Ballantry Homes
Ballantry Homes
Ballantry Homes Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario Cole Engineering Project No. L09-488 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment March 2014 March 27, 2014 Our Ref: LD09-488 Mr. Sam Rupp Ballantry Homes 20 Cachet Woods Crt, Suite 6 Markham, ON L6C 3G1 Dear Mr.Rupp: Re: Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario Cole Engineering Group Ltd. has completed a Phase One Environmental Site Assessment at the above mentioned property. A summary of the search results and all work undertaken are documented in the accompanying report. We thank you for the opportunity to undertake this work on your behalf. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call our office. Yours truly, COLE ENGINEERING GROUP LTD. Tabitha Lee, M.A.Sc., P.Eng. Project Manager /fi Farzana Islam, M.Sc., P.Eng. Environmental Engineer Ballantry Homes 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario Phase One Environmental Site Assessment Executive Summary Cole Engineering Group Ltd. (CEG) was retained by Mr. Sam Rupp of Ballantry Homes to conduct a Phase One Environmental Site Assessment (Phase One ESA) for the property located at 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario (herein referred to as the Site). Phase One ESAs may assist in reducing uncertainty related to potential environmental liabilities and may be used as justification for further investigations of a property. It was our understanding that the Phase One ESA was required as a due-diligence measure prior to developing the Site as requested by the Town of Oakville as part of the Rezoning and Site Plan Approval. At this time, a Record of Site Condition (RSC) has not been requested. The Phase One ESA was conducted in accordance with the guidelines and procedures established in the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) document Z768-01 and incorporates the requirements of Ontario Regulation (O.Reg.) 153/04 as amended by O.Reg. 269/11. The scope of the Phase One ESA for the subject property includes the following activities: y y y y y A records review for the Site and adjacent properties; Interviews and Site visit; An evaluation of the information gathered; The preparation of a Phase One ESA Report; and The submission of the Phase One ESA Report. Based on the information gathered and observations made during this Phase One ESA, the following findings are presented: 1. The Site is approximately 2.53 ha in area and is currently vacant with no structure on the property. Reportedly the Site has always been vacant and never been developed with any building structure. The Site is located in a residential area within the Town of Oakville. The property to the immediate north and adjacent to the Site is residential. The land use to the east and west is residential and a vacant undeveloped land is located to south of the Site. A Sikh cultural centre is located to east of the Site across from Khalsa Gate. Reportedly the Site is not connected to municipal services including hydro, water and sewer. 2. Based on local topography, the shallow groundwater flow direction is anticipated to be in a south-westerly direction towards a tributary of the Fourteen Mile Creek. The Site has a local and regional southerly slope towards Lake Ontario. The geology of the Site and surrounding area is comprised of clay overlying the shale bed rock. Bedrock at the Site consists of red shale of Wueenston Formation. No water supply wells were identified at the Site; however, the surrounding areas within 250 m of the Site may have private water wells for domestic purposes. 3. The review of the chain of title search results indicates that the property had several owners since 1808 when the land was transferred from the Crown to individual land owners and various investors over the years. Technical Standard and Safety Authority (TSSA) does not have records of current or former underground or aboveground fuel storage tanks at the subject property. No fire insurance plans were found for the Site. 4. A review of the historical aerial photographs identified the presence of a residential building to the east of the Site across from Khalsa Gate. Due to the age of these buildings, the likely use of a heating oil tank (USTs/ASTs) historically is possible. However, the search results did not reveal any records of historical spills or leaks of fuel oil from the neighbouring properties. The LD09-488 (March 27, 2014) ES-1 Ballantry Homes 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario Phase One Environmental Site Assessment subsurface soil is likely comprised of clay which has low permeability with respect to contaminant migration; as such, the potential environmental concern associated with the Site in relation to these properties is anticipated to be low. 5. Background searches for the Site suggest that the property has historically been used for agricultural purposes until 1969. The former agricultural use of the Site and the surrounding properties indicate that the potentially contaminating activity which may have been conducted on the subject Site and the neighbouring areas was the historical application of pesticides and herbicides. Historical records do not suggest the use of persistent pesticides (which are commonly applied in orchards), as such, this potential environmental concern is of low risk. 6. During the Phase One ESA Site visit, the south-eastern portion of the Site appeared to have debris piles. The piles appeared to contain plastic materials including garbage bags, plastic water bottles and also some concrete debris. Reportedly, the apparent fill materials are in-ground materials from the Site and were piled-up during some earth movement that may have happened as part of the future Site development. However, the Site representative Mr. Rupp and the available record review did not indicate the presence of fill materials at the Site. 7. The EcoLog database search results and the MOE well record revealed presence of one water well at the Site. During the Phase One ESA Site visit no water well was observed at the Site, where visible through the snow cover. The interview with Mr. Rupp indicated that there is no water well on-site. Based on the findings of this Phase One ESA, no potential contaminants of concern (COCs) have been identified for the Site and the surrounding properties. No areas of potential environmental concerns were identified for the Site. Based on the findings of the Phase One ESA, a Phase Two ESA is not warranted at this time. LD09-488 (March 27, 2014) ES-2 Ballantry Homes 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario Phase One Environmental Site Assessment Table of Contents Transmittal Letter Executive Summary Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Phase One Property Information ......................................................................................... 1 1.2 Objective............................................................................................................................. 1 1.3 Site Description ................................................................................................................... 1 2.0 Scope of Investigation .................................................................................................................. 1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3.0 Background and Records Review ......................................................................................... 2 Interview............................................................................................................................. 2 Site Visit .............................................................................................................................. 2 Evaluation and Interpretation of Information ...................................................................... 3 Records Review ............................................................................................................................ 3 3.1 General ............................................................................................................................... 3 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 3.1.5 3.1.6 3.1.7 3.2 Environmental Source Information.................................................................................... 10 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.3 Phase One Study Area Determination ................................................................................. 3 First Developed Use Determination..................................................................................... 4 Fire Insurance Plans ............................................................................................................ 4 Chain of Title....................................................................................................................... 4 City Directory...................................................................................................................... 8 Survey Plan......................................................................................................................... 8 Environmental Reports ....................................................................................................... 8 EcoLog ERIS Report ........................................................................................................... 10 Freedom of Information.................................................................................................... 11 Fuel Storage Tanks............................................................................................................ 11 Physical Setting Sources .................................................................................................... 11 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.3.4 3.3.5 3.3.6 3.3.7 3.3.8 3.3.9 3.3.10 Aerial Photographs ........................................................................................................... 11 Topography ...................................................................................................................... 13 Physiography .................................................................................................................... 13 Bedrock Geology............................................................................................................... 13 Quaternary Geology.......................................................................................................... 13 Fill Materials ..................................................................................................................... 13 Groundwater Flow Direction............................................................................................. 13 Water Bodies and Areas of Natural Significance ................................................................ 14 Well Records..................................................................................................................... 15 Site Operating Records...................................................................................................... 15 4.0 Interviews................................................................................................................................... 15 5.0 Site Reconnaissance.................................................................................................................... 16 5.1 General Requirements....................................................................................................... 16 5.1.1 5.1.2 5.2 Site Description................................................................................................................. 16 Adjacent Lands ................................................................................................................. 16 Specific Observations at Phase One Property..................................................................... 17 5.2.1 Structures......................................................................................................................... 17 LD09-488 (March 27, 2014) i Ballantry Homes 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.2.4 5.2.5 5.2.6 5.2.7 5.2.8 5.2.9 5.2.10 5.2.11 5.2.12 5.2.13 5.2.14 5.2.15 5.2.16 5.2.17 5.2.18 5.2.19 5.2.20 6.0 Below-ground Structures .................................................................................................. 17 Storage Tanks ................................................................................................................... 17 Water Supply.................................................................................................................... 17 Servicing ........................................................................................................................... 17 Underground Utilities ....................................................................................................... 17 Exit and Entry Points ......................................................................................................... 17 Heating and Cooling Systems ............................................................................................ 17 Drains and Sumps ............................................................................................................. 18 Water Bodies .................................................................................................................... 18 Wells ................................................................................................................................ 18 Sanitary Servicing.............................................................................................................. 18 Designated Substances ..................................................................................................... 18 Hazardous Materials ......................................................................................................... 19 Unidentified Substances.................................................................................................... 20 Ground Surface................................................................................................................. 20 Surface Stains and Stressed Vegetation............................................................................. 20 Railway Lines .................................................................................................................... 20 Fill and Debris ................................................................................................................... 20 Noise and Odour............................................................................................................... 20 Review and Evaluation of Information ....................................................................................... 20 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 7.0 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment Current and Past Uses ....................................................................................................... 20 Potentially Contaminating Activities .................................................................................. 22 Areas of Potential Environmental Concern ........................................................................ 23 Phase One Conceptual Site Model ..................................................................................... 23 Conclusions................................................................................................................................. 24 7.1 7.2 Whether Phase Two ESA Required Before RSC Submitted.................................................. 25 Signatures ......................................................................................................................... 26 8.0 References .................................................................................................................................. 27 9.0 Assessor Qualifications ............................................................................................................... 28 10.0 Limiting Conditions ..................................................................................................................... 28 LIST OF TABLES Table 3.1 Table 3.2 Table 3.3 Table 3-4 Table 3.5 Table 3.6 Table 3.7 Table 3.8 Table 5.1 Table 6.1 Summary of Records Search ........................................................................................... 3 Chain of Title from 1808 – 2011 , 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, ON ................................... 4 City Directory Search Results .......................................................................................... 8 EcoLog ERIS Search Results........................................................................................... 10 Physical Setting Resources............................................................................................ 11 Aerial Photography Findings......................................................................................... 12 NHIC Species of Concern .............................................................................................. 14 Well Records ................................................................................................................ 15 Adjacent Properties...................................................................................................... 17 Current and Past Uses .................................................................................................. 21 LD09-488 (March 27, 2014) ii Ballantry Homes 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario Phase One Environmental Site Assessment LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 7 Figure 8A Figure 8B Figure 8C Figure 8D Figure 8E Figure 9 Site Location Map Local Topography Map Physiography Map Bedrock Geology Map Surficial Geology Map Areas of Natural Significance Map MOE Well Records Map 2009 Aerial Photograph 1995 Aerial Photograph 1979 Aerial Photograph 1965 Aerial Photograph 1935 Aerial Photograph Conceptual Site Model APPENDICES Appendix A Database Search Results Fire Insurance Plans Chain of Title EcoLog ERIS Report TSSA Search Results City Directory MOE Freedom of Information Plan of Survey NHIC Search Results MOE Well Record Search Results Appendix B Field Investigation Site Photographs Field Investigation Notes Interview LD09-488 (March 27, 2014) iii Ballantry Homes 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Phase One Property Information Phase One Environmental Site Assessment Cole Engineering Group Ltd. (CEG) was retained by Mr. Sam Rupp of Ballantry Homes to conduct a Phase One Environmental Site Assessment (Phase One ESA) for the property located at 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario (herein referred to as the Site). For the purposes of this report, “the Site” is defined as the area illustrated in Figure 1. The legal address, as listed on the plan 20R-19541 of the survey completed by Krcmar, dated March 21, 2013 is Part of Lot 31, Concession 1, South Dundas Street (Geographic Township of Trafalgar) and Blocks 134, 144 and 151 of Plan 20M-930, Town of Oakville, Regional Municipality of Halton. The Property Identification Numbers (PIN) are listed as 24926-0616 (LT), 24926-0626 (LT), 24926-2487 (LT) and 249262486 (LT). The Site is currently owned by Willowbay Rikmar. Owner Contact Information Willowbay Rikmar Sam Rupp 20 Cachet Woods Court suite 6 Markham, Ontario L6C 3G1 Tel: (416)-881-7016 Email: 1.2 Objective The purpose of the Phase One ESA is to identify potential or actual environmental concerns associated with the Site due to current and historical uses. Phase One ESAs may assist in reducing uncertainty related to potential environmental liabilities and may be used as justification for further investigations of a property. It is our understanding that the Phase One ESA is being conducted as a due-diligence measure prior to developing the Site as requested by the Town of Oakville as part of the Rezoning and Site Plan Approval. At this time, a Record of Site Condition (RSC) has not been requested. 1.3 Site Description The Site is irregular in shape, approximately 2.53 hectares (ha) in area and is currently vacant with no structure on the property. The Site is not fenced and is accessible from the Khalsa Gate located to the east and south of the Site and from Bronte Road located to the west of the Site. The land use surrounding the Site is generally residential. According to the Town of Oakville Official Plan, the land use of the Site is listed as “Urban Residential”. 2.0 Scope of Investigation The Phase One ESA was carried out by CEG’s team of professional and technical personnel trained in site assessment, under the supervision of qualified person, Ms. Tabitha Lee, M.A.Sc., P.Eng. LD09-488 (March 27, 2014) 1 Ballantry Homes 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario Phase One Environmental Site Assessment The Phase One ESA was conducted in accordance with the guidelines and procedures established in the CSA document Z768-01 and incorporated the requirements of O.Reg. 153/04 as amended. The scope of the Phase One ESA of the subject property includes the following activities: y y y y y 2.1 A records review for the Site and adjacent properties; Interviews and Site visit; An evaluation of the information gathered; The preparation of a Phase One ESA Report; and The submission of the Phase One ESA Report. Background and Records Review As part of the background and records review, the following searches were conducted for the Site: y y y y y y y Fire Insurance Plans (FIP); Chain of Title; City Directory for the Site and surrounding properties; Environmental Reports; EcoLog ERIS Report for a radius of 250 metres (m) around the Site; Ministry of the Environment (MOE) Freedom of Information search; and Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) Fuel Tanks Search. The following items relating to the physical setting of the Site were included in the investigation: y y y y 2.2 Aerial photos ranging from 1934 to the present; Geology including topography, physiography, bedrock and quaternary geology; Areas of Natural Significance including water bodies, vegetation communities and rare species for a 1 kilometre (km) radius; and Water well records for a 1 km radius. Interview An interview was conducted via email with Mr. Sam Rupp, Project Coordinator with Ballantry Homes, on March 19, 2014. The CEG Phase One ESA Interview Form and a list of Site specific questions were used during the interview. The questionnaire included questions regarding historical and current Site specific activities. Details of the interview are provided in Section 4.0 and the completed Phase One ESA Interview Form is presented in Appendix B. 2.3 Site Visit A Site visit was conducted by CEG staff trained in site assessment to assess the actual Site conditions. The Site visit encompassed the subject property and the surrounding areas. At the Site, observations were made with respect to: y y y y The physical and environmental characteristics of the Site including topography, surface water drainage and vegetation; Structures and improvements at the Site; Materials stored, used or discarded at the Site; and Signs of potential environmental impacts (i.e. areas of stressed vegetation, former structures, staining and presence of fill and/or debris materials). LD09-488 (March 27, 2014) 2 Ballantry Homes 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario Phase One Environmental Site Assessment Adjoining properties were also identified and visually assessed from the property boundaries or other publicly accessible areas. Any indicators of potential environmental concern relating to the subject property were carefully documented. Site photographs are included in Appendix B. 2.4 Evaluation and Interpretation of Information Information collected through the records review process, the interview and the Site visit was used to establish the current and past uses of the Site and surrounding properties. Potentially Contaminating Activities (PCAs) were flagged and used to identify Areas of Potential Environmental Concerns (APECs). A conceptual Site model was developed based on our understanding of the Site features, pathways and receptors for potential contaminants. The findings from the investigation were then used to comment on the environmental condition of the Site. Recommendations are provided and identify applicable best management practices and the need for further environmental investigation. 3.0 Records Review The records review includes the review of historical database searches, information pertaining to the physical setting of the Site such as geology, aerial photography, areas of natural significance and well records. A 250 m radius around the Site was investigated for PCAs as well as environmentally significant features. A larger radius of 1 km was used for the investigation related to groundwater, areas of natural significance and rare or threatened species. Information obtained and reviewed as part of the database searches for the Site and adjacent properties are listed in Table 3.1. The complete records are provided in Appendix A. Table 3.1 Summary of Records Search Record Searched Date of Record(s) Found FIP No records found City Directories 1962-2000 Complete ERIS Report Refer to Section 3.2.1 Source EcoLog ERIS February, 2012 Environmental Reports July 12, 2011 Cole Engineering Group Ltd. April 1, 2013 Freedom of Information Refer to Section 3.2.2 MOE Registered Fuel Storage Tanks Refer to Section 3.2.3 TSSA Chain of Title 1808-2005/2011 Domson’s Title Search Survey March 21, 2013 Krcmar 3.1 General 3.1.1 Phase One Study Area Determination The study area for this Phase One ESA consists of all lands within a 250 m radius of the property boundary as defined in O.Reg 153/04. The lands in the local area of the Site consist mostly of LD09-488 (March 27, 2014) 3 Ballantry Homes 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario Phase One Environmental Site Assessment commercial or residential land uses. For the purposes of the Phase One ESA, the study area includes all properties located wholly or partly, 250 m from the boundary of the Site. 3.1.2 First Developed Use Determination According to the Chain of Title search, the first documented developed use of the Site was in 1808 when the land was transferred from the Crown to Benjamin L. Smith. Based on available information, it is likely that the property has always been vacant and was likely used for agricultural purposes until 1969. 