ACE:Z?A tTEM Na - Committee Administration System
ACE:Z?A tTEM Na - Committee Administration System
ACE:Z?A tTEM Na NORTH LANARKSHIRE COUNCIL REPORT To : HOUSING AND PROPERTY SERVICES (CAPITAL PROGRAMME AND REPAIRS) SUB-COMMITTEE From: DIRECTOR OF HOUSING AND PROPERTY SERVICES AND GENERAL MANAGER CONSTRUCTION SERVICES Date: 28 July 1999 Subject: HOUSING CAPITAL MONITORING AND PROGRESS STATUS REPORT I Ref: PARIFW (1.OO) INTRODUCTION (1.01) A copy of the above report is attached for Committee’s consideration. The report reviews progress in relation to the completion of last year‘s Capital Programme and the implementation of the Housing Capital Programme as approved for the current financial year by Committee on 10th March 1999. This report gives details of projects which are already committed and on site and those currently progressing towards the tendering stage and a subsequent start on site. (2.00) RECOMMENDATION (2.01) Committee is asked to note this report. (3.00)BACKGROUND (3.01) Available from the Housing and Property Services Department. .................................................... G. Whitefield Director of Housing and Property Services Encs. h:off:fiona:reports:peter:housingl .doc GI U R. Ellerby General Manager Construction Services te Mini Programme, Hamill DriveIHigh Barrwooc Kilsyth. Tender accepted 3rd December ‘98. Commenced 7th January. Works now substantially complete. 2261,549.02 Alter existingflat roof dormers and turrets topitched rooji-; upgrade and re-position existing door entry system tofiont lin of building; create new back court areas to each close with ne bin stores and hard and soft landscaping. Hamill Drive, High Barnvood. Mini Programme, Hamill Drive/High Barrwooc Kilsyth. Environmental Scheme. Bennett J.B Contracts) Ltd H098004 Tender documents being finalised for issue at an early date. 20.00 Works include ground reshaping, formation ofpattem imprinted concrete drying areas, timber screen fencing, brick bin stores and soft landscaping. H099095 Mini Programme, NorthfieldRennie Road, Kilsyth Phase 4 Application of insulated render system; installation of controlled door entry system and external works comprising erection of metal fencing and upgrading of the drying areas at Rennie Road 24-50, 133-161 Tender accepted 12 April 1999 - Started on site 10th May. Block 9 - scaffolding erected. Block 14 - render complete, base band still to be done, work in progress on metal fencing and drying area at rear. Gilchrist & Lynn Ltd f291,006.60 H099091 Mini Programme, Springfield Road, Cumbernauld Village Phase 1. - Environmental and fabric improvements - including re-roofing with concrete tiles, insulated render system and door entry installation to dwellings at 1-31 Springjeld Road, Cumbernauld village. Tender accepted 23rd December ‘98. Started on site 25th January 99. Contractor in liquidation. Work on site suspended. Contract under review. All outstanding works now defined. Price obtained. Tender report prepared for submission to this Committee. MTS (Coatbridge) Ltd fl40,401.24 H097008 Mini Programme, Springfield Road, Cumbernauld Village Phase 2 - Environmental and fabric improvements - including re-roofng with concrete tiles, insulated render system and door entry installation to dwellings at 80-114 Sprindeld Road, Cumbernauld village. Scheme in preparation. Project implementation dependent upon ongoing negotiations with owner/occupiers. fO.OO H099096 1 I J eiY Energy E - Tenders lodged 26th July, tender report prepared. Heating Programme (99/00) Gas Mains (CumbernauldKilsyth) €0.00 The works comprise the installation of extensions to existing gas mains and gas mains connections to individual houses in connection with the heating contracts H099121 - Combined with Moodiesburn (23) and Ex CDC (180) schemes (total - 273 houses). Work commences on 15th March at Edward Street Kilsyth. Contract substantially complete. Heating Programme, Kilsyth, Phase 1 (51 houses) Installation of heating and associated works at 1-15, 2-12 Edward Street, 16-50 Hamill Drive, and 62-96 High Barrwood. Also at Market Street, Shuttle Street, St Mirrens Road, Anton Crescent and Edmonstone Drive. British Gas Services Ltd. €255,098.72 H098005 Addresses identified to Design Services. Scheme prepared, tender documents in preparation. Heating Programme, Kilsyth, Phase 2 €0.00 Installation of heating and associated works at H099097 irs & Environrnentals Defective Pitched Roofs (Rosemary Tiles) Kilsyth Tenders lodged 2nd November '98. Tender accepted 16th November '98. Work substantially completed. Phase 08 (16 blocks) Ailsa Building Ltd €136,922.05 The removal of the existing Rosemary tiles or slates to the pitched roofs and the provision of a new concrete tiled roof with associated repairs at Bogside Road, Edmonstone Drive, Howe Road, Kirklands Crescent, Manse Road, H098138 Phase 09 (16 blocks) , I The removal of the existing Rosemary tiles or slates to the pitched roofs and the provision of a new concrete tiled roof with associated repairs at Constany Road, Edmonstone Drive, Manse Road; Courthill Crescent, St Mirrens Road €146,353.78 H098142 2 Contractor / Tender Amount Progress to Date Project Title and Description of Works Defective Pitched Roofs (Rosemary Tiles) Kilsyth Three blocks in Croy (Constarry Road and Howe Road) included with Moodiesburn phase 10 - site works have Phase 10 (3 +14 Blocks) now commenced.. Tender documents for remaining 14 blocks to be prepared soon. The removal of the existing Rosemary tiles or slates to the €25,251.12 pitched roofs and the provision of a new concrete tiled roof with associated repairs to 16 blocks at Constarry Road, Cuilmuir Terrace, Smithstone Crescent. H099089 Re-rendering, Kilsyth, Phase 2 (9 Blocks) Cronulla Place - Tender documents being finalised for issue early August. €0.00 The works comprise the removal of bossed render, dubbing out and application of a polymer overcoat system together with associated repairs to gutters and downpipes, etc, to nine blocks at Cronulla Place. El099032 - Door EntrylCCTV North Area (16 Closes) Scheme prepared in conjunction with Moodiesbum. Tender reduced to 13 closes in Moodiesbum plus 2 closes in Kilsyth. Tender accepted 27th July ‘99. Installation anaYor renewal of door enhy systems 16 closes located at Hamill Drive, High Barrwood, Burngreen Terrace, and Stirling Road. Rewiring, Kilsyth, Phase 1 (37 houses) Electrical rewiring and associated works to 37 houses at CO&urn View, High Banwood Road, Hillside, Kelvinside Crescent, Mailings Road, Manse Road, and Mid Banwood Road. 1 I Trio Plan security €41,053.08 , H098010 I fO.OO Combined contract with Moodiesbum phase 4 and Ex CDC phase 5. Scheme being prepared. H099036 I Ener ciency Part of combined authority-wide contract. Tender documents returned 28 June 1999. Tender report preparec Electric Storage Heater Replacement (1998/99), Moodiesburn (6 houses) Cessnock Road, Fleming Avenue, Frankfield Road, Langmuirhead Road, Louden Road and Woodhead Road. E l 24,407.15 ~ H098156 - Heating Programme (99/00) Gas Mains (Moodiesburn) Tenders lodged 26th July, tender report prepared. The works comprise the installation of extensions to existing gas mains and gas mains connections to individual houses in connection with the heating contracts. H099122 Heating Programme, Moodiesburn, Phase 1 (23 houses) Combinedwith Cumbernauld & Kilsyth (51) and Ex CDC British Gas (180) schemes (total = 241 houses). Work commenced on Services Ltd. 29th March at Chryston. Contract substantially complete. E255,098.72 Replacement of elech'c heating systems at First Ave, Langmuirhead Rd, Third Ave, Bothlyn Rd, Fleming Ave, Bridgeburn Dr, Castle Gdns, Woodhead Rd, Cardowan Rd, Cessnock Rd, Craigbarnet Cres, Frankfleld Rd, Loudon Rd, and Station Rd. - H098013 Insulation Programme 1999/2000 Moodiesburn Tender report prepared. Letter of acceptance isued 30/07/99. Phase 4 (210 Houses) Bridgeburn Drive Installation of dry fill cavity wall insulation and associated works at Bridgeburn Drive, Eastwood Road and Glencairn Drive. Fibreglo Insulations Ltd 236,604.60 H099037 ",or entats Defective Pitched Roofs (Rosemary Tiles), Moodiesburn, Phase 06 The removal of the existing Rosemary tiles or slates to the pitched roofs and the provision of a new concrete tiled roof with associated repairs to blocks at Clayhouse Rd, Crowwood Rd, Frankfield Rd, Hillcrest, Laurelbank Rd, Loudon Rd, Station Rd, Woodhead Ave. And also houses at Hillcrest and Bothlyn Road. Tender accepted 4th June '98. Work