Living and Loving your Creative Self


Living and Loving your Creative Self
Number 2 - JAN / FEB / MAR 2013
Paper Cotton
ISSN 2182-7818
Living and Loving your Creative Self
Art with dominoes
Place in Time
Susana Tavares Studio
* and Cotton 1
Ficha Técnica
Editor: Carla Pimentel
General Director: Carla Pimentel
Photography: Paulo Pimentel,
Carla Pimentel
Marketing Director: Paulo Pimentel
Phone: 00 351 914535871
Magazine Design and Layout:
Contributors: PanoPraMantas,
Maria Pipoca, Susana Tavares,
Teresa Rebelo, Maria da Luz
Freitas, Ângela Carneiro, Clarisse
Owner: Paulo Pimentel
Avenida do Rosal, 131 H4
4470-111 Maia
New Year!
The new year has arrived and with it our 2nd edition. I am pleased to be
able to say that the first was a success, we received words of congratulations
and encouragement of many people, even from other countries!
In this edition you may experience creating unique art forms with everyday
objects (dominoes), decorate clothes with stamps, beautify your clothes with
a cheerful belt, know the friendly Susana Tavares and her art, among many
other suggestions.
In a quarter where we celebrate Father’s day, we suggest that you gift him
with the sweet suggestion of Teresa Rebelo, the chocolate mustaches.
Have you ever thought, at Easter, to get away to the island with the same
You’ll also know an eye disease which is the main cause of blindness in
developed countries.
I wish everyone a great 2013.
ISSN 2182-7818
Copyright of all works, drawings
and diagrams.
Is prohibited to reproduce all
or part by any means without
express written permission of the
2 Paper and Cotton
Carla Pimentel
Art with dominoes
An original form of art with a small size.
Purse organizer
Place in Time
A very useful object for quickly
finding everything in your purse.
A mini album and desk calendar
to record the best moments of
Paper and Cotton 3
Paper and Cotton
Paper and Cotton
Paper and Cotton Papercrafting
Paper and Cotton Creative Sewing
Editor’s Letter
LOVE! frame
Belt of fabric flowers
PAG: 2
PAG: 14
PAG: 22 / 25
Paper and Cotton
Paper and Cotton Patchwork
Paper and Cotton Stamps
Editor’s Choices
Lavender heart
Stamped T-Shirt
PAG: 3
PAG: 15
PAG: 26 / 27
Paper and Cotton Mixed Media Art
Paper and Cotton Patchwork
Paper and Cotton Cards
Art with dominoes
Paper-Piecing technique
PAG: 6 / 9
PAG: 16 / 19
PAG: 28 / 31
Paper and Cotton Interview
Paper and Cotton Decoration
Paper and Cotton Creative Sewing
Easter wreath
Purse organizer
PAG: 10 / 13
PAG: 20 / 21
PAG: 32 / 33
Susana Tavares Studio
4 Paper and Cotton
Paper and Cotton Scrapbooking
Paper and Cotton Travel
Place in time
Easter island
PAG: 34 / 35
PAG: 44 / 55
Paper and Cotton Cooking
Paper and Cotton Mail
Chocolate Mustaches
Mail from Readers
PAG: 36 / 37
PAG: 56 / 57
Paper and Cotton Decoration
Paper and Cotton Schemes
Decorated Easter Eggs
PAG: 38 / 39
PAG: 58 / 59
Paper and Cotton Health
Paper and Cotton Number
New number
PAG: 40 / 43
PAG: 60
On the cover a work which you
can find on page 20
Paper and Cotton 5
Paper and Cotton
Mixed Media Art
Art with dominoes
Mini album and canvas
By: Carla Pimentel
In my childhood I learned, like many children, how to play dominoes.
A few months ago I discovered that these small pieces do allow
original works of art, with a special charm of their small size!
The hypotheses are immense ... here are two examples of this art form.
6 Paper and Cotton
Materials for Mini-Album
- 2 Dominoes
- Alcohol inks in the colors:
Stonewashed and Mixative Copper
- Alcohol Blending Solution
- Inkssentials applicator with felt
- Bird-Song Collection of Graphic 45 8”x8” pad
- Black Cardstock
- ”Oriental”stamp from Kaisercraft
- Stamp pad Memento Tuxedo Black
- Bo-Bunny Buttons - Serenity Collection
- Black Ribbon
- Glue
- Glossy-accents
- Double-sided adhesive tape
- Scissors
- Disposable gloves
(alcohol inks stain your hands)
Materials for Canvas
- 7 Dominoes
- Canvas with 12x12 cm
- Acrylic paint American Indian Turquoise
(the first paint applied on the canvas)
- Distress ink: Weathered wood and Faded Jeans
(applied together on acrylic paint)
- Alcohol inks in colors: Stonewashed and
Mixative Copper (to the bottom of the canvas) and
Watermelon, Pink Sherbet, Latte, Butterscotch and
Mixative Pearl for coloring dominoes
- Alcohol Blending Solution
- Inkssentials Applicator with felt
- Bird-Song Collection of Graphic 45 8 “x8” pad
- Black Cardstock
- ”Oriental” stamp from Kaisercraft
- Stamp pad Memento Tuxedo Black
- Crafty Individuals stamp No.CI-329 Bird cage
- Embossing stamp pad
- Embossing Powder-Ultrathick Crystals Bonze Lustre
- Heat gun
- Bo-Bunny Buttons - Serenity Collection
- Glossy-accents
- Scissors
- Disposable gloves
(alcohol inks stain your hands
Paper and Cotton 7
1 - Put a few drops of alcohol inks in colors chosen
together with a few drops of Blending Solution on
the felt of your applicator and paint entire surface of
2 - Do not forget the sides of the pieces. Leave to
3 - Stamp the dominoes with “Oriental” stamp in the
side without spots. Let dry well.
