page2 - Certification Board for Music Therapists
page2 - Certification Board for Music Therapists
Certification Board for Music Therapists Bi-Annual Newsletter | Spring & Summer 2012 co n t e n t s page 2 Board of Directors: Update from the Chair page 2 New Certificants page 4 Regulatory Affairs: Advocate for Your Profession page 7 Continuing Education: Individualized Self-Study Options page 10 Announcements page 11 Recertifiers page 16 Approved Providers page 20 Inside CBMT Quality, Integrity, and Professional Commitment in Music Ther apy board news visit the cbmt booth at the amta conference in october! of the News FROM Board Directors Register on the CBMT website to update your contact information and/or view your recertification status. By Jacqueline Birnbaum, msed, ma, lcat, mt-bc, nrmt A s I write this we are in the midst of the dog days of summer. While the dog days of summer often refers to a time of laziness of inactivity, I find that I am busier than ever. And my two dogs are just as playful as they usually are! Summer for many is a time to catch up on things that have been neglected throughout the rest of the year, to take vacation and to plan for the coming year. Whether your summer is eventful or quiet, I hope that that you are enjoying this special time of year. jacqueline birnbaum New Certificants from september 1, 2011 – july 31, 2012 I would like to take this opportunity to thank retiring board members Darcy Walworth, Nancy Hadsell, and Katie Bond. Darcy served as Chair in 2011, and was an energetic and committed leader. Nancy, who served for many years as the Board’s Secretary Treasurer, may hold the record for the most years served on the Board, and has been devoted to the work and mission of CBMT. Katie served for four years as the Public Member, and also chaired the Public Information and Outreach Committee (PIO). We are tremendously appreciative of their service, and they will be missed. Joining the Board are two new members, Deborah Layman and Andrea Cevasco, who both have a long history with CBMT. Deb, who lives in Ohio, brings a wealth of experience to the Board from her six years on the Continuing Education Committee. Andrea, currently a professor at the University of Alabama, brings her expertise from her six years on the Exam Committee. We are also very excited to welcome Christina Harrison to the Board as our new Public Member. Christina is a retired RN, healthcare administrator and music therapy advocate. She brings a wealth of knowledge about certification, advocacy and administrative policy making. We welcome them warmly to the Board and look forward to working with them. In November, 2011, I had the good fortune to attend the Institute for Credentialing Excellence (ICE) conference in New Orleans, along certification board for music ther apists | Bi-Annual Newsletter | Spring & Summer 2012 | w w statistics recertifiers: new certifiers: grand total: Current certificants taking the exam for recertification numbered 162, of which 145 performed successfully, resulting in a pass rate of Of candidates taking the exam for the first time, 342 out of 439 of the candidates performed successfully, resulting in a pass rate of The total number tested during this time period was 766. 540 out of 766 performed successfully, resulting in a pass rate of 90% 78% 71% congratulations to the following: Ryan J. Adamov Renee Eunice Bapst Tonya Marie Adams Kristina Claire Barbo Kristy Lee Allred Margaret Koren Barrett Catherine L. Alpeter Haley Rochelle Baumgarten Daniel James Andersen Carin E. Beam Carolina Clemente Andrade Jeffrey Christopher Bellamy Jeffrey Robert Angell Katherine Marie Bender Amanda Leanne Angleton Stefan Jozef Benkowski Ann Elizabeth Armbruster Jacquelyn Marie Berger Kimberly Jean Arter Lysa Maree Berhow Barbara Ellen Ashton Thomas J. Biglin, Jr. Elisa Maurene Aven Angelica K. Bingham Bradley W. Bailey Molly Carrigg Greene Bishop Keisha Leandra Baisden Laura Patricia Blancato Siobhan Marie Ball Jordan Rebecca Blitz Ranell Balls (continued) Page 2 of the News FROM Board Directors [continued] New Certificants from september 1, 2011 – july 31, 2012 Register on the CBMT website to update your contact information and/or view your recertification status. By Jacqueline Birnbaum, msed, ma, lcat, mt-bc, nrmt with Board member Maureen Hearns. This annual international event is attended by people from many diverse professions who share an interest in learning more about best practices and accreditation standards. ICE is a membership association certification organization providing technical and educational information concerning certification practices. The National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA), which accredits CBMT, is the accreditation arm of ICE. Maureen and I took part in a full-day workshop entitled Governance Excellence for Certifying Organizations. Our leader guided us through a number of exercises with the goal of helping us define our leadership characteristics and determine the critical success factors of our Board, in addition to providing an overview of what great governance is and how to achieve it. I was able to bring much of this new information back to the Board, to stimulate people’s thinking about how the Board can function most effectively. We are planning for the entire Board to attend a portion of the next ICE conference in November 2012. As Chair of CBMT, I was invited to attend the AMTA Board meeting in April 2012 outside Baltimore, MD. As a guest I was able to listen to all the reports and updates, and answer questions regarding certification. The President of AMTA, Mary Ellen Wylie, in turn is invited to be a guest at CBMT Board meetings. It is noteworthy that AMTA and CBMT now have such a cordial and supportive relationship, as this wasn’t always the case in the past. The two organizations, while having two distinct purposes, collaborate in areas that further the field of music therapy, for instance the State Recognition Program. I look forward to attending the next AMTA Board meeting at the national conference in October. At our recent CBMT Board meeting in Kansas City, MO in May 2012, one of our tasks was to begin generating a new strategic plan for CBMT. We have already met most of the goals delineated in our last strategic plan, done in 2009. Creating a strategic plan is a fascinating process. We met with a consultant who is an expert in helping organizations articulate their mission and core values, identify specific goals and aspirations, and develop an implementation plan for the next five years. We will be completing the plan at our fall meeting. CBMT is pleased to report that as of mid-July, there are 5,528 certificants. I would like to encourage all MT-BCs to familiarize themselves with the new nominating procedures (see and to consider applying to serve on a committee or on the Board of CBMT. Read about the work of the various committees to find the best match for your interests and skills. It is extremely rewarding to contribute to our profession in this way, and we are always looking for new people to become involved. Jenna Maurine Bollard Cayla Marie Catino Justine D. Bossard Jenna Rebecca Chaput Audrey Mae Boutwell Yu-Ching Ruby Chen Julie Ann Bowker Elizabeth M. Cheney Kathryn Leah Boyer Lan-Yi Chiou Erin Helvig Brand Rami Cho Deanna Breon Stephen Carey Choate Megan J. Brewer Janea T. Christensen Sara Virginia