Prezentácia programu PowerPoint
Prezentácia programu PowerPoint
LPH group – members LPH Vranov n/T, s.r.o. Pod Dolami 838 093 02 Vranov nad Topľou 1. prešovská nástrojáreň, s.r.o. Ľubochnianska 2407/2 080 06 Prešov - Ľubotice RPIC PREŠOV Reimanova 9 080 01 Prešov LPH a.s. Priemyselná 4779 059 51 Poprad-Matejovce JAKOR s.r.o. Pod Dolami 838 093 02 Vranov nad Topľou Plastic injection molding, assembly, surface finishing of plastic parts Molds, tools, Serial production (wires, tubes bending) regional Advisory and Information Centre Plastic moldings and assembly Research and development, solar energy, aviation technology ISO 9001:1994 ISO 9001:2000 ISO/TS 16949:2002 ISO/TS 16949:2009 ISO 14001:2004 ISO 9001:2008 ISO 9001:2000 ISO/TS 16949:2009 ISO 14001:2004 LPH group – Organizational Structure C.E.O. C.E.O. Director Board of Directors C.E.O. Managing Director Managing Director Economy Managing Director Design center Economy and finance Economy and finance technological incubator Economy and finance Production Production Production Financial services Marketing Quality Project Project Logistics Logistics Marketing Support for business abroad Project Logistics Maintenance Maintenance Quality Quality Customer Service ICT LPH group – History LPH Vranov n/T, s.r.o. Production hall in Vranove nad Topľou 1. prešovská nástrojáreň, s.r.o. Production hall in Prešov 1989 - establishment of the LPH - main production were components for electrometers for ZPA Křižík Prešov 1992 - production program was supplemented with Tatramat Poprad and Zetor Brno 1993 - establishment of the RPIC 1995 - LPH transformed to Limited liability company - LPH bought new hall with 1800 sqm area - start of cooperation with Whirlpool Tatramat 1998 - introduction of Quality system to LPH production 1999 - establishment of 1.prešovská nástrojáreň, s.r.o. (50 years old tradition member of ZPA Křižík) 2000 LPH Vranov n/T, s.r.o. was certified by ISO 9001:1994 2002 - LPH Vranov n/T, s.r.o. was certified by ISO 9001:2000 2004 - 1. prešovská nástrojáreň, s.r.o. was certified by ISO 9001:2000 2006 - start building production plant in industrial park Poprad 2007 - final building approval and start production in Poprad, company has been certified in compliance with following standards: ISO 9001:2000 & ISO 14001:2004 - establishment of the JAKOR s.r.o. 2008 - LPH Vranov n/T, s.r.o. was certified by ISO/TS 16949:2002 2009 - LPH a.s. finished assembly area above 300 sqm is ready for new projects - LPH Vranov n/T, s.r.o. extended certificate ISO/TS 16949:2009 about surface finishing of plastic parts - LPH Vranov n/T, s.r.o. install technology for metallization by aluminum in high vacuum LPH a.s. Production hall in Poprad 2010 - LPH a.s. was certified by ISO/TS 16949:2009 2011 - LPH Vranov n/T, s.r.o. was recertified by ISO 9001:2008, EMS ISO 14001:2004 2012 - 1. prešovská nástrojáreň, s.r.o. install technology for tube bending and tube pressing 2013 - LPH Vranov n/T, s.r.o. start to build new production hall 2014 - implementation of DMLS technology – laser sintering 2015 - Extending technology of vacuum metal coating 2016 - Start building new hall with 1600 sqm area LPH group – Complex offer • • • • • • • Devising and Design Design and Production of molds Design and Production of products Sampling and Measurement Validation products Pre-serial production Plastic injection • • • • • • • Vacuum coating Bending wires and tubes Assembly Serial production Metrology Warehousing and Logistics Advisory and Consulting LPH group – Export our worldwide export Germany Italy France Czech republic Spain Slovenia China LPH group – References Business Partners LPH group – Employment