High Desert ESD Board of Directors Meeting February 16, 2016
High Desert ESD Board of Directors Meeting February 16, 2016
High Desert ESD Board of Directors Meeting February 16, 2016 Board Meeting – 5:30 pm District Office 2804 SW Sixth Street, Redmond, OR 97756 2015-2016 Board of Directors John Lang Mike McGowan Bob Moore Carol Moorehead Doug Nelson Jennifer Newby Ron Radabaugh Terry Rahmsdorff Scott Reynolds TOGETHER, ENGAGING STUDENTS TO SUCCEED Mission Statement Improve student outcomes with EXCELLENCE, EQUITY and EFFICIENCY Strategic Priorities Implement best practices for educators gleaned from INVESTIGATION, INNOVATION and INCUBATION of ideas and efforts from the public and private sectors. Foster education opportunities from birth to career Provide value to our school districts, families and other customers Bridge gaps and bring people together AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT: Please contact the district office at 541.693.5608 if you need accommodation to participate in the board meeting. Please call at least three days prior to the scheduled meeting date. Thank you AGENDA REGULAR SESSION 5:30-5:35 pm Call to Order and Agenda Revisions Scott Reynolds 5:35-5:40 pm Audience Participation for Non-Agenda Items Scott Reynolds PRESENTATIONS AND REPORTS 5:40-5:50 pm Foreign Language Interpreter – OMEP Presentation Gera Casimiro 5:50-6:05 pm Better Together Presentation Katie Condit 6:05-6:15 pm Finance & Facilities Report – pages 3-8 Greg Munn 6:15-6:25 pm Renewal, Non-Renewal and Extension of Contracts – pages 9-12 Jayel Hayden 6:25-6:35 pm Declare Vacancies on Budget Committee – page 13 Greg Munn 6:35-6:45 pm Approve 2016-17 Budget Calendar – page 14 Greg Munn 6:45-6:55 pm Consent Agenda – pages 15-26 John Rexford Personnel Changes Renewal, Non-Renewal and Extension of Contracts AC – Nondiscrimination AC-AR – Discrimination Complaint/Grievance Procedure GBK/JFCG/KGC – Prohibited Use, Possessions, Distribution or Sale of Tobacco Products and Inhalant Delivery Systems Board Minutes 1-19-2016 ACTION ITEMS DISCUSSION ITEMS 6:55-7:10 pm Superintendent Report Board Elections/Appointments Deputy Superintendent Report John Rexford 7:10-7:25 pm Board Chair Report Scott Reynolds MEETING CLOSURE 7:25 pm Meeting Adjourned Next Meeting Date ~ March 15, 2016 Date: February 9, 2016 To: John Rexford, Superintendent HDESD Board of Directors From: Greg Munn, Director Business Services Subject: Business & Facilities Report for February 2016 General Fund General Fund revenue and expenses year-to-date continue to track with the historical monthly trend from last year. Year-To-Date 2014-15 2015-16 1,343,647 1,420,681 55% 55% 1,415,438 1,506,589 53% 55% Revenue collected As a % of Budget Expenses paid As a % of Budget Increase/(Decrease) From 2014-15 77,034 6% 91,151 6% • Revenue collections are up over last year due to an increase in State School Fund revenue over last year and an increase in property tax collections. Property tax collections YTD are 6% more than the same period last year. • Expenses YTD are higher than last year due to normal payroll cost increases, including a slight increase in funding for the PERS reserve, and an increase in technology expenses primarily from the addition of a position to develop web-based applications for our programs. General Fund Revenue - Operations 100% 2,500,000 90% $ Last Year $ This Year 70% % Budget This Year 60% 1,500,000 50% 40% 1,000,000 30% Percent of Budget Actual Revenue 80% % Budget Last Year 2,000,000 20% 500,000 10% - 0% Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun 3 of 26 General Fund Expenses - Operations 100% 2,500,000 90% $ Last Year % Budget Last Year 70% % Budget This Year 60% 1,500,000 50% 40% 1,000,000 30% Percent of Budget Actual Expenses 80% $ This Year 2,000,000 20% 500,000 10% - 0% Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Statement of Revenue and Expenditures No change from last month’s report. Business Office Update • • • • Budget. Met with the Finance Committee to review the budget calendar, Budget Committee vacancies, budget assumptions for 2016-17 and gave them an update on the latest information on PERS. Because most of our revenue sources and our labor contract are tied to the same two year budget period, we have a fairly good basis for projecting 2016-17. PERS. As I briefly mention at the last Board meeting, the 2015 PERS earnings have now been posted. The fund earned a disappointing 2.11% in 2015. Because this is below the 7.5% assumed rate that is built into the retirement value model, rates for the 2017-19 biennium are expected to rise from 2015-17 rates an additional 2-3 percentage points beyond the 5 percentage point increase expected due to Moro decision and the reversal of nearly all of the 2013 legislative changes. This means we can expect a 7-8 percentage point increase in rates for the 2017-18 and 2018-19 budget years. Insurance RFP. Every five years or so we issue an RFP for insurance agent of record services. Planning to issue an RFP this month for an effective date of July 1. Looking for a Board member or two who would be interested in volunteering to review proposals. School Funding in Oregon. Claire Hertz, the CFO for Beaverton Schools, wrote a very short and informative article on school funding issues in Oregon, including a history of the property tax system, a summary of the mechanics of the state school fund formula and challenges with the taxation system moving forward. A copy of this article is attached. 4 of 26 High Desert Education Service District Statement of Revenue and Expenditures - General Fund Operations Fiscal Year 2015-16 to date January 31, 2016 - UNAUDITED Adopted Budget Actual Year-to-Date Estimate To Year End Est. Over/(Under) Budget Operating Revenue and Expenses Revenue Taxes - Current Taxes - Prior Interest Indirect Revenue Other Local Revenue State School Fund Total Revenue 192,500 4,000 18,000 1,452,155 2,500 898,544 2,567,699 187,611 1,751 13,218 575,718 44,941 597,443 1,420,681 205,000 4,000 18,000 1,452,155 2,500 895,639 2,577,294 12,500 (2,905) 9,595 Expenses Home School Registration Board of Education Services Office of the Superintendent School Improvement Financial Services Operations and Maintenance Human Resources Technology Service VoIP Services Network Services Transfer of Funds Total Expenses 12,238 128,657 447,054 165,150 614,470 263,433 158,936 434,894 40,282 62,813 414,272 2,742,199 7,127 94,294 242,356 78,993 335,584 137,568 82,334 255,738 24,492 35,967 212,136 1,506,589 12,238 128,657 447,054 165,150 614,470 263,433 158,936 434,894 40,282 62,813 414,272 2,742,199 - (174,500) (85,908) (164,905) Fund Balance and Reserves Beginning Fund Balance (est) 801,000 681,134 680,000 Operating Surplus/(Deficit) (174,500) (85,908) (164,905) 626,500 626,500 - Operating Surplus/(Deficit) Funds Held in Reserve Operating Contingency Reserved for Next Year Total Reserves & Contingency Ending Fund Balance - 595,226 6% 0% 0% - 9,595 (121,000) -15% 515,095 5 of 26 Facilities Update To: John Rexford, Superintendent HDESD Board of Directors From: Bob Martin, Director of Facilities and Construction The following is a brief overview of the HDESD facilities: General: Will the snow return? If it does we are ready. Bend Education Center: Nothing to report. Tamarack Building: We are experiencing problems with the exterior dry fire sprinkler system. The pipes are starting to rust through and compressed air is leaking out causing the compressor to run more frequently. As the leaks are discovered, American Sprinkler is notified and they make the repair normally within a day. Fortunately the lease with Jungers identifies this problem as a landlord