HR Pro Technical Manual
HR Pro Technical Manual
OpenHR Configuration Manual Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 1 1173/1 Table of Contents 1 Introduction.................................................................................................. 4 2 OpenHR Self-service Intranet Configuration ................................................. 5 2.1 The Self-service Intranet home screen and dashboard ................................... 5 2.2 Self-service intranet customisation .............................................................. 6 2.2.1 Database and Server ........................................................................... 6 2.2.2 General Appearance ............................................................................ 7 2.2.3 OLE Documents .................................................................................25 2.2.4 Parent or Lookup Table Selection Page ..................................................26 2.2.5 Reports/Utilities - Popup Pages ............................................................27 2.2.6 Bradford Factor ..................................................................................29 2.2.7 Workflow...........................................................................................30 2.2.8 Change Password ...............................................................................32 3 OpenHR Mobile Workflow Deployment ........................................................ 33 3.1 Rollout ....................................................................................................33 3.2 Registration and Activation ........................................................................33 3.3 Self-Registration ......................................................................................34 3.3.1 Login Page ........................................................................................34 3.3.2 Registration Page ...............................................................................35 3.3.3 Activation e-mail ................................................................................36 4 OpenHR Batch Login with Scheduled Tasks ................................................. 37 4.1 4.2 5 Hierarchy .................................................................................................... 45 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 6 Setting up OpenHR ...................................................................................37 Setting up Windows Task Scheduler ...........................................................40 Overview .................................................................................................45 Hierarchy Functions ..................................................................................46 OpenHR functions.....................................................................................50 Lookup Columns.......................................................................................52 View Filter Definitions ...............................................................................54 User-Defined Audit Log Setup ..................................................................... 55 6.1 Assumptions/Exclusions ............................................................................55 6.2 User-Defined Audit Log Definition ...............................................................56 6.2.1 Table ................................................................................................56 6.2.2 Orders ..............................................................................................56 6.3 Audit Custom Report ................................................................................57 6.4 Configuration ...........................................................................................57 7 Holiday Year ............................................................................................... 58 7.1 Changing the Holiday Year ........................................................................58 7.1.1 Step 1: Zero Holiday Brought Forward ..................................................58 7.1.2 Alternative Step 1: Holiday Balance to Brought Forward ..........................60 7.1.3 Step 2: Update Holiday Year ................................................................63 7.1.4 Step 3: Force Personnel Update ...........................................................67 7.1.5 Adding Bank Holidays .........................................................................69 8 OpenHR Data Manager Security .................................................................. 72 8.1 8.2 Login Screen............................................................................................72 Change Password .....................................................................................72 Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 2 1173/1 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 9 Bypass Login ...........................................................................................72 Log Off....................................................................................................73 Self Service / Line Manager Access .............................................................73 Users in Multiple Groups ............................................................................73 Contacting the Support Team ...................................................................... 74 9.1 9.2 9.3 Contacting the Support Team by telephone .................................................74 Contacting the Support Team by email........................................................74 Via our Web Access 24 hours a day 7 days a week .......................................74 10 Appendix A – Self-service Intranet Configuration File Example ............... 75 11 Appendix B – HTML Recognised Colour Names ........................................ 81 12 Appendix C – Self-service Intranet Theme Colour Names ........................ 83 Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 3 1173/1 1 Introduction The OpenHR Configuration Manual details some of the frequently asked questions with regards to configuring OpenHR after installation. Please refer to the ‘OpenHR Installation Manual’ for details on installing OpenHR. NOTE: OpenHR was branded as ‘HR Pro’ prior to the release of OpenHR v5.0. Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 4 1173/1 2 OpenHR Self-service Intranet Configuration 2.1 The Self-service Intranet home screen and dashboard The following graphic demonstrates a Self-service dashboard with a short description of each of its elements. Separators group dashboard elements and have customisable header icons, title text and border colours. In this example the five database values and chart are all contained within the 'Team Metrics' separator group. Hypertext Links can link to web pages, documents, applications or OpenHR utilities. They also allow Line Managers to view access department information from their self service view. Pending Workflow Steps can be displayed within the dashboard and executed as required. Today's Events Displays the employee(s) attendance status, diary links and outlook calendar links. Database Values are defined as individual dashboard elements. Here we display 6 separate database values which appear connected as they're held within the one 'Budgets' separator group. Database Values can be conditionally formatted or hidden using a configurable 'traffic-lights' system. Welcome Note displays the last known login time and can be linked to a user's 'known as' column for a more personal message. Charts display live report data from OpenHR in the specified chart format. Using the chart toolbar users can drill down for more information or open the chart in a new window with advanced controls for real time manipulation. Document Display Links can be configured to display web pages or documents in this area of the dashboard. It can also be hidden by the user if required. Chart Data Grids can be displayed for every chart by clicking the data grid toggle button. The data forming the chart is displayed in a grid format which can be sorted by clicking the column headers. All of the above links are specified by the system administrator using the OpenHR System Manager application. Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 5 1173/1 2.2 Self-service intranet customisation The Self-service Intranet module is configurable to make it easier to use and allow it to integrate to some extent with customer’s own intranet systems. A text file is used to hold the majority of the configuration information. The configuration file is simply a list of keys and their associated values. See Appendix A for details of this configuration file. The standard configuration file is named ‘config.txt’ and is located in the ‘config’ folder of the OpenHR Self-service Intranet web directory. Note that new versions of this file are published with each version of OpenHR Self-service Intranet. To avoid customised configuration settings being overwritten when copying new files for each new release of OpenHR Self-service Intranet, the customised configuration file should be renamed ‘custom_config.txt’ and this file should be updated with the new sections according to the upgrade version. 2.2.1 Database and Server The OpenHR database and server details are held in the configuration file, as Self-service users are not expected to know these details. These settings are held under the keys ‘server’ and ‘database’ in the configuration file (see Appendix A). Attribute SQL Server Database Configuration File Key server Configuration File Values database Free text Free text Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 6 1173/1 2.2.2 General Appearance General Colour Scheme The general colour scheme of the Self-service Intranet module is configurable. This defines the left-hand frame and frame divider background colour (displayed after login), and the colour theme of the buttons (except the dashboard link buttons – see below). This setting is held under the key ‘generaltheme’ in the configuration file (see Appendix A). The value of this setting is the name of a pre-defined theme (see Appendix C). Attribute Theme Configuration File Key generaltheme Configuration File Values Name of a pre-defined theme (see Appendix C). Note: if using the OpenHR Workflow module the chosen theme will also need to be set in the web.config file in the OpenHR Workflow Web Site. Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 7 1173/1 Banner Graphic The banner graphic at the top left of the display is defaulted to a standard Advanced graphic (shown above as the Advanced logo). If a custom graphic is to be displayed here the required graphic must be named ‘customtopbar.jpg', and placed in the ‘images’ folder in the Self-service Intranet web site. The OpenHR Self-service Intranet module will automatically display the custom graphic at the top of its display instead of the standard Advanced graphic. The default dimensions of this graphic are 138 x 44 pixels, however this is customisable (see 'Banner and Logo Graphics alignment and size' section below). Top Right Logo Graphic The logo graphic at the top-right of the display will be defaulted to the Advanced swish graphic. If a custom graphic is to be displayed here the required graphic must be named ‘customlogo.jpg, and placed in the ‘images’ folder in the Self–service Intranet web site. The OpenHR Self-service Intranet module will automatically display the custom logo graphic at the top of its display instead of the standard Advanced swish graphic. The default dimensions of this graphic are 600 x 44 pixels, however this is customisable (see 'Banner and Logo Graphics alignment and size' section below). Bottom Left Graphic A custom graphic can be displayed at the bottom-left of the display if required. The required graphic must be named ‘customlogoleft.gif’, and placed in the ‘images’ folder. The dimensions of this graphic are 100 x 87 pixels and, as this is a GIF image, can include transparency. Banner and Logo Graphics Background Colour The background colour that appears between the banner and logo graphics is configurable (shown above as white). This setting is held under the key ‘banner-colour’ in the configuration file (see Appendix A). The value can be a hexadecimal colour code, or an HTML recognised colour name (see Appendix B). Attribute Background Colour Configuration File Key banner-colour Configuration File Values Hex. Colour code or HTML recognised colour name (see Appendix B) Note: If this setting is not defined it will assume the colour of the general colour scheme (see above). Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 8 1173/1 Banner and Logo Graphics alignment and size The Banner and Logo Graphics alignment is configurable within the top frame. This setting is held under the key ‘banner-justification’ in the configuration file (see Appendix A). The value must be one of the four options shown below. The width of any customised banner or logo graphics must be defined in the configuration file, under the setting keys 'banner-graphic-left-width' and 'banner-graphicright-width'. Attribute Banner and Logo Alignment Banner and Logo widths Configuration File Key banner-justification banner-graphic-leftwidth banner-graphic-rightwidth Configuration File Values ‘Center’ will align the banner and logo graphics to the centre of the top frame. ‘Left’ will align the banner and logo graphics in the left of the top frame. ‘Right’ will align the banner and logo graphics in the right of the top frame. ‘Justify’ will align the banner graphic to the left and the logo graphic to the right of the top frame. Specify the width in pixels of the customised graphics to be displayed in the banner area. The default Advanced graphics are set to 176 (left) and 600 (right) NB: Your graphics will appear distorted if you set these values incorrectly. Top Bar Slice Graphic The top bar slice graphic beneath the banner graphic at the top of the display is defaulted to a standard Advanced graphic (shown above as a single, thin grey line under the banner graphics). If a custom graphic is to be displayed here the required graphic must be named ‘customtopbarslice.gif’, and placed in the ‘images’ folder in the Selfservice Intranet web site. OpenHR Self-service Intranet module will automatically display the custom graphic instead of the standard Advanced graphic. The dimensions of this graphic are 1 x 10 pixels. Header Bar Colour The header bar's background colour can be customised. The header bar is shown above in light blue and contains the help button. Attribute Header bar colour Configuration File Key Header-bar-colour Configuration File Values Hex. Colour code or HTML recognised colour name (see Appendix B) Defaults to #E9EEF7 Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 9 1173/1 Login Page Login Frame Colour The background colour of the login frame is configurable. This setting is held under the key ‘loginframetheme’ in the configuration file (see Appendix A). The value of this setting is the name of a pre-defined theme (see Appendix C). Attribute Theme Configuration File Key loginframetheme Configuration File Values Name of a pre-defined theme (see Appendix C). Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 10 1173/1 Login Text The following attributes of the text that appears inside the login frame (‘Version’, ‘User name’, 'Use Windows Authentication', ‘Password’ and ‘Forgot Password’ above) are configurable: (NB: This setting also applies to the Welcome Message within the Dashboard) Attribute Font Colour Configuration File Key logintext-font logintext-colour Size Bold Italics logintext-size logintext-bold logintext-italics Configuration File Values Font name Hex. Colour code or HTML recognised colour name (see Appendix B) Font size ‘bold’ or ‘’ ‘italic’ or ‘’ Login Button Text The following attributes of the text that appears on the ‘LOGIN’ button are configurable: Attribute Font Colour Configuration File Key loginbuttontext-font loginbuttontext-colour Size Bold Italics loginbuttontext-size loginbuttontext-bold loginbuttontext-italics Configuration File Values Font name Hex. Colour code or HTML recognised colour name (see Appendix B) Font size ‘bold’ or ‘’ ‘italic’ or ‘’ Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 11 1173/1 Links Page Welcome Message The welcome note shown above as 'Welcome back Debbie, you last logged in at ...' takes its font settings from the Login Text settings. Attribute Font Colour Configuration File Key logintext-font logintext-colour Size Bold Italics logintext-size logintext-bold logintext-italics Configuration File Values Font name Hex. Colour code or HTML recognised colour name (see Appendix B) Font size ‘bold’ or ‘’ ‘italic’ or ‘’ Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 12 1173/1 The name 'Debbie' is calculated from the database using the 'Self-service Welcome Column' setting within System Manager's ‘Personnel’ configuration. If the user has no access to the specified column, or hasn't logged in before, the name and/or the last login time will be omitted from the welcome message. Hypertext Title The following attributes of the Hypertext Title that appears at the top of the left-hand frame (above the ‘—Policies—‘ heading) are configurable: Attribute Text Configuration File Key hypertexttitletext Font Colour hypertexttitletext-font hypertexttitletext-colour Size Bold Italics hypertexttitletext-size hypertexttitletext-bold hypertexttitletext-italics Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Configuration File Values Free text. ‘<NONE>‘ if no text is to appear. Font name Hex. Colour code or HTML recognised colour name (see Appendix B) Font size ‘bold’ or ‘’ ‘italic’ or ‘’ Page 13 1173/1 Hypertext Links The following attributes of the Hypertext links that appears in the left-hand frame are configurable: Attribute Frame Width Configuration File Key hypertext-framewidth Configuration File Values Optional – the width (in pixels) of the hypertext links frame Title Text Hypertexttitletext Title Font Title Colour Hypertexttitletext -font Hypertexttitletext -colour Title Size Title Bold Title Italics Hypertexttitletext -size Hypertexttitletext -bold Hypertexttitletext -italics Optional title to appear at the top of the Hypertext links – shown above as ‘Hypertext Links:’ Note: the default text is ‘Click here to view :’ Font name Hex. Colour code or HTML recognised colour name (see Appendix B) Font size ‘bold’ or ‘’ ‘italic’ or ‘’ Attribute Display Type Configuration File Key hypertextlink-displaytype Separator Alignment Separator Font Separator Colour Separator Size hypertextlinkseparatoralignment hypertextlinkseparator font hypertextlinkseparator colour hypertextlinkseparator size hypertextlinkseparator bold hypertextlinkseparator italics Separator Bold Separator Italics Attribute Link Text Font Link Text Colour Link Text Size Link Text Bold Link Text Italics Link Text Highlight Colour - Configuration File Values Optional. Specify ‘bulletedlist’ to prefix hypertext links with bullet points: , or ‘buttons’ to display links as buttons: ; the default is ‘bulletedlist’. You can achieve an invisible button effect by using the ‘Blanco’ general theme and setting this display type to ‘Bulletedlist’ Sets the alignment of the links within the links frame (center, left, right) Font name - Hex. Colour code or HTML recognised colour name (see Appendix B) Font size - ‘bold’ or ‘’ - ‘italic’ or ‘’ Configuration File Key hypertextlinktext-font hypertextlinktext-colour hypertextlinktext-size hypertextlinktext-bold hypertextlinktext-italics Configuration File Values Font name Hex. Colour code or HTML recognised colour name (see Appendix B) Font size ‘bold’ or ‘’ ‘italic’ or ‘’ hypertextlinktexthighlightcolour Hex. Colour code or HTML recognised colour name (see Appendix B) Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 14 1173/1 Button Colour Scheme The colour scheme of any dashboard link buttons is configurable. This setting is held under the key ‘linkspagebutton_colourtheme’ in the configuration file (see Appendix A). The value of this setting is the name of a pre-defined theme (see Appendix C). Attribute Theme Configuration File Key linkspagebuttoncolourtheme linkspagebutton-displaytype Display Type Configuration File Values Name of a pre-defined theme (see Appendix C). Set to ‘Square’ for straight-edged buttons, or ‘Rounded’ for a rounded rectangle effect Button/Dropdown List Links Title The following attributes of the ‘I want to…’ title that appears at the top of the right-hand frame are configurable: Attribute Title text (prefix) Configuration File Key linkspagetitletextpredescription Title (suffix) linkspagetitletextpostdescription text Font Colour linkspagetitletext-font linkspagetitletext-colour Size Bold Italics linkspagetitletext-size linkspagetitletext-bold linkspagetitletext-italics Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Configuration File Values Free text, defaulted to ‘For ‘. This text precedes the record description of the currently selected record when displayed as the title of the links page. ‘<NONE>‘ if no text is to appear. Free text, defaulted to ‘ I want to…’. This text succeeds the record description of the currently selected record when displayed as the title of the links page. It is also displayed as the title when viewing the ‘single record’ view links. ‘<NONE>‘ if no text is to appear. Font name Hex. Colour code or HTML recognised colour name (see Appendix B) Font size ‘bold’ or ‘’ ‘italic’ or ‘’ Page 15 1173/1 Dashboard Link Separators The following attributes of the Dashboard Links separator that appear on the Dashboard Links are configurable: Attribute Alignment Font Colour Size Bold Italics Border Colour Configuration File Key linkspagebuttonseparatoralignment linkspagebuttonseparatorfont linkspagebuttonseparatorcolour linkspagebuttonseparatorsize linkspagebuttonseparatorbold linkspagebuttonseparatoritalics Linkspagebuttonseparatorbordercolour Configuration File Values ‘center’, ‘left’ or ‘right’ (defaulted to ‘center’ if no value specified) Font name Hex. Colour code or HTML recognised colour name (see Appendix B) Font size ‘bold’ or ‘’ ‘italic’ or ‘’ Hex. Colour code or HTML recognised colour name (see Appendix B) Dashboard Link Prompts (Applies to: Button Prompts, Chart Data-Grid Column Headings, Database Value Prompts.) The following attributes of the Dashboard Link prompts that appear to the left of the Dashboard Links are configurable: Attribute Font Colour Configuration File Key linkspageprompttext-font linkspageprompttext-colour Size Bold Italics linkspageprompttext-size linkspageprompttext-bold linkspageprompttext-italics Configuration File Values Font name Hex. Colour code or HTML recognised colour name (see Appendix B) Font size ‘bold’ or ‘’ ‘italic’ or ‘’ Dashboard Links (Applies to: Button Text, Button Alignment, Chart Data-Grid Prompts and Values, Database Values (excluding alignment)) The following attributes of the Dashboard Buttons (shown above as ‘View my Employee Details’, etc.) that appear on the Dashboard