C O N T E N T S Confirmation of Ordinance No. 27 of 1942 -
C O N T E N T S Confirmation of Ordinance No. 27 of 1942 -
No. 1270 THURSDAY, 3RD J U N E , 1943 479 C O N T E N T S Page ORDINANCE CONFIRMED Confirmation of Ordinance No. 27 of 1942 - - 481 - ־ - - GOVERNMENT NOTICES Re-appointment of Unofficial Members of the Jewish Cooperative Advisory Council Refund of Vehicle Licence Fees Obituary Appointments, etc. Sittings of Court of Criminal Assize - . .' Fees for Bacteriological Examinations Land Surveyors' Licences granted . Land Valuers' Licences renewed Sale of State Domains . . . . - • • - -. ...Lease by Auction—Extension of Mails lost Palestine Post Office Savings Bank Deposit Book lost Blank Original Receipt and Counterfoil of the Jerusalem Water Supply lost Adjudication of Contracts Claims for Mutilated Currency Notes Citation Orders Notices of the Execution Offices, Jaffa and Tel Aviv - - . 481 481 481 481 481 482 482 483 483 484 484 484 484 '484 484 485 487 • - ־ ־ - ־ ־ - ־ - ־ - - RETURNS Quarantine and Infectious Diseases Summary Persons changing their Names Sale of Unclaimed Goods Financial Statement at 31st January, 1943 Statement of Assets and Liabilities at 31st January, 1943 - - - - - - - - 488 489 489 490 492 - 493 NOTICES REGARDING COOPERATIVE SOCIETIES, A BANKRUPTCY, INCORPORATION OF COMPANIES, REGISTRATION OF PARTNERSHIPS, ETC. - - • - CORRIGENDA 503 S U P P L E M E N T No. 2. T h e f o l l o w i n g subsidiary legislation is published i n Supplement N o . 2 which forms part of this Gazette: — Order No. 37 of 1943, under the Visiting Forces (British Commonwealth) Act, 1933, ordering that the C i v i l T r i a l of Members of the Forces Ordinance shall not apply to Members of an Allied Force i n Palestine Order No. 38 of 1943, under The Visiting Forces (British Commonwealth) Act, 1933, ordering that the C i v i l T r i a l of Members of the Forces Ordinance shall not apply to Members of the Free French Force in Palestine .. Notice under the Land (Expropriation) Ordinance regarding the Acquisition of Land for the Extension of Qiryat Motskin Railway Station at Emeq Zevulun Notice under the Land (Expropriation) Ordinance regarding the Construction of the Ras E n Naqura Frontier Control Station in Bassa Village, Acre Sub-District Municipal Corporations (Nomination of Municipal Commission) (Ramallah) Order, 1943, under the Municipal Corporations Ordinance, 1934 Herzliya (Price Control of Foodstuffs) By-laws, 1943, under the Local Councils Ordinance, 1941 K a f r Yasif (Price Control of Foodstuffs) By-laws, 1943, under the Local Councils Ordinance, 1941 v ( PRICE: (55 MILS. 513 513 514 514 514 515 516 Continued) CONTENTS. Page (Continued) Defence (Control of Meat) (Amendment) Order (No. 3), 1943, under the Food Control Ordinance, 1942 Notice under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, granting Authority to annul a Parcellation Scheme within the Haifa District Town Planning Area Notice under the Department of Labour Ordinance, 1943, appointing certain Persons to be Inspectors for the Purposes of the Ordinance Notice under the Defence (Licensing Offences) (Procedure) Regulations, 1942, appointing an Officer to be an Authorised Officer for the Purpose of the Regulations Notice of Posting of Schedules of Rights to Lands of certain Villages in Ramie, Haifa and Nazareth Sub-Districts, under the Land (Settlement of Title) Ordinance Defence (Oils and Fats) (Limitation of Prices) (Amendment) Order (No. 4), 1943, under the Defence Regulations, 1939 .Food Control (Maximum Prices for Slaughter Stock and Meat) (Amendment) Order (No. 3), 1943, under the Food Control Ordinance, 1942 Food Control (Slaughter Stock Sale Restriction) (Amendment) Order, 1943, under the Food Control Ordinance. 1942 Food Control (Maximum Prices for Lakercla) Order, 1943, under the Food Control Ordi nance, 1942 S U P P L E M E N T No. 3. REGISTRATION OF TRADE MARKS, PATENTS, DESIGNS, ETC. 517 ־ 518 518 518 519 519 521 - - - - 521 522 . 19 ־ THE 3rd June,•. )943 . P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E No,. 1270. 481- C O N F I R M A T I O N OF O R D I N A N C E . The Secretary of State for the Colonies has notified the High Commissioner that His Majesty will not be advised to exercise his power of disallowance i n respect of Ordinance No. 27 of 1942, entitled "Workmen's Compensation (Amendment) Ordinance, 1942". ' 29th May, 1943. (I/375/33/Vol. II) R O B E R T SCOTT A c t i n g Chief Secretary. ־־ NOTICE. " " " JEWISH COOPERATIVE ADVISORY COUNCIL. WHEREAS in accordance with the notice published in the Palestine Gazette dated 2nd July, 1942, one third of the unofficial members of the Jewish Cooperative Advisory Council are to retire annually and retiring members are eligible for rcnomination; AND WHEREAS Messrs. Hayim Ariav, Yisrael Ritov, Yosef Shachor and Avraham Zabarsky have retired from the Council on the 13th of May, 1943; IT IS HEREBY NOTIFIED for general information that the High Commissioner has been pleased to reappoint the said members as unofficial members of the Jewish Cooperative Advisory Council for a further period of three years as from the 13th of May, 1943. 29th May, 1943. (W/99/37) ~ . R O B E R T SCOTT A c t i n g Chief Secretary. '. • ־ NOTICE. ' ~~~~ REFUND OF VEHICLE LICENCE FEES. Members of the public who desire to claim, under the Defence (Refund of Vehicle Licensing Fees) Regulations, 1943, a refund of a proportionate amount of the licence fees paid i n respect of vehicles which were acquired under Regulation 51 of the Defence Regulations, 1939, or in respect of which the licences were cancelled by the Defence (Control of Private Motor Vehicles) Regulations, 1942, a n d were not extended by the Controller of Road Transport after the 15th September, 1942, should submit their applications (in duplicate) to the Controller of Road Trans port, P.O. Box 1260, Jerusalem, on Forms R.T. 62 which may be obtained upon demand at any Traffic Office. C O N T R O L L E R O F ROAD T R A N S P O R T . OBITUARY. The High Commissioner announces with regret the death on the 15th May, 1943, of MR. Y . ZAMIR, Tax Collector, District Administration, Lydda District. APPOINTMENTS, ETC. APPOINTMENTS. MR. T. G. WILKIN, British Inspector, Police and Prisons, to act as Assistant Superintend ent, with effect from the 3rd January, 1943, until further order. MR. MUNIR A B U FADIL, First Inspector, Police and Prisons, to act as Assistant Super intendent, with effect from the 1st February, 1943, until further order. MR. J . M . FLANAGAN, Assistant Superintend ent, Police and Prisons, to act as Deputy Superintendent, with effect from the 1st Oc tober, 1942, until further order. MR. R. C. MUSGRAVE, Acting Assistant Dis trict Commissioner, Lydda District, to act as Assistant.District Commissioner, Gaza District, with effect from the 17th May, 1943, until fur ther order. The High Commissioner has appointed: — MR. F . W . SYER, Superintendent of Police, Department of Police and Prisons, to be Assist ant Inspector General of Police, with effect from the 12th March, 1943. MR. WADIE SALAMEH, Clerk, Judicial Depart ment, to be Registrar, Judicial Department, TERMINATION OF ACTING APPOINTMENT. with effect from the 20th March, 1943. The acting appointment of MR. F . G. PARKMR. DAOUD YOUSEF, Clerk, Judicial Depart ment, to be Registrar, Judicial Department, j HOUSE, Assistant Superintendent of Police, pub with effect from the 2nd May, 1943. j lished i n Palestine Gazette No. 1252 of the 25th February, 1943, ,ceased with effect from the 22nd March, 1943. ACTING APPOINTMENTS. j MR. C. A . R. LAAVRENCE, Assistant Superin- j tendent, Police and Prisons, to act as Deputy : Superintendent, with effect from the 3rd Janu- ! ary, 1943, until further Order. \ MR. E . F . BUTCHER, Assistant Superintend- , ent, Police and Prisons, to act as Deputy j Superintendent, with effect from the 1st Feb- j ruary, 1943, until further order. j MR. G. L . MATHEWS, British Inspector, I Police and Prisons, to act as Assistant Super- J intendent, with effect from the 1st January, I 1943, until further order. ! NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the Court of Criminal Assize will sit at the following places on the dates stated for the trial of the cases mentioned hereunder: — ACRE: — ; .• : • Monday, 7th June, 1943. Assize Case N o . 12/43. Attorney-General v. Ahmad Ibn Mahmoud el Haj Mousa. THE 482 JAFFA:— P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E No: mô: ::.: Monday, 7th June, 1943. Assize Case N o . 11/43. Attorney-General . ,... v. Mahmoud Ahmad Abdul Aziz. Monday, 7th June, 1943. Assize Case N o . 13/43. Attorney-General • . . . . v. . 1. Abdul M u ' t i Ahmad el Sawalhi ••"2. Abdul Aziz Mohd. el Sawalhi 3. Abdul Fattah Ahmad el Hanafi. Tuesday, 8th June, 1943. Assize Case N o . 14/43. Attorney-General v.. Ibrahim Abdul Rahman Abdo. Thursday,, 10th June, 1943. Assize Case N o . 10/43. Attorney-General v. 1. Salim Shehadeh K h a l i l 2. Mohd. Ibn Shehadeh K h a l i l 3. Ahmad Abdel Nabi Shehadeh K h a l i l . NAISLUS : — Tuesday, 15th June, 1943. . ׳.'.'־. ' Assize Case N o . 9/43. Attorney-General v. Mustafa Mohd. Mahmoud elYacoub alias El-Wahsh. Tuesday, •15th June, 1943. .'״.'" Assize Case N o . 8/13. . Attorney-General v •••••. ... • • :V. Abdul Rahim Ahmed Haj Saleh alias Saqr. Wednesday, 16th June, 1943. Assize Case N o . 15/43. Attorney-General . ־ ••• v. 1. Ahmed Nimer Mustafa Qassem 2. Hussein Abdel Khaliq Qassem. 27th May, 1943. . (Gaz/5/40) . Cliicf L . A. W . ORE R e g i s t r a r , Supreme Court. NOTICE. 3rd - June,' 1943 ׳...'-'... Mils. (e) Serological test for bacillary white diarrhoea of fowls of flocks not under measures of control, approved by. the Chief Veterinary Officer— ' for first four fowls, each • 25 for each additional fowl 10 (f) Examination of milk— (i) microscopical 150 (ii) microscopical and cultural 200 (iii) microscopical and animal ino 500 culation (g) Pigeon pox virus vaccine— of) (i) in bottles of 30 doses each 150 (ii) in bottles of 100 doses each (h) Anti-anthrax serum, per dose of 50 c.c. 150 (i) Blackquarter vaccine, per dose of 5 c.c. (minimum supplied 10 doses) 20 (j) Haemorrhagie septicaemia vaccine, / per dose of 5 c.c. (minimum supplied 10 doses) 20 (k) Haemorrhagie septicaemia serum, per dose of 50 c.c. (minimum sup 150 plied 5 doses) (1) Fowl cholera serum, per dese of 2 c.c. (minimum supplied 10 doses) , (m) Fowl typhoid vaccine, per dose of 1 c.c. (minimum supplied 10 doses) 2.5; (n) I . D . P . mallein, per dose of 0.2 c.c. (minimum supplied 10 doses) - 10 (o) Other examinations and laboratory products — fees and prices proportionate to the time necessary for diagnosis and cost of produc tion. : 7th May, 1913. (A/2/37) F . R. MASON D i r e c t o r of A g r i c u l t u r e a n d F i s h e r i e s . NOTICE. - ־ DEPARTMENT OF SURVEYS. The following is a list of gentlemen licensed to practise in Palestine as land surveyors during the three year period ending 31st March, 1916 :— • . jicencc - Name - '" T o w n : FEES FOR BACTERIOLOGICAL EXAMINATIONS. The schedule to the Notice regarding fees for bacteriological examinations carried out at the Government Veterinary Laboratory, pub lished in Gazette No. 257 of the 16th of A p r i l , 1930, is hereby cancelled and the fqllowing schedule is substituted therefor : — -'׳: ••'• SCHEDULE. ::; SCALE OF CHARGES. (a) Examination of pathological spec imens which require to be fixed, cut and stained (b.) Autogenous vaccines (in series of graduated doses)—per series (c) Standard vaccines (in series of graduated doses)—per series (d) Serological tests for contagious abortion of animals not under mea sures of control approved by the Chief Veterinary Officer— for first four animals, each for each additional animal Mil*. 100 1000 300 100 50 922 ' 923 924 • 925 92G 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 911 942 943 944 A l i Aref Abdul H a d i Nablus Francis Ephraim Ardos Tel Aviv Abdallah Alaeddin Jaffa Zusman Aronszajn Tel Aviv Eliezer Alyagon Tel Aviv Zvi Äskinazy Haifa Nachman AIexandrovsky '. Tiberias ' Joseph Breuer Haifa Eliezer Beloch Tel'Aviv Leon Brown Tel Aviv Emile Bustäni • Haifa David Blau Tel Aviv Zvi Bar-Adon Haifa Markus Berliner Nahariya Alexander Chissin Tel Aviv Benjamin Chaikin Jerusalem Elie Cantor Haifa Zion Cornfeld , Haifa Abraham Cohen Rishon le Zion Isaac Doubitzky Tel Aviv Jacob Doobey . Tel Aviv Elias Salameh Dabai Jaffa Nahum Epstein: Haifa : T H E P A L E S T ! N E G A Z E T T E No,: 1270. 3rd J Hilt*,•• 1943 Name Town Michael E l r a i - Baghdasar Bedros Erdekian Joseph Elster Barouch Eeldman Samuel Goldman David Groner Solomon Hose Rushdi El-lmam E l Husseini Hesiiel Hinovker Jamal Hashem Zvi Ivenitzky H a i m lsraely Mordechai Hiriaty Dov Kulman Amnon ü i p n i s Jacob K r i n k i n Alexander Hätz Aram Jacob K r i k o r i a n Heinz Herman Kroch Eliezer Levin Zalman Lifshitz Jacob Lev Moreno Meyohas Abdallah Y ousef M i t r i Moshe Mysh Samuel Moscovitz Aaron Minz Fuad Masri Abraham Marcus ]Nicolas E l i a Manasseh Nicholas Popper Eliahu Penn Samuel Prushansky Nathan Peremen Issac Rabinovitz Jacob Rosentool Hanan Ramberg Samuel Rosoff Elie Ratzersdorfer Emanuel Roer Maximilien Steinherz Hanna Suleiman Salah Jerusalem Licence 945 946 : 917 948־ 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 Licence Jerusalem Tel Aviv Jerusalem Petan Tiqva Tel Aviv Tel Aviv Tel Aviv Tel Aviv Tel Aviv J erusalem Jerusalem Tel Aviv . Tel Aviv Jerusalem Haifa Jerusalem . Jaffa Haifa Beer Tuvya Tel Aviv Jaffa Haifa Haifa Tel Aviv Tel Aviv Tel Aviv Tel Aviv Haifa Tel Aviv Tel Aviv Haifa Haifa Hadera Tel. A vi v Ramallah - • ־ Name 987 . 