August 2015 - Hermann Sons Life Insurance


August 2015 - Hermann Sons Life Insurance
125 years
Hermann Sons Grand Lodge
Monuments honor Hermann
EDITOR’S NOTE: On March 27, 1890, the
eight Hermann Sons lodges that existed in
Texas at the time came together to form a
“home office” and thus the Grand Lodge was
founded. That was 125 years ago. The Grand
Lodge will celebrate its quasquicentennial on
Oct. 10 in Floresville. The Hermann Sons News
will mark the occasion with a series of articles
on the history of Hermann Sons. The articles
are being compiled by Grand President/CEO
Buddy Preuss.
For information on Hermann Sons insurance products,
fraternal benefits, calendar of events, latest news, photos, visit:
VOL. 118 • SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS • AUGUST 2015 • NO. 12
As the 125th Anniversary Celebration of the
Grand Lodge draws near on Oct. 10, this series
of articles on the history of Hermann Sons will
draw to a close. This month we go back to the
beginning and offer more interesting information on Hermann, the German hero for whom
our organization is named.
There are two major monuments that have
been erected in tribute to Hermann.
The Hermannsdekmal or “Hermann
Monument” (pictured at left) is located southwest of Detmold, Germany. It stands on a
densely forested hill in the Teutoburger Wald
(Teutoburg Forest) range. The monument was
completed in 1875 and rises a total of 53.44
Celebration set for
Oct. 10 in Floresville
SAN ANTONIO – It’s time
to celebrate! Tickets are now
available for the Grand Lodge’s
125th Anniversary Celebration
planned for Saturday, Oct. 10,
at the Floresville Event Center.
The doors open at 2 p.m. Cost
is $10 per person.
Entertainment starts at 3 p.m.
and the program begins at 3:30
p.m. A dance and other activities will start at 4:30 p.m. and
dinner will be served at 5 p.m.
Each person will receive a
dinner ticket, two drink tickets
and a commemorative anniversary pin.
Children are welcome and
there will be special activities
for them.
A community outreach project is being conducted that
day. If you would like to take
part, bring children’s books,
new stuffed animals or blankets/throws to donate to the
Children’s Alliance of South
Texas. This organization, located in Floresville, is an advocate for children in crisis.
The 125th Anniversary
Cookbook will be for sale that
day. The cookbook, featuring
1,000 recipes submitted by
Hermann Sons members from
across the state, will cost $12.
Members are encouraged to
buy their cookbooks that day
or at the Grand Lodge after
the event. Cookbooks that are
mailed will cost $15 to cover
the cost of shipping and handling.
Turn to Page 6 for more information on the celebration and
a coupon for ordering tickets.
meters. The pedestal is made of sandstone and
the statue is made of copper. The statue faces
the west, reflecting the idea that Varus’ troops
were coming from this direction. His right
arm holds a sword pointing upward which
has the following inscription: DEUTSCHE :
: DEUTSCHLANDS : MACHT (German unity
(is) my strength – my strength (is) Germany’s
might). The left hand is supporting a large shield
on which is written Treufest (“always faithful”).
The Hermann Heights Monument (picture on
Pg. 12) is in New Ulm, Minn. Completed in
1897, the monument is 102 feet in height. The
statue is sheet copper molded over iron and
stands on an iron column encircled by a spiral
staircase. The base is Kasota stone.
The Hermann Heights Monument was added
to the National Register of Historic Places in
1973. It is the third largest copper statue in the
United States after the Statue of Liberty and the
“Portlandia” in Portland, Oregon. The 106th
United States Congress (2000) designated the
Hermann Monument in New Ulm to be an official symbol of all citizens of German heritage.
See POEM, Pg. 12
Hermann Sons presents
check for flood relief
Tom Keysers accepts a check from Grand Vice PresidentFraternal Kim Krueger, left, and Community Service Coordinator
Laura Adams on behalf of My Neighbors Keeper. See Pg. 15 for
the full story.
Hermann SonS newS
(USPS 242200)
Periodicals Postage Paid at
San antonio, Texas
Published monthly by
THe Hermann SonS newS
515 S. St. mary’s St.
San antonio, Texas 78205
aUGUST 2015
Send address changes to:
Hermann Sons News
P.O. Box 1941
San Antonio, TX 78297-1941
oF THe orDer oF THe
SonS oF Hermann In THe
STaTe oF TeXaS
Home oFFICe:
515 S. St. Mary’s Street
P.O. Box 1941
San Antonio, Texas 78297-1941
210-226-9261 or 1-800-234-4124
Fax: 210-226-3055
Hermann Sons Youth Camp
Retirement Home: 830-995-2724
GranD LoDGe oFFICerS
PaST GranD PreSIDenT
PaST GranD PreSIDenT
GranD PreSIDenT/Ceo
GranD VP-SeCreTarY/TreaS.
GranD VP-InVeSTmenTS
GranD VP-marKeTInG
GranD VP-FraTernaL
GranD FInanCe CommITTee
reTIremenT Home CommITTee
Grand Guide
Grand Inner Guard
Grand Outer Guard
LawS CommITTee
Glenn Altwein
Donnie Blinka
Glenford Boehme
John Bradley
Joe Doss
Agnes Dreibrodt
Vernon Fenner
Lillian Franckowiak
Debbie Gold
Karen Harborth
Robert Herridge
Milton Ihlo
Jerry Don Klose
Oscar Kuehner
Billy Lehde
David Lewis
James Lowak
Jeanette Preuss
Calvin Rueter
Howard Saathoff
Tim Salge
Don Saunders
Andy Schellenberg
Irene Schwertner
Joe Trojacek
Lee Vogel
Ronald Wiatrek
Grand President's
A Year of Celebration - Part 2
125 years ago Hermann Sons chartered its eighth Texas
lodge and was thus granted approval from the national organization to organize a State Grand Lodge. So this year we
celebrate our Quasquicentennial. We celebrate all that is
Hermann Sons – membership benefits, family protection and
service to community.
“A year of celebration” will culminate with our 125th
Anniversary Celebration scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 10, at
the Floresville Event Center in Floresville. This will be the day
that Hermann Sons pride will shine bright for all to see. All
members and their guests are invited to our “celebration of
As with any Hermann Sons party there will be plenty
of food, drink and entertainment. Hundreds of guests are
expected to join in the festivities. There will be music and
dancing and games for all ages. We will be telling the stories
of the impact of our fraternal spirit across the state this past
year and sharing the promise of our future. Each attendee
will receive a 125th Anniversary commemorative gift and
have the first opportunity to purchase our special 125th
Anniversary Cookbook. Event tickets are only $10.
On behalf of the Grand Committee and our Grand Lodge
staff, I wish to extend a personal invitation to all of our members and their guests to join us for this once-in-a-lifetime
celebration. To register for the event, please use the form
located on Page 6 of this issue. See you in October!
Buddy Preuss
Grand President/CEO
New position posting
at the Grand Lodge
We value our members and want to better communicate the value of Hermann Sons membership
to all.
With this in mind, the Grand Lodge is now accepting applications for a new staff position – Member
Engagement Director.
This person will be accountable for ensuring that
all members better understand engagement opportunities; playing a leadership role in developing,
implementing and evaluating a framework to support and enhance member engagement and define
its value.
This person will be a proactive liaison with executive staff focusing on excellence in member engagement and member services.
To learn more about this new position or to submit
an application, please go to the employment section of our website.
I hope to fill the position by mid-October.
"Hugs from Home"
Give us the name and address of someone who is serving
in Iraq or Afghanistan and we will add them to our
"Hugs from Home" list of care package recipients.
Name ______________________________________
Address Line 1 _______________________________
Address Line 2 _______________________________
Address Line 3 _______________________________
Deployment Dates ____________________________
Clip and mail to:
Hermann Sons Grand Lodge
P.O. Box 1941
San Antonio, TX 78297-1941
Attention: Fraternal Department
Donors listed
SAN ANTONIO – Donations
continue to be made to help
send "Hugs from Home" to the
men and women of the armed
forces serving in Iraq and
Afghanistan. The latest contibutors were:
Hondo Victory Lodge
Taylor Lodge No. 3
Giddings Lodge No. 54
Joyce and J.R. Kneupper
Vineta Lodge No. 15
Houston Lodge No. 100
McGregor Lodge No. 132
Mission-Alamo Lodge No. 80
Chuck Graustein
Wayne and Janilla Kilborn
Bernardo Lodge No. 243
Moulton Lodge No. 59
Gulf Lodge No. 46
Rosenberg-Richmond Lodge
San Marcos Lodge No. 26
Calendar of Events
Dance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Helotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 5
Braun Hall hosts a dance on the first Saturday of every month beginning at 8 p.m.
The Countrymen provide the music. Call Braun Hall Manager Evelyn Carolan
at 210-688-9241 to reserve a table. The public is welcome.
Taco Dinner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . San Antonio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sept. 11
Anton Wenzel Lodge No. 174 is sponsoring its annual Crispy Taco Dinner.
Call the office at 210-223-1491 for all the details.
Dance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New Braunfels . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 12
The Goodtime Polka & Waltz Club will host a dance at Eagles Hall, 257 E. South St., New
Braunfels, from 7-11 p.m. Music by Don Peachey from Burnet, Wisc.
Call 830-660-4866 for more information. Memberships are available at sign-in table.
Guests welcome. No shorts please. Hamburgers available.
Quarterly meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sept. 17
Marion Lodge No. 74 will hold its quarterly meeting at 7 p.m. in a temporary location, the
Marion Library in Marion. Scholarships will be awarded at this time.
Dance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Helotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sept. 19
Braun Hall hosts a dance on the third Saturday of every month beginning at 8 p.m.
Bimbo and Borderline provide the music. Call Braun Hall Manager Evelyn Carolan
at 210-688-9241 to reserve a table. The public is welcome.
Chicken & Sausage Barbecue . . . . . . . . . . . Rutersville. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 26
Rutersville Lodge No. 152 will host its annual Chicken and Sausage Barbecue.
Serving will be from 5-7 p.m. and plates to go will be available.
Adult plates will be $9 and children under 12 can eat for $4. Activities will include a cake
walk, auction and music by "This is It." Everyone is welcome.
Dance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Helotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 3
Braun Hall hosts a dance on the first Saturday of every month beginning at 8 p.m.
The Countrymen provide the music. Call Braun Hall Manager Evelyn Carolan
at 210-688-9241 to reserve a table. The public is welcome.
Gambling trip. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eagle Pass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 15
Members of Pershing Lodge No. 160 will travel to the Lucky Eagle Kickapoo Casino.
Call Terri Armstrong at 210-378-0319 for more information.
Coast trip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rockport. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Oct. 18-20
Members of Pershing Lodge No. 160 will travel to Rockport for the weekend.
Call Terri Armstrong at 210-378-0319 for more information.
Flea Market. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seguin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 17
Seguin Lodge No. 37 will sponsor a flea market, arts and crafts fair and bake sale.
Cost to rent a space is $10 inside and $20 outside.
Call Vernelle Jones at 830-379-9943 for more information.
Dance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Helotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 17
Braun Hall hosts a dance on the third Saturday of every month beginning at 8 p.m.
Bimbo and Borderline provide the music. Call Braun Hall Manager Evelyn Carolan
at 210-688-9241 to reserve a table. The public is welcome.
If you would like to see your lodge’s event listed here,
call Kathie Ninneman, 210-226-9261 or 1-800-234-4124, ext. 273,
or email the information to
August 2015 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 3
Grand Vice President-Secretary/Treasurer
It has been a busy summer for Hermann Sons lodges as we can see
from the many photos and lodge reports. Fraternalism will continue to
be on display as many more lodge activities and events are scheduled
for the upcoming months.
The “125 in 2015 – Go for the Goal” Campaign is continuing through
the end of the year. Five names were drawn in July and these members received a $125 gift card for recommending a new member. The
campaign will continue and five more members will each receive a
$125 gift card at the end of the year. Flyers with information on this
campaign are being included in all Grand Lodge business mail from all
departments. Help make this campaign a success by recommending a
member into our Order.
The 51st Hermann Sons State Bowling Tournament held in
New Braunfels this year was an event full of fun and fraternalism.
Congratulations to those who placed, including some of our Grand
Lodge personnel. The unofficial tournament results are posted on the
Hermann Sons website. The tournament will return for two weekends
again next year in Austin on July 30-31 and Aug. 4-6. Mark the dates on
your calendar and join the fun. The annual tournament brings together
fraternalists from across the state. Invite a prospective member to be on
your team next year to experience the value of Hermann Sons through
its insurance products and fraternal benefits.
The quarterly meeting of the Retirement Home Committee was
held in July and three new members were approved for residency. It’s
incredible to see the beauty of the Home and we are so thankful for
the residents who take pride in keeping the landscape picture perfect.
The Grand Finance Committee met for its semi-annual audit of the
books and records of the Grand Lodge on July 27-29 and a Grand
Committee meeting was held on July 30. Minutes are published here.
A new season of dance classes will begin after Labor Day in many
areas of the state. Registration continues online. Please remember in
order to continue dance lessons, the junior member must always be
paid current with premiums and lodge dues. Our tuition-free dance
classes offer junior members the opportunity to learn to dance and gain
self-confidence, poise and skills they can use throughout their lives.
Many memories and friends are made through this connection.
Have you visited our website lately? We have some exciting videos
featuring our Retirement Home and Schools of Dance that were produced by Hermann Sons member Alexandra Eads. Alexandra was a
senior counselor at camp and is completing an internship in radio/
television/film as part of her major at the University of North Texas.
Invitations have been mailed to the Grand Lodge’s 125th Anniversary
Celebration. Additional tickets will be sold for $10 per person but
advance purchase is necessary for planning purposes. The event is on
Saturday, Oct. 10, at the Floresville Event Center. We hope to see many
of you on this very special day for the Grand Lodge.
Labor Day pays tribute to the contributions and achievements of
workers. We all work hard, so let’s enjoy the last of days of our summer
on this long weekend.
Mary Beam
Grand Vice President-Secretary/Treasurer
The Hermann Sons
News has its own fax
number. Faxes for the
Hermann Sons News can be
sent to 1-888-443-3377 or
Page 4 – Hermann SonS newS – August 2015
Members keep recommending
Monthly Features
Grand President’s Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Calendar of Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Grand Vice President-Secretary/Treasurer’s Bulletin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Pioneer Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-9
In Memoriam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Memorial donation form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
In Memoriam of Our Deceased Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Medical Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Retirement Home News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Fraternal Features
Monuments honor Hermann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 & 12
Check presented to My Neighbors Keeper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 & 15
125th Anniversary Celebration set for Oct . 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 & 6
"Hugs from Home" donors listed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Golfers to raise money for Camp Discovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Grand Committee Meeting Minutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-12
Grand Lodge has new position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Grand Finance Committee letter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Bright Spots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Bowling tournament held in New Braunfels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
TOP Recommenders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-5
September is Life Insurance Awareness Month . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
100% Families . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Drivers needed for Hermann Sons float . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Roster of Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
youth in action
Marion juniors participate in mission work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Hill Country dancers donate food . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Answers to puzzles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Prinz Solms junior attends dance convention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Hill Country presents 'Vegas' recital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Hermann Sons donates to VFDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Campers earn awards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Registration under way for dance program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Family Ties at Camp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Another summer comes to an end at Camp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Camp staff honored for years of service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Future Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
loDge rePorts
Page no. lodge
Albert Kypfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Anton Wenzel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Austin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Boerne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Brenham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Brunhilde . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Bryan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Cibolo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Columbus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Comfort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Coupland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Cuero Family . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
DaCosta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Dallas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Deanville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Dunlay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Edelweiss-Magnolia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Flatonia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Fort Worth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Fredericksburg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Gay Hill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Giddings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Helotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Highland Lakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Hochheim-Prairie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Hondo Victory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Houston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Kerrville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Page no.
Kirby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Laubach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Lockhart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Maxwell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
McGregor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Mission-Alamo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
New Bielau . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
New Braunfels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Niederwald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Nordheim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Old Glory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Paige . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Pershing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Plum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Prinz Solms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Rosenberg-Richmond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Round Top . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Rutersville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
San Marcos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Schulenburg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Seguin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Shelby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Siemering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Spring Branch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Stern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Vineta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Womack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Hermann Sons News Staff
assistant editor
Kathie Ninneman
Elaine H . Soto
The Hermann Sons News is an official publication of the Order of the Sons of Hermann in
Texas . The management and editorial policy of the newspaper shall be in the hands of the Grand
President, and the Grand President shall have the authority to appoint a member or members of
the Order as editor and/or business manager thereof (Art . 38, Grand Lodge Laws) .
All news articles and photographs should be mailed to the Editor, Hermann Sons News, P .O .
Box 1941, San Antonio, TX 78297-1941, or emailed to kathie@texashermannsons .org . Deadline
for each monthly issue is the 10th of the month of publication .
The Team of Outstanding Prospectors
Recommenders for the month of July . This
brings our total to 343 members recommending 450 new members to Hermann
Sons in 2015 .
Congratulations to the following July recommenders:
Adrianna Allen, New Braunfels Lodge
Melisa Alvarez, Kirby Lodge
Brynlee Rose Belicek, Marion Lodge
Jami Lea Bryce, Jourdanton Lodge (*)
Zoey Rae Bustillos, Mission-Alamo Lodge
Christopher R . Carter, Karnes City Lodge
Victoria E . Chavez, Siemering Lodge (&)
Carolyn F . Condel, Helotes Lodge
Cynde Crittell, Siemering Lodge
Mike J . Dillinger, Fort Worth Lodge
Hannah J . Dolan, Cuero Family Lodge
Helen Lange Frey, La Grange Lodge
Andrew G . Friesenhahn, Marion Lodge
Mia L . Galvan, Kirby Lodge
Theodore H . Garland, New Braunfels Lodge (^)
Alice Marie Golla, Pershing Lodge (&)
Lila Ann Gossett, New Braunfels Lodge
Tess Emily Gottschalk, Mission-Alamo Lodge
Ava Grace Guerra, Jourdanton Lodge
Mike Gumpp, Harmonia Lodge
Herman Henry Haas Jr ., Boerne Lodge
Allie Michele Hale, Castroville Lodge (^)
Hattie Lysette Harmon, Giddings Lodge (*)
Ronald Harmon, Paige Lodge
Rebecca Trevino Henley, Helotes Lodge
Aimee N . Hernandez, Karnes City Lodge
Jonathan Wade Howes, Lone Oak Lodge
Deanne R . Hulett, Zuehl Lodge (*)
Kiersten K . Hunt, Corpus Christi Lodge (*)
Aubrey Leigh Johnson, Comfort Lodge
John Charles Kieschnick, Giddings Lodge
Barbara S . Kinkade, Maxwell Lodge
Stanley J . Klekar, Gay Hill Lodge
Lorene Kreusel, Vineta Lodge
Todd Alan Kruciak, Siemering Lodge (*)
Kinley Rose Lehmberg, Spring Branch Lodge
Elena Rose Lowen, Castroville Lodge (*)
Lauren Grace Machacek, Prinz Solms Lodge
Kaela D . Mann, Castroville Lodge
Morgan Emily Moltz, Marion Lodge
Selina C . Perez, Seguin Lodge
Emma G . Pieniazek, Lone Oak Lodge
Robert Louis Raab, Harmonia Lodge
Carlee J . Ramos, Gonzales Lodge
Juliette Riffe, Spring Branch Lodge
Don Wayne Roese, Washington Lodge (*)
Loraine L . Roeske, Brenham Lodge
Shaely N . Rogers, Bandera County
Stone Barrett Salzman, Castroville Lodge
Charles William Schroeder, Gay Hill Lodge (*)
Michael T . Shaner, Mission-Alamo Lodge (*)
Linda Gay Soechting, New Braunfels Lodge (*)
Katherine Sutherland, Bernardo Lodge
Kendra L . Thorpe, New Braunfels Lodge
Ruth Arlene Trojacek, Bernardo Lodge
Aubrie J . Valenzuela, Paul Vogt Lodge
Tenley Jane Vielma, Castroville Lodge (*)
Shirley Huebinger
Judith Schulmeier, FIC
Lorene Bielke, FIC
Tina B . Ynfante
Roxy Pruski
Russell Swize
Ruth Bailey
Eileen Heath, FIC
Marilyn Vogt, FICF
Carol Krauss, FIC
Wayne Tiffin
Gary Falkenberg, FICF
Eulla May Krueger
Sandra Duncan
Shirley Huebinger
Carol Krauss, FIC
Carol Krauss, FIC
Roxy Pruski
Eulla May Krueger
John J . Hoog
Marilyn Vogt, FICF
Eulla May Krueger
Loretta Chilek, FIC
Rachelle Dube
Teresa Saathoff
Russell Swize
Marlin Tanneberger, FIC
Carol Krauss, FIC
Pearl Hunt
Carl K . Behrendt
Linda Kieschnick, FIC
Charles E . Croley
Donnie Blinka
Ruth E . Bailey
Carol Krauss, FIC
Sandra Duncan
Eulla May Krueger
Doug Saathoff
Glenford Boehme, FIC
Lorene Bielke, FIC
Carol Krauss, FIC
Roxy Pruski
Jimmy Burnett
Bobbie Polasek
Sandra Duncan
Gary Falkenberg, FICF
Gary Falkenberg, FICF
Eileen Heath, FIC
Glenford Boehme, FIC
Gary Falkenberg, FICF
Roxy Pruski
Becki Carley
Terrel W . Maertz
Carol Krauss, FIC
Terrel W . Maertz
Marilyn Vogt, FICF
Eulla May Krueger
See MEMBERS, Pg . 5
August 2015 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 5
Marketing News
September is Life Insurance Awareness Month
Grand Vice President-Marketing
This past month I’ve been driving all over this great state
of ours, moderating agent workshops. We’ve been preparing ourselves to be the best sales and service partners a
Hermann Sons member can have.
Some ideas kept coming to mind about Universal Whole
Life, or UL plans, as our workshops have included a discussion of such. Hermann Sons does not offer Universal
Life, as it tends not to be the best value in the later years.
But wouldn’t you know it, I own one. My Dad bought it
for my brother and me when we were about 3 years old.
I had an option to increase the coverage later, and did so.
Many who bought UL products paid a low initial premium, which was then thought to perform well in a high
interest rate environment, boosting cash values and ensuring growth in supporting the policies. Unfortunately, UL
policies have an issue contained in the fine print many
policy holders are not aware of. UL policies have an
increasing premium structure in later years. If the investment portion of the policy does not perform as projected,
the balance has to be made up somewhere. In a low
interest rate environment, if the policy owner does not
further fund the underperforming plan, there is a premium
The premium shortfall is then deducted from the policy
cash value. In the case of my UL policy, if I do not pay
additional premiums to make up the shortfall, my policy
will lapse with no cash value at age 65. And all this time
I have been faithfully paying the premium. I have noticed
that for the past three years, my cash value has been falling quite significantly. I still need the coverage, and will
be forced to greatly increase the premiums, or reduce
coverage, or both.
At our workshops we also discussed the subject of the
American public enjoying increasingly longer lives. USA
Today reports that American males will live an average
of more than 76 years, with females living more than 81
years. ABC News reports that most babies born today are
expected to live past 100. Those with only term life insurance, with its ever increasing rate increases at renewal,
will find themselves living past their ability to afford such
plans. In effect many Americans could possibly outlive
their insurance coverage.
