the current edition of Waterlines Online.
the current edition of Waterlines Online.
The Online Newsletter of the Sovereign Harbour Residents Association Issue 11 September 2016 Waterlines Comment Dog fouling has always been a contentious issue at Sovereign Harbour and has always been of concern to harbour residents. The SHRA consequently campaigned very hard to ensure there were sufficient dog bins available at locations most affected by the problem. It was a hard fought campaign, but the result was the provision of more bins at the harbour than in any other area of the town. We were very disturbed, therefore to be informed that the bin on Pacific Drive, which had been in situ in front of Site Eight for over six years, had been removed. Customer First was contacted and we were told that the dog bin had been removed, “because residents had complained about it”. Subsequent enquiries revealed that the complainant was actually the developer of Site Eight, who felt it could deter possible purchasers of the properties. The developer has, apparently, agreed to substitute it with a dual purpose bin opposite Anchorage Way. The developer’s priorities, it seems, are more important than the needs and comfort of residents. More evidence, if any were needed, that EBC continues to abdicate its responsibilities to Sovereign Harbour residents. Our thanks to the companies below, which have generously sponsored Waterlines Online. Click on the images to visit their websites. Welcome to the latest issue of Waterlines Online; we hope you enjoy it. Your constructive comments and suggestions are still very welcome; please e-mail Waterlines. All subscribers to the SHRA “Mailchimp” address list will be sent an e-mail notification as soon as an issue is posted on the Waterlines Online website. To add your name to the list, Click Here. In This Issue (click): Community Police Update Sovereign Harbour Community Centre New Harbour Businesses Rotary Club of Sovereign Harbour Heffle Golf Society South Harbour Water Feature SHCA Short Mat Bowls Club Pevensey Bay Sailing Club Harbour Friends Update Sovereign Harbour Photoclub UK Harbour WI Neighbourhood First Update Harbour Clubs and Groups Community Police Update By PC Ed Faulkner We have mentioned many times in Waterlines, and elsewhere, the changes that Sussex Police is making to make the force more dynamic and effective. These changes are now coming into effect, and we wanted to explain the way in which the Eastbourne Neighbourhood Policing Team now works. Our PCSO’s are now working in teams covering the whole of Eastbourne. Whereas before each area would have a named officer, now any officer can deal with any issue, anywhere. Additionally they have been given new powers and responsibilities including being able to issue more fixed penalty notices and take statements from witnesses to crime. Also, their shifts have been amended to provide better cover at times of the day when demand is highest. We are currently in the process of recruiting a number of new PCSOs too, so that in Eastbourne we should be up to fifteen in total. The PCs have similarly changed the way they work to cover the whole town, and to provide additional targeted support to areas where there is most need. The way you can contact us has also changed. We are now directing all contact with us through two means; the 101 non-emergency number,or, alternatively, a new dedicated email address to which all officers have access, The reason for these changes is because all officers can help with all issues. These contact methods are designed to provide the best service to residents. Some may feel that the loss of a regular named officer looking after a particular community is a shame, however there were always times when that officer was on leave or days off. Now, however, we are focused on providing a quicker, more omni-competent approach. Additionally we continue to patrol, and focus on the areas where anti-social behaviour has been reported. But we do depend on those prompt and accurate reports so that we can identify where there areas are. All-in-all these changes are a different way of working from how we have in the last few years, however we are still here when you need us, and still focussed on reducing crime and the fear of crime. Waterlines Comment Although we appreciate the need for economies in the delivery of police services, we are very disappointed that these have led to the abandonment of the Sussex Neighbourhood Policing strategy that has worked so well for so long. This is especially disappointing considering that the Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner, Katy Bourne, fought her recent re-election campaign on a manifesto based around the importance of Neighbourhood Policing. Having easily recognised, visible,named, local officers has been very reassuring for residents and many have expressed the view that the changes can only lead to an increase in crime and a reduction in detection rates. More importantly, however, residents feel the new policy will lead to an increased level of fear of crime, especially amongst the elderly and vulnerable. Ed and Martin are outstanding officers who have served the Sovereign Harbour neighbourhood exceptionally well; they will be greatly missed. We wish them both success in their new roles. Sovereign Harbour Community Centre Those of you who came along to the pre-planning public