Summer 2014
Summer 2014
Today AgStar INSIDE: The scoop on prevented planting coverage Annie’s Project empowers farm women ■ High school scholarship winners ■ ■ SUMMER 2014 AGSTAR IN ACTION | CROP INSURANCE Prevented from Planting When Mother Nature keeps farmers out of the fields, it’s important to understand your options “It’s important to know what qualifies, what you can and can’t do, and what the entire process entails.” — Trevor Knutson 2 A G S TA R T O D AY “I had never seen anything like it,” Jim Sam of Faribault said about the 2013 planting season. “It’s not unusual to have to plant around small wet spots in the field, but last year, it was the entire field.” “Prevented plant” has become a buzzword the last few years, with the unusually wet springs and often colder than normal temperatures. According to the Farm Service Agency (FSA), over 900,000 acres in Minnesota were reported as prevented plant in 2013. The only state with more prevented plant acres than Minnesota was North Dakota. For Jim, his first step was to talk with his insurance agent and AgStar Financial Services Officer, Larry Hafemeyer. “Larry called to check up on me and I started to get information on what my options were,” he said. “It goes without saying that we hope our clients are able to plant all their crops in a timely manner, in favorable conditions,” said Larry Hafemeyer. “But when that doesn’t happen, we want to make sure our clients understand what happens next.” In addition to farm visits and phone calls, AgStar held meetings to inform clients about the prevented plant process and regulations. In 2013, nearly 800 people attended these meetings. This year, AgStar again held prevented plant meetings in five different locations. Amy Durand, product manager for the AgStar Edge, which is AgStar’s educational resource center, understood that farmers were in need of information about prevented plant. “It’s a situation that not many farmers have experienced before,” she explained. “We knew that giving them a chance to learn directly from our risk management team and Financial Services Officers would help them understand what actions were best for their operation.” As the 2014 planting season rolled around, prevented plant was again a buzzword on the farm. Trevor Knutson from Ridgeland, WI was not immune to the talk. “It was in the back of my mind. I was definitely thinking about it early on,” he said. When it kept raining (and raining), it was time to get some more information from a trusted source. Trevor reached out to Doug Kucko, his AgStar Financial Services Officer. “Trevor came in to the office and sat down with myself and our Insurance Sales Specialist, Linda Hanson. Trevor had a lot of the same questions that most of our clients have,” Doug said. “Topics like final planting dates, payment amounts, and acceptable cover crops were big issues.” “It’s a situation that no one wants to deal with,” Doug commented. “Our farmers want to farm and get their crop in the ground. We do our best to make sure they have all the information they need so they can make the right choice for their farm.” Trevor attended a prevented plant informational meeting the last week of May in Rice Lake, WI. “I wasn’t too surprised at how many people were there,” he said. “I knew the wet weather had affected a large area.” Trevor was happy with how informative the meeting was. “It’s easy to be misinformed about the rules, so it was great to hear directly from the AgStar team.” With each client experiencing a different set of circumstances, it is a challenge to provide information that applies to each operation. With each client experiencing a different set of circumstances, it is a challenge to provide information that applies to each operation. Keith Velie, Risk Management Executive from Rice Lake, recognizes this. “When I went through the presentation at the informational meeting in Rice Lake, I knew that the rules and process I was explaining would apply to each client’s operation a bit differently. The producers at the meeting asked great questions; it was helpful to have them all in one room so they could hear what other farmers were wondering as well,” Keith said. Doug encouraged his clients to attend the meeting if they thought they were going to be affected by prevented plant. “It was a great way to get everyone on the same page. Then we were able to talk about how the process was going to work for their specific situation,” he said. Having now been through the process, Trevor says the best thing to do is to be informed. “It’s important to know what qualifies, what you can and can’t do, and what the entire process entails,” he said. Jim Sam, who experienced prevented plant two years in a row, said that it’s crucial to know what your options are. “Understanding what you can do for cover crops and figuring out what’s logical for your farm is key.” “It’s something we unfortunately have to deal with,” Doug says. “We hope we don’t have to deal with prevented plant on such a large scale in the future, but if we do, we’re ready to help our clients in any way we can.” ■ AgStar TODAY is published by AgStar Financial Services, ACA. The mission of TODAY is to educate, inform and connect with our clients and supporters. TODAY is copyrighted in its entirety. Editor Terri Fast Assistant Editor Breanne Rentschler Contributors Steve Bodart, Paul DeBriyn, Amy Durand, Spencer Enninga, Chris Gartner, Michelle Huneke, Krystal Ohlhaber, Christine Reitsma Design Stevenson Creative, LLC Send comments or suggestions to S U M M E R 2014 3 AGSTAR IN ACTION | FARM LIFE From left: Linda Glisczinski, Sandy Kubes, Becky Huppert and Joan Glisczinski at Annie’s Project. Stepping into her Role Annie’s Project dedicated to strengthening women’s role on the farm By the end of Annie’s Project, participants will have developed a strong and well-rounded understanding of their farm and the agriculture industry. T he job of a farm wife can be challenging to say the least. Between helping out on the farm, volunteering at school and in the community, ensuring that house and farm chores are done and putting food on the table, it can be easy to forget that you’re a business partner as well. The most recent USDA Census of Agriculture reported that forty-four percent of the 2.1 