Innovations Poster Session
Jacobs, Elizabeth
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Jacobs, Zachary
Abstract Session L4
Jagosky, Megan
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
Joy, Scott
Innovations Poster Session
Joy, Scott
Innovations Poster Session
Jun, Hyejo
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Jun, Hyejo
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Kahn, Marc
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Kakkar, Ekta
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Kakol, Monika
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Presentation Order/
Poster Number
Presenting Author
Kalmar, Evie
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Kane, William
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Kang, Angela
Vignette Session D
Kang, HeeEun
Vignette Session G
Kangovi, Shreya
Abstract Session J3
Kansagara, Devan
Abstract Session L1
Kapoor, Sandeep
Innovations Poster Session
Karliner, Leah
Abstract Session N2
Karmo, Stephanie
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Karwa, Abhishek
Innovations Poster Session
Kassam, Zain
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Kassam, Zain
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Kato, Hirotaka
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Kato, Hirotaka
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Kato, Hirotaka
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Kattamanchi, Siddhartha
IME Oral Presentation Session J
Katz, Alex
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Katz, Alex
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Katz, David
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Kaur, Manpreet
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Kaur, Suneet
Innovations Poster Session
Kay, Cynthia
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Kay, Cynthia
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Kazerouninia, Amir
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Keating, Nancy
Abstract Session G4
Kelly, Andrew
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Kelly, Andrew
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Kelly, Colleen
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Kenary, Cathleen
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Kennedy, Amy
Innovations Poster Session
Kern, Lisa
Plenary Session 2
Kertesz, Stefan
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Ketchersid, Jeffrey
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Khalid, Kainat
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Khalid, Laila
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Khalid, Sameen
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Khaliq, Waseem
Abstract Session N4
Khan, Hina
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Khanal, Raju
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Khanal, Raju
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Khanapara, Dipen
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Khanna, Rashi
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Khawaja, Muznay
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Khoudari, George
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Kidder, Elizabeth
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Kil, Daniel
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Kim, Eun Ji
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Kim, Theresa
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Kirkland, Elizabeth
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Kleiber, Angela
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Kleiman, Rose
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Kline, David
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Presentation Order/
Poster Number
Presenting Author
Kline, Kristopher
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Kline, Kristopher
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Klinger, Elissa
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Kobayashi, Takaaki
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Koch, Jennifer
Innovations Poster Session
Koch, Jennifer
Innovations Poster Session
Koch, Kristopher
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Kohli, Amar
Innovations Poster Session
Kojima, Shunsuke
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Kola, Sushma
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Kolehmainen, Christine
Innovations Poster Session
Kon, Rachel
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Koncilja, Kenneth
Innovations Poster Session
Konda, Monoj
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Konda, Monoj
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Konda, Monoj
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Konda, Monoj
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Kota, Karthik
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Kovelamudi, Asha
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Kraemer, S. Alison
Abstract Session J3
Kraslow, Michelle
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Krayem, Rania
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Kressin, Nancy
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Kreymer, Yelena
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Krill, Timothy
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Krishnan, Mridula
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Krishnan, Prathik
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Kryzhanovskaya, Irina
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Ku, Tse-Shuen
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Ku, Tse-Shuen
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Kuehn, Carly
Innovations Poster Session
Kulasekaran, Vishnu
Innovations Poster Session
Kullgren, Jeff
Abstract Session D2
Kullgren, Jeff
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Kullgren, Jeffrey
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Kumabe, Ayako
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Kumar, Ajay
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Kumar, Kartik
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Kumar, Rishi
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Kumar, Srikar
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Kumar, Varun
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Kunami, Naoko
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Kuseh Kalani Yazd,
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Kyanko, Kelly
Innovations Poster Session
Kyung, Sungwon
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
La, Betty
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Lagisetty, Pooja
Abstract Session D2