4 - Cut a strip of black cardstock. The strip height
of cardstock is the domino’s height. The length is
what you want for your album.
The strip must be folded in accordion style that each
“page” is the width of the domino piece.
5 - Cut paper to decorate each pages of your album.
On one side.
6 - ... And another.
8 Paper and Cotton
7 - Cut out the images that will decorate the two
outer covers.
Adhere them with glossy accents as well as metal
parts that choose to decorate. Cover entire surface,
including papers and metal parts with a layer of
Glossy Accents to protect and give brightness. Let
dry at least 24 hours.
8 - Apply double-sided adhesive tape at the center of
dominoes that will make the covers and glue a piece
of ribbon on each piece.
9 - Adhere the left end of the accordion strip to the
inner front cover and the right end to the back cover
with double-sided adhesive tape.
10- View of the reverse side of the album.
For the canvas:
Paint the canvas with inks described in the list of
Decorate the pieces following the steps for the cover
of mini-album.
Stamp the cage with the Embossing Stamp Pad.
11- Close the accordion and tie the two ends of the
ribbon in a knot and bow.
Apply Embossing Powder Ultrathick Crystals Bonze
Lustre with the help of heat gun.
Glue the pieces to the canvas as you like.
Paper and Cotton 9
Paper and Cotton
Susana Tavares
Susana Tavares is an artist who was born and raised
in Lisbon, for whom her art...
“It’s not only about’s about changing, it’s
about turning your life into something you love, and
have fun with it.”
10 Paper and Cotton
Paper and Cotton: Thank you Susana for having
accepted to participate in this interview. First
tell us a little about yourself.
Susana Tavares: Thanks for the invitation, it is always
a pleasure to participate in projects that make me
smile. I am an artist, mother of 3 beautiful children,
married, and I love to create and inspire others
through my art.
PC: When you discovered the Mixed Media Art
and decided you’d like to make this art your
professional life?
ST: I paint for 10 years and I have always been
mixing things, paper, ink, pastel ...After, my mother
offered me a book of mixed techniques, participated
in workshops and was finding my space and my
PC: What do you love in this art form?
ST: I love to mix, never liked to do
always the same, in mixed media exists much
freedom, too much banter and fun, thousands of
possibilities. I love to paint using my
intuition and to have that taste of surprise.
PC: Have you received any training in art or
specific in Mixed Media Art or are you a
ST: I’m self-taught and I grew from experimentation
and experience.
PC: You paint on different surfaces. What is your
surface of election and what kind of materials
do you prefer to use in your creations?
ST: I love to paint on canvas and wood and my
favorite materials are black pencil, watercolor wax
pencil, all kinds of papers, acrylic paint, stamps and
PC: What are your main influences (references)
national or international in Mixed Media Art?
ST: Misty Mawn, Flora bowley, Anahata Katkin
PC: When did you created your studio? This was
always your space?
ST: The studio turned 10 years old in September and
began sharing a studio with my brother, I moved
several times and I am now in my new studio in Av. 5
Outubro (Lisbon), being transformed to be also my
new home.
PC: How is your usual daily work routine?
ST: Usually divide my time as follows: morning and
end of the day to make blog posts, answer interviews,
emails, social networks, manage the online store ...
afternoon to the studio and create. I do a lot of
lists ... what to do, ideas, projects ... I am one,
I say, itinerant company, which must get ideas and
inspiration, create them, buy materials, pack, ship,
shoot, edit, write, play ...
So I am a mother, woman, wife, artist, teacher,
crafter ... Phew! And perhaps more than anything
I can’t remember now!
Paper and Cotton 11
PC: Is it possible to take classes in your studio or
workshops are usually online?
ST: Yes you can take lessons in my studio and also
online where there are no limitations of time because
you can make them in the days and hours you
are more convenient, since the content is always
available to the students during the entire duration of
the workshop.
My new online workshop is named
PC: When did you create your etsyshop (online
store)? What kind of your creations can we find
ST: The store was established in February 2010 and
there may find originals as dolls and painting.
But also art prints, which are reproductions of
my original paintings for framing, calendars and
notebooks, bookmarks, pins and pocket mirrors,
necklaces, cards, calendars and what else I please to
create. Art to wear, display and spread good energy.
“Inspired by Love…every day!”
and may consult all the information here:
Susana Tavares Studio
PC: Who are usually the followers of your
workshops? Most are Portuguese or from other
Avenida 5 de Outubro, nº21-4ºDto
1050-047 Lisboa, PORTUGAL
ST: I think it is half Portuguese, half
other countries, is very balanced.
