WYSIWYG Web Builder 11
WYSIWYG Web Builder 11
WYSIWYG Web Builder 11 1 z 54 http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11.html What is new in WYSIWYG Web Builder 11? WYSIWYG Web Builder 11 has more than 150 new features/improvements! Here’s an overview of some of the new features. Note: the screenshots are based on the BETA version. The final release may look slightly different. Besides screenshots there are also links to online examples and tutorials to demonstrate the new func*onality. Responsive Web Design - New feature: Added support for responsive styles in Style Manager. Some*mes you want to use a different font, text size or color in breakpoints. For example use a larger font for smaller screens. With Responsive Styles you can define different values for breakpoints. - New feature: Responsive styles in objects. Most objects now can have different fonts in breakpoints. Most objects can also have different backgrounds and text colors. Some objects like the photo gallery, text and the blog can have different columns in breakpoints. Which proper*es of an object are responsive is documented in the help. - New feature: Responsive background styles in pages. You can configure different background proper*es for breakpoints, so a mobile layout can have a different background color or image. Online demo: h2p://wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/rdwstyles.html 27.1.2016 13:16 WYSIWYG Web Builder 11 2 z 54 http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11.html Layout Grid - New feature: Layout Grid. The Layout Grid can be used to create flexible mul* column layouts that automa*cally adapt to the screen size. A grid can have up to 12 columns, with sizes in percentages. Objects that are dragged into a grid will automa*cally become floa*ng. For smaller (mobile) screens all columns are stacked based on the defined breakpoint. This is a great new way to create flexible and responsive (Bootstrap-like) layouts! Many WWB objects have been redesigned to take advantage of the layout grid. For example, if an image is dragged into the layout grid then it will automa*cally become responsive: it uses the full width of the cell while keeping its aspect ra*o. Text will always use the full width of the grid cell and YouTube videos can be configured to keep a 16:9 or 4:3 ra*o while stretching. The layout grid works great together with other floa*ng content, like page headers/footers, floa*ng layers and the Carousel (which can now also be set to floa*ng). Related tutorial: h2p://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/layoutgrid_part1.html Online demo: h2p://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/crea*ve.html 27.1.2016 13:16 WYSIWYG Web Builder 11 3 z 54 http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11.html Lazy Loading - New feature: Lazing loading. Enable this op*on to delay the loading of images un*l they are visible in the view port. This will speed up the page loading. It also prevents loading large images in mobile devices because only the visible images will be downloaded. Lazy loading is currently available for the Image object, Photo Gallery, Rollover Image and Rollover text. FontAwesome Icon - New feature: Added 'FontAwesome Icon' object to easily add awesome (vector) icons. The object supports hover, backgrounds, events, links, CSS3 anima*ons and much more. 27.1.2016 13:16 WYSIWYG Web Builder 11 4 z 54 http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11.html Layer Menu - New feature: Layer Menu. A Layer Menu is an advanced menu where the drop down menus are layers. This is great for crea*ng advanced mega menus with images, text, form or any other object! The drop down layer can be posi*oned leC, centered or at the right of the bu2ons. It is also possible to make the layer full width of the page. Breadcrumb - New feature: Added 'Breadcrumb' naviga*on. Breadcrumbs are used to enhance the accessibility of a website by indica*ng the loca*on using a naviga*onal hierarchy. You can either manually configure all links for the menu or automa*cally synchronize with Site manager. Also supports FontAwesome icons. Pagina on - New feature: Added 'Pagina*on' naviga*on. If you have a web site with lots of pages, you may wish to add the pagina*on object for easier naviga*on. You can either manually configure all links for the menu or automa*cally synchronize with Site manager. In that case the menu will automa*cally generate links with auto numbering and next/previous bu2ons. This menu also works with the Content Management System. 