Tar Heel Knight - Knights of Columbus
Tar Heel Knight - Knights of Columbus
C NovemberNorth 2007 Carolina State Council Volume 31 - No. 5 U Tar Heel Knight F November 2007 Volume 31 - No. 5 From The State Deputy My Brothers, Vivat Jesus! As the hues of autumn leaves surround us, we should all recognize that this is the month for giving thanks. We start off with giving thanks on November 1 on All Saints Day for those who, by their lives, their teachings, and in many cases, their deaths give us as Catholics examples of how we should conduct our live. Then we get another chance to give thanks, on November 11 on Veteran’s Day, we give thanks to those who by their lives, their actions and in many cases, their deaths give us the quality of freedom we have in our country. Then on November 22, Thanksgiving, we give thanks for the bounty that our land has given us to make us the wonderful country we live in. We have no other month in the year that gives us so many opportunities to give thanks for our faith, our comrades and to our country. This is truly a remarkable month giving us so many examples of what we should be thankful for. We should all take a moment out of the hurried life we have of work, play, and of course the Knights, to be truly thankful for the many blessings we have. Changing gears, your leadership team has been busy the last six weeks presenting the many Supreme Awards to councils throughout the state. They have reported to me the many good works that are happening at each council, everything from very successful LAMB drives, First degree Teams being formed, BBQ socials being planned, to good ole fraternity among the members. During this period yours truly has visited 16 councils and 8 degrees. I am in awe of the marvelous work being done in each and every council. But I still think that we can all: do one thing a little better, give that little extra smile, give that little extra moment to our brothers, give that little extra consideration to others. Because once you miss a chance to do something special for someone, you are one behind for the rest of your life. Keep the faith, keep up the good work, and have a thankful month. Fraternally yours, John Gouldie, NC State Deputy At A Glance… Page 2 - State Chaplain & Vice Supreme Master Page 3 - Membership & Ceremonials Page 4 - Fr. McGivney Guild & Family of the Month Page 5 - Veterans Program News & RSVP Page 6 - State Directory & Kudos! Page 7 - Special Olympics Fall Games Page 8 - Webmaster & College Council Page 9 - Mid-Year Meeting & College Council Page 10 - College Council Report Page 11 - District Master’s Report Page 12 - 24 Even More Good KofC News! 1 of Columbus of North Carolina The Official Publication of the Knights P November 2007 Volume 31 - No. 5 Office of the State Chaplain Dear Brother Knights, October is a month dedicated to the Holy Rosary and Respect for Life. As good Christians we express our sincere gratitude to our almighty God. His Holiness John Paul II always invited us to see Mary, the Mother of Jesus as a good Christian model to follow Her Son. We come to an end of the month of October with gratitude. Our participation in parishes by leading and praying the rosary was a great opportunity to come closer to Jesus through the intercession of His Mother Mary, our Blessed Mother. The Rosary is a simple prayer, yet powerful in context as we meditate the life, ministry, passion, death and resurrection of Jesus. Mary is a great tool to bring us closer to Jesus. On the other hand, our Bishops invited us to reflect on the Right to Life weekend. We, as Knight of Columbus, were very active participating in this event. Not only because it is one of our responsibilities as Knights, but also as Catholics, we are called to defend life from “natural conception to natural death.” We are at the beginning of a new month: November, a month of thanksgiving. Let us prepare not only our bodies for “the turkey dinner,” but also let us prepare our soul for the great solemnity of Christ the King. Let us keep in our prayers the intentions of our Holy Father and the Bishops of our Dioceses. Remember, do not be afraid. Just have faith. With my priestly blessings, ctwÜx _xÉÇ Rev. Fr. Marcos Leon-Angulo From the Vice-Supreme Master, I want to congratulate all of the new Sir Knights who received their Exemplification on October 20, 2007. This was one of the largest classes North Carolina has experienced. I believe that this was the best job ever done by the North Carolina Exemplification Team. My congratulations to them for such a great job. I would like to reiterate my comments at the Banquet regarding the Wounded Warrior Fund and the Dome Fund. Every Assembly should do their part on assisting our Wounded Warriors get home for Christmas. A small donation from each member would make a huge difference. For the Dome Fund, Supreme has asked the Fourth Degree to raise $500,000 for this project. If each Assembly would send in $3.00 per member we would have no problem reaching this goal. Remember the Basilica is our National Headquarters for our Catholic religion. We MUST Support this project. My plan is to keep in contact with ALL Assemblies in North Carolina in the future. You have made me what I am today and I truly appreciate it. If I can do anything to assist you just let me know. SK Robert J. “Bob” Singer, FDM Vice-Supreme Master, DeSoto Province 2 November 2007 Volume 31 - No. 5 EXPERIIENCE of a LIFETIME ACTION PLAN - NOVEMBER Worthy members of the Knights of Columbus, Vivat Jesus! November is the month that you turn those Prospects into MEMBERS. Last month was our major recruitment month, you meet and talked to many members of your parish and asked them to join our fraternal organization. Now is the time to hold that First Degree which will bring them into our order. In doing so you will make them a better Catholic and increase our numbers, as well as