Carrillo Chronicle 1st Trimester 2008 final on web (2)


Carrillo Chronicle 1st Trimester 2008 final on web (2)
Carrillo Chronicle
Carrillo Elementary
By: Fran Pistone
As you probably know, the San Marcos Unified School District
instituted major boundary changes due to the opening of our newest
elementary school, Joli Ann. While we were very sad to lose so many of
our dear students and their families, we spent the summer looking forward to meeting our new arrivals. Well over 200 new children have joined
our team and we are thrilled to welcome each and every one. We also
congratulate the families on now being an important part of the best
school in town!! We know this will be an exciting, engaging and challenging
year and truly look forward to working with our new Colts and their
By: Jamie Cummings
How do you get kids to love reading, writing, and motivated to spell
correctly? Send them a letter the old fashioned way! Our award winning
Carrillo Post Office will be up and running September 22nd! Students in
Mrs. Cummings class will continue collecting, stamping, sorting, and
delivering mail throughout the school. If you are new to Carrillo, check out
the official street signs in each hallway, look for the personalized
classroom mail boxes in each class room, and see if you can spot our
uniformed mail carriers at Friday Flag Salutes. Parents are welcome and
encouraged to write letters to their children! Addresses and post cards
are available on the mail carrier’s clipboards. Help us continue our
tradition of processing over 5,000 pieces of mail each year!
First Trimester
September 2008
Front Page Stories
Calendar of Events
Info from Mr. Wise
Parking Lot Safety
Parent Article
Student Council
Reading Lab
Special Awards
Spring Tea
DEPENDABLE Attendance Due
Gift Wrap Assemblies, Gift Wrap Starts, DEPENDABLE “Tardy” Home
RAZZLE, BAM, BOOM! Assemblies 9:00 & 10:15
“Go Green” Home
Chorus Starts 7:30-8:30 Cafeteria, Grades 3-5 (every Thursday)
Progress Report Home
“Be Here” Awards at Flag Salute
Dine Out at Palomar Pizza
Parent Meeting: GATE, After Flag
CKC Clean San Diego Assemblies
Red Ribbon Week, MAKE UP PHOTO DAY
End of Gift Wrap, Gr. 5 Singing at Flag Salute, PTO Board Meeting
“Go Green” Due
“On Time & Prepared” Awards at Flag, Halloween (no candy, no costumes)
“Thankful for the USA” Singing, Grade 3, Gift
Wrap Delivery, End of Trimester
Reading Cards Due
Camp Pendleton Marines’ Food Drive Starts
Parent Conferences
K-1 Sings At Flag Salute, PTO Board Meeting
No School, Parent Conference Day
Carrillo Day at Barnes & Noble (Encinitas)
Veterans’ Day – Holiday
Honor Roll Awards at Flag
“Listener” Awards at Flag Salute, Grades 2-3
Dine Out
Pancake Breakfast at Carrillo
21 “
Be Friendly” Awards at Flag Salute, Football –
End Of Food Drive
Flag Salute, Special Visitor, Grades 4-5 Singing,
Marines Pick Up Food
Flag Salute, Minimum Day
5 Grade vs. Staff
24-28 Thanksgiving Holidays, No School
First Trimester
Page 2
How Full is YOUR Bucket?
By: Principal Fred Wise
Over the summer I read a very short book with that exact title, "How Full is Your Bucket?" It was given to me by
a very good friend who remembered conversations we used to have about the "drain and fill theory" we made up
while working together at another school. We used to talk about it on the way to work in our carpool, and basically
we agreed that in order to keep doing an effective job, one needed to have at least an equal amount of good
"feeding" energy coming in as the expenditure of hard work energy going out. "How Full Is Your Bucket" is a
great little book that I highly recommend, which puts forth a very similar theory in a very intriguing way. It's a
quick read, definitely worth the time.
Although professional speaker Jim Cathcart is not the author of the "Bucket" book, a story he uses will provide
you with a bit of insight into the underlying message, which basically is that our lives greatly impact those with
whom we make contact everyday. Here's Jim's story:
During a layover at the Atlanta airport, Jim found time for a snack in the food court. All the tables were filled
and several passengers, himself included, stood in any available space to eat.
As he ate, Jim noticed a busboy slowly working his way through the crowded area. His shoulders were curled forward and he kept his head down. He moved from table to table, barely making eye contact with anyone as he
cleared away the dirty dishes. He interacted with no one, and no one was speaking to him as he moved in an almost
invisible fashion through the crowd.
The sight of this young man filled Jim with an overwhelming sadness. He knew there had to be
could do or say to reach out to this young man.
something he
When Jim finished his food and disposed of his trash, he approached the busboy. "What you are doing here sure
is important," he said.
"Huh?" the busboy replied.
"If you weren't doing what you are doing, it wouldn't be five minutes before there was trash
and people would stop coming in here," Jim said. "What you are doing is important, and I just wanted to say thanks
for doing it."
The busboy began to smile. His posture became more erect and he began to make eye contact with those around
him. A few choice words had served as a reminder that he was worth more than he had realized.
The "Bucket" book puts forth the same idea in a way that will draw you in, and it provides examples and data regarding the benefits of positive interaction with people throughout the day. To sum it up, all interactions either
help fill or drain out each of our personal "buckets". The importance of maintaining one's own as well as those
around us in "full-bucket status" is detailed using examples which extend even into the health aspects of our lives.
Specificity and personalization are major components in the bucket theory, and through reading the book it becomes easy to see how simple it is to do.
"How Full Is Your Bucket?" fits the philosophy upon which Carrillo was founded nine years ago, and once you pick
it up I guarantee you will see how it applies at our school. In addition, I can tell you that it will make you much
more aware of both the way you interact with your children as well as other adults in your life. Give it a try, it's
worth it!
First Trimester
Page 3
"WARNING: Carlsbad installed NO STOPPING signs on the curb by the school, on
Poinsettia. They have been giving tickets, so please do not stop or park in that lane.
WARNING: Carlsbad Police know that some illegal turns from the outside lane,
into the parking lot, are happening in the afternoon – don’t do it! Not safe, big
ticket & bad driving!
WARNING: Only park in marked stalls in the parking lot! Don’t “invent” parking
spaces – it makes everyone else’s drive a lot harder!