12 Paper and Cotton
Phone.: + 351 218 491 671
Fax.: + 351 218 491 671
PC: Do you think this type of art
is little known in Portugal?
ST: Yes very little, but I believe
things happen in right time.
PC: Would like to add something
more to this interview?
ST: Yes I would like to share
a short essay I wrote after
Dear friends let you present love unique
and original.
The love that you should have for yourself.
Love every inch of your body, because
they are part of you.
You are a unique and irreplaceable part,
never forgotten.
Just be you in this world, speak your truth
and don’t be afraid.
Susana Tavares
Paper and Cotton 13
Paper and Cotton
LOVE! frame
By: Carla Pimentel
In a white paper write the word LOVE.
Cut out hearts, butterflies or other elements to your taste to paste over the
word you wrote.
14 Paper and Cotton
Paper and Cotton
By: PanoPraMantas
- Several patches of fabric in red and pink
(front part of the heart)
- Coordinated Fabric to the back of the heart.
- Nylon foam (or leftover batting)
- Lavender
Get a copy preferably in fine paper of Crazy Block (go to schemes’s page).
Pass the drawing also for the back of the paper to be able to sew.
With patches keep building block, following the numbering.
Place the mold of the heart (go to schemes’s page) on top of the block just built.
Cut fabric as the mold. 0.5 cm is considered for the seam allowance.
Do the same with coordinated fabric.
Fold one strip, about 10/12cms length, of the coordinated fabric in four and pass a sew thread
with the tone.
Then put the two hearts (panel with block crazy + coordinated fabric) on one the other, right to
right. Place the strip which will serve to hang between the two fabrics.
Stitch all the way around (a margin of 0.5 cm) leaving a gap (about 3 cm) to turn.
Give small blows at the seams of rounded parts.
Turn to the right.
Fill with nylon foam or batting cut into pieces and lavender.
Close with a hidden point.
Thank you for doing this project with PanoPraMantas.
For any questions, you can always contact us through email
Paper and Cotton 15
Paper and Cotton
Paper-Piecing technique
By: Carla Pimentel
The “Paper-Piecing” is a technique increasingly
popular in patchwork. It is also known to
“Foundation Block” and consists in using a standard
base (template) in paper and sew small scraps
of fabric directly through this paper, forming a
geometric block.
16 Paper and Cotton
With this technique the execution of works of
Patchwork especially quilts, with geometric patterns
apparently complex, becomes very simple.
The block can be drawn, printed or photocopied.
There are several patterns available in internet.
The block I chose is called Log Cabin and I drew it on
parchment paper to see the lines drawn on the back
of the paper.
Each part of the block is numbered, indicating the
sequence in which the fabric scraps will be sewn to
paper and each other.
1 - Start by cutting pieces of fabric to cover each part
numbered in your block. The size will include about
1.5 cm of seam allowance all the way around each
of the parts to sew.
2 - Turn back your template. Take your fabric cut for
Piece 1 and place it “right side out” on the back of
template, covering template space 1. Pin it.
3 - Overlap the fabric cut that will fill Piece 2 right
side together onto Piece 1.
Hold with pins.
4 - Flip your template with the printed side or drawn
upwards. The tissues are now under the paper.
5 - Sew along the seam line between pieces 1 and 2
of the template.
Paper and Cotton 17
6 - Fold the paper along the seam you just sew
and trim the seam allowances so that they are
approximately 0.7 cm.
You can use a rotary cutter or scissors to do this.
7 - Fold the pattern paper back and place the piece
of fabric 2 in its place. Press the seam with your
fingernail or with iron.
8 - Now you will position the piece 3, right sides
together with pieces 1 and 2.
9 - You will repeat steps 3-7 for each parts to sew
along each line of your sequence.
10 - At the end iron your block of tissue, set values of seam allowance all the way around the block and
remove paper.
18 Paper and Cotton
After thinking about what to do with my block, I decided
to do one nedle / pin cushion.
It will be very useful for my future seams!!
Paper and Cotton 19
Paper and Cotton
Easter wreath
By: Carla Pimentel
I suggest you this wreath to decorate your home for Easter or throughout the Spring!
It is very easy to do!
The technique used for the flowers of felt can be used to make paper flowers,
with which you can decorate scrapbook pages, for example.
20 Paper and Cotton
-1 crown of Styrofoam 30cm diameter
- Linen natural color (6 strips 6 cm wide x 1.50 m long)
- Felt Cuts in desired colors.
- Yellow and White (1 square 10cm for each side)
- Orange Blossom (1 strip with 25cm long x 10 cm wide)
- Small pieces for butterflies and leaves
- 2 meters wide ribbon
- Sewing Scissors
- Hot glue gun
- Pins (optional)
Wrap a Styrofoam wreath with strips of linen.
Glue several strips together and to the crown with
hot glue.
Orange Blossom:
Fold the strip in half lengthwise and make cuts in the
side folded, with about 4cm depth.
Wrap the strip upon itself, beginning at one end.
Glue with hot glue, as you go twisting, so it will not
become loose. Glue the final end of the strip. The
flower is done. It must be glued to the crown in the
position you have chosen. You can stick a pin in the
center of the flower.