Lagisetty, Pooja
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Laiteerapong, Neda
Abstract Session G4
Lal, Amos
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Lam, Christine
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Session details are online at
Presentation Order/
Poster Number
Presenting Author
Lam, Jason
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Lamsal Ghimire, Alka
Lane, Kathleen
Presentation Order/
Poster Number
Presenting Author
Liu, Minghao
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Liu, Tao
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Innovations Poster Session
Loeb, Danielle
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Lang, James
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Loeb, Danielle
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Larned, Kristi
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Loewenstein, Devin
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Larochelle, Marc
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Lom, Jennifer
Innovations Poster Session
Lasser, Karen
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Long, Jeremy
Innovations Poster Session
LaVine, Nancy
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Long, Kashiti
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Long, Theodore
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Le, Phuc
Abstract Session E4
Le, Phuc
Abstract Session G4
Long, Theodore
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Lebduska, Elena
Innovations Poster Session
Longacre, Mckenna
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
LeComte, Jennifer
Innovations Poster Session
Lou, Becky
Vignette Session N
Lee, Jerry
Opening Plenary Session
Louie, Justin
Vignette Session E
Lee, Jonathan
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Louis, Allison
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Lee, Jonathan
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Louis, Allison
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Lee, Jonathan
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Love, William
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Lee, Joy
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Lowenkron, Jeffrey
Innovations Poster Session
Lee, Wei Wei
Innovations Poster Session
Lowenstein, Margaret
Abstract Session J3
Lee, Yungah
Innovations Poster Session
Lu, Paul
Vignette Session G
Leis, Paul
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Lukela, Jennifer
Innovations Poster Session
Leiter, Richard
Innovations Poster Session
Luo, Jing
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
LeMaster, Austin
Vignette Session G
Luoma, Kelsey
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Lescaille, Yaniuska
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Lupak, Oleksandra
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Lessing, Juan
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Luu, Sue-Wei
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Leung, Peggy
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Lynch, Margaret
Levine, Adam
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Lynn, Meredith
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Levine, David
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Lyons, Maureen
Innovations Poster Session
Levine, David
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Lyons, Maureen
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Levine, David
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Lypson, Monica
Innovations Poster Session
Levine, Deborah
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Levy, Natalie
Innovations Poster Session
Lewis, Deirdre
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Leykum, Luci
Innovations Poster Session
Li, William
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Lieber, Sarah
Liles, Edmund
Liles, Edmund
Ma, Helen
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Machin, Nicoletta
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Maciuba, Joseph
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Maddox, Megan
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Madhani, Kamraan
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Innovations Poster Session
Maduka, Sobie
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Innovations Poster Session
Mafi, John
Abstract Session D1
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Mafi, John
Abstract Session D2
Liles, Edmund
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Mafi, John
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Lim, Douglas
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Mahabir, Chetaj
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Mahasneh, Omar
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Lim, Douglas
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Lin, Jenny
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Mahdawi, Reem
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Lin, Jenny
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Maiaroto, Maria
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Lin, Mark
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Maiti, Abhishek
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Lindquist, Lee
Plenary Session 2
Maiti, Abhishek
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Lindquist, Lee
Abstract Session E2
Majumder, Mosumi
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Linsky, Amy
Abstract Session L1
Makam, Anil
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Linsky, Amy
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Maki, Gina
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Linsky, Amy
Abstract Session N5
Maki, Gina
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Lippin-Foster, Rachel
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Lipschitz, Riley
IME Oral Presentation Session J
Liu, Fang
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Liu, Jonathan
Abstract Session N1
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
Mallik, Sarah
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Mandal, Jennifer
Vignette Session D
Mangione, Carol
Abstract Session N4
Manne, Mahesh
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Presentation Order/
Poster Number
Presenting Author
Manne-Goehler, Jennifer
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Manocha, Kevin
Marcotte, Leah
Markwell, Poppy
Marques, Felisha
Presentation Order/
Poster Number
Presenting Author
Miller, Rachel
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Millien, Valentine
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Innovations Poster Session
Min, Jeff
