September 2014 Volume 3, Issue 27 OJC Newsletter The Okanagan’s Jewish Community IN SEARCH OF THE PERFECT SHOFAR by Steven Finkleman Annual General Meeting THIS THURSDAY September 4 At 7:00 pm. Location: Heading down the B2 from Swakopmund to Windhoek, I could see by the road signage that this would be a prime location to search for the perfect shofar. As you can see from the signage, with each of these kudus, one would have 2 shofars to blow on Rosh Hashanah. Okanagan Jewish Community Centre Inside this issue: “Somehow I knew this would be a good place to In Search of the Perfect Shofar 1 AGM Details 2 High Holiday 2 Details Membership 2 Renewal Details Community BBQ 3 Rabbi Schwartzman 4 article Hebrew School Info 6 purchase Shofarot” So, I went on the prowl for the perfect shofar in Windhoek, Namibia. It was interesting that when I was in Windhoek last spring and was at the airport awaiting my return flight back to the big city, Johannesburg, I happened to notice a Chasidic gentleman on my flight carrying several long, Yemenite-style shofars. Although I didn't speak to him at the time, it was clear that with the abundance of African antelope in the country, that Namibia would clearly be a source of shofarot for us Jews scattered around the world. Apparently, there are two types of shofarot that we use. The original form was a ram's horn, dating from the fact that on Isaac's release from the sacrificial altar, Abraham was able to find a ram tangled by its horns in the bush, and more appropriately used the ram for sacrifice instead of Isaac. The second type of shofar is the Yeminite or Sephardic style, which came from Yemen, where there was an abundance of antelope or more specifically kudu, from which the Yemenite Jews were able to make shofarot. Both styles are used today, and indeed in my very own synagogue sanctuary is a painting by Gertrude Zack of a Rabbi blowing a Yemenite -style shofar. Whether there are still kudu in Yemen is unclear to me. Perhaps, it is too dangerous for Chasidic Jews to fly into Sanaa, Yemen looking for kudu horns. Therefore, why not come to the safe locale of Namibia, known amongst tourists as "Africa Lite" for a safe supply of kudu-horn shofars. hoek Jewish Community, and visited the synagogue, now about 80 years old, took great pictures and attended the Friday night service. A small community, very diverse and very welcoming. Indeed, the second Shabat, I had arranged to lead the service in my Reform-style tradition, with lots of traditional and vibrant Shabbat songs. Probably quite a distinction from the South African Orthodox service that the congregation was used to. Indeed after services, I was fortunate to be invited to Barbara and Alexandra's home for Shabat dinner. All very welcomed an open invitation for all. I was able to ask Zvi the all important question in order for me to pursue my quest of the perfect shofar. So, Zvi, where do these come from? I was immediately directed to the Nakara Tannery in the North Industrial area to case the place out. Continued Page 3 I was fortunate to have a work project this past April in Windhoek, Namibia, and clearly one of my main goals, besides the "work", was to track down that supply of kudu-horn shofars. It sounded like a great article - "In search of the perfect shofar direct from its source." I made contact with Mr. Zvi Gorelick, of the Wind- What a wonderful set of kuduhorn Shofarot Page 2 OJC Newsletter OJC AGM: Thursday September 4th 7:00pm Registration will begin at 6:30pm with the meeting beginning at 7:00pm. IMPORTANT: *In the past we've had difficulties attaining quorum at our AGMs. We urge all of you to attend. In particular, there are many families who have two votes with only one spouse in attendance. Please obtain a proxy from your spouse before coming to the meeting (this is included in your AGM package). *You must be a Member in good standing to Vote at the AGM. If you are not yet a member then please go to our website to register online or contact the OJC office to register over the phone. If you would like to be resent a membership package then please contact the OJC office or David Spevakow 250-317-5283. High Holiday Schedule Rabbi Joel Schwartzman and Melina Moore Tickets required: OJC membership includes high holiday tickets. Wednesday September 24 High Holiday Ticket Prices: Tickets are included with your OJC