Breyfogle Amy Aileen Clements-Cortes Cara Elizabeth Brindisi Rachel Alicia Clephane Elizabeth Virginia Brinza Timothy J. Cohen Caitlin O’Malley Broderick Laura Hall Cornelius Alexandra Marie Brown Christina Ann Cosma Lucille Ashley Brown Kathryn M. Craney-Welch Maggie J. Brown Ian T. Crawford Dina M. Budke Allison Margaret Crumling Rebecca Joan Bumgarner Enrico Joseph Curreri Elizabeth Pearl Burdette Doneil C. Curwen Cecilia E. Burns Jeralyn Jena Dalbeck Meredith Elise Cairer Alexandra Damiano Lauren B. Calista Deborah Joyce D’Angelo Dorian Campbell Cristina Isabel De Leon Katy Lynn Capestrani Catherine L. de Mers Amanda Leigh Carbary Michael Todd DeHart Melanie Krystal Carbonneau Shanna Carol DeJoseph Heather Judith Cardin Ashley E. DeLaFranier Carla Mae Carnegie Candace Lucene Deshler Kristen C. Carpenter (continued) Erin Paige Catalano certification board for music ther apists | Bi-Annual Newsletter | Spring & Summer 2012 | w w Page 3 regulatory affairs engage in advocacy fo Advocate Your Profession New Certificants from september 1, 2011 – july 31, 2012 Register on the CBMT website to update your contact information and/or view your recertification status. By Dena Register, phd, mt-bc and Kimberly Sena Moore, mm, mt-bc D dena register uring the 2012 legislative session the CBMT Regulatory Affairs team, (Dena Register and Kimberly Sena Moore) in cooperation with the AMTA Government Relations team (Judy Simpson, Becky Smith and Barbara Else), supported eleven state task forces who submitted legislation to recognize the MT-BC credential. Bills went forward in Washington, Colorado, Hawaii, North Carolina, South Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Georgia, Minnesota and Indiana. Additionally, three states are pursuing a sunrise review, which is a precursor to filing state recognition bills. This kind of advocacy and pursuit of formal recognition is unprecedented in our field and the number of states involved in the targeted advocacy effort is double that of 2011. kimberly sena moore Congratulations go to our colleagues in Georgia and their task force for their continuous and relentless pursuit of legislation that licenses MT-BCs in Georgia. On May 1, Governor Nathan Deal signed the Georgia Music Therapy licensure bill into law. Georgia is the third state to grant licensure to MT-BCs following last year’s success in both Nevada and North Dakota. While the incredible advocacy in these states has resulted in bill passage, work to outline the regulations for laws in those states continues. Task force members are involved in the selection of board members and advisory efforts that help define and outline how the laws in their state will be enacted. They also continue to work on educating other professionals in the state about the field of music therapy and the MTBC credential. As we move toward the 2013 legislative session it appears that we will maintain the number of states with active legislation. An election year often requires that we regroup, seek new advocates, and provide education to newly elected officials. Both old and new task forces re-evaluate their goals Sara Elizabeth DiCiesare Corinne Galli Annie Kathleen Dillon Laura Catherine Gallien Meghan Alexandra DiMeglio Peter B. Galub Fredrica Juanita Dooley-Brown Yank’l Garcia Anna Moffatt Drexelius Meaghan Ashlee Gasch Kathryn Shirleen Eberle Stephanie Amanda Geare Erica Joy Eckhaus Rachel Renae Gennrich Matthew Jeremy Edler Andrew M. Ghrayeb Serge El Helou Jessica Ellen Giese Noa Elimelech Molly Rose Gladfelter Courtney Ray Fanello Eric Christian Gnagey Chelsea Marie Farr Alexis L. Gorin Mary P. Feagin Desiree Rita Gorzela David C. Ferreira Jennifer W. Gossett Brian James Ferrel Maria Elise Greco Eric Michael Fisak Klayci LeeAnn Green David Israel Fischbach Leslie Nicole Green Sara Fisher Alana Louise Gregory-Carreon Linda Jane Fogarty Tristan E. Grimes Andrea Brianna Follmar Jessica Nicole Habluetzel Erin Bobruk Foltz Alyssa Ruth Halfman Eszter Forgacs Ashley Gibson Hall Jordan Renee Fort Gabriel Caetano Hall-Rodrigues Kristal Marie Foster Ellyn L. Hamm Carolyn Elizabeth France Jiyeon Nam Han Laura Katherine Frank Christine M. Hardin Hilary Ann Fredenburg Stacey Nicole Hargis Aiko Fujimoto (continued) Victor Stanley Gall certification board for music ther apists | Bi-Annual Newsletter | Spring & Summer 2012 | w w Page 4 fo Advocate Your Profession [continued] New Certificants from september 1, 2011 – july 31, 2012 Register on the CBMT website to update your contact information and/or view your recertification status. By Dena Register, phd, mt-bc and Kimberly Sena Moore, mm, mt-bc addressing. Or we might describe aspects of our practice as similar to other creative arts professions. While these “partnerships” have served us fairly well over the years, we have entered a new era of describing and expressing the value of music therapy. It is essential that we explain and describe governor nathan deal signs the georgia music therapy as its own music therapy licensure bill into law unique profession, unlike From Left to Right: Representative Sharon Cooper, Senator Renee Unterman, Governor Nathan Deal, any of the related therapeutic This year’s triumphs and trials Kirby Carruth, MMT, MT-BC, Jamie George, MM, MT-BC professions or creative arts have taught us many lessons. and Rachel Coon-Arnott, MMT, MT-BC therapies. Our newfound success in state recognition has created a barrage As we consider the priorities and approaches for of questions, accusations, and scrutiny from other the coming years challenges the most important fields that demands that we stand proudly as advocacy lessons are: music therapists and explain how and why we as a profession are not replaceable by a set of activities • We must stand as our own profession: Over administered by another related profession. the course of the last several years it has become apparent that one of the primary ways we describe • Clarity is key: In this effort to stand as our own music therapy is by relating what we do to the profession, learning to clarify how we use music, function of other professions. For example, we how our training and education has prepared might make parallels to occupational therapy or us for the extensive range of experiences we speech therapy when relating how music therapy sessions are carried out or the goal areas we are may encounter, and what the principles of our and accomplishments in order to determine the best course of advocacy and action for their state. The annual AMTA Conference provides the opportunity for members of all task forces to come together and share their stories and experiences from the previous year and to gain momentum for the upcoming legislative session. certification board for music ther apists | Bi-Annual Newsletter | Spring & Summer 2012 | w w Julieann Michelle Hartley Jessica M. Jarvis Karla Callahan Hawley Elizabeth Marie Jauregui Thomas Edward Hayden Jessica C. Jerman Sparrow Elizabeth Haynie Amber Margaret Johnson Tracy Lynne Heightman Jessica Ann Johnson Lindsey Parr Hemming Kristin Kay Johnson Lacey Delaine Henderson Katherine Johnson Morgan Renae Henderson Maggie Nicole Johnson Lorena Hernandez Alexandria Renee Jones Marta Hernandez Chelsi Kathryn Jones Emily Anderson Hess Courtney Anne Jones Jessica Lynn Hilker Darah Lee Jones Angela Marie Hinrichs Valerie V. Jones David J. Hirschberg Chelsea Christine Josephson Lisa D. Hodge