27.1.2016 13:16 WYSIWYG Web Builder 11 http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11.html Responsive Menu - New feature: Added 'Responsive Menu' object. This is a responsive, mul*-level menu op*mized for desktop computers and mobile (touch) devices which uses CSS only (no JavaScript!). On desktop computer the menu will display a standard drop down menu and on mobile devices it will display a mul*-level stacked menu with the common ‘hamburger’ icon. The menu supports FontAwesome icons, ScrollSpy and Affix to give your website a modern look and feel. 5 z 54 27.1.2016 13:16 WYSIWYG Web Builder 11 6 z 54 http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11.html ScrollSpy - New feature: ScrollSpy is a naviga*on mechanism that automa*cally highlights the naviga*on bu2ons based on the scroll posi*on to indicate the visitor where they are currently on the page. This feature works in combina*on with bookmarks. ScrollSpy is available for CSS Menu, Naviga*on Menu, Mega Menu, Slide Menu, Tab Menu, Panel Menu, Responsive Menu and Text Menu. Affix - New feature: Added Affix op*on to naviga*on objects. The Affix func*onality is oCen used with naviga*on menus to make them "s*ck" at a specific area while scrolling up and down the page. Affix is available for CSS Menu, Naviga*on Menu, Mega Menu, Slide Menu, Tab Menu, Responsive Menu and Text Menu. Related tutorial: h2p://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/affix_and_scrollspy.html 27.1.2016 13:16 WYSIWYG Web Builder 11 http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11.html Heading - New feature: Added a dedicated 'Heading' object. This is a quick way to add headings (<h1>, <h2>) without using styles. Each heading object can have its own fonts/size/color! 7 z 54 27.1.2016 13:16 WYSIWYG Web Builder 11 8 z 54 http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11.html Blog The blog has been redesigned to make it much more powerful. It’s now a great way to quick create lists or (responsive) grids for all types of data. - New feature: Added 'Layout' op*on. This controls the appearance of the blog items. Includes more than 10 different layouts! More layouts will be available as an add-on package. You can also create your own layouts (with HTML/CSS templates) Here are some examples of the possibili*es: 27.1.2016 13:16 WYSIWYG Web Builder 11 9 z 54 http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11.html 27.1.2016 13:16 WYSIWYG Web Builder 11 10 z 54 http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11.html Online demo: h2p://wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11blogdemo.html Demo of different layouts in combina*on with the Layout Grid: h2p://wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11responsiveblog.html 27.1.2016 13:16 WYSIWYG Web Builder 11 11 z 54 http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11.html - New feature: Added ‘Carousel’ op*on to the Blog. When this op*on is ac*ve the blog items will be displayed in a (responsive) Carousel! - New feature: Item links now support target (new window, lightbox, popup etc), URL parameters, *tle, mailto, SMS, phone number, file etc. - New feature: Added possibility to insert Lorem Ispum in blog via context menu. - New feature: Added text alignment. - New feature: Added line-height property. - New feature: Added op*on to specify the image width. - New feature: Added the ability to display items in columns. This op*on is responsive so each breakpoint can have different number of columns. Related tutorial: h2p://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/blog.html 27.1.2016 13:16 WYSIWYG Web Builder 11 12 z 54 http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11.html Ar cle - New feature: Added 'Ar*cle' object. Basically the Ar*cle object is a stripped down version of the blog, with just one 'ar*cle. The ar*cle supports the same layouts and styling op*on so that makes it a great building block for when you need text combined with an image. Parallax - New feature: Added 'parallax' background mode to Layers, Forms, Layout Grid and other objects. The background image scrolls slower than the content in the foreground, crea*ng the illusion of 3D depth. 27.1.2016 13:16 WYSIWYG Web Builder 11 13 z 54 http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11.html Online demos: h2p://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/parallax.html h2p://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/parallax4.html 27.1.2016 13:16 WYSIWYG Web Builder 11 14 z 54 http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11.html Label The HTML Label Element (<label>) represents a cap*on for an item in a form (editbox, textarea, combobox, checkbox, radio bu2on, file upload). The <label> element provides a usability improvement for mouse users, because if the user clicks on the text within the <label> element, it toggles the control. Screen readers and 'voice browsers' use the label to iden*fy and use form inputs. 27.1.2016 13:16 WYSIWYG Web Builder 11 15 z 54 http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11.html User Interface Improvements - New feature: Added Office 2016 color schemes: Colorful theme/Dark gray theme/White theme. - New feature: Scrollbars and panels (site manager, toolbox, object manager, property inspector) are rendered using the current theme colors. 