3.1.3 Fire Insurance Plans CEG contacted EcoLog ERIS to search the Historical Environmental Information Reporting System (HEIRS) to obtain copies of fire insurance plans (FIPs) and reports of risk inspections related to the Site and surrounding areas. A response received from EcoLog ERIS, dated January 25, 2010, indicated that no FIPs were found for the Site. A copy of EcoLog ERIS’s response is included in Appendix A. 3.1.4 Chain of Title A request was made to Domson’s Title Search to conduct a chain of title search for the Site. The complete chain of title search is shown in Appendix A. The search for the property revealed records dating back to 1808 (first developed use). The records indicated that the Site had primarily been transferred to and from private individuals until 1969. Table 3.2 lists the transactions (1808-2011). Table 3.2 Date Chain of Title from 1808 – 2011 , 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, ON Document Type Party From Party To 24926-2487 (LT) – Blk 151, Plan 20M930 as Pts 1-3, 20R18881; and 24926-2486 (LT) – Pt Blk 151, Plan 20M930 as Pts 1-3, 20R18881 1808 Patent Crown Benjamin L. Smith 1853 Deed Benjamin Smith Archibaid Speers 1855 Deed Archibaid Speers Caleb Smith 1902 Deed Catherine Smith- Estate of Caleb Smith Henry Heeks 1909 Deed Henry Heeks William Henry Fox 1930 Deed William Henry Fox Walter Russell Fox 1950 Deed Walter Russell Fox Dorothea Petersen & Kristian Petersen 1951 Deed Kristian Petersen & Dorothea Petersen Pauline Wisnicki 1956 Deed Pauline Wisnicki Adolf Henkel 1969 Deed Adolf Henkel Real Mar Holdings Limited as to 40% interest, Rickmar Holdings as to 40% interest & Lietnoun Investments Limited 20% interest 1979 Deed Lietnoun Investments Limited as to 20% interest Arthurida Investments Limited LD09-488 (March 27, 2014) 4 Ballantry Homes 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario Table 3.2 Date Phase One Environmental Site Assessment Chain of Title from 1808 – 2011 , 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, ON Document Type Party From Party To 1979 Deed Real Mar Holdings Limited as to 10% interest Rickmar Holdings Limited 1979 Deed Real Mar Holdings Limited as to 10% interest Guild Electric (Ontario) Limited 1983 Deed Rickmar Holdings Limited as to 20% interest Woodbarton Investments Limited 1985 Deed Arthurida Investments Limited Woodbarton Investments Limited Lietnoun Investments Limited 12.832% interest 1987 Deed Woodbarton Investments Limited 1990 Deed Woodbarton Investments Limited Glorygold Developments Inc. 1998 Deed Jerrybrian Investment sLimited Lengyel Investments Limited 1998 Deed Lietnoun Investments Limited Lengyel Investments Limited 2000 Name Change Glorygold Developments Inc. 750283 Ontario Limited 2003 Name Change 750283 Ontario Limited Woodbarton Investments Limited Jerrybrian Investments Limited 1.168% interest Woodbarton Investments Limited 2003 Deed Guild Electric (Ontario) Limited Mattamy (Upper Middle) Limited Guild Electric Holdings Limited Rickmar Holdings Limited 2005 Deed Mattamy (Upper Middle) Limited The Regional Municipality of Halton 2011 Deed The Regional Municipality of Peel The Corporation of the Town of Oakville 24926-0626 (LT) – Block 144, Plan 20M930 1808 Patent Crown Benjamin L. Smith 1853 Deed Benjamin Smith Archibaid Speers 1855 Deed Archibaid Speers Caleb Smith 1902 Deed Catherine Smith- Estate of Caleb Smith Henry Heeks 1909 Deed Henry Heeks William Henry Fox 1930 Deed William Henry Fox Walter Russell Fox 1950 Deed Walter Russell Fox Dorothea Petersen & Kristian Petersen 1951 Deed Kristian Petersen & Dorothea Petersen Pauline Wisnicki 1956 Deed Pauline Wisnicki Adolf Henkel 1969 Deed Adolf Henkel Real Mar Holdings Limited as to 40% interest, Rickmar Holdings as to 40% interest & Lietnoun Investments Limited 20% LD09-488 (March 27, 2014) 5 Ballantry Homes 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario Table 3.2 Date Phase One Environmental Site Assessment Chain of Title from 1808 – 2011 , 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, ON Document Type Party From Party To interest 1979 Deed Lietnoun Investments Limited as to 20% interest Arthurida Investments Limited 1979 Deed Real Mar Holdings Limited as to 10% interest Rickmar Holdings Limited 1979 Deed Real Mar Holdings Limited as to 10% interest Guild Electric (Ontario) Limited 1983 Deed Real Mar Holdings Limited as to 10% interest Woodbarton Investments Limited 1985 Deed Arthurida Investments Limited Woodbarton Investments Limited Lietnoun Investments Limited 12.832% interest 1987 Deed Woodbarton Investments Limited 1990 Deed Woodbarton Investments Limited Glorygold Developments Inc. 1998 Deed Jerrybrian Investment sLimited Lengyel Investments Limited 1998 Deed Lietnoun Investments Limited Lengyel Investments Limited 2000 Name Change Glorygold Developments Inc. 750283 Ontario Limited 2003 Name Change 750283 Ontario Limited Woodbarton Investments Limited Jerrybrian Investments Limited 1.168% interest Woodbarton Investments Limited 2003 Deed Guild Electric (Ontario) Limited Mattamy (Upper Middle) Limited Guild Electric Holdings Limited Rickmar Holdings Limited 2005 Deed Mattamy (Upper Middle) Limited Willowbay Investments Inc. 24926-0616 (LT) – Block 134, Plan 20M930 1808 Patent Crown Benjamin L. Smith 1853 Deed Benjamin Smith Archibaid Speers 1855 Deed Archibaid Speers Caleb Smith 1902 Deed Catherine Smith- Estate of Caleb Smith Henry Heeks 1909 Deed Henry Heeks William Henry Fox 1930 Deed William Henry Fox Walter Russell Fox 1950 Deed Walter Russell Fox Dorothea Petersen & Kristian Petersen 1951 Deed Kristian Petersen & Dorothea Petersen Pauline Wisnicki 1956 Deed Pauline Wisnicki Adolf Henkel LD09-488 (March 27, 2014) 6 Ballantry Homes 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario Table 3.2 Date Phase One Environmental Site Assessment Chain of Title from 1808 – 2011 , 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, ON Document Type Party From Party To 1969 Deed Adolf Henkel Real Mar Holdings Limited as to 40% interest, Rickmar Holdings as to 40% interest & Lietnoun Investments Limited 20% interest 1979 Deed Lietnoun Investments Limited as to 20% interest Arthurida Investments Limited 1979 Deed Real Mar Holdings Limited as to 10% interest Rickmar Holdings Limited 1979 Deed Real Mar Holdings Limited as to 10% interest Guild Electric (Ontario) Limited 1983 Deed Real Mar Holdings Limited as to 10% interest Woodbarton Investments Limited 1985 Deed Arthurida Investments Limited Woodbarton Investments Limited Lietnoun Investments Limited 12.832% interest 1987 Deed Woodbarton Investments Limited 1990 Deed Woodbarton Investments Limited Glorygold Developments Inc. 1998 Deed Jerrybrian Investment sLimited Lengyel Investments Limited 1998 Deed Lietnoun Investments Limited Lengyel Investments Limited 2000 Name Change Glorygold Developments Inc. 750283 Ontario Limited 2000 Name Change Lengyel Investments Limited Guild Electric Holdings Limited Jerrybrian Investments Limited 1.168% interest Woodbarton Investments Limited 2003 Deed Guild Electric (Ontario) Limited Mattamy (Upper Middle) Limited Guild Electric Holdings Limited Rickmar Holdings Limited 2008 Deed Mattamy (Upper Middle) Limited Willowbay Investments Inc. The Chain of Title indicated that the Site was owned by individual land owners until 1969 when three companies named Lietnoum Investments Limited, Real Mar Holdings Limited and Rickmar Holdings Limited acquired the Site. For the three separate parcels the most recent transactions were listed under different ownerships. The northern and southern portions of the Site were transferred from Mattamy (Upper Middle) Limited to the current owner Willowbay Investments Inc. respectively in 2008 and in 2005. The right of way was transferred from (Upper Middle) Limited to the Regional Municipality of Halton in 2005 and from the Reginal Municiplaity of Peel to the Corporation of the Town of Oakville in 2011. The Chain of Title search results do not indicate any potential historical environmental concerns for the Site. LD09-488 (March 27, 2014) 7 Ballantry Homes 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario 3.1.5 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment City Directory A request was made to EcoLog ERIS to conduct a city directory search of available records for the Site and adjacent properties. The search included the timeframe between 1962 and 2000. The complete city directory search is shown in Appendix A. Table 3.3 summarizes the findings from the directory search. Table 3.3 City Directory Search Results Property 2390 Khalsa Gate (Site) 2000, 1994, 1989, 1984, 1979, 1975, 1970/71, 1962 Address Not Listed 2333 Khalsa Gate (east) 2000, 1994, 1989, 1984, 1979, 1975, 1970/71, 1962 Address Not Listed 2343 Khalsa Gate (east) 2000, 1994, 1989, 1984, 1979, 1975, 1970/71, 1962 Address Not Listed 2355 Khalsa Gate (east) 2000, 1994, 1989, 1984, 1979, 1975, 1970/71, 1962 Address Not Listed 2430 Khalsa Gate (north) 2000, 1994, 1989, 1984, 1979, 1975, 1970/71, 1962 Address Not Listed 2451 Khalsa Gate (north) 2000, 1994, 1989, 1984, 1979, 1975, 1970/71, 1962 Address Not Listed 2000, 1994, 1989, 1984 Residential (1 tenant) 1979 Harney's Furniture 1974 Residential (1 tenant) 1969 Address Not Listed 2389 Old Bronte Road (east) 2000, 1994, 1989, 1984, 1979, 1974 Residential (1 tenant) 1969 Address Not Listed 2403 Old Bronte Road (east) 2000 Oakville Sikh Cultural Assoc. 1994 Address Not Listed 1989, 1984, 1979, 1974 Residential (1 tenant) 1969 Address Not Listed 2000, 1989, 1984, 1974 Residential (1 tenant) 1994, 1979 Oakland Kennels Regd 1969 Address Not Listed 2385 Old Bronte Road (east) 2417 Old Bronte Road (northeast) The city directory search results review revealed no information regarding the historical and current use of the Site. No information was available for immediate adjacent properties to the Site. The properties to further north, east and west were identified as having residential homes, retails stores and a community centre. The historical uses of the adjacent properties do not indicate potential environmental concerns for the Site. 3.1.6 Survey Plan A survey plan for the Site was provided by Mr. Sam Rupp of Ballantry Homes and is attached in Appendix A. The survey was conducted by Krcmar in March 2013. 3.1.7 Environmental Reports The following previous reports were available to CEG for review: LD09-488 (March 27, 2014) 8 Ballantry Homes 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario Phase One Environmental Site Assessment y Report entitled “A Soil Investigation For Proposed Residential And Commercial Development, Bronte Road, North of Khalsa Gate, town of Oakville”, dated September 2009, prepared by Soil Engineers Ltd. (Soil Engineers) (the “2009 Soil Report by Soil Engineers”). y Report entitled “Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario”, dated February 2010, prepared by Cole Engineering Group Ltd. (CEG) (the “2010 Phase I ESA Report by CEG”); y Letter Report entitled “Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) Update – 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario”, dated July 12, 2011, prepared by CEG (the “2011 Phase I ESA Update Letter Report by CEG”); y Letter Report entitled “Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) Update 2 – 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario”, dated April 1, 2013, prepared by CEG (the “2013 Phase I ESA the Second Update Letter Report by CEG”); Noteworthy information pertaining to environmental concerns is presented below. 2009 Soil Report by Soil Engineers y Fifteen boreholes were drilled to depths ranging from 4.0 to 10.8 m below ground surface (mbgs); y No soil samples were collected for chemical analysis; y The subsurface soil is composed of silty clay till which beds onto shale bedrock at depths ranging from 4.6 to 6.0 mbgs. All boreholes remained dry upon completion. 2010 Phase One ESA Report by CEG y The adjacent lands surrounding the Site were residential. The lands to the west of the Site consisted of residential dwellings, the land to the north of the Site had one residential building, the land to the west of the Site included a few residential dwellings, a cultural centre and a residential housing construction Site; y Aerial photographs reviewed from 1934 to 2002 and 2008 revealed that the Site was always a vacant land and likely used for agricultural purposes in the past; y The findings of the EcoLog ERIS report did not reveal any previous history of contamination; y Waste and debris were observed on the Site and on neighbouring properties; y The Site was historically used for agricultural purposes and the only potential contaminating activity which may have been conducted on the Site was the historical application of pesticides and herbicides. However the risk associated with the use of pesticide was anticipated to be low; y Waste and debris (including fractured shale) was observed on the subject site and on the neighbouring properties during the Site visit. As a best management practice, the waste material was suggested to be removed and disposed of according to O.Reg. 347/90 as amended of December 2009; y A Phase Two ESA was not recommended at the time. 2011 Phase One ESA Update Letter Report by CEG y A Site visit was conducted on July 7, 2011 and based on the Site visit, it was reported that two debris piles of approximately 1 m2 in area were observed along the eastern property LD09-488 (March 27, 2014) 9 Ballantry Homes 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario Phase One Environmental Site Assessment boundary. One pile contained mainly plastic materials including garbage bags and plastic water bottles. The other pile contained concrete debris; y Debris piles observed along the eastern property line were recommended to be removed and disposed of according to O.Reg. 347/90 as amended in December 2009; y It was also recommended that should it be necessary to remove or import any fill materials on the Site, the materials must be tested to ensure the fill quality meets the disposal criteria and/or current land use criteria; and y No further investigation was recommended for the Site. 2013 Phase One ESA the Second Update Letter Report by CEG y A Site visit was conducted on March 26, 2013. No significant changes were observed to have happened with respect to its environmental condition since the last Site visit in 2011; y No further investigation was warranted at the time. 3.2 Environmental Source Information 3.2.1 EcoLog ERIS Report A request was made to EcoLog ERIS to conduct a search of their available federal, provincial and public data for a 250 m radius around the Site boundaries. A search radius of at least 250 m around the Site is required by O.Reg. 153/04. The following data inventories were found to contain records applicable to the Site: • • • • Certificates of Approval (1985-2011) TSSA Incidents (2009-2013) Record of Site Condition (1997-2001, 2004-2014) Water Well Information System (1955-2013) Database listings associated with borehole, ERIS historical searches, certificates of approvals for air, record of Site condition, water wells and properties located down to cross gradient of the Site are not indicative of environmental concerns and are not discussed further. The complete EcoLog ERIS Report can be found in Appendix A. Table 3-4 summarizes the findings of the report related to properties located potentially up-gradient of the Site. Table 3-4 EcoLog ERIS Search Results Property 2390 Khalsa Gate 2403 Khalsa Gate/Old Bronte Road LD09-488 (March 27, 2014) Location in Relation to Site SITE Record Found Number of Records Certificates of Approval (CA) 0 TSSA Incidents (INC) 0 CA 1 Municipal and Private Sewage Works INC 1 Pipeline hit, imprudent mechanical excavation Northeast Abridged Description of Records No Records were found No Records were found 10 Ballantry Homes 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario Phase One Environmental Site Assessment Based on the results of the Ecolog ERIS database search, no records of environmental concern were found on-site. The TSSA incident happened at the property potentially located up-gradient of the Site; however, the nature of the liquid was not listed and associated environmental risk was not identified. The results of the EcoLog ERIS search identified one water supply well at the Site. However, no environmental concern was listed for the well. 3.2.2 Freedom of Information A request was made to the MOE - Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy office on March 18, 2014 for information regarding all incidents or activities of environmental significance which have occurred on the subject Site. At the time of writing this report, a response has not been received from the MOE. Should the response from the MOE change the conclusions of the report, Ballantry homes will be notified of the findings. 3.2.3 Fuel Storage Tanks A request was made on March 18, 2014 to the TSSA regarding records of storage tanks present on the Site. The TSSA acknowledged that there were no fuel storage tanks registered for the Site. The associated correspondence is attached in Appendix A. 3.3 Physical Setting Sources The data obtained and reviewed in order to describe the physical setting for the Site are listed in Table 3.5. Figures located at the end of this report correspond to these findings. Table 3.5 Physical Setting Resources Record Searched Date of Record(s) Found Source 1934, 1965, 1979, 1995 National Airphoto Library, 2011 2009 Google Earth, 2009. Topography - Ministry of Natural Resources Bedrock Geology 2005 Ontario Geological Survey. 2005. Bedrock Geology of Ontario Seamless Coverage Data Set 6. Quaternary Geology 1997 Ontario Geological Survey, 1997. Quaternary Geology, seamless coverage of the province of Ontario: Ontario Geological Survey, Data Set 14. Areas of Natural Significance - Land Information Ontario & National Heritage Information System. Ministry of Natural Resources, 2011. Well Records - MOE (Water Well Data), 2011. Aerial Photography 3.3.1 Aerial Photographs Aerial photographs are used to provide a visual chronology of previous land uses on the subject Site and on the neighbouring properties. The earliest aerial photo available was dated 1934 from the National Airphoto Library. Other aerials reviewed included those available from the archives dated 1965, 1979, 1995 and Google Earth Pro, dated 2013 (attached as Figures 8A to 8E). Observations from these photographs are summarized in Table 3.6: LD09-488 (March 27, 2014) 11 Ballantry Homes 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario Table 3.6 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment Aerial Photography Findings Property Subject Site 2390 Khalsa Gate Observations 1934, 1965,1979 – Site appears to be vacant with no building structure on the property and likely used for agricultural purposes. 1995, 2013 – Site appears to be as it exists today with no building structure on the property and no longer used for agricultural purposes. 1934 – The area to the east of the Site appears to be vacant agricultural land. The property to the further southeast of the Site appears to be likely used for agricultural purposes. 1965, 1979 – Area to the east of the Site appears to be developed with few residential buildings as it appears today. East of the Site 1995 – The Sikh cultural/community centre is visible to the east of the Site. The residential buildings observed in the 1965 aerial photograph are visible in this aerial photograph. The property to the further southeast of the Site appears to be likely used for agricultural purposes. 2013 – The areas to east of the Site are as it appears today. The area to the southeast appears to have undergone some construction activities/earth movement. West of the Site 1934, 1965, 1979, 1995 – The area to the west of the Site appears to be undeveloped vacant parcel of lands. 2013 – The area west of the Site appears to be built with a subdivision containing residential buildings as it appears today. 1934, 1965, 1979 – The adjacent land to the north of the Site appears to be vacant undeveloped land. North of the Site 1995 – The adjacent land to the north appears to have a residential building on the property. The area further north of the Site appears to be built with residential buildings as it appears today. 2013 – The areas to north of the Site appear to have undergone little to no change than the 1995 aerial photograph. South of the Site 1934, 1965, 1979, 1995 - The lands to south of the Site appears to be vacant and undeveloped with no building or structure on the property 2013 – Area south of the Site as it appears today and remained vacant and undeveloped. Review of the aerial photographs indicated the presence of residential buildings to the east of the Site across Khalsa Gate since 1965. Due to the age of these buildings, the likely use of a heating oil tank (USTs/ASTs) is possible. However, the search results did not reveal any records of historical spills or leaks of fuel oil from the neighbouring properties and the subsurface soil is likely comprised of clay which has low permeability with respect to contaminant migration; as such, the potential environmental concern associated with the Site in relation to these properties is anticipated to be low. The former agricultural use of the Site and the surrounding properties indicate that the potentially contaminating activity which may have been conducted on the subject Site and the neighbouring areas was the historical application of pesticides and herbicides. Historical records do not suggest use of persistent pesticides (which are commonly applied in orchards), as such, this potentially environmental concern is of low risk. LD09-488 (March 27, 2014) 12 Ballantry Homes 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario 3.3.2 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment Topography An Ontario Base Map containing topographic data of the area around the Site suggests that the land is relatively flat and gently slopes downward in a southerly direction as seen in Figure 2. 3.3.3 Physiography A physiographic map of the area indicates that the Site is located within the drumlinized till plains (Figure 3). According to Chapman and Putnam, 1984, the Site is located within the South slope physiographic region, which is a narrow band located between Lake Ontario and the Oak Ridges Moraine. The South slope contains a variety of soils which are more clayey in the location of the Site, and are considered to be excellent for agricultural use. 3.3.4 Bedrock Geology The bedrock underlying the Site is composed of the Queenston Formation of the Upper Ordovician period. According to Hewitt, 1972, the Queenston Formation consists of red shale and is about 800 feet thick at St. Catharines, but thins northward to about 160 feet in the Bruce Peninsula. A Bedrock Geology map is presented as Figure 4. The subsurface information obtained from the EcoLog ERIS water well information database indicates that the depth of bedrock in the surrounding area ranges from 8.2 m to 28.9 mbgs. 3.3.5 Quaternary Geology The quaternary geology under the Site is composed of Halton Till. The Halton Till in this area predominantly consists of silt to silty clay matrix, high in matrix carbonate content and clast poor. A map indicating the quaternary geology of the Site is presented in Figure 5. The subsurface information obtained from the EcoLog ERIS water well information database indicates that the Site and surrounding area consists of a clay layer underlying the shale bedrock. 3.3.6 Fill Materials Information obtained from EcoLog ERIS’s Water Well Information System search as well as the MOE Well Records search did not indicate the presence of fill material in the vicinity of the Site. However, during the Phase One ESA Site visit, the south-eastern portion of the Site appeared to have debris piles. The piles appeared to contain plastic materials including garbage bags, plastic water bottles and also some concrete debris. Reportedly, the apparent fill materials are in-ground materials from the Site and were piled-up during some earth movement that may have happened as part of the future Site development. 