The Council/er - Ohio District Council
The Council/er - Ohio District Council
The Council/er The Ohio District Council of Pentecostal Churches, Inc. The Ohio District Council of Pentecostal Churches, Inc. Affiliated with The Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, Inc. Affiliated with The Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, Inc. “a call to UNI ”Y... ...the body fitly joined together. COUNCIL CONVENING APRIL 5-9, 2016 Cathedral of Praise and Worship Center Church 4545 Elyria Avenue | Lorain, Ohio 44055 Bishop Paul A. Bowers, Diocesan Once again we give praise and honor to our faithful and Almighty God and greetings to Bishop Paul A. Bowers, the Board of Directors, Officers, and the august body of believers which comprise the Ohio District Council. We look forward to another anointed and blessed council as we gather together in Lorain, Ohio, for the April session of our council meetings. As we move forward in unanimity, we can continue to be inspired and directed by the infallible Word of God. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 speaks to us and says: "Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow, but woe to him that is alone when he falleth: for he hath not another to help him up. Again if two be together, then they have heat: but how can one be warm alone. If one prevail against him, two shall withstand him, and a threefold cord is not quickly broken." The writer lets us know there is an advantage in unity. None of us liveth unto ourselves, and we are taught in these passages of scripture that unity produces the highest benefit. Unity makes labor effective and if this was true in the day of the writer of Ecclesiastes; how much more striking and obvious is it so today? Division of labor and co- operation in labor are the two great principles which account for the success of industrial enterprise in our own time. God is calling for such a united effort in the Church of the Living God today. Unity imparts strength, stability, and power of resistance. We together, placing ourselves shoulder to shoulder, can withstand any onset before which one alone would fall. The threefold cord is not quickly broken. It must be remembered that the work that God has given us in this world is not child's play. There are forces of evil working against us, and there is warfare to be maintained. In order to succeed, two things are needful: first, we must remember our dependence upon God, and secondly, unity with one another in this holy war in which we will succeed with the help of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! Yours under the Sovereignty of God, District Elder Melvin L. Brown ODC Council Chairman Welcome from Host Church APRIL HOTELS CATHEDRAL OF PRAISE AND WORSHIP CENTER CHURCH 4545 Elyria Avenue • Lorain, OH • 44055 COMFORT INN & SUITES 645 Griswold Road • Elyria, OH 44035 • Tel: 440.324.0099 Rates: 2 Queen Beds $99.00/night King Studio Suite $104.00/night CUT OFF DATE: March 1, 2016 We bring you greetings in the Name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. The Cathedral of Praise and Worship Center Church Family, Lady Rosalee Brown, and I are indeed honored to host the April 2016, prodigious Ohio District Council here in Northeast Ohio, Lorain County. We are profoundly pleased to welcome Bishop Paul A. Bowers, Diocesan, the Board of Trustees, Officers, distinguished members of the clergy, constituents, and friends. FAIRFIELD INN & SUITES 39050 Colorado Avenue •Avon, OH 44011 •Tel: 440.934.7445 