Links are configurable: Attribute Font Colour Configuration File Key linkspagebuttontext-font linkspagebuttontext-colour Size Bold Italics Alignment linkspagebuttontext-size linkspagebuttontext-bold linkspagebuttontext-italics linkspagebuttontextalignment Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Configuration File Values Font name Hex. Colour code or HTML recognised colour name (see Appendix B) Font size ‘bold’ or ‘’ ‘italic’ or ‘’ ‘center’, ‘left’ or ‘right’ (defaulted to ‘center’ if no value specified) Page 16 1173/1 Multiple Record Dashboard Link Prompts (Applies to: Button Prompts) Multiple Record access is available to the Self-service Intranet module. The Multiple Record Dashboard Link is a link that allows the user to select the staff member whose data they wish to view/edit. The following attributes of the Multiple Record Dashboard Link prompt that appears to the left of the Multiple Record Dashboard Link are configurable: Attribute Font Colour Size Bold Italics Configuration File Key linkspagelmlinksprompttextfont linkspagelmlinksprompttextcolour linkspagelmlinksprompttextsize linkspagelmlinksprompttextbold linkspagelmlinksprompttextitalics Configuration File Values Font name Hex. Colour code or HTML recognised colour name (see Appendix B) Font size ‘bold’ or ‘’ ‘italic’ or ‘’ Multiple Record Dashboard Link (Applies to: Button Text, Button Alignment) Multiple Record access is available in the Self-service Intranet module. The Multiple Record Dashboard Link is a link that allows the user to select the staff member whose data they wish to view/edit. The following attributes of the Multiple Record Dashboard Link that appear on the Multiple Record Dashboard Link are configurable: Attribute Font Colour Size Bold Italics Alignment Configuration File Key linkspagelmlinksbuttontextfont linkspagelmlinksbuttontextcolour linkspagelmlinksbuttontextsize linkspagelmlinksbuttontextbold linkspagelmlinksbuttontextitalics linkspagelmlinksbuttontextalignment Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Configuration File Values Font name Hex. Colour code or HTML recognised colour name (see Appendix B) Font size ‘bold’ or ‘’ ‘italic’ or ‘’ ‘center’, ‘left’ or ‘right’ (defaulted to ‘center’ if no value specified) Page 17 1173/1 Dashboard Links/Dropdown List Links Page Text The following attributes of the ‘Or click on one of the following drop down options:’ text that appears between the Dashboard Links and Dropdown List links are configurable: Attribute Dropdown list link title (with buttons) Configuration File Key linkspagetext-yesbuttons Dropdown list link title (without buttons) Font Colour linkspagetext-nobuttons Size Bold Italics linkspagetext-size linkspagetext-bold linkspagetext-italics linkspagetext-font linkspagetext-colour Configuration File Values Free text, defaulted to ‘Or click on one of the following pull down options’. Displayed above the dropdown list when there are Dashboard Links. Free text, defaulted to ‘Click on one of the following pull down options’. Displayed above the dropdown list when there are no Dashboard Links. Font name Hex. Colour code or HTML recognised colour name (see Appendix B) Font size ‘bold’ or ‘’ ‘italic’ or ‘’ Dropdown List Links The following attributes of the Dropdown List control are configurable: Attribute Font Colour Configuration File Key linkspagedroptext-font linkspagedroptext-colour Size Bold Italics linkspagedroptext-size linkspagedroptext-bold linkspagedroptext-italics Configuration File Values Font name Hex. Colour code or HTML recognised colour name (see Appendix B) Font size ‘bold’ or ‘’ ‘italic’ or ‘’ Dropdown List Links Text The following attributes of the ‘Go’ text that appears to the right of the Dropdown List control are configurable: Attribute Font Colour Configuration File Key linkspagegotext-font linkspagegotext-colour Size Bold Italics Highlight Colour linkspagegotext-size linkspagegotext-bold linkspagegotext-italics linkspagegotext-highlightcolour Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Configuration File Values Font name Hex. Colour code or HTML recognised colour name (see Appendix B) Font size ‘bold’ or ‘’ ‘italic’ or ‘’ Hex. Colour code or HTML recognised colour name (see Appendix B) Page 18 1173/1 Record Edit Page Record Edit Page Title The following attributes of the record edit page title (shown above as ‘Employee Record Avery, Debbie’) are configurable: Attribute Font Colour Configuration File Key receditpagetitletext-font receditpagetitletext-colour Size Bold Italics receditpagetitletext-size receditpagetitletext-bold receditpagetitletext-italics Configuration File Values Font name Hex. Colour code or HTML recognised colour name (see Appendix B) Font size ‘bold’ or ‘’ ‘italic’ or ‘’ Record Edit Screen Controls The format of the actual OpenHR record edit screen is defined using System Manager Screen Designer. Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 19 1173/1 Record Edit Position Text OpenHR Self-service Intranet offers full record editing options, including navigating through record sets. As part of this, the position of the current record in the record set is now displayed at the bottom of the record edit page. The following attributes of the record position text are configurable: Attribute Font Colour Configuration File Key receditpagepositiontext-font receditpagepositiontext-colour Size Bold Italics receditpagepositiontext-size receditpagepositiontext-bold receditpagepositiontext-italics Configuration File Values Font name Hex. Colour code or HTML recognised colour name (see Appendix B) Font size ‘bold’ or ‘’ ‘italic’ or ‘’ Record Edit Tabs OpenHR Self-service Intranet offers tab-strips in the record-editing screens. The following attributes of the Tabs are configurable: Attribute Font Colour Configuration File Key recedittablinktext-font recedittablinktext-colour Size Font (selected) Colour (selected) Size (selected) recedittablinktext-size recedittabsellinktext-font recedittabsellinktext-colour recedittabsellinktext-size Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Configuration File Values Font name Hex. Colour code or HTML recognised colour name (see Appendix B) Font size Font name Hex. Colour code or HTML recognised colour name (see Appendix B) Font size Page 20 1173/1 Find Page OpenHR Self-service Intranet offers a find page for selecting records to view/edit. Grid Block Size Records are loaded into the find page grid in user-defined blocks. This setting is held under the key ‘grid-blocksize’ in the configuration file (see Appendix A). Attribute Block size Configuration File Key grid-blocksize Configuration File Values Integer Find Page Title The following attributes of the find page title (shown above as ‘Select the required Training Booking record’) are configurable: Attribute Font Colour Configuration File Key findpagetitletext-font findpagetitletext-colour Size Bold Italics findpagetitletext-size findpagetitletext-bold findpagetitletext-italics Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Configuration File Values Font name Hex. Colour code or HTML recognised colour name (see Appendix B) Font size ‘bold’ or ‘’ ‘italic’ or ‘’ Page 21 1173/1 Find Page Grid The find page grid (shown above listing values ‘Course Title’, ‘Start Date’ etc.) lists details of the records in the record set. The following attributes of the find page grid are configurable: Attribute Header Row Foreground Colour Header Row Background Colour Highlighted Row Foreground Colour Highlighted Row Background Colour Even Row Foreground Colour Even Row Background Colour Odd Row Foreground Colour Odd Row Background Colour Font Size Bold Italics Configuration File Key findpagegrid-headforecolour Configuration File Values Hex. Colour code or HTML recognised colour name (see Appendix B) findpagegrid-headbackcolour Hex. Colour code or HTML recognised colour name (see Appendix B) findpagegridhighlightforecolour Hex. Colour code or HTML recognised colour name (see Appendix B) findpagegridhighlightbackcolour Hex. Colour code or HTML recognised colour name (see Appendix B) findpagegrid-evenforecolour Hex. Colour code or HTML recognised colour name (see Appendix B) findpagegrid-evenbackcolour Hex. Colour code or HTML recognised colour name (see Appendix B) findpagegrid-oddforecolour Hex. Colour code or HTML recognised colour name (see Appendix B) findpagegrid-oddbackcolour Hex. Colour code or HTML recognised colour name (see Appendix B) findpagegrid-font findpagegrid-size findpagegrid-bold findpagegrid-italics Font name Font size ‘bold’ or ‘’ ‘italic’ or ‘’ Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 22 1173/1 Summary Title The following attributes of the Summary Title (details optionally shown below a find window) are configurable: Attribute Text Font Colour Size Bold Italics Configuration File Key findpagesummarytitletext findpagesummarytitletext-font findpagesummarytitletextcolour findpagesummarytitletext-size findpagesummarytitletext-bold findpagesummarytitletextitalics Configuration File Values Free text Font name Hex. Colour code or HTML recognised colour name (see Appendix B) Font size ‘bold’ or ‘’ ‘italic’ or ‘’ Summary Prompt Text The following attributes of the Summary Prompt Text are configurable: Attribute Font Colour Size Bold Italics Configuration File Key findpagesummaryprompttextfont findpagesummaryprompttextcolour findpagesummaryprompttextsize findpagesummaryprompttextbold findpagesummaryprompttextitalics Configuration File Values Font name Hex. Colour code or HTML recognised colour name (see Appendix B) Font size ‘bold’ or ‘’ ‘italic’ or ‘’ Summary Text The following attributes of the Summary Text are configurable: Attribute Font Colour Configuration File Key findpagesummarytext-font findpagesummarytext-colour Size Bold Italics Background Colour findpagesummarytext-size findpagesummarytext-bold findpagesummarytext-italics findpagesummarytextbackcolour Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Configuration File Values Font name Hex. Colour code or HTML recognised colour name (see Appendix B) Font size ‘bold’ or ‘’ ‘italic’ or ‘’ Hex. Colour code or HTML recognised colour name (see Appendix B) Page 23 1173/1 Find Page Position Text As records are loaded into the find page grid in user-defined blocks, the position of the displayed records in the record set is now displayed at the bottom of the record edit page (shown above as ‘Records 1 to 20 of 20'). The following attributes of the find page position text are configurable: Attribute Font Colour Configuration File Key findpagepositiontext-font findpagepositiontext-colour Size Bold Italics findpagepositiontext-size findpagepositiontext-bold findpagepositiontext-italics Configuration File Values Font name Hex. Colour code or HTML recognised colour name (see Appendix B) Font size ‘bold’ or ‘’ ‘italic’ or ‘’ Find Page Locate Text Users can quickly locate records that are not in the displayed block of records in the find grid by entering a value into the ‘locate’ box. This value is compared with the values in the first column of the find grid. Entering a value and then clicking on the ‘locate’ prompt will reload the find grid with records that match or follow the entered ‘locate’ value. The following attributes of the find page locate text (the value entered by the user, shown above to the left of the ‘Locate’ prompt) are configurable: Attribute Font Colour Configuration File Key findpagelocatetext-font findpagelocatetext-colour Size Bold Italics findpagelocatetext-size Findpagelocatetext-bold findpagelocatetext-italics Find Page Locate Prompt Configuration File Values Font name Hex. Colour code or HTML