Q3•2012 - JobsOhio
Q3•2012 - JobsOhio
Ascena Retail Group, Inc. n Sarnova, Inc. n Stanley Electric US n Niagara Bottling n Parker Hannifin n Elton Manufacturing n The Great Lakes Towing Company n Clevela Construction n Midwest Global Distribution Centers n Total Quality Logistics n Nestle USA n Troyer Cheese n Vita-Mix Corporation n Crosscountry Mortgage n Sedgwi Claims Management Services n Safeguard Properties n The Brewer-Garrett Company n Chesapeake Energy n Mansfield Plumbing Products n Hausenware n AllTech Medic Systems America n General Motors n IAC Huron n Fuserashi International Technology n Ramco Specialties n Daimler n Wiseco Piston Company n The Step 2 Company n L& Cleveland n GrafTech International Holdings n Cleveland Range n Norlake Manufacturing Company n The Step 2 Company n Technibus n The Apex Paper Box Company n Fed Freight n Willmar International n Libbey Inc. n Toledo Molding & Die n Piston Automotive n Toledo Molding & Die n Toledo Molding & Die n Owens-Illinois n Maumee Assemb & Stamping n Taylor Made Glass n Decko Products n Geo-Tech Polymers n CGI Technologies and Solutions n Rosebud Mining Company n Fanatics n H & H Screening a Graphics East n Jefferson County Commissioners n Michelman n Jet Machine n Turner Construction Company n Axiom Consulting n Corbus n Seapine Software n Koch Foo n Integra LifeSciences n Eurofins QTA n Schaerer Mayfield USA n mDynamik n Southern Air n Honeymoon Paper Products n Makino n Cincinnati Test Systemd n Wilm Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr n Peerless Technologies n BOI Solutions n Sugar Creek Packing n Jack’s Aquarium & Pets n Aptalis Pharmatech n Crown Equipment n Winga Packaging n Coldwater Machine Company n Crayex Corporation n Production Control Units n Mace Security International n MSC Industrial Supply n Menlo Logistics In n Total Quality Logistics n e-Cycle n Sedgwick Claims Management Services n Vision Service Plan n DSW Shoe Warehouse, INC. n Ascena Retail Group, Inc. n Sarnova, In n Stanley Electric US n Niagara Bottling n Parker Hannifin n Elton Manufacturing n The Great Lakes Towing Company n Cleveland Construction n Midwest Global Distributi Centers n Total Quality Logistics n Nestle USA n Troyer Cheese n Vita-Mix Corporation n Crosscountry Mortgage n Sedgwick Claims Management Services n Safegua Properties n The Brewer-Garrett Company n Chesapeake Energy n Mansfield Plumbing Products n Hausenware n AllTech Medical Systems America n General Motors n IA Huron n Fuserashi International Technology n Ramco Specialties n Daimler n Wiseco Piston Company n The Step 2 Company n L&W Cleveland n GrafTech Internation Holdings n Cleveland Range n Norlake Manufacturing Company n The Step 2 Company n Technibus n The Apex Paper Box Company n FedEx Freight n Willmar Internation n Libbey Inc. n Toledo Molding & Die n Piston Automotive n Toledo Molding & Die n Toledo Molding & Die n Owens-Illinois n Maumee Assembly & Stamping n Taylor Ma Glass n Decko Products n Geo-Tech Polymers n CGI Technologies and Solutions n Rosebud Mining Company n Fanatics n H & H Screening and Graphics East n Jefferson Coun Commissioners n Michelman n Jet Machine n Turner Construction Company n Axiom Consulting n Corbus n Seapine Software n Koch Foods n Integra LifeSciences n Eurofi QTA n Schaerer Mayfield USA n mDynamik n Southern Air n Honeymoon Paper Products n Makino n Cincinnati Test Systemd n Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr n Peerle Technologies n BOI Solutions n Sugar Creek Packing n Jack’s Aquarium & Pets n Aptalis Pharmatech n Crown Equipment n Wingate Packaging n Coldwater Machine Compa n Crayex Corporation n Production Control Units n Mace Security International n MSC Industrial Supply n Menlo Logistics Inc. n Total Quality