Review of City Policies pertaining to Special Events
Review of City Policies pertaining to Special Events
CITY OF CARMEL-BY-THE-SEA Council Report April 6, 2015 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Douglas J. Schmitz, City Administrator From: Janet Bombard, Library and Community Activities Director Paul Tomasi, Police Commander Subject: Review of City Policies pertaining to Special Events and Consideration of Resolutions regarding the Concours Café and the Pebble Beach Tour d’Elegance Vintage Car Parade, Display and Luncheon for 2015. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATIONS: 1) Authorize the closure of certain streets, and the City funding half the costs of portable restrooms and dumpsters for the Pebble Beach Tour d’Elegance vintage car parade/display and luncheon on Thursday, August 13, 2015. 2) Authorize a waiver of special event fees in the amount of $1072, authorization to serve alcohol at the event, and the City funding half the costs of portable restrooms and dumpsters for the Carmel Chamber of Commerce Concours Café on Thursday, August 13, 2015. __________________________________________________________________________ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: City Council policies outline rules and provide guidelines that inform staff decisions. The following policies are in place to guide Staff who facilitate special events within the City: • • • City Policy C95-06: Short-Term Use of Public Spaces and Municipal Buildings for Special Events (Attachment A) City Council Policy C12-02: Event Fee Waivers (Attachment B) City of Carmel-by-the-Sea Policy/Procedure C89-45: Establishing a Policy on Temporary Street Closures for Residential and Community Events (Attachment C) Council is being asked to approve resolutions authorizing the closure of streets for the 2015 Pebble Beach Tour d’Elegance event, and a waiver of fees for the Chamber of Commerce Concours Café. Staff has reviewed the events and made recommendations based on the policies referenced above. ANALYSIS/DISCUSSION: Pebble Beach Company is requesting permission to hold the Pebble Beach Tour d’Elegance in Carmel-by-the-Sea on Thursday, August 13, 2015. This will mark the 17th year that the event, which features a vintage car parade and display, has been held in the City. The Tour d’Elegance is a driving event tied to the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance. Tour participants start in Pebble Beach and follow a route that features a stop in Carmel-by-theSea, where the drivers enjoy a catered lunch in Devendorf Park while the cars are on display. Ocean Avenue is closed from Junipero Avenue to Lincoln Street for the display of the cars. Additional streets are closed for the parade route, alternate bus routes, and parking for caterers and workers. Between 150 and 180 cars will be participating. The event takes place from approximately 11:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Tour participants arrive in Carmel between 11:00 and noon, park their cars along Ocean Avenue, and enjoy a catered lunch in Devendorf Park from noon to 2:00 p.m. The cars leave the City no later than 2:30 p.m. While the Tour d’Elegance itself has not grown significantly over the years, the number of spectators who attend the event has increased considerably. In 2009, for example, event organizers estimated that between 1,500 and 2,000 people would attend the event. Event organizers estimate the 2015 attendance will be 5,000+ people. It is one of the most highly attended events held in the City. The parade of cars, escorted by the California Highway Patrol, enters the City northbound on Junipero, then turns west onto Ocean Avenue. Traffic control within the City is provided by Carmel Police Department staff and volunteers; side streets are closed off in order to facilitate a safe entry into the event venue. Pebble Beach Company volunteers will park the cars as they enter Ocean Avenue; cars will be parked so as to leave space for emergency vehicles. After parking their vehicles, the drivers will proceed to Devendorf Park where they will be served a catered lunch. Music will be provided in the park during the lunch. Approximately 450 people are expected to attend the luncheon. After the lunch is completed, the drivers will return to their vehicles and proceed to drive west on Ocean Avenue to San Antonio northbound to the Pebble Beach gate. As with the parade’s entry into the City, side streets are closed while the vehicles exit the venue. City Policy C89-45 states that Special Event permits will not be issued for such thoroughfares as San Antonio Street, Junipero Avenue, Carpenter, Santa Lucia, or the bus route. Therefore, event organizers are requesting Council permission to close the following streets: • Junipero from 13th Avenue to Ocean Avenue, (Parade Entry Route) • Junipero Avenue to Lincoln Street (car display) 2015 will mark the second year of the Carmel Chamber of Commerce Concours Café. The event is scheduled to take place Thursday, August 13, 2015, the same day as the Pebble Beach Tour d’Elegance event. There are no substantive changes to this year’s event plans. The Cafe will be located on San Carlos Street between Ocean and Sixth Avenues. Intended as a place to get a quick drink or Council Meeting Date: 4/6/14 Agenda Item: 5.B Page 2 bite to eat, it will feature coffee, water, soft drinks, juice, pastries, snacks, and pre-prepared barbecue. The Chamber of Commerce is requesting Council authorization to serve beer at its Concours Café. It will be served in a separate, enclosed area; the entire site will be contained by fencing around the perimeter. Per CMC Chapter 9.20, it is unlawful for any person to drink any alcoholic beverage in or upon any public place; however, the City Council shall have the right to make exceptions for specific events of limited duration, through adoption of a resolution. The Chamber of Commerce will secure permits from the department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) and the Monterey County Health Department for the event. Setup will begin at 7:30 a.m.; tear-down will take place from 3:30 to 4:00 p.m. City Policy C95-06 stipulates that the City shall not bear financial burdens created by private, short-term use of public spaces unless there is a direct connection to the City through sponsorship or fund-raising. City policy C12-02, however, gives Council the discretion to waive some event