recognised colour name (see Appendix B) Font size ‘bold’ or ‘’ ‘italic’ or ‘’ The following attributes of the find page locate prompt (shown above as ‘Locate’) are configurable: Attribute Text Font Colour Size Bold Italics Highlight Colour Configuration File Key findpagelocateprompttext findpagelocateprompttext-font findpagelocateprompttextcolour findpagelocateprompttext-size findpagelocateprompttext-bold findpagelocateprompttextitalics findpagelocateprompttexthighlightcolour Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Configuration File Values Free text Font name Hex. Colour code or HTML recognised colour name (see Appendix B) Font size ‘bold’ or ‘’ ‘italic’ or ‘’ Hex. Colour code or HTML recognised colour name (see Appendix B) Page 24 1173/1 2.2.3 OLE Documents OLE Setup The following settings define the setup of the OLE functionality: Attribute Temporary Upload path Path to Local Folder Path to Server Folder Path to Photo Folder Configuration File Key OLEUploadPath Configuration File Values UNC - \\servername\sharename\ OLEDefaultLocalPath UNC - \\servername\sharename\ or drive e.g. c:\ OLEDefaultServerPath UNC - \\servername\sharename\ or drive e.g. c:\ OLEDefaultPhotoPath UNC - \\servername\sharename\ or drive e.g. c:\ OLE Page Grid The find page grid lists files in the local, server and photo paths. The following attributes of the ole page grid are configurable: Attribute Highlighted Row Foreground Colour Highlighted Row Background Colour Even Row Foreground Colour Even Row Background Colour Odd Row Foreground Colour Odd Row Background Colour Configuration File Key olepagegridhighlightforecolour Configuration File Values olepagegridhighlightbackcolour Hex. Colour code or HTML recognised colour name (see Appendix B) olepagegridevenforecolour Hex. Colour code or HTML recognised colour name (see Appendix B) olepagegridevenbackcolour Hex. Colour code or HTML recognised colour name (see Appendix B) olepagegridoddforecolour Hex. Colour code or HTML recognised colour name (see Appendix B) olepagegridoddbackcolour Hex. Colour code or HTML recognised colour name (see Appendix B) Hex. Colour code or HTML recognised colour name (see Appendix B) Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 25 1173/1 2.2.4 Parent or Lookup Table Selection Page OpenHR Self-service Intranet offers a find page for the user to select from a set of multiple records they wish to view/edit. This page uses the settings configured for the find page (see above). Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 26 1173/1 2.2.5 Reports/Utilities - Popup Pages OpenHR Self-service Intranet offers Calendar Reports, Custom Reports and Mail Merge functionality. As reports run, a popup is displayed to inform the user of progress. For example: Another popup is used to display the results: Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 27 1173/1 Pop-ups also appear if users click on individual Calendar Report items to view a breakdown of the calendar event. Popup Title The following attributes of the popup title (shown above in the progress popup as ‘Running Calendar Report’, and in the Calendar Report breakdown popup as ‘Details’) are configurable: Attribute Font Colour Configuration File Key popuptitletext-font popuptitletext-colour Size Bold Italics popuptitletext-size popuptitletext-bold popuptitletext-italics Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Configuration File Values Font name Hex. Colour code or HTML recognised colour name (see Appendix B) Font size ‘bold’ or ‘’ ‘italic’ or ‘’ Page 28 1173/1 Popup Subtitle The following attributes of the popup subtitle (shown above in the progress popup as ‘Please Wait…’, in the Calendar Report results popup as ‘Key :’, ‘Options :’, and in the Calendar Report breakdown popup as ‘Event Name :’, ‘Description :’, etc.) are configurable: Attribute Font Colour Configuration File Key popupsubtitletext-font popupsubtitletext-colour Size Bold Italics popupsubtitletext-size popupsubtitletext-bold popupsubtitletext-italics Configuration File Values Font name Hex. Colour code or HTML recognised colour name (see Appendix B) Font size ‘bold’ or ‘’ ‘italic’ or ‘’ Popup Text The following attributes of the popup text (shown above in the Calendar Report results popup as ‘Include Bank Holidays’, etc., and in the Calendar Report breakdown popup as ‘Holiday’, ‘Avery, Debbie’, etc.) are configurable: Attribute Font Colour Configuration File Key popuptext-font popuptext-colour Size Bold Italics popuptext-size popuptext-bold popuptext-italics 2.2.6 Configuration File Values Font name Hex. Colour code or HTML recognised colour name (see Appendix B) Font size ‘bold’ or ‘’ ‘italic’ or ‘’ Bradford Factor OpenHR Self-service Intranet includes 'Bradford Factor' as a function in calculated columns, run-time calculations and run-time filters. Therefore, the Bradford Factor itself can be included in Custom Reports and Calendar Reports. Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 29 1173/1 2.2.7 Workflow When a workflow step is initiated, a popup may be displayed to inform the user of the workflow’s progress. This popup is displayed only if the workflow does not initially trigger a web form, otherwise the web form itself will be displayed. Note: the chosen theme for this message is set in the web.config file in the OpenHR Workflow Web Site. If the first step in the workflow is a web form element, then the appropriate web form will also be presented after the Self-service workflow link has been clicked. Note: the chosen theme for this web form is set in the web.config file in the OpenHR Workflow Web Site. Once the web form workflow step is submitted, a ‘Workflow step completed’ message may be displayed. Alternatively a customisable message may be displayed, or no message at all. Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 30 1173/1 Note: the chosen theme for this message is set in the web.config file in the OpenHR Workflow Web Site. Pending Workflow Steps If there are workflow steps requiring action by the user, then the Pending workflow steps page will be displayed when logging into the Self-service web site. The Pending Workflow Steps page can be displayed at any time by clicking on the ‘Pending Workflow Steps’ link. Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 31 1173/1 The following attributes of the Pending Workflow Steps title text and the Pending Workflow Steps link text (see above) are configurable: Attribute Text Text Configuration File Key workflowpendingstepstitletext workflowpendingstepslinktext Configuration File Values Free text Free text Workflow Out of Office In the Self-service Intranet there is a ‘Workflow Out of Office’ link that can be used to turn the Workflow Out of Office ‘On’ or ‘Off’. NB: The 'Workflow Out of Office' hypertext link can be shown or hidden by user group, using the 'Display Workflow Out of Office Hypertext Link' display option in System Manager under Self-service Designer, and within the 'General' tab. The following attributes of the Workflow Out of Office link text (see above) are configurable: Attribute Text 2.2.8 Configuration File Key workflowoutofofficelinktext Configuration File Values Free text Change Password In the Self-service Intranet there is a ‘Change Password’ link that a user can click to change their password. Note: This link is only visible if the user is logged in using SQL authentication. Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 32 1173/1 3 OpenHR Mobile Workflow Deployment 3.1 Rollout You'll need to decide on the most suitable method of deploying the OpenHR Mobile Workflow website to your users, which will depend on your users' current level of mobile interaction with the business. You might consider a hyperlink on an existing intranet site that mobile users have access to, or an e-mail to users with a hyperlink contained in it. As the OpenHR Workflow Mobile website uses e-mails for registration and 'forgotten login detail' reminders, e-mail access via a mobile device is the recommended, although not mandatory, method of rolling out the product. Note: On iPads and desktop browsers the mobile web pages are displayed on a coloured background. You can specify the colour of the background in the application settings of the website; the colour can be any recognised HTML colour name, or hex value if prefixed with a hash (#) (see appendix B). You can also choose a background image by copying a .PNG image file renamed to 'tabletbackimage.png' to the Images subfolder of the website. 3.2 Registration and Activation As detailed in the configuration section above there are four pieces of information that need to be entered onto a user's personnel record before they can access the OpenHR Mobile Workflow module. Registration e-mail address Mobile Login Username Login Expiry Date (automatically populated and used to deny access, e.g. to leavers) User Activated Column (automatically created and assigned during the upgrade process) There are two methods for registering and activating users (essentially entering this information): 'Administrator registration' and 'Self-registration' Administrator registration involves completing the information above in the users' personnel records, then simply pointing users to the OpenHR Mobile Workflow website and providing them with their login details for immediate access. Ensure that the 'User Activated Column' is ticked for the users. This is not ticked by default. The Mobile Login Username must be a valid SQL user account name. For windows authenticated users this will take the form of domain\username The password for all users will be their SQL user password. For windows authenticated users this is also their network password. Self-registration allows users to register and activate their own mobile access, as long as their personnel record has a valid registration e-mail address and mobile login username. The following section provides an overview on how a user registers and activates their own mobile device. Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 33 1173/1 3.3 Self-Registration To register and activate a mobile device for use with the OpenHR Mobile Workflow website you'll need to browse to the website on your mobile device. If you don't know the website address URL, speak to your system administrator. 3.3.1 Login Page The login screen is the first screen you'll see. As you won't have an activated username or password yet, you'll need to click the 'New Registration' icon. Note: the icons and labels shown in the screenshots of this guide will probably be different to those shown on your device. However, the position of the icons will always be the same. For example, in all cases the 'New Registration' button will be in the bottom right of the login screen. The same applies to all screens in the OpenHR Mobile Workflow website Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 34 1173/1 3.3.2 Registration Page Enter your e-mail address and click the 'OK' button. The following message will be displayed. Now check your e-mails for the activation link. You'll need to activate your account before you can log in to OpenHR Mobile Workflow. Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 35 1173/1 3.3.3 Activation e-mail You should receive an e-mail similar to the following: Note that your username is displayed in the e-mail. By clicking on the activation hyperlink your account will become active. You should see a message similar to the following: Congratulations! You're now activated and ready to log on to OpenHR Mobile Workflow. Your username was displayed in the activation e-mail. If you are unsure of your password, speak to your OpenHR Mobile administrator Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 36 1173/1 4 4.1 OpenHR Batch Login with Scheduled Tasks Setting up OpenHR 1. Within Security Manager, set up a new user group (for example “Batch_User”) and make sure that this group is granted with full permissions. Also, set up a new user within this group (for example “batchuser”). 