Wone Juhn Hannah Catherine Hohn Barbara Ruth Jurgensmeier Amanda Jean Holland Hannah Juul-Borre Derlin Hsu Zachary Scott Kandler Lelia Rose Huber Per Henrik Karlsson Paula H. Hunter Iosif M. Kartapanis Patricia Ellen Hurlbutt Orie Kase Rebekah Danielle Ickes Stephanie Michele Kawzenuk Yuji Igari Carly Rae Kazmerzak Courtney R. Ihnen Megan M. Keith Hana Im Joanna Tess Kelly Jenna Reed Jackson Michele Elizabeth Kemmerling Ana Cristina Jacobsen Amber Kay Kerr Matthew John Jakielaszek (continued) Page 5 fo Advocate Your Profession [continued] New Certificants from september 1, 2011 – july 31, 2012 Register on the CBMT website to update your contact information and/or view your recertification status. By Dena Register, phd, mt-bc and Kimberly Sena Moore, mm, mt-bc profession are is imperative to our continued success in state recognition. What sets a music therapist apart from another profession that might utilize music on occasion? Finding language that is both concise and clear is not as easy as it may seem, but it is the key to creating awareness and acceptance of the profession among a wider audience. through these seemingly small advocacy efforts of many that we have made great change. How will you advocate for your profession this year? As we continue to seek professional recognition in the forms of licensure, certification, and registration we rely heavily on the voices of the thousands of music therapists working across a wide variety of settings and populations. It is your passion and • Music Therapy Advocacy is everyone’s job: persistence that contribute to momentum We are privileged to work with task of this effort and continue to push forces in more than 35 states with our profession forward to seek new music therapists who collectively heights. give thousands of hours to Music Therapy Advocacy is everyone's job. the cause of advocating for Of the many lessons we have accumulated music therapy. However, it is in states with successful recognition not only the job of the task efforts, the one that is most evident is force members to advocate— the power of a relatively small number it is a job for every music of people to create change and make therapist. Of the many lessons themselves known. we have accumulated in states with successful recognition efforts, the one that is most evident is the power of a relatively small number of people to create change and make themselves known. Advocacy is something that can be done in both large and small ways, but the power of writing a letter or e-mail to your Senator or Representative or making a visit to their office should not be underestimated. It is Fact certification board for music ther apists | Bi-Annual Newsletter | Spring & Summer 2012 | w w Mall Kiil Michael William LimBybliw Shannon Joy Kiley Victoria Kaye Lininger Hyun Young Kim Julia Louise Lopez-Kaley MiHee Mabel Kim Jeremy Love DeAnna Lynn Klapp Rebecca Ramirez Loveszy Samantha Lauren Kleinrock Ashley Elizabeth Lundquist Sarah Kliman Brianna Leah Mackey Lauren Anne Klimek Linda K. Madler Catherine Joy Klueber Emily Marie Mahon Margaret Veronica Klussman Stefanie Lyn Maldonado Mayumi Kobayashi Rachel L. Markovich Elyse J. Kochmanski Sara L. Masters Caitlin Marie Krater Jessica Hayes McAllister Katelyn Rose Kratz Christina M. McCracken Jordyn Ann Kreitzer Cindy Joan McGee Elizabeth Anne Krickhahn Kelli R. McKee Nikki Lee Kriz Alexandra Marie McNay Sterling Kwong Marah Elizabeth Meese Lisa Lynn Kynvi Amanda B. Meldrum Emily Anne Dugas Lambert Jennifer Veronica Mercuri Rebecca Sue Lamison Amanda Jo Miller Linnea Elise Larson Caressa P. Miller Mahleah Lavin Rachel Ann Miller Ryan Brett LeBlanc Rachel Elizabeth Miller Jin-Hyung Lee Alyssa Whitney Monas Myoungeun Lee Felice K. Morel Jennifer Marie Leonard Jeanette Marie Morgan Racheal Lynn Lewis (continued) Page 6 continuing education ensure competency in current music therapy knowledge Individualized Self-Study: Creative Options for CMTE Credits New Certificants from september 1, 2011 – july 31, 2012 Register on the CBMT website to update your contact information and/or view your recertification status. By Christine Wineberg, ma, lpc, mt-bc Did you know that you can earn CMTE credits that specifically meet your unique learning needs and style? Of the 100 credits needed to recertify every five years, as many as 60 credits can be obtained using the Individualized Self-Study method.* T his means that you can design a course of study that specially fits your area of practice. In addition, you can design a format that best meets your learning style. If you have been unable to attend conferences or continuing education courses, or you live in an area where they are rarely offered, this option may present a valuable recertification alternative for you. Here’s how you can set up a self-study course that is uniquely tailored to your learning needs: christine wineberg • Select a content area using the CBMT Scope of Practice at • Identify a mentor who is an established clinician, educator or researcher in this content area and together design your course. This mentor does not need to be a music therapist as long as you can demonstrate how the course you have designed applies to your continuing education as a music therapist. For example, an MT-BC might create a course with a mentor on a specific therapy technique, or take lessons with an expert instructor on a specific instrument. Learning objectives and description of specific strategies and educational materials to be used would be included in the course design (e.g., reading a book and summarizing what you can apply to your practice, completing a literature review on related articles, etc.) certification board for music ther apists | Bi-Annual Newsletter | Spring & Summer 2012 | w w Daniel James Morgenstern Laurie Fraser Peebles Emily Ruth Morris Lindsey Sarah Perrault Lauren Alexandra Morrow Christopher Raymond Perry Kameri Kirchmyer Muir Christy Marie Pinto Brea LeAnne Murakami Elizabeth Jean Plummer Liisa Hill Murray Scott M. Polito Alison Julia Myers Erin M. Potter Katie Louise Myers Valerie M. Quayle Ai Nakatsuka Vanessa Quirarte Corey L. Neifert Alicia Ramirez Amanda Elizabeth Neira Emily Dawn Ressler Krista Marie Nelson Kara Roselle Rewerts Kristen Alfreda Nelson Hye Joo Rhee Alyssa Jo Neri Lisa J. Rhoads Tzippy Neuman Emily Dawn Riesen Cassandra Elizabeth Nickell Lauren Queenan Rigby Brett M. Northrup James E. Riley Jennifer M. Nowacki Amanda Gayle Roberts Cristin Lee O’Brien Lauren Anne Roberts Amber Marie Olfert Lora Elizabeth Robinson Lindsey M. Oliver Margaret C. Robinson Whitney Parker Ostercamp Tiffany Dawn Robison Alexandra Sarah Rose Owens Laura Reid Roche Emily Marie Paar Sara Christine Rosenow Jaclyn Bradley Palmer Ian Michael Roslawski Anna Marie Palumbo Natalie Dianne Ruggiero Rachel Danae Parker Sarah K. Russell Cheryl L. Pasquale (continued) Page 7 Individualized Self-Study: Creative Options for CMTE Credits [continued] New Certificants from september 1, 2011 – july 31, 2012 Register on the CBMT website to update your contact information and/or view your recertification status. By Christine Wineberg, ma, lpc, mt-bc • Write a plan identifying the need for this self-study course and the goals, the qualifications of the chosen mentor, and your timeline and evaluation methods for completion of the course. Include learning objectives that are measurable and related to the chosen CBMT