Number of employees 600 LPH Vranov n/T, s.r.o. LPH a.s. 1.PN JAKOR 500 400 300 200 100 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 0 Supporting the retention of jobs in the company LPH Vranov n/T, s.r.o. - 04/2010 - 12/2015 • • Regular training for operators Trainings for top and middle management This project is realized with EU financial support LPH group – Turnover Turnover (in mil. EUR) LPH Vranov n/T, s.r.o. LPH a.s. 1.PN JAKOR 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 2015 2013 2011 2009 2007 2005 2003 2001 1999 1997 1995 1993 1991 1989 0 Turnover by market segments (%) 20% 31% 21% 18% 10% AUTOMOTIVE APPLIANCES GARDEN TECHNICS OTHERS TOOLSHOP LPH group – Quality management Mitutoyo Euro-C-A574 Hexagon Metrology DEA, Global Classic Mitutoyo CRYSTA – Apex S LPH group – Quality management Linear digital altimeter Mitutoyo LH-600 COMET LED 3D scener profilprojector Mitutoyo PJ-A3000 Photometer bench Digital force gauge Imada DS2-200N Colormeter ColorEye XTH Mechatronic-visual system LPH group – Raw material purchasing Raw material used in process (about 2816 ton per year) Standard are processed granules world producers with different filler content in transparent, colored and "natural" versions: Automotive Industry – PMMA, PC/ABS, PA6/6.6, TPE, PC, ASA, POM Home Appliances – PP + plnené PP, ABS, POM, PC, PMMA, PBT, Garden Equipment – PP, PA6, Other – PP, PS, PE, PPO, TPU, Raw material purchasing 4% 3% 2% 1% 5% 7% 49% 10% 19% PP ABS PC PC+ABS TPE PMMA PA POM ASA PBT PE LPH group – Our products Moldings, bent parts, punched products LPH group – Technology Injection molding (machines with clamping force 6,5 - 1000 ton) 3K technology – Injection process 2K Demag 150 T 2K Zhafir 230 T 6 axis robot ABB IRB 140 6 axis robot ABB IRB 1600 injection molding machines Clamping amonote force (T) unt DEMAG ET 1000/1400 - 11500 system 1 000 1 Geiger LR 501 DEMAG ET 800/1120 - 6400 system 800 2 Geiger LR 200 DEMAG 650/1000 - 5400 - BI-INJECTION 650 1 Geiger Handling Maxiliner DEMAG 650/1000 - 6400 650 1 Demag/ Geiger Maxiliner ENGEL E - DUO 500 550 1 Engel Viper 20 - robot HT 5300/840-5000 MARS - BI-INJECTION 530 1 Geiger Handling Maxiliner DEMAG ET 420/810 – 2300 concept top 420 2 Geiger Handling Maxiliner ZHAFIR VE4100 - 1100 - FULLELECTRIC 410 1 Tecno Matic Compact 3 CNC ENGEL 2440/400 400 1 VIPER 40 ARBURG 820 S 400 1 Arburg Multilift H Zhafir-VE 3600/ 1400 360 1 Tecno Matic Compact 3 CNC Engel-Victory 1050H/330W/330V 350 COMBI 350 1 VIPER 20 DEMAG 350/810 - 3300 350 1 SHINI ST3 Engel-Victory 1050H/330W/330V 260 COMBI 260 1 VIPER 20 ENGEL 940/260 VICTORY 260 2 VIPER 20 ENGEL 260 VICTORY 260 1 Tecno Matic Compact 2 CNC HAITIAN 250 250 1 DEMAG 250/630 - 1450 250 2 Geiger Handling,LR16,Wittman HAITIAN MA2500 1000 250 1 Tecno Matic Compact 2 CNC ZHAFIR VE2300/750B - BI-INJECTION 230 1 ABB IRB 1600 Demag Ergotech 200/560 840 EXTRA 200 1 Wittman Lineárny W 721 HAITIAN MA1600 600 160 1 ZHAFIR VE1500/430B - FULLELECTRIC 150 1 Wittman W721 DEMAG 150/500 - 610 150 1 Geiger Handling MiniLiner DEMAG 150/520 - 410 - ELECTRIC 150 1 Wittman DEMAG 150/MULTI - BI-INJECTION 150 1 ABB IRB 140 ENGEL E - VICTORY 160 150 1 Engel Viper 12 - robot Demag ET 125/475 – 440 125 1 DEMAG 120-430/ECQ 120 1 ZHAFIR VE1200/300B - FULLELECTRIC 120 1 Tecno Matic Compact 1 CNC ARBURG 470 S 1100-290/170 - BI-INJECTION 110 1 Arburg Multilift H ENGEL 440/110 110 2 Engel Viper 12 - robot DEMAG 100/400 - 430 100 1 Geiger Handling MiniLiner ARBURG 420 M 100 1 DEMAG 80/400 - 430 80 1 Geiger Handling MiniLiner DEMAG 80/370 - 150 - ELECTRIC 80 1 Geiger Handling MiniLiner ARBURG 370 U 80 1 ARBURG 320 C/M - VERT/HORIZ. 