Yellow and White Flowers:
In a square with side 10cm cut out a circle.
Then make a spiral cut all the way around from
outside of the circle to the center, as shown in the
image. You’ll get a strip of felt loop. As the scissors
used, or the wavy motion given to the cut, the flower
will have a different edge of the remaining flowers.
Pick up the end of the spiral on the center of the
circle and roll until you reach the outside end. Glue
with hot glue, as you go rolling.
Cut leaves and glue them to the crown.
Glue your flowers on the leaves with hot glue. Sticks
pins in the center of the flowers.
Make a paper pattern in the shape of butterfly and
cut felt with this form. Glue butterflies in position
and location you want.
Make a hanging loop and tie with ribbon
chosen for this purpose. Glue on a butterfly.
That’s it!
This is my suggestion. You can choose other colors
and even glue many more flowers.
How about sending us pictures of your crown?
We can show it in the next issue.
Paper and Cotton 21
Paper and Cotton
Creative Sewing
Belt of fabric
By: Clarisse Almeida
This belt of flowers made from scraps of fabric
is a good idea to recycle clothes, decorate
pillows, lampshades, curtains, bedspreads,
paintings, beautiful necklaces, etc..
22 Paper and Cotton
Everything depends on the creativity and the
combination of colors.
Two types of flowers (Fuxicos) are used in this
- Round Cardboard molds 7cm and 9cm
- Various fabrics to make the flowers (in this case several silk)
- Black Tule - 2 circles with 7cm to make the leaves (for garnish)
- Two meters of satin ribbon with 4 cm wide - black (base of the belt)
- Two satin ribbons with 8 cm and 0.5 cm wide (to decorate)
- Sewing thread according to the colors of fabrics
- 4 fantasy buttons
- Needle and scissors
- Hot glue gun to glue the flowers at the base of the belt
(you can also hold the flowers with needle and thread)
1 - Arrangement of various materials used in
creation of this fantastic belt.
2 - To make the flower of 5 petals, cut 5 circles with
the help of the mold of 7cm. Then fold each circle
in half and half again as you see in the figure, and
baste. Pull the thread to pucker.
3 - With the same thread baste the remaining 4
4 - When the 5 petals are strung, pull the thread so
that they are together, and the first cap with the
last, as pictured.
Paper and Cotton 23
5 - Make the other 5 petals flower, of another color,
similarly to the first. To complete the flowers, hold
a fantasy button in each, stitching or pasting it with
hot glue.
6 – Now let’s do the flower closed. Cut with the help
of the 9 cm mold a circle of fabric.
Overcast the edge to not shred, as pictured.
7 - After overcast entire edge of the fabric, pull the
thread to tighten and form the closed flower.
Cap, joining with a stitch the top furrowed with the
8 – Make another closed flower with another pattern,
for superimposing over the previous one but with
7cm of diameter.
9 - Sew the small closed flower over the
closed big flower, and with the same thread hold a
fantasy button, as shown in the picture.
10 - Perform another set of closed flower
(step 6 to 9) with different fabrics.
24 Paper and Cotton
11 - Run the same step of point 9.
12 - To make the tulle leaves: fold the circles in half
and half again and baste (as in 2). Pull the thread to
tighten and shoot. The ribbons are attached by the
edges as shown in picture.
13 - Halfway through the length of the ribbon satin black glue with hot glue (or sew) flowers, leaves and
ribbons according to your creativity. And there in lies the belt ready!
Paper and Cotton 25
Paper and Cotton
Stamped T-Shirt
By: Maria Pipoca
26 Paper and Cotton
- White t-shirt
- Two squares of different color felt
- Framelits & Stamps “Flowers, Daisies” from Sizzix 657916
- Framelits & Stamps “Leaves” from Sizzix 657917
- Ink stamp Versa Craft Black
- Acrylic plates
- Scissors
- A piece of thin ribbon
- A button
- Needle and thread
I cut the largest flower on green felt
to contrast with the background of
the t-shirt, and a little flower in white
Important note: the framelits are
not the most suitable cutting dies for
cutting felt, but with an additional
passage in Sizzix, the felt is so
marked that with the aid of a scissors
can cut perfectly.
It will also depend on thickness of the
felt itself. If you have other cutting
dies of flowers, use them!
At this point iron the stamped
images as this will cause that the ink
becomes permanent.
Take a white t-shirt and choose two
square felt, of two colors of your
choice. In this case I chose the green
water and white.
Choose two cutting dies of two equal
flowers of different sizes. These 2 are
framelits from Sizzix.
Put a stamp leaves in acrylic plate
with ink specific for fabric (Versa
Craft), remove the flowers from
location chosen and stamp the leaves
so that when placing felt flowers in
place, leaves appear behind.
Now choose other different leaves
and stamp the other side of the
flower using the same method:
removing the flower of her place, so
that the feet of the leaves are slightly
beneath the felt.
Here you have to define exactly
where you want to sew the flowers,
adjusting for above the leaves
Make a small loop with the ribbon
and sew over the button, holding
the flowers in place that you set for
fix. Then sew around the entire edge
by securing the largest flower
Paper and Cotton 27
Paper and Cotton
By: Maria Pipoca
Here are the suggestions for cards from
Maria Pipoca for the holidays that
are approaching!