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Minami, Ryosuke
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Mishra, Vimal
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Marrast, Lyndonna
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Marshall, John
Innovations Poster Session
Martinez, Johanna
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Martinez, Johanna
Abstract Session G2
Martinez, Kathryn
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Martinez, William
Abstract Session N2
Masood, Umair
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Mastroianni, Fiore
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Mathew, Sheena
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Matta, Simran Kaur
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Matta, Simran Kaur
Innovations Poster Session
Mattson, Christopher
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Maw, Anna
Mishuris, Rebecca
Innovations Poster Session
Misra-Hebert, Anita
Abstract Session J4
Misra-Hebert, Anita
Abstract Session N3
Mitchell, Nia
Abstract Session G3
Mixon, Amanda
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Mixon, Amanda
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Miyagami, Taiju
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Miyazaki, Takehiro
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Moise, Nathalie
Abstract Session E1
Moise, Nathalie
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Montuno, Anthony
Abstract Session E4
Mony, Shruti
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Innovations Poster Session
Mony, Shruti
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Maya, Susan
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Mony, Shruti
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Mayer, Mark
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Moore, Carlton
Abstract Session D2
Mayer, Mark
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Moore, Nathan
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Mazique, Derek
Innovations Poster Session
Moreland, Christopher
Innovations Poster Session
Morgan, Anna
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Morita, Fujiko
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Morley, Jeanne
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Mortensen, Eric
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Mosch, Brennan
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Mosher, Christina
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Mosher, Hilary
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Mosher, Hilary
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Motohashi, Iori
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Motwani, Ayush
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Motwani, Ayush
Vignette Session G
Mudrakola, Harsha
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Mudrakola, Harsha
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Mueller, Carolin
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Mueller, Stephanie
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Mueller, Stephanie
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Mujahid, Rehan
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Mullen, Rebecca
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Mulliken, Jennifer
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Mulliken, Jennifer
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Mundkur, Mallika
Abstract Session E2
Murphy, Edward
Innovations Poster Session
Murray Horwitz, Mara
Abstract Session L4
Mushtaq, Uzair
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Mustapha, Mumtaz
Innovations Poster Session
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
McCreery, Randy
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
McEvoy, Dustin
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
McGeehan, Megan
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
McGuire, Maura
Innovations Poster Session
McKillip, Kathleen
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
McKillip, Kathleen
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Meddings, Jennifer
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Meddings, Jennifer
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Mehta, Neil
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Mehta, Radha
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Mehta, Roma
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Melnick, Stephen
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Melnick, Stephen
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Menashy, Victoria
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Meng, Xiaomei
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Meng, Xiaomei
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Mercado, Nicholas
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Merriam, Sarah
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Mesiha, Nabil
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Mesiha, Nabil
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Messerli, Alexandra
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Metter, Robert
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Michaels, Alexander
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Milan, Felise
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Miller, David
Abstract Session L2
Miller, Emily
Myers, Sara
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Nadelson, Adam
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Nair, Jayamohan
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Miller, Lesley
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Naito, Yuka
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Miller, Rachel
Innovations Poster Session
Nakayama, Akari
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Session details are online at
Presentation Order/
Poster Number
Presenting Author
Nakhle, Asaad
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Nakhle, Asaad
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Nambudiri, Navya
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Nambudiri, Vinod
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Nandiwada, Deepa
Nandiwada, Deepa
Nandiwada, Deepa
Nandiwada, Deepa
Presentation Order/
Poster Number
Presenting Author
Oladele, Carol
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Olazagasti, Coral
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Oliver, Danielle
Abstract Session E3
Olomu, Ade
Abstract Session D4
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Olomu, Ade
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
IME Oral Presentation Session D
Oluoha, Oluchukwu
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Oluoha, Oluchukwu