spreading our workload within our Council and Communities. The challenge for this month is to bring in at least one new member in each council. To accomplish that and more, follow up on the prospect list you put together through your council’s recruitment BLITZ. Each year we ask hundreds of Catholic gentlemen to join our ranks and for some reason we don’t follow up, please ask yourself WHY? When we fail to follow up we do them, and ourselves, a disservice. We also fail our council, church, youth and community. Growth is the lifeblood of our organization, without growth our founders dream will die and that is not acceptable. So I ask you, as your membership chairman, hold a first degree this month. If for some reason you don’t have a first degree team in your council ask your District Deputy to find out where the next degree is and get your new member to that council. We are a proud brotherhood and must join our hands together to do God’s work. We must and will continue to grow, and with your help we will have a council in every church, the goal of our founder Father Michael J. McGivney. Fraternally, P.A. Wojciechowski, FDD Ceremonial Corner This is the current schedule for the Third Degree Ceremonials 2007-2008 for N.C. 2007 LOCATION TEAM C.O. November 06 Wilmington 12017 Bishop Begley Joe Brunner November 13 Wilson 4660 Amos Small Steve Byrnes November 10 Greensboro 939 Bishop Begley Charles McGowan 2008 February 9 Raleigh 2546 Triad Joe Brunner February ? Havelock 6648 Fayetteville Steve Byrnes February 23 Fayetteville 2838 Bishop Waters Steve Byrnes March 1 Charlotte 10852 Triad Joe Brunner April 19 Clemmons 9499 Bishop Begley Charles McGowan June 2 Garner 11266 Amos Small Rick Lewis Worthy Grand Knights, Vivat Jesus! Please notify the Grand Knight of the host Council ASAP with the number of candidates that you intend to bring to the Third Degree in the respective area. Then update 2 weeks and 1 week prior to the degree. Also, encourage your members to attend, especially if they sponsored a candidate. We need better coordination and attendance at these Ceremonials. If you wish to host a Third Degree please let me know the Date, location, and the availability of your hall intended for the degree. Fraternally, Joe Brunner * 910-315-1812 * jbrunnernc@hotmail.com 3 November 2007 Volume 31 - No. 5 Congratulations To: The Family Of Are You A Member? Delbert & Betty Herrmann Council 11817 Castle Hayne If So - Thank You! And If Not - Why? The Family Of Karl & Melinda King Contact The North Carolina State Council Fr. McGivney Guild Director Council 14276 Butner For Being Selected as Knights of Columbus Supreme Council “Family Of The Month” Awardees for September 2007 Marc Turkaly mturkaly@aol.com Twenty-one Councils in North Carolina submitted “Family of the Month” forms to the Supreme Council for the month of September. For Even More Information: www.fathermcgivney.org 4 November 2007 Volume 31 - No. 5 Supporting our Veterans RSVP Program News From the 4th Degree Exemplification I want to thank all the councils who have supported a seminarian so far this year. We are well on the road to 100 per cent coverage. With the Christmas and Thanksgiving holidays approaching, now is a good time to support a seminarian as most of them don't have a steady income and our support is greatly appreciated. Assembly 2208 was the host Assembly and ran the main Hospitality Room at the recent 4th Degree Exemplification in Concord, NC. The winner of the Saturday night 50/50 was a Knight from Council 11180 Edenton (Mother of Mary Council). He told me that he is donating the money to the “Wounded Warrior Program”. So how do councils raise the money for their RSVP fund? They use lots of ingenuity. Some have fish fries, others have pancake breakfasts, one council I know collects aluminum cans for RSVP. Another council holds a once a year bingo that raises enough money to support several seminarians. What does your council do to raise RSVP money? If you have a good program to raise money that you think other councils might be interested in let me know and I'll include it in a future article. This my Brothers is true charity in action and although I did not disclose his name, say a private thank you for his kindness and generosity. Fraternally, Vince Lombardo Hospitality Room Chairman This month's “Seminary of the Month” is St. Charles Borromeo Seminary located in Wynnewood, Pennsylvania. Students from both the Raleigh and Charlotte Dioceses are enrolled. The web site for St. Charles Borromeo Seminary is www.scs.edu. Check it out and learn about the seminary and what it stands for. Also from the Fourth Degree Exemplification, The Mass collection totaled $1645.00, and at the Faithful Navigators meeting on Sunday Morning, it was suggested and voted on to donate $1000.00 to the Wounded Warrior Project and $645 to the VA Veterans Hospital in Fayetteville. SK Jack McCloskey, Assembly 783, has being trying to raise money to get a large screen TV for the veterans hospital and the 4th Degree check will go to him towards his project. Thanks to all of you who support our future priests! Fraternally, Thank you for your generosity. Marc Turkaly State RSVP Chairman SK Bob Grabasky, PSD NC District Master 5 November 2007 Volume 31 - No. 5 Page 46 – Council 12921 Delete Financial Secretary, replace with William G. Thoms 505 E Murphy ST Wallace, NC 28466-1930 STATE DIRECTORY Brother Knights of North Carolina: Vivat Jesus. Greetings from Elizabeth City. Again, please review your state directories. If any data needs to be updated, please go to our state web site www.kofcnc.org, select forms, and submit your change. Changes received through October 28th follow Page 7 – Church Director FDD Dave McGuire Change e-mail to davemcguire@inteliport.com Page 12 – Council 3303 Change meeting time from 8:00 PM to 7:00 PM Page 14 – Council 6600 Grand Knight John Andrason Change