60 2 ARBURG 320 - BI-INJECTION 60 1 Novapax NSBE400/60-260 60 1 injection-blow machine Demag -D-60-3 60 1 Wittman DEMAG 60/182 60 1 Geiger Handling MiniLiner DEMAG 50/330 - 150 - ELECTRIC 50 1 Geiger Handling MiniLiner ARBURG 270 C 40 1 BABYPLAST 6,5 1 WELDING MACHINES BRANSON 2000 IW+ USW 1 SURFACE TREATMENT 2 HIGH VACUUM COATING SYSTEM FOR ALUMINIUM LAYER 1 HOT STAMPING GEBA 8 HY 1 LEADING-EDGE LASER SINTERING SYSTEM EOSINT M280 1 LASER marker GL.Eco CNC / NC MILLING MACHINES 1 Deckel Maho DMC 103 V 1 Deckel Maho DMC 63 V 1 Deckel FP5NC 1 GSH GRAPHI 500 CNC ELECTRICAL TUNNELING MACHINES 1 Agietron HYPERSPARK 3 1 Agietron IMPACT 3 1 Agietron 100 C ELECTRICAL CUTTING MACHINES 1 Agiecut Classic 3S 1 Agiecut 150HSS 1 Agie 50 1 Agie 250 1 Agie 315 HORIZONTAL BORING MACHINES 1 W75 Machine place PP PP PP VT PP PP PP, VT PP VT VT VT VT PP VT VT VT PO VT, PP PP VT VT PP PP VT VT VT PP PP PP VT PP VT VT PP VT VT VT VT, PP VT VT VT VT VT VT VT PP VT VT PO VT PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO LPH group – Technology Mould-flow analyses, Overmoulding • • • • • • • • Technical centre - 6 Pro/E work station + 1 CATIA work station CAD/CAM systems mould-flow analyses mould design / parts optimization mould and tools special maintenance other support with running new projects or project transfer Cooperation in the production and development with Chinese toolshop Cooperation at 3D printer for production of biomedical implants Tools • • • standard injection bi-injection technology overmoulding technology LPH group – Logistika Logistic Warehouse Poprad - Matejovce Location: GPS: Highway exit: Area: Dimensions: Industrial park Poprad - Matejovce 49°04'30.36"N 20°19'24.87"E 0,7 km 960 m2 +800 m2 80m x 12m x 9m Logistic Warehouse Bánovce nad Bebravou Location : GPS: Highway exit: Area : Rozmery: Unit place: Bánovce nad Bebravou 48°43'40.75"N 18°14'55.74"E 30 km 782 m2 27m x 16m x 6m 140 Logistic Warehouse Vranov nad Topľou Location : GPS: Highway exit: Area : Unit place : Vranov nad Topľou 48°52'05.8"N 21°42'14.1"E 49 km 1188 m2 530 LPH group – Al Coating in high vacuum AM/KW 2DA2 1800/1800 IC MF COATING TECHNOLOGY: Glow discharge/etching HMDSO base coat Thermal evaporation HMDSO top coat Medium frequency Polycold trap in chamber PARAMETERS: This project is realized with EU financial support. Chamber dimension: Diameter Height Orientation Loading data: Number of fixtures/jigs Diameter of fixtures/jigs Useful height Estimated cycle time 1.800 mm 1.800 mm vertical 6 560 1.500 mm 28 minutes LPH Vranov n/T, AM/KW 1DA2 1200/700 IC MF COATING TECHNOLOGY: Glow discharge/etching HMDSO base coat Thermal evaporation HMDSO top coat Medium frequency Polycold trap in chamber Tento projekt bol realizovaný s podporou EÚ PARAMETERS: Chamber dimension: - Size: 1.400 x 800 mm - Height: 1.800 mm - Orientation: vertical Loading data: - Number of fixtures/jigs 2 pcs - Diameter of fixtures/jigs: 560 mm - Useful height of fixture jigs: 1.500 mm Cycle time: 18 minutes LPH group – Surface treatment Plastic Parts Painting button option silver knob program silver Hot stamping Decorative Chrome Electroplating button option chrome (selective chromizing) knob program chrome Laser labelling LPH group – Surface treatment Laser Labelling Hot stamping Plastic Parts Painting Decorative Chrome Electroplating Al Coating in high vacuum LPH group – 5-axis vertical machining center Hedelius RS 60K This project is realized with EU financial support. LPH group – Wire bending AFM-3D12-T PRODUCTION OF 3D WIRE BENDED PARTS - from diameter 3 to 12 mm (Bending machine AFM-3D12-T) - from diameter 2 to 8 mm (Bending machine AFM-3D8-T) Since 2008 AFM-3D8-T LPH group – Tube production XOT 50B IB 