million farms in America have two operators. Two-thirds (67 percent) of second operators are women, of whom 90 percent are the spouse of the principal farm operator. That’s a lot of decision-making power that helps shape not only the success of individual farming operations, but the future of the ag industry itself for years to come. So, if you’re one of these female farmers, how do you prepare yourself for the responsibility? Education At AgStar, we understand the important role females play on the farm. That’s why we have chosen to sponsor and host the Annie’s Project program in Minnesota. Annie’s Project, established in 2002, is a nationwide movement with the goal of strengthening the role of women in the modern farm enterprise. This six-week program is dedicated to building networks through managing and organizing critical information. The unique curriculum and workshop format provides support for women, from women. The hope is that by the end of Annie’s Project, participants will have developed a strong and well-rounded understanding of their farm and the agriculture industry. Five areas of risk are examined during the program including: production, financial, marketing, legal and human resources. 4 A G S TA R T O D AY Networking It’s not all about discussing the risks though. Annie’s Project serves as a great time to meet and learn about women within your area who hold the same passion for agriculture that you do. Linda Glisczinski, a farm wife and mother of three, has attended Annie’s Project twice in the past. During one of those, she attended with a close friend, Lori Pint. The two women agreed that Annie’s Project brought them even closer together. “Women are more open when men aren’t present,” Lori said in a recent conversation about the program. “Annie’s Project gives you a sense of empowerment.” Though Linda has been working on her family’s farm for over 30 years, the program enabled her to become an active participant in the decision making conversations. The Glisczinskis operate a 200 cow dairy farm outside of New Prague, MN. “When Tim (our crop insurance representative) comes to the farm, for example, now I understand the terms being discussed and feel like I have a seat at the table.” After each lesson, she would bring topics like estate planning, soil conservation, and insurance home to discuss with her husband. “Kenny remembers the topics I learned about better than I do and he didn’t attend,” Linda joked. The knowledge she gained also empowered Linda and helped her feel more confident. “After Annie’s Project, I was finally able to answer questions when people came to the farm, rather than point them in Kenny’s direction.” “A large initiative within the AgStar Edge is to provide educational opportunities for women in agriculture. If you ask a woman in rural America if they know someone who has suffered the loss of a spouse, and then the loss of a farm and livelihood; I would guess they all would say yes. We hear this all the time at the AgStar Women’s Seminars,” AgStar Edge Product Manager Amy Durand states. “Educational initiatives like Annie’s Project help reduce the likelihood of that outcome. By providing an educational opportunity for women to come and learn about the common areas of risk in farming, and prepare them to make business decisions, we are ensuring another generation of that farming operation and keeping more farms alive.“ Linda hopes to attend Annie’s Project for a third time, this time bringing her daughter along to learn through the experience. “I would love to share the things I’ve learned with my daughter and dive even deeper into the business side of the operation.” According to Linda, the project puts things into perspective and encourages participants to explore new ideas and work to improve their farming operation. “Annie’s Project gets you thinking proactively. Things change; there is always new information out there. Farmers have to keep their minds open and continue to learn to stay ahead in the world.” Annie’s Project will be offered in Mankato in January/February 2015. Sign up for the Women in Agriculture eNewsletter at to make sure you don’t miss this opportunity. ■ “Annie’s Project gets you thinking proactively. Things change; there is always new information out there. Farmers have to keep their minds open and continue to learn to stay ahead in the world.” — Linda Glisczinski Annie’s Project is a great way to learn, network, and meet women in your area who are passionate about agriculture. S U M M E R 2014 5 AGSTAR IN ACTION | AG ADVOCACY Client Insights: The Washington Experience ”Civic engagement is very important. We all live here together and we need to look out for one another.” — Elizabeth Goreham P eople are talking about farmers and food more than ever before. Everywhere we go, we are inundated with information and misinformation about the agriculture industry. It’s never been more important for farmers to tell their story. Regardless of what you grow or how you grow it, the one thing pretty much everyone in agriculture can agree on is the power of advocating for our industry. At AgStar, for years we’ve recommended our clients and others in agriculture reach out to non-farming folks and talk about where food comes from. We’ve often encouraged our clients to voice their opinions by writing or calling elected officials to explain their point of view. This past spring, we took it one step further by hosting a client trip to Washington, D.C. This experience offered clients an opportunity to share agriculture’s story face-to-face with lawmakers, agency officials and other key influencers in our nation’s capital. Staci Martin, AgStar’s Director of Legislative Affairs, believes there is incredible value in connecting with your elected officials, whether they’re in D.C. or right in your own backyard. “Getting to know your elected officials and their staff — and making sure they know you — are important first steps to engagement in the legislative process,” explains Martin. “And connect others to your network and continue expanding your contacts to ensure you’re part of the conversations that are impacting you and your operation.” In every industry, especially agriculture, this is incredibly important. “When you make connections, you have the