3.3.7 Groundwater Flow Direction Shallow groundwater on the Site is anticipated to reflect topography and flow in a south-westerly direction towards a tributary of the Fourteen Mile Creek located approximately 340 m southwest of the Site. The regional shallow groundwater flow direction is anticipated to be to the south-easterly direction towards Lake Ontario located approximately 7 km southeast of the Site. Shallow groundwater flow direction may be locally influenced by foundations, service trenches, and subsurface drainage conditions. LD09-488 (March 27, 2014) 13 Ballantry Homes 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario Phase One Environmental Site Assessment The water well information obtained from the EcoLog ERIS database indicates that the depth to groundwater for surrounding areas of the Site ranges from 1.2m to 7.6 mbgs. MOE well records for wells within 1 km of the Site show that groundwater was found at depths ranging from 0.3 – 40.5 mbgs. 3.3.8 Water Bodies and Areas of Natural Significance There are no watercourses on the Site. Lake Ontario is located approximately 7 km southeast from the Site. The National Heritage Information Centre (NHIC) was queried for areas of natural significance for a 1 km radius around the Site. The search identified the following species of concern within 1 km (see Table 3.7 and Figure 6). Table 3.7 NHIC Species of Concern Scientific Name English Name Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) Status Species At Risk in Ontario (SARO) Status SC SC Not listed Not listed Lampropeltis triangulum Milksnake Gomphus descriptus Harpoon Clubtail Sternotherus odoratus Eastern Musk Turtle SC THR Ammodramus henslowii Henslow's Sparrow END END Chelydra serpentina Snapping Turtle SC SC Stylurus spiniceps Arrow Clubtail Not listed Not listed Mertensia virginica Virginia Lungwort Not listed Not listed Crataegus pruinosa var dissona Northern Hawthorn Not listed Not listed Linum virginianum Woodland Flax Not listed Not listed Colinus virginianus Northern Bobwhite END END Cornus florida Eastern Flowering Dogwood END END Sturnella magna Eastern Meadowlark THR THR Coregonus reighardi Shortnose Cisco END END Clinostomus elongatus Redside Dace END END Sphenopholis nitida Shiny Wedge Grass Not listed Not listed Podiceps grisegena Red-necked Grebe NAR NAR Crataegus brainerdii Brainerd's Hawthorn Not listed Not listed Nycticorax nycticorax Black-crowned Night-heron Not listed Not listed The Site is located within 340 m of a tributary of Fourteen Mile Creek; as such, the surrounding area is considered as suitable habitat for the majority of the species of concern. No wetland was identified at the Site. The search results indicate presence of four wooded lands within 1 km of the Site. The search results are included in Appendix A. LD09-488 (March 27, 2014) 14 Ballantry Homes 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario 3.3.9 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment Well Records A search request for water wells was made to the MOE for a 1 km radius around the Site. The search results returned 166 water wells in the area. A summary of well records from the search is presented in Appendix A. A location map for all wells in the area is presented in Figure 7. The following is a summary of well use, as reflected in the search: Table 3.8 Well Records Status/Well Type Total within 1 km Total Wells on Site Water Supply Well 55 0 Observation Well 13 0 Monitoring/Test Hole 45 0 Abandoned Wells 46 0 Unknown 7 0 166 0 Total A review of the MOE water well records indicates that there are likely drinking water wells within a 1 km radius of the Site. The record review also indicated the presence of one water well at the Site. The soils encountered at these wells generally consisted of a clay layer underlying the shale bedrock. Sand and gravel was encountered below the clay layer at some well location. The depth to groundwater for these wells ranged from 0.3 – 40.5 mbgs. A well summary detailing each well identification, easting and northing, the city the well is located in, contractor identification, type of well and use of well is attached in Appendix A. 3.3.10 Site Operating Records The Site is not currently in use in whole or in part and has been vacant since 1934. As such, no Site Operating Records were available for review. All reasonable inquiries were made to obtain Site operating records for past Site uses, however, none were made available for review. 4.0 Interviews An interview regarding the historical and present uses of the Site was conducted via email communication on March 19, 2014 with Mr. Sam Rupp, Project Coordinator of Ballantry Homes. All responsible efforts were made to interview Site personnel with detailed knowledge of the Site. Below is a summary of the interview. y Mr. Rupp indicated that the current owner of the Site is Willowbay Rikmar Inc. who has owned the Site since 2007 and the land use has always been vacant to his knowledge. y Mr. Rupp is aware of the previous environmental study completed by CEG. y Mr. Rupp is not aware of the presence of any tanks (historical or active), spills that have occurred at the he Site. Mr. Rupp was not aware of any equipment or vehicle repair being conducted on-site. y Mr. Rupp was not aware of any fill materials ever been placed on the Site. LD09-488 (March 27, 2014) 15 Ballantry Homes 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario Phase One Environmental Site Assessment y Mr. Rupp was not aware of any hazardous materials historically or currently present on-site including asbestos, lead paint or urea foam insulation. y Mr. Rupp is not aware of any on-site drinking water well and confirmed that the Site is not municipally serviced. Based on the interview there were no major concerns with the current and historical use of the Site. Items such as potential contaminating activities (PCAs) and areas of potential environmental concerns (APECs) were not identified. There were no discrepancies between the information gathered from the interview and the information gathered from the records review. Relevant information provided to CEG through the interview process has also been summarized in the following sections. 5.0 Site Reconnaissance 5.1 General Requirements The Phase One ESA Site visit was conducted on March 21, 2014 from 8:30 am to 10:30 am under cloudy weather conditions (-10°C) by Farzana Islam, M.Sc., P.Eng., Environmental Engineer, under the supervision of Qualified Person, Tabitha Lee, M.A.Sc., P.Eng. All areas of the Site were accessible during the Site visit. However, light snow was observed to be unevenly dispersed throughout the Site. Assessor qualifications are included in Section 8 of this report. The Site was inspected for items of environmental concern. The Site was not operational or being used for industrial/commercial purposes at the time of the Site visit. The findings of the Site visit are summarized on Figure 8. Photographs and field notes of various points of interest were also taken during the Site visit and are presented in Appendix B. 5.1.1 Site Description The Site is irregular in shape, approximately 2.53 ha in area and is currently vacant with no structure on the property. The Site is not fenced and is accessible from the Khalsa Gate located to the east and south of the Site and from Bronte Road located to the west of the Site. At the time of the Site visit the Site was observed to be covered by shrubs and over grown vegetations. Low spots were observed to be frozen and likely had accumulated water. The south-eastern portion of the Site appeared to have debris piles. The piles appeared to contain plastic materials including garbage bags, plastic water bottles and also some concrete debris. The property to the north, occupied by a residential building, was observed to be undergoing some construction/redevelopment work at the time. The land use around the Site is residential to the north, east and west and a vacant undeveloped land is located to south of the Site. A Sikh cultural centre is located to the east of the Site across the Khalsa Gate. 5.1.2 Adjacent Lands The properties adjacent to the Site are described in Table 5.1 below. LD09-488 (March 27, 2014) 16 Ballantry Homes 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario Table 5.1 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment Adjacent Properties Property North 2418 Khalsa Gate Description One residential building followed by Pine Glen Road South No address was available East a) 2403 Khalsa Gate b) 2389, 2385, 2355, 2343, 2333 Khalsa Gate West Several addresses along Bronte Road Vacant Land followed by Khalsa Gate a) Sikh Cultural Centre b) Residential buildings Residential Subdivision 5.2 Specific Observations at Phase One Property 5.2.1 Structures At the time of the Site visit no structures were observed on-site. 5.2.2 Below-ground Structures No below-ground structures were noted. 5.2.3 Storage Tanks No underground storage tanks (USTs) or above-ground storage tanks (ASTs) were observed at the Site. 5.2.4 Water Supply The Site is a vacant undeveloped land and not municipally serviced to date. 5.2.5 Servicing The Site is not municipally serviced. Reportedly, a gas line runs along the eastern property boundary. 5.2.6 Underground Utilities The Site is not municipally serviced to date. 5.2.7 Exit and Entry Points The Site is not fenced and is accessible from the Khalsa Gate located to the east and south of the Site and from Bronte Road located to the west of the Site. 5.2.8 Heating and Cooling Systems There were no building structures on Site and as such no cooling systems were observed during the Site visit. LD09-488 (March 27, 2014) 17 Ballantry Homes 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario 5.2.9 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment Drains and Sumps There were no drains or sumps observed on the Site during the Site investigation. Few low spots were observed and appeared to be frozen. 5.2.10 Water Bodies No water bodies were observed on-site during the Site investigation. 5.2.11 Wells No wells were observed on the Site during the Site visit. 5.2.12 Sanitary Servicing The Site is not municipally serviced for sanitary services. 5.2.13 Designated Substances Designated substances are substances which are specifically regulated under the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act and have special requirements with respect to their handling and management. These substances are asbestos, lead, acrylonitrile, arsenic, benzene, coke oven emissions, ethylene oxide, isocyanates, mercury, silica, and vinyl chloride. None of these designated substances were observed during the Site visit and no physical testing was conducted as part of the Phase One ESA. It is unlikely that hazardous materials and designated substances are present as there were no building structures on Site. Asbestos Containing Materials Asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) were commonly used in the construction industry for their strength and ability to withstand high temperatures between the 1930’s to the mid 1970’s. Materials that may contain asbestos include drywall joint compound, mechanical insulation, roofing materials and floor and ceiling tiles. No buildings were observed on site and as such it is unlikely that ACMs are present. Lead Lead can be present in buildings as an integral component of plumbing materials as well as within older painted surfaces. No buildings were observed on site and as such it is unlikely that ACMs are present. Silica Silica is a designated substance that occurs naturally in the environment. Construction materials such as sand, sandstone, granite, clay, and concrete and masonry products contain silica. Disturbance of silica in the form of dust would only be a health and safety issue for workers during future construction and demolition activities. Construction/demolition related activities that disturb silica include grinding, cutting, drilling, scraping or crushing of silica-containing materials. No buildings were observed on site and as such it is unlikely that silica is present. LD09-488 (March 27, 2014) 18 Ballantry Homes 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario Phase One Environmental Site Assessment Mercury Mercury is toxic, persistent, and has a tendency to bioaccumulate in the environment. Therefore, it is listed in Schedule I of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA), the List of Toxic Substances. Mercury is regulated by O.Reg. 844/90 (amended to O.Reg. 390/00) to protect the health and safety of workers who will come into contact with mercury. In addition, the disposal of mercury is regulated by O.Reg. 347/90 General Waste Management, as amended by O.Reg. 234/11. No buildings were observed on site and as such it is unlikely that mercury is present. Other Designated Substances No other designated substances were identified during the Site visit. 5.2.14 Hazardous Materials The following hazardous materials were considered. Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) ODSs are typically used as coolants in refrigerants and air-conditioning equipment and as blowing agents in foam-product manufacturing. The release from cooling equipment can be caused by leaks as well as during installation and servicing. No buildings were observed on site and as such it is unlikely that ACMs are present. Polychlorinated Biphenyls PCBs may refer to one, or any combination of 209 specific chemicals that are similar in structure. They are extremely persistent, do not break down easily on their own and they are difficult to destroy. PCBs were first manufactured in 1929. For many decades, they were used widely as ingredients in many industrial materials such as sealing and caulking compounds, inks and paint additives. PCBs were also used to make coolants and lubricants for certain kinds of electrical equipment, such as transformers, ballasts and capacitors. With high levels of exposure, PCBs can accumulate in the human body and remain there for many years. No hydro poles were observed and as such, it is unlikely that PCB’s are present at the Site. Urea Formaldehyde Foam Insulation Between 1970 and 1980 UFFI was sold and used as alternative foam insulation for a variety of construction projects. It was typically applied by injecting foam into areas such as behind walls, where it expanded. It was often injected through small holes uniformly spaced in the exterior wall cavity. The use of UFFI was banned in 1980 by the federal Hazardous Products Act (1976) due to noxious gases released during its use/breakdown. No buildings were observed on site and as such it is unlikely that any UFFI is present at the Site. Mould Mould is considered a health concern and therefore indicators of the presence of mould were also investigated during the Site visit. No buildings were observed on site and as such it is unlikely that mould is present. LD09-488 (March 27, 2014) 19 Ballantry Homes 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario Phase One Environmental Site Assessment Radon The decay of uranium to radium and radon gas can be found in areas of bedrock containing black shale and/or granite. The accumulation of radon gas can be harmful when collected in confined spaces such as basements. Based on the Site geology available, there is no black shale and/or granite in the subsurface geology. Therefore, there are no environmental concerns relating to radon gas emissions from these rocks. 5.2.15 Unidentified Substances No unidentified substances were observed during the Site visit. 5.2.16 Ground Surface The ground was observed to be covered with snow which was unevenly dispersed throughout the Site. No staining was observed on the ground surface, where visible, through the snow cover. 5.2.17 Surface Stains and Stressed Vegetation The presence of surface stains and stressed vegetation was not observed, where visible, through the snow cover. 5.2.18 Railway Lines Railway lines were not observed at the Site. 5.2.19 Fill and Debris During the Phase One ESA Site visit, the south-eastern portion of the Site appeared to have debris piles. The piles appeared to contain plastic materials including garbage bags, plastic water bottles and also some concrete debris. Reportedly, the apparent fill materials are in-ground materials from the Site and were piled-up during some earth movement that may have happened as part of the future Site development. 5.2.20 Noise and Odour No noise or odours of concern were observed on the Site during the Site visit. 6.0 Review and Evaluation of Information 6.1 Current and Past Uses Table 6.1 summarizes the review of information from the Chain of Title, City Directories and Aerial Photographs and suggests that the current and past uses of the subject Site are as follows: LD09-488 (March 27, 2014) 20 Ballantry Homes 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario Table 6.1 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment Current and Past Uses Year (approx) Name of Owner Description of Property Use Property Use Other Observations from Aerial Photographs, Fire Insurance Plans, Etc. 24926-0616 (LT) – Block 134, Plan 20M930 and 24926-0626 (LT) – Block 144, Plan 20M930 Prior to 1808 Crown 1808 Benjamin L. Smith 1853 Archibaid Speers 1855 Caleb Smith 1902 Henry Heeks 1909 William Henry Fox 1930 Walter Russell Fox 1950 Dorothea Petersen & Kristian Petersen 1951 Pauline Wisnicki 1956 Adolf Henkel 1969 Real Mar Holdings Limited, Rickmar Holdings, Lietnoun Investments 1979 Arthurida Investments Limited, Rickmar Holdings Limited, Guild Electric (Ontario) Limited 1983, 1985 Woodbarton Investments Limited 1987 Lietnoun Investments Limited, Jerrybrian Investments Limited 1990 Glorygold Developments Inc. 1998 Lengyel Investments Limited 2000 750283 Ontario Limited 2003 Woodbarton Investments Limited, Mattamy (Upper Middle) Limited 2005 Willowbay Investments Inc. Crown Land Based on Title search and City Directories it is assumed that the Site remained vacant and was likely used for agricultural purposes Crown Land Vacant Agricultural Land No information is available 1965 Aerial photograph – likely Agricultural land Based on Title search, City Directories and Aerial photographs it is assumed that the Site remained vacant Vacant Land and likely not used for agricultural purposes 1979, 1995 and 2013 Aerial photographs – likely Vacant land 24926-2487 (LT) – Blk 151, Plan 20M930 as Pts 1-3, 20R18881; and 24926-2486 (LT) – Pt Blk 151, Plan 20M930 as Pts 1-3, 20R18881 Prior to 1808 Crown 1808 Benjamin L. Smith 1853 Archibaid Speers LD09-488 (March 27, 2014) Crown Land Crown Land 21 Ballantry Homes 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario Table 6.1 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment Current and Past Uses Year (approx) Name of Owner 1855 Caleb Smith 1902 Henry Heeks 1909 William Henry Fox 1930 Walter Russell Fox 1950 Dorothea Petersen & Kristian Petersen 1951 Pauline Wisnicki 1956 Adolf Henkel 1969 Real Mar Holdings Limited, Rickmar Holdings, Lietnoun Investments Limited Description of Property Use Based on Title search and the available survey plan, it is assumed that these parcels of the Site was used as right of way and remained vacant Property Use Other Observations from Aerial Photographs, Fire Insurance Plans, Etc. Right of Way Right of Way Arthurida Investments Limited, 1979 Rickmar Holdings Limited, Guild Electric (Ontario) Limited 1983, 1985 Woodbarton Investments Limited 1987 Lietnoun Investments Limited, Jerrybrian Investments Limited 1990 Glorygold Developments Inc. 1998 Lengyel Investments Limited 2000 750283 Ontario Limited 2003 Woodbarton Investments Limited, Mattamy (Upper Middle) Limited 2005 The Regional Municipality of Halton 2011 The Corporation of the Town of Oakville 6.2 Potentially Contaminating Activities Background searches for the Site suggest that the property has been historically used for agricultural purposes until 1969. Based on the records reviewed, Site visit and interviews, potential environmental concerns are present on the Site relating to past activities on-site and off-site. PCAs associated with historical on-site activities are summarized as follows: y Pesticides and Herbicide Use (including Herbicides, Fungicides and Anti-Fouling Agents) manufacturing, processing, bulk storage and large scale applications LD09-488 (March 27, 2014) 22 Ballantry Homes 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario Phase One Environmental Site Assessment PCAs associated with adjacent properties are summarized as follows: y Gasoline and associated products storage in fixed tanks. The former agricultural use of the Site and the surrounding properties indicate that the potentially contaminating activity which may have been conducted on the subject Site and the neighbouring areas was the historical application of pesticides and herbicides. Historical records do not suggest use of persistent pesticides (which are commonly applied in orchards), as such, this potentially environmental concern is of low risk. Review of the 1965 aerial photograph indicated the presence of residential buildings across Khalsa Gate since 1965. Due to the age of these buildings, the likely use of a heating oil tank (USTs/ASTs) is possible. However, the search results did not reveal any records of historical spills or leaks of fuel oil from the neighbouring properties. The subsurface soil is likely comprised of clay which has low permeability with respect to contaminant migration; as such, the potential environmental concern associated with the Site in relation to these properties is anticipated to be low. 6.3 Areas of Potential Environmental Concern No areas of potential environmental concerns were identified for the Site. 6.4 Phase One Conceptual Site Model The Site is bounded to the east and south by Khalsa Gate, to the north by a residential property and to the west by Bronte Road. The Site is irregular in shape and is approximately 2.53 ha in area and is currently vacant with no structure on the property. The Site is, in general, covered by shrubs and over grown vegetation. Low spots were observed to be frozen and likely had accumulated water. The land use around the Site is residential to the north, east and west and a vacant undeveloped land is located to south of the Site. A Sikh cultural centre is located to east of the Site across the Khalsa Gate. It is CEG’s understanding that Site is under consideration to be redeveloped for residential purposes. There are no watercourses on the Site. The nearest water body is the tributary of the Fourteen Mile Creek and is located approximately 340 m southwest of the Site. Lake Ontario is located approximately 7 km southeast of the Site. The local and regional topography slopes to the south towards Lake Ontario. The bedrock underlying the Site is composed of the Queenston Formation of the Upper Ordovician period. The Queenston Formation consists of red shale. The subsurface information obtained from the EcoLog ERIS water well information database indicates that the depth of bedrock in the surrounding area ranges from 8.2 m to 28.9 mbgs. Mapping from the Ministry of Natural Resources indicates that the quaternary geology under the Site is composed of Halton Till. The Halton Till in this area predominantly consists of silt to silty clay matrix, high in matrix carbonate content and clast poor. The subsurface information obtained from the EcoLog ERIS water well information database indicates that the Site and surrounding area consists of a clay layer underlying the shale bedrock. Shallow groundwater on the Site is anticipated to reflect topography and flow in a south-westerly direction, towards the nearest tributary of the Fourteen Mile Creek. The regional shallow groundwater flow direction is anticipated to be in the south-easterly direction towards Lake Ontario. Shallow groundwater flow direction may be locally influenced by foundations, service trenches, and subsurface drainage conditions. The water well information obtained from the EcoLog ERIS database indicates that LD09-488 (March 27, 2014) 23 Ballantry Homes 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario Phase One Environmental Site Assessment the depth to groundwater for surrounding areas of the Site ranges from 1.2m to 7.6 mbgs. MOE well records for wells within 1 km of the Site show that groundwater was found at depths ranging from 0.3 – 40.5 mbgs. Potential contaminants may be introduced to the Site from activities on Site and on adjacent properties. Background searches for the Site suggest that the property has been historically used for agricultural purposes until 1969. The former agricultural use of the Site and the surrounding properties indicate that the potentially contaminating activity which may have been conducted on the subject Site and the neighbouring areas was the historical application of pesticides and herbicides. Residual impacts due to historical pesticide and herbicide should be limited to the surficial soils (top 0.5 m) and to the area of application. Migration pathways for residual pesticides in soil are generally through groundwater transport. The persistence and mobility of the chemicals would be dependent on the type of pesticide used. Historical records do not suggest use of persistent pesticides (which are commonly applied in orchards), as such, this potentially environmental concern is of low risk. Review of the 1965 aerial photograph indicated presence of residential buildings across Khalsa Gate since 1965. Due to the age of these buildings, the likely use of a heating oil tank (USTs/ASTs) is possible. However, the search results did not reveal any records of historical spills or leaks of fuel oil from the neighbouring properties and the subsurface soil is likely comprised of clay which has low permeability with respect to contaminant migration; as such, the potential environmental concern associated with the Site in relation to these properties is anticipated to be low. The fine grained materials would act to retard contaminants from moving to the fractured bedrock system and eventually transport to Lake Ontario. No potential contaminants of concern (COCs) have been identified for the Site and surrounding properties. No areas of potential environmental concerns were identified for the Site. The APECs identified are based on our observations of current site conditions and understanding of historical uses though various searches and as such, some level of uncertainty is inherent. The key factors which contribute to the uncertainty would be the nature of the on-site and off-site activities beyond information gathered during the study. 7.0 Conclusions Based on the information gathered and observations made during this Phase One ESA, the following findings are presented: 1. The Site is approximately 2.53 ha in area and is currently vacant with no structure on the property. Reportedly the Site has always been vacant and never been developed with any building structure. The Site is located in a residential area within the Town of Oakville. The property to the immediate north and adjacent to the Site is residential. The land use to the east and west is residential and a vacant undeveloped land is located to south of the Site. A Sikh cultural centre is located to east of the Site across from Khalsa Gate. Reportedly the Site is not connected to municipal services including hydro, water and sewer. 