Metocean Research at Ifremer
Metocean Research at Ifremer
Hydrodynamics & Metocean RDT/HO lfremer Brest Boulogne/Mer 1 lfremer Hydrodynamics & Metocean 2 Hydrodynamics Ocean engineering basin in Brest lfremer Water circulation tank in Boulogne sur Mer 3 Hydrodynamics lfremer Water circulation tank in Boulogne sur Mer 4 Hydrodynamics Ocean engineering basin in Brest Wedge type generator lfremer Porous damping beach 50m 0 10m 20m 12,5m 0.8 T 3s H 55cm H s 30cm Sea water 5 Hydrodynamics Publications : Barge pour environnement Brésil : essais en bassin M. LE BOULLUEC, C. MAISONDIEU, Du PLESSIX G., CORDEAU C. Actes 10ème Journées de l'Hydrodynamique, Nantes, Mars 2005 Well head production floater : Experimental and numerical investigation M. LE BOULLUEC, C. MAISONDIEU, Du PLESSIX G., CORDEAU C. Proc. OMAE 2005, Halkidiki, Grèce, Juin 2005 lfremer Well Head Production Floater WHPF ® Moon Pool Run up 6 Hydrodynamics Well Head Production Floater WHPF ® Head seas Diffraction & Radiation AQUA+ lfremer Free surface elevation measurements at 24 locations Quartering seas Beam seas 7 lfremer Metocean 8 lfremer Metocean 9 lfremer Metocean 10 lfremer Metocean 11 Metocean W est A frica S well P roject Characterization of swell spectra in West Africa -> statistics of non-linear roll movements -> statistics of low frequency behavior (QTF) lfremer Design of FPSO FPSO (Floating Production Storage & Offloading) 12 lfremer Metocean 13 Sea States description Advanced Multimodal parametric representation of complex sea-states : Complex sea-states consist in superimposition of at least 2 wave systems lfremer (wind-sea+swell, 2 or more swells…) S(f,) in i1 F Hsi,Tpi, i, i 14 lfremer Sea States partitioning Development of tools for sea-states partitioning. After the partitioning process, a sea-state can be described as a summation of spectral functions characterised by quintuplets of parameters : S(f,) i n i 1 F Hsi,Tpi, i, i, i 15 Sea States description lfremer Multi-modal parametric representation S(f,) in i1 F Hsi,Tpi, i, i 16 Sea States description Major outputs : -Parametric representation of each wave system (synthetic database) -Statistics of wave systems (Climatologies) lfremer -Wind-sea/swell systems identification (Sea-states classification) Directional Spreading 17 lfremer Wave Power Harnessing SEAREV Wave energy Converter Point Absorber type Annual mean produced power Captured wave power Ph ([fpi, Hsi, i, i, i] ) Ph ([fp, Hs, , , ] ) 18 Standard Fatigue Design Procedure : lfremer Usual (H, T, θ ) is no longer sufficient We cannot avoid moving to a wave systems database: H1,T1,1, H2,T2,2, H3,T3,3, joint probability of occurrence 19 Sea States Time Evolution Wind-sea events Statistic description of events lfremer Time tracking of Swell & 20 Spatiotemporal coherence of Wave Systems from multi-system analysis : Extraction of WS in several sea points (available dir. spectra) at each time step using partitionning process Time tracking of identified structures >> Algorithm for the automatic space and time tracking of WS (illustration in the Bay of Biscay, 9 points) lfremer WS grouping into homogeneous SW and W-S structures 21 Spatiotemporal coherence of Wave Systems from multi-system analysis : Space-coherent structures Time-coherent spatial structures Vector field representation lfremer Multi-variable Co-variogram the space-coherence decreases with inter-distance 22 Drift Forecast Model lfremer Quality of environmental forecast data FORECAST HF Radar 23 lfremer PREVIMER French coastal operational forecasting system Objectives • PREVIMER provides coastal synoptic observations and 4 to 6 day forecast in regional areas (the English Channel, the Bay of Biscay and NW Mediterranean) down to very local areas on the following parameters: – direction and intensity of currents, – sea-surface and bottom temperature, – sea level and storm surge, – waves: frequency, direction and height, – salinity, – nutrients and phytoplankton concentration, – water quality… • 2006-2007 : phase 1 based on demonstrators • 2008-2012 : phase 2 toward an operational system 24 PREVIMER French coastal operational forecasting system Spatial data SST, Ocean colour Reference data Bathymetry (SHOM, IFREMER), coastline PREVIMER Models 7 models, 1 run per day 1 waves model, 2 runs per day CDOCO Monitoring of the system Model results = NetCDF files (24 Gigabytes per day) Delayed mode Forcing data River flow, rainfall and evapotranspiration, atmospheric data, model results (MERCATOR, WW3,…), climatologies Real time Quality checks lfremer PREVIMER Web site Forecasts on currents, waves, sea level, temperature and salinity on the French coastline at different scales. In situ data Vessel data (CTD,TSG, ADCP, …) T,S (Recopesca, island Network) Tide Gauge (SHOM) Swell buoys (CETMEF, Météo-France) Turbidity buoy (MOLIT) Marel Buoys (Roslit, Gironde) Radars (VIGICOTE) Archive RDBMS + hard disk Data users Access through FTP, OpenDap, Thredds, http 25 PREVIMER French coastal operational forecasting system lfremer Better Wave forecast with current forcing 26 lfremer Ocean Space Laboratory CERSAT (Centre ERS d'Archivage et de Traitement French ERS Processing and Archiving Facility) is part of IFREMER. It was created in 1991 as a node of the ESA (European Space Agency) ground segment for the ERS-1 and ERS-2 Earth observation satellites, performing off-line processing of the ERS-1 and ERS-2 "low-bit rate" sensors. CERSAT has then evolved towards a multi-mission data centre for archiving, processing and validating data from spaceborne sensors (such as altimeters, scatterometers, radiometers, SAR,...). It is intended for the oceanographic community, making available homogeneous time series of value-added data relevant to the sea surface state (wind fields, fluxes, waves or sea-ice). Pierre Queffeulou 27 Ocean Space Laboratory lfremer GlobWave The ESA GlobWave project is a three year initiative funded by the European Space Agency (and subsidised by CNES) to service the needs of satellite wave product users across the globe. The project will provide free access to satellite wave data and products in a common format, both historical and in near real time from various European and American satellites. The project aims to stimulate increased use and analysis of satellite wave products. In addition to common format satellite data GlobWave shall provide comparisons with in situ measurements, interactive data analysis tools and an enhanced wave forecast verification scheme for operational forecast production centres. 28 Hydrodynamics & Metocean lfremer Thank You 29
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