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Omar, Jasmine
Innovations Poster Session
Narayan, Lalit
Innovations Poster Session
Ong, Michael
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Narayana, Sirisha
Innovations Poster Session
O'Rourke, Paul
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Nardell, Maria
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
O'Rourke, Paul
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Narukonda, Sandhya
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Pahuja, Mohit
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Naser, Nejat
Innovations Poster Session
Pahuja, Mohit
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Nassereddine, Samah
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Panda, Mukta
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Navathe, Amol
Innovations Poster Session
Panda, Mukta
Innovations Poster Session
Navathe, Amol
Innovations Poster Session
Panda, Mukta
Abstract Session E3
Navathe, Amol
Abstract Session D1
Panda, Mukta
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Navathe, Amol
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Pandey, Samiksha
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Nawaz, Waqas
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Panginikkod, Sreelakshmi
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Nawaz, Waqas
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Panginikkod, Sreelakshmi
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Naylor, Sara-Megumi
Vignette Session N
Panginikkod, Sreelakshmi
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Nelson, Karin
Abstract Session J3
Panginikkod, Sreelakshmi
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Nelson, Karin
Abstract Session J4
Panwala, Amruta
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Nelson, Karin
Abstract Session N5
Pappas, Matt
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Ng, Nicole
Vignette Session D
Paranjape, Anuradha
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Pararath Gopalakrishnan,
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Parbhu, Karma-Jaya
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Parekh, Natasha
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Parekh, Natasha
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Parekh, Natasha
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Park, Minnsun
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Park, Minnsun
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Patel, Arpan
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Patel, Janaki
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Patel, Krishna
Abstract Session J4
Patel, Mitesh
Abstract Session D1
Patel, Mitesh
Abstract Session J2
Patel, Mitesh
Abstract Session L1
Patel, Pranav
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Patel, Preeti
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Ng, Patricia
Innovations Poster Session
Ngansop, Thierry
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Nguyen, HoanVu
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Nguyen, Jenny
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Nguyen, Oanh
Abstract Session E4
Nguyen, Peter
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Nichols, William
Vignette Session J
Nicklas, Jacinda
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Niess, Meredith
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Njeru, Jane
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Nocerino, Angelica
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Nordhues, Hannah
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Nothelle, Stephanie
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Nusbaum, Julie
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Nwagbara, Chioma
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Oakland, Hannah
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
O'Brien, Colin
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Patel, Ravina
O'Brien, Matthew
Abstract Session D2
O'Brien, Meghan
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
O'Brien, Tara
O'Conor, Katie
Patel, Shalini
Innovations Poster Session
Patel, Vishal
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Patell, Rushad
Abstract Session E3
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Pathak, Neha
Innovations Poster Session
Ogbonna, Onyekachi
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Pathak, Ranjan
Abstract Session E2
Ogur, Barbara
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Pathak, Ranjan
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Ogur, Barbara
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Pathria, Mohini
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Ohashi, Yusuke
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Patri, Sandeep
Vignette Session L
Okoronkwo, Serena
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Paul, Yonette
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Oladele, Carol
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Pavlishyn, Nadiya
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
Presentation Order/
Poster Number
Presenting Author
Peacock, Cynthia
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Pearson, Chelsea
Pels, Richard
Pena, Savannah
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Pennington, Kelly
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Percac-Lima, Sanja
Abstract Session L2
Percac-Lima, Sanja
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Perry, Alexus
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Presentation Order/
Poster Number
Presenting Author
Ragunathan, Karthik
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Innovations Poster Session
Ragunathan, Karthik
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Innovations Poster Session
Rahman, Zahra
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Ramadas, Poornima
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Ramdass, Sheryl
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Ramreddy, Nitya
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Ranasinghe, Padmini
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Rao, Gaurav
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Perucki, William
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Rao, Shobha
Perucki, William
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Perzynski, Adam
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Pessu, Orighomisan
Pfoh, Elizabeth
Rapoport, Alison
Innovations Poster Session
Rasla, Somwail
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Rasla, Somwail
Innovations Poster Session
