Mexican Buffet (finally) Returns to Sky
Editor: Jo Ann Kyle 22288 Kyle Rd Winslow, AR 72959 Phone 479-634-3105 email: website: Meetings DATE: September 2009 VOLUME: 10 Winslow Ball Park Sunday September 20, 2009 Winslow Ball Park Sponsored by Winslow Assembly of God Church Everyone is Invited Free Admission – Donations Requested All Donations Benefit Winslow Community Meals & Winslow History Museum 11:00 AM Lunch Provided Kid’s Games ISSUE: 9 Winslow’s 27th Annual Win-Fest *Labor Day * Community Picnic September 7, 2009 Eight Bands scheduled to play Door Prizes Horseshoe Tournament 12:00 Noon to 9:00 PM Gospel Music by Kids Activities 2:00 PM The Henson family, Gospel Sonlighters, Winslow Assembly, Royce Luper Group, Jones Fork Vendors, Food Concessions Greenland School Bring your coolers & Lawn Chairs Leave your pets and glass containers at home, And enjoy a beautiful day of Music Shine or Rain!! Sept. 15 - Senior College Day at U of A 10:30-12:30 Winslow City Council 2nd Mon @ 7:00 pm WCDC board 2nd Tue @ 7:00 pm @ Winslow City Hall Ozark Folkways Guild Board 3rd Sat @ 1:00 pm Winslow Home Ext 3rd Tue @ 1:00 pm Boston Mountain Quilters Ozark Folkways 10:00 a.m. Mondays Potluck Lunch BMFD Board Meeting 2nd Thurs @ 7:00 p.m. United Methodist Women 1st Mon. 10 a.m. at the church. BMFD meets 1st & 3rd Monday at 7:00 p.m. at BMFS Friends Of The Library 1st Tuesday at 7:00 pm at Winslow Library. Baptist Women 1st and 3rd Monday at 1pm at FBC. Wool & Wheel Hand Spinners 3rd Saturday 10am at Ozark Folkways. 4-H Club 4:15 pm @Boston Mountain Fire Station Wed Town Meeting - 6:00 - HS Cafeteria Everyone is invited to the Town Meeting. FALL STORY TIME Ms Sherry will be bringing Story Time back to Winslow beginning on Thursday, September 10th at 10:30 at the Boston Mountain Fire Station. The theme for this fall is “Like Cats and Dogs”. This program is for children age 3 and up. For more information call 479-442-6253 or stop by your local library to pick up a flyer. Mexican Buffet (finally) Returns to Sky-Vue On Thursday night the 17th of September Sky-Vue will hold it’s first Mexican Buffet of 2009. Serving tacos and burritos with all the fixin’s. Also featuring Janice’s famous casseroles and sopapillas! Call 634-2003 for your reservation today. Seating limited from 5 to 8pm. CALL TODAY. 1 Community Meals Board 2nd Mon 7:00 pm at the Winslow Community Meals Building. Goat Keepers 3rd Thursday 6:30 PM. Fellowship Baptist Church. Call Geri Ramsfield 479 409-8230 for more info Winslow Library Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, & Saturday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Winslow Community Development Council Congratulations & Best Wishes to the Bride & Groom Winslow Community Development Council wishes to thank everyone who helped to make “Squirrel’s Night Out” a success. Three movies were shown at the Ball Park in June, July, and August to a very appreciative audience. August 21, 2009 Mayor Randy Jarnagan joined Melissa Lynn Goss and Brandon Aaron-Kyle Scoville in marriage. The setting for the event was the Winslow Depot Pavilion in downtown Winslow. We wish to thank the City Council for allowing us to use the Ball Park, the ladies from Community Meals for providing an excellent concession stand, and Larry Buell for the use of his sound system and expertise. Our thanks also go to Tom Burroughs or the use of his projector and his time, along with Nick Nicholson, Steve Anderson, Jim Taylor, Kristian Underwood, and Jerry Kidder for up the movie. Liz Underwood and Stephanie Burroughs did a great job on the posters. Stephanie arranged the corporate sponsorships. Barbara Ashbaugh and Mary Anderson manned the gate. The Fire Department generously used their sign to advertise the movie. Jo Ann Kyle lent her expertise and support. So many others gave their time and support, and to all of we are grateful. The bride wore a strapless empress waisted A-line gown with a short train carried by Ayra Scoville. William Goss, the bride’s grandfather, walked her down the aisle. The couple was attended by Robin Jenkins, Maid of Honor, Jeremy Scoville, as his brother’s Best Man, and Dasha Turley as the Flower Girl. The parents of the bride are Teresa Goss and the late Dennis Goss of Lavaca. Parents of the groom are Ron Scoville of Winslow and Christine Lily of West Fork. We also wish to thank our corporate sponsors for their assistance: WalMart, Target, Campfire Marshmallows, Malco, and the Walton Art Center. Most of all, we want to thank our friends and neighbors for coming out on Saturday evening to enjoy an evening together. Debbie Brown and Jennifer Henderson did a fabulous job of co-ordinating the wedding, decorating the Pavillon , baking & decorating the cake, and organizing the event. Thanks so much for everything you did. HWY 71 & 170 WEST FORK, ARKANSAS OPEN 7 AM - 9 PM 7 DAYS A WEEK PH: 479-839-3232 Now you can pay at the pump! AFS We Gladly Accept Food Stamps! We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities Affiliated Foods Southwest 2 SANDY’S SNIPPETS Jax and Ruff get along fine unless Fen feels his macho sensibilities have been challenged by Ruff over some egregious offense like entering the home or partaking of a treat. Then Jax feels obliged to give the little upstart a nip to restore proper order. READER ALERT: Just a warning to readers, lest there is any doubt at this point, this fill-in column will not be about science, or even logic. It is primarily a light-hearted column about current events, life on the mountain, television (especially my favorite reality TV programs) and other flotsam and jetsam of life. In addition to the furkids, I’ll doubtless talk about human members of the family including my great-niece Rosslyn. I recently returned to northeast Arkansas for her 1st birthday party. We sometimes overlook the degree of influence we have upon the young and the important moral obligation we have to help mold and shape the character of these future adults. To that end, while visiting, I taught her to throw back her tiny little head and howl like a wolf! I’ll have to visit northern Ohio for future training, as her mother is now in medical school. But I intend to in October to welcome Baby de Rossi’s newborn sister to the world. We shall both enjoy instilling in her the merits of an unorthodox life. Your favorite logician will doubtless return, seeking a break from his weighty tome. In the interim, feel