Rates: 2 king double beds $110/night King Suite $139/night CUT OFF DATE: March 7, 2016 We stand untied to serve you in any way deemed necessary to ensure that your stay with us is naturally pleasurable and spiritually blessed. HAMPTON INN & SUITES 1795 Lorain Boulevard • Elyria, OH 44036 •Tel: 440.324.7755 Rates: Double Queen Standard $109.00/night Single Queen Standard $109.00/night King Studio Suite: $139.00/night CUT OFF DATE: March 22, 2016 As we come together in the beauty of holiness, may we continue to strive to answer the call to unity as is written in Psalm 133:1, “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!” HOMEWOOD SUITES (Cleveland/Sheffield) 4930 Transportation Drive • Sheffield Village, OH 44054 Tel: 440-695-0735 Rates: King or 2 Queen Studio Suite $109 King Suite $129 CUT OFF DATE: March 27, 2016 We look forward to seeing you at the second quarter session of the Ohio District Council. To God be all the glory, honor, and praise. District Elder Melvin L. Brown Host Pastor Note: All hotels are within a 7 mile radius from Cathedral of Praise and around the corner from the Midway Mall. OHIO DISTRICT COUNCIL PROGRAM Tuesday, April 5, 2016 1:00 ODC International Missions Elder Carlos Morris, Director Theme: "Missions Minded, Purpose Driven" Scripture: Philippians 2:5 Guest Presenter Pastor Earnest Scales Dayton, OH 7:00 Ushering In His Presence Elder Mark Allen Zion Pentecostal Church of Christ Cleveland, OH 7:30 Praise and Worship Zion Pentecostal Church of Christ Praise Team Cleveland, OH Music Ministry TBD Speaker Elder Tony I. Williams River of Life Ministries Euclid, OH Wednesday, April 6, 2016 8:30 Council Prayer 9:30 Bible Class: Pastor Pamela Lane "Unity and Diversity: The Gifts of the Spirit" (I Corinthians 12:1-11) 11:00 ODC Business Session Orientation Training for those seeking Fellowship Papers 11:30 Board of Directors ODC Christian Education Associate Pastor Paulette Carswell Superintendent Theme: "The Healthy Sunday School: Except The Lord Build The House" Psalm 127:1 Praiser & Worship: Evangelist Ernise Hale, Reynoldsburg, OH Minister Aaron Martin, Youngstown, OH KISMIT: Sister Edrea L. Massey, Mansfield, OH Business Session: Associate Pastor Paulette Carswell, Superintendent, Akron, OH Book Review: Sister Charmaine Morton, Cincinnati, OH 1:30 - 4:00 Master Teacher Coordinator: Dr. Lula Hampton, Akron, OH Christian Education: Associate Pastor Paulette Carswell, Superintendent, Akron, OH Seminar: Natural Health-SALT: Dr. Surender Neravetla, MD Springfield, OH Workshop: Spiritual Health: Pastor Francine D. Brown, Toledo, OH HOUR OF POWER: Northeast Region Sunday School Christian Education Insight: Sister Rachel Robinson, DCE, Cleveland, OH Final Remarks & Benediction 2:00 Ministerial Enrichment District Elder Gregory Pratt, Director 4:00 Dinner 5:00 ODC Usher Board Sister Kathy Bolden, President ODC Nurses' Guild Sister Neva Bagley, President The ODC Holy Ghost Receiving Session under direction of Evangelist Naomi Sessley OHIO DISTRICT COUNCIL PROGRAM (Cont'd) 7:00 Ushering In His Presence Elder Dwayne Hubbard Way of God Apostolic Church Mt. Vernon, OH 7:30 Praise and Worship Church Without Walls Ministry & Combined ODC Praise Team Music Ministry Cathedral of Praise Mass Choir Lorain, OH Speaker Dr. Darrell Cummings Bethlehem Apostolic Temple Wheeling, WV Thursday, April 7, 2016 8:30 Council Prayer 9:30 Bible Class: Bishop C. Wayne Brantley: "Unity and Diversity: The Fruit of the Spirit"(Galatians 5:22-24) 10:00 - The ODC Holy