27.1.2016 13:16 WYSIWYG Web Builder 11 16 z 54 http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11.html - New feature: The status bar displays loading progress when a project is loaded. - New feature: Added 'What's New' op*on in the help sec*on of the menu. A shortcut to display the release notes. Also added a shortcut to the Facebook page. 27.1.2016 13:16 WYSIWYG Web Builder 11 17 z 54 http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11.html General - New feature: Added 'Apple Touch Icon' op*on in Page Proper*es. When someone bookmarks your web page or adds your web page to their phone's home screen this icon is used. - New feature: Added 'Set page width and height to 100% ' alignment op*on in Page Proper*es. This op*on is for use in combina*on with the new ‘Full screen’ floa*ng layer mode. Online demo: h2p://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/singlepage_fullscreen.html Related tutorial: h2p://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/fullscreen.html 27.1.2016 13:16 WYSIWYG Web Builder 11 18 z 54 http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11.html HTML - New feature: Added an op*on to put all page specific scripts in an external (JS) file. - New feature: Added 'Move JavaScript to the end of the page'. This will place all scripts at the end of the page. This may result in be2er performance because the JavaScript will be executed aCer the rest of the page has been loaded. This is also known as "Unobtrusive JavaScript". - New feature: Added JavaScript minify op*on. Removes all whitespaces and line feeds from the code (Tools->Op*ons->HTML->JavaScript formaOng) - New feature: Added HTML minify op*on (Tools->Op*ons->HTML->HTML formaOng) This op*on can be used to reduce the size of the generated HTML and may improve the performance of the page. 27.1.2016 13:16 WYSIWYG Web Builder 11 http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11.html - New feature: Added CSS formaOng op*ons: beau*fy, compact and minify. (Tools->Op*ons->HTML->CSS formaOng). ‘Beau*fy’ formats the CSS code so it looks be2er and is easier to read. If you select this op*on then the size of the page will slightly increase because of the extra white spaces added to the page. ‘Compact’ compacts all styles from one sec*on into one line. ‘Minify’ reduces the size of the generated CSS and may improve performance. Note however that the CSS becomes more difficult to read. - New feature: Added the ability to insert code inside the <html> tag. In Page HTML or via an HTML object. 19 z 54 27.1.2016 13:16 WYSIWYG Web Builder 11 20 z 54 http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11.html - New feature: Added ‘Resources’ bu2on to the HTML object. This op*on can be used to automa*cally include built-in scripts like jQuery. This can be useful when your code uses one of the built-in scripts but there are no other objects on the page that load the script. For example: jquery-1.11.3.min.js, jquery.ui.draggable.min.js, affix.min.js etc. This way to do not have to use a separate ‘File Publisher’ object. 27.1.2016 13:16 WYSIWYG Web Builder 11 http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11.html Image - New feature: Added Re*na support. You can specify an (op*onal) high-resolu*on version of the image. If a high-resolu*on variant is specified, a script will be added to swap in that image in-place on re*na displays. - New feature: Added ‘Full width’ op*on. Specifies whether the image is full width (responsive) of its container (layout grid). If set to false, the image uses the fixed size. Note: This op*on is only available if the image is part of a layout grid! - New feature: Added ‘Maximum width’ op*on. Specifies the maximum size of the image when it is set to full width. This prevents the image from geOng too large in responsive layouts. Note: This op*on is only available if the image is part of a layout grid! 21 z 54 27.1.2016 13:16 WYSIWYG Web Builder 11 22 z 54 http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11.html Text - Improved: Redesigned the implementa*on of 'line spacing'. Line spacing now also works with responsive text and for standard text; it no longer uses divs for each line. - Improved: Significantly improved performance of font combo box loading. - New feature: Added support for CSS3 mul*ple column layout. In the text proper*es you can now set the number of columns and gap between columns - just like in news papers. The number of columns can be different in breakpoints. Online demo: h2p://wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/columns_in_text.html - New feature: Added 'Subset' op*on to Insert Symbol dialog. Specifies a subset of special characters for the selected font. A font subset can include an extended list of language characters, such as Greek or Russian (Cyrillic), or a category of characters, such as Currency Symbols and Arrows. - New feature: Added support for Surrogates and Supplementary Characters. h2ps://msdn.microsoC.com/en-us /library/windows/desktop/dd374069(v=vs.85).aspx 27.1.2016 13:16 WYSIWYG Web Builder 11 23 z 54 http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11.html - New feature: Added support for 'Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs' (h2ps://en.wikipedia.org /wiki/Miscellaneous_Symbols_and_Pictographs'. This replaces the Wingdings and Webdings fonts which should not be used in websites. - New feature: Added support for 'Emo*cons': h2ps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emo*cons_(Unicode_block) 27.1.2016 13:16 WYSIWYG Web Builder 11 24 z 54 http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11.html Toolbox - New feature: Added a search box to toolbox to filter toolbox items. For example type 'menu' to display all menu objects. The search box can enabled/disabled via the context menu of the toolbox. Ready-to-use-JavaScripts - New feature: Added 'Facebook Page Plugin' script. 