free to contact either of us by emailing By Sandra Trent Hello old friends in Winslow and environs. I retain many fond memories of a favorite town and am happy to fill in for my husband, Lonnie, so he can devote more time to his latest book. It has been almost three years since I last wrote Snippets for another newspaper while serving as managing editor, and I’m still gratified and somewhat startled when people remember and ask what I am doing now. I invariably respond, only half-jokingly, “As little as I can get away with.” AN INTRODUCTION: For those who do not know me, here is a synopsis: I live atop Pinnacle Mountain in Madison County in a snug little yellow cottage with green trim that was built by Lonnie - aided and hindered by my own efforts. (I still haven’t quite recovered from that first sheet-rocking debacle. Oh well, it’s only been 15 years.) A curving rock sidewalk, constructed by my brother, (again, with my inexpert assistance) briefly wends its way past two massive flowerpots, a lilac shrub, a cedar and pine tree before ending at a pond populated by catfish that ultimately die of old age because of a much-reviled yet nonetheless strictly-enforced no-fishing ban. Well, they are, after all, a part of our extended family. We now have three male dogs, and I often grouse about being surrounded by too much testosterone. DOG DAZED: Many of you are all-too familiar with the pesky Eskie, Fen, who has now entered semi-retirement and has tamed down considerably. His formidable bark still startles away the occasional wild interloper while he lounges on the back doorsteps, but more often than not, he now prefers supine, air-conditioned comfort. We also still have Jax, our exquisitely sensitive border collie, who serves as second-in-command, or, the house whip. He remains convinced that his primary purpose in life is to ensure that nothing interferes with the natural order of things. Fen, who is half his size, is to retain alpha status, despite his dotage, and all would-be usurpers are to be soundly chastised. Which brings us to Rufus. Rufus, named by Lonnie and for some reason pronounced Rough-us, arrived at our doorstep as a hungry, half-grown puppy of indeterminate breed. Feeding did not endear us to the unusually skittish mongrel, and it was a good five months before he even consented to be petted. It was at least another five months before we could carry something without the terrified canine tyke taking off for the tall and uncut. Having been a part of the family for almost two years, he is still frightened by sudden movement and has yet to learn the concept of simple play like fetch. I cherish the little mutt. Fen does not. He believes that Ruff should not even have the right to eat! During mealtimes, to calm jangled nerves (mine) and cut down on undue bloodshed, Fen and Jax eat inside, and Ruff eats outside the back door. DID YOU KNOW? Winslow Community Meals is not only for the seniors in our area. All are welcome to enjoy the food and fellowship. You can get a great deal on a freshly cooked meal. A typical meal consists of an entree, side dishes, bread, dessert and a drink. All of this for $4.50 per person! The dining room opens at 10:00 a.m. and dinner is served at 11:45 a.m. Come in early and get in on a game of dominoes, help put a puzzle together and visit with your neighbors. Once a month we have Bingo at 9:30 a.m. with some great prizes. Winslow Community Meals is not supported by federal dollars, just by meals sold, donations, fundraisers and, of course, our hardworking cook and volunteers. For more information call 634-2800. Thanks! 3 THE BEGINNING BLOG-AN INTRODUCTION When we lived in Massachusetts, one neighbor had a huge Great Dane. Another had a huge yellow Labrador Retriever. We had (thanks to Grandma) a Guinea Pig. One of our favorite Sunday afternoon trips was to a flea market in Hollis, New Hampshire. During a visit from Grandma, we all toured the market. She had given the boys each a dollar...after all, what harm in a dollar each? Time to came the boys, each with small paper sacks...Guinea Pig in one, food in the other. Whether to keep it or not was not discussed. They named it Ivanof since the seller told them it was a genuine Russian Guinea Pig. For awhile, Ivanof lived in a small aquarium. This aquarium was so small that one night, as I watched it try to move around, I became claustrophobic, tearful and depressed. I picked up Ivanof, set him on my lap and began gently rubbing his back . Grateful, he peed on me. That’s when I decided to find him a suitable place to live...with us, of course. The thrift store had the answer... a wooden, two-story playhouse made special just for rodents. From then on, Ivanof ran and played and squealed for joy...usually in the middle of the night...all night. Our European dog was Trish, a Pekinese with a purpose...protector of the living room window. Any person passing by that window was at risk. She barked at them all. Trish did this on top of the armchair situated by the window. One day we were cleaning. The chair was moved, someone passed by the window and Trish landed on the floor with blurry eyes... and for a Peek, that can be VERY uncomfortable. Previously, Trish had been passed from owner to owner. Shipping an animal back to the states meant a long quarantine period. Shipping plus the cost for boarding her meant that we, too, would have to pass Trish on to another owner...but she was a great family member. A long period of time passed without pets which was fortunate since many changes took place in my life and there seemed to be no time for pets. I think back and have decided that having a pet may have made things easier for us. Oh well. Then came Barney. When asked “my favorite thing” on a one-word answer internet quiz, mine was BREATHING! I had to admit breathing was my favorite, but being with my dogs ran a close second. There are around fifty here at Cass’s Canine Rescue and I love them all. Some people think, “What a crazy broad!” and they’re probably right since a person would have to be nuts to do what I after day after day...with little or no help, but there is joy in doing what God intends. Of course, I think that Cass is sitting right next to God...or at least near the Rainbow Bridge...”nosing me on.” There will also be Crink, Jill, Barney, Ginger, Buddy and Corker there too...but that’s for later stories. I do this because I am supposed to...a simple