NATIONAL HIGHWAY AUTHORITY ki;'* ffi,, Procurement & Contract Administration Section 28 MauveArea,G-9/l,Islamabad E 051,-9032727, B 051-9260419 No.2(as1-02)/cM(P&cA)/NHAI 2o\sI I O lO >9il,tuty,zots To, All the nominated bidders M/s............... Subject: ADDENDUM NO. 3 CONSTRUCTION OF KARACHI - LAHORE MOTORWAY SECTION-II: SUKKUR - MULTAN SECTION (392 KMI Find enclosed herewith Addendum No.S for vour information and necessary action, please. AR AIIMEDDUTRANI) Copv for lnformatlon: Member (Engg-Coord), NHA, Islamabad. ApDENpU\4 NO. 3 CONSTRUCTIONOF KARACHI - LAHORE MOTORWAY This AddendumNo. 3 to Bidding Documentsof Constructionof Karachi - Lahore Motorwav - Sukkur - Multan Sectionis issuedpursuant to ClauseIB 7.1of Instructions to nidders lifng ana wittr referenceto lre-bid mieting held on 25thand 26thJune,2015. Pursuantto IB 7.2 of Instructionsto Bidders,this Addendumshallbe part of the Bidding Document. The following amendments havebeenmadein the Bidding/Tender Documentunderthis Addendum,which shallbe readand construedas an integralpartsof the Bidding/Tender Documentand shall take precedencein case of any oonflict / ambiguitiesin the Bidding/Tender Documentaadotherprovisionsofthe Bidding/Tender Document. 1. a) ClauseIB.26:DetailedEvaluationof Bids RefertableunderSub-clause 26.2(c)(ii), Sr.No.(iii) underdescription at theendof secondlinereplace"four" with "seven", b) ClauseIB.32: Emnlover'sRisht to Accept any Bid and to Reiect anv or all Bids Add thefollowingat the endof Sub-clause 32.2: After evaluationof Bids, andpresentation madepursuantto this sub-clause, the TechnicalProposalsubmitted by thebiddermaybediscussed andadjusted to obtain the best desiredobjectivewith respectto the project and accordinglyprice adjustment maybemadewith mutualconsent. c) Sr. # 3 of Aopendix-B(Evidenceof Bidder'sCapability) The last sentenoe"Who will be involvedfor vettingof the Designfrom Contrqctor side?"of Sr. # 3 of Appendix-B(Evidenceof Bidder'sCapability)of Addendum No. 2 is deleted. 2, SECTION-3_ LETTER OF TECIINICAL BID AND SCHEDULES TO BID a) Schedule-Mto Bid: Lumn SumCostBreak-upfor MaioJ CostItems A. FOREIGN EXCHANGE CURRENCYREQUIREMENT (ReferITB 12 ) (D The biddermay indicatehereinbelowhis requirement of Foreignexchange (if any)with reference curuency to variousinputsto the work. This shallno exceed20% ofthe conftactprice asper following AddendumNo, 3 (KLM - Sukkur- MultanSection) o . . joint, pre-stressed wire, admixtures Materialslike expansion etc. plant, per Import of machinery,testingequipmentetc. as approved of theContractor. methodology Manpowerspeciallythosetradesnot easilyavailablelocally (suchasScheduling/Monitoring Engineer) (iD The individualitem may changeasper approvedwork methodology but not exceedthelimit statedabove. (iii) The paymentis furthersubjectto productionof all valid documentation for importationof plant/material/equipment whichis requiredasper construction methodology adoptedandapproved by theEmployer. b) Schedule-M to Bid: Lumn SumCostBreak-upfor Maior CostItems with thefollowing: TheNoteat the endof Schedule-M is deletedandreplaced Note: Biddersshouldprovideiustificationof foreigncunencyrequirement Foreignourrencyrequirements will be reimbursed on productionof actual receiptsandotherevidenceof vouchersetc.for tle materialandplant.The staffwill bephysicallypresenton projectin Employer'scountry. Schedule-O to Bid: List of ltems of Works and Non-BindineBill of Ouantities (BOO)for Bidder'sReferenceonly The existingSchedule-O to Bid (List of Itemsof WorksandNon-BindingBill of (BOQ) for Bidder's Referenceonly) is deletedand replacedwith the Quantities pagesof thisAddendum(Annexure-I). Schedule-O providedonthe subsequent d) Schedule-O to Bid: ScheduleofPricesand Pavments BilI No.2: Structures B) Other Structures,Service Area, Parking / Rest Area and Intelligent TransportationSystem(ITS) Item # 15 (IntelligentTransportation System)of all the Project Sections (Section-1throughSection-7)standsdeletedand replacedwith revisedItem No. # 15of all ProjectSectionsgivenon thenextpages.After the evaluation andlorFinalDesignby EPCContractor, theEmployer(NHA) mayat its option deleteanysub-itemof ITS,ifrequired(Annexure-Il). 3. SECTION-4 _ PREAMBLE TO CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT (SpecialStipulations) First and secondlinesof Clause14,2(AdvancePayment), (10%)"is replaced with "fifteenpercent(15%)" Addendrm No. 3 "ten percent 4. SECTION-6- CONDITIONSOF CONTRACT (COPA)-II CONDITIONSOF PARTICULAR APPLICATION the word."10%" is replaoedwith First line of Clause14.2(AdvancePayrnent), "15%". J. SECTION-7- EMPLOYER'S REOUIREMENTS a) Para 2: Sconeof Work with is deletedandreplaced SAtr.16of "Summaryof Projectcomponents/elements" thefollowins S/N l6 Elements Numbers MainLineToll Plazas 0 to 2ma,\. b) Para3,1: Scopeofthe Field Survev.Investieationand DetailedDesisn Existing para3.1 is delstedand replacedwith the followingr 3.1 Scopeofthe Field Survev.Investiqationand DetailedDesisn The Contractorshall cany o\l inter a/ia the following activities in order to preparea meaningfuldesign: . o . . e o o o . o o o r r r r Topogaphic Suwey Traffic Studies Soil and GeotechnicalInvestigations(for pavement& structuraldesign) Survey and testing of oonstruotionmaterial for embankment,pavement, culvertsand structffesto identif the acceptablesowce. Hydrological/HydraulicStudies. Pavementand EmbankmentDesign GeometricDesign Structural Design for Interchanges,Bridges, Underpasses,Cattle Creeps, Culvertsetc. Roadsidefacilitiesdesign IntelligentTransportationSystem(lTS) - Design Design of ServiceArea, Rest Area/Parking(washroomfor man & women, prayer place within the ROW in addition to parking) with necessary components Road Safetyand Road FumitureDesign Electrificationand lighting design Horticulture, Greening & landscapingdesign, EMP and Environmental Protectiondesign ConstructionSchedule(including ResourceAllooation with respectto Key Personnel,Material,Equipmentand Machinery). Desisn Renort AddendumNo,3 (KLM - Sukkur- o Construction Equipment& MachineryReport r ConstructionDrawings . Computation of Quantities Theseactivitiesaredescribed brieflyin thefollowingsection. Sub-Para3,2.2: Traffic Survev& Analvsis In 2ndline of sub-para 3.2.2(TrafficSurvey& Analysis),the word "48 hours"is replaced with "72 hours". d) Sub-Para3.2,3: SoilInvestieation with the following:Existingsub-para 3.2.3is deletedandreplaced 3.2.3 SoilandGeotechnical Investigation The Contractorshallcarryout lm deeptestpits at a maximumof 1 km or lessspacing(staggered) as per site conditionalongthe centerline of the perform motorwayandshall laboratory testingto arriveat the classification ofthesoil. At everybridgesite,minimumoneborehole (30 m deep)shallbe carried out in additionalto the shallowpits of 2.5 m depthto arive at the bearing capacityof the soil andto determine the hardstratawherethe loadis to be transferred. The Contractorshall also calry out the surveyandtestingof construction materialsfor embankmentfill as well as for pavementand ooncrete structures.It shall cover CBR, Atterberg, Limits, moisture content, gradation, of aggregate etc. classification, soundness e) Sub-Para3,2.7: PavementDesisn (a) is deletedandreplaced Existingsub-para 3.2.7up to sub-para with thefollowing (b),(c) and(d) remainunchanged:andsub-paras 3.2.7 PavementDesign Pavementdesignshall be doneas per AASHTO Guidelinefor Pavement Axle load surveyshall Design2004Meohanistic / Emperical-Mechanistic. be doneto arriveat actualloadingconditionswith loadfactorsfromNTRC Reportandconfirmt}reDesignwith mechanistic designmethodology.The pavementdesignwill be basedon existingtraffic keepingoverloadfactors in view. Designlife 10 yearsand overlayfor another10 yearsshall be proposed. The pavementthicknessesgiven in para2 may be assumedfor bid purpose +.// in generalform asbelow for pavement elements arenaxrated Designaspects withoutprejudiceto NHA's GeneralSpecifications:a) AsphaltConcrete GradeAsphalt as per The Contractormay like to use Perforrnance on Designshallbebasedpredominantly requirement of localconditions. optimizedasphaltlayer thickness.However,it should in no way Asphaltpenetration the structuraladequacy of tle pavement. undermine gradeshallbe specified. Para3.2.9:StructuralDesisn (a) and(b) of para3.2.9of Employer'sRequirements aredeleted Existingsub-paras andreplaced with thefollowing:a) General width with full shouldersas i, Bridge shallbe designedfor full oarriageway per Motorwayin eachdirectionplus 2.0mwide walkwayon outersideof (forpedestrian andlocalmovement) thebarier alongeachcaruiageway ii, Culverts shall be designedfor full formationwidth. For Culvertshaving skewangle> l35oor skewangle< 450with respectto MotorwayAxis shall preferablyBox Culvefls. b) Loading shall be used for bridge AASHTO (LRFD) Bridge Design Specifications design.For Live Loads,in additionto AASHTO(LRFD)Live loads, (West) PakistanHighwayCode(1967)Loadingshallalsobe Checkedwith impact factoras applicable.Additionallythe bridgedeckslabshallalsobe checked Shear for a wheelloadof21,000pounds(95kN). in Punching c) Para3.2,10rDesignStandards O Existing sub-para 1) (b) (For Geometricand PavementDesign)of para 3.2.10 of Employer's Requirementsis deleted and replacedwith the following:Design2004 with load factorsfrom b) AASHTO Guidelinefor Pavement design of the Designwith mechanistic Report and Confirmation NTRC methodology. (iD Existingsub-para4) (CaniagewayStandards) of para3.2.10is deletedand replaced with thefollowing:4) CarriagewayStandards Motorwayis: for theproposed cross-section Thecarriageway r r 3-lanes@ 3.65m widelaneeachdirection Calriageway curbedShoulder3 m outerand1 m inner paved Concrete AddendumNo. 3 (KLM - Sukkur- MultanSection) . . r o o o . o r o Serviceroadwhererequired3.65m with 1.5m shoulders eitherside with TST,(30%of totallengthi.e. 392x2Km minimumshallbe used for bid purposes). All the acceleration and decelerationlanesof the lay-byeshall be pigmented with coloredaggregates andchromebasepigment. Anti-glareshieldat requiredlocationson medianbanierwheresafety demandsnot limited to, at curves,bridgesetc..The shieldshall be flexiblePVC.All bridges,interchanges, curvesetc. Controlleddrainagealong curbedshoulderswith ohutesand water inletsin innershoulders at super-elevated sections. Acceleration & Deceleration lanesshallbetaper@ I:50 Roadway fumiturecompletein all respect;whatsoever, Pavement marking shall be Thermoplasticreflectivepaint for lane dividers, shoulderline,chevron,acceleration anddeceleration dividers. Cat-eyeswhite on carriagewaylines, greenon bridgesyellow on shoulders andredon deadendsshallbefixed. Reflectivetapebeacons/reflectors shallbe fixed on new-jersey barrier top whererequired Metallicbeamguardrailshallbe installedwhererequired. Embankment sideslopesshallbe designedwith sideslopeprotection as2H:lV. asrequiredhavingminimumslopefor embankment (iiD Existing8t and9thmainbulletpoint of sub-para5) (RoadUserFacilitation is deletedand Requirements) of para 3.2.10of Employer'sRequirements replaced with thefollowing:. SlowspeedWeigh-in-motion (SSWIM)stationshallbeestablished at every interchange andminimumtwo (2) WIM (full featured)shallbe established on main carriageway. Overweightvehiclesshall be guidedout without interferingthemaintraffic.The SSWIMandWIM mustconformto ASTM E 13180-02. The systemshouldbe QuartzSensorbasedwith commercial handlingfollowinginfo; standard; ooupledwith peripheralequipment o Off-scalesensorinstalledon eitherside to align the vehiclepath for correctdatarecording, on the o Over-heightdetector; a pole-mountedreceiver/transmitter instrumentation reflectoron sideof the travellaneand a pole-mounted acrossthe travel the oppositesideof lane,Infraredbeamis transmitted laneandreflectedbackacrossto the receiver.Whena passingvehicle breaksthebeam,theinformationis displayedon console, o Traffic Control Systems:Facilitatescontrol of vehicleswithin the facility o Vehicleldentification:UsingRF tagson the screen,VehicleID canbe recorded, o AutomaticLicensePlateReader:The AutomaticLicensePlateReader (ALPR) using high-resolutionhigh-speedoameras and image reoognition softwarecandetected andreadthelicenseplatepassingover thefacility. to recordthe overallactivityof the facility o OverviewCamera:Cameras day& night, o RemoteDisplays:Remotedisplaysto be usedfor driver information. Thedisplaycharacter shouldnot belessthan5 inches. shallbe installedin travellane o LoopDeteotors: Inductiveloopdetectors to sensethepresence ofa vehicle. o All aotivitiesto becontrolledby sollwareto recordandtransmitdata. Major Bridgesand Criticalareas Lightingof the MotorwayInterchange, i.e.Toll Plazas,weighstationsandvicinity of interchanges1 km either sideand2 Km at terminalpoints. RoadLighting for serviceareasand rest areasshall be extendedup to from the startofthe exit rampand500mbeyondtheend 500mbackwards pointofacceleration with offset. laneasperintemational standards o LEDslampsshallbeusedthroughout theMotorwayProjectlightingas thesecan significantlyreducethe electricityenergysavings- up to 85%, provide good color rendering,making it easierfor usersto orientate themselves, thesearelong life - upto 100,000hoursresulting in less maintenance, uniform, high quality white light with good opportunities to dim light whennotneeded. specificationor o LatesttechnologyLED Road luminaire"Speedstar" (outdoor). equivalent shallbeemployedon all projectcomponents largeversion,IntegralLED-Module,Greenline o BGP323or equivalent (GRN) 169Wor equivalent,Luminousflux >17,0001m, luminaire of lumen>than90,000hours effioaoy>100lm/W,Maintenance o Must havedimmingoptions;6 to 8 hourssetup,RF Antenna,Mains dimming,NEMA Socket,Photocellprovisionand20 m cable. o The luminaireshallhavea full die casthousingto providerigidity and strengthand heatdissipation.It shouldbe IP66 compliance(ingress protection). -40oCto 50oC o Workingtemperature o Uniform white light dissipationand not black spots on the caniageway. o LED lampsto uniformlyilluminateall trafficsignplates. (iv) Existinglastthree(3) paragraphs ofsub-para 6) (Horticulture)ofpara 3.2.10 with the following:aredeletedandreplaced The following issuesmustconsideration whenmakinga choiceof treesfor planting adjacentto the Motorway: rliri:::',, t+ *-l- Addendum No. 3 Section) MinimumHeightof Treesshallbe 1.5mat theits plantationonthemotorway Ultimatematureheight: I. lOm Smallto approximately II. Mediumto approximately 15m m. Largegreaterthan15m Flowerbeds interval shall be developed with flowers 3 m x 10 m staggered planted.At requiredintewal, water boreswith completesetup in smallenclosed unit shallbeconstructed to watertheolantatior-. h) Para3.2.11:DesisnCriteria O Existingsub-para (b) (For Structures) of para 3.2.11of Employer's Requirements is deletedandreplaced with thefollowing:b, For Structures The designcriteriato be adoptedby the Contractorfor structuraldesign aresivenbelow:- s.# Design DesisnCriteria/Standards I For StructuralDesign AASHTO LRFD Curent Edition 2 For StructuralLoads All loadswill be aspercurent AASHTOLRFD BridgeDesignSpecifications. For Live Loads, in addition to AASHTO (LRFD) Live loads,(West)PakistanHighway Code (1967) Loading shall also as itemized belowshallalsobe Checkedwith imDactfactor asapplicable, a. ClassAA 70 ton tank andImpact& braking associated with it. b. Axle Load and spacingfor ClassA truck trainonly. c. Additionallythe bridge deck slab shall be checkedin punchingshearfor a wheelload of 21000pounds(105KN) on 0.25x 0.5m2 tvfe contactarea. 3 For SeismicAnalysis AASHTO LRFD current Edition but for selectingPGA latest seismiczoning map of Pakistanshallbe followed, AddendumNo. 3 (KLM - Sukkur- MultanSection) (iD Existingsub-para (f) (Designof Struotures) of para 3.2.11of Employer's is deletedandreplaced with the following:Requirements f. Designof Structures: For designof bridgesand flyovers,latestedition of AASHTO LRFD BridgeDesignSpecifications andLRFD SeismicBridgeDesign.For Live Loads,in additionto AASHTO (LRFD) Live loads,(West) Pakistan HighwayCode(1967)Loadingshallalsobecheckedwith impactfactoras applicable.Additionallythe bridgedeck slab shall also be checkedin Punching Shearfor a wheelloadof 21,000pounds[95KN] on 0.25x 0.5 m2 tire contactarea.UBC/IBC2003in additionto therevisedseismicrisk mapofPakistanshallbe usedfor seismicdesignfor all relevantstructures. (iii) Existingword '7Yell" appearing in the first line of sub-para(h) (Intelligent TransportSystem)of para 3.2.11is deletedand replacedwith the word "well". PaTa5: INSPECTIONAND TESTING Add followingat theend4thparagraph ofpara5 (Inspection andTesting):given in The Works shall oonformto the Construotion Performance Standards After the Table2. Thesestandards shallbe inspected andtesteduponcompletion. period,theIRI shallnot exceed1.5m/km. completionof maintenance Table-1:Repair/rectificationof Defectsand deficiencies Item(a)(ii)is amended with thefollowing: andreplaced (ii) Index(IRI) exceeding| 120 (one hundred and | IntemationalRoughness 1.5oer laneoerKm k) Table-2: Construction Performance Standards Add the followin g "Table-2" after "Table-1" which is annexedas (Annexure-Ilf 6, SPECIAL PROVISIONS SPECIFICATIONS AND SUPPLEMENTARY a) SP-900: Intelligent Transport System (ITS) is deleted and replaced with Specificationfor ITS and annexedwith the AddendumNo.3 (Annexure-IV). b) Add following at the end in SP-902.9(AddendumNo.3, Annexure-IV): The cost of obtaininglicense,testing,commissioning,maintenanoeand operation period for 4G dedicatedfrequencyshall not be includedin the during maintenanoe Bid, It will be finalized afterBid submissiondurine clarificationstase. (Annexure-I) SCHEDULI-OTOBID LIST OF ITEMS OF WORKS AND NON-BINDING BILL OF QUANTITIES (BOQ) FOR BIDDEROSREFERENCE ONLY BILL NO Description BILL NO.1 EARTHWORK BILL NO.z SUBBASE& BASE BILL NO.3 SURFACECOURSE& PAVEMENT BILL NO.4A PIPECUL\'ERTS BILL NO,48 (BOX CULVERTS) STRUCTURES BILL NO.4C (Cattlecreeps) STRUCTURES BILL NO.4D (Subways) STRUCTURES BILL NO,4E STRUCTURES ruNDERPASS) BILL NO.4F STRUCTURES,tsRIDGES BILL NO.5 WORKS DRAINACEAND EROSION BILL NO.6 ANCILLARYWORKS BILL NO.7 GENERALITEMS BILL NO.8 ROAD SIDEFACILITIES BILL NO.g SYSTEM INTELLICENTTRANSPORTAT]ON BILL NO.IO WORKS GREENINGAND ENVIRONMENTALPROTECTION NOTE: Quantitiesof Items ofSerrdceRoads(both sides),whereverrequiredate not includedin this "List of Items of Works andNon-Binding BOQ". Addendum No, 3 fKLM - Sukkur- Multan Section) k!i,-i;"9 LIST OF ITEMS OF WORKS AND NON-BINDINGBILL OF QUANTITIES (BOQ) FOR BIDDER'S REFERENCEONLY BILL NO. I : EARTH WORK Item # Description Unit Quantity 101 Clearingand Grubbing S,M 12,809,950 l02a RemovalofTrees 150-300mm Gidh Each 53,4s8 l02b RemovalofTrees 301-600mm Girth Each 32,074 l02c RemovalofTrees 601mmor over Gidh Each 21,383 103 Stripping c.M 3,490,7 58 104 Compactionof Natural Ground s.M 25,619,900 l06a Excavaxeunsuitable Common Material c.M 56,708 c.M 15,122 unclassifiedRock Mate al sP-106b Excavateunsuitable/surplus 108a Formation ofEmbankment Iiom Roadway Excavation in CommonMaterial c.M 56,708 l08bii Formation ofEmbankment from Roadway Excavation in Rock Material c.M 60,488 l08c Fomation of Embankment from Borrow Exaavation in Common Material C.M 83,092,778 108d Fomation of Embankmentfrom StructuralExcavationin common Material c.M 3,005,72r l08e FormationofEmbarkment from StructuralExcavationin unclassified(anytype o0 Material c.M 36,007 l09a Sutr grade preparation in Earth cut S,M 78,078 Improve sub grade with CBR > 20% c.M 4,680,802 S P - 1 1 7 a Formation of Granular Material Platform C,M I,094,636 sP-l l7b Formation of Earthen Dowels c.M 612,024 Dismantling of Structures& Obstruaterc c.M 156,809 sP-116 510 SP-1079 SandGravel cushionlayer C.M 8 l , lt 3 llla Soil CementStabilizedSubgrade c.M 15,702 11lb r'-^---r TON 666 ^^-r-.r'|..,^a s P - 1 1 5 Providing and Placingof GeotextileType-l Addendum No. 3 (KLM - Sukkur- Multan S€ction) s.M 128,829 LIST OF ITEMS OF WORKS AND NON-BINDINGBILL OF QUANTITIES (BOQ) FOR BIDDER'S REFERENCEONLY BILL NO.2: SUBBASE& BASE Item # Description Unit Quantity 201 CrranularSub Base c.M 3,098,895 202 BaseCourse Aggregate c.M 6,084,079 203b AsphalticBaseCoursePlant Mix (ClassB) c.M Lt? 209a BreakingofExisting Road PavementStructure c.M Addendum No. 3 (KLM - Sukkur- Multan Section) oto 1,103 Page12 LIST OF ITEMS OF WORKS AND NON-BINDINGBILL OF QUANTITIES (BOQ) FOR BIDDER'S REFERENCEONLY BILL NO.3 : SURFACECOURSE& PAVEMENT Description Item # Unit Quantity 302b Emulsified Asphaltfor bituminousPrime Coat s.M 13,171,858 303b EmulsifiedAsphaltfor bituminous Tack Coat s.M 30,072,28s 305a AsphaltConcrele for WearjngCourse ( ClassA) c.M 634,137 AsphaltConcrele for WearingCourse c.M 494,128 305b ( ClassB) .{3,,:! Addendum No. 3 (KLM - Sukkur- Multan Section) Page 13 LIST OF ITEMS OF WORKS AND NON-BINDINGBILL OF QUANTITIES (BOQ) FOR BIDDER'S REFERENCEONLY BILL NO.4A : PIPE CULVERTS Description Item # l07a Unit Quantity 280,233 Structural Excavation in common material c,M Rockmaterial SP-107c SuucturalExcavation in unclassified c.M t4,012 401a2i ConcreteClassA-2 under$ound c.M 1,2t4 ConcreteClassA-2 on ground c,M 13,105 Concrete ClassB in BeddingandEncasement ofconcrete PiDeCulvert c.M 154,089 Lean Concrete c.M 1,351 Ton 1,575 M 65,431 40la2ii 502b 40lf 404b 50lI Reinforcementas uer AASHTO M-31 Gade 60 "R.C.C.PipeCulvertAASHTOM 170ClassII DIA 1520mm" AddendumNo. 3 (KLM - Sukkur- MultanSection) Page14 LIST OF ITEMS OF WOR](S AND NON-BINDINGBILL OF QUANTITIES (BOQ) FOR BIDDER'S REFERENCEONLY (BOX CULVERTS) BILL NO.48: STRUCTURES Item # Unit Description Quanlity Structural Excavation in commonmalerial c,M 37,130 ShuoturalExcavationin UnclassifiedRock Material c.M 1,856 107d GranularBackfill c.M 19,424 l07e CommonBackfill c,M 5,301 l07f Selectedfill material c.M 40tai Concrete ClassA-2 Undersround c.M 8,890 401a2ii ConueteClassA-2 on sround c.M 10,546 401aliii ConcreteClassA-2 (Elevated) c.M 7 | {? 401f Lean Conorete c,M 1,6?1 404b Reinforcementasper AASHTO M-31Grade-60 Ton 3,191 406a Premouldedjointfiller 12 mm thick with bitumasticjoint sealin barrel S,M 795 M 3,216 l07a SP-107c 406d(i) PVC WaterStops6" size25mmThick 29,674 509a Rip Rap Class"A" c.M ? {dq 509d GroutedRip RapClass''A" c.M 2,859 509h Filter Layer ofCranular Material c.M 808 c.M 808 sP-509i Filter Layer of Sand zrr2 Fri\, AddendumNo.3 (KLM - Sukkur- MultanSection) Page15 LIST OF ITEMS OF WORKS AND NON-BINDINGBILL OF QUANTITIES (BOQ) FOR BIDDER'S REFERENCEONLY BILL NO. 4C r STRUCTURES(CattleCreeps) It€m # Description Unit Quantity SlructuralExcavationin commonmaterial c.M 42,235 StructuralExcavationin Unclassifiedmaterial c.M 2,112 l07d Granular Backfill c.M 49,134 l07e CommonBackfill c.M 1,,230 c.M 45,839 l07a SP-107c sP-107f Selectedfill material 4 0 1 a il i ConcreteClassA-1 on ground c.M 7,612 40la2i Confiete ClassA-2 Undercround c.M 7,856 40la2ii ConcreteClassA-2 on $ound c.M 10,096 40laliii ConoreteClassA-2 (Elevated) c.M 3,860 401f Lean Concrete c.M ? ?11 404b Reinforcement as DerAASHTO M-3 1Grade-60 Tou 3,531 406a Premouldedjoint frller 12mmthickwith bitumasticjoint seal SM 1,221 Watcr Stops6" size 25mm Thick M 5,051 406d(i) 509a Rip Rap Class''A'' C.M 1,684 509h Filter layer of Granular rnaterial c.M I,099 C.M 1,099 sP-509i Filter layer ofsand LIST OF ITEMS OF WORKS AND NON.BINDINGBILL OF QUANTITIES (BOQ) FOR BIDDER'S REFERENCEONLY (Subways) BILL NO,4D: STRUCTUR-ES Descriptiotr Item # Unit Quantity Structural Excavation in common material c.M 207,080 "Stuctural Excavationin UnolassifiedRock Mate al c.M 10,354 l07d GranularBackfill C.M l07e Common Backfill c.M 20,t32 c.M 188,594 107a SP-107c sP-107f Selectedfill material 232,7t5 40lalii ConcreteClassA-l on ground c.M 22,104 40Ia2i ConcreteCIassA-2 Undereround c.M s3,695 401a2tI ConcreteClassA-2 on ground C.M 71,265 401aliii ConcreteClassA-2 (Elevated) c.M 28,535 401f Lean Concrete c.M 12,142 404b Reinforcementas oer AASHTO M-3lGrade-60 TON 2t,950 406a Premouldedjointfiller l2 mm thick with bitumasticjoint seal S.M 6,383 sP406d(i) waterStops6" size M ?t 1?1 509a Rip RapClass"A" c.M 4,474 509h FilterlayerofGranularmaterial c.M 2,918 C.M 2,9t8 sP-509i FilterLayerofSand 3t"\ t; i# Addendum No. 3 (KLM - Sukkur- Multan Section) LIST OF ITEMS OF WORKSAND NON-BINDINGBILL OF QUANTITIES (BOQ) FOR BIDDER'S REFERENCEONLY BILL NO.4E : STRUCTURES(UNDERPASS) It€m # l07a Unit Description C,M Structural Excavation in common material SP-107c Stuctural Excavationin UnclassifiedRock material C,M QuaDtity 1t9,163 5,958 107d Granular Backfill C.M 126,r52 l07e CommonBackfill c.M 7,025 C.M 102,315 sP-107f Selectedfil1 material 401a1ii Conffete ClassA-1 on ground c.M 10,202 40la2i ConcreteClassA-? Underground c.M 41,729 401aZil ConcreteClassA-2 on ground c.M s1,689 4 0 1 a 1 i i i ConcreteClassA-2 (Elevated) c.M 27,644 7,064 40lf Lean Concrete c.M 404b Reinforcement as pel AASHTO M-3 1Grade-60 Ton 406a Premouldedjointfiller l2 mm thick with bitumasticjoint seal SM 4,637 M 10,811 2,065 406d(D WaterStops6'' size25mmThick 509a Rip RapCJass''A" c.M 509h Filter layer ofGranulfi material c.M c.M sP-509i Filter layer ofsand | 5,152 1,347 -.;:= Addetrdum No. - Sukkur- MultanSection) Pagel8 LIST OF ITEMS OF WORKS AND NON-BINDING BILL OF QUANTITIES (BOQ) FOR BIDDER'S REFERENCE ONLY BRIDGES BILL NO.4F: STRUCTURES Unit Description Item # Quantity l0'l a Structural excavation in common material. c,M 24t,218 107d Granularbackfill c.M 132,290 107e Commonback fill c.M 64,522 407m Confirmatory boring 407g Test piles dia a per drawingsIncluding Boring and conqete class43 excludingreinforcemenL 407d 401a1ii 40la?iii 401a3i 40la3iii M 4,6s0 407d1 Boring only (in Normal soil) M 1,129 407d3Boringonly (in Normalsoil) M ) a1/- 401a3(i)ConcreteClass,{3 in pile C.M 4,036 407d1,Boring only in normal soil M 45,612 407d3.Boringonlyin normalsoil M 83,454 401a3iii. ConcreteclassA.3in piles C,M ConcreteClassA1 in (approachslab,sleeperslab, barier) ConcreteClassA2 Elevated(abutment,wing wall, deck slab, transom, diaphragm, shearkeys, abutment u'all, side walls) ConcreteClass43 underground(pile caps,counterfort wall) c.M 49,162 c.M 196,829 c.M 45,001 ConcreteClassA.3Elevated(shaffs,piers) c.M 15,693 TON s1,390 c.M 90,545 Cast-in-placeconcretepiles dia as per drawings includingconcrete class43 but excluding reinforcement. DifferenceofCostfor UsingSRCCementin placeof SP-401a3ivOPCCementfor ConcreteClassA.3UnderGround (Piles)worksin additionto BOQRates. 401giv Precast Concrete ClassDI 124,438 ..zt::Lo4\\ AddendumNo,3 (KLM - Sukkur- MultanSeotion) il'?F\? : r .I t i *ir' '\i_. l2 ,/*t, ;*J . .'y.t' Page 19 BILL NO, 4F: STRUCTURESBRIDGES Description Item # Unit Quantity 401f Lean concrete c.M 5,038 404b ''Reinforcement as DerAASHTO M3 1. Grade-60 TON 79,065 Reinforcement asperASTM-A-36Structural Shape Pre-stressing wiringstrands3/8"-ll2" DlAcomnletein all resDects TON 10 TON 6,180 Launchingofgirders TON 217,308 SP-406ai ApprovedFiller Board with poly sulphidesealant as per drawings& specification S,M 258 SP-406e BearingPads(Accordingto size& Elastomeric make thickness)-USA/EU 404h 405a 405b BearingStrip sP-406i Neoprene Cu.Cm 93,377,813 S.M 3,866 407j PileLoadTestupto360ton (actualte$tload350Tonasperdrawings) Each 1Z 401k Pile Load Test upto 550 ton (actualtest load 400 Ton as per drawings) Each 9l 4071 Pile Load Test upto 880 ton (actualtest load 750 Ton as per drawings) Eacn 40 4071 PileLoadTestupto880ton (actualtestload650Tonasperdrawings) Each 1Z Each 6,300 SP-407p Pile Integrity test on all piles ManufacturedTradeMarksexpansionjoints SP-415a (FingerType)for roadway25 mm movement 509e GroutedRin RaoClassB includingall fixtures, G.l. drainpipesfor drainage bendsandgates(100mm diameter) PVC pipe25 mm DIA alongdeckslabfor dowels SP-616a filled with softbitumendrawingswith bitument filled asperdrawinas& speciflcation SP-614a sP-218 PolytheneSheetasperspecification AddendumNo,3 (KLM - Sukkur- MultanSection) M 12,886 C.M ts,326 M 1L1') M 2,148 SM 7,732 Page20 LIST OF ITEMS OF WORKS AND NON-BINDING BILL OF QUANTITIES (BOQ) FOR BIDDER'S REFERENCE ONLY BILL NO. 5 : DRAINAGE AND EROSIONWORKS Item # Description Unit Quantity StructuralExcavationin CommonMaterial c.M 3,162,356 s P . ll 8 FormationofLeeve banks(guidebanks/apron)from river bed material) c.M 125,659 40la1ii Concrete ClassA-1 c.M 208,149 40la2ii ConcreteClassA-2 c.M 20,741 Reinlorcementasper AASHTO M-31 Grade60 TON |,414 NO 1,206 9'79,208 107a 404b s P - 4 1 3 b Grating 509d GroutedRip Rap,ClassA c.M 401b Concrete ClassB c.M 4l1b StoneMasonryRandomWith Mortar c.M 787,222 5 11 b 4 GroutedStonePitching(20-25cm Thick) s.M 37,414 501C R.C.C. Pipe culvert AASHTO M 170 ClassII DIA 460 mm M SP-526a Relocationof Un-Lined Water Course S.M SP-1079 SandGravel Cushion(granularmatedal) S.M ) a l'1) s,103 '13 \11nt SP-616a Horizontal DrainageincludingU-PVC pipe 310 mm DIA M 35,266 501a R.C.C. Pipe culvertAASHTO m 170 classII ' D I A 3 1 0m m M 4,043 AddendumNo,3 (KLM - Sukkur- MultanSeotion) Page2l LIST OF ITEMS OF WORKS AND NON-BINDINGBILL OF QUANTITIES (BOQ) FOR BIDDER'S REFERENCEONLY BILL NO.6 : ANCILLARYWORKS Unit Description Item # QuaDtity 601dii Precastcurb in Conffete Class A-1 of incl Beddine & Haunchingasper Drawing M 896,929 sP-60ldii PrecastCurb in ConcreteClass A-1 of Size 340 x 150 mm including beddingand haunching M 47,320 SP-60lai RCC New JerseyBarrier (in-situ) for Median Double Face(incl. Reinforcement) M SP-617a New JerseyBarrier SingleFace(inol. Reinforcament) L.M M L11tLL 4,872 470,009 604a Metal guard rail 604b Guard Rail End Pieces Each 2,016 604d Steel post for guard rail Each 233,969 607a Traffic road signscategory1 Each o) 607b Traffic road signs category 2 Each ll1 607c Traffic road signs category 3(a) Each 103 607d Traffic road siguscategory3(b) Each 4l 607e Traffic Road SignsCategoryJ ( c ) S,M 1,022 607f Additional PanelSize60x 30 cms Each 571 607g Additional PanelSize90x 30 cms Each 239 609c Reflectorized Aluminium Profile-single) Each I t7,095 6l0c Kilometer post Each 823 6l0d Tenkilomet€rpost Each 84 6 11 a GalvanizedWire Mesh Fence1500 mm High (or as providedin drawings)Incl. Prestressed & RCC Posts asperM2 Standard Compleiein all respects M 613a Sprigging after shaping of exististing embanknent SM Pavement Stud (Raised AddendumNo. 