responsibility so there is no cost to the ESD. Alyce Hatch Center: The new security devices have been installed on the remaining exterior doors. Manzanita Building: Gowdy Electric is providing a quote for the replacement of T-12 fluorescent lights in the warehouse. We will use the T-8 lights removed from the HDREC during the remodeling project cutting costs to only the labor for installation. T8 fluorescent lighting is significantly less expensive to operate than T-12. I am receiving quotes for material and labor to replace the old railing system on the playground ramp. Currently the old railings (2x4 pressure treat) are splintering. Skyliner Lodge: Snow removal continues at the Lodge; a bobcat was used to remove snow from the area where a wedding will take place Feb.14th. Because of the freeze/thaw/freeze effect the driveway is very icy, creating safety concerns. I have ordered cinders from Hooker Creek to be spread on the driveway and circle Prineville Education Center: Nothing to report Westside Elementary School – Madras: February 24th the new monitoring, speaker and automatic door lock systems will be installed for the EI/ECSE program. High Desert Regional Education Center: The cross parking agreement with Consumer Cellular is in place. We have asked for a minimum of 40 spaces be available for HDESD employees and guests. The spaces will be identified with signage and yellow parking stripes. I am receiving quotes for the installation of a new flag pole. Location yet to be determined but the work will be done in July. 6 of 26 7 of 26 8 of 26 Recommendations for Contract Renewals Extensions for Academic Year 2016-2017 Licensed Staff High Desert ESD February 16, 2016 * * * Recommendations for contract renewals by classification: 1. TSPC Licensed Administrative Probationary (1st or 2nd year) Recommended for Annual Renewal 2. TSPC Licensed Administrative Contract Recommended Initial Contract 3. TSPC Licensed Administrative Contract Recommended Contract 4. Licensed Managerial/Supervisory Recommended for Renewal/Extension 5. Licensed Probationary Status (1st or 2nd year) Recommended for Annual Renewal 6. Licensed Probationary Status (3rd year) Recommended Initial Two Year Contract 7. Licensed Renewals Recommended Extension of Two Year Contract 9 of 26 High Desert ESD 2016-2017 TSPC Administrative Licenses 1. Probationary Status Recommended for Annual Renewal Name COATES, KENDRA J Primary Job Title Probationary Status 2015-2016 ESD Hire Date Contract to June 30, 2017 2nd year 6/16/2014 X ESD Hire Date Contract to June 30, 2019 ESD Hire Date Contract to June 30, 2019 REGIONAL PRE K-3 COORD 2. Probationary Status Recommended for Initial Three Year Contract Name Primary Job Title Probationary Status 2015-2016 3. Contract Status Recommended for Three Year Contract Name Primary Job Title AUSMAN, SARA SPECIAL PROGRAMS ADMIN 7/1/2011 X BISHOP, SANDRA DIRECTOR OF PROGRAMS & SPECIAL SERVICES 8/11/2003 X HAYDEN, JAMES L DIRECTOR HUMAN RESOURCES 12/1/1997 X HAYES, SUSAN SPECIAL PROGRAMS ADMIN 8/29/2005 X HOLMBERG, DAVID ALO EVALUATOR 8/1/2012 X TIPTON, DIANE DIRECTOR EARLY CHILDHOOD PROGRAMS 8/27/1997 X Licensed Managerial/Supervisory Personnel 4. Recommended for Renewal or Extension Name Primary Job Title ESD Hire Date Contract to June 30, 2018 COCORES, GEORGE HALLIWELL-TEMPLIN, CATHERINE EVALUATION SPECIALIST 8/27/1998 X FIRST STEP/PBIS/SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT COORDINATOR 8/25/2003 X FISHER, AARON MIGRANT ED COORDINATOR 7/24/2006 X HASART, RAYMOND REG CAREER TECH ED COORDINATOR 7/1/2004 X PROCTER, KATHERINE SUPERVISOR STUDENT SERVICES 8/27/1997 X RICH, BROOK CTE DEPUTY REGIONAL COORDINATOR 8/27/2012 X 10 of 26 Licensed Personnel 5. Probationary Status Recommended for Annual Renewal Name Primary Job Title BURKHARDT, WENDY M AT/AUG COM SPECIALIST Probationary Status 