Scope of Practice area. Identify the methods and materials you plan to use and how you will demonstrate and document that you have learned what you set out to study. • Lastly, include an explanation of how you have achieved the amount of credits you have claimed through completing your course as designed. Remember that you can claim up to 60 credits in one cycle using self-study courses, but only up to 20 in each content area. Once you and your mentor agree on a course design, you can implement your course of study following your established objectives. Both you and your mentor will write one or two paragraphs at the conclusion summarizing the effectiveness of the course and what you have learned. Document the beginning and ending dates of the study, the time spent completing the work, time spent with the mentor reviewing it, and documentation that the work was done as designed. This serves as your certificate of completion, similar to what you would receive at an approved CMTE event. You and your mentor assume all responsibility for the course design, content, methods and record keeping, so document everything related to the course. This documentation will serve as proof that you have completed a self-study course following the guidelines established in the Recertification Manual should you be selected for an audit. A Final Evaluation form is provided on page 52 of the Recertification Manual. The completed form will ensure that the required documentation is compiled from you and the mentor. Individualized Self-Study Example Emma T. Beecey, a board certified music therapist just moved to rural Pennsylvania with her family. Because she has small children, one who is school aged, and a toddler, she has found it very difficult to attend conferences, and continuing education events in her area are often more than an hour’s drive away. She also finds it difficult to sit through lecture style presentations and often finds her attention wandering and leaves feeling frustrated that she hasn’t retained more of the material. She knows that she learns best using a combination of receptive and active techniques. She works part-time in a day program for adults with Intellectual Disabilities for a county agency that does not provide reimbursement for continuing education; she does not earn paid time off. For Emma, her part time work is convenient in that certification board for music ther apists | Bi-Annual Newsletter | Spring & Summer 2012 | w w Simi Noelle Russell Sarah Joy Sparrow Kara Corinne Ryan Jennifer LaFaye Spivey Kayla J. Sadowy Jessica Lauren Srdar Maho Sasaki Keeley Swete St. Clair Christina Marie Scheperle Katharine R. Stanley Jessica Lyn Schlabach Gloria Ellen Stearns-Bruner Laurynn M. Scholar Audrey Ann Steele Alexander Stephan Scholz Julia Noelle Steinsberger Catherine Clyatt Schroth Elizabeth Laura Stephanz Anthony Jacob Schuh Hilary Ann Stewart Carmen R. Scott Melissa S. Stockwell Mary K. Scully Tamara Felice Strom Colleen E. Sedita Kuan-Chen Su Sarah R. Sendlbeck Alysha Dawn Suley Sarah M. Seo Adrienne Francine Sumpter Kristin Ann Sharkey Jennifer Anne Swanson Marjorie Minor Sharpe Kirsten Swanson Shuo-Huei Shih Jessica Marie Swartz Sue Jong Shim Shane C. Swezey Jennifer L. Shodis Jessica Faye Terry Erin Michelle Shoemaker Jessica Rose Thering Christina Shum Jennifer Leigh Tressa Jasmine Nicole Simons Chun-Hui Tseng Renee Michelle Singlemann Kristen Leigh Turner Meghan Elizabeth Siporin Marianna Urdaneta Bridget Marie Skipper Kristen Elaine Vacketta Jenna Felice Smith Nicole Marie Van Hall Marcus Lawrence Soifer (continued) Page 8 Individualized Self-Study: Creative Options for CMTE Credits [continued] New Certificants from september 1, 2011 – july 31, 2012 Register on the CBMT website to update your contact information and/or view your recertification status. By Christine Wineberg, ma, lpc, mt-bc she can arrange her hours around her children’s needs, but she wants to eventually establish her own practice working with children with Intellectual Disabilities in a school system. She set a goal to complete 15 CMTE credits within a calendar year. She identified the most relevant items in the CBMT Scope of Practice which relate to her goals and decided that she would focus on business management first. Section IV, B: Professional Responsibilities: 13. Engage in business management tasks (e.g., marketing, payroll, contracts, taxes, insurance). 14. Prepare and maintain a music therapy program budget. 15. Prepare accountability documentation for facility administration and/or local, state, and federal agencies. Emma contacted a self-employed music therapist whom she had met at a conference two years before who had presented on the topic of Business Management, who was located about two hours away, and who agreed to mentor her for an hourly rate similar to what she charged music therapists for clinical supervision. They both read the documentation requirements in the CBMT Recertification Manual and knew that they would need to document the mentor’s suitability to serve as an expert, the communication between them, Emma’s need for this specific course of study and her readiness to start as well as the goals for the course of study, the specific learning objectives based on her chosen area of the CBMT Scope of Practice, and the final evaluation of learning outcomes. Marilyn Jean Van Roekel Hilary Yip Kristen R. Vogt Kimberly Michelle Yoder Stephanie L. Voll Julia C. Young Ashley L. Walcott Katrina Marie Zech Kelly Williford Wallis Ann Marie Walljasper To accommodate Emma’s need for active learning, she chose to research and collect information specific to her county regarding establishing a business and tax laws. She wrote a business plan which included a proposed budget and plan to develop documentation that would meet county and school district standards. Her mentor suggested that she purchase a book on business management, read it and use the principles to write her business plan and then also review documentation used by other music therapists in her area who worked within the school system. Together they also agreed that reviewing the documentation requirements for the state and county agencies would be helpful and would prepare Emma to create the necessary forms relevant to the guidelines. She would offer them to her mentor for review at the end of the self-study course. Deborah R. Walton XinXin Wang Anna Elizabeth Wegener Kimberly E. Weiss Georgia Leigh Wells Kathleen Ann Wessel Jacob Aaron Wheatley Jennifer Annette Whitlow Flora Holley Whitmore Tara Leigh Whitworth Philip Gregory Wieszczyk Leah Grace Wilensky Keshia Nicole Wilkins Alison Marie Williams Sara Lynn Williams Patricia Nicole Wiloth Amy Lynn Wilson Emma and her mentor agreed that five hours would be spent in consultation over the phone, that they would email documentation, and that at least 12 hours would be spent reading, researching and collecting county specific information for a total of 17 hours, which would certification board for music ther apists | Bi-Annual Newsletter | Spring & Summer 2012 | w w Justin Cody Wixson Stephanie Tassos Wohlsifer Miriam Beatrice Wright Barbara A. Yahr John M. Yakubik Page 9 Individualized Self-Study: Creative Options for CMTE Credits [continued] Announcements spring & summer 2012 Please review the folliwng quick notes for important information from the Certification Board of Music Therapists. By