Many commercial insurers would love for policyholders to walk away from these plans after paying years of
premiums without having to pay a death claim. Those
who have term insurance can do themselves a favor by
Hermann Sons welcomes
our new 100% Families!
100% Family
Angeles Family
San Antonio
Pershing Lodge No. 160
Cynthia Sultenfuss
100% Family
Lebo/Heyen Family
Cynthia Beth Lebo
Colby Joe Heyen
Hondo Victory Lodge No. 161
Hondo Lodge No. 236
Teresa Saathoff
Members keep recommendations coming
Cont'd. from Pg. 4
reviewing their plans and determining if they are convertible to a whole life plan at later ages. Convertibility allows
the continuation of coverage without having to undergo
another round of underwriting at an older age when medical problems are more prevalent.
Hermann Sons term plans are convertible prior to a certain age, and we have improved our system to notify our
term life members when they are reaching the age limits of
convertibility for their plans. Our members are appreciative of the ability to convert, and are taking advantage by
purchasing a whole life product for life-long protection.
September is Life Insurance Awareness Month.
Regardless if you are a Hermann Sons insurance member
or own a product from another insurer, please take time
to review your insurance product to ensure it will perform
and provide the protection you and your family deserve.
Our Hermann Sons agents are ready to assist by visiting
with you and providing a policy review. Just call your local
agent or the Grand Lodge Marketing Department at 877437-6266 and we’ll be happy to assist.
A Forbes investing report characterizes UL products by
stating “the insurance industry has a dirty little secret that
threatens the retirement plans of millions of unsuspecting
families”. Well…. At least I’m not alone.
Arlena L. Vitela, Corpus Christi Lodge
Pearl Hunt
Jenna Claire Watson, Bandera County Lodge
Paul Heath, FIC
Ainsley M. Watts, Spring Branch Lodge
Marilyn Vogt, FICF
Reese M. Watts, Spring Branch Lodge
Marilyn Vogt, FICF
Scott Friedrich Wehe, Prinz Solms Lodge
Gloria Gass
Reese Scarlet Wigginton, El Campo Lodge
Al Stryk, FICF
(*) Recommended 2 new members
(^) Recommended 3 new members
(&)Recommended 4 new members
Your agents thank you for your recommendations.
Jump on the recruiting bandwagon and be Hermann Sons Proud!
Recommend someone for Hermann Sons membership today
and you would win a $125 gift card.
Parade Float Wranglers
The Marketing Department is looking
for drivers to take
the Hermann Sons Parade Float
to parades around the state.
Applicants should live near the
San Antonio area, where the float
is stored. Base rate and
mileage paid per event.
Texas driver's license with clear
driving record and background
check required.
Must have own truck equipped
for trailer brakes.
For more information, call the
Marketing Department
at 888-839-7667.
Page 6 – Hermann SonS newS – August 2015
August 2015 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 7
Golfers to raise money for Camp Discovery
SAN ANTONIO – Harmonia Lodge No. 1 is looking
for golfers who want to play for a good cause.
The 22nd annual Bob Worrick Memorial Golf
Tournament will be held Saturday, Sept. 26, and will
once again be played at The Republic Golf Club in San
Antonio. This course was voted the number one course
in San Antonio by the Express-News for three years.
The tournament benefits Camp Discovery, a summer
camp for children with cancer.
The tournament is named in memory of Harmonia
Lodge member Bob Worrick, an avid golfer and tournament organizer who lost his battle with cancer in
1994. The lodge decided in 1995 to hold an annual
golf tournament for an organization that helps those
afflicted with cancer and Camp Discovery has been
the beneficiary since that time.
Golfers can take part in the tournament by paying
their $95 entry fee, which will cover their greens fee,
cart and range balls. They will receive a goodie bag
and awards luncheon and have a chance to win door
prizes. Throwsies and Mulligans will be for sale the
day of the tournament. If they score well enough players can win team prizes and other contest prizes. They
also can bid on the items being offered in the silent
Harmonia Lodge is the sponsoring lodge for the
Companies and individuals can support
the Hermann Sons - Bob Worrick
Memorial Golf Tournament in these ways:
❏ $2,500 Presenting Sponsor
4 teams/2 tee box or green signage/awards dinner recognition/ name
on all event correspondence
22nd Annual HERMANN SONS
Bob Worrick Memorial Golf Tournament
Presented by Harmonia Lodge No. 1 & Wells Fargo Bank
Luncheon Sponsors: Jack and Dianne Larned
Saturday, Sept. 26, 2015
The Republic Golf Club
❏ $1,750 Diamond Sponsor
3 teams/2 tee box or green signage/awards dinner recognition/ name
on all event correspondence
❏ $1,500 Awards Dinner Sponsor
2 teams/2 tee box or green signage/awards dinner reocognition/ name
on all event correspondence
4226 S.E. Military Drive, San Antonio, Texas
Check in: 7:30 a.m. • Shotgun Start: 8:30 a.m.
❏ $950 Gold Sponsor
2 teams/1 tee box or green signage/awards dinner recognition
❏ $475 Silver Sponsor
1 team/1 tee box or green signage
❏ $100 Hole Sponsor (1 tee box or green signage)
❏ $95 Individual (1 player in tournament)
❏ $380 Team (4 players in tournament)
Item Description
Retail Value
Any amount is greatly appreciated.
$ ________________
Team Prizes • CONTESTS
Format: Four-person, Florida Scramble
ENTRY FEE: $95 per player
Includes goodie bag, greens fee,
range balls, cart and awards dinner
Handicap (or usual score)
Handicap (or usual score)
Handicap (or usual score)
Handicap (or usual score)
If you don’t have a team, we will try to assign you to one. Make check payable to
Harmonia Lodge No. 1. Send entry form and check to:
Attn: Harry Werland @ P.O. Box 1941, San Antonio, TX 78297.
Daytime Phone
annual tournament. The presenting sponsor is once
again Wells Fargo Bank. Jack and Dianne Larned are
sponsors for the awards luncheon that will follow the
The four-person Florida Scramble tournament begins
with a shotgun start at 8:30 a.m. Check-in is at 7:30
a.m. The Republic Golf Club is located at 4226 S.E.
Military Drive.
As organizers prepare for this year’s tournament they
are looking for sponsors and volunteers.
If you would like to be a sponsor or volunteer or
need information on playing in the tournament, call
Harry Werland at 210-892-0274.
Evening Phone (Optional)
Please make checks payable to Harmonia Lodge No. 1.
Send form and check to: Attn: Harry Werland, P.O. Box 1941,
San Antonio, Texas, 78297.
For more information, call 210-892-0274.
For more information, call Harry Werland at 210-892-0274
I will be unable to participate in the Golf Tournament, but wish to make a
contribution of $
to be used in support of CAMP DISCOVERY.
(Donations of any kind which can be used for the tournament are appreciated.)
Page 8 – Hermann SonS newS – August 2015
75 Years
S.H. Stoeltje jr.
Seguin Lodge No. 37
70 Years
cora l. maulden
Louise Schuetze
Lodge No. 3
carl H. ScHulSe
Lodge No. 47
elo emil zinke
Lodge No. 90
joSepH f. Speier
Pershing Lodge No. 160
mildred l. Stewart
Poth Lodge No. 272
60 Years
alvin w. jenkinS jr.
Harmonia Lodge No. 1
SHaryn bradSHaw
marie o. gibSon
roy lynn gibSon
dorotHy f. HerbSt
glenn david
fay maviS lindner
kay douglaS lindner
cyntHia ruScH
jameS Henry ScHeele
may janiS tHim
Comfort Lodge No. 2
brenda k. ScHroeder
wayne r. ScHroeder
Taylor Lodge No. 3
SuSan e. langHoff
jean warrick ray
Helen g. Small
linda k. SulSer
vernell m. willmS
Louise Schuetze Lodge No. 3
geneva t. butt
r.a. coupertHwaite
cyntHia gay griSHam
Waco-Robinson Lodge No. 4
larry milton
Brenham Lodge No. 6
juditH marie franke
La Grange Lodge No. 8
jameS micHael wHeat
Kerrville Lodge No. 12
Schulenburg Lodge No. 14
guS f. Sommer jr.
Flatonia Lodge No. 15
franceS e. brantley
paula fae crumley
beSSie l. engel
Helen marie garza
marcia e. Stetler
Vineta Lodge No. 15
roSe lee mckay
denniS nollkamper
roy ed pfuHl
Shiner Lodge No. 20
margo irene green
ronald H. Hanz
mary l. jung
emmie ikelS morriS
New Braunfels Lodge No. 21
robert j. pancoaSt
Dallas Lodge No. 22
billy joe Hageman
joHn jay StokeS jr.
San Marcos Lodge No. 26
neolin d. taylor
Siemering Lodge No. 32
gary kennetH dixon
jimmy alan dixon
Fort Worth Lodge No. 33
micHael d. boeHnke
Corpus Christi Lodge No. 34
florence c. terry
Fredericksburg Lodge No. 41
peggy lynn mckee
Castroville Lodge No. 71
gary d. wubbenHorSt
Round Top Lodge No. 152
ronnie dueSterHeft
Maxwell Lodge No. 75
douglaS d. Sirianni
Converse Lodge No. 157
b.f. anderlitcH
Helotes Lodge No. 76
ray carlton berry
linda carol Hill
clara m.k. lee
gordon n. StacH
Pershing Lodge No. 160
irene o. HilbricH
g.r. pakebuScH
cHarleS r. wittmer
ronnie dale wolter
Cuero Family Lodge No. 82
jameS f. fieldS
debra gail HagenS
robert pakebuScH
Lodge No. 90
albert l. keller
rodney w. metzer
Bryan Lodge No. 99
jameS bruce daviS
beverly elaine ray
Houston Lodge No. 100
nelroSe koepp
darla faye mendaleS
Albert Kypfer Lodge No. 106
curtiS a. reinHardt
Richland Lodge No. 107
SHaron rae betHke
Nordheim Lodge No. 108
arbie o. cornell
r.i. minzenmayer
max g. tHiele
Coupland Lodge No. 113
margie c. culpepper
david lee janSSen
Gruneau Lodge No. 117
patSy r. barrett
Austin Lodge No. 120
darwin e. bremer
joyleen c. dodSon
Spring Branch Lodge No. 127
virginia katHryn
bruce a. lindemann
Lodge No. 47
becky louiSe kirkSey
Womack Lodge No. 135
micHael r. Stueber
Giddings Lodge No. 54
gladyS m. roemer
Round Top Lodge No. 151
linda deleon
Twin Sisters Lodge No. 138
karen l. zinSmeyer
Hondo Victory Lodge No. 161
cHarleS f. weiSe
New Bern Lodge No. 173
william e. cox
louiSe ann gordon
roger c. SaatHoff
jerrold j. ScHott
larry t. ScHott
melvin g. SmitH
Anton Wenzel Lodge No. 174
jewel H. koepp
La Vernia Lodge No. 180
carol dianne rainS
Goliad Lodge No. 212
ruSSell c. HermeS
Hondo Lodge No. 236
joHn w. StaHmer
Plum Lodge No. 238
arlen j. bucHHorn
al joan meyer
blane a. ScHroeder
Da Costa Lodge No. 265
paul lee caSareS jr.
Poth Lodge No. 272
robert a. boHlen
l.g. wernette
Dunlay Lodge No. 285
david earl StecH
Orange Grove Lodge No. 292
william l. Hegemeyer
Nagel Lodge No. 299
SHirley mae Stefka
Deanville Lodge No. 301
pHylliS m. kaHanek
janine m. kaminSki
leroy p. mueHlStein
Kirby Lodge No. 305
patty c.w. cave
becky j. crawford
Schwertner Lodge No. 307
ronald e. kaSt
Highland Lakes Lodge No. 317
gary ray tauScH
Nixon-Smiley Lodge No. 327
50 Years
glenn o. andrewS
vernon g. enderlin
vernon l. gottHardt
bryan cHarleS joneS
elton j. roSe
gilbert c. ScHultze jr.
clinton ray Stade
karl lee Stade
artHur b. Sweeney
Harmonia Lodge No. 1
jameS malcolm lindner
william Horcourt
robert barnett
youngblood jr.
Comfort Lodge No. 2
barbara palitza butler
martHa gail gaenzel
dwinna e. gottHardt
marSHa lynn HawkS
SHirley jean HawkS
virginia d. jordan
gretcHen r. maHula
royce anne maHula
rebecca l. SHarp
Louise Schuetze Lodge No. 3
gary walter bateS
robert joHn robertS jr.
Waco-Robinson Lodge No. 4
melva marie HannatH
deboraH l. leHrmann
keitH alan meier
Brenham Lodge No. 6
calvin joe kueHn
La Grange Lodge No. 8
diann marie dieckow
cHriSti w. dockery
lynn louiSe Horn
rita a. ricHard
margie ann ScHultze
Vineta Lodge No. 15
ellen jane brumfield
Shiner Lodge No. 20
deboraH a. wolter
New Braunfels Lodge No. 21
continued on page 9
50 Years
continued from page 8
janet kay vacha
Shelby Lodge No. 28
maxine dominey
james w. weishuhn
Ellinger Lodge No. 30
george r. horn ii
glenn w. schmidt
michael s. sharp
thomas g. white iii
scott david white
Siemering Lodge No. 32
patricia morgan
Fort Worth Lodge No. 33
dorothy a. coyne
jennifer egan
hugo a. geistman jr.
sandra dianne green
bonnie k. purvere
Corpus Christi Lodge No. 34
doris k. classen
wolfgang j. dewitz
brenda lee sczech
Mission-Alamo Lodge No. 80
constance l. barth
carol lynne bowers
john h. french
rebecca l. hood
willis dale tieken
Pershing Lodge No. 160
denise m. immenhauser
Hochheim-Prairie Lodge No. 90
deborah ann andries
Hondo Victory Lodge No. 161
james luther bridge
Piney Woods Lodge No. 91
estelle m. eckermann
Hillboldt Lodge No. 162
vicki v. scott
Houston Lodge No. 100
vivian anne ping
julia l.p. valentine
Austin Lodge No. 120
stautzenberger jr.
Stern Lodge No. 143
karen kay canham
Zuehl Lodge No. 163
william lee donner
geoffrey h. woodward
mark f. woodward
Anton Wenzel Lodge No. 174
timothy alan mrazek
New Bielau Lodge No. 205
irene alura jones
carol mueller
Rutersville Lodge No. 152
john l. vahlenkamp
Old Glory Lodge No. 228
keith w. ledwig
Yorktown Lodge No. 36
deborah d. krause
Cat Spring Lodge No. 44
john buckner
william ray buckner
deborah pfefferkorn
Lockhart Lodge No. 64
Velma Holck has received her
60-year membership pin. sister
Holck, who lives in austin, is a
member of austin Lodge No.
120 and has been a member
since sept. 24, 1955.
Dorothy a. Troppy of Blanco
has received her 60-year membership pin. sister Troppy
joined on Jan. 10, 1955, and is
a member of Twin sisters Lodge
No. 138
Please print
Acknowledgement from
Retirement Home
Youth Camp
Retirement Home Scholarship Fund
Youth Camp Scholarship Fund
to go to:
Please print
City, State, Zip
Please print
City, State, Zip:
william j. lacy
Sealy Lodge No. 239
oliver j. weishuhn
Bernardo Lodge No. 243
jeanne marie geiger
La Coste Lodge No. 261
Amount: $
Clip and mail with your memorial contribution to:
Grand Lodge, Order of the Sons of Hermann, P.O. Box 1941, San Antonio, TX 78297-1941
cheryl jane ornelas
Poth Lodge No. 272
richard d. dennington
leah anna menchaca
jennifer g. plagens
Deanville Lodge No. 301
henry calvin wilkes
Highland Lakes Lodge No. 317
In Memoriam
donations to the retirement home fund
in memory of:
john scott griffin
victor w. riba
cecelia f. stalsby
lillian m. chapman
milton l. dusek
patricia tunnell
Pershing Lodge No. 160
ella maud kramer
Burton Lodge No. 55
Name of Deceased:
bruce howard martin
dale bennett martin
Hondo Lodge No. 236
betty m. allen
elvira b. amason
bertha c. stroh
cecilia g. zamzow
Vineta Lodge No. 15
kathryn a. cover
steven l. eickenroht
paul duane kutac
heidi l. schulte
Seguin Lodge No. 37
kevin craig kendrick
dion john mcinnis
Edelweiss-Magnolia Lodge No. 47
August 2015 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 9
elton luensmann
Zuehl Lodge No. 163
james g. blaine
Dallas Lodge No. 22
linda rheinlander
Lockhart Lodge No. 64
donald flint
Elizabeth & Larry Raute
Janice & Billy Houghtling
Susan & Frank Pawelek
arlan c. engelke
Laubach Lodge No. 244
donations to the hermann sons retirement
home scholarship fund in memory of:
john (scotty) griffin
Carol Krauss
donald zimmerle
Larry & Elizabeth Raute
irma rawe
Ernie & Karen Loeffler
dr. edward anderson
tim henley
barry smith
Jack & Dianne Larned
harris pierce
erwin schulze
Round Top Lodge No. 151
joyce mccartney
george h. warden jr.
Zuehl Lodge No. 163
donations to the hermann sons youth camp
in memory of:
arlan c. engelke
Laubach Lodge No. 244
Page 10 – Hermann SonS newS – August 2015
three cancer screenings all men should consider
Cancer screenings play an
important role in cancer prevention. Screenings may not prevent
people from getting cancer, but
they can detect the presence of
cancer before a person begins to
experience any signs or symptoms. Screenings also can help
doctors catch cancer before it
metastasizes, or spreads, to areas
of the body outside the area where
it originated.
Men also can benefit from
screenings, discussing the pros
and cons of each with their physicians during routine health examinations.
• Colon cancer: Men should
Medical Notes
begin getting screened for colon
cancer at age 50, though those
with family histories of colon cancer or other colon issues should
begin even earlier, as family history increases a man’s risk of
developing colon cancer. Colon
cancer screenings may discover a
type of growth known as a polyp,
which is typically benign and can
be removed before it develops
into cancer. The American Cancer
Society notes that men have various options to choose from with
regard to screening for colon cancer. Such options include a colonoscopy, a stool DNA test and a
camera pill. Speak to your physician about these options.
• Lung cancer: Screening for
lung cancer is most important
for men who currently or recently smoked. The United States
Preventive Services Task Force
recommends annual screening
for lung cancer with low-dose
computed tomography (LDCT)
for men between the ages of 55
and 80 who have a 30 pack-year
smoking history and currently
smoke or have quit within the
past 15 years. Screening should
be discontinued once a man has
not smoked for 15 years or has
developed a health problem that
substantially limits a man’s life
expectancy or his ability or willingness to undergo curative lung
surgery. (Note: Pack-year history
is calculated by multiplying the
number of packs of cigarettes
smoked per day by the number of
years the person has smoked.) The
ACS notes that the risks associated with lung cancer screenings
typically outweigh the benefits for
men who have never smoked or
quit long ago.
• Prostate cancer: The National
Cancer Institute notes that prostate cancer is the most common
nonskin cancer among men in
the United States. Being 50 years
of age, black and/or having a
brother, son or father who had
prostate cancer increase a man’s
risk of developing the disease. The
NCI notes that screening tests for
prostate cancer, which include a
digital rectal exam and a prostatespecific antigen test, come with
risks, and men should discuss
these risks and the potential benefits of prostate cancer screenings
before deciding to be screened.
In Memoriam of Our Deceased Members
Arnold W. SemberA
Bryan Lodge No. 99
Died May 8, 2012 • Age 92
joSeph eArl tAFt
Laubach Lodge No. 244
Died March 12, 2015 • Age 92
onny l. burKe
Austin Lodge No. 120
Died May 3, 2015 • Age 84
donAld F. zimmerle
Anton Wenzel Lodge No. 174
Died June 4, 2015 • Age 74
WilFred WinKelmAnn
Brenham Lodge No. 6
Died June 18, 2015 • Age 91
Kenneth eArl thomAS
Comfort Lodge No. 2
Died April 18, 2014 • Age 74
rudy v. chileK jr.
Hochheim-Prairie Lodge No. 90
Died March 21, 2015 • Age 91
berthA c. Stroh
Vineta Lodge No. 15
Died May 4, 2015 • Age 87
mAry e. KoennecKe
Fredericksburg Lodge No. 41
Died June 5, 2015 • Age 91
lAWrence A. Stoepler
San Marcos Lodge No. 26
Died June 19, 2015 • Age 77
Gertrude bicKhAm
Orange Grove Lodge No. 292
Died Aug. 13, 2014 • Age 81
judith m. SchWArtz
Bryan Lodge No. 99
Died March 21, 2015 • Age 95
mArGAret e. johnSon
Kerrville Lodge No. 12
Died May 4, 2015 • Age 96
hunter chASe corzine
Old Glory Lodge No. 228
Died June 10, 2015 • Age 14
AlFredo jAmeS AlvArez
Castroville Lodge No. 71
Died June 19, 2015 • Age 2
ShAron Ann colemAn
Louise Schuetze Lodge No. 3
Died Jan. 27, 2015 • Age 51
bArbArA n. WoodS
Helotes Lodge No. 76
Died March 26, 2015 • Age 84
jAmeS G. blAine
Dallas Lodge No. 22
Died May 9, 2015 • Age 71
doriS l. Kleiber
DaCosta Lodge No. 265
Died June 10, 2015 • Age 85
benjAmin jAcob crAvy
Gulf Lodge No. 46
Died June 23, 2015 • Age 84
FrAnceS mAe tAFt
Laubach Lodge No. 244
Died Feb. 3, 2015 • Age 88
pAiGe nicole morroW
Round Top Lodge No. 151
Died April 3, 2015 • Age 6
leonArd molberG jr.
Austin Lodge No. 120
Died May 10, 2015 • Age 83
FrAnKlyn W. SiGSton
Siemering Lodge No. 32
Died June 10, 2015 • Age 60
dorothy e. Schul
Louise Schuetze Lodge No. 3
Died June 23, 2015 • Age 89
luellA heimer
Poth Lodge No. 272
Died Feb. 10, 2015 • Age 86
mArtin henry menzel
Giddings Lodge No. 54
Died April 9, 2015 • Age 97
juliA m. Feller
Fredericksburg Lodge No. 41
Died May 18, 2015 • Age 91
mArion F. cernotA
Shelby Lodge No. 28
Died June 13, 2015 • Age 77
hArold d. clAridGe jr.
