1 AMERICAN SEGMENTAL BRIDGE INSTITUTE SEGMENTS INSIDE Editorial COMMUNICATION NEWS “Design and Construction of Segmental Concrete Bridges for Service Life of 100 to 150 Years” New Member...............................................2 2005 & 2006 Construction Practices Seminars .................2 2005 ASBI Bridge Award of Excellence Winners......................................2 2005-2006 ASBI Convention.......................3 2006 ASBI Directory...................................3 2006 ASBI Grouting Certification Training..................................3 2006 Grouting Recertification.......................3 2006 Meeting of the AASHTO Subcommittee on Bridges and Structures......4 2006 fib Congress, Naples, Italy...................4 Caltrans Training Program on Segmental Concrete Bridge...........................................4 Jane Chmielinski named as President of DMJM Harris..............................................4 PROJECT NEWS Maroon Creek Bridge, CO...........................5 Benicia – Martinez Bridge, CA ...............5, 6 San Francisco – Oakland Bay Bridge, CA..........................6, 7 Penobscot River Bridge, ME................7, 8, 9 Woodrow Wilson Bridge, Washington, D.C. .......................................9 Four Bears Bridge, ND........................10, 11 Maumee River Bridge, OH........................11 I-10 spans over Lake Pontchartrain, LA..............................11 Seattle Sound Transit Light Rail Project, WA . ............................. 12 Victory Bridge, NJ.....................................13 Ernest Lyons Bridge, FL............................ 14 Susquehanna River Bridge, PA.............14, 15 Otay River Bridge, CA.............................. 16 The title of this editorial is the title of a presentation by Steen Rostam* at the 2005 ASBI Convention. This paper is included with this edition of the ASBI newsletter. Contrary to assertions by some U.S. interests, this paper indicates: “The challenge of providing factual service life design documenting 100 to 150 or more years design life can be achieved and at times this is surprisingly easy”. To encourage your detailed review and consideration of this information, following is a partial quotation of the conclusion of this paper: “The complexity of designing well performing, low maintenance and long-lived concrete structures has been presented in this paper. It highlights the multidisciplinary set of problems to be solved by the designer in order to ensure truly long service life with minimal maintenance of concrete structures. However, the descriptions of the individual measures needed to achieve this goal have also been shown to be relatively simple - in most cases surprisingly simple - and using well-known methods, materials and technology. The real challenge is in fact twofold: 1. The owner shall formulate performance requirements to the structure in a format that can be translated into a quantified design basis, taking the long term effects or consequences, including acceptable needs for maintenance, into account technically as well as in the economic evaluations. 2. The designer and the contractor need to combine readily available knowledge from design, construction, materials technology and deterioration mechanisms into an integral solution adapted to the individual structure in its foreseen environment. Our daily terminology using “durable concrete” and discussing “High Performance Concrete” is misleading. In fact, no one cares very much about high performance concrete (except maybe the cement, concrete and admixture producers) but what we all need is High Performance Concrete Structures, and that is a completely different challenge, as highlighted in this paper.” *Chief Engineer, MSc PhD, COWI A/S, Denmark. Chairman fib Commission 5 “Structural Service Life Aspects” Volume 47 Winter 2006 Editorial by Cliff Freyermuth Manager, ASBI COMMUNICATION NEWS New ASBI Member 2005 ASBI Bridge Awards of Excellence Winners We are very pleased to welcome Eisman & Russo, Inc. as a new ASBI Organizational Member. The address and contact person are as follows: Eisman & Russo, Inc. 6455 Powers Avenue Jacksonville, FL 32217 (904) 733-1478 FAX: (904) 636-8828 e-mail: Brett H. Pielstick Enclosed is a copy of the October, 2005 Concrete Products article describing the following winning entries in the 2005 ASBI Bridge Awards of Excellence Competition: 2005 & 2006 Construction Practices Seminars 1 The “Construction Practices Handbook for Segmental Concrete Bridges” developed by the ASBI Construction Practices Committee was published in April. 2005. Construction practices Seminars based on the handbook were held in Denver, Colorado on August 15 – 16, 2005 and Newark, New Jersey on August 29-20, 2005. The seminars were co-sponsored by the U.S. Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration and ASBI. A total of 244 engineers and construction personnel attended the 2005 seminars. The Federal Highway Administration and ASBI will cosponsor two addi-tional construction practices seminars in 2006. Details of the Seminars scheduled in Dallas, July 10-11, and Atlanta, July 24-25 are presented in the enclosed Seminar brochure. Copies of the Construction Practices Handbook are available for $125.00 each (post-paid in the U.S.), a publications order form is available on-line at or on request to the ASBI office Victory Bridge, New Jersey Four Bears Bridge, North Dakota Air Train JFK, JFK International Airport, New York Route 364 Creve Couer Lake Memorial Figure 1 - “ASBI Bridge Award of Excellence”. Park Bridge, Missouri Sidney Lanier Bridge, Georgia SR 9/I-95 Palm Beach International Airport Interchange, Florida Tarango Bridge, Mexico City Panama Canal Second Crossing, Puente Centenario, Panama Awards were presented to bridge owners’ representatives during the 2005 ASBI Convention Awards luncheon, November 7 at the Hyatt Regency on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. A group photo of Award recipients and Hala Elgaaly, Chair, ASBI Awards Committee (Fig. 2) is presented in 2005 ASBI Bridge Award of Excellence recipients. Figure 2 - 2005 ASBI Bridge Award of Excellence recipients. Front row (left to right): Jose Rodriguez, FIGG, Air Train JFK International Airport (accepted award for Port of New York and New Jersey); David A. Spryncznatyk, Director of North Dakota Department of Transportation, accepted award for Four Bears Bridge; Stacy McMillan, Missouri Department of Transportation, accepted award for the Creve Couer Lake Memorial Park Bridge; Luis Attias, Atco Construction Company, accepted Tarango Bridge Award for the Government of Mexico City. Back row (left to right): Hala Elgaaly, FLH Bridge Engineer, Chair, ASBI Award Committee; Nat Kasbekar, Manager of Bridge Design Services, New Jersey Department of Transportation, accepted award for the Victory Bridge; Hector Castillo, Ministry of Public Works, Panama, accepted the award for the Panama Canal Second Crossing; William N. Nickas, State Bridge Engineer, Florida Department of Transportation, accepted the award for the SR9/I-95 Palm Beach International Airport Interchange; Paul Liles, Bridge Engineer, Georgia Department of Transportation, accepted the award for the Sidney Lanier Bridge. 2006 ASBI Directory A copy of the 2006 ASBI Membership Directory is enclosed. Additional copies are available on request. Please advise the ASBI office of changes or corrections of directory information ( 2006 ASBI Grouting Certification Training 2005 & 2006 ASBI Conventions Washington, D.C. and the Hyatt Regency Capitol Hill combined to provide an exceptional venue for the November 6-8, 2005 ASBI Convention. Total attendance was 328. The convention concluded with an outstanding boat and land tour of the construction of the Woodrow Wilson Bridge Replacement. Abstracts and Summaries of most of the 2005 convention presentations are available upon request to the ASBI office for $40.00 (post paid in the U.S.) The 2006 ASBI convention is scheduled for November 5-7 at the Hyatt Regency La Jolla at Aventine, 3777 La Jolla Village Drive, San Diego, CA. In addition to the two-day technical program, the San Diego area provides a great variety of recreational and dining attractions. The 2006 convention brochure is scheduled to be mailed and posted on the ASBI website on or before May 31. The 2006 ASBI Grouting Certification Training will be held April 24 – 25 at the J.J. Pickle Research Campus at the University of Texas at Austin. The training is co-sponsored by the Texas DOT. A view of the large specimen grouting demonstrations is presented in Fig. 3. A total of 892 engineers and construction personnel have participated in this training over the past 5 years. ASBI will offer the grouting examination in both English and Spanish. Program details and registration information for the 2006 Grouting Certification Training are presented in this enclosed brochure as well as the ASBI website ( Grouting Recertification Underway Engineers and construction personnel who certified in the first grouting class of 2001 will need to recertify their grouting designation in the year 2006. The recertification certificate will be valid for an additional 5 years. Plans are underway to offer an on-line recertification examination. Recertification examination details will be available by April 2006. In order to provide Certified Grouting Technicians with recertification information, it is extremely important that ASBI have current contact information for members of the Class of 2001. Requirements for Recertification are as follows: 1. Completion of an Internet-based examination. 2. Provide verifiable documentation of 1½ additional years of experience in construction of grouted post-tensioned structures to the ASBI office. The verifiable experience should include the project name, project start date/ end date and a brief description 1 Figure 3 - Large Specimen Grouting Demonstrations of the experience in construction of grouted post-tensioned structures. 3. An Examination Fee will be announced. 