Have fun creating!
28 Paper and Cotton
Father’s Day Card
- White cardstock
- Three different shades of green textured cardstock
(in this case of the brand Sizzix)
- Blue stripe paper from the collection Hip-hooray
from My Mind’s Eye
- Papertrey ink stamp
- 3D foam pads
- Crop-a-Dile corner chomper tool from
We R Memory Keepers
- Green stamp pad
- Tag Cutting die from Sizzix
Easter Bunny Card
- White cardstock
- Yellow cardstock
- Yellow paper with white spots
- Black pen (to draw the mouth of the Rabbit)
- Mold of a Rabbit
(found this on the internet some time ago)
- Googly eyes to stick
- White gel pen
- Black ink Stamp pad
- Stamps “Forever Friends” of Docrafts
Paper and Cotton 29
Easter Pop-up Card
- Yellow cardstock
- Green textured cardstock
- Crop-a-Dile corner chomper tool
- Stamp “Forever Friends-the good life journal”
of Docrafts
- Stamp “Forever Friends-spring time” of Docrafts
- Black ink Stamp pad
- Green stamp pad
- Orange stamp pad
- Cutting die from Sizzix
- Sizzix texture with spots
- White gel pen
- Copic markers
30 Paper and Cotton
Valentine’s Day Card
“Out of this World”
- White cardstock
- Framelit Heart from Sizzix
- Papertrey ink stamp
- Red stamp pad
- Red pen gel
- Powder “embossing” transparent
- Embossing stamp pad
- Red nail polish
Valentine’s Day Card
“All you need is love”
- Pink cardstock
- Paper “The Sweetest Thing” of My Mind’s Eye
- Papertrey ink stamp
- Silver sequins
- Silver sparkles
- Framelits Heart from Sizzix
- Acetate
- 3D foam pads
- White gel pen
- White cardstock
- Knockouts punches of the American Crafts
(to cut the scalloped edge)
Paper and Cotton 31
Paper and Cotton
Creative Sewing
Purse organizer
By: Carla Pimentel
We all know (men also when they try to find something there) that the women
bags are authentic “bottomless bags”. Nothing better than a purse organizer, to
get everything properly packaged and accessible.
When changing purse simply transfer the organizer for the other purse.
32 Paper and Cotton
- 50 cm of fabric for outwards
- 50 cm of fabric for lining
- 30 cm of quilt batting
- 1 decorative ribbon with 80 cm
- 1 button
- Sewing thread
- Scissors or rotary cutter
Measures and parts
- Front and back: 20x27cm (2x)
- Laterals: 20x11 cm (2x)
- Background: 27x10 cm (1x)
- Penholder: 35x20 cm
(1x folded in half)
- Pocket largest outside: 30x25 cm
(1x folded in half)
- Handles: 14x4 cm (2x)
- Liner measurements are equal
1 - Cut the various parts to sew
according to measurements. Cut
also quilt batting to line the outer
2 - Sew batting to front part, back,
sides and bottom.
3 - Stitch various squares in all
parts that just sew.
4 - Stitch the pockets to each
other, forming divisions for
several objects.
5 - Sew the pockets to the front of
6 - Sew the laterals to the front
and after to the back.
7- Decorate with ribbon before
make the last seam. Sew the
bottom of the organizer.
8 - Sew the lining of the same
way that the outer part, and apply
pockets. Leave a 10 cm opening
at the bottom of lining for turning.
9 - Fold the handle and sew. Hold
the handles on the sides.
Enter the outside inside the lining
right sides facing each other and
sew the pieces together.
10 - Turn right at the opening of
the bottom liner and close with
blindstitch or overlock machine.
Paper and Cotton 33
Paper and Cotton
Place in time
By: Carla Pimentel
A desk calendar / mini-album to make a photographic record of the most important
events of your life over 2013.
The step by step and the materials can be found at:
34 Paper and Cotton
Paper and Cotton 35
Paper and Cotton
mustaches in spoon
By: Teresa Rebelo
36 Paper and Cotton
For Father’s Day, or whenever we want
honor the men of the family!
• Disposable spoons size medium / large
• Chocolate Cooking
• White Chocolate
• Tracing paper
• Disposable pastry bags
• Template printed of mustaches
• Satin ribbon
• Cellophane Small bags
• Staple or double tape
The amounts depend on the number of spoons, we will have about 15 g
chocolate to fill each spoon + 20 g chocolate for each mustache
(will leftovers, but we need more than the amount that actually carry the
spoons, so we could work).
Prepare the template printout of the mustaches.
(just an impression of one mustache at a proper size spoon).
Melt one type of chocolate in a double boiler or in the microwave, with
careful not to burn the chocolate.
Place melted chocolate in a part of the pastry bag.
Place the paper printed with the mustache beneath the parchment paper, cut
tip of the bag and draw over the chocolate. Away part of the vellum with the
chocolate mustache, but keep clean parchment paper mustache printed on the
back. Draw again a mustache of chocolate and so successively until you have
done the necessary mustaches.
Allow to dry (if any hurry, take the parchment paper to the refrigerator, to
solidify faster).