Harmonia Lodge No. 1
Died June 23, 2015 • Age 71
dorothy m. henSley
El Campo Lodge No. 87
Died Feb. 13, 2015 • Age 91
lloyd m. holeKAmp
Boerne Lodge No. 25
Died April 12, 2015 • Age 85
minnie e. petroSKy
Niederwald Lodge No. 110
Died May 25, 2015 • Age 85
eileen m. pechAceK
DaCosta Lodge No. 265
Died June 14, 2015 • Age 88
AuGuSt j. Weidel
Anton Wenzel Lodge No. 174
Died June 29, 2015 • Age 101
virGiniA KuyKendAll
New Braunfels Lodge No. 21
Died Feb. 16, 2015 • Age 86
robbie GAle KoSlAn
Houston Lodge No. 100
Died April 16, 2015 • Age 60
WilliAm e. byrd
Siemering Lodge No. 32
Died May 28, 2015 • Age 96
FrAnceS c. mueller
Nordheim Lodge No. 108
Died June 15, 2015 • Age 96
penny lou lippe
Cuero Family Lodge No. 82
Died June 30, 2015 • Age 67
thomAS mullinS
Columbia Lodge No. 66
Died Feb. 25, 2015 • Age 52
mildred b. bitzKie
Bexar Lodge No. 306
Died April 17, 2015 • Age 85
jAmeS c. Schoultz
Harmonia Lodge No. 1
Died May 29, 2015 • Age 89
Alvin l. SchoenFeld
DaCosta Lodge No. 265
Died June 17, 2015 • Age 94
beunice i. vAhlenKAmp
Old Glory Lodge No. 228
Died June 30, 2015 • Age 80
melvin Gene bethKe
Goliad Lodge No. 212
Died March 3, 2015 • Age 65
billye l. trAnthAm
Hondo Victory Lodge No. 161
Died April 22, 2015 • Age 87
jAmeS W. hAyeS
Kerrville Lodge No. 12
Died May 31, 2015 • Age 65
victor W. ribA
Pershing Lodge No. 160
Died June 17, 2015 • Age 98
loiS l. ormAnd
Louise Schuetze Lodge No. 3
Died July 2, 2015 • Age 79
jerry lee AcKer
Prinz Solms Lodge No. 136
Died March 10, 2015 • Age 46
Alice Kotzebue
Shiner Lodge No. 20
Died April 28, 2015 • Age 94
lindA d. rheinlAnder
Lockhart Lodge No. 64
Died June 3, 2015 • Age 58
Alice n. bittner
Coupland Lodge No. 113
Died June 17, 2015 • Age 98
ellA A. SeidenberGer
Roscoe Lodge No. 257
Died July 2, 2015 • Age 94
August 2015 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 11
Grand Committee Meeting Minutes - July 30, 2015
Grand President/CEO Allan Preuss called the Grand
Committee meeting to order on Thursday, July 30, at
8:30 a.m. in the year of the celebration of the 125th
Anniversary of the Grand Lodge. Grand President
Preuss asked Grand Committee members to meet in
the Hall of Grand Presidents for the presentation of historical information on the first Grand President, William
The group returned to the meeting room.
Members present:
Past Grand President Leroy Muehlstein
Past Grand President Stephen R. Prewitt
Grand President/CEO Allan W. Preuss
Grand Vice President-Secretary/Treasurer Mary Beam
Grand Vice President-Investments Harry Werland
Grand Vice President-Marketing Tim Kolbe
Grand Vice President-Fraternal Kim Krueger
Grand Finance Committee Member Wilburn Pargmann
Grand Finance Committee Member Sandra Jones
Grand Finance Committee Member Janice Kuhen
Grand Finance Committee Member Paul Heath
Grand Finance Committee Member Jack Larned
The minutes of the April 30, 2015, meeting were
accepted with a correction that at the May 27 Executive
Committee meeting, the Governance Review Task
Force was not in attendance at this meeting. A motion
to accept the minutes as corrected was made by Past
Grand President Leroy Muehlstein and seconded by
Past Grand President Stephen R. Prewitt. Motion carried.
Grand President Preuss gave his report beginning with
the Executive Team Strategies Meeting held on May 4.
The meeting defined where we are and the challenges
of balancing hope with reality and the need to be bold
and creative. It was noted that the Grand Lodge has a
rich history of leadership, but continues to have membership decline. Four basic principles were addressed:
the Need to Understand Reality, our Business Model,
the Difficulty in Becoming a Member and Enterprise
Risk Management.
Grand President Preuss went over the Order’s achievements over the past two years that included a change
in the installation format, specific communications
with members, the defined benefit plan closure, term
conversion strategies, matured annuity offers, redesign
of member service forms online, innovative ideas for
change by several task forces and offering of payment
by credit cards for certain services. Marketing strategies
are being added for member benefits and a position to
help redirect the focus on how to engage members is
being considered. A study on enterprise risk management is being conducted by a consulting/advisory firm
to help plan, organize, lead and control activities of our
organization in order to minimize the effects of risk on
the organization’s capital and earnings. There will be
an introductory ERM course offered by the American
Fraternal Alliance in Chicago that will be attended
by Grand Vice President-Investments Harry Werland.
The annual American Fraternal Alliance meeting will
be held Sept. 10-12 in Indianapolis, Ind., and several
officers will attend.
The Member Engagement Director position as discussed in the January 2015 Grand Committee meeting
was revisited by Committee members. Grand President
Preuss explained the need for such a position, what it
would entail through the marketing process, operations,
public relations and fraternal. He mentioned the new
position would be an investment in talent to move the
organization forward, increase membership and lodge
viability. The position would be posted in the Hermann
Sons News, on our website, Facebook page and other
online publications, if necessary. A motion was made
by Past Grand President Stephen Prewitt to move forward and hire a Member Engagement Director under
the parameters expressed today with a budget addition,
if necessary. Grand Finance Committee Member Paul
Heath seconded the motion. Motion carried.
There was a governance discussion concerning the
Governance Review Task Force meetings that reviewed
and evaluated our current form of governance and the
ability to adequately serve the future needs of our organization. Grand President Preuss led the discussion for
change citing a growing industry complexity with many
regulatory changes that could significantly change fraternal corporate governance structure.
The financial statement for the period of April 1, 2015,
through June 30, 2015, was reviewed by Controller
Mary Pruitt. Figures from previous years were shown for
comparison purposes. Premium income and annuities
were slightly lower from last year. Death benefits were
slightly higher from last year’s figures, but surrender benefits lower than the previous year. Investment income
remains steady and fraternal expenses increased.
Grand Vice President-Secretary/Treasurer Mary Beam
reported that IT is currently finishing the program for
automation of the “Premium Deduction Option” on
Flex Plans. A meeting was held to discuss the next programming project that will automate the 1099 reporting. She spoke on the office duties and how employees
cross-train in case of absence due to family emergencies, illness, etc.
The Wellness Committee sponsored a seminar with
guest speaker Dr. Dennis Krueger who spoke on general
health and the importance of seeing a physician, good
eating habits and other health related topics. More
programs are being developed to help keep fitness and
health a focus of wellness.
The Retirement Home Committee met on July 27
and three applications for entry into the Home were
reviewed. Upon approval, the number of residents will
total 46.
The meeting recessed for lunch at 12 noon and reconvened at 12:45 p.m.
Grand Vice President Werland spoke on the
Department of Labor overtime rulings that will most
probably become effective on Jan. 1, 2016. The annual
audit report has been completed and a motion was
made by Grand Vice President Werland that the audit
report and the letter of recommendation from CTM
Auditors be approved. Grand Finance Committee Janice
Kuhen seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The Texas Department of Insurance audit is complete
and a meeting will be held at the end of August to
discuss certain operational and investment procedure
improvements. The Affordable Care Act mandates that
employees working more than 30 hours may go on
the company health insurance plan. One Grand Lodge
employee took this offer and a Form 1094 was filed
stating the coverage.
Grand Vice
President Werland
Committee members that the Shannon Gaffney
Scholarship Fund is now tax-exempt and qualifies for
a status of 501c(3). He also spoke on the proposed
three-year budget suggested by the Texas Department
of Insurance, which will be put into effect beginning
in 2016.
Grand Vice President-Marketing Tim Kolbe reported
Marketing continues to be active on several fronts in
attracting new members to our Order. Five names were
drawn in July for the recommendation of new members
in the “125 in 2015 – Go for the Goal” Membership
Campaign. The campaign will continue and another
drawing for five $125 gift cards will be held at the end
of the year. The information on this campaign for the
second half of the year will be handled through flyers placed in all Grand Lodge business mail from all
departments. Vice President Kolbe mentioned that two
new agents have qualified for the 2015 production club
and four new agents have been approved and await
training in the next month. He mentioned that he met
with the Hermann Sons Youth Camp counselor staff
and spoke on the fraternal benefits our Order is known
for. Agents were at the Camp Open House in June to
meet prospective members and provide information
on our Order. Grand Vice President Kolbe also met
with the dance class officers at their annual workshop.
Agent summer workshops will begin Aug. 3 and run
through Aug. 26 with topics to include discussion on
marketing strategies, general insurance information and
agent support. The new insurance illustration software
will be ready in time for the agent winter workshops in
February 2016. He also spoke on the TSN/CBS partnership and the continued efforts to find innovative ways
for membership growth.
Grand Vice President-Fraternal Kim Krueger spoke on
the Wimberley flood contribution by the Grand Lodge.
Approximately 100 buckets of cleaning supplies were
delivered and local lodges donated more than $8,100
to My Neighbors Keeper, an organization in Wimberley
that is helping flood victims.
The youth camp is in its seventh week of operation.
Several new and specialized activities were offered this
year with great success.
Surveys were compiled from Retirement Home resident members to gather suggestions for Home improvements. Grand Vice President Krueger spoke on the
Hermann Sons float featuring a replica of the Home
and the promotion of the 100th anniversary celebration
in 2016. The dance class teacher workshop went well
and adult dance classes will be offered in certain dance
schools. Hermann Sons Dance wear will be available
for sale to all dance students and the Hermann Sons
Polkateer program is being offered to all Hermann
Sons dancers in San Antonio and outlying areas with
information available on the website. More than 500
junior members and parents attended the Future Club
outing in June at Schlitterbahn. She also noted the
invitations to the 125th Anniversary Celebration of the
Grand Lodge had been mailed for the Oct. 10 event in
The Grand Committee enjoyed viewing several videos of the dance program, Retirement Home, Camp
and Grand President/CEO Preuss promoting the 100th
anniversary of the Home in April 2016. The videos were
designed and developed by a Camp senior staff member. A camp and agent promotional video will also be
Grand Vice President Krueger spoke on the member
portal developed by Executive Camp Director Jennifer
Cernosek that is to be presented at the Innovation Section
of the American Fraternal Alliance in Indianapolis.
Sister Cernosek was asked to return to the annual meeting as one of the presenters.
Discussion followed on amendments to the budget for
travel expenses for Sister Cernosek to the AFA annual
See GRAND, Pg. 12
Page 12 – Hermann SonS newS – August 2015
New Position Posting
Grand Committee Meeting Minutes
Cont'd. from Pg. 11
The Grand Lodge is accepting applications
for a
MeMber eNGaGeMeNT DirecTor
This position will be a proactive liaison with executive
staff and play a leadership role in developing,
implementing and evaluating member engagement.
For a complete job description and to submit an online
application, please go to the employment section at
Poem pays tribute to
Hermann, Thusnelda
meeting and for Grand Vice President Werland
to attend a conference in Chicago on Enterprise
Risk Management. A motion was made by Grand
Finance Committee member Sandra Jones to
make a budget amendment of $2,000 for Jennifer
Cernosek to attend the AFA meeting and a $2,000
budget amendment for Grand Vice President
Werland to attend an Enterprise Risk Management
seminar in Chicago. This was seconded by Grand
Finance Committee member Jack Larned. Motion
Several dates for meetings and events were
Oct. 10 – Grand Lodge 125th Anniversary –
Floresville Event Center
Oct. 24 – Kirby Lodge No. 305 Centennial
Oct. 29 – Grand Committee Meeting - 9 a.m.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 2:30 p.m. by motion of Grand
Finance Committee Member Wilburn Pargmann
with a second by Past Grand President Muehlstein.
Motion carried.
Fraternally submitted,
Founded 1890
A Fraternal Benefit Society
Grand President/CEO
Cont'd. from Pg. 1
Hermann was famous for
uniting the tribes of Germany.
Germania was the Roman and
Greek term for the geographical
region inhabited mainly by the
Germanic people. It bordered to
the west on the Rhine River, to
the south on the Danube River,
to the north on the Baltic Sea,
and to the east on the Vistula
River. The people who inhabited
the region belonged to different
tribes that really didn’t get along
with each other. Hermann, a
Cheruscan Chieftain, was able
to unite the Cherusci, Bructeri,
Marsi, Sicambri, Chauci and
Chatti tribes to defeat Rome in
the Battle of Teutoburg Forest.
"Hermann und Thusnelda"
was a poem written in 1752
by Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock
exalting the Cheruscan chieftain. Thusnelda was Hermann’s
wife. In Klopstock’s poem,
blood-stained Hermann returns
from battle and is praised by
Thusnelda who is happy about
the death of the Roman soldiers.
Her husband’s victory heavily
delights her making her confess
that her love for Hermann has
never been as ardent as now
after the lurid fight. Arminius
himself only regrets that Roman
emperor Augustus was not present as he would have slain him.
The poem was set to music by
Franz Schubert in 1815.
Hermann never . . . .
• Hermann never wore a
winged helmet. Germanic tribes
did not use winged helmets.
Monument is located in New
Ulm, Minn.
Early artists and sculptors used
winged helmets to show the
eagle as a heraldic symbol of
• Hermann never saw his son.
Hermann’s wife Thusnelda was
the daughter of the Cheruscan
prince Segestes. Her father had
intended her for someone else,
but Arminius eloped with her
and married her instead. Her
father delivered her to Roman
general Germanicus while she
was pregnant. During her captivity, Thusnelda gave birth to
her and Arminius’ only child,
Thumelicus. Thumelicus was
trained at the gladiator school
in Ravenna and is believed to
have died in a gladiator show at
the age of 15 or 16.
Wilburn Pargmann
Sandra Jones
Paul Heath
Jack O. Larned Jr.
Janice M. Kuhen, Chairman
515 S. St. Mary’s St., San Antonio, TX 78205 • P.O. Box 1941, San Antonio, TX 78297 • Phone: 210-226-9261 800-234-4124 Fax: 210-226-3055 •
August 2015 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 13
Junior member competes in Deaf Swimming Championships
Emily Massengale, a profoundly deaf 14-year-old with bilateral
cochlear implants, traveled to
San Antonio from Bloomington,
Ind., to compete in the 2015
Championships. The championships are held every four years
and Emily had to have qualifying
times to compete. The championship was held at the San
Antonio Northside Independent
School District’s Northside Swim
Hermann Sons is an organization sponsor of the 2015 World
Deaf Swimming Championships.
When explaining why Hermann
Sons sponsored this event,
Grand President/CEO Buddy
Preuss said, “Hermann Sons
really likes supporting members
who stand out in their communities, and in Emily’s case, we’re
proud to support an individual
who is standing out on the world
stage by sponsoring this event.”
For three days before arriving
in San Antonio, Emily trained in
Dallas. She followed a training
schedule and acclimated to the
Texas heat. Then on Aug. 13,
she was able to meet the other
members of Team USA when
they all gathered in San Antonio.
The day after meeting her team,
Emily went with other Team
USA members and some of the
Team Australia members to visit
Sunshine Cottage School for the
Deaf. Emily and the other swimmers were able to converse with
the students and inspire them
with their love of swimming and
their success in competing with
a disability. Sunshine Cottage
holds a special place in the
hearts of the Massengale family
Exceptional lodges, people & ideas
because it is where her cochlear
implant was turned on for the
first time.
On Aug. 17, Emily swam her
first prelim race of the trip, the
200 Meter Breaststroke. She
swam in two more events on
Aug. 18 and she made the finals
in the 100 Meter Backstroke.
That evening, she was the
youngest competitor swimming
the 100 Meter Backstroke in the
finals and placed eighth in the
world. Only 0.3 seconds separated sixth through eighth place.
Emily swam the 200 fly prelims on Aug. 19 and placed
eighth, earning a spot in the
finals. In finals she placed sixth
in the world and earned a personal best time of 2:47:21. She
was one of two 14-year-olds in
the final. Emily also swam in the
400 Medley Relay and helped
her team get from sixth to fourth
place in her backstroke leg of
the race.
Emily was a 5-year Hermann
Sons camper. Emily explained,
“I am hearing impaired and have
cochlear implants in both ears.
This doesn’t stop me from enjoying life and doing the things
that I want to do. I am a competitive swimming athlete and I
JoAnn Massengale, a Fraternal Activities
Committee member and Emily’s grandmother,
sported her USA shirt and visited with Emily
after her preliminary races on Aug. 18.
want to be an HSYC counselor
someday. I want to encourage
other campers to set goals for
themselves and work toward
those, to know that they can do
Executive Camp Director
Jennifer Cernosek said, “When
I reflect on Emily’s first year
as a camper to her time as a
13-year-old camper last summer,
I am very impressed by her. It
can be scary to stay away from
home when you’re a child, but
imagine being a 9-year-old child
who is deaf and going to stay
at a camp not specializing in
accommodating deaf children.
Even though Emily had cochlear
implants, there were times when
the device could not be worn,
like when it would charge overnight or when around water.
When the other campers would
wake up to music, Emily would
wake up to a pat on the shoulder from a counselor. When
the other campers would hear
instructions from a lifeguard or
hear the whistle to get out of the
pool, Emily would need to be
signaled differently. By the time
Emily was 12 and 13 years of
age, her leadership and teaching-nature were obvious and
Executive Camp Director Jennifer Cernosek and
Grand President/CEO Buddy Preuss congratulated Emily on her races.
Emily is pictured checking out her time after her finals race on
Aug. 18. She shaved more than 1 second off of her preliminary
race swimming time.
she had already really embraced
how her disability gave her
remarkable abilities.”
Emily’s brother, Kyle, was a
Hermann Sons Youth Camp
camper and counselor-in-training. He also worked as a junior
counselor this past summer. He
worked several weeks but he is
already looking forward to working most of next summer. Emily’s
mom, Renee, commented that
Kyle set a path for Emily to follow at camp.
Renee has a blog about Emily’s
deaf swimming journey. It can
be accessed at deafswimming. Follow the blog
to learn about the results from
Emily’s swimming competitions.
Emily Massengale is a member
of Louise Schuetze Lodge No. 3.
Grand President/CEO Buddy Preuss awaited Emily’s swimming
heats with her family. When Emily swims, the family cheers for her
even though she cannot hear during the race. They cheer because
they believe she can hear them in spirit and that she will also be
listening for her name when she watches the videos of the races
later on. Pictured are, back, from left, uncle John Massengale,
cousin Beverly Massengale, parents Bert and Renee Massengale,
front, from left, Grand President/CEO Buddy Preuss, Grandma
JoAnn Massengale and Grandma Yvonne Drummond.
Page 14 – Hermann SonS newS – August 2015
Retirement Home
Home features float, model in local parade
COMFORT – Visitors to the
Home in July were Dian Cooper,
Waxahachie, Columbia Lodge
No. 66; Pearl Barnard, Fair Oaks
Ranch; James and Henrietta
Lowak, St. Hedwig; Ann Nelson,
Fredericksburg; Sheri Noelke,
Fredericksburg; Ginny Gomes
and Mason, San Antonio; Julie
Sheldon, Seguin Lodge No. 37;
Eugene and Barbara Anderle,
Moulton; Salina Barrientes,
San Antonio; Joseph Figo and
Edward Elizondo, Round Rock;
Dustin Gulley, Melissa, Aries
and Jaylee, Baytown; Desiree
Blake and Mike Kozlowski,
The Comfort Fourth of July
Parade was the showplace for
the Hermann Sons float carrying a model of the Retirement
Home to advertise the upcoming 100th Anniversary of the
Altenheim on the Guadalupe.
Staff and residents participated in and attended the parade
celebrating the Fourth of July in
Jacksonville, Fla., came the
Fourth of July weekend to visit
relatives and friends in the area.
Before returning to Florida,
he came to the Home to visit
his aunt, Myrtle Kirchhoff. She
reports that she is always glad
to see him.
Anton Wenzel Lodge No. 174
members came July 19 to have
lunch with the residents and
then to provide games and prizes for an afternoon of fun and
Cheryl Collier reports that
Roland took her and her mom,
Joyce Liberato, on a four-day trip
to Las Vegas July 19-22. They
stayed downtown at the Golden
Nugget. Cheryl says they had
a really nice time. They visited
The Strip one day and saw the
“Jersey Boys” musical, which
was really good. They ate barbecue ribs at Tony Roma’s, her
mom’s favorite place to eat in
Vegas. They didn’t win much
money but they had a great
Committee held its quarterly
meeting on July 27. Grand Vice
Mary Beam greeted the residents
and extended a special invitation to attend the Grand Lodge’s
125th Anniversary Celebration
in Floresville on Oct. 10. She
also announced that three new
residents had been approved to
move into the Home.
Monthly chapel service and
Holy Communion were conducted on July 27 by Pastor
Shelley Simmont from Immanuel
Lutheran Church in Comfort.
Resident Cheryl Collier shows off the back end of the Hermann
Sons float where the banner shows the information about the big
celebration planned for next year.
Home residents Roland and Cheryl Collier and Jane Haberman rode the float in the Comfort Fourth
of July Parade.
Residents Kathy Bender and Al
Schroeder assisted.
July was hot and dry but
that didn’t stop residents from
giggling and guessing. Jane
Haberman suggested a bulletin
board of baby/childhood photos of residents who wished to
participate. Residents were then
invited to “guess who” for each.
Old black and white photos
made the task interesting – to
say the least. One jokester put
the same name on all the pictures. As Jane says, “Oh – to be
young again!”
Five residents celebrated
birthdays in July. Birthday cake
and ice cream were served at
a noon meal to celebrate the
birthdays of Susan McGuire,
Sam Franklin, Woody McClure,
Chief Boring and Nina Spenrath.
– Helen Widner
Nina Spenrath and Woody McClure were among the residents
celebrating birthdays at the Retirement Home in July.
Hermann Sons
Retirement Home
Learn more about
the Hermann Sons
Retirement Home
by visiting our
for more information,
photos and video
or contact
Grand Vice President Secretary/Treasurer
Mary Beam by phone at
210-226-9261 or
or by mail at Grand Lodge,
Hermann Sons, P.O. Box
1941, San Antonio, TX
August 2015 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 15
My Neighbors Keeper helping flood victims
WIMBERLEY – Life in Wimberley has returned to
normal for most residents following the devastating
flood that occurred over the Memorial Day weekend. But for those directly affected by the rising
waters, life is anything but normal.
Fortunately for them, there are people like those
volunteering their time through My Neighbors
Keeper who have been working non-stop in an
effort to make things better.
On Friday, July 24, Grand Vice President-Fraternal
Kim Krueger and Community Service Coordinator
Laura Adams delivered a check for $8,250 to Tom
Keyser, one of the organizers of My Neighbors
Keeper. The money, all donated by Hermann Sons
lodges and members, was to be directly donated to
victims of the flood.
As Keyser explained, My Neighbors Keeper was
organized a few years back when the wildfires dev-
astated the Bastrop area. Money raised at that time
was donated to people affected by the fires.
But the organizers didn’t want to stop there so
they kept My Neighbors Keeper going and used
their donations to help victims in the Wimberley
area as they recovered from fires and other minor
Keyser said the organization had $25,000 in the
bank at the time of the Memorial Day flood. Since
then more than $300,000 has come into the organization and gone right back out in the form of
$3,000 checks written directly to flood victims so
they can begin to recover. Keyser said on the day
that the Hermann Sons check was delivered that
the My Neighbors Keeper bank account was down
to about $5,000 and he wasn’t sure how many more
people he would be able to help.
He said the victims were using the money to take
care of short-term needs such as transportation, rent
and home repairs. Victims must complete a simple
application. There are only two major stipulations –
that they live in the Wimberley Independent School
District which covers a large area and that they
were directly affected by the flood.
