CHAPTER 528 HOMEFRONT MAY 2008 VVA 528 Membership Mtg
CHAPTER 528 HOMEFRONT MAY 2008 VVA 528 Membership Mtg
CHAPTER 528 HOMEFRONT MAY 2008 Vietnam Veterans of America Membership in Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc. is open to Vietnam Era Veterans as well as Associate Members of the Public at Large. Name_____________________________________________________________ Phone__________________________________________________ Present Address________________________________________________________ City_______________________________________ State_______________________ Zip___________________________ Branch of Service___________________________________ Date of Birth_______________________________________ email________________________________________________________ $20.00 Annual Dues Enclosed_________________ _____ I am a Vietnam Era Veteran and would like to be a member "Copy of your DD!214 Form or other proof of Service Enclosed# _____ I am not a Vietnam Era Veteran, but would like to be an Associate Member I want to give more. Enclosed is my check for $20.00_______$50.00_______ Other________________________ New Member______ Renewal______ Membership Card No.________________________________ Today%s Date___________________________________________ Return this form to: Vietnam Veterans of America Plymouth/Canton Chapter 528 P.O. Box 6319 Homefront Vietnam Veterans of America Plymouth!Canton Chapter 528 P.O. Box 6319 Plymouth MI 48170!0473 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED VVA 528 Membership Mtg. Monday, May 12, 2008 1426 S. Mill St.VFW Plymouth, MI 7:00 p.m. "1900# Come on and join CHAPTER 528 HOMEFRONT Ch. Web Site: Chapter O!cers" " " President & & 1st Vice President& 2nd Vice President& Secretary& & & Treasurer& & & & MAY 2008 Ch. 528 Travel Site: " " & & & & Bill Boudreau& Darrell Bazman& Bill Juchartz Mike Schlott Bob Dew & & & Advertising Rates 1 year 6 months 1 issue Business Card 3.5# x 2# $60 $45 $15 & Board of Directors Don Dignan & Gary Estermyer & Doug Fox & Dale Luebke & & & & & Joe Agius& Jerry Thomason & Rick Ciaramitaro& Gary Kubik & Committees A.O./Health Care& & Chaplain&& & Color/Honor Guard& & & & Constitution/By!laws& ETABO& & & Fundraising& & Government A'airs& Homeless Veterans& Membership A'airs& Homefront& Editor&& & Graphics & Design Distribution& & Proof Reader& & Product Sales& & & & & Point Man Ministries& & & & & & & POW/MIA& & Public A'airs& & Sergeant!at!Arms& & Scholarship& & Service Rep. & Vet. A'airs& & & & State Delegate& & State VVA Product Sales Website& & & Vaughn Hull& & Rick Popa& Bob Lamouruex Rick Ciaramitaro Gary Estermyer Gordon Dorey Joe Agius& Forrest Manley John Fleming Bob Lamoureux Tom Brown Bill Boudreau Dale Luebke Don Dignan Dale Luebke Gary Boucher Rich Whipple Ron Wroblewski Rick Ciaramitaro Al Kerbyson Don Dignan Gary Boucher Tom Brown Aggie Little Gerry/Cheryl Martin & Gary Estermyer John Riling Tom Brown VVA Service O!cer % State of Michigan Phillip Smith ! Director& 313!961!9568 313!226!4181 Veterans Crisis Centers"" " Veterans Center& & 313!381!1370& Dearborn Crisis Center& 313!584!7800 VA Medical Center Detroit& 313!576!1000& " & " & & & " & & " & & & & & & Editor&s Note and Disclaimer Articles, event dates, and photos must be submitted by the 21st of the month in order to be considered for publication. Send the article or photo to Tom Brown 17730 Snow Ave Dearborn, MI 48124 or email Tom at or Bill Boudreau at Except as otherwise noted, all published articles become the property of VVA Chapter 528 and may not be reprinted without the Chapter%s permission. Chapter 528 reserves the right to edit for space. Views and opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the Chapter, the editor, or the National VVA. May'ower Lt. Gamble VFW Post 6695 (734% 459%6700) Page 2 CHAPTER 528 HOMEFRONT MAY 2008 Index Homefront