e-mail to jandrason@embarqmail.com Page 46 – Council 12885 Delete Grand Knight, replace with Edward (Ed) Basso Paula 1345 Regatta DR Wilmington, NC 28405-4269 H-910-256-0066 epbasso@bellsouth.net Page 64 – Living Past State Deputies PSD Ron Carney Change e-mail to ronc1265@charter.net Page 69 – Add new Third Degree Team AMOS SMALL TEAM Captain: William P. (Bill) Conklin 3911 Russell ST Hope Mills, NC 28348-2372 (H) 910-424-7158 billkofcpfn@embarqmail.com Page 70 - Conferring Officers PSD Ron Carney Change e-mail to ronc1265@charter.net Fraternally, Gene Tortone, Administrative Assistant 252-331-2338 tortone@roadrunner.com Kudos!! On October 6th our State Chaplain, Padre Leon took his third degree, but it was a work day for him. A baptism at 1:00pm forced him to leave a little early. My thanks go out to the brothers at Shallotte, especially Bob Hack. On the spur of the moment, they organized an honor guard to go to Whiteville to join me at Mass on October 7th. There we completed the knighting ceremony for Padre at his 10:30 Mass. Congratulations! On October 6th, High Point Council celebrated their 50th anniversary. They honored two charter members in attendance. Did I mention that at the Third Degree in Cary a WWII veteran took his third degree. This 87 year young man received the Distinguished Flying Cross as a B-17 pilot. I guess you are never too old to become a full fledged Knight! John Gouldie, NC State Deputy 6 November 2007 Volume 31 - No. 5 SPECIAL OLYMPICS NC FALL GAMES RETURN TO HIGH POINT As Operation Lamb winds down for 2007, Special Olympics athletes from all over North Carolina will converge on High Point to compete in 2007 Special Olympics North Carolina Fall Games, November 9, 10 & 11. The local Knights of Columbus will turn their efforts from fund raising for special needs citizens to assisting and supporting many of them in their competitive efforts in bocce, cycling, golf, roller skating and soccer. The Knights and ladies will be volunteering to assist the Games Management Team for the 2007 Special Olympics NC Fall Games at all the venues. There will be nearly 1,000 athletes representing 52 local programs competing in the Fall Games. They will be accompanied by some 400 coaches. This event will bring more than 3,000 visitors to High Point. Sir Knight Tom Burke and his wife Rose, advocates of Special Olympics for many years, have seen to it that Knights from Council #4507 are involved at every venue for the weekend as well as the Opening Ceremonies where the Fourth Degree Honor Guard will lead the athlete parade and post the colors at High Point University. We congratulate Burke for his efforts and also for winning the 2007 Special Olympics North Carolina Family of the Year honors as well. Burke and his family will be presented a plaque in recognition of the honor at the Fall Games Opening Ceremonies. These Fall Games return to High Point after a most successful event last year. This year, seven Special Olympics Guilford/High Point athletes will be serving as part of the Games Management Team of lead volunteers. This is the first time in Special Olympics North Carolina history that an athlete will be serving in a volunteer role at every venue site. The Knights of Columbus are Championship-level sponsors of Special Olympics of North Carolina. The statewide Special Olympics program offers year-round sports training and competition for more than 38,000 children and adults with intellectual disabilities, making it the second largest Special Olympics program in North America in terms of athlete participation. Fraternally, Jim Neely, PSD 7 November 2007 Volume 31 - No. 5 State Web Site www.kofcnc.org Brothers, Vivat Jesus!! I am the new (or not so new) State Website Chairman. This year we are planning on taking the website to the next level. Here are some of the things to look forward to: 1. Form submission. We will allow you to submit your information via the website. This can be a great time saver for all of us. Starting out this will be limited until we work out the bugs and figure out which forms can be handled this way. 2. Email: We will be changing the officers and directors emails so it will be easier for everybody to get in contact with right person. For example: my email address is Koomen@carolina.rr.com, the new address will be SWC@kofcnc.org. This might not seem like much, but over time this change will benefit everybody. 3. Revamped website: We will be working on revamping the website. The goal is to have a beta website up and running that will allow you to test drive and provide comments about the beta site. 4. Search bar: having the ability to find what you are looking for fast is critical. That is why we will be adding a search bar to the site, so you can find what you are looking for faster. 5. Database: We are going to be adding the ability for the data that you submit to go into a database that can be used by the state for reporting and/or for other council to search and find what they are looking for. 6. Website security: Will be adding the ability to create an account and log into the site and be able to access information that we do not want everybody to access. We are looking to have all these items accomplished over the next 6-12 months. If you would like to help with these items or would like to help maintain the content on the State Website, let me know. Fraternally, Brian Koomen, PGK State Website Chairman COLLEGE KNIGHTS Collegiate Knights assembling in front of St. Mary’s Church, New Haven CT. See story on Page 10. 