There is virtually no overhead for the organization
which is working closely with the Barnabus Victims
Resource Center to get the money where it needs to
go. That center has been staffed almost every day
since the flood event by Courtney Goss and Traci
Maxwell who are coordinating volunteers who are
going out and doing the manual labor that some of
the victims cannot do for themselves.
Even eight weeks after the devastating event there
were still people in need of assistance and My
Neighbors Keeper is pledging to keep doing that as
long as there is money in the bank.
Bowling tournament returns to Austin in 2016
Thanks to everyone who supported the 51st Hermann Sons
State Bowling Tournament this
year - whether it was on the lanes
or off the lanes.
A special thanks goes to Nancy
Kelly, Linda Muehlstein and Carol
Swan for helping with checkin
and selling tickets. The tournament is a team effort and Sandra
Jones said she was really glad to
have these three on the team.
She reports that this was a hard
year to find bowlers to fill teams
and fill spots when a bowler had
to drop out.
She said, “I called Buster
Schaefer one night and asked if
he knew of anyone and told him
I just could not find anyone to
bowl. I will never forget what he
told me, ‘Don’t worry so much,
Grand President Buddy Preuss throws out the first ball to get the
51st Hermann Sons State Bowling Tournament started.
we will find bowlers - they are
out there and we will find them.’
After this conversation I felt better and knew the spots would be
filled. Thanks to him and others
for finding me those bowlers."
There were several new bowlers this year and it was nice to see
some new faces and nice of them
to fill in on teams with people
they had never met.
“I think we have some of them
hooked on the tournament now,”
Sister Jones said.
Be sure to check the September
edition of the Hermann Sons
News for the pictures and results.
“Speaking of pictures and
results, thanks go to Kathie
Ninneman for coming and taking pictures and Elaine Soto for
putting some great pictures on
Facebook. Lots of great publicity
for Hermann Sons,” Sister Jones
The tournament will be held
on two weekends next year. So,
mark your calendars for the last
weekend in July and first weekend in August.
In the meeting on Saturday, the
directors and delegates voted to
allow one non-member to bowl
on a team. This person will be
Grand President Buddy Preuss presents a check to Janice Dueitt,
left, and Sandra Jones, right, officers from the Hermann Sons
Bowling Association. Each year the Grand Lodge makes a donation
to the annual tournament to boost the amount of prize money that
is returned to the bowlers.
allowed to bowl two years as a
non-member. If during this time
period they do not become a
member then they will not be
allowed to bowl the following
“We hope to increase our
bowlers as well as increase membership in Hermann Sons,” Sister
Jones explained.
If you did not bowl this year
start looking for a league to join
so you can participate in next
year’s tournament in Austin.
Unofficial results from
the Hermann Sons State
Bowling Tournament are
available on our
website's home page,
Look for officials results
to be posted soon!
Page 16 – Hermann SonS newS – August 2015
Two Marion juniors participate in summer mission trips
MARION – Two junior members of Marion Lodge No. 74
spent part of their summer on
mission trips.
Lauren Koepp is the daughter
of Carl and Chandee Koepp.
Kelly Crawford is the daughter of
Lance and Kim Crawford. Both
girls are the granddaughters of
Earl and Carolyn Crawford, also
members of Marion Lodge.
On July 2-15, Lauren went to
Kenya, Africa, with her youth
group from Universal City
Baptist Church in Universal City.
She spent 11 days ministering
to the Mattaw Children in their
orphanage in a small village just
outside of Kitale, Kenya.
Asked if she would go back
she said, “Yes, yes, yes!” She
also commented that serving
the Mattaw Children was the
most rewarding experience she
had ever had.
After Lauren got back to Texas,
she left the following week to
serve at “Mission Arlington” in
Arlington for a week. She and
some of the Universal City youth
group conducted a vacation
Bible school for the children
who live in the lower income
housing projects in Arlington.
This is Lauren’s fourth year
Kelly Crawford is pictured with Marlita, one of the Native
Americans she met while she was on a mission trip to South
Dakota this summer.
serving this community with her
youth group and she said it
won’t be her last.
Lauren lives in Cibolo where
she is a sophomore at Samuel
Clemens High School.
Kelly traveled on a missionary trip to Rapid City, South
Dakota, with her youth group
from Argyle Methodist Church
in Argyle. The trip ran from July
The group stayed near the
South Dakota Mines where
their mission was to spread
God’s word by doing several
work projects for the Native
Americans who were in need.
Lauren Koepp is pictured with two of the Mattaw Children she
ministered to this summer while she was in Kenya, Africa.
One of the projects was to help
with vacation Bible school for
the children.
Kelly lives in Argyle where
she is a senior at Argyle High
School. She plans to attend
Texas A&M University in the fall
of 2016.
Hill Country dancers donate food items
While students
from the Hill
Country School
of Dance were
practicing for
their 2015
recital in the
spring, the students and their
families were
busy collecting
food for a food
drive. Canned
goods and nonperishables
were donated
to the Outreach
Program in
Bulverde. The
dancers from
the 6:15 p.m.
Thursday night
class are pictured as they
prepare to load
the donations for
Answer key to Back to
School Maze on Pg. 40
Answer key to Back to
School Word Search on
Pg. 40
August 2015 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 17
Youth in Action
Prinz Solms junior attends
national dance convention
Ryann McAnelly of Spring
Branch recently attended the
All Star Dancers National
Convention in New York
City. She was selected to
participate in the convention
when she performed a jazz
solo routine titled “Steam
Heat” at the Rainbow Dance
Competition in Austin. Ryann
is a dance student at Heather
Stolle’s School of Dance and
was a Hermann Sons dance
student in Bulverde under
the direction of Colleen
Gruetzner for more than six
The five-day convention
included a dance workshop
and “mock audition” taught
by the World Famous Radio
City Rockettes at Radio City
Music Hall. Ryann also
attended several master level
classes taught at New York’s
premier dance studio, The
Broadway Dance Center.
One highlight of the trip
was her opportunity to dance
with the cast of “The Lion
King” and “Aladdin.”
The convention is coordinated by Artistic Adventures
of California. Ryann will be
a sixth grader at Smithson
Valley Middle School this
fall. She is a past student
of Bill Brown Elementary
School and is the daughter
of Jay and Jessica McAnelly.
Ryann attends Hermann Sons
Youth Camp and is a member of Prinz Solms Lodge
No. 136.
Ryann McAnelly recently attended the All Star Dancers
National Convention in New York City. She is a former student
of the Hill Country School of Dance.
Hill County presents 'Vegas' recital
The students from the Hill
Country School of Dance presented another spectacular
recital on May 31 at Smithson
Valley High School under the
direction of dance instructor
Colleen Gruetzner. The theme
of “Viva Las Vegas” was packed
with performances of tap, ballet, jazz and tumbling.
The songs all included Las
Vegas inspired names like
“Luck Be a Lady,” “Rio,” “Black
Jack” and “Circus, Circus.” The
finale was performed by the
entire cast to the song “Night
Sister Gruetzner was assisted by experienced dancers Kerrilee Berger, Bethany
Nangle and Samira Abed.
This year’s recital was dedicated to Rachael Chaffin, an
extraordinary young lady who
lost her battle with cancer in
2015. As a dancer for the Hill
Country School of Dance and
Colleen, her smile and her
enthusiasm were a joy to witness.
The senior dancers, Kendall
Geyer and Bethany Nangle,
along with 10-year dancers,
Kathleen Bratton and Audrey
Montgomery, were recognized
for their accomplishments in
dance and school.
For the first time ever, the
Hill Country School of Dance
awarded a scholarship to a
senior dancer and the recipient
was Kendall Geyer.
Parents’ Club President
Samantha Friesenhahn served
as the mistress of ceremonies.
Grand Finance Committee
Member Sandra Jones spoke
before the recital.
Sandra Duncan, president of
Spring Branch Lodge No.127,
presented a check for $200
to the Parents’ Club officers.
Clifton Klabunde, president of
Prinz Solms Lodge No. 136,
was also in attendance. The
other officers for the year were
Jennifer Reboulet, vice president/secretary, and Merrilee
Berger, treasurer.
Online registration is under
way for the 2015-16 dance
year. For more information
contact Colleen Gruetzner at
Page 18 – Hermann SonS newS – August 2015
Hermann Sons
donates to
two VFDs
Round Top meets Aug. 27
ROUND TOP – Round Top
Lodge No. 151 met July 23.
Sympathy cards had been sent
to the family of Erwin Schulze
and Harris (Sandy) Pierce. A
moment of silence was observed
in their memory and donations
will be made to the scholarship
fund in their name.
Correspondence was read from
the Waldeck Lutheran Church
for the family of Vadie Oeser.
Emilie McCarthy sent a letter in
which she said she enjoyed her
last year at Hermann Sons Youth
President Linda Mattocks
appointed Betty Porter as guide
and Leonard Meinkowsky as
outer guard.
The Brazos Valley Hospice
fund-raiser was scheduled to be
held at Henkel Hall on Aug.
8. Lila Garlin was to deliver
the lodge’s donation. Linda
Mattocks delivered the donation
to the Carmine Fire Department.
“Happy Birthday” was sung to
Floyd Braun.
Door prizes furnished by the
Hermann Sons presented
donations to two volunteer
fire departments this summer. The donations were
made to the Waring VFD and
the Comfort VFD. These two
departments serve and protect
the Hermann Sons Retirement
Home and Hermann Sons
Youth Camp. Making the
presentations were Grand
Vice President-Fraternal Kim
Krueger, Retirement Home
Manager Brenda Gunnink and
Hermann Sons Youth Camp
Executive Director Jennifer
Floyd Braun celebrates his
birthday in July. He is a member
of Round Top Lodge.
Porters and Meinkowsky were
won by Jocie and Floyd Braun,
Mary and Melonie Rauch and
Lila Garlin.
Betty Porter, Jeanette Schoenst,
Edith Pfeiffer, Jocie Braun and
Virgie Hall won attendance
The next meeting was scheduled for Aug. 27. The committee
will serve a hot meal and members are asked to bring a dessert.
– Reporter
Door prize winners at the July meeting of Round Top Lodge were,
from left, Lila Garlin, Jocie Braun, Floyd Braun, Mary Rauch and
Melonie Rauch.
Attendance prize winners at the July meeting of Round Top Lodge
were, front, from left, Edna Meinkowsky, Edith Pfeiffer, back, from
left, Betty Porter, Jocie Braun, Virgie Hall and Jeanette Schoenst.
Kirby plans anniversary celebration
KIRBY – Kirby Lodge No. 305
members are reminded that the
lodge will celebrate its 100th
anniversary on Oct. 26. There is
no charge to attend the event to
be held at Turner Hall in Kirby
but reservations are required
and can be made by calling
Samantha Schulmeier at 210892-0256.
At the August meeting, members agreed to sponsor a hole
in the Optimist Club Golf
Tournament in September at a
cost of $150.
The lodge will present a $500
scholarship to Bailey Lowak,
the granddaughter of James and
Henrietta Lowak.
Allison Netherton spoke about
her experience at Hermann Sons
Youth Camp this summer.
Christopher Alvarez was welcomed as a new member.
A sympathy card was sent to
the Henry Klesel family following his passing.
Agent Judy Schulmeier remind-
Bailey Lowak is the recipient of
the 2015 Kirby Lodge scholarship.
ed everyone that dance class
registration is being held online
this year.
Agent Angela Netherton reported on an agent workshop she
had attended.
Celebrating birthdays were Bob
Scheel, Leroy Muehlstein and
James McQuatters.
Split-the-pot winners were
McQuatters, Donna Scheel and
David Eardley.
Door prize winners were Cindi
Bielke, Lillian Brietzke and
Donna Scheel.
The Sept. 7 meeting will feature
a potluck meal. Junior members
are reminded that if they want to
apply for the lodge’s scholarship
next year they must attend three
meetings or other events between
now and next July. Contact Judy
Schulmeier at 210-667-1938 for
more information.
– Reporter
August 2015 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 19
Hermann Sons Youth campers earn awards at HSYC
Hilltop Camp
Week 1
Jacob Weaver
Schwertner Lodge No. 307
Son of Todd and Jennifer Weaver
Week 2
Jonah James
Castroville Lodge No. 71
Son of Lorri VanDeWalle and
Jesse James
Week 3
Blake Pellerin
Spring Branch
Spring Branch Lodge No. 127
Son of Patrick and Christi Pellerin
Week 4
Wyatt Shippey
Spring Branch
Spring Branch Lodge No. 127
Son of Justin and Karlea Shippey
Week 5
Ryan Churchman
La Vernia
La Vernia Lodge No. 180
Son of Mike and Debbie Churchman
Week 6
Cory Moos
San Antonio
Cibolo Lodge No. 147
Son of Steve and Brenda Moos
Week 7
Kenneth Arnett
D’Hanis Lodge No. 130
Son of Joe and Shanna Arnett
Week 8
Zachary Willis
Fredericksburg Lodge No. 41
Son of Shane and Michele Willis
Riverside Camp
Week 1
Helen Williams
New Braunfels
Albert Kypfer Lodge No. 106
Daughter of Stone and Sara
Week 2
Ava Bohnert
Columbia Lodge No. 66
Daughter of Troy and Yolanda
Week 3
Jenna Kate Wallendorf
Fredericksburg Lodge No. 41
Daughter of Craig and Leslie
Week 4
Anna Wyle
Fredericksburg Lodge No. 41
Daughter of Aaron and Jennifer
Week 5
Jaden Deleon
San Antonio
Spring Branch Lodge No. 127
Daughter of Darrel and Marlana
Week 6
Carlee Pharris
San Antonio
Vineta Lodge No. 15
Daughter of Paul and Kym Pharris
Week 7
Lily Belovarac
Springfield, Va.
Helotes Lodge No. 76
Daughter of Liandra Belovarac
Week 8
Julia Clark
DaCosta Lodge No. 265
Daughter of Rodney Clark
and Rachel Clark
Hilltop Camp
Week 1
Dallas Gomez
New Braunfels
New Braunfels Lodge No. 21
Son of Fred and Barbara Gomez
Week 2
Thomas Wofford
New Braunfels
New Braunfels Lodge No. 21
Son of Bryan and Jo Ann Wofford
Week 3
Joshua Mantz
Efland, N.C.
New Braunfels Lodge No. 21
Son of Rob and Dawn Mantz
Week 4
Steve Neff II
Laubach Lodge No. 244
Son of Steve and Catherine Neff
Week 5
Gavin Coleman
La Vernia
Mission-Alamo Lodge No. 80
Son of Stephanie and Cody Coleman
Week 6
Carter Wilson
Rosenberg-Richmond Lodge
Son of Dave and Melissa Wilson
Joseph Stiles
Edelweiss-Magnolia Lodge
Son of David and Ruth Ann Stiles
Week 7
Conley Savage
Lodge No.
Son of Jeremy and Kari Savage
Week 8
William Blake
San Antonio
Marion Lodge No. 74
Son of Billy and Cammie Blake
Riverside Camp
Week 1
Jordan Rogers
San Antonio
Spring Branch Lodge No. 127
Daughter of James and Paula Rogers
Week 2
Marissa Rummel
San Antonio
Prinz Solms Lodge No. 136
Daughter of Jeff and Lorina Rummel
Week 3
Megan Zamora
Spring Branch
Spring Branch Lodge No. 136
Daughter of Dan and Kerry Zamora
Week 4
Alexis Ozuna
Spring Branch
New Braunfels Lodge No. 21
Daughter of Michael and Amy
Week 5
Charis Coolidge
Fredericksburg Lodge No. 41
Daughter of Curtis and Kami
Week 6
Carlee Pharris
San Antonio
Vineta Lodge No. 15
Daughter of Paul and Kym Pharris
Week 7
Madison Wright
Austin Lodge No. 120
Daughter of Ryan and Kristin Wright
Week 8
Cheyenne Wiseman
La Vernia
La Vernia Lodge No. 180
Daughter of Robert and Lynna
Hilltop Camp
Week 1
Derek Davisson
San Antonio
Prinz Solms Lodge No. 136
Son of Erik and Donna Davisson
Week 2
Cruz Rivas
San Antonio
Prinz Solms Lodge No. 136
Son of Dawn Marie Gaglione
Week 3
Zachary Collie
New Braunfels
Spring Branch Lodge No. 127
Son of Brian and Chris Collie
Week 4
Riley Ehlers
New Braunfels
New Braunfels Lodge No. 21
Son of Corey and Jenni Ehlers
Week 5
Jacob Brickner
Fair Oaks Ranch
Harmonia Lodge No. 1
Son of Joseph and Dianne Brickner
Week 6
Hunter Deleon
Cibolo Lodge No. 147
Son of Michael and Stephanie
Week 7
Frank Kauffmann III
Rio Medina
Macdona Lodge No. 198
Son of Sara Kauffmann and
Frank Kauffmann II
Week 8
Jasper Garcia
Helotes Lodge No. 76
Son of Alex and Topaz Garcia
Riverside Camp
Week 1
Emma Mason
San Antonio
Siemering Lodge No. 32
Daughter of Brian Mason and
Lauren Daniels
Week 2
Ana Mayer
San Antonio
Siemering Lodge No. 32
Daughter of Paul and Christine
Week 3
Kasey Swize
Karnes City Lodge No. 215
Daughter of Russell and Carol
Week 4
Emma Vega
Gonzales Lodge No. 175
Daughter of John and Monica Vega
Week 5
Ava Bettersworth
New Braunfels
Marion Lodge No. 74
Daughter of Matt and Jan
Week 6
Kaitlyn Poole
San Antonio
Pershing Lodge No. 160
Daughter of Paul and Brittany Poole
Week 7
Mia Gonzales
Lockhart Lodge No. 64
Daughter of Leticia Ramirez
Week 8
Brittany Usoff
DaCosta Lodge No. 265
Daughter of Michael and
LeAnn Usoff
Attention Junior and Adult Dancers
Classes are about to begin.
Don’t miss your chance to participate this season,
register now at!
All classes start the beginning of September. For those
who have already registered we hope you enjoy the year. If
you have a friend who would also like to dance and
be a member of our wonderful organization there
is still time to meet with an agent to purchase
a financial product and become a member before
dance registration closes on October 1.
Adult dance classes are planned for Boerne,
Corpus Christi, Cuero, Ganado, Goliad, Karnes City,
La Vernia, Lone Oak, Poth, San Antonio, Schulenburg,
Seguin, Stockdale and Yorktown.
Dance Wear is being offered during registration to
all junior and adult dancers.
If you have questions about the dance program, your
username or password to register online or you may not
have a computer, tablet or smartphone
to register online contact the Grand Lodge at
1-800-234-4124 or 210-226-9261.
Someone will be happy to assist you with registering.
Page 20 – Hermann SonS newS – August 2015
It was another great summer of camping fun in Comfort!
Campers take small group
photos on Sunday or Monday
during their stay. They also
take a full-cabin photo. Each
camper gets to take an 8x10
cabin photo home on Saturday
when they leave. Posing for
their small group photo are,
from left Leah Vasquez, Mia
Mendez, Brittany Usoff, Julia
Clark, Brooke Thompson,
Aimee “Butters” Miller, Shelby
Passante, Alison Schaeler,
Karley Lopez, Jenna Schaeffer
and Kaitlyn Sarsfield.
Trips to Hermann Sons
Youth Camp are part
of the Bohnert family summer schedule.
Troy, Yolanda, Max
“Wolverine”, Hannah,
Ava, Isla and Sofia
Bohnert are pictured
at the Riverside site.
Ava was selected as
Best Camper during
the second session
of Camp. Hannah
was a 13-year-old
camper last summer. Wolverine was
a junior counselor at
Pictured at their Reading Outdoors class with
Counselor Garrett Moughon are Keagan Dysart,
Adam Iglesias Jr. and Skyler Johnson.
Persohn is from Corpus Christi
and a member of Corpus Christi
Lodge No. 34
Family Ties
Camp is a family tradition for many and for these
three parents and their children, the tradition carried on when they worked together this summer at
Hermann Sons Youth Camp
Facilities Director John Sorbel and Maintenance
Worker Bryce Sorbel have worked on staff together
for five summers. John was previously the Hilltop
Camp director and has worked in other positions on
Camp. Bryce also has been a canteen worker. Bryce
attends Blinn College and plans to become a coach.
Riverside Camp Director Katie Klohn and Health
Manager Joellen “Jo Momma” Klohn worked
together at Riverside. Joellen was also health manager at Hilltop for a session. Jo Momma first started
being a health manager when Katie was a camper
and was away for many years but returned to work
in the clinics last summer. This is Katie’s eighth summer on staff and Jo Momma’s seventh summer on
staff. When asked what she liked about being on
staff with her mother, Katie answered, “It is kind of
fun that I’m my mom’s boss!”
Sabrina and Pamela Nentwich worked at Riverside
Camp together this summer. Pamela was a food
service manager and Sabrina was a counselor.
Sabrina was a food service worker during the first
summer she was employed with Camp and Pamela
was a counselor during her first summer on staff.
Not only have Pamela and Sabrina both been staff
members but they were both campers as children.
Pamela is a teacher at Hal Peterson Middle School
in Kerrville and Sabrina will be a freshman at Texas
A&M University.
August 2015 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 21
Hermann Sons recognizes Youth Camp staff members
Three members of the Hermann Sons Youth Camp
staff were honored for their years of service at
the end of the 2015 season. Don Raines, Rachel
“Dora” McClellan and Pamela Nentwich were all
recognized for having reached milestones on the
staff. This was the 10th summer that Brother Raines
has worked at Camp. He is a maintenance worker
but has been a maintenance director and assistant
in the past. Dora was the health manager for a
session at Riverside and a session at Hilltop this
summer. She has been the Riverside Camp director,
the assistant director at Riverside, a senior counselor and a counselor during previous summers.
Pamela celebrated her 30th summer on staff. She
was a food service manager but also has worked
in a variety of other positions including Riverside
Camp director, counselor, administrative assistant
and more. The three are pictured with Grand Vice
President-Fraternal Kim Krueger, Executive Camp
Director Jennifer Cernosek and Grand President/
CEO Buddy Preuss.
It is tradition at Hermann Sons Youth Camp to honor staff members after
they have completed their third summer at Camp. Pictured here are, from
left, Counselor Maggie “Littlefoot” Scott, Counselor Amanda “Twin” Hicks,
Counselor Kelly “Knee Slapper” Harris, Counselor Hallie “Jam!” Pace,
Counselor Victoria “Chill” Broll and Senior Counselor Summer “Peanut” Allen.
Not pictured are Counselor Jessica “Webster” James and Health Manager
Angelica Sanders.
Staff members from Hilltop Camp receiving their awards for three years on staff
were, from left, Counselor Garrett Moughon, Program Assistant Daniel “Rocket
Dan” Jordan, Maintenance Director Clay Haley, Senior Counselor Cody “Woo!!”
Shove, Counselor Alec Chamberlain, Counselor Keaton Trainer, Counselor Cody
“Kemosabe” Batungbacal and Food Service Manager Janice Swyers.
Health Manager Diane Koop, left, and
Counselor Spencer Miller show off the Counselor Emery “Broadway” Dorman Maintenance Worker Colton Finke has
chairs they received for their three was honored for her third year of ser- completed his third summer of service Health Manager Tara Russell also was
years of service.
vice at HSYC.
at HSYC.
a third-year staff member this summer.
