2003 Minutes - Port of San Diego
2003 Minutes - Port of San Diego
January 7, 2003 Page 1 MINUTES BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District was called to order by Commissioner Cushman at 2:08 p.m. Tuesday, January 7, 2003, in the Board Room at 3165 Pacific Highway, San Diego, California. ROLL CALL Agenda Item 1. Present: COMMISSIONERS Bixler, Cushman, Davis, McQuater, Spane, Van Deventer; OFFICERS Hollingsworth, Darbeau, Corey-Born, Heinrichs and McEntee. Absent: None. Excused: Hall was excused for personal reasons. Commissioner Cushman thanked the Board and staff for the tribute at today’s swearing-in lunch and then Commissioner Cushman turned the gavel over to Chairman Van Deventer. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Agenda Item 2. The minutes submitted for the special meeting of December 17, 2002, and the regular meeting of December 17, 2002, were approved on motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Davis. January 7, 2003 Page 2 PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Agenda Item 3. None. CONSENT AGENDA Chairman Van Deventer announced that at the request of staff, item 9 (Resolution authorizing Change Order No. 7 to Contract No. 2002-01, with Bellingham Marine Industries, Inc.) would be continued to the January 28th Board meeting. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Davis, the Board, with a single vote, adopted the remaining consent agenda items 4 through 8 (Ordinances 2235 and 2236, and Resolutions 2003-01 through and including 2003-06) by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, McQuater, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Hall; Absent-None; Abstained-None, as follows: DISPOSITION OF SURPLUS EQUIPMENT Agenda Item 4. RESOLUTION 2003-01 declaring that the equipment listed on the Surplus Equipment Listing, attached thereto as Exhibit A and by this reference made a part thereof, (Exhibit A is on file in the Office of the District Clerk), to be surplus to the needs of the District and shall be disposed of in accordance with the procedures prescribed in BPC Policy No. 111, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. CONFIRMATION OF APPOINTMENT BY THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE FOLLOWING OFFICER: CHIEF ENGINEER Agenda Item 5. RESOLUTION 2003-02 confirming the appointment of Charles A. (Tony) Heinrichs as Chief Engineer for the remainder of Fiscal Year 2002-2003, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. January 7, 2003 Page 3 CONSENT TO AMENDMENT OF SUBLEASE BETWEEN SAN DIEGO SEAPORT VILLAGE, LTD. AND WATERVIEW RESTAURANTS, INC. Agenda Item 6a. RESOLUTION 2003-03 granting consent for Sea Port Village to enter into a Fifth Amendment to Sublease with Water View Restaurants, Inc. (Sublessee) for approximately 2,272 square feet of its leased premises located on West Harbor Drive in the City of San Diego for the limited use of the premises as provided in the sublease document, as amended, between the parties and for no other purpose whatsoever for a period of time not to exceed Thirty Eight (38) Years, Eleven (11) Months and Twenty Seven (27) Days commencing October 4, 1979 and ending September 30, 2018, subject to earlier termination; provided, however, in the event the District grants Sea Port Village an extension of its master lease, as amended, Sea Port Village shall grant to Sublessee an extension of said sublease in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said Fifth Amendment, and further, Sea Port Village shall advise the District, in writing, of the terms and conditions of any extension granted to Sublessee; said consent shall be subject to certain express conditions as more particularly outlined in Resolution 2003-03, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. CONSENT TO AMENDMENT OF SUBLEASE BETWEEN SAN DIEGO SEAPORT VILLAGE, LTD. HH RESTAURANT, INC. Agenda Item 6b. RESOLUTION 2003-04 granting consent for Sea Port Village to enter into a Fifth Amendment to Sublease with HH Restaurant, Inc. (Sublessee) for approximately 10,810 square feet of its leased premises located on West Harbor Drive in the City of San Diego for the limited use of the premises as provided in the sublease document, as amended, between the parties and for no other purpose whatsoever for a period of time not to exceed Nineteen (19) Years and Five (5) Months commencing May 1, 1979 and ending September 30, 1998, plus Four (4) additional Five (5) year options, subject to earlier termination; provided, however, in the event the District grants Sea Port Village an extension of its master lease, as amended, Sea Port Village shall grant to Sublessee an extension of said sublease in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said Fifth Amendment, and further, Sea Port Village shall advise the District, in writing, of the terms and conditions of any extension granted to Sublessee; said consent shall be subject to certain express conditions as more particularly outlined in Resolution 2003-04, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. January 7, 2003 Page 4 CONSENT TO AMENDMENT OF SUBLEASE BETWEEN SAN DIEGO SEAPORT VILLAGE, LTD. AND WATER VIEW RESTAURANTS, INC. DBA EDGEWATER GRILL. Agenda Item 6c. RESOLUTION 2003-05 granting consent for Sea Port Village to enter into a fifth amendment to sublease with Water View Restaurants, Inc., dba Edgewater Grill, (Sublessee) for approximately 8,686 square feet of its leased premises located on West Harbor Drive in the City of San Diego for the limited use of the premises as provided in the sublease document, as amended, between the parties and for no other purpose whatsoever for a period of time not to exceed Thirty Nine (39) Years, and Five and One-Half (5-1/2) Months commencing April 15, 1979 and ending September 30, 2018, subject to earlier termination; provided, however, in the event the District grants Sea Port Village an extension of its master lease, as amended, Sea Port Village shall grant to Sublessee an extension of said sublease in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said Fifth Amendment, and further, Sea Port Village shall advise the District, in writing, of the terms and conditions of any extension granted to Sublessee; said consent shall be subject to certain express conditions as more particularly outlined in Resolution 2003-05, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING ASSIGNMENTS OF FOUR AVIGATION EASEMENTS TO THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY REGIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY Agenda Item 7. ORDINANCE 2235 authorizing and directing the execution of Four (4) Assignments of Avigation Easements with each of the parties listed on the document entitled "Avigation Easements Being Assigned from San Diego Unified Port District to San Diego County Regional Airport Authority", attached thereto as Exhibit A and by this reference made a part thereof, (Exhibit A is on file in the Office of the District Clerk), on or after January 1, 2003; said Exhibit A reflects the address of the property involved, the name of the Grantor, the date of the Avigation Easement and the District Document Number thereof; Four (4) separate Assignments of Avigation Easement documents shall be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. January 7, 2003 Page 5 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION OF TWO (2) MISCELLANEOUS AGREEMENTS TO THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY REGIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY Agenda Item 7. ORDINANCE 2236 authorizing and directing the execution of Assignment and Assumption documents, which provide for the District to assign, transfer and set over unto the Authority, all of the District’s right, title and interest in and to said miscellaneous agreements, on or after January 1, 2003, described on Exhibit A, entitled “Miscellaneous Agreements Being Assigned from San Diego Unified Port District to San Diego County Regional Airport Authority”, attached thereto and by this reference made a part thereof, (Exhibit A is on file in the Office of the District Clerk); said Exhibit A reflects the name of the party to the Agreement, the type of Agreement, the date of the Agreement, and the District Document Numbers thereof; Two (2) separate Assignments and Assumption documents shall be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. APPOINTMENT OF COMMISSIONER EMERITUS PAUL H. SPEER TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SAN DIEGO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Agenda Item 8. RESOLUTION 2003-06 appointing Commissioner Emeritus Paul H. Speer, former Chairman and member of said Board of Port Commissioners, as representative of the San Diego Unified Port District to the Board of Directors of the San Diego Economic Development Corporation through December 31, 2003; further, rescinding Resolution 2001-127, adopted June 19, 2001, appointing Susan Lew as the District’s representative to said Board of Directors of the San Diego Economic Development Corporation, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. PRESENTATION PRESENTATION OF THE DISTRICT’S EMPLOYEE OF THE QUARTER FOR THE 3RD QUARTER OF 2002 Agenda Item 10. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, announced that Rubi De Guzman, Associate Accountant, Financial Services was chosen as Employee of the Quarter for the third quarter of 2002. Ms. De Guzman was recognized for her continuous effort to improve finance accounting systems and procedures. January 7, 2003 Page 6 PRESENTATION: SAN DIEGO CONVENTION CENTER CORPORATION ECONOMIC AND FISCAL IMPACT STUDY Agenda Item 11. Chris Anderson, Vice President, Operations, introduced to the Board Dan McAllister and Carol Wallace, representing the San Diego Convention Center Corporation (SDCCC). Mr. McAllister addressed the Board and presented the results of a study of the SDCCC’s economic and fiscal benefits. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Mr. McAllister thanked the Board for their financial support of the SDCCC. Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioner Davis requested and received clarification from Mr. McAllister and Ms. Wallace regarding the City of San Diego’s investment in the SDCCC facilities. Commissioner Davis requested that staff utilize a chart similar to the one used by SDCCC to illustrate the District’s revenues and expenses. Commissioner Cushman requested that District’s financial contribution be reflected in the chart presented by SDCCC in a more positive manner. Chairman Van Deventer requested that SDCCC continue to build up the public art program at the Convention Center. ACTION AGENDA HOLD PUBLIC HEARING AND ADOPT AN ORDINANCE AMENDING PORT OF SAN DIEGO TARIFF NO. 1-G RATES AND CHARGES Agenda Item 12. Chris Anderson, Vice President, Operations, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations regarding amending the District’s Tariff Rates and Charges. (A copy of the staff report is on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Chairman Van Deventer opened the Public Hearing. Earl Hansen, representing The Pasha Group, addressed the Board and expressed concerns from several automobile manufacturers regarding the Tariff increases. Mr. Hansen requested that adjustments to the Tariff be based on the Producer Price Index (PPI) rather than the Consumer Price Index (CPI). David Haney, representing American Honda, addressed the Board regarding the proposed Tariff increase. No one else requested to speak and Chairman Van Deventer closed the Public Hearing. January 7, 2003 Page 7 Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioner Cushman discussed the timing of the proposed Tariff increase and stated his support for the increase. Commissioner Bixler requested staff provide additional information on the cost of rail freight in and out of San Diego and how it impacts the District. Commissioner Bixler requested that staff reply to the issues raised by the commercial fisherman. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Davis, Ms. Anderson and Stan Westover, Director, Marine Operations, provided additional information regarding the revenue generated from the automotive industry and the impact of the Tariff increase on projected revenues. Commissioner Davis requested and received clarification from Ms. Anderson regarding the District’s agreement with The Pasha Group. Mr. Hansen discussed the competition with other ports for the automotive industry. Chairman Van Deventer requested and received clarification from Ms. Anderson regarding the difference in the PPI and CPI increases. Ms. Anderson reminded the Board that the proposed rates will become effective in August, 2003, which would allow staff time to further examine the vehicle rates and bring back any proposed revisions. Ms. Anderson also stated the Board might wish to remove the vehicle rate from the proposed increase, which would allow staff to bring back a recommendation at another time. Commissioner McQuater stated the importance of not placing the District at a competitive disadvantage with other ports by increasing the Tariff rates. Commissioner Cushman requested and received clarification from Mr. Hansen regarding the cancellation clauses included in the agreement with the automobile manufacturers. Commissioner Cushman stated that approving the Tariff today would allow the automotive industry sufficient time to adjust to the increase. Commissioner Davis requested and received clarification from Ms. Anderson regarding the impact of raising the Tariff rates on other industries. Commissioner Davis expressed concern regarding the lack of information provided by staff regarding this item. Commissioner Bixler reiterated his request that staff respond to the issues raised by the commercial fisherman and report back to the Board within three months. Commissioner Spane stated he also needed additional information regarding this item before making a decision. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, suggested that this item be continued to allow staff to provide additional information to the Board. Commissioner Van Deventer requested that staff provide the additional information in chart format regarding the difference between PPI and CPI adjustments. Chairman Van Deventer stated this item would be continued to a future Board meeting. January 7, 2003 Page 8 ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING PARKING RATES FOR SHELTER ISLAND’S SPORTFISHING PARKING LOTS Agenda Item 13. Jeff Edgren, Senior Asset Manager, Real Estate, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations regarding the Sportfishing Landing Public Parking rates. (A copy of the staff report is on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Chairman Van Deventer opened the Public Hearing. No one requested to speak and Chairman Van Deventer closed the Public Hearing. Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioner Bixler requested and received clarification from Mr. Edgren regarding the impact that eliminating employee parking would have on employees. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director stated that the City of San Diego is considering issuing permits for residential parking in the area, which may also have an impact on employee parking. On motion of Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Bixler, the Board adopted ORDINANCE 2237 establishing the parking rates for Shelter Island's Sportfishing Parking Lot (Main Parking Lot), located on Scott Street, near Harbor Drive, in the City of San Diego, and for Shelter Island’s Sportfishing Parking Lot (Westy’s Lot), located on North Harbor Drive, near Scott Street, in the City of San Diego; said parking rates subject to certain terms and conditions as more particularly described in Ordinance 2237; further, repealing Ordinance 1367 entitled "An Ordinance Establishing Parking Rates for Shelter Island's Sportfishing Parking Lots", upon posting of said rates, was adopted by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, McQuater, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Hall; Absent-None; Abstained-None. APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PROJECT REVIEW FOR REDEVELOPMENT OF KOEHLER KRAFT COMPANY, INC. IMPROVEMENTS; DIRECT STAFF TO PROCEED WITH AN ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW FOR PROPOSED REDEVELOPMENT; DIRECT STAFF TO NEGOTIATE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND TO NEGOTIATE A NEW 30-YEAR LEASE Agenda Item 14. Jeff Edgren, Senior Asset Manager, Real Estate, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations regarding the redevelopment of Koehler Kraft Company, Inc. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) January 7, 2003 Page 9 On motion of Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commission Cushman, the Board granted conceptual approval for the preliminary project review for redevelopment of Koehler Kraft Company, Inc. improvements; and directed staff to proceed with an environmental review for proposed redevelopment, to negotiate plans and specifications, and to negotiate a new 30-year lease; as outlined in the staff report, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, McQuater, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Hall; Absent-None; Abstained-None. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT Agenda Item 15. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director informed the Board that Alan Redmon, Project Manager, Engineering, has been activated in the military and deployed to Kuwait. Mr. Hollingsworth reported that Craig Behning, Maintenance Worker III, General Services, received a $500 scholarship. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Agenda Item 16. None. ADDITION OF CLOSED SESSION Chairman Van Deventer noted there were no additional items on the open session agenda for discussion. Ellen Corey Born, Interim Port Attorney, advised the Board that subsequent to the posting of the agenda, an item had come to her attention and requested that the Board vote to add an item to the agenda. On motion of Commissioner McQuater, seconded by Commissioner Cushman, the Board, by a unanimous vote, added the item as follows, whereupon the Board adjourned to closed session (Commissioner Hall was excused): CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXISTING LITIGATION Government Code Section 54956.9(a): Tuchscher Development, Inc. vs. Lennar Corporation, SDUPD, et al. San Diego Superior Court No. GIC 758620. January 7,2003 Page 10 OPEN SESSION After the closed session was concluded, the Board reconvened in open public session. (Commissioner Hall was excused.) There was no action to report, whereupon Chairman Van Deventer adjourned the meeting. I/ bf SecrefQiy,\#oa !rd Port Commissioners San 6iegopnified Port District AlTEST: Clerk of the San w g o Unified Port District January 16, 2003 Page 11 MINUTES BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT As previously posted, a special meeting of the Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District was called to order by Chairman Van Deventer at 8:00 a.m. Thursday, January 16, 2003, at the Coronado Island Marriott, Black Swan Room, 2000 Second Street, Coronado, CA 92118. Present: COMMISSIONERS Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Hall, Spane, Van Deventer; OFFICERS Hollingsworth, Corey-Born. Absent: None. Excused: Commissioner McQuater was excused until such time as she arrived (at 12:30 p.m.). PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS None. RETREAT The Board assessed last year’s activities and discussed the role of the Board for the upcoming year. Other issues discussed at the retreat included promotional activities, trade mission, and the state and federal inter-governmental relations strategy. January 16,2003 Page 12 There was no further action to report, whereupon Chairman Van Deventer adjourned the special meeting at 4:OO p.m. ATTEST: Clerk of the San6iego Unified Port District January 28, 2003 Page 13 MINUTES BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT As previously posted, a special meeting of the Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District was called to order by Chairman Van Deventer at 9:07 a.m. Tuesday, January 28, 2003, in the Board Room at 3165 Pacific Highway, San Diego, California. ROLL CALL Agenda Item 1. Present: COMMISSIONERS Bixler, Davis, Hall, McQuater, Spane, Van Deventer; OFFICERS Hollingsworth, Darbeau, Corey-Born, Heinrichs, and McEntee. Absent: None. Excused: Cushman was excused for personal reasons. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Agenda Item 2. None. WORKSHOP CAMPBELL SHIPYARD SEDIMENT REMEDIATION Agenda Item 3. David Merk, Director, Environmental Services, and Paul Brown, Project Analyst, briefed the Board on the on-going environmental remediation activities at the proposed Convention Center Hotel site. Mr. Merk provided a historical overview of the site and Mr. Brown outlined the remediation alternatives. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) The remediation alternatives discussed for the water side were excavation and removal of January 28, 2003 Page 14 contaminated sediments, an engineered cap, a habitat cap, and a hybrid engineered cap and habitat cap. The following individuals addressed the Board with varying viewpoints regarding the sediment remediation for the water parcel in front of the proposed Convention Center Hotel site: Ed Kimura, representing the Sierra Club; Dick Cloward, representing the San Diego Port Tenants Association; Captain Philip Ryan, representing the San Diego Bay Pilots; and George Palermo representing San Diego Harbor Excursion. Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioner Spane stressed the importance of the general public having access to the Bay and land. Commissioner Bixler stated his support for the engineered thin cap alternative. Commissioner McQuater requested additional information from staff regarding the justification for staff’s recommendation of the habitat cap alternative. Mr. Merk discussed the timeline for the remediation and stated that the Board will need to decide on an alternative by March 1, 2003. Commissioner Davis requested and received clarification from Mr. Merk regarding the decision making process utilized for staff’s recommendation. Commissioner Hall requested and received clarification from Mr. Merk regarding whether staff sought input from maritime operations on the Bay. Commissioner Spane reiterated the importance of the public not losing access to the Bay. Commissioner Spane expressed his concern in regard to making the decision for an alternative based on expediency rather than making the decision strategically. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Hall, Mr. Merk provided additional information regarding the cleanup of Switzer Creek. Commissioner Van Deventer stated this item would come back to the Board for approval at the second meeting in February. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director provided clarification on the impact of the timeline for this project on the Hilton San Diego Convention Center Option Agreement. Chairman Van Deventer announced that the Board would take a short break before the next agenda item. Chairman Van Deventer called the meeting back to order at 10:30 a.m. January 28,2003 Page 15 TRAINING SESSION FOR FILERS OF STATEMENTS OF ECONOMIC INTEREST (FORM 700) Acrenda Item 4. Ellen Corey Born, Interim Port Attorney, stated that, pursuant to the District's Code of Ethics, each year, prior to annual filing of the Statements of Economic Interest, a training session will be held. Bill McMinn, Deputy Port Attorney, addressed the Board and introduced Scott Tocher, representing California Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC). Mr. Tocher stated the intent of today's meeting is to provide training on the Conflicts of Interest under the Political Reform Act, and will not include the District's Code of Ethics. (A copy of the staff report, presentation and handout are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Mr. Tocher outlined in detail eight steps to assist in deciding whether an individual has a financial conflict of interest under the Political Reform Act. The Board requested and received clarification on a variety of conflict of interest issues, including what constitutes economic interests, and additional information on determining whether an economic interest is directly or indirectly involved in the governmental decision. Commissioner Bixler requested further clarification from staff regarding reportable gifts relating to Commissioners and staff traveling to other ports. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, requested and received clarification from Mr. Tocher regarding whether a Board advisory committee member may have a conflict of interest under the Political Reform Act. Commissioner Bixler requested and received clarification from Mr. Tocher regarding when a Commissioner must leave the dais due to a conflict of interest. The Board thanked Mr. Tocher for his presentation. There was no further action to report, whereupon Chairman Van Deventer adjourned the special meeting at 12:OO p.m. / of Port Commissioners Port District ATTEST: Clerk of the San Hego UnifikJ Port District January 28, 2003 Page 16 MINUTES BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District was called to order by Commissioner Van Deventer at 1:02 p.m. Tuesday, January 28, 2003, in the Board Room at 3165 Pacific Highway, San Diego, California. ROLL CALL Agenda Item 1. Present: COMMISSIONERS Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Hall, McQuater, Spane, Van Deventer; OFFICERS Hollingsworth, Darbeau, Corey-Born, Heinrichs and McEntee. Absent: None. Excused: None. SWEARING IN OF RE-APPOINTED CITY OF CHULA VISTA COMMISSIONER WILLIAM HALL Agenda Item 2. Wayne Darbeau, Vice President, Administration/District Clerk, administered the oath of office to re-appointed City of Chula Vista Commissioner William Hall. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Agenda Item 3. The minutes submitted for the special meeting of December 30, 2002, and the regular meeting of January 7, 2003, were approved on motion of Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Bixler. January 28, 2003 Page 17 PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Agenda Item 4. None. CONSENT AGENDA Chairman Van Deventer announced that item 12 (Resolution rejecting bids from Krueger International Inc., Boise Workspace Interiors, and Seal Furniture, and awarding Bid PD02-17 to Parron Hall Office Interiors) would be continued to a future Board meeting. Chairman Van Deventer announced that item 15 (Resolution authorizing First Amendment to Agreement with Moffatt & Nichol Engineers to provide additional design of Maritime Security Enhancements) would be moved to the action agenda for separate discussion and vote. Commissioner Bixler announced that due to a possible conflict of interest, he would be abstaining on item 19 (Resolution establishing rent for Southwestern Yacht Club). Commissioner Cushman requested that item 16 (Resolution establishing rent for Ameritas Life Insurance Corporation), item 18 (Resolution establishing rent for Silver Gate Yacht Club) and item 19 (Resolution establishing rent for Southwestern Yacht Club) be pulled for separate discussion and vote. On motion of Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Hall, the Board, with a single vote, adopted the remaining consent agenda items 5 through 11, 13, 14, 17 and 20 (Ordinances 2238, and Resolutions 2003-07 through and including 2003-16) by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Hall, McQuater, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained-None, as follows: AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT WITH CITY OF SAN DIEGO Agenda Item 5. RESOLUTION 2003-07 authorizing a Fourth Amendment to Agreement with the City of San Diego, a municipal corporation, (City) for the processing of parking violations; said Fourth Amendment provides that the City shall retain from the fees collected on behalf of the District, as compensation for the services provided, an amount equal to $5.66 for each citation that is processed, in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said Fourth Amendment to Agreement, on January 28, 2003 Page 18 file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45409, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. ASSIGNMENT OF AGREEMENTS FROM SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT TO SAN DIEGO COUNTY REGIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY Agenda Item 6. RESOLUTION 2003-08 authorizing and directing the execution of Assignment and Assumption documents between the San Diego Unified Port District and the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority for Twenty Five (25) Agreements, including any amendments thereto, which Assignment and Assumption documents provide for the District to assign, transfer and set over unto the Authority all of the District’s right, title and interest in and to said Agreements, on or after December 16, 2002, and described on Exhibit A, entitled “Agreements/Contracts for Assignment”, attached thereto and by this reference made a part hereof (Exhibit A is on file in the Office of the District Clerk); said Exhibit A reflects the District Document No. and the Consultant and Type of Agreement/Services; further, authorizing and directing the execution of Assignment and Assumption documents between the San Diego Unified Port District and the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority for Three (3) Agreements, including any amendments thereto, which Assignment and Assumption documents provide for the District to assign, transfer and set over unto the Authority all of the District’s right, title and interest in and to said Agreements, on or after December 16, 2002, and described on Exhibit B, entitled “Agreements/Contracts for Assignment,” attached thereto and by this reference made a part hereof (Exhibit B is on file in the Office of the District Clerk); said Exhibit B reflects the District Document No. and the Consultant and Type of Agreement/Services; the documents listed in said Exhibit B require the consent of the Consultant to said Agreement; said Agreements shall be assigned in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said Assignment and Assumption documents, and said assignment shall be subject to the acceptance by the Authority, on terms acceptable to the District; the Assignment and Assumption documents shall be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. REJECTION OF CLAIM – BETTY ANN TORNAY Agenda Item 7. RESOLUTION 2003-09 rejecting the claim filed against the San Diego Unified Port District on December 23, 2002, by Betty Ann Tornay for damage to January 28, 2003 Page 19 her swimming pool allegedly caused by debris falling from aircraft taking off from Lindbergh Field and flying over her home, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. REJECTION OF CLAIM – SHARON BERGAN Agenda Item 7. RESOLUTION 2003-10 rejecting the claim filed against the San Diego Unified Port District on December 17, 2002, on behalf of District employee Sharon Bergan for damages allegedly sustained as a result of sexual harassment, discrimination, and retaliation in her position as a Sergeant with the Harbor Police Department, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENTS WITH MARSH USA INC., DBA MARSH RISK & INSURANCE SERVICES; AON RISK SERVICES, INC., AND DRIVER ALLIANT INSURANCE SERVICES, INC. Agenda Item 8. RESOLUTION 2003-11 authorizing Agreements with the firms of Marsh USA Inc., dba Marsh Risk & Insurance Services, a Delaware corporation; AON Risk Services, Inc., a California corporation, and Driver Alliant Insurance Services, Inc., a California corporation, to provide Risk Management Consultant/Broker Services; for an aggregate amount not to exceed $732,000.00 for the three year period commencing February 1, 2003, and ending January 31, 2006, subject to earlier termination; said Agreements, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document Nos. 45410, 45411, 45412, respectively, shall be subject to certain express conditions as more particularly outlined in Resolution 2003-11, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENT WITH ECONOMICS RESEARCH ASSOCIATES Agenda Item 9. RESOLUTION 2003-12 authorizing an Agreement with Economics Research Associates, a California corporation, to provide an Analysis of the Fiscal and Economic Impact of the Business and Operations on the District’s tidelands, excluding the San Diego International Airport (Airport), the Airport’s tenants, and the businesses that provide goods and services to the Airport, for a period of time commencing in accordance with Paragraph 24 of said Agreement and terminating on October 31, 2003, subject to earlier termination, for a total amount not to exceed $125,000.00; said funds to be disbursed in accordance with the terms, covenants and January 28, 2003 Page 20 conditions contained in said Agreement, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45413, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. AMENDMENT OF BPC POLICY 025, REQUEST FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Agenda Item 10. RESOLUTION 2003-13 adopting Board of Port Commissioners Policy No. 025, Request for Financial Assistance, as amended, a copy of which is on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45414, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENT WITH MERKEL & ASSOCIATES INC. Agenda Item 11. RESOLUTION 2003-14 authorizing an Agreement with Merkel & Associates, Inc. to provide professional services to Finalize and Implement Eelgrass Mitigation and Monitoring for the National City Wharf Extension Project for a period of Five (5) Years, commencing in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said Agreement, subject to earlier termination, for total compensation not to exceed $110,450.00; said Agreement is on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45415, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO Agenda Item 13. RESOLUTION 2003-15 authorizing a Memorandum of Understanding for the Construction of Group 525-D 16-Inch Water Pipeline on Harbor Drive (MOU), with the City of San Diego, a municipal corporation, to proceed with the construction of said Project by the District; further, that the City shall reimburse the District at the current estimate of the Project Construction Cost, $820,000.00, plus an additional Ten Per Cent (10%) of the total Project Construction Cost for overall construction management, including general administration, engineering and field construction management for all construction activities (Administrative Cost), for a total amount not to exceed $902,000.00; said funds to be paid to the District in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said MOU, to be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45416; in the event the total cost of said Project exceeds the sum of $902,000.00, it has been agreed, in accordance with January 28, 2003 Page 21 Paragraph 2.c. of said MOU, that the City will need prior approval of the City Council before any further funds are paid to the District; in the further event said additional funds are authorized by the City Council, reimbursement will be made in a lump sum amount after the Notice of Completion has been filed; was adopted as part of the consent agenda. CHANGE ORDER NO. 7 TO CONTRACT 2002-01, ACCESSIBLE BOAT DOCKS, SAN DIEGO BAY, WITH BELLINGHAM MARINE INDUSTRIES, INC. Agenda Item 14. RESOLUTION 2003-16 authorizing the execution of Change Order No. 7 to Contract 2002-01, Accessible Boat Docks, San Diego Bay, with Bellingham Marine Industries, Inc., increasing the contract by an amount not to exceed $190,000.00, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. ORDINANCE AMENDING LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT AND PORT CORONADO ASSOCIATES, LLC, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY COMPRISED OF ARTHUR E. ENGEL, TRUSTEE OF THE ARTHUR E. ENGEL TRUST OF 1988, HERBERT G. ENGEL, TRUSTEE OF THE HERBERT G. ENGEL TRUST UDT DATED MAY 28, 1996, DAVID R. ENGEL, TRUSTEE OF THE DAVID R. ENGEL TRUST OF 1990, AND WILLIAM M. JOHNSTON, AN INDIVIDUAL Agenda Item 17. ORDINANCE 2238 amending the lease agreement dated June 30, 1986, between the San Diego Unified Port District and Port Coronado Associates, LLC, a California Limited Liability Company comprised of Arthur E. Engel, Trustee of The Arthur E. Engel Trust of 1988, Herbert G. Engel, Trustee of The Herbert G. Engel Trust UDT Dated May 28, 1996, David R. Engel, Trustee of The David R. Engel Trust of 1990, and William M. Johnston, an Individual, in accordance with Agreement for Amendment of Lease, Amendment No. 4, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45418; further, that this ordinance shall take effect on the 31st day from its passage by the Board of Port Commissioners, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. January 28, 2003 Page 22 APPOINTMENT OF BRAD LEWIS TO THE PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE Agenda Item 20. Staff’s recommendation to appoint Brad Lewis to the Public Art Committee for a three-year term, consistent with BPC Policy 609, was accepted as part of the consent agenda. RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING RENT FOR AMERITAS LIFE INSURANCE CORPORATION DBA REUBEN E. LEE, REUBEN’S, AND JARED’S HARBOR ISLAND FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY 1, 1999 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2003. Agenda Item 16. Commissioner Cushman requested and received clarification from Dan Strum, Director of Real Estate, regarding whether the tenants are planning improvements to the leasehold. Commissioner Bixler requested staff provide additional information to Board regarding any plans by the tenants to develop additional docks for public use. Mr. Strum stated that the purpose of today’s item is to establish rent and that staff would have additional opportunities to discuss possible improvements with the tenants. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Bixler, the Board voted to continue this item for two weeks, by the following unanimous vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Hall, McQuater, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained-None. YACHT CLUBS Commissioner Cushman requested and received clarification from Chairman Van Deventer regarding the impact of the current discussions of the Yacht Club Leasing Policy Ad Hoc Committee on these two items. On motion of Commissioner Hall, seconded by Commissioner McQuater, the Board with a single vote, adopted RESOLUTIONS 2003-18 through and including 200320, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Hall, McQuater, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained-Bixler (Resolutions 2003-19 and 2003-20), as follows: January 28, 2003 Page 23 RENTAL REVIEW – SILVER GATE YACHT CLUB, SHELTER ISLAND DRIVE Agenda Item 18. RESOLUTION 2003-18 establishing the rental covering the tenancy of Silver Gate Yacht Club for premises located on Shelter Island Drive in the City of San Diego, under lease dated October 28, 1980, as assigned and amended, for the Five (5) year rental review period commencing December 1, 2001, and ending November 30, 2006, as the sum of $89,062.00 per year, which is equal to $7,422.00 per month; further, that back rent in the amount of $39,072.00 is due to the District by Lessee for the period commencing December 1, 2001, and ending January 31, 2003, and said back rent shall be amortized at Seven Per Cent (7%) interest for the period commencing July 1, 2002, through the remainder of said rent review period, November 30, 2006, was adopted as indicated above, “Yacht Club Rental Reviews.” RENTAL REVIEW – SOUTHWESTERN YACHT CLUB, QUALTROUGH STREET Agenda Item 19a. RESOLUTION 2003-19 establishing the rental covering the tenancy of Southwestern Yacht Club for premises located at the foot of Qualtrough Street in the City of San Diego, under lease dated September 29, 1970, as assigned and amended, is hereby established for the Five (5) year rental review period, commencing December 1, 2001, and ending November 30, 2006, as the sum of $146,650.00 per year, which is equal to $12,221.00 per month; further, that back rent in the amount of $57,627.00 is due to the District by Lessee for the period commencing December 1, 2001, and ending December 31, 2002, and said back rent shall be amortized at Seven Per Cent (7%) interest for the period commencing July 1, 2002, through the remainder of said rent review period, November 30, 2006, was adopted as indicated above, “Yacht Club Rental Reviews.” SOUTHWESTERN YACHT CLUB Agenda Item 19b. RESOLUTION 2003-20 consenting to the limited additional non-commercial use of the leased premises by Southwestern Yacht Club for the continued operation of a 10-foot by 30-foot floating facility on the northeast side of Dock A, between the Dock and the Seawall, to be used non-commercially to raise juvenile white seabass for subsequent release into San Diego Bay for a period of time commencing April 18, 2002, and ending September 30, 2010; further, that all of the terms, covenants and conditions of said lease, as assigned and amended, shall continue January 28, 2003 Page 24 in full force and effect, except as to the use provision, which has been modified by this resolution, was adopted as indicated above, “Yacht Club Rental Reviews.” PRESENTATION PRESENTATION OF $20,000 DONATION FROM THE SAN DIEGO SUPER BOWL HOST COMMITTEE FOR THE “PORT WITH NO BORDERS” SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM Agenda Item 21. Ky Snider, representing the San Diego Sports Council, and Ron Fowler, representing the San Diego Super Bowl Host Committee (Committee), addressed the Board and presented a $20,000 donation for the Port With No Borders Scholarship Program. Mr. Snider thanked all the District staff for their efforts during the Super Bowl. Commissioner discussion ensued. Chairman Van Deventer commented on the Super Bowl-related events and thanked the Committee for their work on these events. Commissioners Bixler and Cushman also acknowledged the Committee for the positive impact on the District from these events. PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE AMENDING PORT OF SAN DIEGO TARIFF 1-G Agenda Item 22. Chris Anderson, Vice President, Operations, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations in regard to amending the Port of San Diego tariff. (A copy of the staff report is on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Chairman Van Deventer opened the Public Hearing. No one requested to speak and Chairman Van Deventer closed the Public Hearing. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Hall, the Board adopted ORDINANCE 2239 amending Tariff No. 1-G, posted on the website for the San Diego Unified Port District (District) at www.portofsandiego.org (Organization No. 011576 Tariff No. 1-G), and the paper format version on file in the office of the January 28, 2003 Page 25 District Clerk as Document No. 31231, by the adoption of revisions to various Items in Section VII, Rates and Charges, General; Section VIII, Rules & Rates, Dockage; Section IX, Rules & Rates, Wharfage; Section X, Rules & Rates, Wharf Demurrage, Wharf Storage & Space Occupancy; as more particularly outlined in Ordinance 2239; further authorizing and directing to post said Items, as more particularly described in said Tariff No. 1-G, and incorporated therein by this reference; this ordinance shall take effect after posting said revisions on the above-referenced website; provided, however, this ordinance shall not take effect prior to 31 days from its passage by the Board of Port Commissioners or March 1, 2003, whichever date is later; provided, however, the Cruise Ship Passenger Fees shall take effect July 1, 2003, and the Lumber Wharfage Fees shall take effect August 1, 2003, by the following unanimous vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Hall, McQuater, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained-None. ACTION AGENDA GRANT APPROVAL OF CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT PLANS FOR HILTON SAN DIEGO CONVENTION CENTER HOTEL AND DISTRICT PUBLIC PARKING FACILITY, SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT “A” Agenda Item 23. Chris Anderson, Vice President, Operations, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations. Chris Pfohl, Walt Miller, and Roger Zampell, representing the Hilton San Diego Convention Center, LLC (HSDCC), addressed the Board and discussed the specifics of the conceptual design of the hotel. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioner Bixler requested and received clarification from Ms. Anderson and Ms. Melissa Mailander, Environmental Review Coordinator, regarding plans for public access to docks contained in the concept design. Commissioner Bixler suggested a buoy system to create waterfront activity. Commissioner Bixler recommended that HSDCC develop some way of identifying the park and planting trees along the bayside. Commissioner Bixler proposed adding coverage to the bus area. Commissioner Spane stated that the proposed design, compared to the rest of the San Diego skyline, was not very unique. Commissioner Cushman and Chairman Van Deventer stated their support for the design. January 28, 2003 Page 26 On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Hall, the Board granted conceptual approval for the Development Plans for Hilton San Diego Convention Center Hotel and District public parking facility, subject to conditions as outlined in the staff report, by the following unanimous vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Hall, McQuater, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained-None. AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO DESIGN BUILD AGREEMENT – GUARANTEED MAXIMUM PRICE WITH HENSEL PHELPS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, THE LICENSED CONTRACTING ENTITY OF HILTON SAN DIEGO CONVENTION CENTER, LLC, FOR CONVENTION CENTER HOTEL PARKING FACILITY, SAN DIEGO Agenda Item 24. Tony Heinrichs, Senior Director, Facilities/Chief Engineer, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Hall, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-21 authorizing a Design Build Agreement – Guaranteed Maximum Price (Agreement), on behalf of the San Diego Unified Port District (District), with Hensel Phelps Construction Company, the Licensed Contracting Entity of Hilton San Diego Convention Center, LLC, (Hensel Phelps) for the Convention Center Hotel Parking Facility, San Diego (Project); said Agreement is on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45419, subject to terms and conditions as more particularly outlined in Resolution 2003-21, including the contractual adjustment, in accordance with Article Six: Contract Price, stating that the District shall pay Hensel Phelps a guaranteed maximum price of $22,437,266.00, for the base work, and a guaranteed maximum price of $1,503,340.00 for additive items, for a cumulative maximum price of $23,940,606.00, by the following unanimous vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Hall, McQuater, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained-None. January 28, 2003 Page 27 RESOLUTION GRANTING CONCEPT APPROVAL FOR PROPOSED REDEVELOPMENT OF CALLAHILLS, INC. DBA RED SAILS INN, AND DIRECT STAFF TO NEGOTIATE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND NEW 30-YEAR LEASE Agenda Item 25. Chris Richards, Asset Manager, Real Estate, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations regarding the proposed redevelopment of the Red Sails Inn. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioner Bixler requested and received clarification from Bill Chopyk, Manager, Planning Services, regarding the number of points of public access in the America’s Cup Harbor. Dan Wilkens, Executive Vice President, addressed the Board and provided additional information on the points of public access. Commissioner Bixler stated his concern regarding the lack of side ties for the boating public. Commissioner Cushman also stated his support for additional docking slips for the public. Dan Strum, Director, Real Estate, addressed the Board and stated staff will continue negotiating with the tenant concerning this issue. On motion of Commissioner Bixler, seconded by Commissioner Cushman, the Board voted to continue this item to a future Board meeting, by the following unanimous vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Hall, McQuater, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained-None. AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENT WITH CITY OF CHULA VISTA FOR POLICE AND FIRE SERVICES Agenda Item 26. Jeff McEntee, Senior Director, Business & Financial Services/ Treasurer, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations. (A copy of the staff report is on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) On motion of Commissioner Hall, seconded by Commissioner Cushman, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-22 authorizing an Agreement for Police and Fire Services with the City of Chula Vista, a municipal corporation, in order for the City of Chula Vista to provide police and fire protection services and emergency medical services on San Diego Unified Port District (District) filled tidelands and property within the City’s limits which do not generate ad valorem tax revenues, for the Three (3) year period commencing July 1, 2000, and ending June 30, 2003, subject to earlier January 28, 2003 Page 28 termination, said services to be provided in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said Agreement, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45420; further, that the District shall pay to the City of Chula Vista for said services a sum not to exceed $443,087.00 for Fiscal Year 2001, a sum not to exceed $450,124.00 for Fiscal Year 2002, and a sum not to exceed $450,124.00 for Fiscal Year 2003, provided, however, said sum for Fiscal Year 2003 is subject to adjustment in accordance with paragraph 3.A. of said Agreement, for a total expenditure not to exceed $1,343,335.00, by the following unanimous vote: YeasBixler, Cushman, Davis, Hall, McQuater, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; ExcusedNone; Absent-None; Abstained-None. AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENTS WITH NINYO & MOORE GEOTECHNICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES CONSULTANTS, HALEY & ALDRICH, INC. AND KOMEX H20 SCIENCE, INC. Agenda Item 27. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Hall, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-23 authorizing Agreements with Ninyo & Moore Geotechnical and Environmental Consultants, Haley & Aldrich, Inc., and Komex H20 Science, Inc. to provide Environmental Site Investigation Consulting Services to support District maintenance, engineering, construction and environmental projects, on an as-needed basis, as determined by the District, for a period of One (1) year commencing in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said Agreements, on file in the office of District Clerk as Document Nos. 45421, 45422 and 45423, for an aggregate amount not to exceed $1,000,000.00, by the following unanimous vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Hall, McQuater, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained-None. AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENT WITH PLATINUM ADVISORS, L.L.C. AND CARPI & CLAY GOVERNMENT RELATIONS, JOINTLY Agenda Item 28. Dan Wilkens, Executive Vice President, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations. (A copy of the staff report is on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner McQuater, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-24 authorizing an Agreement with Platinum Advisors, L.L.C., a California Limited Liability Company, and Carpi & Clay Government Relations, a January 28, 2003 Page 29 California partnership, jointly, to advise and represent the District before the California Legislature and Executive Branch on matters dealing with legislation, executive or regulatory action or other pertinent issues, for a One (1) Year period commencing January 1, 2003, and ending December 31, 2003, subject to earlier termination, for total compensation not to exceed $90,000.00; said funds to be disbursed in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said Agreement, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45424, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Hall, McQuater, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-Davis; Excused-None; AbsentNone; Abstained-None. AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT WITH MOFFATT & NICHOL ENGINEERS Agenda Item 15. Tony Heinrichs, Senior Director, Facilities/Chief Engineer, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations regarding the first amendment to the agreement with Moffatt & Nichol Engineers to provide additional design of maritime security enhancement. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Mr. Heinrichs outlined two other selection alternatives. One alternative staff proposed would compress the Request for Qualification (RFQ) process resulting in a two-month delay. Another alternative described by Mr. Heinrichs would request the Board to waive the provisions of BPC 110 regarding the selection process, which would result in a one-month delay. Mr. Heinrichs stated neither of the latter two alternatives would allow the District to meet the Department of Transportation, Maritime Administration (MARAD) grant milestones and could jeopardize the District’s likelihood for obtaining future grants. Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioner Spane stated the District has the opportunity to turn the maritime security improvement project into a benchmark for other ports. Commissioner Spane expressed his concern regarding decision-making based on expediency rather than strategy. Commissioner Spane stated his support for the alternative waiving the provisions of BPC 110 regarding the selection process, which results in a one-month delay. Commissioner Cushman stated his support for Commissioner Spane’s recommendation. Alan Alcorn, representing Moffatt & Nichol Engineers, addressed the Board and outlined their qualifications for this project. Commissioner discussion continued. Commissioner Davis expressed his concern regarding the possibility of failing to meet the grant milestones. Commissioner Davis January 28, 2003 Page 30 requested of Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, that staff manage these types of projects better in the future. Commissioner Davis stated his support for staff recommendation. Commissioner McQuater requested and received further clarification from Mr. Heinrichs regarding which alternatives would cause the District’s failure to meet grant milestones. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner McQuater, Mr. Heinrichs provided additional information on the selection process for the original agreement with Moffatt & Nichol Engineers. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Cushman, Mr. Heinrichs outlined the timeline for this project. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Spane, Mr. Heinrichs stated the District has the best chance of meeting the grant milestones by using the alternative amending the agreement with Moffatt & Nichol Engineers. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Bixler, Mr. Heinrichs stated that if milestones are missed, the District’s chances for obtaining future grants are put at risk. Commissioner Hall requested and received clarification from Mr. Heinrichs regarding the possibility of using a design build alternative or requiring a schedule in the RFQ. Mr. Heinrichs stated that State law prohibited the District from pursuing these alternatives. Commissioner Davis requested the maker of the original motion to amend the motion to support the first alternative amending the agreement with Moffatt & Nichol Engineers. Commissioner Spane made a motion to waive the provisions of BPC 110 regarding the selection process, seconded by Commissioner Cushman. The motion failed by the following vote: Yeas-Cushman, Hall, Spane; Nays-Bixler, Davis, McQuater, Van Deventer; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained-None.) On motion of Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Bixler, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-17 authorizing a First Amendment to Agreement with Moffatt & Nichol Engineers, a California corporation, to provide Consultant services for the Port-Wide and National City Marine Terminal Security Enhancement Projects in connection with the Professional Planning and Engineering Services to Prepare Design Alternatives for a Security Gate Complex and to Prepare Construction Documents to Publicly Bid for Construction of the Security Gate Complex Reconfiguration at the Tenth Avenue Marine Terminal, San Diego, increasing the fee from $901,640.00 to an amount not to exceed $1,191,930.00; said funds to be disbursed in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said First Amendment to Agreement, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45417, by the following vote: Yeas- January 28, 2003 Page 31 Bixler, Davis, McQuater, Van Deventer; Nays-Cushman, Hall, Spane; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained-None. Commissioner Cushman requested and received additional clarification from Mr. Heinrichs regarding including a completion date in the waiving alternative, which would have waived the provisions of BPC 110 regarding the selection process. OFFICERS REPORT Agenda Item 29. Monthly Notification of Change Orders Pursuant to BPC Policy 110: a) Change Order Nos. 1 for $70,000.00; 2 for $41,945.00; 6 for $14,493.00 and 8 for $66,079.11 to Contract No. 2000-03 with General Construction Company for National City Marine Terminal Wharf Extension. b) Change Order Nos. 15 for zero amount; 16 for $294,614.00; 17 for $595,226.00 and 18 for $469,179.00 to Contract No. 2001-27 with Taylor Ball of California for Refrigerated Container Facility. c) Change Order Nos. 2 for $21,166.00 and 4 calendar days and 7 for $1,030.69 and 30 calendar days to Contract No. 2001-29 with R.E. Staite Engineering for Repairs to Embarcadero Wharf. d) Change Order No. 4 for $3,566.00 to Contract No. 2001-35 with R.E. Staite Engineering for Fender Pile Replacements, San Diego Bay. e) Change Order Nos. 2 for $4,578.75 and 3 for $12,456.70 to Contract No. 200201 with Bellingham Marine Industries, Inc. for Accessible Boat Docks, San Diego Bay. f) Change Order Nos. 1 for $795.00 and one calendar day and 2 for $548.00 to Contract No. 2002-06 with Bath & Kitchen Company for Restroom and Shower Facility, Transient Vessel Dock. g) Change Order No. 1 for $300.00 to Contract No. 2002-09 with Ghassan Construction for Cesar E. Chavez Park Parking Lot Relocation. h) Change Order No. 3 for zero amount and 14 calendar days to Contract No. 200212 with RBE for Exterior Painting, National Distribution Center. i) Change Order No. 9 for $44,500.00 and 7 calendar days to Contract No. 2002-13 with R.E. Staite Engineering for Maintenance Dredging, Berths 10-1 and 10-2, Tenth Avenue Marine Terminal. j) Change Order Nos. 4 for a credit of $243,500.00 and 5 for $70,792.00 to Contract No. 2002-19 with C.E. Wylie Construction Company for General Services Facility. January 28, 2003 Page 32 k) Change Order No. 1 for zero amount and 10 calendar days to Contract No. 200231 with Southern Contracting Company to Relocate Street Light on Harbor Drive. l) Change Order No.RFP-2 for $15,000.00 and one calendar day to Contract Doc. No. 43517 with FMT Aircraft Gate Support System AB for Mobile Passenger Gangway System, B-Street Cruise Ship Terminal. Agenda Item 30. Monthly Notification of Change Orders Pursuant to BPC Policy 110 related to Lindbergh Field Construction Program. All items listed were included in cost projections previously discussed. a) Change Order No. 2 for $24,957.83 to S.N. Neilsen, Inc. for Residential Sound b) Change Order No. 2 for $94,737.18 to S.N. Neilsen, Inc. for Residential Sound Contract No. LF00-21 with F.H. Paschen, Attenuation Program – Phase 1A. Contract No. LF01-11 with F.H. Paschen, Attenuation Program – Phase 1B2. PRESIDENT’S REPORT Agenda Item 31. Rita Vandergaw, Senior Director, Marketing and Communications, reported on attendance statistics for the Super Bowl NFL Experience. Wayne Darbeau, Vice President, Administration/District Clerk, announced that the District’s Port Institute for Performance Excellence (PIPE) received an honorable mention for outstanding employee development program from the American Society for Training and Development. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, stated that, in an effort to generate additional revenue and with the Board’s concurrence, staff will send out a letter to local parking operators to solicit ideas regarding the utilization of the TDY Industries property for parking. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Agenda Item 32. Commissioner Cushman stated he was unable to attend this morning’s workshop, therefore further stated his support for the engineered cap alternative for the remediation of contaminated sediments at the Campbell Shipyard site and his opposition to the habitat cap alternative. January 28,2003 Page 33 There being no further discussion items, the meeting was adjourned at 2:40 p.m. by Chairman Van Deventer. Sa6 Diego Unified Port District AlTEST: A February 11, 2003 Page 34 MINUTES BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District was called to order by Commissioner Van Deventer at 1:02 p.m. Tuesday, February 11, 2003, in the Board Room at 3165 Pacific Highway, San Diego, California. ROLL CALL Agenda Item 1. Present: COMMISSIONERS Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Hall, McQuater, Van Deventer; OFFICERS Hollingsworth, Darbeau, Corey-Born, Heinrichs and McEntee. Absent: None. Excused: Commissioner Spane was excused for personal reasons. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Agenda Item 2. The minutes submitted for the special meetings of January 16, 2003, and January 28, 2003 and the regular meeting of January 28, 2003, were approved on motion of Commissioner Hall, seconded by Commissioner Bixler. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Agenda Item 3. James Rickard, representing Borrego Solar Systems addressed the Board and presented written notification requesting clarification regarding staff’s recommendation to reject Borrego Solar Systems’ bid for a solar electric system for the new General Services facility. February 11, 2003 Page 35 CONSENT AGENDA On motion of Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Hall, the Board, with a single vote, adopted the remaining consent agenda items 4 through 10 (Ordinance 2240 and Resolutions 2003-25 through and including 2003-30) by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Hall, McQuater, Van Deventer; NaysNone; Excused-Spane; Absent-None; Abstained-None, as follows: REJECTION OF CLAIM – KENT THOMAS CARR Agenda Item 4. RESOLUTION 2003-25 rejecting the claim filed against the District on December 30, 2002, by Kent Thomas Carr for personal injuries allegedly sustained when he slipped and fell while descending the ramp located at the Shelter Island boat launching facility on July 13, 2002, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION OF TWO (2) REAL ESTATE TENANCY DOCUMENTS TO THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY REGIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY Agenda Item 5. ORDINANCE 2240 authorizing and directing the execution of Assignment and Assumption documents, which provide for the District to assign, transfer and set over unto the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority all of the District’s right, title and interest in and to the License between the District and San Diego Gas & Electric Company, and the Tideland Use and Occupancy Permit between the District and Aircraft Services International, Inc., on or after December 16, 2002; two (2) separate Assignment and Assumption documents shall be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. RENTAL REVIEW – SHELTER COVE MARINA, LTD. – SHELTER ISLAND Agenda Item 6. RESOLUTION 2003-26 establishing the rental covering the tenancy of Shelter Cove Marina, Ltd., a California limited partnership, (Lessee) for premises located on Shelter Island Drive in the City of San Diego, under lease dated August 25, 1992, as amended, for the Ten (10) year rental review period commencing February 11, 2003 Page 36 September 1, 2002, and ending August 31, 2012, at a minimum of $190,000.00 per year or the cumulative total of the percentage and flat rents more particularly outlined in Resolution 2003-26, whichever sum is greater, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. RENTAL REVIEW – AMERITAS LIFE INSURANCE CORPORATION, HARBOR ISLAND Agenda Item 7. RESOLUTION 2003-27 establishing the rental covering the tenancy of Ameritas Life Insurance Corporation (formerly Bankers Life Insurance Company of Nebraska), a Nebraska corporation, (Lessee) for premises located on Harbor Island Drive in the City of San Diego, under lease dated March 7, 1968, as amended, for the Five (5) year rental review period commencing January 1, 1999, and ending December 31, 2003, at a minimum of $155,000.00 per year from January 1, 1999, through October 31, 2002, and a minimum of $200,000.00 per year from November 1, 2002, through December 31, 2003, or the cumulative total of the percentage rents more particularly outlined in Resolution 2003-27, whichever sum is greater; further that back rent in the amount of $28,918.00 is due the District by Lessee for the period commencing January 1, 1999, through October 31, 2002, and said back rent shall be due within Thirty (30) days following the adoption date of Resolution 2003-27, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT – USS MIDWAY AIRCRAFT CARRIER MUSEUM AND MOORING PLATFORMS, SAN DIEGO Agenda Item 8. RESOLUTION 2003-28 finding the proposed use for the Project entitled “USS Midway Aircraft Carrier Museum and Mooring Platforms”, located in the sea (San Diego Bay) and more particularly outlined in Resolution 2003-28, to be consistent with the use and development concept for the Centre City Embarcadero area, and as such, is a Non-Appealable Development conforming to the certified District Master Plan; finding said Project to be consistent with Public Resources Code Sections 30604(c) and 30210-30224, and the Coastal Act public access and recreation policies referenced therein; finding that the proposed Project will enhance the public’s right of access to the sea; and, accordingly, authorizing and directing the issuance of a Coastal Development Permit for said Project; said Coastal Development Permit shall require compliance with the conditions listed therein and in particular the Special Provisions section and the USS Midway Public Access Program, a Supplemental Document to the February 11, 2003 Page 37 North Embarcadero Alliance Visionary Plan Port Master Plan Amendment, attached thereto, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. ASSIGNMENT OF AGREEMENTS FROM SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT TO SAN DIEGO COUNTY REGIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY Agenda Item 9. RESOLUTION 2003-29 authorizing and directing the execution of Assignment and Assumption documents between the San Diego Unified Port District and the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority for Two (2) Agreements, including any amendments thereto, which Assignment and Assumption documents provide for the District to assign, transfer and set over unto the Authority all of the District’s right, title and interest in and to said Agreements, on or after December 16, 2002, and described on Exhibit A, entitled “Agreements/Contracts for Assignment”, attached thereto and by this reference made a part thereof (Exhibit A is on file in the Office of the District Clerk); said Exhibit A reflects the District Document No. and the Consultant and Type of Agreement/Services; further, authorizing and directing the execution of Assignment and Assumption documents between the San Diego Unified Port District and the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority for Nineteen (19) Agreements, including any amendments thereto, which Assignment and Assumption documents provide for the District to assign, transfer and set over unto the Authority all of the District’s right, title and interest in and to said Agreements, on or after December 16, 2002, and described on Exhibit B, entitled “Agreements/Contracts for Assignment”, attached thereto and by this reference made a part thereof (Exhibit B is on file in the Office of the District Clerk); said Exhibit reflects the District Document Number and the Consultant and Type of Agreement/Services, said documents listed in said Exhibit B require the consent of the Consultant to said agreement; further, said Agreements shall be assigned in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said Assignment and Assumption documents, and said assignment shall be subject to the acceptance by the Authority, on terms acceptable to the District; the Assignment and Assumption documents shall be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. February 11, 2003 Page 38 AWARD OF CONTRACT PD02-17 TO PARRON HALL OFFICE INTERIORS TO FURNISH AND ASSEMBLE FURNITURE FOR NEW GENERAL SERVICES FACILITIES Agenda Item 10. RESOLUTION 2003-30 finding Parron Hall Office Interiors as the lowest responsible and reliable bidder to furnish and assemble furniture for the new General Services Facilities; accepting the bid of Parron Hall Office Interiors in an amount not to exceed $224,920.46, including delivery, assembly and sales tax, and awarding a contract to furnish and assemble said furniture in accordance with the bid set forth in the bid proposal of said Parron Hall Office Interiors and the terms and conditions contained in said bid contract documents; further, rejecting the bids of Boise Workspace and Seal Furniture & Systems, Inc. in that the Board finds that said bids are non-responsive, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. ACTION AGENDA SAN DIEGO AND ARIZONA EASTERN RAILWAY LEASE, CHULA VISTA Commissioner Hall announced that he would not take part in discussion or vote on this item due to a potential conflict of interest arising from his wife’s employment. Chairman Van Deventer announced that he would not take part in the discussion or vote on this item due to a potential conflict of interest arising from his ownership of property in proximity to the subject property of this item, whereupon he turned the gavel over to Vice-Chair Davis. Both Commissioner Hall and Chairman Van Deventer then left the dais and the room. Jim Barwick, Assistant Director, Real Estate, and Melissa Mailander, Environmental Review Coordinator, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Mr. Barwick outlined the specifics of the lease with the San Diego and Arizona Eastern Railway. Ms. Mailander provided additional information regarding the Final Negative Declaration for the lease. The following individuals addressed the Board with varying viewpoints regarding this item: Richard Hamilton, representing San Diego Rail; Michael Reading and Geoff February 11, 2003 Page 39 Scheuerman, representing Carrizo Gorge Railway; Mitchel Beauchamp; Chris Salomone, representing the City of Chula Vista; Alana Coons, representing Save Our Heritage Organization (SOHO), read into the record an editorial from the January 16, 2003 issue of the San Diego Union Tribune relating to this item; and Bruce Coons, representing the SOHO, stated he attempted several times to meet with Real Estate staff, but was refused. Commissioner discussion ensued. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Cushman, Mr. Salomone stated that the City of Chula Vista has voted for approval of the lease. In response to a request from Vice-Chair Davis, Mr. Barwick provided additional clarification regarding the concerns raised during public comment relating to the District taking control of this property and any possible disruption of the existing link to the eastern line. Commissioner McQuater requested and received clarification from Mike Hogan, special counsel to the District, regarding legal issues raised during public comment pertaining to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Marie Burke-Lia, consultant to the District, addressed the Board and provided information regarding this property’s inability to meet the criteria under CEQA as a historical resource. Ellen Corey Born, Interim Port Attorney, responding to Commissioner McQuater’s question, stated that the Board’s action to accept this lease would violate no laws. Commissioner Cushman stated his support for staff’s recommendation. In response to Commissioner Bixler’s concern of the public not being able to meet with staff, Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, stated he would look into the matter and have staff contact Mr. Coons. Mr. Hollingsworth stated that if any member of the public has concerns regarding his staff, they should contact him directly. ViceChair Davis stated that he had been contacted by a member of the press regarding staff not responding to media calls in a timely fashion and requested Mr. Hollingsworth look into this also. ADOPTION OF FINAL NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR SAN DIEGO AND ARIZONA EASTERN RAILWAY LEASE, CHULA VISTA Agenda Item 11a. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner McQuater, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-31 adopting and approving the Final Negative Declaration for the project entitled “San Diego and Arizona Eastern Railway Lease, Chula Vista,” including without limitation the initial study and public comments, (on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45474), making certain findings as more particularly described in Resolution 2003-31; further, February 11, 2003 Page 40 that this action constitutes final environment approval and for that purpose only, the District approves the proposed project, and authorizing and directing the filing of a Notice of Determination with the Secretary for Resources and the San Diego County Clerk, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, McQuater; Nays-None; Excused-Spane; Absent-None; Abstained-Hall, Van Deventer. ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND ACCEPTING A LEASE FROM SAN DIEGO AND ARIZONA EASTERN RAILWAY Agenda Item 11b. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner McQuater, the Board adopted ORDINANCE 2241 authorizing and directing the execution of the lease agreement from the San Diego and Arizona Eastern Railway, a Nevada nonprofit corporation, to the San Diego Unified Port District, a public corporation, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45475, leasing to the District approximately 480,773 square feet of land area located west of Interstate 5, between Lagoon Drive (also known as F Street) and Palomar Street in the City of Chula Vista, to be used only and exclusively for the surface uses of pedestrian and vehicular ingress and egress, vehicular parking, landscaping and directional signage and for subsurface utility easements, is hereby authorized, approved and accepted as recommended by the Executive Director, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, McQuater; Nays-None; Excused-Spane; Absent-None; Abstained-Hall, Van Deventer. dais. Chairman Van Deventer and Commissioner Hall returned to the meeting and the SOUTH BAY POWER PLANT Melissa Mailander, Environmental Review Coordinator, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) February 11, 2003 Page 41 ADOPTION OF FINAL NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR SOUTH BAY POWER PLANT ABOVEGROUND FUEL OIL STORAGE TANKS REMOVAL, CHULA VISTA Agenda Item 12a. On motion of Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Bixler, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-32 adopting and approving the Final Negative Declaration for the project entitled “South Bay Power Plant Aboveground Fuel Oil Storage Tanks Removal, Chula Vista, California”, including without limitation the initial study and public comments, (on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45476), making certain findings as more particularly described in Resolution 200332; further, that this action constitutes final environment approval and for that purpose only, the District approves the proposed project, and authorizing and directing the filing of a Notice of Determination with the Secretary for Resources and the San Diego County Clerk, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Hall, McQuater, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Spane; Absent-None; Abstained-None. DUKE ENERGY SOUTH BAY, LLC, CHULA VISTA Agenda Item 12b. On motion of Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Bixler, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-33 approving conceptual plans for Duke Energy South Bay, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (Duke), for the proposed project involving the removal of Two (2) aboveground oil fuel storage tanks and appurtenant equipment on approximately Five (5) acres at the Chula Vista South Bay Power Plant (Project), subject to the adoption of the Final Negative Declaration for said proposed Project pursuant to Resolution 2003-32, adopted by the Board on February 11, 2003, and that the leased premises are currently within the land use jurisdiction of the City of Chula Vista and are located just east of the Wildlife Reserve Planning Subarea of the District’s Planning District 7, Chula Vista Bayfront, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Hall, McQuater, Van Deventer; NaysNone; Excused-Spane; Absent-None; Abstained-None. February 11, 2003 Page 42 PRESIDENT’S REPORT Agenda Item 13. None. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Agenda Item 14. Commissioner Cushman requested that staff report back to the Board at the next meeting regarding the City of San Diego Mayor’s goal of creating a Regional Energy Authority that would include the District. Commissioner Cushman requested that, given the recent report concerning the financial difficulties of the retirement system of the City of San Diego, staff provide an update on the current status of the District’s retirement system to employees and retired employees. CONTINUANCE OF CLOSED SESSION Chairman Van Deventer noted there were no additional items on the open session agenda for discussion, whereupon at 1:52 p.m. he announced the Board would resume in closed session for continuation of the litigation matter listed on today’s closed session agenda as follows: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – LITIGATION Government Code Section 54956.9(a): Bose vs. SDUPD, et al. San Diego Superior Court No. GIC 784404 February 11,2003 Page 43 OPEN SESSION After the closed session was concluded, the Board reconvened in open public session. Chairman Van Deventer noted that all commissioners were present except Commissioner Spane, who was excused. There was no action to report, whereupon Chairman Van Deventer adjourned the meeting. - Clerk of the San @go Unified Port District February 25, 2003 Page 44 MINUTES BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT As previously posted, a special joint meeting of the Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District and the City Council of the City of Chula Vista was called to order by Chairman Van Deventer at 9:12 a.m. Tuesday, February 25, 2003, in the Board Room at 3165 Pacific Highway, San Diego, California. ROLL CALL Agenda Item 1. Present: BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS Bixler, Davis, Hall, McQuater, Spane, Van Deventer; SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT OFFICERS Hollingsworth, Darbeau, Corey-Born; CHULA VISTA CITY COUNCILMEMBERS Davis, McCann, Salas and Mayor Padilla. Absent: None. Excused: Commissioner Cushman was excused for personal reasons. On motion of Councilmember Salas, seconded by Councilmember McCann, the Chula Vista Council, by unanimous vote, approved the excused absence of Councilmember Rindone. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Agenda Item 2. None. February 25, 2003 Page 45 AUTHORIZATION TO NEGOTIATE AGREEMENT WITH CARRIER JOHNSON/ COOPER ROBERTSON & PARTNERS Agenda Item 3. Ralph Hicks, Director, Land Use Planning, and Sid Morris, Assistant City Manager, City of Chula Vista, addressed the Board and City Council and presented staff recommendations regarding selection of a consultant to provide urban waterfront planning and design consulting services for the Chula Vista Bayfront Master Plan (CVBMP). (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Mr. Hicks and Mr. Morris provided a brief background of the CVBMP and discussed the consultant selection process. The following consultants addressed the Board and presented their proposals: Sasaki Associates, Inc., represented by Janne Corneil; ROMA Design Group represented by Jim Adams; and Carrier Johnson, Cooper, Robertson & Partners represented by Gordon Carrier and Randall Morton. (Copies of the presentations are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) The following individuals addressed the Board with varying viewpoints regarding the CVBMP: Laura Hunter, representing Environmental Health Coalition; Alexandra Hart and Jennifer Badgley representing IBEW Local 569; Lora Nasep, representing A Universal Approach; Bruce Reznik, representing San Diego Baykeeper; Ed Kravitz, representing San Diego Railway Partners; Loraine Bales; Sandy Duncan; Tracy Sundlun; and Nephi Hancock. City of Chula Vista City Council discussion ensued. Councilmember Salas requested and received clarification from Mr. Hicks regarding staff’s requirement of no change orders and the difference in the consultant’s proposed fees. In response to an inquiry from Councilmember Salas, Mr. Morris and Mr. Hicks provided additional information concerning the consultant’s proposed staff time assigned to this project. Councilmember Salas requested and received clarification from Mr. Hicks regarding the experience of the consulting firm Carrier Johnson with the California Coastal planning processes. In response to an inquiry from Councilmember Davis, Mr. Hicks provided additional information on the results of the reference check of the top two proposers. Mayor Padilla requested and received clarification from Mr. Morris regarding the selection criteria. Councilmember McCann thanked the City and District staff for their work on this project. Councilmember McCann stressed the importance of the bayfront February 25, 2003 Page 46 property to the City of Chula Vista and the need for public input during the planning process. Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioner Hall thanked the District and the City of Chula Vista staff for their work on this project. Commissioner Hall requested staff take steps to ensure to reach out aggressively to the public early in the process. In response to a request from Commissioner Davis, Mr. Carrier addressed the concerns raised during public comments regarding the need for public outreach for this project. Commissioner Davis expressed his concern of using a rating matrix as part of the selection process. Commissioner Davis stated his support for staff’s recommendation. City of Chula Vista City Council discussion continued. Councilmember Salas stated her support for the ROMA Design Group. Councilmember Davis stated her support of Carrier Johnson. Mayor Padilla stated that all three consultants have demonstrated their intention to include public input in the planning process for this project. Mayor Padilla stated that, based on the merits of the consultants, he supports staff recommendation. For the City of Chula Vista, Councilmember Davis, seconded by Councilmember McCann, made the motion to concur with District staff recommendations as outlined in the staff report; the motion was adopted by the following vote: Yeas-Padilla, Davis, McCann; Nays-Salas; Excused-Rindone; Absent-None; Abstained-None. Commissioner discussion continued. Chairman Van Deventer announced that the Board would hold meetings in all member cities and the May 20, 2003 meeting will be held in the City of Chula Vista. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, stated that the District is committed to having the highest level of public input for this planning process. Mr. Hollingsworth further stated that staff is committed to getting the best project for the District and City of Chula Vista. David Rowlands, City Manager, City of Chula Vista, also stated the City of Chula Vista has a strong commitment for public input for this project. Mayor Padilla adjourned the City Council meeting to their next noticed meeting. On motion of Commissioner Hall, seconded by Commissioner McQuater, the Board, with a single vote, adopted RESOLUTION 2003-34 authorizing negotiation with Carrier Johnson/Cooper Robertson & Partners for purposes of developing terms, covenants, conditions and costs necessary to provide Urban Waterfront Planning and Design Consulting Services for the Chula Vista Bayfront Master Plan Study; further that results of said negotiations will be reported to the Board and a decision made at a later February 25,2003 Page 47 date regarding authorization of an agreement, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Davis, Hall, McQuater, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Cushman; Absent-None; Abstained-None. There were no further items for discussion, whereupon Chairman Van Deventer adjourned the special joint meeting. y m , - VizChair, Board of Port Commissioners San Diego Unified Port District AlTEST: n Clerk of t p n Diego Unified Port District February 25, 2003 Page 48 MINUTES BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT As previously posted, a special meeting of the Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District was called to order by Chairman Van Deventer at 12:00 p.m. Tuesday, February 25, 2003, in the Board Room at 3165 Pacific Highway, San Diego, California. ROLL CALL Agenda Item 1. Present: COMMISSIONERS Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Hall, McQuater, Spane, Van Deventer; OFFICER Hollingsworth. Absent: None. Excused: None. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Agenda Item 2. None. CLOSED SESSION Agenda Item 3. into closed session for: Chairman Van Deventer announced the Board would enter PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT – PORT ATTORNEY Government Code Section 54957 Page 49 February 25,2003 There was no further action to report, whereupon Chairman Van Deventer adjourned the special meeting at 12:59 p.m. 1 &k V i c Wir, Board of Port Commissioners San Diego Unified Port District ATTEST: n Clerk of @%an Diego Unified Port District February 25, 2003 Page 50 MINUTES BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District was called to order by Commissioner Van Deventer at 1:10 p.m. Tuesday, February 25, 2003, in the Board Room at 3165 Pacific Highway, San Diego, California. ROLL CALL Agenda Item 1. Present: COMMISSIONERS Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Hall, McQuater, Spane, Van Deventer; OFFICERS Hollingsworth, Darbeau, Corey Born, Heinrichs and McEntee. Absent: None. Excused: None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Agenda Item 2. The minutes submitted for the regular meeting of February 11, 2003, were approved on motion of Commissioner Hall, seconded by Commissioner McQuater. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Agenda Item 3. Vina Ann Schmitt addressed the Board with concerns regarding the impact of meter parking for the moorings and what impact, if any, a war with Iraq would have on the moorings. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, stated that staff would contact Ms. Schmitt regarding the issues she raised. February 25, 2003 Page 51 Fred Baranowski, representing the United Way of San Diego, addressed the Board and thanked the District for the increased gifts to the 2002-03 United Way Campaign. Chairman Van Deventer announced that item 5 (Resolution authorizing an Agreement to Purchase Electrical Power from Goodrich’s co-generation plant for the District’s property south of “H” Street in Chula Vista), item 12 (Resolutions Rejecting all Bids submitted for Solar Electric System for New General Services Facility, National City, California) and item 13 (Resolution awarding Contract No. 2002-42R to Pacific Rim Mechanical Contractors, Inc. for District HVAC Maintenance) would be pulled for separate discussion and vote. CONSENT AGENDA On motion of Commissioner Bixler, seconded by Commissioner Hall, the Board, with a single vote, unanimously adopted the remaining consent agenda items 4 and 6 through 11 (Ordinance 2242, and Resolutions 2003-35, 2003-36, and 2003-38 through and including 2003-42) by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Hall, McQuater, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; AbstainedNone, as follows: AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO SECURITY SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH BURNS INTERNATIONAL SECURITY SERVICES CORP FOR 2701 NORTH HARBOR DRIVE, SAN DIEGO Agenda Item 4a. RESOLUTION 2003-35 authorizing a Security Services Agreement with Burns Security Services Corp. to provide Security Guard Services at 2701 North Harbor Drive, San Diego, for a period of Three (3) Years commencing March 1, 2003, and ending February 28, 2006, subject to earlier termination, for a fee not to exceed $382,460.16, said Security Guard Services shall be provided in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said Security Services Agreement, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45542, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. February 25, 2003 Page 52 AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO SECURITY SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH BURNS INTERNATIONAL SECURITY SERVICES CORP FOR CHULA VISTA BAYSIDE COMMERCIAL SITE Agenda Item 4b. RESOLUTION 2003-36 authorizing a Security Services Agreement with Burns Security Services Corp. to provide Security Guard Services at the Chula Vista Bayside Commercial Site, for a period of Three (3) Years commencing March 1, 2003, and ending February 28, 2006, subject to earlier termination, for a fee not to exceed $382,460.16, said Security Guard Services shall be provided in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said Security Services Agreement, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45543, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. CORONADO CAYS HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION Agenda Item 6. RESOLUTION 2003-38 approving the Coronado Cays Homeowners Association’s (Coronado Cays) proposed Project to replace its approximately 30-year old docks which accommodate up to ten boats and are used exclusively by members of Coronado Cays, subject to the District receiving written notification from Coronado Cays that they have obtained a United States Army Corps of Engineering Permit, a Regional Water Quality Control Board Permit, and a City of Coronado Building Permit; said proposed Project is categorically excluded under District Coastal Development Permit Regulations, Section 8.b., Replacement or Reconstruction, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. RENTAL REVIEW – FISH MARKET RESTAURANTS – SAN DIEGO Agenda Item 7. RESOLUTION 2003-39 establishing the rental covering the tenancy of Fish Market Restaurants – San Diego (Lessee) for premises located on Tuna Lane in the City of San Diego, under lease dated February 16, 1988, as amended and assigned, for the Five (5) year rental review period commencing March 1, 2003, and ending February 29, 2008, at a minimum of $381,400.00 per year, or the cumulative total of the percentage rents more particularly outlined in Resolution 2003-39, whichever sum is greater, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. February 25, 2003 Page 53 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING ASSIGNMENTS OF FOUR (4) AVIGATION EASEMENTS TO THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY REGIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY Agenda Item 8. ORDINANCE 2242 authorizing and directing the execution of Four (4) Assignments of Avigation Easements with each of the parties listed on the document entitled "Avigation Easements Being Assigned from San Diego Unified Port District to San Diego County Regional Airport Authority", attached thereto as Exhibit A and by this reference made a part thereof, (Exhibit A is on file in the Office of the District Clerk), on or after December 16, 2002; said Exhibit A reflects the address of the property involved, the name of the Grantor, the date of the Avigation Easement and the District Document Number thereof; Four (4) separate Assignments of Avigation Easement documents shall be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. REJECTION OF CLAIM – MILLIE REID Agenda Item 9. RESOLUTION 2003-40 rejecting the claim filed against the District on January 13, 2002, by Millie Reid for personal injuries allegedly sustained when she tripped and fell over an automatic door transition plate as she stepped backward from the Alaska Airlines ticket counter in Terminal One at Lindbergh Field on December 14, 2002, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. ASSIGNMENT OF AGREEMENTS FROM SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT TO SAN DIEGO COUNTY REGIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY Agenda Item 10. RESOLUTION 2003-41 authorizing and directing the execution of Assignment and Assumption documents between the San Diego Unified Port District and the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority for Two (2) Agreements, including any amendments thereto, which Assignment and Assumption documents provide for the District to assign, transfer and set over unto the Authority all of the District’s right, title and interest in and to said Agreements, on or after December 16, 2002, and described on Exhibit A, entitled “Agreements/Contracts for Assignment”, attached thereto and by this reference made a part thereof (Exhibit A is on file in the Office of the District Clerk); said Exhibit A reflects the District Document No. and the Consultant and Type of Agreement/Services; said Agreements shall be assigned in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said Assignment and Assumption documents, and said assignment shall be subject to the acceptance by the Authority, on terms February 25, 2003 Page 54 acceptable to the District; the Assignment and Assumption documents shall be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. PERSONNEL ADVISORY BOARD Agenda Item 11. RESOLUTION 2003-42 appointing Judy A. Gust as a member of the Personnel Advisory Board of the San Diego Unified Port District for her second three (3) year term commencing February 16, 2003, and ending February 15, 2006; and appointing Kenneth A. Carson as a member of the Personnel Advisory Board of the San Diego Unified Port District for his second three (3) year term commencing February 16, 2003, and ending February 15, 2006; further designating Judy A. Gust as the Chairman of the Personnel Advisory Board for the One (1) year term commencing February 16, 2003, and ending February 15, 2004, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO LETTER AGREEMENT WITH GOODRICH Agenda Item 5. Commissioner Bixler requested and received clarification from Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, and Jim Barwick, Assistant Director, Real Estate, regarding the scope for the proposed agreement with Goodrich. Commissioner McQuater announced she would be abstaining due to the remote possibility of a conflict of interest. On motion of Commissioner Bixler, seconded by Commissioner Hall, the Board with a single vote, adopted RESOLUTION 2003-37 authorizing a Letter Agreement with Goodrich, whereby Goodrich would delay its planned disconnection of an existing electricity transmission line between the Goodrich Cogeneration Plant and the District’s property, located south of H Street in the City of Chula Vista, and continue to supply electricity to said property subject but not limited to conditions more particularly outlined in Resolution 2003-37, said Letter Agreement is on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45544, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Hall, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; AbstainedMcQuater. February 25, 2003 Page 55 REJECTION OF BIDS FOR SOLAR ELECTRIC SYSTEM FOR NEW GENERAL SERVICES FACILITY, NATIONAL CITY Agenda Item 12. Tony Heinrichs, Senior Director, Facilities/Chief Engineer, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations. (A copy of the staff report is on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Martin Learn, representing Home Energy Systems, Inc., addressed the Board and provided additional information regarding possible tax credits for this project. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, stated that the District is not eligible for the tax credits. Mr. Hollingsworth stated the District is searching for possible grant funding for this project. Cynthia Fenimore, representing Independent Energy Solutions, Inc., addressed the Board and provided payback analysis for this proposed project. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Hall, the Board with a single vote, adopted RESOLUTION 2003-43 rejecting the bids submitted for the installation of a Solar Electric System for the New General Services Facility, National City, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Hall, McQuater, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained- None. AWARD OF CONTRACT 2002-42R TO PACIFIC RIM MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS, INC. FOR DISTRICT HVAC SYSTEMS MAINTENANCE, SAN DIEGO Agenda Item 13. Commissioner Cushman requested and received clarification from Tony Heinrichs, Senior Director, Facilities/Chief Engineer, and Jim O’Mahoney, representing Pacific Rim Mechanical, regarding the financial viability of Pacific Rim Mechanical Contractors. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Hall, the Board with a single vote, adopted RESOLUTION 2003-44 accepting the low bid of Pacific Rim Mechanical Contractors, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $87,500.00, based upon prices set forth in the bid proposal for District HVAC Systems Maintenance, San Diego; authorizing and directing the execution of Contract 2002-42R with said Pacific Rim Mechanical Contractors Inc. for the performance of said work; further, said Contract 2002-42R is for a period of One (1) Year commencing pursuant to the Notice to Proceed issued in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in February 25, 2003 Page 56 said Contract 2002-42R, plus Two (2) additional One (1) year options; in the event the District exercises said options, the amount due for the second year of said Contract shall not exceed $89,250.00, and the amount due for the third year of said Contract shall not exceed $90,250.00, provided, however, the total contract amount for all three (3) years shall not exceed the sum of $267,000.00, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Hall, McQuater, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained-None. PRESENTATION AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT WITH BERMELLO, AJAMIL & PARTNERS, INC. Agenda Item 14. Stuart Farnsworth, Project Analyst, Marine Operations, and Luis Ajamil and Andy Moody, representing Bermello, Ajamil & Partners, Inc., addressed the Board and provided staff recommendations and a briefing concerning Phases 1, 2, and 3 of the Cruise Terminal Feasibility Study and Economic Impact Analysis. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) On motion of Commissioner Bixler, seconded by Commissioner Spane, the Board with a single vote, adopted RESOLUTION 2003-45 authorizing a First Amendment to Agreement with Bermello, Ajamil & Partners, Inc., a Florida corporation, in connection with the Cruise Feasibility Study and Economic Impact Analysis being prepared for the District, extending the term of said Agreement to June 30, 2003, in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said First Amendment to Agreement, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45545, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Hall, McQuater, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained-None. ACTION AGENDA CALLAHILLS, INC., DBA RED SAILS INN, SHELTER ISLAND DRIVE Agenda Item 15. Paul Fanfera, Assistant Director, Real Estate, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations regarding concept approval for the proposed Red Sails Inn. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the February 25, 2003 Page 57 Office of the District Clerk.) Mr. Fanfera stated that a multi-departmental team has been established to work with the San Diego Port Tenants Association (SDPTA). The team is preparing to hold workshops with the SDPTA to review the issue of public access docks Port-wide. Dick Cloward, representing the SDPTA, addressed the Board and requested the Board grant concept approval to Red Sails Inn. Mr. Cloward also requested that other tenants, not affected by the master plan, be allowed to bring redevelopment plans to the Board for approval. Mr. Cloward stated his support for a bay-wide plan for public access docks. Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioner Bixler requested and received clarification from Mr. Fanfera regarding the proposed location of the guest docks. Commissioner Bixler further requested and received clarification from Mr. Fanfera regarding any existing regulations governing guest docks. Commissioner Bixler suggested that if regulations do not exist, that regulations should be established. Commissioner Bixler thanked staff and the SDPTA for their response to this issue. In response to a concern raised by Commissioner Bixler regarding the team’s recommendations coming back to the Board for approval, Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, stated that it is staff’s intent to bring the recommendation back to Board so they can make a policy decision. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Hall, the Board with a single vote, adopted RESOLUTION 2003-46 approving the proposed project of Callahills, Inc., a California corporation, dba Red Sails Inn, (Red Sails) to substantially upgrade its structural systems and replace interior finishes, fixtures and equipment (Project); said Project is Categorically Exempt under California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, Section 15300.4, and District Resolution 97-191; Categorically Excluded under District Coastal Development Permit Regulations, Section 8.a., Existing Facilities; and in conformance with the District’s Master Plan use designation for the area, Planning District 1, Precise Plan Figure 4, Commercial – Commercial Recreation/Recreational Boat Berthing; further authorizing and directing the negotiation of plans and specifications for the proposed Project with Red Sails, and authorizing the development of terms, covenants and conditions necessary for the granting of a new Thirty (30) year lease to Red Sails, the results of said negotiations to be reported to the Board of Port Commissioners and a decision to be made at a later date regarding the granting of any new lease, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Hall, McQuater, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained-None. February 25, 2003 Page 58 DISCUSSION AND DIRECTION TO STAFF REGARDING A COMMUNICATIONS STRATEGY TO EXPLAIN THE BENEFITS OF THE NEW UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT Agenda Item 18. In response to a recent newspaper article calling for the dissolution of the District, Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, requested that the Board discuss this issue and give direction to staff regarding methods to communicate the benefits of District. Commissioner discussion ensued. Chairman Van Deventer stressed the importance of conveying the benefits the New Unified Port brings to the area. Commissioner Van Deventer stated the need for a Board resolution stating the value of the District staying intact. Commissioner Bixler stated his support for the resolution and for the District as a regional body. Commissioner Spane stated the importance of the revenue generated on tidelands staying on the tidelands. Commissioner Hall expressed his concern of additional costs being incurred if the District was dissolved. Commissioner McQuater stated that District has a well-established, balanced and regional perspective and reduces unnecessary layers of governments. Commissioner McQuater stated the need to find a way to educate the general public about the important role of the District. Commissioner Davis stated the importance of the continuation of the District to avoid territorial disagreements. Commissioner Davis stated the need for the District to get the message out regarding the contributions of the District. Commissioner Davis further stated the staff should continue to look at ways to improve the District’s financial proficiency. Commissioner Cushman commended the Real Estate, Maritime, and Environmental departments as the best stewards for the region. Chairman Van Deventer directed Mr. Hollingsworth to prepare the resolution for subsequent Board approval. Chairman Van Deventer stated that the Board would be holding their meetings through the year in the member cities. Rick Ghio, representing the San Diego Port Tenants Association (SDPTA), addressed the Board and stated the Executive Committee of the SDPTA passed a resolution stating that the SDPTA supports the continued operation and administration of the tidelands by the San Diego Unified Port District. February 25, 2003 Page 59 PRESIDENT’S REPORT Agenda Item 16. In response to a previous inquiry from Commissioner Cushman regarding the District’s retirement assets, Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, stated that based on correspondence received from the District’s Retirement System, the District retirement plan and the City of San Diego (City) retirement plan are valued separately. The letter further stated that the funds from both plans are co-mingled for investment purposes. Mr. Hollingsworth stated that the annual report for the District’s retirement plan should be received within the next few weeks. Commissioner Cushman requested and received clarification from Mr. Hollingsworth regarding co-mingling of the funds and the impact on the District‘s retirement plan. Commissioner Davis stated that the City has not fully funded their retirement plan, and the District has over-funded their retirement plan. Commissioner Davis suggested that staff might want to look at different options regarding managing the District’s retirement funds. Mr. Hollingsworth stated the District Act does provide some limitations regarding the administration of the District’s retirement funds. Mr. Hollingsworth stated that the District should assure that the retirement funds are being managed prudently. Mr. Hollingsworth further stated that currently the District does not have a member on the Retirement Board. Commissioner Bixler requested clarification from Mr. Hollingsworth regarding to what degree the Board manages the District’s retirement plan and the impact of comingling the retirement funds on investment gains or losses. Mr. Hollingsworth stated he would research the issues raised and report back to Board. Commissioner Davis requested and received clarification from Mr. Hollingsworth regarding the impact of investment performance of the fund on the District and employee contributions to the retirement plan. Commissioner Cushman suggested that staff hire an independent consultant to audit the District’s retirement plan. Mr. Hollingsworth stated that, in response to Commissioner Cushman’ s inquiry, the staff would provide a report on the Mayor of the City of San Diego’s proposal to create a Regional Energy Authority. Mr. Hollingsworth provided clarification to an issue raised by a member of the public during the February 11, 2003, Board meeting regarding staff refusing to meeting with him regarding acceptance of a lease from San Diego and Arizona Eastern Railway. February 25,2003 Page 60 Mr. Hollingsworth provided additional information concerning a Commissioner comment about staff not responding to the press in a timely fashion. Mr. Hollingsworth stated it is staff's goal to respond within two hours of initial contact with the press, however, a full response from staff may take longer. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Aaenda Item 17. None. There was no further action to report, whereupon Chairman Van Deventer adjourned the meeting. Vic&h6r, Board of Port Commissioners San Diego Unified Port District ATTEST: Clerk of t h w n Diego Unified Port District March 10, 2003 Page 61 MINUTES BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT As previously posted, a special meeting of the Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District was called to order by Chairman Van Deventer at 8:00 a.m. Monday, March 10, 2003, in Rooms 947, 1047, 1147 and 1261 in Tower 2 and Room 405 in Tower 1, at the Holiday Inn on the Bay at 1355 North Harbor Drive, San Diego, California. ROLL CALL Agenda Item 1. Present: COMMISSIONERS Bixler, Cushman, Davis, McQuater, Spane, Van Deventer. Absent: None. Excused: Commissioner Hall was excused for personal reasons. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Agenda Item 2. None. CLOSED SESSION Agenda Item 3. into closed session for: Chairman Van Deventer announced the Board would enter PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT – PORT ATTORNEY Government Code Section 54957 March 10, 2003 Page 62 There was no further action to report, whereupon Chairman Van Deventer adjourned the special meeting at 11:30 a.m. Port Commissioners San Diego Unified Port District ATTEST: March 10, 2003 Page 63 MINUTES BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT As previously posted, a special meeting of the Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District was called to order by Chairman Van Deventer at 12:00 p.m. Monday, March 10, 2003, in the Board Room at 3165 Pacific Highway, San Diego, California. ROLL CALL Agenda Item 1. Present: COMMISSIONERS Bixler, Cushman, Davis, McQuater, Spane, Van Deventer. Absent: None. Excused: Commissioner Hall was excused for personal reasons. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Agenda Item 2. None. CLOSED SESSION Agenda Item 3. into closed session for: Chairman Van Deventer announced the Board would enter PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT – PORT ATTORNEY Government Code Section 54957 Page 64 March 10,2003 There was no further action to adjourned the special meeting at 2:OO p.m. Vi San Diego Unified Port District ATTEST: W Clerk of the San Dggo Unified Port District Page 65 March 11,2003 MINUTES BOARD OF FORT COMMISSIONERS SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT A regular meeting of the Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District was called to order by the Clerk at L O O p.m. Tuesday, March 11, 2003 in the Board Room at 3165 Pacific Highway, San Diego, California. By previous agreement of the Board of Port Commissioners, the regular meeting was not held and no commissioners were present. The regular meeting was adjourned by the Clerk to Tuesday, March 11, 2003 at 1:OO p.m. in the Council Chambers of the National City City Council Civic Center at 1243 National City Boulevard, National City, California. Clerk of the Board& Port Commissioners San Diego Unified Port District March 11, 2003 Page 66 MINUTES BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT The special meeting of the Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District was called to order by Commissioner Van Deventer at 1:03 p.m. Tuesday, March 11, 2003, in the Council Chambers of the National City City Council Civic Center at 1243 National City Boulevard, National City, California. ROLL CALL Agenda Item 1. Present: COMMISSIONERS Bixler, Cushman, Davis, McQuater, Spane, Van Deventer; OFFICERS Hollingsworth, Darbeau, Corey-Born, Heinrichs and McEntee. Absent: None. Excused: Commissioner Hall was excused for personal reasons. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Agenda Item 2. The minutes submitted for the special meetings of February 25, 2003 and the regular meeting of February 25, 2003, were approved on motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Davis. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Agenda Item 3. None. March 11, 2003 Page 67 CONSENT AGENDA On motion of Commissioner McQuater, seconded by Commissioner Davis, the Board, with a single vote, unanimously adopted consent agenda items 4 through 7 (Ordinance 2243, and Resolutions 2003-48 through and including 2003-50) by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, McQuater, Spane, Van Deventer; NaysNone; Excused-Hall; Absent-None; Abstained-None, as follows: AMENDMENT OF RESOLUTION 2001-236 APPROVING A MILITARY LEAVE POLICY FOR ALL CLASSIFIED AND UNCLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES – SEPTEMBER 14, 2001, THROUGH MARCH 31, 2004 Agenda Item 4. RESOLUTION 2003-48 amending Resolution 2001-236 and extending the termination date of the Military Leave Policy for all classified and unclassified employees from March 31, 2003, to March 31, 2004, as more particularly described in said Resolution 2003-48 (on file in the Office of the District Clerk) was adopted as part of the consent agenda. ORDINANCE AMENDING LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT AND KNIGHT AND CARVER YACHTCENTER, INC. Agenda Item 5. ORDINANCE 2243 amending the lease agreement dated March 25, 1997, between the San Diego Unified Port District and Knight and Carver Yachtcenter, Inc. in accordance with Agreement for Amendment of Lease, Amendment No. 2, on file in the Office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45596, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. REJECTION OF CLAIM – FIREMAN’S FUND MCGEE; AND SHERI AND RICK YOUNG Agenda Item 6. RESOLUTION 2003-49 rejecting the claim filed against the District on January 27, 2003, by Fireman’s Fund McGee, and Sheri and Rick Young for damage to the vessel “Maverick” which was allegedly sustained when a disabled vessel being towed by the Harbor Police collided with the insured vessel, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. March 11, 2003 Page 68 AMENDMENT OF BPC POLICY NO. 359, EQUAL OPPORTUNITY CONTRACTING POLICY Agenda Item 7. RESOLUTION 2003-50 adopting Board of Port Commissioners Policy No. 359, Equal Opportunity Contracting Policy, as amended, (a copy of which shall be placed on file in the Office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45597), was adopted as part of the consent agenda. PRESENTATION PRESENTATION BY CENTRE CITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, STATUS REPORT AND OVERVIEW OF DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY FOR 2003 Agenda Item 8. Peter Hall, representing the Centre City Development Corporation (CCDC), addressed the Board and presented an overview of downtown redevelopment activity. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Commissioner discussion ensued. The Board commended Mr. Hall for his leadership at CCDC and thanked him for the presentation. Commissioner Davis stated that, due to the lack of office space downtown, he hopes that additional office buildings can be built. Commissioner Cushman stated that the park-in-the-park planned in conjunction with the new ballpark should be completed as intended. Commissioner McQuater stated her appreciation for CCDC’s commitment to the North Embarcadero Alliance. Mr. Hall acknowledged the collaboration that CCDC has established with District staff while working with the North Embarcadero Alliance. Chairman Van Deventer stated the importance of including public art in redevelopment projects. March 11, 2003 Page 69 PRESENTATION OF THE DISTRICT’S SEMI-ANNUAL EQUAL OPPORTUNITY STATUS REPORT FOR FY 2003 Agenda Item 9. Shirley Grothen, Equal Opportunity Management (EOM), addressed the Board and presented the Semi-Annual Equal Opportunity Status Report for FY 2003. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Ms. Grothen discussed the proposed new EOM programs, Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) achievements, and labor compliance for the District’s public works contracts. Theresa Quiroz addressed the Board and expressed her concern regarding the lack of availability of the status report. Ms. Grothen stated she would provide Ms. Quiroz a copy of the report. Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioner Cushman requested that Ms. Grothen continue working with Tony Heinrichs, Senior Director, Facilities/Chief Engineer on increasing the percentages of DBE participation. Commissioner Cushman requested that staff report back to the Board in 90 days regarding these efforts. Commissioner Bixler requested that a comparison between the District and other regional agencies that offer similar programs be included in the report. In response to Commissioner Bixler’s request, Ms. Grothen provided additional information on similar programs offered by other agencies. ACTION AGENDA AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENT WITH GEORGE PETERS AND MELANIE WALKER Agenda Item 10. Catherine Sass, Director, Public Art, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations regarding an original work of art, titled “Wind Oars”, to be integrated on the tidelands of Chula Vista. (A copy of the staff report is on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Ric Todd, Cultural Arts Coordinator, City of Chula Vista, and Melody Cernitz addressed the Board and stated their support for staff recommendation. March 11, 2003 Page 70 Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioner Van Deventer suggested that staff work with the City of Chula Vista on waiving any applicable fees associated with this project. Commissioner Van Deventer expressed Commissioner Hall’s support for this project, who was excused from today’s meeting. Commissioner Cushman requested that staff explore opportunities that would utilize artwork that includes water. Chairman Van Deventer requested and received clarification from Ms. Sass regarding when this artwork would be installed. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Bixler, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-51 approving the selection of the artist team of George Peters and Melanie Walker, as recommended by the Public Art Committee, for the design, execution, fabrication, transportation and installation of the art work entitled “Wind Oars” to be placed on tidelands in the City of Chula Vista; and authorizing an amount not to exceed $350,000.00 to be expended for said art work, said funds to be disbursed in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in the Agreement for Commission of Public Art Work Entitled “Wind Oars” between the District and George Peters and Melanie Walker, on file in the Office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45598, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, McQuater, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Hall; Absent-None; Abstained-None. RESOLUTION AFFIRMING THE BOARD’S POSITION OF CONTINUING OPERATION OF THE PORT IN ITS EXISTING FORM Agenda Item 11. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, addressed the Board and presented the Resolution affirming the Board’s position of continuing the operation of the District in its existing form. Mike Burns addressed the Board and requested clarification from Mr. Hollingsworth regarding tax liabilities concerning the airport authority. Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioner Davis requested and received clarification from Mr. Hollingsworth regarding the District’s right to tax. Commissioner Davis requested and received clarification from Mr. Hollingsworth regarding the amount of public improvements included in the resolution. In response to an inquiry from Chairman Van Deventer, Dan Wilkens, Executive Vice President, addressed the Board and provided an update on the tidelands’ fiscal and economic impact analysis being prepared by Economics Research Associates. March 11, 2003 Page 71 On motion of Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Bixler, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-47 declaring that it is in the public interest for the San Diego Unified Port District to continue to serve as a regional government agency to manage San Diego Bay, its Tidelands and the Imperial Beach oceanfront; thereby opposing any proposal to dissolve the San Diego Unified Port District; further, directing each member of the Board of Port Commissioners, the Executive Director and Port District management to actively communicate with member city representatives, State and Federal elected officials and staff, Port District tenants and the general public to provide information about the critical regional services provided by the San Diego Unified Port District and the regional economic, environmental and recreational benefits that result from the operations of the San Diego Unified Port District, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, McQuater, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Hall; Absent-None; Abstained-None. PRESIDENT’S REPORT David Hall, Chief, Harbor Police, announced that the Harbor Agenda Item 12. Police Department placed second for marching in the Martin Luther King Parade. Chairman Van Deventer introduced former National City Mayor, Kyle Morgan, and acknowledged his participation in establishing the District. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director encouraged others who are in support of the District to contact their elected representatives. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Agenda Item 13. Commissioner Bixler requested that staff develop a series of promotional materials that focus on specific District issues and programs, such as the Public Art Program, to better communicate to the public about the District. Commissioner Cushman requested that, with regard to the North Embarcadero Alliance, staff consider keeping four lanes on Harbor Drive. March 11, 2003 Page 72 Commissioner Spane acknowledged that Commissioner Hall has been recalled to active military duty. Commissioner Van Deventer announced that the Board would hold its May 20, 2003 meeting in the City of Chula Vista. CONTINUANCE OF CLOSED SESSION Chairman Van Deventer noted there were no additional items on the open session agenda for discussion, whereupon at 1:52 p.m. he announced the Board would adjourn into closed session for the matters listed on today’s closed session agenda as follows: Agenda Item 14. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR Government Code Section 54956.8: Property: Marina Park Way at Convention Way, San Diego Negotiating Parties: Ray Carpenter and Arthur Engel, Fifth Avenue Landing, a California General Partnership M. Christine Anderson, SDUPD Under Negotiation: Price and Terms Agenda Item 15. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT – PORT ATTORNEY Government Code Section 54957 OPEN SESSION After the closed session was concluded, the Board reconvened in open public session. Chairman Van Deventer noted that all commissioners were present except Page 73 March 11, 2003 Commissioner Hall, who was excused. There was no action to report, whereupon Chairman Van Deventer adjourned the meeting. 6- " - Board 6f Port Commissioners San Diego Unified Port District c ATTEST: Clerk of th S Diego Unified Port District March 18, 2003 Page 74 MINUTES BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District was called to order by Commissioner Van Deventer at 1:04 p.m. Tuesday, March 18, 2003, in the Board Room at 3165 Pacific Highway, San Diego, California. ROLL CALL Agenda Item 1. Present: COMMISSIONERS Bixler, Cushman, Davis, McQuater, Spane, Van Deventer; OFFICERS Hollingsworth, Darbeau, Corey-Born, Heinrichs and McEntee. Absent: None. Excused: Commissioner Hall was excused for personal reasons. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Agenda Item 2. None. CONSENT AGENDA On motion of Commissioner Bixler, seconded by Commissioner Davis, the Board, with a single vote, adopted consent agenda items 3 through 6 (Ordinance 2244, and Resolutions 2003-52 through and including 2003-56) by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, McQuater, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Hall; AbsentNone; Abstained-None, as follows: March 18, 2003 Page 75 ORDINANCE GRANTING A LEASE TO BARTELL HOTELS, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, DBA HUMPHREY’S HALF MOON INN & SUITES Agenda Item 3. ORDINANCE 2244 approving and granting the lease agreement with Bartell Hotels, a California limited partnership, dba Humphrey’s Half Moon Inn & Suites, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45625, leasing certain premises located on Shelter Island Drive in the City of San Diego, and directing the execution of said lease agreement, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. AWARD OF CONTRACT 2002-53 TO ELKEN CONTRACTING, INC. FOR IMPERIAL BEACH PIER UTILITIES IMPROVEMENTS Agenda Item 4. RESOLUTION 2003-52 adopting the Plans and Specifications for Project No. IB2027GM, Imperial Beach Pier Utilities Improvements, commonly known as District Construction Contract 2002-53; and accepting the low bid of Elken Contracting, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $223,222.00, based upon prices set forth in the bid proposal for Imperial Beach Pier Utilities Improvements; and authorizing and directing the execution of Contract 2002-53 with Elken Contracting, Inc. for the performance of said work, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. AUTHORIZATION TO REQUEST GRANTS FROM THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DEPARTMENT OF BOATING AND WATERWAYS Agenda Item 5. RESOLUTION 2003-53 requesting that the State of California, Department of Boating and Waterways, provide the following grants: a grant for the purpose of improving the Shelter Island Boat Launch Facility in the City of San Diego to include, without limitation, construction of improvements as more particularly outlined in Resolution 2003-53; and a grant for the purpose of improving the Pepper Park Boat Launch Facility in the City of National City to include, without limitation, construction of improvements more particularly outlined in Resolution 2003-53; further authorizing and directing the execution of the grant agreement(s) for submission to the State of California, Department of Boating and Waterways, and to accept the grants for the purposes stated above, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. March 18, 2003 Page 76 REJECTION OF CLAIM – DAVID A. FRENCH Agenda Item 6. RESOLUTION 2003-54 rejecting the claim filed against the District on February 6, 2003, by David A. French for the property damage sustained when a roller bumper at the Shelter Island Police Dock allegedly gouged the hull of his vessel on November 17, 2002, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. REJECTION OF CLAIM – SHEILA RABELL Agenda Item 6. RESOLUTION 2003-55 rejecting the claim filed against the District on February 19, 2003, on behalf of Sheila Rabell for personal injuries allegedly sustained when she tripped and fell over an extension cord at the Convention Center on August 30, 2002, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. REJECTION OF CLAIM – MARILYNNE CREVELLO Agenda Item 6. RESOLUTION 2003-56 rejecting the claim filed against the District on February 7, 2003, by Marilynne Crevello for personal injuries sustained when she allegedly tripped and fell on a sidewalk at the Northwest end of Shelter Island on September 6, 2002, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. PRESENTATION PRESENTATION OF THE DISTRICT’S EMPLOYEE OF THE 4TH QUARTER – 2002; EMPLOYEE OF THE YEAR – 2002; AND TEAM OF THE YEAR – 2002. Agenda Item 7. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, announced that Karen Porteous, Director, Human Resources, was chosen as Employee of the Quarter for the fourth quarter of 2002. Ms. Porteous was recognized for providing leadership and guidance to ensure the successful transfer of District employees to the newly created airport authority. March 18, 2003 Page 77 Mr. Hollingsworth announced that Jeannine Cook, Payroll Specialist II, was chosen as the 2002 Employee of the Year. Ms. Cook was recognized for making sure the District’s payroll is completed accurately and on time. Mr. Hollingsworth recognized the Dole Refrigerated Container Facility Team as the District’s Team of the Year for 2002. The cross-functional team consists of 49 employees from 12 departments who participated in the Dole project. Tony Heinrichs, Senior Director, Facilities/Chief Engineer, read an e-mail from Alan Redmon, Project Manager, who has been recalled to active military duty, thanking the Board for the recognition. PRESENTATION TO THE BOARD BY THE SHELTER ISLAND HOTEL GROUP Agenda Item 8. Rita Vandergaw, Senior Director, Marketing & Communications, addressed the Board and introduced Kevin Konopasek and Sergio Davies, representing the Shelter Island Hotel Group, who discussed the marketing initiatives and the economic impact of the group. (A copy of the staff report is on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Mr. Davies showed a video illustrating the Shelter Island Group marketing efforts. Mr. Konopasek requested the Board consider providing $25,000 in matching funds to support their marketing program. Ms. Vandergaw stated funds are not available at this time, however, the staff has offered to incorporate this effort into the Big Bay program. Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioner Cushman requested that Ms. Vandergaw consider the request for funds along with the District’s Fee-for-Service program. Ms. Vandergaw reminded the Board that the deadline for applications for the Fee-for-Service program was in January. Chairman Van Deventer requested that Ms. Vandergaw bring the Shelter Island Hotel Group request to the Marketing Committee for consideration. PUBLIC HEARING AND ADOPT AN ORDINANCE ADDING SECTION 4.38 TO THE SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT CODE TO REGULATE THE A-1 LA PLAYA COVE, A-5 GLORIETTA BAY, AND A-9 (“CRUISER”) ANCHORAGES Agenda Item 9. Chairman Van Deventer announced that item 9 would be continued to a future Board meeting. March 18, 2003 Page 78 ACTION AGENDA SUN HARBOR MARINA NORTH HARBOR DRIVE Agenda Item 10. Paul Fanfera, Assistant Director, Real Estate, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations regarding the redevelopment of the Sun Harbor Marina. (A copy of the staff report is on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Mike McDade and Caitlin Kelley, representing the Sun Harbor Marina, addressed the Board and discussed the design aspects of the proposed redevelopment project. (A copy of the presentation is on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioner Cushman requested and received clarification from Ms. Kelley regarding the impact of the redevelopment on the Pizza Nova restaurant and the former Tarantino site. Commissioner Bixler requested and received clarification from Ms. Kelley regarding the material that would be used for the surface area of the parking lot. In response to an inquiry from Chairman Van Deventer, Ms. Kelley and Mr. McDade provided additional clarification regarding the proposed expansion of the buildings. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Bixler, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-57 approving the Project proposed by Sun Harbor Marina, a California general partnership, to redevelop its existing improvements and build an additional 4,000 square feet of building area on the existing Sun Harbor site, plus immediately adjacent approximately 19,775 square foot property; determining that the Project is Categorically Exempt under California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, Sections 15300.4, and District Resolution 97-191; determining that the proposed Project is an Excluded Development under District Coastal Development Permit Regulations, Section 8.a., Existing Facilities, 8.b., Replacement or Reconstruction, and 8.c., New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures; and determining that the proposed Project is in conformance with the District’s Master Plan use designation for the area, Planning District 1, Precise Plan Figure 4, Commercial – Commercial Recreation/Commercial Boat Berthing; further, authorizing negotiation with Sun Harbor to develop terms, covenants and conditions necessary for the granting of an Option Agreement for a new Forty (40) year lease, the results of said negotiations to be reported to the Board of Port Commissioners and a decision made at a later date regarding the granting of an Option Agreement, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, McQuater, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Hall; AbsentNone; Abstained-None. March 18, 2003 Page 79 PRESIDENT’S REPORT Rita Vandergaw, Senior Director, Marketing and Agenda Item 11. Communications, LT Tang and Shaun Sumner, Web Developers, addressed the Board and presented the web pages developed to acknowledge the District’s 40th Anniversary. Commissioner Spane requested and received clarification from Mr. Tang regarding the cost of preparing the web pages. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Cushman, Ms. Vandergaw provided additional information regarding the status of the District’s web site Activity Center. Commissioner McQuater stated that proposed web pages would do well in educating the public regarding the District. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Agenda Item 12. Commissioner Cushman requested a moment of silence to acknowledge those individuals serving in the military. ADDITION TO CLOSED SESSION Chairman Van Deventer noted there were no additional items on the open session agenda for discussion. Ellen Corey Born, Interim Port Attorney, advised the Board that subsequent to the posting of the agenda, an item had come to her attention and requested that the Board vote to add an item to the agenda. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Bixler, the Board, by a unanimous vote, added the item as follows: Agenda Item 16. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION Government Code Section 54956.9(a): Bose vs. SDUPD, et al. San Diego Superior Court No. GIC 784404 Chairman Van Deventer announced the Board would resume in closed session for consideration of the matters listed on today’s closed session agenda as follows, with the aforementioned addition of Agenda Item 16: March 18,2003 Page 80 Aaenda Item 13. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION Government Code Section 54956.9: Joseph R. Orlosky vs. SDUPD, et al. San Diego Superior Court, East County Division, No. GIE 013212 Agenda Item 14. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Government Code Section 54957 Executive Director Aaenda Item 15. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT - PORT AlTORNEY Government Code Section 54957 OPEN SESSION After the closed session was concluded, the Board reconvened in open public session. Chairman Van Deventer noted that all commissioners were present except Commissioner Hall, who was excused. There was no action to report, whereupon Chairman Van Deventer adjourned the meeting. San Diego Unified Port District ATTEST: v . Clerk of the S# Diego Unified Port District April 8, 2003 Page 81 MINUTES BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT As previously posted, a special meeting of the Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District was called to order by Chairman Van Deventer at 9:08 a.m. Tuesday, April 8, 2003, in the Board Room at 3165 Pacific Highway, San Diego, California. ROLL CALL Agenda Item 1. Present: COMMISSIONERS Bixler, Cushman, Spane, Van Deventer; OFFICERS Hollingsworth, Darbeau, Corey-Born, and Heinrichs. Absent: None. Excused: Commissioner Davis was excused until such time as he arrived at 9:17 a.m. Commissioner McQuater was excused for personal reasons. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Agenda Item 2. None. WORKSHOP - REVIEW FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE APPLICATIONS AND FEEFOR-SERVICE AND MARKETING SPONSORSHIPS FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM FOR FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004 Agenda Item 3. Chairman Van Deventer stated that the Board would first address the requests for the Financial Assistance Program, then consider requests for the Marketing Sponsorships. Commissioners Spane and Bixler requested and received clarification from Rita Vandergaw, Senior Director, Marketing & Communications, April 8, 2003 Page 82 regarding the impact of the financial assistance requests received at the airport on the District’s funding for the Financial Assistance Program and the Marketing Sponsorships. RESOLUTION 2003-69 establishing the sum of $347,000.00 for the Financial Assistance Program for Fiscal Year 2003-2004; and waiving the provisions of BPC Policy 110 relating to selection of the following organizations from a recommended list as provided in said Policy; further resolving that any funds authorized pursuant to this Resolution shall not be made available for disbursement prior to the adoption of the District Budget for Fiscal Year 2003-2004, was adopted by separate votes for each request, said sum to be distributed as follows: Accessible San Diego. Commissioner Cushman requested and received clarification from Ms. Vandergaw regarding staff’s recommendation. Commissioner Bixler expressed his concern about providing funds for this organization when ADA compliance is required under federal law. On motion of Commissioner Bixler, seconded by Commissioner Cushman, the Board denied funding for the Accessible San Diego request, by the following vote: YeasBixler, Cushman, Van Deventer; Nays-Spane; Excused-Davis, McQuater; Absent-None; Abstained-None. Aquatic Adventures. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Bixler, the Board authorized a Financial Assistance Agreement with Aquatic Adventures Science Education Foundation, SEA Series, a non-profit corporation, for an amount not to exceed $10,000.00, payment of said funds to be made in accordance with the terms, conditions and covenants contained in said Financial Assistance Agreement, to be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45863, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Davis, McQuater; Absent-None; Abstained-None. Cabrillo Festival. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Spane, the Board authorized a Financial Assistance Agreement with Cabrillo Festival, Inc., a non-profit corporation, for an amount not to exceed $5,000.00, payment of said funds to be made in accordance with the terms, conditions and covenants contained in said Financial Assistance Agreement, to be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45864, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Davis, McQuater; Absent-None; Abstained-None. April 8, 2003 Page 83 Coordinated Maritime Services. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Spane, the Board authorized a Financial Assistance Agreement with Coordinated Maritime Services, a non-profit corporation, for an amount not to exceed $5,000.00, payment of said funds to be made in accordance with the terms, conditions and covenants contained in said Financial Assistance Agreement, to be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45865, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-McQuater; Absent-None; Abstained-None. Peace of Mind for the Elderly. On motion of Commissioner Bixler, seconded by Commissioner Cushman, the Board denied funding for the Peace of Mind for the Elderly request, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-McQuater; Absent-None; Abstained-None. St. Vincent de Paul Village. In response to Commissioner Cushman’s concern about funding another athletic event, Ms. Vandergaw provided additional clarification regarding this request. Commissioner Spane suggested that the request may be more suitable for airport funding rather than from the District. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Bixler, the Board authorized a Financial Assistance Agreement with St. Vincent de Paul Village, a non-profit corporation, for an amount not to exceed $2,000.00, payment of said funds to be made in accordance with the terms, conditions and covenants contained in said Financial Assistance Agreement, to be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45866, provided, however, the District is hereby further authorized to provide District services not to exceed the sum of $500.00, by the following vote: YeasBixler, Cushman, Davis, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-McQuater; AbsentNone; Abstained-None. San Diego Armed Services YMCA Fireworks. Commissioner Cushman stated one of the goals of the Financial Assistance Program is providing seed money to assist organizations in implementing their events. Commissioner Cushman requested and received clarification from Sandy Purdon, representing the San Diego Armed Services YMCA, regarding his efforts to solicit corporate sponsors. On motion of Commissioner Spane, seconded by Commissioner Davis, the Board authorized a Financial Assistance Agreement with San Diego Armed Services YMCA, a non-profit corporation, for an amount not to exceed $40,000.00, payment of said funds to be made in accordance with the terms, conditions and covenants contained in said Financial Assistance Agreement, to be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk as April 8, 2003 Page 84 Document No. 45867, provided, however, the District is hereby further authorized to provide District services not to exceed the sum of $5,000.00, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-McQuater; Absent-None; Abstained-None. San Diego Bicycle Club. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Davis, the Board authorized a Financial Assistance Agreement with San Diego Bicycle Club, a non-profit corporation, for an amount not to exceed $4,000.00, payment of said funds to be made in accordance with the terms, conditions and covenants contained in said Financial Assistance Agreement, to be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45868, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-McQuater; Absent-None; Abstained-None. San Diego Film Foundation. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Bixler, the Board denied funding for the San Diego Film Foundation request, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-McQuater; Absent-None; Abstained-None. San Diego Historical Society. On motion of Commissioner Bixler, seconded by Commissioner Spane, the Board denied funding for the San Diego Historical Society request, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-McQuater; Absent-None; Abstained-None. San Diego Maritime Museum. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Bixler, the Board authorized a Financial Assistance Agreement with San Diego Maritime Museum, a non-profit corporation, for an amount not to exceed $35,000.00, payment of said funds to be made in accordance with the terms, conditions and covenants contained in said Financial Assistance Agreement, to be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45869, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-McQuater; Absent-None; Abstained-None. San Diego Parade of Lights. On motion of Commissioner Bixler, seconded by Commissioner Cushman, the Board authorized a Financial Assistance Agreement with San Diego Parade of Lights, a non-profit corporation, for an amount not to exceed $10,000.00, payment of said funds to be made in accordance with the terms, conditions and covenants contained in said Financial Assistance Agreement, to be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45870, provided, however, the District April 8, 2003 Page 85 is hereby further authorized to provide District services not to exceed the sum of $5,000.00, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-McQuater; Absent-None; Abstained-None. San Diego Port Tenants Association. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Davis, the Board authorized a Financial Assistance Agreement with San Diego Port Tenants Association, a non-profit corporation, for an amount not to exceed $13,000.00, payment of said funds to be made in accordance with the terms, conditions and covenants contained in said Financial Assistance Agreement, to be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45871, provided, however, the District is hereby further authorized to provide District services not to exceed the sum of $10,000.00, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-McQuater; Absent-None; Abstained-None. UnderSea Camp, Inc. John Schiltz, representing the UnderSea Camp, addressed the Board and provided additional information regarding the camp. On motion of Commissioner Bixler, seconded by Commissioner Spane, the Board denied funding for the UnderSea Camp, Inc. request, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-McQuater; Absent-None; Abstained-None. United Italian American. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Davis, the Board authorized a Financial Assistance Agreement with the United Italian American Association, a non-profit corporation, for an amount not to exceed $500.00, payment of said funds to be made in accordance with the terms, conditions and covenants contained in said Financial Assistance Agreement, to be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45872, provided, however, the District is hereby further authorized to provide District services not to exceed the sum of $2,000.00, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-McQuater; Absent-None; Abstained-None. WorldBeat Center. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Bixler, the Board authorized a Financial Assistance Agreement with WorldBeat Center, a non-profit corporation, said Agreement to provide for District services in the event the WorldBeat Festival takes place on District tidelands, said District services not to exceed the sum of $10,000.00, in accordance with the terms, conditions and covenants contained in said Financial Assistance Agreement, to be April 8, 2003 Page 86 placed on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45873, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; ExcusedMcQuater; Absent-None; Abstained-None. Bon Temps Social Club. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Bixler, the Board authorized a Financial Assistance Agreement with Bon Temps Social Club of San Diego, a non-profit corporation, said Agreement to provide for District services in connection with the Cajun-Zydeco Festival, said District services not to exceed the sum of $5,000.00, in accordance with the terms, conditions and covenants contained in said Financial Assistance Agreement, to be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45874, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-McQuater; Absent-None; Abstained-None. City of Chula Vista (Celebrate Chula Vista Festival). Chris Salomone, representing the City of Chula Vista, addressed the Board and stated his appreciation for District sponsorship of public events that market the South Bay cities. Chairman Van Deventer stated his support for this event. Commissioner Cushman requested that staff provide a report to the Board at the conclusion of the event. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Chairman Van Deventer, the Board authorized a Financial Assistance with the City of Chula Vista in connection with the Celebrate Chula Vista Festival (summer concert and fireworks), for an amount not to exceed $50,000.00, payment of said funds to be made in accordance with the terms, conditions and covenants contained in said Financial Assistance Agreement, to be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45875, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; ExcusedMcQuater; Absent-None; Abstained-None. City of Chula Vista (Taste of the Arts Festival). Commissioner Cushman requested and received clarification from Ms. Vandergaw regarding staff recommendation. Chairman Van Deventer stated his support for this request. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Bixler, the Board authorized a Financial Assistance Agreement with the City of Chula Vista in connection with the Taste of the Arts Festival, for an amount not to exceed $12,000.00, payment of said funds to be made in accordance with the terms, conditions and covenants contained in said Financial Assistance Agreement, to be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45876, provided, however, the District is April 8, 2003 Page 87 hereby further authorized to provide District services not to exceed the sum of $5,000.00, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-McQuater; Absent-None; Abstained-None. City of Chula Vista (Arturo Barrios 5K & 10K Athletic Event). Commissioner Cushman requested and received clarification from Ms. Vandergaw regarding the District’s request to the City of Chula Vista to increase the marketing of the Port at this event. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Bixler, the Board authorized a Financial Assistance Agreement with the City of Chula Vista in connection with the Arturo Barrios 5K & 10K Athletic Event, for an amount not to exceed $10,000.00, payment of said funds to be made in accordance with the terms, conditions and covenants contained in said Financial Assistance Agreement, to be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45877, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; ExcusedMcQuater; Absent-None; Abstained-None. Southwestern Community College District. Commissioners Cushman and Bixler stated their support for this program. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Bixler, the Board authorized a Financial Assistance Agreement with the Southwestern Community College District, for an amount not to exceed $15,000.00, payment of said funds to be made in accordance with the terms, conditions and covenants contained in said Financial Assistance Agreement, to be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45878, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-McQuater; Absent-None; Abstained-None. City of Coronado Recreation Department. Commissioner Davis expressed his concern regarding staff’s recommendation. Commissioner Spane stated that each member city should receive the same amount of funding for summer concerts. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, stated the member cities are reimbursed for actual expenses incurred. Commissioner Cushman made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Davis, to authorize a Financial Assistance Agreement with the City of Coronado Recreation Department for $20,000.00. The motion failed for lack of a majority affirmative vote. April 8, 2003 Page 88 On motion of Commissioner Spane, seconded by Commissioner Bixler, the Board authorized a Financial Assistance Agreement with the City of Coronado Recreation Department, for an amount not to exceed $22,500.00, payment of said funds to be made in accordance with the terms, conditions and covenants contained in said Financial Assistance Agreement, to be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45879, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Spane, Van Deventer; NaysCushman, Davis; Excused-McQuater; Absent-None; Abstained-None. Coronado Chamber of Commerce. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Spane, the Board authorized a Financial Assistance Agreement with the Coronado Chamber of Commerce, for an amount not to exceed $2,500.00, payment of said funds to be made in accordance with the terms, conditions and covenants contained in said Financial Assistance Agreement, to be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45880, by the following vote: YeasBixler, Cushman, Davis, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-McQuater; AbsentNone; Abstained-None. Coronado School of Arts. Susan Rapp, representing the Coronado School of the Arts addressed the Board and thanked the District for their support. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Bixler, the Board authorized a Financial Assistance Agreement with the Coronado School of Arts, a non-profit corporation, said Financial Assistance Agreement to provide for District services in connection with the Coronado School of Arts Musical Theatre Touring Group, said District services not to exceed the sum of $2,500.00, in accordance with the terms, conditions and covenants contained in said Financial Assistance Agreement, to be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45881, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; ExcusedMcQuater; Absent-None; Abstained-None. California State Games (Junior Lifesaving Championships). On motion of Commissioner Bixler, seconded by Commissioner Cushman, the Board authorized a Financial Assistance Agreement with the California State Games, a non-profit corporation, in connection with the 2003 California State Games Junior Lifesaving Championships, for an amount not to exceed $2,500.00, payment of said funds to be made in accordance with the terms, conditions and covenants contained in said Financial Assistance Agreement, to be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45882, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-McQuater; Absent-None; Abstained-None. April 8, 2003 Page 89 California State Games (Athlete Event). On motion of Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Cushman, the Board authorized a Financial Assistance Agreement with the California State Games, a non-profit corporation, said Agreement to provide for District services in connection with the 2003 California State Games Athlete Party, said District services not to exceed the sum of $1,500.00, in accordance with the terms, conditions and covenants contained in said Financial Assistance Agreement, to be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45883, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-McQuater; Absent-None; Abstained-None. City of Imperial Beach. On motion of Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Cushman, the Board authorized a Financial Assistance Agreement with the City of Imperial Beach in connection with the Symphony by the Sea, for an amount not to exceed $22,500.00, payment of said funds to be made in accordance with the terms, conditions and covenants contained in said Financial Assistance Agreement, to be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45884, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-McQuater; Absent-None; Abstained-None. Imperial Beach Chamber of Commerce. On motion of Commissioner Bixler, seconded by Commissioner Cushman, the Board authorized a Financial Assistance Agreement, in the event that matching funds are secured from other sponsors, with the Imperial Beach Chamber of Commerce, a non-profit corporation, in connection with various events sponsored by said Imperial Beach Chamber of Commerce, for an amount not to exceed $7,500.00, payment of said funds to be made in accordance with the terms, conditions and covenants contained in said Financial Assistance Agreement, to be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45885, provided, however, in either event, the District is hereby further authorized to provide District services not to exceed the sum of $4,100.00, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-McQuater; Absent-None; Abstained-None. KOZ Enterprises. On motion of Commissioner Bixler, seconded by Commissioner Cushman, the Board authorized a Financial Assistance Agreement with KOZ Enterprises, for an amount not to exceed $2,500.00, payment of said funds to be made in accordance with the terms, conditions and covenants contained in said Financial Assistance Agreement, to be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk as April 8, 2003 Page 90 Document No. 45886, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-McQuater; Absent-None; Abstained-None. United States Open Sandcastle. Commissioner Bixler stated his support for this request, and described the conditions recommended by the Financial Assistance Ad Hoc Committee. On motion of Commissioner Bixler, seconded by Commissioner Cushman, the Board authorized a Financial Assistance Agreement with United States Open Sandcastle, for an amount not to exceed $45,000.00, payment of said funds to be made in accordance with the terms, conditions and covenants contained in said Financial Assistance Agreement, to be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45887, subject to terms and conditions more particularly outlined in Resolution 2003-69; further authorizing the provision of District services not to exceed the sum of $5,000.00, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-McQuater; Absent-None; Abstained-None. Chamber Salute to Navy. Chairman Van Deventer requested that Ms. Vandergaw contact the City of National City regarding the parking tickets issued at this year’s lunch. On motion of Commissioner Bixler, seconded by Commissioner Cushman, the Board authorized a Financial Assistance Agreement with the Chamber Salute to the Navy, for an amount not to exceed $8,000.00, payment of said funds to be made in accordance with the terms, conditions and covenants contained in said Financial Assistance Agreement, to be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45888, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-McQuater; Absent-None; Abstained-None. City of National City Parks and Recreation. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Spane, the Board authorized a Financial Assistance Agreement with the City of National City Parks & Recreation, in connection with the Summer Concert at Pepper Park, for an amount not to exceed $22,500.00, payment of said funds to be made in accordance with the terms, conditions and covenants contained in said Financial Assistance Agreement, to be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45889, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-McQuater; Absent-None; Abstained-None. April 8, 2003 Page 91 COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Commissioner Spane requested that staff report back to the Board on the results of financial assistance requests received at the airport. Commissioner Bixler suggested that staff advise applicants that if they are an established event or program, they should seek additional funding other than from the District. Commissioner Bixler requested clarification from Chairman Van Deventer regarding which events or programs should continue to receive the current level of funding from the District. Commissioner Cushman stated that one of the goals of District Financial Assistance Program should be to provide seed money for new events or programs. Mr. Hollingsworth stated that, as part of this year’s application process, the applicants were notified that it was the District’s intent to provide seed money and encouraged the applicants to seek corporate sponsorship. Commissioner Davis requested that staff ask the airport to serve on a committee to evaluate the requests together. Commissioner Spane requested that staff develop a management tool to provide the Board more detailed financial information on the requests for funding. AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO FEE FOR SERVICE AGREEMENTS AND MARKETING SPONSORSHIPS RESOLUTION 2003-70 authorizing a total amount not to exceed $672,250.00 to be expended under the Fee for Service Program for Fiscal Year 2003-2004; and waiving the provisions of BPC Policy 110 relating to selection of the following organizations from a recommended list as provided in said Policy; further resolving that any funds authorized pursuant to this Resolution shall not be made available for disbursement prior to the adoption of the District Budget for Fiscal Year 2003-2004; further resolving that the Board will review the remaining funding request of the San Diego World Trade Center at a later date and will make a decision at that time regarding the distribution of funds, if any, was adopted by separate votes for each request, said sum to be distributed as follows: Forum Fronterizo. Commissioner Cushman requested and clarification from Commissioner Bixler regarding staff’s recommendation. received On motion of Commissioner Bixler, seconded by Commissioner Cushman, the Board authorized a Sponsorship Agreement with Forum Fronterizo, a non-profit corporation, for an amount not to exceed $10,000.00, payment of said funds to be April 8, 2003 Page 92 made in accordance with the terms, conditions and covenants contained in said Sponsorship Agreement, to be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45890, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-McQuater; Absent-None; Abstained-None. Pacific Life Holiday Bowl. Commissioner Cushman announced that, because he is a member of the Board of Directors of the Pacific Life Holiday Bowl organization, he would be abstaining on this motion. On motion of Commissioner Bixler, seconded by Commissioner Davis, the Board authorized a Sponsorship Agreement with Pacific Life Holiday Bowl, a non-profit corporation, for an amount not to exceed $155,000.00, payment of said funds to be made in accordance with the terms, conditions and covenants contained in said Sponsorship Agreement, to be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45891, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Davis, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-McQuater; Absent-None; AbstainedCushman. San Diego Convention & Visitors Bureau. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Spane, the Board authorized a Marketing Agreement with the San Diego Convention & Visitors Bueau, a non-profit corporation, for an amount not to exceed $137,500.00, payment of said funds to be made in accordance with the terms, conditions and covenants contained in said Marketing Agreement, to be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45892, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Spane, Van Deventer; NaysNone; Excused-McQuater; Absent-None; Abstained-None. San Diego County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. Commissioner Cushman requested and received clarification from Ms. Vandergaw regarding staff’s recommendation. Chairman Van Deventer stated his support for this organization. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Spane, the Board authorized a Fee for Service Agreement with the San Diego County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, a non-profit corporation, for an amount not to exceed $5,000.00, payment of said funds to be made in accordance with the terms, conditions and covenants contained in said Fee for Service Agreement, to be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45893, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-McQuater; Absent-None; Abstained-None. April 8, 2003 Page 93 San Diego Film Commission. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Spane, the Board authorized a Fee for Service Agreement with the San Diego Film Commission, a non-profit corporation, for an amount not to exceed $50,000.00, payment of said funds to be made in accordance with the terms, conditions and covenants contained in said Fee for Service Agreement, to be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45894, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-McQuater; Absent-None; Abstained-None. San Diego Fleet Week Foundation. Chairman Van Deventer requested and received clarification from Ms. Vandergaw regarding staff’s recommendation. On motion of Commissioner Spane, seconded by Commissioner Davis, the Board authorized a Sponsorship Agreement with San Diego Fleet Week Foundation, a nonprofit corporation, for an amount not to exceed $100,000.00, payment of said funds to be made in accordance with the terms, conditions and covenants contained in said Sponsorship Agreement, to be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45895, provided, however, the District is hereby further authorized to provide District services not to exceed the sum of $50,000.00, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-McQuater; Absent-None; Abstained-None. San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce. Mitch Mitchell, representing the San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce, addressed the Board and thanked the District for their support. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Bixler, the Board authorized a Fee for Service Agreement with the San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce, a non-profit corporation, for an amount not to exceed $25,000.00, payment of said funds to be made in accordance with the terms, conditions and covenants contained in said Fee for Service Agreement, to be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45896, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-McQuater; Absent-None; AbstainedNone. San Diego Regional Economic Development Corporation (EDC). Ms. Vandergaw stated the District would retain $21,000.00 in the budget for a membership in the EDC. Commissioner Cushman requested and received clarification from Ms. Vandergaw regarding how EDC sets its membership fee. Staff was directed to ensure April 8, 2003 Page 94 that the new membership fee is based upon the District’s present number of employees. On motion of Commissioner Bixler, seconded by Commissioner Cushman, the Board authorized a Fee for Service Agreement with the San Diego Regional Economic Development Corporation, a non-profit corporation, for an amount not to exceed $10,000.00, payment of said funds to be made in accordance with the terms, conditions and covenants contained in said Fee for Service Agreement, to be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45897, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-McQuater; Absent-None; Abstained-None. San Diego Sportfishing Council. Catherine Miller, representing the San Diego Sportfishing Council addressed the Board and stated that she will bring back a marketing program to Board in 60 days. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Spane, the Board authorized a Marketing Sponsorship Agreement with the San Diego Sportfishing Council, a non-profit corporation, for an amount not to exceed $75,000.00, payment of said funds to be made in accordance with the terms, conditions and covenants contained in said Marketing Sponsorship Agreement, to be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45898, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-McQuater; Absent-None; AbstainedNone. San Diego Symphony. Commissioner Spane requested and received clarification from Ms. Vandergaw regarding staff’s recommendation. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Spane, the Board authorized a Sponsorship Agreement with the San Diego Symphony, a non-profit corporation, for an amount not to exceed $69,000.00, payment of said funds to be made in accordance with the terms, conditions and covenants contained in said Sponsorship Agreement, to be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45899, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-McQuater; Absent-None; Abstained-None. San Diego World Trade Center. Richard Ledford and Bella Heule, representing the San Diego World Trade Center, addressed the Board and provided additional information on their funding request of $100,000.00. Mr. Hollingsworth April 8, 2003 Page 95 stated the Board could consider approving the staff recommendation of $50,000.00 and approve additional funding later as needed. Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioner Bixler requested and received clarification from Ms. Heule regarding proposed trade missions. Commissioner Spane requested and received clarification from Ms. Heule and Mr. Ledford regarding how the Trade Center used the monies allocated for trade missions. Commissioner Cushman requested and received clarification from Ms. Heule regarding the status of the funds for trade missions that did not occur. Commissioner Cushman expressed his concern regarding the lack of results from trade missions to the Far East. Commissioner Cushman suggested more trade missions to Latin America. Commissioner Cushman suggested tabling this item to allow staff and the Trade Center to provide additional information regarding their funding request. Commissioner Spane made a motion to authorize a Fee for Service Agreement with the San Diego World Trade Center for $50,000.00. The motion failed for lack of a second motion. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Davis, the Board agreed to continue this item to a future Board meeting, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-McQuater; Absent-None; Abstained-None. South County Economic Development Corporation. Commissioner Cushman requested and received clarification from Ms. Vandergaw regarding staff’s recommendation. Chairman Van Deventer requested that the South County Economic Development Corporation provide more detailed information regarding their efforts to market the Port. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Davis, the Board authorized a Fee for Service Agreement with South County Economic Development Corporation, a non-profit corporation, for an amount not to exceed $17,500.00, payment of said funds to be made in accordance with the terms, conditions and covenants contained in said Fee for Service Agreement, to be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45900, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-McQuater; Absent-None; Abstained-None. April 8, 2003 Page 96 Shelter Island Hotel Group. Commissioner Cushman commended the Shelter Island Hotel Group for their marketing efforts. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Bixler, the Board authorized a Marketing Sponsorship Agreement with the Shelter Island Hotel Group, a non-profit corporation, for an amount not to exceed $18,250.00, payment of said funds to be made in accordance with the terms, conditions and covenants contained in said Marketing Sponsorship Agreement, to be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45901, provided, however, the District is hereby further authorized to provide District services not to exceed the sum of $6,750.00, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-McQuater; Absent-None; Abstained-None. Elite Racing (Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon). Ms. Vandergaw stated that, after reviewing the request from Elite Racing for funding, staff determined it did not meet the criteria for the Fee for Service Marketing Sponsorship program. Ms. Vandergaw stated that staff failed to forward this request to the Marketing Committee for consideration and requested the Board hear their request today. Tracy Sundlum, representing Elite Racing, addressed the Board and presented his proposal for the Rock ‘n’ Roll marathon. Mr. Hollingsworth and Ms. Vandergaw stated that this an excellent event and is well established, however, does not need District funding to be successful. On motion of Commissioner Spane, seconded by Commissioner Davis, the Board denied funding for the Elite Racing request, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Van Deventer; Nays-Spane; Excused-McQuater; Absent-None; Abstained-None. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Commissioner Davis thanked staff for their work on this item. Commissioner Davis requested that, in the future, staff provide additional information regarding the difference between staff and committee recommendations. Chairman Van Deventer requested staff also provide additional budget information from the applicants. Commissioner Bixler requested that staff update charts provided to the Board to include District services that were provided. Commissioner Bixler suggested that, as part of the application process, each applicant should state how their proposal would support the April 8, 2003 Page 97 District's strategic plan and goals. Commissioner Bixler requested that staff develop a standard budget request form as part of the application process. There was no further action to report, whereupon Chairman Van Deventer adjourned the special meeting at 11:05 a.m. r y V i c M a i r , Board 'of Port Commissioners San Diego Unified Port District ATTEST: 1; April 8, 2003 Page 98 MINUTES BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District was called to order by Chairman Van Deventer at 1:03 p.m. Tuesday, April 8, 2003, in the Board Room at 3165 Pacific Highway, San Diego, California. ROLL CALL Agenda Item 1. Present: COMMISSIONERS Bixler, Cushman, Davis, McQuater, Spane, Van Deventer; OFFICERS Hollingsworth, Darbeau, Corey-Born, Heinrichs and McEntee. Absent: None. Excused: None. COMMISSIONER MCQUATER COMMENTS Commissioner McQuater congratulated Sylvia Rios for being appointed to the Board of Port Commissioners. Commissioner McQuater thanked the Mayors and the City Council Members who appointed her to the Board. Commissioner McQuater thanked her employer Solar Turbines, for being supportive of her public service. Commissioner McQuater thanked and acknowledged the service of all District employees including those employees at the airport. Commissioner McQuater recognized the stakeholders and the constituents of the District. Commissioner McQuater stated it has been an honor to serve with her fellow Commissioners. Commissioner McQuater thanked her family and recognized her mother as her inspiration. Commissioner McQuater stated it has truly been an honor and privilege to serve as Commissioner. April 8, 2003 Page 99 SWEARING-IN OF NEWLY APPOINTED CITY OF SAN DIEGO COMMISSIONER SYLVIA C. RIOS Agenda Item 2. Anthony Rios administered the oath of office to newly appointed City of San Diego Commissioner Sylvia Rios. Commissioner Rios thanked her family for their support and stated she was grateful for the opportunity to serve on the Board of Port Commissioners. RESOLUTION APPOINTING PATRICIA A. MCQUATER AS COMMISSIONER EMERITUS Agenda Item 3. Chairman Van Deventer read into the record a resolution summarizing the accomplishments of Commissioner McQuater during her tenure as a Port Commissioner and appointing her to the honorary office of Commissioner Emeritus. Chairman Van Deventer presented Commissioner Emeritus McQuater with a gift. The entire Board acknowledged Commissioner Emeritus McQuater for her calm and positive demeanor, for being a role model to other Commissioners, for her articulateness and sense of humor. The Board thanked Commissioner Emeritus McQuater for her public service. Rick Ghio, representing the San Diego Port Tenants Association, addressed the Board and presented Commissioner Emeritus McQuater with a plaque recognizing her service on the Board of Port Commissioners. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, acknowledged Commissioner Emeritus McQuater’s respect of District employees. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Bixler, the Board, by a unanimous vote, adopted RESOLUTION 2003-58 appointing Patricia A. McQuater as Commissioner Emeritus (copy on file in the Office of the District Clerk). Chairman Van Deventer announced that the Board would take a short break in order to have a reception for Commissioner Emeritus McQuater and Commissioner Rios. Chairman Van Deventer stated that, at the conclusion of the break, the Board would begin closed session. Ellen Corey Born, Interim Port Attorney, listed the closed session items that the Board would consider today. April 8, 2003 Page 100 CLOSED SESSION Agenda Item 22. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – POTENTIAL LITIGATION Government Code Section 54956.9(b)(1) – 1 case Agenda Item 23. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT – EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Government Code Section 54957 Agenda Item 24. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT – PORT ATTORNEY Government Code Section 54957 OPEN SESSION After the closed session was concluded, the Board reconvened in open public session. Ellen Corey Born, Interim Port Attorney, corrected the listing of Agenda Item 22 as follows: Campbell Industries v. San Diego Unified Port District, et al. San Diego Superior Court, Case No. GIC807514 Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) Chairman Van Deventer stated that the Board authorized employment contracts for the Executive Director and newly appointed Port Attorney. The employment contracts would be available upon execution of the parties. Chairman Van Deventer noted that all commissioners were present, except Commissioner Spane, who was excused. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Agenda Item 4. The minutes submitted for the special meetings of March 10, 2003, the special meeting of March 11, 2003, and the regular meeting of March 18, 2003, were approved on motion of Commissioner Bixler, seconded by Commissioner Cushman. April 8, 2003 Page 101 PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Agenda Item 5. Theresa Quiroz addressed the Board and expressed her concern regarding waiting until after closed session was completed to be able to speak. Ms. Quiroz expressed her concern regarding the lack of reference to the disabled in the Equal Opportunity Status Report. Chairman Van Deventer requested that Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, respond to Ms. Quiroz regarding her comments. CONSENT AGENDA On motion of Commissioner Bixler, seconded by Commissioner Davis, the Board, with a single vote, adopted consent agenda items 6 through 11 (Resolutions 2003-59 through and including 2003-65) by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained-None, as follows: DISPOSITION OF SURPLUS EQUIPMENT Agenda Item 6. RESOLUTION 2003-59 declaring the equipment listed on the Surplus Equipment Listing, attached thereto as Exhibit A and by this reference made a part thereof (Exhibit A is on file in the Office of the District Clerk), to be surplus to the needs of the District and shall be disposed of in accordance with the procedures prescribed in BPC Policy No. 111, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS Agenda Item 7. RESOLUTION 2003-60 authorizing the issuance of a Request for Qualification for Professional Services to perform advertising/marketing and/or public relations services for the San Diego Unified Port District; further resolving that the results of said Request for Qualifications will be reported to the Board and a decision made at a later date regarding the authorization of an Agreement, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. April 8, 2003 Page 102 AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENT WITH MACTEC ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING SERVICES, INC. Agenda Item 8. RESOLUTION 2003-61 authorizing an Agreement with Mactec Engineering and Consulting Services, Inc., a Georgia corporation, to perform Material Testing and Special Inspection Services, both in the field and in the laboratory, in connection with certain construction contract work at various District Tideland locations, on an as-needed basis, as determined by the District, for the period of time commencing on the date of execution of said Agreement and terminating on April 14, 2004, subject to earlier termination, for a maximum expenditure not to exceed $100,000.00; said funds to be disbursed in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said Agreement, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45850; further resolving that the District, at its sole discretion, may extend said Agreement for two (2) additional One (1) year options, subject to terms more particularly outlined in Resolution 2003-61, for an aggregate expenditure not to exceed $300,000.00, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. AWARD OF CONTRACT 2003-01 TO SUPERIOR READY MIX CONCRETE LP, A PARTNERSHIP, DBA SRM CONTRACTING AND PAVING, FOR PAVEMENT REPAIRS, HARBOR AND SHELTER ISLAND, TIDELANDS PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Agenda Item 9. RESOLUTION 2003-62 adopting the Plans and Specifications for Project No. SD2025GM, Pavement Repairs, Harbor and Shelter Island, Tidelands Pavement Management Program, commonly known as District Construction Contract 2003-01; accepting the low bid of Superior Ready Mix Concrete LP, a Partnership, dba SRM Contracting and Paving, in an amount not to exceed $735,935.00, based upon prices set forth in the bid proposal for Pavement Repairs, Harbor and Shelter Island, Tidelands Pavement Management Program; further authorizing and directing the execution of Contract 2003-01 with Superior Ready Mix Concrete LP, a Partnership, dba SRM Contracting and Paving, for the performance of said work, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. April 8, 2003 Page 103 AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENT WITH SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION Agenda Item 10. RESOLUTION 2003-63 authorizing an Agreement with San Diego State University Foundation, a California non-profit corporation, to undertake, carry out and complete all of the work and services in evaluating eelgrass restoration techniques in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said Agreement for a period of two (2) years commencing April 30, 2003, and ending April 29, 2005, for a maximum amount not to exceed $150,000.00, said funds to be disbursed in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said Agreement, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45851; further waiving the provisions of BPC Policy 110 relating to selection of a firm from a recommended list, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. REJECTION OF AMENDED CLAIM – JOHN VATTUONE Agenda Item 11. RESOLUTION 2003-64 rejecting the amended claim filed against the District on February 18, 2003, by John Vattuone for damage sustained to his vehicle when it was flooded with water while parked on District property located at 1400 West 28th Street in National City, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. REJECTION OF AMENDED CLAIM – RACHEL RIGSBY Agenda Item 11. RESOLUTION 2003-65 rejecting the amended claim filed against the District on March 7, 2003, by Rachel Rigsby for personal injuries sustained when she allegedly fell on an escalator in Terminal One at Lindbergh Field on December 18, 2002, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. PUBLIC HEARING / ACTION AMENDMENT OF BPC POLICY NO. 601, DOCUMENT REPRODUCTION FOR THE PUBLIC Agenda Item 12. CJ Lucke, Director, Corporate Services, stated she was available to answer any questions from the Board. Chairman Van Deventer opened the April 8, 2003 Page 104 Public Hearing. No one requested to speak and Chairman Van Deventer closed the Public Hearing. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Bixler, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-66 adopting Board of Port Commissioners Policy No. 601, Document Reproduction for the Public, as amended, a copy of which is on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45852, by the following vote: YeasBixler, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Spane; Absent-None; Abstained-None. ACTION AGENDA BRIEFING ON LEGISLATION OF INTEREST TO THE PORT OF SAN DIEGO AND PROVIDE POLICY DIRECTION TO STAFF TO FORWARD THE BOARD’S POSITION TO THE LEGISLATURE AND EXECUTIVE BRANCHES OF THE STATE GOVERNMENT – SENATE BILL 68 Agenda Item 13. Dan Wilkens, Executive Vice President, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations regarding Senate Bill 68 (SB 68). (A copy of the staff report is on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) SB 68 creates the San Diego Bay Advisory Committee for Ecological Assessment that would be required to compile a report on the health of San Diego Bay. Dick Cloward addressed the Board and stated his support for SB 68 Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioner Davis requested and received clarification from Mr. Wilkens regarding the need to produce another report, and whether funding exists to implement the results of a new report. Mr. Wilkens stated he does not view the proposed legislation as duplicative of the Comprehensive Management Plan for San Diego Bay report, prepared by the San Diego Inter-Agency Water Quality Panel Report that was completed in 1998. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Davis, David Merk, Director, Recreation & Environmental Services, outlined the goals of the proposed legislation and the previous report. Chairman Van Deventer requested and received clarification from Mr. Merk regarding possible sources of funding to complete the committee’s work. Commissioner Davis requested and received clarification from Mr. Merk regarding the actual costs for the committee. Commissioner Davis stated his concern regarding the lack of funding limits in the April 8, 2003 Page 105 proposed legislation. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Davis, Mr. Wilkens provided additional information on possible grants available for this item. Commissioner Bixler also stated concerns regarding the lack of funding for this proposed committee and the lack of specific issues to be reviewed by the committee. Commissioner Cushman stated that fees collected from six-pac charter vessels were supposed to be allocated for a study regarding the health of the fish life in San Diego Bay. Commissioner Cushman suggested using the previous report as a baseline for the proposed committee’s report. Commissioner Cushman requested and received clarification from Mr. Merk regarding the status of the State of the Bay study and Health of the Fish Life in the Bay study. Commissioner Cushman suggested that further discussion with the author of this legislation was needed regarding the funding for the implementation of committee’s report. Commissioner Cushman requested that staff complete the Health of the Fish Life in the Bay study with fees collected from the sixpac charters. Commissioner Davis suggested tabling this item until staff can meet with the author of this legislation to discuss the concerns of the Board. Mr. Wilkens stated that this legislation will move quickly through the legislature and recommended the Board support the proposed legislation with propose changes. Chairman Van Deventer requested that staff bring this item back to the Board at its April 22, 2003 meeting. Mr. Wilkens reiterated the Board’s issues to be discussed with the author as the following: establish a cap of administrative costs for the proposed committee; funding source for implementation of the report, using the previous report as a baseline; the ability of the Chairman to designate a chair of the proposed committee; and specific definition of the scope of work for the committee. Mr. Merk stated his concern regarding the utilization of the previous report in conjunction with the proposed committee’s report. The Board continued this item to the April 22, 2003, Board meeting to allow staff to confer with the author of the legislation regarding the concerns of the Board. April 8, 2003 Page 106 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO ENTER INTO A ONE-YEAR AGREEMENT WITH CARRIER JOHNSON TO PROVIDE URBAN WATERFRONT PLANNING AND DESIGN CONSULTING SERVICES FOR THE CHULA VISTA BAYFRONT MASTER PLAN STUDY FOR AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $850,000.00 Agenda Item 14. Ralph Hicks, Director, Land Use Planning, addressed the Board and stated he has received notification from Carrier Johnson of their inability to execute the Agreement relating to the insurance and indemnification requirements. Mr. Hicks recommended continuing this item to the April 22, 2003 Board meeting for the purpose of allowing staff to explore other alternatives. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, stated that the District has received feedback from contractors and vendors that doing business with the District has become onerous and the Board may wish to reexamine the policy regarding indemnification requirements. Commissioner Cushman suggested using some type of criteria, dependent upon the agreement, to assess the risk level and to determine the appropriate insurance and indemnification requirements. Commissioner Davis requested and received clarification from Mr. Hollingsworth and Ellen Corey Born, Interim Port Attorney, regarding how many times the District had to exercise the indemnification clause. Ms. Corey Born provided a brief history of the current indemnification language. Commissioner Bixler requested and received clarification from Mr. Hicks regarding the impact of the current indemnification language on using another consultant from the selection process. Commissioner Bixler expressed his concern regarding a modification of indemnification language after the selection process has been completed. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Bixler, Mr. Hicks stated that the current indemnification language was provided to the consultants as part of the selection process. Chairman Van Deventer stated the need to review the current indemnification language. Commissioner Cushman requested and received clarification from Gordon Carrier, representing Carrier Johnson, regarding impact of the current indemnification language on their efforts to obtain insurance for this project. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Davis, the Board agreed to continue this item for two weeks to allow staff to continue to negotiate with Carrier Johnson, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Spane; Absent-None; Abstained-None. April 8, 2003 Page 107 NATIONAL CITY MARINA BASIN AND ENTRANCE, NATIONAL CITY Tony Heinrichs, Senior Director, Facilities/Chief Engineer, and Genene Lehotsky, Assistant Environmental Planner, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations regarding the National City Marina Basin. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Chairman Van Deventer, the Board adopted RESOLUTIONS 2003-67 and 2003-68 by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Rios, Spane; Absent-None; Abstained-None, as follows: COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT – DREDGING AND DISPOSAL OF HYDRAULIC FILL AND BAY BOTTOM SEDIMENT TO CREATE THE PROPOSED NATIONAL CITY MARINA BASIN AND ENTRANCE, NATIONAL CITY Agenda Item 15a. RESOLUTION 2003-67 making certain findings, as more specifically outlined in Resolution 2002-67, including the proposed Project, which is entitled “Dredging and Disposal of Hydraulic Fill and Bay Bottom Sediment to Create the Proposed National City Marina Basin and Entrance, National City” is consistent with and conforms to the District Master Plan; and authorizing and directing the issuance of a Coastal Development Permit for said Project, was adopted as indicated above, “National City Marina Basin and Entrance, National City.” AWARD OF CONTRACT 2002-23 TO R. E. STAITE ENGINEERING, INC. FOR NATIONAL CITY MARINA BASIN, NATIONAL CITY Agenda Item 15b. RESOLUTION 2003-68 adopting the Plans and Specifications for Project No. NC1026GC, National City Marina Basin, commonly known as District Construction Contract 2002-23; further accepting the low bid of R. E. Staite Engineering, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $5,000,422.00, based upon prices set forth in the bid proposal, in accordance with Alternate Base Bid Schedule A and Alternative Additive Bid Schedule B, for National City Marina Basin, National City; and authorizing and directing the execution of Contract 2002-23 with R. E. Staite Engineering, Inc. for the performance of said work, was adopted as indicated above, “National City Marina Basin and Entrance, National City.” April 8, 2003 Page 108 NOTIFICATION OF SETTLEMENT The Board received and filed notification from the Port Attorney that, pursuant to the settlement authority previously authorized by the Board, the following lawsuits have now settled: Agenda Item 16. Tuchscher v. SDUPD, et al. Agenda Item 17. Nielsen Beaumont Marine, Inc. v. SDUPD, et al. Agenda Item 18. Sonali Bose v. SDUPD, et al. MONTHLY NOTIFICATION OF CHANGE ORDERS PURSUANT TO BPC POLICY 110 Agenda Item 19. In accordance with BPC Policy 110, the following change orders executed by the Executive Director were reported: a. Change Order No. 9 for $1,191.84 to Contract No. 2001-06 with Bellingham Marine Industries, Inc. for Harbor Police Dock and Transient Vessel Dock Replacement. b. Change Order No. 19 for $197,388.00 to Contract 2001-27 with Taylor Ball of California for Refrigerated Container Facility. c. Change Order No. 1 for $1,522.00 to Contract No. 2001-29 with R.E. Staite Engineering, Inc. for Repairs to Embarcadero Wharf. d. Change Order Nos. 4 for $6,293.02 and 7 calendar days; 5 $25,645.00 and 40 calendar days; 6 for $32,062.38 and 10 calendar days; 9 for $1,224.85; and 10 for $3,565.59 to Contract No. 2002-01 with Bellingham Marine Industries, Inc. for Accessible Boat Docks, San Diego Bay. e. Change Order Nos. 3 for $6,000.00 and 5 calendar days; 4 for $4,710.00 and 3 calendar days; 5 for 34 calendar days; 6 for $11,772.00 and 18 calendar days; 7 for $2,796.00 and 10 calendar days; 8 for $8,935.00; and 9 for $5,676.00 and 4 calendar days to Contract No. 2002-06 with Bath & Kitchen Company for Restroom and Shower Facility, Transient Vessel Dock. f. Change Order No. 2 for $6,320.59 to Contract No. 2002-09 with Ghassan Construction for Cesar E. Chavez Park Parking Lot Relocation. April 8, 2003 Page 109 g. Change Order No. 10 for $30,014.11 and 60 calendar days to Contract No. 200213 with R.E. Staite Engineering, Inc. for Maintenance Dredging, Berths 10-1 and 10-2, Tenth Avenue Marine Terminal. h. Change Order Nos. 3 for $12,969.95 and 4 for $8,300.00 to Contract No. 200215 with International Pavement Solutions, Inc. to Correct Remaining Gallager Deficiencies at Embarcadero Crescent and Shelter Island. i. Change Order Nos. 2 for 21 calendar days; 3 for $2,820.00; 4 for $372.00; 5 for changed conditions; 6 for $857.00 and 2 calendar days; 7 for $1,599.00 and 2 calendar days; 8 for $4,197.00; 9 for $268.00 and 2 calendar days; 10 for $596.00 and 1 calendar day; 11 for $1,030.00 and 14 calendar days; 12 for $374.00 and 1 calendar day; 13 for $378.00 and 1 calendar day; 14 for $337.00 and 1 calendar day; 15 for $1,013.77 and 2 calendar days; and 16 for $175.00 and 1 calendar day to Contract No. 2002-18 with Randall Construction for Head House #2 Office Improvements. j. Change Order No. 6 for $53,170.00 to Contract No. 2002-19 with C.E. Wylie Construction Company for General Services Facility. k. Change Order Nos. 4 for $11,630.64 and 3 calendar days; 6 for $6,450.51; 8 for $3,169.85 and 2 calendar days; and 11 for $1,049.90 to Contract No. 2002-21 with Douglas E. Barnhart, Inc. for Cruise Ship Terminal Security and Interior Improvements. l. Changes Order Nos. 1 for $200.00; 2 for $605.00; and 3 for $92.00 to Contract 2002-25 with General Air Conditioning, Inc. for Upgrade HVAC System Harbor Police Administration Building. m. Change Order No. 2 for $9,729.00 to Contract No. 2002-26 with Ghassan Construction, Inc. for Pavement Management Program (1) Fiscal Year 2003. n. Change Order No. 1 for $1,625.00 to Contract No. 2002-28 with HMS Construction Company for Intersection Improvements on North Harbor Drive at Rental Car Road. o. Change Order No. 1 for $3,640.00 to Contract No. 2002-48 with Wedgeco, Inc. dba Hydrodynamics for Maintenance Painting of Port Logo on Bunker Fuel Tank. PRESIDENT’S REPORT Agenda Item 20. David Hall, Chief, Harbor Police, addressed the Board and read a proclamation acknowledging the week of April 13 through April 19, 2003, as National Public Safety Telecommunications Appreciation Week. Page 110 April 8, 2003 I n response to an inquiry from Commissioner Davis, Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, responded to California Lt. Governor Bustamante's comments regarding the replacement of the South Bay Power Plant. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Aqenda Item 21. Commissioner Davis requested and received clarification from Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, regarding recent comments by Lieutenant Governor Cruz Bustamante about the Duke Power Plant in Chula Vista. Chairman Van Deventer stated that the City of Chula Vista is conducting a study of the economic benefits that a new power plant will bring to the area. There was no further action to report, whereupon Chairman Van Deventer adjourned the meeting. San Diego Unified Port District ATTEST: c Clerk of the a Diego Unified Port District 9)1 April 22, 2003 Page 111 MINUTES BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT As previously posted, a special meeting of the Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District was called to order by Chairman Van Deventer at 9:07 a.m. Tuesday, April 22, 2003, in the Board Room at 3165 Pacific Highway, San Diego, California. ROLL CALL Agenda Item 1. Present: COMMISSIONERS Bixler, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; OFFICERS Hollingsworth, Darbeau, Corey-Born, McEntee and Heinrichs. Absent: None. Excused: Commissioner Cushman was excused for personal reasons. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Agenda Item 2. None. April 22, 2003 Page 112 WORKSHOP STAFF PRESENTATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE FY 2003-2007 CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM, DIRECTION TO STAFF, AND RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE FIVE-YEAR FY 2003-2007 CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN Agenda Item 3. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director; Rinus Baak, Senior Director, Project Office; and Jeff McEntee, Senior Director, Business & Financial Services/Treasurer, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations for the FY 2003-2007 Capital Development Program (CDP). Mr. McEntee discussed three financing scenarios for the CDP: low, baseline, and high. Mr. McEntee described the assumptions associated with each scenario. Mr. McEntee stated that, given the uncertainties regarding the District’s cash flow, staff is recommending that Board approve the baseline funding scenario for financial planning purposes. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Commissioner discussion ensued. The Board requested and received clarification on a variety of CDP issues. Commissioner Davis requested and received clarification from Mr. McEntee regarding the assumptions of non-personnel expenses remaining flat through FY 2007, and health and workers compensation insurance increasing each year. Commissioner Davis requested and received clarification from Mr. McEntee regarding the projected cash flows for the CDP. In response to inquiries from the Board, Mr. McEntee provided additional information regarding options of paying off the airport note. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Bixler, Mr. Hollingsworth discussed the impact of a national disaster on the baseline scenario. Commissioner Bixler requested that, once the Board approves a financing scenario, staff present a contingency plan to the Board within three months. Commissioner Davis requested and received clarification from Mr. Baak regarding currently approved CDP projects. To allow staff to prioritize projects, Mr. Hollingsworth requested direction from the Board regarding which financing scenario they prefer. Commissioner Spane made a motion directing staff to proceed with the baseline financing scenario, Commissioner Bixler seconded the motion. Commissioner Van Deventer suggested that the Board prioritize the CDP projects prior to approving a financing scenario. Commissioner Rios requested and received clarification from Mr. Hollingsworth and Mr. McEntee regarding the impact of the different scenarios on the District’s credit rating. Commissioner Spane withdrew his original motion and Commissioner Bixler withdrew his second. April 22, 2003 Page 113 Mr. Hollingsworth and Mr. Baak provided additional clarification to the Board regarding the currently approved and proposed CDP projects. Mr. Baak discussed the process and criteria utilized by staff for developing proposed CDP project recommendations. Mr. Baak presented to the Board the projects prioritized into four categories: High Priority, Medium Priority, Low Priority and Staff Suggestions. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Bixler, Mr. Baak and Dan Wilkens, Executive Vice President, provided additional information regarding the channel deepening and berth deepening CDP projects. Commissioner Spane requested that the Coronado Linear Park Additional Funding project be added to CDP. The Board requested and received clarification from Mr. Baak regarding the Coronado Linear Park project. Tom Smisek, Mayor of the City of Coronado, addressed the Board and provided an update on the Coronado Linear Park project. Commissioner Bixler requested and received clarification from Mayor Smisek regarding the scope of work for the Coronado Linear Park project. Commissioners Van Deventer and Davis discussed the funding for the Harbor Drive/8th Avenue Pedestrian Bridge project. Commissioner Spane expressed his concern regarding the proposed maritime-related projects and the degree to which they align with the strategy for the Maritime Division. In response to Commissioner Spane’s concern, Mr. Hollingsworth provided additional information regarding the timeline for the maritime projects. Commissioner Van Deventer requested the ConVis Visitor Center Modular Building be added to the CDP. The Board discussed the prioritization and funding of the Flyover Bridge Tenth Avenue Marine Terminal projects. Mr. Hollingsworth outlined the flexibility and constraints of the CDP utilizing the baseline financing scenario. Sid Morris, representing the City of Chula Vista, addressed the Board and provided additional information on the funding for the Chula Vista Bayfront Development Planning project. Commissioner Davis requested and received clarification from Mr. Baak and Mr. Hollingsworth regarding the funding and prioritization for the Navy Property Acquisition projects. Chris Anderson, Vice President, Operations, addressed the Board and provided the status of negotiations with the Navy. Commissioner Bixler discussed the strategy for and investment in the Cruise Ship Terminal. Commissioner Davis requested and received clarification from Ms. Anderson and Mr. Wilkens regarding the funding and possible revenue generation for the Develop Harbor Island Dirt Lot project. Kevin Arner, Director, Maritime Trade Development, addressed the Board regarding revenue generating projects for maritime. Mr. Baak designated which projects have the potential to generate revenue. April 22, 2003 Page 114 Commissioner Bixler expressed his concern on continuing to expend funds on the North Embarcadero Visionary Plan (NEVP). In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Bixler, Mr. Baak provided the total amount of funds spent on the NEVP. Mr. Hollingsworth discussed the proposed Joint Powers Authority Agreement (JPA) with Centre City Development Corporation for the purpose of completing the schematic design phase of the NEVP. Commissioner Davis provided additional information on the proposed JPA. Commissioner Van Deventer requested and received clarification from Ms. Anderson regarding whether or not the Chesapeake Fish Buyout project will be included in the Develop Parcels A and B projects. Mr. Baak stated staff would bring further analysis on the CDP to Board within the next three months. Commissioner Bixler requested the analysis include a rate of return for the revenue generating projects. On motion of Commissioner Spane, seconded by Commissioner Davis, the Board approved the baseline financing scenario for funding the CDP, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Cushman; AbsentNone; Abstained-None. On motion of Commissioner Spane, seconded by Commissioner Bixler, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-71 adopting the Capital Development Program, Fiscal Years 2003-2007, which includes the following Prioritized Projects selected by the Board as follows: 1. Project No. 170 – Coronado Linear Park Additional Funding – Estimated Cost: $7,000,000.00; 2. Project No. 16B – Deepening of Berths 10-3 through 10-6, Tenth Avenue Marine Terminal – Estimated Cost: $4,719,000.00; 3. Project No. 16A – Channel Deepening, Phase 1, Tenth Avenue Marine Terminal – Estimated Cost: $3,585,000.00; 4. Project No. 189 – North Embarcadero Continued Planning Studies and Design Estimated Cost: $1,500,000.00; 5. Project No. 172 – Teledyne Property Interim Development – Estimated Cost: $1,100,000.00; Page 115 April 22, 2003 6. Project No. 71 - Security Systems/Fencing, Tenth Avenue Marine Terminal Estimated Cost:$468,000.00, and 7. Project No. 194 - ConVis Visitors Center, Modular Building - Estimated Cost: $75,000.00, further resolving that said CDP includes, without limitation, Funding for Completed Projects, Projects Under Construction, South Bay MOU, and Current Committed Projects, and shall be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45959; further resolving that the effective date of the CDP for Fiscal Years 2003-2007 is April 22, 2003, and further that the Non-Airport CDP, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 43587, is hereby superseded, by the following vote: YeasBixler, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Cushman; Absent-None; Abstained-None. There was no further action to report, whereupon Chairman Van Deventer adjourned the special meeting at 11:28 a.m. San Diego Unified Port District AlTEST: Clerk of the S a n p g o Unified Port District April 22, 2003 Page 116 MINUTES BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District was called to order by Chairman Van Deventer at 1:05 p.m. Tuesday, April 22, 2003, in the Board Room at 3165 Pacific Highway, San Diego, California. ROLL CALL Agenda Item 1. Present: COMMISSIONERS Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; OFFICERS Hollingsworth, Darbeau, Corey-Born, Heinrichs and McEntee. Absent: None. Excused: None. SWEARING-IN OF NEWLY APPOINTED CITY OF CHULA VISTA COMMISSIONER MARSHALL “TY” COMPTON Agenda Item 2. Wayne Darbeau, Vice President, Administration/District Clerk, administered the oath of office to newly appointed City of Chula Vista Commissioner Marshall Compton. Commissioner Compton thanked the City of Chula Vista for the opportunity to serve on the Board of Port Commissioners. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Agenda Item 3. The minutes submitted for the special meeting of April 8, 2003 and the regular meeting of April 8, 2003, were approved on motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Bixler. April 22, 2003 Page 117 PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Agenda Item 4. Gary Smith, representing the San Diego Downtown Residents Group, addressed the Board and thanked the District for cleaning up the Old Police Headquarters. CONSENT AGENDA Commissioner Bixler announced that, due to a possible conflict of interest, he would be abstaining on item 5 (Resolution reinstating the previously selected Pool of Investment Banking/Bond Underwriting Firms, with modifications). (Commissioner Bixler is an employee of Merrill Lynch & Co., one of the senior manager firms who may be providing debt financing services pursuant to Resolution 2003-72.) Commissioner Cushman requested and received clarification on item 8 (Ordinance adopting and authorizing an Option Agreement with Sun Harbor Marina for a new 40-Year lease) from Paul Fanfera, Assistant Director, Real Estate, regarding dedicated boat slips for dock and dine. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Davis, the Board, with a single vote, adopted consent agenda items 5 through 11 (Ordinances 2245 and 2246, and Resolutions 2003-72 through and including 2003-78) by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained-Bixler abstained on number 5, as follows: REINSTATEMENT OF PREVIOUSLY SELECTED POOL OF INVESTMENT BANKING FIRMS/BOND UNDERWRITERS FOR DEBT FINANCING SERVICES AND AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENTS Agenda Item 5. RESOLUTION 2003-72 reinstating its previously selected pool of Investment Banking Firms/Bond Underwriters (with the exception of the following CoManager Firms: The Chapman Company and Sutro & Co. Incorporated) and there is hereby established a pool of Investment Banking Firms/Bond Underwriters to be used for District debt financing services for a period of time not to exceed One (1) year; said pool shall consist of firms qualified to perform as Senior Manager and firms qualified to April 22, 2003 Page 118 perform as Co-Manager; further resolving that said pool shall consist of the following firms: Senior Manager Firms: Goldman Sachs & Co., Merrill Lynch & Co., RBC Dain Rauscher, Inc. (formerly Dain Rauscher Incorporated), Smith Barney (formerly Salomon Smith Barney), UBS Paine Webber (formerly Paine Webber Incorporated) Co-Manager Firms: AG Edwards & Sons, Inc., Samuel A. Ramirez & Co., Inc., Siebert Brandford Shank & Co., LLC, Sutter Securities Incorporated further, reserving the right to delete or add members during the term of any engagement or to utilize specific services from other firms as it sees fit, further authorizing negotiating and entering into Agreements with any of the firms named in the authorized pool of Investment Banking Firms/Bond Underwriters designated therein, the services to be performed shall be in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said Agreements and said Agreements shall be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. AMENDMENT OF SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT EMPLOYEES’ DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN AND APPOINTMENT OF PLAN ADMINISTRATOR Agenda Item 6. RESOLUTION 2003-73 adopting the Employees’ Deferred Compensation Plan, as amended, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45949, said Plan, as amended, is effective as of January 1, 2002, and shall remain in effect subject to amendment or termination by subsequent resolution of the Board; further appointing Jose M. Mesa, Senior Director, Organization Effectiveness, as its Plan Administrator for the District, effective April 22, 2003, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. ORDINANCE GRANTING AN EASEMENT TO THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO Agenda Item 7. ORDINANCE 2245 approving and granting the Easement between the San Diego Unified Port District and The City of San Diego, a municipal corporation, for an underground easement, together with incidental surface rights, including but not limited to sewer manholes and other items normally associated with a April 22, 2003 Page 119 sewer facility, for the purposes of construction, operation, maintenance, repair, replacement and inspection of public sewer facilities, and incidents and appurtenances thereto, for approximately 3,528 square feet of tideland area located south of Tuna Lane and west of Harbor Drive in the City of San Diego, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45950; and directing the execution of said Easement with The City of San Diego, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN OPTION TO LEASE AGREEMENT WITH SUN HARBOR MARINA Agenda Item 8. ORDINANCE 2246 granting an Option to Lease Agreement and authorizing the execution of said Option to Lease Agreement with Sun Harbor Marina, a California general partnership, to lease certain District premises of approximately 64,775 square feet of land area and approximately 148,700 square feet of water area at 5104 North Harbor Drive in the City of San Diego, for the purposes of a recreational marina consisting of approximately Ninety Four (94) double boat slips, between 3,000 and 4,000 square feet of gross building area for restaurant use, approximately 15,000 square feet of gross building area for marina support and marine-related office, storage and light industrial uses, or for any other uses permitted thereunder, and approximately 121 on-site parking spaces, the Option Agreement is for a term of 10 months commencing May 1, 2003, and ending on February 29, 2004, which term may be extended by written agreement of the parties, and said Option Agreement is subject to earlier termination in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained therein, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45951; directing the execution of the Lease with Sun Harbor Marina, a California general partnership, which is attached to said Option Agreement, upon timely performance and exercise of said Option to Lease Agreement; providing, however, in the event Sun Harbor Marina does not satisfy the conditions set forth in Paragraph 4 of the Option to Lease Agreement, entitled Conditions Precedent, said Option to Lease Agreement shall be null and void and of no further force or effect, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. REJECTION OF AMENDED CLAIM – SEAN MCGINNIS Agenda Item 9. RESOLUTION 2003-74 rejecting the amended claim filed against the District on March 18, 2003, on behalf of Sean McGinnis for personal injuries allegedly sustained on September 19, 2002, when a custodian at Lindbergh Field April 22, 2003 Page 120 allegedly struck one of the claimant’s crutches, causing him to fall to the floor, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. REJECTION OF AMENDED CLAIM – ALMA BEVERLEY Agenda Item 9. RESOLUTION 2003-75 rejecting the amended claim filed against the District on March 20, 2003, on behalf of Alma Beverley for personal injuries allegedly sustained on August 29, 2002, when she slipped and fell on an escalator at Lindbergh Field, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. REJECTION OF AMENDED CLAIM – DOUG LAWSON Agenda Item 9. RESOLUTION 2003-76 rejecting the amended claim filed against the District on March 18, 2003, by Doug Lawson for damage sustained to his vehicle when it was flooded with water on February 11, 2003, while parked near District property located at 1400 West 28th Street in National City, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. DISPOSAL OF DREDGE MATERIAL FROM THE CHANNEL DEEPENING PROJECT AT A NEAR SHORE DISPOSAL SITE IN IMPERIAL BEACH Agenda Item 10. RESOLUTION 2003-77 supporting the United States Army Corps of Engineers’ recommendation to dispose of dredge material from the Channel Deepening Project at a near shore disposal site in Imperial Beach; further resolving that copies of this Resolution shall be made available to the United States Army Corps of Engineers, the California Coastal Commission, San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG), the City of Imperial Beach, and any other interested party, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT WITH HAN-PADRON ASSOCIATES Agenda Item 11. RESOLUTION 2003-78 authorizing a Third Amendment to Agreement with Han-Padron Associates, a New York limited liability partnership, for additional services in connection with Engineering Studies, Design Services, Preparation of Contract Documents and Construction Support Services for the Development of a April 22, 2003 Page 121 Refrigerated Container Handling Facility and Site Improvements at the Tenth Avenue Marine Terminal, San Diego, increasing the fee from $2,417,854.00 to an amount not to exceed $2,491,854.00, said fee to be disbursed in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said Third Amendment to Agreement, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45952, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. PRESENTATION PRESENTATION TO THE BOARD BY THE SAN DIEGO CONVENTION CENTER CORPORATION Agenda Item 12. Daniel McAllister, Chairman, San Diego Convention Center Corporation (SDCCC), addressed the Board and presented a plaque acknowledging the SDCCC for excellence in convention services and facilities. The Board thanked Mr. McAllister for his hard work at SDCCC. Chairman Van Deventer announced that the Board would take a short break in order to have a reception for Commissioner Compton. PRESENTATION BY GMS REALTY, LLC AND RIPLEY ENTERTAINMENT, INC., OF DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS FOR THE SOUTH EMBARCADERO BAYSIDE COMMERCIAL SITE (OLD POLICE HEADQUARTERS AND HARBOR SEAFOOD MART) Agenda Item 13. Randa Coniglio, Senior Asset Manager, Real Estate, addressed the Board and provided a brief background regarding the Request for Proposals process for the South Embarcadero Bayside Commercial site. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) The following developers addressed the Board and presented their proposals: GMS Realty, LLC (GMS), represented by William Gerrity, Michael McDade, William Delvac, and David Manfredi; and Ripley Entertainment, Inc. (Ripley) represented by George Millay, Robert Masterson, Doug Austin, Michael Johnson, and Wayne Donaldson. (Copies of the presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) April 22, 2003 Page 122 The following individuals addressed the Board with varying points of view regarding this item: Owen Lang of Sasaki Associates; Bill Griffiths representing Stamp Diego; Joseph Muglia; David Larson; Steve Willard; Rick Carlson; Joe Bonin of ECP Commercial; Gary Smith representing San Diego Residents Group; Bruce Coons, representing the Save Our Heritage Organisation; Jerry Bishop; Richard Ledford, representing Civitas; Perry Dealy, representing Manchester; Brett Schaffter; Joyce Summer, representing Centre City Advisory Committee; Tom Anglewicz, representing Downtown San Diego Partnership; Jack Illes; Welton Jones; Vonn Marie May; David Swarens; Diane Barlow Coombs, representing Citizens Coordinate for Century 3; Maggie Valentine; Bonnie Prager; and Ron Miriello. Commissioner discussion ensued. The Board requested and received clarification on a variety of issues relating to the two proposals. Commissioner Cushman requested and received clarification from Ms. Coniglio and representatives from GMS regarding their proposals with respect to the proposed minimum annual rents and any contribution towards the cost of hazardous materials clean up. Commissioner Cushman requested and received clarification from Mr. Gerrity regarding which portions of Sea Port Village he plans to demolish under the GMS proposal. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Cushman, Mr. Gerrity provided additional information regarding the status of their negotiations with the San Diego Police Historical Association concerning the Old Police Headquarters (OPH). Commissioner Cushman expressed his concern with the current walking surface in Sea Port Village. Commissioner Cushman requested and received clarification from Ralph Hicks, Director, Land Use Planning, regarding how each proposal addresses the necessary Central Park provisions. Commissioner Bixler requested and received clarification from Mr. Gerrity regarding the height of their proposed garage. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Bixler, Mr. Manfredi provided additional information regarding GMS’s proposed architectural theme. Commissioner Bixler requested and received clarification from Mr. Gerrity regarding the location of the bus turnaround in their proposal. Commissioner Spane requested and received clarification from representatives of Ripley regarding their proposed aquarium. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Spane, both proposers provided additional information on the number of parking spaces included in their proposals. Commissioner Spane requested that staff prepare a more detailed comparison of the two proposals. Commissioner Compton requested and received clarification from Mr. Hicks and both proposers regarding their efforts to maintain the historical designation of the OPH. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Rios, both proposers stated they would be April 22, 2003 Page 123 willing to modify their proposals if necessary. Commissioner Cushman requested and received clarification from representatives of Ripley regarding their proposed land coverage and the size of the aquarium. Commissioner Cushman expressed his concern regarding adequate parking for their proposed attractions. In response to Commissioner Cushman’s concern, Mr. Hicks stated that each proposal may require additional environmental review. Chairman Van Deventer stressed the importance of including a park corridor in the proposals. Ms. Coniglio stated that staff would provide a more detailed comparison of the two proposals to the Board. Both proposers requested an opportunity to review the analysis prepared by staff. Ms. Coniglio provided additional information regarding the net worth of GMS. Chairman Van Deventer stated that this item is scheduled for the May 6, 2003 Board meeting. PUBLIC HEARING / ACTION ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING PARKING RATES FOR LANE FIELD PARKING LOT AND B STREET PIER PARKING FACILITY Agenda Item 14. Paul Fanfera, Assistant Director, Real Estate, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Chairman Van Deventer opened the Public Hearing. No one requested to speak, and on motion of Commissioner Bixler, seconded by Commissioner Cushman, the Board closed the Public Hearing by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Davis; Absent-None; Abstained-None. Commissioner Bixler stated his concern regarding the increase of the parking rates being too small and the proposed gradual adjustment of the increase. On motion of Commissioner Bixler to implement the full rates in 60 days and have staff review the rates in another six months, seconded by Commissioner Cushman, the Board voted adopted ORDINANCE 2247 establishing the rates for the Lane Field Parking Lot, located on the northwest corner of Pacific Highway and Broadway, in the City of San Diego, as more particularly outlined in Ordinance 2247, allowing the rates established pursuant to this Ordinance to be used for a new or extended Operating Agreement for said Lane Field Parking Lot; and establishing the rates for the B Street Pier Parking Facility in the City of San Diego, as more particularly outlined in Ordinance April 22, 2003 Page 124 2247, allowing the rates established pursuant to this Ordinance for a new or extended Operating Agreement for said B Street Pier Parking Facility; this Ordinance and the rates therein shall take effect on the 31st day from its passage by the Board of Port Commissioners or June 22, 2003, whichever date is later, and said rates shall be posted; further repealing Ordinance 2159 entitled “An Ordinance Establishing Parking Rates for Lane Field Parking Lot” and Ordinance 2160 entitled “An Ordinance Establishing Parking Rates for B Street Pier” upon said rates becoming effective, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; NaysNone; Excused-Davis; Absent-None; Abstained-None. ACTION AGENDA BRIEFING ON LEGISLATION OF INTEREST TO THE PORT OF SAN DIEGO AND PROVIDE POLICY DIRECTION TO STAFF TO FORWARD THE BOARD’S POSITION TO THE LEGISLATURE AND EXECUTIVE BRANCHES OF THE STATE GOVERNMENT – SENATE BILL 68 Agenda Item 15. Dan Wilkens, Executive Vice President, addressed the Board regarding Senate Bill 68 (SB 68) that creates the San Diego Bay Advisory Committee for Ecological Assessment and discussed the issues raised by the Board at a previous Board meeting, including the designation of the co-chairman of the committee, the implementation costs of the committee, and staff costs relating the committee. (A copy of the staff report is on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Mr. Wilkens stated previous reports would be utilized to compile the committee’s report on the health of San Diego Bay. Mr. Wilkens requested the Board authorize staff to work with the author of SB 68 in support of the proposed legislation. Dick Cloward, representing San Diego Port Tenants Association, addressed the Board and stated his support for this legislation. Commissioner Cushman stated his concern for the committee compiling its report without making use of previous reports. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Bixler, the Board, by a unanimous vote, concurred with staff recommendations as outlined in the staff report and directed staff to proceed with their work in support of the proposed legislation. April 22, 2003 Page 125 ADOPTION OF SMALL BUSINESS ENTERPRISE PLAN Agenda Item 16. Commissioner Cushman commended Equal Opportunity Management staff for their work on this item. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Spane, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-79 approving the conversion of its Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Plan into Small Business Enterprise Plan and adopting the San Diego Unified Port District Small Business Enterprise Plan, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45953, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Davis; Absent-None; Abstained-None. AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENT WITH REMEDIAL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, INC. Agenda Item 17. David Merk, Director, Recreation & Environmental Services, introduced Paul Brown, Project Analyst, who addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Bixler, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-80 authorizing an Agreement with Remedial Construction Services, Inc. for the Remediation of the East Parking Lot and Vicinity, Former Campbell Shipyard, San Diego, for a period of time commencing within seven (7) days of the issuance of the Notice to Proceed or on the date specified within the Notice to Proceed in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said Agreement, subject to earlier termination, for a total maximum amount not to exceed $7,077,700.00; said Agreement is on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45954, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Davis; Absent-None; Abstained-None. AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENT WITH CARRIER JOHNSON Agenda Item 18. Ralph Hicks, Director, Land Use Planning, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations. (A copy of the staff report is on file in the Office April 22, 2003 Page 126 of the District Clerk.) Mr. Hicks stated that staff reached an agreement with Carrier Johnson regarding the indemnification language of the agreement. Ed Kravitz, representing the San Diego Railway Partners, addressed the Board with a briefing on possible litigation regarding this item. Gordon Carrier, representing Carrier Johnson, addressed the Board and stated his appreciation for the opportunity to work with staff on this project. On motion of Commissioner Compton, seconded by Commissioner Cushman, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-81 authorizing an Agreement with Carrier Johnson, a California corporation, to provide Professional Urban Waterfront Planning and Design Consulting Services for the Chula Vista Bayfront Master Plan Study for a period of time commencing on the date of execution of said Agreement and terminating on May 5, 2004, subject to earlier termination, for a total fee not to exceed $850,000.00, said funds to be disbursed in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said Agreement, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 45955, further accepting and agreeing to the modified indemnification language included in said Agreement, in particular the language contained in Paragraph 9.a., entitled Indemnification and Hold Harmless Agreement, and Paragraph 9.b., entitled Indemnification for Professional Services, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Davis; Absent-None; Abstained-None. MONTHLY NOTIFICATION OF CHANGE ORDERS PURSUANT TO BPC POLICY 110 Agenda Item 19. In accordance with BPC Policy 110, the following change orders executed by the Executive Director were reported: a. Change Order No. 1 for no amount to Contract No. 99-60 with Famania Construction, Inc. for Roof Maintenance and Emergency Repairs; Various Port Buildings. b. Change Order Nos. 9 for $135,259.00; 10 for $186,058.56; and 11 for $46,200.00 to Contract No. 2000-03 with General Construction Company for National City Marine Wharf Extension. c. Change Order No. 12 for $11,270.00 and 7 calendars days to Contract No. 200201 with Accessible Boat Docks, San Diego Bay for Bellingham Marine Industries, Inc. April 22, 2003 Page 127 d. Change Order No. 11 for 60 calendar days to Contract No. 2002-13 with R.E. Staite Engineering, Inc. for Maintenance Dredging, Berths 10-1 and 10-2, TAMT. e. Change Order Nos. 17 for $1,323.00 and 14 calendars; 18 for $20,613.00 and 8 calendar days; and 19 for $2,850.00 and 3 calendar days to Contract No. 200218 with Randall Construction for Head House #2 Office Improvements. f. Change Order No. 7 for $81,897.00 to Contract No. 2002-19 with C.E. Wylie Construction Company for General Services Facility. g. Change Order No. 9 for $18,859.55 and 9 calendar days to Contract No. 2002-21 with Douglas E. Barnhart, Inc. for Cruise Ship Terminal Security and Interior Improvements. h. Change Order Nos. 4 for $426.00 and 5 for $1,128.00 to Contract No. 2002-25 with General Air Conditioning, Inc. to Upgrade HVAC System Harbor Police Administration Building. i. Change Order No. 2 for $5,323.74 to Contract No. 2002-28 with HMS Construction, Inc. for Intersection Improvements on North Harbor Drive at Rental Car Road. j. Change Order No. 1 for $1,292.00 to Contract No. 2002-47 with South Bay Fence, Inc. for B.F. Goodrich South Campus Fence. PRESIDENT’S REPORT Agenda Item 20. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, stated that he will have Shirley Grothen, Director, Equal Opportunity Management (EOM), at the next Board meeting, address the concerns raised at the last Board meeting regarding the EOM programs. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Agenda Item 21. None. April 22, 2003 Page 128 There was no further action to report, whereupon Chairman Van Deventer adjourned the meeting. &’. Vi - ir, Boar of Port Commissioners San Diego. Unified Port District AlTEST: Clerk of the San Di&o Unified Port District May 6, 2003 Page 129 MINUTES BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT As previously posted, a special meeting of the Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District was called to order by Chairman Van Deventer at 9:06 a.m. Tuesday, May 6, 2003, in the Board Room at 3165 Pacific Highway, San Diego, California. ROLL CALL Agenda Item 1. Present: COMMISSIONERS Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; OFFICERS Hollingsworth, Darbeau, Bennett, McEntee and Heinrichs. Absent: None. Excused: None. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Chairman Van Deventer introduced the new Port Attorney, Duane Bennett. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Agenda Item 2. Captain Bill Bartsch, representing the San Diego Bay Pilots Association, addressed the Board and urged the District to continue to support the Maritime Division. May 6, 2003 Page 130 WORKSHOP STAFF PRESENTATION OF DRAFT 2003-04 PRELIMINARY BUDGET Agenda Item 3. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director; Jeff McEntee, Senior Director, Business & Financial Services/Treasurer; and Bob Graves, Budget Administrator, addressed the Board and provided an overview and analysis of the draft 2003-04 Preliminary Budget. (A copy of the presentation is on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Mr. Hollingsworth commended the budget team for their work on preparing the budget. Staff discussed the role of the District, budget timeline, budget development process, revenue and expense highlights and staffing. Formal adoption of the Preliminary Budget and the beginning of the public review period is scheduled for the May 20, 2003, regular Board meeting. The public hearing and adoption of the final budget is anticipated for the July 1, 2003, regular Board meeting. Commissioner discussion ensued. The Board requested and received clarification on a variety of general budget issues. Commissioner Cushman requested and received clarification from Mr. McEntee regarding District staffing trends. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Cushman, Mr. Hollingsworth and Ellen Corey Born, Assistant Port Attorney, provided additional clarification on the impact of losing the airport on the staffing needs for the Port Attorney’s office. Commissioner Cushman requested and received clarification from Rita Vandergaw, Senior Director, Marketing & Communications, regarding the impact of losing the airport on the staffing needs for the Marketing & Communications Division (MARCOM). Ms. Vandergaw provided information regarding the outside consultants that assist MARCOM in providing their services. Commissioner Cushman suggested that staff review the use of outside consultants. Commissioner Davis requested and received clarification from Mr. McEntee regarding whether or not the State of California will request any money from the District. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Davis, Mr. Hollingsworth and Mr. McEntee provided information concerning the District’s ability to levy taxes. Mr. Hollingsworth stated that staff would prepare for the Board an analysis on the District’s capability to levy and collect taxes. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Davis, Mr. Hollingsworth provided additional information on the District’s financial obligation with respect to the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the City of San Diego regarding the expansion of the Convention Center. Commissioner Davis requested and received clarification from Mr. Graves regarding projected revenues. In response to an May 6,2003 Page 131 inquiry from Commissioner Davis, Mr. Hollingsworth provided additional information on the distribution of projected salary increases for FY 2003-04. Commissioner Davis suggested that staff reassess the compensation guidelines for employees in the band system. Commissioner Davis suggested that staff revise the table outlining projected expenses without the airport to include percentages. I n response to an inquiry from Commissioner Davis, Ms. Vandergaw provided additional information regarding the impact of losing the airport on the projected expenses of MARCOM. Mr. Hollingsworth and Ms. Vandergaw discussed the importance to the District of MARCOM providing a community outreach service. Commissioner Davis requested and received clarification from Ms. Corey Born regarding the possibility of recovering legal costs incurred during litigation involving a former Commissioner. Commissioner Spane stated the need for staff to develop indicators to measure performance of the efficiency and effectiveness of the budget. Mr. Hollingsworth stated that Project Phoenix would create an environment that would enable staff to measure the performance of the District. Mr. Hollingsworth stated that staff is working toward a more programmatic budget. Commissioner Bixler requested that to ensure appropriate funding, staff review the Memberships and Dues line item. Commissioner Bixler requested that staff provide additional explanation for certain line items, including those line items with large variances between FY 2004 Budget and FY 2003 Budget. There was no further action to report, whereupon Chairman Van Deventer adjourned the special meeting at 11:28 a.m. L l & . @&$man, Board of Port Commisaoners Sanbiego Unified Port District ATTEST: /I Clerk c Page 132 May 6,2003 MINUTES BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT A regular meeting of the Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District was called to order by the Clerk at 1:00 p.m. Tuesday, May 6, 2003 in the Board Room at 3165 Pacific Highway, San Diego, California. By previous agreement of the Board of Port Commissioners, the regular meeting was not held and no commissioners were present. The regular meeting was adjourned by the Clerk to Tuesday, May 6, 2003 at 1:OO p.m. in the Pacific Ball Room, Section A, at the Holiday Inn on the Bay at 1355 North Harbor Drive, San Diego, California. / Clerk of the B&8of Port Commissioners San Diego Unified Port District May 6, 2003 Page 133 MINUTES BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District was called to order by Chairman Van Deventer at 1:03 p.m. Tuesday, May 6, 2003, in the Pacific Ball Room, Section A, at the Holiday Inn on the Bay at 1355 North Harbor Drive, San Diego, California. ROLL CALL Agenda Item 1. Present: COMMISSIONERS Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; OFFICERS Hollingsworth, Darbeau, Bennett and Heinrichs. Absent: None. Excused: None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Agenda Item 2. The minutes submitted for the special meeting of April 22, 2003 and the regular meeting of April 22, 2003, were approved on motion of Commissioner Bixler, seconded by Commissioner Spane. CONSENT AGENDA On motion of Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Rios, the Board, with a single vote, adopted consent agenda items 4 through 11 (Ordinance 2248, and Resolutions 2003-82 through and including 2003-88) by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained-None, as follows: May 6, 2003 Page 134 DISPOSITION OF SURPLUS EQUIPMENT Agenda Item 4. RESOLUTION 2003-82 declaring the equipment listed on the Surplus Equipment Listing, attached to Resolution 2002-82 as Exhibit A, to be surplus to the needs of the District and shall be disposed of in accordance with the procedures prescribed in BPC Policy No. 111, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. REJECTION OF CLAIM – STATE FARM INSURANCE Agenda Item 5. RESOLUTION 2003-83 rejecting the amended claim filed against the District on March 24, 2003, by State Farm Insurance for damage sustained to their insured’s vehicle when it was flooded with water on February 11, 2003, while parked near District property located at 1400 West 28th Street in National City, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. ORDINANCE GRANTING AN EASEMENT TO THE CITY OF NATIONAL CITY AND ACCEPTING QUITCLAIM DEED Agenda Item 6. ORDINANCE 2248 approving and granting the Easement between the San Diego Unified Port District and The City of National City, a municipal corporation, for approximately 12,912 square feet of land area to construct, modify, improve, reconstruct, relocate, repair, maintain and use facilities consisting of underground facilities and appurtenances for the transmission and distribution of sewage and other items normally associated with sewer facilities, together with the Quitclaim Deed from the City of National City to the District for the existing Easement of approximately 11,119 square feet, located at 1400 Tidelands Avenue in the City of National City, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46022, and directing the execution of said Easement with the City of National City and acceptance of said Quitclaim Deed on behalf of the District, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. May 6, 2003 Page 135 AMENDMENTS TO AGREEMENTS WITH FOSS ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COMPANY, OCEAN BLUE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC., PACIFIC TRANS ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC., AND SAFETY-KLEEN (CALIFORNIA), INC. RESOLUTION 2003-84 authorizing First Amendments to Agenda Item 7. Agreements with Foss Environmental Services Company, Ocean Blue Environmental Services, Inc., Pacific Trans Environmental Services, Inc., and Safety-Kleen (California), Inc. to provide additional Hazardous Waste Management Services, on an as-needed basis, as determined by the District, increasing the aggregate fee from $600,000.00 to an amount not to exceed $1,100,000.00; said First Amendments to Agreements are on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document Nos. 46023, 46024, 46025, and 46026, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENT WITH LOUIS THIELE QUAINTANCE AND EUGENE LEWIS DAUB Agenda Item 8. RESOLUTION 2003-85 authorizing, in concurrence with the recommendation of the Public Art Committee, the design, execution, fabrication, transportation and installation of an untitled life-size bronze sculpture of a sailor by Artists Louis Thiele Quaintance and Eugene Lewis Daub to be placed at the southwest corner of Harbor Drive and Tuna Lane at the G Street Mole in the City of San Diego; further authorizing an amount not to exceed $39,500.00 to be expended for said art work, said funds to be disbursed in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in the Agreement for Commission of Public Art Work between the District and Louis Thiele Quaintance and Eugene Lewis Daub, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46027. AWARD OF CONTRACT 2002-50 TO BENOLD CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. FOR G STREET SLIP REPAIRS PROJECT, SAN DIEGO Agenda Item 9. RESOLUTION 2003-86 adopting the Plans and Specifications for Project No. SD1923MM, G Street Slip Repairs Project, San Diego, commonly known as District Construction Contract 2002-50; further accepting the low bid of Benold Construction Co., Inc., in an amount not to exceed $419,596.90, based upon prices set forth in the bid proposal for G Street Slip Repairs Project, San Diego, and authorizing and directing the execution of Contract 2002-50 on behalf of the District with said May 6, 2003 Page 136 Benold Construction Co., Inc. for the performance of said work, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. PROCLAIMING NATIONAL PUBLIC WORKS WEEK, MAY 18-24, 2003 Agenda Item 10. RESOLUTION 2003-87 adopting the Proclamation supporting National Public Works Week, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. AWARD OF CONTRACT 2002-54 TO ELKEN CONTRACTING, INC. FOR REPLACEMENT OF THE DOMESTIC WATER MAIN SYSTEM, NATIONAL DISTRIBUTION CENTER, NATIONAL CITY Agenda Item 11. RESOLUTION 2003-88 adopting the Plans and Specifications for Project No. NC2041GM, Replacement of the Domestic Water Main System, National Distribution Center, National City, commonly known as District Construction Contract 2002-54; further accepting the low bid of Elken Contracting, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $168,000.00, based upon prices set forth in the bid proposal for Replacement of the Domestic Water Main System, National Distribution Center, National City, and authorizing and directing the execution of Contract 2002-54 on behalf of the District with said Elken Contracting, Inc. for the performance of said work, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. PRESENTATION PRESENTATION BY THE CHAIRMAN OF THE PORT’S PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE Agenda Item 12. Catherine Sass, Director, Public Art, and Gaidi Finnie, Chairman, Public Art Committee, addressed the Board and presented profiles of the Public Art Committee members, and the mission, vision and goals of the Public Art Committee. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Commissioner Bixler requested and received clarification from Ms. Sass regarding the Public Art Department providing assistance to the Airport Authority. May 6, 2003 Page 137 PRESENTATION BY SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC REGARDING THEIR 20YEAR RESOURCE PLAN Agenda Item 13. David Merk, Director, Recreation & Environmental Services, introduced Bob Resley of San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E), who addressed the Board regarding the SDG&E’s 20-year Resource Plan. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioner Cushman requested and received clarification from Mr. Resley regarding SDG&E efforts to control electrical costs. Commissioner Bixler suggested that SDG&E work together with the water utility companies on evaluating their rebate programs to assure they are user friendly. ACTION AGENDA ADOPTION OF VISION AND MISSION STATEMENTS FOR THE SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT Agenda Item 14. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, and CJ Lucke, Director, Corporate Services, addressed the Board and presented proposed Mission and Vision statements for the District. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Compton, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-89 adopting the following Vision and Mission Statements for use by the San Diego Unified Port District: VISION: MISSION: To Foster a World Class Port through Excellence in Public Service To Balance Regional Economic Benefits, Recreational Opportunities, Environmental Stewardship and Public Safety While Protecting Tidelands Trust Resources on Behalf of the Citizens of California by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained-None. May 6, 2003 Page 138 AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO A SECURITY SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH BURNS INTERNATIONAL SECURITY SERVICES CORPORATION Agenda Item 15. Paul Libuda, Assistant Director, Marine Operations, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations regarding security services at the Marine Terminals. (A copy of the staff report is on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioner Spane requested and received clarification from Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, and Mr. Libuda regarding how this proposed agreement would be incorporated into the strategic plan for Marine Terminal security. Commissioner Cushman requested additional justification from Mr. Libuda regarding the criteria used in the selection process. On motion of Commissioner Van Deventer, seconded by Commissioner Rios, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-90 authorizing a Security Services Agreement with Burns International Security Services Corporation to provide Security Guard Services at the Tenth Avenue Marine Terminal Main Gate and As-Needed Security Guard Services at Other Marine Terminal Entrances and Facilities, for a period of three years commencing June 1, 2003, and ending May 31, 2006, subject to earlier termination, for an aggregate amount not to exceed $1,227,926.12, said funds to be expended in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said Security Services Agreement, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46028, by the following vote: YeasBixler, Compton, Davis, Rios, Van Deventer; Nays-Cushman, Spane; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained-None. AUTHORIZATION TO NEGOTIATE WITH THE CENTRE CITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION TO DEVELOP A JOINT POWERS AUTHORITY AGREEMENT Agenda Item 16. Karen Weymann, Assistant Director, Real Estate, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations regarding the proposed Joint Powers Authority Agreement with the Centre City Development Corporation (CCDC) for the purpose of completing the schematic design phase of the North Embarcadero Visionary Plan. (A copy of the staff report is on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Gary Smith, representing the San Diego Downtown Residents Citizens, addressed the Board and stated his support for staff’s recommendation. May 6, 2003 Page 139 Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioner Cushman commended staff for moving this project forward. Commissioner Cushman stated that it is important that, as this project moves forward with CCDC, plans are not developed to sit in a corner and gather dust. Commissioner Cushman stated that it is improper to move forward to finish the plans with no commitment for funding. Commissioner Cushman stated that neither the City of San Diego nor CCDC have yet to commit any money to this project. Commissioner Cushman listed several capital development projects that the District is unable to complete due to lack of funding. Commissioner Cushman stated his support for staff’s recommendation. Commissioner Bixler requested that Chairman Van Deventer summarize his concerns and communication with the County of San Diego regarding the San Diego County Administration Center Waterfront Park. Commissioner Davis stated that this project has been frustrating, however, he supports staff’s recommendation. On motion of Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Cushman, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-91 authorizing negotiation with the Centre City Development Corporation for purposes of developing terms, covenants and conditions of a Joint Powers Authority Agreement for the completion of the schematic design phase of the North Embarcadero Visionary Plan and to develop a financing and phasing program to implement the Project; further resolving that results of said negotiations will be reported to the Board and a decision made at a later date regarding authorization for the Executive Director to enter into a Joint Powers Authority Agreement with the Centre City Development Corporation, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained-None. AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO JOINT EXERCISE OF POWERS AGREEMENT AMONG THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, AND THE CITIES OF CHULA VISTA, IMPERIAL BEACH AND SAN DIEGO AND THE SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT Agenda Item 17. David Merk, Director, Recreation & Environmental Services, introduced Richard Gilb, Senior Environmental Specialist, who addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations regarding the development of a Watershed Management Plan for the Otay River. (A copy of the staff report is on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) May 6, 2003 Page 140 On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Davis, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-92 authorizing and directing the Executive Director or his authorized representative to enter into a Joint Powers Agreement by and among the County of San Diego and the Cities of Chula Vista, Imperial Beach and San Diego, and the San Diego Unified Port District for the Development of a Watershed Management Plan for the Otay River, said Agreement on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46029; subject to other terms and conditions as more particularly described in Resolution 2003-92, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained-None. Chairman Van Deventer announced that the Board would take a short break. Chairman Van Deventer called the meeting back to order at 2:05 p.m. Chairman Van Deventer noted that all Commissioners were present, except Commissioner Cushman, who was excused until such time as he returned to the dais (at 3:15 p.m.). PROPOSALS FOR THE SOUTH EMBARCADERO BAYSIDE COMMERCIAL SITE (OLD POLICE HEADQUARTERS AND HARBOR SEAFOOD MART) Agenda Item 18. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director; Dan Strum, Director, Real Estate; Ralph Hicks, Director, Land Use Planning; and Randa Coniglio, Senior Asset Manager, Real Estate, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations regarding the analysis of proposals for the South Embarcadero Bayside Commercial Site (Old Police Headquarters and Harbor Seafood Mart). (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Mr. Strum commended the team members for their hard work on this project. Mr. Hicks provided the Board a summary of the community workshops held on May 5, 2003. Mr. Hicks described the historical facts regarding this project and the community outreach process. Ms. Coniglio outlined the criteria used to evaluate the proposals. Ms. Coniglio summarized the evaluation analysis for both proposals. Mr. Strum recommended postponing this item to the July 1, 2003, Board meeting to allow staff to continue to work with the proposers, if the proposers wish to continue, on clarification and refinement of the proposals and to allow additional time for public outreach. The two proposers were allowed to address the Board and comment on their proposals. Michael McDade and William Gerrity represented GMS Realty, LLC (GMS) May 6, 2003 Page 141 and Jim Pattison, Michael Johnson and Wayne Donaldson represented Ripley Entertainment, Inc. (Ripley). (Copies of the presentations are on file in the Office of District Clerk.) The following individuals addressed the Board with varying viewpoints regarding this item: Rick Ghio, representing San Diego Port Tenants Association; Judy Swink, representing Citizens Coordinate for Century 3, read into the record a letter opposing both proposals; Bruce Coons, representing Save Our Heritage Organization (SOHO); Alana Coons, representing (SOHO); Christine Gaunt; Teresa Hirschfeld; Harry Zanville; Tom Fitzgerald; Jack Illes, representing Urban Labs; Rick Carlson, representing San Diego Police Historical Association; Steve Willard, representing the San Diego Police Historical Association; Jeff Quinn; Gary Smith, representing the San Diego Downtown Residents Group, presented the Board with petitions in support for the GMS proposal; Joyce Summer, Chairman, Centre City Advisory Committee; Gordon Summer; Eric Bravold, representing San Diego Regional Economic Development Corporation; Henrietta Hardy, representing All People’s Missions; Benjamin Courfinkel; Barbara Winton; David Swarens; Marti Kranzberg; Marcia Mann; and Vonn Marie May. Chairman Van Deventer announced that the Board would take a short break. Chairman Van Deventer called the meeting back to order at 4:32 p.m. Chairman Van Deventer noted that all Commissioners were present, except Commissioner Davis, who was excused until such time as he returned to the dais (at 4:35 p.m.). Chairman Van Deventer gave representatives from each proposer an opportunity to respond to public comment and provide any concluding comments regarding their proposals. Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioner Spane suggested that each proposer be given the opportunity to revise their proposals to include more open space and reduce the commercial space. Commissioner Bixler discussed ways that GMS could maximize the public access corridor including the Central Park. Commissioner Compton stated the importance of having a public access corridor to the bay. Commissioner Rios stated her concern of having adequate parking. Commissioner Cushman stated that this area was not suitable for an aquarium and other locations may be more appropriate. Commissioner Cushman stated the need to renovate the current Seaport Village and to redevelop the entire area. Commissioner Cushman suggested reopening the process to allow others to submit proposals. Chairman Van Deventer expressed his concern on several design aspects of both proposals. May 6, 2003 Page 142 Commissioner Davis discussed the Master Plan for the area. Commissioner Davis requested and received clarification from representatives of GMS regarding their financial statements and financial capability for completing the project. Commissioner Davis requested and received clarification from Ms. Coniglio and GMS regarding the ownership of GMS, as it relates to a proposed lease. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Davis, representatives from GMS provided additional information regarding tax credits pertaining to the Old Police Headquarters (OPH) and proposed tenants for their proposal. Commissioner Bixler requested and received clarification from each proposer regarding how their proposals plan to preserve the original OPH and any post-1939 additions. Commissioner Rios requested and received clarification from each proposer regarding what three design changes they would make to their proposals in response to the Board and public comments. Commissioner Davis, representatives from GMS and Ripley provided additional information regarding tax credits pertaining to the OPH and proposed tenants as they pertained to their proposal. Commissioner Bixler requested and received clarification from each proposer regarding how their respective proposals preserve the original OPH and any post-1939 additions. Commissioner Rios requested and received clarification from each proposer regarding what three design changes they would make to their proposals in response to the Board and public comments. Commissioner Davis requested and received clarification from both proposers regarding their potential return on investment and anticipated minimum annual rents. Both proposers discussed the impact of less commercial space on their potential percentage rents. Commissioner Davis requested and received clarification from both proposers regarding the design aspects of their proposed parking garage. Commissioner Davis stated that both proposals needed to continue to be refined to incorporate more open space and consider the historical significance of the OPH and Dead Man’s Point. Commissioner Davis stated his support for continuing this item to the July 1, 2003, Board meeting. Commissioner Davis suggested partnering with Centre City Development Corporation (CCDC) for the purpose of financing this project. Commissioner Davis requested that staff consider a design competition for this project. Chairman Van Deventer stated his preference in not partnering with CCDC. Chairman Van Deventer stated the importance of a view corridor all the way to the North Embarcadero, the need to incorporate more open space, that rental rates should be consistent with current rates, and eliminating the proposed parking in front of the OPH. Chairman Van Deventer concurred with staff recommendations. Commissioner May 6, 2003 Page 143 Bixler stated the need for GMS to landscape the top of the propose parking garage. Commissioner Bixler requested staff work with the cruise ship consultant in evaluating the two proposals. Commissioner Cushman reiterated his request that GMS provide a master plan for the 28 acres. Mr. McDade requested and received clarification from the Board and staff regarding expectations of refining their proposals and when the Board would review the proposals. Chairman Van Deventer, Mr. Hollingsworth and Mr. Hicks summarized the Board’s direction to the proposers: the proposals should have more emphasis on open space, reduce the density to 25%, utilize rental rates consistent with current rates, incorporate the historical significance of the site and establish view a corridor. Mr. McDade requested and received clarification from Commissioner Davis regarding his comment about soliciting a design competition for the site. Commissioner Spane stressed the importance of incorporating the historical significance of Dead Man’s Point into the proposals. Commissioner Cushman requested and received feedback from the other Commissioners regarding the appropriateness of an aquarium on this site. The consensus of the Board was that this site was not appropriate for an aquarium. George Millay and representatives of Ripley expressed their frustration with the Board’s comments. Representatives of Ripley requested and received clarification from the Board regarding their vision for this site. Representatives of GMS requested and received clarification from Commissioner Davis regarding participation from CCDC. Mr. Hollingsworth outlined the elements of a possible motion regarding this item. Among the elements included were that each proposer should let staff know whether or not they are interested in moving forward, incorporate more open and park space, establish view corridors along Harbor Drive, consider the historical significance of the area, and reconsider the design of the propose parking structures. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Bixler, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-93 outlining the Board’s direction to District staff in their continued work with GMS Realty, LLC and Ripley Entertainment, Inc. (jointly, Proposers) as more particularly described in Resolution 2003-93, for the proposed Redevelopment of the South Embarcadero Bayside Commercial Site, commonly known as the Old Police Headquarters and the Harbor Seafood Mart property, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained-None. May 6,2003 Page 144 PRESIDENT'S REPORT Agenda Item 19. None. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Aaenda Item 3. James Ward, representing Young Men United, addressed the Board and requested that the boat, NeptunePalace, be made available to the Church of the Open Mind to create a community center. Chairman Van Deventer requested that staff meet with Mr. Ward and representatives from the Church of the Open Mind. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, stated that Dan Wilkens, Executive Vice President, would set up a meeting. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Agenda Item 20. None. There was no further action to report, whereupon Chairman Van Deventer adjourned the meeting. ATTEST: /I Clerk of the S# Diego-UnjfjedPort District Page 145 May 20,2003 MINUTES BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT A regular meeting of the Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District was called to order by the Clerk at 1:00 p.m. Tuesday, May 20, 2003 in the Board Room at 3165 Pacific Highway, San Diego, California. By previous agreement of the Board of Port Commissioners, the regular meeting was not held and no commissioners were present. The regular meeting was adjourned by the Clerk to Tuesday, May 20, 2003 at 1:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at the City of Imperial Beach, 825 Imperial Beach Boulevard, Imperial Beach, California. Clerk of the Boddof Port Commissioners San Diego Unifikf Port District May 20, 2003 Page 146 MINUTES BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT The special meeting of the Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District was called to order by Chairman Van Deventer at 1:01 p.m. Tuesday, May 20, 2003, in the Council Chambers at the City of Imperial Beach at 825 Imperial Beach Boulevard, Imperial Beach, California. IMPERIAL BEACH COUNCILMEMBER COMMENTS Ron Rogers, City of Imperial Beach Council Member, addressed the Board and thanked the District for their investment in the City of Imperial Beach. Commissioner Bixler also acknowledged the District for their investment in the City of Imperial Beach. Commissioner Bixler stated that the Board would discuss the District proposed funding for the City of Imperial Beach under item 4. ROLL CALL Agenda Item 1. Present: COMMISSIONERS Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; OFFICERS Hollingsworth, Bennett, McEntee and Heinrichs. Absent: None. Excused: Commissioner Davis was excused for personal reasons. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Agenda Item 2. The minutes submitted for the special meetings of May 6, 2003, were approved on motion of Commissioner Spane, seconded by Commissioner Rios. May 20, 2003 Page 147 PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Agenda Item 3. None. CONSENT AGENDA Commissioner Bixler requested that item 4 (Resolution adopting the Fiscal Year 2003-04 Preliminary Budget and setting the date for Public Hearing on the budget as July 1, 2003) be pulled for separate discussion and vote. Chairman Van Deventer announced that item 5 (Resolution selecting and authorizing Agreement for Professional External Auditing Services with Margaret J. McBride functioning solely in her capacity as a partner at KPMG) would be continued to a future Board meeting. Commissioner Cushman requested that item 9 (Resolution Consenting to Assignment of Lease from Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. dba Reuben E. Lee, Reuben’s) be pulled for separate discussion and vote. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Spane, the Board, with a single vote, adopted consent agenda items 6 through 8 (Resolutions 2003-95 through and including 2003-97) by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Davis; Absent-None; Abstained-None, as follows: SUPPLEMENT TO AGREEMENT WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FOR SAN DIEGO HARBOR, CENTRAL BAY CHANNEL DEEPENING FEASIBILITY STUDY Agenda Item 6. RESOLUTION 2003-95 authorizing and directing the Executive Director or his authorized representative to enter into a Supplement to Agreement with the Department of the Army for the San Diego Harbor, Central Bay Channel Deepening Feasibility Study, the estimated cost of which is $1,700,000.00, with the District’s share estimated to be $850,000.00, which share shall include both a cash contribution and in kind services, payments shall be made in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said Supplement to Agreement, and in particular Article III thereof, as amended, entitled Method of Payment, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document 46051, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. May 20, 2003 Page 148 REJECTION OF CLAIM – DIXIELINE LUMBER COMPANY Agenda Item 7. RESOLUTION 2003-96 rejecting the claim filed against the District on April 14, 2003, on behalf of Dixieline Lumber Company for damages sustained to their property located in the vicinity of the 1400 Block of West 28th Street in the City of National City on February 11, 2003, allegedly due to backed up drains that caused flooding, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT WITH PC SPECIALISTS, INC., DBA TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION GROUP Agenda Item 8. RESOLUTION 2003-97 authorizing a First Amendment to Agreement with PC Specialists, Inc., a California corporation, dba Technology Integration Group, for additional services in connection with Network Products and Services, extending the term of said Agreement to July 13, 2004, subject to earlier termination, in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said First Amendment to Agreement, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46052, further that no additional funds are authorized for services performed under said Agreement, as amended, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. ADOPTION OF PRELIMINARY BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004 Agenda Item 4. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations regarding adopting the FY 2003-04 Preliminary Budget and setting the date for a Public Hearing on the budget for July 1, 2003. (A copy of the staff report is on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Commissioner Bixler discussed the possible impact of budget reductions on custodial services for public restrooms and beach grooming. Commissioner Bixler stated that, if reductions were necessary, his preference would be to reduce funding for beach grooming, rather than custodial services for the public restrooms. Commissioner Bixler requested and received clarification from Mr. Hollingsworth on the amount and location of proposed budget reductions for the maintenance services for the City of Imperial Beach. Mr. Hollingsworth stated that he does not anticipate any reductions in the level of service provided to the tidelands. Ron Rogers, City of Imperial Beach Council Member, addressed the Board and requested and received clarification from Mr. Hollingsworth regarding the District continuing to remove from the streets the sand that is blown in from tidelands. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Bixler, Council Member Rogers stated his May 20, 2003 Page 149 preference to maintain funding for beach grooming. Jim Janney, City of Imperial Beach Council Member, addressed the Board and requested the District consider providing assistance in sand replenishment of beaches. Catherine Ogle addressed the Board and requested that the custodial services for the public restrooms be maintained at its current level. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Spane, the Board unanimously adopted RESOLUTION 2003-94 adopting the Preliminary Budget of the San Diego Unified Port District for the Fiscal Year 2003-2004, a copy of which is on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46050 and available for inspection by interested taxpayers and any other interested parties at 3165 Pacific Highway, San Diego; further resolving that July 1, 2003, at the above-mentioned location shall be the time and place the Board of Port Commissioners shall meet for the purpose of fixing the final budget, and any taxpayer and any other interested party may appear and be heard regarding the increase, decrease or omission of any item in the budget or the inclusion of additional items, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Davis; Absent-None; Abstained-None. RESOLUTION SELECTING AND AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL EXTERNAL AUDITING SERVICES WITH MARGARET J. MCBRIDE FUNCTIONING SOLELY IN HER CAPACITY AS A PARTNER AT KPMG, AND KPMG LLP Agenda Item 5. Commissioner Cushman stated that this item would be continued to the June 3, 2003, Board meeting, and he further stated he is unable to attend that meeting. Commissioner Cushman declared a conflict of interest and chose to speak as a private citizen on the issue. Commissioner Cushman announced that if he was able to attend the June 3, 2003, Board meeting, he would abstain on this item (Resolution selecting and authorizing Agreement for Professional External Auditing Services with Margaret J. McBride functioning solely in her capacity as a partner at KPMG, and KPMG LLP). Commissioner Cushman left the dais and addressed the Board from the public speaker podium as a member of the public, stating his opposition to staff’s recommendation for selecting KPMG LLP (KPMG) to provide professional external auditing services for the following reasons: Commissioner Cushman stated that the cost of KPMG proposal is 88% higher than the McGladrey & Pullen, LLP (McGladrey) proposal. Commissioner Cushman informed the Board that KPMG and Margaret J. McBride were on probation for one year and three years, respectively, by the California May 20, 2003 Page 150 Board of Accountancy. Commissioner Cushman requested the Board consider authorizing an agreement with McGladrey. Commissioner Cushman returned to the dais. ASSIGNMENT OF LEASE FROM AMERITAS LIFE INSURANCE CORPORATION TO SUNROAD ASSET MANAGEMENT, INC., AND SURRENDER AND TERMINATION OF SUBLEASE WITH FRI-ADMIN CORPORATION, HARBOR ISLAND Agenda Item 9. Commissioner Cushman requested that staff request a timeline from the tenant regarding a redevelopment proposal for this property. Commissioner Bixler stated that this item has the opportunity to incorporate dine and dock facilities and water taxi services into the lease. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Bixler, the Board unanimously adopted RESOLUTION 2003-98 consenting to the Assignment and Assumption of Lease, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46053, for premises located on Harbor Island Drive in the City of San Diego, from Ameritas Life Insurance Corporation (formerly Bankers Life Insurance Company of Nebraska), a Nebraska corporation, to Sunroad Asset Management, Inc., a California corporation, covering a lease dated March 7, 1968, as amended, subject to express conditions more particularly outlined in Resolution 2003-98; further consenting to the surrender and termination of the Sublease between Sunroad Asset Management, Inc. and FRI-Admin Corporation, in accordance with the Agreement for Surrender and Termination of Sublease, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46054; further consenting to Sunroad Asset Management, Inc. continuing to sublease the entire leased premises to Noble Restaurant Group, Inc. in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said Agreement for Surrender and Termination of Sublease and all of the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said Resolution 97-80 (consent to the sub-sublease to Noble Restaurant Group, Inc.) shall continue in full force and effect, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Davis; Absent-None; Abstained-None. May 20, 2003 Page 151 PRESENTATION PROVIDE DIRECTION TO STAFF REGARDING THE MANAGEMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION AROUND SAN DIEGO BAY Agenda Item 10. David Merk, Director, Recreation & Environmental Services, addressed the Board and presented an overview of the management related to the environmental mitigation around San Diego Bay. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Mr. Merk discussed the key facts regarding environmental mitigation, mitigation ratios, and types of environmental mitigation. Mr. Merk stated that the District has received a request from Southwest Marine for assistance in securing a mitigation site on District land. Given that mitigation is very limited around the Bay, Mr. Merk requested the Board to consider the following alternatives: retain District mitigation opportunities for use of District projects only or consider the use of District lands and water area by the District and tenants as mitigation for their projects. Dick Cloward, representing the Sand Diego Port Tenants Association, addressed the Board and requested that they direct staff to meet with interested stakeholders to design a plan addressing how mitigation should be managed. Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioner Van Deventer stated that Southwest Marine’s request presented an opportunity for the District to partner with a tenant. Commissioner Cushman concurred with Commissioner Van Deventer’s request for staff to meet with Southwest Marine regarding their mitigation requirements. Commissioner Spane stated that this issue should be addressed with a more expansive approach. Commissioner Bixler suggested expanding the outreach program of this issue to the city managers and mayors of the member cities. Commissioner Compton stated that the District should take the necessary time to address this issue properly. Commissioner Rios requested and received clarification from Mr. Merk regarding the mitigation ratio for Southwest Marine. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, requested that the Board discuss and provide direction regarding the value of the land involved in mitigation. Commissioner Spane reiterated the importance of developing a plan on how mitigation should be managed, and that the Southwest Marine mitigation should be an exception to that plan. Commissioner Spane requested and received clarification from Mr. Merk on the location of the mitigation property for Southwest Marine. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Bixler, Mr. Merk provided additional information regarding mitigation property relating to the San Diego International Airport. Mr. Merk summarized the direction received from the Board as follows: enter into discussions May 20, 2003 Page 152 with Southwest Marine regarding their mitigation requirements and begin working with stakeholders to develop a plan for managing mitigation around San Diego Bay. Commissioner Bixler requested that staff send letters to the city managers and mayors of the member cities and the yacht clubs inviting them to participate in the planning process. Mr. Merk discussed the impact of District capital improvement projects on the land currently available to District as mitigation land. Commissioner Spane requested that staff provide an analysis of not approving Southwest Marine’s request. Commissioner Bixler stated that the District should be more proactive with regard to other sources polluting the Bay. PUBLIC HEARING/ACTION AGENDA SAN DIEGO BAY CENTRAL CHANNEL DEEPENING PROJECT Tony Heinrichs, Senior Director, Facilities/Chief Engineer; Raul Varela, Project Manager; Melissa Mailander, Environmental Review Coordinator; Bill Chopyk, Manager, Planning Services; and Patti Phillips, Asset Manager, Real Estate, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations regarding the San Diego Bay Central Channel Deepening Project. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Chairman Van Deventer opened the public hearing. No one requested to speak, and on motion of Commissioner Bixler, seconded by Commissioner Compton, the Board closed the Public Hearing by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Davis; Absent-None; Abstained-None. Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioner Bixler requested and received clarification from Ms. Phillips regarding the quitclaim deed from the San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E) to the District. Commissioner Spane requested and received clarification from Ms. Phillips regarding the impact of this project on the Old Police Headquarters and whether proper notifications have been sent to City of Coronado and the Navy. Commissioner Spane requested and received clarification from James Carr, representing SDG&E, regarding the impact of this project on 1st and Orange Streets in Coronado. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Compton, Mr. Carr provided additional information regarding the impact of this project on the Ferry Landing Marketplace parking lot. May 20, 2003 Page 153 SAN DIEGO BAY HARBOR DEEPENING (CENTRAL NAVIGATION CHANNEL): CERTIFICATION OF DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT/FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL: IMPACT REPORT, ADOPTION OF FINDINGS OF FACT AND STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS; ADOPTION OF MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Agenda Item 11a. Commissioner Bixler, the Board unanimously adopted RESOLUTION 2003-99 regarding San Diego Bay Harbor Deepening (Central Navigation Channel): Certification of Draft Environmental Impact Statement/Final Environmental Impact Report (UPD # 83356EIR-395; SCH # 1998041036); Adoption of Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations; Adoption of Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, finding the facts recited in Resolution 2003-99 are true, and further, that the Board has jurisdiction to consider, approve, and adopt the subject of said Resolution; subject to certain express conditions as more specifically delineated in Resolution 2003-99, and Exhibits A and B (on file in the Office of the District Clerk), by the following vote: YeasBixler, Compton, Cushman, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Davis; Absent-None; Abstained-None. COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT – SAN DIEGO BAY CENTRAL CHANNEL DEEPENING, DISPOSAL NEAR-SHORE IN IMPERIAL BEACH, AND RELOCATION OF A 69KV SDG&E LINE On motion of Commissioner Spane, seconded by Agenda Item 11b. Commissioner Compton, the Board unanimously adopted RESOLUTION 2003-100 finding the facts involved in the Project as more particularly outlined in Resolution 2003-100, and finding the proposed use for the Project entitled “San Diego Bay Central Channel Deepening, Disposal Near-Shore in Imperial Beach, and Relocation of a 69 kV SDG&E Line”, located in the sea (San Diego Bay) and more particularly outlined in Resolution 2003-100, to be consistent with the use and development concept for the Centre City Embarcadero area, and as such, is a Non-Appealable Development conforming to the certified District Master Plan; finding said Project to be consistent with Public Resources Code Sections 30604(c) and 30210-30224, and the Coastal Act public access and recreation policies referenced therein since the proposed Project will have no impact on public access, public recreation, public facilities or related issues; and, accordingly, authorizing and directing the issuance of a Coastal Development Permit for said Project; said Coastal Development Permit shall require compliance with any Special Provisions incorporated therein, and in particular the conditions listed under May 20, 2003 Page 154 the Special Provision Section, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Davis; Absent-None; Abstained-None. ORDINANCE GRANTING AN EASEMENT TO SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY AND ACCEPTING QUITCLAIM DEED Agenda Item 11c. Commissioner Bixler clarified that the quitclaim deed is from SDG&E to the District. On motion of Commissioner Bixler, seconded by Commissioner Cushman, the Board unanimously adopted ORDINANCE 2249 approving and granting the Easement between the San Diego Unified Port District, a public corporation, and San Diego Gas & Electric Company, a California corporation, to place, construct, modify, improve, reconstruct, relocate, repair, inspect, maintain and use underground facilities and appurtenances for a 69kV electric transmission circuit between San Diego and Coronado and related public utility purposes and necessary aboveground facilities, together with the Quitclaim Deed from the San Diego Gas & Electric Company to the San Diego Unified Port District for an existing 1968 Easement of a 69kV electric power circuit to the City of Coronado (District Document No. 3572), on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46055; further directing the execution of said Easement with the San Diego Gas & Electric Company, the acceptance of said Quitclaim Deed and the execution of the necessary Certificate of Acceptance on behalf of the District, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; NaysNone; Excused-Davis; Absent-None; Abstained-None. Chairman Van Deventer announced that item 12 (Resolution adopting plans and specifications and awarding Contract No. 2003-10 to Earth Tech Environment & Infrastructure, Inc., for the Port of San Diego Port-Wide and National City Marine Terminal Security Enhancement Projects, in an amount not to exceed $2,414,606.00, in accordance with Base Bid Schedule A and Additive Alternate Bid Schedule B, or Resolution Rejecting All Bids and Authorizing Readvertising) would be continued to a future Board meeting. NOTIFICATION OF SETTLEMENT: LOPEZ VS. SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT Agenda Item 13. Ellen Corey Born, Assistant Port Attorney, stated that the above listed matter is for public notice and no action is required. May 20, 2003 Page 155 OFFICER’S REPORT Agenda Item 14. In accordance with BPC Policy 110, the following change orders executed by the Executive Director were reported: a. Change Order Nos. 8 for $38,971.37; 10 for $633.24 to RFP with Douglas E. Barnhart, Inc. for Fixed Passenger Access Balcony at B-Street Cruise Ship Terminal. b. Change Order No. 1 for 60 Calendar Days to Contract No. 99-60 with Famanla Construction, Inc. for Roof Maintenance and Emergency Repairs; Various Port Buildings. c. Change Order No. 12 for $36,348.35 to Contract 2000-03 with General Construction Company for National City Marine Terminal Wharf Extension. d. Change Order Nos. 8 for $44,247.00; 9 for $33,407.00 and 5 Calendar Days to Contract No. 2002-19 with C.E Wylie Construction Company for General Services Facility; National City, California. e. Change Order No. 6 for $298.00 to Contract No. 2002-25 with General Air Conditioning, Inc. for Upgrade HVAC System Harbor Police Administration Building. f. Change Order No. 1 for $1,292.00 to Contract No. 2002-47 with South Bay Fence, Inc. for B.F. Goodrich South Campus Fence. g. Change Order No. 1 for no amount to Contract No. 2002-53 with Elken Contracting Company for Imperial Beach Pier Utilities Improvements. PRESIDENT’S REPORT Agenda Item 15. None. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Agenda Item 16. Chairman Van Deventer stated his appreciation to the City of Imperial Beach for having the Board meeting here today. Page 156 May 20, 2003 "CLOSED SESSION Chairman Van Deventer noted there were no additional items on the open session agenda for discussion, whereupon he announced the Board would go into closed session. Duane Bennett, Port Attorney, announced the closed session item for today's agenda, as follows: Agenda Item 17 CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR Government Code Section 54956.8 Property: Marina Park Way at Convention Way, San Diego Negotiating Parties: Ray Carpenter and Arthur Engel, Fifth Avenue Landing, a California General Partnership M. Christine Anderson, SDUPD Under Negotiation: Price and Terms There was no formal action to report from the Closed Session, whereupon Chairman Van Deventer adjourned the meeting. =hair, Board of Port Commissioners San Diego Unified Port District ATTEST: lP Clerk of the San Die o nified Port District CLERK'S NOTE: Revision of the Mav 20, 2003 special offsite meeting minutes to reflect that a Closed Session was held. I ' June 3, 2003 Page 157 MINUTES BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District was called to order by Chairman Van Deventer at 1:06 p.m. Tuesday, June 3, 2003, in the Board Room at 3165 Pacific Highway, San Diego, California. ROLL CALL Agenda Item 1. Present: COMMISSIONERS Bixler, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; OFFICERS Hollingsworth, Bennett, Darbeau, Heinrichs and McEntee. Absent: None. Excused: Commissioners Compton and Cushman were excused for personal reasons. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Agenda Item 2. The minutes submitted for the special meeting of May 20, 2003, were approved on motion of Commissioner Bixler, seconded by Commissioner Spane. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Agenda Item 3. None. CONSENT AGENDA On motion of Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Rios, the Board, with a single vote, adopted consent agenda items 4 through 6 (Resolutions 2003-101 through and including 2003-104) by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Davis, Rios, June 3, 2003 Page 158 Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Compton, Cushman; Absent-None; Abstained-None, as follows: AMENDMENTS TO AGREEMENTS WITH P&D CONSULTANTS, INC. AND MOONEY & ASSOCIATES Agenda Item 4. RESOLUTION 2003-101 authorizing Second Amendments to Agreements with P&D Consultants, Inc. (formerly known as P&D Environmental, a Delaware corporation) and Mooney & Associates, a California corporation, to provide additional Environmental Consulting Services, on an as-needed basis, as determined by the District, extending the term of said Agreements to December 31, 2003, in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said Second Amendments to Agreements, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document Nos. 46093 and 46094; further resolving that no increase in funds is authorized for said Environmental Consulting Services and the aggregate expenditure shall remain at an amount not to exceed $500,000.00, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. RENTAL REVIEW - NIELSEN BEAUMONT MARINE, INC., SHELTER ISLAND Agenda Item 5. RESOLUTION 2003-102 establishing the rental covering the tenancy of Nielsen Beaumont Marine, Inc., for premises located on Shelter Island Drive in the City of San Diego, under lease dated April 27, 1993, as assigned, for the eight (8) year rental review period commencing April 1, 2003, and ending March 31, 2011, subject to certain express conditions as more particularly described in Resolution 2003102, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. REJECTION OF CLAIM – EDWARD J. HIESHETTER, JR. (DOCUMENT NO. 45913) AND TERRA V. HIESHETTER (DOCUMENT NO. 45914) Agenda Item 6. RESOLUTION 2003-103 rejecting the two claims filed against the District on April 23, 2003, by Edward J. Hieshetter, Jr. and Terra V. Hieshetter, alleging that during their visit to Seaport Village on November 14, 2002, the facilities were not accessible to Mr. Hieshetter, who uses a wheelchair, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. June 3, 2003 Page 159 REJECTION OF CLAIM – DANIEL O’BERRY Agenda Item 6. RESOLUTION 2003-104 rejecting the claim filed against the District on April 21, 2003, on behalf of Daniel O’Berry for the personal injuries he allegedly sustained on October 22, 2002, when he slipped and fell on a restroom floor at Lindbergh Field, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. PRESENTATION PRESENTATION BY MERCER HUMAN RESOURCES CONSULTING, INC., ON THE RESULTS OF ITS INDEPENDENT REVIEW OF THE SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT’S RETIREMENT PLAN Agenda Item 7. Jeff McEntee, Senior Director, Business & Financial Services/Treasurer, addressed the Board and introduced Stephen McElhaney, of Mercer Human Resources Consulting, Inc. (Mercer), who presented the results of his review of the District’s arrangement with the San Diego City Employees’ Retirement System (SDCERS) regarding the administration of the District’s Retirement Plan. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Staff tasked Mercer to determine if the under-funding by the City of San Diego (City) of their Retirement Plan could adversely affect the District’s Plan. Mr. McElhaney discussed the funded ratios of SDCERS and the District, the scope of his review and his methodology for the review. Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioner Bixler requested and received clarification from Mr. McElhaney regarding whether loans are allowed between the SDCERS and the District’s retirement funds. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Davis, Mr. McElhaney provided additional information regarding the asset allocation of SDCERS Retirement Plan. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Spane, Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, stated that the SDCERS also administers the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority (SDCRAA) Retirement Plan. Commissioner Bixler requested and received clarification from Mr. McElhaney and Mr. Hollingsworth regarding whether SDCERS utilizes professional money managers. Mr. Hollingsworth stated that the District does not have a representative on the SDCERS Retirement Board. In response to requests from the Board, Mr. Hollingsworth stated he would provide information on the money managers for SDCERS, and provide copies of June 3, 2003 Page 160 SDCERS investment policy and annual report. Mr. McElhaney stated he believes that the under-funding by the City is not affecting the District’s Retirement Plan. Commissioner Bixler requested and received clarification from Mr. McElhaney regarding his suggestion of allocating total system assets between plans on a market value basis rather than in book value reserve accounts. Commissioner Davis requested and received clarification from Mr. McElhaney regarding the impact on the District’s Retirement Plan should the District decide to separate from the City’s Plan. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Davis, Mr. Hollingsworth provided additional information on the impact on the District’s Retirement Plan should the City dissolve their Retirement Plan. Mr. Hollingsworth provided additional information regarding other retirement plans that are available for District participation and the potential impact of changing to another plan. Michael Conger, representing the Harbor Police Officers Association, addressed the Board and suggested that District’s Retirement Plan document should provide for District monies not to be attached, in the event the City dissolves its retirement plan. Mr. Conger commented on the City decision to under-fund its plan for the next six years. Commissioner discussion continued. Commissioner Davis expressed his concern regarding partnering with the City when the City is currently under-funding their plan. Mr. Hollingsworth stated that staff could explore other options for the District Retirement Plan. Commissioner Spane suggested inviting a representative from SDCERS to respond to the issues raised at today’s meeting. Commissioner Spane also suggested contacting the SDCRAA to participate in discussions with the City. Commissioner Bixler requested a letter be sent to SDCERS to implement some of the best practices suggested by Mr. McElhaney. Commissioner Rios reiterated the request for staff to examine other alternatives for the District’s Retirement Plan. Chairman Van Deventer suggested that this item come back to Board at a workshop. Mr. Hollingsworth summarized the Board’s direction as follows: begin discussions with employee groups and employees concerning their views; establish a date for a Board workshop and contact SDCERS requesting a presentation; begin initial contact with Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) regarding participating in their plan; and contact SDCRAA to see if they are interested in participating in discussions with SDCERS. June 3, 2003 Page 161 PUBLIC HEARING / ACTION PALM & CARNATION AVENUES STREET END IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, IMPERIAL BEACH Javier Saunders, Assistant Director, Engineering; Melissa Mailander, Environmental Review Coordinator; and Genene Lehotsky, Assistant Environmental Planner, Land Use Planning, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations regarding the Palm and Carnation Avenues Street End Improvement Project. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Chairman Van Deventer opened the Public Hearing. The following individuals addressed the Board with varying viewpoints; Leon Benham; Bill Fischbeck, representing Nancy Schmidt; Todd Cardiff; representing Surfrider; Jim Janney, City of Imperial Beach Council Member; Ron Rogers, City of Imperial Beach Council Member; and Gregory Wade, Community Development Director, City of Imperial Beach. No one else requested to speak and on motion of Commissioner Bixler, seconded by Commissioner Spane, the Board closed the Public Hearing by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Compton, Cushman; Absent-None; Abstained-None. Commissioner discussion ensued. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Bixler, Ms. Mailander provided additional information regarding the impact of this project on surf launching. Mike Hogan, Special Counsel for District, addressed the Board and responded to the issues raised in a letter dated June 2, 2003, from William Fischbeck. Among the issues raised by Mr. Fischbeck include: inadequate wildlife mitigation measures; lack of design alternatives, and he stated that the proposed seawalls have not been adequately studied. In response to a comment from Mr. Fischbeck, Commissioner Bixler stated that funds raised for beach mitigation for the City of Imperial Beach are spent in City of Imperial Beach. June 3, 2003 Page 162 PALM AND CARNATION AVENUES STREET END IMPROVEMENT PROJECT: CERTIFICATION OF FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (UPD #83356EIR-545; SCH #2002031106); ADOPTION OF FINDINGS OF FACT; AND ADOPTION OF MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Agenda Item 8a. On motion of Commissioner Bixler, seconded by Commissioner Spane, the Board certified the Final Environmental Impact Report and adopted the Findings of Fact for the Palm and Carnation Avenues Street End Improvement Project, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Compton, Cushman; Absent-None; Abstained-None. On motion of Commissioner Bixler, seconded by Commissioner Spane, the Board adopted the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, and directed the Filing of the Notice of Determination for the Palm and Carnation Avenues Street End Improvement Project, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Compton, Cushman; Absent-None; Abstained-None. By the previous votes, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-105 regarding Palm and Carnation Avenues Street End Improvement Project: Certification of Final Environmental Impact Report (UPD # 83356-EIR-545; SCH # 2002031106); Adoption of Findings of Fact; and Adoption of Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, finding the facts recited in Resolution 2003-105 are true, and further, that the Board has jurisdiction to consider, approve, and adopt the subject of said Resolution; subject to certain express conditions as more specifically delineated in Resolution 2003-105, and Exhibits A and B (on file in the Office of the District Clerk), by the following vote: YeasBixler, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Compton, Cushman; Absent-None; Abstained-None. COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT – PALM AND CARNATION AVENUES STREET END IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, IMPERIAL BEACH Agenda Item 8b. On motion of Commissioner Bixler, seconded by Commissioner Spane, the Board, with a single vote, adopted RESOLUTION 2003-106 making certain findings (as more specifically outlined in Resolution 2003-106 on file in the Office of the District Clerk) including the proposed project which is entitled “Palm and Carnation Avenues Street End Improvement Project, Imperial Beach, California” is consistent with and conforms to the District Master Plan, and authorizing and directing the issuance of a Coastal Development Permit for said Project, was adopted by the following vote: June 3, 2003 Page 163 Yeas-Bixler, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Compton, Cushman; Absent-None; Abstained-None. ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE 4 OF THE SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT CODE Agenda Item 9. Sgt. Gary Leeson, Harbor Police, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Chairman Van Deventer opened the Public Hearing. Joe Yeager addressed the Board and stated his opposition to this ordinance. Daniel Renard addressed the Board and commented on the content of the ordinance. No one else requested to speak and Chairman Van Deventer closed the Public Hearing. Commissioner Bixler announced he would not take part in discussions or vote on this item due to a conflict of interest arising from his ownership of property in proximity to the La Playa Cove and left the dais. Commissioner Spane requested and received clarification from Sgt. Leeson regarding the justification for this amendment. On motion of Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Spane, the Board, with a single vote, adopted ORDINANCE 2250 amending Article 4 of the San Diego Unified Port District Code by adding thereto a new Section to be numbered Sec. 4.38 to read as more particularly outlined in Ordinance 2250, by the following vote: YeasDavis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Compton, Cushman; AbsentNone; Abstained-Bixler. Commissioner Bixler returned to the dais ( at 3:17 p.m.). ACTION AGENDA APPOINTMENT OF DISTRICT AUDITOR AND AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENT WITH MARGARET J. MCBRIDE AND KPMG LLP Agenda Item 10. Jeff McEntee, Senior Director, Business & Financial Services/ Treasurer, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations regarding the June 3, 2003 Page 164 selection and authorization of an agreement for professional external auditing services. (A copy of the staff report is on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioner Davis requested and received clarification from Mr. McEntee regarding the criteria used to evaluate the proposers. Commissioner Davis commented on the value of utilizing the same auditor as the previous year if the District issues bonds. In response to concerns raised by Commissioner Rios, Mr. McEntee provided additional information regarding the higher projected cost for KPMG and accountancy issues related to KPMG. Commissioner Bixler commented on the accountancy issues related to KPMG. Commissioner Bixler requested and received clarification from Mr. McEntee regarding the familiarity of the two proposers with the District’s new SAP financial management system. Commissioner Spane expressed his concern regarding the difference in costs between the two proposers and suggested awarding a one-year contract. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, provided additional information on the terms of the proposed agreement. Commissioner Van Deventer suggested that staff review the agreement after each year. On motion of Commissioner Van Deventer, seconded by Commissioner Davis, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-107 appointing Margaret J. McBride as Auditor for the San Diego Unified Port District; authorizing an Agreement for Annual Auditing Services with Margaret J. McBride, functioning solely in her capacity as a partner at KPMG LLP, and KPMG LLP for the annual audit of the District’s financial statements and also other services as may be requested by the District; establishing the term of said Agreement to be for three (3) years commencing June 2, 2003, and ending on June 1, 2006, subject to earlier termination, provided, however, said Agreement shall be subject to review by District staff at the end of the first, second and third years of said term, and the Executive Director or his authorized representative shall provide the Board of Port Commissioners of the District with a written report thereof; resolving that the District, at its sole discretion, has the option to extend said Agreement for two (2) additional one (1) year periods, payment of fees and costs for any extended period shall be made in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said Agreement, including without limitation an annual adjustment based on the Consumer Price Index; further resolving that the total compensation under said Agreement shall not exceed the sum of $326,500.00, payable as more particularly outlined in Resolution 2003-107, said payments shall be made in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said Agreement, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No.46103, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Compton, Cushman; Absent-None; Abstained-None. June 3, 2003 Page 165 AUTHORIZATION TO ENT ER INTO AGREEMENT WITH CITY OF IMPERIAL BEACH FOR MAINTENANCE SERVICES Agenda Item 11. Pete Cruz, Director, General Services, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations concerning the agreement with the City of Imperial Beach for maintenance services on tidelands properties. (A copy of the staff report is on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioner Bixler stated there would be no reduction in the level of service provided to tidelands. Commissioner Davis requested and received clarification from Mr. Cruz regarding the scope of agreement and how the District is billed for services. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Davis, Mr. Cruz and Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, provided additional information on the cost and term of the agreement. Commissioner Davis requested and received clarification from Mr. Hollingsworth and Sandra Perez, Assistant Director, General Services, regarding which other member cities have maintenance agreements and the cost of those agreements. Mr. Hollingsworth provided justification on why the District provides maintenance services for some of the member cities and not others. On motion of Commissioner Bixler, seconded by Commissioner Rios, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-108 authorizing an Agreement with the City of Imperial Beach (City), a municipal corporation, in order for the City of Imperial Beach to provide maintenance services on District property located in said City, for the three (3) year period commencing July 1, 2003, and ending June 30, 2006, subject to earlier termination, said services to be provided in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said Agreement, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46095; further resolving that the District shall pay to the City of Imperial Beach for said services a sum not to exceed $702,216.00 for Fiscal Year 2003-04, a sum not to exceed $730,376.00 for Fiscal Year 2004-05, and a sum not to exceed $752,832.00 for Fiscal Year 2005-06, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Compton, Cushman; Absent-None; Abstained-None. June 3, 2003 Page 166 REJECTION OF BIDS FOR PORT OF SAN DIEGO PORT -WIDE AND NATIONAL CITY MARINE TERMINAL SECURITY ENHANCEMENT PROJECTS Agenda Item 12. Tony Heinrichs, Senior Director, Facilities/Chief Engineer, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations regarding the rejection of all bids and authorizing readvertisement for this contract. (A copy of the staff report is on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioner Davis requested and received clarification from Mr. Heinrichs regarding the impact of the rejection of all bids on the grant from the Department of Transportation, Maritime Administration (MARAD). Mr. Heinrichs stated that staff would request MARAD to grant a time extension to ensure all security improvements are completed within the terms of the grant agreement. Commissioner Spane commented on the progress that Security Committee has made in the area of maritime security improvements. In response to Commissioner Davis’ concern regarding staff’s change in their recommendation when this issue was before the Board previously, Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, stated other ports are having similar problems and time extensions will be necessary. On motion of Commissioner Spane, seconded by Commissioner Rios, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-109 rejecting the bids submitted for Port of San Diego Port-Wide and National City Marine Terminal Security Enhancement Projects; further authorizing and directing the Executive Director or his authorized representative to publish, in accordance with law, notice calling for bids for Port of San Diego Port-Wide and National City Marine Terminal Security Enhancement Projects in accordance with plans and specifications, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Compton, Cushman; Absent-None; Abstained-None. AMENDMENTS TO AGREEMENTS WITH NINYO & MOORE GEOTECHNICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES CONSULTANTS, HALEY & ALDRICH, INC., AND KOMEX H20 SCIENCE, INC. Agenda Item 13. David Merk, Director, Recreational and Environmental Services, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioner Davis requested and received clarification from Mr. Merk regarding the scope and cost of the amendment. June 3, 2003 Page 167 Commissioner Bixler requested and received clarification from Mr. Merk and Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, regarding the source funding for amendment. Mr. Merk stated that the funding for this amendment would come from projects that will not occur this fiscal year. Commissioner Davis requested and received clarification from Jeff McEntee, Senior Director, Business & Financial Services/Treasurer, and Mr. Hollingsworth regarding the impact of funding of this amendment on the Capital Development Program (CDP). In response to an inquiry from Mr. Hollingsworth, Bill Hays, Senior Environmental Specialist, and Mr. Merk provided additional information on the projects that will not occur this year. On motion of Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Bixler, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-110 authorizing First Amendments to Agreements with Ninyo & Moore Geotechnical and Environmental Consultants, a California corporation, Haley & Aldrich, Inc., and Komex H20 Science, Inc. to provide additional Environmental Site Investigation Consulting Services to Support District Maintenance, Engineering, Construction and Environmental Projects, on an as-needed basis, as determined by the District, increasing the fee from the aggregate amount of $1,000,000.00 to the aggregate amount of $2,000,000.00, said funds to be disbursed in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said First Amendments to Agreements, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document Nos. 46096, 46097 and 46098, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; ExcusedCompton, Cushman; Absent-None; Abstained-None. ADDITION OF AGENDA ITEM Duane Bennett, Port Attorney, requested that one additional item be added to the action agenda, due to circumstances that a need to take action had arisen subsequent to the posting of the agenda. On motion of Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Spane, the Board, by a unanimous vote, added the following item to the agenda: Discussion and direction to staff for a request to waive the contractual requirement for a bank statement showing total project budget amount for the USS San Diego (CL-53) Memorial Donation. June 3, 2003 Page 168 USS SAN DIEGO (CL-53) MEMORIAL Rita Vandergaw, Senior Director, Marketing & Communications, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations. (A copy of the staff report is on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Commissioner Spane stated his support for staff recommendation. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, stated there is an immediate need to place this issue on the agenda to preclude an additional two weeks of delay and costs to the project sponsor and donors. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Bixler, Ms. Vandergaw stated the funding deficit for the USS San Diego Memorial is $165,167.00. Commissioner Davis requested and received clarification from Ms. Vandergaw regarding the impact of this request on the amount of funding from the District. On motion of Commissioner Spane, seconded by Commissioner Bixler, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-111 waiving that portion of the language contained in Section 2-1 of the Agreement with USS San Diego CL 53 Memorial Association pertaining to the Donor providing evidence to the District that all expenses for the project are fully funded by the Donor at the inception of the project; all other terms, covenants and conditions of said Agreement shall remain in full force and effect; further resolving that the Donor shall acknowledge, in writing, to the District that the USS San Diego CL 53 Memorial Association shall comply with the remaining terms, covenants and conditions contained in said Agreement, and in particular the remaining terms contained in said Section 2-1, Fixed Fee, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Compton, Cushman; Absent-None; Abstained-None. PRESIDENT’S REPORT Agenda Item 14. Rita Vandergaw, Senior Director, Marketing & Communications, addressed the Board and announced Operation Clean Sweep will take place Saturday, June 7, 2003, at Pepper Park in National City. Chairman Van Deventer stated his support for this event. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Agenda Item 15. None. Page 169 June 3,2003 CONTINUANCE OF CLOSED SESSION Aqenda Item 16. Chairman Van Deventer noted there were no additional items on the open session agenda for discussion, whereupon at 1:52 p.m. he announced the Board would go into closed session. Duane Bennett, Port Attorney, announced today's closed session item, as follows: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - INITIATION OF LITIGATION Pursuant to Subdivision (c) of Government Code Section 54956.9 - One Case After the conclusion of the closed session, the Board authorized by a 5-0 vote (Commissioners Compton and Cushman were excused.) the filing of a Federal lawsuit as to TDY Industries, Inc., related to environmental issues. There was no further action taken, whereupon Chairman Van Deventer adjourned the meeting. San Diego Unified Port District ATTEST: 0. C l e r k e G DiGo Unified Port District June 17, 2003 Page 170 MINUTES BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District was called to order by Chairman Van Deventer at 1:06 p.m. Tuesday, June 17, 2003, in the Board Room at 3165 Pacific Highway, San Diego, California. ROLL CALL Agenda Item 1. Present: COMMISSIONERS Bixler, Compton, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; OFFICERS Hollingsworth, Bennett, Darbeau, Heinrichs and McEntee. Absent: None. Excused: Commissioner Cushman was excused for personal reasons. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Joe Yeager addressed the Board and proposed that a requirement to anchor in San Diego Bay be established by identifying experienced sailors through the use of a celestial navigation test. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Agenda Item 2. Commissioner Bixler requested a correction to item 5 (Rental review – Nielsen Beaumont Marine, Inc.) on the June 3, 2003, minutes to reflect the end of the rental review period as March 31, 2011. On motion of Commissioner Bixler, seconded by Commissioner Spane, the Board approved the minutes submitted for the regular meeting of June 3, 2003, as amended, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Cushman; Absent-None; Abstained-Compton. June 17, 2003 Page 171 PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Agenda Item 3. Laura Hunter, representing the Environmental Health Coalition (EHC), addressed the Board and presented a letter requesting a joint planning effort of the Chula Vista Bayfront development. (A copy of the letter is on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Jim Peugh, representing the San Diego Audubon Society, and Daniel Machain, representing the IBEW Local 569, addressed the Board and stated their support for the EHC’s letter. CONSENT AGENDA Commissioner Davis requested that item 6 (Resolution authorizing the annual adoption of BPC Policy 115, Guidelines for Prudent Investments, with amendments) be pulled for separate discussion and vote. On motion of Commissioner Spane, seconded by Commissioner Bixler, the Board, with a single vote, adopted consent agenda items 4 and 5 (Resolutions 2003-112 and 2003-113) by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Cushman; Absent-None; Abstained-None, as follows: AWARD OF CONTRACT 2003-12 TO VCI TELECOM, INC. FOR INSTALLATION OF FIRE MAIN AND UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL IMPROVEMENTS, SOUTH CAMPUS PROPERTY, CHULA VISTA Agenda Item 4. RESOLUTION 2003-112 adopting the Plans and Specifications for Project No. CV2028GC, Installation of Fire Main and Underground Electrical Improvements, South Campus Property, Chula Vista, commonly known as District Construction Contract 2003-12; and accepting the low bid of VCI Telecom, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $171,969.00, based upon prices set forth in the bid proposal for Installation of Fire Main and Underground Electrical Improvements, South Campus Property, Chula Vista; and authorizing and directing the execution of Contract 2003-12 on behalf of the District with said VCI Telecom, Inc. for the performance of said work, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. June 17, 2003 Page 172 AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT WITH BEARINGPOINT, INC. (FORMERLY KNOWN AS KPMG CONSULTING, INC.) Agenda Item 5. RESOLUTION 2003-113 authorizing a First Amendment to Agreement with BearingPoint, Inc. (formerly known as KPMG Consulting, Inc.) for additional consulting services in connection with the implementation of software for the District’s Project Phoenix, increasing the maximum fee to an amount not to exceed $4,224,845.60, said funds to be disbursed in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said First Amendment to Agreement, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46138, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. AMENDMENT OF BPC POLICY NO. 115, GUIDELINES FOR PRUDENT INVESTMENTS Jeff McEntee, Senior Director, Business & Financial Agenda Item 6. Services/Treasurer, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations. (A copy of the staff report is on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Commissioner Davis requested and received additional information from Mr. McEntee regarding the performance of the District’s investments and return on the investments. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Davis, Mr. McEntee and Janice Erickson Stillings, Deputy Treasurer, provided additional information on the difference between the collateral requirements under BPC Policy 115-A, Local Depository Inactive Deposit Program and BPC 115, Guidelines for Prudent Investments. Commissioner Davis expressed concern regarding the apparent conflict between the two policies with regard to collateral requirements. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, stated that changing BPC 115 pertaining to waiving the collateral requirements is a policy decision for the Board. At the request of Commissioner Davis, the Treasurer agreed that the collateral requirement for BPC 115, Section 8.10 could be waived. On motion of Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioners Spane, the Board unanimously adopted RESOLUTION 2003-114 adopting Board of Port Commissioners Policy No. 115, Guidelines for Prudent Investments, as amended, to waive the collateral requirement for BPC Policy No. 115, Section 8.10, a copy of which is on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46139, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Cushman; AbsentNone; Abstained-None. June 17, 2003 Page 173 PRESENTATION PRESENTATION OF EXCELLENCE IN GIVING AWARD TO THE DISTRICT FROM THE UNITED WAY OF SAN DIEGO Agenda Item 7. Fred Baranowski, President/CEO, United Way of San Diego County, addressed the Board and presented the United Way Campaign Excellence in Giving Award in recognition of the District’s performance during the annual campaign. PRESENTATION TO SCHOOL YEAR 2004 RECIPIENTS OF PORT WITH NO BORDERS SCHOLARSHIP Agenda Item 8. Rita Vandergaw, Senior Director, Marketing & Communications, announced the individuals who received scholarships in the amount of $2,000. Captain Walt Heinecke, of the University of San Diego, addressed the Board and acknowledged the performance of one of the recipients, Brittany Catton. The scholarship recipients were: Brittany Catton, Kyle and Ryan Joynt, and Sahar Yusufi. Commissioner Emeritus Frank Urtasun addressed the Board and thanked the San Diego Port Tenants Association for their continuing partnership in this program. Commissioner Emeritus Urtasun thanked the Board for their support for the program. Commissioner Van Deventer stated that the program received a $20,000 donation from the National Football League. PRESENTATION BY A. WASIL OF PROPOSED DONATION TITLED “SPIRIT OF THE SEAS” AND DIRECT STAFF TO ANALYZE PROJECT TO DETERMINE IF THERE IS AN APPROPRIATE SITE AND COMMUNITY SUPPORT FOR THE BOARD TO CONSIDER Agenda Item 9. Catherine Sass, Director, Public Art, and A. Wasil addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations regarding the donation of a monumental artwork and fountain, titled “Spirit of the Seas”, that would be located on District tidelands. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Mr. Wasil presented a video depicting an animation of the proposed artwork. The following individuals addressed the Board in support of this project: Sheldon Merel, representing Congregation Beth Israel; John Hawkins, representing San Diego Convention and Visitors Bureau; Ross Provence; Don Reeves, Project Architect; and Edward Fike. June 17, 2003 Page 174 Commissioner discussion ensued. Chairman Van Deventer requested Ms. Sass to respond to a letter dated June 12, 2003, from John Gordon of the Public Art Committee expressing Mr. Gordon’s opposition to this project. Commissioner Rios requested and received clarification from Mr. Wasil regarding the placement of the artwork in the water. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Bixler, Mr. Wasil discussed the possible design aspects of the pond. Commissioner Davis requested and received clarification from Mr. Wasil concerning the requirements from the District regarding this project. Mr. Wasil discussed the corporate sponsorship of the project. Commissioner Davis requested and received clarification from Ms. Sass regarding the District and artist rights for this project. Commissioner Spane requested and received clarification from Ms. Wasil regarding the budget and timeline of the project. Chairman Van Deventer expressed his concern regarding the ability to raise the funding for this project. Chairman Van Deventer requested and received clarification from Mr. Wasil whether or not the artwork could be scaled down. Chairman Van Deventer also expressed concern regarding the on-going maintenance costs for the artwork. Chairman Van Deventer requested that the Public Art Committee have an opportunity for further review. Commissioner Compton stated this project would draw a lot of visitors to the area. Commissioner Rios suggested selling tiles to be placed at the site as a fundraiser for the project. On motion of Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Compton, the Board directed staff to analyze the project to determine if there is an appropriate Site and Community Support for the Board to consider, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Cushman; AbsentNone; Abstained-None. ACTION AGENDA AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO FEE FOR SERVICE AGREEMENT WITH SAN DIEGO WORLD TRADE CENTER Agenda Item 10. Kevin Arner, Director, Maritime Trade Development, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations. (A copy of the staff report is on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Karen Hutchens, representing the San Diego World Trade Center (SDWTC), addressed the Board and thanked the District for their support. Commissioner Spane requested staff provide a report on the accomplishments of the SDWTC based on the scope of work for the fee-for-service agreement. June 17, 2003 Page 175 On motion of Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Spane, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-115 authorizing a Fee for Service Agreement, on behalf of the District, with the San Diego World Trade Center, a non-profit corporation, for an amount not to exceed $62,500.00, payment of said funds to be made in accordance with the terms, conditions and covenants contained in said Fee for Service Agreement, to be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46140; further that the Board of Port Commissioners hereby waives the provisions of BPC Policy 110 relating to selection of the above-named organization from a recommended list as provided in said Policy, and that any funds authorized pursuant to this Resolution shall not be made available for disbursement prior to the adoption of the District Budget for Fiscal Year 2003-2004, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Cushman; Absent-None; Abstained-None. OFFICER’S REPORT Agenda Item 11. In accordance with BPC Policy 110, the following change orders executed by the Executive Director were reported: a. Change Order Nos. 7 for 8 Working Days; 9 for $2,052.73 to RFP with Douglas E. Barnhart, Inc. for Fixed Passenger Access Balcony at B-Street Cruise Ship Terminal. b. Change Order No. 20 for $20,000.00 to Contract No. 2001-27 with Taylor Ball of California for Refrigerated Container Facility; Tenth Avenue Marine Terminal. c. Change Order No. 10 for a credit of $1,500.00 and 27 Calendar Days to Contract No. 2002-06 with Bath & Kitchen Company for Restroom and Shower Facility; Transient Vessel Dock, Shelter Island. d. Change Order No. 11 for $18,000.00 to Contract No. 2002-19 with C.E Wylie Construction Company for General Services Facility; National City, California. e. Change Order Nos. 13 for $18,062.39 and 16 Calendar Days; 14 for $19,706.00 and 20 Calendar Days; 15 for $17,538.89 and 19 Calendar Days to Contract No. 2002-21 with Douglas E. Barnhart, Inc. for Cruise Ship Terminal Security & Interior Improvements. f. Change Order No. 1 for $12,858.00 to Contract No. 2002-35 with Whillock Contracting, Inc. to Demolish General Services Facility; 825 Harbor Drive. g. Change Order No. 1 for $800.00 and 4 Calendar Days to Contract No. 2003-04 with HTA Construction for Landscape Renovation Cesar E. Chavez Park. June 17, 2003 Page 176 PRESIDENT’S REPORT Agenda Item 12. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, announced that the Summer Student Worker Program has begun. Mr. Hollingsworth thanked the San Diego Port Tenants Association for their support of Operation Clean Sweep. Mr. Hollingsworth stated that all the funds raised during the District United Way Campaign come directly from employee contributions. Chairman Van Deventer and Mr. Hollingsworth unveiled a plaque in the boardroom showing the District’s new vision and mission statements. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Agenda Item 13. Commissioner Bixler acknowledged Rita Vandergaw, Senior Director, Marketing & Communications, and her staff for efforts related to the new cruise service with Royal Caribbean. Commissioner Bixler discussed the positive economic impact of the new service on District’s tenants. CLOSED SESSION Chairman Van Deventer noted there were no additional items on the open session agenda for discussion. Duane Bennett, Port Attorney, advised the Board that, subsequent to the posting of the agenda, an item had come to his attention that required immediate action, and requested that the Board vote to add an item to the agenda, pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2(b)(2). On motion of Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Spane, the Board unanimously voted to add the closed session item, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Cushman; AbsentNone; Abstained-None, as follows: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – Anticipated Litigation Pursuant to Subdivision (b) of Government Code Section 54956.9. – One Case. Page 177 June 17, 2003 On motion of Comrrllisioner Spane, seconded by Commissioner Bixler, the Board voted to adjourn to closed session, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Cushman; Absent-None; AbstainedNone. There was no formal action to report from the Closed Session, whereupon Chairman Van Deventer adjourned the meeting. San Diego Unified Port District ATTEST: Clerk of t h p y n Diego Unified Port District Page 178 July 1, 2003 MINUTES BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT A regular meeting of the Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District was called to order by the Clerk at 1:OO p.m. Tuesday, July 1, 2003 in the Board Room at 3165 Pacific Highway, San Diego, California. By previous agreement of the Board of Port Commissioners, the regular meeting was not held and no commissioners were present. The regular meeting was adjourned by the Clerk to Tuesday, July 1, 2003 at 1:OO p.m. in the Harbor Island One Ballroom of the Sheraton San Diego Hotel & Marina at 1380 Harbor Island Drive, San Diego, California. Clerk of the B o d of Port Commissioners San Diego Unified Port District July 1, 2003 Page 179 MINUTES BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT The special meeting of the Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District was called to order by Chairman Van Deventer at 1:02 p.m. Tuesday, July 1, 2003, in the Harbor Island One Ballroom of the Sheraton San Diego Hotel & Marina at 1380 Harbor Island Drive, San Diego, California. ROLL CALL Agenda Item 1. Present: COMMISSIONERS Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; OFFICERS Hollingsworth, Bennett, Darbeau, Heinrichs and McEntee. Absent: None. Excused: None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Agenda Item 2. The minutes submitted for the regular meeting of June 17, 2003, were approved on motion of Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Compton, with Commissioner Cushman abstaining. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Agenda Item 3. Sharon Cloward, representing the San Diego Port Tenants Association (SDPTA), addressed the Board and reported on Operation Clean Sweep, which was held on June 7, 2003. (A copy of the presentation is on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Chairman Van Deventer commended SDPTA for their participation in this event. July 1, 2003 Page 180 CONSENT AGENDA Chairman Van Deventer announced that item 8 (Resolution rejecting the bids of COMP USA Government and Dexon Computer, Inc., as non-responsive, and awarding Bid No. PD 03-01 to Govplace, Inc., the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, to furnish items for CISCO switching upgrade) would be continued to a future Board meeting. Commissioner Bixler requested that item 5 (Resolution Establishing Rent for Shelter Island, Inc., dba Shelter Island's Bali Hai) and item 6 (Resolution Establishing Rent for Shelter Island, Inc., dba Tom Ham's Lighthouse) be pulled for separate discussion and vote. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Davis, the Board, with a single vote, adopted consent agenda items 4, 7, 9 and 10 (Ordinance 2251; Resolutions 2003-116, 2003-119, 2003-120 and 2003-121) by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained-None, as follows: ORDINANCE AMENDING LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE DISTRICT AND CHULA VISTA MARINA/RV PARK, LTD. Agenda Item 4a. ORDINANCE 2251 amending the lease agreement dated November 3, 1981, between the District and Chula Vista Marina/RV Park, Ltd., a California limited partnership, in accordance with Agreement for Amendment of Lease, Amendment No. 17, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46182, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. ENCUMBRANCE OF LEASE OF CHULA VISTA MARINA/RV PARK, LTD., CHULA VISTA Agenda Item 4b. RESOLUTION 2003-116 consenting to the encumbrance of Chula Vista Marina’s leasehold estate (for lease dated November 3, 1981, and on file in the Office of the District Clerk as Document No. 14244) by a Deed of Trust in favor of Comerica Bank securing a loan in the maximum amount of $3,590,000.00, said consent is more particularly described in Resolution 2003-116, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. July 1, 2003 Page 181 DISPOSITION OF SURPLUS EQUIPMENT Agenda Item 7. RESOLUTION 2003-119 declaring the equipment listed in the Surplus Equipment Listing, attached to Resolution 2003-119 as Exhibit A, to be surplus to the needs of the District and shall be disposed of in accordance with the procedures prescribed in BPC Policy No. 111, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. AWARD OF CONTRACT 2003-07 TO GHASSAN SAUDI, DBA GHASSAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, FOR CANYON, PATH PEDESTRIAN ACCESS IMPROVEMENTS, SAN DIEGO Agenda Item 9. RESOLUTION 2003-120 adopting the Plans and Specifications for Project No. SD1918GC, Canyon Path Pedestrian Access Improvements, San Diego, commonly known as District Construction Contract 2003-07, and finding that Ghassan Saudi, dba Ghassan Construction Company, is the lowest responsible and reliable bidder to perform said Contract and said Board hereby accepts the bid of Ghassan Saudi, dba Ghassan Construction, in an amount not to exceed $345,872.00, based upon prices set forth in the bid proposal for Canyon Path Pedestrian Access Improvements, San Diego, and authorizing and directing the execution of Contract 2003-07 with said Ghassan Saudi, dba Ghassan Construction Company, for the performance of said work; further rejecting the bid of Southland Construction in that the Board finds that said bid is nonresponsive, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. AUTHORIZATION TO WAIVE TARIFF CHARGES – NATIONAL MARINE MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION Agenda Item 10. RESOLUTION 2003-121 authorizing the Executive Director or his authorized representative to waive the charges of $2,750.00 under the District’s Tariff 1-G for boat trailer storage at the Tenth Avenue Marine Terminal in January 2003; further resolving that the waiver of said Tariff charges is on a one-time basis only and that National Marine and the San Diego Port Tenants Association shall acknowledge to the District, in writing, the terms and conditions more particularly outlined in Resolution 2003-121, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. SHELTER ISLAND, INC. RENTAL REVIEWS FOR SHELTER ISLAND’S BALI HAI AND TOM HAM’S LIGHTHOUSE Commissioner Bixler expressed concern regarding the physical condition and the landscaping for both properties. Commissioner Bixler stated that it was his expectation July 1, 2003 Page 182 for the tenant to maintain the property at a fair and reasonable standard. In response to Commissioner’s Bixler concerns, Paul Fanfera, Assistant Director, Real Estate, stated that staff would address these issues with the tenant. Commissioner Cushman concurred with Commissioner Bixler’s comments and discussed possible uses of the dock. Commissioner Cushman stated that now is an opportunity for the tenants to move forward on redeveloping the property. Susie and Larry Baumann, representing Shelter Island Inc., addressed the Board and provided additional information on their plans to address the issues raised by Commissioner Bixler. Commissioner Bixler requested that Ms. Baumann submit design concepts to the Board as soon as they are available. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioners Bixler, the Board with a single vote, adopted RESOLUTIONS 2003-117 and 2003-118 by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained-None, as follows: RENTAL REVIEW – SHELTER ISLAND, INC., DBA SHELTER ISLAND’S BALI HAI, SHELTER ISLAND Agenda Item 5. RESOLUTION 2003-117 establishing the rental covering the tenancy of Shelter Island, Inc., dba Shelter Island’s Bali Hai, (Lessee) for premises located on Shelter Island Drive in the City of San Diego, under lease dated August 8, 1990, for the five year rental review period commencing September 1, 2000, and ending August 31, 2005, as a minimum of $85,000.00 per year from September 1, 2000, through August 31, 2002, and a minimum of $90,000.00 per year from September 1, 2002, through August 31, 2003, and a minimum of $95,000.00 per year from September 1, 2003, through August 31, 2005, or the cumulative total of the percentage rents more particularly described in Resolution 2003-117, was adopted as indicated above, "Shelter Island, Inc. Rental Reviews for Shelter Island’s Bali Hai and Tom Ham’s Lighthouse." RENTAL REVIEW – SHELTER ISLAND, INC., HARBOR ISLAND Agenda Item 6. RESOLUTION 2003-118 establishing the rental covering the tenancy of Shelter Island, Inc., (Lessee) for premises located on Harbor Island Drive in the City of San Diego, under lease dated July 15, 1969, for the five year rental review period commencing October 1, 2000, and ending September 30, 2005, as a minimum of $106,000.00 per year from October 1, 2000, through September 30, 2002, and a minimum of $108,000.00 per year from October 1, 2002, through September 30, 2003, July 1, 2003 Page 183 and a minimum of $112,000.00 per year from October 1, 2003, through September 30, 2005, or the cumulative total of the percentage rents more particularly described in Resolution 2003-118, was adopted as indicated above, "Shelter Island, Inc. Rental Reviews for Shelter Island’s Bali Hai and Tom Ham’s Lighthouse." PRESENTATION UPDATE ON REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS PROCESS FOR REDEVELOPMENT OF SOUTH EMBARCADERO BAYSIDE COMMERCIAL SITE (OLD POLICE HEADQUARTERS AND HARBOR SEAFOOD MART SITES) AND REQUEST DIRECTION TO STAFF Agenda Item 11. Dan Strum, Director, Real Estate; Ralph Hicks, Director, Land Use Planning; and Randa Coniglio, Senior Asset Manager, addressed the Board and presented an update on the Request for Proposals(RFP) process for the redevelopment of the South Embarcadero Bayside Commercial Site. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Ms. Coniglio discussed two alternatives for the Board to consider, including beginning a new planning effort or implementing a design competition. William Gerrity, representing GMS Realty, LLC (GMS), addressed the Board and stated the need for the District to establish objectives for the development of the site. The following individuals addressed the Board with varying viewpoints regarding this item: Bruce Coons, representing Save Our Heritage Organisation (SOHO); Danah Fayman, representing Partners for Livable Places; Steve Willard, representing San Diego Police Historical Association; Barbara Winton; Howard Blackson, representing the Council of Design Professionals; Diane Coombs, representing Citizens Coordinate for Century 3; David Swarens, representing SOHO; and Mike Stepner, representing Council of Design Professionals. Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioner Davis expressed his concerns related to proceeding with the development of Central Park. Commissioner Davis stressed the importance of providing a financial model for the site. Commissioner Davis stated his support for a design competition as an alternative and suggested the District terminate its relationship with GMS. Commissioner Rios suggested that Spirit of Seas artwork be incorporated into the design of the site. Commissioner Compton suggested that, before beginning a design competition, the Board establish the role of the Old Police Headquarters (OPH) in the development of the site. July 1, 2003 Page 184 Commissioner Bixler stated that the District should offer GMS the right of first refusal for the development of the site. Commissioner Bixler expressed his frustration with the lack of information from GMS regarding their attempts to modify their proposal. Commissioner Bixler suggested proceeding with basic development of the Central Park to make it available for public use. Mr. Gerrity advised the Board that GMS would be willing to withdraw from the RFP process and cooperate with the District’s efforts to develop the site. Commissioner Spane stated the need to establish criteria concerning the OPH and revenue estimates before commencing a design competition. In response to the issues raised by Commissioner Bixler, Mr. Gerrity provided additional information on GMS’s proposed modifications to their development plan. Commissioner Cushman stated his support for holding a workshop to discuss the process and establish design criteria and then proceeding with the design competition. Commissioner Cushman requested that staff report to the Board as soon as possible regarding what can be done to proceed with Central Park. Commissioner Cushman stated he appreciated the efforts of GMS, however their attempt fell short of the expectations of the Board. Commissioner Van Deventer discussed several issues that need to be addressed at the workshop. On motion of Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Cushman, the Board moved to conclude the RFP process with GMS, declare that the GMS design and submission process has concluded, and proceed with a design competition for the South Embarcadero Bayside Commercial Site (Old Police Headquarters and Harbor Seafood Mart Sites), beginning with a Board workshop to establish the criteria for the design competition; develop a temporary Central Park concept; develop a financial plan for the site; and that the deposit of GMS will be refunded, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained-None. Chairman Van Deventer announced that the Board would take a short break. Chairman Van Deventer requested the Board consider what date and time the Board workshop would be held. Chairman Van Deventer called the meeting back to order at 2:38 p.m. Chairman Van Deventer noted that all Commissioners were present. July 1, 2003 Page 185 ACTION AGENDA URBAN TREE PROJECT Agenda Item 12. Catherine Sass, Director, Public Art, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations regarding the approval of the “Urban Tree” project. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Commissioner Van Deventer requested and received clarification from Ms. Sass regarding the security for the trees. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Spane, Rita Vandergaw, Senior Director, Marketing & Communications, and Ms. Sass provided additional information regarding the funding for the project. Commissioner Bixler suggested incorporating some of the trees in the temporary Central Park concept. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Bixler, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-122 authorizing the Urban Tree Project to proceed, and authorizing and directing the Executive Director or his authorized representative to enter into Agreements with the various Artists selected to participate in said Urban Tree project; and establishing a budget not to exceed $130,000.00 for said Urban Tree Project; further determining the project to be Categorically Exempt pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines, Section 15303, Class 3, and District Resolution 97-191, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained-None. CABRILLO ISLE MARINA, L.P., HARBOR ISLAND DRIVE Agenda Item 13. Paul Fanfera, Assistant Director, Real Estate, and Richard Barrett, representing Cabrillo Isle Marina, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations regarding the redevelopment of Cabrillo Isle Marina. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioner Bixler requested and received clarification from Mr. Barrett regarding the impact of the redevelopment of this site on stormwater runoff. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Cushman, Mr. Fanfera and Chris Richards, Asset Manager, Real Estate, provided additional information on the replacement of the docks. Commissioner Cushman requested that staff provide a chart showing a comparison of percentage rents for the marinas located in San Diego Bay. Commissioner Cushman requested and received clarification from Mr. Fanfera regarding July 1, 2003 Page 186 the percentage rent which will be negotiated under the new 40-year lease. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Bixler, Chris Anderson, Vice President, Operations, stated that the new 40-year lease would contain periodic rent reviews. Commissioner Bixler requested and received clarification from Ms. Anderson and Dan Strum, Director, Real Estate, regarding the arbitration provision that will be contained in the new 40year lease. Commissioner Cushman acknowledged the tenant for their investment in the property. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Bixler, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-123 approving the Cabrillo Isle Marina, L.P. (Cabrillo Isle) proposed Project to renovate its leased premises, and determining that the proposed Project is Categorically Exempt under California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, Section 15300.4, and District Resolution 97-191, and Categorically Excluded under District Coastal Development Permit Regulations, Section 8.a., Existing Facilities; and resolving that the proposed Project is in conformance with the District’s Master Plan use designation for the area, Planning District 2, Precise Plan Figure 9, Commercial – Commercial Recreation; further authorizing the development of terms, covenants and conditions necessary for the granting of a new 40-year lease to Cabrillo Isle, the results of said negotiations will be reported to the Board of Port Commissioners and a decision will be made at a later date regarding the granting of any new lease, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained-None. DISTRICT STRATEGY AND FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004 PUBLIC ART FUNDING, BUDGET AND CLASSIFICATION Jeff McEntee, Senior Director, Business & Financial Services/Treasurer; Brandy DeVelbiss, Director, Strategic Planning Services; and Rinus Baak, Senior Director, Project Office, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations regarding the amendment of the COMPASS Strategic Plan, amendment of the BPC 609 Public Art Program, and adoption of the FY 03-04 Final Budget. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Mr. Baak outlined the revisions to the Capital Development Program (CDP) for Fiscal Years 2003-2007. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, reminded the Board that the budget is a planning tool and can be amended at any time by the Board. Mr. Hollingsworth stated that any contract or agreement budgeted over $100,000 will come back to the Board for approval. July 1, 2003 Page 187 Commissioner discussion ensued. The Board requested and received clarification on a variety of general budget issues. Commissioner Davis requested and received additional clarification from Mr. Baak and Mr. McEntee regarding the remaining balance after funding the CDP. Commissioner Cushman requested and received clarification from Mr. McEntee regarding the staff positions budgeted for FY 03/04. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Cushman, Duane Bennett, Port Attorney, provided additional clarification regarding the staff budgeted for the Port Attorney’s office. Mr. Hollingsworth provided additional information regarding staff positions budgeted for the Marketing & Communications Division. Commissioner Cushman discussed the restraints of the airport legislation on District staffing. Chairman Van Deventer opened the Public Hearing. No one else requested to speak and on motion of Commissioner Bixler, seconded by Commissioner Cushman, the Board closed the Public Hearing by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; AbstainedNone. Commissioner discussion continued. Commissioner Cushman requested and received clarification from Mr. McEntee regarding mileage reimbursement budgeted for the Board. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Cushman, Mr. McEntee provided additional clarification regarding budgets for contractual services. Commissioner Cushman requested a memo providing additional explanation on substantial budget variances on certain line items as compared to last year. Commissioner Cushman expressed disappointment in postponing the increase in Public Art funding and requested the Board review this matter annually. Commissioner Rios requested and received clarification from Mr. Hollingsworth and Mr. McEntee regarding the increase in budget amounts for retirement contributions and worker compensation benefits. Commissioner Compton suggested that, as a monitoring process, staff report back to the Board on status of the budget on three to six month intervals. Commissioner Bixler reiterated the request for additional clarification on substantial budget variances. Commissioner Davis commented on the revenue projections for the Real Estate and Maritime Divisions. Commissioner Davis expressed some concern regarding the budget for reimbursement of services provided to member cities and the budget for the Marketing & Communications Division. Commissioner Spane suggested the staff compare the District to other ports as a measurement tool for efficiency. The Board commended staff for their work on preparing the budget. On motion of Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Compton, the Board with a single vote, adopted ORDINANCES 2252 and 2253, and RESOLUTIONS July 1, 2003 Page 188 2003-124, 2003-125 and 2003-126 by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained-None, as follows: ADOPTION OF AMENDED COMPASS STRATEGIC PLAN 2002-2006 RESOLUTION 2003-124 approving and adopting the Agenda Item 14a. COMPASS Strategic Plan 2002-2006, as amended, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46183, was adopted as indicated above, "District Strategy and Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Public Art Funding, Budget and Classification.” AMENDMENT OF BPC POLICY 609, PORT PUBLIC ART PROGRAM RESOLUTION 2003-125 adopting Board of Port Agenda Item 14b. Commissioners Policy No. 609, Port Public Art Program, as amended, a copy of which is on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46184, was adopted as indicated above, "District Strategy and Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Public Art Funding, Budget and Classification.” ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE ANNUAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004 AND APPROPRIATING THE NECESSARY MONEY TO OPERATE THE SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT FOR SAID FISCAL YEAR Agenda Item 14c. ORDINANCE 2252 adopting the final budget of the District for the Fiscal Year 2003-2004, as set forth in Document No. 46185, on file in the office of the District Clerk, as the Annual Budget for said Fiscal Year, and more particularly described in Ordinance 2252, was adopted as indicated above, "District Strategy and Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Public Art Funding, Budget and Classification.” ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 2199 ENTITLED “AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A SCHEDULE OF COMPENSATION FOR OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF THE SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT” Agenda Item 14d. ORDINANCE 2253 further amending Ordinance 2199 entitled “An Ordinance Establishing a Schedule of Compensation for Officers and Employees of the San Diego Unified Port District,” as amended, by amending Exhibit A thereto in accordance with Exhibit A, attached thereto and by this reference made a part thereof, (Exhibit A is on file in the Office of the District Clerk), said amendment adds Class Titles, Class Nos., FLSA Status, Classification Status and establishes the Salary July 1, 2003 Page 189 Bands/Ranges therefor, as more particularly outlined in Ordinance 2253, was adopted as indicated above, "District Strategy and Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Public Art Funding, Budget and Classification.” AMENDMENT TO DIRECTORY OF CLASS SPECIFICATIONS Agenda Item 14d. RESOLUTION 2003-126 further amending the Directory of Class Specifications, as amended, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 42558, by adding the Class Specifications as more particularly outlined in Resolution 2003-126, was adopted as indicated above, "District Strategy and Fiscal Year 20032004 Public Art Funding, Budget and Classification.” ORDINANCE AMENDING PORT OF SAN DIEGO TARIFF 1-G Agenda Item 15. Commissioner Cushman announced that, because he is an automotive dealer, he would not participate in the discussion or vote on this item, whereupon he left the dais. Paul Libuda, Assistant Director, Marine Operations, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Chairman Van Deventer opened the Public Hearing. Peter Flournoy, representing Western Fish Boat Owner Association and United States Tuna Foundation, addressed the Board and requested clarification from staff regarding the proposed parking charges outlined in the tariff. Mr. Libuda provided additional information on this issue. Commissioner Van Deventer requested and received clarification from Mr. Libuda regarding the process for obtaining additional parking permits. Mr. Flournoy expressed his concern regarding the impact of the proposed parking charges on the organizations he represents. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, stated staff would meet with Mr. Flournoy to discuss his concerns and report back to Board. Chris Anderson, Vice President, Operations, provided additional clarification on the parking permit item proposed in the tariff. No one else requested to speak and on motion of Commissioner Bixler, seconded by Commissioner Rios, the Board closed the Public Hearing by the following vote: YeasBixler, Compton, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; AbsentNone; Abstained-Cushman. July 1, 2003 Page 190 Commissioner discussion continued. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Bixler, Ms. Anderson and Mr. Libuda stated that water taxis are not included in this tariff. Commissioner Bixler discussed the possibility of including recreational boaters in the tariff. Mr. Hollingsworth stated that the tariff mainly addresses commercial maritime, and Board policy would need to be developed to address recreational boaters. On motion of Commissioner Bixler, seconded by Commissioner Rios, the Board adopted ORDINANCE 2254 amending Tariff No. 1-G, posted on the website for the District at www.portofsandiego.org (Organization No. 011576 Tariff No. 1-G), and the paper format version on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 31231, by the adoption of the revisions more particularly described in Ordinance 2254; further authorizing and directing the posting of said revisions; this Ordinance shall take effect after posting said revisions on the above-referenced website; provided, however, this Ordinance shall not take effect prior to 31 days from its passage by the Board of Port Commissioners or August 1, 2003, whichever date is later, by the following vote: YeasBixler, Compton, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; AbsentNone; Abstained-Cushman. Commissioner Cushman returned to the dais (at 4:30 p.m.). Chairman Van Deventer discussed holding a workshop for the Board concerning the redevelopment of the South Embarcadero Bayside Commercial Site on Tuesday, July 15, 2003. PRESIDENT’S REPORT Agenda Item 16. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, announced that Project Phoenix goes live today and acknowledged the efforts of staff on this project. Chris Anderson, Vice President, Operations, introduced Ron Popham, the New Senior Director of Maritime. Mr. Popham stated he sees great opportunities for Maritime at the District. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Agenda Item 17. None. Page 191 July 1, 2003 CLOSED SESSION Chairman Van Deventer noted there were no additional items on the open session agenda for discussion, whereupon at 4:34 p.m., he announced the Board would go into closed session. Duane Bennett, Port Attorney, announced the closed session item for today's agenda, as follows: CONFERENCE WlTH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION Pursuant to Subdivision (c) of Government Code Section 54956.9 ExxonMobil Oil Corporation, Counter-Claimant, vs. SDUPD, Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Diego, and the City of San Diego, Counter-Defendants, United States District Court, Southern District of California, Case No. 03CV 1053 BTM There was no formal action to report from the Closed Session, whereupon Chairman Van Deventer adjourned the meeting. oard OF Port Commissioners Port District ATTEST: n Clerk of tt(@an Diego Unified Port District July 7, 2003 Page 192 MINUTES BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT As previously posted, a special meeting of the Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District was called to order by Chairman Van Deventer at 8:00 a.m. Monday, July 7, 2003, at the Shelter Pointe Hotel & Marina, Coronado Room, 1551 Shelter Island Drive, San Diego, California, 92106. ROLL CALL Agenda Item 1. Present: COMMISSIONERS Bixler, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; OFFICERS Hollingsworth, Bennett. Absent: None. Excused: Commissioner Compton was excused until such time as he arrived. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Agenda Item 2. None. RETREAT Agenda Item 3. The Board discussed along with Dr. Bill Mathis, the leadership profile of the Board. The Board also reviewed the roles of the Commissioners. The Board received input from Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director. Duane Bennett, Port Attorney, provided the Commissioners with a training session on the Brown Act, Public Records Act and Government Code Section 1090. Page 193 July 7, 2003 As there were no further items for discussion, Chairman Van Deventer adjourned the special meeting. 4k Vice-dir, Board of Port Commissioners San Diego Unified Port District ATEST: July 15, 2003 Page 194 MINUTES BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT As previously posted, a special meeting of the Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District was called to order by Chairman Van Deventer at 9:08 a.m. Tuesday, July 15, 2003, in the Board Room at 3165 Pacific Highway, San Diego, California. ROLL CALL Agenda Item 1. Present: COMMISSIONERS Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Van Deventer; OFFICERS Hollingsworth, Bennett and Heinrichs. Absent: None. Excused: Commissioner Spane was excused for personal reasons. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Agenda Item 2. None. WORKSHOP SOUTH EMBARCADERO BAYSIDE COMMERCIAL SITE REDEVELOPMENT DISCUSSION REGARDING DESIGN CRITERIA Agenda Item 3. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, provided opening comments regarding the South Embarcadero Bayside Commercial Site Redevelopment. Ralph Hicks, Director, Land Use Planning, and Randa Coniglio, Senior Asset Manager, Real Estate, addressed the Board and discussed a design competition for the South Embarcadero Bayside Commercial Site Redevelopment and related issues that need to be resolved. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Among the issues discussed by Mr. Hicks and Ms. Coniglio were the development of the Central Park, the Old Police Headquarters (OPH) and possible levels of development allowed for the site and how it relates to potential revenue. July 15, 2003 Page 195 The following individuals addressed the Board with varying perspectives regarding this item: Joseph Jeter, President, Cinderella Carriage Company; Martha Taylor, representing Cinderella Carriage Company; Mike Stepner, representing the Council of Design Professionals; Mike McDade; Bruce Coons, representing the Save Our Heritage Organisation; Gary Smith, representing the San Diego Downtown Residents Group; Steve Willard, representing the San Diego Police Historical Association; Brian Church, representing Urban Labs; Jack Illes, representing Urban Labs; Christine Gaunt, representing City Front Terrace; Deborah Szekely and Mike Madigam, representing Museum of Immigration; Gina Champion-Cain; Judith Swink, representing Citizens Coordinate for Century 3; and Perry Dealy, representing Manchester Resorts. Chairman Van Deventer announced that the Board would take a short break. Chairman Van Deventer called the meeting back to order at 10:36 a.m. Chairman Van Deventer noted that all Commissioners were present, except Commissioner Spane, who was excused. Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioner Bixler requested the Board discuss and determine the development density for the site. Commissioner Cushman stated that the entire 28-acre site needed to be master planned. Commissioner Cushman stated that the District should move forward on the Central Park. Commissioner Rios stated that the OPH garage should be demolished. Commissioner Rios suggested combining some of the functions of the proposed land uses. Commissioner Davis stressed the importance of taking time to decide on the appropriate land use for the site. Commissioner Davis stated that the District should not be concerned about generating revenue from the site. Commissioner Compton requested additional information on the financial arrangements between Manchester Resorts and developing the Central Park. Chairman Van Deventer stated the need to move forward with the development of Central Park. The Board discussed the development of Central Park and determined to proceed with Option III, as presented by staff. Commissioner Bixler discussed the jail cellblocks at the OPH and suggested removing two of the cellblocks to assist in the development of the Pier Walk. The Board determined to proceed with the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) approved Pier Walk. After discussion, the Board determined the development of the site should be between low and medium development density. Chairman Van Deventer stated the actual density of the site would be determined by the design competition. The Board July 15, 2003 Page 196 discussed possible land uses and agreed on museum, public market and retail/ restaurant as possible uses. Chairman Van Deventer discussed a possible parking structure next to the Hyatt Hotel. Commissioner Bixler requested and received clarification from Mr. Hicks regarding any dialogue with Manchester Resorts assisting in the development of a possible parking structure located near the Hyatt. Commissioner Cushman stated he would oppose a parking structure connected to the Hyatt Hotel. Commissioner Davis stated the need to develop the site in phases. Mr. Hollingsworth discussed working with Navy regarding parking for the area. I n response to an inquiry from Chairman Van Deventer, Mr. Hicks provided a timeline for the next steps of the process to include beginning a market analysis, updating a traffic study, and conducting a search for a design competition expert. Commissioner Cushman reiterated the need to complete a master plan for the 28-acre site before beginning the design competition. Commissioner Davis stated that a master plan would be developed from the design competition. Mr. Stepner addressed the Board and concurred with Commissioner Davis' comment. Chairman Van Deventer requested that staff provide a summary to the Board of the parameters for the development of the site discussed at today's meeting. Commissioner Bixler stated the need for open green space for the site and straightening Kettner Blvd. Mr. Hollingsworth stated that staff would provide a summary of today's workshop to the Board and stakeholders. There was no further action taken, adjourned the meeting. San Diego Unified Port District ATTEST: July 15, 2003 Page 197 MINUTES BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District was called to order by Chairman Van Deventer at 1:04 p.m. Tuesday, July 15, 2003, in the Board Room at 3165 Pacific Highway, San Diego, California. ROLL CALL Agenda Item 1. Present: COMMISSIONERS Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; OFFICERS Hollingsworth, Bennett, Darbeau, Heinrichs and McEntee. Absent: None. Excused: None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Agenda Item 2. The minutes submitted for the special meeting of July 1, 2003, were approved on motion of Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Cushman. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Agenda Item 3. Pastor Jim Ward of Mindbridges Church addressed the Board and requested the District utilize the Neptune Palace as part of the homeland security strategy for San Diego Bay. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, stated that Dan Wilkens, Executive Vice President, would be in contact with Pastor Ward and report back to the Board. Mr. Wilkens stated that staff would meet with Pastor Ward next week. July 15, 2003 Page 198 Troy Sears, representing Next Level Sailing, addressed the Board and introduced his charter boat business to the District. CONSENT AGENDA Commissioner Bixler declared a conflict of interest as a stockholder of Cisco stock, and therefore abstained from participation as to the vote on consent agenda item 6 (Resolution rejecting the bids of COMP USA Government and Dexon Computer, Inc., as non-responsive, and awarding Bid No. PD 03-01 to Govplace, Inc., the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, to furnish items for CISCO switching upgrade). On motion of Commissioner Spane, seconded by Commissioner Compton, the Board, with a single vote, adopted consent agenda items 4 and 5 (Ordinance 2255 and Resolutions 2003-127 through and including 2003-129) by the following vote: YeasBixler, Compton, Cushman, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained- Bixler abstained on number 6, as follows: COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT – CORONADO BIKE PATH SPUR MITIGATION Agenda Item 4. RESOLUTION 2003-127 making certain findings (as more specifically outlined in Resolution 2003-127 on file in the Office of the District Clerk) including the proposed project which is entitled “Coronado Bike Path Spur Mitigation” is consistent with and conforms to the District Master Plan, and authorizing and directing the issuance of a Coastal Development Permit for said Project, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. ORDINANCE AMENDING LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE DISTRICT AND DIXIELINE LUMBER COMPANY Agenda Item 5a. ORDINANCE 2255 amending the lease agreement dated June 7, 1994, between the District and Dixieline Lumber Company, a Delaware corporation, aka Dixieline Lumber Company, a California corporation, aka Dixieline Lumber Co., in accordance with Agreement for Amendment of Lease, Amendment No. 4, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46229, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. July 15, 2003 Page 199 ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION OF LEASE FROM DIXIELINE LUMBER COMPANY TO DLC ACQUISITION CORP., NATIONAL CITY Agenda Item 5b. RESOLUTION 2003-128 consenting to the Assignment and Assumption of Lease document, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46230, for premises located at 1400 West 28th Street in the City of National City, from Dixieline Lumber Company, a Delaware corporation, aka Dixieline Lumber Company, a California corporation, aka Dixieline Lumber Co., to DLC Acquisition Corp, covering a lease dated June 7, 1994, as amended and assigned, subject to express conditions as more particularly outlined in Resolution 2003-128, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. AWARD OF CONTRACT PD03-01 TO GOVPLACE, INC. TO FURNISH ITEMS FOR CISCO (OR DISTRICT APPROVED EQUAL) SWITCHING UPGRADE Agenda Item 6. RESOLUTION 2003-129 finding that Govplace, Inc. is the lowest responsible and reliable bidder to Furnish Items for Cisco (or District approved equal) Switching Upgrade, and accepting the bid of Govplace, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $194,435.37, including delivery and sales tax, based upon prices set forth in the bid proposal to Furnish Items for Cisco (or District approved equal) Switching Upgrade, and authorizing and directing the execution of Contract PD03-01 on behalf of the District with said Govplace, Inc. for the performance of said Contract; further finding and rejecting the bids of Comp USA Government and Dexon Computer, Inc. as nonresponsive, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. PRESENTATION PRESENTATION OF THE DISTRICT’S EMPLOYEE OF THE QUARTER FOR THE 1ST QUARTER OF 2003 Agenda Item 7. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, announced that Connie Martinez, Administrative Assistant II, was chosen as Employee of the Quarter for the first quarter of 2003. Ms. Martinez was recognized for an exceptional work attitude and dedication, and for providing outstanding customer service. July 15, 2003 Page 200 PRESENTATION BY RECREATION & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT REGARDING THE DISTRICT’S ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION PROGRAM Agenda Item 8. David Merk, Director, Recreation & Environmental Services, and Kelly Moewe, Assistant Environmental Specialist, addressed the Board and presented the enhanced District Environmental Education Program. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Commissioner Spane stated his support for the program and commended staff for their hard work. PRESENTATION BY THE ACCESSIBILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE (AAC) AND UPDATE ON THE PORT’S AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) PROGRAM Bill Chopyk, Manager, Planning Services; Peter Mirche, Agenda Item 9. Chairman, District Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC); Patricia Sieglen-Perry, ViceChair, AAC; and Louis Frick and Betty Bacon of AAC addressed the Board and presented an update on the AAC. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Mr. Frick discussed improving the Harbor Drive/Ash Street crossing as the AAC pilot project. Commissioner Cushman stated his appreciation to the AAC for working cooperatively with District staff. Commissioner Cushman requested staff to report back to the Board at a future meeting with a plan and projected costs for the pilot project. Commissioner Cushman also requested staff investigate any grants that might be available to fund a full-time Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator position for the District. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, stated that staff would bring back a proposal addressing the pilot project to the Board at a future meeting. PRESENTATION OF STAFF’S RECOMMENDATION ON THE DISTRICT’S ROLE IN DEVELOPING AN OVERARCHING PORT/SEAPORT SECURITY STRATEGY; AND REQUEST FOR DIRECTION Agenda Item 15. Wayne Darbeau, Vice President, Administration/District Clerk; Stuart Farnsworth, Project Analyst, Marine Operation; and Dr. Paula L. Scalingi, President of The Scalingi Group, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendation on the District’s role in developing an overarching Port/Seaport Security Strategy. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office July 15, 2003 Page 201 of the District Clerk.) Mr. Farnsworth discussed two options for developing a security strategy. The first option, the Regional Partnership Approach, embraces leadership from regional jurisdictions. With the second option, the Lead Agency Approach, the District assumes lead agency status. Staff recommended the Board adopt Option 1. Dr. Scalingi discussed the phases and timeline of implementing the partnership approach. Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioner Cushman concurred with staff’s recommendation for Option 1. Commissioner Bixler requested and received clarification from Dr. Scalingi and Mr. Darbeau regarding cost projections for the initial phase of implementation. As part of the funding proposal for the security strategy, Commissioner Bixler requested that staff investigate incorporating enhancements to the cruise ship terminal. Commissioner Spane expressed concern regarding the timing of the District’s role in a regional security strategy. Commissioner Spane requested that staff develop a set of milestones in place for implementing the strategy. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Rios, the Board directed staff to proceed with staff’s recommendation, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained-None. PUBLIC HEARING/ACTION PORT OF SAN DIEGO TARIFF Paul Libuda, Assistant Director, Marine Operations, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Agenda Item 10a. Chairman Van Deventer opened the Public Hearing. No one requested to speak and on motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Rios, the Board closed the Public Hearing by the following vote: YeasBixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; ExcusedNone; Absent-None; Abstained-None. Agenda Item 10b. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Bixler, the Board adopted ORDINANCE 2256 amending Tariff No. 1-G, on file with the Federal Maritime Commission pursuant to its computer based Automated July 15, 2003 Page 202 Tariff and Filing Information System, and the paper format version on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 31231, by the adoption of revision more particularly described in Ordinance 2256; and authorizing and directing the publication of Items more particularly described in Ordinance 2256, by the following vote: YeasBixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; ExcusedNone; Absent-None; Abstained-None. CLOSED SESSION Agenda Item 20. Duane Bennett, Port Attorney, requested that the Board adjourn to discuss item 20 in closed session: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – POTENTIAL LITIGATION Pursuant to Subdivision (b)(1) of Government Code Section 54956.9: Claim of David Malcolm Chairman Van Deventer announced the Board would recess into closed session. OPEN SESSION The Board reconvened to open session at 2:46 p.m. Chairman Van Deventer noted that all commissioners were present. Duane Bennett, Port Attorney, reported that the Board gave direction to staff regarding the above-referenced closed session item. Mr. Bennett stated that there was no formal action to report from the Closed Session. Mr. Bennett further stated pursuant to the provisions of the Brown Act, the discussion that was held in closed session must stay in closed session unless the entire Board agrees to waive the closed session privilege. July 15, 2003 Page 203 ACTION AGENDA CONSIDERATION OF CLAIM FILED AGAINST THE DISTRICT (CLAIMANT: DAVID MALCOLM) On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Agenda Item 11. Commissioner Rios, the Board directed a return of the claim pursuant to the Government Code as being untimely filed, and directed the Port Attorney to prepare and forward the appropriate late claim notice to the claimant, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained-None. NORTH EMBARCADERO VISIONARY PLAN Agenda Item 12ab. Karen Weymann, Assistant Director, Real Estate, addressed the Board and presented a status report of the North Embarcadero Visionary Plan. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Ms. Weymann also discussed the proposed Joint Powers Agreement. Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioner Bixler requested and received clarification from Ms. Weymann regarding whether it will be necessary to rebuild any portion of the Broadway Pier. Commissioner Bixler requested through Mr. Hollingsworth that the District have two members of the Joint Powers Board instead of one. Commissioner Davis supported the proposed structure of JPA Board for one member from the District. Chairman Van Deventer suggested that the alternative member be from a South Bay city. Raymond Ashley, representing the Maritime Museum, addressed the Board and requested that the process continue to solicit stakeholder input. Commissioner Cushman left the dais and the Boardroom at 3:03p.m. (He was excused for personal reasons.) On motion of Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Bixler, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-130 authorizing and directing the Executive Director or his authorized representative to enter into a Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement (Agreement) on behalf of the District, with the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Diego, a public body, corporate and politic, acting by and through the Centre City July 15, 2003 Page 204 Development Corporation, to complete schematic design and develop a financing and phasing plan necessary to, at some future date, produce construction drawings and implement the North Embarcadero Visionary Plan, said Agreement, as more particularly outlined in Resolution 2003-130, shall be in substantially the form presented to and considered at the meeting of the Board of Port Commissioners held on July 15, 2003, to be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46231; further that the Chairman of the Board of Port Commissioners is hereby authorized to appoint a member of said Board to serve as the designee and/or alternate in the event the Chairman is unable to attend any meeting of the Authority Board, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; ExcusedCushman; Absent-None; Abstained-None. GLORIETTA BAY LINEAR PARK Annette Dahl, Senior Asset Manager, Real Estate, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations regarding provisions for funding the Linear Park portion of the Glorietta Bay Master Plan project. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) On motion of Commissioner Spane, seconded by Commissioner Bixler, the Board, with a single vote, adopted ORDINANCE 2257 and RESOLUTION 2003-131, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Cushman; Absent-None; Abstained-None. ORDINANCE AMENDING MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE DISTRICT AND THE CITY OF CORONADO ORDINANCE 2257 amending the Memorandum of Agenda Item 13a. Understanding, dated June 30, 1995, between the District and the City of Coronado in accordance with Amendment No. 1 of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and the City of Coronado (Amendment No. 1), said Amendment No. 1 more particularly described in Ordinance 2257 and on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46232; said Ordinance shall take effect on the 31st day from its passage by the Board of Port Commissioners, provided, however, the expenditure of additional funds as set forth in said Addendum No. 1 is subject to approval by the State Lands Commission of the State of California, and in the event said approval is not granted by the State Lands Commission of the State of California, no additional funds shall be July 15, 2003 Page 205 expended by the District for Glorietta Bay Linear Park construction, was adopted as indicated above, "Glorietta Bay Linear Park." GLORIETTA BAY LINEAR PARK, CORONADO – FINDINGS OF FACT RESOLUTION 2003-131 authorizing and directing the Agenda Item 13b. preparation and submittal of an application to the State Lands Commission of the State of California to obtain the necessary approvals for the District’s proposed increased funding of said proposed Glorietta Bay Linear Park, further that the Board makes findings, as more particularly outlined in Resolution 2003-131, with regard to the proposed increased funding of said proposed Glorietta Bay Linear Park was adopted as indicated above, "Glorietta Bay Linear Park." UNCOLLECTIBLE ACCOUNTS Jeff McEntee, Senior Director, Business & Financial Services/Treasurer, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Mr. McEntee discussed that staff is investigating the possibility of utilizing a collection agency for doubtful accounts. Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioner Davis requested and received clarification from Mr. McEntee regarding the financial impact on the District of writing off uncollectible accounts. Commissioner Bixler commented on Marine Operation uncollectible accounts. On motion of Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Spane, the Board, with a single vote, adopted RESOLUTIONS 2003-132 and 2003-133, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; ExcusedCushman; Absent-None; Abstained-None. AMENDMENT OF BPC POLICY 105, UNCOLLECTIBLE ACCOUNTS RESOLUTION 2003-132 adopting the Board of Port Agenda Item 14a. Commissioners Policy No. 105, Uncollectible Accounts, as amended, a copy of which is July 15, 2003 Page 206 on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46233, was adopted as indicated above, "Uncollectible Accounts." AUTHORIZATION TO WRITE OFF UNCOLLECTIBLE ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Agenda Item 14b. RESOLUTION 2003-133 declaring uncollectible the accounts listed on Exhibit A, attached thereto and by this reference made a part thereof, (Exhibit A is on file in the Office of the District Clerk), which were authorized to be transferred to contingent accounts receivables by prior action of the Board, in the amount of $946,204.90, and authorizing for write off pursuant to said BPC Policy 105; further declaring uncollectible the accounts listed on Exhibit B, attached thereto and by this reference made a part thereof, (Exhibit B is on file in the Office of the District Clerk), in the amount of $309,389.91, and authorizing for write off pursuant to said BPC Policy 105; further that the above accounts, totaling $1,255,594.81, which have been declared to be uncollectible pursuant to this Resolution, are hereby authorized to be removed from the District’s financial records effective June 30, 2003, was adopted as indicated above, "Uncollectible Accounts." ELECTION OF SECRETARY – BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS Agenda Item 16. On motion of Commissioner Van Deventer, seconded by Commissioner Bixler, the Board, adopted RESOLUTION 2003-134 electing Marshall “Ty” Compton as Secretary of the Board of Port Commissioners, by the following vote: YeasBixler, Compton, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Cushman; Absent-None; Abstained-None. CJ Lucke, Deputy District Clerk, administered the oath of office to Commissioner Compton as the Secretary of the Board of Port Commissioners for the remainder of calendar year 2003. PRESIDENT’S REPORT Agenda Item 17. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, reported on the tree inventory of District tidelands. Mr. Hollingsworth stated that the District has more than twice the number of trees located on District tidelands than 40 years ago. Page 207 July 15, 2003 COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Aaenda Item 18. None. CLOSED SESSION Chairman Van Deventer noted there were no additional items on the open session agenda for discussion, whereupon at 3:35 p.m., he announced the Board would go into closed session. Duane Bennett, Port Attorney, announced the closed session for today's agenda, as follows: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION Pursuant to Subdivision (a) of Government Code Section 54956.9 SDUPD vs. TDY Industries, Inc.; Ryan Aeronautical Company; Teledyne Ryan Company; Teledyne Ryan Aeronautical Company; Teledyne Industries, Inc.; Allegheny Teledyne, Inc.; Allegheny Technologies, Inc., Does 1-10, Inclusive United States District Court, Southern District of California, No. 03 CV 1146H POR There was no formal action to report from the Closed Session, whereupon Chairman Van Deventer adjourned the meeting. ATTEST: A July 29, 2003 Page 208 MINUTES BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT As previously posted, a special meeting of the Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District was called to order by Chairman Van Deventer at 9:05 a.m. Tuesday, July 29, 2003, in the Board Room at 3165 Pacific Highway, San Diego, California. ROLL CALL Agenda Item 1. Present: COMMISSIONERS Bixler, Compton, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; OFFICERS Hollingsworth, Bennett, McEntee and Heinrichs. Absent: None. Excused: Commissioner Cushman was excused for personal reasons. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Agenda Item 2. Bryan Pennington addressed the Board and stated his concern regarding the disabled dock adjacent to the Coast Guard Station. Mr. Pennington also expressed concern regarding the enforcement of laws pertaining to the right to anchor in the area near the A-9 Anchorage. Michael Conetta addressed the Board and requested additional information on pending legal cases regarding the San Diego Bay. Chairman Van Deventer requested that the Port Attorney’s office contact Mr. Conetta to discuss his request. July 29, 2003 Page 209 WORKSHOP PRESENTATION BY THE SAN DIEGO CITY EMPLOYEES’ RETIREMENT SYSTEM ON THE DISTRICT’S RETIREMENT PLAN; AND REQUEST FOR DIRECTION. Agenda Item 3. Dan Wilkens, Executive Vice President, provided opening comments regarding the District’s Retirement Plan presentation. Commissioner Bixler declared a conflict of interest due to a relationship with one of the representatives from the San Diego City Employees’ Retirement System (SDCERS), Paul Barnett, and therefore abstained from participation in the discussion of this item. Commissioner Bixler then left the dais and the Boardroom. Jeff McEntee, Senior Director, Business & Financial Services/Treasurer, and Larry Grissom, SDCERS Retirement Administrator, addressed the Board and presented an overview of SDCERS and the benefits and services provided to the District. (Copies of the presentations are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Mr. Grissom discussed the historical background of the relationship between SDCERS and the District, a summary of benefits provided by SDCERS and an overview of the District plan investments and performance results. Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioner Rios requested a copy of the most recent financial statements from SDCERS. Commissioner Davis requested and received clarification from Mr. Grissom regarding the reasoning for adding Section 149 to the City Charter. Commissioner Davis requested and received clarification from Mr. Grissom regarding the current funding ratio of the District’s plan. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Davis, Mr. Grissom provided additional information regarding the amount of the Trust Fund allocated to the District. Commissioner Davis requested and received clarification from Paul Barnett, SDCERS Assistant Retirement Administrator, regarding the marketing services that SDCERS provides the District and the composition of the Retirement Board. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Davis, Mr. Grissom provided additional clarification on the selection and function of the asset managers and investment consultants. Commissioner Davis requested and received additional information from Mr. Grissom and Mr. Barnett pertaining to optimizing the expected risk and return trade-offs of the mix of assets. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Davis, Mr. Barnett provided the justification for the SDCERS’s asset allocation strategy. Commissioner Spane requested and received clarification from Mr. Grissom and Doug McCalla, SDCERS Chief Financial Officer, regarding how the performance of the July 29, 2003 Page 210 asset managers is monitored. Commissioner Spane requested information on the top performing public pension funds. Commissioner Compton requested and received clarification from Mr. Barnett and Mr. Grissom regarding administrative costs. Commissioner Rios requested five-year return and expense history per allocation and for each asset manager. I n response to an inquiry from Commissioner Davis, Mr. Grissom stated the operating costs for the District is approximately $400,000. Mr. McEntee outlined the risks that may affect a retirement plan in general and specific to the District’s plan. Commissioner Davis requested and received clarification from Mr. Grissom regarding the impact of SDCERS changing their plan structure on the District‘s plan. Lori Chapin, SDCERS General Counsel, discussed the potential risk of bankruptcy of the City of San Diego or the insolvency of City’s retirement plan on the District’s plan. Mr. McEntee stated that the District Act allows for two retirement plan options. The District may contract with the State Employee’s Retirement System or with any member city. Mr. McEntee discussed a comparison between the SDCERS and Public Employees Retirement System ( P E S ) plans. Commissioner Rios requested and received clarification from Duane Bennett, Port Attorney, regarding the retirement options allowed under the District Act. Mr. McEntee outlined the timeline for implementing membership in P E S if the Board directed staff to pursue this option. There was no further action taken, whereupon Chairman Van Deventer adjourned the meeting. San Diego Unified Port District Clerk of th&an Diego Unified Port District July 29, 2003 Page 211 MINUTES BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT A regular meeting of the Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District was called to order by the Clerk at 1:OO p.m. Tuesday, July 29, 2003 in the Board Room at 3165 Pacific Highway, San Diego, California. By previous agreement of the Board of Port Commissioners, the regular meeting was not held and no commissioners were present. The regular meeting was adjourned by the Clerk to Tuesday, July 29, 2003 at 1:OO p.m. in the Council Chambers, City of Chula Vista at 276 Fourth Avenue, Chula Vista, California. of Port Commissioners July 29, 2003 Page 212 MINUTES BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT The special meeting of the Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District was called to order by Chairman Van Deventer at 1:12 p.m. Tuesday, July 29, 2003, in the Council Chambers of the City of Chula Vista at 276 Fourth Avenue, Chula Vista, California. ROLL CALL Agenda Item 1. Present: COMMISSIONERS Bixler, Compton, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; OFFICERS Wilkens, Bennett, McEntee and Heinrichs. Absent: None. Excused: Commissioner Cushman was excused for personal reasons. JOINTLY CONVENE MEETING WITH CITY OF CHULA VISTA CITY COUNCIL AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Agenda Item 2. As previously posted, a special joint meeting of the Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District and the City Council of the City of Chula Vista was called to order. Chula Vista Mayor Padilla noted that all Councilmembers were present, with the exception of Councilmember Rindone. PRESENTATION AND STATUS REPORT BY COOPER, ROBERTSON & PARTNERS ON PRELIMINARY EXISTING CONDITIONS, OPPORTUNITIES, AND CONSTRAINTS FINDINGS FOR THE CHULA VISTA BAYFRONT MASTER PLAN Agenda Item 3a. Dan Wilkens, Executive Vice President, provided opening comments regarding the status of the Chula Vista Bayfront Master Plan. Ralph Hicks, Director, Land Use Planning; Keith Orlesky and Randy Morton, representing Cooper, Robertson & Partners; and Gordon Carrier, representing Carrier Johnson, addressed the Board and presented a status report regarding the preliminary existing conditions, opportunities, and constraints findings for the Chula Vista Bayfront Master Plan (CVBMP). (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the ---------------------Clerk’s Note: Officer Jeff McEntee was present at the July 29, 2003 Special Offsite Meeting. July 29, 2003 Page 213 District Clerk.) Mr. Hicks reviewed the membership of the CVBMP Citizens Advisory Committee and the proposed timeline for the master plan. PUBLIC COMMENT Agenda Item 3b. The following individuals addressed the Board with varying viewpoints regarding this item: Steve Castaneda; Daniel Renard; Patricia Aguilar, representing Crossroads II; Jim Peugh, representing the San Diego Audubon Society; Allison Rolfe, representing the San Diego Baykeeper; Ed Kravitz, representing the San Diego Railway Partners; Noheha Ramos and Laura Hunter, representing Environmental Coalition (EHC); David DiDonato; Bruce Coons, representing Save Our Heritage Organisation; Michael Conetta; Brett Davis; J. Paul Moretto, representing the Cyrano Designs, Inc., Lupita Jimenez, representing South Bay Greens; Alexandra Hart, representing IBEW Local 569; Judy Cascales; Theresa Acerro; and Bryan Pennington. DISCUSSION AND/OR DIRECTION TO STAFF Agenda Item 3c. The City of Chula Vista City Council commented on a variety of issues regarding the Chula Vista Bayfront Master Plan. The Council thanked staff for the excellent presentation and the public for their input. Council Member McCann stressed the importance of connecting both sides of the City and including a signature landmark for the Bayfront. Councilmember Davis concurred with the public comment addressing the desire for a public workshop concerning the South Bay Power Plant. Councilmember Salas urged the Council to explore a joint planning effort of the Chula Vista Mid Bay Front and the CVBMP and to investigate different options for the South Bay Power Plant. Mayor Padilla asked the Board to look at a joint planning effort. Mayor Padilla expressed concern regarding the addition of too many members to the Citizens Advisory Committee. Commissioner discussion ensued. The Board thanked staff for the presentation. Commissioner Rios stated the importance of creating open space for the elderly to utilize. Commissioner Compton thanked the City of Chula Vista for working together with the District on this plan. Chairman Van Deventer stated that it has been a pleasure to meet today in Chula Vista. Mayor Padilla noted for the record a letter received from Dr. David Karjanen. (A copy of the letter is on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) July 29, 2003 Page 214 ADJOURN JOINT MEETING WITH CITY OF CHULA VISTA CITY COUNCIL AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Agenda Item 3d. There were no further items for discussion, whereupon Mayor Padilla adjourned the special joint meeting at 3:12 p.m. Chairman Van Deventer announced that the Board would take a short break. CONVENE BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS MEETING Chairman Van Deventer called the meeting back to order at 3:20 p.m. Chairman Van Deventer noted that all Commissioners were present, except for Commissioner Cushman who was excused for personal reasons. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Agenda Item 5. The minutes submitted for the special meetings of July 7, 2003, and July 15, 2003, and the regular meeting of July 15, 2003, were approved on motion of Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Bixler. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Agenda Item 6. Captain Jeff Bentley addressed the Board regarding his proposal for a Maritime Information and Career Resource Training Center. Chairman Van Deventer requested staff contact Captain Bentley regarding his proposal. U.S. Coast Guard Commander Steve Metruck addressed the Board and presented the Distinguished Public Service Award to Harbor Police Chief David Hall. Chief Hall was recognized for his dedication and strong support of the Coast Guard’s Maritime Homeland Security mission. Chairman Van Deventer commended Chief Hall for his work on the District’s security issues. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Commissioner Davis commented on the fees and expenses as discussed during this morning’s workshop concerning the District’s Retirement Plan. Commissioner Davis requested that the Board appoint a representative to the San Diego Pension Reform Committee. Duane Bennett, Port Attorney, stated that the Board could not have a detailed discussion regarding Commissioner Davis’ request, because it is not agendized. July 29, 2003 Page 215 Mr. Bennett suggested that the Chairman direct staff to place this item on the next agenda. Chairman Van Deventer directed staff to place this item on the next agenda. CONSENT AGENDA Chairman Van Deventer declared he would be abstaining on item 8 (Resolution adopting plans and specifications and awarding Contract No. 2003-14 to Superior Ready Mix Concrete L.P. dba SRM Contracting & Paving), because he owns property near this area. On motion of Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Bixler, the Board, with a single vote, adopted consent agenda items 7 through 9 (Resolutions 2003-135 through and including 2003-137) by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Cushman; Absent-None; Abstained- Van Deventer abstained on agenda item number 8, as follows: AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENTS WITH AURORA INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE, LLC, TETRA TECH EM, INC., AND INTEGRITY ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. Agenda Item 7. RESOLUTION 2003-135 authorizing Agreements with Aurora Industrial Hygiene, LLC, Tetra Tech EM, Inc., and Integrity Environmental Consultants, Inc. to provide Asbestos Abatement Management and Industrial Hygiene Consulting Services, on an as-needed basis, as determined by the District, for an aggregate fee not to exceed $200,000.00, for a period of one (1) year commencing on the date of execution of said Agreements, in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said Agreements, subject to earlier termination; said Agreements are on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document Nos. 46351, 46352, and 46353, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. AWARD OF CONTRACT 2003-14 TO SUPERIOR READY MIX CONCRETE L.P., DBA SRM CONTRACTING & PAVING, FOR REPAIR OF CIVIC CENTER DRIVE, NATIONAL CITY Agenda Item 8. RESOLUTION 2003-136 adopting the Plans and Specifications for Project No. NC1937GC, Repair Civic Center Drive, National City, commonly known as District Construction Contract 2003-14; further accepting the low bid of Superior Ready Mix Concrete L.P., dba SRM Contracting & Paving, in an amount not to exceed $135,646,50, based upon prices set forth in the bid proposal to Repair Civic Center July 29, 2003 Page 216 Drive, National City, and authorizing and directing the execution of Contract 2003-14 with Superior Ready Mix Concrete L.P., dba SRM Contracting & Paving, for the performance of said work, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 TO CONTRACT 2002-54, REPLACEMENT OF DOMESTIC WATER MAIN SYSTEM, NATIONAL DISTRIBUTION CENTER, NATIONAL CITY, WITH ELKEN CONTRACTING, INC. Agenda Item 9. RESOLUTION 2003-137 authorizing the execution of Change Order No. 3 to Contract 2002-54, Replacement of Domestic Water Main System, National Distribution Center, National City, with Elken Contracting, Inc., increasing the contract by an amount not to exceed $35,000.00, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. ACTION AGENDA MARKETING AND PUBLIC RELATIONS SERVICES Rita Vandergaw, Senior Director, Marketing & Communications, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Dick Cloward, representing the San Diego Port Tenants Association, addressed the Board and stated his support for the District’s Big Bay program. Mr. Cloward urged the Board to continue their support of this program. Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioner Rios requested and received clarification from Ms. Vandergaw regarding the proposed fees. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Compton, Ms. Vandergaw provided additional information regarding the tenant cooperative marketing program. Commissioner Bixler suggested that these two consultants and the District’s two lobbyists in Washington DC and Sacramento coordinate their efforts in promoting the District. Commissioner Bixler requested the four consultants present to the Board the results of their collaboration on the District’s Strategic Plan. Commissioner Davis commended staff for reducing the cost of the contracts. Chairman Van Deventer stated that the Marketing Advisory Committee will meet tomorrow. Commissioner Rios suggested that staff include industrial tenants in the District’s community outreach program. On motion of Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Bixler, the Board with a single vote, adopted RESOLUTIONS 2003-138 and 2003-139 by the following July 29, 2003 Page 217 vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; ExcusedCushman; Absent-None; Abstained-None, as follows: Agenda Item 10a. RESOLUTION 2003-138 authorizing an Agreement with Katz & Associates to provide public relations, communications and community relations services for the District for the two (2) year period commencing July 1, 2003, and ending June 30, 2005, subject to earlier termination, said services to be performed in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said Agreement, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46354, the maximum expenditure for said advertising services for the period commencing July 1, 2003, and ending June 30, 2004, shall not exceed the sum of $350,000.00; further resolving that any funds proposed for the second year of said Agreement, commencing July 1, 2004, and ending June 30, 2005, shall be subject to approval of the Board of Port Commissioners, was adopted as indicated above, "Marketing and Public Relations Services.” Agenda Item 10b. RESOLUTION 2003-139 authorizing negotiation with MJE Marketing Services, after the District’s Marketing Advisory Committee has the opportunity to review the District’s marketing and advertising plan, for purposes of developing terms, covenants, conditions and costs necessary to provide public relations, communications and community relations services to the District for a period of two (2) years commencing July 1, 2003, and ending June 30, 2005, subject to earlier termination, the results of said negotiations will be reported to the Board and a decision made at a later date regarding authorization of an Agreement, including the funding for the first year of said Agreement commencing July 1, 2003, and ending June 30, 2004; further resolving that any funds proposed for the second year of said Agreement, commencing July 1, 2004, and ending June 30, 2005, shall be subject to further approval of the Board of Port Commissioners, was adopted as indicated above, "Marketing and Public Relations Services.” OFFICER’S REPORT Agenda Item 11. In accordance with BPC Policy 110, the following change orders executed by the Executive Director were reported: a. Change Order Nos. 5 for $2,093.10; 11 for a credit of $5,000.00 to RFP with douglas e. barnhart, inc. for Fixed Passenger Access Balcony at B-Street Cruise Ship Terminal. July 29, 2003 Page 218 b. Change Order Nos. 13 for $40,446.91; 14 for $92,289.00; 16 for $275,000.00; 17 for $37,677.33 to Contract No. 2000-03 with General Construction Company for National City Marine Terminal Wharf Extension. c. Change Order No. 13 for $60,973.61 and 6 Calendar Days to 2002-01 with Bellingham Marine Industries, Inc. for Accessible Boat Docks. d. Change Orders No. 12 for 60 Calendar Days; 13 for $3,050.00 to Contract No. 2002-13 with R. E. Staite Engineering, Inc. for Maintenance Dredging, Berths 10-1 and 10-2, Tenth Avenue Marine Terminal. e. Change Order No. 2 for $3,000.00 to Contract No. 2002-15 with International Pavement Solutions, Inc. to Correct Remaining Gallagher Deficiencies at Embarcadero Crescent and Shelter Island. f. Change Order No. 12 for $15,335.00 to Contract No. 2002-19 with C. E. Wylie Construction Co. for General Services Facility, National City. g. Change Order Nos. 12 for $1,634.02 and 12 Calendar Days; 16 for $1,276.51 and 8 Calendar Days; 17 for $26,543.03 and 49 Calendar Days to Contract No. 2002-21 with douglas e. barnhart, inc. for Cruise Ship Terminal Security and Interior Improvements. h. Change Order No. 1 for $1,900.00 to Contract No. 2002-23 with R. E. Staite Engineering, Inc. for National City Marina Basin. i. Change Order Nos. 2 for $2,901.00; 3 for $30,000.00; 4 for $60,000.00 to Contract No. 2002-35 with Whillock Contracting, Inc. to Demolish General Services Facility; 825 Harbor Drive. j. Change Order No. 1 for $15,000.00 to Contract No. 2002-39 with Schindler Elevator Corporation for District Elevator Maintenance. k. Change Order Nos. 2 for $5,000.00; 3 for $10,000.00; 4 for $4,600.00 to Contract No. 2002-53 with Elken Contracting Company for Imperial Beach Pier Utilities Improvement. l. Change Order Nos. 1 for $3,000.00; 2 for $2,000.00 to Contract No. 2002-54 with Elken Contracting Company to Replace Domestic Water Main System, National Distribution Center. m. Change Order No. 1 for $5,000.00 to Contract No. 2003-01 with SRM Contracting and Paving, Inc. for Major Pavement Repairs, Harbor and Shelter Island Tidelands Pavement Management Program. n. Change Order Nos. 1 for $520.16 and 4 Calendar Days; 2 for $280.64 and 4 Calendar Days; 3 for $72.60 and 4 Calendar Days; 4 for $223.02 and 4 Calendar Days; 5 for $300.24 and 4 Calendar Days to Contract No. 2003-13 with Alonso Construction, Inc. for Café Café Ole Improvements. o. Change Order No. 1 for $27,104.00 to Contract No. 2003-24 with Watkins Contracting, Inc. to Demolish General Services Facility; 825 E. Harbor Drive. July 29, 2003 Page 219 PRESIDENT'S REPORT Aqenda Item 12. Dan Wilkens, Executive Vice President, and Commissioner Bixler commented on the success of the Sandcastle Days event. Commissioner Bixler commended staff for their work and assistance for this event. Mr. Wilkens reported on the impact of Small Business Enterprises (SBE) goals of the District by awarding the agreements and contracts on today's agenda. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Aqenda Item 13. None. There was no further action to report, whereupon Chairman Van Deventer adjourned the meeting. /- San Diego Unified Port District AlTEST: - Clerk of thdgan Diego Unified Port District August 12, 2003 Page 220 MINUTES BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District was called to order by Chairman Van Deventer at 1:04 p.m. Tuesday, August 12, 2003, in the Board Room at 3165 Pacific Highway, San Diego, California. ROLL CALL Agenda Item 1. Present: COMMISSIONERS Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; OFFICERS Hollingsworth, Darbeau, Heinrichs, McEntee and Corey Born. Absent: None. Excused: None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Agenda Item 2. The minutes submitted for the special meetings of July 29, 2003, were approved on motion of Commissioner Spane, seconded by Commissioner Bixler. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Agenda Item 3. Michael Conger, representing the Harbor Police Officers Association, addressed the Board and stated that the City of San Diego’s decision to under-fund their retirement plan has placed the District’s pension plan at unnecessary risk. Mr. Conger requested the Board determine how much the District’s plan is at risk and explore other options for the District’s retirement assets. August 12, 2003 Page 221 CONSENT AGENDA AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENT WITH UNITED STORM WATER, INC. Agenda Item 4. On motion of Commissioner Spane, seconded by Commissioner Rios, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-140 authorizing an Agreement with United Storm Water, Inc., a California corporation, to provide Storm Drain Maintenance at the Marine Terminals and Various District Locations for the Three (3) Year period commencing September 1, 2003, and ending August 31, 2006, subject to earlier termination, for a maximum aggregate expenditure not to exceed the sum of $450,000.00, said funds to be disbursed in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said Agreement, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46398, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained- None. ACTION AGENDA STATUS REPORT ON THE CALIFORNIA STATE LANDS COMMISSION’S APPROVAL OF $7.26 MILLION EXPENDITURE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO THE GLORIETTA BAY LINEAR PARK IN THE CITY OF CORONADO AND DIRECTION TO STAFF Agenda Item 5. Dan Wilkens, Executive Vice President, addressed the Board and presented a status report on the California State Lands Commission’s approval of funding for the Glorietta Bay Linear Park project. Commissioner Spane commended staff for their work on this project. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Bixler, Mr. Wilkens provided clarification regarding whether the City of Coronado would be responsible for the cost of future seismic and environment studies. On motion of Commissioner Spane, seconded by Commissioner Bixler, the Board stated their support for this project and directed staff to proceed with the processing of the leases, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained- None. August 12, 2003 Page 222 AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT WITH ACE PARKING MANAGEMENT, INC. Agenda Item 6. Paul Fanfera, Assistant Director, Real Estate, and David Sandoval, Senior Asset Manager, Real Estate, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations regarding the parking services contract for the proposed airport park and shuttle facility at the former Teledyne Industries site. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Mr. Fanfera stated that Five Star Parking has notified staff that, because they signed a non-compete agreement with the Airport, they cannot work with the District’s terms as set out in the Management Agreement attached as part of the Request for Qualifications (RFQ). Five Star Parking has indicated that the fee of 1% of gross revenues in the Management Agreement would be insufficient and would like to negotiate an increase of the fee. Mr. Fanfera stated that Five Star’s request would be inconsistent with the terms of the RFQ and it would be unfair to the other finalists to open up the terms of the Management Agreement at this stage of the selection process. Mr. Fanfera stated that Ace Parking Management, Inc. has indicated to staff that they would be willing to comply with the terms of the Management Agreement. Mr. Fanfera further stated that Ace Parking Management, Inc. was rated second in the selection process, and staff now recommends that Ace Parking Management, Inc. be selected as the operator of the Teledyne parking facility. Paul Chacon, representing Five Star Parking, addressed the Board and requested consideration of their request for increase in fees. Kevin Shrier, representing The Parking Spot, and Steve Burton, representing Ace Parking Management, Inc. addressed the Board and presented their qualifications to operate the Teledyne parking facility. Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioner Davis requested and received clarification from Mr. Fanfera regarding the rating criteria utilized in the selection process. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Davis, Mr. Fanfera and Mr. Sandoval discussed the projected gross revenue and marketing experience for the top three firms. Commissioner Spane requested and received clarification from Mr. Fanfera regarding staff’s justification for the criteria used in the selection process. Commissioner Cushman stated his support for authorizing the agreement with a local firm. Commissioner Cushman expressed concern regarding the rating matrix submitted to the Board. Commissioner Bixler stressed the importance of the operator of the Teledyne parking facility integrating their parking operation with the parking facilities for the Cruise Ship Terminal. Commissioner Bixler requested that District parking needs be provided at the Teledyne parking facility. August 12, 2003 Page 223 On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Davis, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-141 authorizing a Management Agreement with Ace Parking Management, Inc. to manage and operate a park and ride facility located at the former Teledyne Industries site on North Harbor Drive in the City of San Diego, for a period of Sixty (60) Months, subject to earlier termination, in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions more particularly described in Resolution 2003-141 and contained in said Management Agreement, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46399, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained- None. MARINA CORTEZ, INC. – A) PRELIMINARY PROJECT REVIEW FOR PROPOSED REDEVELOPMENT AT THE MARINA CORTEZ, INC. SITE, AND B) DIRECT STAFF TO PROCEED WITH AN ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW FOR PROPOSED HOTEL DEVELOPMENT AND NEW MARINA BUILDING Agenda Item 7ab. Annette Dahl, Senior Asset Manager, Real Estate; Bruce Barnes, representing Marina Cortez; and Thomas Farrell and Sam Hardage, representing Woodfin Suite Hotels, addressed the Board and reviewed the proposed redevelopment at the Marina Cortez site. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioner Bixler requested and received clarification from Dan Wilkens, Executive Vice President, regarding the proposed public promenade for this project. Commissioner Cushman suggested upgrading the marina as part of the redevelopment project. Commissioner Bixler suggested providing shuttle services for employees and expressed concern regarding removing the fuel dock. Commissioner Bixler requested and received clarification regarding the design aspects of the waterside promenade. On motion of Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Bixler, the Board directed staff to proceed with an Environmental Review, by the following vote: YeasBixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; ExcusedNone; Absent-None; Abstained- None. August 12, 2003 Page 224 CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 TO DESIGN BUILD AGREEMENT WITH HENSEL PHELPS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, THE LICENSED CONTRACTING ENTITY OF HILTON SAN DIEGO CONVENTION CENTER, LLC, FOR CONVENTION CENTER HOTEL PARKING FACILITY, SAN DIEGO Agenda Item 8. Tony Heinrichs, Senior Director, Facilities/Chief Engineer, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations regarding the authorization of a change order with Hensel Phelps Construction Company to accommodate the future pedestrian bridge. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Commissioner discussion ensued. In response to an inquiry from Chairman Van Deventer, Peter Hall, President, Center City Development Corporation (CCDC), provided information regarding the possible funding sources for the pedestrian bridge project. Commissioner Davis requested and received clarification from Mr. Hall concerning who pays CCDC plan checks fees on their projects. Commissioner Bixler expressed frustration with the City of San Diego (City) for its unwillingness to waive plan check and permitting fees for this proposed change. Commissioner Bixler suggested the relocation of the second elevator tower to the corner of the building be included in this change order. Brian Brown, representing Hensel Phelps, addressed the Board and stated a design study is being conducted regarding the relocation of both elevator towers. Commissioner Bixler requested and received clarification from Ellen Corey Born, Assistant Port Attorney, concerning the inclusion of the relocation of the second elevator in this change order, as part of the motion. Chairman Van Deventer requested and received clarification from Mr. Brown regarding the entitlement process for this project. Chairman Van Deventer expressed concern regarding the traffic circulation for this project. In response to an inquiry from Chairman Van Deventer, Mr. Hall provided additional information on the location of the pedestrian bridge entrances. Commissioner Davis requested and received clarification from Joseph Wong, representing Joseph Wong Architects, regarding the original design of the elevator towers. Mr. Wong discussed the impact of moving the elevator towers on the original design. Commissioner Davis requested and received clarification from Mr. Heinrichs and Chris Anderson, Vice President, Operations, regarding the impact of this change order on the timeline for the Convention Center Hotel. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Davis, Ms. Corey Born stated that the pedestrian bridge was not included in the Convention Center Hotel development Request for Proposal, and therefore this change order cannot include the pedestrian bridge project. Commissioner Davis stated that a strong message should be conveyed to the City that the District would not August 12, 2003 Page 225 provide any additional funding for this project. Commissioner Cushman suggested including Commissioner Davis’ message as part of the motion. Commissioner Spane requested and received clarification from Mr. Heinrichs and Ms. Anderson regarding the justification of the original design of the elevator towers. Jon Dunchack, representing the City, addressed the Board and provided additional information regarding who usually pays for plan checks fees. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Bixler, Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, stated that the amount of funding reflected in staff’s recommendation for this item includes plan check fees. On motion of Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Cushman, the Board concurred with staff recommendation and agreed to notify the City of San Diego that the District would not provide any additional funding for this project; and adopted RESOLUTION 2003-142 authorizing the execution of Change Order No. 1 to the Design Build Agreement with Hensel Phelps Construction Company, the Licensed Contracting Entity of Hilton San Diego Convention Center, LLC, for Convention Center Hotel Parking Facility, San Diego, subject to written confirmation from the City of San Diego and Centre City Development Corporation (CCDC) that they have been authorized to participate and share 50% of the estimated $330,000.00 cost of said Change Order No. 1, increasing said Design Build Agreement by said amount which includes plan check fees, and extending the contract time Sixty One (61) calendar days to a new completion date of January 31, 2005; further resolving that, in the event the District desires to relocate the second garage elevator tower, the Executive Director or his authorized representative is hereby authorized and directed to execute any Change Order pertaining thereto, however, said relocation shall be performed at no additional cost to the District and with no additional time extension; and, in the event the City of San Diego and CCDC do not receive said authorization to participate in said Change Order No. 1, this approval shall be null and void and of no further force or effect; further that a copy of this Resolution shall be provided to the City of San Diego and CCDC, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained- None. AUTHORIZATION TO ACCEPT ASSISTANCE AWARD FROM THE UNITED STATES TRANSPORTATION SECURITY ADMINISTRATION Stuart Farnsworth, Project Analyst, Marine Operations, Agenda Item 9. addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Commissioner Bixler requested and received clarification from Lt. Dave Garrity, Harbor Police, regarding the August 12, 2003 Page 226 integration of this system with the Automated Regional Justice Information System (ARJIS). On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Davis, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-143 accepting the grant of $1,435,750.00, from the United States Transportation Security Administration, Award No. DTSA20-03-G-01152 (Assistance Award), and authorizing and directing the execution of said Assistance Award; further, in accordance with the terms and conditions contained in said Assistance Award, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46400, the Executive Director of the District hereby agrees to expend the allocated funds for each Project as identified therein, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; AbstainedNone. AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENT WITH MJE MARKETING SERVICES, LLC Rita Vandergaw, Senior Director, Marketing & Agenda Item 10. Communications, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations regarding authorizing an agreement with MJE Marketing Services. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Rick Ghio, representing the San Diego Port Tenants Association, addressed the Board and stated his support for this agreement. Chairman Van Deventer stated that a workshop would be held regarding the District’s comprehensive marketing program. On motion of Commissioner Bixler, seconded by Commissioner Rios, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-144 authorizing an Agreement with MJE Marketing Services, LLC to provide advertising services for the District for the Two (2) Year period commencing July 1, 2003, and ending June 30, 2005, subject to earlier termination, said advertising services to be performed in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said Agreement to be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46401, the maximum expenditure for said advertising services for the period commencing July 1, 2003, and ending June 30, 2004, shall not exceed the sum of $650,000.00; further resolving that any funds proposed for the second year of said Agreement, commencing July 1, 2004, and ending June 30, 2005, shall be subject to approval of the Board of Port Commissioners, by the following vote: YeasBixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; ExcusedNone; Absent-None; Abstained- None. August 12, 2003 Page 227 RESOLUTION REQUESTING APPOINTMENT OF A PORT OF SAN DIEGO REPRESENTATIVE TO THE MAYOR OF SAN DIEGO’S PENSION REFORM COMMISSION; DISCUSSION OF CITY OF SAN DIEGO’S RETIREMENT SYSTEM, AND DIRECTION TO STAFF Agenda Item 11. Commissioner Bixler declared a conflict of interest due to a relationship with one of the representatives from the San Diego City Employees’ Retirement System (SDCERS), Paul Barnett, and therefore abstained from participation in the discussion of this item. Commissioner Bixler then left the dais and the Boardroom. Dan Wilkens, Executive Vice President, stated that the Board at their last meeting requested that this item be placed on the agenda. Commissioner Cushman introduced Diann Shipione, a trustee of the San Diego City Employees Retirement System (SDCERS). Ms. Shipione addressed the Board and discussed the City of San Diego (City) under-funding of their retirement plan and the projected deficit for the next six years. Ms. Shipione stated her concern for the members of SDCERS due to the projected deficit. Commissioner discussion ensued. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Cushman, Jeff McEntee, Senior Director, Business & Financial Services/Treasurer, stated that the District is sharing in the legal expenses incurred by the City due to the underfunding of their retirement plan. Commissioner Cushman suggested that staff send to current and past employees a communication outlining the benefits and concerns of the District’s retirement plan. Commissioner Cushman also suggested sending another communication explaining the alternative of participating in the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS). Commissioner Cushman suggested that the input of District employees be solicited anonymously by including a postage-paid postcard with the communication. Commissioner Spane requested and received clarification from Ms. Shipione and Mr. McEntee regarding the accrued interest on the City’s pension plan deficit. Commissioner Rios requested and received clarification from Ms. Shipione regarding any benefits the City receives if SDCERS continues to administer the District’s retirement plan. In response to a comment by Commissioner Rios regarding her perception that staff is reluctant to explore the option of contracting with PERS to administer the District’s retirement plan, Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, stated that staff has not made a recommendation regarding retirement plan options and August 12, 2003 Page 228 intends to diligently work through the complexity of issues. Mr. Hollingsworth expressed his appreciation to the Board for their concern with respect to this item. Commissioner Davis requested and received clarification on a variety of SDCERS issues from Larry Grissom, Retirement Administrator, SDCERS, including the definition of retirement-related terms, the availability of loans from SDCERS, pending real estate purchases, health benefits available with SDCERS, the SDCERS Mission Statement, and training of the trustees. Commissioner Davis stated that analyzing the District’s retirement plan options is an on-going process. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Cushman, Mr. Grissom stated that the District is not paying legal fees associated with the City’s decision to under-fund their retirement plan. Mr. Grissom stated the District’s employees should not be concerned that under-funding of the City’s retirement plan jeopardizes the District’s retirement plan. Commissioner Cushman expressed his concern of the potential conflict of interest with regard to the number of SDCERS trustees who are also receiving benefits from the retirement plan. Chester Mordasini, representing Teamster Local 911, addressed the Board and stated his support for the District having a representative on the City’s Pension Reform Commission. Chairman Van Deventer stated that he has sent a letter to City of San Diego Mayor Dick Murphy requesting a District representative on the City’s Pension Reform Commission. CLOSED SESSION Agenda Item 14 & 15. Chairman Van Deventer noted there were no additional items on the open session agenda for discussion, whereupon Ellen Corey Born, Assistant Port Attorney, announced the closed session items for today's agenda, as follows: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – INITIATION OF LITIGATION Pursuant to Subdivision (c) of Government Code Section 54956.9: One Case CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – POTENTIAL LITIGATION Pursuant to Subdivision (b)(1) of Government Code Section 54956.9: One Case August 12,2003 Page 229 PRESIDENT'S REPORT Aaenda Item 12. None. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Aaenda Item 13. None. There was no formal action to report from the Closed Session, whereupon Chairman Van Deventer adjourned the meeting. San Diego Unified Port District Page 230 August 26,2003 MINUTES BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT A regular meeting of the Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District was called to order by the Clerk at 1:OO p.m. Tuesday, August 26, 2003 in the Board Room at 3165 Pacific Highway, San Diego, California. By previous agreement of the Board of Port Commissioners, the regular meeting was not held and no commissioners were present. The regular meeting was adjourned by the Clerk to Tuesday, August 26,2003 at L O O p.m. in the City of Coronado Police Facilities Emergency Operations Center at 700 Orange Avenue, Coronado, California. Clerk of the Boawof Port Commissioners San Diego Unified Port District c August 26, 2003 Page 231 MINUTES BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT The special meeting of the Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District was called to order by Chairman Van Deventer at 1:00 p.m. Tuesday, August 26, 2003, in the City of Coronado Police Facilities Emergency Operations Center at 700 Orange Avenue, Coronado, California. ROLL CALL Agenda Item 1. Present: COMMISSIONERS Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; OFFICERS Hollingsworth, Bennett, Darbeau, Heinrichs and McEntee. Absent: None. Excused: None. CORONADO MAYOR PRO TEM COMMENTS City of Coronado Mayor Pro Tem Philip Monroe welcomed the Board to the City of Coronado and introduced City Council Members and City staff. Mayor Pro Tem Monroe thanked the Board and District staff for the collaboration on City projects. INTRODUCTION OF NEW POLICE CHIEF Wayne Darbeau, Vice President, Administration/District Clerk, introduced the newly appointed Chief of Harbor Police, Betty Kelepecz. Chief Kelepecz stated she felt honored for being selected as the new Harbor Police Chief. August 26, 2003 Page 232 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Agenda Item 2. The minutes submitted for the regular meeting of August 12, 2003, were approved on motion of Commissioner Compton, seconded by Commissioner Bixler. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Agenda Item 3. Jo Scott, representing the Coronado Playhouse, addressed the Board and requested to utilize a piece of property located at the Tidelands Park as a temporary location for the playhouse. Commissioner Spane requested Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, respond to the request. Cheryl Smith, representing the YachtFest, addressed the Board and announced the San Diego 2003 YachtFest will be held on September 10-14, 2003 at the Shelter Island Marina. (A copy of the presentation is on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Michael Conger, representing the Harbor Police Officers Association, addressed the Board and discussed comments made by San Diego City Employees Retirement System (SDCERS) Trustee, Terri Webster, regarding questions asked of Larry Grissom, Retirement Administrator, SDCERS, at the August 12, 2003 Board meeting. Mr. Conger presented to the Board copies of SDCERS Retirement Board Minutes discussing benefit enhancements to the system. Abdul-Rahim Hameed, representing the Black Contractors Association, addressed the Board and expressed interest in working with the District on the expansion of the parking structure located at the Convention Center. Commissioner Cushman commented on past successes with Convention Center projects that had a high percentage of participation by contractors who are representative of our community. CONSENT AGENDA Commissioner Bixler requested that item 6 (Resolution establishing rent for CHLN, Inc. dba Joe’s Crab Shack for the period November 1, 2001 through October 21, 2006) be pulled for separate discussion and vote. August 26, 2003 Page 233 On motion of Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Bixler, the Board, with a single vote, adopted consent agenda items 4, 5, 7 and 8 (Ordinances 2258 and 2259, and Resolutions 2003-145 through and including 2003-147) by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained- None, as follows: ORDINANCE AMENDING LICENSE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT AND THE JANKOVICH COMPANY Agenda Item 4. ORDINANCE 2258 amending the license agreement dated May 1, 2000, between the District and The Jankovich Company, a California corporation, in accordance with Agreement for Amendment of License Agreement, Amendment No. 1, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46427, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. REJECTION OF BIDS TO PROVIDE DUMPSTER SERVICE FOR TENTH AVENUE MARINE TERMINAL AND VARIOUS OTHER DISTRICT LOCATIONS Agenda Item 5. RESOLUTION 2003-145 rejecting the bids submitted to Provide Dumpster Service for the Tenth Avenue Marine Terminal and Various Other District Locations, and authorizing and directing the publication, in accordance with law, of notice calling for bids to Provide Dumpster Service for the Tenth Avenue Marine Terminal and Various Other District Locations in accordance with plans and specifications, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. CITY OF SAN DIEGO – SEWER LINE FACILITIES, SHELTER ISLAND DRIVE Agenda Item 7a. RESOLUTION 2003-146 approving the City of San Diego’s proposed Project to expand, rehabilitate and modernize Pump Station No. 39, located north of Shelter Island Drive, and determining the Project to be Categorically Exempt under California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, Section 15301, Existing Facilities, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. ORDINANCE GRANTING AN EASEMENT TO THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO Agenda Item 7b. ORDINANCE 2259 approving and granting the Easement between the District and The City of San Diego, a municipal corporation, for an underground easement, together with incidental surface rights, including but not limited to sewer manholes and other items normally associated with a sewer facility, for the August 26, 2003 Page 234 purposes of construction, operation, maintenance, repair, replacement and inspection of public sewer facilities, and incidents and appurtenances thereto, for approximately 368 square feet of tideland area located north of Shelter Island Drive in the City of San Diego, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46428, further directing the execution of said Easement with the City of San Diego on behalf of the District, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. AWARD OF CONTRACT 2003-21 TO AREA WEST FENCE CO. FOR FENCE IMPROVEMENTS, NATIONAL CITY MARINE TERMINAL AND SHELTER ISLAND Agenda Item 8. RESOLUTION 2003-147 adopting the Plans and Specifications for Project No. SD2042MC, Fence Improvements, National City Marine Terminal and Shelter Island, commonly known as District Construction Contract 2003-21; further accepting the low bid of Area West Fence Co., a California corporation, in an amount not to exceed $173,350.00, based upon prices set forth in the bid proposal, in accordance with Bid Schedules A and B, for Fence Improvements, National City Marine Terminal and Shelter Island; and authorizing and directing the execution of Contract 2003-21 on behalf of the District with Area West Fence Co. for the performance of said work; provided, however, in the event that the United States of America, Department of Transportation, Maritime Administration (DOT/MA) does not extend its Port Security Grant award, which has a contract completion date of September 30, 2003, no Notice to Proceed shall be issued and this authorization is null and void and of no further force or effect, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING RENT FOR CHLN, INC. DBA JOE’S CRAB SHACK FOR THE PERIOD OF NOVEMBER 1, 2001 THROUGH OCTOBER 31, 2006 Agenda Item 6. In response to a question from Commissioner Bixler regarding the status of installing a monument sign, Patti Phillips, Asset Manager, Real Estate, stated that a signage plan is in process. Commissioner Bixler discussed installing a third sign. Commissioner Bixler made a suggestion to staff regarding the possibility of reducing the rent for CHLN, Inc. if the District took over part of the property for a Dock ‘n Dine opportunity. Commissioner Cushman expressed his concern with the delay of adding boat docks to the property. Commissioner Cushman suggested this item be tabled for two weeks to allow staff to respond to his concerns. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, requested that the Board approve this item today and allow staff to work with the tenant to address the docking issue. August 26, 2003 Page 235 On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Bixler, the Board voted to continue this item to a future Board meeting, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained- None. PRESENTATION GLORIETTA BAY MASTER PLAN PROJECT: A) PRESENTATION OF THE CITY OF CORONADO’S GLORIETTA BAY MASTER PLAN PROJECT Agenda Item 9a. Annette Dahl, Senior Asset Manager, Real Estate; Jim Benson, Director of Engineering and Development, City of Coronado; and Roberta Jorgensen and Patricia Trauth, representing Robbins Jorgensen Christopher, addressed the Board and provided a brief history and overview of the Glorietta Bay Master Plan Project. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioner Cushman requested and received clarification from Ms. Jorgensen regarding the surface of the proposed promenade. Commissioner Spane stated his appreciation to the Board and District staff for their support of this project. Commissioner Spane thanked the staff and leadership from the District and the City of Coronado for their cooperation on this project. B) PRESENTATION ON PUBLIC ART AS IT RELATES TO THE GLORIETTA BAY LINEAR PARK PROJECT Agenda Item 9b. Catherine Sass, Director, Public Art; Caroline Murray, Public Art Committee member representing the City of Coronado; and Linda Stanton, Chairperson, City of Coronado Public Art Subcommittee, addressed the Board and provided an overview of the City of Coronado Public Art Projects. (A copy of the presentation is on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) In response to an inquiry regarding the number of City of Coronado art projects funded by the District, Ms. Sass stated which projects have been funded by the District. August 26, 2003 Page 236 ACTION AGENDA PRESENTATION OF RESULTS OF AN ANALYSIS OF THE FISCAL AND ECONOMIC IMPACT OF THE PORT OF SAN DIEGO Jim Hutzelman, Assistant Director, Communications & Agenda Item 10. Community Services, introduced Bill Anderson, representing Economics Research Associates (ERA), who addressed the Board and presented the results of an analysis of the Fiscal and Economic Impact of the Port of San Diego. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Commissioner Spane requested and received additional information from Mr. Anderson regarding the accuracy of the data and how the District’s economic impact compares to other industries in the region. Commissioner Bixler requested that staff send a copy of the results to Julie Meier Wright, San Diego Regional Economic Development Corporation; Jessie Knight, San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce; Gary Gallegos, San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG); Marney Cox, SANDAG; and the State Lands Commission. IMC CHEMICALS, INC., WATER STREET, TENTH AVENUE MARINE TERMINAL Agenda Item 11. Dirk Mathiasen, Director, Maritime Properties & Facilities, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations granting conceptual approval for IMC Chemicals, Inc.’s (IMC) sand aggregate conveyor system project. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioner Cushman requested and received clarification from Mr. Mathiasen regarding whether the tariff on sand is the same as the tariff on IMC current products, and if IMC will be paying the same tariff that any other tenant would pay. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, provided additional information on the settlement agreement with IMC and stated that the agreement includes sand in their tonnage allowance. Chris Anderson, Vice President, Operations, addressed the Board and provided a brief history of the settlement agreement with IMC. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Bixler regarding whether approval of this item was time sensitive, Ms. Anderson affirmed approval is time sensitive to let the District meet its commitment under the settlement agreement. Commissioner Bixler stated the need to have additional information regarding revenue projections before approving this item. Chairman Van Deventer requested and received clarification from Mr. Mathiasen regarding projected revenue. In response to a comment from Commissioner Davis regarding changing the proposed tariff for IMC, Ms. August 26, 2003 Page 237 Anderson stated that the item before the Board is only the conceptual approval of the conveyor system project. Ms. Anderson stated that under the terms of the settlement agreement, the District could not unreasonably withhold consent of the improvements. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Spane, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-148 approving IMC’s proposed Project to build a sand aggregate conveyor system at the Tenth Avenue Marine Terminal, and determining the Project to be Categorically Exempt under California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, Section 15302, Replacement or Reconstruction, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained- None. AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO SUBGRANT AWARD AGREEMENT WITH THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY BY THE CALIFORNIA OFFICE OF HOMELAND SECURITY Agenda Item 12. Dan Wilkens, Executive Vice President, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations accepting grant funds from the Office of Homeland Security. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Rios, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-149 authorizing Wayne Darbeau, the Vice President, Administration, of the District to execute for and on behalf of the District, a public corporation established under the laws of the State of California, any actions necessary for the purpose of obtaining federal financial assistance under the State Homeland Security Grant Program, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained- None. SAN DIEGO AIRCRAFT CARRIER MUSEUM AND U.S. NAVY Rich Gannon, Asset Manager, Real Estate, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations regarding the Navy Pier 11A. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) On motion of Commissioner Spane, seconded by Commissioner Rios, the Board, with a single vote, adopted ORDINANCES 2260 and 2261 by the following vote: YeasBixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; ExcusedNone; Absent-None; Abstained- None, as follows: August 26, 2003 Page 238 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE TERMINATION OF THE PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT AND JOINT ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE TRANSFER OF PROPERTY KNOWN AS NAVY PIER 11A AND THE CANCELLATION OF ESCROW Agenda Item 13a. ORDINANCE 2260 authorizing the termination of the Purchase and Sale Agreement and Joint Escrow Instructions and other necessary documents related to the transfer of the property known as Navy Pier 11A, located on the west side of Harbor Drive in the City of San Diego, from the San Diego Aircraft Carrier Museum, and authorizing the cancellation of escrow, was adopted as indicated above, “San Diego Aircraft Carrier Museum and U.S. Navy.” ORDINANCE ACCEPTING QUITCLAIM DEED FROM THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY Agenda Item 13b. ORDINANCE 2261 directing the acceptance of a Quitclaim Deed from the United States of America, acting by and through the Department of the Navy, for approximately 5.9086 acres of property comprised of Pier 11A and Building 11 located on North Harbor Drive in the City of San Diego, said Quitclaim Deed to be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46429, and further directing the execution of the necessary Certificate of Acceptance on behalf of the District was adopted as indicated above, “San Diego Aircraft Carrier Museum and U.S. Navy.” OFFICER’S REPORT Agenda Item 14. In accordance with BPC Policy 110, the following change orders executed by the Executive Director were reported: a. Change Order No. 15 for a credit of $125,000.00 to Contract No. 2000-03 with General Construction Company for National City Marine Terminal Wharf Extension. b. Change Order No. 14 for a credit of $53,338.00 to Contract No. 2002-13 with R. E. Staite Engineering, Inc. for Maintenance Dredging Berths 10-1 and 10-2, Tenth Avenue Marine Terminal. c. Change Order Nos. 16 for a credit of $66,461.57; 17 for $11,800.00; 18 for $77,500.00 to Contract No. 2002-19 with C. E. Wylie Construction Company for General Services Facility. August 26, 2003 Page 239 d. Change Order Nos. 5 for $2,800.00; 6 for $491.00; 7 for $550.00 to Contract No. 2002-53 with Elken Contracting Company for Imperial Beach Pier Utilities Improvements. e. Change Order Nos. 3 for $23,296.00; 4 for $6,544.00 to Contract No. 2002-54 with Elken Contracting Company to Replace Domestic Water Main System, National Distribution Center. f. Change Order No. 2 for a credit of $4,270.00 to Contract No. 2003-01 with SRM Contracting and Paving for Major Pavement Repairs Harbor Island and Shelter Island Tidelands Pavement Management Program. g. Change Order No. 2 for $612.00 to Contract No. 2003-04 with HTA Construction for Landscape Renovation Cesar E. Chavez Park. h. Change Order Nos. 1 for $864.50 and 1 Calendar Day; 2 for $1,313.76 and 1 Calendar Day to Contract No. 2003-07 with Ghassan Construction for Canyon Path Pedestrian Access Improvements. i. Change Order No. 6 for $747.50 to Contract No. 2003-13 with Alonso Construction, Inc. for Café Café Ole Improvements. PRESIDENT’S REPORT Agenda Item 15. Tony Heinrichs, Senior Director, Facilities/Chief Engineer, announced that the American Public Works Association is currently holding its Annual Congress in San Diego at the Convention Center. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Agenda Item 16. Commissioner Cushman expressed his concern regarding the comments made by SDCERS Trustee, Terri Webster, and requested that Chairman Van Deventer meet with the Chairman of the SDCERS Board regarding those comments and report back to the Board. Chairman Van Deventer stated that a meeting would be setup. Commissioner Spane stated that Commissioner Emeritus Paul Speer expressed a desire to attend today’s meeting but was unable to do so. Commissioner Bixler commended staff for the Dock ‘n Dine information provided to the Board and suggested standardizing the language with the tenants as it relates to Dock ‘n Dine matters. Page 240 August 26,2003 Commissioner Rios suggested that the District explore opportunities in assisting the Crosby Street Park and other less affluent communities. Chairman Van Deventer expressed his appreciation to the City of Coronado for hosting today's meeting. CLOSED SESSION Aaenda Item 17. Chairman Van Deventer noted there were no additional items on the open session agenda for discussion, whereupon Duane Bennett, Port Attorney, announced the closed session item for today's agenda, as follows: CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 Property: Marina Park Way at Convention Way, San Diego Negotiating Parties: Ray Carpenter and Arthur Engel, Fifth Avenue Landing, a California General Partnership, and M. Christine Anderson, SDUPD Under Negotiation: Price and Terms There was no formal action to report from the Closed Session, whereupon Chairman Van Deventer adjourned the meeting. San Diego Unified Pod District ATTEST: Clerk of the Sabhiego Unified Port District September 9, 2003 Page 241 MINUTES BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT As previously posted, a special meeting of the Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District was called to order by Chairman Van Deventer at 9:05 a.m. Tuesday, September 9, 2003, in the Board Room at 3165 Pacific Highway, San Diego, California. ROLL CALL Agenda Item 1. Present: COMMISSIONERS Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Van Deventer; OFFICERS Hollingsworth, Bennett, McEntee and Heinrichs. Absent: None. Excused: Commissioner Spane was excused for personal reasons. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Agenda Item 2. None. WORKSHOP MARITIME BUSINESS PLAN AND SALES STRATEGY UPDATE Agenda Item 3. Ron Popham, Senior Director, Maritime; Stuart Farnsworth, Project Analyst, Marine Operations; Dirk Mathiasen, Director, Maritime Properties & Facilities; and Kevin Arner, Director, Maritime Trade Development, addressed the Board and presented the Maritime Business Plan and Sales Strategy. (A copy of the presentation is on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Dennis Kelly, representing The Pasha Group (Pasha), addressed the Board and presented the strategic plan for Pasha. Mr. Kelly stated that, to increase efficiency and revenue, Pasha is exploring plans to build a parking structure and reconfigure property parcels. (A copy of the presentation is on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) September 9, 2003 Page 242 Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioner Bixler requested and received clarification regarding whether the vacant Goodrich property would be suitable for the Bentley automobiles from Mr. Kelley, who stated that National Distribution Center facility may be more efficient. Mr. Mathiasen stated that Pasha is currently using the Goodrich property on a short-term basis. In response to a suggestion from Commissioner Bixler on the possibility of utilizing the same parking consultant as Pasha, Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, stated that staff has used the consultant on District parking issues in the past. Commissioner Davis requested and received clarification from Mr. Kelly on why the Bentley automobiles are being brought into Los Angeles and not San Diego. Commissioner Davis requested and received clarification from Mr. Kelly on the efficiency of Pasha as it relates to capacity and potential revenues. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Davis regarding the impact on the relationship between Pasha and District if Pasha builds a parking garage, Mr. Kelly stated that Pasha is looking for a long-term agreement with the District. Chairman Van Deventer requested and received clarification from Mr. Arner, Mr. Hollingsworth and Mr. Popham regarding the status of the proposed trade mission to Latin America. Commissioner Cushman stated that the District would be remiss in not scheduling the trade mission trip to Latin America, and the trip should be scheduled soon. Chairman Van Deventer stated that the trip should not be pushed back any further. Mr. Popham stated he would schedule the trip. Commissioner Cushman requested clarification from Mr. Arner regarding Maritime’s labor strategy. Commissioner Cushman expressed his concern that the District is not meeting the levels of production as compared to other Ports. Commissioner Cushman requested that Chairman Van Deventer send a letter to Pacific Maritime Association (PMA) and Local 29 urging them to address the productivity issues. Commissioner Bixler suggested including in the letter a comparison to other Ports and requesting how PMA plans to address these issues. Commissioner Davis requested and received additional information from Commissioner Cushman regarding the productivity issues for the District. In response to Commissioner Davis’ suggestion regarding information relating to productivity levels of other Ports, Mr. Hollingsworth suggested including this information in generic terms in the letter. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Davis, the Board determined that Chairman Van Deventer would send a letter, including generic information regarding production levels of other ports, to Pacific Maritime Association and Local 29 requesting how they plan to address productivity issues at the District, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Van Deventer; NaysNone; Excused-Spane; Absent-None; Abstained-None. September 9, 2003 Page 243 Commissioner discussion continued. Commissioner Bixler expressed concern with the lack of progress on an alternative rail service for the District. Commissioner Bixler suggested the Board begin working with the regional government agencies and rail lines on this issue. Mr. Popham expressed the difficulty of working with bureaucracies involved in this issue. Chairman Van Deventer requested and received clarification from Mr. Mathiasen regarding how much additional acreage would be obtained if staff solicited tenants who would be willing to expand the wharf in exchange for a long-term lease. Mr. Hollingsworth stated that staff would research Chairman Van Deventer’s request and report back to the Board. Commissioner Cushman stated that the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) is key to solving the rail service issue and requested that Chairman Van Deventer and staff report back to the Board regarding the status of SANDAG addressing this issue. Commissioner Bixler suggested including Banister Steel in the reconfiguration of land parcels to assist in addressing the capacity issues of the District. Chairman Van Deventer announced that the Board would take a short break. Chairman Van Deventer called the meeting back to order at 10:33 a.m. Chairman Van Deventer noted that all Commissioners were present, except for Commissioner Cushman and Commissioner Spane who was excused for personal reasons. Commissioner Cushman returned to the dais at 10:40 a.m. PRESENTATION OF THE RESULTS OF THE CRUISE FEASIBILITY STUDY Agenda Item 4. Rita Vandergaw, Senior Director, Marketing & Communications; Javier Saunders, Assistant Director, Engineering; and Luis Ajamil, representing Barmello, Ajamil & Partners, Inc., addressed the Board and presented an assessment of the B Street Pier and the results of the Cruise Feasibility and Economic Impact Analysis. (Copies of the presentations are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Mr. Saunders discussed the structural condition of the B Street Pier, including past major maintenance repairs and renovations, and results of recent inspections. Mr. Ajamil presented a detailed report on the results of Cruise Feasibility and Economic Impact Analysis. Larry Kaye, representing the Cruise Industry Advisory Committee, addressed the Board and urged them to direct staff to begin identifying creating financing solutions to address the development needs of the Cruise Ship Terminal. Carl Winston, representing San Diego State University, addressed the Board and stated that investing in the Cruise Ship Terminal is critical to the District’s vision. Page 244 September 9,2003 Commissioner discussion ensued. I n response to an inquiry from Chairman Van Deventer regarding why the Lane Field development: was not considered for off-site parking, Ms. Vandergaw stated staff directed the consultant not to include parking in the Lane Field project. Chairman Van Deventer expressed his concern regarding the impact of the redevelopmentof the Cruise Ship Terminal on the tour boat industry. Ms. Vandergaw stated that the consultant determined that the cruise industry and tour boat industry are in conflict with each other. Ms. Vandergaw stated that staff is working with the tour boat operators to identify areas for relocation. Chris Anderson, Vice President, Operations, stated that staff is meeting witlh the Harbor Excursion operators later this month regarding relocating the tour boats. Commissioner Cushman stated the need for more retail in the redevelopment of the Cruise Ship Terminal. Commissioner Cushman stated the importance of the Cruise Ship Terminal project being tied to the Land Field redevelopment. Mr. Ajamil discussed the possibility of joining the two projects. Commissioner Cushman requested staff come back to the Board with a phasing plan for the Cruise Ship Terminal project, including raising tariffs immediately. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, commented on staffs direction to the consultant regarding the Lane Field project. Commissioner Bixler expressed his concern regarding the impact of the Cruise Ship Terminal redevelopment on pedestrian traffic and suggested raising Harbor Drive to connect the two projects. Commissioner Compton suggested creating an overpass connecting both properties. There was no further action taken, whereupon Chairman Van Deventer adjourned the meeting. /-I & S retary, S8n Diego Unified Port District ATTEST: /-- September 9, 2003 Page 245 MINUTES BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District was called to order by Chairman Van Deventer at 1:02 p.m. Tuesday, September 9, 2003, in the Board Room at 3165 Pacific Highway, San Diego, California. ROLL CALL Agenda Item 1. Present: COMMISSIONERS Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Van Deventer; OFFICERS Hollingsworth, Bennett, Darbeau, Heinrichs and McEntee. Absent: None. Excused: Commissioner Spane was excused for personal reasons. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Agenda Item 2. The minutes submitted for the special meetings of August 26, 2003, were approved on motion of Commissioner Bixler, seconded by Commissioner Rios. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Agenda Item 3. None. CONSENT AGENDA On motion of Commissioner Compton, seconded by Commissioner Rios, the Board, with a single vote, adopted consent agenda items 4 and 5 (Resolutions 2003- September 9, 2003 Page 246 150 and 2003-151) by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Spane; Absent-None; Abstained-None, as follows: REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Agenda Item 4. RESOLUTION 2003-150 waiving the provisions of BPC Policy 110 relating to the notice inviting sealed bids for a purchase in excess of $100,000.00 as provided in said Policy, and authorizing the issuance of a Request for Proposals for the Design and Construction of a 32-Foot Harbor Police Patrol/Fireboat, the results of said Request for Proposals will be reported to the Board and a decision made at a later date regarding authorization of an Agreement, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. RATIFICATION OF PRIOR AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA Agenda Item 5. RESOLUTION 2003-151 approving the District entering into a Memorandum of Understanding with the City of Chula Vista and affirming, confirming and ratifying the execution of said MOU on behalf of the District as of April 13, 2001, by Bruce Hollingsworth, formerly Senior Director, Business and Financial Services/Treasurer of the District, and now the Executive Director of the District; further resolving that payments for the expansion of said Enterprise Zone shall continue to be paid to the City of Chula Vista in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said MOU, and all payments heretofore made to the City of Chula Vista are hereby affirmed, confirmed and ratified, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. PRESENTATION PRESENTATION OF THE DISTRICT’S EMPLOYEE OF THE QUARTER FOR THE 2ND QUARTER OF 2003 Agenda Item 6. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, announced that Steve Austin, Associate Engineer, Engineering Design, was chosen as Employee of the Quarter for the second quarter of 2003. Mr. Austin was recognized for delivering an outstanding product and consistently displaying a positive attitude. September 9, 2003 Page 247 ACTION AGENDA AMENDING CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM, FISCAL YEARS 2003-2007 Agenda Item 7. Rinus Baak, Senior Director, Project Office, addressed the Board and presented an update on the FY 2003-2007 Capital Development Program (CDP) and staff recommendations. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioner Davis requested and received clarification from Mr. Baak regarding the requested CDP budget revisions. Commissioner Rios requested and received clarification from Mr. Baak and Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, regarding the cash flow comparison for FY 2005. Commissioner Bixler commended staff for the update. On motion of Commissioner Bixler, seconded by Commissioner Cushman, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-152 amending the Capital Development Program, Fiscal Years 2003-2007,to include an additional $205,000.00 for a new total of $150,133,000.00, said Capital Development Program, Fiscal Years 2003-2007, as amended, shall be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46475, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Spane; Absent-None; Abstained- None. PRELIMINARY PROJECT REVIEW FOR PROPOSED DEMOLITION OF FOUR BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION OF PARKING LOT AT THE CONTINENTAL MARITIME OF SAN DIEGO, INC. AND DIRECTION TO STAFF TO CONDUCT AN ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Agenda Item 8. John Wallace, Asset Manager, Real Estate; Karen Beebe of Burkett & Wong; and Lee Wilson, representing Continental Maritime of San Diego, Inc., (Continental Maritime) addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations and an overview of the proposed demolition of four buildings and construction of a parking lot at Continental Maritime. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioner Cushman requested that staff coordinate the public art element for this project with Commissioner Emeritus Frank Urtasun. Commissioner Bixler requested and received clarification from Mr. Wilson about the designated uses of the piers located at Continental Maritime. Commissioner September 9, 2003 Page 248 Bixler requested that staff discuss with Continental Maritime the possibility of accessing District property from the piers. Commissioner Rios requested and received clarification from Dan Wilkens, Executive Vice President, regarding the name of the park. Commissioner Rios expressed concern regarding the homeless in the area. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, stated that staff is exploring a strategy for dealing with the homeless on the tidelands. Mr. Hollingsworth requested that Betty Kelepecz, Chief, Harbor Police, review the status of what action has been taken. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Davis regarding whether the parking lot would be available to the community for large public events, Mr. Wilson stated it would be available. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Bixler, the Board concurred with staff recommendations as outlined in the staff report, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Van Deventer; NaysNone; Excused-Spane; Absent-None; Abstained- None. AUTHORIZATION TO EXPEND FUNDS UNDER THE JOINT EXERCISE OF POWERS AGREEMENT WITH THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO ACTING THROUGH THE CENTRE CITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Agenda Item 9. Karen Weymann, Assistant Director, Real Estate, and Barbara McKrell, Project Manager, Engineering-Project Management, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioner Davis requested and received clarification from Ms. Weymann on the compatibility between landside and waterside uses. Commissioner Rios requested and received clarification from Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, regarding the differences between this project and the South Embarcadero Bayside Commercial site. Chairman Van Deventer requested George Palermo, representing San Diego Harbor Excursion, to comment on the compatibility of tour boat industry and the cruise ship terminal redevelopment. Mr. Palermo stated that he has never had a problem operating his boats alongside the cruise ships. Commissioner Cushman stated he would be voting against this item due to his concern regarding the lack of financial commitment from the District and the City of San Diego. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Bixler regarding plans to increase capacity so as to allow four cruise ships to berth at the same time, Ms. Vandergaw September 9, 2003 Page 249 stated that the size of the cruise ships limits the capacity to three ships. Commissioner Bixler discussed possible areas for relocating the tour boats. Commissioner Bixler requested and received clarification from Mr. Hollingsworth and Chris Anderson, Vice President, Operations, regarding what is included in the deliverables, specifically if they include elevations for this project. Chairman Van Deventer stated the importance of keeping this project moving forward. Commissioner Davis stated he has confidence that funding will come through for this project. On motion of Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Van Deventer, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-153 authorizing the expenditure of funds for the District’s share of the cost for the schematic design services of Ehrenkrantz Eckstut and Kuhn, said funds shall not exceed the sum of $925,000.00, paid in incremental payments through April 30, 2004, to develop schematic drawings for the North Embarcadero Visionary Plan, said funds shall be payable to the Centre City Development Corporation, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Davis, Rios, Van Deventer; Nays-Cushman; Excused-Spane; Absent-None; Abstained- None. AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT WITH BOYLE ENGINEERING CORPORATION On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Agenda Item 10. Commissioner Bixler, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-154 authorizing a Second Amendment to the Agreement with Boyle Engineering Corporation for additional services in connection with the design and preparation of construction documents for the Marina Parkway Realignment in Chula Vista, to an amount not to exceed $272,100.00, said fee to be disbursed in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said Second Amendment to Agreement, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46476, and extending the term of said Agreement, as amended, to December 31, 2004, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Spane; Absent-None; Abstained- None. RENTAL REVIEW – CHULA VISTA MARINA / RV PARK, LTD. Agenda Item 11. John Wallace, Asset Manager, Real Estate, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations regarding establishing proposed rent for Chula Vista Marina/RV Park, Ltd. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) September 9, 2003 Page 250 On motion of Commissioner Compton, seconded by Commissioner Bixler, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-155 establishing the rental covering the tenancy of Chula Vista Marina/RV Park, Ltd., a California limited partnership, (Lessee) for premises located on Marina Parkway in the City of Chula Vista, under lease dated November 3, 1981, as assigned and amended, for the five (5) year rental review period commencing December 1, 2001, and ending November 30, 2006, as more particularly outlined in Resolution 2003-155, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Davis, Rios, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Spane; Absent-None; Abstained-Cushman. RENTAL REVIEW – CHLN, INC. EAST HARBOR DRIVE, SAN DIEGO Agenda Item 12. On motion of Commissioner Bixler, seconded by Commissioner Cushman, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-156 establishing the rental covering the tenancy of CHLN, Inc. (Lessee) for premises located at 525 East Harbor Drive in the City of San Diego, under lease dated November 10, 1981, as assigned, for the Five (5) year rental review period commencing November 1, 2001, and ending October 31, 2006, as more particularly outlined in Resolution 2003-156, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Van Deventer; Nays-None; ExcusedSpane; Absent-None; Abstained- None. CONSIDERATION OF LATE CLAIM APPLICATION OF CLAIMANT: DAVID MALCOLM Agenda Item 13. Duane Bennett, Port Attorney, stated that the Board is here today to consider the late claim application of David Malcolm. Mr. Bennett summarized the late claim application for the Board. Mr. Bennett outlined the guidelines used to determine whether to grant or deny the late claim application contained in Government Code Section 911.6. Mr. Bennett stated that Mr. Malcolm and his attorney have been notified of this proceeding. Mr. Bennett stated that if anyone is here representing Mr. Malcolm, he would recommend that the Board allow those persons to come before the Board and be given more time to speak. Mr. Bennett stated that the Board could accept the late claim application and direct that the claim be brought back for consideration at a subsequent Board meeting; the Board could deny the late claim application; or the Board could direct that this matter be brought back for further consideration. Commissioner Cushman requested and received clarification from Mr. Bennett regarding what has changed since the Board took action at a previous meeting to return the claim as being untimely filed. September 9, 2003 Page 251 Chairman Van Deventer asked if anybody present was representing Mr. Malcolm and would like to speak to this matter. No one requested to speak. Commissioner Davis commented on the date that Mr. Malcolm entered his plea in the criminal matter. Commissioner Bixler requested and received clarification from Mr. Bennett regarding the definition of “willfully and unlawfully violate the provisions of such law”. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Rios, the Board denied the Late Claim Application of Claimant and refused to consider the claim of David Malcolm, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Spane; Absent-None; Abstained- None. PRESIDENT’S REPORT Agenda Item 14. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, announced that at 8:00 AM, Thursday, September 11, 2003 there would be a 9/11 Commemoration Event at the Administration Building. Mr. Hollingsworth announced that Tony Heinrichs, Senior Director, Facilities/Chief Engineer, would be receiving an award for Outstanding Service in a Public Agency by the American Public Works Association (APWA). Mr. Heinrichs informed the Board that the District received three awards for projects of the year from APWA. Mr. Hollingsworth discussed the apparent confusion regarding the filing of semiannual Statement of Economic Interest (Form 700) requirement contained in the District’s Code of Ethics. Mr. Hollingsworth recommended that at the next Board meeting an item be placed on the agenda postponing the filing of the semi-annual changes to Form 700 until a Board workshop is held to discuss this issue. Mr. Bennett agreed with Mr. Hollingsworth’s recommendation and discussed the difficulty of interpreting and enforcing the requirement of a semi-annual filing of Form 700. Commissioner Cushman stated his support to a hold a workshop. Commissioner Davis suggested expanding the workshop to clarify other issues related to the Code of Ethics. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Agenda Item 15. Commissioner Davis stated that the Broadway Complex property is available and the District should explore the opportunity to acquire this September 9,2003 Page 252 property. Chairman Van Deventer stated that the staff has met with the U.S. Navy and discussed several issues including this one. CLOSED SESSION Aaenda Item 16 & 17. Chairman Van Deventer noted there were no additional items on the open session agenda for discussion, whereupon Duane Bennett, Port Attorney, announced the closed session items for today's agenda, as follows: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Subdivision (b)( 1) of Government Code Section 54956.9: One Case CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR Government Code Section 54957.6 District Negotiator: Executive Director Employee Organizations: Harbor Police Officers Association; California Teamster, Public Professional & Medical Employees Union Local 911; Unrepresented Employees; Executive Director; Port Attorney. There was no formal action to report from the Closed Session, whereupon Chairman Van Deventer adjourned the meeting. San Diego Unified Port District AlTEST: Clerk of the San Unified Port District September 23, 2003 Page 253 MINUTES BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District was called to order by Chairman Van Deventer at 1:06 p.m. Tuesday, September 23, 2003, in the Board Room at 3165 Pacific Highway, San Diego, California. ROLL CALL Agenda Item 1. Present: COMMISSIONERS Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Van Deventer; OFFICERS Hollingsworth, Bennett, Darbeau, Heinrichs and McEntee. Absent: None. Excused: Commissioner Spane was excused for personal reasons. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Agenda Item 2. The minutes submitted for the special meeting of September 9, 2003, and the regular meeting of September 9, 2003, were approved on motion of Commissioner Bixler, seconded by Commissioner Rios. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Agenda Item 3. Tony Phillips, representing Alpha Project, addressed the Board and expressed his gratitude to the District for their support of the Winter Shelter Program. Mr. Philips presented a plaque to the Board in appreciation for the District‘s leadership in supporting the Winter Shelter Program. September 23, 2003 Page 254 CONSENT AGENDA Chairman Van Deventer announced that item 8 (Resolution granting project approval for Southwestern Yacht Club to refurbish their existing docks) and item 9a-d (a. Ordinance establishing a Schedule of Compensation for all Officers and Employees of the San Diego Unified Port District; b. Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 2252 Entitled, “An Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget for Fiscal Year 2003-2004 and appropriating the necessary money to operate the San Diego Unified Port District during said fiscal year; c. Resolution establishing a Classification Directory for 2003-2004, which implements the results of the classification/compensation study; d. Resolution amending the Personnel Rules and Regulations to include additional language concerning administration of unrepresented employees’ salary ranges) would be pulled for separate discussion and vote. On motion of Commissioner Bixler, seconded by Commissioner Rios, the Board, with a single vote, adopted consent agenda items 4 through 7 and 10 (Resolutions 2003-157 through 2003-160 and 2003-164) by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Spane; AbsentNone; Abstained-None, as follows: DESIGNATION OF MEETING DATES FOR BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS FOR THE YEAR 2004 Agenda Item 4. RESOLUTION 2003-157 designating dates for Board Meetings in the year 2004, as more particularly outlined in Resolution 2003-157, in accordance with Board of Port Commissioners Policy No. 021, entitled Meetings of the Board of Port Commissioners, as amended; further resolving that said Board Meetings shall be held at the Don L. Nay Port of San Diego Building, located at 3165 Pacific Highway, San Diego, and shall commence at 1:00 P.M.; provided, however, the Board Meeting scheduled for January 6, 2004, shall be held at the Manchester Grand Hyatt, located at One Market Place in the City of San Diego and shall commence at 2:00 P.M., was adopted as part of the consent agenda. AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENT WITH DAILY DISPOSAL SERVICES, INC. Agenda Item 5. RESOLUTION 2003-158 authorizing an Agreement with Daily Disposal Services, Inc., a California Corporation, to furnish dumpster service for the Tenth Avenue Marine Terminal and various other District locations, for the three (3) September 23, 2003 Page 255 year period commencing October 1, 2003, and ending September 30, 2006, subject to earlier termination, in an amount not to exceed $306,107.09, including taxes, said funds to be disbursed in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said Agreement, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46506, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. AMENDMENT OF BPC POLICY NO. 110, PROCEDURE FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF CONTRACTS AND THE PURCHASING OF SUPPLIES, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT Agenda Item 6. RESOLUTION 2003-159 adopting Board of Port Commissioners Policy No. 110, Procedures for the Administration of Contracts and the Purchasing of Supplies, Materials and Equipment, as amended, a copy of which is on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46507, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENT WITH RIGGING INTERNATIONAL Agenda Item 7. RESOLUTION 2003-160 authorizing an Agreement with Rigging International, a California corporation, to dismantle and remove the District’s Hitachi Container Crane and Marathon LeTourneau Rubber Tired Gantry Crane from the National City Marine Terminal, and further to dispose of said dismantled crane materials as scrap, for a total fee not to exceed $250,000.00, said fee to be disbursed in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said Agreement, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46508, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. CODE OF ETHICS – SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENTS – POSTPONEMENT OF FILING DATE Agenda Item 10. RESOLUTION 2003-164 postponing the filing requirement for semi-annual statements for members of the Board of Port Commissioners and other required filers, such filing requirement to be determined at a scheduled workshop; further determining that said workshop will be held on October 21, 2003, to discuss this filing requirement and other issues relating to the District’s Code of Ethics, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. September 23, 2003 Page 256 SOUTHWESTERN YACHT CLUB, QUALTROUGH STREET Agenda Item 8. Commissioner Bixler announced that he would be abstaining on this item due to a possible conflict of interest arising from his ownership of property in proximity to the Southwestern Yacht Club. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Rios, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-161 approving Southwestern Yacht Club’s proposed Project; and determining that the proposed Project is Categorically Exempt under California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, Section 15301, Existing Facilities, and District Resolution 97-191; Categorically Excluded under District Coastal Development Permit Regulations, Section 8.a., Existing Facilities; and in conformance with the District’s Master Plan use designation for the area, Commercial – Recreational Boat Berthing, by the following vote: Yeas- Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Spane; Absent-None; Abstained- Bixler. DISTRICT EMPLOYEE CLASSIFICATION/COMPENSATION Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, announced that included in this item is a 4% merit pool to be distributed to those employees in the band system. Chairman Van Deventer stated the proposed executive benefits would be continued for two weeks. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Bixler, the Board approved the salary ordinance, the 2003-2004 Final Budget, the Class Specifications, and the Amendment to the Personnel Rules and Regulations, and thereby with a single vote, adopted Ordinances 2262 and 2263, and Resolutions 2003162 and 2003-163, by the following vote: Yeas- Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Spane; Absent-None; Abstained- None, as follows: ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A SCHEDULE OF COMPENSATION FOR OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF THE SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT Agenda Item 9a. ORDINANCE 2262 approving and adopting the Annual Salary Ranges for Principal Administrators and Assistants, and Professional, Technical and General/Clerical, attached thereto as Exhibit B (Exhibit B is on file in the Office of the District Clerk); and approving and adopting the Salary Schedule by Range and Step for all Step Employees, except step Peace Officers, attached thereto as Exhibit C (Exhibit C is on file in the Office of the District Clerk); and approving and adopting the Salary September 23, 2003 Page 257 Schedule by Range and Step for Peace Officers attached thereto as Exhibit D (Exhibit D is on file in the Office of the District Clerk); further adopting the Classes of Employment, attached thereto as Exhibit A (Exhibit A is on file in the Office of the District Clerk), and ordaining certain other provisions as specifically enumerated in said Ordinance 2262, was adopted as indicated above, “District Employee Classification/Compensation.” ORDINANCE AMENDING ANNUAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004 Agenda Item 9b. ORDINANCE 2263 amending the Annual Budget for Fiscal Year 20032004 by amending the Position Summaries for various Divisions and Departments in accordance with Exhibit A, attached thereto and by this reference made a part thereof (Exhibit A is on file in the Office of the District Clerk), and declaring that this Ordinance is to take effect upon its publication, pursuant to the provisions of Section 21 of the San Diego Unified Port District Act, was adopted as indicated above, “District Employee Classification/Compensation.” ESTABLISHMENT OF DIRECTORY OF CLASS SPECIFICATIONS Agenda Item 9c. RESOLUTION 2003-162 establishing a Directory of Class Specifications for all positions, both Classified and Unclassified, within the San Diego Unified Port District, said Directory of Class Specifications is on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46509, further resolving that said Directory of Class Specifications supersedes all previous Class Specifications presently on file in the office of the District Clerk, was adopted as indicated above, “District Employee Classification/Compensation.” AMENDMENT TO PERSONNEL RULES AND REGULATIONS Agenda Item 9d. RESOLUTION 2003-163 amending the Personnel Rules and Regulations of the San Diego Unified Port District as more particularly outlined in Resolution 2003-163, was adopted as indicated above, “District Employee Classification/Compensation.” September 23, 2003 Page 258 PRESENTATION ANNUAL PRESENTATION BY THE CABRILLO FESTIVAL, INC. Agenda Item 11. Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo and other representatives from the Cabrillo Festival thanked the Board for their support and invited them to this year’s festival on September 26-28, 2003. PRESENTATIONS BY CALIFORNIA CUSTOM DOCKS CORPORATION AND PIER 32 MARINA GROUP, LLC OF DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS FOR THE NATIONAL CITY MARINA SITE Agenda Item 12. Roy Nail, Asset Manager, Real Estate, addressed the Board and presented an update on the National City Marina Site project. The following proposers addressed the Board with their proposals: California Custom Docks Corporation, represented by Jim Uhl and Gilbert Labrie, and Pier 32 Marina Group, LLC, represented by Eric Leslie, John Grimstad, Eric Noegel, and Gordon Carrier. (A copy of the staff report and presentations are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioners Bixler and Cushman requested and received clarification from Mr. Uhl regarding their proposed financing for this project. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Bixler regarding the rationale for not including fuel docks in the Request for Proposals process, Dan Wilkens, Executive Vice President, stated the fuel docks are not currently included in the entitlement process. Commissioner Bixler requested and received clarification from Mr. Uhl regarding how they plan to involve the community in the marina. Commissioner Rios requested and received further clarification from Mr. Uhl regarding any firm commitments received for the financing of this project. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Bixler regarding the participation of California Custom Docks Corporation in the District’s Dock ‘n Dine project, Mr. Uhl stated they are committed to working with District. In response to Commissioner Bixler’s suggestion of expanding the proposed deck contained in the Pier 32 Marina Group proposal, Mr. Carrier stated it could be easily accommodated. Commissioner Cushman requested and received clarification from Mr. Noegel regarding the material used for their proposed docks. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Cushman regarding the proposed financing for this project, Mr. Grimstad stated that the project would be self-funded. Commissioner Cushman discussed the proposed percentage rental rates for the Pier 32 Marina Group proposal September 23, 2003 Page 259 and establishing equity among all the marinas. Mr. Grimstad stated that this project is economically challenged and stated that he has submitted his best proposal possible to still make it economically feasible. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, stated that today the proposers are only presenting their concepts and staff will bring back their recommendation and the proposed terms of the agreement for approval at a future Board meeting. Commissioner Bixler requested and received clarification from Mr. Leslie regarding any provision in their proposal for boat launchings, including hoist. Chairman Van Deventer stated the importance of accessibility to water from this area. Chairman Van Deventer stated this is a challenging project. PRESENTATION OF FOLLOW-UP REPORT ON THE POSITIVE IMPACTS TO THE DISTRICT FROM THE SAN DIEGO SUPER BOWL XXXVII (JANUARY 2003) Agenda Item 13. Randa Coniglio, Senior Asset Manager, Real Estate, addressed the Board and presented a follow-up report on the positive impact the San Diego Super Bowl XXXVII had for the District. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Ky Snyder, President, San Diego Internal Sports Council, addressed the Board and expressed his gratitude for the District’s support. Mr. Snyder presented the game ball from the Super Bowl to the Board. Commissioner Cushman commended Mr. Snyder and District staff for their work and commented on the benefits the District received from the Super Bowl. Chairman Van Deventer discussed the impact of the Super Bowl on the whole region. ACTION AGENDA AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENT WITH CITY OF CORONADO FOR POLICE AND FIRE SERVICES Agenda Item 14. Jeff McEntee, CFO/Treasurer, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Rios regarding the long-term plans for providing safety services to member cities, Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, stated that in an effort to standardize the agreements and reduce costs, the staff would work with member cities to explore alternatives regarding municipal services. On motion of Commissioner Bixler, seconded by Commissioner Compton, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-165 authorizing an Agreement with the City of September 23, 2003 Page 260 Coronado (City), a municipal corporation, in order for the City to provide police and fire protection services to non-ad valorem taxpaying property on San Diego Unified Port District (District) property located in said City, for the three (3) year period commencing July 1, 2003, and ending June 30, 2006, subject to earlier termination, said services to be provided in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said Agreement, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No.46510, in the event that the terms, covenants and conditions of an agreement for police and fire services for the period commencing July 1, 2006, are not finalized prior to June 30, 2006, said Agreement may be extended for an additional one (1) year term in accordance with Paragraph 3 of said Agreement, further determining that the District shall pay to the City of Coronado for said services a sum not to exceed $476,551.00 for Fiscal Year 2003-04, a sum not to exceed $514,675.00 for Fiscal Year 2004-05, and a sum not to exceed $530,115.00 for Fiscal Year, 2005-06, by the following vote: YeasBixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Spane; Absent-None; Abstained- None. CITY OF IMPERIAL BEACH Jeff McEntee, CFO/Treasurer, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) On motion of Commissioner Bixler, seconded by Commissioner Cushman, the Board, with a single vote, adopted Resolutions 2003-166 through and including 2003168, by the following vote: Yeas- Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Spane; Absent-None; Abstained- None, as follows: AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENT WITH CITY OF IMPERIAL BEACH FOR LIFEGUARD SERVICES Agenda Item 15a. RESOLUTION 2003-166 authorizing an Agreement with the City of Imperial Beach (City), a municipal corporation, in order for the City to provide personnel, supervision, equipment, necessary materials and storage facilities to provide beach lifeguard services on San Diego Unified Port District (District) property located in said City, for the Three (3) year period commencing July 1, 2003, and ending June 30, 2006, subject to earlier termination, said services to be provided in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said Agreement, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46511, in the event that the terms, covenants and conditions of an agreement for beach lifeguard services for the period commencing July September 23, 2003 Page 261 1, 2006, are not finalized prior to June 30, 2006, said Agreement may be extended for an additional one (1) year term in accordance with Paragraph 3 of said Agreement, further determining that the District shall pay to the City of Imperial Beach for said services a sum not to exceed $947,915.00 for Fiscal Year 2003-04, a sum not to exceed $989,925.00 for Fiscal Year 2004-05, and a sum not to exceed $1,039,421.00 for Fiscal Year, 2005-06; further that the District shall fund a reserve for self-insured claim costs of the City of Imperial Beach, as follows: a self-insured retention of $100,000.00 per occurrence for such claims and a reserve for the self-insured claim costs in an amount not to exceed $300,000.00 in accordance with Paragraph 2.C. of said Agreement, was adopted as indicated above, “City of Imperial Beach.” AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENT WITH CITY OF IMPERIAL BEACH FOR POLICE AND FIRE SERVICES Agenda Item 15b. RESOLUTION 2003-167 authorizing an Agreement with the City of Imperial Beach (City), a municipal corporation, in order for the City of Imperial Beach to provide police, fire and emergency medical services to non-ad valorem taxpaying property on San Diego Unified Port District (District) property located in said City, for the Three (3) year period commencing July 1, 2003, and ending June 30, 2006, subject to earlier termination, said services to be provided in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said Agreement, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46512, in the event that the terms, covenants and conditions of an agreement for police and fire services for the period commencing July 1, 2006, are not finalized prior to June 30, 2006, said Agreement may be extended for an additional one (1) year term in accordance with Paragraph 3 of said Agreement, further determining that the District shall pay to the City of Imperial Beach for said services a sum not to exceed $1,041,517.00 for Fiscal Year 2003-04, a sum not to exceed $1,178,480.00 for Fiscal Year 2004-05, and a sum not to exceed $1,258,157.00 for Fiscal Year, 2005-06, was adopted as indicated above, “City of Imperial Beach.” AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENT WITH CITY OF IMPERIAL BEACH FOR ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES Agenda Item 15c. RESOLUTION 2003-168 authorizing an Agreement with the City of Imperial Beach (City), a municipal corporation, in order for the City to provide animal control services on San Diego Unified Port District (District) property located in said City, for the Three (3) year period commencing July 1, 2003, and ending June 30, 2006, subject to earlier termination, said services to be provided in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said Agreement, on file in the office of the September 23, 2003 Page 262 District Clerk as Document No. 46513, and the District shall pay to the City of Imperial Beach for said services a sum not to exceed $20,968.00 for Fiscal Year 2003-04, a sum not to exceed $22,038.00 for Fiscal Year 2004-05, and a sum not to exceed $23,100.00 for Fiscal Year, 2005-06, was adopted as indicated above, “City of Imperial Beach.” ORDINANCE AMENDING OPTION TO LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT AND SAN DIEGO AIRCRAFT CARRIER MUSEUM, A CALIFORNIA NON-PROFIT PUBLIC BENEFIT CORPORATION, DBA U.S.S. MIDWAY Agenda Item 16. Rich Gannon, Asset Manager, Real Estate, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Commissioner Cushman indicated that the proposed parking rate should be consistent with rates charged at other lots. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Bixler, the Board adopted ORDINANCE 2264 amending the Option to Lease Agreement dated October 8, 2002, between the San Diego Unified Port District and the San Diego Aircraft Carrier Museum, a California Non-Profit Public Benefit Corporation, dba U.S.S. Midway, in accordance with the Agreement for Amendment of Option to Lease Agreement, Amendment No. 1, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46514, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Van Deventer; NaysNone; Excused-Spane; Absent-None; Abstained- None. AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENT WITH CARPI & CLAY GOVERNMENT RELATIONS AND THOMAS WALTERS & ASSOCIATES, INC. Agenda Item 17. Dan Wilkens, Executive Vice President, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations regarding Washington, D.C. legislative representation for the District. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Mr. Wilkens stated that assistance with the base closure process, known as Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC), is such a specialized area and would be better served with different consultant. Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioner Davis suggested obtaining a lobbyist that could represent the District in Washington, D.C., as well as provide assistance with BRAC. Mr. Wilkens stated that the services of a lobbyist to address both areas for the District would be at a much higher cost. Mr. Wilkens recommended retaining a different lobbyist to handle the Navy issues. Commissioner Davis stated he September 23, 2003 Page 263 had received an e-mail from Commissioner Spane which stated that he was not in full support of retaining Carpi & Clay. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Davis regarding whether this item was time sensitive and could be brought back to the Board for approval at a future Board meeting, Mr. Wilkens stated he could extend the current contract on month-to-month basis. Commissioner Cushman stated that the legislation representation and BRAC issues are two very specialized issues. Commissioner Cushman stated his support for staff’s recommendation and the importance of the District’s involvement in the BRAC process. Chairman Van Deventer suggested, as part of the motion, directing staff to investigate retaining a lobbyist to handle the BRAC issues. Commissioner Cushman suggested not adding that item to the motion. Commissioner Cushman suggested that staff contact the City of San Diego regarding the possibility of working together with regards to BRAC. Commissioner Bixler requested that the issue of the Army Corp of Engineers turning over permitting authority at the pier headline to the District be included in the work program for Carpi & Clay. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Bixler, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-169 authorizing an Agreement with Carpi & Clay Government Relations, a California partnership, and Thomas Walters & Associates, Inc. a Virginia corporation, jointly, to advise and represent the District before Members of Congress, the Executive Branch and other officials of the Federal Government on matters dealing with legislation, executive or regulatory action or other pertinent issues, for a One (1) Year period commencing October 1, 2003, and ending September 30, 2004, subject to earlier termination, for total compensation not to exceed $73,000.00, said funds to be expended in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said Agreement, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46515, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Spane; Absent-None; Abstained-None. September 23, 2003 Page 264 OFFICER’S REPORT Agenda Item 18. In accordance with BPC Policy 110, the following change orders executed by the Executive Director were reported: a. Change Order Nos. 18 for $84,600.52; and 19 for $210,000.00 to Contract No. 2000-03 with General Construction Company for National City Marine Terminal Wharf Extension. b. Change Order Nos. 10R for $4,920.00; and 19 for $113,017.00 to Contract No. 2002-19 with C. E. Wylie Construction Company for General Services Facility. c. Change Order No. 19 for $1,273.00 and 26 Calendar Days to Contract No. 200221 with douglas e. barnhart, inc. for Cruise Ship Terminal Security and Interior Improvements. d. Change Order Nos. 1 for $16,280.00 and 14 Calendar Days; and 2 for 7 Calendar Days to Contract No. 2002-50 with Benold Construction, Inc. for G Street Slip Repairs. e. Change Order Nos. 3 for $471.00 and 1 Calendar Day; and 5 for $276.00 and 1 Calendar Day to Contract No. 2003-07 with Ghassan Construction for Canyon Path Pedestrian Access Improvements. f. Change Order No. 1 for $5,000.00 and 30 Calendar Days to Contract No. 200312 with VCI Telcom Inc. for 10” Fire Main and Underground Improvements South Campus Property. PRESIDENT’S REPORT Agenda Item 19. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, announced that District is sponsoring a three-day vulnerability assessment training for the region, Threat and Risk Assessment for Weapons of Mass Destruction, on September 23-25, 2003. The three-day course will be provided at no cost to the District. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Agenda Item 20. Chairman Van Deventer provided a brief update on the Bob Hope Memorial. September 23,2003 Page 265 There was no further action to report, whereupon Chairman Van Deventer adjourned the meeting. Sad Diego Unified Port district ATEST: -I, Clerk of the S a n N g o Unified Port District October 7, 2003 Page 266 MINUTES BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District was called to order by Chairman Van Deventer at 1:05 p.m. Tuesday, October 7, 2003, in the Board Room at 3165 Pacific Highway, San Diego, California. ROLL CALL Agenda Item 1. Present: COMMISSIONERS Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; OFFICERS Hollingsworth, Bennett, Darbeau, Heinrichs and McEntee. Absent: None. Excused: None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Agenda Item 2. The minutes submitted for the regular meeting of September 23, 2003 were approved on motion of Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Bixler. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Agenda Item 3. None. CONSENT AGENDA Commissioner Cushman requested that item 9 (Resolution Amending Executive and Employee Benefits, including Salary of President/CEO) be pulled for separate discussion and vote. October 7, 2003 Page 267 On motion of Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Rios, the Board, with a single vote, adopted consent agenda items 4 through 8 (Resolutions 2003-170 through 2003-172 and Ordinances 2265 through 2267) by the following vote: YeasBixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; ExcusedNone; Absent-None; Abstained-None, as follows: AUTHORIZATION TO NEGOTIATE AGREEMENT WITH BLAYLOCK ENGINEERING GROUP Agenda Item 4. RESOLUTION 2003-170 authorizing District staff to negotiate with Blaylock Engineering Group for purposes of developing terms, covenants, conditions and costs necessary for professional structural engineering services for the Rehabilitation of Pier 11A (former United States Navy Fleet and Industrial Supply Center Pier), San Diego; further resolving that results of said negotiations will be reported to the Board and a decision made at a later date regarding authorization of an agreement, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN OPTION TO LEASE AGREEMENT WITH SUN HARBOR MARINA Agenda Item 5. ORDINANCE 2265 granting an Option to Lease Agreement and authorizing the execution of said Option to Lease Agreement with Sun Harbor Marina, a California general partnership, to lease certain District premises of approximately 65,547 square feet of land area and approximately 147,919 square feet of water area at 5104 North Harbor Drive in the City of San Diego, and a temporary parcel of approximately 6,081 square feet of water area located contiguous and to the east of 5104 North Harbor Drive in the City of San Diego, for the purposes of a recreational marina consisting of approximately Ninety Four (94) boat slips, as more particularly described in Ordinance 2265; the Option to Lease Agreement is for a term of Seven (7) Months commencing September 1, 2003, and ending on March 31, 2004, which term may be extended by written agreement of the parties, and said Option to Lease Agreement is subject to earlier termination in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained therein, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46564; further, upon timely performance and exercise of said Option to Lease Agreement, directing the execution of the Lease with Sun Harbor Marina, a California general partnership, which is attached to said Option to Lease Agreement; this Ordinance shall take effect on the 31st day from its passage by the Board of Port Commissioners; provided, however, in the event Sun Harbor Marina does not satisfy the October 7, 2003 Page 268 conditions set forth in Paragraph 4 of the Option to Lease Agreement, entitled Conditions Precedent, said Option to Lease Agreement shall be null and void and of no further force of effect, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. ORDINANCES GRANTING EASEMENTS TO THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO Agenda Item 6abc. ORDINANCE 2266 approving and granting the Easement between the San Diego Unified Port District and the City of San Diego, a municipal corporation, for the purposes of construction, operation, maintenance, repair, replacement and inspection of public sewer facilities, and incidents and appurtenances thereto, for approximately 3,322 square feet of tideland area located between Harbor Island Drive and North Harbor Drive in the City of San Diego, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46565; and directing the execution of said Easement with the City of San Diego, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. ORDINANCE 2267 approving and granting the Easement between the San Diego Unified Port District and the City of San Diego, a municipal corporation, for the purposes of construction, operation, maintenance, repair, replacement and inspection of public sewer facilities, and incidents and appurtenances thereto, for approximately 2,350 square feet of tideland area located south of Harbor Island Drive in the City of San Diego, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46566; and directing the execution of said Easement with the City of San Diego, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENTS WITH P&D ENVIRONMENTAL, PBS&J, AND MOONEY & ASSOCIATES Agenda Item 7. RESOLUTION 2003-171 authorizing Agreements with P&D Environmental, PBS&J, and Mooney & Associates to provide Environmental Consulting Services, on an as-needed basis, as determined by the District, for an aggregate fee not to exceed $230,000.00, for a period of One (1) Year, commencing on the date of execution of said Agreements, in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said Agreements, subject to earlier termination, provided, further that said Agreements may be extended for an additional One (1) year term at the sole discretion of the District, said Agreements are on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document Nos. 46567, 46568 and 46569, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. October 7, 2003 Page 269 AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENTS WITH BROWN AND CALDWELL; D-MAX ENGINEERING, INC.; MEC ANALYTICAL SYSTEMS, INC.; PBS&J, AND URS CORPORATION Agenda Item 8. RESOLUTION 2003-172 authorizing Agreements with Brown and Caldwell; D-Max Engineering, Inc.; MEC Analytical Systems, Inc.; PBS&J, and URS Corporation to provide Stormwater Management Consulting Services, on an as-needed basis, as determined by the District, for an aggregate fee not to exceed $200,000.00, for a period of One (1) Year, commencing on the date of execution of said Agreements, in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said Agreements, on file in the office of District Clerk as Document Nos. 46570, 46571, 46572, 46573 and 46574, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. EXECUTIVE AND EMPLOYEE BENEFITS Agenda Item 9. Commissioner Cushman stated his support for the proposed benefits for the Executive Director and Port Attorney, however he stated that the proposed $750 per month car allowance for the Board was excessive. On motion of Commissioner Spane, seconded by Commissioner Rios, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-173 amending the Employment Agreements of the Executive Director and the Port Attorney to include the following: i) an increase in car allowance to $750.00 per month, and ii) an increase in life insurance from two (2) times their annual salary to two and one-half (2½) times their annual salary; further authorizing and directing the establishment of a 401(a) Program for executive management (Executive Director; Port Attorney; Executive Vice President; Vice President, Administration/CAO/District Clerk; Vice President, Operations/COO, and Treasurer/CFO) including a $1,000.00 per year District contribution; and authorizing and directing the establishment of a Long-Term Care Program for all District employees, at employee expense, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained-None. October 7, 2003 Page 270 PRESENTATION PRESENTATION OF THE DISTRICT’S EQUAL OPPORTUNITY MANAGEMENT (FY 2003) ANNUAL REPORT Agenda Item 10. Shirley Grothen, Director, Equal Opportunity Management (EOM), addressed the Board and presented the District’s EOM FY 2003 Annual Report. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Ms. Grothen reported on the strategy and business plan for EOM including the Contracting Opportunities Center and the Small Business Enterprise Program. Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioner Cushman commended staff for the report and commented on the positive impact of collaborating with the San Diego Hispanic Chamber of Commerce on the Diverse Emerging Vendor Outreach (DEVO). In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Bixler regarding the impact if Proposition 54 passes on EOM programs, Ms. Grothen stated that if the proposition passes, the data that is collected and reported would be extremely minimized. Chairman Van Deventer stressed the importance of the Summer Student Worker program. ACTION AGENDA AWARD OF CONTRACT 2003-10R TO CHULA VISTA ELECTRIC COMPANY FOR PORT-WIDE AND NATIONAL CITY MARINE TERMINAL SECURITY ENHANCEMENT PROJECTS Agenda Item 11. Tony Heinrichs, Senior Director, Facilities/Chief Engineer, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations for Port-Wide Security Enhancement projects. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) On motion of Commissioner Compton, seconded by Commissioner Cushman, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-174 adopting the Plans and Specifications for Project No. SD2042MC, Port-Wide and National City Marine Terminal Security Enhancement Projects, commonly known as District Construction Contract 2003-10R; further accepting the low bid of Chula Vista Electric Company, in an amount not to exceed $1,397,547.01, based upon prices set forth in the bid proposal, in accordance with Bid Schedules A and B, for Port-Wide and National City Marine Terminal Security Enhancement Projects, and authorizing and directing the execution of Contract 2003- October 7, 2003 Page 271 10R with Chula Vista Electric Company for the performance of said work, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained-None. CLOSED SESSION Agenda Items 18, 19 and 20. Chairman Van Deventer stated that the Board would adjourn to closed session before the continuation of the Action Agenda, whereupon Duane Bennett, Port Attorney, announced the closed session items for today's agenda, as follows: CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR Government Code Section 54956.8 Property: Marina Park Way at Convention Way, San Diego Negotiating Parties: Ray Carpenter and Arthur Engel, Fifth Avenue Landing, a California General Partnership, M. Christine Anderson, SDUPD Under Negotiation: Price and Terms CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant Exposure to Litigation Pursuant to Subdivision (b)(1) of Government Code Section 54956.9: One Case CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - INITIATION OF LITIGATION Pursuant to Subdivision (c) of Government Code Section 54956.9 - One Case On motion of Commissioner Bixler, seconded by Commissioner Davis, the Board voted to adjourn to closed session, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained-None. OPEN SESSION After the closed session, the Board reconvened in open public session at 2:35 p.m. Duane Bennett, Port Attorney, reported that on Item 18 (Conference with Real Property Negotiator) and Item 19 (Conference with Legal Counsel – Anticipated Litigation), the Board gave direction that no formal action was necessary. Mr. Bennett announced regarding Item 20 (Conference with Legal Counsel – Initiation of Litigation), October 7, 2003 Page 272 the Board authorized, by a 7-0 vote, the filing of a Complaint with the Federal Maritime Commission against the Pacific Maritime Association as to allocation of labor at the Port of San Diego. The Board also authorized, by a 7-0 vote, the filing of a legal action in any Court of competent jurisdiction against the Pacific Maritime Association, as determined by the Port Attorney. CONTINUANCE OF ACTION AGENDA HILTON SAN DIEGO CONVENTION CENTER, LLC / FIFTH AVENUE LANDING Karen Weymann, Assistant Director, Real Estate, and Randa Coniglio, Senior Asset Manager, Real Estate, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Ray Carpenter and Art Engle, representing Fifth Avenue Landing, LLC, addressed the Board and discussed the design aspects and financing of the proposed Spinnaker Hotel. Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioner Bixler requested and received clarification from Ms. Coniglio regarding where the super yachts would be located under the proposed project. Commissioner Spane requested and received clarification from Ms. Coniglio and Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, regarding the status and the impact of the Campbell Shipyard sediment remediation on this project. ORDINANCE AMENDING OPTION TO LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE DISTRICT AND HILTON SAN DIEGO CONVENTION CENTER, LLC On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Agenda Item 12a. Commissioner Bixler, the Board adopted ORDINANCE 2268 amending the Option to Lease Agreement dated August 6, 2002, between the District and Hilton San Diego Convention Center, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, in accordance with the Agreement for Amendment of Option Agreement, Amendment No. 1, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46575, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained-None. Perry Dealy, representing Manchester Resorts, addressed the Board and stated that complex projects such as this one can be built without rent concessions or financial assistance. Mr. Dealy stated that it would not be fair for the District to grant rent concession for the Conrad Spinnaker Hotel project. October 7, 2003 Page 273 Jef Eatchel, representing Hotel Employees & Restaurant Employees Union Local 30, addressed the Board, and stated his support for the Conrad Spinnaker Hotel project. Commissioner discussion continued. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Bixler regarding the value of the public improvements for this project, Ms. Weymann stated the preliminary estimate is $8.1 million. Ms. Weymann stated there has been participation from the District for public improvements for the Manchester Resorts Marriott project. Commissioner Rios commented that the 8% interest rate that will be paid by the District to Fifth Avenue Landing on the declining balance of the $8 million dollar reimbursement to Fifth Avenue Landing for extraordinary leasehold improvements is high and that an interest rate of 5% maybe more appropriate. Tom Marshall, Asset Manager, Real Estate, Ms. Weymann and Mr. Hollingsworth provided additional information on the negotiating process for the proposed rate. Chris Anderson, Vice President, Operations, stated that the proposed interest rate is not unreasonable for a commercial loan. ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION OF LEASE FROM FIFTH AVENUE LANDING, A CALIFORNIA GENERAL PARTNERSHIP, TO FIFTH AVENUE LANDING, LLC, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Agenda Item 12b. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Spane, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-175 consenting to the Assignment and Assumption of Lease document, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46576, for premises located bayward of Convention Way and Marina Park Way in the City of San Diego, from Fifth Avenue Landing, a General Partnership, to Fifth Avenue Landing, LLC, a California limited liability company, covering a lease dated October 9, 1984, as assigned and amended, subject to express conditions as more particularly outlined in Resolution 2003-175, including the execution of a Guaranty by Raymond Allen Carpenter and Arthur Edward Engel, the main principals of Fifth Avenue Landing, LLC, in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained therein, said Guaranty is on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46579, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained-None. October 7, 2003 Page 274 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN OPTION AGREEMENT WITH FIFTH AVENUE LANDING, LLC On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Agenda Item 12d. Commissioner Bixler, the Board adopted ORDINANCE 2270 granting an Option Agreement and authorizing the execution of said Option Agreement with Fifth Avenue Landing, LLC, a California limited liability company, to lease certain District premises of approximately 375,082 square feet of tideland and water area, located on the south side of Convention Way, west of Marina Park Way, in the City of San Diego, for the purposes of a hotel that meets or exceeds the service quality standards of a Conrad Hotel and related activities, in accordance with Paragraph 5 of said Option Agreement, an additional water area of approximately 207,600 square feet (Option Parcel) may be included in said Option Agreement if certain terms and conditions are fulfilled by Fifth Avenue Landing, LLC; the Option Agreement is for a term of Two (2) years commencing November 1, 2003, and ending on October 31, 2005, provided, however, said term may be extended to April 30, 2007, and said Option Agreement is subject to earlier termination in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained therein, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46578; further directing the execution of the Lease with Fifth Avenue Landing, LLC, which is attached to said Option Agreement, upon timely performance and exercise of said Option Agreement, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained-None. ORDINANCE AMENDING LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE DISTRICT AND FIFTH AVENUE LANDING, LLC On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Agenda Item 12c. Commissioner Davis, the Board adopted ORDINANCE 2269 amending the Lease Agreement dated October 9, 1984, between the District and Fifth Avenue Landing, LLC, a California limited liability company, in accordance with the Agreement for Amendment of Lease, Amendment No. 10, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46577, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained-None. PROPOSED HOTEL DEVELOPMENT BY FIFTH AVENUE LANDING, LLC On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Agenda Item 12e. Commissioner Rios, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-176 waiving that portion of said BPC Policy 609 requiring new development on leasehold properties valued over October 7, 2003 Page 275 $1,000,000.00 to incorporate a public art plan in its design submittals and provide public artwork(s) equal to 1% of the project’s total proposed development budget presented to the Board of Port Commissioners, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained-None. Commissioner Cushman congratulated the Fifth Avenue Landing team and staff on the progress of their project. Chairman Van Deventer commended all those associated with this project for their hard work. EXCLUSIVE NEGOTIATION AGREEMENT WITH PIER 32 MARINA GROUP, LLC Agenda Item 13. Roy Nail, Asset Manager, Real Estate, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Commissioner Cushman stated his support for the project, however suggested to staff that the proposed 90% is too high for the stabilization of the percentage rental rate. Chairman Van Deventer recognized former National City Mayor, George Waters, for his efforts on this project. Commissioner Bixler stated he was excited about the project, however he was disappointed that the project represents an origin not a destination. Commissioner Bixler stated he wants the project to provide more for the non-marina people. Chairman Van Deventer provided a brief history of the project and stated the project will be a great benefit for National City. On motion of Commissioner Van Deventer, seconded by Commissioner Spane, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-177 authorizing and directing the execution of an Exclusive Negotiating Agreement (Agreement) with Pier 32 Marina Group, LLC, a California limited liability company, to negotiate an Option Agreement and Lease covering approximately 3.66 acres of land, plus approximately 16.67 acres that will be dredged by the District to a water depth of approximately minus eleven (-11) feet Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW), located on 32nd Street at the foot of Marina Way in the City of National City, for the design, construction and operation of a marina facility comprised of approximately 220 to 250 slips, and to provide needed services to the boating public and the public in general; the period of negotiation shall be for Sixty (60) days from the date of said Agreement, provided, however, said Agreement is subject to extension thereof in accordance with the terms, conditions and covenants contained in said Agreement to be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46580; in the event the parties desire to enter into an Option Agreement to lease and October 7, 2003 Page 276 develop said property, the Option Agreement shall expeditiously be presented to the Board for its consideration, provided, however, the Board, at its sole and absolute discretion, has the right to not grant any Option Agreement and, in that event, the Exclusive Negotiating Agreement shall automatically and immediately be terminated; further, Pier 32 Marina Group, LLC has submitted a good faith refundable deposit (deposit) of $25,000.00 to the District, and said deposit shall become a good faith refundable deposit under said Agreement and shall be subject to the terms, covenants and conditions contained therein, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained-None. NATIONAL STEEL AND SHIPBUILDING COMPANY On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Agenda Item 14. Commissioner Compton, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-178 approving all three (3) elements of NASSCO’s proposed Project (Building Ways 3 Restroom and Shower Facility; new 30-ton C02 tank and piping, and construction of a new manufactured tee Outfitting Facility), as more particularly described in Resolution 2003-178, and determining that the proposed Projects are Categorically Exempt under California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, Section 15301 (Class 1), Existing Facilities, Section 15303 (Class 3), New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures, and District Resolution 97-191, and that the proposed Projects are Categorically Excluded under District Coastal Development Permit Regulations, Section 8.a., Existing Facilities, and Section 8.c., New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures, and that the proposed Projects are in conformance with the District’s Master Plan use designation for the area, Planning District 4, Industrial – Marine Related, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained-None. DISCUSSION OF THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY REGIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY’S ACTION REGARDING THE FORMER GENERAL DYNAMICS AND TELEDYNE RYAN SITES, AND DIRECTION TO STAFF Agenda Item 15. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, reported that the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority (SDCRAA), at its meeting of Thursday, October 2, 2003, instructed the President/CEO to prepare and send a letter to the State Lands Commission, expressing the SDCRAA’s request to have full control and complete jurisdiction over the former Teledyne Ryan and General Dynamics properties. Mr. Hollingsworth requested direction from the Board regarding the SDCRAA’s request. October 7, 2003 Page 277 Commissioner Davis expressed his disappointment that the SDCRAA did not contact the District regarding their request prior to contacting the State Lands Commission, and questioned whether this was perhaps a land grab, an attempt to get those properties for no payment. Commissioner Davis suggested that perhaps having monthly meetings with the SDCRAA might be beneficial. Commissioner Davis stated that the District should contact to the State Lands Commission concerning SDCRAA’s request. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Spane questioning whether the Teledyne Ryan property has ever been used for aviation, Mr. Hollingsworth stated that the Teledyne Ryan property has never been a part of airport use and all revenues generated on that property have always been used for non-airport tideland trust purposes, even prior to the formation of the District in 1962. On motion of Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Van Deventer, the Board voted to instruct our President/CEO to prepare and send a letter to the State Lands Commission and other appropriate bodies expressing the District’s request that complete jurisdiction over the properties formerly occupied by Teledyne Ryan and General Dynamics and presently under the jurisdiction of the District, as was decided and agreed to by the State, SDCRAA, and the District during past negotiations and agreements, be retained by the District, assuring that the use of these tidelands continue to provide the greatest benefit to the people of the State of California, and our member cities, under the Tidelands Trust, and stating that the letter should request that the State Lands Commission and other governmental bodies take all appropriate action to not transfer control of these properties and to decline the SDCRAA’s request, and to instruct the District and SDCRAA to begin discussions that may lead to an equitable transfer of the use of these properties; further to reinstitute the negotiation committee, as a subcommittee, that was formed to deal with the separation of the Airport from the District; and to invite the SDCRAA Board, or designated committee, to meet with the District’s subcommittee to discuss an equitable transfer of the use of the properties, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained-None. PRESIDENT’S REPORT Agenda Item 16. Chris Anderson, Vice President, Operations, announced Paul Fanfera as the new Acting Senior Director of Real Estate. Mr. Fanfera stated he was pleased with the opportunity to serve the District in this capacity. October 7,2003 Page 278 COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Agenda Item 17. Chairman Van Deventer announced that the October 21,2003 Board meeting would be held at the Shelter Pointe Hotel and Marina beginning at 4:30 P.M. Commissioner Cushmirn requested that the Port Attorney schedule a closed session item for the October 21, 2003, Board meeting regarding the retention of Counsel. There was no further action to report, wheireupon Chairman Van Deventer adjourned the meeting. Sqetaty, Board of Port Cgfnmissioners San Diego Unified Port District Page 279 October 21, 2003 MINUTES BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT A regular meeting of the Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District was called to order by the Clerk at 1:OO p.m. Tuesday, October 21, 2003 in the Board Room at 3165 Pacific Highway, San Diego, California. By previous agreement of the Board of Port Commissioners, the regular meeting was not held and no commissioners were present. The regular meeting was adjourned by the Clerk to Tuesday, October 21,2003 at 4:30 p.m. at the Shelter Pointe Hotel & Marina, Point Loma 3 Room, at 1551 Shelter Island Drive, San Diego, California. Clerk of the &ard of Port Commissioners San Diego Unified Port District October 21, 2003 Page 280 MINUTES BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT As previously posted, a special meeting of the Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District was called to order by Chairman Van Deventer at 1:00 p.m. Tuesday, October 21, 2003, in the Board Room at 3165 Pacific Highway, San Diego, California. ROLL CALL Agenda Item 1. Present: COMMISSIONERS Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; OFFICERS Hollingsworth, Bennett. Absent: None. Excused: None. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Agenda Item 2. None. CLOSED SESSION Agenda Item 3. Chairman Van Deventer announced the Board would enter into closed session for: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Subdivision (b)(1) of Government Code Section 54956.9: One Case October 21,2003 Page 281 The Board gave direction. There was no formal action to report, whereupon Chairman Van Deventer adjourned the special meeting at 1:50 p.m. San Diego Unified Port District AITEST: I October 21, 2003 Page 282 MINUTES BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT As previously posted, a special meeting of the Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District was called to order by Chairman Van Deventer at 1:53 p.m. Tuesday, October 21, 2003, in the Board Room at 3165 Pacific Highway, San Diego, California. ROLL CALL Agenda Item 1. Present: COMMISSIONERS Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; OFFICERS Hollingsworth, Bennett, Darbeau and Heinrichs. Absent: None. Excused: None. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Agenda Item 2. None. WORKSHOP DISCUSSION OF THE DISTRICT’S ETHICS CODE AND DIRECTION TO STAFF Agenda Item 3. Duane Bennett, Port Attorney, addressed the Board and provided a brief introduction of the presentation and introduced Bill McMinn, Deputy Port Attorney, and Ellen Corey Born, Assistant Port Attorney, who presented a review of several of the Ethics Code Sections. (A copy of the presentation is on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, requested a review and clarification of the Misuse of District Resources section. In response to the request from Mr. Hollingsworth, Ms. Corey Born stated that there are administrative procedures on file with Human Resources that address the Misuse of District Resources section. October 21, 2003 Page 283 Commissioner Davis stated that due to a potential conflict of interest, he would not be participating in the discussion of the Solicitation of Political Contributions and Political Solicitation of Vendors sections. Mr. Bennett stated that since Commissioner Davis has not declared his candidacy, there is no conflict of interest for Commissioner Davis that would preclude his participation in this item. However, Mr. Bennett stated that due to the common law definition as to conflicts of interest, or the possibility of an appearance of impropriety regarding the Solicitation of Political Contributions and Political Solicitation of Vendors sections, it would be advisable for Commissioner Davis not to participate in these two sections. Mr. McMinn outlined the six Ethics Code sections that he would review today as Gifts, Post District Employment, Semi-Annual Disclosure of Changes to Economic Interest Statements, Lobbying Provisions, Solicitations of Political Contributions and Political Solicitations of Vendors. Mr. McMinn and Ms. Corey Born discussed several issues with these sections and presented staff recommendations to address these issues. Commissioner discussion ensued. The Board discussed and requested clarifications on a variety of Ethics Code issues. In response to numerous inquiries and hypothetical situations from the Board, Mr. McMinn, Mr. Bennett and Ms. Corey Born provided additional information regarding the definition of a gift and the valuation of gifts to an official and his family. Commissioner Cushman requested from staff an opinion from California Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) regarding disclosure requirements for dinners. In response to a comment from Commissioner Cushman, Ms. Corey Born stated that some of the District financial assistance agreements provide for specific tickets to events or dinners that are available for purchase by the District. Commissioner Rios requested and received clarification regarding the jurisdiction of the Ethics Code. Commissioner Davis requested and received clarification from staff regarding the Post District Employment section. The Board discussed the original intent of the Semi-Annual Disclosure of Changes to Economic Interest Statements section. The Board recommended removing this section from the Ethics Code. Commissioner Cushman stated that attorneys should not be exempt from the Lobbying Provisions section. Mr. Bennett stated that case law has excluded attorneys from this section who represent a client in an attorney-client relationship. Commissioner Davis left the dais and left the Boardroom at 2:52 p.m. October 21,2003 Page 284 I The Board requested and received clarification from staff regarding examples of situations that may apply to the Solicitation of Political Contributions section. Commissioner Bixler stated that gifts at one-half the amount permitted by the FPPC is too restrictive. Commissioner Spane suggested if the Board revises the Ethics Code to the reflect the gift limit permitted by the FPPC, staff should prepare a public relations strategy to respond to the media regarding this revision. Commissioner Nos commented on the enforcement of the Ethics Code. Commissioners Rios and Compton stated that the Ethics Code should be revised to the State gift limit. Mr. Bennett reiterated the Board's recommendation to incorporate into the Ethics Code the State gift limitation of $340.00. Mr. Hollingsworth requested and received clarification from Commissioner Spane regarding the public relations strategy. I Mr. Bennett stated that staff would revise the Ethics Code and bring it back to the Board for adoption. Chairman Van Deventer reminded everyone of the regular meeting beginning today at 4:30 PM. There was no further action taken, whereupon Chairman Van Deventer adjourned the meeting. ATTEST: October 21, 2003 Page 285 MINUTES BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT The special meeting of the Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District was called to order by Chairman Van Deventer at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, October 21, 2003, at the Shelter Pointe Hotel & Marina, Point Loma 3 Room, at 1551 Shelter Island Drive, San Diego, California. Chairman Van Deventer thanked everyone for attending today’s meeting and acknowledged Shelter Island’s 50th Anniversary. ROLL CALL Agenda Item 1. Present: COMMISSIONERS Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; OFFICERS Hollingsworth, Bennett, Darbeau, Heinrichs and McEntee. Absent: None. Excused: None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Agenda Item 2. The minutes submitted for the regular meeting of October 7, 2003, were approved on motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Bixler. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Agenda Item 3. None. October 21, 2003 Page 286 CONSENT AGENDA Commissioner Cushman requested and received clarification regarding when the percentage rent for slip rents would increase from 20% to 22% for item 7 (Ordinance authorizing an Option Agreement with Cabrillo Isle Marina for a new 40-year lease) from Chris Anderson, Vice President, Operations, who stated the increase would take effect after the first of the year. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Bixler, the Board, with a single vote, adopted consent agenda items 4 through and including 8 (Ordinance 2271, and Resolutions 2003-179 through and including 2003-181) by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained- None, as follows: DESIGNATING AND AUTHORIZING PILOT SERVICES AT THE PORT OF SAN DIEGO Agenda Item 4. RESOLUTION 2003-179 designating and authorizing Captain Edward J. Silva, Jr., Captain Eric W. Ireland, Captain William J. Bartsch, Captain Philip E. Ryan and Captain Lyle G. Donovan to perform pilot services at the Port of San Diego, effective October 22, 2003, and designating and authorizing Captain Edward J. Silva, Jr. to provide limited or vacation-relief pilot services, at the Port of San Diego, as required, effective January 1, 2004, and designating and authorizing Captain William J. Bartsch, Captain Eric W. Ireland, Captain Philip E. Ryan, Captain Lyle G. Donovan and Captain Edward J. Silva, Jr. (Limited), to perform pilot services at the Port of San Diego, effective January 1, 2004; further rescinding Resolution 92-252, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. APPOINTMENT OF SUSANA H. PEREDO AND REAPPOINTMENT OF MELODY CERNITZ TO THE PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE Agenda Item 5. As part of the consent agenda, the Board concurred with staff's recommendations, as outlined in the staff report, to appoint Susana H. Peredo for a three-year term and reappoint Melody Cernitz to the Public Art Committee for a second three-year term. October 21, 2003 Page 287 PROPOSED ART INSTALLATION – BARTELL HOTELS, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, DBA HUMPHREY’S HALF MOON INN & SUITES Agenda Item 6. RESOLUTION 2003-180 concurring with the recommendation of the Public Art Committee and approving of the installation of the artwork known as “Ocean Song”, a fifteen foot high sculpture constructed of galvanized steel, painted bronze, with a patina finish, for the premises leased by Bartell Hotels, a California Limited Partnership, dba Humphrey’s Half Moon Inn & Suites, located at 2303 Shelter Island Drive in the City of San Diego, subject to the condition that Humphrey’s shall be required to spend a minimum of $35,327.00 as a percentage of its redevelopment costs for the purchase and installation of “Ocean Song,” was adopted as part of the consent agenda. ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN OPTION TO LEASE AGREEMENT WITH CABRILLO ISLE MARINA, L.P. Agenda Item 7. ORDINANCE 2271 granting and authorizing the execution of an Option to Lease Agreement with Cabrillo Isle Marina, L.P., a California limited partnership, to lease certain District premises of approximately 123,531 square feet of land area and approximately 681,158 square feet of water area, located at 1450 Harbor Island Drive in the City of San Diego, for the purposes of a marina containing approximately 400 slips and related activities, in accordance with Paragraph 4 of said Option to Lease Agreement, an additional water area may be included in said Option to Lease Agreement; the Option to Lease Agreement is for a term of Nine months commencing October 1, 2003, and ending on June 30, 2004, provided, however, said Option to Lease Agreement is subject to earlier termination in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained therein on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46657; further directing the execution of the Lease with Cabrillo Isle Marina, L.P., which is attached to said Option to Lease Agreement, upon timely performance and exercise of said Option to Lease Agreement, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. AWARD OF CONTRACT 2003-06 TO J.D. PAVING, INC. TO UPGRADE PAVEMENT AREA BETWEEN HEADHOUSES 1 AND 2, TENTH AVENUE MARINE TERMINAL Agenda Item 8. RESOLUTION 2003-181 adopting the Plans and Specifications for Project No. P1664-3, Upgrade Pavement Area Between Headhouses 1 and 2, Tenth Avenue Marine Terminal, commonly known as District Construction Contract 2003-06, October 21, 2003 Page 288 and accepting the low bid of J. D. Paving, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $129,589.32, based upon prices set forth in the bid proposal for said Project, and authorizing and directing the execution of Contract 2003-06 with J. D. Paving, Inc., for the performance of said work, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. ACTION AGENDA PARKING FACILITY AT FORMER TELEDYNE INDUSTRIES SITE Melissa Mailander, Environmental Review Coordinator, and Wileen Manaois, Senior Environmental Planner, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Ms. Mailander discussed several issues of concern for this item. Bret Lobner, General Counsel, San Diego County Regional Airport Authority (SDCRAA), addressed the Board and requested that they defer taking action on this item until the District and SDCRAA have a chance to discuss this item. Mr. Lobner raised several concerns regarding this action, including a District public airport parking facility that would be in competition with the SDCRAA; the development of the property has proceeded without a California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) process; possible sources of contamination to the Bay are located on the property; and whether the development of the property is consistent with the Port Master Plan. Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioner Cushman expressed concern that he did not know what has changed since the District first offered the property to the SDCRAA as part of the settlement. Commissioner Cushman stated that after the SDCRAA expressed no interest in the property, the District moved forward to put the property to public use for the benefit of the five member cities. In response to Commissioner Cushman’s comment, Mr. Lobner stated that circumstances have changed. Commissioner Spane stated that in deciding how to use public lands, the focus should be on the benefit to the public, not about competition with the SDCRAA. Mr. Lobner stated what is at issue is which agency should have jurisdiction over the property. Commissioner Bixler expressed frustration with the negotiations with SDCRAA regarding Pond 20. Commissioner Bixler expressed dissatisfaction with the SDCRAA action of requesting jurisdiction of the property from the State Lands Commission without discussing the request with the District beforehand. Commissioner Davis stated that District has the responsibility to take care of the five member cities and to meet October 21, 2003 Page 289 these responsibilities the District needs to move forward and make use of the property to generate income. ADOPTION OF FINAL MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR OFF-SITE AIRPORT PARKING FACILITY, FORMER TELEDYNE INDUSTRIES, SAN DIEGO Agenda Item 9a. On motion of Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Cushman, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-182 adopting and approving the Final Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Project entitled “Off-Site Airport Parking Facility, Former Teledyne Industries, City of San Diego, California,” including without limitation the initial study and public comments, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46658, making certain findings as more particularly described in Resolution 2003-182; further, that this action constitutes final environment approval and for that purpose only, the District approves the proposed Project, and authorizing and directing the filing of a Notice of Determination with the Secretary for Resources and the San Diego County Clerk, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained- None. COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT – PARKING FACILITY AT FORMER TELEDYNE INDUSTRIES SITE, SAN DIEGO Agenda Item 9b. On motion of Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Cushman, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-183 making certain findings, as more specifically outlined in Resolution 2003-183, including the proposed Project, which is entitled “Parking Facility at Former Teledyne Industries Site” is consistent with the use and development concept for the Lindbergh Field/Harbor Island area and the Project is a Non-Appealable Development which conforms to the certified District Master Plan; and authorizing and directing the issuance of a Coastal Development Permit for said Project, said Coastal Development Permit shall require compliance with the Standard Provisions and Short-Term Construction Measures incorporated therein, and in particular the conditions listed under Special Provisions section, the Project’s Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program specified in the Final Mitigated Negative Declaration is incorporated by reference in the Coastal Development Permit, was adopted by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained- None. October 21, 2003 Page 290 AUTHORIZATION TO NEGOTIATE AND ENTER INTO AGREEMENT WITH WILLIAM H. LISKAMM, FAIA Agenda Item 10. Bill Chopyk, Manager, Planning Services, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations regarding the selection of a design competition advisor for the Old Police Headquarter Central Park Site. (A copy of the staff report is on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Mr. Chopyk acknowledged Mike Stepner, representing the Council of Design Professionals, on his participation in evaluating the proposals. Mr. Stepner addressed the Board and provided a brief overview of the selection process. Donald J. Stastny FAIA FACICP, of StastnyBrun Architects, Inc. and William Liskamm FAIA. addressed the Board and presented their qualifications and proposals. (Copies of the presentations are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioner Davis requested and received clarification from Mr. Stastny regarding his past projects. Commissioner Rios requested and received clarification from Mr. Stastny regarding projects he has completed, including any port-related projects. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Bixler, Mr. Stastny provided additional information regarding a two-staged design competition. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Spane, Mr. Liskamm addressed which project he has worked on that is closest to this project. Janice Howard addressed the Board and stated her support for the design competition and for the selection of Mr. Liskamm. Commissioner discussion continued. Commissioner Rios commented on Mr. Liskamm’s experience as it relates to this project. Commissioners Davis, Spane, Cushman and Compton stated their support for Mr. Liskamm. Commissioner Bixler stated three issues (the proposed relocation of Cinderella Carriages; the removal of jail cells; and the development density of the project) that needed to be resolved before the selection of an advisor. Ralph Hicks, Director, Land Use Planning, stated staff’s understanding of Board direction regarding development density was that the Board preferred density in the moderate range for the project. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, stated his understanding of Board direction was density of 25% or less. Commissioner Bixler suggested the Board take a vote on these issues. Commissioner Rios stated the need to define the different levels of development densities. Commissioner Cushman suggested soliciting input from the competition advisor on these issues. Commissioner Davis suggested that this not the time to discuss these October 21, 2003 Page 291 issues. Commissioner Davis stated it would be more appropriate to discuss these issues at a Board workshop with the advisor that is selected. On motion of Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Spane, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-184 authorizing and directing the Executive Director or his authorized representative to negotiate and enter into an Agreement, on behalf of the District, with William H. Liskamm, FAIA, to assist the District in the administration of a design competition, as requested and directed by the Executive Director of the District and the Board of Port Commissioners, for the 25-Acre Old Police Headquarters Central Park Site, said services to be provided in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said Agreement, to be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46659, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; AbstainedNone. AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO PARTNERING AGREEMENT WITH ASSOCIATED GENERAL CONTRACTORS OF AMERICA, INC., SAN DIEGO CHAPTER Agenda Item 11. Tony Heinrichs, Senior Director, Facilities/Chief Engineer, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations regarding a Partnering Agreement with Associated General Contractors of America, Inc. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Larry Richie, representing the Associated General Contractors and Douglas E. Barnhart, representing Douglas E. Barnhart, Inc., addressed the Board and stated their support for the Partnering Agreement. Chairman Van Deventer and Commissioner Cushman stated their support for this Partnering Agreement. On motion of Commissioner Van Deventer, seconded by Commissioner Cushman, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-185 authorizing a Partnering Agreement with the Associated General Contractors of America, Inc., San Diego Chapter, to promote good faith, trust and communication among all the stakeholders in the construction process through the use of partnering, in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said Agreement, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46660, the shared goals of said partnership are the development and maintenance of a healthy and vital San Diego area construction industry, which will serve the strategic October 21, 2003 Page 292 requirements of the District, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; AbstainedNone. OFFICER’S REPORT Agenda Item 12. In accordance with BPC Policy 110, the following change orders executed by the Executive Director were reported: a) Change Order No. 5 for $1,286.00 to Contract No. 2000-54 with Elken Contracting, Inc. to Replace Domestic Water Main System, National Distribution Center. b) Change Order Nos. 6 for $1,605.00 and 1 Calendar Day; 7 for $1,250.00 and 1 Calendar Day; and 8 for $372.00 and 1 Calendar Day to Contract No. 2002-07 with Ghassan Construction Company for Canyon Path Pedestrian Access Improvements. c) Change Order No. 2 for $4,421.92 and 5 Calendar Days to Contract No. 2003-12 with VCI Telcom, Inc. for 10” Fire Main and Underground Improvements South Campus Property. d) Change Order No. 20 for $792.00 to Contract No. 2002-19 with C.E. Wylie Construction Co. for General Services Facility. e) Change Order Nos. 3 for $4,969.00; and 2 for $4,734.81 to Contract No. 2002-23 with R.E. Staite Engineering, Inc. for National City Marina Basin. f) Change Order No. 1 for 60 Calendar Days to Contract 2002-30R with Architectural Signs and Graphics, Inc. for Way Finding Signage. PRESIDENT’S REPORT Agenda Item 13. Wayne Darbeau, Vice President, Administration/District Clerk, introduced the newly appointed Harbor Police Captain Kirk Sanfilippo. Captain Sanfilippo thanked the Board for this opportunity with the Harbor Police Department. October 21,2003 Page 293 COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Aclenda Item 14. Commissioner Bixler suggested the District consider establishing a Partner Agreement with the District's major partners in the Maritime and Cruise Ship Industry. Commissioner Davis requested that an item be placed on the November 4, 2003 Board agenda requesting the appointment of a District representative to the City of San Diego Pension Reform Commission. Commissioner Davis also requested that staff explore any opportunities for the District to assist in retaining the San Diego Fire Department helicopter that has lost funding. In an effort to respond in a timely fashion to Commissioner Davis's request, Commissioner Cushman asked Duane Bennett, Port Attorney, about the possibility of a telephonic vote at a future meeting. Mr. Bennett stated that such would not be permissible under the law. Commissioner Compton stated that the Design Competition Advisor for the Old Police Headquarters should seek input from the Board regarding the design competition. There was no further action to report, whereupon Chairman Van Deventer adjourned the meeting. /- San biego Unified Port Di&rict ATTEST: - - Clerk of the San Di&o Unified Port District November 4, 2003 Page 294 MINUTES BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT As previously posted, a special meeting of the Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District was called to order by Chairman Van Deventer at 9:08 a.m. Tuesday, November 4, 2003, in the Board Room at 3165 Pacific Highway, San Diego, California. ROLL CALL Agenda Item 1. Present: COMMISSIONERS Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Deventer; OFFICERS Hollingsworth, Bennett and Heinrichs. Absent: None. Excused: Commissioner Rios was excused for personal reasons. Spane, Van PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Agenda Item 2. None. WORKSHOP FACILITIES PROGRAM – ANNUAL REVIEW Agenda Item 3. Tony Heinrichs, Senior Director, Facilities/Chief Engineer; Bill Wood, Assistant Director, Engineering Support Team; Bob Frankel, Director, EngineeringMaritime Project Team; Gerry Wold, Director, Contracts & Quality Assurance; and Pete Cruz, Director, General Services, addressed the Board and presented a review of the Facilities Division Programs. Among the topics reviewed by staff was the Facilities Division reorganization; Engineering/Construction workload; Maintenance and Contract Administration Programs; and infrastructure investment. (A copy of the presentation is on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) November 4, 2003 Page 295 Commissioner discussion ensued. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Davis regarding the morale of the division, Mr. Heinrichs stated that morale has been a concern of staff and the reorganization of the Facilities Division should help address this concern. Commissioner Davis requested and received additional information from Mr. Heinrichs regarding the budget for the District’s Major Maintenance program. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Davis regarding the District utilizing recycled water, Mr. Cruz stated that the District currently does not use recycled water but would investigate using it. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Davis, Mr. Cruz stated that the Association of Retarded Citizens (ARC) provides trash and litter removal services for six District parks and their performance is good. Chairman Van Deventer stated he has seen an improvement in the District’s Maintenance Program. Commissioner Davis suggested budgeting for major maintenance based on the life cycle of the asset. Commissioner Cushman requested and received clarification from Mr. Wold concerning the degree of coordination between the Facilities Division and Real Estate in regard to the First Impression Condition Surveys. Mr. Wold stated cross-functional teams conduct the surveys. Chris Anderson, Vice President, Operations, stated that the Facilities Division is surveying District-owned facilities and Real Estate is inspecting tenant-owned facilities. Commissioner Cushman suggested better coordination between the Facilities Division and Real Estate inspections. Commissioner Cushman requested that staff inspect the sidewalk between Tuna Harbor and Seaport Village. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, stated the staff is currently examining options to replace the sidewalk surface. Commissioner Cushman also requested dividers for the benches in the area. Commissioner Cushman commended General Services for their great work. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Bixler regarding whether Commissioner Services has access to the major maintenance project development list, Mr. Heinrichs stated yes. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Bixler regarding the evaluation of the expansion of the Imperial Beach Pier, Mr. Heinrichs stated that it would be included in the proposed agreement that would evaluate options for the pier. Commissioner Bixler requested and received clarification from Mr. Heinrichs regarding the coordination of contract administration between staff and the Associated General Contractors of America, Inc., (AGC). Commissioner Bixler suggested staff evaluate the white, round rocks located at the General Services building as a possible safety issue. Commissioner Spane commended staff for their work at Tidelands Park. Commissioner Spane requested and received clarification from Mr. Cruz regarding the water rate that the District is charged. Mr. Frankel stated the water rate varies depending on the jurisdiction and usage. Commissioner Compton commended General Services for their November 4,2003 Page 296 safety record. Commissioner Compton reiterated Commissioner Cushman's comment about having better coordination between the Facilities Division and Real Estate regarding facility condition assessments. Chairman Van Deventer requested and received an update from Mr. Cruz about installing new decals on District vehicles. There was no further action taken, whereupon Chairman Van Deventer adjourned the meeting. ATTEST: Clerk of the San DiHUnified Port District November 4, 2003 Page 297 MINUTES BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District was called to order by Chairman Van Deventer at 1:05 p.m. Tuesday, November 4, 2003, in the Board Room at 3165 Pacific Highway, San Diego, California. ROLL CALL Agenda Item 1. Present: COMMISSIONERS Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; OFFICERS Hollingsworth, Bennett, Darbeau, Heinrichs and McEntee. Absent: None. Excused: Commissioner Davis was excused until such time as he arrived at 1:10 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Agenda Item 2. Chairman Van Deventer announced that item 2 (Approval of the minutes for special meetings of October 21, 2003) would be continued to the November 18, 2003 Board meeting. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Agenda Item 3. None. CONSENT AGENDA Chairman Van Deventer announced that item 6 (Resolution selecting and authorizing negotiations with Cash and Associates for professional engineering services for the encasement repair of concrete piles at the Broadway Pier) would be pulled for separate discussion and vote. November 4, 2003 Page 298 On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Rios, the Board, with a single vote, adopted consent agenda items 4, 5 and 7 through and including 10 (Resolutions 2003-186, 187 and 189 through and including 2003-192) by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; NaysNone; Excused-Davis; Absent-None; Abstained- None, as follows: AUTHORIZATION TO NEGOTIATE AGREEMENT WITH KENNEDY/JENKS CONSULTANTS RESOLUTION 2003-186 authorizing negotiation with Agenda Item 4. Kennedy/Jenks Consultants for purposes of developing terms, covenants, conditions and costs necessary for professional engineering services for the Fuel Line and Cathodic Protection System Condition Assessment, Tenth Avenue Marine Terminal, San Diego; further that results of said negotiations will be reported to the Board and a decision made at a later date regarding authorization of an agreement, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. AWARD OF CONTRACT 2003-02 TO VALLEY COAST LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION, INC., DBA VALLEY COAST CONSTRUCTION, TO REPLENISH REVETMENT SLOPES, VARIOUS TIDELAND LOCATIONS Agenda Item 5. RESOLUTION 2003-187 adopting the Plans and Specifications for Project No. P2036-1, Replenish Revetment Slopes, Various Tideland Locations, commonly known as District Construction Contract 2003-02,and accepting the low bid of Valley Coast Landscape Construction, Inc., dba Valley Coast Construction, in an aggregate amount not to exceed $721,449.00, based upon prices set forth in the bid proposal to Replenish Revetment Slopes, various Tideland locations, and authorizing and directing the execution of Contract 2003-02 with Valley Coast Landscape Construction, Inc., dba Valley Coast Construction, for the performance of said work, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. AUTHORIZATION TO FILE A GRANT APPLICATION WITH THE CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION – WHALE TAIL GRANTS PROGRAM (MONARCH SCHOOL ENVIRONMENTAL ENRICHMENT PROGRAM) Agenda Item 7. RESOLUTION 2003-189 authorizing the submission of a grant application to the California Coastal Commission, under its Whale Tail Grants Program, requesting funds for the Monarch School Environmental Enrichment Program, and in the event said grant is awarded, authorizing and directing the acceptance of the grant November 4, 2003 Page 299 funds for the Monarch School Environmental Enrichment Program and the execution of any necessary contract with the California Coastal Commission; further designating Maryanne Kind, the District Grants Coordinator, as the District’s grant representative, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. AUTHORIZATION TO FILE A GRANT APPLICATION WITH THE CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION – WHALE TAIL GRANTS PROGRAM (ENDANGERED LIGHT-FOOTED CLAPPER RAIL CAPTIVE BREEDING PROGRAM) Agenda Item 8. RESOLUTION 2003-190 authorizing the submission of a grant application to the California Coastal Commission, under its Whale Tail Grants Program, requesting funds for the Endangered Light-Footed Clapper Rail Captive Breeding Program, and in the event said grant is awarded, authorizing and directing the acceptance of the grant funds for the Endangered Light-Footed Clapper Rail Captive Breeding Program and the execution of any necessary contract with the California Coastal Commission; further designating Maryanne Kind, the District Grants Coordinator, as the District’s grant representative, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT – ANCHORAGE LANE TOWNHOMES – TREE REMOVAL, SAN DIEGO Agenda Item 9. RESOLUTION 2003-191 making certain findings, as more specifically outlined in Resolution 2003-191, including the proposed Project, which is entitled “Anchorage Lane Townhomes – Tree Removal” is consistent with the use and development concept for the Shelter Island/La Playa area, and the Project is a NonAppealable Development which conforms to the certified District Master Plan; and authorizing and directing the issuance of a Coastal Development Permit for said Project, said Coastal Development Permit shall require compliance with the conditions proposed by the District’s Urban Forestry Task Force, as more particularly outlined in Resolution 2003-191, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT – CONVENTION CENTER HOTEL PARKING FACILITY, SAN DIEGO Agenda Item 10. RESOLUTION 2003-192 making certain findings, as more specifically outlined in Resolution 2003-192, including the proposed Project, which is entitled “Convention Center Hotel Parking Facility” is consistent with the use and development concept for the Center City-Embarcadero area, and the Project is a Non- November 4, 2003 Page 300 Appealable Development which conforms to the certified District Master Plan; the proposed Project is located between the sea (as defined in the Coastal Act) and the first inland continuous public road paralleling the sea, and said Project is consistent with Public Resources Code Sections 30604(c) and 30210-30224, and the Coastal Act public access and recreation policies referenced therein because it will enhance public access to the waterfront by providing significant public parking; further authorizing and directing the issuance of a Coastal Development Permit for said Project, said Coastal Development Permit shall require compliance with the Standard Provisions and ShortTerm Construction Measures incorporated therein, and in particular the conditions listed under the Special Provisions section to comply with the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the South Embarcadero Redevelopment Program 2 and Port Master Plan Amendment Final Environmental Impact Report, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. AUTHORIZATION TO NEGOTIATE AGREEMENT WITH MOFFAT AND NICHOL ENGINEERS Agenda Item 6. Raul Varela, Project Manager, Engineering, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Perry Schacht, representing Moffatt & Nichol Engineers, addressed the Board and stated that they would not be using Blaylock Engineering Group as a subconsultant. Mr. Schacht stated that staff informed him a questionnaire would be sent out to the top two firms to assist staff in making a selection. Mr. Schacht stated Moffatt & Nichol Engineers did not receive the questionnaire. Mr. Schacht requested the Board consider that Moffatt & Nichol Engineers is a local firm when making their decision. In response to Mr. Schacht’s comment regarding the questionnaire, Mr. Varela stated that staff concluded enough information was available to make a decision, therefore the questionnaire was not necessary. Commissioner discussion ensued. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Spane regarding the scope of work and whether the consultant selected could also bid on the repair phase of the project, Mr. Varela stated that the proposed scope of work includes preparing an underwater investigation report of the concrete piles. Tony Heinrichs, Senior Director Facilities/Chief Engineer, stated that, in accordance with the District’s procurement policy, the consultant selected for this project would be precluded from bidding on the repair phase. Commissioner Cushman stated his support for Moffatt & Nichol Engineers. Commissioner Davis requested and received additional November 4, 2003 Page 301 information from Mr. Varela regarding the size of the selection committee and the selection criteria. Mr. Heinrichs stated that, given the scores are so close, any one of the top three firms could do the job. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Davis regarding whether extra points are given to local firms, Mr. Heinrichs stated no. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Rios, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-188 authorizing negotiation with Moffatt & Nichol Engineers for purposes of developing terms, covenants, conditions and costs necessary for professional engineering services for the Encasement Repair of Concrete Piles at the Broadway Pier, San Diego, further resolving that results of said negotiations will be reported to the Board and a decision made at a later date regarding authorization of an agreement, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. PUBLIC HEARING/ACTION AGENDA CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING FOR FINAL SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT, CAMPBELL SEDIMENT REMEDIATION/AQUATIC ENHANCEMENT AND PROVIDE DIRECTION TO STAFF Agenda Item 11. Chairman Van Deventer announced that this item would be continued to the November 18, 2003 Board meeting. ACTION AGENDA ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND ACCEPTING A LEASE FROM THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA BY AND THROUGH THE CALIFORNIA STATE LANDS COMMISSION Agenda Item 12. Rich Gannon, Asset Manager, Real Estate, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Bixler, the Board adopted ORDINANCE 2272 authorizing, approving and accepting the lease agreement from the State of California, by and through the California State Lands Commission, to the San Diego Unified Port District, a public corporation, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46705, leasing to the District approximately 5,500 square feet of water area located west of the United States Pierhead Line Southwest of Navy Pier 11A in the City of San Diego, to be used for mooring of the USS November 4, 2003 Page 302 Midway and development and operation of a non-profit museum of naval aviation history, as recommended by the Executive Director; and directing the execution of the said Lease agreement with State of California, acting by and through the California State Lands Commission, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. CONSIDER ADOPTING RESOLUTION REQUESTING APPOINTMENT OF A PORT OF SAN DIEGO REPRESENTATIVE TO THE MAYOR OF SAN DIEGO’S PENSION REFORM COMMISSION Agenda Item 13. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, addressed the Board and requested that the Board discuss this item and provide direction to staff. Commissioner Bixler declared a conflict of interest due to a relationship with one of the representatives from the San Diego City Employees’ Retirement System (SDCERS) and therefore abstained from participation in the discussion of this item. Commissioner discussed ensued. Commissioner Davis stated that the District has a fiduciary responsibility to understand the pension plan. Commissioner Davis stated the Pension Reform Commission provides a vehicle for the District to better understand the plan. Commissioner Cushman requested and received clarification from Dennis Gibson, Senior Policy Advisor, Office of Mayor Dick Murphy, City of San Diego, regarding the impact on the already formed Pension Reform Commission if a District representative was appointed. Mr. Gibson stated that the Pension Reform Commission has been formed for several weeks and the impact of appointing a District representative will need to be analyzed by the Mayor and City of San Diego City Council. Chairman Van Deventer stated that a District tenant was appointed to the Pension Reform Commission and the Board could request information from the tenant. Chairman Van Deventer expressed concern about appointing a District representative to the Pension Reform Commission after it has been formed and already held meetings. Commissioner Rios requested and received clarification from Mary Braunwarth, Development Director, City of San Diego, regarding the term of the Pension Reform Commission. Ms. Braunwarth stated that the Pension Reform Commission is expected to have a report to the City Council in 120 days. Commissioner Rios stated that the District should monitor the Pension Reform Commission closely. Commissioner Spane stated his support for requesting a District representative. Commissioner Cushman expressed his preference of the District being ex officio to the Pension Reform Commission. Commissioner Cushman stated that, if the District does not have a representative, the District should receive all the data that every member of the Pension Reform Commission receives. Commissioner Cushman expressed concern November 4, 2003 Page 303 regarding the legal impact on the District if it has a representative on the Pension Reform Commission. Ms. Braunwarth stated that the Pension Reform Commission will have a website and all the information presented to them will be provided to the District. Commissioner Davis stated the importance of District having a representative on the Pension Reform Commission. Commissioner Davis made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Spane, that a letter be sent from the Board to the Mayor of the City of San Diego, requesting that he amend the Pension Reform Commission, and appoint a Port of San Diego representative. The motion failed for lacked of a majority, by the following vote: YeasCompton, Davis, Spane; Nays-Cushman, Rios, Van Deventer; Excused-None; AbsentNone; Abstained-Bixler. On motion of Commissioner Van Deventer, seconded by Commissioner Cushman, the Board decided that all information presented to the Pension Reform Commission be provided to the District and the Pension Reform Commission representative from National Steel and Shipbuilding Company report to the Board, by the following vote: Yeas-Compton, Cushman, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-Davis; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained-Bixler. DISCUSSION OF THE SAN DIEGO REGIONAL FIRE AND RESCUE HELICOPTER PROGRAM AND DIRECTION TO STAFF Agenda Item 14. Harbor Police Chief Betty Kelepecz addressed the Board and discussed the history of the San Diego Regional Fire and Rescue Helicopter Program, the capabilities of the helicopter, and how the Harbor Police Department might utilize the helicopter. (A copy of the staff report is on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Ron Saathoff, representing the San Diego City Fire Fighters, addressed the Board and stated that the helicopter is vital to the San Diego Community. Mr. Saathoff stated that the helicopter is a regional asset and requires regional funding, and requested the support of the Board. Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioner Davis stated the importance of having this helicopter as a resource available to use if necessary. Commissioner Davis suggested forming an ad hoc committee along with other regional agencies to explore securing a fire and rescue helicopter and possibly creating a tax-exempt entity that could raise money to acquire the helicopter. Chief Kelepecz discussed the availability of a Coast Guard helicopter for the District. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Davis, Mr. Saathoff discussed the impact of possible Transit Occupancy Tax (TOT) November 4, 2003 Page 304 monies on acquiring firefighting equipment. Commissioner Davis stated due to the high-rise hotels on District tidelands, the District has a need for this helicopter. Commissioner Davis discussed the District budgeting the cost of the helicopter for one month in the next fiscal year’s budget. Commissioner Cushman stated that the region does not have a regional fire protection system. Commissioner Cushman stated the region needs a regional fire authority. Commissioner Cushman challenged the County of Board of Supervisors to bring the region together on this issue. Commissioner Compton reiterated the importance of addressing this issue from a regional perspective. Commissioner Bixler suggested that staff survey other Ports to see how they handle regional fire issues. Chairman Van Deventer suggested providing the ad hoc committee with information about what the District is budgeting for fire protection in the member cities. Chairman Van Deventer requested and received clarification from Mr. Saathoff regarding the City and County of Los Angeles helicopter program. Chairman Van Deventer requested that this information be provided to the ad hoc committee. Captain Fennessey of the City of San Diego Fire Department, addressed the Board and discussed the benefits to District of having a helicopter. On motion of Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Cushman, the Board decided to establish an ad hoc committee comprised of representatives from the Port Attorneys office, Harbor Police and Finance to investigate the funding of a firefighting helicopter for continued regional use, meet with other regional agencies to discuss creating a regional fire system, and budget for one-month operation cost of $209,000 for a firefighting helicopter in next year’s budget, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained- None. DIRECTION TO STAFF TO PROCEED WITH DEBT FINANCING TO FUND THE DISTRICT’S 2003-2007 CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM PROJECTS AS DETERMINED BY STAFF AND BOND COUNSEL IN A PAR VALUE NOT TO EXCEED $90 MILLION FOR A TERM TO MATURITY THAT DOES NOT EXCEED 120% OF THE WEIGHTED AVERAGE USEFUL LIFE OF PROJECTS TO BE FINANCED Agenda Item 15. Commissioner Bixler stated due to his employer’s policy, he declared a conflict of interest and therefore abstained from participation in the discussion of this item. Commissioner Bixler left the dais and the Boardroom at 2:10 p.m. November 4, 2003 Page 305 Jeff McEntee, CFO/Treasurer, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioner Davis stated he did not believe the District had the responsibility to establish a sinking fund. Commissioner Davis discussed the costs associated with issuing the debt. Commissioner Davis suggested issuing a series of bonds. Commissioner Compton requested and received clarification from Commissioner Davis regarding the interest rate on the Promissory Note issued to the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority (SDCRAA). Andrew Nakahata, representing Goldman, Sachs & Company, addressed the Board and stated that the District must generate future operating cash flow sufficient to support the debt service. Commissioner Davis stated that the District must have the flexibility to renegotiate with SDCRAA. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, discussed the need for the District to show a path of paying off the note. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Compton, Mr. Nakahata stated the agreement stipulates that the bonds are on equal call. Commissioner Cushman stated his support for the alternative debt coverage. Commissioner Cushman stated that the District must move forward on the issuance of debt to help fund the Capital Development Program (CDP). Russell Goings, representing First Albany Corporation, and Mr. Nakahata discussed possible ratings that the bond issuance might receive from the rating agencies. Commissioner Rios stated that the District is not ready to proceed with the staff recommendation because time is needed to negotiate with the SDCRAA regarding the Promissory Note. Mr. Hollingsworth stated that, in order to meet the cash flow needs of the CDP, it is important to move forward on this process. Commissioner Spane stated that Commissioner Davis’s alternative debt coverage allows more flexibility for the District. On motion of Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Cushman, the Board decided to proceed with planned debt issuance in one or more series of bonds to generate net proceeds of $25 million for approved budgeted capital improvements and a subsequent series for an amount up to cash proceeds of $50 million to be used as determined and approved at a subsequent Board of Port Commissioners meeting, by the following vote: Yeas-Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; NaysNone; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained-Bixler. November 4, 2003 Page 306 CLOSED SESSION Agenda Items 19, 20, 21 and 22. Chairman Van Deventer stated that the Board would adjourn to closed session before the continuation of the Action Agenda, whereupon Duane Bennett, Port Attorney, announced the closed session items for today's agenda, as follows: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION Pursuant to Subdivision (a) of Government Code Section 54956.9: David L. Malcolm vs. David R. Chapman, an Individual, SDUPD, et al.San Diego Superior Court No. GIC 818347 CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Subdivision (b)(1) of Government Code Section 54956.9: One Case CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR Government Code Section 54956.8 Property: 1220 Pacific Highway, San Diego; 2140 Tidelands Avenue, National City Negotiating Parties: Karen Ringel, United States Navy, M. Christine Anderson, SDUPD Under Negotiation: Price and Terms PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957: Port Attorney OPEN SESSION After the closed session, the Board reconvened in open public session at 4:06 p.m. Chairman Van Deventer noted that all Commissioners were present. Duane Bennett, Port Attorney, reported that there is no reportable action resulting from today’s closed session. Mr. Bennett stated that item 22 (Public Employee Performance Evaluation) was not discussed. November 4, 2003 Page 307 CONTINUANCE OF ACTION AGENDA DISCUSSION AND DIRECTION TO STAFF REGARDING EMERGENCY LEAVE FOR EMPLOYEES SERIOUSLY IMPACTED BY NATURAL DISASTERS Agenda Item 16. Wayne Darbeau, Vice President, Administration/District Clerk; Chris Anderson, Vice President, Operations; and Karen Porteous, Director, Human Resources, addressed the Board and presented a status report of the impact of the recent wildfires on the District operations and staff. Ms. Anderson thanked the Board for their concern for District employees. Ms. Anderson stated that all essential services of the District were kept operating during the disaster. Ms. Porteous stated that through Fire Storm 2003, employee safety and welfare were at the forefront of the decisions made. Ms. Porteous stated District management was briefed on Wednesday to provide information regarding air quality. Each department was requested to notify Human Resources of all employees directly impacted by the fire. Ms. Porteous stated that three current employees and one retiree have lost their homes. Ms. Porteous stated that all employees scheduled to work Monday and Tuesday were paid and any requests for additional leave due to the fires would be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Ms. Porteous stated that a fundraiser for employees affected by the fire and a recognition event are being planned. Ms. Porteous stated that a “Lessons Learned” session would also be held. Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioner Cushman stated the District was very generous by paying employees for Monday and Tuesday. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Bixler regarding whether Human Resources would be putting together a list of needs for those employees affected by fire, Ms. Porteous stated that they are working on the list. Commissioner Bixler requested and received clarification from Ms. Anderson regarding the District’s emergency phone trees. Ms. Anderson stated that all employees have been notified to update their emergency contact information. Commissioner Bixler suggested establishing a process to periodically require employees to update emergency contact information. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, clarified for the Board that the District does have a State of California Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS) plan in place, and that the emergency contact information for the plan is current. Commissioner Davis requested and received clarification from Ms. Anderson regarding the status of setting up a 501(c)(3) fund. Ms. Anderson stated that staff is looking at two options to assist employees, since it would take a six to eight week process to set up the fund. Ms. Anderson stated that staff is contacting banks to November 4, 2003 Page 308 provide a method for collecting donations. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Davis, Ms. Anderson provided additional information on the administrative leave available to employees directly affected by the fire. Ms. Anderson stated the District cannot donate to a non-tidelands trust purpose. Commissioner Cushman discussed using the Cushman Foundation 501(c)(3) on an interim basis. Commissioner Cushman stated he has contacted the San Diego Community Foundation regarding the creation of a foundation. Commissioner Cushman suggested contacting the District’s bank to create a trust fund. PRESIDENT’S REPORT Agenda Item 17. Tony Heinrichs, Senior Director, Facilities/Chief Engineer, informed the Board that the District received an award from the Associated General Contractors of America, Inc., (AGC) for the General Services Building. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Agenda Item 18. Commissioner Spane thanked the Board and staff for attending today’s groundbreaking for the Glorietta Bay Project at the City of Coronado. Chairman Van Deventer requested staff provide an update to the Board on the construction of the U.S.S. San Diego Memorial. Chairman Van Deventer requested and received clarification from Chris Anderson, Vice President, Operations, regarding the status of relocating the Cinderella Carriage Company. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, stated that staff would examine this issue and request Board approval if necessary. Chairman Van Deventer requested that staff install a flag at the Old Police Headquarters building. Commissioner Bixler requested that staff update the Board on the status of the Neptune’s Palace. Dan Wilkens, Executive Vice President, addressed the Board and provided additional information on this issue. Page 309 November 4,2003 There was no further action to report, whereupon Chairman Van Deventer adjourned the meeting. SanlDiego Unified Port Dist'rict ATTEST: ! November 18, 2003 Page 310 MINUTES BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District was called to order by Chairman Van Deventer at 1:03 p.m. Tuesday, November 18, 2003, in the Board Room at 3165 Pacific Highway, San Diego, California. ROLL CALL Agenda Item 1. Present: COMMISSIONERS Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; OFFICERS Hollingsworth, Bennett, Darbeau, Heinrichs and McEntee. Absent: None. Excused: None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Agenda Item 2. The minutes submitted for the special meetings of October 21, 2003, and the special and regular meetings of November 4, 2003, were approved on motion of Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Rios. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Agenda Item 3. None. CONSENT AGENDA Chairman Van Deventer announced that item 4 (Ordinance amending Memorandum of Understanding with Community Development Commission of National November 18, 2003 Page 311 City to extend term) and item 5 (Resolution authorizing issuance of “Request for proposals for option to lease and develop the Marina Green Bayside commercial site located at 4960 North Harbor Drive (between Nimitz Boulevard and Scott Street) in San Diego, California”) would be pulled for separate discussion and vote. ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO AMENDED AND RESTATED MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NATIONAL CITY Agenda Item 4. Roy Nail, Asset Manager, Real Estate, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Davis, the Board adopted ORDINANCE 2273 authorizing and directing the execution of Amendment No. 2 to Amended and Restated Memorandum of Understanding with the Community Development Commission of the City of National City relative to the Extension of Harrison Avenue, the National City Marina, and Other Possible Development and Related Public Improvements and Capital Development Programs in the Vicinity of 24th Street and Harrison Avenue in the City of National City; provided, however, Parcel No. 2 is hereby excluded from said Amended and Restated MOU, which exclusion will permit the District and CDC to discuss alternative uses for said Parcel 2; further, the Amended and Restated MOU, as amended shall terminate on November 30, 2005, unless it is extended by mutual agreement prior to August 1, 2005, in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said Amendment No. 2 to Amended and Restated MOU, to be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46725, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained- None. REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Agenda Item 5. Annette Dahl, Senior Asset Manager, Real Estate, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Commissioner discussion ensued. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Cushman regarding the proposed timeline for the Request for Proposals (RFP), Ms. Dahl stated that staff wanted to provide adequate time for the proposers, and staff would review the timeline to make sure it was appropriate. In response to an inquiry from November 18, 2003 Page 312 Commissioner Bixler as to whether the Marina Green Park was a Coastal Commission requirement, Mr. Hicks, Director, Land Use Planning, stated yes. Commissioner Bixler requested and received clarification from Mr. Hicks whether the Coastal Commission would require public park space in future development. In response to an inquiry from Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, regarding whether the Coastal Commission has a policy requiring new developments to provide public park space, Mr. Hicks stated that, as a general policy, the California Coastal Commission is looking for additional public park space in new developments. Mike McDade addressed the Board and expressed his concern regarding the RFP requirement that retail and commercial space of this development not exceed 26,000 square feet. Mr. McDade stated a larger retail and commercial space might be possible with underground parking. Mr. McDade requested that the Board consider not assigning an absolute limit on the retail and commercial space development. Paul Fanfera, Acting Senior Director, Real Estate, addressed the Board and stated the size of the retail and commercial space was based on the parking constraints and the Port Master Plan. Mr. Fanfera stated that, to allow more flexibility, the RFP could provide for a range between 26,000-30,000 square feet for retail and commercial development and still stay within the constraints of the Port Master Plan and the Environmental Impact Report (EIR). Commissioner discussion continued. Commissioner Cushman requested and received clarification from Mr. McDade regarding the impact of the water table on an underground parking lot. Chairman Van Deventer stated his support for more flexibility for retail and commercial space. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, clarified the Board’s direction to staff to allow flexibility for proposers regarding the size of restaurant and retail space when submitting their proposals. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Bixler, the Board provided direction to staff and adopted RESOLUTION 2003-193 authorizing the issuance of a Request for Proposals for an Option to Lease and Develop the Marina Green Bayside Commercial Site, located at 4960 North Harbor Drive (between Nimitz Boulevard and Scott Street) in the City of San Diego; further that results of said Request for Proposals will be reported to the Board and a decision made at a later date regarding authorization of an Option to Lease Agreement, by the following vote: YeasBixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; ExcusedNone; Absent-None; Abstained- None. November 18, 2003 Page 313 PUBLIC HEARING/ACTION AGENDA ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING PARKING RATES FOR NAVY PIER PARKING FACILITY Agenda Item 6. Rich Gannon, Asset Manager, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Chairman Van Deventer opened the Public Hearing. Chuck Nichols, representing the San Diego Aircraft Carrier Museum (SDACM), addressed the Board and stated his support for staff’s recommendation. No one else requested to speak and Chairman Van Deventer closed the Public Hearing. Commissioner discussion ensued. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Bixler regarding what time the 24-hour parking rate started, Paul Fanfera, Acting Senior Director, Real Estate, stated that the period started at 8:00 A.M. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Bixler, Mr. Fanfera provided clarification concerning how the SDACM and the San Diego Symphony will coordinate their parking needs. Commissioner Bixler expressed his concern regarding over-committing to various organizations for the same parking. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Cushman regarding whether the proposed rates are for visitors and not employees, Mr. Nichols said yes. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, stated the motion would include the clarification that parking rates are not for employees. On motion of Commissioner Van Deventer, seconded by Commissioner Cushman, the Board adopted ORDINANCE 2274 establishing the rates for the Navy Pier Parking Facility, located on the west side Harbor Drive in the City of San Diego, as more particularly outlined in Ordinance 2274, and allowing the Executive Director to use the rates established pursuant to Ordinance 2274 for a new or extended Operating Agreement for said Navy Pier Parking Facility; further, that the rates herein shall take effect on the 31st day from its passage by the Board of Port Commissioners or January 1, 2004, whichever date is later, and said rates shall be posted, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained- None. November 18, 2003 Page 314 CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING FOR FINAL SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT, CAMPBELL SEDIMENT REMEDIATION/AQUATIC ENHANCEMENT AND PROVIDE DIRECTION TO STAFF Agenda Item 7. David Merk, Director, Recreational & Environmental Services; Betty Dehoney, representing P&D Consultants, Inc.; and Paul Brown, Senior Environmental Specialist, Recreational & Environmental Services, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Mr. Brown provided a detailed analysis, including advantages and disadvantages, of the following four alternative remediation options: 1) Engineered-Cap-In-Place 2) Habitat Cap 3) Hybrid Cap and 4) Dredge and Sediment Disposal. Mr. Brown stated that staff recommended the Engineered-Cap-InPlace alternative. Chairman Van Deventer opened the Public Hearing. The following individuals addressed the Board with varying points of view regarding the alternative remediation options: Martin Kenney, representing the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; Laura Hunter, representing the Environmental Coalition; Allen Fernstrom, Campbell Shipyard; Sonja Rodriquez, representing the Environmental Health Coalition (translation provided by Ron Popham, Senior Director, Maritime Services); Robert Howard, representing Latham & Watkins (Attorney for Campbell Shipyard); Kathy Horning, representing Exxon Mobil Corporation; Ed Kimura, representing Sierra Club; Bruce Reznik, representing San Diego Baykeeper; and Richard Cloward, representing San Diego Port Tenants Association (SDPTA). No one else requested to speak and Chairman Van Deventer closed the Public Hearing. In response to a concern raised by Mr. Kenney regarding a change in staff’s preferred alternative rather than one discussed at an earlier working group meeting, Mr. Merk stated that no final decision was reached at that working group meeting and the final decision would be made by the Board. Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioner Davis requested and received clarification from Mr. Brown regarding the proposed cost of the Engineered Cap-InPlace alternative. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Davis, Mr. Brown described the materials and the construction of the Engineered Cap-In-Place alternative. Mr. Brown discussed the possible effects of propeller wash on the cap and the program that would be put in place to monitor the cap. Commissioner Bixler requested and received clarification from Mr. Brown regarding the analysis performed to determine the thickness of the cap. Duane Bennett, Port Attorney, stated that November 18, 2003 Page 315 Campbell Shipyard is a source of on-going litigation for the District and cautioned staff in their response to Commissioner Bixler’s question so that responses would not impact the litigation. Mr. Brown described the proposed design of the Engineered Cap-InPlace alternative to consist of sand, gravel, and armoring materials to protect against breakthrough of contaminants and propeller wash. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Bixler regarding the cost of the one-acre habitat as part of the Engineered Cap-In-Place alternative, Mr. Brown stated approximately $1 million. Commissioner Compton requested and received a detailed explanation from David Keith, representing Anchor Environmental, regarding the analysis of the various alternatives. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Compton, Mr. Keith stated, depending on the class of chemicals, the toxins on the site would last a very long time. Mr. Keith described the various containments at the site and stated the cap would not remove the containments from the site. Mr. Keith described the models used to assist in the design of the proposed cap and stated that caps have been used successfully around the United States. Commissioner Cushman stated that this a policy issue as to what the District would do in the future to protect the San Diego Bay. Commissioner Cushman stated he would support staff’s recommendation because economically it is the only long-range policy the District can afford. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Davis, Mr. Reznik stated he preferred the Habitat Cap alternative and the technical advisory group had yet to review the Engineered Cap-In-Place alternative. Mr. Reznik discussed San Diego Bay Keeper’s lawsuits against NASSCO and Southwest Marine. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Davis, Mr. Reznik stated he would consider pursuing litigation against the District if they used Engineered Cap-In-Place alternative, however he would prefer to work together with the District. Commissioner Spane stated, given the economics of the alternatives, he supports staff’s recommendation. Commissioner Bixler stated his support for staff’s recommendation. Commissioner Bixler suggested providing the mitigation somewhere else on San Diego Bay. Mr. Brown stated that one-acre habitat creation is required for approval from the resource agencies. Commissioner Bixler requested that staff explore having the flexibility for the mitigation and report back to the Board. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, discussed Commissioner Bixler’s suggestion of exploring alternative sites for the mitigation. Commissioner Rios concurred with Commissioner Bixler’s suggestion regarding the pursuit of mitigation at another site and stated support for staff’s recommendation. Commissioner Davis stated his preference for Dredge and Sediment Disposal alternative if money was not a concern, however the District has the responsibility to keep the bay clean. Commissioner Davis stated that the District has a right to pursue reimbursement for November 18, 2003 Page 316 cleanup costs from those who contaminated the site. Mr. Merk stated that staff would schedule this issue for the December 2, 2003 Board meeting. On motion of Commissioner Bixler, seconded by Commissioner Cushman, the Board concurred with staff’s recommendation and directed staff to work with the resource agencies and environmental groups to explore other sites for possible mitigation, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays- Davis; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained- None. DISCUSSION REQUEST FROM THE SAN DIEGO SYMPHONY TO USE NAVY PIER FOR THE SUMMER POPS 2004 AND DIRECTION TO STAFF Agenda Item 8. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, requested the Board discuss and consider the request from the San Diego Symphony to use the Navy Pier for the Summer Pops 2004 and provide direction to staff. Ward Gill, Executive Director; Drew Cady, General Manager; and Jack Queen, Chairman, representing the San Diego Symphony, addressed the Board and discussed the proposed timeline and on-going dialog with San Diego Aircraft Carrier Museum (SDACM) and District staff regarding the needs for Summer Pops 2004. Mr. Queen expressed his concern regarding the parking challenges with the SDACM and making up the loss of parking revenue to the District. Commissioner discussion ensued. Chairman Van Deventer stated that parking is a major concern and requested staff work with the Navy regarding the use of their parking. Chairman Van Deventer also suggested offering shuttle services to address the parking challenges. Commissioner Cushman requested and received clarification from Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, and Chris Anderson, Vice President, Operations, regarding alternative venues for the Summer Pops 2004. Commissioner Cushman stated the District cannot continue to be a major financial sponsor of the San Diego Symphony. Richard Cloward, representing the San Diego Port Tenants Association (SDPTA), addressed the Board and requested that the tenants be included in the discussions regarding the parking in this area. Commissioner discussion continued. Commissioner Davis requested and received clarification from Paul Fanfera, Acting Senior Director, Real Estate, and Ms. Anderson November 18, 2003 Page 317 regarding the number of parking spaces available for the SDACM and the Summer Pops. Ms. Anderson stated that staff would look at the schedules of the Summer Pops and the San Diego Padres to meet the parking needs. Chairman Van Deventer stated the importance of addressing the long-range parking needs for this area and requested that a permanent venue for the Summer Pops be addressed. Commissioner Bixler suggested including the Design Competition Adviser for the Old Police Headquarters Central Park Site when discussing possible locations for the Summer Pops. Chuck Nichols, representing the SDACM, addressed and informed the Board that the grand opening for the SDACM is scheduled for next April. Mr. Nichols stated that parking will be difficult this summer if the Summer Pops is located on the Navy Pier, however the SDACM is willing to work with District staff and the San Diego Symphony to address the parking needs. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, summarized Board direction to staff as follows: to meet with the San Diego Symphony, SDACM, San Diego Port Tenants Association and other appropriate parties to look at using the Navy parking lot; to examine other alternative sites for the Summer Pops including the South Embarcadero, the flight deck of SDACM and the Old Police Headquarters; work with the San Diego Padres and the San Diego Convention Center regarding the impact of parking for the Summer Pops and SDACM; work with the San Diego Symphony regarding a reduction of financial support from the District; and include in the Recreation Master Plan process a permanent venue for the Summer Pops. On motion of Commissioner Bixler, seconded by Commissioner Cushman, the Board provided direction to staff, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained- None. Chairman Van Deventer announced that the Board would take a short break. Chairman Van Deventer called the meeting back to order at 3:34 p.m. Chairman Van Deventer noted that all Commissioners were present. PRESENTATION BY HARBOR POLICE K-9 TEAM Betty Kelepecz, Chief, Harbor Police; Officer Anthony Williams; and Sergeant James Jordon introduced the newest member of the K-9 Team, Emir. Officer Williams and Sgt. Jordon provided a brief overview of the K-9 Team and, in response to November 18, 2003 Page 318 questions from the Board, provided additional information regarding the program. Sgt. Jordon discussed the collaboration between K-9 programs of other law enforcement agencies. ACTION AGENDA AWARD OF CONTRACT 2003-35 TO CLAUSS CONSTRUCTION FOR MITIGATION WORK FOR WHARF EXTENSION PROJECT, NATIONAL CITY Agenda Item 9. Commissioner Cushman requested and received clarification from Bob Frankel, Director, Construction Support, regarding whether a credit was received from General Construction Company for the mitigation work for the project that was not completed. Mr. Frankel stated that a partial credit of approximately $150,000 was received. On motion of Commissioner Bixler, seconded by Commissioner Cushman, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-194 adopting the Plans and Specifications for Project No. P1184-5, Mitigation Work for Wharf Extension Project, National City, commonly known as District Construction Contract 2003-35, and accepting the low bid of Clauss Construction, in an amount not to exceed $1,192,000.00, based upon prices set forth in the bid proposal for Mitigation Work for Wharf Extension Project, National City; and authorizing and directing the execution of Contract 2003-35 on behalf of the District with Clauss Construction for the performance of said work, by the following vote: YeasBixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; ExcusedNone; Absent-None; Abstained- None. RESOLUTION SELECTING AND AUTHORIZING FIVE-YEAR PARKING MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT WITH FIVE STAR PARKING FOR THE PROPOSED AIRPORT PARK AND SHUTTLE FACILITY AT FORMER TELEDYNE INDUSTRIES SITE ON NORTH HARBOR DRIVE AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION 2003-141 AUTHORIZING MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT WITH ACE PARKING MANAGEMENT, INC. Agenda Item 10. David Sandoval, Senior Asset Manager, Real Estate, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations. (A copy of the staff report is on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Jerry Butkiewicz, representing the San Diego Labor Council, addressed the Board and stated his support for The Parking Spot. November 18, 2003 Page 319 Commissioner discussion ensued. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Rios, Mr. Sandoval stated that Five Star Parking no longer has a conflict of interest because it will not be operating the Park Shuttle & Fly parking facility. Mr. Sandoval stated that Five Star Parking would operate the parking facility for a 1% management fee. Commissioner Rios stated that she was impressed with The Parking Spot’s qualifications and liked the idea of bringing in a new company to San Diego. Commissioner Cushman expressed his concern regarding the letter received from Ace Parking Management (Ace) regarding the conflict of interest and requested the Port Attorney look into the matter and report back to the Board. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, stated that after discussing the matter with their attorney, the airport determined that there would be a conflict of interest if Ace operated the District’s proposed facility. Commissioner Davis requested and received clarification from Mr. Hollingsworth regarding any other conflicts of interest Ace may have by operating other parking facilities for District. Commissioner Cushman stated he was also impressed with the qualifications of The Parking Spot and supported bringing a new employer to San Diego. Commissioner Cushman requested and received clarification from Paul Chacon, representing Five Star Parking, regarding the ownership of Five Star Parking. In response to inquiries from Chairman Van Deventer and Commissioner Cushman, Mr. Sandoval discussed projected revenue for the proposed parking operators. Commissioner Davis suggested this item be brought back at the next Board meeting to allow staff to provide a comparison between Five Star Parking and The Parking Spot. Mr. Sandoval stated that, to meet an April 2004 opening, staff needs to move forward on this project. Mr. Hollingsworth recommended continuing this item for two weeks. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Davis, the Board decided to continue this item to a future Board meeting, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained- None. Commissioner Bixler suggested changing the name of the facility to the Harbor Side Park and Shuttle Facility unless there was reason the District could not change the name. Mr. Hollingsworth stated that the name of the facility would be changed and if Board approval is necessary, an item would be placed on the next Board meeting agenda. Dan Wilkens, Executive Vice President, stated he would examine the name change from a California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) perspective. November 18, 2003 Page 320 ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE 0 OF THE SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT CODE Agenda Item 11. Commissioner Davis noted that he would be abstaining from the discussion and vote on this item due to a potential conflict of interest given his declared candidacy for Mayor of San Diego. Commissioner Davis left the dais and the Boardroom at 4:06 p.m. Duane Bennett, Port Attorney, and Bill McMinn, Deputy Port Attorney, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Commissioner discussion ensued. In response to inquiries from Chairman Van Deventer and Commissioner Cushman regarding whether any lunch over $50 is gift, Mr. McMinn stated yes. Mr. Bennett stated that meals are gifts and staff will request a written interpretation regarding this issue from the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC). Commissioner Bixler suggested seeking an interpretation from the State Attorney’s Office regarding this issue, due to a possible conflict between State and Federal jurisdictions. Chairman Van Deventer suggested getting an interpretation regarding this issue from the City Attorneys Association of San Diego for the cities and county. On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Spane, the Board adopted ORDINANCE 2275 amending Article 0 of the San Diego Unified Port District Code, entitled “Code of Ethics,” in its entirety, to read as more particularly outlined in Ordinance 2275, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained-Davis. OFFICER’S REPORT Agenda Item 12. In accordance with BPC Policy 110, the following change orders executed by the Executive Director were reported: a. Change Order Nos. 20 for $63,024.56; and 21 for $6,586.34 to Contract No. 2000-03 with General Construction Company for National City Marine Terminal Wharf Extension. b. Change Order No. 2 for 30 Calendar Days to Contract No. 2002-30R with Architectural Signs and Graphics, Inc. for Way Finding Signage. November 18, 2003 Page 321 c. Change Order Nos. 8 for $4,999.00; and 9 for a credit of $999.00 to Contract No. 2002-53 with Elken Contracting Company for Imperial Beach Pier Utilities Improvements. d. Change Order Nos. 3 for $6,332.54; and 4 for $16,268.70 to Contract No. 200301 with SRM Contracting and Paving for Major Pavement Repairs, Harbor Island and Shelter Island Tidelands Pavement Management Program. e. Change Order Nos. 4 for a credit of $1,129.00; 9 for $565.00; 10 for $2,287.00 and 1 Calendar Day; 11 for $1,444.00 and 1 Calendar Day; 12 for $309.00; 13 for $311.00 and 1 Calendar Day; and 14 for $658.00 and 1 Calendar Day to Contract No. 2003-07 with Ghassan Construction for Canyon Path Pedestrian Access Improvements. f. Change Order No. 3 for 10 Calendar Days to Contract No. 2003-12 with VCI Telcom, Inc. for 10” Fire Main and Underground Improvements, South Campus Property, Chula Vista, CA. g. Change Order No. 1 for a credit of $309.00 to Contract No. 2003-14 with SRM Contracting and Paving for Repair of Civic Center Drive, National City, CA. h. Change Order No. 1 for $41,000.00 to Contract No. 2003-27 with Geotechnical Stabilization, Inc. for Fill Voids Under Pavement East of B Street Pier. PRESIDENT’S REPORT Agenda Item 13. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, announced that the “Urban Tree” Program opening was a success and well attended. Karen Porteous, Director, Human Resources, and CJ Lucke, Director, Corporate Services, addressed the Board and provided a brief update on the efforts taken to assist the employees affected by Fire Storm 2003. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Agenda Item 14. Commissioner Rios reported on the recent trade mission and thanked Ron Popham, Senior Director, Maritime, and Miguel Reyes, Senior Maritime Trade Account Manager, Maritime Trade Development, for their hard work. Chairman Van Deventer stated the trip was a success and he would provide a report to the Board. Commissioner Bixler commended Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, for his summary of the motions. Commissioner Bixler requested that staff respond to the November 18, 2003 Page 322 recent newspaper article regarding the Cinderella Carriage Company. Rita Vandergaw, Senior Director, Marketing & Communica~ons,addressed the Board and stated a letter has been drafted to the editor, and staff has responded to e-mails with the facts. CLOSED SESSION Agenda Items 15, 16 and 17. Chairman Van Deventer noted there were no additional items on the open session agenda for discussion, whereupon Duane Bennett, Port Attorney, announced the closed session items for today's agenda, as follows: - CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL EXISTING LITIGATION Pursuant to Subdivision (a) of Government Code Section 54956.9: The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Diego vs. SDG&E San Diego Superior Court No. GIC 800496 CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - INITIATION OF LITIGATION Pursuant to Subdivision (c) of Government Code Section 54956.9: One Case CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Subdivision (b)( 1) of Government Code Section 54956.9: One Case There was no formal action to report from the Closed Session, whereupon Chairman Van Deventer adjourned the meeting. dcretary, Board of P$ Commis56net-s San Diego Unified Port District Clerk of e n Diego Unified Port District December 2, 2003 Page 323 MINUTES BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT As previously posted, a special meeting of the Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District was called to order by Chairman Van Deventer at 9:05 a.m. Tuesday, December 2, 2003, in the Board Room at 3165 Pacific Highway, San Diego, California. ROLL CALL Agenda Item 1. Present: COMMISSIONERS Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; OFFICERS Hollingsworth, Bennett and Heinrichs. Absent: None. Excused: None. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Agenda Item 2. None. WORKSHOP PRESENTATION AND ADOPTION OF PUBLIC ART RESOURCE GUIDE Agenda Item 3. Catherine Sass, Director, Public Art; Bill Harris, Public Art Project Manager; Celestine de la Victoria, Public Art Project Manager; and Allan Tait, Executive Assistant I, Public Art, addressed the Board and presented an overview of the Public Art Resource Guide, Public Art Program highlights and the new Public Art video. (A copy of the presentation is on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Sharon Cloward, representing the San Diego Port Tenants Associations (SDPTA), addressed the Board and stated her support for the Public Art Resource Guide. Ms. Cloward suggested the SDPTA become involved in the review process prior to Board approval and that the Public Art Department facilitate improved signage for the Port tenants. December 2, 2003 Page 324 Commissioner discussion ensued. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Bixler regarding the budget process for maintenance of public art on District tidelands, Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, stated funding for acquiring public art comes from the Public Art fund and is transferred as part of the budgeting process. Mr. Hollingsworth stated that staff would identify in a budget footnote the amount budgeted for maintenance of the art pieces. Mr. Hollingsworth also stated that those who donate art pieces provide the funding for the maintenance the art. Ms. Sass discussed the need for a professional conservation program for existing art pieces. Ms. Sass stated that donated art items require an endowment fund for maintenance over the life of the artwork. Commissioner Rios stated her support for the Public Art Department having the responsibility of tenant signage. Commissioner Bixler stated that the correct name of Pier Plaza is Portwood Pier Plaza and should be changed in the Guide. Commissioner Bixler suggested that staff insert a picture of the Spirit of Imperial Beach and a better picture of the Ocean Riders into the Guide. Commissioner Bixler suggested alternative language for the Public Art Goals section for Imperial Beach. Commissioner Bixler stated that it is the vision of the Port District Public Art Program to create an outdoor walking public art experience along the Imperial Beach oceanfront and Pond 20 area. Commissioner Bixler stated that, along these lines, eighteen sites along Seacoast Drive from its North terminus to its South terminus and at each street end west of Seacoast Drive are all viewed as long term opportunities to implement this goal, and that subject to further specification, Pond 20 is expected to host other public art. Chairman Van Deventer stated the need for community buy-in for the Public Art Program and the importance of having a Public Art Resource Guide. Commissioner Cushman stated that the Guide was well done, and that he would like input from the tenants before Board approval. Mr. Hollingsworth reiterated the Board direction as the following: shifting tenant approval before Board approval; including Commissioner Bixler’s proposed changes to the Guide; and having the Public Art Department facilitate improved signage for the tenants. Chairman Van Deventer announced that the Board would take a short break. Chairman Van Deventer called the meeting back to order at 10:03 a.m. Chairman Van Deventer noted that all Commissioners were present. PRESENTATION AND ADOPTION OF PUBLIC ART RESOURCE GUIDE Agenda Item 4. Rita Vandergaw, Senior Director, Marketing & Communications; Marlee Ehrenfeld, President MJE Marketing Services; Dr. David Dozier, San Diego State University; and Amanda Lugg-Ramsey, Marketing/Public Relations Representative II, addressed the Board and presented an overview of the Marketing and Communications December 2, 2003 Page 325 Division, including The Big Bay Program. Dr. Dozier presented the results of surveys conducted to evaluate the impact of the Marketing and Communications Programs. (A copy of the presentation is on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Joseph Melluso, representing the San Diego Port Tenants Association (SDPTA), addressed the Board representing Sharon Cloward, of the San Diego Port Tenants Association (SDPTA), stating her support of The Big Bay Program. Mr. Melluso stated the need for all tenants to have an insignia to represent their participation in The Big Bay Program and to serve as symbol for being a Port tenant. Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioner Cushman expressed his disappointment in the survey results that showed a small increase in familiarity with the “The Big Bay” slogan. Commissioner Cushman expressed frustration concerning the lack of a Big Bay annual signature event for the District. Commissioner Cushman also expressed disappointment with spending of visitors remaining stable. Commissioner Cushman stated the need for a new invigorated campaign to get more citizens of San Diego to the waterfront. Ms. Ehrenfeld stated the spending level was a success, considering the economic conditions at the time. Commissioner Bixler suggested that the signature event could reflect the Spanish heritage of the county similar to the Fiesta Del Pacifico. Commissioner Bixler suggested that the depth of the Bay could be better illustrated in the chart depicted in the Maritime Division Complete Guide to the Port of San Diego. Commissioner Bixler also suggested that the Guide communicate the District’s commitment to dredge of the Bay. Commissioner Spane commended staff for the increase in the Cruise Ship Program. Commissioner Spane stated that there is an opportunity to utilize the San Diego Aircraft Museum to draw people to the Bay. Commissioner Davis requested and received clarification from Ms. Vandergaw regarding the budget for the Marketing and Communications Division. Ms. Vandergaw stated that the overall budget for the division has been reduced. Ms. Vandergaw stated that primary media expense has been for The Big Bay Program that is in direct support of the Real Estate Division. In response to a suggestion from Commissioner Davis regarding the potential of a cruise trade show in San Diego, Ms. Vandergaw stated that it would be difficult, but staff could work toward it. Commissioner Davis expressed his concern regarding whether The Big Bay Program is an effective marketing tool for the Bay. Commissioner Davis reiterated the need to create a signature event as a goal for the District. Mr. Hollingsworth clarified that the $5 million budget is for the entire division not just The Big Bay Program. Chairman Van Deventer reminded the Board that a signature event could be time-intensive and expensive. Commissioner Bixler suggested that funding be focused on the core businesses of the District. Commissioner Rios suggested developing a compelling reason for people to come to the December 2,2003 Page 326 Bay, such as water activities. Commissioner Bixler suggested focusing marketing efforts on Big Bay bargains. Commissioner Davis suggested working with other agencies to draw people to the Bay during the opening week of the baseball stadium. There was no further action taken, whereupon Chairman Van Deventer adjourned the meeting. SadDiego Unified Port District Clerk of the S w e g o Unified Port District December 2, 2003 Page 327 MINUTES BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT As previously posted, a special meeting of the Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District was called to order by Chairman Van Deventer at 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, December 2, 2003, in the Board Room at 3165 Pacific Highway, San Diego, California. ROLL CALL Agenda Item 1. Present: COMMISSIONERS Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; OFFICERS Hollingsworth, Bennett. Absent: None. Excused: None. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Agenda Item 2. None. CLOSED SESSION Agenda Item 3. Chairman Van Deventer announced the Board would enter into closed session for: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXISTING LITIGATION Pursuant to Subdivision (a) of Government Code Section 54956.9: San Diego County Regional Airport Authority vs. SDUPD; Board of Port Commissioners, et al. San Diego Superior Court No. 821224 December 2,2003 Page 328 SDUPD, Redevelopment Agency of City of San Diego, Plaintiffs, vs. Exxonmobil Corporation, Defendant; Exxonmobil Corporation, Counter Claimant, vs. SDUPD, Redevelopment Agency of City of San Diego, Counter Defendants United States District Court, Southern District of California, No. 03 CV1053 DMS (PW David L. Malcolm vs. David R. Chapman, SDUPD, et al. San Diego Superior Court No. GIC 818347 Aqenda Item 4. PUBUC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957: Port Attorney Chairman Van Deventer adjourned the special meeting at 1:OO p.m. Sanbiego Unified Port D&ict ATTEST: Clerk of the San D&o Unified Port District ! December 2, 2003 Page 329 MINUTES BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District was called to order by Chairman Van Deventer at 1:05 p.m. Tuesday, December 2, 2003, in the Board Room at 3165 Pacific Highway, San Diego, California. ROLL CALL Agenda Item 1. Present: COMMISSIONERS Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; OFFICERS Hollingsworth, Bennett, Darbeau, Heinrichs and McEntee. Absent: None. Excused: None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Agenda Item 2. The minutes submitted for the regular meeting of November 18, 2003, were approved on motion of Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Compton. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Agenda Item 3. Diane Powers, representing Bazaar Del Mundo, addressed the Board and expressed her interest in relocating to the Old Police Headquarters. CLOSED SESSION Duane Bennett, Port Attorney, reported that there was only direction given and no reportable action resulted from today’s closed session. Mr. Bennett stated that item 4 (Public Employee Performance Evaluation) was not discussed. December 2, 2003 Page 330 CONSENT AGENDA On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Commissioner Davis, the Board, with a single vote, adopted consent agenda items 4 and 5 (Resolutions 2003195 and 2003-196) by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained- None, as follows: DESIGNATION OF MANUFACTURERS AND TRADERS TRUST COMPANY TO ACT AS THE PASSIVE TRUSTEE OF THE DISTRICT’S 401(A) MONEY PURCHASE PENSION PLAN RESOLUTION 2003-195 authorizing and directing the Agenda Item 4. designation of Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company to act as the passive trustee of the District’s 401(a) Money Purchase Pension Plan, and authorizing the Executive Director or his authorized representative to incur costs, as necessary, in connection with the designation of said Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. PURCHASE OF REGULAR GASOLINE Agenda Item 5. RESOLUTION 2003-196 authorizing participation in the Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Contract between the County of San Diego and Falcon Fuels, Inc., County of San Diego RFB No. 40063, and in particular Section A, for the purchase of regular gasoline for the one (1) year period commencing October 27, 2003, and ending October 26, 2004, plus, at the discretion of the County of San Diego, two (2) additional one (1) year options may be exercised, in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said Contract, to be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46759; further, that an expenditure not to exceed $205,000.00, including taxes, is hereby authorized for the one (1) year period commencing October 27, 2003, and ending October 26, 2004, for the purchase of said regular gasoline and diesel fuel, and that in the event the County of San Diego elects to exercise its two (2) additional one (1) year options under said Contract, the District shall have the opportunity to participate, provided, however, that the funds for said option periods shall be subject to authorization by the Board of Port Commissioners in each instance, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. December 2, 2003 Page 331 PUBLIC HEARING/ACTION AGENDA HARBOR DRIVE AND SECONDARY ACCESS ROAD IMPROVEMENTS, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA: A) CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING AND ADOPT A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF AN APPEALABLE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, B) RESOLUTION ADOPTING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AWARDING CONTRACT NO. 2003-20R TO SIERRA PACIFIC WEST, INC., IN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $779,604.77 Agenda Item 6. Bill Chopyk, Manager, Planning Services, and Mahmoud Akhavain, Associate Engineer, Engineering, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations regarding Harbor Drive and secondary access road improvement projects. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Chairman Van Deventer opened the Public Hearing. Scott Swain, representing Swain Oil Transport, addressed the Board and expressed his concern regarding the feasibility and logistics of getting fuel trucks to and from the terminal located at 8th and Harbor. Mr. Swain expressed his concern regarding the impact that the proposed access roads may have on the fuel trucks’ ability to access the terminal due to the turning radius of the trucks. Mr. Akhavain stated that the roads have been design for a 50-foot turning radius. Mr. Gene Hester, representing the Jankovich Company, addressed the Board and expressed his concern regarding not having enough room to make a U turn on 8th and Harbor. Mr. Akhavain stated that Harbor Drive is under City of San Diego jurisdiction, which does not allow for a U turn. Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioner Cushman suggested continuing this item to the December 16, 2003, Board meeting. Commissioner Cushman requested that staff assure that the bid totals submitted are accurate. Commissioner Bixler requested staff address the following questions and issues when this item comes back to Board: the number of signal lights that are going to be involved in this general area; whether signal lights are capable of being signalized; and request in writing that the City of San Diego designate this area for photo enforcement. Commissioner Bixler stated that he hoped the signal lighting concept could be included as standard in future District projects. December 2, 2003 Page 332 Chairman Van Deventer stated that this item would be continued to the December 16, 2003, Board meeting. ACTION AGENDA CAMPBELL SEDIMENT REMEDIATION/AQUATIC ENHANCEMENT PROJECT: CERTIFICATION OF FINAL SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (UPD #83356-EIR-550; SCH #2002031096); ADOPTION OF FINDINGS OF FACT AND STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS; ADOPTION OF MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Agenda Item 7. David Merk, Director, Recreation & Environmental Services; Betty Dehoney, representing P&D Consultants, Inc.; and Michael Whelan, representing Anchor Environmental, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Ms. Dehoney and Mr. Whelan addressed several concerns included in a letter received from the San Diego Bay Council dated December 1, 2003. Commissioner discussion ensued. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Davis regarding staff recommendations, Mr. Merk stated that after the Board approves this item, staff would request a permit from the Regional Water Quality Control Board and other agencies. Commissioner Davis stated that he is not comfortable with staff’s recommended remediation option. Commissioner Bixler requested and received clarification regarding whether any scientific facts have been presented to staff stating that the proposed Engineered-Cap-In-Place would not be successful. Mr. Merk stated no. Commissioner Bixler requested and received clarification on the progress of staff exploring other alternatives for the mitigation. Mr. Merk stated that the Board’s approval of this item would not close from further consideration the opportunity for flexibility of the mitigation. Mr. Merk stated he has met with the Environmental Health Coalition regarding this issue. Commissioner Bixler requested to include in the motion that the opportunity of providing the mitigation somewhere else on San Diego Bay is still open for discussion. On motion of Commissioner Bixler, seconded by Commissioner Cushman, the Board unanimously adopted RESOLUTION 2003-197 regarding the Campbell Sediment Remediation/Aquatic Enhancement Project: Certification of Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (UPD # 83356-EIR-550; SCH # 2002031096); Adoption of Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations; Adoption of Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, finding the facts recited in Resolution 2003-197 are December 2, 2003 Page 333 true, and further, that the Board has jurisdiction to consider, approve, and adopt the subject of said Resolution; subject to certain express conditions as more specifically delineated in Resolution 2003-197, and Exhibits A and B (on file in the Office of the District Clerk), by the following vote: Yeas- Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained-None. SOUTHWEST MARINE, INC. – PROPOSED BULKHEAD EXTENSION PROJECT Bill Chopyk, Manager, Planning Services, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) ADOPTION OF FINAL MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR SOUTHWEST MARINE BULKHEAD EXTENSION, SAN DIEGO On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Agenda Item 8a. Commissioner Bixler, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-198 adopting and approving the Final Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Project entitled “Southwest Marine Bulkhead Extension, San Diego, California,” including without limitation the initial study and public comments, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46760, making certain findings as more particularly described in Resolution 2003-198; further, that this action constitutes final environment approval and for that purpose only, the District approves the proposed Project, and authorizing and directing the filing of a Notice of Determination with the Secretary for Resources and the San Diego County Clerk, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained- None. COASTAL DEVELOPMENT EXTENSION, SAN DIEGO PERMIT – SOUTHWEST MARINE BULKHEAD On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Agenda Item 8b. Commissioner Rios, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-199 making certain findings, as more specifically outlined in Resolution 2003-199, including the proposed Project, which is entitled “Southwest Marine Bulkhead Extension” is consistent with the use and development concept for the Tenth Avenue Marine Terminal area and the Project is a Non-Appealable Development which conforms to the certified District Master Plan; and the proposed Project is located between the sea (as defined in the Coastal Act) and the first inland continuous public road paralleling the sea, and said Project is consistent with Public Resources Code Sections 30604(c) and 30210-30224, and the Coastal Act public December 2, 2003 Page 334 access and recreation policies referenced therein, because the proposed Project will not interfere with the public’s right of access to the sea, nor will it impact any public recreation areas near the Project; further authorizing and directing the issuance of a Coastal Development Permit for said Project, said Coastal Development Permit shall require compliance with the Standard Provisions and Short-Term Construction Measures incorporated therein, and in particular the mitigating and monitoring conditions listed under Special Provisions section thereof, was adopted by the following vote: YeasBixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; ExcusedNone; Absent-None; Abstained- None. RESOLUTION SELECTING AND AUTHORIZING FIVE YEAR PARKING SERVICES CONTRACT WITH FIVE STAR PARKING FOR THE PROPOSED PUBLIC PARKING FACILITY AT FORMER TELEDYNE INDUSTRIES SITE ON NORTH HARBOR DRIVE AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION 2003-141 AUTHORIZING MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT WITH ACE PARKING MANAGEMENT INC. Agenda Item 9. Chairman Van Deventer announced that this item would be continued to a future Board meeting. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY – 2004 BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS On motion of Commissioner Cushman, seconded by Agenda Item 10. Commissioner Bixler, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-200 electing Peter Q. Davis as Chairman of the Board of Port Commissioners, and electing Robert J. “Rocky” Spane as Secretary of the Board of Port Commissioners, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Cushman, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-None; Absent-None; Abstained- None. PRESIDENT’S REPORT Agenda Item 11. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, announced that yesterday the District held a kick-off for the 2003 United Way Campaign. Mr. Hollingsworth stated the Board contributed over $377 for the employees affected by Fire Storm 2003. Page 335 December 2,2003 COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Aaenda Item 12. Commissioner Davis thanked the Board for their support. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Davis regarding the status of the Old Police Headquarters design competition, Ralph Hicks, Director, Land Use Planning, stated that a Board workshop has been scheduled for December 16, 2003, to discuss the design competition process. Commissioner Spane thanked the current officers of the Board for their hard work. Commissioner Bixler commended staff for the ad that ran in the San Diego Union-Tribune regarding the development opportunities on America's Cup Harbor. Commissioner Bixler requested from staff the status of installing an American flag at the Old Harbor Police Headquarters. Commissioner Bixler requested staff install a holiday wreath on the towers of the Old Harbor Police Headquarters. Commissioner Bixler also requested that basic landscaping be provided a t the Old Harbor Police Headquarters. Dan Wilkens, Executive Vice President, addressed the Board and stated that staff is currently working on Commissioner Bixler's requests. There was no further action to report, whereupon Chairman Van Deventer adjourned the meeting. A Sa6 Diego Unified Port DEtrict AlTEST: December 16, 2003 Page 336 MINUTES BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT As previously posted, a special meeting of the Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District was called to order by Chairman Van Deventer at 9:05 a.m. Tuesday, December 16, 2003, in the Board Room at 3165 Pacific Highway, San Diego, California. ROLL CALL Agenda Item 1. Present: COMMISSIONERS Bixler, Compton, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; OFFICERS Hollingsworth, Bennett and Heinrichs. Absent: None. Excused: Commissioner Cushman was excused for personal reasons. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Agenda Item 2. None. WORKSHOP OLD POLICE HEADQUARTERS CENTRAL PARK SITE DESIGN COMPETITION PROGRAM RECOMMENDATIONS Agenda Item 3. Ralph Hicks, Director, Land Use Planning; Bill Liskamm, Competition Advisor; and Randa Coniglio, Senior Asset Manager, Real Estate, addressed the Board and presented an overview of the Design Competition program recommendations. (A copy of the presentation is on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) December 16, 2003 Page 337 The following individuals addressed the Board with varying viewpoints regarding this item: Joseph Jeter, representing the Cinderella Carriage Company; John Graham, representing the San Diego Police Historical Association (SDPHA); Del de Windt, representing Manchester Resorts; Bruce Coons, representing Save Our Heritage Organization (SOHO); Diane Barbara Coombs, representing Citizens Coordinate for Century 3; Vonn Marie May, representing (SDPHA); Barbara Winton; Steve Willard, representing (SDPHA); Tom Anglewicz; Mike Stepner; Howard Blackson, representing the Council of Design Professionals; Gary Smith, representing San Diego Downtown Residents Group; Christine Gant; and Diane Powers, representing Bazaar del Mundo. Commissioner discussion ensued. Commissioner Spane thanked staff and all who worked on the presentation and the competition proposals. Commissioner Spane stated that, with regard to the design competition, the whole thing should be kept in place, and did not see how a piece of the project could be given up and still make the best project possible for this very important piece of land. Commissioner Spane cited a similar situation at the World Trade Center in New York involving issues including a Police Memorial, as well as commercial and public use of land. Commissioner Spane stated that this is a signature piece of property for San Diego and the entire region, and everybody will have to give a little bit in order to create the best project outcome. Commissioner Spane stated his belief that the developer should be not be a part of the design jury, as this is an architectural process, not a construction process at this point. Commissioner Bixler agreed with Commissioner Spane’s comments, specifically that sole sourcing for the use of the Old Police Headquarters may invalidate the purpose of the design competition. Commissioner Bixler stated that carving out an important piece limits the flexibility of the project. In response to Commissioner Bixler’s questions regarding why Tuna Harbor seems to have been excluded from the entire concept, Mr. Hicks stated first that Tuna Harbor is not part of any leasehold within the area, and secondly that, in the land use category for the Harbor, commercial fishing receives the highest priority under the Coastal Act. Mr. Hicks stated that staff did not see an opportunity for commercial development of the Harbor at this time. Mr. Hicks mentioned past discussions regarding relocating the fleet to other areas, such as America’s Cup Harbor. Commissioner Bixler stated that a spokesman for Tuna Harbor has asked him to request the competition consider some nexus between the Harbor and proposed plans. Commissioner Bixler suggested some compatibility and vision could be exercised that links the two. Commissioner Davis thanked those who have participated in the design competition so far. Commissioner Davis mentioned the competition’s purpose to bring December 16, 2003 Page 338 out passion and ideas regarding this valuable piece of property during this window of opportunity. Commissioner Davis stated the need to look at the acreage in its entirety. Commissioner Davis stated that, through the design competition, the greatest minds could advise the Port District how to use the land, so the competition should be left open, not possessive or protective. Commissioner Davis stated the design competition would include plenty of public opportunity for input, resulting in an opportunity to look at what has been gathered, without including a development contract. Commissioner Davis agreed with the previous comment that a little give and take is necessary. Commissioner Davis further stated his opinion that the proposed jury size is too big, and suggested a 5-person jury. Commissioner Davis described his experience at Centre City Development Corporation (CCDC) relating to San Diego historic buildings, specifically the issues of buildings not being used and how to reuse them, versus how to save their historic use. Commissioner Davis stated that, if the Old Police Headquarter building could be used in its present form, it probably would have been used, so adaptive reuse must be considered by competitors, although it is very difficult to do. Commissioner Davis noted the example of the Lyceum Theater, which saved only its name; the Horton Grand Hotel, which was relocated but retained its state certifications; and the Golden West Hotel that was saved in original form, but has proven least useful and least beneficial. Commissioner Davis stated that tax use is not totally in our control, so he is not a proponent that historic tax credits should be a determining force. Commissioner Davis stated his opinion that the competition cost of $250,000 is very fair. Commissioner Davis stated his support for the density of 186,000 s.f., as it would yield an additional $ 1.5 million beyond current revenue, and there is apparently enough parking space on site currently for that kind of growth. Commissioner Davis expressed his concern regarding giving the competition winner the signature building, as his understanding was that the candidates compete and provide their best designs, from which the District will pick with no responsibility to use them as the architects. Commissioner Davis advised finding an incentive that does not lock in the District, and suggested that winning the competition and getting national recognition would serve as incentive beyond covering their costs. Commissioner Davis stated his concern that the immediate park plans seem to be an attempt to placate and take care of our responsibilities, however the park construction is scheduled only 30 days after the proposed competition longer timeline would end. Commissioner Davis stated his preference to have the competition designers include the park design, and expressed apologies to the residents and nearby December 16, 2003 Page 339 tenants for the delay it would cause in building the park. Commissioner Davis agreed with the uses referred to on page 5 of staff’s presentation handout, and recommended that staff talk to Bazaar del Mundo and the Public Market to find out how much of the building they would need. Commissioner Davis stated his opinion that the importance of reuse should be equal with historic use to get the full value out of the building. Commissioner Davis expressed his reassurance that the decided density would provide the kind of cash flow against which the District can bond for future financing needs, like a parking garage. Commissioner Davis stated his opinion that parking should remain in front of the Police Station, as it would be easier to use the Police Station, thus he would hesitate to put a temporary park there. Commissioner Compton stated his support of the comments given by the other Commissioners so far. Commissioner Compton reiterated to all that the Port must have a certain amount of income to maintain the parks and to preserve the tideland entities. Commissioner Compton explained that the Port is looking for a balance for the area as it is designed and then approved by the Port. Commissioner Compton advised to proceed with design competition, yet stated his opposition to the idea of separating the Police Station from the rest of the design competition, as it would limit the creative ability of the design competition. Commissioner Compton stated the District must realize that it will have to live with the result for many years, so the District wants to see a lasting, significant edifice to the city of San Diego and the region. Commissioner Rios agreed with the other Commissioners, and advised to proceed with the competition. Commissioner Rios stated her support for keeping the project components together, and agreed with Commissioner Bixler’s comments regarding the importance of compatibility with Tuna Harbor. Commissioner Rios agreed with the comment by a public speaker regarding preserving the buildings’ uniqueness and keeping a historic perspective, including the Spanish/Mexican influence in the architectural design. Commissioner Rios applauded Bazaar del Mundo for providing much pleasure in the past for San Diego and its visitors, and expressed her hope that it can be a part of this project as the design competition proceeds. Commissioner Van Deventer referred to the Board decision made at the July 15, 2003, Board workshop regarding keeping the main pieces of the Old Police Headquarters, and further stated that a small section needs to be set aside for a museum for the Police Association. Commissioner Van Deventer expressed his concern regarding the size of the jury, specifically the inclusion of a developer and Board member. Commissioner Van Deventer stated that the Board must be open and very December 16, 2003 Page 340 clear in the competition process, setting out policy and letting the jury work with that policy. Commissioner Van Deventer reiterated the need to ensure that revenue sources are adequate to pay for maintenance requirements for the project. Commissioner Van Deventer expressed hesitance at awarding the winner with a right to negotiate a contract with a private developer to design at least one of the signature buildings, since the Board will want an open design plan that can be mixed and matched. Commissioner Van Deventer stated the importance of providing a view corridor to the Bay, as was promised in the past, and that the Board’s instructions must be laid out at the beginning and understood in the competition. Commissioner Van Deventer observed that, with the current buildings on the end of the Old Police Headquarters left in place, there is no way to get the view corridor. Commissioner Van Deventer stated that the issue of tax credit is not a decisive factor, since the Port needs the best project outcome to serve as an important link in the waterfront from the North Embarcadero. Commissioner Van Deventer cited the need to consider the overall master plan, particularly the operator of Seaport Village, who needs clear directions on the project to be a part of bidding on the area. Commissioner Van Deventer noted that the issue of parking on nearby Navy property has been addressed, and it cannot happen until the military makes a decision. Commissioner Van Deventer stated a possibility for future opportunities to address parking in the whole area from Broadway to Market Street. Commissioner Van Deventer stated his support for not blocking the Hyatt with a parking structure, but agreed that a low-level parking structure, as recommended by the Seaport Village operators, would fit in and address the parking needs. Commissioner Van Deventer stated his preference for the competition timeframe with the extra two weeks, and recommended to move forward with the competition. Commissioner Bixler spoke to clarify Commissioner Davis’ comments regarding the density he advocated, which was Medium density. Commissioner Van Deventer reiterated the issue of revenue being enough to maintain the project and provide for future financing for a parking structure. Commissioner Van Deventer asked for a motion. Commissioner Davis moved to have a jury of five, including a historian, a landscape architect, an urban park architect, a civic park architect and a resident; to include all of the project components in the design competition; to clean up the area, with no immediate demolition of the Police Station and no installation of a temporary park until the District has the design from the competition; to use the longer competition timeline; to use 190,000 s.f. density to allow December 16, 2003 Page 341 for varying activities in the area; and to encourage use of and orientation to the waterfront. Commissioner Spane seconded the motion. Commissioner Bixler requested clarification of the motion regarding demolition, specifically whether it meant no historical structure demolition, but to proceed with the Phase 2 demolition of the two non-historic structures. Commissioner Davis stated he would be open to revising his motion, and that, by not demolishing any structures, the buildings could remain open to other uses. Commissioner Bixler stated his opinion that the non-historic structures need to be demolished immediately. Commissioner Bixler requested further discussion from the Board regarding the issue of delaying temporary greenscape construction of the park until the competition comes forward. Commissioner Davis noted that the end of the competition is only five months away, so it made sense to wait and see what the designers propose for the park area. Commissioner Bixler agreed with the immediate plan of not constructing greenscape, as long as the area is cleaned up. Commissioner Van Deventer agreed with Commissioner Bixler that the nonhistoric structures should be demolished. Commissioner Van Deventer reiterated the importance of the view corridor to the design, which should be emphasized in the competition. Commissioner Rios requested clarification on the density, particularly whether the Medium density of 190,000 s.f. should be a minimum. Commissioner Davis expressed his willingness to amend the motion to specify Medium density as a minimum instead of a target. Mr. Liskamm stated that a density level of Medium to High would serve to attract a developer later. Mr. Liskamm expressed his concern regarding the award for the competition winner, specifically that the incentive must be adequate, since the costs for each entry could be five times more than the cash award. Mr. Liskamm stated that an opportunity to negotiate with the developer was included to attract designers of the best caliber. In response to Commissioner Davis’ inquiry as to whether the current awards would encourage the designers to include a signature building that they might not otherwise do, Mr. Liskamm responded that the independent jury would provide control measures for the building plans. Mr. Liskamm suggested an alternative idea to offer the winner the opportunity to be the ongoing planner for the project. In response to Commissioner Davis’ question regarding whether the Seaport Village operator would be obligated to use the winner as architect for future plans, Mr. Liskamm stated that December 16, 2003 Page 342 the details would be defined in the Master Plan, but that the incentive for the winner is essentially the Port hiring them. Commissioner Van Deventer stated his support for such an alternative. Mr. Hicks described a past precedent for this type of alternative, and concurred with the alternative from staff’s perspective. Commissioner Van Deventer requested that the alternative be added to the motion. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, requested and received clarification of the motion from Commissioner Davis as directing a change to a jury of five from staff’s recommendation of 9; including the entire site in the design competition; accepting the proposed budget; including a consulting opportunity for the winner in terms of some coordination or design of the project; cleaning up the area with no demolition of the police station, except the stilt building and gas station canopy; not proceeding with any immediate development of the park, beyond maintaining the existing landscape; agreeing with the two week extension to the timeline; designating the target minimum density level as Medium, or 190,000 s.f.; and including Tuna Harbor as part of the planning process. In response to Commissioner Van Deventer’s request for clarification of the Board’s authorization at the July 15, 2003, Board workshop as to what part of the buildings would be removed, Mr. Hicks stated that the Board authorized staff to proceed with the demolition of the garage, the assembly building and one cell block. Commissioner Bixler advised more discussion to ensure the Board had fully considered whether they were willing to give up the Central Park viewscape to the Bay, as it will have an impact on the results of the design competition. Commissioner Van Deventer stated that the design of the park around the Old Police Headquarters could be open, but the view corridor would not be possible if all the buildings remained. Mr. Liskamm reiterated that those goals would be stated in the design competition. Mr. Hicks stated staff’s understanding of the Board direction thus far as to not proceed with the demolition of any historical structures, but to proceed with removing the non-historical structures, specifically the awning and the building on stilts, and that the removal of any other structures would not take place until after the design competition. In response to Commissioner Spane’s request for clarification regarding whether staff would move forward on the demolition of the buildings as decided at the July 15, 2003 Board workshop, Commissioner Van Deventer reiterated that only the non-historic structures are subject to immediate demolition. Mr. Hollingsworth requested and received clarification regarding the two nonhistoric structures that will be demolished immediately. December 16, 2003 Page 343 Commissioner Bixler requested clarification regarding whether the Board desired to let the July decision stand, or whether the July decision should be held in abeyance until the competition designers decided what to do with the buildings. Commissioner Bixler expressed his preference to carry out the original decision. Commissioner Van Deventer agreed with Commissioner Bixler regarding honoring the Board’s decision made in July. Mr. Hicks stated that, before the buildings are demolished, staff would bring a public works contract before the Board for approval, which would not occur until approximately June, 2004. Commissioner Spane pointed out the broader issue that, if the buildings remain, the competition designers could still base their designs on the buildings being there. Christine Anderson, Chief Operations Officer, noted that the Board’s current motion stated that the entire site was included in the competition, and advised the Board to either vote the motion on the floor down, or the have the maker amend the motion. Commissioner Van Deventer requested a motion to amend the original decision made by the Board in July. Commissioner Spane moved to allow the July decision to stand, and to base the design competition on that decision. Commissioner Bixler offered an interpretation of Commissioner Davis’ motion as to include all possibilities in the design competition, excluding the five structures that have been designated for demolition. Duane Bennett, Port Attorney, advised that Commissioner Davis’ motion must be seconded, or if not seconded, a substitute motion must be made to adopt or confirm the actions discussed. Commissioner Spane stated that he did second Commissioner Davis’ original motion. Commissioner Davis withdrew his original motion, and Commissioner Spane withdrew his second. On motion of Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Bixler, the Board directed staff to change the jury to five members from staff’s recommendation of 9; include the entire site in the design competition; accept the proposed budget; include a consulting opportunity for the winner in terms of some coordination or design of the project; to not proceed with any immediate development of the park beyond cleaning and maintaining the existing landscape; proceed with the two week longer timeline; designate the target minimum density level as Medium, or 190,000 s.f.; include Tuna Harbor as part of the planning process; and go forward with the plan reflecting the demolition that was approved by the Board in July, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Cushman; AbsentNone; Abstained- None. December 16, 2003 Page 344 I n response to Commissioner Bixler's inquiry regarding when the garage structure will be torn down, Mr. Hicks stated that the current Capital Development Plan (CDP) does not include money for the demolition of the buildings. Ms. Anderson explained that the money in the CDP is for Central Park, not demolition of the buildings, because it was assumed by staff that the developer would demolish them. Ms. Anderson stated that the Board could reallocate money in the CDP in March of 2004 for the demolition of the garage, assembly building and one cell block. There is currently enough money to demolish the non-historic buildings (i.e. awning and building on stilts). Commissioner Bixler offered the possibility of allowing the Cinderella Carriage owners to stay until March, since the demolition delays extend to that time. Commissioner Van Deventer stated that the Cinderella Carriage owners were already given an extension to February. Commissioner Van Deventer stated the importance of moving forward on the demolition of the buildings as soon as possible. Commissioner Davis stated that architectural decisions are clear, and the financial decision can be left for negotiations with the developer. There was no further action taken, whereupon Chairman Van Deventer San Diego Unified Port District ATTEST: Clerk of W S a n Diego Unified Port District December 16, 2003 Page 345 MINUTES BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Port Commissioners of the San Diego Unified Port District was called to order by Chairman Van Deventer at 1:03 p.m. Tuesday, December 16, 2003, in the Board Room at 3165 Pacific Highway, San Diego, California. ROLL CALL Agenda Item 1. Present: COMMISSIONERS Bixler, Compton, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; OFFICERS Hollingsworth, Bennett, Darbeau, Heinrichs and McEntee. Absent: None. Excused: Commissioner Cushman was excused for personal reasons. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Agenda Item 2. Commissioner Bixler requested the December 2, 2003, special meeting minutes be amended to more fully describe the vision and proposed sites for public art in Imperial Beach. On motion of Commissioner Compton, seconded by Commissioner Rios, the Board approved the minutes submitted for the special and regular meetings of December 2, 2003, as amended, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Cushman; Absent-None; AbstainedNone. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Agenda Item 3. Lou Conde addressed the Board and expressed his concerns about SB1896 and the formation of the San Diego Regional Airport Authority. December 16, 2003 Page 346 CONSENT AGENDA Commissioner Van Deventer announced that item 10 (Resolution approving a program and authorizing funding for a project titled “Celebrating the Big Bay” administered by the Children’s Museum of San Diego) would be pulled for separate discussion and vote. On motion of Commissioner Rios, seconded by Commissioner Bixler, the Board, with a single vote, adopted consent agenda items 4 through and including 9, 11 and 12 (Ordinances 2276 through and including 2278; and Resolutions 2003-201 through and including 2003-205, 2003-207 and 2003-208) by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Cushman; AbsentNone; Abstained-None, as follows: ORDINANCE AMENDING LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT AND FISHERMAN’S LANDING CORPORATION Agenda Item 4. ORDINANCE 2276 amending the lease agreement dated September 19, 1989, between the District and Fisherman’s Landing Corporation, a California corporation, in accordance with Agreement for Amendment of Lease, Amendment No. 2, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46789, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. RENTAL REVIEW – THE FRASER FAMILY TRUST ESTABLISHED MARCH 31, 1986 - SHELTER ISLAND (FEBRUARY 1, 2000, THROUGH JANUARY 31, 2005) Agenda Item 5a. RESOLUTION 2003-201 establishing the rental covering the tenancy of The Fraser Family Trust Established March 31, 1986, for premises located on Shelter Island Drive in the City of San Diego, under lease dated January 9, 1990, as amended and assigned, for the five (5) year rental review period commencing February 1, 2000, through January 31, 2005, as a minimum of $47,500.00 per year from February 1, 2000, through December 31, 2000, a minimum of $50,000.00 per year from January 1, 2001, through July 31, 2002, and a minimum of $67,725.00 per year from August 1, 2002, through January 31, 2005, or the cumulative total of the percentage and flat rents more particularly described in Resolution 2003-201, whichever sum is greater, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. December 16, 2003 Page 347 RENTAL REVIEW – THE FRASER FAMILY TRUST ESTABLISHED MARCH 31, 1986 - SHELTER ISLAND (FEBRUARY 1, 2005, THROUGH JANUARY 31, 2010) Agenda Item 5b. RESOLUTION 2003-202 establishing the rental covering the tenancy of The Fraser Family Trust Established March 31, 1986, for premises located on Shelter Island Drive in the City of San Diego, under lease dated January 9, 1990, as amended and assigned, for the five (5) year rental review period commencing February 1, 2005, through January 31, 2010, as a minimum of $72,847.00 per year from February 1, 2005, through January 31, 2007, a minimum of $77,970.00 per year from February 1, 2007, through January 31, 2010, or the cumulative total of the percentage and flat rents more particularly described in Resolution 2003-202, whichever sum is greater, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING ASSIGNMENT OF AVIGATION EASEMENT TO THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY REGIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY Agenda Item 6. ORDINANCE 2277 authorizing and directing the execution of an Assignment of the Avigation Easement with Joseph S. McWay and Dana L. McWay, an unmarried man and a single woman as joint tenants, for real property commonly known as 2109 Second Avenue, #3, San Diego, California 92101 (said Avigation Easement is on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46735); the effective date of said Assignment of Avigation Easement shall be January 1, 2004, and said Assignment of Avigation Easement document shall be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS OF THE SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PORT DISTRICT APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR GRANT FUNDS FOR THE URBAN PARK ACT OF 2001 PROGRAM UNDER THE CALIFORNIA CLEAN WATER, CLEAN AIR, SAFE NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS, AND COASTAL PROTECTION ACT OF 2002 FOR CENTRAL PARK/OLD POLICE HEADQUARTERS PROJECT Agenda Item 7. RESOLUTION 2003-203 approving the filing of an Application for local assistance funds from the Urban Park Act of 2001 Program under the California Clean Water, Clean Air, Safe Neighborhood Parks and Coastal Protection Act of 2002; and certifying that the Applicant has or will have sufficient funds to operate and maintain the Project, and has reviewed, understands and agrees to the General Provisions contained in the Contract shown in the Procedural Guide; and certifying that the Grantee has or will have available, prior to commencement of any work on the December 16, 2003 Page 348 Project, the proportional Match; and certifying that the Project conforms to the District’s Master Plan; and further appointing the Vice President, Operations, as agent to conduct all negotiations, execute and submit all documents, including but not limited to Applications, agreements, payment requests and so on, which may be necessary for the completion of the Project, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. AUTHORIZATION TO NEGOTIATE AGREEMENT WITH HAN-PADRON ASSOCIATES, LLP Agenda Item 8. RESOLUTION 2003-204 authorizing negotiation with HanPadron Associates, LLP for purposes of developing terms, covenants, conditions and costs necessary for professional engineering design services for the Rehabilitation of the Imperial Beach Pier; further that results of said negotiations will be reported to the Board and a decision made at a later date regarding authorization of an agreement, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENT WITH AZTEC LANDSCAPING, INC. Agenda Item 9. RESOLUTION 2003-205 authorizing an Agreement with Aztec Landscaping, Inc. to provide Landscape Maintenance at various District properties for a one (1) year period commencing January 5, 2004, and ending January 4, 2005, subject to earlier termination, for a fee not to exceed $186,700.00, said funds to be disbursed in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said Agreement, to be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46790, further resolving that the District, at its sole discretion, may extend said Agreement for two (2) additional one (1) year options, and in the event said Agreement is extended by the District for the first option period commencing January 5, 2005, and ending January 4, 2006, subject to earlier termination, the total fee for said services shall not exceed the sum of $186,700.00; and in the event said Agreement is extended by the District for the second option period commencing January 5, 2006, and ending January 4, 2007, subject to earlier termination, the total fee for said services shall not exceed the sum of $186,700.00, for an aggregate expenditure not to exceed $560,100.00, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. December 16, 2003 Page 349 ADOPTION OF FINAL MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR CONTINENTAL MARITIME BUILDING DEMOLITION AND PARKING, SAN DIEGO Agenda Item 11a. RESOLUTION 2003-207 adopting and approving the Final Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Project entitled “Continental Maritime Building and Parking, San Diego, California,” including without limitation the initial study and public comments, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46791, making certain findings as more particularly described in Resolution 2003-207; further, that this action constitutes final environment approval and for that purpose only, the District approves the proposed Project, and authorizing and directing the filing of a Notice of Determination with the Secretary for Resources and the San Diego County Clerk, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT – CONTINENTAL MARITIME BUILDING DEMOLITION & PARKING, SAN DIEGO Agenda Item 11b. RESOLUTION 2003-208 making certain findings, as more specifically outlined in Resolution 2003-208, including the proposed Project, which is entitled “Continental Maritime Building Demolition & Parking” is consistent with the use and development concept for the Tenth Avenue Marine Terminal area, and the Project is a Non-Appealable Development which conforms to the certified District Master Plan; the proposed Project is located between the sea (as defined in the Coastal Act) and the first inland continuous public road paralleling the sea, and said Project is consistent with Public Resources Code Sections 30604(c) and 30210-30224, and the Coastal Act public access and recreation policies referenced therein, because the proposed Project will not interfere with the public’s right of access to the sea, nor will it impact any public recreation areas near the Project; further authorizing and directing the issuance of a Coastal Development Permit for said Project, said Coastal Development Permit shall require compliance with the Standard Provisions, Short-Term Construction Measures and the Special Provisions sections thereof, including without limitation the air monitoring requirements contained therein and the notification to the District prior to any remedial work being conducted on suspected contaminated material, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. CONTINENTAL MARITIME OF SAN DIEGO, INC. Agenda Item 11c. RESOLUTION 2003-209 approving Continental Maritime’s proposed Project, and acknowledging the adoption of a Final Mitigated Negative December 16, 2003 Page 350 Declaration for said Project entitled “Continental Maritime Building Demolition and Parking, San Diego” pursuant to Resolution 2003-207, on December 16, 2003, and acknowledging the issuance of a Coastal Development Permit for said Project pursuant to Resolution 2003-208, on December 16, 2003; further resolving that the proposed Project is in conformance with the District’s Master Plan use designation for the Tenth Avenue Marine Terminal area, the Precise Plan for which provides for uses as Marine Related Industrial, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. ORDINANCE GRANTING A LEASE TO CALLAHILLS, INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION, DBA RED SAILS INN Agenda Item 12. ORDINANCE 2278 approving and granting the lease agreement between the District and Callahills, Inc., a California corporation, dba Red Sails Inn, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46792, leasing certain premises located on Shelter Island Drive in the City of San Diego, and directing the execution of said lease agreement with Callahills, Inc., a California corporation, dba Red Sails Inn, on behalf of the District, was adopted as part of the consent agenda. CELEBRATING THE BIG BAY Agenda Item 10. Catherine Sass, Director, Public Art, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations concerning the “Celebrating the Big Bay” public art project. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Ms. Sass introduced Jennifer Case, Deputy Director of the San Diego Children’s Museum. Three youth representatives from the Children’s Art Museum joined Ms. Case to address the Board regarding the importance of “Celebrating the Big Bay” through public art. The Museum requested funding in the amount of $20,000 to have children create 1,000 hand-painted ceramic tiles that would be displayed in a bench project that will be placed in various locations around Port tidelands. Ms. Chase stated the Museum will do outreach to eight schools on the tidelands as well as at four community events. Chairman Van Deventer confirmed his on-going support for public art on the tidelands. On motion of Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Rios, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-206 authorizing the Project known as “Celebrating the Big Bay” to proceed under the administration of the Children’s Museum of San Diego, and authorizing and directing an Agreement with said Children’s Museum of San Diego for the administration of said Project; further establishing funds not to exceed $20,000.00 December 16, 2003 Page 351 for said Project, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Cushman; Absent-None; Abstained- None. PRESENTATION PRESENTATION OF PLAQUE AND CERTIFICATE OF RECOGNITION TO PORT PILOT CAPTAIN EDWARD J. SILVA, JR. TO ACKNOWLEDGE OVER 26 YEARS OF SERVICE SUPPORTING MARITIME COMMERCE AT THE PORT OF SAN DIEGO Agenda Item 13. Chairman Van Deventer presented a plaque and Certificate of Recognition to Port Pilot Captain Edward J. Silva, Jr. to acknowledge over 26 years of service supporting Maritime commerce at the Port of San Diego. PRESENTATION OF PROCLAMATION TO RICHARD CLOWARD, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE SAN DIEGO PORT TENANTS ASSOCIATION Chairman Van Deventer presented a proclamation to Richard Cloward, Executive Director of the San Diego Port Tenants Association, for his leadership on behalf of the Port tenants and his numerous contributions in creating an outstanding working relationship with the Port. Mr. Cloward has resigned in order to accept a position at Jimsair Aviation Services. Mr. Cloward thanked the Board of Port Commissioners for their recognition and urged them to continue the committee structure when a new Chairman is seated. PRESENTATION OF THE DISTRICT’S EMPLOYEE OF THE QUARTER FOR THE 3RD QUARTER 2003 Agenda Item 14. Commissioner Van Deventer announced that this item would be continued to a future Board meeting. SAN DIEGO FLEET WEEK FOUNDATION PRESENTATION Agenda Item 15. Tom Caughlan, Executive Director of the San Diego Fleet Week Foundation, presented a summary of the benefits the Port received from its sponsorship of the Port of San Diego Sea-n-Air-Parade and the Columbus Day Parade of Patriotism. Mr. Caughlan also presented preliminary plans for next year’s event. Commissioner December 16, 2003 Page 352 Spane thanked the men and women in service that represent the United States around the world, especially for their efforts during this holiday season. PRESENTATION ANNOUNCING THE GRAND OPENING OF SAN DIEGO CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU’S INTERNATIONAL VISITOR INFORMATION CENTER ON THE NORTH EMBARCADERO Agenda Item 16. Randa Coniglio, Senior Asset Manager, Real Estate, addressed the Board concerning the installation of a temporary modular building near Lane Field, at the intersection of Harbor Drive and Broadway, for operation of an International Visitor Information Center. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Sal Giametta, Chairman of the San Diego Convention and Visitors Bureau (ConVis) Board of Directors, addressed the Board. Mr. Giametta stated that the new Visitor Information Center will provide a highly visible community relations asset for ConVis, the Port, and the region. The Information Center is scheduled to open December 27, 2003, in time for the Port Holiday Bowl. The Board was invited to the official dedication ceremony to be held Thursday, December 18, 2003. In response to Commissioner Bixler’s inquiry regarding parking availability, Ms. Coniglio reported that there are four 30-minute parking spaces and two 15-minute spaces in front of the structure, and that the Port is also providing adjacent parking for the volunteers. STATUS REPORT ON THE FISCAL YEAR 2003-2007 CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AND DIRECTION TO STAFF Agenda Item 17. Commissioner Van Deventer announced that this item would be continued to a future Board meeting. PUBLIC HEARING/ACTION AGENDA HARBOR DRIVE AND SECONDARY ACCESS ROAD IMPROVEMENTS, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA Tony Heinrichs, Senior Director, Facilities/Chief Engineer, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations regarding street improvements on Harbor Drive to improve access to the proposed Convention Center Hotel and Parking Facility. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) December 16, 2003 Page 353 This item was continued from the December 2, 2003, Board meeting to allow staff to meet with the adjacent tenants, the Jankovich Company and Swain Oil Transport, Inc. to resolve their concerns about truck access. The tenants had expressed their concern regarding the feasibility and logistics of fuel trucks transporting to and from the terminal located at 8th and Harbor. The tenants’ concerns also included the impact the proposed access roads would have on the fuel trucks’ ability to access the terminal due to the turning radius of the trucks. Staff met with the tenants to discuss these issues and arrived at a consensus on a preferred alternative. Traffic will be routed off of Interstate 5 over to Imperial Avenue, through the intersection of Park and Harbor Drive and into the fuel facility. This solution, along with alternative truck routes proposed by staff, will provide increased access to the Jankovich fuel facility. Chairman Van Deventer opened the Public Hearing. Richard Cloward, representing the Port Tenant’s Association, spoke in favor of staff’s recommendation. He also stated that there is a long-term issue that needs to be addressed regarding finishing improvements on Park Boulevard and opening it back up to traffic as soon as possible. No one else requested to speak and Chairman Van Deventer closed the Public Hearing. At the previous Board meeting, Commissioner Bixler asked staff to research the number of signal lights that will be involved in this general area; whether signal lights are capable of being signalized; and to request in writing that the City of San Diego designate this area for photo enforcement. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Bixler about whether the wiring for the signal lights could be included at this time so that the streets would not have to be dug up again, Mr. Heinrichs said that the wiring is already in place at this location. He further stated that staff had met with City engineers and that the synchronization of the lights is impractical because of the train and trolley traffic that preempts any synchronization. There have been four accidents at this intersection over the last few years, and the City engineers agree that the volume of traffic will increase dramatically due to new construction. For this reason, they have agreed to review the desirability of placing a photo camera at this location. December 16, 2003 Page 354 COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT – HARBOR DRIVE AND SECONDARY ACCESS ROAD IMPROVEMENTS, SAN DIEGO On motion of Commissioner Bixler, seconded by Agenda Item 18a. Commissioner Rios, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-210 making certain findings, as more specifically outlined in Resolution 2003-210, including the proposed Project, which is entitled “Harbor Drive and Secondary Access Road Improvements” is consistent with the use and development concept for the Tenth Avenue Marine Terminal area as provided in the District Master Plan, and the Project is an Appealable Development which conforms to the certified District Master Plan; the proposed Project is located between the sea (as defined in the Coastal Act) and the first inland continuous public road paralleling the sea, and said Project is consistent with Public Resources Code Sections 30604(c) and 30210-30224, and the Coastal Act public access and recreation policies referenced therein; further authorizing and directing the issuance of a Coastal Development Permit for said Project after the ten (10) working day appeal period as described in the Coastal Development Permit Regulations of the District has passed, said Coastal Development Permit shall require compliance with the Standard Provisions and Short-Term Construction Measures, and in particular the conditions listed under the Special Provisions section to comply with the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program requirements as described in the South Embarcadero Redevelopment Program 2 and Port Master Plan Amendment Final Environmental Impact Report, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; ExcusedCushman; Absent-None; Abstained- None. AWARD OF CONTRACT 2003-20R TO SIERRA PACIFIC WEST, INC. FOR HARBOR DRIVE AND SECONDARY ACCESS ROAD IMPROVEMENTS, SAN DIEGO On motion of Commissioner Bixler, seconded by Agenda Item 18b. Commissioner Compton, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-211 adopting the Plans and Specifications for Project No. SD1806GC, Harbor Drive and Secondary Access Road Improvements, San Diego, commonly known as District Construction Contract 200320R; and accepting the low bid of Sierra Pacific West, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $779,604.77, based upon prices set forth in the bid proposal for Harbor Drive and Secondary Access Road Improvements, San Diego, and authorizing and directing the execution of Contract 2003-20R with Sierra Pacific West, Inc. for the performance of said work, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; Excused-Cushman; Absent-None; Abstained- None. December 16, 2003 Page 355 ACTION AGENDA ADOPTION OF BPC POLICY 454, TIDELANDS FORESTRY MANAGEMENT POLICY Agenda Item 19. Bill Chopyk, Manager, Planning Services, and William J. Briggs, Associate Environmental Planner, Land Use Planning, addressed the Board and presented staff’s recommendation to adopt a Tidelands Forestry Management Policy. (A copy of the staff report and draft policy are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) The proposed policy would establish an advisory committee to review tree removals and recommend tree management guidelines and practices to promote and protect the tidelands forestry resources. Seven (7) members are recommended for appointment to serve as a Board advisory committee, called the Tidelands Forestry Advisory Committee. On motion of Commissioner Rios, seconded by Commissioner Compton, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-212 adopting Board of Port Commissioners Policy No. 454, entitled Tidelands Forestry Management Policy, a copy of which shall be placed on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46793, by the following vote: Yeas- Bixler, Compton, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; ExcusedCushman; Absent-None; Abstained-None. AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENT WITH CITY OF SAN DIEGO FOR POLICE AND FIRE SERVICES Agenda Item 20. Jeff McEntee, CFO/Treasurer, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Spane regarding the separation of the Airport and the decrease in the percentage of leased/unleased tidelands and incidents, Mr. McEntee stated that the City would negotiate privately with SDCRAA management regarding services for the airport. Commissioner Spane asked if the decreased fee amount was based on square acreage. Mr. McEntee said that the fee is based on the number of calls for service received and the amount of preventive patrol provided by the City. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Spane on what the overhead component is for administrative costs, Mr. McEntee stated that it is a negotiated amount that is approximately 14%. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Davis about the need for fire service protection for structures on non-tax paying tidelands, Mr. McEntee stated that December 16, 2003 Page 356 there are structures at the parks and marine terminals, such as restrooms and storage buildings, that require fire protection. Bruce Hollingsworth, Executive Director, added that the fee also covers medical rollout services. On motion of Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Compton, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-213 authorizing a three-year Agreement for Police and Fire Services with the City of San Diego (City), a municipal corporation; said Agreement covers a reimbursement of the cost of police, fire protection services and emergency medical services to be provided by said City upon the District’s filled tidelands and property within the City’s limits which do not generate ad valorem tax revenues, as more particularly described in said Agreement, for a period of three (3) years commencing July 1, 2003, and ending June 30, 2006, subject to earlier termination, said services to be provided in accordance with the terms, conditions and covenants contained in said Agreement, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46794; and in the event that the terms, covenants and conditions of an agreement for police and fire protection services for the period commencing July 1, 2006, are not finalized prior to June 30, 2006, said Agreement may be extended for an additional one (1) year term in accordance with Paragraph 3 of said Agreement; further that the District shall pay to the City for said services a sum not to exceed $753,760.00 per fiscal year, provided, however, said sum is subject to adjustment upward or downward in accordance with Paragraph 3 of said Agreement, by the following vote: Yeas- Bixler, Compton, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; ExcusedCushman; Absent-None; Abstained-None. AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENT WITH PLATINUM ADVISORS, L.L.C. AND CARPI & CLAY GOVERNMENT RELATIONS, A JOINT VENTURE Agenda Item 21. Dan Wilkens, Executive Vice President, addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) Mr. Wilkens stated that the notable items the Consultants have assisted the Port with this past year include the transmittal of the Port’s policy positions on SB68 (Alpert), which resulted in the passage of significant legislation favored by the San Diego Port Tenants Association, Industrial Environmental Association and the US Navy. They have worked cooperatively and closely with the City of Coronado’s Sacramento representative to gain approval by California State Lands Commission for Memorandum of Understanding funding of the Glorietta Bay Master plan project, and most recently consulted closely with San Diego delegates and the State Lands Commission on the dispute over the General Dynamics and Teledyne Ryan December 16, 2003 Page 357 properties. They also assisted in the communication of the Port’s policy position regarding the South Bay Power Plant and the Chula Vista Bayfront planning process. Mr. Wilkens stated however, results in securing grant funding were not at the levels anticipated and that a record deficit at the national and state levels contributed to this, but that more can be accomplished in this area and is expected next year. Darius Anderson, representing Platinum Advisors, and Ben Clay, representing Carpi and Clay, were also present. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Spane regarding how the fee is calculated, Mr. Wilkens stated that the fee is a retainer. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Spane regarding the 30% increase and why the Port uses a retainer fee structure instead of billable hours, Mr. Wilkens stated that he believes that the anticipated legislative activity will increase at least 30% next year and that overall, the District receives better value with the retainer structure, because there is a cap on the amount of funds that will be spent and the consultants end up working at least that many billable hours. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Rios about the three most notable contributions made by the consultant to the Port, last year and this year, Mr. Clay listed the top three issues as legislation addressing water quality standards in San Diego Bay, legislation addressing clean water standards and discharge issues related to cruise ships and the Chula Vista power plant. Upcoming issues include those surrounding trusteeship of land used by the SDCRAA, funding of State Proposition 50, cruise ship discharge issues and Port security screening of shipping containers. Chairman Van Deventer stated that creating good relationship with our representatives in Sacramento was one of the primary goals of the District this year. He stated his support for the work of the consultants. Commissioner Bixler stated that he would rather have a limit on our fee exposure and expressed his support for the retainer structure recommended by staff. On motion of Commissioner Van Deventer, seconded by Commissioner Compton, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-214 authorizing an Agreement with Platinum Advisors, L.L.C., a California Limited Liability Company, and Carpi & Clay Government Relations, a California partnership, a Joint Venture, for legislative services in Sacramento, for a one (1) year period commencing January 1, 2004, and ending December 31, 2004, subject to earlier termination, for total compensation not to exceed $120,000.00, said funds to be disbursed in accordance with the terms, covenants and December 16, 2003 Page 358 conditions contained in said Agreement, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document No. 46795, by the following vote: Yeas- Bixler, Compton, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-Davis; Excused-Cushman; Absent-None; Abstained-None. AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENTS WITH NINYO & MOORE GEOTECHNICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES CONSULTANTS, HALEY & ALDRICH, INC., AND TRC ALTON GEOSCIENCE, INC. Paul Brown, Project Analyst, Environmental Services, Agenda Item 22. addressed the Board and presented staff recommendations. (A copy of the staff report and presentation are on file in the Office of the District Clerk.) On motion of Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Rios, the Board adopted RESOLUTION 2003-215 authorizing Agreements with Ninyo & Moore Geotechnical and Environmental Consultants, a California corporation, Haley & Aldrich, Inc., and TRC Alton Geoscience, Inc. to provide Environmental Investigation Services, on an as-needed basis, as determined by the District, for a period of one (1) year commencing in accordance with the terms, covenants and conditions contained in said Agreements, on file in the office of the District Clerk as Document Nos. 46796, 46797 and 46798, for an aggregate amount not to exceed $1,000,000.00, by the following vote: Yeas-Bixler, Compton, Davis, Rios, Spane, Van Deventer; Nays-None; ExcusedCushman; Absent-None; Abstained- None. PRESIDENT’S REPORT Agenda Item 24. Wayne. Darbeau, Vice President, Administration/District Clerk, announced that the Port was chosen as a Grand Prize Winner for a 2003 International Rational Process Achievement Award. The Kepner-Tregoe organization chose nine organizations from five countries for using the systematic rational approach for solving complex problems. Bruce Hollingsworth also noted that long time tenant, Bud Hakes, passed away from lung cancer and will be missed. Bruce also thanked Richard Cloward, departing Executive Director of the San Diego Port Tenants Association, on behalf of all the Port employees for his work in creating good relations between the Port and its tenants. December 16, 2003 Page 359 COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Agenda Item 25. Commissioner Spane thanked Ty Compton for his efforts as an interim Commissioner and Chairman Van Deventer for his outstanding leadership and dedication this year. Chairman Van Deventer read a letter of resignation from Commissioner Compton and thanked him for his dedicated service over the last year. Commissioner Van Deventer also mentioned that Commissioner Compton’s wife, Beverly, was a gracious addition to the Port family. Commissioner Davis also thanked Commissioner Compton for his service and complimented the Chairman on bringing all the cities together on projects. Commissioner Rios wished everyone a Merry Christmas and thanked the other Commissioners and staff for their efforts and leadership. Commissioner Bixler congratulated staff on winning the Rational Process award, and thanked Commissioner Compton and Beverly Compton. Commissioner Compton addressed the Commissioners and thanked the Board and staff for their hard work on behalf of the City of Chula Vista. Commissioner Compton urged everyone to continue work on creating a ConVis center in Chula Vista. Chairman Van Deventer noted there were no additional items on the open session agenda for discussion, whereupon Duane Bennett, Port Attorney, announced the closed session items for today's agenda, as follows: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION Pursuant to Subdivision (a) of Government Code Section 54956.9 San Diego County Regional Airport Authority vs. SDUPD; Board of Port Commissioners, et al. San Diego Superior Court No. 821224 SDUPD, Redevelopment Agency of City of San Diego, Plaintiffs, vs. Exxonmobil Corporation, Defendant; Exxonmobil Corporation, Counter-Claimant, vs. SDUPD, Redevelopment Agency of City of San Diego, Counter-Defendants United States District Court, Southern District of California, No. 03 CV1053 DMS (POR) December 16,2003 Page 360 Campbell Industries vs. SDUPD, et al., San Diego Superior Court Case No. GIC 807514 McClier Corporation, Plaintiff, vs. SDUPD, Defendant; SDUPD, CounterComplainant, vs. McClier Corporation, Counter-Defendant United States District Court, Southern District of California, Case No. 03 CV 1762K (POR) There was no formal action to report from the Closed Session, whereupon San Diego-Unified Port District ATTEST: Clerk of tvSan Diego Unified Port District