2006 Meeting of the AASHTO Subcommittee on Bridges and Structures The 2006 meeting the AASHTO Subcommittee on Bridges and Structures is scheduled to be held May 21-25 at the Snowbird Ski & Summer Resort Conference Center, Cliff Lodge, Entry 4, POB 929000, Snowbird, Utah 84092 (800) 453-3000, www. The ASBI Board of Directors and Executive Committee meetings will be held on Sunday, May 21, and the annual ASBI-AASHTO Reception will be held on Monday evening, May 22 from 5:30pm to 7:30pm. 2006 fib Congress in Naples 1 For information concerning the Second fib Congress, June 5-8, 2006 in Naples, Italy visit the fib Naples 2006 Congress Web Site: www.naples2006. com or the fib Web site at Figure 4 - Caltrans Training Program on Segmental Concrete Bridges (photo courtesy of Parsons Brinckerhoff). Caltrans Training Program on Segmental Concrete Bridges ASBI organized and presented a two-day training program entitled, “Introduction to Analysis and Design of Segmental Concrete Bridges” for 90 Caltrans engineers November 15-16, 2005 in Sacramento (Fig. 4). ASBI representatives that participated in the training presentations were: Karen Cormier, T.Y. Lin International John Corven, Corven Engineering, Inc. Clifford Freyermuth, ASBI Jan Krizek, T.Y. Lin International R. Kent Montgomery, Figg Engineering Group Santiago Rodriguez, T.Y. Lin International Teddy Theryo, Parsons Brinckerhoff Jane Chmielinski named as President of DMJM Harris DMJM Harris announced AECOM Technology Corporation’s appointment of Jane Chmielinski (Fig. 5) as DMJM Harris’s new President and Chief Operating Officer on October 5, 2005. Chmielinski replaces Frederick Werner, P.E., who has been promoted to lead AECOM’s U.S. Transportation Group. Jane Chmielinski brings a long and successful career in transportation to her new leadership role. Prior to joining DMJM Harris in 1993, she managed the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority’s Figure 5 - Jane Chmielinski, President of DMJM Harris. Environmental Affairs department where she successfully led the environmental permitting and compliance efforts on more than $5 billion of construction projects. Her leadership has been instrumental to the success of such projects as Tren Urbano, San Juan, Puerto Rico’s new $2.5 billion rail system in which her team was able to get a record of decision in just 18 months, and the planning and preliminary engineering for the $16 billion Second Avenue Subway in Manhattan. PROJECT NEWS Maroon Creek Bridge Replacement Awarded The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) opened bids on May 23, 2005 for the construction of the Maroon Creek Bridge replacement in Aspen, Colorado. The low bid of $13,966,285, $253,637 below the Engineer’s Estimate, was submitted by the joint venture of BTE/Atkinson and later awarded by CDOT. The bridge is on Colorado State Highway 82 and provides the primary access into the world class ski resort of Aspen. The highway crosses the wide and deep Maroon Creek basin on the oldest bridge in service on the Colorado state highway system. Originally constructed as a railroad trestle bridge in 1888, the Maroon Creek Bridge was converted for highway use in 1929 and is now designated a historical structure. The Parsons’ designed replacement bridge is a 620 ft. long cast-in-place concrete segmental structure and features a 270 ft. main span 100 ft above the Maroon Creek basin, supported by ‘A’ shaped piers developed to complement the design of the existing historic bridge (Fig. 6). Aesthetics, cost and protection of the environmentally sensitive creek basin were all a critical part of the design Figure 6 Rendering of Maroon Creek Bridge Replacement (photo courtesy of Parsons). to both CDOT and the public, resulting in the selection of the concrete segmental single box girder alternative. The new bridge is 73 ft. wide, including a 12 ft. pedestrian and bike path. The structure section is a constant 13'-6" deep, with 19 ft. long deck overhangs, using ribbed elements for support. The concrete box girder is constructed from above in balanced cantilever, using form travelers to protect the environmentally sensitive and difficult access area below the bridge. The main piers are supported on 54" dia. drilled shafts and the abutments on 8" dia. drilled micropiles. Construction began this fall and is expected to be completed by November, Figure 7 - Benicia-Martinez CIP Segmental Bridge Project – General View (photo courtesy of Kiewit). 2007. Parsons is providing review of contractor submittals and home office design support to CDOT during construction and Carter-Burgess is assisting CDOT with on-site inspection services. Both of the main pier foundations are nearly complete and work is progressing on the abutments and pier columns through the winter, with superstructure construction expected to begin in the spring of 2006. New Benicia Martinez Bridge Construction – ending 2005 The New Benicia Martinez Bridge (designed by the Joint Venture of T.Y. Lin International and CH2M Hill) main span segmental construction commenced with the first segment placed by Kiewit on Dec. 31, 2004. This important milestone was achieved after lengthy and challenging foundation construction which included driving large diameter permanent steel casings for the CIDH piles avoiding mortal impact to the local fish population of the Carquinez Strait, and constructing deep rock sockets into unforeseen geotechnical conditions. During 2005, 146 segments out of a total 344 segments for the 11 piers have been placed using balanced cantilever cast in place construction (Fig. 7). The Contractor has cast up to six segments per week utilizing