2. Log into Data Manager as this new user and set up all of the reports/utilities which you will need to run as part of the batch process. The batch user will be set up to log in every day, however you can schedule batch jobs individually to run on specific days using the scheduling options, as shown below. Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 37 1173/1 You can also make batch jobs hidden so that they are unavailable to other users if required. 3. You can now log off and log back on to ensure that you get the prompt to run the batch job and that the batch job is correctly set up. However when prompted to run the batch job click ‘Cancel’. Note: When the batch jobs are automated, the confirmation box shown above will not be displayed. Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 38 1173/1 4. YOU WILL NOW NEED TO MOVE TO THE PC WHICH WILL BE RUNNING THE BATCH LOGON PROCESS. (NOTE: It is probably better to set up the batch logon on the server as this PC is likely to be left on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week). Whilst in Data Manager, under the Administration menu, click PC Configuration, and go to the Batch Logon tab. Tick the box to enable batch logon and enter the logon details for the new user. You can check these details by clicking the “test” button then click “OK” to save these details. IMPORTANT NOTE: THESE DETAILS ARE NOT STORED ON THE DATABASE BUT THEY ARE ENCRYPTED AND STORED IN THE REGISTRY OF THE PC WHICH YOU ARE CURRENTLY USING. You can also enter an administrator’s email address so that if the logon fails, OpenHR will attempt to alert the administrator of the problem. Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 39 1173/1 4.2 Setting up Windows Task Scheduler 1. In windows explorer, go to Control Panel, Administrative Tools then double click Task Scheduler. (Note: This is optional on the windows install and is not available on all windows PCs by default). 2. Click on Create Basic Task and this should launch the Create Basic Task Wizard. Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 40 1173/1 3. Specify a name for the task and click Next. 4. Specify the task to run Daily and click Next. Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 41 1173/1 5. Specify the start time for the task and click Next. 6. Specify the action as “Start a Program” and click Next. Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 42 1173/1 7. Select the OpenHR Data Manager executable and type “/batch=true” in the add arguments box and click Next. 8. Tick the option to Open the Properties dialog and click Finish. Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 43 1173/1 9. Select the option to ‘Run whether user is logged on or not’ and then click OK. 10. The task should now be created and the Task Scheduler can be closed. 11. Windows should now start OpenHR Data Manager at the time specified. OpenHR will then get the details from the Configuration, Batch Logon screen and log into the database. It will run any batch jobs which require running then exit OpenHR Data Manager. Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 44 1173/1 5 5.1 Hierarchy Overview The following OpenHR features are available to aid the configuration and use of hierarchical reporting. Lookup columns can refer to any type of table. Lookup column filters include an operator for advanced selection of lookup records. Functions can be used in filters & calculations to determine which personnel/post records report to the current user on the current date. Functions can be used in filters & calculations to determine which personnel/post records are reported to by the current user on the current date. View filter definitions can reference fields in child tables The reporting hierarchy of organisations differs between personnel- and post-based structures. In a personnel-based system one person may report to another person. In post-based systems one post may report to another post. Each post may be allocated to any number of people. Each person may be allocated to any number of posts. The allocation of people to posts may be date dependent. This section will refer to the table used to define the hierarchical reporting structure as the ‘Hierarchy’ table. In a personnel-based system this will be the Personnel_Records table; in a post-based system this will be the Post_Records table. Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 45 1173/1 5.2 Hierarchy Functions It is possible to define views that allow users to see all personnel/post records that report to them – including the records that report to these records, ad infinitum all the way down the corporate ladder. In order for the Hierarchy functions to work the ‘Login Name’ column must be defined in the Personnel configuration screen. This parameter is used to identify the current user’s personnel record. Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 46 1173/1 A tab in the Personnel configuration screen in System Manager is used to accommodate the extra parameters required for the Hierarchy functions. Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 47 1173/1 The following table describes each of the Hierarchy setup parameters. Parameter Hierarchy table Description The table which stores the hierarchical structure of the organisation. In personnel-based systems this is the ‘Personnel’ table. In post-based systems this is the ‘Posts’ table Identifying column The unique identifying Hierarchy table. column in the defined In personnel-based systems this could be the ‘Staff Number’ column. In post-based systems this could be the ‘Post Number’ Column Reports To column The column in the defined Hierarchy table that stores the unique identifier of the personnel/post record that the current record reports to. This column is usually defined as a lookup column which ‘looks up’ to the defined Identifying column. In personnel-based systems this could be the ‘Reports To Staff Number’ column. In post-based systems this could be the ‘Reports To Post Number’ column Post Allocation table The table that links the ‘Personnel’ table with the ‘Posts’ table. This table only needs to be defined for post-based systems Start Date column The column that defines the date on which a personnel record starts its association with a post. This column is optional and needs only be defined if the Post Allocation records hold the start date of the association of a Post to a Personnel record End Date column The column that defines the date on which a personnel record ends its association with a post. This column is optional and needs only be defined if the Post Allocation records hold the end date of the association of a Post to a Personnel record Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 48 1173/1 The availability of the Hierarchy functions is listed below: Expression type Column Calculation Record Validation Default Value Static Filter Record Description View Filter Runtime Calculation Runtime Filter Email Diary/Email/Outlook Link Filter Import Filter Match Report Required Match Match Report Preferred Match Match Report Score Calculation Record Independent Calculation Outlook Folder Outlook Subject Workflow Calculation Workflow Static Filter Workflow Runtime Filter Hierarchy functions available Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 49 1173/1 5.3 OpenHR functions Is Personnel That Reports To Current User This function is used to determine the subordinate personnel records of the current user, and their subordinates. If used in a post-based system, and the Post Allocation table holds the start or end dates of the association of a post with a personnel record, then only the subordinate personnel on the current date are returned by this function. This function is only available if the following conditions are met: Personnel table must be defined Login Name column must be defined Hierarchy table must be defined Identifying column must be defined Reports To column must be defined If post-based system then the Post Allocation table must be defined The calculation/filter is based on the defined Personnel table Is Personnel That Current User Reports To This function is used to determine the personnel records that the current user reports to. If used in a post-based system and the Post Allocation table holds the start or end dates of the association of a post with a personnel record, then only the subordinate personnel on the current date are returned by this function. This function is only available if the following conditions are met: Personnel table must be defined Login Name column must be defined Hierarchy table must be defined Identifying column must be defined Reports To column must be defined If post-based system then the Post Allocation table must be defined The calculation/filter is based on the defined Personnel table Is Post That Reports To Current User This function is used to determine the subordinate post records of the current user. If the Post Allocation table holds the start or end dates of the association of a post with a personnel record, then only the subordinate posts on the current date are returned by this function. This function is only available if the following conditions are met: Personnel table must be defined Login Name column must be defined Hierarchy table must be defined (and be different from the Personnel table) Identifying column must be defined Reports To column must be defined Post Allocation table must be defined The calculation/filter is based on the defined Hierarchy table Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 50 1173/1 Is Post That Current User Reports To This function is used to determine the post records that the current user reports to on the current date. If the Post Allocation table holds the start or end dates of the association of a post with a personnel record, then only the subordinate posts on the current date are returned by this function. This function is only available if the following conditions are met: Personnel table must be defined Login Name column must be defined Hierarchy table must be defined (and be different from the Personnel table) Identifying column must be defined Reports To column must be defined Post Allocation table must be defined The calculation/filter is based on the defined Hierarchy table Note: The Workflow Hierarchy Functions are identical to the 4 listed above; however, because workflow users may not necessarily have a ‘current user’ name, the functions refer to the ‘Identified Person’ instead: Is Is Is Is Personnel That Reports To Identified Person Personnel That Identified Person Reports To Post That Reports To Identified Person Post That Identified Person Reports To When configuring these hierarchy functions you will need to specify the following information Record - Either Identified Record, or Initiator’s Record Element - Only available for ‘Identified Record’ types. Record Selector - Only available for ‘Identified Record’ types. Table Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 51 1173/1 5.4 Lookup Columns To create an organisational hierarchy in the OpenHR database a hierarchy column must be defined. E.g. In a personnel-based system each personnel record has a ‘staff number’ column. A ‘Manager staff number’ column is provided which looks up the next hierarchical staff number column in the Personnel table itself. As lookup columns can refer to any type of table there is a possibility that a large number of records may be displayed when ‘looking up’ these columns. Lookup columns include a filter function for improved selection of lookup records. Lookup filters work by matching a value in the current record with fields in the lookup table. Depending on the data type of the lookup column there is an extended set of operators that can be used to refine the lookup records displayed. These operators match those implemented in record edit filters: Character, working pattern, photo columns is equal to is NOT equal contains does not contain Numeric, integer columns is equal to is not equal to is greater than is greater than or equal to is less than is less than or equal to Date columns is equal to is not equal to after before Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 52 1173/1 is equal to or after is equal to or before Logic columns is equal to E.g. In a post-based system each post record has a ‘grade’ field. The lookup column defined as the ‘reports to post number’ field has a filter so that only those posts with a grade greater than the current record are displayed. This means that when ‘looking up’ for this column not all post-records are displayed – only the subset of records whose ‘grade’ is higher than the current record (i.e. only those records that the post record might report to). When used in Data Manager this greatly improves the selection of the lookup record by reducing the number of lookup records displayed. Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 53 1173/1 5.5 View Filter Definitions The filter expression used to define views can now refer to fields in child tables of the view’s base table. Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 54 1173/1 6 User-Defined Audit Log Setup This section details the User-Defined Audit Log which allows user-defined reporting on data changes made within OpenHR. As with other Reports, output may be to printer, file, Excel, Word or any other options provided normally. 6.1 Assumptions/Exclusions 1. The User-Defined Audit Log is a normal user defined table built using Database Manager within the OpenHR System Manager. 2. The User-Defined Audit Log is a mirror of the OpenHR system Audit Log, but restricted only to data changes, not login/logout or record add/update/delete information. 3. Only changes made to columns with the ‘Audit’ property set will be written to the User-defined Audit Log. This is the same as for the System Audit Log. 4. No audit information will be available to the User-Defined Audit Log prior to activation. If a system installed prior to v4.0 is upgraded and the User-Defined Audit Log configured, then audit entries will only appear from the time the changes have been committed in System Manager. 5. No screen should be defined for the User-Defined Audit Log to make it easier to lock down for security reasons. 6. No permissions should be granted in Security Manager for the User-Defined Audit Log except for the Administrator account. It should remain a client responsibility to ensure that people who should not have access to the User-Defined Audit Log are not granted Administrator rights. 7. At no point should data be written manually to the User-Defined Audit Log. 8. Note that the User-Defined Audit Log will not automatically clear down, regardless of any purge settings in the System Audit Log. This means that the table could potentially become very large, very quickly. A Global Delete with a suitable filter (e.g. data over 3 months old) should be run to remove unwanted entries. 9. Any changes made to the structure of the User-Defined Audit Log may prevent it from working properly. Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 55 1173/1 6.2 6.2.1 User-Defined Audit Log Definition Table The Audit Log table is defined in Database Manager as follows: Column Name Audit ID Data Type Integer Audit Date Date Audit Time Character 8 Text Box Module Name Character 255 Text Box User Name Character 255 Text Box Table Name Character 200 Text Box Column Name Character 200 Text Box Old Value Character Multi-Line Text New Value Character Multi-Line Text Record Description Character 6.2.2 Size Column Type Text Box Text Box 255 Text Box Notes Unique identifier for an Audit Log record Date of change (dd/mm/yyyy) Time of change (hh:mm:ss) Origin of change (e.g. OpenHR Data Manager, OpenHR Workflow Service) SQL/Windows user would made the change Name of the user table containing the changed data Name of the column containing the changed data The value of the column prior to the change The value of the column after the change The description (if defined) of the modified record ; Usually contains the employee’s name Orders The following table order has been pre-defined: Order Name Audit Date Find Window Columns [Audit date], [Audit Time], [User Name], [Table Name], [Column Name], [Old Value], [New Value], [Record Description ], [Module Name] Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 56 1173/1 6.3 Audit Custom Report A basic (unfiltered) master Audit Custom Report has been defined. This should be used as a template (i.e. copied and a suitable filter attached) for more specific Audit reporting. The report (Audit Report) is defined as follows: Base Table: Audit Log Columns: [Audit Date] [Audit Time] [Module Name] [User Name] [Table Name] [Column Name] [Old Value] [New Value] [Record Description] Sort Order: [Audit Date] [Audit Time] [Module Name] [User Name] 6.4 Descending Descending Ascending Ascending Configuration On the Configuration menu, there is now an entry for ‘Audit Log’. The table and columns defined above should be mapped as shown: Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 57 1173/1 7 Holiday Year 7.1 Changing the Holiday Year Here are some step-by-step instructions on how to update your OpenHR system to reflect a new holiday year. The process should be performed by someone that has attended the OpenHR Personnel Advanced User training course. Before performing an update of the holiday year you should first ensure that all holiday for all Personnel Records has been added for the previous year. You will then need to determine if any outstanding Holiday Balances are to be carried forward to the next holiday year, and also if there will be a limit to the amount that can be carried forward. Also, we suggest that you ensure that a successful backup of the OpenHR database has been performed before beginning. Updating the holiday year can be completed by creating and / or running a selection of Global Updates within OpenHR Data Manager. These standard global updates would need to be run in the following order: Step 1 - Global Update – Zero Holiday Brought Forward (If NO holiday balances are to be brought forward to the new holiday year) OR Step 1 - Global Update – Holiday Balance to Brought Forward (If holiday balances are to be carried forward to the new holiday year) Step 2 - Global Update – Update Holiday Year Step 3 - Global Update – Force Personnel Update The following details show how to create or check the details of the Global Updates listed above: 7.1.1 Step 1: Zero Holiday Brought Forward This update will replace any value within the ‘Holiday Brought Forward’ field with a zero. Click the ‘Utilities’ menu Click ‘Global Update’ (If the Global Update ‘Zero Holiday Brought Forward’ is already in the list you can select it and click ‘Edit’ to confirm that the setup of the update is correct). Click ‘New’ Enter “Zero Holiday Brought Forward” in the ‘Name’ box Select ‘Personnel Records’ as the Base Table Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 58 1173/1 In the ‘Records’ section, select which records you would like to update (the most commonly used option here would be to use a filter of ‘Current Employees’ – Click the ‘Filter’ Radio button Click the Ellipse (three-dot) button to the right of ‘Filter’ Highlight ‘Current Employees’ from the list of filters Click ‘Select’) The Global Update screen should now look like this: Click on the ‘Columns’ tab Click ‘Add’ In the ‘Column’ section, select the ‘Holiday Brought Forward’ column Select the ‘Value’ option and enter a value of ‘0.0’ (as below) Click ‘OK’ Click ‘OK’ – the update is now ready to run. Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 59 1173/1 7.1.2 Alternative Step 1: Holiday Balance to Brought Forward This update looks at the existing holiday balance amount and transfers it to the holiday brought forward column. A calculation can be used to either carry forward the total amount of Holiday Balance, or to limit the amount of holiday that is brought forward to the new holiday year. Click the ‘Utilities’ menu Click ‘Global Update’ (If the Global Update ‘Holiday Balance to Brought Forward’ is already in the list you can select it and click ‘Edit’ to confirm that the setup of the update is correct) Click ‘New’ Enter “Holiday Balance to Brought Forward” in the ‘Name’ box Select ‘Personnel Records’ as the Base Table In the ‘Records’ section, select which records you would like to update (the most commonly used option here would be to use a filter of ‘Current Employees’ – Click the ‘Filter’ Radio button Click the Ellipse (three-dot) button to the right of ‘Filter’ Highlight ‘Current Employees’ from the list of filters Click ‘Select’) The Global Update screen should now look like this: Click on the ‘Columns’ tab At this point, either one of two types of calculation can be used; - to bring forward all outstanding holiday balance - to bring forward a limited amount of holiday balance Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 60 1173/1 To bring forward all outstanding holiday balance: Click ‘Add’ In the ‘Column’ section, select the ‘Holiday Brought Forward’ column Click ‘the ‘Column’ radio button Select the column of “Holiday Balance” from the drop-down list (as below) Click ‘OK’ Click ‘OK’ – the update should now appear like this: Click ‘OK’ - the update is now ready to run Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 61 1173/1 To bring forward a limited amount of holiday balance: Click ‘Add’ In the ‘Column’ section, select the ‘Holiday Brought Forward’ column Click ‘the ‘Calculation’ radio button Enter “Holiday balance limit to holiday brought forward” (or something similar) in the ‘Name’ box Click ‘Add’ and enter the following definition (the example below shows a maximum of 5 days to be carried over to the new holiday year) Click ‘OK’ Click ‘Select’ Click ‘OK’ - the update should now appear like this: Click ‘OK’ - the update is now ready to run. Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 62 1173/1 7.1.3 Step 2: Update Holiday Year This update will change the ‘Holiday Year Start’ date and ‘Holiday Year End’ date by incrementing the year of each date by a value of one. Click the ‘Utilities’ menu Click ‘Global Update’ (If the Global Update ‘Update Holiday Year’ is already in the list you can select it and click ‘Edit’ to confirm that the setup of the update is correct). Click ‘New’ Enter “Update Holiday Year” in the ‘Name’ box Select ‘Global Variables’ as the Base Table Set the ‘Records’ section to ‘All’ The Global Update screen should now look like this: Click the ‘Columns’ tab Click ‘Add’ Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 63 1173/1 Select a column of ‘Holiday Year Start’ Click the ‘Calculation’ radio button Click the Ellipse (three-dot) button to the right of ‘Calculation’ Click ‘New’ Enter “Increment Holiday Year Start” in the ‘Name’ box Add the following definition: Click ‘OK’ Click ‘Select’ Click ‘OK’ Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 64 1173/1 The Global Update screen should now look like this: Click ‘Add Select a column of ‘Holiday Year End’ Click the ‘Calculation’ radio button Click the Ellipse (three-dot) button to the right of ‘Calculation’ Click ‘New’ Enter “Increment Holiday Year End” in the ‘Name’ box Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 65 1173/1 Add the following definition: Click ‘OK’ Click ‘Select’ Click ‘OK’ Click ‘OK’ - the update is now ready to run Note that this will only update one record as it is on the Global Variables table. To check that you have the correct dates set you can go to the Database menu, then Lookup Table Screens and then choose Global Variables. Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 66 1173/1 7.1.4 Step 3: Force Personnel Update This update will refresh personnel records with any changes that have been made to the system – in this case it will refresh the Holiday Balance and Holiday Taken Columns (and the Holiday Entitlement column, if it is calculated) using the new Holiday year detail that has now been entered. Click the ‘Utilities’ menu Click ‘Global Update’ (If the Global Update ‘Force Personnel Update’ is already in the list you can select it and click ‘Edit’ to confirm that the setup of the update is correct). Click ‘New’ Enter “Force Personnel Update” in the ‘Name’ box Select ‘Personnel Records’ as the Base Table In the ‘Records’ section, select which records you would like to update (the most commonly used option here would be to use a filter of ‘Current Employees’ – Click the ‘Filter’ Radio button Click the Ellipse (three-dot) button to the right of ‘Filter’ Highlight ‘Current Employees’ from the list of filters Click ‘Select’) The Global Update screen should now look like this: Click on the ‘Columns’ tab Click ‘Add’ Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 67 1173/1 In the ‘Column’ section, select the ‘Surname’ column Click the ‘Column’ radio button Select the column of ‘Surname’ (as below) Click ‘OK’ Click ‘OK’ - the update is now ready to run. Once all required Global Updates have been created run them in the order in which they are listed at the top of this document. This should complete the process of updating the Holiday Year. NB: Please remember to check you have all the Bank holidays in your Bank holiday Table for the current year in order for your system to calculate any Absence correctly. If you have any problems with modifying your existing holiday year or need further assistance, please contact the Support Team on 08451 609 999 or by email at Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 68 1173/1 7.1.5 Adding Bank Holidays Please find below step-by-step instructions on how to add Bank Holidays to your OpenHR system. The best way to do this is through an Import. The process should be performed by someone that has attended the OpenHR Personnel Advanced User training course: 1. Check what Regions you have setup in your database by clicking on ‘Database’ and the ‘Regional Information’ table: 2. Setup a spreadsheet (as shown below) adding all of the Bank Holidays you want to add. Also if you have more than one region, you just need to change the Regional ID (you do not need separate spreadsheets): It is highly recommended to add future Bank Holiday dates as early as possible as this will have the least amount of absence records to update and therefore reduce the time the import takes to complete. Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 69 1173/1 3. Once you have the spreadsheet setup and saved, within Data Manager, choose Utilities from the main menu and select Import. Create a new Import definition as shown below: The columns tab. Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 70 1173/1 4. On the Options tab ensure that you click on the ellipse and select the spreadsheet destination and if you have setup the spreadsheet with ‘Headers’ please also ensure that you have chosen the appropriate number of ‘Header Lines to Ignore’: Once the Import definition is setup, ensure that a Backup has been taken of your database before running the Import. We suggest that the best time to run the Import is at the very end of the day when there are no other users logged into the system - you can leave it to run overnight. The reason for this is that as the Bank Holidays are entered, the Import has to look at any of the effected absence entries and calculations and update them as necessary, so it can be quite a lengthy process if adding Holiday dates mid-year. It is recommended to add Bank Holiday dates well in advance of the current year as this will have the least amount of absence entries to update and therefore reduce the completion time of the import. Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 71 1173/1 8 8.1 OpenHR Data Manager Security Login Screen There is a checkbox on the login screen to specify that OpenHR should pick up the current logged on Windows user account, and attempt to connect to the database using that information: 8.2 Change Password SQL users can change their passwords by selecting ‘Change Password’ from the Administration menu in OpenHR Data Manager. If users are logged in using Windows Authentication then the change password menu option is disabled. This is because the password for the user is controlled by the domain and not the SQL server. 8.3 Bypass Login You can bypass the OpenHR Data Manager login screen and log straight into the last selected database and server with a ‘trusted’ connection by ticking the ‘Bypass prompt for logon details’ checkbox, which is found in OpenHR Data Manager on the PC Configuration Screen. This screen is accessed by choosing ‘PC Configuration’ from the ‘Administration’ menu. Note: This feature is disabled if the user is logged in using a SQL login. Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 72 1173/1 8.4 Log Off Selecting Log Off from the Database menu returns you to the login screen even if ‘bypass prompt for logon details’ is enabled or any command line parameters have been specified. 8.5 Self Service / Line Manager Access All intranet users must have their full SQL or Windows username (including domain name) entered onto their employee record. This information is used by SQL and IIS to match the logged in user to their personnel record. 8.6 Users in Multiple Groups 1. Physical Access via SQL Server client tools As a windows user logs into a SQL database, the server attempts to amalgamate all of the security permissions it can find. In OpenHR it reads the security settings from the Data Permissions in Security Manager. OpenHR will only apply one Windows group hence the data permissions could be more extensive if they access the OpenHR database directly (e.g. Crystal Reports or Query Analyser). 2. Transfer of Ownership when deleting Groups Object ownership is handled by username and not by the group login defined in Security Manager. For example group Advanced\Marketing is given access to the database, users JSmith and PBrown can log in as they are members of the Advanced\Marketing group. If the Advanced\Marketing group is deleted from Security Manager then when attempting to transfer ownership it won’t find any owned objects. The problem is further compounded if a new user is added with the name of an existing user (in this case a JSmith) as they will ‘inherit’ objects created by the existing user. 3. Order of Groups applied When logging into OpenHR, the first attempt for login is the individual login name. If this is found then that is the permission level applied. It then scans through the Windows Groups that the Windows User is a member of and systematically attempts to login using that group login. The systematic order can vary from machine to machine depending on factors such as the operating system and the order in which the user was added to which groups. Further because different APIs are used in the client modules and the Intranet modules the same windows login could have different effects on Data Manager and the Intranet Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 73 1173/1 9 Contacting the Support Team Should you require clarification or help on anything contained in this manual, there are three ways of contacting the Support Team: 9.1 Contacting the Support Team by telephone The Support Team operates from 09:00 until 17:30, Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays. The direct line telephone number is 08451 609 999 (from UK), +44 (0)1932 590 721 (International) 9.2 Contacting the Support Team by email The Support Team can be emailed at Always include the following information when emailing the Support Team: 9.3 Your name Your company Your contact telephone number Details of the problem or query Via our Web Access 24 hours a day 7 days a week Please give as much information as you can when providing details of the problem or query as this will help us to identify a solution as quickly as possible. A member of the Support Team will respond to the query as soon as possible and will issue you with a Support Call Reference number. This should be quoted in all future correspondence regarding the issue in question. Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 74 1173/1 10 Appendix A – Self-service Intranet Configuration File Example The following is an example configuration file. +----------------------------+ | DATABASE/SERVER | +----------------------------+ server=<YOUR SERVER> database=<YOUR DATABASE> +----------------------------+ | GENERAL | +----------------------------+ generaltheme=VioletBlue banner-colour=white banner-justification=justify banner-graphic-left-width= banner-graphic-right-width= +----------------------------+ | LOGIN PAGE | +----------------------------+ loginframetheme=Blanco logintext-font=Verdana logintext-colour=#333366 logintext-size=8 logintext-bold= logintext-italics= loginbuttontext-font=Verdana loginbuttontext-colour=#333366 loginbuttontext-size=8 loginbuttontext-bold=bold loginbuttontext-italics= headerbar-colour=#E9EEF7 headerbar-border-bottom-colour=#992B99 +----------------------------+ | LINKS PAGE | | HYPERTEXT LINKS | +----------------------------+ hypertext-framewidth=200 hypertexttitletext= hypertexttitletext-font=Verdana hypertexttitletext-colour=#333366 hypertexttitletext-size=10 hypertexttitletext-bold=bold hypertexttitletext-italics= hypertextlink-displaytype=bulletedlist hypertextlinkseparator-alignment=center hypertextlinkseparator-font=Verdana hypertextlinkseparator-colour=#333366 Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 75 1173/1 hypertextlinkseparator-size=10 hypertextlinkseparator-bold=bold hypertextlinkseparator-italics= hypertextlinktext-font=Verdana hypertextlinktext-colour=#333366 hypertextlinktext-size=8 hypertextlinktext-bold= hypertextlinktext-italics= hypertextlinktext-highlightcolour=#ff9608 +----------------------------+ | LINKS PAGE | | DASHBOARD LINKS | +----------------------------+ linkspagebutton-colourtheme=VioletBlue linkspagetitletext-predescription= linkspagetitletext-postdescription= linkspagetitletext-font=Verdana linkspagetitletext-colour=#333366 linkspagetitletext-size=16 linkspagetitletext-bold=bold linkspagetitletext-italics= linkspageprompttext-font=Verdana linkspageprompttext-colour=#333366 linkspageprompttext-size=10 linkspageprompttext-bold=bold linkspageprompttext-italics= linkspagebutton-displaytype= linkspagebuttonseparator-alignment=center linkspagebuttonseparator-font=Verdana linkspagebuttonseparator-colour=#333366 linkspagebuttonseparator-size=10 linkspagebuttonseparator-bold=bold