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A quality
Our thanks go out to all exhibitors and visitors who helped make this year’s CEDIA Expo the
biggest and best yet.
Driving the industry forward
Attendance figures were up 21% to 7,399. With 34% of these high quality visitors making their
first visit to the Expo, and more overseas delegates than ever before from 54 countries, we’ve
conclusive proof of the event’s pulling power and the growth that’s driving the industry forward.
A winning combination
The event’s unique combination of innovation, training and networking provide the compelling
reasons for its success. Great stands showing new technologies and innovations from 140
exhibitors. More than 170 hours of education in the CEDIA programme plus access to 37 free Trade
Supplier training sessions. Throw in the CEDIA Awards presentation and a knock-out charity party on
board the SS Dixie Queen, and it’s no wonder this year’s CEDIA Expo will live long in the memory.
So our thanks to you all, and mark your diaries now for 2008.
Training 23–26 June Exhibition 24–26 June ExCeL London
CEDIA is an international trade
association, which represents
the residential custom
installation industry
and has a global membership
of over 4,000 companies.
Tel +44 (0)1480 213744 Fax +44 (0)1480 213469
Email Web
Meridian for the Custom Installer.
Flexibility, power and performance.
Meridian’s superior design and construction
make our installation loudspeakers perform
so well, they’ll transform your opinion of
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combination of flexibility, power and
The 300 Series range includes small,
medium and large active and passive
speakers (the largest, the 350, is shown here
with grille removed) and in-wall subwoofers.
It’s accompanied by our latest custom install
products in the C Series range of rackmount components, including the C50
10-channel power amp, C51 Active Speaker
Power Unit, C52 Active Subwoofer Controller
and C61 Digital Surround Controller.
And don’t miss the G95 DVD Surround
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Tel: +44 (0)1480 445678
C51 Active Speaker Power Unit, part of the new
C Series (below), and SW320 in-wall subwoofer (right)
G95 DVD-A/V Surround Receiver System
What's going on in your working
world? Find out here...
The up-to-speed SAM FULLER
introduces the latest batch of AV
Computerlinks' JOHN TURNER explains
why the future of networking lies in IP
This month TOBY WATSON turns
his attention to the architectural
speaker market
award-winning Smartcomm project
in St. Tropez
Who claimed what at the annual CEDIA
awards? SVI reveals all
All the latest product releases,
developments and appointments from
the residential install world
Follow up your Expo appointments
with the help of our handy
business directory
the post-show fatigue to deliver his indepth CEDIA Expo report
Find out about the latest training
courses and news, courtesy of the
most competitive education
resource around
Her taste for the finer things in life
leads POPPY SPOWAGE to an
Keep track of our movements
courtesy of our events diary
6 20
While the CEDIA Expo's organisers celebrate a second successful outing at
London's ExCel and us visitors get used to drinking in a pub that isn't called the
Fox once more, we've no doubt the exhibitors who set up shop there are being
inundated with phone calls of interest and orders. Why? Because 2007's event
offered arguably the most expansive and exciting showcase of audio-visual and
residential installation kit ever seen on these shores. Moreover, with training
sessions aplenty, an abundance of networking opportunities and some truly
impacting demonstrations to experience, each and every attendee should have
come away with something. There was a whole lot more to this particular trip
than the opportunity to overindulge away from the scrutiny of your wife...
although, judging by the state of those we saw propping up the bars in the
early hours, this too may have been an added bonus.
The Expo also gave SVI the opportunity to blood its new staff in an
appropriate industry setting and it would be fair to say Chantell and Bonnie
received a rave reception... which isn't necessarily a euphemism for 'harassed
every time they went to the bar' at the many social events! No, having bonded
with their news colleagues and really got to grips with the concept of home
automation, we're certain they'll prove a valuable asset to SVI.
Overall the CEDIA Expo proved an enlightening and encouraging event.
That CI is a market currently in bloom is beyond doubt and with our
manfucturers spending more on their stands, major corporations joining the fray
and each exhibitor proactively looking to grow the market in every direction, the
future for you installers is looking bright. The array of products available to you
certainly is. Turn to our review to find out more about the pick of the bunch and
the wonders of modern technology we discovered. These gems may not be able
to prevent junk mail coming through your letter box, make you invisible to
charity street teams or immediately render anyone who mentions Big Brother
mute / comatose, but many of the solutions on show can improve your clients'
lives in a host of other ways. Go forth and deploy...
Hamish McNair-Wilson, Editor
Eye on The Industry
The Who-What-Where-When-Why of AV...
If you have news of any industry appointments or dismissals,
achievements or crises, acquisitions or additions, and you’d
like to see them in print, email the details to
Could you be offering
more products to
help your customers
save energy?
A report released today by the Energy Saving Trust reveals the dawn of what it is
terming a new ICE Age, ICE referring to the Information, Communication and
Entertainment technologies currently in bloom, such as DAB radios, flat screen TVs
and laptops. The proliferation of these, the Trust asserts, will undermine the UK's
efforts to manage its domestic energy demands in order to curb the effects of
climate change. Findings published in a report entitled The Ampere Strikes Back
revealed that the energy burden of this new set of products, combined with the
hoarding of old products and unwitting wastage, means that, by 2020, ICE age
technology will account for an extraordinary 45% of electricity used in UK
households. That’s equivalent to the output of 14 power stations just to power
our TVs, home IT and other electronics by 2020.
The growing popularity of technology such as DAB radios, set top boxes,
laptops, LCD and plasma TVs means that the annual UK spend on consumer
electronics and home IT equipment has soared to over £12-billion, making UK
consumers the biggest spenders in Europe. While the average UK household
spends £500 a year on such ICE age products, one in 10 UK householders spends
between £1,000 and £10,000 a year on these kinds of goods. And, by 2020,
according to current predictions, products contained in the average home could
be racking up running costs of over £4-billion a year. When the unintentional
misuse of what the trust has termed “these ICE Age offenders” left on or on
standby or when not in use is combined with the impact of this equipment in use,
the environmental and financial costs escalate still further. The standby costs of
televisions, set top boxes, video players/recorders and computer monitors could,
for example, reach £71-million, £299-million, £188-million and £12-million
respectively by 2020.
New entertainment hubs are springing up around the modern home with
96% of lounges, 76% of bedrooms and 42% kitchens hotspots for home
entertainment kit. The report reveals that this proliferation of high-tech kit dotted
around UK homes is causing consumers to forget what they’ve left on and where.
While owners’ backs are turned, such gadgets are continuing to suck up energy
and by 2020 will use more electricity than 1.4-million households consume in a
year or the UK’s street lighting consumes in three years.
The purchase of new kit doesn’t mean consumers are getting rid of their old
equipment either. Far from it. With the resale value of such components fairly
negligible, one fifth of UK householders have become thrifty hoarders, relegating
their old equipment to the second division, to be used in other rooms in the
house and adding to the overall energy burden.
Moreover, while over half the UK population (54%) believes that modern
technology equipment is more energy efficient than older technology, often
the reverse is true. Thus such kit is being used relatively guilt-free, whilst
conversely registering a highly negative impact.
Said Philip Sellwood, Chief Executive of the Energy Saving Trust: “Products are
being used in ways that we wouldn't have dreamt of just a few years ago. With
trends such as listening to the radio through TV and PC on the increase, it’s highly
unlikely that consumers realise that this uses far more energy than conventional
means, or that some digital radios use almost as much energy when considered
switched off at the unit as they do while switched on, while a new flat panel TV
can use up to three times more electricity than a traditional TV.
“UK consumers will be surprised to hear just what their home entertainment
equipment gets up to. The Ampere Strikes Back report holds up a mirror to all of us
and shows just how easy it is to lose track of what is sucking up energy in our
homes and costing us and the environment dear.”
These factors mean that the Energy Saving Trust is calling on consumers to do
their bit for the environment while saving themselves some money. Philip Sellwood
explained: “Think about how you are using appliances and turn equipment off
when not needed as well as rein in the impulse to hoard equipment that has
already been replaced. By being more ‘switched on’ with our appliances the
average household could save £37 a year through avoided standby use alone and
some of the 2020 energy burden projections could be curbed.”
The Energy Saving Trust has identified a number of simple ways consumers
can cut consumption and running costs. It also encourages them to look for the
Energy Saving Recommended logo when buying new electrical appliances. This
appears on a growing range of products – from fridge freezers to light fittings –
and indicates the most efficient on the market. Computing equipment is set to be
included as the scheme expands its categories.
Whilst the report encourages consumers to do their bit, it also calls on retailers
and manufacturers to do more to help them achieve this aim. This is borne out by
the Energy Saving Trust’s research which reveals that nine out of 10 consumers
want to see A - G energy efficiency ratings on consumer electronic goods to help
them improve their buying decisions, while eight out of 10 would like
manufacturers to develop intelligent energy saving items which power down after
half an hour.
The report also highlights that pressure should be applied to television
manufacturers to ensure they enable a screen blanking feature in all their TV
models which allows the user to manually switch off the screen after the desired
radio station has been selected thereby saving energy. The Energy Saving Trust
With companies
like Sharp
conscious kit,
there is hope for
the future
believes that this feature should be explained in instructions with the TV but
currently only one manufacturer has this feature in their technology.
Are you doing your bit to help save energy by ensuring you have approved kit
in stock and support the manufacturers attempting to make a difference? If you
feel you could do more or need further information, don't hesitate to contact the
Energy Saving Trust.
For further information contact: +44 (0) 800 512 012
Leading force in the DAB market, PURE Digital, has appointed
consumer electronics specialist Midia Distribution to carry its
digital radio products in the Republic of Ireland. As a result, Midia
Distribution will be marketing PURE’s comprehensive and awardwinning product range, which comprises portable radios, radio
alarms, micro Hi-Fi systems and personal stereos.
Maurice Cohen, Managing Director of Midia Distribution,
commented: “As part of Midia's growth we are seeking tier one
brands to strengthen our product offerings into our existing retail
channel. The PURE Digital / Midia Distribution partnership is a
great example of our commitment to our dealers to provide the
latest world class products. We are looking forward to working
with PURE Digital in bringing DAB products to the forefront of
the Irish Consumer Market.”
Geoff Johnson, Associate Director of Sales at PURE Digital
addeed: “This appointment enables Irish independent retailers to
get easier access to the number one DAB range from the number
one radio brand in the UK and helps provide a better service to
PURE Digital stockists. We expect Midia’s excellent reputation,
local expertise and capabilities will set PURE on track to becoming
market leader in another important DAB market. With an
excellent partner like Midia, we are confident that all quality
dealers in Ireland will choose PURE as their brand of choice.”
Since March 2007, a trial digital radio service has been live
and on air in the Greater Dublin and North East area, serving 36%
of Ireland’s population. On the trial service there are currently 15
stations (six existing national stations, five existing Dublin
stations and four new RTÉ digital radio stations). A new industry
group,, has been set up to explore the
development and promotion of digital radio in Ireland. It is
inviting members of the public to tune into the trials and will
conduct a user survey during the trial period.
For further information contact: +44 (0) 192 327 7488
With a view to helping electrical retailers take advantage of the continually
buoyant portable and tabletop radio market, Armour Home Electronics has
launched a new, full colour, 34-page brochure to promote the premium Tivoli
Radio brand, whose distribution it handles in the UK.
The A4 brochure is filled with stylish lifestyle photography and features
products from the iconic Model One Tivoli radio to the more recently launched
SongBook 100. Full specifications are given for all products and a section on Tivoli
accessories completes the picture.
Said Tony Jones, Armour’s category manager responsible for Tivoli: “We have
produced this high quality new brochure with the express intention of helping
retailers take advantage of the extraordinary interest in stylish radios. Purchasing a
radio is very much an impulse buy and the premium Tivoli range offers models to
appeal to all ages and pockets of those discerning consumers who want to make a
style statement. And that means valuable profit and margin to the retailer.”
Copies of the brochure are being mail-shot to Armour’s customers. If you
would like a copy contact
For further information contact: +44 (0) 127 950 1111
New North American market research, released by the Blu-ray Disc Association, suggest that
the BD is winning the format war, stateside. The figures are the result of work conducted by
Home Media Research over a four week period ending May 27th. During these 28 days, BD
achieved a 64% market share, while over the first five months of 2007 it outsold HD DVD by
a ratio of two to one. Moreover, in a combined format HD Top 20 list, 19 of the 20 titles are
available on Blu-ray disc, with 12 available exclusively on this format.
“At the Blu-ray Disc Association our concern is that consumers make investments which
yield the greatest dividend in terms of their home entertainment experience,” commented
Andy Parsons, Chairman of the Association's US Promotions Committee. “We believe that a
clear trend is now evident in the market. Consumers are making their buying decisions and
this should help guide others that are contemplating a move up to high-definition.”
For further information contact: 07
In the latest boost to those supporting Blu-ray, Blockbluster
is to expand its offerings in this area. In November 2006
the firm – which boasts 1,700 rental stores across the UK –
introduced both Blu-ray and HD DVD discs to 250 specially
selected stores and via its online rental service. However,
with Blu-ray currently proving the most popular, this month
Blockbuster will significantly increase the volume of titles
available. As a result, its full complement of stores will now
offer 170 titles, with new ones added as and when they
are released by their Hollywood studios.
“We intend to meet the demands of our customers
and based on the trends we're seeing, we're expanding
our Blu-ray inventory to ensure our stores reflect the right
level of products,” said Matthew Smith, SVP Merchandising
for Blockbuster. “While it is still too early to say which highdefiniton format will become the industry standard, we will
continue to closely monitor customer rental patterns at
both our stores and online, so we can adjust our inventory
mix accordingly and ensure that Blockbuster is offering
customers the most convenient access to the movies they
want, in the format they want.”
For further information contact:
Blu-ray Disc has achieved critical mass with three
manufacturers in Europe, thanks to the release of
dedicated players from Samsung, Panasonic, Sony
and, most recently, Pioneer. With BD currently out
performing HD DVD, it is a strategically important
time for the format and one during which it can
truly assert its benefits. With this in mind, a group of
consumer hardware and software companies has
decided that the time is right to place significant
resources behind its promotion in consumer markets
across the continent.
With the distribution channels and market
dynamics varying significantly between one
European country and another, this core group of
companies has established a series of BD format
promotion task forces throughout a number of local
country markets. While a separate entity from the
Blu-ray Disc Association, this initiative is fully
supported by the BDA. Its teams are already active
in the Benelux countries, France, Germany, Italy,
Spain and the UK. These teams are providing local
press events and retail promotions including in-store
promotions, roadshows and local language
websites, which are specifically tailored for
consumers within that country.
For further information contact:
Is Blu-ray
destined to
take over?
BBG Distribution Ltd is pleased to
announce the appointment of David
Croydon as Head of Marketing and
Communications. David brings over
30-years marketing experience to
BBG, following 10-years managing
his own marketing and creative
agency and over 20-years experience
working for large blue-chip
companies within a senior marketing
management capacity.
David’s remit will be to increase
corporate and product awareness
within the CE channel, deliver a
marketing strategy across all three
divisions and improve the marketing
and communications support for
BBG’s expanding network of dealers.
For further information contact:
+44 (0) 192 320 5600
The popular
and respected
AVForums is
expanding its
content to
reviews. As
the UK's
largest online
resource for
consumer electronics discussion, the addition of editorial reviews,
says founder Stuart Wright, “is the next logical step to meet the
demands of both our readers and manufacturers.”
“We have,” Stuart continued, “been asked to review equipment
for years and we decided early 2007 to take the plunge. We started
slowly in order to formulate the best testing procedures we could.
Key members of our review team were sent through ISF training
and are equipped to produce detailed, accurate and totally
independent reports. We live with the equipment for at least a
week - ideally a month - so that we can get a real world experience.
And unlike magazines, we are not bound by the constraints of
limited space, so we can go into the kind of detail that AVForums
visitors prefer. Our readers expect nothing less than the best
reviews and that's what we aim to give them.”
To date, the kit reviewed by AVForums includes the Audyssey
MultEQ XT Pro Sound Equalizer, Goldring GX200 Headphones and
the JVC DLA-HD1 Projector.
The AVForums was launched in 2000 and has grown to become
the UK's biggest audio-visual electronics website, with over 600,000
visitors a month and 175,000 members. Any manufacturers wishing
to submit equipment for review should contact:
For further information contact:
The going was good for the 60+ guests who attended the recent Newbury
Race Day organised AV furniture pioneer Alphason Designs and its parent
company, Armour Home Electronics. After being fed and watered the punters
were treated to some tips about which 'nag’ might make it first past the
winning post, from Honest Jerry, aka Retra’s Jerry Yates.
‘Clerk of the course’ John Reddington - Alphason’s Managing Director went all out to make it a racing certainty that it would be a classic day with not
a dark horse to be seen! The only hurdle was the rain but even that didn’t
prove to be a handicap. Everyone from the Alphason and Armour stables was
on top form and went flat out to make sure all their customers enjoyed a
jackpot of a day. Winner of the Sweepstake competition was Andy Barton of
Wave Home Automation who won a magnum of champagne and runners-up
were Peter Dallas of Deltec Associates Ltd and Ruth Jones of Armour HE who
claimed a bottle of fizz each.
For further information contact: +44 (0) 194 288 5600
BBG is delighted to announce that it has received
the Worldwide Distributor of the Year award
2006/2007 from Profigold. Wim Fase, Managing
Director, and Jon Wright, Business Development
Director of Profigold, presented the award to both
Gordon Dutch (CEO) and Phil Wynd, National
Sales Manager for the Consumer Division, at
BBG’s HQ in Watford.
The award provided recognition of all the
support that BBG has put into the Profigold brand
within the CE channel, for both the independent
and multiple network of retailers. Wim reserved
special praise for the excellent attachment and
up-selling training programmes BBG had
undertaken during the year, which had
contributed to the overall success of Profigold
within the retail channel.
For further information contact:
+44 (0) 192 320 5600
Despite fifty year's of life, 2007 marked the
first year that consumer watchdog Which?
has presented awards to what it deems the
very best products and services available in
the UK. Industry giant Panasonic was a
major beneficiary of its commendation,
scooping two awards. It claimed the gong
for Best Audio Visual Brand and a special
Heritage Award for achieving the most
Which? Best Buy recommendations since
the magazine was first published back in
The winners were announced at a
ceremony held at the British Museum on
the 27th June. Compered by
broadcaster Fiona Bruce, there was a
presentation from Richard Lambert,
Director General of the CBI, and the
Right Honorable Gordon Brown also
provided a special recorded message of
support for the event.