Page 22 – Hermann SonS newS – August 2015
Cuero Family to hold cookie swap at Sept. 1 meeting
CUERO – Cuero Family
Lodge No. 82 members
gathered Tuesday, Aug. 4, at
Ruby’s Diner and welcomed
new members Gunner Spann,
Aydyn Rocamontes, Adrian
Rocamontes, Ava Davis and
Gavin Davis. The lodge also
welcomes Michael Spann,
Kelly Spann, Kaitlynn Spann
and Jason Spann by way of
The lodge recently lost a
member, Chester Lucas. Brother
Lucas served as a trustee.
Lawrence Hotz was elected
to fill the vacant position. A
donation has been sent to the
Youth Camp in Brother Lucas’
The lodge held a summer
party in the city park on July
25. Even though the weather
was hot, the event was well
Grand President Buddy Preuss
was on hand to present pins. A
50-year membership pin was
presented to Lawrence Hotz
of Cuero, a member since July
6, 1955; and a 60-year pin
was presented to Verna Lee
Gohmert, also of Cuero, a
member since Nov. 6, 1955.
Jill Bruss also is receiving her
50-year pin this year. She lives
in Forth Worth and has been a
member since July 13, 1965.
Other 60-year pin recipients
for 2015 are Gary Binz of
Victoria, a member since July
14, 1955; James Bridges of San
Antonio, a member since July
25, 1955; G.R. Pakebusch of
Cuero, a member since Aug. 4,
1955; Irene Hilbrich of Cuero,
a member since Aug. 6, 1955;
Ronnie Wolter of Victoria, a
Cuero Family Lodge member Lawrence Hotz, right, receives a
50-year membership pin from Grand President Buddy Preuss during the lodge’s summer party.
member since Aug, 11, 1955;
and Charles Wittmer of Alvord,
a member since Aug. 18, 1955.
announced plans to enter the
Hermann Sons float in the
Turkey Fest Parade but it coincides with the Grand Lodge’s
125th Anniversary Celebration,
so plans are not definite.
The Grand Lodge will host
the anniversary celebration
in Floresville on Oct. 10. The
lodge will play the $10 cost
for any member who wants to
attend. Reservations must be
made by Sept. 23.
Verna Lee Gohmert reported sending get-well cards to
Elizabeth Loos, Wilburn Arndt
and Chester Lucas. She also
sent a sympathy card to the
family of Chester Lucas and to
Irene Mueller following the loss
of her brother.
President Tiffin announced
plans are in the works for a
Wounded Warrior Bike Ride. It
is planned for late October or
early November.
The Graduation Fund was
kicked off at the summer party.
Any high school student who
is a member of the lodge has
an opportunity to earn some
money upon their graduation
from high school. Drawing tickets are being sold. The student
will receive half of the money
from the tickets they sell upon
graduating. For more information and tickets, contact agents
Grand President Buddy Preuss presents a 60-year membership pin
to Verna Lee Gohmert, a member of Cuero Family Lodge, at the
summer social.
Wayne and Laura Tiffin. This
opportunity will be available
to junior members throughout
their four years of high school,
so if they start young and work
hard, there could be a nice payoff upon graduation.
Providing desserts were Pat
Wanjura, Ruth Peters, Ann
Carpenter and Tina Hotz.
Members celebrating birthdays since the last meeting are
Laura Tiffin, Amy Tietz, Paisley
Bixenmann, Tina Hotz, Betty
Bade, Jerry Tietz, Wilburn
Arndt, Wayne Tiffin, Ann
Carpenter, Ruth Peters, Anthony
Hotz, Willa Dean Wolter and
Lawrence Hotz.
Door prize winners were Pat
Wanjura, Karlie Hotz, Karlyne
Tiffin, Sarah Bixenmann and
Hailey Hotz. Winners of the
four “Hugs from Home” magnet
decals were Laura Tiffin, Ruth
Peters, Iris Hotz and Harold
Following the meeting, members dined on either chicken
fried steak, chicken fried chicken or hamburger steak, mashed
potatoes and green beans, a roll
and tea.
The next meeting is scheduled
for Sept. 1 at 6 p.m. at Ruby’s
Diner. Hope to see you there.
Members who want to have
a little fun are invited to participate in a cookie swap. Just
bring a dozen cookies to swap
with others.
– Reporter
Giddings Lodge will honor pin recipients in September
GIDDINGS – Giddings Lodge
No. 54 members gathered
Thursday, July 9, and heard a
presentation from John Jones
of Giddings Residence and
Rehabilitation Center.
Mr. Jones presented information on how to spot elder abuse
and neglect in the community.
Medicaid, Medicare and other
government agencies monitor
nursing homes, he said. More
often, abuse, neglect, selfneglect and even domestic violence against the elderly can be
happening in the home. There
are 500,000 elder abuse reports
annually, he said. They include
mistreatment resulting in harm
or loss of life. This can be physical, mental or emotional. It
might include inappropriate
restraints. Grabbing, pushing,
shoving may be demonstrated. Psychological abuse might
include threats or humiliation.
There can also be financial
abuse. Usually, the victim may
seldom be seen, may be reluctant to report abuse or have
a lack of access to resources.
There may be social isolation.
Unusual behavior, appearing
nervous, fearful, strained, tense,
even flinching, can be traits
exhibited by the victim. Bills
not being paid or unusual purchases could be a sign of financial abuse by the caregiver.
A person who suspects elder
abuse can call Adult Protective
Services. For more information, contact the Department of
Aging or go to
Aaron Paul Maass was welcomed as a new member.
Correspondence included a
thank you note from the St.
John Lutheran Relay for Life
The Cheer Committee report-
ed sending get-well cards to
LaVerne Urban and Melanie
Members mourned the passing of Steven Keng, an attorney
who had done much legal work
for the lodge.
Jean Herzik expressed appreciation for the donation to the
St. Margaret Lutheran Church
Relay for Life Team. She reported this year’s event raised a total
of $65,000 including $11,000
from the St. Margaret Team.
Appreciation was expressed
to C.W. Kasper for the donation
of a new U.S. flag to the lodge.
Attendance awards went to
Johnnie Herzik, Larry Whitley
and Bernice Bittner. Gladys
Amador won a jar of homemade tomato jam. Everyone
present received a small potted
succulent sent from California
by Brenda Potter’s daughter,
Rhonda Conroy.
Jerry and Brenda Potter provided the hot dogs and the trimmings everyone enjoyed after
the meeting.
The 2015 membership pin
recipients will be honored at
the Sept. 10 meeting.
– Deborah Beisert
August 2015 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 23
Paige members donate items for 'Me Bags' project
PAIGE – Paige Lodge No. 154
members and guests enjoyed a
post July 4th grilled hamburger
lunch on Sunday, July 12. Special
thanks go to Ronnie Harmon
and Frank Bilberry for grilling the
The lodge welcomes a new
adult member, Roman Blane
Cole, stepson of Lee Ward.
Get-well wishes were sent to
Leroy Wobus following surgery.
The lodge hall is in need of
leveling and Michael Dube volunteered to get an update on the
previously approved project.
A thank-you note and group
picture from the Elgin School of
Dance was shared with members and posted on the bulletin
board. A thank-you note from the
Jerry Wobus family and Grand
Lodge for a memorial donation
also were acknowledged.
Members voted to donate items
for the “Me Bags" as part of
The Suitcase for Suzy Project.
These items can include small or
travel size bars of soaps, shampoo, toothpaste, deodorant,
toothbrushes and other personal
care items. Members are asked to
bring them to the Sept. 13 meeting. This is the lodge’s Make a
Difference Day project.
President Chelle Dube thanked
Vice President La Verne Mattiza
for conducting the June meeting
in her absence.
Sister Dube won the attendance
prize and Sandy Botkin won the
dollar pot. Bernice Basward,
Ronnie Harmon, Milton Ihlo,
Gary Falkenberg, Mary Ann
Triesch, Roy Pietsch and Janice
Bilberry donated prizes. The winners were Michael Dube, Janice
Bilberry, Chelle Dube, Milton
Ihlo, La Verne Mattiza, Sandy
Botkin, Frank Bilberry, Ronnie
Harmon, Halle Dube, Linda Ihlo
and Bernice Basward. Special
thanks go to Halle Dube for
always drawing the winning numbers and doing such a good job.
Special thanks go to Debbie
Harmon for cleaning the lodge
hall and to Ronnie Harmon for
helping her and for his continued
maintenance of the lodge property. Their time and dedication
are truly appreciated.
Members are reminded a potluck lunch will be served prior to
the Sept. 13 meeting.
– Sandy Botkin
Elgin School of Dance students and adults rode the Hermann Sons
float in the McDade Watermelon Festival Parade on July 11. Photo
courtesy of Ronnie Harmon.
Brenham Lodge makes donation
to Wimberley Flood Relief Fund
BRENHAM – Brenham Lodge
No. 6 met in July with members
agreeing to make a donation
to the Wimberley Flood Relief
Fund established by the Grand
Special Representative Gary
Falkenberg reminded members
about the importance of reporting changes in name, beneficiary
or address to the Grand Lodge.
A get-well card had been sent
to Barbara Haar and a sympathy
card was sent to the family of
Wilfred Winkelmann.
Cards were received from
the families of Laura Rietz and
Wilfred Winkelmann thanking the lodge for the donations
made to the Retirement Home
and Youth Activity Fund in their
A total of 63 members and
guests enjoyed a meal of chicken casserole, Copper Pennies
and green beans prepared by
Nina Runge, Shirley Ganske and
Carol Jaster. Members provided
the desserts.
– Reporter
Celebrating July birthdays at the Brenham Lodge meeting were,
from left, Ora Nell Kuretsch, Gilbert Spinn and Evelyn Haack.
Boerne to celebrate 125 years this fall
BOERNE – Member turnout
was good for the July 3 and
Aug. 7 gatherings of Boerne
Lodge No. 25 in the new meeting place.
In July, three new junior
members were welcomed and
in August another eight new
junior members were welcomed.
Plans have been finalized
for the Grand Lodge’s 125th
Anniversary Celebration on
Oct. 10 at the Floresville Event
Center in Floresville. There will
be a $10 per person charge
for this event and reservations
need to be made by Sept. 23.
Contact Alice Quinn or Marilyn
Vogt for reservation forms.
Boerne Lodge will cele-
brate its 125th anniversary in
November. Members are asked
to be thinking of ways to celebrate this occasion.
The lodge will be collecting
canned food items and clothing to donate to local charities.
Members are asked to bring
their donations to the Sept. 4
Get well wishes go to Carolyn
Goodall who is currently hospitalized.
“Happy Birthday” was sung
to Harriet who celebated a
July birthday and to Barbara
Christensen, Esther Faecher,
Elizabeth Markell, Don D’Spain
and Lily Vogt who celebrated
theirs in August.
Don and Barbara D’Spain
celebrate their anniversary in
The Rainbow Senior Center
at Kronkosky Place has implemented a new fee schedule.
Meals for members of the center are $4 with reservations
being made in advance by calling 249-2114. For non-members the cost of the meal is $6.
Membership fees are now $25
for singles and $35 for couples
per year.
The next meeting will be
held Friday, Sept. 4, beginning with lunch at 11:30 a.m.
followed by the meeting. The
meal and meeting will be held
at the Rainbow Senior Center
at Kronkosky Place in Boerne.
– Reporter
Celebrating their 44th wedding
anniversary in July were Jack
and Betty Schramm. They are
members of Brenham Lodge.
Coupland Lodge plans
presentations for Sept. 13
COUPLAND – Coupland
Lodge No. 113 will meet
Sunday, Sept. 13, at 2 p.m.
at the Coupland Fire Station.
Two important presentations
are planned.
All junior members who
attended Hermann Sons Youth
Camp and their parents are
invited to attend so the campers can give a report on their
Frances Krieg will be honored for her years of service as
a Hermann Sons agent. Sister
Krieg recently retired.
refreshments will be served.
After the meeting, members
will play cards and dominoes.
The lodge made a $100
donation to the Wimberley
Flood Relief Fund established
by the Grand Lodge.
Members are reminded the
lodge’s annual Family Night
celebration is Tuesday, Oct.
13, at Southside Market in
Elgin. Fellowship will begin at
6 p.m. followed by the meal.
All members are welcome and
encouraged to attend.
Reservations need to be
made no later than Friday, Oct.
9, by calling Linda Rowland at
512-227-2014 or Lena Ging at
– Reporter
Page 24 – Hermann SonS newS – August 2015
Mission-Alamo holds annual July Christmas gift exchange
SAN ANTONIO – Everyone
looked good in their attire of
red, white and blue worn in
honor of the Mission-Alamo
Lodge No. 80 Independence
Day meeting. Even though they
were not wearing red and green,
everyone enjoyed the Christmas
in July party and gift exchange.
Afterwards, members enjoyed
traditional Fourth of July hot
dogs and all the trimmings
plus desserts. Another highlight of the gathering was to
see Merlene Childress and her
daughter, Carol, and husband
Ben Patterson in attendance.
Everyone wearing red, white
and blue received a gift.
One new junior member,
Grant Gottschalk, was welcomed.
Kathy Wilson has received
a get-well card that everyone
signed. She is recovering from
surgery in a rehabilitation facility.
A moment of silence was
observed in memory of Donald
Eric Varner, who died on May
10, and had been a member for
50 years. Brother Varner was 64
years of age.
The lodge received a thank-
Members took part in a Christmas in July gift exchange at the July
meeting of Mission-Alamo Lodge.
Members of Mission-Alamo Lodge who wore their red, white and
blue to the July meeting each received a cash prize.
you note from Granada Homes
for the games, gifts and refreshments members shared with
them in May.
Make A Difference Day donations of cribs, bedding, toiletries, soap, shampoo, toothbrushes, toothpaste and laundry
detergent should be brought to
the September meeting.
The name drawn for the big
jackpot was that of Jaidyn R.
Allen, but since she was not
present the next drawing will be
worth $165.
Lillie Mae Dienger won splitthe-pot.
A catered meal will be served
at the September meeting during which pioneer members will
be honored.
– Sylvia Schulmeier
Dorothy Breezee, from left, and Dianne and Jack Larned went
home with great gifts from the Mission-Alamo Lodge Christmas
in July party.
Anton Wenzel taco dinner Sept. 11 McGregor Lodge to serve
Wenzel Lodge No. 174 members enjoyed a meal featuring fried chicken at the August
meeting. The main dish will
be spaghetti for the September
meeting. Members are asked to
bring a side dish or dessert.
Members extend their condolences to the families of Donald
F. Zimmerle and Rex Selvin Jr.
The lodge’s garage sale was
held Saturday, Aug. 14. Thanks
go to all those who helped set
up, those who closed up and
those who donated items to
sell. Despite the hot weather,
the turnout was good.
The annual Taco Dinner fundraiser is scheduled for Sept.
11 in the Rathskeller. Tickets
are $5 each and are on sale
now by contacting the office.
The plate includes tacos, rice,
beans and tortillas. Volunteers
are needed on the day of the
dinner so call the office if you
would like to lend a hand.
Monetary donations also are
being accepted.
burgers at Sept. 2 meeting
Celebrating August birthdays at
the Anton Wenzel Lodge meeting were Lorene Kreusel and
Eugene Kellner.
Lorene Kreusel, right, presents
Merlinda Elizondo with her
split-the-pot winnings at the
August Anton Wenzel Lodge
Thanks go to all those who
came to the August meeting including Joyce and Jerry
Mathis who were celebrating an anniversary. Members
are reminded that guests are
welcome at meetings. Contact
Agent Emma Moya with the
names of prospective new
James A. Lawrence would
have won the membership
prize but he was not there
to claim the cash. The prize
amount stands at $230.
– Salina Barrientes
McGREGOR – McGregor
Lodge No. 132 members
enjoyed the ice cream of different flavors and a number
of toppings served at the hot
August meeting. The ice cream
was topped off with homemade chocolate chip cookies
made by Doris Mooney and
grandson Chase Lillard.
Hermine Wolf reported mailing get-well cards to Nelda
Hoover and Joyce Thane.
Sister Thane went to the hospital to have a cut on her hand
checked and ended up having
a pace maker put in. Glad all
is better now. Prayers continue for Charles Hoehn and
Henry Lange for good reports
and procedures that they both
are going through.
President Doris Mooney
provided information on the
upcoming 125th Grand Lodge
Anniversary Celebration in
President Mooney urged
everyone to report changes in
name, address or telephone
number to the Grand Lodge.
Leona Hendrickson, Yvonne
Witt were wished a Happy
Henry and Vivian Lange celebrated their 66th anniversary on July 14 and David
and Tammy Lillard celebrated
their 19th on Aug. 17.
Door prize winners were
Janet Schmalriede, Jerry
Thane, Milton Schmalriede
and Al Wolf.
The next meeting is Sept. 2 at
6 p.m. at the Sneed Insurance
Building. Hamburgers, baked
beans, dessert and drinks will
be provided.
Members are reminded that
meetings are held the first
Wednesday of the month at
6 p.m.
– Reporter
August 2015 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 25
Cibolo holds memorial service
CIBOLO – Cibolo Lodge
held its annual memorial service during the August meeting. Remembered were members who have died during the
past year.
Vice President Tina Ynfante
conducted the ceremony.
Anthony and A.J. Schneider
prepared a touching musical
and visual tribute.
were Betty Lou Schulz, Eula
C. Burton, Mary Ann Dylla,
Rachel B. Leachman, Edna
Rauch, Lucille Hehs, Morris
Johnson Jr. and Sigfrid
Members of the Schulz,
Dylla and Leachman families
attended as special guests of
the lodge.
In addition to this ceremony,
donations were made to the
Scholarship Fund in memory
of each of these members.
Instead of a regular meeting, in July the lodge hosted a
nine-pin bowling party at the
Bracken Bowling Alley.
With school starting, the
lodge’s busy fall schedule will
begin. The October meeting
with feature the junior and
adult costume contest. Plans
Some of the bowlers taking to the alleys during the Cibolo
Lodge summer social were, back, from left, Jerry Rakowitz, Mike
Warneke, Brandon Warneke, front, from left, Ken Shepherd, John
Fey, Zane Gray and Jonny Brown.
Cibolo Lodge Vice President Tina Ynfante, left, presents Lorna and
Alton Vrana, the family of Mary Ann Dylla, with mementos from
the lodge’s annual memorial service.
will be made for the Christmas
party to be held Sunday, Dec.
6, at the Schertz Community
Center. Contact any member
or officer for more details
about either of these events.
The adult attendance prize
winners were Joy Brown and
Mary Ann Gray. The night
proved lucky for Joy Brown,
as she also was the winner of
the lodge’s special prize draw-
ing pot of $52. The pot will be
reset in September to $25. You
must be present to claim this
special prize.
The next meeting will be
held Sept. 3 at Christ the King
Lutheran Church Parish Hall.
Dinner is served at 7 p.m. followed by the business meeting
at 7:30 p.m.
– Reporter
Celebrating birthdays in July and August birthdays from Cibolo
Lodge were, from left, John Gray, Maezey Bierstedt, Sherry
Rakowitz, Cliff Shepherd, Tracy Campos and Jerry Rakowitz.
Fort Worth Lodge will meet Sept. 13 at Westcreek Lanes
FORT WORTH – Fort Worth
Lodge No. 33 welcomes Seth
Alexander as a new member.
Members are reminded that if
they recommend a new member
they are eligible to win a $125
gift card. And they will be helping their lodge meet its 2015
new member goal. The more new
members you recommend the
more chances you have to win.
Call Agent Sandra Jones or the
Grand Lodge for more information.
Congratulations go to Jimmy
Dixon and Gary Dixon of Strawn
on receiving their 60-year membership pins. They both became
members on Aug. 9, 1955.
Patricia Morgan reached her
50-year milestone on Aug. 10.
She lives in Round Rock.
Several members have been
in the hospital and some had
surgery over the past month.
Please keep Shannon Jones,
Frankie Thompson and Michelle
Hampton in your prayers.
Hope those of you who bowled
in the state tournament in New
Braunfels had fun. Some of the
Fort Worth bowlers made a mini
vacation out of it and stayed over
for a few days.
Can’t wait for the 52nd tournament next year in Austin. Make
plans now to join a league this
fall and come bowl next year.
Happy Birthday wishes go to
Jo Ann Bullock, Donnie Burns,
Ronnie Burns, Ronnie Jones,
Ronnie Burns-Lane, Margaret
Harrison, Rick Murphy, Mary
Terrell and Autumn Whitley.
And Happy Anniversary wishes
go to Karen and Bill Lane who
celebrated 18 years of marriage
with their bowling buddies at the
tournament in New Braunfels.
Members are reminded that the
next meeting will be held Sept.
13 at 3 p.m. at Westcreek Lanes.
And don’t forget to send in
news about your vacation, camp
experience or awards won by
anyone in your family so it can
be shared with other members.
Send the information and photos
– Reporter
Dallas Lodge will hold next business meeting on Sept. 27
DALLAS - Dallas Lodge No. 22
officers send fraternal greetings
to members. Despite a little rain
in July, the weather in Dallas has
been hot and humid.
The lodge is getting close to its
new member goal for the year.
The goal is 12 and the lodge now
has seven new members.
Schellenberg would like input from
members about the possible
merger of Dallas Lodge with
Columbia Lodge No. 66. His
email address is He will share this information with the merger committee.
Members send congratulations
to Paul M. Hudson Jr. who is
celebrating his 60 years of membership. He joined on July 15,
1955. He resides in Arlington.
Cynthia C. Robinson is celebrating her 50-year membership.
She became a member on July
14, 1965. She resides in Grand
Prairie. She is the niece of Eva
Members are invited to
attend the Grand Lodge’s 125th
Anniversary Celebration Oct. 10.
It will be at the Floresville Event
Center. For more details contact
Andy Schellenberg or the Grand
Lodge. The deadline to make
reservations is Sept. 23. Cost is
$10 per person.
When you read your Hermann
Sons News you find something
interesting. Like, the fourth
Grand President was Carl F.
Altermann. He was born in
Leipzig, Germany, on Nov. 5,
1855. He moved to Dallas and
later died Nov. 16, 1913. Also
Uhland (Dallas) Lodge No. 22
was the 12th lodge to receive
a charter in 1890, the year the
Grand Lodge was formed.
The lodge’s next business
meeting is scheduled for Sept.
27 at 1 p.m. Come and support
your lodge.
– Reporter
Page 26 – Hermann SonS newS – August 2015
Brunhilde holds
meeting in July
Kathy Berger was a guest of Ruth
Lampman at the July meeting of Brunhilde
Lodge No. 7.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cain brought donations for the
“Hugs from Home” packages to the July 20 meeting
of Brunhilde Lodge No. 7.
Jim and Liese Stack celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary in
July. They are members of Brunhilde Lodge No. 7.
Gay Hill reminded to recommend new members
GAY HILL – Gay Hill Lodge
No. 193 met Thursday, Aug. 6.
Twenty-six members enjoyed
a casserole dinner prepared by
George and Walline Lorenz,
Leroy and Gladys Hodde and
Bobby and Mary Lee Mertz.
Members celebrating August
birthdays are Karly Lorenz, Brian
Lorenz, Stanley Klekar, Linda
Bentke and Lucille Kelm.
Members celebrating an August
anniversary are George and
Walline Lorenz.
The Cheer Committee reported
sending a get-well card to Elvera
Drews after her knee surgery.
Agent Donnie Blinka reminded
members about the importance
of recommending new members.
Members welcomed Charlie
Schroeder by way of transfer from
Brenham Lodge No. 6.