Sta'&& Newsletter Message& (The Last Patrol&& At the April 14th General Membership Meeting, AVVA Member Nancy Dignan became the ,rst Associate Member in Chapter history to receive AVVA Member of the Year. Joining Nancy as recipients of Members of the Year are: Darrel Bazman Executive Board Member of the Year, Dale Luebke Board Member of the Year, David Banks Color Guard Member of the Year, and Tom Brown Member of the Year. Congratulations to all! Tom Brown Homefront Editor Page 3 3 3 Adopt!A!Road Cleanup& 4 President%s Corner&& 4 Kokomo 2008& & 4 Support Our Troops (Frenchies) 4 Members Of The Year& 5 Chapter 528 O*cers 2008& 5 Executive Board 2008& 5 State Council News& 6 Digger%s Desk& & 7 Veterans In Distress& 7 MCL Care Packages& 7 Poppy Days& & 7 Odds & Ends& & 8 Monthly Donations& 8 Cruz%n 2008& & 9 Chapter 528 Travel Site 9 May Calendar& & 10 Birthdays& & 10 Fishing Derby& & 10 Mainstreet Car Wash& 10 Cheryl%s Musings& & 11 Sportsman%s Ra+e & 12 Sportman%s Events&& 13 In Memoriam& & 14 +The Last Patrol# Vietnam War Living History Displays and talks for schools, reunions and public events. Gary (Bear) Kubik Lounge Manager & Page 3 Homefront Sta* Tom Brown ! Editor Bill Boudreau ! Graphics Don Dignan ! Proof Reader Dale Luebke ! Distribution Assisting Dale: Mike & Cheri Schlott Vaughn Hull Darrell Bazman Newsletter Message The Monthly Newsletter is available by mail or o' the website to members and friends. Currently we are still mailing out about 150 Newsletters every month and any of you can option to get it online at any time. All I need would be for you the member to email me at or call me at 734!395!5144 to update the information. The web Newsletter is always in color, where the mail out is black and white. Thank You For the Chapter Dale Luebke CHAPTER 528 HOMEFRONT MAY 2008 Wayne County Adopt%A%Road Cleanup Report On a cold and rainy April 12 Saturday morning, ,fteen volunteers met at the UAW parking lot in Canton, helped themselves to some donuts, put on their battle gear "orange safety vests#, and took on Joy Road for the ,rst of three trash pickups this year. Mark Grzesiek, coming from Arizona, took the LDTA award "longest distance traveled award#, narrowly beating out by a few thousand miles either Digger or Bob and Jan Humphrey for this dubious honor. This is the 29th road pickup for our chapter. The ,rst Wayne County Adopt!A! Road cleanup was April 12, 1997, so this is now VVA 528%s 11th year in maintaining Joy Road, between Haggerty and Canton Center Roads, a 2!1/2 mile strip. Something to take some pride in. I personally picked up 15 empty bottles of booze "hope this isn%t from high school kids coming from school# as we ,lled 17 orange bags of trash. Unfortunately, driving Joy Road the next day at noon there was already trash added that wasn%t there Saturday at 10:30 A.M. Those Saturday nights are killers for trashing the roads! Those brave souls who were present were: Ron & Aggie Little, Wayne Rotho', Bob & Jan Humphrey, Jerry & Judy Thomason, Rich & Karen Whipple, Ron King, Pete Glasgow, Mark Grzesiek, Don Dignan, Roger Schlee, and Jim Hodgson ",rst time for this Huey and gunship pilot#. We ,nished the morning at the Canton Coney Island honkering down on some good chow and great company. Thanks for all who participated!! We can%t do this without your help. Rich Whipple HHC/2/503 Infantry, 173d Airborne Brigade 1968!69 KOKOMO 2008 Sept 18th thru 21st The request has been mailed and we have our lots locked in the same location as previous years, "10 lots# plus 4 lots across the road to the north. Also, I am looking for interested individuals to assist Gary and me with doing the (DOG TAGS) at Kokomo this year. You can either press tags, help take orders, or collect the money. If no one is interested then we will cease doing this fund raiser there. Let me know at the May meeting, email me, or phone