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Ratajczak, Teresa
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Phan, Jennifer
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Ratajczak, Teresa
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Phillips, Russell
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Ratajczak, Teresa
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Phookan, Sujoy
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Ratajczak, Teresa
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Pickett, Stephen
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Ratanawongsa, Neda
Abstract Session L2
Pilla, Scott
Vignette Session D
Ratanawongsa, Neda
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Pilla, Sree
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Ratelle, John
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Pincavage, Amber
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Rathnam, Anirudha
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Pitts, Samantha
Innovations Poster Session
Ratner, Shana
ICP Oral Presentation Session E
Pitts, Samantha
Abstract Session G2
Ratner, Shana
Innovations Poster Session
Placido-Disla, Jenny
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Ratner, Shana
Innovations Poster Session
Plaksin, Joseph
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Ray, Maile
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Plaksin, Joseph
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Rayes, Hamza
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Plante, Timothy
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Razouki, Zayd
Abstract Session J3
Plante, Timothy
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Razouki, Zayd
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Plews-Ogan, Margaret
Innovations Poster Session
Razouki, Zayd
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Plews-Ogan, Margaret
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Reddy, Ashok
Abstract Session D1
Polevoy, Rimma
Vignette Session L
Redmond, Nicole
Innovations Poster Session
Poon, Adrienne
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Reed, Jarred
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Poorman, Elisabeth
Abstract Session J1
Reilly, Kristen
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Poplin, Victoria
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Reimer, Danielle
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Poquette, Amelia
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Rendle, Katharine
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Powell, Rhea
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Rennke, Stephanie
Innovations Poster Session
Powell, Rhea
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Restrepo, Daniel
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Pravodelov, Vassiliki
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Reynolds, Dan
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Pravodelov, Vassiliki
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Reynolds, Preston
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Presley, Caroline
Abstract Session J3
Rezik, Mohamed
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Rhodes, Corinne
Abstract Session J3
Press, Anne
Abstract Session G4
Price-Haywood, Eboni
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Ricci, Brian
Innovations Poster Session
Prochaska, Micah
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Richard, Chadwick
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Pruthi, Sonal
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Richards, Adam
Abstract Session N3
Puneky, Daniel
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Richards, Lukas
Abstract Session E3
Qamar, Samina
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Richardson, Christopher
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Qazi, Sameer
ICP Oral Presentation Session G
Qu, Jie
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Richardson, Safiya
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Richman, Ilana
Abstract Session G1
Richman, Ilana
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Quarles, Ryan
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Quinn, Mariah
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Ricketts, John
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Qureshi, Mohammed
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Rifkin, Robert
Innovations Poster Session
Radhakrishnan, Archana
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Riggs, Kevin
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Radomski, Thomas
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Rigotti, Nancy
Abstract Session J4
Session details are online at
Presentation Order/
Poster Number
Presenting Author
Ristow, Alexandra
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Rizzo, Tara
Robbins, Jonathan
Robinson, Colin
Presentation Order/
Poster Number
Presenting Author
Samuel, George
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Sandler, Rachel
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Sandler, Rachel
Innovations Poster Session
Innovations Poster Session
Sanghvi, Saagar
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Rocco, Joseph
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Sangli, Swathi
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Roche, Meaghan
Vignette Session J
Sankaran, Sujatha
Abstract Session L4
Rodgers, Jeb
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Sargsyan, Marianna
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Rodriguez, Glennis
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Sarin, Aparna
ICP Oral Presentation Session G
Rodriguez, Glennis
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Sarkar, Urmimala
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Rodriguez, Jennifer
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Sarkar, Urmimala
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Rodriguez, Natalia
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Sathe, Neha
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Rogers, Elizabeth
Abstract Session D4
Rogers, Elizabeth
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Rogers, Erin
Rohlfsen, Cory
Saunders, Milda
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Saunders, Milda
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Sawatsky, Adam
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Scaperotti, Moira
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Rohlfsen, Cory
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Scatola, Andrew
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Rollman, Bruce