Hosts for the August meeting of Gay Hill Lodge were, from left,
Bobby and Mary Lee Mertz, Leroy and Gladys Hodde and Walline
and George Lorenz. George and Walline also celebrate their 51st
wedding anniversary in August.
Marvin Fischer reported that
the Sirloin Steak Supper was a
thanked Robert and Shonda Ziese
and George and Walline Lorenz
for the installation of a new com-
Paige Fischer, a junior member
of the lodge, is seeking the title of
Washington County Fair Queen.
Contact her for tickets.
Members were reminded that
the deadline to make reserva-
Celebrating August birthdays from Gay Hill Lodge are, from
left, Brian Lorenz, Karly Lorenz, Linda Bentke, Lucille Kelm and
Stanley Klekar.
tions for the Grand Lodge’s 125th
Anniversary Celebration scheduled for Oct. 10 is Sept. 23.
Next month's hosts w ill be
Billy and Gloria Lehde.
– Reporter
Prinz Solms meets Sept. 4
Old Glory sausage supper is Oct. 10
BULVERDE – Prinz Solms
Lodge No. 136 met Aug. 7
at the Bulverde Community
Center and welcomed 22
new members into the lodge.
The lodge will have a cookout on Sunday, Oct. 11.
Grilled hamburgers and hot
dogs will be served. Pins will
be presented to those reaching their 50-year and 60-year
membership milestones this
Subway sandwiches with all
the fixings were served at
the August gathering. Jackie
Oldfield brought dessert.
OLD GLORY – Several members of Old Glory Lodge No.
228 gathered at the lodge hall
on Sunday, Aug. 2, for their
monthly meeting.
A moment of silence was
observed in memory of a faithful
member, Beunice Vahlenkamp,
and an Aledo student, Hunter
Sister Vahlenkamp served
as agent and reporter for Old
Glory Lodge for many years and
was very active.
President Doug Vahlenkamp
provided information about the
Old Glory Homecoming and
The prize winners that
day were Irene Scholz,
Michaelene Heinz, Jackie
Oldfield, Joyce Lux and Leroy
Members enjoyed the fellowship and a chance to add
memorabilia to the new lodge
cabinet in the meeting room.
The next meeting will be
held Sept. 4 at 7 p.m. at the
Bulverde Community Center.
All members are welcome
and encouraged to attend to
enjoy the food and fellowship.
– Clifton Klabunde
the dance that would be held at
the lodge hall on Saturday, Sept.
5, from 8 p.m. to midnight.
There will be live music and
everyone is invited to attend.
He also reported that the
lodge’s annual Sausage Supper
will be held Saturday, Oct. 10.
Trustees reported that everything seems to be in good order
and the lodge hall is ready for
both events.
On the sick list was Susan
Kittley who is in a hospital in
Abilene following surgery.
Clancy Lehrmann won the
door prize.
Members present celebrating
birthdays in August included
Marvin Vahlenkamp and Gladys
The anniversary couple was
Keith and Lou Corzine.
Following the meeting the
group played games and then
enjoyed a meal of sandwiches
and all the trimmings and lots
of desserts.
The next meeting will be
held Sunday, Sept. 6, at 4 p.m.
Members are asked to bring a
salad and dessert for the evening meal.
– Reporter
August 2015 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 27
Houston Lodge announces upcoming fall activities
HOUSTON – As of this writing
in Houston it is 100 degrees. It’s
hard to believe that September is
just around the corner.
Members of Houston Lodge
No. 100 are reminded to check
their schedule cards. The meal
for the Sept. 14 meeting is a
surprise and will be provided by
the lodge.
A potluck meal is planned for
the Oct. 12 meeting. The annual
memorial service will follow that
The annual Thanksgiving meal
and meeting are planned for
Nov. 9. And, believe it or not,
that is also election time for the
2016 officers.
The meal for the July meeting was a Dutch lunch featuring various types of lunchmeats
and cheeses along with condiments. It was enjoyed by all.
As one member said, “it was
something different and good.”
Special thanks go to Samantha
Thomason for obtaining the food.
The lodge received thank you
cards from the Grand Lodge
for donations made in memory
of Charles Hopkins and James
Agent Gary Falkenberg gave
a report on the Hermann Sons
Sheila Lee celebrated her July
birthday at the Houston Lodge
website and the many forms
available for members. These
include change of beneficiary,
bank draft and annuity deposit
and withdrawals. He also reported on the payout options available with Hermann Sons annuities.
Sheila Lee was the only member present celebrating a July
Kiera Thomason, Samantha
Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) Region 2 Houston opened a new training facility in District
2-Rosenberg but needed furniture. A call went out to The DPS Citizen Academy Alumni (DPSCAA) for
help. The DPSCAA in turn contacted the Houston Hermann Sons Home Association for assistance. The
Home Association in turn donated the entire amount needed to furnish the training facility. A formal
presentation was made at the Region 2 Headquarters on July 21. Pictured are, from left, Jerry Irwin,
DPSCAA Board member; Ben Gillis, DPSCAA Board president; Special Representative Gary Falkenberg,
DPSCAA member; Sgt. Korenek, DPS District 2; Carol Edwards, DPSCAA past president; Commander
Duane Steen, Region 2; Capt. Steadman, DPS; Ray Ditmar, Houston Home Association president; Lt.
Lucas, DPS; Trooper Standifer, DPSCAA coordinator; and Ron Warrer, DPSCAA Board member.
Thomason, Peggy Haas, Milton
Fuchs, Emily Falkenberg, Duane
Haas, Pat Bushman, Ethelene
Marshall, Ruben Heldberg and
Sheila Lee won door prizes.
Members are reminded that
guests are welcome at meetings. Contact Brother Falkenberg
if you are bringing guests. On
meeting night, social time starts
at 6 p.m. The meal is served at
7 p.m. and the meeting starts
at 7:45 p.m. followed by door
– Reporter
Lockhart Lodge observes National Ice Cream Sandwich Day
LOCKHART – Lockhart Lodge
No. 64 met Aug. 2 at Garcia’s
Restaurant with 27 members
and guests in attendance.
President Ann Schroeder
reported on several topics. She
asked members to start thinking
about the election of officers for
2016 and nominations for the
Humanitarian Award for 2015.
Members agreed to host a
games party for the residents
of the Golden Age Home for
Make A Difference Day again
this year since it was such a
successful event last year.
President Ann Schroeder and
Dickie Rutherford planned
to attend the Habitat for
Humanity dedication ceremo-
Door prize winners at the Lockhart Lodge meeting in August were Dickie Rutherford, Anna
Kate Duewall and John Hyland.
ny on Aug. 8.
A nice article about lodge
member Johnny Siemering
appeared in the Lockhart Post
Register in July. The article told
about his life with emphasis
on his Seabee (or U.S. Naval
Construction Forces) military
service during World War II.
Brother Siemering was pleased
to discuss the article with members after the business meeting.
Celebrating July birthdays
were Dot Kuntschik, Sherry
Hyland and Bryan DziadikWillingham. Lil Pfefferkorn
turned 80 on Aug. 9.
Ray and Debbie Pfefferkorn
celebrated their 32nd wedding
anniversary on Aug. 13.
Junior members of Lockhart Lodge enjoying their ice cream
sandwiches are Brielle Dziadik-Willingham, Daniel Hyland,
William Hyland, Elizabeth Duewall, Madeline Hyland,
Margaret Hyland and Anna Kate Duewall.
Mexican dinner and celebrated Aug. 2 being National Ice
Cream Sandwich Day by having ice cream sandwiches for
The lodge will not meet in
September. The next meeting
will be Sunday, Oct. 4.
– Reporter
Celebrating July birthdays at the Lockhart Lodge meeting were, from left, Bryan Dziadik-Willingham, Dot
Kuntschik and Sherry Hyland.
Page 28 – Hermann SonS newS – August 2015
Fredericksburg to serve barbecue at Sept. 1 meeting
not on the guest list.
Windy Duecker read a farewell letter from Shirley Moehle,
who is moving to the San
Antonio area to live with her
The next meeting will be held
Sept. 1 with the lodge furnishing the barbecue. Members
are asked to bring a side dish
along with a plate and utensils.
Contact Windy Duecker at 830997-2983 or Hans Enderlin at
830-895-1343 for more information.
– Reporter
Fredericksburg Lodge No. 41
met Aug. 4 with 28 members
and guests on hand to enjoy a
covered dish meal.
Members mourned the passing
of Elgin Grona, a 41-year member, who died Aug. 3. A moment
of silence was observed in his
President Hans Enderlin
reminded members of the
2015 membership goal and the
lodge’s status toward that goal.
During the meeting, members
agreed to have Linda Pfiester
Catering provide the turkey
dinner with trimmings for the
Christmas party, provided she is
available. The dinner is scheduled for Dec. 1.
Members also agreed to
reserve the Hermann Sons float
for the Gillespie County Fair
President Enderlin announced
that invitation forms are available for those who would like
to attend the Grand Lodge’s
125th Anniversary Celebration
in Floresville on Oct. 10. The
cost is $10 per person for those
Tillie and Andy Janowski celebrated their 65th wedding
anniversary on Aug. 5. They are
members of Pershing Lodge.
Celebrating August anniversaries at the Pershing Lodge meeting were,
from left, Joan and Emil Lichtenberg and Teeni and David Johnson.
Lodge members celebrating birthdays
in August
are Stephen
and Frances
Celebrating August birthdays at the Pershing Lodge meeting were,
from left, Wayne Kilborn, Teeni Johnson and James Lay.
Pershing Lodge plans annual trip to Rockport Sept. 18
SAN ANTONIO – Pershing
Lodge No. 160 will meet Sept.
2 at the Golden Corral located at 1025 SE Military Drive.
Members will pay for their own
New members welcomed at
the August meeting were Carlos
Ivan Sepulveda, Victor A.
Angeles and Roxanne Angeles.
Prayers are needed for Russell
Puckett and Flo Tripp.
Condolences go out to the
families of John Scott Griffin,
Victor W. Riba, Cecelia F.
Stalsby, Lillian M. Chapman,
Milton L. Dusek, Patricia Tunnel
and Walter “Bubba” Haag.
Terri Armstrong reported
members will be going to
Rockport on Sept. 18. Contact
her at 210-378-0319 for more
Callie Camille Sanin and
Thomas E. Sanin were the
recipients of the $200 Camp
Scholarships for this year. Their
names were chosen in a drawing.
Happy Anniversary wishes go out to Joan and Emil
Lichtenberg, 65 years, and
Teeni and David Johnson, 3
years. Also celebrating their
anniversary in August were
Tillie and Andy Janowski. They
celebrated their 65th anniversary on Wednesday, Aug. 5.
Happy Birthday wishes go
out to the August celebrants,
Wayne Kilborn, James Lay,
Teeni Johnson and Marilyn
Hoster. The last three were winners of the birthday drawing.
Marilyn Hoster won the $25
attendance prize and Dorothy
Pawlik won the split-the-pot
Eight names were drawn for
the $120 Progressive Pot. None
of the eight were present to
claim the money. They were
Dortha Elaine Reyes, Janice Jo
Lohrke, Walter Gerlach Torres,
Dawn Alves McCarty, Joye
D. Delafuente, Christopher
Jackson Hartsfield, Camille
DeWinne and Deborah Kay
– Dorothy Pawlik
Womack holds membership pin presentation in August
Lodge No. 135 met Aug. 2
at the lodge hall. Grand Vice
President-Investments Harry
Werland addressed the group
and presented a 60-year
membership pin to Monroe
Gaskamp. Brother Gaskamp
lives in Clifton and has been
a member since Dec. 4, 1955.
Several other members, who
were unable to attend, also
have attained 60-year membership status this year. They
are Janie C. Johnson of Waco,
a member since March 21,
1955; David W. Hampe of
Plano, a member since May
13, 1955; Becky Louise
Kirksey of Fort Worth, a member since Aug. 1, 1955; and
Lawrence D. Zuehlke of Willis,
a member since Dec. 1, 1955.
Mildred Van Winkle has been
a member for 70 years. She
lives in Dallas and has been a
member since Nov. 2, 1945.
A big thank you goes to
Brother Werland for attending
this special meeting.
An invitation was received
for the Grand Lodge’s 125th
on Oct. 10 in Floresville.
Reservations need to be made
by Sept. 23.
“Happy Birthday” was sung
to Mildred Conrad who has an
August birthday.
Mary Sue Crawson won the
attendance prize and Calvin
Rueter won the 50/50 drawing.
David and Dorothy Conrad
hosted the meeting and every-
one enjoyed the sandwiches,
finger foods and other refreshments provided by members.
The Sept. 6 meeting will
begin at 2 p.m. Members may
bring sandwiches and other
Come and enjoy the afternoon with your fraternal family.
– Nadine Rueter
August 2015 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 29
Siemering Says
Lodge to elect Home Association representatives Sept. 8
SAN ANTONIO – President
Donald O’Connor welcomed
officers and members to the
Aug. 11 meeting of Siemering
Lodge No. 32 held in the San
Antonio Home Association
Building’s Rathskeller.
Members mourned the passing of Donald Staats.
The lodge purchased five
tickets for the annual Anton
Wenzel Lodge No. 174 Crispy
Chicken Taco Dinner scheduled
for Sept. 11 in the Rathskeller
and gave them away as door
President Donald O’Connor
announced he has flyers with
directions and registration forms
for the Grand Lodge’s 125th
Anniversary Celebration to be
held Oct. 10 at the Floresville
Event Center. All forms should
be returned by Sept. 23.
Paul Hess announced he will
update the list of Siemering
Lodge membership by zip code
and will have it available at the
next meeting.
Sally Hertzberg and Augusta
Fite were thanked for preparing
the evening’s meal.
Sister Hess asked for donations of toys, children’s books,
stuffed animals and blankets
for a community outreach project. The items will be donated to the Children’s Alliance
of South Texas as part of the
Grand Lodge’s Anniversary
Celebration on Oct. 10.
Jo Ann Massengale, Paul Hess
and Lloyd Markell won attendance prizes. Frances Bara won
The lodge’s next meeting will
be held Tuesday, Sept. 8. At that
time members will be electing
Bill and Barbara Ramzinski celebrate their wedding anniversary in August. They are members
of Siemering Lodge.
Home Association representatives for 2016. Serving on the
Nominating Committee are Ana
Vasquez, Katherine Hess and
and Paul Hess will prepare the
meal. All members are welcome
and encouraged to attend.
– Reporter
Sally Hertzberg.
The meeting begins at 7 p.m.
in the Rathskeller of the Home
Association Building. Katherine
Fajita meal served in August
Stern Lodge
Reno Reiley,
left, presents a $600
to Zachary
a 2015
graduate of
Seguin High
School and
son of Jeff
and Tracy
Maxwell moves meeting to Sept. 13
Stern presents scholarship
SEGUIN – Stern Lodge No.
143 members gathered Sunday,
Aug. 2, at the Seguin American
Legion Hall and enjoyed a barbecue lunch prior to the meeting.
The 2015 scholarship recipient, Zachary Schuehle, and
his family were in attendance.
Zachary thanked the lodge for
helping further his education
in the field of mechanical engineering this fall.
It was noted the Grand
Lodge’s donation to the
Wimberley flood relief effort
reached $8,250 thanks to
donations from local lodges
and individuals.
Celebrating birthdays at the August meeting of Siemering Lodge
were, from left, Paul Hess, Elizabeth Markell, Barbara Ramzinski,
Augusta Fite and her guest and Sally Hertzberg.
Lodge officers have received
an invitation to attend the
upcoming Grand Lodge 125th
Anniversary Celebration being
held Oct. 10 at the Floresville
Event Center.
Attendance-prize winners
were Paul Altherr, Gloria
There will not be a meeting
in September due to the Labor
Day holiday. The next meeting is scheduled for Oct. 4 at
the Seguin American Legion
Hall beginning at noon with an
informal gathering. All members are encouraged to attend.
– Barbara Morawietz
MAXWELL – Maxwell Lodge
No. 75 members met Sunday,
Aug. 9, at the Maxwell Social
President Charles Croley
announced there are several
new junior members interested
in the Luling School of Dance.
The first Sunday in December,
the dancers give a mini-recital
for the lodge. Parents, grandparents and friends are invited.
No admission is charged, but
the dancers ask those attending
to bring non-perishable food
to be donated to the Caldwell
County/Luling Food Bank. Last
year, 155 pounds of food was
Agent/President Croley talked about the Grand Lodge’s
125th Anniversary Celebration
to be held Saturday, Oct. 10,
in Floresville. Agents and officers have already received their
invitations in the mail. Other
members can attend at a cost of
$10 per person. Brother Croley
will contact the Lockhart, San
Marcos and Niederwald lodges
to see if they're interested in
renting a van or mini-bus so
everyone can travel together.
Reservations must be made by
Sept. 23.
A meal of chicken and beef
fajitas was served. Due to the
Labor Day holiday, the next
meeting will be held Sept.
13, the second Sunday in
– C. Blackard
Austin to serve spaghetti Sept. 13
AUSTIN – Austin Lodge No.
120 will meet Sunday, Sept.
13, instead of the usual first
Sunday of the month because
of the Labor Day holiday.
Kimberly and Billy Lindsey
will prepare the spaghetti dinner being furnished by the
lodge. Members are asked to
bring desserts.
Thirty-five members and
guests attended the meeting
on Sunday, Aug. 2.
President Ed Kurtz read
regarding the Grand Lodge’s 125th
Anniversary Celebration. The
celebration will be held Oct.10
in Floresville. All lodge members are welcome to attend.
Each person will pay $10 and
will receive a meal ticket, two
drink tickets and a commemorative anniversary pin.
Members of Austin Lodge
interested in going are asked
to contact President Kurtz
at 512-459-9947 and he
will make your reservations.
Deadline for reservations is
Sept. 23.
Agent Julius Dubcak spoke
briefly. Anyone needing information regarding insurance is
asked to call him.
Members sang “Happy
Blackmon, Ed Kurtz, Edna
Groeschel and Maurice
Clarence Stark won the
attendance award and Don
Miller won the “kitty”.
A covered dish meal and
desserts furnished by the
members was served after the
meeting adjourned.
– Reporter
Page 30 – Hermann SonS newS – August 2015
Seguin members enjoy 'island time' at Summerfest
SEGUIN – Seguin Lodge
No. 37 members enjoyed
their indoor Summerfest on
Sunday, Aug. 9. Approximately
75 members and guests beat
the heat by attending this fun
indoor picnic.
The Food Committee of Roy
Merz, Howard and Jeremy
Huebner and Brian and Tommy
Beutnagel prepared pork steaks.
A tropical beach theme put
guests on “island time” while
socializing and playing games.
Treasurer Annette Roecker and
Jeff Kallies hosted fun games
for all to play such as the
penny toss, toilet paper toss
and balloon pop contest. The
always popular cake walk was
a hit with adults and children
Hermann Sons caps and mugs
to winners who guessed (or got
closest to) the correct amount
of nails, puzzle pieces, Skittles,
pasta, and even teaspoons of
water in each jar.
A silent auction with 30
various items also was a big hit
Prize winners at the July Seguin Lodge meeting were Howard Evelyn Hoffman receives her 75-year membership pin from Grand
Huebner, Lindsey Beutnagel, Velma Huebner, Velma Buie, Tom Vice President-Marketing Tim Kolbe during the Seguin Lodge
Allison and Cory Hawkins.
Summerfest. Sister Hoffman was an agent for Karnes City Lodge
No. 215 for 20 years and now resides in Seguin. She was accomThe big door prize of the day panied by daughter and son-in-law, Diane and Brian Terp. Sister
at the picnic. Members donated
items from homemade grape was a $60 Wal-Mart gift card Hoffman has been a member since Oct. 6, 1940.
juice to handmade bird feeders. won by Verna Lee Beutnagel.
All silent auction proceeds The Progressive Pot winner’s
The lodge met briefly on Huebner and Tom Allison.
went to the lodge’s building name was Wayman Krueger. July 15 to finalize plans for Split-the-pot winner was Cory
fund. Tammy Beutnagel, Cheryl However, Brother Krueger was Summerfest. Attendance prize Hawkins.
Kolbe, Katie Kolbe, Lindsey not present to claim his prize, winners at that meeting were winner would have been Bill
Beutnagel and Ann Huebner raising the winning amount to Howard Huebner, Lindsey Patek who was not present.
$70 for September’s meeting.
organized the fund-raiser.
Beutnagel, Velma Buie, Velma
– Reporter
Hondo Victory to hold Family Night barbecue Sept. 8
HONDO – Hondo Victory
Lodge No. 161 met at the lodge
hall on Aug. 11 and welcomed
new members Kylar Gene
Braden, Vivian Lynn Reed and
Kamrynn McCurry Barber.
sending get-well wishes to
Olga Marie Tschirhart, Elleen
Gooding and Ouida Samford.
She also read thank-you notes
from the New Foundation
Methodist Church, the family
of Jan Oefinger and Elleen
Plans and duties were finalized
for the Sept. 8 Family Night
Donations were collected
from the “Hugs from Home”
jar that is located at the Hondo
Dairy Queen.
“Happy Birthday” was sung to
Mary Louise Lutz.
Door prize winners were Irene
Cox, Pat Saunier, Doris Bartelt,
Loraine Miller, Debbie Payne,
Louise Lutz, Helen Boehme,
Betty Newman and Pye Haass.
Hostesses for the evening
were Mary Louise Lutz and
Emilie Cowan. They served
refreshments and the evening
playing several games of Pitch.
The lodge also met July 14
and welcomed a new member,
Jennelle Madison Erxleben.
sending get well cards to
Rebecca Nehr and Pat Dunn
and a sympathy card to the
family of Jan Oefinger.
Hostesses for the October
meeting will be Irene Cox and
Doris Bartelt.
– Verlie Fay Nietenhoefer
Mary Louise Lutz of Hondo
Victory Lodge celebrated a
birthday in August.
Pye Haass, a member of Hondo
Victory Lodge, celebrates her
birthday in July.
Plum served sandwiches in July, next meeting Sept. 14
PLUM – Plum Lodge No.
238 met July 13 at the Ole
Prairie Valley Schoolhouse.
Sandwiches, chips, dips, coffee
and tea were enjoyed before
the meeting.
Charlene Meinen presented
an inspiring and humorous
message pertaining how to treat
others in our journey through
A card was signed by members
and guests present and sent
to Douglas R. Schroeder, a
longtime member of the lodge.
Genelda Stahmer reported
sending a card to Megan and
the birth of their son, Aiden
Anthony Demshar. Aiden is
Sister Stahmer’s great-grandson.
If members know of someone
in the lodge who is ill or has
a new baby, let Sister Stahmer
know so she can send a card.
Thank you notes received and
read were from the family of
Alfred Raschke for the donation
given in his memory and
another from the Gardenia E.
Janssen Animal Shelter for the
donation made to the shelter in
observance of Join Hands Day
in May.
The lodge’s door prize was
won by Ian Hobratschk from
Cypress who was spending a
week with his grandparents,
Micaela S. Steffek, also a
grandchild of the Hobratschks,
Progressive Prize had she been
in attendance. She was actually
serving as a counselor at
Riverside Camp in Comfort on
the meeting date.
Other donated door prizes
were awarded.
The next meeting of the lodge
is scheduled for Monday, Sept.
14, starting at 7 p.m. Come and
support your lodge.