me 734!395!5144. May: Elections of O*cers and Board members were held at the April 14th General Business Meeting. Congratulations to our newest O*cer 2nd Vice Bill Juchartz and welcome back to Joe Agius and Jerry Thomason, Rick Ciaramitaro, and Gary (The Bear) Kubik to the Board of Directors. Also the vote of con,dence to: Darrell, Mike, Bob, and myself to continue to serve the Chapter for another year. Thank!you to Gordy Dorey " who ,lled in for Bob L. during his surgery# and the rest of the Nominating Committee for doing a smooth. and legal Election. To John Riling who stepped in to administer the Oath of O*ce for all of us, Thanks. Also (Bear) for lining up the Pizza and salad for the meeting, We had a very large turnout of Members, and even some we haven%t seen in awhile, I hope you continue to come out. Welcome back! and please continue to come. May, of course will start a whole new Season with Children%s Fishing Derby, Car washes, Parades, Memorial Ceremonies , and planning for the rest of the Summer and Fall %08 Events. It is your Chapter get involved! I do also have to say it was great to see some of our members that haven%t been seen in a while. Semper Fi! Bill Boudreau (Proud to Be) President of Chapter 528 Plymouth/Canton VVA Support Our Troops at Frenchies On Tuesday, April 22nd Chapter 310 organized this fundraiser which gives all proceeds to help pay for the care packages for our Troops. Entertainment included: The Dave Michael Band, singer Alicia Jaros, Miss Washtenaw County, violinist/singer and former Miss Michigan Stacey Mason, and accordionist Tom Brown. Tom Brown playing his accordion at Frenchies Page 4 CHAPTER 528 HOMEFRONT MAY 2008 Chapter 528 Members Of The Year AVVA Member Of The Year: Nancy Dignan Color Guard Member Of The Year Dave Banks Chapter Member Of The Year: Tom Brown Helping President Bill Boudreau with presenting the Members of The Year Plaques are: Aggie Little "AVVA# and Rick Ciaramitaro "Color Guard Drill Sergeant# Board Member Of the Year: Dale Luebke Ex. Board Member Of The Year: Darrell Bazman Swearing%in Ceremony Chapter 528 O!cers 2008 Treasurer Bob Dew, Secretary Mike Schlott, President Bill Boudreau 1st Vice President Darrell Bazman, 2nd Vice President Bill Juchartz Chapter 528 Board of Directors 2008 John Riling administers the Oath of O*ce Jerry Thomason, Gary Kubik, Don Dignan, Dale Luebke Doug Fox, Joe Agius, Gary Estermyer, & Rick Ciaramitaro Page 5 CHAPTER 528 HOMEFRONT State Council News Gary Estermyer, delegate MAY 2008 Qui Nhon, which is where I was stationed. Product Sales guy, John Riling, had lots of stu' on display today; coins, hats, vests, patches and pins. He reported that the inventory count was ,nished and he hoped to have 3) and 10) State Council patches available for sale at the Annual meeting in June. Penny Meinhardt, AVVA, reported that she and Nancy Diegel had Finally had some nice riding attended the AVVA National BOD th weather for the April 20 State meeting last week. National Council meeting in Lansing. nomination of o*cers has started President Tom Meinhardt opened the with Penny running for Region 5 meeting right at 10:00 AM with the director. pledge and a prayer. John West was Tom M. reported on some recognized as the new delegate from legislative news; State SB 0288 would Jackson Chapter 109. allow 100/ disabled veterans to pay Secretary Brian Birk called roll with no property tax, HB 2514 + SB 2639 nd Duke Mayo "2 VP# being excused would mandate assured funding for today. There was a total of 17 the VA hospitals and SB 2677 would delegates present also. upgrade the GI Bill. rd 3 VP P%Nut Hicks was back on the Ray Essenmacher had a senior job after his surgery. He reported that moment and forgot his written report National VVA is considering stopping however TBI and PTSD remain major the chapter dues rebate for those who problems for