Christine Wineberg, ma, lpc, mt-bc result in 20 CMTE credits. Emma drafted a plan with input from her mentor who then reviewed and revised it before signing it. They calculated that it would take Emma six months to complete and document all of the work. If the work was accomplished in fewer than 17 hours, the accurate number of credits would be claimed, but no more than 20 credits would be claimed in this content area. The mentor would provide an evaluation of Emma’s achievement. including instrument purchase and maintenance, travel reimbursement, and the cost of mentorship and supervision. (IV.B.14) • Identify four items which are required by the county to be included in all documentation before any services will be reimbursed and create sample documents demonstrating inclusion of those items such as treatment plans, assessments progress notes, and billing summaries. (IV.B. 15) Emma demonstrated her readiness to begin the individualized self-study by identifying a multi-stage plan with a timeline to launch her own business when her youngest child started school in three years. She also identified that she has not previously been able to take any continuing education credits or coursework in business development. She listed her measurable goals as relating to CBMT. Emma felt confident that her individualized self-study course was well designed and that the business plan, budget, and four reimbursement documents she would create would help to successfully launch her consultation practice. She was glad that she could pick a specific topic to study, find a qualified mentor to supervise the study, and produce materials that she could then use in her private practice. The learning style met her need for flexible time and kept her engaged by offering activity such as researching and/or meeting with local officials. She was also pleased that she could use her creativity to design a course that uniquely fit her learning needs. After all, isn’t that part of being a music therapist? Scope of Practice Items • Acquire knowledge about two tax laws and one concept related to business development and demonstrating proficiency by writing a business plan that reflects compliance with specific county, state and federal laws. (IV.B.13) • Design a budget spanning the first two years of private practice consultation in a school district * No more than 20 credits can be earned in one content area. Please refer to the 2011 CBMT Recertification Manual, Fifth Edition, pages 16-17 and 52 for complete requirements. certification board for music ther apists | Bi-Annual Newsletter | Spring & Summer 2012 | w w End-of-Cycle MT-BC Documentation for Employers Each year more employers are requiring MT-BCs to have documentation on file confirming their new certification cycle prior to the end of their cycle. If verification of your new recertification cycle is needed this year before 12/31/2012, please submit all of your recertification items to the CBMT office by the beginning of November. Employers can verify Board Certification on the Find a Board Certified Music Therapist tab located on the CBMT homepage. CBMT Forms, Manuals and Applications all Easily Found on All forms, manuals and applications are available on the CBMT website. Several electronic forms have been added including the Summary of Recertification Credits and the Application for Recertification; both on the Recertification tab. The completed electronic forms can be e-mailed to info@ or printed and mailed to the CBMT office. Page 10 January 2007– December 2011 Recertifiers new cycle of january 1, 2012 – december 31, 2016 statistics Melissa Katherine Brown Jeffery Lynn Cornhill 78% Meryl Fran Brown Janet E. Buck Congratulations to the certificants in the 2007 – 2011 cycle Jennifer Diane Buhrmann for attaining a 78% rate of recertification. What a great Theodore James Bunch accomplishment! Margaret Stotesbury Burgess Dirk E. Cushenbery Tracy Ellin Flanders Denise Ann Hays Debra Sue Burns Carolyn D. Dachinger John Peter Foley Laura Beth Hendron Heinen Susan Lee Falk Donna Michelle Hall Terri Lynn Courts-Kasprzak Faith Ann Falla Kellee Coviak Hansen Leslie Ann Crockett Kathryn Nicole Fildes Lisa Elaine Harper Laurie Ann Crosse Mallory Ford Finne Laura Elizabeth Hauser Amy Dawn Culpepper Megan Maureen Fitzpatrick Mary Erin Haynes 386 498 of Mary Elizabeth Campbell Lea Ann Dalldorf Emily Yoder Frantz Darlene Courtney Herm The total number of certificants assigned to the January 2007 – Jennifer L. Capone Jennifer Catherine Davis Anita Nalini Freeman Maria A. Hernandez December 2011 cycle was 498. Of those 498 certificants, 386 met Alan Thayer Carlson Vidya Sara Maria Dawson Kristine Jane Frias Melissa Sorrell Herring all requirements for recertification. The following certificants have Anne E. Carlson Amy Hope Degro Sharon Ann Fritts Miriam Grace Hillmer been assigned a new five-year cycle, January 1, 2012 – December Mary Lynne Carnahan Alana Marie Dennis Beth A. Galassini Wymer Celeste Ann Hobbs 31, 2016. Their commitment to competency assurance, continuing Kendra B. Carson Karyn C. DePriest Susan A. Gannon Melissa Ann Hoffman education and to ongoing participation in professional development Tekla Louise Cartmell Louise Dimiceli-Mitran Tonia Renee Ganzhorn Danni M. Holder and the certification process is to be commended. Alissa LaGrone Carver Susan Jeannette Doering Elsa Maria Garcia Mary Claire Holliday Lauren Teresa Caso Amy Michele Donnenwerth Susan Claire Gardstrom Teri Kaye Holmberg Hong-Yu Chang Charles Anthony Doray Amy Marie Germick Ann J. Houck congratulations to the following: Marianne R. Abene Tamara Glotfelty Baubie Maria D. ChaseYoung Denise Anne Dugal-Wulfman Glenn A. Gifford Melissa Cottrell Hunziker Elizabeth Pierce Aldrich Elizabeth Ann Beathard Robyn Jennifer Chauvin Barbara Marie Dunn Kimberly Bailey Gilbert Melissa Jo Hyde Chandra Lizette Anderson Lori K. Benson Kristina Kay Chester Elizabeth Carol Durrett Patricia J. Gonzalez Janet Ingber Patricia Coffey Ashford Dorita Berger Tian Brenda Chiang Amanda Marie Egolf Peggy A. Grace Erica Patricia Iocco Tanja M.C. Auf der Heyde Azusa Bies Makiko Chiashi Angie K. Elkins Aldo Granzo Kyoko Ishizaki Marcie Svea Avalon Tracey Eileen Bishop Patricia Shaw Coates Christian Patrick Enojado Suzanne B. Graves Anya Paulina Ismail Susan Shoshana Averbach Amy Ann Bogetto Janna Martin Cochran Kimberly Dawn-Smith Ensign Carletta Sue Gregory Judith A. Isom Gina Lynn Bagnoli Karen Lee Bohnert Michelle Maples Colindres Erinn JaneNeufeld Epp Sarah Dianne Gregory Hiromi Itoh Erica J. Baker Lynn Marie Bower Coyle Angela Michelle Colter Misty Dawn Erlund Tara J. Griest Tonya Marie Jackson Jason Armstrong Baker Carolyn J. Bowes Michael Eugene Conaway Maren Maurine Ernstrom Kara Marie Mills Groen Denise L. Jakel Jill Margaret Ball Sharon Roseanna Boyle Tori Lyn Conicello-Emery Kymla J. Eubanks Carolyn S. Haas James Joseph Jankowiak Alexis A. Barker Linda Lee Brandsma Susan D. Conklin Thomas Joseph Eubanks Susan J. Hadley Julia Adelaide Johnson Alicia Lynne Barksdale Angeline Catherine Brown Vanessa Joan Contopulos Shelley Anne Evans Scott Edward Hagerman Ashley Michelle Jones Geoffrey P. Barnes Lori M. Brown Michelle Lee Cooper Mallory Rexroad Even Nicole Desiree Hahna (continued) certification board for music ther apists | Bi-Annual Newsletter | Spring & Summer 2012 | w w Page 11 January 2007– December 2011 Recertifiers new