988 989 990 991 992 993 991 995 996 997 99S 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 Haifa Haifa Tel Aviv Haifa Tel Aviv Haifa .483 Town Moshe Sternheirn Jerusalem Bela Szivos Jerusalem Ernst Stark Tel Aviv Haifa Samuel David Sorsky Ya'acov Shiffman Tel Aviv Haifa Bernard Shenburg Moshe Shapirovsky Haifa Joseph Suleiman Salah Ramallah Itzhak Shendel Tel Aviv ISJasouhi Shawa Ramie Abram Slowes Haifa Samuel Izak Sussmann Haifa Stephen Torok Jerusalem Emanuel Theiner Rehovot Noah Tabachnik Haifa Abram Vilensky Haifa Yehezkiel Vilensky Haifa Aron Wiener Tel Aviv Eliezer Yellin Jerusalem Moses Yachnovitzky Tel Aviv Meir Zoback Haifa Jacob Malinowsky Hadera Moses Gilevitch Haifa. A. P. MITCHELL 27th May. 1913. D i r e c t o r of Surveys. NOTICE. RENEWAL OF LAND VALUERS' LICENCES. The undermentioned licences to practise as i Land Valuers i n Palestine under the Land i Valuers Ordinance are hereby renewed for a 1 further period of five years:— j J Lie- \ ence \No. ! j 1 Name Town M r . B . Lousmann Perelmann Tel Aviv Dr. Bernard Ascher Haifa 3 38 j Renewed Licence expires on 12,5.48 13.7.48. AI. C. BENNETT 1 D i r e c t o r of L a n d Settlement. ־NOTICE. SALE OF STATE DOMAINS. The Government properties described hereunder are hereby offered for sale by auction: — State Domain No. Village Locality • Deed No. Block No. Parcel No. Share Area Dns. M s . Description. GP/5/12(4) Kafr Saba• Al Kurum & al Bnseilane 63/35 7607 2 In whole 5.399 Arable land GP/5/17(5) 'Attil Detached lands Al 'Alalin al Gharbiya 336/36 7913 42 20/300 18.202׳ Arable land GP/5/29(7) Qaqnn — 5 7982 4• In whole 14.219 Arable land GP/5/29(10) Qaqira — 7 8081 20 In whole 119.803 Marshes. The outbidding list w i l l be open at the District Offices, Tulkarm, for a period of one month from 9 a.m. on Monday, the 31st May, 1943, until 12 noon on Tuesday, the 29th June^ 1943, unless extended by notice. A l l registration and stamp fees shall be paid by the purchaser. The bid is made subject to the conditions of sale, the terms of which the bidder is deemed to accept. Other particulars may be obtained from the District Officer, •Tuikarnij and the Director of Land Settlement, Jerusalem. 28th May, 1943. (Gaz/1/40) ־־ - ־ -M.C.BENNETT D i r e c t o r of L a n d Settlement. THE 484 NOTICE. EXTENSION OF AUCTION. The public are hereby notified that the notice of lease by auction published i n Palestine Gazette No. 1262 of 22nd A p r i l , 1943, and which expired on the 14th May, 1943, has been ex tended for a further period of one month ending 23th June, 1943. • • • • • • • - - • • • 7 {Gaz/1/40) . ׳M. C. B E N N E T T D i r e c t o r of L a n d Settlement. NOTICE. DEPARTMENT OF POSTS AND TELEGRAPHS. .. . . MAILS LOST. It is notified for information that the follow ing mails despatched i n 1942 from Palestine to the United Kingdom have been lost by enemy action. Approximate Dates of Posting i n Palestine Letters and Printed Papers Parcels 3rd P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E No. 1270. . 26th October to 5th November 13th to 19th July. 26th. May, 1943,.. The contract for the supply of 2,000 yards brown d r i l l for the Palestine Police has been awarded to Messrs. E . I l i n & N . Abramovitz, 15, Lilienblum Street, Tel Aviv, at £P.450.—. Period of contract is one week. The contract for the supply of 1,440 boxes of matches for the Department of Health has been awarded to Messrs. Eastern Arabic• Match Works L t d . , P.O.B. 47, Acre, at £P.6.050 mils. Period of contract is one week. The contract for the supply of 3,000 yards of sanitary towelling for the Palestine Police has been awarded to M r . I. Rosen, P.O.B. 1677, Tel Aviv, at -SP.315.—. Period of contract is 3 weeks. The contract for the supply of 2,450 pillow slips for the Palestine Police has been awarded to Messrs. E . I l i n & N . Abramovitz, 15, Lilien blum Street, Tel Aviv, at ־EP.377.300 mils. Period of contract is 5 weeks. The contract for the supply of 5,200 brassards for the C i v i l Defence Adviser has been awarded to M r . W.A. Henderson, P.O.B. 854, Jerusalem, at £P. 472.410 mils. Period of contract is 6 weeks. ' '׳ NOTICE. DEPARTMENT OF POSTS AND TELEGRAPHS. PALESTINE POST •OFFICE SAVINGS BANK DEPOSIT BOOK. June, 1943 J. L . F L E T C H E R C o n t r o l l e r of L i g h t I n d u s t r i e s . 26th Mav, 1043. | P A L E S T I N E C U R R E N C Y BOARD. The following deposit book is reported to | Payment of the value of the following have been lost : — ! mutilated currency notes has been claimed by •Deposit Book the persons named. Any other person wishing N a m e of Depositor Office No. : fo submit a claim i n respect of any of these | notes should communicate at once with the Tel Aviv 55 Meyer Benghiat | Currency Officer, Jerusalem. As the book is valueless to any person other than its owner, the finder is hereby requested Number.: to return it to the. Postmaster General. (Savings Value N a m e of C l a i m a n t of N o t e .. Bank), General Post Office, Jerusalem. (Gaz/4/40).. . . ־.. . . . . NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the Blank Original Recepit No. 95767 and Counterfoil of the Jerusalem Water . Supply Department (Form JWS/A-20/1942) has been lost and is therefore cancelled. Whoever finds, or is the holder, of this re ceipt should deliver it to the Accounts Section of the Jerusalem Water Supply Department against receipt. M. E L K H A L D I M a y o r of J e r u s a l e m . A D J U D I C A T I O N OF C O N T R A C T S . The contract for the supply of 2,500 blankets for the C i v i l Defence Adviser has been awarded to Messrs. ••Aroogai" Palestine Textile Factory Ltd., P.O.B. 569, Tel Aviv, at £P.3,940.—. Period of contract .,is ׳2 months. The contract for the supply of 500 yards woollen cloth for the Palestine Police has been awarded to Messrs. Aritz L t d . , 19, Rothschild Boulevard, Tel Aviv, at a price of £P.412.~-. :(Period• of contract-is'4 weeks. Subhi Hawa Elija Street, Haifa. Vincent Mcrcieca, Rex Hotel, Haifa. Mrs. A. E . Lange, St. Luke's Hut, Haifa. Klinger's Bank, P.O.B. 3, • Salad. Mr. Reinhold Levin, Ahuzza, Haifa. D.535.954 500 Mils D.171011/ D.565747 500 Mils D.512907 500 Mils A.823517/ B.037647 A.64770G 500 Mils D.616700/ D.685589 D.5948Ö9/ C.584102 500 Mils The Angle-Palestine Ltd., Jerusalem. 500 Mils The Anglo-Palestine Batik Ltd., Jerusalem. Mr. Willy Levy, KingGeorge Ave., Jerusalem. Haj Mohtl. Ramadan, Shafa 'Amr Municipality. "Hefzi-Bah" Standard Articles Co. L t d . , P.O.B. •1074, Tel Aviv. Adnan Eff. Shukri, P.O.B. 704, Jerusalem. Arab -National Bank L t d . , Jerusalem. • 500 Mils C.431522 500 Mils J.0399S5r> L.270112 LP.l .LIU 500 Mils C.638201 H.251485 LIU M.306402 L.ö425ir» LIU LIU 23rd-May, 1943: (Gaz/14/40) ! f ׳j • j Bank A. L . P E T E R S Currency Officer. THE tïrd June, 1943 P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E •Nov 1270. Petitioners: Messrs. Rywka Hersz, Dora Salomon, Bronia Krzepicki and Marja Krasiniecki, represented by Dr. S. Lande, advocate of Tel Aviv. CITATIONS FOR ORDERS OF SUCCESSION. . I. IN T H E D I S T E I C T C O U E T OF H A I F A . ' ־־•־ C i v i l Case N o . P . K . 42/43. In the matter of Leya, widow of Nasrallah Atallah, of Haifa, deceased. ׳,,. P e t i t i o n e r : Ghorah Haddad of Haifa. '.' Let all persons take notice that Ghorah Had dad has applied to the District Court of H a i f a for an order declaring the succession to the abo'venamed Leya Atallah of Haifa, deceased, who died on the 9th of December, 1938, and that the said application w i l l be heard i n the District Court of Haifa on the 17th day of June, 1943, at 9 a.m. A l l persons claiming any interest must ap pear at the said place on or before the abovementioned date, otherwise such order w i l l be made as to the Court seems right: Dated this 27th day of May, 1943. D. 485 Let all persons take notice that Messrs. Rywka Hersz, Dora Salomon, Bronia Krze picki and M a r i a Krasiniecki have applied to the District Court of Tel Aviv for an order de claring the succession to Abram Hersz of Tel Aviv, deceased, and that the said application will be heard at the said Court on the 13th day of June, 1943, at 9 a.m. | A l l persons claiming any inerest must apj-pear at the said place and time, otherwise such j order will be made as to the Court seems right. ! Dated this 23rd day of May, 1943. I I (Gaz/18/40) | Registrar, Z. HAEAKABI District Court, Tel Aviv. IN T H E D I S T E I C T C O U E T O F T E L A V I V , YOUSEF District Court, j P r . N o . 168/43. (Gas/37/40) A c t i n g Registrar, Haifa. j In the matter of Ishaq Shalom Shami of j.Petah Tiqva, deceased. .•־.'....־-• II. I P e t i t i o n e r : No'omi (Naima) Shami, repreIN T H E D I S T E I C T G O U E T O F H A I F A . Case N o . 57/43. I sented by Z. Levanon—M. Greenbaum, ad| vocates, 29, Lilienblum Street, Tel Aviv. •'. In the matter of the succession to Shlomo I Let all persons take notice that No'omi Levin of Haifa, deceased. (]Naima) Shami has applied to the District P e t i t i o n e r : Mrs. Yehudith Levin of Haifa. Court of Tel Aviv for an order declaring the Let a l l persons take notice that Mrs. succession to Ishaq Shalom Shami of Petah Yehudith Levin has applied to the District Tiqva, deceased, and that the said application Court of H a i f a for an order declaring the suc will be heard at the District Court on the 15th cession to Shlomo Levin of Haifa, deceased, day of June, 1943, at 9 a.m. and that the said application w i l l be heard at A l l persons claiming any interest must ap Haifa on the 15th June, 1943, at 9 a.m. pear at the said place and time, otherwise such A l l persons claiming any interest must ap order w i l l be made as to the Court seems right. pear at the said place and time, otherwise such Z . HAEAKABI order will be made as to the Court seems right. (Gaz/18/40) ־Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. Dated this 18th day of May, 1943. • (Gaz/37/40) A c t i n g Registrar, D. YOUSEF District Court, ; Haifa. In the matter of the succession to Marcus Ilosner, deceased. P e t i t i o n e r : L i l l y K r e l l , Haifa, through her attorneys Dr. Z. Beigel and E . Slonim, ad vocates of 11, Shapiro Street, Haifa. 1943. ' (Gaz/37/40) •; .... .•־..•־. !v. YOUSEF District Court, Haifa. • ••:' '''־I N T H E D I S T E I C T C O U E T O F T E L A V I V . • ; P r o l a t e N o . 166/43. VI. : Let a l l persons take notice that MatildaMatania Cohen-Zeevi has applied to the Dis trict Court of Tel Aviv for an order declaring the succession to Herzel Cohen-Zejevi (formerly Vulfovitz) of Tel Aviv, deceased, and that the said application w i l l be heard at the District Court on the 14th day of June, 1943, at 9 a.m. A l l persons claiming any interest must ap pear at the said place and time, otherwise such order w i l l be made as to the Court seems right. Let all persons take notice that Mrs. Lilly. K r e l l has applied for an order declaring suc cession to Marcus Rosner, deceased, and that the said application w i l l be heard at the Dis trict Court, Haifa, on the 15th day of June, D. '" A c t i n g Registrar, . P r . N o . 170/43. In the matter of Herzel Cohen-Zeevi (for merly Vulfovitz) of Tel Aviv, deceased. Petitioner: Matilda-Matania Cohen-Zeevi, represented by Z. Levanon—M. Greenbaum, ad vocates, 29, Lilienblum Street, Tel Aviv. III. IN : T H E D I S T E I C T C O U E T O F H A I F A . P r o b a t e N o . 58/43. A l l persons claiming any interest must ap pear at the said place and time, otherwise such order w i l l be made as to the said Court seems right, Dated this 26th day of May, 1943. .. IN T H E D I S T E I C T C O U E T O F T E L A V I V . (Gaz/18/40) I | Registrar, Z. H A E A K A B I District Court, T e l Aviv. VII. , , IN T H E D I S T E I C T C O U E T O F T E L A V I V . ..•'•־. P r o b a t e N o . 173/43. In,the matter of P h i l i p Bendas of Tel Aviv, ! deceased. . : . ־. . ' ־. I | • Let all persons take notice that Mrs. D i h a In the matter of the Succession Ordinance, j Bendas has applied to the District Court of and in" the matter of Abram Hersz of Tel Aviv, I Tel Aviv for an order declaring the. succession i to Philip Bendas, deceased, and that the "said deceased. 3rd 4S0 application w i l l be heard at the same Court on the 22nd day of June, 1943, at 9 a.m. A U persons claiming a n y interest must ap pear at the same place a n d time, otherwise such order w i l l be made as to the Court seems right. Dated this 27th day of May, 1943. (Gaz/18/40) • ••• Z. H A E A K A B I D i s t r i c t Court* Te! Registrar, Aviv. VIII. IN, T H E DISTRICT C O U E T O F T E L AVIV. P r o b a t e Case • N o . 185/43. In the matter of succession to Yankiel (Yaacov) Chwoszczewski, late of Tel A v i v , de ceased. • Petitioner: Chana Chwoszczewski of Tel Aviv. Let a l l persons take notice that Mrs. Chana Chwoszczewski of Tel Aviv has applied to the District Court of T e l A v i v for an order declar ing the succession to Yankiel (Yaacov) Chwosz czewski of T e l A v i v , deceased, a n d that the said application w i l l be heard.at the District Court of Tel Aviv on the 17th d a y of J u n e , 1943, at .9 a.m./ A l l persons claiming any interest must ap pear at the said place a n d time, otherwise such order w i l l be made as to the Court seems right, Dated this 30th d a y of June, 1943. (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, CITATIONS FOR ORDERS IN Z. H A E A K A B I District Court, Tel Aviv. OF ADMINISTRATION. T H E DISTEICT COUET OF J E E U S A L E M . P r o b a t e N o . 69/43. In the matter of the succession to Alter BenDavid of Jerusalem, deceased. Petitioners: Arieh Melumad and Haim Steinovitz of Jerusalem, through M . Grateh, advocate. June, .1943 | In virtue of an order of the District Court \ of Tel Aviv, bearing date this day, I do hereby | cite all and all manner of persons to appear | in the said Court within ten days from the I date of publication hereof, and show cause, i f • any they have, why ah order of administration of all and singular the movable property, i rights,'credits and m i r i immovable property j of the late D r . Ernst Hahn, known also as D r . | Eliahu Hahn, should not be granted unto Mrs. | Sophie Hahn, as, i n default thereof, the Court j will proceed to grant the same accordingly. | Dated this 23rd day• of May, 1943. ! j (Gaz/18/40).. | Z. HARAKABI District Court, Tel Registrar, Aviv. CITATIONS FOR ORDERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. | | I. IN T H E DISTEICT COUET OF J A F F A . * | C i v i l Case N o . 