Ghost Receiving 12:30 Session under direction of Evangelist Naomi Sessley 11:00 Pastors' Meeting 11:00 ODC Christian Women's Auxiliary Evangelist Patricia Daniel, Chairlady Theme: "Women of Purpose, Power, and Praise" Speakers Evangelist Deborah Shealey Lady Charleyse Pratt Lady Patricia Daniel 2:00 Board of Directors 2:00 ODC Men's Ministry Elder Kevin Wilks, President (Registration begins at 12 noon. Registration fee is $5.00 per Council or $20.00 annually) Theme: "Not Part of the Problem, But Part of the Solution" Speaker Pastor Carlos Morris Greater Bethel Apostolic Canton, OH 2:00 ODC Ministers' Wives & Ministers' Widows Lady Rebecca Bowers, President Theme: "Integrious Women of Grace" Segment One: Speaker: Lady Trina Collier Segment Two: "Becoming a Better You." Many techniques, tools, and pertinent information will be shared. 4:00 Dinner 5:30 ODC Men's Ministry Business, Praise & Testimonies, and Sermonettes 7:00 7:30 Ushering In His Presence Dr. Janet S. Cummings Ebenezer Assembly of Christ Cleveland, OH Praise & Worship Emmanuel Temple Praise Team Cleveland, OH Music Ministry Bishop Paul A. Bowers Heritage Chorale Sermonic Solo Brother Timothy Brown Cathedral of Praise, Lorain, OH Speaker Suffragan Bishop Laurence Nevels Christ Temple Apostolic Oberlin, OH Friday, April 8, 2016 8:30 Council Prayer 9:30 11:00 Bible Class: Suffragan Bishop Gregory Irvin: "Unity and Diversity: The Body of Christ" (I Corinthians 12:12-31) Business Meeting 1:30 Lunch ______________________________________ ODC Single People's Alliance "The Singles' Perspective" 1:30 Lunch and Fellowship 2:30 Business Meeting 3:00 Panel Discussion "Embracing Your Singleness" Moderator: Minister Cheryl Scroggins Bethesda Temple Apostolic Church Dayton, OH 4:00 Leadership Resource Network Evangelist Rolania Lee Bethesda Temple Apostolic Church Dayton, OH 4:30 Afternoon Worship Service Music Ministry Psalmist Elena Marquetti, Akron, OH Speaker Elder Darrell Shumpert Greater Christ Temple, Elyria, OH ______________________________________ ODCYPU The ALIVE Movement Accelerate | Lead | Ignite | Volunteer | Evangelize LEAD WITH PURPOSE 7:30 Evening Celebration Service Music Benevolent Love Ministries Choir Cleveland, OH, Pastor W. L. Pope Speaker Minister Louis Pollard Transformed Life Church Piqua, OH Saturday, April 9, 2016 9:00 Registration & Christian Education 10:00 Elected & Appointed Staff Meeting 12:00 "Lead with Purpose"-Seminar Led by: Minister Eugene Partridge "Teen Ministry Session" Led by: Evangelist Kennethian Brown 2:00 Mid-Day Praise Service Music Ministry Special Musical Guest Speaker Dr. Marisa Wilbon Louisville, KY 4:00 Dinner 5:00 Choir Rehearsal 6:00 Evening Celebration Service Music Mt. Calvary Cathedral Choir The ODCYPU Mass Choir Speaker Minister Louis Pollard Transformed Life Church Piqua, OH Get Ready, Get Ready! ICEA REGION V CONFERENCE 2016 Bishop Charles H. Ellis, III Presiding Bishop, P.A.W. Inc. Thursday, April 21 thru Saturday, April 23, 2016 Programs Designed For YOU!!! Adults Youth Teens ICEA President: Evangelist Barbara Payne Region V Director: Sister Carolyn Butler Host Bishop: Paul A. Bowers Highlights Bishop Paul A. Bowers: “Why We Believe What We Believe” Panel Discussion: “Who’s Watching The City?” Speaker: Suffragan Bishop Craig High Host State Superintendent: Associate Pastor Paulette Carswell “God’s Word for All Seasons” A Word of Encouragement A Word for Good Times A Word in Discouragement A Word in the Worst of Times “Go out and preach the word! Go whether it’s an opportune time or not! …Accomplish the good work of an evangelist, and complete the ministry to which you have been called.” 