Which? was happy to laud praise
on the AV giant's achievements over the years: “In
an ever-changing industry, Panasonic has managed
to impress us consistently with its innovation and
reliability," the organisation expounded. “Panasonic
achieved a massive 15 Best Buys this year, so if
you’re looking to invest your hard earned cash, you
can’t really go wrong choosing Panasonic.”
The team went on to explain the significance of
the second prize the corporation claimed on the
night: “The Heritage award is the result of our
search for an outstanding company that has
achieved the most Best Buys since Which? began in
1957. Outshining its competitors with an impressive
222 Best Buys, across a wide range of categories,
Panasonic products have proved time and again to
be high-quality and to really stand the test of time.”
If you or your buyers value independent and
objective opinions of a highly respected
organisation, then be sure you continue to consider
Panasonic's products.
For further information contact:
Armour Home Electronics this week announced that its award-winning QED cable brand is to be
sold in the USA. The distributor appointed to handle distribution is Lenbrook America, a
Massachusetts-based company specialising in audio/video and custom install products, who
already represent NAD and PSB speakers in the States.
Said Lenbrook America’s President Bob Brown: “We are pleased to add QED to our business
portfolio as it represents the same values and brand position that have contributed to the success
of NAD and PSB. All three are world class audio brands, highly driven by passionate people who
love music and are proud to be called audiophiles.”
Mr. Brown revealed that a new division, QED America, will be established to market and
distribute QED cables in the US, and that QED America will employ a strategy similar to that used
to position QED in the UK, where it is the most successful specialist cable brand.
Says Bob Abraham, founder of QED Audio Products: “This partnership with Lenbrook
America offers tremendous synergy with QED. It’s an ideal match in every conceivable aspect.”
QED manufactures an extensive family of products, including speaker cables, audio and digital
interconnects, subwoofer cables, and video interconnects, as well as a professional installation
series. The latest computer-aided design techniques allow QED’s research and development team to
keep pace with technological advances and deliver products that achieve the highest levels of
performance and reliability. As a result, QED speaker cables and interconnects are recommended by
many of the world’s leading manufacturers of stereo and home theatre equipment.
For further information contact: +44 (0) 127 950 1111
According to our industry’s ever reliable research statisticians, over fivemillion DAB digital radios have now been shifted in the UK. This was the
announcement of the Digital Radio Development Bureau last month, in a
statement which also included a useful breakdown of listening figures
provided courtesy of RAJAR. There are, we were told, now 10-million
digital radio listeners in the UK, with 19.5% of the population living in
DAB households and 18% of all homes boasting access to the broadcasts.
With market penetration predicted to reach 20.6% of the population by
the end of 2007 and tens of millions of people still to target, there has
never been a better time to consider replenishing your digital radio range.
By 2011, consumers will be spending in excess of
50% more on entertainment content than they did
last year, according to a new industry report by
Understanding & Solutions. The upsurge of
content, combined with much-improved delivery
infrastructures, is increasingly allowing consumers
to choose when, where and how they consume
their entertainment. Recent industry activity and
the take-up of home video, TV, music and gaming
across multiple delivery platforms are already laying
the foundations for significant growth in the sector,
particular through electronic sell-through and
online VoD, linear programming, TV based videoon-demand (VoD), mobile TV and theatrical box
office, when it comes to home video and TV.
Meanwhile, the music market has been shaken up
by the growth in online, mobile, and subscription
radio solutions.
“Going forward, we’ll see the highest
percentage growth coming from mobile and
online,” says Alison Casey, Business Director:
Content and Services, Understanding & Solutions,
“though in volume terms, both will remain relatively
small scale until after 2011, when compared with
established platforms such as broadcast Pay TV.
More importantly, multiple formats will co-exist, as
different delivery methods and platforms will suit
different consumers in different situations. With
content moving seamlessly from mobile to online to
TV, the challenge for the industry will be to ensure
revenues aren’t cannibalised, as consumers will only
want to pay for their content once.
“Although these new platforms bring new
challenges,” continues Casey, “we’re going to see
digital delivery outgrow all other aspects of home
entertainment, helping to increase the global
TEAC is one
firm doing a
great deal to
further the
DAB cause
Which of the exciting new models should you be pushing?
For further information contact:
content industry’s revenues by over 8% per year
(CAGR) through to 2011.”
If the process is managed effectively, content
holders will yield additional revenue streams from
both new and catalogue content, though formats
will have to evolve. In the mobile sector, for
example, it will be short form, re-purposed content
that will be most successful.
“This new multi-platform world is creating a
revenue shift,” says Casey. “Theatre owners, retailers
and broadcasters will continue to be important, but
the new media infrastructure providers – including
telcos, ISPs, mobile operators and social networking
services – will begin to take a larger slice of the
revenues.” However, of all the different players
vying for a position in the delivery of digital
entertainment, it is the existing Pay TV operators
that are in the strongest position. Unlike the mobile
operators and telcos, content is already their primary
focus and this will be a key lever for
consumer uptake.
Although illegal video and music files
account for a large proportion of content
downloading, new, legitimate services have
created viable revenue streams. Online,
mobile and Pay TV are beginning to provide
a platform for legal content delivery, often
generating legitimate revenues in emerging
markets for the first time. “This is particularly
true for mobile,” Casey explained, “and by
2011 approximately 75% of all mobile
subscribers will live outside the USA,
Western Europe and Japan. Historically,
territories such as China and India have
generated small revenues from packaged
media sales, and the new digital revenues in
these markets could surpass those
generated from physical media.”
The emergence of user generated content is
also providing an alternative to paid-for content and
competing for consumers’ time online. These
services, accessed by millions of users worldwide,
will increasingly achieve revenues for the service
providers through advertising. This transition to
digital delivery will not happen overnight, but has
major implications for content holders, service
providers and consumers. With more choice and
diversity, the market segments will become
progressively more fragmented, and companies will
need to work smarter to ensure the revenues
continue to flow. Will this affect the way you run
your business and which products prove hot?
Undoubtedly. Be sure to keep your eye on a delivery
world that's in flux...
For further information contact:
+44 (0) 158 250 0169
Stuart Hopwood has
been hard at working
sourcing out some
exciting AV kit from
the continent
The British home electronics industry should prepare itself to meet a new face,
Soundmatters Europe, an exciting division of Germany's Dahl Audio
Electronic GmbH. In response to the demand for increasingly discreet audio
systems, this firm has been hard at work developing LCD-thin surround
speakers. These provide high-definition audio, without intruding on a carefully
designed living environment and, as a result, really caught the eye of Lingua
Franca International. The firm, run by well known industry figure Stuart
Hopwood – who is an organiser of Manchester's Home Entertainment
Show – was so impressed that it snapped up an exclusive import deal with
Dahl. As a result, Soundmatters Europe's exciting range is ready to be
unleashed on the UK market, with Stuart and his team currently in the process
of looking for distribution.
Soundmatters produce a number of exciting lines. These include the three
strong SLIMstage range of single box speaker systems, designed to
complement flat-screen TVs of 32-62-inches in size yet less than four-inches in
depth. They can relay both stereo and multi-channel signals with aplomb,
without the need for reflecting walls and produce articulate bass without the
need for an external subwoofer.
“Consumers who invest in a quality plasma or LCD TV want to replicate
the complete theatre experience which includes high-performance, realistic
surround audio,” commented Holger Dahl, Managing Director of
Soundmatters Europe and Dahl Audio Electronic GmbH. “However, traditional
high-performance, surround speaker systems not only cost as much, if not
more than the TV, but are both intrusive, taking up a variety of spaces and
extensive cable runs throughout a room or counter-productive if positioned
incorrectly owing to layout restrictions of the room's existing furniture. All of
which runs counter to the benefit of neatly placing the latest flat-panel TV
onto a suitable piece of specialist furniture or conveniently flat on the wall in
the first place.
“Other single cabinet surround systems typically require reflective walls to
optimise a sonic image, but with SLIMstage this barrier has effectively been
removed by incorporating patented surround and speak technologies that
don't rely on walls or subwoofers to produce a pinpoint surround sound
image. These new technologies also allow the development of a super slim
cabinet that discreetly blends into its surroundings when placed under a flatpanel TV on a suitable piece of AV furniture or when affixed to the wall,”
Holger concluded. These technologies include Euphony HD, a virtual surround
technology developed by exclusively for the range. With a number of other
products in the Soundmatters catalogue – that include incredibly stealthy
subwoofers – it seems that Lingua Franca has discovered a real gem of a
company. If you're visiting IFA later this year, be sure to check out Dahl's full
range and Soundmatter's show debut on stands 110a and 110b in hall 3.2. In
the meantime, if you're interested in distributing these products, get in touch
with Lingua Franca on the number below.
For further information contact: +44 (0) 120 639 1001 11
Leeds businessman James Dunne was given an
appreciable pat on the back last month when his
product – the SAVASOCKET – was named the
winner of the Ecological Living category at the
Grand Designs Awards. The SAVASOCKET was
actually a finalist in two categories – as it was also
nominated for the Technology for the Home
award – but it was the environmental gong that
James was most keen to win. SAVASOCKET puts
an end to appliances wasting energy in stand-by
mode through its unique remote-controlled sixgang mains extension panel.
It controls power to plugged-in appliances,
thereby cutting down on wasted electricity, reducing
unnecessary CO2 emissions, and saving money; plus
it has in-built surge protection so it covers all bases.
“This product has been part of my life for such a
long time that it’s fantastic for it to be recognised
with the award and by an organisation like Grand
Designs – I’m over the moon!”
Melanie Osborne, director of sponsors of the
Ecological Living category, FuturEnergy, said: “As
UK designers and manufacturers of the
FuturEnergy 1 KW Wind turbine, we were proud
to sponsor the Grand Design Eco product category
this year. We would like to congratulate the
outstanding winner, SAVASOCKET. This product is
of great interest to FuturEnergy commercially, not
only to potentially offer our eco-aware customers,
but also for our own energy saving in our
Cotswold manufacturing facility. Its appeal doesn't
stop there, equally on the home front it's great
news – no more nightly crawling behind the settee
for me! We wish James Dunne of SAVASOCKET
great success this year, and hope to develop great
business in the future."
Clearly delighted by his achievement, James
concluded: “Everyone wants to do their bit for the
environment and SAVASOCKET allows you to do
so, whilst at the same time, saving substantial sums
on your electricity bills! Everyone’s a winner!”
The SAVASOCKET is an exciting,
environmentally conscious solution that will pay for
itself in the first year of us, is remote controlled and
users can turn on and off all surplus electrical
equipment using the infra-red TV/Video controller.
Can you help your customers to help to save the
planet by saving some of the £250-million of energy
wasted each year by appliances in standby mode?
For further information contact:
+44 (0) 870 442 4424
REL Acoustics' second
series of training
events, held at
Reading's prestigious
Forbury Hotel, has
been hailed an
outstanding success by
the retailers that made
the trip. Held over a
three day period, 60
retail staff passed
through the doors,
attending sessions
that covered the set-up of REL sub-bass systems and tips on how to maximise sales in this
profitable incremental sector.
Ben Beaumont from Sevenoaks Sound & Vision in Guildford, Surrey was the lucky winner of
a REL T-1 - one of three given away in prize draws for training session attendees. Having
installed the T-1 in his home after the event, Ben commented: "The T-1 is brilliant and even on
guitar music with relatively little bass the difference in the overall sound quality is amazing. I
implemented the set-up as we were shown in the training sessions and it was singing sweetly
in under five minutes. When you have been shown how to do it, it's easy!"
REL's European market development director, Terry Medalen, conducted the sessions to
demonstrate the simple four-step process required to accurately set up any REL sub-bass system.
Using Vienna Acoustics loudspeakers (distributed by REL in the UK) and T-Series, R-Series and BSeries models, the sessions covered sub-bass system installation in both two-channel stereo and
surround sound systems.
"Investment in retailer training is key to REL's strategy," Terry Medalen commented. "Not
only does it underline the selling power of good demonstration it goes on to give attending
retailers the tools to recreate the same wow-factor in store. A well-designed sub bass system
has immense and easily demonstrable benefits as a system upgrade sale and the wide-ranging
REL product portfolio means there is a solution for every budget."
The unanimous positive feedback received from attending shop managers and sales staff
has created demand for further training sessions across the UK. REL retailers in the north will
benefit from the next series of training events in Manchester. The dates and venue will be
announced shortly.
For further information contact: +44 (0) 165 676 8777
The snappily titled Best ROI Measures and
Benefits from IT in Manufacturing/Business
Management award reflects the huge
investment both financially and the thousands
of man hours that have been invested by Naim
in the last two years.
Award entries were assessed by a senior
panel of independent judges - consultants,
analysts, practitioners and serving operations
directors - organised by Manufacturing
Computer Solutions, who together have vast
experience of industrial and business IT. They
were looking for hard actual and/or expected
ROI (Return on Investment) achievements as
well as broad soft benefits leading to business
improvements, cost-cutting and competitive
Naim recruited Neil Carden as
Manufacturing Director two years ago with a
simple brief: improve our manufacturing to the
point where it is as world-class as our
products. As part of the same improvement
plan Jain Giles, IT Manager, was tasked with
bringing the old established manufacturing IT
system up to speed, making it the state-of-theart solution it is today.
The combination has improved
manufacturing by a massive margin, although
Neil will admit there is still some progress to
be made. Management accounts are now
ready within hours of the month end as
opposed to weeks and purchasing now has the
up-to-date information it needs to reduce parts
shortages and hence delivery delays.
"We use the long term planning of our
new EFACs computer system alongside a
factory lean implementation to give rapid
response to the ever changing customer
requirements" confirmed Neil. “As an
example, I don’t think we could have made to
move to successful RoHS compliance had we
not improved the IT system. Given the huge
number of specialist parts we carry it still
wasn’t an easy process, but led by Vic we
cracked it in time.”
For further information please contact:
+44 (0) 172 242 6600
Ultimate performance
for thirty years.
Meridian audio and video systems
Meridian Audio Limited
Latham Road
Cambridge PE29 6YE, UK
+44 (0)1480 445678
What’s New?
SVI’S round-up of all the very latest product news
Compiled by sam fuller
The drop, so called presumably because its shape resembles that of a
teardrop, an eye drop or an ear drop, is a visually striking member
of Scandyna's podspeakers range. Available in a choice of black,
white, silver, blue, yellow or red finishes, it is an attractive,
diminutive two-way speaker of surprising impact.
Deployable in both stereo and multi-channel configurations,
it offers healthy dispersion characteristics courtesy of its
five-inch, four layer long throw bass/midrange driver.
When it comes to positioning buyers will be offered a
choice of wall brackets, stands, spikes and ceiling
mounts, making it thoroughly adaptable to their needs.
The drop speakers are available for £549 per pair.
For further information contact:
Arcam is a British manufacturer we can all be proud of and its been working its magic once
again in the spanking new Muso high-performance loudspeaker. This is a compact and
stylish metal mini monitor that hits the market at £140.00 per unit and is built to match the
firm's Solo Music and Solo Movie systems. It comes accompanied by a £500 subwoofer,
named the Logo, in conjunction with which you'll be able to offer a thoroughly attractive,
sonically adept surround sound package. With advanced design, technologies, materials and
looks all coming as standard, this will help your customers to get more from the most chic
audio and AV systems on the block.
For further information contact: +44 (0) 122 320 3200
Distributor Henley Designs Limited is to launch
Pro-Ject’s new Debut USB turntable, a solution
that promises to bring the LP into the digital age.
With the iPod currently en vogue, many vinyl
junkies have been looking for ways to upload
their expansive collections onto a portable
player... and in this they'll have the ideal solution.
Simply plug this deck into the nearest USB port,
click on the software of choice and the collection
will be converted to digital files with all the
convenience of listening to a record. Based on
the multi award-winning Debut, its line level
connectivity means it will sound the business
when deployed alongside a conventional Hi-Fi
system too, making it a highly appreciable, multifunctional piece of kit. It is available in a choice
of finishes and hits the market at £210.
For further information contact:
The words SIM2 and entrylevel model may not appear
the most happy of bedfellows,
but in the Domino D10 one of the
most innovative forces in this sphere has sought
to bring its renowned quality to the mass market.
Naturally the technologies herein belie the
budget conscious pricing, with Texas Instruments'
latest 0.65-inch DLP chipset, up-to-the-minute
connectivity, 10-bit video processing and Brilliant Color
technology all making the cut. At the business end you'll
find a contrast ratio of 2,000:1, a 1,280x768 pixel resolution
and 720p HD compatibility. But how much will your
customers have to pay for all this? Why not give the guys a
bell to find out...
For further information contact: +44 (0) 182 575 0850
Consumer electronics giant JVC has announced the latest product in its highly
successful line of accessories. Named HA-NCX77, these are the firm's first in-ear
noise canceling headphones. Said to cancel up to 80 percent (more than 14dB
at 120Hz) of the background noise in order to improve any listener’s audio
experience, they offer a new design and afford users additional isolation from
more ambient sound than ever. Meanwhile, the carefully sculpted ear piece has
been tailored to provide the most snug of fits. A switch on the power supply
allows users to mute with ease should conversation arise and audio fans will
get up to 70-hours of pleasure from a solitary battery.
For further information contact: +44 (0) 208 450 3282
If you're of the opinion that
small is beautiful, then you
might want to call in Onkyo’s
new ‘shoebox’ micro CD
receiver as evidence. Dynamic
too, this shiny little stunner not
only offers DVD and CDplayback but will also handle
the high-definition audio
formats SACD and DVD-Audio.
Furthermore, it offers iPod
compatibility, Dolby ProLogic II
processing, an enhanced remote
control and even allows users to
pick their own speakers. Selling
for a paltry £275, the DR-815 is
arguably the most attractive,
affordable universal disk player
we've ever come across and
frankly demands stocking.
For further information contact:
+44 (0) 149 468 1515 15
Leading Japanese
manufacturer, AudioTechnica's range of highperformance microphones,
headphones, wireless systems,
mixers and electronic products for
home and professional are to be given a
major push throughout Europe and the
UK. Available here for the first time,
they will be promoted with the help
of sales professionals Sales Talk
Limited and of PR specialists, Diva
Corporation. They offer, according to Sales
Talk Limited's Simon Hedges,
“beautiful design, precision
engineering, and uncompromising
quality, in a market that is showing
unprecedented levels of growth.” Keep
your eyes peeled for it...