82/43. | I n the matter of the minors Issa, J a l i l , | E v l i n a n d George, children of Iskander Ibn ! Andoni W deceased. j Petitioner: Wasileh bint Issa Hanania, j widow of the late Iskander Ibn Wasaya, of | Jaffa. | Let a i l persons take notice that Wasileh bint Hanania, widow of the late Iskander Ibn | Andoni Wasaya, of Jaffa, the mother of the ! abovenamed minors, has applied to the Dis trict Court of Jaffa for an order appointing I the said Wasileh bint Issa Hanania guardian i over Issa, J a l i l , E v l i n and George, children of | Lhe late Iskander Ibn Andoni Wasaya, de! ceased, a n d that the said application will be | heard-at the District Court of Jaffa on Mon| day the 21st day of June, 1943. • A l l persons having any objection to the apj pointment of the said Wasileh bint• Issa | H a n a n i a as guardian over the abovementioned j minors must appear at the said place and time, otherwise such order w i l l be made as to the Court seems right. Dated this 20th day of May, 1943. ! Issa In virtue of an order of the District Court of Jerusalem, bearing date this clay, I do hereby W. S A L A M E H cite all and a l l manner of persons to appear (Gaz/32/40) Registrar, District Court, Jaffa. in the said Court i n ten days from the ds^tc hereof, and show cause, i f any they have, why II. an order of administration of the m i r i immov IN T H E D I S T E I C T C O U E T OF T E L A V I V . able property of Alter Ben-David, deceased, re I'r. No. 169/43. gistered i n the Land Registry, Jerusalem, in In the matter of Plerzela Cohen-Zeevi, minor Volume 1, Beit Hakerem, Folio 45; 192, should child of Herzel Cohen-Zeevi (formerly: Vulfnot be granted unto' M r . Jacob Weinstock of ovitz), deceased. Sha'arei-Pinna Quarter, Jerusalem, for the purpose of the execution and public sale pro ! P e t i t i o n e r s : Matilda-Matania Cohen-Zeevi ceedings i n execution file No. 703/38, Execution J and Yehezkel Cohen of Tel Aviv, represented by Office, Jerusalem, as, i n default thereof, the I Z ^ Levanon—M, Greenbaum, advocates, 29, Court will proceed to grant the same accord Lilienblum Street, Tel Aviv. ingly. In virtue of an order of the District Court Dated this 28th day of May, 1943. of Tel Aviv, bearing date this day, I do hereby cite a l l and all manner of persons to appear i n A. N A S E the s a i d Court within ten days from the date of (Gaz/39/40) Registrar, District Court, Jerusalem. publication hereof, and show cause, i f any they have, why a n order appointing the said II. Matilda-Matania ׳Cohen-Zeevi and Yehezkel . IN T H E DISTEICT COUET OF T E L AVIV. Cohen as guardians over the person and prop P r o b a t e F i l e N o . 175/IS. erty of the above minor child should not be In the matter of the succession to the late | given, as, i n . default thereof, the Court will Dr. Ernst Hahn, known also as D r . Eliahu i proceed to grant the same accordingly. Hahn, of Rishon le Zion, deceased. | Dated this.23rd day of M a y , 1943. P e t i t i o n e r : Mrs. Sophie Hahn, through"her Z. HAEAKABI attorney Y . Korn, advocate, 15, Lilienblum ! (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. Street, Tel Aviv. : > 1 T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E No. 1270. 3rd June, 1943 j In the goods of Harris (otherwise known as ! Herzl) Shulman, deceased. III. I N T H E D I S T R I C T COURT OP T E L A V I V . F i l e N o . 172/43. I n the matter of the appointment of a g u a r d i a n over the m i n o r c h i l d A r i e B e n d a s of the late P h i l i p Bendas. Notice is hereby given that after the expiration of eight days from the publication hereof, an application will be heard i n the District Court of Tel Aviv for the resealing of the probate of the w i l l and letters of administration of the estate of Harris (otherwise known as Herzl) Shulman, late of Glasgow, Scotland, deceased, granted by the Sheriff Court of Lanarkshire, Scotland, on the 1st December, P e t i t i o n e r : M r s . D i n a Bendas, T e l A v i v , represened by M r . M . L . G o r o d i s s k y a n d N a h u m R u d y , advocates of T e l A v i v . I n v i r t u e of an order of the D i s t r i c t C o u r t of T e l A v i v , b e a r i n g date of this day, I do hereby cite a l l a n d a l l manner of persons to appear i n the C o u r t i n ten days f r o m the date of p u b l i c a t i o n hereof, a n d show cause, i f any they have, why the petitioner M r s . D i n a B e n das of T e l A v i v should not be appointed g u a r d i a n over the s a i d m i n o r a n d his p r o p e r t y , as, i n default thereof, the C o u r t w i l l proceed to g r a n t the same a c c o r d i n g l y . 1941. Dated this 23rd day of May, 1943. (Gaz/18/40) Z. H A R A K A B I Registrar, District Court, T e l IN D a t e d this 23rd day of M a y , 1943. Aviv. V. IN T H E D I S T R I C T C O U R T OF T E L A V I V . Prob. No. 182/43. I n the matter of a p p o i n t m e n t of a g u a r d i a n over L e a E n g l a e n d e r , 5 }'ears o l d , daughter— minor. B y v i r t u e of a n order of the D i s t r i c t C o u r t of T e l A v i v , b e a r i n g date this day, I do hereby cite a l l a n d a l l m a n n e r of persons to a p p e a r i n this C o u r t w i t h i n ten days f r o m the day of p u b l i c a t i o n hereof, a n d show cause, i f any they have, why a n order a p p o i n t i n g M r . Jacob E n g l a e n d e r as g u a r d i a n over the person and p r o p e r t y of the s a i d m i n o r L e a E n g l a e n d e r should not be given, as, i n default thereof, the C o u r t w i l l proceed to g r a n t the same accordingly. D a t e d this 23rd day of M a y , 1943. COURT OF J A F F A . Between:— The Custodian of Enemy Property (Palestine) for Banco di Roma, M o r t gagee, vs. Hanania Ishaki of B i r Ya'cub, Mortgagor. H a n n a V i g o d a of T e l A v i v , reby S. A h a r o n o v , advocate. Z. H A R A K A B I Registrar, District Court, T e l NOTICES. NOTICE OF SALE. Aviv. I n v i r t u e of an order of the D i s t r i c t C o u r t of T e l A v i v , b e a r i n g date this day, I do hereby cite a l l a n d a l l m a n n e r of persons to a p p e a r i n the said C o u r t w i t h i n ten days f r o m the date of the p u b l i c a t i o n hereof, a n d to show cause, i f any, why M r s . H a n n a V i g o d a should not be appointed guardian over the •abovenamed m i n o r s *and their p r o p e r t y , as, i n default thereof, the C o u r t w i l l proceed to g r a n t M r s . H a n n a V i g o d a ' s p e t i t i o n accordingly. (Gaz/18/40) T H E DISTRICT Aviv. E x e c u t i o n F i l e N o . 10400/39. IV. IN T H E DISTRICT COURT OP T E L A V I V . P r o b a t e N o . 17G/43. I n the matter of M e n u e h a Y i g o d a , Y o n a V i g o d a a n d A b r a h a m V i g o d a , minors. Petitioner: presented Z. H A R A K A B I Registrar, District Court, T e l EXECUTION I. D a t e d this 23rd clay of M a y , 1943. (Gaz/18/40) 487 | ! j ! ! Notice is hereby given that an order has been issued for the sale of the rights and interests of the mortgagor i n the property described i n the schedule below on conditions to be seen i n this office. Bids will be accepted for 30 days from the date of publication of this notice, daily (except on official holidays) between the hours of 9 a.m. and 1 p.m., provided that Publie Crier fees, as may be assessed by the Chief Execution Officer, w i l l be paid by the purchaser i n the Execution Office with the purchase price. SCHEDULE. 1. L o c a l i t y : B i r Ya'cub. 2. Registered owner: Hanania Ishaki. 3. A r e a : 9 dunums 202 metres. 4. P a r t i c u l a r s of r e g i s t r a t i o n : Block No. 4040, parcel No. 88. 5. D e s c r i p t i o n : M i r i , planted with trees after 1331 A . H . 6. l i e n i a r h s : Sandy land, planted with citrus J trees, each dununi containing 65 trees planted I 4 x 4 , nine years old, i n a fair condition, grove j irrigated from adjoining parcel of neighbours. j 7. Assessed v a l u e : £P.80.— per dunum. I 8. T o t a l v a l u e : £P.736.160 mils. F o r further details reference may be made to the report of seizure in the file. W. S A L A M E H Registrar, District Court, Jaffa. II. IN j ! T H E DISTRICT COURT O F J A F F A , Case N o . 281/42. NOTICE OF SALE. | Shaoul Youna Ezra of Tel Aviv, represented Z. H A R A K A B I | by Z. Levanon and M . Greenbaum, Tel Aviv, (Gaz/18/40) R e g i s t r a r , D i s t r i c t C o u r t , T e l Aviv. I advocates—Mortgagee. i Abdallah Hassan Bedewi of Salameh— CITATION. Mortgagor. ' IN T H E DISTRICT COURT OF T E L AVIV. Be it known that ah'order has been issued for Pr. No. 163/43. the sale of the rights of the mortgagor in the (Probate Jurisdiction). property described hereunder as per the terms In the motter of the Probates (British and and conditions which may be seen i n the file. Bids w i l l be accepted at this office within Colonial) Ordinance, and 488 80 days from the date of publication, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 1 p.m., except on official holidays. SCHEDULE. 1. L o c a l i t y : Salameh. 2. Registered owners: Bedewi of Salameh. • Abdallah , Hassan BLOCK 6141, PARCEL 35. Area: 58 dunums. Shares : 4/24 shares. Category: M i r i . Contains a well and a building erected, after 1331 H . Estimated v a l u e : £P.70. BLOCK 6141, PARCEL 36. A r e a :'• 17 dunums and 455 metres. Shares : shares. Category: M i r i land planted after 1331 H . Estimated• value: 11637/17455 —one building containing one apartment of 2 rooms, a kitchen and terrace, 2 apartments of one room, a kitchen and open terrace each, (c) 1. One building containing one apartment of 3 rooms, a kitchen and terrace and near it a small wooden hut containing a : room and magazine. 2. Middle wing containing 2 rooms, 2 kitchens and a terrace. 3. -North wing containing 2 rooms, 2 kitchens and a terrace. I n the yard there is a small building containing 2 water closets and a shower-bath. 7. B o u n d a r i e s • - . Settled area. 8. Other incumbrances: A mortgage for £ P . 1 0 0 . — in favour of Mrs. Sarah Leizerovici. 9. V a l u e assessed: 10. ' P r i c e offered £P.1,500. : Z . HARAKABI Registrar, District Court, Tel £P.1,280. 3. T o t a l value f o r both parcels: £P.1,300. £P.1,350. 1 Aviv. REMARKS IN REPORT OF VALUATION. P a r c e l 35:— contains a room for the motor engine built up of local stones at 8 x 6 size roofed from the inside by tiles. There is a motor engine of 7 H . P . with 4 inch pump on a well of 10 metres and a fountain of 50 metres. P a r c e l 36.:-— land planted with citrus trees at the rate of 64 trees i n a dunum, of 15 years of age, in a good condition. There are also about 500 trees of fruit (different kinds). The soil of the land is sandy and black, situated on the asphalt road. For further particulars see report of valua tion i n file. . ־ . W.. S A L A M E H Registrar, District Court, For Jaffa, The following restrictions arc at present in force:- Against Cholera Smallpox Smallpox Smallpox T H E DISTRICT COURT O F T E L , Execution AVIV. F i l e N o . 4962/40. SECOND NOTIFICATION OF SALE OF IMMOVABLE PROPERTY. The property described hereto of the estate of Mr: •Aharon Yaacoy Leizerovitz, deceased, the mortgagor, is. offered for sale i n satisfaction of the mortgage-debt :of £P.600.— together with, cost arid, interest owing to M r . Yaacov P r u zansky,..:-through Dr. Isac Avram, advocate. The sale will be held at'-the-Execution Office, Tel Aviv, during 15 days from the date of pubication hereof. Bids will be accepted on every Tuesday, .betwee.n ,the hours of 10 a.m. and 12 .non, after'depositing 10% of the value of the property. . ׳ 1 week ending' midnight 29.5.43 1. Quarantine Restrictions. Smallpox III. IN QUARANTINE AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES SUMMARY. Smallpox Smallpox Smallpox'. Plague Arrivals from Calcutta by air routes Arrivals from Calcutta by air and sea routes Arrivals from Iraq by rail and air routes Arrivals from Bombay by air routes Arrivals from Iran by air and land route3 . Arrivals from'Syria and the Lebanon by air, sea and land routes Arrivals from Turkey by land, sea and air routes 'Arrivals from Egypt,by land, sea and air routes Arrivals from Madagascar by air and sea routes Locality : Class J.'Area: Petah Tiqva, Nordau Street. of p r o p e r t y : Miri. T717 sq. ms. ; ' : P a r t i c u l a r s of r e g i s t r a t i o n : ?lock 6380(35). : Shares: In whole. --•־•״;־ Parcel 37 in ־ 9.9.36 19.2.38 11.11.40 9.2.40 1.7.42 22.11.42 13.5.43 26.5.43 1.6.42 2. Weekly Report of Infectious Diseases in Palestine. : "j ׳ Place •" " C e r e b r o Typhus j :: SCHEDULE. Date restrictions enforced Port Jerusalem ;Bcersheba S/D Jaffa Gaza Gaza I Jaffa j Haifa • - " ־ • ׳ . spinal. Meningitis' Dale . notified 1 1 9a - ' 1 : 2h 1 4 '• 24.5.43 24.5.43 24.5.43 25.5.43 27.5.43 28.5.43 28.5.43 :(a) 4 cases imported from Ramie; 1from Eishon le Zion, D e s c r i p t i o n :. A plot, of land . and. there- . 1 from Wadi Hunein and 1 from E l Arish. ' n :• ״, (a) one .building containing 2. rooms, [ (b) Imported from DeirelBalah. kitchen ,and an open terrace. , Near iis building a wooden hut roofed with sheets, ,j îrving.as stable, (b). In the middle of thé yard ! T H E . P A L E S T I N E ß A Z E T T E No. .1270.. June, :1943: .Ord PUBLIC NOTICE. PERSONS CHANGING THEIR NAMES. The following changes of names have been registered at the office of the Commissioner for Migration and Statistics. Old Surname New Name Other names Surname Other Alai-Amini Boulos Sidki Alaiamini Bensinger Blum Boruchovitz Chvoinik Chvoinik Cygenbok Derbandinger Feuchtwanger Frucht Grobchteine Grobchteine Grobchteine Grobchteine Karassovsky Erwin Ernst Boruch Chaim Arieh Leib Eliezer Elzbieta Leivi Sarah Fiszel Dow (Boris) Cipe Sara liana Chaina Blouma Siegfried Rina Zamiri Blum Ben-Barukh Oren Oren Bock Rahmany Perlstein Frucht Gazith Gazith Gazith Gazith Karasovsky Ki'eisel Landschaft Levy Levy Levy Loewenson Loewenson Loewenson Loewenson Pienica Ruben Salih Sharamit Shai'amit Sharamit Sharamit Stein Stein: Stein Stein Vaidingorn Weiner Weinstein Weinstein Weinstein Smith Arthur Thekla Therese Anita Hanne Luise Albert Shulamit (Sobel) Of ra Gil : Szmul Zelman Yosef •' Salih Salman K a m i l Hamid Mariam Intisar Hashim Irwin Erna Werner Ruth Enta Miriam Manea LÜH Robert Daniel George Albert Name Nationality names Address Ahmad Hamdi Baker Sidki Uri Ernst Yehuda H a i y i m ... Arye Eliezer Lisa Levy Itzhaq Sonja E fray im Dov Cillah Sara Hanna Peggy Palestinian Jerusalem Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Beit Itshaq Tel AvivJerusalem Tel Aviv Tel Aviv Tel Aviv Jerusalem Tel Aviv Tel A v i v J erusalem Jerusalem Jerusalem Jerusalem Haifa : Kreisel LandschaftSchleim Levy Levy Shlomoh Rina Palestinian Palestinian Tel Aviv Herzliya Aharon Arthur Thekla Therese Palestinian Palestinian Beit Itshaq Beit Itshaq Levy Hanna Palestinian Beit Itshaq Lavi Lavi Avraham Shulammit Palestinian Palestinian ' E i n Harod ' E i n Harod Lavi Lavi Gali Bachar: Nawi En-Nabih En-Nabih En-Nabih En-Nabih Stein Stein Stein Stein Vine Kishony Ben-Tsur Ben-Tsur Ben-Tsur Macilwraith Ofra Gil Zalman Yosef Avshalom K a m i l Hamid Mariam Intisar Hashim Itshaq Ester Shelomo Rut 1 Yehudit ! Miryam j Emanuel j Lilit Daniel George Albert j Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian British ' E i n Harod ' E i n Harod Jerusalem Tel Aviv Tel Aviv Gaza Gaza Gaza Gaza Beit Itshaq Beit Itshaq Beit Itshaq Beit Itshaq Tel A v i v Bat Yam Tel Aviv Tel A v i v Tel Aviv Ras-en-Naqura | j i j NOTICE. The following unclaimed goods lying i n the Customs Stores, Tel Aviv, w i l l be sold i f not cleared within one week Lrom the date of this notice. N a m e of Steamer, etc. D a t e of arrival Description Consignee R E M O V E D FROM RAILWAY STATION O N By Rail 18/43 7.1.43 1 bag haricot beans Policy No. 76060/104 Whence 7.5.43. Palestine Discount Bank Kantara THE 490 P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E No. 1270. 