2. Based on local topography, the shallow groundwater flow direction is anticipated to be in a south-westerly direction towards a tributary of the Fourteen Mile Creek. The Site has a local and regional southerly slope towards Lake Ontario. The geology of the Site and surrounding area is comprised of clay overlying the shale bed rock. Bedrock at the Site consists of red shale of LD09-488 (March 27, 2014) 24 Ballantry Homes 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario Phase One Environmental Site Assessment Queenston Formation. No water supply wells were identified at the Site; however, the surrounding areas within 250 m of the Site may have private water wells for domestic purposes. 3. The review of the chain of title search results indicates that the property had several owners since 1808 when the land was transferred from the Crown to individual land owners and various investors over the years. Technical Standard and Safety Authority (TSSA) does not have records of current or former underground or aboveground fuel storage tanks at the subject property. No fire insurance plans were found for the Site. 4. A review of the historical aerial photographs identified the presence of a residential building to the east of the Site across from Khalsa Gate. Due to the age of these buildings, the likely use of a heating oil tank (USTs/ASTs) is possible. However, the search results did not reveal any records of historical spills or leaks of fuel oil from the neighbouring properties. The subsurface soil is likely comprised of clay which has low permeability with respect to contaminant migration; as such, the potential environmental concern associated with the Site in relation to these properties is anticipated to be low. 5. Background searches for the Site suggest that the property has historically been used for agricultural purposes until 1969. The former agricultural use of the Site and the surrounding properties indicate that the potentially contaminating activity which may have been conducted on the subject Site and the neighbouring areas was the historical application of pesticides and herbicides. Historical records do not suggest the use of persistent pesticides (which are commonly applied in orchards), as such, this potential environmental concern is of low risk. 6. During the Phase One ESA Site visit, the south-eastern portion of the Site appeared to have debris piles. The piles appeared to contain plastic materials including garbage bags, plastic water bottles and also some concrete debris. Reportedly, the apparent fill materials are in-ground materials from the Site and were piled-up during some earth movement that may have happened as part of the future Site development. However, the Site representative Mr. Rupp and the available record review did not indicate presence of fill materials at the Site. 7. The EcoLog database search results and the MOE well record revealed presence of one water well at the Site. During the Phase One ESA Site visit no water well was observed at the Site, where visible through the snow cover. The interview with Mr. Rupp indicated that there is no water well on-site. Based on the findings of this Phase One ESA, no potential contaminants of concern (COCs) have been identified for the Site and surrounding properties. No areas of potential environmental concerns were identified for the Site. Based on the findings of the Phase One ESA, a Phase Two ESA is not warranted at this time. 7.1 Whether Phase Two ESA Required Before RSC Submitted Based on the findings of the Phase One ESA which included a thorough records review, Site visit and interview process, potential environmental concerns are of low risks; therefore, further investigation through the completion of a Phase Two ESA is not warranted before an RSC may be submitted for the Site. LD09-488 (March 27, 2014) 25 Ballantry Homes 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario 7.2 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment Signatures The findings contained herein have been produced in accordance with generally accepted environmental site assessment protocol by a Qualified Person, as per O.Reg. 153/04. CEG believes that the data presented in this report concerning the subject Site is reliable at the time it was collected. Prepared by: COLE ENGINEERING GROUP LTD. Tabitha Lee, M.A.Sc., P.Eng. Project Manager LD09-488 (March 27, 2014) Farzana Islam, M.Sc., P.Eng. Environmental Engineer 26 Ballantry Homes 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario 8.0 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment References Canadian Standards Association. Publication Z768-01 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment. Nov 2001. Chapman, L. J. and Putnam, D.F. The Physiography of Southern Ontario. 3rd ed. Ontario Geological Survey. Toronto. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. 1984. Chapman, L.J. and Putnam, D.F. Physiography of Southern Ontario; Ontario Geological Survey, Miscellaneous Release-Data 228. 2007. GeoGratis. Natural Resources Canada. 2010. Google Earth Pro. 2011. Google Maps. 2011. Ministry of Natural Resources. Land Information Ontario & National Heritage Information System. 2011. National Airphoto Library, 2011. Natural Resources Canada, Centre for Topographic Information. 2002. Ontario Geological Survey. Bedrock Geology of Ontario Seamless Coverage Data Set 6. 2005. Ontario Geological Survey. Quaternary Geology of Ontario Seamless Coverage Data Set 14. 1997. Ontario Ministry of the Environment. Water Well Information System – Well Record Data Release Version 2.01. Accessed November 2011. Queen’s Printer for Ontario. 2010. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. Digital Elevation Model - Version 2.0.0 - Provincial Tiled Dataset (DEM). 2009. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. Geographic Query Report. Natural Heritage Information Centre. Queen’s Printer for Ontario. 2011. Sharpe, D.R. Quaternary Geology of Toronto and Surrounding Area; Ontario Geological Survey Preliminary Map P. 2204, Geological Series. Scale 1:100,000. Compiled 1980. A Soil Investigation For Proposed Residential And Commercial Development, Bronte Road, North of Khalsa Gate, town of Oakville. Soil Engineers Ltd., September 2009. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario. Cole Engineering Group Limited, February 2010. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) Update – 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario. Cole Engineering Group Limited, July 2011. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) Update 2 – 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario. Cole Engineering Group Limited, April 2013. The Town of Oakville Interactive Maps, The Town of Oakville Website: LD09-488 (March 27, 2014) 27 Ballantry Homes 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario 9.0 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment Assessor Qualifications The Site visit for this assessment was completed by Farzana Islam, M.Sc., P.Eng. who has over seven (7) years of experience in environmental site assessments (e.g., Phase One, Two and Three ESAs), groundwater and contaminant hydrogeology and water quality management. Her experience also includes managing projects, coordinating, and implementing work programs, staff and contractor supervision, project scheduling, budget tracking, and client liaison for Phase One and Phase Two Environmental Site Assessment and remediation projects and preparing reports for a variety of commercial, industrial and petroleum retail sites within the detailed technical requirements of comprehensive client statement of work. Ms. Islam’s work experience involves a number of high-value projects for various clients in both public and private sectors. Tabitha Lee has over ten (10) years of experience providing environmental consulting services to both public and private sector clients. She is the Business Unit Leader for Environmental Management which specializes in Site Assessment & Remediation, Hydrogeology and Environmental Assessments. Her portfolio includes a variety of experience in the environmental contamination industry from both a technical and management perspective including Phase One, Two and Three ESAs, risk assessments, RSCs, soil management, groundwater investigations, contaminant transport modeling, landfill monitoring, contaminant inventories, environmental audits, compliance monitoring, peer review and the preparation of remedial action plans, contaminant management plans and environmental management plans. She has provided environmental consulting services for federal clients including the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Transport Canada and Pickering Lands Sites on behalf of Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC), municipal clients such as York Region and the Town of Markham and utility providers such as Bell-Nexacor and Toronto Hydro. The contaminated sites she has been involved with have mainly included addressing soil and water contamination associated to petroleum hydrocarbon, dissolved phase DNAPL contamination and PCBs. 10.0 Limiting Conditions This report was prepared solely for use by Mr. Sam Rupp of Ballantry Homes. The findings contained herein have been produced in accordance with generally accepted environmental site assessment protocol. CEG believes that the data presented in this report concerning the subject Site is reliable at the time it was collected. CEG does not guarantee that the information provided is absolutely accurate beyond current accepted environmental site assessment standards. There is a possibility that items of environmental concern could not be identified within the scope of the assessment or were not apparent during the Site visit. LD09-488 (March 27, 2014) 28 Figures Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, ON L09-488 ® R ST W 3R E D ND R DU 25 07 LI N AS EG O LD BR O N TE R D HW Y 40 7 HW Y4 D AL SA G AT E UP PE R M ID D LE RD W KH BR O TR NT E RD Lake Ontario EM SITE AI N E R D Copyright:© 2013 ESRI, icubed, GeoEye 0 250 500 1,000 Source: Google Earth Pro, 2014 (2009 image) Produced by Cole Engineering under license from Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Copyright (c) Queen's Printer, 2010 m Legend Site Site Location Map Roads Water Body Highway Watercourse Major Road Local Road Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario Figure No. 1 Project No: L09-488 Drawn By: AO Checked by: TL Date: March 2014 ® 150 EG R 155 165 07 LI N E 25 HW Y4 D 160 D 165 3R 15 5 R 16 0 170 160 165 O LD 0 16 15 5 145 BR O N 155 TE R 155 D 150 15 5 145 HW Y 40 7 160 155 KH 150 155 AL SA 140 G AT E 135 160 RD LE 15 0 W 14 0 140 ST W 135 0 D 16 0 250 RD 125 130 150 120 125 500 120 130 11 5 140 13 0 145 155 E 15 5 12 5 R AS 155 NT ND E 15 5 AI N DU 160 EM BR O 125 135 5 13 UP PE R M 135 TR 13 5 ID D 150 135 1,000 Source: Produced by Cole Engineering under license from Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Copyright (c) Queen's Printer, 2010 Geography Network, 2014 m Legend Site Local Topography Roads Elevation (m) Highway Water Body Major Road Watercourse Local Road 12 5 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario Figure No. 2 Project No: L09-488 Drawn By: AO Checked by: TL Date: March 2014 ® R ST W 3R E D ND R DU 25 07 LI N AS EG O LD BR O N TE R D HW Y 40 7 HW Y4 D AL SA G AT E BR O TR 0 EM AI N E R Site Water Body Watercourse NT E RD D 250 Legend UP PE R M ID D LE RD W KH Roads 500 Highway Major Road Local Road 1,000 Source: Produced by Cole Engineering under license from Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Copyright (c) Queen's Printer, 2010 Physiography of Southern Ontario, Ontario Geological Survey, MRD 228. m Physiography 32, South Slope 41, Iroquois Plain Physiography Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario Figure No. 3 Project No: L09-488 Drawn By: AO Checked by: TL Date: March 2014 ® R ST W 3R E D ND R DU 25 07 LI N AS EG O LD BR O N TE R D HW Y 40 7 HW Y4 D AL SA G AT E BR O TR 0 EM AI N E R Site Water Body Watercourse NT E RD D 250 Legend UP PE R M ID D LE RD W KH Roads 500 Highway Major Road Local Road 1,000 Source: Produced by Cole Engineering under license from Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Copyright (c) Queen's Printer, 2010 Bedrock Geology of Ontario, Seamless Coverage Data Set 6, Ontario Geological Survey, 2005. m Bedrock Geology Queenston Fm. Bedrock Geology Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario Figure No. 4 Project No: L09-488 Drawn By: AO Checked by: TL Date: March 2014 ® R ST W 3R E D ND R DU 25 07 LI N AS EG O LD BR O N TE R D HW Y 40 7 HW Y4 D AL SA G AT E BR O TR 0 EM AI N E R Site Water Body Watercourse Roads NT E RD D 250 Legend UP PE R M ID D LE RD W KH 500 Highway Major Road Local Road 1,000 Source: Produced by Cole Engineering under license from Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Copyright (c) Queen's Printer, 2010 Surficial Geology of Southern Ontario, Ontario Geological Survey, 2003. m Surficial Geology 3: Paleozoic bedrock 5d: Glaciolacustrine-derived silty to clayey till Surficial Geology Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario Figure No. 5 Project No: L09-488 Drawn By: AO Checked by: TL Date: March 2014 R ® 3R EG R D LI N HW Y4 25 07 D West North Oakville BR O N TE R D 40 7 North Oakville-Milton West Wetland Complex O LD E HW Y Species identified through NHIC search for 1 km radius Milksnake (Lampropeltis triangulum ) KH Harpoon Clubtail (Gomphus descriptus ) Eastern Musk Turtle (Sternotherus odoratus ) Henslow's Sparrow (Ammodramus henslowii ) AL SA G AT E Snapping Turtle (Chelydra serpentina ) W Arrow Clubtail (Stylurus spiniceps ) LE RD Virginia Lungwort (Mertensia virginica ) M ID D Northern Hawthorn (Crataegus pruinosa var. dissona ) UP PE R Woodland Flax (Linum virginianum ) Northern Bobwhite (Colinus virginianus ) BR O Eastern Flowering Dogwood (Cornus florida ) E RD ST AS ND Fourteen Mile Creek Valley DU Shortnose Cisco TR (Coregonus reighardi ) EM AI Redside Dace (Clinostomus elongatus ) N E R Shiny Wedge Grass (Sphenopholis nitida ) D NT W Eastern Meadowlark (Sturnella magnaa ) Red-necked Grebe (Podiceps grisegena ) Brainerd's Hawthorn (Crataegus brainerdii ) Black-crowned Night-heron (Nycticorax nycticorax ) 0 250 500 1,000 Source: Google Earth Pro, 2014 (2009 image) Produced by Cole Engineering under license from Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Copyright (c) Queen's Printer, 2010. Ministry of Natural Resources, Natural Heritage Information Centre, 2014 m Legend Site Areas of Natural Significance Roads Water Body Highway Watercourse Major Road Wooded Area Local Road Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario Figure No. 6 Project No: L09-488 Drawn By: AO Checked by: TL Date: March 2014 R ® 3R EG R D LI N HW Y4 25 07 D BR O N TE R D HW Y 40 7 O LD E AL SA G AT E UP PE R M ID D LE RD W KH 0 E RD ST AS AI N E R ND EM DU TR NT W BR O D 250 500 Source: Google Earth Pro, 2014 (2009 image), Produced by Cole Engineering under license from Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Copyright (c) Queen's Printer, 2010 Ministry of the Environment, Well Records Copyright (c) Queen's Printer, 2010 1,000 m Legend Site Roads MOE Wells Monitoring/Test Hole Water Body Highway Commerical Not Used Watercourse Major Road Domestic Other Local Road Industrial Public Livestock Unknown Ministry of the Environment Wells Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario Figure No. 7 Project No: L09-488 Drawn By: AO Checked by: TL Date: March 2014 ® 0 125 250 Source: Google Earth Pro, 2014 (2009 image) 500 m Legend Site 2009 Aerial Photograph Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario Figure No. 8A Project No: L09-488 Drawn By: AO Checked by: TL Date: March 2014 ® 0 50 100 200 Source: National Airphoto Library, 2010 (1995 image) m LEGEND Approximate Site Location 1995 Aerial Photograph Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario Figure No. 8B Project No: L09-488 Drawn By: AO Checked by: TL Date: March 2014 ® 0 125 250 500 Source: National Airphoto Library, 2010 (1979 image) m LEGEND Approximate Site Location 1979 Aerial Photograph Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario Figure No. 8C Project No: L09-488 Drawn By: AO Checked by: TL Date: March 2014 ® 0 125 250 500 Source: National Airphoto Library, 2010 (1965 image) m LEGEND Approximate Site Location 1965 Aerial Photograph Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario Figure No. 8D Project No: L09-488 Drawn By: AO Checked by: TL Date: March 2014 ® 0 125 250 500 Source: National Airphoto Library, 2010 (1934 image) m LEGEND Approximate Site Location 1934 Aerial Photograph Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario Figure No. 8E Project No: L09-488 Drawn By: AO Checked by: TL Date: March 2014 ® O LD BR O NT E R D Residential land use Residential land use 2385, 2389 and 2417 Khalsa Gate - residential land use KH AL SA PCAs - Gasoline and associated products storage in fixed tanks G AT E W 2390 Khalsa Gate - vacant land use (previously agricultural) ST Residential land use DU ND AS PCAs - Pesticides (including herbicides, fungicides and anti-fouling agents) manufacturing, processing, bulk storage and large-scale applications Residential land use No buildings were identified on-site No water bodies were identified on-site No fuel tanks were identified on-site Areas of natural significance were not identified on-site BR O Drinking water Nwells were not identified on-site TE RD APECs were not identified on-site 0 100 200 400 Source: Google Earth Pro, 2014 (2009 image), Produced by Cole Engineering under license from Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Copyright (c) Queen's Printer, 2010 Ministry of the Environment, Well Records Copyright (c) Queen's Printer, 2010 m Legend Site Roads MOE Wells Monitoring/Test Hole Study Area Highway Commerical Not Used Water Body Major Road Domestic Other Watercourse Local Road Industrial Public Livestock Unknown Wooded Area Conceptual Site Model Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, Ontario Figure No. 9 Project No: L09-488 Drawn By: AO Checked by: TL Date: March 2014 Appendix A Database Search Results Phase One Environmental Site Assessment – 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, ON L09-488 Fire Insurance Plans Phase One Environmental Site Assessment – 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, ON L09-488 TM HEIRS Historical Environmental Information Reporting System Site Address: 2390 Khalsa Gate Oakville, ON Project No: 20100114025 RISK MANAGEMENT SERVICES An SCM Company 150 Commerce Valley Drive W Thornhill, ON L3T 7Z3 Tel: (905) 882-6300 ext 5410 Report Completed By: Vanessa Ode Requested by: E. Goolab Ecolog ERIS Date Completed: January 25, 2010 ISO 9001 Certified Risk Management Services 150 Commerce Valley Drive W 8th Floor Markham, ON L3T 7Z3 Tel: (905) 882-6300 x5410 Fax: (905) 695-6543 Historical Environmental Information Reporting System (HEIRSTM) Eleanor Goolab EcologERIS 12 Concorde Place, Suite 800 Toronto, ON M3C 4J2 January 25, 2010 Regarding: 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville - 20100114025 As requested, we have searched our records concerning the above site and the following information as listed below is appended hereto: Information Date(s) Fire Insurance Plan(s) NRF Property Underwriters' Report(s) NO Property Underwriters' Plan(s) NO NRF: No Records Found NO: Not Ordered Our invoice in the amount of $40.00 (+ GST) for the information provided will follow in due course. Thank you for employing our services. Vanessa Ode Environmental Services New Website – TERMS AND CONDITIONS Report. The documents (hereinafter referred to as the "Documents") to be released as part of the report (hereinafter referred to as the "Report") to be delivered to the purchaser as set out above are documents in RMS’s records relating to the described property (hereinafter referred to as the "Property"). RMS makes no representations or warranties respecting the Documents whatsoever, including, without limitation, with respect to the completeness, accuracy or usefulness of the Documents, and does not represent or warrant that these are the only plans and reports prepared in association with the Property. The Documents are current as of the date(s) indicated on them. Interpretation of the Documents, if any, is by inference based upon the information which is apparent and obvious on the face of the Documents only. RMS does not represent, warrant or guarantee that interpretations other than those referred to do not exist from other sources. The Report will be prepared for use by the purchaser of the services as shown above hereof only. Disclaimer. RMS disclaims responsibility for any losses or damages of any kind whatsoever, whether consequential or other, however caused, incurred or suffered, arising directly or indirectly as a result of the services (which services include, but are not limited to, the preparation of the Report provided hereunder), including but not limited to, any losses or damages arising directly or indirectly from any breach of contract, fundamental or otherwise, from reliance on RMS Reports or from any tortious acts or omissions of RMS's agents, employees or representatives. Entire Agreement. The parties hereto acknowledge and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions hereof. The request form constitutes the entire agreement between the parties pertaining to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements, negotiations and discussions, whether oral or written, and there are no representations or warranties, or other agreements between the parties in connection with the subject matter hereof except as specifically set forth herein. No supplement, modification, waiver, or termination of the request shall be binding, unless confirmed in writing by the parties hereto. Governing Document. In the event of any conflicts or inconsistencies between the provisions hereof and the Reports, the rights and obligations of the parties shall be deemed to be governed by the request form, which shall be the paramount document. Law. This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of * and the laws of Canada applicable therein. HEIRS TM Historical Environmental Information Reporting System NO RECORDS FOUND Site Address: 2390 Khalsa Gate Oakville, ON Project No: 20100114025 Chain of Title Phase One Environmental Site Assessment – 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, ON L09-488 City Directory Phase One Environmental Site Assessment – 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, ON L09-488 City Directory Information Source Polk’s Halton/Peel Regions, ON Criss-Cross PROJECT NUMBER: 20140318020 Site Address: 2390 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Road), Oakville, Ontario Year: 2000 Site Listing: -Address Not Listed Adjacent Properties: 2333 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Road) -Address Not Listed 2343 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Road) -Address Not Listed 2355 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Road) -Address Not Listed 2430 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Road) -Address Not Listed 2451 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Road) -Address Not Listed PROJECT NUMBER: 20140318020 Site Address: 2390 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Road), Oakville, Ontario Year: 1994 Site Listing: -Address Not Listed Adjacent Properties: 2333 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Road) -Address Not Listed 2343 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Road) -Address Not Listed 2355 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Road) -Address Not Listed 2430 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Road) -Address Not Listed EcoLog Environmental Risk Information Service Ltd. | 80 Valleybrook Rd, Toronto, ON, M3B 2S9 | Tel : 416-510-5204 | Fax : 416-510-5133 | Email : 2451 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Road) PROJECT NUMBER: 20140318020 Site Address: -Address Not Listed 2390 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Road), Oakville, Ontario Year: 1989 Site Listing: -Address Not Listed Adjacent Properties: 2333 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Road) -Address Not Listed 2343 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Road) -Address Not Listed 2355 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Road) -Address Not Listed 2430 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Road) -Address Not Listed 2451 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Road) -Address Not Listed PROJECT NUMBER: 20140318020 Site Address: 2390 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Road), Oakville, Ontario Year: 1984 Site Listing: -Address Not Listed Adjacent Properties: 2333 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Road) -Address Not Listed 2343 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Road) -Address Not Listed 2355 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Road) -Address Not Listed 2430 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Road) -Address Not Listed 2451 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Road) -Address Not Listed PROJECT NUMBER: 20140318020 Site Address: 2390 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Road), Oakville, Ontario Year: 1979 Site Listing: -Address Not Listed Adjacent Properties: 2333 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Road) -Address Not Listed 2343 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Road) -Address Not Listed 2355 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Road) -Address Not Listed 2430 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Road) -Address Not Listed 2451 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Road) -Address Not Listed PROJECT NUMBER: 20140318020 Site Address: 2390 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Road), Oakville, Ontario Year: 1975 Site Listing: -Address Not Listed Adjacent Properties: 2333 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Road) -Address Not Listed 2343 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Road) -Address Not Listed 2355 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Road) -Address Not Listed 2430 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Road) -Address Not Listed 2451 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Road) -Address Not Listed PROJECT NUMBER: 20140318020 Site Address: 2390 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Road), Oakville, Ontario Year: 1970/71 Site Listing: -Address Not Listed Adjacent Properties: 2333 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Road) -Address Not Listed 2343 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Road) -Address Not Listed 2355 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Road) -Address Not Listed 2430 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Road) -Address Not Listed 2451 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Road) -Address Not Listed PROJECT NUMBER: 20140318020 Site Address: 2390 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Road), Oakville, Ontario Year: 1962 Site Listing: -Address Not Listed Adjacent Properties: 2333 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Road) -Address Not Listed 2343 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Road) -Address Not Listed 2355 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Road) -Address Not Listed 2430 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Road) -Address Not Listed 2451 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Road) -Address Not Listed -All listings for businesses were listed as they are in the city directory. -Listings that are residential are listed as “residential” with the number of tenants. The name of the residential tenant is not listed in the above city directory 12 Concorde Pl, Ste 800 Toronto, ON M3C 4J2 Phone: 416-510-5197 Fax: 416-510-5133 City Directory Information Source Polk Canada Ltd: Halton/Peel Regions, Ontario Criss Corss Directory PROJECT NUMBER: 20100114025 Site Address: 2390 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Rd), Oakville, Ontario Year: 2000 Site Listing: -Address Not Listed Adjacent Properties: 2385 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Rd) -Res (1 tenant) 2389 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Rd) -Res (1 tenant) 2403 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Rd) -Oakville Sikh Cultural Assoc. 