For further information
+44 (0) 113 277 1441
KEF Wireless is an exciting new solution from the pioneering
audio specialist that combines high-performance delivery with
cable-free convenience. This speaker wire eliminating set-up is
founded upon proprietary technology and comprises two
receivers and a transmitter. These use a leading-edge 2.4GHz
wireless transmission technology, developed in house, which
employs the most advanced error-protection and sophisticated
adaptive frequency hopping to ensure an interference-free
signal. This means that full bandwidth CD quality sounds can
be transmitted across the room entirely free of interference. A
choice of silver and black finishes are available and the
package – which can transform any system – is available for a
mere £399.
For further information contact: +44 (0) 162 267 2261
Cambridge Audio's new Azur 540D V2 HDMI DVD-player and
companion receiver bring a great deal of performance to a highly
affordable price point. Selling for £250 and £350 a piece, they
boast up-to-the-minute connectivity and a number of exciting
proprietary technologies. Outstanding in both video and audio
playback, the 540D employs a high, evolved DVD chipset and a
Phased Lock Loop system to minimise jitter. The combination of the
DAC and anti-aliasing filter circuits allow the 540D to perform as
an audiophile grade CD-player, while its ability to upscale standard
definition sources to 720p or 1080 highlight its quality. Be sure to
give these fine feats of British engineering the once over...
For further information contact: +44 (0) 845 090 2288
Looking for something a little different to draw attention to your
accessories range? Then take a peek at this latest revision of Sennheiser's
CX 300 earphones. This quality in-ear option, previously released in rather
conventional black, white and silver variants, is now available in a rather
fetching pink. At £39.99 the pair are something of a bargain and prove the
ideal companion for those looking to upgrade on those packaged with
their portable audio player of choice. They are perfect for use on the go,
actively reduce background noise and minimise sound leakage, to the relief
of those around you. They are available now and should appeal to females,
the camp and the chic alike.
For further information contact: +44 (0) 149 455 1551
The amp is a fresh and exciting solution from chic Spanish
manufacturers Scandyna. Having been aesthetically
matched to accompany the firm's rather striking
podspeakers range, it is available in black, white, silver,
blue, yellow and red variants. Despite its pint-sized
dimensions (its diameter is a mere 210mm) it is an
effective active amplifier capable of powering two
channels of 50W. The amp offers two line stereo inputs
with phone jack, two line stereo inputs with mini jack for
MP3-players of similar, one stereo speaker line output and
one stereo line output for a separate subwoofer. It hits the
market at £449.00
For further information contact:
IsoTek, a leading force in
power management systems
for audio and video
applications, has upgraded its
four-strong range of mains
cables to deliver even better
performance. In this
uncompromising revision,
even the connectors have
been treated to deep
cryogenic treatment. The
result is a cleaner, fresher,
more natural delivery from
audio and video components
alike. And with prices ranging
from £60 to £195 the range
won't break the bank. Show
your customers how they
could improve their system's
performance with this
improved accessory range.
For further information
+44 (0) 163 529 1357 17
The IP
as Unipalm),
ormerly known
ialist at Com
r home autom
IP Security Spec
edia Net
ing an IP bas
Head of Multim
vantages of us
Secure IP access enables homeowners to connect to their
hand at the
Turner was on
o, to
recent CEDIA Exp IP
nefits of
expound the be
home while travelling, or to connect to a second/holiday home
anywhere in the world to check on the weather, the grounds or
even to make sure the driveway has been cleared of snow!
Additionally the pressing of their doorbell, for example, could be
set up to initiate the sending of an IP camera image of the visitor
to the owner via an SMS message, or potentially call them up and
allow them to view the person at the door before chosing
whether to allow or decline entry. Users could even use their
system to check when the cleaner or gardener has arrived, or
whether their child came home from school on time.
A good home automation system lets a customer manage
and easily access IP video cameras in their house through a
straightforward interface. They can view thumbnails of multiple
cameras and then select one to see a larger display. From here
they can pan and tilt the camera towards the desired view. The
homeowner could, for example, check on their children in the
back garden or in the playroom while working at their desk or
while sitting on the train.
a managerial role
Internet Protocol (IP) is the global standard for communication over
computer networks. The management of traditional home functions, like
heating and lighting, is becoming easier as systems using standard computer
equipment communicating over an IP network evolve. As media content including TV programmes and movies - moves to IP based ‘on demand’
services, faster and more secure home networks will become ever more
commonplace. This proliferation will, in turn, introduce the infrastructure
required to cost effectively link home functions together with a powerful
central monitoring and control system. A modern automated home will be
based around a secure and stable IP network with the user able to manage
the operation of their home from their PC, a remote Internet enabled
computer or even their mobile phone.
Top priority for most customers will be their family's safety and their own
peace of mind. Customers considering IP based home automation may have
imagined scenarios such as controlling their home’s outside lights
automatically, based on set times and light levels, or remotely, by
communicating their imminent return from work to the home network by
mobile phone. However, there are far more uses of IP based home automation
that they may not have even imagined. For example, as they drift off to sleep,
they can rest easy knowing that in the event of a fire alarm, the home
automation system will automatically turn on and
flash the outside lights, turn off the heating system
and turn up inside lights along safe routes to allow
them and their family to get out quickly.
One important point to note is, as with any technology, the central systems
controlling home automation and management may occasionally suffer
‘downtime’. Fear of technology failure may dissuade customers from installing a
system that, for the vast majority of its lifetime, offers them huge benefits. It is
for this reason that installers should recommend automation and management
systems which allow, in the unlikely event of a network failure, each ‘sub
system’ to be managed and operated completely independently. This will allay
any unfounded fears whilst allowing a modern IP based solution (as opposed to
proprietary closed technology) to be installed.
Once installed, there are many ways in which IP home automation and
remote monitoring can help owners manage their property. An integrated IP
based home automation and monitoring system that enables homeowners to
centrally or remotely manage their security alarm, climate control, lighting, video
surveillance and even irrigation, make homes safer and easier to manage. Such
systems add value to properties as well as providing peace of mind. The installer
who can include remote access for monitoring and control within their home
automation package will, most likely, become a valued supplier for many years.
Is this something you could offer?
+44 (0) 163 856 9702
phoning home
With flexible remote access options via IP using web
browser, smart phone or PDA, even when the
customer is away from the home, they can easily
check the status of their security systems. They could
get an email or phone call from the house triggered
by the security system, and check the system via the
Internet to actually see the current status of all doors
and windows.
Invision UK have
embraced IP, offering
the world's first IP
addressable doorbell 19
Meridian's 300 Series consists of three
ultra-slimline systems for in-wall, flushmount and on-wall application,
featuring 6.5-inch bass drivers and a
wide-dispersion ribbon tweeter for
superb performance in any location.
Units are supplied
with built in passive
crossover or with
the appropriate
G41 active crossover
module. If you're
looking for a subtle
option with a fast
transient response,
stable imaging with
great depth, and
characteristics to
match the best,
these are for you. A
subwoofer is also
available. Prices start
at £1,155.
+44 (0) 148 044 5678
When only a discreet solution will do, where do you turn? TOBY
WATSON reveals the well hidden wallflowers of the speaker world...
Who invented the architectural speaker? It's a
tough question to answer with both
SpeakerCraft and Sonance keen to take the
credit. However, there can be no doubting the
contribution the former has made to this market
since its inception back in 1976 and it remains, to
this day, the greatest force around. What was, back
in the era of disco, a garage-based concern run out
of a Californian backyard has, with the rapid
expansion of interest in both commercial and
residential custom installation, transmogrified into a
massive industry. Today few CI distributors would
This two input in-ceiling speaker
features two tweeters and a dual
voice coil woofer, allowing it to
reproduce both the left and the
right channels of a stereo
soundtrack from a single
location. Drawn from Boston's
Hidden Theatre range, it is
voiced for small rooms and
hallways and is thus ideal for
deployment where space is at a
premium. It uses its
manufacturer's NCBR5 New
Construction Bracket, was unveiled at
the CEDIA Expo and costs £159 per unit.
Contact: +44 (0) 175 328 7967
consider themselves the full package without
offering their dealer base some form of recessed, inwall, in-ceiling or on-wall speaker range. These are,
after all, an essential component of every project,
thanks to the proliferation of multi-zone
entertainment and the universal need for
unobtrusive audio solutions.
While once the concept of high-performance
audio from a slender and stealthy speaker may have
been unthinkable, today it is a necessity and our
wealth of pioneering manufacturers are continually
pushing back the boundaries of what is possible,
tailoring their expansive ranges to virtually every
imaginable scenario. The result? Creating the kind of
audio system your client requires with the minimum
of intrusion has never been easier. The hard part?
Determining which manufacturer's wares best fit your
needs. Read on for a little help from your friends...
Amina's Plaster In-Wall speakers remain the most
discreet on the market because you simply can't
see them. Though developed six years ago, they
remain amongst the most radical and advanced
around, continuing to cause a stir at events like
last month's CEDIA Expo. The speakers use the
wall within which they're housed to amplify their
sound in order to create an astonishingly
immersing image. And as of this month they come
backed by the
added peace of
mind that is an
unrivalled seven
year warranty too.
Contact: +44 (0)
148 035 4390
Monitor Audio handed its 200 Series of Directed
Theatre speakers their debut at the recent CEDIA Expo.
These in-ceiling options include innovative design and
proprietary driver technologies allowing you to aim
their sound with unusual accuracy. The series comprises
the C265LCR and C280LCR, two three-way, openbacked options which employ a unique dual concentric
‘eyeball’ mid-range/tweeter module providing up to
18-degrees of pivot for the critical midrange and
higher frequencies. Prices start from £200 per unit.
Contact: +44 (0) 126 874 0580
Sonance has introduced its first in-ceiling speakers specifically designed for the European
residential market. Named the ThinLine series, it comprises a number of highperformance, ultra-slim designs. Incredibly low in profile, these require only 77mm of
depth and can be installed in locations that are too shallow for conventional in-ceiling
speakers. Each of the four models features a 165mm woofer and dynamic Ferrofluidcooled silk dome tweeters, while two boast pivotable tweeter mounts allowing you to
tailor the stereo imaging with the ultimate precision. Prices start at £250.
Contact: +44 (0) 127 950 1111
Mordaunt Short's Avant Architect range comprises eight products and is built from
proprietary technologies by a highly experienced team. Its SmartLoc brackets make it easy
to install, while the controlled volume back boxes and decormatch grilles prove
appreciable features. Meanwhile, the inclusion of adjustable vertical and horizontal
crossover technologies, the latest CPC mid/bass drivers and adjustable 25mm aluminium
dome tweeters ensure the range sounds the business too.
Contact: +44 (0) 175 368 0868
The long awaited Acoustic Energy range of
recessed speakers is very nearly here... and it
will be distributed in the UK exclusively
through Aventure. The distributor will be
partnering what it promises will be a highperformance range with its Control4 brand of
multi-room electronics. AE's selection has
been three years in the making and will
include in-wall, in-ceiling and outdoor
speakers, each of which will feature the
firm's renowned alloy cone drivers and
neodymium tweeters.
Contact: +44 (0) 128 565 4432 21
Artcoustic's speakers are an uncompromising synergy
of style and performance. They can be completely
disguised, adorning the wall like a work of art, are
capable of creating a truly immersing sound stage and
negate the difficulties that can arise when attempting
to install recessed speakers. Each grille can be
completely customised to meet your client's tastes and
requirements too. Among the latest additions to an
expansive catalogue, which includes an array of
solutions for both stereo and multi-channel
applications, are some particularly sleek subwoofers
and the incredible discreet Diablo Sub Panel.
Contact: +44 (0) 124 540 0904
Meridian’s 200 Series in-ceiling speakers
feature a two-way design with an
eight-inch (200mm) bass driver,
pivoting tweeter and optional
crossover, for either surface grille or
flush mounting. They can be
supplied as either passive speakers or
as an active analogue system. The P200z
features a white paintable grille, sells for a throughly reasonable £182.50
and offers Meridian’s trademark high-quality audio reproduction.
Contact: +44 (0) 148 044 5678
SpeakerCraft's AIM LCR3 series
comprises a group of small, flexible
speakers with pivoting drivers. Ideal for
home theatres where there is limited
space available, they use a two-way
D’Appolito design with dual three-inch
woofers placed either side of a pivoting
one-inch dome tweeter. Top of the
range is the AIM LCR3 Five which
utilises two three-inch pivoting Kevlar
drivers and a one-inch pivoting
aluminium dome tweeter. It includes a
+/- 3db treble adjustment for in-room
tailoring and hits the market at £200.
Contact: +44 (0) 142 335 9054
KEF's new Ci600QAW, unveiled at the recent CEDIA Expo, is
an all-weather loudspeaker devised and designed for
exterior applications. This full range
model's abilities are founded on KEF’s
renowned Uni-Q technology. At its
heart you'll find a unique
tweeter mounted at the
acoustic centre of the
midrange cone. With a
115mm bass driver
included to give enhanced
and refined deep bass
response, incredible
dispersion characteristics,
weather-resistant drivers
and terminals and a handy
mounting bracket all
included, this is one mighty
fine new option.
Contact: +44 (0) 162 267 2261
ELAN Home Systems has added the THP801C and THP802C to its
award-winning TheaterPoint family. A high-quality entry and midlevel in-ceiling option respectively, these join a THP800 series already
known for its deep bass, smooth midrange, accurate high frequency
reproduction and ability to steer the sound field towards the
optimum listening area. The THP802Cs employs graphite reinforced
drivers while the THP801Cs contain mineral-filled polypropylene
drivers. Both feature retaining cast frames, specially braced cabinets
and have been meticulously constructed by Elan from the ground up.
Contact: +44 (0) 151 236 1832
A compromise free architectural speaker? They do exist. Polk Audio's RTS
built-in series is so sonically adept that it boasts THX Ultra2 certification.
The RTS FX is a purpose-designed surround channel loudspeaker which can
be mixed and matched with the RTS105, RTS100 and RTS C THX models.
Add to this one of Polk's CSW built-in subwoofers and you'll have the
ultimate in discreet, multi-channel audio set-ups, with performance to
challenge that of sizeable freestanding speakers. This highly regarded, THX
endorsed series is available to dealers here through Invision UK and it is
ideal for home cinema applications.
Contact: +44 (0) 135 927 0280
The AIM WIDE speakers show Speakercraft pushing
back the boundaries once more. Launched at the
recent CEDIA Expo, these are the firm's first inceiling options with an ultra-wide dispersion
pattern. Though sharing the same footprint and
eight-inch woofers as the popular AIM8 range, the
addition of a radically different mid/tweeter
module makes a significant difference to the
dispersion characteristics. The dual 3/4 inch tweeters
and dual two-inch midrange drivers are set at a
fixed 70-degree angle to each other, allowing them
to fill a surprisingly sizeable area with sound. Prices
range from £220 to £650.
Contact: +44 (0) 142 335 9054
The Flatline range, available in the UK through AWE,
features three key product categories. The RS Series
offers superior sound quality and ease of installation,
woven Kevlar mid/bass cones, swivel titanium
tweeters, two piece baffles and stable tweeter
mountings. The LS Series is a more affordable solution
that employs polypropylene mid/base cones and
teterone tweeters to create a well balanced sound. The
range is completed by the Contractor Series, something
ideal for those operating in high volume developer-led
projects. Something for every need then...
Contact: +44 (0) 137 272 9995 23
Expo Rated!
Down in the Docklands the great and good of the residential custom installation
industry gathered to peruse products, gain an education and drink themselves hastily to
death. HAMISH McNAIR-WILSON reports back from the heart of an action ridden event...
With 2007's CEDIA Expo only recently passed, no doubt some of you are
still feeling the effects. You may have been educated and enlightened, inspired
by some of the stunning products you were introduced to and enthralled by a
number of striking demonstrations. As an exhibitor, perhaps your phone is still
buzzing, rife with calls expressing an interest in the wares you were promoting. And
if, like the SVI team, you found yourself at every after show party going, and
drinking in the Novotel until the early hours thereafter, you'll probably be fighting
off the fatigue and struggling to stay alert at your desks.
The show, which took place at the Dockland's ExCel during the last week of
June, proved a roaring success once more, its piece de resistance, the exhibition undoubtedly the finest I've seen in six years of attendance. Okay, so some have
raised issues with the venue. Yes, being stuck in a barren industrial wasteland with
only one fairly limited train line out where every pub and bar shares the same name
(how many of you agreed to meet someone in The Fox before realising there were
about seven of them, I wonder?) is hardly ideal, but there can be no doubting the
quality of the amenities on site... and the hotels weren't bad either. The staff at
ExCel were, we've been assured, incredibly helpful too. In fact, they even helped
the Crestron team to move its annual Crestfest from a marquee in the grounds into
a hall with the minimum of notice, as the unstable weather conditions that
characterise the British summer foiled
the original plan.
While the conditions
outside were
HD distribution is
now a very real
possibility with the
help of Lewis and
unpredictable, changeable and not exactly encouraging, things inside the hall were
rather different. The spectacular array of stands bore a quality the like of which
we've never seen before. Indeed, even the CEDIA representatives from the US were
impressed with the standard. Trying to determine the pick of the bunch must have
been a real challenge for the judges of the CEDIA Awards, but there can be no
doubting that the eventual winner – AWE's base for the show - was a worthy one.
Its sizeable display featured a grand selection of the distributor's kit and included a
full home cinema demonstration suite. As part of the firm's press gathering, we
were invited in and treated to quite a treat, courtesy of the latest CineVERSUM
Blackwing2 full HD projector. Elsewhere, the well dressed stand featured a racing
car in order to further promote AWE's Motorsport Sensation day which takes place
this month, while Pioneer's latest CI-friendly plasmas were broadcasting some
stunning images in conjunction with the AV giant's spanking new Blu-ray disc
player. Consider too the handy demonstrations of the Philips Pronto, which the firm
has recently secured the exclusive UK distribution rights of, and there was a lot to
take in...
suite successes
Of course, the show itself was home to stunning demonstration suites aplenty. One
of the most impacting displays of cinematic finery was to be found at the SIM2
stand. Here the projector giant conducted a press event which it used to introduce
the industry to two entirely new options and two revised and improved models.