Place the spoons in a tray rim with the spoon handle on the rim so they are
With the remaining melted chocolate, fill the spoons, with the help of a
small spoon.
Do the same with other kind of chocolate.
When the mustaches are dry, carefully remove them from parchment paper
and apply them on spoons: if the chocolate spoons have already solidified, dip
a teaspoon in boiling water, wipe with a cloth and pass the back of the spoon,
quickly and carefully over the area of the spoon where will be pasted the
mustache, to melt a bit. Apply the mustache and let dry.
After properly dried, make a bow in the spoon handle with a piece of ribbon and
wrap in cellophane bag. Close the bag down with a staple or double tape.
Happy Father’s Day!
Teresa Rebelo •
Paper and Cotton 37
Paper and Cotton
Learn a very
easy way to decorate eggs.
May serve them in the end,
use them to decorate your
Easter cake or to create a
center allusive to the Easter
Decorated Easter Eggs
By: Carla Pimentel
Pictures: Paulo Pimentel and Carla Pimentel
38 Paper and Cotton
- Eggs
- 2 red onions
- An old pantyhose of mousse or lycra
- Thin sewing thread
- Small fresh leaves and flowers
1 - Wash the eggs and the leaves and flowers. With
the help of sewing thread attach the leaves and
flowers to eggs.
2 - Cut a piece of the pantyhose, wrap the egg in the
same, straighten it well and tie a knot at the base.
3 - Repeat this step for all the eggs.
4 - Cut onions into pieces with the bark included
into a saucepan and bring the eggs to bake with the
5 - When they are cooked remove from pan and cut
the pantyhose.
6 - Cut the thread and remove all the leaves and
You completed the decoration!
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Age Macular Degeneration
By: Ângela Carneiro, MD, PhD
AMD is the main cause of blindness in developed
countries over 50 years of age.
What is the AMD?
We can compare the human eye to a camera, and
the retina to the photo film. If for some reason the
film is damaged the photos come out damaged. The
same applies to the human eye: if the retina and
it’s central portion, an area called the macula, are
sick, the images that the eye captures will always be
disabled in the central zone.
Age Macular Degeneration is a disease in which, with
age, arises progressive deterioration of the central
part of the retina, the macula, which can lead to
severe and irreversible loss of vision.
AMD is the main cause of blindness in developed
countries over 50 years of age. In Portugal affects
more than 300 000 people.
There are two forms of the disease:
The AMD dry or atrophic – evolves for years quietly
for a progressive atrophy of the macular retina and
can only be detected by your ophthalmologist when
examine your retina.
The AMD wet, exsudative or neovascular – develop
abnormal vessels (neovascularization) leading
to an aggressive and rapid loss of central vision.
The new vessels originate bleeding and exudation
with desorganization of the retina and eventually
formation of irreversible scar lesions.
What are the causes of AMD?
The main causal factor of AMD is the age. Over 50
increases the risk of developing the disease. As age
increases, the risk increases almost exponentially.
The second factor involved in the origin of the
40 Paper and Cotton
disease is the genetic factor. A positive family history
means a higher risk of developing the disease.
Among the environmental factors , tobacco was
established as causal factor. Patients who smoke
many cigarettes a day have higher risk then general
population to have AMD.
Other environmental factors have been implicated
as prolonged exposure to sunlight, hypertension,
cardiovascular disease, changes in cholesterol levels,
etc...However there are still no irrefutable data that
relate those factors to the risk of developing AMD.
How is AMD manifested?
For years AMD may have a silent evolution with
formation of the first macular degenerative changes
without the patient detects perceptible visual
Only the ophthalmologist detects early changes. It
is possible to establish the risk of each patient to
develop advanced forms of the disease. It should
be noted as well the importance of holding regular
ophthalmology appointment in all people over 50
In consultation observation of the fundus can
identify eyes at risk, inform about the disease,
prescribe anti-oxidants therapies and distribute
simple tests like watching weekly Amsler grid, easy
to perform at home, to detect early signs of the
exsudative form.
The first symptoms of the exsudative form are
decreased central vision, spots appearing in the
visual field and distortion of the images. If these
symptoms appear, the patient should be seen
urgently by an ophthalmologist.
Figure 1 - Early stages of disease with the presence of multiple drusen in fundus of an asymptomatic patient.
Figure 2 - Dry form of the disease with retinal atrophy in the macular area.
Figure 3 - Exsudative or neovascular form with choroidal neovessels under the macula and retinal haemorrhages.
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How to test your vision?
Every week you should look at this grid with your
reading glasses, placing the test at normal reading
distance. Should first test the right eye by covering
the left eye and then test the left eye covering the
right. Must fix the central point and see if the grid
appears complete and without distorted lines.
If there is an area that you don’t see the grid or
see wavy lines, you should urgently consult your
than in untreated patients.
In 2004 began to arise new treatments with
intra-vitreous injection of anti-angiogenic drugs.
Injections are made in the eye-ball with drugs that
allow inhibiting the growth of abnormal vessels.
When performed by trained ophthalmologists and
in aseptic conditions, are almost painless and safe.
They are performed on an outpatient basis.