consultation on the Sovereign Harbour Master plan will undoubtedly remember the model of the stunning proposed Sovereign Harbour Community Centre (see above) which was presented by Sovereign Harbour Ltd (SHL). The community centre, which was proposed and designed by SHL, was to be constructed on Site Five. This was very well received by harbour residents and SHL subsequently submitted an outline planning application which included the proposed centre, to be located on Site Five. However, as so many times before, by the time the reserved matters planning application was submitted, the design had changed and the proposed community centre now looked somewhat less attractive (see below), although still meeeting the basic requirements of the Sovereign Harbour Community Association (SHCA) which was to equip and operate it. It had been confidently predicted that the centre would be open for business in the spring of 2015. As Des Davis said when presenting the SHCA Trustees Report at the SHRA AGM, “We should’ve know better”. After multiple slippages in the schedule, the replacement of Site Five with Site Seven, further changes to the design, reductions in funds and lack of support from EBC, the SHCA and SHRA withdrew from the development team. At the SHRA AGM members expressed their outrage, and Council Leader, David Tutt, and the Sovereign Ward Councillors committed to investigate alternative sites and funding options. Although we have been informed that this work is in progress, at the time of publication we have received no further indication that any substantial progress has been made. Listening to you Counselling Services Often when we are in despair, the people closest to us are the ones that we find the hardest to talk to, perhaps because we don’t want to worry or burden them, or we may not want to appear to be weak. Talking about your problems in a safe and comfortable counselling setting — openly and without fear of being judged - is without doubt the first step to resolving them. Tory Macdonald - Tel: 07976 399 998 “Listening is a magnetic and strange thing, a creative force. The friends who listen to us are the ones we move toward. When we are listened to, it creates us, makes us unfold and expand.” - Karl Menninger (Psychiatrist) - Depression - Anxiety - Bereavement - Teenage issues (bullying, self-harming, stress) - Marriage Guidance - Relationship issues - Abuse - Addiction - Sexuality issues - Low self-esteem - Family problems - Work related issues New Harbour Businesses It’s always good to welcome new businesses to the harbour, and in this issue we have two, both of which are offering discounts to harbour residents. We wish them success. Brand New Luxury Studio Offering first class barbering, beard trims and hot towel shaves 20 The Waterfront, Sovereign Harbour Open 6 days a week: Monday , Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 9am-6pm Thursday 9am-8pm, Saturday 9am-5pm. Come along and meet our friendly team. Special rates for senior citizens, children and students. If an appointment is preferred please download the Booksy mobile app, or call 01323-471666. For more information and prices visit: website Facebook 10% off first cut for harbour residents The Cleaning SpeCialiSTS Is your coloured render suffering with black, green or red algae growth? Wadesons offer a render cleaning service as a cost effective solution, call Joe to book in a free site survey and quotation. Please quote code Ocho Rios for an extra 10% off. BEFORE AFTER Call us now on Bexhill 01424 212308 Over the years, the SHRA has received numerous enquiries from residents who would like to smarten up the rendering on their properties. Until now, we haven’t been able to help, so we were very please to receive this testimonial from Ocho Rios resident, Lindsay Hawley. Lindsay said: “I have lived in my property in the South Harbour now for 5 years and, over time, the exterior walls (which are rendered) had become increasingly discoloured . Since I didn’t want to go down the painting route (which can prove to be high maintenance) or indeed jet washing which is likely to irreversibly damage the render, I started to do some research. ‘Soft Washing’ seemed to be the only answer and having trawled the internet there were indeed several companies offering this service however, the quotes of £1,750.00+VAT (for a small semi) proved prohibitive but, determined as ever , eventually I found a local family run company that came up trumps. They explained that the render was a ‘self coloured render’ and much of the discolouration was fungal based. They also confirmed that painting was not a long term solution. After a site inspection they produced a tailored quote based on the size , height and also the level of soiling on my property which was a fraction of the cost of other companies who only ‘street viewed’ via Google maps and quoted over the phone. Anyway, the team arrived at the agreed time of 8am on the day in their liveried polo shirts and commenced. It was cleaned with a special cleaner ( black wash), before being treated with an anti fungal solution which dried almost immediately . Well, all I can say is that the exterior looks like it did when it was first built some 15 years or so ago and the kerb appeal has increased 100 fold. The treatment is likely to last 3 to 4 years at which time they recommend a top up every three years or so to keep it in pristine