cycle of january 1, 2012 – december 31, 2016 Lisa LaDonna Jones Rachael Kirsten Lawson Tara Marie McConnell Catherine C. Nielsen Jeanne Olson Quam Jeanette Barbara Seitz Ryan Stewart Judd Hyun-Jung Lee Terrie Lynn McCoss Charissa M. Nielsen Nancy Nau Quinn Michelle Jane Sennett Janelle Sue Junkin Gwen A. Leibold Courtney McDonald Jayne Peters Nordstrom Paige Anne Rabon Cynthia A. Shawcroft Nola M. Karim Dominique Lemire-Ross Kristen Noel McManus Nancy Asbury Nornhold Sandra Lynn Ramos Wyatt Diehl Sheeder Jennifer Lisa Kass Joyce Leung Jillian Elizabeth Mehler Karen Cipriano Norris Melissa Ann Rayburn Yuri Shibata June Katagiri Tracey Ann Levy Bruce Sheldon Menier Bell Marjorie Katherine O’Konski Roxanne Wendy Raykovich Erin Margaret-Campbell Shields Mayu Kawata Dale B. Lewis Debbie Michele Merideth Kelly Cristen O’Laughlin Jennifer Kristine Reece Ashley Robin Shoemaker Devon Randall Kehler Yasmin Ying Chi Li Elisabeth Ann Merz Susan Osborne Diana L. Reed Kelly Lynn Shurman Michael P. Kenny Hayoung Lim Emily Catherine Meyer Olschki Leah G. Oswanski Lynn Marene Reid Holly Kay Skousen Lesley A. Ketcham Rebecca S. Lindsey Valerie Rose Michalowski Tomoko Page Julie Ripley-Evans Sheila R. Slaughter Dawn Michelle Kice Carly Agnes Litvik Hayley Marie Mieras Becky Lynn Pansch Michele S. Ritholz Georgia Marie Smith Eun Jew Kim Jennifer Ann Lohiser Lauren Michelle Miller Brenda J. Papierniak Nicole Ruth Rivera Jami Michelle Smith Youngshin Kim Windy Elizabeth Looney Robert Gerard Hickman Miller Diane Lynn Parker Beth Christina Robinson Mindy Lane Smith John David Kirkland Lori J. Lotz Kayla D’Ann Minchew Amanda E. Partlo Nancy Jean Rodo Ruth M. Solomon Susan Moira Knechtel Lorie A. W. Ludwig Cheyenne Marie Mize Lauren B. Patrick DiMaio Melissa Joan Roskos Vicki Sue Sommerfeldt Katie F. Knight Jeanette M. Lupini Thomas Paul Mogyordy Jill L. Pearson Nicolette Heather Rubin Eric Soshensky Elizabeth Hanemann Knoth Kelley Anne Lyon Diana Rose Moore Jennifer Jean Pelletier Michelle Kennedy Russell Joy Forester Springer David L. Knott Laura Elizabeth Mabey Kathleen Ann Moore Sarah E. Perry Cynthia L. Sambrano Melissa P. St. John Elizabeth Christine Kohler Elizabeth Marie MacDougall Meredith Elaine Moore Tracy Ellen Perry Karen Rae Sanchez Jayne M. Standley Sandra Ann Koteskey Linda M. Majewski Ellen Diane Morehouse Shelly Ranee Peterson Ellana Eden Lazarus Sanders Valerie Kay Stannard Deborah R. Kret-Melton Susan Elizabeth Malloy Selena Lee Morgan Renee L. Petrovic Lori Rae Sanders Dorothy A. Stapleton Nancy Lynn Krutenat Jean Pennington Marks Ilene Berger Morris Dorie Ann Phillips Andrea Marie Scheve Nicole Frances Steele Melinda C. Kurowski Kelly Renee Martin Audrey Vanisky Morse Kristi Dawn Phillips Tobey Ilene Schilling Stacy Marie Stewart Cheryl Lynn Kyle Lynn Adele Mason Rachel Elaine Mosher Susan P. Phillips Stacey Nicole Schloss Patterson Peggy J. Stirn Lee Todd Lacks Gayle Holly Mastrogiacomo Suzanne Marjorie Myers Sarah Elizabeth Piercy Londa Jane Schmitke Julie Joan Stordahl Ashley Blythe LaGasse Bill B. Matney Allyson Sumi Nakayama Jennifer Orenstein Plume Amy Lael Schneider Victoria Ann Storm Cho-Wai Lam Rita A. Mayhew Erin Kathleen Nealy Michelle Louise Pohlable Jo Ann Schriner Kristin Maya Story Sara Michelle Landin Cheryl Lynn Mayton Valanda Leigh Nelson Meredith A. Powers Kathleen Ann Schumacher Kenneth Alan Straub Judith Ince Langmuir Bryn Renee McCabe Angela Lynn Neve Carol A. Prickett Melody Beth Schwantes Janet Lynne Strein Daniel Edward Lash Rachel Lee McCaffrey Jessica Lynn Newsome Hoyle Rebecca Leah Pryor Stephanie Rae Seagren Darrah M. Strickland Mary Pat Lawrence Denise Marie McCarthy Kathleen Denise Nicosia David B. Putano Elizabeth Huss Secrist (continued) certification board for music ther apists | Bi-Annual Newsletter | Spring & Summer 2012 | w w Page 12 January 2007– December 2011 Recertifiers new cycle of january 1, 2012 – december 31, 2016 Susan Joanna Strickland Katie Griffin Whipple Katherine P. Strong Jodie Lynn White Kimberly L. Studebaker Terri Lee Wiener Asako Iwai Suzuki Jody Lynn Wilfong Sangeeta Swamy Jason S. Willey Margie Ann Swint Melynda Jo Williams Marsha Dawn Sykes Mary Beth Wilson Yoko Tajimi Amy Lauren Wilson Julie Christine Tatro Martha Evelyn Winchell Angela Thomas Lisbeth Anne Woodward Jillian Margaret Thompson Cynthia Marie Marshall Wurzelbacher Dina Trach Jody Ellen Yanow Kevin James Treacy Hope Elizabeth Young Nicole Elizabeth Trudel Jamie Jean Young Teryn J. True Alice Elizabeth Yovich Rebecca B. Tweedle Mu-Hua Yu Robin L. Varner Jenifer A. Zamora Julie Lynn Verriest Rebecca Zarate Rebbecca Basler Vickerman Betsey S. Zenk Michael David Viega Charlotte Pharr Vishnyakov Benjamin Joseph Vukicevich Tracy Diane Wagner Robert Elliott Wall Laura L. Ware Susan Davis Warren Meghan Marie Watkins Dianne Farr Wawrzusin Rebecca Lynn Wellman Alison Wendel Melissa Jane Wenszell certification board for music ther apists | Bi-Annual Newsletter | Spring & Summer 2012 | w w Page 13 July 2007– June 2012 Recertifiers new cycle of july 1, 2012 – june 30, 2017 statistics Jennifer S. Carlenius 74% Carol A. Carpenter Sara Alie Chandler Congratulations to the certificants in the July 2007 – June 2012 Edna Laura Chapple for recertifying at a 74% rate of recertification. Michelle Lynn Simmons Chenot What a great accomplishment! Grace Cheptu Patricia Lois Ellwein LeAnn Kay Hiller Joanna Lajewski Shara Lynn Embree Heather Victoria Hinshaw Brenda Jean Land Annie Altman Herndon Bethany Anne Koch Renee’ Alene Dundas Emily R. Hess Gwendolyn Marie Krueger Melissa Kristine Ebeling Krista Maria Hetsler Jenny M. Kruse Andrew Alan Edmundson Jennifer Rebekah Hicks Danielle Renaye Kugler Courtney A. Elder Molly Grace Hicks Ginger Chinchieh Lai Brittany Meredith-Layne Duggan 268 362 Allison Margaret Chilcoat of Michel L. Choder Jeffrey A. Engel Bethany Joy Hojnacki Elizabeth Bounds Latorre Of those 362 certificants, 268 met all requirements for Stephanie Lynn Clark Catherine Jane Eshleman Melissa Ann Howard Sarah Mangin LaVergne recertification. The following certificants have been assigned a Alison Rae Cocovich Jennifer Mae Fiore Fei-Lin Hsiao Katherine Elizabeth Legge new five-year cycle, July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2017. Their commitment Treva Brown Collins Adrienne Kelleher Flight Meagan Elizabeth Hughes Hakeem Leonard to competency assurance, continuing education and to ongoing Irvin T. Collins, III Guadalupe Mayela Flores Gloria Jan Isaacks Tara Noelle Lescalleet participation in professional development and the certification Megan Jayne Coltoniak Haley Fox Edward M. Jalowiecki Kyuhye Lim Dwyer B. Conklyn Katie Ann Gardner Adrienne J. James Jennifer Chia-Ying Lin Jennifer Leigh Cooley Carolyn Jean Gaul Jona Lee Jeffcoat Michele Marie LoBianco process is to be commended. congratulations to the following: Kathlene M. Cramer Caroline E. Gillott Melinda L. Jerger Julie Long Abby K. Adamson Fredric Scott Berdux Erinn Melissa Danielson Mary Eileen Grant Caroline Hale Johnson Megan Costello Long Stephanie Christine Agren Kimberly Sara Borovicka Christine Marie Davis Vanya April Green Marsha L. Johnson Annette O. Longhurst Stephen Harold Alfonso Roger Keith Botello Carrie B. Davoli Errol F. Greig, Jr. Paula Ann Jordan Diane Lyn Lyle Karen E. Alward Kathryn Elizabeth Bourbina Laura Jean DeLoye Angela May Grosso Minako Kamimura Tabitha Victorine Macziewski Evelyn Mary Amato Shannon