opportunity to tell your story. And remember, no one can tell your story better than you. Your first-hand information is extremely valuable. Elected officials want to know how and why issues impact you,” advises Martin. A few of the clients who participated in the trip shared their thoughts on the experience. Take a look at what they had to say. Mike Mulcahey Farm Operation Type: Retired grain and livestock farmer Location: Waseca, MN Issues of Importance: Transportation including updating waterways and pipelines and moving products around the world Mike Mulcahey Q: How do you see this experience helping farmers and rural America? A: If we don’t tell our side of the story, the politicians don’t hear it. It’s important to highlight and discuss issues that concern rural America including: water issues, farm programs, young farmer programs, high speed internet in rural areas and a variety of other topics so they understand our issues and perspectives. Q: Why would you encourage other producers to engage with elected officials or become engaged in the legislative process? A: If you’ve established a relationship with elected officials, there’s a better chance they will listen when you contact them on an issue that impacts farmers and/or rural America. 6 A G S TA R T O D AY ”As producers, we need to be willing to work together, which means crossing commodity boundaries, as a team, for the collective benefit of agriculture.” — Monica Anderson In addition, as you develop relationships, you may become a resource for them to contact for your opinion on agriculture issues. They’re dealing with a variety of issues and they need connections to help them better understand topics they might not be as familiar with; agriculture is definitely one of these. Monica Anderson Farm Operation Type: Corn, soybeans and recently breaking into livestock Location: Walnut Grove, MN Issues of Importance: Rural development and EPA Q: What was your biggest takeaway from the trip? A: The importance of networking. It’s so vital for people in agriculture to stay connected and network. As producers, we need to be willing to work together, which means crossing commodity boundaries, as a team, for the collective benefit of agriculture. In addition, I appreciated the commitment of the AgStar Board and team. Not only do producers need to remain networked and committed, but it’s essential that the organizations we work with and use as resources are engaged as well. Q: We visited with a lot of stakeholders. What impact has their perspectives and expertise had on you and your operation? A: It was an eye opening experience to visit with Acting Chairman Mark Wetjen and his staff at the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission. They spent time really listening to us, wanting to hear our concerns and issues. The importance of hearing and understanding both sides of the issues was very obvious during this meeting. Monica Anderson EXPLORE FURTHER . . . To find contact information for representatives, visit and, and enter your ZIP code in the top right corner. Paul Fetzer Farm Operation Type: 1,300 cow, family owned, dairy operation Location: Elmwood, WI Issues of Importance: Section179 tax deduction and immigration Q: How do you see this experience helping farmers and rural America? A: The opportunity presented to me by AgStar to be part of the Washington Experience showed me the importance of actually going to legislators’ offices to talk about how policies affect us and putting our faces with the issues. Being there also proved how many other groups, people and issues legislators have to consider in their decisionmaking process. Q: What surprised you most regarding what you learned about the legislative process? A: After being there, it’s easy to see why policies take so long to develop. No matter the issue or how close folks really are in their thoughts around an issue, people have opposing views as to how to come to a resolution. Paul Fetzer continued on page 8 S U M M E R 2014 7 Washington Experience Chris Staub Farm Operation Type: Corn and soybeans Location: West Concord, MN Issues of Importance: Tax extenders and farm bill implementation Continued from page 7 Q: What was your biggest takeaway from the trip? A: I was surprised by how receptive all the offices were to listening to our issues and stories, and engaging us in dialogue. At the same time, I was pleased to learn how updated and knowledgeable many of the offices were regarding issues impacting agriculture. Q: Why would you encourage other producers to engage in an experience like this? A: An experience like this provides a first-hand opportunity to learn how the process works; I gained insight and understanding to bring back to the farm. In addition, there’s a lot of value in having the chance to tell your story. I believe that hearing our stories regarding how legislation impacts us directly builds significantly more credibility around the issue than hearing about it from someone else. Chris Staub Brent Krohn Farm Operation Type: Corn, soybeans and custom finish hogs Location: Nicollet, MN Issues of Importance: Young and beginning farmers and transportation concerns Q: How do you see this experience helping farmers and rural America? A: It’s not every day that our representatives in Washington have American farmers take the time and effort to show up on their doorstep, nor do American farmers often have the opportunity to visit their representatives. Being in Washington to share the issues we see firsthand has greater meaning than a formal letter or industry lobbyist telling our story. It was a great opportunity and dialogue. A few years ago, I listened to Bruce Vincent speak at an AgStar Outlook meeting and a statement resonates with me; “If we don’t tell our own story someone else will, and likely from their perspective.” If we’re not in Washington telling our story and doing our part, someone else is. Unfortunately, they likely don’t have our best interest in mind. Farmers can tell their story better than anyone else. Brent Krohn Q: We visited with a lot of stakeholders, what impact has their perspectives and expertise had on you and your operation? A: One of my biggest takeaways from meeting with various stakeholders is we need to work together for