commenced 15th July Ailsa Building '98. Substantially complete. Ltd. €160,524.04 H098017 1 Contractor / Tender Amount Tender accepted 13th October '98. Pre-start meeting held 26th October. ( 16 blocks added from Moodiesbum Ph 8 ) (02.12.98). Site started 16th November '98, 31 blocks Defective Pitched Roofs (Rosemary Tiles), Moodiesburn, Phase 07 (16 Blocks) & part ph 8 (16 blocks) Rennie Roofcare Ltd €247,428.32 H098107 ~~~~ Reroofing of 16 blocks negotiated with contractor of Defective Pitched Roofs (Rosemary Tiles), Moodiesburn, Phase 09 (13 blocks) & part phase Moodiesbum phase 7 and added to that contract. Remaining blocks in phase 8 included with phase 9 - as 8 (6 blocks) negotiated with contractor for Central re-roofing phase 9. The removal of the existing Rosemary tiles or slates to the pitched roofs and the provision of a new concrete tiled roof Re-roofing works substantially complete. with associated repairs at Phase 8 - Cardowan Road, Clayhouse Road, Frankfield Road (6 blocks). Phase 9 Ardtoe Crescent, Cardowan Road, Dorlin Road, Langmuirhead Road, Laurelbank Road, Second Avenue, Station Road (Millerston), Third Avenue (Auchinloch), Southview Place (13 blocks). Helfom Limited €208,128.00 H098140 ~ Tender includes three blocks in Croy (Constarry Road and Ailsa Building Howe Road). Site commenced 26th July '99 at Howe Ltd Road, Kilsyth.. Defective Pitched Roofs (Rosemary Tiles), Moodiesburn, Phase 10 (26 Blocks + 3 Blocks Kilsyth) €201,013.38 The removal of the existing Rosemary tiles or slates to the pitched roofs and the provision of a new concrete tiled roof with associated repairs to 26 blocks at Avenuehead Road, Badenheath Terrace, Bumbrae Road, Coronation Place, Cumbernauld Road, Fourth Avenue, Glaudhall Avenue, H o l m Place, Langmuirhead Road, Lochend Avenue, Lom Avenue, Main Street, Queensbank Avenue, Second Avenue, Southview Place, and Woodlands Avenue. H099038 1 Tenders lodged 3rd August. Defective Pitched Roofs (Rosemary Tiles), Moodiesburn, Phase 11 (25 blocks) The removal of the existing Rosemary tiles or slates to the pitched roofs and the provision of a new concrete tiled roof with associated repairs to 24 blocks at Ardtoe Place, Bothlyn Road, Millbrae Avenue, Second Avenue, Adamwell Terrace, Ardoch Way, Ashgrove, Braeside Avenue, Bumbrae Avenue, Deepdene Road, Langholm Court, Marnoch Way, Seaforth Lane, Tay Court, Wellbrae Terrace, Glaudhall Avenue, Queensbank Avenue and Slakiewood Avenue. €0.00 , H099039 ~ I Major Repairs, (1999/00), Flooding Lanrig Road, Scheme to be prepared for eradication of flooding. Chryston 2 Project Title and Description of Works Amount - Combined contract with flat roof repairs. Contract complete. Rendering, Moodiesburn 7 Blocks at Bridgeburn Drive, Moodiesburn Bell Decorating Group Ltd €81,027.29 ' RENDER - (7blocks) Existing render and brickwork to be powerwashed to remove mouldgrowth; repair all cracks and damaged areas of roughcast; applj anti fungal solution and coat block with clearpenneable protective coating. ROOFING - (29) The works comprise the removal and replacement of the existing roof covering to the flat roof projections at Bridgebum Dr, Glencairn Dr, Hilltop Rd, Kelvin Dr, Laverock Terr, Netherhill Rd, Pleaknowe Cres . H098015 Home Scheme prepared in conjunction with Kilsyth. Tender reduced to 13 closes in Moodiesburn plus 2 closes in Kilsyth. Tender accepted 27th July '99. Door Entry/CCTV Bridgeburn (Upgrading) 241,053.08 Installation of controlled door entry system to sixteen closes at Bridgebum Drive and Glencairn Drive, Moodiesbum. H098018 Combined contract with Kilsyth phase 1 and Ex CDC phase 5. Scheme being prepared. Rewiring, Moodiesburn, Phase 4 (61 Houses) 20.00 Elech'cal rewiring and associated works to 61 houses at Greenhill Avenue, Lochend Avenue, Slakiewood Avenue and Southview Place. 1 , H099041 I 3 Part of combined authority-wide contract. Tender documents returned 28 June 1999. Tender report prepared Electric Storage Heater Replacement (98/99), E CDC (10 houses) €124,407.15 Almond Road, Cedar Road, Medlar Road, Rowan Road and Spruce Road. H098157 Scheme combined with Cumbernauld & Kilsyth (51) and Moodiesburn (23) schemes (total - 241 houses). Work commenced 15th March. Contract substantially complete. Heating Programme (98/99), North (Ex CDC) (241 houses) Abronhill. British Gas Services Ltd. €255,098.72 The replacement of the existing electric heating installation with a new central heating system to 200 houses at Alder Road Ash Road: Birch Road; Cedar Road: Hazel Road; Labumum Road; Lime Crescent: Medlar Road; Rowan Road; Spruce Road; Almond Road; Marmion Road, Lochinvar Road; Inchwood Place, Woodhead Grove: Spruce Road. H098022 - Tenders lodged 26th July, tender report prepared. Heating Programme (99/00) Gas Mains (Ex CDC) The works comprise the installation of extensions to existing gas mains and gas mains connections to individual houses in connection with the heating contracts. H099123 Tender documents in preparation at present for issue at an sarly date. Window Replacement Programme (Ex CDC) Phase 7 (46 Houses) €0.00 Replacement of existing timber/metal windows with UPVC windows along with any associatedjinishings and repairs at Almond Road, Spruce Road, Lomond Court, Lomond Crescent, Hornbeam Road H099042 Major Repairs, Balcony Walkways, (ExCDC) i, Works I Structural repairs to 15 balcony walkways at Cedar Road, Hazel Road, Labumum Road, and Medlar Road. 1 J&T IBlacksmiths Ltd 1 €110,282.88 I H098078 1 Project Title and Description of Works Progress to Date Major Repairs,Balcony Walkways, (ExCDC), Phase 2 Scheme to be prepared. Contractor / Tender Amount fO.OO The works comprise the maintenance andor repair of a total of 44 balcony walkways at Cedar Road, Hazel Road, Laburnum Road, Medlar Road, and Rowan Road H099044 render accepted 18th January '99. Site commenced 8th February 1999. Work on site currently suspended. Contractor in liquidation. Arrangements being made by ;he liquidator for completion of the outstanding works. Re-rendering, Abronhill, Phase 2 (78 Houses), (ExCDC) The works comprise re-rendering and cavity wall insulation of 78 houses - the removal of bossed render, dubbing out and application of a polymer render together with associated repairs to gutters and downpipes, chimney stacks, flashings, gas flues etc. Birch Road and Lime Crescent. Rewiring, (ExCDC), Phase 5, (89 Houses) H098027 1 Combined contract with Kilsyth phase 1 and Moodiesburn phase 4.Scheme being prepared. I Elecm'cal rewiring and associated works to 89 houses at Achray Road, Etive Court, Etive Crescent, Etive Drive, Etive Place, Lomond View, and Maree Drive. MTS (Coatbridge) Ltd. fl83J25.08 I €0.00 2 Contractor I Tender Amount Estate Regeneration, Clarkston, Airdrie. Scheme prepared for refurbishment of Gordon and Grant Courts. Tender documents in preparation for issue in two to three weeks time. €0.00 Improvements to two and four storey flatted development, which consists ofpoor quality 1960's builtjlat roofed properties - refurbishment of Gordon and Grant Courts. ~097082 Estate Regeneration, Clarkston, Airdrie. (Demolitions) Tender for the demolition of Fraser and Gillies Courts accepted 30th July. Decanting of flats almost complete only two still occupied. €120,015.00 Proposed demolition ofpart offlatted development, which consists ofpoor quality 1960's built flat roofedproperties Fraser and Gillies Courts. H097107 Estate Regeneration, Petersburn, Luing, Phase 3 Contract complete. (16 blocks) Building & Roads DLO €592,502.05 Re-rendering of external walls and construction of new pitched roof to two-storey and four-storey dwellings, the introduction of new rainwater drainage and minor external works at Luing, Petersburn, Airdrie. H098031 Estate Regeneration, Petersburn, Luing, Phase 4 Tender accepted 26th July '99. Pre-start meeting to be helc Tarmac 10th August '99. Construction (13 Blocks) Contract €761,931.31 Re-rendering of external walls and construction of new pitched roof to two-storey and four-storey dwellings, the introduction of new rainwater drainage and minor external works at Luing, Petersburn, Airdrie. H099056 Estate Regeneration, Sikeside, Coatbridge Scheme prepared. Building warrant applied for. Preparation of tender documents about to commence. €0.00 The refurbishment offlatted dwellings at 2, 4.14 and 16 Cumbrae Crescent, and 55, 57 Sikeside Street. ~097108 - Kirkshaws, Estate Regeneration Car Park Netherhouse Avenue, Coatbridge Contract complete. McCully Brothers. €30,512.36 The works comprise the provision of a residential carpark together with associated kerbs and drainage. ~ H097079 I 1 ' Project Title and Description of Works Progress to Date Mini Programme, Annan/Endrick Courts, Coatbridge Complete except for painting of fence and soft landscaping. Contractor / Tender Amount .oudon J & W Ltd €431,885.33 Environmental, fabric and security improvements to 20 dwellings at Annan Court and Endrick Court. H097068 Mini Programme, Broom Place, Coatbridge, Phase 2 Complete except for security door entry system. ,oudon J & W Ltd .