3rd J u n e , 1943: PALESTINE STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS Receipts i n the month of January, 1 9 4 3 RECEIPTS LP. Mils 175,982 Receipts from 1st A p r i l , J9É2, to 31st December, 1912 ־L P . Mils TOTAL LP. Mils 1. 2. 3. Customs Port and Marine Licences, Taxes, etc. 443 052 1,800,143 018 1,176,125 3,099 65,814 68,913 885 272,556 292 1,979,291 833 574 866 4. Fees of Court or Office, etc. 100,251 773,142 306 5. 6. Posts and Telegraphs Revenue from Government Property 45,501 169 254 2,251,847 379,393 591,735 247 637,236 50,034 108,864 137,846 187,100 897 876 794 501 525 Interest, Miscellaneous Repayments of Loans from Public Fundö 628 730 772' 564 67,290 7. 8. 9. 17,255 4,460 2,255 10,030 1103,131 145 13(5 6,579 448 962 006 566 012 6,725 098 643,538 040 5,700,553 955 6,344,091 995 424 78,093• 10. Land Sales Total Ordinary Revenue 11. 12. Grants־in-Aid Colonial Development Grants 13, Railways LP. — — 73,093 — 113,325 140,102 —- 461 475 424 —- • • • ׳ Total Revenue LP. Advances Deposits Remittances Courts Imprests Investments Investments Adjustment 643,538 040 5,773,647 379 6,417,185 419 859,032 886 552 6,989,705 388 836,454 248 6,130,672 5,532,921 991 6,369,376 239 1,148 167,360 850 13,678 14,827 017 000 1,434,046 161 073 52,386 892 1,601,406 52,386 073 892 — Account — — — — Joint Colonial Fund Renewals Funds Total Receipts LP. ,, , 1st April, 1942. Balance on - , , ,״,״ 1st January, 1943. — 2,507,533 980׳ 2,113,568 116 1 ' TOTAL LP. •4,621.102 1 i 29th May, 1943. (Gaz/14/40) 090 '— — — 3,770,700 51,239 392 3,770,700 392 784 51,239 784 22,759,293 224 25,263,827 204 527,897 844 527,897 844 23,287,191 068 25,79•:', 725 048 : THE 3rxl J u n e , 11)43 P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E No. 1270. 491 GOVERNMENT F R O M 1ST A P R I L , 1942, T O 31ST J A N U A R Y , 1943. CR. Payments •in the month of January, 1 9 4 3 LP. Mils PAYMENTS Payments from 1st A p r i l , 1 9 4 2 , to 31st December, 1942 LP. Mils TOTAL LP. 1. Public Debt — — 2. Pensions 4,751 3. High Commissioner 4. Accountant-General 5. Agriculture and Fisheries 997 1,185 517 556 280 10,872 12,833 846 113,373 775 882 G. Antiquities 7. Audit 1,429 544 684 13,885 191 8. Cooperative Societies 9. Custodian of Enemy Property 696 2,073 403 12,527 5,628 275 093 18,611 42,942 409,346 240 779 .605 6,857 725 18,477 31,946 927 586 175,359 924 288,060 144 193,837 320,006 3,693 2,800 890 274 24,126 988 27,820 78,438 16. Health 25,778 733 249,675 807 930 81,239 275,454 17. Judicial IS. Land Registration 19. Land Settlement 10,599 532 95,604 106,204 379 2,239 5,032 . 048 809 20,177 37,378 847 969 580 22,417 42,411 017 389 2,099 2,026 116 841 19,289 644 21,388 760 17,587 . 938 19,614 721,791 1,537,634 100 408 816,515 1,695,580 779 908 C31 423,776 64,973 771 792 458,530 85,972 255,840 183,521 1,375 10. Customs, Excise and Trade 11. Defence 12. District Administration 13. Education 14. Forests 15. Grants to Local Authorities 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Legal Migration Miscellaneous Police and Prisons Posts and Telegraphs Public Works Department Public Works Recurrent Secretariat 28. Statistics 231 671 80,337 58,120 406 10,281 188 962 12,058 055 126,207 15,314 728 735 864 180 579 672 13,902 6,324 678 20,684 672 452,289 7,098 451 330 851 730 878 081 663 94,724 808 223 163 20,998 535 40,871 29,484 586 900 942 214,968 492 154,037 5,992 071 519 046 55,844 55,750 041 534 60,842 — 55,750 087 534 4,998 ' — Total Ordinary Expenditure 231 157,946 34,754 723 29. Surveys 80. Trans-Jordan Frontier Force 80,337 53,368 9,284 6,716 934 327 078 971 461 LP. 557,723 266 4,974.563 086 5,532,286 352 1,838 803 32,966 618 344 28,054 32. Public Works Extraordinary 33. Trans-Jordan Frontier Force. Extraordinary 397,028 442 29,893 429,994 421 786 855,722 580 881,176 31. Posts and Telegraphs Extraordinary 34. Railways 35. Loans from Public Funds : ; ״ 25,454 36, Colonial Development 060 — Total Expenditure LP. Advances Deposits Remittances Courts ־־־ 911 6,873,351 199 524,826 616,072 1,482 435 5,694,810 4,755,445 19,414 875 236 6,219,637 ! .480 5,371,517 310 716 Joint Colonial Fund — !1 Renewals Funds — TOTAL 2,696,617 LP. 4,621,102 — 972 1,924,484 j 1,436,068 2,081,814 930,700 i — 31st December, 1942. Balance on ״. . , ' .״ 31st January, 1943. 640 — 6,255,368 — LP. .' — 288 164,121 Total Payments — 617,982 769 i 000 1 • Imprests Investments Investments Adjustment Account ~~ . — 417 512 609 392 930,700 — 21,173,622 952 2,113,568 116 124 1 096 23,287,191 20,897 1,600,189 2,081,814 068 — 23,098,107 — 186 512 609 392 — 924 — 2,696,617 124 25,794,725 048 A. L . P E T E R S A ccountant• General. : PALESTINE GOVERNMENT. S T A T E M E N T O F A S S E T S A N D L I A B I L I T I E S A T 31ST J A N U A R Y , LP. Mils LP. LP. Mils - 360,342 CASH 494 . . . . DEPOSITS IMPRESTS : R EM ITT AN C r. S COURT ־ - - 2,276,668 1,775,860 240,760 87,352 - : 934 124 1,195,000 000 340 Postmaster General 559 798 , - - Balance of Surplus and Deficit Account for period 1st• April, 1912, to :-;ist January, 1913 (Deficit) i 5,266,073 456,165 4,380,642 631 1,258 276 LP. • ' .. 14,391 950 4,309,908 209 . . . . 65,348 225 5,580,794 311 9.552.151 610 INVESTMENTS General Balances ־ ־ • ־ Palestine Archaeological Museum Endowment Fund General Police Fund . . . . | !! 989 780 • ADVANCES GENERAL R E V E N U E BALANCE ACCOUNT Balance at 1st April, 1942 Mils 2,696,617 JOINT COLONIAL F U N D Special Funds General ־ General Manager, Railways Sundry Accounts - LP. Mils ASSETS LIABILITIES RENKWALS F U N D S 1943. Jerusalem Water Supply Renewals Fund Russian State Property || Sir Ellis Kadoorie Bequest | Post Office Savings Bank ־ 5,100,050 279,552 414 978 4,772 315 63,435 273 750 7,008 <lk 0.1 S -. 27,052 818 758 .! 9,552,151 010 I | - - ־ LP. SURPLUS A N D DEFICIT ACCOUNT. ״ expenditure for the period 1st April, 1912, to ?,Ist January, 1913. LP. : 6,873,351 6,873,351 Mils •199 Revenue for the period 1st April, 1942, to 31st January, 1943. Deficit 199 LP. ; Mils' 6,417,185 456,165 ; 4i9 6,873,351 199 . 780 N O T E : — T h e Surplus and Deficit Account excludes the surplus or deficit of the Palestine Railways, which is not incorporated in the Palestine Government accotmts until the 31st March. .The estimated ' netsurplus for the year 1942-J3 is .£P.169,000. ־ 5; 29th May, 1913, A. L . PETERS Äcwunümt-General. THE 3rd. June, 1943 P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E No. 1270. COOPERATIVE SOCIETIES ORDINANCE. 3. To unite all the manufacturers of ice cream and frozen products i n PaLstine and maintain factories and deal generally in such products: to import materials required for the manufac ture of ice cream and frozen products and export such products. 4..£P.2,0Q0.— divided into 5 founders' shares and 1,995 ordinary shares of £P.l.— each. ' (File No. P.C./1513). NOTICE OF INTENDED AMALGAMATION UNDER SECTION 13. "Notice is hereby given that the two societies named below intend to amalgamate as a single society on 3rd September, 1943: (1) Atarot Moshav Ovdim Lehityashvut Shetufit Limited. (2) "Ashrai H a k l a i " Aguda Shetufit Haklait Ata׳rot Limited. . Dissenting 'members and objecting creditors may act i n accordance with the provisions of subsection 2 of the above section. 2Gth May, 1913. (Gaz/2/40) ••י Registrar 1,: Nähloth; Simha: L t d . : '״.':•:. •־,.:.' ׳.'־.. .'. 23.2rdMarch, 1943. 3? To acquire by purchase or otherwise the building plot.with buildings thereon known as Joseph Street No. 5, Hadar Hacarmel, Haifa, registered in the Land Registry, , Haifa, i n Folio 79, Volume 70, and plots Nos. 19 and 19A in the New Business Centre, Haifa, with the buildings thereon,, registered in the Land Registry, Haifa, i n Folios 74 and. 75, Volume 55, and develop and turn same into account. 1. £P.1,000.— divided into 1,000 shares of £P.l — each. V (File No. P.C./1514). A. F . X A Y T O N , of Cooperative Societies. B A N K R U P T C Y O R D I N A N C E , 1936. RECEIVING ORDER, FIRST MEETING AND PUBLIC EXAMINATION. D e b t o r s ' Names: 1. Meir Beihish. 2. Simha Goldberg. ־: Addresses: 1. 26, Arlosoroff Street, Haifa. 2. Hadera. D e s c r i p t i o n : Merchants. C o u r t : District Court of Haifa. N u m b e r of M a t t e r : 114/43. D a t e of F i l i n g P e t i t i o n : 10th May, 1943. D a t e of R e c e i v i n g O r d e r : 10th May, 1943. Whether Debtors' or Creditor's Petition: Debtors'. D a t e of F i r s t M e e t i n g : 17th June, 1943. H o u r : 8.30 a.m. P l a c e : Chief Magistrate's Court, Haifa. D a t e of P u b l i c E x a m i n a t i o n : 17th June, 1943. H o u r : 9 a.m. . : • ' ׳. ' P l a c e : Chief Magistrate^ Court, Haifa, (Gaz/33/40) Official H. Receiver. KANTEOYITGH Administrator General.' NOTICE OF D I V I D E N D . Name of C o m p a n y : K i n g Solomon Bank L t d . in liquidation. Address of R e g i s t e r e d Office: Jerusalem. D i s t r i c t C o u r t of: Jerusalem. N o . of M a t t e r : 106/40. A m o u n t per £P. f o r D e b e n t u r e H o l d e r s a n d ; O r d i n a r y C r e d i t o r s : 250 m i l s . . F i r s t , F i n a l o r O t h e r w i s e : Second. When P a y a b l e ; ~. Beginning 10th June, 1943,: between .the hours of 9 a.m. and 12 noon, Saturdays and Sundays excepted. Where Payable: Administrator General's Office,. Mizpah Building, Jaffa Road, P.O. Box 1254, Jerusalem. (Gaz/33/40) H. KANTEOVITCH Administrator General and Liquidator. N O T I C E OF INCORPORATION OF PRIVATE COMPANIES UNDER T H E COMPANIES ORDINANCE. 493, 1. בע״מ ברה ה ר צ ל י ה 2. 11th May, 1943. 3. To acquire by purchase a plot of land of 1 dunum and 835 square metres, with all that is built thereon, situated at Herzliya, Zone C, and registered in the Land Registry, Tel Aviv, as Parcel No. 2Q, Block No. 6520, and develop and turn same into account. 4. £P. 1,000.— divided into 1,000 shares of £P.L—each. (File No. P.C./1605). 1. ' 'Lava" Wax Matches Manufacturing Co. Ltd. •: 2. 11th May, 1943. 3. To carry on the business of. manufacturers and distributors of, merchants and dealers i n , . wax matches, wax candles and chemical art icles. 4. £P. 10,000:— divided into 1,000 ordinary shares of £P.10.— each. (File No. P.C./1606). , . 1. 1 ברעננה״ בע״מ ״בית 2. T l t h May, 1943. 3. To acquire by purchase the house situated at Ra'anana and registered as Parcel No. 140, Block No. 6580, and develop and turn same into account. . . . 4. £P.300.— divided into 30 shares of £P. 10.— each. (File No. P.C./1607). 1. בית כרמלה בע״מ 2. 11th May, 1943. 3. To acquire the house and land, situated i n 38, Shivtei Israel Street, Tel Aviv, and registered in the Land Registry as Parcel No. 868, Block No. 6902, and develop and turn same into account.• 4. £P.1,000.— divided into 1,000 shares of £P.L— each. (File No. P.C./1608). I 1. " K i n t u m " Limited. ! 2. 11th May, 1943. | 3. To carry on the business i n all and any of 1. Name of C o m p a n y . ; its branches of makers, manufacturers, impor2. D a t e of I n c o r p o r a t i o n . | terSj exporters, dealers, agents, merchants, 3. O b j e c t s of t h e C o m p a n y . ; warehousemen, storekeepers, carriers, commis| sion and forwarding agents, preservers and 4. Share Capital. !packers of goods and materials of any kind, 1. '* ־Taiga''Ice Cream Manufacturers Co. L t d . ! and cutting and polishing of diamonds and other stones. ' ' 2. 23rd March, 1943. The p a r t i c t d a r s g i v e n b e l o w c o r r e s p o n d the f o l l o w i n g h e a d i n g s : — with 494 THE P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E No. 1270. 3rd June, 1943 4. £P.2,500.— divided into 50 founders' shares ! other omnibuses : and trucks, and maintain of £P.10.— each and 2,000 ordinary shares of ןand operate omnibus and travel and trans£ P . 1 . ~ each. ( F i l eNo. P.O./1609). port services and carry on the business of j transport of passengers and goods generally. 1. Nachlat Achim' L t d . 4. £ P . 25,800.— divided into 158 shares of 2. 13th May, 1943. j £P.100.— each. (File No. P.O./1615). 3. To acquire, hold, encumber, lease, deal with, Í develop and turn into account, or sell or dis j 1 ח ב ר ת ׳ משה ס ב ו ר ב ע ״ מ pose of the property known as 5404 shares, out 14.2 ןt h M a y , 1043. of 53988 shares in Parcel 46, Block 6213, 3 ן. To acquire by purchase or otherwise the Mas'udiya, which comprises in whole 53.008 ןplot of land with a house built thereon, situadunums. I ted at 36, Jabotinsky Street, Tel Aviv, and 4. £P. 1,000.— divided into 1,000 shares of J registered i n the Land Registry, Tel Aviv, as £P.l.—each. I (File No. P.C./1CI.0). j P a r c e l 14, Block 6955, as well as Parcels 4c, 51;, 7B, I 5A, 15C and 20A of Block 12, M t . Canaan, 1. Meonofch B i l u L t d . Safad, and develop and turn same into 2. 13th May, 1943. account. 3. To purchase the house situated at 17, B i l u 4. £P.1,000.— divided into 1,000 shares of Street, Hadar Hacarmel, Haifa, and regis £P.l.— each. (File No. P.C./1616). tered in the Land Registry, Haifa, as Parcel 90, Block 10864, and develop and turn same into I 1. Irtac L t d . account. I 2. 16th May,. 1943. 4. £P.1,000.— divided into 1,000 . shares of 3 ן. To acquire, encumber, lease, deal with, £P.L— each. (File No. P.C./1611). j develop and turn into account, sell, or dispose ןof the building plots registered as Parcels Nos. 1. The Strand Hotel (Palga) L t d . j 318, 317 a n d 318 i n Block No. 6668. 2. 13th May, 1943. j 4. £P. 1,000.— divided into 1,000 shares of 3. To acquire and take over as a going con j £ P . l . — each. (File No. P.C./1617). cern the business of the hotel now carried on at Tel Aviv by Moshe Misrahi, under the style I 1. Arota L t d . of the Strand Hotel (Palga), and carry on the I 2. 16th M a y , 1943. business of hotel, restaurant, refreshment room, ! 