- Maryborough Special School
- Maryborough Special School
Maryborough Special School ISSUE 23 Learning for Life 3rd August 2016 THIS ISSUE Student of The Week Class News P&C News Tuckshop News ICT News Arts News Duke of Ed Bucketeers News BE SAFE BE HELPFUL BE READY TO LEARN 164 Woodstock Street Maryborough Qld 4650 PHONE 4120 8777 FAX 4120 8700 EMAIL admin@maryborospecs.eq.edu.au WEBSITE www.maryborospecs.eq.edu.au CALENDAR OF EVENTS FROM THE PRINCIPAL Dear Parents/Caregivers, Na0onally Collec0on of Data on School Students with Disability Collec:ng data on school students with disability helps teachers, principals and educa:on authori:es support the par:cipa:on of students with disability in schooling on the same basis as students without disability. All Australian Governments have agreed to work together on the annual collec:on of data on school students with disability. All Australian schools par:cipate in this annual data collec:on. The data provided to the Australian Government is aggregated data only. Please be reassured that the Department will not provide on to another organisa:on any data that can iden:fy an individual student. The only data being collected at the school level to be reported na:onally is the: • Monday 8th August Performance at Chelsea Thursday 11th August Drumming Bucketeers at Eisteddfod 10th & 11th September HPV Technology Challenge 26-29th October Noosa Special Triathlon number of students in the school who are provided with an adjustment to address a disability; • level of adjustments we provide for those students; and broad category of disability. While only data that cannot iden:fy your child will be submi?ed outside of the Department, if you do not wish for your child’s details to be included, please let me know. Informa:on and fact sheets are available to help you make a decision from the: Department’s website: h?p://educa:on.qld.gov.au/curriculum/disability-datacollec:on.html Australian Government Department of Educa:on website: h?p://educa:on.gov.au/ na:onally-consistent-collec:on-data-school-students-disability Alterna:vely, if you have any queries about the collec:on or use of this data I encourage you to contact me directly. Cheers, Sue & Athol STUDENT OF THE WEEK Early Years K Isaac Kluytenberg Early Years P Blake Warwick Middle School D Kallum Mugford Middle School M Will Swan Middle School MP Kyan Dudley Middle School R Rayne Chilco: Senior School MB Jack Senior School H Dean Harvey Senior School J Blake Porteous Senior School W Mary Bigie Transi0on N - Transi0on T Brock Maslen Transi0on W - P & C NEWS President: Vice President: Secretary: Treasurer: Carolyn Mudge Amanda Bell Amy D’Amico Louise Worthington Due to lack of numbers the P&C mee:ng was re-scheduled to this Friday 5th August at 1.30pm. All welcome! CLASS NEWS EYK- NAOMI We have been making “Monsters” while we learn about the le?er ”Mm.” EYP - JOSEY We are doing a character study on the story ’Hansel & Gretel.’ MSD - CARMEN/PAM We are learning our in-between numbers. MSM - IAN Mc We are focusing on friendship and kindness this week. MSMP - PAM We enjoyed Sports Day & looking at the Olympics & doing rhyming words. TUCKSHOP NEWS Don’t forget to get your Tuckshop order in on Wednesdays. The order forms are sent out on Monday or Tuesday and check out the new winter menu. MSR - KELLY We are cooking Basil Pesto Pasta. SSMB - KYM/MICHELLE This week we have been looking closely at the beau:ful seashore. SSH - IAIN H We had a fantas:c :me at Sports Day. We all tried our hardest! Ian J/ Colleen H OTHER NEWS School Uniforms We s:ll have a supply of School shirts, hats & jumpers in most sizes available to buy at the school. Otherwise uniforms can be purchased at B & H Designs - 136 Kent Street - opposite the Sugar Mill (they are not available at Sauer's, Workers Wardrobe or any other uniform store). SCHOOL BANKING NEWS - Win a wildlife family adventure holiday to Australia Zoo! This year School Banking is giving students the chance to win a family trip for up to two adults and three children to explore Australia Zoo and meet Bindi and Robert Irwin. Students who make 15 or more School Banking deposits by the end of Term 3, 2016 will be automa:cally entered into the draw. This is another great way to mo:vate students to save regularly and reach their savings goals. If you would like to know more about School Banking, please ask for a 2016 School Banking program informa:on pack from the school banking co-ordinator. SSJ - IAN J We have begun learning about the weather & how it affects what we do & how we dress. SSW - JANE We are reading & listening to songs about names & learning the first le?er of our own name. TRN - RAE R & B Bakery (TRN Enterprise) opened shop this week with Date & Walnut Loaf & Banana Cake. TRT - TANYA We are being crea:ve making decora:ons for our chill zone. TRW - JENNY Thanks to Mathew, our coffee machine is now fully serviced. Coffee anyone? 2016 Maryborough Special School Sports Day and Mini-Olympics ARTS NEWS Congratula:ons to Jayde Wood for making it to the finals with his short film in the All Abili:es Film Fes:val’s Finalist stage. Also, Lexie has begun learning how to frame artworks for our Annual Exhibi:on. Rose Wright Last Thursday, we held our annual sports day incorporating some multicultural celebrations in the lead up to the 2016 Rio De Janeiro Olympics this year. This involved classes participating in a cultural “mini-theme” in the week leading up to sports day. Each class chose a country and a student to represent their class as ambassador. Each class made their relevant country’s flag and a plate of food to share on the day. It was a great day for all. The ambassador from each class looked spectacular in their country’s dress as they participated in the torch relay around the oval. Our students displayed great sportsmanship as they participated in a range of sports activities throughout the day. The day started with our field events, followed by rotation events and culminated in cross-country. I GARDENING NEWS Just when we thought we had the pests under control a new one has come along. Birds (Corellas) have been a?acking our tomatoes, they especially like the green ones! Iain Hodge would like to thank all our wonderful students, staff, parents and carers for their input into the day. A big thank-you to the parents and carers who attended the day to cheer their children. This means so much to them. Also a very special thank-you to Max and Michael who set up the oval for the day as well as organising the spectacular lighting device for the Olympic flame. Thank-you to Athol for starting the races and the place-keepers, Pauline, Kath, Ian and Stef for counting the points and organising the students on the podium. Thanks Rose for assisting our students with the anthems on the day. Drew, Eddie and Leisa thank-you for doing the welcome to country. Finally a big thank-you to our lovely P & C for organising the sausage sizzle lunch and the parent volunteers who helped out in the tuckshop on the day. Last, but not least thanks to Deb and Nicole for organising Cappa’s Coffee and the morning tea. After a big day the final results yielded Wongaree (yellow) as the winning TRIATHLON NEWS Students a?ending Noosa Special Triathlon now need to bring in their $35 deposit, thanks. team with points, Yindinji (red) as the team with the most spirit and Buallum (blue) got the sportsmanship award. Please see over the page for some awesome photos courtesy of Stacey. There will be more photos in the coming weeks. Cheers Sereta. Deb Campbell HPV NEWS HPV training this weekend from 9am to 1pm at Enterprise Circuit (behind Sexie Coffee). Please come prepared for training. Deb Campbell Our School Sports Carnival, Mini Olympics and Cross Country. 28/7/16