2015-2016 ESD Hire Date Renewal to June 30, 2017 1st year 8/31/2015 X FOSTER, KELLY M SPEECH/LANG PATHOLOGIST 1st year 8/31/2015 X HAYES, SUZETTE M AUTISM CONSULTANT 1st year 1/11/2016 X TCHR HEARING IMPAIRED 1st HEARING, JAN L year 8/31/2015 X TCHR ABA 1st year 3/9/2015 X OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST SPEECH/LANG PATHOLOGIST 1st year 2/24/2015 X 1st year 8/31/2015 X WILLIS, JENNIFER R AUTISM CONSULTANT 1st year 11/5/2015 X WIGGINS, BRITTNEY MENTAL HEALTH SPECIALIST 1st year 11/2/2015 X COPELAND, TERESA A TCHR ABA 2nd year 8/28/2014 X DIONNE, EMILY J SPEECH/LANG PATHOLOGIST 2nd year 9/2/2014 X DUBOSE, TARYN H OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST 2nd year 8/25/2014 X FERENZ, JODI V OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST 2nd year 10/1/2014 X LEONARD, ERIN W SPEECH/LANG PATHOLOGIST 2nd year 1/6/2014 X POUEYMIROU, LAURA B EARLY CHILDHOOD SPECIALIS 2nd year 8/28/2014 X AUTISM CONSULTANT 2nd year 9/2/2014 X ESD Hire Date Contract to June 30, 2018 HICKERSON, LORNA V HIETALA, KATHRYN S WETZEL, KRISTIN ZENOR, SUSAN J 6. Probationary Status Recommended for Initial Two Year contract Name Primary Job Title FAIRCLOTH, JENNIFER OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST Status 2015-2016 3rd year 9/3/2013 X MALONE, DOUGLAS BRYAN ADAPTIVE EQUIPMENT SPECIALIST 3rd year 8/26/2013 X SPACIANO, SAMANTHA SPEECH LANGUAGE PATHOLIGIST 3rd year 8/26/2013 X SPEECH LANG PATH AUG COM 3rd 8/26/2013 X WALLACE, AMANDA year Pursuant to ORS 342.840, 1 year of experience = 135 consecutive days worked • 7. Licensed Personnel Recommended for Extension of Two Year Contract Name Primary Job Title ESD Hire Date Extend Contract to June 30, 2018 ABBOTT, NANCY K TCHR VISION IMPAIRED 9/9/2010 X ANDERSON, WILLIAM J TCHR BEHAVIORAL 8/27/1991 X AUSMAN, SARA N STUDENT LEARNING COORD. 8/26/2002 X BARRETT, JILL D PHYSICAL THERAPIST 8/27/1997 X BEDORTHA, DOYCE E TCHR ECSE 8/27/1997 X BERGMANN, MONICA R SPEECH/LANG. PATHOLOGIST 8/25/2008 X BLACKMORE, MARGUERITE K AUTISM SPECIALIST 8/25/2008 X BOYNTON, TERI L TCHR EIECSE 8/24/2009 X CEDROS, RICHARD A OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST 9/7/2001 X COOLEY-REID, CAROL J AUTISM CONSULTANT 8/29/2005 X 11 of 26 Name Primary Job Title ESD Hire Date Extend Contract to June 30, 2018 DEVINE, JOSEPH A AUTISM CONSULTANT 8/25/2008 X DOHERTY, TARA B TCHR BEHAVIORAL 8/24/2009 X DURKAN, TAMARA E TCHR HEARING IMPAIRED 8/27/1996 X EDWARDS, JENNIFER N TCHR ECSE 7/1/1997 X EVAN, CHERYL A OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST 8/27/1998 X FITTON, ALISON K SPEECH/LANG. PATHOLOGIST 8/26/2002 X FRANCES, HELEN J TCHR EIECSE 1/13/1998 X FREYERMUTH, THERESE M TCHR BEHAVIORAL 8/28/2006 X GILLROY, MARIE L TCHR EIECSE 7/1/1997 X GIRVAN, JANA L TCHR ABA 8/27/2007 X GOEWEY, JANET W PHYSICAL THERAPIST 7/1/1997 X GREEN, BLAKE I TCHR ECSE 8/25/2008 X GURLEY, NANCY M TCHR ECSE 7/1/1997 X HACKETT, LISA A OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST 1/22/2007 X HARRIS, SHANDRA L TCHR VISION IMPAIRED 10/28/2000 X HATCHETT, JEANNIE K TCHR ECSE 10/18/1999 X HEINLY, NANCY W PHYSICAL THERAPIST 10/1/2001 X HENDRICK, ANN M TCHR RESOURCE RM 8/26/2002 X HILL, PATRICIA C TCHR EIECSE 8/24/2009 X HITCHCOCK, NANCY K OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST 8/27/1997 X HOEFS, MARCENE J TCHR HEARING IMPAIRED 8/29/2005 X HOFFMAN, ROBERT L TCHR VISION IMPAIRED HOLT, ELIZABETH SPEECH LANGUAGE PATHOLOGIST 8/27/1997 9/4/2012 X X JOHNSON, JULIE K TCHR EI 7/1/1997 X KARDY, BETHANY C SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGIST 8/30/2004 X KEEL, ALEXANDRA B SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGIST KEITH, STEPHANIE SPEECH LANGUAGE PATHOLOGIST 8/27/2001 9/4/2012 X X KIM, MIRANNE L TCHR EIECSE X LESAN, MICHAEL A TCHR EIECSE 10/8/2002 11/14/2011 MADDOX, STEVEN P OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST 7/1/1997 X MCCORMACK, AMY J TCHR VISION IMPAIRED 10/1/1998 X MYHRE-PAZ, KAREN L PHYSICAL THERAPIST 9/27/2006 X NEWMAN, SUSAN M TCHR HEARING IMPAIRED 8/27/1997 X PETERSON, KATHLEEN M AUTISM SPECIALIST 8/28/2000 X POWERS, LAURI D AUTISM SPECIALIST 8/25/2008 X SCHAEFER, MELANIE A ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY SPEC 8/26/2002 X SEA, LOUISE M SPEECH/LANG. PATHOLOGIST 8/28/2006 X SORLIE, NANCY W PHYSICAL THERAPIST TYLER, BEVERLY PHYSICAL THERAPIST 8/28/2000 9/4/2012 X X VOM STEEG, CYNTHIA J TCHR EIECSE WILDER, JOAN OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST 9/6/2001 10/8/2012 X X WILSON, RENEE M OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST 8/27/1998 X WINGATE, HEATHER A TCHR EIECSE 9/6/2005 X YANKUS, ALAN E TCHR HEARING IMPAIRED 8/25/2008 X X 12 of 26 High Desert Education Service District 2016-17 Budget Committee Vacancies Prior Incumbent in italics Bend-La Pine School District 1. Julie Craig Term expires: 06/30/16 2. Term expired (Ron Wilkinson) Term expires: 06/30/15 3. Term expired (Brad Henry) Term expires: 06/30/15 Crook County School District 1. Scott Cooper Term expires: 06/30/16 2. Term expired (Duane Yecha) Term expires: 06/30/15 High Desert ESD Board Members 1. Scott Reynolds 1255 NE Williamson Blvd. Bend, OR 97701 2. Mike McGowan 6980 SW Quarry Avenue Redmond, OR 97756 3. Jennifer Newby 1142 NW Remarkable Drive Bend, OR 97701 4. Ron Radabaugh 6741 NW Lamonta Road Prineville, OR 97754 Redmond School District 1. Martha Hinman Term expires: 06/30/17 5. John Lang 1484 Blackbird Court Redmond, OR 97756 2. Kathy Steinert Term expires: 06/30/16 6. Carol Moorehead 69433 Carlton Street Sisters, OR 97759 3. Mike McIntosh Term expires: 06/30/16 Sisters School District 1. Term expired (Jim Golden) Term expires: 06/30/15 2. Sandy Tartaglia Term expires: 06/30/17 Total School District Members = 10 7. Bob Moore 2556 NW Shields Drive Bend, OR 97701 8. Terry Rahmsdorff 215 NW Greenwood Ave. Bend, OR 97701 9. Doug Nelson 60279 Addie Triplett Loop Bend, OR 97702 Total ESD Board Members = 9 13 of 26 2016-17 Budget Calendar DRAFT February 16 Tuesday Board meeting 5:30 pm Declare vacancies on Budget Committee Adopt 2016-17 Budget Calendar March 15 Tuesday 23 Wednesday Board meeting 5:30 pm Appoint Budget Committee members to fill vacancies Publish 1st notice of Budget Committee meetings April 6 19 Wednesday Tuesday Publish 2nd notice of Budget Committee meetings 1st Budget Committee meeting 5:30 pm (prior to regular Board meeting) Elect Budget Committee Chair Budget message and recommended budget presented by the Budget Officer 17 Tuesday 24 Tuesday 2nd Budget Committee meeting 5:30 pm (prior to regular Board meeting) Motion to approve budget and tax levy by fund, rate, and dollars Publish notice of Budget Hearing May June 21 Tuesday Public hearing of proposed 2016-17 budget 5:30 pm (prior to regular Board meeting) Board adopts budget and makes appropriations Friday File Tax Certification form with County Assessors Distribute 2016-17 Adopted Budget document to ODE, County Clerks, ESD, and Oregon Dept of Revenue July 8 14 of 26 Human Resources Monthly Personnel Report - FEBRUARY 2016 Recommended for Hire Name Title Laura Martin Leanna Long Healthy Families of the High Desert Superisor Supporting Ed Asst - Temp FTE 1.0 .9375 Comments DOH: 2/17/16 DOH: 2/10/16 Recent Resignations, Retirements, Dismissals, Lay Offs Name Title Comments Jobs Posted this Report LICENSED Hrs per wk/ Days per yr CLASSIFIED Hrs per wk/ Days per yr CTE Instructional Assistant Speech/Lang Pathologist 40/193 Title 1C College, Career & Scholarship Trainer 1.5/18 40/182 SUPERVISOR MANAGER CONFIDENTIAL Hrs per wk/ Days per yr ADMIN Hrs per wk/ Days per yr CC: Holly B, Deb P, Shelley K, Jayel, Shawna, Rhonda, Alea, Becca, Sandy B, Kitty Peterson, Benefits 