We want you to be able to drop off and pick up your child in a safe and calm setting, and we are working with you
to make that possible. You may have noticed that we have painted areas, cones strategically located at various
locations, safety patrol, and adults helping in the parking lot. Do YOUR part! Here’s the plan:
• Drop off for students starts at 8:15.
• In the morning, drop off and go. Please make plans in advance so drop off is done quickly and the rest of the
cars can get to the red curb.
• Never gridlock the intersection at the parking lot entrance! If there is no space in the driveway, just wait
through the left turn arrow cycle.
• If you wish to drive through to pick up your child, stay in line and pull ahead as space becomes available. Remain
in your car when you get to the red pick up curb, and only pick up your child when you are right next to the
curb AND past the office front door.
• It will really help if your child is PAYING ATTENTION AND LOOKING FOR YOU while waiting to be picked
up. Please emphasize this with your child!
• The second lane of traffic (away from the curb) must be kept moving, and no pick-ups are allowed in that lane.
• If you are lined up to pick up, but the line is long and you are blocking parking spaces, please move if someone
wants to leave the parking space. Just back up or pull forward a bit.
• The bus area is closed to all traffic, including KOC parents, during bus loading. Yes, we still do have two special
education buses, and the law says no vehicles may be moving during drop off or loading. After 3:30 KOC parents
may go in to pick up. If you do not use KOC, please do not go into the bus/KOC area.
• If your child does not come after you have been at the curb for a minute or so, we may ask you to move to a
parking spot or cycle back through by using the middle lane (where the cones are blocking). Please cooperate,
as we must keep traffic moving.
• When leaving the parking lot after school, watch for the crossing guards, and always monitor what the guards
are doing when you are leaving the parking lot or at the corner of Melrose and Poinsettia.
• Cross with kids in the crosswalk, and hold hands with kids whenever you are in the parking lot together.
• Remember, Wednesdays are early release day, pick up one hour earlier.
IDEA: LEO CARRILLO RANCH PARKING lot is a great alternative to picking up in our parking lot.
Closed Mondays, but open and ready for you Tuesday – Friday afternoons. Stay calm, go to the Ranch!
IDEA: You may also drop off kids in the morning by the community pool on Carrillo Way, to walk down
on the trail, outside the wall. You can do this everyday! Just think, you never have to come into the
parking lot at school! It’s amazing!
First Trimester
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IDEA: Walk to school, ride a bike, at least do a carpool!
We are a team here, so how about YOU volunteering to help out in the parking lot?
We will give you your own ORANGE VEST and WHISTLE, and you can join the few,
the brave, who work to keep the parking lot safe. Please let our office know if you can help, even one
day a week. Thanks!
What happened to our website? Yes, some of you know, and you’re right, the district
standardized all schools, using the same website system. Yes, we did lose some of
our functions from last year, like opt-in emails, BUT, we are working to figure out
how to do it with our new website. The district knows that what we had before had
that capability, so they also want to help us get it back.
Without opt-in emails, we have to do more of our phone messages to keep you up to
speed, so thanks in advance for your patience with those. We have to work with you to stay informed,
and right now, our phone call system is a pretty good option. We will try to keep messages brief, promise!
We are beginning to get our school STAR score results, and the news is good! Once again, your children
and our teachers achieved a very good score – 907! This score is a reflection of the hard work everyone affiliated with our school contributes, it does, as they say, “Take a village” to educate a child. Test scores are not the only reflection of the growth achieved at our
school… we do spend time working on character education, physical education, and of
course, the arts, but the STAR test does provide one measure of achievement, to be
sure. In addition, our writing scores in 4th grade and our science scores in 5th grade
were extremely high, two more indicators of well-rounded achievement. Congratulations
and thanks for everyone’s hard work, especially our students!!
You may not know this but Carrillo School boasts the best attendance record of all the elementary
schools in the San Marcos Unified School District, and this is thanks to our conscientious parents and
students. We appreciate your calls before school to let us know if your child will be out for the day.
Our attendance line number is (760) 290-2929. If your family is running late,
please check in at the office for a tardy slip before sending children to classrooms. Last but not least, please don’t forget the doctor’s note regarding medical or dental appointments that occur before your child comes to school. Thanks
again for taking your child’s attendance seriously as we continue to beat our record from last year and remain #1 in the district.
First Trimester
Page 5
Although children actually sit in classrooms, September signals a “Back to School” of sorts for
parents also. Many of us have to race around buying new clothes our children have outgrown not to
mention school supplies. Thursday Folders also present a plethora of reading homework for parents
while children stand by saying “What about this and what about that?” “I need to turn this in tomorrow!” “Please sign this now!” Or my favorite…”Mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mother or dad, dad, dad,
dad, daddy, dad, hey dad, (while gently pulling at your leg.)
Since it’s also “Back to School “ for parents we thought you may be interested in taking a short
test in preparation for the upcoming year. It’s simple and there will be no blood samples drawn or
scores to report to newspapers. However this is a very important assessment, as it will be used to remind us all, of the most important thing in our lives….. our children. Cramming for this exam will do no
good, however, the following questions will help you prepare for the years ahead. Please study these
questions thoroughly to determine the response you will give to each one. Remember, you will be answering under oath.
1. Yes or No: Have you (since becoming a parent) been convicted of seriously believing that you
have an amazing capacity to positively or negatively influence the lives of your children?
2. Yes or No: Have you ever pleaded “guilty” to continuing to believe we must remain patient and
trust that with our proper guidance, children will eventually “get it”?
3. Yes or No: Have you every admitted that each small thing you do with your child, each interaction you have with his/her teacher, or each communication you have with any member of our
Carrillo team is important and really matters?
4. Yes or No: Have you ever realized that children learn by observing your actions rather than
hearing your words?
5. Yes or No: Have you overtly and/or covertly made a sincere and ongoing effort to act in a
manner that demonstrates respect for your children?
6. Yes or No: Can you enter a plea of “no contest” to a belief that parenting is actually the most
important way we can change the world for the better, one person at a time?
If you could answer “Yes” to each of the previous items you should have no problem achieving a
perfect score. However, since none of us is quite perfect, perhaps you had to think a bit about one or
more of the questions. If so, then you still achieve a perfect score because taking the time to reflect
on our role as parents is (after all) “the point”. In fact, all that is necessary to guarantee a top score on
this test is to make a resolve right now that you will continue to take time to reflect on your role and
work to achieve it to the best of your ability…for our children’s sake.
