Thank You! - Rady Children`s Hospital Foundation
Thank You! - Rady Children`s Hospital Foundation
Sponsorship Your chance to profoundly affect the lives of children. Union-Tribune Kids’ NewsDay is a special edition of the Union-Tribune that covers the advances being made and lives being changed at Rady Children’s Hospital–San Diego. On Tuesday, October 19, 2010, the 21st annual Union-Tribune Kids’ NewsDay hits the streets. And along with it, will be thousands of generous volunteers who will sell the special $1 edition of the Union-Tribune on street corners throughout San Diego. All proceeds benefit Rady Children’s Hospital–San Diego. Your participation helps kids in a very real way. When you become a sponsor, you help ensure the success of Union-Tribune Kids’ NewsDay by providing needed funds for Rady Children’s. And you benefit with positive media exposure for your business. You’ll reach thousands of consumers while promoting your dedication to the kids of San Diego, Imperial and South Riverside counties. Please call (858) 966-8582 or complete and return the enclosed Sponsorship Opportunities form today. For more information, visit Thank You! Circle of Support When you sponsor Union-Tribune Kids’ NewsDay, you’re joining hundreds of businesses that care about kids in San Diego. We hope you’ll join past participants: A Copy World Ayres Advisors Channel 933 Charlotte Russe CHASE Chula Vista Police Department Enlace EXA FM 91.7 IHOP KOGO 600 AM KPRI 102.1 KyXy 96.5 La Nueva 106.5 Magic 92.5 Marrokal Meketa Investment Group NBC 7/39 A special partnership between The San Diego Union-Tribune, NBC 7/39 and Rady Children’s Hospital Auxiliary Tuesday, October 19, 2010 New Country 95.7 Radio Latina 104.5 Ralphs RCP Block and Brick Relaxx Dry Cleaning San Diego City and County Fire Departments San Diego Kiwanis San Diego Sheriffs Department Sir Speedy Clairemont/ Kearny Mesa Starbucks The San Diego Union-Tribune UPS-Store Velocity Express Walmart Z90.3 FM About Rady ary Children’s Hospital Auxili group of xiliary is a dedicated Rady Children’s Hospital Au g rs committed to supportin more than 1,200 voluntee ocacy, adv h oug thr go Die San Rady Children’s Hospital– g. education and fundraisin Day, now Union-Tribune Kids’ News t has a tha g din fun in its 21st year, provides and e car t ien pat on act direct imp community education. quest to care We hope you’ll join us in our ting por sup by s kid for Day. Union-Tribune Kids’ News joining the For more information on 966-5887. 8) (85 l cal ase Auxiliary, ple Help Rady Children’s Hospital meet the needs of more than 143,000 kids each year. Sponsorship Opportunities Sponsorship Levels 15,000 $ Newspaper Advertising • Your logo displayed in 15 full-color Union-Tribune Kids’ NewsDay ads in The San Diego Union-Tribune. • Full-page color ad in the Union-Tribune Kids’ NewsDay section ($5882 value). • Special recognition in the Union-Tribune Kids’ NewsDay section, October 19. • Your logo displayed in a full-page “Thank You” ad in The San Diego Union-Tribune. TV Advertising •Your logo tagged on NBC 7/39 Union-Tribune Kids’ NewsDay promotional spots that will run a minimum of 45 times ($20,000 value). •Listing in credits of Rady Children’s corporate television broadcast. Other Benefits • 1,000 Union-Tribune Kids’ NewsDay papers delivered to your business. • Four corporate tickets to the 2011 Miracle Makers Gala, which includes corporate recognition in the printed program, corporate signage at your table and audio/ visual recognition. • Permanent inclusion in the “Donor Recognition System” in Rady Children’s Rose Pavilion. • Invitation to Miracle Makers Celebration. • Listing in Miracle Makers ad in Union-Tribune Kids’ NewsDay. • Invitation to Rady Children’s Hospital Annual Meeting. 