four pairs of form travelers. Managing the heat of 1 gusts indicated tip deflections of approximately 500mm. This survey information correlated well with tiltmeter data recorded at the location as part of health monitoring instrumentation program - a research and bridge maintenance effort performed for Caltrans by University of California, Davis. Other preliminary data recorded from strain gages indicates that the bridge is behaving within predicted ranges according to recognized and available industry software. The extensively-monitored New Benicia-Martinez Bridge will provide data that will be extremely valuable to the segmental bridge construction and design community for many years to come. Figure 8 - Benicia-Martinez CIP Segmental Bridge Project – Segmental Cantilever Construction (Photo courtesy of T.Y. Lin International/CH2M Hill, Joint Venture) 1 Participants: Owner: Caltrans General Contractor: Kiewit Designer: T.Y. Lin International/CH2M Hill, a Joint Venture Construction Engineer: Parsons Post-Tensioning Supplier: Schwager Davis, Inc. Form Traveler Supplier: VSL hydration during curing for the high early-strength lightweight concrete, with measured 28-day compressive strengths of approximately 10,500 psi, has proved to be a challenge. Temperatures in excess of 70-deg C during the first 18 hours of curing were recorded even in the relatively thin 22-inch thick web walls. The high temperatures generated during curing was mitigated by lowering the initial concrete temperatures through injection of liquid-nitrogen prior to placement, and circulating water through internal cooling pipes in the thick sections. These techniques were effective in managing temperatures within the specified range. Three of the cantilevered piers have been completed; two of the longer piers have cantilevers exceeding 100-meters on each side of the pier (Fig. 8). The 25m wide and 4.8m long segments, with depths ranging from 4.5m to 11.4m , have been placed under tight geometry control requirements that include no angle breaks exceeding 0.003 radians, and positive deviations less than +1/1000 span length, as well as negative deviations no more than (-)1/2000 of the span length. The bridge deck will be finished with a final profile grind and no overlay. One of the two near-mid-span hinges is currently under construction and expected to be completed by March 2006. This element utilizes twin built-up steel box girders capable of transferring live load shear and moment as well as handling creep re-distribution, temperature, and seismic forces. A recent survey of an open 100-m long cantilever during 65-mph wind San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge East Span The San Francisco Oakland Bay Bridge East Span Skyway portion is over 84% complete Fig. 9. Erection of the eastbound segments is almost complete Fig. 10. Erection of the transition span between the Skyway portion of the bridge and the Self Anchored Suspension Bridge of the main span, scheduled for January 2006, will complete the eastbound structure. Of the 14 spans on the westbound structure, segment erection is virtually complete (5 of the 14 piers). Between the four frames of each structure, hinge pipe beams, supported on circular bearings in hinge segments, provide some moment capacity across the mid span expansion joints Fig. 11. These pipe beams have been installed on two of the three locations on the eastbound structure and the bearings are being grouted in place. In the casting yard, located in Stockton, it is expected that the two longline beds fabricating typical segments will cast their last segments towards the end of March 2006, with the more complex hinge bed completing operations in approx. June 2006. Figure 11 - Hinge pipe beams at midspan expansion joints (photo courtesy of T.Y. Lin International). Penobscot River Bridge, Maine, Features Unique Cable-Stay System Figure 9 - Eastbound Skyway erection status, December 2005 (photo courtesy of T.Y. Lin International). Project Major Participants: Owner: California Department of Transportation Designer: T.Y. Lin International Contractor: Kiewit/Flatiron/Manson, a Joint Venture Construction Engineer: Parsons Post-Tensioning & Segment Erection Equipment Supplier: Schwager Davis, Inc. Casting Bed Supplier: DEAL Figure 10 - Eastbound Skyway segment erection (photo courtesy of T.Y. Lin International). The new Cable Stayed Penobscot River Bridge in Bucksport, Maine, on US Route 1, is replacing the old Waldo-Hancock Bridge. The bridge, designed by FIGG for the Maine Department of Transportation, has a main span of 1161 ft. and a total length of 2120 ft. and is scheduled to be completed in late 2006. Sixteen cable stays were installed as of December 6, 2005 (Fig. 12). A unique combination of features provide longterm durability for Maine’s first cablestayed structure. Dywidag Systems International designed and supplied 80 stays of Type DYNA Grip 61 and DYNA Grip 73 using epoxy coated .6" strand with bite through wedges and the cradle system. The cradle eliminates anchorages in the tower (FIGG patent U.S. No.6,880,193). The cradle is a grouted 16" diameter carbon steel pipe with 61 to 73 - 1" stainless steel tubes (Fig. 13). The epoxy coated strand is installed through the tubes, providing a deck to deck length of strand. The cradle system allows for the selective removal, inspection and replacement of the strand. The pedestal support system for the cradles was designed by DSI to incorporate the complex geometry of the design. The stays are paired in elevation in the towers; however they 1 Figure 12 Penobscot River Bridge Construction, December 2005 (photo courtesy of FIGG). 