the advancement of rural America and agriculture. Not only did we meet with stakeholders from all different segments of the industry, but our group was diverse as well, from size of operation, demographics of producers and types of farming operation. We represented many facets of agriculture from specialty hogs to dairy cattle and crop operations of corn, soybeans, wheat, potatoes and everything in between. This Washington DC Trip Highlights • Visits with elected officials and/or staff representing Minnesota and Wisconsin including Senators Franken, Johnson, Klobuchar and Baldwin and members of Congress Kline, Paulsen, Peterson, Nolan, Kind Duffy, Bachmann and Walz. • Informational sessions with Farm Credit Council, AgriBank and Vin Weber. Vin Weber is a former Minnesota congressman and partner with Mercury/Clark & Weinstock. He shared insight on the current political environment and upcoming elections. • Dinner with former MN Governor, Tim Pawlenty. 8 A G S TA R T O D AY • Meeting with Acting Chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, Mark Wetjen, and several top staff members focused on the futures markets. • Discussion with USDA Risk Management Administrator, Brandon Willis, and staff on farm bill implementation and crop insurance programs • Panels from a variety of agriculture organizations sharing information about the organizations they represent, issues they cover and perspectives on sharing agriculture’s message in DC. diversity helped us realize that, no matter how unique our operation, we share many of the same struggles. For me, these experiences allowed our operation to step back and take a bigger look at agriculture as we make decisions for the future. Greg Schwarz Farm Operation Type: Corn, soybeans and turkey production Location: Le Sueur, MN Issues of Importance: Transportation infrastructure and biofuel production Q: How do you see this experience helping farmers and rural America? A: Besides making some good connections with legislators on issues important to Minnesota farmers, I think it helps our fellow farmers realize that it’s not all that difficult to visit with elected officials. It can be as easy as a phone call, an e-mail or a personal visit. The point is that we must take the first step to engage decision-makers of all types on issues important to our farms. Maybe someone will be motivated to contact their Congressman after seeing how easy it is. Q: Why would you encourage other producers to engage with elected officials or become engaged in the legislative process? A: If you’re not at the table, you will be on the menu. Because farming is so diverse and sometimes complex, it’s important that we, as farmers, tell our story so legislators understand how their decisions affect us. Whether we like it or not, everything we do is political. Therefore, it’s vital that we connect with decision-makers that may affect our future success in some way. Farmers make up a small segment of the population; yet we represent the key to food, energy and economic security both at home and abroad. Most of us know the talking points, we just have to start talking. ■ Bigger engine. Bigger cab. Bigger load. Smaller rate. Get exactly what you need with G the Anything-With-A-Wheel Deal, going on now. Greg Schwarz "$"###"!#"# ##*($!&!$" $#$!"" $##% *'!#"! %!#("#" #($!" $%!*($! $!!# $# )#($"# (## *"# AGSTAR IN ACTION | FARM BUSINESS The Business of Farming Four Tips for Improving Operational Performance through Best Practice Benchmarking Benchmarking allows organizations to develop plans to make improvements or adopt specific best practices. B enchmarking. Any time this word is brought up there tends to be a lot of excitement from producers about being a part of a benchmark group and the information they will receive from a benchmarking study. While it’s true that benchmarking can offer a lot of value to a business, at the same time it’s important to differentiate between the valid benchmark comparisons and the noise. Some data should not be considered in any benchmark comparison. Best practice benchmarking is the process used by management, in which organizations evaluate various aspects of their processes in relation to best practice companies’ processes, usually within a peer group defined for the purposes of comparison. Benchmarking then allows organizations to develop plans on how to make improvements or adopt specific best practices, usually with the aim of increasing some aspect of performance. 1. Compare apples to apples Steve Bodart is a Principal Business Consultant and Dairy Industry Specialist with AgStar. Steve has a deep understanding of the family dairy business and large producer operations. He has been with AgStar since 2001. 10 A G S TA R T O D AY If we are comparing to the best of our peers, why are there any concerns about best practice benchmarking? Best practice benchmarking is only valid if numbers are put together very specifically by all contributing organizations. Within the dairy industry, a favorite benchmark is feed cost/cwt milk. While this may seem very straightforward, without knowing what is included in the number, the results could be very misleading and lead to inaccurate information. Here is just a partial list of some questions to be answered for a feed cost/cwt milk benchmark to be a valid comparison: • Does the feed cost include purchased feed only or purchased and home raised feed? • Is there a standard value that is included on all home raised feeds? • Does feed cost/cwt milk include feeds fed to dry cows and young stock or milking cows alone? • Are the pounds of milk being compared to pounds actually sold, DHIA records or metered weights in the parlor? • Since different producers have different component levels in their milk, are any adjustments being taken into account with the benchmark? 