€231,931.55 Environmental and fabric improvements to 3Oflats at 1 , 2 , 3 (aKirkshaws Road. Works include balcony enclosures, close lighting, controlled door e n 0 system, bin stores and external works. f3 Broom Place, and 148,150 (a-$ H098033 Mini Programme, Broom Place, Coatbridge, Phase 3 Tender accepted 16th July '99. Pre-start meeting held 4th ,oudon J & W August. Contractor's programme awaited. Anticipated starl Ltd on site before end of August. €172,901.75 Environmental and fabric improvements to flats at Broom Place. Works include balcony enclosures, close lighting, controlled door e n 0 system, bin stores and external works. H099100 Mini Programme, Langloan, Phase 1 Environmental and fabric improvements including re-rendering of blocks and backcourt improvements. Tenant consultation meeting held 1st February '99. Planning permission required for proposed lane closures. Scheme in preparation for CCTV installation, back court improvements and car parking. €0.00 H098042 - Mini Programme, Northburn, Airdrie CCTV Tender accepted 16th December '98. Pre-start meeting held 14th January '99. Start on site 25th January '99. Contract complete (2/6/99), system operational. ADT. Fire & Security €146,095.14 Installation of CCTVsystem utilising an existing network of j b r e optic cabling. H098119 Mini Programme, Northburn, Airdrie, Phase 2 Environmental and fabric improvement works, including rerender, controlled door en@, new bin stores and external works to flats at 23,25 and 27 Nothbum Avenue, and 5, 7 Northbum Place, Airdrie. Tender accepted 22nd October '98. Site works commenced 16th November '98. Contract completed. Mackenzie Construction Ltd €342,653.67 H098034 2 ' Projeci Title and Description of Works Progress to Date Mini Programme, Northburn, Airdrie, Phase 3 Scheme prepared, preparation of tender documents now in progress for end of August. Contractor I Tender Amount fO.OO Environmental and fabric improvement works, including rerender, rooJng, controlled door entiy, new bin stores and external works to flats at 13 to 21 Nothbum Avenue and 1 to 3 Northburn Place, Airdrie. H099 101 Rochsoles Regeneration, Airdrie. Scheme being prepared for interim security and lighting improvements. Tender documents to be prepared for subsequent demolition of blocks in Rochsoles Drive. fO.OO Improvements to 4-16 Couther Quadrant. Demolition of29-49 and 40-56 Rochsoles Drive. H097106 Double Glazing Programme, Central, Phase 1 Pilot scheme of 19 houses at Monkland Street, Gartlea, Airdrie. Tenders lodged on 26th July. Tender report prepared. fO.OO Upgrading of single glazed windows to double glazing at early modemisedproperties. Pilot scheme to be organised for 19 houses at Monkland Street, Gartlea, Airdrie. H099103 Electric Storage Heater Replacement (1998/99), Central (66 houses) Part of combined authority-wide contract. Tender documents returned 28 June 1999. Tender report prepared 2124,407.15 AIRDRIE - Aitken Street, Black Street, Crowhill Crescent, Hunter Street, Kelvin Drive, Northbum Avenue, Northbum Place, Pamell Street, Raebog Crescent, Rochsoles Drive, School Quadrant, Thrashbush Road, Wood Street; CHAPELHALL - Crogal Crescent, School Street; COATBRIDGE - Alston Avenue, Annerley Court, Coats Street, Espieside Crescent, Gilchrist Street, Shawhead Cottages, Torridon Place, West George Street; SALSBURGH - Blackcroft Terrace, Carvale Avenue, Muirhall Terrace & Sighthill Terrace - Heating Programme (99/00) Gas Mains (Central) The works comprise the installation of extensions to existing gas mains and gas mains connections to individual houses in connection with the heating contracts. H098158 Tenders lodged 26th July, tender report prepared. €0.00 H099124 Heating Programme, Central, Contract 1 (98/99), (215 houses). Installation of heating systems and associated works at Espieside Crescent; Gayne Drive, Laurelbank, Reid Street, West George Street; Hillcrest Avenue; Hamilton Drive, Kelvin Drive, Nicol Street, Wood Street; Beech Drive, Drumjin Avenue, Glengowan Road, Goldenacre Place, Roselea, Spring Lane, Glen Road; Shanks Street, Waddell Avenue; Blackcroji Terrace, Bogfoot Road, Carvale Avenue, Duntilland Avenue, Kirkview Avenue, Main Street, Margaret Avenue, Muirhall Terrace, Muirhead Gardens, Sighthill Terrace. (215 houses) Tender accepted 1st December '98. Pre-start meeting held EFM Building 3rd December '98. Programme available. Works Services commenced 5th January '99. Substantially complete. f237,204.98 H098035 Heating Programme, Central, Contract 2 (98/99), (323 houses). Tender accepted 1lth January ‘99. Works commenced on site on 8th March and completed on 21st May ‘99. Campbell COLtd E335,767.23 Installation of heating systems and associated works at Alston Avenue, Gilchrist Street, Morven Street: Coats Street, Park Street: Dykehead Road: Balvenie Street, Easton Place, Shawhead Cottages: Annerley Court, Tom‘don Place, Torridon Street: Wilson Street: Couther Quadrant, Crowhill Crescent, Drumshangie Street, Dykehead Road, Golfhill Quadrant, Kirkstyle Crescent, Raebog Crescent, Rochsoles Drive, School Quadrant, Thrashbush Quadrant, Hunter Street: Aitken Street, Black Street, Northbum Avenue, Northbum Place: Pamell Street; Castle Street, Crogal Crescent, Gibb Street, Sherdale Avenue: Poplar Street; Gartleahill. Defective Pitched Roofs (Rosemary Tiles), Central, Phase OS (3 blocks) 1 H098101 One block complete. Re-roofing and rendering of other two blocks nearing completion. Re-roofing and re-rendering of three five-storey blocks at 5362, 63-72, and 73-82Kennedy Drive, Airdrie. Tarmac Contract Housing ‘2449,676.53 H098040 Defective Pitched Roofs (Rosemary Tiles), Central, Phase 09 (36 blocks) The removal of the existing Rosemary tiles or slates lo the pitched roofs and the provision of a new concrete tiled roof with associated repairs at Doune Terrace, Morar Crescent, Lomond Road Muirdyke Road : Kelso Quadrant: Hawthorn Drive, Greenwood Crescent; Ramsay Place, Mitchell Street: School Street: Dixon Street, Shawhead Avenue: Park Street, Manor Drive, Torriden Place, Annerley Court: Mitchell Street: Kelvin Drive, Wheatholm Street, Hamilton Drive: Sycamore Drive, Hawthorn Drive, Craigneuk Drive: Livingstone Place, Broomfield Street, Old Union Street, Katherine Street, Monkland Street, Gartlea Road. Defective Pitched Roofs (Rosemary Tiles), Central, Phase 10 (34 blocks) render accepted 27th August ‘98. Original contract :ompleted. Housing Committee (21.10.98) approval to negotiate an extension - Moodiesburn 8, Moodiesburn 9, and Craigneuk, Airdrie. Tender for additional 24 blocks accepted 30th November ‘98. Works complete. The removal of the existing Rosemary tiles or slates to the pitched roofs and the provision of a new concrete tiled roof with associated repairs at Lilybank Avenue, Holehills Place, Rosebank Street, Drumbathie Terrace, Sycamore Drive, and Broomfield Street Airdrie plus Lomond Road, Doune Terrace, Carron Place, Leven Road, Deveron Street, Morar Crescent, Shawhead Avenue, Mitchell Street, Edzell Street, Beechwood Drive, Ashgrove, Willow Crescent, Cecil Street and Exeter Street Coatbridge. f666.090.95 H098041 render accepted 13th November ‘98. Contractor’s srogramme available. Site works commenced 1st December ‘98. Works complete. The removal of the existing Rosemary tiles or slates to the pitched roofs and the provision of a new concrete tiled roof with associated repairs at AIRDRIE - Colliertree Rd, Craighead St, Glebe Cres, Hamilton Dr, Kelvin Dr, Kennihill, Thrashbush Rd, Wellside Quad, Wheatholm St, Whitehill AV, CALDERBANK - Park St, CHAPELHALL - Bum Cres, COATBRIDGE - Albion St, Blaitpark AV, Coulter Av, Espieside Cres, Greenwood Cres, Shawhead Av, Smith Quad, Southfeld Cres, GLENBOIG - Mamoch Dr. Defective Pitched Roofs (Rosemary Tiles), Central, Phase 11 (33 Blocks) Helfom Ltd Montgom erie Construction Ltd ‘2319,928.02 H098137 render accepted 28th June. Pre-start meeting held 1st My, site works commenced 12th