condition . Below, there are before and after image of the side elevation and, for any cynics out there, I would be very happy for you to pop round and take a look. Speak to Joe , quote ‘Ocho Rios’, and mention SHRA for a competitive quote and a 10% discount. Oh, and I should mention, no scaffolding, they have a cherry picker and it took less than a day. Hope this saves some members some time and money! “ Rotary Club of Sovereign Harbour Update By Ray Blakebrough It has been an incredibly busy time for the club since the last edition of Waterlines. I am not sure everything and everyone involved since then will or can be mentioned but, here goes;. We held our presidential handover on June 28th. In the picture from left to right; outgoing president Ray Blakebrough, Treasurer Brian Holmes, incoming Club President Steve Newman, President Elect Gordon Jenkins, Club Secretary Michael Steel. As outgoing president it has been a great year and a real honour to represent such a social, friendly harbour based Rotary Club. That we have started to increasingly focus on our own local charities bodes well for future club events. We benefited from a range of guest speakers, each of whom has provided insight to their profession or particular passion in life. Rotarian Gavin Whippy (Past President R.C. Eastbourne Beachy Head) talked to the club about the exchange programme Eastbourne have enjoyed with the Rotary Club of Lufkin Texas. This year it was Eastbourne’s turn to host representative from Texas part of which involved three weeks of family hosting, tours of Parliament and our very own town hall alongside many events both local and London based. Chair of Eastbourne Access Group, Ian Westgate, discussed some of the great but complex work he undertakes to get equal access for disabled in our town. Without getting into politics it can be a long process and Ian finds himself attending many meetings purely to spread the word and to encourage new volunteers to help join the access campaign. Ian also presented the Access Guide which is available in print form or can be found on the Eastbourne Access Group website. President Steve Newman is pictured with Sharon and David from Eastbourne Buzz. David and Sharon both discussed the potential and real opportunity to publish news as it happens via the internet. Members have already commented about how fresh the content is and that it is not politically driven. It is great to know that both are local residents and have a strong bond with our local community. Their online news Eastbourne Buzz can be accessed via: The club was delighted to have membership increase by seven between 2015/2016, this is one method of demonstrating that people want to be part of a group that makes a difference locally whilst also having fun at the same time. Imagine our delight when it was announced In July that we had two additional recruits to our membership. Welcome to new Rotarians Jan Jenkins and Liz Newman Members have been really busy; ladies lunches are organised with food and drinks supplied by the host. The small fee charged to attend is donated to club charities. This is proving to be an increasingly popular event. A group attended a book sale and bag packing event at Morrison’s Hampden Park, in total approx. £330 was raised on the day. Airbourne was the big event of the quarter, the main bucket collection was organised by RCSH and in particular by Past President and Paul Harris Fellow Don Perman. As we go to press we believe the final total raised for charity will be in the region of £10k which will be split equally between, You Raise Me Up (Polegate). Children with Cancer Fund (Polegate) and Missing People. Apologies for missing some people and events but we really have been busy and look forward to a social evening or two in the coming weeks. If you would like information about our club please contact me (Ray Blakebrough) at Heffle Golf Summer Update By Jeff Brain Based in Sovereign Harbour. What can Heffle Golf do for you? We will provide you with the facilities to play competitive golf in a relaxed environment at a wide variety of Courses at a reasonable price. Provision of midweek, competitive golf at least once a month; all year round, without the need to join a Golf Club. We play a large majority of our games on Wednesdays. We normally arrange a Full English Breakfast followed by 18 holes of golf with a Drink in the Bar afterward included in the price. We are a non-profit organisation. There is NO JOINING FEE and there is no need to commit to any event that you do not wish to. We will provide you with a Handicap Certificate which will be accepted at almost all Courses in Europe. We will keep a detailed record of each game you play with us to enable you to refer to your performances throughout your membership period. All we ask from you is that once committed to play that you give us three days notice if you change your mind. Most of our costs are incurred by late cancellation penalties. We organise short breaks abroad at cost price to Spain where you can compete at some great Courses in the Winter and Spring periods. The Society is based in Sovereign Harbour but we have several members in Kent and Surrey. Our £20 First Prize which is not enough to have suicidal thoughts over adds to the interest. We operate Nearest the Pin Competitions on ALL PAR 3 HOLES and a LONGEST DRIVE HOLE. Essentially, we integrate