2. Track the right data A second factor that needs to be considered and evaluated when using benchmarks is whether or not the benchmarks track the correct matrix that is important to the business. In the example above related to feed cost/cwt of milk, let’s assume all the questions were answered so that the way the feed cost is measured is identical to the benchmark methodology. Is feed cost/cwt milk the right matrix to measure or is there a better matrix? Sometimes having a higher feed cost is what you need to do to increase profitability. I believe a benchmark more important than feed cost/cwt milk is income over feed cost/cow/day. Cows eat feed and cows produce milk. I don’t know how many cows it takes to get a cwt of milk or how much feed it takes to produce a cwt of milk, yet many of the other costs within the dairy are based on the number of cows that I am managing. So to me, benchmarking income over feed cost/cow/day is a much more relevant factor. 3. Compare larger chunks of data When performance benchmarking with your peers it is important to look at comparisons made on big pieces of information and not try to benchmark comparing every line item. Even though every operation in the study may be dairies of relatively similar size, there can still be a lot of variance within certain individual lines. For example, one producer may have an older, less efficient parlor than his peers resulting in higher labor costs. While this may cause a red flag if looked at on this level, his depreciation may be much less than the benchmark and his overall cost of production may still be in line. If we focused all our attention on the labor only, we could potentially come up with false conclusions whereas the overall cost of production may tell us that this dairy is still very competitive. Benchmarking larger pieces of information allows you to more accurately view how you compare with the industry without getting stuck trying to change a piece of your management system, which could cause you to try and put a square peg in a round hole. ”Provided you are consistent with how data is collected and entered, benchmarking against yourself allows you to see the areas of improvement that you have made and where areas of opportunity still exist.” 4. Compare against yourself An area of benchmarking that is not done nearly enough is benchmarking against your own operation year after year. Provided you are consistent with how data is collected and entered, benchmarking against yourself allows you to see the areas of improvement that you have made and where areas of opportunity still exist. If you benchmark against yourself and your peers, you are able to evaluate the detailed management changes that you have made and how they have impacted the efficiency of your operation. It also gives you a chance to look at the big picture and see how you compare with where the industry is moving. Businesses are always challenging themselves to do better. In order for a business to do better, they need to have a standard to compare to. The standard may be last year’s performance of your own operation or the top 25 percent of your industry. Proper interpretation and understanding of benchmarks allows your business to reach new heights and achieve things that at one time may have felt impossible. The use of appropriate benchmarks will keep your business sharp and allow you to compete at the top of your game. ■ EXPLORE FURTHER . . . For more insights from Steve and other members of AgStar’s Dairy Team, check out S U M M E R 2014 11 AGSTAR IN ACTION | AT HOME ON THE FARM Time to Make Your Move? Trends in the Housing Market I n the home mortgage industry, business is driven by three types of transactions; purchases, refinances, and construction loans. Traditionally, the mortgage lending season begins in late winter/early spring and tapers around Thanksgiving. In recent years, historically low interest rates have made home lending a year round cycle as weather, school, or the actual act of moving typically do not matter in a refinance transaction since the homeowner is simply trying to improve the rate and terms of their present mortgage debt. We have seen the refinance market really shrink since last summer and believe the pendulum will swing back toward more purchase and construction loans in the coming months. AgStar has always been committed to all three types of transactions and is positioned well for the future. Construction loans on the rise Chris Gartner is a Home Mortgage Services Sales Manager. He has been with AgStar since 2004. 12 A G S TA R T O D AY Of these two stated areas of potential growth, let’s start with construction loans. Within AgStar we have seen an uptick in home construction loans in a year-to-date comparison of 2013 to 2014, which is a positive for our industry as well as AgStar. This demand is creating the need for more skilled labor in the areas we serve and is an indication that today’s home owners are feeling confident enough in their own personal financial position to commit to investing in a home for themselves. It further signals the perception of the economy is strong enough for them to feel confident that their job is stable and/or their business is in a good position to commit to a mortgage. Due to the mortgage crisis we are all well aware of, home building dropped off substantially, forcing that skilled labor into different sectors to find employment and sustain their families. The departure of this skilled workforce and the lack of interest in the building trades for college-aged kids have really depleted the workforce. Now with the renewed interest in construction, homeowners are finding that it is taking longer to plan and build their home as there is simply less skilled labor to do all the work. Currently, I would recommend anyone interested in new construction start planning early and visit with their lender well in advance of looking to break ground to avoid last minute stress from the lack of proper planning. Purchase transactions season extending We are well into the buying season now. Historically, homeowners like to list their home in the spring when the weather is nice so their home looks good and updates can be made if needed. This position allows for a timely sell and the ability to buy/build in the summer months. For families, this time frame allows them to get themselves squared away and into a new home at or near Labor Day if they have school-aged children for the start of the new school year. This purchase market is very competitive now as all lenders are looking to this business to keep their pipelines full, especially if they do not offer construction loans. Our sales philosophy has always been to continually network with