costs for new events (within their first three years) that in Council’s estimation will provide a benefit to the City. The Chamber of Commerce is requesting a fee waiver of $1072. City Policy C12-02 the criteria for eligibility for an event fee waiver include the following: • • • • The number of years for which an organization will be eligible for ongoing waivers of fees for the same event shall be no more than three years from the inception of the event Charitable contributions will be made to charitable organizations within the 93921 zip code area The City shall waive no more than $5,000 in fees for a special event Priority will be given to organizations that provide educational and/or community programs and events that are open to the general public free of charge The Chamber’s Concours Community Event & Refreshment Lounge request meets the following provisions of the fee waiver policy guidelines outlined above: • • • The event is in its second year The Chamber of Commerce, which will be the recipient of any Concours Café profits, is a charitable organization The event fees total less than $5,000 (in this case, $1072) Per City Policy C95-06, “staff … will estimate direct costs for Police, Fire, ambulance, trash, portable toilets, Forest and Beach, Recreation, Public Works and Administration. Permit applications will be billed for actual staff hours, equipment and associated costs.” Council Meeting Date: 4/6/14 Agenda Item: 5.B Page 3 Additionally, during a discussion of Car Week at its September 9, 2014 regular meeting, the City Council identified public safety and access, cleanliness, and quality events as concerns regarding the events during that week. In order to comply with City policy and Council concerns, staff is asking Car Week event organizers to supply portable restrooms during their events to mitigate the impact on City facilities, and dumpsters to deal with past problems of trash in the streets and on the sidewalks. Existing City public restroom facilities – Devendorf Park, Picadilly Park, First Murphy Park, the two library buildings, City Hall, and the Police Department – have proven inadequate for the needs of the large numbers of event attendees. Similarly, City trash cans have been unable to handle the waste generated by that many people during past years of the event. Staff review of Operations Plans from 2008 through 2014 Car Week events show that the number of Police Department and other City staff needed to support the events, along with the associated overtime hours, were not accurately reported in previous special event permit applications, and the number of “No Parking” signs, barricades, and other necessary equipment needed had also been underestimated. This has resulted in more estimated fees for the 2015 Car Week events. In order to offset a portion of the increased fees, staff is proposing splitting the costs of the portable restrooms and dumpsters needed for the 2015 events between the event organizers and the City. The Community Activities and Cultural Commission reviewed the Tour d’Elegance and Chamber of Commerce events at its March 10, 2014 Special Meeting. The CA&CC approved the following recommendation for Council’s consideration of the Pebble Beach Tour d’Elegance event: “The Community Activities and Cultural Commission endorses the event, the increased costs and staffing numbers, and any other associated increased costs that are a reasonable reflection of event costs”. The CA&CC approved the following recommendation for Council’s consideration regarding the Chamber of Commerce Concours Café: “The Community Activities and Cultural Commission recommends waiving the fees in the amount of $1072.” The commission was also in favor of the proposal to split the costs of dumpsters and portable restrooms with Car Week event organizers. FISCAL IMPACT: Pebble Beach Company will pay all fees associated with its event. Should Council approve splitting the costs of portable restrooms and dumpsters with the event organizer, the cost to the City will be $1,137.09. The total costs incurred by the City for the event are estimated at $3,209.09 (see Attachment E). Should Council approve splitting the costs of portable restrooms and dumpsters with the Chamber of Commerce, the cost to the City will be $380.03. The total cost to the City for the Council Meeting Date: 4/6/14 Agenda Item: 5.B Page 4 Chamber of Commerce Concours Café, including the fee waiver of $1072, will be $2,578.03 (see Attachment G). Budgeted Funding Source Costs of the portable restrooms and dumpsters are not budgeted. General Fund The Council budgets $27,500 each year for fee waivers. The Concours Café Fee Waiver would come from that budget. Council Discretionary Fee Waivers Budget PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION/DECISION HISTORY: The Pebble Beach Tour d’Elegance event was last reviewed by the City Council in 2002. Council Resolution 2002-78 authorized the closure of certain streets associated with the event, and the erection of tents in Devendorf Park. The Chamber of Commerce Concours Café was approved by Council at its June 3, 2014 meeting. _________________________________________________________________________ ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A: City Policy C95-06: Short-term Use of Public Spaces and Municipal Buildings for Special Events Attachment B: City Council Policy C12-02: Event Fee Waivers Attachment C: City of Carmel-by-the-Sea Policy/Procedure C89-45: Establishing a Policy on Temporary Street Closures for Residential and Community Events Attachment D: Draft 2015 Pebble Beach Tour d’Elegance Special Event Permit Application Attachment E: Estimated 2015 fees for the Pebble Beach Tour d’Elegance Attachment F: Draft 2015 Concours Cafe Special Event Permit Application Attachment G: Estimated 2015 fees for the Concours Cafe APPROVED: ____________________________________ Douglas J. Schmitz, City Administrator Date: __________________ Council Meeting Date: 4/6/14 Agenda Item: 5.B Page 5 CITY OF CARMEL-BY-THE-SEA CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 2015A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARMEL-BY-THE-SEA AUTHORIZING THE CLOSURE OF CERTAIN STREETS, AND THE CITY’S ASSUMING HALF THE COSTS OF PORTABLE RESTROOMS AND DUMPSTERS FOR THE PEBBLE BEACH TOUR D’ELEGANCE VINTAGE CAR PARADE/DISPLAY AND LUNCHEON ON THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 2015 WHEREAS, Pebble