July ‘99. Helfom Ltd 5283.982.40 H099053 4 Scheme to be prepared, subject to confirmation of appropriate funding. Defective Pitched Roofs (Rosemary Tiles), Central, Phase 12 (39 Blocks) €0.00 The removal of the existing Rosemary tiles or slates to the pitched roofs and the provision of a new concrete tiled roof with associated repairs at AIRDRIE - Connor Street, Grahamshill Avenue, Kenilbum Avenue, Kenilburn Crescent, Kenilworth Drive, McAllister Avenue, Nicol Street, Rosebank Street, WestermavisbankAvenue, Whinhall Avenue, Wilson Street; BARGEDDIE - Abercrombie Crescent, Dykehead Road, Gartliston Terrace, Park Road; COATBRIDGE - Cecil Street, Calder Avenue, Dixon Street, Dunbar Avenue, Muiiyhall Street, Mossneuk Street, Scarhill Street, Shawhead Avenue: SALSBVRGH - Bogfoot Road, Cawale Avenue, Duntilland Avenue. H099054 - Part of combined contract with South phase 2. Tender 3ccepted 13th November '98. Manufacture of lift cars in yogress. Lift Replacement 1998/99 Central Area Lift Maintenance Ltd. €728,175.00 Lqt replacement with associated gear and builderwork at Redbridge and Coltswood Courts, Coatbridge. H098037 - render document to be prepared for a combined tender foi .ift replacement at Jackson Court, Coatbridge and Brandor Zourt, Motherwell. Lift Replacement 1999/2000 Central Area €0.00 Lqt replacement with associated gear and builderwork at Jackson Court, Coatbridge. H099104 - Works delayed as a result of sub-contractor going into liquidation. Twelve houses complete and a further eight in progress. Non Trad Houses Whitson Fairhurst (Central Area), Cairnhill, Phase 1 Sharp G.F & Company Ltd €412.956.68 External upgrading and re-roofing of Whitson Fairhurst houses at Cairnhill, including any necessary remedial works to the structure at - Caimview, Imperial Drive and Parnell Street. (27 houses) H098103 - Zontract complete. Non Trad Houses Whitson Fairhurst (Central Area), Caldercruix, Phase 1 G F Sharp & COLtd €389,484.48 External upgrading and re-roofing of Whitson Fairhurst houses at Caldercruix, including any necessary remedial works to the structure at Heather Street, Moss Avenue and Parkview. (27 houses) - H098039 - ~~~~ Non Trad Houses Whitson Fairhurst (Central Area), Caldercruix,Phase 2 30 Houses ~ Scheme in preparation. Tender documents to be prepared. - External upgrading and re-roofing of Whitson Fairhurst houses at Caldercruix, including any necessary remedial works to the structure at Moss Avenue and Progress Drive. €0.00 - H099051 5 Contractor I Tender Amount Llewellyn SCL Limited €420,683.79 Crescent, Dykehead Road; Coatbridge - Alston Avenue, Cecil Street, Coltswood Road, Gilchrist Street, Hamilton Crescent, Lloyds Street, Lomond Road, Manse Slreet, Morven Street, Newlands Street, Townhead Road; Plains - A f f c Avenue, Jarvie Avenue; Airdrie - Laggan Quadrant, Moss-side Avenue, Glenmavis - Glenview Street, McArthur Avenue; Greengairs - H098036 ~~ Re-rendering, Central Area, Phase 3 (24 Blocks) Scheme to be prepared. €0.00 The works comprise the removal of bossed render, dubbing out and application of apolymer overcoat system together with associated repairs to gutters and downpipes, chimney stacks, flashings, gas flues etc. at - AIRDRIE: Ballochney Street, Laggan Quadrant; COATBRIDGE: Albion Street, Ashgrove, Claniye Drive, Cornhill Drive, Highcross Avenue, Kellock Avenue, Mitchell Street, Park Street, Reid Street, School Street, Smith Quadrant, Townhead Road, Willow Crescent, Wilson Street. Re-Roofing (Flat Roofs) Programme, Chapelside, Phase 5. H099047 All three blocks have owner/occupiers. Tenders lodged 3rd March ‘99. Tender report held pending confirmation 3f owner-occupier participation. €607,772.44 Re-roojng and external wall insulation render treatment to the four storey Mitchell Camusflats at Parkhead Lane, Airdrie. H098030 Re-roofiig (Flat Roofs) Programme, Shawhead, Phase 4. Fintry, Tinto and Pentland Courts now complete. J B Bennett :Contracts)Ltd €515,617.61 Re-roofng and external wall insulated render treatment to the four-storey Mitchell Camus flats at F i n 0 Court, Pentland Court, and Tinto Court, Coatbridge. H098043 Shops at Laidon Road, Airdrie. Scheme to be prepared. fO.OO Works include construction of apitched roof over the existing flat roof and the external refurbishment ofshop units at Laidon Road, Airdrie. H099105 Shops at Woodside Street, Coatbridge Renewal ofpipework in shop units at Woodside Street, Coatbridge. teport prepared for submission to this Committee. €0.00 H098131 6 render accepted 4th February '99. Site works commenced Bumett A,istair 3rd March '99. Complete except for energising two closes & coitd in Gartlea. Door Entry, Central, Phase 2. - €200,644.34 Installation of controlled door entiy security systems at Airdrie - Commonside Street, Gartleahill; Salsburgh - Main Street; Chapelhall - Main Street, Bellside Road Coatbridge Kirkwood Street, Kelso Quadrant: Dundyvan Road, Exeter Street, Renfrew Street. 1 H098044 i €0.00 1 H099058 Scheme in preparation. Door Entry, Central, Phase 3 (24 closes) Installation of controlled door entiy security systems to 24 closes at - Airdrie - Aitken Street, Cairnhope Avenue, Imperial Drive, Parnell Street; Coatbridge - Clunie Place, Douglas View, Dundyvan Road, Hutchison Place, Woodside Street. Greenend CCTV 99. Works nearing completion. Limited , Successful bid for Challenge Fund grant support for the installation of CCTVat Greenend, Coatbridge. €136,767.43 H098053 I Substantially complete. Rewiring, Central, (98/99) (234 houses) Caldercruix, phase 1 Elecm'cal rewiring and associated works to 234 houses at Caldercruix - Ashgrove, Beech Drive, Calder Avenue, Drumfn Avenue, Dunkirk Street, Elswick Drive, Glenview Terrace, Heather Street, Mill Street, Moss Avenue, Park View, Progress Drive. ~~ Substantially complete. Rewiring, Central, (98/99) (254 houses) PlainslCaldercruix phase 2 Electncal rewiring and associated works to single and two storey houses at, Caldercruix - Dunbreck Avenue, Dunkirk Street, Liberty Road, Lochview, Progress Drive; Plains Annieshill View, Arbuckle Place, Ballochnie Drive, Bellas Place, Brownieside Place, East Avenue, Livingston Drive, Meadow View, Moffat View, West Avenue, Temporary Accommodation for Homeless Families Central Area - , 1 1 ' H098045 Thistle Building Services Ltd €196,038.00 H098117 I Currently seeking a suitable property for conversion to family units. €0.00 ~ H098047 7 South Estate Regeneration Started on site 11/1/99. Planting shrubs in progress Mini Programme Landscaping works Walkerburn, Innerleithan Drive Wishaw Stewart Landscapes Ltd &179,320.00 Environamental works to 71 dwellings at Innerleithen Drive and WalkerburnDrive, Coltness. H097070 Contractor in liquidation. Report submitted to January Committee on proposals for completion of this contract. Mini Programme Landscaping Works, Cambusnethan and Craigneuk &106,550.32 Environmental works to 44 dwellings at Greenjeld Drive, Cambusnethan and 35 dwellings at Glasgow Road (388-402, 418-428, 444-458). The work comprises landscaping works including precast concrete paving,formation of areas of hardstanding, turjng, newfencing and tredshrub planting. ~~~ H097072 ~ Mini Programme Landscaping Works, Cambusnethan and Craigneuk - Completion Contract Letter of acceptance issued 24 May 1999. Pre-start meeting held 18 May 1999. Site start expected early August. Stewart Landscapes Ltd &79,913.74 The works comprise the completion of the landscaping and drying areas, newfencing and tredshrub planting. H099106 - Mini Programme Demolition of ( 6 Nr ) Pram Stores, Spruce Way, Holytown Tenders lodged 21st June 1999. Tender report prepared and submitted. Letter of acceptance issued 16 July 1999. Sharp G.F & Company Ltd &110,727.82 The works comprise the demolition of the existing pram stores, reinstatement of the door entry screen and landscaping works, to 6Nr blocks in Holytown - Spruce Way : 7-12, 25-30, 37-42, 4348, 49-54, 55-60. H098 161 ~~ - Mini Programme 1998/99 Coltness CCTV (South) The works comprise the installation of CCTVcameras to the housing blocks covered by the Mini-Programme project in Coltness. ~ Tender accepted 25th January '99. Site works commenced 1st March '99. Contract substantially complete. Semple & Cochrane &109,673.91 H098050 Project Title and Description of Works - Mini Programme 1998/99 Pentland Road, Craigneuk (South) Progress to Date Contractor / Tender Amount Contract 90% complete; soft landscaping to be completed during planting season. Additional approval given for