Newsletter - St. Nektarios Greek Orthodox Church
Newsletter - St. Nektarios Greek Orthodox Church
THE NEWS FROM ST. NEKTARIOS June 2016 Volume 20, Issue 6 Independence Day by His Eminence Metropolitan Alexios G reetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! As we look forward to celebrating the day dedicated to freedom in the United States, Independence Day or the Fourth of July, we should give thanks and praise for all the abundant blessings from God, especially the great gift of true freedom that we as GreekAmericans hold dear to our hearts. Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed. John 8:36 On July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence, formally declaring that the American colonies were free and independent states, not subject to the government of England. The Declaration of Independence was signed by leaders from the colonies, and for the first time in an official document the colonies were referred to as the United States of America. Within days, the Declaration was read publically in American cities, and whenever they heard it, American patriots responded with cheers, fireworks and celebrations. Since that day, the philosophy and ideas expressed in the Declaration of Independence have inspired freedom-loving people all over the world with the words: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they IN THIS ISSUE are endowed by their Focus on our Community 2 Creator with certain Saints of our Faith 2 unalienable Rights, that 3-6 among these are Life, Young at Heart 7 Liberty and the pursuit of Greek Language School 8 Happiness.” Medical Ministry Fair 9 Philoptochos 9 Welcome to our Newcomers 10 Financial Matters 11 2016 St. John Chrysostom National Oratorical Festival Boy Scout Troop 490 12-13 Youth Ministries 14-15 Saints of our Faith 16 My beloved ones, we are blessed by God to live in a free country. With all of my heart I pray that we might continue to enjoy this great gift — that our children and grandchildren may know and experience the joy and blessings of freedom — “that we might stand fast in the liberty with which Christ has made us free.” (Galatians 5:1) Along with our fellow Americans, we will celebrate this important day as a holiday, with picnics and fireworks and music, but more importantly we should also pause a moment to give thanks and praise for God`s great gift of true freedom that we as proud and patriotic GreekAmericans hold so near and dear to our hearts. On Independence Day, we are especially thankful for this great country and the freedom we enjoy. Let us be mindful every day of our lives that these blessings of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” are bestowed upon us by our Almighty God. May Almighty God bless us and keep us so that we may live as good citizens of His Kingdom and Christ`s disciples. God bless America! † Metropolitan Alexios † ALEXIOS Metropolitan of Atlanta Reprinted from 2015 The Holy Great Martyr Marina (Margaret) July 17 Focus on our community C elebrations, Milestones, Comfort & Support In our prayers Helene Antone Pat Baker Ethan Barnard Sylvia Belk Helen Beleos Jodie Boyce Sandy Brewer Marie Callahan Nikki Chomakos Kathy Clewell Dee Cockinos Nick Collias Barbara Cook Bessie Demas Cleo Demopoulos Pamela Dizes Bill Griggs Nancy Guthery Shannon Elliott Catherine Kalivas Andrew Karres Michael Flaherty Nick Kefalas Ted Gillis Helen Keramidas Dan Kiser Dean Kondilis Dawna Lawrence Elton Longshore Mary Longshore Peter Mannering Catherine Manthos Casey Martinez Peggy McGraw Tony McGraw Michael Christopher Mentavlos Barry Dale Price Jr. Tish Merrill Irene Rodriguez Ernest Tsitouris T his Martyr lived during the reign of Claudius II (268270). She was from Pisidia of Cilicia and was the only daughter of a certain priest of the idols. On being orphaned by her mother, she was handed over to a certain woman who instructed her in the Faith of Christ. When she was fifteen years old, she was apprehended by the ruler of Olmbrius, and when asked her name, homeland, and faith, she answered: "My name is Marina; I am the offspring of the Pisidia; I call upon the Name of my Lord Jesus Christ." Because of this she endured bonds, imprisonment, and many whippings, and was finally beheaded in the year 270. Saint Marina is especially invoked for deliverance from demonic possession. http// "Copyright © Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA, used