3. T o acquire, encumber, lease, deal with, tea room, cafe;, inn, beerhouse, tavern, lodging j develop a n d turn into account, sell or dispose and boarding house proprietors a n d any other i of the building plots registered as Parcels business connected therewith. ןNos. 392 a n d 393 i n B l o c k No. 6608. 4. £P.2,000.— divided into 1 founder's share j 4. £P. 1,000.— divided into 1,000 shares of and 1,999 ordinarv shares of £ P . l . — each. I £ P . l . — each. (File No. P.O./1618). (File No. P.O./1612). 1. Maso L t d . 1. Blue White Lino L t d . 2. 18th M a y , 1943. 2. 14th May, 1943. 3. To acquirc, encumber, lease, deal with, 3. To own, purchase, take i n exchange, take develop and turn into account, sell or dispose on hire or charter (including time charter) or of the building plots registered as !Parcels otherwise acquire and hold ships, or any shares Nos. 90, 139 and 193 in Block No. 6665. or interest i n ships, and to,maintain, repair, 4. £P. 1,000.— divided into 1,000 shares of improve, alter, sell, exchange, let out, hire or £P.l.— each. (File No. P.O./1619). charter, or otherwise deal with and dispose of any ship or any shaves or interests therein, 1. Emun-Trust and Investment 3 o . L t d . and carry on the business of navigation, transport and carriage by water and l a n d and I 2. 16th M ay, 1943. j 3. To carry on the business of an investment any other business connected therewith. and trust company in all or any of its branches. 4. £P.1,000.— d i v i d e d into 1 controlling share 4. £P. 1,000.— divided into 1.000 shares of of £P.4.— and 996 ordinarv shares of £ P . l . — £P.L— each. (File No. P.C./1620). each. ־ (File No. P.C./1613). (Gaz/31/iO) 1. " L e o " L t d . 2. 14th. May, 1943. R E G I S T R A T I O N OF P A R T N E R S H I P S . 3. To establish, maintain and manage factories The ' p a r t i c u l a r s g i v e n below c o r r e s p o n d w i t h for the production of all kinds of pharmaceu the f o l l o w i n g headings :— tical and chemical products and articles of toilet, oils, soaps, jams, preserves and conserves, 1. Nomas a n d addresses of p a r t n e r s . raw materials and articles of all kinds connec 2. F i r m name of p a r t n e r s h i p . ted therewith whether solid, liquid, paste, pow j 2. Names of p a r t n e r s a u t h o r i s e d t o a d m i n i s t e r der, tablets and by-products and sell, trade the p a r t n e r s h i p a n d t o s i g n f o r i t . and deal generally i n such articles. 4. D a t e of commencement and termination. 4. £P.2,000.— divided into 2,000 shares of 5. O b j e c t . £P.L— each. (File No. P.C./1614). 1. Josef Katzengold, Herzl Street, Ramat 1. The Galilee Bus and Transport Go. L t d . j Gan. Hirsh David Katzengold, 12, Hashoftim \ Street, Tel Aviv. Max Katzengold, Herzl 2. 14th M a y , 1943. Street, Ramat Gan. Salamon Katzengold, 3. To acquire the passenger omnibuses (with ITerzl Street, Ramat Gan. the licences and permits relating thereto) operating on routes Nos. N 9 , N6, 15 and ! 2 . / ' M a z o n a " J . Katzengold and Sons. special Haifa—Ilamraa, i n the H a i f a a n d I 3. Josef Katzengold and Salamon Katzengold Galilee Districts, and any such further and i severally. 3rd June, 1943 T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E No. 1270. 495 4. From the 1st A p r i l , 1943, for an unlimited period. 5. Import of coffee, tea, cocoa, cocoa butter, etc.; manufacture of cocoa-powder and chi cory "Ketter" coffee. (File No. 5322). 3. On contracts, orders, promissory notes and any other undertakings both partners shall sign together; cheques, postal orders, etc. shall be signed or endorsed by M r . Sh. Winikov alone. 4. 3 years as from the 7th March, 1943; the partnership may, however, be dissolved before 1. Fawzi George Khammar, 20, Caesaria the end of this period i f it will appear from a Street, Haifa. Subhi K h a l i l Hanna, Kingsway, balance sheet that the income does not cover the Vis-a-vis Spinney's L t d . , Haifa. expenses or payment of debts, or one of the 2. Khammar and Hanna. partners will leave for work i n any other place, 3. Fawzi George Khammar. or a decision by both partners will arrive and 4. Two years commenced on 1st March, 1943. I a notice for dissolution w i l l be given to the 5. Diving and salvage. (File No. 5323). Registrar of Partnerships by both partners or by any one of them. 1. Yousef Mahmoud E l Omary, 26, Bustros 5. Mechanical works. (File No. 5329) Street, Jaffa. Yousef Hasan Abou Sarah, 26, Bustros Street, Jaffa. 1. Nicola Dacloush, Allenby Street, Haifa. 2. Omary and Abou Sarrah, Jaffa. Hanna Michael Dacloush,. Abbas Street, Haifa. • 8. Yousef Mahmoud E l Omary alone. Yousef Michael Dacloush, M i Street, Haifa. 4. From the 26th March, 1943, to the 26th Subhi Michael Dacloush, M i Street, Haifa. March, 1946. 2. Nicola Dacloush. 5. Haberdashery shop. (File No. 5324) 3. Management and right of signature on be half of the firm are vested i n Hanna Michael 1. Walter Rosenthal, 19, Elkanan Street, M t . Dacloush alone. Carmel, Haifa. Reuven Kampinski, 31, Floren- 4. From the first of A p r i l , 1943, for an unli tin Street, Tel Aviv. Z v i Lorber, Ra'anana. Ja mited period. A partner may withdraw by giv cob Rabinovitz, Ra'anana. ing a six months' notice. 2. Walter Rosenthal Transport Company. 5. Manufacture and sale of alcohols and i n 3. I n matters involving amounts exceeding £ P . toxicating liquors and everything relating 50.— the first 3 partners jointly; below that thereto. (File No.- 5330) sum — M r . Rosenthal alone. 4. From the 28th February, 1943, for an un 1. Ibrahim Rinno, Wadi Salib Street, Haifa. limited period. , Isma'il Rinno, Wadi Salib Street, Haifa. Naif 5. Transport. (File No. 5325) Sheikh Shihadeh, Wadi Salib Street, Haifa. 2. Rinno and Co. 1. Shimon Emanuel Langsam-Jarcleni, 22, K a r - 3. Ibrahim Rinno. mia Street, Tel Aviv. Meir Wirth, 71, Hahash- j 4. From the 31st March, 1943, for an unlimited monaim Street, Tel Aviv. ׳ J period. 2. Orient Steel Works, Tel Aviv. | 5. Mechanics. (File No. 5331) 3. Both partners together. 4. F o r 3 years beginning on the 1st of March, 1. Ahmed Abdallah Tayah, Manshieh Quarter, 1943; i f no notice is given six months before the Jaffa.'Sami Mohamed Abdallah Tayah, Man expiration of the 3 years, the duration of the shieh Quarter, Jaffa. Moustafa Mohamed Abd partnership is automatically prolonged for an allah Tayah, Manshieh Quarter, Jaffa. other year. 2. Ahmad Abdallah Tayah and Co. 5. Manufacture of, and trade in, iron, steel and 3. Ahmad Abdallah Tayah alone. metal goods. (File No. 5326) 4. From the 1st A p r i l , 1943, for an unlimited period. . 1. Hans Kalischer, 60, Mountain Road, Haifa. 5. Trade i n dry goods. • (File No. 5332) Jacques Clement Dana, 29, Massada Street, Haifa. 1. Haj Wasef Mohamed Hassan Shakaa, Nab 2. Daka Freight Service. lus. Wasfi Mohamed Hassan Shakaa, Nablus. 3. Every partner. Rashid Darwish Kasef, Nablus. : 4. From the 19th January, 1943, for an unli j 2. Shakaa and Kasef. mited period. A 6 months' notice at least must j 3. Each partner severally. be sent by the partner desiring to dissolve the 4. 5 years as from the 1st May, 1943. partnership. ׳ 5. Merchant i n drygoods and nouveauté. 5. Shipping, forwarding, clearing and com (File No. 5333) mercial agents. (File No. 5327) 1 Heinz Kiewe, 39, Arlosoroff Street, Haifa. George Kiewe, 39, Arlosoroff Street, Haifa. 2. Heinz Kiewe. 3 Each of both partners severally. 4. From the 1st March, 1943, for an unlimited period; either partner may dissolve at any time the partnership by a three months' notice i n writing. A 5. Radio service. (File No. 5328) 1. Issac Hazan, Jamalia, Alep, Syria. Moise Hazan, Jamalia, Alep, Syria. Jacob Hazan, Jamalia, Alep, Syria. 2. Isaac Hazan et Fils. 3. Any one of the partners. 4. From the 1st March, 1943, for an unlimited period. 5. Dealers i n textile and drapery. (File No. 5334) 1. Ing. Moshe Wlodavsky, 8, Berditshevsky Street, Tel Aviv. Shlomo Winikov, 51, Nah-mani Street, Tel Aviv. 2. Beit-Melacha Mechani (Mechanical Work shop) Ing. M . Wlodavsky and Sh. Winikov. 1. Ibrahim Abou K h a l i l , Gaza. Mohamed Abou K h a l i l , Gaza. Hassan Abou K h a l i l , Gaza. Misbah Abou K h a l i l , Gaza. 2. Ibrahim Abou K h a l i l and Bros. 3. Ibrahim Abou K h a l i l alone. 3rd J u n e , 4. T e n years f r o m the 1st M a r c h , 1943. 5. Importers of, a n d dealers a n d agents, in, tyres, tubes a n d rubber articles of any and every d e s c r i p t i o n ; a l l tyres of engineering equipment, machines, accessories a n d parts, automobiles, motor a n d bicycles, a n d a l l m a chinery implements a n d appliances as well as lubricants, oils a n d a l l other materials i n cidental thereto; owing a n d m a i n t a i n i n g orange groves, i r r i g a t i o n plants, d a i r y a n d poult r y farms a n d real estate. ( F i l e No. 5342) 4. 10 vears as from the 1st M a y , 1943. 5. B a k e r y . ( F i l e N o . 5335) 1. T i b o r Loebl, 29A, Yosef Street, H a i f a , Otto A l s b e r g , 25, G e u l a Street, H a i f a . 2. T i b o r L o e b l a n d Otto A l s b e r g . 3. B o t h partners j o i n t l y . 4. F r o m the 1st M a r c h , 1943, for an u n l i m i t e d period. 1. G r o d s k y H a y i m , P e t a h T i q v a . S h i m o n B e n Yoav, Petah T i q v a . 2. P a r t n e r s h i p G r o d s k y H a y i m a n d B e n Y o a v Shimon. 3. B o t h partners jointly. 4. F o r a p e r i o d of 3 years as f r o m the 1st of M a r c h , 1943. 5. R e p a i r s of motors a n d pumps in orange groves. . ( F i l e N o . 5337) 1. A b r a a m C o g a n , H o t e l " A t l a n t i c ' ' 21, E l i e z e r B e n Y e h u d a Street, T e l A v i v . Y e s h a y a h u Y a i r , 8, R o t h s c h i l d B o u l e v a r d , T e l A v i v . 2. " Y a i r F i l m " A . C o g a n Y . Y a i r . 3. Three years as f r o m the date of commencement of the business : 17th of M a r c h , 1943; to be a u t o m a t i c a l l y extended for a f u r t h e r p e r i o d of three years f r o m time to time, unless a notice to the c o n t r a r y is given three months before e x p i r a t i o n of the above p e r i o d . 4. Y e s h a y a h u Y a i r alone is entitled to a d m i n i s ter the affairs of the p a r t n e r s h i p i n Palestine a n d T r a n s - J o r d a n , to manage it a n d sign for it, but he is not entitled to sign on behalf of the p a r t n e r s h i p any b i l l or a n y other undertakings of monetary value. 5. D i s t r i b u t i o n a n d lease of U . S . S . R . made films i n Palestine a n d T r a n s - J o r d a n . ( F i l e No. 5343) 1. W a l t e r Strasser, 42, A k i v a Street, Haifa, H a n s L o n d o n , 14, H a p o e l Street, H a i f a . 2. • ' G a l i l - G a r a g e " . 3. E a c h p a r t n e r severally. 4. T h e p a r t n e r s h i p is entered into for an unl i m i t e d p e r i o d as f r o m the 1st M a r c h , 1943, but m a y be terminated by each p a r t n e r by a 3 months' notice i n w r i t i n g . 5. W o r k s h o p for r e p a i r of cars. ( F i l e N o . 5338) 1. E r n a D i c k e r , 18, B i a l i k Street, T e l A v i v H e r m a n D i c k e r , 18, B i a l i k Street, Tel Aviv. Osias E f r a i m R a t h , 60, P i n s k e r Street, Tel A v i v . P a u l V i d o i y 31-33, Shlomo Harnelech Street, T e l A v i v . 2. D i c k e r , R a t h & V i d o r . 3. Osias E f r a i m R a t h together with any one of the other partners. 4. F r o m the 31st M a r c h , 1943, for a n u n l i m i t e d period. 5. C a f e , restaurant, b a r , hotel a n d club. ( F i l e N o . 5339) 1. S i m o n Vv'aldeck, 5, B e t a r Street, H a i f a . M a x A r o n , 21, I l e r m o n Street, H a i f a . 2. Walclek Leather Goods. 3. B o t h partners j o i n t l y . 4. F r o m the 1st J a n u a r y , 1943, for an u n l i m i t e d period. 5. D e a l i n g i n leather goods. ( F i l e N o . 5344) 1. Asher Gottesman, 39, Y e s o d H a m a a l a Street, T e l A v i v . Shlomo K i n i g e l , 39, Yesod H a m a a l a Street, T e l A v i v . 2. G o t t e s m a n - K i n i g e l B a k e r y . 3. The signatures of both partners j o i n t l y shall b i n d the p a r t n e r s h i p . 4. F r o m the 1st A p r i l , 1943, for an u n l i m i t e d period. T h e p a r t n e r s h i p m a y be dissolved by a notice given by one of the partners to the other every year between the 1st a n d the 15th of March. 5. P o w e r - d r i v e n bakery. ( F i l e N o . 5345) 1. Robert Confino, 69, M e r c a z M i s h a r i Street, T e l A v i v . D a v i d Jacoby, H e r z l i y a . Shlomo C o n fino, 6, R o k a c h Street, T e l A v i v . B u k o Ben• Y a k a r , 1, W o l f s o n Street, T e l A v i v . 2. L u x Leather F a c t o r y . 3. F o r 3 years as f r o m the 1st M a r c h , 1943. 4. T h e j o i n t signatures of any three partners shall b i n d the p a r t n e r s h i p . 5. L e a t h e r factory. ( F i l e No. 5340) ( 1. A a r o n K a m i n k e r , 27, F e i e r b e r g Street, T e l A v i v . S h r a g a B e n G a l i m , Montefiore Q u a r t e r , near T e l A v i v . 2. B e n - G a l i m a n d Co. 3. O n l y the signatures of both partners together shall b i n d the firm i n a l l its business. 4. The d u r a t i o n of the p a r t n e r s h i p is two years as f r o m the 18th M a r c h , 1943, p r o v i d e d that S h r a g a B e n - G a l i m is entitled to dissolve the p a r t n e r s h i p at any time by a notice to the Reg i s t r a r of P a r t n e r s h i p s or to the other p a r t n e r , a n d M r . K a m i n k e r is entitled to dissolve the p a r t n e r s h i p only at the end of the fixed term. 5. G r o c e r y . ( F i l e No. 5341) 1. Solomon Raichelson, K e f a r S a v a . L i b i e R a i chelson, K e f a r Sava. H a r r y Raichelson, K e f a r Sava. Lilian Raichelson-Cotlowitz, Kefar Sava, 2. Solomon Raichelson a n d C o . 3. Solomon Raichelson alone or any two of the other partners. 1943 1. E l i y a h u G o l d s t e i n , 7, T e l H a y Street, T e l Aviv. Zeew G o l d s t e i n , 19, Z l o t o p o l s k y Street, Tel A v i v . H a i m G o l d s t e i n , 26, Shlomo H a melecb Street, T e l A v i v . 2. B a r a k S m a l l Industries. 3. E a c h of the partners alone. 4. F r o m the 1st M a r c h , 1943, for an u n l i m i t e d period. 5. M a n u f a c t u r e of d r y batteries. ( F i l e N o . 5346) j j I I i I 1. A l f r e d Teichner, 12, N o r d a u Street, H a i f a . J u a n W i n t e r , 23, H e r z l Street, H a i f a . 2. H o t e l " E l i t e " . 3. Both partners j o i n t l y only. . 4. F r o m the 1st A p r i l , 1943, for an u n l i m i t e d period. T h e p a r t n e r s h i p w i l l be dissolved by a three m o n t h s ' n o t i c e . 