New Members into the Society by playing with a variety of people and although you will have preferences, there is , we believe, nobody who will detract from your enjoyment of playing with us. You will soon become used to the usual banter associated with Golf. Our Golfing Prices will not break the Bank. We are strictly a non-profit Society and our Wednesday price will not exceed £40 and in some cases be considerably less. We have almost completed our programme for the Summer period but we are a year round Society and would like to see a few new Members come along to see what we can offer. Our final ‘Twilight’ game will be at Seaford Head Golf Club on Wednesday 31st August with a 3.00pm start. This is a really spectacular venue and favourite of many of our Members. It is always in excellent condition, the views are the best in the Country and the Clubhouse and Golf very reasonable. Our Autumn programme commences with a visit to Tudor Park Golf Club near Maidstone on Wednesday 21st September at 10.00 am. The price for a Full English Breakfast, 18 Holes and a pint in the bar after play is just £38.00 On Thursday October 20th we visit Highwoods Golf Club, close to Bexhill in East Sussex. The format is :- Coffee & Bacon Rolls at 10.15 am, First Tee is 11.15 am. This is followed by a Light Lunch. The price is again £38.00. Our remaining dates in 2016 will be on Wednesdays November 16th and December 21st We will be travelling to Spain in January for a three game break to Murcia in Southern Spain Dates are from January 21st to 28th. Our golf will be at Aguilon, Lorca and Peraleja and the cost will be advertised on our website as soon as we can finalise arrangements. Flights, Car Hire, Golf and Accommodation are very reasonable in January and you will stay at Hotel La Cumbre in Puerto Mazarron. If you’d like to take a look at the Hotel visit www. Dates are flexible, as is the golf. Couples and non-Golfers are most welcome. Now that you’ve read the above ‘blog’ go to the computer, type in and then email us at If you’d prefer to ring its 07777 682038, the Secretary is Jeff Brain Full details of all of the above events are shown along with pages relating to Short Breaks, Results and a link to our Spanish linked Society. As stated above we will make you most welcome, Ladies and Gents both. Your standard of golf will be of more concern to you than it is to us so don’t worry if you are fairly new to the game. It will be good to see you. South Harbour Water Feature by Christine Allan Picture courtesy of Ron McMillan The Water Feature on the South Harbour is managed by Columbus Point (Management Company) Limited (CPMCL) and is owned and paid for by the 369 South Harbour property owners who are members of CPMCL. It is not an Eastbourne Borough Council public open space. The large anchor shaped amenity and its surrounding paths run between Dominica Court and San Juan Court, and St Kitts Drive and Santa Cruz Drive, and is located next to the outer harbour. It is a prominent point of interest which attracts harbour residents and visitors alike, and while everyone is invited to enjoy the facility, they are asked to observe the safety signs: the Water Feature is not a swimming or paddling pool and is dosed with chemicals which can be dangerous to health, the steps are slippery and small children should always be accompanied; and if walking dogs, to pick up after them and to use the bins located around the feature. The Patient Participation Group (PPG) of the Harbour Medical Practice produces a quarterly newsletter for all registered patients. Each issue includes news about practice staff and services, information about the Patient Participation Group, local health and social care news and useful contacts. The newsletter is available in the practice and online via the latest news page on the practice’s website. The PPG works with practice staff and doctors to help meet patients’ needs and improve the practice. SHCA Short Mat Bowls Club by Des Davis The SHCA Short Mat Bowls Club meets every Thursday evening at the Haven School on Atlantic Drive from 6:30pm to 9pm. Following the enforced break caused by the school holidays, play will resume on Thursday 8th September, and the club does have a few vacancies for new members. Experienced players or complete novices welcome Although, as in all such clubs, there is an element of competition, the emphasis is in having fun and enjoying the game, so whether you are an experienced bowler or a complete novice, you will be made very welcome. Although slightly limited by having no permanent home, the club has still managed to play matches against other clubs and has entered county wide tournaments. The club members also meet socially at the end of the summer season and at Christmas for a club dinner. For more information, e-mail: Beacons was first performed in the spring of this year at the Park Theatre in London, and Green Room Productions has been given exclusive rights to produce it in Eastbourne by Attic Theatre Company, with the support of the playwright Tabitha Mortiboy. As you will see the play is set on Beachy Head and centres around our town. GRP is supporting the RNLI with this production for obvious reasons and has been asking local businesses to assist them in making the whole production about the town. So far Signtek are helping with signage for the set, Wickes have provided astro-turf for the set, a young