3 (KLM - Sukkur- MultanSection) e{$ ;r(,r)i R\',"# 890,845 5,871,982 PaEe22 BILL NO.6 : ANCILLARY WORKS Item # Unit Description 6 1 3b Sodding SM 613c Top soil SM SP-616a Supplying and 100mm dia Installation of PVC Pipe Supplying and Installation of PVC Pipe Supplying and 300 mm dia Installation PVC Pipe sP-616b 150mmdia SP-616c of Quantity 5,871,982 11,743,964 M 7,508 M 7,508 M 7,508 Each 95 Each 46 Each 23 HeightLimit Signfor BridgesandCulverls(0.8m) Each 466 607ia Delineator(Type-l) Each 13,907 607ib (T1pe-2) Delineator Each 12,904 607rc Delineator(Type-3) Each 10,323 607id Reflector(Type1) Each 6,452 607ie Reflector(Type2) Each 6,452 607if cuard Rail Reflector(butterfly)/type-3 Eacb 26,112 SM 453 S P - 6 1 8 a Overhead Gantry Beam / Truss Information Signs Manufacture & Installation of Overhead Exit Sisn s P - 6 1 8 b (Cantliever) Manufacture & Installation of Overhead Guide Sisn S P - 6 1 8 c (Cantilever) sP-607j pasted Objectmarking,a kind of reflectivemembrane sP-607k on the overpasspier andgantry-typesign poststo warn thevehiclesduringthenight. Glare-shield facilities, installed on tlre New Jersey sP-619 Barrier prevent glaring and ensure driving safsty. to M 403,055 608h2 Pavement Marking with Thermoplastic paint of lines 15 cm width M |,7 66,570 sP.608 Pavement Marking with Thermoplastic Reflective Paint for lines of 12 cm M 44t,643 PavementMarking with Themoplastic Reflective Paint SP-608n for Arrows, Stops, PedestrianCrossings,Hatoh Area, etc. ofspecified ou drawings PavementMarking with ThermoplasticReflective Paint SP-608o as speoifiedon drawings for Ellipse for FOG Waming SYstem AddondumNo.3 (KLM - Sukkur- MultanSection) SM 2,888 SM 4,116 BILL NO. 6 : ANCILLARY WORKS Description Unit SP-608p Vibration marking provided on the toll plaza to reduce vehicle speed for safety. SM 4,200 sP-620 Falling objectpreventionnet, installedon the ouier side on the main road as of guardrailson overpasses providedin drawines M 13,020 Each 525 Each 221 Item # sP-621i sP-62lii sP-622 Anti-collision sand-safetybarrier,plastic in the outside, with sand filled inside installedon tle centrelineof toll olazaIslands Anti-collision baxrel, plastic in the outside, sand filled inside, pasted with reflective membrane in red and yellow, installed on the Gorc Area of slip lanes of intercharses and servica ar€as, Waming Indented Strip (As Shown on Drawing) for Addendum No. 3 (KLM - Sukkur- Muttan Section) Shoulder Driving M Quantity 539,121 Page 24 LIST OF ITEMS OF WORKS AND NON-BINDINGBILL OF QUANTITIES (BOQ) FOR BIDDER'S REFERENCEONLY BILL NO.7 : GENERALITEMS Item # Description Unit Quantity L.S for each section 7 70la Provide Surveying& Allied Inshuments 70lb MaintainSurveyInstrumentsandprovide SuweyTeams (For7 Sections) Month 702a Provide Client and Employer'sRepresentativeOffice and Residenca L,S for each section 7 702b Represeutative FurnishandEquipClient/Employer's OfficesandResidence L.S for each secuon 7 702c Office and Residence Maintain Employer'sRepressntative (For 7 different Ofiices & Residences) Month 36x7 PerMonth 36 L.S I Month 36 702d Control & Provisionof Employer'sRepfesentative Monitoring OIIice at Islamabadon RentalBasis 702e FumishandequipEmployer's Representative Control& MonitorinsOflioeat Islamabad 702f Representative Control& Monitoring MaintainEmployer's Officeat Islamabad JOX/ 703a ProvideMaterialTestingProjectLaboratory L.S for each section 7 703b Equip andfumish MaterialTestingProjectLaboratory L.S for each seotion 7 703c Maintain Material Testing Project Laboratory (7 Laboratories) Month 36x7 708a Transpoft ProvideEmployer'sRepresentative (i) Toyota Fotuner with A"iCor equivalent No. 2 (ii) Toyota or equivalentDouble CabinPick Up 4x4 with AC No. 28 (iii) Toyota or equivalentSingleCabinPiok Up 4x4 with AC No. 28 708b of Employer'sRepresentaxive Running& Maintenance TransDort Vehicle Month 2088 sP-713 Employing Trainee Engineerswith boarding. Lodging and messing(28 TraineeEngineersfor 32 months) Month 896 fft" AddendumNo.3 (KLM - t^4o ef"6:* Page25 LIST OF ITEMS OF WORKS AND NON-BINDINGBILL OF QUANTITIES (BOQ) FOR BIDDER'S REFERENCEONLY BILL NO. 8. ROADSIDEFACILITIES Unit Quantity Building SM 77,346 Flexible Pavementand/orParkine SM 763,592 Omametal Plants and Rockery SM 509,061 Hard Scaping LS Miscellaneous LS I Building SM 18,368 l1 Flexible Pavementand/orParkine SM 150,979 Iu Landscaping,OrnametalPlantsandRockery SM 100,653 iv Hard Scaping LS Miscellaneous LS I Flexible Pavementard/or Parkine SM 44,740 ll Landscaping, Omametal Plants and Rockery SM 27,970 ul Hard Scaping LS tv Miscellaneous LS Item # lt l Description sP-803 Slip RoadToll Fla"a (2? Nos - 1I at EachSide) SM Building 10,096 f91*:,:>, Add ;Ar- No. 3 (KLM - Section) + lai <..\*# Pa{9 26 BILL NO,8 - ROADSIDEFACILITIES Item # Description Unit Quartity ll Rigid pavement SM 80,388 1|l Flexible Pavementand/orParking SM 43,784 Landscaping,OrnametalPlantsandRockery SM 18,764 Toll canopy SM 10,989 vl Hard Scaping LS vu Miscellaneous LS Buildine and other Civil Works SM 5,489 tl Flexible Pavementand/orParking SM 67,846 |ll Landscaping,OrnametalPlantsand Rockery SM 29,077 1Y Rigidpavement SM 28,226 Sswim Scale LS VI Hard Scaping LS vll Miscellaneous LS SP-806a Lightingof Interchanges LS sP-806b Lighting of Major Bridge (Bridge over tuver Sutlej) LS sP-805 sP-807 PoliceBooths(every10kms)andat Toll Plazas AddendumNo. 3 (KLM - Sukkur- MultanSection) No. 62 Page27 LIST OF ITEMS OF WORKS AND NON-BINDING BILL OF QUANTITIES (BOQ) FOR BIDDER'S REFERENCE ONLY BILL NO, 9 - INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATIONSYSTEM Item # Description Unit sP-901 Traffi c OperationCentre includingCommunicationInfrastructure 9 0 1 , 1 Traffl c Operation Centre 901.2 CommunicationSystemCables L.S 9 0 1 . 3 UnifiedCommunication System sP-902 Advanced Trayeller Information System 902.1 Real Time Travel Information 902.2 RouteGuidance/ NavigationSystem 902.3 Roadside Weather Infomation System including Driving Assistancein Low Visibility 902.4 Dynamic MessageSigns(or VMS) 902.5 EmergencyCall Systems,Wi-Fi HotspotAlong the Alignment and DesignatedAreas 902.6 Web Portal and Kiosks 902.7 FM Radio Channel (Broadcast) 902.8 MotorwayAdvisory Radio 902.9 Road User Intemet facility through DedicatedFrequenry on LTE LS sP-903 Advanced Traffic Management System ElectronicSurveillance(Data Stations),Roadway 9 0 3 . 1 (Microwave) Detectors and RFID Readers 903.2 Video Surveillanceand Monitoring System 903.3 L.S Accident/ EmergencyReportingSystemandAutomatic IncidentDetectionSystem(AlD) though CheckPoint Cameras sP-904 ITS Enabled Electronic Tolling and Weighing System 904.1 Electlonic Tolling System L.S 904.2 Overloading Control System on Main Line L.S sP-905 Power Supply ofITS Deviceson Motorway 9 0 5 . 1 Main Power L.S 90s.2 SolarPower L.S 9 0 5 . 3 BackupPower(Generators) L.S AddendumNo 3 (KLM - Sukkur- MultanSection) Quantity LIST OF ITEMS OF WORKS AND (BOQ) BrLL OF QUANTTTTES NON-BTNDTNG FOR BIDDER'S REFERENCEONLY BILL NO. 10 Greening and Environmental Protection Unit Descriptio! Item # Quantity GREENING Fumishingand Plantingof Mango trees(8-10 cm SP-612a-1diameter at breast height) including its Maintenance in Each MaintenanceDeriod FurnishingandPlantingofPapaya(6-8 cm diameterat SP-612a-2breast height) including its Maintenance in Maintenance oeriod FurnishingandPlantingof Arab acaoia(6-8 cm diameter in SP-612a-3at breastheight)includingils Maintenance MaintenanceDeriod 155,833 Each Each 1,423 Each 1,774 Each 1,579 Each 1s4,919 FurnishingandPlantingof Whitepoplar(5-6cmcm in at breastheiglt) includingits Maintenance sP-612a-7diameter Maintenance neriod Each 153,644 FurnishingandPlantingof Lemon tree (height l20cm, SP-612a-8crown diameter80cm) including its Maintenancein MaintenanceDeriod Each 1{1{ FumishingandPlantingof Moriugatree(heightl80cm, in SP-612a-4 crowndiameter150cm)includingits Maintenance period Maintenance Fumishing and PlantingofBodhi Tree (8-10 cm SP-612a-5 diarneter at breast height) including its Maiutenance in MaintenanceDeriod FurnishingandPlantingofNeem tree (6-8 cm diameter in SP-612a-6at breastheight)includingits Maintenance MaintenanceDeriod FurnishingandPlantingof3m x 10mFlowerbeds, complete in all respects SP-612e includingwaterborein enclosure pedod in Maintenance includingits Maintenance Sodding(including its Maintenancein Maintenance Period) Top soil (For Flower Beds,Treesand GrassArea between Toe and Fence) SM 45,960 SM | |,027,244 SM 20,049,535 sP-613d andFence SM 9,637,500 sP-612f Omamental Plants and Rookery on Interchanges SM 667,748 M 26,100 613b 613o Spreading ofBermudaGrassseedson AreaBetweenToe ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Soundbarrier of3.0 m height madeofcolour plate perforatedacousticboardswith PC sunlight boardsand sP-I 001 middle txansparent acousticboard asprovided in the Drawines, Sedimentationbasinunderbridge as providedin sP-1002 drawings RechargeWells I m dia. for SurfacewaterRunoff as sP-1003 providedin drawings Each 294 M 3,920 /it}' ;\1on8,--st,.':i -,- { AddendumNo.3 (KLM - - Multan / \1, 8){, f : - 4 ' ' ' - . - , ''*-7 \{'..s,,,, Page29 (Annexure-II) PROJECT SECTION-I (From Chainage 380+000 to Chainage 435+000) BILLNO.2: STRUCTURES B) OTHER STRUCTURES,SERVICEAREA,PARKING/ RESTAREA AND INTELLIGENT TRAFISPORTATIONSYSTEM(ITS) Item No. 15- INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATIONSYSTEM Unit Description Item # Quantity Unit Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.) sP-901 Traffic Operation Centre including Communication Infrastructure 9 0 1 . 1 Tmffic Operation Centre LS 90t.2 Communicaxion SystemCables LS 9 0 1 . 3 Unifi ed CommunicationSystem LS 0 sP-902 AdvancedTravellerInformatlonSvstem 902.1 Real Time Travel Information LS 902.2 RouteGuidance / NavigationSystem LS 902.3 Roadside Weather Information System including Driving Assistancein Low Visibility LS 902.4 Dynamic MessageSigns(or VMS) LS I Systems, Wi-Fi Hotspot Along the 902.s Emergency CallDesignated LS I 902.6 WebPortalandKiosks LS I 902.7 FM Radio Channel(Broadcast) LS 1 902.8 MotorwayAdvisoryRadio LS 902.9 Road User Intemet facility through Dedicated Frequency on LTE LS 1 Alignment and Areas sP-903 Advanced Traffic Management System 903.1 Electronic Surveillance(Data Stations),Roadway (Microwave)DetectorsandRFID Readers LS I 903.2 Video Surveillance and Monitoring System LS 1 LS I 9 0 4 . 1 ElectronicTolling System LS I 904.2 LS I 9 0 5 . 1 Main Power LS I 9 0 5 . 2 SolarPower LS I 90s.3 BackupPower(Generatorc) LS I Accident / EmergencyReporting System and 903.3 Automatic Incident Deteotion System (AID) throushCheckPoint Caneras sP-904 ITS Enabled Electronic Tolling and Weighlng S)rtem OverloadingControl Systemon Main Line sP-g05 Power SUDDIVof ITS Deviceson Motorwfly AddendumNo.3 (KLM - Sukkur- ilJ Page30 PROJECT SECTION-2 435+000 to Chainage491+000) @romChainage BILLNO.2: STRUCTURES B) OTHER STRUCTURESO SERVICE AREA, PARIflNG / REST AREA AND INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATIONSYSTEM(ITS) Item No. 15- INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATIONSYSTEM Description Item # Unit Quantiry Unit Rate (RsJ Amount (Rs.) sP-901 Traf{ic OperationC€ntre includingCommunicalionInfraslruclure 901.1 Tmffic OperationCentre LS 0 901.2 CommunicationSystemCables LS I 901.3 Unifi ed CommunicationSystem LS I sP-902 Advanced Traveller Information Svstem 902.1 RealTimeTravelInformadon LS I 902.2 Route Guidance / Navigation Systern LS I 902.3 Roadside Weather Information System including Driving Assistancein Low Visibility LS I 902.4 DynamicMessage Signs(or VMS) LS I 902.s Emergency Call Systems,Wi-Fi Hotspot Along the Alignment and DesignatedAreas LS I 902.6 Web Portal and Kiosks LS I 902.7 FM Radio Channel(Broadcast) LS I 902.8 MotorwayAdvisoryRadio LS I 902.9 Road User Internet facility through Dedicated Freouencvon LTE LS I sP-903 Adyanced Traffic Management System 903.1 Electronic Surveillance(Data Stations),Roadway (Microwave) Detectors and R-FID Readers LS I 903.2 Video Surveillanceand Monitoring System LS I 903.3 Accident / Emergency Reporting System and Automatic Incident Detection System (AID) throushCheckPointCameras LS I sP-904 ITS EnabledElectronicTolling and WeighingSystem 904.1 ElectronicTollingSystem LS 1 904.2 Overloading ConlrolSystem onMainLine LS I sP-905 Power SuDDlvof ITS Deviceson Motorwav 905.1 Main Power LS I 905.2 Solar Power LS I 905.3 Backup Power (Generators) LS I AddendumNo. 3 (KLM - Sukkur- Multan ,E#S - | ^ t l< ,-L ./s1 '.sl;s'r:gz \a\ Page3l PROJECT SECTION-3 (FromChainage491+000 to Chainage550+000) BILLNO.2: STRUCTURIS B) OTHER STRUCTURES,SERVICEAREA, PARKING / REST AREA AND INTELLTGENTTRANSPORTATIONSYSTEM(ITS) Item No. 15- INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATIONSYSTEM Item # Unit Description Quantity Utrit Rate (RsJ Amount (Rs.) sP-901 Traflic OperationCentreincludingCommunicationInfrastructur€ 9 0 1 . 1 Tlaffic Operation Centre LS 0 90r.2 CommunicationSystemCables LS I 9 0 1 . 3 UnifiedCommunication System LS I sP-902 Advanced Trayeller Information Svstem 902.1 Real Time Travel Information LS 1 902.2 RouteGuidance / NavigationSystem LS 1 902.3 RoadsideWeatherInformation Systeminoluding Driving Assistancein Low Visibility LS I 902.4 DynarnicMessage Signs(or \MS) LS 1 902.5 EmergencyCall Systems,Wi-Fi HotspotAlong the Alignment and DesignatedAreas LS 1 902.6 WebPortalard Kiosk LS I 902.7 FM RadioChannel(Broadcast) LS I 902.8 Motorway Advisory Radio LS I 902.9 RoadUserInternetfacilitythroughDedicated Frequency on LTE LS I 903.1 (Microwave)Detectorsard RFID Readers LS I 903.2 LS I LS I sP-903 Advanced Traffic Management Syst€m (DataStations), Electxonic Surveillance Roadway Video SurveillanceandMonitoring System Accident / Emergency Reporiing System and 903.3 Automatic Incident Detection System (AID) throush Check Point Cameras sP-g04 ITS Ensbled Electronic Tolling and Weighing System 904.1 Electronic Tolling System LS I 904.2 OverloadineControl Svstemon Main Line LS I sP-90s Power Supplv ofITS DeviceJon Motorway 905.1 Main Power LS t 905.2 Solar Power LS I LS I 905.3 Backup Power (Generators) AdderdumNo. 3 (KLM - Sukkur- MultanSection ffi: q !l oi Page32 PROJECT SECTION-4 (From Chainage550+000to Chainage604+000) BILLNO.2: STRUCTURES B) OTHER STRUCTURES, SERVICE AREA, PARIilNG / REST AREA AND INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM (ITS) SYSTEM ItemNo.15- INTELLIGENTTRANSPORTATION Item # Description Unit Quantity Utrit Rate (Rs') Amount (Rs.) sP-901 Traffic Operation Celtre itrcluding Communication Infrastructure 9 0 1. 1 Traffi c Operation Centre LS 0 901.2 CommunicationSystemCables LS 1 901.3 Unifi ed Communicatio[ Systsm LS I sP-902 Advanced Traveller Information System 902.1 RealTimeTravelInfomation LS 1 902.2 Route Guidance/ Navigation System LS 1 902.3 RoadsideWeatherInformationSystemincluding in Low Visibility DrivingAssistance LS I 902.4 Dynamic MessageSigns(or VMS) LS 1 902.5 EmergencyCall Systems,Wi-Fi HotspotAlong the AlignmentandDesignatedAreas LS I 902.6 WebPortalandKiosks LS I 902.7 FM Radio Channel(Broadcast) LS I 902.8 MotorwayAdvisoryRadio LS I 902.9 Road User Iniemet facility through Dedicated Frequenoy on LTE LS 1 sP-903 Advanced Traflic Management System 903.1 Eleotronic Surveillance(Data Stations),Roadway (Microwave) Detectors and R.FID Readers LS I 903.2 Video Surveillanoeand Monitoring System LS 1 903.3 Accident / Emergency Reporting System and Automatic Incident Deiection System (AID) throuehCheckPointCameras LS 1 sP-904 ITS En&bled Electronic Totling and Weighing System 904.1 Electronic Tolling System LS 1 904.2 OverloadingControl Systemon Main Line LS I sP-905 Power Supolv ofITS Deviceson Motorway 9 0 s . 1 Main Power LS I 905.2 Solar Power LS 1 905.3 Backup Power (Generators) LS 1 Addendum No. 3 rKLM - Sukkur- Multan Section) t lE v\*# Page33 PROJECT SECTION-s (From Chainage604+000 to Chainage659+000) BILLNO,2: STRUCTURES B) OTHER STRUCTURES,SERVICEAREA, PARKING / REST AREA AND INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATIONSYSTEM(ITS) Item No. 15- INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATIONSYSTEM Item # Description Unit Urit Rrfe (Rs.) Quantity A!|louDt (Rs.) sP-901 Traffic Opcration Centr€ lncluditrg Communication Infraslructure 9 0 1 . 1 Traffi c Operation Centre LS 901.2 CommunicationSystemCables LS I 9 0 1 . 3 Unifi ed CommunicationSystem LS I sP-902 Advanced Traveller Information System 902.1 Real Time Travel lnformation LS 907.2 Route Guidance / Navigalion System LS 902.3 RoadsideWeatherInformation Systemincluding Driving Assistancein Low Visibility LS 902.4 Dynamic MessageSigns(or VMS) LS 902.5 Emergency Wi-Fi HotspotAlongthe Call Systems, Alignmentard Dcsignated Areas LS 902.6 Web Portal andKiosks LS 902.7 FM Radio Channel(Broadcast) LS 902.8 MotorwayAdvisory Radio LS RoadUserIntemetfacility though Dedicated 902.9 Frequencyon LTE sP-903 Advanced Traffic Management System LS 1 ElectronicSurveillance(DataStations),Roadway 9 0 3 . 1 (Miorowave) Detectorsard RFID Readers LS 1 903.2 Video Surveillanceand Moniloring System LS I Accident/ Emergency ReportingSystemand 903.3 AutomaticIncidentDetectionSystem(AID) LS throuehCheckPointCameras sP-904 ITS Enabled Electronic Tolling and Weighing System 904.1 ElectronicTollingSystem LS I 904.2 Overloading Control System on Main Line LS I sP-905 PowerSupnlyofITS Devlceson Motorway 9 0 5 . 1 MainPower LS I 905.2 LS 1 SolarPower 905.3 BsckupPower(Generatort AddendumNo.3 fKLM - Sukkur- MultanSection) LS rfif..-- p[-/; \9/p.r.Kra9l Page34 I PROJECT SECTION-6 (From Chainage659+000 to Chainage716+000) BILLNO.2: STRUCTURES B) OTIIERSTRUCTURES,SER\4CEAREA,PARKING/REST AREA AND INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATIONSYSTEM(ITS) Item No. 15- INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATIONSYSTEM Description Item # Unlt Quatrtity Unit Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.) sP-901 Traffic Operation Centre including Communication Infrastructure 9 0 1 . 1 Traffi c OperationCentre LS 0 90t.2 CornmunicationSystemCables LS I 9 0 1 . 3 Unifi ed CommunicationSystem LS I sP-902 Advsnced Traveller Information System 902.1 Real Time Travel Information LS 902.2 Route Guidance/ Navigation System LS 902.3 RoadsideWeatherInformation Systemincluding Driving Assistancein Low Visibility LS 902.4 DynamicMessage Signs(or VMS) LS 902.5 Emergency Call Systems, Wi-Fi HotspotAlongthe AlignmentandDesignatedAreas LS 902.6 Web Portal andKiosks LS 902.7 FM Radio Channel (Broadoast) LS 902.8 MotorwayAdvisoryRadio LS 902.9 Road User Intemetfacility thrcugh Dedicated IreouencYon LTE LS sP-903 AdvancedTraffic ManagementSystem ElectronicSurveillance(Data Stations),Roadway 9 0 3 . 1 (Microwave) Detectorsaud RFID Readers LS 1 903.2 VideoSuveillanceandMonitoringSystem LS I 903.3 Accident/ Emergency ReportingSystemand AutomaticIncidentDetectionSystem(AID) throuehCheckPointCarneras LS I sP-904 ITS Etrnbled Elecfonic Tolting and Weighirg sys(em 904.I ElectronicTolling System LS 1 904.2 OverloadingControl Systemon Main Line LS I 905.r MainPower LS I 905.2 SolarPower LS 1 905.3 Backup Power (Generators) sP-90s Power Supply ofITS Deviceson Motorway Addetrdum No. 3 (KLM - Sukkur- Multan Section) tr#fr ry--Xr) Page35 PROJECT SECTTON-7 (From Chainage716+000 to Chainage772+000) BILLNO.2: STRUCTURTS B) OTHERSTRUCTURES,SERVICEAREA,PARKING/REST AREA AND INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATIONSYSTEM(ITS) Item No. 15 - INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATIONSYSTEM Description Item # Unit Quantity Unit Rate {Rs,) Amount (Rs.) sP-901 Trtf{ic Operation Centre including Communication Infrastructure 9 0 1 . 1 Traffi c Operation Centre LS 901,2 LS CommunicationSystemCables 9 0 1 . 3 Unifi ed CommunicationSystem 0 LS sP-902 Advanced Traveller Information Svstcm 902.1 Real Time Travel Information LS 1 902.2 Route Guidance / Navigation System LS I LS t Weatherlnformation Systemincluding 902.3 Roadside Assistancein Low Visibility Driving 902.4 DynamicMessageSiens(or VMS) LS I 902.5 EmergencyCall Systems,Wi-Fi HotspotAlong the AlignmentandDesignated Areas LS I 902.6 Web Potal and Kiosks LS I 902.7 FM Radio Channel(Broadcast) LS I LS t LS I Surveillance(Data Stations),Roadway 903.r Electronic (Microwave) LS 1 903.2 VideoSurveillance andMonitoringSystem LS I LS 1 902.8 MotorwayAdvisoryRadio 902.9 Road User Intemet facility through Dedicated Frequencyon LTE sP-903 AdvancedTrsffic Manag€metrtSystem Detsctorsand RFID Readers Accident J Emergency Reporting System and 9 0 3 . 3 Automatic Incident Detection System(AID) throuah CheakPoint Camems sP-904 ITS EnflbledElectronicTolliog and WeighingSystem 9 0 4 . 1 Electronic Tolling System LS 1 904.2 LS I 9 0 5 . 1 Main Power LS I 905.2 LS I LS I ControlSystemon MainLine Overloading sP-905 Power Supnlv ofITS Devicesotr Motorwav SolarPower 9 0 5 . 3 Backup Power (Generators) KT AddendumNo, 3 (KLM - Sukkur- Multan \' 'v^,F t,'\ -,/^.4 + xtiro$ Page36 f{,, ro/ (Annexure-IID TABLE - 2 CONSTRUCTIONPERFORMANCESTANDARDS Project Area Clearance ProjectArea/Project Assets shallbefree from debris,surplusmaterialor leftover construction material PavementIncluding Shouldersand Slopes IntemationalRoughness Index(IRI) per Lessthan1.2m/km. As pertheApproved Detailed Design FavedShoulders New JerseyBanier (NJB) No edge step, no reverseslope, no drop off, raveling and no pothole As perApprovedDetailedDesign(usingSlip As per Intemational Motorway Standards Neatwith clearsishtdistance andno obstruction Slopeis stableaspertheapproved detaileddesign Neatwith no disturbedpitching jointsareall No erosion,structurally sound, intact, clear, upstreamand downstreamside are clearwith no blockaeeanddrains Box Culverts/S labCulverts Structurallysound,joints are all intact if any, clear, upstreamand downstreamside are clear, free of blockaseand drains Drains/D itches(Linedor Unlined) AddendumNo. 3 (KLM - Sukkur- MultanSection) AII drains are functionaland clean without DrainageStructures sound,joints intact,no water Kerb andGutter soundandfunctional Smoothride,structurally sound,substructures free of blockage,no structuraloraokand functional, Parapet wallsandrailingsif anyarein acceptable condition,NJB in acceptable condition,wearing course properly sloped, expansionjoints in workingcondition,bearingsare all checkedand OtherStructures like RetainingWall,Toe Wall,etc. Structurally sound with all weep holes operationalwith proper backfill, cleanedand Ancillarv Works Road Signs,Markings, Delineators,Road Studsetc.and OtherRoadFurniture Structurally sound, replaced with new one whereverbroken,damagedor missingmust meet intemationalsafetystandards Good reflectivity, visible, undamaged,replaced with new ones wherever broken, damaged or missing painted, present in proper location, properly mounted and all are functional must All illuminationsystemshallbe functional Facilitiesshouldbe functionalard structurally sound.All buildingsare in good shapeand functional,properlypaintedinsideand outside Administrative Office, Centralized the building,no structuraldamageinsideand Operation Center, Toll Plazas, Service outsidethe building water supply, drainage Areasand WeighStations systemand electricalappliancesif any are all functionaland in line with the needsof road users,no damagein the intemalroadpavement AddendumNo. 3 (KLM - Sukkur- MultnnSection) $yr901u.{'€ Annexure-IV P$/ a"-.L*.1, CONSTRUCTIONOF KARACHT LAHORE MOTORWAY (KLM): SECTION-II: SUKKUR - MULTAN SECTION (3e2KM) ON EPC/TURNKEY BASIS SPECIFICATIONFOR TTS JULY 2015 )- sP-901 TMFFIC OPERATION CENTER INCLIDING COMMUNICATION INF'RASTRUCTRE TRAFFIC OPERATION CENTRE Thebuilding for the Traffic OperationCentershallbe providedunderseparateitem 801for Service Areas.The work under this specificationsincludesthe hardware,soffware,equiprnents, furniture, devices,supports,racks,chasisetcrequiredfor theTraffic operationcentre The Data Center/ Serverroom of the Traffic OperaionCenterwill be designedto houseRacks in modulewith Cold Aisle Containment.The designusescold aisle containmentfor enhancingthe efficiencyof the air conditioner.Contractorshall submit detailedlayout of the Floor Layout plan basedon their calculationsand technologiesused.The initial designshall be basedon a minimum heatdissipationof 8 kWrack andusageof air cooledsolution.The objectiveis to reduceoperating costs(GREENDataCenterconcept),improveresiliencyandprovidea flexible infrastructure for fast time-to-marketof innovative servicesand for supportingthe network evolution.The common elementsin the MAIN DataCentershallinclude: l) 2) 3) 4) s) 6) 7) 8) e) 10) t I I Vinyl flooring(Anti-Static) Commercial powerandUPSPower Grounding Powerutility sockets The racksandcontainment ModularUPS PDUs installation Powerandcommunications cableabove the rack andGaspiping trays Fire detectionand suppressionsystem for Datacenterandpowerroom Datacenterinfrastructuremonitoring andmanagement software. TheDatacenter/ sevrverRoomof the Traffic operationcentershall be providedwith the following minimumrequirements :- 80KVA Modular UPS In-Row Coolin:, Supply,installand commissionof 80KVA modularm$iequtvtent, total of 2*80KVA UPSsystemin l+1 configuration,the capacitycanbe scalableup to I20KVA. powerpath,in caseof failureofany UpS, lach Ue! shouldfeedseparate the otherUPSshouldtakeoverthe full load, arideachUpS shouldsupport 20min backuptime; Rechargeable VRLA bafrerywith capacityof l2V65Ah will bedeployedin powerroom; sepa.rate The modularUPSsystemshallusebuilt-in, concentrated andhot swappablebypass. The powermoduleshouldbe high power density;eachpowermoduleis 40KW with 3U height. SYSTEM INPUT l) Input Voltagerange:140-480V 2) Input tequency: 40-70Hz 3) Input powerfactor:0.99 4) Total harmonic distortionof input current: <3% (linear load, rated load) 5) Power walk-in/Soft-StarfiShall be linear tom 0 to l00yo of the load overa l5-secondperiod SYSTEM OUTPAT 1) NominalOutputvoltagerating:3x380/400/415V. 2) Outputfrequencyregulation:Synchronizedto mainsoverthe rangeof 44-56H2 or 54-66H2 in normal operation, + 0.5 Hz in battery operation. 3) Outputpowerfactor: l. MONITORING l) The UPS shall be provided with RS-232 and WEB/SNMp for communication,andprovidescommunicationcablesandvariousalarm signaloutputterminalsupportingthe useof interfaces. 2) The foliowing minimum set of alarm conditionsshall be available: Real-time monitoring system working status: normal mode/battery mode/bypass mode,overload,Iow bafteryvoltage,batterydischarging stair,rs, AC failure,recordof systemfaiiure andrunning status.Acquire and storesystemrunningparameters:main input voltage,bypassinput voltage, output circuit, output frequency, battery voltage, /dischziige chr-..,r,,' circuit. :) Ui:., r-i:luici;;ene -tiicii'bi.; ...,ivisua.laitrrmwhenprotectivefunctionis actir'ated,At the sametime, alarm signalscan be sent to monitoring devices: 4) UPS shouldhavealarmrecordand inquiry function and recordshould be refresledreal-timelyall be savedwithout power comeletel.f. Supply,instailand conrmissiL.;ri of in-roil precisE; air conditior,e.or equivalentwith 2+l redundancy design.The in-row precisioncooling shouldcomplywith IEC standards andthe capacityshouldbe 25KW. The powersourceallowedvoltagetolerance: !10o/o- -l\Yo Frequencytolerance:50/6AHzt ZHz -20'COperatingambienttemperature: I l, ti i-1 t: j: I I i, ServerA.{etwork Cabinets Operatingambienthumidity:S 95%RH OperatingHumidifiercapacity:>3kg/h Air flow capacity;24500m3/h Temperature & Humidity p erformance 1) The cooling units shouldbe ableto adjustto the indoortemperature& humidity conditions according to requirements,should have the functionof cooling,reheating,humidificationanddehumidification. 