returning veterans. have been lifers over 15 years. Tom M. reported that the end of Ken Diegel, Minority A'airs, April will be the deadline for the State reported that he had attended the newspaper articles. recent VVA National BOD meeting. Jack Devine reported there have At that meeting two Japanese men now been over 4,300 burials at the who had been interned in the 1940%s Great Lakes National Cemetery. A gave a short talk. Both of them went th Memorial Day ceremony is May 25 on to volunteer to serve in the US planned. Jack, Gary Stevens and Phil forces. I then gave the Constitution / Bylaw Smith attended the asbestosis seminar last month and learned a lot. report. Two amendments were Apparently there is an eerie submitted; the ,rst concerns correlation between asbestosis and Treasurer quali,cations and the second relates to voting by committee agent orange health issues. Service Director Phil Smith chairpersons. reported that some VA claims now st 1 VP Bob Erickson reported 1,762 have to go to Milwaukee for POW/MIA from RVN. Remains resolution. Phil%s Detroit o*ce needs continue to be ID%d from WWII to hire another service o*cer. March Iraq. recoveries were $1,705,663 with Tom brie.y discussed a USAF $9,821,794 for the FY. Phil attended Ranch Hand herbicide amount/ both the Westland Veteran seminars location report. Very interesting read, th. Courage After Fire is a on the 19 I found out that of the over 8 million new book o'ered to returning vets. gallons of Agent Orange!White!Blue Treasurer Dan Penzien reviewed the that was used in Vietnam that over ,nancial report. Dan spoke about the 59,000 gallons were used in or around upcoming State Annual meeting in Page 6 Grand Rapids the end of June and the National VVA Leadership Conference July 16!20, in Greenville, SC. Registration for both events should be handled pronto. Tom M. "also in attendance at the National BOD# reported that the National budget will be reviewed. The 25th Wall anniversary book "$10.00# project is still in the red. Contact Ilene Mitchell if you want to order a book/case or two. Jim Anderson opened nominations for State o*cers; Ken Diegel President, Bob Erickson - 1st VP, John Riling, P%Nut Hicks and Duke Mayo 2nd/3rd VP, Ray Essenmacher and Brian Birk - Secretary, Tom Meinhardt, Don Godek and Lupe Alviar Treasurer and yours truly for Election Committee Chairman. John Riling spoke brie.y on the State Council travel site which can be found at; www.YTBtravel/vvamic. Jack Devine, National Vice President reported that travel plans are being set up for a return trip to Vietnam sometime in September. Dan Penzien reminded the delegates of his chapter%s annual 4th of July picnic at Freedom Hill. Phil Smith announced that lower deck tickets have sold out for the Veterans Appreciation Day at Comerica Park, better hurry for the upper deck tickets. Ken Diegel had a .yer available that announced Monroe Chapter 142 will dedicate a Women%s Memorial at Heck Park "Exit 15 o' I!75# on Saturday, May 10, 2008 at 2:00 PM. MAY 2008 CHAPTER 528 HOMEFRONT Street Carwash on Main Street just north of Ann Arbor Road. There are a ELECTIONS AND AWARDS Congratulations to the newly elected officers and BOD members. Prez Bill and the Veteran slate took everything in a landslide. Congratulations also to all of the members for their award winning contributions to the Chapter in the past, to include Darrell Bazman, Tom Brown, Dave Banks and Nancy Dignan. Keep up the good work. few spots still available where you can help out. Call me at "734# 525!0157 or e!mail me at for an opportunity to help. See you at the May meeting. Many good things are happening. Memorial Day is coming up; Fishing Derby is coming up; Car Cr uz%s wil l be a great time to be a Veteran !!! SPORTSMAN&S RAFFLE The months roll by and the ticket sales slowly climb. Have you been able to spare a morning/afternoon