realtors and other influencers of home lending decisions to put AgStar in top-of-mind position especially if that buyer is looking for financing in a small town and/or a rural property. Lenders across the industry who have not committed to continually nurture this line of business have really seen a drop off in their pipelines. ”Today’s home buyer will notice a difference in the mortgage process as compared to just a few years ago. Simply put it takes a little longer to obtain a mortgage. ” What can today’s borrower expect? Today’s home buyer will notice a difference in the mortgage process as compared to just a few years ago. Simply put, it takes a little longer to obtain a mortgage. With the downfall of the mortgage industry a few short years ago, the Dodd-Frank bill was passed in an effort to protect the consumer from getting mortgages they cannot afford and to halt the industry from predatory lending. A new arm of the government called the CFPB (Consumer Finance Protection Bureau) was created as a result to help enforce this bill and monitor to make sure the rules and regulations set forth in the Dodd-Frank bill are carried out. As you can imagine, this is a huge undertaking. Many Americans have mortgages and, as a result, the CFPB is the fastest growing government agency to date. A few changes consumers may notice are: 1.) the loan originator with whom they are working needs to have an NMLS (National Mortgage Licensing System) number; 2.) an increased emphasis on loan disclosures gives buyers ample time to review and consider the loan they are about to undertake; and 3.) the importance of documenting their income, assets, and liabilities to ensure they have the ability to repay the loan. W e at AgStar have many things we feel good about as we look ahead. We have a passionate and experienced team to help our clients through the home mortgage process from start to finish. Home interest rates are still low, allowing clients to lock in longterm financing giving them peace of mind. Home values have stabilized and some areas are starting to see appreciation again. Finally, you will not find anyone in the home mortgage industry more committed and who places as much emphasis on client satisfaction and client loyalty as our team of Home Mortgage Specialists. Please contact any of them to discuss your home mortgage needs by visiting us as ■ EXPLORE FURTHER . . . Look for more insights from Chris and others from our Home Mortgage Services team at S U M M E R 2014 13 AGSTAR IN ACTION | GIVING BACK AgStar Announces High School Scholarship Recipients E ducation is a vital part of keeping the agriculture industry thriving. At AgStar, we want to empower young people to pursue careers in agriculture. By doing so, they lay the foundation for preserving and enhancing the quality of life in rural America for the future. This year, the AgStar Fund for Rural America awarded $25,000 in scholarships to 25 graduating seniors within AgStar’s 69-county service area. There were five students awarded a scholarship from each of AgStar’s five regions in Minnesota and Wisconsin. High school seniors planning to attend colleges, universities and technical schools to pursue careers in agriculture, or who have an agriculture background were eligible to apply for the scholarships. Students were judged based on their academic record, vocational promise, community service and leadership qualities. Applicants were required to have a GPA of 3.0 or better. Listed below are the students who received $1,000 scholarships this year. Congratulations to these recipients and to all graduates, and best of luck on your future endeavors! Trenton Arndorfer, Le Roy, MN Parents: Patrick and Brenda Arndorfer Northeast Iowa Community College John Deere Technician Program Laura Jensen, Comstock, WI Parents: Neil and Janice Jensen University of Minnesota- Twin Cities Animal Science Kendrah Schafer, Goodhue, MN Parents: Brandon and Monica Schafer South Dakota State University Animal Science, Ag-Business, Accounting Joshua Christoffer, Round Lake, MN Parents: Dean and Andrea Christoffer University of Minnesota Science/Biotechnology Samuel Johnson, Glenville, MN Parents: David and Sandra Johnson South Dakota State University Agriculture Business Austin Schmitt, Rice, MN Parents: Mark and Natalie Schmitt University of Minnesota Animal Science Valerie Earley, Wykoff, MN Parents: James and Rachel Earley University of Minnesota Agriculture Communications Hayden Kerkaert, Pipestone, MN Parents: Barry and Karen Kerkaert South Dakota State University Animal Science Christine Schwartz, Le Sueur, MN Parents: Brian and Susan Schwartz Bethel University Art Rebecca Garvey, Centuria, WI Parents: Michael and Pamela Garvey Minnesota State University Moorhead Music Kirby Krogstad, Eyota, MN Parents: Lora Allen and Craig Krogstad South Dakota State University Dairy Production & Manufacturing Gabriella Sorg, Hastings, MN Parents: William and Juanita Sorg University of Minnesota Animal Science Paige Gravenhof, Worthington, MN Parents: Stacey and Michelle Gravenhof South Dakota State University Agriculture April Lake, Boyceville, WI Parents: Jeffery and Kelley Lake Chippewa Valley Technical College Agri-science Technology Megan Struss, Courtland, MN Parents: Paul and Mary Struss South Dakota State University Agriculture Business Jenna Hartzler, Alpha, MN Parents: Greg and Amy Hartzler University of Minnesota- Duluth Business Communications Gavin Luhman, Goodhue, MN Parents: Jon Luhman and Holly Fifield University of Minnesota Animal Science Aaron Trio, Mapleton, MN Parents: Steve and Mary Jo Trio UW-River Falls Agriculture Engineering Alexus Heldt, Watertown, MN Parents: Jodene Heldt and Stephen Penegor UW- River Falls Ag-Engineering and Agriculture Education Sara Noble, Blooming Prairie, MN Parents: Kevin and Lisa Noble UW-River Falls Agri-Business & Pre-Law Katrina Wille, Rice Lake, WI Parents: Jeff and Debbie Wille UW-River Falls Animal Science Matthew Raak, Jasper, MN Parents: Philip and Theresa Raak Ridgewater College Farm Operations & Management Katie Yorek, Little Falls, MN Parents: Ken and Brenda Yorek UW-River Falls Dairy Science, Pre-Vet Marcus Irrthum, Wanamingo, MN Parents: John and Linda Irrthum Carlton College Business 14 A G S TA R T O D AY Braden Rahn, Good