15 of 26 16 of 26 17 of 26 18 of 26 19 of 26 20 of 26 21 of 26 22 of 26 Board of Directors Board Minutes January 19, 2016 Board Members Scott Reynolds, Chair, Carol Moorehead, Vice Chair, Directors: John Lang, Mike McGowan, Bob Moore, Doug Nelson, Jenni Newby, Ron Radabaugh and Terry Rahmsdorff HDESD Staff John Rexford, Superintendent; Paul Andrews, Deputy Superintendent; Shawna Bell, Business Analyst, Amy McCormack, Early Childhood Teacher, Greg Munn, Director of Fiscal Services; Whitney Swander, TeachOregon Coordinator, Rachel Wente-Chaney, Chief Information Officer and Shelley Knutz, Executive Assistant Guests Shay Mikalson, Superintendent Bend-La Pine Schools Call to Order Scott Reynolds called the January 19, 2016 meeting to order at 5:30 pm REPORTS Board Appreciation January is designated as Board Appreciation Month. Deputy Superintendent Andrews thanked all of the board members for the time they dedicate to the High Desert ESD. The Early Childhood program made each board member a card. The students from the Behavior Intervention Class made them paper penguins. The staff gave them cards and a loaf of banana bread from Sparrow Bakery. These are just small tokens to express our gratitude. Bend-La Pine Schools Update Superintendent Shay Mikalson shared some of the great things happening in the Bend-La Pine School District. He started with a story from the US Air Force and explained how it relates to improving the performance of students in their district. The USAF started building fighter planes, and the cockpits were designed for an “average” sized pilot. They noticed the pilot’s performance levels began to decrease, because there were no “average” sized pilots. The USAF began to make small changes in the cockpits to fit the pilots, and their performance increased greatly. They found by designing for average, they lost their best potential. The district recognizes that each student comes to them with different interests and needs. Designing curriculum to fit the “average” student, fits no student. This is not easy work, but it is very important. He thanked HDESD for partnering with Bend-La Pine for much of this important work. He mentioned the partnership creating systems in schools where students can feel safe, and have at least one adult they feel connected to. Through our partnership and joint safety positions, we support the safe schools alliance, tricounty response team, Family Access Network, migrant education and outreach, as well as legal services. Across the district and within schools the partnerships with the Children’s Forest, Cascades Commitment, Camp Tamarack, STEM Hub and AVID create conditions for comprehensive rigorous curriculum for students. Superintendent Rexford is serving as a mentor for superintendent Mikalson this year. He appreciates Superintendent Rexford and Deputy-Superintendent Andrews leadership in the region. 23 of 26 Superintendent Mikalson would send any one of his five children to any of the 31 schools in the Bend-La Pine system. Bend-La Pine is the 5th largest school district in Oregon educating 17,500 students. This number is up 400 students from last year. He noted they were honored to have the 2015 Teacher of the Year Heather Anderson. Scott Reynolds asked about textbook adoptions. Superintendent Mikalson said that all students in grades 3-12 have access to their own iPads. They are working through adoptions, and many are moving to digital instructional materials. They are trying to use the dollars in a new way and are exploring several digital options. Bob Moore asked if the Bend-La Pine board members are pleased with the district’s relationship with HDESD. Superintendent Mikalson said the partnership has never been stronger. This is felt among staff as well as the board members. He also spoke to how valuable Deputy-Superintendent Andrews