27.1.2016 13:16 WYSIWYG Web Builder 11 25 z 54 http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11.html MenuBar - The menubar has been redesign. It no longer uses 'fixed' themes, but now they can be fully customized with the WWB menu editor. There are more than 50 predefined templates available. - New feature: Added 'Click to open submenus' op*on. Specifies whether the user needs to click to open sub menus, instead of hover/mouseover. Recommended for touch screen devices where there is no mouse (so the menu won't open on hover) - New feature: Border color and width can now be set for all normal and hover state. 27.1.2016 13:16 WYSIWYG Web Builder 11 26 z 54 http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11.html - New feature: Added support for gradients and pa2ern backgrounds - New feature: Added leC and right margin styling in main and sub menus. This makes it possible to give the leC/right margin a different background style. - New feature: Margin can have a 'shape' to indicate that the item has sub items. This is usually an 'arrow' but you can use any of the built-in shapes! 27.1.2016 13:16 WYSIWYG Web Builder 11 27 z 54 http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11.html - New feature: Added border style for items. Include a special 'separator only' style which adds a single line between all items. 27.1.2016 13:16 WYSIWYG Web Builder 11 28 z 54 http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11.html - New feature: Added 'Shadow' op*on for sub menus. - New feature: Sub menus can now have different font. - New feature: Added the ability to choose a different character for the horizontal divider. - New feature: Added sub menu offset (x,y) op*ons. 27.1.2016 13:16 WYSIWYG Web Builder 11 29 z 54 http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11.html Panel Menu - New feature: Added support for FontAwesome icons in menu items. - New feature: Added the ability to set a FontAwesome icon as the bu2on image. - New feature: Added overlay op*on (color and opacity). This fades the page background when the menu is ac*ve. 27.1.2016 13:16 WYSIWYG Web Builder 11 30 z 54 http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11.html Mega Menu - New feature: The Mega Menu can now have its own styling (independently of jQuery UI Theme). Bookmarks - Improved: Replaced 'name' a2ribute with 'id'. The 'name' a2ribute is obsolete in HTML5. - New feature: Added ‘Smooth Scroll’ func*onality. When link to a bookmark is clicked the page will scroll smoothly to the bookmark, op*onally with easing effects. Online demo: h2p://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/scrollspy_demo.html 27.1.2016 13:16 WYSIWYG Web Builder 11 31 z 54 http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11.html Links - New feature: Added link decora*on (underline) anima*on to hyperlink styles. Related tutorial: h2p://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/link_transi*ons.html - New feature: Added the ability to hide/remove extension from internal links: Tools->Op*ons->Publish & Preview. For advanced users only! Note that the generated files will s*ll have extensions otherwise they will not be recognized as HTML/PHP files. 27.1.2016 13:16 WYSIWYG Web Builder 11 http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11.html Form Wizard - Improved: The Form Wizard now creates label objects instead of standard text. Editbox, TextArea - New feature: Focus state. Removes the default outline styles and applies a box-shadow (with customizable color) in its place. Combobox - New feature: Adding padding. - New feature: Added Focus state. - New feature: Added group op*on. Groups can be used to group related op*ons in a drop-down list. If you have a long list of op*ons, groups of related op*ons are easier to handle for a user. 32 z 54 27.1.2016 13:16 WYSIWYG Web Builder 11 33 z 54 http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11.html ClipArt - New feature: Added support for FontAwesome. A simple way to turn FontAwesome icons into images with all the special effects that are available for the ClipArt object. - New feature: Added support for Bootstrap’s GlyphIcons Halflings. This font is not included by default but available as free add-on: h2p://wysiwygwebbuilder.com/free_extras.html Shape - New feature: Added support for Surrogates and Supplementary Characters, including 'Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs' (see text). A great way to insert symbols in shapes! 