Within the state-of-the-art, purpose-built theatre the firm's Alan Roser unveiled the
latest evolution of the highly-acclaimed C3X compact 3-chip DLP model, regarded
by many as the ultimate home cinema projector, to a great reception. Meanwhile,
thanks to the release of an all-new addition to the DOMINO range, this leading
force will soon be bringing its renowned quality to a price point not previously seen.
JVC was another company making a major impact on the hoards of visitors
courtesy of its home cinema suite. The firm is clearly looking to up its game in the
CI sphere and, on the basis of its stand at the show, it has a great deal to be proud
of. CEDIA's Marketing Chair, Jane Scotland, was one key figure heard expounding
the virtues of the firm's latest batch of rear projection TVs, codenamed the HD-ILAs.
There are 58- and 65-inch variants of this Full HD TV available and, with a highdefinition source being pumped through them, the resultant pictures were truly
striking. At under 30cm deep these ultra slim designs offer a genuine alternative to
both LCD and plasma and could prove a real winner. However, even greater
accolades will no doubt be reserved for the HD1 TRUE BLACK intelligent projection
system performing in the demonstration area. This was the cover star of our CI
section in our show issue and proved a worthy one. A 1080p capable model, it can
broadcast the finest images on screens of 80- to 100-inches in size making it ideal
for the luxury end of the home cinema market.
that's the Crestron
No firm makes more of an impact at the annual CEDIA Expo than Crestron. Not
only does this automation giant traditionally present its wares on a sizeable stand
that truly dominates the entrance to the show and includes a rather inviting,
entirely free bar. It is also invariably responsible for one of the great social events of
every show, Crestfest. Despite the aforementioned weather induced hitches, this
year's event truly kicked off. With a host of people present including many an
installer, the CEDIA board, the press and the relevant PR, it was left to the Gypsy
Kings to provide the entertainment... and they had the industry dancing like a
particularly drunk version of your dad at a wedding in no time.
However, Crestron's ability to throw a great party shouldn't cloud the exciting
product launches the firm inevitably promises. Some of its new kit has already won
coverage a plenty on these pages, including the TPMC-8X, a touch-screen which
offers everything you could want from one and more. Active biometric fingerprint
recognition, video streaming and Skype compatibility are amongst its freshest
features. The Adanto Media System is sure to prove a hit with every installer looking
to offer their customers multi-room entertainment at a relatively affordable price
point, while at the press launch it was, perhaps, the CEN-TIA telephone interface
which garnered the most attention. This connects directly to a standard phone line,
or to a phone system's analog extension port to provide a speakerphone interface
for any touch panel with built-in microphone and speakers. Homeowners can see
who's calling before they answer by displaying Caller ID information on every
touch-panel and manage missed calls easily with complete caller information and
management options displayed on the screen of each. The CEN-TIA also adds a
telephone paging capability to any Crestron Home audio distribution system,
allowing sophisticated zone-paging from any telephone to room speakers
throughout the house. Meanwhile, it even allows users to make the most of their
mobile phone, giving them access to their lighting, air conditioning and security
systems from a gadget they'll never be without. If you didn't catch this in action be
sure to - quite appropriately - give Crestron a buzz.
forging new links
Just across the way from the Crestron stand we found Computerlinks, a friendly
company who the SVI team hadn't previously encountered. However, with solutions
from Clever Technologies, Global Cache, HomeLogic, NuVo, Stardraw Control,
Superna and ViewSonic on show, it was certainly worth the visit. Perhaps of
greatest interest for us was the award-winning Lewis Home Theatre Multiroom HD
DVD client / server system. Computerlinks has the exclusive distribution rights for
this system and it should fare well for the firm with the HD revolution currently
taking off. It can store content of up to 1080p and distribute this in up to 50 zones.
What more could those prizing the highest quality of visuals desire?
A couple of stands down from Computerlinks we found the Bjurab UK team
in its new guise. The artists formally known as TCi certainly had some interesting
products to show, which were ably demonstrated by Martyn Billing and Tony
Cochrane. Tony introduced us to the firm's handy, portable, pop up projector
screen – something he was able to set up, take down and pack away in mere
xC for
's E fit t
on ome feas
Lo d a h gica
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seconds. With
remote control in
hand, Martyn took
charge of the
Sesame range of
recessed projection
screens – a
collection of automated
options which drop down from an
entirely disguised location within the ceiling on
command. They are the most discreet solutions of their kind
we've encountered yet and should be considered by every installer
looking to create all the magic of home cinema with the utmost discreetness. The
SMS range of mounts also made its debut at the show and, we're assured,
received a high level of interest.
Naturally CSE Distribution's stand offered a high level interest for all. Perhaps
the most exciting products on show here were those from the SpeakerCraft stable.
With fresh, high-performance architectural speaker solutions for practically every
need on show – including stereo sound capable single in-ceiling options ideal for
positioning in a bathroom, to full automated, remote controllable speakers allowing
you to focus sounds with the utmost accuracy in home cinema projects – there is
no doubt the American brand remains a leading innovator. Its Music On Demand
Experience (MODE) was also on show giving visitors the chance to play with its
intuitive and attractive interface. With an iPod docked and ready for action, we
couldn't fail to be impressed with the simplicity with which we were able to peruse
its content. The system is able to turn up to six iPods into what are effectively mini
servers, is totally up to speed with modern consumer demands and will help users
to get a whole lot more from their digital music. It was joined on the stand by HD
Ready screens and projectors from the Planar stable, in addition to some truly high
end home cinematic projectors from InFocus...
an ace server
When it comes to exciting servers, you'd struggle to find something more worthy of
the attention than Imerge's new flagship MS5000 MediaServer, found on stand
B12. Its key selling point? Well, there are many, but arguably the most appreciable
will be its ability to feed up to four sources with HD content simultaneously,
courtesy of its high-definition multi-user outputs. It also includes a 1080p scaling
engine which will improve the quality of footage of a lesser definition, while its iPod
interactivity is second to none too.
Of course, major distributor Invision UK wasn't going to be upstaged, having
plumped for a stand right in the heart of the show's busiest area. Naturally this
featured a healthy selection from the firm's catalogue, including an array of great
loudspeaker solutions from Polk Audio. However, the products causing the biggest
stir were NetStreams' new IP-based video distribution solutions. These include an
encoder, decoder and a gigabit Ethernet switch, each of which will seamlessly
integrate with its other DigiLinX multi-room entertainment solutions. These enable
HD video content to be streamed from multiple sources to multiple displays on an IP
network in an uncompressed signal. Invision UK were ably assisted on stand by the
President and CEO of NetStreams, Kevin Rennnis, who was keen to expound the
benefits of his system in his numerous meetings with the press. This incredibly
flexible, effectively unlimited system will allow installers to make the most of the HD
sources on the market both today and in the future, while it will also reduce the
volume of programming required, take less time to install and save you incurring
any unnecessary costs. If you're not an authorised NetStreams dealer, maybe its
time for you to reconsider your options?
Anyone considering the feasibility of high-definition distribution would have
done well to have visited our neighbours on the Smart-e stand. The firm's purple
coloured kit always draws the gaze and there were plenty of new abilities racked
behind the attention grabbing fascias for us to learn about this time around. The
SmartNet SNX 16x16+ was the subject of much of our conversation with the firm's
main man Jon Lane, who was keen to highlight its new 1080p abilities and
compatibility with both Blu-ray and HD DVD-players. Moreover, with Dolby 5.1
distribution also possible on the same run of CAT5 cabling, to distances of up to
300-metres, this is a product that can offer you a great deal in a number of
applications. To put across his message further, Jon also joined the CEDIA seminar
agenda, delivering an educational course on the Wednesday morning entitled 'The
Smart-e Solution'.
Another firm located just around the corner from our own stand was Ikon AVS
on J12, the UK manufacturer behind the Podule Control system. Its latest range of
control products, interface plates and adapters - including HDMI modules – were on 25
The expanded education
programme proved a
real draw at the Expo
show, in addition to some new products for audio distribution and control. Be sure
to give this genuine innovator a shout to get the lowdown.
the systems work
This was clearly a corner of the show of great interest for anyone seeking out
automation options as on J20 we found Elan and its System 12 flagship control
system. This offers more AV inputs and outputs at the price point than any other
such controller currently available and, as a result, frankly demands consideration.
That the installer is awash with options when they come to the Expo is beyond
doubt. Further exciting, HD compatible servers were to be found at the Icon
Distribution stand. These included the Uvem Classic IV HD-BD, a 2TB Media Server
which includes a Blu-ray player/writer and also offers HD-DVD playback in conjunction
with an external Xbox 360 HD DVD drive. Projectiondesign's Model Three 1080
projector was another high-definition grade option on show - one billed as the first
true HD single chip DLP front projector no less. This uses a dual seven-segment, five
speed colour wheel, comes with a choice of six lenses and produces images with a
whopping 7,500:1 contrast ratio.
When it came to projectors, it was great to see the Runco range given a run
out at the Expo courtesy of its new distributor, the winner of 2006's Best Trade
Distributor award, Pulse Marketing. With screens, amplifiers, furniture, speakers,
plasmas and projector supports also on show, there was little the installer couldn't
find on this expansive stand, located at the very heart of the show.
Also creating a stir with its projectors was Meridian, whose professionallycalibrated Faroudja D-ILA projectors and video processors are amongst the most
carefully crafted and advanced around. These were joined on F20 by the 300 Series
range of speakers, an architectural collection that encompasses many of the
technologies and the level of performance we've come to associate with the brand
in the broader audio market.
What else caught my eye while roaming around the Expo? Keene Electronics
range of video accessories, which are ideal for solving plasma and projector
installation problems and included its SyncBlaster sync conversion cables, Cat5Blaster
system and IR Commander system. The latest and freshly improved incarnation of
Lutron's HomeWorks system, which adds elements of wireless control to this already
state-of-the-art option, was something else not to be missed. Meanwhile, the
European distributors of Audio Authority products were showing their CAT5 and
HDMI HD signal distribution systems - including the alluring AVAtrix Home Theater
Routing System – and, having featured this a number of times this year, we were
keen to encourage every installer we spoke to at the show to check it out. Would
your client like access to up to six HD component sources from up to 36 wall plates?
Then try this for size.
sounding off
When it came to speakers, PMC and KEF were amongst the major forces vying
for attention, the former with both large active options and chic wafer thin
solutions on show, the latter promoting its growing range of recessed solutions
and egg shaped beauties. The Waterfall stand was another awash with great
looking speakers, its glass floorstanders still some of the most attractive and
modish around. The aptly named Transparent Distribution team were on hand to
take any orders. Meanwhile, back at SVI’s end of the show Monitor Audio's
latest generation of LCR Directed Theatre in-ceiling models, designed to offer
discreet theatre-based applications improved flexibility and higher
performance, were amongst those the firm's Michael Johnson was eagerly seen
enthusing about. With the Climate 10 also on show, there were even highperformance options for outdoor installations to check out. Ever needed to bring
sonic accuracy to a garden, terrace or balcony? These could be just the thing
you need.
If you’re looking for the best in British manufacturing Living Control is a
name that should crop up, as a growing force in the automation world whose
genuinely innovative approach has won it many fans across the UK and beyond.
On stand B7 the highlights included its HD enabled VideoMedia server; the new
RoomBox8 eight source/eight zone CPU; and a solution which allows users
whole house control from a new generation of tactile Web Tablets. Both will
bring exciting attributes to any residential install and seemed to be creating a
fantastic impression on the stand's many visitors.
Mounts are proving big business these days and there were manufacturers
aplenty showing these. Arguably the most prominent was the Sanus Systems and
Chief stand which was racked with new options, promotional solutions and a
new flat-panel accessory which can turn any TV into a mirror when it's not in use.
Sharp and Fujitsu were two major AV giants attempting to prove their
credentials in the CI market. Sharp's stunning 1080p, full HD LCD-TVs, available
in 37-, 42-, 46- and 52-inch variants, boast a dynamic contrast ratio of 10,000:1
and would have brightened up the day of plenty of visitors seeking out a new
supplier. Fujitsu, who were found on stand D4, had the Full HD 1080p, AVIAMO
reference range on show in order to pull in the punters. With the number of
major corporations using the CEDIA Expo to display their wares growing with
each year, clearly it's an exciting time for the CI market and it can only benefit
from the endorsement of such names.
As just a hint of the finery on display, there can be little doubting this year's
Expo was a sterling success. There were more exhibitors, filling more space,
promoting more exciting products than ever. For the duration of the event, we
found ourselves surrounded by positive voices enthusing about their wares to
equally excitable punters. That the residential CI market is continuing to bloom is
beyond doubt. While two-channel loyalists continue to lavish affection on their
boxy speakers fearful of any change and suffering at the hands of a harsh
market currently in decline, those embracing the installation sector are finding a
land of opportunity, promise and growth. And at the heart of this the CEDIA
Expo remains, the one event in the UK which can still teach even the experts a
thing or two about the hastily developing, cutting-edge world of home
technologies they're working within. We hope you found it as useful as we did...
and we're sure it will return both bigger and better in 2008...
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Cote Of Charms
Ardent traveller and rampant holidayer POPPY SPOWAGE takes a look at a particularly
luxurious Smartcomm installation located way down South in France's St Tropez...
When you're rooting around in a part constructed building clad in
overalls, fiddling with wires, fighting the pain in your aching back,
cursing your failing antiperspirant and choking on the dust in the air, the
job of a custom installer might not appear the most glamorous. However,
when the job is done and what was briefly in effect your office, has become a
hub of advanced technology and lavish furnishings and a home to truly show off
things might seem more than a little different. That is certainly the case with a
Smartcomm project named Villa Oasis, which has recently attained one of our
industry's highest accolades. Yes, this St Tropez based installation was, only a
matter of weeks ago, named the Best International Project at the annual CEDIA
awards. And it was a worthy win, for reasons which should become obvious in
this in depth look at one of our most talented installation team's endeavours.
If you're looking for glamour obviously the sun soaked Côte d'Azur in
Southern France is a great place to start, thanks to its glorious coloured ocean
and affluent populace. The owner of the home in question was determined to
turn their coastal retreat into a fun packed yet functional, fully automated and
uber smart holiday home to rival the best. To this end, they invited Smartcomm
in with a brief to design, supply, install and programme a system capable of
harnessing control of the TV, their DVDs, music collection, security and lighting.
Additionally, control of the villa's shutters, its water fountains, outdoor music
and mood lighting were desired and, of course, entirely attainable with the
help of a Crestron system.
Of course, despite the demand for plenty of action, the system had to
remain discreet, but with Smartcomm at the helm this was never in doubt. As
a result, the attractive lounge area is also a state-of-the-art home cinema in
disguise and will transform into exactly that at a touch of a button of one of
the many intuitive Crestron controllers deployed herein. Fire it up and the lights
will dim and the shutters will close in anticipation. A SIM2 CSX-Lite three chip
DLP projector and accompanying DaLite motorised screen emerge from the
ceiling hatches and the user is offered the opportunity to pick a movie from
the extensive library housed on their MediaMax server. With SpeakerCraft's
AIM8 speakers subtly hidden in the ceiling, the striking visuals come matched
with 5.1 channels of enrapturing audio. Of course, not every AV occasion calls
for such finery and for ordinary everyday viewing residents can make use of
the cunningly disguised 42-inch Mirrormedia plasma that proudly adorns the
wall above the fireplace, when out of use a mirror, when summoned up a
gloriously bright TV.
a starring role
The brains behind the
audacious system
Naturally each and every room of the abode comes well equipped and the
master bedroom was a location of particular focus. Here, when lounging on
their beds, the owners now have a 42-inch plasma to distract them from their
sleep by night and to entertain them as they wake. The star light ceiling effect
proves fittingly relaxing and creates an appreciable nightly ambiance. Should
the owner wish to continue their morning viewing in the bathroom they'll be
able to courtesy of Aquavision TV included alongside a particularly inviting
The cinema at the
heart of this home
springs into life
over-flow tub. Once again, Smartcomm's ability to weave in an unusual form of
lighting is evident here in the coloured LED lighting which gently changes the
bath's colour from blue to green to orange to red, emitting all the right vibes as
it does so.
There are four further bedrooms, each of which comes bedecked with a
flat-screen TV of its own, these range in size from a relatively compact 32-inch
Samsung LCD-TV to an impacting 42-inch Pioneeer plasma. The entertainment
doesn't end here, however, and most rooms around the home feature a
Crestron iPod docking station allowing each and every resident with one of
Apple's popular MP3-players to get more from it. The MediaMax Mediaserver
Pro hidden behind the scenes can also be used to store a library of tunes and as
a result users can access its content in eight zones around the home, meaning in
virtually every room they have access to a menagerie of entertainment options.
On the functional side, the villa's traditional French shutters have been
given a rather modern injection and can be ordered to open and close at the
touch of a button, opening up or securing the villa on cue. The world famous
and highly regarded Lutron Homeworks lighting system is responsible for the
cutting-edge lighting control, which covers a mighty 32 zones across the home.
Not only does this afford the users an array of easy to initiate scenes around the
home, but it also enables those seeking a dip to illuminate their pool and
incredible waterfall with both style and ease by night. Further innovations that
make their presence felt outside the property include a Holovision gate entry
system – another technological element that falls under the control of the core
Crestron system.
testing times
Every installation project comes with its own challenges – those frustrating
stumbling blocks at which lesser teams would wilt under the pressure. Not
Smartcomm, however. The project in question had originally been under the
stewardship of some local electricians, who soon found themselves out of their
depth when attempting to meet the grandiose expectations of the client. This
meant Smartcomm had to operate at speed to meet the AV requirements of the
owners and took up the reigns of the operation with an unusual amount of the
work already undertaken. The project also necessitated a great deal of travel
between France and their UK base for the team. Various key pieces of
equipment had to been transported there and back, whilst once on site the
language barrier reared its not entirely helpful head. However, despite having to
deal with the French builders and contractors an engineer with a knowledge of
French and the Project Manager's basic skills came to the rescue. With French
construction also found to differ – in terms of both materials and methods –
some further adaption of the usual techniques, solutions and fixing was required
along the way. However, the engineers and installers rose to the challenge and
created the incredible, highly acclaimed home you see laid out before you.