First Trimester
Page 6
The primary elections for Student Council were held at Carrillo mirroring the process employed by
our government in the current presidential election. Many of our 4th and 5th grade students participated enthusiastically as you can see from the list below. We applaud each of these students for
their willingness to go above and beyond by volunteering their knowledge, time and service to Carrillo
School. The election was held on Friday, Sept 26th and the winners are revealed on page 8.
Congratulations to all of the candidates. You all did a great job!
Randi Harris
Benjamin Abellon
Noah Wilfert
Kayla Tchorz
Ethan Patten
Grant Simmonds
Evan Schnabel
Tennisen Schwartz
Robert Moore
Anahy Andaluz
Nick Viani
Araliza Rocha
Hannah Courtenay
Karston Kelly
Paloma Aguilar
Bianca Yorga
Trevor Lerma
Nikki Bennet
Michael Casinelli
Cassidy Crivello
Luke Smith*
Matthew Hamparyan*
Sami Elfus
Colin Armstrong
Connor Muirhead
Shea Saulino*
Nathan Navida
Lauren Lipman
Brittney Rosillo
Tyler Rogers
Dante Wright
Megan DeYoung
Paige Carter
Chloe Rice
Stephanie Gorzynski
Kaitlyn Chiros
Deven Sestina
Braedon Holmes
Julia Schroder
Julia Pullman
Drew Van Voorhis
Anne Marie Wort
Tepanka Van Ryn
Cassidy Andrews
Hope Golden
Jordan Armstrong
Zoe Lipman
Matthew Chronis
Lianna Sanchez
Caleb Matthews
Alyssa Schulte
Safaa Skander
Natalie Bidwell
Myles Liss
Nicole Vivanco
Violet Stewart
Evan Ianniciello
Austin Hicks
Jillian San Chez
Bailey Martin
Dawson Deal
Oliver McClymonds*
Jenna Morejon
Alayna Luffman
Darby Fields
Andrew Liu
Lilly Crolius
Lenah Perry
Christopher Lunde
Camryn Henigman
Rylie Donato
Rebekah Garcia
Brandon Connors
Jessica Guerrero
Caroline Mahoney
Emily May
First Trimester
Page 7
Kaitlin Shawhan
Garret Rado
Alina Dominguez
Jennie Castiglione
Claire Sarjeant
All students in grades 3-5 voted and the top candidates in
each category went to the final phase of the election process. These candidates created campaign posters and presented speeches to the upper grade students. Listed below is our first semester 2008-09 Student Council:
Maylie Delph
Garrett Conway
Matthew Hamparyan
Tanner Muirhead
Oliver McClymonds
Jeremy Lamson
Shea Saulino
Kendall Andrews
Garrett Conway
Luke Smith
Keyan Abou-Nasseri
Tatum Kenley
Kyle Beach
Libni Lopez
Booklynn Rivera
Collin Berman
Austin Batorick
Alex McCune
Lindsey Schell
Alexander Saysanasogkham
Katarina Mohammad
Maria Contreras
William Schwend
The next phase in the election process will allow every 3rd,
4th & 5th grade class to elect representatives and an alternate. These students will attend Student Council meetings and be the voice of their constituents. The
Student Council will continue to help Mr. Wise manage Circle W sales every other Friday during recess and will sell
juice bars each Friday during both lunches.
We are also pleased to announce that our new Student
Council Advisors this year are Mr. Hurlbert & Mrs. Lancon.
Gabe Torres
Sean Ginzler
Did you know Carrillo has its very own garden? What began as a memorial tribute to
the victims of September 11th with 60 Daffodil bulbs has become the Carrillo Kids
Garden, with over 20 rose bushes, a raised bed, herb pots, a green house, potting
bench, composter, drip irrigation, and seating areas. We use reclaimed water in the
garden so your child may be starting a plant from seed and then bringing it home to continue watching
it grow in your own garden. We are hoping to install an outdoor sink which has already been purchased
and add a lattice shade structure for our potting area this year. If you are interested in helping out,
please contact Mrs. Cummings!
First Trimester
Page 8
By: Deborah Sherwood
Well, I couldn’t be happier. I’m back for my 8th school year at Carrillo! I have
relocated and literally “run” into the Reading Lab!
The fact that I have been lucky enough to hold two positions that impact your
children the most has not escaped me and I intend to put as much time, energy
and excitement into promoting the importance of reading as I did with Physical
While being fit is certainly essential to the quality and length of our lives, reading is equally important.
We couldn’t go a day without “exercising” our reading skills. For example, we read newspapers, recipes,
driving directions, street signs, bills, memos from our bosses or coworkers, AND hopefully most of us
save some spare moments to read for enjoyment! Exercising our minds through reading is an essential
daily task for both the young and the old!
I am here to remind you that we as parents are the single most important influence on our children’s
lives and modeling good reading habits will help send the message that reading is a necessary and essential skill to be developed.
As I am sure you have heard (maybe you have even READ) many times before- Reading to your child is
the easiest way to school success. Research has repeatedly proven that children who are read aloud to
by parents get a head start in language and literacy skills and go to school better prepared. Equally important is the fact that reading with and to your child fosters a lifelong love of books and reading!
The author of the bestseller, “The Read Aloud Handbook” says it best when he states, “Students who
read the most, read the best, achieve the most and stay in school the longest.” And I must say, I have
never heard a parent say that they don’t wish success for their child!
So get busy and exercise your right to read!
As usual, our neighborhood peacocks are very comfortable roaming the campus. With
everyone gone during the summer months they have come to think of Carrillo as
“their” school and appear in great numbers daily. We are proud of our students who
treat them respectfully while enjoying the opportunity to observe these beautiful
creatures “up close”.