by permission. All rights reserved." Happy Birthday Anastasia Couchell Who turned 103 in June. Calliope Milios Christina Nixon Kay Owens Mary Roupas Teziah Stalling James Tekin Mary Thayer Steve Tsitouris And the persecuted Christians around the world AND FOR THOSE IN SERVICE TO OUR COUNTRY Helene Carras Buddy Craft Jordan James Dunn Krassimire Ivanov Michael Constantine Mentavlos Zack Millsaps Matthew Millsaps Amanda Moril Elias Nickolopoulos Anton Savin Danielle Zervakos Nickolopoulos Congratulations To Tommy and Kristy Kleto on their marriage To George Mawardi and Ranim Rustom on their marriage To Todd and Rachel Whiting on the Orthodox blessing of their marriage To Paul and Kim Tatsis on the 40-day blessing of their daughter, Sophia To Paulos and Stephanie Housiadas on the baptism of their daughter, Maria To Melisa Galasso on receiving the award for “The Top Five under 35” from the Virginia Society of CPA’s To Marlena Heracklis on being a 2016 Charlotte Observer Senior of the Year Sympathy To the Tatsis family on the passing of Antonia’s husband, Peter Demetrios Tatsis To the Green and Drobonick families on the passing of Dee’s brother-n-law, Kenneth McManus Green To the Fotopoulous family on the passing of Panagiotis Fotopoulos “Pete Foster” To Jean and Bill Seymour on the passing of Jean’s cousin, Marion Zablotsky Dear St. Nektarios Greek Orthodox Church Parish Council, In Appreciation Thanks to Diane Gilbert and Copycat for printing the Church Bulletin and Newsletter. Please contact the church office with information we may share with the community or to add someone to the prayer list. Also please contact the office when someone is in need of a clergy visit. On behalf of the Camp LUCK Youth Board, we can’t thank you enough for allowing us to use the kitchen facilities at church for our Scholarship Fundraising Kickball Tournament on June 5! Through your generosity, Camp LUCK was able to raise $12,000 towards the Jacob Jackson Scholarship Fund which will help send our heart kids to college! I really appreciate your support of me and the work being done for heart kids at Camp LUCK Sincerely Dimitri Liapis 2 S T . N EKTARIOS THE METROPOLIS OF ATLANTA HONORED TO HOST ON BEHALF OF THE 33RD ANNUAL ARCHDIOCESE ST. JOHN CHRYSOSTOM ORATORICAL FESTIVAL JUNE 10 - 12, 2016 Reflections on the Oratorical Festival Metropolitan Alexios Our father among the Saints, John Chrysostom, considered to be one of the most gifted Christian writers and orators, is the author of the Divine Liturgy we celebrate throughout the majority of the year. His life and teachings, along with his eloquence in writing and speech, have inspired many aspects of our Liturgical life and have enhanced our knowledge of the faith. Today, we are here to witness a new generation of gifted orators whose clarity of faith, articulacy and poise are worthy of commendation. Three Wonderful Days Being Edified, Spent in Fellowship and Worship. Please look for our guests’ gratitude and comments which are shared in italics over the next few pages. Friday — Welcome ▪ Encomia to St. Nektarios ▪ Southern Seafood Buffet ▪ Finalist Meet & Greet Social ▪ Presentation on the Life of St. Nektarios as told through the Chapel Iconography The most gracious hospitality Fr. Steve Dalber It was a unique blessing and honor to have been asked to host this wonderful event. What can be more edifying than watching our beautiful youth express their faith, sharing with us the fruit brought about by many hours of research and practice? Each one presenting a unique facet, a unique vision into the living and infinite Church of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Of the many and growing number of activities provided to our youth, the Saint John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival bears a powerful significance. The teaching of our faith in all of its aspects not only keeps our faith alive, but pertinent throughout all ages. Sincere and heartfelt thanks and congratulations go to all the participants . . . As host parish it was our greatest desire to make this weekend a joyous and memorable one. James Thomas, Parish Council President We are truly blessed to have so many Orthodox Christians from around the country witnessing our faith through the words and thoughts of our youth. We looked forward to . . . making this a memorable experience for everyone. I was excited to