27.1.2016 13:16 WYSIWYG Web Builder 11 34 z 54 http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11.html Photo Gallery - Improved: Gallery now uses CSS instead of tables. - Improved: The gallery automa*cally uses in memory compression when large images are loaded. This improves the performance during design *me. - Improved: Transi*ons are now applied to individual images instead of the en*re gallery. Great for implemen*ng cool animated hover effects. - New feature: Added 'Responsive' op*on for thumbnail size. When this op*on is selected the gallery can have a different number of columns in breakpoints! The images in the gallery will be responsively resized based on the available space. This means for example that when the gallery is inside a layout grid that it can be full width. Or use a percentage of the screen size width. - New feature: Added support for Lazy Loading. - New feature: Added 'Text padding' op*on (replaces the confusing 'cell spacing' op*on). - New feature: Added border radius for default frame style. - New feature: Added the ability to set a descrip*on for images. - New feature: Added Bootstrap frame style to create Bootstrap-like thumbnail images. 27.1.2016 13:16 WYSIWYG Web Builder 11 35 z 54 http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11.html Related tutorial: h2p://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/photogallery.html Online demo: h2p://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/gallery_demo9.html 27.1.2016 13:16 WYSIWYG Web Builder 11 36 z 54 http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11.html Carousel - New feature: Each slide can now have its own background. For example each slide can have another image, in combina*on with the full width mode this is perfect for advanced full width slideshows! - New feature: Add ‘Full width and floa*ng’ op*on. This makes it possible to use the Carousel as part of a floa*ng layout. For example, in combina*on with layout grids or floa*ng layers. Online demo: h2p://wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/floa*ng_carousel.html 27.1.2016 13:16 WYSIWYG Web Builder 11 37 z 54 http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11.html Slide Show - New feature: Added border-radius property. - New feature: Added "News Paper' anima*on. Online demo: h2p://wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/slideshow_newspaper.html - New feature: Added ‘Full width’ op*on. Specifies whether the slideshow is full width (responsive) of its container (layout grid). If set to false, the slideshow uses the fixed size. Note: This op*on is only available when the slideshow is part of a layout grid! 27.1.2016 13:16 WYSIWYG Web Builder 11 38 z 54 http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11.html - New feature: Added "Carousel' mode. When this mode is selected mul*ple images can be displayed per slide. Online demo: h2p://wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/slideshow_carousel.html CSS3 Anima ons - New feature: Added new CSS3 anima*ons: newspaper; a great effect from the movies;) fall; simulates a ‘falling’ object. side fall; simulates an object falling from the side. transform-3d-sign; object slides into view from the background. super-scaled-in; Scale (2x) and fade an object into view. super-scaled-out; Scale (2x) and fade an object out of view. Online demo: h2p://wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11_anima*ons.html 27.1.2016 13:16 WYSIWYG Web Builder 11 http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11.html Layer - Improved: Rela*ve layers now use floa*ng point numbers in percentages to reduce rounding errors. - Improved: S*cky layer now uses Bootstrap's Affix for 'Keep original posi*on...' and delay = 0. - New feature: Added 'Box Sizing' property. The box-sizing property is used to tell the browser what the sizing proper*es (width and height) should include. Should they include the border-box or just the content-box (which is the default value)? The 'border-box' op*on is especially useful for full width layers, where you usually want the border inside the viewport. With content-box the border size will be added to the total width (> 100%). - New feature: Added 'Enable form' property. This op*on converts the layer into a form. Great for combina*on with modal mode and other advanced layer features. - New feature: Added 'Enable backdrop' op*on for Modal Layer. Specifies whether the background overlay is enabled. - New feature: Added 'Close on escape' for Modal Layer. Specifies whether pressing the 'esc' key will close the modal layer. - New feature: Added 'Display close bu2on' for Modal Layer. Specifies whether the default close bu2on should be displayed. - New feature: Added 'Anima*on' op*on for Modal Layer. Specifies whether anima*on is used to show/hide the modal layer: None, Fade or Slide. 