rerendering dated 19/04/99. lgilvie Builders Ltd. Proposals comprise - door e n t y system, CCTK upgrade pram stores, create bin enclosures, patch rendering, front canopies, alter verandahs, external lighting and landscaping. f387,087.07 H098088 Mini Programme 1998/99 - Thomson Avenue, Netherton (South) Weir 5 point blocks - to be included in Mini Programme. Initial meeting held to discuss proposals. Tender documents being prepared. fO.OO The works comprise the application of an insulated over render, rewiring of the houses, levelling floors, new curtain walling to stair wells, re-roofing bin stores. First phase to comprise 51 - 71 and 73-87Kirkhill Road, Netherton. H098089 Mini Programme Composition Flooring South Area Contract complete; Architect requested remedial work before issue of Certificate of Practical Completion. Remedial work in progress. Steprite Flooring &60,640.65 The works comprise the removal of the existingfloorfinishes to the common access stairwells, and preparation to receive new compositionflooring, to the blocks contained within the South Area Mini - Regeneration Programme H097101 Muirhouse Environmentals Phase 3(B) Tenders to be prepared. LO.00 The works comprise the re-su$acing of the existing car park and general hard and softlandscaping work around Grange Tower. HO99064 - Muirhouse Lock-ups Phase 4 New Lock- Ups and Car Park at Grange Tower ( New Housing Partnership ) Started on site 5/1/99. Contract complete except for landscaping. Relocation of lock-ups at Grange Tower - work comprises construction of new carpark (20 bays) complete with drainage and landscaping; construction of 2 banks of lock-ups (8 + 10) Lanrec Contracts Ltd. L161,321.19 H097135 - Muirhouse Lock-ups Phase 5 Refurbishment of Tender prepared for 16 half buried lock-ups. Out to tender 29/07/99 - tender return date 27/08/99. 16 Half- buried Lock-ups, Dalziel Tower. The works comprise the refurbishment of 16 half buried lock-ups complete with new garage doors, drainage etc.; the provision of secure car ports above the lock-ups formed with steel columns, metal roofing, metal cages and associated asphalt work, drainage, elecrtrical work etc. fO.OO H098091 2 P Project Title and Description of Works Progress to Date Muirhouse Refurbishment Phase 8 - Demolition of 4 Blocks at Shields Drive. Tender accepted 19th January '99. .Possession of site taken on 22 Feb. 1999. All blocks demolished; site being cleared. Contractor/ render Amount Whiteinch lemolition Ltd. E2 19,240.00 The work comprises the demolition of 4 Blocks at 122-144 (Blk 25), 146-200 (Blk 26), 98-120 (Blk 27), 42-96 (Blk 2 8 ) Shields Drive. H097026 Paterson Street, Motherwell - Demolitions Demolition of small block approx. S80k; large block with shop attached approx. S125k. Prepare tender for demolition of small block only this year. EO.00 The work comprises the demolition of 1 or 2 four storey blocks to underside offoundations; area of demolitions to be levelled andjinished with a suitable granular material. H098090 Tannochside Environmental Improvements Phase 2 Tenders being prepared for issue before the end of Augus 70 be appointed 250.00 Creation of new footpaths, dying areas and defensible space around the blocks with associated planting. Alterations to existing carparking with associated landscaping works. H098087 Tannochside Environmental Improvements Phase 3 Start to be made later this financial year. 250.00 Creation of new footpaths, dying areas and defensible space around the blocks with associatedplanting. Alterations to existing carparking with associated landscaping works. H099063 Watling Street Initiative Motherwell, Phase 2 Demolition of 4 Blocks ( New Housing Partnership ) 411 blocks demolished; site being cleared. ?eorge Hunter (Dems) Ltd. E141,563.63 Demolition of deck access flats, removingfoundations and levelling site. Cornelia Street 49-79, 108-120;Horatius Street 131, 45-123; Watling Street 264-278. H098093 West Crindledyke, Newmains - Demolition of 8 Nr Point Blocks The work comprises the demolition of 8 Nr. five storey point blocks to underside offoundations; area of demolitions to be levelled andfinished with a suitable granular material. Addresses :-1-19 Cannich Place, I-19Falloch Place, 1-19 Tilt Road, I-19Barrisdale Road, 81-99, 121-139, 141-159, 161-1 79 Murdostoun View. Social surveys carried out and tenants views noted. 4pprox. cost of S225K. Updated costs required for lemolition of lock-ups, and providing access to farmland. EO.00 H098049 3 Electric Storage Heater Replacement (1998/99), Part of combined authofi@wide contract. Tender documents returned 28 June 1999. Tender report South (105 houses) prepared and submitted to Administration for acceptance. t;124,407.15 BELLSHILL -Avon Dr, Carfin St, Diamond St, GarfieldAve, Kenilworth Cres, Mosshill Rd, Orbiston Dr, Phoenix PI, Station Rd, Topaz Terr; HOLYTOMV - Alder Lane, Lilac Way, Sunnyside Terr, Woodview; MOTHERWELL - Adele St, Airbles St, Bellshill Rd, Broomside Cres, Emily Dr, Forgewood Rd, Frood St, George St, Ghillies Ln, Glencairn Str, Hatton Terr, Hillhead Ave, Hillhead Cres, Hillhead Dr, Jerviston Rd, Leven Gas Warm Air Replacement H098159 Addresses to be identified. The installation ofgas wet central heating systems with minor builders work and electrical alterations, ifrequired, and associated making good H099109 Heating Programme 1999/00 - Gas Mains (South Tenders lodged 26th July, tender report prepared. The works comprise the installation of extensions to existing gas mains and gas mains connections to individual houses in connection with the heating contracts. H099125 Heating Programme 1999/2000 - Contract No. 3 - South Addresses identified - awaiting tenants heating choice. The installation ofgas wet central heating systems with minor builders work and electrical alterations, ifrequired, and associated making good in thefollowing areas; MOTHERWELL :-Arran Rd, Bute Ave, Kildonan P1, Lamlash P1, WSHAW:Denholm Dr, Innerleithen Dr, Newark Dr, Kirkhill PI, Kirknethan, Clarendon Rd, Grange Ave, SHOTTShVD HARTHILL :-Vennacher St, Baird Terr, Breslin Terr. ~~ Heating Programme 1999/2000 - Contract No. 4 - South The installation ofgas wet central heating systems with minor builders work and electrical alterations, ifrequired, and associated making good in thefollowing areas; BELLSHILL :Agate Terr, Amethyst Ave, Diamond St8Emerald Terr, Jade Terr, Liberty Rd, Mansfield Rd, Sapphire Rd, Topaz Terr, Turquoise Terrace, '0 be appointed KO99108 Addresses identified - awaiting tenants heating choice. H099135 4 Project Title and Description of Works - Heating Programme 1999/2000 Contract No. 5 - South Progress to Date Contractor / Tender Amount Addresses identified - awaiting tenants heating choice. The installation ofgas wet central heating systems with minor builders work and electrical alterations, ifrequired, and associated making good in the following areas; CARFIN :Marian Dr, Mu yknowe Rd, Newarthill Rd. PTEWARK :Laburnum Rd. BELLSHILL /MOSSEND :- Clyde Dr, Crinan PI, Glencalder Cres, Kirklee Rd, Lee P1, Linnet Rd, Tollhouse Gdns, Arcadia Si, Limegrove St, Primrose Ave. H099136 Heating Programme, South, 1998/99, Contract 1 Tender documents issued 16th December. Tenders lodged on 1lth January '99. Tender accepted 29th January '99. Contract period 10 weeks. Start date 15 March 1999. Contract substantially complete. Electric Warm Air / storage replacement. - British Gas Services Ltd. 6385,948.84 H098051 ~ Insulation Programme 1998/99 (South) - Priority Tender accepted 9th June '98. Fraser Street added from Ministry houses contract. Contract complete. 