Beach Company is requesting permission to hold the Pebble Beach Tour d’Elegance in Carmel-by-the-Sea on Thursday, August 13, 2015; and WHEREAS, this will mark the 17th year that the event, which features a vintage car parade and display, has been held in the City; and WHEREAS, certain streets must be closed for the parade and car display, the closure of which must be authorized by City Council resolution; and WHEREAS, the Carmel Chamber of Commerce is requesting permission to hold the second annual Concours Café event in Carmel-by-the-Sea on Thursday, August 13, 2015; and WHEREAS, the Carmel Chamber of Commerce is requesting a fee waiver in the amount of $1027 for the Concours Café event; and WHEREAS, the Carmel Chamber of Commerce wishes to serve beer at the Concours Café event, which must be authorized by City Council resolution; and WHEREAS, the City is willing to offset a portion of the event fees incurred by Pebble Beach Tour d’Elegance and Carmel Chamber of Commerce Concours Café for portable restrooms and trash dumpsters. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARMEL-BY-THE-SEA DOES: 1. Authorize the closure of the following streets on August 13, 2015 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. for the Tour d’Elegance vintage parade and car display: Junipero from 13th Avenue to Ocean Avenue, and Junipero Avenue to Lincoln Street. 2. Authorize a fee waiver in the amount of $1027 for the Chamber of Commerce Concours Café event. Council Meeting Date: 4/6/14 Agenda Item: 5.B Page 6 3. Authorize the Chamber of Commerce to serve beer at its Concours Café event. 4. Authorize the City’s assuming half the costs of portable restrooms and dumpsters for both of the events on Thursday, August 13, 2015. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARMELBY-THE-SEA this 7th day of April, 2015, by the following roll call vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS SIGNED: _______________________ Jason Burnett, Mayor ATTEST: Lee Price, MMC Interim City Clerk Council Meeting Date: 4/6/14 Agenda Item: 5.B Page 7 A"rr rtc Fl ivt EN rA POLICY NO. C95'06 GENERAL: facilities and the short-term use of municipal for be made The City of Carme}-by-the.Sea,p,:,iq", una puUtit properties will ;;;iliti., properryp, pubtic ^J is sponsored or cosponsorea uv trrt city' co'sponsorship availabie at no tee If thJ event city counoil' u .urr-uy-.*t u*it uy tne subject to with communiry groups shall be aetermi;;;; facilitiis and public on *'"Liptf or P*P:l] in conducted be may Activities poticy ulto appiies to the ftis the permit pro.rrr-unJ-r.irrfu foliowing: oi* i,air.1# .rt"bil;;'t"r"in' l,SupportGroupasdesignatedbytheCityCouncilwhicharealsoreguiated bY PoiicY No C89-45' 2.TheuseofLibraryfacilities,VistaLobosandSunsetCenter,whicharealso governed bY adoPted PolicY' City of Carmelfor use of public property in the Conditions that require a formal permit iy-if,r-Stu are those that include any of the following: l.ArequestfortheexclusiveuseofanyportionofanyCityproperfytothe exclusion of the general Public; or 2.Anyrequestthatinvolvesthesupportofanycommercialenterprise,e'g. caterer, Porta-Potties, etc'; or 3.Arequestthatinvolvessoundequipmentgreaterthana12voitsystem;or stage' tents' 4" Any request that involves the erection of any st.ucture, e'g' etc,; or 5. . support' e'g' traffic Any request that involves special outside or citypick up, etc"; or conffoi [urnr cones, barricadis, signage, extra trash 6.Anyrequestthatinvolvesagatheringorassembiageofmorethan50 PeoPle; or 7. combustion engine' e'g' Any request that involves the use of any internal gas generator; or S.AnyrequestforexemptionfromcurrentCityoodes,rules,reguiations, ,*rt i"tiorrr, and policiei governing activities on city properry. 228 Council Meeting Date: 4/6/14 Agenda Item: 5.B Page 8 A-r*rxct+ tr'{rNT A PERMIT PROCESS may make activity -qoop or individual a.colnmon city, the by provided on forms propertv' Applications are to puutit ,p""*il;;;;;;ilg u rr"1q apptication to the ciW t" tna fl" evaiuated by a smff oiti'u udoun* in (60) days sixtv least at for action' 'u'ii be subrnitted recoilnt"a"*n to the City Administrator committee, which shall fo.rard its application to the city council' The rr The decision of,the city Administrator "pp"rr*Ie The siaffcommittee mernbership may be approved, is as follows: * * o."ilo, Risk Manager Fire Chief - * approved Chairman ;irii;;;drtions. * Police Chief * Principal Planner enlisting the aid of the discretion of its chairman by The oommittee may be expanded at a park' the Forest' the proposed use wouid occupy if ,**ple, noi personnel.* City other P;;L ana aeu"t Director would be part of the oommiftee' to potentially impact a certain segment use is deemed, by the committee, *rtt U"i"g, tl't to*'oittee shall provide pubiic of the community or the general public;s prior to making its recornmendation' notice and an oppornrniry for comment If the proposed the permit would be renewable' For annual or continuing events (e.g, surfabout) *ootO evaluate the activity and However, foiiowing each event, ttre iAff comrnittee before the next renewal' determine if permit?onJitiont should be arnended (e'g., use permits) or subject to environmentai For events subject to special City permits to the appropriate City review, rhe staff .o,,*itt". would *;k; irt".""o**endations would be forwarded to the Pianning decision-making body. All environm*iuf Commission. following issues (and may add In reviewing permits, the Committee would consider the new issues iailsd by the particular application): {. '*staging" requirements (space, spocial equipment, etc') * parking * street closures {. noise * lights * vihicles (trucks/number of vehicles) * season of yearltime of daylduration of activity * conflicts with other events t' advertising and siguage 'i. sale of merchandise t General Plan consistencY Rcv.32000 229 Council Meeting Date: 4/6/14 Agenda Item: 5.B Page 9 T]- 4 c {--i l-t r- Nr T A discriminate nor infringe on riglrts ln reviewing permits, the Committee shall neitherCottttitutional issues' If such issues oi otiu' -it" reiated to free speech, protected "r*r.rpublic Committee may determine that b" would Attorney City arise, the a decision' In such "ooroitJ. neighborh""ai, t"quired prior to reaching notice to the surrounding for diitributing such notice' cases, the applicant ,fr.iiU. rJsponsibte "sale by donation"' Tqt I hereof There is no distinction between "direct