File - Streetsboro Alumni Association
File - Streetsboro Alumni Association
Streetsboro Alumni Association Newsletter October-December 2013 Volume 7, Number 2 of 4 Class of 1983, 30 Year Reunion, July 27, 2013, Stringz & Wingz STREETSBORO ALUMNI ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS Ricki J (Poole) Graeser President Michel P Heroux President-Elect mheroux714@ Pamm Carr, Michele (McGee) Caldwell Sandy (Pelkey) Smith-Fischer Jeff Hammel & guest George Szumski Ted N Hurd Vice President Darlene (Smith) May Secretary Deborah W enzel Treasurer Mike Stasenko & spouse Brad Ryczek, Annette (Ihasz) Adkins Donna (Fink) Carter, Joni (Teece) Boyer Edward J Szumski Mem bership Chairperson ProfessorEd68@gm Karyn E (Kravetz) Hall W ebsite Administrator karynhall@gm Stephen G Szumski Program Chairperson Joe & Anita (Tiller) Schlosser Michael Varga & Adrienne Curley For m ore p ictures, ch eck out our webs ite: www.streetsbo ralumn CLASS OF 1973 REUNION The Streetsboro Class of 1973 invites YOU AND A G UEST to join us for our 40 Year Class reunion on Saturday, October 12, 2013, at 6:30 p.m. at Stringz & W ingz in the former Streetsboro bowling alley. There will be a CASH BAR, food you may purchase from the menu, live band entertainment at 9:00 p.m. and m uch more!! Feel free to bring pictures and mem ories to share. For more information call Roberta (Scott) W ilson at 330-554-7100, e-m ail, or FaceBook Roberta Scott Wilson. The Streetsboro Class of 1988 is planning a 25 year class reunion. C ontac t Jim W yno, e-m ail wyno2211212@gm Member Birthdays this Quarter Name Raymond Harner Paul Cos grove Andrew Lesak Michael Kaczynski Denise (Szumski) W hitten Paul Harshbarger Janis (Lauterer) Hartinger Gay Nell Shope Roberta (Shope) Reed Gary Scheffel Diane (Dunlap) Steffner Marcia (Crock) Miller Les A rnold An gela (C osgrove) Da vis Suzanne French Susan Cerny) Thom son Irene (Soldorfen) Bower James Luke Sheri (Phillips) Gestring Arthur "Tom" Em erick Scott G Hager Patricia (Doerfler) McGee Joan Rupp Ann Landgraf Kenne th Motz Don C habra Karen (Davis) Heisa Carl Formick W ade Batton Joseph Minerovic David Targosky Kellie (Kempisty) Vasko Laurie (Perin) Gilmer Arvin Givens Ra ym ond C S teffner II Mo na (S tewa rt) Scopilliti Roxie (Emery) Carpenter Martin Fleming Dr. James Robenstine Karen (Phillips) Barton Da vid Be ncze Norma Jean (Bender) Eddy Edward J Szumski Birthday 10/01 10/02 10/03 10/03 10/03 10/04 10/05 10/05 10/06 10/08 10/09 10/09 10/11 10/11 10/15 10/15 10/16 10/16 10/16 10/17 10/21 10/22 10/23 10/24 10/25 10/26 10/27 10/28 10/28 10/31 10/31 11/01 11/02 11/03 11/03 11/03 11/04 11/04 11/05 11/05 11/09 11/11 11/12 Year Grad 1968 1968 Citizen 1966 1976 1950 1964 1965 1970 1968 1963 1973 1964 1965 1968 1969 1944 1967 1987 1987 1980 1968 1978 Citizen Teacher 1966 1967 1961 1963 1969 Citizen 1989 1974 1963 1964 1967 1967 1972 1942 1977 1970 1968 1968 Member Birthdays this Quarter N am e Birthday Mitchell Maddox 11/16 Frances (Dria) Pruchenski 11/17 Doris (Cigany) Ruediger 11/17 Laurel (H um m er) Cahill 11/18 Ma ry (Coultrap) Kom ito 11/19 Ke vin Grim m 11/20 Darlene (Smith) May 11/22 Am y L (Eicher) Rohaley 11/24 Shaun Kevin Robenstine 11/24 Diane (Szumski) Latshaw 11/25 Betty (Haas) Ziska 11/26 Henry (Sonn y) Yea Jr 11/26 Bobbie Sterne 11/27 Linda D (W ise) Luke 11/27 Jim Pellas 11/30 Ra lph M ilburn III 11/30 Susan (Dunlap) Robison 12/01 Judith (W enzel) Puster 12/01 Karen M (Koza) Ross 12/03 W ade Navarra 12/04 Francine (S paulding) Shipley 12/05 Nicolina (Ciprian) Boyer 12/06 Judith A (Vanderpool) Johnson 12/06 Ray Hejduk 12/07 Julie D Lawson 12/07 Mary (Robbins) Kouba 