It isn't just the CEDIA judges who have been impressed with Smartcomm's
accomplishment. The owner's personal Project Manager, Jason Fudge, was also
delighted with the work: “Having brought Smartcomm into the project at a late
stage,” he explained, “we took a risk that they would be able to turn the project
around... we were not disappointed. Smartcomm have transformed the property
and installed a state-of-the-art entertainment and house-control system which is
truly impressive. The owner has been delighted with the functionality of the
Crestron system, for example being able to control his water fountain and the
villa shutters was a welcome surprise.”
Naturally the exciting smart technologies are not the only appealing addition to
this beautiful seaside escape. The glass floor in the hallway leading to the marble
decked dining and lounge area is a particularly impressive feature and spills out onto
a triple tiered decking area offering an inspiring view of the swimming pool,
gardens, tennis courts and the mighty Mediterranean sea. The cheekily parked
moped located in the marble clad lounge, the inclusion of a games room and the
huge, soft, orange, hand-shaped chairs give some of the rooms a less serious edge
and help to highlight the fun elements of a place of residence designed for both the
playful and those seeking relaxation. You might think £175,000 is a lot of money to
shell out for such lifestyle benefits, but having seen the place if I had the cash this is
exactly what I'd be after. Perhaps it's time I asked for that pay rise...
Crestron control system
Holovision gate entry system
MediaMax Mediaserver Pro
Lutron Homeworks lighting system
Mirror Media 42-inch plasma
Denon AVR and DVD
SpeakerCraft AIM-8, CRS One and WS-740 outdoor speakers
Artcoustic subwoofer
SIM2 C3X Lite projector
DaLite Advantage Electrol 84325EC
Future Automation PD2 motorised lift and plasma mount
20-inch Sharp LCD-TV
32-inch Samsung LCD-TV
Aquavision 17 TVs (one in each bathroom)
42-inch Pioneer plasma
Sony surround sound music system (Games room)
+44 0 149 447 1912 31
And The
Winners are
SVI reports back from 2007's CEDIA Awards, an event which saw
seven of our finest installers make a real name for themselves...
The winners of the 2007 CEDIA Awards were announced on 26th June
2007, at the annual Chairman’s Reception at CEDIA Expo. Seven CEDIA
Electronic Systems Professional members walked away with a winner's gong
following the final stage of judging in which category winners were selected from
a shortlist of 23 top quality projects.
Commenting on the event Simon Williams, the CEDIA Chairman and Chair of
Judges, exclaimed: “I am extremely excited about announcing the winners of the
2007 CEDIA Awards. I have always passionately maintained that the work of
CEDIA Region 1 members represents some of the best examples of home
electronic systems integration in the industry and what we have seen over the
course of the judging process only serves to reinforce this. Our seven worthy
winners have been awarded the recognition they deserve for setting outstanding
standards that I hope will become a benchmark to others.”
Essex-based, T&T walked away with a much-deserved win in the coveted Best
Integrated Home over £100,000 category. A “striking feature wall” ensured that
‘Project C’ set itself apart from the competition with an entry which was acclaimed as
being both “sophisticated” and “aesthetically well resolved” by the panel of judges.
The “neat recessed rack” of D&T’s award-winning Chester Lodge entry
caught the eye of the judges in the Best Integrated Home under £100,000
category whilst Beyond the Invisible’s “aesthetically stunning” London penthouse
was crowned Best Home Cinema under £20,000 in recognition of the
considerable challenges overcome by the London-based design and installation
company. Dawson’s “minimalist but extremely indulgent” hub of entertainment
triumphed as Best Home Cinema £20,000-£100,000, the judges noting its
impressive components, specification and overall finish.
Best Multi-Dwelling went to Scotland’s Hometech Integration for The Metro,
after impressing the judges with a “well thought through install” which delivered
against a “challenging brief” by “taking entry level properties and using technology
to add real value”. Meanwhile, Smartcomm’s Villa Oasis was crowned Best
International Project for, amongst other things, its “comprehensive integration of
sub-systems, tidy finish and neat main rack”, all achieved in a Cote d’Azure
location, far from the company’s UK Head Office.
The much-debated Best Special Project category was the last to be handed
out and went to Prestige Audio for its “gutsy” customised Cadillac Escalade
which was widely acknowledged as “demonstrating considerable work, passion
and innovation in an incredibly tight space”.
The awards proved a great showcase for our industry and were certainly well
attended. One manufacturer that expressed a particularly keen interest in them
was Crestron, with the Van Meeuwens clearly delighted at the prevalence of their
kit in the winning projects. Our congratulations to the winners for their fine work
and endeavours. No doubt the acclaim will do wonders for their business and win
them plenty of publicity.
£20,000 (35,000 EUROS)
Beyond the Invisible, London Penthouse
■ AV: 61-inch NEC plasma, Yamaha RX-V2500 cinema receiver, Yamaha
DVD-2500 DVD-player
■ Speakercraft Aim 8 5 in-ceiling speakers, Speakercraft CRS 8 4 in-ceiling
speakers, REL Strata 5 subwoofer,
■ Lighting: Clipsal C-Bus Reflection Range (part of whole house lighting
■ Control: Universal remotes MX3000
CINEMA £20K £100,000
Dawsons, The
Ultimate Home
■ AV: Meridian side and rear
■ Meridian speakers deployed
behind the acoustically
perforated screen
■ Lighting: Lutron Homeworks
■ Control System: Crestron
■ Server: Kaleidescape
(150,000 EUROS)
D&T, Chester Lodge
■ AV: Panasonic, Sony, Onkyo, Autopatch, Tru-Audio, Future Automation,
Boston Acoustics, Pace
■ Lighting: Lutron, Setsquare
■ Security: BPT, Impro
■ Control Systems: Control4
■ Others: Middle Atlantic, Netgear, Buffalo, Draytek
£100,000 (OVER 150,000 EUROS)
T&T, Project ‘C’
■ AV: B&W, Rotel, projectiondesign, DaLite, Pioneer, Crestron, Sony, Sky,
Kalaidescape , Future Automation, KEF, Toshiba, Bose, Yamaha
■ Lighting: Crestron, Solar GB, Mode Lighting
■ Security: Galaxy, Digital Micros, FAAC
■ HVAC: Crestron, Velux, Sintesi
■ Control System: Crestron
■ Racking: Middle Atlantic 33
Hometech Integration,
The Metro
■ AV: Panasonic, NEC, Zon, Apple iPod, Linn,
Klipsch, Boston
■ Lighting - Lutron
■ Control: Phillips Pronto
Smartcomm, Villa Oasis, St
Tropez, France
■ AV: Mirror Media, Denon, SpeakerCraft, Artcoustic,
SIM2, DaLite, Future Automation, Sharp, Samsung,
Aquavision, Pioneer, Sony
■ Lighting: Lutron Homeworks
■ Server: Media Max Mediaserver Pro
■ Control System: Crestron
Prestige Audio, Cadillac Escalade
■ AV: Audio ReQuest, Diamond Audio, Dynaudio
■ Lighting: Varad
■ Security: Clifford
■ Control System: Crestron 35
Which talented AV professional has claimed
August's Artcoustic Installation of the Month
Award? The latest gong goes to Unlimited
Dream Home Systems, whose project laid out
before you proved highly effective at
illustrating both the beauty and versatility of
Artcoustic's loudspeakers. Thanks to their
flexibility, Unlimited Dream Home Systems
were able to install a world class home cinema
system, without compromising the décor their
client desired within the venue.
The quality of the final room also
demonstrates the importance of employing a
qualified professional installer. Thanks to their
carefully honed skills, the team was able to
include a projector, a drop down screen, a
plasma screen, advanced lighting control and
system control in addition to the stunning
audio system. However, despite the volume of
high-grade technologies woven into the room,
when not in use the AV kit is barely noticeable.
Having purchased the room fully furnished,
this has given the client everything they
wished whilst preserving the styling the
designer worked so hard to create.
It was the Artcoustic DFF180-43s (used for
the front three channels), DF75-55s and Diablo
Monitors that made the cut. This is the second
time the North Yorkshire-based outfit have
claimed the highly sought after Artcoustic
Installation of the Month Award and it's
certainly been well deserved. Doncaster might
not have a reputation as a haven of smart
living, but this particular home is as advanced
and attractive as they come. Congratulations
to the Unlimited team on a fine achievement...
For further information contact: +44 (0) 124 540
Custom Installation Nation
a genuinely affordable option, helping you to reduce the cost of
your installs.
The TW700 is another HD Ready option from the Epson catalogue.
This also allows users to enjoy their favourite movies, sports and video
games on a seriously impacting screen in the comfort of their own home.
If you're looking for great home cinema at a great price be sure to check
these out.
For further information contact: +44 (0) 870 241 6900
Stand G8 was the scene of a major launch for electronics giant Epson at
the recent CEDIA Expo. The firm's stand was divided into two home
cinema lounge areas which enabled visitors to see the award-winning
EMP-TW1000 and EMP-TW700 options in action. The TW1000 is one for
the real enthusiasts. Racked with next generation technologies, it
produces pictures of a full 1080p high-definition resolution. However
despite delivering HD content at its best, it sells for only £2,599 making it
Panasonic’s 103-inch screen, TH-103PZ600, is
the world’s largest plasma and it had an
appropriately sizeable impact on the traffic
in Central London during a recent delivery.
The hold up occurred during PSCo’s first UK
residential installation, supported by home
automation specialists Chameleon
Integration, which took place in London's
affluent Knightsbridge.
The project required the screen to be
craned over the balcony and through the
window of an apartment six floors up and
was completed on a Saturday morning when
Chameleon, assisted by SPD Ltd and PSCo,
were able to close the busy road in order to
complete the job.
PSCo’s Project Manger Andrew Sanham
explained: “This project was a logistical
challenge, not just from how the screen
needed to be manoeuvred into the building
but also in negotiating a road closure on
behalf of the client and arranging for the
glazing to be removed. We planned each
element of the movement to the finest
detail to ensure the screen could be placed
on its brackets in just a couple of hours.”
Chameleon Integration’s Managing
Director, Tony White added: “Talk about
camels and needles - we specified the
screen for a client looking for the very best
in home cinema, conditional on actually
being able to get it in. The project required
weeks of planning between PSCo, SPD Ltd
(the developer) and us and although it was
close, all the planning came off. Obviously,
this is great news for Chameleon, being the
UK’s first residential installation. Thanks to
PSCo are Panasonic’s partner
distributor for the 103-inch screen, working
alongside installers throughout the country
to safely install the heavyweight screens.
The company have manufactured specialist
flight cases to protect the screens in transit,
as well as training technical teams and
producing specialist lifting equipment to
manage each installation.
For further information contact:
SIM2's HT3000E is a new projector on the block
and it’s a typically audacious option. Delivering an
amazing 1080p HD image, it has the ability to
produce over one billion colours on screen, project
an immaculate image to a size of around 30-feet
across and is, to date, the only model of its type
to implement the ingenious BrilliantColor
technology, developed by Texas Instruments.
The HT3000E delivers a 100% increase in
brightness (at D65), deeper blacks, a 60%
reduction of digital artefacts and a wider, more
vivid colour palette than its highly regarded
predecessor. And, with a Giorgio Revoldinidesigned cabinet housing the technological
innovations, it truly looks the part. If you didn't
catch it in action at the annual CEDIA Expo, be
sure you do... soon.
For further information contact: +44 (0) 182 575
0850 37
The Multi-Room Company has been
appointed official UK distributor for
German loudspeaker brand, Ceratec.
Ceratec's loudspeakers are designed
by leading acoustic designer, Ulrich
Ranke, the Managing Director of the
Bremen-based company.
Manufactured from anodised,
extruded aluminium and glass at the
company’s own plants, the
loudspeakers are almost limitlessly
customisable in terms of the
anodising colour and colour of the
grille fabric. This makes them ideal for the style conscious
consumer and high-end custom installation market.
Incorporated into the rear face of the Xeno range are
banks of tri-colour LEDs, which enable the speaker to emit
a soft glow of virtually limitless colours onto the rear wall.
Controlled by IR remote control, the colour may be user
varied to suit the mood and occasion, giving them a
unique edge and ability to impact on any décor.
The Ceratec range includes speakers of a variety of
size options for front, rear and centre channel application,
while subwoofers, wall brackets and stands also available.
Commenting on the appointment Doug Gale,
Managing Director of The Multi-Room Company,
remarked: “The addition of the Ceratec brand of
loudspeakers provides The Multi-Room Company with a
unique proposition for our customers. Loudspeakers no
longer need to be faceless square boxes, with Ceratec the
excellent acoustic properties and really musical
performance are enhanced by the exquisite, Bauhaus
influenced design. They are the perfect choice for today’s
discerning and style conscious consumers.”
For further information contact: +44 (0) 124 253
Audio Authority's AVAtrix system has been big news here
at SVI during the last couple of months but at the CEDIA
Expo it was two new products that captured our attention.
The first of these was the firm's series of HDMI splitters
and switches; some of the first in Europe to be fully HDCP
compliant and capable of being 'daisy-chained' to give
multiple HD signal outputs. If HD distribution is something
you're looking to offer, these should prove a great help.
The Audio Authority 9871 was another fresh face at
the show. This one-in six-out amplifier can be connected to
up to six 1176 matrix routers and the Audio Authority
Wallplate system, thus serving up to 42 outlets.
Connections can be made via Component Video, Digital
Audio and Analogue Audio. This makes it ideal for
showing the same HD content at multiple locations.
As the need for greater functionality from HD kit
grows, Audio Authority is a name that should become
increasingly familiar. They're products are available in the
UK through Unicam.
For further information contact: +44 (0) 871 226 2886
The Multi-Room Company has
introduced the new Russound
iBridge Bay, which enables iTunes
content accessed around the
home. By providing a connection
between a Mac and an existing RNET
system (Russound’s proprietary multi-room audio
network), the iBridge Bay enables a Mac Mini to be used as a cost
effective media server, utilising iTunes, iDVD, iPhoto and other TV/PVR functions. iTunes
playlists can be navigated courtesy of the Uno S1 & S2 RNET keypads and, via the more
advanced UNO-TS2 touchscreens, full search and play by artist, genre or title is possible.
Not limited to just audio content, the use of a Russound SRC2 remote control in a
RNET zone with display device, gives access to the Mac’s Front Row interface for search
and play of photos, videos and DVDs stored on the computer. All data transmission, audio,
video and photo, is routed via one CAT5 cable, making installation and integration with
existing systems simple and quick.
The iBridge Bay has been aesthetically matched to complement the Mac Mini and
could prove a major hit for the Multi-Room team. Said Business Development Manager
Robert Hay: “The ability to integrate a Mac Mini into a multi-room system gives the
installer a whole new proposition to offer clients. Their existing iTunes music and video
libraries and stored DVDs can now be made accessible via the familiar Russound user
interface and Apple Front Row software, anywhere in the house. Distribution of HD video
content from the Mac Mini will also be possible using Russound’s forthcoming High
Definition Video Matrix and the RNET system. We believe this offers a significant
competitive advantage to the installers who choose to use Russound products.”
For further information contact: +44 (0) 124 253 9100
The Multi-Room Company has snapped up the
exclusive UK distribution rights for the products of
US server manufacturer Inteset.
Inteset is leading the convergence of computer
and home entertainment technologies through their use
of a unified and enriched Windows Media Center interface. Custom
built Inteset software controls the MCE platform to deliver robust movie
management and multi-zone music modules. The PC industry’s best quality
components are integrated into Inteset’s own unique cases, designed to offer ease of
upgrade to ensure customers’ systems do not become obsolete as technology moves
on. This means, for example, a Blu-ray or HD-DVD player can be easily placed where
there was once a DVD-player. These highly secure media servers come with multiple
video, audio and Ethernet outputs to support multi-zone installations and can be
controlled by any device supporting a web browser. Content is easily uploaded onto
their expandable 2TB hard drive, with DVD sleeve information obtained
automatically from Inteset’s own comprehensive database. So, all in all, they're highly
up to speed and well worth a look, if you failed to catch them at the CEDIA Expo...
For further information contact: +44 (0) 124 253 9100
Home technology distribution
specialist Invision UK has
launched its 2007/2008 product
guide for its commercial and
residential partners. The new
literature has been specifically
designed to assist its partners in
presenting product to their
clients, and also makes a handy reference tool providing all the up-to-date technical
information they could require.
The guide is broken down into key trade and consumer categories including such
sections as customer service, music servers and built-in subwoofers. Other featured products
include remote controls, automated lifts and IP based multi-room audio, video and control.
This information covers all of the seven major brands Invision exclusively represent in
addition to the matrix of other third party brands that can interlink with Invision product.
If you wish to get your hands on a guide, be sure to get in touch.
For further information contact: +44 (0) 135 927 0280
Infra R ed Control for
any environment
0151 236 1832
info@elansystemsuk.c o m
the one stop shop for all
your Custom Audio Visual
and Home Cinema needs 39
Stop press! Attendance
figures for the CEDIA
Expo have shot up
again! The 11th
showcase of its kind
took place last month
attracting a total of
7,399 visitors – some
21% more than in 2006.
These primarily consisted of custom installation designers, installers and
trade suppliers, although this time around a higher proportion of building
specifiers (7% of the overall figure) made their presence felt. The volumes
of visitors from overseas also rose to 1,184 (16%), from 54 countries.
With the educational element of the event also expanded once more
85 delegates took the CEDIA certification exams available this year.
Meanwhile, the top six most popular training courses have been named as
the High Definition Workshop, RF and Video Theory and Application,
Charging For Continued Support, Advanced IP for Residential Integrators,
New Technologies Update and the What’s On The Horizon sessions.
What did the Chairman make of it all? “This was a terrific CEDIA
Expo!” exclaimed main man Simon Williams. “On behalf of CEDIA, I
would like to extend a personal thank you to all the volunteers, exhibitors
and CEDIA staff who made CEDIA Expo 2007 such a memorable success.
The event was bigger than ever, and looked more professional than ever.
Exhibitors really stepped up to the plate, putting together some fantastic
stands. And the education programme was again a top attraction for
delegates. With mandatory certification on the horizon, the designer and
installer examinations proved especially popular. CEDIA Expo continues to
grow and we look forward to another great event in 2008.”
The CEDIA Expo 2007 was also 15% larger than before, with a mighty
140 companies exhibiting their latest and greatest solutions. With TV
crews from BBC News 24, Associated Press and a number of others in
attendance, the publicity proved appreciable too. Let's hope things
advance as impressively over the next year.