Membership. Non-Member Rates 7:30pm: Erev Rosh Hashanah Single Adult $200 Thursday September 25 Family Rate: $500 10:00am Rosh Hashanah Children 13 & Under $50 Oneg (Pot Luck) and Tashlich service to follow Students of UBCO and Okanagan College, and Children under 7 are free Sunday September 28 Community BBQ at Sarsons Beach House 12:00-4:00 (See Page 3 For details) Membership Renewal… Saturday October 4 We would like to remind you that it is now time to renew your membership. Please note that this is not done automatically, as we do not keep credit card information on file. 10:00am: Yom Kippur Membership dues remain unchanged: 3:00pm: Afternoon Service $550 for a family (2 votes) 4:30pm: Yizkor $475 for a couple (2 votes) Friday October 3 7:30pm: Kol Nidre 5:30pm: Nei'elah 6:45pm: Havdallah Community Break Fast to Follow (Pot Luck) $375 for a single (1 Vote) and students are free. RENEW ONLINE or contact the office. ***We would like everyone to have the opportunity to attend the High Holiday services. If you require assistance please contact David Spevakow as part of the Means Committee. Page 3 Volume 3, Issue 27 It's BBQTime Who: OJC members, family and friends. Rabbi Schwartzman will be there. What: BBQ, beach, games and socializing When: Sunday, September 28, 12:00 to 4:00 pm Where: Sarson's Beach House 4398 Hobson Road On the corner of Hobson and Sarson Road (off Lakeshore Road) We have rented the house at Sarson's Beach for this event. A playground is located on site, and in addition designated swimming areas and washroom facilities are offered. • OJC will provide the veggie or all beef hamburgers and the fixings, juice, pop and water. • bring a non-dairy side dish (salads, veggies, dips, etc.) • bring outdoor games (bocce, croquet, balls etc.) • bring beach chairs Please RSVP to the OJCC by September 16th. We will need to know numbers attending and food preferences (beef burger or veggie burger) Call 250-862-2305 or email IN SEARCH OF THE PERFECT SHOFAR continued from Page 1 Testing the shofar for Rosh Hashanah use The raw product - kudu skulls In the shofar factory, Josiah is polishing the horns to make them into Shofarot The $2 cab ride took me directly to the Factory and the Factory shop. Trying to keep things low -key and not to come across as a camera nut-case snapping 4 million pictures, I kept very calm as I checked out the factory warehouse, and then the factory store. The warehouse was filled with hides of all sort, the most distinctive being the piles and piles of Zebra hides. Quite a site! And we think in Canada, it's cool to have a bear skin on the wall! South Africa a few years ago? She replied that they do have horns, and as I stammered away asking for a kuduhorn sort of trumpet, sort of, she responded immediately in her Afrikaans accent, if I was interested in buying a shofar for Rosh Hashanah! Somehow, I knew immediately that I was at the correct spot. I cooly ordered 4, but subsequently placed an order for another 3. Darn good price - perhaps I ought to import them. I wonder whose making the ten times As I entered the factory store, I mark-up in North America! noticed some kudu horns on the grounds, polished, and I then asked to see not only the some of very gaudy colouration warehouse, but to go down to blue, orange, red, the factory where the shofarot etc. Obviously not suitable for are made. Starting with raw a shofar! skulls, the horns are removed, soaked in water to Trying to play it cool, I asked the remove the central core, then sales lady at the desk, Marie- polished and finally the tip is Luise, if they sell vuvuzelas cut off in order to turn it into a made of kudu horns. Do shofar. I took my usual 4 you remember all those horns million pictures of the work shop at the world cup of soccer in and the production line. With my calling out the tekiyah, shevarim, truah and tekiyah gedolah, Jacoby did a marvellous job blasting the shofarot with the perfect rhythm. It was certainly one of the longest tekiyah gedolahs that I've heard, certainly rivalling our very own community's President David. So here I am packing up my multiple shofarot, wondering and hoping what sort of grief a custom's official is going to give me. After all, I will be crossing multiple borders, Botswana, Zambia, Zimbabwe, US and finally Canada. I suppose that I'll tell them that these are religious articles - no way would they refuse