four-word-answer! During most of my married life, it seemed there was always at least one animal around and when not, there was an empty space in the family...maybe that was just my mind...sorry, IN my mind. Governor (Gov) was a German Shepherd Dog who was a real deal...registered (though cheap), young and anemic. While my husband and I ate scrambled eggs and cheap hamburger, Gov ate liver which was OK with me, but hubby LOVED liver...ah the sacrifices! Gov found a new home when I was pregnant, a waiting wife (H was in Vietnam) and Gov kept turning on the outside water spicket in the middle of the night. The fact that he killed a couple of neighborhood chickens and buried them “feet upright” in neighborhood flower beds sort of sealed his fate. Dudley (Dud) was a stray whom we adopted. He didn’t fare too well when pitted against a young bobcat. As a result, he spent most of his time in the sewer drain near our house and only came out when dinner was served or when Gov needed “whipping.” He traveled with us on a trip to Arkansas...under the front seat the whole way...then out the door, never to be seen again. I’m sure I didn’t clean out the car. Pregnancy has it’s advantages The duplex in the Kentucky countryside blessed us with two named stray dogs and a cat. Leroy, a wonderful Border Collie mix, loved the children and, being a “herder,” took good care of them. He loved his home and was always protective of it. Even when we were gone one Christmas. I worried that he wouldn’t find food or water, but living in the country with a stream behind the house and good neighbors helped. So there he was, sitting on the porch when we came back and I was very glad to see him. We were able to find him a good home before we moved to Arkansas. Duke, God bless him, came to us dressed in skin so thin that every bone showed. Leroy was not too glad to see him, but knew he needed my cure for canine starvation...biscuits and gravy...lots of biscuits and gravy! He was probably a Hound/Great Dane mix who went on to a grander future after we left Kentucky. He became great friends with a nearly-blind farmer who needed a companion in the field with his cows. We were told that Duke even accompanied him up a ladder in his barn. He didn’t tell us how he descended the ladder...we just assumed he came down the way he went up. The cat’s name was Tiger and he tolerated the two dogs. He returned to Arkansas with us and became Grandma’s cat. She lived in the country and the countryside had mice. Evidently the mice were good for him (along with Grandma’s scraps) since he never left her place and lived a very long time. There were two or three years when keeping up with two small boys was the challenge and having a pet was out of the question. However there was a very short hour or so...when we had a Cocker Spaniel puppy who loved the baby (sitting on the floor) until the baby screamed so loudly it scared the puppy into permanent disability...not really. So we don’t even count that one as part of the time to even name the poor thing. Yep, name that animal and instantly, it’s a family member! Except in the case of goldfish. My mother thought that the boys needed some kind of pet to care for. Her choice was a goldfish, but my dad thought it was ridiculous that she paid such a price for a fish when he had perfectly good minnows left from fishing. Of course, the fish bowl was too small for all the residents and some “expired.” Those left, crossed the bridge to fish heaven when the boys shared their bowls of oatmeal. A turtle may have moved into the cleaned-out fishbowl after that, but the year was such a blur, I can’t remember. Please check out this blog. It contains stories of my rescue dogs and may add humor, valuable information, and insight into why I have rescued for many years. Save this link and check often. I usually add to the blog on Thursdays and Sundays. Thanks Patty Davis . HELP OUR PETS There have been several incidents of animals being dumped in Winslow along Hwy 71. One cat was severely injured and may not live. People who do this are usually not from around here. They wouldn’t discard their own pets in their own neighborhood. There are options for this cruelty. If you need or know of someone who needs help with a pet that isn’t wanted, needs neutered or spayed, or a stray please call the Humane Society of the Ozarks at 444-7387, or the Fayetteville Animal Shelter at 444-3456. If you’re on the Internet, has a list of shelters and rescues. The library also has copies of spay/neuter certificates that veterinarians will do for low or no cost. Thanks for helping. 4 WINSLOW LOVED ONES WE HAVE LOST Winslow Community Meals Raffle Margaret Wynngate Rule June 30, 1913 ~ August 15, 2009 Winslow, Arkansas Winslow Community Meals is raffling off this rifle: Margaret Wynngate Rule, 96 of Winslow died Saturday, August 15, 2009 in Fayetteville. She was born June 30, 1913 in Dallas, Texas to Hal Wynngate and Helen LaHay Wynngate. She was a professor of English for 20 years. Survivors include her husband of 49 years, John Rule of the home; son, Hardy L. Daniel, Jr. of Derby, Kansas; 3 daughters, Heather A. Daniel-Blake of Fayetteville, Annie L. Cisneros of Panama City, Panama; Margaret R. Winters, of Fayetteville; 7 grandchildren and 10 greatgrandchildren. The family will have private services. Memorials in Mrs. Rule’s name may be made to OMNI Center for Peace, Justice and Ecology c/o Treasurer Karen Takemoto, 902 W. Maple, Fayetteville, AR 72701 Remington 700 CDL Boone & Crockett Edition 270 WIN with 24” Fluted Barrel & Laminate Stock Complete with a 3x9x40 Nikon Scope Over a $1000.00 Retail Value. Tickets are $10.00 each or 3 for $25.00. The drawing will be Labor Day in conjunction with other Labor Day activities. Just in time for hunting season. Tractor Parade By Ginger Fritch Let’s all remember to mark September 26th on the calendar for the 2nd annual Tractor Parade with a scrumptious BBQ at the Winslow Ball Park to follow. It’s the last day of Bikes, Blues, and BBQ. Should be a lot of people out and about, weather permitting, lots of fun for all. You must be 18 years of age to win Many of these tractors will be old restored antiques, but it doesn’t have to be, anyone with a tractor is invited to come along. The more the merrier. We’ll meet at the Fritch farm 1.7 miles from the RR tracks in Winslow up West Mountain and out Bunyard Rd no later than 10:00 AM to line up. The way will be well marked in all directions. For more information or in depth directions call Zack Reagan at 479-634-3400 or Ginger Fritch at 479 634-5332. You do not need to be present to win, but you must pass a background check before delivery. Rifle may be seen at Mountain Top Gun Shop. Tickets are available at the Gun Shop, Winslow Community Meals or from any WCM Board Member. HOPE TO SEE YOU ALL THERE!! 