11 - 223 houses Newmains and Wishaw 527,356.53 The installation of d y f i l l cavity wall insulation, including new air bricks, vertical stops and wallhead cavity closers as required. Crindledyke Crescent, Meadowburn Road, Mossburn Road, Curlinghaugh Crescent, Campbell Street, and Beechwood Crescent. - Insulation Programme 1999/2000 South Phase 14 (213 houses) Fibreglo Insulations Ltd H098052 Address list identified. Tender to be prepared. Installation of d y f i l l cavity wall insulation to 213 houses at New Stevenston, and Mossend :-Holm Street, Wrangholm Crescent, WrangholmDrive, Station Road, Ca@n Street, Barty's Road, Dean Street, East Dean Street. H099067 ~ Insulation Programme 1999/2000 - South Phase 15 (193 Houses) Address list identified. Tender to be prepared. Installation of d v f i l l cavity wall insulation to 193 houses at Motherwell and Newarthill :-Loanhead Road, Ca@n Road, Silverburn Crescent, Mearns Road, Logans Road, Scotia Street, Dechmont Avenue, The Loaning. H099068 - Final snagging in progress to all three towers. Tower Block Refurbishment 1997/98 Netherwood and Barons Towers + Dalziel Tower. Rainscreen cladding Nethenvood Tower etc. Addresses 1-105 Nethenvood Tower + Barons Tower. Includes cladding, window pods to previously installed windows, curtain walling to common areas, new roof and groundjloor facade improvements. Miller !onstruction Ltd €4,400,350.1 1 H097029 5 P Project Title and Description of Works Progress to Date Tower Block Refurbishment 1998/99 Flemington Concrete Repairs Phase 2 Contract substantiallycomplete. Contractor / Tender Amount Llewellyn SCL Limited 5241,688.90 Mechanical and chemical investigation of concrete structure. Structural and non-structural repairs to externalfabric of tower blocks at Doonside Tower ( I - I I6)and Glassford Tower (1-104), Motherwell. H098054 - Tower Block Refurbishment 1999/00 Concrete Repairs at Flemington Glen Tower Motherwell. Tender being prepared, for earl4 issue Mechanical and chemical investigation of concrete structure. Structural and non-structural repairs to external fabric of tower block at Glen Tower, Flemington, Motherwell. H099110 Tower Block Refurbishment 1999/00 Muirhouse, Motherwell - Rainscreen cladding to Shields and Muirhouse Towers. Includes cladding, window pods to previously installed windows, curtain walling to common areas, new roof and groundjloor facade improvements. Shields Tower requires concrete repairs before Rainscreen cladding is installed. Window Replacement Programme 1998/99 Rear Elevation of Anvil Block, Wishaw Consultant Engineers report received on concrete repairs Report recommends cathodic protection for remedial work to the existing concrete. To be included in the overcladding contract. Tender being prepared for overcladding - to be issued by mid August.. H099092 Tender being prepared for early issue - awaiting structural engineers report on balustrades. The works comprise the replacement of the existing windows to the rear elevation with associated concrete and roughcast repairs; metal doors tojlats; painting of roughcast; repairs to brick walls to balcony walkways to be considered. H098165 Window Replacement Programme 1998/99 PreWar Stock 10 274 Houses - Priority M24-26 Newarthill and Stane - render returned 30/10/98. Tender accepted 19th November '98. Pre-start meeting held 8/12/98. Site start 1/2/99. 206 houses complete. Thermashieid Insulation 5225,865.53 Replacement of existing timberhetal windows with associated jnishings and repairs at CARFN - Hatton Place, Glenburn Terrace, Hatton Terrace, Hill Place, Hill Terrace, Leven Terrace, Newarthill Road, New Stevenson Road, Thorndene Avenue; NEWmTHILL -High Street; TORBOTHIE - Calder Drive, Clyde Drive, Kelvin Drive, Torbothie Drive. H098086 ~~~ Window Replacement Programme 1999/2000 South Area Priority M27-28 Craigneuk & Fallside (231 Houses) Replacement of existing timbedmetal windows with associated jnishings and repairs at CRAIGNEUK :-Gateside Road, Laurel Drive, Hillcrest Avenue, The Neuk, Bridges Street. F m S I D E :Fallside Avenue, McCulloch Avenue, Bent Crescent, New Edinburgh Road, Rosepark Avenue. Letter of acceptance issued 10 June 1999. Pyramid Windows (UPVC) Ltd 5400,729.43 H099071 6 1 , P Project Title and Description of Works Contractor / Tender Amount Progress to Date Window Replacement Programme 1999/2000 South Area Priority M29 -30 Bellshill. - Tender report with Administration for acceptance. Letter of acceptance issued 30/07/99. Tayside Windows Ltd 6324,035.50 Replacement of existing timbedmetal windows with associated finishings and repairs at Rockburn Crescent and Bankhead Avenue, Bellshill H099072 Window Replacement Programme 1999/2000 South Area Priority M31 & M32 Shotts and Overtown. - Tender to be prepared. Replacement of existing timbedmetal windows with associated jnishings and repairs at SHOTTS :-Lansdowne Cres, Brown St, Melford Ave, Springhill Rd, Huntly Terr, Brown St, Belmont St. OPERTOWN :-Brooklyn Pl, Trows Rd, Orchard St, Castlehill Rd. Window Replacement Programme 1999/2000 South Area Priority M33 M37 Harthill, Motherwell, Newmains etc. - H099073 render to be prepared. Replacement of existing timbedmetal windows with associated jnishings and repairs at HARTHILL :-Muirhead P1, West Benhar Rd. MOTHERWELL :- Vulcan St, M e r y St, Northjeld St, Milton St, Craigview Rd, Millfield Ave, Braidhurst St. N E M I N S :-King St, Stewart Cres. FZEMINGTON :-Jack St, Grange St, Shields Rd. and WSHAW :-Tinto Cres, Greenhead Rd, Tinto St. - Window Replacement Programme 1999/2000 South Area Priority M38 M40 Shotts, Bellshill and Motherwell - H099074 render to be prepared. Replacement of existing timedmetal windows with associated finishings and repairs to houses at SHOTTS :-Blackhall St, Belmont Dr. BELLSHILL :-Mavisbank Gdns, Rowanden Ave, Stanley Dr, North Rd. andMOTHERWZLL :-Corrie Dr. H099070 Major Repairs & Environmentals Start on site 2 1/09/98 , 25 blocks complete and 1 block in Defective Pitched Roofs (Rosemary Tiles) progress. (30 blocks from Ph 15 added to this contract 1998/99 South Phase 11 29 Blocks + 30 Blocks - - - G F Sharp & CO Ltd 21st January '99). &498,771.91 The removal of the existing Rosemay tiles or slates to the pitched roofs and the provision of a new concrete tiled roof with associated repairs at Cumbrae Dr, Kilbrennan Dr, Logans Ad, The Loaning, Machrie Str, Mearns Rd, Pirnmill Ave, Scotia Street, Brodick Avenue, Ailsa Avenue, Corrie Drive: Bellshill Rd, Forgewood Rd, Kirk Str, Milnwood Dr, Milton Str, Nethan Str.Bruce Street, Vulcan Street, North Orchard Street, Wallace Street, Bruce Avenue, Cassels Street, Lloyd Drive, Hillhead Crescent, Leven Street, Loanhead Road, Silverburn Crescent. H098069 ~ Defective Pitched Roofs (Rosemary Tiles) 1998/99 South Phase 13 26 Blocks + 3 Blocks - - The removal of the existing Rosemary tiles or slates to the pitched roofs and theprovision of a new concrete tiled roof with associated repairs at Laurel Dr,. Bowmore Wk8Brownhill St, CurriesideAV,Dunn Ter, Hillhouseridge Rd, Inverkip Dr, Muirhead P1, Springhill Rd, Tulloch Rd, Shand Street, Coltness Drive, Caledonian Avenue, Burnhead Street, ThorndeanAvenue. December Committee authorised inclusion of 3 Blocks of steel houses from Ph 14. Site work commenced 9th November 1998. 27 blocks complete, 2 blocks in progress. G.F. Sharp & CO Ltd. 6238,005.27 H098 109 P Contractor/ renderhount Project Title and Description of Works Progress to Date Defective Pitched Roofs (Rosemary Tiles) 1998/99 South Phase 14 - 29 Blocks Address list available. Blocks added to Phase 10 contract. - 50.00 The removal of the existing Rosemary tiles or slates to the pitched roofs and the provision of a new concrete tiled roof with associated repairs at WSHAW - Glencairn Avenue, Broompark Road, The Neuk, Beechwood Crescent, Shand Street, The Roundel, Stonecraig Road, Bush Crescent; SHOTTS and HARTHILL - Springhill Road, Belmont Drive, Dyj+ig Street, Inverkip Drive, WestBenhar Road, Muirhead Place. Defective Pitched Roofs (Rosemary Tiles) 1998/99 South - Phase 15 31 Blocks H098115 Address list available. Blocks added to Phase 11 contract. - EO.00 The removal of the existing Rosemary tiles or slates to the pitched roofs and the provision of a new concrete tiled roof with associated repairs at MOTHERWZLL -Arran Road, Scotia Street, Bruce Avenue, Vulcan Street, North Orchard Street, Wallace Street, Cassels Street, Brodick Avenue, Ailsa Avenue, Corrie Drive, Logans Road, Cumbrae Drive, Lloyd Drive, Hillhead Crescent, Leven Street, Loanhead Road, Silverburn Crescent. H098116 Defective Pitched Roofs 1999/2000 - South Phase Tenders returned 9 April 1999. Tender accepted 27/04/99. Started on site 10/5/99. 22 blocks complete, 1 17 (23 Blocks) Helforn Ltd block in progress. 