For further information contact:
Scattered Media has been set up by former IIR
Exhibitions executives, Darren Brechin and Iain
McLean — the winning team behind the successful
launch and management of the PALME Middle East
and PALME India exhibitions. The pair boast over 20years experience in the events industry and plan to
serve the entertainment and installation technology
markets via their new company, through a series of
dedicated B2B networking forums.
The first of these planned will be evenTech Scotland, which is scheduled
to take place February 20th-21st 2008 at the Marriott Hotel, Glasgow.
Darren Brechin, who will leave his present post following the PALME Asia
exhibition at the end of the month, commented: “We have long recognised
the need for an entertainment technology forum in the North of the UK, and
Glasgow is the ideal location as Scotland in particular is currently experiencing
unprecedented growth in tourism, leisure and commerce.”
Darren believes evenTech Scotland will provide a unique forum which will
service the often neglected top half of the UK, delivering key visitor groups
from the north of England and Northern Ireland, as well as Scotland.
Extensive market research has highlighted the need for a bespoke industry
networking forum to serve these regions as there is no genuine event in the
country currently catering directly to these areas.
As such, Scattered Media’s mission is to launch a programme of similar
forums for the leisure hospitality industry in other countries, which will enable
professionals to keep abreast of fast-changing technology and latest industry
trends and developments.“We aim to maximise business and networking
opportunities through focused events, tailored marketing promotions and
associated sponsorship packages,” Brechin contined. “We offer our customers
a proven track record in delivering successful entertainment and installation
technology events on a global level, harnessed through our flexible, clientfocused approach, energy and entrepreneurial spirit.”
For further information contact: +44 (0) 177 670 3572
Sanus’ General
Manager Jim
Wohlford used the
CEDIA Expo as a
platform to
introduce the trade
to an exciting new
product. The new
decorative frames seen here are fresh, funky and available in three
sizes, to fit most 32-, 42- and 50-inch flat-panel TVs. They come in four
colours (black, gold, mahogany and silver) and an appropriately-sized
optional Optical Mirror Kit, which allows the TV to appear as a mirror
when the display is off. All frames also come with an easy-to-install
Infrared Kit, allowing continued use of remote controls. If your client
already has a screen, but wants to achieve that mirrored look without
shelling out the full whack for a new one, these are exactly what they
need. "Decorative Frames are the missing link needed for integrating
flat-panel televisions into a room's décor," Jim explained, "Our frames
provide beauty and functionality in less space and at a fraction of the
cost of custom cabinetry."
Sanus also used the event to launch a Recessed In-Wall Box to
hold/hide full-motion flat-panel wall mounts, allowing a TV to be flush
with the wall, its mount entirely hidden.
For further information contact: +44 (0) 194 288 5600
Last month, following on from the recent acquisition of Runco
International by Planar Systems, custom installation distributor CSE
Solutions announced its appointment as the exclusive distributor for
the UK sales and marketing of the Vidikron range. As a result CSE will
now be a great port of call for anyone looking for some top notch
custom home theatre displays, products and solutions. As a result, Scott
Hix, Vice President and General Manager of Planar’s home theatre
business unit, was on hand at the CEDIA Expo to help CSE promote its
Vidikron and Planar products, which certainly made the right
impression on those present.
For further information contact: +44 (0) 142 335 9054
That IP is becoming big
business is beyond
doubt and today many
companies see this as
the future of
networking. NetStreams
is one of the biggest
names to nail its colours
to the Internet Protocal flag and the firm's top
brass was present at the recent CEDIA Expo to
expound its commitment to IP and unveil some
striking new product releases. As the consumer
desire for high-definition visuals grows, when it
comes to networking this has presented the
installer with a real challenge. It's a challenge,
however, you'll be able to rise to with the help of
NetStreams' latest releases which allow the IPbased distribution of uncompressed video content
to a number of rooms.
The new suite of products offers seamless
integration and plug-and-play compatibility with
other DigiLinX multi-room entertainment options,
can operate as a standalone solution or be
integrated with other control systems. It comprises
the MediaLinX A/V encoder, the ViewLinX decoder
and the SwitchLinX Gigabit Switch. A combination
of these will allow the streaming of HD video
content from a number of sources to multiple
displays on the network free of compression with
compatibility with next generation Blu-ray and HD
DVD-players assured.
“NetStreams was the first company to deliver
high-performance, multi-room IP-based audio and
control over networks with its DigiLinX line of
products,” Kevin Rennis, President and CEO of
NetStreams explained. “We have now invested a
lot in IP video technology and plan to take the
leadership position with video too. With
entertainment, communication and control quickly
migrating to networked solutions using IP-based
technology, we see an opportunity like never
before for custom installers to derive additional
revenues for services and integration and we
intend on being the major supplier of IP-based
solutions in this market.”
But what of the components themselves?
Well, the MediaLinX A/V is used to encode any
audio and video content in real time from any
video legacy source into TCP/IP packets of
uncompressed video/audio for transmission over a
standard TCP/IP or DigiLinX network at a rate of
1GB a second. At the other end of the set-up you'll
require to ViewLinX, which is designed for
installation in the vicinity of the video display and
is used for decoding the IP-based video stream,
providing a component, S-video and composite
video output for the display. It also features an
eoncoder for a local audio/video source to be
streamed and shared on a network. Finally, the
SwitchLinX, a two-way IGMP-enabled, managed
gigabit Ethernet switch, provides the plug-andplay interface for StreamNet-enabled devices and
products. This requires no configuration by the
dealer and can also be hooked up directly to other
Native IP-based sources for distribution over a
DigiLinX network.
NetStreams has included a number of
proprietary technologies to ensure the quality of
the content it delivers is of the very highest
standard. This includes PerfectPixel technology,
something which guarantees 100% accurate
picture replication. The reliability of the system will
rival that of any hard-wired option while, thanks
to its ability to carry both system control and
content information along a standard network
cable its installation will prove all the more simple
saving you time and, ultimately, money. With the
system also expandable to practically any
requirement, it boasts a multitude of benefits that
are sure to see it prove an astounding success.
“The beauty of our IP-based video additions
are that they share some of the same benefits as
our IP-based audio distribution products do in that
they're scalable, expandable, distribute the best
quality signals and are future-compatible with
upgradable firmware. So, as IPTV services continue
to be deployed, our system is easily upgradable to
be compatible with those services,” Kevin Rennis
added. If IPTV does prove to be the future, then it
is systems like this we'll rely on for their
With all this in mind, NetStreams'
representative in our market, Invision UK, was
thrilled to present the system at last month's Expo.
“As the exclusive distributor for NetStreams
products in the UK, we are very excited to
introduce their IP video offering,” Sales Manager
Peter Alloway confirmed. Has all this made you
think about becoming an accredited NetStreams
dealer? If so, get in touch...
For further information contact:
+44 (0) 135 927 0280 41
AWE has been confirmed as the exclusive
UK distributor for Philips Pronto. The
announcement came at the CEDIA Expo
where Philips also announced plans to
use AWE’s Epsom HQ as its UK service
centre. As a result, this will host global
product development testing and be
used to provide new certified Pronto
training sessions for residential systems
designers and installers.
In light of the deal, AWE also used
the ExCel event to introduce the ground-breaking twoway control modules for the Philips TSU-9600 Pronto touch-screen remote
to the trade. Where other brands face Wi-Fi reliability issues, Philips has
developed an enhanced Protocol exclusively for the new Pronto. This
ensures the unit can communicate reliably over Wi-Fi with a serial/IP and IR
extender which allows for two-way communication and real time system
control for a wide range of devices and systems. The new version of the
ProntoEdit software is launched this month and includes two-way modules
from 10 partner companies, a massive code library, and an advanced
Software Developers Kit for bespoke two-way software customisation.
"Philips is very happy to welcome AWE Europe as part of our
exclusive Pronto distribution family. The selection of AWE Europe to
become the sole distributor in the UK should not come as a surprise given
their current role in the growing segment of custom installation” Bert
Kiggen, Business Manager for Pronto explained. “The professional
dedication required by end-users, installers and value-added service
retailers is reflected in the way of working of AWE Europe. They can
provide top quality support to the market for sales, training, and
importantly after-sales-service. We are looking forward to extending the
Pronto’s dominance in the UK via AWE Europe."
Naturally AWE's Stuart Tickle was also delighted at cementing the
union: “The agreement with Pronto is great news for AWE customers and
the wider CI market too,” he enthused. “Now installers finally have access
to a reliable, mid market two-way control system, complete with a quality
training program and local service support. It’s a ground breaking
combination sure to win new business in the mid market for us all.”
For further information contact: +44 (0) 137 272 9995
AMX has appointed Richard Newman to
the position of Regional Sales Manager
for Ireland, a market that is experiencing
a period of sustained growth and
increasing demand for AMX products.
Providing dedicated sales response and
after sales support for AMX’s established
and new dealer market in Ireland,
Richard takes over the role from Brian
Davies, who has recently been appointed AMX Technology
Director for Europe.
Richard’s appointment comes after 12 months with AMX as an
Account Manager, following many years’ experience in the AV
industry. Commenting on the appointment, Timothy Penn,
Managing Director AMX UK, said: “Richard’s appointment will
provide our partners in Ireland with a continued high level of
service, while allowing Brian to focus his efforts on his role as
Technology Director for Europe. With other company
developments we are putting in place, we believe that these
moves will provide significant service benefits for our customers.”
Alongside this announcement, AMX has unveiled a new,
specialist support team, named The Technology Group, which has
been set up to offer help on any technical, design or pricing
queries from AMX dealers on the vast range of AMX products. The
Technology Group, which comprises experts in all of the AMX
product families, including AutoPatch and Matrix Audio, will help
dealers to design, specify and quote an AMX system in minutes.
We're sure you'll come to appreciate their assistance...
For further information contact: +44 (0) 190 434 3100
To satisfy the demand for performance
technology in every room inside and outside of
the modern home, Aquavision has introduced
five new waterproof HD Ready LCD-TVs.
Launched at the CEDIA Expo, the Mk 1V range
comprises 17- (4:3), 19-, 26-, 32- and 40-inch
options, four of which feature a widescreen
aspect ratio. Arguably the most exciting new
feature of these options is their RS232 control port, which allows them to
be controlled from a compatible touch-panel from anywhere around a
residence. The port is fully compatible with most home automation
control systems including Crestron, and should give installers license to
truly empower the user.
The new TVs all feature integrated Freeview digital and analogue
tuners, a component video, S-Video and analogue PC input, HDMI and
SCART connectivity. While image quality in this market rarely genuinely
impresses, these models boast a contrast ratio of 1,600:1 and accept both
the 1080i and 720p HD formats. Each is packaged with two remote
controls, one of which is fully waterproofed, and will not steam up even
in humid conditions. Designed for easy
installation, Aquavision's masterpieces come
supplied with an easy to fit fixing frame, with
a polished steel bezel, which can be mounted
into the wall without the screen. All the messy
work such as tiling, plastering and finishing of
the wall can be done with the Aquavision LCD
screen safely out of the way. Once completed
you simply slip screen, connect the cables, seal
the surround and you're up and running. There
are three finishes available – including a Mirror option which proves
particularly attractive and functional when not in use – each of which is
available in the UK through Marata Vision.
For further information contact: +44 (0) 192 349 5595
Acoustic Energy has signed an exclusive
distribution deal with custom install
specialist supplier Aventure. Inked at the
heart of London’s CEDIA Expo last week,
at the very moment the SVI team found
itself perusing the products, the
landmark agreement covers distribution
of AE’s forthcoming custom install loudspeaker range.
Acoustic Energy’s Neil Truckell, commented: “The appointment of Aventure as
sole distributor for our high-performance CI range is the last link in the chain for AE’s
dramatic entry into this fast growing sector. Aventure’s experience and reputation in
this field is unequalled and by partnering our CI loudspeakers with Aventure’s Control4
brand of multi-room electronics, installers have access to a dynamic new portfolio of
high-quality system solutions.”
Some three years in the making, AE’s CI range encompasses in-wall, in-ceiling and
outdoor speakers designed to mate seamlessly with the company’s traditional
loudspeakers. Divided into Aego, Aegis and Aelite line-ups, each range is voiced to
precisely match the corresponding freestanding loudspeakers, giving AE’s CI offering
unique installation flexibility. The range features many design developments born of
AE’s 20-years experience in the Hi-Fi loudspeaker industry, including the company’s
famous alloy cone drivers and neodymium tweeters.
Aventure’s Tony Leedham, appeared delighted at having secured the deal: “We
have been looking for a speaker line to compliment our Control4 distributed audio
systems that not only offers good value, audio excellence and ease of installation, but
hails from a reputable manufacturer who understands installation issues. Acoustic
Energy has a history of designing award-winning Hi-Fi speakers, so translating that into
a custom installation range seemed a great concept. This close working relationship
will allow us to help define new AE CI models to meet specific market needs into the
future and grow the range into a formidable CI offering”
Aventure specialises in offering integrated CI solutions that deliver market leading
value, audio excellence and ease of installation, and will no doubt serve AE well.
For further information contact: +44 (0) 128 565 4432
APO and Osram will use Infocomm
2007 as the platform to announce
their partnership and launch their
brand new range of compatible
projector lamps, the APO-G range
covering 800 projectors on launch.
Osram is one of the leading projector
bulb manufacturers in the world and has joined with APO to
help create the APO-G range. G stands for Genuine in the new
range, where a brand new module and new connectors
manufactured by APO are combined with a genuine Osram bulb,
to create a compatible projector lamp with identical performance
to an original projector lamp.
The APO-G range will offer a substantial price saving for
customers, covers 800 projectors upon launch and offering users
as much quality and reliability as it does choice. It will come
supported by the same warranty as all APO lamps and offers you
the chance to breathe new life into well used home projectors.
Upon the launch President of APO, Samuel Chen,
“This partnership is very exciting for APO and for the
projector lamp industry. The APO-G range, with a genuine
Osram lamp inside, shows that major brands in the industry are
recognising the impact of branded compatible lamps. They
have become an extremely reliable alternative to original lamps
and we think this new venture will prove this even further to
the industry. We are privileged to have Osram as a partner, and
think this development will be a successful venture for
everyone involved.”
The lamps will be available from June across the UK and
Europe through trade-only lamp distributor Hotlamps.
For further information contact: +44 (0) 845 607 0477
Hotlamps has officially announced the company will be withdrawing its re-lamping service,
following research that shows this has very dangerous implications for staff and customers.
Having launched the service at the beginning of the year, Hotlamps was one of the first to
identify the initial benefits of re-lamping or lamp refurbishment. By removing a used bulb and
replacing it with a new one, keeping the old lamp module, old housing and old connectors, the
cost of the lamp is less expensive for the reseller and the process is more environmentally friendly
than replacing the entire lamp.
However, the initial reasons behind the service have since been overridden by the severe
damage caused to the lamps. Hotlamps business manager David Weatherhead explained:
“Projector lamps contain mercury which is very poisonous if released from the bulb. During
the process of re-lamping, we found that mercury could escape and be left on the old housing
which is a potential health hazard to those who carry out the refurbishment and to the users of
the lamps. We simply wouldn’t want to put the health and safety of our staff or customers at
risk so we’ve decided to terminate this service at once.”
Hotlamps has found that refurbished lamps do not meet acceptable standards for their
customers and have dangerous implications. Most projector lamp housings are not designed to
allow easy access to the bare bulb and often have to be broken open during replacement, which
is then difficult to fit properly into the projector and becomes a fire risk. Connectors also become
worn after use, dust particles build up on the housing causing excessive heat and the overall
performance of the lamp is diminished.
David continued: “It is the danger risks of re-lamping that Hotlamps is particularly opposed
to, and these combined with the significant impact on the performance of the lamps has led to
us re-evaluate the service and deemed it as ethically and morally unacceptable. When there is a
greater risk that lamps could overheat and make the lamp explode or the projector malfunction,
it is something we do not want to be part of. We think that a safer and still very cost effective
option instead of re-lamping is for resellers to offer branded compatible APO lamps to their
customers. These are made from new bulbs, modules and connectors which serve as no threat
to the end users whatsoever.”
For further information contact: +44 (0) 845 607 0477 43
Aanvil Audio
T: +44 (0) 135 924 0687
Abbey Road Cable
Absolute Sounds Ltd
T: +44 (0)20 8971 3909
Aca-Apex Ltd
T: +44 (0) 152 522 0782
ACM Installations
Ltd (South)
Holed Stoned Barn
Stisted Cottage Farm
Bradwell, Essex, CM77 2DZ
+44 (0) 870 242 3285
T: +44 (0) 162 284 0289
Acoustic Energy Ltd
T: +44 (0) 128 565 4432
Acoustic Partnership, The
T: +44 (0) 870 047 0047
Acoustic Solutions Ltd
T: +44 (0) 132 734 2255
T: +44 (0) 208 424 8844
Activ Distribution
T: +44 (0) 163 529 1357
The Dutch barn,
The Hyde, Woodcock Hill,
Off Coopers Green lane,
St Albans, Herts AL4 9HJ
T: +44(0) 170 727 8100
F: 01707 278129
Aldous Systems
(Europe) Ltd
T: +44 (0) 870 240 1162
AlphasonDesigns Ltd
Alphason House,
Bolton Road, Atherton,
Greater Manchester, M46 9AW
T: +44 (0) 194 288 5600
F: +44 (0) 194 287 6955
Alltrade Aerial & Satellite ltd.
T: +44 (0) 845 075 0751
T: +44 (0) 190 434 3100
Amina Technologies Ltd
Cirrus House
Glebe Road
Cambridgeshire, PE29 7DX
T: +44 (0)1480 354390
F: +44 (0)1480 356564
Anatek Acoustics
T: +44 (0) 190 352 4602
Anders +Kern UK Ltd
T: +44 (0) 163 851 0900
Ansar Audio Capacitors Ltd
T: +44 (0) 169 167 9191
Anthony Gallo Acoustics
T: +44 (0) 870 350 1348
Apollo Hi Fi Furniture Ltd
T: +44 (0) 121 520 5070
T: +44 (0) 122 320 3200
Armour Home Electronics
T: +44 (0) 127 950 1111
T: +44 (0) 124 540 0904
Art Loudspeakers
T: +44 (0) 129 231 9416
Art Systems Limited
T: +44 (0) 115 9380 380
Atlas (Scotland) Ltd
T: +44 (0) 156 357 2666
Atacama Audio
Winston Ave.,
Croft, Leicester, LE9 3GQ
T: +44 (0) 145 528 3251
F: + 44 (0) 145 528 3908
ATC Loudspeaker Technology Ltd.