2417 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Rd) -Res (1 tenant) 2418 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Rd) -Res (1 tenant) 12 Concorde Pl, Ste 800 Toronto, ON M3C 4J2 Phone: 416-510-5197 Fax: 416-510-5133 PROJECT NUMBER: 20100114025 Site Address: 2390 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Rd), Oakville, Ontario Year: 1994 Site Listing: -Address Not Listed Adjacent Properties: 2385 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Rd) -Res (1 tenant) 2389 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Rd) -Res (1 tenant) 2403 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Rd) -Address Not Listed 2417 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Rd) -Oakland Kennels Regd 2418 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Rd) -Res (1 tenant) PROJECT NUMBER: 20100114025 Site Address: 2390 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Rd), Oakville, Ontario Year: 1989 Site Listing: -Address Not Listed Adjacent Properties: 2385 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Rd) -Res (1 tenant) 2389 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Rd) -Res (1 tenant) 2403 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Rd) -Res (1 tenant) 12 Concorde Pl, Ste 800 Toronto, ON M3C 4J2 Phone: 416-510-5197 Fax: 416-510-5133 2417 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Rd) -Oakland Kennels Regd -Res (1 tenant) 2418 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Rd) -Res (1 tenant) PROJECT NUMBER: 20100114025 Site Address: 2390 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Rd), Oakville, Ontario Year: 1984 Site Listing: -Address Not Listed Adjacent Properties: 2385 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Rd) -Res (1 tenant) 2389 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Rd) -Res (1 tenant) 2403 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Rd) -Res (1 tenant) 2417 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Rd) -Oakland Kennels Regd -Res (1 tenant) 2418 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Rd) -Res (1 tenant) PROJECT NUMBER: 20100114025 Site Address: 2390 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Rd), Oakville, Ontario Year: 1979 Site Listing: Adjacent Properties: -Address Not Listed 12 Concorde Pl, Ste 800 Toronto, ON M3C 4J2 Phone: 416-510-5197 Fax: 416-510-5133 2385 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Rd) -Harney's Furniture 2389 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Rd) -Res (1 tenant) 2403 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Rd) -Res (1 tenant) 2417 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Rd) -Oakland Kennels Regd 2418 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Rd) -Res (1 tenant) PROJECT NUMBER: 20100114025 Site Address: 2390 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Rd), Oakville, Ontario Year: 1974 Site Listing: -Address Not Listed Adjacent Properties: 2385 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Rd) -Res (1 tenant) 2389 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Rd) -Res (1 tenant) 2403 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Rd) -Res (1 tenant) 2417 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Rd) -Res (1 tenant) 2418 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Rd) -Res (1 tenant) PROJECT NUMBER: 20100114025 Site Address: Year: 1969 2390 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Rd), Oakville, Ontario 12 Concorde Pl, Ste 800 Toronto, ON M3C 4J2 Phone: 416-510-5197 Fax: 416-510-5133 Site Listing: -Address Not Listed Adjacent Properties: 2385 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Rd) -Address Not Listed 2389 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Rd) -Address Not Listed 2403 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Rd) -Address Not Listed 2417 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Rd) -Address Not Listed 2418 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Rd) -Address Not Listed 12 Concorde Pl, Ste 800 Toronto, ON M3C 4J2 Phone: 416-510-5197 Fax: 416-510-5133 PROJECT NUMBER: 20100114025 Site Address: 2390 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Rd), Oakville, Ontario Year: 1965 Site Listing: -Address Not Listed Adjacent Properties: 2385 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Rd) -Address Not Listed 2389 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Rd) -Address Not Listed 2403 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Rd) -Address Not Listed 2417 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Rd) -Address Not Listed 2418 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Rd) -Address Not Listed -All listings for businesses were listed as they are in the city directory. -Listings that are residential are listed as “residential” with the number of tenants. The name of the residential tenant is not listed in the above city directory EcoLog ERIS Report Phase One Environmental Site Assessment – 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, ON L09-488 Report Type: Phase I ESA 2390 Khalsa Gate Oakville ON L6M4J2 Custom-Build Your Own Report Order #: 20140318020 Requested by: Cole Engineering Group Ltd Date: March 21, 2014 Project Property: Table of Contents Table of Contents...........................................................................................1 Executive Summary........................................................................................2 Executive Summary: Report Summary..............................................................................................................3 Executive Summary: Site Report Summary – Project Property.........................................................................5 Executive Summary: Site Report Summary – Surrounding Properties..............................................................6 Executive Summary: Summary By Data Source................................................................................................8 Map...............................................................................................................11 Aerial.............................................................................................................12 Detail Report.................................................................................................13 Unplottable Summary...................................................................................26 Unplottable Report........................................................................................27 Appendix: Database Descriptions.................................................................29 Definitions.....................................................................................................38 Notice: IMPORTANT LIMITATIONS and YOUR LIABILITY Reliance on information in Report: This report DOES NOT replace a full Phase I Environmental Site Assessment but is solely intended to be used as a database review on environmental records. License for use of information in Report: No page of this report can be used without this cover page, this notice and the project property identifier. The information in Report(s) may not be modified or re-sold. Your Liability for misuse: Using this Service and/or its reports in a manner contrary to this Notice or your agreement will be in breach of copyright and contract and ERIS may obtain damages for such mis-use, including damages caused to third parties, and gives ERIS the right to terminate your account, rescind your license to any previous reports and to bar you from future use of the Service. No warranty of Accuracy or Liability for ERIS: The information contained in this report has been produced by EcoLog Environmental Risk Information Services Ltd ("ERIS") using various sources of information, including information provided by Federal and Provincial government departments. The report applies only to the address and up to the date specified on the cover of this report, and any alterations or deviation from this description will require a new report. This report and the data contained herein does not purport to be and does not constitute a guarantee of the accuracy of the information contained herein and does not constitute a legal opinion nor medical advice. Although ERIS has endeavored to present you with information that is accurate, EcoLog ERIS disclaims, any and all liability for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in such information and data, whether attributable to inadvertence, negligence or otherwise, and for any consequences arising therefrom. Liability on the part of EcoLog ERIS is limited to the monetary value paid for this report. Trademark and Copyright: You may not use the ERIS trademarks or attribute any work to ERIS other than as outlined above. This Service and Report(s) are protected by copyright owned by EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Copyright in data used in the Service or Report(s) (the "Data") is owned by EcoLog ERIS or its licensors. The Service, Report(s) and Data may not be copied or reproduced in whole or in any substantial part without prior written consent of EcoLog ERIS. 1| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Phase I ESA 2390 Khalsa Gate Oakville ON L6M4J2 Order #: 20140318020 Executive Summary Property Information: Project Property: Phase I ESA 2390 Khalsa Gate Oakville ON L6M4J2 Order Information: Order No.: Date Requested: Requested by: Report Type: 20140318020 21/03/2014 Cole Engineering Group Ltd Custom-Build Your Own Report Additional Products: City Directory Search Subject Site plus 5 Adjacent Properties 2| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Phase I ESA 2390 Khalsa Gate Oakville ON L6M4J2 Order #: 20140318020 Executive Summary: Report Summary Database Name Searched Project Property Boundary to 0.25km Total AAGR Abandoned Aggregate Inventory Y 0 0 0 AGR Aggregate Inventory Y 0 0 0 AMIS Abandoned Mine Information System Y 0 0 0 ANDR Anderson's Waste Disposal Sites Y 0 0 0 AUWR Automobile Wrecking & Supplies Y 0 0 0 BORE Borehole Y 0 0 0 CA Certificates of Approval Y 0 1 1 CFOT Commercial Fuel Oil Tanks Y 0 0 0 CHEM Chemical Register Y 0 0 0 COAL Inventory of Coal Gasification Plants and Coal Tar Sites Y 0 0 0 CONV Compliance and Convictions Y 0 0 0 CPU Certificates of Property Use Y 0 0 0 DRL Drill Hole Database Y 0 0 0 EASR Environmental Activity and Sector Registry Y 0 0 0 EBR Environmental Registry Y 0 0 0 ECA Environmental Compliance Approval Y 0 0 0 EEM Environmental Effects Monitoring Y 0 0 0 EHS ERIS Historical Searches Y 1 4 5 EIIS Environmental Issues Inventory System Y 0 0 0 EXP List of TSSA Expired Facilities Y 0 0 0 FCON Federal Convictions Y 0 0 0 FCS Contaminated Sites on Federal Land Y 0 0 0 FOFT Fisheries & Oceans Fuel Tanks Y 0 0 0 FST Fuel Storage Tank Y 0 0 0 FSTH Fuel Storage Tank - Historic Y 0 0 0 GEN Ontario Regulation 347 Waste Generators Summary Y 0 0 0 HINC TSSA Historic Incidents Y 0 0 0 IAFT Indian & Northern Affairs Fuel Tanks Y 0 0 0 INC TSSA Incidents Y 0 1 1 LIMO Landfill Inventory Management Ontario Y 0 0 0 MINE Canadian Mine Locations Y 0 0 0 MNR Mineral Occurrences Y 0 0 0 NATE Y 0 0 0 NCPL National Analysis of Trends in Emergencies System (NATES) Non-Compliance Reports Y 0 0 0 NDFT National Defence & Canadian Forces Fuel Tanks Y 0 0 0 NDSP National Defence & Canadian Forces Spills Y 0 0 0 NDWD National Defence & Canadian Forces Waste Disposal Sites Y 0 0 0 3| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Phase I ESA 2390 Khalsa Gate Oakville ON L6M4J2 Order #: 20140318020 Database Name Searched Project Property Boundary to 0.25km Total NEES National Environmental Emergencies System (NEES) Y 0 0 0 NPCB National PCB Inventory Y 0 0 0 NPRI National Pollutant Release Inventory Y 0 0 0 OGW Oil and Gas Wells Y 0 0 0 OOGW Ontario Oil and Gas Wells Y 0 0 0 OPCB Inventory of PCB Storage Sites Y 0 0 0 ORD Orders Y 0 0 0 PAP Canadian Pulp and Paper Y 0 0 0 PCFT Parks Canada Fuel Storage Tanks Y 0 0 0 PES Pesticide Register Y 0 0 0 PINC TSSA Pipeline Incidents Y 0 0 0 PRT Private and Retail Fuel Storage Tanks Y 0 0 0 PTTW Permit to Take Water Y 0 0 0 REC Ontario Regulation 347 Waste Receivers Summary Y 0 0 0 RSC Record of Site Condition Y 0 1 1 RST Retail Fuel Storage Tanks Y 0 0 0 SCT Scott's Manufacturing Directory Y 0 0 0 SPL Ontario Spills Y 0 0 0 SRDS Wastewater Discharger Registration Database Y 0 0 0 TANK Anderson's Storage Tanks Y 0 0 0 TCFT Transport Canada Fuel Storage Tanks Y 0 0 0 TSSA Variances for Abandonment of Underground Storage Tanks Waste Disposal Sites - MOE CA Inventory Y 0 0 0 Y 0 0 0 Waste Disposal Sites - MOE 1991 Historical Approval Inventory Water Well Information System Y 0 0 0 Y 1 21 22 2 28 30 VAR WDS WDSH WWIS Total: 4| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Phase I ESA 2390 Khalsa Gate Oakville ON L6M4J2 Order #: 20140318020 Executive Summary: Site Report Summary – Project Property Map Key DB 1 3 Company/Site Name Address Page Number WWIS lot 31 con 1 ON 13 EHS 2390 Khalsa Gate Oakville ON 13 5| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Phase I ESA 2390 Khalsa Gate Oakville ON L6M4J2 Order #: 20140318020 Executive Summary: Site Report Summary – Surrounding Properties Map Key 2 DB 4 WWIS 5 WWIS 6 CA 6 INC 7 WWIS 8 WWIS Company/Site Name EHS Halton Sikh Cultural Association Address 2385 & 2389 Khalsa Gate Oakville ON lot 30 con 1 ON lot 31 con 1 ON 2403 Old Bronte Rd N Oakville ON 2403 KHALSA GATE, OAKVILLE ON L6M 4J2 lot 30 con 1 ON Page Number 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 ON 9 WWIS 10 WWIS 11 EHS 12 EHS 13 WWIS 14 WWIS 15 WWIS 16 WWIS 17 RSC 18 WWIS 19 WWIS 20 WWIS 21 WWIS 22 CHEM 23 WWIS 24 WWIS 16 V.G.R. Investments Ltd. UBA INC ON lot 30 con 1 ON SW corner of Dundas Oakville ON Old Bronte Rd Oakville ON lot 30 con 1 ON lot 30 con 1 ON lot 30 con 1 ON lot 30 con 1 ON 2451 Old Bronte Road, Oakville ON lot 30 con 1 ON lot 31 con 1 ON lot 30 con 1 ON lot 32 con 1 ON 2491 OLD BROMPTON WAY OAKVILLE ON L6M 0J5 lot 30 con 1 ON lot 30 con 1 ON 6| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Phase I ESA 2390 Khalsa Gate Oakville ON L6M4J2 17 17 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 22 Order #: 20140318020 Map Key 25 DB 26 WWIS 27 WWIS 28 WWIS 29 WWIS WWIS Company/Site Name Address lot 30 con 1 ON lot 31 con 1 ON lot 31 con 1 ON lot 31 con 1 ON lot 30 con 1 ON 7| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Phase I ESA 2390 Khalsa Gate Oakville ON L6M4J2 Page Number 23 23 24 24 25 Order #: 20140318020 Executive Summary: Summary By Data Source CA - Certificates of Approval A search of the CA database, dated 1985-Oct 30, 2011* has found that there are 1 CA site(s) within approximately 0.25 Kilometers of the project property. Site Address Map Key Halton Sikh Cultural Association 2403 Old Bronte Rd N Oakville ON 6 EHS - ERIS Historical Searches A search of the EHS database, dated 1999-Mar 2013 has found that there are 4 EHS site(s) within approximately 0.25 Kilometers of the project property. Site Address Map Key 2385 & 2389 Khalsa Gate Oakville ON 2 2390 Khalsa Gate Oakville ON 3 SW corner of Dundas Oakville ON 11 Old Bronte Rd Oakville ON 12 INC - TSSA Incidents A search of the INC database, dated June 2009-Apr 2013 has found that there are 1 INC site(s) within approximately 0.25 Kilometers of the project property. Site Address Map Key 2403 KHALSA GATE, OAKVILLE ON L6M 4J2 6 RSC - Record of Site Condition A search of the RSC database, dated 1997-Sept 2001, Oct 2004-Jan 2014 has found that there are 1 RSC site(s) within approximately 0.25 Kilometers of the project property. Site Address Map Key V.G.R. Investments Ltd. 2451 Old Bronte Road, Oakville ON 17 8| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Phase I ESA 2390 Khalsa Gate Oakville ON L6M4J2 Order #: 20140318020 WWIS - Water Well Information System A search of the WWIS database, dated 1955-May 2013 has found that there are 22 WWIS site(s) within approximately 0.25 Kilometers of the project property. Site Address Map Key lot 31 con 1 ON 1 lot 30 con 1 ON 4 lot 31 con 1 ON 5 lot 30 con 1 ON 7 8 ON 9 ON lot 30 con 1 ON 10 lot 30 con 1 ON 13 lot 30 con 1 ON 14 lot 30 con 1 ON 15 lot 30 con 1 ON 16 lot 30 con 1 ON 18 lot 31 con 1 ON 19 lot 30 con 1 ON 20 lot 32 con 1 ON 21 lot 30 con 1 ON 23 lot 30 con 1 ON 24 lot 30 con 1 ON 25 lot 31 con 1 ON 26 lot 31 con 1 ON 27 lot 31 con 1 ON 28 9| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Phase I ESA 2390 Khalsa Gate Oakville ON L6M4J2 Order #: 20140318020 Site Address Map Key lot 30 con 1 ON 29 10| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Phase I ESA 2390 Khalsa Gate Oakville ON L6M4J2 Order #: 20140318020 79°46'30"W SP R 23 RD AY LL EY VA E AV 43°26'N ES CR LL Y B 16 A R O N W O O D D R NE CR ES HI GH UR BR HI G HB * # 21 11 KI RK PL TE K RD H A LS A G A TE 12 * # 29 CR ES HI LL ON CR ES SC CO OT SC HO RA IG * # W AY R O ED E 1 5 * # DG 2 * # * # YR I 22 * # LL E IL * # * # VA 18 4 3 Y * # * # * # W A BL UE RD PI NE GL EN 6(2) * # W W 7 *9 # # * O PT ON 15 # 1314 * 10 # *# * * # * # 8 A D GN CI R TR EA TA AY K M MO N W 17 * # A G OM O 43°26'N RN 19 # * * # * # O * # 24 20 # 26 * * # 27 * # D BR 28 ST O * # N IN HO D A OL D R 25 D TE R N G R LE N O G R E B PI N O LD 79°46'W PO RT RE E AB LYN E 125 62.5 0 m Buffer Outline " ) * # ( Eris Sites with Higher Elevation Eris Sites with Same Elevation Eris Sites with Lower Elevation Eris Sites with Unknown Elevation Y W AY A VE 1:4400 Expressway Industrial and Resource - Regions National Park Secondary Highway Sidetrack Other Park Local road Abandoned Line Principal Highway Major Road Trail Proposed Road Ferry Route/Ice Road Source: © 2012 DMTI Spatial Inc. TH Order No: 20140318020 Address: 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, ON, L6M4J2 * # NA 125 Map Project Property SS ER Main Line Transit Line Provincial or Territorial Park Golf Course or Driving Range Park or Sports Field Other Recreation Area 43°26'N 43°26'N 79°46'W 250 125 0 m 250 Aerial 1:10000 Order No: 20140318020 Address: 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, ON, L6M4J2 Source: ESRI World Imagery, Updated December 2012 © Ecolog ERIS Ltd Detail Report Map Key Number of Records Elevation m Site DB 1 1 of 1 140.8 lot 31 con 1 ON WWIS Well ID: Concession: County: Easting Nad83: Zone: Primary Water Use: Sec. Water Use: Pump Rate: Flow Rate: Specific Capacity: Construction Method: Elevation (m): Depth to Bedrock: Water Type: --- Details --Thickness: Material Colour: + Thickness: Material Colour: 3 2802345 01 HALTON 599428.6 17 Public Lot: Concession Name: Municipality: Northing Nad83: Utm Reliability: Construction Date: Well Depth: Static Water Level: Clear/Cloudy: Final Well Status: Flowing (y/n): Elevation Reliability: Overburden/Bedrock: Casing Material: 031 DS S OAKVILLE TOWN 4809483 unknown UTM 16-MAY-58 50 ft 15 ft CLEAR Water Supply N 19 ft Original Depth: Material: 19 ft CLAY 31 ft RED Original Depth: Material: 50 ft SHALE 1 GPM Cable Tool 149.48 19 FRESH 1 of 1 Order No.: Report Date: Report Type: Search Radius (km): Addit. Info Ordered: 2 141.6 4 141.7 EHS 2385 & 2389 Khalsa Gate Oakville ON EHS 20110715010 7/21/2011 Standard Report 0.25 Fire Insur. Maps and/or Site Plans 1 of 1 Well ID: Concession: County: 2390 Khalsa Gate Oakville ON 20100114025 1/25/2010 Standard Report 0.25 Fire Insur. Maps and/or Site Plans; City Directory 1 of 1 Order No.: Report Date: Report Type: Search Radius (km): Addit. Info Ordered: Bedrock OPEN HOLE,STEEL 142.1 2802327 01 HALTON lot 30 con 1 ON WWIS Lot: Concession Name: Municipality: 13| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Phase I ESA 2390 Khalsa Gate Oakville ON L6M4J2 030 DS S OAKVILLE TOWN Order #: 20140318020 Map Key Number of Records Easting Nad83: Zone: Primary Water Use: Sec. Water Use: Pump Rate: Flow Rate: Specific Capacity: Construction Method: Elevation (m): Depth to Bedrock: Water Type: --- Details --Thickness: Material Colour: + Thickness: Material Colour: 5 --- Details --Thickness: Material Colour: + Thickness: Material Colour: 1 of 2 Certificate #: Application Year: Issue Date: Approval Type: Status: Application Type: Client Name: Client Address: Client City: Client Postal Code: Site 599411.6 17 Not Used DB Northing Nad83: Utm Reliability: Construction Date: Well Depth: Static Water Level: Clear/Cloudy: Final Well Status: Flowing (y/n): Elevation Reliability: Overburden/Bedrock: Casing Material: 4809603 unknown UTM 08-SEP-54 28 ft 20 ft 15 ft Original Depth: Material: 15 ft CLAY 13 ft Original Depth: Material: 28 ft SHALE Cable Tool 150.97 15 1 of 1 Well ID: Concession: County: Easting Nad83: Zone: Primary Water Use: Sec. Water Use: Pump Rate: Flow Rate: Specific Capacity: Construction Method: Elevation (m): Depth to Bedrock: Water Type: 6 Elevation m 140.4 2802343 01 HALTON 599283.6 17 Not Used Abandoned-Quality N Bedrock lot 31 con 1 ON WWIS Lot: Concession Name: Municipality: Northing Nad83: Utm Reliability: Construction Date: Well Depth: Static Water Level: Clear/Cloudy: Final Well Status: Flowing (y/n): Elevation Reliability: Overburden/Bedrock: Casing Material: 031 DS S OAKVILLE TOWN 4809466 unknown UTM 09-MAY-58 56 ft 25 ft CLEAR Abandoned-Quality N 19 ft Original Depth: Material: 19 ft CLAY 37 ft RED Original Depth: Material: 56 ft SHALE 0 GPM Cable Tool 148.55 19 SALTY 142.3 Halton Sikh Cultural Association 2403 Old Bronte Rd N Oakville ON Bedrock CA 3762-7TLQDH 2009 7/7/2009 Municipal and Private Sewage Works Approved 14| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Phase I ESA 2390 Khalsa Gate Oakville ON L6M4J2 Order #: 20140318020 Map Key Number of Records Elevation m Site DB 2403 KHALSA GATE, OAKVILLE ON L6M 4J2 INC Project Description: Contaminants: Emission Control: 6 2 of 2 142.3 Incident ID: Incident Number: SR Type: Status Code: Summary: Drainage System: Sub Surface Contam.: Aff. Prop. Use Water: Contam. Migrated: Contact Natural Env.: Near Body of Water: Approx. Quant. Rel.: Equipment Model: Serial No: Residential App. Type: Commercial App. Type: Industrial App. Type: Institutional App. Type: Venting Type: Vent Connector Mater.: Vent Chimney Mater.: Notes: Pipeline Type: Pipeline Involved: Pipe Material: Depth Ground Cover: Regulator Location: Regulator Type: Operation Pressure: Pipeline Notes: Liquid Prop Make: Liquid Prop Model: Liquid Prop Serial No: Equipment Type: Cylinder Capacity: Cylinder Capac. Units: Cylinder Material Type: Tank Capacity: Tank Material Type: Tank Storage Type: Tank Location Type: Pump Flow Rate Capac.: Liquid Prop Notes: 7 2465000 313592 FS-Incident Causal Analysis Complete 2403 KHALSA GATE, OAKVILLE - 1/2" PIPELINE HIT Service / Riser Distribution Pipeline Plastic 350 Expired Locates - Imprudent Mechanical Excavation 1 of 1 Well ID: Concession: County: Easting Nad83: Zone: 142.4 2802337 01 HALTON 599410.6 17 lot 30 con 1 ON WWIS Lot: Concession Name: Municipality: Northing Nad83: Utm Reliability: 15| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Phase I ESA 2390 Khalsa Gate Oakville ON L6M4J2 030 DS S OAKVILLE