linkspagebuttonseparator-italics= linkspagebuttonseparator-bordercolour=#E9EEF7 linkspagebuttontext-font=Verdana linkspagebuttontext-colour=#333366 linkspagebuttontext-size=8 linkspagebuttontext-bold= linkspagebuttontext-italics= linkspagebuttontext-alignment= linkspagelmlinksprompttext-font=Verdana linkspagelmlinksprompttext-colour=#333366 linkspagelmlinksprompttext-size=10 linkspagelmlinksprompttext-bold=bold linkspagelmlinksprompttext-italics= linkspagelmlinksbuttontext-font=Verdana linkspagelmlinksbuttontext-colour=#333366 linkspagelmlinksbuttontext-size=8 linkspagelmlinksbuttontext-bold= linkspagelmlinksbuttontext-italics= linkspagelmlinksbuttontext-alignment= Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 76 1173/1 +----------------------------+ | LINKS PAGE | | DROPDOWN LIST LINKS | +----------------------------+ linkspagetext-yesbuttons= linkspagetext-nobuttons= linkspagetext-font=Verdana linkspagetext-colour=#333366 linkspagetext-size=8 linkspagetext-bold=bold linkspagetext-italics= linkspagedroptext-font=Verdana linkspagedroptext-colour=#333366 linkspagedroptext-size=10 linkspagedroptext-bold= linkspagedroptext-italics= linkspagegotext-font=Verdana linkspagegotext-colour=#333366 linkspagegotext-size=12 linkspagegotext-bold=bold linkspagegotext-italics= linkspagegotext-highlightcolour=#ff9608 +----------------------------+ | RECORD EDIT PAGE | +----------------------------+ receditpagetitletext-font=Verdana receditpagetitletext-colour=#333366 receditpagetitletext-size=16 receditpagetitletext-bold=bold receditpagetitletext-italics= receditpagepositiontext-font=Verdana receditpagepositiontext-colour=#333366 receditpagepositiontext-size=10 receditpagepositiontext-bold=bold receditpagepositiontext-italics= recedittablinktext-font=Verdana recedittablinktext-colour=#333366 recedittablinktext-size=8 recedittabsellinktext-font=Verdana recedittabsellinktext-colour=#333366 recedittabsellinktext-size=8 +----------------------------+ | FIND/STAFF SELECTION PAGE | +----------------------------+ grid-blocksize=1000 findpagetitletext-font=Verdana findpagetitletext-colour=#333366 findpagetitletext-size=16 findpagetitletext-bold=bold Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 77 1173/1 findpagetitletext-italics= findpagegrid-headforecolour=white findpagegrid-headbackcolour=#333366 findpagegrid-highlightforecolour=#333366 findpagegrid-highlightbackcolour=#E9EEF7 findpagegrid-evenforecolour=#333366 findpagegrid-evenbackcolour=white findpagegrid-oddforecolour=#333366 findpagegrid-oddbackcolour=white findpagegrid-font=Verdana findpagegrid-size=10 findpagegrid-bold= findpagegrid-italics= findpagesummarytitletext= findpagesummarytitletext-font=Verdana findpagesummarytitletext-colour=#333366 findpagesummarytitletext-size=10 findpagesummarytitletext-bold=bold findpagesummarytitletext-italics= findpagesummaryprompttext-font=Verdana findpagesummaryprompttext-colour=#333366 findpagesummaryprompttext-size=8 findpagesummaryprompttext-bold= findpagesummaryprompttext-italics= findpagesummarytext-font=Verdana findpagesummarytext-colour=#333366 findpagesummarytext-size=8 findpagesummarytext-bold= findpagesummarytext-italics= findpagesummarytext-backcolour=#f6f5f3 findpagepositiontext-font=Verdana findpagepositiontext-colour=#333366 findpagepositiontext-size=10 findpagepositiontext-bold=bold findpagepositiontext-italics= findpagelocatetext-font=Verdana findpagelocatetext-colour=#333366 findpagelocatetext-size=10 findpagelocatetext-bold= findpagelocatetext-italics= findpagelocateprompttext= findpagelocateprompttext-font=Verdana findpagelocateprompttext-colour=#333366 findpagelocateprompttext-size=10 findpagelocateprompttext-bold=bold findpagelocateprompttext-italics= findpagelocateprompttext-highlightcolour=#ff9608 findpagecomboprompttext-font=Verdana findpagecomboprompttext-colour=#333366 findpagecomboprompttext-size=10 findpagecomboprompttext-bold= Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 78 1173/1 findpagecomboprompttext-italics= findpagecombotext-font=Verdana findpagecombotext-colour=black findpagecombotext-size=10 findpagecombotext-bold= findpagecombotext-italics= findpagegotext-font=Verdana findpagegotext-colour=#333366 findpagegotext-size=10 findpagegotext-bold=bold findpagegotext-italics= findpagegotext-highlightcolour=#ff9608 +----------------------------+ | OLE SETTINGS | +----------------------------+ OLEUploadPath=\\<SERVERNAME>\<SHARENAME>$\ OLEDefaultServerPath=<PATH> OLEDefaultLocalPath=<PATH> OLEDefaultPhotoPath=<PATH> olepagegrid-highlightforecolour=#333366 olepagegrid-highlightbackcolour=#E9EEF7 olepagegrid-evenforecolour=#333366 olepagegrid-evenbackcolour=white olepagegrid-oddforecolour=#333366 olepagegrid-oddbackcolour=white +----------------------------+ | POPUP PAGE | +----------------------------+ popuptitletext-font=Verdana popuptitletext-colour=#333366 popuptitletext-size=16 popuptitletext-bold=bold popuptitletext-italics= popupsubtitletext-font=Verdana popupsubtitletext-colour=#333366 popupsubtitletext-size=10 popupsubtitletext-bold=bold popupsubtitletext-italics= popuptext-font=Verdana popuptext-colour=#333366 popuptext-size=10 popuptext-bold= popuptext-italics= +----------------------------+ | WORKFLOW SETTINGS | +----------------------------+ workflowpendingstepstitletext= workflowpendingstepslinktext= workflowoutofofficelinktext= Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 79 1173/1 +----------------------------+ | DOCUMENT DISPLAY AREA | +----------------------------+ documentdisplayprompttext=Click to view documentdisplayprompttext-font=Verdana documentdisplayprompttext-colour=#333366 documentdisplayprompttext-size=8 documentdisplayprompttext-bold= documentdisplayprompttext-italics= documentdisplayhyperlinktext-font=Verdana documentdisplayhyperlinktext-colour=#333366 documentdisplayhyperlinktext-size=10 documentdisplayhyperlinktext-bold=bold documentdisplayhyperlinktext-italics= Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 80 1173/1 11 Appendix B – HTML Recognised Colour Names The following table lists the HTML recognised colours supported as of Internet Explorer 4.0. Note: The HTML recognised colours use inconsistent spelling for the colour grey. Some grey-based colours are spelt with an ‘a’ (darkgray, darkslategray, dimgray, gray, lightslategray, slategray); one is spelt with an ‘e’ (lightgrey). When using these names to customise the Self-service Intranet module it is important to use the spelling as listed in this document. aliceblue (#F0F8FF) antiquewhite (#FAEBD7) aqua (#00FFFF) aquamarine (#7FFFD4) azure (#F0FFFF) beige (#F5F5DC) bisque (#FFE4C4) black (#000000) blanchedalmond blue (#FFEBCD) (#0000FF) blueviolet (#8A2BE2) brown (#A52A2A) burlywood (#DEB887) cadetblue (#5F9EA0) chartreuse (#7FFF00) chocolate (#D2691E) coral (#FF7F50) cornflowerblue cornsilk (#6495ED) (#FFF8DC) crimson (#DC143C) cyan (#00FFFF) darkblue (#00008B) darkcyan (#008B8B) darkgoldenrod (#B8860B) darkgray (#A9A9A9) darkgreen (#006400) darkkhaki (#BDB76B) darkmagenta (#8B008B) darkolivegreen (#556B2F) darkorange (#FF8C00) darkorchid (#9932CC) darkred (#8B0000) darksalmon (#E9967A) darkseagreen (#8FBC8B) darkslateblue (#483D8B) darkslategray (#2F4F4F) darkturquoise (#00CED1) darkviolet (#9400D3) deeppink (#FF1493) deepskyblue (#00BFFF) dimgray (#696969) dodgerblue (#1E90FF) firebrick (#B22222) floralwhite (#FFFAF0) forestgreen (#228B22) fuchsia (#FF00FF) gainsboro (#DCDCDC) ghostwhite (#F8F8FF) gold (#FFD700) goldenrod (#DAA520) gray (#808080) green (#008000) greenyellow (#ADFF2F) honeydew (#F0FFF0) hotpink (#FF69B4) indianred (#CD5C5C) indigo (#4B0082) ivory (#FFFFF0) khaki (#F0E68C) lavender (#E6E6FA) lavenderblush (#FFF0F5) lawngreen (#7CFC00) lemonchiffon (#FFFACD) lightblue (#ADD8E6) lightcoral (#F08080) lightcyan (#E0FFFF) lightgoldenrodyellow lightgreen (#FAFAD2) (#90EE90) lightgrey (#D3D3D3) lightpink (#FFB6C1) lightsalmon (#FFA07A) lightseagreen (#20B2AA) lightskyblue (#87CEFA) lightslategray (#778899) lightsteelblue (#B0C4DE) lightyellow (#FFFFE0) lime (#00FF00) limegreen (#32CD32) linen (#FAF0E6) magenta (#FF00FF) Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 81 1173/1 maroon (#800000) mediumaquamarine mediumblue (#66CDAA) (#0000CD) mediumpurple (#9370DB) mediumseagreen (#3CB371) mediumorchid (#BA55D3) mediumslateblue mediumspringgreen (#7B68EE) (#00FA9A) mediumturquoise mediumvioletred (#48D1CC) (#C71585) midnightblue (#191970) mintcream (#F5FFFA) mistyrose (#FFE4E1) moccasin (#FFE4B5) navajowhite (#FFDEAD) navy (#000080) oldlace (#FDF5E6) olive (#808000) olivedrab (#6B8E23) orange (#FFA500) orangered (#FF4500) orchid (#DA70D6) palegoldenrod (#EEE8AA) palegreen (#98FB98) paleturquoise (#AFEEEE) palevioletred (#DB7093) papayawhip (#FFEFD5) peachpuff (#FFDAB9) peru (#CD853F) pink (#FFC0CB) plum (#DDA0DD) powderblue (#B0E0E6) purple (#800080) red (#FF0000) rosybrown (#BC8F8F) royalblue (#4169E1) saddlebrown (#8B4513) salmon (#FA8072) sandybrown (#F4A460) seagreen (#2E8B57) seashell (#FFF5EE) sienna (#A0522D) silver (#C0C0C0) skyblue (#87CEEB) slateblue (#6A5ACD) slategray (#708090) snow (#FFFAFA) springgreen (#00FF7F) steelblue (#4682B4) tan (#D2B48C) teal (#008080) thistle (#D8BFD8) tomato (#FF6347) turquoise (#40E0D0) violet (#EE82EE) wheat (#F5DEB3) white (#FFFFFF) whitesmoke (#F5F5F5) yellow (#FFFF00) yellowgreen (#9ACD32) Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 82 1173/1 12 Appendix C – Self-service Intranet Theme Colour Names The following table lists the names, colours and hexadecimal values of the predefined themes that can be used by the Self-service Intranet module. Note: The theme colours use inconsistent spelling for the colour grey. Some grey-based colours are spelt with an ‘e’ (greyskyblue, richgrey, violetgrey, violetgreyer); one is spelt with an ‘a’ (darkgray) to be consistent with the matching HTML colour name (see note in Appendix B). When using these names to customise the Self-service Intranet module it is important to use the spelling as listed in this document. Aliceblue #F0F8FF R: 240 G: 248 B: 255 Antiquewhite #FAEBD7 R: 250 G: 235 B: 215 Aqua #00FFFF R: 0 G: 255 B: 255 Azure #F0FFFF R: 240 G: 255 B: 255 Black #000000 R: 0 G: 0 B: 0 Blanco #FFFFFF R: 255 G: 255 B: 255 Blue #6699CC R: 102 G: 153 B: 204 Burlywood #DEB887 R: 222 G: 184 B: 135 Chocolate #D2691E R :210 G: 105 B: 30 Damson #7D388A R: 125 G: 56 B: 138 Darkgray #A9A9A9 R: 169 G: 169 B: 169 Darkkhaki #BDB76B R: 189 G: 183 B: 107 Darkorange #FF8C00 R: 255 G: 140 B: 0 Darkseagreen #8FBC8B R: 143 G: 188 B: 139 Darkviolet #9400D3 R: 148 G: 0 B: 211 DeepRed #C90016 R: 201 G: 0 B: 22 DeepSkyBlue #00BFFF R: 0 G: 191 B: 255 DodgerBlue #1E90FF R: 30 G: 144 B: 255 Forestgreen #228B22 R: 34 G: 139 B: 34 Gold #FFD700 R: 255 G: 215 B: 0 GreySkyBlue #DEE7EF R: 222 G :231 B: 239 Ivy #A6B540 R: 166 G: 181 B: 64 LightSkyBlue #87CEFA R: 135 G: 206 B: 250 Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 83 1173/1 Limegreen #32CD32 R: 50 G: 205 B: 50 Maroon #700017 R: 112 G: 0 B: 23 MidnightNavy #330066 R: 51 G: 0 B: 102 Navy #000080 R: 0 G: 0 B: 128 Navy2 #000099 R: 0 G: 0 B: 153 Olive #CCCC99 R: 204 G: 201 B: 144 PantoneBlue #003F6E R: 0 G: 63 B: 110 PantoneGold #F7C046 R: 247 G: 192 B: 70 Raspberry #C71444 R: 199 G :20 B: 68 Red #CC3300 R: 204 G: 51 B: 0 Red2 #FF0000 R: 255 G: 0 B: 0 RichGrey #807A6E R: 128 G: 122 B: 110 RipeTomato #DF0029 R: 223 G: 0 B: 41 Teal #008080 R: 0 G: 128 B: 128 Teal2 #009999 R: 0 G: 153 B: 153 TuscanOrange #F39900 R: 243 G: 153 B: 0 VioletBlue #B0B2F5 R: 176 G: 178 B: 245 VioletGrey #CFCCE5 R: 207 G: 204 B: 229 VioletGreyer #C8C9E4 R: 200 G: 201 B: 228 Advanced Business Software & Solutions Ltd Page 84 1173/1