Opening Plenary Session
Scatola, Andrew
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Root, Heather
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Rosenblum, Michael
Innovations Poster Session
Rotenberg, James
Rowe, Theresa
Rowe, Theresa
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Roy, Payel
Innovations Poster Session
Rubenstein, Lisa
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Rucker, Lisa
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Ruder, Kara
Rumora, Emily
Rupprecht, Carol
Vignette Session E
Rusiecki, Jen
IME Oral Presentation Session J
Russo, Jennifer
Innovations Poster Session
Russo, John
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Russo, Stefani
Innovations Poster Session
Ruzycki, Shannon
Ryan, Jamie
Schamess, Andrew
Opening Plenary Session
Schapira, Marilyn
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Schapira, Marilyn
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Innovations Poster Session
Schapira, Marilyn
Abstract Session G2
Scheuter, Claudia
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Schiff, Gordon
Abstract Session N4
Schiff, Gordon
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Schmidt, Jennifer
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Schmidt, Jennifer
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Innovations Poster Session
Schmidt, Jennifer
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Schmitz, Karen
Vignette Session E
Schnipper, Jeffrey
Abstract Session J3
Schoenfeld, Adam
Abstract Session L4
Schreiner, Andrew
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Schreiner, Andrew
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Innovations Poster Session
Schreiner, Andrew
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Schreiner, Andrew
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Ryan, Jamie
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Schueler, Samuel
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Sabbagh, Hussam
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Schwartz, Amy
IME Oral Presentation Session J
Sabol, Angeline
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Schwarz, E. Bimla
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Saeed, Muhammad
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Saegusa, Kazusa
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Saha, Somnath
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Segal, Jodi
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Sahar, Najmus
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Seger, Diane
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Sahar, Najmus
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Segna, Daniel
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Saijo, Masaji
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Sehgal, Kartik
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Saito, Ashley
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Seibert, Ryan
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Saito, Yoshinori
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Seiler, Eva
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Sakai, Masahiro
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Sekiguchi, Hiromi
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Sakama, Reiko
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Selby, Allison
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Salud, Jonathan
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Selitsky, Lea
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Samanani, Shazia
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Semere, Wagahta
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Samhouri, Yazan
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Sendak, Mark
Innovations Poster Session
Samhouri, Yazan
Vignette Session E
Senner, Jillian
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Sampat, Devi
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Senter, Carlin
Innovations Poster Session
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
Presentation Order/
Poster Number
Presenting Author
Seo, Dongkyung
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Sequeira, Shwetha
Innovations Poster Session
Serksnys, David
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Seth, Aradhna
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Sethness, Janis
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Sewanan, Lorenzo
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Shaffie, Rehaan
Presentation Order/
Poster Number
Presenting Author
Sipahi, Levent
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Skehan, Nancy
Innovations Poster Session
Slight, Sarah
Abstract Session D2
Slight, Sarah
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Smith, C. Scott
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Smith, Grant
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Smith, Grant
Abstract Session N1
Shah, Kushal
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Smith, Jeremy
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Shah, Nikhil
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Smith, Michael
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Shah, Sachin
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Smith, Nichole
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Shaikh, Shakil
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Smith, Sarah
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Shak, Emma
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Smithson, Sarah
Innovations Poster Session
Shan, Gloria
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Snoeyenbos, Gretchen
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Shanahan, Christopher
Abstract Session L3
Snyder, Ashley
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Sharma, Ankita
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Sharma, Rashmi
Abstract Session N1
Sharmeen, Saika
Snyder, Claire
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Snyder, Erin
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Sobel, Halle
Innovations Poster Session
Shaw, Crystal
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Somer, Bryce
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Shealy, Kristen
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Sommerfeld, Alex
Vignette Session J
Sheer, Amy
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Sommers, Benjamin
Abstract Session D4
Sheer, Richard
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Sommers, Benjamin
Abstract Session L4
Sheffrin, Meera
Abstract Session E3
Shehu, Lindita
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Sheikh, Muna
Sheikh, Shoaib A.