First Trimester
Page 9
In grades 4 & 5 we recognize student awards in these two categories. Merit Awards
are for students who achieve at the 3.0 – 3.49 grade point average, and then the
Honor Roll comes in for those who are at the 3.5 – 4.0 level. The standards demanded
on our progress report are quite significant, and hard work always precedes high
achievement! We are proud of the following students for their hard work which led to their high grades
(students names in Honor Roll that are in bold have a straight 4.0):
4TH GRADE HONOR ROLL: Keyan Abou-Nasseri, Garrett Conway, Sami Elfus, Laura Esbensen,
Stephanie Gorzynski, Karston Kelly, Lauren Lipman, Andres Lozano, Jenna Morejon, Danny
Murphy, Claire Sarjeant, Zoe Shadan, Jordan Steffan, Tepanka Van Ryn, Sophia Vivier, Nyssa
Williams, and Kalea Woods, Kendall Andrews, Collin Berman, Caitlin Brown, Juliet Case, Max
Christiansen, Kim Clermont, Kellen Dorsey, Chloe Evering, Darby Fields, Hope Golden, Reanna Grauel,
Brenden Greger, Brennan Guerrero, Matthew Hamparyan, Grace Hanselman, Braedon Holmes, Amy
Keith, Jenny Keith, Jeremy Lamson, McKenna Miller, Tanner Muirhead, Jared Nwanagu, Brooke Orozco,
Grant Simmonds, Dan Smalley, Samantha Stewart, Noah Wilfert, and Dante Wright
4TH GRADE MERIT AWARD: Chessie Badar, Tommy Boian, Ryan Browning, Jennie Castiglione, Hannah
Courtenay, Cassidy Crivello, Lilly Crolius, Alejandro Del Castillo, Sydney Furman, Luke Goodman, Daniel
Hernandez, Eli Jasmer, Megan Johnson, Trevor Lerma, Richy Meza, Sierra Miller, Brian Myers, Andre
Rubidoux-Long, Alexandra Sasich, Maya Saulino, Shea Saulino, Colton Simons , Hannah Smith, Kelly
Soria, Michelle Taylor, Zach Testa, Piper Tompkins, Nick Viani, Abby Whelan, and Katrina Wolfson
5TH GRADE HONOR ROLL: Sarah Bardwell, Elysa Briens, Kelly Cortes, Anniah Cuevas, Valerie
Garcia, Kayla Harlow, Olivia Henigman, Baylin Herington, Jaimee Horn, Amy Huynh, Reid
Johnson, Emily Kazmarek, John-Paul Keatly, Megan Keith, Claire King, Zachary Kousens, Rachel
Kretz, Delaney Lotwin. Austin Majors, Tim Maurer, Mary McGrath, Johnny McWilliams, Victoria
Olavide, Gianna Ostrom, Julia Ostrom, Jesica Rogus, Adrian Rosu, Sean Tobe, Cecilia Wang, Noah
Wilfert, and Christopher Williams, Arya Azartash, Zhana Beckel, Taryn Brencola, Vanlizza Chau, Skye
Develasco, Kristoffer Escanlar, Bianca Guerrero, Tia Hernandez, Joy Larkin, Cody Licas, Alexander
Lopez, Robert Mahoney, Naiha Manika, Grayson Manley, Dee Dee Micare, Haily Morejon, Erik Partolan,
Diana Ramos, Kyle Selstad, Rylee Spencer, Teleah Talbert, Gabrielle Tam, Kirstin Vincent, Kyle Williams,
Noah Yawar, Emily Zimmer, Nikola Zivkovic, and Stefan Zivkovic
5TH GRADE MERIT AWARD: Mimi Albarran, Christian Bogan, Kameron Bolster, Guillermo Bravo,
Audrey Brown, Denika Brown, William Christmas, Gabriel Del Castillo, Lydia Dongoske, Mason Foster,
Jordan Hayles, Kyle Leach, Lee Lowell, Paul Loya, Nicholas Marquez, Zach Mehler, Alexa Moreno,
Elizabeth Ngan, Trevor Norby, Ryan Orozco, Elliot Ostergaard, Isaiah Reed, Morgan Rogers, Chico
Rosillo, Sabrina Roualdes, Julian Sanchez, Austin Smith, Alexsys Stroh, Spencer Warsoff, Donte
White, and Parker Wick
First Trimester
Page 10
Yes, they are the few, the proud, they are the STUDENT STANDOUTS! We are very proud of the
following students for being nominated by their teachers for these awards. Never giving up, the special
students put their heads down and just keep going, getting their work done correctly and on time, no
matter how hard, and we are delighted to present them to you:
Grades K-2: Nathan Davis, Aaryn Hong, Jarek Kitchen, Austin Lohrman, Ethan Long, Olivia Marcotte,
Kyli Minnihan, Edwin Ocampo, Mayuresh Rahavendren, Jordan Sheive, Mathew Sloane, Karenna Wilson,
Robert Zammetti, Stephanie Bouke, Daniel Brody-Bagshaw, Alex Carlstrom, Landry Christiansen, Justin
Devore, Thomas Foulger, Shelby Higgs, Daven Kitchen, Anthony Loya, Andrea Maniti, Edith Martinez,
Nathan McClymonds, Benjamin Santana, Finnagan Schwartz, Griffin Tomkins, Parker Yates, Sara Bahadori, Scott Bambarger-Heller, Delaney Courtenay, Miranda Goodson, Derek Hagen, Kathleen Hastings,
Brendan Kim, Ashley Mitchell, Spencer Preston, Jackson Pudlo, Sydney Sestina, Ian Simpson, and Kai
Grades 3-5: Angel Aguillar-Sanchez, Alexander Avila, Brianna Basa, Austin Batorick,
Michael Casinelli, Mikaela Coss, Isabelle Curran, Jose Fonesco, Dinh Nguyen, Jose
Rosas, Kayla Tchorz, Kendall Andrews, Amy Gload, Calvin Goodson, McKenna Miller,
Cameron Nasseradin, Olivia Padilla, Julia Pullman, Alexandra Sasich, Tepanka Van Ryn,
Jalon Yeager, Mireya Albarran, Kelly Cortes, Anniah Cuevas, Skye Develasco, Megan
Keith, Cody Licas, James McClean, Adrian Rosu, Shawn Ruderman, Van Steinbrenner,
Alexesys Stroh, Toleah Talbert, and Drew Van Voorhis
Grades K-2: Mario Albarran, Sarah Borsetto, Dani Brant, Jaylynn Dean, Chase Edie, Isabella Farah,
Richard Jaime, Bailey Malinowski, Eric Pak, Casey Papalia, Jordan Shieve, Quinn Sweet, Evan Ambrose,
Alyssa Aranda, Emma Butcher, Thomas Chronis, Lily Gibbons, Joseph Harris , Dylan Murphy, Drew