hear our wonderful Youth Champions from around the country, giving witness to us that Jesus Christ is alive and working in their lives. I know that their family and friends are so very proud of how they are growing up to be leaders in our faith and in their respective communities. Through the words of these Young Champions it is my hope that we will all be strengthened and encouraged to live as Christ has directed us in today’s challenging modern world. Fr. Steve greeting His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios and Archdeacon Panteleimon and family at the airport. Kabee Kokenes and Julie Moricz, Metropolis of Atlanta Youth Director Food workers prepare the Sundae Bar Autographed photo keepsake for the Finalists Fr. Steve’s welcome after the Encomia Service Vespers were overwhelming Dennis Kokenes, Presenter on the Life of St. Nektarios. Personalized posters was beyond my expectations Finalist Meet and Greet “At the Starting Line” Program with Kabee Kokenes and John Shelton 18 Individual finalists arrived in Charlotte; One group of friends emerged. 3 amazing time filled with fun activities Frank Bilotto greeting His Eminence Saturday morning Saturday — Oratorical Festival ▪ Awards Luncheon ▪ Presentation by Archbishop Demetrios on The Holy and Great Council ▪ Afternoon at the NASCAR Hall of Fame ▪ Dinner at the Levine Museum of the New South Presvytera Margaret Orfanakos (Festival Archdiocesan Chairperson), His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios, and Anton Vrame (Director of the Department of Religious Education) with the two Division Finalists: Christina Hanos, Senior Division and Eirene Stavropoulos, Junior Division A blessing which will always be treasured. All 18 National Finalist Fr. Steve received Appreciation Plaque on behalf of St. Nektarios His Eminence with Fr. Angelo Artemas, Fr. Robert Lawrence, Fr. Theodore Ehmer, Fr. Seraphim Dedes Thank you to our judges. Fr. John greeting His Eminence Andrew McCullough, Penelope Hefner, Peter Reinhart, John Gretes, Rev. Fr. Robert Lawrence, and Rv. Dn. Paul Tsahakis pictured with His Eminence Finalist and families at NASCAR Hall of Fame Loved going to NASCAR 4 Our guests’ gratitude and comments are shared in italics . Thanks for a taste of “Southern Hospitality” Evelyn Klund greeting His Eminence at the Museum At the Museum, Fr. Theodore and Presv. Ehmer Fr. Angelo and Presv. Artemas Finalist having fun at the Museum of the New South. Is there a dab going on? Deacon Stephen and Sherry Potter enjoying dinner at the Museum Sunday — Archierarchical Divine Liturgy ▪ Farewell Luncheon Will always remember our weekend in Charlotte fondly! The Divine Liturgy – a magnificent way to end the weekend Archdeacon Panteleimon presents a new censor to the Parish as a token of appreciation for hosting the Festival Jim Thomas, Parish Council President, and Fr. Steve Dalber present an icon of St. Nektarios to His Eminence. Vice President, Bessie Vrettos presents His Eminence a gift from the Ladies Philoptochos in honor of his visit to St. Nektarios From the Desk of Presvytera Margaret Orfanakos National Oratorical Festival Chairman Archons Welcome His Eminence Harry T. Cavalaris, Sam Kleto, Pete Couchell and Costa Vrettos Thank you to Costa who also served as His Eminence's driver for the weekend. Dear Fr. Steve, I want to thank you and the entire committee for hosting the National Oratorical Festival. The months of planning was clearly evident throughout the weekend. Not only was listening to the homilies or our 18 finalists inspiring, but the Friday Encomia to St. Nektarios and the Liturgy on Sunday morning moved me to tears. Thank you for a truly inspirational weekend. 5 Yours in His Service, Presvytera Margaret We Know that there were countless details to entertain so many people for three days Thank You to the many, many people who worked many days prior to and throughout this weekend. Thank you for the countless of hours of work that ensured every detail STEERING COMMITTEE: Fr. Steve Dalber, Fr. John Wallace, Fr. Seraphim Dedes, Frank Bilotto (Chairman), Michaelina Antahades, Christina Bonderer, Gerry Clonaris, Pete Douglas, Niki Kleto, Evelyn Klund, Kabee Kokenes, Elaine Miller, John Shelton and Costa Vrettos THOSE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SET UP IN THE HALL, SERVING, LINEN WASHING, and ALL THE WONDERFUL MEALS: Pete Douglas, with help