TOWN 4809640 margin of error : 100 m - 300 m Order #: 20140318020 Map Key Number of Records Primary Water Use: Sec. Water Use: Pump Rate: Flow Rate: Specific Capacity: Construction Method: Elevation (m): Depth to Bedrock: Water Type: --- Details --Thickness: Material Colour: + Thickness: Material Colour: 8 Elevation m Site Domestic DB Cable Tool 151.52 14 FRESH Construction Date: Well Depth: Static Water Level: Clear/Cloudy: Final Well Status: Flowing (y/n): Elevation Reliability: Overburden/Bedrock: Casing Material: 15-SEP-66 45 ft 18 ft CLEAR Water Supply N 14 ft BROWN Original Depth: Material: 14 ft CLAY 31 ft RED Original Depth: Material: 45 ft SHALE 2 GPM 1 of 1 Bedrock OPEN HOLE,STEEL 143.6 WWIS ON Well ID: Concession: County: Easting Nad83: Zone: Primary Water Use: Sec. Water Use: Pump Rate: Flow Rate: Specific Capacity: Construction Method: Elevation (m): Depth to Bedrock: Water Type: --- Details --Thickness: Material Colour: 9 7160595 Lot: Concession Name: Municipality: Northing Nad83: Utm Reliability: Construction Date: Well Depth: Static Water Level: Clear/Cloudy: Final Well Status: Flowing (y/n): Elevation Reliability: Overburden/Bedrock: Casing Material: HALTON 599305 17 Cable Tool ft 1 of 1 Original Depth: Material: OAKVILLE TOWN 4809626 margin of error : 10 - 30 m 22-NOV-10 Abandoned-Other ft 143.6 WWIS ON Well ID: Concession: County: Easting Nad83: Zone: Primary Water Use: Sec. Water Use: Pump Rate: Flow Rate: Specific Capacity: Construction Method: Elevation (m): Depth to Bedrock: Water Type: 7160594 HALTON 599303 17 Boring Lot: Concession Name: Municipality: Northing Nad83: Utm Reliability: Construction Date: Well Depth: Static Water Level: Clear/Cloudy: Final Well Status: Flowing (y/n): Elevation Reliability: Overburden/Bedrock: Casing Material: OAKVILLE TOWN 4809625 margin of error : 10 - 30 m 22-NOV-10 Abandoned-Supply --- Details --- 16| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Phase I ESA 2390 Khalsa Gate Oakville ON L6M4J2 Order #: 20140318020 Map Key Number of Records Thickness: Material Colour: 10 --- Details --Thickness: Material Colour: + Thickness: Material Colour: 12 13 143.8 WWIS Lot: Concession Name: Municipality: Northing Nad83: Utm Reliability: Construction Date: Well Depth: Static Water Level: Clear/Cloudy: Final Well Status: Flowing (y/n): Elevation Reliability: Overburden/Bedrock: Casing Material: 030 DS S OAKVILLE TOWN 4809692 unknown UTM 12-MAR-54 60 ft 10 ft 15 ft Original Depth: Material: 15 ft CLAY 45 ft RED Original Depth: Material: 60 ft SHALE 0 GPM Cable Tool 152.45 15 SALTY 138.6 Abandoned-Quality N Bedrock SW corner of Dundas Oakville ON EHS Old Bronte Rd Oakville ON EHS 20030217004 2/19/03 Complete Report 0.80 137.7 20120620032 01-AUG-12 Custom Report .25 Fire Insur. Maps and/or Site Plans 1 of 1 Well ID: Concession: County: Easting Nad83: Zone: Primary Water Use: ft lot 30 con 1 ON 2802323 01 HALTON 599375.6 17 Not Used 1 of 1 Order No.: Report Date: Report Type: Search Radius (km): Addit. Info Ordered: DB Original Depth: Material: 1 of 1 Order No.: Report Date: Report Type: Search Radius (km): Addit. Info Ordered: Site ft 1 of 1 Well ID: Concession: County: Easting Nad83: Zone: Primary Water Use: Sec. Water Use: Pump Rate: Flow Rate: Specific Capacity: Construction Method: Elevation (m): Depth to Bedrock: Water Type: 11 Elevation m 143.7 2802322 01 HALTON 599404.6 17 Not Used lot 30 con 1 ON WWIS Lot: Concession Name: Municipality: Northing Nad83: Utm Reliability: Construction Date: 17| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Phase I ESA 2390 Khalsa Gate Oakville ON L6M4J2 030 DS S OAKVILLE TOWN 4809705 unknown UTM 24-FEB-54 Order #: 20140318020 Map Key Number of Records Sec. Water Use: Pump Rate: Flow Rate: Specific Capacity: Construction Method: Elevation (m): Depth to Bedrock: Water Type: --- Details --Thickness: Material Colour: + Thickness: Material Colour: 14 --- Details --Thickness: Material Colour: + Thickness: Material Colour: 15 DB Well Depth: Static Water Level: Clear/Cloudy: Final Well Status: Flowing (y/n): Elevation Reliability: Overburden/Bedrock: Casing Material: 65 ft 12 ft 16 ft Original Depth: Material: 16 ft CLAY 49 ft RED Original Depth: Material: 65 ft SHALE Cable Tool 152.37 16 SALTY 143.6 Abandoned-Quality N Bedrock lot 30 con 1 ON 2802325 01 HALTON 599409.6 17 Public WWIS Lot: Concession Name: Municipality: Northing Nad83: Utm Reliability: Construction Date: Well Depth: Static Water Level: Clear/Cloudy: Final Well Status: Flowing (y/n): Elevation Reliability: Overburden/Bedrock: Casing Material: 030 DS S OAKVILLE TOWN 4809705 unknown UTM 08-APR-54 48 ft 7 ft CLEAR Water Supply N 17 ft Original Depth: Material: 17 ft CLAY 31 ft RED Original Depth: Material: 48 ft SHALE 1 GPM Cable Tool 152.34 17 FRESH 1 of 1 Well ID: Concession: County: Easting Nad83: Zone: Primary Water Use: Sec. Water Use: Pump Rate: Flow Rate: Specific Capacity: Construction Method: Elevation (m): Depth to Bedrock: Water Type: Site 0 GPM 1 of 1 Well ID: Concession: County: Easting Nad83: Zone: Primary Water Use: Sec. Water Use: Pump Rate: Flow Rate: Specific Capacity: Construction Method: Elevation (m): Depth to Bedrock: Water Type: Elevation m 144.1 2802321 01 HALTON 599392.6 17 Cable Tool 152.61 17 Bedrock OPEN HOLE,STEEL lot 30 con 1 ON WWIS Lot: Concession Name: Municipality: Northing Nad83: Utm Reliability: Construction Date: Well Depth: Static Water Level: Clear/Cloudy: Final Well Status: Flowing (y/n): Elevation Reliability: Overburden/Bedrock: Casing Material: 18| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Phase I ESA 2390 Khalsa Gate Oakville ON L6M4J2 030 DS S OAKVILLE TOWN 4809720 unknown UTM 12-FEB-54 65 ft Abandoned-Supply Bedrock Order #: 20140318020 Map Key Number of Records --- Details --Thickness: Material Colour: + Thickness: Material Colour: 16 --- Details --Thickness: Material Colour: + Thickness: Material Colour: 1 of 1 Date Submitted: Date Acknowledg.: Date Returned: Certification Date: Soil Type: Restoration Type: Registration #: Stratified (Y/N): Criteria: Consultant: District Office: Intended Prop Use: Current Property Use: Certificate Prop Use #: Applicable Standards: Legal Description: Prop. Identification #: Entire legal prop. (y/n): UTM Coordinates: Latitude & Longitude: Accuracy Estimate: Site DB 17 ft Original Depth: Material: 17 ft CLAY 48 ft RED Original Depth: Material: 65 ft SHALE 1 of 1 Well ID: Concession: County: Easting Nad83: Zone: Primary Water Use: Sec. Water Use: Pump Rate: Flow Rate: Specific Capacity: Construction Method: Elevation (m): Depth to Bedrock: Water Type: 17 Elevation m 140.3 2802326 01 HALTON 599653.6 17 Domestic lot 30 con 1 ON WWIS Lot: Concession Name: Municipality: Northing Nad83: Utm Reliability: Construction Date: Well Depth: Static Water Level: Clear/Cloudy: Final Well Status: Flowing (y/n): Elevation Reliability: Overburden/Bedrock: Casing Material: 030 DS S OAKVILLE TOWN 4809461 unknown UTM 03-SEP-54 38 ft 22 ft CLEAR Water Supply N 12 ft Original Depth: Material: 12 ft CLAY 26 ft RED Original Depth: Material: 38 ft SHALE 4 GPM Cable Tool 147.76 12 FRESH 147.9 V.G.R. Investments Ltd. 2451 Old Bronte Road, Oakville ON Bedrock OPEN HOLE,STEEL RSC 2013-08-19 209767 Oakville Commercial 19| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Phase I ESA 2390 Khalsa Gate Oakville ON L6M4J2 Order #: 20140318020 Map Key Number of Records Elevation m Site DB lot 30 con 1 ON WWIS Measurement Method: CPU Issued Sect 1686: 18 1 of 1 Well ID: Concession: County: Easting Nad83: Zone: Primary Water Use: Sec. Water Use: Pump Rate: Flow Rate: Specific Capacity: Construction Method: Elevation (m): Depth to Bedrock: Water Type: --- Details --Thickness: Material Colour: + Thickness: Material Colour: + Thickness: Material Colour: 19 142.4 2810408 01 HALTON 599618 17 Lot: Concession Name: Municipality: Northing Nad83: Utm Reliability: Construction Date: Well Depth: Static Water Level: Clear/Cloudy: Final Well Status: Flowing (y/n): Elevation Reliability: Overburden/Bedrock: Casing Material: 030 .3 m Original Depth: Material: .3 m TOPSOIL 4m BROWN Original Depth: Material: 4.3 m CLAY, TILL, SILTY 3.9 m RED Original Depth: Material: 8.2 m SHALE, DRY Boring 150.52 14 1 of 1 Well ID: Concession: County: Easting Nad83: Zone: Primary Water Use: Sec. Water Use: Pump Rate: Flow Rate: Specific Capacity: Construction Method: Elevation (m): Depth to Bedrock: Water Type: --- Details --Thickness: Material Colour: + Thickness: Material Colour: + 150.2 2804639 01 HALTON 599213.6 17 OAKVILLE TOWN 4809640 28-MAR-05 8.2 m Observation Wells Bedrock PLASTIC lot 31 con 1 ON WWIS Lot: Concession Name: Municipality: Northing Nad83: Utm Reliability: Construction Date: Well Depth: Static Water Level: Clear/Cloudy: Final Well Status: Flowing (y/n): Elevation Reliability: Overburden/Bedrock: Casing Material: 031 DS S OAKVILLE TOWN 4809735 margin of error : 30 m - 100 m 25-OCT-74 75 ft 10 ft BROWN Original Depth: Material: 10 ft CLAY 7 ft RED Original Depth: Material: 17 ft CLAY Cable Tool 154.88 17 20| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Phase I ESA 2390 Khalsa Gate Oakville ON L6M4J2 Abandoned-Supply Bedrock Order #: 20140318020 Map Key Number of Records Thickness: Material Colour: 20 --- Details --Thickness: Material Colour: + Thickness: Material Colour: + Thickness: Material Colour: + Thickness: Material Colour: 21 --- Details --Thickness: Material Colour: + DB Original Depth: Material: 149.8 75 ft SHALE lot 30 con 1 ON 2808262 01 HALTON 599247.3 17 Public WWIS Cable Tool 154.47 20 SALTY Lot: Concession Name: Municipality: Northing Nad83: Utm Reliability: Construction Date: Well Depth: Static Water Level: Clear/Cloudy: Final Well Status: Flowing (y/n): Elevation Reliability: Overburden/Bedrock: Casing Material: 030 DS S OAKVILLE TOWN 4809759 margin of error : 10 - 30 m 30-JUL-93 95 ft 13 ft CLOUDY Water Supply N 1 ft BROWN Original Depth: Material: 1 ft TOPSOIL 16 ft BROWN Original Depth: Material: 17 ft CLAY, STONES 3 ft RED Original Depth: Material: 20 ft CLAY 75 ft RED Original Depth: Material: 95 ft SHALE 2 GPM 1 of 1 Well ID: Concession: County: Easting Nad83: Zone: Primary Water Use: Sec. Water Use: Pump Rate: Flow Rate: Specific Capacity: Construction Method: Elevation (m): Depth to Bedrock: Water Type: Site 58 ft RED 1 of 1 Well ID: Concession: County: Easting Nad83: Zone: Primary Water Use: Sec. Water Use: Pump Rate: Flow Rate: Specific Capacity: Construction Method: Elevation (m): Depth to Bedrock: Water Type: Elevation m 139.3 2810255 01 HALTON 599127 17 Bedrock OPEN HOLE,STEEL lot 32 con 1 ON WWIS 032 FRESH Lot: Concession Name: Municipality: Northing Nad83: Utm Reliability: Construction Date: Well Depth: Static Water Level: Clear/Cloudy: Final Well Status: Flowing (y/n): Elevation Reliability: Overburden/Bedrock: Casing Material: 1.5 m BROWN Original Depth: Material: 1.5 m SILT, CLAY, FILL Boring 144.7 21| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Phase I ESA 2390 Khalsa Gate Oakville ON L6M4J2 OAKVILLE TOWN 4809333 18-APR-05 25.9 m Observation Wells Overburden PLASTIC Order #: 20140318020 Map Key Number of Records Thickness: Material Colour: + Thickness: Material Colour: + Thickness: Material Colour: 22 13.7 m SILT, CLAY, TILL 7.8 m BROWN Original Depth: Material: 21.5 m SAND, SILT 4.4 m GREY Original Depth: Material: 25.9 m SAND, GRAVEL 142.0 24 148.1 CHEM lot 30 con 1 ON WWIS 2803613 01 HALTON 599314.6 17 Public Cable Tool 153.87 15 FRESH Lot: Concession Name: Municipality: Northing Nad83: Utm Reliability: Construction Date: Well Depth: Static Water Level: Clear/Cloudy: Final Well Status: Flowing (y/n): Elevation Reliability: Overburden/Bedrock: Casing Material: 030 DS S OAKVILLE TOWN 4809801 margin of error : 30 m - 100 m 20-JUL-71 43 ft 9 ft CLEAR Water Supply N 15 ft GREY Original Depth: Material: 15 ft CLAY 28 ft RED Original Depth: Material: 43 ft SHALE 2 GPM 1 of 1 Well ID: Concession: County: Easting Nad83: Zone: Primary Water Use: Sec. Water Use: Pump Rate: Flow Rate: UBA INC 2491 OLD BROMPTON WAY OAKVILLE ON L6M 0J5 CHEMICALS 1 of 1 --- Details --Thickness: Material Colour: + Thickness: Material Colour: DB Original Depth: Material: 1 of 1 Well ID: Concession: County: Easting Nad83: Zone: Primary Water Use: Sec. Water Use: Pump Rate: Flow Rate: Specific Capacity: Construction Method: Elevation (m): Depth to Bedrock: Water Type: Site 12.2 m BROWN Mailing City: Mailing Address: Mailing Address 2: Business: Description: 23 Elevation m 150.3 2802332 01 HALTON 599239.6 17 Domestic 4 GPM Bedrock OPEN HOLE,STEEL lot 30 con 1 ON WWIS Lot: Concession Name: Municipality: Northing Nad83: Utm Reliability: Construction Date: Well Depth: Static Water Level: Clear/Cloudy: 22| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Phase I ESA 2390 Khalsa Gate Oakville ON L6M4J2 030 DS S OAKVILLE TOWN 4809772 unknown UTM 01-NOV-55 46 ft 16 ft CLEAR Order #: 20140318020 Map Key Number of Records Specific Capacity: Construction Method: Elevation (m): Depth to Bedrock: Water Type: --- Details --Thickness: Material Colour: + Thickness: Material Colour: 25 --- Details --Thickness: Material Colour: + Thickness: Material Colour: 26 --- Details --Thickness: DB Final Well Status: Flowing (y/n): Elevation Reliability: Overburden/Bedrock: Casing Material: Water Supply N 20 ft Original Depth: Material: 20 ft PREVIOUSLY DUG 26 ft RED Original Depth: Material: 46 ft SHALE 145.4 Bedrock OPEN HOLE,STEEL lot 30 con 1 ON 2802324 01 HALTON 599423.6 17 Not Used WWIS Lot: Concession Name: Municipality: Northing Nad83: Utm Reliability: Construction Date: Well Depth: Static Water Level: Clear/Cloudy: Final Well Status: Flowing (y/n): Elevation Reliability: Overburden/Bedrock: Casing Material: 030 DS S OAKVILLE TOWN 4809825 unknown UTM 24-MAR-54 65 ft 15 ft 15 ft Original Depth: Material: 15 ft CLAY 50 ft RED Original Depth: Material: 65 ft SHALE 1 GPM Cable Tool 153.01 15 SALTY 1 of 1 Well ID: Concession: County: Easting Nad83: Zone: Primary Water Use: Sec. Water Use: Pump Rate: Flow Rate: Specific Capacity: Construction Method: Elevation (m): Depth to Bedrock: Water Type: Site Cable Tool 154.7 20 FRESH 1 of 1 Well ID: Concession: County: Easting Nad83: Zone: Primary Water Use: Sec. Water Use: Pump Rate: Flow Rate: Specific Capacity: Construction Method: Elevation (m): Depth to Bedrock: Water Type: Elevation m 151.6 2802342 01 HALTON 599169.6 17 Domestic Abandoned-Quality N Bedrock lot 31 con 1 ON WWIS Cable Tool 155.13 20 FRESH Lot: Concession Name: Municipality: Northing Nad83: Utm Reliability: Construction Date: Well Depth: Static Water Level: Clear/Cloudy: Final Well Status: Flowing (y/n): Elevation Reliability: Overburden/Bedrock: Casing Material: 031 DS S OAKVILLE TOWN 4809769 unknown UTM 11-JUL-56 29 ft 12 ft CLEAR Water Supply N 20 ft Original Depth: 20 ft 2 GPM 23| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Phase I ESA 2390 Khalsa Gate Oakville ON L6M4J2 Bedrock OPEN HOLE,STEEL Order #: 20140318020 Map Key Number of Records Material Colour: + Thickness: Material Colour: 27 --- Details --Thickness: Material Colour: + Thickness: Material Colour: + Thickness: Material Colour: 28 151.9 --- Details --Thickness: Material Colour: + Thickness: DB Material: CLAY Original Depth: Material: 29 ft SHALE lot 31 con 1 ON 2807805 01 HALTON 599132.3 17 Domestic WWIS Cable Tool 155.16 23 SALTY Lot: Concession Name: Municipality: Northing Nad83: Utm Reliability: Construction Date: Well Depth: Static Water Level: Clear/Cloudy: Final Well Status: Flowing (y/n): Elevation Reliability: Overburden/Bedrock: Casing Material: 031 DS S OAKVILLE TOWN 4809754 margin of error : 10 - 30 m 28-MAR-90 73 ft 11 ft CLEAR Water Supply N 1 ft BROWN Original Depth: Material: 1 ft TOPSOIL 22 ft BROWN Original Depth: Material: 23 ft CLAY 50 ft RED Original Depth: Material: 73 ft SHALE 3 GPM 1 of 1 Well ID: Concession: County: Easting Nad83: Zone: Primary Water Use: Sec. Water Use: Pump Rate: Flow Rate: Specific Capacity: Construction Method: Elevation (m): Depth to Bedrock: Water Type: Site 9 ft RED 1 of 1 Well ID: Concession: County: Easting Nad83: Zone: Primary Water Use: Sec. Water Use: Pump Rate: Flow Rate: Specific Capacity: Construction Method: Elevation (m): Depth to Bedrock: Water Type: Elevation m 151.8 2802340 01 HALTON 599158.6 17 Domestic Bedrock OPEN HOLE,STEEL lot 31 con 1 ON WWIS Lot: Concession Name: Municipality: Northing Nad83: Utm Reliability: Construction Date: Well Depth: Static Water Level: Clear/Cloudy: Final Well Status: Flowing (y/n): Elevation Reliability: Overburden/Bedrock: Casing Material: 031 DS S OAKVILLE TOWN 4809786 unknown UTM 01-NOV-53 6 ft 4 ft CLEAR Water Supply N 6 ft Original Depth: Material: 6 ft CLAY 34 ft Original Depth: 40 ft 2 GPM Cable Tool 155.23 6 SULPHUR 24| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Phase I ESA 2390 Khalsa Gate Oakville ON L6M4J2 Bedrock OPEN HOLE,STEEL Order #: 20140318020 Map Key Number of Records Elevation m Site Material Colour: 29 Material: 1 of 1 Well ID: Concession: County: Easting Nad83: Zone: Primary Water Use: Sec. Water Use: Pump Rate: Flow Rate: Specific Capacity: Construction Method: Elevation (m): Depth to Bedrock: Water Type: DB 137.4 7047697 01 HALTON 599740 17 143.03 SHALE lot 30 con 1 ON WWIS Lot: Concession Name: Municipality: Northing Nad83: Utm Reliability: Construction Date: Well Depth: Static Water Level: Clear/Cloudy: Final Well Status: Flowing (y/n): Elevation Reliability: Overburden/Bedrock: Casing Material: 25| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Phase I ESA 2390 Khalsa Gate Oakville ON L6M4J2 030 OAKVILLE TOWN 4809264 margin of error : 10 - 30 m 30-JUL-07 Abandoned-Other Order #: 20140318020 Unplottable Summary DB Company Name/Site Name Address City Zip CA R.M. OF HALTON, MARINE DRIVE BRONTE ROAD OAKVILLE TOWN ON EHS Bronte Rd Oakville ON EHS Bronte Rd Oakville ON EHS Old Bronte Rd Oakville ON NPCB ONTARIO HYDRO BRONTE T.S.; CONC. 3, S, OF DUNDAS ST OAKVILLE ON NPCB ONTARIO HYDRO CONG. 3, S, OF DUNDAS ST OAKVILLE ON SPL Oakville Harbour Marina Office Bronte Rd Bronte Creek Oakville ON SPL Suncor Energy Inc. Bronte Road, TNPI Spill Site Oakville ON 26| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Phase I ESA 2390 Khalsa Gate Oakville ON L6M4J2 Order #: 20140318020 Unplottable Report Site: R.M. OF HALTON, MARINE DRIVE BRONTE ROAD OAKVILLE TOWN ON Certificate #: Application Year: Issue Date: Approval Type: Status: Application Type: Client Name: Client Address: Client City: Client Postal Code: Project Description: Contaminants: Emission Control: 7-0659-8888 6/17/1988 Municipal water Approved Site: Database: EHS Bronte Rd Oakville ON Order No.: Report Date: Report Type: Search Radius (km): Addit. Info Ordered: 20120515039 5/16/2012 Custom Report 0.25 Site: Database: EHS Bronte Rd Oakville ON Order No.: Report Date: Report Type: Search Radius (km): Addit. Info Ordered: 20100326007 3/26/2010 Custom Report 0.25 Site: Old Bronte Rd Oakville ON Order No.: Report Date: Report Type: Search Radius (km): Addit. Info Ordered: Site: Database: EHS 20130322002 01-APR-13 RSC Report (Urban) .3 ONTARIO HYDRO BRONTE T.S.; CONC. 3, S, OF DUNDAS ST OAKVILLE ON Company Code: Database: CA Database: NPCB O0853 27| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Phase I ESA 2390 Khalsa Gate Oakville ON L6M4J2 Order #: 20140318020 Transaction Date: Inspection Date: Industry: Site Status: Site: UTILITY Database: SPL 3206-892JCN 9/6/2010 GASOLINE 3L Pleasure Craft-3 L Gasoline to Bronte Harbour,FD. Not Anticipated Suncor Energy Inc. Bronte Road, TNPI Spill Site Oakville ON Ref No.: Incident Dt: MOE Reported Dt: Contaminant Name: Contaminant Quantity: Incident Summary: Incident Cause: Incident Reason: Nature of Impact: Receiving Medium: Environmental Impact: Database: NPCB O0853 7/22/1998 Oakville Harbour Marina Office Bronte Rd Bronte Creek Oakville ON Ref No.: Incident Dt: MOE Reported Dt: Contaminant Name: Contaminant Quantity: Incident Summary: Incident Cause: Incident Reason: Nature of Impact: Receiving Medium: Environmental Impact: Site: Utility ONTARIO HYDRO CONG. 3, S, OF DUNDAS ST OAKVILLE ON Company Code: Transaction Date: Inspection Date: Industry: Site Status: Site: 5/26/1988 Database: SPL 7523-83FVQP 3/11/2010 Suncor: Frmr Petro Canada Site - Unkn Sub to Bronte Cr. Unknown Surface Water Pollution Confirmed 28| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Phase I ESA 2390 Khalsa Gate Oakville ON L6M4J2 Order #: 20140318020 Appendix: Database Descriptions Ecolog Environmental Risk Information Services Ltd can search the following databases. The extent of Historical information varies with each database and current information is determined by what is publicly available to Ecolog ERIS at the time of update. Note: Databases denoted with " * " indicates that the database will no longer be updated. See the individual database description for more information. Sept 2002* Provincial AAGR Abandoned Aggregate Inventory: The MAAP Program maintains a database of all abandoned pits and quarries. Please note that the database is only referenced by lot and concession and city/town location. The database provides information regarding the location, type, size, land use, status and general comments.* Up to Aug 2012 Provincial AGR Aggregate Inventory: The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources maintains a database of all active pits and quarries. The database provides information regarding the registered owner/operator, location name, operation type, approval type, and maximum annual tonnage. 1800-Feb 2013 Provincial AMIS Abandoned Mine Information System: The Abandoned Mines Information System contains data on known abandoned and inactive mines located on both Crown and privately held lands. The information was provided by the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines (MNDM), with the following disclaimer: "the database provided has been compiled from various sources, and the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines makes no representation and takes no responsibility that such information is accurate, current or complete". Reported information includes official mine name, status, background information, mine start/end date, primary commodity, mine features, hazards and remediation. 1860s-Present Private ANDR Anderson's Waste Disposal Sites: The information provided in this database was collected by examining various historical documents which aimed to characterize the likely position of former waste disposal sites from 1860 to present. The research initiative behind the creation of this database was to identify those sites that are missing from the Ontario MOE Waste Disposal Site Inventory, as well as to provide revisions and corrections to the positions and descriptions of sites currently listed in the MOE inventory. In addition to historic waste disposal facilities, the database also identifies certain auto wreckers and scrap yards that have been extrapolated from documentary sources. Please note that the data is not warranted to be complete, exhaustive or authoritive. The information was collected for research purposes only. 2001-Jun 2010 Private AUWR Automobile Wrecking & Supplies: This database provides an inventory of all known locations that are involved in the scrap metal, automobile wrecking/recycling, and automobile parts & supplies industry. Information is provided on the company name, location and business type. 1875-Aug 2011 Provincial BORE Borehole: A borehole is the generalized term for any narrow shaft drilled in the ground, either vertically or horizontally. The information here includes geotechnical investigations or environmental site assessments, mineral exploration, or as a pilot hole for installing piers or underground utilities. Information is from many sources such as the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) boreholes from engineering reports and projects from the 1950 to 1990's in Southern Ontario. Boreholes from the Ontario Geological Survey (OGS) including The Urban Geology Analysis Information System (UGAIS) and the York Peel Durham Toronto (YPDT) database of the Conservation Authority Moraine Coalition. This database will include fields such as location, stratigraphy, depth, elevation, year drilled, etc. For all water well data or oil and gas well data for Ontario please refer to WWIS and OOGW. 29| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Phase I ESA 2390 Khalsa Gate Oakville ON L6M4J2 Order #: 20140318020 1985-Oct 30, 2011* Provincial CA Certificates of Approval: This database contains the following types of approvals: Air & Noise, Industrial Sewage, Municipal & Private Sewage, Waste Management Systems and Renewable Energy Approvals. The MOE in Ontario states that any facility that releases emissions to the atmosphere, discharges contaminants to ground or surface water, provides potable water supplies, or stores, transports or disposes of waste, must have a Certificate of Approval before it can operate lawfully. Fields include approval number, business name, address, approval date, approval type and status. This database will no longer be updated, as CofA's have been replaced by either Environmental Activity and Sector Registry (EASR) or Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA). Please refer to those individual databases for any information after Oct.31, 2011. 