Leanne Bowles Krystal Leah Demaine Angela Marie Guerriero Robin Jacobs Kane Kelly Kathleen Maloney Rachel Jeannine Amberson M. Allison J. Boyd Deborah Hadley Dempsey Julie Marie Guy Mikiko Kanemitsu Lara Mackenzie Manogg Clare H. Arezina Shana Crenwelge Brabston Megan L. Derven Rose Mary Hager Linda Ruth Kaplan Lindsay Christine Markworth Erica Lynn Arnold John Russell Brinton, Jr. Natausha L. Despain Akiko Hamada Quinton Thomas Kase Marissa Nicole Benson Marquez Sr. Constance C. Bach Gita Catherine Brown Elizabeth Kaye Deyermond Nadim Clifford Hammad Elizabeth A. Keithcart Maureen Parker Marrandino Jennifer Anne Bahr Margaret Helen Buchanan Aubrie Lynn DiGiacomo Leigh Ann Harbort Kirin Josephine Kelly Kwona Rochelle Martin Paula J. Barr Charla M. Burton Amy Lou DiLabio John Michael Harsh Allison S. Kerr Lauren N. Martin Virginia Low Beauchamp Heather Leigh Butler Sabre L. Donovan Audrey Fabienne Hausig Miyun Kim Veronica Lorraine May Leanne Micsky Belasco Anna Louise Caflisch Patricia Katherine Doyle Maureen Connie Hearns Taehyung Kim Michelle Sue McCallough Maya S. Benattar Meghan Jean Callaghan Ellary Anne Draper Amanda Kay Henley Sarah Elizabeth Kingery Julianna D. McCloskey Amy Beth Benton Erin E. Callahan Emily Elaine Draper Emily Margaret Hernandez Ayumu Kitawaki (continued) certification board for music ther apists | Bi-Annual Newsletter | Spring & Summer 2012 | w w Page 14 July 2007– June 2012 Recertifiers new cycle of july 1, 2012 – june 30, 2017 Rebecca L. McCue Holly Christine Perry Andra Elizabeth Snyder Melissa Ann Ward Rebecca Lynn McElroy Kathy Mallett Pester Hyejin So Sarah Michelle Ware Andrew S. McGinley Kimberly Kay Peyton Rebecca Lee Soderberg Jana Weber Kasey Michelle McHone Molly Irene Phillips Jennifer Marie Sokira Ariel Weissberger Karen Dennery Melita Blythe Elizabeth Philp Elizabeth Rachel Spear Sarah C. Wendl Theresa R. Merrill Karen E. Popkin Kimberly Joy Stanard Rebecca L. West Krystle Sales Middlemiss Sarah Elizabeth Pregnall Daniel C. Starks Yasmine L. White Victoria Mierlak Michael McCormick Quirk Molly Jo Starner Courtney Allyn Whitmer English Sylverster Miller Sherry Anderson Raley Naomi Orit Steckman Sarah Anne Wiemeyer Steven Frederick Miller Joseph Francis Reilly Elizabeth Lee Stegemoller Lindsey Stradt Wilhelm Juliet Finkey Mitton Jodi Michele Richardson Barbara H. Stewart Alanna Rosa Ardito Williamson Karen Sue Mogannam Laura Elizabeth Roberts Carolyn Kay Stoller Suzanne M. Willoughby Jaley Anne Montgomery Shelby Oakley Rosenblum Jill Diane Summers Nicole Renae Wilshusen Cynthia Moore Kari Vetter Roudebush Carla Lee Tanguay Deborah Ann Wondra Pope Rinaldo Morelli Marisa Jeanne Rozek-Arena Laura Kathleen Tauzin Elizabeth Holliday Wong Andrea S. Morrow Julie A. Ruestow Sarah Jane Taylor Lara Michelle Woodrum Cassandra Elizabeth Mulcahy Melissa Jones Rufo Aaron Kelly Teague Carla Deann Wright Ashley Elizabeth Musser Meredith L. Saeger Laurel Larissa Terreri Haruna Yamada Nozomi Nagasaka Erin Teresa Schoemann Alexandra Fortune Thiem Kristin Kay Ziemke Antonia P. Navarro Shin Scull Joni Thompson Mary Tish Zimmerman Michelle C. Nettle Denise Claire Seaman Mary Therese Thorman Katie Zlokas Judy Thuy Nguyen Engel Heather Dawn Seeskin Margaret Anne Tileston Megan Janine Zulauf Debra Kay Nielsen Ashleigh Mae Shaffer Edythe Marilyn Toussaint Andrea L. Nuthak Elizabeth Ann Shain Casey Cochran Unger Todd M. O’Connor Anne M. Shiraki Dr. Mark Alan VandeBraak Carol Ann Olszewski Kathleen Mary Siegel Chelsea Anne Vause Edward D. Owen Charles W. Singleterry, III Nicole A. Vischer Kristy Marie Pagan Melinda Faye Sivecz Karin Smith Vomacka Heather Rochelle Palmer Sarah Chapple Skillman Leanne Marie Wade Varvara Pasiali Amy Rodgers Smith Amity Janelle Wagner Melody K. Perez Lauren Elizabeth Smith Kathleen Ann Walsh certification board for music ther apists | Bi-Annual Newsletter | Spring & Summer 2012 | w w Page 15 Approved Provider list updated list always available at specialty cmte courses self-study cmte courses Anna Maria College Institute for Music Nordoff-Robbins Center for Music Adawehi Institute MusicWorx®, Inc. Summit Music Therapy Services and Consciousness Therapy Linda Powell, MM, FAMI Barbara Reuer, PhD, MT-BC A. Blythe LaGasse, PhD, MT-BC Lisa Summer, MCAT, MT-BC, FAMI Michele Ritholz, MA, LCAT, MT-BC PO Box 1549 3830 Valley Centre Drive PO Box 270712 50 Sunset Lane, Box 45 NYU Steinhardt Columbus, NC 28722 Suite 705, PMB 542 Fort Collins, CO 80527 Paxton, MA 01612-1198 82 Washington Square East, 4th Floor 828-894-0421, ext. 1 San Diego, CA 92130 970-372-9956 508-849-3454 New York, NY 10003 866-800-0197 212-988-5777 Center for Music Therapy in End of Life AZ Rhythm Connection Care The Robert F. Unkefer Academy Frank Thompson Sound Health Music Russell E. Hillard, PhD, LCAT, LCSW, for Neurologic Music Therapy 8338 East San Rosendo Kat Fulton, MM, MT-BC MT-BC Corene Hurt-Thaut, MM, MT-BC Scottsdale, AZ 85258 858-205-8660 1671 Lunt Avenue Colorado State University 602-565-0196 Des Plaines, IL 60018 Department of Music, Theatre & Dance 847-813-5008 Fort Collins, CO 80523 Stress Solutions, Inc. 970-491-2636 Music Psychotherapy Center of New York Music Works Publications Robert Lawrence Friedman, MA Cathy Knoll, MA, MT-BC 66-22 Fleet Street, Apt 3L Diane Austin, DA, ACMT, LCAT Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare-FSU 1250 Ollie Street Forest Hills, NY 11375 19 West 34th Street, Suite 1216 Jayne Standley, Ph.D., MT-BC Stephenville, TX 76401 718-520-1794 New York, NY 10001 Tallahassee Mem.HealthCare Music 254-592-4454 212-947-7111, ext. 299 Therapy, 1331 East 6th Avenue Tallahassee, FL 32303 850-644-4565 certification board for music ther apists | Bi-Annual Newsletter | Spring & Summer 2012 | w w Page 16 Approved Provider list updated list always available at general courses AMTA-Mid-Atlantic Region AMTA-Southwestern Region Big Bend Hospice Elizabeth Seton Pediatric Center Tracy Souhrada, MS, MT-BC Ann Petty, MT-BC Jennifer Haskins, MT-BC Claire Ghetti, PhD, LCAT, MT-BC, CCLS 40 Seafield Lane 5914 Valley Forge Drive 1723 Mahan Center Blvd. 300 Corporate Boulevard South Bay Shore, NY 11706 Houston, TX 77057 Tallahassee, FL 32308 Yonkers, NY 10701 Advocate Lutheran General Hospital 631-665-6157 713-419-9351 850-878-5310 128 914-294-6251 Susan Cotter-Schaufele, MA, MT-BC Music Therapy Program Deborah Spiegel Expressive Therapy Concepts, Inc. Park Ridge, IL 60068 AMTA-Midwestern Region AMTA-Western Region Deborah Spiegel, MT-BC Eric B. Miller, PhD, MT-BC 847-723-7265 Ashley Scheufler, MME, MT-BC Lauren F. Bevilacqua, MT-BC 3212 Northridge Drive, 125 Prospect Street 741 Fifth Street Pueblo, CO 81008 Phoenixville, PA 19460 1775 Dempster Street 6501 West 72nd Street Overland Park, KS 66204 Gilroy, CA 95020 719-296-1737 610-933-8145 American Music Therapy Association 816-820-5387 408-656-8363 Lisa Swanson, MMT- MT-BC Co-Chair, AMTA Cont. Ed. Committee Drexel University’s Frisch-Hara Music Therapy Studio Lancaster, WI 53813 AMTA-New England Region Association for Music & Imagery Hahnemann Creative Arts in Therapy Gary Hara, MA, LCAT, MT-BC 608-723-2113 127 Kathleen M. Howland, PhD, MT-BC Maryann Najpaver, Executive Secretary Paul Nolan, MCAT, LPC, MT-BC, 1751 2nd Avenue, Suite 202 6 Hanna Road 6003 Dawn Vista Oval Music Therapy Program New York, NY 10029 Framingham, MA 01701 Parma, OH 44129 245 North 15th Street, Mail Stop 905 718-918-6728 - 508-380-5317 