Norby, Michael Olavide, Niko Sarte, Josh Sellers, Cami Sestina, Jacob Tauss, Brad Tieger, David Vargas, Michaela Eisenberg, Garrison Grush, Nick Hamparayan, Madison McBride, Destyni Quiroz, Stephan
Reynolds, and Trevor Wills
Grades 3-5: Hector Balderrama, Paige Carter, Seth Develasco, Joseph Gonzalez,
Carlos Guerra, Evan Ianniciello, Beau Mason, Michael Murray, Dawson Deal, Juan
Sanchez, Miguel Sarrellano, Tait Steinbrenner, Casey Tanis, Jordan Armstrong,
Ricky Avalos, Chessy Badar, Rya Burgar, Robyn-Ashley Bury, John Carter, Max
Christiansen, Sami Elfus, Anna Puccio, Michelle Taylor, Zach Testa, Jacob Astleford,
Zhana Beckel, Audrey Brown, Denika Brown, Kayla Harlow, Claire King, Naiha Manika,
Daniela Mellina, Alexa Moreno, Jessica Rogus, Rylee Spencer, Spencer Warsoff, Donte White, and
Parker Wick
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Grades K-2: Cisco Badar, Julianna Burger, Nicole Crescini, Ashley Croxton, Kylee Crump, Mackenzie
Davison, Kimaya Farnbach, Mahroos Haider, Alexis Hayashi, Sofia Ibrahim, Grace Klemmer, Bobby Morfin, Hannum Price, Nico Rosillo, Jackee Squires, Bonnie Baum, Reilly Bowen, Nolan Boyce, Vanson Chau,
Caroline Collier, Gavin Conway, Victor Cuevas, Jessie Gload, Emma Lowell, Branden Majors, Mason
Manimtim, Sean McGrath, Sophia Papalia, Kaden Pentalla, Spencer Schoell, Ben Schroeder, Kaelyn
Tootikian, Cole Trail, Lauren Yantzer, Aleksander Bejarano, Kaitlyn Leach, Caruso Limon, Brooke Miller,
Destyni Quiroz, Joey Steinke, Josh Tauss, Mackenzie Ulm, and Camryn Wick
Grades 3-5: Jack Hamparyan, Olivia Kaminski, Andrew Liu, Malachi Perez, Kyle Phillips, Jacob Reiss,
Colin Rotzinger, Jake Selstad, Safaa Skander, Asia Amparano, Daniel Bautista, Brandon Connors, Orion
Danze, Reanna Grauel, Sarah Hermosillo, Sophia Hermosillo, Carols Jara, Karston Kelly, Sierra Miller,
Robert Moore, Evelyn Ocampo, Chloe Rice, Grant Simmonds, Kalea Woods, Karina Bravo, William
Christmas, Sierra Gregory, Kyle Leach, Ivy Liberko, Lee Lowell, Tim Maurer, Dee Dee Micare, Erik
Partolan, Kyle Selstad, and Austin Smith
Grades K-2: Nicole Creamer, Eli Delgado, Nathan Diaz, Milagros Fonseca, Hailey Grauel, Gabriel
Hernandez, Alexia Jovanovic, Mariah Perez, Anisha Sonti, Mitchel Vincent, Arshiya Zarmahol, Kiana
Adams, Maddie Bartels, Adam Brain, Camryn Burns, Camella Casinelli, Michael Dismore, Julia Domar,
Savannah Fields, Chloe Licas, Sapna Metha, Saul Resendiz, Savannah Sieja, Nicola Templeton, Kris
Ventura, Kristopher Ventura, Ashley Villanueva, Kaitlyn Boyer, Annabelle Greenfield,
Viridiana Guerra, Ashlea Houston, Armando Macias, Michael Maddy, Sydney Miklos,
Mikey Portiera, Evan Roe, and Kaitlyn Swartout
Grades 3-5: Jenny Rodriguez, Nicole Anderson, Rylie Donato, Isabela Grott, Zoe Lipman, Anne Marie Wort, Emily May, Ashley Tejeda, Valerie Welker, Eli Jasmer, Richy
Meza, Sierra Miller, Brittney Rosillo, Dan Smalley, Kelly Soria, Shyann Verdin, Kyle Allen, Jordan Hayles, Eric Kazmarek, John-Paul Keatly, Paul Loya, Ernesto Rodarte, and
Alfonso Rodriguez
Grades K-2: Ryan Armentrout, Jake Curran, Aliyah Hussaini, Maddie Bartels, Jack Benjamin, Kailey
Calcetas, Levi Case, Megan Fennessey, Kassandra Galicia, Alisa Hemig, Saige Kramer-Synodin, Branden
Majors, Allie Martin, Allie Menelli, Viviana Montin, Nolan Moye, Michael Olavide, Gretchen Sortar,
Caitlin Tonido, Lauren Yantzer, Parker Yates, Ned Zivkovic, Nick Zivkovic, Anasia Cuevas, Isabella Gibbons, Catherine Gulihur, Annabelle Keatly, Shakina Leonard, Vanessa Lozano, Caitlin McNeil, Grace
Mullison, Justin Nwanagu, Aarti Rahavendran, Saroop Samra, Dilyn Senalik, Ritu Shak, Allyson Steffan,
Cassidy Stroh, Celine Truong, Jag Twigg, Zoie Valencia, Hanna Venier, Lauren Wiehl, DJ Wolfson,
Allison Wood, and Syndney Woods
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Grades 3-5: Austin Batorick, Grace Bennett, Kaitlyn Chiros, Matt Chronus, Aleah Crump, Rylie Donato,
Jessica Guerrero, Justin Jepson, Tuheen Manika, James McClean, Shawn Ruderman, Alyssa Schulte,
Kaitlin Shawhan, Kayla Tchorz, Keyan Abu-Nasseri, Jason Bennett, Cassidy Crivello, Sydney Furman,
Hope Golden, Luke Goodman, Stephanie Gorzynski, Alana Hey, Lauren Lipman, McKenna Miller, Zoe Shadan, Mitch Sugii, Sophia Vivier, Noah Wilfert, Elysa Briens, Vanlizza Chau, Anniah Cuevas, Bianca Guerrero, Baylin Herington, Jaimee Horn, Reid Johnson, Rachel Kretz, R J. Mahoney, Mary McGrath, Johnny
McWilliams, Trevor Norby, Diana Ramos, Rylee Spencer, and Alexsys Stroh
Trimesters are given to students in grades 3-5 for outstanding effort and achievement in specific academic areas. Teachers submit the names of students who deserve recognition based both on grades as well as special growth in the subject areas of math, language arts, science, social studies, fine arts, PE, citizenship, and
overall achievement. We are proud of the following students :
LANGUAGE ARTS: Joseph Gonzalez, Austin Hicks, Sadiya Hussaini, Anne MarieWort, Emily May, Noey
Sarte, Safaa Skander, Ryan Tiefer, and Ashley Tejeda
MATH : Kyle Beach, Linda Diaz, Laura Garcia, Katie Gilmer, Amer Isa, Andrew Liu, Jesse LucasAmbrocio, Ethan Patten, Kyle Phillips, and Juan Sanchez
SCIENCE : Courtney Allen and Cole Foster
SOCIAL STUDIES: Nikki Bennett, Seth Develasco, Evan Ianiciello, and Malachi Perez