5. T o c a r r y on the business of a b o a r d i n g house a n d hotel a n d all the business connected therewith. ( F i l e N o . 5347) 3rd «Tune, 1943 THE PALESTINE 1. A b r a h a m M u z i k a n t , 89, Dizengoff Street, T e l A v i v . Jacob M u z i k a n t , 89, Dizengoff Street, T e l Aviv. 2. M u z i k a n t Bros. 3. E a c h p a r t n e r severally. 4. F r o m the 10th M a r c h , 1943, for a n u n l i m i t e d period. 5. B a r b e r a n d h a i r d r e s s i n g saloon for ladies a n d gentlemen. ( F i l e N o . 5348) 1. Y e h u d a E l b a u i n , 16, U r i e l A k o s t a Street, T e l Aviv. B a r u c h H o r o n z i k , 16, U r i e l A k o s t a Street, T e l A v i v . 2. E l b a u m a n d H o r o n z i k . 3. B o t h partners j o i n t l y . 4. F r o m the 5th M a r c h , 1943, for a n u n l i m i t e d period. 5. T r i c o t a n d k n i t t i n g factory. ( F i l e N o . 5349) GAZETTE 1. E z r a S h a l o m Mussaffi, Hassolel Street, c / o Y . M i z r a c h i & C o . , Jerusalem. Isac Shalom Mussaffi, Hassolel Street, c / o Y . M i z r a c h i & C o . , Jerusalem. Sadock M e n a s h i Saat, H a s solel Street, c/o Y . M i z r a c h i & C o . , Jerusalem. 2. Mussaffi Bros, a n d Saat. 3. A n y two of the three partners j o i n t l y . 4. One year as f r o m •the 14th A p r i l , 1943. 5. G e n e r a l merchants, importers, exporters a n d agents f o r general agencies. ( F i l e N o . 5354) L R a d w a n R a s h i d B a r a k a t , H a s s a n Bey Street, Jaffa, M o h a m e d R a s h i d B a r a k a t , S a b i l Street, Jaffa. 2. R a d w a n and Mohamed Rashid Barakat, Leather F a c t o r y , Jaffa. 3. M o h a m e d R a s h i d B a r a k a t alone. 4. F r o m the 1st M a r c h , 1943, for a n u n l i m i t e d period. 5. Leather factory. ( F i l e No. 5355) 497 1. E l i a s Y . H a n h a n , Shar'en E l Maa'abed, L y d d a . F u a d E . H a n h a n , Shar'en E l M a a ' abed, L y d d a . Y o u s e p h E . H a n h a n , Shar'en E l Maa'abed, L y d d a . Loutfi E . H a n h a n , Shar'en El Maa'abed, L y d d a . Tewfic E . H a n h a n , Shar'en E l Maa'abed, L y d d a . 2. E l i a s H a n h a n a n d Sons. 3. E l i a s Y . H a n h a n and F u a d E . H a n h a n j o i n t l y or severally. 4. F r o m the 1st of A p r i l , 1943, for a n u n l i m i t e d period. 5. S o a p m a n u f a c t u r e r s fats. a n d dealers i n oils a n d ( F i l e N o . 5357). 1. D o v K a m i , P e t a h T i q v a , B e i t h R a b i n o v i t z , near H a s h o m e r H a t z a i r . Z v i K a r n i , 7, M a r morek Street, T e l A v i v . 2. K a r n i - K a r n o w s k i Bros. Electrical and M e c h a n i c a l Contractors. 3. B o t h partners severally. 4. F o r 5 years as f r o m the 1st A p r i l , 1943. 5. E x e c u t i o n of a l l k i n d s of electrical works. ( F i l e N o . 5358). 1. Y a c o v Sternberg, 15, Jaffa R o a d , H a i f a . M i chael Sternberg, 15, Jaffa R o a d , H a i f a . 2. S t a r Shoes. 3. Y a c o v Sternberg or Michael Sternberg j o i n t l y or severally. 4. One year commencing on the 29th M a r c h , 1943. 5. Sale of shoes. ( F i l e N o . 5351) 1. S a r a F r i e d m a n , Bezalel Street, Salameh House, Jerusalem. Z i p o r a L i b e r s o n , 50, B a l f o u r Street, T e l A v i v . 2. E v a A l p e r n . 3. Z i p o r a L i b e r s o n a n d S a r a F r i e d m a n j o i n t l y a n d severally. 4. F r o m the 1st M a r c h , 1943, for a n u n l i m i t e d period. 5. Beauty p a r l o u r . ( F i l e N o . 5353) 1270. | 1. Jacob K a s h t a n , 27, G r u z e n b e r g Street, T e l j A v i v . Moshe K a s h t a n , 4, M a c c a b i Street, T e l Aviv. Dov Kashtan, M t . Carmel, Levontin Building, Haifa. 2. J . K a s h t a n a n d Sons. 3. A n y one of the partners is a c t i n g alone. 4. F r o m the 1st A p r i l , 1943, for a n u n l i m i t e d p e r i o d ; m a y be dissolved by a 3 months' notice. 5. T o take over the business of Jacob K a s h t a n i n T e l A v i v a n d H a i f a ' from, the 1st A p r i l , 1943, a n d deal i n textiles. ( F i l e N o . 5356) 1. H e m a l a k A s h j i a n , B u t m e h S t r e e t , . Jaffa. A s a d o u r A s h j i a n , B u t m e h Street, Jaffa. 2. A s h j i a n Bros. 3. B o t h partners j o i n t l y a n d severally. 4. F r o m the 1st A p r i l , 1943, for a n u n l i m i t e d period. 5. Jewellers, goldsmiths a n d dealers i n gold. ( F i l e N o . 5350) 1. S h i m o n Y a k a r , 14, Melchett Street, T e l A v i v Y e h u d a Y a k a r , 14, Melchett Street, T e l A v i v . 2. Y a k a r Bros. 3. Both partners j o i n t l y a n d severally. 4. F r o m the 1st A p r i l , 1943, for a n indefinite period. 5. G e n e r a l merchants. ( F i l e N o . 5352; No. 1. Jacob Podchlebnik, 30, Tchlenov Street, T e l A v i v . H a i m Rostovski, 16, Hakongress Street, Tel Aviv. 2. Maafiath B e i t h - H a l a h m i . 3. E v e r y o n e of the partners m ay sign on behalf of the firm a n d administer its business, a n d the signature of every p a r t n e r alone w i l l b i n d the partnership. 4. F o r a n u n l i m i t e d p e r i o d as f r o m the 1st A p r i l , 1943. T h e p a r t n e r s h i p m a y be dissolved only after 3 calendar months have passed since i dissolution notice has been served by one p a r t ner on the other t h r o u g h registered letter on the firm's address. 5. A l l k i n d s of bakery work. ( F i l e N o . 5359). ! j j I 1. I n d u s r t i a l Workshops Syndicate, 108, A l i e n by R o a d , T e l A v i v . Proprietor: Wilhelm Strauss-Reich, 9, G o r d o n Street, T e l A v i v . A b r a h a m F r o s h , 9, M e r k a z M i s h a r i Street, T e l Aviv. Izhak R u b i n f e l d , 10, Miarkolet Street, Tel Aviv. 2. I n d u s t r i a l Workshops Syndicate. 3. D r . W . Strauss-Reich as commercial and F r o s h a n d R u b i n f e l d as technical managers. The j o i n t signatures of a l l three partners are necessary for business transactions. 4. One year b e g i n n i n g on the 14th F e b r u a r y , 1943. 5. M a n u f a c t u r e of a l l k i n d s of i r o n goods a n d parts, metal works a n d constructions. ( F i l e N o . 5360). 1. H a j Ahmed Arafeh, Hebron. Mahmoud Izzat Tahboub, H e b r o n . A b d e l G h a n i Ashhab, Hebron. 2. A r a f e h Tahboub a n d Ashhab, H e b r o n . 3. H a j A h m e d A r a f e h a n d Mahmoud Izzat Tahboub j o i n t l y a n d severally. 498 kinds of cattle, poultry and livestock, and to 4. From the 15th March, 1943, for an unlimited deal i n a l l agricultural business and farming period. (File No. 5366). 5. Dealers in- drygoods. (File No. 5361) in general. 1. Naftali Murkes, 20, Trumpeldor Street, Tel Aviv.. Israel Rubinstein—Kaplan, 2, Chen Boulevard, Tel Aviv. 2. Technaim. 3. Both partners jointly and severally. 4. For a period of one year from the 21st March, 1943; to be automatically prolonged for an unlimited period i f no notice of dissolution is given by either of the partners 3 months prior to the termination of the first year. 5. Managing and conducting of a mechanical workshop and factory and execution of all kinds of metal works and welding incidental thereto. ' (File No. 5382). 1. E m i l Klein, 49, Reines Street, Tel Aviv. Pinhas Niry, 42, Balfour Street, Tel Aviv. ^ 2. "Plates and Construction Company P . C . C . " 3. Cheques, receipts of monies and any money operation generally shall be signed exclusively by Pinhas Niry. Undertakings, contracts, agreements, tenders and orders as well as promissory notes shall be signed by both partners jointly. 4. From the 10th A p r i l , 1943, t i l l the 1st January, 1946. Should no notice be served by either of the partners on the other by registered mail, at least four months prior to the expiration of the above term, about his intention to terminate the partnership, the partnership shall be extended automatically for a further period of one year, and so on. 5. Manufacturers of building plates and all kinds of construction works, and contractors. (File No. 5363). 1. Abdel Rahman Safarini, Tulkarm. Husni Abdel Jabar, Tulkarm. Abdel Ghani Abdel Rahman Kheirishi, Tulkarm. 2. Safarini & Husni. 3. Abdel Rahman Safarini alone. 4. From the 1st A p r i l , 1943, for an unlimited period. 5. Dealing i n manufactured goods i n Tulkarm.. (File No. 5364), 1. Gead M . Suidan, Haddad Street, Haifa, Anis G. Suidan, Haddad Street, Haifa, Andrawes G. Suidan, Haddad Street, Haifa, 2. Gead M . Suidan. 3. Authority of signature is vested i n Gead M . Suidan solely or Anis G. Suidan and Andrawes G. Suidan jointly. 4. The partnership is for an unlimited period. A partner may withdraw by giving a six months' notice. 5. Trade, by wholesale and retail, i n cereals; groceries of a l l kinds, contracting and transport and a l l commercial transactions. (File No. 5365). 1. Nicolas J . Zaphiriadis, Qatamon, Jerusalem. Issa E . Salfiti, Qatamon, Jerusalem. Tewfiq N . Muqhar, Belle Vue Hotel, Jericho. 2. Tewfik Muqhar & Co. 3. The joint signatures of any two partners i n addition to the firm's stamp shall be binding on the partnership. 4. From the loth March, 1943, for an unlimited period. 5. To purchase, sell, breed and slaughter a l l \ 1. Mohamed Mahmoud Doleh, Jerusalem Street, Jaffa. Ahmed Mahmoud Doleh, Saknet Doleh, Jaffa. 2. Mohamed & Ahmed Doleh. 3. Mohamed Mahmoud Doleh alone. 4. 20 years as from the 12th A p r i l , 1943. 5. Merchants i n cereals and grocers; operatingmills. (File No. 5367). 1. Taiga L t d . , 7, Jaffa—Tel Aviv Road, Tel Aviv. Fausi el Shanti,- K i n g George Avenue, Jaffa, Muhamed Daoud Haddad, King George Avenue, Jaffa. Rashad Muslam Bahara, Station Street, Jaffa. Adib Atrash, Station Street, Jaffa. Rifat Sarhan, Station Street, Jaffa. 2. Palestine Eskimo. 3. Israel Shour and Benzion Pelkinson for the first partner, and F . Shanti and R. Sarhan for the 2nd—6th partners. The signatures of one of each group together with that of the other group shall bind the firm. 4. For 8 months as from the 4th A p r i l , 1943. 5. Sale and distribution of ice bricks and sticks and ices i n separately wrapped portions. . (File No. 5368). 1 1. Isaac Levy, 17, Adler Street, Jerusalem.' Jehuda Levy, 41, Ramban Street, Jerusalem. Haya Levy, 17, Adler Street, Jerusalem. 2. C. I. Levy. 3. The sole signature of M r . Isaac; Levy i n the name of C. I. Levy will bind the firm i n a l l business transactions. 4. From the 1st A p r i l , 1943, for an unlimited period. 5. Dealers i n cloth and outfitters. (File No. 5369). 1. H a i m Shmerling, 31, Merkaz Ba'alei Mlacha Street, Tel Aviv. Z w i Shmerling, 31, Merkaz Ba'alei Mlacha Street, Tel Aviv. Arie Shmerling, 11, Tiomkin Street, Tel Aviv. Moshe Shmerling, 31, Merkaz Ba'alei Mlacha Street, Tel Aviv. 2. Machinery Workshop H a i m Shmerling and Sons. 3. H a i m Shmerling alone. The signatures of two of the other 3 partners w i l l bind the partnership for an amount not exceeding £P.100. 4. From the 9th March, 1943, for an unlimited period. 5. Machinery workshop. (File No. 5370). 1. Ester Ben-Israel (Bronfeld), Melisanda Street, Jerusalem. Josef Ben-Israel (Bronfeld), Melisanda Street, Jerusalem. Mattityau Ben Israel (Bronfeld), Melisanda Street, Jerusalem.• Pinchas Shenkar, Nahalat Sheva. Jerusalem. 2. Mont-Blan. 3. Pinchas Shenkar jointly with Joseph Ben Israel or Mattityau Ben Israel. 4. From the 24th March, 1943, for a period of 3 years. Unless one partner gives a three months' notice of his intention to dissolve the partnership, the term shall be extended for further three years. 5. Manufacture and sale of ice cream, ice cream sticks known commonly as "Eskimo" and other frozen products. (File No. 5371). 3rd J u n e , 1943 T H E PALESTINE GAZETTE 1. Israel N a d e l , K e f a r H a s i d i m . Z v i N a d e l , Kefar Hasidim. 2. Israel a n d Z v i N a d e l . 3. Israel N a d e l alone. 4. •From•, the 10th M a r c h , 1943, for a n u n l i m ited p e r i o d ; terminable by one month's p r i o r notice i n w r i t i n g served by one p a r t n e r on the other. fi. A n y k i n d of work by tractors. ( F i l e N o . 5372). 1. B a h j a h Shamout, • N a b l u s . H a s s a n Shamout, Nablus. Tarek Shamout, Nablus. Jihad Shamout, Nablus. H a l a Shamout, Nablus. F a t m e h Shamout, Nablus. 2. B a h j a t S h a m o u t & C o . 3. B a h j a t Shamout alone. 4. F r o m the 1st M a r c h , 1943, for a n u n l i m i t e d period. 5. T o deal i n tyres, spare p a r t s a n d accessories of motor cars, a n d general merchants. ( F i l e N o . 5373). 1. P h i l i p F a r s o u n , 43, A l l e n b y Street, H a i f a . George P h i l i p F a r s o u n , 43, A l l e n b y Street, Haifa. ' V i c t o r P h i l i p F a r s o u n , 43, Allenby Street, H a i f a . 2. P h i l i p F a r s o u n & Sons. 3. P h i l i p F a r s o u n solely. 4. F r o m the 1st A p r i l , 1943, for a n u n l i m i t e d period. A p a r t n e r m a y w i t h d r a w after g i v i n g a f o u r months' notice. 5. Wholesale a n d r e t a i l trade i n footwear a n d requisites, a n d m a n u f a c t u r e thereof. ( F i l e N o . 5374). 1. F o u a d B i s h a r a J a b b o u r , Jaffa R o a d , H a i f a . K a m a l Bishara Jabbour, Jaffa R o a d , H a i f a . 2. F o u a d J a b b o u r B r o s . 3. F o u a d B i s h a r a J a b b o u r alone. 4. 5 years as f r o m the 26th M a r c h , 1943. 5. G a r a g e for the r e p a i r of cars. ( F i l e N o . 5375). 1. D a o u d A b d u l r a h m a n E l T a h e r , Nablus. Hassan D a o u d E l Taher, Nablus. A d e l D a o u d E l Taher, Nablus. F o u a d D a o u d E l Taher, Nablus. 2. D a o u d A b d u l r a h m a n E l T a h e r a n d Sons. 3. D a o u d A b d u l r a h m a n E l T a h e r alone. 4. F r o m the 1st A p r i l , 1943, for a n u n l i m i t e d period. 5. Dealers i n m a n u f a c t u r e d goods a n d textiles. ( F i l e N o . 5376). jl. H a j Yehya Saqallah, Gaza. Zakaria Saqallah, Gaza., Abed Saqallah, Gaza. 2. H a j Y e h y a S a q a l l a h a n d Brothers. 3. H a j Y e h y a S a q a l l a h . 4. F r o m the 1st A p r i l , 1943, for a n u n l i m i t e d period. 5. Confectioners. ( F i l e N o . 5377). 1. S a l i m M a n s o u r , B a w a b a S h a r k i e h , H a i f a . Amin Mansour, Bawaba Sharkieh, Haifa. F a i z Boutros E l i a s I b r a h i m , Z i b V i l l a g e , A c r e . 2. S a l i m M a n s o u r Bros. & Co. 3. S a l i m M a n s o u r alone. 4. F r o m the 15th A p r i l , 1943, for a p e r i o d of 3 years. 5. Leather t a n n i n g . ( F i l e N o . 5378). 