440-886-4299 Philadelphia, PA 19102-1192 AMTA-Great Lakes Region 215-762-6927 Nikki Bossenbroeck, MT-BC GA College & State University Douglas Keith, PhD, MT-BC Lancaster, WI 53813 AMTA-Southeastern Region Atascadero State Hospital 608-723-2113 Natalie Generally, MA, MT-BC Mary E. Alvarado, MT-BC Early Childhood Music & Movement Assoc. GCSU, CBX 067 8180 Mayfern Drive 10333 El Camino Real Dorothy S. Denton, MT-BC Fairburn, GA 30213 Atascadero, CA 93422 551 Woodland Road, 478-445-2123 404-643-9678 805-468-2407 Mansfield, OH 44906 419-610-4614 8800 Highway 61/35 8800 Highway 61/35 certification board for music ther apists | Bi-Annual Newsletter | Spring & Summer 2012 | w w Department of Music Therapy Milledgeville, GA 31061 Page 17 Approved Provider list updated list always available at Globe Institute of Recording & Production Hospice of Palm Beach County Kansas City Metro Music Therapists Louis Armstrong Center for Marywood University David A. Gibson Carla Tanguay, MA, MT-BC Caylyn Krizan, MT-BC Music and Medicine Jill Schroth, Dir. Of Continuing Education 739 Bryant Street Music Therapy Department 16416 West Saddletree Lane Joanne Loewy, DA, LCAT, MT-BC 2300 Adams Avenue San Francisco, CA 94107 5300 East Avenue Olathe, KS 66062 Beth Israel Medical Center Scranton, PA 18509 415-777-2486 West Palm Beach, FL 33407 785-632-4712 First Avenue at 16th Street, 6S21 570-340-6061 561-494-6849 New York, NY 10003 212-420-2704 HealthRHYTHMS/REMO Kardon Institute for Arts Therapy Michigan Music Therapists Alyssa Janney, MBA Hospice of the Western Reserve Mark Bottos, MCAT 28101 Industry Drive Elizabeth Pitorak, MSN, CNS, FPCN 10700 Knights Road Louise Dimiceli-Mitran 1222 Arms Street Valencia, CA 91355 300 East 185th Street Philadelphia, PA 19114-4242 Louise Dimiceli-Mitran, BME, MT-BC Marshall, MI 49068 661-294-5655 Cleveland, OH 44119-1330 215-637-2077 103 Chicago, IL 60618 734-355-4392 330-383-3740 312-409-4858 Higher Octave Healing, Inc. Tomoko Page, MT-BC Lake Health Molloy College Evelyn C. Selesky, MA, LCAT, MT-BC Kymla J. Eubanks, MT-BC Illinois Association for Music Therapy Susan E. Mandel, PhD, MT-BC Maryland Music Therapists' Collective PO Box 5002, 1000 Hempstead Avenue PO Box 7608 Melissa Howard, MT-BC Tri-Point Medical Center Molly Griest, MMT, MT-BC Rockville Centre, NY 11571-5002 Tempe, AZ 85281 3238 West 108th Street 7590 Auburn Road 9086 Lambskin Lane 561-678-5000 6192 480-965-1082 Chicago, IL 60655 Concord, OH 44077 Columbia, MD 21045 815-543-8186 440-953-9600 443-676-8613 Hochstein School of Music & Dance Music Settlement Maryville University Lori Lundeen Smith, MT-BC Maria Battista-Hancock, LCAT, MT-BC Institute for Music & Neurologic Function Soo-Jin Kwoun, PhD, MT-BC Assist. Dir./Continuing Education Dir., 50 North Plymouth Avenue Concetta M. Tomaino, DA, LCAT, MT-BC Music Therapy Program 11125 Magnolia Drive Rochester, NY 14614 612 Allerton Avenue 650 Maryville University Drive Cleveland, OH 44106 585-454-4596 28 Bronx, NY 10467 St. Louis, MO 63141 216-421-5806 205 718-519-5880 314-529-9235 certification board for music ther apists | Bi-Annual Newsletter | Spring & Summer 2012 | w w Page 18 Approved Provider list updated list always available at Music Therapy Association of Minnesota Notes By Amy Roman Music Therapy Services, LLC State University of NY at New Paltz Village Music Circles Christina Wood, MT-BC Amy Clements-Cortes, PhD, MT-BC, MTA Meredith R. Pizzi, MT-BC Caroline Murphy Diana Hull 507-236-7793 56 Destino Crescent 423 Main Street Assistant Dean of Graduate Admissions, 719 Swift Street, Suite 65 Woodbridge, Ontario Melrose, MA 02176 1 Hawk Drive Santa Cruz, CA 95060 L4H 3E1, Canada 781-665-0700 New Paltz, NY 12561 831-458-1946 519-897-3613 845-257-3285 Music Therapy Connections Rachel Rambach, MM, MT-BC 217-971-9448 Sarsen Publishing Continuing Education Wellman Therapy Services, Inc. Oregon Association for Music Therapy Bill Matney, MA, MT-BC Telling Point Music Rebecca Wellman, PhD, MT-BC, DT Emily Ross, MA, MT-BC 1015 Emery Street Alyssa Yeager, MA, MT-BC 630-890-1113 8704 SW 9th Drive Denton, TX 76201 Lakewood, OH 44107 Music Together LLC Portland, OR 97219 940-391-0029 216-633-1006 Carol Ann Blank, MMT, MT-BC 971-221-5428 66 Witherspoon Street Princeton, NJ 08542 Sounding Joy Music Therapy, Inc. Touch of Music 800-728-2692 Pasadena Child Development Associates Keiko Kajiwara, MME, MA, MT-BC Patricia A. Doyle, MT-BC Katherine Getts, Conference Coordinator 1314 South King Street, Suite 711 1494 North Charlotte Street 620 North Lake Avenue Honolulu, HI 96814 Pottstown, PA 19464 Pasadena, CA 91101 808-593-2620 610-326-0630 Nancy E. Lubow, PhD, LPC, MT-BC 626-793-7350 219 1110 North West End Boulevard Quakertown, PA 18951 Quakertown Counseling Associates 267-261-9987 Utah State University Maureen C. Hearns, MA, MT-BC Robin Edwards Asst. Prof.; Director, Music Therapy Robin Edwards, PhD, MT-BC Program, 4015 Old Main Hill 4812 104th Street, Logan, UT 84322-4015 Lubbock, TX 79424 435-797-3009 915-491-2079 certification board for music ther apists | Bi-Annual Newsletter | Spring & Summer 2012 | w w Page 19 Inside CBMT contact info, boards, committees and staff contacting cbmt 2012 cbmt public information and outreach committee 506 East Lancaster Ave, Suite 102, Downingtown, PA 19335 Toll Free: 800-765-cbmt (2268) Phone: 610-269-8900 | Fax: 1-610-269-9232 Wendy Woolsey, MA, MT-BC Web: | Email: chairperson and public information officer Redmond, WA Melita Belgrave, PhD, MT-BC 2012 cbmt board of directors 2012 cbmt examination committee 2012 cbmt continuing education committee Jacqueline Birnbaum, MSEd, MA, LCAT, MT-BC Lacy Kidwell , MM, MT-BC Deanna Hanson-Abromeit , PhD, MT-BC chairperson chairperson chairperson Bronxville, NY Baltimore, MD Lawrence, KS Andrea Cevasco, PhD, MT-BC Joke Bradt, PhD, LCAT, MT-BC Teresa Birch, MT-BC Tuscaloosa, AL Yardley, PA Fort Defiance, AZ Christina Harrison, MS, RN Minda Gordon, MT-BC Andrea Crimmins, PhD, MT-BC *Joy Schneck, MM, MT-BC public member Jacksonville, FL Normal, IL executive director Tallahassee, FL Corene Hurt-Thaut, MM, MT-BC Rebecca L. Engen, PhD, MT-BC *Dena Register, PhD, MT-BC Maureen Hearns, MA, MT-BC board liaison Charlotte, NC regulatory affairs advisor cec liaison Fort Collins, CO Maureen Hearns, MA, MT-BC *Kimberly Sena Moore, MM, MT-BC Hyde Park, UT Antoinette Neff, MT-BC board liaison regulatory affairs associate Corene Hurt-Thaut, MM, MT-BC Gallup, NM Hyde Park, UT Emily Darigan, MA, MT-BC, LPC secretary/treasurer & exam committee liaison Noah Potvin, MMT, MT-BC Amanda Klinger, MT-BC continuing education coordinator Fort Collins, CO Haddon Township, PA Phoenix, AZ *Karen Howat Deborah Layman, MM, MT-BC Peggy Schaefer, MM, MT-BC Janice Lindstrom, MA, MT-BC candidate services South Euclid, OH Long Beach, CA Farmers Branch, TX *Beth Dalsimer Wendy Woolsey, MA, MT-BC Natalie Wlodarczyk , PhD, MT-BC Meredith Powers, MT-BC certificant services public information officer Springfield, MO Kansas City, MO Russell Hilliard, PhD, LCSW, LCAT, MT-BC Des Plaines, IL cbmt staff Chicago, IL *Ruth Hinricks, MA, MEd, MT-BC Redmond, WA Christine Wineberg, MA, LPC, MT-BC staff assistant Joy Schneck , MM, MT-BC Philadelphia, PA * Indicates part-time employees ex officio member/executive director certification board for music ther apists | Bi-Annual Newsletter | Spring & Summer 2012 | w w Page 20
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