FINE ARTS: Carlos Guerra, Jack Hamparyan, Eddie Hoffman, and Gaby Sarte
CITIZENSHIP: Cassidy Andrews, Paige Carter, Caroline Mahoney, Dominique Moreno, and Rocio
ACHIEVEMENT: Angel Aguillar-Sanchez, Hector Balderrama, Diana Cortes, Zoe Lipman, and Tatum
LANGUAGE ARTS: Collin Berman, Juliet Case, Max Christiansen, Hannah Courtenay, Cassidy Crivello,
Amy Gload, Karston Kelly, Bobby Labs, and Jordan Steffan
MATH : Jennie Castiglione, Garrett Conway, Brenden Greger, Eli Jasmer, Brian Myers, Claire Sarjeant,
Michelle Taylor, and Tepanka Van Ryn
SCIENCE : Kendall Andrews, Sophia Hermosillo, Jenna Morejon, Angelo Quiroz, and Brittney Rosillo
SOCIAL STUDIES: Asia Amparano, Jordan Armstrong, Kellen Dorsey, Braedon Holmes, Nicole
Stanzione, and Alex Vaughan
FINE ARTS: Kim Clermont, Amy Keith, Trevor Lerma, and Deven Sestina
CITIZENSHIP: Ricky Avalos, Sydney Furman, Olivia Padilla, Tennisen Schwartz, Nick Viani, and Noah
ACHIEVEMENT: Orion Donze, Laura Esbensen, Richy Meza, Sierra Miller, and Jared Nwanagu
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LANGUAGE ARTS: Jake Chapman, Sean Ginzler, Emily Kazmarek, Claire King, Liam Lendvai, Robert Mahoney, Naiha Manika, Tim Maurer, Daniela Mellina, Alexa Moreno, Victoria Olavide, Jesica Rogus, Juan
Sanchez, Teleah Talbert, and Michael Wort
MATH : Mimi Albarran, Ashley Bagwell, Audrey Brown, Kelly Cortes, Rudy Lopez, Mary McGrath, Jacob
Reiss, Jenny Rodriguez, Adrian Rosu, Kyle Selstad, Nikola Zivkovic, and Stefan Zivkovic
SCIENCE : Rachel Kretz, Ivy Liberko, Cody Licas, Diana Ramos, Spencer Warsoff, and Parker Wick
SOCIAL STUDIES: Ivy Liberko, Morgan Rogers, Cecilia Wang, and Emily Zimmer
FINE ARTS: Vanlizza Chau, Olivia Henigman, Megan Keith, and Peter Tanis
CITIZENSHIP: Arya Azantash, Guillermo Bravo, Denika Brown, John-Paul Keatly, Trevor Norby, Ryan
Orozco, Julian Sanchez, Van Steinbrenner, Jonah Tafoya, Ali Fokken, and Jazmin Trujillo
ACHIEVEMENT: Sarah Bardwell, Anniah Cuevas, Nicholas Kazmarek, Zachary Kousens, Erik Partolan,
and Christopher Williams
Janet McClean
Maxine Sarjeant
Sherie Lamson
Cathy Wills
Lisa Sanchez
Holly Ruderman
Lori Gorzynski
Shannon Blas
Sharon Spencer
Kami Chergosky
Jennifer LeBeau
Beth Prajzner
Sjana Wick
Stephanie Leach
Andrea Holmes
The “P” in PTO stands for Parent and every parent is welcome to attend PTO meetings.
Meetings take place on Fridays in the library and start at 1.45pm.
Upcoming dates are:
October 24th , December 5th, , January 30th , February 27th , April 24th ,& May
29th .
Hope to see you there!
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Happy New School Year To Everyone!
I hope you had a relaxing extended summer and find yourself ready for another
great year. It is my pleasure to welcome many, many new families to Carrillo. Due
to the opening of Jolie Ann School and the recent boundary changes, our Carrillo
Community consists of 25% new families. Our goal this year is to incorporate these
new families into our Carrillo Family. We plan on several family events this year,
some old (ice cream social, pancake breakfast) and some new (father/daughter dance, mother/son ????)
in hopes of creating a single community of families.
As parents of Carrillo students, you are all part of our Carrillo family. I hope that you will make the
choice to participate in our PTO activities this year. The PTO is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to support the students by engaging in fundraising projects, supporting the various student enrichment activities, providing a forum for parent, teacher, and student interaction through community events, and promoting open communications between parents, teachers, Carrillo and the community.
The PTO page of our school website, is full of information that you need to
know. We have calendars, newsletters, forms, minutes from meetings, upcoming events, and a summary
of our scheduled fundraiser for this year.
The PTO is not just about making and spending money, it is also about encouraging that growing sense
of family at Carrillo. This year we are looking to make your time at Carrillo as enjoyable and informative
as possible. I encourage all Carrillo parents with an interest in supporting the work of the PTO to contact me at the PTO desk, 290-2919 or by e-mail at There are volunteer opportunities of all sizes and descriptions that could benefit from your talents. I look forward to seeing you again or meeting you for the first time.
Janet McClean
PTO President
Getting back to school is always a busy time for the hospitality team! Welcoming the staff, students
and families back to school is their top priority. They provided the staff with a continental breakfast
on the first day of school along with dinner at both Back to School Nights. On Friday, Sept 5th they
hosted a Welcome Breakfast giving parents the opportunity to mingle, meet and catch up after an
extended summer. So many families contributed to these events and without their help it would have
been impossible to pull everything off. Thank you to all of you who helped with these events helping to
kick off another great school year!