2) Temperature adjustmentrange:+18oC,+45oC 3) Temperature controlaccuracy;*1oe temperaturechangerate<So0hour 4) Humidity adjustment range: 20%o- g0%oRH,humidity control accuracy:5 %RH 5) Alarm signal should be provided when temperature& humidity fluctuationsoverrun. Compon ents andfun ctions l) The precisioncooling units should be configuredwith compressor, evaporator,variablespeeddual EC fans,controller,thermalexpansion valve, oil separator,sight glass,dryer filtei, humidifierand electrical heater, 2) The precisioncooling units shouldbe configuredwith high efficiency DC inverter scroll compressor.To save energy,the cooling capacity shouldadjustaccordingto heatload. 3) The cooling capacityderatingshouldnot be more thanlTvo at 45"C ambienttemperature,and the unit should operatestablyup to 55"C ambienttemperature 4) Useenvironmentfriendly refrigerantR4l0A, 5) The precisioncooling units shouldbe configuredwith prc electrical heater; heating capacity should be self-adjustableto improve reliability. Electricalheatershouldbe fixed in the front of the unit for easymaintenance purpose. 6) The precision cooling units should be configured with 5 built-in temperaturesensorsand I built-in temperature& humidity sensorto measure the temperature more accurately and increase system reliability. 7) The precisioncooling unit shouldbe configuredwith surgeprotection deviceto increasesafetyand reliabilify and shouldusehigh efficiency energy saving variable speed EC fans to reduce fan power consumption, Monitoring and Control system 1) The cooling units have RS485communicationinterfaceto do remote inspectionand parametersetting,Modbus open protocol should be provided to integrateto data centerfacility management systemand reduceOPEX. 2) The cooling units should be configuredwith more than 6 inch LCD color touch screento provide good interactionand a vivid interface. The controllershouldsupportinterfaceswitchingby touchingjustone kc;r. The controller should supi;ci.lto display the iemperaturc& humidity color curves,and shouldalso be able :o graphicallydisplay the operationstatusofthe unit components. The cooling units equippedwith advancedmicroprocessor controller, and unit shouldhavelinkage andgroupcontrol funotionttrough CAN communication protocol. l) The server cabinets with the dimensionffi 2000mm (W*D*H). 2) Frontventedsingledoor (70%perfqg|pE*pg[ with swivelhandle LffI I t_. t;:ffi'1'ol,3,l' ooo,,r*ffiN swiver handr e il l l f..-a ii ll lock (universalkey); 4) Cabinetssurfacepowderthicknessshouldbe no lessthan 50 p m and black sand-graincraft, andcomplywith requirements of anti-corrosion, anti-rust, fire protection,smooth,no sagging,no blisters,no cracks, free of buns or rust for metalparts. 5) Overall protectionlevel shouldnot be lessthanIp20. 6) The cabinetshall supportconcretefloor, anti-staticfloor installation, without fasteninginstallation shall be supportedaccordingto the requirements, 7) Rack mounted220Y-32A power distribution units, 2Nos. per rack, verticallymounted,24PowerOutputs(Cl9, Cl3) 8) The Racks should be of samemanufactureras of in-row cooling Equipment.If not then the coolingmanufacturerletterof confirmation shouldbe attachedfor the compatibilityandIntegrationwith DC racks. J: I i t: IJ {t I J I : 4 5 6 I ! j l) Cable trough install on the top of the cabinetsuse0 to route powu cablesand signalcables,to enableseparatemanagement for different cables. 2) There are cablesholes in the middle of each cabinettop. The cable duct can bs extendedand provideupperand lower channelsfor power cables and signal cablesrespectivelywhen power cablesand signal cablesintersect. Aisle ContainmentSystem l) The confinedaisleshouldconsistoffront and end doors,ioof, panels and other necessarysealing to ensurethe cold air and hot air are effectively separated. The roofadoptselectromagnetic control and can be automaticallyopenedin the caseof fire, alsosupportmanualcontrol for the convenience of maintenance. 2) The smoke sensor,temperaturehumidity sensor,Ip Camer4 etc. shouldbe installedinsidethe datacenteraisle,connected to datacenter management system. 3) Aisle containmentdoors have translucentviewing panel shall be revolvingtype with accesscontrolsystsm. 4) Aisle containmentdoor shall havea height to matchthe cooling unit and server/networkrack, 5) Revolvable roof be capableto use in aisle containmentsolutions, supported by equipment rack and cannot interfering while roof opening,with 1.96feet width or asrequiredand4.4 feetin length. systemprovidescentrallymonitor Data Center infrastructurE 1) Web-basedDatacentermanagement and managefor data center infrastructurefacilities including power, monitoring and environment,video, modular access,and fire detection. With the management System functions for managementof security,assets,reports,display, alarm and so on, The softwaredesignedto collect and managedataofassets, resourceand operationstatusthroughoutthe datacenterlifecycie,This infornration is then distributed,integrated,and applied in ways that .elp mar::igers optimizethe daiacr;llter'spower usageeffecti.;rness (PUE) an<imeetIT, businessandserviceorientedgoals. 2) The Data centermanagement systemcan monitor and manageat le:,r:t 50 intelligentnodes,at most 20000indicatordata,log can be storedon lTb hald drive for halfa yearandsystemappliesbrowser/server (B/S) architectureto supportsat most20 clients'visiting at the sametime. Assetsmanagement 1) Assetsmanagement supportdifferenttypes of devicesto be managed in the unifiedmodel. 2) Allow to addor deleteassets,chagp{ffift6assets properties. 3) Provide web integration .ffi$iftU$6p*r, reatizing the Cablingtrough '{ft gl la II 3i 8X# I il t"; ll I I ti management of subsystems. 4) Support managementgrading of assetsand managementauthority control, Display management I ) The Client UI shallprovidethe ability to displaysview of datacenter infrastructure,cabinet,UPS, air condition,PowerDistributionsystem, sensor,imageof IP camera 2) Displaythe statusof managedobjects. 3) Query or browse for alarm information.In the alarm list, system supportdistinguishes differentalarmlevelsby differentcolors,suchas thenew alarms,recognizedalarms,andclearedalarms, 4) Support2D, 3D view display. 5) Support addition, deletion, management of devices under administrativedomain, and view adjustmentaccording to actual physicallocation. 6) Supportsconfigurationtechnology,userto draw the datacenterbased on the actual layout of the room, supportsto createand layout the devicesin the datacenterview. 7) Supportsjumping directly from view screento device information management interface. 8) Supportsdisplayingcustomerspecifieddeviceview. Alarm Management l) Allows equipmentto generateacquisitiontask, collect dataand report alarmsbasedon a monitoringdatatemplate. 2) Accordingto the seriousness ofthe alarm,the alarm level is divided into critical, major, minor and tips, event is managedat different levels,and the eventsare divided into normal,warningand abnormal, candiscoveravarietyofpotential andemergedfault. 3) Supportsalarmstatistics,alarmscumulativenumber,alarmhistogram. 4) Supportsalarmconfirmationand anti-confiimationfinction. 5) Supportsalarmshieldingfi.rnction. 6) Supportsredefiningthe level of alarmsaccordingto the actualusing status, 7) Supportsdirectly locatingthe positionof alarm sourceon the alarm interface. 8) Supportsdirectly creatingthe fault work-orderon the alarminterface, realizesprocesstreatment. 9) Supportsdynamicmodifying alarm conditionand recoveryconditiono andsupportsreportingalarmswhenmeetthoseconditions. System Perfotman ce management t) Supportsreal-time monitoring for device indicators.Using graphic form to displayingtherunningstatusofthe devices. 2) Supportsdisplaying historical curve of devices indicatorsthrough graph. :.1) Su'-.i,,,-:":,qut:trirqnonitori:''- data according tc :he spe':i'l ri1 t.iir,c period,displayingrunningstatusofthe devices. 4) Supportsuser manuallycreate,delete,start and stop the monitoring instances, Supportsmodifiing the propertiesof monitoringindicators. 6) Devices monitoring panel can be combined to meet different monitorlngrequirements, Aisle containment sumeillance real-timeviews on the l) Connectin the video platformin d management UsesIP cameras,support suchasH.264 ' ii rr I i r FireSuppression & DetectionSYSTEM (FM200) 7 andMJPEG,andsupportpowerover Ethernet(PoE) function. 3) Controlsand managesvideosby the NVR, $upportvideo recording, query,audiointercom,cameracontrol,andalarmhandling. 4) Storesvideos for at least30 days, supportexpansionin accordance with thecustom. 5) Real-timemonitoringvideo images,clicks on the appropriateicon on the view to seethe camerascreen. 6) The flexibility to setthe video mode,including24 hoursof recording, presettime recordingandothervarietyofways. Monitoring D ata analyze l) Monitoring databaseanalyzemanagementallows execute, query, maintain report by createa task. Savesthe report generatedin the storagezoneand sendsthereportbasedon configuration. 2) Supportdisplaythe databy excel,graph,barchart,pie chart. 3) Customizes reportsbasedon userand servicerequirements. 4) SupportLogo customization ofreports. 5) Support different report templatessuch as electricity consumption, performanceandcapacity. temperature, 6) Supportclassificationshowof dynamicdataandstaticdata. Module Accesssecurity Control l) Accesssecuritycontrol enableto monitor the door statusin real time and recordsevents such as swiping card and opening and closing doors. 2) Support Identification (ID) cards, transmission Control ProtocoL/Internet Protocol(TCPflP). r ) Real-timemonitoringandrecordingpersonnelaccess. 4) Authorizes personnel available region, date, and time of access, supportdivision of permissions group. s) Supportremotemanagementoperationfor accesscontroller. 6) Supportalarm of accessabnormal,suchas illegally open the door or the door FM 200 suppression System 1) Gascontainer. 2) SystemControlPackage 3) RemoteManualControl 4) AlarmBells 5) DetectionandActuationEquipment's 6) OperationAlarms And Indicators 7) DistributionSystemPiping 8) Valves,Gaugesetc 9) DischargeNozzles l0) Maintenance I l) Addressable System Manu*l Operation 1) Whenthel,l::rualRrl;:as€Sti'iioriis aoivate-!,the;ompleteop,.,.r.'n sequence of ActivationstageI & stage2 areexecutedsimultaneously, 2) Dischargeof the cleanagentmay be preventedby pressingthe 'Stopga s'pushbutton at the controlpanel.However,alarmstatusshallbe remained, 3) If the 'StopGas'pushbutton is beingpressedbeforethe LED timer reac hes'0', timer shallrestartcount down immediately upon releas-epftheswhbutto n. Storage Container ,7ff9l!*\ 1) The Cylindersshallbe mfigfgrffired in \6$qnce II I (Jrl / \/ fq i&v fl-> :t -., I I ?i to EuropeanDirect ive for Transportable Pressure Equipment99/36lEC(TPED). Eachcontainermustbe equippedwith a dischargevalveto discharget heagentatrequiredrate with a zorLedisable switch Contractorto submitdetailedroom flow calcualtionsheetsalongwith thebid. 3) Over pressurization ofthe containershall be preventedby a safetydisc incorporatedwith the containervalve. AutomaticDetectorsand Alarm Bells l) The automaticdetectorsshouldbe combinationIonizationsmokeando ptical smoke type. The alarmbells shouldproducean alarm at least90 dB noiseleve I abovethesurrounding. The bellsshall be installedbesidethe Contro I Panels. 2) Piping andFitting All piping lessthan 1112"schedule40 seamlesspip e shallbe used.Above 17l7'-3" shallbe Schedule80. 3) Dischargenozzlesshallbe manufacturedin corrosionresistantmateria I and shallbe positionedin a mannerto effect a uniformconcentration at the shortesttims after discharge 4) Room Integritytestshouldbe performedbeforefinal accpetance and in caseofleakage,room shuldbe righly sealed. s) Fire Systemshould be configuredwith shutdownrelays and entire systemshouldis integratedwith fire panelsand shuoldshutdownall the equipmentin caseof fire. IP basedAccessControl SystemFeatures l) Multi biometricDevice(FingerVein Pattern+ Fingerprint), Full color LCD Screen,Networking Options: LAN, .WAN, RS485, Optional Wireless LAN, Integrated Card Reader : Prox, iClass, MIFARE/DESFire,LargeTemplateStorageCapacity 2) The Datacenterpremisesareto be protectedby a sophisticated securit y system that shall compriseintegratedsoftware/hardware, which con sistsof: 3) Accesscontroller 4) ENTRY reader- FingerVein BiometricSystemfor DataCentredoors 5) ENTRY reader- ProximityMi farelPinfor non DataCentredoors 6) EXIT releasebutton 7) Electromagneticlock (600lbs) 8) Magneticdoorcontact 9) Emergencybreak glass l0) Powersupplyunit with metalcase I l) Cabling,conduit,outlet boxes,junction boxes 12) All materials,equipmentandlaborfor a completeworkingsystem Specification 1) The controlunit shallbe equippedwith an individu;l addressing syste t\ IP basedAccess Control System 8 m -quality. All equipment shallbe of high Thr: _;:is ,:hallbe t-iexible in teri.',of ph.rriinganc ''mplr. cr :rg. Futureexpansions or nodificationsshall be madepossible. The systemshallbe microprocessor #edntrolled by a progra m containedin a non <rletdile 6) The systemparameters for a certainapplicationsshallbe setvia tools r unningon an ordinary personalcomputer. Power Supply l) The controlunit shall oontainthe3Amp 12V DC powerssupplyfor the 2) 3) 4) 5) z,tT#ill:;ffi fl(/ W*e ? .V JB s-) "p'w :T:ffr;*:i x;5 fflH:' i. :. i1 l: l: 150KVA Diesel Generator: 9 EarthPits (for DC & Generator) l0 Powercable four coreI 50 mm2 i t2 ! DataCenter- Security& SurveillanceSystemwith NVR Control Unit l) The controllershallbe built into steel sheetmetal housingfor surfacemounting. 2) The housingshallbe tamper fimrfcontact andbacktamper). 3) The housing shall provide free spacefor fi.rther equipment 150KVA DieselGenerator: Engineand Alternator Specifications: l) 3 Phase 2) RatedFrequency(Hz) 50-60Hz 3) RateVoltage(AC) (V) 400/230 4) RatedCurrent(AC) (A) 288 5) PowerFactor(COSO) 0.8 (lag) 6) PowerSupplyAC, 3-phase,4Jines 7) TypeIn-line, 4-strokes,water cooled,direct.injection,dieselengine 8) NumberOf Cylinders:6 / In line. 9) VoltageRegulator l0) PhaseSelector l1) Voltmeter 12) IntemalFuel Tank Capacity:350 Liters l3) Safetyshutdownfor Oil Pressure,WaterTemperature,WarningLights indicateabnormalconditions 14) 1000Liters externalfuel tank with baseframeand locking Super-Silenced AcousticCanopy 1) Freshair providedthroughAcousticLouvers. 2) Hingedand lockabledoor all aroundCanopyfor easyaccess to DG Set for routinemaintenancg, 3) Soundlevel within 72 dB (A) at I meter. 4) Canopypaintedwith two coatsof Epoxyprimer and final paintedwith two coatsof chemicalresistantEpoxypaint. RCC FoundationPad with all material Earth Pits specifications 1) Supply& installationof Earthing systemcomprisingof 38 mm dia 10 feet long electroplatedtin copperelectrodefilled with soilconditioner, earth conductivity enhancementcompound (primary) and earth conductivityenhancement compound(secondary)6" dia20 feet deep bore in soil including brass nut bolt washers, allied material & in all respectalong with the man hole inspectionchamber accessories, - 250 mm dia x 6mm thicknessC,l tin / powder coatedcover with earthingconductorsandtest terminaipointsas requiredcompletein all resDect. PowerCableSpecification 1) Providr,instali& connectthe following450| 750 v copperconductor gade ?YClarmoredinsulated& sheathedcopper cablesas required clipr' to surfacewith cleats or on already installed cable tray / ;i',rj:r...., r : pel ,pCr.";iCrr.,i: & dra','. :ngS,where::;lp'iC;il le. 2) Note: Contractorto perform site survey and cable size should be suggestedaccordingto the designedload, temperature,voltage drop anddistanceby the Contractor.Main Cablefrom Main LT/ATS/AMF Panel to MDB should be armored.Indoor Cabline from MDB to flrrthel distributionshouldbe PVC-PVC. Data Center-- Security& SurveilianceSystemspecifications l) Minimum 2 MegapixelResolution(Dome/Bullet) 2) Up to 29 ImagesperSecond(ips) 3) Auto BackFocusfor ffipcusing 4) H.264 andMJPEGgf$ffisrtdNrt\ id R(, it (I! i.-'.J Powerover EthernetQEEE 802.3af)or 24Y 6) Up to 2 Simultaneous Video Streams 7) Motion Detection 8) VarioFocalLens2.8-8mm e) Color andDayAlightCapability. l0) Web Viewing l l ) NVR (Network Video Storage) with camera License. Remote Air Conditioning 4 Tons Air ConditioningCassette Type 2 Tons PowerSwitchsear Administration,Monitoring, and Managementof Video and Audio Data.(Minimum Tdays) 12) Logical CameraGrouping. 13) RecordingRateConfigurableper IndividualCamera. 14) Supportfor DS DataPoint Integration. l5) l6-ChannelNetworkVideo Recorder 16) ManagesandRecordsVideo from IP CamerasOveran IP Network 17) Supportfor StandardIP Video Devices 18) Supportsthe Recordingof JPEG,MPEG-4, and(.264 Streamsfrom IP Cameras 19) DS Archive Util Air Conditioning4 Tonsspecifications l) 4 TonsFloorstanding 2) Sequencecontrollerswitch to managertwo A,/Cunits(Powerroom) 3) Auto RestartOption 4) ThreePhaseInput Air Conditioning2 Tonsspecifications 1) 2 Tons cassettetype 2) Sequence controilerswitch to managertwo A./Cunits(NOC room) 3) Auto RestartOption (ATS with MORlPhase ReversaUMain DB/UPS DB/Row electrical circuit DB as per design/survey) l) Output Main andSubmain distributionshall be of the totally enclosed typg dust proo{, damp proof and be suitable for floor/surface/flush mounting,with cableentry systemfrom top and bottom.All main and sub main distributionboardsshall be factory assembled.Main and Sub-maindistributionboards shall be fabricatedwith I4SWG sheet steel, de-rusted,degreased,rust proofed with two basecoats of anticorrosivepaint and paintedwith two coats of heavyenamelpaint in approvedcolor or powdercoated. 2) Air Circuit Breakers(A.C.Bs), Miniature circuit breakers(M.C.B's) and molded casecircuit breakers(MCCBs) shall be of the molded pattemand their switchingleversshall be suchthatthey are accessible throughthe safetyplate for operation. The short circuit rating of the circ,.ritbreeriirsshall be as indicatedon the drawing.Each and every pa;:ei , i".,uiJ rave tren^sijittvoltageSurgeprr:tectiondevice; as r .,1 Tier requirement of class,ype. RoddentReppelent 3) All ATSAv1ain/lt4ain/sub main Panelsshould be providedwith SNMP basedenergyanalyzers. Note: Contractorto providemotorizedbreakersaii per approveddesignand SLD. Rodent repellent system Rodentrepellentsystemto be installedin the DataCentreto avoid damage to the datacabling.Electronic Rat Repellent Specification having the t7 Anti Staticvinyl floor l8 Air Curtainrvith door sensor l9 Anti StaticMats 20 Hilux DC LED Lights(36 Watts) 2l 22 Cat6aData Cabling 55'' LED TV Furniture for DataCentre NOC Area 2) CoversUpto37 Square Feet 3) UltrasonicFrequency20 -25D8 at20KHz 4) Soundoutput shouldnot be Audibleto Humans. 5) Shouldhaveelectromagnetic features,completein all respect. Anti-Staticvinyl floor Specifications I) Antistaticvinyl floor for Datacenter arearequiredasper standard Air Curtain with door sensorSpecifications l) Air curtainhasto be providedat entryandexit points sensors Anti-Static Mats Specifications l) AntistaticDatacenterMats requiredasper standard with door Hilux DC LED Lights (36 Watts) Specifications The lighting system shall satisfy the following minimum requirements 1) Luminancein all room:minimum500Lux on the horizontalplane 2) Light colour: standardwhite or daylight 3) SafetyClassI Cat 6a Data Cabling l) CAT 6a Based cabling solution for datacentercompletewith patch panelspatch cords(l&3Meters) cableorganizers,fluke testing etc as per satisfaction 55" LED TV Specifications l) 55" 200HzRefreshRate 2) Smartfeature 3) Full HD Furniture Specifications l) High quality workstationswith modularside drawer as approvedby customer 2) High quality Filing Cabinetsin lamination finish as approved by cusxomer 3) High quality 3 seatbenchas approvedby customer 4) High quality Low Back Staff hydraulicchairswith tilt function fabric upholsteryas approvedby customer 5) Visitor Chairs Fabricupholsterywith SS frame without hydraulic and castersas approvedby customer 6) CoffeeTable asapprovedby customer The Data Center / Sevrver R.oom of the Traffic Operation Center shall be provided with the following minimum deviceslbr effbctive communica.ionretween TOC and installeddeviceson the motorway:- Device 1. CoreSwitch Features Basic Requirements FeaturesDescription ModularSwitchwith Deployment Rack Switching capacity > 10Tbit/sextendable to 20Tbit/salsoMin slot bandwidth > 500Gbii/s performance Forwarding > 5000Mbpsextendable to 8000Mpps MainController Board:2 per chassis Switchboardg$sQp\ggldsupport:4perchassis 'i( ) ffiftF}€Bff', k \?\ flr-d-) perchassis 3)l Thedevicesupports modularfan framesand hot swapping. The devicesupports modularpowermodules, M+Nredundancy (RJ-45) 48 port IOILOO/7000 BASE-T Interfacemodule:1 perchassis port (OpticalGE)interfacemodulewith SFPs: 48 100/1000BASE-X 4 At least8-PortlOGBASE-X lnterfacemodule(SFP+) withSFPs: 1 per chassis Support for 40 Gbpsinterfaces Multiplephysical devices into onelogical arevirtualized device. A groupshoulduse uniformforwardingentriesand virtualization ThebiddingswitchshouldsupportSDNandpasses SDNReady test. Supportof Value-added servicelikeWLANController, Firewall, lPS, persystem:32,000 MaximumMACaddresses Jumboframes(bytes): 9,216 Numberof VLANs: 4,096 GARPVLANRegistration Protocol(GVRP) IEEE 802.1A8: Protocol{LLDP) LinkLayerDiscovery (RSTP), IEEE 802.1d{STP), 802.1s{MSTP) 802.1w (CoS)prioritization IEEE 802.1p:Class-of-service Portisolationin a VLAN IEEE 802.1X: Portaccess control LinkProtectionin milleseconds L:1,N:1,and1:Nportm Remoteportmirrorine(RSPAN) DHCP andDHCPrelay client,DHCP Server, DHCP snooping from trustedinterfaceusedto preventattacks servers boeusDHCP DHCP snooping binding table(DAl,lPsourceguard)to preventARP attacks,DDoSattacks,and man-in-the-middleattacks (LAr-) support 80.,..1:.d groups(LAGs) Numberof linkaggregation supported: 64 Maximum numberof portsperLAG:8 Broadcast stormsuppression Maximumnumberof Address Protocol(ARP) entries: Resolution 12,000 Maximumnumberof lPv4unicastroutesin hardware: 10,000 Maximumnumberof lPv4multicast routesin hardware: 4,000 Routingprotocols: Rl Staticrouting Routingpolicy Bidirectional (BFD) Forwarding Detection Layer3 redundancy: VirtualRouterRedundancy (VRRp) Protocol Layer3 Features: lPv6 lPv4Routingprotocols;RIPvt/v2,OSPF, BGP,lS-lS j.,090 Maxnumberof lPv6unicastroutesin hardware: Maxnumberof lPv6multicastroutesin hardware: 1,000 Otherprotocols: RlPng, OSPFv3, lSlS,BGP4+, PlM,MLD,MLDv2, MPLS, PIM-SM, PIM-SSM, PIM-DM Security High Availability MACLimiting AllowedMACaddresses, perport configurable lPSourceGuard LocalProxyARP StaticARPSupport ACLs,PortbasedACLs,VLANbasedACLs MACauthentication (RADIUS) Nonstopactiverouting (NSR)-OSPFv2, RIPv2, BGP,lSlS,lGMp v1, v2,v3 ISSU(ln ServiceSoftwareUpgrade) Redundant, powersupplies hot-swappable protocolrestart-OSPF, Graceful BGP Layer 2 QoS Layer3 QoS QoS queuesperport:8 Hardware Supportfor SP,WRR,DWRR,SP+WRR, SP+DWRR 802,1.p, DSCP/IP Precedence trustandmarkins Layer2-4classification criteria:Interface, MACaddress, Ethertype, 802,1p, VLAN,lPaddress, port DSCP/IP Precedence, TCP/UDp numbers, etc, C o n g e s t i oanv o i d a n c ce a p a b i l i t i e s : T adirl o p a n d W R E D Integrated NextGeneration Firewall module(Preferred) OR external firewallwithfirewallthroughput of at least20Gbps ryg!-t "f C"r.rrr""tr. per 2. Firewall Firewall Requirements NewSessions second: 200,000 lPSec VPNthroughput: L2_Gbps_ Minir-,:lm usersir.rpi:orteo : 10,000 Maximum Numberof policies: 25,000 Virtualfirewalls: 500 Avoiding the vulnerability exploitation for Web,Proxy,email, database andsto:'ase servers Controlling Insideandoutsidetrafficof Datacenter for viruses, intrusionandDOS- DDOS SSLVPNthroughputL Gbpsor more At least60 MillionURlsmlut be identified I Remote VPN access StaticRouting Support for OSPF PolicybasedRouting protocols At least6,000application mustbe identifiedand managed Detectionof NetworkAttacks DoSandDDoSprotection TCPReassembly for Fragmented PacketProtection Brute-force attackmitigation SYNCookie Zone-based lPSpoofing MalformedPacketProtection LocalUserdatabase LDAP,RADIUS & TACACS+ AdvanceThreatPrevention Antivirus Web Filter(HTTP/HTTPS) Application Control DataLeakPrevention IPS Statefull protocolsignatures protocol mechanisms: Statefull signatures, Attackdetection (zero-day application identification anomalydetection coverage), mechanisms: Dropconnection, Attackresponse closeconnection packetlog,session summary, email,customsession session syslog Attacknotification mechanisms: Structured Wormprotection Trojanprotection loggerprotection Spyware/adware/key Othermalware protection performance in Core LANConiloller/Card High ModularWireless Switch minimum10,000APsin musthavecapacity of supporting Controller withmaximumof Five(05)boxesbut with a singleboxor stackable unifiedmanagement. supervisor engines andN+1fabricmodules Supports redundant redundanc,r 3. Access Controller Access Contrc'!ler Requirer:rents iviustsupprrriIEEE80:.1L aiblgin1;c equipment shallsupporthigherlevelQoS. Theproposed SupportL2andL3roaming WiredandWireless 802.1xUserAuthentication lntegrated users>25K+ Numberof access Active-activeand activestandbyfailover PowerSupply andFanModule, Redundant 10Ginterface: Support supportof lPv6 Musthavea hardware dualstacksupporti.e.lPv4,lPv6 Controller basedHighperformance enterprise classAP'swith Dual (PoE) Radio MustSupports 3x3 MIMOandprovidesa minimumrateof 1.2 GbpsperAP. M ust SupportIEEE n/ac SupportP2PIPZMP bridge(WDS), Meshzeroconfisuration Supportconcurrent usernumberperAPmorethan200 Support1 x 1GEnetworkport Industry compliance: lP4L Supportfor 3 spatialstreams Maximumtransmitpowerfor eachradiono lessthan20dBmand adiustthe transmitpowerwith a steoof 1 dB Plugand plav deploymentwith integratedMesh products BiddermustquoteonlyWi-FiCERTIFIEDTM dualradiosupports2.4GHzand5 GHz lndoorAccess Softwareconfisurable 4. Access - Controller APs shallsupportfollowingmodesof operations: based Point Points(lndoor) trafficforwarding Distributed traffic Requirements StandafoneCentralized forwardins SupportslPSource Guard,DHCP andDynamic Snooping ARP inspection in distributed forwarding mode Suppofts 4kVsureeprotection on networkports -10eC Operating temperature: to 50eC (non-condensine) Operati ns humiditv:5%*95% MustSupports wireless intrusiondetectionsystem(WIDS), including rogueAPandSTAdetection, attackdetection, STA/AP blacklist andwhitelist.Supportloadbalancing basedon user numberanddatatraffic Supportsecurity of LocalForwarding. APsupportsDHCP Snooping, DAI(Dynamic ARPInspection), IPSG( lPSource Guard) bogus DHCP seruerattackdefensein localforwardinsmode Must have a hardwaresupportof lPv6 Dual stacksupporti.e. lPv4,lPvS Complieswith IEEE802.17n/acand passedthe certificationof Wi-Fi Alliance S u p p o r t s3 x 3 M I M O a r , : i1 . 2 G b i i , r . l . 5. Access Points {Outdoor} A Cd u a l - l i n kb a c k u p rrotection :,. network pcrls Support.lkV sr.lrge '.1, Si;np^;'; i: inter-i,.:;: OutdoorAccess 802.1xal;thentication,MAC addressauthentication,and Portal Point authentication Requirements P o Ep o w e r }3pg4::!Y_:: gelrr ":;gt-qf!! antenna ports -1CsC Operating temperature: to 60eC Ineress Protection ratineof lP66or hieher Musthavea hardware supportof lPv6 Duarsracrsuppon r.e.rPv4, rPvS I l i I i I ru zfrfur e-"Ytl 6. Access Switches(52 Ports) (RJ-45) 48 port 10/100/1000BASE-T Interfaces ports 4 x L0O0Base-X SFP FullLaver2 Manaeed Stackable GieabitSwitch 2 x gpticaI Transceiver,eSFP,G E,Single-mode Module(13 10nm,10km, LC) Throughput up to: 75 Mpps Switching capacitv: 200Gbps PoEon all downlinkportswith maximumpowercapacity of 15 wattson all 48 ports PoE+ of 30 watts on downlinkportswith maximumpowercapacity on 24 portsat least Sunoort for Stackine Support for Qualitvof Seruice Minimumof 8 queueson eachinterface Support for WRR,DWRR Algorithms QueueScheduling Access Switch Suoport for TelnetandSNMP (52Ports) Industry standardCLI requirements Secure,encryptedWeb and CLImanagementwith SSHv2 Two levelsof accessprivileges MACAddressbasedVLANAssisnment port-level 802.1X authentication requiredsupportfor including "GuestMode"feature-sets RADIUS Authentication TACACS Authentication or eouivalent Defense spoofing againstDenialof Service attacks and MACaddress NetworkAdmission Control IEEE VLAN,VLANtrunkins 802.1Q, (MSTP) IEEE 802.1s 802.1d(STP), 802.1w(RSTP), IEEE 802.3ad, Linkaggregation controlprotocol Protocol IEEE 802.1abLinkLaverDiscoverv I G M Pv 1 , v 2 , v 3s n o o p i n g Suoport for NTP Support for sFlow 24 oon 10/100.11Ci:i.: BASE-T(RJ-45]i',terfaces 4.i lCri0Bise-X 5i- ;,;rts Fulll-ayer? Man;;1eci 2 x u l t i c ; , , . r ar : s c r : i v e i ' , e - ' i F c ,PS,iG ngle-mode 7. Access Switches(28 Ports) Access Switch M o d u l e ( 1 3 1 0 n m , 1 C k m , L C ) (28Ports) Throushput up to: 40 Mpps requirements 120 Gbps Switchinecapacitv: of 15 FoEon aii downlinkportswith maximumpowercapacity ports wattson all 24 of 30 watts PoE+ on downlinkportswith maximumpowercapacity on 12portsat least €' Support for Stacking I I ;ffi A ""'*.