8 November 2007 Volume 31 - No. 5 MID YEAR MEETING: We are now closing out the first six months of the year and will be taking some time to reflect on where we are, where we are going, and how we are to get there. Our Midyear meetings are coming up. Mark your calendars, January 5 we will have a meeting at the Holiday Inn Select in Hickory. January 19 we will have a meeting at the Hilton in Greenville. You will be receiving information from me about the details of these two identical one-day events. It is extremely important that each council send FOUR representatives. Grand Knight Deputy Grand Knight (or your Program Chairman) Financial Secretary LAMB Chairman At the meetings each will get specific information concerning their areas of responsibility for the upcoming year. This will include everything from council’s IRS tax forms to file, LAMB training, Council Goals for the remainder of the year, to council recognition of a job well done. It’s also a good time to network with your peers to find out what makes other councils “tic”. Additionally, we will have a couple of guests at each meeting that will make it a midyear meeting one to remember! SD John Gouldie COLLEGE COUNCIL NEWS In October, members of the newly being formed council at NCSU attended a college conference in New Haven. The Supreme Council paid for their visit, but our state paid for their gas money. Following is a report (Page 10) by two of the attendees about the event. It is good to see those without all the grey hair getting enthused about the Knights. SD John Gouldie Matt Higgins, Tony McWilliams and Father McGivney 9 November 2007 Volume 31 - No. 5 2007 College Council Conference Report Prepared by Sir Knight Anthony McWilliams & Knight Matthew Higgins NCSU’s Catholic Campus Ministry sent two Knights to the 2007 College Council Conference held in New Haven Connecticut, with the help of our generous State Council. We traveled by car, managing to catch traffic in all major cities and at the toll booths, 15 hours there and 13 hours back. Friday’s activities included a walking tour of Yale and a chance to meet fellow Knights from around the country and farther. Saturday’s schedule included presentations made by fellow collegiate Knights were: Membership, Fundraising, Retention, and How to Run a Meeting. Additional presentations were made by members of Supreme, covering the role of the Columbia, an overview of the insurance program, and a brief overview of World Youth Day 2008 by Sister Katherine Marie from Sisters of Life. We were then given a tour of Supreme’s Home Office and the fascinating chapel located ‘in office’. There, a presentation was given by the Senior Vice President of Investments, Anthony Minopoli, which further detailed the scope and importance of the insurance program. Then followed a tour of the Knights of Columbus Museum which offered a wonderful insight to the vast 125 year history of the Order, it was there that we met Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson, and an opportunity for councils to have their picture taken with him. That night we attended a Vigil Mass held at St. Mary’s Church celebrated by Father J.C. Kalisch and all the chaplains present for the conference. The night was finished off with the awards banquet. Sunday closed the conference with presentations on vocations, pertaining to both secular and clergy callings, and an internship program being offered by the Supreme Office. As Knights visiting the Supreme Office and touring the Museum, we came away with a much better appreciation and understanding for the magnitude and impact of the Order. One can be told what the Order is and described to what it does; while one can believe these without seeing in can be a footnote. Going to New Haven and being able to see the 400 year old cross that given by the Vatican to the Order out of appreciation along with countless other papal notes and general documents chronicling the history, gave a new understanding of the Order. As collegiate Knights, the conference gave us the ability to meet our peers and to learn how to deal with the challenges of operating a council at the college level. More specifically: as informal as college atmospheres can be, it is still important to conduct meetings in an organized manner with a certain level of formality. Points on fundraising were clarified as to setting specific programs or projects as targets for the funds, making sure it is well planned in addition to having back up plans (to abide by Murphy’s Law). Also, as not every activity has to be created by the college council, we have the opportunity to work with other councils and organizations that might be better suited at organizing an event, to provide manpower. Probably the largest set of problems faced by college councils is the recruitment of new members, the retention of those members as the other pressures of college set in, and maintaining contact with alumni. As for applying the knowledge that we learned, we will prepare structured meetings, we will form a membership retention committee whose task is to maintain an active corps of Knights, and we will focus efforts on fundraising techniques. 10 November 2007 Volume 31 - No. 5 Master’s Message Worthy Sirs, Vivat Jesus! I would like to congratulate all of our new Sir Knights who attained the Honor of becoming Fourth Degree members at the exemplification held in Concord on Saturday, October 20th at the new Embassy Suites Hotel. Congratulations also go to the Faithful Navigators and their Officers of the 29 Assembly’s for presenting 177 candidates for the exemplification, which included five priests. A magnificent class! Those in attendance, whether as a candidate or observer, were treated to an outstanding Exemplification, as the team, under the direction of SK Ron Carney, PSD, FDM, performed flawlessly. My thanks to the team members for their dedication and attention to the details of our ceremonials, which is no easy task. Your performance was one of the best I have yet to see. There were a number of positive comments for your presentation. Thank you again. I also extend my thank you to the hard work, support and guidance of our now Vice Supreme Master, SK Bob Singer and his wife Marge. They were there every step of the