5187,920.86 The removal of the existing Rosemary tiles or slates to the pitched roofs and the provision of a new concrete tiled roof with associated repairs at Glencairn Avenue, Broompark Road, Wingate Street, The Broadway, Brianvood Road, Hillcrest Avenue, Laurel Drive, Aldersyde Avenue, Beechwood Crescent, Shand Street, Harestone Crescent, Bush Crescent, Stonecraig Road, Stenton Crescent, Charles Street. H099082 Defective Ptiched Roofs (Rosemary Tiles), South Tender accepted 17 May 1999. Contract commenced 3 1/5/99. Contract substantially complete. Phase 18 (16 Blocks) Ailsa Building Ltd 5122,990.70 The removal of the existing Rosemary tiles or slates to the pitched roofi and the provision of a new concrete tiled roof with associated repairs at St. Catherines Crescent, Dyfrig Street, Balbakie Road, Albert Road, VictoriaRoad, Laggan Avenue, Onich Place, Tulloch Road, Springfield Road, Loanhead Road, Highfeld Crescent, Machrie Street, Ailsa Avenue, Vulcan Street, E m i b Drive. H099083 - Defective Ptiched Roofs (Rosemary Tiles), South Address list available Motherwell & Forgewood. Tender to be prepared for early issue. Phase 19 (30 Blocks) The removal of the existing Rosemary tiles or slates to the pitched roofs and the provision of a new concrete tiled roof with associated repairs at Wallace Street, Kilnwell Quadrant, Silverburn Crescent, Ca$n Road, Loanhead Road, Wittagreen Avenue, Highjeld Crescent, Brodick Avenue, Corrie Drive, Milnwood Drive, Bellshill Road, Forgewood Road. EO.00 H099118 Defective Ptiched Roofs (Rosemary Tiles), South Address list available - Bellshill & Viewpark Tender to be prepared for early issue. Phase 20 (31 Blocks) The removal of the existing Rosemary tiles or slates to the pitched roofs and the provision of a new concrete tiled roof with associated repairs at Lawmuir Place, Orchard Place, Crophead Place, Raewell Crescent, Orbiston Drive, Hattonrigg Road, Wilkie Road, Telford Street, Hilltop Avenue, MacAdam Gardens, Windermere Street, Southend Place, South View,New Edinburgh Road, Bent Crescent. 50.00 HO99119 8 Project Title and Description of Works Progress to Date Lift Replacement 1998/99 - South Area Phase 2 Part of combined contract with Central. Tender accepted 13th November '98. Works commenced 1st March 1999. First lift in each block completed and in operation; work started on remaining two lifts. Replacement of the 119swith associated gear and builderwork at Allan and Draffen Towers, Motherwell Contractor/ render Amount Lift Maintenance Ltd. L728,175.00 H098060 Lift Replacement 1999/2000 - South Area Tender to be prepared for acceptance in October/Novemberto meet allocation. Brandon Court identified for this year. Replacement of the lijis with associated gear and builderwork at Brandon Court Motherwell. H099111 Major Repairs 1997/98 - Porch Roofs, Phase 2 (113 houses) Contract substantially complete. Messrs McCartney & Reid Ltd 6107,275.92 Replacement of existing porch flat roofs with pitched roofi together with associated reapirs and alteration to drainage, and roughcasting ifrequired. I 1 3 houses at Cleland, Car$??, Newarthill and Shotts. H097045 Major Repairs 1998/99 - Acquired Property Wishaw (South) Tender returned 11/1/99. Tender report deferred until planning Permission obtained - will need to submit to Scottish Office again. E&L Building Services Ltd &82,260.81 H098163 Major Repairs 1998/99 - Balcony Walkways (South), Main Street, Overtown Main Street, Overtown - snagging to complete. Pirie and Co. (Paisley) Ltd &22,446.43 The works comprise the removal of the existing suface, repairs to the concrete substrate and application of mastic asphalt to the walkways. H098061 Major Repairs 1998/99 - Balcony Walkways (South), Victoria Road, Harthill The works comprise the removal of the existing suface, repairs to the concrete substrate and application of mastic asphalt to the walkways. Harthill & Oakbank Netherton - snagging to complete. Pirie and Co. (Paisley) Ltd L32,871.11 H098172 9 P Project Title and Description of Works ~ Major Repairs 1998/99 - Cove Crescent, Shotts (Demolition) Progress to Date Tender being prepared for issue by mid March. 3 houses decanted.ThorburnColquhoun appointed Planning Supervisor 8/3/99. Pre-start meeting to be arranged. Contractor/ render Amount CEP IEMOLITION LIMITED 614,56330 Demolition of 4 terraced houses, Cove Crescent, Shotts. H098135 ~ Major Repairs 1998/99 - Ministry Houses South Contract substantially complete. &401,328.39 Refurbishment ofMinistry Houses at Cleland, comprising replacement of existing roof slates with new concrete roof tiles, repairs to roof timbers, repairs to rainwater goods, and application of insulated render to blocks at - Biggar Road and Fraser Street, Cleland. - Major Repairs 1998/99 Re-piping of Drinking Water to 7 Tower Blocks, Motherwell A C Whyte & COLtd HO98064 To be negotiated with existing Contractor on Phase 1. Letter of acceptance issued 24 May 1999. fO.OO Re-piping of drinking water supplies to the following towers in Motherwell :-Glencairn Tower,Muirhouse Tower, Whamond Tower,Airbles Tower,Albion Tower, Oakfield Tower,Anderson Tower. H098164 Major Repairs 1998/99 - Re-Piping of Drinking Water to 8 Tower Blocks, Muirhouse/Flemington. Re-piping of drinking water supplies to the following towers in Motherwell :-Glen, Doonside, Shields, Dalziel, Barons, Netherwood, Merryton and Grange. ~~ Tenders obtained for 8 towers in the MuirhouselFIemington Area this year - 7 towers to be repiped 1999/00. Additional approval for 7 towers granted - 24/05/99. Started on site 2/7/99 at Muirhouse Tower complete except for 14 no-access houses. 16 houses complete at Whammond Tower, 26 houses complete at Airbles Tower. GD Chalmers Lid f363,182.13 H098136 ~~ - Major Repairs 1999/00 Acquired Properties, 31-33 Old Manse Road, Wishaw. Sceme to be prepared. To upgrade properties to habitable standards: works include reroofing, internal alterations and repairs, new kitchen, damp proofing work, and replacement of lead piping. H099113 Major Repairs 1999/00 - Acquired Properties, 51 East Academy Street, Wishaw Sceme to be prepared. To upgrade properties to habitable standards: works include internal alterations and repairs, new kitchen and bathroom, damp proofing work, and replacement of lead piping. H099128 10 P Project Title and Description of Works - Major Repairs 1999/00 Acquired Properties, 6 & 10 East Hamilton Street, Wishaw Progress to Date Contractor/ Tender Amount Sceme to be prepared. To upgrade properties to habitable standards: works include internal alterations and repairs, new kitchen, damp proofing work, external repairs and re-rendering, new heating installation, and replacement of lead piping. H099127 - Major Repairs 1999/00 Acquired Properties, 65 Dryburgh Road, Wishaw Sceme to be prepared. To upgrade properties to habitable standards: works include reroojng, removal of existing dormers, internal alterations and repairs, new kitchen, damp proofing work, and replacement of lead piping. H099126 Major Repairs 1999/00 - Balcony Walkways (South) Phase 3 Addresses identified. fO.OO The works comprise the removal of the existing suflace, repairs to the concrete substrate and application of mastic asphalt to the walkways. H099112 - Major Repairs 1999/2000 Insulation to Metal Roofs Springhill, Shotts Phase 2 render to be prepared. Roof vents to be installed and sprayed insulation applied to underside of metal roofing. at Shiel Gardens and Navar Court, Shotts. H099094 Major Repairs 1999/2000 - Ministry Houses South Phase 2 - Holytown (36 Houses) renders returned 26 April 1999. Letter of acceptance ssued 15 July 1999. Pre start meeting held on 2 August 1999. Site start expected 16 August 1999. 6312,955.49 Refurbishment ofMinistry Houses at Ho;ytown, comprising replacement of existing roof slates with new concrete roof tiles, repairs to roof timbers, repairs to rainwater goods, and application of insulated render to blocks at - Woodhall Avenue, Holytown Road, Central Avenue, Thankerton Avenue. - Major Repairs 1999/2000 Porch Roofs South Phase 3 (112 houses) - Replacement of existing porch flat roofi with pitched rooji together with associated reapirs and alteration to drainage, and roughcasting ifrequired. WSHAW :-Kirknethan, Kirkhill Place, Wilsgait Street, Green Gardens, Gorsehall Street, Nith Path, Mennock Street PTEWARK :-Kew Gardens. Helfom Ltd H099078 render to be obtained. Confirmation required on number )f houses in contract. H099079 11 8 P Contractor/ render Amount Project Title and Description of Works Progress to Date Non Trad Houses 1998/99 - Maxim Houses Ph 1 (South) Contract substantiallycomplete. 4.C. Whyte Ltd 5137,977.50 Upgrading ofA4axim houses at Newarthill, New Stevenston and Holytown, on aphased basis. Phase I (41 houses) - Burnside Road, GlenburnAvenue and Lintie Road, Newarthill (rerendering only ) H098066 - Non Trad Houses 1998/99 Maxim Houses Ph 2 (South) Snagging in progress AC. Whyte & COLtd. 