-X. ffi(/ )Er W" \"-N Supportfor Qualityof Seruice Minimumof 8 queueson eachinterface Supportfor WRR,DWRR Aleorithms QueueScheduline Support for TelnetandSNMP IndustrvstandardCLI Secure, encrypted WebandCLImanaeement with SSHv2 privileses Twolevelsof access MACAddress andportbaseVLANAssignment I r' ! i |' 802,1Xport-level authentication including requiredsupportfor "GuestMode"feature-sets RADIUS Authentication TACACS Authentication or equivalent Defense againstDenialof Service attacksandMACaddress spoofine NetworkAdmissionControl IEEE 802.10,VLAN,VLANtrunking IEEE 802,1d(STP), 802.1w{RSTP), 802.1s(MSTP) IEEE Linkaggregation 802.3ad, controlprotocol IEEE 802.1abLinkLayerDiscovery Protocol IGMPvl.,v2,v3snooping Supportfor NTP Supportfor sFlow M i n i m u ms w i t c h i n gc a p a c i W 25 Gbps 06 WANgigabitEthernet Ports S,,ppq4lqrfedunda nt powersupplies ThelnternetEdgeRoutershouldsupportlP routingprotocol including: RlPv2,RlPng, OSPFv2fv3,lSlSv4/v6, andBGPv4+ andMPBGP The lnternet EdgeRoutershouldhave RAM:2GB (at-least) 8, lnternet Gateway Router TheInternetEdgeRoutershould havel/Oexpansion:31/O slots(atleast) TheInternetEdgeRoutershallSupportSTP,RSTP andMSTP Protocol Requirements TheInternetEdgeRoutershallhaveLinkLayerDiscovery for lnternet (LLDP) TheInternetEdgeRoutershallhaveLinkAggregation Control Gateway Protccol(LACP) Router The inlernet Edg::.iouir,;shouldsupport MPLS(12 and L3VPN) The Internet EdgeRoutershouldsupport IGMPv1/v2/v3,PIM-SM, Plt\t Dfu1Plr;1_5S1.1 and i\;15DP T i ' , -. n r e r n e c' : c o eR o u i . esfh o u l ds u p p o r tl G t ' A 'vPL / v 2 l v 3s n o o p i n g S u p D o rfto r H i e r a r c h i 6 6Qi o S The jilternet EdgeRoutershouldsupportSPand WRRqueue schecit.: ling algorithms ThelnternetEdgeRoutershouldsupportRADIUS, TACACS andIEEE 802.1xauthentications 9. Access Devices for I TheInternetEdgeRoutershouldsupportVRRP for lPv4andlPv6 -40"Cto +70"C GradedevicewithOperating RequirementsIndustrial temperature for Access At reast4 x GESFPintenaces for up4gfluiffi qrl) %#t ; I Video Surveillance Devices for interfaces for downlink At least15x RJ-45 Video lP Protection erading:lP40or hieher Surveillance routinsprotocols Suooortfor RIPandOSPF VPN Supportfor lPSec powersupplies Supportfor redundant Shouldhavea fan-freedesisn with strongelectromagnetic Shouldworkproperlyin environments comply with lEEE1613 standards andshould interference (MTBF) of more a MeanTimeBetweenFailures ShouldSupports than50 vears anduser-friendlv Ul visualized confisuration Supoortfor web-based Realtime monitorins Alerts Reporting Syslog ProtectionagainstFailover 10.NMS (Network NMS Management Requirements Muttipleviewsi.e.separateview of eachsiteto monitorthe selectednodesasper requirements. tool/ software) Capableof importingmapsfor eachview. pollingengines Supportmultiple provide andclientlPand with APaddress end nodetracking Should MACaddress IP BACKBONEROUTER Onecore router shall be proposedfor every Motorway Informationmain site.The core router will be used for connectingthe main sitesthrough 10 GEfiber network ring. The router shall conformto the following mandatoryminimum specificationsas listed belowrMinimum Mandatory Specifications t, The proposedcore routers shall be flexible and upgradeableand basedon a modular design with minimum of 8 slots for future scalability.The upgradabilityof the nodesmeansthat they shouldbe upgradedwithout affectingtraffic. 2. Corenodemust be basedon a Terabitplatform' 3. Equipmentmust support at leas-i15T of backriane capacifyto guaranteefuture scalabilityand supportfor high capacityline speedports. 4. Th,. equinrnentSwi,'':lir : Canacity,:liall sr.rpportnot le.':sthan 7 Tbps and the Forwarding high cap'city links with linesh.iil su;:pcr, nri less ,;:rari2800 lvlcpsto gu:,.r-anteij Pe. ,..r'i::..rr:,.;3 proof scalability. speedand future 5. Heightcf the proposedequipmentshouldno more than 14 U. 6. The deviceshall have separateswitchingcard slots,which is completelyseparatedwith the main control boards,fo ensurethat doesnot affectthe forwardingwhile singlemasterboard is failingover.Redundancyin switchingfabricis required, 7. The proposedequipmentshall have dedicatedTraffic Managementc hip (not integrated with dwidth and poor QoS other Network Processorchips) in order to avoid performancethat may affectsother videosand audios, r^6'' S1 i{ ,\4)' \4- 8. The equipment shall be upgradableto 400G/slot smoothly to guaranteesupport of highthroughputline-speedfuture interfacesor high-densitymoduleswith line-speedports to satis$r the increaseddemandfor bandwidthfor at leastnextten years, 9. The line cardsshouldsupport flexiblecards,mixingof differenttype sub-cardto insert,to have the flexibility to usea serviceslot with different traffictypes to maximizeslot usability, 10. The line cards should support hot-swap of mother-cardsand daughter-cardswhich does not need configurationfor easytroubleshootingand maintenance(O&M) in caseof a port failure with minimum influenceto the traffic on other ports. T1, Mustbe configuredwith two redundantroute switchprocessormodules. L2. Routeswitch processormust haveout of band managementports. 13. Mustbe configuredwith redundanthot swappableACpower supplies. 14. The.proposedrouter shallsupportredundantclockmodules IJ. Must be configuredwith two redundant modular transport line cards eachwith minimum of 100 Gbpsbackplaneperformance 16. Mustsupport two 100 GigabitEthernetinterfacesports module 17. Mustsupport layer-Ztunnelingprotocols tB, Mustsupport morethan 12BKMACaddresses L9, Must include where required variety of interfacesincluding 1-gigabitEthernetinterface,10gigabitEthernetinterfaces,STMl and 0C192/STM64interfaces, 20. Theproposedrouter shallsupportQinQwith all kindsof EthernetLine card 21. The Core node shall satisfy the service requirementsof IP or MPLS bearer networks and backbonenetworks by providing support for a wide range of featuresand powerful service processing capabilities. 22. The equipment shall support VPN services - LZ/L3YPN and MVPN shall be all deployed dependingon networkingrequirements. 23. Shallproviding reliableprotection at different levels,includingthe equipmentlevel, network Ievel,and servicelevel. 24, The Core node shall cone with various kinds of bearer network failures and ensure service recovery. 25. The Corenode shallsupporteasyevolutionfrom IPv4to IPv6. 26. Equipment must support a hot-swappablefan system,if a fan fail the equipment must be operatenormally. Lt, Equipmentmust support1588V2,SyncE,Adaptiveclocksynchronization. zi':. Eluipment must supportat least4094 VLANsper Interface. 29, VLANStacking. EquipmentmustsupportIEEEB02.1ad 30, The.troposeriioutei si, ,ll supporlSupeiVLAN/ . ub v l,AN, ?1 Theproposedrouter shall supportport isolationwithin VLAN. 32. The proposedrouter shallsupportVLANMapping. 33. Equipmentmust supportnode or link switchoverin lessthan 5Omsat L3 34. Equipmentmust suppoft BGP/ MPLSVPNsfor IPV4and IPv6, 35. Shall support a variety of reliability technologies,with device-levelreliability greater than ms recovery and most 99.999o/o,an end-to-end network failure within comprehensiveBFD,with full-serviceprotectionswi l l 36. The network availability is critical for Ministry of Information business,the proposed equipmentshall supportvarious reliability techniquesmentionedwhich canachieve5Omsfault convergence to safeguardthe normal operationof the Ministry of Informationbusiness. 37. The proposedroutershallsupporthardware-basedBidirectionalForwardingDetection(BFD)of 3.3 ms. . o . o Theproposed routershallsupportBFDfor MPLSLSP Theproposedrouter shall supportBFDfor TE Theproposedrouter shall supportBFDfor MP-BGP r Theproposedrouter shall supportBFDfor PW Theproposedrouter shall supportBFDforVRRP Theproposedrouter shallsupportmulti hop BFD Theproposed routershallsupportNon-Stop Routing for PIMSSM. o o Theproposedrouter shall supportNon-StopRoutingfor remote LDP Theproposedrouter shall supportNon-StopRoutingfor T-LDP o o Minimum Mandatory Features 1. As the traffic data of motorway is mainly video and audio, the QoS performanceis a very important performanceparameter of the router and the following characteristicsare the minimum mandatory featuresto guaranteehigh quality traffic handling are:o Theproposedrouter shall support NQAfunction,Suchas DHCPdetection. . The proposedrouter shallsupport NQAfunction,Suchas DNSdetection, e Theproposedrouter shallsupport NQAfunction,Suchas SNMPdetection. r Theproposedrouter shall support NQAfunction,SuchasTCPdetection. . Theproposedrouter shallsupport vpn FRR, Must havefull MPLSfeaturesincludingr . . . . . . . . . , . 4. LabelDistributionProtocol(LDPJ TargetedLDP(T-LDP) ResourceReservationProtocolIRSVP) DifferentiatedServices(DiffServJ-awaretrafficEmployering MPLSL3VPN[includingCarrierSupportingCarrier[CSC]) IPv6ProviderEdgeand IPv6VPN to ProviderEdge MPLSTraffic Employering[includingTE-FRR) MPLSTE PreferredPath SupportVLL,VPLS,and support Martini & KompellaMPLSLZVPN Equipmentmust supportthe signalingand controlversionsof VPLSspecifiedin RFC4762 Equipmentmust support L2 Interworking over MPLS; the equipmentshould be able to interconnectdiffelent L2 pri:tocolsthrougha cir'.:uitPWE3 . Equipmentmust support L3 VLANinterfacesthat can be associatedto one or more VLANs or VPLS . SupportHoVPN Provide .ndustry authority EANTCIP / MPLSinteroperabilitytest reports, certificatethat the interoperabilitywith the high-endrouters of mainstreammanufacturers Must havefull routing featuresincluding: andOpenShortest IPv4 Routing(BGP,IntermediateSystem-to-lntermedi US-lsl, PathFirst IOSPF]) and IS-lS. IS-lS,and BGP,su SupportMD5of RIPv2,OSPF, 4 \$ . . . . . . . . J, 6. 7, B. q Equipmentmust supportroutingprotocolsIPv6 0SPFv3,RIPng,IS-lS,MP-BGP SupportBGPpeersnot lessthan 4K Equipmentmust supporttraffic Employeringbetweendifferent0SPFareas RoutePolicyConfiguration Virtual Router RedundanryProtocol(VRRP) IPv6routing (PIC) BGPPrefix IndependentConvergence Shallbe ableto establishOSPFadjacencies includingBroadcast,NBMA,P2Pand P2MP Must suppoft IPv6 including: . Supportvarioustechnologiesfor transition from IPv4to IPv6:manualtunnel configurations, automatic tunnel configurations, IPv6-to-lPv4 (6-to-aJ $nneling, Generic Routing encapsulation(GREJtunneling and Intra-Site Automatic Tunnel Addressing Protocol (ISATAP)tunneling, . SupportIPv4overIPv6tunnelingandIPv6 ProviderEdgeRouter(6PE). . SupportNAT44and DS-lite. . Shallsupport IFv6 Multicast,IPv6Access,IP FRRfor IPv6,RSVPIPv6,and LDPIPv6. Must havefull wide areanetwork technologies and protocolsincluding: r PacketOverSONET . PacketOverSynchronousDigitalHierarchy(SDHJ . Non-Ethernetinterfacesupportup to OC76B /STM256 . FrameRelay r Point-to-PointProtocolIPPPJ . High-LevelDataLink Control(HDLC), . Multilink Point-to-PointProtocol(MLPPP) . Any Transportover MPLS[AToMj . Internet ProtocoiheaderCompression(lPHCj Must haveminimum of the followingQualityof Servicefeatures: . Morethan 3 millionqueuesper system . WeightedFair Queuing(CBWFQ) Class-Based . WeightedRandomEarlyDetection(WRED) . Prioritl Queuingwith propagation . Z-rate3-color (2R3ClPolicing . ModularQoSCLI(MeC) . S-levelH-QoSso that the traffic canbe managedproperly and the network resourcescan be usedrationally. . SupportMPLSHQoS . SupportDS-TE 8 CT . In-ServiceModification . SupportVOQ(VirtualOutput QueueJ Supportlow forwardingdelayof lessthan 30ps . SupportVoQBufferofl00ms Mustsuppcrt the foilowingaddedservices: . Snpp,::tIPSec,IPSectunnels;switchingcapacitp=10G o RET,/1'j St,i" -:'tvideoenhancement: Musthaverhe followingmulticastfeatures; . Source-based and shareddistributiontrees . ProtocolIndependentMulticastsparsemode (PIM-SX) . PIMSourceSpecificMulticast(PIMSSM) . Automaticroute processing(AutoRP) . MultiProtocolBGP(MBGPJ . MulticastVirtualPrivateNetwork(MVPN) . MulticastSourceDiscoveryProtocol(MSDPJ . Internet GroupManagementProtocolVersions2 and 3 (lG . IGMPvZand v3 snooping 10, The proposedequipmentshallhavepossibilityto useone or more interfacesof 100 Gbps,40 STM-16,STM-4,STM'1,E1 interfaces Gbps,10 Gbps,1 Gbps,FE,STM-2 11. AII the requiredprotectionmu ; j1, 90I.2 COMMUNICATION SYSTEM CABLES GENERAL,ANDPURPOSE The Trafftc OperationCenter(TOC) employsvariousmethqdsef communicationfrom its central VAX computerto ITS componentsin the field. Voice, dataand video communications areusedby TOC. TOC communicates to ITS devicesthrough fiber optic cable,coppertwisted pair cable IP telephoneCommunicationand microwavetransmission.Thesecommunicationlines arehousedand protectedby supportstructures. COMPONENTS Components mustbe selectedasto ensurecontinuitythroughoutthe ITS system. Support Structure The supportstructureis that which is usedto mechanicallyaccommodate the componentsof the Traffic Management System(TMS) Hubs,cablevaults,junction boxes,pull boxes,terminalcabinets, conduitsandinnerductsaredefinedassupportstructures. Hubs Communicationhubs are used as informationgatheringpoints in the field. Data from the field devicesis transmitted to a local hub via twistedpair copperand singlemode fiber opticcables.This placed datais on a singlemodeopticalfiber and sentto TOC whereit is compiledfor immediateuse andstoredfor futureuse.Hubsshall be locatedthroughoutthe ITS system.Hubs aretypicallyspaced at fifteen (15)Kilometersintervals,andat majorinterchanges, to facilitateredundantcommunication links. CableVaults Cable vaults are used as pull points, splice locations(with Employer'sapproval)and where the mainline conduit has major changes in direction. They are also used whenevermainline communications conduitchangesfrom PVC to GRSandvisaversa.At least50 feetof cableshould be coiledandrackedat all cablevaults. JunctionBoxes Junctionboxescan be usedas "pull points"for coppertwistedpair. Type 2 shouldbe usedas a minimumfor mainlinecommunicationcables.The loopsare splicedin thejunction box to shielded lead-incablesthat run to the loop amplifiersin the cabinet.Junctionboxesusedfor lateralcableruns may be type2 or 3, with a speciallid whentheremay be traffic on the box. Pull Boxes Pull boxesaretypically spacedat 1000foot intervalsalongmainlineconduitruns.Pull boxes,as pull pointswherecablevaultsarenot needed. theirnameimplies,areusedasintermediate Pull boxes vaults.Puitrboxes:naybeusedin jackingoperations. Splicesarenot in null bo>,:s. allolv':,., Terminal Cabinets Terminal cabinetsshall be aluminumNEMA type 3R. Terminalcabinetsaresplicepoints for the mainlinetwisted copper communicationcable, when a cameracontrol cabinet is not used as such.Terminal cabinetspacingis basedon the distancethe cable can physically be pulled, generally taken to be 1600 to 1800 feet. Terminal cabinetsshall not be placed at a low point in the roadway alignment,unlessthe conduitscan be drainedprior to enteringthe cabinet.All splicesto the twisted copper communication cable are done above ground in a terminal cabinet, will on how manycablesand whattype of equipment Terminalcabinetsshouldbe sizeddepending be housedinside,i.e. cameraline amplifiers,numbetof terminalblocks,etc.Therefore,thereis no standardsizeterminalcabinet,however,continuitythroughoutajob shouldbeconsidered. cablewith a A terminalcabinetis alsousedto connectthe mainlinetwistedcoppercommunications pait cable, 6 to 12 in from a will range size cable.This lateral controller,via a lateralcommunications pairsare on many eachpair is copper#22 AWG (sameas mainlinecable).Lateralsize depends how neededatthe controllercabinet.Sparepairs shouldbe included. Conduit Conduit is usedto protect communicationcables.Our mainlinecommunicationsuse 2-four inch conduits.The conduitis eitherburiedin a trenchor attachedto structures.Whenburied,schedule40 PVC conduitis encasedin red tinted concreteand buried in a trench with fiber optic warningtape anda #4 insulatedTHWN-XHIIW locationwire. When attachedto shuctures,Rigid Galvanized Steel,RGS, must be used along with approvedmountingbrackets.All mainline communication conduitis to havefour-1.12 inchfactorysiliconlined andinstalled,smoothwalled,innerducts. CommunicationLines The TOC communicatesto field devicesthroughfiber optic cable, coppertwisted pair cable,IP telephonelinesandmicrowaves.Fiber optic cableis ableto carrylargequantitiesof dataon a single fiber. Fiber optic cable is usedfor its communicationefficiencyand to avoid the use of a bulky, mainlinecoppertwistedpair commuricationcable. from hubsto the TOC' Singlemodefiber optic cableis usedfor mainlinelong-haulcommunications from the hubs to the field communications, for short-haul is used cable optic Muitimode fiber devices. to field hubs from pair to communicate is alsoused devices.Coppertwisted The mainlinecablebrings the datafrom the controllersand cameracabinetsfor CCTV on twisted hub. This datais then put onto singlemodefiber pairsand coaxialcablebackto a communications andsentto theTOC. SYSTEMCABLES COMMUNICATION Description The work specifiedin this sectionshall includethe furnishingand installationof communication systemcablls and associatedcomponents.Thesepecificationsdefine the types of communication systemcables and interface equipmc;rtthat shall be implementedon project:rcontainingITS communications. 'l're cf requiredfor the installation iindtheexpertise Contl:,,::r -..h:llrrovidr-.nateria!,..?quipi.r,':rt" TIVIS. of the fiberoptic,copper,cameraandpowercablesascomponents Submittals With a minimumof 30 calerrdardaysprior to anticipatedconstruction,the Contractorshallprovide ail documentation,pertainingto the materialsand methodof executionproposedto satisfy the requirementsof this section.The Employer'sapproval is required prior to commiffing of any materialsor the commencementof any I i The Employerwill either approveor disapproveeachsubmitteditem within 30 calendardays of submittal. Actual time for the Employer's review is dependentupon the completenessand appropriateness of the documentation beingsubmitted.Any deficiencieswill requireadditionaltime for approval.Any delayscausedby suchdeficiencieswill not be eligible for extensionof project time consideration. The Employer'sapprovalof any submitteddocumentationshall in no way relieve the Contractor asspecifiedherein. from compliancewith the safetyandperformancerequirements Submittalsrequiredby this item shall includebut not be limitedto the following: 1. A materialstagingplan. systemcablesandassociated Themanufacturer's specificationsfor all communication 2. components. specifications for opticalfiberspliceenclosures. 3. Themanufacturer's 4. A detailedfiber opticcableinstallationprocedureincludingthe following: a. b. c. d. e. Fiber optic cable cutting lengths reflecting the cable order and reel allocations. Cable pulling plan comprising the exact operationmethodswith the physical locations, equipment setupand type. Exact splice points as provided for herein. Manpower proposed for all equipment, safety, and manual assistoperations. Traffic and right-of-way control with respectto public safety, if applicable Cable Installations The Contractor shall determine a sr.litablecable installation method to allow all cable installation requirementsto be met in all the conduit sections.A11'.vorkshall be carried out in accordancewith the highest standardsof craftsmanshipin the communication industry with regard to the electrical and mechanical integrity of the connections,the finished appearanceof the installation, and the accuracy a4d completenessof the documentation. The Contractor shall survey the project site and establishthe exact cable routing and cutting lengths prior to the commencementof any work or committing any materials. The Contractor shall submit a detailed installation procedurefor approval by the Employer, which shall addressthe issueslisted above, under submittals. All work areasshall be made clean and orderly at the completion of the work and at times required by the Employer during the progressof work. QualityAssurance All work de:;cribedin this sectionshall ineet or erceedthe applicableprovisionsof the following documents: f . i : , 1 1 1 3 1-{! p < ,: : i i c a t i o i ' for Fiber Optic Fibers,Cables, 2. Ei-,i ,+55-1-5(addenduI through5) StandardTest Procedures andTerminatingDevices T;'ansducers, Connecting 3. EIA 27A, Methodfor Measuring(Uncoated)Diameterof OpticalWaveguideFibers Fibers MethodForMeasuringTensileFailurePointof OpticalWaveguide 4. EIA 455.-28A, Interconnection DeviceInsertionLossTest 5. EIA 455.",i,1, OpticalFibers For LongLengthGraded-Index 6. EIA 455-46,SpectralAffenuationMeasurement 7. EIA 455-51,Pulse Distortion Measurementof Multimode Glass Optical Fiber Information Capacity Transmission 8. EIA 455-52,Me $easuring TemperatureDependenceof Attenuation for Optical WaveguideFibers I j t, ; 9. EIA 455-53,Attenuationby SubstitutionMeasurementfor Multimode Graded-IndexOptical Fibersor FiberAssembliesUsedin Long Length I 10.EIA 455-89,FiberOptic CableJacketBlongationandTensileStrength 1l. EIA 455-95,AbsoluteOpticalPowerTestfor OpticalFibersandCables BufferedFiberBendTest l2.EIA 455-103, 13.EIA 359-A-1,SpecialColors Thermoplastic-Jacketed AmericanNationalStandardfor Polyolefin-Insulated 14.ANSI, C8.47-1983 Communication Cables. 15.REA, PE-39,TwistedPairCopperCables Materials TheContractorshallprovideall productsandmaterialsrequiredfor the installationandsplicingof interfacedevices. cablesandpowercablesandassociated the specifiedcommunications Communication Gables cablesare definedas 8.3/125um singlemode,62.5/125um multimode,#22 AWG Communication twisted pair copper, ffid multiconductorcameracables. Optical fiber dimensionsshall be in in EIA,455-27A. compliancewith the methodsfor measuringasestablished FIBEROPTICCABLE GENERAL Fiber Optic Gable Description that all fiber or test resultsthat demonstrates The Contractorshall provide certifieddocumentation All optical fibersshall performance criteria. optic cablesmeetthe specifiedoptical and mechanical be identifiableby standardcolor codesas definedin EIA 395-A.All cablesshallbe free of material flaws and dimensionalnonuniformity'swhichwould: or manufacturing cableinstallationpractices, 1. Interferewith the cableinstallationusingaccepted afterinstallation, resistance performance and environmental transmission 2.Degradt:;he and interfacing elements, 3. Inhibit properconnectionto 4. Otherwiseyield an inferior product. Fiber Optic Cable Mechanical PerformanceRequirements for completedfiber optic requirements Thefollowing definesthe physicalandenvironmental cable(s): Singlemode cablesshall be comprisedof optical fibers in a loosetube buffer desigrrof industry installations andof dielectricconstruction. cor:drrit fcl'undel"':relnd stri:4:;rd,:rtnstr'.rr:iion Multimodecablesshall be comprisedof opticalfibersin a tight tube buffer design.Eachmultimode optical fiber shall be containedin a breakoutstyle cable,with core locked elastometric2'0 mm by shall be comprisedof 900 um multimodefiberssurrounded The 2.0 mm subcables subcables. aramidstrenglhfibersand elastomeito form a nominal2.0 mm outsidediameter. Newton(600 Singlemodeandmultimodefiberopticcablesshallbe capableof withstandinga2,T00 pounds)pull forceduringinstallation. Fiber optical cablesshall be conshuctedin accordancewith EIA 455. The completed cablesshall have sequentially numberedlength markers,in a contrastingcolor to the cablejacket, at regular intervals of not more than one meter along the outside of the jacket. Stamped on the jacket shall be the cable code to identify the number and type of fibers, the manufacturer's name and the sequentiallength markings. The cablesshall be capableof being stored, installed, and operatedat the temperaturerange of -55oC. to *85oC. The cable(s) shall be able to withstand bending to a minimum radius of 10 times the cable outer diameter without tensile load applied, and of 20 times the cable outer diameter with maximum load applied (during installation),without damage to the cable componentsor degradationof the optical fiber performance.The fiber optic cablesshall withstand at least 20 cycles at a minimum bend radius without damageto the fiber optic cable components or degradationof the optical performance. The cyclic flexing test shall be in accordancewith EIA 455. The minimum crush resistance of the fiber optic cable shall be greater than 2200 Newton's/cm without damageto the cable componentsor degradationof the optical performance. The fibpr optic cables shall be capable of withstanding 2500 impacts, at 5 newton-meters force without damageto the fiber optic cable components or degradationof the optical performance. The impact resistancetest shall be in accordancewith EIA 455. The single mode fiber optic cablesshall be testedfor the ability of the gel filling compound in the interior of the inner jacket and buffer to resist flow at the above mentioned temperature range in accordancewith EIA 455. The fiber optic cable shall be capableof preventing the entry and axial migration of 9 psi pressurized water when subjectedto fluid penetrationtesting in accordancewith EIA 455. FiberOpticGableFactoryAcceptanceTest The Contractor shall provide factory acceptancetest data sheetsfor eachreel offiber optic cable delivered. These shall be performed by the factory and shall include both-way OTDR traces and test data for each fiber used in the cable. The Employer reservesthe right to witness factory acceptancetests of the fiber optic cables.The Contractorshall perform OTDR testson each fiber cable after delivery andjust prior to installation of the cable. The Contractor shall supply the factory test re:'rultsdocumentingthat the cables meet EIA specificationsas specitiedin theseSpecialProvisions.The Contractorshall submit a 1 meter sample of ea'.litype ,|':abie to the l rnployeii,,.rapproval. Fiber Optic Cable Installation Fiber optic cables shall be installed in continuous lengthswithout intermediatesplicesthroughout the entire project,exceptat the location(s)specifiedin the Plans. The cable installation personnel shall be familiar with the cable manufacturer's recommended proceduresincluding but not limited to the following: to the cablestrengthelementsfor pulling duringinstallati Properattachment 2 .Cabletensilelimitationsandthetensionmonitoringprocedure. I l. :i ir :i i/ 3. Cablebendingradiuslimitations. at all times. specifications TheContractorshallcomplywith the cablemanufacturer's pulling ofthe fiber optic cableis lengths, bi-directional long continuousinstallation To accommodate asfollows: approvedandshallbe implemented From the midpoint,pull the fiber optic cable into the conduitfrom the shippingreel in the usual fashion.Whenthis portion of thepull is complete,the remainderof the cablemustbe removedfrom the reel to makethe insideendavailablefor pulling in the oppositedirection.This is accomplished by handpulling the cablefrom the reel and laying into largefigure eight loopson the ground.The purposeof the figure eight pattemis to avoid cabletanglingand kinking. The loops must be laid tangling)andmust be in a protectedarea.The carefullyone uponthe other (to preventsubsequent to set insidereel endof the cableis thenavailablefor installation.In somecases,it maybe necessary up the winch at an intermediatecablevault. Therequiredlen$h of cableis pulledto that point, and broughtout of the cablevault andcoiled into a figure eight.The figure eight is then tumed overto gain accessto the free cableendwhich can then be reinsertedinto the duct systemfor installation intothe next section. Installationshallinvolvethe placementof the fiber optic cablesin a specifiedinnerductor conduitas definedin the Plans.The Contractorshall ensurethat innerductsare securedto preventmovement duringthe cableinstallation. terminationhardwareon the fiber optic cablesshall not be pulled over any The pulling eye/sheath sheaves. Whenpowerequipmentis usedto install the fiber optic cables,it must be designedto be usedwith fiber optic cable.Low speedsshallbe used,not to exceed30 metersper minute.The equipmentmust show the rate of pull, tensionand automaticallyshut down if any cable pulling parametersare under The tensileandbendinglimitationfor fiber optic cablesshallnot be exceeded exceeded. andcableguidesshall beused The useof largediameterwheels,pulling sheaves, anycircumstances. to maintain the appropriatebending radius. Tension monitoring shall be accomplishedusing or load-cellinstruments. commercialdynamometers Fiber Optic Cable Splicing for splicingandconnectingof the specifiedfiber optic minimumrequirements This sectiondescribes cables.The singlemodecablesarethe only fiber optic cablesthatshallcontainintermediatesplices. All splicing equipmentshall be in good working ordet, properlycalibrated,andmeetall industry standardsand safety regulations.Cable preparation,closure installation,and splicing shall be andapprovedindustrystandards. with i:ccepteC in accr:rdance accomplished Upon ccmpletionof the splicingoperation,all waste materialshall be depositedin suitable at:zptthle lrli;,nei of in anenvitonmentally i,:moveitom the;ob-site,andiiisposed cont..riner,r. The Contractor shall use the fusion method with local splicing. and detection for all fiber optic splicelossis definedas Theaveragesplicelossof eachfibershallbe 0.15dB or less.Theaverage the thesummationof the attenuationasmeasuredin both directionsthrough fusionsplice,dividedin half. in a singledirectionshallexceed0.25dB. No individualsplicelossmeasured ii li lt t-l t: I splicecasedesignedfor useon fiber opticcablesin a Splicesshallbe containedin a re-enterable manholeenvironmentwheretotal andcontinuoussubmersionin wateris to be expected. At all fiber optic splicelocations,theContractorshallneatlycoil andsecure50 feetof fiber optic includingminimumbendradius' cablein a mannerthatis consistentwith opticalfiber specifications, SINGLEMODEOPTICALFIBER Single Mode Optical Fiber MechanicalRequirements Singlemodefibersshallhavea nominalcorediameterof 8.3um. Themodefield diameterfor all singlemodefibersshallbe 10 um nominally,with no variation at 1300nm. greaterthan1.0um whenmeasured Single mode fibers shall be containedin a loose buffer tube and multimode fibers shall be constructedwith a tight bufferedjacket. These configurationsshall be dimensionallysized to with EIA 455-103.Theinteriorof the andmicrobendlossesin compliance minimizelocal stresses buffer tube shall be filled with a compoundof suitableviscosityto dampenfiber vibrationsand preventthe ingressandmigrationof water. Void areasaroundthe individual buffertubesin singlemode cablesshall be filled with a moisture resistantfilling compoundasa blockagainstmoisturemigration. A reinforcinglayerof aramidstrengthfibers shallbe appliedas an innerjacket to provideadditional cablestrengthandprotection. An outerjacket of UL ratedOpticalFiberNon-conductiveRiser (OFNR)PVC shallbeappliedover the reinforcingmaterialto provide mechanicalprotection,and to serye as the primary moisture barrierfor the singlemodecables.The PVC shallbe core lockedto the tight bufferedjackets in the multimodecables.The cablesheathsshall be designedto meetor exceedthe tensilecriteriadefined in EIA 455-89. The singlemodefiber claddingshallhavea nominaldiameterof 125um, with no variationgreater than 3 um. The non-circularityof the claddingsurfaceshall be lessthan 2 percent'Claddingnoncircularityis definedasthe differencebetweenthe longestand shortestchordseachpassingthrough the centJrof the claddingand connectingpointson the outer claddingsurface,dividedby the diameterof thecladdingsurface. ayerage Thecorecladdingoffsetshallbe lessthan1.0um.Thecorecladdingoffsetis definetiasth',:distance betweenthe core centerand the claridingcenter.The coatedsinglemode optical fibersshall have a nominaloutsidediameterof 500 um, with no variationgreaterihan 15 um and a minimumcoating fiL,,'l sr'all,as a:ninimul: cr';-viJe rnoder"nt:.