way ensure that your new Master was successful. And to our District Secretary, SK Greg Ciesielski and his wife Lisa, without whose help I would certainly been constantly fumbling. Finally, to the Color Guard and all of the District staff, both old and new for all of their hard work and without their unselfish assistance, the Exemplification would not have occurred as beautiful as it was. These men and ladies carry out their duties willfully and discreetly and all have my utmost trust in their abilities. Thank you all. Our Honoree for the Exemplification was Supreme Director SK John Harrison, PSD. John, as always, gave a very humble and informative acceptance speech. It is always a pleasure to have SK Harrison with us. As an added treat, John’s son Greg also became a Sir Knight that day. A proud day for any father. At the Sunday morning Faithful Navigators meeting, I outlined Supremes (and mine) guidelines for the wearing of pins when in regalia, the “Dome Project”, the Wounded Warriors program, and several other items. I hope your FN’s will inform the membership at their next meeting. Happy Thanksgiving to All Sir Knights & Their Families God Bless You All and God Bless America! SK Bob Grabasky, NC District Master 11 November 2007 Volume 31 - No. 5 Photo by Lew McCloud, NC State Council Photographer Contact Lew McCloud at lew.mccloud@gmail.com to order your copy of this photo. Congratulations To The 177 New Sir Knights! 12 November 2007 Volume 31 - No. 5 STATE GOLF TOURNAMENT Brother Knights, I would like to thank the Fr. William O’Byrne Council #3574 in Jacksonville for the wonderful job of hosting the 2007 State Golf Tournament on September 15th and 16th. GK Larry Stewart and his Council did an outstanding job and with the help of God above had beautiful weather for the tournament as well. The North Carolina State Champions – Council #4507 from left to right: Jim Rango, Joe Kushner, Joe Hughes, Jim Neely, Rick Boedicker, Joe Dominick, Joe Skee, Joe Deering, Ron Money, and Father Jack Kelly. Jim Rango was our 2007 State Individual Tournament Champion. Vivat Jesus, Tim Whelan, State Athletic Chairman 2008 State Convention Don’t forget to mark your calendars for the 2008 State Convention May 2, 3 and 4 in beautiful Asheville. Our Convention Committee has been working to assure that you will have an enjoyable time in the mountains. Activities are set for Friday night’s family entertainment and ladies’ and youth enjoyment on Saturday. Your registration packet will also contain information to help you plan an extended stay in the mountains. We are looking forward to making your visit with us a time to remember! Tom Greenlee DD #16 13 November 2007 Volume 31 - No. 5 From Your Church Director: Vivat Jesus! Well would you believe it, the fraternal year is almost half gone. If you haven’t had an opportunity to put the emphasis on Church Programs that you feel that they deserve, there is no time like the present. A couple of issues ago I asked the new Grand Knights if you had made a courtesy call on your Pastor. You might wonder why, being that you see him every Sunday. Remember that our support of our bishops and priests is a major thrust of our order and cannot be over emphasized. A good start for your meeting with Father is “Father, what can the Knights Council do for you?” You may be surprised at the reaction you get. Many of us take the role of our councils and our responsibilities to our parishes for granted and consequently we let many good intentions slide. It may result in less than enthusiastic support from our pastors when we need it most. Additionally this can cause a certain reluctance on the part of many parishioners to support council functions that are meant for the whole parish. It doesn’t help with recruiting either. As of this issue our participation, or at least the documentation of, our Round Table Program is still sadly lacking. Five months into the fraternal year and less that 30 percent of our councils have reported establishment of Round Tables in parishes that are geographically very close but that have no council to support them. I recently sent all District Deputies a current status and have asked for their help. Brothers we have a long way to go. Fraternally, Dave McGuire State Church Director LAMB Foundation of NC, Inc. Brothers, Thank you for all you do for the LEAST AMONG MY BROTHERS. The State Web Site will be updated with 2007 OP LAMB Forms 1 thru 5, along with a sample brochure, and apron order forms. Included will be excerpts from the 2007 LAMB Training Manual. I welcome any suggestions, and offer any assistance your Council may need. Training for the 2008 Campaign will begin at January’s Mid Year Meetings. This will be a sharing session and it is important that new and old Council LAMB Directors be present. God Bless! AngelO 14 November 2007 Volume 31 - No. 5 Council #12455 Reverse Raffle Grand Prize 2008 Chevrolet Cobalt or $15,000 Cash To be provided by Sir Walter Chevrolet, 8501 Glenwood Avenue, Raleigh, NC 919-787-3000 2nd Prize $1,500 Cash - 3rd Prize $1,000 Cash - 4th Prize $500 Cash Tickets will $100 per ticket. Maximum of 500 tickets sold Drawing to be held Saturday, November 10, 2007 At 7:00 PM at St. Luke’s hall, 12333 Bayleaf Church Rd., Raleigh, NC 27614 During a reception for ticket holders. Winners are to pay any applicable taxes and fees Winners need not be present to win To order tickets, send the following information with a check for $100 per ticket to: St. Luke’s K of C Council #12455 Raffle 2504 Barton Ridge Court, Raleigh, NC 27613 Name: ____________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________ City ___________________ Phone _________________ State _____ Zip _______ Alt. Phone _______________ For further information call Frank Sancineto, Jr. 919-604-6978 or 919-848-6925 A Call for Questions Attention Financial Secretaries !! (if you are not a Financial