1. L a b i b A z z a m K a y y a l , A j a m i Street, Jaffa. Ispeero A z z a m K a y y a l , A j a m i Street, Jaffa. K h a l i l A z z a m K a y y a l , A j a m i Street, Jaffa. No. 1270. 499, I 2. L a b i b A z z a m K a y y a l & Bros. | 3. Ispeero A z z a m K a y y a l . ' 4 ׳. F r o m the 1st A p r i l , 1943, for a n u n l i m i t e d ! period. I 5. M o t o r car a n d electric r e p a i r works a n d I garage. ( F i l e N o . 5379). I | J J J 1. S t e p h a n Z . Schtakleff, M a m i l l a R o a d , J e r u salem. Z o r k a S. Schtakleff, Mamilla Road, Jerusalem. C a t h e r i n e S. Schtakleff, Mamilla R o a d , Jerusalem. 2. S t e p h a n Z . Schtakleff a n d C o . 3. S t e p h a n Z . Schtakleff alone. 4. F r o m the 1st A p r i l , 1943, for a n u n l i m i t e d p e r i o d . A n y o n e of the three partners m a y dis solve the p a r t n e r s h i p by g i v i n g a three months' notice. 5. B a k e r y a n d ice factory. ( F i l e N o . 5380). j ] Shawkat Abdulrahim El-Nabulsi, Deb| bassieh Street, Jaffa. A h m a d W a r d i H a n n o u n , I Debbassieh Street, Jaffa, 2. N a b u l s i & H a n n o u n . 3. E a c h p a r t n e r severally is entitled to sign on o r d i n a r y correspondence. F o r financial en gagement the signatures of both partners are necessary. 4. F r o m the 1st A p r i l , 1943, for a n u n l i m i t e d p e r i o d , each p a r t n e r being entitled to dissolve the p a r t n e r s h i p by a 3 months' notice served on the other p a r t n e r by registered letter. D a t e of commencement: 1st A p r i l , 1943. 5. D e a l i n g i n cereals a n d c o l o n i a l goods, a n d commission. ( F i l e N o . 5381). STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PAR TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP : — K U L I K & Co. A . C h a n g e i n the p a r t n e r s or i n the name or surname of any p a r t n e r : A r o n Rotenberg left a n d M r s . E l i s a b e t h K u l i k , 15, N a h a l a t B i n y a m i n Street, T e l A v i v , j o i n e d the p a r t n e r s h i p . B . C h a n g e of person or persons authorised to sign on behalf of the p a r t n e r s h i p : E a c h of Isidor K u l i k a n d M r s . E l i s a b e t h K u l i k is en t i t l e d to sign on behalf of the p a r t n e r s h i p alone. ( F i l e N o . 4706) D a t e of C h a n g e : 28.12,42. STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PAR TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP : —GOLUB. C h a n g e of person or persons authorised to sign on behalf of the/partnership : F r e u n d C o . L t d . and Ladislav F r e u n d jointly. ( F i l e N o . 5002). D a t e of C h a n g e : 10.4.43. STATEMENT OF •NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PAR^ TICULARS OF THE P A R T N E R S H I P : — T Ä G U M . A . C h a n g e i n the p a r t n e r s or i n the name or surname of any p a r t n e r : H e r z H i r s c h left a n d R u t h H i r s c h , 7, S t a n d Street, T e l A v i v , j o i n e d the p a r t n e r s h i p . B . C h a n g e of person or persons authorised sign on behalf of the p a r t n e r s h i p : Each L u d w i g H i r s c h or R u t h H i r s c h alone. ( F i l e N o . 4246) to of D a t e of C h a n g e : 1.4.43. STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PARTICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP:— ARION. C h a n g e i n the partners or i n the name or surname of a n y p a r t n e r : N a t h a n Joseph B o r z y kowski left a n d P i n k u s M e n d e l (also k n o w n as 500 THE G A Z E T T E N o . 1270. PALESTINE Pinchas Menachem) Borzykowski of 56, H a k i shon Street, Tel Aviv, joined the partnership as from the 23rd March, 1943. (File No. 4825). Date of Change: 25.4,43. 3rd June, 1943 j D . Change in the partners or i n the name or I surname of any ])artner : Khaled Amin Taher, ! Nuzha Quarter, Jaffa, A m i r Haj Mohamed j A m i n Taha, Irshed Quarter, Jaffa, and Ras! m i c h B i n t Haj Hassan, Bab el Zahara, Jerusalem, joined the partnership. STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PARTICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP:— AMIN SELIM E L JIRIES & BROS. E. Change in the term or character of partnership : P r e v i o u s t e r m : 5 years as from the 15th February, 1942, New t e r m : 5 years as from the 1st A p r i l , 1943. Change i n the partners or i n the name or surname of any partner : Said Selim Jiries left and H a n i Selim Jiries and Ivonne Selim Jiries of Shammaa Quarter, Jerusalem, joined the partnership. (File No. 3056) Date of Change : 1.4.43. F. Change of person or persons authorised to sign on behalf of the partnership: Farid Mohamed Said Taha, A m i r Mohamed Amin Taha and Khaled Amin Taher jointly and severally. Date of Change: 8.4.43. STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PAR- I (File N o . 4459) TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP:— GIRYES BROS. AND CO. ; STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PARI TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP S. WEIL AND ! Co. i Change i n the partners or i n the name or surname of any partner: H a n i Selim Giryes and Ivonne Selim Giryes left and Aniseh, widow of Selim Giryes, Souk, Haifa, joined the partnership. (File No. 4889). Date of Change: 1.4,43. j A . Change in the partners or i n the name or | surname of any partner: David Oldak and \ Jizhak Hasson left and Chaskel Korn, Maimon I Street, Jerusalem, joined the partnership. | B . Change of person or persons authorised to STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PARI sign on behalf of the partnership: Both partTICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP:— "SHIBOLETH" ' ners. jointly. KACHLIN—BUCHDRUCKER AND CO. ! (File No. 4957). Date of Change : 15.4.43. A . Change i n the firm name : P r e v i o u s name : "Shiboleth" Kachlin—Buchdrucker and Co. New name: "Shiboleth" Buchdrucker—Kach- | STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PARTICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP:— "CARMEL" lin and Co. LEWIT AND BERLINRUT. B. Change i n the partners or i n the name or surname of any partner: Eliezer Kachlin left A. Change i n the firm name : P r e v i o u s name : and Selig Kachlin, K i n g George Street, Jeru"Carmel" Lewit and Berlinrut. New name: salem, joined the partnership. Jam Factory "Carmel". C. Change of person or persons authorised to B. Change in the general nature of the sign on behalf of the partnership: Halm business: G e n e r a l n a t u r e of business as p r e Buchdrucker and Selig Kachlin jointly. v i o u s l y c a r r i e d o n : To produce and sell jams (File No. 3638) Date of Change: 3.5.43. and a l l kinds of fruit and vegetable conserves. G e n e r a l n a t u r e of business as now c a r r i e d o n : STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PAR- | T o produce and sell jams and all kinds of fruit TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP:— CAFE FLORIDA. | and vegetable conserves, and a l l kinds of juices Change of person or persons authorised to sign j and foodstuffs. on behalf of the partnership : Eng. Bedrich Kanitzer alone. (File No. 4654) Date of Change: 9.4,43. C. Change in the partners or in the name or surname of any partner: Yona Berlinrut left and Massud Derhally, Derhally Street, Jaffa, joined the partnership. STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PARTICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP : —TAHA AND DAOUDi Co. D. Change i n the term or character of the partnership : P r e v i o u s t e r m : One year as from the 1st January, 1940. New t e r m : S i x months as from the 11th A p r i l , 1943; may be automatically extended for another period of 6 months and so on, unless a dissolution notice is given not later than one month before the end of the term. A. Change i n the firm name : P r e v i o u s name : Taha and Daoudi Co. New name : Jaffa Arab Agricultural Co. B. Change i n the general nature of business: G e n e r a l n a t u r e of business as p r e v i o u s l y c a r r i e d on : Traders and commission agents for seeds, fertilizers, insecticides, agricultural machinery and implements, a l l agricultural products, oils, dairy products, and agricultural advices. G e n e r a l n a t u r e of business as now c a r r i e d on : Traders and commission agents for seeds, fertilizers, insecticides, agricultural machinery and implements, a l l agricultural products, oils, dairy products and agricultural advices, and dealing i n coal. C. Change i n the principal place of business. P r e v i o u s p l a c e of business: Harbour Street, Jaffa. New p l a c e of business : Jerusalem Street, Jaffa. (File No. 3423) Date of Change: 11.4.43. I STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PARI TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP:— C H . ELKON AND | C H . RAICHELSON. | A . Change in the firm name: P r e v i o u s | Ch. Elkon and Ch. Ptaichelson. New | Ch. Elkon and Raichelson. | I I I I name: name: B . Change i n the partners or i n the name or surname of any partner: Ch. Raichelson died and Mrs. Rachel Raichelson and Dov Raichelson, both of 7, Yosef Street, Haifa, joined the partnership. 3rd'June, 1943 T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E No. 1270. G. Change of person or persons authorised to sign on behalf of the partnership: Ch. Elkon alone. (File No. 778). Date of Change : 21.3.43. STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PAR TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP:— HUNGARIAN BAKERY, PASTRY AND COFFEE-HOUSE " H U N GARIA" HAGINA. A. Change i n the firm name: P r e v i o u s name: Hungarian Bakery, Pastry and Coffee-house "Hungaria" Hagina. New name : Hungarian Bakery and Pastry " H u n g a r i a " Hagina. B. Change i n the general nature of the business: G e n e r a l n a t u r e of business as p r e v i o u s l y c a r r i e d o n : Bakery, pastry and coffee house. G e n e r a l n a t u r e of business as now c a r r i e d o n : Bakery and pastry. C. Change i n the partners or i n the name or Surname of any partner: Yehuda Salomon left the partnership. D. Change of person or persons authorised to sign on behalf of the partnership : The two remaining partners are entitled to manage the affairs of the partnership, to carry on its business and to sign on its behalf. (File No. 4607). Date of Change: 1.4.43. STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PAR TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP:— T H E GOLD SMITH, MANUFACTURING OF GOLD AND F I N E JEWELS. A. Change i n the firm name: P r e v i o u s name: The Goldsmith, Manufacturing of Gold and Fine Jewels. New name: "Zinman and C o . " B. Change i n the principal place of business : P r e v i o u s p l a c e : 9, Balfour Street, Tel Aviv. New p l a c e : 25, Ben Yehuda Road, Tel Aviv. C. Change i n the partners or i n the name or surname of any partner: Avram Feiger left and Messrs. Saul Companeitz of 4, K a r l Netter Street, Tel Aviv, Moise Companeitz of 16, Mendele Street, Tel Aviv, and Samson Com paneitz of 1, Gordon Street, Tel Aviv, joined the partnership. D. Change i n the term or character of the part nership : P r e v i o u s t e r m : 1 year as from the 24th December, 1&41; to be automatically ex tended from year to year. New t e r m : F o r an unlimited period, subject to determination by a three months' notice i n writing sent by one partner to the other. E. Change of person or persons authorised to sign on behalf of the partnership : The joint signatures of Izhak Zinman and one of the other partners shall bind the firm. (File No. 4298) Date of Change : 2.4,43. _ _ _ 501• j ials, and to grant and take on lease industrial ! undertakings. ! B . Change i n the principal place of business : ] P r e v i o u s p l a c e : 4, Reines Street, Tel Aviv. I New p l a c e : Shapira and Haoved Quarter, ! Salame, near the bakery of Malerevitch, Beit I Bezalel Zioni, Tel Aviv. : C. Change i n the partners or i n the name of I surname of any partner : O u t g o i n g p a r t n e r s : j Mars •Levy, V i t a l i Levy and Abraham Levy, j Newcoming partners: Malvin Michael, 25, : Montefiore Street, Tel Aviv. Hersz Catel \ Kahan, Bialik Street, Beit Baizer, Ramat Gan. ; D . Change of person or persons authorised to : sign on behalf of the partnership : Both part! ners jointly. \ (File No. 3530) Date of Change: 4.4.43. i STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE P A R - ׳ TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP : — L . A . STARK AND H . SELIGER. A. Change i n the term or character of the part nership : P r e v i o u s t e r m : 2 years as from the • 1st December, 1940. New t e r m : F o r an unlimI ited period and to be dissolved by a three ! months' notice before the end of any calendar j year but not before the 31st December, 1944. I B . Change of person or persons authorised to ! sign on behalf of the partnership : Each part! ner severally. I (File No. 3671) Date of Change: 1.4.43. i STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PAR! TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP:—GINDEL BROS. j TRANSPORT AND TRADE. j A . Change i n the partners or i n the name or surname of any partner: The following part ners joined the partnership: Moshe Gindel, Nesher Yagur, Haifa, Yerucham Gindel, Nevch Shaanan, Haifa, and Israel Litwar, 25, Geula Street, Haifa. B. Change of person or persons authorised to sign on behalf of the partnership : The sign| atures of any two of the following three part; ners shall bind the partnership: Moshe GinI del, Yerucham Gindel and Z v i Gindel. (File No. 5110) Date of Change: 1.4.43. STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PAR TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP:— T H E NATIONAL KNITTING CO. A. Change i n the partners or i n the name or surname of any partner : O u t g o i n g p a r t n e r s : Misbah Darwish E l Sharif. N e w c o m i n g p a r t ners : Ibrahim Ahmed Khatib, Majdal, Tewfik Abdel Rahman Salha, Majdal, and Hussein Nimer Balawi, Majdal STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PAR | B . Name of person or persons authorised to TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP:•— CHEMICAL j , sign on behalf of the partnership: Misbah WORKS "STABIL". j Tannireh alone. A. Change i n the general nature of business : j (File No. 5147) Date of Change : 2.5.43. G e n e r a l n a t u r e of business as p r e v i o u s l y c a r r i e d o n : To produce any sort of chemical pro ducts, asphalt, bitumen,, roof and building pro { STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PARtecting materials, wood conserving materials | TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP:—SHARIKAT E L MAARAD E L IRAQI. and disinfecting materials. G e n e r a l n a t u r e of bxisiness as ׳now c a r r i e d o n : To produce any A. Change i n the principal place of business: sort of chemical products, asphalt, bitumen, Previous place: Mamillah Road, Jerusalem. roof and building protecting materials, wood New p l a c e : Jaffa Road, Antoine Albina Build conserving materials and disinfecting matering, Jerusalem. THE 502 PALESTINE B. Change i n the partners or i n the name or surname of any partner: Abdallah E l Omari left and Mahmoud Omar Siam, Lifta, joined the partnership. C. Change i n the term or character of the part nership : P r e v i o u s t e r m : 2 years as from the 11th November, 1940. New t e r m : From the 20th A p r i l , 1943, for an unlimited period. D. Change i n the person of persons author ised to sign on behalf of the partnership : Mahmoud Omar Siam alone. (File No. 3646) Date of Change: 20.4.43. STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PAR TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP:— EFCO AGENCY. Change i n the general nature of business : G e n e r a l n a t u r e of business as p r e v i o u s l y c a r r i e d o n : Commission and agency. General n a t u r e of business as now c a r r i e d o n : Com mission, agency, wholesalers and distributors of manufactured goods, especially hardware, tools, house and kitchenware. (File No. 2459) Date of Change : 30.4.43. STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PAR TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP:— BENEDIK TRAN SPORT Co. GAZETTE No. 1270. 