5 Farmer’s Insurance Company Opens West Fork Office people and wanted a job where I felt like I was helping others. “ In this job I feel like I can help people protect what matters to them the most, from their families and homes to their business . The things people have worked so hard for need to be protected properly.” On August 11, 2009 next door to the Dollar General in West Fork the new branch office of Farmers Insurance had its grand opening. State Senator Sue Madison highlighted the event by doing the honors of the ribbon cutting. We had a hot dog lunch and lots of visiting. The office address is Farmers Insurance Company 258 N. Centennial West Fork, AR 72774 Email: Ph: 479-839-2115 Fax: 479-846-0839 Office hours Monday-Friday 9am-5pm Saturdays by appointment HOME / AUTO / LIFE / BUSINESS / BOAT / MOTORHOMES / MOTORCYCLES Lee Marlin came up from Little Rock with the Farmers disaster response vehicle for people to have a look at it. This is one of the vehicles they send out to a community after a major disaster has occurred. It is a way to get Farmers in close touch with the community to reach out and show support in a time of great need. With the ability to assess the situation and print out checks on the spot Farmers was able to get money in hand to the people who needed it the most. “For Couples on the Grow” PublishAmerica in Frederick, MD announced yesterday the October 17 release of the new book, Devotions For Couples On The Grow, authored by Gary Baltrusch. The book will be available through all mainline bookstores, such as Barnes & Noble, Borders, most Christian bookstores, and Hastings, as well as online through PublishAmerica, Amazon, Barnes & Noble online and others. The devotional is targeted for those busy couples who are always on the go, but still desire to grow in their personal walk with the Lord, as well as in their marriage relationship. In about five minutes per day, marrieds will soon find they’re a “couple on the grow.” Gary Baltrusch is a full time gospel singer, songwriter, and now author. To schedule book signings in your area, please contact your local bookstore and request they contact or at 479-263-0831 to find out when Gary & Glenda may be traveling in their area. Best regards, Gary Gary & Glenda GARY Ministries 479-263-0831 The West Fork office is a branch of the Thomas R. Frisbie agency in Prairie Grove. Mr .Frisbie said he was attracted to opening a branch in West Fork for several reasons. The town was previously without an insurance agency and he likes small towns. He said Farmers offers several products that might interest rural customers; mobile home, motorcycle and boats are a few of the products. The agent in charge of the West Fork branch is Ava Turley. She has deep roots in the community having grown up in Winslow and been an employee of the West Fork Schools for almost ten years. She is now living out by Devils Den State Park with her husband of 24 years enjoying nature. Gardening, swimming, reading and playing with her grandchildren are among her favorite hobbies. She is a trained insurance professional formerly with AFLAC. Her goal: “to help as many people in the community as possible not only to be insured ,but to understand why they need it, and exactly what they have. “ I have always enjoyed meeting new 6 QUILT OF THE MONTH Paper Fans Quilt Finished Size: Blocks: 30, 12 “ Square. Quilt 60 x 72 Materials: 3 yds muslin; ¾ yd blue solid fabric; 240 (3” x 10”) scraps of assorted fabrics; 5/8 yd binding fabric; 4 ¾ yds backing fabric. Cutting: 1. Make templates for patterns A, B, C. 2. From scraps, cut 240 A’s. 3. Cut 30 B’s from blue fabric and 30 C’s from muslin. Piecing: Following Block Assembly diagram, join 8 A pieces for fan. Press seam allowances to one side. 2. Join a B piece to the bottom of each fan. Press seam allowances toward B. 3. Set each fan into a muslin C piece to complete 30 blocks. Quilt Top Assembly: Join blocks in 6 horizontal rows of 5 blocks each. Join rows. Quilting and Finishing: Make a stencil for quilting design printed inside Pattern C. Quilt this motif in muslin areas of each block. 7 8 NEWS FROM OZARK FOLKWAYS ON TOP OF THE MOUNTAIN FARMER’S MARKET By Ginger Fritch Each Saturday morning quite a group gathers down town to sell their wares at the Farmer’s Market. There are all kinds of fresh produce, flowers, cakes, cookies, and sometimes just plain ”stuff”, but always friendly people whether they are buying or selling. Some venture over to the Winslow Museum or the Mercantile for coffee and donuts, and on down to the Broke Dog to see what great shoes and boots those young men are creating this week. It’s addictive and has become a part of our Saturday routine. By Connie Wright August just flew by. Where, oh where, does the time go? School has begun, and now the grayhairs (like me) are on the move. The weather has been so great this last month that we’ve all enjoyed it. Some of our past Septembers have been horribly hot. Anyone living on or near Highway 71 can attest to the fact that the cyclists and the bikers love this highway. They are out in force on the weekends. It’s a whole different scene from what we experienced before I-540 came into being and that’s what people love about the area. Work on the upcoming Fiber Arts Fair is going on all the time. It takes a lot of effort to put something like this on, and we are getting a lot of help with it. Look for flyers and posters around town about the event and plan to come on September 19th. Fleeta’s Famous Chicken ‘N’ Dumplin’s will be on the cook shack menu. There will be spinners, weavers, hookers, quilters and other demonstrations onsite. Also, a fiber arts competition will be part of the event with $1500.00 available for winning work. Call me for information if interested in putting your work in this competition and I’ll send an entry form. Velda Brotherton is having a writers’ workshop September 26th and the class is filling up fast. It begins at 9:00 a.m. and pre-registration is required. Anyone interested in