Secretary please ensure your council’s FS gets to see this article) We are making preparing for your training sessions at this coming Mid-Year Meeting (January 2008). The plan is to fill the day with as much information as possible to aid you in performing your vitally important tasks as your council’s FS. In order to accomplish that goal I would like to hear from you. What would you like to see covered in this session. Bear in mind that at this Mid Year Meeting the FS’s will have their own breakout session, lasting most of the day. Please send your session suggestions to kentkofc@bellsouth.net Thanks and God Bless, Gregory S. Kent State Treasurer North Carolina State Council Knights of Columbus 15 November 2007 Volume 31 - No. 5 Family Life Director Greetings to all from Fayetteville! I truly hope that all is well in your corner of this great state. I would like to congratulate all who have so faithfully sent in their submissions to Supreme for the Council Family of the Month program. In September we topped out submissions year to date at 23 councils submitting. This may not sound like very many, but in the big scheme of things we have added one or two councils a month, each month since the beginning of the Fraternal Year. So, if you are one of the twentythree councils, thank-you. If you are not one of the twenty-three, I encourage you to begin your submissions. You may do that either online at the Supreme website, or by using the form 1993A in your booklets. Lets continue to increase our number of submissions. As you and your council round out your first reporting period, please remember that we as state staff are asking that you choose one project from each of the five program areas to submit a "write up" in order to compete for recognition from supreme. It would really help me to spread Family Life Program ideas to other councils in the state if everyone would submit at least one of their Family Life projects. Congratulations to the families of Delbert & Betty Herrmann from Council 11817 in Castle Hayne and Karl & Melinda King from Council 14276 in Butner for being selected as Supreme Families of the Month for September. Please remember that it is through families that we grow stronger. Peace to each of you. Colin Jorsch, Family Life Director Form 1993A Family of The Month 16 November 2007 Volume 31 - No. 5 Wounded Warrior Program As many of you know, the Knights of Columbus was the second highest organization to donate to the Wounded Warrior Leave Program last year, a program that sent 63 amputees in NC still on active duty home for Christmas. Starting a little earlier this year and with more demand, the program is alive and well and the Military Order of the Purple Heart is anticipating over 150 service personnel missing limbs in the state of NC (Camp Lejeune, Fort Bragg, and Seymour Johnson) that will need help in getting home for the holidays this year. We are asking all Assemblies and Councils to help in this cause if they can. With a national Officer of the Purple Heart Society, Jim Casti, in my council, I have volunteered to be the point person for KofC donations. You can mail your donations to me at the below address and I will hand carry them to Jim’s house. Please make all checks to the “MOPH Wounded Warrior Leave”. This program is catching on nationwide and we as a State Council are in part responsible for this program’s proliferation. Lastly, our 4th degree district donated $1,000 from the donations received during the 4th degree exemplification Mass to this cause. Let’s see if we can get 100% participation at the Assembly and Council level and really show our support for these brave young men and women who have sacrificed so much of themselves for us at such a young age. God Bless them and God Bless us all for people like them Mike Durbin Faithful Admiral Angelo Battista Assembly, Havelock NC 126 Powell Rd Newport, NC 28570 Knights to Distribute Wheelchairs to Veterans in Need The Knights of Columbus will distribute $1 million worth of wheelchairs to veterans in need at four VA Hospital locations on Veterans Day weekend, Nov. 9 and 10, continuing a long history of K of C service to the men and women of the U.S. military. The Knights of Columbus has purchased 2,000 wheelchairs and partnered with the Wheelchair Foundation to distribute them. Five hundred wheelchairs will be distributed in Bonham, Texas, (near Dallas) on Nov. 9, and additional distributions of 500 wheelchairs will take place in Washington, D.C., Chicago and Los Angeles on Nov. 10. “As our nation pauses to honor these men and women on Veterans Day, we are honored to be able to reach out to help veterans in need,” said Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson. “This wheelchair distribution continues our longstanding tradition of service to our service men and women, both those who are on active duty and those who are retired.” From the Supreme Website - www.kofc.org 17 November 2007 Volume 31 - No. 5 The Warden’s Corner Hello brothers!!! As you know we are doing 2 separate Mid-Year meetings this year – one in the East and one in the West. As your State Warden, guess what the State Deputy has charge me with?????? You guessed it, 100% submission of the Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity Form 1728 by Jan 31, 2008. What does this mean to you???? I need a copy of your report by the time of your MidYear meeting. In order to make my goal, I need every council to provide me a copy of their report. Since the report can be filed on-line, please include my email address (jdurbin@ec.rr.com) in the spot for the state deputy on the form. This will ensure that I receive a copy of your submission and it will not inundate the State Deputy’s email and I can make the report directly to him on the State’s status. As a fraternal, non-profit, service organization that enjoys many tax-exempt status codes throughout