my entry. I'm sure that the border guards at Robert Mugabe's Zimbabwean customs office will be sympathetic! Page 4 Volume 3, Issue 27 A TROUBLED APPROACH TO THESE HOLIDAYS by Rabbi Joel Schwartzman I wish I could say that I come to these High Holy Days with anything other than an anxious and worried heart. But that is not the case. We have all witnessed and are witnessing Israel’s latest confrontation with radical Islam in the form of Hamas. While the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) pursued missiles and their launchers in civilian neighborhoods throughout the Gaza Strip, which included in schools, hospitals, and mosques; while they uncovered command centers that were placed clearly in violation of Geneva Conventions; while the world media castigated Israel for her “disproportionate responses” to having her entire country targeted by Hamas missiles and rockets, our dismay, disgust, and senses of irony grew. We have also seen the rise of European and, dare I say, North American anti-Semitism in guises that were far from veiled. Mayhem and violence once again have entered our midst. Lies, calumny, insults, false accusations including blood libels have once again appeared in our midst. These have emanated from Operation Protective Edge and the gargantuan efforts that Hamas and its supporters have poured into their propaganda machine. Uncooperative foreign journalists have been intimidated and even assaulted. The world has been treated to the gruesome photos of dead children in the streets of Gaza never fully knowing who actually was responsible for these deaths. Hamas has controlled and released statistics which do not reflect reality while a naïve and gullible press has report- ed what it was being fed, leading to more savagery against the Jews of France, Holland, Germany and England, not to speak of rallies which besmirch Israel’s name and which defame Jews everywhere, even here in the Okanagan Valley. These High Holy Days come at a sad and frustrating time for us and for the world. While barbaric acts are rampant in Syria, Iraq, Southern Sudan and Libya; while thousands are being slaughtered in the name of radical Islam and its warped dream of a renewed Caliphate, the world ironically has turned on…Israel! The U.N. Human Rights Commission only seems to issue condemnations of the Jewish state, never seeming to recognize the rapes and wholesale slaughters taking place throughout the Middle East. It has nearly totally ignored the Russian moves on Ukraine. It barely can muster enough relief money for the millions of new refugees which have fled for their lives from despotic, brutal onslaughts which have arisen in various parts of the globe. We need the healing balm of these coming holidays to both regain our footing from the shock of the Jew-hatred that now stalks our people. We need these moments of respite to shore up our resolve and renew our ties with each other, with the Jewish people, and with our God. We need to confront what threatens us, to clear our thinking and to apply for a new year of quiet confidence, of complete security and of the courage to confront what is evil in our world. Lastly and with no small amount of passion, Ziva and I wish each and every one who reads this column a healthy, sweet New Year. Though there may be dark clouds hanging over us and possibly more on the horizon, we know that there are also rays of protective sunshine which radiate support and decency in our direction. May these continue to grow. May we find the protective strength and unending energy to enter this new year of 5775 with the help of our God who has implanted within us the vision and purpose to fulfill the challenge of living life to our fullest potential. Rabbi Joel Schwartzman Page 5 Volume 3, Issue 27 Welcome Allan to the Okanagan Jewish Community: Allan Holender Allan Holender has been in the radio biz since he was ten years old. He began by broadcasting to his Mother in the kitchen in his home town of Edmonton. His Dad set him up in the den with a turntable and a microphone and a small speaker in the kitchen. She became his greatest fan ! That was 60 years ago. Between then and now Allan hosted the first Jazz show on KGVO, Missoula Montana while going to the U of Montana. He had the number one listened to live show in Vancouver on Saturday nights . “Big Al’s Dance Party” dubbed “Memories, Music