sales".and. cases sales would be appropriate' In all shall be used as , gula. to determine where such must have all of the appropriate licenses' where alcohol is sold or diskibut"a, tire operator permits and insurance coverage' at locations outside the comrncrcial Authorization to seli merchandise or food./beverages Isually prohibited by the zoning Code' district and outside a fixed piace of urri*r, are Policy must prrn. Granting a permit the Business License code or the Georrul "19?'this space defined limited duration' within a therefore be limitedi" tp*l.f events tlrrt ure of and consistent rvith Table I. COMPETING I]'{TERESTS : events at specific sites' This is The chief of Police will maintain a caiendar to schedule resource' The following ranked intended to avoid overlapping requests for a scarce conflicts among priority list shall be usei'as-u g,rid. by thc Committee in resolving competing interests: 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, 6. 7. Contraclual obligations (leases, etc') City Council, Commission, or departrnent activities City-sponsored or cospolrsored events Permit renewals for annual events Events to raise funds for Cify programs - nonprofit organizations events * for profit organizations New-events New RESOLVING CONFLICTS: place, If nvo or more events are proposed within the same priority at the sarne time and which on the committee shali ,rr" th. folowing criteria for makiug a recorlmendation event to approve: P Local organization vs. regional or outside organization P Impacts of the event on the cornmunify ! Rcv, 3/2000 Ease of rescheduling to another time or place 2,30 Council Meeting Date: 4/6/14 Agenda Item: 5.B Page 10 ATncHMFI\{ /\ il COST RECOVERY: by private, short'term use of public shall not bear financial burdens created io ihe CitV tlUrough sponsorship or fund'raising' spaces unless there is a direct conne"tlo, wiil estimate direct costs (labor' equipment Through permit*, the staff "o**i,t*' Outf', portable toilets' Forest and Beach' ambuf;; and material) for Police, Fire, '*na'Aa*inlrttttloo' Permit applications will be billed for Recreation, Public W;;d The city costs' actual staff hours, equipment, and associated City facilities by Resoluli1n of the City Fees are established for the use of certain .lhese fees, which are include-i in city'Policy No. c90-01 and Resolution No' Council. g4-106, shall apply to short-term use for special events" for city-sponselsfl events (e'g'' Exceptions: cost recovery will not be required recovery will not be required for fundHalloween parude,pr*,'t ee-lighting). Cost g0% oi tire"funds raised will be donated to an approved city raising events where at leasi program. I].ISURANC El&EqUIREMENTS for up to thirry- insurance liability coverage The city of carmel-by-the-Sea will obtain ihe allocation of the thirty-five five evenrs at pubiic facilities p., y"*. In determining based within Carmel'bycommunity events, first prionfy will be girtn to organizations gr.ut.i Carmel area (SpherE of Influonce)' the-Sea, followed bt th"; based wittririttre the Monterey Peninsula and Monterey County' liabilify coverage shall The determination as to whether or not a waiver of the insurance judgment of the City staff' If apply to a requesting parry is Ieft to thl responsibility and ar, at the determination of thirty-five events fraire UeLn held under the insurance waiver the type of activity' then the City staff, the event should not receive a waiver because of liabiiity coverage for group using *rniripul faciiity shall maintain proof of insurance public officials' and its ^ one million dollars (bt,ooo,gob) ana shail name the Ciry, its In no event will the employees as additional'insureds on the insurance poticy certificate, an event at City's insurance waiver of thirfy-five community events per year include by sanctioned has been which alcoholic beverages are to be served, unless such events the City Council. the following In order for an appiicant to receive a waiver of the insurance requirements, criteria shall be met: i. The event to be held in a municipai faciiity and/or on public properly rnust be primarily a public service to ihe community and without a commercial objective. The event shali be primarily educational vs. primarily commercial, and will not be for obvious commercial gain. Rev- 3/2000 231 Council Meeting Date: 4/6/14 Agenda Item: 5.B Page 11 rll-rrr c -tl 2. 3, t-'L r t"i T r\ The event shall be open to the general public' discussions, forums, etc' Events shall take the form of meetings, speeches, exteosive pi,yii*t exertion or activiry wiil be No event which issued a waiver. ,"Jur* +. part of an ongoing series The event must be a one-time speoial event or not of activities. 5. No admission charge, fee or donation shali be assessed for the general public's participation at the event. 6. event excepl No alcohoiic beverages shaii be served in conjunction with the as specified above. TNSURANCE WAIVER APPLICATION.PR9CESS Ciry "Liability request for a waiver of iiability insurance must be made on a who sha1l Administrator, City Insurance Waiver" form and submitted to the Assistant guidelines review all requests and determine whether the applicatio:r complies with the to the Cily and criteria of this policy. The request for waiver shall then be submitted to application waiver andlor a determination to forward the Administrator for appro,uai 'it tt" application is to bs reviewed and determined by the City the City Council. Councii, the Council's action itutt b" approved via the adoption of Resolution' The City in reserves the right to deny the waiver of irabiiity insurance for any event or aotivity that, the City's opinion, poses health, safety or insurance risks' All For insurance requirements related to alcohol, see Policy No. C89-17. Rcv.3/2000 ,7) Council Meeting Date: 4/6/14 Agenda Item: 5.B Page 12 A_TTNCilMELIT A TABLE I MERCI{ANDISE,FooDANDALCoHoLICBEVERAGESINPUBLICPLACES - -AND/OR MI"INICIPAL BUILDINGS Municipal Location Food Alcohol * No No No No No No Irnproved (P-2) (Forest Hill Park, Devendorf and PiccadillY) Yes Yes No Nanrrai (P- 1) (Mission Trail Nature Preserve and Carmel Beach) No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Merchaudise Carmel Beach Del Mar Parking Lot Parks: Sunset Center Faciiities ComPlex: Sunset Center Scout House Cottages Forest Theater Vista Lobos City Facilities: Indoor Outdoor No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Commercial