-,'i aot lessthan50 um. -cingi= ai anypr-.tnt thii:liness EIA 455-28A' with in accordance industrystandardlevelsof tensilestrength, Singlemodeopticalfibersshailbe 100,000psi glass' i nofactorysplices. shallcontain Fibers t, I L. I t- I I IJ J: SingleMo{e OpticalFiber Performance nC to of each8.3/125singlemodefiber at the temperaturerangeof -55 Themaximumattenuation at 1,310 Od50tsftm +85 E8ndhall bndr0.SedBfl<traat nominal. The attenuationshall be measuredon a completed reel length of cable ized to a l\ ii -l l' t: li "with the manufacturer's length of I km. The measurementmethod shall be in accordance procedure. recommended l; L: f-: ii ta il All fibers shallbe free from imperfectionsandinclusionsthat would preventthemfrom meetingthe transmissionand mechanicalrequirementsof this specification.All anomaliesshall be kept to a minimum,andin no caseshallbein excessof 0.20dB. ffi The maximumdispersionat 68 nm. 1,575 1,525 to of rcnge 17-20pslnm-kmoverthe $di tw}frrgslnfl.l,225 to 1,330nm, and Thecutoff wavelengthshall be 1,200um nominal,andshallhaveno variationgreaterthan70 um. Single mode Fiber Optic Cable MechanicalPerformanceRequirements for completedsinglemodefiber requirements Thelollowing definesthe physicalandenvironmental opticcable(s): Newton(600pounds)pull Singlemodefiberopticcablesshallbe capableof withstandinga2,T00 forceduringinstallation. with EIA 455. Singlemodefiber optic cablesshallbe conshuctedin accordance MULTIMODEOPTICALFIBER design' with a tight-buffered,breakout-style Multimodefibersshallbe constructed Multimode Optical Fiber MechanicalRequirements Multimodefibersshall havea nominalcorediameterof 62.5um, with no variationgreaterthan3 um' The non-circularityof the claddingsurfaceshall be less than 6 percent.Core non-circularityis definedasthe differencebetweenttre longestandshortestchordseachpassingthroughthe centerof the core and connectingon the core/claddinginterface,divided by the averagecore diameter.The multimodecladdingshall havea nominaloutsidediameterof 125um with no variationgleaterthan 3 um. Non-circulariryof the claddingsurfaceshallbe lessthan 4 percent.Claddingnon circularity is definedasthe differencebetweenthe longestandshortestchords,eachpassingthroughthe centerof thecladdingandconnectingpointson the outercladdingsurface,dividedby the averagediameter of the claddingsurface. The concentticity error for multimodeopticalfibers shall be lessthan 6 percent,wherethe error is thedistancebetweenthe coreandcladdingcentersdividedby the averagecorediameter. fibers :hall havea norninaloutsidediameterof 500 um, with The acrylatecoatedmulr;inodeoptir.,.'il no variation greaterthan 15 um and a minimum coatingthicknessof 50 um. The acrylatecoated multimodefibers shall be coveredwith an elastometricbuffer brining the total outsidenominal p:-iglass' :;: i':-tlfiber;siiailbe 100,000 dl3pe,,:i'io100um,The ,';:itlti;noc-,' The multimode optical fibers shall, as a minimum, provide industry standardlevels of tensile with EIA 455-28,4'. strengthin accordance Fibersshallcontainno factorysplices' Multimode Optical Fiber Performance r ange of -55 flC to multimodefiber at the temperature The maximumattenuationfor each62.51125 nominal. +85 FEKIIbe no greaterthan3.0 dBlkm at 850 nm nominaland 1.0 dB/km at 1.300nm Theattenuationof multimodeopticalfibersshallbe determinedby EIA a55-46'S I I i .| The informationtransmissioncapacity(bandwidth)of each multimodeoptical fiber shall be 600 MHz-km at 1300um. The informationcapacrtyof eachfiber shallbe measuredin thetime domain environmentand the result shall be expressedin terms of -3 dB (Optical power) frequency.The methodto determinethepulsedistortionshallbe EIA 455-51. Multimode Fiber Optic Cable Mechanical PerformanceRequirements Multimodefiber opticcablesshall be capableof withstandingan 2700Newton (600pounds)pulling forceduringinstallation. COPPERCABLE Copper Gable Description Coppercablesshallcontain25, or asnotedin the Plans,twisted#22 AWG copperpairs.All pairs shall be color codedusing standardNorth Americancommunicationindustry colorsto uniquely identi$ eachpair in the cable.Coppercablesshallbe constructedfor installationin anunderground conduit environment,with a sheathconsistingof a double coatedaluminum shieldover which a mediumdensitypolyethylenejacketis extruded. All cablesshall be filled with a gel compoundto resistwaterpenetrationandmigration. All coppercablesshallbe constructedin accordance with REA, PE-39. Copper Cable Performance of 9,600b/sec Coppercablesshallcontainno faultypairsand shallbe capableof the transmission datacircuitsoverdistances of 5 miles. Twisted Pair Copper Cable Installation terminalblocksandsplicecase. TheContractor shallinstallthe 25-pairOSPcableandassociated shall Wherecablesare terminatedat terminalblocks in terminalcabinets,the sarnepair assignment be maintainedfrom existingto new pairs. The cableshall be terminatedin the cabievault in a water-proofre-enterablesplicecase.The cable andsplicecaseshallberackedin the cablevault andsealedaftercompletionof cabletesting. Twisted Pair GopperTesting Uponcompletionof installation,the following testsshallbe conducted: Eachpairof 25 TWPcableand6 TWPcableinstalledshallbetesteil. ratio,andlossat l kHz, fromthehub endof shalltestfcr continuity,signal'-io-noise The Contractor i:t:i-t1e p;,rir":., ;\r".-v :eg::"rntconfeininga p'-'.:ior pairs ta ih, ,:t,1:end',1'-aterirl the.nainli;- :-r.'rit-.r shalibe better measurements be repaired or replaced. Signal-to-noise exhibitingciiscr:ntinuity shail per mile. shallbe betterthan2 dB that 55 dB, and 1 kHz signallossmeasurements and recorded. continuityshall be measured Tip-to-tipand ring-to-ringcontinuityand color sequence for eachtwisteJpair withineachcablesection. Thistestshallbe conducted Copper Cable Splice Cases {t The Contractor shall provide and install re-enterablewaterproof copper cable splice caseenclosuressuitable for a cable vault environment and capableof a branchspliceof 25 pairsasshownin theplans. I I i I Copper Cable Protector Block terminalblock for The Contractorshall provideandinstalla combinationprotectorblock/punchdown the protectionandterminationof a Zl-pair OSPcable. 25 protectorunits of the low voltageheatcoil andgastubetype, with goldpins,shallbeprovided and installedwith the protectorblock.Theblock shallbe equippedwith punch-downterminalsfor both inputandoutputcablepairs. Gopper Cable Termination Blocks The Contractorshall provideandinstallcableterminationson blocksthatarc 25-pairType66 punchType 66 blocksshall be usedfor 24 AWG ISP cables.Unconnectorized down blocks.Connectorized andunconnectorized Type 66 blocksshall be usedfor 22 AWG OSPandrisercables.Connectorized blocks shall have six columnsof terminalpins, with the left three in eachrow connectedand the and capableof throughconnectionsusingremovablebridge clips right threein eachrow connected, in eachrow. CAMERACABLE Gamera Gable Description Cameracablesshall extendfrom the cameracontrol receiverto the cameraand pan/tilt drive unit. Thesecablesshall providecamerapower,environmentalhousingheaterpower,panltiltdrive power and controls,cameralens controls,and additionalwires for presetpositioningof paMilt and lens. uponthe vendorselectedfor The numberand size of wiresrequiredin the cameracableis dependent proper type and quantity of with the provide cables camera pan/tilt drives.The Contractorshall by the selectedvendors' conductorsto enableconnectionasrecommended as shownon the Plansandas required The Contractorshall installthe cameracablesand connectors of the closedcircuittelevisionsystem. to providefor properoperation Camera Gable Performance shall be designedfor long life operationunderadverseweatherconditions.Cable Cameracables with vendor connectorsat the camerahousingandpanltilt drive shallbewaterproofedin accordance pole box on camera NEMA Cameracablesshallbe terminatedon terminalsin the reconrrnendations. one endandterminalsin the cameracontrolcabineton theotherend. PCWER CABLE Power 0able Desc :'iption powersourceto the Contractor-provided Pgwercablesshall extendfiom the Governntent-provided installed to specifieddevices, Porvercablesmustalsobe loc:rlpowertransfi-irmer. ':lci:irali, 'cal -,1 , sha1lconsistof #3c-8AWG and#3c-10 Powerca;bies :' rrovi ;.'i trrr,.--orinr:;. vi:i AWG or asapplicable. Power Cable Performance with their of the powercablesshallbe in accordance Mechanicalandperformancecharacteristics relevantspecifications. CABLEVAULTS CabteRackingin GableV l I t_. j I After thecablesareinstalledandspliced,cables,andinnerductsshallberackedwith spareconduits handling and innerductssealed.Sincethereis substantialrisk of damageto opticalfibersby careless of the cables,muchcareshallbe exercised,especiallywith regardto observingthe minimum bendingIimitations. Lateralcablesshallbe placedbehindthemain cableswhenchanginglevels. Cablesor innerductsshallbe securedin rackedpositionwith Ty-Rapsor approvedequivalent. Identification/warningtags shall be securelyattachedto the cablesor innerductsin at least two locationsin eachcablevault or pull box. All coiledcableshall be suitablyprotectedto preventdamageto the cableand fibers,Rackingshall includesecuringcablesor innerductsto brackets(rackinghardware)that extendfromthe side walls of the cablevaultor pull box. When all cablesor innerductsat each cable vault and pull box are securelyracked,all unused conduitsand innerducts,andthe void areasaroundthe conduitscontainingcablesor innerductsshall be sealedusingsealingmaterialsmeetingor exceedingindustrystandards. Junction Boxes In-gradejunctionboxesshallbe placedon a 6-inchcushionofcrushedsurfacingtop course.Boxes shall be installedbehindbarriersexceptas otherwiseshown in the Plans.Boxesshall be installed to sustain flush with the pavingin shoulderareasand shall be supportedby basematerialsadequate slow movingH-20 designloads.Boxesshall be installedas closeand as practicalto barrierson pavedshoulders. Surfacemountedjunction boxesshallbe ratedNEMA 4X and shallbe properlysizedper the NEC. by theEmployer. Installation of thejunctionboxesshallbe in a mannerapproved Gommunication System Gable Testing and Acceptance Fiber Optic Cable Testlng Upon completionof thefiber optic cableinstallation(andsplicing)thefollowing testsshallbe performed. Prior to performingthesetests,the Contractorshallnotify the Employer10 daysin advanceso that theymaybe witnessed. A recordingoptical time domain reflectometer(OTDR) shall be utilized to test for end-to-end of eachopticalfiber. The OTDR shallbe equippedwith a 1,300nm and continuityand attenuaticn 1,550nm light sourcef,,i singlexode opti,rll fibersandan 850 nm and 1,300nm light sourcefor multimodeoptical5bers.TheOTDRshallhaveanX-Y plotterto providea hardcopyrecordof each T:.eOTDR shallbe equippedwith sufficientintemalmaskingto allowthe entire testmeasurement. lengtii Tli:; n:,';.'bc ac;ir;yi:Jby usingan optic:ilfiberpigtailo'-:;urficient cebleir i: n ,i': - ,. -;teC. normalizatlon to display suff,rcient with or by using an OTDR to displaythe requiredcablesection, therequiredcablesection. tests. A hardcopyX-Y plot shallbe providedfor all fiber opticattenuation The OTDR shall be calibratedfor correctindex of refractionto provideproperlengthmeasurement for the known lengthof referencefiber. The Conhactorshall providethe OTDR aftertype approval by the State.After fiber testinghasbeencompleted,theOTDR.will becomethe propertyof the State. Each singlemode and multimodespliceshall be testedfor optical loss using an OTDR. Measure e splicesand 850 nm for multimodesplices. at 1300 eachsplicein bothdirections, tl li i: An X-Y plot,from the OTDR,shallbe providedfor eachsplicemeasurement. Splicelossshallmeet or exceedthe requirementsof the SpecialProvisions.Splicesto existing fibers shall also be measuredandrecorded. A transmission testshall be performedwith the useof a stabilizedlight sourceand an opticalpower level meter.Each single modefiber, includingthosespliceto existingsinglemode fiber, shall be measuredat both 1300nm and 1550nm, in both directions,subsequent to field andpigtail splicing. Eachmultimodefiber shallbe measuredat both 850nm and 1300nm, in bothdirections,subsequent to fiber connectorization. The light sourceshallbe at the field end andthe power level meterat the hub. Relativecalibrationbetweenthe two power metersmust be checkedagainst communications the samesourceat both the beginningandend of eachsession.Fiber lossshall meetor exceedthe requirements of the SpecialProvisions. Upon completionof the abovementionedtestsall fiber optic cablecoils shall be securedwith ends cappedto preventintrusionof dirt andwater. Power Gable Test All power cablesshall be testedin accordance with the StandardSpecifications. Installationof all communicationssystemcable interfaceequipmentshall be in accordance with the manufacfurer's specificationsand the transmissionequipmentrequirements. For specificlocationsand cable/wire connectivity,referto the Plansif available. Testing Tests shall be performedon all interfaceequipmentthat shall demonstratecompliancewith the (or powertransformation transmission equipmentrequirements equipment), Optical fiber connectorsand jumpers shall be measuredat the fiber optic terminationpanel, in accordance with testsdefinedin EIA 455- i. I i.- I t I I I : .1 i I 901.3 UNIFIED COMMUNICATION SYSTEM 1.I IPPBX REOUI,REMENT 1.1.1 FEATURE REQUIREMENT ! Local numberqueryingservice By dialinga specialprefix on a phone,a subscriber can querythephone number, Callingline identification presentation (CLIP) service The CLIP ssrviceenablesa terminalto displaythe calling party'snumber(short or long)or name.An enterprisecandeterminethecalling partyinformationto be displayedon terminalsbasedon enterpriserequirements. By default,for an intra-officecall, the numberformat(shortor long)displayedon the called party'sterminalis the sameasthat of the numberthe calling partydials.For an inter-officecall, the long numberofthe callingparty is displayedon the called party'sterminal, If an enterprisedoesnot enablethe CLIP service,the word "Unknown"will be displayedon terminalswhencalls comein, This servicehidesthe callingparty'snumberfrom the calledpartyregardlessof whetherthe calledparty hasenabledthe CLIP service.The word "Anonymou$" will be displayedon terminalswhencallscomein. Callingline identification restriction(CLIR) service The CLIR serviceis availableonly to a callingparty. Callingline identification restriction override(CLIRO) service Thisservice enablesthecalledpartyto viewthe callingnumberwhen the callingpartyenablestheCLIRservice. TheCLIROserviceis available oniyto a calledparty. Service of call forwarding unconditional This serviceallows callsto a registereduserto be automaticallyforwardedto a presetphonenumberregardless ofthe user'sstatus. Service of call forwarding no reply This serviceallows callsto a registereduserto be automaticallyforwardedto a presetphonenumberwhenthis userdoesnot answerthe callswithin a specified duration, Serviceofcall forwardingbusy This serviceallows callsto a registereduserto be automaticallyforwardedto a presetphonenumberwhenthis useris busy. Serviceof call forwardingoffline This serviceallows callsto a registereduserto be automaticallyforwardedto a presetphonenumberwhenthis useris offline. This servicepreventsmissed calls. Serviceof call forwarding conditionai uscl io be automaticallyforwardeci;o a This serviceallows calisto a regi-.rered presetphonenumber(mobilenumber,oflice number,family number,and extemalnetworknumber)undera certainc'::rdition.The usercanspecify fl:nvard-tonumbr:rs bas';rion th. io':::aglrtr,butes: mr-ritipie Userstatus:busy,no reply,offline, andDND Call source:calls madeby usersin a specifiedcallingnumberlist, inter-office calls,andintra-officecalls Time segment:a time point anda time segmentin a day or week Serviceof call forwarding immediatelv This serviceallows callsto forwardto VMS (Voicemail system)by pressing on. the forwardbuttonin ringing/connecting/hold Serviceof call forwardingto VMS (Voicemail system) unconditional This serviceallows callsto a registereduserto be automaticallyforwardedto VMS regardless of the user'sstatus. f'' .* <l ry* 1; \($ \.- -/ teuor.t ) ! I I I Serviceofcall forwardingto VMS busy This serviceallowscallsto a registereduserto be automaticallyforwardedto VMS whenthis useris busv. Serviceof call forwardingto VMS no reply This serviceallowscallsto a registereduserto be automaticallyforwardedto VMS whenthis userdoesnot answerthe callswithin a soecifiedduration. Serviceof call forwardingto VMS offline This serviceallowscallsto a registereduserto be automaticallyforwardedto a VMS whenthis useris offline. This servicepreventsmissedcalls. Reiectionof all forwardedcalls This serviceallowsusersto rejectall forwardedcallsandplay a notificationfor the callingparties. BlacklisVWhitelist A usercanmakeblacklistsandwhitelistfor the incomingcall process.The user cannotreceivea oall from the blacklistedusersbut canreceivea call from the whitelist users. Anonymouscall rejection This serviceenablesa terminalto automaticallyrejectall anonymousincoming calls. One Number Link You(ONLY) This serviceenablesmultipleterminalsof a userto displaythe mainterminal's services. numberto the calling or calledpartyandto sharesupplementary The serviceconfigurationsandphonenumberof the main terminal alsotake effectfor callsmadeby slavephones, Whenthe ONLY numberis called,the terminalsring in the specifiedringing mode(simultaneous ringing,sequentialringing,or overlappingringing) configuredfor the ONLY service. diala presetnumberif the Thisservice allowsa terminalto automatically canbe set)seconds afterpickup. userdoesnot pressanykeywithin{S,10,15 Afterpickup,a usercanpressthe poundkey(#)on a terminalor IADto automatically diala presetnumber. Delayhotline diala Thisservice allowsa terminalor an analogphoneto automatically presetnumberimmediately afterp i c k u p . Instanthotline callto a thirdparty.When Thisservice allowsa userto transferan ongoing ends.Whenthe call the originalconversation successfully, the callisforwarded comesback.Boththe isforwardedunsuccessfully, the originalconversation callingandcalledpartiescantransferthe call. Blind Transfer lf the userregistersthe service,it cancallthe 3rd partywhenit is in the the call,it cantransferthe callto the 3rd calling. lf the 3rd partycananswer party,the userendsthe original conversation. Boththe callingandcalled partiescantransferthe call. Attend Transfer Call deflection(CD) This serviceenablesa userto forwarda call to a third party whentheuser cannotanswerthe call. Cail hold serrce A user can hold an ongoing ca.ilanc resume it iater. rrier a usel'rrolds :; call, the peer parry hearsthe waiting music. Call parkservice at Ifuser answersa call at onelocationbut needto havethe conversation anotherlocation,they canhold the call on a phoneandunhold it on another intra-officephone.If the userdoesnot resumethe call within the specified andthe heldparlyhearsthe duration,the durationis 5 min, the call is released, busvtone. If a third parfymakesa call to the userwhentheuseris on a call, thethird party will hearthetoneof callingwaiting,the calledpartyon a call will heara rgsnl toneof the new call(softclient will senda reminderof new call ), it Call waitingservice l t_ 7 iI i"_, €uonej I I I i, l , -: meansthata new useris waitins. Three-way callingservice This serviceallowsa callingor calledpartyto initiatea call to a third party The partywho initiatesthe call can without endingthe cunentconversation. thenstarta three-partyconversation. Call-outRestriction by Restrictionuser'soutgoingtelephoneprivileges(suchas long-distance) oassword Passwordchange A usercanchangethe voicepassword.A usercanenterthe serviceaccessoode, old password,new password,andconfirm the pass*ordto changethe voice password.(The confirmedpasswordmust be thesameasthe newpassword,) Password-based call restriction customization After a usersetsa voicepasswordfor a phone,the phonecan be usedonly whenthe corrcctpasswordis entered.This voicepasswordis alsousedin the call-outrestrictioq passwordchange,andremoteserviceregistrationservices. call restrictionservicerestrictsvarious The customization ofpassword-based typesof call. Someof the restrictedcall typesarelisted as follows: . inter: intra-officecall . local:localcall . ddd: nationaltoll call . idd: internationaltoll call . ldd: localtoll call Call restrictlonon an incoming trunk A trunk tandemcall is an incomingcall that is forwardedoutsidethe office througha trunk. For example,after a PSTN userdialsthe switchboardnumber, the usei dials0xxxx (0 is an outgoingprefix) insteadofan extensionnumber, This serviceenablesCall AS to reiecttrunk tandemcalls. Pin-Code The devicedetermineswhethera usercanmakean outgoingcall by askingthe userto enterPin-Code. Abbreviateddialing service This serviceallowsa userto call frequentcontactsby dialing an abbreviated numberconsistingof oneto threedigits. The abbreviatednumberis I digit that is shorterthanthe shortnumber. call restriction Password-based customization After a user'setsa voice passwordfor a phone,the phonecanbe usedonly whenthe correctpasswordis entered.This voicepasswordis alsousedin the call-outbaning,passwordchange,and remoteserviceregistrationservices, call restrictionservicerestrictsvarious ofpassword-based The customization call typesarelistedas follorvs: typesofcall. Someofthe restricted . inter: intra-officecall . local:locaicall . ddd: nationaltoil call :dd:r::'jg:y3|i"il._ ** { I I i t**"to.n*;.** caii barring, i: ;s"d ;;i ide catl-outba''ing,password-based ihe voii.epas:rivord ONLY, andall servicescrncellationservice.A usercanchangethevoice AccessCode*OldPassword*New password. Userinput"Sc'i','ice Password"to changethe voice password.(Theconfirm Password*Confirm passwordmustbe sameasnewpassword) Co-grouppickupservice This serviceallows a registereduserto answerlhe calls i?:ra userin the same pickupgroupby dialing thepickup accesscode. pickupservice Designated This serviceallows a registereduserto answerthe calls for a userin the same pickupgroupby dialing thepickup accesscodeandcallednumber, Automaticcallbackbusy This serviceallowsa userto automaticallycall backthe calledparrywhenthe calledparty is busy. Automatic callbackno reply This serviceallowsa userto automaticallycall backthecalledparfywhenthe calledparty initiatesa call aftera no-replyperiodandhangsup the call. Secretaryservice This serviceallowsan authorizeduser(manager)to registerany intra-office userasthe secretary.All calls to the managerare forwardedto the secretary who will keepthecallson hold andaskthe managerwhetherto answerthese calls.The managercanseeinformationaboutall incomingcallsanddirectly answerimportantcalls without thetransferof the secretary.Sharedcall appearance(SCA) allows multiple IP phonesto sharea line. The sharedline is configuredfor terminalsbasedon the associationbetweenthe managetandthe secretary.All terminalswill be awareof the statusof the sharedline. Userswho haveregisteredthe secretaryservicearegrantedwith managerpermissions' Userswho haveregisteredthe secretarystationservicearegrantedwith secretarypermissions. Do-not-disturbservice or the busy This serviceallowsthe calling partyto heara DND announcement tone. A userwho doesnot want to answercalls can registerthis service,After registeringthis service,the usercannotreceiveany callsbut canstill make calls. Alarm clock service This serviceallowsa terminalto ring automaticallyat the presettime' Auto attendant This serviceallowsan enterpriseto setan autoattendantnumberandforward all incomingcallsto the number.Systemcanplay theenterpriseintroduction andmenus,forwardcallsto a targetnumber,an extension announcement number,or an attendant,andregisteror deregisterservices'An enterprisecan customizemenusandgreetings. DistinctiveRing Tone This serviceenablesa userto determinethe callingpartytype basedon differentring tones.For example,on-netcall, off-netcall, autocall back. Remoteserviceregistration This serviceenablesa userto remotelyregisteror deregistera service. Cancelingall registeredservices This serviceenablesa userto dial a specialprefix to cancelall registered services,suchasCFU,CFB, CFNR,CFO,abbreviateddialing' supplementary password-based call barring,andONLY. DND, Voice recordingservice Enterpriseuserscanpressthe recordingkey on the terminalto manuallyrecord or enablethe automatic theconversationduringthe voiceconversation, whenthe call is recordingfi.nctionto automaticallyrecordthe conversation Beforethe recordingbegins,the recordingsystemplaysan cormected. indicatingthat the conversationwill berecorded.Thevoice announcement recordingserviceis not supporterlin video calls. Hunt group I Coleaguesor individualsin the samefield canbe addedto a Huntinggroup. '. II Wf. a userdialsthe accesscodeof the group,theterminalsof the group se.:uentially' i It",:.,;.--rsi :l q r:itnultrt',r-.usly, Alarm clockservice I This serviceailowsa terminalto ring automaticallyat the presettime' Call barringby systemblacklist or whitelist Call barringby systemblacklistor whitelist allowsa userto acceptor reject callsmadeby a list of users. Usersin theblacklistgroupcancallonly usersin thewhitelistgroup. Usersin the ordinarycall baring groupcan call useisin the samegroupor in the whitelist gtoup,but cannotcall usersin the blacklistgroup. Usersin the whitelistgroup cancall all users. Call barring by personalblacklist frT 6 ft <r >l 61 frallbarring by blacklist or whitelist allows a userto acceptor reject calls made t\ 1". z auoncR t .-l i{ r: l. by a list ofusers.The personalblacklisthasa lower priority thanthc system blacklist. ii theMWI blinks. Whena userreceivesa newvoice message, Whena new messagearrivesandthe MWI tumson, a usercanpressa key on the terminal(or a soft key)to accessthe voicemailboxsystem,andenterthe Userscan usernameand passwordaspromptedto listento the voice message. alsouseouter-officephonesor mobilephonesto dial the voicemessageaccess codeto accdssthe voicemailboxto receivevoicemessages. Click to dial (CTD) This serviceallows a userto click a contactor enterthe callednumberon the mobileclient to call anotheruser. I,T.2 VOICE GATEWAY BASIC FUNCTION Capacity: 4l Ll Shallsupportup to 1000users z',, ShallsupportmultipleendpointssuchaslP phones,analogphones,faxmachineandintegratedaccess deviceIAD(for Remoteanalog/ faxusers), OtherFeatures& Specifications gateway. Whenthe networkconnection of lP phonesin to act asremotesurvivable 1) Shallhavecapability branchsitebreaksdownwith CallControlSwitch,lPphonesshallbe ableto registerto the voice gateway. 