to promote our "by far# biggest fundraiser of the year ? There are many, many opportunities to assist at one of the selling events. Please make yourself known to Chairman Loren Roberts so he can schedule you for a slot. A few additional volunteers have been stepping forward to help. How about you ? Don Dignan D/2/16 +Rangers#, 1st Inf. Div, 1967 % 1968 Veterans In Distress Elva Juchartz, mother of Bill Juchartz passed away on April 12th POPPY SALES Although Poppy sales are a creation of the VFW, we are all a part of the combined membership and we can all benefit from the distributions as a result of this project. There are several locations/times still available May 8!10. Contact Chairman Dale Luebke for a chance to help out. Nancy and I will be taking a shift at Busch%s Market at 6 Mile and Sheldon. Put on a vest, hand out poppies and people give you money. It doesn%t get much easier than that. MAIN STREET CARWASH Sunday May 19 will mark the first of our two annual carwashes, taking place at member Phil Pursell%s Main Bob Lamoureaux is recovering from shoulder surgery. " Gary (Ouch) Boucher recovering from hip replacement surgery. Ron Dillingham is recovering from diverticulits, a tumor on his liver, and diabetes. Franz Brenner%s mother passed away April 21st. Eldon Frank is now home recovering. Page 7 Marine Michael Beahon "left side of photo#, is thankful for receiving a care package from the Marine Corps League. Chapter 528 donated $250 at our General Membership Meeting in March to the MCL Northwest Detachment 162. Kim Skelton of the MCL received a thank you email and photo from Michael. In the email he thanked her and Chapter 528Marines for our donation. Two in Iraq Michael is serving his second tour in Iraq and is the son of a good friend of member Dean Bell. Poppy Days As Junior Vice Commander for the VFW Post, I am still in need of help to sell the (Buddy Poppy%s. I have numerous openings available on all 3 days. Please contact me for location and time. I have them all set in 3 hour increments, but even if you can only volunteer for 1 or 2 hours, please let me know. All assistance will be greatly appreciated. You can email at Please put (Poppy Sales) in the subject line. MAY 2008 CHAPTER 528 HOMEFRONT Color Guard Update Chapter Elections The votes have been tabulated and the results are. Here are your new elected o*cials for the upcoming year. President& & 1st Vice President& 2nd Vice President& Secretary& & Treasurer& & Board Members& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & State Council Delegate& Alt. S.C. Delegates& & & & Bill Boudreau Darrell Bazman Bill Juchartz Mike Schlott Bob Dew Joe Agius Rick Ciaramitaro Gary Kubik Jerry Thomason Gary Estermyer Mike Dicker Bob Paul Nominating Committee & Bob Bryan& & & & & Gordon Dorey & & & & Bob Lamoureux & & & & Rich Whipple & & & & Let%s take a moment to thank our outgoing o*cers for the ,ne job they did this past year. Color guard elections will take place after the next membership meeting. The Plymouth Memorial Day parade is at 8:30 this year. We will be marching north from Main Street and Wing to the Memorial Park. We will not be marching in the Northville parade but time permitting; the ri.e squad will go directly to Rural Hill Cemetery for the honor volleys. We have a number of events taking place in June. Details will be forthcoming. Chapter Ra,e There will be another drawing for a lifetime membership at the next meeting. Since I started this ra+e 13 years ago the goal has always been to help increase the number of life members in the chapter. Some rule changes have been made through the years to help achieve this goal. Currently only yearly paid members and associates will have their names taken from the monthly meeting sign!in logs and entered in the drawing. Drawings are held as soon as enough funds are collected from the 50/50 