this class, and it’s a good one, should get in touch right away. While many people are downtown on Saturday morning for our Fabulous Farmer’s Market, another group also come to the Mercantile to visit and catch up on all September 12th is the date set for the next basketry workshop. Freda Miller is teaching this workshop and is wellknown in the area for the artistry of her designs. She will not be having another class until next spring, so now is the time to learn to make some great Christmas baskets. Thanks to Libby Karnes for arranging some wonderful help in preparing the grounds for the fair, to Becky Buchanan for overseeing this team and for all her help in many other ways. So many folks to thank for all they do to assist this worthwhile operation that I can’t possibly name them all. the local hullabaloo. The donuts are fresh, the coffee is STRONG, and the cappuccino is made on the spot. Come join the fun. Ozark Folkways 22733 North Highway 71 Winslow, AR 72959 Telephone: 479-634-3791 9 ARTIST POINT David & Angie Lovett 19924 Hwy 71 N Mountainburg, AR 72946 ___________________________________ From local bee keepers Lodging Available with an awe-inspiring view! 9-5 7 Days A Week 479-369-2226 We have on a large selection of locally made soy candles and gift boxes. Come by and browse in our relaxed atmosphere and have a cup of coffee on us. Homemade Fudge and Peanut Clusters! Local Jewelry, Polished Rocks and Minerals Now offering ARKANSAS DIAMONDS We have an exciting collection of locally made jams, jellies and butters! Take a nice hike to see the waterfalls. We offer Raw Honey HAIR CARE FASHIONS SALON NOTICE! IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN MOVING IN THE DIRECTION OF A MORE PLANT- BASED DIET, BUT DON’T KNOW WHERE TO START, LOOK IN WITHIN WINSLOW NEXT MONTH FOR THE UP COMING SEMINAR THAT WILL GIVE YOU THE ANSWERS YOU ARE LOOKING FOR. 53 Main West Fork, AR OPEN TUESDAY -FRIDAY 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM SATURDAY 7:30 AM TO 12:00 PM MARY LOU NEIL 10 WALK-INS WELCOME EVENING APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE BY REQUEST 479-839-3231 CRYSTAL TAYLOR NEVER Scrape Your Windshield Again! Disposable!! Easy To Use Windshield Covers It’s One Of A Kind! Without Frosty Fender With Frosty Fender The Frosty Fender “Disposable Windshield Cover” delivers a very convenient and affordable solution to a common problem: an easy, time-saving method for removal of frost, snow and ice from the windshields of all vehicles in less than 20 seconds. Made of 1.0 mil polyethylene plastic, the covers are packaged in boxes of six each to carry in a vehicle. When the vehicle is parked, a cover can be pulled from the box and placed on the windshield. Dropping specifically designed tabs inside the vehicle and closing the doors on them secures the cover. Then, accumulated frost, snow and ice can be removed easily—almost instantly—by removing the cover from the windshield. The cover is then disposed of and a clean, fresh one is removed from the box the next time the vehicle is parked. This product will save consumers 10 to 30 minutes spent removing frost, snow and ice from windshields using other methods. It will also save on fuel consumed by vehicle engines left running to heat up the windows before and during the usual scraping ordeal. The Frosty Fender product can be used to remove snow and ice, however the primary use will be frost removal. Travellers, rental-vehicle users, workers who must park in uncovered lots—virtually anyone who drives when frost, ice and snow can accumulate on a parked vehicle can easily grasp how convenient, easy-to-use Frosty Fender disposable windshield covers can dramatically reduce the hassles of dealing with an irritating problem. The Frosty Fender disposable windshield cover requires about two minutes to put on and 10 seconds to remove. The windshield is then free of frost, snow or ice. Because Frosty Fender covers the entire windshield, the temptation to just scrape a small area is eliminated and good practices on meeting visibility requirements are more easily met. Available At: AMERICAN TIRE, 2860 N College, Fayetteville, AR 72703 Ph 479-443-4361 ARTIST POINT, 19924 N Highway 71, Mountainburg, AR 72946 Ph 479-369-2226 COLLIERS DRUG, 100 West Dickson, Fayetteville, AR 72701 Ph 479-442-6262 MIKEY’S ONE STOP, 984 N. Highway 71 Winslow, AR 72959 Ph 479-634-2030 NAPA, TNT AUTO PARTS, INC., 402 S. Locust Ave., Fayetteville, AR 72701 Ph 479-442-4273 POOR MAN’S AUTO PARTS, 315A East Pridemore, Lincoln, AR 72744, Ph 479-824-3840 PRAIRIE GROVE AUTO & FARM SUPPLY, 119 E. Buchanan Street, Prairie Grove, AR 72753 Ph 479-846-2236 SKY-VUE LODGE Bed & Breakfast 3 mi South of Winslow Highway 71, Winslow, AR 72959 Ph 479-634-2003 WEST FORK AUTO PARTS, 125 North Centennial, West Fork, AR 72774, Ph 479-839-2800 Patented, Produced and Distributed by: T W Wood Enterprises, Inc 14505 Wood Lane Winslow, AR 72959 479-634-5004 479-466-0681 479-871-3157 11 We Are Starting A New Column And We’re Asking Your Help In Keeping It Going. OPAL’S RESALE SHOP 648 W. Van Buren Ave Winslow, AR 72959 We all talk about the “Good ole’ Days” and the difference between then and now. Well, Now is the time to tell everyone about those “Good Ole Days” or those “’Not’ so Good Ole Days”. OPEN EVERY FRIDAY & SATURDAY 8 AM TO 5 PM Ginger is going to kick it off with a couple of her “Now and Then” HUGE CLEARANCE SALE SEPTEMBER 11 & 12 9 AM TO 5 PM NOW AND THEN! All Clothing from Infant to 3X Adult, both 4th of July Mens and Womens. All you can cram into a grocery bag for $1.00 per bag!!! By Ginger Fritch The Day of Independence is celebrated City-Wide now, lots of people shooting off fire works and various things, but around 3 PM or so people start gathering down at the ball park for the turtle races, horseshoe tournaments, bingo, food and good music. Around nine, the great fireworks display begins and after that everyone goes home. Turn back the clock about 70 years or more and people celebrated a bit differently in Winslow and the surrounding areas. Don’t Miss This Sale!! First of all, it wasn’t a one-day celebration; it was an entire week. People loaded up their wagons and headed for Cole Springs (Devil’s Den to you of the younger generation), pitched camp and got ready for a week of fun and games. My late father-in-law, Cecil Fritch, had a portable dance floor that he took out. There was always plenty of