3 r d June, 1943 IV. ISAAC & SHIMON HAKIM. N o t i c e i s h e r e b y g i v e n t h a t t h e a b o v e part n e r s h i p , n o t i c e o f w h i c h w a s p u b l i s h e d i n the P a l e s t i n e G a z e t t e No. 738 o f t h e 1 8 t h N o v e m b e r , 1937, h a s b e e n d i s s o l v e d as from the 2 2 n d M a r c h , 1943. ( F i l e No. 1130). V. NAIM SHEHADEH & Co. N o t i c e i s h e r e b y g i v e n t h a t t h e a b o v e part n e r s h i p , n o t i c e o f w h i c h w a s p u b l i s h e d i n the P a l e s t i n e G a z e t t e N o . 1236 of t h e 3 r d D e c e m b e r , 1942, h a s b e e n d i s s o l v e d as f r o m t h e 2 2 n d A p r i l , 1943. (File No. 4983). VI. SwiSTELNICK-MlCHALS. N o t i c e is hereby g i v e n that the above p a r t n e r s h i p , notice o f w h i c h w a s p u b l i s h e d in the P a l e s t i n e G a z e t t e No. 1221 o f t h e 3 r d Sep t e m b e r , 1942, h a s b e e n d i s s o l v e d as f r o m t h e 1st A p r i l , 1943, a n d t h a t a l l assets a n d l i a b i l i t i e s h a v e been t a k e n over b y M r . C h a i m S t e i n . ( F i l e No. •4839). VII. ISRAEL FEINBERG AND CO. A. Change i n the partners or i n the name or surname of any partner: Israel Stockelberg left the partnership. (File No. 5168) Date of Change: 27.4.43. N o t i c e is hereby g i v e n t h a t the above p a r t nership, notice of w h i c h was p u b l i s h e d i n the P a l e s t i n e G a z e t t e N o . 1074 o f t h e 2 3 r d J a n u a r y , 1941, h a s b e e n d i s s o l v e d as f r o m t h e 1st A p r i l , 1943, a n d t h a t a l l assets a n d l i a b i l i t i e s h a v e been t a k e n over b y I s r a e l F e i n b e r g . ( F i l e No. 3698). STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PAR TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP:— ASTA, CHEMICAL AND MEDICAL PRODUCTS. VIII. SACHS AND BECKER. A . Change i n the partners or i n the name or surname of any partner: Abraham Eiger and Joel Wagmeister left the partnership. B. Change of person or persons authorised to sign on behalf of the partnership: Both re maining partners Abraham Baniel and Jacob Zelivansky jointly. (File No. 3594) Date of Change : 13.4.43. NOTICES. I. MAHMOUD FIDI BROS, AND CO. Notice is hereby given that the above part nership, notice of which was published in the Palestine• Gazette No. 1035 of the 8th August, 1940, has been dissolved as from the 17th A p r i l , 1943. (File No. 3593). II. DR. EMIL MARGULIES, DR. ANGELO GOLDSTEIN, DR. FRITZ HAHN. Notice is hereby given that the above part nership, notice of which was published in the Palestine Gazette No. 1102 of the 29th May, 1941, has been dissolved as from the 16th Feb ruary, 1943, by the death •of D r . E m i l Mar gulies. (File No. 3809). III. IBRAHIM BETINJANE AND CO. Notice is hereby given that the above part nership, notice of which was published in the Palestine Gazette No. 1163 of the 15th January, 1942, has been dissolved as from the 9th March, 1943, (File No. 4232). N o t i c e is hereby g i v e n t h a t the above p a r t nership, notice of w h i c h w a s p u b l i s h e d i n the P a l e s t i n e G a z e t t e N o . 1156 o f t h e 2 5 t h D e c e m b e r , 1941, h a s b e e n d i s s o l v e d as f r o m t h e 1st A p r i l , 1943, a n d t h a t a l l assets a n d l i a b i l i t i e s have been t a k e n o v e r b y J u l i u s Sachs a n d Grete Sachs. ( F i l e No. 4209). IX. T H E SCHOOL OF PITMANS SHORTHAND AND COMMERCE. N o t i c e is hereby g i v e n t h a t the above p a r t nership, notice of which was p u b l i s h e d i n the P a l e s t i n e G a z e t t e N o . 1156 o f t h e 2 5 t h D e c e m b e r , 1941, h a s been d i s s o l v e d as f r o m t h e 1 4 t h A p r i l , 1943. ( F i l e No. 4172). X. "SIGNON" ART AND CRAFT FACTORY, D . YERUSHALMY AND W . KRAMER. N o t i c e is hereby g i v e n t h a t the above p a r t n e r s h i p , n o t i c e o f w h i c h w a s p u b l i s h e d i n the P a l e s t i n e G a z e t t e N o . 1248 o f t h e 4 t h F e b r u a r y , 1943, h a s b e e n d i s s o l v e d as f r o m t h e 3 0 t h A p r i l , 1943, a n d t h a t a l l assets a n d l i a b i l i t i e s have been t a k e n o v e r b y W o l f K r a m e r . ־ . ( ־F i l e No. 5114). NOTICES. T h e f o l l o w i n g notices a r e published a t the risk of the advertisers a n d t h e i r p u b l i c a t i o n does not imply any c e r t i f i c a t e as to correctness or a u t h o r i t y . I. KREDIT GOMLIN AGUDA HADADIT LTD., TEL A V I V . Notice is hereby given that at the general meeting held by the abovementioned society, 3rd THE J u n e , 1943 P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E No. 1270. on 28th A p r i l , 1943, the following persons were elected to the Board of Directors: — Pinhas Kotler, Mordekhai Gefen, Moshe Frenkel, Abraham Jakhan and Hayim Dunevitz. At the meeting of the Board of Directors and the Council held on the 16th May, 1943, it was resolved that the signatures of two members of the Board of Directors shall bind the society. II. M . A . RAND AND Co. LTD. Notice is hereby given that the following per sons are directors of the said company: M r . Morris A . Rand and M r . Joseph Schnier. Each of the directors is entitled to act and sign on behalf of the company. III. "ORAH" DIAMOND CUTTING AND POLISHING FACTORY LTD. Notice is hereby given that Mrs. Betty Avram, known Schaechter, and M r . Saia Avram, known Schaechter, have resigned. from the Board of Directors of the company and that the following gentlemen are, therefore, the sole Directors of the company and that their joint signatures shall be binding on the com pany, v i z : M r . Moise Hirsch, Eng. and M r . David Achner. IV. I. L . FEUCHTWANGER GENERAL COMMERCIAL BANK LTD. 503 (i) to wind up t h e company voluntarily; (ii) to appoint D r . Fabian Honigwachs, public accountant a n d auditor of 6, K a r l Netter Street, Tel Aviv, liquidator of t h e company f o r t h e purpose of such windingup. A l l claims shall be submitted to the liquid ator within 21 days from to-day. DE. FABIAN HONIGWACHS L i q u i d a t o r : • ••••׳: ־ ;״..?״־ : ' VIII. ' ' : • '•־ . T H E LEVANT BONDED WAREHOUSES COMPANY LIMITED. NOTICE OF PAYMENT OF DIVIDEND FOR 1942. Notice is hereby given t h a t at t h e annual general meeting of t h e company, held on t h e 2 2 n d A p r i l , 1943, a dividend w a s declared f o r the year e n d e d t h e 31st December, 1942, a t t h e rate o f 120 mils (one hundred a n d twenty mils Palestinian currency) p e r share less income tax i n accordance with existing Palestine Laws. This dividend w i l l be paid against presen tation of Coupon No. 10 of t h e shares of t h e company as w e l l as against signature of d e clarations required under Trading with t h e Enemy Ordinance a n d Defence (Finance) Regulations, Palestine. These declarations may be provided at t h e offices of The Egyptian Bonded Warehouses Co. L t d . , Alexandria, or at the office of The Levant Bonded Warehouses Co. L t d . , Haifa. Notice is hereby given that M r . K u r t K r o nenberger is no longer authorised to sign on behalf of the company. Payment w i l l be effected at t h e Head Office of th'e company, Haifa, a n d a t t h e offices of The Egyptian Bonded Warehouses Company L i m ited, Alexandria, Egypt, o n a n d after t h e 1st of June, 1943. V. By Order of t h e Board of Directors HEVRAT SIIERF BEIT HAROSHET LE-SABON LTD. Notice is hereby given that a t the extra ordinary meeting of the abovementioned com pany held on the 10th May, 1943, the following persons were elected as Directors of t h e com pany:— 1. Moses (Moshe) Sherf. 2. Jetty Sherf. The sole signature of one Director suffices to bind the company. VI. THE JERUSALEM C I V I L SERVANTS CONSUMERS' COOPERATIVE SOCIETY LTD. Notice is hereby given that at the annual general meeting of the above society, held on the 9 t h May, 1943, a new Committee of Manage ment has been elected. The signature of any two of the following three members of the Committee of Manage ment shall bind the society i n all its affairs and business:, 1. M r . Moshe K a r a s s i k — C h a i r m a n . 2. M r . Abraham K r e i s m a n — V i c e - C h a i r m a n . 3. M r . Moshe A l p e r o v i t z — T r e a s u r e r . VII. BAIT HESS 25 LTD. . Notice is hereby given that at t h e extraordin ary general meeting of the abovenamed com pany duly convened and held on t h e 26th day of May, 1943, it was resolved : — S. LAKSHIN Manager and Secretary. IX. UNITED H I D E TRADE COMPANY LTD. Notice is hereby given t h a t M r . Menahem Borenstein h a s been elected a director of t h e abovenamed company, a n d t h a t h i s signature together with t h a t of M r . Jacob Abramson or M r . Akiva Feldstein w i l l bind t h e company in all i t s transactions. CORRIGENDA. I. Palestine Gazette No. 1261 of the 15th A p r i l , 1943, page 353, right column, notice with re gard to the changes which occurred i n the part nership :— The New British Pharmacy and Drugstore. The previous term of the part nership should read ' U n t i l t h e 2 2 n d June. 1943". (File No. 232)i 1 II. Palestine Gazette No. 1261 of the 15th A p r i l , 1943, page 351, right column, notice with regard to the changes which occurred i n t h e partner ship :— Jordania Cafe and Restaurant. For " B r e n n e r A r b i t " read " B e r n a r d A r b i t " . (File No. 3746). III. Palestine Gazette No. 1261 of t h e 15th A p r i l , 1943, page 351, right column, notice with regard 5!) 1 T H E PALESTINE GAZETTE to tho'changes •which• occurred i n the partner ship:— Falcon, Sankevitch'and Hadoni, Beit Haroshct Lenaknikim. • The name of " M c n a s h e H a d o n i " should read in every place " M e n a t h e H a d o r n i " . (File No. 4082). NOTICE. ;. ׳ ׳SuBSCErrTioN E A T B S . The Palestine Gazette may be purchased, at current prices, through all booksellers and news-agents in Palestine or from the Government Printing and Ststionery Office, P.O.B. 293, Jerusalem. The subscription rates are as follows: — . , . Half-yearly Yearly • • £P.Mils £P.Mih Palestine '. 1.800 ' 3.000 ־ Ahroail 2.625 4.500 Applications accompanied by remittances (Cash, Postal or Money Orders only) should be made to the Govern ment Printer, P . O . B . 293, Jerusalem. ADVERTISEMENTS. The following are the authorised publication rates for notices and advertisements in the Palestine Gazette: — ' ' £P.Mih For every ] of a column or part thereof 938 Exceeding J- and not exceeding | ־column 1.875 Exceeding J and not exceeding % column 2.813 Exceeding £ and not exceeding 1 column 3.730 ; All notices and advertisements must be prepaid. It is notified for general information that notices intended for publication in the Palestine Gazette should be addressed, together with the appropriate publication fees, direct to the Government Printer, P.O.B. 293, Jerusalem. PRINTED AT U P No. J1270. 3rd June, 1943 i Notices of registration of Companies,• Cooperative j Societies, Trade.Marks and Patents will not be accepted j for publication unless submitted through the appropriate Registrar. ' . . Orders with regard to the administration of the estate of deceased persons or probate of wills, and any orders I issued under the Companies Ordinance, or in accordance I with any other Ordinance or Order of the Court, and notices of registration and dissolution of partnerships will not be inserted unless passed for publication by the Court or Eegistrar. ׳...... I I Notices of dissolution of partnerships will not be named therein accepted unless signed by the partners or by their legal representatives. The signature or representative character of a signa• tory must be verified by a declaration made by an advocate. A notice of dissolution of partnership not signed by all | the partners or by their legal reprcssntatives must be j accompanied by a sworn declaration made by an advocate j to the effect that the notice is given in pursuance.of the ! terms of the partnership to which it relates. The following notices and advertisements will be published in the Gazette at the risk of the advertisers ; and will not imply any certificate as to correctness or j authority: ! Notices from Liquidators of Companies, etc. Notices concerning meetings, appointments of Di rectors, redemption of bonds and kindred matters from j Companies or Cooperative Societies. I No notice or advertisement concerning a Company or ! Cooperative Society, other than a notice published by j Order of the Court or of the Eegistrar, will be inserted I unless it is accompanied by a declaration of an advocate j that to the best of his knowledge the statement made in' | the notice or advertisement'is true. j . CU^H m \ i I i\ti\n PiUss, TiiirsrrM :