39 z 54 27.1.2016 13:16 WYSIWYG Web Builder 11 40 z 54 http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11.html - New feature: Added Bootstrap modal layer support. Unlike the jQuery UI op*on this one is responsive! If specified, the *tle of the layer will be used in the header. Online demo: h2p://wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/bootstrap_modal.html - New feature: Added ‘Full Screen’ floa*ng mode. This will set the width/height of the layer to 100% of the current view port. This can be useful for crea*ng full screen/single page web sites. Related tutorial: h2p://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/fullscreen.html 27.1.2016 13:16 WYSIWYG Web Builder 11 41 z 54 http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11.html Table - New feature: Added the possibility to change the font and size of text is table cells for mul*ple cells: Select mul*ple cells -> hold down the SHIFT key and click cell proper*es. 27.1.2016 13:16 WYSIWYG Web Builder 11 42 z 54 http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11.html Login Tools - New feature: Added responsive layout mode. In this mode input fields have 100% width (instead of a fixed size), so it can have a different size in breakpoints. - New feature: All input fields are now <label> tags (instead of standard text). - New feature: Added op*on 'Use place holders instead of labels'. Enabling this op*on results in a cleaner layout. - New feature: Added 'padding' op*on to text input fields, bu2on and *tle. - New feature: Added 'alignment' to *tle. - New feature: Added border-radius op*on to input fields and bu2ons. - New feature: Focus state. Removes the default outline styles and applies a box-shadow (with customizable color) in its place. 27.1.2016 13:16 WYSIWYG Web Builder 11 43 z 54 http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11.html Rollover Image - New feature: Added new anima*on: Newspaper Online demo: h2p://wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/newspaper.html Rollover Text - New feature: Added new anima*on: Fall In. Rotate and translate text on hover - New feature: Added new anima*on: Revolving Door. 3D transform on hover - New feature: Added new anima*on: Translate LeC/Right. Translate and scale image to reveal text on hover - New feature: Added new anima*on: Tunnel. Scale and fade image on hover - New feature: Added new anima*on: Reveal. Pushes the image up or down to reveal the text. Supports easing. Online demo: h2p://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11_rollovertext.html 27.1.2016 13:16 WYSIWYG Web Builder 11 44 z 54 http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11.html YouTube - Removed: Op*ons deprecated by YouTube (colors, theme and version) have been removed. - New feature: Added 'Aspect ra*o' op*on. Keeps the aspect ra*o of the video fixed at 16:9 or 4:3. This is especially useful when the video is part of a Layout Grid, so the video resizes dynamically while keeping the original aspect ra*o. When used in combina*on with 'Fill en*re browser window' this will crop the video to cover the en*re background (removes black bands). Note: this op*on is also available for: Vimeo and HTML5 video. Online demo: h2p://wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11tryouts/wb11_videobg.html - New feature: Added 'Custom parameters' to add extra features which are not implemented in WWB (yet). For a complete list of available op*ons please check the YouTube API documenta*on: h2ps://developers.google.com /youtube/player_parameters. 27.1.2016 13:16 WYSIWYG Web Builder 11 http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11.html jQuery General - Upgraded to jQuery 1.11.3 and 2.1.4. - Upgraded to jQuery UI 1.11.4. This version has many improvements and outputs fewer files. h2p://jqueryui.com/upgrade-guide/1.11/ - New feature: Added the ability to control the border-radius for individual jQuery UI widgets (replaces the theme radius) jQuery Date Picker - New feature: Added 'flexible' mode. This op*on makes the date picker size flexible, so it can have different sizes in different breakpoints. jQuery ProgressBar - New feature: Add 'Indeterminate' op*on. Enable this op*on to display an (animated) indeterminate progress bar. 45 z 54 27.1.2016 13:16 WYSIWYG Web Builder 11 46 z 54 http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11.html jQuery Tool p - New feature: Added possibility to insert Lorem Ispum in text editor via context menu. - New feature: Added box-shadow op*on - New feature: Added text alignment op*on. - New feature: Added the ability to use custom background and border instead jQuery UI Theme. - New feature: Added Arrow support. An arrow can be displayed at the bo2om, leC, right or bo2om of the tool*p. 27.1.2016 13:16 WYSIWYG Web Builder 11 47 z 54 http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11.html jQuery Tab - New feature: Added new layout modes to give the tab widget a different appearance. Remove header background Remove en*re header Tabs like bu2on Online demo: h2p://wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11_tabs.html 27.1.2016 13:16 WYSIWYG Web Builder 11 48 z 54 http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11.html jQuery ListView - New feature: Added 'ListView object'. Create beau*ful styled (jQuery UI themable) lists with *tle, descrip*on and image. Two modes are supported: listview and droplist. Also supports dividers to group items. The droplist is a styled (dropdown) select menu which can either be used as menu or as form element (combobox). Online demo: h2p://wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11_listview.html 27.1.2016 13:16 WYSIWYG Web Builder 11 http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11.html CMS - New feature: Most naviga*on objects