1948-Apr 2013 Provincial CFOT Commercial Fuel Oil Tanks: Since May 2002, Ontario developed a new act where it became mandatory for fuel oil tanks to be registered with Technical Standards & Safety Authority (TSSA). This data would include all commercial underground fuel oil tanks in Ontario with fields such as location, registration number, tank material, age of tank and tank size. 1992, 1999-Jun 2010 Private CHEM Chemical Register: This database includes information from both a one time study conducted in 1992 and private source and is a listing of facilities that manufacture or distribute chemicals. The production of these chemical substances may involve one or more chemical reactions and/or chemical separation processes (i.e. fractionation, solvent extraction, crystallization, etc.). Apr 1987 and Nov 1988* Provincial COAL Inventory of Coal Gasification Plants and Coal Tar Sites: This inventory includes both the "Inventory of Coal Gasification Plant Waste Sites in Ontario-April 1987" and the Inventory of Industrial Sites Producing or Using Coal Tar and Related Tars in Ontario-November 1988) collected by the MOE. It identifies industrial sites that produced and continue to produce or use coal tar and other related tars. Detailed information is available and includes: facility type, size, land use, information on adjoining properties, soil condition, site operators/occupants, site description, potential environmental impacts and historic maps available. This was a one-time inventory.* 1989-2013 Provincial CONV Compliance and Convictions: This database summarizes the fines and convictions handed down by the Ontario courts beginning in 1989. Companies and individuals named here have been found guilty of environmental offenses in Ontario courts of law. 1994-2013 Provincial CPU Certificates of Property Use: This is a subset taken from Ontario's Environmental Registry (EBR) database. It will include all CPU's on the registry such as (EPA s. 168.6) - Certificate of Property Use. 1886-Jun 2013 Provincial DRL Drill Hole Database: The Ontario Drill Hole Database contains information on more than 113,000 percussion, overburden, sonic and diamond drill holes from assessment files on record with the department of Mines and Minerals. Please note that limited data is available for southern Ontario, as it was the last area to be completed. The database was created when surveys submitted to the Ministry were converted in the Assessment File Research Image Database (AFRI) project. However, the degree of accuracy (coordinates) as to the exact location of drill holes is dependent upon the source document submitted to the MNDM. Levels of accuracy used to locate holes are: centering on the mining claim; a sketch of the mining claim; a 1:50,000 map; a detailed company map; or from submitted a "Report of Work". Oct 31 2011-Dec 2013 Provincial EASR Environmental Activity and Sector Registry: On October 31, 2011, a smarter, faster environmental approvals system came into effect in Ontario. The EASR allows businesses to register certain activities with the ministry, rather than apply for an approval. The registry is available for common systems and processes, to which preset rules of operation can be applied. The EASR is currently available for: heating systems, standby power systems and automotive refinishing. Businesses whose activities aren't subject to the EASR may apply for an ECA (Environmental Compliance Approval), Please see our ECA database. 30| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Phase I ESA 2390 Khalsa Gate Oakville ON L6M4J2 Order #: 20140318020 1994-2013 Provincial EBR Environmental Registry: The Environmental Registry lists proposals, decisions and exceptions regarding policies, Acts, instruments, or regulations that could significantly affect the environment. Through the Registry, thirteen provincial ministries notify the public of upcoming proposals and invite their comments. For example, if a local business is requesting a permit, license, or certificate of approval to release substances into the air or water; these are notified on the registry. Data includes: Approval for discharge into the natural environment other than water (i.e. Air) - EPA s. 9, Approval for sewage works OWRA s. 53(1), and EPA s. 27 - Approval for a waste disposal site. For information regarding Permit to Take Water (PTTW), Certificate of Property Use (CPU) and (ORD) Orders please refer to those individual databases. Oct 31, 2011-Jan 2014 Provincial ECA Environmental Compliance Approval: On October 31, 2011, a smarter, faster environmental approvals system came into effect in Ontario. In the past, a business had to apply for multiple approvals (known as certificates of approval) for individual processes and pieces of equipment. Today, a business either registers itself, or applies for a single approval, depending on the types of activities it conducts. Businesses whose activities aren't subject to the EASR may apply for an ECA. A single ECA addresses all of a business's emissions, discharges and wastes. Separate approvals for air, noise and waste are no longer required. This database will also include Renewable Energy Approvals. For CofA's prior to Nov 1st, 2011, please refer to the CA database. For all Waste Disposal Sites please refer to the WDS database. 1992-2007* Federal EEM Environmental Effects Monitoring: The Environmental Effects Monitoring program assesses the effects of effluent from industrial or other sources on fish, fish habitat and human usage of fisheries resources. Since 1992, pulp and paper mills have been required to conduct EEM studies under the Pulp and Paper Effluent Regulations. This database provides information on the mill name, geographical location and sub-lethal toxicity data. 1999-Mar 2013 Private EHS ERIS Historical Searches: EcoLog ERIS has compiled a database of all environmental risk reports completed since March 1999. Available fields for this database include: site location, date of report, type of report, and search radius. As per all other databases, the ERIS database can be referenced on both the map and "Statistical Profile" page. 1992-2001* Federal EIIS Environmental Issues Inventory System: The Environmental Issues Inventory System was developed through the implementation of the Environmental Issues and Remediation Plan. This plan was established to determine the location and severity of contaminated sites on inhabited First Nation reserves, and where necessary, to remediate those that posed a risk to health and safety; and to prevent future environmental problems. The EIIS provides information on the reserve under investigation, inventory number, name of site, environmental issue, site action (Remediation, Site Assessment), and date investigation completed. Current to May 2013 Provincial EXP List of TSSA Expired Facilities: This is a list of all expired facilities that fall under the TSSA (TSSA Act & Safety Regulations), including the six regulations that exist under the Fuels Safety Division. It will include facilities such as private fuel outlets, bulk plants, fuel oil tanks, gasoline stations, marinas, propane filling stations, liquid fuel tanks, piping systems, etc. These tanks have been removed and automatically fall under the expired facilities inventory held by TSSA. 1988-Jun 2007* Federal FCON Federal Convictions: Environment Canada maintains a database referred to as the "Environmental Registry" that details prosecutions under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) and the Fisheries Act (FA). Information is provided on the company name, location, charge date, offence and penalty. 31| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Phase I ESA 2390 Khalsa Gate Oakville ON L6M4J2 Order #: 20140318020 June 2000-Jan 2014 Federal FCS Contaminated Sites on Federal Land: The Federal Contaminated Sites Inventory includes information on all known federal contaminated sites under the custodianship of departments, agencies and consolidated Crown corporations as well as those that are being or have been investigated to determine whether they have contamination arising from past use that could pose a risk to human health or the environment. The inventory also includes non-federal contaminated sites for which the Government of Canada has accepted some or all financial responsibility. It does not include sites where contamination has been caused by, and which are under the control of, enterprise Crown corporations, private individuals, firms or other levels of government. 1964-Sept 2003 Federal FOFT Fisheries & Oceans Fuel Tanks: Fisheries & Oceans Canada maintains an inventory of all aboveground & underground fuel storage tanks located on Fisheries & Oceans property or controlled by DFO. Our inventory provides information on the site name, location, tank owner, tank operator, facility type, storage tank location, tank contents & capacity, and date of tank installation. 2010-May 2013 Provincial FST Fuel Storage Tank: The Technical Standards & Safety Authority (TSSA), under the Technical Standards & Safety Act of 2000 maintains a database of registered private and retail fuel storage tanks in Ontario with fields such as location, tank status, license date, tank type, tank capacity, fuel type, installation year and facility type. Pre-Jan 2010* Provincial FSTH Fuel Storage Tank - Historic: The Technical Standards & Safety Authority (TSSA), under the Technical Standards & Safety Act of 2000 maintains a database of registered private and retail fuel storage tanks in Ontario with fields such as location, tank status, license date, tank type, tank capacity, fuel type, installation year and facility type. 1986-Jul 2013 Provincial GEN Ontario Regulation 347 Waste Generators Summary: Regulation 347 of the Ontario EPA defines a waste generation site as any site, equipment and/or operation involved in the production, collection, handling and/or storage of regulated wastes. A generator of regulated waste is required to register the waste generation site and each waste produced, collected, handled, or stored at the site. This database contains the registration number, company name and address of registered generators including the types of hazardous wastes generated. It includes data on waste generating facilities such as: drycleaners, waste treatment and disposal facilities, machine shops, electric power distribution etc. This information is a summary of all years from 1986 including the most currently available data. Some records may contain, within the company name, the phrase "See & Use..." followed by a series of letters and numbers. This occurs when one company is amalgamated with or taken over by another registered company. The number listed as "See & Use", refers to the new ownership and the other identification number refers to the original ownership. This phrase serves as a link between the 2 companies until operations have been fully transferred. 2006-June 2009 Provincial HINC TSSA Historic Incidents: This database will cover all incidences recorded by TSSA with their older system, before they moved to their new management system. TSSA's Fuels Safety Program administers the Technical Standards & Safety Act 2000, providing fuel-related safety services associated with the safe transportation, storage, handling and use of fuels such as gasoline, diesel, propane, natural gas and hydrogen. Under this Act, TSSA regulates fuel suppliers, storage facilities, transport trucks, pipelines, contractors and equipment or appliances that use fuels. The TSSA works to protect the public, the environment and property from fuel-related hazards such as spills, fires and explosions. This database will include spills and leaks from pipelines, diesel, fuel oil, gasoline, natural gas, propane and hydrogen recorded by the TSSA. 1950-Aug 2003* Federal IAFT Indian & Northern Affairs Fuel Tanks: The Department of Indian & Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) maintains an inventory of all aboveground & underground fuel storage tanks located on both federal and crown land. Our inventory provides information on the reserve name, location, facility type, site/facility name, tank type, material & ID number, tank contents & capacity, and date of tank installation. 32| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Phase I ESA 2390 Khalsa Gate Oakville ON L6M4J2 Order #: 20140318020 June 2009-Apr 2013 Provincial INC TSSA Incidents: TSSA's Fuels Safety Program administers the Technical Standards & Safety Act 2000, providing fuel-related safety services associated with the safe transportation, storage, handling and use of fuels such as gasoline, diesel, propane, natural gas and hydrogen. Under this Act, TSSA regulates fuel suppliers, storage facilities, transport trucks, pipelines, contractors and equipment or appliances that use fuels. Includes incidents from fuel-related hazards such as spills, fires and explosions. This database will include spills and leaks from diesel, fuel oil, gasoline, natural gas, propane and hydrogen recorded by the TSSA. 2012 Provincial LIMO Landfill Inventory Management Ontario: The Landfill Inventory Management Ontario (LIMO) database is updated every year, as the ministry compiles new and updated information. The inventory will include small and large landfills. Additionally, each year the ministry will request operators of the larger landfills complete a landfill data collection form that will be used to update LIMO and will include the following information from the previous operating year. This will include additional information such as estimated amount of total waste received, landfill capacity, estimated total remaining landfill capacity, fill rates, engineering designs, reporting and monitoring details, size of location, service area, approved waste types, leachate of site treatment, contaminant attenuation zone and more. The small landfills will include information such as site owner, site location and certificate of approval # and status. 1998-2009 Private MINE Canadian Mine Locations: This information is collected from the Canadian & American Mines Handbook. The Mines database is a national database that provides over 290 listings on mines (listed as public companies) dealing primarily with precious metals and hard rocks. Listed are mines that are currently in operation, closed, suspended, or are still being developed (advanced projects). Their locations are provided as geographic coordinates (x, y and/or longitude, latitude). As of 2002, data pertaining to Canadian smelters and refineries has been appended to this database. 1846-Apr 2013 Provincial MNR Mineral Occurrences: In the early 70's, the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines created an inventory of approximately 19,000 mineral occurrences in Ontario, in regard to metallic and industrial minerals, as well as some information on building stones and aggregate deposits. Please note that the "Horizontal Positional Accuracy" is approximately +/- 200 m. Many reference elements for each record were derived from field sketches using pace or chain/tape measurements against claim posts or topographic features in the area. The primary limiting factor for the level of positional accuracy is the scale of the source material. The testing of horizontal accuracy of the source materials was accomplished by comparing the planimetric (X and Y) coordinates of that point with the coordinates of the same point as defined from a source of higher accuracy. 1974-1994* Federal NATE National Analysis of Trends in Emergencies System (NATES): In 1974 Environment Canada established the National Analysis of Trends in Emergencies System (NATES) database, for the voluntary reporting of significant spill incidents. The data was to be used to assist in directing the work of the emergencies program. NATES ran from 1974 to 1994. Extensive information is available within this database including company names, place where the spill occurred, date of spill, cause, reason and source of spill, damage incurred, and amount, concentration, and volume of materials released. 1994-2012 Provincial NCPL Non-Compliance Reports: The Ministry of the Environment provides information about non-compliant discharges of contaminants to air and water that exceed legal allowable limits, from regulated industrial and municipal facilities. A reported non-compliance failure may be in regard to a Control Order, Certificate of Approval, Sectoral Regulation or specific regulation/act. 33| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Phase I ESA 2390 Khalsa Gate Oakville ON L6M4J2 Order #: 20140318020 Up to May 2001* Federal NDFT National Defence & Canadian Forces Fuel Tanks: The Department of National Defence and the Canadian Forces maintains an inventory of all aboveground & underground fuel storage tanks located on DND lands. Our inventory provides information on the base name, location, tank type & capacity, tank contents, tank class, date of tank installation, date tank last used, and status of tank as of May 2001. This database will no longer be updated due to the new National Security protocols which have prohibited any release of this database. Mar 1999-Aug 2010 Federal NDSP National Defence & Canadian Forces Spills: The Department of National Defence and the Canadian Forces maintains an inventory of spills to land and water. All spill sites have been classified under the "Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act - 1992". Our inventory provides information on the facility name, location, spill ID #, spill date, type of spill, as well as the quantity of substance spilled & recovered. 2001-Apr 2007* Federal NDWD National Defence & Canadian Forces Waste Disposal Sites: The Department of National Defence and the Canadian Forces maintains an inventory of waste disposal sites located on DND lands. Where available, our inventory provides information on the base name, location, type of waste received, area of site, depth of site, year site opened/closed and status. 1974-2003* Federal NEES National Environmental Emergencies System (NEES): In 2000, the Emergencies program implemented NEES, a reporting system for spills of hazardous substances. For the most part, this system only captured data from the Atlantic Provinces, some from Quebec and Ontario and a portion from British Columbia. Data for Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and the Territories was not captured. However, NEES is also a repository for all previous Environment Canada spill datasets. NEES is composed of the historic datasets ' or Trends ' which dates from approximately 1974 to present. NEES Trends is a compilation of historic databases, which were merged and includes data from NATES (National Analysis of Trends in Emergencies System), ARTS (Atlantic Regional Trends System), and NEES. In 2001, the Emergencies Program determined that variations in reporting regimes and requirements between federal and provincial agencies made national spill reporting and trend analysis difficult to achieve. As a consequence, the department has focused efforts on capturing data on spills of substances which fall under its legislative authority only (CEPA and FA). As such, the NEES database will be decommissioned in December 2004. 1988-2008* Federal NPCB National PCB Inventory: Environment Canada's National PCB inventory includes information on in-use PCB containing equipment in Canada including federal, provincial and private facilities. All federal out-of-service PCB containing equipment and all PCB waste owned by the federal government or by federally regulated industries such as airlines, railway companies, broadcasting companies, telephone and telecommunications companies, pipeline companies, etc. are also listed. Although it is not Environment Canada's mandate to collect data on non-federal PCB waste, the National PCB inventory includes some information on provincial and private PCB waste and storage sites. Some addresses provided may be Head Office addresses and are not necessarily the location of where the waste is being used or stored. 1993-2011 Federal NPRI National Pollutant Release Inventory: Environment Canada has defined the National Pollutant Release Inventory ("NPRI") as a federal government initiative designed to collect comprehensive national data regarding releases to air, water, or land, and waste transfers for recycling for more than 300 listed substances. 1988-2013 Private OGW Oil and Gas Wells: The Nickle's Energy Group (publisher of the Daily Oil Bulletin) collects information on drilling activity including operator and well statistics. The well information database includes name, location, class, status and depth. The main Nickle's database is updated on a daily basis, however, this database is updated on a monthly basis. More information is available at 34| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Phase I ESA 2390 Khalsa Gate Oakville ON L6M4J2 Order #: 20140318020 1800-Jul 2013 Provincial OOGW Ontario Oil and Gas Wells: In 1998, the MNR handed over to the Ontario Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Corporation, the responsibility of maintaining a database of oil and gas wells drilled in Ontario. The OGSR Library has over 20,000+ wells in their database. Information available for all wells in the ERIS database include well owner/operator, location, permit issue date, well cap date, licence no., status, depth and the primary target (rock unit) of the well being drilled. All geology/stratigraphy table information, plus all water table information is also provide for each well record. 1987-Oct 2004 Provincial OPCB Inventory of PCB Storage Sites: The Ontario Ministry of Environment, Waste Management Branch, maintains an inventory of PCB storage sites within the province. Ontario Regulation 11/82 (Waste Management - PCB) and Regulation 347 (Generator Waste Management) under the Ontario EPA requires the registration of inactive PCB storage equipment and/or disposal sites of PCB waste with the Ontario Ministry of Environment. This database contains information on: 1) waste quantities; 2) major and minor sites storing liquid or solid waste; and 3) a waste storage inventory. 1994-2013 Provincial ORD Orders: This is a subset taken from Ontario's Environmental Registry (EBR) database. It will include all Orders on the registry such as (EPA s. 17) - Order for remedial work, (EPA s. 18) - Order for preventative measures, (EPA s. 43) - Order for removal of waste and restoration of site, (EPA s. 44) - Order for conformity with Act for waste disposal sites, (EPA s. 136) - Order for performance of environmental measures. 1999, 2002, 2004, 2005, Private PAP 2009 This information is part of the Pulp and Paper Canada Directory. The Directory provides a comprehensive listing of the locations of pulp and paper mills and the products that they produce. Canadian Pulp and Paper: 1920-Jan 2005* Federal PCFT Parks Canada Fuel Storage Tanks: Canadian Heritage maintains an inventory of all known fuel storage tanks operated by Parks Canada, in both National Parks and at National Historic Sites. The database details information on site name, location, tank install/removal date, capacity, fuel type, facility type, tank design and owner/operator. 1988-Jun 2013 Provincial PES Pesticide Register: The Ontario Ministry of Environment maintains a database of all manufacturers and vendors of registered pesticides. June 2009-Mar 2012 Provincial PINC TSSA Pipeline Incidents: TSSA's Fuels Safety Program administers the Technical Standards & Safety Act 2000, providing fuel-related safety services associated with the safe transportation, storage, handling and use of fuels such as gasoline, diesel, propane, natural gas and hydrogen. Under this Act, TSSA regulates fuel suppliers, storage facilities, transport trucks, pipelines, contractors and equipment or appliances that use fuels. This database will include spills, strike and leaks from recorded by the TSSA. 1989-1996* Provincial PRT Private and Retail Fuel Storage Tanks: The Fuels Safety Branch of the Ontario Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations maintained a database of all registered private fuel storage tanks and licensed retail fuel outlets. This database includes an inventory of locations that have gasoline, oil, waste oil, natural gas and/or propane storage tanks on their property. The MCCR no longer collects this information. This information is now collected by the Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA). 1994-2013 Provincial PTTW Permit to Take Water: This is a subset taken from Ontario's Environmental Registry (EBR) database. It will include all PTTW's on the registry such as OWRA s. 34 - Permit to take water. 35| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Phase I ESA 2390 Khalsa Gate Oakville ON L6M4J2 Order #: 20140318020 1986-2012 Provincial REC Ontario Regulation 347 Waste Receivers Summary: Part V of the Ontario Environmental Protection Act ("EPA") regulates the disposal of regulated waste through an operating waste management system or a waste disposal site operated or used pursuant to the terms and conditions of a Certificate of Approval or a Provisional Certificate of Approval. Regulation 347 of the Ontario EPA defines a waste receiving site as any site or facility to which waste is transferred by a waste carrier. A receiver of regulated waste is required to register the waste receiving facility. This database represents registered receivers of regulated wastes, identified by registration number, company name and address, and includes receivers of waste such as: landfills, incinerators, transfer stations, PCB storage sites, sludge farms and water pollution control plants. This information is a summary of all years from 1986 including the most currently available data. 1997-Sept 2001, Oct 2004Provincial RSC Jan 2014 The Record of Site Condition (RSC) is part of the Ministry of the Environment's Brownfields Environmental Site Registry. Protection from environmental cleanup orders for property owners is contingent upon documentation known as a record of site condition (RSC) being filed in the Environmental Site Registry. In order to file an RSC, the property must have been properly assessed and shown to meet the soil, sediment and groundwater standards appropriate for the use (such as residential) proposed to take place on the property. The Record of Site Condition Regulation (O. Reg. 153/04) details requirements related to site assessment and clean up. RSCs filed after July 1, 2011 will also be included as part of the new (O.Reg. 511/09). Record of Site Condition: 1999-Jun 2010 Private RST Retail Fuel Storage Tanks: This database includes an inventory of retail fuel outlet locations (including marinas) that have on their property gasoline, oil, waste oil, natural gas and / or propane storage tanks. 