– Verlene R. Hobratschk
August 2015 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 31
San Marcos presents pins during annual picnic
SAN MARCOS – San Marcos
Lodge No. 26 held its annual
picnic and July meeting at the
Zorn Bowling Club in Zorn.
Evelyn Moreau had prepared
games including guessing
games for members to enjoy.
Hosts for the meal were
Clifford and Betty Rust and John
and Betty Schawe. They provided sausage and hot dogs.
Members provided the side
dishes and desserts.
Lillian Cargill was at the registration desk. Shirley Faske and
Janice Kuhen brought the supplies for the youth activities.
PresidentMarketing Tim Kolbe and wife
Cheryl attended. He presented
pins to two members. Beverly
Kuhen-Stoffel received her
50-year pin. She lives in San
Marcos and has been a member
since April 12, 1965. Clifford
Rust of San Marcos received
his 60-year pin. He has been a
member since Feb. 21, 1955.
Members not present receiving
60-year pins this year were Sara
San Marcos Lodge junior members colored pictures that will be put inside the next “Hugs from
Home” packages being mailed from the Grand Lodge.
Pictured at the lodge’s summer picnic are, from left,
Brett and Bryce Stoffel, their mom Beverly Stoffel and
Shirley Faske, their aunt. Sister Faske is the lodge’s
Youth Coordinator and Sister Stoffel is the assistant.
Beverly Stoffel receives her 50-year membership pin
from Grand Vice President-Marketing Tim Kolbe during the San Marcos Lodge summer picnic. Also pictured are lodge President Agnes Dreibrodt, left, and
Sister Stoffel’s mother, Janice Kuhen.
Wood of Corpus Christi, a member since June 14, 1955; John
J. Stokes, a member since Aug.
18, 1955; Peggy Meiners of San
Marcos, a member since Sept.
1, 1955; and Billy J. Hageman
of San Marcos, a member since
Aug. 1, 1955.
The Cheer Committee reported sending get-well cards to
Billy Preuss, Bernice Noble,
Evelyn Moreau, Peggy Meiners
and Joy Schultz.
Members signed cards at the
meeting including a birthday
card for Myrtle Carson who
is celebrating her 90th birthday, a get-well card for William
Braune, a sympathy card for
Jerry Krackau and a cheer card
for Burnice Noble who is in a
nursing home in New Braunfels.
Members mourned the passing of Malcolm Scott in May.
Members brought donations
for the “Hugs from Home” program. Junior members made
photos to send in the “Hugs for
Home” boxes.
Celebrating July Birthdays
Members attending the San Marcos Lodge summer
picnic donated items to the “Hugs from Home” program administered by the Grand Lodge.
Clifford Rust, right, receives his 60-year membership
pin from Grand Vice President-Marketing Tim Kolbe
during the San Marcos Lodge summer picnic. Also
pictured is lodge President Agnes Dreibrod
were Dean Gourley, Bob Stoffel
and Chuck Best.
Bob and
Evonne Robbins celebrated a
July anniversary.
No meeting was held in
August. The next meeting will
be held at La Vista Retirement
Home on Monday, Sept. 14, at
6:30 p.m. The Gourleys will
prepare spaghetti. Other members are asked to bring side
dishes and desserts.
After the meeting, members
will play bunco.
– Leola Gourley
San Marcos Lodge made a donation to the Hays
County Food Bank to assist victims of the Memorial
Day flooding that occurred in San Marcos and the surrounding area. Lodge President Agnes Dreibrodt, left,
and lodge Secretary-Treasurer Janice Kuhen, right,
presented the check to Denise Block, executive director of the food bank.
Members of San Marcos Lodge visited Hays Rehab
Center in observance of Join Hands Day. Members
hosted a games party for the residents. Those volunteering included, from left, Peggy Meiners, Janice
Kuhen, Agnes Dreibrodt and Janet Magin.
Hochheim-Prairie Lodge welcomes 11 new members
HochheimPrairie Lodge No. 90 met
Aug. 2 and welcomed 11 new
members. They are Jarrett and
Macie Morris, Faith Murphree,
Kaydence McNeese, Addison
Valentine, Alma Kelley, Nolan
Poulter, Brooks Baker, Kenneth
and Karlee Frazer and Brenna
The school of dance will welcome a new teacher this year.
Classes will be held Tuesdays in
the Yoakum Intermediate School
Roberta Wenzel reported send-
ing a get-well card to David
Barnes and a sympathy card to
the Leroy Hagens family.
Members were glad to see
Bob Jungman at the meeting. He
thanked everyone for the cards
and prayers sent during his long
Mila Nolte and Caroline
Spaeth celebrate August birthdays. Anniversary honorees were
Charlie and Carolyn Hoepfl and
Leonard and June Hagens.
Caroline Spaeth won the attendance prize.
Since the start of a new school
year is just around the corner,
school supplies were collected at
the meeting and will be donated
to the Yoakum schools.
There will not be a September
meeting. Hope to see lots of
members at the October meeting.
– Reporter
Page 32– Hermann SonS newS – August 2015
Dunlay holds June picnic, approves ceiling repairs
DUNLAY – Dunlay Lodge No.
285 members met in July and
discussed the June picnic and
repairs to the ceiling in the
lodge hall.
President Joyce Krenmueller
thanked everyone who helped
make the June 7 picnic a
great success including Clyde,
Richard and Kathy Muennink,
Leonard Saathoff and other
lodge members. Thanks also
were extended to the Hondo
Lodge for the use of its building.
More than 60 people attended
the event.
More ceiling tiles have fallen
since the last meeting. Clyde
Muennink said he thinks he
can gather enough old tin and
will check on getting someone to help install it. Members
approved a motion by Virgil
Krenmueller that the lodge
accept Brother Muennink’s
offer and that the lodge pay for
the work to be done. Brother
Muennink said he would let
lodge members know when the
work would be done. Volunteer
help will be appreciated.
reminded members of the 125th
Anniversary Celebration coming up Oct. 10 in Floresville.
She also reported that she
is still working on increasing
attendance at monthly meetings by getting a list prepared
of inactive members to call and
Members were informed that
officers had made an executive
decision to send a $50 donation
to the Wimberley Flood Relief
Fund established by the Grand
Celebrating June birthdays
were Betty Boehle, Linda
Gerdes and Clyde Muennink.
Celebrating a June anniversary
were Helmer and Betty Boehle.
Jerry Meyer celebrated a birthday in July. Celebrating their
anniversary in July were Morris
and Katherine Baxter, 58 years.
Celebrating an August birthday were Katherine Baxter and
Colleen Brieden. Celebrating
an August anniversary were
Joyce and Virgil Krenmueller,
59 years.
Thanks go to Tom Zuberbueler
for taking care of the lodge
– Reporter
Honored at the July meeting of Dunlay Lodge were, from left,
Jerry Meyer for his birthday and Morris and Katherine Baxter for
their 58th wedding anniversary.
New Braunfels welcomes 27 new junior members
Braunfels Lodge No. 21 welcomed 27 new junior members
at the Aug. 2 meeting.
Agent Shirley Huebinger
reported a workshop would be
held at the hall on Aug. 3 with
about 20 agents attending.
Members wish Dorothy Fetters
and Michael Schwab speedy
President Karen Harborth read
the invitation for the Grand Lodge’s
125th Anniversary Celebration to
be held on Saturday, Oct. 10, at
the Floresville Event Center.
“Happy Birthday” was sung to
July birthday celebrants Virginia
Vetter, Dorothy Moose, Sandra
Guenther, Ethan Colbert, Michael
Huebinger, Martha Stahl and
Violet Tanneberger and August
Nordheim presents
membership pins
Shirley Audilet and Jimmy
Voelkel receive their 70-year
membership pins from Grand
Vice President-Secretary/
Treasurer Mary Beam,
right. They are members of
Nordheim Lodge No. 108.
Sister Audilet has been a
member since Nov. 30, 1945.
Brother Voelkel has been a
member since Dec. 10, 1945.
Both live in Nordheim. Also
pictured is lodge President
Mildred Schuenemann.
celebrants Dorothy Eickmann,
Delbert Tanneberger, Jolene
Meuret and Martha Tolle.
Attendance-prize winners were
Michael Huebinger, Jerome
Vetter, Dennis Schwab, Delbert
Tanneberger, Karen Harborth,
Sandra Guenther, Virginia Vetter,
Violet Tanneberger, Mary Jane
Schwab, Martha Stahl, Shirley
Huebinger and Bill Wenzel.
Tommy Daum and Ethan
and Dorella Colbert hosted a
meal featuring chicken tenders.
Members provided the side dishes.
The next meeting is scheduled
for Sept. 6 at 3 p.m. at the lodge
hall. Meat will be provided and
members are asked to bring a
covered dish or dessert.
– Virginia Vetter
Jolene Meuret and Delbert
Tanneberger of New Braunfels
Lodge celebrate birthdays in
August. Not pictured are Ethan
Colbert and Martha Tolle.
Celebrating birthdays in July from New Braunfels Lodge were, front,
from left, Dorothy Moose, Violet Tanneberger, Martha Stahl, back,
from left, Michael Huebinger, Sandy Guenther and Virginia Vetter.
New Bielau Lodge plans
September pin presentations
WEIMAR – New Bielau
Lodge No. 205 members gathered July 27 at the New Bielau
Community Center.
Agent Mary K. Seifert talked
about the workshop she was
scheduled to attend.
The lodge welcomes new
members Elizabeth Hadley
Brown and Ryan Elizabeth
W.C. Breithaupt has transferred to Cameron Lodge No.
Members discussed the meet-
ing scheduled for Sept. 28.
Plans are to honor 60-year and
50-year membership pin recipients for 2015.
Edwin Novak celebrated a
birthday in June. Al Marshall,
Sylvia Addicks and Dorothy
Chevalier celebrated theirs in
July. Al and Arlene Marshall
celebrated an anniversary in
Prior to the meeting, everyone enjoyed sandwiches,
chips, sweets and ice cream.
– Harlene Novak
August 2015 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 33
Spring Branch Lodge pioneers receive membership pins
Branch, a member since Sept.
14, 1955; and Dennis Seay of
New Braunfels, a member since
June 7, 1955. Roy Bruemmer
received his 70-year pin. He
lives in Blanco and has been a
member since March 20, 1945.
Julie “Cricket” Schick, a counselor and Riverside Camp director for many years, was in attendance. She is Phyllis Havens’
niece and wanted to see Sister
Havens receive her 60-year pin.
The Canyon Lake Lions Club
presented Carmen Rittiman with
its “Community Builder Award”
for 2015. She was presented this
honor for her many achievements in the Spring Branch area
over the many years she has
lived in the community.
A meal featuring brisket,
chicken, cole slaw and potato
salad was enjoyed. As always,
desserts were in abundance.
The next meeting is scheduled
for Sept. 21 in the Bulverde
Community Center at 2:30 p.m.
A potluck lunch is planned.
Hope to see many lodge members at the meeting.
– Jane Wanke
Roy Bruemmer, left, receives his 70-year membership from Grand
Vice President-Marketing Tim Kolbe during the Spring Branch
Lodge July meeting.
Members of Spring Branch Lodge who received their 60-eyar
membership pins in July are pictured with Grand Vice PresidentMarketing Tim Kolbe, center. They are, from left, Bernard and
Helen Brucks, Joyleen Dodson, Phyllis Havens and Dennis Seay.
Also pictured is lodge President Sandra Duncan, right.
Julie “Cricket” Schick was a
guest at the July meeting of
Spring Branch Lodge. Cricket
is a former counselor and
Riverside Camp director.
Claire and Ty Schaeferkoeter received a cash prize from lodge
President Sandra Duncan after they gave a report on their experiences at Hermann Sons Youth Camp during the July Spring Branch
Lodge meeting.
Phyllis and Ben Havens celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in July. They are members of Spring Branch Lodge.
and Sharon Knibbe hosted
the July 19 meeting of Spring
Branch Lodge No. 127 at the
Knibbe Ranch.
Members agreed to send
$200 to the Wimberley Flood
Relief Project established by the
Grand Lodge.
Claire and Ty Schaeferkoeter
presented a report on their
experiences at Hermann Sons
Youth Camp this year. They both
said they enjoyed everything at
Agents Sandra Duncan and
Gloria Gass planned to attend a
workshop for agents on Aug. 3
in New Braunfels.
The lodge welcomed 24
new junior members and three
new adult members.
PresidentMarketing Tim Kolbe and wife
Cheryl were in attendance. He
urged all lodges to strive to
meet their membership goal for
the year. Recommenders will
have a chance to win $150 in
a drawing.
Carmen Rittiman reported
sending sympathy cards to
Curtis Bremer following the
passing of his wife, Edna; to
Gloria Gass following the passing of her husband, Odean; and
to the family of Gary Wayne
Brother Kolbe presented six
pins. Members not present will
receive their pins by mail.
Sixty-year pins were presented
to Bernard and Helen Brucks
of New Braunfels, members
since January 1955; Joyleen
Dodson of New Braunfels, a
member since Aug. 17, 1955;
Phyllis Havens of Spring
Columbus will meet again Sept. 14
COLUMBUS – Columbus
Lodge No. 10 members met
Aug. 10. Agent Terrel Maertz
spoke about a workshop in
Sealy and the 125th Grand
Lodge Anniversary on Oct. 10
in Floresville. The new cookbooks will be available at the
Elsie Kahlden reported sending a get-well card to Virginia
c e l e b ra t ing birthdays in August are
Nicholas Leopold, Carolyn
Renz, Constance Sebesta,
Christopher Wienken, Alex
Fritsch, Ryan Peters, Henry
Smahlik, Dawnah Pina, Jessica
Dimas, Stephen Ashorn and
Kevin Lilie.
Members celebrating anni-
versaries in August are Adrian
and Virginia Fritsch, 59 years;
William and Rhanda Lattimore,
30 years; and Douglas and
Virginia Lilie, 60 years.
Virginia and Adrian Fritsch
led the entertainment and
refreshments were served.
The next meeting is scheduled for Sept. 14 at 7 p.m.
– Reporter
Members of Spring Branch Lodge who recently celebrated birthdays were recognized at the July meeting. They are, from left,
Tammy Rittiman, Gloria Gass, Avery Johnson, Alverne Halloran,
Elvira Weidner, Phyllis Havens, Ty Schaeferkoeter, Fred Coopwood
and Karen Woody. Also pictured is lodge President Sandra Duncan.
Kerrville to elect officers Oct. 7
KERRVILLE – Kerrville Lodge
No. 12 held a social meeting
Saturday, Aug. 8, at Ingram City
Park. The lodge reserved the
park and pavilion for the day.
The members and guests who
attended enjoyed the fish fry.
The Oct. 7 meeting will
include the election of officers
for next year. This is the time
to select the lodge’s leaders for
the coming year.
The last gathering of the year
will be the Christmas party on
Dec. 4 at a new location to be
Members are welcome and
encouraged to attend these
events. Meeting cards will be
sent closer to each meeting
date and will include the potluck meal theme for that meeting.
– Juanice Grona
Page 34 – Hermann SonS newS – August 2015
DaCosta presents two scholarships
Mel Beyer of Magnolia Lodge No.
47 celebrated a July birthday.
Pam Esser accepts a donation from Ray Dittmar of EdelweissMagnolia Lodge No. 47 for the local ADD-ADHD Group.
Brice and Matilda Laird celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in July. They are members of Edelweiss-Magnolia
Lodge No. 47.
EdelweissMagnolia Lodge No. 47 celebrating June birthdays were
Jane Younger and Brice Laird.
Door prize winners at the Edelweiss-Magnolia Lodge No. 47 meeting in July were, from left, Joann Buri, Matilda Laird, Anna Larie
Keith, Carl W. Sontag and Doris Falkenberg.
DaCOSTA – DaCosta Lodge
No. 265 awarded scholarships
this year to Shana Sauer and
Ashley Hempel.
Shana is a 2015 graduate
of St. Joseph High School in
Victoria. She was a member
of the National Honor Society,
Student Ambassador for the
school and co-editor of the
yearbook. She has held every
office for the Da Costa Youth
Chapter. She lettered four years
in golf, was a senior retreat
leader and went to Colorado
on a mission trip with her
church youth group. She plans
on attending Victoria College
for two years and transferring to Texas A&M to pursue
a degree in food science and
Ashley is a 2015 graduate of
Victoria West High School in
Victoria. She was a member
of the National Honor Society,
Health Occupations Students
of America and played volleyball. She also danced for
Hermann Sons for four years
and attended Hermann Sons
Youth Camp four times. Ashley
Shana Sauer
Ashley Hempel
plans to major in radiology.
The lodge welcomes new
members Jillian Martinka,
Payton Barnett, Logan Berger,
Laurel Linke and Avery Chase.
Congratulations are in order
for Cody and Kelsi Coldewey
on the birth of a son and to
Kevin and Bridget John on the
birth of a daughter.
Get-well wishes are extended to Emma Gates and Cheryl
Sympathy is extended to the
families of Dorothy Walton,
Mary Ann Hoerig and Jerry
The next meeting will be
held Tuesday, Oct. 13, at 6
p.m. The election of officers
will be held. Members are welcome and always encouraged
to attend meetings.
– Sayra Martinka
Schulenburg to enter float in parade
SCHULENBURG – Schulenburg Lodge No. 12 members met in July and approved a
donation to the Wimberley flood
victims and welcomed a new
Members approved a donation
to the Wimberley Flood Relief
Fund established by the Grand
Welcomed as a new member
was Zoey Marie Krenek.
Members also voted to sponsor
the Hermann Sons float in the
Schulenburg Festival Parade.
A letter was read from the Boys
and Girls Club thanking the lodge
for its recent donation.
Guest was Jenna Ellsworth,
granddaughter of Bill and Delores
Grace Baylor reported a get well
card was sent to Agnes Strickland.
A thank you card was received
from Calvin Dieringer and a card
of thanks was read from the family of Delores Trojacek.
The lodge meets the second
Wednesday of each month at the
Schulenburg Community Center.
Refreshments are served at 6:30
p.m. and dinner and the meeting
follow at 7 p.m.
– Junette Rodecap
Celebrating birthdays at the July meeting of Schulenburg Lodge
were, from left, Dorothy Ellebracht, Nathan Loth and Bill
Bill and Delores
Michalke celebrated
their wedding anniversary in July. They
are members of
Schulenburg Lodge.
August 2015 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 35
Deanville meets in July
DEANVILLE – Deanville Lodge
No. 301 is not going to sponsor
a Brazos Valley Hospice Fundraiser as planned. The lodge
regrets that it is not feasible at
this time. Plans will be made
to do the fund-raiser at a later
At the July meeting, President
Donnie Blinka shared some
interesting information that
his wife Beverly found online
about Deanville and the lodge.
The community was saddened
to hear of Dan Groce’s acci-
Bryan Lodge
presents two
dent. A get-well card was sent
to wish him a speedy recovery.
The lodge thanks the Deanville
Volunteer Fire Department for
its help and use of its facility
for the fund-raiser on July 4th.
An appreciation gift will be
Thanks go to all who brought
and shared food after the lodge
Viola Bartek is in charge of
door prizes for the August meeting.
– Reporter
Bryan Lodge presented scholarships to two students in July. Jessie
Pineda, seated left, is a physical therapy major at Blinn College in
Bryan. Beth Akin, seated right, is a theater major at the University
of North Texas in Denton. Making the presentation were, standing, from left, lodge trustees, James Hyvl, Rose Kucera and Robert
Buffington. Both girls are members of the lodge.
BRYAN – Bryan Lodge No.
99 presented two scholarships
during the July meeting.
Jessica Pineda is currently
attending Blinn College in
Bryan and Beth Akin is currently attending North Texas
Celebrating birthdays were
Robert Buffington and David
Akin. Jim and Sue Dowling
celebrated their wedding anniversary in July.
Door prize winners were
Junior Pineda, James Hyvl and
Robert Buffington. The progressive door prize was won by
Phyllis Buffington.
– Robert Buffington
Laubach Lodge plans picnic for Sept. 13
Pictured are the door prize drawing winners and birthday celebrants who attended the Deanville Lodge meeting in July.
Niederwald enjoys barbecue
NIEDERWALD – Niederwald
Lodge No. 110 members gathered Aug. 11 in the Chisholm
Trail Barbecue meeting room in
Members stood in a moment of
silence in memory of Minnie Ella
Petrosky. She was born Feb. 1,
1930, and died May 25, 2015, at
the age of 85.
Discussion was held concerning the place and time of future
meetings. President Don Dailey
will gather more information.
Betty Wisian announced her
resignation of the office of secretary/treasurer effective at the end
of 2015.
Door prize winners were
Connie Schriber and Elsie Croley.
Members and guests enjoyed
the barbecue meal prepared by
Chisholm Trail Barbecue.
– Reporter
SEGUIN – Laubach Lodge No.
244 met June 14 in the Pecan
Museum at the Red Barn and
planned a picnic for Sept. 13 at
the Red Barn gazebo at 1 p.m.
Barbecue will be provided and
members are asked to bring side
dishes and drinks.
Pin presentations will be held
for 50-, 60- and 70-year recipients.
At the meeting, members
enjoyed barbecue provided by
Dorothy Constable and side
dishes provided by members.
Birthday cards were sent to
June Herzog and Katherine
See you at the picnic on Sept.
– Reporter
Highland Lakes meets Sept. 13
next meeting of Highland Lakes
Lodge No. 317 will be held
Sunday, Sept. 13, at the Embrey
house at 224 Flamingo Circle,
Highland Haven. Members will
gather at noon for the social
hour followed by the meal and
a brief meeting and then dessert.
The turnout was good for
the meeting and fish fry held
June 7 at the Highland Haven
Community Center. Thanks
again for all who participated and brought food. Special
thanks go to Joe Schott for
bringing all the fryer ready catfish and to Charles Butler and
Fritz Friesenhahn for cooking
The 34th anniversary of the
lodge will be celebrated at the
September gathering. Hope to
have the usual fare of steaks and
baked potatoes in honor of the
occasion. Members are invited
to bring side dishes and desserts
to round out the menu.
Hope to see you there. If you
have any questions or need
further directions, call 830-5988156 or 210-413-5126.
– Reporter
June Herzog and Deanne Engelke, representing Laubach Lodge,
present a donation to Lone Oak Cemetery in observance of Join
Hands Day.
Laubach Lodge member Erna
Koepp celebrated her 100th
birthday on Aug. 8.
Laubach Lodge members enjoyed a barbecue meal with sides at
the June meeting.
Page 36– Hermann SonS newS – August 2015
Comfort will hold annual family barbecue Sept. 13
COMFORT – Comfort Lodge
No. 2 honored grandparents
during the July gathering. They
each received a craft created
by Hermann Sons Youth Camp
campers and staff members.
Another family event is right
around the corner! The lodge’s
annual family barbecue will be
held Sunday, Sept. 13, at Hilltop
The social begins at 3 p.m., the
pool will be open from 3:30-5
p.m. and pioneer members will
be honored with 60-year pin
presentations. A catered barbecue meal will be served at
5:30 p.m. Members are asked to
make reservations by phone call
or text message to Norma Bruns
at 210-912-7511 or call her
home phone at 830-995-3980.
Leave a message if she does not
answer. An accurate count is
needed for the caterer.