1 Figure 14 - Construction of pedestal support system and installation of cable-stay cradle (photo courtesy of Dywidag Systems International). Figure 13 - Cradle installation at tower with W. Denney Pate, FIGG (photo courtesy of FIGG). land in different segments along the box girder. The design also incorporates a shorter back span angle than main span, and has a curve in one back span. The cradle geometry was asymmetrical, and was different for each of the 40 cradles. The pedestal system designed facilitates easy installation of the cradle by the contractor as all angles and elevations are integrated into the fabrication prior to delivery. Installation of the pedestal support and cradle system is shown in Fig. 14. An innovative nitrogen gas protection and monitoring system will provide an enclosed environment of pressurized gas around each cable stay, and longterm monitoring capability. The main components of the system are the gas, HDPE sheathing, reservoir tanks, anchorage-sealing caps and monitoring hardware. During installation warm dry air will be pumped into the sealed cable system followed by pure nitrogen which will all but eliminate the presence of potentially corrosive elements: oxygen, chlorides and humidity. Each stay contains a small nitrogen gas reservoir that will feed pressurized gas in the event of a small leak. Gauges will also be connected to each stay which will record fluctuations in pressure and provide the owner a monitoring system. The annular space between the cable stay strand and the cradle sleeves allows gas to flow freely through the cradle system. Once the nitrogen is placed in the system, it will be pressurized to a value of two pounds per square inch. The main challenge was to costeffectively provide a gas-tight sealed system. The key towards sealing each stay is the HDPE sheathing. Using HDPE sheathing allows the system to be completely sealed. Stay expansion and contraction movements are directly imparted on the HDPE, which due to its visco-elastic properties can accommodate the required displacements. DSI designed the HDPE sheathing system and tested it’s characteristics in environmental conditions to verify the ability of the HDPE sheathing to withstand the thermal expansion and contraction forces in the extreme Maine temperature fluctuations. The sealing cap at the anchorage fully encapsulates all anchorage hardware and incorporates a unique feature: a clear end plate. The see-through cap allows direct visual inspection of the anchor area. An additional monitoring tool for the Penobscot River Bridge is a series of force monitoring systems on each stay called DYNA Force. The monitoring systems can accurately determine the force within 1% using a portable field unit similar to a laptop computer. This will allow the owner to regularly monitor the forces in the cable as part of their inspection procedures without the need for lift-off equipment or the utilization of special techniques such as vibration measurements. With this monitoring system, the force in the cable may be obtained in minutes without any interference with the traffic on the bridge or the sealed gas-tight monitoring system. Woodrow Wilson Bridge, Washington, DC On November 8, 2005, attendees of the 2005 ASBI Convention participated in a boat and land tour of the Woodrow Wilson Memorial Bridge replacement project across the Potomac River in the southern corner of Washington, D.C. The completion of the first of two parallel structures is rapidly approaching (Figs. 15 and 16), with an expected traffic switch from the existing bridge to the new bridge in the summer of 2006. The balanced cantilever erection of the precast segmental v-pier substructure elements for the first structure has now been completed. All 758 precast elements for the Marylandside v-piers have been cast. In fact, the Maryland-side contractor has erected all but 50 precast elements for the second bridge as well. On the Virginia side, a planned shut-down of precasting operations has stopped production since late November 2004. The plant will be restarted in January 2005 to produce the remaining 210 segments. Many of the 278 precast elements which comprise the second bridge on the Virginia side cannot be erected until the existing bridge is taken outof-service and demolished. Completion of the second structure is expected in mid-2008. Participants: Owner: Maryland State Highway Administration / Virginia Department of Transportation Engineer-of-Record: Parsons Virginia Side Contractor: Virginia Approach Constructors (Granite / Corman) Bascule Contractor: American Bridge / Edward Kraemer and Sons J / V Maryland Side Contractor: Potomac Constructors (Kraemer / American Bridge / Trumbull) Figure 16 Woodrow Wilson Memorial Bridge replacement details (photo courtesy of Parsons). 