the IRS codes, it is imperative that we maintain that status. The only way we can do this is through YOUR timely reporting. If you need help with filling out the form – please call me in the evenings and I will gladly walk you through the process. I am currently going through all of our other forms that were supposed to already have been submitted and much to our surprise, our records and Supreme Council’s do not reconcile. As a state council, we can defend the submission of a report if we have a copy of it, which is why it is so important that you provide us a copy of all your reports submitted to Supreme. It is my hope as we enter into the holiday season of Thanksgiving and Christmas that the Lord blesses you with many blessings and that our founder Father McGivney continues to guide us in the works he started 125 years ago. God Bless! Mike Durbin, Your NC State Warden Form 1728 Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity 18 November 2007 Volume 31 - No. 5 A “High Point” for the Chorale Solidarity with our Priests at Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish was the order of the day as Bishop Hafey Council celebrated it’s 50th Anniversary. Father Jack Kelly, GK Bob Korabek, SD John Gouldie, PSD Jim Neely, and the Chorale led by PSD Joe Dick joined in the celebration. Frosting on the cake was having our 92 year old Chorale member, Dick Miller, join the Chorale in song at the Pennybyrn at Maryfield Retirement Home. The Chorale’s next engagement is at St. Bernadette’s Church in Fuquay-Varina on December 1. 19 November 2007 Volume 31 - No. 5 Knights of Columbus insurance in force tops $65 billion (NEW HAVEN, CT) - The Knights of Columbus insurance program passed a major milestone today, when total insurance in force exceeded $65 billion for the first time. The Order was established in 1882 as a fraternal benefit society, and one of its primary aims was to enable its members to protect their families with life insurance. The amount of Knights of Columbus life insurance in force has doubled in the past decade, from $32.9 billion in 1997 to $65 billion today. The Knights of Columbus now has over $14 billion in assets and more than 1.8 million life, annuity and long-term care policies in force, and ranks in the Fortune 1000 list of America's largest companies. It is one of only six insurance companies in North America to receive the highest possible rating from both Standard & Poor's (AAA) and A.M. Best (A++), and certification of ethical business practices from the Insurance Marketplace Standards Association (IMSA). Supreme Knight and CEO Carl A. Anderson said that surpassing the $65 billion milestone "is solid evidence of our faithfulness to the vision of our founder, Fr. Michael J. McGivney, and a real tribute to our force of more than 1,300 field agents who have dedicated their careers to helping our members build a rock solid foundation on which to provide financial protection to their families." David Wellmon, FIC General Agent North Carolina 20 Waverly Ct., Asheville, NC 28805 828-298-3660 - FAX-828-298-0897 - CELL-828-301-3807 David.Wellmon@KofC.org - dwellmon@bellsouth.net 20 November 2007 Volume 31 - No. 5 Youth Director’s Moment Brothers all, I received the following email and thought if anybody likes hockey, and you’re in the Charlotte area, come out and support the team, and at the same time, help out our veterans who keep and protect our freedoms. Jim Kiger, Youth Director Dear Checkers Fan – After a successful opening weekend at the box office (8,727 and 5, 713) and a 1-1 showing on the ice; the Checkers are looking forward to a BIG November. In an effort to meet our lofty goal of raising over $500k for local non-profits I am proud to announce the following upcoming events: Wednesday - November 7 (deleted) Saturday, November 10th, 2007 @ 7:30pm – Veterans Night Being the son of a disabled Veteran I have learned how dramatic the effects of war can be on a family. This is a very simple, yet meaningful opportunity for us to honor military past, present, and future. Throughout the game we will honor veterans, and even have a special ceremony inducting new soldiers. Monies generated from the promotional codes will be split up among a number of benefactors. We have discounted tickets in the Blue Line from $22 to $20 ($8 back) and the Attack Zone from $20 to $15 ($6 back). The promotional code USA can be used to split the proceeds among the benefactors or you can specifically donate back one of the following benefactors of your choice: The Charlotte USO (USO), the Coalition to Salute Americas Heroes (SALUTE), the family of recently deceased Queen City DAV leader Samuel Gordon (HYATT), and the Knights of Columbus Welcome Home Program (KOFC). Click the link below to utilize the code. Friday - November 16 (deleted) Whether you are a hockey fan or just want to support a worthy cause, we encourage you to utilize these promotional opportunities. I made you aware of these 3 in particular because of what they mean to me personally. Yesterday, I found myself in a barber chair at Emerson Joseph getting my head shaved in a Mohawk. I am not asking for that type of dedication from you, all I ask is that if you do not plan on attending that you at least send this to 1 friend. Money is great, awareness is just as important. If you have any ideas on how to make theses nights bigger, better, and more efficient, please do not hesitate to contact me. If you are looking to contribute via your business, we have corporate packages available. Want to utilize this promotion for your group, I can help. Special accommodations? Just ask. THE LINK BELOW http://www.ticketmaster.com/promo/8rf0m3 Again, I can’t stress enough how important these events are to my personally, thank you for your time and consideration. Rory K. Brady | Sales Manager Charlotte Checkers Professional Hockey Club P - 704.940.4082 | F - 704.377.4595 | rbrady@gocheckers.com Editor’s note November 10th is also the birthday of the United States Marine Corps. Semper Fidelis! 