T: +44 (0) 128 576 0561
Audica UK
see Armour
Audinni Ltd
T: +44 (0) 192 447 4323
T: +44 (0)20 8948 4153
T: +44 (0)130 285 6330
Audio Group (UK) Ltd
T: +44 (0) 175 284 8816
Audio Note (UK) Ltd
T: +44 (0) 127 322 0511
Audio Technica Ltd
T: +44 (0) 113 277 1441
Audio Visual World
T: +44 (0) 208 455 3490
Audion International Limited
T: +33 546 043282
Audiophile Club, The
T: +44 (0)20 8882 2822
Audiophile Base
T: +44 (0) 189 261 9319
Audio Partnership PLC
T: +44 (0)20 7940 2200
Audio Reference
T: +44 (0) 125 270 2705
Audio Synthesis
T: +44 (0) 115 922 4138
T: +44 [0] 2082419826
Auralex Acoustics
T: +44 (0) 190 851 0123
AVF Group Limited
T: +44 [0] 1952 678855
T: +44 (0) 148 045 7300
T: +44 (0) 125 251 0363
AWE Europe Ltd
B1 Longmead
Business Centre,
Longmead Business Park,
Blenheim Road, Epsom, Surrey
KT19 9QQ. UK
T: +44 (0) 137 272 9777
F: +44 (0) 137 272 9757
T: +44 (0) 208 150 6741
see BBG Distribution Ltd
Barco UK Ltd
T: +44 (0) 118 929 0105
BBG Distribution
Unit 3 Watford
Colonial Way, Watford
Hertfordshire, WD24 4WP
T: +44 (0) 192 320 5600
F: +44 (0) 192 320 5601
Bleekveldstraat 7 B
3900 Overpelt
T: 0800-9175 943
F: 0800-9175 945
T: +44 (0) 142 871 4616
B & W Group Ltd
Dale Road, Worthing
West Sussex,
BN11 2BH, UK
T: +44 (0) 190 322 1800
B & W Loudspeakers
Dale Road, Worthing
West Sussex,
BN11 2BH, UK
T: +44 (0) 190 322 1800
B-Tech International Ltd
T: +44 (0) 168 984 8535
Bang & Olufsen UK Ltd
T: +44 (0) 118 969 2288
Beyerdynamic (GB) Ltd
T: +44 (0) 144 425 8258
Bjurab UK
Unit G,
Harlow House
Shelton Road Willowbrook
Industrial Estate Corby,
Northamptonshire NN17 5XH
T: +44 (0) 153 620 3101
F: +44 (0) 153 620 6777
Black Rhodium
T: +44 (0) 133 234 2233
See Audinni Ltd
Bose Ltd
T: +44 (0) 870 741 4500
Calculus Software Solutions Ltd
T: +44 (0) 845 125 9192
T: +44 (0) 239 250 1888
Cartridge Man, The
T /F: +44 (0)20 8688 6565
Unit 2,
Phoenix Park
St Neots, Cambs
PE19 8EP, UK
T: +44 (0) 148 021 3744
F: +44 (0) 148 021 3469
Changing Wood
T: +44 (0) 184 429 0899
Chapter Audio Ltd
T: +44 (0) 139 268 6797
Cherished Record Co
T: +44 (0) 157 936 3603
Choice Hi-Fi
T: +44 (0)20 8392 1959
Chord Company Ltd, The
Tel: +44 1980 625700
Chord Electronics Ltd
T: +44 (0) 162 272 1444
CKS Entertainment Systems Ltd
T: +44 (0) 134 430 7788
Claritycap Industrial Capacitors
(Wrexham) Ltd
T: +44 (0) 197 885 3805
Dale Road
Worthing, West Sussex
BN11 2BH, UK
T: +44 (0) 190 322 1800
Clipsal Integrated Systems
T: +44 (0) 162 850 8530
Coles ElectroAcoustics Ltd
T: +44 (0) 199 246 6685
Colourgen Ltd
T: 01628 588777
Comfort Home Controls
T: +44 (0) 124 468 0675
Comm-Tec UK Ltd
T: +44 (0) 190 827 0970
International Ltd
3-2-3 Storey House,
White Cross
Lancaster, LA1 4XQ
T: + 44 (0)152 43 7531
F: + 44 (0)152 43 7532
Suffolk House
Fordham Road
Newmarket, Suffolk, CB8 7AA
T: +44 (0)1638 569 600
F: +44 (0)1638 569 601
ConnectAV Ltd
T: +44 (0) 797 362 9174
Control4 UK Ltd
T: +44 (0) 134 781 2300
Convergent-AV Ltd
T: +44 (0) 1555 890120
CR Electronic Design
T: +44 (0) 170 220 0111
Crane Audio
T: +44 (0) 870 444 1056
Creek Audio
12 Avebury Court,
Mark Road, Hemel Hempstead,
Herts, HP2 7TA
T: +44(0) 144 226 0146
F: +44 (0) 144 224 3766
Crestron (UK)
Neptune House,
2 Portsmouth Road,
Kingston Upon Thames,
Surrey, KT1 2LU
T: +44 (0) 208 439 7272
Cromwell Business Systems
T: +44 (0) 135 365 0900
Unit 9, Centre Park
Holdings, The Airfield,
Tockwith, York, YO26 7QF
T: +44 (0) 142 335 9054
F: +44 (0) 142 335 9058
Custom Design (Newcastle)
T: +44 (0) 191 262 4646
Custom Sight & Sound
T: +44 (0) 199 257 3030
Cyrus Electronics
T: +44 (0) 148 043 5577
D&T Electronics
T ++44(0)870 444 5929
dCS Ltd
T: +44 (0) 179 953 1999
T: +44 (0) 128 472 3933
1 Orchard Cottages
North Wraxall,
Chipenham, Wiltshire, SN14 7PY
T: +44 (0)845 644 3537
Decibel Distribution Ltd
T /F: +44 (0) 150 532 1351
Deltron Components Ltd
T: +44 (0) 172 428 0120
Mainland House
Gladstone Close
Kings Heath, Northampton,
T: +44 (0) 106 0459 0590
Demion Products
T: +44 (0) 118 977 4085
T: +44 (0) 175 368 8499
Design e
T: +44 (0) 124 337 7899
DF Solutions Digital Future
7 Somerton
Grange, Coleraine,
Co Londonderry,
N Ireland, BT51 3GB
T: +44 (0) 287 035 8894
‘ david.perry@digitalfuture
Dolby Laboratories
T: +44 (0) 179 384 2100
T: +44 (0)20 7306 2633
DTS Europe
5 Tavistock Estate,
Ruscombe Lane,
Twyford, Berks,
RG10 9NJ T: +44 (0) 118 934 9199
F: +44 (0) 118 934 9198
Dynalite Europe Ltd
T: +44 (0) 870 608 1101
Dynaudio UK
Fairbourne Drive
Atterbury Lakes
Milton Keynes MK10 9RG
T: +44 (0) 190 848 7557
E.A.R./Yoshino Ltd.
T: +44 (0) 122 320 8877
T: +44 (0) 207 328 4499
ECT Ltd Projection screen
and accessories
T: +44 (0) 118 984 1141
Elan Systems
(UK) Ltd
Unit 4,
Pumpfields Road,
Liverpool, L3 6BA
T: +44 (0) 151 236 1832
F: +44 (0) 151 255 1194
Elite AV
T: +44 (0) 845 055 5911
Eltax UK
T: +44 (0) 132 786 0789
Eminence Speaker
Europe Ltd
T: +44 (0) 192 423 9999
Emotive Excellence
T: +44 (0) 145 384 3682
EPOS Acoustics
12 Avebury Court,
Mark Road,
Hemel Hempstead, Herts, HP2 7TA
T: +44 (0) 144 226 0146
F: +44 (0) 144 224 3766
ESLab Ltd
T: +44 (0) 190 381 4618
ETHOS Acoustics Ltd
T: +44 (0)20 8842 0020
European Precision Moulding
Ltd/Red Scorpion Industries
T: +44 (0) 147 483 4345
Excel Audio Systems Ltd.
T: +44 (0)20 8354 0820
Expert Stylus & Cartridge Co
T: +44 (0) 137 227 6604
Falcon Acoustics Ltd
T: +44 (0) 149 375 1100
Ferguson Hill Studios
T: +44 [0] 207 284 0969
Finlux UK
T: 01793 870316
Focal-JM Lab UK
T: +44 (0) 845-6602680
Fujitsu General (UK) Co Ltd
T: +44 (0)20 8731 3450
Futronix Ltd
Futronix house
143 Croydon Road
Surrey CR3 6PF UK
T: +44 (0) 1883 373 333
F: +44 (0) 1883 373 335
1a Anglia Way,
Essex, CM7 3RG
T: +44 (0) 870 033 0300
F: +44 (0) 870 005 48184
Harvard Technology Group
T: +44 (0) 845 450 1480
Hermstedt Hifidelio Range
Henley Designs Ltd
T: +44 (0) 123 551 1166
Hotlamps – Trade Only
Projector Lamps
200 Brook Drive
Green Park
Reading, Berkshire
T: +44 (0) 845 60 70 477
Hitachi Europe
Whitebrook Park
Lower Cookham Road,
Berkshire SL6 8YA
T: +44 (0) 162 864 3000
F: +44 (0) 162 858 5000
20 Osram Road, East Lane
Business Park Wembley, HA9 7NG
T: +44 (0) 208 908 3111
F: +44 (0) 208 908 3110
Unit 2 Kimpton Enterprise Park
Claggy Road, Kimpton
Hertfordshire SG4 8HP
T: +44 (0) 143 883 1094
F: +44 (0) 143 883 3565
Games & Lifestyle Technology,
direct line T: +44 (0) 20 7877 3373
switchboard T: +44 (0) 20 7929 2999
Garden Light & Audio
T: +44 (0) 189 261 9319
Gecko Inc Ltd
T: +44 (0)20 8603 0480
Genco Systems
T: +44 (0) 148 865 7788
Glenfield Software
7 Eaton Court Road
Business Park
St. Neots, Cambs, PE19 8ER
T: +44 (0) 148 040 7700
Graff Electronic Machines Ltd
T: +44 (0) 163 689 3036
G T Audio
T: +44 (0) 189 583 3099
Habitech Ltd
Sandy Farm, Runfold
Farnham, Surrey, GU10 1PX
Tel. 01252 781 200
Fax 01252 781 201
Hadcock G.F.C. (Manufacturer)
T: +44 (0) 188 956 9166
T: +44 (0) 125 637 4700
Harbeth Audio Limited
T: +44 (0) 144 448 4371
The Dutch Barn,
The Hyde, Woodcock Hill,
Off Coopers Green Lane,
St Albans, Herts AL4 9HJ
T: +44 (0) 170 727 8100
F: 01707 278129
Icon Distribution UK
T: +44 (0) 845 603 1375
If designs
T: 01484 606 900
Unit 238, Ikon Estate
Droitwich Road,
Worcs, DY10 4EU
T: +44 (0) 129 925 0991
F: +44 (0) 129 925 0983
In Touch Technologies (UK) Ltd
T: +44 (0) 845 644 2401
iLight Limited
T: +44 (0) 189 287 0072
Instore Electronics
T: +44 (0) 127 466 0196
Imerge Ltd
T: +44 (0) 195 478 3600
The Dutch Barn,
The Hyde,
Woodcock Hill,
Off Coopers Green Lane,
St Albans, Herts, AL4 9HJ
T: +44 (0) 170 727 8100
F: 01707 278129
Invision UK Ltd
T: +44 (0) 135 927 0280
Isoblue Ltd
T: 01332 875700
Isol-8 Teknologies
8 Dormer Road
Thame Industrial Estate
Thame, Oxfordshire
T: +44 (0) 184 421 9000
F: +44 (0) 184 421 9099
Jamo UK
See BBG Distribution
The Dutch Barn, The Hyde,
Woodcock Hill, Off Coopers
Green Lane, St Albans,
Herts AL4 9HJ
T: +44 (0) 170 727 8100
F: 01707 278129
JVC House, JVC
Business Park,
12 Priestly Way, London, NW2
T: +44 (0) 20 8450 3282
F: +44 (0) 20 8208 3038
KEF Audio
(UK) Ltd
Eccleston Road,
Tovil, Maidstone, Kent,
ME15 6QP
T: +44 (0) 162 267 2261
F: +44 (0) 162 275 0653
Keene Electronics Ltd
+44 (0)870 990 9000
Klegg Audio UK
T: +44 (0) 870 075 5344
KM Acoustics
Unit 8 Torafen Business Centre
Panteg Way, Pontypool NP4 0SL
22 Willow
Sandwell Business Park
Crystal Drive, Smethwick
West Midlands, B66 1RD
T: +44 (0) 121 511 1128
Leax Controls
T: +44 (0) 207 501 0880
Lektropacks (UK)
T: +44 (0)20 8847 2776
L.G. Electronics UK Ltd
T: +44 (0) 870 607 5544
Linn Products Ltd
Floors Road, Waterfoot,
Eaglesham, Glasgow,
G76 0EQ
T: +44 (0) 141 307 7777
F: +44 (0) 141 644 4262
Living Control
T: +44 (0) 168 986 1188
Living Voice
T: +44 (0) 115 973 3222
Lockwood Audio
T: +44 (0)20 8864 8008
Loewe (Linn Products)
T: +44 (0) 129 247 1568
Lutron EA Ltd
T: +44 (0) 207 702 0657
Mana Audio Ltd. (Manufacturer)
T: +44 (0) 140 783 0530
Marantz Hi-Fi UK Ltd
T: +44 (0) 175 368 0868
Martek (UK) Ltd
T: +44 (0) 135 925 3555
Marata Vision
T: +44 (0) 192 349 5595
Max Distribution Co Ltd
T: +44 (0) 173 284 0845
Maxell Europe Ltd.
T: +44 (0) 192 349 4400
200 Brook Drive
Green Park
Reading Berks,RG2 6UB
T: +44 (0) 870 600 9300
F: +44 (0) 870 600 9301
Meridian Audio Ltd
T: +44 (0) 148 044 5678
Metropolis Music
T: +44 (0) 189 253 9245
Midwich Limited
T: +44 (0) 137 964 9200
Electric Europe
Travellers Lane,
Hatfield, Herts, AL10 8XB
T: +44 (0) 170 727 8684
F: +44 (0) 170 727 8541
MJ Acoustics
T: +44 (0) 870 744 5080
Mode lighting
The Maltings,
63 High Street,
Ware, Hertfordshire,
SG12 9AD
T: +44 (0) 192 046 2121
Monitor Audio Ltd.
24 Brook Road,
Essex, SS6 7XL
T: +44 (0) 126 874 0580
F: +44 (0) 126 874 0589
T: +44 (0)20 8646 8383
New Media Image
T: +44 (0) 239 245 1006
T: +44 (0) 151 236 1832
Nottingham Analogue
T: +44 (0) 177 376 2947
Obelisk Audio Designs
T: +44 (0) 179 450 1235
Design Ltd
The Manor House
Baile an tSagairt
Spiddal, Galway, Ireland
T: +353 9155 8030
F: +353 9155 8065
T: +44 (0) 149 468 1515
Optimum International 2000 Ltd
T: +44(0)1904 528090
Optoma Europe
42 Caxton Way,
Watford Business Park, Watford,
Herts, WD18 8QZ, UK.
T: +44 (0) 192 369 1866
F: +44 (0) 1923 691888
Opus Technologies
T: +44 (0) 845 090 2266
Monster Europe Ltd
T: 01923 431 634
Orelle Ltd.
T: +44 (0)20 8991 9200
Moth Group
T: +44 (0) 123 474 1152
Origin Live
T: +44 (0) 238 057 8877
Moulded Cords & Cables - MCC
T: +44 (0) 134 486 8200
Overkill Audio
T: +44 [0] 148 784 2911
Company, The
4 Churchill House
Churchill Road, Cheltenham
GL53 7EG
Tel: +44 (0) 124 253 9100
Fax: +44 (0) 12 4253 9300
Multiroom Systems
T: +44 (0) 870 855 0010
Musical Fidelity Ltd.
T: +44 (0)20 8900 2866
Musonic UK Ltd.
T: +44 (0) 208 950 5151
Myryad UK
See Armour
NAD Electronics
See Armour
Naim Audio
T: +44 (0) 172 242 6600
Owl Video Systems Ltd
T: +44 (0) 182 576 6123
P&C Industries
T: +44 (0) 122 387 0712
Panasonic (UK) Ltd
T: +44 (0) 134 486 2444
Partington & Co
T: +44 (0) 147 470 9299
Paradigm Audio Visual Ltd
T: +44 (0) 1234 843388
T: +44 (0) 184 421 9000
Pear Audio Ltd.
T: +44 (0) 166 583 0862
Philex Electronics Ltd
T: +44 (0) 123 426 3737
Nakamichi UK Ltd
See FSM Audio
Pickering Cartridges
T: +44 (0) 190 464 2463
National Instruments Corporation
(UK) Ltd
T: +44 (0) 163 552 3545
Picture The Sound
T: +44 (0) 700 044 3426
T: +44 (0) 7000 HIFICO
Neaco Ltd
T: +44 (0) 165 369 5721
NEAT Acoustics Ltd.