from Jim & Gail Chomakos, Mike & Ritsa Neary, Helen Clonaris, Bessie Vrettos, His Eminence summoned the “Heavy Brigade” as he named them John & Tina Peroulas, Aphroula Anderson, to thank Pete Douglas and his crew personally for their many Athena Dalber, Vivian Pitsikoulis, Pauline Velonis, hours offered to prepare four delicious meals over the weekend. Mike Neary, Gus Stamas, Tim Klund, Ron Drobonick, Helen Bondurant, Maria Swanson, Tim & Evelyn Klund, John Peroulas, Tim Shelton and Pete Douglas Danny Zozios, Ron & Dee Drobonick, Tim Shelton, Gus Stamos, Natasha Sussman, Liz Karagounis, Rita Castanas, Ieva Abolina, Patrick Taylor, Chris & Ana Levantis, Jim Thomas, Peter Keretsis, John Nichols, Theodora Sexstone, Taso & George Douglas, Dan & Vicky Wixon, Tarras Onischenko, Thalia Fergione, John & Helen Bakos, Chris & Maria Mortis, Maria Kleto, Niki Kleto, and the Hospitality Team Members: Lyuda Bates, Nina Crytser, Tatiana Kazakova, Natalia Mitchell, Tatiana Mukhammad, Inna Wilson THOSE WHO WERE RESPONSIBLE FOR TRANSPORTATION and HOTEL LOGISTICS: John Shelton, Mike Neary, Costa Vrettos, Aka Vashakidze, Niki Kleto, Michaelina Antahades, Christina Bonderer THOSE WHO WERE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE GIFTS AND WELCOME FOR FINALISTS and OTHERS: Gerry Clonaris, Christina Bonderer, Kabee Kokenes, John Shelton, Helen Bondurant Meals superb and served with kindness THOSE WHO WERE RESPONSIBLE FOR PUBLICATIONS and PRINTED ITEMS: Evelyn Klund, Niki Kleto, Elaine Miller, Kim Clewell THOSE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SPECIAL MUSIC and RUBRICS: Fr. Seraphim Dedes, Dina Marinakos-Oara, our chanters and AV assistants THOSE RESPONSIBLE FOR PHOTOGRAPHY and AUDIOVISUAL ASSISTANCE Fr. Seraphim, Sam Kleto, Costa Vrettos, Kim Clewell, Michaelina Antahades, John Shelton, Aphrodite Davis THOSE IN THE OFFICE WHO HAD THEIR ROUTINE WORK PUSHED BY ALL THE ADDED RESPONSIBILITIES OF THIS AWESOME EVENT Evelyn Klund, Niki Kleto, Madelina Lowen, Kim Clewell An amazing job to create a wonderful weekend experience Our apologies to those we have failed to include in this list. Please, please, please let the office staff know so we may update our list. Our guests’ gratitude and comments are shared in italics 6 . Young at Heart F o r o u r 5 5 a n d o l d e r members T he Young at Heart met on the 12th of May. After the usual blessing of the food by Father Steve and Father John, we were treated to a delicious meal and desert by our host and hostesses, Lula Andrews, Zoe Andrews, Dino & Betty Athanas, Dee Cockinos, Pete & Faye Couchell, George & Helen Couchell, Perry & Mary Diamaduros, Joan Davis, Anna Georges, Dimetry Loren, Connie & Joanne Pavlakos, Cathy & Gus Poulos, Mary Renfroe, Bessie & George Vastis. During the dinner we were entertained by Christina the violinist. She added a very soothing and enjoyable atmosphere especially as we all sang our Young at Heart song. Those who had a May birthday were serenaded by all present. Though Mother's Day had passed, a Mother of the Year was picked by drawing from the names present. Helen Douglas was the lucky and deserving winner. Congratulations Helen. Sale of raffle tickets and drawing for the 50/50 took place. Congratulations to the lucky winners. Gus Stamas made a few announcements, the October, January, February and March meetings will be at 1:00 p.m., while the April, May and June meetings will start at 5:30 pm with dinner served at 6:00 p.m. Due thanks were sent to members of the committee of Young at Heart who T made the calls to make sure of who is coming to dinner and who is not. Congratulations went to Mary and Perry Diamaduros who are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. The meeting ended with safe travels until the next meeting in June. Christ is Risen! Emile Khuri Helen Douglas was crowned “Mother of the Year”. She is pictured with husband, Pete Douglas he Young at Heart met on the 9th of informative presentation by Dr. Dennis Kokenes. June. People started flocking in at 5 pm Dr. Kokenes, a gastroenterologist and a vey active and the dinner was served at 6 pm after the member of St. Nektarios Church, stressed the blessing was given by Father John. Thanks go wellness of the individual rather the illness. He to our hosts and hostesses, Nabila Andraos, John Andromidas, Frances spoke of the beneficial bacteria, as well as colon & George Blow, Jean & Joseph