A special thanks to all of the little artists who created the beautiful signs posted on the first day of
school! There are many more events that are coming up during the school year that we need volunteers for. The annual staff cookie exchange is just around the corner and baking elves are always
needed. Anyone who would like to be involved with this hospitality committee please contact Sharon
Spencer or Kami Chergosky at (760) 290-2919.
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This year, due to the California state budget cuts, Carrillo Elementary has had
to make some changes but not at the expense of our students. In order to continue to be a top ranked elementary school in California, the PTO has committed to raise $125,000 to fund even more programs than in previous years.
This is due to the fact that the district cannot guarantee certain designated
funds to the school as they did in the past. The PTO is made up of all Carrillo
Elementary families. It is our collective responsibility to continue to provide a
well-rounded education for our children. The exceptional performance of our
school is
attributable to both the staff and the quality of the programs we have been able to
provide our children. The money raised through the PTO helps fund music, computer, art, science and
math resources, physical education, reading lab, library and assembly programs. In addition, the PTO
provides for basic expenditures such as textbooks, teacher copies, and essential school supplies.
This year, changes to the budget due to district spending cuts and other program needs include increased funding for PE, computer lab, reading lab and music program costs of an additional $25,000
by the PTO. In order to compensate for those increases, funding for assemblies, the 5th grade annual event and other program supplies had to be cut by $15,000.
Last year, YOU the PTO community raised $143,000, all of which went directly back into the school.
This year, the PTO has committed to contribute $125,000 towards school programs and supplies.
Without this commitment from the PTO many of these programs would be scaled back, or even eliminated. It is very important for the parent community to raise these funds in order to keep the level
of quality programs currently available at Carrillo.
Together, we have a lot to accomplish this year. $125,000 may sound like a lot of money, but it
equates to only $150 per child/year, or $.81 per child/school day! Let’s work together to make this
happen for our children, they deserve it. Remember, all monetary donations to Carrillo Parent Teacher
Organization are tax deductible!
Thank you to everyone who purchased raffle tickets for a chance to win one of the 2 coveted reserved parking spaces for the first half of the year. Congratulations to the Selstad family and the
Maddy family who will be the proud owners of these spaces from 9/22/08 through 2/4/09
The 3rd reserved parking space went to the highest bidder of the silent auction. The silent bids were placed and the winner of this parking space for the first half of the year (9/22/08 – 2/4/09) is the
Creamer family.
Congratulations to all of the winners! Everyone will get to try their
luck again in January for the second half of the year.
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This year our PTO budget is $125,000… yes, that’s right… $125,000! What is supported by the funds
we raise? The budget includes funding the following programs:
Music Program - $12,000+
Computer Lab - $19,000+
PE, Playground Equipment, and Running Program - $18,500
Arts Program & Supplies - $2,500
Reading Lab - $14,000
Science and Math Resource Program - $9,000
Peace Patrol and Safety Program - $10,000+
Library - $8,000+
Assemblies - $5,000
School supplies, textbooks, and teacher support - $20,000+
The PTO has scheduled the following fundraisers for this school year, and the plan is to fund the entire
$125,000 with these fundraisers. However, we cannot do it without the support of the entire PTO.
Remember, PTO stands for “Parent – Teacher – Organization” so that means you!
Pledge Drive – Money, money, money. Yes we start the year with our annual Pledge Drive. The purpose
of using the pledge drive is to minimize door-to-door fundraising, and to insure that 100% goes to our
school. Our goal is 100% participation. Every pledge amount makes a difference. Everybody counts and
every dollar counts. Can we count on you? Please see the Forms site on the PTO page for more
information on our “Easy Pledge Package” and our Pledge Form.
Gift Wrap – Our annual gift wrap fundraiser will begin in October. This year we are using Sally Foster
as our gift wrap supplier. If you would like to preview the available products, please visit their website
Jog–a–thon – In March we will be holding our Annual Jog-a-thon. This is a really fun event for the
students. The students solicit pledges for running the event. With parents permission, the children run
a course that includes that local canyon trails. Running the trails is not an option for Kindergarteners,
but they get to run the track to earn their pledge $$$. It is an amazing event that supports Carrillo’s
running and PE programs.
Spring Tea – April brings our fourth annual Spring Tea. It’s ladies time for an afternoon out! The Spring
Tea is held at the beautiful Leo Carrillo Ranch. It includes table “hosts”, that decorate their own table
in any way they like. Entertainment includes a fashion show, raffle prizes, and a silent auction. This is
always a wonderful event and one we look forward to each year.
We also have several other fundraisers throughout the year including a raffle for parking spot,
teacher’s gift-of-time auction, dine-out’s at local restaurants, and several passive fundraising efforts.
Please see more about Passive Fundraising on our Passive Fundraising page.
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This year we are so excited to announce an enhancement to the SpiritWear
program. Now families can go ONLINE to view and purchase their Carrillo
school spirit shirts AND in a variety of colors! A link has been added to the
main Carrillo website. Click and shop at your convenience!
Also new this year: Carrillo paraphernalia, like tote bags, visors, headbands,
infant and toddler wear as well as the NEW Carrillo signature T-shirt.
We will have a limited supply of SpiritWear available for sale at the last Flag
Salute Friday of each month.
The Carrillo Holiday Food Drive will begin in early December. This is our
school’s opportunity to give back to those brave men and women who protect us by donating canned
goods and non-perishables to local military families. The Food Drive is spearheaded by our Carrillo Kids
Care (CKC), and culminates in a not-to-be-missed Holiday Flag Salute with a SPECIAL guest appearance
on Dec. 18th. Mark your calendars now, Mom and Dad!
Thanks so much for a great job last year to the head of the Art Attack program, Niki Furman!
She continues inspiring us in ’08-’09 with the assistance of Sharon Marcotte. Thanks for stepping up,
Ladies! Each class has an Art Docent who helps administer the Art Attack program to their students.
We appreciate your help in developing Carrillo students’ artistic talents!
A GIGANTIC THANK YOU to all the volunteers who helped make the End of the Year Islands party a huge success and fun for all!!