T: + 44 (0) 183 363 1021
Pink Triangle Partnership Ltd
T: +44 (0)20 8694 9609
Pioneer GB Ltd
T: +44 (0) 175 378 9789 45
Tel: +44 (0)1206 391001
Fax: +44 (0)1206 391096
Flying Mole Bryston
T: +44(0) 870 444 1044
PM Components Ltd
T: +44 (0) 163 484 8500
Polk Audio
See Invision UK
Precious Metals
T: +44 (0) 148 382 7722
Premier Mounts
Swallow House
Shilton Industrial Estate
Coventry, CV7 9JY
T: +44 (0) 247 661 4700
F: +44 (0) 247 661 4710
Presence Audio
T: +44 (0) 144 446 1611
Presentation Systems ltd
T: +44 (0) 146 243 3282
Prima International Plc
T: +44 (0) 113 251 1500
(Celef Audio)
Riding Row
Buck Road Industrial Estate
Brackley, NN13 7BH
T: +44 (0) 128 070 0147
Projecta BV
PO Box 191
6000 AD Weert
The Netherlands
T: +31 495 580 858
F: +31 495 580 845
Prism Media Products Ltd
T: +44 (0) 122 342 4988
Prospero Recruitment Ltd
T: +44 (0) 207 404 6383
Pulse Marketing
T: +44 (0) 127 965 5955
Pure Digital
T: +44 (0) 192 327 7488
P.W.B. Electronics
T: +44 (0) 113 268 2550
Quad Electroacoustics Ltd
T: +44 (0) 845 458 0011
Quadraspire Ltd
T: +44 (0) 122 533 3360
QED Audio Products Ltd
T +44 (0) 1279 501111
Remote Media Ltd
T: +44 (0) 845 458 3705
Resolution Loudspeakers
Tel 01202 487464
Revolver Hi-Fi loudspeakers
Tel: 0870 0470047
Fax:0870 0470047
See Custom Sight & Sound
RGB Communications Ltd
T: +44 (0) 148 873 366
Ringmat Developments
T: +44 (0) 127 720 0210
T: +44 (0) 131 555 3922
Reference Point Computers
T: +44 (0) 845 634 2032
T: +44 (0) 800 731 7308
Singlepoint Networks Limited
T: +44 (0) 153 836 9279
Smart-E (UK)
Ranmore Manor
Ranmore Common
Dorking, Surrey, RH5 6SX
Tel : +44 (0)1483 283365
Fax : +44 (0)1483 281511
6 High Street,
Ipswich, Suffolk IP7 5AP
T: +44 (0) 147 382 8385
Roksan Audio Ltd
T: +44 (0)20 8900 6801/6802
T: +44 (0) 190 381 4321
Dale Road
West Sussex, BN11 2BH, UK
T: +44 (0) 190 322 1800
Solent Trading
T: +44 (0) 239 250 1888
Roth Multimedia Audio
Royd Loudspeakers Co. Ltd
T: +44 (0) 195 229 0700
Ruark Acoustics Ltd
59 Tailor's Court, Temple Farm
Ind. Est., Southend-on-Sea,
Essex, SS2 5TH
T: +44 (0) 170 260 1410
F: +44 (0) 170 260 1414
Russ Andrews Accessories Ltd.
T: +44 (0) 845 345 1550
Samsung Electronics Ltd
T: +44 (0)20 8391 0168
Samuel Johnson Audio Ltd
T: +44 (0) 141 810 2828
Sanus Systems
CSAV Europe BV
Fellenoord 130Ÿ
5611 ZB Eindhoven
The Netherlands
T: +31 (0) 40 2668 619
F: +31 (0) 40 2668 615
Scandyna UK Ltd
T: +44 (0) 147 362 6600
Schneider UK Ltd
T: +44 (0) 161 374 0101
See Hear Ltd
T: +44 (0) 179 559 7590
T: +49 223 498 4080
T: +44 (0) 182 575 0850
Sennheiser UK Ltd
3 Century Point,
Halifax Road, High Wycombe,
Bucks, HP12 3SL
T: +44 (0) 149 455 1551
F: +44 (0) 149 455 1550
SOLO Manufacturing
T: +44 (0) 115 939 2345
F: +44 (0) 115 939 2111
T: +44 (0)1424 813888
Sony UK Ltd
The Heights,
Brooklands, Weybridge,
Surrey, KT13 0XW
T: +44 (0) 193 281 6000
F: +44 (0) 193 281 7000
Sonus Systems Ltd
T: +44 (0) 115 944 5027
T: +44 (0) 870 350 1349
Spendor Audio Systems Ltd.
T: +44 (0) 132 384 3474
SSP Distribution
Unit 21b Blackwell
Business Park, Blackwell,
Warwickshire, CV36 4PE
T: +44 (0)1608 682020
F: +44 (0)1608 682323
Stands Unique
T: +44 (0) 193 341 2227 Ltd
The 401 Centre
302 Regent Street
T: +44 (0) 207 692 7117
Stilexo Industrial
UK Ltd Penalita Industrial Estate
Ystrad Mynach, Mid Glam,
CF82 7QZ
T: +44 (0) 144 381 6777
Supra Cables
See Wavelength Distribution
T: +44 (0) 172 786 5488
Tannoy Ltd
Rosehall Ind Est,
N. Lanarkshire, ML5 4TF
T: +44 (0) 123 642 0199
F: +44 (0) 123 642 8230
Target Audio Distribution Ltd
T: +44 (0) 144 225 9994
True Colours Distribution ltd
T: +44 (0) 125 287 6300
TDI Tremiver Ltd
T: +44 (0) 125 639 7770
19-20 The Courtyards
Hatters Lane
Croxley Business Park
Watford, Herts, WD18 8TE
T: +44 (0)1923 819638
Tech Link
Unit 8, Bat & Ball
Enterprise Centre, Bat & Ball
Road, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN14
5LJ T: +44 (0) 173 277 9400
F: +44 (0) 173 277 9344
Technical & General
T: +44 (0) 189 265 4534
Top Stands Ltd
Top Stands Ltd
11 Ayston Road,
Leicester, LE3 2GA
T: +44 (0) 116 289 3756
F: +44 (0) 116 263 0234
The Diamond Stylus
Company Limited
"Diamond Connection"
Council Street West,
Llandudno, Conwy, L30 1ED.
T: +44 (0) 194 286 0880
F: +44 (0) 194 286 0653
T: +44 (0) 118 949 7656
Tivoli Audio
see Armour HE
Townshend Audio
T: +44 (0)20 8979 2155
USD Limited
The Old
Park Road, Toddington
Bedfordshire, LU5 6AB
T: +44 (0) 152 587 7707
F: +44 (0) 152 587 7708
Imperium House,
Ford Lane, Ford, Arundel, West
Sussex, BN18 0DF
t: 01243 556 316
f: 01243 556 076
200 Brook Drive
Green Park
T: +44 (0) 870 600 9300
F: +44 (0) 870 600 9301
Virtual Reality Audio Systems Ltd
T: +44 (0) 127 722 7355
Visual Displays
T: +44 (0) 207 222 9009
Vita Audio
59 Tailor’s Court
Temple Farm Industrial Estate
Southend On Sea, Essex
T: +44 (0) 170 260 1410
Vivadi Plc
T: +44 (0) 179 378 0033
Vivanco UK Ltd.
T: +44 (0) 144 240 3020
F: +44 (0) 144 240 3030
See BBG Distribution
Transparent Distribution Ltd
T: +44 (0) 162 351 7000
Wavelength Distribution
T: +44 (0) 122 344 1299
Trichord Research Ltd
T: +44 (0) 168 431 1600
F: +44 (0) 168 431 1928
Wharfedale International Ltd
T: (0) 845 458 0011
Troy innovations
Victoria Works,
Hillend Lane
Rossendale, Lancs, BB4 7AG
T: +44 (0) 170 622 1133
F: +44 (0) 170 622 2309
True-Colours Industries
T: +44 (0) 771 019 6949
Rega Reseach
T: +44 (0) 170 233 3071
Sharp Electronics Ltd
+44 (0) 208 734 2000
See Transparent Distribution
REL Acoustics Ltd
T: +44 (0) 165 676 8777
T /F: +44 (0) 199 262 0905
Tube Technology
T: +44 (0) 126 984 4771
F: +44 (0) 126 983 3538
T&T Communications
T: 08706 093686
Turbosound Earphones - as above
T: +44 (0) 175 365 2669
T: +44 (0) 186 576 7676
Wilson Benesch
T: +44 [0] 114 285 2656
See Transparent Distribution
Xarin Multimedia Solutions
T: +44 (0) 845 004 9545
Xixin Ltd
T: +44 (0) 158 240 0340
Zebra Distribution
T: +44 (0) 289 147 7744
F: +44 (0) 289 147 7755
Advertise your recruitment in SVI and online free or from as little as £100
Contact Bonnie on 01206 506249 or Chantell on 01206 506254
CTS systems, an established Home network installation
company & custom AV installer, are currently recruiting
for experienced installation engineers capable of
running large projects within the southeast.
Ideally we require experience of installing the
Hellermann Tyton home cabling system and the Armour
Modular audio system to advanced level.
Salary: negotiable (depending on experience)
To arrange an interview please email your CV to: or write to
Unit 3b, Country business centre, Lucas Green Road,
West End, Woking, Surrey GU24 9LZ.
CTS Systems
Unit 3b, Country business centre, Lucas Green Road,
West End, Woking, Surrey GU24 9LZ.
(flat screen and projection), and provides them with
the Imaging Science Foundation's certification. It will
be held at Fujitsu General's Offices in Hertfordshire
and costs 1000 Euro per person...
Imaging Science Foundation Certification Course:
For further information contact:
Institute Of Sound and
Communications Engineers
Get In Training
SVI may not be an education in itself, but it can certainly point you in the right
direction. Read on to find out where you might want to be in the coming months…
AMX's own training courses are available to all and free for
dealers. They offer you an opportunity to make the most of
their automation systems and products...
Control Systems: 24-26/07/07, 14-16/08/07, 25-27/09/07,
16-18/10/07, 13-15/11/07, 11-13/12/07, 11-13/12/07
Programmer II (NetLinx): 06-07/08/07, 04-05/09/07, 3031/10/07
Programmer III (Advanced NetLinx): 27-28/11/07
Resource Management Suite: 09/08/07, 04/10/07,
01/11/07, 06/12/07
GUI Design For Touch-Panels: 02-03/10/07, 04-05/12/07
For further information contact:
+44 (0) 1904 343 100
Armour Home Electronics
AHE offers the highest quality of product training at its
recently constructed, dedicated training facility in Bishop's
Stortford. Its extensive range of courses is open to all and
conducted by CEDIA certified experts...
Systemline S6: 17/09/07, 10/10/07, 29/10/07, 12/12/07
Systemline Modular Introduction: 01/08/07, 30/08/07,
08/10/07, 30/10/07, 19/11/07, 03/12/07
Systemline Modular Advanced: 02/08/07, 31/08/07,
09/10/07, 31/10/07, 20/11/07, 21/11/07, 04/12/07, 05/12/07
Media Servers / MediaMax Workshop: 10/08/07,
20/08/07, 07/09/07, 02/11/07, 16/11/07
Home Cinema Workshop: 21/08/07, 22/08/07, 18/09/07,
19/09/07, 25/10/07, 26/10/07, 06/11/07, 07/11/07, 10/12/07,
Introduction to Lutron Homeworks: 12/09/07
Networking Skills Workshop: 14/08/07, 01/10/07, 28/11/07
NEVOPro: 23/08/07, 24/08/07, 04/09/07, 05/09/07,
11/10/07, 12/10/07, 13/11/07, 14/11/07, 18/12/07, 19/12/07
Essential CAD for CI: 13/09/07, 14/09/07
Foundation Project Management: 25-26/09/07,
15-16/10/07, 26-27/11/07, 06-07/12/07
Foundation Custom Installation: 08-09/11/07, 20-21/12/07
For further information contact:
Unless otherwise stated, these courses are held at CEDIA's
dedicated facilities at its St Neots HQ...
CEDIA Australasia Expo, Gold Coast, Brisbane: 26-28/07/07
CEDIA US Expo, Denver: 05–09/09/07
For further information visit the events section of
Control4 training, conducted in conjunction with Aventure
Europe, introduces attendees to the networking basics, the
Control4 product range and programming. It costs £500
per person although this is refunded on the customer's
first order. Training is a prerequisite if you're looking to
become an accredited dealer...
Control4 System training: 24-25/07/07
For further information contact:
+44 (0) 134 781 2300
Automation pioneer Crestron hosts regular training
courses at both its local offices...
Commerical Design: 04/09/07, 04/09/07, 06/11/07
Lighting: 07-08/11/07
Residential Design: 07/08/07, 02/10/07, 04/12/07
Intermediate: 21-23/08/07, 16-18/10/07
Essentials: 24-26/07/07, 18-20/09/07, 23-25/10/07,
Accreditation: TBC
Crestron North:
Product: 13/08/07, 10/09/07, 12/11/07 10/12/07
Essentials: 14-16/08/07, 11-13/09/07, 10-12/10/07
(Scotland), 10-12/07/07, 14-16/08/07, 11-13/09/07,
10-12/10/07 (Scotland), 13-15/11/07, 11-13/12/07
For further information contact:
+44 (0) 208 439 7272
Imaging Science Foundation
This two day session offers attendees a complete
overview of video basics, technologies and calibration
AMX has doubled its training capacity for installers
and prospective dealers, opening up a completely
new training centre at the company’s southern
office, located near Guildford in Surrey. The move
follows a huge increase in demand from new
dealers adopting AMX technology and from
existing installers taking on new staff to resource
their own growth in AMX systems.
In addition, the opening of the new facility
coincides with the launch of an all-new AMX
training course: Networking for AV Professionals.
This new networking course is set up to satisfy a
very specific requirement from AV professionals
for a tailored training package that will help
integrators to understand, configure and diagnose
computer networks, especially in relation to AMX
products, and enable them to provide remote
access via the Internet.
The new training centre is fully equipped with
the latest AMX hardware and design software and
This learned society and professional body for all those
professionally engaged in the sound distribution,
reinforcement or reproduction industry offers
independent accreditation illustrating both the
competency development so essential in a competitive
market. Distinguish yourself from the cowboys by
attending its regional courses.
Measurement & Certification of AFILS Systems
(to IEC60118-4 Standard): TBC
ISCE Warren-Barnett Memorial Lecture and AGM:
12/10/07 (Watford)
For further information contact:
Architectural lighting manufacturer Rako hosts two
courses a month at its offices in Chatham. These
training days cater for installers of all levels...
09/08/07, 23/08/07, 11/10/07, 25/10/07, 08/11/07,
For further information contact:
+44 (0) 870 043 3905
RGB Communications i-school
RGB's i-school is held at the distributors dedicated,
state-of-the-art training and demonstration centre
located within its Hungerford HQ...
AMX Essentials: 13-14/08/07, 17-18/09/07, 1516/10/07, 12-13/11/07, 10-11/12/07
AMX Programming Three Day Starter: 15-17/08/07,
19-21/09/07, 17-19/10/07, 14-16/11/07, 12-14/12/07
AMX Programmer II: 25-27/09/07, 27-29/11/07
Rack Design and Build Course: 23/08/07, 12/09/07,
25/10/07, 22/11/07
Networking Wi-Fi for AV Systems: 04/10/07,
Pronto Professional Programming Course:
13/09/07, 30/10/07, 20/11/07
Lutron Lighting Control Workshop: 08/11/07
For further information contact:
+44 (0) 148 873 366
offers courses for up to a maximum of eight
people. The first courses to be run at the new
training facility are three day, Entry Level Control
Systems courses aimed at new dealers to AMX and
new employees of existing dealers.
Timothy Penn, Managing Director AMX UK,
explained: “Entry level training is where we
currently have the greatest demand at the present
time and this new training facility provides us with
the capacity to get more installers up to speed,
much more quickly. Once the first installers
graduate from the course, we expect a further
increase in demand for the more specialist courses
we run, such as the new networking course.”
Other courses currently offered by AMX
include two advanced programming modules:
‘Programmer II’ and ‘Programmer III’, GUI
(graphical user interface) design, and
implementing AMX’s Resource Management Suite.
For further information contact:
+44 (0) 190 434 3100
Any manufacturers or distributors wishing to have their training details included in this section
should email or contact +44 (0) 120 650 5959
Events 2007/08 It’s Show Time!
Anaheim, CA
ExCel, London
Messegelände, Berlin
Colorado Convention
Centre, Denver
ExCel, London
31-05/09 IFA
Smart Home /
Home Building &
Renovating Show
London Sound & Vision
The Integrated Systems show hits Russia
this November...
Park Inn, Heathrow
NEC, Birmingham
Renaissance Hotel,
Marriott Dalmahoy,
NEC, Birmingham
Grand Designs Live
Entertainment Show
Scottish Hi-Fidelity Show
28-01/11 Interbuild 2007
What Hi-Fi? Sound and
London Novotel West,
Vision Show/Best Of Stuff Hammersmith
Integrated Systems Russia Gostiny Dvor, Moscow
Europe's biggest CE show IFA is
nearly here...
International CES
Convention Centre,
Las Vegas
Integrated Systems Europe Amsterdam RAI,
Sound & Vision,
The Bristol Show
Marriott Hotel, Bristol
NEC, Birmingham
T3 Smart Home Show
Which celebrities will you bump into at
this year's Best Of Stuff show?
DAB TESTS – How to capitalise on the rapidly expanding digital radio market
TOUCHING GESTURE – Put users in control of their AV systems with these gems
SHOW COMMENT – Another key figure from the industry voices their opinions
ISSN 1478-1123
Editor: Hamish McNair-Wilson
T: 44 (0)1206 505959
Editor-In-Chief: Stuart Pritchard
T: 44 (0)1206 505924
Editorial Assistant: Jacob Stow
Publisher: Matthew Tudor
Art Direction: Lee Whiteford
Designer: Lewis Webb
Advertisement Designer: Lee Beecroft
The new SVI advertising team:
Bonnie Howard T: 44 (0)1206 506249
Chantell Keston T: 44 (0) 1206 506254
Contributors: Jack Brand, Toby Watson,
Sam Fuller, Poppy Spowage
Design & Repro: Ace Pre-Press
T: 44 (0)1206 797541
Circulation Manager: Mick Orrin
T: 44 (0)1206 505912
Subscriptions: To ensure you receive your copy of
SVI every issue, go to and simply
fill in the online form
Accounts Admin: T: 44 (0)1206 505900
Published By: Partridge Publications (2000) Ltd,
Avenue Lodge, 60 East Street, Brighton, BN1 1HN.
Tel. +44 (0) 1273 719900
Not for correspondence
Printed in England All contributions are submitted and accepted on the
basis of a non-exclusive worldwide licence to publish or licence to do so
unless otherwise agreed in advance in writing. What's New in Sound and
Vision recognises all copyrights and trademarks. Where possible, we have
acknowledged the copyright holder. Contact us if we haven’t credited
your copyright and we will correct any oversight.
All contents © Partridge Publications (2000) Limited While we make every
effort to ensure that everything we print in What's New in Sound and
Vision is factually correct, we cannot be held responsible if factual errors
occur. Please check any quoted hardware specifications with your supplier
before purchase. The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily
those of the publisher. Copyright Partridge Publications (2000) Ltd ©
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