Candela, Rita Castanas, Nick & Maria screening, and colon guard test (looking for DNA Collias, Kerry & Christina Gionis, Chris & Kathy Pakuris, Jean & Bill affiliated with colon cancer). As part of the Seymour, Terry & George Stephenson, George & Pauline wellness advice he advocated avoiding Velonis, Gus & Bessie Vrettos. A variety of fruits and sugars, eating fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meat and fish. desserts followed, especially the delicious ones presented Questions and answers followed. by Mocco Bistro of South Blvd. The meeting ended by announcing that no meetings are Being close to Father's Day a name was drawn from a hat scheduled for July and August. You all have a blessed and safe to select a Father of the Year. George Stephenson, though not summer, using sun screen and keep yourself, your children and deserving, was picked as Father of the Year (just kidding grandchildren well hydrated. George, you deserve every bit of it. Congratulations). George Stephenson The highlight of the evening was a very interesting and Emile Khuri 7 Greek language school —Year End Celebration Καλοκαιρινή Αύρα Summer Breeze W Greek School Memories Reflections and Farewell I started Greek school at about the age of eight. I remember receiving my first Greek School book bag and books! I also remember making new friends, and learning the Greek alphabet. I loved singing and dancing in my costume. One day when Greek School started Father Steve was blessing the Greek School children. I was sitting in the front row and Father Steve sprinkled Holy Water on me, but he literally sprinkled a ton on me! That’s what you get for sitting on the front row! As we got older I remember carrying the flag out to the stage with everyone watching. We would sing our song together, and dance then after we get pizza, salad, and desserts! I enjoyed learning and having fun at Greek School! All the teachers are amazing, and want you to learn. I will miss my friends and amazing teachers the most! Elena Couchell 8 here are you going for vacation? Πού θα πάτε διακοπές? The End of Year Celebration opened with a skit with the students sharing their vacation plans in Greek. Sophia Shinas, Greek Language School Director, welcomed all the proud families and friends of the students. Cameras went into action capturing the celebration as songs of children’s folklore and ethnic dances entertained the group. The students displayed their learned Greek Language skills singing “The Aegean Sea Sailor” -“Το Ναυτάκι του Αιγαίου” and “Jamaica” - Τζαμάικα”. They danced a sirtaki to Dolphin, Tiny Dolphin - “Δελφίνι, Δελφινάκι” and a balos to Eyes Like Yours- “Μάτια σαν και τα δικά σου”. Elena Couchell was honored as the Multi-year Program Graduate. She inspired the students to continue with their Greek Language studies as she shared in Greek and English her Greek School Memories (in the inset on this page). The program ended with the presentations of Certificate of Completion Awards. Sophia Shinas offered the school’s deep appreciation to Mr. and Mrs. George Couchell for their generous donation and thanked Father Steve Dalber and Father John Wallace for their encouragement and support. She extended her appreciation to the teachers for their hard work. Maria Dalber, Helen Grafakos, and Olga Hamby have been amazing team players and have worked so hard throughout the year. Special thanks went to the administrative office, Evelyn Klund, Madalina Lowen, Niki Kleto, Kim Clewell and Carol Jelush. Last but not least, she thanked the parents for sharing and trusting us with their beautiful children. We’ve enjoyed them so much. The program ended with not just a pizza party, but included delicious contribution from the families: Pastitsio, tyropita, spanakopita, salad, cake! Looking forward to seeing everyone when the program resumes in September! Medical Ministry Health Fair T he Medical Missions Ministry held its first Health Fair on Saturday, April 16th. Thank you to all the medical practitioners who participated and to our parishioners who attended. Another session is being planned for the fall. For more information, contact Teresa Jacob. Philoptochos — A Legacy of Philanthropy A Baby Shower and Lasagna delicious lasagna dinner buffet was set for the Ladies’ last dinner meeting of the for the 2015-16 Ecclesiastical year. The Ladies collected a multitude of gift bags full of baby items for