Streets and Parking Lots Yes Yes No Residentiai Streets and Parking Lots No No No Yes No * Alcohol: Permittee must have a iicense for sales and distribution' Rev. 3/2000 232a Council Meeting Date: 4/6/14 Agenda Item: 5.B Page 13 A--f -rn,c- t-t l'-,{[ {.JT- -a CITY COUNCIL POLICY CI2-02 EVENT FEE WAIVERS Revised JulY 1,2014 Purpose Community Event Fees Application Process Documentation Required with Waiver Request Additional Documentation Required for Established Events Guidelines I. Purpose charitable' or The City supports and encourages events that have a significant economic, to promote the City and community benefit. The city will consider waiving certain fees in order fees for community Events' special events. The city is regularly being approached to waive by Tiis policy is designedio outline the process and criteria for the submittal, and review Council, of fee waiver requests. II. Community Event Fees for Waivers: . Special Event Permit Fee o Fees associated with street closures o Fees associated with events on the beach or at city Parks o Parking stall fees Fees not eligible for Waivers: o Grant writing expenses o Damage deposits o Overtime costs for City personnel o Costs for personnel with which the City contracts in order to facilitate the event Fees eligible III. Process Application o An applicant shall submit in writing a request for a fee waiver to the Community Activities Director o All special event fee waiver requests will first be considered by the Community Activities and Cultural Commiision (CA&CC) at a regularly scheduled meeting. a. In the case of requests for fee waivers for new events - or established events that have previouslyreceived a waiver of fees and are within the three-year window outlined in the Guidelines below - the Community Activities and Cultural Commission may make a formal request to the City Administrator to waive eligible fees up to $5000 instead of securing Council approval b. Requeits for fee waivers from events going into their fourth year or more must come to the City Council after being reviewed by the Community Activities and Cultural Commission. o The City Administrator shall be given authority to apply this policy for waivers up to s5000 Council Meeting Date: 4/6/14 Agenda Item: 5.B Page 14 ATTAC {-{ l-4.n^i-r E ostaffortheapplicantcanappealawaiverrequesttotheCityCouncil. a city council agenda proposed for co-sponsorship must be placed on o IV. Events Documentation Required With Waiver Request o Detailed scoPe of the event o Proposed budget for the event . Antlcipated economic impact to the City and community o Anticipated positive and negative impacts of the event on the community or indirectly, to the o What charitable contributions will be made (if any), either directly and to wtrat is the anticipated amount or percentage of the contribution(s) o communityz what organization(s) will it be made? by the event indicating their written survey of businesses and/or residents affected acceptance ofthe ProPosed event v. Additional Documentation Fee Required for Established Events That Have Received Waivers o Past financial statements since inception of event o Documentation showing actual charitable contributions to organizations within the 93921 zip code area since inception ofevent VI. Guidelines o o o o o eligible for ongoing waivers of The number of years for which an organization will be years from the inception of the event fees for the same event shall be rro *"or. than three within the 93921 zip Charitable contributions will be made to charitabl e organizations code area year shall not exceed The total dollar amount of fee waivers authorized each fiscal $27,500 event The city shall waive no mole than $5,000 in fees for a special priority will be given to organizations that provide educational and/or community programs and e'ients that are open to the general pubtic free of charge Council Meeting Date: 4/6/14 Agenda Item: 5.B Page 15 AT"?-ACH,{-tFI{.i- {:-" CITY OF CARI,IEL-BY-THE-SEA POLICY,/PROCEDURE NO. CB9-45 ESTABLISHING A POLICY ON TEMPORARY STREET CLOSURES FOR RESIDENTIAL AND COMMUNITY EVENTS The city of carmer-by-the-sea currentry has a ,,speciar Permit"- This permil is porice o"i.ri*".ri Event for events, such as parades, occurrini the in-tir"-commercial districts. rn order to have a consistent appiication or city-fori"v ro. special events, whether occurriii i"-trr"-'residentiar commercial districts, the city councir does est,ablishor the the following policy: 1. For alr speciar events, such as parades, neighborhood block parties and other activitiis, an applicant shalr submit foi'a ,,Specia1 Event epplicalion permit,'a.tocompleted the Chiefaf police. 2' The chief of porice sharl route the request to the Citlr Administrator, Eire Departme;i, 'ir,., of public !.Iorks, Monter ey/saIii:as riinsit,.Department other agencv or organizarion ,hiah ;ight-[" "na ]iiu"..a by the closire 3' Tf, in the opinion of the chief of police, there would b". 19 Tajor impact in the eoncerned area, the permit wiII be approveci. 4' Permits wilr not be issued for such thoroughfares as San Antonio Street, Junipero Avenue, Carpenter, santa Lucia, or the bus/trulk root". upon the. type of event and/or iti fo"iil;n, Depending rhe Cirv Adminisrraro-r may require urai-t[e-aiiyG-;;;i . insurance polici6s be' applicable. 5- rf the permit is approved, the chief of police shar-l notify the city Administrator in writing norification can be forwarded to tne ciiy "o-tirut"suctr coon"ir. 6. A deniar of-an applieation sharl be appealabre to the City Council. Council Meeting Date: 4/6/14 Agenda Item: 5.B Page 16 ATTALI| I'LETJT D CITY OF CARMEL-BY-THE-SEA COMMUNITY SERVICES PO BOX CC CARMEL-BY-THE-SEA, CALIFORNIA 93921 Phone: 8311620.2020 Fax: 8311624'2t32 Email :'us mmPerotti@@ci. carmel' ca'us Ptomasi@ci.carme l'ca'us SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT TYPE OF EVENT ! Race n Parade E Festival ! EVENT TITLE: Film Permit n Fundraiser { Oth."t Car Display l8th Annual Pebble Beach Tour d'Elegance Classic Car Parade/Display/Luncheon DATE OF REOUEST: March 13,2015 DATE/TIME OF EVENT: Thursday, August 13,2015 Set Un Time: Tear Down Time: EVENT LOCATION: SPONSOR: 7:00 a.m. (Devendorf Park) 2:00 p.m. (Devendorf Park) Devendorf Park/Ocean Avenue (Junipero to Lincoln) Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance CONTACT PERSON: Sean Jacobs TELEPHONE/CELL PHONE/TAX: phone: EMAIL: 8311622.1700;Cell: 