musical talent handy. Anyone who wanted, just started playing, and many more joined in, rotated, or whatever, but the music went on ‘til way into the night. Of course, most of the women had been baking for a week to get ready for all this. A campfire at every wagon had something cooking all the time. People got visit with friends and relatives they may not have seen for months. A Senior Moment Two elderly people were living in a Port Charlotte Retirement Community, He was a widower and she a widow, they had known each other for a Number of years. One evening there was a community supper in the big arena in the Clubhouse. The two were at the same table, across from one another. As the meal went on, he took a few admiring glances at her and Finally gathered the courage to ask her, “Will you marry me ? : After about six seconds of ‘careful consideration,’ she answered Yes;,.. Yes;,.. I will ! The meal ended and, with a few more pleasant exchanges, they Went to their respective places. Next morning, he was troubled. ‘ Did she say ‘ YES ‘ or did she say NO ? ‘ Every morning around 10:00 Cecil Fritch would harness up his team, hitch them to the wagon and head for Woolsey to meet the noon train. He’d get 4 big barrels of ice cream (35 – 40 gallons); cover them with quilts and head back to Cole Springs as fast as those horses could run. By the time he got back, there were long lines formed. They started dishing up ice cream and never looked up until it was all gone. What a treat! And a great celebration! He couldn’t remember. Try as he might, he just could not recall. Not even a faint memory. With trepidation, he went to the Telephone and called her;. First, he explained that he didn’t Remember as well as he used to;. Then he reviewed the lovely Evening past. As he gained a little more courage, he inquired, ‘ When I asked if you would marry me, did you say ‘ Yes ‘ or Did you say ‘ No ‘ ? He was delighted to hear her say, ‘Why, I said, ‘ Yes, yes I will.’ And I meant it with all my heart.’ Then she continued, ‘ And I Am so glad that you called, because I couldn’t remember who had Asked me.’ 12 HEATING AIR CONDITIONING REFRIGERATION SERVICE AND INSTALLATION RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL SERVING WINSLOW AND SURROUNDING AREA HVACR LICENSE # 0151957 INSURED LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED FOR OVER 20 YEARS BY EDWARD HERZOG CALL: 479-634-2013 Res. or 479-957-4379 Cell FOR ALL YOUR HEATING AND COOLING NEEDS 13 LETA’S BEAUTY SHOP Shampoo & Set - Permanents Open Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 8:00 - 5:00 or by appointment 479-634-2531 DO YOU HAVE TREES THAT NEED TRIMMING OR TREES THAT YOU WANT REMOVED? CALL JESSE RAYMO 479-879-2086 REASONABLE RATE FREE ESTIMATES 14 15 Open 6:00 AM to 9:00 PM 7 Days a Week 479-634-2030 Phone Orders Welcome Groceries & Picnic Supplies Breakfast and Lunch Served Daily Sandwiches & Soda Loafer’s Table Homemade Pies, Cakes & Breads “Gossip Bench” Pizza “LiveWire” Entertainment Gas & Diesel Cigarettes and Tobacco Products 16 BRENTWOOD CEMETERY Do you have friends or family buried in the Brentwood Cemetery north of Winslow, Arkansas? Please help us keep the lawn mowed by sending a contribution to; Brentwood Cemetery Fund, % Mrs. Beverly Stout, 15653 Canfield Rd, West Fork, AR 72774. Phone 479-839-2119 YOGA IN WINSLOW Please note new time! Every Thursday at 5:00 Winslow High School Building WITHIN WINSLOW 2009 ADVERTISING RATES Led by Monthly Full Page Half Page 1/4 page Business Card Size Steve Anderson $20.00 10.00 8.00 5.00 Cost $5.00 Bring a Mat or Blanket Everyone Welcome Buy a full year, get 2 months free Buy six months get 1 month free Contact Ginger Fritch 479-634-5332 or Jo Kyle 479-634-3105 17 Food Pantry First Baptist Church, Downtown Winslow Call The Nesbitts for assistance or to donate food 479-634-7026 Neighbors helping neighbors 18 ‘In God we Trust?’ ‘Yes!’ ‘And?’ The Pastor’s Pen ‘And if I trust in God, the name of God is holy, even on a coin. Whenever I find a coin, I see that inscription. It is written on every single United States coin, but we never seem to notice it! God drops a message right in front of me telling me to trust Him. Who am I to pass it by? When I see a coin, I pray, I stop to see if my trust IS in God at that moment. I pick the coin up as a response to God; that I do trust in Him. For a short time, at least, I cherish it as if it were gold. I think it is God’s way of starting a conversation with me. Lucky for me, God is patient and pennies are plentiful! You always hear the usual stories of pennies on the sidewalk being good luck, gifts from angels, etc. This is the first time I’ve ever heard this twist on the story. Gives you something to think about. When I was out shopping today, I found a penny on the sidewalk. I stopped and picked it up, and realized that I had been worrying and fretting in my mind about things I cannot change. I read the words, ‘In God We Trust,’ and had to laugh. Yes, God, I get the message. Several years ago, a lady named Arlene and her husband were invited to spend the weekend at the husband’s employer’s home. Arlene, was nervous about the weekend. The boss was very wealthy, with a fine home on the waterway, and cars costing more than her house. It seems that I have been finding an inordinate number of pennies in the last few months, but then, pennies are plentiful! And, God is patient. The best mathematical equation I have ever seen: Subject: Penny The first day and evening went well, and Arlene was delighted to have this rare glimpse into how the very wealthy live. The husband’s employer was quite generous as a host, and took them to the finest restaurants. Arlene knew she would never have the opportunity to indulge in this kind of extravagance again, so was enjoying herself immensely. 1 cross + 3 nails -------4 given As the three of them were about to enter an exclusive restaurant that evening, the boss was walking slightly ahead of Arlene and her husband. He stopped suddenly, looking down on the pavement for a long, silent moment. Arlene wondered if she was supposed to pass him. There was nothing on the ground except a single darkened penny that someone had dropped, and a few cigarette butts . Still silent, the man reached down and picked up the penny. NOTICE He held it up and smiled, then put it in his pocket as if he had found a great treasure. How absurd! What need did this man have for a single penny? Why would he even take the time to stop and pick it up? YOUR INHERITANCE IS WAITING AND UNCLAIMED. Throughout dinner, the entire scene nagged at her. Finally, she could stand it no longer. She casually mentioned that her daughter once had a coin collection, and asked if the penny he had found had been of some value. A smile crept across the man’s face as he reached into his pocket for the penny and held it out for her to see. She had seen many pennies before! What was the point of this? INQUIRE AT BUNYARD CHURCH SUNDAY 10:00 AM ‘Look at it.’ He said. ‘Read what it says.’ She read the words ‘ United States of America.’ ‘No, not that; read further.’ ‘One cent?’ ‘No, keep reading.’ 19 Brentwood Community Church Thank you for helping us at the farmers market. I haven’t been able to set up lately because I had surgery on my hand. Hopefully we’ll see you again soon. WESTFEST We will have a booth at WESTFEST this year to help fund our Prison ministry. Please come and do some early Christmas shopping. At least come and say hi. HELPING HANDS FOOD PANTRY Remember, if you need a helping hand with food, we are here to help. Just call 466-8491 and leave your name and number and Pastor Jim will call you back. SHOUT OUT PRISON MINISTRY If you know some one in the Arkansas Correction system and you think they might benefit from a Christian news letter, please let us know. Please call Pam at 466-8495. We want them to know they are not forgotten. Please come and visit our little church in Brentwood. We are non denominational and non judgmental. Come as you are. We love Jesus and we love our community. Sunday School 10:00 Morning service 11:00 17044 S Hwy 71 Winslow, AR 72959 479-466-8491 Jesus Christ Senior Pastor Jim Kugel Assistant Pastor Gary & Glenda Ministry Partners Newsletter Thanks to all of you who have been praying for us as we travel and minister in music in our worship concerts. We’ve come off of two great tours this summer, and have met and visited with some wonderful people. Our time following our worship concerts has been filled with sharing and praying for the needs of folks who attended, and we know the Lord has touched and blessed so many. Praise God for His faithfulness in meeting their needs and touching them with His presence. May all glory and honor be given to our Lord Jesus Christ. We discovered while traveling this summer that, yes, the Comforter has come (the Holy Spirit), but a. we need an air mattress to tent camp, because twenty years later we can no longer sleep on the ground, and b. we need double sleeping bags, a blanket, and a down comforter to keep from freezing while camping in Colorado, Oregon, Washington, Wyoming, and South Dakota, even in the middle of the summer. We discovered personally that this has to be the coldest summer in decades, with temperatures at night consistently dropping into the 40’s and low 50’s, actually hitting 40 degrees in Wyoming. By golly, we saved at least $300 on motel rooms though! Brrrrr! So if you think about it, now might be the time to start praying for a nice bus for us to travel in – lol. Seriously, we do enjoy hiking and camping, and we saw some of the most beautiful places in America. We have some exciting news regarding the book. Last Friday we received an email from the publisher sending us the cover art and layout for our approval. We sent back the okay on Saturday, and Thursday, August 20th, we received another email requesting some local news organization information for press releases coming out soon. We also found out the book is being released on October 17th. So as of that date, if you’re so inclined, you can go to your local bookstore, and order Devotions For Couples On The Grow if they don’t have it in stock. It could make a great Christmas gift, for your wife, or your married or about to be married kids. It’ll be a blessing, because the Lord inspired it. It’s always an honor and a privilege to carry the saving message of the love and grace of Jesus to those we get to sing for. We deem it a sacred trust, and feel the obligation to fulfill the faith so many of you have placed in us, and we appreciate your steadfast prayer support as we minister. Without your prayers, we’re just a couple of people serving the Lord without the real power that comes from the combined faith of many believers. For that prayer support, we thank you, and we pray God’s outpouring of blessings of every kind, and His eternal favor, be upon you. We pray it in the powerful and matchless name of Jesus. Love and Grace in Christ, Gary & Glenda Baltrusch Visit us at 20 WINSLOW AREA CHURCHES INVITE YOU TO ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE ASSEMBLY OF GOD Jon Davis, Pastor Ph 479-634-5581 SUNDAY SCHOOL 10:00 A.M. WORSHIP 11:00 A.M. EVENING SERVICE 6:30 P.M. WEDNESDAY EVE SERVICE 7:00 P.M. YOUTH SERVICE Wed 7:00 P.M. PIGEON CREEK FREEWILL BAPTIST CHURCH 1421 Pigeon Creek Rd. Mt. Burg Justin D. Allen, Pastor PH.(479) 369-4042 SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 A.M. WORSHIP 10:45 A.M. EVENING SERVICE 6:00 P.M. WEDNESDAY EVE SERVICE 7:00 P.M. BIDVILLE COMMUNITY Eugene Provence, Pastor PH. (479) 634-3018 SUNDAY SCHOOL WORSHIP EVENING SERVICE WEDNESDAY EVE SERVICE 10:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. BLACKBURN COMMUNITY Marsha Cooley, Pastor SUNDAY SCHOOL WORSHIP SERVICE WEDNESDAY EVE SERVICE 10:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 6:00 P.M. UNITED METHODIST Gary Lunsford, Pastor WORSHIP CHILDREN’S CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL BIBLE STUDYWednesday . UNITED PENTECOSTAL Darrell Runyan, Pastor Hwy 71 North, Winslow SUNDAY SERVICE WEDNESDAY BIBLE STUDY BRENTWOOD COMMUNITY CHURCH 17044 Hwy 71 S., Winslow, AR Jim Kugel, Pastor 479-466-8492 Sunday School 10:00 AM Morning Service 11:00 AM Evening Service 6:00 PM BRENTWOOD HILLTOP CHAPEL SEVENTH–DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Located on Washington Co. Rd. 39 Larry Smith, Pastor Ph. (479) 634-3323 SABBATH (SATURDAY) SABBATH SCHOOL 9:30 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE 11:00 A.M. BUNYARD CHURCH Jerry Bromley PH. (479) 200-3535 SUNDAY SCHOOL WORSHIP 10:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. FELLOWSHIP BAPTIST SUNDAY SCHOOL WORSHIP EVENING SERVICE WEDNESDAY EVE SERVICE 9:45 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 6:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. 