the Layette Ministry of Love, In the Name of Christ organization. The room was filled with laughter as the Ladies played traditional Shower games like Baby Bingo. Fr. Steve blessed the latest basketful of blankets for the CMC neo-natal unit patients. We were able to surprise Dee Drobonick with a cake in honor of her birthday that day. Just one candle on the cake, since no one is counting. Thank you to Anderson’s Catering for the great dinner. The Board is meeting over the summer to define its 2016 -17 calendar of events and activities. If you have any suggestions, please share them with Maria Wheatley, our President. We will resume in September with our annual dinner outing on Monday, Sept. 12th. Have a great summer. 9 Welcome to our Newcomers Newcomer Sunday April 10th Rita Castanas and Suat Pamukci ready to serve dessert We extend our sympathy to the Callender family on the sudden passing of Marie “Page” Callender who attended April 10th Rachel & Todd Whiting and family Andy Holland Frank Bilotto Kiriaki Kirani & Katerina Coker and son Nick Mermigas Greg Muse & Sage Hale Anita & Sam Boulmetis Karen & Charles Guzelian Adina Cotoman and children Anna Prokos and son The Chapsak family and friends 10 Financial Matters Theodora Sexstone A. 1,400 B. 559 C. 120 D. 62 E. 35 1. ___ Pledges in 2016 2. ___ Number of new pledges 3. ___ Average pledge 4. ___ No. of E- Bill Payments (monthly) 5. ___ No. of E-Web Payments ( monthly) (Answers at the bottom of the page) Capital Campaign Update and Reminders: Just about $1.7 million in new pledges have been received. For those who have made a pledge, we are accepting your stepping stone with your prayer/scripture verse inscribed on it. The stones will be included in the foundation of the new Center. Bank has approved our bridge loan. Property recently appraised at $9 million. Stewardship Ministry Offering of Treasure May Operating Income $74,822 — Monthly Budgeted Expenses $52,448— Actual Stewardship Received $25,523 — Other Income Received 2016 Stewardship Goal is $725,764 Have you made your pledge? 11 1. B ummer is always a good time to step back a little from our daily hectic pace and to recharge our energies so we can stay mentally and physically healthy. It has traditionally been a time to change up the routine—take a vacation to the beach or mountains, plan a visit to friends and family, grill fresh vegetables from the garden, or start a project that may or may not be done by summer’s end. But for those of us working in God’s field much of our spiritual life remains the same in the summer; we continue to hold close our commitment to Christ as His fellow worker. Our spiritual life is as constant and unchanged as is the work of the Church – the doors remain open so liturgies can be celebrated, administrative work continues, and plans are made for a new ecclesiastical year. Not one of us can step back from God’s field during the summer. Your stewardship allows us to fulfill His ministries. In 2015, we were blessed with strong financial support from the community and, coupled with good management, we ended the year in good shape. As a result, we have been able to secure a bridge loan for the sanctuary at a low interest rate and favorable terms. This is truly a blessing and is a result of your gifts. So thank you again and remember your Church this summer, so we too can stay healthy. Financial Matching Trivia 2. D S The project is still pending the identification of a project manager and task force. If you are interested in serving on this task force, please contact Fr. Steve. We will need to apply for a zoning variance to develop this area. The funds to develop this area are not dependent on church fundraising and will not impact the current Capital Campaign. The persons who plan to live in this area will fund the complex. 3. A Stewardship Summer 2016 Staying Healthy and Staying Spiritual What is the status of the Active Retirement Center to be developed on the property? 4. C 1 Corinthians 3:9 And So You Asked . . . 