can now also be used with the CMS tools. The 'Use this menu for CMS' is available for CSS Menu, Go Menu, MenuBar, Panel Menu, Tab Menu, Text Menu, Breadcrumb and Pagina*on. - New feature: Added support for nicEditor (h2p://nicedit.com) in CMS admin. NicEdit is extremely lightweight and has built-in support for file uploads. - New feature: Added support for SCEditor (h2p://www.sceditor.com) in CMS admin. SCEditor is another lightweight editor with support for emo*cons, YouTube and much more. 49 z 54 27.1.2016 13:16 WYSIWYG Web Builder 11 50 z 54 http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11.html - New feature: Added support for Trumbowyg (h2p://alex-d.github.io/Trumbowyg) in CMS admin. Trumbowyg is a light, translatable and customizable jQuery plugin. Supports images through base64. - New feature: Added 'Upload image' op*on to WWB editor. Uses HTML5’s filereader, so no PHP or special setup is required. - New feature: Added 'Use images for ac*ons' to CMS admin. Specifies whether to use images instead of text for ac*ons. - New feature: Added 'Search Index' to CMS page configura*on. This op*on specifies whether to include the page in the CMS search index. When set to ‘false’ the page will not be displayed in the CMS search results. 27.1.2016 13:16 WYSIWYG Web Builder 11 51 z 54 http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11.html Error Reports - New feature: Error reports checks whether IDs starts with a le2er (ID cannot start with digits or dashes). - New feature: Error reports checks whether objects are inside the viewport (including breakpoints). Smart Guides - New feature: Added 'center' guides. Smart guides now also works when objects are aligned centered. Also works for the center of the page. News Feed Ticker - New feature: Added text alignment. 27.1.2016 13:16 WYSIWYG Web Builder 11 http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11.html Lightbox - New feature: Added support for Magnific Popup. Magnific Popup is a responsive gallery with a modern look that can be used in the SlideShow, Photo Gallery, YouTube, Vimeo, Inline frame. Magnific Popup can also be used as a replacement for the default Fancybox lightbox which is used in links. This can be configured in the Page Proper*es. Online demo: h2p://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/gallery_demo9.html Other improvements - Improved: Events -> Show/Hide with effects now only includes effect files that are needed. - Improved: Wingdings and Webdings fonts are no longer considered web safe. They have been replaced by standard Unicode symbols. - New feature: 'Glass' background style (previously only available in Shape/Banner) is now a gradient style, so it can be used in other objects as well and makes background style op*ons consistent between all objects. 52 z 54 27.1.2016 13:16 WYSIWYG Web Builder 11 http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11.html - New feature: Added ‘Reset Posi*on’ to context menu of Object Manager. This op*on can be useful in breakpoints when you have ‘lost’ an object because it’s outside the viewport. ‘Reset Posi*on’ moves the object to the upper leC corner of its container. 53 z 54 27.1.2016 13:16 WYSIWYG Web Builder 11 54 z 54 http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11.html Here are a few demos to give you an idea of the new possibili*es: h2p://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11tryouts/wb11_agency.html h2p://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11tryouts/wb11_blogcarousel.html h2p://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11tryouts/wb11_deejay.html h2p://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11tryouts/wb11_desktop.html h2p://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11tryouts/wb11_features.html h2p://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11tryouts/wb11_porZolio.html h2p://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11tryouts/wb11_services.html h2p://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11tryouts/wb11_sidebar.html h2p://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11tryouts/wb11_startpage.html h2p://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11tryouts/wb11_anothergrid.html h2p://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/support/wb11tryouts/wb11_videobg.html More Features If you are upgrading from a version prior to version 10 then also check out what we’ve added in version 10, 9 and 8! h2p://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/new_wb80.html and h2p://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/new_wb85.html and h2p://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/new_wb9.html and h2p://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/new_wb10.html Special Offer If you buy version 10 today you will get version 11 for free when it becomes available! This offer is also valid for all licenses purchased within 60 days before the official release date. h2p://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/purchase.html Other registered users of WYSIWYG Web Builder will get a discount when upgrading to the new version. 27.1.2016 13:16