5251,094.90 Upgrading ofA4axim houses at Newarthill, New Stevenston and Holytown, on a phased basis. Phase 2 (73 houses) -New Stevenston. HO98118 - - Non Traditional Houses - South Maxim Ph 3 29 Tenders issued 12 May 1999 return date 3 June 1999. Tender accepted 7th July. Site start expected 9 August Houses Holytown) Whyte k C & COLtd 1999 592,384.54 Upgrading ofMaxim houses at Newarthill, New Stevenston and Holytown, on a phased basis. Phase 3 (32 houses) - HOLYTOFW :-Sunnyside Crescent, Sunnyside Terrace, Crow Avenue, Birch Street. HO99080 - Re-rendering 1998/99 Phase 2 4 Blocks Maxton Snagging in progress. Crescent, Coltness (40 Houses) 5169,521.64 The works comprise the removal of bossed render, dubbing out and application of a polymer render together with associated repairs to gutters and downpipes, chimney stacks, jlashings, gas jlues, and repairs to 2 Nr bin stores etc. at Maxton Crescent 1028, 30-48, 54-72, 74-92. - Re-rendering 1998/99 Phase 3 41 Houses Denholm Drive, Coltness Montgomerie :onstruction Ltd H098092 render return 16 August 1999 The works comprise the removal of bossed render, dubbing out and application of a polymer render; provision of new box gutters; existing porches to be pitched with new concrete tiled r o o f ; associated repairs to chimney stacks, flashings, gas flues etc. to 41 houses Denholm Drive andMinto Park, Coltness. LO.00 H098134 ~ Re-rendering 1999/00 - Phase 4 Pentland Road, To be paid via Mini - Regeneration Project Craigneuk - The works comprise the removal of bossed render, dubbing out and application of a polymer render together with associated repairs to gutters and downpipes, chimney stacks, flashings etc. 50.00 H099117 12 P Project Title and Description of Works - - Re-rendering 1999/00 Phase 5 Mansfield Road, Bellshill Progress to Date Contractor / render Amount render to be prepared. EO.00 The works comprise the removal of bossed render, dubbing out and application of a polymer render together with associated repairs to gutters and downpipes, chimney stacks,flashings etc. at 4-27Mansjield Road, Bellshill(4 closes) H099116 Re-rendering 1999/2000 South Area Phase 6 (84 Houses) Wishawhill. Billing in progress; out to tender by end of August. The works comprise the removal of bossed render, dubbing out and application of a polymer render together with associated repairs to gutters and downpipes, chimney stacks,jlashings, gas flues, and repairs at Pentland Road and Grampian Road, Wishawhill. Re-roofing (Flat Roofs etc) Bruce Street/Calder Street, Bellshill, Phase 2 H099075 3wner/occupier has now agreed to participate. Phase 3 wrier to participate. Started 11/1/99. Contract complete :xcept for snagging. Fullwood Holdings Ltd, E155.448.07 Construction of apitched roof over the existingflat roof togethei with associated drainage works etc., at 43a to 53c Bruce Street. H098102 ~~ ~ ~ Re-roofing (Flat Roofs etc) Bruce StreeKalder Street, Bellshill, Phase 3 )ut to tender - return date 27 August 1999. 50.00 Construction of a pitched roof over the existing flat roof togethei with associated drainage works etc., at 55a-65c Bruce Street, Mossend. H099085 Re-roofing (Flat Roofs etc), Merry Stkeslie St, Motherwell Construction of apitched roof over the existingj7at roof together with associated drainage works etc., at 2-20 Leslie Street and 234-264 Merry Street, Motherwell. Topfloor offlats to have insulated render system applied andfloors below to be cavity filled; construct bin stores to rear yard, and re-roof stores to shops. Re-roofing and Re-rendering - Butterfly Flats, Hattonrigg, Bellshill Construction of new roof and re-rendering with cavity wall insulation offour blocks offlats at 24 to 54 Huntly Avenue, Bellshill. lousing requested costs for - Pitched roof; flat roofs to ear; re-render walls ;cavity fill; refurbish balconies; ,efurbishbin stores - estimated cost of &270k.Owners tc )e approached by Housing Dept. EO.00 H099086 ;ite commenced 2/11/98. Two bIocks complete, Third dock- in progress G.F. Sharp & COLtd. 5383,224.43 H098067 13 P Project Title and Description of Works Progress to Date - Re-roofing and Re-rendering Butterfly Flats, Hattonrigg, Bellshill Phase 2 Contractor / render Amount Report to next meeting requesting extension of Phase 1 contract. Construction of new roof and re-rendering with cavity wall insulation of three blocks offlats in Kelvin Road, Bellshill. H099084 - Report to Housing Committee 2nd September 1998. Roof badly storm damaged; re-roofing of units to proceed this year. Shops Improvements 1998/99 Re-roofing of shop units at Sandvale Place, Shotts 50.00 Re-roojng of shop units at Sandvale Place (SandyhillAvenue), Shotts. H098132 Home Safety & Security - Letter of acceptance issued 11 February 1999. Contract start delayed by Telewest. Contract substantially complete CCTV 1998/99 Craigneuk Area (South) 5284,551.24 The work comprises Telewest layingjbre optic cable from their local area networkto the camera positions and the local Housing Oflce, and then connecting via their remote network to to the Police station. NLC will supply the cameras and transmission equipment. Door Entry 1999/2000 (South Area) - 18 Closes, Batch A H098073 Address list identified; tender to be prepared for early issue. The installation or renewal ofsecure Door Entry systems with metal screens at thefollowing locations :- 2-12 Lomond Way, Holytown; Allan Tower,Motherwell; 13-23 Kylemore Crescent; 24-34, 36-46 Newarthill Road, Cafln; 6A-6D Union Street, Shotts; 36,72 Greenlaw Avenue, Wishaw; 10-15,28-33, Northwood Drive, Wishaw; 30-42, 44-56, 58-70, 1-13, 15-27 Amethyst Ave, 1- 7, 8-14,15-21 Agate Terrace, Bellshill. ~~ ~ ADT Fire & Security H099087 ~ - Door Entry Programme 1997/98 South Phase 1 Snagging in progress. Additional approval granted at Jan. The installation or renewal ofsecure Door Entry systems with metal screens in the following areas;- BELLSHILL :Holm Gdns., Burnside Ave., Glencalder Cres., Crinan Pl.. Linnet PL, Tollhouse Gdns., Spruce Way8Lomond Way, Graham St., Ca$n St., Phoenix Pl., Station Rd., FORGEWOOD :Montrose St., Bellshill Rd., Marmion Cres.. MOTHERWELL :Mayknowe Rd., Marian Dr., WSHAW : Pentland Rd., Stewarton Terr.,Marshall Lane, Maxton Cres.. SHOTTS: Union Si., Shiel Gdns., Vavar Crt., Elgol Path, Nevis PI. - Rewiring Gowkthrapple, (381 houses) Electrical rewiring and associated works to houses and flats at Gowkthrapple - Allershaw Place, Allershaw Tower,Birkshaw Brae, Birkshaw Tower, Caplaw Place, Caplaw Tower,Linghope Place, Stanhope Place. 99 committee ( &83,411.34)for CENTRAL AREA accepted 4th February '99. Exeter St and Dundyvan Rd doses - complete; Gartleahill - complete except for 240V power supply; Renfrew St. - 99% complete ( no access to 1 flat ) Trioplan Security 5675,112.42 H097098 Tender accepted 19th September 1998. 340 Houses rewired to date. Rewiring closes in progress. Phase 2 report to January Committee approved for 128 additional flats - accepted 4th February '99. Contract substantially complete. Jordan Electrics 5444,443.79 H098074 14 P Project Title and Description of Works Progress to Date Contractor I render Amount P Rewiring 1999/00 Motherwell. - Glencairn Tower, Tender being prepared. 60.00 Upgrading of stair and close lighting, rewiring of common rooms, laundries match existing towers. H099114 Rewiring 1999/00 - Gowkthrapple, Phase 2 Allershaw Tower identified as block to be re-wired in 1999/00 - Birkshaw and Caplaw Towers, and low rise housing at Heathfield also to be completed this year. Rewiring of existing flats in Allershaw, Bikshaw and Caplaw Towers, including stair and close lighting and rewiring of common rooms etc.: also 29 two storey houses atHeathfield to be included in this contract. H099088 P Community Care - Sheltered Housing Conversion 1998/99 The Loaning, Motherwell Contract started 14 June 1999. Drainage work in progress, foundations complete. Substructure started. Peter Johnston Construction Ltd E128,872.05 Provision of lip installation and communal facilities to 20 oneapartment dwellings in sheltered housing development. H098105 - Sheltered Housing Conversion 1999/00 Ochil Street, Wishaw Tender to be prepared. Provision of lij?installation and communalfacilities to sheltered housing development. H099115 Sheltered Housing New Build Assisted Living Airbles Road Phase 2 Sheltered housing and communalfacilities to be built on the cleared site. Tender report prepared for June Housing Committee continued to September Committee 60.00 H097093 P Tender Amount Homeless Initiatives - To be identified. Homelessness 1999/2000 South 1 LO.00 H099120 Harthill sub-office ( 40k ) and alterations to Headquarters Decentralisation 1999/00 - South ( 75k 1 10.00 I 1 1 H098096 16