At this time in Portugal there are two drugs approved
for the treatment of exsudative AMD: pegaptanib
(Macugen®) and ranibizumab (Lucentis®), with
application of 6/6 or 4/4 weeks, respectively.
There is a third drug, which was approved to
intravenous use in the treatment of colon-rectal
cancer metastasized, bevacizumab (Avastin®),
which can be used for intra-vitreous injection offlabel , that means outside the information appearing
on the medicine leaflet.
Amsler Grid
What are the treatments available for AMD?
The atrophic form of AMD is untreatable, can only
be done supplementation with vitamins and antioxidants, which at high doses seem to reduce the
risk of progression to advanced forms of the disease.
For the exsudative form there is treatment that
should be initiated as soon as possible.
Macugen ® was the first commercially available and
may be used to treat a greater number of lesions
than Visudyne®. However, the mean ocular vision is
similar to that of treated patients undergoing photodynamic therapy and continued to decrease over
time. The other two drugs have better visual results.
Avastin ® for off-label use, implies acceptance more
informed by the patient of the potential risks, but
seems to be effective and safe in the short term.
There is a fourth drug, VEGF trap (Eylea ®), which
is already approved in the U.S. and is pending
approval by the supervision of the drug (EMA). This
product allows to obtain results similar to Lucentis
® but with longer duration of action and therefore,
probably, patients requiring less injections. It is
anticipated its adoption in Portugal in 2013.
Do patients have to leave Portugal for treatment?
Until 2000 the only treatment for exsudative AMD
was laser. Allowed only treat a small number
of patients who had lessions with well-defined
characteristics. It was a treatment aimed at the
destruction of neovessels but simultaneously caused
a retinal burn and took itself to severe visual loss.
In 2000 came the photo-dynamic therapy with
Verteporfirin (Visudyne ®), the first selective
treatment allowing destroy neovessels with relative
sparing of the adjacent retina. However not allowed
to treat all injuries and despite treatment, the vision
of patients on average continued to decline, but less
42 Paper and Cotton
The treatments involve hospitalization and
Right now all of these treatments are available in
Portugal. Should be performed by a doctor who
specializes in the treatment of retinal diseases.
The intra-vitreous injection are done in operating
room or in rooms that meet the aseptic conditions
necessary to avoid the risk of serious intraocular
infection (endophtalmitis). Are done with local
anesthesia, quick and relatively painless. They
take place on an outpatient basis, and the patient
return home after treatment. They do not imply
limitations on the life of patients both before and
after treatment. Only it is not advisable to practice
or attend swimming pools in the first days after
Is the patient permanently cured?
The drugs administered into the vitreous have
a lasting effect limited in time. Patients need
to be reassessed by their retina specialist after
each treatment to decide if they need another
injection. The number of injections required by
each patient is variable from case to case.
Since this is a chronic disease, even after
cessation of treatment, patients have to be
screened and monitored regularly by the retina
specialist, because relapses can occur and
retreatment should be done as early as possible.
Where treatments can be performed for the
Vision of an eye without AMD
The treatments of exsudative AMD are made in
Portugal in the hospitals of the National Health
Service (NHS) and in private clinics, which have
distinguished experts in the treatment of retinal
In the level of the NHS it is mainly the central
hospitals that currently have the drugs and
meet the conditions for carrying out treatments
and have medical and technical personnel and
diagnostic tests for monitoring patients.
A patient with signs or symptoms of AMD
should not be waiting for an external medical
appointment. If there is any doubt he should
consult an ophthalmologist as soon as possible
or use an emergency ophthalmology, because
the earlier it is treated, the greater the chances of
mantaining a good visual function.
Vision of an eye with AMD
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Easter Island
and “the errant statues”
44 Paper and Cotton
Rapa Nui – island of rare beauty where the
green landscape is dotted with Moai.
By: Maria da Luz Freitas
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Easter Island or Rapa Nui is known for its errant statues
and all its story is wrapped in mystery!
Easter Island, known to the natives as Rapa Nui,
is located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
It is an autonomous region of Chile, composed
about five thousand inhabitants and an area of
approximately 164 km2. Of the five thousand
inhabitants, two thousand are native Rapanui.
Legend says that the early settlers polynesians
arrived by canoe to the southeastern coast
of the island (Anakena Beach) for about a
thousand years after navigating over two
thousand Km in the Pacific Ocean. There lived in
different tribes with a paleolithic culture until
Dutch Admiral Jacob Roggeveen in 1722, visited
the island. He found a civilization who dwelt
in caves or rudimentary dwellings, divided
by clashes between clans and resorting to
But Rapa Nui is known for its “ errant statues “the Moai. Across the island there are
some hundreds of moai and its history is
involved in mysteries. The Moai were carved
in volcanic tuff at a quarry (Rana Raruku)
and, according to the local belief, embodied
the spirits of deified ancestors. To the natives
the moai were animated by a spiritual force
transmitted by powerful ancestors - the mana.
This strength is what made them move around
the island, and can cover distances greater than
15 km.
46 Paper and Cotton
Rapa Nui is an island of rare
beauty ...
What is certain is that the method of transport
of these statues, which may be up to 10 meters
height and weight of several tons, is unknown. It
is known that the natives do not knew the wheel
or had animals of large scale.