2\ andSIPinterface, ShallprovideFXO,BRItrunk,E1{PRl,SS7,QSIG,R2),T1(PRl,QSIG) andiLBC G.722,G.722.!,andG.722.2 G.71tA/1t, G.729ab, 3) Shallsupportfollowingvoicecodecs 4) ShallsupportFAXabilitywith T.30andT.38 (BusyHour (calipersecond), parameter or BHCC shallhigherthan10 CAPS 5) Thesystemperformances not lessthan36k. CallCompletions) withl.+1 V,typical-48V)powersupplies 6) ShallsupportAr.i100V-240V)andDC(-38.4V--60 redundancy backup 'l !nterf.rce switch, 7) S! supportEthernei 1 i-bi,ckup, canautomatically on f alogtrunksforonesingleequipment S ) S h a si lu p p o r t s n o t l e s s t h a n l 4 E l amn od r ea n d T 2 l i n e s a 9) platformshall99.995%reliability, shouldbe 10 andmeantime betweenfailures(MTBF) Hardware years. shallbe stored-in abilitymorethan30 items.Voicemail the concurrent 10) Shallsupportbuildin voicemail, buildin CFcard. portal.Supportat andwebmanagement built-invoicemeetingresources 11) Shallsupporthigh-quality, at all.Eachonemeetinghallsupport60 attendees. leastL20meetinghalland36Q4Sg4{ees il ii l -I ii and maintenance, configuration, toolfor deployment 12) Shallsupportbuildin web configuration management andTlS-based RTPmediastreamencryption andmanagement, 13) ShallsupportSSHbasedconfiguration SIPsignaling encryption t4') ShallsupportlPV6. 1,2 BASIC IP PHONE REOUIREMENTS ThelPphonemustsupport/provide: pixelswith 2.83"colorLCD 1) 32Ox240 2l Supportat least3 lines peaker/Headset/Mute/ andnavigation. 4 fixedfunctionbuttons(withLED), 3) Provide10 programmable 4l CallHistory 5) Provide2 GEports(10/100/1000). 802.3af 1),followIEEE 6) SupportPOE(class Opusand G.722,G.722.I,andG.722,2,ILBC, G.7ttA/1t,G.729ab, 7I Shalfsupportfollowingvoicecodecs AAC-LD GainControl)/ AGC(Automatic EchoCancellation)/ AEC(Acoustic 8) SupportACLP(Anti-clippinC)/ NoiseGeneration)/ CNG(Comfort NoiseReduction)/ JitterBuffer)/ANR(Automatic AJB(Adaptive Side ActivityDetection)/ VAD(Voice LossConcealment)/ PLC(Packet AidCompatibility)/ HAC(Hearing ToneCancellation/VQM{Voice QualityMonitor)/BuzzCancellation cansupport1000contacts. 9) Contacts 10) SupportXMLBrowser viaTR069. andmanagement 11) Supportremotemaintenance { t\ tzl and Andthe terminalscanalsobe managed automatically. andsoftwareupgrades Supportdeployment viathe web. configured 128)/HTTPS 13) SupportTLS/SRTP(AES lx.sos/8O2.LX(EAP-MDs/EAP-TLS) ToS,DSCP. t4) Support802,1P/O, 1Cl of 6 parties. Supportlocalconference with deskphone,call profilepicturedisplay, linkage display, nameanddepartment 1 6 ) SupportUCservice: mcbilityand:o on, rer:.rding,extension 1.3 HIGH ENDIP EE::lNE REOUIREMENTS ThelPphonemustsupport/provide: 1) 800x480pixelswith 5" colorLCD 2) At least6 lines. andnavigation. Speaker/Headset/Mute/ 4 fixedfunctionbuttons(withLED), 3) Provide 4l CallHistory I I t__ 5) Provide L Bluetooth 6) Support3 expansion modules, eachoneprovides 40 programmable key(withLED) 7) Provide2 GEports(10/100/1.000). 2,not including 8) SupportPOE(class expansion board),followIEEE 802.3af 9) Shalfsupportfollowing voicecodecsG.7tLA/9,G,729ab, G.722,G.722.L, andGJ222,iLBC,Opus and AAC.LD 10) Support ACLP(Anti-clippinC)/ AEC(Acoustic EchoCancellation)/ AGC(Automatic GainControl)/ AJB(Adaptive JitterBuffer)/ANR(Automatic NoiseReduction)/ CNG(Comfort NoiseGeneration)/ HAC(Hearing AidCompatibility)/ PLC(Packet LossConcealment)/ VAD(Voice ActivityDetection)/ Side l ToneCancel lation/VQM(Voice QualityMonitor)/BuzzCancellation 11) Contacts cansupport1000contacts. 12) SupportXMLBrowser 13) Supportremotemaintenance andmanagement viaTR069. 14) Supportdeployment andsoftwareupgrades Andthe terminals canalsobe managed and automatically. configured via the web. 128)/HTTPS 15) SupportTLS/SRTP(AES /x.s09/802.tX(EAP-MD5/EAP-TLS) 16) Support802.1PlQToS,DSCP. 17) Supportlocalconference of 6 parties. profilepicturedisplay, 18) SupportUCservice:nameanddepartment linkagewithdeskphone,call display, recording mobilityandsoon. ,extension T.4 VIDEO IP PHONE REOUIREMENTS ThelPphonemustsupport/provide: 1) SupportL280* 800pixelscolorLCD,with S"multitouchscreen, 2l SupportAndroid4.2+OS,supportvoice,videocommunication 3) SupportPOE, followIEEE 802.3af 4l voicecodecsG.-/!!A/g,G,729ab, G.722,ILBC andopus Shallsupportfollowing H.264MP/B P and1080P@30fps, 5) Shallsupport 3.0,HDMIinterface, MicroSDslotandWi-Fi(IEEE 802.11a/b/e/nl, 6) Shallsupportbuildin Bluetooth viaTRo69. andmanagement 7'l Supportremotemainlenance 8) Supportbulidin microphone with rotationalcamera. t28\/ 802.1X(EAP-MDs/EAP-TLS) 9) supportTLs/sRTP(AES 10) Supportlocalconference of 6 parties, profilepicturedisplay, linkagewithdeskphone,call display, 11) SupportUCservicernameanddepartment recording,extension mobilityandsoon. 12) SupportVideoConferences usercanbe I I i-, I I I L - J "r via listactively. orjointhe conference Anduseralso li ri f ,'1 ii li ii is allowedto initiatemultipartvideoconference upto 16 participants. 1 3 ) Supportvideoconference controlfeatures:including multi-screen switching, the participant list, speeches statuspresence andonekeymuteparticipants capabilities tI II I LJ I I I I l , SP.9O2 ADVANCE TRAVELLER INFORMATION SYSTEMS 902.1 Realtime travel information It includeall necessary componentto run fully integratedtravel informationsystemin real-time.A mobileapplication builtfor cross-platform be run on android,iPhoneand otherindustrystandard provider mobile operatingsystem,The solution shall includecompleteback-endfunctionalityfor management of: r r o r r o r o I l. I I I I I I i RouteGuidance/Navigationsystem Roadside weather informationsystem DynamicMessage Signs Drivingassistance in low visibility Trafficstatusupdate Speedlimitsbaseson GPS Emergency call Geofencingto avoidunwantedinformation 902.2 RouteGuidance/ NavigationSystems componentto run fully integratedRouteGuidance/ Navigationsystemin realIt includeall necessary time, of: The solutionprovidershallincludecompleteback-endfunctionalityfor management 1. A mobile applicationbuilt for cross-platformi.e. to be run on android,iPhone and other industry standardmobile operatingsystemas describedabove, EmbeddedGPSreceiversin vehicleson Freightersand CargoCompanies, For Corporations, boardunits (OBU's) shall be providedat the Toll Gateswith a built-in GPS receiversfor providingGuidance andshallalsobeusedfor tracking t. t' I t; li. t_ I ii t'r ii I 902.3 RoadsideWeatherInforrnationSystemincludingDrlvingAssistance in LowVisibility r''. Weatherstationssuchas shown belowshallbe placedstrategically at importantplacesall alongthe precipitationand net visibilityetc. Weather Alignmentto gatherthe wind, Atmosphericmeasurements, data shallbe presentedby usingthe accompanied software. il r; I ii j ii Sincethe major concernedfor the Sukkur-Multansectionis low visibilityunder FOG,therefore,this feature needsto be very pr6cised.Visibilitywill be assessedand motonrvayusersmay be warned through,VMS,MobileApplication,MotorwayAdvisoryRadio,Web and FM RadioBroadcast etc. I WINOMEASUREMENT lt I . Wnd speed . 14inddirection fiVERVIfWCA!,.lERA Visualmonitonhgof roadststus Visuelmonltoring of ectuelwe€ther Addonnlghtvlsion ATt!40SPHEBIC MTASURgMEJ{TS . Airienrperstura . Dbw po;nt ' Relatiie humidity * NCTRADIATIfiN SUNSI.III\IE PRECIPITATIOI{ ANN VISIFILITY f[NTfi0L UNITAn*DDATALilG6f R . Type of precipitation " lnton$ity andamount of precipitation . Visibility ANDPBWEftSUPPLY CA8}NET CONSIT'ON ROAS MT,qSUREMENT *ATATl]"{tl$tvl I551CIN Rosdsurfacetemperature Subsurfacetemperature Roadstgtus Freezingpoint Wbterlayerthickness Seftconcentration Friction lst r$ t" t, 902.4 Variable (Dynamic)MessageSign Variable (Dynamic) MessageSigns shall be placed at important locations strategicallyfor providingthe informationto the facilityusersas and when required. General remotelyfrom the TOCor a VariableMessageSigns(VMS)are capableof displayingdifferentmessages gate controlcabinet(suchas for reversiblelanes).VMS can also be operatedlocally.VMSare usedto give motoristsinformationon crashes,incidents,constructionand maintenanceactivities,reversible Publicinformationnoticesarealsodisplayedon a limited lanestatus,and tractiondevicerequirements. basis. VMS lettersare typicallyformed by pixels(dots or disks)arrangedin a 5 wide by 7 tall matrix.VMS which give minimum readability letters are typically18 inchestall for mainlinefreeway applications, distancesof 800feet. displayedon the sign are two phases(a phaseis the particularpart of the message ManyVMSmessages at that time).A messagephasetypicallylastsbetween1.5 and 2 seconds.A car traveling60 mph has on the VMS(if the motoriststartsreadingat 800feet),which gives to readthe message about9 seconds the motoristhas other the motoristtime to read a 2 phasemessageunder idealconditions.Because good is very important. (including location a steering), driving to deal-withwhile distractions Location The ideai locationfor a VMSis on a minimum800 foot sectionof straightroadway,sincethe motorist VMSshouldbe a horizontalcurve.Permanent must pay moreattentionto the roadwhen negotiating mountedovera freeway,on a structureor signbridge. for a VMSshouldbe per the MUTCD. Signspacing is alsoimportantin VMSvisibility, Signspacing The brighterfiber optic/flipdisk hybridshouldbe specifiedwhen the South,Eastor West sky is visible wherethe North,or no sky,is diskhybridis more suitedfor applications behindthe sign.The LED/flip the sign. behind visible Technologies VMS technologycan be dividedinto 3 categoriescommonlyused in the United Employers:flip (reflertive)disk, light-emittingand light-emittingflipdisk hybrid, The flip disk VMS is the oldest tech, .;iogy,and usesreflectedlight off of a 2" disk to form the pixel.The light-emittingVMS usesan Diode(LED)to form the pixel.The hybridusesa flip diskin combination optic;l fibe; or Light-Emitting to form the pixel. technology with light-emitting The tight-emittingand hybrid signs are newer, still-developingtechnologiesthat are becoming visibility,The followingis a becauseof their increased popularin the UnitedEmployers increasingly synopsisof VMStechnologies: FlipDisk diskto form a pixel.The reflective that usesa 2" yellow/green FlipdiskVMSare an oldertechnology a blankspaceis to be its backside. When across pivots mounted a hinge its axis by on disk reflective i' t; !t ;l ii ii l i: li ir i shown,the disk magneticallypivots 180 degreesrevealingits matte blackbackside.The pixel can be illuminatedwith a fluorescent or blacklight.Evenwith this illumination, though,flip disksignshave poor visibilityat night.On the plusside,flip diskVMS havegoodvisibility(about800 feet) notoriously with the sunshiningon them and arethe mosteconomicalVMS to buyandoperate. i: il tED/Flip Disk Hybrid Thistechnologyforms a pixelby shininga smallclusterof LEDs(about7) througha holein the reflective pivots180degreesand the LEDclusteris disk,Whena blankspaceis to be shown,the diskmagnetically switchedoff. LEDflip disk VMS are very visibleday or night (about1,000feet), and bright sun will not wash the messageout becauseof the reflectivedisk.A dimmingsystemshouldbe built into the LEDclusterfor low lightconditions. Thistechnologyis well suitedfor retrofittingexistingflip disksigns. Fiber optic/Flip Disk Hybrid This technologyforms a pixel by shininga halogen-fed fiber optic light sourcethrougha hole in the pivots180 degreesand the light is reflectivedisk.When a blankspaceis shown,the diskmagnetically shutteredby a tab on the backofthe disk,suchthat no lightescapes. The fiber optic/flipdiskVMS is alsoquitevisiblein the day or night (at least1,000feet).An over bright from washingout settingon the dimmingcontrolcombineswith the reflectivediskto keepthe message in brightsunlight. Fiber Optic Thistechnologyforms a pixelvia a pairof halogenbulb-fedfiber optic lightsourcesplacednext to each The fiber other. When a blankspaceis shown,the light sourcesare shutteredso that no light escapes. optic VMS is also very visiblein the day or night (at least1,000feet).Thesesignsare more expensive from than flip diskor hybridsigns.An over brightsettingon the dimmingcontrol,keepsthe message washingout in brightsunlight. LEDCluster Whena about60) andis under'development. formsa pixelvia a clusterof LEDs(usually Thistechnology green LEDs of red, oramber is shown,theLEDis switchedoff. Theclustercanbe composed biankspace point which car-ibe combined:c form differentcoiors,Thistechnclogyis still not developedto the cf the LEDs" ,-ifLEDsocciiij,due io differentlightlevi:ls:nd lighldegracJ.rticn whereu:. .;iirtcoilibinirrg The LEDciusterVMSis veryvisibleat nightbut canwashoutunderdirectsunlight.Also,coolingsystems to must be includedin the VMS housingdue to the heatthe clustersgenerate(whichalsocontributes the lightdegradation). Io": :) i( ' )iri ,3}. /;l { I l"'l ia il ii VMSSystemComponents ControlCabinet The VMS cabinet houses the controller, modem, and associatedelectricaland climate control voltsAC(VAC)forpower,which may be steppeddownfrom 480 equipment.TheVMS requiresL2O-240 be large enoughto provideadequateair circulationfor cooling.The VACif needed,The cabinetshould cabinetis usuallymountedto the outsideof the VMSsupport(i.e,SignBridge) Modem The modemconvertsa twisted pair copperdatasignalto a signalusefulto the controller.Themodem is 1200baud. Controller display functionsof the sign. Thecontrollerlocallycontrolsthe message Sign Housing The sign housingcontainsthe displaymodules,drivers,and air circulationand climatecontrol equipment.A displaymoduleconsistsof one or more 5 by 7 matrixof pixelswhichform one cMARacter. lens in front of the modules. The sign housingis a rain tight, vented enclosurewith a polycarbonate Adequate are locatedon top of the housing. that alternatelyflashon selectedmessages Amber beacons catwalks,tie-offs,and signaccessmust be providedfor maintenance. Comrnunications hub over singlemodefiber optic VMS controlsignalsare carriedfrom the TOCto the communications hub closestto the VMS.A 6 cable.The signalis put on a 25 twistedpaircableat the communication cablevaultto the modem pairs closest (2 signal from the pair carries the required) lateral cable twisted andcontroller. Description The Contractorshalldesign,furnish,and installa completevariablemessagesign(VMS)in accordance with Thesignshallbe installed Specifications. the Plans,andthe Standard Provisions, with theseSpecial walkwaysignbridge. a maintenance Materials and Sign Display The lollowingfeaturesshallbe provided: of linecomposed messages on a horizontal of Crsplaying Thesignfacefor rhe VMSsignshaiibe capable Themo'iulesareformeiiby,-rixei: .rllbe formedby:ncr.lules. The i:;<ed i;iai,':. ,:eld:l-, :,fii:r: r,,'il':xfie::i, (dots or disks)arrangedin 5 wide by 7 tall matrix.An 18 inch high matrixis requiredfor mainline freewayapplications. For usedandthe signsapplication. on the technology of the VMSwillvarydepending Theconfiguration example 2 lineby 22 moduleoverhead, 1. 2. 2 lineby21modg,!4fggd, * i! 3, 4. i''' l. 2 lineby 15 moduleoverhead, 3 lineby 8 modulepostor trailermounted. The 2x22overheadsignshall be usedwhen flip diskor LED/FlipDiskHybridtechnologyis applied.The 2x21 overheadsignshall be usedwhen FiberOptic/FlipDisk Hybridtechnologyis applied.The 2x15 DiskHybridtechnology is appliedfor a reversible overheadsignshallbe usedwhenFlipDiskor LED/Flip post Disk lanesinformation sign.The3x8 or trailermountedsignshallbe usedwhenflip diskor LED/Flip is appliedfor eithera temporarypostmountedor a portabletrailermountedsign. Hybridtechnology Messagesdisplayedon the signface shall be readablefrom a minimumof 800 feet, for the 18 inch matrix.The signfaceshallbe capableof a characterchangerateof not lessthan forty-eightper second. Thesignfaceshallbe perpendicular to the roadway. Flip Disk VMS two-Employertechnologyto form alpha-numeric The sign face shalluse pixelsusingelectromagnetic, symbols. Eachpixel shallbe comprisedof a 2-inch,two-sideddisk.The two-sideddisksshallconsistof a highly reflectivefluorescentyellow mylarmaterialon one side, and flat blackon the other side to match in with the flat blackof the signface.The pixelshallbe internallyilluminatedwith a blacklight,for signs Disktechnology. LED/Flip Diskor FiberOptic/Flip not employing LED/FlipFisk HybridVMS and LightEmitting technology two-Employer Thesignfaceshalluse pixelscombiningelectromagnetic, symbols. Diodes(LEDs) to form alpha-numeric of a diskand a clusterof highintensityLEDsshiningthrougha holein the Eachpixelshallbe comprised disk.The LEDsshallhavea half-lifeof luminousintensityof 3 candelaper pixelThe LEDsshallhavea for nighttime half-lifeof luminousintensityof 50,000hours.The LEDsshallhavedimmingcapabilities operation. Thetwo-sideddisksshallconsistof a highlyreflectivefluorescentyellowmylarmaterialon one side,and flat blackon the othersideto matchin with the flat blackof the signface. FiberOptic/FlipDiskHybrid technology and a halogen-fed electromagnetic, two-Employer The signfrce shalluse pixelscombining 'orm pixel of a diskand a bti comprised E;.r;h shall symbols. alpha-numeric fiber opti,;:lightsourceto fiberopticfibersshining througha holein the disk.Thelight snall clusterof highintensity,halogen-fed per pixel,The lightshallbe completell; shutteredwhen the blank intensityshallbe at least27 cancjelas ': Cimming.'ntrcl fr'.:r-:,;i the pixelis shi;wn.Th,.iiber:::ha!lbe highquality1':.;sfibe'; ani :ha 1har,';: Each fcr the light sourcewith a minimumof three dimminglevels,(night,norrnaland over-brighti, fails, the VMS light lf a halogen source shallfeed a maximumof three modules, halogenlight.source message. shallcontinueto displaya discernible SignMountingHardware walkwayallowingaccessfrom ForVMSthat are installedon an existingsignbridge,a new maintenance For a new VMS and sign bridge,a maintenance over the roadwayshouldershallbe constructed. tion. The sign housingshall be providedwith all necessary walkwaywill be includedin tL, (+ j{ ib\ /.o\\ t,-,i\ \ra ,*l t, / <fJ -f l i Hardwareincludingsign mountingbeams,verticaland horizontalbrackets,maintenance walkwaysand all relatedHardwareto installthe VMS. l I l I The maintenance walkwayshallbe a minimum5 feet wide and be equippedwith a foldinghandrailon the front edgeof the walkwayand eithera safetychainor rail betweenthe handrailand the sign.The maintenance walkwayshallbe mounteda minimumof 18 inchesbelowthe bottom of the sign.All mountingHardwareshallbe hot-dipgalvanized steeland shallconformto the StandardSpecifications andthe BridgePlans. SignHousing Thesignhousingshallbe constructedof galvanized steelandshallhavea neat,unclutteredappearance. The housingshallbe providedwith 120 VACpower.The housingshall be designedto withstandwind velocitiesof 80 mph with 30 percentgust factors,be constructedas an environmentally controlled front face. cabinetwith a clearpolycarbonate All componentsof the VMSshalloperatewithout degradation due to vibrationscausedby traffic and wind. The interiorsidesof the signhousing,excluding the signface,shallbe coveredwith insulationratedat Rwithinthe sign. or condense 6. Thesignhousing shallbe ableto drainwaterthat mightpermeate TheVMSexteriorshallbe shoppaintedwith the followingcoatsof paintas a minimumin the orderthat follows: r o Onecoatof primer,(red). Two finishcoatsof paint,{matteblack). The interiorof the VMSshallbe shop paintedwith the followingcoatsof paint,as a minimum,in the orderthat follows: . o Onecoatof primer,(red), Onecoatof paint,(matteblack). priorto painting. whicharenot stainless steel,shallbe galvanized All steelcomponents, at no additional costto the Employer. Paintdamaged from shipping or installation shallbe repaired, for approval, to the Employer TheContractor shallsubmitfinalcolorsamples Allcr,,isof palri shallbe ;:t leasttwo milsihick. Corrosionprotectionbetweendissimilarmetalsshallbe provided. I I t.- i: ;i ,l ii t-l I i: SignFeatures The sign housingshall have adequatethermostaticallycontrolled,filtered, forced ventilation.The ventilationsystem/with the useof blowersorfans, shallbe capableof two volumechangesof the VMS housingper minute.A manualoverridetimer switchshallbe locatedin the localsigncontrolcabinetat the baseof the sign bridge,The overridetimer switchshall be capableof turning on the ventilation systemfor up to one hour,in one minuteincrements. Filtersfor the ventilationshallbe on the intake and exhaust.Thefiltersshallbe standardsizeandtype,and easyto replace. The sign housingshallhave one thermostatically controlled500-wattheater.A manualoverridetimer switchshall be locatedin the localsign control cabinet.The overridetimer switchshall be capableof The ventilationand heating turningon the heatersfor up to one hour, in one minute increments. systemsshallhaveseparatethermostatsand overridetimer switches,which shallbe clearlymarkedas to whichsystemthey control. convenientlyplacedinside The cabinetshall be providewith one 20 amp, 120VACduplex receptacle, the cabinet.The cabinetshallopenfrom the front; havestainlesssteelhinges,and a two-positionstop assembly. 1'hesignfaceshallbe modularin designsuchthat the displayunitscanbe easilyremovedand installed by the use of a screwdriver,Wiringfor each displayunit shall employ connectorsfor ease of unit replacement. Theconnectorsshallprovidea positivelatchthat locksthe cableto the displayunit. Communications betweenthe signcontrollerand the TrafficOperationCentre(TOC)shallbe through22 Communications AWGTwistedPair{TWP)to the fiber optic hub andsinglernodefiber opticcableto the TOC.Thecopper twistedpairfrom the signto the fibershallbe 4 wire E&Mcardssupplied. Control with andcapableof TheVMSandsigncontrolssuppliedunderthiscontractshallbe fullycompatible Model beingoperatedby the computersystem.Thesigncontrolcomputershallbe a Ferranti-Packard Electronics Ltd.or approvedequal. by Ferranti-Packard 2001"manufactured equipmentin a cabinetat the baseof Localcontrolshallbe providedfor the sign.Localcontrolincludes selectionand operationfrom message sign is located to allow sign the supportingsignbridgewherethe or nearthe roadwayshoulder. suppliers, variesr,vrth the followingfunctionsshallbe Whileai:ualequipment withinthe c;rl,.inetry of beingperformed from the localcontrolpanel; capable dimmingfeature. shallhavean automatic,adjustable TheLEDs shalldenote for displayon the sign.A visualindication shallbe selectable A minimumof 16 messages is beingdisplayed on the sign. whichmessage Theabilityto run test patternson the ry diskelementin the signface. { I Selectivitywhether to have the sign face blank in the event of a power failure or loss of displayed. or to havethe lastmessage communications, ventilationandheatingoverridetime switches. VMShousing with the localcontrolshallbe installedin the cabinetin a neat and orderlymanner. All itemsassociated Wiringin the cabinetshall Accessto terminalboardsshallbe providedwithout movingany equipment. be boundin a neatmanner. LocalControlCabinet The localequipmentshallbe providedwith a new signcontrolcabinet.Thiscabinetshallbe fabricatedof sheetaluminummeetingNEMA3Rspecifications. anodized The cabinetdoor shallemployclosedcell neoprenegasketingplusdrip shieldto assurea weatherproof Thedoor shallbe held by a verticalstainlesssteelhingeand be providedwith a two position enclosure. The cabinetdoorsshall be providedwith springloadedconstructioncore lockscapable stop assembly. a BestLockCompanyCXseriescore.TheContractorshallprovideone Best"R" construction of accepting core with two keysper cabinet.The locksshallnot protrudebeyondthe front of the doors.The cabinet Thecabinetshallbe equippedwith mountingpansandterminal door shallbe ableto swing180degrees. or fluorescentlight shall be mounted in the cabinet and Strip boardsas required.An incandescent controlledfan and be providedwith a thermostatically cabinet shall The activatedby a door switch. vents. associated ControlSystem The VMS control system shall include all excavation,backfill,conduit, wiring, and all Hardware with providingpower and controlbetweenthe localcontrollerand the shallalso associated all softwareand any neededHardwareto ensurethe VMS is and installing includewriting,providing, fully compatiblewith and completelycapableof beingoperatedby the computersystem,while requiringno additionalsoftwarebe installedin the Server. Requirements Construction Signlnstallation on the signsupportstructureat the locationandasshownin the Plans' TheVMSshallbe installed New Conduit fittingsand couplings All conduitsshalluse hot-dipgalvanized All conduitshallbe hot-dipgalvanized. straps. steel and shallbe attachedto the signstrlcturewith sti:inless shallhavethe le;IersV.M. brazedonto the lid. Lettersizingfor the Junctionboxesfor the VMSsyste;-n ':: .: .i.:ll . be::i;brrilrrdtcr:heimoloyerforapprcval. b;, typ.r anil varioursize-" and if the VMSis located on: 1)the signbridge,if appropriate, cabinetshallbe installed The localcontrol in the on a signbridge.or 2) on a concretefoundation,in closeproximityto the sign,as designated personnel. by maintenance is easilyaccessible Plans.Thecontrolcabinetmustbe in a I l I I I L II I il l: i; SignTransportationand Delivery TheVMS,localcontrolcabinet,and componentsshallbe packedand loadedfor shippingso no damage will occurduringshippingand storage.The Contractorshallnotify the Employerof signdelivery5 days priorto delivery. ShopDrawingsand Documentation !: ShopDrawings Thefollowingshop drawingsshall be submittedto the Employerfor approvalpriorto signfabrication. Employerapprovalnormallytakes 30 days.lf the drawingsare returnedwithout approvalanother30day approvalperiodwill occurafter resubmittalforapproval: L. 2. 3. 4. 5, 6. Parts list Signhousingand localcontrolcabinetfabricationdetails Equipment layoutwithinthe signhousingandcontrolcabinet Detailsof mountingHardwareand mountingmethod Electrical schematics of the signhousingandcontrolcabinet Theactualdeadloadof the signshallbe noted Documentation Thefollowihgdocumentation shallbe suppliedwith eachsign. 7. 2, 3. 4. Signtechnical description andoperationprinciple. andpartnumber. Partslistincluding description manufacturer procedures. Maintenance scheduleincluding component testingand replacement Schematic anddiagrammatic wiringdrawings. Testing The VMS will be tested in order to checkthe operationof the sign.The Contractorshall designate qualifiedrepresentatives followingthe complete for the test.Thistest shallbe conductedimmediately of the VMS.The Contractorshall demonstratethat all functionsof the sign and local installation The lightlevels in the presence of the Employer, controllerare operational. Thistest shallbe conducted VMSshallbe adjustableso that nightand day levelsare acceptable, as determined of the light-emitting by the [mployer. period a 20-day::'!al Upon .,iisfactionof the Employerthatallfunctionsof the rv:;temareoperational, shall The wlthout major or interruption of of conr;inuous operation begin. signshalloperate breakdown operaiionas a systemdueto anyfaultof the equipmentprovidedfor this project,Thefollowing"hallbe obs.':.'l iu'ing the te"t perioC. It is assumedthat all equipmentshallbe in workingorder at the beginningof the test. Therefore, adjustmentor replacementof componentsshall be consideredas a malfunctionand causefor of the test period, termination to the Employerandthe Contractor. Thetest periodshallbe startedon a date mutuallyagreeable Thesystemshalloperatefor 20 consecu houtmalfunction. I *'i \1 )I i.