is for the region. He encouraged the HDESD board members be sure and keep him in the region. There is power in the united working relationships, and HDESD has unbelievable leadership here. He closed by reiterating his gratitude for the HDESD and their continued support and work throughout the districts. TeachOregon Presentation Whitney Swander, Coordinator of the TeachOregon grant for HDESD and our regional partners. Whitney refers to our local efforts as the “TeachCentralOregon” Project. TeachOregon pairs universities with their community college and school district partners to collaboratively redesign teacher recruitment, teacher preparation programs, clinical practice, mentoring and hiring practices. TeachOregon is seeking to address: • A forecasted teacher shortage by 2020. One-third of all teachers in the state will be new teachers. We are not training teachers at a rate to meet the demand. • The need for culturally and linguistically diverse teachers: Oregon’s student population is increasingly diverse, but representation by culturally diverse teachers is not keeping pace. Blueprint to prioritize improving teacher preparation includes: • Recruitment and Selection - Recruiting and inspiring the next generation of teachers who bring high quality academics to the profession and are culturally representative of Oregonians. • Clinical Practice – Providing students in teacher preparation programs a rigorous clinical practice experience that includes a highly effective and trained cooperating teacher. • Hiring and Placement – Ensuring that new teachers graduate with the skills they need to be hired; and improving districts’ human resources management to align with industry standards and attract and retain culturally diverse teachers. • Mentoring and Induction – Prioritizing mentoring and induction programs to ensure new teachers are supported and successful as they transition to the classroom and are retained in the districts in which they are hired. Accomplishments: • Cadet Teaching at 3 high schools in partnership with COCC. • Relationships formed with Juntos and AVANZA to promote careers in teaching • Scholarships to support culturally diverse students interested in teaching Scott Reynolds asked if there has discussion to extend this grant when it runs out. Whitney confirmed the goal is to make the continuation of the programs sustainable. We are doing a lot of great work with a small amount of money, so we need to figure out ways to support the work going forward. Deputy Superintendent Andrews noted what an amazing job Whitney has done is a short period of time. She is a real asset. 24 of 26 Finance Report General Fund revenue and expenses year to date continue to track with the historical monthly trend from last year. Revenue collections are up over last year due to an increase in State School fund revenue and an increase in property tax collections. Collections are up 6% from the same period last year. Expenses are higher than last year due to normal payroll cost increases, including a slight increase in funding for the PERS reserve. We began our annual budget process this week by sending out current year staffing rosters for confirmation and changes. Next steps include building our budget assumptions and reviewing with the Finance Committee in early February. Facilities Report Greg Munn highlighted the Facilities Update submitted by Bob Martin. Bob Moore asked about Alyce Hatch Center and the possibility of increasing security measures. Superintendent Rexford confirmed it was time to update the security measures for that location. Greg Munn noted that Brett Hudson, who provides construction management services to other districts, has taken on a new contract with Sisters School District. DISCUSSION ITEMS Local Service Plan 2016-17 Deputy-Superintendent Paul Andrews reviewed the