408/685.8704; Fax: 8311622.9100 ADDRE,SS: 200 Clock Tower Pl., Suite 205-A; Carmel, CA93923 DAY OF EVENT CONTACT PERSON: Sean Jacobs TELEPHONE/CELL PHONE: Cell: 408/685.8704 2015 PB Special Event Permit Council Meeting Date: 4/6/14 Agenda Item: 5.B Page 17 A.T TAC H M trNT D 201 5 Special Event Permit Pebble Beach Tour d'Elegance Classic Car Parade/Display/Luncheon Page2 ESTIMATED ATTENDANCE: Participanrs: 180 cars Spectators: 5,000+ ADMISSION: _ Free _Pre-sold Ticket X Other (please specify): Invitation Only to your FOR-PRoFIT ORGANIZATION (Please make note if there is a charity component event and who would benefit). _ The money raised from the event will be donated to the Monterey County United Way. The sponsor is a non-profi organization. NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONiS0Ic3 Number: SPONSOR EOUIPMENT (required) : F Equipment: Tables, umbrellas, chairs, catered lunch' FEquipment: Potties/3-ADA with 3 wash stations included on Mission/Ocean and 6th Street off! (contracted thru United) FEquipment: 3 3-Yard dumPsters ) Personnel: 1. CHP Officers to escort Parade 2. Volunteers for Parking cars 3. Voiunteers for car securitY 4. Contract Staff/Volunteer Staff for clean-up of City (during event and after) 5. Contract Staff/Volunteer Staff for bathroom maintenance and clean up hAVC STITEET CLOSURES / PARIflNG STALLS (COSt iS TBD): PIEASE NOTEZ NO ATTANgCMCNIS U*n *oau rc proridnndditiorol ,prctafor parking during this event. Volunteers will be advised to park at the Vista Lobos parking lot. o Junipero from 13th Avenue to Ocean Avenue, (Parade Route, temporary closure) o South bound Torres at 6th o East bound 7th at center island at Junipero <Traffic control will be provided as deemed necessary by the Carmel PD> Stalls (sisns posted 48hrs in advancel: 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM eU parking stArs on irre north side of Ocean Avenue between Junipero Avenue and Lincoln All parking stalls on the south side of Ocean Avenue between Junipero Avenue and Lincoln All parking stalls on 6th between Junipero Avenue and Mission Street Parkins -. . o . All parking stalls on the east and west side of Junipero Avenue between 2015 PB Special Event Permit 6th and Ocean Council Meeting Date: 4/6/14 Agenda Item: 5.B Page 18 ArrP'c H &(E l'J r D 2015 SPecial Event Permit Pebble Beach Tour d'Elegance Classic Car Parade/Displayiluncheon Page 3 Avenues for MST Bus Zones' and Avenue o A11 parking stalls on the east and west sides of Mission Street between Ocean and Jth Avenue o All parking stalls on the east side of Mission Street between Ocean Avenue (for suPPort cars onlY) and 6th o Ali parking stalls on the east and west side of San Carlos between Ocean Avenue 7th Avenue o Ali parking stalls on the east side of San carlos between ocean Avenue and . Al1 parking stalls on the north side of 6th between san carlos and Lincoln (CFD request) Avenue and 6th Avenue o All parking stalls on the west side of Dolores Street between Ocean . All parking stalls on the east side of Dolores Street between Ocean Avenue andTth Avenue o All parking stalls on Monte Verde between 6th and Ocean Avenue . A11 parking stalls east side of carmelo between ocean arld7th Avenue (for MST) o All parking stalls east side of casanova between ocean and 7th Avenue o Designated Handicap Parking will be on ES Junipero between Ocean andTth Avenue o West side Monte Verde between 5th & Ocean 7 AM - 3 PM 6th CONCOURS ROUTE o Parade Route beginning on Rio Road, NB Junipero Avenue to WB Ocean Avenue' PARADE ROUTE ENTRY o The Highway 1' U-turn at the cars begin in Pebble Beach, go to Laguna Seca Racetrack, down cars will stage on Ripplewood Resort and retum north bound Highway 1 to Rio Rold; (the organizer has been Highway 1 close to Monastery Beach, prior to entry onto Rio Road police escort before coming advised to instruct the drivers to stage at Rio Road and to await a the Carmel into Carmel and to stay in their .*rirhil. staging-NO EXCEPTIONS!) between to Ocean Mission Basilica and Uighway 1, S/E of the Mission, then proceed N/B Junipero Avenue. o The CHp will be escorting the parade, traffic control will be provided along the parade route bymotorofficersfromCHP,MontereyandPacificGrove. PARADE ROUTE EXIT o Cars travel down Ocean Avenue to San Antonio north bound to the Pebble Beach Gate' ROAD CLOSURES/PARKING LIMIT TIMES . Junipero from 13th Avenue to Ocean Avenue (parade route, temporary closures) o Southbound Torres at 6th o EastboundTth atcenter island at Junipero cITy PERSONNEL / BOUIPMENT: A two (2) hour minimum is used in order to place ent,briefcitypersonne1andhand1eanyde1aysorchanges in the original plan once the event starts. 2015 PB Special Event Permit Council Meeting Date: 4/6/14 Agenda Item: 5.B Page 19 ATTACHMalJ-r 201 5 Special Event D Permit Pebble Beach Tour d'Elegance Classic Car Parade/Display/Luncheon Page 4 I. Police Personnel / EquiPment > Personnel - 7 Police Officers 2 Community Service/Parking offi cers II. Public Works Public Works Equipment P 22 Barricades 50 cones ) F 25 "No Parking" signs ) 50 A-Frames ) 6 "Do Not Enter" signs > 6 "Right Turn Only" signs CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: Approval contingent upon submittal of appropriate insurance "oroug" c9s-06). urrd payment of fees stipulated by the City of Carmel-by-the-Sea (Policy C89-45 , C89-47 ' l.Business License Required: Any event requiring the support of professional or service business must insure that each business obtain a City Business License. D Yes Caterer will require "In and About" license Please list names of businesses providing event support. Include City Business License number: 2.Insurance Policy: Required as stated: OrganizerlOrganizatronto be named as additional insured. 