Thunder, MN Parents: Tom and Christine Rahn South Dakota State University Agriculture Science AGSTAR IN ACTION | FARM LIFE Help us share everyday moments of agriculture AgStar’s AgShots Photo Calendar Contest Your photo entry may appear in AgStar’s 2015 AgShots Calendar! Entering may also earn you a $100 Visa gift card! Photo submissions for the 2015 calendar must be received by September 1, 2014. How it works: • Email your pictures to • Include your first and last name, names of all photographed persons and a brief description of the photo in the body of the email. • Thirteen photos will be selected for a $100 Visa gift card each. By submitting entries you agree to all terms and conditions found on If you have questions about the contest, please send them to What to submit: We’re looking for compelling imagery that illustrates the best of farming and rural life in Minnesota and Wisconsin — planting, livestock or harvest scenes; industry shots of agribusiness, production ag, timber operations, farms; action shots in fields and barns; seasonal photos; county fairs, 4-H or FFA events; rural landscape and scenery; country living. FOR MORE INFORMATION AND OFFICIAL CONTEST RULES, CHECK OUT AGSTAR.COM/AGSHOTS. Star Tribune Names AgStar Financial Services to its Top 100 Workplaces 2014 A gStar is proud to announce they have been named one of the Top 100 Workplaces in Minnesota based on an employee survey conducted by the Star Tribune. For the third year, AgStar was ranked in the top ten, making the fifth spot on the large employer list this year. This marks AgStar’s fourth time being recognized as a top employer in the state. We are so excited to receive this recognition again as it truly reflects our team members’ opinions of our workplace! Top Workplaces recognizes the most progressive companies in Minnesota based on employee opinions about organizational health, job expectations and employee engagement. This analysis included responses from over 58,600 employees at Minnesota public, private and nonprofit organizations. “AgStar is honored to be selected as one of the top places to work in Minnesota,” said John Hemstock, Senior Vice President of Brand & Talent Strategies at AgStar. “Being recognized with such a respected group of top employers in the state is certainly a testament to our goal of creating a highly engaged team with a culture focused on collaboration.” The rankings in the Star Tribune Top 100 Workplaces are based on survey information collected by WorkplaceDynamics, an independent company specializing in employee engagement and retention. To qualify for the top workplaces, a company must have more than 50 employees in Minnesota. Over 2,000 companies were invited to participate. Rankings were composite scores calculated purely on the basis of employee responses. ■ S U M M E R 2014 15 15 AGSTAR IN ACTION | GOVERNANCE AgStar names Rod Hebrink new President and CEO O n behalf of the Board of Directors, I’m pleased to announce the unanimous decision to name Rod Hebrink as President and Chief Executive Officer of AgStar. The Board took a thoughtful approach in selecting a CEO — a process that our stockholders, clients, partners and team members expected and deserved in finding a successor. In making this decision, the Board assessed key leadership expectations and evaluated organizational succession plans. We analyzed the key criteria for this position, including: vision and innovation; financial services leadership and business acumen; team building, motivation and talent development; and relationship building skills. Throughout this discussion and evaluation the Board remained committed to our mission of enhancing life in agriculture and rural America. Rod brings over 34 years of experience in financial services, serving as AgStar’s Chief Financial Officer for nearly 30 years. In addition, he offers incredible leadership qualities and a clear understanding of where AgStar has been and where we are going. “I’ve had the opportunity to work with Rod for most of my career and he’s made significant leadership contributions to AgStar,” shared Wick Manley, AgStar’s Executive Vice President and Chief Relationship Officer. “He thinks outside the box and proactively pursues projects and initiatives to enhance the success of our clients, team members and the organization.” Rod has successfully led a number of important initiatives for AgStar during his tenure including the capital management program with preferred capital and subordinated debt, the concept and coursework of our leadership development program and AgStar’s initial mission-related investments initiative. With an unwavering commitment to our clients, an incredibly strong team and progressive, strategic leadership, the Board believes AgStar is well positioned. AgStar is a strong, successful partner for rural America today and Rod is the right leader to continue on this trajectory. "I’m thrilled to have this opportunity to build on AgStar's legacy of serving the agriculture industry," shared Rod. "Working alongside our clients and helping them achieve their goals is a privilege. Aligned with AgStar’s values, my passion for partnering with rural America only seems to grow over the years. Growing up on a farm in Renville, MN, I knew I’d spend my livelihood in agriculture. “Serving rural America, we remain committed to client service and satisfaction, team member engagement and financial success. We have amazing clients and an incredibly talented team. I count myself lucky to be a part of this team — a team that values our clients’ success as much as I do. I’m fortunate to lead this organization today; it’s an exciting time for AgStar.” As we embark on a new chapter of leadership for AgStar, we appreciate the confidence you’ve put in us and want you to know we remain committed to maintaining the same service and standards you’ve come to expect. AgStar is ready for this evolution — coupling Rod’s proven leadership abilities with AgStar’s strong mission and vision; we’re incredibly excited about what lies ahead. Thank you for continuing to put your trust in AgStar. ■ Rod Hebrink President & CEO, AgStar Financial Services, ACA ABOUT ROD As CFO, Hebrink was responsible for the financial operations, capital markets, information technology and