ra+es, usually about every 4 months. Memorial Run Our 3rd annual Memorial Run will take place on Saturday, June 14 after the Liberty Fest parade. We will be traveling to Great Lakes National Cemetery in Holly to the grave of our departed brother, Mike Ramsey. All are invited to attend. More details will follow. Membership We had 2 associate members join us this past month. Pat Klopschinsky, wife of chapter member Tim Klopschinsky, and Norma Demerly joined our ranks. Norma was recruited by Joe Agius. Welcome to Chapter 528. Our current membership stands at 174 individual and 37 associate members. Bob Lamoureux Co. C, 3/47, 9th Inf. Div. (Mobile Riverines) Our Monthly Donations April 2008 Lapsed Members: As of April 20, 2008 the following individuals have not renewed their membership: Ron Jones, Jim Ciaramitaro, William Dayton and William Kilpatrick May VVA Renewals: Lorne Johnston, Brank Randall and John Zielinski. May AVVA Renewals: Aggie Little And Dorothy Wallace. If you have already renewed thank you. If you have not, please do so before the end of the month to keep your membership current. Donated $1,000 to the James M. Hannan Division U.S. Naval Sea Cadets Corps. Donated $250 to Students Expedition Program in Tucson, Arizon to help low income college bound students. Donated $500 to the Wyandotte Purple Heart Memorial, to be a Silver Sponsor. Donated $250 to the P.O.W. Committee of Michigan. Donated $100 to sponsor a hole for a golf tournament. Page 8 MAY 2008 CHAPTER 528 HOMEFRONT VVA Plymouth/Canton Chapter 528 Presents CRUZ&N 528 CRUZ%N 528 will begin its 5th season of Original, Classic and Restored Wednesday Night car cruises starting on May 21, and conclude on 3 September 2008. CRUZ%N 528 meets every Wednesday at the VFW Post #6695 in Plymouth, MI from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Our DJ spins the oldies, while chapter members serve up Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, Chips and refreshments. During the event there is a drawing for 50/50, door prizes and a participation plaque is awarded to one cruiser from all registered cars during the show. Every Wednesday there are 50 to 60 classic cars, trucks and bikes in attendance, with some Wednesdays providing as many as 85. The 2008 Cruising Season plans to be even bigger and better with two new clubs joining us this year, America%s Most Wanted & the Sparkplugs. The reason this car cruise is so successful and well attended is that at the end of the cruising season, after all the bills are paid and since 2004, CRUZ%N 528 has donated over $10,000 to various veteran organizations such as, the VA Hospital in Ann Arbor, MI, the Center for the Ambulatory & Burn Center for the Intrepid in San Antonio, TX and the purchase of round trip tickets for World War II veterans from VFW Post #6695 to the WWII Memorial in Washington, DC. If you are planning on attending, come early to get a good spot, since we may ,ll up the lot and parking may be at a premium. The Vietnam Veterans of America, Plymouth/Canton Chapter 528 and CRUZ%N 528 would like to thank all those who have participated, helped or just perused the show, for without you CRUZ%N 528 could not exist. For more info you can contact me at the following: Bob Paul 6405 Elizabeth Ave. Garden City, MI 48135& : A4F4USMC6266@WOWWAY.COM Bob Paul How it works Every time travel is arranged through an online travel website, travel companies pay commissions for your reservation. When travel is booked on our new website our chapter will receive 40/ of these commissions paid as royalties! This is an exciting program that we will make available to our supporters. They can visit the website, book their personal travel and Chapter 528 will receive our share of the commissions. But we also need to take advantage of the program internally to maximize the funding from this program. Website