10,000 Union-Tribune Kids’ NewsDay is Tuesday, October 19, 2010. 5,000 2,500 $ $ $ Newspaper Advertising Newspaper Advertising Newspaper Advertising • Your logo displayed in 12 full-color Union-Tribune Kids’ NewsDay ads in The San Diego Union-Tribune. • Half-page black & white ad in the Union-Tribune Kids’ NewsDay section ($2520 value). • Special recognition in the Union-Tribune Kids’ NewsDay section, October 19. • Your logo displayed in a full-page “Thank You” ad in The San Diego Union-Tribune. TV Advertising • Your logo tagged on NBC 7/39 UnionTribune Kids’ NewsDay promotional spots that will run a minimum of 20 times ($10,000 value). Other Benefits • 750 Union-Tribune Kids’ NewsDay papers delivered to your business. • Permanent inclusion in the “Donor Recognition System” in Rady Children’s Rose Pavilion. • Invitation to Miracle Makers Celebration. • Listing in Miracle Makers ad in UnionTribune Kids’ NewsDay. • Invitation to Rady Children’s Hospital Annual Meeting. For advertising in the Union-Tribune Kids’ NewsDay section, call (619) 293-2163. For more information, call (858) 966-8582, e-mail us at or visit today! •Your logo displayed in 9 full-color Union-Tribune Kids’ NewsDay ads in The San Diego Union-Tribune. •Quarter-page black & white ad in the Union-Tribune Kids’ NewsDay section ($1260 value). •Special recognition in The UnionTribune Kids’ NewsDay section, October 19. •Your logo displayed in a full-page “Thank You” ad in The San Diego Union-Tribune. Other Benefits •500 Union-Tribune Kids’ NewsDay papers delivered to your business. •Inclusion for one year in the “Donor Recognition System” in Rady Children’s Rose Pavilion. •Invitation to Miracle Makers Celebration. •Listing in Miracle Makers ad in Union-Tribune Kids’ NewsDay. • Invitation to Rady Children’s Hospital Annual Meeting. •Your logo displayed in selected Union-Tribune Kids’ NewsDay ads in The San Diego Union-Tribune. •Special recognition in the Union-Tribune Kids’ NewsDay section, October 19. •Your logo displayed in a full-page “Thank You” ad in The San Diego Union-Tribune. Other Benefits •350 Union-Tribune Kids’ NewsDay papers delivered to your business. •Inclusion for one year in the “Donor Recognition System” in Rady Children’s Rose Pavilion. 1,000 to 2,499 $ Newspaper Advertising •Your name mentioned in selected Union-Tribune Kids’ NewsDay ads in The San Diego Union-Tribune. •Special recognition in the Union-Tribune Kids’ NewsDay section, October 19. • Your name in the Circle of Affection donors’ section in a full-page “Thank You” ad in The San Diego Union-Tribune. Other Benefits Sponsorship Opportunities Y ou can help Rady Children’s Hospital–San Diego through one of these sponsorship levels. Time restrictions may apply, so please select your level today. We know you’ll enjoy the advertising benefits, as well as the satisfaction of helping ill and injured children. Please indicate your sponsorship level and mail this form to Rady Children’s Hospital Auxiliary or call us at (858) 966-8582. Major Sponsors Circle of Affection ■ $15,000 ■ Platinum ($1,000-$2,499) ■ $10,000 ■ Gold ($500-$999) ■ $5,000 ■ Silver ($250-$499) ■ $2,500 ■ Bronze ($100-$249) Name below will appear in Union-Tribune “Thank You” ad. (Name must be received by October 1, 2010.) CONTACT NAME CONTACT’S DAYTIME PHONE E-MAIL ADDRESS Auxiliary Unit (if applicable) • 200 Union-Tribune Kids’ NewsDay papers delivered to your business. • Inclusion for one year in the “Donor Recognition System” in Rady Children’s Rose Pavilion. Mail this form with your check, made payable to RCHA-KND, to: Rady Children’s Hospital Auxiliary Union-Tribune Kids’ NewsDay 3020 Children’s Way MC 5013 San Diego, CA 92123-4282 PR30856
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