Hailsham photographer Ashely Hemsley provided the image for the flyer and Bruno at Di Lieto’s has been helping with ice creams! GRP is performing at the newly reformed Lamb Theatre at the The Lamb Inn in Old Town, which is their new permanent home. More information Bookings At the end of July 20 of us went camping in Chichester for our annual, harbour camp. We trailed both personal and club boats down to the water’s edge and spent a delightful week playing Swallows and Amazons around Chichester harbour and its associated creeks. A typical day would be spent enjoying a leisurely breakfast, then packing a picnic lunch into the boats and sailing off to a local beach or slipway. Afternoon sailing would see us wend our way back to camp, fire up the cookers for the evening meal and then settle down for the evening by the camp fire under the stars. We celebrated our club’s Diamond Jubilee on the 6th of August with a dinner held as the clubhouse for 150 people. Attendees comprised of past and present members including some who had been club members almost since our birth in the 1950’s, run from a seaside bungalow on the Eastbourne side of Pevensey Bay. August keep us busy too each year, with our family orientated Sea Week coinciding with Airbourne. This is a week where the field outside our clubhouse gets covered by a mass of sailors camping in their various sized tents. We spent a week messing around in an on the water, with a mix of family games, fun racing, cruises to Cooden and Airbourne and a Pirates day. The week was fully catered from our galley and after the evening we’d turn our attention down to a mix of kids talent shows, a quiz, ghost walk and a quiz.. On the same day our cadets will be joined by their opposite numbers from Buzz Active Watersports centre who will have sailed round past the harbour for a morning of informal racing and training. We’ve been meeting up with the Buzz group either at their club (Princes Park) or ours during the course of the year to give the cadets the opportunity to sail at a different location. On 10th September we have our annual Martello Race, sailing from our club to Eastbourne Pier, down to Cooden then back to the finish line past our clubhouse. This typically takes three to four hours and we are joined by our friends from Eastbourne Sovereign Sailing club for the race and evening BBQ on our terrace. Sailing will continue on Saturdays and Sundays until the end of October, reverting just to Sundays for the Brass Monkeys races in November and December. Harbour Friends Update By Faz Razeen Once again Eastbourne has held many major events since June starting with the Eastbourne Sunshine Carnival returning for the 5th year joining with the Queens 90th birthday and was also the theme of this year’s carnival. In mid-August crowds packed out for the Eastbourne Airshow free four-day festival where we enjoyed sunshine and flying in a successful turnout from the Harbour sea front to rest of Eastbourne community who enjoyed highlights such as the Red Arrows, Typhoon, Norwegian MiG-15 and the long awaited return of the evocative ‘’Sally B’’ the only B-17 in Europe. In the meantime, Harbour Friends have been busy with various activities and enjoying the summer season; updates follow: 31st May - Sinatra Night at Ganges It was another marvellous evening at the Ganges with unlimited good food and great atmosphere, around 18 HF members joined in for a most entertaining evening and everyone thoroughly enjoyed the food and entertainment. 20th June - Filching Manor On Monday 20th June (wettest day of the whole summer) 20 HF members went along undeterred to Filching Manor at Jevington for a special private tour of the Manor House and private motor museum. Despite the appalling weather a great visit ensued with the owner, Karl Foulkes-Habbard, enthusiastically explaining how he inherited the house and motor collection from his father. We were able to see a fine collection of motor memorabilia including Sir Donald Campbell’s world record breaking K2 speedboat, which has been lovingly restored and now able to take to the water again. It was unfortunate that due to the torrential rain we were unable to have a go on the large outdoor go cart track. Having said that it was still a most enjoyable visit and we plan to return at some time when it is dry to test out the go carts there. 2nd July - Safari Supper On the balmy evening of Saturday 2nd July, 20 HF members took part in a unique walk around foodie event kindly organised by Yvonne Leigh, Peter Berry and Jenny Grover. Members visited each other’s residences to have a starter, main and dessert at various properties around the Harbour followed by all meeting up at a single location for cheese, biscuits and coffee. A great time was had by all that participated and many are looking forward to the event being repeated again. 