5. E “For we are God’s fellow workers; you are God’s field, God’s building” S t. N e k t a r i o s B oy S c o u t T r o o p 4 9 0 “ Jam es I sl an d, C har l es to n S C ” “Onward and upward!” That was the theme of Troop 490’s campout the weekend of March 19 at James Island County Park in Charleston, South Carolina. There the Marathon Men tackled the tallest climbing wall in South Carolina, as well as slack lines and a “bouldering” hut. The Scouts also toured the remains of Civil War battlefield entrenchments protecting Charleston Harbor, and, of course, a fishing line or two (or three) were thrown in the water. A good time was had by all despite the season’s early onset of mosquitos. Well done, Scouts! Matt Joyner N icholas Vatsis was awarded the St. George Religious Award as part of the St. Nektarios scouting program. The framework for the religious awards program is provided by the Eastern Orthodox Committee on Scouting (EOCS). The St. George program is intended as a primer for the young scout to explore the basic fundamentals of the Orthodox Christian Church. The EOCS awards build knowledge, love and understanding of Orthodoxy. 12 N e k t a r i o s B oy S c o u t T r o o p 4 9 0 Lake James O ur Troop 490 Scouts had a most excellent adventure in April canoecamping and fishing at Lake James State Park, outside Morganton, NC. Setting their course for the park’s remote “paddle in” primitive campsite, the intrepid band of Marathon Men paddled their canoes and kayaks to a weekend of outdoor fun. Happy to report that no one got wet unintentionally and no bears coming out of winter hibernation were encountered. Well done, Scouts!” Matt Joyner 13 At St. Nektarios, we are blessed with both an amazing group of teachers and an amazing group of students. We have over thirty men and women who spend hours each week and an hour each Sunday from September to May sharing their love and knowledge of Orthodoxy with our students. You don’t see them at coffee hour because they spend that time in the company of our children, offering their time and talents to the students’ spiritual growth. On June 5th, we recognized these two fabulous groups. Some of our MAGNIFICENT TEACHERS came to the solea, and then we saw just a small part of the fruit of their efforts when we honored nine of the students who grew up in our Catechism Ministry and learned to value their spiritual growth enough to continue participating in Catechism during their busy senior year. As a community, we owe much more than we can ever express to these teachers, and we pray for more blessings than they can ever imagine for these seniors as they take their next steps on the spiritual journeys they started here at St. Nektarios. A FABULOUS PROJECT IN 3 PHASES: Back in the spring, we met for lunch and planned. Samaritan’s Feet has always been a favorite service project, but this year we were thinking BIG. Four GOYANS and their mothers committed to the MISSION TRIP TO LESVOS: Phyllis & Constance Gianakopoulos, Christine & Katie Malatras, Heidi & Marina Sarantou, and Maria & Zack Stone. Let’s do MORE! So we planned the GREAT BIG BAKE SALE and raised $1,344 to fund the shoes and supplies for the trip. Let’s do MORE! So a group gathered on a Saturday to process and package shoes for other mission trips! The Mission trip to Lesvos is just ending as we go to print. WATCH FOR MORE ABOUT THIS AMAZING EXPERIENCE in the July Newsletter. A few pictures to share here now of the GOYA folks cooking, serving, washing feet, making friends, and learning to be the hands and feet of Christ on earth. WELL DONE, GOOD & FAITHFUL GOYANS!! 14 15 Paraskeve the Righteous Martyr of Rome July 26 S aint Paraskeve, who was from a certain village near Rome, was born to pious parents, Agatho and Politia. Since she was born on a Friday (in Greek, Paraskeve), she was given this name, which means "preparation" or "preparedness" (compare Matt. 27:62, Mark 15:42, Luke 23:54, and John 19:31, where 'Friday' is called "the day of the preparation"). From childhood she was instructed in the sacred letters and devoted herself to the study of the divine Scriptures, while leading a monastic life and guiding many to the Faith of Christ. During the reign of the Emperor Antoninus Pius, she was apprehended because she was a Christian and was urged to worship the idols, but she answered with the words of Jeremias: "Let the gods that have not made heaven and the earth perish from off the earth" (Jer. 10:11). Because of this she endured exceedingly painful torments, and was beheaded in the year 140. The faithful pray to her for the healing of eye ailments. Irene the Righteous of Chrysovalantou July 28 S aint Irene, who was from Cappadocia, flourished in the ninth century. Because of her great beauty and virtue, she was brought to