– Reporter
Members enjoyed playing games during the July Comfort Lodge
Four generations of Hermann
Sons members were present for the July meeting of
Comfort Lodge. Pictured are,
back, from left, Bill Barnard,
Grand President Buddy
Preuss holding grandson
Aiden Ranney, Katie Ranney,
Stephanie and Justin Preuss;
front, from left, Pearl Barnard,
Elizabeth Preuss, Bailey Preuss
and Kennedy Connelly. The
Barnards are grandparents
to Justin and Katie. Grand
President Preuss and Elizabeth
are grandparents to Aiden,
Bailey and Kennedy.
Sam Franklin celebrated his
birthday in July. He is a member
of Comfort Lodge.
Grandparents were honored at the July gathering of Cibolo Lodge.
Gabby Spenrath ate supper with her father, Alvin, and grandparents David and Connie Spenrath.
her 60-year
pin from
Grand Vice
Krueger at
a recent
Lodge meeting.
Shelby plans membership event
SHELBY – Shelby Lodge No.
28 is looking forward to its
annual Membership Recognition
Program to be held Sunday,
Sept. 13, at Harmonie Hall in
Shelby beginning at noon. A
barbecued chicken meal will be
served. Members are asked to
bring a side dish and/or a dessert. Remember to bring extra
for guests. During the program,
members receiving their 50-year
and 60-year membership pins in
2015 will be honored.
Games and a social meal of
sandwiches and other snacks
were enjoyed by members at
the August meeting. Lois and
Delton Wunderlich were the
acting hosts. Patsy and Milroy
Krebs were unable to assist due
to a prior commitment.
August birthday celebrants
were Roy Pieper and Delton
Wunderlich who celebrate on
the same date. Judy and Roy
Flatonia will meet Oct. 14
Celebrating special days in August were members of Shelby Lodge,
from left, Delton Wunderlich, Weldon and Perlie Klaus and Roy
and Judy Pieper.
Pieper and Perlie and Weldon
Klaus celebrated anniversaries
in August.
Door prize winners were Perlie
Klaus, August Voelkel, Doris
Klingsporn and Flora Marek. The
name of Philip Brune was drawn
for the progressive door prize
but he was not in attendance.
– Reporter
FLATONIA – Flatonia Lodge
No. 15 met at Robert’s Steakhouse
recently and welcomed Grand
Vice President-Fraternal Kim
Krueger. She was there to present Helen Steinhauser with her
60-year membership pin.
Sister Steinhauser, who lives in
Flatonia, has been a member
since Feb. 9, 1955.
A letter was received from
Bernadette Siegal, Flatonia High
School counselor and scholarship chairman, thanking the
lodge for the presentation of six
scholarships this year.
Karen Novak reported sending condolences to the George
Doehring family.
Judy Pate and Joe Pavlica won
door prizes.
The next quarterly meeting will
be held Oct. 14.
– Reporter
August 2015 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 37
Rutersville holds
Family Fun Night
RUTERSVILLE – Rutersville
Lodge No. 152 held its annual Family Fun Night on July
18. A large number of members attended along with Agent
Linda Mattocks and husband
Jim and Grand Vice PresidentSecretary/Treasurer Mary Beam
and husband Mike.
The meal consisted of fried
fish, fries and hush puppies.
Members had brought a variety
of side dishes or desserts. Prior
to the meal fried squash was
served as an appetizer.
Five members received their
pioneer pins from Sister Beam.
Weldon Tiedt received his
70-year pin. He has been a
member since Oct. 31, 1945.
Three received their 60-year
pins. They are Janet Janell
Oeser, a member since Jan. 12,
1955; Elton S. Oppermann, a
member since May 17, 1955;
and Harvey H. Dippel, a member since Nov. 2, 1955. Joseph
A. Keilers received his 50-year
pin. He has been a member
since Oct. 1, 1965.
Members and guests donated items for a silent auction.
Members enjoyed trying to outbid one another for the items
they really wanted.
– Reporter
Rutersville Lodge President Sherry Noak, left, and Grand Vice
President-Secretary/Treasurer Mary Beam present a 70-year membership pin to Weldon Tiedt.
David Noak Sr. celebrates his
birthday in August. He is a
member of Rutersville Lodge.
Janet Oeser, center, receives her 60-year membership from
Rutersville Lodge President Sherry Noak, left, and Grand Vice
President-Secretary/Treasurer Mary Beam.
Joseph Keilers receives his
50-year membership pin from
Rutersville Lodge President
Sherry Noak, left, and Grand
Treasurer Mary Beam.
RosenbergRichmond holds
games night
Harvey Dippel receives his 60-year membership pin from
Rutersville Lodge President Sherry Noak, left, and Grand Vice
President-Secretary/Treasurer Mary Beam.
Rosenberg-Richmond Lodge members celebrating wedding anniversaries in July and August were, from left, Eugene and Willie
Mae Nesvadba, Malcolm and Elaine Krause, Barbara and W. Lee
Schmidt and LaVerne and Otto Tiemann.
Elton Oppermann receives his 60-year membership pin from
Rutersville Lodge President Sherry Noak, left, and Grand Vice
President-Secretary/Treasurer Mary Beam.
Celebrating July and August birthdays at the recent RosenbergRichmond Lodge meeting were, from left, Tom Atkins, Lynette
Atkins, Larkin Lamensky, Cary Lamensky, Jerlene Anderson, Arthur
Lee David, Gaynell Blahuta, Jane Maynard, Janie Sitka, Barbara
Schmidt, Fritz Oberhoff and Karen Zurek.
ROSENBERG – RosenbergRichmond Lodge No. 85 members enjoyed a games night
and ice cream social when
they gathered Aug. 10 at the
Rosenberg Civic Center.
Edwin and Loyce Anderson
were in charge of serving.
Robbie Hartfiel gave the blessing.
Marjorie Engelhardt reported
that get-well cards had been
sent to Edna Schmidt, Marjorie
Orsak and Doris Boyd. A sympathy card was sent to William
and Barbie Benton.
President Calvin Lamensky
spoke about the Grand Lodge’s
125th Anniversary Celebration
on Oct. 10 in Floresville.
The next meeting will be
held Oct. 12. Sausage, sauerkraut and a side dish will be
served. Members are asked to
bring desserts.
– Loyce Anderson
Page 38 – Hermann SonS newS – August 2015
Vineta Lodge will celebrate anniversary Sept. 3
Lodge No. 15 is making plans
for its anniversary celebration
on Sept. 3.
A roast beef meal with the
trimmings will be served. Make
reservations by calling 6025147 by Aug. 27. Past presidents will be honored and pins
will be presented to pioneer
On Sept. 16, a social gathering will begin at 10:30 a.m.
Games will be played and then
lunch will be served.
The lodge will pay for the tickets and bus fare to Floresville
for members who want to
attend the Grand Lodge’s 125th
Anniversary Celebration on
Oct. 10. A deposit of $10 is
required and will be refunded
if you attend. For more information, contact Ruth Bailey at
210-602-5147 by Sept. 16.
The lodge welcomes new
members Elizabeth Bienek,
Kali Herrera, Kaycee Herrera,
Ilaina Soto and Natalie Soto.
Thanks go to Debbie Jordan
for the meal served at the
August meeting and to birthday
honorees Lillian Unger, Gladys
Garrett and Lorene Kreusel for
the cake they provided.
Thanks go to all members
who brought school supplies.
Lillian Unger, right, receives her scholarship from Vineta Lodge
members, from left, Cecilia Padalecki, Irene Kace and Michel
The supplies will be donated
to a school in the San Antonio
Independent School District.
Attendance prize winners
were Rose Kuehner, Frances
Sultenfuss, Michel Renfro,
Emily Roberts and Hannah
The split-the-pot winner was
Janelle Harshaw.
Hope to see lots of members
at the anniversary celebration
on Sept. 3 for an evening of
fellowship and fond memories.
– Reporter
Vineta Lodge members are pictured with the school supplies
they donated to children in the San Antonio independent School
Vineta Lodge
in August
are, from
left, Gladys
Lillian Unger
and Lorene
Celebrating a birthday in
August is Vineta Lodge trustee
Pauline Stout. She turned 90
years young.
Albert Kypfer welcomes new juniors, next meeting Sept. 4
Kypfer Lodge No. 106 members gathered Aug. 7 for fellowship and a meeting. Welcomed
as new junior members were
Preslee Hayes, Joon Minuus,
Tanner Ballard, Emily Batey and
Jennifer Koepp, a member of
Albert Kypfer Lodge, graduated
from Texas Lutheran University
in May. She will begin work
on her master’s degree this
fall at Trinity University. She is
the daughter of Dwayne and
Cheryl Koepp and the granddaughter of Oran and Nelrose
Koepp and the late David and
Viola Jonas. Jennifer received
a Hermann Sons Retirement
Home scholarship four years
again when she graduated
from high school.
Madison Batey.
David Schumann was on the
sick list.
A moment of silence was
observed in memory of Rudy
Schreyer who passed away in
President Tim Salge talked
about the Grand Lodge’s 125th
Anniversary Celebration being
held in Floresville on Oct. 10.
The floor under the drink cooler is in need of repair.
Attendance prize winners
were Nelrose Koepp, Joyce
Koepp, Harold Friederick,
Donna Sureddin and Dorothy
The next meeting will be held
Sept 4. Members are asked to
bring sandwiches or desserts. If
Donna and Jim Sureddin celebrate their 24th
wedding anniversary in August. They are members of Albert Kypfer Lodge.
you know a member who does
not drive anymore, offer them
a ride to the meeting or bring a
guest and maybe they will join
Herman Sons. Hope to see you
– Darline Preiss
Celebrating August birthdays at the Albert
Kypfer Lodge meeting were David Schumann
and Florence Schumann.
Grand Vice President-MarketinG
timothy P. kolbe
MarketinG anaLYst
ana Vasquez, Fic, FLMi, acs, airc
MarketinG adMinistratiVe assistant
Gladys rowley
210-527-9113 or
1-877-437-6266 or 1-888-839-7667
August 2015 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 39
sPeciaL rePresentatiVes
Gary R. Falkenberg, FICF ..... Houston.............. 713-466-6069
or 979-530-3059 (cell)
Carol Krauss, FIC ................. San Antonio ........ 210-725-4106
or 830-914-3383 (cell) or email:
Eulla May Krueger ............... Atascosa ............. 210-863-0546
or 830-985-3643 (home) or email:
Teresa Saathoff .................... San Antonio ........ 210-276-0361
or 210-422-6996 (cell)
Alfred Stryk, FICF, LUTCF .... Pearland ............. 281-485-4095
Marilyn Vogt, FIC ................ Boerne ................ 210-630-9874
Roster of Agents (alphabetized by area)
name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Hometown . . . . . Phone
Pruski, Roxy . . . . . . . . . . .Adkins. . . . . . . . . 210-667-1995
Faske, Shirley Kuhen . . . . .Austin . . . . . . . . . 512-288-7326
Skanse, Susan . . . . . . . . . .Austin/Buda. . . . . 512-312-2431
Heath, Eileen - FIC . . . . . .Bandera. . . . . . . . 210-392-0761
Heath, Paul – FIC . . . . . . .Bandera. . . . . . . . 210-392-0760
Laechelin, H.H. Jr.. . . . . . .Beeville . . . . . . . . 361-358-1615
Herridge, Robert . . . . . . . .Bellville. . . . . . . . 979-865-3702
Maertz, Terrel . . . . . . . . . .Bernardo/Columbus . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 979-732-1727
Behrendt, Carl . . . . . . . . . .Boerne/Fair Oaks. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210-422-1159
Rozacky, Lisa. . . . . . . . . . .Boerne . . . . . . . . 210-838-3306
Akin, Katherine – FIC . . . .Bryan . . . . . . . . . 979-823-8625
Blinka, Donnie . . . . . . . . .Caldwell . . . . . . 979-596-1309
Duncan, Sandra . . . . . . . .Canyon Lake . . . . 830-905-3233
Mockert, Kimberly Ann . . .Canyon Lake . . . . 210-218-5149
Bippert, Roger . . . . . . . . . .Castroville/La Coste. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210-737-4070
Boehme, Glenford – FIC . .Castroville . . . . . . 830-931-3227
Schulmeier, Judith – FIC . .Cibolo/Schertz. . . 210-667-1938
Bruns, Normagene – FIC . .Comfort . . . . . . . 830-995-3980
Merchant, Jean . . . . . . . . .Comfort. . . . . . . . 830-995-3396
Boenig, Dan . . . . . . . . . . .Converse . . . . . . . 210-705-1815
Brandon, Frank . . . . . . . . .Corpus Christi . . 361-241-5593
Hunt, Lena Pearl . . . . . . . .Corpus Christi . . . 361-241-0940
Sisneros-Gonzalez, Troylyn
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Corpus Christi . . . 361-232-7413
Tiffin, Laura . . . . . . . . . . . .Cuero . . . . . . . . . 361-275-8421
Tiffin, Wayne . . . . . . . . . . .Cuero . . . . . . . . . 361-275-8421
Brown, Helen Tyson . . . . .Dallas . . . . . . . . . 214-796-0668
Burnett, Jimmy . . . . . . . . .Dallas . . . . . . . . . 972-514-2301
Byrn, Lisa . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dallas . . . . . . . . . 214-693-3693
Martin, Patrick . . . . . . . . . .Dallas . . . . . . . . . 315-834-2679
Fritz, Pat – FIC . . . . . . . . .Del Rio . . . . . . . 432-292-4483
Sultenfuss, Cynthia . . . . . .Devine . . . . . . . . 210-219-6409
Stricker, Dianna "Dee". . . .Devine . . . . . . . . 210-414-0293
Matlock, Sam . . . . . . . . . .Edna/Jackson Co. 361-782-3206
Wigginton, Dennis . . . . . .El Campo . . . . . . 832-278-9636
Wiede, Lynn . . . . . . . . . . .Floresville . . . . . . 830-393-4660
Jones, Sandra Kay – FIC. . .Fort Worth . . . . . 817-295-2666
Duecker, Windy . . . . . . . . Fredericksburg. . . 830-997-2983
Henke, Dennis . . . . . . . . .Fredericksburg . . 830-997-5290
Caron, Tracy . . . . . . . . . . .George West . . . . 361-449-0348
Klein, Bradley . . . . . . . . . .Georgetown . . . . 512-497-0678
Chilek, Loretta – FIC . . . . .Giddings . . . . . . . 979-542-2806
Kieschnick, Linda – FIC . . .Giddings . . . . . . . 979-542-5224
Polasek, Bobbie . . . . . . . .Gonzales . . . . . . 830-672-6317
Polasek, Greg . . . . . . . . . .Gonzales. . . . . . . 830-540-4812
Wolf, David. . . . . . . . . . . .Graham/Wichita Falls . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 940-549-1281
Embrey, Jim - FIC. . . . . . . .Highland Lakes . . 830-598-8156
Saathoff, Howard. . . . . . . .Hondo. . . . . . . . . 830-741-2170
Saathoff, Stacy . . . . . . . . . .Hondo. . . . . . . . . 830-426-5825
Keith, Anna L. . . . . . . . . .Houston . . . . . . . 281-259-6337
Ziemnicki, Gerald M. . . . .Houston . . . . . . . 713-622-9001
Craig, Valerie C. . . . . . . . .Jourdanton . . . . . 830-769-3128
Vick, Valerie M.. . . . . . . . .Jourdanton . . . . . 210-748-5598
Wiede, Lillian – FIC. . . . . .Jourdanton . . . . . 830-769-3481
Swize, Russell . . . . . . . . . .Karnes City . . . . . 830-780-4053
Terp, Diane . . . . . . . . . . . .Karnes City/Seguin . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 830-379-0170
Muehlstein, Mary E. . . . . .Kerrville . . . . . . . 830-896-5750
Netherton, Angela . . . . . . .Kirby . . . . . . . . . . 210-831-1293
Crisp, Tanya. . . . . . . . . . . .La Coste . . . . . . . 830-985-9230
Tanneberger, Sharon – FIC La Vernia . . . . . . 830-779-4641
Tanneberger, Marlin, FIC . .La Vernia . . . . . . . 830-779-4641
Behnke, April . . . . . . . . . .Lubbock . . . . . . . 806-797-3585
Kelley, Mike . . . . . . . . . . .Manor . . . . . . . . . 512-468-6235
Kelley, Tammy . . . . . . . . . .Manor . . . . . . . . . 512-740-5022
Bielke, Lorene – FIC . . . . .Marion . . . . . . . . 830-420-2380
Croley, Charles . . . . . . . . .Maxwell . . . . . . . 512-357-6638
Bosse, Carol – FIC . . . . . . .Needville . . . . . . 979-793-4777
Carley, Becki . . . . . . . . . . .New Braunfels . . 830-214-6365
Gagliardi, Cecilia "CC" . . .New Braunfels . . 830-620-1060
Huebinger, Shirley . . . . . .New Braunfels . . 830-822-1942
Muehlstein, Rhonda – FIC New Braunfels . . 830-980-3162
Salge, Josh. . . . . . . . . . . . .New Braunfels . . 830-708-6611
Salge, Timothy . . . . . . . . .New Braunfels . . 830-625-4816
Janicek, Blake . . . . . . . . . .Nixon-Smiley . . . 830-582-1581
Gebert, Paula. . . . . . . . . . .Orange Grove . . . 361-384-2375
Dube, RaChelle. . . . . . . . .Paige . . . . . . . . . . 512-740-3518
Dubcak, Julius . . . . . . . . . .Pflugerville . . . . . 512-272-8393
Spencer, Sarah. . . . . . . . . .Port Lavaca . . . . . 361-552-9403
Walraven, Nancy Annette .Port Lavaca . . . . . 361-552-9403
Witzsche, Ruth M. – FIC .Priddy . . . . . . . . . 325-966-3757
York, Judy Marie . . . . . . . .Rockdale . . . . . . . 512-446-5914
Lamensky, Joyce . . . . . . . .Rosenberg . . . . . . 281-342-5174
Mattocks, Linda . . . . . . . . .Round Top/Rutersville
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 979-278-3277
Halfmann, Kay F.. . . . . . . .Rowena. . . . . . . . 325-442-4731
Abell, Philip A. . . . . . . . . .San Antonio . . . . 210-771-1213
Armstrong, Mike . . . . . . . .San Antonio . . . . 210-416-5932
Bailey, Ruth . . . . . . . . . . . .San Antonio . . . . 210-602-5147
Hess, Katherine . . . . . . . . .San Antonio . . . . 210-490-1520
Hoog, John . . . . . . . . . . . .San Antonio . . . . 210-226-8801
Irwin, Darlene . . . . . . . . . .San Antonio . . . . 210-392-2649
Klabunde, Clifton – FIC . . .San Antonio . . . . 830-980-4020
Lucero, Valentin . . . . . . . .San Antonio . . . . 210-725-6535
McNeel, Jim . . . . . . . . . . .San Antonio . . . . 210-601-2097
Moya, Emma . . . . . . . . . . .San Antonio . . . . 210-344-3935
Saathoff, Doug . . . . . . . . .San Antonio . . . . 210-276-0361
Sterner, Greg . . . . . . . . . . .San Antonio . . . . 210-363-0373
Trejo, Veronica . . . . . . . . .San Antonio . . . . 210-710-0932
Kuhen, Janice . . . . . . . . . .San Marcos . . . . . 512-396-5337
Seifert, Mary K. . . . . . . . .Schulenburg/Weimar. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 979-743-0312
Schwertner, Irene. . . . . . . .Schwertner . . . . . 254-527-4470
Griffin, Joanie . . . . . . . . . .Sealy . . . . . . . . . . 979-398-0706
Gonzales, Yolanda. . . . . . .Seguin . . . . . . . . . 830-305-7445
Perkovich, Susan Kay. . . . .Seguin . . . . . . . . . 830-303-3496
Roecker, Annette D.. . . . . .Seguin . . . . . . . . . 830-832-0724
Ynfante, Tina B. . . . . . . . . .Seguin . . . . . . . . . 210-859-1973
Gass, Gloria . . . . . . . . . . .Spring Branch . . 830-885-4405
Luensmann, Dorothy – FIC St. Hedwig . . . . . 830-914-3160
Wiatrek, Ronald . . . . . . . .Stockdale . . . . . . 830-996-3005
Teichelmann, Howard Jr. . .Taylor . . . . . . . . . 512-365-1991
Thigpen, Laura . . . . . . . . .Victoria/Yoakum . 361-676-8307
Jungman, Bob . . . . . . . . . .Yoakum . . . . . . . . 361-293-7224
Koenig, Mary. . . . . . . . . . .Yoakum . . . . . . . . 361-293-1743
Wolf, Judy . . . . . . . . . . . .Yorktown. . . . . . . 361-564-2452
Page 40 – Hermann SonS newS – August 2015
Hermann Sons Future Club
Shining Stars
KAMRYN WILLIAMS is a member of Flatonia Lodge No. 15.
She is in daycare. Her favorite
food is watermelon and her favorite TV show is "Mickey Mouse
Kamryn has a pet dog, Bennie,
and two pet fish. Her activities
include playing with her dog,
brother and sister.
KADEN WILLIAMS is a member
of Flatonia Lodge No. 15. He is in
fourth grade. His favorite food is
pizza and his favorite TV show is
"SpongeBob SquarePants."
Kaden has a pet dog, Bennie,
and two pet fish. His activities
include video games, baseball
and karate.
KEELY WILLIAMS is a member
of Flatonia Lodge No. 15. She is
in sixth grade. Her favorite food
is ramen noodles and the Disney
TV channel is her favorite.
Keely has a pet dog, Bennie,
and two pet fish. Her activities
include art and softball.
MADELINE MILLS is a member
of Poth Lodge No. 272. She is in
fourth grade. Her favorite food is
chicken alfredo and her favorite
TV show is "Food Network Star."
Madeline has a pet dog, Lucy.
Her activities include baking,
reading, art, swimming and shopping.
ASHLYN BERGER is a member
of DaCosta Lodge No. 265. She
is in first grade. Her favorite food
is pizza.
Ashlyn has two pet dogs, Peanut
and Blue, and two pet cats, Pigtail
and Tigger. Her activities include
softball, art and swimming.
LOGAN BERGER is a member
of DaCosta Lodge No. 265. He is
in fourth grade. His favorite food
is quesadillas and his favorite TV
show is "Swamp People."
Logan's activities include baseball, football and playing on his
KASEY BURNS is a member of
El Campo Lodge No. 87. She is in
fourth grade. Her favorite food is
fried shrimp and her favorite TV
show is "My Little Pony."
Kasey has two pet dogs, Bailey
and Dixie, a horse, Sweet Cheeks
and eight chickens. Her activities
include 4-H, swimming, skating,
crafts and cooking.
of DaCosta Lodge No. 265. She is
in the toddler room. Her favorite
food is yogurt and her favorite TV
shows are "Baby First" and "Mickey
Mouse Clubhouse."
Macey has a pet dog, Bear. Her
activities include swimming, sliding,
singing and dancing with big sister
Emily and big brother Blake.
You can be a Shining Star too! Just send us a photo of
yourself (that we can keep) and fill out this form and send
to: HSFI – Laura Adams, P.O. Box 1941, San Antonio, TX
Back-to-School Word Search
Help the
students find
their school!
Home Phone:
Daytime Phone:
E-mail Address:
Grade in school:
Favorite Food:
Favorite TV Show:
It is OK with my parents that I am featured as a “Hermann’s Shining Star”
in the Hermann Sons newspaper, website and any other advertising publications.
Parent’s Signature:
I am a member of
Certificate No.
Lodge No.
Social Studies
Answers on Pg. 16