23rd July - Summer Dinner Dance at Royal Eastbourne Golf Club Harbour Friends hosted a fabulous summer diner dance at the Royal Eastbourne Golf Club on a lovely warm evening. Over 50 HF members attended the dinner dance, where everyone enjoyed their welcome drink on the terrace and in the garden of the golf club prior to the diner dance. Food was very good with lovely ambience. Some of the photos attached speak for itself. Other special events planned for 2016 5 September - Harry’s Guided Walk and Pub Lunch at the Ship Inn, Meads 19 September - Croquet tuition and play followed by high tea 26 September - Biddenden Vineyard wine tasting and ploughman’s lunch 16 October - Coral Brighton Stadium Dog Racing and lunch 9 November - Video Greyhound Racing run by Peter Berry at the Sovereign Harbour Yacht Club 17 December - Harbour Friends Christmas Dinner Dance at The Hydro Hotel Why not Join Harbour Friends? We are very aware that making friends can be extremely difficult when you retire, divorce or move to a new area. Harbour Friends members are a mix of singles, married people, couples and friends. Our members come from all walks of life to enjoy meeting and socialising with other like-minded people. Why not come and join us? Why not call us on 01323 470114 or email us at or alternatively go to the website and use the contact us page to arrange to come over and meet with us. Everyone is more than happy to welcome you to join them and that is all it takes to start a new and exciting chapter of your life. Please visit Harbour Friends website at: Or you can also take a look at our dedicated Facebook page: The Wealden and Eastbourne Loan Fund (WELF) has just received a terrific boost of £300,000 to its small business loan fund. The initial fund of £100,000 was set up by Edeal Enterprise Agency in 2015 with support from Wealden District Council and Eastbourne Borough Council. The Let’s Do Business Group has just added £300,000 to the pot making a total of £400,000 available to East Sussex businesses. The WELF fund is ideal for small businesses who have struggled to raise finance from their bank, or other High Street sources and comes with access to fully funded business support and mentoring from Edeal and the Let’s Do Business Group for those in the Wealden and Eastbourne area. The fund will be awarded to businesses that are growing or have ambition to grow, that are creating new jobs in the Wealden and Eastbourne area or creating new and innovative products and services. If you think you could put a loan of between £3,000 and £15,000 to good use, please contact Edeal on 01323 641144 or email Sovereign Harbour Photoclub UK By Robert Stanborough Well , we've been having an interesting time during the summer, with our in house club competition requiring entries for colourful landscapes, sunlight, freeze frame and Eastbourne airborne; a good choice to challenge anyone there then, with a couple of examples shown. We had an evening taking portraits using only natural light and using the evening sun for back-lighting subjects, with some excellent results; see above. Another evening was spent snapping around, on our home ground of Sovereign harbour, which also produced some interesting results including the example shown of the multitude of railings around the harbour locks. It's a great area and never disappoints as there is so much to tempt one's artistic side. We often pick some unusual topics to test ourselves and not always with perfect results, it must be said, but trying to capture liquid dripping into a bowl was great fun and needed some quick responses with your shutter finger, again with an example shown. Why do we do this.....well, because we can of course ! Not all of our members have formal cameras, so a session aiming to enlighten members on getting the best from their camera phone produced some surprises, as camera phones are far more flexible than many people realise. With a lot of members on holiday, we have taken a summer break for a month, reconvening on Tuesday 6th September at the yacht club (Tuesday being our temporary meeting night, due to access issues). If you are interested in any form of photography, albeit high end SLR cameras or simply a camera phone, please join us for a drink, a chat and some photographic fun, with like minded enthusiastic people, or drop me (Bob Stanborough) an e mail at Secretary@ Harbour WI Update By Judy Latter The Harbour W.I. met in July and welcomed their guest speaker, Sue Pellow who gave an informative talk about being a Celebrant. The definition of a Celebrant is someone who participates or takes part in a religious ceremony. The members then heard from one of their members, Jackie Stevens, who is a Registrar working in Eastbourne. It was interesting to compare the differences between them and their roles. President Hiliary Hooper announced that a bursary of up to £350 for Denman College is to be offered at the October birthday meeting. Hiliary also spoke about the fundraising for ACWW for the coming year. Support will be given to a remote Indian tribe to help young women become independent by making things to sell. Beryl Lloyd-Jones was the delegate for the Harbour W.I. at the National Meeting in Brighton and reported that there were now 226,402 W.I. members in this country! On July 20th Jan Field held a Summer Garden Party in her beautiful garden, with proceeds going to St. Wilfrid’s Hospice. The sun shone and the tea and cakes were as marvellous as always! Then in August the Lunch Club went to The Moorings for a very pleasant £10 lunch. A trip to Arundel Castle has been booked for September 14th and a Coffee Morning is being arranged for October 20th at the Lansdowne Hotel. Christmas Lunch is at the Hydro Hotel on December 19th. The Craft Club meet every third Monday of the month in the Baptist Church in Pevensey Bay. In July they made ‘Dorset Buttons’ and also discussed what could be done with the remainder of the quilt pieces – maybe a cloth for the raffle table. There was no meeting in August, but the September meeting will be held in the Sovereign Suite of the Sovereign Harbour Yacht Club where the speaker will be Pam Goodall giving a talk entitled ‘Talk About Talks’. Pam has been a speaker before for the Harbour when she brought her bike along and told the members about going ‘Around the World on a Bike’! The Harbour W.I. welcomes visitors by prior arrangement with Frances Harrap on 01323 472649. When you hear the phrase what did the Romans ever do for you I always smile and think of Eastbourne Borough Council. They can be contacted on 01323 410000 or email and are happy to handle most enquiries. Frequent users should know by now that East Sussex County Council deal with highways and they can be contacted on 0345 608 0190 EBC deal with planning, council tax, open spaces, cleansing, licensing, environmental health, abandoned vehicles, Eastbourne Homes, housing benefit, run theatres and events and promote local economic development. Since its reorganisation in 2013 there are no longer departments but specialists supported by back office staff and Neighbourhood First who do the face to face work with the public. So when you contact EBC with an enquiry, it has been received by our customer advisors, passed or looked at by the relevant expert or handed over to Neighbourhood First as a safe pair of hands as its something they handle day to day supported by specialist colleagues and their own know how. The manager of the Neighbourhood First team is Tim Whelan, who has twelve advisors, comprising of four who speak a foreign language fluently, two who are on call to HM Coast Guard or RNLI, one who played drums at Buckingham Palace, one has a mountain leadership certificate, one who was a sailing and canoe instructor and one who went to South America on a University secondment. Some are graduates and some have joined us from our supporting contractors and the NHS, again expanding the skill base. Several undertook the stranded mammal (porpoise,dolphin,whale) training we ran for volunteers on the sea front. So when the contact centre tells you a Neighbourhood Advisor will contact you shortly, you are getting the best service available from a dynamic group. They work throughout Eastbourne, so the requirements of Willingdon Trees is different to the Meads, which is different again to The Harbour. So what did the Romans ever do for you, with the exception of the Highways (pun intended) the Neighbourhood Advisors try to resolve your problems and promote a cleaner greener environment. Simon Crouch, who has been a member of the Zone 3 team rght from the start is moving on at the end of August to take up a new career as a Police Constable. SHRA Chairman, Jan Weeks, said: “It’s been a pleasure working with Simon and we will miss his chearful enthusiasm. However, I’m sure he will be very effective in his new role and the whole SHRA committee wishes him every success.” Harbour Clubs and Groups For more information on any of these groups, call the number given, or visit the ‘Harbour Clubs’ page of the SHRA website ( Rotary Club of Sovereign Harbour Harbour Friends The Rotary Club of Sovereign Harbour meets every Tuesday at 7:00pm for a buffet dinner in Seasons at the Sovereign Harbour Waterfront. Harbour Friends continues to meet every Wednesday evening at 7.30 at the Yacht Club. Visitors and prospective new members are very welcome. For more information visit the Rotary Club of Sovereign Harbour website. Sovereign Harbour Art Group For the uninitiated, Harbour Friends is a social group of Harbour Residents, of all ages, both singles and couples, with the purpose of building friendships and generally enjoying life on our lovely harbour. Events are open to members only so why not join. At only £15 per year this is a bargain. The Sovereign Harbour Art Group meets in the Christ The King Church Hall, Princes Road on Thursdays 9:30am - 12:30pm. For further information please contact Brenda on 01323 470114, Learn to paint with acrylics, oils and pastels with an experienced art tutor in a friendly, relaxed and enjoyable environment. Maritime Volunteer Service Phone Angela on 07914-884378 You might also like to visit the Art Group’s page of the SHRA website. The Haven Church The Haven Church meets on Sunday mornings at 10am in the Large Hall at the Haven School on Atlantic Drive, Sovereign Harbour South. It has been meeting there since 10th February 2002. The purpose was to set up a church that was different. The Haven Church’s aim is to make Jesus known and enable people from a nonchurch background to feel comfortable while exploring the Christian faith. We offer a friendly welcome in a relaxed and informal setting. You are very welcome to attend our services. If you would like to know more, please contact: or visit: The Maritime Volunteer Service (MVS) is a charity-run organisation which aims to promote seamanship and maritime engineering for the young and old alike through local units around the country. Training nights are held every Tuesday evening at 19:30 in the MVS unit hut. New members are always welcome. For more information, visit: E-mail: Tel: 07738-286373. SHCA Short Mat Bowls Group The Sovereign Harbour Community Association Short Mat Bowls Group meets every Thursday, in term time, at the Haven School, Atlantic Drive, from 6:30pm - 9pm. Players of all abilities