Features If you are familiar with booking travel online, you shouldn%t have any trouble navigating the new website. The site functions in a similar manner to other travel websites such as Expedia and Orbitz. Some of the key features you will ,nd on the website include: Air, hotel, car rental search and booking features Vacation Packages Cruise Packages Ordering .owers online Ordering Event and sport tickets Internal Travel All business travel for Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter 528 should be arranged through our new website. If you are arranging travel for yourself or someone else in the organization, please use our new website. Personal Travel Just like our supporters, the website is available to you and your family to book your personal travel. Please help us increase our funding. Use our new website whenever you travel! Group Travel In addition to the travel website, we also have group travel services provided to us through this program. Through this part of the service we have a group travel specialist available to arrange group travel events. This includes internal group travel as well as fundraising travel events that can be arranged for supporters. As with the website, all group travel arranged through this program will pay commissions back to our chapter. Group travel must comply with YTB Group Travel Guidelines. Darrell Bazman Bob Dew Page 9 CHAPTER 528 HOMEFRONT MAY 2008 Mike Schlott&s Calendar MAY Jim Austin Ron Bryan Ernie Costantino Ed Florence Jerry Galda Jim Hodgson Lorne Johnston Jergen Juziuk George Klepack Phil McCallum Roger Schlee Thomas Snell Dan Stengle Ron Wilson Dale Wo'ord Jim Ciaramitaro Dorothy Wallace May Events 5th& Point Man "Denny%s# 7:00 p.m. 8%10th 12th" 13th& 15th& 17th& 18th " 19th& 20th& 21st& 26th& 27th" 28th& Poppy Days VVA GM Meeting 7:00 p.m. VFW GM Meeting 7:00 p.m. Men%s Auxiliary 6:00 p.m. Annual Fishing Derby Annual Mainstreet Carwash: Point Man "Denny%s# 7:00 p.m. VFW Board Meeting 7:00 p.m. CRUZ&N 528 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Memorial Day Parade 8:30 a.m. VVA Board Meeting 7:00 p.m. CRUZ&N 528 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Mainstreet Car Wash One of our Chapter%s best fund raisers will happen on Sunday, May 17th at 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. . Gary Kubik and Don Dignan will be Co!Chairing this event. Volunteers are needed! Hines Park Fishing Derby On Saturday, May 17th, Chapter 528 will be helping out at the Annual Wayne County Fishing Derby at Waterbend Park. Kids 12 and under will be able to ,sh for trout from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. for free and without needing a ,shing license. Prizes for largest and smallest trout and heaviest and lightest trout will be given to the children in three di'erent age groups. Tom Brown and Bill Boudreau will be Co!Chairing this event. Volunteers are needed! Page 10 MAY 2008 CHAPTER 528 HOMEFRONT Cheryl&s Musings U.S. Army 181st Infantry As Spring has been a pleasant surprise as of late, I%ve been quite busy with my work and artistic endeavors. I ,nd that the creative outlets of writing and photography come in handy when one is under the weather and trying to pass the time! As a Disabled American Veteran, I utilize the Veteran%s Administration Hospital for some of my medical treatment. When I found out about the Creative Arts Program that is in place to encourage veterans to use their artistic ability in the healing process or to cope with long term physical injury or other incapacitation, I was enthralled and wanted to explore it further. I was quite sick in January and part of February, and I was looking forward to enter some of my work in this local and national competition. Each VA in the country has an individual at the hospital who is in charge of putting together this program, and then selecting individuals to participate in the national competition if they are interested. Again, in order to participate, one must utilize the VA as either an outpatient, or as an inpatient. There are all kinds of categories to entice veterans to participate. Veterans can enter their own music, " here%s a hint to Tom B.