1992-Mar 2011 Private SCT Scott's Manufacturing Directory: Scott's Directories is a data bank containing information on over 200,000 manufacturers across Canada. Even though Scott's listings are voluntary, it is the most comprehensive database of Canadian manufacturers available. Information concerning a company's address, plant size, and main products are included in this database. 1988-Jun 2013 Provincial SPL Ontario Spills: This database identifies information such as location (approximate), type and quantity of contaminant, date of spill, environmental impact, cause, nature of impact, etc. Information from 1988-2002 was part of the ORIS (Occurrence Reporting Information System). The SAC (Spills Action Centre) handles all spills reported in Ontario. Regulations for spills in Ontario are part of the MOE's Environmental Protection Act, Part X. 1990-2011 Provincial SRDS Wastewater Discharger Registration Database: Information under this heading is combination of the following 2 programs. The Municipal/Industrial Strategy for Abatement (MISA) division of the Ontario Ministry of Environment maintained a database of all direct dischargers of toxic pollutants within nine sectors including: Electric Power Generation; Mining; Petroleum Refining; Organic Chemicals; Inorganic Chemicals; Pulp & Paper; Metal Casting; Iron & Steel; and Quarries. All sampling information is now collected and stored within the Sample Result Data Store (SRDS). 1915-1953* Private TANK Anderson's Storage Tanks: The information provided in this database was collected by examining various historical documents, which identified the location of former storage tanks, containing substances such as fuel, water, gas, oil, and other various types of miscellaneous products. Information is available in regard to business operating at tank site, tank location, permit year, permit & installation type, no. of tanks installed & configuration and tank capacity. Data contained within this database pertains only to the city of Toronto and is not warranted to be complete, exhaustive or authoritative. The information was collected for research purposes only. 1970-Mar 2007 Federal TCFT Transport Canada Fuel Storage Tanks: With the provinces of BC, MB, NB, NF, ON, PE, and QC; Transport Canada currently owns and operates 90 fuel storage tanks. Our inventory provides information on the site name, location, tank age, capacity and fuel type. 36| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Phase I ESA 2390 Khalsa Gate Oakville ON L6M4J2 Order #: 20140318020 Current to Jun 2013 Provincial VAR TSSA Variances for Abandonment of Underground Storage Tanks: The TSSA, Under the Liquid Fuels Handling Code and the Fuel Oil Code, all underground storage tanks must be removed within two years of disuse. If removal of a tank is not feasible, you may apply to seek a variance from this code requirement. This is a list of all variances granted for abandoned tanks. 1970-Jan 2014 Provincial WDS Waste Disposal Sites - MOE CA Inventory: The Ontario Ministry of Environment, Waste Management Branch, maintains an inventory of known open (active or inactive) and closed disposal sites in the Province of Ontario. Active sites maintain a Certificate of Approval, are approved to receive and are receiving waste. Inactive sites maintain Certificate(s) of Approval but are not receiving waste. Closed sites are not receiving waste. The data contained within this database was compiled from the MOE's Certificate of Approval database. Locations of these sites may be cross-referenced to the Anderson database described under ERIS's Private Source Database section, by the CA number. All new Environmental Compliance Approvals handed out after Oct 31, 2011 for Waste Disposal Sites will still be found in this database. Provincial WDSH Waste Disposal Sites - MOE 1991 Historical Approval Up to Oct 1990* Inventory: In June 1991, the Ontario Ministry of Environment, Waste Management Branch, published the "June 1991 Waste Disposal Site Inventory", of all known active and closed waste disposal sites as of October 30st, 1990. For each "active" site as of October 31st 1990, information is provided on site location, site/CA number, waste type, site status and site classification. For each "closed" site as of October 31st 1990, information is provided on site location, site/CA number, closure date and site classification. Locations of these sites may be cross-referenced to the Anderson database described under ERIS's Private Source Database section, by the CA number. 1955-May 2013 Provincial WWIS Water Well Information System: This database describes locations and characteristics of water wells found within Ontario in accordance with Regulation 903. It includes such information as coordinates, construction date, well depth, primary and secondary use, pump rate, static water level, well status, etc. Also included are detailed stratigraphy information, approximate depth to bedrock and the approximate depth to the water table. 37| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Phase I ESA 2390 Khalsa Gate Oakville ON L6M4J2 Order #: 20140318020 Definitions Database Descriptions: This section provides a detailed explanation for each database including: source, information available, time coverage, and acronyms used. They are listed in alphabetic order. Detail Report: This is the section of the report which provides the most detail for each individual record. Records are summarized by location, starting with the project property followed by records in closest proximity. Distance: The distance value is the distance between plotted points, not necessarily the distance between the sites' boundaries". All values are an approximation. Direction: The direction value is the compass direction of the site in respect to the project property and/or center point of the report. Elevation: The elevation value is taken from the location at which the records for the site address have been plotted. All values are an approximation. Source: Google Elevation API. Executive Summary: This portion of the report is divided into 3 sections: 'Report Summary'- Displays a chart indicating how many records fall on the project property and, within the report search radii. 'Site Report Summary'-Project Property'- This section lists all the records which fall on the project property. For more details, see the 'Detail Report' section. 'Site Report Summary-Surrounding Properties'- This section summarizes all records on adjacent properties, listing them in order of proximity from the project property. For more details, see the 'Detail Report' section. Map Key: The map key number is assigned according to closest proximity from the project property. Map Key numbers always start at #1. The project property will always have a map key of '1' if records are available. If there is a number in brackets beside the main number, this will indicate the number of records on that specific property. If there is no number in brackets, there is only one record for that property. The symbol and colour used indicates 'elevation': the red inverted triangle will dictate 'ERIS Sites with Lower Elevation', the yellow triangle will dictate 'ERIS Sites with Higher Elevation' and the orange square will dictate 'ERIS Sites with Same Elevation.' Unplottables: These are records that could not be mapped due to various reasons, including limited geographic information. These records may or may not be in your study area, and were included as reference. 38| EcoLog ERIS Ltd. Phase I ESA 2390 Khalsa Gate Oakville ON L6M4J2 Order #: 20140318020 TSSA Search Results Phase One Environmental Site Assessment – 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, ON L09-488 Page 1 of 3 Andrew O'Connell From: on behalf of Public Information Services [] Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2014 11:16 AM To: Andrew O'Connell Subject: Re: TSSA Search Hi Andrew, Thank you for your inquiry. We have no record in our database of any fuel storage tanks at the subject address (addresses). For a further search in our archives please submit your request in writing to Public Information Services via e-mail ( or through mail along with a fee of $56.50 (including HST) per location. The fee is payable with credit card (Visa or MasterCard) or with a Cheque made payable to TSSA. Although TSSA believes the information provided pursuant to your request is accurate, please note that TSSA does not warrant this information in any way whatsoever. Thank you and have a great day! Regards, Sarah Quibell Public Information Services TECHNICAL STANDARDS & SAFETY AUTHORITY "Putting Public Safety First" 14th Floor, Centre Tower 3300 Bloor Street West Toronto, ON M8X 2X4 Toll-Free: 1-877-682-8772 On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 11:10 AM, Andrew O'Connell <ao'> wrote: 3/18/2014 Page 2 of 3 Hello, Cole Engineering will be conducting a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment at the following property: 2390 Khalsa Gate (Old Bronte Road), Oakville, ON As part of our assessment, we are contacting government officials to ascertain whether they have any knowledge of activities which have resulted, or may result in, environmental concerns. Specifically, we are seeking information on the following: ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ tank installation; fuel tank registration; records of spills; records of tank removal; records of environmental testing or removal of contaminated soil following tank removal; outstanding instructions; any other pertinent information. Please provide a preliminary basic record for the sites in question. Thanks again Andrew O'Connell, B.E.S., EP Environmental Specialist Brownfields - Environmental Management Cole Engineering Group Ltd. 70 Valleywood Drive, Markham, ON Canada L3R 4T5 T: 905-940-6161 Ext. 272 Tor. Line: 416-987-6161 F: 905-940-2064 E: CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE 3/18/2014 Page 3 of 3 This email may contain confidential information and any rights to privilege have not been waived. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify us by telephone or e-mail. Thank you. Please consider the environment before printing this message. This electronic message and any attached documents are intended only for the named recipients. This communication from the Technical Standards and Safety Authority may contain information that is privileged, confidential or otherwise protected from disclosure and it must not be disclosed, copied, forwarded or distributed without authorization. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete the original message. 3/18/2014 MOE Freedom of Information Phase One Environmental Site Assessment – 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, ON L09-488 NHIC Search Results Phase One Environmental Site Assessment – 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, ON L09-488 MOE Well Record Search Results Phase One Environmental Site Assessment – 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, ON L09-488 Appendix A MOE Well Records Search Results Phase I ESA 2390 Khalsa Gate Oakville, ON L09-488 Well ID Easting Northing Concession Lot Contractor ID Received Final Status Use 1 2802155 599389 4810439 1 29 City 1642 08/07/1952 Water Supply Commerical 2802156 598998 4810034 1 30 1642 20/09/1951 Water Supply Domestic 2802157 598768 4810227 1 30 1429 07/02/1955 Water Supply Domestic 2802158 598821 4810168 1 30 1429 07/02/1955 Water Supply Domestic 2802159 598877 4810122 1 30 1642 09/11/1954 Water Supply Domestic 2802160 599001 4809991 1 30 1642 08/09/1955 Water Supply Domestic 2802161 598908 4810090 1 30 1642 08/09/1955 Water Supply Domestic 2802164 598793 4810220 1 30 1642 18/11/1958 Water Supply Domestic 2802165 599115 4810093 1 30 4602 09/09/1960 Water Supply Domestic 2802166 598811 4810173 1 30 4001 21/11/1961 Water Supply Domestic 2802168 599117 4810293 1 30 4602 03/12/1963 Water Supply Livestock 2802169 598725 4810289 1 30 4001 03/02/1964 Water Supply Domestic 2802171 598946 4810058 1 30 4602 12/04/1966 Water Supply Domestic 2802172 598730 4810289 1 30 4001 16/01/1968 Water Supply 2802173 598981 4809878 1 31 5417 14/07/1959 Water Supply Domestic 2802174 598975 4809956 1 31 1429 07/02/1955 Water Supply Commerical 2802235 598765 4810273 1 30 1642 17/09/1954 Water Supply Domestic 2802320 599455 4810380 1 29 2415 19/01/1953 Water Supply 2802321 599393 4809720 1 30 1642 28/05/1954 Abandoned-Supply 2802322 599405 4809705 1 30 1642 28/05/1954 Abandoned-Quality Not Used 2802323 599376 4809692 1 30 1642 19872 Abandoned-Quality Not Used 2802324 599424 4809825 1 30 1642 19872 Abandoned-Quality Not Used 2802325 599410 4809705 1 30 1642 19872 Water Supply 2802326 599654 4809461 1 30 1642 19996 Water Supply Domestic 2802327 599412 4809603 1 30 1642 19996 Abandoned-Quality Not Used 2802328 600243 4808811 1 30 1642 20036 Water Supply Domestic 2802329 599072 4809932 1 30 2909 20428 Water Supply Commerical 2802330 599126 4809871 1 30 1642 20455 Water Supply Industrial 2802331 599166 4809851 1 30 1642 20455 Water Supply Commerical 2802332 599240 4809772 1 30 1642 20455 Water Supply Domestic 2802333 599936 4809118 1 30 2309 20484 Water Supply Domestic 2802337 599411 4809640 1 30 2309 24376 Water Supply Domestic 2802339 598820 4809596 1 31 1642 19731 Water Supply Domestic 2802340 599159 4809786 1 31 1429 20127 Water Supply Domestic 2802341 598942 4809765 1 31 1642 20340 Water Supply Domestic 2802342 599170 4809769 1 31 1642 20824 Water Supply Domestic 2802343 599284 4809466 1 31 1642 21507 Abandoned-Quality Not Used 2802344 599904 4809080 1 31 1308 22444 Abandoned-Quality Not Used 2802345 599429 4809483 1 31 1642 21507 Water Supply Public 2802346 599114 4809813 1 31 4602 22116 Water Supply Domestic 2802347 599955 4809024 1 31 4602 22654 Abandoned-Supply 2802348 599781 4808799 1 31 4602 22654 Test Hole Not Used 2802349 599236 4809178 1 31 5417 22710 Water Supply Livestock 2802351 598798 4809568 1 32 1308 23652 Abandoned-Supply 2802352 598524 4809167 1 33 1642 19389 Water Supply 2803182 599825 4809233 1 30 3637 25468 Water Supply 2803613 599315 4809801 1 30 5417 26190 Water Supply Public 2803748 599335 4810413 1 29 3637 26403 Water Supply Commerical 2803928 598995 4809843 1 31 1663 26576 Water Supply Domestic 2803929 599095 4809983 1 30 1663 26576 Water Supply Domestic 2804021 598469 4809283 1 33 4005 26644 Water Supply Domestic 2804639 599214 4809735 1 31 4602 27365 Abandoned-Supply 2804789 598502 4809015 1 33 4005 27673 Water Supply 2804851 599011 4809916 1 31 2519 27873 Water Supply 2805217 598995 4809923 1 31 4005 28649 Test Hole 2805218 598995 4809963 1 31 4005 28649 Water Supply Commerical 2805219 599055 4809863 1 31 4005 28649 Water Supply Commerical 2805737 599037 4810023 1 30 4602 29859 Water Supply Domestic 2806106 598553 4809449 1 32 4005 30720 Water Supply Domestic 2806344 598924 4810044 1 30 4005 31328 Water Supply Domestic 2806373 599006 4809961 1 30 4005 31387 Water Supply Domestic 2806416 598920 4810058 1 30 4005 31467 Water Supply Domestic 2807384 599160 4810201 1 30 4005 32773 Water Supply 2807805 599132 4809754 1 31 1660 33449 Water Supply Domestic 2807863 599018 4809842 1 31 4552 33521 Water Supply Commerical 2807864 599016 4809840 1 31 4552 33540 Abandoned-Supply 2808052 599102 4810148 1 30 4005 33899 2808262 599247 4809759 1 30 1660 34570 Water Supply 2809248 600121 4809726 1 29 4005 36784 Abandoned-Other 2809249 600121 4809726 1 29 4005 36784 Abandoned-Other 2809770 599368 4808732 1 32 3349 37823 2809876 599874 4809396 1 30 OAKUILLE 2576 38065 Abandoned-Other Not Used 2809880 598880 4809701 1 31 PALERMO 4868 38077 Abandoned-Other Domestic 2809927 599874 4809396 1 30 1660 38133 Abandoned-Other Not Used 2810254 599524 4808581 15 31 OAKVILLE 7201 38505 Observation Wells Water Supply Use 2 Domestic Domestic Domestic Public Domestic Domestic Domestic Domestic Livestock Public Domestic Public Domestic Commerical Appendix A MOE Well Records Search Results Phase I ESA 2390 Khalsa Gate Oakville, ON L09-488 Well ID Easting Northing Concession Lot 2810255 599127 4809333 1 32 2810408 599618 4809640 1 30 OAKVILLE 2810531 599780 4808591 1 31 OAKVILLE 7091 2810673 599049 4809826 1 31 BRONTE 3349 7039370 599648 4810540 1 29 OAKVILLE 1660 39098 Abandoned-Other 7047696 598845 4810126 1 30 OAKVILLE 1660 39302 Abandoned-Other 7047697 599740 4809264 1 30 OAKVILLE 1660 39302 Abandoned-Other 7047698 599759 4809246 1 30 OAKVILLE 1660 39302 Abandoned-Other 7101500 599210 4810259 OAKVILLE 1660 39470 7102285 599592 4810095 1 29 6988 39507 Test Hole 7102285 599316 4809990 1 29 6988 39507 Test Hole Test Hole 7105545 598956 4809931 Oakville 6607 39594 Test Hole Monitoring 7105545 598948 4809931 Oakville 6607 39594 Test Hole Monitoring 7105546 598974 4809891 Oakville 6607 39594 Test Hole Monitoring and Test Hole 7105546 598964 4809900 Oakville 6607 39594 Test Hole Monitoring and Test Hole 7105546 598956 4809907 Oakville 6607 39594 Test Hole Monitoring and Test Hole 7107062 598998 4809900 Oakville 6607 39624 Test Hole Monitoring 7107062 598987 4809947 Oakville 6607 39624 Test Hole Monitoring 7107062 598984 4809954 Oakville 6607 39624 Test Hole Monitoring 7107062 599013 4809922 Oakville 6607 39624 Test Hole Monitoring 7107062 599002 4809938 Oakville 6607 39624 Test Hole Monitoring 7113789 598952 4809720 Oakville 6607 39744 Abandoned-Other 7113891 598875 4809945 Oakville 6607 39744 Abandoned-Other 7113891 598873 4809946 Oakville 6607 39744 Abandoned-Other 7113891 598979 4809944 Oakville 6607 39744 Abandoned-Other 7113891 598884 4809893 Oakville 6607 39744 Abandoned-Other 7113891 598880 4809889 Oakville 6607 39744 Abandoned-Other 7113891 598893 4809963 Oakville 6607 39744 Abandoned-Other 7113894 598996 4809685 Oakville 6607 39744 Test Hole Monitoring 7113894 598971 4809649 Oakville 6607 39744 Test Hole Monitoring 7113894 598983 4809664 Oakville 6607 39744 Test Hole Monitoring 7113897 598948 4809931 Oakville 6607 39744 Abandoned-Other 7120486 598972 4809935 Oakville 1660 39884 Abandoned-Other 7122505 598770 4810195 Oakville 3349 39932 Abandoned-Other 7122832 599013 4809904 Oakville 7241 39940 Test Hole Other 7122832 599013 4809931 Oakville 7241 39940 Test Hole Other 7122832 599013 4809914 Oakville 7241 39940 Test Hole Other 7122832 599013 4809946 Oakville 7241 39940 Test Hole Other 7122832 599013 4809959 Oakville 7241 39940 Test Hole Other 7124872 599351 4810297 1663 39996 Abandoned-Other Not Used 7128691 598979 4809944 Oakville 6607 39533 Test Hole Monitoring 7128691 598980 4809889 Oakville 6607 39533 Test Hole Monitoring 7128691 598984 4809893 Oakville 6607 39533 Test Hole Monitoring 7128691 598893 4809963 Oakville 6607 39533 Test Hole Monitoring 7128691 598975 4809945 Oakville 6607 39533 Test Hole Monitoring 7128691 598873 4809946 Oakville 6607 39533 Test Hole Monitoring 7129277 598953 4809849 1 31 Oakville 2663 40064 Abandoned-Other 7129278 599019 4809841 1 31 Oakville 2663 40064 Abandoned-Other Domestic 7132472 598943 4809710 Oakville 6607 40109 Test Hole Monitoring 7132472 598954 4809701 Oakville 6607 40109 Test Hole Monitoring 7132472 598950 4809691 Oakville 6607 40109 Test Hole Monitoring 7132472 598974 4809700 Oakville 6607 40109 Test Hole Monitoring 7132472 598959 4809723 Oakville 6607 40109 Test Hole Monitoring 7134672 598496 4809025 Oakville 2663 40143 Abandoned-Other 7135552 599087 4809889 Oakville 6607 40154 Test Hole Monitoring 7135552 599083 4809902 Oakville 6607 40154 Test Hole Monitoring 7135552 599109 4809915 Oakville 6607 40154 Test Hole Monitoring 7136481 598954 4809701 Oakville 6607 40168 Test Hole Monitoring 7136481 598959 4809723 Oakville 6607 40168 Test Hole Monitoring 7136481 598974 4809700 Oakville 6607 40168 Test Hole Monitoring 7136481 598943 4809710 Oakville 6607 40168 Test Hole Monitoring 7136481 598950 4809691 Oakville 6607 40168 Test Hole Monitoring 7136481 598967 4809683 Oakville 6607 40168 Test Hole Monitoring 7139558 598955 4809933 Oakville 1660 40217 Abandoned-Other 7151820 598992 4809918 OAKVILLE 6607 40445 Observation Wells Monitoring 7151820 598979 4809907 OAKVILLE 6607 40445 Observation Wells Monitoring 7151820 598968 4809910 OAKVILLE 6607 40445 Observation Wells Monitoring 7151820 598985 4809934 OAKVILLE 6607 40445 Observation Wells Monitoring 7159397 598454 4809364 Oakville 1660 40591 Abandoned-Other Not Used 7160594 599303 4809625 Oakville 7268 40619 Abandoned-Supply 7160595 599305 4809626 Oakville 7268 7168404 599459 4810502 7170036 599101 4809938 7176197 598799 4809582 7180049 598550 7180050 598911 7180051 598721 7180770 1 2 1 30 City 9 34 Contractor ID Received Final Status 7201 38505 Observation Wells 38657 Observation Wells 38834 Observation Wells Not Used 39078 Abandoned-Other Not Used 6607 Use 1 Test Hole 40619 Abandoned-Other OAKVILLE 7407 40793 Abandoned-Other Oakville 7215 40830 Test Hole OAKVILLE 2663 40940 Abandoned-Other 4809279 Burlington 7501 41025 Abandoned-Other 4809727 BURLINGTON 7501 41025 Abandoned-Other 4809507 Burlington 7501 41025 Abandoned-Other 598765 4809615 Oakville 7501 41040 Test Hole Monitoring 7180772 598412 4809127 Burlington 7501 41040 Abandoned-Quality Monitoring 7180773 599010 4809943 Monitoring 7181461 600419 4809260 7188637 600399 4809055 7199077 599127 7199078 599122 7207853 599620 4809402 7208299 599298 4810329 7208320 599351 7208321 7208322 1 1 29 31 Test Hole Oakville 7501 41040 Test Hole Oakville 7147 41051 Abandoned-Other 6946 41065 4809886 3349 41354 4809987 3349 41354 Oakville 7295 41529 Oakville 7238 41541 Observation Wells Monitoring 4810061 Oakville 7238 41541 Observation Wells Monitoring 599285 4810302 Oakville 7238 41541 Observation Wells Monitoring 599371 4810392 Oakville 7238 41541 Observation Wells Monitoring 1 29 Monitoring Use 2 Appendix A MOE Well Records Search Results Phase I ESA 2390 Khalsa Gate Oakville, ON L09-488 7208323 599128 4810040 7213370 600078 4809075 Oakville 7238 41541 7147 41626 Observation Wells Monitoring Appendix B Field Investigation Phase One Environmental Site Assessment – 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, ON L09-488 Site Photographs Phase One Environmental Site Assessment – 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, ON L09-488 PhotoLog 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, ON Phase One ESA Appendix B L09-488 Site Investigation PhotoLog Photo 1: A view of the Site looking north Photo 2: View of the debris pile on-site Photo 3: View of the south adjacent property across Khalsa Gate Photo 4: View of the north adjacent property hoto 5: View of the west adjacent properties across Bronte Road Photo 6: View of east adjacent properties across Khalsa Gate Field Investigation Notes Phase One Environmental Site Assessment – 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, ON L09-488 Interview Form Phase One Environmental Site Assessment – 2390 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, ON L09-488 Date: Conducted by: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Interview Form Tenant/Owner Name: Willowbay Rikmar Address/Site Name: 2390 Khalsa Gate Phone Number: 905-8877100 Interview conducted with: Sam Rupp Phone Number: 416-8817016 Working Knowledge of Site (years) 10 years 1) Please provide the name of the current owner of the property, dates of ownership and current land use. Owner – Willowbay Rikmar Inc. Owner since 2007 Land use – vacant land 2) To the best of your knowledge, provide previous land uses for the property prior to the current land use. vacant 3) What is the proposed/future intended land use? residential 4) Has equipment or vehicle maintenance ever taken place on the property? If so, where? no 5) Have any manufacturing or processing activities been carried out on-site? If so, where? no 6) Have any of the following substances ever been used, stored or disposed of on-site? If so, provide details. a) Pesticides/Herbicides no b) Soil amendments no c) Chemicals no d) Petroleum products no e) Radioactive material no f) Other wastes no 7) Have any spills or leaks of the above mentioned substances occurred on-site? If so, where? no 8) Are there or have there even been any underground or above-ground fuel storage tanks on the property? If so, where? Evidence of leaks or spills? no 9) Is there currently any garbage such as old cars, scrap metal, or car batteries on the property? If so, where? no 10) How is waste handled on site (onsite disposal/routinely picked up for disposal)? n/a – vacant land 10) Have any fill materials ever been placed on the site? no 11) Do any easements such as a creek, railway or utility lines run through the property? no 12) Please provide a description of where any underground utilities such as gas, sewer, water, etc. may be located. Gas along eastern limit, former municipal right of way 13) Are you aware of any spills, leaks, dumping of any materials, or any other concerns on adjacent properties? no 14) What source supplies drinking water to the property? none 15) Are there any wells that provide water for human consumption, livestock or irrigation? If so, please provide any details such as the date of installation, depth to bottom, static water level, etc. no 16) Are there any abandoned or non-operational wells on the property? If so, where? no 17) Have there been any historical water quality problems with the water from any wells on the property? no 18) What type of waste water system is located on the property? Where is it located? Have there been any historical problems with the waste water system? How often is it cleaned out? n/a 19) What structures, including buildings, old foundations, barns or sheds, are on the property? Age? Construction material? no 20) Are you aware of any asbestos, lead paint, or urea foam insulation on the property? no 21) Are there any fire pits located on the site? What materials, if any, are burned? no 22) Site? Are you aware of any previously completed environmental reports prepared for the Yes by Cole Engineering 23) Do you have any drawings detailing the boundaries of the Site? Yes, survey 20R-19541
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