correspondent lending services. Before joining AgStar, he held positions in corporate agri-business banking with Norwest and the St. Paul Bank for Cooperatives. Hebrink has an Agricultural Business Administration degree from the University of Minnesota. He also received the Wall Street Journal Award for Academic Excellence and completed the Graduate School of Banking at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Rod has one daughter and he and his wife, Carol, live in rural Monticello. Spencer Enninga Chairperson of the Board S U M M E R 2014 16 SUMMER 2014 I hope you’ve had a chance to read the letter that came a few weeks ago from Spencer Enninga, AgStar’s Board Chairperson, regarding my retirement. As you might imagine, making the decision to retire was a huge step for me. I took some time off this spring to manage through some health issues and while I was away, I had the opportunity to reflect on a number of things, including my career at AgStar, quality of life and what I wanted to do in the future. I’ve been incredibly fortunate; I’ve had the chance to lead an amazing company with unbelievable clients and team members for the last 27 years. We’ve accomplished great things and I feel blessed. However, serving as CEO for the nearly three decades has required significant investments of both time and energy. While health-wise I’m doing much better and could have returned as CEO, I’ve realized this is the right time for a change in leadership. To ensure a smooth transition, I’ll serve as Strategic Advisor to the AgStar Board and executive leadership team over the next nine months. I’m looking forward to being part of the AgStar team in this capacity until I officially retire April 1, 2015. As I talk with friends and neighbors about my decision, I have yet to find someone who’s regretted their decision to retire. Imagine that! Around me I have friends with terminal illnesses and mobility limiting health issues that remind me to seize life while I have the ability. For too long, I’ve been putting things off and I’m ready to refocus my energy. While personally I’ve reached this conclusion, please know I wouldn’t have made this decision if I didn’t believe AgStar was ready. The organization is in the perfect spot to transition leadership to someone who will take it to the next level. AgStar is arguably in the strongest spot in the organization’s history, positioned well in the market as an innovative and successful financial services partner to rural America. In addition, we’ve invested great resources to ensure our leadership is world-class and I’ll be working with them over the next nine months to ensure a smooth transition. Overall, I’m confident AgStar is in good hands and poised for future success. I have nothing but admiration for this organization, its team members, board and clients. As the longest standing CEO within the Farm Credit System, my dedication to AgStar and our mission has never wavered. When I was interviewed by board members for the CEO position nearly thirty years ago, in a very turbulent time for agriculture, I was asked how I would know when AgStar was successful. My reply was that we’d have success when every board member and team member could stand up straight, puff out their chest and say they work for this company. With world-class client loyalty, client satisfaction and team engagement results, I believe we’ve achieved this. Finally, I’ve never experienced people more committed to what they do than those of you in agriculture. To this day when I listen to Paul Harvey’s “So God Made a Farmer” speech, I take pause as his words ring true. Over the years, I’ve had the opportunity to build friendships with many of you and I’ve found great joy in watching your businesses grow and evolve. We’ve seen good and bad times, families grow, farms change hands and operations welcome the next generation. Regardless of what’s happened, you’ve remained steadfast in your passion for what you do. I often wonder — if another industry was faced with the challenges agriculture has experienced — how would they react? I think I know the answer. You’re an impressive group. Thank you for putting your trust in AgStar. I’m confident the organization will stay committed to your success and the future of rural America. ■ View from the Field C by Paul DeBriyn Strategic Advisor, AgStar Financial Services, ACA “The organization is in the perfect spot to transition leadership to someone who will take it to the next level.” S U M M E R 2014 17 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID OWATONNA, MN PERMIT NO. 110 1921 Premier Drive P.O. Box 4249 Mankato, MN 56002-4249 Contact Us 866-577-1831 AgStar Financial Services is an equal opportunity employer and provider. © 2014 AgStar and AgStar Financial Services are registered trademarks of AgStar Financial Services, ACA. All rights reserved. Financial Ratios How Do I Grow and Improve? Agriculture markets are continually changing. In order to be better prepared for future price changes, it is important to have a solid understanding of your operation’s financial records and ratios. This class provides a basic look at key financial ratios and indicators needed to manage your business. Choose from six locations: Baldwin – Wednesday, January 14, 2015 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. Waite Park – Thursday, January 15, 2015 Box lunch will be provided Space is limited. AgStar Office, 540 Baldwin Plaza Dr., Baldwin, WI AgStar Office, 806 3rd Street S., Waite Park, MN Blue Earth – Friday, January 16, 2015 AgStar Office, 1700 Giant Dr., Blue Earth, MN Make reservations today by calling 866-577-1831. Worthington – Tuesday, January 20, 2015 Cost is $50 per operation for Clients, $100 per operation for Non-clients. Mankato – Wednesday, January 21, 2015 An AgStar Edge Workshop AgStar is an offering of AgStar Financial Services, ACA. AgStar Financial Services is an equal opportunity lender, employer and provider. ©2014 All rights reserved. AgStar Office, 1791 Diagonal Rd., Worthington, MN Greater Mankato Business Development Center, Lake Washington Room, 1961 Premier Dr., Mankato, MN Rochester – Thursday, January 22, 2015 AgStar Office, 7540 Airport View Dr. SW, Rochester, MN
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