#, and, woodworking, "here%s a hint to Gary B.#, all types of writing, "hint to Bob C.#, photography, ceramics, etc. If you are interested in ,nding out about this for next year%s competition, please let me know. I entered three ,ne art photography, and, I was told that my art was very popular at the Ann Arbor VA. The lady that I am working with, told me that she is hopeful that I have a chance at winning a national award through this VA competition. I also entered two poems, one was a patriotic poem, "about the Vietnam era#, a motivational poem, and, an essay about coping with physical disabilities. If I am selected as a winner, I%d be .own out to California! I am not really concerned about winning, as, I enjoyed participating! Speaking of winning though, I just won another poetry award through the Village Fine Arts Association, in Milford, MI. My haiku, (Joseph) won a cash award, and was penned after photographing, (Joseph), on July 4, 2006, not too far from the Moving Wall that I and you all visited in Westland, MI. I%ll be participating in two book signing events in May. I hope you%ll stop by. The ,rst one is May 17th, at the Plymouth District Library. There will be a panel of authors there with me. On May 24th, I%ll be a solo author at Borders in Canton! See you there! Congrats to all of the newly elected o*cers for VVA Plymouth!Canton Chapter 528. Cheryl A.Vatcher!Martin, M.A, can be reached at:, 734!397!1626. U.S. Army, 181st Infantry Page 11 CHAPTER 528 HOMEFRONT Page 12 CHAPTER 528 HOMEFRONT MAY 2008 Loren Roberts Co%Chair Joe Agius Co%Chair Gary Kubik Co%Chair Page 13 CHAPTER 528 HOMEFRONT MAY 2008 Memorial Day Deceased VVA Chapter 528 Members && Service& Dates Richard Diveto& & Je'ery Stewart& & Gary Smith& & Delbert Haddock & Marvin Schultz& & Bryan Tubbs & & Charles Sperry& III & Thomas Labowitch& John Hinman& & Edward Cafruny&& Jerry Gibbons& & Robert Cicotte& & T. Joseph Dorey& & John Macik& & Basilio Rivera& & Chris Busse& & Thomas Butter,eld& Dennis Lowry& & Michael Ramsey&& George Troell& & Larry Jarvis& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & Army& & Army& & Army& & Navy& & Army& & Navy& & Army& & Marines&& Marines&& Navy& & Army& & Air Force& Army& & Army& & Army& & Navy& & Army& & Marines&& January 68 - August 70 April 69 - December 71 June 66 - May 68 February 72 - September 76 November 66 - August 68 June 70 - September 71 January 68 - October 70 November 59 - November 68 February 64 - February 68 October 61 - September 65 September 61 - September 64 June 73 - June 77 August 66 - August 69 February 67 - January 70 June 67 - April 70 June 65 - February 69 November 66 - September 68 April 65 - March 69 & Army& & April 52 - January 54 1944 - 1994& 1949 ! 1995 1943 ! 1996 1948 - 1996& 1947 - 1999& 1945 - 1999& 1951 - 2000& 1947 - 2000& 1947 - 2001& 1940 - 2002& 1941 - 2002& 1947 - 2003& 1943 - 2004& 1943 - 2005& 1953 - 2005& 1947 - 2005& 1947 - 2006& 1948 - 2006& 1945 - 2007& 1943 - 2007& 1948 - 2007& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & Deceased AVVA Members / Spouses Henry (Bob) Smith& Robert Nelson& & Cynthia Estermyer& George Salhaney&& Stanley Jenkins& & Judith LaGrow& & Carol Luebke& & William Jakobcic& Dorothy Dorey& & Floyd Riley& & Lynn Wallace& & Denise Cain& & Patricia Hull& & Lynn Wallace& & James St. Holmes& 1923 ! 1995 1929 ! 1995 1951 ! 1998 1931 - 1998& 1924 ! 2000 1949 ! 2003 1947 ! 2003 1943 - 2003 1924 ! 2004 1933 ! 2004 1961 ! 2005 1953 ! 2005 1946 ! 2006 1961 ! 2005 1969 ! 2007 & Page 14
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