Jen Vu, Kate Bartels, Kelly Brady, Christina Briscoe, Patti Case, Nisa Conway,
Blaise Danielson, Caroline Farah, Suzanne Gousheh, Ginger Hallack, Matthew
Ibrahim, Tina Kebow, Amanda Kienast, Laura Knowles, Jen LeBeau, Tom Mackie,
Tracy McCraner, Dawn Norby, Debbie Olavide, Steve Ruderman, Andrea
Schroeder, Darcy Smith, Mary Spencer, Cindy Tauss, Elizabeth Twigg, Debbie
Warshoff, Melissa Zickwolf and the entire PTO Board!
Our annual gift wrap fundraiser begins on October 3rd and will run through October 24th. The gift wrap
fundraiser is always a huge success. Last year we raised $21,682 for our school! This year we are excited to be selling Sally Foster gift wrap. We appreciate your participation in this fundraiser to help
ensure its success.
Our onsite school saving bank is back! Deposits can be made every Friday morning before school in
the Computer Lab. This is a great way to teach your children about banking and saving!
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Fabulous food, a beautiful setting, wonderful company, what a perfect way to spend a Sunday afternoon! On Sunday May 4th, 2008 Carrillo Elementary hosted its 3rd Annual “Ladies Spring Tea at the
Ranch” at the Leo Carrillo Ranch. This event continues to grow each year and this year was attended
by 180 ladies all decked out in their finery! The tables, all decorated by different hostesses, were
breathtaking – we have so many talented, creative women at Carrillo! The event raised over $20,000
and so many people were a big part in making this event a success. Thank you to everyone involved, especially Jae Martin for, once again, chairing this event. As always, she did an incredible job! After
enjoying a delectable Tea served by Carrillo Dads, guests were treated to a Fashion show featuring
some of Carrillo’s own women and teachers. Thank you girls – you were fabulous! A fun raffle and Silent Auction were held with some incredible prizes donated by Carrillo families and local businesses.
Thank you to everyone who attended. Mark your calendars for next year’s Tea – April 26, 2009!
Thank you to the following families and businesses, who through their generous donations, made this
event possible:
San Diego Style Weddings Magazine & The Malasek Family
Baileyana Winery & The Pudlo Family
CCMA (Children’s Conservatory for Music and Arts) &
The Rice-Vinas Family
City of Carlsbad Recreation & Leo Carrillo Park
Chapman Family
Elfus Family
Elizabeth Twigg
Jan Sutton
Chergosky Family
Elliette's Diamonds
Jim Crandall
Children's Discovery Museum
European Skin Care
Armstrong Nurseries
Chiros Family
Evan Slater
Judy Stanzione
Bed,Bath & Beyond
Chronis Family
Farella Family
Beehive Waxing
Bella Day Spa
Crescent Lee Photography
Flippin' Pizza
Four Seasons Aviara
La Costa Limo
Bella D'ora Spa
Cynthia & Jeff Martin
French Gourmet
La Paloma Theater
Bella Forma Pilates
Dawn Sugii - Southern Living
Furman Family
Leach Family
Deal Family
Greenfield Family
Blas Family
Dede Courtenay
Block Family
Del Mar Thoroughbred Club
Hallack Family
Hamparyan Family
Bradford Photography
Bryant Family
Bushikan Karate
Calif Music Studios
Don Wyman
101 Café
AK Martial Arts
California Cuts
Cardiff Fit
Carlsbad Firemen
First Trimester
Devore Family
Doubletree Mission Valley
Doctor's Weight Loss Clinic
East of Bali
Elephant Bar
Hansen's Surf Shop
Hearst Castle
La Costa Resort & Spa
Linda's Gift
Living Uncorked
Lt Co Tom Mackie
Maddy Family
Malasek Family
Helen Scholnick
Masters Real Estate Group
Hennigman Family
Martial Arts International
Hornblower Cruises
Massage Envy
Image Centre Salon
Milosavlevski Family
Moonlight Amphitheater
Jaime Nicole Salon
Morton's Steak House
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Muirhead Family
Muldowney Family
Rice-Vinas Family
Sheraton Carlsbad Spa
Rockin L&D Ranch
Signature Fundraising
Washington Family
Nail Spa 4 U
Rossi's Pizza
Spencer Family
What a girl Wants
Nordstrom Rack
Ruderman Family
Stephanie DuMont
Whitney Fields
Ocean Day Spa
Sally Foster/Entertainment
Stephanie Leach
Zac Sestina
Old Globe Theater
Sammy's Pizza
Super Slow
Original Pancake House
San Diego Style Weddings Magazine
Surfin Fire
Pala Casino
Palomar Pizza
San Marcos Brewery
Sanchez Family
Pechanga Casino
Sarjeant Family
Ted Saulino
Testa Family
Penelope Helena Photography
Scarlet Hair Design
The Bridges
Pizza Port
The Crossings
Prajzner Family
Schnabel Family
Schulte Family - MonaVie
Pudlo Family
SD Harbor Excursions
The IceBox
The Wellness Store of La Costa
Pure Barre FIT La Costa
See's Candy
Thompson Family
Sergio Estrada
Rasa Devi Enterprises
Sestina Family
Real Mex Restaurants
Shadowridge Country Club
Reform Fitness
Sheraton Carlsbad
Van Ryn Family
Surfing Magazine
E-Scrips-Let your Von’s and Macy’s shopping trips support our school without
costing you a cent! To date we have 515 families participating. Thank you! We still have about 300
families that we hope will sign up. PLEASE sign up on-line. It’s quick, easy and FREE!Go to,
Click on “sign-up, Follow the instructions using our Group Name: Carrillo Elementary & Group ID: 4840778.
Albertsons-Albertsons shoppers keep swiping your card! To date we have only 182 families
participating. Again this is simple, easy and FREE! To sign up on-line: Go to, Click on
“In The Community”, Click on “Community Partners” logo link, Click on “Sign Me Up”
**If you have no computer access that is no problem just stop the front office to pick up a form for
both E-Scripts & Albertson’s and then turn into the PTO after completion.
BoxTops-Great job Carrillo families, last year you raised $3,200 by simply clipping and pasting the
pink $0.10 coupons onto collection sheets! If you haven’t already signed up, please do as you will receive
lots of fabulous coupons and ideas! To sign up log on to! We have already
signed up 45 families this Fall!
Recycle! Recycle! Recycle!
We get cash for your trash! Bring us these recyclable items: Empty Inkjet Cartridges, Empty Laser
Cartridges, Used Cell Phones, Laptops (Please include power cords), PDAs (Palm Pilots), Collection bins
located in the cafeteria or can be left at the PTO Desk.
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