12/10 Ap ril D Do lovacky 12/11 Donald B S perry 12/12 Gail L (Foldessy) Danesi 12/12 John E Harden Jr 12/12 Gera ld M Sch neider 12/12 Lee J Manning 12/14 Gerald Ra ttai 12/14 Franklin C D iehl 12/15 Novem ber A (Bell) D olovack y 12/17 Ted N Hurd 12/22 Rose (Ciprian) Gizzo 12/24 Charlotte P (Lively) Bisson 12/26 Debbie (Hatfield) Crow 12/26 Robe rt D Dann er 12/29 Norman Crock 12/29 Eugene Brown 12/29 Donna J (P elk ey) Ca nacci 12/29 Newsletter Editor: Ed Szmski, e-mail message me Year Grad 1967 Teacher 1963 1976 1969 1987 1967 1978 1977 1988 1943 1963 1937 1972 1966 1968 1965 1976 1985 1976 1968 1947 1965 1968 1994 1968 2002 1942 1972 1986 1984 1963 1968 1986 1975 1970 1939 1972 1970 1968 1969 1976 1985 Newest Members The Streetsboro Alumni Association Board of Directors welcomes the NEWES T mem bers who have joined between July 1 and September 30, 2013. Life M em bers Richard M Page Shirley A (Jorgensen) Page Robert J LaRoche Gloria J (Buleski) LaRoche Kathy (Bruce) Scheffel Dale A Mager Rosem ary (McCabe) Shardy Gary W Scheffel Ka ren M (Le wis ) M ills Gail L (Foldessy) Danesi Ge ri Lynn (K lien) Bu tt Julie A (Fulper) O 'Donnell Rebecca K (W alters) Schuller Sheri Lynn (Phillips) Gestring Eric A How ard Am y M (Rued iger) Howard Krystin N (Mem entowski) Dean Asso ciate M em bers Larry Lee Sell Ca rm en L isa La uda to Traci L Wilkinson Annual Memb er Jessie K (Mementowski) Zupko Streetsboro Alumni Association table at City Park for Family Days 1953 1953 1962 1965 1968 1968 1968 1968 1970 1972 1977 1979 1985 1987 1992 1992 2002 Citizen Citizen Citizen 2000 SCHOLARSHIP PARTNERSHIP WITH THE STREETSBORO EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION It is now possible to donate to the Streetsboro Alumni Association Scholarship fund and receive an income tax deduction (if you qualify). Our Board of Directors would like each of you to think about a contribution to the scholarship endowment fund. Some thoughts to ponder are: A contribution from your class "as a group" A contribution in memory of a loved one. A contribution in your family's name. This could be a one time or an ongoing contribution. Large or small, your contribution would be greatly appreciated. Checks should be made out to the Streetsboro Educational Foundation. Please put Streetsboro Alumni Association on the memo line near the bottom left hand side of your check (for an example see the lower portion of this newsletter address page) and mail your donation to: Streetsboro Alumni Association, PO Box 2591, Streetsboro OH 442410591. Ed Szumski attended the 2013 Freshman Orientation at the high school and handed out scholarship info First 5 Celebration II gathering under Dave Rutherford (67) and First 5 the tent @ Ed Cochran’s home host Ed Cochran (67) Check out our website for more pictures Ed Szumski meets with the class reunion reps for 1988 Jim Wyno and 1973 Roberta (Scott) Wilson Gary & Kathy Scheffel (68) and Ray Harner & guest at the Class of 1968 mini reunion Streetsboro Alumni Association PO Box 2591 Streetsboro OH 44241-0591 Thank you for your investment in the future of Streetsboro High School’s graduates. NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP PHONE E-MAIL ADDRESS Thank you for your gift of $ . Please make your check/money order out to the Streetsboro Educational Foundation as shown in this example with Streetsboro Alumni Association on the memo line. Your Name Address City State Zip Telephone # 4211 Date Pay to the Order of Streetsboro Educational Foundation $ Dollars Your Bank name Bank Address For Streetsboro Alumni Association :94857 9876: 0008765432 4211