Logistics n e-Cycle n Sedgwi Claims Management Services n Vision Service Plan n DSW Shoe Warehouse, INC. n Ascena Retail Group, Inc. n Sarnova, Inc. n Stanley Electric US n Niagara Bottling n Park Hannifin n Elton Manufacturing n The Great Lakes Towing Company n Cleveland Construction n Midwest Global Distribution Centers n Total Quality Logistics n Nestle US n Troyer Cheese n Vita-Mix Corporation n Crosscountry Mortgage n Sedgwick Claims Management Services n Safeguard Properties n The Brewer-Garrett Compa n Chesapeake Energy n Mansfield Plumbing Products n Hausenware n AllTech Medical Systems America n General Motors n IAC Huron n Fuserashi International Technolo n Ramco Specialties n Daimler n Wiseco Piston Company n The Step 2 Company n L&W Cleveland n GrafTech International Holdings n Cleveland Range n Norlake Manufacturi Company n The Step 2 Company n Technibus n The Apex Paper Box Company n FedEx Freight n Willmar International n Libbey Inc. n Toledo Molding & Die n Piston Automoti n Toledo Molding & Die n Toledo Molding & Die n Owens-Illinois n Maumee Assembly & Stamping n Taylor Made Glass n Decko Products n Geo-Tech Polymers n CGI Technologi and Solutions n Rosebud Mining Company n Fanatics n H & H Screening and Graphics East n Jefferson County Commissioners n Michelman n Jet Machine n Turner Constructi Company n Axiom Consulting n Corbus n Seapine Software n Koch Foods n Integra LifeSciences n Eurofins QTA n Schaerer Mayfield USA n mDynamik n Southern A n Honeymoon Paper Products n Makino n Cincinnati Test Systemd n Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr n Peerless Technologies n BOI Solutions n Sugar Creek Packi n Jack’s Aquarium & Pets n Aptalis Pharmatech n Crown Equipment n Wingate Packaging n Coldwater Machine Company n Crayex Corporation n Production Control Uni n Mace Security International n MSC Industrial Supply n Menlo Logistics Inc. n Total Quality Logistics n e-Cycle n Sedgwick Claims Management Services n Vision Servi Plan n DSW Shoe Warehouse, INC. n Ascena Retail Group, Inc. n Sarnova, Inc. n Stanley Electric US n Niagara Bottling n Parker Hannifin n Elton Manufacturing n The Gre Lakes Towing Company n Cleveland Construction n Midwest Global Distribution Centers n Total Quality Logistics n Nestle USA n Troyer Cheese n Vita-Mix Corporati n Crosscountry Mortgage n Sedgwick Claims Management Services n Safeguard Properties n The Brewer-Garrett Company n Chesapeake Energy n Mansfield Plumbi Products n Hausenware n AllTech Medical Systems America n General Motors n IAC Huron n Fuserashi International Technology n Ramco Specialties n Daimler n Wise Piston Company n The Step 2 Company n L&W Cleveland n GrafTech International Holdings n Cleveland Range n Norlake Manufacturing Company n The Step 2 Compa n Technibus n The Apex Paper Box Company n FedEx Freight n Willmar International n Libbey Inc. n Toledo Molding & Die n Piston Automotive n Toledo Molding & Die n Tole Molding & Die n Owens-Illinois n Maumee Assembly & Stamping n Taylor Made Glass n Decko Products n Geo-Tech Polymers n CGI Technologies and Solutions n Roseb Mining Company n Fanatics n H & H Screening and Graphics East n Jefferson County Commissioners n Michelman n Jet Machine n Turner Construction Company n Axio Consulting n Corbus n Seapine Software n Koch Foods n Integra LifeSciences n Eurofins QTA n Schaerer Mayfield USA n mDynamik n Southern Air n Honeymoon Pap Products n Makino n Cincinnati Test Systemd n Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr n Peerless Technologies n BOI Solutions n Sugar Creek Packing n Jack’s Aquarium Pets n Aptalis Pharmatech n Crown Equipment n Wingate Packaging n Coldwater Machine Company n Crayex Corporation n Production Control Units n Mace Securi International n MSC