Local Service Plan (LSP) for 2016-17. It is broken down into a menu of services that districts can purchase based on their individual needs. We are charged with four different core service areas. Doug Nelson asked about the Innovation services. Deputy-Superintendent Andrews explained this is the Strategic Priorities work being done by Anna Higgins, Director of Innovation. Anna will be presenting this work and the progress at a future board meeting. Superintendent Rexford is scheduled to present the Local Service Plan to each of our four constituent boards during the month of February. Shelley will send this schedule out to the ESD board members who represent a school district. It would be great if the board member would be able to attend the presentation with Superintendent Rexford. He will ask the superintendents if they would like a pre-meeting before their scheduled LSP presentation. Scott Reynolds believes the superintendents are aware of the good work we do, but it is important to make the boards aware of the good work and the value of those partnerships. First Reading Board Policies Superintendent Rexford introduced two policies and an administrative regulation presented as a first reading. These have been reviewed and revised by our legal staff and executive team. • AC – Nondiscrimination • AC-AR – Discrimination complaint/Grievance Procedure • GBK/JFCG/KGC – Prohibited Use, Possession, Distribution or Sale of Tobacco Products and Inhalant Delivery Systems. Superintendent Report and Legislative Update • Deputy Superintendent Andrews reported on the monthly facility meetings to address any ongoing facility issues. 25 of 26 • • • • We are working on an agreement with Consumer Cellular to use their lot for overflow parking. We have enough parking for regular business days, but need extra spaces when large meetings are held at the HDREC. We are in the process of hiring a full time receptionist. That person will be working closely to support HR and school improvement Bob Martin is working on installing snow breaks on the roof to keep the snow and ice from falling directly onto the sidewalk. Our meeting rooms have been named Cascades Conference Room and Three Sisters Meeting Room. Superintendent Rexford mentioned the collaboration with the staff at the HDREC. He is finding the casual communication opportunities to be very helpful. Superintendent Rexford was invited to join Dr. Noor’s Graduation Advisory Committee. He was able to reinforce the important role early learning plays in graduation rates. A Math in Real Life grant is being submitted on Friday for $250,000. A ramp was installed at Skyliner Lodge by the Heart of Oregon CORP. Bob is working with the Forest Service to see what we can do to make the restroom ADA compliant. Doug Nelson asked for an update on the new sick leave rules that went into effect on 1/1. Our legal staff is working with OSBA and the districts to draft a new policy. Board Chair Report Doug Nelson mentioned the revenue reform ballot measure being sponsored by Our Oregon. It would increase the corporate minimum tax when sales exceed $25M. Our Oregon will be presenting the initiative to the Legislative and Policy Committee. OSBA has taken no position on the measure, and they want to make sure people are aware of the position. ACTION ITEMS Approve Local Service Plan 2016-17 Bob Moore moved and Terry Rahmsdorff seconded a motion to approve the 2016-17 Local Service Plan as presented. Motion carried 9-0. Consent Agenda Carol Moorehead moved and Ron Radabaugh seconded a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Motion carried 9-0. • Personnel Changes for January 2016 • Board Minutes 12-15-2015 Adjourn The January 19, 2016, High Desert ESD Board of Directors Meeting adjourned at 7:10 pm. Scott Reynolds, Board Chair Shelley Knutz, Executive Assistant 26 of 26