welcome, including complete beginners. For more information, visit: e-mail: Harbour Clubs and Groups For more information on any of these groups, call the number given, or visit the ‘Harbour Clubs’ page of the SHRA website ( Brushstrokes Artists Sovereign Harbour Social Club A friendly, informal group of local artists, with a range of abilities, working in various media, meeting on Wednesdays, from 1 to 4pm in St. Richard’s Church Hall, Etchingham Road, Langney, BN23 7AX. The Sovereign Harbour Social Club meets every Wednesday from 10:00am to 11:30am in the Simply Italian annexe at the Waterfront for coffee. Each month, there will be one outing or visit; lunch, theatre, places of interest. No tuition provided. All are welcome. For further details contact Drop in to join, or just for an informal chat, or Betty Saunders 01323-479514, or visit the e-mail for more Sovereign Harbour Social Club website. information Harbour Women’s Institute Sovereign Polyphony The Harbour branch of the W.I. meets on the Sovereign Polyphony is an all female choir that second Monday of the month at 2:00pm in perform in aid of the Eastbourne Blind Society. the Sovereign Harbour Yacht Club. Membership of Sovereign Polyphony is If you are interested in taking part, please auditioned, new members are welcome. contact Frances Harrap on: 01323-472649, For more information, call 01323 470445 or or visit: email: Garden Bar Golf Society or visit: Garden Bar Football Team The Garden Bar Golf Society meets once a month for a day of golf at high quality courses. Current members cover a wide range of abilities, with handicaps ranging from 6 to 28 and, although the golf is important, the social aspects of the day are equally significant. For more information, call in to the Garden Bar at the Sovereign Harbour Waterfront, or e-mail: The Garden Bar Sunday football team, which plays its home games at Hampden Park, is current champion of the Lewes and District Premiership. If you would like to join this very successful local team, call in to the Garden Bar at the Sovereign Harbour Waterfront or e-mail: Sovereign Harbour Bridge Club Medical Centre Exercise Classes The Sovereign Harbour Bridge Club meets every Tuesday and Thursday at the Sovereign Harbour Yacht Club at 1pm for 1:30pm start, finishing at 5pm The club runs a host system and all levels are very welcome with or without a partner. For further information including bridge tuition and educational material, please visit call Alan on 01323-645893 or e-mail: Pilates - Monday 9:15 to 10:10 Healthy 60+ - Monday 10:15 to 11:10 Please call Mari-Anne (fully qualified and insured) 07748 678030 Harbour Clubs and Groups For more information on any of these groups, call the number given, or visit the ‘Harbour Clubs’ page of the SHRA website ( Sovereign Harbour Yacht Club New members welcome - boaters and non-boaters. Activities and events all year - live bands & disco’s, quiz, skittles & race nights, Sunday carvery etc. Tue–Thur 5-11pm, Fri-Sat 1211pm & Sun 12.-6pm. Call in anytime, or contact the membership secretary, Linda Hayler on 01323 470888, or e-mail: or visit: Pevensey Bay Sailing Club Friendly, family orientated dinghy sailing and windsurf club, 10 minutes walk along the beach from the east end of the harbour. General sailing, training at all levels and regular club racing and regular social events. We welcome beginners and experienced sailors alike and we sail at the weekends and on Tuesday and Thursday evenings in the summer. Our clubhouse offers hot food and a bar at the weekends, often enjoyed by members using our sun terrace overlooking the stunning views over the bay and on towards Bexhill and Hastings. Digital Camera Club Set up by Sovereign Harbour residents, the club now meets on the 2nd and 4th Monday of every month, 7- 9 pm, at the Eastbourne Fishermans Club, Royal Parade, BN22 7AA Contact: Steve Lashley on 01323-478651. Sovereign Harbour Photoclub UK The Sovereign Harbour Photoclub UK meets on Monday evenings, from 7 to 8pm, over coffee, in the the Sovereign Harbour Yacht Club. Prospective members of all abilities, from beginners to professionals are welcome. The objective of the club is help members take better photographs with the camera they have, including smartphone cameras and, also, to increase the knowledge and ability of less experienced members through projects exhibitions, competitions and workshops, supported by talks and demonstrations by the more experienced members. Young photographers will be especially welcome. If you would be interested in taking part, please e-mail the secretary with your name and a daytime telephone number. Do come and have a look round the club Royal Sovereign Bowls Club at any time or contact the membership secretary Chris Clarke at: membership@pbsc. Situated at the bowling greens in Princes eu or visit: Park, There is seating for non-bowlers and spectators around both of the greens. Heffle Golf Society Open daily from the end of April until the end Formed in the Heathfield area (hence the of September each year. name) in 1993, now based at Sovereign Harbour. Aims to provide competitive New members, whether new to the game or golf in a friendly atmosphere with realistic have played previously, are welcome. handicapping and all year round venues. Visit the club’s website. Contact: 07777 682 038 Email: Website:
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