Constantinople as a prospective bride for the young Emperor Michael (842-867); however, as Saint Joannicius the Great foretold, it was God's will that she assume the monastic habit instead. She shone forth in great ascetical labours, and suffered many attacks from the demons; while yet a novice, she attained to the practice of Saint Arsenius the Great, of praying the whole night long with arms stretched out towards Heaven (see May 8). God showed forth great signs and wonders in her, and she became the Abbess of the Convent of Chrysovalantou. She was granted the gift of clairvoyance and knew the thoughts of all that came to her. She appeared in a vision to the king and rebuked him for unjustly imprisoning a nobleman who had been falsely accused. Through a sailor from Patmos to whom he had appeared, Saint John the Evangelist sent her fragrant and wondrous apples from Paradise. She reposed at the age of 103, still retaining the youthful beauty of her countenance. After her repose, marvelous healings beyond number have been wrought by her to the present day. DIRECTORY Church Office: 704-708-4669 Church Fax: 704-846-6094 Email: Website: 5108 Kuykendall Rd. Charlotte, NC 28270 Father Steve Dalber, Protopresbyter Home: 704-708-4638 Cell Phone: 704-451-6524 Email: Father John Wallace Home: 704-905-2558 Cell Phone: 704-905-2558 Email: Father Seraphim Dedes Music Ministry Phone: 704-719-3074 Email: Dn. Father Stephanos Potter Dn. Father Paul Tsahakis Parish Council President: Jim Thomas Vice President: John Tsefrikas Secretary: Maria Mortis Treasurer: Theodora Sexstone Ass’t Treasurer: Peter Keretsis Ass’t Secretary: Elizabeth Kleto Members: Kholoud Alyateem, Christina Bonderer, Chris Levantis, John Nichols, Patrick Taylor Parish Administrator Evelyn Klund Administration Staff Madalina Lowen, Kim Clewell Carol Jelush, Niki Kleto Dir. Youth Ministries, Elaine Miller Property Manager, Dena Kondilis Philoptochos Board President: Maria Wheatley Vice President: Bessie Vrettos Recording Secretary: Heather Korolos and Renee Tsefrikas Corresp. Secretary: Helen Clonaris Treasurer: Evelyn Klund Ass’t. Treasurer: Dee Drobonick Members: Thalia Fergione, Maria Kleto, Melisa Galasso, Joanne Kiser, Ana Levantis, Madalina Lowen, Ritsa Neary, Charlotte Nickolopoulos SUNDAYS AT SAINT NEKTARIOS Worship Matins & Divine Liturgy: 8:15 a.m. Youth Catechism: Suspended for the Summer Fellowship Coffee: Following the Divine Liturgy Prosfora Please contact the church office or Christie Asimos at 704-756-1512 if you would like to provide Prosfora. Coffee Hour Please contact the church office if you would like to host or co-host a Coffee Hour on Sunday. Your Stewardship pays for the coffee hour refreshments provided by the Hospitality Ministry Team. Flowers You may donate flowers in honor of a family member’s feast day, in memory of a loved one or friend, on the occasion of a holiday, or simply as a gift to the community of St. Nektarios. To donate flower arrangements to be placed at the Iconostasis, St. Nektarios Shrine or in the Narthex for Sunday Services, please contact the church office to reserve a Sunday. Sacramental Wine & Pure Olive Oil You may make a financial gift to help defray the cost of the sacramental wine that is used for Holy Communion. Please note on the memo line of your check or on the envelope “Communion Wine”. You may also donate a bottle or can of pure olive oil which is then blessed at the Shrine of St. Nektarios and is offered in the anointing kits. Please feel free to bring this with you to any of our services and give to an usher on duty. For additional information contact the church office. UPCOMING DEADLINE Newsletter & Bulletin: Information Due: July 12, 2016 Published: July 25, 2016 OUR MISSION: St. Nektarios Greek Orthodox Church is dedicated to the continuation of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ’s ministry of salvation through the proclamation and teaching of the Gospel; through Baptism in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; and through loving service to God and to mankind. OUR VISION: http// "Copyright © Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA, used by permission. All rights reserved." The community will provide a loving, caring and welcoming environment where all belong and grow in the faith through worship, service, witness, and fellowship. 16
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