- /Y j:: e:l ii I !. r' i ! for the Contractorto providepersonnelto be in attendanceduringthe 20' Althoughit is not necessary period, informed of a malfunction,the Contractorshall respond with a being upon day testing who is thoroughlyfamiliarwith the operationof all partsof the system. representative I l the test andtest time shallbe stoppedandthe malfunctioncorrected. Upon detectionof a malfunction, by the Employerto be a majorbreakdownor interruptionof operation, is determined malfunction lf the 20-daytrial periodagain.lf the malfunctionis consideredto be the the test time will be resetto start the testtime will continuewhenthe problemis corrected' minorby the Employer Warranty The Contractorshallprovidea warrantyperiodof 6 monthsfrom the datethat the VMS(includinglocal completesthe system acceptancetest' This quality control cabinet and equipment)successfully shallcover eachpieceof equipmentand shallbe providedby the manufactureror agentof assurance saidequipment. of the VMS providedunderthis contractand shall The warrantyperiodshallapplyto all components includethe following: of parts usedduring this warranty periodshall be by the Contractorat no cost to the Replacement Employer. every3 monthsfor the 36-monthperiod. preventative maintenance scheduled Regularly repair shallcommencewithin 24 hoursof notificationby the Employer. Emergency of the VM5, one reflectivedisk/LEDmoduleshall be furnishedfor the sign.This Upon acceptance to the Employer. moduleshallbe delivered Measurement as "Warranty- Variable VMS will be measuredper each.When describedin theseSpecialProvisions shallbe for the sum total shallapply,but me,isurement unit of measurement Sign",no specific Message of all itemsrequiredto providethe warrantyasso Employedand specified. Payment The unit contractpricepereachfor "VariableMessageSign"shallbe full payfor performingthe work as specified,including maintenancewalkways,control system, local control cabinet, field located of wiringand relatedwork betweenthe localcontrolcabinet coordination equipment, communications andshrp drawing:' doc';mentation andthe VMS,includinginstallation, tign" shallbe full payfor all cos : related : ..,. ump :ij:-. ri.i:i:-,:ti ,4t}/- VariableMecsage 1 {tr "W i-.i-'i paid at the completionof the first preventative :. Halfoi :nisitem will be to the warrantyas speciii'maintenanceservice,ancj the seccnd half paid at the completionof the second preventative service. maintenance ll il t) []1 il I Areas CallSystems,Wi-FiHotspotalongthe Alignmentand Designated 902"5 Emergency suchthat the distancebetweenthe SOSshallbe 4 km ProvideSOSat every2 Km alternatively with TOC. to fiberopticsfor the communication on eitherside.SOSshallbe connected box housed in robustaluminum to workon Motorway, will be designed calltelephone Theemergency vandals. and protection the environment against outdoor button;it will offer ANSWER with oneCALL/ standardstelephony,waterproofing1P65,and lightening The unit will meet all the latestEuropean/UK protectiontogether with offering the level of performanceand reliabilitydemandedin such an environment. The systen:shcll be ir>;ciforl ' . . Emergency callpoints basedon GISlocation Rapidresponse Integrationwith rescuevan/carfor automatedlocationbasedresponse' The Main Featuresof the systemshallbe r I GSMoptionsavailable Analogue andVolP-SlP/ Standard andSMART l: rl rt a a a a a 3 a a a a a a a a a ToneMultiFrequencY) DTMF(Dual most PABX,PBXand PAXsystems. with Matching Mainbodywith wholemetalbody,solidand temperaturebearable Handsetfree, build-inloudspeaker, standardto ITU-TK21 Resumelightningproofprotectionautomatically WaterproofgradeaboutlP55 with The metal shell is providedwith groundingconnectiondeviceand is absolutelyinsulated shield' innercircuitand electric,then hasthe effectof electromagnetism if the other sideclose' Supporthotlinecall,canrealizeringoff automatically Totallyadopt SMTCcraftworkkeepverygoodquality' stylecanbe chosen. KNEM-23Thedesignis superthin andsmart.Embedstyleand hanging (optional) Everycallis limited(setby five minutes),auto ringoff if time exceeded. (2000) Thetelephonehaspassedthe certificateof lSO9000 whentelephoneon/OFF' Built-inCCTVcamerawiltopen/closeautomatically openand/closewhenthere'sa phonecallcoming' Bluelightautomatically OVERlP- SIP UseVOICE o o o o Connectiontype: RJ45Socketinsidesealedenclosure External24Vdc PowersuPPlY: lnitiationProtocol(SlP) Callset-upProtocol:Session DHCPor StaticlP addressprovisioning Configuration: indexes: Maintechnical with feeding Applicablefor varioustYPesof SPCexchangeand dispatchingexchangesystem voltageof 48-69V. r0%*9s% humiditY: Relative temperature: 30c-60c Ambient noise:350dB (A) 86-106KpaCircumstance Atmosphericpressure: Soundlevelof ringing: >70d8 (n) . fW speaker group: 697, 770, 852. 941H2, frequency low frequency: Standard deviationi s!L.s% frequency group : 1209' 1336, t477Hz, frequency high signal-level: 3Km line service lf -9dBt3dB, high frequencygroup : - 7dBt3dB, Standardfrequency:low frequencygroup : 2t1dB' the total level difference between low and high frequencyof compoundsignal: of harmonicwave is lowerthan the basiclevelby at least distortioncauseijby intermodulation 20dB, output impedanceis 600O' index:(5KM):LR<12,RLR<-1,STMR)10, Calltransmission in the memory Superstrong function is availablefor dialing 12 groups of numbersstored r is16digits) (maximumlengthof <s I L- L ); #,N t-l lt 1; 902.6 Web PortalandKiosks l: i; l: The Contractorshalldevelopedthe web portalfor the Motorwaywhich providesAdvanced etc. and shall havelinksfor providinginformationand transactionas Travelerlnformation's requiredto all formof transportations. shallbe placedfor providingaccess by the Client,the Kiosks At all importantplacesas.defined to theWebPortal,7,;1,i;i;:;:'; L t_ ij ii t; lr 9A2.7 FM RadioChannel(BroadcastingSystem) tl The Contractorshall provideFM RadioChannel(broadCastingSystem)alongwith all the requiredequipment,hardware,transmitters,towers,repeaters,furniture and fixture etc. of the FM RadioChannel completein all respectfor the functioning .ii l: ii i-1 li I ii All the licensefrom PEMRA. NHA wilt helpthe Contractorin obtainingthe Non-Commercial period will by the be borne fees, chargesand annualservicecostsduringthe maintenance Contractor. may be achievedby installing720ft high towersat every50 kms alongthe FM transmissions Motorway. i, t : ! i I i I I t t L" shallbe providedin the Centerwhile a sub-studioat One mainstudiofor CentralBroadcast each end shallbe provided.The sub-studioshallbe connectedwith the Main studiovia the fiber optic, Eachstudioshall have at minimum 2 KM transmitter,UPS10KVA,lP Phones, andshallhaveminimum3 to 5 Rooms. Generator rl t' {l : r-.j i'.. lr 902.8 Motorway Advisory Radio {MAR) General HighwayAdvisoryRadio(MAR)is used as a driver informationsystemto warn motoristsvia their car radio of constructionand maintenanceroadwayclosures,and major traffic incidents.MAR has an advantageoverVariableMessageSign(VMS)becausemore detailedinformationcan be relayedto the motoringpublic,givingthem the chanceto use alternateroutes.Both the RadioShopand the TOC shouldbe includedin any planreviewinvolvingMAR. all alongthe Motorway. MARshallbe placedat importantlocationsstrategically la Restrictionson MessageContent MAR messagecontent shall be restricted by PEMRAand may restricts MAR messagesto noncommercialvoiceinformationpertainingto trafficand road conditions,major incidents,traffichazards andtraveladvisories. BasicOptions All MAR systemscontainthe followingthree components:a modulatingsource,a transmitter,and an the modulatingsourceand transmitterare locatedin antennasystem,In the simplestconfiguration, at a singlesite. pole-mounted, weatherproofenclosures Major Componentsof MAR Systeh 1) MAR Signs MARsignstell the motoriststo tune to the MAR broadcastwhen beaconsabovethe signare flashing. Thusgivingthe MAR signsare typicallylocatedon the approachlegs of majorfreeway interchanges. from the far enough be located should Signs or closure. motoristamplewarningto avoidan incident (15-20 to message twice listen seconds), alternateroute to give motoristtime to locateradio channel (approx.60 seconds)= and divertto alternateroute' The distancefrom sign to alternateroute on a 55 mph freewayshould be approximately1 L/2 to 2 sign from the MARtransmitterto its MARsignshouldnot exceed2 miles.Existing miles.The distance not have to should shouldbe usedwhen placingMARsign,exceptthat the motorist spacing standards take their attentionfrom a difficultstretchof roadway(sharpcurves,merges,etc.)to tune radio.MAR signsshouldbe locatedwithin sightof a CCTVto visuallyconfirmthe statusof flashingbeacons. MAF .ignflashingbeaconsare controlledby radiosignalsfrom the TSMC.Whenthe beacons Existing to radio areturned on or off, a confirmationDTMFtone signalis re:urnedbackto TSMC.A disadvantage operator uses or the on, turned sign is being when the is radio traffic lf there controlis lackof reliability. f o r r r ; 6 i : , r : t b e u s e d sign . : s h o u l d M a i n l i n e . : r b l e be acti'r'rteu. t h e w r c ; , gf r e q r j r i - ' . ' . . . r ^ , : 1 ! , , ; - . v i r l control. Thestandardis "TRAFFIC ADVISORY / TUNE 530 AM / WHEN FLASHING" on a 7'by 15', blackon yellowsign, t, ii Externallllumination and FlashingBeacons eitherremotelyor from sign,when 8 inchamberflashingbeaconswith cadetvisorsshallbe activated, to be heard' thereis a MARbroadcast il ii tJ i ti -j\ i1 i! TI i- ,, ii i" , I ' Antennaand Mount (radiocontrolledsigns) frequencyin at designated A 3 elementbeam antennacapableof transmittingand receiving MHz.Theantennashallbe fastenedto a signpostwith a mastmount, ControlCabinet NEMAtype3Rwith a aluminum, anodized enclosure, Thecontrolcabinetshallbe rainproof,lockable fromgroundlevel. hingeddoor,accessible II : . , . Transmitter/Receiver and is locatedin the controlcabinetand mustbe capableof transmitting The transmitter/receiver frequencyin MHz. at at designated receiving Encoder/ Decoder anddecodesDTMFtonesa n d is locatedin controlcabinet.Thisunit encodes The encoder/decoder istripped. relay reportsbackto TSMCandon/offstatusof theMARsignwhenexternal RelayPaneland PowerSuPPIY in controlcabinet. powersupply arelocated Therelaypaneland Key Switch The key switchallowsfor controlat the MARsignand is mountedbelowthe signon a signpost.The key switchhi:sthree positions:"manualon" for controlof beaconsat the MARsign,"off" to turn the signs andequipmentoff,and "autoon" to remotelycontrolthesign. beacons 2) MAR Transmitter that the MARsignsare covering'Typicallythe The MARtransmitteris usuallylocatedat the interchange transmitteris locatedwithinthe open areawithin a loop ramp,sincethe transmitter'santennarequires a 100 foot minimum radiuson the ground.The MAR transmittershouldbe locatedon the highest of the transmission. to aid reception groundpossible, The MAR transmitteris controlledremotelyfrom the TSMC,via phonelinesor (preferably)mainline cable.Themaximumtransmitteroutput is 10 watts. A MARtransmittersetupconsistsof the followingcomponents: Antenna The antennais center or top loadeciverticalfeaturinga low-loss,embedded,weatherproofloadingcoil '::: of #8 {,,;i,ilart,* a l.;'lcd,:. \4lr;-i .;nteni,tl.The antenla systemincludesa groundplaneconsisting placedin a horizontalplanea minimumof 100feet in radiusfrom the copperconductors non-insulated antenna. controlcabinet NEMAtype 3R'The cabinet typically enclosure, weatherproof .,luminum, Controlcabinetis an anodized keys' cores and series CX ctor suppliedconstruction shouldbe lockab ( l_ I !; ii i_r I I t1 AM Transmitter The transmitteris locatedin the controlcabinet.The amplitudemodulatedtransmittermust be FCC to an AudiosinebrandmodelAM10WSAM. equivalent typeaccepted, VoiceStorageUnit Voicestorageunit is locatedin controlcabinet.Thevoicestorageunit shalldigitallystore 60 secondsof (inputover phonelinesor mainlinecable).The voicestorageunit shouldbe equippedwith message DTMF controlcapability. RelayPaneland PowerSupply Relaypaneland powersupplyarelocatedin controlcabinet, t I 902.9 Road User Internet facility through Dedicated Frequencyon LTE 1.1 CoverageArea The systemshallprovideradiocoverageto coverthe wholefranchisearea;coverageareawill be RFIDcards alongMotorway.Thesolutionprovidedshallalsoprovideaboutl millionWiFienabled with the BaseTowerStations(BTS). for communication 1.2 CarManagementService Eachcar from different entranceat the Toll Gateswill get a WiFi enabledRFIDcard (with WiFi chip) and return it backto Toll Gateswhile exiting.In additionto provideWiFi,this will ensure also' efficiencyaswell as RFIDcardmanagement roadtoll management RFIDcard connectedto wirelesseLTEbasestation, recordthe positionof Toll Management stationwhen givento driver,when the driverexits out of Highwayand returnthe RFIDcardto Toll Managementstation.Basedon the locationsthe distancetravelledmay be calculatedand Tollfeesmay be computedby applyingthe TollRates. Service 1.3 InternetAccessing The drivercanaccessthe internetthroughthe WiFl enabledRFIDcard,whichcantransformthe LTEsignaltoWiFisignalbetweenBTSandCard' To provideinternetservicewith high speedon highway,the WiFi enabledRFIDcard shallhave on the high shall the functionof mobile WiFi,guaranteesteadydata transmission peakdatathroughputof with theoretically providehighlyreliablewirelessbroadbanddataaccess downlinkand 50Mbpsuplinkin 20MHzbandwidth' 1OOMbps 2.A 0verallNetworkDesign eLTEsolutionshallhavewith threeparts: . Top networkLaYer Network layershall includecore network providingcore switch centerfor terminalsbetween differentbasestation (BTS)and connectingto the lnternetgatewayto providelnternetservice for all network for Smart phoneand personallaptop.OSSsystemshallprovidemaintenance (RFID servermay be partof elementsandRFIDserverto manageandstorethe dataof RFIDcard systemsunderSP-903). trafficmanagement r Layer Transmission c4nnect.;lleLTEbasestation, iayersh,,llbe a fiber ringalongthe Highway,'to l-heti.ns,-nissir,,.. gateway. transmitthe datafrom the terminalto datacenterand Internet o TerminalLayer Theterminallayershallbe a WiFi EnabledRFIDcard,providedto the driverto transformthe LTE air-interfaceto WiFi interfacefor smart phone and laptop to connectand have high speed Internetserviceall alongthe Motorway.TheRFIDcardcanrecordthe distanceandTollfeesmay be calculatedby RFIDServer Core Network : :: {'ttt} & BTS BTS .t fi { il RFIDcard RFID card ly E Smart Phone Smart Phone \ --.%r X:ll'.,'-I;iLl G-:IlD - :lliryffittff *ll Laptop Laptop 3.l Perfcrmance lt shall eLTEsystemshallbe designedand developedbasedon the provenadvantageLTE technology. peak of throughput data with theoretically data access provide highly reliable wireless broadband 100Mbpsdownlinkand 50Mbpsuplinkin 20MHzbandwidth. bandwidthcan be configuredupon scenarios.This shall offersflexible Inherently,the uplink/downlink solutiorsfor industrialusers, where the uplink multi-streamvideo transmissionis alwaysa cruciai dernanti. pr,:vide -. optimaimobilitymanagementalgorithmsto en*ttreterminal The Ll'*. celluiarbased ner'.,vork Stee'..rtiata ,;LTE ,,,'ril bo :apable io gtj:n:-l-ir':i$i:; us,.:; rruft ;:ltntlcverirr 1i'=,.-spr:;d mr-veme;ia, at 350KM/H. on the highspeedrailwaytravelling transmission evenin the celledgeareadue to various eLTEsolutionshallbe capableof improvinguser'sperformance from algorithms.Especiallyfor situationslike highbackgroundnoiseand interference of anti-interference both intra and inter frequency networks. By adaptive allocating of the wireless resource:i with and shallmaintaina goodperformance eLTEsolutionshallmaximizethe spectralefficiency optimization, i I I t_ forallusersinthe (9 l l ii l: Jt NetworkDeployment 3.2Flexible Besides, eLTE to 400MHz. from1,8GHz,1.AGHz,800MHz solutions spectrum multiple eLTEshalloffers widely harmonized The 20MHz bandwidth. 10MHz or in 3MHz, SMHz, shallsupportnetworkdeployment complexity. thedeployment whileminimizing implementations, ensurehighlyefficient frequencies For largescale full scalablenetworkdimensions. eLTEshallpromotes For variousindustryscenarios, 200thousands up to 1500basestations, of supporting the largecorenetworkshallbe capabte network, deployment' network or nation-wide theneedsof state-wide users,20000trunkinggroups,whichsatisfies the mediumcorenetworkshallbe capableof supportupto 30 basestations, Formediumscalenetwork, groups. 20000usersand4000trunking Furthermore,platformbased devicesof eLTE shall supportflexible networkdeploymentscheme' For example,to expandnetworkcoverageand to decreasethe costs of networkconstruction,RRUs can be installedlar awayfrom a BBU (maximumdistanceis 20 KM). ln the meanwhile,the Node B can be in staror chaintopology. connected 1 l, ii li {t r-) t. sP-903 [] The primaryobjectiveof the freeway/ MotorwayTrafficManagementSystem(TMS)is to improvethe safetyand efficiencyof peopleandgoodsmovementon the freewaynetwork.Theseimprovementsare accomplishedthrough various measuresthat are intended to reduce traffic congestion,fuel consumption, traveltime,andaccidents. AdvancedTrafficManagementSystems(TMS) {t Purpose )t {i ft ;t ii The entire systeminstall in control room shall be interlinkedwith traffic managementsystem.The solution providerwill ensurethe reliabilityand real-timepropertiesrequiredto effectivelymanage on criticalpoint ideally trafficflow. The providedsystemshouldensuresoptimalusageand safepassage installin every5 KM, both under normal conditionsand during periodswhen plannedeventsor unexpectedadverseconditionssuchas inclementweather,laneclosures,vehicularincidentsand heavy monitor and volumecan impactthe normalflow of traffic. lt shell allowsits clientsto cost-effectively real-time respond to conditions and emergency improvetheir operations,enhancesafetyand rapidly situationsusinga fully integratedsoftwaresuite. a a t a a a a a a a I I l-, i: I I t: j L-i basedGUI GISmapaswell asschematic videomanagement Seamless digitaland analogue Electronic signcontrol,remotelychangeroadspeedlimit/ laneclosures/etc, Highdigitalpanelswith at least30" X 36" sizeor vendorrecommendation. etc) andcontrol.(GPRS/EDGE/3G Wireless mediumfor real-timemonitoring facilitymanagement with one solution andtechnical Allowstrafficoperations management regarding an incidenton a singleUl all information to summarize "Totalsituationawareness" Alarmpagingto managecomplexemergencyeventsby onlya few mouseclicks data Historical data recording, trendingon real-timeand historicaltraffic Trafficandequipmentma tI " l l: IJ sP-903.1 Electronic Surveillance (Data Stations), Roadway (Microwave) Detectors and RFID Readers Electronic(dataStations)/ InductiveLoops sensors- lnductiveLoopsat every10kms of the roadway) in thepavement Thein Roadway(embedded TollGates at selectedlocations(notincluding underSP-903.3), alongwithRFIDReaders(as described rampshallbe installedandshall andat entrance beforeandafterthe interchanges andWIM)especially andgap)suchas providebasictrafficparameters (e.9.,volume,presence, speed,headway, occupancy, showninthe imagebelow. for weathersuchas rain,fog, shallprovidebestaccuracy to inclement It shallbe insensitive accurate for obtaining lt shallbe a commonstandard withotherusedtechniques. countdataas compared models excitation datausinghighfrequency lt shallalsoprovideclassification measurements. occupancy I tl IJ ri {l l. 1: IJ f-j ll l; f"I ir t1 ii l_ I J LJ 2. MicrowaveDetectors on sidesalong at every10kmalternate sensor- microwave detector shallbe installed The over-roadway betweenthe all alongthe Motorway underSP-903.2) camera(as described with longhaulsurveillance At the interchanges the inductiveloopsshallbe installedas and not at the interchange. interchanges above. described to inclementweatherand shalltake the direct The detectorsmountedon Pole shall be insensitive provide parameters (e.9.,volume,presence, occupancy, speed and shall basic traffic of measurement suchas shownintheimagebelow. andgapexceptstoppages) speed,headway, tl Li r-a {; 1t f--l l: RFIDReadercat every10 km on eachLane(GantryMounted) The RFIDreadersshallbe installedat every10 kmsfor EachLaneto be usedfor locationof vehicles SP-903'3. systemas definedunderspecifications alongwithALPRcamerafor TrafficIncidentDetection pole also. the on one of mounted be shallalso underSP-903.2) TheIonghaulcamera(asdescribed 3. EFfcwrWr llau*lrse0&c*1br*f *t*cras l-lflS0 * bdlr Trrwcrpqnlrr*cme cx{*rdnrlh 5ok Filtd* {o* \ fEft*uyE Sruund lHexirn$rntfl feet ftluk ar{rlnr' -- IEHA { Cffiio$rl r!10*lr}r 1?f6aaEr* fwo lsnetag rtadfflg syabrn lnshllaffnn Nstb tsgla I l"_, I L- 'I :1 il il ! i rl il l; r'l JI ii sP-903.2 A, Video Surveillanceand MonitoringSystem GENERAL Location 1. Findingthe correctlocationfor CCTVis extremelyimportant,Locationsshouldprovidea clear line of sight Camerasused in low light conditions(such as tunnelsor parkinggarages) obstructions. with m-inimal shouldbe locatedso that the main view will havethe cameralookingaway from brightlight' Lookinginto brightlightfroma low lightconditioncauseswashoutof the videoimage.In the caseof a tunnelcamera, thJfirst camerawould ideallybe locatedat the tunnelentrancefacingintothe tunnel' CCry camerastypicallycan turn 355 degrees.This 5 degreeblindspot shouldbe orientedat a location non-criticalto viewing. CCTV is locatedalongthe highwayat a maximumdistanceof 5 Km betweencameras.The camerasshall up to about3 kms. givesadequatemonitoringcapability A camera is typicallylocatedat each interchange.This allows monitoringof ramp meteringas well as ramp queues.A minimumof two camerasshouldbe placedat interchanges. Camerasshould,where feasible,be locatedso that the messageof an adjacentVariableMessageSign (VMS)can be read.This allowsfor visualverificationof VMS status' It is often desirableto locate camerasas high as possibleover the roadway,to a maximumof 60 feet. The camerapole is typicallybetween30 and 50 feet tall. However,camerasmountedon retainingwalls and under structuresmay riot need a pole. ln rare instancesa 60-footpole may be used, but only when seryiceaccessis locateddirectlyunderneath. The best cameralocationwill often be on or nextto an undercrossingbecauseof the increasedaltitude over the roadwayor view of an interchange. -an lf possible,the camerashould be locatedoff of the bridge affecton camerareliability(usuallythis affectis minimal). have can bridge of the structure.Vibration Often however,becauseof obstructionssuch as trees, the bridgestructurewill clearlybe the best place to installthe camera.ldeallythispolewouldbe locatedabovea bridgecolumnor bentto reducevibration' A less desirablealternativeto bridge placementis to place the camera adjacentto the roadway,a maximumof 10 feet from the bridge stiucture,and extendinga minimum30 feet above the top of the undercrossin;.The cameramay thln be servicedfrom the roadwayon top of the undercrossing. The roadwaylcoksvery differentfrom 40 feet in the air than from down on the ground.An extra 10 feet of pole height can meanihe differencebetwe,:i a sign bridgeblocking50 feet of roadwayview or 1,000 feet. CCTVSystem GomPonents 2. Most CCTVcomponents,exceptfor cabinetsand twistedpaircable,will be obtainedunderproprietary CCTVcomponents(the first 3 listedare locatedon the camerapole)are as follows: requirements. 2.1 Csrnera The cameramust be equippedwitha sun/rain the videoimagefor transmission. The camera'captures visorto protectthe t_ I L I for (cameras arefavoriteperches fromsunglare,rain,andbirddroppings ll ti t: ii open or closethe iris for lightcontrol,and focus birds).The cameracan remotelyzoomfor magnification, the videoimage. 2.2 Panffilt Unit The pan/tiltunit is responsiblefor the movementof the camera. 2,3 Junction Box This junctionbox is locatedat the top of the camerapolebelowthe pan/tiltunit. Controlcablegoes into the junctionbox and is terminatedon terminalstrips,fromwhich the appropriatecablesgo to eitherthe cameraor the pan/tiltunit.Coaxialcableleavingthe cameragoes intothe junctionbox on its way to the cameracabinet. 2.4 Control Receiver The controlreceivergets controlsignalsover 4 wire twistedpair wire or over multimodeopticalfiber,from hub,for the pan/tiltunitand the camera.Controlcableleavesthe control its associatedcommunications polejunctionbox. camera way to the on its receiver 2.5 Coaxial/FiberOptic Converter This deviceconvertsthe video imagecomingfrom the cameraovercoaxialcableto an imagecarried overmultimodefiber opticcable. 2.6 CameraCabinet opticconverter,and the power The cameracabinethousesthe controlreceiver,the coaxial/fiber for cooling.The provide adequateair circulation to enough be large panel. The cabinetshould distribution location. cabinet from camera the visible clearly should be camera Communications 3. Camera control signals are carried from the TOC over single mode fiber optic cable to the hub nearestthe camera.The signalcontinueson singlemode fiberopticcable to the communications junction box controlreceiverin the camera cabinet.A controlcable connectsthe controlreceiverto the and camera. The video signalleavesthe cameravia coaxialcableto the junctionbox, and then to the cameracabinet' The coaxial/iiberopticconverterin the cameracabinetputs the signalontosinglemodefiberoptic cable. The singlemode fiber optic cable leavesthe cameracabinetto the cable vault, then backto the closest backto theTOC. hub,and then continues communications B. TYPE.i [. ,:tg ]i:ul lr,-elligentPTZC ::ilerdsfor MotorwaySurueillance 1. upto3 Kms,25 X poie MountedSurveillance lP lR PTZi-lDCameraat every5 km capableof recognition equal > approved or COHU Kms by 6 & detection I itI' I L- L I j i'1 t; ll 2. ii {''1 li ri ii tr ti lntelligent PTZ Camera for Interchanges,Toll Building, Service Areas, Weigh Scales, Parkingareasetc. and ITS DevicesSurveillance 1) progressive L/2.8'2.0 megapixel scanCMOSimagesensor; 2l Maximumpixels1920(H)x 1080(V); 3) AutomaticICR;day/nightsurveillance; Minimumluminance multicolor B/W 0.006|ux 0.06lux(F1.6), (F1,6); 4l LensFocallength4.3mm- 129.0mm,optical zoom3Ox,digitalzoom 20x; 5) CameraAngleof rotation : Horizontal0' - 360', Vertical-10'- 90'; 6) Maxirnumnumberof presetpositionsis 256; 7l SupportTourscan,and patternscan; for eachscanline ; Tourscan:Eightscanlinesand32 presetpositions patternscan: A maximumof fivescanlinesand10 minutesfor eachscanline MJPEG 8) Video codecstandard:supportH.264HP/MP/BP, s) 1920x1080,1280x720,720x576(PAL), 720x480{NTSC), SupportvideoResolution: 52x240(NTSC); 352x288(PAL),3 SupportFrameRate:30fps, 25fps,20fps- lfps Video bit rate : 100Kbpsto 8Mbps ; 10) Supportvideointelligentanalysis(Tripwiredetection. Loiteringdetection. Intrusiondetection, Abandonedobjectdetection. Removedobjectdetection); 11) *Support widedynamicrange86db; function; 12) Supportdefogging 13) 5upportlightinhibition; 14) Supportdigitalwatermark,streamencryptionusingthe AES728/L92/256; 1.5)Supportvideobuffering; protocol: ONVIFand openSDK 16) Supportaccess alarmoutpu! alarminputand 2-channel 17) Support8-channel L8) SupportAudio poil : L-channelaudio input and RCAaudio port L':) SupportA.rrdicencodi -:format:G.7l1a/G.7t1':/G.725 20) SupportVoicecommunication:Voice intercom(a sound pickupis required),Voice broadcast, Channelassociatedvoice 2tl lnfraredradiationdistanceof 120metersand intelligentcontrol; 22], Supportthreetypesof streamsl 23l, SupportmicroSDcards I I I ;, i: I : storagefor videoand maximumcapacityis 32 GB; additionally) i1 i! !: 1l tt rl il J, AC24V!25%; 24) PowersupplyDC24VL2A% 25) Operatingtemperature-40? to 60"C; 26) SupportlP66; 27) SupportCE, FCC. KCCproductcertification. 3. lP NetworklR BtllletGamerafor Inside of Buildings 1) progressive scanCMOS; L/2.8'2.0megapixel 2l Maximumpixels1920(H)x1080(V); 3) Lens: focal length2.8mmto 12mm, motorizedzoom,auto focus;OnePushfocus,Synchronism focus 4) Infrareddistancemaximum30 meters; 5) Supportcorridorformat (aspectratio9:16); 6) function; Supportdefogging 7l Supportmanualfocus,auto focus,one-pushfocus,synchronousFocus;- 8) Video encodingformat: H.264,MJPEG g) Video resolutionand frame rate:1920x1080,l-280x720,720x576,'ftQx480, 352x288, 352x240 Maxim frame rate:30 fps/25 fPs 10) Predefinedfour typical scenarios:Indoor/Outdoor/Action capturing/Lowillumination;and eight user-definedscenarios 1L) SupportDynamicbit rate; and PKIdigitalcertificate; 802.1xauthentication authentication, 12) Supportusernameand password encryptionalgorithm 13) Streamencryptionusingthe AESL28/L92/256 14) SupportVidec bufferingWhendetectingalarmssuchas motiondetection,lensmask,and Boolean valueoutput; valueinput,the systemlinksBoolean a!',iminPutand i-channelalarn:output: 1.') Itc lessth. r 2-ch'Lrnel 16) supportDC12V!25%.AC24Vt25To,PoEpowersupply.The DCadapterand PoEare hot standby for eachother; 17) SupportlP66; 18) supportaccessprotocol: ONVIFandopen SDK; -40'Cto 60"C; temperature: 19) Operating 20) SupportCE. KCC. FCCproductcertification. c. .l Video cloud recording platform HardwareRequirements Ll Adoptsthe cable-freedesignwithin the cabinet. 2l two independentsystemdisksand Installsthe devicein a standard19" cabinet.Possesses the two systemdisksas redundantarrayof independentdisks1 {RAID1) to ensure configures systemdisksecurity.Supportsat least36 data disksfor a singledevice. ?l and hot swapto enhancesystemsecurity. dualpowersupplies Supports 4l Supportsredundantbasicinput/outputsystem(BIOS)to enhancesystemsecurity. s) systemdisksfrom data disksto enhancesystem Adoptsthe modulardesignand separates reliability. 6) *Rllows SATAand SASharddisksto be installedin the samediskarray.Supportshot swapand capabilityof 6 Gbit/sfor SAS of faultydisks.Supportsa minimumprocessing onlinereplacement channelinterfaces. 7l *Suppofcssoft start of harddisksto avoidlargecurrentattacksto cabinetpowersupplywhen the disksare poweredon. 8) Configures two 64-bitIntelXeonquad-coreCPUswith a frequencynot lessthan 2.2 GHzand with a cachenot lessthan 10 MB. qi (canbe scaledto 96 GBat e memoryof et least16 GBandsupportsmemoryscalability Provides most). 10) Providesone 10/100Mbit/s Ethernetinterfaceand supportsthe lntelligentPlatformManagement serialport,and one DBL5VGAport. one RS-232 2.0(lPMl2.0)protocol, Interface networkportsand providesredundant at leastfour 10/100/1000Mbit/s self-adaptive 1 1 ) Configures capabilities. connection ,1 a . l" \ ^iorag., me.:laniri;;.i.atis,th.l:toragedoesnot deperrdon the operating *Adonr: the :, .;ck {BS) systemandfilesand repeateddata rewritingdoesnot generatediskfragments' disksto be readwhen multipledisksin the RAIDgroupare datain undamaged 1 3 ) *Allows recording damaged. 14) *SupportsRAID5 for dataharddisk ; 1s)Supportthe permanen I I I it ensurethat the datais still nit number{LUN)storagetechnology, i; tt li r-1 {: ri it i: data whilemaintaining evenif multipledatadisksin a RAIDgrouparedamaged readable availability. When a amongRAIDgroups(at leasttwo RAIDgroupsare required). 