and Mayhem or “Comedy, Records & Fun”. The show outranked the CBC during that time slot. Allan has interviewed everyone from Maynard Ferguson, Cal Jader to Dave Stewart and Michael Buble. He knows his stuff and loves to play his private collection of some 1,000 LP’s. And now he produces and hosts “Rise and Shine Peachland on Canada's first ALL digital online radio station. He calls the music on his station "the greatest music of our time". Whether it’s Jazz, Blues, Soul, or R & B, the music from the 40,s 50,s, or big bands, Peachland Radio weaves a tapestry of stories and personal anecdotes about these legendary artists and their music. It’s a musical buffet to tempt the listener palate and makes you want to come back for more and more. Check out their programs at They are the talk of the Okanagan. Allan Holender was born in 1941 to Polish immigrant parents, grew up in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and studied at the University of Montana before settling in Vancouver, B.C. For ten years he worked tirelessly with the Big Brothers organization before beginning a 25 year career as a professional fund raiser with non-profits, hospitals and universities. He later became a serial entrepreneur, but returned to his boyhood love of radio as a syndicated broadcaster and co-owner of three radio networks, including terrestrial and digital. His first book, "Zentrepreneurism" was published in 2006 and became a ground breaking success that initiated a global movement to change the way the world does business. He followed it up with his latest e-book Zen 3.0- "The Inner Game Of Conscious Business"" . He was the President and CCO of Conscious Planet Radio Network, a digital network providing intelligent conversation, inspiring entertainment and world class Jazz. Currently he is a rejuvenated retiree in Peachland B.C. living with his wife and their newly adopted rescue dog Sawyer, and has launched Canada's first all digital online radio station. His two grandchildren, Mikayla, and Taylor live with his daughter Lisa and son in law Michael in Vancouver, and his son Dan, a pilot and his wife live in Seattle. Allan Holender hosts Peachland's first morning radio show. Start your day on the bright side in the sweetest place under the Okanagan sun with local news, events, personalities, weather, and of course lots of music. The perfect way to start your day, with just the right mix of warmth, intelligence and humour. .So Rise and Shine Peachland! Weekday mornings at 9:00 a.m. if Allan is up. If not later. You can even join him in the "live" chat room and say Hello! LIVE AT 9:OO A.M. PST WEEKDAY MORNINGS He's broadcasting on Mixlr join him at - Listen to the Podcast at archive of each morning's show OJC Mission Statement 102 Snowsell Street, N Kelowna, BC, V1V 2E2 Telephone: 250-862-2305 The mission of the Okanagan Jewish Community Centre is to work towards building a strong and unified Jewish Community in the Okanagan Valley of British Columbia. The OJCC encourages an inclusive atmosphere of understanding and respect amongst Jews of different backgrounds, and maintains cooperative relationships with other regional and national Jewish community organizations. The OJCC also aims to promote a positive and active relationship with the Okanagan Community at large. Executive Board: President: David Spevakow, 250-317-5283 Vice-President: Mondy Challmie 250-762-6690 Treasurer: Eddie Aizen Secretary: Marcia Turner Hebrew School: Hilla Shlomi Member at Large: Susan Jacobs CALLING ALL KIDS FOR HEBREW SCHOOL Thank you to those parents who completed the parents survey online for this years Hebrew school. Our first Hebrew school meeting for students and parents is the weekend of September 20 and 21. Natalie Spevakow will contact you with a specific day and time once the results from the survey are in. If you are reading this and have not received any information about the Hebrew school, and would like your child involved, please contact Natalie at or call 250-863-1510. LETS GET OUR JEWISH CHILDREN TOGETHER! to an up r o f .ca t ojcc . a e n i vents nl e o f s o k. u r Visit ceboo lenda a a f c n e t o da us to like t e g r fo Don’t September Birthdays September Yahrzeit Samuel Voth Golda Ratza Bidner Rose Shaprio Genia Chwaiewsky Rachel Sarah Kolber Manya Katz (Stern) Naomi Ruth Smith Samuel Levin Hilla Shlomi Deborah Segal David Segal