The moai scattered throughout the island, are
often near the coastline on platforms (the ahu)
and facing away from the sea.
Ahu Tongariki
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Pacific Ocean bathing the shores of the island
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After being placed on the platforms (the ahu)
they were animated by placing white coral eyes
with obsidian or red scoria pupils, in orbits.
Many of them were adorned with hats (the
The pukoa, reddish slag were produced in
another volcanic quarry, not Rano Raruku (Puna
Pau). In the century. XIX all moai were knocked
down, not knowing the protagonists or natural
phenomena involved in this drop. It is known
however that in 1960, many of the moai were
pushed into the island by a tsunami that broke
inclusive some of them.
50 Paper and Cotton
Pukoa with coral eyes
The rugged coastline
Rapa Nui is an island of rare beauty, where the
green is the dominant color and where its coast
rugged, is buffeted by wind and rain throughout
the year. The landscape is green peppered
everywhere by moai, horses and sheep.
I would like to highlight the main archaeological
four points:
Horses dots the green fields
- Rano Raruku, the volcano of the southeast
of the island, where moai are at all stages of
finish. It is known as the Quarry.
- Ahu Tongariki, Poika Peninsula, northeast of
the island, where is the largest ahu
(platform) of moai - 15 moai back facing the
Rano Raruku - the quarry
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Ahu Tongariki
- Ahu Akivi in the western part of the island,
where we find more 7 moai standing, restored in
60’s by a team American / Chilean.
Here the moai placed in their ahu, are facing the
- In the northern part of the island, Anakena
Beach, there is a row of moai (four of which with
a pukoa), restored in the 70’s by a native.
Anakena beach
Here is also the largest moai standing of the
island. In addition to being the site thought to
have happened the first landing settlers, there is
a coconut plantation that makes
Ahu Akivi
52 Paper and Cotton
it one of the most paradisiacal places of the
island. It has become a meeting point for
many tourists and locals to enjoy the nature
at all hours of the day and dip in the turquoise
waters of the Pacific.
Rapa Nui was annexed by Chile in 1888 but until
1953 was run by a scottish company. Today,
the inhabitants depend on Chile and live from
The biggest MOAI of the island
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Map showing the location of various MOAI and its relative proximity to Chile.
54 Paper and Cotton
tourism. It has a only town, Hanga Roa, has
a fishing harbor and every year recalls their
ancestors with a festival of dances, games and
traditions. But throughout the year the spirit
Rapanui populate the island. The optimum
period to enjoy this island is from November to
I do not wanna say goodbye without
remembering the crater of volcano Rano Kau in
the southern part of the island, which is filled
with water, and takes different colors
throughout the day. It is one of the highest
locations of the island, where you can
appreciate the immensity of sea and go back to
the century XVIII and XIX, where they
performed the ceremonial feast of Man Bird
in the housing complex of Orongo, built to
accommodate the different tribes that fought
for power.
How to get there:
The Lan Chile is the airline that flies to
Easter Island.
The plane can be taken in Santiago Chile or
in Papeete, Tahiti.
There are four weekly flights.
Native inscriptions
Paper and Cotton 55
Paper and Cotton
Mail from Readers
In response to our request for sending emails and suggestions we had answers
from several readers. Thanks to all who kindly wrote.
Failing to publish all, here are some:
“Congratulations on your magazine. I love creative work and your magazine
has plenty of examples. “
I would like to suggest a project for the next edition:
Paula Fragoso (7/11/2012)
-*“I’ve seen your magazine and I have to say that I really enjoyed. I am writing to congratulate you and
remain so. Here in Portugal shortage of scrap magazines (...) we often have to resort to international
magazines and (...) it’s a shame because we are a very creative people (...) I loved the graphics that
the magazine offers. I want to undoubtedly be a subscriber of this new magazine. “
Lot’s of success!
Carina Jorge (23/10/2012)
-*“I downloaded the first free issue through the Inspire page on facebook and loved the magazine. (...) I
live in Sweden and also prefer to save magazines on computer. “
Thank you so much!
Ana Virginia (7/11/2012)
-*56 Paper and Cotton
“(...) I want to congratulate you for this innovative project between us and seize the opportunity that
is giving fans of the craft, to present their works in the magazine (...) My passion is patchwork and
meshwork and I have a blog: “o”.
Conceição Boga (5/11/2012)
-*“I’ve been through this email send a scrapbooking work, (...) to publish in the January issue of your
magazine, which I liked very much and look forward to the 2nd number! (...)”
Susete Montemor
-*“I read the magazine to detail and was really blown away ... Your magazine has everything to do with
me (...) I like it, has huge tips!”
Congratulations and much success!
Maria João Vitó (11/11/2012)
Paper and Cotton 57
Paper and Cotton
58 Paper and Cotton
Paper and Cotton
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Paper Cotton
Living and Loving your Creative Self
The next edition will be on sale from April 2013.
The main themes will be: Spring and Mother’s Day.
Customized Notebook cover
Bag with Japanese style
Suggestions for Mother’s Day
t issu
r wor
l with
Partic s an emai s for proje
Send suggestio
or yo uld like
you w published
to see
We wish you all a Happy Year and many
creative ideas! Join us!
60 Paper and Cotton