16) *Supports loadbalancing t; switchedto on the faultyRAIDgroupareautomatically RAIDgroupis faulty,recordingservices a1 ii anothernormalRAIDgroup.Whenthe fault is rectified,the recordingservicesare automatically 1: amongthe RAIDgrouPs' balanced L7) *Supports a dynamichot sparedisk.When a datadiskis damagedanda new data diskis inserted, to the hot sparediskandthe originalhot sparedisk changes the newdata diskautomatically to the datadisk. changes adjuststhe and intelligently configurelogicalunit numbers(LUNs) 18) Doesnot needto independently bit rateof eachcamera' 1s) *Supports the datasafefunction,that is,makingmultiplecopiesof keydata in the systemdiskto the datadisk,which helpsquicklyrestoredatawhenthe systemdiskisfaulty' andelastic management, automaticcameradistribution 20) *Support cloudvideomonitoring, of clusternodes. expansion with no bad effectto the normaloperationof 2t) *Rllow multiplenodesto go down simultaneously betweenclusternodeswhenthe faulty andthe clusterwill enableautomaticbalancing the business nodesrecover. real-timemaintenance. helpsto achieve 22]. *e mbeddedvideoqualitydiagnosis access,mediascheduling, softwarethat supportsPU(camera) 23) Itprovidesbuilt-invideosurveillance andSystem deviCemanagement, Storagemanagement, Servicemanagement, videOStOrage, management. 256videostoraBe 256videoforwardingchannels, 24) Supportsat least256videoaccesschannels, for a singledevice' anddownloadchannels and 64 videoplayback channel, 512Mbit/s for videoforwarding,512Mbit/s for 25) *Supports at least512 Mbit/s for videoaccess, videostorage,and 128Mbit/s for videoplaybackanddownload. ; E, ns iO t ' ui ei '' '-vl i e w , p r e v e n t s a i a U l t y d e v i c e 25) Supi;ortstirer::lf-sta;kai1lclev:'..3s,pl':videsu from affectingother normaldevices,and allowsthe stackof up to 128devices' videostreamsfrom lPCsto be directlystoredon storagedevicesand allowsclientsto 27) Enables obtainvideostreamsdirectlyfrom lPCs. UL,and SoNCAP, SASO, MexicoCOC, lC,GOST-R, FCC, WEEE, c-TlcK,cB,cE,Bg*h, RoHS, 2g) Provides VCCIcertificates. t' I [- l'l . i: ii ii it ii 29) Thedata disksmust useenterprise-level or server-level SATAharddisksof 7200rpm and must providethe originalequipmentmanufacturer (OEM)supplycertificate. il a-t il 2, Software Requirements 1) the Linuxoperatingsystemon the diskarray. Pre-installs 2l Supportsmulti-leveland multi-domainmanagement, interconnection of up to 128external I' i) domains,and interconnection of up to eightlevelsof platforms. [] I il 3) Supportsa maximumof 5000usersfor a singledomainand allowsa maximumof 2000usersto log in at the sametime and a maximumof 500usersto performoperations at the sametime. 4) Supportsthe accessof up to 200,000cameras, 5) Supportsthe PU(camera)access, mediascheduling, videostorage,servicemanagement, storage management, devicemanagement, and systemmanagement. 6) Displays livevideoinformation including the cameraname,bit rate,framerate,andencoding format. 7, Supportsself-adaptive aspectratioand windowsizeadjustment. B) >kQuictlyrestoresto the servicescenariothat a userhasperformedduringthe lastlogout. 9) Forwardsvideostreamsfrom PUsto CUsin directconnectionmode. 10) *Supports digitalzoomof liveand recordedvideo(evenvideoshot by non-P1-Z camerasis supported). 11) *Allows usersto playbacka maximumof 25 recordings at the sametime.Allowsusersto play (fast backa maximumof eightsimultaneously recorded video.Allowsusersto controlthe playback forward,slowdown,andjumpto a specified time point). (l/4x andI/2x), fast12) Affowsusersto play backrecordings usingthe followingcontrols:slow-reverse forward (2x, 4x,8x,and 16x),slow-down (7/32x,L/t6x, t/8x,I/4x, and L/2x1,rewind llx, 4x,8x, and i;x), drag,and frame-by-frame. 13) *Displaysvideosearchresultsand bookmarks in a timeline.Marksdifferenttypesof recordings (a: ,'3'l.p1ttur;:,J rer:crding,:,leduledrecoi'Jir:6, andn, 'nual,'ecording) with differ::rtcolors, 14) Allowsusersto searchfor ca:nerasby time or bookmark,or in a fuzzyway, in a mapandplayvideoshotby cameras 15) Allowsusersto view surveillance siteson the electronic specified site. Allowsusersto zoomin andzoomout on a box-shaped areaor by surveillance mode, or eagle-eye scrolling the mousewheel,dragand movethe map,viewthe map in full-screen pan up, down,left, and ri 6y I E( T\ r\.s I l the mapscale. \*.1 tg/ i: ri t"l li lt li ; t,: 16) Allowsusersto add camerasand alarmsourceiconson the electronicmap. .i; t7l Allowsusersto createhotzonesthat linkmaps. lr ii 18) Allowsusersto start livevideoviewingin an independentwindow by clickingcameraiconson recordvideoto a localdisk,bookmarkthe video,and enable maps.Allowsusersto takesnapshots, livevideowindow. the 3D positioning in the displayed I j 1e) Allowsusersto receive,guery,and processalarmsand set alarmseverities(warning,minor,major, critical). 20l' Allowsusersto query historical alarmsby multipletypesof querycriteria,includingalarmtype, an alarm,alarmsource,andalarm alarmstatus,starttime,endtime,userwho acknowledges file. Allowsusersto exportalarmresultsas an EXCEL description. zLl Linksthe centralplatformto performthe followingactionswhen an alarmistriggered:records video,takessnapshots, invokespresetpositions, displaysvideoon clientsor videowalls,and providesBooleanvalueoutputsand emaillinkage,Allowsusersto manageprotectionzones. recording,and 22) Supportsmultiplerecordingtypesincludingscheduledrecording,alarm-triggered manualrecording. by specifying a time segmenton the timeline. 23]' Supportsscheduled recording to facilitatelaterquery.Supportsvideobuffering. 24) Allowsusersto bookmarkrecordings to a localdiskor platform,customizethe savethe snapshots 2sl Allowsusersto take snapshots, quantityandinterval,andnamethe snapshots in the the snapshot snapshot savepath,customize format. Cameraname_No._Time policiesincludingthe snapshotquantityand interval. snapshc:. 26], Allowsusersset alarm-triggered uploadedto the imageserver. Allowssnapshots taken by camerasto be automatically Allowsusersto playlive 27l' Allowsusersto guery,preview,delete,download,and printsnapshots, videoon the videowall bysimplyone click, 2 8 ) Controlsthe acti alvideowallthroughthe virtualvideowallonthe client. 2e) Managessystemlogs,alarmlogs,devicelogs,operationlogs,and NMSiogs.Allowsusersto query log.'by user,time, type, or level.Allowsusersto exoortlogsas an XL.lfile. informationsuchas for eachNE.Centrallycollectsand manages 30) *Supports servicemanagement information. alarmandperformance for easy treesandallocatecamerasto organizations 3 1 ) Allowsusersto createorganization management and authorization. 32) *Rllows usersto add devicesby followinga wizard.Supportsautomaticdeviceupgrade.Supports tI, (_- t, I I I i.,., ffi $l l: ll ti {2 il r li batchconfiguration of devices. Supportsunifiedconfiguration and management of devices, 3 3 ) *Allows usersto configureand managecameraswith the intelligentanalysis functionand integratesthe intelligentanalysisresults. videoqualitydiagnosis, 34]. Embedded implementing 9 kindsof videodiagnosis functionswith no needs to configurea stand-alone server.Suchas Definitionexceptiondetection,lmagenoisedetection, Brightness exceptiondetection,Definitionexceptiondetection,lmagefreezingdetection,andLens blockdetection. 3s)Sharesvideoandalarmsub-devices with externaldomainsthat are connected. 36) Supportscentralized authorization and certification and refinedrightscontrol.Supportsrole-based rightsmanagement. Locksthe screenwhen usersdo not performoperationswithin a specified period.A passwordis requiredto unlockthe screen. 37) Allowsthe administrator to add usersby followingwizard, 38) ;kAllowsthe administrator to queryusersessions andforcean onlineuserto signout. 3s)*Allows usersto login to the systemusingWindowsdomainaccounts. 40) Addswatermarksto videoto preventthe videofrom beingforged,tampered,repudiated,or copied. 4t') Transmitsvideoafter beingencryptedusingAES256 to ensuredatasecurity. 42) :tworks with camerasto detectthe networkbandwidth.Basedon this information,the cameras dynamically adjustthe framerateand codecqualityto ensuresmoothvideo. 43) >tSupportsmediadatatransmission in ForwardErrorCorrection(FEC)mode,ensuringthat the videocan be plEyedsmoothiyevenwith a 5% packetloss.TheFECparametersare configurable. I ll I i_.i I 1j tl ilI i li t.: sP- 903.3 "i; [ Accident / Emergency Reporting System and Automatic Incident DetectionSystem (AlD)through Check PointCameras -1 l: li It rl; jj 1. Checkpoint System CheckPointCamera shallbe installed at every10 kmson Gantryfor eachlane.Thisworkshallinclude for thecamera the mounting support(Gantry) also. il, I AutomaticVehicle System Classification Correlatesand processesvehicle datafrom: r In-PavementLoop r RFIDReader r VehicleEnforcementSystem Tranrponder fTag'; . ln-Tehluls r-1 ld:ag.n*tit:Fiard ke& | i _- ! -_--- -- In-Filemefi t iI $lbrD Formfurrtlds D*tr - - - - - -- -- -: --- ---- LouF i CheckpointcameraSpecifications(3 Mega pixel) scanCCD 1/1.8inch,3 megapixelprogressive 1 lmagesensor 2 system Operating EmbeddedLinux 3 Memory DDR2-800 512MB 4 Hostport ports,RS232.1,CVBS.1, MbiUsEthernet 2x101100 USB*1 HD-SDI"1. Localstorage The externalUSBflashdrive(1 to 16 GB) and built-in 1.8-inchSSD harddisk(8 to 64G)are supported. A Pixelsize 3.69um*3.69um 7 Minimum illumination gainON) Colormode: 0.3lux@(F1.2,automatic 8 Signaltonoiseratio 48dB 9 Electronic shutter 1/50sto 1/100000s 10 White balance balance is supported. andmanualwhite Bothautomatic 11 Automatic exoosure Supported 12 Automaticgaincontrol Supported 13 Lensmount CS 14 Snapshotformat JPEG 15 Capturedimageresolution 1932*1452 16 Snapshotdelay 80ms 17 Video streamoutput H.264 18 Videoresolution 192A1080, 72A.576 Outputframerate 25 fps tl 4\, LJ Videostreambandwidth 512biVsto BMbiUs(adjustable) 21 Networkprotocol TCP/IP,RTSP,and NTP 22 Processor - DSPx2 FPGA+dual-core 5 tr*R *.,'# i,ttaies- 23 Dualstreams: MJPEGandH.264 Videostreamoutput Vehiclecapturerate: 95% 24 performance Checkpoint 25 Recognitionrateof licenseplates Pakistanstandardvehicleplate : Daytime: >=75o/o. >=85%,Night-time: 26 Vehiclespeed 0-180Km/h 27 temperature Operating -30"Cto +70"C 28 humidity Operating 10%to 95% (RH) 3. 3.1 systemfunctions Checkpoint Systemfeatures Software module Serial Number Requirementof modulefunction 4 I Withthis feature,userscan implementthe followingfunctions: list. 1.Add, delete,modify,or querya dispatching 2. lmportthe data of blacklistedvehiclesin an Excelfile in batches, types. includinglicenseplatenumbersand dispatching a z The systemreviewsdispatchingcontents.Dispatchingcan be implementedonlythe reviewis complete.Otherwise,dispatchinglistsdo not take effect. Investigation and dispatching 3 Queryand analysis I t_ ') li - ' L t. t-- Oulputinformation:magnifiedimagesshowing vehicles,smallimages,imageusingbinarization algorithmsand recognitionnumbersof licenseplates, vehicles,including of blacklisted The systemcancelsthe dispatching is Afterthe dispatching and manualcancelation. naturalcancelation list. historical dispatching to the data is moved the vehicle canceled, 4 Userscan queryand collectstatisticsof dispatchingtasks, blacklisted vehicleswhose dispatchingis canceled,processinformationabout cancelation. verification, and dispatching dispatching, 1 The systemcan: 1, Tracethe vehicleand displaystheirdrivingrouteson the GISmap in realtime by locatingcheckpointsthat the targetedvehiclespassedby. passingeach checkpoint. 2. Displayrl-.*capturedirn:rgr,:of vehi..:ies 2 The systemcan: 1. Set an incidentoccuri3rtc€locationas a centerfor trafficinspectionin a radialpattern,querypassingvehicleinformationby time segment, providea list of suspiciousvehicles,and associatevehicleinformation. vehiclespassingeach 2. Displaythe capturedimagesof suspicious checkpoint, *qa\t i: :;!;,Yi!t H,' li l l ll t; 3 Thesystemcan: driveat thecrimethatfrequently vehicles a listof suspicious 1. Provide occurs. proneareabeforeandafteran incident passing each vehicles imagesof suspicious thecaptured 2. Display checkpoint. 4 The systemcan: 1. Queryand analyzehistoricaltracksof any specifiedvehicles.The recordsof a vehicleat all or part of checkpointscan be searchedby licenseplate numberand time segmentand tracksof the vehiclecan be displayedin time sequence. 2, Invokeassociatedimages.By associatingrelatedintelligent checkpoints,imagesof specifiedtargetvehiclespassingcheckpoints can be obtained. 5 Thesystemcan: at the 1. Findoutthe samelicenseplatethatappearsat twocheckpoints passing vehicle the period on based of time short a very time or in same obtained andlicenseplatenumbers time,location, analysis information, system,and andrecording roadvehiclemonitoring by theintelligent of vehicleswithclonedplateswiththeassistance suspicious determine manual surveillance. vehicleswithclonedplatesintothe 2. lmportdataof suspicious to keepclonedanddispatching tableof vehicleinspection database platevehiclesundersurveillance. o The systemcan: 1, Calculatethe traveltlme of vehiclesby analyzingthe time difference that the sar"nevehiclepassestwo differentcheckpointswithinthe same road section. 2. Analyzethe traveltime of vehiclespassingthe roadsectionwithina periodof time, obtainthe averagetraveltime at the roadsectionbased on weightedaverageresults,and displaythe traveltimein a list. 7 The systemcan: 1. Reiord the time whenvehiclespassthe two checkpointsat both ends of a roadsectionwith speed limits,comparesand analyzesthe time that the average and calculates vehiclestake to passthe checkpoints, vehiclespeedon this road sectionbasedon its mileage' 2. Comparethe averagevehiclespeedon this roadsectionwith the speedlimitsto determinewhetherthe vehiclespeedexceedsthe limit, and displaythem in a list. The systen: Autarnatic detection recordsfor traffic violation i_ Il . IL, l' i L: :r: 3nd llcense ihe videodetectionto detec:vehlcles F.,i:c tJ.'"v. z capturesHD imagesof vehiclespassingthe The systemautomatically monitoredarea and vehiclesviolatedtrafficrules. ,*_ A Y\ + c \-I a 19 l; li ll li t! li t; l: 3 l-i ll l1 licenseplatenumbers. recognizes Thesystemautomatically 4 andcapluresHDimagesof radarspeeddetection Thesystemsupports details,suchas TheHD imagescontainviolation vehicles. speeding traffic lanenumber, drivingdirection, location, violation time,violation percentage, violation types,currentspeed,lanespeedlimit,speeding platenumber. andlicense 6 HD andcaptures thevehicledrivingdirection Thesystemdetermines The HD imagescontainviolation drivingvehicles. imagesof wrong-way lane location, drivingdirection, time,violation details,suchas violation type,andlicenseplatenumber. trafficviolation number, o The systemdeterminesthe vehicledrivingdirectionand lanesand capturesHD imagesof vehiclespressingtrafficlines.The HD images containviolationdetails,such as violationtime, violationlocation,driving direction,lane number,trafficviolationtype, and licenseplatenumber. 7 lanes drivingin themonitored imagesof vehicles Thesystemcaptures time, recordsvehicleimages,whichcontainspassing andautomatically plate andlicense direction, name,intersection lanenumber,intersection number. 8 parameters suchas trafficvolumeand Thesystemdetectsreal-time lane';ccupancy o The centralserverprovidestime to the all-in-onefront end to implement timesynchronization. ll ti it ia li 1i 10 to download storageandresumable front-end Thesystemsupports is disconnected. whenthenetwork ensuredatacontinuity 11 The trafficcamerausesthe data receivingsoftwareto add watermarks to imageson the data receivingserver,preventingimagetampering duringdata storageand processing. 12 frontend is Theall-in-one faultrecovery. automatic Thesystemsupports lf thefrontendis down,thedongle witha dongle. configured thesystem,afterwhichthecameraentersthe reboots automatically workstate. 1 Checxpoint information management absrltcheckpointpassingveniclesby a Usi,;; car;queryiniormatiori suchas licenseplatenumber, of criteria, singleor a combination office. name,direction,lane,time,and administrative checkpoint ,Zt ?\ t_ ti t l' {F Ks'*. e-tj-l Userscan: of bya singleor a combination alarminformation 1. Querycheckpoint name,alarmtime,and checkpoint criteria, suchas licenseplatenumber, alarmtype. vehicle by andimages of a violating information 2. Querythedetailed selecting a queryresult. in anExcelfile. andsavethequeryresults 3. Download in thediagram alarminformation of checkpoint 4, Collectstatistics format, of by a singleor a combination 1. Querytrafficvolumeinformation name,andvehicledriving criteria,suchas timerange,checkpoint direction. hour,day,month, of tratficvolumesby fiveminutes, 2. Collectstatistics andyear,anddisplaysthequeryresultsin a tableor histogram. The systemcan monitorthe statusof front-enddevicesin the intelligent resultsin a list' in realtimeanddisplaythemonitoring checkpoint Processing for traffic violation Userscan: 1. Querytrafficviolationinformationby a singleor a combinationof criteria,such as violationstartand end time,trafficadministrative organizationin the area whereviolationoccurs,licenseplatenumber, violationlocation,violation violationdata source(e-Police/checkpoint), reviewer, and vehicle'sdrivingdirection,violationtype,approvalstatus, penaltystatus, and imagesof a violationvehicle. 2. Querythe detailedinformation query in an Excelfile. results the and save 3. Download datafromaspects Thisfeatureenablesusersto reviewtheviolation After andconsistency. validity,recognizability, thetamperproofing, violationis approved,the systemgeneratesand savesthe datato be punished,and exportsthe datain an Excelfile or preparesticketsusing specifiedformats. of trafficviolationdata by a singleor a combinationof criteria,suchas time segment(or violationtime), area (or violationlocation),violationtype, licenseplate administrative number,and approvalstatus. n informationto these rightsitems,and delete,modifyand querythese rightsitems. tc rightsinformation required fne systemcancreateroles,allo.:ates theseroles,and delete,modify,and querythe roles. manageme,rt to i requiredtule informai:cn can ::,.;ateusers,aile-i:atl 3y{::i3m theseusers,anci.:elete,modify,andquerytheusers' modify,andque'ryuserinformation, rn@-4, position, and lD,responsibility, including name,gender,department, contactinformation, j l Add, delete,modify,and querythe informationabout locationareas where e-Policesystemsand checkpointsare to be deployed,including i I I t {: t, I I [: I It - , t' I I ! sequence number, 2 3 - Addinformation processing system,including abouttheviolation unit,systemtype, systemcode,systemnamersystemmanagement server,lP addressof the nameandlP addressof thedatareceiving and of thesystemlocation, message server,latitudeandlongitude addressof theWebserverusedinthesystem. - Modifyanddeleteinformation processihg system. abouttheviolation - Queryinformation processing systembasedonthe abouttheviolation processing system. codeof theviolation 4 - Add,modifyanddeletedeviceinformation, including devicelD,device devicelP address,port name,devicetype,devicemanufacturer, description. number, andlocation - Display interruption, alarm, including normal, devicestatus, current andunknown. - Querydeviceinformation basedon devicename,devicetype,and currentdevicestatus. 5 Add, delete,modifyand querylaneinformationaboutthe deployment location,includingthe nameof the violationprocessingsystem,camera code,cameraname,locationname,directionname,lane code,the maximumand minimumspeedsallowedfor largevehicles,and the maximumand minimumspeedsallowedfor smallvehicles. 4 t Logquery information aboutintersections Addthe direction androadsections devicesaredeployed, systemandcheckpoint wherethe e-Police andpointdirection. the code,name,location, including direction , Delete Modify androadsections. information aboutintersections direction code. by direction information name.Querythedirection direction instructions in the andoperating Systemlogscontainall useractivities plane.By querying systemlogs,youcanobtaintheevent management time,userlD,eventtype, information, suchas eventoccurrence result. name,andoperation accessed resource System access performance Accessof i:afficsignalcontrollers:a Unit(CCU)servercan be connectedwith a maximumof 32 traffic sigr',lcontrolle:'t. Acciissof CCL;:a singledomainUrbanTrafficControl(UTC)server can be connectedwith a maximumof 32 CCU. Accessof client:supportconcurrentaccessof 16 users Access witha maximum servercanbeconnected performance A singlevolumecollection traffic detectors. microwave of video and 400 channels of of volume collection \i ' L / '6, {./,t systems 3.3 3 Access Accessof guidance screens: a singleguidance management server performance canbeconnected witha maximum of 16guidance screens. of guidance managementA maximum of 16guidance management serverscanbe deployed systems andcanbe connected with256guidance screens. 4 Frontendaccess: a singledataaccessservercanbe connected with a maximum of 750e-Policecamerasandprocess300,000records perday,fromwhichselecttheminimumvalues; Access performance Dataprocessing: whenthedatabase serveris deployed in a single per of e-Police node,thesystemcanprocessa maximumof 1,6millionrecords systems day;whenthedatabase serveris deployedin a two-node cluster, the systemcanprocess a maximum of 3 millionrecordsperday; Accessofclient:supportconcurrent accessof 16 users. 5 Frontendaccess:a singledataaccessservercanbe connected with a maximum of 750checkpoint camerasandprocess300,000records perday,fromwhichselecttheminimum Access values; performance Dataprocessing: whenthedatabase serveris deployed in a single per of intelligent node,the systemcanprocess a maximumof 1.6millionrecords checkpoints day;whenthedatabase serveris deployedin a two-node cluster, the systemcanprocess a maximum of 3 millionrecordsperday; Accessof client:supportconcurrent accessof 16 users. Reliability I Sub-module Uninterrupted running Thesystemsupports 7x24-hour running. uninterrupted Database server cluster Two databaseserversare deployedusingthe RAC functionto implement dati:baseclusterapplication. Databasebackupand re:.tor;:tion Thisfeatureenablesthe systemto back up and recov€r datain a dat:.lhr:e(regularlyautomaticbackupand :j|))i mili,iualrestor;.::: datafails to be transmittedfrom the front-enddeviceto thecomrnand centerdueto networkinterruption orother f3ulls, the front-end device temporarily stores the datain I Redundant data or prciection i ,ffJi"':lfiii$?t1?ft;l'?ff llXffi'#%recovers I t., i t. automatically uploadsthe data generatedduringnetwork interruption to the commandcenter. 5 6 the systemto rollbackto thesource Versionrollbackupon Thisfeatureenables fails. versionwhensoftware versionupgrade failure U=upgrade Automaticrecovery 1,Afterthe systemrecoversfroma poweroutage,the faultalarm restarts andgenerates automatically software information. resurne whentheclient automatically 2. Userservices andthefront-end recovers fromnetworkdisconnection fromthe poweroutage. devicerecovers il li iJ rl l ! iJ i-l !i {i i, I l { --:1 f t: ii 1l 'j I sP-904.1 ElectronicToll CollectionSystem(ETCS) suchas the for the ETCSto meet the TechnicalRequirements, It Includesall equipmentnecessary following: multi-protocol readers and antennas,in-pavementloops, zone controllers,violation from enforcementcameras,toll lanevehicledetectionequipment,roadsidecabinets,communications power back-upsystems,mounts,brackets,and cabinetto controller,power from cabinetto devices, other incidentalitems to completethe installation,testing,and integrationservices.Installationof will be equipmentwill be providedby the Toll SystemProvider.Integrationof equipmentinto the ETCS and in coordinationwith the EPC of the Toll SystemProviderworkingcollaboratively the responsibility Contractor. for providingthe appropriate Toll OperationsCenter:TheTollSystemProvidershallalsobe responsible ITS and TCS-related rates, conditions toll traffic toll rate signs, effective TOCto monitorthe equipment, devices,and operatethe toll collectionand roadwaysystemon a day-to-daybasis.A CCTVcamerais requiredfor eachCMS.The toll rate sign cameraswill be fully integrated,monitoredand controlledin the TOC.TheTollSystemProviderwill haveprimarycontrolof all tollingcomponentsand toll relatedITS components(toll rates signs,CMS,traffic cameras,etc.) to support ETCSoperationsand will provide staffingfor the operationsof this center (BOS):The roadsidetoll collectionsystemwill captureand processindividualtolling BackOfficeSystenn along pointtransactions toll for revenuedue.ThisTrafficTransaction by a vehicleandassigna calculated toll will be transmittedto an "off the shelf"BOSfor postingto a custome/saccount, with the associated The ICDfor the roadsidetoll collection post-paid process transactionsand/or for violationprocessing. of the Toll SystemProvider. systemequipmentto the "off the shelf' backofficewill the responsibility BOS, all typical requirementsof a standard the has reached Additionally,oncethe TrafficTransaction mobiledevice accountmanagement, backoffice operationshouldbe included:transactionprocessing, these to support (both hardware and software manual and automated) imagereview applications, lockboxservicesand suchother servicesrequired operations,transponderfulfillment,mailingservices, provide for this operation includingcustomerservice will staffing Provider to BOS.The Toll System imagereviewers,staff for systemand technologysupport,fulfillmentstaffing,lock box representatives, and oversightof theseoperations. management administration, operationstaffing,violationprocessing, flow of traffic of System:The roadsidesystemis to operatethe bi-directional RoadsideBi-Directional the facility and will be designed,furnished,and installedby Toll SystemProvider.The lanesare not during on a daily basisbut only as a resultof alteringtrafficconfigurations intendedto be bi-directional for biequipmentnece.isary The Toll SystemProvidershallbe capableof reinstalling consti.uction. Event. Majeure ora Force rehabilitation and in the eventof futureconstruction directionaltraffic I I I t' I. I t: I t. L; li l1 lt lril li f-! i' l: lj ii. sP-904.2 OverloadingControlSystemWIM on Mainline minimumtwo (2) Full at eachentranceramp of the interchange, In additionto SSWIM(established) at the selectedlocations(probablyone at start and one in the center FeaturedWIM shallbe established of the motorwaystretch)on the Mainlinesuchas shownbelowin the followingimages,The WIM must ionform to ASTME 13180-82.The systemshouldbe QuartzSensorbasedwith commercialstandard; the following:equipmenthandling coupledwith peripheral ri l! i, il i, l. Off-scalesensorinstalledon eithersideto align the vehicle path for correctdatarecording, 2. Over-height detector: a pole-mountedreceiver/transmitteron the instrumentationside of the travel lane and a pole-mountedreflector on the oppositeside of lane.Infrared beamis transmitted acrossthe travel lane and reflectedback acrossto the receiver.When a passingvehicle breaksthe beam,the information is displayedon console, 3. Traffic Control Systems:Facilitatescontrol of vehicleswithin the facility 4. Vehicle Identification: Using RF tagson the screen,Vehicle ID canbe recorded, 5. Automatic License Plate Reader: The Automatic License Plate Reader (ALPR) using highresolution high-speedcamerasand image recognitionsoftware can detectedand read the license plate passingover the facility. 6. Overview Camera:Camerasto recordthe overall activity of the facility day & night, 7. Remote Displays: Remote displays to be used for driver information. The display character shouldnot be lessthan 5 inches. 8. Loop Detectors:Inductive loop detectorsshall be installedin travel lane to sensethe presenceof a vehicle. 9. All activities to be controlled by softwareto record and transmit data. The Full featuredWIM shall include i o o o r 2 inductive loops per line 6 Quartzsensorper line 2Piezo sensorper line Shall be equippedwith LPR, Over view cameras,vehicle size measurementsensor,and VMS. The Control Unit of WIM shall: o . r o o o ,: c o I t_ t 1 t- l_ Capableof Speedmeasurementrange5-250km/hr Capableof weightingresolutionof 10 kg Have Minimum 98%oaccuracyof traffic intensify Have Minimum 95Yoaccuracyof classification Have Ethernet Inerface opticls GSM/GPRS,TCP/IP,Wi-Fi and shallbe connectedto Optic Fiber Havecom.n:r:rrication .:,, (C':tir-nallybighert-apar'll.y) H,.-.'e1-.'- 1' 391 6l:r: fo; ..i.:storage Havemtx. Lengtirof Loop ieati-in300 m i WM Sensor100m Capableof operating'rnder-200Cto 600C e =;E I 3* I Egi E " I rtI ul ',,r1 { F ..,'':.::iil; ', , .';.:l z 'E LJ = !E C) u*2. rs: "i r Ll 3 LN 2 3A t: I I ! .l! t!} :,..r: jE: r tr: &a tr .= ,|] (= 'lt) , TJ l!. vt ii n tt tl il fj nf,{ F$ Effg k! ps .s. r!l ; I F- g$i$ i g$$$$sg{ l a E Fb.E "gffi s9{i fEisst?3 rg{?1i{E :E' tl* {{I !iE ts 3 d i *g , ii erEt EEq$[{ $iit, Etsi${Et $i?t = E${.tirEi fiF . IEEEEtIBe *59n5f;,$E$ EIgI oto F- iw il i a'# .E psE c! E$$ st E€ C 3E ri E.E.f; a _ q .! E . E E I G s€E 1 Fc & l1.r I F gAI F E€r &H diB i€sgi,EitEF gEBIEfiiF€Ef* E{g!SEsrEgi$ *tr*ffi BIEFil ffiHffi- SHffi z. I lr .u -l9l I e E t E 6 6 JTJ I 6 P 2 = I E i ii ii ?^ry--t\ r-l rj il l_l !; li 11, li ,j i-l il t': ir ii f-l i1 He**l ii 'tl si .E iIl lfi *, T ll sil{ -ri5 I llr-l -l -l u:f-] ? I -;^..|'--.7 f ,E * T I .a [r"J llhilr rrii I I l#iii t_ I L, { t; I