Industrial Supply n Menlo Logistics Inc. n Total Quality Logistics n e-Cycle n Sedgwick Claims Management Services n Vision Service Plan n DSW Sh Warehouse, INC. n Ascena Retail Group, Inc. n Sarnova, Inc. n Stanley Electric US n Niagara Bottling n Parker Hannifin n Elton Manufacturing n The Great Lakes Towi Company n Cleveland Construction n Midwest Global Distribution Centers n Total Quality Logistics n Nestle USA n Troyer Cheese n Vita-Mix Corporation n Crosscount Mortgage n Sedgwick Claims Management Services n Safeguard Properties n The Brewer-Garrett Company n Chesapeake Energy n Mansfield Plumbing Products n Hausenwa n AllTech Medical Systems n General n IAC Huron n Fuserashi AmericaQ3 Internationalpartners Technology n successfully Ramco Specialties n worked Daimler n Wiseco During 2012,Motors JobsOhio and its statewide withPiston Company n The St n Q3•2012 Quarterly Report 87 companies that committed to create or retain 22,105 jobs for Ohioans. Ohio Economic Overview Ohio’s economic climate remains steady With 112,600 jobs created in the state since January 2011, Ohio continues to see steady growth in that area while experiencing its lowest unemployment rate since 2008. Unemployment Update January 2011 September 2012 Creator In U.s. #4 Job over the past 12 months 112,600 Jobs created since January 2011 Unemployment Decreased in 9.0% Unemployment 7.0% Unemployment ALL 88 Counties since January 2011 Unemployment Rate by County n 0 – 5% n 5 – 8% n 8 – 12% n 12 – 15% n 15 – 20% The job of getting people back to work continues Ohio’s unemployment rate tells only part of the story. While this rate has improved, the size of the labor force has decreased and there are still 165,200 fewer jobs than four years ago. September 2008 September 20121 Change Labor Force 5,945,377 5,758,558 (186,819) Unemployed 417,458 405,884 (11,574) Ohio Unemployment Rate Employment/Jobs2 7.0% 7.0% 5,342,400 5,177,200 Sources: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Ohio Department of Job & Family Services 1 Preliminary data 2 Represents nonagricultural wage and salary jobs (165,200) Jobsohio q3 update Job creation and capital investment continued to grow in Q3 JobsOhio focuses its economic development efforts on a diverse portfolio of targeted industries and business functions that drive the state’s economy and have the greatest impact on job creation. Projects announced in the third quarter represent job creation and capital investment commitments to be completed in the next three years. With its state and regional partners, JobsOhio assisted 87 companies to create or retain 22,105 jobs, totaling more than $1.1 billion in annual payroll. These projects also represent $1 billion of total capital investment by these 87 companies. The state’s three-year return on investment (ROI) is estimated at $25 million. Q3 2012 Results 22,105 total Jobs committed Q3 1.0 Billion $ capital investment committed Q3 Total # of Projects 87 New Jobs (committed) 5,788 New Jobs Payroll (committed) $228 million Retained Jobs (committed) 16,317 Retained Jobs Payroll (committed) $853 million Total Jobs (including retained) 22,105 Total Jobs Payroll (including retained) $1.1 billion Capital Investment by Companies (committed) $1.0 billion ROI Year 1 Total $2.2 million ROI Year 3 Total $25 million ROI Year 10 Total $131 million ROI Positive Year 1 (77 out of 87) 55,340 Q3 2011 3.9 Billion $ capital investment committed YTD 2012 Quarter (calendar year) 6787 total Jobs committed YTD 2012 Q3 2012 Total # of Projects 88.5% YTD 2011 YTD 2012 186 234 New Jobs 5,2765,788 14,403 15,980 (committed) Total Jobs 15,45222,105 (including retained) 46,276 55,340 $1.1 B $892 M Total Jobs Payroll (including retained) $2.7 B $2.8 B $923 M $1.0 B Capital Investment (committed) $2.5 B $3.9 B Jobsohio q3 update Q3 company commitments span Ohio’s diverse industries KEY Q3 Capital Investment (IN MILLIONS) Q3 New JOBS by Industry nAdvanced Manufacturing nAerospace and Aviation nAutomotive nBiohealth nConsumer Products nEnergy nFinancial Services nFood Processing and Agribusiness nInformation Technology and Services nPolymers and Chemicals 582 $14 $6 1,253 160 $95 $194 $125 589 Total 150 5,788 521 $1.0 B 509 $296 $242 714 72 Total $10 $15 218 nOther $4 1,020 $24 Total 4,626 Breakout of new jobs 788 Of the jobs committed in the third quarter, 4,626 were created through expansion projects by existing Ohio companies and 1,162 were created through attraction of new companies to Ohio. 3,838 Total 1,162 25 1,137 Expansion KEY nNo Incentives Assisted, but received no state financial incentives nIncentives Received state financial incentives Attraction YTD 2012 PROJECT COUNT BY COUNTRY OF ORIGIN In the first three quarters of this year, 12 percent of the 234 projects were of international origin. Columbia—1 France—1 Japan—10 Switzerland—3 Canada—3 United Kingdom—2 Austria—1 Belgium—1 Brazil—1 China—1 Germany—1 India—1 Israel—1 Italy—1 Jobsohio q3 update Sales funnel The sales funnel represents the pipeline of potential deals that JobsOhio and its state and regional partners are working on to create job growth and capital investment in Ohio. Having this tool allows us to analyze data, view trends, and develop strategies. Deal Velocity Q3 Active projects by stage 40 Days Leads 350 45,796 Jobs $3.1 billion capital investment Negotiations 138 39 Days 25 Days 21 Days 125 Days Average Velocity 25,605 Jobs $1.5 billion capital investment 35,147 Jobs Offers 69 $928 million capital investment Applications 21 5,246 Jobs $540 million capital investment Lead JobsOhio engages with companies on projects that were previously prospects Negotiation JobsOhio begins structuring a proposal for the project Offer Company receives commitment letter outlining the project details Application Company begins the formal process to finalize the project selected q3 projects Significant job and capital investment commitments were made in every region and across all industries in Ohio during Q3. Company Region Jobs Created Capital Investment Expansion/ New Location Industry Southwest 390 $42.7 million Expansion Southeast 270 $44.2 million New Location Consumer Products Central 250 $55.8 million New Location Logistics Central 240 $1.6 million New Location Financial Services Central 225 $72 million Expansion Northeast 176 $4.1 million Consolidation Advanced Manufacturing Southeast 150 $503,060 New Location Information Services and Software Southwest 150 $3.2 million New Location Aerospace and Aviation Northwest 150 $15.3 million Expansion Automotive Western 89 $22.6 million Expansion Food Sciences and Agriculture Central 73 $49.9 million New Location Advanced Manufacturing Southwest 45 $9.6 million Expansion Polymers and Chemicals Southeast 45 $11.7 million New Location Energy Western 35 $19 million Consolidation BioHealth Northeast — $200 million Retention Sugar Creek Food Sciences and Agriculture Consumer Products Automotive Summary of Q3 results • 5,788 new jobs committed to be created with $228 million in annual payroll • 16,317 retained jobs representing $853 million in payroll • 22,105 jobs combined with $1.1 billion in payroll • $1.0 billion in new capital investment by companies Visit our website at Jobs-Ohio.com to learn more. JobsOhio | 41 S. High Street, Suite 1500 | Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 224-6446 | contact@jobs-ohio.com Data subject to adjustments based on final commitments. © 2011-2012 JobsOhio. All rights reserved.
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