1 Figure 15 Woodrow Wilson Memorial Bridge replacement, December 2005 (photo courtesy of Parsons). Figure 17 Four Bears Bridge, ND (photo courtesy of Bilfinger Berger Civil, Inc.). 10 1 Four Bears Bridge, Fort Berthold Indian Reservation, North Dakota North Dakota’s first concrete segmental bridge was dedicated in a community wide celebration on October 3, 2005. During the event, elders and leaders of the Three Affiliated Tribes shared their enthusiasm and pleasure with the bridge aesthetics honoring the culture and ancestors of the Tribes. The 4,500' bridge has 316' typical spans and was built in balanced cantilever by Bilfinger Berger Civil, Inc. high above Lake Sakakawea. The concrete alternate design, by FIGG, was bid at $55 million in 2003. Floating ‘lost’ cofferdams were used to complete footing construction in the water, up to 85' deep. The bridge was designed to withstand significant ice forces on the 180-mile long lake during the break up of ice as thick as 36". Extensive modeling and analysis was used to determine the size of the foundation elements and the truncated cone shape of the cofferdams, which cause the ice to fail as it moves up the sloped faces. The bridge was designed as a continuous unit, with expansion joints only at the abutments (Fig. 17). Circular symbols are revered in the cultural heritage of the Three Affiliated Tribes and were used as 10' elements on the web walls of the bridge, illustrating the four points of the compass, along with silhouettes of animals sacred to the Tribes (Fig. 18). At each pier on the walkway on the northern side of the bridge there is a 4' circular monument in the railing that highlight cultural icons, three each from the Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara nations and one panel, repeated twice, of the three chiefs from each of the individual tribes which functions as a unifying element. Silhouettes of sacred Figure 18 - Four Bears Bridge symbol at pier (photo courtesy of FIGG). animals appear in the railing (Fig. 19) along the sidewalk monuments. At each sidewalk monument, the surface of the sidewalk carries colors and patterns unique to the tribe showcased in that monument. Figure 21 Erection of precast elements at top of Maumee River Bridge pylon (photo courtesy of FIGG). Figure 19 - Russ Call, Project Manager for the design of the Four Bears Bridge (photo courtesy of FIGG). Figure 20 - Tex Hall, Chairman of the Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara Nation (photo courtesy of FIGG). During the dedication event (Fig. 20), which included speakers from the Tribes, the Governor of North Dakota, the North Dakota Department of Transportation, nearby communities and others, the Tribes honored many of those responsible for bringing the bridge to reality by presenting them with a blanket as a symbol of their thanks. The event concluded with a traditional buffalo roast. Four Bears Bridge was selected for a 2005 ASBI Bridge Award of Excellence that was presented during the November annual meeting. Maumee River Bridge – Toledo, Ohio Now officially named the Veterans Glass City Skyway by the State of Ohio, the Maumee River Bridge, designed by FIGG, for the Ohio Department of Transportation, is proceeding with span-by-span erection concurrently on three headings. Bilfinger Berger Civil, Inc. is using two overhead launchers at each end of the project constructing the approach spans and working toward the pylon concurrently, while an underslung gantry is being used for erection 111 of the southbound backspans. The precast pieces of the largely cast-inplace pylon were set in place in July of 2005, at elevation 435' (Fig. 21). The construction schedule will have southbound traffic on the bridge late in 2006, with completion of the northbound approach ramps in 2007. I-10 spans over Lake Pontchartrain FIGG is designing the precast concrete segmental alternate for the replacement of the twin spans of I-10 over Lake Pontchartrain for the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development. The eleven miles of bridge will be designed to accommodate three lanes of traffic in each direction. LADOTD is providing the precast beam alternate and the designs will be competitively bid in March of 2006. Boh Brothers reopened the bridge heavily damaged by Hurricane Katrina to allow for access to New Orleans at a reduced capacity. Construction of the new bridge is anticipated to begin in 2006 with the first of the twin bridges to be open within 30 months. Figure 22 Seattle Sound Transit Casting Yard (photo courtesy of Parsons Brinckerhoff). Seattle Sound Transit Light Rail Project, Tukwila Link 12 1 Figure 23 Segment Erection Gantry, Seattle Sound Transit (photo courtesy of Parsons Brinckerhoff). Figure 24 (Inset) Segment Erection, Seattle Sound Transit (photo courtesy of Parsons Brinckerhoff). Construction on the Tukwila Link Light Rail is 21% complete and is scheduled for completion in February 2008. The contract consists of 4.95 miles, twin track light rail line, including over 4 miles of elevated precast segmental guideway. The elevated portion will be 26.5 feet (8 meters) wide with 19,230 feet (5,861 meters) of span-by-span construction and 2,430 feet (741 meters) of balanced