2 Timothy 4:2-5 The Voice HOST CHURCH: GREATER EMANUEL APOSTOLIC TEMPLE 1150 West Galbraith Road Cincinnati, Ohio 45231 513. 522.1150 Host Pastor: Elder LaVelton J. Daniel REGISTER TODAY! $20.00 NOW $25 March 16 – April 23, 2016 Ohio District Council of Pentecostal Churches 2181 Mock Road Columbus, OH 43219 Non-Profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID Columbus, Ohio PERMIT #2609 Cathedral of Praise and Worship Center Church 4545 Elyria Avenue, Lorain, OH 44055 East: Follow I-90 or I-80 (Ohio Turnpike) West. Exit 57 North to the right. Take 57 N to North Ridge Road (Junction Rt. 254). Take North Ridge Rd. to Elyria Avenue (3rd light), turn right going North. The church is about 1/4 mile on right side. South: Rt. 8, I-77, or I-71. Go North to I-80 (Ohio Turnpike) West (Toledo). Exit 57 North to the right. Take 57 North to North Ridge Road (Junction Rt. 254). Take North Ridge Rd. to Elyria Avenue (3rd light), turn right going North. The church is about 1/4 mile on right side. West: Follow I-90 or I-80 (Ohio Turnpike) East (toward Cleveland). Exit 57 North to the right. Take 57 North to North Ridge Road (Junction Rt. 254). Take North Ridge Rd. to Elyria Avenue (3rd light), turn right going North. The church is about 1/4 mile on right side. ODC OFFICERS BOARD OF DIRECTORS ODC OFFICERS BOARD OFA.DIRECTORS Bishop Paul A. Bowers, Diocesan Bishop Paul Bowers Bishop Elder Paul A. Bowers, Diocesan BishopC. Paul A. Bowers District Melvin Brown, Chairman Bishop Wayne Brantley Suffragan Bishop RoyCummings, C. Dawkins,Vice Chairman BishopMoses C. Wayne Brantley District Elder Darrell Chairman Bishop Butler District Elder Brown,Secretary Vice Chairman BishopJames MosesGaiters Butler Evangelist JanetMelvin Cummings, Bishop Evangelist Janet Francis, Cummings, Secretary BishopEdgar JamesPosey Gaiters Minister Darrell Assistant Secretary Bishop Minister Darrell Francis,Recording Assistant Secretary Secretary BishopRufus EdgarSanders Posey Evangelist Linda Griffin, Bishop Evangelist Griffin, Recording Secretary Bishop CecilRoy Pratt Elder BrianLinda Hamilton, Treasurer Suff. Bishop Dawkins ElderHarold Brian Hamilton, Treasurer Bishop Rufus Sanders Elder Ray, Assistant Treasurer Suff. Bishop Craig High District Elder Darrell Cummings, Assistant Treasurer Suff. Suff.Bishop BishopGregory Roy Dawkins Elder Timothy Hawkins, Sergeant-at-Arms Irvin Elder Robert Palmer, Sergeant-at-Arms Suff.Bishop BishopEugene Craig High Suff. Lundy Suff. Bishop Laurence Nevels Suff. Bishop Bishop David EugeneParker Lundy Suff. Suff.Elder Bishop Laurence Nevels Dist. Phyllis Agnew Suff.Elder Bishop David Awls Parker Dist. Sylvester Dist.Elder ElderMelvin PhyllisBrown Agnew Dist. Dist.Elder ElderMichael SylvesterCooper Awls Dist. Dist.Elder ElderDarrell MelvinCummings Brown Dist. Dist.Elder ElderLarry Michael Cooper Dist. Jones Dist.Elder ElderGregory Darrell Cummings Dist. Pratt Dist.Elder ElderPhillip Gregory Irvin Dist. Shealey Dist. Elder Charles Smith Dist. Elder Larry Jones Pastor LaVelton Daniel Dist. Elder Pastor PaulaGregory Tiller Pratt Dist. Elder Charles Smith Pastor LaVelton Daniel EMERITUS Pastor Cecil PaulaPratt Tiller Bishop EMERITUS Suff. Bishop Lewis Fitzpatrick Suff.Bishop BishopJ.Lewis Fitzpatrick Suff. Thomas Jones Suff.Elder Bishop J. Thomas Jones Dist. Archellus Bell Dist. Elder Archellus Bell
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