3. Other conditions as required: n Traffic Plan o Parking Plan o Waste Management Plan: Garbage and Recyling. Please describe in detail how you will keep trash off the streets and sidewalks during and after the event: 2015 PB Special Event Permit Council Meeting Date: 4/6/14 Agenda Item: 5.B Page 20 ArrAcutr-4Efl.rr 201 5 Special Event D Permit Pebble Beach Tour d'Elegance Classic Car Parade/Display/Luncheon Page 5 tr Contract or Volunteer Clean Up Crew tr Disability Access/Designated Parking tr 6 regular, plus 3 ADA portable restrooms, 3 hand washing stations carryout E Garbage/Recycling - as per Municipal Code Section8.74, the use of single-use plastic bags is ptohlblt.d from use at any business, restaurant, corporate or individual special event. as per Municipal Code Secti on 8.74, the use of single-use carryout plastic bags is prot iUlt.a from use at any business, restaurant, corporate or individual special event. Cups, plates, or any type of food or liquid containers made of styrofoam are not permitted GENERAL COMMENTS: The sponsor requests approval to host aparadeand 3-hour display of approximately 150-180 vrntage cars. The cars will Ue participating in a vehicle parade through the cities of Pebble Beach, Pacific Grove, Del Rey Oaks, and Carmel Valley. Once the parade reaches Carmel, they will park two a breast on the East Bound and West Bound lanes of Ocean Avenue between Junipero and Monte Verde Streets for display purposes. Volunteers will park the cars as they enter Ocean Avenue, the cars will be parked so as to leave space for emergency access (this will be the regular parking stalls). Mission Street between Ocean and 6th will be completely closed for the use of the caterers workers. MST will reroute their buses for that day during the hours of the street closures. After parking their vehicles, the drivers will proceed to Devendorf Park where they will be served a catered lunch, approximately 450 will attend the luncheon. The caterer will obtain an In & About Business License prior to the event. and parking for Music will be provided inthe park during the lunch, which should last approximately 2 hours. After the lunch is completed, the drivers will retum to their vehicles and proceed to drive WB on Ocean Avenue to Pebble Beach, the drivers are to be at the cars at 2 PM and will begin leaving Ocean Avenue promptly at 2:30 PM. When the intersection is re-opened to traffic the event organizer will provide a volunteer to move barricades and allow stragglers into the venue. Pedestrian fencing will be placed around the perimeter of the intersection of Ocean/Junipero to keep people out of the road during the arrival of If traffic control is not provided, each car will be required to follow the "rules of the road", ih. "urr. which would entail stopping at all stop signs. Junipero and 10th, Junipero and 8tr, San Carlos and 6th, and San Carlos and Tthwill require monitoring. Mission and 6th will require an officer to provide traffic control to assure access for the MST buses and emergency vehicles; traffic will be re-routed if necessary. When the parade reaches Ocean Avenue, it will precede WB on Ocean Avenue where the participants will park in the designated locations for display and the drivers will then continue to bevendorf Park for lunch. After lunch the cars will proceed W/B to San Antonio, N/B on San Antonio to the Carmel Gate onto Pebble Beach; the vehicles in the WB lanes of Ocean Avenue will leave first, then the vehicles in the E/B lanes of Ocean will follow. There will not be an announcer again this year. A chicane will be set up on Ocean Avenue beginning at Monte Verde. 201 5 PB Special Event Permit Council Meeting Date: 4/6/14 Agenda Item: 5.B Page 21 AIIICH tr-( Ef\}T D 2015 Special Event Permit Pebble Beach Tour d'Elegance Classic Car ParadelDisplay/Luncheon Page 6 NOTIFICATIONS: DATE ADVISED REVISED DATE CHIEF OF POLICE CARMEL FIRE DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORIG FOREST AND BEACH PLANNING AND BUILDING RISK MANAGER CITY COUNCIL READ BOARI) OUTSIDE AGENCIES: (Community Services Department notifies the following) NOTIFICATIONS: DATE ADVISED REVISED DATE MST WASTE MANAGEMENT APPROVED BY: Janet Bombard, Director of Community Activities DATE: have read and agreed to comply with atl conditions of this permit: Sean Jacobs DATE: Event Organizer Signature 2015 PB Special Event Permit Council Meeting Date: 4/6/14 Agenda Item: 5.B Page 22 A I rrrcit Mr ur- -e Estimated Fees for PB Tour d'Elegance 2015 Eligible for a Fee Waiver Special Event Processing Fee Devendorf Damage Deposit + Street Damage Depost 5350/200 (Refundable if no damage) Block closures (S365 per block) 4 blocks Barricades (221 at S65 each No Parking Siens (250) @ 53.00 each A-Frames (50) @ SZS.00 each Cones (50) $3.00 each Fee Waiver s1ss.00 sss0.00 s s s s s 1,460.00 1,430.00 7s0.00 1,2s0.00 1s0.00 s130.s0 3 yard dumpsters (S87 each) 3 needed* Portable toilets (one unit: 2 deluxe & one ADA toilet w/ hand washing station S671.06/unit. 3 units needed.x Devendorf Park Rental from August 13 @ 7am to to 2:00 p.m. (totalT hours) Devendorf Rental for four hours is 5400 Devendorf Rental after four hours 5300 per hour Overtime Police Dept. , 7 officers total, 58 hours Not Eligible for a s1,006.59 s s 400.00 900.00 56,902.00 S119/hr Overtime 2 Police Dept. Comm. Svcs. Officer/Parking Svcs. Officer, total 12 hours S80/hr TOTAL $960.00 s 5,340.00 *City will split costs of dumpsters and portable restrooms with Pebble Beach. 50% reduction in Pebble Beach costs reflected above. s9,704.09 Tour Total Event Fees: S16,044.09 Additional Tour d'Elegance costs incurred by City 50% of dumpsters 50% of portable restrooms 6 parking stalls for portable restrooms 3 oarkine stalls for dumpsters s1,006.59 s1,200.00 s600.oo Public Works regular staff/ hours allocated to event Community Activities staff comp time: 3 hours @ *a/hr Community Activities staff regular hours allocated to event: 2 hours @52+/hr,2 hours @ S51/hr TOTAL s102.00 s170.00 s3,209.09 Council Meeting Date: 4/6/14 Agenda Item: 5.B Page 23 * , -r 'l-: * ' ^ Mu-i.ti-i i\l-1-ACr-t CITY OF CARMEL-BY-THE-SEA f I l'KAr'l --.1 coMMUNlrysERVtcES PO BOX CC CARMEL-BY-THE-SEA, CALIFORNIA 93921 Phone: 8311620.2020 Fax: 8311624.2132 E-Mail:, and ntomas i(d ci.carmel. ca. us NON.BEACH SPECTAL EVENT PERMIT APPLICATTON TYPE OF EVENT r Parade X Festival r Film Permit r Fundraiser I I Race Concours Cafe EVENT TITLE: Other DATE OF REOUEST: March 19,2015 DATE OF EVENT: Thursday, August 13,2015 TIME OF EVENT: Staging Time: Set-Up Time: Tear-down Time: SPECIFIC EVENT 10:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. 3:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. LOCATION: San Carlos between Ocean &.6th CONTACT PERSON: Monta Potter CELL PHONE/TELEPHONE E-MAIL : /FAX: 8311624-2522 PHYSICAL ADDRESS: CITY. STATE. ZIP: San Carlos btwn 5th &.6th Carmel CA9392l DAY OF EVENT CONTACT PERSON: Lee Larrew Cell Number (Required): 303-810-6034 DESCRIPTION OF EVENT: PLEASE INCLUDE ALL EQUIPMENT TO BE UTILIZED FOR EVENT (TABLES, CHAIRS, SOUND EQUIPMENT, PERSONNELL, ETC.) o I Security officer on Ocean, 1 Security officer on 6th o 8-10'food services tables o 8-36" round guest tables o 48 folding chairs o Perimeter fencing to enclose approximately 80'X24' portion of San Carlos between Ocean & 6th (see site map). o Sound equipment that doesn't need an electrical outlet Council Meeting Date: 4/6/14 Agenda Item: 5.B Page 24 Af rac {-t Mrr'i*r f Concours Cafe Special Event Permit Application Page 2 ESTIMATED ATTENDANCE: 4OO ADMISSION: _Free _Pre-sold Ticket X Other (please specify): Food & beverage tickets sold at entrance. _ FOR-PROFIT ORGANIZATION (Please make note if there is a charity component to your event and who would benefit). NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION/5O1c3 Number: X NOT-for-PROFIT ORGANIZATION \ ID Number: 501@(6) #94-0369785 STREET CLOSURES / PARIilNG STALLS: Parkins Stalls (signs posted 48-hrs in advancd: Street Closure: Concours event) San Carlos between Ocean 1 parking stall (allotted for 4rd dumpster) & 6th (already closed off for Pebble Beach CITY PERSONNEL / EOUIPMENT: A two (2) hour minimum is used in order to place equipment at their locations prior to the event, brief city personnel and handle any delays or changes in the original plan once the event starts. I. il. Police Personnel / Equipment Personnel - I overtime Police Officer o Monterey Fire Department to fill the water barricades by 0900. . Public Works Personnel / Equipment No OT required. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: Approval contingent upon submittal of appropriate insurance coverage and payment of fees stipulated by the City of Carmel-by-the-Sea (Policy C8945,C89-47, Cg5-06). Insurance Policy: Required as stated: OrganizerlOrgantzation to be named as additional insured: n Council Meeting Date: 4/6/14 Agenda Item: 5.B Page 25 concoursuare A"T-f Ac fi &{L.-AJ'f F' Special Event Permit Application Page 3 Equipment: n 2 regular and 1 ADA Accessible portable restrooms, with I wash station included, to be located on N/E side of San Carlos between Sixth and Ocean s Portable restrooms should be marked with cones/posted NO PARKING. u Porta Potties will be delivered on Wednesday, make sure parking stalls are coned off u One 3 yard dumpster for trash Waste Management Plan s Please submit a plan for waste management control - recycling and trash. See attached map for placement of trash cans. Event organizers will get trash receptacles from Waste Management and will label for trash and recycling and will monitor the stations. Organizers will dispose of each at the conclusion of the event. Business License Required: Any event requiring the support of professional or service special business must ensure that each business obtains a City Business License. Include all service providers, including caterers, food and drink purveyors (even if outside food is brought in to the event), delivery services, etc. Please list all service providers for your event, and include their business license number: Il Fornaio - hot dogs Carmel Bakery - pretzels Peter B's Brewery (will provide business license number when attained) Mad Otter Ales (will provide business license number when attained) Other conditions as required: n Garbage/Recycling Plan: (see above and attachment) u As per Municipal Code Section 8.74,th'e use of single-use carryout plastic bags is prohibited from use at any trusiness, restaurant, corporate or individual special event. u Cups, plates, or any type of food or liquid containers made of styrofoam are not permitted o Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control Permit. Applicant is advised that the tr Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control mfiy sammarily revoke the Temporary Conditional License should the Department, in its discretion, determine that the public welfare und morals are being impaired, or a law enforcement problem is being created and that upon notice ofsuch, sales ofalcoholic beverages at the eventfor which the Temporary ll/ine License wus issued shall cease immediately, Monterey County Health Department Permit Required for any events where food will be cooked on site, or premade and handed out to the general public and/or invited guests. Municipal Code Section: CMC17.40 Signs and displays including those which are visible from exterior areas accessible to pedestrians and which are flashing, self-illuminated, neon, phosphorescent, glossy, incorporate internal lights or movement or that include strings of small lights around doors or windows. Also prohibited are exterior signs, displays, or other installations that include Council Meeting Date: 4/6/14 Agenda Item: 5.B Page 26 !;J;".ffi#l..erm* Application A -ff- rrC r-1 A,i Page 4 ". A-l'l- tr balloons, streamers, or other notice-attracting appendages. NOTIFICATION TO CITY DEPARTMENTS NOTIFICATIONS CHIEF OF POLICE: CARMEL FIRE DEPARTMENT: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS: FOREST AND BEACH: PLANNING AND BUILDING: RISK MANAGER: CITY COUNCIL READ BOARD: DATE ADVISED DATE REVISED OUTSIDE AGENCIES: MST (Monterey Salinas Transit) WASTE MANAGEMENT (W-M) APPROVED BY: Janet Bombard, Director, Community Activities DATE: have read and agreed to comply with all conditions of this permit: Monta M Potter DATE: Signature of Event Organtzer Council Meeting Date: 4/6/14 Agenda Item: 5.B Page 27 A-i--i-A ctr l.trr-'-t- G Estimated Fees for Chamber of Commerce Concours Eligible for a Caf6 Fee Waiver 1- block No Parkine Siens (10) @ 53.00 each Sound Permit s s s s a s1ss.o0 s2o0.o0 Special Event Processing Fee (non Refundable) Damage Deposit (Refundable) Block closures (536S per block) Barricades (10) at $65 each Not Eligible for Fee Waiver 36s.00 6s0.00 30.00 27.00 s87.oo 1 3-yard dumpster* 1 portable restroom unit (2 deluxe/l-ADA toilet with handwashing station)x Overtime Police Dept. , 1 officer, total 8 hours TOTAL s336.s3 S9s2.oo s 1,072.00 Chamber of xCity will split costs of dumpsters and portable restrooms with the Chamber of Commerce.50% reduction in Chamber costs reflected above Additional Concours Cafe costs incurred by City 50% of portable restroom unit 50% of 3-vard dumpster 2 parking stalls for portable restroom unit 1 parkins stall for dumpster Public Works Dept. regular staff/hours allocated to event, 1 staff, 8 hours @ S53 Community Activities staff comp time, 2 hours TOTAT s1,730.53 Commerce total event fees: 52802 s336.s3 s4oo.00 s200.0c 5424.0O s102.00 s1,505.03 Council Meeting Date: 4/6/14 Agenda Item: 5.B Page 28