cantilever segments. The drilled shaft foundations and CIP columns are on schedule. The initial longspan foundation work for the Duwamish River crossing has started. Precast operations at the Cashmere yard started in August (Fig. 22). There are 8 precast beds, 6 matchcasting shortline forms and 2 pier forms in continuous production. To date 13% of the 2207 segments are cast. Segment casting is scheduled to be complete in summer 2007. Segment erection started in December and 2 of the 180 spans are complete with 25 of 2207 segments in place (Figs. 23 and 24). The last segment is scheduled to be erected in late 2007. The span-by-span precast segments are being erected with a 380-foot long truss. The longspan structures will be erected with conventional crawler cranes. Segment weight varies from 35 to 46 tons. Segments are loaded on low-boy trailers and shipped 145 miles from the Cashmere yard. Design of the final 1.7 mile section which will extend to Seattle/Tacoma airport is nearing completion and is expected to be put out to bid by summer 2006. Target date to complete all sections from downtown Seattle to the airport is December 2009. Project Major Participants: Owner: Seattle Sound Transit Design Engineer: Hatch Mott MacDonald Bridge Designer: International Bridge Technologies Construction Manager: Parsons Brinckerhoff Construction Services Contractor: PCL Civil Constructors, Inc. Construction Engineer: T. Y. Lin International Precaster: Bethlehem Construction (PCI Certified Plant) PT Supplier: Schwager Davis, Inc. Victory Bridge, Perth Amboy – Sayreville, New Jersey New Jersey’s first concrete segmental bridge was dedicated on October 27, 2005. The first of the twin 3, 971' long bridges, designed by FIGG, opened to traffic in June 2004, just 15 months after George Harms Construction Company received notice to proceed; and the second was erected in eight months (Fig. 25), opening to traffic in September 2005. The twin bridges feature 440' main spans, the longest fully match cast precast concrete segmental spans in the nation (Fig. 26). Rapid construction was possible through the use of construction drawings, eliminating the need for the time and expense of shop drawing production and review; concurrent construction of the main span unit in balanced cantilever with the spanby-span erection of the approach spans; and the use of an integral wearing surface. Once erection was complete, minor milling resulted in a profilograph reading of 3.14 inches/per mile, superior to the owner’s requested reading of 6 inches/mile. Continuing the dedication of the original Victory Bridge, 40' concrete obelisk shaped monuments greet users of the bridge at each abutment. Two of the monuments each carry refurbished bronze plaques from the original bridge, while the other two display new plaques rededicating the bridge in honor of those from the state who helped achieve victory during World War I. Concrete pilasters along the walkway carry appropriate roadway lighting fixtures and smaller bronze plaques honoring the various branches of service active during World War I. In addition to a 2005 ASBI Bridge Award of Excellence, Victory Bridge was also been honored with design awards from the New Jersey Concrete and Aggregate Association Award, New York Construction News, the Precast Concrete Institute and the CEC Figure 25 - Erection of final Victory Bridge Segment (photo courtesy of FIGG). of New Jersey. Victory Bridge was included in the Roads & Bridges Top 10 Bridges list of 2004. 113 Figure 26 Completed Victory Bridge (photo courtesy of FIGG). PCL worked closely with the Parsons’ design team to ensure construction friendly details were utilized. The design of span lengths and arrangement not only optimized material use but also included the benefits of equipment in PCL’s inventory. This is the first bridge in Florida to incorporate all of the new segmental bridge design and construction details. Owner: Florida Department of Transportation Contractor: PCL Civil Constructors Inc. Design: Parsons Figure 27 Ernest Lyons Bridge self-launching erection truss (photo courtesy of PCL). Design/Build Ernest Lyons Bridge Stuart, Florida 14 1 Figure 28 Ernest Lyons Bridge self-launching erection truss (photo courtesy of PCL). PCL Civil Constructors, Inc. has commenced erection on the $46 million high level Ernest Lyons Bridge Design Build segmental precast project for the FDOT in Stuart Florida. As a result of limited access created by shallow waters and environmentally sensitive areas a top down construction program was established. PCL completed assembly of the self-launching erection truss on the Ernest Lyons Bridge in Stuart, Florida on November 11, 2005. For access reasons, after erecting the truss in Span 6, the truss was back-launched to Span 1 (Figs. 27 and 28). The first segment was erected onto the truss using the Segment Lifter specifically designed for the project (Fig. 29). With minor debugging of start up problems the first span was completed in 9 days. The PCL field team is confident the learning curve will be short and a 5 shift cycle will be consistently achieved for most of the remaining 30 spans. Segment Erection is currently scheduled to be complete in July of 2006. Figure 29 - Erection of first segment with segment lifter designed for the project (photo courtesy of PCL). Susquehanna River Bridge, Pennsylvania A Joint Venture of Edward Kramer & Sons and G.A. & F.C. Wagman are constructing a replacement of the Susquehanna River Bridge in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania for the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission. The new bridge, designed by FIGG, will be the first precast concrete segmental vehicular bridge in the Commonwealth. The bridge is comprised of twin 5,910' long by 57' wide concrete box girder structures with typical spans of 150' (Fig. 30). Each will carry three lanes of traffic on a new alignment that is offset north of the existing bridge (Fig. 31). The new bridge will span over a number of railway lines and local Figure 30 - Susquehanna River Bridge construction – December 2005 (photo courtesy of Kraemer/Wagman, Joint Venture). state roads. Project status as of 12/23/05 was as follows: Substructure: G.A. & F.C. Wagman, Inc. has fully completed the substructure from Abutment 2, east and west bound bridges, through Pier 15. Piers 14 through 9 are in various stages of completion. Work has begun on the West side of the river at Abutment 1 and Piers 1 & 2. Work will slow in the winter months due to the river conditions but will resume at full speed in the spring. Superstructure: The casting yard is 27% complete in casting the 1040 segments required for the twin bridges. Casting began in Figure 31 - Susquehanna River Bridge construction – December 2005 (photo courtesy of Kraemer/Wagman, Joint Venture). April of 2005. There are three typical casting beds and one Pier/Expansion bed. All typical beds are on a one day cycle and the Pier bed has produced as many as 4 split piers in a 5 day work week. All casting to date has been for the East bound bridge from Span 40 to Span 18. At the beginning of the New Year casting will switch to the West bound bridge and cast all 40 spans before returning to the remaining East bound spans. Production is continuing during the winter months. Segment Erection: Segment erection started this fall at Abutment 2 on the East side of the river at Span 40 using a self-launching, under slung truss designed and fabricated by DEAL (Fig. 32). At the date of this report, erecting Span 30 was being erected and erection speed was being maintained at a span a week. Initially the loading of the segments was handled using a Manitowoc 2250, while fabrication of the segment handler by DEAL was completed. The new segment handler has eliminated many problems for the erection team regarding crane access to the bridge over Amtrak rails and overhead lines. Segment erection will continue in the winter months at the current rate despite many challenges due to the cold temperatures. Progress of the bridge construction can be viewed via streaming video provided by the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission at 115 Figure 32 Susquehanna River Bridge self-launching erection truss and segment handler (photo courtesy of Kraemer/Wagman, Joint Venture). 1 Figure 33 Segment storage, Otay River Bridge (photo courtesy of International Bridge Technologies, Inc.). SR125 Otay River Bridge The Otay River Bridge is a precast segmental balanced cantilever structure currently under construction in San Diego County, California. The bridge consists of twin box girders, each with a total length of 1012m (3320'). Typical spans are 90.5m (297'), and consist of 28 precast segments. The pier tables and columns are cast in place, with columns reaching as high as 50m (164'). The bridge is part of the South Bay Expressway (part of SR125), which is the first privately financed toll road in San Diego County, and is being built as a design build project. Design work on the bridge is complete, and construction has been underway for about nine months. The foundations are complete, with all of the 124 sixfoot diameter CIDH piles in place. Half of the columns are complete, and two of the CIP pier tables have been cast. Precasting has been underway for several months, with over 150 segments cast to date (Fig. 33). The precast segments will be erected with an overhead gantry (Fig. 34). The gantry is capable of sliding from one alignment to the other in order to erect both alignments on the same pass, reducing the number of launching stages required. The gantry has been assembled and launched to the first pier table. Segment erection is scheduled to begin in January. Webcasts of construction progress are updates every fifteen minutes and are available by logging on to lrn_progressphotos.shtml. Progress photos and a bridge webcam can be seen at www. AMERICAN SEGMENTAL BRIDGE INSTITUTE 9201 N. 25th Avenue Suite 150B Phoenix, AZ 85021-2721 Phone : 602. 997-9964 Fax: 602. 997-9965 e-mail: Web: 16 1 Figure 34 Erection gantry in place (photo courtesy of Southbay Expressway webcam). Participants: Project Owner: California Transportation Ventures Designer: International Bridge Technologies, Washington Infrastructure Services International Contractor: Otay River Constructors, a joint venture of Washington Group International and Fluor. Gantry Supplier: Rizzani de Eccher EDITOR: Clifford L. Freyermuth