21 November 2007 Volume 31 - No. 5 From The Desk of the State Secretary Brothers All: I would like to thank all of the councils that have sent in their per capita and liability checks. I would like to remind the Grand Knights that have not sent their liability premium check to either send proof of liability coverage or a check to the State Secretary for your liability insurance. A reminder to the Financial Secretaries that have not sent in their per capita check…it is past due so please get one out ASAP. This is a good time for all councils to look back on the previous four months and see what programs are still outstanding and put into motion plans that will accomplish finishing out all of your programs for the first six months. Your DDs’ should have met with all of your Grand Knights and went over all of the programs that have been accomplished for your council in the past four or five months. Every council should have at least one program they consider as outstanding for their council and should be written up and given to your District Deputy before November 15th of this year. A reminder to all councils that have Brothers deployed in hot spots around the world to get their names to me ASAP for your per capita rebate on these deployed Brothers in harm’s way. If you have any questions regarding your state per capita invoice or the insurance invoice, please contact Dave Jones at (704) 535-6599 or e-mail, icilamp@bellsouth.net. Vivat Jesus, Dave Jones, NC State Secretary P.S. Insurance certificates will be mailed out in two weeks Council 1234 123 Main St. Anytown USA 98765 November 1 1-234-555-6789 PAY TO THE ORDER OF KofC Per Capita & Liability 2007 $0.00 No Dollars and No Cents —————————————————- ZÜtÇw ^Ç|z{à Is Your Check Overdue? 22 November 2007 Volume 31 - No. 5 PRO-LIFE Compass” has been dumbed down to fool kids and parents into thinking of it as a Christmas movie. Where in the end of the trilogy the kids kill God and everyone can do as they please. The movie will star Nicole Kidman so it will probably be highly advertised. Pullman’s objective is to bash Christianity and promote atheism. He has made remarks that he wants to kill God in the minds of children, and that’s what the books are about. The first movie is scheduled to be released December 7, 2007. Most of the profoundly anti-catholic elements have been taken out of the movie so as not to offend Christians in the hopes that the parents will allow the children to buy the books which are. Brother Knights, Vivat Jesus! Thanksgiving – November is the month we set aside to give thanks for all that we receive from God. As Pro-Life people of God, we should give special thanks for the gift of God’s love and the gift of life! Also we should thank God for the gift of his Son who redeemed the world and for Mary Queen of the Knights who said “yes” to God’s will. We need to thank Him for the Angels and Knights who pray with us and work with us to help others less fortunate. We need to share these gifts with other Catholic men by inviting them to join us in Knighthood. All of us who have food, shelter and clothing should be thankful, there are many in this world that do not. I would like to thank all who joined us in the “Life Chains” in October. As Catholic’s we must remember that the Churches pro-Life message is one that is antiabortion, anti-euthanasia, and anti-death penalty. Anyone who claims to be Catholic yet supports abortion is not in solidarity with the Church and is in serious peril of the consequences; especially, if he/she is in a position of power or influence. Pray the Rosary to End Abortion Please have your family pray the Rosary daily to end abortion. Include the Prayer for the Unborn in your daily prayers (see bottom of this page). Know that you are included in my daily prayers as well as our clergy. Remember our most powerful weapon against abortion is Prayer, so Pray, Pray, and Pray! John Wigger Pro-Life Chairman 8681 Windsor Ridge Drive Charlotte, NC 28277 Phone: (704) 752-3645 cjwigger@bellsouth.net www.kofcnc.org Alert! As confirmed by Snopes, the 2007 film “The Golden Compass” is based on a series of books with anti-religious themes; written by Phillip Pullman, a proud atheist who belongs to secular humanist societies. He despises the C. S. Lewis’s “Chronicles' of Narnia” series because of their Christian ideas. His Trilogy of books is being touted as an alternative to C. S. Lewis’s books for children. The movie “The Golden Prayer for the Unborn Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I love you very much; I beg you to spare the life of the unborn baby that I have spiritually adopted who is in danger of abortion. By Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen 23 November 2007 Volume 31 - No. 5 The Wheelchair Foundation The Knights of Columbus have joined the Wheelchair Foundation in providing free wheelchairs to children, teens and adults worldwide who are without mobility and cannot afford a wheelchair. Hope, Mobility, Freedom and Independence are being given to people deprived of mobility by war, disease, accident, natural disaster and advanced age. For a donation of $150.00, councils, assemblies and circles are invited to join this organization that has distributed over 580,034 wheelchairs since June 2000 to over 150 countries and geographical locations. If you want more information go to www.wheelchairfoundation.org or just call me for information. I have DVD’s, pamphlets, newsletters and other materials to help you decide to make a difference in this world. The program was also featured in the March 2006 edition of “Columbia”. Thank you! Greg Ciesielski * 252-444-1859 * lilski@ec.rr.com THK Editor Greg Ciesielski 333 Miller Blvd Havelock, NC 28532 58c Address Label Box Give Thanks! 24