Song, Nina
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Song, Zirui
Plenary Session 2
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Song, Zirui
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Sowa, Alexandra
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Shekar, Chandana
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Spada, Neal
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Shekar, Chandana
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Spain, Thomas
Innovations Poster Session
Shepherd, Kaylee
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Spataro, Brielle
Abstract Session J1
Shepherd, Kaylee
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Sri Kumaran, Shalini
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Sherrill, Meredith
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Srinivas, Megan
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Shiba, Tomoya
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Sriram, Nandita
Vignette Session N
Shieh, Yiwey
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Shiffler, Thomas
Innovations Poster Session
Shiroky, Jennifer
St. Omer Roy, Nicole
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Stanley, Marion
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Stapleton, Alicia
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Shirouchi, Yuko
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Starnes, Thomas
Vignette Session N
Shogbesan, Oluwaseun
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Stein, Melissa
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Shrensel, Jeffrey
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Steiner, Claudia
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Shrensel, Jeffrey
Vignette Session L
Stephenson, Christopher
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Shrivastava, Sneha
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Sterling, Madeline
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Shroff, Swati
Innovations Poster Session
Sterling, Madeline
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Shroff, Swati
Innovations Poster Session
Stern, Rachel
IME Oral Presentation Session J
Stetson, Geoffrey
Innovations Poster Session
Stevens, Elizabeth
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Stillson, Christian
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Stillson, Christian
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Stone, Valerie
Abstract Session E2
Strewler, Anna
Innovations Poster Session
Su, Christopher
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Su, Christopher
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Siddiqui, Mohammad
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Siddiqui, Nabeel
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Siddiqui, Nabeel
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Silvera, Richard
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Silvers, Elizabeth
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Simonait, Michelle
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Simonetti, Joseph
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Simonetti, Joseph
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Suda, Nina
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Singh, Bhavana
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Sudasena, Daryl
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Singh, Zorawar
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Summerville, Gregory
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Session details are online at
Presentation Order/
Poster Number
Presenting Author
Sun, Simeng
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Sun, Stephanie
Innovations Poster Session
Swanson, Kurtis
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Swanson, Leah
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Sweigart, Joesph
Szalkiewicz, Elissa
Presentation Order/
Poster Number
Presenting Author
Tiruneh, Fasil
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Tobey, Matthew
Innovations Poster Session
Torke, Alexia
Abstract Session N2
Torres, Hugo
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Innovations Poster Session
Tran, Audrey
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Tran, Calvin
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Taguchi, Hiroko
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Trifan, Andrew
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Takahashi, Hiromizu
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Trifan, Andrew
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Takahashi, Yuichi
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Trifan, Andrew
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Takamatsu, Akane
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Trifan, Andrew
Innovations Poster Session
Takamatsu, Naoki
Abstract Session N1
Tsang, Mazie
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Taksler, Glen
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Tseng, Eva
Abstract Session D2
Tamariz, Leonardo
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Tseng, Eva
Abstract Session D2
Tamariz, Leonardo
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Tsomos, Effie
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Tamariz, Leonardo
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Tu, Shin-Ping
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Tanabe, Natsumi
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Tung, Elizabeth
Innovations Poster Session
Tanenbaum, Eric
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Turbow, Sara
Abstract Session D1
Tanenbaum, Joseph
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Tang, Amy
Vignette Session N
Tang, Karen
Turner, Barbara
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Udoko, Aniekanabasi
Abstract Session L2
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Tang, Karen
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Ufion, Alvaro Joaquin
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Tang, Karen
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Ufomata, Eloho
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Tang, Kendi
Abstract Session J3
Ullah, Saad
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Tariq, Rana
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Urja, Prakrity
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Taskesen, Tuncay
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Usher, Michael
Abstract Session E1
Taylor, Allison
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Usher, Michael
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Tcheung, Lueng
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Usman, Ali
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Terndrup, Christopher
Abstract Session N2
Van Metre, Laura
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Terras, Mara
Innovations Poster Session
Varga, Zoltan
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Terras, Mara
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Vargha, Jalal
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Teslova, Tatiana
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Vashi, Anita
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Tetali, Pratap Reddy
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Vassy, Jason
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Tetali, Pratap Reddy
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Vaughn, Valerie
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Tetrault, Jeanette
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Vaughn, Valerie
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Thanikachalam, Kannan