9:00 A.M. 9:00 A.M. 10:30 A.M. 7:00 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 7:30 P.M. UNITY COVENANT CHURCH Brian Bowerman, Pastor PH 479-839-3948 14680 Union Starr Rd West Fork, AR WORSHIP SUNDAY MORNING SUNDAY EVENING WEDNESDAY EVENING 10:00 AM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM WINFREY VALLEY TABERNACLE Brother Roy Biswell, Pastor SUNDAY SCHOOL WORSHIP EVENING SERVICE WEDNESDAY EVE SERVICE 10:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 6:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. WINSLOW CHURCH OF CHRIST P.O. Box 40 Winslow, AR 72959 Ron Parsley, Minister SUNDAY SEARCH ON CHANNEL 29/40 MORNING BIBLE STUDY MORNING WORSHIP EVENING WORSHIP WEDNESDAY BIBLE STUDY 7:30 a.m. 10:00 A.M. 10:45 A.M. 6:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. WINSLOW FIRST BAPTIST SUNDAY SCHOOL WORSHIP YOUTH SERVICE EVENING SERVICE WEDNESDAY EVE SERVICE HAZEL VALLEY COMMUNITY CHURCH Jasper Hankens, Pastor PH 479-442-7842 SUNDAY SCHOOL 10:00 A.M. WORSHIP 11:00 A.M. EVENING SERVICE (SUNDAY) 6:00 P.M. WEDNESDAY EVE SERVICE 7:00 P.M 10:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 6:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. 6:30 P.M. FOR CHANGES CALL LARRY SMITH AT 634-3323, OR E-MAIL Thank you for letting me serve you, LADY OF THE OZARKS CATHOLIC CHURCH Father Jack Vu, Sacramental Minister Dan Daily, Deacon SUNDAY EUCHERIST SERVICES 9:45 A.M. 1ST AND 5TH SUNDAY’S MASS 12:00 P.M. 21 22 Former Vice President Risk Management, Tyson I have been privileged to watch her positive energy, inner drive, and contagious enthusiasm become a near physical force. Harry Black, Associational Missionary, Washington Madison Baptist Association She has the spiritual gift of encouragement and a sensitivity to others that communicates clearly through her demeanor as well as her words. And even though she may only have a few minutes with your group, her goal always seems to be enrich the lives of her hearers. Sara Cain-Bartlett, Director Faith in Action. Washington Regional Medical Center “Thanks for being such a special part of our volunteer appreciation banquet. You are powerful in your message. What a gift you are.” Ladies Retreats Awar Graduation Ban Couple’s Retreats Tee Leadership Confe Special Even Teacher’s Training INSPI _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ a. Cain b. Abel c. David d. Moses e. Joseph f. Deborah g. Jezebel h. Amos i. Peter j. Luke k. Zacchaeus l. Paul m. Dorcas Hey Kids, This month we are discussing different career opportunities with your parents—see if you can write down what type of occupation each of the following Bible characters had? Distributed by: ARK-LA Conference Stewardship Ministries. Director: Dennis Shafter. Produced by: Pacific Union Conference Stewardship Department. Director: Gordon Botting. Design/Assistant Editor: Carol Lowe. Page 4 Answers: a. Gardener/Farmer; b. Shepherd; c. King; d. Leader; e. Prisoner & Prime Minister; f. Prophetess & Judge; g. Wicked Queen; h. Shepherd; i. Fisherman; j. Doctor; k. Chief Tax Collector; l. Tentmaker & Preacher; m. Community Services Worker. 2. Develop A Budget According to current statistics, it could take a minimum of nine months to acquire another job, so it certainly is fitting to get on a household budget, especially if you have not had one in the ately acquire the documents you need to receive your government or state unemployment remuneration. Stewardship is a total lifestyle. It involves our health, time, talents, environment, relationships, spirituality and finances. “It is not sufficiently realized that work is a great, if not the greatest, factor in keeping us well.” — Paul Dudley White 1. Current Benefits From the job you are leaving, you may have a variety of unemployment benefits, such as a lump sum payout or a severance package with a number of options, such as health insurance. Talk to your human resources department about your benefits and what you must do to activate them. Immedi- What Now? Like five million plus Americans, you or someone you know may have found yourselves singing the pink slip blues. But it does not need to be all doom and gloom, because out of seemingly discouraging circumstances often a better opportunity will present itself. You may feel a variety of emotions, from being downright angry to being terrified and simply afraid for your financial future and job prospects. Before you panic and begin throwing ashes over yourself like the Patriarchs of old, take a step back and consider these two important questions—what are you going to do while you pursue a new job, and how do you plan to get that new job? By Gordon Botting, DrPH, CHES September 2009 Volume 14, Issue #9 A potpourri of practical ideas to help you become a better steward Surviving a Job Loss? t o p w e t S the 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 FREE In Home Education for Preschool Children Now Enrolling HIPPY-Home Instruction for Parents or Preschool Youngsters.. HIPPY Works with Parents to Prepare children for Kindergarten. Hippy has a weekly curriculum that provides 9-10 Books and 30 weekly lessons for the child. HIPPY is delivered to your home on a weekly basis. HIPPY-HOW IT WORKS A HIPPY Home Based Educator, comes to your home once a week for about an hour and provides to the parent/guardian all the instruction, materials and supplies needed for that weeks lessons, the parent in turns works with the child throughout the week, the Home Based Educator comes back in a week, picks up and goes over the completed work with you, and gives you the next weeks lesson. WHAT ARE THE COST- FREE HIPPY funding comes from state sources (ArkansasBetterChance) and local school districts... HIPPY is FREE to those who qualify... WHAT ELSE IS THERE With HIPPY-Group Time Once a month we get together for a little fun group time... This provides children and parents some interaction with others in the area. Past activities have been-Fire Safety, Community Helpers, Llama Days, Train Ride, Gentry Safari, Dinosaur Digging, Graduation Day, and More. For information on how to become involved with the HIPPY PROGRAM Debbie 634-5109 Winslow Lavonne 634-3828 West Fork Kathy 839-3400 Greenland BMEC 839-3038 Other Towns SO if you are raising a 3 or 4 yr old or know someone who is, give us a call and HOP on the HIPPY BUS.. Seats/Spaces are limited- reserve yours now 32 33 34 36
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