40 MT BR CNC Base parameters Max. diameter of bended tube: Ø 40x2 mm Min. diameter of bended tube: Ø 6x1mm Max. bending angle: 190° Base parameters Max. diameter of bended tube: Ø 50x3 mm Min. diameter of bended tube: Ø 6x1mm Max. bending angle: 190° LPH group - Laser sintering system Through the method of laser sintered metal (DMLS - Direct Metal Laser Sintering) allows the production of unique and complex shaped metal parts. During the heat treatment of metal powder is gradually surfacing material layers. In place of the laser beam is locally molten metal powder, while experiencing a "reflow" layer and subsequently solidify into a solid state. The process is fully automatic without tools. Dispensing device determines the amount of powder for one layer, then arm with ceramic edge word gets around on the surface of the steel platform even layer of very fine powder (0.020 to 0.040 microns). The working chamber is filled with nitrogen and the work is thus protected from oxidation. DMLS method is achieved rapid and accurate production while fully functional prototype parts or finished products for various applications. Components are highly durable and are used in the aerospace industry, automotive, medical and electronics. DMLS technology is often combined with traditional production methods such as. machining, grinding, polishing and CNC milling. Technical informations Dimensions 250 x 250 x 325 mm Laser Yb-fibre laser 400W materials tool steel MS1 - 54 HRC, aluminum possible options - stainless steel, cobalt, chromium, nickel, titanium LPH group – Extrusion technology Recycling mixed plastic waste Technology Original resin Profiles Final products LPH group – Extrusion technology Plastic profiles Wood It can be: • sawed • planed • machined • nailed • screwed) • stapled • mass-colored • painted • glued • welded It has a high resistance to: • shock • breakage • abrasion It can be easily mass-colored in: • Black • Grey • Brown • Green • others LPH group – New projects & ideas RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT New solutions Design center construction activities LPH group – Awards Supplier of the Year 2011 ContiTech Vibration Control Prestigious award in USA Global Excellence in Business Process Management (BPM) and Workflow The award „Supplier Quality Award“ for the best supplier in quality for 2010 year has been passed to members of LPH Vranov n/T, s.r.o. company management by Whirlpool Corporation representatives within evening ceremony with participation of representatives of above 100 supplier companies. In the picture from left side: M. KIENITZ, Vice President, Global Strategic Sourcing EMEA, M. SKORŠEPA, Executive Director, LPH Vranov n/T, s.r.o., J. G. MILLER, Senior Vice President , Global Srategic Sourcing, D. MANDUĽÁK, Project Manager, LPH Vranov n/T, s.r.o., K. KLEINHAMPLE, Vice President, Global Supplier Quality LPH group – Localization 2 3 Poprad 5 Prešov 1 4 Vranov n/T. LPH Vranov n/T, s.r.o. 1 LPH a.s. 2 1.prešovská nástrojáreň, s.r.o. 3 JAKOR s.r.o. 4 RPIC Prešov 5 LPH group – Contacts LPH Vranov n/T, s.r.o. 1.prešovská nástrojáreň, s.r.o. JAKOR s.r.o. Pod Dolami 838 093 02 Vranov nad Topľou Slovak Republic Ľubochnianska 2470/2 080 06 Prešov - Ľubotice Slovak Republic Pod Dolami 838 093 02 Vranov nad Topľou Slovak Republic tel.: +421 57 4860410 e-mail: tel: +421 51 7485051 e-mail: tel: +421 57 4461199 e-mail: LPH a.s. Priemyselná 4779 059 51 Poprad-Matejovce Slovak Republic tel: +421 52 4180811 e-mail: D-U-N-S nr. LPH Vranov n/T, s.r.o.: 49-506-2846 RPIC Prešov Reimanova 9 080 01 Prešov Slovak Republic tel: +421 51 7560317 e-mail:
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