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Veet, Clark
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Thanikachalam, Kannan
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Velazquez, Ana
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Thanikachalam, Kannan
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Velazquez, Ana
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Thanikachalam, Kannan
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Venkataramani, Maya
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Thati, Neeli
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Venkatesh, Prashanth
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Theobald, Cecelia
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Venkatesh, Prashanth
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Thim, Monica
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Vessell, Colleen
Innovations Poster Session
Viraj, Patel
Abstract Session L2
Vishwanathan, Swati
Vignette Session L
Volerman, Anna
Innovations Poster Session
Thind, Guramrinder
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Thomas, John
Innovations Poster Session
Thomas, John
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Thomas, Nina
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Volpe, Virginia
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Thomas, Nina
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Wachterman, Melissa
Abstract Session E2
Tiberio, Perry
Innovations Poster Session
Wade, Stefanie
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Tieu, Lina
Abstract Session L2
Wade, Stefanie
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Tieu, Lina
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Wahner-Roedler, Dietlind
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Tikkanen, Roosa
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Wakeman, Sarah
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Tikkanen, Roosa
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Wakeman, Sarah
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Tipirneni, Renuka
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Walk, Thomas
Innovations Poster Session
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
Presentation Order/
Poster Number
Presenting Author
Walker, Megan
Innovations Poster Session
Walker, Megan
Innovations Poster Session
Wallace, Natalie
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Wamsley, Maria
Innovations Poster Session
Wang, Bonnie
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Wang, Ellen
Wang, Qinyun
Wang, Sinny
Presentation Order/
Poster Number
Presenting Author
Workman, Adrienne
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Wray, Charlie
Innovations Poster Session
Wray, Charlie
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Wu, Patrick
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Wu, Robert
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Yamada, Takuma
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Yank, Veronica
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Yank, Veronica
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Wang, Weijia
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Yecies, Emmanuelle
Wang, Weijia
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Yeung, Michele
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Wankhade, Charudatta
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Yeung, Michele
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Ward, Marshall
Innovations Poster Session
Yogo, Aoi
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Washington, David
Abstract Session D4
Yogo, Aoi
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Washington, David
Abstract Session N3
Yost, Micah
Vignette Session E
Waters, Caitlin
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Yuan, Cai
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Watt, Jennifer
Abstract Session E4
Yun, Shira
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Yung, Lily
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Watts, Brook
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Watts, Brook
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Zabar, Sondra
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Weerahandi, Himali
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Zabar, Sondra
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Weerahandi, Himali
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Zachariah, Marianne
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Wei, Catherine
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Zahedpour Anaraki, Sara
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Wei, Melissa
Abstract Session E1
Zainah, Hadeel
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Wei, Melissa
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Zainah, Hadeel
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 3
Weiner, Jonathan
Innovations Poster Session
Zalkin, Dana
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Weinerman, Adina
IME Oral Presentation Session D
Zambrano, John
Abstract Session D2
Weinstein, Eleanor
Innovations Poster Session
Zaremski, Lynn
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Weinstein, Zoe
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Zeidman, Jessica
ICP Oral Presentation Session E
Weinstein, Zoe
Abstract Session L3
Zein, Hadi
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Weintraub, Jennifer
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Zhang, Yifei
Vignette Session N
Weisberg, Daniel
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Zhao, Dawn
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Wendell, Emily
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Zhao, Ethan
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Wenger , Neil
ICP Oral Presentation Session E
Zheng, Kevin
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Wenger , Neil
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Zhou, Yan
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Weppner, William
ICP Oral Presentation Session E
Zhu, Mojun
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
West, Colin
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Westley, Christopher
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
White, Elizabeth
Wickersham, Alexis
Williams, Brent
Innovations Poster Session
Williams, Brent
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Williams, David
Innovations Poster Session
Williams, Shamol
Abstract Session G3
Williams, Shamol
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Wilson, J. Deanna
Innovations Poster Session
Wilson, J. Deanna
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Windish, Stephanie
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Winkelman, Tyler
Abstract Session J1
Wofford, James
Innovations Poster Session
Wolf, Molly
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 1
Wong, Adrian
Abstract Session E4
Wong, Christopher
Abstract Session G3
Woods, Cynthia
Clinical Vignette Poster Session 2
Zhu, Xi
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Zuchowski, Jessica
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 1
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Zuchowski, Jessica
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Zullig, Leah
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Zulman, Donna
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 2
Zuo, Stephanie
Scientific Abstract Poster Session 3
Session details are online at
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
Session details are online at
Tweet the Meeting #SGIM16
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